INDIAN Response to Covid -19

Police Headquarters, , Telangana -500004 | Web :


1. MEASURES OF TELANGANA STATE POLICE 3URWHFWLQJWKHRʒFHUV HJHGXFDWLQJWKHPDERXW Regulation and Enforcement Activities. transmission, vaccination, and treatment). (GXFDWLQJDQG$ZDUHQHVVFDPSDLJQWRWKHSXEOLFLQ Protecting the community (e.g., maintaining public general. order).

&RRUGLQDWHGHʏRUWVZLWKVWDNHKROGHUVSHUWDLQLQJWR 2. DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY INTERVENTIONS COVID-19 suspects. (Identify, Track, Trace, Isolate, '85,1*&29,' Surveillance and Security of suspects/contacts). 7KHGLJLWDOWRROVZHUHLQLWLDWHGWRFRPEDWWKHVSUHDG of COVID-19 and maintain the public order and Humanitarian assistance, Supportive and Relief safety. It included collection, collation, compilation, measures by Police. analysis and dissemination of information and ZDVLQWHQGHG WR GHWHFW HDUO\ ZDUQLQJ VLJQDOV RI Mobilization, preparedness, capacity building, LPSHQGLQJ ODZ RXWEUHDNV VXUYHLOODQFH RI &29,' ZHOIDUHPHDVXUHVWRWKHIRUFH contacts / suspects, and help in initiating an Preparing the department (e.g., maintaining HʏHFWLYHUHVSRQVHLQDWLPHO\PDQQHU operational continuity).

142 Bureau of Police Research and Development INDIAN Police Response to Covid -19

Major technology interventions deployed during v) Public Address System (PAS) COVID-19 to contain the virus and maintain the 7KH3$6ZHUHLQVWDOOHGDVSDUWRIWKH&&79V\VWHP public order. in various locations. 3. COMMUNICATION TOOLS  27+(5722/6 i) Video Conferencing System i) Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) The regular and vigorous use of Multi-location ,&&& ZDVXVHG IRU LQFUHDVLQJ DZDUHQHVV DPRQJ 9LGHR&RQIHUHQFLQJE\WKHVHQLRURʒFHUVIRURQOLQH SHRSOHHQKDQFLQJFRRUGLQDWLRQEHWZHHQGLʏHUHQW VWDʏWUDLQLQJDQGDZDUHQHVVVHVVLRQVRQ&29,' GHSDUWPHQWVHQJDJLQJZLWKRQʐHOGVXSSRUWVWDʏ to direct them. ii) WhatsApp Groups 7KH PXOWLSOH :KDWV$SS JURXSV ZHUH IRUPHG IRU ii) COVID War Room seamless communication, to contain the spread of $Q H[FOXVLYH [ &29,' &RPPDQG &HQWHU ZDU COVID-19 and improve safety and security of all URRP  ZDV HVWDEOLVKHG WKURXJKRXW WKH ORFNGRZQ WKHVWDʏZKRDUHVHUYLQJWKH&29,'FRQWDFWV WRFRPEDWWKHVSUHDGRI&29,'DVDQH[WHQVLRQWR the Integrated Command & Control Center (ICCC). 7KH :KDWV$SS JURXSV ZHUH IRUPHG IRU YDULRXV It facilitated the real-time events by consuming VWDNHKROGHUVEDVHGRQWKHQHHGZHUH YLGHR DQG GDWD IHHGV IURP GLʏHUHQW VRXUFHV DQG D  3ROLFH Ŝ ([FOXVLYHO\ IRU VHQLRU DQG ʐHOG VWDʏ processed information disseminated to all the stake RʒFHUV holders. E  3ROLFH'RFWRUV3DUDPHGLFDOVWDʏ iii) Dial-100 System c) Police, Municipal, Transport, and other 'HGLFDWHG &29,' KHOSOLQHV ZHUH LQWURGXFHG government agencies; WR DGGUHVV GLʏHUHQW LVVXHV RI WKH SXEOLF UHODWHG d) Police, Municipal, Transport, and essential directly or indirectly to COVID-19. Public raised all goods suppliers; grievances related to various issues such as violation ofhome quarantine norms, social distancing, iii) Social Media Platform YLRODWLRQRIORFNGRZQRUGHUVHPHUJHQF\LVVXHVHWF ([WHQVLYHDQGSRVLWLYHXVHRI6RFLDO0HGLDZKHWKHU LW ZDV )DFHERRN RU 7ZLWWHU ZDV RQH RI WKH GLJLWDO iv) Geographical Information System (Gis) tools used by the Telangana State police to curb the 7KH *,6 ZDV XVHG WR JHRIHQFH WKH FRQWDLQPHQW spread of the COVID-19 and alerting the citizens zones and tagged each COVID-19 contact on the about the precautions that could be taken. map and monitor quarantined people and positive cases through their movement using Geo-fencing iv) Video Message Boards (VMB) services. 7KH90%VZHUHXVHGWRLQFUHDVHSXEOLFDZDUHQHVV by running the promotional videos, guidelines, Dos and Don’ts and other aspects, signboards etc.


Bureau of Police Research and Development 143 INDIAN Police Response to Covid -19

medical advice on various health related issues The drone-based surveillance assisted the ground such as mental stress, physical illness or any other forces to monitor sensitive areas in the city to diseases. prevent the spread of the virus. It helped in FRPSOLDQFH ZLWK WKH PHDVXUHV OLNH WKH FORVXUH  7(/$1*$1$(3$666<67(0 of non-essential public places, avoid public 7KH RQOLQH H3DVV V\VWHP ZLWK DQ DXWRPDWLF JDWKHULQJVWUDʒFFRQJHVWLRQDQDO\VLVHWF DSSURYDO PHFKDQLVP ZDV GHSOR\HG H[FOXVLYH WR address the essential supplies and services and 8. CAMERA BASED MASK AND SOCIAL DISTANCE emergency requirements. DETECTION 7KHFDPHUDEDVHGGHWHFWLRQRIPDVNYLRODWLRQVZDV 7. TRACKING AND ENFORCEMENT TOOLS done at various locations in the city. The systems Lockdown Violation provided the heat map of violations to understand 'XULQJ WKH ORFNGRZQ SHULRG WKH YHKLFXODU DQG and assess the areas of non-compliances and SXEOLF PRYHPHQWV ZHUH UHVWULFWHG H[FHSW WKH initiate corrective measures. essential goods transport and emergency related Crowd and Vehicle Analytics movements. In order to enforce these movements, IHZWHFKQRORJLFDOLQWHUYHQWLRQVZHUHGHSOR\HGWR 7KH H[LVWLQJ FLW\ZLGH &&79 V\VWHP ZDV XVHG control the movement. to keep a strict vigil on people and vehicular PRYHPHQWGXULQJWKHORFNGRZQSHULRG Surveillance of COVID Suspect / Contact &URZG$QDO\WLFVXVHGRQ&&79YLGHRIHHGWRLGHQWLI\ 7KH PDMRU REMHFWLYH RI VXVSHFW VXUYHLOODQFH ZDV the public gathering locations beyond permissible to detect, track and monitor the movement of OLPLWV7KHLGHQWLʐHGFDVHVZHUHUHSRUWHGIRUFRXUVH contacts; escalating and maintaining the mitigation of action. PHDVXUHV WKHLU HʏHFWLYHQHVV ZHUH DVVHVVHG at regular short intervals to ensure the desired Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) reduction or interruption of COVID transmission $QDO\WLFV ZHUH XVHG WR LGHQWLI\ WKH YHKLFOH LQ into the population. violation and generated the challans and seizure of the vehicles if required. Lockdown violation tracking app for COVID19: 7R WUDFN WKH YLRODWRUV RI /RFNGRZQ RQ UHDOWLPH ANPR Analytics ITE&C Dept., TS provided an application. This real- 7KH$135V\VWHPZDVXVHGWRLGHQWLI\WKHYHKLFOHV time app helpedin controlling the unnecessary WKDW ZHUH YLRODWHG EH\RQG SHUPLVVLEOH WUDYHO PRYHPHQWRIWKHFLWL]HQVZKRZHUHFRPLQJRXWDQG distance of 3 KMS from their home location. The crossing 3 kilometers from his/her location. YLRODWHGYHKLFOHVZHUHVHL]HGDQGSHQDOL]HGIRUWKH violation. Drone Based Surveillance 3ULQW0HGLD$UWLFOHV  KWWSVZZZWKHKLQGXFRPQHZVFLWLHV+\GHUDEDGFURVVLQJNPUDGLXVWRDWWUDFWFKDOODQV article31166781.ece  KWWSVZZZWKHKLQGXFRPQHZVFLWLHV+\GHUDEDGWHODQJDQDSROLFHWRVWDUWRQOLQHPRQLWRULQJ article31171889.ece 3.  KWWSVZZZGHFFDQKHUDOGFRPQDWLRQDOVRXWKWFRYLGDSSIRUSXEOLFRIILFLDOVODXQFKHGLQ telangana-824066.html  KWWSVWLPHVRʐQGLDLQGLDWLPHVFRPFLW\K\GHUDEDGFRSVXVHDSSWRFDWFKWKRVHEUHDFKLQJNP QRUPDUWLFOHVKRZFPV (OHFWURQLF0HGLD$UWLFOHV  KWWSVZZZ\RXWXEHFRPZDWFK"Y MQ6+58 IHDWXUH \RXWXEH  KWWSVZZZ\RXWXEHFRPZDWFK"Y 4Q)'=T,\  KWWSVZZZ\RXWXEHFRPZDWFK"Y G79K%H,;LF YO HQ?  KWWSVZZZ\RXWXEHFRPZDWFK"Y ]70$7VGV YO HQ  KWWSVZZZ\RXWXEHFRPZDWFK"Y K.*V%2$.

144 Bureau of Police Research and Development INDIAN Police Response to Covid -19


7HODQJDQDVWDWHSROLFHKDVIRUZDUGHGVXFFHVVVWRULHV HYROYHG EDVHG RQ QHZ UHTXLUHPHQWV 7KH FKDUW of Hyderabad city, and Rachakonda. EHORZVKRZVWKHWUDQVLWLRQ 7KHVHDUHGHVFULEHGLQIROORZLQJSDUDJUDSKV $ORQJZLWK&RQWDFW7UDFLQJUHVLGHQFHVRI&29,' HYDERABAD CITY POLICE SDWLHQWV ZHUH JHR WDJJHG DQG VXUYHLOODQFH RI quarantined patients enhanced. This helped in Operational Initiatives identifying and ring fencing of containment areas. No Harm Policing Principle Tech enabled lockdown enforcement Since the inception of the Covid crisis City Police FRQVFLRXVO\ DGRSWHG WKH SUDFWLFH RI šʐUVW GR +\GHUDEDG &LW\ 3ROLFH DOVR XVHG QHZ DJH no harm”. City Police opted for Compassion and technologies such as Facial Recognition and GPS 6HQVLWLYLW\ RYHU XVH RI IRUFH /RFNGRZQ YLRODWRUV (App Based) citizen movement radius tracking. This ZHUHLQLWLDOO\FRXQVHOHGDQGDUUHVWZDVDOVRPDGH KHOSHGXVFRQWDLQWKHVSUHDGWRDYHU\ODUJHH[WHQW as the last resort. KARIMNAGAR Personnel Safety and motivation, a top Priority Steps taken by Karimnagar Police during the Police personnel soon realized that the police COVID-19 crisis. IURQWOLQHZRUNHUVZRXOGKDYHWRHQVXUHWKHLURZQ safety lest they should become the agents of the ,GHQWLNJFDWLRQDQGFRQWDFWWUDFLQJRI,QGRQHVLDQV SDQGHPLF WKHPVHOYHV 33( NLWV ZHUH XVHG DQG As a response to alert messages about the rail UHJXODUWKHUPDOVFUHHQLQJZDVHQVXUHG WUDYHORI,QGRQHVLDQQDWLRQDOVVSHFLDOWHDPVZHUH hurriedly formed to identify and trace the COVID-19 Communication VXVSHFWV7KHVDLGSHRSOHZHUHPHGLFDOO\H[DPLQHG 7R FXUE PLVLQIRUPDWLRQ IDNH QHZV UXPRUV DQG DQG RQH RI WKHP ZDV WHVWHG SRVLWLYH IRU &RURQD WR VSUHDG DZDUHQHVV RQ &29,' SURWRFROV DQG 6SHFLDO7HDPVDOVRLGHQWLʐHGWKHSULPDU\FRQWDFWV JRYHUQPHQW RUGHUV PXOWLPHGLD SODWIRUPV ZHUH of the Indonesians. Teams made local enquiries, H[WHQVLYHO\XVHGDQGXWLOL]HG7KHVHDUHGHVFULEHG H[DPLQHG WKH &&79 GHYHORSHG SKRWRJUDSKV LQ as under: order to trace primary contacts and geo-tagged WKHLUKRXVHVZLWKRXWJLYLQJDQ\URRPIXUWKHUDQG 7KH DZDUHQHVV FDPSDLJQV ZHUH LPSOHPHQWHG hence breaking the chain of the spread of the virus. WKURXJK VWDʏ DQG PRXQWHG SROLFH SUHVV PHHWV 906ERDUGVʑH[HV$QQRXQFHPHQWWKURXJKSDWUROV Establishment and Management of containment posts in social media, launching of videos. =RQHV To put a stop to further transmission of virus, Information Management FRQWDLQPHQW ]RQHV ZHUH HVWDEOLVKHG RQ WKH EDVLV :LWKDKXJHVHWRILQIRUPDWLRQWKDWZDVFDSWXUHG of movement of the COVID-19 suspects. As a result pertaining to the pandemic, role of data analysis PD[LPXPQXPEHURISULPDU\FRQWDFWVZDVIRXQGLQ using cutting edge technologies became important these containment zones. Later on, seven more areas to arrive at right decisions. These technologies ZHUH GHFODUHG DV FRQWDLQPHQW DUHDV 6XUYHLOODQFH ZHUH XVLQJ&&79DQG'URQHVZDVFDUULHGRXW Working with the Citizens, for the citizens $ZDUHQHVV3URJUDPPHVLQ&RQWDLQPHQW=RQHV Hyderabad City Police roped in volunteers to support The Mobile control room played a recorded audio other citizens in various areas, including elderly message regarding precautions to be taken in care, transport, food supply, data management etc. containing the spread of COVID-19, such as social GLVWDQFLQJ ZDVKLQJ KDQGV XVH RI IDFH PDVNV HWF 2FFDVLRQDO IRRG GRQDWLRQ FDPSV ZHUH DOVR in all the Containment zones. Strict surveillance RUJDQL]HG ZLWK VWULFW VRFLDO GLVWDQFLQJ QRUPV 'U\ WKURXJKGURQHDQG&&79FDPHUDVZDVDOVRHQVXUHG UDWLRQZDVDOVRGLVWULEXWHG $VKRUWʐOPZDVVFUHHQHGLQSXEOLFDUHDVWRFUHDWH Professional Contact Tracing DZDUHQHVVDPRQJWKHSXEOLF From the early implementation of physical 0HGLFDO7HVWVLQ&RQWDLQPHQW=RQHV questionnaires to a more reliable blend of Medical Teams formed to conduct tests conducted WHFKQRORJ\ SOXV ʐHOG LQYHVWLJDWLRQ PHWKRG WKH D5DSLG)HYHU6XUYH\FRYHULQJKRXVHVZLWKD Contact Tracing protocol of Hyderabad City Police

Bureau of Police Research and Development 145 INDIAN Police Response to Covid -19

SRSXODWLRQRIODNKVZLWKLQDUDGLXVRI.PWR Migrant workers check if anyone had symptoms of Corona virus and 7R HQG WKH ZRHV RI WKH PLJUDQW ZRUNHUV VHYHUDO also to collect information on travel and contact GRQRUV IHG WKHP LQ WKHLU DUHDV $UHDV ZLWK KLJK history of the inhabitants. FRQFHQWUDWLRQ RI PLJUDQW ZRUNHUV ZHUH LGHQWLʐHG DQGFRRNHGIRRGDQGGU\UDWLRQZHUHVXSSOLHG Hassle Free Supply of Essential Commodities In &RQWDLQPHQW$UHD Under a pioneering initiative of Rachakonda Police $SDUW IURP HQIRUFLQJ WKH ORFNGRZQ .DULPQDJDU LQSDUWQHUVKLSZLWK7DWD,QVWLWXWHRI6RFLDO6FLHQFHV police rendered other services to the people by QHDUO\ZRUNHUVZHUHLQWHUYLHZHGSHUVRQDOO\ ensuring an un-interrupted supply of the essential DQG WKHLU UHTXLUHPHQWV ZHUH DVVHVVHG :KHUHYHU commodities to the people. The police helped LQWHUYHQWLRQV ZHUH UHTXLUHG WKH\ ZHUH SURYLGHG the migrant labourers and poor, old age homes ZLWK GU\ UDWLRQ NLWV PHGLFLQHV KHDOWK FKHFNXS by providing cooked food and dry ration to them. VSHFLDOO\WRVLFNDQGSUHJQDQWZRPHQZDWHUVXSSO\ Unobstructed movement of vehicle carrying UHQWDOLVVXHVZLWKRZQHUVHWF HVVHQWLDOJRRGVZDVHQVXUHGDQGWKHLUSULFHVZHUH also monitored. Addressing the Lockdown Blues – Loneliness 7R DVVLVW WKRVH ZKR UHTXLUHG DVVLVWDQFH DQG +HOSLQJWKH3HRSOHLQ(PHUJHQF\6LWXDWLRQV counselling, Rachakonda Police initiated a The police personnel helped numerous senior psycho-social counselling call center manned by citizens and children in emergency situations such professionals. as medical aid, thereby saving the precious lives GXULQJWKHORFNGRZQSHULRG)XUWKHUSROLFHKHOSHG Adoption of Shelter Homes – WKHSUHJQDQWZRPDQDQGWKHVLFNSHRSOHE\XVLQJ Old Age Homes, Orphanages and Homes for Specially police vehicles to ferry them to the hospitals. $EOH SHUVRQV ZHUH DGRSWHG E\ &RPPLVVLRQHU RI Police Rachakonda on behalf of Rachakonda Police Rachakonda Police Commissionerate.The requirement of each of the Initiatives taken by Rachakonda Police are detailed KRPH ZDV DVVHVVHG E\ WKH 6+2 FRQFHUQHG DQG EHORZ IXUQLVKHGWRWKH&32ʒFH Hunger management Caring for Mothers – $VSHFLDOXQLWDW&RPPLVVLRQHUDWHOHYHOZDVIRUPHG 2QH RI WKH PRVW YXOQHUDEOH FDWHJRULHV ZDV to act as a single point for all the helping hands pregnant mothers and therefore the Rachakonda DSSURDFKLQJ DQG RʏHULQJ WKHLU VHUYLFHV LQFOXGLQJ 3ROLFHLQLWLDWHGDSURJUDPPHWRVXSSRUWWKHPZLWK food and ration to the needy. So far, nearly 600 a nutrition kit comprising ragi malt, dates, dry fruit, LQGLYLGXDOV  FRPSDQLHV DQG  1*2V ZHUH milk in tetra pack, a carton of eggs and fruits. DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK 5DFKDNRQGD 3ROLFH LQ VHUYLQJ WKH Ensuring dignity of Women – needy and poor. Around 50 lakhs meals and per KHDG PHDO NLWV ZHUH VHUYHG GXULQJ WKH ORFNGRZQ $GGHG WR WKH SOLJKW RI PLJUDQW ZRUNHUV LV WKH period. PHQVWUXDOLVVXHIDFHGE\ZRPHQZDONLQJNLORPHWHUV or at makeshift shelters. To meet the untold agony, Police distributed 8000 sanitary napkin packets to WKHZRPHQ Transgender inclusive – The often missed out or neglected community in service is a transgender community. Rachakonda Police distributed dry ration kits to all transgenders LQWKHSRFNHWVRIDUHDVZKHUHWKH\PRVWO\LQKDELWHG Singing Cops – &RXSOH RI RʒFHUV XVHG WKHLU SDVVLRQ WR DGGUHVV the COVID-19 policing needs. While one urged the

146 Bureau of Police Research and Development INDIAN Police Response to Covid -19 public through his song to be cautious of and take SHULRGLFDOO\ D IROORZ XS FKHFNXS DIWHU VXUJHU\ safety measures, the other composed a song on a for physically handicapped or elderly couple. positive note to motivate people. 5DFKDNRQGD 3ROLFH SDUWQHUHG ZLWK 0DKLQGUD DO\WH and Srinivasa Tours and Travels to caterto the public needs as noted above.

Celebrating in adversity – Rachakonda Police happily obliged the request RI SHRSOH OLYLQJ RXWVLGH WKH VWDWH WR ZLVK WKHLU relatives and bring a smile to their faces. VIDEO LINK KWWSVWZLWWHUFRP*DGZDO6S status/1270266826862112768 Twitter Rachakonda Police May 29 $ORQJ ZLWK WKH FRRUGLQDWLRQ RI 6PW 6DW\DYDWKL RI Bhoomika Foundation and her team,85 Odisha 0LJUDQWVZHUHVHQWWRWKHLUQDWLYHVWDWHZKLOHWKH\ ZHUHSURFHHGLQJRQIRRWE\URDG

Tapping the Energy and Timeof Youth – 6FRUHVRIYROXQWHHUVFDPHIRUZDUGWRPDQDJHIRRG distribution and food supply management, TISS VXUYH\RIPLJUDQWZRUNHUVPHGLFDOFKHFNXSWRVWDʏ DQG PLJUDQW ZRUNHUV SV\FKRORJLFDO FRXQVHOOLQJ dog feeding, etc. Facilitating the Public movement amidst /RFNGRZQ Electronic Pass - Enabling an e-platform to obtain an e- pass for a hassle-free movement. Police @MBNRpolice 1RQ0HGLFDO (PHUJHQF\ 7UDQVSRUW 6HUYLFHV Ŝ Rural Police team took the stranded migrant Since the public required transport for treatment ODERXUHUV WR VKHOWHU DQG ZDV DUUDQJLQJ of other ailments apart from corona like a regular transportation. dialysis treatment, a critical injection to be taken

Bureau of Police Research and Development 147 INDIAN Police Response to Covid -19

Dr Chaitanya Singh @MidnightReportr May 20 FrontLineWarriors one in support of one another. 0DKHVK %KDJZDW ,36 5DFKDNRQGD 3ROLFH  May 17 distributesbiscuits , food grains & masks among ZRUNHUV  WKHLU NLGV DW D FRQVWUXFWLRQ VLWH DW Parvatapur Road.

148 Bureau of Police Research and Development