Patricia Highsmith | 256 pages | 14 Jan 2015 | DOVER PUBLICATIONS | 9780486800295 | English | United States The Price of Salt: Or Carol PDF Book

Like unbuttered toast. The appeal of The Price of Salt was that it had a happy ending for its two main characters, or at least they were going to try to have a future together. Retrieved April 13, At times, it seems that Highsmith is a misanthrope, and one with not very high opinion of men. We're committed to providing low prices every day, on everything. Brigi Call Me by Your Name by Andre Aciman, the Acclamation series by Vee Hoffman warning, they contain explicit sex scenes, in case you're feeling icky ab …more Call Me by Your Name by Andre Aciman, the Acclamation series by Vee Hoffman warning, they contain explicit sex scenes, in case you're feeling icky about them , The Counterfeiters by Andre Gide given that it's an older book, it's subtler. With an autobiographical Afterword by the author, "The Price of Salt" is now recognized as a masterwork, the scandalous novel that anticipated Nabokov's "Lolita. It's not a leap to consider that Therese is a surrogate for Rindy and Carol is more parental than partner. Highsmith is one of our best writers, and this is her best book. I think I could have understood so many people having such a positive reaction to it because it is so well made. Flag as inappropriate. Cancel Submit. Select Option. This book had all the ingredients for amazing read that I am happy to say when combined made for something truly special. The Frame. There are so many better old lesbian novels out there. See our disclaimer. This Recording. Reviewed by ozzieslim ozzieslim. Therese, after a brief flirtation with an English actress that leaves her ashamed, quickly reviews her relationships —"loneliness swept over her like a rushing wind"— and goes to find Carol, who greets her more eagerly than ever before. Since Therese behaved more like a love-struck puppy. So I decided to offer the book under another name. No matter how dull or lackluster it seems today, one can only imagine how many feathers were ruffled - especially since many of these authors were explicitly told that in order to avoid censorship, the lesbian characters could not have a happy ending. Pricing policy About our prices. Therese, still hurt that Carol abandoned her in a hopeless attempt to maintain a relationship with Rindy, declines Carol's invitation to live with her. This is not a book that jumps from one action point to the next. I'd say in this book her writing shows great humanity. It's not terribly surprising that this book inspired Nabokov's Lolita. Reading it at a time when the acceptance of same sex couples has become a civil rights issue makes it very powerful. On a road in Nebraska, after the detective has followed them for miles and clearly intends to continue doing so, Carol confronts him and demands that he hand over any evidence against her. A chance meeting with a striking woman customer--over the proverbial 'exchange of looks'--sparks what appears to be an obsession for Therese. got the idea for Carol or The Price of Salt as it was named originally shortly after her first novel, Strangers on a Train was published. The Price of Salt: Or Carol Writer

Edit page. Thank you for signing up! The results are gorgeous and tender, and at times even comic -- the melodramatic angst of interruptions, to the wistfulness in seeing a lover's hands, to the thrill of meeting for the first time They become physically as well as emotionally intimate and declare their love for each other. The romance being between two women should really hold no bearing of anyone's enjoyment of this book, but having read the afterword and knowing the climate during the time of publication makes the story seem especially courageous. About this product. Gorgeous looking, and very faithful to the book. It really isn't, it's far more subtle, two women figuring out their relationship within the typical conflicts of previous relationships and ongoing commitments. The two just seemed obsessed with money and shopping and having a very occasional cocktail. Update location. Apr 01, dean rated it it was amazing Shelves: read-in , favorites. Reviewed by ozzieslim ozzieslim. Ripley" also by Patricia Highsmith. She lived in New York at the time, was depressed, and in need of money. The writing is gorgeous. But their newly discovered bliss is shattered when Carol is forced to choose between her child and her lover. Would I do the same thing again? Was this book banned? Enter Location. Patricia Highsmith lives in an ugly world. It is meant to be savored rather than devoured. Though homosexuality was invisible to most Americans at the time, it was increasingly discussed among intellectuals, many of whom were in the thrall of psychoanalysis. I don't want to give much away because it would detract from the reader's opportunity to discover this for themselves. When I puzzled over the title, The Price of Salt , what first occurred to me was a quote from the book of Matthew in the New Testament: … if the salt should lose its savour, wherewith shall it be salted? The ending for one was revolutionary as it provided something new instead of the depressing conclusions that was the norm with homosexual literature at the time. The Price of Salt: Or Carol Reviews

But the mysterious, alluring Carol is married and has a child. Back to School Picks. In December of , Patricia Highsmith was a twenty-seven-year- old aspiring writer with a murderous imagination and an outsized talent for seducing women. Pricing policy About our prices. New arrivals. Synopsis: Therese is a 19 year old living in New York wanting to work in the entertainment industry as a set designer. The book's had a couple different titles over the years, though none have been very colorful. The Spinoff. The character of Carol Aird and much of the plot of the novel was inspired by Highsmith's former lovers Kathryn Hamill Cohen [9] [10] and Philadelphia socialite Virginia Kent Catherwood , [11] [12] [13] and her relationships with them. Sorry but I'm hopelessly stuck in the 'lowly' lesbian romance genre. She's very whiny and self-centered, and a bit of a hypocrite, too. External Reviews. I got it after watching the film Carol. I wanted to refresh my memory of the story. Therese is not an eloquent or self-revealing character, and her dialogue with Carol is sometimes banal. Originally published in under a pseudonym, The Price of Salt was heralded as "the novel of a love society forbids. The dialog is dull and pedantic. Therese develops a strong attachment to Carol. The 25 Best Romance Movies of the 21st Century. Perhaps unrealistic, but there was no drama associated with their mutual attraction to each other. Now that I didn't quite understand. Ripley is Her relationship with Mrs. Though there are seven girls between us, I know, she knows, she will come to me and have me wait on her. Buy It Now. Other editions. But then again, I think I am seeing Carol the way I want to, instead of believing the thing Highsmith has shown throughout the novel. She has many friends in the arts industry, but on one special person. The ending for one was revolutionary as it provided something new instead of the depressing conclusions that was the norm with homosexual literature at the time. Carol Aird Rooney Mara All are struggling to find a place for themselves in the world. Then it all seemed to fall into place. The themes are plenty with forbidden love, drama a plenty, humor and perceptions of a by gone time. Cancel Submit. The Telegraph. It syncs automatically with your account and allows you to read online or offline wherever you are. The Price of Salt tells the story of a young shop girl named Therese who falls in with an older married woman named Salt. The movie is so much better than the book, in my opinion, though the characterization problems are still present. Granted, this is annoying, classic Chad the Incel behavior, and it's disgusting - but then she kind of does the same thing with Carol, seeming to assume that she's the first woman Carol's been with and getting upset and jealous when she finds out that there's been others, even though it's clear that these relationships aren't ongoing anymore. She fought and hid herself.

The Price of Salt: Or Carol Read Online

Upon reflection in comparison to other books and ratings this year, it doesn't outshine many of my 4 star reads. A young woman in her 20s, Therese Belivet Rooney Mara , is a clerk working in a Manhattan department store and dreaming of a more fulfilling life when she meets Carol , an alluring woman trapped in a loveless, convenient marriage. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Retrieved May 14, I want Carol to say, sod off you lot! Loving the movie, Carol, I wanted the book. But the number of people who have called it life changing, and swoon over it? I think I could have understood so many people having such a positive reaction to it because it is so well made. Blanchett in it. Highsmith depicts Therese as puzzled when her experience does not match that " butch-femme paradigm": [16]. Carol seems to be the type of person who would say, well, I am what I am, and perhaps it's best for me not to have a child and live the way I want considering back then having a child and being in a same-sex relationship was very difficult and rare. Welcome back. The book is written from the point of view of Therese, so all the characters are filtered through her perspective. It will be during one of her shifts that her life will be transformed when a beautiful and sophisticated older women called Carol Aird comes to her counter. I recently saw the movie "Carol" and when I found out it's based on a book, I was surprised I hadn't heard of it -- a lesbian classic that had escaped my attention until now. And the song would die one day, she thought, but how would the world come back to life? At the end of the book Carol and Therese have a future together, and for us that was enough. Not in my experience. External Reviews. And just like Highsmith's previous novels, this one too has a tone of suspense and thrill through out it's prose, and who better can handle a thriller than Patricia Highsmith- the author who gave birth to the Ripley series and a strong influence to Hitchcock's notable works. Even knowing pretty much what happens, there are some differences to the movie The book's had a couple different titles over the years, though none have been very colorful. Set against the backdrop of postwar repression, the story follows nineteen-year-old Therese Belivet as she abandons her quiet life as a shopgirl for a budding romance with an older, married lover, Carol Aird. Therese is completely in love and Carol while still melancholy, seems to be falling too. Your email address will never be sold or distributed to a third party for any reason. If anyone is thinking about reading this wonderful story then I say to you "don't think, do" Ps, I cant wait to see the movie starring Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara in January and hope it is faithful to the book. Slinky 's couture, lesbian chic, unfiltered cigarettes and bottomless highballs have reappeared in the American zeitgeist and perhaps that style cycle is responsible for this sleek creature finally clawing its way out of confinement. She pays him a high price for some tapes even though he warns her that he has already sent several tapes and other evidence to Harge in New York. One day, a woman in a mink coat drifted into the toy department. View all 10 comments. In the Afterword written in of the edition I read, Highsmith wrote that she "like[s] to avoid labels. Quickly, though, the illicit nature of the relationship causes headaches for both women in their relationships with other people. Please enter a valid email address. View all 3 comments. The last acquaintance to see her was her accountant. Brigi Call Me by Your Name by Andre Aciman, the Acclamation series by Vee Hoffman warning, they contain explicit sex scenes, in case you're feeling icky ab … more Call Me by Your Name by Andre Aciman, the Acclamation series by Vee Hoffman warning, they contain explicit sex scenes, in case you're feeling icky about them , The Counterfeiters by Andre Gide given that it's an older book, it's subtler. Gorgeous looking, and very faithful to the book. It is also notable for being the only one of her novels with "a conventional 'happy ending ' " and characters who had "more explicit sexual existences". I think the biggest problem I had with this was that Carol and Therese was totally boring. She wants to find her own identity and her own life, while remaining true to herself and her sexuality. Buy It Now. Retrieved March 22, I will go read one of them. Send me an email when my question is answered. Why has the world forsaken me?!? Trailers and Videos. With that being said, the story kicks off in the early 's when Therese, a set designer working a casual holiday job at a department store, meets Carol Aird. and-f.pdf book-1000.pdf