f ’’.' VT X-

V - ■ TltUKSDAT, OCTOSBR M, 1M4 W A m T W K L V * Manchester £!venirtg Herald Average Daily Circulation The Weather For tha Moatk o f September, 1944 Forocaot ol L. 8. Ueatber .Aays and during ,that Bms soma gree work, and for presenting such Roderick M, Crockett of West of ^lem visited a nearby salt a large class for 'initiation. ‘ Hartford, president of the Connec­ Boys Saw War Gt^ange M eet Rain lon'ght, bepoming heav> AH oulTow ii mine which 'was 160 feet below Preceding the degree work a 8 ,9 0 8 late tonight nnd Saturday; not e«i ticut Horticultural Society and ground. In this mins tbers was harvest supper ednsisting of'meat WEDDING Well known to Manchester Garden loaf, salads. Cola ilawi peas and Member of the Audit cool tonight, but continued cool' an altar carved out of asdt and Well Attended Saturday; lacreaalag'wlada. Club, members, will give a series Coming in ’32 also a ballroom, used for a dance, served by the Home Economics Bureud of Clrculattoaa Offican and tMchera of the Sec­ of Lessons in Botany, beginning cariots, rolls, coffee and pie wras BIRTHDAY ond Coacrentional church school once a year. An old caatle also \ iHandtoifcip— 4 City of Village Charm next week Tuesday and continuing was visited and, before entering, committee. The chairman of that will meet at the church thU eve­ each Tueeday at 7:30 tlismigh Large Class o f CantTi- committee. Mrs. Nonnle Hllding, ANNIVERSARY ning at eight o’clock. Miss Edna Speaker .Tells Coliim- it was necessary to put on a Maseh. The eonrse wtU he given mocassin-like piece of-'TWJtwear who was unable to be present, as­ (ClaaaUlod Advertlalag oa Page U ) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1944 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Ward, the new director of the in Room 123 of Hartford High dates Initiated ia the VOL. L X lV .,N O . 17 hian Squire* Trip He over their shoes in order to pre­ sisted the committee with its church school will speak to the School, Broad street building. All plans for the meal. / MADE TO ORDER group on her plans for the year's members of the society are invited Took Through Europe vent scratching the highly-polished 3rd and. 4th Degrees. work. A social time will fellow to bring guests without charge. flqjir. Blue Danube Gray THE NEW CHARLES BAKERY with refreshments served Iqr the •When the Polish boys at the TTie ipaii). lodge hall of the: Ma­ church school committee, Mrs. From the Krakow camp the 18J-187 NO. BAIN STREET PHONE M»9T The intermediate Fellowship of camp near Krakow said tho Ger­ sonic Temple was filled last night DR. I. GERSHANOFF Ferdinand Klein, Mrs. Albert Post tie South Methodist church, an or­ group went to Vienna, Austria. by Grangers. The occasion was thp and Mrs. Karl Keller. ganization of boys and girls 12 mans were preparing for war, we Mr. Smore started out alone to conferrIng'-Qf the third arid fourth OPTOMETRIST to 14 years of age, will gather at laughed at them.” declared Fred­ the famed blue Danube, got degrees pn a large class of candi­ Successor to D O N 'T FORGET! Wednesday Is Mrs. John Hillman and daugh­ the church tomorrow night at seven erick Smore ih felling the members l^!ost t and re-directed so that ho dates, enrolling, with Manchester of Brown-LaGace circle of Colum­ Dr. Walter Oliver r inos to Hit Japs; ter, Dorotlw. o f 20 Fatrview o ’clock. A motion picture will be found the river and then was dls- Grange. ., street, left n is morning for Mont­ shown and games arranged by a bian Squires about a trip he took aj^pointed to discover that It was The ladies’ degree team under 915 Main SL Tei. 6030 D O N U T DAY!!! e s , Canada, where they will committee of young people will be abroad in 1032 in company with a a dlrlv gray. the direction of .Mrs. Fred Man­ 7 spend two weeks. They wlU make played. Erwin is chairman group of other boya under the Lucerne and Geneva ^ Switz­ ning of the drill team, and Mrs. JELLY DONUTS - Dozen 28c their headquarters at the Wind­ and will be assisted by Mrs.. T. B. sponsorship of the Y. C. A. erland were the next stops. At Earl Swallow %a master exempli­ sor Hotel. Feebler, superintendent of the Irf- “Whether they were giiesilng or the latter city the League of Na­ fied the thflrd degree. The fourth termediates. and the pastor, Rev. really knew what they Were talk­ degree wSs exemplified by Master ing about, their predlc^n nonethe­ tions building was viewed. He W. Ralph Ward, Jr. also remarked that there was a Wilbur T. Little of Manchester BOILERS less came tnie seven-yesra later," Orange and his associate officers. TALL CEDAKS tremendous beach on Lake Gen­ AND on A number of members from At the Salvation Army citadel he continued. eva. , this evening at 7:30 a tea and get- ‘■yta I look back fhe German boys Granges In surrounding towms that I met apwfar to have been They then ' traveled across were present. Including East Hart­ together wilt be held for all sol­ southeast France to Paris from FURNACES - 4 * diers of the Manchester Corps. just like the English, Dutch, Pol­ ford, Tolland, Vernon, Wapping WAYNE W. PHILLIPS Bingo ish, Czech, Austrian, Swiss and which several side trips were and Cromwell. The State Grange HIGH POM^a^VACUUM This special meeting will be for taken. In Paris Mr. Smore re­ Where Philippine Landings Are Reported the purpose of discussing the win­ French boys we met on our travels. was represented by Ira Willcox of CLEANKD membered seeing the Eiffel tower, Tolland, assistant stewa/d of that Commercial Refrigeration ter activities. Major J. H. Sweet Yet apparently Hitler was able to Get all the beat yon ehoold tmoi Orange Hall Instill the poison of racial super­ the Arc de Homphe, the Louvre' group. Mr. Wilcox complimented will preside. and the Unknown Soldier’s grave. yont rationed fuel thle Winter. Ground Forces Pour the local Orange for its fine de- inants iority In them and make them Engineering and Service Garrison The cazt;le at Fontainbleau and the Let OB condition yonr heattag MILES Mary C. Keeney Tent. Daugh­ thipk it was their destiny to go out plzut now. Call aay ttme! Tomorrow Night ters of Union War Veterans, will and conquer the world. I sometimes palace of Versailles were viewed Service and Equipment for Markets, Grills Hospitals, 2S Wonder if some of the boys I met on the side trips.,e HE.NRT J. PARENT 23 REGULAR GAME^ 25c. meet at the Y.M.C.A. this evening Dairies, Restaurants Milk Coolers, Deep Freeze Cabi­ at eight o’clock. camp were not among those The next stop was Cherbourg TEL. 2-0155 7 SPECIAL GAMES who, during this war. have dropped where the boys took the boat for nets Etc- by Y anks; Ashore Upon Leyte; SWEEPSTAKES bombs perhaps on some of their home. They ran Into a storm TELEPHONE 3622 MANCHESTER WEEKLY PRIZE campiMtes.” coming back which reaulted in HAR#ORD PROMPT 1 42ianglng of the Guards minor irritstlon.s and one of the Aecideel and ladeaieily CeapaBy MONTHLY PRIZE Mr. Smore told of seeing the finest sights to .see on the whole FOR EXPERT - W AR BOND D/\Y a n d N IG H T whispering gallery In St. Paul's in trip was thjj Statue of Liberty ,Te Be Drawn Oct. 27 INSURANCE • WELDING London and the changing of the again. City Left Ruins Three Points Seized guards at St. James’ palace during Next Wednesday evaning the • WIRING the few days spent in England. At circle is planning to have an open TRY A DELICIOUS HOT MEAL this dally ceremony a crowd al­ meeting at which pirdspective Arthur A. Knoflo • RANGE BURNER Huge Convoy Under OM n oors Sanded aad Beflnish- ways was on hand to watclb he members will b* guests. SERVICE Last Convulsive Gasp of g m o k e N o W Homonhoo I. said. < 875 Main St. TeL 5440 Double Header British Force Big Planes ed. New- Floors Laid aad Ba- The chief memory of tho visit to A t the 5 a PHILIPPINE IS. Protection of Naval ALICB OOFRAM “ Ask Ypar Neighbor” CALL Resistance in Center; fahhed. SO Teais^ Expeitaaea. Holland was-the viewing of a col­ Comotet It., And Air Power; Gen* lection of the paintings of Rem­ (Known As Queen Alice) Of City in Which 100 ,.’RURKE@ SPIRITCAL aOBDroM n A t FaStCSt Attack Made Japs to Quit Now Lead WILLIAM NOWSCH brandt. Rudy" Johnson eral Tells People He Crossing into Germany, at Seventh Dangliter of • Seventh Son Hartford Road Tavern SS Men Barricaded Pkoae BoekviUe 507-12 ^ Ir-^’ taKiftsT HinruKim U3«ii Cologne, the young travelers saw Borii Wnb n Veil. Fulfilled Vow to Re­ Readings Dally, tncloding Sunday, 3 7 8 Hartford Road Telephone 3813 Themselves in Defi­ Rate E ver On Stuttgart Burma Town In Output its famous cathedral, a fine ex­ Higrh Quaiity Cleaning Of Phone 8028 Siorgoo I. ample of Gothic architecture; at B A. M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appoint- Before 8 A. M. or After 5 P. Bf. turn; President, and noent. In the Servfea of the Peo­ Heatinfi Systema and FULL COURSE MEALS ance of Artillery ; Di­ Coblenx a castle whose grounds ple for SO Veara. Chimneys Withdrawal from Falam Non-Ttwtical Types Ac­ Cabinet Re-Establish covered 600 acres and where the W’e Also Cater To Banquets and Parties. rect Fire of 155 mm. Answer Given by Ciga­ Large Forces of Hali- troops of the American Army of 169 Cbnrch Street, Hartford, Conn. FURNACE REPAIRING - Phone 5-2024 Gun Wrecks Building. rette Industry as Rea­ faxes and Lancasters Important as Jap Po­ count for Only Two Government on Island. FUEL Occupation were quartered aftbr on . BURNER SERVICE HEAR .the last war; terraced land along A Fuel Saving Investment son fo r Shortage in Pound City; Third At­ litical Influence Over Per Cent of Produc­ General MacArthur’s Head­ the Rhine river where the grapes Is Vonr Patriotic Doty. London, Oct. 20.—(/P)— Suriqoo SULUAN quarters, Philippines, Oct. 20* for the famous Rhine wines were For Full taformntlan Call Ruined Aachen, a sprawling Supply at Present. tack Blasts Numberg. ^ Chin Hills Natives Cut. tion by Weight Now. WITH PLEASURE! raised; and at Nuremberg the Iron ■ ^ JP )— Gen. Douglas MacAr- Maiden, torture racks and the like city of death and destruction, LECUERC Van Camp Bros. fell today to Lieut. Gen. New York, Oct. 20.—(;P)—There L,ondon. Oct. 20. — (O — TTie Southeast Asia Command Head­ Washington, Oct. 20— i>P)— Re­ thur landed powerful invasion Next the group went to Prague, quarters, Kandy, Ceylon, Oct. 20— forces in the heart of the AS nOKAHAS AM $011191 Czechoslovakia where, he recalled, FUNERAL HOME IS Tears' Experience! 7th and 8th Graders! Courtney H. Hodges’ U. probably will be almost as many R. A. F. made a shattering double- flecting the continued emphasis on header attack last night on Stutt- i (JPt — British presauie exerted bigger and more powerful combat Philippines, announced to the VImc At'ZiaiA gadiaalc Heulas they saw the famous clock on the - 2.3 Main Street TELEPHONE 5244 S. First Army on the seventh cigarettes made for dome^ti^' con­ Aid k doiiw fac ifaianaaik of oOwn ~ city hall which not only tells the gart, one of the main centers of j southward from captured Tiddim plapes, training planes and other people of the archipelago "I h cia mmt Ukolr do for r«u. Our Miss Jeann^ director of Jeanne’s Studio of day of its siege. Tonight the sumption this year as in 1943. hour and the minute, but also the Phone 5269 Free Inspections! electrical engineering industries in j in northwestern Burma has forced non-tactical types now account for have returned” and called up­ S lU DO IONtrBATKNr Itt* four OW B day and the month and shows the victorious Yanks started "What about the cigarette MIN mm doddo. No 'Msh pconato." Wo Dance, is replying *o your many requests re­ shortage?” you ask. The cigarette Gei-many, with two large forces of | the Japanese to evacuate the town only two per cent by weight of the on them to “ rise and strike” bo «ao bo positions of the atara in the heav­ mopping up the last rem- of Falam. it was announced today. entire American aircraft produc­ their Japanese conquerors. la oad tw * k oid-oo ens; a aide altaV in one of the nantz of the Nazi garrison, Irap- Industry kimply answers^ "Amer­ Halifaxes and Lancasters poundink j garding a class in which you may learn how to icans are smoking at the fastest Map shows where sn-American fleet attacked the Leyte Gulf in The withdrawal waa described as tion. Ground forces poured ashore in churches which contained 27,000 F ' on the outakirta. The capture the city four hours apart. Important in that it weakened Jap­ This contrasts with 1842 when Leyte gulf, from a hpge convoy pounds of silver; and a wayside of the first major German city, a rate in history—thst's why there’s the Central Philippines and troops were landed from transports on Have It A third large scale attack was the tiny island of Suluan, 425 miles southeast of Manila, and oh anese political influence over some 15 per cent of the airframe weight under protection of a terrific Na­ A shrine on St. Charles' bridge. gateway to the Ruhr, was com­ a shortage.” carried out simultaneously on RAMONie Waltz Fox-Trot Polka * three beachheads on Leyte.—NEA telephoto. 40,0b0 natives of the Chin hills. accepted waa in trainers, com­ val and air bombardment, quickly At the international camp near pleted at 3:30 p. m., (10:30 a. m., Picture Of Esthnated Output Numberg, another engrlneenng The town, 30 miles south of Tid­ munications, and special purpose YeSf We Are Open e.w.t.), official announcements seized three stm ng. beachheadf Delivered HIARINO AID Krakow the boys were billeted in The National Association of center, and a lighter raid waa made dim, geographically is the natural types. along Leyte island’s east coazL such fashion that different nation­ Rhumba — Conga and Jitterburg from the field saifi. Tobacco Distributors, Inc., and M M n m on Wiesbaden in the Rhineland, seat of administration for the cen­ KhirUng Emphaola Shown I Broadritata Over Rndio alities were mixed together in the The city is 340 miles, ftom Ber­ other trade sources today gave More than 1,000 bombera partici­ tral Chin hills. " H I M«4«IA-a-A ^Classes Will Be for Hollister Street School At That lin and 40 miles from Ck>logne on this picture of estimated output A review by the War Production While they pressed inland to­ NOW! same quarters. They played For Business pated in the four attacks^ Operating In Advance Units ward the fertile valleys General WiHi N«utr«l*Color basketball and other gamM and School Auditorium At 5 P. M. Thursdays. the Rhine. It had a peacetime pop­ for domestic consumption: While.not m common practice. It Nazis Report Reds The hillsmen have been operat­ board today of shifting emphasis lorpKpfiD end Core ulation of 16T-.000. Production could range as high ing in advance units of the 14th in aircraft production since the MscArthur took to tbs sir In a went swimming imd, while they waa. not the first time that R. A. F, broadcast over the "Voice of Free­ had* verbal,arguments, there was For Barnard School Pupils At Tinker Hall, Attacklag Slam Sept. 15 as 262,0(X),000,000 cigarettes in night raiders haije struck twice in Army throughout the present cam­ fall of France In 1940 stressed that B A N TLY the output now is tioncentraled in dom" radio, telling the people he no suck thing an a fist fight. Each I.«ast year’s Period 4 Fridays At 4 P. M. The doughboys had been attack­ 1944 but ^ill be pared several bil­ the eame place. Several months paign beginning in India at Im- Permanents $6-50 to $15-00 phal. More than 1,000 Japanese tactical .types—bombers, flghtera, had fulfllled his two and a half day was devoted to a particular ing aipce Sept. 15, and for a week lions by manpower shortagea and ago they hit Cologne three times Move to Frontier; year old vow to return. OIC COMPANY country when the boys of that na­ and 5 Coupons Good they had engaged in street by between sunset and aunriae. casualties have been inflicted by 155 Center Street tion would take over the program. atreet fighting with bazookas, (Continned on Page SIz) them. (Continued on Png Six) MacArthur told the FilipinoB Two Expert and Popular Operators: Fires sa il Burning their president, Sergio Osmena, For example, he said, when the Until Aug. 3 1 , 1945. bayonets and self-prd^lled guns. The first wave waz over Stutt­ The Japanese now withdrawing PHONE 5293 Americans put on'their program MRS. MARCO - - MISS EILEEN CRATTY along the Tiddim-Kalewa road and hie cabinet were with him on Aachen waa left a mass of gart last night about 8:30 p. m.. Leyte and had re-established the American folk songs were a fea­ L. T. WOOD CO. wreckage by fanatics! German re­ and when the second force reached Debreeen Quitted were under attack by American Mitchell bombers of the Eastern Carobnas Hit government on Philippine soiL ture. Phone 4496 sistance. British* Enter the city shortly before 1 a. n). They stayed there about seven Announcing Young German officers, many of crews said fires were atill burning Air command as well as British "Rally to me.” MacArthur said them not long back: from the Rus­ from the initial blow. The bomb* Hurricanes. to the Filipinos. "Let the indomi­ sian front, threw away their lives era battled storms'snd icing condi- Russians Mass Vast W hen Storm table spirit of Bataan and Corregi- Cesena; Other « dor lead on. As the lines of battle EAT THE BEST AT REYMANDER’S NELL’S BEAUTY SALON to gain another oak leaf cluster on ditions to and from the.target and Tank Forces in Roiiiin- i Japs Claim British WHY NOT PAY A 35 MAIN STREET TEL. 5922 their iron crosses—waging war­ both attacks were made through roll forward to bring you within Cmraad Beef apd Cabbage Insulate Now! Our Re-Opening Saturday fare for vanity. thick clouds. Carrier Is Sunk Goes Inland the zone of operation, rise and VISIT TO The last convulsive gasp of re- Gains Scored ter Heide, 2 0 Miles Stage Is Hit strike.” N A TIV E B r o i l e r s It Is a roundtrip of approximate­ By The Associated Press Keep cool in Summer, * siatance in the center of the city ly 1,000 miles to both Stuttgart and South of Eydtkau; With MacArthur waa every D^ICIOUS STEAKS .GREENBROOKE was at a large stone building In Japanese Imperial Headquarters warm in Winter. Save fuel Numberg. A few O rm an night asserted today that Japanese air­ Heatlfi Northward Slow-! IN MANCHESTER which 100 SS men had barricaded Fifth Army Makes Lo­ fighters were seen but there were Great Titnk Battle In Campaign (Continued oa Pnge Ten). CLAMS AND OYSTERS ON THE HALF.SHELL during the critical period themselves in defiance of artillery men had sunk a British aircraft DINE AND DANCE TONIGHT! You’ll be thrilled when you see cal Advances in Cen­ few combats. Fought in Hungary.' carrier arid a destroyer yesterday ly with Decreasing In­ this new community of smartly and enjoy lower fuel bills. YES! which had pressed the defenders Crews said by the time the lajit into an ever narrowing space. in an engagement with a ^Naval styled, solidly built homes. — OAK GRILL- Live and sleep in comfort. tral Italian Sector ship started its bomb, run over Dewey Prepare New At­ task force which Tokyo earlier had tensity After Causing | ReymandOTV Restaurant Choice of five distinctive models Knock Out Last Stronghold Stuttgart the clouds were lit up by London, Oct. 20.—- ' Ih e Ibtlay revised upward, to 660,- National Restaurant (Continued.^ Peg* 7en) Work in Peacetime. (Continued on Page fe ) ^ tkken at gunpoint Different P 1 a e e a . With Isolationists. (Continued OB Pnge I’ien) (Continued on'Pnge Ten) : last night from' an armored enr Wartime Conference;— \ driver by two ovemlled and arroed^ G. E. WILLIS & SON, INC. Reno, Nev„ Oct. 20— Gov. ' robbers, railing It "the largeot rob- we’re ready with Vinl Boston, Oct. 20.—( f l—More With Truman En Route to John W. Bricker today offered this i Hails Invasion fbery In the history of tho police * Street Battle Butte, Mont., Oct. —(/P)—Sen­ Lumber of AU Kinds ^ $55 BUYS .lan 200 persons, thany of them three-point formula for guaran- m -n-ai • z • • i deparL'ienf.” Inspector Charles T. and Vigor and brim­ servicemen, were driven from the ator Harry 8. Truman, Democrat­ Cold Buttermilk Become teeirg jobs in peacetime: ic vice presidential candidate, re­ O f FhllippilieS|^“„X"T ..Id opemtor. of th. MasQU Supplier— Paint-:r*Hardware Ck>pley Square hotel in the Back Fatal for 19 1. Provide stability in govern-- ______Transport Company, one of • eTHi Dry Food Y our ALL-YEAR ming ovir .with'new newed his attack on Oov, Thorogs ment; w’honi Is a policeman himself, had Balsamj Wool Insulatiop Bay district early today b y ’a firs E. Dewey’s foreign policy views Warm Issue in Campaign 2. Maintain "pur system of pri­ reported that, in addition, to the ill o v i which rDeputy Fire. Chief John F. today as his special campaign car Doo W L I ideas — to Seri e you vate enterprise.” Roosevelt Says Japan $35;000' ' previously announced* COMFORT ' McDoiiough said' had been "Set In Mob Fights Troops in headed' fOr Butte, Mont, where he* 3. "Repudiate those alien forces there waa* an additional 615.00# < T bU« fBBllr waf BrlMm k*9 Dbr Ch«w belter HANSEN’S ,fa- six different placea." speaks over the radio tonight. By Francis J. KeUy Reminded of a claim made by wljich. If given a chance, would destined to cash payroll checks dinnor. tscaMM pBf Cti«w COAL COKE OIL r Palermo After Demon­ Will Be Taught .Cost McDonough estimated daniage He departed from his prepai;.ed W ashington,Oct. 20—i>P)—Cqld the late Bulgarian scientist-Metch- mqke our workers economic slaves, for shoe workers In. Peabody. 1ms b Cav«r d*t« vMlIy f* In froB* mous quality f o o ^ to the atructure, located at the address at Seattle’s Civic audito­ buttermilk became a hot campaign nikoff that buttermilk topers live the servants of the state.” Of Treachery, Deceit. « * • •hBicB foodinf tBsti eemduclBd bf Fur* 2MainSL Tel. 5125 comer bf Huntington avenue and stration Chver Wages. Inn R w w eh, daft prrftff d l>Bf Ch««r rium last night to assert that he issue today. to a ripe old age, Ickes said that ^ e Repubican ndiplnee for vice ; Three Aviators .Missing \ Ebeeter street, at 65,000.. did not believe the Republican was all right with him. As for to all BlHBr BinbiUr tjrpB fMd« toaUd. Harold L. Ickes, a seif-admitted president In a prepared speech re- j Bulletin! Boston, Oct. 20,—lAb—Three And D«c Chaw k tottar than a frmh Special Re-Openingi The deputy fire qhief said Rome, (Jet. 20—(S')— Nineteeij standard bearer "has the intesti­ buttermilk addict, contends that Dewey;,he indicated he’d like to leased in advance by his campaign Naial aviators were listed es ■Mat dkt tor fa «r da«e far nat avan l l « blazes had been “set on the aec- parsons died as the result of a nal fortitude’' to “read the isola­ Republican Presidential Nominee have him around to run against staff asserted that the New Deal Washington, Oct. 20—t/P)—, haat partarhaiMa atrah pravldti ALL tha missing tcMlay by First Naval dis­ - ond floor, in ball curtains on the street battle yesterday In Palermo, tionists ouLof his party. 'Thomas E. Dewey shoul^l drink it. the Democratic presidential nomi­ "can not return the American President Roosevelt aflnounred trict after their bomber crasiwd |1 ■sral pratolMe cnlmral«e vitomlna aad second, third and fourth floors and Sicily, between a mob and lUlian “It’s taken six long years for nee in -every election from now on. athar toad aiaMitlala aiipyHrd h f Dac . "1 don’t think anyone is going goverriinent to its fundamental today that operations In the Into the sea off Point Judith, R. L* |i: Attraction in two different closeta bn the troops. him to tell us he’s not an Isolation­ Philippines are proceeding on Vs Chaw—aaaantlj^ a dac naada fto U p td be elected president on a sour Desirable Nutritive qualities traditions of freedom for the in­ and burst Into flames. The ship* aanrfttlan. Start larding Pac Chaw ta> third floor,” SMvatore Aldiaio, Italian high ist, but he’s still a satisfactory note,” Ickes said. "He ought to The Department of Agriculture dividual under the constitution.” " schedule with light losses and from the tjiionset Point, R. I., slf toy-waaaHittnIwSSw SA'TURDAY, OCT. 21 SUNDAY, OCT. 22 Among the 200 persona driven conimiasloner, said today the dis­ candidate to Willie Hearst and drink buttermilk with his lunch­ conceded., tha* buttermilk has some "It la too tired and too confused that the enemy was caught farillty. went down . aboot 19:3# lMlto.hacr and in batik. RECAP YOUR TIRES to the street as amoke swirled order followed, a demonstration Bertie McCormick,” . Truman told eons." highly desirable nutritive qualtties within itself,” he declar^. strategically off guard by the p. m.' last night. .Another ONE DAY SERVICE! through the building were Boat- staged by employes of private con­ the audience. In delivering the oral prescrip­ but didn’t go overboard for It like Favor Allen Philosophies attock. The President read to witnesand the accldeat a»d s * ^ avmln’s Mate Fi];M ' Class L. A. cerns who wanted wage rises "I wonder if he is willing,” he tion at his press conference yes­ Ickes. ' "Besides, , it is a prisoner of his newB conference a message moned hlr aad surface crnl4 bu» wtaterz! InttzU laew y-lifht L i^re, USCXrR, of Rudington, asked, “to read Col. Robert Mc­ equivalent to those granted state terday, Ickss failed to aperify "Buttermilk isi similar to skim forces and men who hold allegi­ received Inst night from Geb. an all night sanrch lolled to d ^ Bring Thfm In in the Morning . . . Have Them In tht KqraoUs Cottea TmaUfiBa in Jilcli... and his wife. aad local government employes. Cormick and William Randolph ance to alien philosophies df gov- whether ha was speaking as ssc- milk in food vsliie," it decUrsd in Dougina MoeArtkar and ad- claae any trace el the pinna er lid Evening! yonr attic kt s fm hum. Am Carried J>owa Ild a r s "JoUMd by Law laamMita” Hearst, publishers, and the “blglit farmers' bulletin 1706. "It contains dzamenL Hillman, Brow'der! the drnasnd to Gen. OMrge C. pUot-efllcer .Sad two Lietrasna. The crowd Of demonstrators had Republican isolationist senators retatY of the interior or os owner PAC and the Communists won’t ONLY GRADE A, TRUCK RUBBER USED! avwzfc zoic com 1)3. Yowa Several other guests were car­ of Headwaters farm In nearby most of the protein but very little ftlarshalL Army chief of ataff. M f coat kaa er liigiiilT awa% ried dowi) ladders and one woman been “Joined by low elemenU” named by Senator Ball, out of bis of the'fat of whole milk.” make any, effort to return to the In It Mnc.\rthur amid the-troops Union Woman Solclda • PurinajDog Chow which marched on the headquar­ party. 1 don’t believe be ban the Maryland, where Ickes’ chickens . Dr. George E. Holm, chief of the American'system. 1 Gsillon Sealed ^ n io f Mobil Oil, Grade 20 Gat aariiaata WMay! Downuf/ake ; atwaate was:reacued from a seventh floor Inyeggs tor some df the best peo­ he cwmnMinded In the Philip­ Stafford, Oct. 2#*— 8trs.' 30e fire esmpe aftei* Police Lieut. Ed' ters of tb« high coipmiBBioner, and intestinal fortitu d e^ do it.” Tru­ department’s Bureau of Dairy In­ "They don’t want it." pine landings suffered “ex- ple’ In Washington. Not did the The Ohio governor, rolling into, (Greene) Moore, d#, ed ITnIea, wO#,:; aud 40 only. Reg. price $1.40, Now 98c. D O N U T S ■ ward L Twohig pleaded with her the police called on troops when It man sc6Wy White House sources disclosed that inajor iaaua o f this campaign. With that buttermilk Is "good for a 'meddm o f enterpris* conte jobs, vaalPt: of the Philippines today anid BIre. Maew hnd heal 533 Main St. ; TeL 6227 TELEPHONE 3963 position of the Treasury O ct 18; Aldisio' said S l^ y has qnly 0M,poo,0OO war plant investment President Rooecvelt himself drinks health far aarae Hans, t t n ln i Comer Main Stfect and Middle iiim pike sour stomach. buttermilkr “on occaaii,n.” There ipporifinitles and a rising standard. with the. aaaertton that "ws^ have ReceipU, $49,949,997.69; expend- enough grain to last until rtiid- to Stimulate post-war production -e vived hy twa dnoghlsni hffi • | Di^ajpAber,. and expressed concern "I happen to like it myself,” he was no amplification of tjie latter IturM, 6239.067;334.26; net (CnnttiMsnd e6 Fnge Biz) alt ed Unleo. ■ w e e 9U.970.779,369.60. ,for the ikisnd's wrifsre. -'(CMiUBned oa rngs BU). added. phrase. - (Ooattnned oa i I r -j,; ...-r • •;'•'• '^ ’ 'V'x* ■' f^ \' I.--: t- ’ '. , ’ ' ■ ■ ■' " .. ■; '/■ ■■ ■’ . ' ' ..' ■ ' ' X ■ ' ■■ a MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SlANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1944 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDXy , OCTOBEIl 20, 1944 PAGET"

Qraca R. Pratt, property on Oak­ Medal for hia aervicea with the brook, N, Y. While Uvi^ThUre ALL CBUAItS •PubJiIst, ofllcial With scores of camouflaged par- Some aaventy mainbara ware plundered and exploited to serve Ledb^T* Smith of the Sheridan Sunset Council, Degree 'of Poca­ Lane Cooper of Cornell, principal the prizes are still working on the basketball and case; 2nd. (fielder's achutea for paratroopers In pro- praoant at the moating’ of^ tha Ed­ Germany’s aim of conquest and Apartments, formerly emploired in remaining prizes, so that'fume few glove; 3rd, $2.50 in War Stamps. hontas, will hold a kitchen Bingo domination have s just claim to apeaker at the Wealeyan univeraity tomorrow night at 8 o'clock at the ceaa of productlarf, a group of 22 ucational club yaat*rday,aft*nioon the Pratt A M^Utney Engine Com­ S S s - t ie4l MAIN SI. MANCHtSltRi^-' •' ■ substitutions may be necessary. Three prizes will also be offered air cade,to sad anUated men from reparations which must he paid commencement today, aaid that How-ever the substitute prizes will for the best mechanical jbb: ISf. horn* of Mrs. Catharine Kutgera of in the auditorium of tho Barnard, to the full and cannot be paid in pany, East Hartford, is now oerv- 38 Garden streeL There wW be the Army Air Forceg 'iSiuiii'ing while "the sneak.<( and gangaters’ be valued at the same cost as those Caaco electric- tolls; 2nd, Exacto school. New Haven, violted the school. inoney alone,” the reoolution aalA Ing. in India w it^ th e .American BE SAFE listed by the committee. wood-carving knives; 3rd. Boy prizes for the winners, a social Red Croaa as an kst|lstaiit field must be brought to Justice when time with refreshments and a good Pioneer Parachute Company fac­ The room was decorated with 'The resolution, adopted almost CRIB BLANKETS CHENlLLrflOBES the peace is made, “there must be As the prizes are grouped it is Scout flash light. tory here yesterday. chrysanthemums and other au­ unanlmou^, urged complete dls- director it was revekled today. possible frir a boy to W'in one, tw-o As previously announced, in­ turnout,of members and friends is srm snm t of Germany, control of Formerly with the American Field --NOT SORRYt Esmond Slumberrat Baby Blankets^ 36z Excellent q|ia^ty—no Ironing necessary. mercy too for the count less num­ or three of the excellent prizes be­ spection of the racers by experi­ hoped for. The cadets and ehliatcd men, tumn flowers. - bers of central Europea^n.s who had many of them cotivalaaclng at the Following^ s program of music German industrlas which could be Service and with the Free French A’T FRED’S YOU CAN BUY A FULL QUART OF 50. Assorted Colors and Desiffns. Collar and colbirless atyles. Bine a ^ ing offered. The list of prizes fol­ enced mechanics will be held next Technical SchooTa Base Hos^tol, by a boys’ chorus diraoted by G. converted bw war purpoces. And in Syria in this war, where' he I •o little to do with putting that lows: For fastest rUcers: Class 1 Wednesday afternoon, the loca­ Group D of the Center Church .served with General de Gaull) Rosewood. 14 to 20. gang . . . Into power. (10 up to 12 years old) 1st, ofllcial were escorted through the para­ Albert Pesraon, and s girls’ chor­ creation by the Ames of an or­ 7 YEAR OLD BOTTLEmN BOND tions to be announced in a day or Women of whichMias Gertrude chute factory by top ofBciala of us from the Nathan Hole school ganisation armed with power to Mr. Smith haa received the Cre^ CEIUNO PRICE 2.49 "Win the Prince of Peace be .sit­ football: 2nd. pair of shoe skates; tw-o. Carrier is leader, will conduct a enforce peace. de Guerre and the French Colonial 2.17 CEIUNO PRICE 40g . ting at the table where the peace of 3rd, Boy Scout flashlight. Class The committee in charge of the public military whiat' in Center both Pioneer Parachute and Che­ directed. by Miss PhyUta Whit­ Europe, of the world, is to be de­ II, (12 up to 14 years) 1st, tobog­ Derby announced yesterday that church parish hall, Tuesday eve­ ney Brothers, including Clifford taker, tM was oqrved from s RTE or BOimeON OTHERS...... 2.J>9. Ceiling Price 2.29 4.33 NG SIV cided?" Profe.s.Sor' Cooper a.sked, gan; 2nd. fielder s glove: 3rd. $2..’50 the event w-ill be postponed to the ning .at 8 o’clock. Prizes and., door Cheney, chairman of the board; tsatefully decorated tea table. ----- ALSO'/-—i- "If he j.s not sitting there, look out in War Slart»|>s. Class III (14 to 16 follow-'ing Saturday in case of rain. prizes will be awarded and refresh­ Henry Mallory, executive vice Mrs. LiUisn Bowers and Mias Will Get Street for another war In the future as ments will be served by Mrs. Hen­ president of Cheney Brothers and Huldsh Butler poured. the boding owls predict." ppeaident of' Pioneer Parachute, LECLERC Privilege Brand Whiskey ry Miller, Miss Daisy Grierson and m d Lyman ft. Ford, vice-presi­ Chaiinnen Introdnoed GffiLS’ COATS, Sizes 7 to 14 . . • o o • .. to $10.98 Twelve atudenta. only four of their assistants. Reservations may Mias Esther Granstrom, presi­ Fighting Training PUNe RAL HOME.- whom were pre.sent, were awardetl be mads by calling Miss Carrier, dent of Pioneer Parachute. ’The Above Prodoets A re^ade Accompanied by . Lieut. Robert dent of the club, welcomed the 23 Main Street COAT AND LEGGING SET^ ..,, f to $13.98 degrees, and 34 rnembers of a Paper Salvage Dollars 8488 or Mrs. J. E. Elliott, 5032. Penstermaker, the future airmen members and inti^ticpd the-new London, OcL 20 — (>P» — Allied By The ^merican DtatlllinR Company. Navy V-12 unit received certifi­ who Is serving as chsirman of the saw regulation Army and Navy chairmen ^ committees for the troops are going to be trained in Phone 5269 ^ cates upon completlot\ of their committee. 'chutes in the making as well as year who ore. Welfare, Mrs. James street fighting apparently at prep­ work. two famous Pioneer experimental Fair; program, Miss Morton aration for battling Hitler’s new- They’re New . . . They’re Different Graduate* With Honors Help to Hospital Sunset Circle of Rebekah Psat developmanta—the indoor canopy Caaey; Uhrlstmas aesla, Mias Mol­ guerrilla Army. . . . They’re Catching On Like Wild­ Morton D. Stone of Hartford, the Noble Grand* will meet Monday The training program will be PLEATED SKIRTS F BOYS' MACKINAWS tester used for pressure-testing ly Benton; finance, Miee; Beatrice Old Floore Sanded and Reflnish- fire! only Connecticut man among the evening at 8 o'clock with Mrs. Ar- parachute canopies and the out­ Ganseman; membership, Mrs. carried out in the Bstteraes dia- F R im 's Warm and comfortable! Wool plaid»— \ graduates, was one of four stu­ Proviflc Fund to Put^ ce' a Crawford of 331 Center door test tower used for simulat­ Hazel Geaa; revision. Miss Huldah trlct of aouthweat London—a con- ed. New Floors Laid and Re- Spun Rayon and4'lannel. Cbeck^ Plaids dents who were graduated with I South Coventry | street. Mrs.' Etta Loveland. Miss ing actual aerial conditions in the Butler; publicity, Miss Jeanne g;eated dlatrlct of workers’ houses and Graya. Sizes 22 to 32. Contents labeled-r-Flannel lined. Sizim honors. chase Needed' Equip­ NeUia ' Lull, Mrs. McKintiey examination of parachutea. Low. amd factories. finlshed. 20 Years’ Experience. PACKAGE STORE Fashioned of Heavy Sterling Silver will' aaalat‘ ...... tha hoataaa. —The enter­ The whole area has been badly 8-18. ’ V The university announced that a ment ; Proves Again ^Frwb^nill^andlfran^^ The soldiera were brought to The chairmen in turn announc­ They Sparkle in Your Hgirl dinner would be held tonight to j tainment will be in charge of Mrs. Manchester in five Red Croaa sta­ ed other members of their colhmlt- blitzed and looks like a German WILLIAM NOWSCH CORNER spr u c e /AND BISSELL STREE’TS 2 . 3 3 CEIUNO 2.98 honor five faculty members who Aid of Waste Paper. delactabU delicaclas to Staff Sgt. Frederick Manning and Mrs. tion wagons driven by members tees. city or town nilght look after an Phone Rockville 507-12 agreed to continue to serve on the Leo Thatcher after a two and one- Maude Norton. of the Red Cross Motor Corps, The club voted to have Mrs. Allied ahelUng and. bombing. CEILING 8.98 8.98 faculty although they have pas.scu half year Jungl* diet which includ­ Paul W. Hesselmeyer of the West Samuel Stevenson act as its rep­ 3 . 3 3 retirement age. They are Profes- Paper salvage dollars are going 'Thomas England of -Oak street Haven Chapter, American Red ed a monotonous" amount of tinned resentative at tbe Youth Council CEILING 4.98 OTHERS T O ...... 12.98 ..t eors Walter G. Cady, George M. to do another good deed for the meat, condensed ihtjk. ate., while is making favorable progress fol­ Cross,, made the arrangamenU for Advlaory committee meetings. 4 . 3 3 Dutcher, Edgar Fauver, Edward C. hospital again and at once. It he was attached to-a surgical lowing a major operation perform­ the trip with Lieut. Gol. Cleo M. Schneider and Frederick Slocum. •eema that two operations w-er* be­ portable hospital unit hi. the New ed on Monday in SL Francis Hos- Miller, surgeon of the Base Hoa- FL.^NNEL SLACKS *********** .3*98 pitaL ' pital. • FINGER-TIP COATS...... 12.98' ing conducted at the same time on Guinea area. He Is at pifsaant a guest of Charles Kokerda at Oak The Pioneer Pafachute Com- ‘Victory Currency’ Wednesday and in both cases it Loyal Circle of King's Daugh­ rtiny, a contractor for the Air Grove, Lakjc Wamgumbaug. .He Technical Service Command, en­ Plus Tax. developed that an pher .suction left today for Aaheville, N. 6^ ters will hold a rummage sale in New Filipino Issue machine was needed by both pa­ the lobby of Center church, Tues­ tertained the group at luncheon Cold Weather Is to report for re-asalgnment. JUST ARRIVED MAHIEy tents at the same time. The hospi­ His younger brother, Henry day. beginning at 9 o’clock. They before the Inapectlen of the plant. tal has only one and a critical wdu.ld appreciate It If the chureh The air cadets evinced keen inter­ 183 Spruce Street Thatcher, Naval Air Force Radio est in the camouflage chuteii— Allied Headquarters, New Gui­ TABLE OILCLOTH . . . Patterned and Solid. Ceiling S9c situation developed before both Gunner third class at Hertford, *N. people would leave articles for the . ... 35c Yd. patients were out of danger. Inci­ sale in a box for the purpose when olive green canopies with splotehea nea, OcL 20—on—Currency issued C.. has returned to hia post after of darker shades and packs and by the comnumwealth government dentally an ether suction machine visiting his brother here, this being they attend the morning worship BATH MAT S E T S ...... , . . . $2.95 FANCY YELLOW is an apparatus that suck.s out the service Bun^y. Those who require harness of dark khaki without a of the Phllip^nes for use by the Far Away! Are You Prepared? ONIONS, the first time they have met in single piece of glistening metal. Invasion forces of General Mac- mucus from 'a patient’s stomach three yearn. A third brother, that donations be called for, should and throat and prevents them from contact Mrs. Ai^rld Seaburg, chair­ Arthur has been named "victory BATH MATS, TUFT AND CHENILLE ...... 98 to $4.95 5 Pounds for ... A IC Robert, Machisist'a Mate third currency" by Brig. Gen. Carloe P. strangling. claaa, waa killed In action last man, 6905. Ovorlooka MoMy Om IWHo Romulo, the resident commia- The mother of one of the patients BOYS’ FLORIDA JUICY December. Another brother. Staff aioner. m 51, m m eiit got In touch with Chairman Mel­ Sgt. Cedric Thatcher, is with the Miantonomoh Tribe No. 58, I. Killlngly. Oct. 20.—(P)—A thlaf One peso bills carry the aerial ORANGES. vin Hathaway of the Paper Salv­ infantry In Hawaii. All four O. R. M., .will hold its regular who forced the front door of number ”86,” the age of Preeident BEACH COATS I GRANTS HOSIERY RUBBER FOOTWEAR Dozen ...... age Committee yesterday and after brothers volunteered their services meeting in the Zipser club Mon­ Chicken Farmer Paul Wlsfta’a Oamena. The value of the peso, I outlining what had token place Staff Sgt. Leo Thatcher was day evening at 8 o’clock. The Hay­ home yesterdayr-whUe he and hla which hlM the backing of the gold Mackinaws Wltb or Without Collar. ISIS HOSE ■ 8fig amt 92c .MEN’S AND BOYS’ • asked him if there was anything Wounded during his overseas aeirv- makers will meet immediately fol­ wife war* absent for a short wMla, standard, haa been fixed at the RUBBERS ...... 1.49 SLADE PEANUT that could be done by the commit­ ice. He wears lA addition to good lowing the regular meeting. took a table radio but overlooked pre-war valuation of 50 cento. FULL FASHIONED BU’TTER, O T . - tee to provide anoVicr and up-to conduct ribbons, etc., three cam­ a. considerable sum of money on IRREGULARS...... 49c. Ceiling 69o / WOMEN’S GAT.OSHES...... 1.49 uate ethsr suction machine to pre­ paign stars. He tells most inter­ Mr. and Mra. William R. Tinker, a nearby table. u p MEN’S AND BOYS’ 1-Pound jur . . Am C vent tha repetition of the critical estingly of the bravery and uneelf. Jr., of Boulder Road, are planning Negro Executed $10-00 DRESRITE H O SE...... 69c CHILDREN’S ARCTICS...... 2.49 situation again. Chairman Hatha­ ishnesa of the hospital crews in a holiday of a few days in Canada. MAZOLA way consulted the members of the their care of the wounded. He per- The trip will include Montreal and ANKLETS...... l.ic to .31c MEN’S WORK ARCTICS ...... 3.49 committee by phone and within a aonally haa given blood for four­ its Immediate vicinity. In Gas Chamber few hours after tne appeal was S o n Can $ 1 * 7 3 teen tranafusion* to injurad sol­ MEN’S Sweaters MEN’S H O SE...... 12!/rc MEN’S WORK RUBBERS...... 1.69 made he authorized Supt. Slover of diers. Hla chief deair* while on St. Margaret’s Circle. Daugh­ IRCLE a the hospital to buy a new maebine leave. Is to forget the tragic event* ters of Isabella, will hold an im­ I •- s t. M 1 I I n costing approximately $225. Supt Jefferson City, Mo., OcL 2(P- semuihlng i dm’ 8 bod whore they hid after ADA JUST ARRIVED Shoes are designed as apanding in unauthoriaotf delhtr vuWWW yVW • IN AND OUT fiaiitfe intended—gentle far candy. ^ WALTZES HOPS bnnh your tooth MEN’S COTTON KNIT SHO RTS...... 39c suppolrt, natural shaped EVERY last.— properly fitted ..... 50c FRIDAY NIGHT v BrwMng your toolh"ecm bo Flannel Sport Shirts BOYS’ SKATING HATS ...... IheeL Recommended fof PerfODB] Notices r,ri;70 PiECE o to(dlout duty. . . o r It eon Small — Medium and Large SIzea. MEN’S CARDIGAN SWEATERS, 3 8 -4 4 ...... $2.98 coiuforb K. of Ce Holl bo o dolightful oxporlonco. Card of ’TIuuikB n rraspeot Btnot — RdrtfWd ALLCilU BAND W* wish to ibsnk all our frisaSa If you profor tho Iqttor, ^laida and Solid Colors in Blue, Gray and Canary. and neiehbet* whe loaii^ their eat* rautm tag — |uit start right now using sad sent dovara' Basadallr TSnt No. STETSON HATS a K. O. T. M. end Tha Tredeaalek BARGAIN CENTER! BARGAIN CENTER! Paint Company, rtant J Department A lt Websfor's as for theft kindnesa and sympathy D I 0 » « and ■hewn ua during our bereaveawnt at . OLD T D a n u r o B C H u m A Plji i AN '■ V SUPS CEIUNO 1.98 57e WOMEN’S HOSE REDUCED SHOE STORE tha thn* of the death ef aur belerad; Hank root, Praaptar- I'BrRT KINO FOR CLEARANCE husband and fsthsr, ■ J. Suporflno T eo th p ^ o ond $ 7 .50 and $10-00 SLIPS CEIUNO 1.19. 37c 825 MAIN STREET Mrs. Burdette 8. Dichineon. WsiU rox-Trut* S td tX iRdiidd Irregular Sbeers, No Seam, Mesb and Dickinson. Mr. and Mrs. Merrilt Dtek- I m m i for yoursolf what ^ Inton sad Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lslaa. LONG SLEEVE Service Hose. 1 D&IES 'WMEIi ploosuro Ihoro oon bo fa Better Hats ’That Give Long Wearing Satisfaction! SLIPS CEIUNO lJi9 37c VALUES TO i.ee r- CONTEST—, tho rautino o f hooping CEIUNO 1.98 57c Mark Twain Matqueri W-K A - your tooth doon. SPORT SHIRTS DANCE A . V ’.> M j FOOTWEAR FOR AIL THE FAMILY RANGE ANP FUEL Tbbo, 35/ ^ H E DODGHGIRLS* MILLER'S HALL 3 Tubos;90/ In Blue, Bimm and A t , l/ V / J : .4- T> Maroon GaWdine. CLEARANCE OF CHILDREN'S DRESSES CALL 4 4 - 0 0 i fni*iFr’r*iu:kJi k f j i z i j t ^ v o ' yTolfaind Tornplkd VAL\JRS TO 1.98 ' Avery Memorial " ' jS ' Vvi' „ itartfard Sat. Night, Oct. 21 • WELIN>N A* • 8500 Tnesday Thnmfli Sattirday 8 to 12. ■ Bed, Green and Bhw Chtek WALL MIRRORS REDUCED UP TO 25% fXAMOABD UBOBENB AND MOBOBSAT B i m OIL Octobtr24-28 — 8 P.BI. aiMteni aad OW PashioaiA Drug Company CiJIOUSC^SOK TMh Ib BLM B fi BLH PdtdT Milter. Prowptdr. ' PrMcHplioB PfinnMlvUi Sport Shirts V MORiARTT BROTHERS CUI M 1M DayOiiM^ ^ SIS MAUI Old LevtT At Center and BrMd Streele A Good rtuN tot kauug sad OM Aak About fOl Mala St. IM. 5821 W•y.; ■ . V- . .___ T... .. r, i;>. , GRAHT CO. m r I I ' I . 'T ir' y ; 4 ’.V. ‘W . v‘ ' . ' v;-vUS;:


anothA. li)rd knows we will al­ a brdad sense, tiiis Am- accom­ ways have plenty of' men who plished by the same' meanrEvery­ '• Show Opens Today Plan Classes e .—John Begush. father, S Wol­ Thera Hansen, mother, 93 Wetilv Hat brings to 68,743 the total num -' Reserve. Wounded. Parents, Mr. f eadjustment Problem either can’t or won’t take the trou­ where. Rach committee analyses 31 Prisoners cott avenue, Windsor. street, Hemden- ^ From State bef of Naval cosualtiea announced and* Mrs. Leodore Idsyer, 67 Pom- ble to learn a trade or skill. We and assesses flVst Its own local fa- WEDDING BertuzZi, Staff Sergt. George A. Hogan, SsT^^, William L. —$m - since Dec. 7.-1941. . ' |fret street Putnam. . » TRY A DELICIOUS HOT MEAL ctriftlDly do not need tp build 'up cllitles, then the State and Federal On Nutrition —John Bertuzzi, father, 64 Wood­ Kathryn R. Hogan, mother,' 20 The Connecticut man and next i Milleij, ^ b e r t H., private, first any backlog of unskilled labor by facilities, and works out a program B IR TH D A Y . From State land street Glastonbury. > Amity street NeiV London. Are Casualties of kilt: ' ' j class, U;'S. Marine.Corps Reserve. pushing every last roan on any to make the best and most intelli­ Bonner, Sergt George H.—Mrs. Koomm, P v t Michael—Jolirt Ko- Bums, B ert private,'first class, I Wounded,. Psurents, Mr. and Mrs. Serious for Veterans Lena M. Bonner, mother, S2 Green­ pos, 8 r„ father, 41S Spruce street, A t the temporary road job. I think that gent use of all these existing fa­ Variety in Meals Is U. S. Marins Corps . Reserve. Michael MlUsr, 26 Bsmea street I ^ cilities. Most committee inembers ANNIVERSARY wood street New Haven. Bridgeport / ' Bristol. before any of us come to any hasty Fout Wounded and One Wounded. Grandfather, Harold 1. ori^iaatlona and groupa . which conclusion about putting men to are u.*uially amaSed at the wealth Made Simpler by Ad« liliduded in List of Bryg, Tech. 6th Or. John J. — Loaeonde, Pfc. John R;—Mrs. Blanchard, 29 High street. New Panicall, Dorando, private first Real Difficulty Rests in of facilities available. MAD^ TO ORDER Mrs. Bill A. McCloskey, sister, 78 Marie Lioesonde, mother. Palmer have a very definite Intereat In work,, we should study the phil­ ^'^1,635 Held by' Ger­ Dead on List Navy Re­ Haven. class, U. S. Marine Corps Reserve. Hartford Rodd Tavern Putting Returned Serv* seeing that the reaponalbllltlea of osophy of our Plan and that we In fact, Ih are so many in­ vice of Expert. Kneen 'street, Shelton, « Street extension, Norwich. Edward James Francis, sea­ Wounded. Wife, Mrs. Dorando the agenclea are fulfilled, and that should bear In mind the dictionary terested agencies qnd groupa avM Carr, P v t John W.—Mrs. Made­ Leathern, Pfc. Thomas H.—Mrs. leases Today. .378 Hartford Road - Telephone M13 many‘Released Today. Alma 'Leathern, mi!>thef, East man, first class, U. S. Naval Re­ Panicall,* 459 Honeyspot Road, ice Men in Jobs for the beat uae la made of the ft;; definition of philosophy — "practi­ In comparativi^ly Small communi­ Just' now, when It seems to every THE NEW CHARLES BAKERY ------line Carr, wife, 123 Roosevelt ave­ serve. Dead. Mother, Mrii. Frances Stratford. nue; Torrington. i Oronby. - 'n . A v A m irSitM l :" « > « • and faeillUet. Thua, you cal wisdom.” If we do this, I think ties, that the first Job of the' e^>m- meal planner that It is simply im­ 183-18Y NO. MAIN STREET PHONE M 997 Washington, O ct 20.—(ff)—The M. Eldwards, 667 New Britain FULL COURSE MEALS W nicn Iney Are riliea ^ 0 and ©« the CommlMlon;'men' that we wUl all come to the con­ mittee is just like that of the Com­ Waahington, Oct. 20— (VP)—The Cerreta, Pfc. Andrew X, Jr.— Neils, Pfc. Arthur R,—Mrs. possible to include variety, appe­ namea of 110 NeW Englandera are names of 18 New Englanders ara avenue, Hartford. Primitive man carried on exten­ •------! euch aa Mr. Fltagerald, head of clusion that now is the time for mission—to coordinate these vari­ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Cerreta, Elizabeth Neils, mother, 346 . Mayer. Joseph,. Raymond, quar­ We Also Cater To Banquets and Parties. parents, 30 Hinckley avenue, Farmington avenue, Plalnville; included In a list of 263 casualties sive trade operations, according to Tbe.,tpxt (rf Major Robert B. the War Manpower ComrAlaslon: us to fit square pegs In square ous agencies and groups to pre­ tite appeal and vitamins all in the DON'T FORGET! Wednesday U Included in a Hat of 1,645 United of the U. S. Naval forces— Navy, termaster, first clas$, U. S. Naval discoveries of archeologists. ! Commander Robinson, head of Se- Stamford. ^ ~ Northrop, Corp. Charles B. — Oate’a address - to the Women’a holes. vent overlapping of effort and in­ ssime meal, the Red Cross chapter States soldiers held prisoners of Marine Corps and Coast Guard— lective Service; Myer Schwolskv, Not Kxpenslve • ter-agency friction. If this coordi­ Ciullo, Sergt. Joseph A.—Joseph Mrs. Gertrude Dellocsmer, sister, If Club members at Center cnurcn ; ^ Veterans Administra­ cornea .fourth with a aeries of lec­ the enemy the War department 248 Munson street. New Haven. announced today by the Navy de­ K'<- “Then there Is another philo­ nation is not accomplished,- the DONUT DAY!!! A. Ciullo, father, 115 Seymour tion; Dr. Grace, head of the State tures on the subject of Nutrition, announced today. A total of 1,635 Palmer, P v t Edwin T.—BCdwln partment. this noon follows: sophy which I think is also worthy veteran is all too apt to get the street Waterbury. Publication of thU additional "I am sure that you will all Department of Eklucation; Dr. of that designation. That is the oIdi‘'run-armmd" from one well- to be presented in an Interesting are held by Oermany, one is held Coady, P v t Emery 0 „ Jr. — C. Palmer, father, 14 Bobkside • PULL THE TOP LEVER • and practical manner, with mov­ JELLY DoH u TS Dozen 28c Mrs. Ida Coady, mother, 11 Milk boulevard. West Hartford. readily agree tnai methe returning ' , Jorgensen, head of and the renreaenta- Ufilveralty Idea that this Plan can be put into meahiiig office to another. by Hungary and nine are held by of Connecticut, and representa­ ing pictures used to illustrate the Slovakia. street, Wllllmontic. Patry, First Lieut William G. veteran and 'Ifie displaced war operation without the creation of l.iOcal Committee* —Mrs. -*an M. Patry, wife, 468 SAVE 30% FUEL! tives of other responsible agen­ an expensive agency. It is a part talks. ' The New Englanders—all in­ Countryman, Sergt. Gebrge E.— High Quality Cleaning Of worker will be faced by many and Anson street Bridgeport AND ENJOy GREATER COMFORT H'- cies. You will also find on the of the second philosophy to have "There surely can be very little The first lecture In the series terned by Germany — and their Mrs. Olive Countryman, mother, Heating Systems and varied Individual adjustment prob- Commission, representatives of quarrel with the Commiosion’a will be Tuesday evening, Oct. 24, next of kin Include from Connecti­ 206 Black Rock avenue, Bridge­ SUgliano, P v t Joseph J. —Mrs. lema. I am sure that by now, no coordinating Committee in every Mary StigUano, mother, 7 Haw­ Chimneys Veterans organisations^ the Manu­ city and town in the State. 140 first philisophy—to Fit all square at 8 o’clock in the parish house of cut: port. W ho said: RUSCO 3-WAY COMBINATION WINDOWS one expects that any miracle will facturers Association, labor pegs Into square holes. Aa for the the Center church, when Dr. Mar­ Arcori, Pvt. Oino— Liouis Arcari, Cutler, Sergt John W.—Mrs. thorne street Hartford.; occur that will permit some twelve such committees have already been FURNACE REPAIRING EXPERTLY INSTALLED unions. Industry, and other distin­ formed In the State and most of second philosophy which includes tha Potgleter of the University of father, 23 Hollywood avenue. West Celia F. Cutler, wife. Dial house, Turebtte, Pfc. Sylva J.—Mrs. on . BURNER SERVICE "W e not only are going to try to get jobs or thirteen million veterans and a Westport WITH THE EXCLUSIVE STEEL SEAL guished cltixens. the towns that have no committee the need for local Commlttes to Ada I>>onard— IMosa fVmtello Connecticut will be the speaker. Want Your Car In Top Condition Hartford. Marion Tureotte, mother, Cady A Fuel Saving Investment like ■ number of displaced war put the plan into effect, I would Dr. Potgleter will review the basic Sanaa, Pvt, Frank—Mrs. Lucy Friedman, Flight Officer Oene street, Danielson. workers to slip back into normal Federal lAws are very tiny. This goal has been Is Voor Patrtotte Duty. for returned servicemen and displaced war 1. No Draft! No Rain VeatUmtion! “At the State level, it Is the very nearly reached. These volun like to quote General Hines In his A giant “ AH-Glrl Musical Rs- principles of nutrition and how op Banas, wife, 186 Putnam street, A.— Eugene J. Friedman, father, Wagner, Pvt Jacob C.—Jacob avory-day life with neither per- they may be applied to every day F Winter Dming? Hartford. 170 Peck avenue. West Haven. Wagner, father. Route 4, East For Full Information CaU tcorki^rs, but we are going to try to get the C h ech 2. Change Screen to Storm Sash in ^ Mia- ■ooal nor community adjustment Number One Job of the Commis­ teer Conimlttees are coordinating Number One, Order as head of the vue,” featuring Ada Leonard and ate From INSIDE Yonr Home! Re-tralnlng and Reamployment living to promote buoyant health Bekupre, P v t Lionel J. — Mrs. Griffiths, Tech. 5th Gr, Daniel Hartford. problems. Therefore, I believe that sion to Coordinate the efforts of available efforts and facilities In a her 20-piece AU-Glrl Band, is the these various agencies apd ^groups. Administration. General Hines has and vitality. LET US VITALIZE YOUR MOTOR Eugenje Beaupre, inother, 17 Ham­ L,—Mrs. Mary K. Klincke, sister, Walker, Flight Officer Horace Van Camp Bros. right job for each individual, so far as it 'is T h ese ** Bolky-Wlndows to Store In Cellar! we can pass over Incidents such as friendly, neighborly spirit, so that Headline in person attraction at No FnM — No Ladders — Little Time! As one proof that such coordina­ every Individual will get the rights been for many years the national Not 1 only moving pictures but ilton street, Hartford. ^ 8 Windsor avenue, Stratford. A.— Mrs. Horace A. Walker, wife, 15 Years' Experience! tiie farmer’s son, a boy who liked the State theater, Hartford, start­ guinea’, pigs will be used to illus­ . Our Spedal T h o n M n Bednarik, Sergt. Andrew W .. — Hale, Pvt. Sherman B.—George 63 Garden street. New Haven. "humanly possible, according to the aptitudes, fanning arid who expected to re­ tion Is absolutely necessary, let and benefits to which he is entitled, head of the Veterans Administra­ Features ^ ** Itself In Fuel Saved! tion In Washington. The Retrain­ ing today. Feattired In the band trate the lecture, and It should Vitallzer will presrars clean Andrew J. Bednarik, father, 34 C. Hale, father. Hales road. West- Wood. Pvt. William H.—Mrs, TELEPHONE 5244 6. No Down Payment— 86 Months To Pay! turn to hla father’s farm and car­ me refer to the Federal laws cov­ and which he may need to solve his prove both valuable and entertain­ needs and preferences o f the individual"? ering the reemployment of veter­ Individual adjustment problem. ing and Reemployment Adminis­ afe Florence and her drums, Ruth your motor, removing all Woodbridge avenue, Ansonia. port. Irene Wood, wife, 27 Park square, Free Inspections! ry on, and probably Inherit the Winger and,her "Swing Piano", ing. Begush, Second Lieut Thomas Hansen, Pfc. Walter R.—Mrs. Jewett City. property. Unfortunately, this lad ans. ’There are three such Fedir,. ....VSpeaklng of "Rights and Bene­ tration conals* of General Hines rust, oil dregs, Sfiid metal Let Us Show Yon a Rusco S-Wsy Combination tVliidowl tpe Symphonettes and the Glee The talks are open to the public, F. H. A. FINANCED — 86 MONTHS TO PAY. a very serioua attack of rheu­ eral laws imder which the respon- fits,’’ I did get one odd reaction as t?hairman; General Hershey as without charge, and every inter­ chips, leaving it nbspintely RAYMOND E. BALDWIN matic fever, which left hint with •■Iblllty for the reemployment of from a Committee Chairman, al­ national head o f Selectlvel Service; Club. Other headliners on the bill are Dios.a Costello. "Puerto ested person Is cordially Invited to clean. A special «olyent Is such a bad heart condition that he veterans is’ given to no less than though maybe ' not so.odd at that, and Mr. McNutt, head of the War attend. Following Tuesday eve­ GOyEHNOR OF CORNECTICVT will probably never be able to do four different agencies. With such ’This man said. "Rights and bene­ Manpower Commission. Under the Rican Tornado,” , star of stage used to .insure you that BARTLETT-BRAINARD CO. screen and radio; Cordyn and Saw­ ning's fine beginning, there will be 108 WOODBINE S'TOEET HARTFORD (6 ) the laborious work that is required a condition existing, it Is very evi­ fits ore fine, but doesn’t anyone law passed In 1944 known as the four more meetings In the pro­ your motor oil will be clear on the farm.' Nevertheless, until dent that there Is bound to he ever think lOf duties and respon­ “ G. I. •■^IIT’ which is one of the yer, and the Conover Cover Girls. WHY IS EVERYBODY TALKING ABOUT TELEPHONE 2-1259 gram, on Nov. 14, Jan. 18, Feb. 13 antf your motor free. Evenings and Sundays — Hartford — 8-6M7 had happened, the inhabitants overlapping of effort unless some sibilities? 'That Is not a bad three laws concerning the respon­ Ehctra added is Bert King, con­ and March 13. with excellent • Y O U W I N WITH BALDWIN • o f that particular community had means of coordinating these agen­ thought either, and It reminds me sibility of the returning veteran, ducing hla novel contest, "Dates speakers and pictures. Our Power Reverse-Plusher, when attached, will m ' thought that they would have no cies is found. At the State level, of my recent talk with Brig. Gen this retraining and reemployment for Servicemen." Girls are Invited flash all rust and dirt from your radiator, cleaning each adjustment problems. the Commission has done an excel­ Gramcr. is an Assistant Divi­ ailministration is the latest gov­ to participa'te and "win" a date Family AdJusUneht lent job. and I can say to you sion Commander of a combat divi­ ernmental agency to have such re- with a sailor, soldier or marine. core and assuring you easier 8tarting:and better driving T am sure that it Isn’t ncces- truthfuliv that the heads of the sion that has already seen two sponsibUity, and as head of thia Cast! and valuable prizes awarded NOTICE! this Winter. . Come in and let us rejuvenate your car for SILBROS-THE FAMILY aary to mention the case of the lad three principal Federal agencies years' service in the Southwest Pa^ administration. General Hines, to all participants. Showing on the bitter Winter months ahead. ,| ^ who lost a leg at Guadalcanal, but are fully In accord—not only aa to rifle area, so that he knows where­ among other things, says: “ Local screen, "Storm Over Lisbon” with Office of Jc^ph C. Barry, J am going to mention It because t|ie sphere of responsibility of of he speaks. cooperation is Important since Richard Arlen. M.D., 154 Main Street, Will it has a peculiar slant connected their own agrency, hut also fully in Want to Settle Down local organization may render serv- There will be a midnight show w ltt the necessity for family ad­ a; :ord with JUie plan of the Com­ "He said that "the .men, all the ice outside the scope of the Fed­ tonight only. Be Closed From October 21 Depot Square Garage HE\’S SHOPS justment, rather than adjustment mission. There are l.ate stage shows Sat­ FASHION DEPT. STORE men, over there are oonc.ernedf with eral programs...” "...the varie­ to October 26. ERNEST ROY, Prop. for the veteran. This lad survived “ Now, at last, I guess I can ty and complexity of applications urday and Sunday at 10 p. ra. get down to brass tacks and tell just one thing: to get home, get both the'wound Itself and the at­ for assistance will be great. Fed­ 241 NO. MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 5113 tending shock and was fully pre- you what this Plan of the Com- married, settle down to raise p a r ^ ’ta.his mind, and in fact quite mi.ision Is all about. flimlly In peace and comfort. Some eral programs will by no meana Mger, to take vocational training “ ’The Plan itself is aimed at will wont Jobs at once; some will meet all of these demands.’’ that would enable him to overcome finding solutions for Indlvlduar" ad­ want to go Into business for them- "Some committees have done a British- OF MANCHESTER bia jdiysical handicap. However, justment problems. If most -Jf selves; others will want to farm much . better job than others. I BOILERS When hs returned home for a rest these problems are solved In any it, and still others will want to sincerely hope that I have Inter­ AND period before undertaking this vo­ one community, then the commu­ further their training or education ested you enough so that you will American Club cational period, something hap­ nity adjustment problem of that —all to the same end, to live out want to find out about the com­ CHOICE their lives in peace and comfort The Big Reason! pened. Hie too loving mother sold commiuiity will also be solved; mittee in your home town and i FURNACES Mm oh .the idea that he should elt likewise on through the state and They don't want anything handed what it plans to do." YEAR’S BEST BUY down under the apple tree and re­ nation, so- that our overall adjust­ to them on a silver platter, but HIGH POWER VACUUM BINGO lax for the rest of his life. ment problem ma> never develop. they will expect the old home town CLEANED to have some tangible opportunl REAL ESTATE "Surely there Is no need for me The Plan is based on a philosophy Get all the heat yoo should from to mention the fact that a great which may very readily b e . sum- ties to offer. ^ You GeiCASH PLUS ^ your rationed fuel this Winter. IN many Iwys went Into the service rred up something like this: to fit ‘These m^ will know what T omorrow QUR NEW with m Loan from v» Let us condlttoB your heating dirtctly from school. They never square pegs Into square holes. their lights and benefits are, but plant now. CaO aay ttanel ' bad a job. Many of them haven’t they will also have a very keen ONT borrow unneceiMrUy. FOR SALE Most Trim HonM Pegs IlENRT J. PARENT the faintest idea of w^at they “ Let’s carry the figure of speech sense of their duties and responsi D but If a loan will lolve a Night would like to do for a living. And bllitles. All that they will want TEL. 3-0l8fi SINGLES— 4, 5, 6 Rooms. $4,800 - $7,000. As low as a JitUe further. Maybe some of the problem come to I and |et t ★ ★ ★ ★ STAR tlMU f am sure I could pass over from the home town will be rea theee plue advantagei: $400 down. the case df the young fellow who pegs win need to be shaved and In trimhled and polished a little, pei> sonable opportunities to fulfill 1. Loan* made on (Ignature only. SINGLES— 8,9,10 Rooms. $7,200 - $9,000. TOPCOATS & OVERCOATS worked as a sppol boyJn the Blge- these duties and responsibilities, low-Sanford plantpianf at 50c an hour. haps equ ei^ up. ’Thia, In the case 2 . Complete privacy always. For the Larger Homes with beautiful landscaped t of the indlyldiiM, can be done but If the community does not THRIFTY W AY TO He is now a fighter pilot in the come through with something very 3 . Prompt, friendly service, ORANGE grounds, $10,000 - $25,000." Southwest Pacific, and his Cap- through adjustment, training end ...... Hurry In Tomorrow Par Yours! education. Maybe, too, some of tangible, thru some of them may 4 E\rlu«lve— Nationwide Cash- A Reminder! 2-FAMILY DWELLINGS— $6,000 - $10,000. tMn’s commission with flight pay start looking for things on a silver Credit Card! laaued and hon­ and overseas pay brings his earn­ the holes must be reamed out a little. Orientation courses for boss­ platter. Some may even fall for ored here. When''You Need More HALL ONE 6-FAMILY DWELLING— $18,000. A fine invest­ S R ^ T CLOTHES ings to more than five thousand all sorts of wild schemes, and there Come In, phone or write today. ment. Good income. \ .dculan a year. I don’t believe any es, use of the Physical Aptitudes \ Approach by Industry, betterment are always demagogues ready o f you tMnk that this young man rise up and offer some. «»S«V" FARMS OF ALL KINDS—With and without stock. WHOLESALE CONNECTIONS of working conditions, might be • M U Insurance will be content to return to work A ssite af "It Is the duty of each commun­ ManMy UguM r From .3-150 Acres; $6,500 • $25,000.' ★ Aism FACTORY OPERATIONS It would be hard to dnd any coats as well mode aa as a spool boy. However, his em­ some of the answers. . ’Then we U te PuY— sN P n ■an*$ must match both peg and hole for ity Committee to be sure that the A FEW COTTAGES LEFT. Priced right. Buy now for these at anywhere near the price. H m ctrttlng, the ployee realises that this fellow has t l o o t 1 l 4 « 11173 $1003 Fire • Theft • Automobile FOR YOUR A S ^ R E LOWER COSTS AND alse. Counsel and guidance will be veterans get whatever rights and atitching, the nnder-the-snrface eonstraetton, the evidently developed qualities of benefits they need. The veterans 300 UM »* 7 4 or Furniture next Summer. Lake fronts. $1,200 • $5,000. SELLING TO YOU FOR LESS! atyling . . from start to finish . . . Is phuined leadership that had never been needed to take care of this. 300 $4.48 34.30 i9 .1 T "So there is the phiTosophy of will be only too happy to assume OVERSEAS BOXES We Also Buy Your Property At Fair Prices! no yon will have a perfect fitting, hondaomet]^ de­ euapected and that Blgelow-San- and carry out their duties and re- Tb« aWve sttedw** l« teted te CALL signed coat that will give yon long, aatlnfsi^ry ford can make good use out of the Plan. Most people do accept SMB*ly ttpaymeaH ted feehede elwte Mortgages Arranged. For Prompt Service, List Your BUYING DIRECT IN FABRIC it, but there are exceptions. Once spohgibiUtles. service . . . that will always look good on you. Uloas qualities of leadership. No Two Problems Alike U«n« $10 •• $100 Xmas paper — Seals and Property With: Commission Plans In a while I find a man who says MARKETS, MAKES US CER­ that all this talk of training, coun­ No twp community committees Alexander Greeting "Since there can be no doubt in work exactly alike. However, they Ribbon .. . . Al TAIN OF LASTING QUALITY your mind that there will be Indi­ sel, and so forth. Is the bunk. Slap the guy into a job and forget all have one common goal, which is Cards . . . Sto| At The AND READY ALERTNESS TO vidual and community problems of to fit square pegs Into square holea. W IL L IA M F. JOHNSON adjustment, I would like to tell about him, they say. But what FINANCE CO.: Jarvis PURCHASIN G OPPORTUNI­ \ | about the lad with the bad heart Real Estate — MortKages Builder of Fine Homes you a little about the plans of the Stste Theater Mdg. Blue Front Restaurant TIES! \ Connecticut Re-erriployment Com­ who wax' slapped into a laborious *nd Flnar. TrI. S4M Insurance \ 100% VIRGIN WOOL mission for finding solutions to Job and dropped dead from over- U. R. Bruwa, Mgr. MRS. K O W A L SK I, A

I ' i ■A :\


Ma n c h e s t e r e v e n in g h e r a l d , M a n c h e s t e r , cur FKipAT, OCTOBER ZO, 194« X BIAniUHESTBK EVSNINO HERALp, MAMCRESTER. OOim„ FRIpAT, OCTOBER 20, 1944 Saturday, Oct. 21. They will .at­ The Public May Fool Them tend a Nuptial High mass at -St, quest of John J. Hillmian o f 198 that .haa been done In Conm maintain a ^Commufiicationa aya- > Manchester Expect 3^000 New Voters RockviOe Patrick's (Cathedral in New York Soap Makers So much of the c,ampaignlng In Groups Visit Vernon street to build closer to the Ord^ers Support in World War Two.” tem ready stifr^iiutant uaq tlilit ;city on Saturday morning at 11 Bo^d’Denies street line, because o f Isck o f in­ W ar Without the council, he W d , reaches even rM rn er o f the atate, this alKimportant election of 1944 ^ Evening Herald o’clock. formation. "Connecticut never could havA es- he said. The clrctla fira disaster at Here Before, November 7 The couple have two children, Offer Blood For Unborn Child has been devoted to the lowest lev­ Dance Places Tolland First tabllahed its inagnlflcent record of Hartford in JulVyand tlie tropical Azitezica's Finer Tea a*S§i^?iS2 ma , els o f human intelligence that it Thomas N. Bums of Spring street Liquor Pleas Work Lauded co-ordinated activity in time hurrtoana w)ilch. swept the state U BiaMlI StrM f and Mrs. Herbert Spiller Of Union Los Angclea,' Oct. 20— (F)— An national emergency.” Jn^Beptember wqrevclted if two . KuolMatw. Conn. would be a proper thing, once the The number of new voters m ade®of new voters made this year and street They also have two grand­ Per Cent o f Orford Yugoslavs Seize 'IH TIIAS fTOOtTBON Adults and Youngsters 20 imbom child has the same right to 51,178. Trained as Raid Warden disasters whicll th^commulilca- election la over, for political atrat- with another session to be held to­ To Get Quota children, Thomas Bums and Jo- Zoning- Officials Grant Ctaomi U k a v n in Manchester this year went over support as any other, Superior Baldwin Sees Record The council, he said,, waa n fe tlons ayatemto brotight prompt re- To Decide bn Site for morrow from 9 a. m„ to 8 p. m., Ann Spiller. Soap Co. Employees fioana*d Ootobw 1. MP , egista responsible to be compelled the 2,500 mark when 4# were made Two Other Requests Dalmatian Port Judge Goodwin J. Knight ruled In ated during hia aponse by alerting -all. emergency \ta Justify publicly their estimate the number is expected to go over Pinochle Tonight To Donate on Oct. 27. ordering Western Actor Rod Cam­ As Being Without Any ‘and reorganized r v lc e ^ - • POMUbai^ £??7 M A Teen-Age Canteen. at the session of the Selectmen 3,000. Goal of $950 Is Over- The Men’s Club of the Rockville term and it had ______SBniOays •»< BoHd*jr». ^ **J ? _** of the American public. And Table Another. eron to start payments of | 1 6 0 The W ar council, he said, had and town clerk held from 6 to 9 The session tomorrow will be Methodist chui;ch w ill hold a pub­ London, O ct 20— (F)— Yugoslav Equal in All Nation. and wemen aa aii:-;itiid wardens, rn S o n e m «t Conn.. subscribetl; Rockville The Orford Sokp Company ia / monthly today to Toni S t Jqhn ruited workers for the state’s ■SondOMo UPl Hatter.______Are the great majority of the The Youth Activities Advisory o’clock last night. One soldier was the last opportunity to be made a lic pinochle party this evening at partisan forces have captured the for support of a baby she sayp she when civilian d^nee waa one of the most recent addition to the in­ in-'uitries and had sponsored Council with Chairman Louis U made in absentia- Of the 49, 18 Voter with the exception of those 8 o’clock in the reemation rooms Two petitions before the Zoning expects in December. Bridgeport, Oct. 20—(F)—Gov­ its major du^iek. i n BBCEIPnOW BATBS American voters mMOne? Must a Campaign Progressing dustrial planta whose donations of important Dalmatian port of Du­ jnSiiy major improvements not Hohenthal. the Housing committee registered as Republicans and 15 whoM right to vote mature before at the church. Board of Appoals, both rriatlng to Miaa St. John, former secretary ernor Baldwin in a radio address In addition, be eald, 12,000 aux­ only In Industry but In Federal OIM Tonr by I" " candidate, in presenting an issue In New Guinea blood do 80 much to help keep brovnik, Marshal Tito announced Par month by and the Young People's Council, as Democrats, while 10 did not election day, November 7, when a tho aalo o f Uquor, were denied. The today in a communique broadcast to Ventriloquist Edgar Bergen, al­ last night lauded the record of the iliary >-flremen were recruited, housing. m u H " Rockville, Oct. 20— (Special)— Stnclo Cop or a point of view, ajways restrain yesterday afternoon made a can­ register with either party. session will be held November 6 to Major Francis H. Burke of the Manchester’s record high ^ t h the leges Cameron is the baby’s father. manyireplacing the volunteer flre- United States Army is now sta­ Red Cross Blood Donor Service. apifilcatlon of John Unites, of 484 by the Free Yugoslav radio. Connecticut W ar council as-being Dollvoind i himself from making the- Intelli­ vas o f the places the youths sug­ This brings to 2,516 the number | make them. The town of Tolland is the first The bulletin also announced He denies paternity, and'saye he ineh in rural towns; an approxi­ Woctern StetM tioned in New Guinea. He is the Twenty per cent of the Orford Wethersfield avenue, ' Hartford, “without equal In , the United^ gent argument end deliberately gested as places where they could town in ■ Tolland county to reach that partisan artillery was shell­ and Miss St. John went through a mately 1,200 auxiliary state po­ The\Bureau of Animal Industry head of the 63rd Portable Surgl- workers have signed up for ap­ for permission to sell battled beer TEA mBHBSR or gather evenings. marriage ceremony in Mexico last Statea,” and said that the council lice and 4,000 auxiliary local police of theYl. S. Department of Agri­ select, instead, the argument even more devastating blows at its quota in the W ar Fund drive, caP hospital. He was stationed at ing German positions in Zagreb, TbO A880CIATBD PRBS9 The Housing committee with Smoke Now pointments for the October -27(h at the Arcadia Diner on Tolland capital of Croatia, and said the April ” to legitimatize U)e child.” deserved ”a great share of^' the had been recruited and trained. culture \ waa founded on May 29, h i Pac^cagM and Tea Bag* at Year OieoM*s Tho AMOclated Pro»i 1* McJi^ToIy which will best appeal to primi­ Ji^an.” according to the announcement of Camp ^w le, Texas, before going visit of the Mobile Unit, which la turnpike, which he reeenUy'open- The marriage later was annulled. glory for outstanding war work •■titlod to tho u»# of ropuBHontlon — A 1^11 oarriee client of N. B. A flonrlce lie correctly to Judge that Its vote eral MacArthur furnishes another in Red Men's Hall. , Since about 400 donors must be The request o f John Mitchell to Thomas Robinson, Ralph An- licitors still to make their reports. “Fiddler” and prompter furnished (Continued from Page One) example o f teamwork and the ef­ Marriage Intentions registered for the 27th, to allow conduct a gasoline station at 367 tec- . can be Influenced by the same kind zlnger, Janet Iverson. Ann Krliit- The Horton Manufacturing Com­ music fo r old-fashioned square fective and intelligent use of all Miss Margaret Lillian Kashady for Illness, rejections, etc-, and not Oakland street and Albert and PBbtiohen Reprooontidloee! ^ of moronic radio sugar which macher and Amelia Farr of the pany of Rockville Is the first plant o f 'Vernon and Zigmund Litwin- dances as more than 100 friends other factors. The flnsT figure will weapons;” nearly that number are now on Frank Steele to sell gasoline at Jtalluo lUthowo Special A»ancy—w a « Youth group. in the city to complete its canvass and neighbors last night .helped seems to sell clgarets and body de­ be close to the, 257,500,000,000 The pr ident in another mes­ chyk of Coventry have filed mar­ 568 Centeq street, was granted. Torfc. Cbleaso, i^etrolt and Boot on. These looked over the East and and reach its quota. William A. riage intentions at the office of the appointment sheet. It la hoped Mr. and Mrs. Lew is’ H. Cioe o f odorants? Does a half-truth, per­ made in 1943 and will con^are sage asked President Osmena to that the next few days will bring The request of Patrick Madden ■URKAO or West Side Recreation Centers, the Kiihnly, superintendent o f the the Vernon Town Clerk. to enlarge the garage building at Powder Hill mark their 6tth wed­ tmiBBR AODIT with 243,500,000,000 in 1942. tell the Philippine people that forth a great many, calls— to Mrs. CUtCULATIUNa sistently and laboriously repeated, Y. M. C. A., Nornmn street club, plant reports that with the contri­ Chestei W . Sullivan, U. S. Ma­ 117 Birch street, which was tabled ding anniversary. Mrs. (ilarence Besides this, total overseas ship­ when the Japanese itlvade.s have Louis Custer. 3017— from those Tba Barald Printing Oompany. lap.. eventually win acceptance by the old Day Nursery and two rooms in been driven ’ out, the Philippines butions of the employees and the rine corps, of this city, and Miss from a meeting held last month, Brainard of New Britain, only sur­ ments of tax-free cigarettes to the donation of the company Ita em­ Yolanda Orslno, o f 10 Goodman who want to help In the vital work ss8uni6S DO- (InwJclEi r6®poM ibinty for American public as p whole and the •nnker building. There was no will take their place as a free and was granted last night. viving child of the couple, was armed forces will be about 63,000,- ployees would cover the six-hour place, Hartford, have appUSd for of sending life to many wounded typographical a r ^ appearin f ln_aa- final truth? Does a CAndldate’a deflnite word from either of the Independent member o f tha fam ily No action was taken on the re­ present. mtiaementa In The Itoncheotar committees, although several of 000,000 in 1944, against 32,000,- wage requirement. a marriage license at the Bureau men. of nations.” Bing HeralA ______■ ■ smooth radio technique establish the sites were condemned, due to 000.000 lij 1943 and approximately ’The canvass of local stores and of Vital Statistics In Hartford. Any person who has a relative or friend in the service Is invited Friday, October 20 his right to be elected? Does the unlimited facilities. 6.000. 000.000 in 1942- offices has started and will be com­ employment of radio aob-slsters, Place To Dance Have First CislI pleted within the next few days. to make a donation in honor o f that uniformed man or woman, The purpose of the visits to the Although there will be almost as Bricker Gives The house to house canvass will be To Hold Dances male or female, pay off in votes? but whether It Is In honor of a MacArthnr Retorni various sites was to secure a place many cigarettes produced for started last .and thoee who have Does It make a difference whether given .through their employment Manchester fighting man or In OFFICIAL NOTICE where the«teen agers could gatk domestic use this year, so-called Jobs Program At Assembly Hall The invasion of the Philippines or not some crotmer votes one way er evening! as well as to dance. will not be asked to give again. As­ honor of all those fighting men popular brands w ill be scarcer beJ sistance haa been g;iven by the Boy who are bound to become casual­ comes within a few weeks of or another?. Would it be a fatal The latter seems to be the main cause soldiers and sailors overseas Scouts who have delivered copies The first in a series of Sports ties before the war Is over, now Is three years after similar Invasion error for a party and lU candi­ purpose of their demands. The ((^tinned from Page One) have first call. of "Connecticut War Fund News” Night dances at the High school a good time to make that contri­ MAKING VOTERS Adult Board Is willing to assist In Still more tobacco la earmarked • by tba Japs. That is, from one dates to test their chances solely throughout the city. A number of assembly hall will take place to­ bution toward the bank of blood establUhlng a place that the for lentMeaae and export. Amount­ of living. Controlled economy is The Sdectmen and Town Clerk o f the Town o f Man^- \ angle, a long time. and exclusively upon what they synonymous with fewer Jobs, regi­ donation:, have been received from night at 8 o’clock, Principal Edson plasma that must ,be op hand In youngsters can call their o ^ . The ing to abovft half that set aside ■Civic and Social Clubs and those cheater h m b y give notice that they will be in session ■i But from the angle of our own felt to be the atralghtfotward final decisions of the sites will be mentation, a standard of living M. Bailey announced thta morn­ every part o f the world. for domestic use. such stocks vdU who have not yet donated are ask­ ing. Remember the phone number, truth of their case? left up to the youngftera. based upon the whim of the bur­ at the T o ^ Clerk’s .Office in the Municipal Building for calculations as to when we would total the equivalent of 141.000,- ed to send in their contributions to These dances Were held last 3017. Mrs. (duster will be glad to Both groups will report back to eaucrats In an absolute form of the purpose of examining the qualifications of electors •> be able to do it, it comes qiUckly. The appeal to the emotions, the 000 000 cigarettes for the year the fund headquarters. year on Friday nighta and they make all appointments st the 4 government.’’ theif bodies and action is expect­ ending June 30. 1945, against 106,- Receive Letter and admitting to the ELECTORS’ OATH those who shall ■ .* American miracle-working has marshaling of clever artlflclalltles, proved to be popular with the most convenient hours possible. ed to take place immediately. 126.000. 000 the preceding year. Must Be Hope for Profit Mr. and Mrs. Frank Busher, o f be found qualified on the following days: asver been more clearly demon­ and the fear of any unadorned re­ youngsters. The dance is open to Should N ot Grow Worse He contended that there could be Chestnut street, have received a all and as in the past, many of the- strated than in the long and skil­ liance upon the Intelligence of Ihe Most sources expect the short­ no prosperity without hope of letter written by Pvt. Peter Pe- 'teen-agers are e.xpected t o , at­ Elen’s Club Wins Saturday, October 14 and Saturday, October 21, lful preparations for this moment, average American voter himself Big Planes age to continue for at least tw profit and reward for initiative, rotti, who lived them, and who had tend. and that this applied to employer from 9 a. m. until 8 p. m. brilliant fighting which has Is so common to both sides of this nr three months. Government o®** previously been reported injured The socials Will be held every cials have said the scarcity should and employe alike. in Italy by the War Department. Friday evening depending on the In Card Tourney its prelude, the expert and campaign that It will be difficult Now Lead not grow any worse. Bricker asserted that the Amer­ In the letter, Private Perottl states size o f the attendance. Until the Said first session may be publicly adjourned from aut^rltatlve use of great force to And either JusUflcstlon or refu­ ican system of private enterprise, that he had a shrapnel wound in Most important, there Just aren t basketball season opens, Thanka- St. Bridget’s Men's Club defeat­ time to time but no session shall be belli later than with, which the Invwlon itself is tation of auch theories in the elec­ In Output enough stocks of aged tobacco. under which the American stand­ his shoulder, was in a base hos­ glving evening at the State ard of living has become the envy pital getting good medical care ed the Campbell Council K. of C. Saturday, October 21, except a session to examine and tion result itself. ^ ■! I I'l » Civilians would have found even Armory, dances will be held in the balng undertaken. of the world,” coqld not survive in and that It was difficult to get team at setback last night by 281 admit those whose rights shall have matured after ^ t - £ i (CJonttBoefl Frontpage One) few6r cigarettes ha^ It not been High school. On Friday nighta points to take a commanding lead Our'^progress across the Pacific Meanwhile, it can only be ob­ for excellent crops this year. owned and managed industrial cor­ used to sleeping betiyeen sheets af­ when the local team is playing urday, October 21 and on or before Monday, November porations financed by taxpayers.” ter having spent so'much time in in the secont’ sitting. The score be& something of which all served that both campaigns are in Naval reconnaissance and trans- The crop this year Is estimated home, these dances will not be was 885 to 651. The high score was 6,1944, which session shall be held on Monday, Novem- at 1072 260,000 pounds, compared Nor can it survive, be continued, foxholes. Private Perottl Is with held, but when the team goes on A m erica ^ can be proud. It has the bands of experts who make it ports. made by Matthew Merz and John b w 6,1944, from 9 a. m. until 12 noon. with a r;icort high of 1.170.910 OM so long as it is subjected to un­ the Fifth Arm y In Italy and haa tie road, Friday night will again been a i^rfect combination of their profeaalonal business to In the beginning of the vast reasonable government control and seen much action on that front. Robinson of St. Bridget’s team construction program, the averaga In 1930. Crops of hurley—mixed be an activity night at the school. with 162 points and James W. Fo­ Naturalized citizens must present naturalization front line ^ghting brilliance on know what kind of advertising, to an unstable system of taxation Received Flag airframe weight of an Amertc^ with flue-cured stocks to make clg- ley and James Cummings, also certificate before being admitted. ^Ha and on tand and in the air what kind of argument, what kind arettea-^also are describW as which 'is designed to confiscate S t Joseph’s Parochial school re­ Stumped F< r Bride’s Naaie • % warplane was only 3,029 pounds. ceived the award of the Minute playing for the St. Bridget’s team, of appeal succeeds best with this wealthy and to promote radical won second place with 143 points. with wonder^ home front pro- By September this year it had in­ very good.” Man Flag on ’Thursday for the ex­ Signed: But even with more raw tobacco changes in our way of life.” Seminole, Okie.— OP)— An 80- There will be no game next week tbicUon backing, tnd with flaw- American public of ours. They creased to nearly 10,300 pounds, cellent record which has been increased Cigarette output would Would Bepodlato "Allen Foroea" yesr-old man, applying for a mar­ as the members of the K. of C. SHERWOOD G. BOWERS, and w ill increase sUU further as made the past two months In the Isas, imaginativb planning by our make their living by not being be questionable. Manpower short­ Calling for a repudiation of riage license, was stumped when have other engagements, but the DAVID CHAMBERS, more and more giant planes, such sale o f W ar Bonds and Stamps. high oommanda wrong, and they are being paid ages affect farm operations, fac "alien forces,” Bricker said: asked the given name of the 77- play will 13 resumed on Nov. 2. as the Boeing Super-Fontress (B- Mrs. Raymond E. Baldwin was CECIL W. ENG LAND , Inry production and distribution to ”1* refer in particular to Earl year-old bride-to-be. He said he In a great fulfUlpnent of the Jus­ now not to be wrong. 29) and Consolidated Domlnator originally scheduled to come to JACK M. GORDON, Browder and his Communist reckoned he’d better go and check D ry cure and brine o r plclUe tice of both poetry and honor, it But through It all we have a (B-32) are produced, The airframe the ultimate consumer. Rockville to make the award but organlcation in this country. up, adding thoughtfully: "Most of cure are two general methods for CLARENCE N. LUPIEN, weight of one of these giant bomb­ Cartons Scarcity Problem was unable to do so and Mrs. Mil- 'is General DougUia Mac Arthur hopeful hunch. It la that moat of Through Sidney RlUman and his JOHN I. OLSON. ers is approximately 49,000 mine, treasurer of Litchfield coun­ my wives have been named Mary.” curing meat. who leads the A m eri^ flag back this campaign stuff is wasted en­ A critical scarcity of cartons and PAC, they alreody-cpntrol the New pounds, roughly twice the weight ty represented Mrs. Baldwin. She HAROLD M. REED, shipping cases are a problem. Deal and the historic Democratic f ALEI WARDS GUARANTEED REDUCEDI TOD-QUA^TY Into tba FhUipplnas, And It Is ne ergy, and that tba avarage Ameri­ of a Fortress (B-17) or Liberator presented a citation which Includ­ Board o f Selectmen. MAPU BIDROOM SUITI, | | 0 s 8 8 t Stories that heavy demand by party.” who Issues tbb first official Ameri can la, after all, making up hla (B-24). , ed a facsimile of the Bill of Rights. # , wMaM 0d.k A prisoners of w ar has greatly in­ He asserted that "President a#, own mind on what he considers (Airframe weight la the weight creased domestic consumption and Dorothy Orlowska gave tho Wel­ SAMUEL J. TURKINGTON, BID, CHEST, D R U flR BATTERY 3.44 SURER HOUSE FAINT oan announcement of t ^ Invasion Roosevelt himself ia their political 2.68 o f a plane without motor, propeller, come to the Guests and Romay Itself. \ the real Issues o f the day. He may that some wholesalers are sending prisoner, and has been for a long Town Clerk. tires,„fhdlo and similar equipment.) all their stocks to war plants are Zbyk accepted the Minute Man bnpresMva pieces in the rugged construction and the mellow beauty 80 ampere-hour capacity. . ; 3 9 standard plcrte' a , 6 -monlh Laboratory tasit prove there's no flnertiousei point made, regardfam^ A s he points out, the last Jtimp bavs to delve and burrow in order time. September production underacqr- linlmportant factors In the shortage Flag. Albln Matya gave a poem, “Make no mistake about it,” Dated at Manchester this 11th day o f October, 1944. of birch vepeers and hardwood—finished Maplel Full-size bed, guarantee! A dependoble battery at a low Ward Week pricel of name or price, than Wards SUPBil 1^ goes farther, hides b e lie f im land forces are making to be­ to And them, and he may have to ed the trend toward more powerful when taken Individually, say trade ’Tribute to the Minute Man Flag.” Bricker declared. “ Earl Brow­ gin tbts invasion la one of 600 brush aside all aorta o f inconse planes: 7.698 planes of all types sources, but the two factors do The average for the achool for this chest and dresser all at this Value Pricel Built to high Ward stand­ Salel Kwik Start . . . KX) ampere-hour copcKUy, 4S heovy lasts longerl Since paint issthe smallest part of ^ cost of a I der and the Communists are de­ were accepted compared with 9,317 mean g^reater domestic demand all past two months period has been miles. A s he points out, be Mmaelf quentlal rubbish In order to get a termined to bring about a revolu­ ards that assure your satisfaction. Genuine Plate G la u mirror. duty plotaa . . . 18-monlh guarontaa...... 4.BB ax . paint job, the best, most durable paint wif) In the long nin t In March, the peak month numerl* the w ay around when added to­ 97 per cent. was, only 16 months ago, -^.liOO clear view of them. But we're tion in thie country.” cally, and 7,937 in August. Air­ gether. Wedding Saturday NMa Stand, 8 .8 8 ) Bed, Chest onh Vanity, M4.8B; Bench, 6,44 Salel Winter King . . . woad-glau InsulaHon far longer Ufa; Save mere than ever thru this special pricbl miles away from the Philippines willing to bet that. In the end, he frame weight in September (ex­ Some circles say black market He added that the Communists, Miss Audrey Ruth Nutland. Only 20% Down! Monthly Paymoat Pkml 2-yr. guarantae. 45 heavy duty plotai, MO amp-hr, ,6.38 ax. Quart (roducad)...... 87c _ Single OaTleh (redu5afI‘.s...U B 1,-the width of the AtlanUc. ThU reaches a pretty sane and mature cluding spare parts) amounted to operations are increasing with con­ having failed to bring a^ut a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert 78.900.000 pounds compared with revolution” by open attacks on Nutland o f Ward street and Corp. area has been negotiated as the view o f why hla vote should go sumers paying premiums. Hoard 70.700.000 in August. Weight per the American ayatem,” were now Leonard F. Golemba, aon o f Mr. result of brllUant strategy, hltUng one way or the other and that, ing by some consumers has sc- Si#.’ plane, at 10,270 pounds, was 2 per centuated the shortage, they add "detennlilbd to bring it about by and Mrs. Frank Golemba of Belle­ "■a* the Japs where they were not, these political psychology experts cent greater In September than boring from within.” vue avenue, will be married oh Sat­ urday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at Announcing when that was possible, Bquees-< could really get a glimpse into his August. Tuma to Fleoal Polldea Combat planes constitute 64 per Turning to the ^Democratic ad­ St. Joseph’s Rectory. Miss Nut­ Ing them and extinguishing them mind, they would find Mr. and Hails Invasion cent o f aU planes (230,000) produc­ ministration’s fiscal policies, land is employed In the office of C O C K T A IL t a b l e SALEI ^('SUFREMI ^ A N U L A T E D when It was necessary, and. in Mrs. America don’t buy a Presi­ ed since July, 1940. Here Is the Bricker related that Mr. Roose­ the Hamilton Standard Propeller general, using daring UcUca dent the way they buy a smoke division by Weight: Bombers, 32 Of Philippines velt in 1932 said he regarded a re­ Company and Corporal Golemba la MAHOGANY FINISH QUALITY" OIL R O C K W O O L per cent; lighters and Naval recon­ stationed at Camp Stewart Geor­ The Oi^ning O f which made a mockery of the Jap o r soap flakes. But our bunch duction in Federal spending as naissance, 32 per cent; trainera, 23 gia. He is now home on furlough. scheme of stolen empire defense doesn't help us now. We can’t ^(Continued fro n Page One) "the most direct and effective per cent; transports, 8 per cent contribution that government can Engage Teacher While General MacArthur was Sals Prkai prove it to anybody, least of all to communications, 5 per cent. make to buainesa.” Miss Janet Morrell has been en­ the will and the power” to teac gaged as history teacher at the 8.88 negotiating these 2,500 miles along those political strategists who. If 83c- “ But note,” the Ohioan contln- Japan "the coat of treachery and Rockville High school to succeed the southern approach to the Phil they ever should accept it, would ued, ”how hia sentiments changed Foreign Stand deceit." Miss Barbara McLeod who recent­ An excepHonally good looking You can't buy baiter oil no mof* htulole your home now, c M cava ippines, the United States Navy be out of a Job.' W ith our Allies, he said, “we after he had run up the highest ly resigned to qecept a position at table'm the economy-price brock­ was covering even greater dis shall teach this lesson so that Ja peace-time., debt in our history. Meriden. Mias Morrell haa taught WARD’S ter how much you poyl So stock money at Words low sale prtea Of Dewev Hit pan will never forget It.” In 1939, when the debt had tanc'es and using even more dar­ for over two years at the Stafford et. Solid hordwQod with rich up now ert this low W ard Week i i . save a lot more this wMer. Roosevelt On Tour Promites Islands Freedom reached 40 billion dollars, he told Springs High school. She la . a ing strategy in its long march As American troops plunged In the Retailers’ National forum: Wabrut finish. Top is grained- price. Triple filtered, double de­ (Continued (ron Page One) graduate of Mount Holyoke Col­ too, in lower fuel b ills You con Bern— the Central Pacific. Only a President Roosevelt’s campaigp to the central Philippines, Mr. ’ ‘Our national debt after all ia lege knd has attended several sum­ leather effect fiber-boardi Glass Roosevelt In a statement promised an internal debt owed not only waxed. The RIGHT o8 for cork buy now and pay nothing ^ Da* year ago, the whole string of Jap tour at New York City tomorrow, mer sessions at the University o f and employment. freedom to the islands as soon as by the nation but to the nation. Jf Connetclcut She will teach three inset protects from mars. front line Pacific defenses was sUU Truman left with northwest vot­ at...'. '..Jt. trucks and traetoni comber. *18 sq. ft. 3 hdiet deeps together with other prospective General MacArthur’s forces clear our children have to pay Intej^t classes In early European History In existence between us and the campaign appearances of a simi­ ers the ple^e to keep the war out the Japanese, saying: on It they will pay that interest and two In United States History. planta going and to provide all nec Philippines. American task forces, lar nature, can be Judged to be In "W e shall free the enslaved peo­ to themsmves.” Celebrate Annlveraaiy essary government power projects ples. W e shall restore stolen goods Mr. and Mrs. Thqmas J. Bums, marines and infantry unlU blast­ response to two aspects of the to provide “ the nucleus of a great and looted wealth to their right­ of 13 Talcott avenue, will celebrate ed those defenses out of existence, prosperity for the entire nation.” A piece of rubber gives off heat Republican campaign against him. ful owners. W e shall strangle the when stretched. their 30th wedding anniversary on Speaking in Seattle’s Civic Audi- SAUI WARDS one by. one, until today we have a In the first place. Governor black dragon of Japanese miU- h n e c o a u DAMPER CONTROL torlum, "Tniman declared the gov­ clear sweep from Hawaii to the tariam -forever." ' Dewesr’t hard-hitting attacks have ernment must develop a program Philippines, to FormoM, almost to The president declared that "we W O O D h e a t c i i HAWTHORNi BIRi / P R IC E S L A S H E D I . \ ] the White House political com­ to encourage use of the plants by have learned our lesson about Ja­ the coast of. Japan itself. mand worried. The vigor of those private industry. pan. W e trusted ber and treatM Their use, he declared, must be The grandeur and greatness A f attacks baa been such as to dispel her with the decency due a cm - Complete stock of Toys for all ^ e kiddies. Word Wm It this whole Pacific campaign can brought about by “government Used neighbor. W e were foully be­ Oolyi any previous White House theory that will place the operation of 49.25 27.88 11.44 be a matter for all-American trayed. . The pripc, of the lesson Use Wards Layaway Plan. $1.00 down will that the ca m p a i^ can be weath­ these plants and the welfare of was high. N ow w a ^ r e going to ...yeuK wqnl pride. ered out on a disdainful basis. A c­ millions of workers ah wp the sel­ teach Japan herJesimn.” Outstanding vakwl Large cast-v Jhe lowest price ever for Woede y j: As we now enter the Philip­ fish interesU of those who fear hold any toys up to $10.00 until Dec. 1st. cordingly. the Preeldent is now RedeenM Fledge Made iron drum 'and firepot will circur a Ward Howthornel lightweight pradaon mode damper conlroll'^ pines, it is at a point calculated to competition.” The Philippine Invasion redeems golifg to campaign ^in all-out.fash­ The Truman party planned to ar­ late enough heat to keep 3 or 4 ^.. strong . . . eoty-pedolling for divide that archipelago roughly the pledgesdge made when American For any hond-firod heating cy^ ion, apparently from now until rive at Butte at «:16 p. mi (m. w. troo]^ aunendcred on Ctorregidor V Stuffed Animals in two. The full reconqueit of all rooms at a comfortable tempeiv wartime tronsportotion. Men’ll tern. Changes damper cglHng oa election day. t.)T SUto Democratic Chairman and miuka another "way station 25 NEW FALL Lester H. Noble was axpectsd to the islands promises to be a long This is a tribute. to the Repub­ bn the road to Japan," he said, ature at low cost* Walnut finish. ■Women's. I** change in room tompefafumb and arduous campaign. The neu board the train at Missoula with adding: "We promised to return, s I T m ^ M .yC y a y R «Y Ai Paint Sets lican campaign as waged to date, Senator Murray (D-Mont). Sove^of Wanfc h w ^ rk o l Saves fuel, time, work. Buy nowl tralization of the Jap position in we have returned." and the fact that their campaign The senator leaves Butte Satur­ In a meseage to General Mac the Philippines may be something day night, stopping At Mobrldge has thus compelled the President Aetbur, the preeldent said “you - VALU ES TO $14,981 ' C ^ y o n t and Aberdeen, 8. D.. fo r brief plat­ Monopoly Cut-prica else again. Into open political activity ia one have tha nation’s gratitude and Stardy, MiiUran'a Pine-Valued Salel Sava aa That we have, in some measure, form appearance! prior to spending the nation’s prayars for succesa W aito / that Republicans can accept with Sunday night |tnd Monday at Mln- Abaorbenl Law-Fifoad Breodclorti Supreme Tuaibleral • already achieved, merely through as you and your men fight your Bingo B askelsl legitimate [deasure. nea^Ufl. Minn. - , way back to Bataan. The whole Desks \ pish Clethe Panrtaa Brassierec Speik plug Raducodi the use of carrier-home planes Sheer Seamless Flannelette In the second place, the Presi­ American nation today exults at t and remotely based bombers. Now dent’s public appearances have the news that the gallant men on' GO W NS A N H 36c the establi^meht of land-based der your command have landed HOSIERY Doctor’s Kits Rockers 6^I7< been Judged necessary as the only Open Forum ' 8 ‘ 3 5 * plane operatioiis in the Philippines on PhUiPpine aolL” A daa*ie toat tjjat ^ 829-98 Heavy ntlon ewde for waor, Sifooth, sturdy cote n knita wMi SUnfuHy deiignedi Delightfully None finerl Knife.edge electrode Beduced for yds salel Sturdy 9'«s. eopodlyl Strong dew gleei possibls way to answer the whis­ Mr. Roosevelt noted in the Reduced To PAJAMAS promises to place a destructivs wovee for abserbeneyl Pull double Mek yoke Olio ooiciv comfortable,I Smooth coltoa for fait, economical starts, leak'* woihable fiber baskets bi e p*ocimi|ono wvfmmsni wanrjwmw pering campaign, more potent A Book For Ua All statement that "w e have landed in tttia ah cU 8666 o r Wagons DoU (Cribs aloud over all Japanese operations To the'editor; ,• V I 8 ]6 * a 15)4*. Oeed veluetl strongly se«m seenM. broadele^.32 to 38. j proof eopper godmt. Save ne«4 variety of dteerfbl poflerMl lUMblGfll $OVS flOVfe than ever this election year, about the Phiiippinea to redeem the 39c, 3 Pr.. $1.00 $2.98 la the area, and it may soon ex­ My fellow ctUrena: Have you pledge we made years ago ^ e c ca n o iu . In w a rn ' the President’s health. It is re­ bought your copy of "America" tend an air arm to the west, sev- when the last American troops PttU Toys Lincoln Logs grettable that such campaign yet? The man who wrote it, surrsndtrsd on. Cbrregidor after a»*toa9t looW wool, snperbly tailored tha muqbq K w Knit Rayan Men's New., Flaacl aring Jap sea communications Stephen Vincent Benet, wrote Bays* Smart tours seem necessary for such a five months ,md 88 days of bitter McKEM ^ ------9-a-aa- With the Jap conquests ih the In- many vdaa and beautiful things in O liisfa w l S t Themewoad Wax Now reason. It ia especially regrettable reaistanee against overwhelming Whitmore way, Thf dies. his lifetiinA but nothing wiser, enemy strength.” U m Wardf Time Payment Plan for All Your Sharta Dartk Backs Ties RadweedI \ because a necessary part of such nothing more beautiful than w C ,-:- General MacArthur returned to Aaottier Baag Ob Loag Ladder SNOW SUITS .98 ■,. ' ■ - ■ - ■ '. : ■ , \ ■ . .. ' _ MANCHESTER EVENtNC HERALD, BIANCHEST^. CONN- FRIDAT, OCTOBER 20. 194* \ MANGHEStfcR fttnUHlNO HERALD; WANCHESTRR; OCRm. FRIDAT, OCTOBER 2 0 ,194« » B G ^ — — '; '. ’— ^ summejr. Call Mrs, Louis Custer, ation .chould be given in the mean­ 91235323482323482323482348484800010000000100000002 bor and trained nurse, saw the pany, who dlsooverefd his body y sdio came to ths Unltsd High schoM, Is pr«(Sd*nt the County T. M. a A., who wHI at> piiuiif...'...... child's body snd Waded Into the " m 3017, for an appointment foj; Oc­ time to the need of supplying per­ Seven Violent hanging from a rope that had Satas four ysars ago with his Board Names Manchester HKY club, president tend the sessions of ths Assembly NO! Planes Crash; tober 27. Reports Made sona living far from town with river to recover It, making an un* b ^ n t l ^ to truMea o f s Kimberly mothsr. snd has bssn living at ths of the Student Council has hesn a as dslegatss. The Youth and Goy- BENTZ S STARTING' TOMORROW! g successful attempt to revive the avenue tilUboard. . - West Hartford horns o f WUllsm member ef the Hartford County ^pflight Candidates Staff Asaistants books and in strengthening and erhmMt Program is sponsored by improving the vrork o f small libra-, child by artlflclsl respiration. Young Pentland said hla father A. Groans, Klngswood school T Hi-T Council, and Is active In thAOonnecticut State Y. M. C. A. Troughs. Now la this 2 Pilots Die Next Thursday evening at sight On Libraries State Deaths DroWna as Skiff Overturns Local Youth o’clock, the Staff Aasistanta Corps rles. , J W E W IL L qLOSE ' f i had hem despondent since th combination In Make-Up That Is why you get Double Baldwin gave silent approval to are still several thousand drefts- Miges-mskes breathing eaaler-wben the most revolting and disgusting your bead fills up with stuffy transient New Haven, Oct., ■ 20— HP) — Ings of this quota to be finished. congestion! Va-tro-nol gives grand re­ ' Spaghetti Dishes a Specialty Beauty from OVER-TONE and FraNCEI DENNEY Lipstick, exhibition of party machine poli­ Teachers from New Haven county The committee hopes to have the lief, too, from snillly, sneezy distress of tics ever witnesses in this state." will meet here Friday, Oct. 27, for Wednesday attendance continue to bead colds. Follow directions In folder. in our ToUelriee Departmenl Puhlis Not Kept Informed an all-day convention of the Con­ be as good aa it has been, or even Danaher spoke at a Litchfield better, in order that the large “Make CAVEVS Your Dinii^ HabiO* The Bandy Oil Co. necticut State Teachers' Associa­ VICKS VA-ftO -N O I county Republican rally at Wash' tion to be address^ by Ruth Bry­ number of dressings can be com­ Ington and addressed himself chief­ an Owen Rohde, author and for­ pleted on. time. 235323484823532348234853534853234853234823484848534848484823 155 CENTER STREET T E L . 529S» ly to the Bureau o f Ekionomlc mer United States minister to Blood Donors ALICE OOFRAN Warfare in charging that “the Denmark. Simultaneouii conven­ A week from today the Mobile (Known As Queen Alice) present administration has con­ tions will be held in Bridgeport Unit of the Blood Donor Service SPIRITUAL MEDIUM stantly failed to keep .the public and Hartford. .will once again at the South Seventh Daaghter of s Seventh Son informed of agreements with for­ Mto. Rohde, the first , woman Methodist church. This will be the Bom With a VeU. eign nations, particujarly agree­ last visit of the Unit this year— Readinga Dally, Inclndlng Sunday, HERE’S AN INVASION ever to serve this country as min­ ments of an economic nature.” ister and who, prior to her appoint­ the next will be In January. It la 9 A. M. to 9 P. M Or By Appoint; Please Notice! Quimk&wcmaou He said the BEW had been cre­ ment in 1933, was Congresswoman a good time, therefore, to make menu In the'Sendee et the Peo­ enMumsaiBBr - ated by President Roosevelt, and from Florida, will speak here at that appointment for a blood do­ ple for 80 Years. Announcing that it "has spent over one billion ■the general seaalon at Woolaey nation which you have perhaps IflB Charch Street, Hartford, Conn. Our Service Man Will Be In dollars in eight months wiUlout hall at 2:45 p. m. been putting off during the hot Phone 8-2024 / any congressional authorization wb&t6vcr« Manchester and Vicinity On "FurtHer," added Danaher, “ this Our Re-Opening Saturday WE GET EVERY YEAR agency .overlaps the wOrk of 160 other government agencies • In South America alOne, drawing Wednesday, October 25 . \ funds dlrecUy frorh the Recon­ PAPER COLLECTION struction Finanqd Corporation, not If yon have any make of Sewing Machine needing re p ^ ^ one cent of which is subject to In Normal Times the Aveirqge Householder Minimizes IN THE audit by . the .comptroller general." —or a Singer Drop-Head to sell, ’phone Hartford 2-4419 . YES! In his Lakeville address, McMa- hoh said that "the people must see POPULAR to it that senators who are pledged or w rite: Its Effects With Ample Cool. But This Coming Winter whole-heartedly to the idea of In­ NORTHEAST SECTION ternational cooperation are sent to FOOD MARKET We’re Ready Washington on Nov. 7.” > Attacks “Isolationism” the Situation Is In the Balance. This Balance May Eos- /'A ttacking Connecticut's present SINGER r /junior senator on w'hat he termed To Hit Die his “ isolationism,” McMahon said “we* cannot risk any belated con- THE NEAREST THING TO B U TTf» ily Become Unfavorable To You and Your Comfort.. versioni, to the idea of working with the world. Sewing Machine Co. “This is no time," he said, “ to BaU Agais! place our trust in those who have TWO 71 PRATT STREET — HARTFORD been isolationist sinners in the J-POUND Government Regulations Give You 871% of Lost Year's t, those who now half-hearted- PIJGS./ A fter a few days away a proclaim their conversion and r give a quibbling sort’ of lip seiwice from the old griad—> to the cause of accord among na­ Supply of Cool. Hove' You Mode Arrangements To Se­ tions." SLICED daring which time we At Stratford, Governor Baldwin READY TO EAT addressed himself principally to PORK CHOPS took a baa man’s holi­ recalling Willkie's visit there four cure 121% of. Other fuels? In Event of a Cold Winter years ago as G. O. P. presidential day and attended the candidate. Smoked Hams RE-UPHOLSTERING 'WlUkie Changed Thinking LEAN—FRESH National Restaarant the Percentage of Substitute Fuels Needed May Double. "1 knew Wendell Willkie well," BEE F STEW he said, “ and I talked with him Wartime Conference— „.many times. He changed the FRYING thinking of American people. His ROYAL we’re ready with Vim sound basic poliUcal philosophy SLICED ^ has left a permanent imprint upon and Vigor and brim­ Your Dealer Con Supply Substitute Fuel Now. Hove It millions of our people, and' par­ PRESSED HAM ticularly the Republican party.” EBUILDS ming over with new At Bioomheld, Hurley recalled CHICKENS 47c lb. . a bill introduced in the legislature ESTORES ideas — to aerve yo« Delivered NOW! SLICED by Rep. Harold Conroy , of Hart­ better HANSEN’S fa­ ford which, he said, would have GENUINE LIVERWURST , ECO VERS 'MtabUshed . "a fair employment mous quality foods. practice statute for the protection 39c lb. of minorities in Connecticut indus- TO SUIT YOUR TASTE Uy.'’ „ Legs of Lamb SLICED WHITE Hs said ah unfavorable Labor ■F AMERICAN CHEESE Special Re-Opening REMEMBER! IF YOU NOW HAVE COAL IN YOUR committee report killed the bill. THIS IS WHAT ROYAL DOES: ^‘Then with the usual Baldwin LEAN 41c lb. - device,? he said, "the fair omployw Your Old ^ Attraction ment practices bi,U was sidestep- I Your fumitare stripped to the 7 - A GORGANZOLA Wing Chair' CEUAR...USE IT SPARINGLY! • - \ ■ d and Baldwin appointed an In- CHEESE fram e SATURDAY, OC^T. 21 SUNDAY, OCT. 22 Sr-Racial cotnmisiioii Whose re­ . —- ' Ilcmodeled ' port failed to consider a fair em­ Chuck Roast 57c lb. ployment practices provision. I New Springs and filling added Into a MAKE Y^UR COAL LAST! > Explalm'PAC BiHde«t Modern Barrel ! Mrs. Luce's explanation o f the I Woodwork completely reffniahed FAC incident was that she hi FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Back Chair attended a PACmeetlng at the in- vitittion of Rep. John Sparkman of I Oar (experts rebuild yonr fumitare I f Desired MfffNTOSH FANCT Alabama. Invitations, she ''■aid, W H IT E —C R IS P completehr. Downuflake had bean extended' t6 sudi co»- 30c greaemen aa had “good latwr rap* - Apples Celery Sweet Potatoes DONUTS orda." She aaid the waa one o f five - or aiz Rapublicana preaent. 5 pounds 25c 15c bunch 4 pounds 25c She aald that R, H. .Thomaa, o f The Coal Of Manchester iitte United Automobile, Workers, TUDr-BKINED LOU),. “ei|dained> to me that It LABOR OAUFOmUA u . a NO. t MONDAY, OCT. 23 ^irooM auppott candidataa wtth Royal Upholstery Co. ■Ibalral, pro-labor reoorda. aad X Grapefruit ' Oranges Potatoes UNLESS diCLBMBNt WEATHER INTERFERES. IF TOD UVE ANT 00 I fdSiarkM that if that was the chse 36-38 OAILSTREET ' TELEPHONE 8254 HANSEN’S THE ABOVE STREETS HAVE TOUR PAPER OUT ON MONDAT. , ^ ^ "’'“ "raly the PAC would support me. 4 for 29c 490^ dozen 67c o ^ k TELEPHONE 396S "I ^ y e sUkcr been picked near | i f ■ ■■ •»■'. ' •' ■ ■■' •■'■.. -■ J.

manchb:ster evening herald. Manchester, w n n .. fkid ay, ^ ubek 20, iy4%

who escaped from eorregldor in Double Header Manila bay prior to its .surrender British Enter Ticket Dcnimicl I Schools Here May 6. 1642. Today’s Radio PA’s Hold 'Basketba Memorial Game Datie Hub Women in Meet, Bent on Avenging Dead Boatara War Tim* Those heroes came back bent on Cesena; Other Is Continuing Collect Pods Attack Made avenging the men who died there By Hugh FaUerton, Jr. Be Heard* day In town with boys and girls Germans always made an effort to Force and by the Royal Australian Emanuel Lutheran church, offici.'Ut- 4:46— WTIC — Young Widder —Parker Family. urally dew opa the instinctive day, went hack ten yards and then patently was only In the eastern Tuesday night will be Informal, Brown; WDRC -r- Connecticut 8:30—WTIC — Duffy’s Tavern; Church This Noon. repair them quickly. Air Force," the communique aald. ed. G. Albert-Pearson was the moves for good d^enaive boxing” went for a touchdown sgadnet from-all of the local schools taking Nurnberg produces a big share part of the town, the communique Heroes; Ad Uner; WNBC—Hop i 'WDRC—Adventures of the Thin The Polish Amsrlcsns perennial Yankees' Slugger Vowed 111 Campaign 'The Invaalon brought the Ameri­ soloist and Fred E. Werner was the Everett J. McKinney, chairman of -----Since CMch FYank Murray Cansatota. Sounds like some guys The High school foo^an. f*m* an .active part In the state wide of Germany’s Diesel engine.^, arma­ Indicated, but gains by other Harrigan. ' Man; WTHT—Freedom of Ap- town basketball obampions and Major Robert B. Cate, Held repre- cans against the largest segment of organist. The bearers were, Ebble the dinner comnUttee, stated today. They Carri^ Vitamins Introduced the ^modern "T” forma­ with similar names heading for with Ekuit Hartford, campaign. ments, tanks and. electrical equip­ the ■'Japanese Army yet encounter­ Eighth Army troops-to the south 5tOO—WTIC — When * Girl Mar- I portunity; WNBC3—Brlen Mc­ Rec Senior Leagu* champs for the aanUtive for the CtonnecUcut Re­ (Continued rrom Pmje One) Welman, Arvld Welman, Eric Wei- Many request* have reached the past two years will hold their first tion into sou th m football, )ils the goal line in Tbkyo. scheduled to be played next Fzl^ • After going through a drying ment. It likewise Is an Important ed in the Pacific war. The esti­ made the German position In ries; WDRC — News; Ad Liner; j Mshon. -Cords Used Pep Pills. employment (3ommlssion, explained l-bor in man and Leon.'.rd Welman, all general committee, of which Se­ 8:45—WNB(>-Henry Wallace. I session of the season tonight at the Virginia team s'teve played 80 day srternoon, has been moved np process, the. pods are sent to Pe- railway center. mated 225,000 defenders included Cesena extremely difficult. brothers of the deceased. WTHT — News; Music; WNBC! Headaobe For Howlers . . What the sUte commission is doing Headquarters said the bridge­ lectman Jack Gordon la chairman, 9:00—WTIC — Cfov. Thomas B. Blast Side Rec at 8. games and scored US point*— tockey, Michigan, where they will Terauchi’s 14th Army troops. Seven —Terry and the Pirates. ! New York — George Stallings, averaging better than 19 a jrame The gasoline company that goes to Thursday afternoon It was an­ In regard to the adjustment and re t under a new admlnistra- divisions, the 16th. 25th, 30th. head across the Pisclatello river, Burial was in the family plot In aa to the type of party It Is to Dewey; WDRC—It Pay* to ife The PA'a have dominated" the nounced by Edson M. Bailey, lo­ be processed to make milkweed the East cemeery. 6:15—WTIC — Portia Faces Ufe; local basketball front for the past the Braves’ 1914 miracle man, ....When Saint TTi^as marched for football broadcasts has bought floss for life-jackets. The latter is Germans Launch Robots 100th. 102nd,, 10.3rd and 106th or above the highway and west of bo. Ignorant; WTHT—Gabriel Hest- cal High school principal. employment of veterans and dla-1 yon.” | WTHT — Calling AU Girls; ter; WNBC—Gsngbusters. decade and have repealed every once by mistake ate a mouthful of to the ring to be Ntffened by the. rights to so many big games used by all flying personnel In the 107th have be‘en identified. Macerone, has reached a depth of It was stressed again today that WNBC—Dick Tracy. that It recently had to run a The main reason that the gam* Blaced war workers at the fall Forecasts Rolling Bkrmge ISinth Successive ISight Martin Mayer |the affair la open to the general 9:15—WTHT— Screen Teat. ch ^ en ge of local quii^ta jn their Melio Bettina the othe\ night, hie moved ahead a day can be *t- S e S S i g ^ the Hartford and Tol- This forecast the same sort of armed forces. It takes from three “’The Strategic result of captur­ two miles and has been joined cocoanut custard pie which he three-day school for announcers London, Oct. 20—(iP>- For the ing the Philippines will be de­ Funeral services for Martin I public and will open with a steak 6:30 -WTIC — aust Plain BUI; 9:30—WTIC— People Are Fiuiny; bids to dethrone th* PA aOjp’egs- fiddler. Little Davld,\ followed 2)-ibi:ted to the fact that there is rolUng barrdge that the New to five weeks for the pods to dry- with a bridgehead farther to the WDRC — War Commentary;;' detested.. His team won th* day's playing *T11 be seeing In all so it would have enough men to land county divisions of'th e Con- ninth successive night the Ger­ cisive," General MacArthur point­ west established three days ago Mayer were held at 8:30 thin dinner at 6 o’clock. '^®ro wdll m , JVDRC—TTiat Brewster Boy; tion. no school next Friday due to neeUcut SUte Federation of Wom­ York governor laid down against sufflclently. mans launched flying bombs at Sports WTHT —■ Superman; Democratic National Commit­ Many at the original members of ball game and that started a win­ the old familiar places.” , .\8ounds handle them all. Meantime some the Now Deal administration in The state wide drive Is under the ed out in the communique. (Vlincordia Oaptur^ morning at the W. P. Qiiish Fu- s speaking prograrn followed by of the better-known broadcasters teachers convention. In addition . en's clubs at the Center Congreg[a- southern England and the London neral Home with a soldmn mass entertainment and dancing. 'WNBC—Jack Armstrong. tee: WTHT—Double or Nothing; the team are now scattered all over ning streak. George kept on eat­ as if he had hla spot on can both of the schools' Iwnds would his Wednesday night indictment direction of Owen S. Trask, state South of the Emillan way Celln- 6:45—WTIC — Front Page Far­ WNBC—Spotlight Bands; Coro­ .who work for other outfits have tlonal church here this noon. area lasT^ight. Only a few got of requiem in St. James’s churen The demand for tickets is still ing the bated pis until the streak 'vas picked out. be unable to participate in the Major Cate told his audience that in New Yora City on President supervisor. Schools all over the through night fighters and a bar­ cordla has been captured and far­ rell; WDRC — Swoon or Croon: net Story Teller. had to take leas Important games Roosevelt's handling of foreign state are taking part and the re­ ther west .several villages and at nine o’clock. Rev. Frederica continuing and it may be neCe.ssary stuped. program as many from both the main objective of the reemploy­ rage of anti-aircraft fire. to stop the sale In order to provide WTHT — Tom Mix; WNBC — 10:00—WTIC — Amos ’n Andy; Today's Ooest Rtar \ . . . .and, without mentioning schools are schedule to take 'part aftairs. And there were indica­ sponse has been exceptionally British Force hills have been cleared of the ene­ McLean was celebrant, Rev. Bron- ^ b e Ruth 'VOWS that the hot names, we’ve heard some spielers ment commission is to fit veterans ’The attack was brief and first re­ all who have purchased them with (3sptaln Midnight. WDRC — Durante and Moore; dog carries the home run vitamin Sgt. Buck Ek’Ickson, (jamp Bnil*, In the conference music festl'val tions that Mr. Roosevelt would good. Mr. ’Track estimated that at my south of Caleata, the com islaus Gadarowaki, deacon,- and WTHT—Boxing — Tony Janlro who sound as L they had acquired A few months back we had the ' and displaced war workers into ports Indicated the damage was Rev. William F. Dunn, sub-deacon. seats. Evening and, in pursuit, he became the ni*.. News; "Don’t take too *ert\ next Friday...... jobs for which they are Suited and counter-attack briskly in a speech least g.OOObushels of pod will be small. Some of the buzzbombs munique said. va. A1 Guido; WNBC^-News. ously this belief that we have' their football knowledge In three opportunity to write up a water- Saturdav night at a dinner there collect^ In the state. Japs to Quit TTie heaviest fighting in the cen Mrs. John F. Barry was at the Willard B. Rogers Is to be toast- 6:00—WTIC — News; WDRC — concessionaire’s delight. Tia said boy who made good. Remem­ The game will be played In Jwfll be most happy, providing came from the North sea, Indlcat M iss' master and the Bond Hotel dinner 10:15—WNBC—Top of the Eve­ football at Camp Ellis solely for \days- memory of the boys who gave of the Foreign Pollc> Association. All the towns In Hartford county tral sector in the Po valley drive organ and solos were by News; WTHT — News; WNBC ning—Ted Malone. that the Bsinbino once ate 30 of ber? His name was Ray Za- whatever additional training or ing the Germans were launching Mary Lantieri. orchestra Is to furnish the music. News. the “puppies” at on* sitting. the entertainment of the person­ their lives from both schools. It In a speech designed not only will be cbyered next week and was reported In the vicinity of 10:30—w n c —Sports Newsreel— trvloe Btept. menak who was one of the beat education, la liecessary to atUln them from aircraft. Burma Town Burial was in St. James's ceme­ 6:15—WTIC — Victory Is Our Many times in the past a ball nel—that’s strictly for the birds. will also be the final home game of this objective. to appeal for labor siipport in his other Cquiiltes will take part In the Monte Belmonte and on Route 65, Bill Stern; W DRO—Stage Door The Army Is 1 winner___ the rc. Frank “Creepy” Creapl. football players In the history drive later. tery where Rev. McLean read the Business; WDRC — Lyn Mur­ player has been rated not only by of Manchester High. Above Is the local Red and White waiTlora. Cites Examples campaign against a fourth term north of Poggioli. 'The Germans Canteen: WNBC — The Doctor the world sa members of the armed Anny likes to win—that’s the forfner Cardinals' shortstop who Impressive ceremonlei will be The schools In Manchester which committal service. Bearers were 40 Hours Or»ens, ray’s Music; WTOT — Music; Talks It Over. the averages but by the size apd the usual scene when and why a Me related several examples of but to bid strongly for Pennsylva­ , Continued from Page One) were putting In heavy counter-at­ forces. The only two members left number of steaks he could put most fortunate thing In the world bustWl hla leg in a G. I. baseball part of the afternoon’s activities nia’s 35 electoral vates, Dewey is cellected pods were Hollister, Lin Ground Forces tacks from their positions at Joseph Hartl. Anton Hartl, George \ Concert Hour; WNBC — Digest 10:45—w n c — Brlen McMshon; wuterboy is called. the types of adjustment problems Helm, Ignace Horne, Ig^^ace Relz- of the* Airf- Race Results. are Johnny Fslkowakl who coached away at a sitting. for America.” game\ last summer, got Into a with the bands from both schools * ' veterans In particular are being expected to promise the unions coin, Washington, Barnard and from Allied quarters any. op­ Monte Belmonte, using tanks, WNB(3—To Be Announced. wheel O^lr race in the corridor of Buckland. er and Stephen Kugler. Sunday Mom in" 6:30—WTIC— Gulden Serenaders; 11:00—w n c — News; WDRC — the team and Bruno Bycholskl. The Now the trend is toward multi­ playing an important part in the faced with and emphasized the direct representation in the cabi­ Pour Ashore; erations near the' Nlcofara, "which mortar and artillery fire. WDRC — Republican State latter was given an honorable dis­ ple vitamins—not only in baseball One-Minute Hporte Page a Topelta, Kas., hospital recently, program. The lists of all the de­ net and the consolidation of gov- News; WTHT—News; WNBQ— need for understanding in helping Tokyo first announced yesterday. American armored units have Central Committee; WNBC — charge from the Army. Hbwe'ver, bUi. all other sports as well. The Connecticut Sports Writers crashed mto the wall and broke ceased boys from both seboMs these veterans to readjust them- e.iimental functions affecting The text of today’s Japanese reached Marano on the Pistola- News. his game ___ “World High Seconds 3 Points Taken The annual Forty Hours Devo­ Program of Song; Parade of 11:15—w n c — Haykness o f neither played ball at all last year 'The records don’t say who Alliance will revive its annual will be read prior to the *tart of aelves to civilian life. them in the Labor department. Nazis Report Reels communique, as recorded by the Bologna road west of Highway 65. Hospital Notes Stars. and the makeup of the quintet that started the zip pellets In sports dinner this winter and devote the Series extra” of the Sixth Infan­ the kickoff. Principal Bailey of He pointed out that the sUte re­ At Charleston, W. Va., the Re' Federal (Communications Commis­ tions will open In St. James's Washington; WDRC — Joan 6:40— WTIC — Your Connecticut. Brooks, Songs; WTHT—Music; ran Uirough the Rec slate with an but Sam Bredon, owner of the proceeds to its members in the try “Cockat^” reports that a big Lose 25 W 30 the local school and the Elast employment commission is accomp­ publican nominee said in a major (Continued from Page One) sion: chyrch at the’ close of the II unblemished record was composed world champion St. Louis Cardi- Armed F orce*.. .CTialky Wright’s winter sportsXpropam Is about to Hartford principal, Harold Odell, “On Oct, 19, our air units inter­ Jack Stevens. WNB<3—The Music You Want. lishing lU mission through coordi­ speech recently that the Republi­ Move to Frontier; o’clock mass on Sunday. There 6:45—WTIC — Lowell Thomas; of almost entirely new faces. 'nals, claims the honor as far aa purse for the Willie Pep ^ h t, start in New^Gulnea___ In the will read the lists of the two cans are “pledged to full support cepted a British task force that Admitted yesterday; Mrs. Cora 11:30—w n C — We Came This nation of existing agencies at the abIe-)>odled survivor of Corregldor. About Tow n will be the Procession of the Host WDRC — News; WNBC —Hen­ The PA’S have always been a baseball is concerned. which was held up until h* ful- Philippines too.V^e hope. schools. aUte and local levels and sUted of the guarantees of free, collec­ had raided Car Nicobar in the <31arke, 175 East Center street; Ed­ Way: WDRC—Mildred Bailey Debrecen Quitted While men and supplies poured at the close of the mass and the ry J. Taylor. Show; WTHT—Abe Lyman’s Or­ drawing power in state circles and It seems that Sam was out golf­ Red and White Second A moment’s silence will be ob­ that 140 local committees have now tive bargaining through the na^ In to meet an estimated 225,000 Nicobar islands and sank one en­ ward Wirtalla, Vernon Center; A son was borti yesterday at sacrament will remain exposed 7:00—w n c — Music Shop; chestra. although plana are not dellnlte, the ing one day in 1941 and his game served In memory of Oie boys who been formed in the sUte with more tional labor relations act and to Japanese in the Philippines under emy carrier and one destroyer and Charles Lathrop, 14 Avon street. Cross Country Team have, made the supreme sacrifice damaged one battleship and one the Hartford hospital to Mr. and until Tuesday, when the devotions WDRC — I Love a Mystery; 11:45—WNB(3—Variations by Van team has visions of playing on the was terrible. He blamed It on his than 2,000 members to consider restore freedom from government (Continned from Page One) Field Marshal Juicht Terauchi, road in addition to playing in the aa taps will be sounded. dictation t'o labor in this coun­ destroyer In^j .waters south of the Mrs. Edgar J. Berube of 50 Turn- Admitted today: Joyce Berk, 88 will close. Out of town priests will WTHT—Fulton Lewis Jr.; Cleve. health. So a doctor suggested that Suffers First Loss. ' ways and means of meeting the President Roosevelt ' messaged Homestead street; James K. Dick­ be present to assist lii hearing WNBC — Ed Wynn. 12:00— WTIC^-News; Mr. Smith Rec League. Cross Country Tekm The game will start at 3. two weeka and the Germans said Nicobar Islands." bull Road. Bredon try multiple vitamins. He problem In each local community. try.” from Washington: son. Jr., 98 Hamlin street; John confessions. 7:15—w n c —News of the World; Goes to Town. Members o f last years squad who did. His golf became better than The text of Major Cate’s address As in New York, the Repub­ 41g Russian tanks were destroyed “The whole American nation to­ The local High schools cross­ Wallace Ferguson, seaman sec­ Nawracaj, 85 Birch street; Miss WDRC — We Who Dream; 12:3<'—WTIC—Three Suns Trio. have been signed include Johnny he ever dreamed It could be. will be found elsewhere in today’s lican nominee and President in the fray. Moscow said the Ger­ day exults at the news that the Greene, Earl Yost, Mike Diskon country second team competed Roosevelt will cross campaign ond class, is at his hirtne, 97 Fos­ Charlotte Dollinger, 6 Broad street. WTHT-^Muslcal Quiz. . 12:45—W TIC—Lee Sims, pianist. As quick as a flash, Sam hurried Herald. mans lost 1,528 tanks. gallant men under your command Discharged yesterday: Clifford and EM Kosak. Newcomers include Meets Bristol Td^ay against Hartford High’s second trails in Pennsylvania. The Carolinas Hit ter street, on a ten day leave. He to order several dozen of the pep Business Session PoHslbiy a decisive battle was have landed on Philippine soil.” Wright, 18 Chestnut street;;Mrs. Herb Peterson, Wally Nelson, A1 A. team yesterday afternoon at Ke- Local Sport Mrs. Arnold Anderson of West president wHl speak Oct. 27 In The Leyte landings put the in­ is stationed at Bayonne. N. J. He pillS'for the Cards. The team pro­ shaping up along the north, cast is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex­ Joseph Nlznlk, 64 Grandview Surowelc and Jimmy Blanchard. ’ ceeded to win three National ney Park in Hartford with the Hartford, president of the Hart- Philadelphia, just a week after and south frontiers of East Prus­ vaders within 415 miles of Manila When Storm street; Thomas Morrow, Jr., 26 POOPIMC The PA’S plan to open their sea­ Capitol City team winning out by fbitl County Federation of Wom­ Dewey’s appearance In Pitts­ to the northwest and marked an ander Ferguson. Only Two Football Games League pennants and two world T^e Part in Triangular, goStO H B ru h iS sia. Berlin frankly asserted that Birch street: Mary Pow6U, 142 son the second week in November. championships. a scant 25 to .80 score. Chatter en's Clubs, presided at the morn- burgh. advance of 600 miles north from ’’the twin battle for East Prussia A large, number of the members Cooper Hill street; Jean Aaplnwall, l\ & S ID IM C Any local player interested In This year, the Browns looking Meet Agoinst Bristol i ' The Red an(l White team ran 15 Inir session of fall meeting of the is nearing a climax.” MacArthiir's base at Morotai. trying out for the team la cordially men to 18 fori the winners, The hunting *eaaon on uplahd Front line . dispatches said the Goes Inland of Nutmeg Forest. Tall Cedars of 65 Summer street; Miss Viola On the Networks Saturday up from the American League cel­ combined clubs of Hartford and Moscow said nothing of the Thrasher, 99 Laurel street; EMward Estimates Freely Olvea. invited to attend the session and And Hartford; Locals j A ppeH T StTO llg summary birds and squirrela opens Saturday, Tolland counties, held ■In Center Leyte landings were preceded Lebanon, will attend the ceremo­ lar decided to see If there was any­ October 21, The shooting of wood­ four-day offensive but allowed AP Smith. 784 Middle turnpike, east; Worfcmeoslilp Onsranteed. take part. The first ten who pieced; church house today, with the local Yankees Trap three days ago by landings on (Continued from ^ g e One) nial of Providence. R. I-. Forest thing in the BreEuion- theory ana Copped First Meet. ' Shuchus, Hartford ...... 14:41.2 chuck which la regulated by Fed­ correspondenta to radio that “the tomorrow evening. They will leave Donald Lucas, Stafford Springis. Political Broadoasto via net- ""choose hla new team, off with the schools first caga tenax to strength. who has enjoyed marked success earls'performances It would appear DlMagglo will remain at Hamil­ marine views and landwMipea- by larger, however, was indicated by street fighting has been in prog­ 226,000 Japanese troops In the 'around the historic battery district New York Rangers, hockey team, ton field until assigned to ageneral two years and )m ha* hopra at rail­ New York, Oct 20—OP)—Foot­ Rockville will present a much is going a step further. He's going on the team in bis previous three >hat Maurice Courteau 'wUI take other members of th- Glastonbury dispatches from Aachen today ress most of the week. Smoke also Philippines headM by Field Mar­ "I wefe reported flooded. | Bronze Star stronger lineup than they have in hospital, the Army said. ing candidates out th* a s ^ p u t c f Woman's club. Incidentally this which said from 500 to 1,000 Ger­ shrouded the northwest suburbs; shal Julchi Terauchi. 1! Seventy miles Inland, trees were ; WHY NOT PAY A ball for the networks Saturday to be sure his puck chasers have years. / over the net-mlndlng duties. Cour­ next week. * ' afternoon *ls to 'be confined to two the two previous starts with the the pep pellets every day. He haa Bill Bray, one of the six lejter- teau played with the Boston Olym­ club won a Guy Wiggins picture mans remained in IsiSlated traps shells c mstantly were exploding in Fulfilling hla promlac. made two i uprooted and signs blown down at i four local players on hand to help A Natlonsi Winner games, both In the midwest. One named noon aa the swallowing man who Is bdek with th ta'^ ar’s pics in the Eastern Amateur for Its achievement in Art. The arpund the edgps, while nearly 2,- the streets; German SS troops veara and seven months ago when Florence, S. C. The Florence Air | VISIT TO pin a defeat on the EHm City rivals. 12 The Tech schedulo Is far toons sKbiblt by the neighboring Glas­ 000 already had been captured fought from dug-in tanks in one he took sad leave of the Islands Base weather station recorded 40- contest is to be carried by three Washington, Oct. 20.— — The hour. Every player must report to i»quad la expected to plajria heavy Leagpie last season. complete but the white hairad nan- GREENBROOKE ' chains. Thlc is the announced The local boys are Carl Peterson Pavot, 2-year-old grandaon \ of tonbury club was complimentary During the siege the Germans section, Izvestia said. Russian and that "I ahall return,” MacArthur mlle winds. bronze star medal has been award­ Patrick and take their pill In hla part In- the final oupemne of the Three other aspirants for the Man o’ War, won each of his fllist tor ia In hopes of booking many schedule: and Johnny Cressey, backs and at and added much Interert to this had been able to feed a few hun­ Yugoslav forces were said to have went back aboard a warship. ~It Electric service also was dis­ IN MANCHESTER ed to two New England members Billy Tumienskt and Tiny Pockett presence. meet in the Bell/Town. Bray cage job are being closely watched, six ' starts by more than t the teams that graced the schedulo department. dred reinforcements lilto the gar­ captured the Sava river railroad was part of a giant convoy, sailing rupted at Southport, N. C., but the At Columbus, O., Great Lakes I f history rep)eat8. It could mean missed the mert w t h New Britain in particular Harvey Bennett of You’ll be thrilled when you see va Ohio SUte—NBC, CBS and of Army ground forces units, the linemen. lengths. of the team In fom or yoan. Apron Display rison, but since Sunday they were bridge and driven the Germans from New Giijnea, which stretched extent of damage from a 65-miIe War department announced to­ another Ice championship tor the but he will .hs on band and ready Oshawa, Ont., who was with the from the port works on the Dan­ gale y-as ufidetermined. this new commimlty of smartly From Noon On«> BLU * : 2:45. "silver fox.” The local club displayed a col­ forced to rely on parachutes as out further than the eye could see. styled, solidly built homes. day. to place te this afternoon’s meet. Memorial Cup holders, Oshawa gen­ orful collection of aprons made their chief agency of supply. ube, but the Nazis still held the A t South Bend, Ind„ Wisconsin eral. Jerry Fodey of Regina and Navy Rnlee |Braslon Scene Choice of five distinctive models vs. Notre Dame—MBS at 3:15. Recipients Included: The..^reet of the local squad In- by the members. These were sold Canadian infantry and armor Alexander highway bridge, Izve's- The American Navy. In unchal-. Russell F. Bakey, Captain. (Then Beiser Likes llilrd clu t^ g Don Hall, Jake Donovan Jimmy Ptneo of Halifax are the tla said a large German tank force Is available Bach has four fine Announcers are: For NBC, Bill other Contenders. during the day, and the proceeds struck out in a new offensive lenged strength, ruled the Invasion rooms with space for two extra Firqt Lieutenant), CAV (tank de­ W est Side .sfid Bob Bfay will make the trip win be devoted by the director. was surrounded and ' wiped out SATURDAY Stern; for CBS, Ted Husing; for St. Louis—(iP)— Pete Reiser, thi through the mud and marshland scene and the seas about it. on second floor. Fireplaces. BLU, Harry Wlsmer, and for MBS, stroyer), 42 Beardsley Park Ter­ Mo Bristol. Aubrey "Dit’’ CHapper will be the Mrs. E. E. Fish, to Red Cross north of Antwerp today to bolster throe miles southeast of the cap­ Allied Air Forces virtually fortner Brooklyn Dodger outfield' ital. Semi-air conditioned coal flred Russ Hodges. race, Bridgeport, Conn. key man of the Bruins’ defense. work. the Allied powerhouse salient be­ monopolized the skies. furnaces, plastered walla, besu- For: “From March 6, 1943, to League er who led the National L ea ^ e In Cube Bet Reeord Johnny Oatvford also is. expected Other examples of art in the ing built tup in Holland against Budapest Conditions Oraro 'Tn a major amphibious opera­ Feb. 25, 1944, he performed hla 1941 with .843, asys he^^^mita to to be back on the Bruins’, line. Robbins room included decorated Red Star, Russian Army news­ tifully finished woodwork and Orson Welles, ; whose recent Adolf Hitler’s northern defenses. tion, we have seized the eastern floors, full concrete foundations, duties as motor officer of a tank ML at a play third .base for the Dodgers The CTUiuigo Chibs of 1606 won. Bill (Jowley, who might have antique chairs and trays, painted At the same time French In­ paper, said conditions were grave coast of Leyte Island In the Phllfp- broadcast actlvlUto have centered destroy battalion in a superior T. Morrissey when the war Is oyat: Pete, now their 100th victory of the season been the league’s leading scorer in Budapest. Many officials of large landscaped plots are a few Bigger Prizes In numerous guest appearances, la old-time flatirons to be used as fantry fighting along the ridges pines, 600 miles north of Morotla manner. He at all times kept his H. Csrvey * stationed at Ft-» Riley, Knn.sas, on Bept. 9. earliest date the feat last season but for an Injury, U various ministries have deserted of the features. Priced at reported negotiating for s regular book-ends, pottered and hammer­ of the Vosges at the southern end and 2,600 miles from Milne ' bay $6,000. Low first payment, malntenanca section close to the w. Shea a-as a recent visitor to the World has ever raen accomplished ta the fast regaining condition and Is ex­ ed copper and pewter objects, all their jobs and gone into hiding. (New Guinea) from where our of­ CBS series which would put him of the Allied line outflanked the F.H.A. financing. on the air for 15 minutes each Fri­ fighting In order to assure a speedy W. O’Hara Series. National League. pected to be one of the spark plugs ' execu te in a skilled manner >by village of Ventron at the entrance The newspaper said scores of Hun­ fensive started nearly 16 montlis second echelon msintensnee, and F. Mosser Xmg force. the clubwomen. garian rail workers had struck Be Sure To Inspect day night Name of the program to the 15-mlle-long Bimsang pass ago.” the communique stated. would be "The People's Request," efficiently supervised the recovery M. Clvsllo Guidolln, Jackson and Boll are Following Mrs. Hasbrock’s ex­ and were sabotaging German de­ ‘TTils point of entry In the The New Model Home which opens out on the Rhine Fornlslied By WatMns Brothers. under which Welles would produce and matatensnee of all dsipaged C. Wad* automatic qualifiers when they re­ planation of the art exhibit, the floor only seven miles from Mul- fense efforts. Russian troops were VlsayOs (group o f islands of which vehicles, quickly getting them back Pagaal’s port. clubwomen had opportunity to ad­ any type of show he deslr^. house. reported within 50 miles o f the an­ Leyte is one) 1*. midway between MURPHY'S into action. At the battle of EH B. Pagan! Four Consecutive Passes E'rank Mario of Cornwall, Ont, mire the display before luncheon cient capital. Luzon (aite of Manila) and Min­ GREENBROKE' (iuettar, when his bsttslidn lost 21 P. Hansen who played with the OornuqUl Fly­ The Americans of the Seventh IS c In the banquet hall. Group E of Army on the latter front also cap­ Berlin said the new Russian of­ danao and at one stroke splits In tank destroyers, hs succeeded In B. (less ers in th* QtMbsc Senior Hockey Center church women of which fensive along 60 miles o f the two the Japanese forces in the HOMES, INC RESTAURANT AND BOWLING casts, In wlilch five of the coun­ repairing ten vehicles and securing C. Freihelt Defeated Dukb in Bowl tured firuyeres, 13 mlle.s east of try’s major symphony orchestras ague two years'ago, is aiiothir Mrs. J. Seymour Brown is leader Narew river between Warsaw and Philippines. Walker Street, Maachester 16 replacement units, all within 72 A. F r e ^ lt canaldate. Ross haa not intimatefl Eplnal, in a further stab at two - ■»■*, ' are to participate, is being ar­ catered at the noon luncheon. The more passes leading through the. East'Hruissia had resulted in enor­ The enemy’s anticipation of at­ 1W. 4112 or 7275 hours.” C. Wannsrgrsn ' . _ how long his axperimental stage autumn motif was carried out In tack in Mindanao (southern island Soadsy, Tel. Maneheptet NEW ENGLAND BOILED DINNER SATURDAY ranged for NBC. It' will nin 24 F. Wilkinson By Bed Gtong* 9Gaapar recovered for the Trojans Vosges to the Rhine flatlands mous Red Army losses. Russian weeks as a continuation of the pro­ will continue. It may last until the the decoration, small pumpkins on liasted daily slnce_ September by 2-0545 or 2-0964 or 7275 Ih e Original Man-tn-Motfon on the Duke 10. The Durham Bruins leave for Moirtreal to meet around Colmar and. Strasboprg. breakthrough attempts betyreen grams Isst spring in which the- OtfswoU Oarage the tables surrounded by autumn Su-walki and Schlrwindt on the MacArthuris Southwest Pacific air J, Twaronlta Speaking of toug$ onea to lose, outfit braced, however, end Oea- the Canadiena or he may make a The British Second Army, fight­ Chicago sjmiphony appeared flvs Last Night Fights par miasod a field goal. leaves, napkins with autumn leaf eastern frontier of East Prussia arm) caused him to be caught un- ■. Kovla there waa the heart-breaker Duke definite lineup decision early next ing to clear out the Germany west a-waros In Leyte and beachheads in times. H. Stavensen ■"T Upton kicked to Boutharn Cali­ decorations, gnd at the officers’ of the Maas (Meuse) along the wero frustrated and the tank Besides the Chicaga ensemble, dropped to Southern California in week. For the present the Boston table a wonderful, arrangement of Army in- the Kaiser’s deer forest the Taclolian area were secured ' R. Msrehisottl fornia’s 39 and Grenville LanadeU skipper prefers to maintain his Reich border, fronting the Holland orchestras to he hestd include the By The Associated Press the last 40 seconds of the ffose fall fruits was the attraction. The was unable “to achieve a penetra­ \rtth small casualties. P.. Fagan sparked a drive to the Duke 85. haUtual pH-season silence. salient made slow progross, almost BpoiliardiiieBt Devastating 51 Gauge Indianapolis, Baltim ore and Boston — Bobby Ruffin, 139 Vi, R. Tc^lnaon Bowl game, Jaii. 2, 1936. The Doyle Nave replaced Graiuiy. meal consisted of creamed chicken tion,” Berlin said. Rochester symphonies the bogged down by mud, and stiff T h e landing was preceded by IlOW— For A Limited Tim e^In Full Suit Lengths New York, knocked _out 'Vince T. Cowles Durham varsity completed its reg­ LansdelL Nave, for two years on biscuit' potato chips, carrots (Jerman resistance. ' Oaptaro Not Oonftamed Kansas City philharmonic. Ekich DeU’Orto, ISS, Philsdelpbis, (7); and peas, cole slaw, olives, , rolls. heavy Naval and air )>ombardment Pioneer Paraehnle ular schedule unbeaten, . untied a dsimiaed bench-warmer, hadn’t The C^anadian attack, spnmg at Moscow reported further large Sheer Hose 93c wilt do 1 wo or more broadcasts be­ Young Brown Bomber; 159, Boston, P. Annlello Ruffm Knocks Ice cream, cupcakes and toffee. scale successes in C^choslovskia, Ich waa devastating in effect” - FOR MEN AND WOMEN^ . and unscored on, tbs' latter * vir­ playeci enough that season to oarn 7:30 a. m.. 'was launched from an _^tlclpatlng in the preparatory tween December 16 and May 26. knocked out Bobby Howard, 162, F. Hence tual "Impossibility In modern foot­ Mrs. D. C. Y, Moore, founder of ’Transylvania, Hungary and Yugo­ Th« pn^pAms ¥dll be titled “Or­ a letter. Hia head waa swathed area about eight - miles north of blows were carrier planes of Ad­ Worcastar, Msss„ (8). B. Schubert ball. The fact that the Iron the hostess 'iub. which this month slavia, but did not .'Immediately chestras of the Nation,” arid will ■V in a large bandage, the result of O utD ell’Orlo Antwerp along the railroad and miral WlUlam F. Halsey’s Third Fall River, Mass.—Charlie Smith, N. Angelo Dukes played a rapresentatlvp a fall to the ooncret* floor of the celebrated Its fortieth anniversary, highway leading north to Rosen- confirm the e^ture of Debrocea. ' 100% PURE WOOL run sn hour on Saturday after- 132, Newark, N. J., outpointed Jeff A. Maasaro gave the Invocation. fleet which since O ct 9 destroyed jioona. Origination polnta will be eight-game card mad* the feat ahower room which caused a gissb daal and Rotterdam. ITie fleeing Germans, running more than 1,390 Japanese aircraft Holloway, 186, New York, (10); A1 C. Caladen Reiuune Session* for the Bohemian-plateau, wero re­ the home clUea of the oroheatraa. all Uio more, remarkable. They that required several sUtchea just Boston, O ct 20— )—Irish Bob­ Balanced Tailoring* makes Planes Support Driro sank M ships and damaged 127 Barbosa, 152, North Carver, D. Merriland closed against a fine Pittaburgh UP ’Ihe business sessions was re­ ported abondoning arms and before game time. by Ruffin, th* Astoria, N. Y., light­ Rocket-firing T^hoons and more In forays extending from the Mass., eutpolntsd WUlls Bcott, 156, Datilag'* team after repulsing such os Wake Deciding Catch In End Zone sumed at 1:30 with a Heraid-Trl- muinltiona. Autumn floods, how­ " Listening Tonight: -NBC—6, Lu­ New York, (6). R, Rrid w eight (-today gloated about a fighter-bombers supported the the Ryukyus within 200 m iles'of WORSTED FABRICS cille Manners finale; 8:30, Duffy's Forest OAhta, North Carolina A penalty for tod many timea Bune Forum, Resume conducted by ever, wero impeding, the T usaisns J. Cataldl carafuUy-planned knockout which drive, designed to strengthen the Japan touth acrosa Formosa into . Highland P a ^ N. J.—Joey Red- and .Georgia^ Tech. out put the hall on the 40. Fad­ Mrs. Douglas A. .Johnson of New advancing over the Carpatho- and OorotHy Launour; 9:80, People dlek, 158, Paterson, N. J„ outpoint­ E. McAdsm > erased a four-year blot from his | Canadian column six miles to the the PhUlpplnea. TO BE T.AHaORED TO YOUR Are Funny; 10, Amos and Andy; Ainl they had 6 formidable ing far back, keeping out of range Britain, legislation chairman of Ukraine,, or Ruthenlan, sector of “Our* ground troops-are rapidly ed llg e r Lou Jones, 167, New York, R. Guiltch ■ boxing record. the state federation; Mrs. Frank West which lias speared to the Southern California club beaten, of rltahlng ends. Nave paafed to Ruffin, who indicatcij hia inten­ neck of Zuld Beveland and Wal- (jaechfoalwakls to some extent. extending th«Ir positions and sup­ (8); Al Mobety, 189, Newark, F. Brasky , ' .J.'Oatrofsky of Bridgeport, state 3-0, with time rapl(ily running ou t aophomore Krueger for 14 yarda. tions at the opening bell, stopped cheren, German-held Islands plies and heavy equipment are al­ INDIVIDUAL REQUIREMENTS knmdied oift Lou Mssonl, l'40, Free­ J. Skiba chairman of Fine Arts, followed What makes this story all the Changing directions,' Nave whip­ rugged Vince Dell’Orto'of Phila- blocking the Schelde entrancM to ready flowing ashore in great port N. T* j5). J. Redlund • , with a talk on that subject, and PhUadelphia — Rocky Jackson, Mala Stnet levvio* more unusual la' that the Blue ped th* ball to Krueger for 10 delptals, during the seventh round Antwerp. Fourth Degree KC volumea,” the communique eald,. J l u t m IMvils were beaten by four suc- more. He completed another to of their scheduled. lOrround fea­ 'm u s i^ numbers were -provided These ground troops, comprising COVERTS SHETLANDS 146, PhUadslphla, outpointed Lsn- J. gobleakl look better. *. linger : im the ’ West Hartford Women’s In the first few boqrs the Ca­ D. Walker cossive passes—from Doyle Nave the hig find fleet youngster from ture at Mechanics Building last nadians rolled toiward several element* o f the Sixth U. S. Army n w Olngls, 144, I%lladelphla, (8); club under the direction of Mrs. C. To Meet in Town GABARDINES Mika Dsstaphano, 148V4,; Phila­ L. Brown < to A l Krueger. And the three Antelope 'Valley, Calif., but It lojrt night, . , t miles. and unlta' from the Central Pacl- FLANNELS that spelled the difference were During the fourth and fifth aes- H. Berry. flOk Included every able bodied man TONIGHT delphia, knocked opt J o ^ Gam- P. Prldnraldo. * two y n d s. Gales, giving impetus to floods Corduroy Slacks O. Kanhey oomplstad ov^ th* finest pass de- The cipek was ticking oiff tha sioiis, howavor, DeU’Orto appeared A t 2:20 the Manchester Oosmo- pouring through' bombarded baro, 146, New York, (2). ' ~ politan club, Mrs. Elmest P. Bent­ CHEVIOTS T^'EEDS - C. QuagUa fandw In tha south. Brie Tipton. seconds. 93,000 persona ware roar­ more than capable, of balking Ruf­ breaches in tbp dikes, have Member* of Bishop McMshon Montreal — Dave OatUloux, 188, fin. as he did four years aggrin o n president, presented Willard B. Montrsal. outpointed Joey Peralta, T. Beattie Antpkmo Al Krueger mode eoob ings with excitement aa Nava TIMELY TOPCOATS $35 knocked out a number of big Ger­ General Aasembly, Fourth Degros, $4.98 Wanw catch U) a different position. d iw ed far back and fired again their first meeting In New ^ rk . Roger* of Manchester, who was K. of <3., of Hartford, have been 138, Tamaqua, Pa., (10); WIUI* introduced by Mrs. Robert Leslie man guns at VUsslngen (Flush­ See Final J; Sullivan - UahanUad BubsMtuto CUcks . 'Die btdl cut diagonally acroas the But after boing rocked and atung ing) on Walche^en, and rock«t noUfled that the October meatlngr SEP THESE FINE FABRICS TOMORROWI Willie Roach, WUmtn^n, Dei, by Oei;)prto’a wrrlfic right* to the Cooper. He chose to apeak on his M. Mareo ACurlra sMea opttoklad rato aa field sind bad eaten up .the re­ OTHER TOPCOATS $22.50 AND UF and bomb-carrying ‘ Typhoons of the Assembly will be held In 8t. outpointed Horace beftadch, Buf­ id body, RulBn gathered home town under the title,, “Man- CHRYSANTQjEMUM Lt. Gov. Hadden O. Jarvis the taama ' battled aeoreleeMy quired 18 yardp when Krueger scored direct hits on tailldings Bridget’s hsU'ion Tbursday, Octo­ Men's Shorts falo, N. T. .. W. Jarvis for th* klU In the aevento liooklng Forward.” through three periods. in th* oaught It la Uie end son*. concealing other gqna at Elle- ber TS. The Assembly is made up DISPLAY KNIT WITH ELASTIC C. Msgnuaon be had hla opponent helpless A L ^ CIO Union Agent' fourth; Duka drovs to Boutbanf D ^a was scored, upon for the th* ropoa for ohnost SO osconds MoUwr woutsdijk on Zuid Beveland yes­ of- memtots of the Fourth Degro* WAIST ...... 5 9 e VOTE REPUBLICAN B . Di*ts Ontfornla's 16 following a 28-yaril CbuncHa from Hartford, Msnehes-- THIS WEEK-END! r . winst first time slno# 1987 and beaten. 'ora finally knocking him out terday.' • Mas from Eric tha Rad Upton ,to ter, Glastonbury, Windsor Ixicks, BUTTON WAIST'...... 39e A Fine Showing of : SdOtlUngton, O ct 2a—9P) — HartfMfl Xnvecn TA, aa Phil Goapar plara-klcksd. with a right to the hoocL Ruffin Fot^tond. Ore.— os— I'm sure glad I picked the Navy. Mercury Cabriolet, 1938 Olda- blacks. Jack FYoM Kennels, 26 WINDOW SHADES--VENETIAN And when he dies th e y . say: he's wrong. month ago It was a real struggle Moloccycles' 12 Storage •20 Chapter 28 I ’m shadow. Bo— ’’ Soldier (with a hint of suspicion) to spank the baby. Now 1 find 1 moblle 6 aedan, 1937 Bulck acdan, Gardner street. blinds. Owing tr- our very low “ How milch did he leave her?” % Pack Tour Day! "So— 7" She could do nothing W hy? X . am able to thrash my husband nisw paint, 1937 Fonl Model 60 AU STIN A. CHAM BERS CO.— overhead, get our special low "Chick Malloy!' Susan said it "Hesrts grow warm and all pre­ V’ A N TE D USED CARS*-W111 buy /anted to Buy 58 Wanted to Rent 68 but echo, feel nothing but help­ A day is like a trunk . . . You Sailor—In th^NNavy they don't with ease. May the good Lord tudor, exceptionally clean. Cole Trailer van service, ^m ovala prices on high grade window 'before she caught herself, . and A man was being shown through tending ends, any year or moael. We will pay shades and Venetian blinds com­ heard Aunt Sarah’s bsr.sh gasp less, dim panic. Her life. MtdVale, When you are in the fellowship of can put twice mts much in it if you care how late yoX slecp In the bless yo)i for putting this boon! L«4t )and Fonnd Motora—4164, from coast > coast deluxe equip­ Live Stork— Vehicles 42 WANTED ’TO RENT 5 or 6 room the Ford River plant and stopping top prices for well kept cars. Cole pletely Installed. Samples furnish­ behind her. Chick's words flowed Erich seemed to be drifting* away friends.” know how . . . The right way to morning—Just eo It'-qin't later within my reach." ment crating, packing and stor­ WANTED A USFU3 doll carriage. house or duplex, fam ily o f 3. Beat farther, farther on that sea of before an Intricate piece of ma­ pack a trunk Is not to dump the l o s t —RED COCKER Spaniel 1936 FORD COACH, with radio, Motors at Center. Phone 4164. FOR SALE—8 MONTHS old ed. CYipitol Window Shade Oo, on warm and light. He'd been than 4 ;30. ^ age. AGENT NORTH AMERI­ Phone 2-0694. ‘ of references. Call 4840. inertia. chinery.'the guide tbid him: .stuff right in the middle, btit to puppy, named Taffy. Call STOi excellent tlrea. Call at 74 Spruce female goat, reasonable price. 241 North Main street Phone thinking of her, couldn’t help It Woman (to butcher) A dollar's Harry Did you know the human CAN VAN LINES INC, Esti­ "So you’re going with me. Gulde-^That machine does the pack it tightly in the corners and or a-1411.______Call at 367 Hilliard street 8819. Opep evenings. WANTED TO RENT five room these.days with her staring at him .worth of steak plense. If yon And yourself traVteling' cplon is twelve feet long? | atreet. mates t** all parts of U. S. A Tsi W A N T E D — PR E -W A R reed strol­ V/e're picking up some friends in work of twenty men. Riiirs . . . Last of all, pack the in circles • maybe it's becat«5e '—■ Kusines.v Services Offered 13 6’ 87. ler In good condition . 1 reason­ "house or flat by > local resident*. from svery paper, There was sym­ M a n (thoughtfully) • • Humm. Butcher - Lady, you said a Henry 1 woiilti have gue.s.sed! U>BT—OOLX) POCKET WATCH, 1933 B inC K 4 DOOR aedan, runs HOSPITAL BEDS for sale or pathy In his voice and a new over­ Chicago end then on down to mouthful. middle . . . There i.s a right way you're running around tod- Ntlx feet. .5. I ably priced, for child leas than Telephone 2-1611 after 5 p. m. Well, that's what, my wife should too, to pack a dav . . . A man can InlUaU F. X. R. Finder pldase re­ good. » 86. 27 North School street, Poultry and Supplies 43 rent, fully adjustable, rates rea­ tone of Interest. Louiaville. I have a b o x ' for the much. ^^arry Very likely you were I two. ‘Telephone 8932. have married. do nearly twice as much if he turn to 102 Drive A. Silver Dane in rear North Manchester.______RANGE BURNER SERVICE. Tel. Repairing 23 sonable. Call Keith’s F\iralture, WANTED—BY NOVEMBER 1st "Small town girl makes good, Derby. ^ We’ll have one wonder­ Don’t quit High school; thinking of the .semi-colon. ful time" A fter that—" appreciate.^ what be can do in Homea. ReTvard. 6940 after 5 p. ro. 4159. WANTED TO BUY a set of en­ 4 to 6 room heated apartment, uh?" she said bitterly. It i.sn't true that "L ife begins at Many of the boys and girls w h o It was at a USO dance, and the • I 1941 MASTER JEEP with steel PIANO TUNING and repairing; five minutes- if'be fllls up the cor­ DRE3SBR) MILK FTID roasting cyclopedias. Write Box S.' The centrsAly located. W rite Box "A lw ays knew you hart It in Aa he went on in glowing drop out of high school fall hard soldier said to his partner: German industrialists have j pickup body. *498.50 Terms an 1 FLOOR SANDING FOR SALE—3 PIECE living room forty," but at forty we uegin to ners of his dav. player piano specialty. John chickens; also fowl. Call 2-0769. Herald. Herald. you,” said Chick. "B y the way, plane, Susan’s weaknesa lifted. suspect that we've made a mess of in later life. Soldier—My love for you Is like warned Hitler that the Nazis w ill' Am. 4$88 T ms $6wvwt. mo- trades accepted. Brunner’s, 80 Laying and Finishing Announcements Cockeriiam, 28 Bigelow street set and carpet, maroon and blue, anything I can do?" Her nervousness was gone, even it. ^ the deep blue sea. be unable to continue fighting Oakland atreet Call 6191 J. E Jensen—Phone 2-0920 “New brother! Hmp!f And I've Tel 4219. ALL KINDS OF native A-esh kill- practically new. Tel. East Hart Susan had a guilty pnng of her exhaustion. She was no longer The country is now working to ■Young Man Would you say Sweet Young Thing- Yes, and more than another eight weeks, ; If No Answer—6329 struggling with temptation. This ‘ye.s” if I asked yoii to marry me? I'm taking it with a corresponding been after them ' aU theta '4JUU3B HAUL. »6 nightly. 10 ed poultry, drawn and cut if de­ ford 8-0360. W A N T E D —A M E T A L lock with Houses for Sale 72 memory. " I haven’t really thanked When reformers hold their ward off the post war after-din­ They have a very good start on ' FOR SALE—1940 PLYMOUTH life without fetters (she haa been She Wotild you a.sk me to months for a dog!” D eiot r tare, suitable for din­ sired. V. Kahn, 41 Main street key. CaU 3691. you for the last thing you did. ” meetings a miserable time la en­ ner speaker: the one who comes amount of salt. stopping, ' ' ' • ' I four door deluxe sedan, radio, WASHER. VAITUUMS. Electric Private Instructions 28 dreaming when she had thought ners, weddings etc. Inquire Mrs. Vernon. Call Rofckvllle 341-2. FOUR ROOM CAPE OOD, fire­ " I know. Would you do it at joyed by ail. to the back door. heater, spotlight, good tlrea. re­ motors, etc., repaired. A ll. parts WANTED — AN ELECTRIC Chick would consider marriage) Irish, 2nd floor. PU B LIC SPE AK IN G — Elocution, place, steam heat. As this Is a lunch tomorrow? I'll fly out). See cently overhauled, privately own­ available 24-hour service. Charg­ FOR SALE —5 1-2-6 POUND Tange. Telephone 5523. was just what Chick' had said: improve the use of your speech Rooms Without Board 69 'pre-war house it has brass you at the airport at one jthen. BUU'l'S AND HER BUDDIES Now, Wait ed. Call between 11 a. m. and 3 es C. O. D. Manchester 2-1430 roasters, 4 months old, 38 cents Tinkles, shadows . . . She leaned BY EDGAR M ARTIN HARRt.1 C AN ’T T E L L you how tools, have better diction and ac­ AUTOMA’TIC ELECTRIC Ironer plumbing; alsi Rusco storm win­ Sweet dreams, Arabella.’’ The p. m. 8368. live weight. Call 7830. ROOM FOR RENT—26 LINDEN across the table toward him. FUNNY BUSINESS sorry 1 am to hear you are vot­ mornings or evenings. quire , greater aclf-confldence. with Unlvers ; motor, porcelain dows and screen* throughout. The phone clicked. > ing for Mr. Roosevelt. I shall cer­ . *treet, opposite Center Park. Call lot Is well landscape^ As the Susan • m o t h e f e d' a cifj^ of “ No." the said. “ You don’t 'un­ ?A\ P\VU60, KiOVi ,NV V O O LV CsV'it V i't VM White Studio. 709 Main street cabinet model 32 Spring street. derstand. Chick. I am tired. It"s tainly see you Saturday at the 1936 OONVEK’n B L E coupe, In A L L KINDS OF tractor work, 5600. o'wner has been transferred out chagrin. He hadn't given her a V\N n .." — .. GOIMG Phone 2-1392. been pretty bad. But. I couldn't Town Clerk’s office where I’m plowing, harrowing, grading and Articles for Sale 45 HFTADQUARTERr FOR all types o f state this place Is being offer­ chance to explain. She didn’t wa n t 16K)\T\0 Ki good condition.'Call 6576. FURNISHED ROOM for 1 or 2 In leave. I ’m in love with Erich.” registering so I can vote for potato •iigglng Also loro wood of new and used stoves, combl- ed for a priCi. o f $6,250. Good him to come. • private home, continuous hot "Love is just a word coined to V V t K & t . ' . j - y - JOe-Tjeg'; OXWc.'R sawing Aime Latultlpe, 758 Ver­ Help Wanted— FemalO 35 pation range*, parlor heaters, oil residential section off Blast Cen- Aunt Sarah's harsh voice proke Thomas E. Dewey. Dick. water, bus stops In front of cover a complex. Maternal in Auto Accessories— non .treet Telephone 8077. HEIAVY, TOBACCO wire, good for burners and oil burner supplies, ■ ter street. Stuart J. Wasley. in: "So he did fix it to take away r r v o K v : house. Call 6803. your case, as I ’ve told you.” T ires ______. WANTED- EXPERIENCED wo­ cow fences. 156 Unlpn street. furnaces and furnace supplies State Theater Building./Tel. 6848 the railroad and ri.'fn the toWn if W \ 1 ^ man for family laundry, no heavy we didn’t let the factorv b ^ n . Chick's eye* narrowed in li^ta- ASHES AND RUBBISH removed. The largest supply of known used W E L L HEATED, furnished rooms. or 7148. f o r s a l e —A ir r o radio, push pieces, shirts optional, will call WE HAVE BUSHEL baskets for You thanked him for it just tlon. "You even used my Influ­ Tel. 2-1588. W. Schultr. stoves In town. Jones’ Furniture Kitchen faciiUles. central. Apply button. Motorola, fits 1939 car. for and deliver. W rite Box K, sale, been used. Come and pick now!” ence with the railroad to save his FIREMAN and Heating Store, 36-38 Oak 74 Arch atreet\Call 3989 factory for him.” Call 4318. Herald. them out. Call at 29 Bisaell S t “ I didn’t say what I was thank­ R AN G E BURNERS cleaned, *ln- street, 8254. Open every evening. Suaan etiffened, hurt. "I stalled and serviced. Satisfaction ing him for.’’ W A N T E D G IRLS AND women POCKET CAMERA— IKOMAT MAPLE FTTRNIS room, suit- Tliienes Attends shouldn’t have done that," aha guaranteed. Call 2-1309. 2 M A P L E BEDROOM suites, 1 couple, near "What was It?’’ for bench work. Steady work, miniature F4.5 Zeiss Ikon lens, able forr 2 girls " I can’t tell you. Aunt Sarah. said evenly. "Please explain it. WANTED dull finished bedroom suite, Pine atreet. IMMEDIATE good pay. Tobet Baseball Com­ 16 exposures 1 1-4x1 6-8 . Elxcel- ^eSheney’s. Call at Y Buffalo Meet I t ’s Thorny's business." We'll take our chances.” G E N E R A L HOUSE painting done vanity, maple dinette sets, Call 5290. at' low cost. Call 8810 after 6 pany, \Elm street. lent condition. Price $45. Phone Aunt Sarsh sent tier s long, Chick’s anger slowly died be­ OCaiP-4NCY 3562. kitchen sets, dining room suites, fore Tier glowdng earnestness. He Apply in Person. p. m. \ pained look then turned and went WANTED — EXPERIENCED oval glass china closet, secre­ grinned, and patted her hand. "I'm <0 2iJ . — V 6-r o o m h o u s e . Newly re­ 21 Hartford, Oct. 20— Elmer T. back to bed. bookkeeper for all around office tary. writing desk,' lamps, end A FURNISHED ROOM\ at just blowing off, Arabella." he t LYDALL & decorated. 2-car garage. Large RANGE BURNERS serviced or Fuel and Feed 4 9 -A tables, scatter rugs, occasional Church street, near Cent^. ’Thienes, executive secretary of the lot Screened porch. Furnace Installed, we have lots of suppliu. work: also to take shorthand. Only when she watched Chick said, "becauac you haven't a com­ chairs. Sleepy Hollow chair, Hartford County Y. M. C. A., is plex over me." A LLE Y OOP Not So Fa«t BY V. T. HAMLIN heat (coal). Can be bought Immediate attention. Jonet Heat­ Apply Tober Baseball, Elm St climb out of his plane the next FOULDS right with rraaonable down pay­ maple rocker, wooden Ice box. attending the Centennial meeting The radio Inside the inn was ing Store, 36-38 Oak streets Call W O M AN OR G IR L to assist with HARD WOOD for furnace or fire­ piano stool and odd- furniture. Apartmeitts, Flats, day and come striding across the ment. Balance like rent of the.National Council of the landing field looking ridiculously turned up. The news announcer's 635 Parker Street 8254. housework, full or part time. Ap­ place. Tel. Willlmantic 1468-J4. Telephone 5187, Austin Cham­ Tenements voice blared out: ply 29 Cottage street. bers Warehouse, Manchester Y. M. C. A. at Buffalo. Delegates hsmasome and carefree did she JARVIS REALTY WANTED—CARS ’TO BE slmo- understand the cause of her ner­ "... fingerprint experts in the Green. Open dally 1-5. Saturday FOR R E N T —5 SU N N Y rooms, Will hear Senator Harold S. Burton Scarbrough Lake affair report 28 Alexander Street nlzed, excell work, reasonable WANTED—WOMAN 20-35. full Garden— Farm— Dairy vousness. Cliick Malloy could bt 8-12. Evenings Monday, Wednes completely furnished. Convenient Ohio present the Republican, the finger printa on the anchor Offloe Phone 4112 price. Call 7^52. time In our branch store. Good Products 50 day and FYlday, 7:30-9. location, quiet neighborFiood. an escape for her. Escape from Senator Lister Hill of Alabama the clamoring prmures that sur­ used aa the murder weapons are ReaMence ’n78 hours, good salary, steady work. Rent reasonable. W rite Box G, Democratic issues o f the com­ rounded her, pr/saures of emp- definitely not those o f any mem­ Snndayai 2-0084 or 7275 WANTED—ALL KINDS of elec­ U. S. Cleaner*,. 836 Main atreet FOR S A L E - Q U A L IT Y Green Herald. ing presidential election aa they tional attachments . . . *he town ber of the Scarbrough houi-ehold.” tric wiring and repairing. Any Mountain potatoes. FYank V. A GRLFn'7 A N D CREAM coal and affectv the youth of the cmintry. WANTED size job given prompt attention. W A N T E D — A NFIAT personable Williams, 1632 Tolland ’Turnpike, wood stove, cheap. Call 5222. . . . Aunt Sarah . . . Jiiiie . . . (To Be OeatlBaed) woman, experienced or not, for Other youth-important business on Yea, even Erich. Whxt If <;7ilck Call 3975 before 7 p. ro. Buckland. Call 7997. the agenda of the meeting will be waitress work, days a week, FOR SALE— KITCHEN range asked her to marry him—go away 6 how the Y. M. C. A. can best serve le-ZQ hours per day. Hansen’s Milk FOR SALE— CABBAGE and with oil burner, rug and a few Local Sailor with him ? The nervous panic was young mra returning from the 4 Painters cauliflower. Call 3977 or 137 on her again. Struggle against I MALE HELP Bar Restaurant next to Armory. other pieces of furniture. Apply armed forMs, how It can be of the “He’s exhausted— lie’i been trying to play the St. Louis NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE Charter Oak atreet. senses demanding what he could at 67 Wells street, upstairs. In 2 Invasions moat help to adolescent youth in Blues with one niigerl” Fan o r Part-Tlmce give her . . . resnlte . . . freedom S a n d —POITSALE---- 66/MML FOR s a l e :— APPLEIS, Macintosh wartime and\period o f read­ WANTED- justment that\ w’ill follow, work . . . If only she hadn’t come! and winter variety. Alvah Rus­ FOR SALE —SIMMONS spring He came up to her. tilted her Warren G. Alcock, G.M. 3-c., among college students, youth In Full or Part T ium WANTED —MEN FOR power sell, Mountain Road, Glaston­ and Iron bed, cheap. Call 5467. chin. In his gay scrutiny there SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAll H 41 Hyde Street, Manchester industry, and the development of Q—Where was th* first produc­ JOHN McCANN presses: also for winding ma­ bury. Call Maincheater 6889. U.S.N., of 34 Durant street, ha* 'was new interest, even concern. world-mindednes^ and a responsi­ ing oil well drilled in the United A pply chines, good pay, steady work. METAL im LITY cabinet, small returned to duty for hi* third as­ Call Hartford 5-6359 3 ble citizenship ampng all young "Arabella." he said, "M y lovely— States ? Tober Baseball, Elm street. enamel breakfast set, oil heater, my pin-up girl.” 51 signment oversea*. Gunner’* Mate people. \ , A At Titusville, Pa., in 1859. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS He's Hopeleos BY MERRILL BLOSSEB Household Goods metal clothes tree. Call 3633. She found her voice. "You LINOLEUM layers. Experienced Alcock enlisted one day after his The National Council 1* the leg­ Colonial Board shouldn’t have come. I haven't In floor, counter and wall work. MAPLE KITC.IEN SET $40, ex­ 17th birthday, July 19, 1943, and islative and pollcy-lpaklng body Q — How long ago was the tltne to see you.” I'M GONNA WITNOCAW MVSC1.P ) UAVC S he refe.0 tq save B u t s h * I KNOW— AkjO tP 1 H A P BEEN IN the lak e, Company ^ Read Herald Advs. Watkins Brothers. cellent condition. 48 Pioneer Cir­ Machinery and Tools received hi* boot training at the p t the Y. M. C. A. Miocene Age 7 8UT I cle. Orford VUIage! Tel. 2-0072. Naval Training Station, Newport, "That’s silly. You accepted my A — Seven to 10 FROM the campaign a n d VC7TE / you NW LIFE-AND IF SHE D DIONT 1 MIGHTA BEEN orm^ n i n o 7-and million years. HILDA M YSELF/ ®ONE DO T H A T , SHE I WOULDN'T EVEN 8 B MERE IF IT 615 Parker Street R. I„ and attended the Naval Gun­ luncheon in-vltation." TOft. SAVE 'rtX « MIGHT SELECTION OF GOOD used trac­ Leas than two 4>ounds\ of radium SfiRVES MV LIFE.' 'rOU HADN’T B«N NIUOA / ^ K ITC H E N SET, Metal cot, ^ nery School, Norfolk, Va. He went " I didn’t." . Ci How fa.st does a thunderbolt HAVS fiECNl tors. New and used disc harrows, are available for use in the world | ' "1 a.sked you. I didn't hear any W6RSNT chair*, front end for tVailer. Call overaeas on his first assignment a* I ravel ? portable tractor saw rigs. Dublin todqy. \ refusal." EViN IN 2-Family 2-0023. Tractor Company, WlllimanUc.- a m embe' of an armed guard gun A - -60,000,000 ra.p.h. < THE UAKC/ 4 Rooms crew. In his last overseas assign­ “ You didn't w ait—" ADAMS STRF.ET— BABY W A LK E R , Electric plate, But Chick was .calling to the ment he participated in the Anrlo Q— What is a family's average SUMMIT S’TREET— 8 rooms each family. Elec­ and a le t o f encyclopedia*, all in driver, "Take us to the Waldorf. FOR SALE Lovely Pre-Wnr Home — tricity, lights and running Musical Instruments S3 Invasion, In Italy, and In Southern share of the nation's wartime ex­ f good condition. Call 6585. France. frien Will Reform Work? BY FRED HABMAN tion, reasonable. Call 7673. used. Manchester Plumbing A ^ heat and garage In basement. COOPER STREET— BURTON'S he said, "with thos* trees behind ments. Vt mile frontage on Supply. Co. - ■ Q —How many mahi highway- 20 milea from About !■/] acres of good land 8 Rooms each side, All con­ \you, you .remaind me of an idyllic automobiles arc r C lO J TILL MOT .ATrtl,M .' HER SIVIN’ HER A CHANCE fktSMT WANTED! 841 Main Street registered in the United fitates? 5 3 Hartford. A good bay! S. P. and a few fruit trees. Small veniences. New fnraace. reek-end In Honolulu.” ehlehen coop and barn. $7,800. car garage. Occupancy in 30 A -24,500,000. I I CAN'1, (vE-NLn&EK 'ttSTE.ROAl 1 Vv’AS TRAIeHT-U.' DO HER rVOKE GOOD THAN . •22,000. $8,000 Down. Imme­ Apply In Person. • Susan's laugh was slightly ANlTriii^G. I'VDILI.’ A LITTLE’ oKvL, OUT TOU with ! I’LL FIND HER diate ooenpaney. Terms Arranged. days. $6A00. Terms Ar- MAN WHO CAN CON­ I'sterical. ’'I feel lik f a week-end Just Far You Q— Who was David Burnet, fa­ IDDAT l ’,'\ A ordimart Outlaw .' TTU5H-L0VE LOOK- ^/^a,»J----:—— , J ranged. WE iii^ Honolulu . . . the on* after TACT AND ARRANGE TO mous in the history of Texas? GROWN V O W 4 1 ?WeE WE CAM Piarl Harbor." GET A — He was named president of s t r a ig h t e n SHERIFP.* BUY FROM FARMERS Chick Malloy's smile br./adened. what ha ppen ed 45-ACRE FARM 5 Roonn . . . Buy ' Texas when that territory declared % S all -h o se tears? her. c u t J fjk -' * Suburban HAVING LIVE BROILERS “ Just what I hoped.” he aaid. He Mm Ut tniaMe. 7-raom dwell- BOLTON. CONN.— Ronte I WE PAY CASH ita IndependMtce of Mexican rule CAMBRIDOE STREETS p ic k - up her hand and kissed It. in 1838. taig with all hnpravenienta. l-c«r Single with an eonvenleneeq^ 2-Room Dffelllng. 8 acres . . . Sell FOR SALE. . FOR GOOD "Publicity is always a strain.” garage—2 small eblekea eoop*. Good sized lot. $8,000. Terins of huid. High location. Avall- "This is more than publicity.” Bara, ti»-ap for 10 head ef cattle h able now. Price $1,800. $800 MODERN FURNITURE Q—^Whem was the first widely- Arranged. Will need 5,000 pounds Ed brought their orders, spill­ used commercial typewriter put frith ample hay, ISOchlekena— Down. WE BUY ing iced tea while he stared at • bead stock, tools and eqnip- . . . Trade weekly. Salary 640.00 on the market? COVENTOT LAKE- Chick. A — In 1837. meat. Good pood and. brook h>> ENTIRE ESTATES "E at Four , salad." said Chick. eatod OB property. Wtthfai oae 6 Rooms TWO S-Room Cottages over- weekly. If yom are ^ v t e g ao4 kay* looklBg ' lakA Completely "And then I'm taking you away Q— What does one short blast mte of l a ^ lakk S. P, $0,000. REAL exoeaa Items, caB as. from it all." Terma Arraaged. MeKEB S IK E E T - equipped' frith electrle refri­ Write o f a locomotive whistle mean ? "^Gosh. do you realize that every day this war goes on Single frith garage. NIee gerator* and stofva. Sleeping A — Apply brakes, stop. means just that much more hislorS’ UMPeACriCAL...Be5l0ES,WEHADM0 V large glasoed-la porch... Has PEiN SMLES NdSni SEVEN ROOMS— Phllgns stove. Space for gar­ without you. You’ra meaning. .WA/ va PASS OM AWV ------< In n line locntlon, 7-Room I'm madness, you’rs aubsUnce, O' THE village MATION WE't> 6ET wtVEdOT den.' Four minntes* walk to ALEXANDER \ WHIKE I MKT Honse/with all Improvements. bench. $2,800. $800 Down. Mittens and Hood Ir — ------^ / A W AV BJ PASS Garage. Extra lot available TANA.SEfiKiEAHT IT ON NOW.* 7 Help Wanted frideb wonid make flne garden HEBRON CONN.— JARVIS lets &TPflWM TO BUSiNiSSJ spot for the property. $9JI00. • - Boom Honso. „Eleetrle Real Estate D id MnrtRafes Term* Arranged. lights and nmnlhg water. 2 aena of tand. Schools and 26 Alexander Street WAR BONDS We Have Work Available for Both choToh dose by. On hda line.. Phone 4112 or 7275 8 Rooms : ' Vacant. $$JMM. $1,000-Down. T SPRUCE STREET—* ANOOVBK— Men and Women. ' No Experience Single. 4 rooms ap and 4 SO'^Aera Farm on hard road. down. . Hot ffnter beat frith 12 to 18 aeiM tlllahle. ' 7-room Necessary. Large lot. AO eoaveal* house. Electrle lights. Garage. 2-rar garage. $8JiOO. Bara. Ohiekea coop. $4JS00. A-1 LOAM nc.'li. 1. p«T or>. Terma arran g^ - Terms Arraaged. All hiring in accordance with Area Stabilization Plan. ADDITIONAL USTWOB AVAILABLE. BY 3. R. WILL1A51S OUR BOARDING HOUSE MAJOR UOUPLB Applications for employment may be made at: MORTGAGES ARRANGED. FOR SALE FIRE — APTO — LITE INSURANCE ' BALONEV.' vsm> Bu t X3u AIN'T g o t .\| THAT'S JuST \ I STiLU-SAV rr vuasN’t IGTHE GRIND I f LET'S ONCH ^ * SHOULDN'T 1 OlT NO RESPONSiBiLiT'y'.' ? w h n T h e n 'l l , TNE /WA30C. VOE PRETTV HARD'N it . BUSTER # ” A'a MUCH DOUGH VMriv. IF I M A D E A M iS * L ’■lEvElR BE OOZliNG- OOT OF THE ATA.T TLLET l1& OFFICE /'tCCl/'c \ VkUC'lNNE'LL 1 T ALLEN REALTY COMPANY Frank Damafo / AS SOU? t h is TA.'r,e o n o n e o Th e s e t \ t o o it t h ’ MOMie AND GRABBING A NiACuL?-~DO AevLTHE OLO Cheuey * United States 8716 MACHINE DOES T h ' ' 1240 vnCXjLD c o s t TH'COKtPAM'/ \ ',\ORl D BUS/-^TeM (VMNUTeS VOO FEEL- BOV ABOUT ALLEN A HITCBOOCK. OlO. ____ SA M E KINOA 'AOi'il, Brothers OB Employment Serviice M » BIAIN 8‘mE E T _____ TELEPHONE $18$ & Son , JHUNDERDS. VNHERB if TH' / p e a c e s e t - T U e ONLV a b o u t t e n W a r l a s t s m u c h l On OER. Tl ED- h l MAN BEFORE THAT, AT THE 'VO O eSELF , BiANcnEsrrER / ^ 'N S R E E L . 148 Hartford Road 414 Capitol Avenue' - 24 Homeatead Street Tim e s a s m a n y 'O u ’k in B ltv Th e m T ih im g s GLUE yiORKS.HE POlKiTED COKMNG Maacbeater, Conn. Oflte* Honrs 8:80 to 8i$0 Exaapf aday. Tkaraday BvcokigB 7-t. OFFTUE Hertford. Conneeticat Telephone 7091 Can 'you ses yoursslf fat this JO S S .' S l t a l l ER, ^**OURE MAX.IM' UN Th A GOKi AO' /V\E AS SERIOUS ful yoke is the last word in fern- Bu t t a k e s t h ' ^_flV E AN ' TEN-^_y"~~^ AS Buffalo bill/—— SPOOL"? beguiling princess frock? The art- SAME B(?AINSL| Bis, HE'S* BUT HE AIN’T I inlne touches smd the sUm, trim T 'N lM S / into gores wUl lit­ o '. UlCREY FINN An Error LANE LEUNAKD erally ****i.5fif whittle your figure! Lovely in velvets, rayon crepes or dressy wools and^designed to make you 0 \ lovely to*look it! ' l' Pattern No. 8718 comes In sixes 12, 14, 18. IS and 20. Slxe 14 re­ ftfasICwpsi quires 8.8-4 yards a t SB-inch ms' Aa indication of how difficult tak­ 5; By Mrs. Axae Osbst 18 cents la Coin, plus 1 aeiit pos­ ing territory troifi the Japs in tbs terisd; for yoke, S-8 yard to eyelet tage. Your Nxnie, Address and tha embroidery. A warm litUs ’set for a small Jungle may be is this potiUon. being girl of 2. 4 or 8 years! K w It now Pattern Number to Anne Ce - 1 examined by a United Statef Itifan- For this pattern, send 20 cents. The Maadieeter Evening Her In Coins, your nisme, addrsas, stse so it will be reskdy to bong from tryman on Bougainville. It was a desired, and thf Pattern Number the branches at the Cfliristmax 1180 Sixth avenue. New York . j, Jap shelter and UmneL Americana to H m Manchester Evening Her­ tree. It's crocheted In ma afghan NT. use every conceitmtale type of flire— ald, Today's ^ tte ra Bervlce, 1180 otitch la hricht rad wool. Double The new Aniie Cabot Album la < -om artillery to flame throwers— shell crochet adgee the bonnet and now ready, 82 delightful,. gay and in routing the raemy. The equip­ \>N Sixth Avenue, New Yorii 19, N. Y. ment pMd for by your War Bond ’Tlu'new fall and winter I w s of back-of-the-neck ruffle ax .vril ax practical pagea of handwork sug- the tops of the mittens. gOBUons for gifts, for wintar purchase* made, the dlSemce be­ *71X11100** lx now rqa<^—82 pkgea. tween vietwy and defeat In taking f It’s a complete guide to your fall ’no obtain complete crocheting woolles for all the famllv--. crochet, knitting and aalikretdaiT positions such aa this ona. f t p op and winter wardrobe Send for InatrucUoita ^ for the MlttenS and your War Itond baying. your adorn. Price 1$ canU. .. f Hood U ttH U m m MhAtttl m e t 2 1 o n lR - (f. J. Tntmrt p a r t o f t h e VvORl P p e a c e . o -la .ITUE MlMC^lEWOeg ? y