TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2009: REGISTRATION: CORRIDOR SPRINGS HOTEL- KAMBARAGE HALL, FROM 03:00 PM DAY 1, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2009 OPENING CEREMONY; VENUE: KAMBARAGE HALL SN TIME EVENT RESPONSIBLE 08:00-8:30 Registration 08:30-09:00 Introductory remarks/house keeping Chairman of the Organising Committee 09:00-09:15 Welcome note from the TAWIRI Director General Director General 09:15-09:45 Welcome note from the TAWIRI Board Chairman Board Chairman 09:45-10:30 Opening Speech by the Guest of Honor Minister-MNRT 10:30-11:00 TEA/COFFE BREAK PLENARY PRESENTATIONS: CHAIRPERSON: VICTOR RUNYORO 11:40-12:20 The new wildlife policy and wildlife conservation act and their implications to Erasmus Tarimo 1 future research in wildlife and wetlands conservation in Tanzania 2 12:20-13:00 The role of wildlife conservation and research in poverty reduction George Jambiya 13:00-14:00 LUNCH PLENARY PRESENTATIONS: CHAIRPERSON: FADHILA KHATIBU 14:00-14:40 Effects of global economic crisis on tourism industry in Tanzania: Victor Runyoro 3 Are we prepared? 14:40-15:20 Infectious wildlife diseases and emerging environmental health issues in a Roy Bengis 4 changing world: An O.I.E. perspective 15:20-15:40 TEA BREAK All PLENARY PRESENTATIONS: CHAIRPERSON: TIM DAVENPORT 5 15:40-16:00 The role of animal behaviour in wildlife conservation David A. Collins 16:00-16:20 Lessons for ecology conservation and society from the Anthony Sinclair 6 et al. 16:20-16:40 Status and reintroduction of the Kihansi spray toad (Nectophrynoides asperiginis) Alfan Rija & 7 into Kihansi gorge: Challenges and opportunities. Fadhila Khatibu 16:40-17:00 Wildlife corridors in Tanzania. Trevor Jones et 8 al. 17:00-17:20 Effect of land use on mammal biodiversity in the Tarangire ecosystem, Northern Maurus Msuha et 9 Tanzania. al. END OF DAY ONE DAY2, THURSDAY: PARALLEL SESSION 1: KAMBARAGE HALL SUB-THEME: HUMAN-WILDLIFE CONFLICTS/INTERACTION

SESSION CHAIRPERSON: ALEX LOBORA 10 08:30-08:45 Assessment of human snake conflict among pastoralists and coffee farmers: An Titus Lanoy et effort for conservation of snakes in Africa. al. 11 08:45-09:00 Disease is the major cause of livestock loss in villages surrounding Western Nyahongo, W. Serengeti, Tanzania 12 09:00-09:15 An intergrated approach to understanding human elephant conflict around Mikumi Jody Gunn et al. national park, Tanzania. 13 09:15-09:30 Human elephant conflicts in areas adjacent to Kimisi game reserve in Karagwe Victor Runyora & Obeid district, Kagera region. Mbangwa

14 09:30-09:45 Lion poisoning, spearing and mutilation in the Maasai steppe: Eradication Bernard Kissui campaign or safety precaution? 15 09:45-10:00 Predators, praying and poverty: The importance of social factors as drivers of Amy Dickman human – wildlife conflict. 16 10:00-10:15 Effectiveness of non-lethal elephant control methods in solving human – elephant Alex Kisingo & conflicts in Rombo. Musa, L. 17 10:15-10:30 Variation in above ground carbon storage and tree allometry with elevation in the Andrew Eastern arc mountains. Marshall et al. 10:30-11:00 TEA BREAK ECOSYSYTEM AND POPULATION HEALTH SESSION CHAIRPERSON: BENEZET MUTAYOBA 18 11:00-11:15 Prevalence of Brucellosis in livestock – wildlife interface of the Serengeti Bugwesa Katale ecosystem. et al. 19 11:15-11:30 Tuberculosis infection in wildlife from the Ruaha ecosystem: Implications for Deana Cliford et wildlife, domestic animal and human health al. 20 11:30-11:45 Mass die offs of white backed vultures (Gyps Africana) in Tanzania Keyyu JD et al., 21 11:45-12:00 Kikoboga pinna necrotizing dermatitis: The etiology Batamuzi, E. et al. 22 12:00-12:15 Success of Theileria parasites in wild and domestic animals Mbassa GK 23 12:15-12:30 Health problems and hygiene protocol at Gombe national park, Tanzania. Dominic Travis et al. 24 12:30-12:45 Characterization of Kikoboga pinna necrotizing disease. Batamuzi, E. & Wambura, P. 25 12:45-13:00 Comparison of anaesthesia and cost of two immobilization protocols in free Fyumagwa ranging lions 13:00-14:00 LUNCH SESSION CHAIRPERSON: DOMINIC TRAVIS 26 14:00-14:15 Networks and nomads: Impacts of social behaviour and disease dynamics in Megan Craft et Serengeti lions. al. 27 14:15-14:30 Anthrax in the Serengeti Tiziana Lembo et al. 28 14:30-14:45 Studies on health problems affecting sitatunga (Tragelaphus scriptus) of Rubondo Mutayoba, B. et island national park, Tanzania. al. 29 14:45-15:00 Immobilization and biochemical parameters in free ranging in Ruaha Mpanduji, D. et national park, Tanzania. al. 30 15:00-15:15 Genetic structure of the (Syncerus caffer) in Serengeti ecosystem Ernest, E. & using microsatelite DNA makers. Stella, B. 31 15:15-15:30 The use of non-invasive genetic sampling to assess conservation status: A case Andrew Bowket study of forest antelope in the Udzungwa mountains, Tanzania et al. 15:30-16:00 TEA BREAK



32 16:00-16:15 Molecular identification of Tanzanian bovidae using using cytochrome c oxidase Stella, B. & subunit i mitochondrial gene. Ernest 33 16:15-16:30 The influence of maternal stress on offspring health and development among the Carson Murray Chimpanzee of Gombe national park, Tanzania et al. 34 16:30-:16:45 Assessing long-term patterns in population and habitat context: Temporal and Guy Norton et al. inter-individual variation in sex ratios of free ranging yellow baboons (Papio

2 cynocephalus) in , Tanzania

35 16:45-17:00 Acoustic localization in real time of wildlife in the Issa valley, Ugalla: Alexander Piel Implications for behaviour and conservation. 36 17:00-17:15 Sustainable conservation and monitoring of biodiversity in changing world: Robert, S. & Reference to wildlife in Tanzania. George, S.


SUB-THEME: SOCIO-ECONOMICS AND ECOTOURISM SESSION CHAIRPERSON: LAURENCE MBWAMBO 37 08:30-08:45 Insights into wetland related income, investments, biodiversity and other values Siima Bakengesa et in relations to settlement patterns in selected villages in Kilombero ramsar site, al. Tanzania. 38 08:45-09:00 The impact of tourism revenue to the local communities livelihood: A case Asantael Melita study of Ngorongoro conservation area, Tanzania 39 09:00-09:15 Buffer zone management for conservation and improvement of local people Jean, Gapusi et al. livelihoods around Nyungwe national park, Rwanda. 40 09:15-09:30 Factors influencing acceptability of wildlife management areas (WMAs) Kidhegesho, J & initiative among the communities of Selous – Niassa wildlife corridor in Abdallah, J. Tunduru district, Tanzania. 41 09:30-09:45 Domestic : Is it an achievable dream? Nyangabo Musika 42 09:45-10:00 Assessment of the market situation of honey in Tanzania: A case study of Njiro David Steven wildlife research centre and other selected places in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Liseki et al. 43 10:00-10:15 Wildlife diversity and their interaction with people in the semi- arid areas of Janemary Ntalwila Northern ecosystem. et al. 44 10:15-10:30 Indigenous people in the world of tourism: A case study of Hadzabe community Mathew Eliakimu in Karatu and Mbulu districts, Tanzania. 10:30-11:00 TEA BREAK BOTANY, ETHNOBOTANY AND AVIFAUNA SESSION CHAIRPERSON: JAFFERY KIDEGESHO 45 11:00-11:15 Is decentralized management the best way to conserve forest resources in in Lawrence Tanzania? Some impirical evidence from Handeni hill forest reserve. Mbwambo et al. 46 11:15-11:30 Local community perception towards tourism within Ngorongoro conservation Mahenya, O. & area, Tanzania Olemisiko, A. 47 11:30-11:45 Range expansion of the globally vulnerable Karamoja apalis Apalis karamojae Ally Nkwabi et al. in the Serengeti ecosystem. 49 11:45-12:00 The Ikorongo Grumeti game reserves pilot alien plant control program. Sue & Peter Goodman et al. 50 12:00-12:15 Socio-economic impact of invasive alien plant species, Acacia mearnsii (black Martina, B. & wattle) at Mbulu highlands, Tanzania. Jasson, J. 51 12:15-12:30 Changes in vegetation cover and tree biodiversity of wetland ecosystems of Jerome, G. Kimaro Ngumburuni forest reserve, Rufiji district, Coast region, Tanzania. 52 12:30-13:00 Upgrading conservation areas and implication on community’s livelihoods: Kokel Melubo et Lessons from in Tanzania. al. 13:00-14:00 LUNCH SESSION CHAIRPERSON: FRANSESCO ROVERO 53 14:00-14:15 Wildlife responses to strategic management interventions in Ikorongo Grumeti Peter Goodman et game reserves. al. 54 14:15-14:30 The role of woodland reserves around villages in Tanzania. John Bukombe et al. 55 14:30-14:45 Assessment on illegal harvest of trees on mount Meru forest. Ladislaus Kahana

3 56 14:45-15:00 Ecology and conservation of the Kipunji (Rungecebus kipunji) in Southern Claire Bracebridge Tanzania & Tim Davernport

57 15:00-15:15 Unsustainable harvest of wild ungulates around , Alfan Rija & Tanzania: Lessons from population viability analyses. Murray Williams

58 15:15-15:30 Population increase and poor land use planning as a threat to chimpanzee Noah Mpunga et habitat in the lake Tanganyika shoreline. al.

15:30-16:00 TEA BREAK SESSION CHAIRPERSON: JAMES WAKIBARA 59 16:00-16:15 Population status of black and white colobus monkey (Colobus guereza) in Shombe Hassan et Kahe catchments forest reserve, Tanzania al. 60 16:15-16:30 Ranging behaviour in the Sanje mangabey in Udzungwa mountains national Kuruthumu park Mwamende et al. 61 16:30-16:45 Botanical inventory of tree species: A case study of Arusha municipality. Kayombo, C. 62 16:45-17:00 Access and benefit sharing in genetic resources in Tanzania: Legal challenges, Eliamani Laltaika opportunities and perspectives. 63 17:00-17:15 Increasing local support for Tanzania’s national parks: Finding the best flagship Sadie Stevens et al. species for Rubondo island. END OF DAY 2


SUB-THEME: BIODIVERSITY, CONSERVATION, LAND USE AND ECOLOGICAL MONITORING SESSION CHAIRPERSON: ABIUD KASWAMILA 08:30-08:45 Examine the effect of soda ash production at lake Natron ramsar site using stella Nyakunga E. and 64 model Van Dam, A. 08:45-09:00 The impact of burning on herbivore distribution in , Stephanie Eby & 65 Tanzania Mark Ritchie 09:00-09:15 Water quality as a physiological cue initiating the Northward movement of the Ayron Strauch 66 Serengeti migration. 09:15-09:30 Monitoring the population of lions in , Tanzania Henry Brink & 67 Kirsten Skinner 68 09:30-09:45 Avoidance of lions carries high costs for Goran Spong et al. 09:45-10:00 Savanna elephants in Montane forests: Assessing the population of a landscape Katarzyna Nowak 69 Species in the biodiverse Udzungwa mountains. et al. 10:00-10:15 Distribution and conservation of Abbot’s duiker (Cephalophus spandex) in the Sophy Machaga & 70 Southern highlands. Tim Davernport 10:15-10:30 Environmental and socio-economic factors determining the succeptibility of the Caludia Pittigilo et 71 farms to crop raiding by wildlife in an area adjacent to Tarangire national park, al. Tanzania. 10:30-11:00 TEA BREAK SESSION CHAIRPERSON: GUY NORTON 11:00-11:15 The biodiversity of the Masito – Ugalla in Western Tanzania:’’We can not let it Sood Ndimuligo et 72 go.’’ al. 11:15-11:30 Preliminary observations on the the avifauna of Saadan national park, Tanzania Chacha Werema & 73 Ismail Omary 11:30-11:45 The impact of fire on tree biodiversity of the montane forest on mount Wakibara, J. et al. 74 Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. 11:45-12:00 The primates of the Udzungwa mountains: Diversity, ecology and conservation. Francesco Rovero 75 et al 76 12:00-12:15 Detecting evidence of spotted necked otters on Rubondo island national park – Thomas Serfas et

4 Assessing the applicability of a non-intrusive survey technique. al. 12:15-12:30 Provenancing historic and modern East African ivory using stable and Ashley Coutou 77 radiogenic isotope analysis: Preliminary results and ongoing challenges. 12:30-12:45 Influence of agricultural land use and cover on bird diversity in the Kilombero Wilbard Ntongani 78 ramsar site, Tanzania. 12:45-13:00 Scientific information pinpoints conservation concerns of the critically Nsajigwa, K. et al. 79 endangered lon-billed tailorbird Artisornis moreaui in Tanzania 13:00-14:00 LUNCH SESSION CHAIRPERSON: INYASI LEJORA 14:00-14:15 Buffer zone land use planning (buzlup) frame work: A new approach to wildlife Abiud Kaswamila 80 corridor planning. 14:15-14:30 Herbivore abundance and global warming: The impact of food and predator Grant Hopcraft 81 regulation across rainfall gradients 14:30-14:45 Maccoa duck population dynamics in the Momella lakes wetlands: Bio- Happiness, J. et al. 82 indicators of effects of agro-chemicals or other threats? 14:45-15:00 Population structure and flight initiation distances of warthogs utilizing Mahundi, C & 83 residential and non-residential areas of Matambwe. Mpanduji, D. 15:00-15:15 Breeding biology of ostriches (Struthio camelus) in the Serengeti ecosystem, Flora Magige et al. 84 Tanzania. 85 15:15-15:30 Hyrax-what’s a name tree, bush and rock hyrax. Andrew Perkin 15:30-16:00 TEA BREAK OFFICIAL CLOSING 16:00-16:05 ANNOUNCEMENTS ORGANISING



POSTER PRESENTATIONS No. Title Presenter 1 Environmental predictors of seasonal elephant distribution in Trangire, Manyara Claudia Pittiglio ecosystem, Tanzania. 2 The use of camera trapping to estimate density of forest ungulates by calibrating Fransesco trapping rate to density. Rovero 3 Constraint and opportunities in conservation in conservation of the endangered Nsajigwa long-billed tailorbird Artisonis moreaui in the East Usambara mountains Kyonjola et al. 4 Distribution and abundance of some regionally and globally threatened bird Nsajigwa species in the East Usambara mountains, Tanzania. Kyonjola et al. 5 The distribution and variation within the mountain Galagoides orinus and other Andrew Perkin Galagoides forms from East African forest isolates. 6 Effect of subsistence harvesting of trees poles in Rau forest reserve. Ladislaus Kahana 7 Amphibians diversity: Comparison between urban and peri-urban areas in Shombe, Morogoro municipality, Tanzania. Hassan et al. 8 Aspects of the ecology of coconut scrab (Birgus latro) on marine Shombe Hassan reserve, Tanzania. et al. 9 Proposal for a funding grant to improve the local level management of human Richard Hoare elephant conflicts in Tanzania. & Enock, C. 10 The role of scientific and technological research in aviation – wildlife conflicts, Wambura, J. et and challenges and opportunities for wildlife profession in East Africa. al. 11 Perception on local community on conservation of half – mile strip in mount Fariselli, P Kilimanjaro.

5 12 An inventory of food plants of forestry training institutes, Arboreta. Kayombo, C. 13 Dispersal rate and distribution patterns of Mauritius thorns (Caesalpina Alex Kisingo et decapetala) in . al. 14 Evaluation of work burden in warthogs utilizing residential and non-residential Meng’oru, areas of Matambwe and Selous game reserve. Joseph et al. 15 Effects of Caelsalpinia decapetala on woody plants diversity in Arusha national Alex Kisingo et park al.