

hat determines how individuals save and spend accumulation will follow a “hump-shaped” pattern — that their income over their lifetimes? It may seem is, low near the beginning of adulthood and in old age, and Wlike simply a question of personal preference, peaking in the middle. but the answer can have big implications for the economy as Modigliani and Brumberg’s theory has important implica- a whole. The life cycle hypothesis, which argues that people tions for the broader economy. In contrast to the Keynesian seek to maintain the same level of throughout view that a country’s aggregate rate is driven by its their lifetimes, is one way that have answered total level of income, the life cycle hypothesis implies that the question — but it was not the first. the ratio depends on the growth rate of income. An early theory of saving came from ’ When income in a country is growing, each new generation General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money in 1936. has higher consumption expectations than the previous one. Keynes viewed saving as simply another type of good that To maintain their higher consumption when they get older, individuals could “purchase.” As with other goods, Keynes prime-age workers in a growing economy will save more than reasoned that expenditures on saving would increase with past cohorts of prime-age workers, and the dissaving of those income. This posed a potential problem. past cohorts (who are now retirees) will be When individuals allocate income toward less than the current workers’ savings rate. saving, it means they aren’t using that Over the years, empirical studies have income for consumption. This reduction called into question some of the conclu- in for goods and services could sions of the simple life cycle hypothesis. have negative effects on economic output. Data suggest that retirees do not draw To be sure, the negative impact of down their wealth as quickly as the a decline in consumption is offset by model would predict. Moreover, studies the fact that savings are often chan- in the and the United neled into productive investments. But Kingdom find that consumption, too, what if there aren’t enough investment is not smooth over people’s lifetimes; opportunities to absorb people’s desire instead, it tends to rise through middle to save? Keynes and other economists age and fall after . like of Harvard University There are different possible explana- worried that this was a very real possibility as national tions for these findings. Consumption may be lower for young incomes grew in the postwar era. Hansen coined the term people than the model predicts if they are credit constrained. “secular stagnation” to describe the economic slowdown They may wish to borrow against expected higher future earn- that would result from a “savings glut” with too few invest- ings but can do so only if lenders extend the credit to them. ment opportunities. Uncertainty may play a role as well. Since young individuals Studies in the 1940s called Keynes’ saving theory into don’t know exactly what their future earnings potential will question, however. In 1946, of Harvard be, they may hesitate to accumulate a lot of for fear that University examined national income in the United States they won’t be able to pay it off. between 1869 and 1938 and found that the saving ratio in Uncertainty plays a role at the end of life as well. Since America had barely changed across that period, despite large individuals do not know exactly how long they will live, increases in per capita income. And in a 1947 paper published it is hard for them to smoothly draw down their wealth by the National Bureau of Economic Research, Dorothy throughout retirement. Retirees may also save more than Brady and Rose Friedman found that the savings ratio for predicted because they wish to leave some of their wealth families at different income levels depended on their income to their descendants. Finally, the drop in consumption at relative to the mean rather than on their absolute income. the end of the life cycle could be due to “hyperbolic dis- To explain these findings, in the 1950s Franco Modigliani counting.” Behavioral economists have advanced the idea of MIT and his student Richard Brumberg developed a that individuals have trouble planning for the future, which new theory for saving. The life cycle hypothesis argued leads them to save too little to maintain their level of con- that people seek to maintain roughly the same level of con- sumption after retirement. sumption throughout their lifetimes by taking on debt or The life cycle hypothesis has evolved in the decades since liquidating assets early and late in life (when their income Modigliani and Brumberg first developed it, but despite is low) and saving during their prime earning years when challenges to it, it remains a key part of modern economic their income is high. This hypothesis predicts that wealth theory. EF ILLUSTRATION: TIMOTHY COOK