of Emmanuel College Alumnae Archives




Image of a college . . .

Elusive and evolving . . .

Directed and free ...

Encompassing . ..

Fulfilled by the response . ..

Confronting a future. ,j, -,

J Play of light on overhanging boughs ... Gothic detail .. . patterns of and glass .. . the individual indefinably rich ... apparent and hidden design ... the epiphany of beauty in­ dwelling. The encounter with truth and beauty. . seeing .. . reality im­ pinging and a search for " the Way."

2 3 New roles and new plans ... considering an administration, the shaping spirit.

His Emin ence Richard Cardinal Cu shing , Archbishop of Boston, and Siste r Ann Bartholomew, President.

4 Sister Marie of the Trinity, Academic Dean

Sister Helen Margaret, Assistant Dean

Sister Francesca, Dean of Students

5 Sister Mary Melania, Treasurer

Sister Frances Gertrude, Registrar

Sister Ra ymond Loretta Director of Admissions

Rose Mull in, Director of Placement Bureau, and Loretta Donwa y

6 7 Sister Alice Mary

8 Sister Clore Francis

Students exposed to a world of ideas ... pursuing a problem ... pre-class activity arrested by a bell ... microbiology, Saint Augustine, and Patterns of Cul- ture at one long table .. . 3:30 and frustrations in the reserve book line ... source material stimulating the academic life. Sister Marie Mildred

9 Emmanuel ... God with us.

10 11 Children of Mory

Freshmen consecrated and a distinctive .. . retreats, silence, and sewing layettes in the lounge ... rosary recita­ tion and the crowning of Mary.

12 Infusing Christian spirit .. . "the cell method" for campus and community apostolates . . . recollection and a world day of prayer .. . Sodality . sanctification of self and others. Serving needs from Laos to Haiti ... boutonieres for all occasions . .. volun­ teer projects and time freely given . .. realizing the Mystical Body.


Foreign Mission Society

13 The pause that refreshes . . . Yueh 's coffee and timely wisdom .. . persevering through the lunch line ... class day shopping at the bookstore ... third hand high and hearts are trumps . . . easy living in the smoker.

14 Sister Teresa Louise

15 Long day's journey . . . shivering and socializing at the bus stop . .. urgent calls and messages posted . .. the luxury of lockers in Alumnae Hall . .. stickers, One Way signs, and a space between lines . . . young ladies with direction.

16 17 Have you ever noticed? .. .

18 19 Our friends behind the scenes . . . Brookline Ave., a cheery greet­ ing, a bit of a brogue . . . Mr. Fixit with an office on the ground floor ... a pat of pride for a mounted guard .. . serene perfec­ tion in quiet tasks .. . memorabilia.

Jerry Driscoll

20 Sister Cecilia Mary

John Lavin

21 Patrici a Crowe

Basic skills and self-expression through the dance ... learning the rules .. . the distinction of striking .. . backhand drives, the schottesche and 40 people on a badminton court ... providing for physical fitness .

Ski poles, warm , and the long bus ride to Peterborough . .. a Hallo- ween party and relay races . .. a 4:30 game at Teachers College . . . animated cheerleaders in plaid .

Graceful movements and interpretive compositions . .. sensitivity to musical moods ... weekly practice in a ... the climactic April production.

22 Modern Dance Club

Ath letic Association

Anne Tolbert Constantinides

23 Cross currents evolving to friendship . . . a family-style dinner and dessert with tea ... the burden of signing in and out ... taking a twelve in the study hall . .. interior decorations from old posters to Renoir prints ... a Gregorian Mass, a quartet medley and frequent impromptu song fests.

24 25 26 Kitchenette conversation and long, long thoughts ... "Are you sure there's nothing in box # 29? ... badminton, Yogi Bear and "The Sound of Music" . .. class day specialties after 11 :00 . . . Christmas contests and imaginative doors . . . creating resident spirit.

27 A cultural analysis: spirituality versus materialism . .. from Fra Angelico to Galileo and The Crisis of Our Age . . . guest lecturers "overview and synthesis" .. . perspectives of West­ ern Civilization.

James R. McGovern 28 Some things are particularly 1961 . ..

29 Class of 1961

Class of 1962, first semester Class effectiveness and the role of a leader . .. teas­ ing tasks, a moment of glory and receptiveness ... index of a spirit.

Class of 1962, second semester

30 Class of 1964

Class of 1963, second semester

Class of 1963, first semester 31 Donning and doffing the academic ... an evening Mass for and Gown Day ... forms, job applications and complex emotions . . . seniors: reminiscence and anticipation.

32 ,,,~. " - • '1•

I ... f •. _ ~~ V .~ ..1.:\ . , . I -=-1,. ' .. ,. '.,. ,'"~ • • '!i:l!' •. I··~. I' \ \. • " T o' ... • " ~,- ", Previewing college life for " little sisters " , , , close examinations of lapus lazuli , , , Ring Day and ~n I: \ )'£ ; ~, ,; . impact of the traditional .. . theatre night in Febru ­ ary and a week of Gershwin ... the singing-swinging Juniors.

.. o' ",till,'II t· 1 'I" .. " ~ " 'II "I'i ", II \, I ~III '. '0 I , I I 0 • I :" t ~ 1 I ..

33 Major events for sophomores . . . white , catered banquet, class march . .. " holding back the dawn" at the Somerset .. . Ice Follies ' collections . .. Mother's Day and a campus Communion Breakfast.

34 I.D . photos and a pictorial voting list .. . the honor pledge ... , gloves and dancing 6-9 ... the first struggle with a book ... weathering freshman year.

35 36 Assemblies focus on the twentieth century issues . .. " Point of privi­ lege, Madam Chairman" .. . new headquarters, office hours, open council meetings . .. reviewing the honor system, revamping the voting procedure ... Student Government ... uniting Emmanuel.

37 A Thanksgiving drive and hospitality for foreign students ... dialogue in a pluralistic society . . . Regional Council on campus ... answering the papal challenge with funds for For- mosa ... NFCCS projects the voice of the Catholic student.

Campus programming, endless coordinating . .. arranging car­ pools for conferences ... promoting the point-four youth corps and speaking out at Sophomore Workshop .. . hopefully NSA proceeds.


NSA 38 Public Relations

New location, at last a home of their own .. . files, a future book and a record of everything . . . techniques from the professionals .. . assignment: type releases . .. closer cooperation with Student Government .. . through all media of communication, P.R. repre­ sents Emmanuel. Intense rehearsals shaping " the production" . .. careful attention to blocking, props, and lights . .. the intricate process of assem ­ bling a set . .. Room 5 for casting, , and Mouschie . .. the procedures of opening night in the Auditorium .. . readings, analyses, and the significant interpretation.

Dramatic Society 39 Sister Marietta

Reverend Joseph G . Pezzullo, a .p.

40 Reverend William M. a 'Be irne, a .p. Richard Senier

Reverend Alfr ed Lister, o .P.

Reason and revelation . . . Scripture, sacraments, principles of Christology . . . " de facto" .. . arguments from the Summa thoughtfully outlined . .. " true, false, or qualify" . . . profound thought and simplicity . . . the paradox of Thomism.

A maze of majors and minors ... establishing the validity of knowledge . . . Cogito ergo . . . beauty, truth, and being . . . insights into modern minds . .. a scholastic frame of reference .. . a love of wisdom. Reverend George L. Concordia, O.P.

41 Insight structured in beauty . ..

Asserting the value of the aesthetic . ..

Respecting the integrity of the object . ..

Discovering relationships between the old and the new . ..

Fulfillment and the contemplation of the beautiful.

42 43 A R T

Portfolios, mattings, and monthly exhibits .. . grounding in the principles of design and color . .. the novelty of a dormer window workshop and proud tours of inspection ... first problem: how to break space effectively .. . a knowledge of the masters from Myron to Modigliani . .. " The darkest light within the light is lighter than the lightest dark within the dark." . . . senior concen­ trations climaxed by an original studio thesis.

44 Sister Catherine Carmel ita

Sister Gertrude Magdalene, Chairman

45 Sister Vincent de Paul

Mary Reardon 46 Joseph L. C. Santoro

Deep concern with graphic communication and gala motifs ingeniously executed ... mobiles four stories long . .. " Merry Christmas" with screen originals ... woodcuts highlighting the fineness of natural graining . .. three dimensional expression with mal­ let and chisel . . . precision lettering, painstaking mosaics, and the freedom of the broad, bold stroke.

47 Frances Pitochelli

Fine Club

Robert E. Enos 48 Museum of Fine Arts browse ... new relations ... new reflections . .. Western Culture discovers a world with time-free horizons.

49 Sister Anne Barbara Chairman


Beowulf in the original and the alliterative tradition . . . Middle English, "fressh as is the month of May" . . . dramatic reading of Second Shepherd's Ploy and "Lord Randall " on records ... blank verse, metaphysical conceits, heroic couplets . . . "That constitutes a problem" ... Sophomores begin to explore.

Sister Loretta Julie

50 Sister Miriam St. John

51 Concentration in Shakespeare ... "Know the author before you consult the critic" ... from "Tintern Abbey" to "The Everlasting Yea " . . . short story techniques ... cumbersome books, marginal 'notes, and vital discussions . .. Juniors seeking the depth.


52 Sister Anne Cyril

Sister Joseph Mary

53 Evaluation in the light of the description . .. seminar analyses and contemporary trends . .. Another paper? .. . textual studies from Aristotle to LaDriere ... Portrait of an Artist and Essay on Dramatic Poetry in one night .. . Seniors strive to integrate.

Sister Mari e Constance

54 Sister Mary James


55 56 Vera Zariski

57 Literary Society

A sweep of the disciplines united through a common interest in the artistic and the contemporary ... follow-up discussions inter- rupted only for a toll house cookie ... programs planned from pre-season questionnaires ... a library display and a rainbow semi-circle of chairs ... the Literary Society broadens perspectives and enriches the experience of .

58 Focus

"Reporte rs ! beats" . .. galleys, stone sheets, tomorrow's news today . .. blackboard roadmap, labelled compartments, and efficiency unparalleled . . . group contributions to the search for a "head" ... mid-season shifts as Seniors bow out .. . rapport even under tension . .. Focus reflects a collegiate milieu .


A glimmer of light at the end of the third corridor ... echoes of late hour wit .. . the search for creativity in a pile of - penciled manuscripts . .. intricate patterning of Ethos on a versatile new cover . .. eye-catching ads heralding coming issues . . . sessions with printers and artists .. . inter-collegiate critiques . .. through individual self-expression-concretizing the Ethos.

Elizabeth Hanlon

60 Epilogue

A battered "Sethaurus," instant coffee, the biography struggle ... pictures to capture the moment ... layouts built on principle ... a place for everything, but .. . everybody welcome in our center of confusion ... six o'clock and a skeleton crew sets to work ... a determined staff weathering minor catastrophes and occasional triumphs ... image of a year mirrored in Epilogue.

61 62 MUSIC r

63 Sister Therese Julie, Chairman Sister Rose Marie

64 Alfredo Fondacaro

Vibrating Room 40-three steps up ... skylight rays dramatizing the mahogany grand . . . melodies caught in corridors from 8 to 6 . . . rhythm, pitch, structure traced from primitive origins .. . the infinite variations of harmonic constructions ... refinement in instrument or voice technique advanced by theoretical analysis . . . large effects from tiny practice rooms ... public recital­ testimony to proficiency.

65 C. Alexander Peloquin

" Everybody ready" and full-force attacks ... skillful modulations, perfect cut-offs, shadings from pp to ff ... Gregorian Propers for the Missa Cantata ... The Fifteen-a new note on and off campus .. . an echo chorus in blue and white ... woodwinds and strings with reinforcements . . . the buoyancy of music channeled to campus corners.

66 Rodolphe E. Pepin

67 KATHLEEN MARY AHERN English Imagination at the keyboard . . . his­ torical focus and literary studies ... writing with and skill ... Kathy, a hesitant air, a responsive smile.

BERNA GRACE BARNETT English Jamaican ginger and wry wit .. . con­ versation in a thoughtful vein . . . the power of poetry and universal concepts ... Berna ... " a spirit intel­ ligen!."

68 ELINOR AURELIA BOWES En g/ish Charcoal sketches, Gauguin, and melody spilling softly .. . the milieu of a scholar . . . hidden reserves ... Lad y Ellie . .. " mild and mannerly- hearted."

CAROLYN PATRICIA BURNS Eng/ish Fancy, , and fun with a flair ... English in the contemporary vein ... activity with a purpose .. . high hopes and the will to do ... Carolyn, " real neat."

PATRICIA CLARE BRODERICK Eng/ish A rainbow palette and th e joy of musi c ... smart Literary programs ... consc ientiousness, car pools, and openhearted simplicity ... Pat and lilting laughter. 69 MARYANN J. CELLI English Focus on the editor ... femininity in a tailored .. . intensity and in­ sight ... organization with a glow ... Maryann . . . pearls on vel­ vet.

CAROLYN CLARKE English Sophisticated simplicity and power­ ful reserve ... flashes of wit ... rich music sh ared with that " someone special " . . Carolyn, thoughtfulness and distinction.

70 MAUREEN HELEN DALEY English The compatibility of you th and age found in conversation ... little shops in Rockport .. . a red head-band on jet black .. . Reenie and a slow, sweet smile.

RUTH MARIE CONNOLLY English Intellectual scope, disarming organi­ zation .. sports and scoops and Mademoiselle . .. amazing inclusive­ ness, shy assurance . . . lithe and lively, Ruthie.

LORRAINE MARIE FEDELE English Golden-voiced orator in black lace ... uncomplicated living ... quips and cranks and witty wiles ... Lorraine, different, daring, de­ lightful.

71 KATHLEEN E. FRIEL English Our ambassador to Oswego . . . dream-led wanderlust and music " wall to wall " ... naturally pleasant, delightfully amiable . .. Kathie . . . " Swingin!"

HELEN FRANCES GALLAGHER English Portrait of a Lad y in vialet mittens ... a blush, a giggle, and a perfect gesture . .. contemporary awareness In history and literature ... Helen . glamour, graciousness, gentility.

GLORIA JANET FUCHS English Hand-kn it sweaters with that certain style ... penchant for the quaint . . . our parliamentarian with eyes ocean­ blue .. . the refreshing freedom of Gloria.

72 ANNE MARIE HACKETT English A touch of vermillion and a ladylike bou nce . . . sensitivity ... the wonder of "things" . . sun shimmering through rain . . . " Isn 't it beauti­ ful ?" . . . Anne.

MARY HARRINGTON En glish Creative sc halarship below a tou­ sled brow . .. wit, humour, and lan­ guage a la Harri ngton ... pulsating rh ythm s of the bl ues . . . sta ccato French and Montmartre aspirations ... Music, Poetry, and Dreams.

GERTRUDE REDDINGTON HEA LEY En glish Warm tones and scarab bracelets . . . emphatic political views ... sweet soph isticatio n with a va­ nil la ice-cream cone . . . the unique sparkle of Gert.

73 BARBARA E. HICKEY Eng/ish Prim pertness in staccato beat .. . Stravinsky, literature, living Latin .. . casual collegian-in lace pantaloons . .. Barbara, pink chiffon and violets.

CYNTHIA M. HOMSEY Eng/ish Boston cream pies and a love for children . .. determination with a quick wit .. sincerity, simpl icity, consideration ... Cynthia and a quiet smile.

74 MAUREEN THERESA KEATING English Enterprising summertimes . . . a pre­ cious journal ... striving for fulfill­ ment and anticipation of the future . . . Maureen and the desire for peace.

PATRICIA ANN KHOURY English Intensity caught in lingering cadence · .. creativity through dramatic in­ terpretation ... an air of wistfulness · .. cherished poetry and tranquility · . . Pat.

SUSAN ELIZABETH KELLEY English with a Bardley flair ... Di­ plomacy in Government . . . a pen­ chant for people . .. lithesome lady in black ... the subtle sincerity of Sue.

75 BRENDA KINNEEN English , time present, time past energy and activity for NFCCS ... flowing phrase ... artistry in hair style ... the dignity and poise af Brenda.

MARGARET LOU ISE LEAVITT English Robert Frost and life in the country ... a world through books ... quick laughter and wistful walks . . . Peggy . .. choir-boy look in white-collared guwn.

JOAN ELIZABETH LYNCH English Long Island summers .. print , chestnut colors, the sporting look ... an eyeful of expression .. . unruffled aplomb . .. the easy ele ­ gance of Joan.

76 PATRICIA ANN MAHONEY Eng/ish NiJ we sculan herian .. . the expres­ siveness of quick gestures ... discus­ sions at Friday night gatherings ... the alert mind and infectious giggle of Pat.

JANE HELENE MANSON Eng/ish Refreshingly candid ... a penchant for ... multifarious ab­ so rptions ... Freud, Frost, and Faulk­ ner . .. Jane . .. loyalty and sympa­ thy always.

MARY ANNA McCLOSKEY Eng/ ish Sixty-one's committee favorite Esplanade concerts and the march of Time . .. on the beat for Focus . .. white cashmere and sterling silver . . . Mary.

77 MARIAN McDONNELL English Fanciful as a fairy tale ... golden talents, sparkling wit, footlight tri­ umphs . .. cool blue- and bur­ nished ... Marian, personal­ ity in technicolor.

CORNELIA LANE McHUGH English Solitude, self-knowledge, and the quest for beauty . . . raven hair and delicate hands ... the challenge of chess .. . Connie . . . a lovely lady.

78 MAUREEN FRANCES McKENNA En glish Th e spel l of th e Medi eval . . . care and clarity ... commitments firm and measured ... tones of gold and blue . . . Ma ureen and child -lik e bright­ ness.

PATRICIA MARIE MclAUGHLIN English Making th e most of the moment ... towards a balanced, reasonable out­ look ... a quizzical eye, a waving arm, an eloquent smile .. . Pat, first things first.

JUDITH ANN MINICHIELLO English Observations from "the Hill " Japanese woodcuts, Madame Butter- fl y, and Mayan treasures ... insights with sureness ... Jud y, and the rich· ness of life.

79 MARY ELIZABETH MOSHER Eng/ish The stimulation of a collegiate at­ mosphere . .. bright , circle pins, and cranberries .. . suburban dreams . . . the warmth and friendli­ ness of Mary Beth .

HELEN LUCILLE PRESCOTT Eng/ish Ayn Rand and emphasis on the indi­ vidual ... ideas outpouring ... a voice of special timbre . .. intensity and involvement. Helen and searching questions.

MARY LOU MURPHY Eng/ish Dramatic red and stark white ... the dreaminess of violins, the sport of , the awe of poetry ... Mary Lou, and charming Boston tea parties. BO MARGARET GALLIGAN SHEIL English Th e search for Innisfree and beauty's fulfillment . . . reasoning to the ab- solutes .. . echoes of the grand man- ner ... toward the spirit of O xford ... Peggy.

DOROTHY SOUSA English Political campaigns and the respon ­ sibility of citizenship . . . Focus pho- tography ... friendships, full and lasting ... Dorrie, and shy amiabil - ity.

ELIZABETH SWEENEY English Th e delicate intricacy of needlepoint .. . quiet inteliectual attainment . .. punctuality, kindliness, the proper note . . . Betty, and a string of pearls.

81 GRACE S. TORRISI English Music with all its charms .. . a soft, impressive voice, an apprec iative smile ... gaiety ve iling w istfulness .. lady-like refinement, truly " Gra­


ROSEMARY ELIZABETH WALKER English A touch of the poet ... violets, star­ light, Renoir ... varied meanings in a soft-spoken " Yes" ... Rosemary . . . for remembrance of all things lovely.

B2 ANNE RO SE ROURKE Art Seeki ng visual excitement ... precise and pleasing creations. . commut­ ing from Providence . . . Anne . . . iust a little bit late, with a w ish for a longer day.

ANITA LOUISE GIARDULLO Music Madame pres ident so affably effi­ cient . .. delight, a deep laugh, a dignified air .. . striking fashions and close harmonies .. expressive, Im­ pressive Anita.

ANDREA RUTH STONE Art Sharp artistic focus and clean, mod­ ern lines . .. graphics and decora­ tions .. individuality, inspiration, and completion . . . Andy, sea green on brown .

83 The integrity of the untranslatable . ..

Knowledge of a construct and insight into a culture . ..

Speech skills, literary analysis, and the achievement of

fluency . . .

Relating old and new, near and far . ..

The subtle beauty of language.

84 85 Sister Jul ie, Chairman


Major works from Chanson de Roland to Le Peste . .. "Made­ moiselle, votre petit discours" ... a prescribed pattern for an analyse ... the intensity of Bernanosian heroes . . . a yellow notebook filled with phonetic symbols ... French horizons dis­ covered in Omnibus.

86 Helene Re vere De y

87 Sister Ruth Marie

88 The direct method in teaching at Notre Dame . . . free-wheeling discuss ions centered around the French novel ... " En francais, s'il vous plait" ... through conversation and literature, advancing* fluency in French.

89 SPANISH Sister Margaret Pauline, Chairman

From EI Cid to Los Cipreses . .. Don Quixote in the original .. . political discussions in the Blue and Gold Lounge . . . preparation for study in Madrid . . . the inspiration and encouragement of an Hispanista.

90 Adorna Orlandi

91 pTcaros, caballeros andantes, EI Siglo de Oro . .. dNo es verdad? . . . civilization, conversation, stylistics with Senor. . . . erres perfectos in the third grade ... Spanish studies open broad horizons.

92 Francisco de la Gandara

93 GERMAN Sister Jane Marie, Chairman

Following Herr Snyder through Deutschland ... the drama of Berlin and a new struggle for unity ... Sturm und Drang, a lyric of Rilke, and studies of Tonio Kroger ... semantics and ... the German Zeitgeist.

94 Paul Maffeo 95 A history of German civilization and vignettes of Austria today . .. emphasis on the current idiom ... the prospect of study in Munich.

Francis X. Weiser, S.J.


Turgenev, Push kin, and the Slavic world in literature ... an office with atmosphere ... Saturday student teaching and a broadening summer program ... meeting a new demand .. . apostolate to the future.


97 Sister Marie Margarita, Chairman

98 Edward L. McGowan


Paradigms and echoes of Chopin ... summers in Warsaw vi- talizing contemporary Polish history ... a study of the maste rs completes a Slavic program.

Eleanora Korze ni owska

Zealous classicists exploring the values of Greek . . . subtle transition to a modern idiom . . . I Promessi Sposi, Fenway Court, and dinner at the Amain ... teaching methods and the art of the novella . . . lyrical Italian.


Sister Wilfrid, Chairman

African violets and a language come alive . .. Catullus, Ars Poetica, and a dash of Milne ... the riches of the past in a twentieth century focus.


Sister Berchmans, Cha irman

101 Modern language Society

102 In ese Uzarins, Director of Language Workshop

The international flavor of a festival ... touring the continent via slides ... lunch in any language ... panel discussions on Saint- Exupery, Quasimodo, and Thomas Mann ... 4:30 matinees the cosmopolitan air of the Modern Language Society.

103 HELEN MARY ALEXOPOULOS French Soft fluency in French and Greek .. . a sense of order and a love of the classica I . . . gentleness and grace ... Helen and a smile slow-dawning.

CHRISTINE MARIE COLLINS French Dark-eyed earnestness beneath a lace mantilla . . keen perceptions and succinct expression ... coiffures to capture the mood ... blend of the child and the woman ... the para- dox of Chris.

ELINOR MARIE BARONE French Rose gardens, bone china, and Sia­ mese kittens . .. Russian pronuncia­ tion with a chic French twist Jazz, art, thot unusual touch ... Terry ... Ires gai.

104 PATRICIA COOMEY French Cautiaus cons id eration and ex plosive directness brisk walks through Cherry Valley . . . Maine lobsters and international fare .. . Pat ... ;oie de v/vre.

MARIE LAURA D'ALOISIO French A classic profile ... English and French with an Italian flavor . .. warm smiles, sparkli ng eyes, and unique fashions . . . La ura and a gay Roman holiday.

NANCY C. DEAN French Monogrammed sweaters and hand­ fashioned styles . . . a gracious golfer ... mild and meticulous ... un professeur de fran'jois ... Nancy, sincere and smiling.

105 KATHLEEN LOUISE DEVER French Carefree nature with a touch of seri­ ousness ... a game of softball ... impish grins and partiality to Irish charm ... Kathy, and gentle gaiety.

ANNE KATHRYN DONAHUE French Music, sports, and " What's new? " ... a nonchalant manner and a stu- dious industry ... Ie franCjais a Laval et Emmanuel . .. the quiet pursuits of Anne.

106 r f

ANN M. GIBBONS French Responses quick and gay .. . family loyalty and world-wide interest .. . incentive for Student Government .. . Ann, rippling laughter and genuine endeavors.

LOUISE ANN MORANTE French The art of listening . . . a partiality for La Petite Larousse .. . tactful can- dor .. . efficiency expert with a prac­ tical wisdom ... the composure of Louise.

MARY LOUISE KELLIHER French The gift of discovering the good in everything . .. preparation and a sure response ... the joy of giving . .. Mary Lou and the softness of a summer sky.

107 MOIRA MARGARET MUTTY French Stimulating wit, challenging lagic, sound convictions . .. exhilarating rendition of "Summertime" .. . Moira demure simplicity, chic sophisti­ cation.

GERTRUDE ALICE RACICOT French Pi xie with a paint brush . . . the charm of Hummels and water-skiing excitement ... Sorbonne studies and Ie mot iuste . . . spontaneous, spirited ... Gert.

CAROLE LOUISE ALMEIDA Spanish Carefree collegian . .. emphatic ex­ pressions in word and face . .. Span­ ish fram Middlebury to Madrid .. . an avid New Yorker . .. behind the scenes with Carole.

108 ROBERTA C. CRONIN Spanish Golden girl with a Vogue look . . . red tea roses and .. . walking barefoot in the sand . . . Spanish softly spoken ... Berta, and the warmth of summer.

HILDEGARDE ANNE GILLIS Spanish Browning and " Home Thoughts" quiet faith, deep friendships . laugh sessions and problem solving . .. Spanish with an extra something ... Hi!.

CATHERINE MAHONEY Spanish " Yellow Bird " Aoating on a mild Ber­ muda breeze ... tap dance rhythms and swans in ceramics ... the quiet ways and reassuring smile of Cathy.

109 BARBARA ANNE MARSHALL Spanish Auburn haired dynamo with plans for relaxing .. . stuffed animals, Chi­ nese food, " Greensleeves" ... the burden of Mondays ... Barbara and clicking castanets.

MARY LOUISE McNULTY Spanish Gironella and the enchantment of ... expressive eyes, distin­ guished , an ideal dozen . .. Mary Lou and the loveliness of a flower garden.

SHEILA CARROLL McCANN Spanish Calm control of a " thousand " things .. . the grace and features to inspire an artist ... the bustle of family life ... serene and stately ... Sheila.

110 ANNE-MARIE PIERCE Spanish Li vely raconteur with ex pressi ve hands . .. Spanish flamenco music ... foreign novels, social service, un ­ ex pected pensiveness . . . Anne and bubbling laughter.

CONSTANCE HELEN DIAMANTOPOULOS German Memories of Munich, its language, customs, and people ... creativity on canvas and novel dreams ... Loden red . . . Connie and her weltan­ schauung.

NOREEN M. WYNNE Span ish Languid grace and a knack for writ­ ing . .. Mulligan, flamenco rhythms, and Spanish roses ... the difficulties of bridge . .. Noreen, a contrast of ivory and ebony.

111 EVA A. KISMARTY German Firm, unhurried, independent ... se­ rious studies accompanied by ciga­ rettes and black coffee ... exactness and etiquette ... Eva, and Hungar­ ian rhapsodies.

BRENDA KELLEY Russian Concen tration and Russian in the smoker .. . practicality with a pur- pose ... the concise ideas, the ear- nest ambitions, and the uniqueness of Brenda.

CAROLYN T. SULLIVAN German Piano excellence and Berkshire sum- mers . . . spirited accounts of Munich life .. . an awareness of values and purpose ... the buoyancy of Caro­ lyn.

112 113 Implications of the human factor . ..

Man among men ...

Research building a future . ..

Mastery of tools and techniques . ..

Achievements, values and the problems of a Social


114 115 HISTORY

" You and I know the trend of European civilization" ... orienta­ tion to Britain's expansion ... study of world culture through cause and effect ... midnight oil and The Shaping of the Modern Mind . .. the New York Times and current events in the caf.

Sister Mary of the Immaculate Conce ption Chairman 116 John E. Oloughlin

117 Philip P. Cash

Historical Society

118 Sister Catherine Ed ward

Democracy, anxiety, and DeTocqueville ... the evo­ lution of America 's ideologies . . . presenting the can- didates . . . constitutional principles and international harmony .. . graduate opportunities, teaching ca - reers, plans for the futu re . . . a perspective of his­ torical patterns molded by national heritages.


Reverend Henry P. O uelette, Chairman

A department come into being . .. stimulus-response and the mystery of the black box . . . Freud, Rogers , and Harry Stack Sullivan ... " operationally define, please" .. . observing reactions in the new experimental lab.

120 1 Itz-::,i 10 III . §:~ III III : §:~ IIII : ~ III ·

Francis J. Kell y

121 Eugene Isotti

Poul Rhudick

122 Research requires ample statistics . .. the dean's of­ fice, coffee breaks, and evening seminars .. . off­ campus classes at the Judge Baker ... Dr. Anastasi reviews case studies of individual differences . . . psychologically oriented students probe the behav­ ior of man.

John J. Barry, Jr.

Psychology Club


Re ve rend Stanislaus Sypek, Chairman

" Analyze" ... Elm Farm shopping spree on an imaginary budget ... Wednesday afternoons at Juvenile Court . .. unique social problems stem from the strain of modern industrialism ... commit­ ments challenged through a debate on integration.

124 Social Service Club

125 Sister Marie Augusta

126 ,.

The complex problem of adjustment and new value systems ... social theories from Comte and Durk· heim to the Parsonian frame of reference ... playa role in the small group . . . experimental sessions around a rectangular table . . . 3x5 resume and no writing between the lines . .. sociologists scientifically investigate patterns of group behavior.

127 Sister Marie Stephen, Acting Chairman



128 Alice Jenks

Professional pride in teaching ... "objective: to teach the division of a fraction by a whole number" ... extensive library tucked in a corner .. . crowded cars and released time classes in the West End ... an ambitious senior seminar.

129 Mildred Morrison

Teresa Regan 130 Awareness through field trips .. . SQR and reading for understand­ ing ... chalk-talk ... a flexible program allowing for individual differences.

Mary M. Doyle

131 Sister Therese Gerard , Ch OIrman.


132 Executive training at a steel-gray desk ... dictation speed objective: 100 words a minute ... geonomics and salient facts ... long hours, hard work, satisfac- tion .. . management-the way to effective adminis- tration ... Business Forum lectures and field trips ... arresting bulletin boards .. . " What is your author­ ity?" .. . thesis, panels, and a B.S .... proved perform­ ance and an enviable record.

Sister Patricio louise

Business Forum 133 PATRICIA ELLEN BEAN History Discerning awareness in a small pockage ... the problems and pleos­ ures of history . .. pink cashmere sweaters . . . Pat, and the freshness of a spring flower.

MARY ELIZABETH BRENNAN History Sophistication in sneokers ... cruIs- ing in the block 'Choriot' ... all the current history, the latest plays, the gayest parties ... Mary . .. blithe spirit.

MARY CATHERINE BURKE History Bright auburn curls and ever-present .. . BPL stack duty, a good book, and shining the car . big blue eyes and " Oh my'" .. Mary . .. smiling sincerity.

134 CHARLOTTE CEFALO History Varied shades of blue and a flashing smile . .. the historian's view of po- litical life . . . teaching catechism cre- atively ... the enthusiasms of Char- lotte.

ALICIA ELLEN HARKINS History Conversations over coffee cups . from blushing pink to .. breathless excitement, the joy of many friends . . . Alicia, Marblehead, and memories.

MARGARET ANN HURLEY History History and the modern world Emmanuel 's athlete . . . Culbert­ son in the smoker ... the timely quip and campus projects shared . . . the candor of Peggy.

135 MARY THERESA KILR OY History Cranberry red and distinctive flow- ered . .. peaceful Sunday aft- ernoon strolls . . . industry and care- ful study . . Mary, and laughing Irish eyes.

ELLEN MARIE MAHO NEY History The assurance of a perfect hostess ... a bicycle ride in Spring . . . Mc­ Corthyism and current problems ... serious intent and genuine concern . .. Ellen .

136 KATHLEEN ANNE McENANEY History Le Louvre, the Uffizzi, and the West­ ern Heritage . . . breakfast menus and class meeting banter . .. Sunday morning organist . . . Kathy, and school-girl charm.

JA YNE VIRGINIA PARSLOE History Nonchalant individualism .. . a pen­ chant for parties .. . Sauthwestern travels and bright dreams of Europe . Jayne and grave "good morn­ ings" all day long.

MARY BRIDGET MORIARTY History Chesterfields, chiffon , and pink . .. ski weekends and the charm of an Easthamptan country­ side ... Mary, and the essence of fem ininity. 137 HE:LENE E. RO CHE History Seeds of Contemplation and the value in life ... realism, a hurried way, a bit of the British . . . Helene and a long brisk walk on a Nan­ tucket beach.

ELEANOR FRANCES SEXTON History Perennial leadership in historical ac­ tivities . . . a librarian's view on books and people . .. hostess with a fla ir . . . Eleanor and contagious laughter.

PATRICIA MARY SALMO N History A smile, a word, and gentleness ... diligence and dreams ... the impor- tance of little things .. . unflurried and almost on time .. . sterling, sus- taining, Pat.

138 I t.


CAROL ANN SMITH History The casual, colorful look ... best sellers, Newport jazz, and Invita- tiona I Tourneys . . an instinctive sense of the group . . . wind-fresh cheeks and Carol.

KATHLEEN PATRICIA TIERNEY History L'amour de francais . . . black cu- 7 lottes, bulky sweaters, and olive green . . . demure expression con ­ cealing sharp wit . .. Kathy, and the radiance of gold.

VICTORIA ANN ALEXANDER Psychology The off-beat wit of Shelley Berman ... bubbling humor and gay mimicry .. . observations and the puzzle of personalities . .. the vivaciousness of Vicky.

139 LINDA B. BOUTIN Ps ychology Skiing on snow or water .. . the w illowy grace and the gesture of interpretive dance . personality theories investigated . the quiet depths of Linda.

MARTHA THERESE DAUGHAN Ps ychology A plaid a day . . . freedom of form in art . .. elegant simplicity, the symmetry of the dance, and an aura of dreams ... the mystery of Mar­ tha.

140 JANE CLARE MARTELL Psychology Cafeteria chats, a loden , and the freedom of sailing . .. Ferlin­ ghetti's poem s and the " authentic ex­ istence" . . . penetration and wit beneath a ca lm fasade . . . th e uniqueness of Ja yne.

ANDREA MARZE Ps ychology Intensely, industriously inquisitive . . . essence of Thomism ... pondering silences and precision ... Andy ... " sweet looks, long locks, girl-grace."

LORRAINE L. ROY Psychology Seascapes, murals, and original fash­ ions ... basic questions, a scientific method of thought ... Lorraine, in- tellectual in a Charlotte Bronte coif- fure.

141 KATHLEEN MARIE BARRETT Sociology Reflectiveness and gentle speech ... curls in the rain ... gold and pearls and "that Jo y's look" ... Kathy, and gentle breezes over Marblehead.

CAROL A. COFSKY Sociology Spirituality and open-hearted gener­ osity . . . the pink blush, th e irrepress­ ible giggle, and the ever-present tease . . . Carol and a bouncing polka.

MARY ANNE CRONIN Sociology Latest but not least ... informality, independence, and on active ap­ proach . .. Bea utiful Ohio ... verve and resilience . the brightness of "M.A."

142 LORETTA JEAN DeSESA Sociology Springtime strolls olong the Fenwoy . . . pizza parties, Johnny Mathis, and sun basking ... the systematic approach ... Loretta and truly gra­ CIOUS giving.

DIANE REED DON DALE Sociology The adventure of living ... museum trips and skiing jaunts ... colorful knee-sox, a beige , a prized cameo .. a sudden blush, a ra­ diant smile . . . Diane.

MARY T. FELL Sociology A kindly heart, a simple grace, a natural joy ... community giving the chunky bracelets and the cheery Hi! ... Mary and action sparked by spirit. 143 RUTH ALICE HIGGINBOTHAM Sociology " Sweet G eorgio Brown" accentuated with a parasol ... on the spot at Yueh 's ... a conservative progres­ sive . . . Ruthie, spontaneity, and spur of the moment fun.

lIZZY R. LAMMENS Sociology Cosmopolitan with an inquiring mind ... ballet et Pensees ... agility of thought and movement . . . high- spirited enjoymen t Lizzie a Dutch treat.

144 MARY LOU MARLEY Sociology Beachcombing in Winthrop . .. pro­ vocative questions and a sense of the whole .. . compelling eyes, un - usu al voic e . . . Mary Lou, carefree, casual, considering.

KATHERINE M . EASTMAN Spontaneous giving and numberless quiet services ... once-upon-a-time tomboy .. . drollness and a bright- world grin ... forthright, unruffled ... Kathy.

ELAINE KATHER INE STEPHENS Sociology Autumn in N ew Hampshire ... an unassuming doer of deeds . .. mys- teries, badminton and afternoon tea ... Ela ine and the faint fragrance of Chanel No. 5.

145 CONSTANCE L. FARRELL Education Psycho log y, education, and the de­ sire to teach ... papier mach~ and collage . .. polkas, figure eights, and "Only a Rose" . .. Connie and music for millions.

ANN MARIE O 'DONNELL Education Children and CCD and E .. . lithe movements, summertim e sports, and sincerity ... Celtic charm and cheery greetings ... Ann ... so quietly ob- se rvant.

JEAN ELIZABETH HARTNETT Education Peaches and cream- the Ali-Amer­ ican look ... stylish script and play­ ground proficiency .. . white-shirt crispness, precise planning .. . gra­ cious Jean.

146 SHEI LA O ' REIL LY Education Tru e sympathy, quick perception, and the desire for indepen dence . . . novel ideas . .. living in the Harvard atmosphere . . . Sheila, stylishly avant-garde.

CHARLOTTE MARY PRESCKA Education Smile and camera flashes . . . snow­ ball fights on Route 2, post office marathons, N ew York by night .. . Charlotte and th e convertible great outcloors.

JOYCE MARIE SANTINO Education Pensive pixie with an self-developed perspec tives . ovid reading and creative writing . . . matched jewelry ... pert, pretty, proper ... Joyce.

147 GEORGIA MARY SULLIVAN Education Shy appreciation and the human comedy ... the personal joy of the seamstress ... peace and sensitivity . . . Georgia, and delicate tints of water color.

BERNADETTE PATRICIA TIFFANY Education Political awareness . . coordinates and scarab bracelets ... walks in the spring rain, Japanese pearls . . . Bernie and a soft-spoken strength.

JOYCE DIANA AUGUSTYNIAK Business The lasting beauty of ancient and modern art ... depth and discovery . .. a silver flute, a Wilbur play ... Joyce, statuesque grace in cap and gown.

14B MARION ANNE BARBER Bus iness Bright color tempered by jet black an expedition in a sports car old coins and faraway places the excitement of the business world and Marion.

JANET FRANCES BOURQUE Business Hard work, loud complaints, but deep-down satisfaction in achieve­ ment ... the Arts Festival , coffee houses, Summa discussions ... Janet and creative-type fun.

JOHANNE PAULA BROGNA Business A splas~ , of red, a Latin beat eloquent eyes and many strands of pearls . . . quiet manner belying inner verve ... Johanne ... petite sophistication.

149 PAULINE ELIZABETH HARRISON Business Th e delightful appeal of a shy one ... natural charm, quiet-voiced inter­ est.. ger.u ine joy in small things . mint green and shades of twi­ light ... Poll y.

PATRICIA MARY MURPHY Business Window-shopping and the prob­ lems of .. . soft feminin­ ity accented by jangling bracelets ... ski sweaters, and Focus accounts .. . Pat, a wisp of spring.

HILDA MARIE IGLESIAS Business Sunl ight warmth of bright friendli­ ness ... diminutive yet executive . . . pantomime and the drama ... the diamond sparkle, the brown-eyed charm of Hilda.

150 ARLENE MARIE NOONAN Business Wrightman Cup tennis and canters through the Blue Hills ... leisurely speech, cordial humor, last minute haste .. . Arlene, hopscotching the globe.

PHYLLIS ANN RAPTEL Business Businesslike lady enjoying a little of everything . . . finely-etched features ... mercurial moods . . . beach or­ chids, green jade, and pink cham­ pagne . .. Phyllis.

ELLEN THERESA REED Business Music to reflect a mood . . . the Revolutionary War and existential­ ism ... mental activity through dis­ ciplined writing ... Ellen , dark eyes and serenity.

151 Systematized conceptual knowledge . ..

Depth and scope through the interrelation of

disciplines . ..

The broad concept of the theoretical verified by the

immediate evidence of the practical . . .

Contributing to an evolving system . . .

The search for the mastery of matter.

152 153 BIOLOGY

Sister Margaret, Chairman

" Bios " in the helixes of DNA molecules ... tracing the process of photosynthesis ... musical chairs with microscopes .. . " I found a virgin female! " ... triosin on a white lab coat and recitations in comparative ... intricacies of animate nature and a sense of the order of being.

154 Dorothy Rice

Sist er Mary Camilla

155 A tiny beat within a shell ... an expectant hu sh ... the wonder of life beginning.

156 157 Sister Mary St. John

158 r I t I

Sister Mary Fro nces

159 Biology Club

Lectures with an international flavor . .. Professor Kawaguti and a bivalved gastropod ... Sister Mary St. John 's report from England, Denmark, and Wales ... T ri -Beta honors-achievement and incentive.



Sis ter Mory John, Chairman

Deduction and induction . .. analysis and synthesi s ... pains­ taking moments at the balance . . . Gooch filters and rubber policemen ... polarimetry, spectrophotometry and Victor Meyer . .. Red lake formed, Ni++ present ... testing for the un known.

161 Ro se Irma Lynch

162 Sister Magdalen Julie

163 Sharing insights as the carbon tet refluxes ... cold water flowing up . .. calibrating burettes . . . waiting for the centrifuges to stop . .. student panels on summer labs ... a look at pre- and post-doctoral studies at the Institutum Divi Thomae . . . around the clock in Alumnae Hall . .. the aspiring chemist.

Chemical Society

164 Sister Ma ry St. Dorothy

165 Sister Margaret Clore, Chairman PHYSICS

166 M. Patric ia Hagan

The wonder of wave lengths ... reflection, refraction, and the spectrum seen through prisms ... micrometer measurements with just a sli ght % of error ... differential equations applied to physical si tuations . . . " It's so much easier with a slide rule" .. . pulleys, pendulums, and planes ... mastering the color code .. . concentrated energy in designing original experiments ... a logical approach to all problems ... physics searches a world of ene rgy.

167 Sister Da niel Marie

John B. DeVelis


A theoretical emphasis ... sets, groups, and modern math . . . ''There exists x such that" . .. when 2 plus 2 makes 0 ... normal distributions, samples, and tests . .. the approach to infinity. conditions for convergence.

169 A student panel and the impact of math on other disciplines .. . dice, cards and the theory of probability .. . cross references to Alice in Wonderland . . . the project in the basement . .. " It is obvious that" . . . the austere beauty of an elegant proof.

Si ster Ca therine Jose ph ine, Chairman

170 r I

Sister Elizabeth Louise

Mathematics Club

171 MAURA R. CURLEY Biology Effervescence ina 10 bora tory . . . a Dixieland beat or a real cool rhythm by Ahmad Jamal ... the capricious wit and the lively imagination of Moura.

AIDA MARY DilORETO Biology Romance languages, the challenge of science, soft Hawaiian music ... dreams of return to Bologna and a future in .. . quiet, com­ petent Aida.

JANE F. DOCKETT Biology Calmly taking things In stride .. . snow sports, Great Dones, and fun with " the crowd " ... subtlety and humor ... Jane, and the lasting ties of twinship.

172 MARGARET LOUISE DOCKETT Biology Experim enting with water colors ... tropical fish and a spontaneous "That's great! " . . . a certain reserve . . . Margaret, and the joys of shar­ ing twinship.

PIERRETTE MADELEINE GAGNON Biology Coffee houses and long walks to the Square . .. picnics on the rocks ... a cosmopolitan taste for Gershwin, Garner, and Sadler Wells .. . versa­ tile Pierrette.

NORMA ANN GUGLIELMETTI Biology All that's new and novel from Gins­ berg to the Guggenheim Museum . . . individuality, jewel tones, and solitude . .. Norma, a connoisseur of the contemporary.

173 UNDA JOAN HANLEY Biology Pert ballerina with auburn tresses serene smile and deep serious­ ness . . . sparkling sand, cool water, and a free spirit . . . Lindo and Southern sunshine.

JUDITH ANN KERR IGAN Biology April in Florida . . . lob re ports, ham­ sters, and free hours in deep conver­ sation ... casual woolens . .. the flashing eyes and exci ted outbursts of Jud y.

174 MARY FRANCES LaROCHELLE Biology Rare refinement and that just-right gesture ... the psychology of giving "interesting parties"-Voil2,! Frannie ... et une reve de 10 rive gauche.

ELLEN FRANCES McCARTHY Biology Beauty in ten thousand places Eliot chanted low, strains of the Ninth, the wonder of an atom ... green-gold hours ... Ellen and the "loveliness of life."

MARIE de los MILAGROS F. MONTALVO Biology The wonder and freshness of a child entering new worlds ... a rhythmic, appealing accent ... gaiety, naivete . .. Millie and a lovely Latin melody.

175 LILY MOO YOUNG Biology Exploring the complexities of life and the mind ... a sense of the aposto­ late, thoughtfully expressed convic­ tions . .. the relevance of St. Paul . .. crystalline individuality .. . Lily, gently deep.

CATHERINE ANNE MURPHY Biology Presiding at the dormitory .. . Tri Beta, trench , and boating out of Essex . .. high fidelity at midnight ... Cathy, and winter moonlight in Vermont.

MARY MORRISON Biology Generous nature, lively wit ... exotic restaurants and the music of Spain ... Newmanian with a scientific slant ... congenial, cata­ lytic Mary.

176 NANCY MURRAY Biology Id eas concretized in beautiful expres­ sions ... a haunting voice, stage magic, all things Bostonian Nancy, simple sophistication In a white lab coat.

JOANNE NORTON Biology Racial minorities and cultural anal­ yses ... kitchen experiments, eclairs, and sudden enthusiasms . .. little girl charm ... Joanne, vibrant and vivacIous.

HELEN ELIZABETH O'NEILL Biology Del ight in the interplay of personal­ ities .. . capturing a pictorial image ... sensitivity and a love of order . . . the penetrating seriousness of Lenn ie.

177 ELLEN MARY O 'S HEA Biology Considerotion , , , sight-seein g In Boston, concocting a fa vorite dish, munching M & M's ... Ell en, and the gentle voice that says: "Has anyo ne seen my ...?"

MARIA PIRAINO Biology Segovia in and sweaters , .. self-taught Greek and "different" hats .. . philoso ph y ove r a test tube ... dynamic, demure, and delightful ... Maria.

178 HYACINTH ELAINE RAINFORD Biology Metaphysics and the intensity of drama . . . decorative tables, cro­ cheting achievements, and a game of cricket . .. composure and re­ flectiveness, Hyacinth.

ANN MARIE WALSH Biology French Impress ionism and Ita lian op­ erettas .. . world awareness, studies in capitalism and commun ism .. . a leisurely tenn is player ... even, pur­ poseful Ann.

SY LVIA JAMESIA SACCHETTI Biology Rela xi ng at th e piano, sharin g fam­ il y ideals ... willing listener and New Zealand postmarks ... Sy lvia ... science, nursin g, and the desire to give.

179 LILLA MARIE CURLEY Chemistry Biochemistry, Swan Lake, and sum­ mer stock . . . the dimensions of Camus and Kafka ... precision In planning ... Lilla, determination In white-rimmed .

CONSTANCE MARIE DeSIMONE Chemistry Cork collections, coffee shops, and cheesecake .. . research and scien- tific writi ng s ... wry observations ... drama in dress ... Connie and deep auburn tones.

180 CAROL ANN JONES Chemistry A golden page-boy and white- trimness ... apple coogan, Christmas sweaters, and maple furniture ... implications of Communism and De­ mocracy ... Carol . .. delightfully demure.

ROSEMARIE CATHERINE MALIK Chemistry A skilled organist with a love for Chopin ... Chemistry and the ab­ sorbing novels of Dostoevski cool winds, long walks .. . Rose­ marie and faraway places.

JUSTINE ANN OHLSEN Chemistry Baconian vignettes of life . . . the miracle of spring and the concen- tration of a sonnet . .. ladylike ele- gence in a lab-centered sphere . .. debonair Justine.

181 EUFRAZIA ANN PENNACCHIO Chemistry The enticement of the unknown. a fiery Latin tempo ... dabbling in oils and specu lating in chemistry . . . opals on a bright red scarf . . . Eufrazia.

DOROTHEA MARIE REDENTE Chemistry Lab practicals worried through discerning taste and the luxury of . . . music, music, from Brubeck to Beethoven ... Dotty, creativity and the dance.

182 DIANE MIRIAM SULLIVAN Chemistry Practicality and the breathless rush of chemistry .. . candidly realistic .. . from quickness to quietness .. . picture crowning blonde curls .. . Diane.

PATRICIA McKILLOP Physics Wandering and waitressing rockets, satellites and nuclear physics ... perseverance personified ... Pat ... fragility balancing an armful of books.

LOUI SE MARIE WADDEN Chemistry Head in the clouds and feet on the ground . .. the Beat Movement ex- plored . . . a stylish way with words . .. the unhurried, unbothered opti­ mism of Louise. 183 PAULINE ANNE ClBELLI Mathematics True-blue math major reading F. Scott Fitzgerald . . . and bracelet sets . .. La Traviata, base­ ball, and the bonds of Emmanuel ... the pertness of Polly.

MARY ROSALIE CONLEY Mathematics The penetrating analysis Schumann for studying . . . SCIence fairs, record sa les, and Harvard Square ... philosophy and physics . .. the intensity of Mary.

BARBARA DRISCOLL Mathematics Mathematical concepts, the symbols of Eliot, and the loftiness of Milton . .. noontime conferences in the caf . . . the ability to take it easy . . . Barbara.

184 CAROLYN CATHERINE GALANTE Mathematics Number theory and a dance tempo . .. Dante revisited ... Italian cook­ ing and tailored achievements Carolyn, se renity, scholarship, and purpose.

BRENDA ELIZABETH HEGARTY Mathematics The power of an idea ... delicate but definite . . . mathematics and political philosophy ... down-to­ earth idealism ... Brenda and tones of burnt .

MARY A. McCARTHY Mathematics A picture of perfection ... unassum­ ing organization and laughing shy- ness . .. the meaningful silence . . . Mary . .. freshness with a touch of red velvet.

185 PATRICIA ELLEN MciNTYRE Mathematics Piano impromptus indicating talent and sensi ti vity ... the freedom of modern math . . . psychology a /a Freud and Lewin .. . candid, per­ ceptive Pattie.

ELAINE MARIE OBERLANDER Mathematics Towards the theoretical ... a peace­ ful spot, an absorbing book, thinking things through ... engrossing con­ versation ... Elaine, and the quiet­ ness of violets.

186 MARY BERNADETTE PARENT Mathematics The balanced outlook af a gentle scholar . . . mathematics and the discipline of order . . fulfilling the aims of Chi Rho . . . Mary, and Christmas angels.

ROSEMARY ELLEN SULLIVAN Mathematics Pensiveness poised beside a lake . .. science-fiction, track meets, and ob­ servations by post . . . EBB and dream-worlds . . . Rosemary, firm and gentle.

FRANCES M. WYROCKI Mathematics Museum and book store browsing . . campus debates and the alert response .. . dance committees . . . Frannie ... a quizzical glance and bright-eyed merriment.

lB7 J

I The struggle t f Con ' 0 ormulate the .. ' .. I SCIOusness and ' IS '" Indebted Involvement ness Epilogue to 1;~ l'



1 189 Administration Sister Ann Bartholomew, AM. President Sister Marie of the Trin ity, AM., Ph.D. Academic Dean Sister Helen Margaret, AM., Ph.D . Assistant Dean Sister Mary Melania, AB., B.S. Treasurer Sister Francesco, A.M., M.F.A Dean of Students Sister Frances Gertrude, A.B. Registrar Sister Raymond Loretta, A.B . Director of Admissions Sister Magdalen Julie, M.S. Director of Residence Sister Clare Francis, AB ., B.S., M.S. Librarian Sister Margaret Angela, AM., Ph .D. Director of the Emmanuel League Miss Rose Mullin, AB., Ed .M. Director of the Placement Bureau Joseph Burns, M.D. College Physician Faculty Sister Alice Mary, AB., M.S. Assistant Librarian *Sister Angela Elizabeth, A.M., Ph.D. English *Sister Ann Augusta, Ed .M. Education Sister Anne Barbara, AM., Ph.D. English Sister Anne Cyril, AM., Ph .D. English John J. Barry, Jr., Ph.D. Psychology Sister Benedicta Marie, A.B. Biology Sister Berchmans, AM., Ph .D. Italian, Greek Philip P. Cash, AM. History Sister Catherine Carmel ita, AM. Art Sister Catherine Edward, AM. History Sister Catherine Josephine, AM., Ph.D. Mathematics Reverend George L. Concordia, O.P., AB., S.T.L., S.T.Lr. Theology, Philosophy Anne Tolbert Constantinedes, A.B. Elaine Morrison Corbett, A.B., M.S. Biology Patricia Crowe, B.S. Physical Education Sister Daniel Marie, AM. Physics Helene Ravera Day, A.M. French Senor Francisco de 10 Gandera, Licenciado en Filosofia y Letras Spanish John B. De Velis, AM. Physics Alice Doherty Secretary to the Director of Placement Loretta Donway Secretary to the Assistant Dean Mary M. Doyle, M.Ed., AM. Education Sister Elizabeth Louise, AM. Mathematics Robert E. Enos, B.F.A. Art Alfredo Fondacaro Music Sister Frances Gertrude, AB. Registrar Sister Francesco, AM., M.F.A. English Sister Gertrude Magdalene, A.M. History of Art Rose Gillin, AM. Biology M. Jeannette Grady, Ed .M. Supervisor of Teacher Training *Reverend William P. Haas, O.P., AB ., S.T.L., S.T.Lr. Theology, Philosophy Patricia Hagan, Ed.M. Physics Elizabeth Hanlon, A.M. English Sister Helen Margaret, AM., Ph .D. History Eugene Isotti, AM. Psychology Sister Jane Marie, AM. German, French Alice Jenks, AM. Education Sister Joseph Mary, AM. English Sister Julie, AM., Ph.D. French Francis J. Kelly, AM. Psychology Eleanora Korzeniowska, AM. Russian, Polish *Sister Laurentine Marie, AM. Mathematics Reverend Alfred Lister, O.P., S.T.Lr. Theology, Philosophy Sister Loretta Julie, AM. English 190 ' On leave of absence. Rose Irma Lynch, M.S. Chemistry Paul D. Maffeo, AM. German Sister Magdalen Julie, M.S. Chem istry Sister Margaret, A.M. Biology Sister Margaret Clare, M.S. Physics Sister Margaret Dorothea, AB . Assistant to the Treasurer Sister Margaret Pauline, AM., Ph .D., Dama de la Orden de Isabella Catolica Spanish, Portuguese Sister Marie Augusta, AM. Sociology Sister Marie Constance, A.M. English Sister Marie Margarita, AM., Ph.D., Officier d ' Acad~mie Russian, French Sister Marie Mildred, A.B. , M.L.S. Assistant Librarian Sister Marie Stephen, Ed.M. Education Sister Marie of the Trinity, AM., Ph.D. English Sister Marietta, A.M., M.S.S. Theology, English Sister Mary Camilla, M.S. Biology Sister Mary Frances, AM., Ph.D. Biology Sister Mary of the Immaculate Conception, AM., Ph .D. History Sister Mary James, AM., Ph .D. English, Speech Sister Mary John, M.S., Ph .D. Chemistry Sister Mary Saint Dorothy, AB. Chemistry Sister Mary Saint John, M.S., Ph .D. Biology Edward L. McGowan, AM. Russian James R. McGovern, Ph .D. History Sister Miriam Saint John, A.M. English Carol Mori Secretary to the Registrar Mildred E. Morrison Supervisor of Teacher Training Reverend William M. O 'Beirne, O.P., S.T.L., S.T.Lr. Theology Mary Ann O'Donnell, B.S. Secretary to the President John E. Oloughlin, Ph.D . History Adorna Orlandi, Ph.D. Spanish Reverend Henry P. Ouellette, M.Ed ., Ph.D. Psychology Sister Patricia Louise, AB., M.C.S. Business and Secretarial Science Alfred Patterson Music C. Alexander Peloquin Music Edward H. Pendergast, LL.B . Business Rodolphe E. Pepin, D.Mus. Music Reverend Joseph G. Pezzullo, O.P., A.B., S.T.L., S.T.Lr. Theology Frances M. Pitochelli, A.B. Art Barbara Raftery, A.B. Secretary to the Academic Dean Mary Reardon, AB., B.F.A Art Teresa A Regan, AM., Ph .D. Supervisor of Teacher Training Paul Rhudick, Ph .D. Psychology Dorothy Rice , AM. Biology Sister Rose Marie, B.Mus. Music Sister Ruth Marie, A.M., Ph.D. French Richard Senier, AB. Philosophy Joseph L. C. Santoro, AW.S. Art Reverend Stanislaus Sypek, AM., M.S.S.W., Ph .D. Sociology Sister Teresa Louise, AB. Assistant to the Treasurer Sister Therese Gerard, AM. Business and Secretarial Science Sister Therese Julie, M.Mus. Music Inese Uzarins Director of Language Workshop Nicholas Verven, Ph.D. Psychology Sister Vincent de Paul, M.F.A Art Blanche Wagonis, R.N. Resident Nurse Esta L. Wall, AB. Secretary to the Director of Admissions Reverend Francis X. Weiser, S.J., Ph.D., S.T.D. German Sister Wilfrid, AM., Ph.D. Latin, Vera Zariski, AM. English 191 Directory

Dr . John J. Borry, Jr. Dr. James R. McGovern Pleosont St., Morshfield Hills 180 Abbott St. , Andover Mr. Edward McGowan Mr. Philip P. Cosh 656 West Roxbury Pkwy., W . Roxbury 25 Bartlett Crescent, Brookline Miss Carol A. Mori Rev. George L. Concordia, O.P. 157 Saratoga St., E. Boston St. Stephen's Priory, Dover Mrs. Mildred E. Morrison Mrs. Anne Tolbert Constantinides 32 Hillcrest Circle, Watertown 2 Porter Circle, Miss Rose M. Mullin Mrs. Elaine Morrison Corbett 21 Blake St., Dorchester 4 Kilsyth Ter., Brighton Miss Patricia B. Crowe Rev . William M. O'Beirne, O .P. 115 F St ., South Boston St. Stephen's Priory, Dover Miss Mary A. O ' Donnell Mrs. Helene Rovero Day 34 Rangeley St., Dorchester 43 Foyette St ., Cambridge Dr . John E. O ' loughlin Mr. John B. DeVelis 194 Claflin St ., Belmont Non -Res ide nt 84 Putnam Rd ., Somerville Miss Adorna Orlandi Miss Ali ce R. Doherty 224 Hanover St., Boston 43 Emerald Ave., Braintree Rev . Henry P. Ouellette Miss loretta K. Donwoy St. Christophor s Rectory, Dorchester Facu lt y 130 Federal St., Weymouth Miss Mary M. Doyle Mr. Alexander Peloquin 501 East Seventh St., S. Boston 115 larch St., Provi dence, R. I. Mrs . Mary A. Duplain Dr . Rodolphe E. Pepin 18 Arborway, Ja ma ica Pia i n 80 Francis St., Ro xbury Rev. Joseph G . Pezzullo, O .P. Miss Mary English St. Stephen 's Priory, Dover 37 Tower St ., Jamaica Plain Miss Frances Pitochelli Mr. Robert F. Enos 118 East Haverhill St., lawrence 20 Burr St. , Jamaica Plain Miss Barbara A. Raftery lSI Wolcott Rd ., Brookline Mr. Alfred Fondacaro Miss Mary A. Reardon 34 Boynton Rd ., Medford 74 Greenleaf St., Quincy Dr. Teresa A. Regan Se(;or Francisco de 10 Gandara 130 Bright Rd ., Be lmont 326 Dartmouth St., Boston Dr. Paul J. Rhudick I IS Summit Ave., W inthrop Miss M. Patricio Hagan Miss Dorothy T. Ric e 40 Strathmore Rd., Brookline 14 Ware St., Cambridge Miss Elizabeth Hanlon longwood Towers, Brookline Mr. Joseph L. C. Santoro 158 lovell Rd ., Watertown Mr. Eugene J. Isotti Mr. Richard Senier 253 Boston Ave., Medford 23 Bodwell St. , Dorchester Rev . Stanislaus T. Sypek Miss Alice L. Jenks 17 Hale St., Hyde Park 36 Brown Ave., Roslindale Mrs . Inese Uzar ins Mr. Francis J. Kelly 142 Pearl St., Cambridge 10 linden Ave., Scituate Miss Eleanora Korzen iowska Dr. Nicholas Vernen 848 Massachusetts Ave., Apt. 9, Cambridge 128 Ardmore Rd ., Needham Heights

Rev . Alfred Q. lister, O .P. Miss Blanche Wagonis St. Stephen's Priory, Dover 235 Park Drive, Boston Miss Rose Irma lynch Mrs. Esta l . Wall 8 Piedmont Rd., West Medford 29 Rosemont St., Dorchester Rev. Francis X. Weiser, 5.1. Mr. Paul D. Malleo Weston College, Weston 10 Gladstone St., Boston Mrs . Eugene L. Maguire Miss Vera Zariski 250 Gallivan Blvd ., Dorchester 27 lancaster St. , Cambridge

192 Senior Closs

Ahern, Kalhleen Mary, 45 Norlon Rd., Quincy; Historical 4. literary 2, 3, 4. Cibelli, Pauline Anne, Sears Rd. , Southboro; Athletic 2, 3. Epilogue 3, 4. Modern language 3. Mathematics 3, President 4. Modern languoge 1, 2, 3.

Alexander, Vic Iorio Ann, 296 Princelon 51., E. Boslon; Closs Vice-President 4. Clarke, Carolyn Elizabelh, 42 Larchmonl Rd., Solem; Re sident Students" Treas­ Student Government Representative 1, 3. Dramotic 1. Modern longuage 1, 2. urer 2. Epilogue 3, Senior Co-ordinator 4. Foreign Missions a. literary 2, 3, 4. Musical 1, 2, 3, Vice-President 4. Psychology 4. Who's Who. Social Service 1.

Alexopoulos, Helen Mary, 158 Hillside 51. , Roxbury; Causeries 3, 4. Modern Cofsky, Carol Ann, 973 Washington St., Dodham; CCDE 3, 4. Foreign Mis­ longuage 1, 2, 3, 4. sions 2. Modern language 1, 2. Sociol Service 1, 2, 3, 4.

Almeida, Carole Louise, 14 Sagamore St. , New Bedford; Dramatic 1, 2, 3. (ollins, Christine Marie, 16 Mercier Ave., Dorchester; Dramatic 1, Secretary Hi storical 1. Modern language I , 2, 3, 4. 2, 3, President 4. Historical 1. literary 3, 4. Modern language 2, 3, 4.

Augustyniak, Joyce Diono, 67 Burgess Ave., Westwood; Business Forum Conley, Mary Rosalie, 897 Broadway, W. Somerville; Foreign Missions 4. 2,3,4. Mathematics 2, 3, Vice-President 4. Modern language 4.

Connolly, Ruth Marie, 2B Lowell 51., Woburn; Athletic 1, 2, 3, 4. Dramatic Barber, Marion Anne, 83 Floral 51 ., Taunlon; Athletic 1, 2, 3. Bu si ness Forum 1, 2, 3, 4. Foreign Missions 1. Historicol 1. Itnernational Relations 1. literary 2, 3, 4. Public Relations 2, 3. Modern longuoge 1. 2, 3, 4. Modern Dance 3. Public Relations 1, 2, 3, Chairman 4. Who's Who.

Barnett, Berna Groce, 4 Camp Rd., Kingston, Jamaico, W. I. ; International Coomey, Pa tricio Ann Marie, 1 Reservoir 51., Cherry Volley; Athletic 1, 2, Relations 1. Musical 2. 3, 4. Causeries 3. Foreign Missions 3. Historical 1, 2. Modern language 1, 2, 3, 4. Musical 1, 2, 3. Barone, Elinor Marie , 43 Fern 51. , lawrence; Athletic 1, 2. Foreign Missions 1. Modern longuage I, 2, 3. Cronin, Mary Anne, 49 Oregon Courl, Roxbury; Ath letic 3, President 4. Social Service 3, 4. Borrell, Kalhleen Marie, 52 Humphrey 51. , Marblehead; Foreign Missions 2, 3, 4. Musical 1. Social Service 2, 3, 4. Cronin, Roberla, 18 Elizabelh Rd., G/oucesler; Athletic 2. Focus 3. Modern language 2, 3, 4. Social Service 1. Bean , Pa tricio Ellen, 20 Jenk ins St., S. Boston; Foreign Missions 3. Historical 1, 2, 3, 4. literary 3, 4. Modern languoge 1, 2. Curley, Lillo Marie, i42 Church 51 ., Newlon; Athletic 1. Chemical I, 2, 3, 4. Dramatic 1, 2, 3, 4. literary 1. Modern language 2. Bourque, lanel Frances, 19'/, Roslyn 51. , Solem; Business Forum 2, 3, 4. Ethos Circulation Manager 4. literary 2. Modern language 1, 2. Curley, Moura R. , 59 Williams St. , N. Easton; Biology 2, 3, 4. Chemical 2.

Boutin , Lindo B., Holliday Dr., S. Shaffsbury, VI .; Modern Dance 3, Pre sident 4. Modern language 2. Psychology 4. Daley, Maureen Helen, 38 Haskell St., G/oucesler; Athletic 1. International Bowes, El inor Aurelio, 19 Sialion Rd. , Solem; Closs Secretory 1, Vice-Pres­ Relations 2, 3. literary 3, 4. ident 2, President 3. Ethos 2, Current Books Editor 3, Senior Editor 4. Foreign Missions 1, Treosurer 2, 3. literary 2, 3, 4. Modern language 3, 4. Sodality D'Aloisio, Moria Lauro, 14 Victoria Rd., Arlinglon; Causeries 2, 3, 4. Foreign 3, 4. Who's Who. Missions 1. Modern language 1, 2, 3, 4.

Brennan, Mary Elizabelh, 146 Church 51. , W. Roxbury; Athletic 1, 2, 3. His­ Daughan, Marlha Therese, Lalisquama Rd. , Soulhboro; Art 1. Athletic 1. torical 1, 2, 3, 4. literary 2. Social Service 1. Psychology 4.

Broderick, Patricio Clore, 59 Millon Ave., Dorchesler; CCDE 4. Foreign Mis­ Dean, Nancy c., 34 Twelflh 51. , Lowell; Class Treasurer 2. Causeries 2. sions 3. Historical 1, 2, 3, 4. literary 1, 2, 3, President 4. Modern language 4. Foreign Missions 3, 4. Modern language 2, 3, 4.

Brogna, lohanne Paulo, 111 Norlh Washinglon 51 ., Boslan; Business Forum DeSesa, Lorello leon, 16 Mendelssohn 51., Roslindale; CCDE 3, 4. Modern 1, 2, 3, 4. Ethos 4. Focus 3. Foreign Missions 4. language 1, 2, 3, 4. Social Service 1, 2, 3, 4.

Burke, Mary Calherine, 77 Tampa St., Ma"apan. DeSimone, Cons/once Marie, 65 Larchwood Rd ., Melhuen; Chemical 1, 2, 3, 4. Public Relations 3. Burns, Carolyn Palricia, 25 Bonks Rd., Swampsco"; Athl etic 1, 2. Epilogue 3, literary Editor 4. literary 2, 3, 4. Social Service 1. Dever, Kalhleen Louise, 40 O 'Caliaghan Way, S. Boslon; Athletic 1, 2, 3, 4. Causeries 4. Modern language 1, 2, 3, 4.

Cefalo, Charlo"e, 171 Harris 51 ., Revere; Historical 2, 3. International Re ­ Diamanlopoulos, Constance Helen , 60 Prospecl 51. , Winchendon; Athletic 1, lations 3. Social Service 1. CCDE 3, 4. 2. Historical 1, 4. l iterary 4. Modern Dance 2. Modern language 1, 2, 4.

Celli, Maryann l. , 63 Carler 51. , Leominsler; Art 1. Athletic 1, 2. Dramatic 1. DiLorelo, Aida Mary, 3 Pork Lone Ave., Milford; Biology 2, 3. Chemical 3. Focus 1,2,3, Editor-i n-chief 4. l iterary 2,3,4. Who 's Who. Epilogue 3, 4. Modern language 1, 2, 3.

193 Dockett, Jane F. , 363 Pleasant St. , Dracut; Athletic 1, 3, 4. Biology 2, 3. Presi dent 4. Foreign Missions 1.

Dockett, Margaret louise, 363 Pleasant St ., Dracut; Athletic 1, 4. Biology Treasurer 2, Vice-President 4. Foreign Missions 1, 3, 4.

Donahue, Anne Kathryn, 38 Channing Rd., Belmont; Art 2. Athletic 1, 2, 3. Causeries 3. Modern Language 1, 2, 3.

Dondale, Dione Reed, 20 Rockland St., W. Roxbury; Athletic 1, 3. Musical 1, 2. Social Service 1, 2, 3, Vice· President 4.

Driscoll, Barbaro, 362 laGrange St. , W. Roxbury; Epilogue 4. Foreign Mis ­ sions 2, 4. Mathematics 3, 4.

Eastman , Katherine M., J5 Whittier Rd. , Needham; N.F.C.C.S. Alternate 4. CCDE 1, 2, 3, 4. Public Relations 2, 3, 4. Social Service 1, 2, 3, 4. Psyc hology 3,4.

Farrell, Constance l., 898 Adams St., Dorchester; CCDE 2, 3, 4. Foreign Miss ions 1, 2, 3, 4. Mathematics 1. Musical 1, 3, 4. Psychology 4.

Fedele, Lorraine Marie, 61 Boston Sf ., Somerville; Dramatic 1, 3. Historical 1. International Relations 2. Literary 2, 3.

Fell, Mary T. , 24 Prairie Ave., Auburndale; Foreign Missions 1, 2. Musical 1, 2, 3, 4. Social Service 1, Secretory 2, Treasurer 3, President 4.

Friel, Kathleen E. , J80 Conway Terrace, Oswego, N. Y.; International Re ­ lotions Secretory-Treasurer 3. Literary 2, 3, 4. Modern Language 1, 2. Mu­ sical 1, 2. Public Relations 3, 4.

Fuchs, Gloria Janet, 4 Nobscat Rd. , Newton Center; Closs Parliamentarian 4. Athletic 3, 4. Focus 3, 4. Literary 4.

Gagnon, Pierrette Madeleine, 29 Norris St. , Cambridge; Athletic 3, 4. Biology 2, 3, 4. Historical 1. Musical 1, 2.

Galante, Carolyn Catherine, 94 Talt St., Revere; Athletic 4. CCDE 3, 4. For­ eign Miss ions 4. Mathematics 1, 2, Secretory 3, 4. Modern Language 4. Musical 1, 2.

Gallagher, Helen Frances, 79 Moulton St., lynn; Closs Secretary 1, President 2. Dramatic 1. Historical 1, 2, 4. literary Secretory .2, 3, 4. Public Relations 1, 2.

Giardullo, Anita louise, 53 Byron St., East Boston; Closs President 2, 4. Stu­ dent Government Secretory 3. Athletic 1, 2. Biology 1. International Relations 1. Musical 1, 2, Treasurer 3, 4. Modern Language 1. Wha·s Who.

Gibbons, Ann M. , 6J Westbaurne St., Roslindale; Closs President 1, Student Government Treasurer 3, President 4. Athletic 1. Causeries 2. Modern Language 1,2, 3, 4. Musical 1, 2, 3. Wha·s Who.

Gillis, Hildegarde Anne, 48 Neponset Rd., Quincy; Athletic 2, 4. Modern Language 2, 4.

Guglielmetti, Norma Ann, 57 Gray St., Providence, R. I. ; Art 1. Biology 2, 3, 4. Modern Language 2.

Hockett, Anne M. , 29 Chester St. , Melrose; Athletic 1. Dramatic 1. Ep ilogue 3, Biography Editor 4. Historical 1, 4. Literary 1, 2, 3, 4. Modern Language, 1,2, 3, 4.

194 Hanley , linda Joan, 223 lone, Palm Beach, Flo.; Bio logy 2, 3, 4. Kinneen, Brenda, 156 Vine 51. , l exington; N.F.C.C.S. Junior Delegate 3, Sen­ ior Delegate 4. literary 4. Mathematics 1. Who 's Who. Modern language 1, 2. Musical 1 ,2, 3, 4. Sodality 1, 2, 3, Prefect 4.

Eva A ., Bowker Brookline. Hark ins, Alicia Ellen , 41 laurel Dr. , Needham; Athletic 1, 2, 3, 4. Historical Kismarty, 45 51. , 2, 3, 4. Social Service 3, 4.

Harrington, Mary, 11 Elmdale St., Dorches ter; Ethos 2, 3, Associate Ed itor 4. lam mens, Lizzy R. , 247 Place Benoit, Montreal, ; Athletic 2, 3, 4. So­ Focus 1. literary 1, 2, 3, 4. cial Service 2, Secretory 3, 4.

Harrison , Pauline Elizabeth, J4 Cronslon St ., Jamaica Pla in ; Athletic 1. Busi· laRochelle, Mary Frances, 14 Central St., Derry, N. H. ; Biology 2, 3, 4. ness Forum 2, 3, 4. Focus 2, 3, 4. Modern Donee 3. Modern language 1. Causeries 2. Mathematics 1. Modern language 1, 2. Social Service 2.

Hartnett, Jean Elizabeth, 10 Otis Hill Rd., Hingham; Resident Student's leavitt, Maragret louise, Route #2, Contoocook, N . H.; Epilogue 3, 4. His ­ Secretory 3. CCDE 3, 4. Ep il ogue 3, Circulation Manager 4. Foreign Missions torical 1. literary 2, 3, 4. 1. International Relations 3, 4. literary 2, 4. Musical 1, 3, 4. lynch, Joan Elizabeth, 252 Harvard St ., Quincy; Closs Treasurer 3. literary 2, Healey, Gertrude Reddington, 329 Winter 51. , Fall River; International Re ­ 3, 4. Modern language 1. lations 2. literary Society 2, 3 , 4. Social Service 1.

Hegarty, Brenda Elizabeth, 27 Freeland St., Mattapan; International Relations 2. Mathematics 1, 2, 3, 4. Modern language 1, 2. Mahoney, Catherine F. , 15 logon St., Roxbury; Mathematics 1. Modern l an­ guage 2, 3, 4. Social Service 2, 4. Hickey, Barbaro E., 719 Belmont St. , Brockton; Ethos 2, 3. Focus 3, 4. literary 2, 3, 4. Musical 1, 2, 3, President 4. Mahoney, Elfen Marie, 27 Hoy Terrace, Milton; Athletic 1, 2, 3, 4. Historical 1, 2, 3, Vic e-President 4. literary 3, 4. Higginbotham, Ruth Alice, 30 Bartlett Rd ., Winthrop; Athletic 1, 2. Social Serv­ ice 1, 2, 3, 4. Mahoney, Patricio Ann , 86 Broadway, Arlington; Athletic 1. Focus 1, 2, 3, 4. Foreign Missions 3, 4. literary 2, 3, 4. Modern language 3. Musical 1, 2, 3, Homsey, Cynthia M., 27 High Plain Rd., Andover; literary 2, 3, 4. Social 4. Sodality 2, 3, 4. Service 1. Malik, Rosemarie Catherine, 43 Hebron St., Springfield; Athletic 2. Chemical Hurley, Margaret Ann, 121 Calumet St ., Boston; Ath letic 1, Secretory 2, Treas­ 1, 2, 3, 4. Foreign Missions 3, 4. Modern language 2. urer 3, Vice-President 4. Historical 2, 3, 4. Modern language 1. Monson, Jane Helene, 60 lake Ave., lynn; Athletic 1, 2, 3. Epilogue 4. For­ eign Missions 3, 4. In ternational Relations 2, 3. literary 2, 3, 4. Iglesias, Hilda Moria, 1108 Canton Ave., Milton; Art 1, 2, 3, 4. Athletic 1, 2, Morley, Mary lou, 25 Beal St., Winthrop; Athletic 1, 2. German 1. Modern 3. Business 1, 2, 3, 4. Dramatic 1, 2, Treasurer 3, Vice-President 4. Ethos Ad ­ language 1. Social Service 1, 2, 3, 4. vertising Manager 4. Modern Language 1, 2. Marshall, Barbaro Ann, 77 Inmon St ., Cambridge.

Mortell, Jane Clore, 12 Parkman 51. , Dorchester; Athletic 1, 2, 3, 4. literary 4. Jones, Coral Ann, 516A lowell St., Methuen; Chemical 1, 2, Secretory 3, Vice­ Mathematics 3, 4. Psychology 4. President 4. Modern language 1, 2. Marze, Andrea M. , 14 Moll 51., Solem; Athletic 1. Foreign Missions 2. literary 3, 4. Modern language 1, 2. Psychology 4. Social Service 1.

Keating, Maureen Theresa, 47 Dunboy St., Br ighton; Epilogue 3, Business McConn, Sheila Carroll, 10 Elm St. , Brookline; Closs Treasurer 1. Student Gov­ Manager 4. literary 1, 2, 3, 4. Musical 1, 2, 3. Social Service 1, 2, 3, 4. ernment Rep resentative 2. N.S.A. Ju nior Delegate 3, N.S.A. Co-ordinator 4. Dramatic 1, 2, 3. Focus 1, 2, 3. Modern language 1, 2, 3, 4. Public Relations Kelley, Brenda, 245 South Main St ., Andover; Foreign Missions 3, Musical 1, 1, 2, 3, 4. Who 's Who. 2. Modern language 1, 2, 3, 4. McCarthy, Elfen Frances, 24 Hazel St ., lowell; Student Government Represen­ Kelley, Susan Elizabe th , 52 Hurlcro/t Rd., Milton; Closs President 1. Student tative 4. Athletic 1, 3. Biology 2, 3, 4. Foreign Missions 2, Secretary 3, 4. Government Vice-Treasurer 2, Vice-President 4. Literary 2, Treasurer 3, 4. So­ Modern l a nguage 1. literary 3. Sodality 1, 2. Who 's Who. cial Service 1. Who 's Who. McCarthy, Mary A., 11 Hardwick St., Brighton; Closs Treasurer 3, 4. Athletic 1. Kelliher, Mary louise, 12 Munroe St., Somerville; Athletic 1, 2, 3. Causeries 2, Mathematics 1, 2, 3, 4. Modern language 2. 3, 4. Chemical Society 1. Foreign Missions 1. literary 4. Musical 1, 2, 3, 4. Modern language 1, 2, 3, President 4. McCloskey, Mary A ., 99 Waldeck Rd., Milton; Athletic 3. Focus 3, 4. literary 2, 3, 4. Kerrigan, Judith Ann , 26 Sydney St., Dorchester; Athletic 1, 2, 3. Biol ogy 2, 3, 4. CCDE 3. Historical 1, 2, 3, 4. Modern language 1. McDonnell, Marion, 80 Hunnewell Ave., Brighton; Closs President 3. N.F.C.C.S . Representative 2. Art 1. Dramatic 1, 2, 3, 4. Ethos 1, literary Assistant 2, Junior Khoury, Patricio Ann , 386 lowell St ., lawrence; Dramatic 1, Historical 1. In­ Ed itor 3, Editar-i n-Chief 4. literary 2, 4. Who 's Who. ternational Relations 3. literary 4 . McEnaney, Kathleen Anne, 83 Fairway Dr., W. Newton; Class Vice-President 1, Kilroy, Mary Theresa, 15 Mendelssohn 51. , Roslindale; Athletic 1, 2, 3. Histor­ 3, Closs Secretory 4. Dramatic 1, 2, 3, 4. Foreign Missions 1, 2, 3, 4. His ­ ical 1, 2, 3, 4. literary 3, 4. torical 1, 2, 3, 4. literary 3, 4. Who', Who.

195 McHugh , Cornelio lone, 5 Harr is St ., Quincy; Class Vic e-President 2. Epi­ logue 3,4. Literary 2, 3, 4. Modern Language 1, 2.

Mcintyre, Patricia Ellen , 17 Mechanic St. , Attleboro; Focus 2, 3. Feature Ed ito r 4 . Mathematics 1, 3, 4. Musical 1, 2.

McKenna, Maureen Fran ces, 176 Brook Rd., Milton ; Class Secretary 1. Art 1. Dramatic 1, 2, 3, 4. Epilogue 3, Ad vertisin g Manager 4. Historical 1, 2. Lit ­ erary 2, 3, 4. Sodality 3, 4.

McKillop , Patricia, 97 Spring Court Ext. , Woburn; Chemical 3. Mathematics 2, 3, 4.

Mclaughlin, Patricia Marie, 23A Myrtle St. , Jamaica Plain ; Student Government Representative 3. Athl e ti c 1. Ep ilogue 3, Editor-in-Chief 4. Literary 2, 3, 4. Modern Language 1. Mus ical 1, 2,3. Who's Who.

McNulty , Mary louise, 107 Glendower Rd. , Roslindale; Musical 1, 2, 3, 4. Modern Language 1, 2, 3, Vice-Pres ident 4.

Minichiello, Judith Ann, 58 West Cedar St., Boston; Athletic 1, 2. Foreign Mis ­ si ons 1. Historical 1, 2. Literary 2, 3. Modern Language 2, 3, Secretary 4.

Montalvo, Mar ia de los Milagros F. , Bo x 6146 loiza Sta. , Santurce, P. R.; Athletic 1, 2. Biology 2, 3, 4. Modern Language 1, 2.

Moo Young , Lily, Frome , Westmoreland, Jamaica, W. I. ; Class Vice-Pres ident 2. Athletic 3. Biology 2, 3, 4. Foreign Missions Vice-President 4. Sodality 4.

Morante, louise Ann , 1503 River St. , Hyde Park; Causeries 2, 3, 4. Modern Langua ge 1, 2, 3, 4.

Moriarty, Mary Bridget, 20 Taft Ave. , East hampton; Class Parliamentarian 2. Hi storical 1, 2, 3, 4. International Relations 3.

Morrison, Mar y, 480 Brookline Ave., Baston; Biology 2, 3, 4. Chemical 2. Foreign Missions 1, 4. Modern Language 1. Literary 4.

Mosher, Mary El iz abeth, 39 Park St. , New Bedford; Epilogue 3, 4. Historical 1. Litera ry 2, 3, 4. Musical 1, 2.

Murphy, Catherine Anne, 170 Mann ing St. , Hudson; Re sident President 4. Biology 2, 3, 4.

Murphy, Mary lou, 13 Kingman Rd., Somerv ille; Focus 1, 2, 3. Sports Ed­ itor 4. Literary 2, 3, 4. Modern Language 1, 2, 3, 4.

Murph y, Patricia Mary , II Vail Court , Cambridge; Athletic 1. Bu si ness For­ um 1, 2, 3, 4. Focus 2, 3, Bu siness Manager 4. Foreign Miss ions 4. Interna­ tional Relations 2.

Murray, Nancy, 826 Riverside Dr. , Methuen; Biology 2, 3, 4. Dramatics 1, 2, 3, Vice- President 4. Mode rn Dance 2. Modern Language 1, 2.

Mully, Mo ira Margaret, 52 Adams St. , Melrose , Causeries 2, 3, 4. Dramatic 1. Modern Language 1, 2, 3. Mu sica l 1, 2, 3, 4.

Noonan, Arlene Marie, 106 Hills ide St ., Milton; Bu si ness Forum 2, Secretary­ Treasurer 3,4. Focus 2, 3. Modern Language 1, 2.

Norton, Joanne , 51 Beechland St. , Roslindale; Athletic 1. Biology 2, 3, 4. For­ eign Missions 3.

Oberlander, Ela ine Mar ie, 351 Un ion St. , Holbrook; Chemical 1. International Relations 2. Mathematics 3, 4. Modern Language 2.

196 O ' Donnell, Ann Marie, 270 Mt. Vernon St. , Dedham; Athletic 1. CCDE 2, Sexton, Eleanor Frances, 6 8arna Rd. , Dorchester; Athletic 3, 4. Foreign Mis· 3, Vice·President 4. Literary 2, 4. Mothematics 1. si ons 3, 4. Historical 1, Treasurer 2, Secretary 3, President 4. literary 3, 4.

Ohlsen, Justine Ann, 27 Durant St., Lowell; Class Secretary 2. Chemical 1, Sheil, Margaret Galligan, 57 Grove St., Milton; Epilogue 3, 4. Ethos Senior 2, 3, 4. Mathematics 1. Modern Language 1, 2. Editor 4. Literory 2, 3, 4. Musical 1, 2, 3, 4.

O 'Neill, Helen Elizabeth, Grolon St. , East Pepperell; Biology 2, 3, 4. Chemical Sister Mary Emmonuelle FMM , ·Soint Clement's Convent, 80ston . 2. Epilogue 3, 4. Photogrophy Ed itor 4. Foreign Missions 3, 4. Literary 3. 4. Sisler Mary Anne, DSP, Saint Clement's Convent, 80ston. Sodality 1, 2, Vice·Prefect 3, 4. Sis ter Mary An/anino FMM , So;nl Clement's Convent, BasIon. O ' Reil'y, Sheila, 26 Concord Ave., Combridge; CCDE 1, 4, International Relations 2, 3. Literory 2. Sister Mory Gabriella, 50 Saint Poul's Ave., 80ston.

O 'Shea, Ellen Mary, 25 Sanderson Ave., Lynn , Athletic 1, 3. Biology 2, 3, 4. Sister Mary Meilon; FMM , Saint Clement's Convent, BasIon. Foreign M issions 3. Sister Mary Richarda, FMM , Saint Clement's Convent, 80ston.

Smith, Carol Ann, 101 Dean St. , Attelboro; Closs Vice Pres ident 3. Student Parent, Mary Bernodette, 173 School St., Lowell; International Relations 2, 4. Government Representative 4. Historica l 2, 3, 4. Modern Languoge 1. Literary 4. Mathematics 1, 2, 3, Treosurer 4. Modern Language 1. Sousa, Dorothy, 21 Harriett Ave., 8urlington, Focus 2, Photogrophy Editor 3, Parsloe, Jayne Virginia, 1086 81ue Hill Ave., Milton; Athletic 1, 2. Histaricol 1, Circulation Manoger 4. Foreign Missions 2, 3. Literory Society 2, 3, 4. 2, 3, 4. Modern Language 1. Internotionol Re lations 3, 4. Stephens, Elaine Kotherine, 156 Forbes Rd., Milton ; CCDE 3, 4. Foreign Mis· Pennacchio, Eufrazia Ann, 26'1, Charter St., 80S ton; Athletic 1. Biology 4. sions I, 2, 4. Modern Donce Secretory 2, 3. Modern Languoge 1, 2, 3, 4. Chemical 1, 2, 3, 4. Epilogue 3, 4. Foreign Missions 1, 4. Historicol 4 . Moth· Sociol Service 1, 2, 3, 4. ematics 3. Stone, Andrea Ruth , 49 Devens Rd. , Swampscott; Student Government Repre· Pierce, Anne·Morie, 164 Walnut Ave., Roxbury; Fore ig n Missions 1. Modern sentative 1. Art 1, 2, Treasurer 3, President 4. Epilogue 3, Art Editor 4. Longuoge 1, 2, 3. Sociol Service 2. Ethos 3, 4. Public Relations 2, 3. Piraino, Maria, 51 Brewster Ave., S. 8raintree, Athletic 3. Biology 2, Secretory Sul/ivon, Carolyn 1., 64 Oriole St., W. Roxbury; Athletic 1, 2. Musicol 1, 2. 3, 4. Chemicol Society 2. Mathematics 3. Modern Language 1, 3. Modern Longuoge 2, 4. Prescka, Charlotte Mary, 15 Newfield St ., N. Chelmsford, Athletic 1, 3. CCDE SuI/ivan, Dione Miriam, 438 S. Main St. , Manchester, N. H.; Athletic 1, 2. 1, 2, 3, President 4. Foreign Missions 1, 3. Historical 2. Modern Longuoge 1, 3 . Chemicol 2, 3, 4. Mathematics 1. Public Relations 2, 3. Photogrophy Director 4. Sodality 1. Sullivon, Georgia Mary, 2 Whittier St. , Winthrop; Art 2, 3, 4, CCDE 3, 4. Prescott, Helen Lucille, 16 Friend St., Weymouth, Dromotic 1, 2, 3, 4. Ethos 1, Musicol 1. Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4. 2, 3. Literory 1, 2, 3, Vice· President 4. Sullivan, Rosemary Ellen, 19 Fenwood Rd., 80S ton; Athletic 1, 2. Moth· emotics 3, 4. Racicot, Gertrude Alice, 47 8roadway, Haverhill; Causeries 2, 3, 4. CCDE 1. Foreign Missions 3, 4. Modern Longuage 1, 2, 3, 4. Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4. Sweeney, Elizobeth, 6 8ellevue Rd., Arlington; Athletic 1, 2. Children of Mory Vice Prefect 4. Literary 2, 3, 4. Musical 1, 2, 3, 4. Rainford, Hyacinth Elo ine, 7 Truman Ave., Kingston Jomaica, W. I.

Raptel, Phyllis Ann, 66 Alley St. , Lynn; Athletic 1, 2. Business Forum 1, 2, 3, Tierney, Kathleen Pa tricia, 272 Gallivan 8Ivd., Dorchester, Athletic 1, 2, 3, 4. President 4. Modern Language 1. CCDE 3. Foreign Missions 3, 4. Historical 1, 2, 3, 4. Literory 2, 3, 4. Modern Redente, Dorothea Marie, 59 Howthorne St., New 8ritain Conn.; Chemicol Languoge 2. Society 1, Treasurer 2, 3, President 4. Mathematics 1. Modern Donce 2, Treas­ Til/any, 8ernadette Patricio, 31 Stone Ave., Somerville; Athl etic 1. CCDE 2, 3, urer 3, Vice· President 4. Modern Longuage 1, 2. 4. Epilogue 4. Foreign Missions 1. Mathemotics 1. Modern Longuoge 1. Reed, Ellen Theresa, 32 Sanborn Ave., W. Roxbury; Business Forum 1, Secre· Torrisi , Grace 5., 30 Davis St., N. Andover; Focus 2, 3, Associate Editor 4 . tory 2, 3, 4. Ethos Business Monager 4. Internationol Relations 2. Literary 2, 3, 4. Modern Languoge 1, 2. Musical 1, 2, 3, 4. Roche, Helene E., 30 York St. , Nantucket, Children of Mary Secretory 2, Pre· fect 4. Historicol 1, 2, 3, 4. Sodolity 1, 2, 3, 4. Wadden, Louise Marie, 48 Lexington Ave., Cambridge; Athletic 1, 2. Chern· Rourke, Anne Rose, 108 Alvin St., Providence, R. I.; Art 1, 2, 3, Secretary 4. ical 1, 2, 3, 4. Focus 2, 3. Modern Languoge 1, 2. Epifogue Art Editor 4. Ethos 3, 4. Public Relations 2, 3. Walker, Rosemary Elizabeth, 86 Walnut Ave., Norwood, Art 1. Epilogue 3, Roy, Lorraine L. , 26 Grove St., Lewiston, Me.; Athletic 1, 2. Psychology 4. Biography Editor 4. Literary 2, 3, 4. Modern Longuage 3, 4.

Walsh, Ann Morie, 861 V.F.W. Parkway, W. Roxbury, Athletic 1, 3. Biology Sacchetti, Sylvia Gamesia, 457 Gallivan 8Ivd., Dorchester; Biology 2, 3, 4. 2, 3, 4. Modern Longuoge 2, 3. Sodolity 2, 3. Wynne, Noreen M., 523 Nichols St. , Norwood; Athletic 4. Modern Languoge Salmon, Patricio Mary, 19 Hemonway St., 80ston; Closs Treosurer 2, Secretory 3, 4. 3. Epilogue 3, 4. His toricol 1, 2, 3, 4. Literary 4. Sodality 4. Wyrocki, Frances M. 38 Glendale St. , Everett; Closs Secretory 3. Athletic 1. Santino, Joyce Morie, 12 8/adeville St. , Dorchester; Biology 2, 3. CCDE 2, Chemical 1. Epilogue 3, 4. Foreign Missions 1. Mathematics 3, 4. Modern Lan· Treosurer 3. Focus 2, 3. Historicol 1. Sodolity 2, 3. guoge 1.

197 Junior Closs

Theresa A. Adario Joan M. Cowles Kathryn l. Dougherty 47 Hunting 51. , Somerville 31 Brooks 51. , Maynard 7 Sherwood Rd ., Winchester Carolyn R. Addeso Mary M. Cox Diane M. Dowd 21 Steeple 51. , Revere 30 Westview Terr ., West N e wton 9 True 51. , Everell Ellen C. Archibald Mary V. Cox Donna C . Dumas 20 Richards Rd. , Weymouth 12 Nira Ave ., Jamaica Plain 1465 Ma in 51. , leominster Barbara E. Ardini Donna M. Crotty 43 Sagamore Ave ., N . Quincy 20 Spence Ave. , Quincy Jane E. Farley Joyce E. Cummings 14 Pond 51. , Framing ham Brenda R. Barry 324 S. laGrange Rd ., laGrange, III . Ellen F. Fenton 60 Claybourne St., Dorchester Mary l. Curran 129 Hi g h St., leominster Eileen M. Barry 235 Vernon 51., Norwood Ann l. Flynn 17 Presentation Rd ., Brighton Patricia A. Curran 156 Dalton Rd ., Chelmsford Mary P. Barry ~3 Warwick Ave ., Waltham Anne N. Forde 669 Main 51. , Watertown Patricia L. Curron 46 Harvest St., lynn Maureen E. Baxter 16 John Alden Rd., W . Roxbu ry lydia T. Golego 39 Mercier Ave ., Dorchester Catherine M. Cusick 41 Felsmere Ave, Pawtucket, R. I. Judith S. Beaulieu 49 Breck Ave., Brighton Marie A. Gillespie 35 Fairbanks Rd ., lexington Anne l. Cutler 11 Centre St. , Cambridge Valerie E. Binder 70 Alderman 51. , Springfield Judith M. Goldsberry 23 Rutherford 51. , New Br itain, Conn. 222 Neponset Ave., Dorchester Mary P. Bonier Mo ire T. D·Alessandro Mary V. Goodhue 3B Carroll 51. , Watertown 834 Beacon 51., Boston 18 Dy sart 51. , Quincy Jan ic e A. Bord ieri Carolann H. D'Amico Patricio E. Gormon 2B6 Princeton 51. , East Boston 49 Snow Hill 51. , Boston 34 Keith 51. , West Roxbury Mary E. Boyle Anne M. deAn gel is Virginia M . Griffin 76 Eastland Rd ., Jamaica Pla in 232 Marion 51. , East Boston 260 Moss Hill Rd ., Jamaica Pla in Mary E. Boyle Nancy A. Dearden Judith A. Guilfoyle 56 Martin Rd. , Milton 11 Aviation Ave. , Warwick, R. I. 9 Frederick 51. , Quincy Phyll is A. Buckley Solly l. DeCastro 33 Columbus Ave., Somerville 26 Byrd Ave., W. Newton Janet Hamilton Barbara A. Burns Helen F. Delaney 20 Hall Ave., Watertown 3B Oneida 51. , lynn 520 Elm 51., Braintree Ann P. Harrington Mary J . Bush Sandra C. Deluco 249 Hope 51. , Providence, R. I. 43 lawler Rd ., Medford 18 Hull 51. , Boston Dorothy E. Harris Mary E. Butler Susan M. Devitt 18 Dearborn St ., Medford 111 1 Pleasant 51. , E. Weymouth 6 Gedney Way, Newburgh, N. Y. Mary A. Hartnell El izabeth C. Devlin 9 Shaw 51. , West Roxbury Susan C. Cabot 45 Fenimore 8Ivd ., Springfield Susan J. Hatch 43 Pine 51. , E. Millinocket, Maine Susan M. Dewey 25 King St ., Swampscott Lorra ine M . Cal ise 13 Greendale Ave., Marlboro lynda M. Healey 29 Melissa 51. , Providence, R. I. Jean M. DeYeso 115 High 51., Haverhill Mary F. Callahan 127 Francis St ., Everett Elvi ra Hero 26 Ash 51. , Woburn Maria A. DiBenedetto Szonbathely, 9 Ker , Hungary Marie A . Capomoccio 137 Hunnewell Ave. , Newton Judith P. Hetherman 1 Hawthorne 51. , Everett Ann M. DiBiasio 22 Elgin 51. , Providence, R. I. Barbaro M. Cashin 116 lindbergh Ave., Needham Raymondo H. Hickey 70 Sci tuate 51. , Arlington Barbara A. DiBurro 270 Winthrop St. , Medford Mary A. Cerelia 25 Sheridan 51., Haverhill Roberta M. Higgins 34 Elmhurst Rd ., Arling ton Vivienne C. DiStefano 170 Edgehill Rd ., Milton Joan E. Coleman 46 Milk Ave. , Methuen l inda M. Hilton 300 Charles 51., Malden Elizabeth A. Doherty 8 Summer 51. , Beverly Joyc e M. Collins 17 Alban 51. , Dorchester Jacqueline M. Hingston 780 East 51. , Walpole Judith F. Doherty 4 Flax Pond Terr., lynn Judith A. Collins 38 Wolden St., Cambridge Priscilla M. Howe 780 East 51. , Walpole 43 Wellman St., Beverly Ma ry K. Collins Elizabeth J. Dolan Ann M. Hurley 225 Weld 51. , West Roxbury 73 Bolton 51., Marlboro 40 Berkeley Ave., l owell Nancy E. Conboy Brenda M. Donlan 3B Woadchester Drive, Milton 53 Spring 51. , Windsor locks, Conn. Mary C. Irons Joyce M. Connell Catherine M. Donohue 9 Emmonsdale Rd . , West Roxbury 6 Chesterford Terr., Winchester 22 Arlington 51., lawrence Cla ire E. Cooke Anne M. Donovan Ann M. Jones 31 Murray Ave., Milton 140 High 51. , Exeter, N . H. 24 G arfield 51. , Watertown

198 Ellen M. Kelleher Alicia A. Mendalko Eileen F. Shea 22 Germain St. , Worcester 13 Spring St., Salem 514 Chestnut St. , Springfield Kathleen E. Kelley Ellen M. Menton Louise A. Shea 133 Essex St. , Beverly 63 Chestnut Circle, Randolph 8 Bowdoin St. , Somerville Ann M. Kelly Mary A. Mikulka Mary F. Shea 35 Lindoll St. , Roslindale 105 Garfield St. , Watertown 446 Huron Ave ., Cambridge Anne R. Kennedy Barbara G . Miletta Mary K. Sheehon 35 Amsden St. , Arl ington 85 Walton St., Providence, R. I. 157 Hamilton St., Cambridge Joyce M. Kennedy Gail F. Monahan Valeria R. Simon 39A St. James St., Roxbury 40 Mapleton St., Br ighton Box C. Waverly Ann T. Kenny Mary B. Monahan Sister Mary Eileen S.M. S.M. Summer St., Manchester 40 Mapleton St., Br ighton 863 Central St. , Framingham Loretta A . Kontrim Mary A. Moran Sister Mary Joseph, S.N.D. 120 Morine Rd ., South Boston 103 Wildwood St. , Winchester 701 E. Columbia Ave., Read ing, Ohio Mother Staton, R.C.E. Sister Mary Joyce, S.N.D. Joanne T. Lally 130 Milton St. , Milton 701 E. Columbia Ave. , Read ing, Ohio 4 Harvest T err .• Dorchester Mother Mary Ellen O ' Brien, R.C.E. Sister Mary Virginia, D.S.P. Linnelle M. Lee-Sang 130 Milton St., Milton 50 St . Paul 's Ave., Boston 24 West St. , Port Antonio #5, Barbara H. Moura Morguerite T. Slyne Jamaica, W . 1. 1974 Mineral Spring Ave ., 92 Monthorne Rd ., W . Roxbury Mary Liva N. Providence, R. I. Mary A. Spinale 11 Delorey Ave ., North Weymouth Carol M. Mueller 46 Green St., Boston Geraldine F. Lynch 78 Senneville Rd ., Senneville, Quebec Morgaret M. Stag man 51 Ridgewood Rd., Milton Ann M. Mullaney 44 Stanton Rd ., Brookline Janet M. Lynch 5 Argyle St., Dorchester Jean M. Staropoli 101 Dakota St. , Dorchester Priscilla R. Mullen 732 Benn ington St. , E. Boston 67 Rindge Ave., Cambridge Mary L. Stebbins Louise E. Murphy 17 Woodbrier Rd., W . Roxbury Patricia M. MacCarthy 33 Florence Ave ., Norwood Virginia M. Stebbins 33 Ackers Ave ., Brookline 37 Lante rn Lane , Milton Susan E. Mag uire Chris tine R. Suchecki 26 Asticou Rd ., Jamaica Plain Mary A. Niedz 306 Chestnut St. , New Br itain, Conn. Clare M. Mahan 991 At wells Ave., Providence, R. I. Mary Jane Sullivan 69 Atlantic Ave., Swampscoll 126 Conant Rd ., Melrose Solly A. Monson Sheila T. Sullivan 60 Lake Ave ., Lynn Jud ith A. O ' Br ien 722 River Ave., Providence, R. I. Janet F. Marci n 96 Washington St. Milton 1B Sanborn Ave., Somerville Kathleen P. O ' Donnell Maureen A. Marr 25 Elmcrest Ave., Provide nce, R. I. Rosemary C. Tipping Prospect St. , E. Pepperell Maryanne T. O ' Donnell 28 Milton St. , Molde n Maureen P. Mortin 48 Rockvole Circle, Jamaica Plain 33 Bournedale Rd ., Jamaica Plain Ruth A. O ' Donnell Janet E. Un is Carol A. Marzouco 36 Morton St., Quincy 26 Walnut St. , Hudson Savanna-la-Mar, Jamaica , W . I. Margaret A. O ' Keefe Judith A. Us is Ann l. Massena 123 Springfield St., Chicopee 54 Holmes Rd ., Dedham 304 Howard St ., Lawrence Maureen P. O ' Leary Judith A. Mozzo 64 Pork Ave., Notick Eleanor M. Vander Haegen 15 Clifton St., Be lmont 74 Evans St. , Watertown Patricio T. McArdle Judith C. Parks 50 Methuen St. , Lowell 44 Fulton St. , Dedhom Mary E. Waggell Elo ine S. McCarthy Em ily M. Phelan 95 Main St ., Winthrop 79 Aldrich St. , Rosl indale Martha A. Word 53 Elmcroft Ave., Providence, R. I. Carolyn P. McDonald Dione M. Pitochelli 10 Ad ie Terr., Lowell 42 Watson Rd. , Belmont Mory E. Welch 118 Ea st Ha verhill St. , La wrence Borbara A. McEnaney Ann M. Power 212 Webster St., E. Boston 56 Ga y St. , N. Chelmsford Mary E. Welch 10 Form Rd ., Belmont Phyllis T. McGoldrick 63 Elliot St . Norwood 457 Liberty St. , Rocklond Sheila A. Whalen Joan M . McGowan Norma F. Raz vad 847 Washington St. , Whitman 15 Hording Rd ., Ro slindale 5 G St ., S. Boston Susanne V. White Marianne C. M cGuire Nona M. Redd ing 50 Br ig htwood Rd ., Waltham 23 Lawndale St. , Belmont 283 Mommoth Rd . Lowell Joan F. Winn Christine M. McKenna Fay A. Robideau 22 Water At ., Woburn 708 Beoch St., Manche ste r, N .H. 29 Hopkins PI. Longmeadow Mory E. W yant Anne M. McMelien Marion C. Romano 289 Crescent St. , Athol 61 Brewst e r Rd ., Medford 10 Minnesota Ave. , Somervill e Barbara J. McNeil Noomi E. Rousseau Paul ine A. Zywaski 63 Chorlemont St ., Dorchester Crest Rd ., N . Tewksbury 62 Russell Rd ., W . Roxbury

199 Sophomore Closs

Barbara E. Curron Mary A. Camden Marcia G . Abdalla 10 Cabot 51. , Milton 35 Range Rd ., Dorchester 385 Chestnut 51. , New Britain, Conn. Donnah M. Canavan Catherina T. Daddario Margaret M. Allen 7 Hollis 51., Cambridge 45 Homestead Ave., New Britain, Ct. 70 Dexter 51. , Haverhill Coral A. Conniff Deborah E. Daniels Marie T. Amshy 19 Monmouth Ave., Medford 14 Glendale Rd ., Belmont 29 Willow St ., Lawrence Phyllis A. Capone Elaine M. Davis Marcia A. Archambault 199 Great Plain Ave. , Needham 6B Webster 51., Le wiston, Me. 2 Corvin Court, Warwick, R. I. Angelo M. Cappadona Judith R. Dean Dione A. Ayache 75 Lake 51., Waltham 21 Rockledge Rd ., Belmont 35 Cangreve 51., Roslindale Moria A. Cardulla Judith de Lassavszky Ann M. Bailey 130 Bell ingham Ave., Revere 314 Massachusetts Ave. , Arlington 433 Lake Cliff Drive, Erie , Po . Lou-Ellen Carr Virginia A. Desmond Lucille A. Bolen 252 Auburndale Ave ., Auburndale 1 Lowell 51., N. Billerica 120 Relich 51. , Lackawanna , N . Y. Jean M. Carty Lucia A. Di Benedetto Judith M. Barrett 106 Cunningham Rd ., Dedham 137 Hunnewell Ave., Newton 6B Ballou 51., QUincy Louella M. Caruso Mary J. Dockett Patr icio A. Bergin 20B High 51., Winchester 363 Pleasant 51., Dracut 117 Coolidge Rd ., Worcester Susan M. Cassidy Louise A. Doherty Elaine M. Be rnard 5B Goy 51. , Westwood 164 Lakeview Ave ., Cambridge B Rutledge 51., W. Roxbury Mari lyn L. Coyer Ann M. Donnelly Theresa M. Bilodeau 85 Woodmere Rd ., West Hartford, Conn. 79 Potomac St. , W . Roxbury 146 Ludlam 51. , Lowell Andrea M. Chesney Sheila F. Donovan Annabelle M. Birraw 77 Lexington 51., Lawrence 37 Ridge 51., Arlington 1B Devine Ave ., Lowell Cynthia A. Chin Janice A. Dooley Anita Bois sel 140 Orange 51., Kingston, Jamaica, W. I. 35 School St ., Milton 202 Welles 51. , Woonsocket, R. I. Anne Chisholm Sandra J. Dotalo Lou is e J. Banvaulair 10 Wendling Rd ., Needham 33 Ransom Rd ., Framingham 141 Ill inois 51. , Central Falls, R. I. Virginia L. Coghlan Roberta C. Downing Maureen S. Bowen 11 Bates Rd ., Milton 28 Howard 51., Pittsfield 330 Highland Ave., Somerville No ncy J. Condon Anne E. Drinkwater Ellen M. Bowes 1020 Pleasant 51., Brockton 510 Talbot Ave. , Dorchester 914 East 4th 51. , South Boston Ellen M. Connolly Mary M. Duffy Maureen E. Brody 11 Rustlewood Rd ., Roxbury 35 Oak SI., Belmont 54 Volley Rd ., Nahant Rosemary E. Connors Claire M. Dumas Mary J. Breen 456 Warren St. , New Britain, Conn. 22 Raymond St., Nashua, N . H. 21 Garfield Ave., Medford Theresa A. Conroy Rosemary E. Dunn Mary P. Breen 6B9 Columbia Rd ., Dorchester 5 Park St., Medford 40 Alleghany 51. , Roxbury Dorothea M. Conway Frances R. Dunne Nancy E. Brewer 21 Westover 51., W. Roxbury P.O . 161, Fort Kent, Me. 21 Fullerton Ave., Whitman Dorita A. Copello Carol A. Dupree Arlene F. Br igida 25 Bradford 51., Stoughton 41 Wyoming 51., Roxbury 13 Snawhill 51. , Boston Catherine R. Cormier Judith M. Du ssault Althea L. Bu ckley 44 Walnut 51. , Chelsea 75 Warner Ave., Worcester 83 Wendell 51., Cambridge Carolyn M. Corrieri Dione M . Ericksen Margaret M. Buckley 40 Franklin 51. , Somerville 25 John A. Andrew 51. , Jamaica Plain 37 Newton Ave., Lynn Clare M. Costello Edith M. Famolori Joan K. Bulger 14 Hillcroft Rd., Jamaica Plain 56 Churchill 51. , Milton 26A Victoria 51. , Everett Helen R. Cote Inno Bulan Maybeth L. Fandel 133 Moore 51., Lowell 837 East Th ird 51., South Boston 23B Weld 51., West Roxbury Mary F. Courtney Joan M. Burke Janice Faria 31 Allston 51., Dorchester 9 Newtawne Court, Cambridge 208 Seaview Ave ., Swansea Rosemary M. Covino Margaret A. Burke Joanne M . Federi ci 46 Oakside Ave., Lawrence 77 Tampa 51. , Mattapan 19 W inthrop Ave., Revere Phyll is D. Burke Patri ci a A. Cox Anne L. Feeney 63 Rosewood 51., Mattapan 30 Westview Terr ., W . Newton 29 Norton St. , Braintree Mary T. Butler Cathleen M. Cronin Mary E. Fernandes 5B Volley Rd ., Norwood 111 Woodhaven 51., Mattapan 31 Chatham 51. , Cambridge Barbaro A. Byrn e Lindo C. Cullen Mary J. Ferraro 77 Milton Ave., Dorchester 16 Goodell 51., Salem 9 Walnut Ave ., Cambridge Coletta L. Fiondaca Maryellen T. Cullinan Patricio A. Callahan 34 Savoy Ave., Springfield 19 Frances 51. , Belmont 15 Kirkland Rd ., Peabody Mary N . Fleming Anne P. Cunnane Veronica A. Callahan 35 Sagamore Av e., W . Medford 328 Huron Ave., Cambridge 2 County 51. , Ipswich 200 Susan M. Fleming Leslie A. Hartwell Janet L. Lavery 49 Idaho St., Mattapan 9 Rogers Ave. , Lynn 29 Walnut St., N. Quincy Margaret E. Flecher Marybeth Heffernan Mary E. Leith 357 Whipple St., Fall River 39 Range Rd. , Dorchester 83 Woodbury Ave. , Portsmouth, N . H. Patricia C. Flynn Diane E. Herrick Patric ia A. Lentini 28 Blockhouse Rd., Trumbull, Conn. 20 Green St. , MarbleheQd 17 0 St., S. Boston Kathleen M. Fox Lila M. Hibbard Cathryn A. Leosheno 33 Katherine St. , Lawrence 258 Chestnut Hill Ave ., Brighton 595 Bennington St. , E. Boston Carol A. Freiberg Michele M. Hilden Marguerite J. Lessard 224 Orchard Ave . , Maple Shade, N. J. 27 Beechland St. , Roslindale 6 Eost St. , Sanford, Maine Jean Hines Mary R. Loughlin 28 Bertson Ave., W . Roxbury 245 Essex Ave., Portsmouth, N. H. Sarah C. Gallagher Margaret M. Hogan Ann M. Luchini 70 Cambridge St., Winchester 14 Newport St. , Arlington 15 Clairemont Rd ., Belmont Cecilia J. Gallivan Claudette E. Houle Mary A. Lynch 143 Vassal St., Quincy Houle Ave., Dracut 2 Fairland St., Roxbury June M. Galvin Helena M. Hughes Mary-Jane Lyons 26 Bellevue Rd ., Lynn 262 Ashland St., Manchester, N. H. 41 Williams St. , N. Quincy Rita B. Garant Ann Marie Hyland 125 Coolidge Ave., Bennington, Vt. 30 'Whittier Rd., Medford Claire M. Gastonguay Joanne M . Mocaione Marie Anne Hyland 58 Di x St. , Waltham 183 School St ., Franklin 239 Stratford St ., West Roxbury C. Josette Go ud rea u Jane M. Macdonald Helen M. Hynes Box 547 Charlestown Rd ., Claremont, N. H. 101 Village St., Midway 15 Rose St. , Somerville Ellen R. Gibbons Kathleen T. Madigan 15 Shaw Rd. , Swampscott 63 Oakland St., Brighton Ruby P. Jackson Joan M. Gibbons Ann M. Mahoney 49 Pretoria Rd ., Kingston, Jamaica, W. I. 73 Loring St. , Hyde Park 71 Manchester Rd ., Newton Hlds. Donna M. Giberti Jean A. Maier Josephine L. Kane 677 Washington St. , Whitman 52 Aldworth St., Jamaica Plain 60 Lexington St. , Lawrence Margaret A. Gilmore Dolores N. Malhowski Ellen T. Keane 150 Tyndale St. , Roslindale 122 Waterhill St ., W. Lynn 5 Buttonwood Rd ., Stoneham Jacqueline L. Glines Hel en A. Ma ndosa Joan E. Kectic 28 Marlton Rd ., Waltham 41 Horan Way, Jamaica Plain 114 Broadway, Chelsea Carol A. Glowacki Mary C. Manning Jane M. Kelley 59 St ., Lynn 150 George St. , Medford 52 Hurlcroft Rd ., Milton Elinor M. Godvin Nancy M. Marshall Judith A. Kelley 66 Robin St. , West Roxbury 723 Main St., Woburn 131 Willow St ., W . Roxbury Mary E. Grant Eileen A. McBrearty Marie C. Kelley 26 Crescent Rd ., North Weymouth 12 Wigglesworth St. , Roxbury 20 Albano St., Roslindale Ann L. Grimshaw Veronica R. Kelley Monica M. McCarthy 57 Webster St., North Quincy 2 Bolton PI., Charlestown 112 W e lles Ave ., Dorchester Jane M. Groden Judith A. Kelly Sheila M. McCarthy 16 Eagle Lane, Paxton 19 Surrey St ., Brighton 40 Walsh Ave ., Peabody Sarah A. Groden Rosemary T. Kelly Agnes G. McCauley 12 Summit Rd ., Lexington 80 Lennon St., Providence, R. I. 41 Cedar St., Mattapan Joan R. Gross Alberta M. Kenney Susan A. McCloskey 172 Thurston St ., Wrentham 8 Hurlcrolt Rd ., Milton 29 Eden Ave., W . Newton Margaret M. Gudeiko Mary C. Kenney Margaret M. McDonald 66 Margaret St., Arlington 124 W . Rock Ave ., New Haven, Conn. 3 Wilmarth Road, Braintree Mary Elena Guidoboni Dorothy A. Kibildis Cecilia A. McDonnell 35 Prince St ., Plymouth 37A Berkeley St. , Lawrence 68 Gleoson St. , Watertown Jacqueline M. Kilduff Marie K. McElaney Sandra H. Hall 7 Winona Way, Hingham 39 Norton St. , Dorchester 21 Spy Pond Pkwy. , Arlington Charlotte A. King Marguerite M. McGann Joyce E. Hallisey 14 Florida Ave., Worcester 138 Forest St. , Watertown 1 Stewart Ter ., Belmont Ellen M. King Mary E. McGauran Nancy M. Hanley 19 Morey Rd., Boston 26 Wells St. , Westerly, R. I. 223 Coral Lane, Palm Beach, Fla . Ellen P. Koehler Constance J. McGillis Mary Jane Hannon 38 Observatory Ave. , N. Providence, R. I. 78 Manomet St. , Brockton 22 Eve rett St. , Canton Ruth M. Hanson Nancy A. Lafleur Helen K. McGoey 140 Lafayette St ., Marblehead 94 East St ., Dedham 2172 Pleasant St., Fall River Mary P. Horkins Melina H. Landon Martha E. McGovern 44 Cheste rfield Rd ., Milton 443 Co nton St. , Westwood 260 Bedford St., Lexington Mary T. Harrington Susan M. Lane Mary Ellen Mclaughlin 462 Lo G range St , W . Roxbury 108 Derby Rd ., Melrose 212 Calla St. , Providence, Rhode Island Ursula M . Harrington Claire Larracey Mary M. Mclaughlin 10 Marbury Ter., Jamaica Plain 52 Cummings Ave., Wollaston B Ea stern Ave , Woburn

201 Mary C. McMahon Mary l. Pacione Joan C. Shea 184 Primrose Rd., Wi ll iston Park, N. Y. 63 Webste r Park, W . Newton 420 Concord Tpke. , Arl ington Mary T. McMo nmon Joan M. Papa Marilyn F. Sheehan 20 Stuart Ave., Dracut 300 Colonial Rd ., Lawrence 70 Dryden Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Kathleen M. McNulty Diaoe M. Paquette Sister Maria Au xiliatrix, F.F.M. 107 Glendower Rd ., Rosl indale 729 Hildreth St., Dracut St . Clement's Convent, Boston Claire E. Meldrum Gail F. Patterson Sis ter Mary Mavis, F.F.M. 14 Thurlow St., W . Roxbury 100 Ri versid e St. , Lowell St . Clement's Convent, Boston Virginia A. Miethe Anne F. Pellegrino Ann M. Slyngstad 27 Eastman St. , Dorchester 102 Webster St., E. Boston 33 West Newell Ave., Rutherford, N.J. Elizabeth A. Minahan Ann C. Penta Joanne E. Smarrella 104 Barnard Ave., Watertown 6 Frances Rd ., Burlington 59 Barnes Ave., E. Boston Elaine J. Mitchell Joanne M. Perrault Helen M . Sorensen 25 Howes St. , Dorchester 30 South St., Bid deford, Me. 307 Cl ifton St. , Molden Marie C. Monahan Elizabeth A. Perrin El izabeth A. Stellato 7 Pilsudski Way, S. Boston Staeth Road, E. Hampton, Conn. 21 Benton Rd ., Medford Patricia J. Mooney Janet M. Peters Elizabeth M. Stout 258 So. Ma in St. , Manchester, Conn. 547 Mt. Vernon St., Lawrence 3 Hoy Terrace, Milton Annette J. Morante Joan M. Piscatell i Carole L. Sullivan 1503 River St. , Hyde Park . 95 Farquhar St., Roslindale 87 Wallingford Rd ., Br ighton Ann F. Moriarty Maryanne C. Plansky Janice M. Sullivan 88 Mount Washington St. , Lowell 287 Minot St., Dorchester 18 Countryside Lane, Norwood Virgin ia M. Morley Wanda F. Poczatek Marie C. Sulli van 272 Dana Ave ., Milton 79 Westland Ave ., Boston 245 Maple St., Lynn Pauline M. Morr is Anne M. Pothier Nancy K. Sulli van 811 E. Broadway, S. Boston 73 Cl inton St. , Everett 65 Westchester Rd ., Jamaica Plain Paula A. Moynahan Ellen M. Powers Patr icio M . Sullivan 63 Blake St. , Spri ngfield 411 Lincoln Park East, Cranford, N. J. 43B So. Main St. , Manchester, N. H. Ann F. Mull igan Kathleen E. Powers Irene V. Szostek 1 Fagan St., Uxbridge Box 584 , Sil ver City, N . Mex. 625 Hale St ., Pride's Crossi ng Ann M. Mullin Me ry l . Powers 1548 Tremont St., Roxbury Corning Rd ., Manchester, N . H. Marilyn D. Telge Joon M. Mullin 1779 Elm St. , Manchester, N. H. 50 Thomas Park., S. Boston Carol A. Thomas Joan T. Quaglini Ann T. Murphy 90 Belmont Ave., Brockton 79 Suffield St., Windsor Locks, Conn. 12 Vinewood Road, Milton Mary E. Tompkins El izabeth A. Murphy 184 Bellevue St. , W . Ro xbury 22 Glenburnie Road, W. Roxbury Patricio A . Reardon Terese M Trapani Julie A. Murphy 38 Shady Hill Rd ., Newton 43 Grampian Way, Dorchester 251 Pearl Street, Combridge Susan M. Reardon Eleanor J . Twomey Mary J. Murphy 84 Elm St ., Cohasset 247 Lakeview Ave ., Cambridge 553 Gallivon Blvd ., Dorchester Ann M. Reen Mary J. Murphy 445 Summer St. , Lynn El izabeth A. Van Tassell 170 Manning St., Hudson Catherine A. Reppucci Mary-Ellen Murray 50 Jewett St ., Roslindale 10 Garden Ct . St. , Boston Michal M. Vi sbisky 22 Woodchester Drive, Milton Jeanne M. Riette 214 Mountain Ave ., Arl ington 16 Williams St. , Brookline Mary V. Nadeau Margaret J . Roach Marilyn C. Walsh 35 Marathon St., Arlington 26 White Place, Brookline Pr iscilla K. Neville Patricia A . Ronan 19 Danbury Rd. , Hyde Park Maureen E. Walsh 7 Kingsboro Pork, Jomaica Plain 4 Martin St. , Arl ington Mary Ann R. Ni cosi a Mary G. Ryan 54 Gleason Rd ., Lexington 3 North Square, Boston 14 Pleasant Hill Ave., Dorchester O cto vie Eileen Walsh Pa tricio H . Ryan 15 Division St. , Worchester 154 Perham St. , W . Rox bury Esther L. Walters Mory P. O ' Brien Sheila C. Ryan 1 Trotter Court, Roxbury 31 Crehore Rd ., W . Roxbury 35 Hamlet St., Some ri vlle Bertha M. Wilki nson Karen M. O 'Connell 134 Tracy Ave., Lynn 32 Maple St. , Melrose Barbara A. Wilson Jeannette T. O ' Donnell Judith S. Sawin 100 Alvarado Ave ., Worchester 203 La Grange St., W . Roxbury 31 Bradbury St. , All ston Ell en F. Woods Sheila M. O ' Donnell Jo-Anne M. Scaldini 45 Concord Ave., Milton 65 Read St. , Fall River 4 Luther Rd ., Medford Patricia A. O ' Leary Linda T. Scalfati Janet M. Yamartino 16 Langdon Ave. , Watertown 8 Carlis le St., Cambridge 36 Flore nce Rd ., Waltham Ann e P. O ' Leary Carol A. Scally 141 Shore Ave., Quincy 425 W . Roxbury Pkwy., W . Roxbury Maureen F. Owens Barbara L. Shea Rose Marie Zaino 62 Hollingsworth St ., Mattapan 35 Odell Ave., Beverly 47 Ellsworth St., Brockton 202 Freshman Class

Carol A. Alessandri Judith M. Chadwick Geraldine M. Dolan 17 Warren Ave. , Mansfield 163 L~ngfellaw Rd ., Waltham 14 Willowdean Ave ., W. Roxbury Gloria J. Alicandri Karen M. Chapman Anne F. Donovan 12B Independence Ave ., Quincy 366 Greenwood Ave ., Warwick, R. I. 615 Ada ms St. , Dorchester Diane M. Allenberg Mary Ellen Chisholm Frances C. Donovon 30 Shea Rd ., N. Cambridge Middlesex Rd. , Tyngsboro 2 Winthrop Ave ., lawrence Carol M. Appel Mary E. Churchward Ann M. Doolin 35 Apple Tree Lane, Weymouth 125B North Main St. , Randolph 143 Falcon St ., Needham Marie A. Ashe Ines Cipriani Mary J. Drinkwater 240 Ma in St., Cherry Valley Avenida Angamas 9B9 , Miraflares, Lima, Peru 510 Talbot Ave ., Dorchester Susan I. Atherton Janet L. Clivia Margaret P. Driscoll 10 Austin St., Norwood 24 Austin Rd ., Medford 534 Smith Rd ., Manchester, N. H. Carole P. Cloherty linda A. Dudovich Patricio M. Baker 99 Darsey St., N. Abington 355 Metropol ;tan Ave ., Roslindale Conant Circle, Bridgewater Camille M. Cocozza Carol A. Duma s Dorothy M. Ballou 175 Elm St. , Lawrence 1465 Ma in St. , leominster 70 Remington St ., lowell Helen E. Conley Virginia M. Dunn Tina L. Bcrossi 897 Broadway, W. Somerville 7 Glenrose Rd ., Dorchester 40 Beacon St. , Everett Mary M. Connor • Eleanor M. Barksdale Nancy A. Farley 60 Watts St., Malden 20 Prospect St. , Watertown 14 Pond St., Framingham Mary V. Conway Catherine T. Farrell Carol M. Barry 950 South St., Roslindale 35 Stults Rd ., Belmont 15 Fearless Ave., lynn Florence E. Cook Mary E. Bartow Ela ine Felos 46 Charter St ., Boston T. B Bates Rd ., Swampscott 720 Park St., Stoughton Patricia Cooney Den ise M. Beauchamp Karen E. Fernekees 40 Cushing St. , Quincy 228 Springfield St., Ch icopee 9 Park Ave. , Wappingers Falls, N. Y. Katharine T. Corcoran Mary M. Flanagan Paul ine A. Beaulieu 32 Robin St. , W. Roxbury 2B2 longhill Ave., Somerset 97 Irving St., Watertown Una L. Corrigan Belson Margaret M. Flynn Anne M. 1297 Part Washington Blvd ., 240 South Central Ave. , Wollaston lBl Pleasant St ., Winthrop Port Washington, N. Y. Mary A. Bergin Patricia M. Flynn Catherine E. Costella 92 Concord Ave ., Somerville 55 Hesseltine Ave ., Melrose 39 Holmes St. , Braintree Cynth ia G. Berry Carol A. Freeman Marilyn Cote 135 Lowell St. , Peabody 11 Barr St., Salem 75 So . Main St., Caribou, Me. Virginia B. Bil otti Jean J. Frova Nancy M. Cawley 615 Chalkstone Ave., Providence, R. I. 135 High land Ave ., S. Attleboro 57 Woodward Ave ., Quincy Judith M. Blackjohn El izabeth A. Cox 134 Hol yoke St. , W. lynn Margaret M. Gaffey 14 Highland St., Woburn Be verly A. Bonder 3B A. Dunbar Ave ., Medford Mary E. Cranney 127 Myrtle St. , Lawrence Hazel Gallant 107 Margin St., Peabody Frances A. Borelli 8 Ridge Hill Rd ., Norwell Ma ry L. Cri bben 6 Er icsson St., Belmont Judith E. Getch 35 Gorham Ave ., Brookline Josephine L. Baschetto 17 Chestnut St ., Randolph Elaine F. Crimmins 2BO Edenfield Ave., Watertown Patricia M. Gibbons 20 Johnson Rd. , Stoughton Patricia L. Boudreau 56 Wilson St. , N. Billerica Dione Crooks-Bygrave 333 Columbian St., So . Weymouth Mary V. Gilboy 15 Ascot Ave ., Kingston 10, Jama ica , W . I. Teresa M. Bo wes 3 Strong Pla ce, Boston Patricia A. Cross 105 Parker Rd ., Osterville Judith Giles 340 lexington St. , Waltham Barbara A. Brady 5 Atlantic Ave ., Beverly 136 Parkview Ave. , Lowell Josephine M. D·Agostino Anne M. Gilgut Ann M. Breen 143 Kittredge St., Roslindale 562 Silver lake St., Athol 136 Whitman Ave ., Melrose Anita L. D·Amato Mary G. Gill El izabeth H. Buckley 37 Overhill Ave., New Britain, Conn. 355 Appleton St., Arl ington 166 Vassal lane, Cambridge Sandra A. Dami co Marcia A. Gingrow Marybeth Burke 50 Norwich Circle, W. Medford 53 Bellevue Rd ., in tree 1010 Washington St. , Dorchester Donna M . Dean Rosanne M . Girolamo 34 Twelfth St., lowell 2B lyman Terr ., Waltham Barbara L. Caporale Sylvia L. DeDominicis Paula A. Gomez 11 lakeville Rd ., Jamaica Plain 16 lansdowne Rd ., Arl ington 173 Trapelo Rd ., Belmont Ma ry C. Co puto Jacqueline C. DiZoglio Barbara J. Gorman 1730 Columbia Rd ., S. Baston 101 Perry Ave ., rence 146 Oliver Rd ., Waban Jun e R. Carroll Felicia M. Dobbs EI izabeth A. Gowell 345 Medford St. , Malden 230 Arlington St. , Watertown 11 Hig hland Court, Ma lden Karen L. Caruso Katherine L. Doherty Marianne Grady 56 Ellery Rd ., Waltham 46 Trenton St. , Lawrence 7 Saunders Terr., Wellesley Hills

203 Katheri ne M . Granna n Kathleen R. Kiely 311 Massachusetts Ave., Arlington 11 Pemberton St., Cambridge Josephine A. Grasso Kathleen M. Ki ernan 222 Florence Rd ., Waltham 26 Holtan St., Lawrence Elizabeth M. Greeley Susan E. King 71 Brattle St., Arlington 50 Hancock St., Watertown Natalie C. Grimes Mary Ann LaFlamme 24 Willard St. , Waltham 2BB Franklin St., Holyoke Jaa nna M. Guida ra Lois F. Langiane 34 Ridgeview Ave., Mattapan 29 Cha;les St. , Watertown Rosemarie A. Gundal Frances M . Lawler 3B Vermont St., W . Roxbury 53 Abbott Rd ., Dedham Anne l. Hallahan Cornelio M. Leadbetter 136 Lindberg h Ave., Needham Heights 3BB Belmont St., Wollaston Gretchen Hanlon Barbara R. Lebedzinski 3 Ridgeview Ave ., Mattapan 127 Groton Rd ., N. Chelmsford Dorothy E. Hanrahan Catherine M. Lenihan 16 St. , Dorchester 1B Tower Ave., W. Lynn Mary E. Harrington Barbara E. Li ssandri 104 Oregan St., Springfield 264 Walnut St ., Holyoke Eileen T. Healy Rita M. Lockwood 131 Pearl St., Holyoke 5B3 Clark St. , Wave rly , N . Y. Joan E. Hecker Pa tricia R. Lotti Lawson Rd ., Pond Cave Park, 347 Ply mouth St. , Abi ngton Elizabeth, Me. Anne M. Lynch Patricia M . Hennigan 5B Dracut St., Dorchester 25 Ruggl es PI ., Dorchester Dorothy E. Lynskey Mary S. Higgins 6 Blair Rd . , Dorchester 53 Charlesfield St., Providence, R. I. Beverl y D. Lyons Marjorie M. Holland 67 Forest St., Winchester 99 Pleasant St., Franklin Carol A. MacArthur Catherine M. Hargan 6B Waterman Rd ., Roslindale 7 Richard Ave., Cambridge Margaret M. Magee Sheila A. Hargan 110 Haltsh ire Rd ., Orange 73 Blanchard Rd ., N. Cambridge Moria T. Maglio Mary Ann Howland 55 Byorn St. , E. Baston R.D. 1, Windsor, Vt . Anne l. Mahoney Joan M. Hudson 27 Hoy Terr., E. Milton 10 Hope Ave., Milton Margaret E. Maroney Margaret M. Hughes 52 Come Ave., Ha verhill 45 Charlton St ., Southbridge Kathleen F. Marotta Suzanne N. Hyland 86 Grampian Way, Dorcheste r 27 Pleasant Pork Rd ., Winthrop Mary V. Mason Maureen B. Hynes 33 Adams St., Br idgeport, Conn. 71 Blue Hill Ave., Milton Brenda A. Mozzaglia Georgia R. lavicoli 73 Bro wn St., Methuen 102 Trenton St. , E. Baston Nancy A. McAuliffe Norma M . Jenckes 41 W ill ow St. , Brockton 130 Englewood Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Co rol F. McCa rthy Roll ic e A. Jones 31 Dunlop St., Sale m B03 Main St., E. Greenwich, R. I. Mary Ann McCarthy 239 Montvale Ave., Woburn She ila E. Kane Maureen A. McCourt B Cherry St ., Medford 139 Ru ssell Ave., Wate rtown Sheila H. Keane Clare A. McDonnell 12 Strathmore ~d ., Broo~l i ne 6B G leason St., Watertown Ka thleen Keaney Ann S. McDonough 12 Un ion Pl., Lyn n 156 School St., Somerville Pri sci lla A. Kelley Janet E. McGrath 97 Channing Rd ., Belmont 559 Ash mont St. , Dorcheste r Dorothea R. Kelly Maureen L. McKenna 9 Westmount Ave., W. Roxbury 14 Worth St., Centra l Falls, R. I. Mary E. Kenny Ann Marie Mcloughlin B5 Whitman St. , Molden 31 Congreve St. , Ros lindale Marianne E. Keohan Marie A. McLaug hl in 115 W il dwood Ave., Arl ington 23 Sims Rd ., Quincy Coral A. Kiely M. Eileen McLa ughlin 16 Porker Staples Rd ., Dedham 101 Myrtle Ave., All endale, N. J.

204 Marianne P. Mclean Mary A. O'Rourke Eileen E. Sullivan 28 Gilbert PI., Yonkers, N . Y. 65 Paris St. , Medford Willowdale St. , Groton Mary C. McNally Elin Sullivan Kathleen A. Palano 500 Weetamoe St. , Fall River 4 Fell St. , Wakefield 16 Olympia Ave., Woburn Mary Ann McNiff Janet C. Sullivan Viola S. Pappalardo 63 Grandview Ave., Wollaston 17 Cufllin St., Brighton 38 Foster St., lawrence Mary E. McWalters Mary J. Sullivan Marie D. Pazola 9 Whittier St .. lynn 1240 Post Rd. , Fairfield, Conn. 22 lowell St., Burlington Mary l. Meany Mary Margaret Sullivan Mary Ann Pennuta 137 Florence St. , Roslindale 28 Ba iley St., lawrence 66 Sherman Rd ., Chestnut Hill Constance E. Mele Patricia E. Sullivan Irene M . Perez 43 Cohasset St. , Boston 33 Fairbanks St., Brighton Fernandez Juncos, #809, Mary J . Memmolo Sheila A. Sullivan Miramar, Puerto Rico 179 lexington St. , E. Boston 11 Royal St. , Watertown Donna M. Perrow Katherine J. Merrick Esther A. Sweeney 415 Commercial St. , E. Braintree 200 Siders Pond Rd. , Falmouth 3 Virginia Ave ., E. Greenwich, R. I. Kathleen P. Pohlmann Nancy A. Minichiello 1635 Wadsworth Way, Baltimore, Md . Teresa N. Talbot 7 Morningside Rd., Wakefield Sheila l. Poleselli 7 Summit St. , Woodland, Maine Katherine E. Monaghan ' 29 laGrange St. , Raritan, N. J. Eileen Texeira 75 Woodland Ave ., Brockton 130 Porter St., Stoughton Patricia A. Morenc~ Barbara A. Quill Marcia A. Theberge 17 Durrell St., Methuen 67 Methuen St., lowell School St. , W. Wa rren Susan l. Mosehauer Angela J. Rau seo Patricia Agnes Tipping 6 Willow lane, R.D . 4, Newburgh, N. Y. 132 Trenton St ., E. Boston 56 W . Eagle St. , E. Boston Judith A. Mulholland Maureen F. Reardon Helen J . Torpey 502 S. 19th St., Camp Hill , Penn . B2 Betrose Ave., lowell 84 Francis St., Boston Mary Alice Mullane Paula M. Resca lucy A. Tribble 94 Moore St. , lowell 109 Cottage St ., Chelsea Mountain Rd. , Jaffrey, N . H. Gail P. Mulvihill Yvette M. Richard Pauline L. Turner 29 Buckingham St., Worcester 10 Charlotte lane, Randolph 34 Shawnee Ave., E. Bridgewater Mary T. Mungovan Rosemary T. Riley 22 Martin Rd ., Milton 7 lombard St. , Dorchester Julie V. Vaughan Joan F. Murray Beverly A. Rivieccio 20 Bellevue St ., Dorchester 23 Rase St., Some rville 20 Oak St., Cambridge Lorraine M. Verrier Patricia l. Roberts 76 Clifton St. , Cambridge Sandra Napier 518 Newton St., Brookline Karen I. Vigeant 5 Seaver St. , E. Boston Camilla A. Robinson 138 Dana Ave., Worcester Cecile M. Naze 72B W. Roxbury Pkwy., Roslindale Cook lane, Marlboro Mary E. Waldron Marcia G. Nichols Anna V. Soia 170 Oakley Rd., Belmont 10 Rockland St ., Wakefield 147 Amory St., Cambridge Joanne E. Wall Margaret S. Niles Anne C. Santa cross 80 EI m. St. , Norwood Bridge St., Osterville 118 Elm Ave., Wollaston Anne l. Walsh Mariam M. Noble Alicia M. Scully 47 linden Ave., Somerville 648 Concordia St., 469 lincoln St. , New Britain, Conn. Patricia M. Ward Miramar, Santurce, Puerto Rico Marzena S. Seymour 312 Rock Island Rd. , Quincy Barbara M. Norton 108 Myrtle St., Boston Winifred Y. Welch 51 Beechland St. , Roslindale linda Shaughnessy 435 linden St., Fall River Elsa B. Nyberg 3 Francis St. , Milton Anne C. West 46 Commercial St ., Marblehead Gail P. Sheehan 16 Alden Rd ., Weymouth 114 Tower Ave., Marshfield Mary M. Whalen Catherine A. O ' Brien Marion M. Sheehan Arlington, Vt. 96 Chesbrough Rd ., .W . Roxbury 53 lake Ave., Newton Ann l. White Margery A. O ' Brien Virginia M . Signorino B17 Ri ver St., Boston 71 Francis St. , Trumbull , Conn. 84 Parker St., Westwood Margaret J. White Patricio F. O 'Brien Sister Mary of the Angels, F.M.M. 74 Harper Ave., Cranston, R. I. 41 Westmore land St. , Dorchester St. Clement's Convent, Boston Theresa C. Williams Rita J. O ' Brien Sister Mary Daniel of Jesus, F.M.M. 13 longwood Dr., Methuen 1 Meredith Way, Weymouth St . Clement's Convent, Boston Marsha J. Wilson Anna P. O 'Connell Sister Mary Ellen of the Passion, F.M.M. 78 lincoln. St., Waltham 56 Dearborn St ., W . Newton St. Clement's Convent, Boston Martha M. Wood Janet A. O ' Donnell Sister Mary Regina of the Holy Wounds, F.M.M. 23 Southworth St ., Williamstown 159 Boston St., Boston St. Clement's Convent, Boston Mary P. O ' Driscoll Mary M. Sousa Phyllis H. Zaleski 7 Otis St ., Milton 195 Brooks St., E. Boston 563 Mammoth Rd ., Dracut Helena l . O ' Keefe Ann C. Spinale Joan Zannini 1598 Dorchester Ave. , Dorchester 46 Green St. , Boston 521 Prospect St. , Methuen Rosemary E. Oliva Barbaro A. Stanchina Elayne F. Zi zzo 42 Bartlett Ave., Belmont 462 Wormwood Rd ., Fairfield, Conn. 72 St. Andrew Rd ., E. Boston

205 PUBLICATIONS Epilogue Stoff

Editor·in·Chief, Patricia McLaughlin Associate Editor, Rosemary Walker Business Manager: Maureen Keating

Photography Editor, Helen O ' Neill Literary Editor, Carolyn Burns

Senior Coordinator, Carolyn Clarke Art Editors, Anne Rourke, Andrea Stone

Biography Editors , Anne Hackett, Rosemary Walker Circulation Manager: Jean Hartnett

Advertising Manager: Maureen McKenna

Advertising Staff, Anne DiBiasio, Brenda Donlan, Helen Hynes, Louise Murphy, Marguerite Slyne, Bernadette Tiffany, Frances Wyrocki

Photography Staff, Pauline Cibelli, Patricia Curran, Helena Hughes, Jane Manson, Barbara McEnaney

Art Staff, Judith Beaulieu, Valerie Binder

Business Staff, Louella Caruso, Aida DiLoreto, Barbara Driscoll, Roberto Higgins, Mary Ellen Leith , Martha McGovern, Christine McKenna, Eufrozia Pennacchio, Patric io Salmon, Virgi nia Stebbins

Literary Staff, Anne Chisholm, Suson Dewey, Kathryn Dougherty, Virginia Griffin, Judith Kelley, Margaret Leavitt, Cornelia McHugh, Mary Beth Mosher, Margaret Sheil

Faculty Advisor, Sr, Miriam SI. John

Ethos Staff

Editor·in·Chief, Marion McDonnell Associate Editor: Mary Harrington

Senior Editors , Elinor Bowes, Morgaret Sheil Current Books Editor, Rosemory Tipping

Junior Editors , Theresa Adaria, Anne Cutler, Marie D'Alessandro, Eileen Shea

Art Staff, Anne Rourke, Andrea Stone Bu siness Manager, Ellen Reed

Circulation Manager: Janet Bourque Advertising Manager, Hilda Iglesias

Exchange Manager, Joanne Brogna Faculty Advisor, Sr. Anne Barbara

Focus Staff Editorial Staff

Editor·in·Chief, Maryann Celli Associate Editor: Grace Torrisi

News Editor, Clare Mahan News Coordinator, Mary Jane Sullivan

Feature Editor, Patricia Mcintyre Sports Editor, Mary Lou Murphy

Exchange Editor, Norma Razvad Circulation Manager, Dorothy Sousa Photography Staff

Editor: Janet Marcin Assistant, Cynthia Chin

Business Staff

Manager, Patricia Murphy Assistant Manager, Gloria Fuchs Reporters, Lucille Bolen, Maureen Baxter, Phyllis Buckley , Mary Butler, Lorraine Calise, Margaret Casey, Rosemary Connors, Mary Cox, Mary Dockett, Elizabeth Doherty, Janet Hamilton, Barbara Hickey, Patricia Mahoney, Mary McCloskey, Joan McGowan, Marianne McGuire, Mary Ann Niedz, Joyce Santino, Jean Storopoli, Eleanor Vonder Haegen, Bertha Wilkinson

Faculty Advisor, Sr, Anne Cyril Public Relations Staff Chairman: Ruth Connolly Librarian: Barbaro McNeil Staff: Loraine Calise, Anne Chisolm, Elizabeth Devlin, Maureen Marr, Sheila McCann, Elaine McCarthy, Marguerite McGann, Anne Marie McMellon, Joan Mullen, Priscilla Neville Photography Staff Chairman: Charlotte Preska Members: Mary Boyle, Solly DeCastro, Janet Marcin, Naomi 'Rousseau Art Staff Chairman: Sheila Donovan Members: Lucille Balon, Maureen Bowen, Joan Burke, Cynthia Chin, Louise Doherty, Mary Duffy, Joyce Hallisey, Judy Sawin, Ellen Woods Faculty Advisor: Sr. Raymond Loretta STUDENTS IN OFFICE STUDENT GOVERNMENT

President, Ann Gibbons Vice-President, Susan Kelley Secretary, Kathleen McEnaney Treasurer, Mary McCarthy Secreta ry, Mo ry Boyle Vice·Treasu'rer: Nancy Hanley Parliamentarian: Gloria Fuchs Treasurer: Jud y Hetherman NFCCS Delegate, Brenda Kinneen Alternate, Katherine Eastman Senior Representatives, Ellen McCarthy, Carol Smith NSA Delegate, Sheila McCann Junior Representatives: Mary Cox, Dorothy Harris Junior-First Semester Junior Dormitory Representative, Lynda Healey President: Patricio A. Curran Vice-President, Maryann Mikulka Sophomore Representatives, Angela Cappadona, Martha McGovern Secretory, Marie Gillespie Parl iamentarian: Diane Pitochelli Sophomore Dormitory Representative: Rita Garant Treasurer: Linette Lee Sang Freshman Representatives : Teresa Bowes, Alicia Scully NFCCS Delegate, Maureen Martin Alternate, Nancy Deardon NSA Delegate, Solly DeCastro CHILDREN OF MARY Second Semester Prefect, Helene Roche Vice-Prefect, Elizabeth Sweeney President, Kathleen Kelley Vice-President: Mary Ann Moron Secretory, Mary Jane Hannon Treasurer, Helen Deloney Secretory, Judith Usis Treasurer, Barbaro McNeil SODALITY Sophomore-First Semester Prefect, Linda Hanley Vice-Prefect, Maureen O 'Leary President, Mary Beth Heffernan Vice-President, Carol Thomas Secretory, Susan Cabot Treasurer, Margaret O 'Keefe Secretory, Sheila McCarthy Treasurer, Sarah Gallagher Instructor of Candidates, Susan Maguire Parl iamentarian: Veronica Callahan NFCCS Delegate, Patricio Cox Alternate, Margaret Hogan OFFICERS OF RESIDENCE NSA Delegate, Nancy LaFleur President, Catherine Murphy Vice-President, Patricia Coomey Second Semester Secretory, Christine McKenna Treasurer, Mary Ellen McLaughlin President, Carol Thoma s Vice-President, Mary Ellen Murray Social Coordinator, Emily Phelan Secretory, Colelta Fiandaca Treasurer: Anne Drinkwater Director of Residence, Sr. Magdalen Julie Freshman CLASSES President: Mary-Veronica Mason Vice-President, Felicia Dobbs Senior Secretory: Georgia lavicoli Treasurer: Maureen McKenna President, Anita Giardullo Vice-President, Victoria Alexander Parliamentarian: Marcia Gingrow

CLUBS PRESIDENT VICE -PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER Art Club Andrea Stone Valerie Binder Joyce Hallisey Joyce Ha II isey Athletic Association Mary Ann Cronin Margaret Hurley Ann Bailey Naomi Rousseau Biology Club Jane Dockelt Margaret Dockelt Sally Monson Ruth O ' Donnell Business Forum Phyllis Raptel Arl ene Noona n Arlene Noonon Chemical Society Dorothea Redente Carol Jones Catherine Donohue Dorothy Kibildis Confraternity of Christian Doctrine and Education Charlotte Prescka Ann O'Donnell Ellen Koehler Emily Phelan Drama t;c Society Christine Collins Hilda Iglesias Dorothea Conway Ann Kenney Foreign Missions Society Ann Flynn Lily Moo Young Veronica Kelley Janice Faria Historical Society Eleanor Sexton Ellen Mahoney Ei leen Barry Josephine Kane tnternational Relations Club Mary Parent Literary Society Patricia Broderick Helen Prescott Martha McGovern Mary Jane Sullivan Mathematics Club Pauline Cibelli Mary Conley Janet Unis Marguerite Lessard Modern Donee Club linda Boutin Dorothea Redente Cathleen Cronin Maryanne Cerelia Modern Language Society Mary Lou Kelliher Mary Lou McNulty Judith Minichiello Constance Diamantopoulos Musical Society Barbara Hickey Victoria Alexander Marilyn Telge Maureen Martin Psychology Club lorraine Roy Mary Lou Stebbins Ursula Harrington Susan Cabot Social Service Club Mary Fell Diane Dondale June Galvin Eleanor Vander Haegen

207 Social Patrons Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Ahern Mr. and Mrs. Louis Guglielmetti Mr. and Mrs. Victor Alexander Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hockett Mr. and Mrs. Peter Alexopoulos Dr. and Mrs. Flem ing J. Hanley Mr. and Mrs. James Almeida Mr. and Mrs. J. Frederick Harkins Mr. and Mrs. Edmund E. Augustyniak Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Hermon Barnett Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hartnett Mr. and Mrs. August J. Barber Mr. and Mrs. William A. Healey Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Barone Mrs. Irene Heath Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hegarty Mr. and Mrs. James E. Bean Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hickey Mr. and Mrs. Fronk A. Bourque Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. HigginbotharTl Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Bowes Mr. and Mrs. Fowsey M. Homsey Mr. and Mrs. John M. Brennan Mr. James W. Hurley Mrs. Lawerence F. Broderick Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jones Mr. and Mrs. Fronk Brogna Mr. and Mrs. Benedict M. Keating Epilogue offers its appreCiation to its Mr. and Mrs. William J. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bernard Kelley Social and Business Patrons ... for help­ Mr. and Mrs. Lawerence Burns Mr. and Mrs. Leonard F. Kelley ing to concretize the image of 1961. Mrs. Lewis Cefalo Mrs. Francis A. Kelliher Mr. and Mrs. John J. Celli Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kerrigan Mr. and Mrs. Aldo Cibelli Mr. and Mrs. Emil M. Khoury Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Clarke Mr. and Mrs. James Kilroy Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Kinneen Mr. and Mrs. John D. Collins Mr. Walther C. P. Lammens Mrs. James H. Conley Dr. and Mrs. J. H. LaRochelle Mr. and Mrs. John Phillip Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Lee Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Coomey Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cronin Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cronin Miss Helena Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. John W. Curley Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Mahoney Mrs. Joseph B. Curley Mrs. Rose B. Mal ik Mr. and Mrs. Michael John Daley Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Monson Mrs. Zachary D·Aloisio Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Morley Mr. and Mrs. James M. Daughan Mr. and Mrs. William J. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Dean Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mortell Mr. Biagio DeSesa Mr. and Mrs. George P. Minichiello Mr. and Mrs. Fronk A. DeSimone Dr. and Mrs. Luis J. Montalvo Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dever Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Morante Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Moriarty Diamantopoulos Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DiLoreto Mr. and Mrs. James T. Mosher Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dockett Mr. and Mrs. D. Francis Murphy Mr. John T. Donohue Mr. and Mrs. Gerold S. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Clinton R. Dondale Mr. and Mrs. John T. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Wolter J. Dr iscoll Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murray Mrs. Catherine J. Eastman Mrs. Lawrence T. Mutty Mr. and Mrs. James W. Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Wolter V. McConn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Fedele Mrs. Martin F. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. George M. Fell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. McCarthy Mrs. James P. Friel Mr. and Mrs. James D. McCloskey Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Fuchs Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McDonnell Mr. and Mrs. E. Raoul Gagnon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. McEnaney Mr. and Mrs. Dante Galante Mr. and Mrs. J. Frederick McHugh Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. John W. Mcintyre Mr. and Mrs. Leo Giardullo Mr. and Mrs. John J. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. McKillop Mrs. Arthur C. Gillis Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. McLoughlin

20B I Mr. and Mrs. John F. McNulty Mrs. Herbert George Rainford Mr. and Mrs. John M. Stone Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Noonan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Raptel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Norton Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Redente Mr. and Mrs. Norman s. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Oberlander Mr. and Mrs. James M. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. O 'Donnell Mrs. Laura Riley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Sullivan Mrs. Anne D. Ohlsen Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Roche Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Sweeney Mrs. Timothy G. O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Rourke Mr. and Mrs. John J. Tierney Mr. and Mrs. Bernard O'Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Roy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Tiffany Mr. and Mrs. Bernard O 'Shea Dr. and Mrs. James V. Sacchetti Mr. and Mrs. Sam F. Torrisi Mr. and Mrs. J. Herman Parent Mrs. Patrick Salmon Mr. and Mrs. William R. Wadden Mr. and Mrs. George S. Parsloe Mr. and Mrs. John Francis Santino Mr. and Mrs. William P. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Felice Pennacchio Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Sexton Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Walsh Mrs. Gladys H. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Sheil Mrs. Charles White Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Piraino Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wynne Mr. and Mrs. Chester J. Prescka M'r. and Mrs. Edward M. Sousa Mr. and Mrs. Gasper W. Wyrocki Mr. and Mrs. William John Prescott Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. George Young Mr. and Mrs. Armand J. Racicot

Business Patrons

Cardinal Cushing Central High School J. Richard O'Neil Co. South Boston, Mass. 282 Franklin St., Cambridge Casey & Depuis Equipment Company Our Lady of the Presentation School 340 Pleasant St., Watertown Brighton, Mass. Deaconess Garage, Inc. S. S. Pierce Co. 60 Kilmarnock St., Boston 133 Brookline Ave., Boston Neil B. Doherty Co. Sacred Heart School 48 Summer St., Boston Springfield, Mass. Ethelynd-Naomi St. Charles' School Fairburn Building, Lowell Woburn, Mass. Bishop Fenwick High School Peabody, Mass. St. Joseph's School Hudson Catholic High School Somerville, Mass. Hudson, Mass. St. Mary's School Hunnewell Markets Cambridge, Mass. 441 Centre St., Newton St. Mary's School Lovejoy's Express Lawrence, Mass. 86 Walnut Ave., Norwood St. Mary's School Mackey & Meade Co., Inc. Newington, Conn. 242 Washington St., Brookline St. Maurice's School Marshard Orchestra New Britain, Conn. 73 Newbury St., Boston A. B. Merrill, Inc. Starlite Shop, Inc. 274 Brookline Ave., Brookline 256 Harvard St., Brookline Norfolk Flower Shop Sully's Store 287 Hancock St., North Quincy 440 So. Main St., Manchester, N. H. Notre Dame Ward Baking Co. Tyngsboro, Mass. 48 Commercial St., Medford 209 Compliments of

Official Photographer Nine Consecutive Years 105 Newbu ry Street Boston, Mass.

210 Frank A. Fowler Emmanuel College Rings 1947 through 1962

27 School Street Boston, Mass.

Wm. J. Keller Inc. Publishers of Finer Yearbooks Buffalo 15, New York

211 Compliments of the Alumnae Association of Emmanuel College

Boston Textile Co. Convent Supplies 93 Summer St. Boston 10, Mass.

Cotrell & Leonard, Inc. Academic Dress Albany, N. Y.

Elbery Motor Co., Inc. Ford-Falcon-Thunderbi rd 360 River St. Cambridge, Mass.

Fandel Press 59 McBride St. Jamaica Plain, Mass.

212 M. B. Foster Compliments Electric Company of a 368 Congress St. Friend Boston, Mass.

Howland Linen Supply Co., Inc. 40 Bristol St. Boston, Mass. HA 6-6630

Hickox Secretarial School 367 Boylston St. Boston, Mass. Albert J. Welch, Contractor 318 North Beacon St. Brighton 35, Mass.

John C. Paige & Company Insurance 40 Broad St. Boston, Mass.

Jane Tooher Sport Clothes 598 Columbia Rd. Dorchester 25, Mass.

213 Index

Administration Directory, 190 Daley, Maureen, 71 Harkins, Alicia , 135 Advertisements, 210·213 D·Aloisio, M. Laura , 105 Harrington, Mary, 73 Ahern, Kathleen, 68 Daughan, Martha , 140 Harrison, Pauline, 150 Alexander, Victoria , 139 Day, Helene Ravera , 87 Hartnett, Jean, 146 Alexopoulos, Helen, 104 Dean, Nancy, 105 Healey, Gertrude, 73 Almeido , Carole , 108 de 10 Gandara, Francesco, 93 Hegarty, Brenda, 1 B5 Art , 44·48 DeSesa , Loretta, 143 Hickey, Barbara, 74 Athletic Association, 23 DeSimone, Constance, 180 Higginbotham, Ruth , 144 Augustyn iak, Joyce , 148 DeVelis, John, 168 History, 116 Dever, Kathleen, 106 Historical Society, 118 Diamantopoulos, Constance, III Homsey, Cynthia, 74 80wes, Elinor, 69 DiLoreto, Aida, 172 Hurley, Margaret, 135 8arber, Marion, 149 Directory, 192·205 8arone, Elinor, 104 Dockett, Jane, 172 Iglesias, Hilda , 150 8arrett, Kathleen, 68 , 142 Dackett, Margaret, 173 Index, 214·215 8arry, John J., 123 Donahue, Anne, 106 Isotti , Eugene, 122 Bean , Patric ia , 134 Dondale, Diane, 143 Ital ian, 101 Biology, 154·160 Doyle, Mary, 131 Bourque, Janet, 149 Dramatic Society, 28 Jenks, Al ice, 129 Boutin , Linda , 140 Driscoll, Barbara, 184 Jones, Carol, 181 Brennan, Mary, 134 Broderick, Patricia, 69 Ea stman, Katherine, 145 Keating , Maureen, 75 Brogna, Johanne, 149 Education, 12B Kelley, Brenda, 112 Burke , Mary, 134 English , 50·57 Kelley, Susan, 75 Burns , Carolyn, 69 Enos, Robert, 48 Kell iher, Mary, 107 Bus iness Forum, 133 Epilogue, 61 Kelly, Francis, 121 Ethos , 60 Kerrigan, Judith, 174 Cash, Ph ilip P., 118 Khoury, Patricia, 75 CCDE, 128 Fa culty Directory, 190· 191 Kilroy, Mary, 136 Cefalo, Charlotte, 135 Farrell , Constance, 146 Kinneen , Brenda , 76 Cell i, Maryann, 70 Fedele, Lorraine, 71 Kismarty, Eva , 112 Chem istry, 161 ·165 Fell, Mary, 143 Korzeniowsko , Eleanora, 100 Children of Mary, 12 Fine Arts , 42·83 Cibell i, Pauline, 184 Fine Arts Club, 48 Lammens, Lizzy, 144 Clarke, Carolyn, 70 Focus , 59 Language, 84· 112 Class of 1961, 30 Fondacaro, Alfred, 65 LaRochelle, Mary, 175 Class of 1962, first semester, 30 Foreign Missions , 13 Latin, 101 Class of 1962, second semester, 30 French, 86·89 Leavitt, Margaret, 76 Class of 1963, first semester, 31 Fr iel, Kathleen, 72 Lister, Reverend Alfred Q . , O .P., 41 Class of 1963, second semester, 31 Fuchs, Gloria, 72 Literary Society, 58 Class of 1964,31 Lynch , Joan, 76 Gagnon, Pierette, 173 Lynch, Ra se Irma, 162 Cofsky , Carol, 142 Galante, Carolyn, 185 Coll ins , Christine, 104 Gallagher, Helen., 72 Maffeo, Paul, 95 Concordia, Re verend George L. , O .P., 41 German, 94·96 Mahoney, Catherine, 109 Conley, Mary, 184 Giardullo, Anita, 83 Mahoney, Ellen , 136 Connolly, Ruth , 71 Gibbons, Ann, 107 Mahoney, Patricia, 77 Constantinides, Anne Tolbert, 23 Gillis, Hildegarde, 109 Malik, Rosemarie, 181 Coomey, Patricia, 105 Greek, 100 Monson, Jane, 77 Corbett, Ela ine, 155 Guglielmetti, Norma, 173 Marley, Mary, 145 Cronin, Mary Anne, 142 Marshall, Barbara, 110 Cronin, Roberta , 109 Hackett, Anne, 73 Martell , Jane, 141 Curley, Lilla, 180 Hagan, Patricia , 169 Marze, Andrea , 141 Curley, Mauro, 172 Hanley, Linda , 174 Mathematics, 169 Cushing, Richard Cordinal, 4 Hanlan, Elizabeth, 60 McCann, Sheila, 110

214 McCarthy, Ellen, 175 Pitochell i, Frances, 48 Si ster Marie Constance, 55 McCarthy, Mary, 185 Polish, 100 Sister Marie Margarita , 98 McClosky, Mary, 77 Prescka, Charlalle, 147 Sister Mar ie Mildred, 9 McDonnell , Marian, 78 Prescoll, Helen, 80 Sister Marie Stephen, 128 McEnaney, Kathleen, 137 Psychology, 120 Sister Marie of the Trinity, McGowan, Edward, 99 Psychology Club, 123 Sister Mariella, 40 McHugh , Cornelia, 78 Publ ic Re lations, 39 Sister Mary Camilla, 155 Mcintyre, Patricia, 186 Si ster Mary Frances, 159 McKenna , Maureen, 79 Racicot, Gertrude, 108 Sister Mary of the I mmaculate Conception, 116 McKillop, Patricia, 183 Rainford, Hyacinth, 179 Sister Mary James, 55 McLaughlin , Patricia, 79 Raptel, Phyllis, 151 Sister Mary John , 161 McNulty, Mary, 110 Reardon, Mary, 46 Sister Mary Melania, 6 Minichella, Judith, 79 Redente, Dorothea, 182 Sister Mary 51. Dorothy, 165 Modern Dance , 23 Reed, Ellen, 151 Sister Mary St , John, 158 Montalvo, Maria de las Milagros, 175 Regan, Teresa, 130 Si ster Miriam St . John, 51 Moo Yaung, Lily , 176 Rhudick, Paul J., 122 Sister Patricia Louise, 133 Modern Language Society, 102 Rice , Dorothy, 155 Sister Raymond Lorello, 6 Morante, Loui se, 107 Roche, Helene, 138 Sister Rose Marie, 64 Moriarty, Mary, 137 Rourke, Anne, 83 Sister Ruth Marie, 88 Morrison, Mildred, 130 Roy , Lorraine, 141 Sister Teresa Louise , 15 Mosher, Mary, 80 Russian , 97-99 Sister Therese Gerard, 132 Mullin, Rose, 6 Sister Therese Julie, 64 Murphy, Catherine, 176 Sacchelli, Sylvia , 179 Sister Vincent de Paul , 46 Murphy, Mary, 80 Salmon, Patricio, 138 Sister W ilfrid , 101 Murphy, Patricia , 150 Santino, Joyce, 147 Smith, Carol, 139 Murray, Nancy, 177 Santoro, Joseph, 147 Sociology, 124 Music, 63-67 Science, 152-187 Social Science, 113-151 Mully, Moira, 108 Senier, Richard , 41 Social Service Club, 125 Sexton, Eleanor, 138 Sodality, 13 NFCCS , 38 Sheil, Margaret, 81 Sousa, Dorothy, 81 Noonan, Arlene, 151 Sister Alice Mary, 8 Spanish, 90-93 Norton, Joanne, 177 Sister Anne Barbaro, 50 Stephens, Elaine, 145 NSA,38 Sister Ann Bartholomew, 4 Stone, Andrea, 83 Sister Anne Cyril, 53 Student Government, 36-37 O ' Beirne, Re verend William M., O ,P., 40 Sister 8enedicta Marie, 156 Students in Office, 206-207 Oberlander, Elaine, 186 Sis ter Berchmans, 101 Sullivan, Carolyn, 112 O ' Donnell , Ann, 146 Sister Catherine Carmelita, 47 Sullivan, Dione, 183 Ohlsen, Justine, 181 Sister Catherine Edward, 119 Sull ivan, Georgia, 148 O ' Loughlin, John, 117 Sister Catherine Josephine, 170 Sull ivan, Rosemary, 187 O ' Neill , !;ielen, 177 Sister Clore Francis, 9 Swee ney, Elizabeth, 81 0 ' Reilly, Sheila, 147 Sister Daniel Marie, 168 Sypek, Reverend Stanislaus T., 124 Orlandi, Adorna, 91 Sister Elizabeth Louise, 171 Ti e rney, Kathleen, 139 O 'Shea , Ellen, 178 Sister Frances Gertrude, 6 Tiffany, 8ernadelle, 148 Ouellelle, Reverend Henry p" 120 Sister Francesco , 5 Sister Gertrude Magdalene, 45 Torrisi , Grace, 82 Parent, Mary, 187 Sister Helen Margaret, S Uzarins, Inese , 103 Parsloe, Jayne, 137 Sister Jane Marie, 94 Patrons, 208-209 Sister Joseph Mary, 53 Wadden, Louise, 183 Peloquin, Alexander, 66 Sister Julie, 86 Wolker, Rosemary, 82 Pennacchio, Eulrazia, 182 Sister Lorello Julie, 54 Walsh, Ann, 179 Pepin , Rodolphe, 66 Sister Magdalen Jul ie , 163 Weiser, Francis X" S.J., 96 Pezzullo, Reverend Joseph G ., O , P" 40 Sister Margaret, 154 Wynne, Noreen, 111 Physics, 166 Sister Margaret Clore, 166 Wyrocki, Frances, 187 Pi e rce , Anne, 111 Sister Morgaret Pauline, 90 Piraino, Moria, 178 Sister Marie Augusto , 126 Zariski , Vera, 57

215 ..

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