WHAT DOES THE SAY ABOUT THE ? Part Eleven: January 6, 2020

2 Thessalonians 2:1-17 • The ______of Paul’s Appeal (vs. 1a, 2a) o “Now we beseech you, brethren…that ye be not soon ______in mind, or be ______...” • The ______for Paul’s Appeal (vs. 1) o The comforting ______of the Rapture (our “gathering together unto Him”) • The ______of Paul’s Appeal (vs. 2) o Don’t believe the ______that you are currently living through the Tribulation. • The ______for Paul’s Appeal (vs. 3) o The ______, preceded by the great , must occur before the Tribulation. • The ______of Paul’s Appeal (vs. 4-8) o The ______must be removed before the can be revealed. • The ______of Paul’s Appeal (vs. 9-17) o Have you ______the truth of the gospel? The Reason for Paul’s Appeal • A Clear Prophetic ______, in Order: o The falling away ______§ “The apostasy” of the Last Days o The ______§ Setting in ______the Day of the Lord on earth o The is ______§ The unveiling of the ______§ Not “first,” but soon after the Rapture, near the beginning of the Tribulation The Explanation of Paul’s Appeal • Something is currently ______back the presently working mystery of iniquity and ultimate of the man of sin. o “He” = the man of ______(vs. 3b-4) § The son of ______= “eternal ruin” § The ______—the opposing and counterfeit christ § The little ______(Dan. 7:8, 8:9) § The fierce ______of the north (Dan. 11:36-45) § The first ______from the sea (Rev. 13:1-10, 18)—“” whose number is ______. § The one who sets up the abomination of desolations in the ______(Matt. 24:15) o “Mystery of iniquity” (vs. 7) = of lawlessness, ______§ That ______of antichrist already in the world: • 1 John 4:3: ______o “Withholdeth” (vs. 6) = to hold back, hold down, ______, suppress § Same word as “______” in vs. 7. • That Something is a ______(the Holy Spirit). o “What withholdeth” (vs. 6) = neuter o “______who is now restraining” (vs. 7) = masculine § Gen. 6:3: ______§ John 16:8: ______• After He is ______, the man of sin will be revealed. o “He be taken out of the way” = removed out of the ______. o How? With believers at the ______. § Then, things will get ______bad. § Eph. 5:11, 13: ______• The entire ______of the man of sin during the Tribulation: o Initial ______(vs. 8a) § “Then” = when the ______is removed § “That Wicked” = the Wicked ______, the antichrist o Final ______(vs. 8b) § At the ______of the Tribulation (prophetic telephoto effect) § Rev. 19:20: ______o In-between ______(vs. 9-10) Application • As believers, we must ______and ______the spirit of antichrist that is even now working in this world. o Don’t be ______by it. § 2 John 1:7-11: ______o ______it. § 1 John 2:18-23: ______§ 1 John 4:1-3: ______o ______it. § 1 John 4:4-6: ______