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6-14-1965 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News

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U.S. Brigade in Battle Zone Guard Air Strip Near Dong Xoai SAIGON, South Viet Nam sortment of grim relics left be- Into the Dong Xoai conflict but barracks 70 miles southwest of (AP) •— Vietnamese rangers hind by the Viet Cong, among tho Vietnamese commanders Hanoi. Fivei' buildings were re- combing a rubber plantation them the wreckage of a U.S. were reluctant to ask for .' them. ported destroyed and 10 heavily just north of the shattered town Army helicopter and a U.S. damaged. of Dong Xoai found the bodies of Army man's identification tag. The Viet Cong mounted a number of attacks and ambush- Forty-two planes three about 100 government troops U.S. authorities announced today, the remains of the 7th es in various parts of Viet Nam areas of the Ba Bon army bar- "at the request of the Vietnam- today, all the way from the 17th racks 60 miles north of the de- Airborne Battalion , a U.S. mili- ese government tary spokesman announced. , elements of the Parallel to the southern tip of militarized zone, U.S. spokes- -was 173rd U.S. Airborne Brigade the nation. i men said. Dong Xoai reported quiet have moved to Phuoc Vinh to but , braced for more trouble Ninety A.merican and Viet- Heavy air strikes also contlnr from the Viet Cong. protect the airfield and aircraft namese planes hammered tar- ued Inside South Viet Nam there."; gets in North Viet Nam in a se- VICE PRESIDENT JOINS ASTRONAUTS IN CELEBRA- Chicago today for a huge parade and celebration. The against suspected V iet Cong tar- As the rangers moved through Phuoc Vinh is the main air- ries of separate raids. ^. U.S. Navy and Marine .¦ ' ' women received bouquets of roses upon arriving at Chicago ¦ get TION . . .-Vice; President and Mrs. Hubert Humphrey, fight, 's the French-owned Michelin rub- field for the Dong Xoai area, Twenty U.S" Air Force jet Corps planes were said to have Joined in greeting for Astronauts Edward White and his wife, O'Hare Field. (AP Photofax) ber plantation a few miles north the US. paratroopers had been bombers escorted by 30 other flown 118 sorties Sunday. Pilota left, and James Mcbivitt and his wife, as they arrived in of Dong Xoai they found an as- expected to move from there jets.attacked the Ban Xorri Lom claimed heavy damage to tar- gets and suspected troop con- centrations. Six Americans were killed Soviets Seek over the weekend, but none ap- Chicago W peared to have died as the re- sult of enemy action. Four U.S. Arm y helicopter Showdown on crewmen "-were killed Saturday night when their craft crashed Space 30 miles east of Saigon during a U.S. ^mniai Peking Policies storm. CHICAGO (AP) — Astronauts of Illinois; Richard J. Daley, Hall, hours before the astro- An explosion aboard a truck James A. McDivitt and Edward Chicago's mayor, and other offi- nauts' cars were expected to MOSCOW (AP) The Soviet at Chu Lai beachhead Sunday ' — H. White II were welcomed with cials. / pass; " Communist party appears to be kiUed two U.S. Marines and In- jured 19 others. The men the cheers of some 2,500 per- Flags and pennants festooned making a new had The vice president, his wife, drive for a show- been swimming, and a spokes- sons, most pf them youngsters, downtown streets on the parade down meeting on the split with for a heroes' parade and cele- and their two sons flew in from route. man said a grenade fell from Peking. The Chinese Reds ' bration today in Chicago; Washington before the plane have one man s belt, exploded in the bottom of the truck and set off Also on hand in the 65-degree carrying the Gemini A crew ar- After a special meeting of the unleashed a new attack oh the - a five-gallon can of gasoline. sunny weather at O'Hare Inter- rived. . City Council to confer honorary Kremlin 's leadership. Chicago citizenship on McDivitt, national Airport's military sec- Crowds gathered along the Pravda , the Soviet party pa- The American paratrooper! tion were Vice President Hubert expressway route to the city, White/ and two officials of the rushed to the airfield at National Aeronautics and Space per, published Sunday a resolu- were H. Humphrey ; Gov. Otto Kerner and on La Salle Street hear City tion adopted last month by Phuoc Vinh after the Viet Cong Administration, Dr. 'George E: the ambushed a Vietnamese para- Mueller, associate director, and pro-Soviet Portuguese Commu- troop battalion Saturday night. Charles W, Matthews, Gemini nist party calling for a world The airfield, 40 miles north of project manager, there was a Communist party conference to Saigon, is the main supply point meeting set with schoolV chil- Boy, 12, Survives ¦ discuss the dispute. for the Phuoc Binh-Thanh spe- dren. -- . . - cial military zone. About 6,500 pupils were to put Peking, which has opposed The Vietnamese battalion was McDivitt ant} White through a such a meeting, charged in a attacked as it moved into Thuan Sanderson F lood questiort-and-answer period in broadcast that the new Soviet Loi village, 4 miles north of McCormick Place. Other plans leaders were being more covert Dong Xoai. The Viet Cong SANDERSON, Tex. (AP) - 10 times. for the day included a dinner for struck from the north and -west, "I grabbed a tree, but there was "I thought I was going to and cunning than Nikita Khru- ¦ the astronauts party given by shchev in trying to pervert com- U.S. TROOPS MOVE IN ... Men of the during the past week, Dong Xoai itself Was sealing off the government par- a snake on it and I let go die." ' • .. ':. , . Mayor Daley, and a fireworks munism. U.S. 173rd Airborne Brigade leave C123 trans- reported quiet but braced for more trouble atroopers from the rear. "1 went under 5 times, maybe This was the grim story of display at night. port plane following arrival at Phouc Vinh from the Viet Cong. (AP Photofajc by radio Michael Johnson , 12 : as he told The Russians also were ac- Reports from the area said . cused of being "busy in Wash- airfield. It is the main airfield for the Dong from Saigon) 250 of the battalion 's 400 men of his brush with death in the As the civic welcome got un- flash flood that temporarily iso- ington , London arid Paris" try- Xoai area where heavy battles have raged were killed, wounded or cap- der way at O'Hare Airport, ing to initiate peace negotiations tured. This brought the number lated this southwest Texas com- about 100 civil rights demon- munity Friday. on Viet Nam "in a painstaking of Vietnamese dead or missing Two Youths strators gathered in Grant in the fighting around Dong The slender, blond youth, effort to find a way out for the Park, on the lake front, for con- U.S. aggressors ." Xoai since Thursday to about speaking from a hospital bed at tinuation of a series of school Ft. Stockton 65 miles north of Recent statements from the 600. Eighteen Americans were , protest activities. listed as dead or missing. Killed Near here, said : Soviet Union and members of GOP May W ithdraw Leaders of the protesters the Soviet bloc have raised "We were on the roof of this made no announcement of plans speculation that the Kremlin Vietnamese government forc- motel when it started cracking for the day. On three days last might place Viet Nam high on es claimed they killed 300 Viet all to pieces. week, the demonstrators staged the agenda of an international Cong in the fighting Thursday Rochester for Dong Xoai and that U.S. air "Mother said, 'Michael, get traffic-disrupting marches in Communist me-eting. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Vie t Policy Support strikes killed another 400. The hold of Paul.' I tried to grab my the city's downtown ar«a. Two Rochester teen-agers- In this event, it was believed, WASHINGTON (AP) - Rep. tration is prepared to go with base its future support on the figures were not confirmed by brother but he w as too far the Chinese would attend a brother and sister—were killed away..." The demonstrations. In which Melvin R. Laird, R-Wis., said large-scale use of ground forces nature of that answer. U.S. military sources. when their car was hit as they 450 persons were arrested Fri- meeting even if it was dominat- in order to save face in Viet "In the absence of this an- Thuan "It just seemed like a dream today "we may be dangerously A relief force entered backed out of a driveway onto day and Saturday for sitting ed by pro-Soviet delegations Nam." swer, we can only conclude that Loi Sunday and found the town to me." because to boycott it would lay close to ending any Republican a county road Sunday night. down in the streets, were staged In a discussion of U.S. In- present policy is aimed not at empty. Both Viet Cong and gov- Swept away by a 15-foot wall them open to Soviet charges of support" of the present U.S. Other weekend accidents In to protest rehiring of Chicago policy in Viet Nam. volvement in the Viet Nam con- victory over the Communist in- ernment dead had been hauled Minnesota claimed the lives of of water were Mike's parents, Benjamin C. Wil- bad faith and obstructionism in surgency nor at driving Com- away, and there were no civil- Schools Supt. the Vietnamese war. "This possibility exists," said flict, Laird said he does not two young men in a crash in Mr. and Mrs. John Wesley lis whose school integration think southeast Asia is the place munists out of South Viet Nam, ians. Anoka Counly, and two other Johnson , and the couple's five Soviet Premier Alexei N. Laird, chairman of the House but rather at some sort of nego- plans were rejected by some Kosygin has referred to Viet Republican Conference, "be- to commit U.S. troops in ground A U.S . helicopter made a mid- persons involved in Twin Cities other children , ranging in age warfare. tiated settlement which -would fire from 5 to 14. civil rights groups. Nam as a rally point of the two cause the American people do night flight through enemy area accidents. And a suburban include Communist elements in and rain to fly three U.S. advis- White and McDivitt enjoyed a feuding camps, not know how far tho adminis- It wns recently disclosed that Minneapolis couple was killed Senrche parties probing along a coalition government." ers out of Thuan Loi during the pleasant Sunday at home with under certain circumstances if If such is the objective of the in a fiery three-car accident in a normally dry creek in Sander- their families in Houston , going fighting . northwestern Wisconsin which the appropriate Vietnamese Johnson administration , Laird son Canyon recovered the to church and taking a quick commanders call for help, the , Lt. Gen. William C. West- claimed four persons. bodies of all but Johnson . said then the charge can be Authorities said Steven Watts, swim. V.S. commander on the scene. levelled that the administration moreland, commander of U.S. 16, nnd his sister Sandra , 15, He is among 11 persons listed The astronauts will spend to- Woman Sailing Gen. William C. Westmoreland , is over - committing ground forces In Viet Nam , visited were killed when their car was as missing. night in Chicago and fly to Ann has authority to respond. forces and needlessly exposing Dong Xoai Sunday and con- struck n.s Ihey backed out of a "We can assume only that all Arbor , Mich., early Tuesday for In such cases. Westmoreland the lives of thousands of Ameri-- ferred with Vietnamese Brig driveway onto nn Olmsted Coun- are dead ," snid Terrell County another round of celebrations at cpuld employ American troops can boys, Gen. Cao Van Vien. ty rond some seven miles south- Sheriff Bill Cooksey. the University of Michigan. in support of Vietnamese forces Alone to Hawaii It Is Laird's view that proper South Viet Nam's general staff west of Rochester. Officials have counted 15 dead faced with aggressive attack announced by radio It had LOS ANGELES (AP)-A tiny when other effective reserves application of air power could do Three persons in the second and 35 injured from the storm , sloop with a petite blonde as its formed a 10-member committee car were taken to a hospital. southern are not avnilable , and when in the job, without committing which devastated the only crew is somewhere off the large combat forces. under the chairmanshi p of Mnj. They were listed as Ellsworth section of Sanderson , a railroad his judgment , the general mili- Gen. Nguyen Van Thicu to set r Southern California coast , its tary situation urgently requires already long EUingson , HI , and Ron Johnson , center of 2,X*0 about midway "One such step , up a new government nnd or- destination Hawaii—at least 30 it. overdue ," Laird said , "is to re- 2(> , both of rural Byron , anil between San Antonio and El days sailing and 2..100 miles ganizations "along with a war Charles Naylor , 24, Clarcmont. Pnso. The American people deserve target our bombing raids on awny. Laird said cabinet." A car crashed into a utility (he known victims nn answer. , to the more significant targets in North Ten of Sharon Sites ' Xl-footer, the quest ion of how far the adminis- Viet Nam. The 10 members Include nrmy pole nt the intersect ion of two were children. Sen Sharp, has no radio. She set Anoka County roads near Ccn- tration Is prepared lo go with "A major tra n sportation and corps commanders, chief of gen- (lie sail from a small-craft harbor lnrgc-scnle use of ground forces eral staff and air force com- terville .Saturday night , killing Cooksey naitt scarrh would here Saturday nnd hasn 't been supply area is the port city of James L, Case nnd Donald T. continue "as long as there is and added: Haiphong. To continue to allow mander Brig, Gen. Nguyen Cao reported since small craft es- "The Itepiibllenn pnrty should Ky. Bergman , 24 . both of St, Paul, any hope of recovering the corting her turned bnck off Cot- the unhindered flow of war ma- bodies. " terials in nnd out of that nrea In effect , Thieu thus becomes Terry Ii. Burnh , 1(1, rural nlina Island. Grief-lorn families , aided by Mrs. Sites , .14, vows she will only Insures greater American chief of state, although civilian Mound , died curly Sunday when Cross, Solvation Army Shortest Distance casualties in future Viet Cong Phan Khac Suu remains for the a car mn off Hennepin County the Red he the first woman to sail alone and assorted military unilH , to the islands. She'll have to The shortest distance be- offensive actions. " time being as caretaker chief of 151 near Mound. The vehicle continued massive cleanup op- state with Premier Phau Huy went into a ditch anil hit n tree. make it by sail alone. Her sloop tween home and school de- erations. has an nuxilinry engine , but she pends on whether Ihe child Qu/it. Thleu was defense minis- A I wo rn r crash In Woodbury ter ln the Qunt government. Township, suburban SI , Pniii . took no fuel. is going or coming ... A k illed Adol ph H. Urcndemuehl Mrs, Sites, a divorcee , quit ski resort isn 't considered a U.S. Ambassador Maxwell D. . ( No Trace of 61 , nnd Injured his -wife Helen . All-Square Now, ' her job ns a dental secretary funny place , hut claims Taylor returned to Saigon from 61. nnd invested her $0,000 savings Shelby Friedman) It frac- conferences In Washington with In the boat nnd (he trip. tures some people President Johnson and other top Among those killed In the Sliasfri Ca ncels m ... A thrce-eni' rrnsh on Highway 13 cheek of local swimming Missing Girl officials. near Phill ips, Wis,, were Milt Bid to See LBJ WEATHER pools reveals some startling I'KDMHAL . 'OKI-H AST ST PAUL (AaP- - Federal Prime Minister llJihadiir Rndcmarhtir , 26 , and his wife figures ... A famed lectur- . Snhstrl of India , who wound up I )nrlene, 2,'l , of Golden Valley , OTTAWA (AP) -• Prime Min- WINON A AND VICINITY - er explained how lie learned authorities continued their ister Ln) Bnhndur Shnstri of In- a state visit to Ciinnda today, Minn. ' Pair to partly cloudy with llllle lo speak effectively : "Tim search with other police for told tho Toronto Globe and Mail dia snld today President John- tonight clues in temperature clum^c nnd same way I learned lo lee the dLsiapponrunco of that commitment of U .S. troops Mm. I,,vnn Uiinil (|iilsl, 21 , I'lilt- son has invited Mm to go to Hnrlmra Tuesday. Low tonight {52-511, skuto — I kept making n Iversen , 14, missing Into combat In Vict Nam "might 1 I ps, waff a In Hie vehicle mid Washingt on In Ihe fall but thai high Tuesdnv 74-Bfl. fool of myself (ill I mas- from n baby-sitting job since perished in flames wllh Hi-*' It will not bo possible for him load to dangerous conse- UH'Al. WKATHim tered It" . . . Teen-agers last Wednesday night, quonces." others, Her 211-ycar-old husband to accept . Official oliseiviillons for Ihe are adolescents who bohavo A weekend sei-u ch of sections Ho nnid that India nnd Canada wns severely burned and filed He (old a news conference he Sun- like children If they 're not , Wis,, 21 hours ending nt Vi in. of Ramsey and Anok n counties sec "moro or less oyo to oyo" at a Park Kails hospital. could not no to Washington then Iron ted like adults. . Price County niilliorltles sulci SAILING TO HAWAII . , . Mrs , Sharon Sites waves lo day : over (hi) weekend failed to re- day: Barbara was buby-slttln R only Control Commission tha t over- , Eight persons were would he busy wllh ('nngross enough for '15

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ACCORDING TO The A MO- DIJRANI) COLLISION ... -Only one of pants of the car at right were hospitalized ciated Press, Janice and the the 12 pflssenfierfl in the station wagon at anrJ one of them diedy The scene is Highway eldest Lacy child , Frederick, the left was hospitalized , hut all three occu- 10 near Durand. 10, entered the water and were caught ui an undertow, The boy escaped and called for help. David Policansky, London , Eng- land, brought Miss Ask to shore NEW VOCATIONS . . . Representativea from nine of the graphy; Don Oates, Winona, business management,' Terry ^ but apparently not in time to 10 classes who participated in Sunday ' s graduation . exercises -' " .' , Stearns, Winona , industrial electronics; Mrs. Geneviev* Durand 0/es save her life . Efforts to revive of the Winon a Area Vocational-Technical School are seen Tweflhrie, Ettrick, Wis., clerk-typist; Donn W. Nowlan, Wi- /Won her were unsuccessful. here. From left: Robert Haefrier, Minneapolis , highway tech- nona , auto mechanics; Ozzie Wilson , Houston, Minn., auto The accident occurred at a nician; George Lubinski, Winona, welding; John Kline, Wi- body repair; Pat Thompson, La Crosse, practical nursing, : private beach in Kenilworth, a nona , machine shop ; Evelyn Moran , Rushford , Winn. , sterno- and LaVeme Hoppe, Winona , welding. (Daily News photos) Chicago suburb. Her parents Af ter(i3^^^ were notified by telephone about Mtii^ 4 p.m. They said Janice was a , lorence across when his vehicle was DURAND , Wis. I Special). - 1964 sedan driven ray F good swimmer and The third : Pepin County fatality Bertha Dunn Bennett, 61 , and struck by, the Bauer car, Wad ju st j bought a new swimming suit. Vocational Qrads this year was recorded when a slid sideways into an oncoming All three in Bauer's car were She was born Oct. I , , 21-year-old . rural Durand man, 1956 station wagon driven by thrown out, yRalph's passengers, 1948 at Ralph G. Bauer , died Sunday at Elroy Michael Hagel, 37, White Dennis Baue r and Jerome Poes- Caledonia Community Hospital. She would II 55 p.m. of head injuries at Bear Lake, Minn: We was ac- chel , also of Durand Rt . 1 , have been a senior St.'-. Mary 's Hospital , Rochester. companied by his wife and 10 were taken to St, Benedict's at Houston High School. She ToWof Con iihuing children. had played in the school band He had been taken there late ; Community Hospital , Durand. eight The accident happened at 5:37 with head injuries , cuts and years, was active in Sundny afternoon following a . I school affairs, and three-car crash p.m: near the Eau Galle bridge. bruises. a member in Town of of the Baptist Church of Hous- WrTtervill e 2V? miles west of ;! Hagel was proceeding slowly into the bridge because part of MRS. HAGEL wan treated for ton and its Christian young peo- Challenge to Learn D.ui anrl on Highway 10. ; j a neck injury and released. The ple's group. - the , bridge was blocked off for A class of 147 graduates of graduates The invocation and " - ' •» youngest of their children , two . BAt'KR , p r o c ti . ding east repa|r. Authorities said he had SURVIVORS ARE: Her the Winona Area: Vocational - benediction were pronounced by , get months old , received a leg in- par- toward Durand was passing a : turned into the left lane to ents, Roy and Mersis Nelson Technical School Sunday were the Rev. James A. McCauley, jury and is a patient at the hos- congratulated on their attain- pital Ask ; four brothers, Paul . David , principal of Winona Cotter High Theron and Jonathan; four sis- ment of "economic adulthood'' School . Mrs. Bennett .— her passen- . ters, Mrs. Ray (Ahana Marie) by an official of the state De- Students recei-ving dipl omas ' ger was unidentified—was unin- Wheeler, Rochester and Arlou- r>artment of Education who , Gity Nurse s Husband jured. There was damage only had, completed courses in sten- ene, Faith and Carrie, and her spoke at second, annual voca- to , the left rear fender of hex ography , business management, two grandmothers, Mrs. Bertina tional - technical school gradu- highway technician ; welding; car , so she proceeded on her Nelson , Houston, ation exercises at Senior High way. and Mrs. Haa- auto body repair; genera l of- Mi ssing in Viet Nam kon Ask , Winona. School auditorium. fice clerk , practical nursing- The other two vehicles were , , , The funeral service will be Robert Van Tries assistant auto mechanics, industrial elec- KELLOGG , Minn. — . S. two children a son, 9 and brought into Durand: Damage director, of vocational education a daughter, 5. : Tuesday at 2 p.m. at Houston tronics, and tool and die mak- Sgt. Robert L. Curlee, 34, was extensive to the Hagel ve- Baptist Church , who coordinates programs of ing. Sgt . Curlee, who is with hicle and the, Baiier car was the Rev. Vin- whose wife, Mrs: Faith Cur- cent Tellgren , Houston , and the vocational - technical schools the Army medical crops, damaged on the right front an

Dallvarad hy Carrlaad—Par Waaik JO canli ALL TYPHS OF STEAK ANY TIMB i The Peace C orpi. 24 waak. 112 /1 |] ( |j* ^^WW¥^^'¥Ft WtwM ' w, i ( p tl ^ J *- av a-ri-d (npm, II /I IM ri plinii nrdpi^ nnrl oihar ' PHONI 8-2231 FOR CARRYOUTS OAKS * S mall llri>i-, In MinPna Unliy Uttti, I' , ] HIGHWAY 41 , WINONA , MINN, ',-. " »vj2v O "•• jg hrix 10, Viini na , /,* inn . \ OPEN 11;00 A.M. TO 12 MIDNIGHT ' f^: VISIT— BlUI MOON — ONALASKA, WIS. IHil^ TOCHNiCOtor- ¦ m ; trinnd clan poalaga paid al Winona, ! __.___.______i I mmmaameaamammmaawamafwinmiiniiw n imam *m. k Minn. ¦ ' ' - ' ' ;¦ . '' y ' ¦ : : r " ' r " ' , /¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ '¦ ; ¦ ¦ : ; ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ' " ' :¦ ¦ ¦'¦ ¦ ; ' ¦ ' ' : ¦ ¦ : / ' ,> .:- . - . ' .. - ' /- .; ' ' ./- \ ' . .- -v' . . ' , - : ' .. - '.- ' •: ¦ ' ' " - ' . -. • . ' ' . v ' ' " ^' ' . - " ' . ' - : ^ - - ' .. .. ' .'V - ' ./' ' ' .-


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H ¦ - J.;':'-y . t - oi IHISGUAR-VNIK AMI MIIU^IMIM Ai.wtiMiNi ntmit m*i mosi ue«ts^ii)HHf. % iv TOmMiB^Wi I I < * m^-# ¦ m>. mmtW \\ mI -IIm m -m M ¦ m -*mnw, m m*, mmJ m ¦ %»¦ ^^^ •*»»¦ ¦ s? ^Sfi gHWMKMIIa ^^ I Tl I BBrntama I -^11m aV^^ raBH ^MIw > ^^^ ^ ^"W^ K< :- fl in SHAH BI IUIMIDAHOUCMli KUUST OB tu pinn ANY TAR it HI tt TO Antfiiiontotand tmum « ' .. K ^^ ^^ , Cw *«^ OF IN ON j| RIMINI AUDU MfNT11 fOt THl OttGlNAt. B F? ^^ VER SIZE AND TYPE TWE OUR STA TION SPECIAL SALE! 1^ mc : E Y || ' :::i::: ... ^..^ .. ^•^•J^£AVAV » ^H^am. liJllHB r ^ r [1 | | ^^^^M|Ji||fcBB»^^H^^HK^' P *?«fl;v^v^v^v-w-*>v-A,»/^v^vv^V - •a'-'t | 1 ^^^ ^ ;) iVO MONEY DOWN. USE YOUR 1 ^^T /15/T £4,S ST ^ 1 $Q95 [I Z7/?£Z7/7" OWZ? ^ /7?/? K 1 ( TSK D) " TERMS. FREE TIRE MOUNTING. I ^ i !P ^ | 1fe P You expect more from Standard I £ 70 Y 1R Mark tuhp-tunp nln<; Y! B -^^e/r you? HURR Y! LIMITED TIME ONL | r ^and |- lji | ' - g;?. »TAN0all 0 Oll OIVIHON *MH- . »N OIL COMPANT •T,ae« c HR. Sfirvlc-Aoervic-u ^ ^M^ w-i If ^ llM ^ ii ' ^BP^ »' ° r%, «i» F I ' -^M*A' r '^S»3»\ ' ' R,l^ ; - r'J» na- mm fy ,y\ ¦ /-v -5 Phona oa5024l ALEDONIA -' *¦¦ . WW ¦ llwlin C ;Bl.4emk ,^^B t _ _ ai am fK ¦ ¦(¦ • Biaa--awa] ¦ ¦ ¦ ^w l ¦PmiBTaaBn ». '! WINONA ' BBUaP^' ^^B! m v^B a-a ^ra. r ' ;Vll "lr M I BBBBBBi^ ^'*"* \y;: >.*;^ ; . : , . := /. By DREW PEARSON lunched with him outside had dominated the THEY NOTED the "dan- think a school in a distant neighborhood is in- Addis Ababa one year ago going to be any benefit to ¦WASHINGTON - The established schools, started ger of breeching the separa- ¦ ' "¦ ¦; THE FOLLOWING quot e from the Red fested with crime or is attended by children this month, at which time of YOU? who frequently cause disturbances in the class- ambassador representing the building dams and reclama- tion military and civilian Wing newspaper speaks for itself:, he discussed the problems power in our national gov- Second: How much should room, the same parents cannot exercise their oldest monarchy in the of education, social reform, tion projects . you be taking? "If the old-line business firmi in down- world has just resigned in ernment, " quoting General right to insist that their children be enrolled and democratic govern- But as the years passed, ' Third:. Suppose some side town Winona are pushing ahead with down- which they revolt against: Haile Selas- Eisenhower s farewell words at the school in the neighborhood in ment. I also watched him the young men he* had sent when he left the Presidency effects develop? Would you town renewal, we can understand why. A actually reside. The majority opinion of the sie, conquering lion of the decorate a battalion of the Tribe of yJudah, Elect of to Paris, London and New on the need to guard against recognize them, and know hew shopping center has just opened up oh Supreme Court this week said: Ethiopian air force for brav- York , to be educated, came the power of the ''military- what to do about them? "The association of people is not mention- God, Emperor of Ethiopia . Winona's outskirts of a size to pose some Barhanou ery in the border skirmishes home dissatisfied and rest- industrial : complex." They Side effects (unwanted addi- in the Constitution nor in the Bill of Rights. The ambasador, with Somalia. He seemed pretty serious competition for the es- Dinke, long considered a less. They, claimed reform pointed out that 94 retired tional effects from a medi- tablished downtown. The right to edijcate a child in a school of fixture in the Washington to have the support of the was not moving fast enough. and active regular officers cation) are possible , for the parents' choice — -whether public or /pri- army. Eventually they he 1 p e d diplomatic corps, has left currently have positions in some people/ from ' just . "This new Miracle Mall is the largest vate or parochial — is also not mentioned. his embassy and is now in hatch the revol t of 1960. the Federal Aviation Agen- about- every known medica- Nor is the right to study any particular subject HOWEVER, there fvera ' ¦ " " ¦ ¦ enclosed shopping center in non-metropoli- seclusion. He does not plan student riots in Addis Ababa FLYING BACK from Bra- cy-: . • - - tion. They may be common tan Minnesota . . . It offers 600 free park- or any foreign language. Cet the first amend- to return to Addis Ababa Since the White House ment has been construed to include certain last month protesting the zil where he was on a; state or rare ; may be mild or ing spaces and expects to employ more but will ask the State De- , gets just about everything of . those rights . " slowness of land reform. tour the emperor was . bit- very severe ; may be obvi- than 200 people eventually." f'artment for asylum. Fear- And earlier, in I960, a re- ter. "Now I am reaping the it asks for, little chance is ous or may develop subtly. ul of Ethiopian government volt was staged by the em- crop I have sown , " he said. seen of holding to the re- ' :: , : ' : : agents, Dinke has declined ' quirement of the law that YOUR PROTECTION /V. V;v*/ ' -^* \. : , : ' v*:/:; peror s son. The two seemed against side effects is what IN YEARS GONE BY to make known his where- to have made up, because Ambassador Dinke was a civilian be FAA adminis- SAYS PERK STEFFEN In the Caledon- abouts. both were at the same table equally bitter when he mail- trator. With salary and re- I referred to as "follo*w-up " ia, Minn. Argus: Ten Years Ago ... 1955 However, he has written when I lunched with Haile ed his resignation to the tirement pay McKee will by your doctor. He should Rev. Harold Gavin was elected president of a book , "My Experiences in Selassie last June. man to whom he is related. get $38 ,404 , making him, ac- examine you at occasional "By the act of the legislature and signa- His Majesty's Government," the Winona Milk Fund Association succeeding According to Ambassador "This resignation, " he cording to the minority re- intervals to see whether ture of the governor, Minnesota has an of- Sherman Mitchell. which has been surrepti- port , the third highest paid any side effects are threat- tiously circulated in Ethio- Dinke, however, the entire wrote , "is submitted with ficial state fish —- walleye. The designation Mahlon Pitney Jr . has been named youth cabinet was executed after the view of organizing a official in government, fol- ening to occur, whether the ignominious po- program secretary of the Winona YMCA suc- pia and. could cause revolu- lowing only the President medication should in no way jeopardizes the tion. ^ this revolt, and as of today council of citizens to plead be con- ceeding Robert M. Brown. the cause of freedom. and Vice-President. tinued or might sition of the taxpayer, who will continue to In the book . Ambassador no one dares disagree with better be be recognized as a sucker. Dinke urges democratic re- the emperor. The army im- "I am in a free country Behind the pressure to stopped because it is no Twenty-Five Years Ago . . . 1940 forms against a regime mediately got. a 50 percent •where I can breathe , speak put through the McKee ap- longer needed , or to see Mrs. John Dugan was elected president of which he says has become pay raise, which may ex- and write freely while my pointment, according to re- whether your dosage should the American Legion auxiliary at a potluck din- too autocratic and has been plain its loyalty. people , haunted by fear of ports on Capitol Hill , is the be changed, SAID HAROLD• Schotlkopf• , •adit or or tha release of a study ner at the summer home of Mrs. J , M. Henry, suppressing liberty. He ia Emperor Haile Selassie arrest or punishment, im- by a com- Passing around medicine St. Cloud Times: mittee headed by Secretary Homer. careful not to incite bodily- ascended the throne a pose upon themselves the that happens to suit one " harm to the emperor , tn young man of 38 , full of limitation to express their of Defense Robert S. Mc- person is not a safe thing "A souvenir flood edition has been pub- The battle of "steamline farming to pre- Namara. The study whom Dinke is related by- reforms. He abolished slav- human rights . This limita- now on to do, because the medica- lished by the Winona Daily News, telling vent the waste of valuable topsoil has gone into ery, reduced the President's desk . ' will the action stage in the Upper Mississipp marriage, but he is critical the power of tion and their hunger for tion may be entirely wrong in type and pictures the story of that city's i Riv- ' the rases , or dukes , be the signal to go ahead er valley. R. H. Mussey , Milwaukee of Haile Selassie s one-man who freedom cannot he eternal. " for another person, fight against the rampaging tides of the , Is region- rule. on the SST. al conservator of the Soil Conservation This Isn't just Mississippi River several weeks a go. The Service. In 1963 when the emperor my advice. IF THAT In the outcome It. is also the lnw. The gov- edition includes the plight of some com- visited the United States , Fifty Yea rs Ago . . . 1915 Ambassador Dinke was his UL tjvd&. It will be something of a ernment insists that any muniti es nearby Winona that suffered ma- JJ reversal. A year and a half medication of such potency jor damage. The Winona News' special The Salvation Army has decided to open a considerate host. The two men were together frequent - ago Harold Brown , director must he distributed on pre- flood edition should bec ome a collector's labor bureau on Howard Street for the regis- tration ly and nn one would have of defense research, said in scription The purpose of " of wants of all classes of labor. The testimony on the prescriptions? item. object fs to place in dreamed that differences Hill thnt To mafce cer- communication each class there was no military re- tain that a doctor is on ¦ with the other , employer and employed, for would have developed be- * * . • tween them . quirement for the superson- guard lo see thnt no harm their mutual advantage. ic transport . He is believed enn come from too MEMBERS OF THE American Society Mrs , much use A. 11 . Snow left for Denver , where she NOR HAVE there been to have had McNamnra 's of n drug, too long a contin- of Newspaper Editors who met in Wash- will visit her sister. any indications, until re- approval for this statement. uation of it , or nny unusual ington recently were treated to the un* cently, that Haile Selassie' s Since then at least one sensitivity to it. usual spectacle of a popular television Seventy-Five Yea rs Ago . . . 1890 throne was not as solid a.i hlRh-rnnkinft Air Force gen- commentator telling them how much bet- Dr . L G. Wilberton left to the mountains which have er.A-kJjas taken the contrary one engine is $1 billion. Thnt attend the ses- . would be tor they are in thorough coverage of the sions of the American Institute f>f Homeopathy made hi.s kingdom one of tho view. When the FFA con- for a test plane most independent and inac- which after 100 hours news than television cam ever be, NBC's at Waukesha, Wis . ducted a scries of tests on would cessible in Africa, For mnny perhaps Ret a certifi cate of David Brinkley said newspapers should I,. C . Porter , Adelhort Porter and H. K. the effect of Ihe sonic boom , years it was the only inde- using Oklahoma nir worthiness. not attempt to compete with TV on fast Brooks went to Minneapolis to' Attend the an- City n.s a pendent African nation and guinea pig, Ihe Chamber of coverage of the news: nual meeting nf the Millers Nat ional Associa- only Mussolini' s modern tion. Commerce urged citizens to and well • equipped Black mute their protests "We are fast . We are instantaneous. Shirts were able to conquer n.s un- ' patriotic, And , moreover the You can t get any faster than that. You One Hundred Years Ago . . . 1865 it in l ttifi . government GIFTS At that time , Haile Srlas- might take re- ran 'l. compete with thnt , so don't -even try. The 3rd Illinois Calvary regiment passed prisals which would for aie , a lonely figure, appear- be un- Rut when it comes to covering the news In up river on the steamers Rnvana and Victor . fortunate , since Tinker Fiel d any t horough way, we aren 't, eve n in the They were r»rflered to the state hy Gen. Curtis ed nt the I,enRiie of Na- tions to make a personal had a payroll of 1 r> , 000 nnd SHOWERS & hail Rame. It's physically impossible to do to be used in preventing further Indian depre- the Aeronautical Center E»lon to the grcnt powers a so nn television. " dations, or help. Nn one came to pnyroll of <1 , !>00. Neverthe- WEDDINGS his defense. And the marrh less , (he protests seem to After rending about 1 hn conference tele- of the dictators continued hnve been louder than re- s vision officials are trying to set up with until it engulfed hnlf the flected In official polls and ROBB X, Presidential Press Secretary George- WINONA DAILY NEWS world. there ln snld to be smould- VAS HARDWARE [?ccd y to discuss the pr oblems of TV cov- An Independent Nrwspnprr — E sinhlinheri IS55 After the war , Haile Se- ering resentment over the S76 E. 111. St. Phont 4007 ' lassie returned to his throne , way clnlms for broken win- f- i iigo of liis frequent statements and sud- W. V. W HITE G. R. C I .OMVAY C, E. Lrm-iN denly-called press conferences , we question nnd for the past 20 years dows nnd crncked plnster Pvhlwhcr Eire. Directo r f lu nines a Mgr. were hniidled. - • "« --a*»-nwi»VWW*V** how fast Is "fast " President ' - hns appeared to be one of ""**** " . Johnson s pre- nnd Editor -*v Adv. Director the most stnbl-e rulers in Oh , I don't want, to kill them. I want some- A ROUG H rsllnuik nt thr dilection for making addresses and an- • START YOUR DAY ! the world. This writer thing they 'll spit out nnd never come back again. " cost of ono nir frame nnd nouncements on short notice are posing W. .1. Cni.R nnr.Mi:it A. J. Krcxnuicn Mminomn Editor City Editor Circ.ulnttom Mcr. ' with procedural problems for the television In- THE WIZARD OF ID By P«rk«r and Hart J B. II. F, H. Ki.A r.r.K L , V. A LSTON ¦¦ ¦ -"" • dus! ry, according to one observer — in I J* " — . "I' I ^ *»». a > "I i 1 " I r^. " ' I Bill Merrill's other words, they can 't get their equip- Compo.nnf i Supt. Supt. I'nnrnvinQ Supt. j ment , sol up in time, Sometimes they are W II - I . IAM II. K NOLISH G ORDON Hoi.-ra forcrd to reco rd the event f or later broad- Compf ro//e r Sundny Editor | "Something cast instead of Riving It live coverage, tol MF.MBrn or nir AssociATr.n 9 So , television 's alleg ed fast and instan- «ajk e> Live ' taneous picture coverage of nn important gggfr By j news event isn't fast or instantaneous ; 6:45 Each tMornlno ! at ^SSSB^v Tho Associated Press Is entitled nil unless there is enough advance warning -exclusively to tho us« for republic*, 1 on | thai the event is going to take place. llvTm all {ticil y?) this"on °' n" 'he l°cn - well"-lews printed ln \^)*^K/ newspaper as ns A, P. I «u to he carnally mlniied lh death ; lull lo "^ news dispiilchfs Iir, spiritually minded In Ufn and peace,—Ro- KWNO i mnns 8:6. I Monday, Juns 14. IDAS j means, Moeller went on to AP. Mpwller, Rich build « fortune in ehterprmes Dane, Dead at 88 around the world . em in Milwaukee , Ozaukee , its easy to clean GOP to Focus your own carpets A wards Presented C OPEN HA GEN Den- Teamsters Accept Washington and Waukesha coun- murk (AP)—A P Woeller , .... m, New Chinese ties, will Increase wages to as ...and great to often deflf.rlb>ed nn one of the high as $4 hourly within three save the money On Midwest N-Tests Seen years and teamster con- At Jefferson JHS ric-hefit men in the world , i.Jied Bid. End Strike trol over other such drivers in Awards and recognition for t«y Kammerer, Kalliy t . ' -lffa-r-u-fl, Judy .Snturday. MfKiller wafi known TO K YO • • f AP ) ' -- Comrniiniht MILWAl/KBK I/PI— Teamsters the area. aW-irlln. Donna Mog-r, Amy Nordsvlng, for Mlwuyti e-oonfirniziti«. It wa« ' ' 1 student activities and services Leigh Neldlg, Hehncca Rek-itnil, Kathleen Chin cK*: party thief .Mao 'I'ze- Local 200, representing 700 The pact with the Allied Con- Ll W ELECTRIC In '66 Drive were presented at the annual Rose and . Marsh* Sorer-*>on, and a national joke thnt even Mf-oi- tunn (old an Indonesian official building materials truck drivers struction Employers Associa- ^ ' Standing raci'nnltlon, Rita Arbuckk, ler could not do without the WASHINGTO N (API -•- . . 'Re- class and recognition day ex- AAarcIa H»fnb«n-*k, l .ynfl a Camay , l.oia (hut Peking is preparing tor its in a four-county area, accepted tion , the contractors' bargain- publicans ' plan to focus on the ercises Wednesday at Jeffer- -Clahough, I Inda and Marleni- Mogor, Kiriyernment old-age pension he third and ffiurlh nuclear tests, a new contract Sunday and end- ing representative , calls for L^i^^&l Ellfien Shaw. Kris Schroder , Driwrr Smllh, collected each month. Horn a H. CHOATE -S GO; Midwest and West next year in son Junior High School. and Karl - the Japanese news agency Kyo- ed a strike.; hourly wage raises totalirlg 5fl ' -Clirhtlr*"* vyegman and *5nndi< ' a •. campaign.• .-they ' - believe will Chris Bublitz , student coun- Johnson ; sea captain 's son of m o'd e s I do said twlay. . The - contract , affecting driv- cents over the three years. Chair f,rov« CBrllllcalrt, Donald Berg- recoup their iilft-t losses in the cil president , presided at the -lei, Allen Norrtsvlng, Roland Corny, Gary House and give them three or assembly of students, parents Elchhoral, Dv/aln Pi-ljler, David Zonk. Joe Holder son, William Boenlfj-M and ' ' ¦ more additional Senate .- seats, and faculty members. Keith Darryl Srnelarir; ' . ' .. '. President Johnson 's failure Graf ing played the procession- Girls Reeroallon Af-.sociatlon cartlll- cnlcs, Sge AAullhaup, L inda Moger, Kris ~~1P thus far to come up with a sat- al, Michael Lindstrom and Buswall, Kriren Erickson, Kalliy Kowa- I 1 CORONADO APPLIANCE isfactory farm program has lewskl and Susan Stinocher, a-jt-l Charles Gilbertson led the Standing recognition, Patricia -Kov/a- given "'c GOP hope that it not pledge to the flag, Mary Jo lewskI, Leslie Boerst, Sandra Brown; Deb- only can hang on to the seats it r« Dwyer, Mary Stlrhemah, Ctirl-.llne Thompson and Dennis Bergler Wegmnn and Jayne Vahnke; now holds in Midwestern and assisted in the presentation of Cheer leaders certificates, Su-nnne De Western states but can make awards and James Henry ex- Boli, Jane Elllngs; Joan .Santclmah, significan t gains there. Christine Schuldt, Jane Crllrhtleld and SUM M.irnl Mlll«r, and slandinn recognlllon, EJI tended the welcome to the par- Tempo M ents.. Susan Karnatft and Mary Jo Thompson, ' Sen. Thiustont B. M OI'I IMI of HI-Lile cerllHc.ilei,. Nancy Willis, Su- ' ' ' Pre*.en1afloh*> were made lo Ihe fol: . . YOVKSIORE WITH /MORE AT LOWiSl POSSIBllPRlCiS ^ rnnne Oetlolt, Jane e-llings, Scoff Turner, ' ¦ ^^^j R ^? Awf mAf'' M' ' Kentucky, head of the Republi- lowing: Attendance- award*-, David Llrid- ¦' ' ' . . OPERATED BY INC, J^ m^ABBWAW^ ' 'MmW ^^ ' ¦ : Stir-etcher , Shlrloy Kammerer , Joan Santelman, Ste- * " . . ' %^mWW BB **m0.B' ' ¦^ ^B ¦WB ^ ^^ . ^m- ' mW-' can itrom, Susan , Dennia Anderson ' ' Bm^ wv Senatorial Campaign Com- Tom Grindland, Roger Porneroy, Georola ven Priyfarskl,.- : David - ' . and Darryl mittee , said in an interview that Hohmnnn and Mark Yachel, levenlh Smelser, Shelley Johnson, Cindy Toye, ¦ William Hull. Pally Larson, Chris while he is graders; . . ¦ ' . not discounting party Rorjer Schewe. Margaret Sheehan. sec- Schuldt, Gloria Huner and Sandra See- i-hanees in any part of the coun- ond ' - Year, Mary. Jo Thompson,' second man; try he believes year. Janet Kreckow, Pamela Hoseck, .' ' Sludimt council certificates, Chris Bub- they are bright- second year, Jane Howes, Niarnl Miller, Hi/, Julie Hogue, James Henry, Michael est in the Midwest and West. Allan Schmidt; second year, and Richard Rolbiecki, Joe Heloerson, Nancy Willis, "As Schu/agel, eight Ii graders, and Car| Mahlke, Scort . "turner, Wary Jo matt-is Htand , I think we Sharon Lowenhagon, Larry Malmln, Thompson, Dennis Bergler, Michael Lind- are going to get back most of Third year, Clndl . Toye,. J ames While, strom. Scott Roll-iccl-i, Larry Niggle I he ' Scott Turner, second year, Allan Mo- and Karen Erickson; House sea Is we lost last ger, second year, Susan E Mlotl, second Chorus certilicales, Kerl Wer-m-in, year .; " he said. "In local elec- year, Judy Graham, Ihird year, Leaniie Chris Schuldl, Judy Cad.i, Leanne Han- Iions iii such states as Iowa , for Hansen and Cynlhla Olson; third year; sen, Sandra Seemann, Cindy Toye, Kristi : Attendance'aid certlflcflles, Edward Ur- Morse, Marlene Mocjer. Mary Laulcn: •xample , our candidates have blck. Sue Gaslnk, Palll Gepner and Les- liurcjer , Susan Cada, Jane Crilchfleld, ' ¦ recoonitlon, M/trnl Miller, Pamela Hosed-; : lie Boersl, and standing ¦¦ been getting their traditional . 1 ? Pnttl Gepner, Janet Wollin, Forever Mary Slirneman and Gayle SkappeT; ot- Sandra / ^mx3' i - ' ' Frost-Free! majorities even in areas we lost llce asslslont certificates. Sue . Mul- Brown, Georgia Hohmnnn, Lynette Krage, ¦ ^ ^-GffiM u in. lfWM. , . . IliaUp, KrISli /Worse, Shirley; Kammerer Christine Wcgm/in, Tom Hall, Mike . - • . and' Julie . Hogue; Knopick, - Charles Gilbertson, Allan Mo- - —-^Wfe*r ^^^FmMi^ Flag service certificate-., C|i.irle*; -Gil- tier, Jellrey Brok.iw. Ch.irh-s Hansen, " f 16 Cu Ft "I think (tic ailininislration 's bertson. Jellrey. Jllk, Judd Eileaidt and Curtis Anderson, John Becker and Mike ' C0RONAD0¦ failure to come up with Michael Lindstrom; Scl-mce lair certifi- Courtier, anrl \. CONTROLS j Lmr~~-—_l jll' J_ ' . ._ '' ¦*¦' # ' -¦ ' ' ¦¦ ' w any cates, . Nancy Willis, Sue Elliott, Mary ' ¦ . . Sir-ndinf) ricoqnlllon . Sue l.eizen. Rita workable farm program : is Laufenburger and Jane Crltchlleld; Libra- Arbucklc, Joan Santoiman, Julie Hogue, ^^ T-^S * -¦- ; Roing to help us in states where ry . assistant certificates, Joyce Allen, Jeanne Forsler, Sue Karnnfti, Judy -mmjr^m^SM " e r»scato»'-Freezer Susan Draikowski, Gloria Husser, Shlr- Grindland. Ruth Rlska, Chris. Bauer , ^ ^^ - '^ :hat is a factor." BPl ^! 1 George . Schuminski, Scott . Mc La'ughlin, D?in Tushner and Tom Grindland ; This was iii line with an asser- ¦ Band certificate, David .Smelser; or ion . of Sen. Karl E. Mundt , R- cheslra cerlilicntes, Sue Ellioll, ," Jane Ell S.D.. who expects to be a candi- mgs and Cynltila Olson; . Liver Rested, Speech ' certificates, Gloria Husser; Ra- date for re-el ection , that the chel Haesly. Joan Sanlelman; Sue Elliott. f armer, is Die f orgotten man of Nancy Willis, " Cynthia Myski), Mary he Johnson administration. He Laulcnburger, • Chri-, Bublltz, Jane v ^=-Hrr " s2' ' Critchllelrt, Sandra Seerriann, John Beck,'- ^_^ ^^^=-S Ct i^OQ ?aid Sunday on Metromedia 's Blood Circulated er, Marnl Miller,, Kristi Morse, Joe ^^ ^^ devised "Opinion in the 'Capi- Kilpatrick and Dnn Nyseth, and Stfinding.' reco-jnltibn, Leanne Hansen, FULL-WIDTH a -JllQoo tal"that Johnson is directing all Pally Larson, Chris Schuldl,-Judy. # , •|JtgSlJ^_J " ~ ' Grind- f ^^^eP^5SR4sPjl, . aPt ^ L^Si^'f{^^mmma^^^±maam ^ ^ S^^'^ ^-S^~*<+^3mmmmnS SJ. ' ^^S*B MMMMaTAW MMMMWM ^BWMMB )f his programs toward the met- In Pig s Organ land, Marlene Moger. Cindy Toye. Susan i^ Karnath,' Susan, Cada, Michael Courtier , ¦ Jane Ellings, ' -Susnhne DeBolt,.' m9 opolitan areas. (AP) . . Cheryl ^*V m\eZ av '^ rlf!' SBmmaaaVAmamMm mmmmmtmmMMMMMMMMMMMMM BBMB BOSTON - A 34-year- Mrachek and .Shelley- Johnson . - ^^^ I^^Bt ^^^^^tKL M I "Perhaps that, is because. old Boston woman whose liver . Dramatics . certllicslej, Ctiri.v Bublit/, ¦ .¦with the Electoral ' ' 'College, if is being periodically rested Sue ' Ellioll. Sandra Seemann, -Jane Ell- you gel the city votes yoirdon't ings, William Hull, Sticlley; Johnson, Nan- while her blood is circulated cy Willis, Krisli Morse, ..Leanne Hansen, N0 MONEr D WN need any of the rest of them," through a pig's liver is ''unques- Scott Turner, Suzanne. DeB.olt, .' Chr.l; ATZ « Schuldt, Richard Duellman, W%£* AI Sanlel- ^•^^^^"^^L^^ ° he said. "Perhaps, it is because tionably better, ' " her doctor said man, Cindy Toye, James Henry, Dan / MAGNETIC \ Onl y $1.35 Per Week , Poyoble Monthl y of purely humanitarian reasons today.: - Nyseth and Susan Karnath,'- and ' J :'^^]Saaa^Ma^mmmBa\ Standing recognition, Julie Hogue, Greg am • " ^L fat Cltf ETC ^^"^' ^CTTC,,a ^1"aWa^B,*i' • -- I don 't know what the reason , "The biochemical tests reflect Volkart, Sleven Priytarski, James While, ^ ^ fc*^^fc^-. %^l^^^^^ ^1^^H but it means all the goodies are Gloria Husser, Shirley Kammerer, ;Sue her continued improvement," Mulliiaup, Eileen Shaw, Jnmce Dunn, being handed out to the people said Dr. William V. MeDermott. Judy Grindland, Cynthia Olson,, Pat- in the metropolitan areas and "Her liver , which had been very ricia Scattum, Jeanne Forster, Winnie McElmury, Ruth Raylield, Party Larson, ^*~~ Mr. Farmer continues to pay enlarged and tender, is im- Marlene Moger and Susan -Leisen; • T ~^^^^S*^ '' are 'ros*''ree *-5oth offer handy dooi storage. FHA certificates, Julie Hogue, Mar- * ?ZZZZ' % ' Z^-^ ' eaaaam^ through the nose;'' proved." I - fr^r ' - - - ; ^-<-5^j . Tlie refrigerator bas a wall-to-w al i covered lene Moger, Judy Cada, Keri • Wegman, r rV^hX-^^Q^t' ' Dr. MeDermott headed 8 earlene Slephans, Judy Graham, Sharon ^ \ ' - '' T' <~y~\ "".r/T.¦ ' ' ' ""^^ - crisper bin The fn-c/.m has "pop out" ice cubt .' .Olithunibered 68 to 32 by the Lowenhagen, Catherine¦• : Elton, Jeanne J'T" '! nf ??-. Democrats in the Senate, Re- team of 12 doctors and techn i- Forsler, Krisli Morse; Cynthia Olson and , publicans have little hope of cians at City Hospital who twice Judy Grindland, and over the weekend attached pigs Standing: recognition, Barbara Pierce, changing that figure materially. ' Anne Green, Kathy Smith, Cheryl Mra- livers to the woman 's circulato- chek, Linda Moger, Susan Foster; Don Adverfhemenf ry system. na Munighon, Rachel Haesly and Susan Cada; . : " Blood from an artery in the School patrol elementary certificates, FALSE TEETH woman's arm is passed through Warren Sanders, .Argan Johnson and Margaret Block; That Loosen the pig's liver and back to the Junior high , school certificates, one patient by means of ai pump year, Edward Chrlslensen, Duarie Flenv m Need Not Embarrass ming, NancV Willis, Joan Santelman, San- BIG SAVINGS! %. similar to those used in heart dra Seemann, Chris Schuldl, Cindy Toye, ^n^Jj^VTR jjj ^^^S ^? *~ Many wearers of false teeth hav« Anna . Greeiv Jane Ellings, Susan Kar- •uffered Teal embarrassment becaiisi operations. nath, . Shelley Johnson and Christopher ,' - t heir plate dropped , slipped or wob- Dr. MeDermott said the wom- Bauer; PLU S Uilil ^iSla ^hii.™ bled at JxiKt the wrong time-. Do hot Two years. Darryl Smelser,. Michael ;^s //jn\ ' ' ' an probably would have died i live In .feflr oT.tlils 'happening to you. Lindstrom, Charles Gilbertson and Path ' : Just sprinkle a little PAiSTEETH , without the procedure. Gepner; three years, Mary Laufenburger, TEMPO S ' the iilkullnr- (raon-ncld) powder, on ALU 1 Jane Crltchfield,..Gary Fish, David Smel- Fabulous CORONADO M li3 i your plates. Hold false teeth nior« ser and Thomas Grant; \ ' ,- . RAS! flriTily. so the* feel more comfort- Four years, Steve Bergeron, and live FAMOUS EXT able: Docs not sour. Checks "plaU years, Carl Mahike, Joe Helgerson and ,f orior brentli". Oct PASTEETH at GOP Relations Jon Ehmann, drue ervwhere. MR0YAL 4() : count*™ •l Student Council awards: Citizenship, 1 ,^^M^M Dallas Dcftzor , Ruth Risks/ Judy Cada, !" oiu a P Director Named . # We Tradel \ 'i**' -' X^^r^^L^-**^^' VT fi \ Catherine' Ellon, 'Richard Duellman, Wll money lo ^o.. ^ liam Hull, Daniel Nyseth, Cynthia Olson, | p,la ncc.s* Jl 'SBK t I] (AP ) Jeanne Forster, Duane Hem mint), Shar- das La CuVU. II.Ft I IILLIabll WASHINGTON - Re- \\e ti ad e from om c\ci > FREEZER ^J^BB^ publican National Chairm an on Lowonhagen, ^Sg^^r^b. X^w ''l l ARE THE Eileen Shaw, Marlene Moqer, Roy Sor- " n ¦ Ray C. Bliss has named Fred enson, Earlene Sleplians, Dennis Austin, alri»K too. ;. . I ¦ orrison as director of public Janice Dunn, Tom Rolbiecki, Shirley | . S tJ ^. . . _ _^ _ _ COLLEGES M Kamrrierer, Jane Ellings, Sue Elliott and > H ^^ ^ | |kj - 1 \ relations for the GOP National Michael Stinocher; Delivery of all . # Free Loci (T -f^flDy ^B ^SSfit ^t "l HERE Committee. Service, David and Darryl Smelser, Su S» . i \ 1 ¦ 78nne DeBolt, Joan Sanlclmnn, Joe Hel- major purchases ihat total ^B ¦ ¦ He will succeed Robert M. gerson and Susan Karnath: • ' ' 3 | BUP \ ^ ^ ^ rifS ^ y 1 and service, K rtsti - SK ¦ TO STAY ? Smalley on July 1: Smalley is Citizenship Mor^ft, or more. " . ¦ ^M QQ^^ ^^ Carl . Alahlke, Sandra, Scoll ^ \ ^^^^ ^^^ T quitting to join a San Francis- Turner , Leanne Hansen, Cindy Toye and Money Down! Us. our . : ' ; ' Chris Schuldl, / . No ,- y |^fl> Mor ' ^^^P^^ - \V'c 'll always have highe r educa- co public relations firm. Plan for ¦ ,\ f Leadership and citizenship, c>lnnn Hii-. Thrift y Payment - ' X-^' ' tion, but il musi keep up with Morrison has been covering ser; Leadership and service, Chi i-. Bub AW mmmW rVi" ^^ lunduises or use your Hi BW ^^MMW ' ^ ' ^ the population gro'wth. Colleges Washington news for 30 years. lit'z, and Leadership, citizenship, service, •large $239.95 S^ ^ V I Julie Hogue, Janie Henry and Nancy Revolving Chaw aecmnH for For the past lfi years, he has Willis. X. \ need classrooms , facilities and No mo,H-y STOR ES , ' been with the National Broad- PTA scliulai'liip pins. Nancy Willi',. smaller piiiThascs. ... ,. ' _ i ' teachers to educate leaders. James Henry, Susan Ellioll , Jane Ell either way. ftk| CY n-AWkl // « ^ \ casting Co. Inns, Suzanne DefToll, Sandra Soi-mann. «u=.v termfi . NO MONEY DOW N . down. "J A af \ \ And America needs leaders, Sharon Lowonhac- cm , Leanne Hansen, ^ fJ lo make wise use of its resources Twenty Democrati c and 14 Re- Gloria Husser , Raymond Soi enson,- Clnis Warranty! - All of these . I Jf W^t \ (iu')f('/, Janice Ounn, Wllliiinr Holt, Scoll • em- $1.20 Per Week , Payoble Monthl y I I publican seats are at stake next Turner, Krisli Moisc, Joan Santelman, , iiiisinti iippIM ham-es are j nt home and to advance its in- irm-iin-idiiI > I " • _ AII wine I I ¦¦ year. ETIenn Shaw, Julio llogue, C ynthia Olson, rong parts anil I NU5 / terests .hro'id. man, Susan Karn.illi, Judilli C/ KI»I , Shir rP( | t,v a st POU Even if the GOP retrieved the ' Be - Chris Schuldl, Cindy loyc, R idiard Duoll liilior wi' itl- 'i- waiT 'iinl y. ^.^ v , ]p ,.,,,1,-t,.!- hal.iiH 'cd lid and it sta>" « \ _.-.« I ~S total of 41 House places it lost ley K.immOfi-r ,tnrl Sfcvr- Pos*- I,.' UinU lor it wln-n >"11 open as automatic lif-ht Rocs on One m ovable , \ OF FUU U COLLEGE 1$ AMERICA 'S BEST FRIEND last year , the party would still A rocepliun uillowed wilh sm'e to S\ ^ 1 flivuler and 2 baskets separate paeknges An- • N,. ' ^ h\ piiblu VM a in r.oopnr Jitioa Mrs. John Elcrs Jr. and Mrs . . */ PiibtiMv***. * s*?r be outnumbered substantiall y, h^v s \ ^^ wit.) Ihe Atl v m i\tsin R C.ounr.i\ and the Albert White in charge. Mrs . tomo|ive-tyj>e lock, loo! ft-yenr sealed rofng- ^ »»- -*^ \ _s Count il 1 or finAiinnl Aid lo I «1IJ < ,i!ion since the Democrats now h ave 204 members lo the Republi- Karl Laufenburger nnd Mrs . fral ion systvm gtinrant i-e. cans' HO, with one vacancv Vernon Kiiblil z poured ' ' —a—— i ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ' . . Quick-Mount AIR CONDITIONER CORONADO BUDGET ^^_ ' ./ i Cools, Dehmnidif ies, Filters the Air! DEHUMIDIFIER Af^, )mnmm' H^^^^^^^ l ^kiiiiiiiiHi^RSn^&i YOt/CAI/E S' $5 88 ir^SS^^Mj 9P«r IHf Jflg|H t ; 1l^M&*"SBS9i 1 Down Week "MWB W^^^ X I ' Money $1.25 ^ B'"",:' .#% No f . ^5 \ ,J BULLETIN *40 ' '^5S5l£rtBH' ii C^% yg

No reason to hold off on ^ ' " ' ' avfl/W CORDIES-S N M $ 95 buying a new Ford car. I G-E Clock - 99 6-T ransi st or RADIO Good rocoplionl R^lfJlA f ^^^ ^''* ''' ''P BBfc l«Wifc«» ll dllllU Coroiifido 5 ,000 BTU Modnl "" Uto% 4 or | "3j B cull* Excise tax cut, if passed , r . // ' - ¦ IB oxira AC adoptor. ivory co»-i, mr\ > 3II f oail u|' !¦? .loo MI It .lira ami ri'iiim r ¦|_;. ; . »AV i i . J fj HI M /JakAC ,,0 l,v * * \ »J S I C 1 *1 m\m\ "¦' ,n U l"",% "' ,,mlMu "' "rl v ^^--~1^__ -#^ flH *T J^J '-^ JL X BCVO , " to W wuulnw » : : ™ as proposed will be retro- <«P HI tils Inslimtlv in VII ' -^C:a W ~ _ . II:

¦ ¦ active to May 15, 1965. —————^ ——— ' - -^——— Miracle Mall Shopping Center — Hwy. No. 61 & Gilmore Ave. — Winona. Minn. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p m. Monday thru Friday - 9 to 5 Saturdays - Sundays 1 to 6 p.m. ¦ BSS« .. DEAR ABBY: Four Industrial Heavy Rains >^M^-i«fc- ^>: ,*>• ->%-i^*»*^**ii^:e<3SS«af»Wa»i«<;>^•;i^^?^SflW>»!«K^'r\.«aeiato>S| i ; Air Force Chief Your Family Will Enjoy These | 1 U.S. to Name You Married a Units Active Soak South Attorney in Concerned Over ' In Badger Area %&MHv y Mamma s Girl MADISON, Wis. — The state And Midwest Junior Officers By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN Department of Resource Devel- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ WASHINGTON (AP^f - The DEAR ABBY: I've been married for 9 years to the most opment, whose new director is '" . . ' SPECIALTIES.' . ¦ • ' - f, $. ' " Heavy rain continued soaking ' - ¦ ¦ Bank Slaving* Air Force has embarked on a wonderful girl in the world. B essie is sweet and quiet and Paul Pratt , lists four active lo- .' . - , ' - AVAILABLI . . " j; $. - . (API golden rule program aimed at with, ' parts of the Scuth and JMidwest KANSAS CITY . Mo. - easy to get along and we ve never had a cross word cal industrial development cor- today while the Northensl expe- A U.S. Diatrict Court judge was improving the treatment of jun- between us, excepting over this one subject , which is my ior officers and enlisted men. mother on the porations in this area. rienced another form of discom- expected to appoint an attorney problem — ber mother. Bessie talks to her fort — unseasonably low tem- for Diiane Pope, who is The keynote was sounded by telephone at least five times a day. And she sees her at They are: . . Ettrick "Industries, - ¦ today peratures. .. . killing three persons Gen. John P. MeC-mneU,- Air least four times a week. We live in the Bronx and Bessie's Inc., Kenneth W. Trauax , pres- accused of Meridian , Miss. , reported 1.57 in a bank robbery at Big Force chief of staff , who told his mother lives in Canarsie, so you know it 's no cinch. They ident. R. - ' -F. Ofsdahl , secre- ' ' inches of rain in six hours end- Springs. Neb. commanders : "Our Air Force is are like a pair of Siamese"tw- .iris. Bessie ..wouldn't think of tary : Galesville Industrial De- TUESDAY , j Kiiviricr a Ihi-no1 nrilpi-c-«..,» "^ . hr»T---^- mnlHor...U..-.V - «*...Q :JW ».il ..... fii-sl' Hnri the. ing at l a.m. Hich Hill in west- a family. Each member should U ". '"-0' " *" *'** , 11 Judge John W. Oliver had be treated that way." goes for mother. Bessie has three sisters velopment Corp!, Orrin KM An- central Missouri, was doused been asked to name J. Whitfield . derson, president , Robert Ris- with a 2.2-ineh downpoiir in 45 , a former assistant lT S. •In a policy letter, McConnell and two brothers but none of , them are an • Wheat-A-Min B read | | Moody close to their mother as she is. My mother- tow, secretary ; Jackson County minutes Sunday night I attorney, to represent Pope as counseled "a good hard look at Developm ent Co., Black River (For Health or Snacks) %¦ 3 ourselves*and at every aspect of in-law is really a nice person , and she has While min was falling in ¦ ' ' ' long as the 22-year-old man re- a husband for companionship, but he's also Falls, Clifford C. Ristow , presi- ¦ -; ' - ' :' : M' mains . in Missouri. Moody is our handling" of' these 830,000 dent, Louis I. Drecktrah, secre- areas from South Dakota to trie n • • V i - ' officers and men wearing Air i in second place like 1 am. We have iio chil- East Coast , a severe hail storm # Raisin Bread public defender o>f the Jackson ' ' ' dren ,"which is probably good because I don 't tary, and Osseo Industrial De- II County Legal Aid Committee Force blue. . - . , - velopment Corp;, J. H. Smith, struck Broadus in southeastern know when my wife would find time for Montana , "It should! be self-umderstood president, and R. D.' Galstad , infl icting damage: es- Danish K rispy Rolls ll The recommendation was them, What can be done in a case like timated at $' 100,000. • that we must treat our subordi- this? y y SECOND PLACE secretary . made by F. Russell Millin , VS. The department reported the Crops in surrounding areas attorney for Western Missouri. nates in the same way we ex- GET THEM AT YOUR FAVORITE STORE OR 1*1 pect our superiors to treat us," appointment of Roy E. Kumm, were beaten to the ground. | Pope , football eocaptain who DEAR SECOND: Nothing. Face it , MAHIKE'S RETAIL STORES said the top Air Forc-e general vou married a mama's airi. A close president of G. Heileman Brew- Eaiiy morning temperatures | I graduated M B.V 30 from McPher- enunciating a kind of military' ing Co , La Crosse, as member ranged from 34 at Marquette son (Kan.- College, is being mother-daughter relationship is to be ABBY I 858 W. 5th St. — 7.30 a m »o 6:00 p in. '£ ' golden rule. admired, but this one is sick. However, sick or not. of the governoi s board for eco- County Airport . Mich to 86 at \ held under $100,006 bond pend- nomic de velopment. Needles Calif 117 E 3rd St. — 800 am. to 5:30 p rn. I ..' : "I am convinced that vigorous no situation can be changed, unless the parties involved | j. ing a preliminary hearing June A worldwide shortage of wrap- ' V action to improve the treatment want to change it, arid apparently your wife and her You'll find many othe r delicious bakery specialties " 25 on a federal charge of bank so it's up to vou to learn to live per tobacco , has benefited to- l ing. With discovery that good- f robbery and shooting a staff of our personnel will pay tre- mother like it this way, > mendous dividends by increas- ' with it. bacco growei s in the Viroqua ly peicentage of the leaves •very day at «ithar of our retail ttoret. member. area and created many employ- ing the attractiveness of service j w ould qualify as "wrappers " Robert Richards, attorney for life and will lead to the high- ! DEAR ABBY; Please tell me what to do with a husband ment opportunities in the aie«i . thei e has been a laige increase • I Deuel County, Neb., was confer- the Department of Resource De- in the woi k torce engaged in quality force of dedicated pro- - who .keeps the cellar door locked all the time? We've been * ring today with Theodore Kich- fessionals which we; all recog- \ married for 35 years and he' s been this way for the past velopment repot 1*= The "bind- soi ting operations - pos*>ib lv a LET MAHLKE S MAKE YOUR SPECIAL ling", U.S. attorney in Omaha, to ers" that the area has nize we must have," ^IcConnell! 15 years. Every time I ask him for the key to the cellar door produc- total of 135 workers this spring OCCASION CAKES. PHONE -4022 decide whether the federal gov- said. : . he says, "What do you have to go down there for?" ed faced a bleak prospect be- Western Europe is prov iding ernment or the state of Nebras- Since when does a woman need a reason, or a pass cause of changes in cii* armak- much of the demand. ¦ ' a The four-star Air Force gen- ¦ -» ka shall prosecute Pope. word, to get into her own cellar? He says he has a lot of <£**? <«v ^v s _.- «*•* *-v* v * <*v ,i a? *\} *-«*?; ^.¦vasfvir^^.-^ j^rjr, , - (. , -,«• " » ^ if ** -t* ~»~* r eral seemed to be specially con- things down there he doesn't want touched. Like his tools, Richling (-aid Tope could be cerned about the junior officers ; tried in both states and federal etc. He keeps everything locked up, including his car. which entering the Air Force. is in our back yard. He puts all the money he saves into the courts without double- jeopardy . "Too many of these young , The death penalty could be trunk of his car and locks it up. [ tell him that a person DON' T FORGET officers are poorly received, i who doesn't trust anybody can 't be trusted himself. Right? \ JmBmA\,„ •ought in both courts. poorly treated , inadequately What would you do if he were YOUR husband? Pope, who surrendered to counseled, and som«what ig-j ARDENT READER Kansas City police Friday , was nored to such a degree as to¦¦ visited in jail Saturday by his frustrate their ambitions and \ ¦' ' FATHER j 1 DEAR READER: If he were' MY husband . I'd take : parents; a brother, Dennis, 19, void their good intentions," Mc-' i him to a psychiatrist. He sounds more sick than un- '' ! f m and his sister; Ello, 14 ¦ ¦ r % , who had Connell wrote. trustworthy.. . . . - . '' - driven from their home near Thus, he directed, Roxbury, Kan. The Popes, with command- DEAR ABBY: Why didn 't you tell VDon 's Wife" - the ' UNDAY ers at every echelon ' "will-make JUNE 20* tear-filled eyes, declined com- woman who was competing with her husband's sports car C/ ^~-q S absolutely certain that they j \ ment after the meet ing. 1 — to get off her bad back and ride along in the sports car know all of their officers; that j with Don ? Her back hurts! So what? It's going to hurt any- each officer has a full-time job' - way, so she might as well let it hurt while she's with her Dr. King Reports commensurate with his abili- j husband. How many more years does she figure she has ties : that no young officer stand ! 't Poverty of Spirit short with him? Arid what kind of selfish fool would say, "If I can on counseling, advice, rec- j 't go either?" ognition and personal interest ; go; he shouldn HEMPSTEAD, NY. (AP) - ; Also, doesn't she know there are plenty of attractive lone and that each officer is kept ' The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther > women who hope to find a "'Don" of their own by buying King Jr. says that a poverty of fully informed on career oppor- trinities.'' ' a sports car and joining a car club? No matter how "old" a the spirit exists in the midst oi . ' man is, if he belongs to a car club , he's got young ideas; As for men below officer ! ' scientific and technological ad- rank, the . - .. BEEN THERE ' .vances. ¦ ¦>-, ¦¦ Air Force said that by ! - . and large, re-enlistm«nt "is the King, addr/esfiing about 5, DEAR ABBY: My neighbor is a chiropractor and he told Sunday 000 result of successful leadership, ^aduatef^djiue^ts at and proper handling of airmen ¦ me to thank you for telling people over 60 to quit racing Hpfstra UniverStTy's commence- during their first enli-strnent.'' ' , '¦ around in those little sports cars. He says he's got more of ment, said. "If we are to sur- those patients than he can handle. LONG BEACH vive, our spiritual arid moral ETTRICK GRADUATE i lag must be eliminated." DEAR. ABBY : I am highly allergic to tobacco smoke. In King received an honorary ETTRICK.: Wis. 'Special! —: order to discourage guests from smoking in my home I ' ' doctor of divinity degree. Miss . Ardyce Ann Crivit*, j have no ash trays in sight, bat that doesn't stop some people. *» *ial^\i, ( K I * hi'M '*^' ?'* t ® \ One man lit up a cigarette and , when he didn't see an ash *^ ^ tray anywhere around , he used the cuff of his trousers to i \, K ' ''^mr^^^ \J^£J atore his . ashes. A college girl , who called on me with her &W Wi^ mother, smoked one cigarette after another and she used my plants! Don't people know that when there are no ash trays in sight it is a polite way of saying "Please do not SH0WER * NEW Onyyour next trip to smoke in this house"TOr must people be told outright? [ MAGNA POWER J ' C rf ll Jr / / ' ' [ ¦ . ALLERGIC \j \ JS AND SCHICK SHAVER DEAR ALLERGIC: Some people must. In which \ A^h j case. - do.: SHAVE ' Troubled? Write to ABBY , Box 69700. Los Angeles, j 12.88' J Calif. For a personal reply, enclose a stamped , self- ' 1//&ra I {

Do it yourself in minutes ! "Completely washahle , red or yenow striped ^¦^l>m^9^ ! ^ neersucker coats with a'b.sorlj cnl -while terry 'aHii Sl xfli T D A K.IC ICT/^ D I . linm*, Sizes : S-M-L, KAtN^I>lRAD, UK ¦ fl lfillf Ready-Mount Rocm Air Conditioners |ll MEN'S DEPT ^*^ ° j v ¦ — J] adjustable wing pane ls make Installation easy ! ^—; -^ 10.95 | tfilcp fl [ ' . . X}==»^ "HIAWA THA HOLIDA Y!" JB=\1 1 11 I ¦¦^¦¦¦^B^HlHHBHH 'HH |HlfelHHBMfl j ^^^^^Wr BBA Tm DeUcious food , frracioufily served , is a tradition aboard ^^~ aaaaaaMaMWTMm.' ^BWmW&y <*A v' ^SHB ^ the Hiawathae. In the diner, you 'll enjoy excellent raenln ^ t^^iW'HPBBt ^K^W ^ ai economical pnVcea (epecial rates on the children'**! nwna). Or refreehnaente are uvuilable in the Super Don>e Lounge. Then there's the »cenic- viow you get from the upper level of the Super Dome. Perfect for Bight-Bet-iinf (or snoozing, if you prefer). Next trip, take? a "Hin- wathn rloliday". It's fun for the whole family. Coach or parlor oar accommodation**. ' " Iw,^^^ „ .^^^Ltl^t^^ " ' " ^nwTfl^F*-~ ' j /- / | I ENGLISH LEATHER ; LOOK! ^fej ^a\^mmmk(f A.M. HtmtlM *.M. Ntewitta PIMMW LMM ^ D»lh UnhmduU . Mirmmiak— Kit Sratutn(Cmnlral Stanrlmt* Time) ' U WlKOM IJ9 AH IJ0 M1 1I-17 MI EBSSSF \9emm W\\ VMIMU Mi msBM 11 ^SrnTTT;cc B .*- ** 4 M »M 4 aft A* I ISa^5i t- * *^JJ. I aV. Cl-mvia. ? |4 r-N I \iSBBBm .i i i UHBO I ^»•*•. Ham tla toon «,*r»«a*.l mWWWWWWrjff i^ * *y A\ That' s how quick and easy you can Ret cooling with new j ^^^^^ Carrier Ready-Mounts , Choice o1 two models- 7000 and ' Leisure In « 'Jll- 'F'V . . . urnnrlcr llinn ' ^ ^^^^ ij lt ^ S300 BTU' s, 115-volts, Panels ad just to any double-hung : slippiTN , iiioi -- coinforlahlr Ihriii shiifs, A - Ask as about New York Worfri' s Fair Travel , [ ^B^^fim ^^H^—^ -^^ window 31 Vi> to 44'/?" w ide , Comlorl Center with Touch I lai'fse Rfli'dioii ol styli'A and IIIHT - S . a\mlta ^%.A^MaaaaaBr>^. ^ . , Eicortod Tours or /ndapendant Travel II m mmm Controls otters wide ranjge of temperature settings. Com- j ^m\ *mJ M* mm0 ") ¦ TWIN CITIES SUPER DOME tort level thermostatica lly maintained, (or (.OO M IIR in a —¦,..,..¦ .i i ¦ *^r ^H I mAMmmMMMll A- .-M i l)in-ul• , hi>tl" er! j ^O-^ - . — - — — ¦ __ -^ mm\ m hurry, you can 't do i i ^^^^ B |^^^ H- i

** } A * \ I > llM-| MMMlMfln| HJ£W£j THAS V MMIIIH J I e^j ^^J f). H . Omirr-ai, A|«m flLMa%\ I Mllw»ul(.» //tfa /flEuilukHLlI^^ ' Paaeenuet SUHw Jf . ** JA^rlnTtJMmMSJ ^hoatet NORTHERN STATES POWER CO. j 79 lot) Thlrt-J Ureal Phon« 8-369 1 ) mm J r |S FREE FATHER'S DAY GIFT W RAP * ON ANY LOC AL NSf SHOWROOM ^ ^^ I in our \ ^ ^ 1 ' . ... M-^n's Depa rt ment I , n iS WW'* W, *-• "*mr>wtn^*~rraicjrlyr'mmmms^^ -i^ f/ Hv < fev I,/ - lllM^ r""T~^^ : ,^ £' %MWW^' - W?M^ W^L^ ^^

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Deposit Register for $110 Cash Prize plus 5 Premiums and 3 paid up Safe Bm^^^^^F^^^^^^^maAmmSSkM / ^^^^m II B B B B BH^BI ^^B B B B^B BW. I B B B^H ' V"^k ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ Box Rentals W ^^^^^^^ M^m^t^^^WM/ ' ,' llrl-1-l-l-l-l-l ^i^l-l-l-l-H^^1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1- ll^i^H ^ mmmmmm * Cake and Coffee or Milk served all v ff ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^f ./ / ^ H - da/ during the tour ^^ - W^ I BJSIIIII^B^B^B^H IsiiiW. I I- I- I^ IHBW jj ^^^^^^ .^ jrf\> ( of the now Building—9 a.m.—3 p.m. M&M ^JI ^^ H^P^ ' IliB -B^B^B^B^B^B^H I BI EIH B^B^B^B^F K^aja^B^HBaT

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-/ l ^^^ |^H | —WW^^^^'^' 9 1 M^^^^^M^^ ends sp«flif>f>. EMy to Iceep cte>f\. I\!-1BBV -* XAK ^t»r J A ^^ WM^Mm V &&.& .IH^H m\ M ^AmmW^^^ •; - / " ; ^ m NM RaVr-o-vAriiMtinipiera iMtMi Imm" ^mv^mM - ' I^Hl^l^H .* ^^ ^ M ^A.^ A S^^ ^^ I Ruoffed, «M P» », MnbrMic«bte ptMtic fiSfiSM- -XV W^aWavB ? HB^B^B^B^BHBI^BH * | iffr-^,^| *- : ^ ^^ caM wont pwtt w eo«rode. Unbr-jak- ^»3afSrW:.y jl «JPajHl|H /\ "> i B l i l ^ l ^ i ^ i ^ i ^ H ^H^^ ^> ^^^^ rtBrO^ eWeprovide lam V»cu«na «tufrWnu«d ferleo- if' ^awi ' i WBmafB *!\ ' 1 B^L^LHB^B^H wmmaMM^^^ \/ f*I j y---- ^ ' " H^ ^ ^ ^ tor spot-lite boom. > . ' ' ¦ • hOICe » no. '/F^ K ^Wmmsfi ^ ' \ / »- ¦ HI I.HHB ^ H Y OUr K^ ^n*^ S^^

1 I ^^^^^^^ H St-irl a new Checking Account or SAvingt Account with rt"'* '^i m \ ^^ H|! r'T'l^^^liB-fflffllHoHF^V ^ / \«VT* A >^^^ Bf It 'wHMHH ma^r *-¦ - Ha^B^B^B^BHrHB ^B ilW> °r * d<< ilM to your Pr#1,nt Savlmgt Account . . .

¦ " JT . [< l Vtf j (jf, ,(f jB^ip ] , jf^f^ ^L^L^L^H^BailliiaVBlSn^BBMlB%^llll ll.'ir LB ^^ B^B^BUBT \ a^HBHHa j)j BuialHBB ^BVlH Donnis Briesath, Judith Addington A, A. Lausmann Becomes Bride of Say Nuptial Vows Michael Rayfield Miss Donnis Briesath , daugh- Miss Judith Addington, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, Harold ter of Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Briesath , 1614 W; 5th St., and Addington , 826 W. Howard St ., Jerry S. Lausmann , son of A. became the bride of Michael Medford , Ore. , W. Rayfield, Westbury. Long A. Lausmann. McKin- married K-tl-Jt-Ji at Cen- Island, N.Y.. June 5 it were r Methodist Church. tral Lutheran Church. ley C. MerrJU Lr- ' BRYNESTAD offi- THE REV. DR L..'E. Grone officiated and soloist ciated. Mrs. Robert Tremain was Miss Edith Brown. Mrs. was organist and 0. W. Madi- Harvey Gordon war organist. son, Rochester, was soloist . The bride wore a floor-length ths bride, who was given in gown of peau de aoie, styled marriage by her father , wore with a straight skirt , 1 ong a floor-length empire gown, an sleeves, scoop neckline and original designed by Cavanagh pleated train, attached at the of England. It was of dacroh waistline. Lace appliques trim- and cotton dotted swlss, styled med the front of the bodice and with three - quarter - length skirt. Her silk illusion veil was sleeves; a cowl neckline and a held by a Swedish lace flower . royal court train falling from She carried six long-stemmed the shoulders. A dotted swiss pink roses tied with pink satin crown encircled with pearls ribbon. held her silk illusion veil. The maid of honor , Miss Car ********* ¦****¦ ¦ - ************************************** aa*tMmmmi ^mi^mm She carried a white Bible top- rol Addington, sister of the . . . . na »-*y cluster of stepha- bride, and bridesmaids, Mrs. R . Mr, and Mrs. Michael Rayfield ped with a ' pholc) notis and roses, with streamers M. Leonh ardt and Miss Carol (Cimeri Arl of satin ribbon tied with stepha- Wenger, the latter of Alma , notis. Wis., were attired in floor- length, sleeveless gowns of Miss Alyce Bergey / THE MATRON of honor and Mr. and Mn. Jerrv S. Lausmann strawberry-pink peau de sole, \ ¦ ¦ ' ;¦;, ¦ Author sister of the bride, Mrs: James • (Bdatrom Ifudlol with slightly gathered skirts Honored as MISS JUDITH ANN MUELLER'S engagement Koehler, Northi'ield, Minn ., wore and scoop necklines. Head- By Lanesboro ALCW -.[ :¦ to Richard Oldham , son of -Mr, and Mrs. Theodore a floor-length gown of pale-blue pieces were circlets of match- Oldham , Lewiston, Minn., is announced by her par- shantung with three-quarter- ing fabric , trimmed with pearls, LANESBOItO , Minn. (Special) sleeves and a boat-shaped Kellogg Girl Scouts Conduct ents, Mr. and Mre. Alois Mueller, 123 Lenox St. The length and pink veils. They each car- —Miss Alyce Bergey, local au- neckline. A matching crown held long-stemmed white wedding will be July 24 at Immanuel Lutheran ried three thor of children's books, was a circlet veil. Her bouquet was roses with white satin ribbons. a special guest at the annual Church, Silo, Minn. (Camera Art photo) . a nosegay of white miniature Court of Awards, Prbgram- cradle roll program Wednesday carnations with blue-tinted cen- BEST MAN was Thomas ' Baer, Westbury, and grooms- when the Bethlehem ALCW met ters. . . KELLOGG , Minn.:y(Special)— ed the awards. ¦ at the parish house. Over 50 Convention Report Fliegle, Medford , was , men •. " were William Keenan , Joe Kellogg Girl Scouts held their Darlene Wilson scout Cadette- children were also guests. Given Relief Corps best man. Ushers were James advanced to senior girl scout. Williamstown , Mass., and Wil- Koehler, Richard Theurer, Court of Awards, Brownie fly- liam Gray, Westbury. Ushers Copies of Miss Bergey's lat- A report on the 81st depart- Rothschild, Wis., and Robert up c eremony and program , THE JUNIOR Troop 105 dra- were James Brust, Gary Ad- est book , "Th e World G o d ment convention of the Woman's Briesath; brother of the bride, Friday afternoon in the St; matized the history of Pause- dington and William Squires. Made ,'.' were displayed. The lo- Relief Corps, held in Minneapo- The bride's mother wore a Agnes church hall. The troop lim of 3863 and Village of Kel- Donald V. Addington was aco- cal Brownie J"roop,- sponsored 6y. . lis, was given by Mrs. Reuben suit of pale-blue brocade and Readers , committee members logg since its beginning of 1870. lyte , y the women of Bethlehem , and was the original Bolderirian at the local . corps ' a corsage of white roses and of lne three troops and, mothers Pauselim A reception was held in Ihe severaf chfldfen participated in meeting Thursday afternoon at carnations. were present, name of Kellogg. church basement. The rehear- the program , arranged by the Debra Wilcox was narrator. saL dinner was given the previa Red Men's Wigwam. THE BRIDE and groom re- THE INVESTORS ceremony, Rebecca Circle, , with Mrs. Or- The stage setting included fur- ous night at the home of the rien Vigncss in charge. Also dis- Others who attended the. con- ceived their guests at a recep- pr 0 g r am , and presentation , ' nishings of the 1870 period. Jun- bride's parents. played were childre n's hymn vention were. Mrs. Fred Kqrupp, tion at The Oaks, followed by awards was centered around The couple went to the Cat- MISS CLAUDIA JEANNE ior leaders directing the troop books , presented by the group Mrs. Olga Zimdars and Miss a luncheon . Assisting were the the S-couL candlelight ceremony were Mrs. Oryln Rorivik and skills in upstate New York for ROBELIA'S engagement to Bertha Miller. Mines. Ron Johnson, William to the Sunday school , in mem- and water scene including the Mrs. Victor Hollard. a week's honeymoon. They will Rollin A. Engan, son of Mrs. Zimdars was convention Beranek , Alice Brooks, Alice bridge and woods representing spend the summer in New York : mory of the late Miss Min- ' A silver tea was served by musician aid Miss Miller was Grover, R 0 b e-r.t Hogenson, the beginning of Girl Scouts, leaders and mothers of the and in the fall will make their Mrs. • Alice Engan, Strum, nie Quanrud, who taught Sun- appointed, department third col- Charles Kiefer, Richard Theur- Brownies advancing to Jun- three troops. home at Caledonia, Minn. Wis., is announced by her day school for a number of y or bearer. er, Rob yt and Gerald Briesath ior Scouts were, Sharon Arens, years. BOTH ARE graduates of Wi- parents, Mr; and Mrs. Lyle : Reports -were made on cash and Miss Dorothy Johnston. Cheryl Behrns, Rhonda Graner, THE JUNIORS and Cailettes Hos tesses were the Mmes. Music was played throughout Joann Giem, Carol Johnson, and leaders, Mrs. Harris Wil- nona State College. The bride Robelia , Route 1, Strum . No¦. donations to Child Welfare and attended Winona Senior High Harris Overl and, Lynn Iverson, the American Red Cross. Me- the afternoon by Mrs. R . M. Lori Frieburg, Sondra Snider, son, Mrs. Oryln Rahvik and date has been set for the Adolph Halvorson and Donald Hailing. Later she was accom- Diane Vogt, Patricia Schmitz, Mrs. Richard Hartert will attend School and the groom, William morials were read for deceased MISS CAROL BROSE'S . Tresper Clark High School in wedding. Both young per- M. Solberg. local members department and panied by Mr. Lausmann, the and Rosann Marking. Present- Troop overnight camp - held at , . , Whitewater State Park , today Long Island. sons are employed in Eau national officers. engagement to . Paul Ken- . groom's¦ father on. his concer- ing the awards was leader Mrs. yon , Jfuntsville,. Ala., son of tina.:. ' • Richard Hartert, assisted by through Wednesday. They will The bride was honored at pre- It was announced that picnic nuptial parties given by Mrs, Claire. Two Couples Leave The couple left on a three- Mrs. Gus Timm. also attend the all-day camp ' ' ¦ ¦ : ¦ ' will be held July 20 at Lake Mr. and Mrs. William Ken- Edwin Spencer, Mrs. Norman yon , Coventry, Conn., is week honeymoon in Hawaii , aft- Lori Hartert , Cindy Wilcox , sessions to be held at Hardwood For Trip to Nprvyay Park Lodge and that there will er which they will be at home Forest , five miles north of Kel- Indall and Mrs, Verdi Ellies at announced by her mother, Margo Heaser, and Kay Steuer- the Spencer home; by Mrs Lanesboro Legion ; be only one meeting during the in Medford. nagel were invested into Brown- logg, June 21-25. . ETTRICK, Wis. (Special ) - months of July and August. Mrs. Edna Brose, Altura, Charles Kuisle and Mrs. Leon- Mr. and Mrs Leonard Sexe , ie Troop 89; A picnic was given at the ' Auxiliary Installs . . Refreshments were served by Minn. The wedding will be THE BRIDE is a graduate of home of Mrs. Victor Holland , hardt at the latter's home, and North Beaver Creek, and Mr. Mrs. Paul Griesel Sr. and Mrs. July 17 at Jehovah Evan- Winona Senior High School and THREE JUNIOR Girl Scouts here , May 28 for Junior , by the Mmes. Fred Heyer, Nor- LANESBORO, Minn. (Special) and Mrs. Carl Sexe Blair will Ca- ton Cocker and Freibert , , Ben Wandsnider. gelical Lutheran Church, Al- was employed in the North- crossed over the bridge and ad- dettes, and all troop leaders. Laak — Mrs. John Keeler of Rush- leave Tuesday for a seven-week western Bell Telephone Com: vanced to Cadettes. They are at the Cocker home. ford , Fillmore County American tura. Miss Brose is • grad- . Food was furnished by the Kel- stay in Norway. pany office in Rochester as a Barbara Tentis, Judy Belter logg American Legion Auxiliary president, in- uate of Winona Senior High PBX and TWX instructor. Her Legion Auxil- They will fly to New York St. Matthew' s Club and Vickie Hartert. Mrs. Orlyn iary , sponsor of Kellogg Girl stalled the following officers of and will crosa School and is «mployed at husband is president of Kogap Whitehall Golfers Henry Gut- from Milwaukee, ¦' 1 ' Ronvick, Junior leader, present- Scouts. • the Auxiliary to the , arriving fi rs t Meets at Church the IBM, 'Rochester. .;, Her Lumber Industries at Medford. tormson post here Tuesday: the ocean by. jet fiance is a graduate of a The bride was honored at a Start Five-Week at Copenhagen, Denmark, and St. Matthew's Lutheran Mrs. Wendell Draper, president; Coventry high school and is shower at Seton Guild in Ro- Mrs. Laird Adams, first vice then Oslo. They plan to return Church Women's Club at a chester, given by Mrs. Johnson El ks Wives Mrs. Edward Kulig Hancficap Tourney by ship, stopping in New York employed at IBM, Hunts- > : president; Mrs. Kenneth Wau- meeting Wednesday evening in and Miss Johnston; at a tea WIHrEHALL, Wis. (Special) second vice president ; City to visit the World's Fair. the church social rooms ville. • Elected President gen, , heard given by Mrs. Brooks, Roches- Attend State —The handicap tournament ."or Mrs. John Russell, secretary; a talk by the Rev. A. L. Men- Sunday at' 10:30; ' tun . ter, and at a luncheon at the ^ Of Church- Group women of the Whitehall Country Mrs. Leroy Erickson, treasurer; for volunteers, which she at- nicke on "The Christian Family The club picnic will be Hot Fish Shop, with Mrs, Her- Convention Club began Wednesday and will Mrs. Arnold Quarstad , chaplain, tended with Mrs. EUa DeVilliers and Morals," saw a beauty dem- July man Weismah INDEPENDENCE, Wis. (Spe- 14 at Lake Park Lodge. , Mrs. Hogenson continue for five weeks . and Mrs. Arland Ell»estad, ser- and Mrs. Wagen at the Roches:- onstration by Miss Freda Leh- and Mrs Floyd Silbaugh as Four members of Winona ci:I) . Circle I will meet at 8 p.m. . — Officers were elected Prizes awarded at Ladies geant at arms. ter State Hospital June 2. nert and heard announcements hostesses. The groomjs^/ather Elks Lodge 327 and their wives Wednesday at the Lake Park represented the lodge at the June meeting of the Night Wednesday went to Mrs. Mrs. Adams announced the Hostesses for supper included of forthcoming events. was host at a rehearsal dinner at the an- Bloodmobile would b»e in Pres- the Mmes. Orvey Peterson , Band Shell for a potluck sup- nual convention of the Minneso- Women's Organization of Ss. Pe- Alvin "Windjue , low for field; Mrs. Robert Eckelberg, vice at Hotel Winona . ' ton July 22. The president re- Henry Haugstad , Adams and per. Members are to bring their ta State Elks Association at ter and Paul Catholic Church. Mrs. Ifired . Gardner, low putts; . president, was in charge of the Mrs. Maynard Cli ported on the appreciation tea Russell. own dishes, coffee ahu food, as Alexandria, Minn., over the Previously the 125 women re- pper, high for meeting. well as 10-cent gifts for game Beauticians Hold weekend. fi eld, and Mrs. L. R. Svoma , cited the Rosary In the church. It was announced that vaca- prizes . In case of rain, the pic- Dinne r Meeting Attending wer« Jerome J. special prize. tion Bible school will be held nic will beheld in the church so- Fakrler, exalted ruler; Jerry Mrs. Edward F. Kulig was Worn en members who plan to June 21 to July 2. Helping with cial rooms. Mrs. Louis Doebbert Winon a Affiliate 16 of the Papenfuss, esteemed leading elected president; Mrs. John arrive later than 5 p.m. on Lad- treats will be Mrs. Ray Bublitz is chairman and hostesses will Hairdressers and Cosmetologists knight; Frank Devine, secre- Pierrek , vice president Mrs. ies Night were asked to call in Happiness is celebrating and Mrs. John Ehlers. be Mrs. Harry Ruehmann and Association held a dinner meet- taryn and Steve Sadowski , state Tracy Longmier, secretary, and their dinner reservations. The outdoor service will be Mrs. Ferd Muench. ing last week at Golfview R.cs-~ trustee, and their wives. Mrs. George Slaby, treasurer. taurant, Houston , Minn. Rich- Elected state president was They will take office ln Septem- ard Barness, president, presid- Donald Wick, Duluth. Hibbing ber , Osseo Women Father's Day ed over the 11 beauticians was selected as the site of the The group decided not to hold Golfers Play j^yS§ present. 19G6 convention. a meeting in July, Jtdho/iA. (Day,, QUYUL 20 Reports were given by Miss The annual stag picnic of the Mrs. Richard Boland, chair- OSSEO, Wis .. (Special) - A and getting Diana D. Timmsen and Mrs. Winona Lodge will be held to- man of the Trempealeau Coun- bingo-bango-bongo tournament w |l Florence Thompson and there night at the cluhrboms. ty Hospital committee, talked was played Tuesday at the Os- *\ was a discussion on the national on needs of the patients and seo Golf and Recreation Center. convention to be held in St. suggested articles the members The previous week on Ladies Bulova! Lewiston 1945 a : Gte$tkYP&D! Louis, Mo., in July. Mrs. could donate. Day, Mrs. Lester Thomley won Thompson and Mr. Barness will Class Sets Date The Very Rev . Edmund J. the longest drive contest. ,y<-p: attend Also discussed -% . was the Klimck spoke on juvenile de- Fifty-five members and guests current legislation on the use Of Reunion linquency and advised the attended the annual guest day of brush rollers . mothers on how to avoid It ln the previous week. Welcomed an a new LEWISTON , Minn. (Special) Golfing prize member their children. of the day was won by Mrs. •was Miss Carol Kerns, an em- —Le\viston High School class of » fi 6 o ploye of Mr. Barness at the 19 is planning a banquet re- Andy lhinchar. # • • • • VjJsPli^<^ •* $>\^i*} WW! AUXILIARY ¦ m DATE KINS 'TA" JS ^J&ET /^/^^/i/ Center Beauty Salon . un ion June 2B at 7 p.m. at Cly- Tails dit* and timi /Bfc£SpiV7 // '^i' '.'-*' // /fc THI11^ itaiijnce. 1 7 joHiii. B^B^B^B^B^B^B^BH [^B^B^BI ' iKS?& ' ^B^BmB ^B^B^B^B^B^m\\ Mar Bowl . "Winona Auxiliary to Barracks VFW AUXILIARY a\\ yj^SK^-ywRy u "f^ii/y //' WWWWWWWWWWWBBBBMSBL \ffiW ^^^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^L^B m itiii back. f > : /if/ BBBBBBBBBBBBBIK****. ^^At4*\amm. • • • ^fla^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^L^H LADIES AH) Class members are urged to 1082 will meet Thursday at 8 The Auxiliary JzSamSffStMdi iH^^ : 4 to Nevllle-Llen stiock-teiiiunt. j&tr*. 'i^SwTfl A/S-vwJr fpS/ MINNESOTA CITY send or call a reply to Mrs. Lyle p.m. at the Teamsters Union VFW Post 12B7 will meet at 8 »".« j0^\ , Minn. - Blanchard indicating their • y ^i y " The Lutheran Ladles Aid Inten- Club. Reports of the department p.m. Wednesday at the VFW r-^^^ will tions so that complete arrange- meet in the church basement convention at Little Falls will Clubrooms. Pop py and memori- ments may be made. be given , Wm\^^S^ at li.lO p.m. Thursday, Mrs, al reports will be given. * ' B^^^MKmma\\aMmBmaBpSmmmmmmmm. ' mBmmmmv ^'^****^ ITMLIIJ ^B^B^B^B^B^B^BI Glen Alleman , who will he host: ess, invites visitors,

GJEimilUM OPEN HOUSE MA/tEL , Minn . — Mr. and FATHER'S Mrs, J. B , (ijerdru m will he DAY GIFTS honored on their *45tri we-ddin^ anniversary Sunday afternoon and evening. An open house will be held at their home nea r Ma- AT HALF-PRICE! • ? • • • • • |B/» «.?••* bel. No invilnl ions nre being •JHf* sent. UmwM/ SMART STYLES, SMART COLORS, All 1 jA SMaaa^^i^r pe'loimanci •nd rail Remaining Stock of JayBees Priced At 'y2 Original ¦immmB ^^ _*? AHMS valui, 17lawall , Shoclu SMART HUSH PUPPIES* .nmUISKiXS^ bind. Y«llow or wfilli, ... Big Savings Father *&BP£SB£^ mu For smart , comfortable casual shoes Ret Hush Puppies, the ROAST BEEF On 's Day Cffts! bteathin ' Imr.lind pipkin® casuals with cushion crepe soles. Thars 't no -gift lik« « w»tch . . . and no walrh likf» Hush Puppies iesi',1 :;oil and stain-;, clean up will) a quick • Bulova, One rotson: dalicats liny pnrta of ovary praclaion-Jowfllod Bulova movement ,nro b rushing Walnr-rnpflllnn l Hush Puppies pr olor.toj come in over JOO 500, with » layar of corrotlon-rasfatant nickel, Hit Bulova styles and colors . 9.99 Capps, Botany Andover SUITS DINNER will kaap tlira• accurt-toly for ye»-«! ¦ Am? St. Peter 's Church Van Heusen, Excello DRESS SHIRTS Choaat frotn ourlarg« Bulova talactlon... prlcad from as low aa $34.75, plus tax. Hokah , Minn. Nunn Bush SHOES Wembley TIES THURS., JUNE 17 » Serving 4-1 P.M. Belts • Underwear • Slacks • Sport Coats Roast Rci'l . O'lintiy iJi f- siiic, Puppiesw ^ M U M M - II I'lili'itofs fc (inivy, THIS ENTIRE STOCK AT Ci\'.»UAl liMOI\ ONIY BY NrVGLVJHIr-JI 1 ^^, . -i^j SmmmW United Ilcans , Uiiltcrcil Cur- ! ¦¦¦ rots ,. f.VanlK'i'rif.s , f'l- k/cs , wammaWmmawmmmaVammyamamfim ^ —¦«¦*¦•¦ Itoll-i, 1'ifi nnd Collcf*. ©^/y^tinfa ALL YOU CAN EAT "A t the Xifftt of thr Sttrrt Clock" 'S Adulti SI.50 \ STEINBA UER • LEAF'S LAUNDRY somet^/n-; Second A (Main "W/ien hoppy hoppena - U' \ Fiiiliwn Wntch limn '' 69 Weit Third • Children 75f • •*•••<#••>#•>•>••••>•#••<] ke, toofteall, btikatbatlr "red Meulahr, library helper, football (mar ii Lee llaoman. bandsmnn, .1 year scholastic horior. roll; Mark NIchoK, football, track; itudint council; Sharon lllibee, \A/inona Junior High iwlmrnir>B, IracK operelta (Belle ol the Modern Dance Club; Weill, '; choir; David Sobeck, basketball, Iricki Slave: John Nyilrom, basketball, school pa- Ipencer, basketball; Gordon Steele, Rushford to Host trol (I yaerli Craig O'Dell. loftball, swimming; jest Steele, foolball, vwreitl- tholr; David Oeverlrig, library helper; Irvgi Mark Stephenson, football, bai- llanf. y Oavrrlno, C.R.A.f Rohrtrt Oever- Students Get ' kelball, baseball; Tom Sloa, foolball; Awards t-a ->; Ir.'j, I'lOlbdll, akelball, lra< : Sieve Stone. . foolball;. tj-i *,i-t,*ll, sdir>f,l , pMrol , 11 yrnrj; Kalt.y Irnck; Mike Awards were distributer! to Jrlf Olion, basketball, liillt.all; .Kalh'y Strealnr, foolball, basketball, tennis; SE Firemen Korupp, library halpor, l J anieln Krarri, ' Oiiren, ' choir; Mark Patterson, lootball, Wisliy Slrealer, lootball, wresiling, Winona Junior High School stu- G.R.A.; K athla Kuhlman, . operetta baikelball, baseball; Pamela felrce, RUSHFORD, Minn. (Special) (Bells of the Watt); JoL.lrwJa Kukowskl , tennis; 3-year icholastlc honor roll) dents Thursday night ln tht operetta (Belle : of the West), choir; itudent council praildenti John Taylor, v Catallna Club; Jomei Patirson, treck; Keith Peteripn, — The Rushford fire depart*' school's annual recognition pro- baikelball, softball, track, ichool pa- Mlclieel Kulaa, iwlrnmlng, . aoflbeli; football/ . : (lyeir)- ' ' trol ment will host the annual south- gram. " Oavy. Latky, . .F.F.A.; . D. lanne I arson, Bruce Peti, treck; Marcla Plate, - ' Join Poferl, Lois Teegarden, Spotlight itaff ; Ke- or chetlra, Jyaar tctiolattlc hontj r roll,«l petrol ^(1-yn, eastern fire school Sunday «t ed by Robert H. Smith , princi- Tad l auir, football; Diane Ledabulir , I art,-/,' football, wrestling', ' track ; Janls G.R.A., choir, Spotlight itaff; Jerry Tln- year scholastic honor roll , Ralnyc/yk , ' o.R.A.; Jotm Peed, foolball, dal, football; Richard Tremaln; soil- 1 p.m. ball, library helper, operetta (Bell of pal , and Gerald L. Timm , as- Lynda ' Lelnlnger,. Catallna Cl'ib, II wrestling,' , track; ' Firemen are to bring their sistant principal. Wesley Strea- brary helper; Carol Lllla, G. R A ; Ronald Rail, baiaball; David Richer, tha West); school petrol (1-year); Beckl Ll-uft-ullf, Sjwtllght alafl; (ieorue library helper; Michael Rlemenh, stu- Linda Tschumper, operetta (Bella of own protective clothing and. If ter, student council president , Loth, student council; Julit Loucki, or- dent ioiinr.ll; Tom Robinson, school pa. t-ha West), tholr; Tom Underdahl, op ' ' possible, their own breathing delivered the flag pledge! A crustre; Michael Lowlher , football , base - trol (I year); fialh Ronninberg, choir; art-ffa (Belle of the Weill; Linda IM- ball, . >y*ir scholastic honor roll; . J-ime« . . pi-nnenberg, foolball. baseball, dtrkofller, operetta (Belle of the Wesl), equipment. Showers will ba musical program comprised se- Patrick Lowlher , football; Jaanne choir, schoo l patrol (I year); 3-year icholastlc honor roll, orchestra, Lose, choir; Dale McCaffrey, . foolb-ill; Kennelh Huge, football, . track, J Spotlight itaff; Jerry Urnesi, football, available, Firemen are to bring lections by a flute quartet and ¦ ' &t«van:. McCown, . foolball, ftas.kelball, year ' Schtilasllc . honor roll; Wendell basketball, baseball; Jan Van Al- their own towels. the junior high -school choir, baseball, student council; Mark . *v\r,- Sage, F.F.A,;. Joein Sathir, -football, op- atlne, choir; . . directed by John Duel. Hulre, lootball, twlrrtmlng. baiaball; Da- erella I Belle ol tha Weil}/ Sie ve ialka, Jill Van . Alitl-w, d-iolr; Beck y Van The tentative program: LP vid NcNally, beskeiball . softball; lootball, buketball, baseball; Kathy Auken, cholri Deeha Voglari library gas fire demonstration, control Student awards -were present- . Donald Mcllally, bandiman, baskal- SrJialn. operetta (Belle ot the Waal), till parr Diane Walla, bandiman, cheer, ball, aoflball, and track; Rlchafd lAnrr, choir; Tim Schtrer, football, iwlm- leader, itudent council lecretary; Jo- and extinguishing, 1 p.m.; fight- ed as follows : 1-year scholastic .' honor roll; Robert rnlnu, softball; . Ann Walski, -Catallna Club; Jack Wal*. ' ing interior fires, a two-*tory Jon Albert, aoMball; Mark Alien, op- Millie, basketball, tre ekj Steve MasSle, - Barbara; Schewas, library helper; Mary basketball, baiaball, itudent council; Vttfa (Bella- of the West), .chair . Fool- basketball; Tim Me Ink e. foolball; S'.hrarrirri, >-/ear scholastic , honor roll; Angui Whlt», football; Mary Wllllami, house will foe used, 2 to 4 p.m.{ ball, lludent council; Stevo Alla-n. li- Mkhaal -Aerchlew . lt;; lootball; Michael PlrJiarcl S«t)0, choir; Rlctiard Shaw, G.R .A., library helper; . Rusiell William, . brary helper , ' il-jge Wlaska,: beskeiball, track ; William Mill- lootball, v/restllno , tennis;" Peter ShOrl- iwlmming; Marlka Wlrlh, Catallna Club, movie, "Co-ordinated Flr« At- , hand ; (gperatle); " Berber* Anaerion, optrelle • IBa-ll* of er, football, basketball, lollball; Mar- ridge, . lootball; Scott Shugar.l, football; operetta (Bella of the Weit); Joe Wolf, tack;'' discussion arid review, Ihe Waif). ¦ choir- cl» Moore, student council; Karen Mor- Dtnnli Sleveri, iwlmmlng (letter), ichool patrol (1-year ); John Wood- lunch . Charlollar Anderion, orcheita; Curtla ris,, choir; Margaret Morris, operetta tennis. 1-yr. icholastlc honor roll, stu- worth, basketball; Carol Wynne, operet- 4 p.m., , 8 p.m. Andenon, . baseball; Mary Aubln. chair- (Belle of.tha West),, choir. Spotlight dent council treasurer; J eff Sleveri, ta : (Belle of the West); Sue Zimmer- Alfred Cordei Is Rushford leader; Slave Bachler, bandim-an,. op- ¦Uft; swimming, fennti, ichool patrol fl- man, cheerleader, J-year letiolaifle hon- eretta (Belle of tha West), 3-Year icho- Shirley Myike, choir; David Nellz- year); Wllllarn lleveri, sv/lmmlng, or, roll. ' fire chief. letilc IwnGr roll , ichool petrol (1 yr.), ichool pal'ol (5 yr.); . . ¦ Susan Buehler, cheerleader, band*- men. Spotlight atall; Gary Bambenek, operefl* (Belle of fha Waill, choir, TOPS ON BROADWAY ... The actors Worth, best dramatic actress in "Tiny Alice;" iwlmmlnov track - Paul Bambenek, and actresses named as --best performers In Liza Mlnelll basketball i William . Bui-tar, oparttla , best musical actress in "Flora , (Belle of Ihe West), ¦swlrr'-mln**,- Broadway productions during:the last year the RedyNenace," and Zero Mostel, best Jamei Beeman, football, ba-ketb-ill, hold their "Tony " awards at the ]9lb lollball, »tudent counc il; David . Behllng, annual musical actor in "Fiddler on the Roof. " Miss 'football, basketball, lr^-ck , firadley Ban- K award cererriohies in New York Sunday night. Minelli is the 19-year-old daughter of singer ke, swimmlno; John Bergau-., wrestling; A L . x M Z Jon Bergland, basketball, track; Z From left : Walter Matthau , best dramatic Judy Garland. (AP Photofax) fiolf Bergland. iwimmlng, oo-l',- Ken A, * O ^ Bergmann, F.F.A.; Robert Berndt, > H% « /\\m^MmWmmmmmWamm^^X mWWwW1W WwWBBTBwKbiM\. /v actor in comedy "The Odd Couple; " Irene year icholaiflc honor roll, ' Spotlight X * ^t ^WI^*^ stall; Greg Beyers, football; Jell Ble- sani, football; basketball, tennis; "^y r... X Jpjj^iJ -^^^^ p ' *r/ Bruce Blllgen, Irack, 3 year scholas- ^, *4' ' * y tic: honor ' . , i-oll; Philip Blaiko, football, J ^^^^^^^^^^^ i Arcadia Girl basketball, . ba-,(-hall, 3-year scholastic honor ¦ roll, school ; patrol, 1-year -and Four Killed in W isconsin 5 year; Thomas Block , football , basket- Has bastball; President of ball, William Block , custodian of flag i Janiei Bloom, F.F.A.; Peggy Boalt , State FHA operetta (Belle of fhas- Wesfi, choir; Ka- ren: Bohn/ library: helper; Lynn Brown, ARCADIA, ' Wis. (Special) - Bridge Crash 12 Killed Calallna Club; Michael Brown, fool- ball, track ; . lUta Maliszewski , senior at Ar- NORFOLK , Va. (-Ap.)-A col- Pat thrown, baseball; Byron Bublltz, cadia High School and the track; Alark' Burliend. F.F.A.. . Dennli lision on a bridge of the $200,- Burke, football, basketball, baseball; daughter of Mr. and. Mrs, Arn- million Chesapeake Bay Bridge- f= red Burrneisfer, softball, track, cui- old Maiizewski , rural Arcadia , Over Weekend lodlan ot Hag; Tunnel turned the span into a Alan Busch, Jrya-ar scholastic honor was elected stale president of flaming death trap today for By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS rolI.Euo ene Cady, football, baskalball, the . Future Homemakers if ¦ track; Rosemary Cody, (Bella) of the four persons; " '- Multiple fatality crashes West), choir; ' Tom Carlson, operetta America at the stale convention mark- (Belle ol Ihe West); There was no immediate iden- ed a bloody weekend on Wis- Nancy Carter, G.R A,. choir, Spotlight last week in Green Bay, Wis. tification of the victims, but itaff; Debra Chrljterison. library helper; She has completed « year as consin highway, during which Nancy Cofltld, bandsmen, 3-year ich- they were reported to have lastlc honor roll; Judy Conrad, O.R.A. itate historian. been riding in an automobile 12 persons were killed. A fiery choir, . . " ' Presidential David Czaplewikl, football, basketball, duties for : Rita b ear Ing Connecticut license crash in Pierce County took baseball, student council (vice ; presi- will begin with a speaking en- plates, dent); Thomas Czaplewskl, track; Doug- four lives.and accidents in Ke- ana, foot- gagement at the state Future las Oatla, track;¦ Oavid DeL Police said the collision ap- waunee and Chippewa counties ball, soltball ,- - l'armers of parently resulted when a tire Linde-a Doner, Spotlight staff ; Stephen America con-; resulted iii two deaths each. Doyle, basketball, 1-year icholastlc hon- blew on a tractor-trailer moving or roll; . Mlchelli Drury, bandsman, 1- ' ¦ " ventl on ,' . at across the two-lane bridge . The The year-long traffic toll in year ' scholastic honor roll; Steven DU- BOIS, -football, Softball; - . . G reen Bay. heavy vehicle and the auto then the state reached 373 compared Doit puran, football; Krlstle Ed- Wednesday. In strom, J^ year scholastic honor roll , collided on the: span and burst with 426 one year ago. bandsman; Nancy Edstrom, bondsman., July,, she will into flames. operetta (Belle of the West ), choir ac- attend the na- *A head-on collision of two companist ,. 3-year. - scholastic- honor roll; It was the first fatal accident Nick Edstrom, barvdsman, lootball, soft- tional conven- on the 17.5-mile under-and-over- cars on Highway 29 three miles ball, 3-year scholastic honor roll; Kathryn Ellsert, 3-year scholajllt hon- tion in Philadel- water route since it was opened west of Kewaunee Sunday night coun- phia Pa. or roll; Richard Emanuel student , ¦ little over a year ago. resulted in the death of Nancy cil; Scott Epstein, swimming, school pa- The last time trol (one year); Joyce Everson, oper- More than 1.25 million ve- Johnson, 16, of Green Bay and etta CBelle of the West ); Mike . Far- a local h i g h ' rell, basketball, 3-year scholastic honor hicles have traveled the bridge- John LaCrbsse 5-year; scfhool¦..: ; student , 18, of rural Cas- roll, school pairol. 1-yea r and tunnel complex. co. They were tossed but of a Mark Fay, football, basketball,, track; held a state bf- Mary Ferdinandien, football, swimming, l\„. In JTI-I A car driven by Kenneth Kline of track, ichool patrol 1-year); Karl Flnk- rural Manitowoc in a collision elnburg, iwlmming; Gregory Flicher, was in 1948, when Dianna Hous- swimming, tennis; , with ah auto driven by Glen Steven Fix, football (mgr.), baseball, er, now Mrs. Donald P. Ryan Gasche of rural Luxemburg. school patrol (1-year); David Flem- Janesville, Wis., was vice pres- ing, : football, .tennis; Pierce . Fltmlns, ': Young Grocery Neither driver was injured seri- football, , swimming,, tennis; Gregory ident; . ously. : Fletcher, basketball; Rita has been vice president Nancy Fbllman, cheerleader, Calallni In a Chippewa County mishap Club, 3-year icholastlc honor .roll, . Jtu- and president of the Arcadia Sunday night, John W. Denning went council; Michael Foriythe, operet- FHA. She has her junior and Bandit Slain ta (Belle of the West), bandsman, and Lesley Linhard, both 25 and track, schoor patrol (1-year and five- chapter degrees arid is current- from Chippewa Palls, were kill- year;) Dunne Franzen. swimming, baseball; Jean Franzen, Catallna Club, ly working on her state degree. ed when two cars collided on Modern Dance Club, operetta Belle of She has participated in demon- Highway 178 one mile south of the West); ¦ . ' . - " stration programs three years In Minneapolis David Frederick, football; Michael Cornell. Frederick,, football; Nola Fugltslad, and received a second in the MINNEAPOLIS . (AP) - A The Price County accident oc- G.R.A.; Jane Fuhlbruegge, orchestra, district , competition. 3-year scholastic honor roll, Spotlight AT A Hand Towels, reg. 59^ .now 50>J -ra*#r«5r young bandit was shot to death curred late Saturday night on stall,- Michael Garry, tennis; * A\rr cc ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Rita is a member of the Girls by a grocer—a former Marine— Highway 13, six miles ;south of Jesstnn Gerlach , choir, ' student coun- SAVE¦ upr to 55c .,.„ . - ., /: SAVE30C cil; Aelenc Gielle-, library helper; Ste- - . : - Washcloths , reg.w29«i . ..Nowkl 25P . ¦ • • ¦ • ' ' Athletic Association , Student whose store had been held up Phillips. Authorities said the ven Gottschatk basketball; ' Thomas • Green football; Thomas Griesel, Swim- Boys Sets! Shorts Cool , comfortable Service Club, Librarian Club, twice previously. car driven by Lynn Rundquist , ¦ ¦ i «^MM«iniBi ^ij is^M.wk ^.w.iMJ - " ming; . . " „ MMM 26, of Phillips,, operetta WHMMMH H irdles! served on the prorn committee, Police said the fast moving had slowed to Kathy Guenlher, orchestra, or Slacks & Shirt! ^. « | Spandex g la a member of the band , on action Saturday night happened make a left turn when it was Belle of the West); 3-year icholasllc honor roll. Spotlight stall; Joy ce Gul- Sites 3 to 8. Now Regular or panty girdle. the staff of the school paper at the Qik & Easy Dairy Store, struck from behind by a second brahdson, bandsmen, 3 year scholastic ¦ ^^£S ^^^^ Pau l Hamernlk, football, . -_, v Perfect control , light and year book and is a mem- where Ronald Pierson, 20, Min- auto, and a third car crashed honor roll; \s*^~£a..'^^•^^ -^ \ into the pileup. schoo l patrol 1-year; Stanley Hammer, : weights, S, M.. L, X-L Reg. ber of the National Honor So- neapolis, died shortly after he swimming; 11.99 99 Valuesvalues..,,. 1J ". : ^^ ^^^W ^^ ciety. was plugged by a .38 caliber Wayne Hammer , football, track; Har- * ¦ &m ^^^^^^0g ^ 2.99 now only f.o . The Riinilquisl vcliicle went old Hnppel, swimming; Jetf Harrington, , Also attending last week's shot. operetta (Belle of the West), choir, foot- 6 ^ into a ditch and caught fire, baskalball, golf; convention were Mrs. Lloyd ball; John Hort-wlch, 2.99 Values ....! * ^ d Investigator! tald this Is what trapping its four occupants. Brian Ha'sslnrjer, basketball, baseball; ^ Twesme, home economics in- Keith Henthome, football, basketball, ^^^ ^ i^^ i Rundquist's wife , Beatrice, 21 , football , basket- 44 lon LeS ¦ ¦tructor , Janet Schmidtknecht happened: tracK; Mike Heriberg, 3.99 Values .... 3 9 *$ * and Mr . and Mrs. Milton Rnde- ball (mar.), ba-sebnll, Spotlight stall; - ^^ ^ ^ ^ S^ ^ ^ , and Darlene Doelle, who were The bandit came in holding a Sharon Herzbers* , choir; Joy Hlllner, . Two Satin Panels macher, 26 and 2.'), of Minne- Weal), - Catallna . . ' ^rk,^^ pistol and ordered a clerk , operetta (Belle ol the Boys Slim Slacks ^^[^^^t^Sp^^Sp 1^ •delegates and served as host- apolis, died in the flames, Rund- Club, 3-yenr scholastic honor roll; Perfect comfort, case, fit. Bruce Erichsen, 17, to fill a soil- ^^^^^ 'J !^^ ^ esses at the convention. Other quist, who suffered burns over Dnla Hoenk, lootball, wrestling, 100% Combed Cotton ^ paper bag with money, Erichsen ball; Suellen Hooppncr, operetta (Belle ^^^^®g^^ Satin elastic panels, front delegates were Doris Waldera most of his body, died Sunday, ot 1he WeM!, choir; Mary Hoffman, ^ did so and the half dollars clink- West); Cheryl Ass colors;6to anrj back. S, M , L X-L and Sharon Filln. operelta (Belle of Ihe 't +%AA ^^^ , ing as they fell alerted Gordon in a Park Falls hospital. Hoist, G.R.A.i basketball, track, 16. 2.99 Values Z. Reg. 3.99, now only 3*w Gertz , 41-year-old owner, who Authorities said eight young Scolt Hoist , foolball, peop stuclent council; Susan Hoist, G.R.Ai was in the back part of the le in tho other two cars, David Holly, scnool patrol lone year); 6 Priced ! $134 Realized store. one of which also- caufiht fire , Mike, lootball, basketball, base- i^^^m ^^M were not injured critically. They ball, student council; Certz saw the holdup in prog- Richard HoKI. operellt (Belle ol the ^^^^ ^^ were taken to the Park Falls West), foolball, soltball; Robert Mor- In Poppy Sale ress and pulled a .38 caliber pis- baseball, 1-year »cho hospital where four were dis- ton, basketball, tol from his back pocket—a de- lasllc honor roll, student council) Con- At Lanesboro charged Sunday. nie Hoveland, G .R.A., cheerleader! Da- fensive precaution thnt grew out vid Howletli ba-skelballl Honors Hughes, David J. Botlmer. 22, of Mil- scholastic honor roll, Spolllghl LANKSBOK0 , Minn. (Special) of two earlier holdups. waukee was killed .Sunday night 3 year —Poppy sides lotuled $11)4 , it when his motorcycle went Terry Hulburt, operetta (Belle ol Ihe (¦em sneak«'d down nn aisle out Wesl). choir, basketball, sollballi Rich- wus reported by Mrs. W. K. Nel- and put his pistol in the back of control and skidded more ard Huale, golf; Chris Johnson, Spot- son, poppy chairman , nt the than 100 feet alon g Highway 8:i light ilall; David Jumbeck, baskelballi of Pierson , ordering him to Jack Kahl, lootball, track, ichool pa Wednesduy meeting of the Aux- "Drop it!" "He whirled, raised in Waukesha Counly. trol (one-year)) Patricia Kalioun, library helper.' . . . _. iliary to Veterans of Foreign his. gun and pointed it at me, track, student Denn Yoiin*,, :i7, of rural Thomas Kane, lootball, Wars. and I pulled the trig(*er ," GerU ' rounrll; Robi-ila Kanthack , G.R.A., II Burlington died ' Lee Kani, football; base- Mis , Chnrles St. Muue of Cnr- related later. early Sunday limry helper , when his car crashed into a tree ball, srhiiol patrol (lynar)i Kurt Klek- rollton , Minn ,, dcpurlincut coun- Police records showed Pierson buah, Inolball. Ii.isketbnll, Spotlight cil member and past depart- hud served a term with the State and a house after leaving High- stall; Michael Klagge , swimming, »ofl- way 1)3 about 20 miles north of bnll; Jack KooMer , bandsman; president, Ronald Koeh ler, foolball, basketball, ment who was a Youth Conservation Commission Kenosha, guest , spoke briefly. for the 1902 robbery of a grocery store on East Franklin Rny Crnndnll Jr., 1 of Jef- The mixiliary now has a .sup- Avenue. ferson , was POWIRFUl PLUNGER CLEARS ply of Lniiesboro .souvenirs, key killed Saturdny when struck by a car near his thermometers and litter bags , Dennett , Andrew Tlioen , Henry home. CLOGGEDTOILETS for sale, it wns announced. Hnugstnd , M. J. Ward , Nelson , Melinda McNamnra , 10 , of ru- in ajiffyf June 26, mem bers will honor Henry Strom , Charles Drake, ral Knnsasville died Saturday Mrs, Sarah Rollins nt the Pres- and Harold Thoen. when hit by a car as she cross- ton Nursing Home . Mrs, Rollins The president will act as Girl ed Highway 75 in front of her will reach the aft* of KM on July Scout representative, The aux- home. 4 , iliary witli Ihe local American ^_ _ _ £2 ¦ IaOtftaM? 'J P* ^il *¦'*'"" I I IV l\,I' m fma t MaW Miss Margaret Nelson appoint- Legion Auxiliary are co-spon- YM ' A^*W$CKIE5™&S L. * ^ ed the following committee sors of Ihe local Girl Seoul Special Purchase! «¦*¦ SAVEo/Conabox Maintenance W$iftlW&SffM THOPICANA . _ . c-hairmon: The Mmes. Gloy troop. OfepiSftv n t . *-• r. fort - Work Near on Perfect Gifts V^w54 SIZKS* Seamless , Regular {IMI mittWmaaWW Father ' s Day! Sport M,'- 1),l,M or Micro Mesh For ^^ffl , * f ^_ -,- Better Outboard 3 Area Highways or Dress Shirts! JwlWi TA1,1 First quality hosiory, mado j XJwBSwnlmmmm.• ' BM ...... especially for us by one of ' T A ' White, short sleove . dress AWlMfff I PrVODII I Motor Performance Two maintenance projects are •fSSwHl t per pair value, now Mobil Outboard Motor Oil engineer here, said today. batisto print, solid challls, u& \fflL —9 ••*¦% Alio utcd for lawn mowtri, motor tcooUn and g«rd«n culti- Dunn nincktop Co,, Winona , woven plaids or stripes. All •/«sg[ \HL / < /«» ^„ vator*. will begin patchwork repairs on TOILAFLEX VWI -wW PR. ToiUt ^LU H^II Plunger available In S, M, L. X-L. if |^ L * GIVES EASIER STARTING, SMOOTHER , COOLER OP- Til 4:i from Wlnnna south to the Compare the • Winonn-I lou.ston county line Unlike aplaali link or ricn-ir. runirr ^®L Joyce Const ruction Co,, Hoches- With Ibilaflri the full iirclamc plowa Pick ll up at your Mobil DoUr or at ter, will begin pnlchwork on Til throua-li the clniiiat-r moat Mid 4,'l south of the county line , TH iwtahci It -town. Can't miaal • OIIIONIO TO fill AT ANY ANOt • FUEL & OIL ,10 wesl of Hushford nnd TH 250 • tUCTIONRIM »TOr» -a-fl AIM-SACK JOSWICK , • CCNTin* ITtlir , CAN'T SKID AHOUNO 901 E. Sanborn St Ph-on* 33l» from LnncNhoro to Til :«fl • vrintDTAaoivn AIB nam MI Phonf* 7<10B Dunn 's prided Is selicduled to Alter 5 p.m, CM Hit to AS wlni't . Thursday , Kniu.s snlil , Genuine -foll«fl»« " MOBIL — Th« world'i grf«l»i» product!** of high quality ^A OPEN MONDAY NIGHT 9 :00 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M. lunrlcantt. while Joyce may begin work AT HAH.DWAM ttOR*l IVMYWMIM Wedm-M l 'iy. maaaaaAaataaaaaaamamAaaxawaaawtaaammamAaamAaaaatAaaaataa^ ; Ma ny Issues Remain Eleva AttractsSI|s lBi^^'^6yi ^ Hopes fo >4d/Gurii ELEVA , Wi*. (Special) -r Eleva had lt« biggest crowd on record throughout iU three-day seventh annual Broiler Festival ^a^ that closed Sunday night with ^ ^ (AP)—-J ^^^Ylegislatively in . considered by the Senate. Tt Is fireworks. WASHINGTON After House, which Is more than six months of fairly better shape than the Senate. ! being held up in the Homo An estimated 10,000 gaw-the j on separate leg- smooth sailing, Congress is ' pending action hour-long parade of 89 units, \ Two of the major pending ij islation to protect Negroes' job featuring Eleva-Strura Central heading into shoal-infested hills are on the Senate calendar I rights. The whole subject may I; this week. They are the foreign }I School , Mondovi, Lima waters that may wreck Its plans I be dropped until next year. High ! aid . authorization bill and a-)!¦¦: ' , Independence high school to adjourn by Labor Day: The health care bill passed and measure which would cut or than two bands ; the Shrine Drum & Bu- Voting rights, union shops, by the House more repeal emergency excise tax ago, is bogged down in gle Corps. Eau Claire; two boys foreign aid , health care for the rates. Both have passed the months and bugle corps of Eau the Senate Finance Committee. drum elderly, minimum wages , clos- House, but Senate changes will : 's bill to Claire; the band from the i The administration ing of some military bases, leg- require further House action. ; application of the mini- Northern Colony, and other ; broaden Only one major bill is oh the law Is in the hearing bands. islative reapportionment , excise jj mum-wage House schedule this week. It Ji stage in the House Labor Com- taxes, the aritipoverty program calls for creation of a Cabinet- VISITING . QUEENS c .a me and pay raises for military and 1[mittee . • . from Osseo, Alma Center, Ar- level department of housing and i , Whitehall and other civilian personnel are among urban development. cadia the snags that lie ahead. points in Wisconsin and La The voting rights bill passed ¦Houston- County GOP , Minn . Mondovi was uby the Senate after a curtailed | Crescent Not even one of the dozen an- ; filibuster has been approved ] Hear History at represented by its prize-winning nual appropriation bills to fi- \To , i with major changes by the j Lions Club float with four indi- nance the ; government for the Meeting¦ Wednesday • House Judiciary Committee; 'It ' ¦ ¦ ji • . . vidual lions added this year, BAND.' " ¦ '.: The Eleva-Strum school band (Daily News photo) fiscal year starting July 1 has ELEVA-STRUISI ;. . • probably will be held up several j CALEDONIA , Minn. - P. W. and Its Trail Dusters. There Eleva Broiler Festival parade. been sent to the President , al- ' moves down the street in the more weeks in the House Bules j Steffen , Caledonia, will gfva « were numerous floats and at- though most of them haye • Committee and is not expected Ij j short history of the Republican tractions from Eleva and vis- a local clinic. He -was trans- cleared the House. 'to reach the Ifobr before next ! Although publicly voicing con- 1 party at a meeting of the Hoai- iting towns. ferred to the Community Me- j month. The threat of another i ' party Gars still lined the streets fol- fidence that all the necessary It oii County Republican morial Hospital, Winona. j filibuster confronts it when it j « m. in the lowing the parade as folks stay- Division legislation can be disposed of by ! Wednesday at p. 32nd I goes¦ back to the Seriate. Heublein has a slight con- ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' Crier Community Room Fryers, Labor Day, some congressional I :• , . . . . . - ;- Town ed for Doughboy a soft- cussion and a cracked vertebra State Bank. and fun at the carni- leaders already are considering A bill to prohibit state laws of the Caledonia ball game, in his neck. j ¦ Kildahl. county chair- Two stands served chick- a summer recess followed by a i against union shops has been [" Erling val. ¦ ' , will preside. Lunch /- .willy , one ot them a new perma- General ps The only damage to the fall session. Such a recess , is a approved by the House Labor-. man en Ra served: nent pole-type stand built this vehicle was at the back wheel. distinct possibility for the i Committee but has not vet been be year in back of the village hall where there were dances Friday and Saturday nigbts. Reserve Wan . -*»' Fourteen numbers competed CAMP McCOY, Wis. UPu-Maj. ¦ ¦¦¦ : ' : fn the. talent show Saturday Gen John A. Dunlap, command- Just ForYoul^K^ -& -1 . . night, Jack Kelly announcing. er of the 32nd Infantry Division , First prize, $50, went to Cindy Spanberg and Jackie TofJefson; said Sunday night the proposed second , $20, to Elizabeth John- reorganization of Army Reserve son, rural Eau Claire ; third, components at this time was not $15, to Laurie Lynn Hayes, Eau in the national interest. Claire ; fourth, $10, Vickie Peter- Noting the situation in South- son and Ronnie Bu, Eleva, and fifth, $5, to Mary Lynn Schultz east Asia and Latin America, and Diane Ameson, 6-year-old ; Dunlap said it would take two Chippewa Falls girls. All wer« years under the reorganization singing numbers except Eliza- before two units could be . . knit beth, who did a tap dance. . Among the other contestants together in art effective combat were Diane and Carol Hetekin, force. . Independence, and Marty Swen- The Red Arrow division, un- son, Sheldon Hanson, Mike Tel- der the proposed reorganization , gen and Bill Klevgard, White- hall, both singing groups. would be reduced to a brigade and attached to Minnesota's 47th Judges wer* Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ward and Mrs, Gor- Mational Guard division. don Kjentvet, Mondovi. The Dunlap told division members Vikings played for dancing Sat- that the quality of their per- urday night. formance at ; the encampment would affect the futu re status

¦¦¦ ¦ ¦:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦'¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦- ¦« :¦¦ ¦ ¦":- .:¦ '-¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ of the division. THE SQUARE Wheelers. * aW-ifiW-i^'j^^^lvXW-.-x-. >.¦;"*. ** :. .- • . ' * - - - ':¦' .- • - *-* < . ¦* -¦¦; •' •¦• ' ->'*. .v-:-- * - . f-> ; * • °'*~ - •* ;¦ *•' ' "• . Mondovi and Eleva square "If . our training index is high. ... Jill Anderson rides as Broiler Queen dance group, entertained on the ELEVA QUEEN It will show Congress and the par-ade at Eleva Broiler Festival. Her escort is FARMER'S In the kiddle DAY street preceding the parade, Defense Department that we're , her brother. ¦ ¦ ¦ Jamie Anderson' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦:- ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ a darn good division and well which was emceed by Al Young, . . - ¦ • : ¦! ._ : . ; ; i public relations representative •worth saving," Dunlap said in of Doughboy Industries, Inc. , Tuesdays at 7:30 a.m., Satur- an interview for the division which has a chicken dressing days, 9:30 a.m., and Thursdays, \Alma Resident newspaper/ plant here. ¦ The genera] would not concede 1 p.rii. An airplane was at the festi- \ Wins in Judging that this would be the last sum- val to give rides. Transportation and pool fees mer encampment for the Red Leo Wisotke, Eau Claire, re- are to be paid in advance. At Swine Station Arrow^ but said the division was , once again "ready" because it WEDNESDAY June 16 ceived a pony given away by Babe Ruth baseball registra-' ALMA, Wis. - Kenneth Pas- Franklin Duncanson and Doug- tion will be Tuesday from 2 to 4 had achieved full authorized i sow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mar- strength. The division headquar- This day we cordially invite all the farmers in the surrounding form area las Ward, operators of the Ele- p.m. with Rees Johnson in the va automatic laundry. A color- vin Passow, Alma, was award- ters had reported earlier Sun- to tour our banking facilities from 9 o.m. to 3 p.m. ed television set was present- schooL library. Little League ed a prize of free pen rent for day that 6,051 guardsmen were in camp and more than 2,000 ed to Ole Evenson, Mondovi, baseball registration will be i one pen of pigs at the Mondovi by the Commercial Club and Wednesday from 2 to 4 p.m. others on active duty training at ! Swine Testing Station, This was other military installations. other local organizations spon- with Douglas Thompson in the ' a result of a recent swine judg- The division began a five-day Register your name for $110 Cash Prixe plus 5 Premiums and 3 paid up Safe soring Eleva Broiler Days. .school library. ing contest for 4-H swine pro- Registration for a summer bivouac today, moving into the Deposit Box Rentals fcr 1 year. ject members. field for tactical maneuvers recreation program at the play- I The contest was based upon ground for pre-school children which will stimulate battle con- the physical soundness of the ditions except for the firing of Registration and children through 13 years animal and performance infor- Held of age will be Wednesday from live ammunition. Cake and Coffee or Milk served. mation gathered from animals ^^eeMmmB M^^^^ ^BM ^ammm 9 to. 11 a.m. at the school li on test at the Mondovi Swine brary. Recreation hours will be j Station. Information included is For Rushford from 9 to noon . I the daily rate of gain , feed con- The schedule is as follows: jversion efficiency and back-fat Moforcylist Hurt Monday, pre-school , storytelling, i thickness. Summer Events ages 7 to 9 and 10 to 13, ba- | RUSHFORD, Minn. (Special) ton; Wednesday, ages 7 to 9 and ' TEACHERS TO INSTITUTE Near Rushford —The city of Rushford and the 10 to 13, arts and crafts ; Thurs- 1^^^^ Sister M. Conna , an elemen- RUSHFORD, Minn. (Special ) ¦ -.-"• > % ' mmaaaaa^AmmamM^ ' Rushford Public School will pro- day, pre-school, baton , ages 7. JJ, j v » ^ tary teacher and supervisor at —A mystery surrounds a motor- ^^M^BIB^ ^^^^ vide an eight-week summer pro- to 9, organized games and ages \ Cathedra! tirade School here cycle accident Sunday at 11:30 ¦ ' ¦ gram for interested youths. 10 to 13, tennis i.: badm inton ,, is one of GO teachers selected j .', ' . ' ¦ ¦ ' " ' Your Choico of ANY of 1heso P r-amiurn Gifts a.m. about one mile west of m\' : Registration and assignments and Friday, pre-school , snr.dbox ( ' v: , ) ' ' ' when you become a Customer at tho FIRST to participate in the summer here on Highway 30. j . i ,- V ; .l& ' . ' - - \ in to classes were made today for and ages 10 to 13, volleyball or language institute in Spanish to ' Bank It is not know which direc- h'j ,'? i i / V ,^k National Winona. the instructional swimming softball, i be held June 24 through Aug. ' ' \ tion John Heublein , 18, son of -' Kf*™* ¦' ' <; J ¦ <• *, \ • ' classes to be held twice a week Summer drama registration II at Chapman College , Orange, Mr. and Mrs. John Burns , was ' \ ^^ ' \ st the heated pool in Lewiston. will be held Wednesday from 4 Ciilif . traveling w hen his motorcycle ' [' ¦ . ' \\ Exclusive THERMO-FROST InsuUnd Picnic The schedule is; Tuesdays , S to 5:30 p.m. in the school library left the rond , throwing him in -> V^ '-^L The inst itute is being held in ' • - ' Bag plus: 4 ciuis of ri-frei-wihlo to 10 a.m.; Saturdays, 10 to by Tom Leuchtenberg. There the ditch, ll-i was found in a i> . • " ^>>^'ffi \ y»\\' •" -^ -fw^iFT^iVTTt "Skolch Ice." cooperation with , the United *v '^v F!"y ,las ra niciism-ivs 17" noon and Thursdays, free style will l>e two one-act plays, one ' wAj J T| 'C \t iff H^ wH."til '}'" I,i,<''l>' - . x 10" x States Office of Kducation under ; semi-conscious state by unidenti- ' , ' BttH f>", thick Kihrrgl.-iss insulation swimming, 1:30 to 5 p.m . for the younger students and IV,,'. , I '. ', ¦ , < B^toM on Jill sides , the national defease education fied persons who called the lo- K V-\' >- ' ••>l> nnd holtoni. Keeps food cold or The bus will leave the school one for the older students. act. 1 , . v { \ ./ '" \ fTtsIr- -S'SllTil hot for cnl police who took him to A N hours, Rxclnsive desi gn feat ures nil-m •% ^'' lOll 1 - I ^ 1 ' \ kU«UJBlMk« ound > ¦ < ¦ ¦;¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ - y\ * _^ lltlK ' straps and rcmonilile* Imttoin . r / "" •"" ' ^^ 1 '* * • \ \ '^/l v ;|i A&yRv v ^ ™^ \ I New, . -G«». \ s £' " ¦ - ' * !» •' A I THERMOS"* Picnic JUB J ' ' ' W" ":¦ / f <. A jSf ' ' . \ t J with laucet l All pln.slic, so it 's vir- ' ¦¦¦ tunlly inilest rurtlbli' '/ 1 1' */ ' • M {"^tr *^ . . . liner enn't ^ *// ' : ' "^ I ( f1 tvllk (lr n,s( / \ \ j *-MY . ' /' i -M fa- . ' ma5$L. "' ' ** fff'fivy plnstic ¦ ' insiilaliDn' keeps ( \ \ \ ' [ mlBS- ' • '} ' MW< r-^i'%, • 'I ¦ft ' i i i im'i cunt cuts cold or hot. ! \ '. • * WJ7 !- ¦;,' ' . Mm ;;'Vyf W ,/* ' ,,ir ,u ,rs' WkW ,01l,h ll,i,l( s il >4 ¦ / " B I' e;i,s " " " ] -,«"<%.,- _ \[ " "W ' 'J t- /¦b'^/lfP'k ''' I , .v tn loud ice en lies , ci'cn food. / \ / ^\ ^ . ': aa\W^ll 'iff \\- ¦', '-' ¦ '¦§ . ButiMlilr Kftiu 'ct opens in half lurn , ends .•¦pill- KtS-' 4M^ma ; e¥-^ ' . 0, '. $&< / ¦¦ : nR f n' y k('rP ('l( n nrl ^'• ' ^P^^ '^^^^ ''''V # &' -ffi ' 9eW'W ' ' *' J' ' ' ' '° '" " """'"

" ¦ : ¦' ' ~ . / - II U .S/' 'Li- ¦ : %?* ' ' l^afiwS '''^' - ' ' #'/ • .' . -*¦ • New RAY O-VAC K flo-ttinq Untcrn with r.At- ¦KbHW -C ^NX \\ / JL- WA. ^/F' „ p(l ^ \%AF. ' ' :, '^ ' ; ' ' * ^ , ^v, Fll|RR <>»«¦ l-lcre , luilii'enlilili- plas- :/-/: - /' ' . : '" .&/ ', " ¦ • '-C^N '-'^^ Ar f ' - ' -

' * :A"' ' ^^ . ' l*iJ^BlBliHII switch. Conn's coniplcie witli fi vo|| t'^' ^ - . ' - StV ^MflMJWiBliM^ r .. biilteiv.

aw^M3r^ AWem * naTAarMMaaaWWWWWWWWaA™^! * A . M^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^a^^^^Wmt^tAaaeieKe^lff ^^^^e^MA ^mMW^MMar** ' W ' MW4^SL\\mmmmmm^Mmmmmm\m ^mmHimm mmmm A ¦ i> '" ' '¦'£¦ ' '% ¦¦ ' tmeWl*.mAmr" ' \ J*aYl&l. * Ammm wS 4 ¦ [S' .IA ".: 't- ' ¦r^' wftmW «»!"•" n n.-w i ¦iHTumg A.-ijjuiiii i : J/ ' nL,1HERE'Sm(>l< , : 0 MLLAll YflllIUU nn* i' j ^ ¦ > ' ' "«• or ;Saving*, A.-i-ounl u«Th $100 * ' Mf mWy /* , -^ j k\Br " f,,,pfKi»e of tl)( , l ;'^*\ /rMvJm^T' \ t ''' "' ' '"nl - * ''i»

THE RST ATIONAL BBBBBM^^W**™^mmmmmmKWm ^B' Y^ 1 fl ^^I^BM' '*'* m^KBmmmaW^T aJl - T^^^SaW\ MM? Wmm\W^ Ili^i^M^PjifWBBi ^i^i^tJ^tWfl^rr Jk ^I N BANK Wm ^ P§L v mm OF WINONA ' MEMBER FEDER AL DEPOSIT IN SUR ANC E COR PO ATION WI1K1 K CiKTS HH.UKH . . , For .several ymrn Strum , Uerp 'a the Mf> vci'.sion: A xitini, (Daily Ni»w-s \>hoUO I m^AWWU mW-l)l R Wte., has been promoting Itn Stenm Engine Days with W| M *C1H, I ' " ¦¦' ' MONDAY Stewart Bus Five Collisions The Daily Record JUNE 14, 1965 ¦/ .- At Community Winona Deaths Two-State Deaths license Changed MADISON, Wis. ' - Transfer On City Streets; Memorial Hospital Herman F. Ehml<» Rtinhart Ffniath of operating authority now held by Stewart Bus Lines of Eau Vijltlno liouri: and turglcil funeral services for a former ; FOUNTAIN , Minn. < Special) pntlenlv > lo 4 and 7 lo 8,30 p m. (No ' Claire to the Wisconsin North- ' Wlnonun , Herman Frank "Cur- ! — . Iteinhart Finseth, 77, a for- fliiWr ep Under 12.1 . ! ern Transportation Co of Eau Injured iioll-lnll: 2 to 1, 30 and / No One fAolefcny •• ly" Ehmke, 7, Kirksville, Mo„ mer Fountain resident , died Sat- Claire will permit single-line 1.30 p.m. . (Adult! only.) who died June 5 after an illness urday at a Rochester hospital. Five traffic accidents lai-t passenger bus service in a of six weeks,: were held June 7 He had been a Rochester resi- weekend kept Winona police SATURDAY at the Davis and Davis Funeral broad territory of western and AdmiNsioni dent five years. busy, but no personal Injuries Home there, the Rev. Edward northwestern Wisconsin , the Mis. Duncan Green , But) 40th He was born here June 14 , Public Service Commission said resulted from any of them. . F. Coffman, First Christian 1887, and married Ida Redalcn Ave.. Goodview. Church, officiating. Burial was ' In an order approving the as- The first occurred at 1C:25 Oct . fi , 1929 at Lanesboro. signment; Gregory Balcdme, St. Charles, in Highland Park Cemetery. j a:ni . Saturday at West Sarnia Minn. Pallbearers were members Survivors are : His wife, one Allen S. McManuH is the owner of' and Huff streets and involved SUNDAY the American Legion of which i son , David , Rochester; four of the Stewart line/ and Fred- Mr. Ehmke was a charter mem- daughters, Mrs. Harlanri (Ilia ) erick A. Zank and Duane 6. cars driven by Miss Madelyn R, Admission* ' j ber, .. Sorenson , Chatfield; Mrs Owen Rahl, copartners, do business Peterson , 22, Frederic, Wis./ P; :i6«t (Beverly) Spring, Hopkins ; John Brang, E. Mark He was born here June 2i; as the Wisconsin Northern and Victor L. . Mueller, 75 Otis ' Mrs. Paul (Ruth ) Nelson, Ro- ¦ St.- 1887, to Fred and Ernest ina Transportation Co. ¦:. .;¦ .- ( chester, and Miss Nancy, Santa st. -/.• ¦//1 Edward Krage Jr., 1420 W. Frohreich) Ehmke. The Stewart certificate cov- Clara , Calif. ; nine grandchil- Miss Pelersoni -was drlwhg a 8th St. He is survived by one sister, ered transportation of passen- (Ella) dren , and one sister, Mrs.' "Hi- car owned by Carl Beckstrom David Torgerson , 520 Wilson Mrs. Arnold Einhorh , gers on Highway 37 between ¦ Butner , N C. ram (Lillian) Peterson , Spring IV , Wanamlngo, Minn., north on St. ¦; . Eau Claire and Mondovi , High- Valley. ' ., v .'.. Huff Street , and she failed to Mrs. Hubert Feine , Rushford , way 10 between Mondovi and Winona Funerals Funeral services will be Tues- stop for the stop sign at the Minn. Durand , and Highway 25 be- Sarnia Street'. Mersedion, po- Ronald J. Galewski, 728 38th day at 2 p.rrj; at Root Prairie tween Durand and the Wiscon- ¦ Mrt; Marie Vincent lice said.; ' .- Ave., Goodview. Lutheran Church here, the Rev. sin-Minnesota state line. She continued into the i nter- Mrs. Wilbur Bollinger , Foun- Funeral services for Mrs. Ma- James Braaten officiating, Bu- , rial will be in the church ceme- section, striking the Mueller tain City, Wis! rie Vincent, Minneapolis form- ] ¦ erly of Winona, were held today tery. '¦ "¦ ' - car , which was eastbound on John C. Heublein , Rushford, . y . . ALC Mission Report at Cathedral of the Sacred Sarnia. Damage to the Mueller Minn../ ' t Friends may call at Drury . Heart, car's right front was set at $,'',00, Mrs. Herbert Kreinbring, Lew- / Funeral Home until noon Tues- Set at Price Church Her son, the Rev. John Vin- while that to the left front of iston Minn . day, then at the church. ( , cent, was celebrant of the sol- OSSEO, Wis . Special ) - the car Miss Peterson was driv- Mrs. Ray Guidinger , «73 E. Pallbearers will be John and emn requiem funeral Mass, 'as- "Journey Into Missions " will be ing was est imated at $500. 3rd St Tilford Redalen, Donald and sisted by the Rev. Leland Smith Orvis Finseth Tilford Rain and the title of the Rev . Alton C. 0. Police issued Miss Peterson a Mrs. Ben Leubmann, Lewla- , as deacon and the Rev. Roy j Vernon Gatzke: Halverson'.i illustrated talk on ticket for disobeying a stop ton, Minn. Literski as sub-deacon. The Rt. the 12 mission fields of the sign , causing ' an accident .' She " . . Mrs. Rudolph Karnath i Foun- Rev. Msgr. H. J. Dittman Julius Neumann American Lutheran Church at forfeited, a S25 deposit in muni- tain City, Wis. preached the sermon, and Most EYOTA, Minn. - Julius Neu- Price Church of theTrinity Par- cipal court this morning. Discharged Rev. Bishop Edward A. Fitz- mann, 83, Eyota Rt. 2, died Sat- ish Thursday, at 8 p.m. THE SKCONI) mishap occur- Herbert Rother , 625 Dakota gerald, Bishop of Winona , of- urday evening at Olmsted Com- : Pastor Halverson is an,assist- ' ' ' " ¦• ¦• ¦' red at .1:05 p.m. . .Saturday at.¦: st., - :¦ . . ficiated at the absolution: Buri- munity Hospital, Rochester, ant director of world, missions ' East 4th and Lafayette sLroeLs. PROTEST I S 'AGGRESSION' / .' . " . anese capital Wednesday. Demonstrators held BIrthR al was in St. Mary s Cemetery . after a . short illness. of the .-. . -. ALC ; He has visited . Catholic Daughters of Amer- John T Honan , Duluth . was Tokyo police grapple' with rioting student a massive rally protesting what they claim Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lom- He was born Dec. 11 , 188>1 , many of the mission fields . driving soulh on Lafayette when - , . ica provided an honor guard at . demonstrators , dominated by Commujiists is U. S. aggression in Viet Nam (A P^^ Photo- bard , Rusbford , Minn . , a son . in Germany and came here at At this meeting the Price Lu- his car was struck in the left the church. Honorary pallbear- Tokyo) Mr. and Mrs. James J. Je- an early age. He married Caro- side by a vehicle, owned by and Socialists;:-in downtown section of Jap- fax by radio from ers were A. L. .-Koutsky, John theran ALCW will host , the resek, '1320 W. Broadway, a line Bierbaum here June 28 , Don ' ! Schlaefer, J.F.I,. Deilke and ALCW of the South Beef River s Auto Sales, 165 E. 2nd St., daughter. J9JB. They farmed all of their A; Henry Brunberg. Active pall- and Kings Valley L u t h e r a. rt and driven by Dominic Wal- Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth. Stfensr married lives in Viola Town- " ski 2B3 Kranklin St. Walski was bearers were B. J. Snyder, Wil- churches. A social hour will fol- , SOME RAIN FORECAST gaard, Peterson , Minn., a son. ship/ ' . driving west on 4th street. liam Zenk, Leo Lange. F'rank low . Survivors are : Three sons, Damage to Ronan 's car was -j Boland , John Hoeppner and Wil- ' BfRTHS Et^EWHERE liam Hennessy. Ernest, August and Hubert, all and Mrs. Earl (Mabel ) Sorom, set at .$100. No estimate . , ' of ; of Eyota; one daughter, Miss both of Rushford, and Mrs. Ir- damage to the vehicle M'alski , LEWISTON, Minn! (Special) ¦¦ ¦ William A. Ramelow Gertrude, Eyota; three grand- vin tRuth )¦' .'' Anderson, Har- was driving had been made this of —Mr. and Mrs. William Vezner, other ek children an-d four great-grand- morning. • Ah Funeral services for William . V/f mony ; 14 grandchildren: :i7 | a son Wednesday at St. Mary's A. Ramelow, 217 Mankato Ave., children and one sister/ Mrs. great-grandchildren ; -two great- AT S:.03 P.M. Saturday, at the i. Hospital. Rochester . were held this afternoon at Louis Warber , Eyota. His wife great grandchildren, and two FOUNTAIN CITY , intersection of Main Stre-et ant! , Wis. - Mr. Breitlow Funeral Home, the died in 1964/ sisters, Mrs. Mary C'olbenson . and Mrs West Broadway , cars driven by: . Galen yEngel, rural Rev. IWerlen Wegener, St. Mar- Funeral services will be Tues- Rushford. and Mrs. Thea Berg- Days Exp Miss Cherre M. Grams Warm , 320 WV! Fountain City, a son , by adop- tin's Lutheran Church, officiat- day at 1:30 p.m. at St. Paul strom. Maple Lake , Minn. Sanborn St., and John A. . Mil- •Fair .10. partly cloudy weather noon and 76 on Sunday. Low ' Except tonally cool weather tion,..June fi . He was born May ing. Burial wag in Minnesota United Church of Christ, the ¦' ' One son and three daughters ton, 1021 GilmOre Ave., collided/ Sunday morning was 53 and this 2«. - ¦"/ : . City Cemetery. Rev. Philip Schowalter officiat- is due tonight arid Tuesday fol- prevailed along Lake Michigan have died. causing .$75 damage to the left morning. 55. At noon today the i Pallbearers were Daniel Ku- ing. Burial will be in the church lowing a near-perfect weekend Sunday where . northeasterly front of the car Miss Crams reading was 68. Irvin Sieracki , Warren Funeral services will be at ' WINONA DAM LOCKAGE kowski, cemetery/ -/^~ . ' was driving and an as yet un- for Winona and vicinity. winds kept temperatures from and Kenneth Bernhardt , Wil- Friends rn ay caJf m Johnson 2 p.m. Wednesday at Rushford . , A year ago today the Winona • Flow — 76,500 cubic fett per determined amount of damage / A low of 52 to 58 is predicted warming. The* highest tempera- liam Johnson and Orville Reck. & Schriver Funeral Home, Lutheran Church , the Rev, John ! high wa.8 . 83 and the |6w 58./ ¦econd at fi a .'mi today. to Milton's vehicle. for tonght. and a high of 74-80 ture reported in the state Sun- Plainview. until noon Tuesday B. Rockne officiating. Burial -j All-time high for June 14 was ] SATURDAY will be in the church cemetery. Miss Grams was driving a Tuesday.Wednesday, says the 94 in 1886 and 1952 and the low day was 75 degrees at Lona 7:45 p.m. — Eleanor Gordon and at the church after 12:30 car owned by John Grams, , WEATHER Friends may call at the weatherman , will-be about the for the day 42 in 1933. Mean Rock. The lowest reading was four barges, up. p.m.. same address, east on Broad- church after noon Wednesday, for the past 24 hours was 65. II:.15 p.m. , EXTENDED FORECAST way when it was struck by the i same. 59 in the Milwaukee area. —W S. Rhea nine Mrs. Henry Peterson ; Normal for this- time of the barges, down MINNESOTA— Temperatures Jensen Funeral Home is in Milton ;car which had been j1 Temperatures through Satur- . ¦ HOUSTON. Minn. (Special) - v year is 69/; LOWEST teiriperatttr* r». . ./¦ ' ' SUNDAY . through Saturday averaging 4 charge of arraneements. moving south on Main. Milton . . Mrs. Henry Peterson. 78, died i day* should average 4 to 8 de- ported in the state Sunday night 12:45 a.m. — Cayuga , eight told police that he could not WITH THE e-xceptioi of a to 8 degrees above normal with Sunday at 3 p.m. at the home i .grees above normals according was 39 degrees at Ma«iison and barges, down. slightly -higher temperatures Leslie Hbv.e.y stop. He had just pulled a boat; heavy rain at Minot , N.D. , . of her daughter, Mrs. Emil | Park Falls. The 39 at Madison 4:45 a.m.—Prairie State, sev- Tuesday, Normal highs 71-77 MONDOVI. Wis. (SpecialV — from the water, he explained, j to the extended forecast. Nor- where 1 .69 inches fell, we«kend Lidtke , Winona , where she had was the lowest temperatura ev- en barges , down. Leslie Hovey , 58; died Satur- and his car's brakes apparently mal daytime highs are 78-8-0 [' weather in the Upper Midwest north , 76-80 south. Normal lows lived six months. i er recorded on Juna 14 Tha 5:55 a.m. — William Clark , day evening at Frederic Hos- had gotten wet . was fair Duluth was coolest 48-54 north, 52-59 south. Precipi- The former Selma Olena Ol- j arid nighttime lows 52-59. Pre- . . previous low wa» 40 degrees in four barges, down. pital, Frederic, Wis., where he ¦ ' tation 1 inch, occurring as show- , A TOTAL of $275 In damage • cipitation of up to an inch is with a Sunday high/of W.and 1942. : ' " . . 7:10 a.m. — Defender, three son, she was born in Oslo Nor- had been a patien t two weeks. ers and thunderstorms Tuesday :- resulted from a collision at 7:18 a low today ot 40. Elsewhere barges/ down. way, to Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Ol- He was born Aug. 17. 1906, | expected , occurring as showers THE NATION'S high Sunday and Wednesday and again Sat- son attended elementary : p.m; Saturday- at the intersec- highs were in the 70s and lows 12:50 p m. — Kansas City, . She near here to Mr, and Mrs. Jo- ; and thunderstorms late Tues- ' ¦ • ¦¦' was 108 at Presidio, Texas. Tha urday. tion of East Sarnia and Frank- in the 50s: eight bargee, up. schools in Norway amd came to seph Hovey and lived his en- i'day and Wednesday and again low this morning was 31 at Pell- OTHER TEMPERATURES this country at the age of 14. He lin streets; A car driven by Mrs. i Rochester postied a Sunday 6 p.m:—Arthur .7. Dyer , eight tire life in this area^ mar- j Saturday. ston, Mich. High Low Pr. George Lawrenz, 610 Walnut high of 71 and a morning low ¦ ' ' ' barges, down. ' ¦ ' She was employed in domestic ried Delpha Olson in 1932. He j Warm weather and the lack ¦ ¦ • Albany, cloudy . . 66 55. .02 St., 51, TODAY . • work. She was married June 1, had been employed at Mondovi was turning left onto Sarnia I of heavy rains have stabilized today of At La Crosse fig- Albuquerque, clear . 8« 55 -street, when, police said SCHOOL AT LANESBORO :\ a.m.—Dan Luckett 10 barg- 1905. to Henry S. Peterson at Farmers Store since 1928 and , iti[ the stage of the MISSISSIPPI ures for the same times were . , cloudy . 85 68 ¦¦"¦ es, up. Atlanta La Crosse. She was a member also worked at the Duluth ship swung into the eastbound traf- j1 in this district with the . reading ! 74 and 52. LANESBORO, Minn. (Special) Bismarck, cloudy .77 59 1, 12 fie lane on Sarnia , striking the i 7:.-j.Va.rn. —Bull Durham , two of Cross of Christ Lutheran yards for two years. He attend- at Winona 10!3 today and slated Fargo, N.D., had .58 . of an -Fifty-two children of St. Pat- " . ' '' ., 65 50 .02 left side of a car driven by Don- barges, up. Boise, rain . Church and its women's organi- ed Mondov i High School and to remain there through Thiirs- inch of rain and Regina . Can- ! rick's parish are attending re- , .... 66 49 .24 ald 1V1. Bruegger, Trempealeau. ' Small craft—Saturday noon to Boston cloudy zations. was a member of Central Lu- : day. . ¦ ada , ,9:t ligious summer school classes 56 51 Sunday midnight , 47. Chicago, clear vSurvivors are : Five sons. Nor- theran Church. Bniegger set damage to his Changes at other points along WISCONSIN'S weather con- here at the Lanesboro Elemen- Cincinnati, cloudy 59 57 man, Claire and S h e r w ood, Survivors are : One brother . car at $200 . while Mrs. Law- the Upper Mississippi were tinued unseasonable cool today i tary Schooil, which opened «4 49 ' (he Cleveland, cloudy Hon s ' .t' o n; Kenneth, Spokane, Joel, Mondovi Rt. I, and one renz s vehicle sustained oth- negligible over the weekend but and no comfort from warmer ( June 7 and will clos-e June 20, .03 Municipal Court Denver, cloudv 78 52 Wash., and Hollis, Burlington, sister, Mrs. Nobel (Myrtle) er $75 in damage. Ij the Chippewa River at Durand weathc r is immediately In sight. | Teachers assisting the Rev. Des Moines, cloudy . /6 59 Evans, Red Wing. Minn. His Iowa; two daughters, Mrs Ar- ONK ACCIDENT at 12:50 ¦was 2.9 today, down .8 of a foot Skies across the state were I Donald A. Zenk are Sister M. WINONA Detroit, clear 71 48 ( wife died May 12 , 1 965. A son chie Myrtle) Northrup and Mrs. i p.m. Sunday — again , at Main ,; since Sunday. The Black at clear this morning following , Stephania, Sister M. Joan and Forcits ; Fairbanks, cloudy 51.42 14 and a brother also have died. Emil (Co ralynn) Lidtke, Wino- and West Broadway — complet- j| Galesville was down .5 of a Sunday's weather pattern. Sister M. Antoinette, Franciscan Robert F. Kramer , 24 , Trem- Fort Worth , clear , 90 73 .01 Funeral services will be i ¦ na; 21 grandchildren ; 17 great- ed the weekend toll. It involved i foot. Oilier area tributaries The cool temperatures are Sisters of Rochester, Children pealeau. Wis., S25 , speeding. He Helena , cloudy . . 58 39 .53 Thursday at 2 p.m. Central Lu- grandchildren , and one sister, cars driven by Robert O. Mar- showed smaller drops. forecast to continue tonight and receiving first Communion Sun- was arrested at 5:47 Saturday Honolulu , cloudy 85 75 theran Church, the Rev. Harold | Mrs. Mnrget Eye, Coeur D'Al- tin , Houston , ' ' and Keith E, Os- 1 The Winon a temperature rose Tuesday along with the fair i day were Dixie Flattum, Rob- on West. 51 Ii Street between Olm- , cloudy 78 59 Hauglanrl officiating. Rurial . Indianapolis ene, Idaho. Her husband died in lrander. Pleasant Valley. to a pleasant 87 Saturday after- skies. ' ert Virnig and Patrick Scanlan. Etead and Ewing streets. cloudy 88 75 .01 will be in Riverside Lutheran j Jacksonville, October 19R4 . and two daugh- I Marin 's car, which was going David Heftman, 22, 1025 E. Kansas City, cloudy 76 67 .11 ters died in infancy. Cemetery . Wabasha St., &25 , disorderly Friends may call at Kjentvet j east on Broadway, was struck Los Angeles, cloudy 71 60 F un e r a I services will be by the Ostrander car , which conduct b.V fighting. He was ar- Louisville, cloudy 82 55 & Son Funeral Home Wednes- l | l | i | l l f |f l |l| l |||l |il Thursday at 2 p.m. al Cross o f moving north on Main. Po- rested on the complaint of Mrs. day after 3 p.m. and Thursday i was Memphis, cloudy .,. 88 70 .06 Christ Church, Ihe Rev, Denny lice said Ost rander failed to ob- Grace Heftman at his home until II a,m. and al the church Miami , clear 84 76 ,06 Brake, Looney Valley Lutheran serve n traffic light at 2:07 a.m. Sunday. clear .. 59 45 after noon . Milwaukee, Church, officiating. Burial will [ Damnge to the right front of I Miss Madelyn R. Peterson , cloudy . 73 55 I I I I I I I I MpLs.-St.P,, be in Stone Church Cemetery. Marin 's car was set at $150 , and 1^1 22, Frederic, Wis., $25, diso- 90 70 .. New Orleans, clear . Friends may call at Hill Fu- Two-State Funerals j' Ostrander estimated the same beying a stop sign , causing an New York , clear .68 54 's neral Home Wednesday from 7 Edward J. FctUr ! amount of damage to his car accident, She was arrested at Okla. City, clear ... 82 67 .19 1 left front. to 9 p.m. and at the church LAKE CITY , Minn. (Special ) 10:25 a.m. Saturday at Huff Omaha, cloudy , 67 62 ,2f» Final Week Thursday after 1 p.m. - Edward J. Fetter, 75. died I Phoenix, clear 105 65 Saturday evening at Lake City Ptlnd, Me,, cloudy . 55 48 ,71 Mrs. Mathilda Utter ' your Municipal Hospital, where he Fits Rapid City, clear 81 53 ELEVA, Wis. (Special)—Mrs. z Democrats Vie budget St, Louis, cloudy 85 61 Mathilda Utter , 76 , died Sunday had been a patient a week. ' ' 7,3 53 lie wns born in Grand Forks, Andersen s I Salt Lk. City , cloudy morning at Tri-County Memor- Aksel Mr, like a -. San Fran,, clear .66 53 ial Hospital , Whitehall , where N.D., June 2,1, IfllW. to and I For Governor Race Seattle, min 69 51 ,0f> HIIO hnd been » patient six Mrs. Peter Fetter. A resident Washington, clear 7H 57 hours. She had been III many here the last .15 years, he also (JREKN BAY , Wis. r after a /umbi'o ;it Thi-ilm ' ii 2H.2 -- -3 St. John 's Church officiating. I ANNIVERSARY DISCOUNT PRICES ON SPECIAL I Our new MONI Ml Y PAY PI AN Funeral Home anil nl Ihe iprimary , not weaker. We will Trenip. ill Dodge 0.6 I'lmrch nller noon. Burial will br in the church J provides one low monthly p.iv oloct a Democratic governor In Black at tiiilesvllle 2,6 - .5 cemetery j F^TORY ORDERS I merit lor nil your '.-itAle I nun | liuili not In spite oi i-i primary, La Ciuise nl W. Sal , 3,3 Mrs. Rogne Magnuion Friend*-; may rail al Ihe fun I' bul of one , " policie-., nidkniR it easier llinn Hoot at Houston 59 .1 KUSIIFORD , Minn, (Special) ernl home today nnd until the I| llo also said "Thei r are live e , ov* ortor yoiitoUI( ______RIVER FORK< AST Mrs Ragne Magmison , 89, time of SOIT I CCN Tuiv-iday, I| or nix apart from y<«ir speaker spccai sale (im,fl Selec1l0B ,-Hlw''e ol out r ,,M, „,M ' I K I'IHII llnNllngH lo GntlrnliM'g) died e-arly this morning at Cirley who could hi- riiiinin-J, Avkse l Andersen I mo ii' , In -' i ii:.l _n_ on Of < on.tnt Ball ¦ I* The river H I. UR « al Winonu for ! Community Mcinoiial Hospital , T\lJAY'S IlinillDAY lor governor" The ,sl iitcmcnl is Inter fi¦ 111<-> < linn' BKMI the uesl Ni'vcral (lavs: Tuesday, Winona, wlu-i c -,\w luul been a regarded as the closest Cnrley Ww Saimplru .|...|' Cill loi Barliiirn D IIIIIP Schiii 'lei , West | - 1 -niul-O-Norl FumitUTe I e' ltltu,ANC ,'iy. Thuiwlay 10,;i . j pal lent a'i- monlhf.. I hns come to announcing hi** di.-M-iil- . V I ' -/ Hums Vjilloy. 4 cniidldiK V Mux . Al Oncft A Yuar ¦ (.oinplete * She wns born in Fillmore SpniiK J03 ( pn)JM. s, and Weil Snrnln ntreets. I Counly April 18, 1870, to Hnns Kalliy Lynn l.nndro , Menu rnonie, Wis , :i. A Matt .-OS*.* Sal<> Pf k *S- A cliiu-gc of driving witlnuil and Anna Moist ml A lifetime I( TAYLOR UIHLK SC HOOL TH m* I a driver's license In his powicv resident of this area , she was I I'AYLOU. Wis, tSp-eciid ) A "Pete" Polus sion , which hnd been brought , mnrriocl here to John M IIRIUI i ni;i-: r« x-it.svs total of I0:t .students from nin s /¦ m fflit Broadwuy James I) . Wlec/.orek, son in 11194 He died In 1018 (Won Wtul 4' ri,, /- .'i »n. civ through the ei^lilli Hindi- Holt i PHONE 4570 20 , UH\ K. Hrondwiiy. al I: HI She was a member of Hush litiotn fl , Ciiji nttciitlrd vacation R lldc NC I IOH I f! |?|l|i|I|i|||l|i||| WinriiKi Co. rm i ent\ lire , , tiiclny at the Intorhccllini ol ford Lutheran Church i< I that eiuled Fridnv at Taylor : :¦ ¦ r *-> II .illina , Jl rfi« '/i V v I f;; I $. U . 111 ^f I 111 llrondway and Lei- SI reel , was Surviving ai «- One son. Lutheran ( 'liiucli , m iiii' iliii f! to " I f § SIA H IAPM IIIMinMir.l I flMPAMI s , 1 ( ' Di-Mi Helyi-n Miperinli 'iv ¦ Ill , dlHiiilssed when Wii'i /nrok pi n ii'orge . Hu.'Jilnnl, llnvi* dmigh l.HM week ill Mrs , § llinn* flllif H flint lilon . I I I I .^ I . I I £ 111 £ I diicrd a llceiiHe, itrrn, Mm, John i AniiH > Hlmllr TolM S.S ,?M ! ilonl il^lklkliliililllilll- I " Auto Agency Modern Plan in Queen Ann Site Work If&GtiwmM By ANDY LANG B A. F. SHIRA J A colonial house can be any \ y one of 'a number of architectur- ¦ A Few Bird Notes ;" ' Set to Start al styles. have been the topics ol recent articles i.iul this Early American homes vari- Site clearance was to begin FLOWERS is as it should be, since this is abov e all a garden column.ol ed considerably . How they were this week for construction of ' fwiliire However birds arc ; and ' should . -be . an uili^ru l tha built depended mainly on the a building to house an automo- • ¦in destroying insects, lor then- garden for . the part they play ¦ national derivation of the first bile agency: ways. ' ;, ' ¦' • -;, Winona Management Co. last cheerful notes and their beguiling . . immigrants... but also on such Just as the gardener has troubles, the -birds , too, have their things as climatic conditions in week was issued permits at and rearing the young. A pair the city engineer's office for difficulties in building their nests different areas and the avail- Of cardinals built a nest in a clematis vine at the southeast corner ability of certain materials. removal of three houses at 267 W. 3rd St., 10 and 160 Huff of the house, but before they Thus, there were yGreorgians, st; -- ' ' set up housekeeping, . a pair of for tlii'iii . It is an added plea- Dutch Colonials. ,- Cape Cods, WIVI C, Inc.. is contractor and aggressive wrens took up their sure to have the birds around Garrisons, Spanish stuccos and abode in a wren house closeby the yard (luring the summer , the site will be used for con- many others,- each with several struction of a building to be and the cardin als then deserted when they arc nesting as their variations. occupied by Winona Auto Sales their nest , and went farther up activities ai that time are so into the woods. varied ami inost interesting, ONE Ol-y the most interesting which moved recently from ¦ ' '' -. There lias been at least one- ' ' ol' of these was the Queen Anne quarters at JilO E. King 'St .:-, - Birds -Aire great -friends tli« pair' of mourning doves that has devour a.'Jarg-t* Like the Dutch Colonial , it had a temporary location at Center gitrdenvr us llwy nested on our grounds each- ' of'Injurious insects. Th-a a gainbrel . roof ; that is, a roof CHARM OF ANTIQUITY . . . This isi -' a variation of the permits full use of second floor for four bedrooms and two and 5th streets. number ¦ ' year. One pair has a nest in and fruits that they with a broken -slope of two dif- Queen Anne house style brought to America by early settlers baths. . ' ' Two of the houses are one- few berries family dwellings and the other an over-growth of honeysuckle- more than repaid ferent angles. The principal dif- in many parts of the country; gambrel roof consume are and still popular a four-family unit. bushes in a well protected spot. by the good they do. ference between the. two styles build such a ' Mourning doves . was the presence in the Queen ESTIMATED COSTS of . con- frail , shallow nest that one Anne of dormer windows in the H-87 Statistics struction for eight building per- wonders how the eggs and lower pari of the roof mits issued totaled $11,171 and young, can be retained in il , Burg lar in .A variation of the i* r ol A MICI IIDII (r.ucily Bj B. J^fftlk * lana 1 lll« J^^ V Wk Building in Winona nnd W. VI II . ol lol A , nine It I, Olhli'i Att n GEO. KARSTEN Add , to I nAUIon, ¦PP ^^^ fej '^^ ^M^^^^ ilSl General Contractor Arthur r , Grimm »t IK to rjnla M I Win dollar vo-liimr *l .057,081 PronMhln- ik« it nl I' nrl ol I.. Al II Residential 267 ,041 ol lot MS nnimm/ I MUfhnll el ut I' nrl ol NW' < nl M' t nl Public ( non- Sue V-lOVi / ywli Ml Investmen t Ma^afWMVVVWWWVwnAAAAAr I ACTING —f i. — Wniia^e^aBrVTXnlllTaa^inrM} "::f ^ I7-'-' "JJ\J mn*TlWfiffff - Heavy-Duty Patio Queen Hardware Phone 8-1002 SENSE \l iA^ft/\A /VVWW\AAA»VVWV»A/W\AMA/VWWVN/WWVWWVVW\IVI ELECTRIC for relicb.. I f Uf V ELECTRIC SERVICE li li kT^ ¦ X /I WINONA Commorci*,! - MM COMPANY 1731 Wont Phon* S-3761 ./SC / A PAINT Residential — ¦= ¦'«¦ St. Anyflmt ^ ^/ k^Skiky m Induitrial 62» Main Street Indujirial KENDELL-0 BRIEN & GLASS GO. • • Comm«rcinl " Vlllll ' l'fll'l/K| l Electrical SbmiffliJPlJ^ Cllllil Work. Phonu 8-1002 Day or Night III • Farm and Roildential 7 <*Wb\/f4jJ ' LUMBER COMPANY I ' MM 'ic/ ,'.f inc ' '' -—'I BOB FOlLfVlANN Electrical Work '^^tW 115 Frunklln SI. "Tubby" iacUatt , Mgr Phone 11-366/ 5S-57 W, -Ind St. -- . . . . ' \ ' W* Deliver Phon. Ml Skipper, All-Girl 79 Units in Lanesboro Parade LBJ &ack at DENNIS THI MBNACI LANESBORO, Minn. ( Spe- cial )—Several thousand watch- Crew lose Boat ed the June Jubilee Days pa- Desk After rade at Lanesboro Sunday aft - ernoon. It featured 79 units -with In Harbor Mishap a saddle club bringing up the SYDNEY , Australia (AP.) - rear. -. "The Neophyte was my home ' T exasWeekend Reigning raver the parade wan lor 2'/4 yearn ," said Iiee Quinn ,:\ WASHINGTON (AP) - Presl- j Miss Sharon Scrabeck , 19, Har- "but it'n gone now and there is dent Johnson wa» back at his mory, elected Fillmore County j nothing more to aay. I have no desk today after a weekend of Dairy Princess from among 24 plans for the future. " relaxation at his Texas ranch: i candidates Saturday. Sharon Quinn , 37, »n adventurer from was crowned queen at a cere- ijOJr'Gatos , Calif., has been sail- During the weekend , the Pres- j mony at Sylvan Park Saturday ing his 45-foot ketch , the Neo- ident: - j night by Sdnja Flaby , last phyte, around the South Pacific year's queen , now married to — Nominated Texai banker- j Merlin Theon and living in Wi- for the last 30 months with all- attorney Edward A. Clark, M, • girl crews longtime personal and political ' ; nona. * ¦ . • ; , friend , as ambassador to Aus- SHARON, sponsored by the Before dawn Sunday the 4 000- tralia: ton coastal freighter Woomera Central Four Farm Bureau, is — Signed a bill authorizing preparing for a career In teach- ran the Neophyte down a mile outside the Sydney harbor, sp|lt military appropriations of 515.4 ing, having attended Winona billion. State College last year. She and the ketch in half and sank the her attendants Linda Kueh- forwa rd section . Thi> measure Incliidf.ti 15.* nast and Linda Thompson , Quinn and the three girls with ' billion for aircraft , $1.4 billion Lanesboro—will compete In the him were.rescued by the Woom- for missiles, $1.7 for naval ves- 8-county regional princess con- era's lifeboat after half an hour sels and $6!4 billion for re- test at Preston June 26. In the water. search, development, tef-ts and Martha Felland, sponsored by "I still »ay girls make the evaluation . the Harmony-Bristol Farm Bu- best crew," said Quinn. .- "There .. ' • - — •. Appointed 12 public mem- reau, was elected by the prin- was absolutely no panic." ' bers to the Consumer Advisory cess candidates .. as the most Council and picked Dr. Richard ' congenial or Miss Congeniality Quinn nnd hi* crew, Helena *$* vm W.VBGIM He HAO fl€Tf8« AWMMW8S H. Holton , former assistant sec- THAN A». IM 10 —¦ fl 11 .,..,. .f half-chickens wero serv- gate can cast the ^ntlre vote ¦ ¦ ¦WH iiai >' *¦». *ialla*****itf*^***« » I , , , — — — teachers over the country ed. GALESVILLE , Wis. (Spc-lal) for the post be represents. nil who already have attended n MARK TRAIL By Ed Dodd A i-oiici'i l by Ihe Greenfield -Two Trempenlc-tii County Hoy Ernie Diedericli , Austin , . rnn- summer Institute in Ecuador , Church choir , Harmony, closed Scout Iroops will be at Camp dldnte for state enrnmnnder, , where It Is being conduct ed for Iho cclehrnlirm Sunday night Decorah , Iho official Gateway spoke. At pot-luck supper was Iho third consecutive venr Area csimp, during the week spi red prior to the meeting. beginning June 20 - Hlnlr and ¦ Cliburn Makes Debul Arcadin . I'ATIKNT 1'ltOIM TAYI.OIt Garland in Hospital MOSCOW (AIM ¦¦ Caledonia Troops WI mid fill - American and lllnck ftlver Falls Scouts 'MYLOH , Wis. (Special) - pinnls! Vim Cllliur n made bis Nellie Slovens is 11 mirgirnl LOS ANGKLPS (AIM Singer will In* there Ihe mime week. UCLA Moscow debul ns a ••(inductor Area troops (here the week palienl al the Tri County Memo- Judy Garland was in the Suiu|/iy. His iiudieiUT cheered beginning Juno 27 will be Alma rial Hospital , Whitewal l . ModU-nl Center's Netirovsychl- him for .11) iiiiniil (i-) and covered and Motidovl , Wis., and Browns- ntrlc Iiwllliit o Sunday wllh what Ihe nttiHc wllh flowers. ville , Minn. IB , Cochrane , Spring G rove nnd the hospital called nn emotional However , Ihe news agmicy Scheduled for Hie week begin- I'llt/.en; for the week of Jul y upsel . Tniss said: "As a rimdiu'lor , ning July 4 11 ic Galesville nnd '.!!) , Iwo Ln Crt'MTiil lrtni|is and Miss Garliind , 4,'l last Thurs- Cllliurn lucked hi.s miiiillnhli* Taylor, Troops -signed up for lor Aug. I , 0* „sou. Fountain f rf t y day, was taken to the laospiMI i|Uiil|l les depth of feeling, emo- Ihe week of July 11 are While- had n ' t M - I a iletinlle (Into yet Friday night h y nmhuluiu e tionallsm nn

TRADE TALK FLOURISHES^ Kosidowski in MOLOCK PLEASED 2-HH Victory Start Tuesday By GARY , EVANS 'Great Game Twins-Chicago Editor Dally News Sport* (AP)-The Minne- night Tuesday, Twins: trade talk third base regularly at; Denver i, really as close as the 5-4 score. Agmrre drove in what proved CHICAGO 1 Winona made a triumphal re- BOta . Twins, their first - place flourished once more. - for over a week to get him in The Twins boomed out three to be the winning Tiger run with turn to Southern ' ." Minnesota •margin over Chicago shaved- to Manager Sab Mele was quot- shape , and he may be sum- i home runs—solo shots by KilTe- a single in the seventh inning. League baseball Sunday, riding mere half game, had today ed in Detroit as saying, "I've mone

DICK TRACY By Chester Gould , • ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦' ' ' ' ' . : . _ ' . / . * . ___ . _ 3B* •

BEETLE BAILEY j *Y Mort Wa)k»r


DAN FLACG By Don Sherwood

—— ¦ ¦ - •—;——— — ^~ » ¦¦ —— . . . :—:— . , . T--—- BLONDIE By Chic Young

' y/y/ UiL : ABNER 3y Al Capp STEVE CANYO N By Milton Canniff

' ' *¦ ~ ' ¦ * ¦*-- -- - i ; 1 - - - ¦ ¦..— ..'- ¦ , -. ¦ - *-..- i———* —— ../'¦ ...... ~ ,.. — . ; : L_ . : ; _-. .

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