Inos to Hit Japs; On

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Inos to Hit Japs; On f ’’.' VT X- V - ■ TltUKSDAT, OCTOSBR M, 1M4 W A m T W K L V * Manchester £!venirtg Herald Average Daily Circulation The Weather For tha Moatk o f September, 1944 Forocaot ol L. 8. Ueatber .Aays and during ,that Bms soma gree work, and for presenting such Roderick M, Crockett of West of ^lem visited a nearby salt a large class for 'initiation. ‘ Hartford, president of the Connec­ Boys Saw War Gt^ange M eet Rain lon'ght, bepoming heav> AH oulTow ii mine which 'was 160 feet below Preceding the degree work a 8 ,9 0 8 late tonight nnd Saturday; not e«i ticut Horticultural Society and ground. In this mins tbers was harvest supper ednsisting of'meat WEDDING Well known to Manchester Garden loaf, salads. Cola ilawi peas and Member of the Audit cool tonight, but continued cool' an altar carved out of asdt and Well Attended Saturday; lacreaalag'wlada. Club, members, will give a series Coming in ’32 also a ballroom, used for a dance, served by the Home Economics Bureud of Clrculattoaa Offican and tMchera of the Sec­ of Lessons in Botany, beginning cariots, rolls, coffee and pie wras BIRTHDAY ond Coacrentional church school once a year. An old caatle also \ iHandtoifcip— 4 City of Village Charm next week Tuesday and continuing was visited and, before entering, committee. The chairman of that will meet at the church thU eve­ each Tueeday at 7:30 tlismigh Large Class o f CantTi- committee. Mrs. Nonnle Hllding, ANNIVERSARY ning at eight o’clock. Miss Edna Speaker .Tells Coliim- it was necessary to put on a Maseh. The eonrse wtU he given mocassin-like piece of-'TWJtwear who was unable to be present, as­ (ClaaaUlod Advertlalag oa Page U ) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1944 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Ward, the new director of the in Room 123 of Hartford High dates Initiated ia the VOL. L X lV .,N O . 17 hian Squire* Trip He over their shoes in order to pre­ sisted the committee with its church school will speak to the School, Broad street building. All plans for the meal. / MADE TO ORDER group on her plans for the year's members of the society are invited Took Through Europe vent scratching the highly-polished 3rd and. 4th Degrees. work. A social time will fellow to bring guests without charge. flqjir. Blue Danube Gray THE NEW CHARLES BAKERY with refreshments served Iqr the •When the Polish boys at the TTie ipaii). lodge hall of the: Ma­ church school committee, Mrs. From the Krakow camp the 18J-187 NO. BAIN STREET PHONE M»9T The intermediate Fellowship of camp near Krakow said tho Ger­ sonic Temple was filled last night DR. I. GERSHANOFF Ferdinand Klein, Mrs. Albert Post tie South Methodist church, an or­ group went to Vienna, Austria. by Grangers. The occasion was thp and Mrs. Karl Keller. ganization of boys and girls 12 mans were preparing for war, we Mr. Smore started out alone to conferrIng'-Qf the third arid fourth OPTOMETRIST to 14 years of age, will gather at laughed at them.” declared Fred­ the famed blue Danube, got degrees pn a large class of candi­ Successor to D O N 'T FORGET! Wednesday Is Mrs. John Hillman and daugh­ the church tomorrow night at seven erick Smore ih felling the members l^!ost t and re-directed so that ho dates, enrolling, with Manchester of Brown-LaGace circle of Colum­ Dr. Walter Oliver r inos to Hit Japs; ter, Dorotlw. o f 20 Fatrview o ’clock. A motion picture will be found the river and then was dls- Grange. ., street, left n is morning for Mont­ shown and games arranged by a bian Squires about a trip he took aj^pointed to discover that It was The ladies’ degree team under 915 Main SL Tei. 6030 D O N U T DAY!!! e s , Canada, where they will committee of young people will be abroad in 1032 in company with a a dlrlv gray. the direction of .Mrs. Fred Man­ 7 spend two weeks. They wlU make played. Nancy Erwin is chairman group of other boya under the Lucerne and Geneva ^ Switz­ ning of the drill team, and Mrs. JELLY DONUTS - Dozen 28c their headquarters at the Wind­ and will be assisted by Mrs.. T. B. sponsorship of the Y. C. A. erland were the next stops. At Earl Swallow %a master exempli­ sor Hotel. Feebler, superintendent of the Irf- “Whether they were giiesilng or the latter city the League of Na­ fied the thflrd degree. The fourth termediates. and the pastor, Rev. really knew what they Were talk­ degree wSs exemplified by Master ing about, their predlc^n nonethe­ tions building was viewed. He W. Ralph Ward, Jr. also remarked that there was a Wilbur T. Little of Manchester BOILERS less came tnie seven-yesra later," Orange and his associate officers. TALL CEDAKS tremendous beach on Lake Gen­ AND on A number of members from At the Salvation Army citadel he continued. eva. , this evening at 7:30 a tea and get- ‘■yta I look back fhe German boys Granges In surrounding towms that I met apwfar to have been They then ' traveled across were present. Including East Hart­ together wilt be held for all sol­ southeast France to Paris from FURNACES - 4 * diers of the Manchester Corps. just like the English, Dutch, Pol­ ford, Tolland, Vernon, Wapping WAYNE W. PHILLIPS Bingo ish, Czech, Austrian, Swiss and which several side trips were and Cromwell. The State Grange HIGH POM^a^VACUUM This special meeting will be for taken. In Paris Mr. Smore re­ Where Philippine Landings Are Reported the purpose of discussing the win­ French boys we met on our travels. was represented by Ira Willcox of CLEANKD membered seeing the Eiffel tower, Tolland, assistant stewa/d of that Commercial Refrigeration ter activities. Major J. H. Sweet Yet apparently Hitler was able to Get all the beat yon ehoold tmoi Orange Hall Instill the poison of racial super­ the Arc de Homphe, the Louvre' group. Mr. Wilcox complimented will preside. and the Unknown Soldier’s grave. yont rationed fuel thle Winter. Ground Forces Pour the local Orange for its fine de- inants iority In them and make them Engineering and Service Garrison The cazt;le at Fontainbleau and the Let OB condition yonr heattag MILES Mary C. Keeney Tent. Daugh­ thipk it was their destiny to go out plzut now. Call aay ttme! Tomorrow Night ters of Union War Veterans, will and conquer the world. I sometimes palace of Versailles were viewed Service and Equipment for Markets, Grills Hospitals, 2S Wonder if some of the boys I met on the side trips.,e HE.NRT J. PARENT 23 REGULAR GAME^ 25c. meet at the Y.M.C.A. this evening Dairies, Restaurants Milk Coolers, Deep Freeze Cabi­ at eight o’clock. camp were not among those The next stop was Cherbourg TEL. 2-0155 7 SPECIAL GAMES who, during this war. have dropped where the boys took the boat for nets Etc- by Y anks; Ashore Upon Leyte; SWEEPSTAKES bombs perhaps on some of their home. They ran Into a storm TELEPHONE 3622 MANCHESTER WEEKLY PRIZE campiMtes.” coming back which reaulted in HAR#ORD PROMPT 1 42ianglng of the Guards minor irritstlon.s and one of the Aecideel and ladeaieily CeapaBy MONTHLY PRIZE Mr. Smore told of seeing the finest sights to .see on the whole FOR EXPERT - W AR BOND D/\Y a n d N IG H T whispering gallery In St. Paul's in trip was thjj Statue of Liberty ,Te Be Drawn Oct. 27 INSURANCE • WELDING London and the changing of the again. City Left Ruins Three Points Seized guards at St. James’ palace during Next Wednesday evaning the • WIRING the few days spent in England. At circle is planning to have an open TRY A DELICIOUS HOT MEAL this dally ceremony a crowd al­ meeting at which pirdspective Arthur A. Knoflo • RANGE BURNER Huge Convoy Under OM n oors Sanded aad Beflnish- ways was on hand to watclb he members will b* guests. SERVICE Last Convulsive Gasp of g m o k e N o W Homonhoo I. said. < 875 Main St. TeL 5440 Double Header British Force Big Planes ed. New- Floors Laid aad Ba- The chief memory of tho visit to A t the 5 a PHILIPPINE IS. Protection of Naval ALICB OOFRAM “ Ask Ypar Neighbor” CALL Resistance in Center; fahhed. SO Teais^ Expeitaaea. Holland was-the viewing of a col­ Comotet It., And Air Power; Gen* lection of the paintings of Rem­ (Known As Queen Alice) Of City in Which 100 ,.’R U R K E @ SPIRITCAL aOBDroM n A t FaStCSt Attack Made Japs to Quit Now Lead WILLIAM NOWSCH brandt. Rudy" Johnson eral Tells People He Crossing into Germany, at Seventh Dangliter of • Seventh Son Hartford Road Tavern SS Men Barricaded Pkoae BoekviUe 507-12 ^ Ir-^’ taKiftsT HinruKim U3«ii Cologne, the young travelers saw Borii Wnb n Veil. Fulfilled Vow to Re­ Readings Dally, tncloding Sunday, 3 7 8 Hartford Road Telephone 3813 Themselves in Defi­ Rate E ver On Stuttgart Burma Town In Output its famous cathedral, a fine ex­ Higrh Quaiity Cleaning Of Phone 8028 Siorgoo I. ample of Gothic architecture; at B A. M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appoint- Before 8 A. M. or After 5 P. Bf. turn; President, and noent. In the Servfea of the Peo­ Heatinfi Systema and FULL COURSE MEALS ance of Artillery ; Di­ Coblenx a castle whose grounds ple for SO Veara.
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