Buaala, a LIFE STYLE recommender for friends “Turn your digital lifestyle into money” Disclaimer of Liability “GET WHAT YOU LOVE FIND YOU”

The purpose of this investor desk summary is to present KNOWDLE MEDIA GROUP and BUAALA to potential investors in connection with the proposed increased capital for an international deployment of the company.

The information set forth below may not be exhaustive and does not imply any elements of a contractual relationship.

Its sole purpose is to provide relevant and reasonable information to potential investors to give the initial background to determine whether to undertake a thorough analysis of the corporation with the intent of subscribe a significant amount of shares in current financial round looking for private equity investors or venture capitalists.


• BUAALA uses social media to profile its users according to online social influence and semantic affinity via the Semantic Context, CollectiveIntelligenceAlgorithm and complexAI technics.

• BUAALA uses Facebook, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and Wikipedia data to create Buaala User Profilesand Contents (including product and services) that are assigned to a unique ”Semantic Affinity Rank” and “Collective Relationships”.

• BUAALA also measures the size of a user's social media network and correlatesthe content created to measure how other users (friends) interact with that content.

• BUAALA'S aim is to offer products and services with a high of success in purchasing decision. The products offered come from reselling agreements with large operators, specifics (Adidas, Decathlon, ...) or generalists (Amazon, El Corte Inglés, Alibaba, eBay...).

Dynamic Complex Optimum Commonwealth Function | 4 What is Buaala? LIFE STYLE, MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT SUITE RECOMMENDER FOR FRIENDS

From dining out, to managing your agenda, your entertainment timetable, to meeting new people, BUAALA suite will play an important role in how we eat, exercise, shop and date. This project of intelligent, interactive media & entertainment under the of collective , where users and companies can use the potential of new formats and contents in a context has been Life Style created to make better offers to you and your friends.

Media & New Internet We use Social Media data to create Entertainment Formats user profiles and contents that are assigned a unique ”Semantic We learn form user MEDIA usage and entertainment habits We correlate contacts, users and Affinity Rank and Collective about their profile without asking them any questions. content to offer products and services. Intelligence Algoritm. | 5 The problem ATTENTION ECONOMY | “INFOBESITY OR INFOXICATION”

We are exposed to a lot of information. We are living in a We feel frustrated when we realize that we‟ve society where infoxication drives our lives. spent time in: • Attention becomes the limitating factor in the consumption of • reading something insignificant and irrelevant to our lives information • searching a content, an information that we really want to • We look at our phone more than 221 times a day. Our daily life is full of reach but finally we don‟t find it distractions and insignificant content that draws our attention. • entertaining content for our moment of relaxation • Breaking focus on what we are doing or what is really relevant for us. • How significant are all the contents we read in social media? We waste valuable time

What can we do to let what we love, find us?


Buaala: The Attention Economy, where attention is a • through its Artificial and Collective Intelligence engine, it is able to select limited resource, empowers our life, helping us to reach all the information in any part of the important and revelant contents for you, to focus our free time on the world in a real time. what we really love. • is able to extract from social media and show us contents and information that we really want. • make our life easier and help us to focus our attention in what really is important for us.

Thanks to Buaala, let what you love find you!

| 7 The business concept MONETIZE THE KNOWLEDGE

• Top Global Internet Players (Google, Facebook, Twitter…) earn money through advertising thanks to the volume of users visiting their web, apps, and online spaces. • Yet, they have not been able to monetize the knowledge of the user profile beyond personalized advertising “Many unknown users, many navegators, mobiles... and cookies, but not more that 5% of unique and distinguised users.” • Their challenge and the bulk of their investments are WE HAVE CREATED A NEW focused on AI and associated with social networks, to try to find the monetization of the user's profile based on personal profiling in sales of products and “CONTEXT & CONTENT X SALES” (CLIC PER SALES) services, and not just in advertising as nowadays.

| 8 What is different: AI with CI State of the Art WHATS IS REALLY DISRUPTIVE

Collective Individual Decisions decisions

Every human being makes 35.000 conscious decisions daily …

COLLECTIVE LIFE STYLE COLLECTIVE INFLUENCE INCOMES COLLECTIVE EMOTIONAL BEHAVIOUR 66% of entertainment decisions are collective Turning digital life into money (we „re all Dynamic context within a motivational enviroment: influencers) (there is NO decision without MOTIVATION)

…under a dynamic CONTEXT (friends, places, devices…) | 9 Buaala Context & Content for sales SCHEME CLIC PER SALES

Top Global Internet Buaala is a mobile app We process the Propose a collective players have been and complex info to create a User commercial context unable to… cloud site that… Profile that… offer

Monetize the Uses Social and “Semantic Affinity Which comes from 01 knowledge of the 02 Content Media to 03 Rank” and 04 reselling agreements. user profile profile its users “Collective Engine” Specifics: ADIDAS, DECATHLON, The Collective Intelligence User and content scoring. ESTRELLA GALICIA... High scores correspond to Generalists: AMAZON, EL CORTE a higher rank of one's online INGLES, ALIBABA, EBAY.... collective influence.

| 10 The Architecture guarantees exponential growth THE METHODOLOGY FOR 4.0 INDUSTRY

| 11 B2C business UNITs: Products & Services


B2B2C Services B2C Products


SPORTS TV LIFESTYLE | 12 B2B business UNITs: Products & Services

Buaala 3.0 presents new functionalities for the intelligent growth of companies under B2B in its different Collective Intelligence functions Growth Hacking  B4B, Intelligent…. find your customers and build customer loyalty, increase your sales with current and future customers.

Growth Talent find the talent inside and outside your company that accelerates your growth.

Growth Recommender find the products or content that enhance your growth.

Growth Comparator find features not evident in products and content that promote your growth.

Growth Brand Contents Together with the B2B2C proposals, Buaala 4 Business Collective Intelligence provides exponential growth. identifies the contents that enhance the value of your brand.

| 13 Market Review Competitive Analysis Audiovisual and Related Sectors 1 2

4 3

| 16 Competitive Analysis Audiovisual and Related Sectors ACTIVITY SECTOR BUSINESS MODEL PRODUCT/SERVICE

Help people to discover movies, series, Revenue Share from commission from Some of them act as social network finding cinema, TV, they couldn‟t know they love. product sales, and B2B from software and comments from other users. Content Aggregators VOD platforms and grid TV. API implementation to external partners. recommendation fit to only one user. Only 1 Some of them offer subscription for special Buaala offers the opportunity to receive features. recommendation for a group of friends.

Content track. Recommendation related B2BC Income from traffic sent to Movie and Series Trackers through web and with users taste. Platforms to send traffic platforms. Subscription model offering app. Apps are free, but to connect and to VOD, OTT. special features to the users. Incomes really track movies a subscription is 2 came from advertising in apps or on the needed. Apps can be customized. Manual site. Shows and TVseries users need filters to discover new content. No option subscription in Track.tv for more features. to discover content with friends.

Online Streaming Platforms. Watch free Their income come from advertisers or Service for devices web and apps. Content is streaming movies, series and some tv from audiovisual content producers for suggested through manual filters and only 3 show. sending users to their platforms. They sell personal, no group of friends. They collect data data to platforms, networks, studios and for sale and marketing campaign. No algorithm streaming-video services. recommendation.

Video On Demand and OTT Platforms , Monthly subscription to the service. There You can watch your movies series when and where it is possible watching series, cine are different types depending on the where you want since it is possible the access 4 and documental. features. Some of these platforms offer through different devices. Some of the most Pay Per View or cost per rent and watch representatives in Spain where operates about the content during a short period of time. 400 VOD and OTT platforms. Competitive Analysis Lifestyle and Related Sectors

| 18 Competitive Analysis Lifestyle and Related Sectors ACTIVITY SECTOR BUSINESS MODEL PRODUCT/SERVICE

Events, entertainment and lifestyle B2C Commissions from tickets and events See which events your friends are attending. 1 discovery platforms. They show the most sales through the app. Ecommerce. These platforms allow to discover music relevant events and activities based upon Buaala has B2B from software and API festivals, theatres, fashion, restaurants... Users your mood or taste integration to external partners. can buy tickets or activities directly through the app or web Travel Planner and Guide to discover Revenue share and advertising. Click- Players are more geared towards the places, restaurants, hotels, events and Based advertising and transaction tourism industry and make easy to find the 2 thing to do. A travellers community where revenues are generated through direct lowest airfare, best hotels, great people get inspired bookings on the pages /app. restaurants, and fun things to do. They have social and community character.

Local Lifestyle Guide to discover activities, Big Data, through licensing agreements Service for devices web and apps. Content is restaurants, and events and and other data-based services suggested through manual filters and only 3 entertainment. They also act as Social Advertisements. Income from Local personal, no group of friends. They collect Networks with forum and users advertising from businesses that want to data for sale and marketing campaign. recommendations be featured these apps.,

Social Shopping where people share their Revenues for any clicks that lead to a sale. Services are available for web and apps. Some 4 wardrobe or make sales through Facebook They uses affiliation programs and of favorite apps for millennials. You can find and Instagram comments commission from sales. Through Big Data, recommendation and user-curated content, interactions and comments.

Restaurant Reservation platforms. They Ads in the site or in the apps. Commission It‟s possible to find restaurants by location, cuisine help people to find the best food and from restaurant reservation. and more plus get. Recommendations based on 5 dining experiences at over a million personal preferences. Users can create wish list restaurants. Free for users. save places they like. No plans with friends Competitive Analysis Funding Rounds ACTIVITY SECTOR BUSINESS MODEL PRODUCT/SERVICE FUNDING ROUNDS

Events and entertainment discovery platform. It Commissions from tickets and events they sale Fever delivers a curated list of the most exciting Number Funding Rounds: 4 recommends entertainment Plans and Events. through the app. In app payment, ecommerce. events, things to do and to see in your city, tailored Funding Amount: $31M just for you.. The app has an algorithm that suggest events and plans based on personal taste.

Web & mobile platform where users can find Revenue share from the tickets they sell. Any AI to help users conveniently find the activities they are Number Funding Rounds: 1 near by events user or company is able to crate an event to the looking for, while at the same time enabling vendors to Funding Amount: $2M platform and selling their tickets. locate highly targeted potential clients.

Online music catalogue providing users with Revenues from users subscriptions and advertisers. Recommendations are not generated by matching Number Funding Rounds: 1 personalized recommendations based on their similar musical attributes, instead it offers internet radio Funding Amount: $5M taste in music. It is a social networking company stations programmed by comparing user data to the rest Number of Acquisition: 1 of the Last.fm user community. Price Acquisition: 280M

Allows consumers to gather their personal data B2C Commissions from tickets and events sales See which events your friends are attending. These Number Funding Rounds: 8 and share it with businesses in a mutually through the app. Ecommerce. Buaala has B2B platforms allow to discover music festivals, theatres, Funding Amount: $10.6M beneficial value exchange. from software and API integration to external fashion, restaurants and the pop-ups. Users can buy partners tickets or activities directly through the app or web

InsideSales.com offers sales acceleration platform Incomes came from the different services they Inside Sales leverages to predict and Number Funding Rounds: 6 built on a predictive and prescriptive self-learning offer. It is a B2B business model. prescribe optimized sales activities, enhance performance Funding Amount: $251.2M engine and motivation and increase live. 4 different solutions Number of Acquisition: 2 Predictive Playbooks · Predictive PowerDialer · Predictive Pipeline · Predictive Cloud

Sentient operates distributed AI on an unprecedented B2B. Incomes came from the different services they Utilizing and deep learning - Number Funding Rounds: 6 scale, routinely running multiple distributed AI jobs, offer to other companies. designed to continuously evolve and improve - Sentient Funding Amount: $174.4M on millions of AI processing nodes, producing aims to create the world‟s most powerful intelligent actionable results validated on large and complex system. | 20 data sets Competitive Analysis Funding Rounds

Funding 8 Rounds 11M 300M

6 251M 174M

4 31M

2 10M

2M 5M Millions$

50 100 150 200 250 300 | 21 Main Goals Past history TIMELINE

Founded KMG/ New BUAALA Jul 2014 Buaala Design 3.0

From Prototype to Product 2016

Awards & Funds 14 Feb 2017 Feb-April 2017 Tests on Android/iOS End of 2017 BBVA Open Talent Finalist Buaala APP iOS Tests on IOs New BUAALA & BUAALA TV > 200.000 buaalazers IBM CLOUDEDWe AMAZON 5.000 beta testers BUAALA B2B2C Video & Docs > 65.000 APPs downloads FICOD Semilla AWS Emprendetur BUAALA B2B2C BUAALA Affiliation Program & CTAs Powered by BUAALA Día de Internet Award ENISA Funds

| 24 AI + CI Puzzle . . Speech synthesis AI & ROBOTICS AREAS . Handwriting recognition . Natural language generation . Optical character recognition . Robotic process automation . Image and Video recognition . Control of other systems . Facial recognition through APIs

AI and Robotics Technologies . Case-based come in many forms, giving rise reasoning to a broad variety of Applications . Expert systems

. Recommender systems . Natural language . . . Deep learning . Sentiment analysis . . Source: BCG analysis . | 25 Note: APIs = application programming interfaces State of the Art: revolutionary solution ALGORITHM IS UNIQUE AND DISRUPTOR

From a technological point of view, BUAALA provides a revolutionary solution suite due to our complex open, bioinspired and collective mathematical algorithm, for LIFESTYLE from MEDIA & Entertainment context. The algorithm involves the advanced management of three basic in the online business: Social Networks, Big Data and .


Algorithm Unique and Complex, open, With Dynamic bioinspired and Disruptor collective Learning Capacity WaaS Engine mathematical & Predictive Mechanism

Involves the advanced management of the Online Business

SOCIAL NETWORKS ANALYSIS BIG DATA WISDOM ANALYTICs ARTIFICIAL WISDOM ENGINE Facebook, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Predictive Analysis and User Behavior Analytics Based on a Collective Intelligence and Ethic YouTube, Wikipedia Analysis Engine | 27 Financial Plan Income Statement CURRENT 2017

Amounts in euros (€) | 29 Budget 2018

Amounts in euros (€) | 30 Projections 2019 – 2025

Amounts in euros (€)

| 31 Next Steps Our strategy

Aggressive Marketing Campaign 10-12M NYC Buaalazers

B2B2C Investors To create value and growth • 3 BIG CLIENTs in SPAIN • 3 BIG CLIENTs in SOUTH AFRICA 30% of 200M€ postmoney.

To create an International We offer Company. Up to 30% x 60M€

Huge Market APPs and Big Data

Exponential Company participation Investor Exit with Global Oriented Large Corporations, Big Brands & International Deployment Potential partial or total exit in next round

| 33 2018 Main Goals TIMELINE

KMG / Buaala NEXT v.4.0 2017 | 200.000 buaalazers AI english version CLOUDEDWe v.4.0 Dec 2017 Jul-Dec 2018

Pre-launch NYC BUAALA launch LATAM

2M + 6,1M€ July-December 2018 AIBeehive 60M€ BUAALA Pre-launch test International Startup Awards 1st half 2019 ✔ ENGLISH VERSION Powered by BUAALA 12.000.000 vectors (3 COUNTRIES WORLDWIDE) SPAIN/USA/SOUTH AFRICA 200M€ Company Talented Team

Alberto López Oleaga Odile Rodríguez de MANAGING DIRECTOR la Fuente CHAIRWOMAN


Antonio Cala Francisco Moreno Alicia Sánchez R&D ENGINEER RESEARCH RESEARCH

| 35 Experienced advisory board

Rodolfo Carpintier Chairman of the Advisory Board With 27 years of experience, he is executive director of Digital Assets Deployment (DAD), a business incubator of High Technology and Daniel Urruchua Alfredo Galán Margaret Chen Internet with participation in more than Executive Business Developer Executive Vice President, Chairman of the VP of International Deployment 20 leading projects in the sector. “When Management Committee and Director of you come from the 20th century, Corporate Development understanding the 21st century is complex, but the reality is that artificial intelligence will radically change business models”

He has been President of Commerce Net Español, Founder and Vice President of Netjuice S.A., Marketing Eduardo Boix Lillo Mateo Valero Yenlik Doskempirova Director at Telefónica Sistemas S.A., CEO at KRONE S.A., International Non-executive Vice President for VP of & Technology VP of Finance Director at SERVICOM, Commercial Ethics and Corporate Organization Director at SERVICOM, President of SMM.

Odile Rodriguez de la Fuente José Manuel Serrano Acitores Paloma Pérez de León VP of Media VP of Legal Affairs Legal Advisor Board & Secretary of the Board Contact us KNOWDLE.COM | BUAALA.COM

C/ Steve Jobs 2 PROMALAGA EXCELENCIA 29590 Campanillas - Málaga (Spain) C/ Doctor Castelo 10, 5ºA 28009 - Madrid (Spain) [email protected] [email protected] www.facebook.com/Buaala twitter.com/buaala Tel. +34 910 800 000