University of Plymouth PEARL Faculty of Science and Engineering School of Biological and Marine Sciences 2020-03-02 What should we call the Levant mole? Unravelling the systematics and demography of Talpa levantis Thomas, 1906 sensu lato (Mammalia: Talpidae) Demirtas, S 10.1007/s42991-020-00010-4 Mammalian Biology Elsevier All content in PEARL is protected by copyright law. Author manuscripts are made available in accordance with publisher policies. Please cite only the published version using the details provided on the item record or document. In the absence of an open licence (e.g. Creative Commons), permissions for further reuse of content should be sought from the publisher or author. 1 What should we call the Levant mole? Unravelling the systematics and demography of 2 Talpa levantis Thomas, 1906 sensu lato (Mammalia: Talpidae). 3 4 Sadik Demirtaşa, Metin Silsüpüra, Jeremy B. Searleb, David Biltonc,d, İslam Gündüza,* 5 6 aDepartment of Biology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, 7 Turkey. 8 bDepartment of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 14853- 9 2701, USA. 10 cMarine Biology and Ecology Research Centre, School of Biological and Marine Sciences, 11 University of Plymouth, Plymouth PL4 8AA, Devon, UK. 12 dDepartment of Zoology, University of Johannesburg, PO Box 524, Auckland Park, 13 Johannesburg 2006, Republic of South Africa 14 15 *Corresponding author. E-mail:
[email protected] 16 1 17 Abstract 18 19 Turkey hosts five of the eleven species of Talpa described to date, Anatolia in particular 20 appearing to be an important centre of diversity for this genus.