Canadian History 1201 Unit 2 1930 - 1945

1930's: The Great Depression The Causes of World War II Rise of Hitler / Nazism in Germany

Study Questions / Terms

Chapter 5: Canada in the 1930's (pgs. 139 – 186) Stock Market Crash Tuesday, October 29th, 1929 1. What were the underlying causes of the Great Depression?

Chapter 6: Canada & World War II (pgs. 187 – 248)

Section 1: Lead Up To War (Pgs 187 – 193) Adolf Hitler Collective Security Diplomacy Arbitration Isolationism Benito Mussolini Boycott Economic Sanctions Haile Selassie 1. What was the immediate cause of World War II? What were the underlying causes? 2. What was the League of Nations? What was the main purpose of this organization? How did it plan to carry out this purpose? 3. Why did the League of Nations have a very little chance of being successful? 4. Explain how the League of Nations failed in the following two events of the 1930's: a) The Manchurian Crisis ( 1931 ) b) The Invasion of Abyssinia ( 1935 ) 5. Why did Canada and the United States follow a policy of isolationism in the 1920's and the 1930's? 6. How did Canada attempt to help the League of Nations in the Abyssinian dispute? How successful was it? 7. Who were the Axis Powers of World War II? Who were the Allied Powers?

Section 2: Causes of the War ( pgs. 194 – 201 ) Neutral Civil War Mackenzie – Papineau Battalion Annexed Appeasement Neville Chamberlain Munich Pact Non Aggression Pact Anti – Semitism Third Reich Scapegoats Ghettos Totalitarian Rule Extermination Genocide Holocaust

1. What were some of the causes of the Spanish Civil War ( 1936 – 1939 )? 2. How were Canadians involved in the Spanish Civil War? How did Adolf Hitler view Britain's and France's stance on the civil war? 3. The idea German expansionism was very evident in the 1930's. Explain Hitler's policies of “ lebensraum “ and “ anschluss”. How were these policies carried out in the 1930's? 4. What was the policy of appeasement followed by Neville Chamberlain in the 1930's? Why was it followed? 5. How did the Canadian Prime Minister, William Lyon Mackenzie King , react to this policy? 6. What are some of the ideas followed by fascism? 7. Why did Hitler single out the Jews in Germany as a problem in the 1920's and 1930's? What were some of the “ anti – Semitic “ tactics that he employed to gain exert control over them?

1939 – 1945 World War II Canadian Battles: The Atlantic, Hong Kong, Dieppe, Ortona, Juno Beach, Liberation of Holland Tragedies of War: / Treatment of Japanese POW's Targeting Civilians Canada on the Homefront: Treatment of Japanese Canadians Role of Women Conscription Crisis

Section 3: The War in Europe ( pgs. 202 – 211 ) Compulsory Service Cryptologists Nazi – Soviet Pact Franklin Roosevelt

1. Even though Canada was not obligated to enter World War II at the same time Great Britain did, why did Canada enter the war on September 10th , 1939? 2. Provide examples of how some of the new technologies of World War II did not result in trench warfare as it had done in the first World War? 3. Why was Canada ill – equipped to enter World War II? How did it get the “ breathing space “ to get ready? 4. Explain the war in Western Europe from April 1940 – 1942. 5. Prior to 1942, what did Canadian Soldiers mainly do in Great Britain? 6. Why did Hitler break the Soviet – German non aggression pact in 1942? What were the consequences of this action? 7. How did the United States become involved in World War II? 8. Explain Canada's role in the on August 19th, 1942? Was it successful? 9. What was Canada's role in the Italian Campaign? What happened at the Battle of Ortona? 10.Explain the D – Day Invasion. Why was Canada's role in this invasion? 11.What role did Canada play in the Liberation of the Netherlands ? Section 4: Canadian Involvement around the World ( pgs. 212 – 220 ) The Caribou Wolfpacks Camp X

1. Besides Western Europe, name three other places where Canadian Soldiers served during World War II. 2. Canada’s first action in WWII was in the ? Explain Canada's role in this affair. 3. What was Canada's role in the “ War at Sea “ ? How successful was Canada's role? 4. Explain the “ convoy system “ and Canada's role in it. 5. What was Canada's role in the air? How successful was it?

Section 5: An Expanding Role For Woman ( pgs. 221 – 226 )

1. Explain how the role of women differed from World War I to World War II. 2. What important role did Canadian women play at the home front during World War II?

Section 6: The War At Home ( pgs. 227 – 234 ) Compulsory Arbitration Lend Lease Act Plebiscite Enemy Aliens

Internment Camps Refugees

1. How did Canada commit to a “ total “ war effort during World War II? 2. How did the Canadian Government employ propaganda during World War II? Why was it used? 3. What did Mackenzie King promise in the 1939 election? Explain how the Conscription Crisis once again between the French and English in Canada in World War II? How was it resolved? 4. Explain the role and the treatment of the following minorities in Canada during World War II. a) Black Canadians b) Native Canadians c) Jewish People 5. One of the most embarrassing points in Canadian History is the treatment of Japanese Canadians by the Canadian Government. Why did the Canadian Government single out the Japanese in Canada for discriminatory treatment? How did Canada carry out this treatment and how did it finally end?

Section 7: The Legacy of War ( pgs 241 – 248 ) Hiroshima & Nagasaki Patriotism Middle Power

1. What was the “ high price “ that Canadians paid in World War II? 2. What were some of the “ human costs “ of the war in other countries? How was Canada viewed on the international scene after World War?

Canadian History 1201 Canada & World War II ( 1939 – 1945 ) Complete the follow chart as it pertains the years leading to World War II

Year Major Events 1931 1932 1933 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939

Complete the following chart as it pertains Canadian Involvement in the years of World War II

Year Major Events 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945

Complete the following chart as it pertains to the major non – Canadian events in the years of World War II

Year Major Events 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945

Canadian History 1201 Canada & WWII

Battle What happened Role of Canadians Key Words 1940 – 1945

Battle of Britain July –Sept 1940

Battle of Hong Kong December 1941

Raid on Dieppe Aug.1942

Battle of Ortona Dec. 1943

D- Day Juno Beach June,1944

Liberation of Europe ( The Netherlands) 1944-1945