Jeanne DuPrau | 304 pages | 07 Feb 2013 | Random House USA Inc | 9780440421245 | English | New York, United States The Prophet of Yonwood (Ember, Book 3) Book Review

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Nickie will grow up to be one of the first citizens of the . But for now, she's an eleven-year-old girl whose father was sent away on some mysterious government project. So when the opportunity to move presents itself, Nickie seizes it. But her new town of Yonwood, North Carolina, isn't what she'd anticipated. It's a The Prophet of Yonwood: Book of Ember 3 full of suspicion and mistrust, where Nickie will grow up to be one of the first citizens of . It's a place full of suspicion and mistrust, where one person's visions of fire and destruction have turned the town's citizens against each other. Nickie explores the oddities around her—her great-grandfather's peculiar journals, a reclusive neighbor who studies the heavens, a strange boy who is fascinated with snakes—all while keeping an eye out for ways to help the world. Or is it already too late to avoid a devastating war? A prequel to the modern-day classic The City of Ember. This highly acclaimed adventure series has captivated kids and teachers alike for almost fifteen years and has sold over 3. An alternate cover for this ISBN can be found here. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. More Details Original Title. Book of Ember 3. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Prophet of Yonwoodplease sign up. I have read the City of Ember and , and I was ready to read the Prophet of Yonwood, but everyone is telling me that I shouldn't read it and they didn't like it at all. Is it worth the read? John Is it worth the read? Hard to say, as that will depend on your interests and many other factors. I'd treat it as a standalone book, as only the last t …more Is it worth the read? I'd treat it as a standalone book, as only the last two pages have a strong connection with the other three books. It's not a terribly deep book, though it does raise some interesting questions about the nature of God. I'm considering reading it. Giovanna It's a good book if you read the previous ones in the series, but don't expect it to be like something about Ember, it's about a girl who lived before …more It's a good book if you read the previous ones in the series, but don't expect it to be like something about Ember, it's about a girl who lived before the Disaster and before Ember was built. See all 7 questions about The Prophet of Yonwood…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Shelves: young-readers. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. This book was horrendous. The Prophet of Yonwood: Book of Ember 3 whole time I was reading it, I kept asking myself, "This is really the prequel to the City of Ember? The Prophet of Yonwood: Book of Ember 3 what it felt like, The Prophet of Yonwood: Book of Ember 3 this book, as though DuPrau was less interested in telling the story of how Ember came to be and more about forcing her political views down the reader's throat. DuPrau spouts off during the whole book about random nonsense. OKAY This book was horrendous. Reading these books as an adult, I realize the allegory. There were times when I felt that DuPrau was overstating things; issues were presented simplistically, whatever. I understood that because I also understood that these books were written for an upper-elementary school reading audience. However, The Prophet of Yonwood, also an allegory, was ridiculous. None of the characters were likable. Nickie and Grover seriously pale in comparison to Lina and Doon. Nickie was an immature and annoying main character. She's eleven years old and one of her goals at Greenhaven is to fall in love?! I don't buy it. Compared to Lina, Nickie is a wishy-washy brat. She blindly accepts Mrs. Beeson's request to spy around and report back anything bad. Nickie supposedly has a thirst for knowledge, but apparently is confused as to what to do with this knowledge and can't handle The Prophet of Yonwood: Book of Ember 3 a decision on her own as to whether or not people are good or "evil. I can't drum up sympathy for a character I don't like and think was only getting what she deserved. The utter randomness of this book was also The Prophet of Yonwood: Book of Ember 3. Random teenager and her dog lives in the attic. Nickie finds a picture of Siamese twins who visited Greenhaven. Nickie's great-grandfather's journal mentions a mysterious vision. Nickie finds a letter written in a strange manner, as though to conceal portions of the message, or to conserve paper? Some people in Yonwood are condemned to wearing noisy bracelets. There is an albino bear in the woods. Again, why? DuPrau takes the reader on these absurd sidetracks with no explanation. Why is any of the above important? Why am I supposed to care about any of it? Stop wasting my time. I would feel comfortable allowing the students with whom I work middle school age read the first two novels in the Ember series, but there's no way that I would recommend The Propet of Yonwood. Children can't separate DuPrau's prejudices against religion from the story. Children can't come away from the story and form their own educated opinion. I, however, can, and I thought this book was utter crap. I've heard there will be a fourth book of Ember and that it will return to Lina and Doon's story. I will probably pick up a copy and start to read it, just because I like Lina and Doon, The Prophet of Yonwood: Book of Ember 3 if DuPrau starts going off on her pointless tangents, I don't think I'll force myself to finish it like I did with Yonwood. View all 20 comments. Sep 21, Caroline rated it it was ok. I really enjoyed the first two last two? I have to say, though, I felt like I was reading The Prophet of Yonwood: Book of Ember 3 that had been written by a liberal Democrat frustrated with the takeover of the evangelical right and defense contractors in modern American politics. And I say this as a liberal Democrat who is currently frustrated with the takeover of the evangelical right and defense contractors in U. But YA fiction is not Meh. But YA fiction is not the space to pontificate; it should be a place where young and not-so-young adults can exercise their brains by leaving behind their preconceived notions. The strengths of Duprau's first two books were suspense and paradigm-shifting, if I can use the cliche. Yes, the books are mysteries of a sort, but they're also glimpses into a world that is very much OUR world, but a world where people understand social and political rules very differently than we do. That's what made the books so interesting. The Prophet of Yonwood, as other reviewers have mentioned, fell flat. The Prophet of Yonwood - Wikipedia

Nickie is eleven years old when her aunt Crystal takes her to Yonwood, North Carolina. Nickie agrees to help Amanda stay hidden in the house and they together create a soundproof room for Otis. Crystal hates dogs. Nickie is a good natured kid and eager to help others. She sets three goals while at the mansion. She is determined to:. The United The Prophet of Yonwood: Book of Ember 3 is at odds with Phalanx Nations. Our resolve is firm: we will not back down in the face of threats from godless evildoers. Worse: who knows what Hoyt McCoy is up to in his house? Thankfully, Yonwood also has a prophet, Althea Tower. Tower faints after sharing her apocalyptic vision of the future. Beeson wants to help by cleansing Yonwood of its sins. Meanwhile, Nickie meets a boy her age named Grover — could he help her fulfill her second goal of falling in love? It seems unlikely. Grover is obnoxious. He also takes care of snakes in his shed, which grosses Nickie out. Grover, however, feels that Nickie betrayed him. What does this have to do with The City of Ember? Well, not The Prophet of Yonwood: Book of Ember 3 much. Here, DuPrau substitutes a mansion for a subterranean city and an apocalyptic vision for a post-apocalyptic world. The recipe is familiar, but it seems like each of the substitutions is flat compared to its predecessors. For now, recommended only for true believers. Ember — Ages Publisher: The city of Ember was built as a last refuge for the human race. Two hundred years later, the great lamps that light the city are beginning to flicker. She and her friend Doon must decipher the message before the lights go out on Ember forever! This stunning debut novel offers refreshingly clear writing and fascinating, original characters. January 16th, Based on your recommendation, I recently bought The City of Ember for my 12 year old daughter. We may skip this one. Thanks, Ryan! Your email address will not be published. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Winners are announced in the comments. As is our tradition, Sandy will be reviewing a horror movie every weekday in October! All rights reserved. Just so you know, some of the books we review are received free from publishers. Much of our site's special functionality was coded by Zane Hooper. We Love This! Five Star SFF! Best of the Years Fun! If you plan to buy this book, you can support FanLit by clicking on the book cover above and buying it and anything else at Amazon. It costs you nothing extra, but Amazon pays us a small referral fee. Click any book cover or this link. We use this income to keep the site running. It pays for website hosting, postage for giveaways, and bookmarks and t-shirts. Thank you! We The Prophet of Yonwood: Book of Ember 3 reviewed fantasy, science fiction and horror books, audiobooks, magazines, comics, and films. Connect with:. Want to help us defray the cost of domains, hosting, software, and postage? We receive referral fees for all purchases not just The Prophet of Yonwood: Book of Ember 3. Thank you for your support! Still can't quite believe that SHE has left us I wonder if the studio chose to The Prophet of Yonwood: Book of Ember 3 it easy on the chills and gore because it involves children. It wasafter all. Anyway, it sounds fun. I was reading your list of women actors you'd love to watch chewing the scenery as evil biddies and I actually cackled. So, mission accomplished, Sandy. Fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-far better run, run, run, run, run, run, run away! If you're missing some of our book cover images, please pause ad block. Looking for something? Aaron, Rachel. Aguirre, Ann. Almond, David. Arbuthnott, Gill. Ashton, Dyrk. Aaronovitch, Ben. Ahdieh, Renee. Alpert, Mark. Archer, Alex. Ashwood, Sharon. Abalos, Rafael. Ahlborn, Ania. Alten, Steve. Archer, E. Asimov, Isaac. Abbey, Lynn. Ahmed, Saladin. Amis, Kingsley. Archer, K. Abbott, Edwin A. Aiken, Joan. Amory, Jay. Arden, Katherine. Asprin, Robert. Abe, Shana. Aitcheson, James. Anders, Charlie Jane. Arden, Tom. Atakora, Afia. Abercrombie, Joe. Akers, Tim. Anders, Lou. Ares, Michael David. Atkinson, Kate. Abnett, Dan. Al-Mohamed, Day. Anderson, Barth. Armentrout, Jennifer L. The Prophet of Yonwood (Book of Ember, #3) by Jeanne DuPrau

Skip to Content. Parents and caregivers: Set limits for violence and more with Plus. Parents need to know that there's little to be concerned about here, but lots to think and talk about. Join now. Add your rating See all 1 parent review. Add your rating See all 9 kid reviews. The world is staggering toward war once again. The President has issued an ultimatum to the Phalanx Nations, there are bombings and other terrorist acts, and people live in fear as they prepare for the worst. Nickie is sick of it all, so she gladly jumps at the opportunity to travel to Yonwood, North Carolina, with her aunt to ready their ancestral home for sale. Nickie, however, has other plans -- she hopes to convince her family to keep the home and move there, away from the city and the war. But the war has come to Yonwood too, as an old woman The Prophet of Yonwood: Book of Ember 3 visions of destruction, and her friend, Mrs. Beeson, interprets these visions as commands from God to insulate the town with goodness. Nickie wants to change the world, and helping Mrs. Beeson root The Prophet of Yonwood: Book of Ember 3 wrongness in the town seems the way to The Prophet of Yonwood: Book of Ember 3 it. Fans of the Ember series may be in for a disappointment. Despite saying "The Third Book of Ember" on the cover, this book has absolutely nothing to do with Ember until the very last, tacked-on chapter connects some of the characters with Ember some 50 years after the conclusion of the story. Ignoring Ember, though, and taking the book on its own terms, this is a fascinating allegory with much to say to 21st-century children growing up in a world filled with terrorism and religious fanaticism. As in the previous book in this series, The People of Sparksthe ways in which fear can lead essentially well-meaning people down the road to totalitarianism, intolerance, and acquiescence to evil are made clear. Less believable are the events in the larger world, especially the mystifying hints around what causes the country to pull back from the brink. Families can talk about war and its relationship to religion. How can misunderstanding and differences in belief lead to fighting? Could someone like Mrs. Beeson really gain power this way? Common Sense Media's unbiased ratings are created by expert reviewers and aren't influenced by the product's creators or by any of our funders, affiliates, or partners. See how we rate. Common Sense Media, a nonprofit organization, earns a small affiliate fee from Amazon or iTunes when you use our links to make a purchase. Thank you for your support. Our ratings are based on child development best practices. We display the minimum age for which content is developmentally appropriate. The star rating reflects overall quality. Learn how we rate. Parents' Ultimate Guide to Support our work! The Prophet of Yonwood Ember, Book 3. Don't look for much Ember here. But OK for tweens. Jeanne DuPrau Contemporary Fiction Rate book. Read or buy. Based on 1 review. Based on 9 reviews. Get it now Searching for streaming and purchasing options Common Sense is a nonprofit organization. Your purchase helps us remain independent and ad-free. Get it now on Searching for streaming and purchasing options A lot or a little? The parents' guide to what's in this book. Positive Messages. A boy lies to play hooky. Some teens smoke. What parents need to know Parents need to know that there's little to be concerned about here, but lots to think and talk about. Stay up to date on new reviews. Get full reviews, ratings, and advice delivered weekly to your inbox. User Reviews Parents say Kids say. Adult Written by batlady April 9, You have to read this after reading the other two in the series. Jeanne DuPrau weaves an intricate story of the events leaading up to the City of Ember. She drops clues along the way, and then neatly tidies them up at the en Continue reading. Report this review. Teen, 15 years old Written by. Very Slow pace Was okay as a teen, younger children who enjoyed the first two books will definitely find it boring as the pace is excruciatingly slow at times, and has absolut What's the story? Continue reading Show less. Is it any good? Talk to your kids about Our editors recommend. The People of Sparks. A simple, clear look at the slippery slope to war. About these links Common Sense Media, a nonprofit organization, earns a small affiliate fee from Amazon or iTunes when you use our links to make a purchase. Read more. The Prophet of Yonwood: Book of Ember 3 Twitter Pinterest Email Print. Personalize your media recommendations. How old The Prophet of Yonwood: Book of Ember 3 your kid? Have an account? Sign in. Informizely customer feedback surveys.