544000 546000 548000 550000 552000 554000 556000 558000 8°30'0"W 8°29'0"W 8°28'0"W 8°27'0"W 8°26'0"W 8°25'0"W 8°24'0"W 8°23'0"W 8°22'0"W 8°21'0"W 8°20'0"W 8°19'0"W

Número GLIDE: WF-2017-000073-PRT ID Ativação: EMSR207 N. Produto: 04AVELAR, v1, Portuguese - Fogos - Situation as of 21/06/2017 Delimitação Mapa - Monit02 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 o 3 3 eg N

4 4 d " on 4 4 0 ' M 1 ° N Baixo " 0 Dao-Lafoes 0 4 ' E 1

° Vouga M Interior 0 4


5 Norte

3 Pinhal Interior ! Baixo Cova da Norte e Portugal Ramalheira Mondego er ez Beira Z -1 7 NORTH Spain 1 01 02 03 Centro (PT) R ATLANTIC E OCEAN 10 04 05 06 LisbonB^eira (! Avelar Interior ! Sul Cotas 07 08 09

0 0 Pinhal 0 0

N "

0 0 Tajo £ 0 '

8 8 Interior Sul 0 ° N 2 2 Medio Tejo "

0 10 4 4 0 4 ' " 4 4 0 km ° 0 4 Alentejo

Informação Cartográfica

1:25000 Full color ISO A1, resolução média (200 dpi)

0 0.5 1 2 km

Grade: WGS 1984 UTM Zone 29N mapear sistema de coordenadas As marcas: WGS 84 sistema de coordenadas geográficas ± Lenda N " 0 '

9 N 0 0 5

" Crisis Information Transportation ° 0 0 0 9 £ ' 0 0 3 9 5 6 6 ° 2 2 9 Area queimada (21/06/2017) " Pontes 3 4 4 4 4 General Information Auto-estrada Área de Interesse

Estrada primaria

Farelo ! £ Settlements " Estrada secundaria ! Populosa Lugar Estrada local

! Residencial

£ Ferrarias

Favacal Agrícola " £ ! de São Vi"avai ! ! João Cemitério 8 4 Estrada 3 Área Verde N E de Viavai

N Industrial " 0 ' 8 N 5 " °

0 9 '

3 Recreativo 8 5 ° £ 0 0 9 0 0 3

0 " 0 Religioso 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 Grocinas 4 ! ! Consequences within the AOI Venda dos Bouça ! Unit of measurement Affected Total in AOI Burnt area ha 2822.9 Moinhos Estimated population No. of inhabitants 756 15034 Settlements Residential ha 27.9 770.1 Agriculture ha 0.2 6.3 Cemetery ha 0.0 3.1

"£ Green Area ha 0.0 0.1 Industrial ha 1.1 146.9 3 Recreational ha 0.0 3.8 C I Religious ha 0.0 1.2 Transportation Bridge No. 0 8 Motorways km 1.8 13.9 N

" Primary roads km 4.2 59.7 0 ' 7 N

5 Secondary roads km 2.2 43.2 " °

0 9 ' 3 7 £ Local roads km 30.9 368.7 5 ° 9 3 " 0 0 0 0

0 0 Mapa Informações 2 2

2 2 Starting on Saturday 17th June 2017 during an intense heatwave of 38-43 degrees Celsius 4 4

4 4 and rainless thunderstorms, a total of 156 fires erupted across Portugal, particularly in mountainous areas 150 km northeast of Lisbon. The initial fires began in the Pedrógão

Cumeeira ! Grande municipality, district, before spreading dramatically. On 18 June the £ Portuguese authorities reported numerous casualties and injured including firefighters. More " than 1 700 firefighters have been dispatched to combat the blazes. The present map shows the fire delineation in the area of Avelar (Portugal). The thematic layer has been derived from post-event satellite image by means of visual interpretation. The estimated geometric accuracy is 5 m CE90 or better, from native positional accuracy of the background satellite image.

Relevant date records Evento 17/06/2017 Situation as of 21/06/2017 Ativação 18/06/2017 Produção Mapa 21/06/2017 N " 0 ' 6 N 5 " ° 0 9 ' Fontes de Dados 3 6 5 ° Pre-event image: SPOT 7 © Airbus DS (2016), (acquired on 22/12/2016 11:05 UTC, GSD 1.5 9 3 m, approx. 0% cloud coverage, 16.4° off-nadir angle), provided under Copernicus by European Union and ESA, all rights reserved. Post-event image: SPOT 7 © Airbus DS (2017), (acquired on 21/06/2017 11:11 UTC, GSD

0 0 1.5 m, approx. 2% cloud coverage, 19.9° off-nadir angle), provided under Copernicus by 0 0

0 0 European Union and ESA, all rights reserved. 0 0 2 2 4 4

4 4 Base vector layers: OpenStreetMap © OpenStreetMap contributors, Wikimapia.org, GeoNames 2015, refined by the producer. ! ! Fato Inset maps: JRC 2013, © EuroGeographics, Natural Earth 2012, CCM River DB © EUJRC2007, GeoNames 2013.

! ! Population data: Landscan 2010 © UT BATTELLE, LLC Avelar Azeitão Digital Elevation Model: SRTM 90m (NASA/USGS) Renúncia Products elaborated in this Copernicus EMS Rapid Mapping activity are realized to the best IC ! 8 of our ability, within a very short time frame, optimising the available data and information. All Ponte geographic information has limitations due to scale, resolution, date and interpretation of the

N original sources. The map and the information content are derived from satellite data without de São " 0 ' in situ validation. No liability concerning the contents or the use thereof is assumed by the 5

N ! 5 "

Casal de ° 0

9 producer and by the European Union. ' Simão 3 5 5 °

9 São Simão

3 Map produced by GAF AG released by SERTIT (ODO).

For the latest version of this map and related products visit http://emergency.copernicus.eu/mapping/list-of-components/EMSR207 !

0 0 [email protected]

0 Ansião 0

0 0 © European Union 8 8

1 1 For full Copyright notice visit http://emergency.copernicus.eu/mapping/ems/cite-copernicus- 4 Aguda 4 4 ! 4 ems-mapping-portal

! Casal do Castanheiro

8°30'0"W 8°29'0"W 8°28'0"W 8°27'0"W 8°26'0"W 8°25'0"W 8°24'0"W 8°23'0"W 8°22'0"W 8°21'0"W 8°20'0"W 8°19'0"W 544000 546000 548000 550000 552000 554000 556000 558000