Sliding as Hillside Phenomenon in the North Eastern Part of Kosova

Shpejtim Bulliqi1 Florim Isufi1 Gani Gashi1 Ibrahim Ramadani1 1 University of , Department of Geography Mother Teresa street, 10000, Pristina, UNMIK-, [email protected]


In the complex of the side phenomena of the north eastern part of Kosova, sliding who appear in a quite different dimensions play an important role in the landscape modeling; in some territories are ran in into a strong collapse, especially during tectonic abruptness. Quite developed sliding show during the tectonic contacts of magma rocks with those terrogene, thus during the destruction streak including scrapped koluvio- proluvial materials and those deluvial of the scab conveyance. The widest expansions of these phenomena are along the limitative banks of Llapi and Kosova hollows including the hilly-mountainous and mountainous in the periphery. The laky Pliocene argil supersaturating with water during their contact with dibasic rocks but also those terrogene flysch and regressive erosion of the river branches have created conditions for displacement of scrappy material quantities set up on these argil.

Key Words: Sliding, Displacement Hillsides, Pliocene lake argil, Regressive erosion


The development of a spatial landscape is a multi dimensional process and it is expressed by indicators that have complex subordination between internal powers and external geo morphological agenca. General studies of the landscape of a space enables recognition of one the most complex components of a natural environment. One of natural physical –geographical units of the Kosovo space, its North Eastern (NE) part takes on an important place with characteristic features. Natural boundaries of this space are the median valley of the river Ibër, from Mitrovica to the outlet of Bistrica river (the right anabranch) in the north west (NW), the Çyçavica mainly hilly ridge in South East (SE), the Graçanica river valley and the upper valley of Ballaban river in South East and East while all other North Eastern and north part to the peak of Pançiç (2017m) passes along the border line of -Montenegro. It a typical expansion North West–South East in a length of 77 km and width of 12-40 km, while the highest altitude has the bottom at Pançiç peak, one of the highest in Kosovë. The main morphological units of this part are the ridges of in North-West, the Greben pond of Llap in North East, North Western part of Kosovo field in South West and hilly- mountainous side of Gollak in South East. Taking into account the fact that the majority part of the territory of Kosovo has relatively been less studied in terms of morphological aspect; due to this reason, this work focuses on efforts for a partial approach with regard to the process of recent modeling of the landscape-sliding as hillside phenomenon quite extended in this part of Kosovo.

Sliding-hillside phenomenon quite extended

Sliding of different dimensions play an important role of landscape modeling in the complex of hillside phenomenon, which, in some territories are followed by strong collapse especially during tectonic abruptness. Relatively developed sliding are during tectonic contacts of magma rocks with those terrigene, along the streak of destructions, including mainly the koluvio-prolusion material scraps and those diluvia of the scab conveyance. These collected materials close to abruptness detachments/separation and those complex during their morph tectonic and morph climatic are characterized by an instability situation, brought by considerable watercourse thanks to the level of their impenetrability. The most expansion of these phenomena is along the limitative banks of the graben pond of Llap, especially in the complex abruptness of the western bank between Pakashtica in the north and Llapashtica in the south.

BALWOIS 2008 - Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia - 27, 31 May 2008 1 The super satiation with lake pliocene argil water during their contact with dibasic and regressive erosion of the anabranch river Llap have created conditions for displacement of masses of scrappy materials set up on these argil. Dimension and level of development of the sliding is presented quite differently since the sliding plan in this sector gets by the contact of dibasic over tectonics rocks with Pliocene argil. Thus, all under part of complex abruptness in the height of 700-900 m differs for some active sliding as such as those along the river of Pakashtica, Dobratinit, Obrançës, and Llapashtica etc. Sliding have also relatively dense expansion along the eastern pond of the Llap bank which also differs for the high level of the tectonization of the magma rocks and those flysck and molas mio- pliocen following tectonic detachment of Merdar.

Photo 1. Sliding on the left side of Batllava–Bellopojë valley (photo. Sh. Bulliqi, 2006).

Consequence of this tectonic phenomenon is the formation of a broad line of destruction during which a considerable sliding have been developed, which is expressed in the over fragmental forms of complex abruptness of an area over degraded especially between Shakovica in the south and the mouth of Merdar in the north. In a relatively smaller dimensions, the sliding meet also in the southern bank of this pond between the outlet of Batllava river and the one of Tërnava which are associated/linked with setting up of lake conglomerates between Dyz and Tërnava on the scab conveyance of crate of flysck (Fig. 1). The last one, being satiated with water by the conglomeratic mass water holder, which is brought by the regressive erosion of the above mentioned streams, leads to instable situation of the last ones and their continuous displacement. These bank phenomena do also have a broad expansion along the South West bank of ridges of Kopaonik, especially from Mitrovica to the Bistrica river outlet.

In this sector, the complex abruptness is characterized by a strong tectonization of carbonated rocks which build the majority part of this abruptness thanks to the enormous amplitude of the tectonic rising of the structure of these rocks.

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Photo 2. Sliding in the right bank of Ballabani valley (Photo. Sh. Bulliqi, 2006).

In such conditions, the developed sliding along the lines of destruction are composed of blocks and stone scraps mixed with scads of argil of the conveyance of scabs of magma rocks in most of cases. One can notice among them that sliding of the left bank of the valley of the river Dreni, Tvërdani, Leposaviq, Bistrica, Stari Tërg etc, which are presented as active even presently, by jeopardizing residential centre and agricultural lands in fragmental forms set up on the structural levels. Furthermore, in the sector between Mitrovica and sidelong mouth of Lebana, sliding have a considerable development especially under part of this abruptness composed of lake depositions followed by combination of gravel, sand, and argil. The lasts ones, being satiated with water from the first ones create in stabile situation for gravel and sand. In such conditions, they are replaced continuously, urged also by regressive erosion of the river of Prodani, Tërstena, Studime, Dumnica etc by jeopardizing dwellings in the NE part of Field of Kosovo in this sector. Almost the same conditions for formation of sliding meet also in the complex of abruptness of SW bank of Gollak between sidelong mouth of Lebana and the one of,( Fig. 2.). Here, the sliding covers entirely terrigeny flysck rocks and those molasik of the Field of Kosovo, which are also urged by regressive erosion of the river of Besi, Siçevë, Prishtina and Graçanica. In the upper part of these streams, sliding are developed in the dimension of flysck, which are characterized by the combination of the penetrable sand packages with the ones of impenetrable argil. Whereas, in the lower flowing, sliding are bound/linked with the combination of sands, and gravels with pliocen lake argil.


In the complex of bank phenomenon, sliding of quite different dimensions play an important role on landscape modeling of this territory, which are followed by strong sliding in some territories especially during tectonic abruptness.

BALWOIS 2008 - Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia - 27, 31 May 2008 3 They do come across during the tectonic contacts of magma tic rocks with those terrigen ones, Pliocene lake argil with dibasic and magma tic rocks and flysck with molase mio-pliocen. All these contacts have conditioned displacement of the masses and scrappy materials. They do have larger expansion on the limitative banks of the grabenor pond of Llap, especially on the complex abruptness of the western bank between Pakashtica in the north and Llapashtica in the south, then along the eastern bank of Llap pond and SE bank of the Kopaonik ridges


Bulliqi Sh. (2006). Morphological Features of the NE part of Kosovo, (PhD work in handwriting), Pristina. Gruda Gj. (1990) Physic-geographical features of the highlands of Gjakova and Has Geographical Studies, nr.4. Tiranë. Markovič M. (1983). Osnovi primjene geomorfologije, Beograd. Meçaj N., Alikaj K. (2006). Applicable Geomorphology, Toena, Tiranë.

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