
Observational Constraints on Surface Characteristics of

Comet Nuclei

Humberto Campins ([email protected] u)

Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona

Yanga Fernandez

University of Hawai'i


Direct observations of the nuclear surfaces of have b een dicult; however

a growing number of studies are overcoming observational challenges and yielding

new information on cometary surfaces. In this review, we fo cus on recent determi-

nations of the alb edos, re ectances, and thermal inertias of nuclei. There is

not much diversity in the geometric alb edo of the comet nuclei observed so far (a

range of 0.025 to 0.06). There is a greater diversity of alb edos among the Centaurs,

and the sample of prop erly observed TNOs (2) is still to o small. Based on their

alb edos and Tisserand invariants, Fernandez et al. (2001) estimate that ab out 5%

of the near- have a cometary origin, and place an upp er limit of

10%. The agreement between this estimate and two other indep endent metho ds

provide the strongest constraint to date on the fraction of ob jects that comets

contribute to the p opulation of near-Earth asteroids. There is a diversity of visible

colors among comets, candidates, Centaurs and TNOs. Comet nuclei

are clearly not as red as the reddest Centaurs and TNOs. What Jewitt (2002) calls

ultra-red matter seems to be absent from the surfaces of comet nuclei. Rotationally

resolved observations of b oth colors and alb edos are needed to disentangle the e ects

of rotational variability from other intrinsic qualities. New constraints on thermal

inertia of comets are consistent with previous indep endent estimates. The thermal

inertia estimates for Centaurs and 8405 Asb olus are signi cantly lower

than predicted by thermal mo dels, and also lower than the few upp er limits or

constraints known for active, ordinary nuclei.

Keywords: Comets, Nuclei, Surfaces

1. Intro duction

The nucleus is where cometary activity originates. However, direct ob-

servations of the nuclear surfaces of comets have been dicult. This

diculty is due to the gas and dust generally present when

comets are close to the , and due to the faintness of comet nuclei

when at large helio centric distances. A growing number of studies are

overcoming these observational challenges and yielding new information

on cometary surfaces. In this review, we fo cus on recent determinations

of the alb edos, re ectances, and thermal inertias of comet nuclei. We

also compare these surface characteristics to those of related p opula-


2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

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2 H. Campins and Y. Fernandez

tions such as extinct comet candidates, Centaurs, near-Earth asteroids

(NEAs), transneptunian ob jects (TNOs) and Tro jan asteroids. The size

distribution of cometary nuclei is discussed elsewhere by Fernandez et

al (1999). and by Weismann and Lowry (2001).

Successful observations of comet surfaces have used observational

techniques that fall into three categories, (a) observations of comets at

large helio centric distances, (b) observations of comets near Earth and

(c) imaging by visiting spacecraft. Observations of distant comets aim

to identify the nucleus in the absence of a coma; however, many comets

remain active at large distances. For example, photometry of comet

Encke throughout its orbit reveals a p eculiar behavior, with an actual

increase in Encke's intrinsic brightness near aphelion (e.g., Meech et al.

2001, Licandro et al. 2001, Sekanina 1991, Barker et al. 1981). Hence,

it is often necessary to estimate and subtract a remnant coma, which

is dicult to characterize due to the low spatial resolution. One of the

main uncertainties asso ciated with observations of distant comet nuclei

is the p ossibility that an unresolved coma can go undetected. Neverthe-

less, recent studies have rep orted apparently successful observations of

comet nuclei at visible (e.g., Jewitt 2002) as well as mid-infrared wave-

lengths (Fernandez et al. 2002). These studies allow estimates of the

nucler size, assuming an alb edo in the case of visible wavelengths only,

and measuring the alb edo, in the case of simultaneous mid-infrared and

visible detections.

At smaller geo centric distances, the increased spatial resolution al-

lows a better characterization and subtraction of a coma. This tech-

nique was initially applied to low activity comets Neujmin 1, Arend-

Rigaux and Temp el 2 (Campins et al. 1987, Millis et al. 1988, A'Hearn

et al. 1989). More active comets with very close approaches to Earth

have yielded useful but more limited information ab out their nuclei. For

example, estimates of the sizes of comets IRAS-Araki-Alco ck, Sugano-

Saigusa-Fujikawa and Hyakutake resulted from mid infrared observa-

tions and radar observations near closest approach (Hanner et al. 1985,

Hanner et al. 1987, Harmon et al. 1989, Harmon et al. 1997). The

Hubble Space Telescop e has brought many more comets within the

reach of the coma subtraction technique. The sizes, and approximate

shap es of some 15 comet nuclei have b een estimated so far based on

HST imaging, in a few cases the nuclear colors have also been extracted

(Lamy et al. 1998, 1999, 2001).

Finally, imaging of the resolved nuclei of comets Halley and Bor-

relly have b een obtained by visiting spacecreaft. Results from the 1986

encounters with comet Halley have been summarized in a number

of publications, including Huebner (1990) and references therein. On

September 22, 2001, NASA's Deep Space 1 (DS1) spacecraft encoun-

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Surface Characteristics of Comet Nuclei 3

tered comet Borrely. Initial results on Borrelly's nuclear characteristics

have b een rep orted (e.g., Britt et al. 2001, Buratti et al. 2001) and

additional details are exp ected as the science teams have more time to

analyze the observations. Figure 1, is the DS1 image of comet Borrelly

at closest approach. One of the most notable features of the surface of

comet Borrelly is the low value of the alb edo (average geometric alb edo

2.2%, which is somewhat dep endent on the assumed; Bu-

ratti et al. 2001) and its variability across the surface (at least a factor of

two). When considering alb edo values obtained from ground based ob-

servations, it is imp ortant to keep in mind the range of values observed

in comet Borrelly. The ground based values are averaged over the side

of the that faces Earth. Rep orts of rotational variability

of color and sp ectral shap e in a comet and a Centaur, suggest that

even with the coarse sampling achievable from Earth based telescop es,

rotational variability of the alb edo of comet nuclei could be detectable

photometrically (see section 3).

1.1. Related Populations

Several p opulations of minor bodies may be linked to

comet nuclei. -family comets, Centaurs and TNOs are b elieved

to be closely related. More sp eci cally, the low inclination of Jupiter-

family comet orbits led Fernandez (1980) to prop ose that these ob jects

come from an p opulation of icy ob jects in the transneptunian

region. Since then, a number of authors have studied how gravita-

tional interactions and collisions can bring TNOs (e.g., Duncan Quinn

and Tremaine 1988, Levison and Duncan 1997) and their fragments

(Farinella and Davis 1996) into orbits contained within those of the

giant planets (which is our de nition of a Centaur orbit). Interactions

with the giant planets can reduce the p erihelion distance of some of

these ob jects to the point where they are observed as active comets. In

addition, the Tro jan asteroids could be a source of some of the Jupiter-

family comets (e.g., Marzari et al. 1995). In turn, extinct or dormant

comets have been prop osed as one source of near-Earth asteroids (e.g.,

Bottke et al. 2002). Information ab out the surface comp osition of these

related p opulations is also increasing and helping us understand the

links between them.

Oort cloud comets are b elieved to have formed near the giant planets


and were gravitationally scattered into orbits with aphelia in the 10 to


10 AU range (e.g., Stern and Weissman 2001 and references therein).

As we discuss b elow, most observations of the nuclear surfaces made to

date are of Jupiter-family comets. Detailed observations of

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Figure 1. Comet Borrelly is the rst Jupiter-family comet to be imaged by a visiting

spacecraft. This image was obtained 160 seconds b efore closest approach by NASA's

Deep Space 1 spacecraft. The image resolution was approximately 48 meters per

pixel. A variety of terrain and surface features are apparent. Smo oth rolling planes

containing brighter regions are present near the middle of the image and seem to

be the source of the dust jets observed in the coma. Darker and rougher terrain

is also observed and may represent older surface material. Alb edo variations of at

least a factor of two across surface have been identi ed (Britt et al. 2001, Buratti

et al. 2001). Stereo analysis shows that the smaller end of the nucleus (lower left)

is tipp ed toward the viewer (out of the frame). Sunlight is coming from the left of

the frame (image and caption information courtesy of NASA and the Jet Propulsion

Lab oratory).

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Surface Characteristics of Comet Nuclei 5

comet nuclei are an imp ortant missing element necessary to test current

views of the origin of comets.

2. Alb edo

2.1. Definitions

An essential element in making meaningful comparisons among comets

and with other minor b o dies is to insure the de nitions of the surface

characteristics are the same. In this section we discuss the de nitions

of alb edo and the main metho d for estimating it. Determination of the

alb edo for minor solar system ob jects is most commonly achieved from

a combination of mid-infrared and scattered light observations. Ideally,

these observations are obtained simultaneously to avoid errors intro-

duced by brightness variability, such as that pro duced by the rotation

of a non-spherical ob ject and/or an ob ject with variable surface alb edo.

This approach is commonly known as the radiometric metho d and also

yields the e ective radius of the ob ject. The radiometric metho d was

rst used by Allen (1970) to estimate the alb edo and radii of aster-

oids and is reviewed in detail by Leb ofsky and Sp encer (1989). Here,

we present a brief description. The measured ux density at visible

wavelengths  and in the mid-infrared (also called thermal infrared)


wavelength  are a function of a number of parameters:


 F ( )

vis vis


R p ; (1) F ( ) =

vis vis

2 2

(r=1AU) 4 





F ( ) =  B (T (pq ;  ; ); )dd cos  R ; (2)

mir mir  mir



Where F is the ux density from the Sun at 1 AU as a function

of wavelength; r and  are the ob ject's helio centric and geo centric

distances,  is the phase function in each wavelength regime; B is the

Planck function;  is the infrared emissivity;  is the infrared b eaming

factor; and T is the temp erature. The temp erature is a function of

the geometric alb edo p, surface planetographic co ordinates  and 

and the phase integral q. In most cases, the \standard thermal mo del"

(STM) for slow rotating ob jects is used to determine the temp erature

distribution and evaluate equations 1 and 2. Other mo dels, such as

the isothermal latitude mo del and the thermophysical mo del, must be

applied when the conditions of the STM are not met (Leb ofsky and

Sp encer 1989, Sp encer et al. 1989).

The Bond alb edo A, and the geometric alb edo are linked by the

phase integral, A = pq. When ob jects are observed near opp osition

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6 H. Campins and Y. Fernandez

and the alb edo is referred to a sp eci c wavelength (e.g., V or R), valid

comparisons can be made. However, care must be taken when compar-

ing alb edos since most published alb edos are geometric, mono chromatic

and for a sp eci c scattering angle (i.e., the corrections for phase e ects

in equations 1 and 2 are not always applied).

2.2. Trends

The number of comets with well-determined visible geometric alb e-

dos has recently jump ed from ve (Campins et al. 1995) to twelve

(Fernandez et al. 2002, and Buratti et al. 2001). The list of comets

and their geometric alb edos is given in Table I, which also includes

four Centaurs, two TNOs, and and its mo on Charon. Figure 2

(adapted from Fernandez et al. 2002) is a plot of the geometric alb edo

versus e ective radius (top), versus p erihelion distance (middle) and

versus color (b otton). One of the features evident in Table I and Figure

2 is that comet nuclei all have alb edos no larger than 6%. A trend with

p erihelion distance would have suggested that the alb edo is altered by

insolation, but no such trend is apparent. A trend with radius might

imply a connection with e ects that dep end on cross section (such as

impact rate) or surface gravity. Jewitt et al. (2001) found a correlation

with radius at the 3-sigma level; however, this correlation was solely due

to Charon. If we consider only the Jupiter-family comets, a slight trend

in the opp osite direction (decreasing alb edo with increasing radius)

may be suggested by the data. However, a rank correlation test yields

a correlation signi cant only at the 2.0-sigma level. The limited data

set do es not warrant a more detailed analysis at this time.

The range of alb edos observed indicates that there is a greater di-

versity among the Centaurs than among the comets. Activity, such as

that observed in 2060 Chiron, might lead to an overestimate of the

scattered light ux and of the alb edo; however, for 8405 Asb olus this

is not the case. It app ears that during the dynamical di usion from

the transneptunian region, through the Centaur region, into the inner

solar system, an ob ject do es not necessarily preserve its alb edo (or its

color, see Section 3). This e ect could be due to our biased sample, with

no small ob jects measured in the Centaur and TNO region. One the

other hand, this e ect may provide clues to the mechanisms of comet

activity, since the activity on Chiron do es not app ear to leave b ehind

the same dark, mantled surface we have observed in active comets

Halley and Borrelly. For example, an ob ject that becomes active in

the Centaur region may be exp osing pristine and/or covering the

surface with high alb edo icy grains. This scenario would suggest that

the high alb edo observed in Asb olus is indicative of recent activity

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Surface Characteristics of Comet Nuclei 7

Table I. Alb edos and Radii of Comets and Related Bo dies

Ob ject E . Radius Geom. Alb edo Notes

1P/Halley 5:2  0:1 0:04  0:01 a

2P/Encke 2:4  0:3 0:046  0:023 b

9P/Temp el 1 2:9  0:4 0:05  0:02 c

+0:25 +0:004

10P/Temp el 2 5:9 0:022 d

0:7 0:006

19P/Borrelly 2:5  0:1 0:022  0:003 e

22P/Kop 1:5  0:2 0:05  0:01 f

28P/Neujmin 1 10:0  0:5 0:025  0:008 g

49P/Arend-Rigaux 5:1  0:25 0:028  0:005 h

55P/Temp el-Tuttle 1:8  0:4 0:06  0:015 i

107P/Wilson-Harrington 2:0  0:25 0:05  0:01 j

C/1983 H1 IRAS-Araki-Alco ck 4:6  0:5 0:02  0:01 k

C/1995 O1 Hale-Bopp 30  10 0:04  0:03 l

95P/Chiron 80  10 0:15  0:03 m

(5145) Pholus 95  13 0:044  0:013 n

(8405) Asb olus 33  4 0:13  0:03 o

(10199) Chariklo 151  15 0:045  0:010 p

Pluto 1172  27 0:53  0:01 q

Charon 625  25 0:38  0:01 q

(15789) 1993 SC 164  30 0:022  0:010 r

(20000) Varuna 450  70 0:07  0:025 s

Errors are those quoted by the authors, except where noted. Notes: a: the

radius is the geometric mean of the three semiaxes rep orted by Keller et

al. (1987); the alb edo is that rep orted by Keller et al. (1987); the errors are

estimates of the errors in the mean; b: Fernandez et al. (2000); c: Fernandez et

al. (2003); d: A'Hearn et al. (1989); e: the radius is the geometric mean of the

three semiaxes rep orted by Boice et al, presentation at IAU Coll. 186, Tenerife,

2002); the alb edo is also that rep orted by Boice et al.; the errors are estimates

of the errors in the mean; f: Jorda et al. (2000); g: Campins et al. (1987); h:

Millis et al. (1988); i: average of results by Fernandez (1999) and Jorda et

al. (2000); j: Campins et al. (1995); k: the radius is the geometric mean of

the three semiaxes rep orted by Sekanina (1988); the alb edo is the mean value

derived by Sekanina (1988); the errors are approximate estimates; l: radius

from Fernandez (2002), alb edo a combination of that rep orted by Fernandez

(1999) and Jorda et al. (2000); m: combination of results by Campins et al.

(1994) and Fernandez et al. (2002); n: Davies et al. (1993); o: Fernandez et al.

(2002); p: Jewitt and Kalas (1998); q: from review by Tholen and Buie (1997);

Pluto's alb edo error is an estimate of the error in the mean; r: Thomas et al.

(2000); s: Jewitt et al. (2001).

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8 H. Campins and Y. Fernandez

Figure 2. The well-determined alb edos are plotted versus radii (top), versus peri-

helion distance (middle) and versus B-V, V-R and R-J colors (b ottom). We have

included active comets (squares), Centaurs (circles) and TNOs (diamonds). No ob-

vious overall trends are apparent with radius or p erihelion distance. A general trend

of redder ob jects being darker is apparent in the b ottom panel. However, a larger

sample will be necessary b efore there is high con dence in this conlcusion, b ecause

many of the ob jects in this plot are atypical (Figure adapted from Fernandez et al.


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Surface Characteristics of Comet Nuclei 9

(Fernandez et al. 2002). Recent activity in Asb olus would be consistent

with observations rep orted by Kern et al. (2000), where comp ositional

variation with rotational phase is interpreted as high alb edo, fresh ice

exp osed by a recent impact.

\Cometary" alb edo values, typically 4%, are assumed when estimat-

ing the sizes of most comet nuclei, Centaurs and TNOs from visible

wavelength observations alone. The results presented in this section

suggest that such an assumption may be reasonable for Jupiter-family

comets, with an uncertainty of ab out 50% based on the available sam-

ple. However, two of the four Centaurs prop erly observed show alb edos

ab out 3.5 larger than the average for comet nuclei. Only two TNOs

(1993 SC and Varuna) have had their alb edos measured, although these

are similar to cometary alb edos a greater sample is needed b efore valid

conclusions can be drawn. Pluto and Charon have geometric alb edos of

0:53 and 0:38, resp ectively (Table I); however, these two ob jects may

not be representative of the rest of the transneptunian p opulation due

to surface mo di cation by atmospheric e ects.

The alb edo is used by Fernandez et al. (2001) as an indicator of

p ossible cometary origin for a given in a comet-like orbit (i.e.,

an orbit with Tisserand invariant TJ < 3). Of the 10 such asteroids with

known alb edos, 9 have alb edos that are as low as those for active comet

nuclei. The similarity of both the orbital and physical characteristics

of these ob jects suggests that they are candidates for b eing extinct

comets. Moreover this alb edo distribution is much di erent from the

near-Earth asteroid p opulation as a whole: only 2 out of the 38 near-

Earth asteroids alb edos with TJ > 3 (collected from the literature by

Fernandez et al. (2001)) have comet-like alb edos. This strong correla-

tion between Tisserand invariant and alb edo suggests an evolutionary

connection between active comets and near-Earth asteroids with TJ <

3. Fernandez et al. (2001) estimate that ab out 5% of the near-Earth

asteroids have a cometary origin, and place an upp er limit of 10%.

This result is nicely consistent with two other indep endent estimates

of the p ercentage of cometary ob jects among near-Earth asteroids by

Whiteley (2001) and Bottke et al. (2002). Whiteley (2001) nds that

only a small p ercentage of near-Earth asteroids have the 8-color sp ectra

consistent with a primitive surface. Bottke et al. (2002) use dynamical

mo deling to constrain the source regions of the observed near-Earth

asteroid p opulation, and they predict that 6% 4% of near-Earth as-

teroids come from the Jupiter-family comet region (TJ values between 2

and 3). This remarkable agreement between three indep endent metho ds

is the strongest constraint to date on the fraction of ob jects that comets

contribute to the p opulation of near-Earth asteroids. This result also

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10 H. Campins and Y. Fernandez

has implications on the exp ected fraction of that can come

from comets (e.g., Campins and Swindle 1998).

Our understanding of the alb edo distribution among all of these

groups will improve once the Space Infrared Telescop e Facility (SIRTF)

is launched and commences observations in 2003. The mid-infrared

instrument MIPS will not only let us measure the radii and alb edos

of many Centaurs and TNOs that are beyond the reach of ground-

based facilities, but also of comet nuclei several AU from the Sun, thus

mitigating the problem of contaminating coma.

3. Colors and Rotational Variability

3.1. Colors

There are di erent ways to quantify colors, the two most common are

color ratios and re ectivity gradients. Color ratios are expressed as the

di erence between magnitudes at standard bandpasses, for example

B-V, V-R, V-J, etc. The continuum sp ectrum of an ob ject can be

parametrized using the normalized re ectivity gradient, which is usu-

0 0 00

ally denoted with S (in %/1000A), and de ned as S = dS/d/S (e.g.,

Jewitt 2002). Where S is the re ectivity (ob ject ux density divided


by the ux density of the sun at the same wavelenght ) and S is

the mean value of the re ectivity in the wavelength range over which


dS/d is computed. The gradient S is used to express the p ercentage

change in the strength of the continuum per 1000A. Broadband color

ratios can be converted to normalized re ectivity gradients using the

following relation (Luu and Jewitt 1990):


2 + S 

m m = (m m ) + 2:5log (3)




2 S 

In which (m m ) is the color of the ob ject, (m m ) is the



color of the Sun.

The most recent observations and a compilation of published colors

for comet nuclei and related ob jects are given by Jewitt (2002). Table

II presents the colors for comet nuclei and Table III compares the mean

colors with those of extinct comet candidates, D-typ e and Tro jan as-

teroids, Centaurs and TNOs (Tables II and III are from Jewitt 2002).

Figure 3 (also from Jewitt 2002) presents histograms of the normal-

ized re ectivity gradients for the comet nuclei and four of the related

p opulations in Table III.

Table III and Figure 3 show that there is a signi cant di erence

between the colors of comet nuclei (and extinct comet candidates) and

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Surface Characteristics of Comet Nuclei 11 1989 1988 1988 1988 1999 1996 2001 . . h h h 1989 1990 . al al al Keller et et 1999 1998 1988 Meec Luu Meec Meec et . . . Jewitt al al al and 2002 2002 2002 and and and and 2002 2002 2002 et et et b erlin and 1993 1993 1993 y y primary Lam Lam Jewitt Millis Jewitt Delaho dde Jewitt Jewitt Jewitt Jewitt Luu Jewitt Luu Jewitt Jewitt Cham Reference Thomas Luu Bo ehnhardt Luu Jewitt theses. the c 10) 07) 03) 02) 01) 03) 03) 02) 01) paren : : : : : : : : : that 06 01 05 05 05) 04 03 04 02 02 10 02 R : : : : : : : : : : : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 in 0 m                      not 47 47 58 50 32 31 43 48 47 : : : : : : : : : V 38 47 45 45 43 54 53 50 44 31 42 58 : : : : : : : : : : : : (0 (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0 (0 0 (0 0 0 (0 (0 (0 0 (0 0 m indicates b ers R 0) um 5) : 2) V : 0 : 6 n 5) 5) 5) 5) 0) 2 : : : 3 : : : : 8) 0 . 2 0 4 4 4 3 2 0  1) 3) 4) 2) 3    10 7 3 2 S   5      3 5 :     2  : from 8 : 1     0 5 5 4 5 13 5 : : : : : : : 5 3  0 ed 10 (16 10 (10 (2 (16 12 (8 (13 (8 ( (6 20 ( 10 (7 6 11 (21 S a ed. compute deriv y b 2 to Nuclei are ; 1 emplo 5500-6500 VR 5500-6500 VR VR VR 3800-6300 VR VR VR VR 4000-6000 VR 4400-7200 VR 3800-6300 3800-6300 VR 4400-8100 4400-7200 VR  used theses lters. os Cometary system range of 1 1 1 paren used 2 2 t in al-Mrk lter w e e e Colors k k k emp el emp el b ers elength v II. a W Num Johnson 45P/HMP 6P/d'Arrest 46P/Wirtanen 49P/Arend-Rigaux 2P/Enc 10P/T 21P/GZ 95P/Chiron 107P/WH 10P/T 26P/GS 28P/Neujmin 28P/Neujmin 28P/Neujmin 49P/Arend-Rigaux 95P/Chiron 95P/Chiron Ob ject 1P/Halley 2P/Enc 143P/Ko 2P/Enc able b measuremen c a


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12 H. Campins and Y. Fernandez 1994 . 1990 2001 al et Luu Luu 2002 2002 and and d Reference Jewitt Jewitt Fitzsimmons Jewitt Note Jewitt c n 12 12 19 32 9 28 median measure- 02 02 01 01 07 01 R : : : : : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 N m and       of um 2001. V 44 45 45 46 54 61 : : : : : : . m 0 0 0 0 0 0 al means et 7 maxim : 0 8 5 9 : : : : 1 2 2 0 0 5  the  um,     9   : 2 3 8 6 0 on : : : : eixinho 7 8 S 8 9 17 22 P minim b and errors m the 0 , 6 10 S 9 9 10 25 2001 ely . b al group. standard et max 0 the 18 21 S 13 25 39 40 the resp ectiv in group. b are h are, Barucci a 0 y m eac min b ties S 0 ob jects S -6 -13 3 3 1 2 Colors of and within 0 ber 0 S max uncertain Mean compiled S um of , Comets n III. yp es taurs ts. 0 min Listed ro jans Colors S The alues Group Dead Nuclei D-T T Cen KBOs able a men b d c v


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Surface Characteristics of Comet Nuclei 13

12 10 KBOs 8 6

Number 4 2 0 5 4 Centaurs 3 2 Number 1 0 8 7 Nuclei 6 5 4

Number 3 2 1 0 8 7 Dead Comets 6 5 4

Number 3 2 1 0 30 25 Trojans 20 15

Number 10 5 0 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Reflectivity Gradient, S' [%/1000 Å]


Figure 3. Histograms of the re ectivity gradient, S (%/1000A), for TNOs, Centaurs,

comet nuclei, extinct comet candidates (dead comets in Jewitt's nomenclature), and

Tro jan asteroids (from Jewitt 2002)

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14 H. Campins and Y. Fernandez

the colors of Centaurs and TNOs. Jewitt (2002) presents two statistical

tests that indicate, at the 99.97% level of con dence, that the colors of

comet nuclei and TNOs are not drawn from a single parent p opulation.


Jewitt also de nes ultra-red matter as having S > 25%/1000A, where


the latter is the median S for the TNOs. This ultra-red matter is

found only among Centaurs and TNOs, and is missing from the comet

nuclei and extinct comet candidates. Given that these four p opulations

are thought to be related by a dynamical evolutionary pro cess, this

di erence in color is surprising. Jewitt (2002) considers several expla-

nations for this di erence, which include (a) observational errors (coma

contamination and phase reddening), (b) dynamical error (i.e., a source

for Jupiter-family comets other than the transneptunian region), (c) a

restricted (yet unobserved) transneptunian source, (d) thermal insta-

bility of the ultra-red matter, (e) a size-color gradient among TNOs,

and (f ) resurfacing by sublimation. In addition, collisional resurfacing

had already b een discussed by Luu and Jewitt (1996) and Jewitt and

Luu (2001). Jewitt (2002) favors resurfacing by sublimation; however,

thermal instability, a size-color gradient, and collisional resurfacing (see

b elow) may also contribute to the observed color di erences. A p ossible

test of the size-color gradient hyp othesis would come from colors of

Centaurs down to sizes in the range of Jupiter-family comet nuclei.

Centaurs with sizes in the desired range would be more accessible

to color observations than TNOs of similar sizes, and in principle, a

TNO color-size gradient should be preserved in the Centaur p opula-

tion. Currently, there are only three known Centaurs with an absolute

visible magnitude (H) fainter than 12, which assuming a 4% geometric

alb edo means radii less than 10 km. Hence, testing the presence of any

size-color relation among the Centaur p opulation will require a larger


A set of recent results on colors among TNOs may also be relevant

to the color di erences discussed ab ove. Several authors have rep orted

a correlation between color and dynamics among TNOs. More sp ecif-

ically, Tegler and Romanishin (2000) rep orted that TNOs with low

eccentricity and low inclination orbits and p erihelion distances beyond

40 AU (i.e., classical TNOs) all exhibit very red surface colors. As of late

2001, Tegler and Romanishin (2001) rep orted that all 19 classical TNOs

in their sample were very red. Similar results have been rep orted by

Stern (2001), Trujillo et al. (2001), and by Doressoundiram et al. (2001

and 2002). In other words, there is a signi cant correlation between

colors and mean collision sp eed. Dynamically cold TNOs are all red,

while TNOs with high eccentricity and/or inclination orbits (plutinos

and scattered disk ob jects) show a range of colors. Although a causal

relationship between collisions and TNO colors is not well established,

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Surface Characteristics of Comet Nuclei 15

this dichotomy suggests that collisional pro cessing may be an imp ortant

factor in the resurfacing of these ob jects.

Farinella and Davis (1996) suggest that Jupiter-family comets are

likely to be collisional fragments of larger TNOs. Hence, the collisional

pro cess that created the smaller fragments, which we now observe as

Jupiter-family comet nuclei, could also be resp onsible for the color

di erences discussed by Jewitt (2002). However, one must keep in mind

that considerable mass loss and surface pro cessing must have o ccurred

as a result of the activity and splitting in comets. In fact, splitting is

an imp ortant mass loss pro cess in many comets (Bo ehnhardt, these

pro ceedings). Hence, a simple connection between the surface colors of

comet nuclei and their collisional history in the transneptunian region

is unlikely to be the whole story.

Another piece of the puzzle is the p ossible correlation of colors and

alb edo rep orted by Fernandez et al. (2002). The b ottom panel of Figure

2 is a plot of the geometric alb edo versus B-V, V-R and V-J colors

of comet nuclei, Centaurs and TNOs. The number of ob jects is very

limited, but a general trend of redder ob jects having a lower alb edo

is apparent. This would be consistent with the idea that cosmic ray

exp osure pro duces surface darkening and reddening.

Clearly, there is more complexity among TNOs and in their rela-

tionship with Centaurs and Jupiter-family comets than exp ected, and

the full explanation of the color diversity remains unknown.

3.2. Rotational Variability

Comp ositional variations across the surfaces of asteroids are well do c-

umented, with the most prominent case b eing that of (e.g.,

Co chran and Vilas 1998). Sp ectral variability has also b een rep orted in

the nucleus of comet Temp el 2 (A'Hearn et al. 1989) and in Centaur

8405 Asb olus (Kern et al. 2000). Although there are no reasons to

doubt either of these results, we must point out that they have not

b een con rmed. In the case of comet Temp el 2, the two maxima in

the rotational lightcurve were clearly bluer than the minima, and one

maximum was marginally bluer than the other. In Asb olus, a dramatic

sp ectral change in the 1-2 m region was detected using observations

obtained over a 1.7 p erio d with the NICMOS instrument of the

Hubble Space Telescop e. One rotational phase in Asb olus had a feature-

less neutral sp ectrum (in agreement with a ground based sp ectrum),

while the other was very red with an absorption consistent with H O


ice. As mentioned earlier, Kern et al. (2000) interpret this sp ectral

change as a relatively recent impact crater that exp oses fresh ice on

one side of Asb olus. The variability in these two ob jects illustrates the

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16 H. Campins and Y. Fernandez

need for rotationally resolved studies. It is imp ortant to establish how

much of the observed sp ectral diversity among comets, Centaurs and

TNOs is due to intrinsic variability.

4. Thermal Inertia

As discussed in section 2, the thermal emission for atmosphereless ob-

jects can be used to estimate their radius and alb edo. In addition, when

observations are made at more than one mid-infrared (thermal) wave-

length (e.g., 10 and 20 microns) the color temp erature of the surface

can be used to constrain another imp ortant parameter, which is the

thermal inertia. Knowing this prop erty can constrain existing thermal

mo dels of the interior of nuclei (Prialnik, these pro ceedings) and has

rep ercussions for understanding subsurface gas sublimation behavior

and internal volatile structure.

The ability of a surface to resp ond to insolation changes can be char-

acterized by the parameter , which combines rotation rate, thermal

inertia and surface temp erature (Sp encer et al. 1989).








c, where  is the thermal Where = thermal inertia (de ned as =

conductivity,  is the ob ject's bulk density, and c is the heat capacity),

! = rotation rate,  = emissivity,  = Stephan-Boltzman constant, and

T = subsolar temp erature.


If we know the temp erature and the rotation rate (and we assume

a value for the emissivity), we have only two unknowns  and .

If the color temp erature is equal to that exp ected for a slow rota-

tor, by de nition  must be smaller than or equal to 1. Hence, the

thermal inertia is constrained for those comet nuclei that have been

observed at two or more thermal wavelengths, have known rotation

rates, and have temp eratures consistent with the slow rotator mo del

or STM. These are Arend-Rigaux, Neujmin 1, Temp el 2, and IRAS-


Araki-Alco ck . The upp er limits for the whole body thermal inertia

2 4

(in J=m sK ) are 140 for Arend-Rigaux, 120 for Neujmin 1, 100 for

Temp el 2, and 520 for IRAS-Araki-Alco ck. These values are consistent

with published estimates for active areas of comet Halley's nucleus: 120


The mid infrared observations of comet Sugano-Saigusa-Fujikawa (Hanner et

al. 1987), do not provide a signi cant constraint on the thermal inertia because the

observed ux may not have b een dominated by ux from the nucleus and the color

temp erature is not repro duced well by the any of the thermal mo dels

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Surface Characteristics of Comet Nuclei 17

2 4 2 4

J=m sK (Weissman 1987) and 40-400 J=m sK (Julian et al. 2000).

Conversely, the recent estimates of the thermal inertia of the whole

2 4

body in Centaurs, 2060 Chiron ( 10 J=m sK , Groussin et al. 2000)

2 4

and 8405 Asb olus (< 10:5 J=m sK , Fernandez et al. 2002) are con-

siderably lower. The values for these two Centaurs are more than an

order of magnitude lower than those predicted for outer solar system

ob jects by thermal mo dels (Sp encer et al. 1989). By comparison, in

the same units the values are 10 for (Sp encer 1990), 50 for the

Mo on (Winter and Saari 1969), 45 to 70 for Europa (Sp encer et al

1999) 70 for Ganymede (Sp encer 1987), 170 for near-Earth asteroid

Eros (Harris and Davies 1999), and greater than 320 for near-Earth

asteroid and p ossible extinct comet (Harris et al. 1998).

What makes the surfaces of these Centaurs have such p eculiar thermal

prop erties? Fernandez et al. (2002) suggest that a very p orous and/ or

rough surface would inhibit heat ow from the outermost surface layer,

resulting in a very low thermal inertia.

5. Summary


There is not much diversity in the geometric alb edo of the twelve comet

nuclei prop erly observed so far (a range of 0.025 to 0.06). There is a

greater diversity of alb edos among the Centaurs, and the sample of

prop erly observed TNOs (2) is still to o small. Based on their alb edos

and Tisserand invariants, Fernandez et al. (2001) estimate that ab out

5% of the near-Earth asteroids have a cometary origin, and place an

upp er limit of 10%. The remarkable agreement between this estimate

and two other indep endent metho ds (Whiteley 2001, Bottke et al. 2002)

provide the strongest constraint to date on the fraction of ob jects that

comets contribute to the p opulation of near-Earth asteroids.

5.2. Colors

There is a diversity of visible colors among comets, extinct comet candi-

dates, Centaurs and TNOs. Comet nuclei are clearly not as red as some

Centaurs and TNOs. What Jewitt (2002) calls ultra-red matter seems

to be absent from the surfaces of comet nuclei. Several mechanisms

to account for this color di erence have been prop osed, but the full

explanation of the color diversity remains unknown. The dynamically

coldest TNOs are all red, while other TNOs have a range of colors.

Although a relationship between collisions and TNO colors is not well

established, this dichotomy suggests that collisional pro cessing may be

finalversion.tex; 14/07/2002; 20:40; p.17

18 H. Campins and Y. Fernandez

an imp ortant factor in the resurfacing of these ob jects. There is more

complexity among TNOs and in their relationship with Centaurs and

Jupiter-family comets than exp ected, and the full explanation of the

color diversity remains unknown. Rotational variability of the sp ectra

has b een rep orted for one comet (Temp el 2) and one Centaur (8405

Asb olus). It is imp ortant to establish how much of the observed alb edo

and sp ectral diversity among comets, Centaurs and TNOs is due to

intrinsic (rotational) variability.

5.3. Thermal Inertia

New constraints on thermal inertia of comets are consistent with previ-

ous indep endent estimates. The thermal inertia estimates for Centaurs

2060 Chiron and 8405 Asb olus are signi cantly lower than exp ected.

What makes the surfaces of these Centaurs have such p eculiar thermal

prop erties? Possibly very porous and/or rough surfaces.

6. Acknowledgements

We thank Carl Hergenrother and Rob ert Whiteley for useful comments.

This work was supp orted by NASA and NSF grants to H. Campins and

D. Jewitt.


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