History of Notes

Early History

1920 - Country founded. French mandate. Meant to have Maronite Christian majority, but they only make up 30% 1926 - Constitution of country approved, though it is still in French control. Establishes Chamber of Deputies, which has to have representation from all confessional groups 1936 - French treaty signed that insists that there be an equal representation of each sect 1937 - Maronite President appoints Sunni Prime Minister, beginning the long tradition of a Maronite President and a Sunni Prime Minisiter July 1941 - Liberated by Free French, declared an independent state. French reneg on promises 1943 - Election finally held. President and Prime Minister before reinstated. Agree on : 1) Lebanon is an indepdentent entity, but still an Arab state. 2.) 1932 census dictates that there will be 6 Christians to every 5 Muslims. Cabinet composed of 2-3 Sunni and Maronites and 1 for the rest of each sect December 1946 - Finally gain real independence

Civil War

1969 - Agreement between the Lebanese government and the PLO. PLO gets to supervise refugee camps as long as they ask permission before attacking 1970 - PLO move base to southern Lebanon as a result of Black September (dispute with Jordan). Ignored restrictions on armed combat in 1969 treaty, and attacked Israel causing destruction due to retaliation. also affects Shia Massive division over whether Lebanon should assist the PLO, or stop them Lots of bitter sentiment over the displacement of the Shia in the south, inability of gov to provide social services Mostly Muslims affected by social/economic concerns Shia angry because they were not given fair representation. Biggest sectarian group in country Christians refused to change 6:5 agreement, despite the fact that it was outmoded. This caused Shia/Sunni to identify with who were also being exploited 1969; Committed to administra- tive reform, the abolition of the confessional basis of politics, and freedom of action for the Palestinian commandos, the Lebanese National Movement was to be a major factor in the civil war. The most uncompromising Ma- ronite leaders were Pierre Gemayel, head of the paramilitary Phalange, and former president , who had his own private militia, the Tigers. In preparation for their confrontation with the Palestinians, the Christian militias embarked on a large-scale program of arms procurement. 1975: PLO and Maronites fight after Phalange blow up a bus of Palestinians August 1975: fighting between Arab and Muslims (Phalange and Lebanese National Movement) in Phelange begins to expell Muslims from Maronite areas 1976: Phalange attacks Palestinian refugee camp, bringing PLO back into the fold Army started to break down May 1976: enters on side of Maronites Oct 18 1976: treaty between Syria and PLO ʻArab deterrent forceʼ (mostly Syrians) to be left in country to maintain security, per terms of treaty After this, PLO returned to normal but civil war continued. No order.

1982 Invasion

3 month war by Israel: engaged with PLO, occupied Beirut Wanted to annex West Bank: believed if they could drive out PLO from Lebanon, would have a better chance at annexing West Bank by isolating them In 1978, attempted to drive PLO away Wanted to rid lebanon of the PLO state-within-a-state, ally with Maronites & withdrawal of Syria Pretext was PLO mortar attacks. Caused huge invasion June 6 1982 Mislead world saying they just want to eradicate PLO from south Lebanon: really wanted to attack their position in west beirut as well as guarantee election of Maronite Intense boming of West Beirut PLO agrees to withdraw with supervision of and US on Aug 18. By sep 1 they are gone Bashir Gemayel, Israels choice for president elected, then assassinated IDF stormed west beirut after, claimed protection but allowed Phalange to massacre 1000s in refugree camps Disastrous public relations, Israel fully withdraws by 1985 after beginning in 1982, though they keep a security force in a security zone (10% of Lebanon) After withdrawl, Lebanese government called upon Syria for help More firmly entrehnched Shia supported amal and hizbollah Religious groups could not agree to reform outdated system. Maronites unwilling to give up the national pact of 43 Meeting in Taif in 1989 of old Chamber of Deputies (1972) establishes new rules: transfer of powers from President to Prime Minister, no more 6:5 now 1:1 (9 new seats, 3 for shia) Also asked for militias to disband and surrender weapons Agreement also recognized the important part of Syria and gave them authority to disband militias This provision caused intense distrust from maronites