No End to Pta Spike Attacks Sinesipho Schrieber Also Tasked to Gather Information on the “This Should Enable the Ppoliceolice to Spike Networks
East 18515/25-6-21 QUALITY USED VEHICLES AWESOME DEALS JUNE 25, 2021 012-842-0300 012 329 0730 | Pretoria celebrates its youth The youth of this country are currently facing some diffi cult challenges. Youth unemployment stood at 46,3% in the fi rst quarter of 2021 according to StatsSA. Covid-19 has resulted in the closure of many of our schools, delaying the youth from access to education. But, despite these challenges, the youth are the future. For this reason South Africans celebrated the youth in the month of June. The month was also dedicated to remembering the youth of 1976 who stood up against Bantu education. Last Wednesday, June 16, marked the 45-year anniversary of the uprising in Soweto. We stand by our youth! | Photo: Carli Koch No end to Pta spike attacks Sinesipho Schrieber also tasked to gather information on the “This should enable the ppoliceolice to spike networks. identify these criminals andd to determine With Pretoria highways over the past Institute for Security Studies policing their modus operandi,” he ssaid.aid. three years plagued by spiking incidents, analyst Dr Johan Burger said the spiking “It is important to escalatete the security some of which even turned deadly, problem could be seen as part of overall response to an integrated approachpproach policing analysts believe that the crime which he described as becoming which should involve the SAPS,APS, metro security cluster need to work together “progressively worse”. police, private security, neighbourhoodghbourhood and do more to combating this crime.
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