Greener Greenwich Strategy Greenwich Greener FOREWARD
Greener Greenwich Strategy The Council’s response to a changing climate GREENWICH 2016 FOREWARD Climate change and air pollution present a significant challenge to communities globally, nationally and of course right here in the Royal Borough of Greenwich. In cities and urban areas particularly, both air pollution and the effects of climate change represent a growing threat to the wellbeing of the people that live there. Heating homes and powering transport, buildings and industries all result in emissions, which in turn contribute to air pollution and ultimately climate change. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, impact on wellbeing and economic consequences are a just some of the issues associated with climate change. It is vital that the council recognises its role in responding to these difficult and complex challenges. We are committed to reducing emissions in the local area and safeguarding our communities and local environment from the impact of air pollution and climate change. We will also look to help residents, businesses and local organisations make a positive contribution in implementing a more sustainable future. The Greener Greenwich Strategy outlines the action the council is taking to do just that. It involves looking at alternative low carbon energy supplies, making homes more energy efficient, modifying the way we travel, improving waste systems, enhancing the natural environment, and securing high environmental standards in new developments. The council also recognises that the actions we take to reduce emissions also brings additional benefits such as improving the wellbeing of local people, tackling fuel poverty, and fostering sustainable and smart growth.
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