Canberra Bushwalking Club Inc PO Box 160 Canberra ACT 2601

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 8pm Wednesday 16 September 2009

Don’t be a sleeper The Club needs new committee members for the next year. Come along and nominate for a position on the committee or just to vote and have a say in how your Club works for you. Main meeting room, St. John’s Church Hall Constitution Avenue, Reid

Canberra Bushwalking Club it September 2009 page 1 want to thank those who have come studied fauna, bush-cooked, sung, President’s with me and made them great. We socialised, etc; not to mention the could perhaps, become the offi cial training dimension. Much of this Prattle sponsors of the purple eatery, and continues either as scheduled club maybe the Pig and Whistle too. As activity or privately with reasonable I fade into the background, I plan to access. Alternatively I’d say that the y offi cial report to the club will keep up the walks and I hope to see club successfully acts as a meeting Mbe presented at the AGM. This many of you on the track. place for people to initiate and is a more personal note in which I pursue bushwalking and associated will take the opportunity to thank I invite you all to attend the Annual matters and that I’m supportive of those of you who have supported me General Meeting on 16 September. it all. over the last two years. Some still New offi cers will be elected. The question what sort of organisation following offi cers have indicated Our next Veteran’s Choice is to be this club should be and the support I that they will not stand again: led by Doug Wright in December to Nadgee on the South Coast. These got from the many people who agree • President with the need to keep the club going trips have always been popular and forward has been much appreciated. • General Secretary have become an institution! Please refer to the program for details. I endorse the paragraph in Rob’s • Assistant Walks Secretary After that, the Veteran’s Choice Walks Waffl e in which he says that • Social Secretary in March is to be the Shoalhaven he has tried to provide something Cross-Over, run by Gösta Lyngå for everyone to take account of the • Conservation Offi cer. and Peter Henderson. One party wide spectrum of interests that exist If interested, contact the current canoes up the , the other walks among members. This is the way I offi ce holder or me or just turn up down, they rendezvous Saturday think the program should be and I on the night and nominate. night, swap car keys and kayaks particularly thank him for his role in and retrace each other’s route the this key club job over many years. Stan Marks next day. Both trips are likely to be It is well known that I have my own President over-subscribed, so I would advise preferences as to the type of walks members to book early. I do but I know everyone is not like With reference to the past and com- me though, contrary to the beliefs of ing year, I thank everyone for their some, I have in fact done multi-day Walks co-operation and help with my task back packing but before I joined this as Walks Secretary. I am interested club and before my back gave out. Waffl e to continue in the job but don’t wish I want to say how much I have to monopolise it; if anyone is keen, enjoyed the walks I have done, able and seeks election for the posi- tion at the AGM, I won’t contest it. especially the weekends away and I or a good read, members are Freferred to John Evan’s article A ‘Fortune Cookie’ saying: ‘Tradi- on ACT border markers, in The tion is not caring for the ashes but Bushwalker, the magazine for The passing on the fl ame.’ Contents NSW Confederation of Bushwalk- ers. From it, we would be saying In the meantime, good walking. 2 President’s Prattle that John’s walks are ‘along’ rather Rob Horsfi eld 2 Walks Waffl e than ‘through’ history and by the Walks Secretary 2 Membership matters time he has closed the traverse he and his groups will have sampled 3 R Review:eview: CCareare ooff ffeetee some great country. aandnd other fi rst aid tipstip The Walks Program has much that foforr bushwalkersbushwalkers should be of interest in the coming Membership 4 G Gigerlineigerline Nature Re-Re weeks. I understand that August sserveerve and gogorgerge to was a particularly active month with matters plenty of trips involving plenty of MMtt Rob RoyRoy people. 4 Los Lostt anandd FFoundound Recently, in discussion, I explained Please ensure that you keep the 5 R Rambleamble oonn ththee PinnPinnaclea that my policy as Walks Secretary Membership Secretary informed 5 FFeelingeeling literary?literary? has been to try to provide something of any changes to your email 5 FFarar ssitedited for everyone. There is a wide spec- address. trum of interests ranging from short 6. CChristmashristmas ppartyarty New members: Paul Ellis, rambles to ambitious exploration Di Gillies, Todd Melrose, 6 RltfAResults from August t in rugged country. Over the years Robert Tulip and Caroline Reid, meeting members have walked, climbed, Sue Skermer and Victoria Willard. canyonned, kayaked, skied, snow- 6 From the Archives shoed, photographed, painted, Allan Mikkelsen 7 Activity program caved, travelled overseas, botanised, Membership Secretary

Page 2 – Canberra Bushwalking Club it September 2009 RReview:eview: CareCare ofof feetfeet and most importantly, may help you That’s a tourniquet. Oops! You don’t to save someone’s life! want the limb to drop off. Overlap aandnd ootherther fi rrstst aaidid the tape by a third each time, mov- The most common injury for ing to the front of the foot and up ttipsips fforor bbushwalkersushwalkers bushwalkers is blisters! No surprises the foot. Use about 8 strips. Hard to there as probably all of us have had 1199 AugustAugust 22009009 imagine? I know! You should have them. Even Dunlop Volley wearers been there! And it was a large and you ask? Surely enthralled crowd that was there. f you thought First Aid was not! Mechani- Iboring then you should have cally induced There is also an amazing artistic come to Allan Donnelly’s August by friction, the Pressure immobilisation bandage talk. Totally fascinating! He also dermis separates (PIB) for snake bite. Yes it has gave a practical demonstration (Stan from the epider- groovy little coloured rectangles on volunteered his foot by reclining mis when we get it. Not designed to make you look on a table) on care of feet for a blister. pretty while being all trussed up, but bushwalkers. to allow fi rst aiders to apply it with Treatment? To the right pressure. The rectangle pierce or not to stretches into a square when it is pierce, that is applied at a certain pressure. How the question. good is that? Well you do if fi lled with fl uid - using a scalpel that you To test circulation you press the carry in your fi rst aid kit and on the thumb nail or toenail and release. edge of the blister. Of course the It should go white then pink within best thing to do is tape hot spots 3 seconds. early or before the walk with magi- cal stuff called Hypafi x, Mefi x or Oh and one last tip, after a hard day Fixamol. on the track carrying you around, give your tootsies a little treat. Another amazing bit of gear for Rub them with pawpaw ointment. blisters was the psychedelically They will love you unconditionally colourful (I don’t remember taking forever. any drugs) 2 mm thick expanded vinyl acetate (EVA) available in Lois Padgham The key message of the night was: truckloads from Clarke Rubber. Shock is what kills us! Just cut a bit out (curve the corners of course) and tape it to your heel What is shock? (No its not a photo for protection from rubbing. Before of me in my underwear crossing a you go putting Leucoplast and other To Douglas Wright creek while holding John Kelly’s tape on your skin (which may react), Your many friends in CBC wish hand, although some might think wipe it down with Kendall Preppies you a happy 80th birthday otherwise. See Finding Your Way - Skin Barrier Wipes, the best thing and thank you for your warm in the Bush). since sliced bread. friendship. Shock is loss of effective, circulat- The second most common bushwalk- Douglas is one of the ing blood volume. In fi rst aid, it’s ers’ injury is when you go over on club’s life members. a matter of working out what is your ankle (sprain) either inward causing the shock and treat it. or outwards. Decide whether it was First aid = managing the cause of rolling out (eversion) or rolling in shock and adding a blanket (inversion), then use 1” strips of Leucoplast at right angles to each The priority of care is always: other. If it’s an inversion, you start 1. Unconscious from the outside of the ankle go under the foot and up the inside 2. Breathing side with a little tension on the tape. Make sure the foot is straight and 3. Bleeding never encircle the limb with tape. 4. Breaks Having taught a lot of first aid classes, Allan recommended the club organise regular scenarios and work through them to practice our fi rst aid skills. Having done one, complete with actors and fake blood and bones sticking out of arms, I know they can Photo by Janet Edstein be quite intense but are a lot of fun taken at Bargo Gorge, May 09

Canberra Bushwalking Club it September 2009 page 3 GGigerlineigerline NNatureature RReserveeserve andand gorgegorge ttoo MMtt RRobob RRoyoy Walkers: Cynthia B, Karen C, Eric G, Henry H, Barrie R, Chris R, Max S, Ken W n 4 August, a group of us Owent on an excellent walk led by John Evans. The walk had something for everybody, ranging from local historic sites (e.g. the De Salis cemetery) to geographical anomalies (e.g. Mt Gigerline escarp- ment) to beautiful views and good company. View West from Rose Trig We were rewarded for our slog up did not linger long to enjoy yet The Gang Gigerline Hill, with lovely views to another terrifi c view. We headed the Tinderries, the Murrumbidgee down a steep slope that my knees River gorge, and a foggy Mt Ten- will long remember and back into nent. Some nice treess about, the subursuburbia of Banks. nea angustissim including kurrajongs aandnd odo a a starkly ring-backedd D FoForr those of you eucalypt. Barrie wwho have not introduced us all to tried a Tues- a rare native hop day walk, you bush (Dodonea do need to be angustissima). The reasonably fi t, walk along the river but you will gorge was beautiful, gget to some of We started from the Tharwa Bridge theth most lovely and walked along the east side of and we had morning teaea in a lovely spot. ooff-trackff-t places, the , avoiding learn a lot about local his- nasty blackberries on the other Lunch was another spot with nice tory because of John’s enthusiasm side and wet feet crossing the views over Royalla – the exact for it, and walk with a very friendly river, thanks to the local property spot determined by some growling leader. And, hey, it also helps some owner who gave us permission to stomachs. of us to fi ght that growing middle- walk through his land. We were aged bulge, another bonus! all amazed at the wombat city that More great views at Rose Trig, with had grown along the riverbanks, Mt Tennent the central feature, then Thanks John for some great Tuesday with holes so big that some of us on to to Mt Rob Roy through some walks over the past few months, wondered if the prehistoric giant pretty, open sclerophyll forest. By with and without the wretched wombats had returned. the time we reached Big Monks, border markers. a sharp breeze had come up so we Cynthia Burton

Lost and Found ound: a spray jacket, made Fby Ground Effect, size XS, made of pure polyester, and folds up into a bum bag that is integral to the jacket. Left in the back of a vehicle. May have been lost some time ago. Please phone Russ Whitewood, 0404 848 991 (m) if you think this is yours.

Page 4 – Canberra Bushwalking Club it September 2009 RRambleamble onon tthehe PPinnacleinnacle ragtag group of 15 joined Rene A Mavraganis and John Evans as they led a pre-emptive Spring ramble through the bushland at the back of Hawker. This nature reserve is a delight in the midst of suburbia with its diverse birdlife and fl ora and fauna. With not very much effort it is possible to see a kangaroo or two, (or hundred). Rabbits also abound despite recent intensive control measures and on this walk, we were lucky enough to spy a bearded dragon sunning itself beside a track. It was content to stay put and not be disturbed by 28 trudging feet within inches of Wattles and Hardenbergia violacea its domain. were in bloom and many other fl owering species can be found at Magnifi cent views across the different times of the year. Brindabellas From the Pinnacle itself it is hard to believe you are in the middle of suburbia as views stretch from the lower Molonglo Gorge and the Brindabellas to the south-west through to Mt Pal- arang and the Tinder- ries in the east. It’s only as you look north over Belconnen and Lake Ginninderra that suburbia encroaches on the illusion. It is possible (and I have done) to walk from the western most point in Hawker through to Black Mount all through bushland or open grasslands. Alison Milton Feeling literary? Far sited Have you had a great experience on a Club walk? Been movedved to write about it, either in prose or verse? Felt the urge to see your nameame in print? Or ne of Canberra’s most even just taken some great photo shots that you would like to share. Osignificant foundation narratives is about maps: who The Club welcomes contributions from members so why not write about an interesting made them, where, when and experience on a walk or just an enjoyable walk. Alternatively, send in a photo or two with a short paragraph about it/them. why. The National Library of is currently hosting The closing date for each issue of it is the date of the 4th Wednesday of everyy month. Handwritten and posted material is acceptable, but an exhibition on the maps that eemailmail is preferred. We also welcome photographs, preferably as made Canberra. The exhibition separately scanned items or digital images. We can scan is in the Maps Reading Room original photographs. Contact: Ph 6254 0578, editor@ (Lower Ground 1) and is open from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Post: 20 O’Sullivan Street, HIGGINS, ACT 2615 Monday to Friday until Alison Milton, Editor 31 January 2010.

Canberra Bushwalking Club it September 2009 page 5 How to host a Christmas party From the heh Canberra Bushwalking Club tradi- Ttionallyti holds a Christmas party around early DecemberDec each year, usually at the home of a cocommitteemm member. Archives This year, we are offering the chance for other club members to nominate their place. The party is a everyone bring EVERYTHING. BBQs can be provided if you don’t have one and help is provided to set up, cook and clean up.. So all yoyouu any of you will have walked or skied the trail need is a reasonably large backyardd and the Mthat goes from Dead Horse Gap via Cascades willingness to host the party. Hut to the Tin Mine area and the Pilot, thence on to Quambat Flat. The Walking Track To volunteer or for more details, pleaseease email continues from there down into Victoria past the the Social Secretary at socsec@canber-anber- Cobberas Mountains. or phonene Jenny on 6231 4535. In the 1960s this track was still open to vehicles but was apparently very rough on most vehicles. The following account in it in April 1967 describes Results from August a car trip down that way. The party of three ‘drove in from Dead Horse Gap meeting to Quambat on Good Friday, climbing the Pilot en route. On Saturday they bagged Moscow Peak and Duty of Care/Register of Leaders Cobbera No 2, both part of the Cobbera Range. They t last month’s General Meeting, members voted returned that night to base camp at Quambat Flat Ain support of the Committee’s proposals to intro- but it was not a peaceful night as they were disturbed duce Duty of Care Guidelines and to set up a Register by explosions from 303 shotguns and search lights. of Leaders. The Duty of Care Guidelines have now Next day, Easter Sunday, they climbed Cleft Peak been posted in the Club Documents section of our and Cobbera No 1 –thus completing the Cobbera website. Setting up of the Register of Leaders will be a priority task of the 2009/10 Committee. Range – and camped at Limestone Creek, twelve miles south of Quambat Flat. Terence Uren Monday – the long drive home via Benambra and Training and Safety Offi cer Corryong. Moral: Unless you have a landrover, don’t drive through on the Dead Horse Gap road, it just isn’t Cook’s worth it. The walk through, which has never been completed on a club expedition, would be about 70 miles return. Well, 40 years later, quite a few club members Corner could claim to have walked that route, and would feel glad that the track is not now open to vehicles, but is part of a satisfying long-distance walking track. Members’ contributions to this section are most welcome. Peanut butter gravy Jenny Horsfi eld ½ cup peanut butter 1 tablespoon whole wheat fl our pinch garlic granules dash cayenne 1 teaspoon tamari soy sauce 1 cup water Combine all ingredients except water and tamari. Mix well; add water and heat, stirring continuously, until bubbly. Remove from heat, add tamari. Serve hot. (Serves 2)

Keith Thomas and Rene Davies

Page 6 – Canberra Bushwalking Club it September 2009 Activity program Arrange for your Club-related activities to be included in the program with Rob Horsfi eld (Walks Secretary) Ph: 6231 4535 (h), Email: [email protected], Post: 11 Studley St Kambah ACT 2902

Information for participants

Distance and diffi culty Duty of care Distance: Every person taking part in a CBC activity acknowledges that (S) Short - under 12km/day he/she does so voluntarily and that he/she may be exposed to risks that could lead to injury, illness or death, or to loss of, or (M) Medium - 12-20km/day damage to property. Each person is required to sign the club’s (L) Long - over 20km/day ‘Acknowledgement of Risks’ form. Visitors are welcome to join Note: In calculating distance, 1 km is added for every 100 metres trips. However walkers are strongly encouraged to join the club climbed. after a maximum of three trips. Terrain: For further information see: (E) Easy - fi retrail, tracks, beaches etc (M) Medium - bush tracks, alpine areas, some scrub (R) Rough - much scrub, steep climbs, rock scrambles Check-in after walks (W) Wet - compulsory swims, many river crossings Before a trip leaders are to provide the following information, pref- (X) Exploratory erably by email but by phone if necessary, to the Check in Offi cer: Booking • Names of participants (including contact details for non- members); Contact the leader early rather than late. Book by Thursday 2.00 pm for the following weekend (both one-day and multi-day • Registration number of at least one vehicle being used on the walks) so the leader has time to arrange transport. trip and details of where this vehicle will be parked during the Check with the leader about: trip; X the need to carry water, tents/fl y, maps, etc • Trip Plan (including start/fi nish points and in suffi cient detail X appropriate clothing, footwear to allow route to be determined by a third party from relevant X any precautions you might need to take for severe weather topographic maps); and changes. Ask about anything you’re unsure of, especially if you are new to • Communication Equipment being carried (PLB, mobile phones our Club. (including numbers) etc) Leaders are to report their safe return or trip cancellation to the Transport Check-in Offi cer by 10 am the day after their trip. The Check-in Costs are 36¢/km/car, divided equally among all participants. This Offi cer is Jeff Bennetts ([email protected]. amount may be varied at the discretion of the leader, depending au phone 6231 5899 leave message if no answer). The Check- on the condition of the roads and other factors. The fi gures given in Offi cer or the President (6254 9568), not the Police or other for the car as a whole and then, at the discretion of the leader, an estimate or range per person . Park admission and camping fees bodies, should be the fi rst point of contact for worried relatives if are additional costs which leaders should list separately. you are late in returning.

Sunday 13 September: Mt Clear Range – M/E + 800 m climb. Maps: Corin Dam and Rendezvous Creek With views of the Murrumbidgee Valley to the east and 1:25,000. Leader: John Evans 6288 7235(h), jevans@ the Gudgenby Valley to the west, this is a spectacular but Transport: $40 per car. Further details at easy ramble up the northern end of Clear Range and along Limit: 8. the ridge, following closely the ACT/NSW border. All this only 10 minutes drive from Namadgi Visitors Centre! Map: Williamsdale 1:25,000 Leader: Tom Gosling 6290 2874(h), 0418 294 343(m), [email protected] Wednesday 16 September, 8 pm Transport: ~$24 per car, $8 per person. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 12–13 September: Folly Point – M/E-M Main meeting room, St. John’s Church Hall From the Sassafras car park at the entrance to Morton NP, Constitution Avenue, Reid we follow a track (which may be overgrown in places) on a cliff-surrounded plateau to one of the best viewpoints in the Budawangs, taking in Pigeon House, the Castle 18–20 (Fri–Sun) September: Over the Kerries and much more. Suitable for reasonably fi t day walkers Ridge – M/M, X, alpine, on snow who want to try backpacking. Map: Endrick 1:25,000. The Munyang Valley near Guthega provides a sheltered Leader: Jeff Bennetts 6231 5899(h). Transport: ~320 km route onto a large plateau north of the Main Range. It return, ~$115 per car, ~$30–$40 per person. Limit: 8. provides great walking in summer, and should be even Tuesday 15 September: Orroral Rocks – L/M- more rewarding with snow all around. We’ll expect to use R,ptX snowshoes and tents, but at night won’t be far from the Three walks from the Orroral tracking station car park. ‘Schlink Hilton’ and Tin Huts. The route could include (1) Lunar Laser Rocks (2) The Cloisters from the East then Big Brassy, Gungartan Peaks and Boltons Hut. Maps: South to the valley fl oor (3) European sites. Around 22 km Mt Kosciuszko, Khancoban 1:50,000. Leader: Rupert

Canberra Bushwalking Club it September 2009 page 7 Barnett 6242 5241, [email protected] Transport: Saturday 3 October: Mt Mavis and Mt Herlt – +NP fee, $240 per car. L/R,ptX Saturday 19 September: Worn Boot Bash #8 From the Nursery Swamp car park, follow the NS track then taped footpad to Rendezvous Creek. Then 600 m up – L/R to Mt Mavis (SH1711). Fabulous views and granite; some Boboyan car park– Sams Creek– Mt Kelly– Bogong scrambling. SE down along the ridge and up to Mt Herlt, Gap– Burbidge Ridge– Middle Creek– car park ~27 km above the 1600 m contour. North down to Rendezvous and plus a few hills. Maps: Rendezvous Creek, Yaouk so home. Around 18km and 1100 m total climb. Physically 1:25,000 Leaders: Jenny and Rob Horsfi eld 6231 4535(h) demanding walking for a fi t and experienced party. Map: Transport: ~64k ea way, $46 per car, $11.50–$15 per Rendezvous Creek 1:25000. Leader: John Evans 6288 person. 7235(h), [email protected] Transport: ~$12. Further Saturday 19 September: The Corn Trail – M/E-M details at Limit: 8. The Corn Trail runs (for us down hill) through Monga 3–5 October: Budawang Weekend – various National Park and over its 14 km descends 600 m. The route is all on track though stretches are steep and would grades be slippery after rain. This lush area of forest is a local I have booked basic accommodation near Nerriga on the gem. There are limited but worthwhile opportunities for edge of the Morton National Park for the long weekend, distant views whilst the main beauty of this walk is in driving down early Saturday morning. The bunkhouse the foreground. Three creek crossings, all shallow. An holds six. Others can use tents but all can use stove, refrig- early rendezvous in Braidwood to allow for the car shuf- erator and shower. We will do three day walks, led by Jeff fl e. Maps: Monga, Araluen 1:25,000. Leader: Austin Bennetts. Tentatively, Sat Crossroads Pass onto Sassafras Kenney, 6262 2358. Bookings to austinandbeatrice@ Plateau; Sun Quiltys Bora Ground via Binnari Pass and Transport: $36 per person with 3 sharing return via The Vines; Mon Fosters Mtn. Walks are short, (300 km return). long and medium respectively and all are 3/4 track or open country, 1/4 thick scrub. The views are stunning and the wildfl owers should be near their best. Bookings to Stan COMMITTEE MEETING please. To discuss the walks, contact Jeff. Map: Endrick Wednesday 23 September 2009, 8 pm 1:25,000 or CMW Budawangs Leaders: Stan Marks and at the home of TBA Jeff Bennetts. Stan 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), stan. [email protected] and Jeff 6231 5899(h) 0418 662 870(m), [email protected] Transport: $100 per car, ~$30 per person, Accommodation: depends on Saturday 26 September: Below Bendora numbers, ~$20 Limit: 12. Arboretum – M/M We will walk from the Bendora car park on Mt Franklin Saturday 10 October: Moonlight Hollow 2 – Road to the arboretum and then Warks Road. We soon M/E leave the track and follow a ridge through open forest to This walk follows good tracks through lush forest, mostly a pleasant knoll for lunch. Return via a disused logging unaffected by the fi res. We will follow the same route from road, overgrown in places, to Warks Road and the cars. Bulls Head to Bendora Arboretum (lunch) as the walk of About 5 hours actual walking. Map: Tidbinbilla. Leader: this name earlier in the year but with a different return to Stan Marks 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), stan.marks@ the cars via disused logging roads, with running creeks Transport: $40 per car, ~$15 per and ferny gullies. About 5¼ hrs actual walking. Map: person. Tidbinbilla Leader: Stan Marks 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), [email protected] Transport: Sunday 27 September: Gungahlin Hill, ~ $40 per car, ~$15 per person. Gungaderra and Mulangarri Grasslands Nature Reserves – S/E,X (9)10–11 October: Two walks in the An afternoon ramble from the Barton Highway up Budawangs: Monolith Valley/Green Room / Gungahlin Hill and across the Gungaderra Grasslands The Arch – M/M–S/M Nature Reserve. Cross Gungahlin Drive and wander about Travel down Friday, car camping at . Leave the Mulangarri Grasslands Nature Reserve. Bring arvo early Saturday morning, walk up the steepish Kaliana tea to share. Around 8.3 km and 100 m climb. Map: Hall Ridge, along to Meakins Pass and onto Monolith Valley 1:25,000 Leader: John Evans 6288 7235(h), jevans@ climbing about 550 m, passing Shrouded Gods and onto Transport: ~$2. Further details at http:// the ‘Green Room,’ a spectacular small gorge covered with mosses, fern & other greenery. Return to camp by the same route. On Sunday morning walk up another but not Tuesday 29 September: Border Markers near so steep track along the side of the Castle and onto The Blackfellows Gap – L/M–R,ptX Arch, visiting a cathedral like cave on the way. Return A quick insertion to the SE spur of Mt Gingera via back to camp after lunch and return to Canberra. This will Stockyard Spur and the Mt Franklin Fire trail. Hunt be a joint trip with FBI. All bookings by Tues 6 Oct to border markers from O58 south, through Blackfellows allow time to sort out transport. Map: Corang 1;25000 Gap and onto ‘Ginger-Ale’. Guaranteed a long day for or CMW Budawang Leader: Janet Edstein 6288 1398, dedicated BM hunters. Around 29km + 1400m climb. [email protected] Transport: Cars 180 km each Map: Corin Dam 1:25000. Leader: John Evans 6288 way $130 per car $32.50–$43 per person. 7235(h), [email protected] Transport: ~$20 per car. Further details at Limit: 8.

Page 8 – Canberra Bushwalking Club it September 2009 Tuesday 13 October: Corang Circuit – L/M Wednesday 21 October 2009, 8 pm From the Wog Wog entrance to the Moreton National Park we follow the track to Corang Peak for great views, then MONTHLY ‘MEETING’ down Conglomerate Slope to Canowie Brook. We will then walk downstream to the , past Many Rock Ribs, on to the lagoon and back to Wog Wog. Almost Sunday 25 October: escarpment all the walk is on track, some of which is overgrown. – M/M–R(X) Total climb of about 600 metres. Map: Corang 1:25,000. Starting from Meryla Pass (near Moss Vale), this 12 km Leader: Philip Gatenby 6254 3094, jandp.gatenby@ walk features fi ne views across the gorge of Sandy Creek Transport: $22. Limit: 8. and beyond to the Shoalhaven, and towards Kangaroo Valley in the other direction. On the way we look for new Saturday 17 October: Russell’s Needle – negotiable routes through the cliffs above Sandy Creek – M/M?/X especially gaps at 579 564 (a rainforest grotto?) and 573 The Needle is a place near Mittagong with good views up 561, and point 571 550. Expect some rock scrambling, and the Nattai Gorge. It is best accessed via private property scrub on the tops. Map: Bundanoon 1:25,000. Leader: but the farmers are not friendly so we have to go another Jeff Bennetts 6231 5899(h). Transport: ~380 km return, way. I tried to get there in March without luck but have $137 per car, $35–$50 per person. Limit: 12. since gotten details of the route used by the Southern Highlands Club. We will again park in the Jollore State (23)24–25 October: Durras weekend 2 – M/E Forest and from there, cross a tributary of the Nattai Leave Canberra Friday night, stay in comfortable cabins at to access the fi re trail to the Needle. There is 2 km off Depot Beach. On Saturday, Ross will lead a walk along the track (incl return) which is doable but may be hard; the coast south of the Murramarang Resort, from Wasp Head rest I believe is on a good track. Map: Hilltop 1:25,000. to Richmond Beach headland, thence the Olympic Pool, Leader: Stan Marks 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), stan. through the Garden of Unearthly Gums, via Oaky Beach [email protected] Transport: ~$30 and up to North Head and the cars. If you like the coast, do this one. On Sunday, we’ll reverse the walk done in May; Sunday 18 October: The Pinnacle and we will start at Pebbly Beach and follow the coastline to beyond – S/E the ridge just north of Snake Bay. In May, we found an The Pinnacle affords magnificent views across the overgrown logging road on this ridge, we plan to follow it Molonglo Gorge to the Brindabellas and to the Tinderries up the hill this time. Lunch on top of Durras then back to and Mt Palarang to the East. Easy walking through open the cars along the marked trail. About 5 hrs walking both bushland amid diverse birdlife. Walk will end near Black Saturday and Sunday. Bookings to Stan please. Maps: Mt and includes a short car shuffl e. Meet at the end of Durras/Milton 1:25,000. Leaders: Ross Andrews 6289 Dungowen Street, Hawker at 9.00 am. Leader: Alison 1261(w), 0405 103 424(m), [email protected]. Milton 6254 0578(h), 62892717(w), alison.milton@ au and Stan Marks 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), stan. Transport: Please drive yourself, but let [email protected] Transport: ~$150 per car me know if you need a lift. (incl park entry), ~$45 per person. Accommodation: (16)17–18 October: Bournda National Park – ~$50–$70 for the weekend depending on numbers. M/E–S/E Drive down Friday (9th) evening to car camp at Hobart Beach camp ground. Saturday a short car shuffl e to Tathra COMMITTEE MEETING to the start point for the Kangarutha track. Fourteen Wednesday 28 October 2009 kilometres with minimal ascent or descent though some short steep sections to get to and from the several beaches on this walk. All on track, cliffs, beaches, coastal views. The route fi nishes back at the camp ground. Sunday a Saturday 31 October: Ridge with a view as short circular walk from the camp site, taking in Bondi amended – M/M Lake, Bournda lagoon, the viewing platform over Turra A variant of the May walk of this name (same outwards Beach and lunch on the beach close to Bournda Island. route, different return) designed specifi cally for people About 8 km, all on track or beach, very pretty. Relatively who have done navigation training or who can navigate early start for the homeward journey. Two very pleasant a bit and want to develop their skills. You can make walks and a well equipped camp ground. Map: Wolumla mistakes without lots of onlookers! Participants will 1:25,000 Leader: Austin Kenney. 6262 2358, austinand- get the opportunity to lead sections of the walk, both [email protected] Transport:~$65 per person with navigation and decision making. I will only intervene if 3 sharing (540km) plus camp fees and park entry. I think a bad decision has been made. The walk is longish but not hard in terms of navigation and will give you a Tuesday 20 October: Waterfalls and a Castle chance to put what you have learnt into action. The walk – M/R/X mainly follows a series of ridges and the lunch spot is Bungonia SCA –Bungonia Creek and Falls – spectacular. About 6½ hrs actual walking. Map: Captains and Falls –Paddys Castle –return via Devils Pulpit. Great Flat Leader: Stan Marks 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), views, rugged terrain, creek walking (wet feet likely), [email protected] Transport: $45 per scrambling. Maps: Bungonia and Caoura 1:25000. car, ~$15 per person. Leader: Brian Surin (02) 4358 0209 brianscbr@yahoo. Transport: ~$25 + park entry fee.

Canberra Bushwalking Club it September 2009 page 9 Saturday 7 November: Mt Namadgi – L/R 14–15 November: Nursery Swamp – S/M An invitation is extended to you to join my third birthday From 5pm Saturday we will walk on track from Orroral champagne luncheon on Mt Namadgi. Although the posi- Road to upper Nursery Swamp (1 hour) to camp. On tion of cork catcher has been fi lled, stemware polishers Sunday morning, with day packs and off track, we climb and strawberry cutters are required. In and out the easiest 200m to a hill (758500 WGS84) overlooking Rendezvous way via Middle Creek and Big Creamy Flats. Around Creek, the granite face of Mt Herlt, and Mt Mavis, before 26km and 800m climb. Maps: Yaouk and Rendezvous descending to lower Nursery Swamp and then returning Creek. Leader: John Evans 6288 7235(h), jevans@pcug. to the campsite for lunch. Another hour to the cars for an Transport: ~$15 Limit: 8. early fi nish. Suitable for people participating in the broom clearing (as I will be) and/or those wanting to try an easy (6)7–8 November: Royal National Park – M/E overnight walk (though there may be some scrub). Cold This walk traverses the length of RNP covering about dinner or stoves required; Namadgi rangers prefer that 27 km. Depart Fri evening and stay o/n at Wollongong fi res not be lit at Nursery Swamp. Map: Rendezvous Ck YHA. Sat drive to Otford, catch train to Cronulla and 1:25,000. Leader: Jeff Bennetts 6231 5899. Transport: board ferry to Bundeena. From Bundeena walk to Garie ~$10–15. Limit: 12. Beach YHA and stay o/n. Sun walk out to Otford. Maps: Port Hacking and Otford. Leader: Barry Keeley 6341 Saturday 21 November: Grassy Creek/Old 3447(h) 0402 561 148(m) [email protected] Boboyan Road – M/E–M Transport: ~$60. per person. Accommodation: Fri – Enjoy a wander through the grasslands and forests of the $28, Sat $20. Limit: 12. southern ACT. See some of the old homesteads in the area. About 4 ½ hours actual walking. Map: Yaouk 1:25,000. 8–11 November: Burrungubugge River– Leader: Tom Gosling 6290 2874(h), 0418 294 343(m), Gungartan – M/M [email protected] Transport: ~$60 per car, Snow drifts expected in places. Day 1 Munyang over $20 per person Disappointment Spur to Finns River. Day 2 Explore Porcupine Hill to Burrungubugge River. Day 3 Return Sunday 22 November: Mount Aggie – S/E via Bulls Peak and Brassy Mtns to region of Tin Enthusiastic gourmands needed to carry table settings and Hut. Day 4 Climb Gungartan and return off track via accoutrements from the car park to the summit of Mount Disappointment Spur to Munyang Maps: Jagungal & Aggie for a formal evening dress sumptious meal. Map: Geehi Dam 1:25,000 Leader: Mike Banyard 0414 959 Tidbinbilla 1:25,000 Leader: Doug Wright 6281 4148 967, [email protected] Transport: ~400 km [email protected] Transport: ~$40 per car ~$35 plus park fees per person Limit: 8. 12–14 (Sat–Mon) December: 13–14 November: Friday–Saturday–Middle and Kybean Range, Wadbilliga NP – Creek– Rotten Swamp– Licking Hole M/E–M, X Creek to Cotter River– Broom Clearing– One of the icon destinations of the Club’s ‘tiger’ walkers AAWT – L/R,X of past years was the deep cut of the . In Walk up Middle Creek to Rotten Swamp. Follow Licking preparation for a possible ‘Brogo’ trip next year, this walk Hole Creek from where it rises to its confl uence with will explore accesses from the head valley of the Tuross the Cotter River. Camp overnight at Cotter Flats. Join in and gentle Kybean Range, from a remote base camp. A the Broom Clearing the next morning. Walk out via the sidetrip to Wadbilliga Peak will also give views into the AAWT on Saturday afternoon. Around 34km and 850m Brogo and lower Tuross valleys. Note: this destination total climb. Strenuous walking for a fi t and experienced replaces my previously proposed Mt Kelly walk. Maps party. Maps: Rendezvous Creek and Corin Dam 1:25000. Yowrie, Puen Buen 1:25,000 or Cobargo1:100,000. Leader: John Evans 6288 7235(h), [email protected] Leader: Rupert Barnett 6242 5241, rupertb@cyberone. Transport: ~$30 (multiple cars). Further details at http:// Transport: $130/car +NP fees. Limit: 5 Limit: 6. (11)12–14 December: Veteran’s Choice #2: Saturday 14 November: Broom clearing 17th Merrica R – Nadgee Wilderness Nature year at Cotter Hut Reserve – S/E The club’s long-term environmental project aimed at Drive to Ranger Station at the entrance of the reserve on removal of this invasive species from the Upper Cotter Friday night and on the following morning walk the 4 km area will take place again this year. Each year club track to camp Saturday and Sunday nights at Merrica members go to the area around the Cotter Hut and locate River Beach to swim, explore the coastline and sea caves and clear any new broom plants that can be found. The of this area. Return to Canberra Monday. Drinking water seeds of this species can stay in the soil for well over has to be carried in to the camp site. Maps: Nadgee and 20 years and each plant can produce thousands of seeds. Narrabarba 1:25,000 Leader: Doug Wright 6281 4148 Our contribution has involved searching the area to locate Park fees $5/night Transport: ~$60 Limit: 8 infestations, removal by lopping or digging and detailed mapping. You will have the opportunity to travel to the 27 December–2 January: Victorian Alps – Upper Cotter by vehicle and spend the day in a remote part Variety of walks – S/E–L/R of Namadgi. No special skills needed. Map: Rendezvous We will do a number of day walks in the region over Creek 1:25,000. Leader: John Thwaite 6254 3193(h) this period, including Mt Feathertop, Bon Accord Spur, [email protected] Transport: $12. Swindlers Spur, the Razorback, Diamantina Spur, Mt Tabletop, Cobungra River, The Twins, Mt Blowhard. We will be staying at the Leeton Lodge in Mt Hotham. Maps: Feathertop, Harrietville, the Twins, Tabletop,

Page 10 – Canberra Bushwalking Club it September 2009 Fainter 1:25,000; Dargo Plains Cobungra 1:50,000. Leaders: Barry Keeley 6241 3447 bkeeley@bigpond. Discount offers for club members and Stan Marks 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), [email protected] Transport: TBA. Outdoor & adventure stores in Canberra who Accommodation: ~$25 per night per person. Full pay- give a discount (usually 10%) on most of their ment of accommodation is required by end of October. stock to CBC members are: 14–22 February 2010: Tasmania–Wilmot and •Belconnen Camping World, Oatley Court, Belconnen Frankland Ranges – L/R/X These ranges lie to the west and south of Lake Pedder. This •Tuggeranong Camping World is a rare opportunity to walk off track in Tasmania through Homeworld Centre, Tuggeranong some excellent alpine country. Some rock scrambling. •Great Outdoors Centre, Maps: Olga, Wedge and Old River 1:100,000 Leader: 18–24 Townsend Street, Phillip Ian Hickson 6251 6858 Transport: TBA Limit: 4.

Bulletin Board The Bulletin Board is for members to advertise (at no cost) goods for sale, private trips or other personal bushwalking-re- lated matters. The Club is not involved in, takes no responsibility for, and does not endorse, the activities or goods adver- tised here. Hence, if people participate in any activities advertised here, they do so as private individuals, not as members of the Club, and will not be covered by the Club’s insurance.

Notices for the Bulletin board should be emailed to the Walks Secretary: [email protected]

Shapes, Scapes and Stars Ripples on Yadboro Creek My paintings from bushwalking, trekking, astronomy, people and much more will be on exhibition 25 September to 5 October at the Southside Gallery, 63 Boolimba Crescent, Narrabundah. Opening Friday 25 September 6.30 pm. Gösta Lyngå 24 October–15 November: New Zealand, North Island. M/M, alpine, X Three weeks, with the aim of walking the coloured earths bared by Tarawera’s mighty explosion, tracing the Alpine Circuit around Mt Tongariro’s fi ery friends, and scaling the perfect cone of Taranaki (Egmont). But if the weather’s crook there are plenty of options on the more temperate east and north coasts. Leader: Rupert Barnett ph 6242 5241, [email protected] Limit: 4 Nepal opportunity Interested in combining an overseas trip with spectacular scenery, challenging adventure and the satisfaction of doing something to help really needy people? Then you may be interested in OzQuest’s next expedition to Nepal over Dec/Jan. (OzQuest is the overseas project and adventure part of The Duke of Edinburgh Scheme). Projects and trekking are geared for people of all ages who are fi t and keen for new experiences. More info at or call John Hall (6231 0624, h) for more details. CBC teams for the March 2010 Rogaine We’ve noticed that there are a lot of keen new navigators in the club so I’m alerting you all to the advance publicity about the Australian Rogaining Championships to be held in the region on 27–28 March 2010. The course will provide excellent navigational challenges in a beautiful environment two hours from Canberra. It would be great to have a few CBC teams competing. Please contact Jenny Horsfi eld 6231 4535(h) for more information. Wednesday walk The regular mid-week walk series continues, close to Canberra with a destination to be decided. Contact the leader before 8 pm Tuesday to fi nd out destination and meeting place. Leader: Allan Mikkelsen 6278 3164(h). This walk is every Wednesday and the clubs, FBI and NPA take turns to host it. Details for each Wednesday are now available by email and interested members should contact Allan Mikkelsen. House Sitting for Bushwalkers Want to go away walking and not worry about the garden? Call Cate on 0407266942 and I will gladly look after your place, experienced reliable and mature. ‘Gear for sale’ table In place of our one-night auction, as in previous years, we shall put out a table at General Meetings, for a while. Hopefully it will be of benefi t to those wanting to get rid of equipment and those wishing to buy some. Please label gear for sale with adequate personal details and asking price.

Canberra Bushwalking Club it September 2009 page 11 CANBERRA BUSHWALKING CLUB COMMITTEE* Position Name Home Work E-mail PRESIDENT Stan Marks 6254 9568 6274 7350 [email protected] TREASURER George Carter 6251 2130 – [email protected] GENERAL SECRETARY Tom Gosling 6290 2874 [email protected] WALKS SECRETARY Rob Horsfi eld 6231 4535 – [email protected] EDITOR Alison Milton 6254 0578 6289 2717 [email protected] MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Allan Mikkelsen 6278 3164 – [email protected] TRAINING & SAFETY OFFICER Terence Uren 6282 2403 – [email protected] CONSERVATION OFFICER Quentin Moran 6288 9840 6243 6601 [email protected] PUBLISHER Roger Edwards 6288 7863 6208 5444 [email protected] ASSISTANT WALKS SEC Jeff Bennetts 6231 5899 – [email protected] SOCIAL SECRETARY Jenny Horsfi eld 6231 4535 – [email protected]

*All members of the Committee can be contacted in one email to [email protected] MEMBERSHIP INQUIRIES: Allan MIKKELSEN, [email protected] 6278 3164 (h) CHECK IN: Ring Jeff Bennetts on 6231 5899 (d/e), or 0418 662 870 WEBSITE:

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Sept 09