Ation Book Volunteers Date Set Open Drive for Paper Start Today in House- U

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Ation Book Volunteers Date Set Open Drive for Paper Start Today in House- U SACK UP XQAVNSHIR Invasion Is YOUR BOY Costly fighting Increase your Your Boy Gives 100 pez cent; payroll savings How about your to pour family limit bond buying? VOL. VIII.—No. 4 FORDS, N. J., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1943 PRICE THREE CENTS War-Fund Launch Campaign To Bring Comfort In War Collection ation Book Volunteers Date Set Open Drive For Paper Start Today In House- U. S. Has Important Use Schools To Handle Reg- to-House Canvass In For Old 'Newspapers, Sewer Permits Issued In 1942 istration Next Wed- Campaign For $25,000 Magazines, Cardboard Be Revoked By State Board nesday And Thursday WOODBRIDGE — Scores of FOlRDS—Residents of Wood- volunteers enlisted by the Wood- sion several conferences with Dr. FORDS—With the cooperation bridge Township War Fund Com- bridge Township will be given Matter To Come Up At Lynn Mahaffey, state health direc- o'f the school teachers and other mittee will begin taking the fund- an opportunity to send to war Next Session Of Rahway tor and state inspectors on the Board of Education employes, all raising appeal to every local res- potential ammunition, laying Valley Joint Meeting matter. He pointed out Wood- plans have been completed for the ident today. Seeking donations around their cellars, attics and ga- bridge is unable to handle addi- registration for Ration Book No. totalling $25,000 they will visit *"*'•-'- rages on Sunday, October 24, every home, business office and iRAR'TITAN TOW1NISHDP—The tional sewage. He said tMayor Au- 4 Wednesday and Thursday. when the local iSalvage Committee, possibility of permits issued for gust F. Greiner, of Woodbi-idge, In order that teachers may vol- industrial J>lant throughout the construction and operation of a Township during the next few headed by Mrs.. Chester Peck, will sewer extension being' rescinded a representative of the committee, unteer their services as regis- days. - conduct a collection of waste by the State Board of Health was would appear with him at a futuve trars, there will be a one o'clock James S. Wight is general paper. indicated in a communication re- meeting to see if the application session for elementary schools. chairman and he is being assist- In case of rain, the collection ceived by the Board of Commis- to Rahway could not be approved. The morning session at the High ed by Mayor August F. Greiner, will then ibe held the following sioners from the department School on Wednesday and Thurs- honorary chairman; Michael J. Tuesday. The communication Trainer, treasurer; B. W. Vogel, Sunday, October 31. asked the local governing body to Rev. Dunn Speaks day will close at 10:11 and the special gifts and industries; Miss The amount of waste paper advise the department why the At Woman's Guild Meet afternoon session, at 12:17. Ruth Wolk, publicity chairman needed for shells,..cartons, equip- permits issued on July 14, 1942 Registration and distribution and the following co-chairmen of ment and many other war uses, should not be rescinded. FOiRIDlS — Rev. Harold Dunn, of the books will be held between local committees: has dwindled to a critical low The permits w c r e issued last rector of St. Lake's Episcopal 2:30 P. M. and 8:30 P. M., Wed- Avenel, Mrs. Edward Grode and point. Residents of the commu- year for the extension of a sewer Church, Metuchen, was guest nesday in Avenel School, Straw- Frank Wukovetz; Colonia, Mrs. An extra official note was added to the Greiner are (1 to r) James S. Wight, chair- line in the Henry Street section speaker at a meeting of the Wom- berry Hill School, Colonia School, Arthur Brown; Fords, Mrs. Bern- nity therefore are being urged to launching of the $25,000 United War Fund man; Phar. M. (3c) Kathryn Onley, Church to a line operated by the Town- an's Guild of St. John's Chapel Iselin Schools No. 6 and 15; hardt Jensen and Anton J. Lund; Street, of the WAVES; Ship's Cook (2c) make an intensive, search for all ship of Woodbridge. 'The commu- Tuesday. Fords School, No. 7, Keasbey Hopelawn, Miss Mary. Fee, Mrs. Campaign here as a group of local service folk waste ipaper in their homes. nication pointed out that the Guests were Mrs. John Olsen of School, Port Reading School, attended the signing by Mayor August F. Charles Gall, 509 Garden Avenue; Paratroop- John Swallick, Michael Korczow- er Harold Grimley, Freeman Street, (aiow on The collection will start at 1 P. Township's application to the Metuchen and Mrs. MeKeevey of Hopelawn School, Sewaren School ski and Frank Kaminski; Iselin, Greiner of his proclamation signifying the medical discharge); Signalman (2c) J. E. M., on the 24th and Township Rahway Valley Joint Meeting to Woodbridge. Others attending and Woodbridge School No. 11 Mrs. Frank Brinkmari assisted by opening of the drive. Grouped behind Mayor Leffler, 75 Woodbridge Avenue. connect the sewer line with the were Mrs. Florence Olsen, Mrs. and during- the same hours on Woman's Club of Iselin; Port volunteer 'trucks will pick up the Rahway plant has been denied but Marguerite Quish, Mrs. Mary Thursday in Avenel School, Reading, Mrs. Clarence Redd and paper which should be left at the it is possible the request will be Pfeiffer, Mrs. Ruth Tapely, Mrs. Fords School, No. 7 and Wood- Elmer Krysko; Sewaren, Miss curb. Virtually all sorts of paper, reopened. The State Department Elizabeth Fullerton, Mrs. William bridge School, No. 11. Ruth Ballard and; Mrs. George including newspapers, magazines, found the Rahway Valley Joint Varady, IMiss Ida Fullerton, Mrs. Mullen; Woodbridge, Mrs. Ter- War-Peace Transition Is Local Problem, •Meeting sewage plant was over- Constance Ward, Mrs. Robert Procedure Simple rilft Mosher and Mrs. J. Barron bags, wrapping paper, corrugateji taxed and the effluent produced Krauss, Miss Ann Whitten, Mrs. The procedure to be followed Levi; Keasbey, Joseph Wargo. paper and cartons, are acceptable. was not satisfactory. Izola Jogan, Miss Viola iFullerton in the registration has been sim- Mayor. Greiner, who today is- Mayor Greiner Tells County Colleagues To facilitate the pic.k-uip work resi- Toiwnship Attorney Thomas L. and the Rev. William H. Schmaus, plified and will not take up as sued a proclamation calling upon responsibility? How cfin. we be who is going to control the ex- dents 'are requested to separate Hanson reported to the commis- vicar. much time .as in the previous reg- residents of the Township to con- Adjustments Will Fi- effective in changing the ways of penditures?" books, magazines and paper into istrations. There will be one ap- tribute to the War Fund, called war into ways of peace? How are Declaring these are the prime separate bundles and to tie each plication form for each family the campaign "an opportunity for ' natty Have To Be Made we going to bridge the period be- factors "in the predicament unit and one book will be issued us all to show- our appreciation bundle securely. Cardboard boxes rs. Dorothy Dickey Appointed for each member of the family. tween the time our factories ahead," Mayor Greiner told his should be flattened and tied. for the gallant men and women At Home, He Asserts change their dies from armament colleagues it was his belief that The registrar will inform the ap- in our American and Allied armed to automobiles? Are w-e to be- ths Federal government should Want To Help? plicant to have each' person to force's and a chance for us to send WfOOPBIHIiDlGiE—'Establishment Teacher At. Clara Barton whom a book is issued sign it. our help to millions enduring the of local post-war planning commis- come confused because we have completely finance "those neces- Persons wishing to donate temporized and go back to the sary public improvements which ; it under the program, he said. There will be no sex or age re- 'bitter woes of war in lands across sions to study means of absorbing 1 trucks or to volunteer as helpers They are also taught to budget the sea." *' workers freed from the service and dole, God forbid? If we are going will provide the work to cushion Discussion Held On to provide public works ipropects, wholesale releases from factory are urged to telephone Mrs. Peck with an accurate account kept by Benefits 17 Agencies war industries, was advocated last at Woodbridge 8-21 &5'W. the teachers, he stated. 'The su- night by Mayor August F. Greiner how are they to be financed and ] (Continued on Page 2) Luncheons Served By •MIY Wight pointed out that the A display of articles made from pervising principal also pointed local campaign is one of the many in address before the Mayors' As- Home Economics Class out the diner near the school is drives now being conducted sociation of Middlesex County. waste paper may be seen in one of closed on Tuesdays and it is con- FORDS — Here are things the windows of Christensen's De- RAiRttTAN -TOWNSHIP — The to remember in order to obtain th^QughoTit, the- state to raise" $5,- .."There have been planning stud- Army Training Drive Total appointment of Mrs. Dorothy venient for the teachers to be .000,000. :The* Sidney^ is needed"to: ies atid surveys, planning commis- partment IStore on Main Street. served in school. He assured the Ration Book Four with a mini- Diekey, of the Cfara Barton sec- mum of inconvenience: ; maintain the work of 17 war-re- sions.-.and; advisors for post-war The Salvage Committee has tion as a teacher in the Clara Bar- board there are no orders teach- lated agencies serving the military problems," he declared.
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