Forecasts indicate a change in the weather. It will be cloudy in the morning, but fair skies may emerge by tonight. Continued cool. &tabllahed 1868 Vol. 78, No. 230 AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa, Wedn88day, June 19-Five Cents

Livestock Evacuated From Sale Yard

with One M. Lantz, alld Russia Vetoes UN Proposal SUnd.,. car Was Kehoe', car , " ' . PW RECAPTURED a car driven Senators Propose Ame'ndmenl ~xpect Group 10 ~kay a parked car M. Iiarrl, of E. BurUn.ton , car had $40 ' To Shake Suprem~. (ourt! T:::~~~r.~~~:s , appear in Ballot to Break Tie WASHINGTON (AP)-Ashake­ "a IIOCIaI aad eeoaomle rn.illl­ up of the supreme court, by lion"; In House Committee means of a constitutional amend­ 2. It Is "tom by tlte lIIeur· ment fOJ;cing four Roosevelt ap­ tan of a Iac&J.n." WASHlNGTON (AP)-f'rom a pointees off the bench, was pro­ ship in mid-Pacific bound for the 3. The Amerlea.a ~ople re­ Sub-Committ.. Facts posed yesterday by Senators East­ rant It "with tlIalrat aJltI sasp\­ atomic bomb test, Rep. Andrew. land (D., Miss.) and Bridges elon." (R., N.Y.) flashed an apparently We,e to Be Given (n., N.H.). * * * decisive vote last nlght for draft· The amendment would limit the llli 18-year-oid. again after Ocl. To General Assembly Eastla nd declared In a senate number of Justices a single presl- 1. His radio message from the 1 EW YORK (AP)-Soviet speech that: * * * de.nt might appoint to three. The U .5.5. Panamint breaks a 3-3 tie RUK ill. yesterday \' tOE'd It com· 1. The court Is embarked OD a¥thors said it would be retroac- among the house membera of a promi ' pIau uppofted by a tlve and would force the retire- con.ressional conference commit­ nin .. member majority of the ment of Justices Qou,las, Murphy, tee, of whIch he is a·member. The nit d ~8 ti o n l) ecurity council FIFTEEN HEAD 01 cattle were rescued from the Centerville sale yard yesterday, as flood waters Presidential Group Jackson and Rutled,e. The late committee is now expected to ap­ which would hllve nt the II!&I'OOned larre numbers of livestock In that rerlon. Fifty-six swine were carried over a fence, President Roosevelt apppointed prove the plan for inducting 18- those four after his earlier ap- year·olds, barring unforeseen de­ JOHANN .KLAPPER, n . who se­ , pani h (lue'lion to the United but 40 were rounded UP downltream. Suggests Changes pointments of Justices Black, velopments. caped from a MacDlIl field worll Nations 'en 1'01 8 mbly [or Reed and P'rankfurter. This will clear the way for final detail, was found yesterday IIv­ d ci. ion by the entire 51 oa· * * * * * * * * * Choaea bl' Boue agreement on the disputed draft ID~ under the PX there. He said tion . for P,ension System. he escaped because he did not If more than three supreme extension bill when the conference Thl' R u ian regarded tho want. &0 return to Germany. court vacancies occur under 'Q committee meets again tomorrow. m (, 8 ~ U I' 08 too ;.oft a. blow WASHINGTON (AP)-An ov- single president, judges to till Andrews' message directed ,thai ugui nsl t hI' "~rn n co rt"gime. Turbulent Rivers Flood erhauLing of the veterans pension them temporarily would be se- his prOxy be cast In favor of a n wu tbe Reond veto In the system was recommended by a lected by the house from the com~romlse which the senate Lichfield Witnesses short United Natlonll hlatory. special presidential committee and lower courts. In this balloting, Imembers of the . com.mittee pro­ BUMJl& has Invoked the ball lD endorsed by President Truman. each s tate's delegation In the posed and on whIch hIS house col- both caaetL The first veto "'.. The committee, headed by Dr. house would vote as a unit and leagues split. It provides that in- Foiled in Attempted In London in the Levant _. SQuthern Iowa Homes Harold W, bodds, president of each would have one vote. duction of 18-year-olds, now SUll- Nine members raised th e I r · to . ' t f d th . ' pended, may be resumed after Prlll.ce n UnlverSI y, oun at When a new PI'e:;ldent took of- Oct. 1 If the president certifies Escape From Prison hands when the qu tion was under the present policy the vet- flce, these temp~rary justices they are needed, althoUJh they coiled on the compromise 'plan By the Associated Press 118-18.5 feet at Eddyville and 14 heavy rains and cooler air over­ erall "receives a premium, from would return to theU' tormer posts may servQ only In this country worked out by Dr. Herbert V. Turbulent southern IOWa rivers feet at Ottumwa by Wednesday. a monetary standpoint, when his and the preside~t would appoint until they become 19. BAD NAUHEIM, Germany (AP) Evatt, of Australia, and Herschel spread much of the' midwest and - SOldier prisoners held as wit­ and creeks, flooded by cloudbursts (Bankful stages \ at those towns east in the wake of the season's disability is increased." It declared up to three justu:es. The proxy which Andrews had V. Johnson, ot the United States. that this "presents an almost In- Under this plan, President Tru- left behind when he departed for nesses In the Lic h!ield guardhouse Andrei A. Gromyko, Soviet ranging up to 8.3 inches at Bloom-I are 14, 11 and 9 feet). A further first extended heat wave. trials attempted to dig their way field, boiled over thEir ban.ks yes- rise of about one foot may occur surrnountable psycholiglcal handl- man's appointment of Justice the Bikini atoll bomb test had pro­ delegale, grimly raised his hand An electrical storm accompanied to freedom, but were folled with terday inundating homes and in the period from Wednesday cap to rehabilitation." Burton and his selection of Fred vlded for his vote to be cast In when the nt'gative vote was by rain and a 48-mile-an hour Needs Reevalua.tion discovery of their lour-toot tun· asked and the an­ farm lands and blocking high- night to Thursday morning." gale brought Baltimore .6 of an "The present method of finan- M. Vinson for chief justice would favor of drafting 18 and 19-year- nel, the army announced last ways. Ball Park Flooded cial compensation needs careful ~tand , and he wou~d have ~uthor- olds "w!thout restriction." As a noun ccd the resolution had been inch of predpitatlon in 13 min­ night. vetoed. Thc Nelhcrlenda ab3talned ::iome light rain feU over the At on the lower Des utes, felled trees, stalled traffic reevaluation," the report contin. Ity to name one more Justloe. 1 result, hIS colleagues ~ast the vote from voting. state during the day, but the wea- Moines river, where 6.33 inches and blew in windows. Two ued, "particularly in regard to . E~stland, a member of the judl- against the compromise; The escape attempt was an­ ther bureau said tbe amounts of rain fell, the baseball park women were cut by flying glass. the wisdom of making lump sum' clary committee, and Bridges In- The unusual .situatton came nounced as a military count over· Poland promptly demanded that settlements in certain types of troduced their proposal following about In this way. ruled defense motions to quash would add litUe to tbe deluge was flooded. Temperature DroPs the council vote on Its motion left by thunderstorms Monday c se Jackson's criticism of Black In a The house voted to exempt teen- charges against Col. J am A. submitted In April (or a complete The state commJssion A similar storm lowered the a"~~mpensation for servlce-con- statement at Nuernberg. agers from the draft. The senate Kilian, acc used of cruelly to night which broke Iowa's three­ reported flood waters had closed and Immedlat break with Franco day heat wave. tbe temperature 16 degrees to 70 nected disabilities must include 6 to 10 J ....ees voted to induct them. United States soldiers at Llch- Spain. But the chairman ruled highway 61 in Lee county in ex­ not only pensions but opportuni- The proposed constitutional In the conference committee, field, Eng., detEntion camp wblch Plremen used boats at Mya. in 15 minutes at Philadelphia, in­ that the council was not prepared treme southeast Iowa, highway 2 terrupting electric service and tl f _ d f t in! amendment provides that the the house conferees held out Cor hc formerly ~mandcd . Ue to rescqe residents of the east of Cantril in Van Buren es or re e uca ton, re ra ng the flat exemption Discovered Monda.y to discu s that proposlUon now IJats vea where hlrh water. of transportation. Lightning struck and rehabilitation. It is recom- court would be composed o( oDe Th t I ' e "'d and IIdjourned the meeUnll unUl county, and south of several homes, an electric trans­ hlef j t' d 1 I t ~O e sew e con er propos", An army announcement said ranutar!nr Cooper creek In Ap. ~endet that, a st~dy of the e~ c i ~s If ~n rom S x 0 ~ a compromise. It would permit the tunnel dug beneath the guard­ n xt Mond y. Lucas, 9 miles west of Chariton. former, a tug moored in the Dela­ ~anoose county approached the was closed east of Ire. ve erans pension program a.ssoc a e us ces, as congress 19-year-olds to be drafted with- house floor was dlfCO vered dur­ Thc Evatt resoluUon killed by second story of some houses. ware river, a hospital, and a trol­ inibated In the veterans adminis- shall provide. out Important restrictions and 18- Ing an inspCC tion Monday a.nd Russia provided that the security Albia fo,! a time, but was re­ ley. No persons were injured, The rising Des Moines river, opened. tration." At present the court has nine year-oldll to be drafted ;lter Oct. apparently was excavated with a counci l submit the findings of a but tbe troliey was disabled. The president endorsed the pro- including the chief jus. 1 It the president certifies that this stove poker and tin can. Guards already over its banks at Illany The Skunk river in southeast ~embers sub-commlttee, which 'nvesUgat~d At Washington, the naval re­ llosed inquiry but ttJok issue with bee. is necessary; the 18-year-olds said that in a few more nlgbts places downstream from Des Iowa also was flooding in the the case (or a month, to the ,m­ Moines, fonned ,perhaps the greaf.. search laboratory used radar to another recommendation of the The amendment would have to could not be sent overseas until Ithe prisoners might haxe extended cral assembly In September, alon, vicinitY of Augusta. chart the course of the Baltimore committee, which he appointed be approved by .congress and ratl- they become 19. It outside tbe barbed wire ft nce est continuing threat. The wea­ Much of the flooding was on with recommcndatlons for the as­ ther bureau said that stream was storm, which headed toward the Dec. 12 to study the medical are fled by the legislatures of three- surroundinjf the prison a large . mbly to call tor a rupture In re­ small streams and creeks wbicb national capital. provided by various government fourths ot the states to become • • • • ' expected to reach a height of were unable to carry off the 3 services and recommended im- effective. Mlhatlo~lc Lieutenant ftrame building on the edge of lations with Spain or to take sucll BypaRRed Capital five feet above bankful today at and 4-inch rains that were com­ provements. C f T own. I1ctlon a& It mlght deem. dealtable. Ottumwa, where the water al­ mon throughout much of south However, navy weather experts Out. Patient Trea.tment on elses to reason It has not becn ascerlalncd Gromyko told new men later said that the storm either by­ ready was lapping at homes in central portions of the state. This was that the veterans ad· ('mall Natl"ons Hear."ng how many prisoners were In- that the veto wa not harmful to the central addition. a residential passed Washington or blew itself ministration be authorized to pro. J BELGRADE (AP)-A Chelnik volved, the announcement said. the United NatioIU but that inac­ out '6efore arriving. lIIea normally Uooded during per- vide out-patient treatment for vet- commander under Gen. Oraja MI· No disciplinary action wa dls- tion was. Iods of high water.. . Damaging Storms Raid A "rain belt" 150 miles wide, erans with non-service connected Agreed 10 by Molotov hallovlc pleaded guilty yesterday closed. Dr. Evatt, long a vociferous op­ The bureau, In a special river C· . E C which stretched from northern disabilities after they have been to charges of treason and collab- Eleven of the soldier prlsoners ponent of the veto power which buUetin, said "the sharp rise In Iities on astern oast Missouri to PennsylVania, was treated in veterans hospitals. oration and testified that bls are servimr court marUal sen- allows the five big powers the the Des Moines riVEr will con- By TUP, ASSOCIATED rUS8 moving slowly southward, break­ The committee said the le,al Ruuia Will Not Send chief had approved of coopera- tences of Crom nve to 20 years. right to block action on questions tinue through the night with Scattered but damaging storms Ing the heat wave in southern prohibition against out-patient tlon with the Germans. Others are awaiting trial on of substance, said he did not stsges of about 17 feet at Tracy, continued striking yesterday as areas. follow-up in such cases "account Her Italian Claiml "Mr. President, I plead guilty," charges placed aj{ajnst them si nce think the use of the veto here WI. in lar(e measure for the Inordin- To Pe~ce Conference 40-year-old SlavolJuo Vranjeslc they came to Bad Nauheim to particularly harmful "becaute It ately long hospitalization period In replied In a firm voice when he testily In the trials 01 six oCfl- Is Cree discussion that helps and veterans administration hospitals." took the stand. An Important of- cers and 10 enllsled lllen In con. we hove that." (ongress Tol~ 'Foreign Affairs CommiHeemen Say Stalin, The committee concluded that PARIS (AP) - Soviet Foreign fleer In the Chetnik Bosnian cor1l- neellon with alleged cruelties at Before the decisive vote WIS "thousands of hospital days" could Minister Vyacheslav M. Molotov mand where the prosecution Lichfleld. whtre all the prisoners taken the council rejected a pro­ be saved if the law were changed agreed yesterda'y to refer smaller charges the mosl flagrant cases h d b fl ed posal y Sir Alexander Cadogan. Truman Should Hold Personal Discussion to authorize treatment after dis- o f co II a b oration occurred, h e was once IIArrue ~n for con6 Hourlln . of Britain, to put the Spanbb case Charged from the hospital. natiom' clalma to tlallan repara- the first of Mlhallovic's Ueuten- before the general assemblT with­ Radar Reports Mr. Truman objected that "the lions to a 21-natlon European ants to accept unqualified blame. The defense attempts to escape WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi- to argue that talking tough to committee proposal would not In a trial for Colonel KlUan were out any recommendation. peace conference, but refused to overruled after more than six dent Truman and Generalissimo America is demonstrated to be the the long run accomplish its' pro- T h D' Stalin should meet soon in a most productive policy. posed objective." Moreover, h~ submit Russia's demands on the aug t to Ie hours ot arguments today. Doolittle Breaks Record Sold 10 Russia "frank, across-the-table" attack "Thus by our unwise appease­ wrote, "with our present need for lssue to that conference, an Amer- TOKYO, Wednesday (AP)-A The defense attorney. Lt. CoT. CHICAGO (AP)-Jimmy Doo­ tn problems dividing Russia and ment methow we alienate those full care to veterans with servlce- Ican informant said. Japanese professor once jailed as Raymond E. Ford of Fort Pierce, littie flew a 50-passen,er CIl(caJO WASHINGTON (AP) - Con­ the United States, four members who are most friendly toward us connected disabilities, I should not a pacifist told the International PIa., asserted the "charges are the and Southern DC-4 from Houston, Although yesterda1'S session of i tod J It f II I d ' Th ness learned yesterday thllt Rus­ of the house foreign affairs com- within the government group in like to over-burden the veterans war cr mes court ay that ap- resu 0 a ma c ous eslgn. ey Tex., nonstop to Chicago Tester­ Iia has bought a complete list of mJttee said yesterday. the Kremlin." administration home-town pro- the four·power forel\lll ministers anese soldiers' sulcidal delermln- are based on admittedly perjured day In ffiree hours and 37 min­ commerce department · reports on Reporting on a tour of Europe, 'Tlrel1 01 War' grams." confe~ce ended in deadl.citit on alion to die In combat was bred. testimony obtained by perverting utes, cutting almost In balf the radar and other military d velop- Representatives Gordon (D., IlL), In its< section on Russia, visited the reparatton:s issue, there was a deliberately in the nation's school and disgracing the arm;y's court commercial airline Ume between • !Dents which the armed forces Ryter .(D., Conn.), Mundt (R., late last summer, the report said new note of optim15m here, engen- rooms. martial system." the two cities. haVe removed from the secret S. D.) and Bolton (n., Ohio) also that "the great bulk ot the citi­ dered by Molotov'lI reference to lists, but that she :still withholQlj urged "immediate abanponment zenry is tired of war and yearns ELECTIONS the forthcoming European peace h of any semblance....of appeasement" for peace" and added the con­ B·,· Illost of her own scientific war conference. rl IS discoveries. of Russia. gressmen found "no antipathy Many bave leared that this bETROIT, WednesdaJ (AP) meeting would end in disagree­ Hunt Palestine Kianappers John C. Green, director of the Asserting that some members of among the average citizens toward department's office of declassifi­ the powerful Soviet politbureau the United States." -A four sided battle for' the ment wltbout any convocation of --- cation. told the senate appropria­ "are more favorable than others It also said that "in a mJlitary MlcbJran rubernatorlal nomina· the general conference. JERUSALEM (AP) - British Jews under sel)tence o( death (or Also believed , linked with the tlon narrowed down ~rlJ tocIa7 troops scoured through !tons commJttee of the Soviet pur­ to the United states," the report sense Russia lacks many of the BeIer to CODIereaee raiding a Britlsh army camp. violence In PalesUne Was the re­ ehases. The commlttee made the added: modern weapons and mechanical to a dine donr contea~ between United States Secretary of State last night, searching lor members The kidnapping in Tel Aviv fol­ of In armed ,ang which kidnapped cent mysterious fligbt from eldle testimony public In connection AUenate Friends devices essential In modern war- Kim Sirler, former ~clal James F. Byrnes, the American lowed violent attacks on Rlver prosecutor for tbe IJIcbam Inlormant said, proposed that the five Brltlsh officers, while else­ Jordan bridges and on railway In France of the Muftl of Jerusa_ With Its approval of the $447,285,- "Each time we yIeld (to Soviet fare," including "the atom bomb, where In the Holy Land the Pal­ 000 .late-commerce-justlce money demands), we lay them open to a sizable navy, a home-equipped COUDty rrand Jul')', and Llea" entire Ilroblem of reparatiolU be workshops in the port city of lem, Haj Amin EI Hussein!, spirit­ Gov. Vemon Brown. estine government sought to break ~1Il. ridicule lind give the others cause mechanized army" a and "sub­ J. referred to the peace conference. . ual leader of Palestine'a Moslems, WUh 1,493 precincts reported up a wave of violence which has The same testimony disclosed stantial machine-tool industry." Molotov Insisted, however, that Thousands of Jews marcbed at a time when representatives of of the state's 3,950, Siller had' taken a two day toll of 18 dead "Potentially Russia is a mighty the fo~lgn ministers should make through Jerusalem's streets in a Arab states were dIscUSalng meth­ III assertion by Senator Wherry p L_ T d I) b . a. 61,556 to 5'7,398 lead. by· and scores Injured. (R., Neb.) that a witness had told ro~ orna 0 e rlS military force," the subcommittee the decbion on Russia's claim, be­ mourninll procession for one of the ods ot opposing the inquiry com­ mOnd J. Kelly, former D1IUoaaf " njne Jews slain Monday nil!bt in cau~ Russia Is represented here. . . mission's recommendations. The a jUdiciary subcommittee of whIch In Search for Vidims said, "but It would seem unlikely cOhlDlaDder of the American hle.Une teethed with armed the pitched ba ttle near Haila's Wherry is a member that this that she w{>uld be inclined to The smaller victims of Italian ag­ Multi Is an implacable foe of Ledon, was thIrd with 38,531 Jewlslt ancer .. &lie Brltlllb pa. bomb-blasted railwBl station. Jewish Immigration. Pre leD' eountry had brought Russia "UP to DETROIT (AP) - Authorities launch an unprovoked war against gresston ar.e not presen t, and trola, 01 wbleh used ar- and Mayor Edward J_ Jeffries 80_ • • • wbereabouts 01 the Mufti ts an in.. date with everything we knew moved swiftly yesterday to cope the United States or any well-pre­ theretore, these sources .ald, the mored ears, lIIOYed UIroqh &lie 01 Detroit fourth with &1,'710. The apparently orpnbed out· ternatlonal IIIJ'slery. _bout radar." with widespread destruction and pared country of substantial size Soviet IJllniaters was willin. to .tree... f Tel Aviv. breaks bepn wllb the dynamlt­ Wherry prl'.!Ised Green as to su fferlng left by a tornado which tor many years to come." refer tbose to the general confer-' • • • 8OSTON (AP)-Gol'. Maa­ • • • InI of IiI hrldcl!l acrotl &lie Jor­ The klclJlapIJII of Ute IIrftWa Whether Russia had boulht scl­ swept through the outskirts of De­ The report asserted, however, rice J. T,obln easily won reo ence. Beglnnln, at 5 a. m. today a !laD ID &CltloD. cOIIUIII the lives officers WIll carried H' IIJ .­ 'Qtiflc descriptions of military troit and WindSOr, Ont., Monday that "the military outlay of the )lomlaatlon on tbe Democratic Ilejeela Pre.... 1 strict curfew will be clamped on of .ix .rewa and &llree Brlu.b equipment developed by t h 1. nl,ht, killing 14 persons and In­ Russian government continues on Molotov, a British source said, soldlen. believed Ill' aa&horWet to be ticket ID yesterdal'" MauacbD. the predominately Jewish seacoast _lDben 01 the Jewisla utrut· country and released to bu.lness juring more than 200 Gthers. a huge scale," with expansion of letts primal')' but his tokeD. op­ also rejected a propo&al . bT For­ city, the British army announced, • • • hlen by army and navy boards Pollce and volunteers continued heavy Industries being under­ polltton pNlentecl a larprlstq eign Secretary Erneat Bevin that and unauthorized persons will nOl The outbreaks followed an­ ... orpabaUo. Irru ZYII Which decided they need no longer to probe miles of wreckage to de­ taken "to the neglect" of produc. pow of .trenrth. all m'jor powers abandon repara­ be permitted outside their own nouncement last week by British Lead. remain secret. termine If there were additional tion of consumer goods. In 8'78 of the atata'. t,l'" tiona c1alDl$ on Italy, In order to doors whUe the curfew Is In force. Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin • • • Green aald Russaln representa .. victims. All the dead were In The subcommittee aald the' pr~lncts, Tobin's opponllnl. assist the new RepubUcan ,ovem­ The army did not set a time limit that Britain was "not prepared" About a dozen men armed with live. here had put In el,ht orders, Canada. Overnight reports that United States "acted too hastlly" Franc.. D. Barrlpn, BoRon ment of. that nation. RUllia, how­ for its tennlnatlon. to place another anny division in tommyguns raided the officen" ranllng from $1.1 0 to $1,387 In follr died on the American side in granting condiUonal recOllnl­ laWYer, plied up 38,803 VMel ever, .. the only major power Vae TeIlUllJPns Palestine, which he said would be club in the Hotel Yarkon, __ COlli, for reports. that averalle $2 proved unfounded. . t10n to the Polish provblonal gov­ to the rovetnor', tau, of 11 •• asking rep-.ratloDJ. The Ruaalan TomlD7iW11 were used by the necesaary lf the British-American and blind10lded the live otficera In price. He testified these in­ Hundredl were made homeless ernment alld urged "an unyielding .~!I. Thfl BMtoll eU" VIt~ 1D claim II for $100,000,000, and Mol­ armed band which spirited away Inquiry committee recommenda- and 10rced them into the waltUII cluded a complete blbllollfaphy, and property damage was esti­ attitude" toward fulflUment of the 180 out of 385 pretltnet. rave otov 1* baa asked that an ac1dl­ the five officers. One informant tlon for Immigration of 100,000 Itaxls; Four of the offlcell were Whlcb be Slid delcrlbed tbe vari­ mated 10 the hundred. of thou­ pledge "for free and unfettered Tobin 64,,79 and BarrIpa IS," _tiona! • ZOO,OOO,OOO be paid Yu.e­ said the Brltolll apparently were refUlee Jews was carried out im- army men, Ihe fifth a member of QUI mtcbanllnl., sanda. electloni. " 196. slava, Greece lAd Albabta. · beiDI held q bOlta,e8 for two mediately. . I the HM, . T RED AlLY 10 VI A N. i 0 wA e IT Y. lOW A WEDNESDAY, JUNE i9, 1946

E~ itoria Is: OFFlcrAL DAILY BULLETIN ...... 1M 111OTJI.arrr OAL~NDA...... bo'II'" .. 1M .... ,>I g,1 •••• 0".... 01. Oa,II... II... I.. Ih. OINI:IIAl. MOTIOU • Case Bill Rejected-Where Do We Go From Herel ,~ ...IM. wtlll , •• _pal .dll., .r The 1l~1I1 ••••• Of .., .. fit/ ••• '0 ... bOll ,.ovhl.. 10' ••,..11 ID lb. .JfI_ .r '" ' PI'('sirlf'nt 'I'r'nmnn, oft<'11 ln~ged by critiCR rcoogni:ul Ml'. TrnDU1D'S logic to uphold bis By LA WRBNC~ DENNIS • I,. lo.... OI:NaUL ,",OTIOn lIIun M aI Th. Dub I .... ., , rt> p, ., ... '"' "'.0.".' "'" ,ubU.allo_al Doll ....IU ))0'1 " Il~ the "conl'us('(l" pn'Rident, kept his hend veto. ow it is 0\11' hope thnt {'ongres will Cord Meyer Jr, is a young, surrendering them to a world au· ..!!J i.... P ... It1 .. l.pb ...... 01 ...... I ~. Tl'P." oa LIIO.... 1' WIl2IIII y, alit I'O))I:D .,...... 1.,. uhov<, ,,~at('l' long' I'nnn/!h last week to veto thc ace pt his ngg tion to appoint a committec serious-minded political scientist, thority becomes progressi vely • ,or .. .. ('nsl' nnti-lnbor bill. Whatevl'l' II'(,I'e hil'l mo­ to mak(' II 'hOl'ol)gh study of' the stl'ike prob­ He first gained national promin­ more complex, VOL, XX!' No. 230 WednesdllY • .Tune 19, 1948 tives, he ,honlcl be applllll(ied for this action, lem and produce intelJig nt legislation to Baruch Proposed ence, in April. 1945, When he was If the current armaments Tace He did the right thing and lhe COUllt I'y will dl'lll with the problem effectively, On Atomic Control appointed to Harold Stassen's is aHowed to continue and inter­ UNIVERSITY CALENDAI be grnteful fOl' his decision, personal staff at the United Na­ national politiCS develops into a Tt is 0111' feeling that l'ej l'ction of tllC as tions conference in San Francis- 'fhe bill was II hod/Ze-pod~e of, !lllti­ Pleads for Peace struggle for military potential, "a Wednesday, June 19 Old Capitol (MacBride Auditor_ Ga. bill dops not rnd the mattrr. We necd intel­ co. labor sentiment cOllceivrd in hnste in the critical point will soon be reached Conference on child develop- ium in rase of rain). ligent, lal'-seeing legis lation droling with this By JAMES D, WHITE From that meeting Meyer where the material and Idealogi­ ment and parent education, Old 8 p. m. University ploy: "J Re- wake of the coal and rnilroad stl'ike., Some wholp busnrSR of Inbor, management I1nd pl1b­ Associllted Prea Staff emerged as one of the leading cal preparations for war will have Capitol. member Mbma," university thea- of its prol'isions--I hose de.igned to protect lic, Recent st I'ikes which have tied up the en­ spokesmen for The Baruch proposal on alomic gl>ne so far that there will be Peace Officers short course, Ire, the public inter . t in Rtl'ikes in basic indus­ ti re nation demonstrate 1his need, o rid govefl1# no turning back." The only ma­ Iowa Ullion River room, Saturday • .Tune 22 tries-might llll', of naturAl thr kids wet'e in brei and al'tel' lhe lights thllt Mr, Byrnes never eomprom- ainents is aJlowed to continue Marshall Field; Senator Warren 3:30-5:30 p, m, recordings, law. ]\llln is not a noetul'nlll animal-he' bac,k on. Ises on a mlltter of principle, ollly three or tour more years. Austin. new U, S, delegllte to MARRIED GRAD ATE Sunday: 1-2 p, 01, Columbia The Russians also may wonder the problem of creating rella­ the security council; ex-Inter­ STUDENTS IN EDUCATION Symphony broadcast, 2-3 p, m, about this country'S eventual wil- ble international controls may Ior Secretary flarold ~ckes : All married graduate studenls recordines, 3-4 p, m, Symphony lingness to give up the necessary well be Ins\lrinountllble. Each Emery Reves, author of "The in education whose wives are in of the Air broadcast, 4-5 p. m, sovpreil(nty (not to mention tHeir dlly mpre and more uranium Anatomy of Peace," af\d Sec· Iowa City or within commuting · W~AT HAPPE~ED TO CONSUMERS' PRICES recordinlls, own) to enable an atomic author- Orll Is J;Jeing extracted from tbe retary of Commerce Henry A, distance this summer please sign tty to' function, mines of every country posess- W~llace, the notic posted by the educa­ The charter of the United Na- In{ it, • • • SUMMER SESSION BAND tion club on the bulletin board tions. which congres~ has rati­ Baruch's report to the atomic Additional clarinet, woodwind, outside the education library. fied. says that "the organization It is only a mlltter of months ene'rgy commission of the Unitted flute. bassoon and french horn is based on the principle of sov­ be fore the larger industrial na­ Nations represents a splendid step players are needed in tile univer­ LIFE G ARD NEEDED ereign equ~ity of all its mem­ tions will have atomic plants un­ by the United States government sity band, Interested students SINGE AUG. 19~5 I A life guard is needcd for the bers." der construction in hidden local­ toward that goal which Meyer should contact Prof. Charles 13, women's pool , Monday through Ittes- and fissionable ma terials se­ belteves must be realized within Righter. director, room 15, music Friday, fl-om 11 a, m. to 12 noon. (V-J !)Qf) creted in underground stockpiles, a few short years. The report. studio building. Qualificatlons: senior life salliog Thus, as bombs, plants and ores which indicates that our nation The summer se~lion band will UP certificate. Only women need are concealed. even the- most in­ may, at last. be willing to take rehearse Tuesdays. Thursdays and apply. U!'4 Readers tE'nsive search becomes unrelia­ the initiative in establishing a Fridays from 4:10-5:20 p. /fl. il\ addi ional day of delay beyond the ble and each nation grows more durable regime of law over arm a­ south music hall. due date. and more unwilling to depend on mellts and atomiC energy, was re­ The ofCice of the treasurer is any international control system. printed In full in The New York SPECIAL REGISTRATION open Monday through Friday Then also. as"bomb production in­ Times, Saturday. June 15. It de­ PERIOD from a a. m. to 12 noon. and 1 creases. the technical problem of serves our attention and analysis, Students in the college of lib­ p. m, to 5 p. m., and Saturday ...... eral arts, engine ring, commerce from 8 a, m, to 12 noon, Opposition to Bonus and the graduate coli ge who All holders of tultion exemp­ RADIO CALENDAR have not previously registered for tions, including graduate students Sound Economy WHO (1040) WMT (600) KXEL (1540) the first semester. 1946-47 must and World War 11 veterans, must WSUI (910) register Il!![ore Saturday noon. go to the office or the tre,surer TO THE EDITOR: June 22, Instructions [01' register­ on the dates Indicated above to 8 Rec World War II veterans at the NETWORK mqHLloRTS WHO Eddie Can lor WHO 11. V. Kallen. KXJ::L Lum 'n' Ab. D:aO p. m, ing are posted on ull university sign their tuition voucher8. A V C t " D R a. m. WHO Pep. Young <> , , ,conven Lon rn es WSUI Morn. Chop. KXEL Questions 7:15 p. m. WMT E\. QI1.en bulletin boal'ds, Moines have gone on record as WMT News 1:.3 p. m. KXEL O'Neill. WHO The Norlhs 1n fin 7.!14 p. m. KXEL ranI. lItelody WOME' POOL 1I0URS opposing a f~deral bonus. This WHO SI. John WHO i4appiness WSUJ Sports Time 10 :/10 p. m . KXEL Break. CI. ~ p. M. INUI-VARSITY fEETING The swimming pool at the statement of policy in the A, V. 8:IG •. m. WSUI News WMT Crosby Show WMT Doull Grant WSUl Mus. Minl.t. "'..,T House Parly WHO DIs!, Ally. WHO M. L. Nelaon The Inter-Varsity Christian Fel­ women's gymnasium will be o~ Harper C.'s platform sounds quite rev- WMT Mary Miles WHO Pkstge WIre KXEL Sam, Kay. KXEL H. R. GrOD lJ'here have recently b en a distUl'bing 7:4~ 1> . m. 10 :1~ p. m . lowship will meet in room 207. to women students M 0 n d a1 ha\'e bePLl sharply raised chi efly to meot the olutionary In itself. but when it WHO Mel, Madh. KXJ,;L la. Cenlen. WSUI Ono Man's IWMT Ful. Lewis I Schaeffer hall at a o'clock Sat­ through Friday. 4-6 p. m, and nnmber of comments thM inflation is already . I .. h 'ct th I t th 8:S8 a. m, 2.13 p, .. , Op nlon WHO Billboarel r equirements of the famine feeding pl'ognlm. IS pace" "eSI e e s oj:an 0 e WSUI New~ WSUl Conlp. Mus. urday night. The program wilt Saturday, 10-12 a, m. organization: "Ct'tizens flrstr vet- WMT Mus. Clock WHO Stella Dallas 8:00 p. m. KXEL Sporls her('. Such commenl~ suggest 1h!lt the l'e­ W8Ul Music Hr, JO .~ p. m. be on the theme "Social Activ­ Do i r,l' prices ha\'!' hlld to be 1'8 i. eel liS a \,e- erans second" it would seem to WHO K~~~ \VMT ~;::a ~i . mLlre WMT Gr. Mo. In M.WMT Symphony peal of. pl'ice control would not I'e~;ult in a :,'.!:II. WHO Kay KYler WHO Rhythm ities of Christian Lift." Speak­ ATIIOLIC ,TUDENT CEN'fE1l or feed llnd fllrm labor cost. increasrs Prove that the veteran of today WSUI Proll. Cal, WHO Lore. Jones significant increase in prices. 'l'his fra!11 e • suit WflO J. Jordan K~L Ladles KXEL Floh, Club KXEL P. Hulchen. ers will be John Sarchett and Open house Friday evening, Ali is much more far sighted than D a. m. 2:4ij p ..... 8 : 4~ p, m, 10:45 Ii, m , of mind, we believl', is dangerous. It tends which thrcatened milk RUPTllies. WSUI N~ws WIfO N.w •. Fouad Khabbaz. All students :l1'C CuthoJic stud n invited for re­ his D~ddy wbo marched with WSUl Philos\lphy WMT Speak Up to drug the people of J,his country iJ1to either .. w'MT For Ladles WHO Wid. Brown 8.90 p, m. WHO News invited to aUend. fleshments and entertainmEnt. Bllt WhCl)o all these m'e taken iI/to ac­ Coliey's army and stormed the WHO F . War ing H p. m. WMT I~ol. Mu.. '. 11 :40 p, m, It false sense of 'ecnrffy or It mood of defeat­ KXI!:L Flnt. Mel, WMT D. COl/1It, it ('an safely be predicterl 'hat on White House to demand' his bonus. l in practically free education, the pro- WSUI llook8hol! WSUI '\lreas. Salule Seven Iowa City Catholic priests '/embel', 1939. 10 Apl'it 15, 19·16, the q,VCt'ogc ha OCCUl'l'Cq jn retail rri~es since.l\fay, ]~43, WM'!' ~ate Smith WMT MelodIes vislo1Js for housing and business WHO Judy, JaM wko Portia are attendin¥. a three day retrellt NEW YORK-Likeliest source of compeliLlon [or the consumer dol­ of fill con,mnw' priccs anlZl'cnis rose abol(,t resulted from the fact that wh ijl' thc prices loans all seem economically sounri KXEL Brenerv,nn KXEL Ia. Cenlen. for prayer ahd meditation at St. expanding future employment op- lor, and is handicapped by having 33 In'ecel~t. A vet'Y wl'g (J 'lJal't of 'his in­ o~ food and repts wcre ~uece;;sful1y brought ' I th 1 th I 10.1~ ", In. 8.80 p. m. to h1m, n e ong run, ese wsm Art, Br. Co, wsm News-Mu.lcl Ambrose college in Davenport. portunity is. according to some to c,)(pel'lence (I prctty complete (wease, lr owevel', took 1JZacc bef m'e efI er/hJe linder' control, clothing prices, because of 1he mea~ures should provIde so~e ,ef- ~~6 ~:w~ ·ter ~:fJ ~r~~I~1 The retreat will end Thursday Indllstrialists. not one or the surg, overhauling if maxlmum\ errect~ twire controls were eslablishul. many obstacles to effective price control in fectrve sa~guardc lor h IS Job I :ll4I a, m, 1.45 p, " . evening, ing :voung glomor Industries, but are to be obtained, The begin­ Pl'om .May, 1942. when the gen~r'al muxi­ tlillt field, continl\ec1 t() ri$c nnd'pnll the avel'­ and his income. Which IS econ. WSUI BookshelC WtdT Mrs. BurlOtt . . .' WMT Helen 'rrent ~NHO Farrell The following local priests are mum price regulation wa issued, to Apl'il Hi, R~e I)f prices upwlu'c1, omlcally, sound thll1kmg for all WHO u.n. J''''rne~ KXEL 154.0 Club Pl1rtiClpllting: The Rt. Rev. Msgl', that age-old occupation-house nlngs ot sizeoble pI'e-fabrication concerned. But the bonus has all KXEL News 4 p. m. ]946, the Ill'eragp of consumer' pricrs lind pl'~pite these diffieullies in eJotQing, bow­ 1t:45 ~ m, wsur lItusl. Patrick O'Reilly, the Rev. George building. con truction methods durinll the rents rO!lt' only about ]3 percent. ever', thr record of prices undel' control is in the earmarks of a handout to the WSUL MI ••. ~IIV, WMT' Sdni Shop Snell, the Rt. Rev, Msgr, Carl H. I! prospects pan out. howevel'. war a'nd the federal 1I0vern ment's From the issuance of the presidf'nt's "hold­ sharp contrast with thl' inflation which h8fj ve\eran. He kj10WS that in mo~t ~6 e~aS~~~~n ~'l GBu:I~I~~gd; : Meinberg, the Rev. J. W. Schmut~, on a long.range scale, it will be plans to ma ke such housIng un cases It will be spent on scarce KXi1!. T. Malo!\e 4: IS p.. m. the Rev. Edward"Neuzil. the Rev. the-line" orqel', effective in Mny, ]943, to OCCUlTed in the nncOrll'ol1cc1 Ill'eas, Since , II od l' t h·..eo II a. •. WHO Today's Ch. becaUse the time-honor d trude, important fador in solution 01 consumer s Q s~a, 1\ Iii" WSUI NeWS. Fosler 4:30 p. m , April ]5, 1946, I'etail Iwic('s Ilnd r!'llts rose V-J DRY "lonE' th!' pncri ()t raw c(jtton not Joseph Hines and the Rev, Leon­ stimulated by an Immeu;ole multi- prices. The inflation which WQuld wwr Valiant Lad)' WSUI Tea '1'1In8 ard J, Brugman. billion dollar construction de- housing s~ortages Is port ot such only 4.6 pel'cPIlt. FrOIll · Y-.f OilY to Apl',il 15, nnclel' control 11llS risen 32 pOl'cent. 1n tl1e surely follpw such bODus-snend- WHO PeabO<\y, WMT M ... Wilson Arls .. WHO Peabodys WIlO Wom. WhIle mand. has capitalized on 0 re- chongI.', The 1946, retail pl'ices Ilnd rents 1'08e 091y 1.2 las~ yeul' Hveruge stock mlu'ket prices hnve ing will ~hen towe~ to such KXJ:L Olamor M. KXEL la. Cent.n. jllvenat!on serum compounded 01 In contrast Lo employment pros­ June 26 ane pel'cent, gone up a~out 33 percent, During the war heigh\s as to fall In his lap when WM.fW!rl:i,.mi.lllht WMT 4iJ:':. III, i) TIlt Dadij w.trn' new manufacturing tEchniques pects in Rome of the )'ounpr the d Irecl io th e- tun is over, WHO Dr. Malone WHO M_u~rade ]11 sharp contrast with this record, retllil rcal , tate prices hayc ri 'en by an estimated al'ld merchandising methods odap- trades, such 08 elec:ronlcs, avil­ You've ([at to al' v" Q I Joe l\'SO a, ...qI. KXItI- (The Vnlverolty Reporter .slabllshed Righter of t prices and rents more tlll1n doubled during 57 t'o 65 pCl'cent. Commerciul I'ents, as muny 'j' .,.' • , WMT {elen "ent I " m. 18.. , TIM Dally lowln alnce 1901.) ted from younger Industries. tlon and plasllc that have lIeen a lot oC credit for recognizing this WHO fl. Webb.r WIl\1I ChUd.1Jiour and will be the World War [ period, .Almo.t half of smllH bnsine sm('n know to their dismay, Entered I ••econd e1 ... man malter II There arc 1,200 occupational examined in this A socialed Press fact; tha[t the bonus, as far as KXrtl:faa~~ m~' ~m ~~-!~y TIm. Union camp this in{)rcasc oeclll'l'('d uTter the al'mistie('. The have advanced . pectaeulol'Iy in many arcuS. the _I oCII~ at lpwl\ City, low. undel classifications to pIck (rom in the survey, n COll'\Pol'Il'tively minor the who e country is concerned, wSUI ""rm J'JaAlt.sXXIlL Terry Ihe act o{ conllros. of March 2, 1870, il 1::::: federal reserve board has pstilllll,ted that in­ T/Jc,Q e 1)rice 111(')'ea.se8 (Ire sYlll,ptatll([tic; . t ! d· ...... i ' hin t WMT Sach. Chll, WMT News construction industry, ronging war-mad labor supply is ~va - i S a pom 0 I", DIS g re urns. WHO Buckaroos 6:'. p, .., Board of ttU,t"': Wilbur BchrJmm. from title searchinll om~ banking able for ony rapid expansion oT flationary pre, mes this time are 8 io ]0 of what WOl/i(l have 0('c1I7Tcd ue1/eraUy in And It's one that must be han- ' I. II. WHO )Ie",. \ Kirk It. Porter, A. Cr.l, Baird, Paul R­ OllOn, K.nneth Smith. 'tooul •• Johnaton to weather-stripping and refrlg. construction trades, Viewed an­ I imes liS strong liS I hose wh ich' sent pri(,!('s the abSe)l Ce of 1J1'ice ranil'ols, dIed with an glove. Q, p. asbesto~ t ' ~~.!l'~rl~ . KXELA:~ ;:~b ir~. ~ewland, Oon OIUl1e, ~orm.n A erllllon, 1n a study. ot potential other way, lhi~ me ns greaier cp­ thl'oug1\. tIle roof in HI19 Ilnd 1920. No olle cnn predict acourately what will knows he'll be In the cartoons =WlfO waUl MUlle Moods . KXEL Land 0' C. WHO Carousel carellr opporlunitles the Johns- portunity with les competition It is pel'fectly clear, th et'Cfo I'!', that the happen 10 pl'ices if controls lire crippJed or again rn a couple of years as 12:U p. m. KXflL J . ArmSl" FRID M, POWNALL. PubUlhe. Manville Corp, reports thut mil- fOI' jobs all they become available, Loren L. Hld,erBon A ..I.tant to the general ma..'l:imum price regulation and sup­ \'cmovecl after July 1. It is perfectly eleur plain J~hn Q, Public, so why. pro- ~~J l:t~~.' Rndup. wsulife~~'" , lI'uhUsher lions' of 'new workers ca n be used Asserting thqt COl1strllctiol1 need porting regulations were effective in slowing to US, howe\! ' r, that the moderutc rise which long thiS case of mistaken Iden- KXEL New. WMT SPI., DI" (lell, (loodwl1'l, UllQr W.lly 8Irf".hIM, BtlBltieM Man ••er and cites on avowed Immediate not cnjoy simply a short· lived down th\'l rotl' of incl'eflsc in retail pl'il'!es and has occu'rl'ed since V-J Day would be dwarfed tity? WBtJ:~~':; m. ~r~t r.~wJenlen, li4rb Olson. Clrolliallon Mant .. r need for 100,000 trained men in \loom because or pentup housinl I. BOB RUTENBECK WM'!' "ann FinI1. • p, ., rents and that the "hold-the-line" order was to insignificance by the rise of Tlrices which WHO New. waul Dinner MU I. Sub1terlpUon rate.-By mall p ...t consumel',servJce, materials man- m·eds. Johns - Manville declares prcsent inflationary pressures , wonld sup- KXtL Marketl WM'!' J.~1c Car;on Yllrl b~ ~jer. 15 '0"18 weekly, P ...1 uf£lcture, wholesaling, contracting the industry cun double Its nor- speotoculol'\y . llccossful in holding prices al­ . )I, .. p. •. WHO Melody Pa., most;. stable right tl1l'ongll to the l'nd of the po~t. · , 90·O,ay fermit Grqnted wsur ReI. News KXEL Par. at Blndl ~ear, anq real estate, mal pre-war volume on II cQn- A 90-day tempprary permit ~ WMT F.rm Mkll. ':16 p, ., The A.. oclaled Pre.. Is exclullvllf en- The National Association of tlnulng basI, Until thl! col\et~- W81'. it will be 8 sad dllY indeed for the Ameri­ opera{e an automobile repair shop WlfO SonlteHows WHO l'f"'" uOed 10 use for republlcltlon 'or all new. I d I tid k t . '1 It is true that since V-J Day pl,'ice increases can people if the carefully calculated pIons EXI!:L R, F, D. J&40 KXJ:L H, R, Grou dllpalehet credlled to II pr nol oUler'wIM ~anu acturers, con uct ng panel rn nc , wor -crell crs are av I - in the rear of \ 15 E, Bloomington I p. m. • ... p, .. , credited In Ihl. paper and alao th. laaal discussions among professional able to direct a "dYnamic rtIt{- ,have been l'eqllil'ed to reflect wage adjnHt­ of the ('!lemics of price control are successful WaUl MUI. , Ohall WMT Dr. Chrilll'n street \'fas IIranted to Walton WNT Peabodfl WJiO Hllde.arde. n.wl h•• tll!'. 'l'JiLl!PHotas leqdcrs. reports that mony con- chandl slllg erfort" at the 18,000- m nts or to facilitate prompt recomer, ion to a8 a result of the spirit of defeatism wllich WHO WCIIlian o{ A, KltI:L Old You KnT . alder building to be the prospec- 000 Amer1eon families who ~o hOt Schulz apd Lawrence Conover by KXIliL .T, Kenneely •• M p.... fllll pellcetime production. 'l'hesc u'djllst­ has been promoted by those who are wflling Ullorlal Of lice ..... , ...... , ...... 4111 tive No, 1 posl-war boom trade, own homes. the survey conttnues, the Iowa City board of adj!.lstment 1:15 p, !D, KlCEL Rl,. Swln, 1\o01.\y O'tlce .... , ' , .... , ...... , " .. 41t3 1 , t m('nts, howevel', Bl'C 11l'lIrly eom(ll'l'fe, aeMI'd­ to risk our wbole ecol1Omia futuro to avoid yesterday, WMT MllGdie. 6.11 p. N, ~u.ln_ O(tIc:tI ...... 11., The prospt!cts are not unmlx d "the 0llntry will be deprived 0 in!\, to OPA dirl'ctor, Porter. the tl'mpotnry l'estrtl\pt. unci il'ritations of tm!r. ~ )1

" WEDNESDAY. JUNE 19. 194& . THE D A I L Y J 0 WAN. lOW A CIT Y. lOW A PAGETHICm • • Prof. Bodine Praises Benjamin Ellsworth War Begins in Cradle Blatz Warns Delegates Contralto to Present A . Receives Recognition At Child Development: Parent Education Meet Student Recital Friday mong Iowa C,t,ons University of Iowa For Warfare Service Faye von Draska, G of Olka- Visitin, last week in the home Joseph Koudelka arrived from Lakeside Laboratory Benjamin Ellsworth, 1.2 of Iowa 100sa, contralto, will present the of Rev. and Mrs. John F. Choit.7., Cleveland, OhiO, Sunday, to spend City, fonner president of the Psychologist Deplores 56th in a series of student re- of the st. Paul's Lutheran ree· a two weeks' vacation with his University Veteran's association, Professor. Students citals Friday at 7:30 p. m., 1n tory, were Dr. Vernon Holm, Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kou­ "The University of Iowa can be has been awarded the army com­ 'Fruitless' Competition Prof. Dewey B. Stuit To Attend Convention the north music llal1. She wiJl Choltz' brother and family of Ar­ delka, 819 DEwey streeL proud of one of the best inland mendatlon ribbon for exception­ In Today/s Society be accompanied by Mrs. Herald lin,ton, Va. They are now on laboratories in the United States" ally ~eritocious service rendered Of Home Economists Stark of Iowa City. their way to Lindsborg, Kans. , a liaison officer betwtl(n the Returns to University Mr. and Mrs. Ralpll 5 IIborn, ProC. J. H. Bodine, head of the chemical warfare service and the The program will include Bach's Dr, Holm is employed at the War begins in the cradle whcn 435 Oakland aVEnue, returned zoology department, told members war production board from Sep­ the parent looks down at his Two students in the home eco­ "Prepare thyself Zion" (Chrlst- Bureau of StandarOta univer- ~ta rted Monday. at 6:30 p. m. In the club hou e fessor Blatz said. He advocated 'selection classification and train­ The association Is divided into ored at a ml ~cellaneous .sh ow~r weekend visit at Ottumwa, where sHy, ------at 328 E. Washington stret't. Any the elimination. of ~JJ. aw?rds, in- Ing of all naval personnel, except 17 geogra;>hlcal provinces, made and dessert-bfl~ge. ~ast mght m tbey attended a retreat at the I from Ames where she attended students who are members and cludll1g academIc dlstmctions and I naval aviation. up of indIvidual clubs. Iowa stu. the home q! Vlrgln'a Kelly, 230 Ottumwa Heights college at Ot- Zelma Zcmpmire 12-1 Bloom- the commencement activities at are away from their Ioc:al coun­ military ~ommendalions.. . stu it's fie ld is personnel psy- dents will represent the seventh IMago~an a,:enue. tumwa. lnglon street, return d ycsterday Iowa State college. cil may attend, Concedmg that competItIOn has chology province along with delegates . FetlDg MISS Hedges Monday 8 legitimate pLace as a form of I . .' . . . mght was Jean Donohue, who the individual's emotionaL pleas- . -----. from MIchIgan, IllinOIS, and WI S- entertaLned with a dessert-bridge consin. ure, th~ .C~nadian psychologist narty in her home, 313 N. Du- would hmll It to games. But he Tea to Honor WI'ves , buque street. cautioned that the pleasure should SUI F I W 3 Faculty Members, . Miss Hedges will marry Wil­ Aldous Flower Shop be obtained from "b~ting your acu ty omen liam Sangster Friday and Miss opponent, not from haVing beaten Graduate Student Hold Fetzer will marry Don Soil July him." Music Recital Here 7, President V:lrgil M. Hancher A Guest Tea Thursday at 3 Will Wire flowers welcomed the members of the P m. will inaugurate the summer conference at ihe opening of the program of the University club. The 11th of the 1945-46 series Attends Chemistry Meet of faculty recitals will be pre- morning session. Dr. Lee Forrest Faculty women and wives of [ac­ sented tonight at 8 o'clock in Stanley S. Brandt, G of Ackley, When You Can't Be Hill, Des Moines pediatrician, ad- ulty men who came here since studio E, radio building, by three returned Monday from St. Louis, dressed the group on "Healtfi last October will be honored. Mo., where he attended the bi­ Care for the Young Child." Receiving the guests and mem- music department faculty mem- ennial national convention of the The tllne·honored rocking bers will be Mrs. Virgil M. Han­ bers and a graduate stUdent. Alpha Chi Sigma chemistry fra- There Yourself. chair method of quie&lng a cry· cher and the new officers of the Prof. Hans K 0 e I bel, cello; ternity as the delegate from the Ing Infant was advocated by club. Parlor hostess are to be the Thomas Marrocco, instructor, vio- Alpha Theta chapter here. " Dr. Hili. To leSsen rurther the wives of-the deans and directors. lin; David Robertson, G of Spring- The national fraternity, with "coUc" of crying In the first A program of choral readings (reId, Mo., violin, and Byron professional and collegiate chap­ three months of an Infant's will be directed by Mrs. William Darnell, instructor, viola, wiU ters in aU paris of the country life, Dr. Hill sunested allow- A. Dozier. PartiCipating in the give the recital. It will consis-t met last week from Wednesday t~ Ing Ihe baby to spend more choir reading are Ann Andrews, of Schubert's "Quartet" opus 125, Sunday. time with. Its mother In the Betty Barnes, Letitia Dawson, no. 2, and Beethoven's "Quar-I The first meeting of the local hospital and feeding the c1111l!" Beatrice Dierks, Carolyn Horung tet," opUs 59, no. 3. chapter wi! be at 7 p, m. at the to meet his particular needs. and Peggy Miller. WSUI will broadcast the recital. chapter house. The assistant superintendent nT In charge of the tea is Mrs. For Bummer the Minneapolis schools, Prudence A. K. Miller, assisted by Mrs. special occasions Cutright, spokc in the afternoon. Ernest L. Bright, Mrs. W. A. away and for university She proposed incorporating nurs- Dozier, Mrs. C. W. Edney, Mrs. parties and dances ery schools into the public scho01 Willard Lampe, Mrs. R. A. J en­ ITRUB - WABEHAM.INO.-OWlletw systems. A change of the Iowa sen and Mrs. Wilbur Schramm. send lovoly flowers adoption laws to eliminate too hom AldoUJ-Dlal 3111 hasty adoptions was advocated in Grocers to Meet Today the following address by Alice Iowa City grocers and meat re­ 118·12( So. Cllnton SL PhOilt 1107 ,/ \I.'bipple, secretary of the councn tailers will meet this afternoon to Lee Aldous Florist, Frankj E. Owner of sodal agencies of eDs Moines discuss summer store hours. The community chest. meeting. beginning at two o'cloc:k, Dr. Blatz; wiII participate in will be held in the Anchor room I the conference again tpmorrow of the Jefferson hotel. morning on a round table, "What • Is this Security that Everybody Is Talking About?" The finai session will be an address, "Our - Child Culture," by Prof. John Dollard of the Institute of Human Relations, Yale university. 8 Receive Positions 1n Fine Arts ' School, SHE-SAYS YOU SHINE 'HAVE PLENTY.. NOW Harper Announces .. ' , . THAT You VE 60T AN The appointment of eight addi­ LIKE A ~-. - ~ -, tional graduate assistants in the scbool of fine arts was announced AUTOMATIC...... ".. _ f GAS yesterday by Dr. Earl E. Harper, director of the school of fine arts. JEWEL ,WATE~HE~rER ! The appointments which, ac­ JL.!~" cording to Dr. Harper, were ne­ cessitated by "the unusually THROUGH heavy registration" include Faye Von Draska, Charles M. Stookey, Donald McGinnes, Paul Koepke, SHOWERS! Mrs. Nadine Knowlton and Mar­ garet Alton in the music depart­ ment and Jean Horris and Mal­ colm Meyers In the art depart­ ment. Thomas Collins whose appoitrll ment as a graduate assistant in the music deparLment was pre­ viously announced, has resigned. 2 Outdoor Concerts ---...... -: Added to Art Festival Dr. Earl E. Harper, director of the school of fine arts, announced yesterday the addit.ion of two out­ door university band concerts as features of this summer's Fine Arts festival program. flshln, The concerts, scheduled for IruLdes picked Miriam ~velle • June 26 and July 27, arc under over th.e 1946 Rod and Gun club the dJrcction of Prof. Charles B­ (above) all Queen Ba811 to rell'll Righter ot lhe musk departrnen t bass tournament at Alexandria and wilL b h Id on lha Iowa Bay, N. Y. Union campus bandstand. , The new poetwar ~oroaeal· .L..B. F. Goodridl iiUr.e1e = material that's 100% waterproof- 100% won!Ierlu11 "MAlE IT A MILLlOII" \ Diamond.bright, ~ ~iny-l!Qrt-thi8 clever beltt:.d, box coal won't sliol. crack, peel, stiffen etJOr! \ , Jewel.toned, • , in dar ruby, eea emerald. onyx ••• and they clean 'With a damp c;l~th. IARM WHILI YOU LI•• N Sizes 9 to 15, 10 to 2(}.-$8,95 A SKILL OR 'RADI Women's Sizes 40-46-$9.95 Matching Sou'wester-$1.75 Spl ...dld .duccrtloll cmd tralt,ltlg • GOOD JOB FOR YOU III _,. than 200 _fila alld trad•• Othor Raincoats-JU8 and up al. oll.,.d by th. ...w B.9Ular U. S. Army Army. Good pay GIld opportllnill.. CHOOSE 'H,S for ad .. aric.ment. 0 ..., thr ••• "NF PROFESSION NOW! I quartel. 01 a mlllLo .. ha..... Ilat.d 1111 POST OFFIOE BLDG. cdready. MAlE IT A MlWONI G.t DAVENPORT, IOWA all th. lac18 CIt YOllr .. t U. S. IOWI·ILLINOIS GIS or at Army Camp or J>.t. .. V... AnDY IlOOM IN POST OFFlOB J.CIUitlIl9 Statio.. - 'ID ELECIRIC CO. IOWA CITY .... . -. - . - - - -_. _'" - -


l!DlJis,.I C'@,n.h' Tangl I ski,ll, the same fast-working ler~ range when Ihey tossed wallops strings along with that choice, hand, and, probably because 01 at him during his training. picking Billy to win, probably by his added hett, seems to be punch­ • The opening odds oC 1 to 3 u decision and conceIvably by a 1 Dr Gale ReGeipls ing with more quthority. have been shaved steadily in the knockout, depending on how By Chad Brooks 10 Louis will lit> the beam at about past few weeks because of the hot weary Louis becomes down 8 CO: 208. It is an bId axiom of elle showing of Billy in training, and through the stretch. A couple of hours of troubled sleep yeslerday, the result 01 7c ring that the last thing a puncher now you can get only 11 115 to The weather man gave the of­ delving into the delicacies of a Welsh rabbit may prove to be the ., COl Should Reach most financially productive period of my lire, it I can get holq 01 loses is his punch, and Joe clln 5 'j( you like Conn and must lay ficial "okay" to the fight yes­ 50 still knock the roof in on a rivhl only 12 1/5 to 5 it you pick Joe. terday, promising cloudy and cool my bookmaker before the Big Fight gets underway at 8 p. m. to. 1 nu with either hand. But he is gel­ LoUis is 8 to 5 to score a knock­ weather, with brisk breezes, bllt night. 40 $2,500,000 ting about now on a pair of 32- out and Conn is the same price no more rain after this morning. For soon alter I dropped into a state of neurotic semi-conscious· -1' year old legs, and ·appeared slug­ to- ~et he decision if it goes 15 If he should turn out wrong and ness a weird voice come to me from some indefinable source, a voice M gish in his training. What's more rounds. it comes up wet for the start of that was recognized at once os Don Dunphy, bl'oadcosting from the ring Principals: CbamplCln Joe Louis and his deCensive reflexes seem to b~ This corner thought Conn could the festivities, the fight will be side as Louis nnd Conn went through their paces. challen,er Billy Conn. CL. oil, and h~ sparring partners do it five years ago, and with postponed one day, until tomOl'­ ' ''''1th nf "",,,,,th' 1'" rnn""'", ... the bell ending the firth round and we turn you over to 1101. Galo Roeolpls: S~,GOO.OOO. had no trouble at all finding the the five added years on Joe, still row. * * * Elt. Attendance: 1ir;,0UQ. Bill Corum and a summary of the fight up to this time." TIm.: K p. m. (CST). Place: Yankee Itadium. New York. "Thank you, Don, and the fifth round wlll have to be awarded Broadeast: KXEL, Waterloo; woe, * * * * * * to Louis. riving tlle Brilwn Bomber a four to olle ed,e so far. AllW Dllvenport.. and KRNT. Qt. J\lolnts. Conn's vaunted speed, the most Impressive phase of his tralnlllJ Payabl By sm FEDER camp work, has kept Ihe challenger out of trouble, but the Champ's nest O. lljEW YORK (AP)-In what is cOUllter-pUlJchlng, just as devastating as It was when he dyna· eaSily the most ballyhooed event mlted all opposillon in his pre-war title defense, has kept BIUy CancelJ in sports history-and possibly moving away constantly, the richest-Joe Louis collides "Louis shows the effect~ of a five year lay-oft and of his 32 Be with Billy Conn 1n Yankee sta­ years as he has trouble cornering the elusive challeilger, but he THREE MDmERS of the Iowa rolf team that will Invad/) the dium tonight in the toughest test bores in relentlessly, ever forCing the fight to his opponet, ever Princeton, New lersey, course JUIle 28 and 29 In pursuit of the of his nine-year reign as king of tooking Ior that one opening when he can unleash hiS big guns in National Intercolleriate links title. Tbe three, Charles Upderraff, the ring. a knock-out bid. Five years and one day after Leo Gaulocher and Tom Chapman; ~Jon&' with Big Ten champion "And now a word from our sponso ..• they met the fil'st time, the grea­ Johnny Jacobs, will probably make u~ the four man lIawkeye team. test tighter at his generation takes Naturally, I turned and twisted restlessly nt this point. This on the Pittsburgh boxing ace at was the chance of a lifetime, *if I *could * only tind out the linal result. 9 p. m. (CDT) over the 15-round "Conn Is circling Joe catetuUy as we ,0 Into the Ixth round," (annon Dean Illinois' Co-Favored · Dunphy's voice broke In again. "Billy moves In with a left Radi'o station WSUI will and a right and another le,t, but Joe rides the punch!! and (eta , I I I oroadcast a review of the Louls­ it) a hard right to the body. In Collegiate Track ConI! fight at 9 p. m. (CST) or "Conn staggers backwl\l'd ... Louis follows up with a hard at the end of the bout. which right-n left-a smashing right to the jaw nnd Conn goes down- Golf Quahflers Meet at Minneapolis ever is later, according to an 5-6-7-8-9-101 Hc's out and it's JOE LOUI BY A KNOOKOUT IN announcement made last nigh! TilE SIXTH ROUND." CHAMPAIGN, III. (AP)-Co- by Boo Brooks, WSUI sports That was all as I awoke in a cold swent but I'm convinced. We AMES (AP)-Iowa City will be favored Illinois' 12-man squad is announcer. realize that Conn has been Iar more impressive in his early work. represented b~ Gerri ~annon and a thteat in at least a half-dozen outs; that Louis is fighting for the tirst time without his very able Sonny pean tn the fIrst rou.nd events in ' the National Collegiate "derby route" in the 22nd defense manager, the late Jack Blackburn; that Conn had a very slim edge competItIOn of the Western JUntOI' track and field feet at Minne­ in points belore the falal 13lh round in their last meeting, five years Dail~ Amateur golf tournament here apolis Friday and Soturday but of his all-time record run as head ago, ond that thc odds favoring Louis have dropped steadily since today. the form sheet casts only briiliant man of the nose-mashing industry. the majority of boxing's "experts" have hopped on the chtJllenger's Dean, playing the upper bracket quarter-miler Herb McKenley as And Promoter Mike Jacobs bandwagon. and is matched with Ed McEI- a cinch winner. was still hopeful tonight that Uowever, we remembcr a lot more of these bl&' "build-upS' ligott or Omaha. In the lower The IIlini wcre easy victors in aU previous gate receipt "highs" in 22 previous Louis IItle defenses and always the methodical bracket, C~nnon meets Bob Bart- the Big Ten and Central Colleg- would be wiped out by Ihe fl/rhtlJlg' madl/ne that Is Joseph Louis Barro\ calmly stalked his lett of Molme. iate confet'ence championships, gold rush accompanying this opponent until he finally turned loose the most powtrful riCh! FOR first heavyweight title tussfte Cannon was one of the top goll- yet they move inlo the national since 1942, for which he is hand that has been seen in thl decade to easily deCeat all comen. ers on the Iowa City high gal! showdown almost in the shadow demanding a record $100 for Some of Louis' opponents have been fast enough to run away team while this is Dean's first ap- oj' traditionally-powerful South- each ringside seat. from the champ for the 15-round t()ute nd 'Sa\vage some aegree prove pearance as a golfer this year. He ern California, which won nine Despite the onrush of fistic of glory by still being on their feet at the end o( the fight, Conn summer was the number one pitcher on straight NCAA crowns before faithful from virtually all over !lEAVYWEIGHT CHAMP10N Joe LouIs (right), a ded by Itis trainer, Manny Seaman, closes hIs suit could probably do this-but we can't imagine the Irish-tempered Ellis. Gil Wilson's baseball team this taking wartime leave of the meet the world, it appeared lonight, :ase containill/r boxing equipment as he breaks ea np at Pompton Lakes. N. J. after completion of challenger running away aIter waiting five long years for a shot ;rainill/r for tonirht's title bout in New York's Yan (ee stadium with Billy Conn. at the richest prize in boxing. spring. in 1943. however, that the gate would just FOR RE (AP WlItEPHOTO) No, Conn won't run away, but his famed boxing skJll will still anothe Meanwhile, rangy Robert 01- Dllnols won in 1944 and Navy, miss the record $2,658,660 lured be no match for the methodical Bomber. shuffling ever forward son of Grosse P~inte, MiCh., de- which is not entered this year, into Soldier field, Chicago, by unti] Conn finds himself cornered and helpless to avoid the champ's roRRE lying miserable pla.ylng condi- triumphed last year. Nom the Jack Dempsey and Gene Tunney crushing power. BaBro tions, won medalist honors, a 76 Trojans, loaded for bear with for their return match exactly Three-I Rained Out dancing The Baseball SCloreboard By the Associated Press And if It's in the sixth roUnd, we're &'olnr to corner all the over the rugged Iowa State col- a 13-man squad, are primed to /19 years ago, come Saturday. AMERICAN LE.4.GVt NATION.4.L LBAGUE day, Tue Rain postponed all four Three-l Welsh rabbit in Iowa. \\\Ie ~t>\ll'se. take UP where ihey left off. This brawl between the Negro W L ·Pcl. 0.8. IV L Pd. G.B. day. Boston ...... 42 )5 .737 Brooklyn ...... 33 21 .6 11 league games last night, lhrowing ea The 16~ye~r-old rUhner-up for Because of ~he Mit;meapolis re-I dynamiter from· Detroit and the SI. Louis ...... 32 23 .582 1';' New york ...... 36 23 .6)0 7 a total of $1,017,532 watched Bros. the Mlchlgan Intel'scholastic news I, attractmg 250 stars from boxing Will 0' the Wisp has been Oelroil ...... 30 25 .545 11 Chicago ...... 27 23 .54 0 4 the league leading Davenport Rides Three Winners championship, . playing a water- 57 Iichools, promises to perk up the classic most talked oC for Washington ...... 29 25 .537 11'" CinCinnati ...... 26 24 .520 5 Cubs into idleness for the seconcl Givens boot Meadow Maid to vic· Cleveland ...... 25 32 .438 17 Boslon , ...... 25 29 .463 8 Jockey Charles Givens rode logged 5,935 yard course swept performances to pre-war quality, five years-the event generally 51. Louis ...... " .. 25 32 .438 17 Pitlsbureh ...... 23 28 .451 B',. successive day. tory by two and a hair lengths l three winners at Delaware park, by an unseasonably cold wind, put Illin) hopes of grabbing enough regarded as heralding the return ChIcago ...... "" ... 21 31 .404 18'1.. New York ...... 23 32 .4JII ]n :' Philadelphia ...... 15 40 .273 26 :\>hlladelphla ...... 21 30 .412 10'. including the Bohemia stable's over the favored Cannikinl with Tn,...... "'· .. ., .. ~1·1ts together two 38s for the par 71 firsts to offset Trojan balance of sports to a peace-time basis. Tuesday's ResuUs AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Round Trip third. The winner five Chicago 7. Philadelphia 0 Kansa. City at Toledo lweI jround.) Meadow Maid in the featured layout. may be jolted. Bt>il\ have been in the army 6t. LOl1i~ I , Boston 0 6, BrOOKlyn 3 1 (2) Pittsburgh Milwaukee at Columbus ( w~1 groundS) Kennett purse. stepped lhe mile and onc-six­ Philadelphia at Delrolt (rain) Cincinnati 10. New YOI'k 0 01sons's c1osE)6t foes among the McKenley, long·striding swlf- most of Ihe time since their Washington at Cleveland \wct ground !i) (Onl)l games scheduled I St. Paul at Jndlanapolls (rain, A crowd of 12,519 which bet teenth in 1:46 nnd paid $9.70. 60 contenders for 32 match play tie from Jamaica who streaked last match. Yet, despite tftelr New York at Chicago Ira n. 'c ___ Today'. Pitchers pOsitions were Mac Hunter, the over the 440 route in :46.2 to long layoff, both put in rug- Today'. PUrheu - Clnelnnall at Ntw \'.rk _ Blockwell Join Now York at Chlcalo InlrbL)-Mar­ (4-3) VB . Andrews (2·4) California high sjhool title holder better the world record In the ged, tough training grinds- shall (2·2) vo. Dietrich (2·3) Pltl.bur.-h 01 Brooklyn-Roe (2-3' VB. from Santa Monica, and Roger Big Ten meet, should give the Conn for nearly 11 weeks, Louis Bo.lon 01 SI. Loul, (nllbt) - Dobson Hattcn 12-5) (7-11 VB. Zoldak (5-6) Sl. I,ouls aL B•• lon (nlrht)-Barlctt Kessler of Ann Arbor, a member Ilinl at least olle first. for seven-and labored back to ,vashinCLon at Clevel:t.nd (nirht) (1·2' v •. Saln 17·51 Newsoln (4·61 vs. Reynolds (2·8) (!!) - of the University of Michigan Coach Leo Johnson held Mc- fighting shape. ChlcllCo at ('hiladtlphla WYFe ; for PhiladelphIa 01 DolrolL (twllirhl) (5.41 and Passeau 16·2) vS. Judd (2·51 squad. Kenley out of the 440 in the Developing late, like many Irish Cn.1 opller (3·3) vS. T"out (6-4). and Mulligan (1-2) Grouped in a three way lie for Central Collegiate meet last Sat- athletes, Conn, at 28, now is a fourth place with 79s, were Dick urday to rest him for the Na- full-sized heavyweight at 182 K h T Knight of Omaha; Dick Stiverson tional. in which he also will be pounds, compared to the 174 he US osses Of Centerville, Iowa, and Charles clocked at ~oo meters as he tries scaled for the first fuss. Yet, he l Pira es Dump Bums, Lindgren of Rockford, Ill. Sliver- to better the world mark at 46 appears to have retained all the I son and Lindgren teamed with seconds flat, shared by Rudolf old zip in his legs, 'all his boxing 6-3, To Cut Lead ' Four Hrll, WIIn partment Bob Abrahams of La Grange, Iii., Harbig of Germany and Grovel' They who had !Ill 61, to win Ihe Arthur Klemmer of CnIi fOl'l'lia . Wood trophy. fol' Northwestern McKenley also holds the best Slumpl"ngII ' Red S..lvUA BROOKLYN (AP)-Brooklyn's ley of t univeristy wth a 239 tota\. Second 220 time of the season, :20.6, but National league lead over the St. at Provis in the battle for the three man he'll get stilf argument in thal PHILADELPHIA (AP) - The Louis Cal'dinals was clipped to one lll.; Prot. B t B 10 college, title was Santa Monica high school event at Minneapolis from South- OW 0 game and a haIC last night as th rowns, - Chicago Cubs spoiled the Phila­ Carolyn l'cspresenlecl by Hunler, Benton ern California's Mel Palton, Pittsburgh Pirates dumped the Alyea and John Finney. The latter Stonie Cotton of Baylor and an­ ST. LOUIS (AP)-Bob Mun- delphia Philiies bid to scramble college, P Dodgers, 6-3, before 32,565 fans. pair had 86's to go with Hunter's other Jamaican, Lloyd LaBeach crief pitched lhe St. Louis Browns out of the Natlonal league cel­ Stanley S They will 78 for a 250 totai. of Wisconsin. to a 1 to 0 victory over the slump­ IaI' last night, counting four Lefty Ken Heintzelman, al­ Prot. B ing first-place Boston Red Sox tImes in the seventh inning and though touched fot' nine hits, clung to a precarious lead after the Pi­ York City Oatmeal Wins Feature last nighl, besting 10-game-win­ goIng on to win 7-0 before a torah! de ne,· David (Boo) Ferriss in a pilch­ Shibe park crowd at t7,933. Errrl'j rates scored thl'ee runs for him Clio _oeatlo In Rain at Aqueduct Kush yiGldec1 only ldur hits to ing contest that saw an aggregate in the third to hang up his mth brate emb the Phi1lies. . decision of the season. NEW YORK (AP) - Isidore of only 10 hits by the two teams. Prof. T. The victory was Kush's fifth, L. King, Bieber's Oatmeal splashed from It was the first victory of the without a loss. partment, behind to lake the $5,000 HOWUl'd It was a scoreless duel until the season for Muncriet who suffered Walters Blanks Giants the untv Beach h'andicap at Aqueduct,yes­ a broken foot bone in spring train- top of the seventh when the Cubs terday ~efore a raCing crowd ' of found the range on Al Jurisich NEW YORK (AP)-Bucky Wal- lakeSide I boji. 20,888 fans who wagered a totol ing and has losl the only two and the PhiUies .defense col- ters shut out the New York Glanls of $1,919,433. games in which he was previo'usly lapsed. wilh seven hils last night as Cin- At the oratory, Oatmeal scored by a neck over entered in the won or 16st column. Box score: cinnnti . spoiled Ernie Lombardi's Eleanor J. M. Jerken:;;' Crack Time, com­ It was only the second loss of ChI c.,. An It 11 Phlladel. .4.B R II night with a 10-0 victory. . . IHAck, 3b 5 l 0 W,)'"""IeIr, cf 3 0 0 WaIters had little trouble hang- pleting th~ mile and one-sixteenth the year fa!' Fernss, whose wm· Johnson. 2b 5 1 2 Newsome. Ss 4 0 ) ing Up his lhird win and hi s sec- on a track made sloppy by a short ning streak was snapped at Chi- ~~~:(.it rl ~ : : ~"o"~~e~Y 'I1;f ~ g ~ ,pnd struight over thc Giants aftel' but heav~ rain in 1:49. cago last Saturday. RlckqJ't, If 4 J 3 Ennis. If 4 0 0 the Reds knocked out Hal Schu­ The game delayed 59 minutes Waitkus, Ib 4 J I minick, c 4 0 I Vera S. Bragg's favored Proof b " McCul·gh. c 4 0 0 Tabor, 3b 3 0 0 macher in a six-run first inning. Coil, missed the place by a head. y ram, was protested at the start Stur,eon. ss 2 0 1 Verban, 2b 3 0 1 Schumacher yIelded the first by the Browns because Umpire i 6th C hrlstman, a owed by Hank xxBalted for Humphries In 7th fifth of the season to complete the Availa Helf's single produced the game's Chic~ilO .. " .... . " ...... " .000 000 403-7 deluge. What do you want in a Ieiture coat? Trim good look.? Ouutand· . Many p only~he tally. loss, six in the last seven iP\I~I:la~C1;eliP~hl~a~. ~"i";';";' :,,;.;.. ~. ooo;;oo:.o;O;OO-;O=;:::;;;;;;i;ri ing tWIt? Fine tailoring? Then I fOr student games for the league leaders cut part-time their lead to a still wide seven . you'll enjoy this McGl'tp Leiture· lantyne, di games over the idle New York Coat, tailored of JOO% all·wool 'in! Ployment, !;;;;;;;;;;~=;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;~ ~FlI;pa Yankees, rained out at Chicago. the McGl'tgor manner and color· I He repor ':II••• ...... r; I POSitions h - Doors Open 1:15-9:45 - blended in a variety of 101iJ.. the beglnnl -Doors Open 1:15-10:00 check., plaid. and two-tone elfecu,l slon, appro board Jobs. POsitions en1 iiti':"t= tors will STARTS TODAY E~~~AY The work In clnss ro GUNS! GALS on the en TN , Most ele Othen S12.50 filled exec to 529.50 effiCiency graphic wo Ballanlyn dents Intel' . time emplo CIIMUS , apPlicalion in the om COIURN·IENNm· EYTHE lIlent in th XTRi\! Quality FlflIt I'OPEYE ",J(LONDIE C.4.SAI){OY,i\" WIth Nationally Capitol. T FRONTIER DA!'8 "SPEClAL' \ In the ollie 8CREEN SNAPSHOTS "NOVELTY" Advertised Brands WORLD'S LATE NEWS -tc be Mtilled DEVOTION .• avallable. WEDNESPAY, ·JVNE ia, 1946 ,1' BE V" I L Y lOW A H, lOW A CITY, lOW A f , The Want Ads Get HOUSES FOR SALE CLASSIFIEO W~TORENT WANTED TO BUY HELP WANTED LOANS FURNITlJBE MOVING RATE cARD FOR SALE: Duplell-2 four room WANTED TO RENT: Veteran aQd WANTED TO BUY: Private party HELP WANTED: Experienced ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ :;;;:;;;:;=;;:;;;:;=;;:;;;:;=== apartments. All modern. GOod wife desire to sub-lease apart- wants to buy 1935 or 1936 Ford. cook wanted starting Septem- Quick. ConftclenUal ..... MAHER BROS. TRANSFER NOTARY PUBLIC CASH RATE location. Can be bought for $2,000 ment until August 1$. Have defl- Will pay cash. G. K. Chinn. Dial ber. Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. OIllewelr7, DIam..... TYPING For IWklen~ FurnJtW'e MovlJlc IIIMEOGRAPBlNG lor 2 days- down, balance monthly. The Welt nite quarters after that date. Dial 9522. DdIVERy SERVICE b4IoI, LlInace, Clo~. Ask About Ol1l' 100 per line per day Agency. Dial 4411. Evenings, 4034. Ext. 886~. ------;:;=-==::-====---,-__ 'PGt1IDa' Gooa., IIardWare, ete. WARDROBE SERVICE KARY V. BURNS J consecutive days------0---.----- DELIVERY SERVICE, baa'.. , ULIAB IOJ tow. BUte Bl4 , the resull 0/ ELECTRlcAL SERVICE Uiht hlulin,. Varsity-Hawkeye 110 ~J!"i:. 00: prove to be the 7c per Une per dt.l FOB SALB ' I DIAL - 9696 - DIAL DIal leN can get· hold 0/ 8 consecutive day..­ JACKSON ELECTRIC CO.: Elee- W d B Cab Co. Dial 3177 or 2345. ric per at 8 p. m. to. per Un. da7 FOR SALE: One brand new man's trical wiring, appliances and ante to uy: 1 month- 17-jewel precision-made Bulova radio repairlni. 108 S. Dubuque 4c per Une per day wrist watch complete with gold Dial 54611. filled wrist band. Price $39. Call ______-Figure II worda to llne­ Adding Machine­ VETERANS Mininlum Ad-S Un. 3135. Walter Wentz. WHO DOES IT FOR SHOES OF MERIT If YOU contemplate buying a home, or have purchased one, FOn SALE: One 600x15 tire. One TYP~WRITERS expertly re- Electric or Manual get my new amortization table showing how your monthly pay_ CLASSIF1ED DISPLAY engal;ement and wedding ring paired. Coil e g e !iOe col. inch Ty~ewriter ment would be alIocated to prinCipal and interest. No charge AND STYLE set. Phone 2144 after 5 p. m. Service, 122 Iowa Ave. Dlai 2571. "Or .5.00 per ~ODUt Call alter 1:00 p. m. for it. I can make yoU a 4% Real Estate mOMiage loan. FOR YOUR electrical wiring call VISit Strub'. Meuan'ne All Want Ads Cash in AdVance FOR SALE: Modern phonogrfph Harry Wagner. Dial 5623. 2111, Ext. 8109 J. A. PARDEN Payable at Dally Iowan BusJ­ and records. Wrlte Daily Iowan, ------2nd Floor Bwc G-22. RADIO REPAIRING, H. M. Sut- ~~~~~~~~~~~ 303 Iowa State Bank Building nell ottice daily until " p. m. ton. 316 E. Market. Dial 2239. = Dia15818 Air Conditioned CancelIatiollB mUlit be called in FOR SALE: Baby buggy, play , before II p. m. pen, etc. Dial 9595. Mueller CASH Responsible fc ~ one incolTl!Ct insertion only.' FOn SALE: Antique pattern Gas Heating FOR SECOND HAND glass. Lamps hanging and base. Dial us today about your plan 617 S. Dodge. Dial 4881. Equipment UNIVERSITY f. O. D. CLEANERS We'll schedule your and save a van. DIAL 4191 Dial 9681 TEXTBOOKS 106 South Capitol thai are in current use Pial 2161 For A Home Beautiful CleaDlD9 ~re.'IJll9 point. Th is aad BlocklDQ Rat. - the fina l resul t. THIS SUMMER LAREW CO. Oar Specialty sb:th round: Ries Iowa Book Store LOST OR FOUND DO YOUR PLANTING Plumbing & Heatil)g Pickup and d~livery servlc. Thompso with .. left with tested seeds from .\ 30 So. Clin ton S t. es ana fels SOMETHING? 227 East Washington St. DIAL DIAL BHENNEMAN'S SEED STORE Transfer & Storage Co. TRANSPORTATION I 4433 3 Day Service 4433 DIAL 2161 A complete line ot seeds and WANTED? plants for your home. Make PI,UMBING and heating, pUll¥s, ;:====L=O=AN=S='====; - We DU 10 each rot lWlIen - 509 South Gilbert SIrH( WANT TO BUY Brenneman's you r summer stokers, stoves, oU-burners and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~=====~~~~~!!~~!!!!!!~~!!!!I!~!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!~rI planting headquarters. water heaten. Iowa City Plumb- Pay-Day Advances - POP EYE OR SELL? in" 114 South Linn. Dial 587\). An~ Larger Loans 217 E .. College St. ALL YEW CAN DIAL 4191 Borrow on your own signa­ ro IS WARN A Typewrlte1'8 are Valuable ture. Loans completed in u few SU~ELV, YOU DO!.J'T CITY I=ELLER!! Daily lowan.want ads minutes for any amount. 08JECT TO A '-APY LOST AND, FOUND keep them get results! Mississippi DISTReSS LANDING I LOST: Reward for information CLEAN and in REPAIR IN YaJR FISH FOND leading to returlf of Kappa key. Frohwein & Blll'm Investment Corp. Eunice Walsler. Call Daily IOwan. (Owned ond Operated by FOB RENT 6 S. Clinton Phone 3474 Veterans) FOR RENT: Two double rooms LOST: Gold ,md brown Shea~fer Michael D. Maher, Mannger lor girls at 42\) N. Dubuque. liCe-lime fountain pen with .,-----.------Appointments in the evening name Laura Louise Boyer en­ on request FOR RENT: Rooms for rent in ap-, graved. Dial 3135. Reward. Phone 5662 114 E. College St. proved fraternity house during _-"'c______20-2l Schneider Bldg. summer session. Dial 2165. 303/ LOST: One red billfold. Identifi- NOTICE Ellis. cation card enclosed. Laura INSTRUCTION Louise Boyer. Dial 3135. Reward. Our studio can give you 24 hour FO R RENT: Room to share with another girl. Call 4916. • MOTOR SERVICE service on application pict.ures. FOR RENT. RENT the Top-Flight PREVENT TIRE TROUBLE- TYPE Ballroom lor your wedding or have your tires dismounted and danCing parties. Available Mon- inspected before going on that KRITZ STUDIO AND YOUR TEACHERS day, Tuesday, Thursday and Fri- vacation trip. Linder Tire Service day. Call 3728, or 9207. KObes -21 E. College, U. S. Royal De- 3 S. Dubuque St. Dial 7332 WILL THANK YOU Bros. l Luxe Tires. ______-.! Maid to vic· • ENROll NOW s half lengths AT Cannikin, with Three Staff Members IOWA CITY COMMERCIAL The winner five Zoo log isis Apartments Found COLLEGE an d one-six­ 17 Veterans Organize 203',~ E, Washington St. paid $9.70. Represented in Book Join Faculty For Homes DANCING LESSONS: Ballroom. Three university staff members Dial 7248. Mimi Youde Wu.."iu. Seventeen veterans found a so­ are represented in a new anthol- 'I lution to their housing problems ogy, "Twentieth Century English,U Monday night with the formation edited by William S. Knicker­ : for Summer bocker and published by the Phil­ of the Summit Apartment cooper­ osophical library, New York City. LEARN TO Five additions to the summer ative group. Prof. Rene Wellek and Prof. Members of the organization Austin Warren. both of the Eng­ session faculty of the zoology de­ lish department and Prof. Wen­ FLY have negotiated to purchase the dell Johnson of the speech depart­ I partment were announced yes­ Now you can learn to fly at the Summit Apartment house, 228 S. terday by Prof. J. H. Bodine, de­ ment 3re among the contributors Summit street, from Charles to the book, whiCh contains 36 Shaw Aircraft Co. FuUlll a WE'AiH~ : portment head. Hicks. There are 18 npartments essays dealing with current prob­ lifeUme's ambition NOW, do it THUNDER­ They WHe Prof. Leslie Rem­ lems in the fields of English, lil­ ley of the admintstrative staff in the building. today. call 7831. Ground and SHOWERS eratu)'e, criticism, semantics and flight classes ar6 Itartin, all "TODAY at Proviso high schOOl, Chicago, The organization was formed related areas. the time. Dual Instruction Is 111. ; Prot. Willis Boss of Oshkosh primarily to provide for mainte­ Professor Wellek's essay is en­ COllege, Oshkosh, Wis.; Prof. given to students by experi­ nance of the building and grounds titled "The Revolt Aga inst Posi- ' Carolyn Trowbridge of Vassar tivism in Recent EUl'opean Liter­ enced pilots. college, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and after its members have taken pos­ ary SCholarship." Professor War­ Stanley Stolpe, G of DeKalb, IJI. session. Under the plan a council ren's contribution, "Literature and 1nd remember, when you ,et They will teach general zoology. of the co-operative will supervise Society," deals with the broad your license, you can always Prof. Beatrice Mintz of New care and repair of the property social significance of literary art. rent a training plane from the York City, who received a doc­ and administrate heat and util­ In "You Can't Write Writing" Pro­ Shaw Aircraft Co. Converu­ torate degree 'here ill' the June ities. fes~or J ohnso n analizes problems ently located at the Iowa City ClJnvocallOn, is teaching verte­ The cooperative plan, used in of clarity and validity in written Municipal Airport. brate embryology. the east and in Kansas City, is expression. Prof. T. L. Jahn and Prof. R. new in tbis section of the coun­ Shaw AirGraft Co. L. King, both of the zoology de­ try. It was adopted by Hicks who Dean Dawson Attends Dial 7831 partment, are dOing research at believes it to be the most effective Engineering Groups' VI !! WATtI-l ~ ct>P the university-sponsored Iowa plan in helping to alleviate the Iowa City Municipal AIrport HOP WITH SANDRA Lakeside laboratory at Lake Oko­ acute dwelling shortage. National Conferences ADQIAN.!' IF I BUY boji. "The plan will do the moot di­ Au. ~IO r/c"rrrs, At the Marine Biological lab­ rect good In giving the veterans a Dean F. M. Dawson of the col­ ANNOUNCEMENTS oratory, Woodshole, Mass., ProC. home," he said. lege of engineering left Iowa City Eleanor Sliter is spending the Seven of the purchasers will last night for St. Louis where he Albert', Shoe Repair Shop SUmmer on research work. Prof. take possess.ion immediately. The will attend two nalional conler­ EXPERT WORKMANSHIP Luther O. NolJ' is directi ng re­ remaining 10 will occupy their ences on engineering education Under New Mana,ement of search a t the Wisconsin conser­ units in September, when the re­ and research. E. Black Vation commission research sta­ quired three months' eviction no­ Today and tomorrow Dean Daw­ 226 E. WashinltoD lion at WoodruCf, Wis. tice to the present occupants will son will attend the fourth annual .have expired. Mr. and Mrs. Hicks meeting of the Engineering Col­ will continue to live in one of the lege Research aSSOciation, a na­ apartments. tional organ~ation composed of RADIO TROUBLE? Part· Time Jobs Still 41 of the foremost engineering At Monday night's meeting a colleges and technical institutes in You Get FullJ Available for Students temporary cooperative cou ncil was the nation. Dean Dawson is senior Guaranteed Work At formed, wtih S. D. Kreig elected vice-president of the association. secr!!tal'Y and treasurer. B & X RADIO SHOP . Many positions are still open Immediately following the re­ 11 E. WashinitoD search association meeting, Dean Phone 3595 fOr student bOGl'd jobs and other GMNG11Mt: Part-time work, Robert J. Bal­ Dawson will report on the pro­ ceedings of that conference at the SIGN.f\L5 ... lantyne, director of student em­ Arlyn Marks Opens . ''' STA''\ON ployment, said yesterday. 54th annual meeting of the So­ IN OUR MODERN IIIOTOa ciety for the Promotion of En­ CLINlO IDENTIFICATION ... I He reported thaI more than 900 AND BAIlKING positIons have been filled since New Personnel Office gineering Education. Dean Daw­ we operate daUy on aU earl. LIKE A SPANIEL the beginning of the summer ses­ son is also senior vice-president One stop Service with Men, FO? " DOG·FOOD sion, apprOXimately ho lf of these Arlyn C. Marks, director of the of the society, which will meet Methods and Merchandlle. COMMERCIAL!' .. board jobs. " university's new non-acadtllrl\c June 20-23, under the sponsorship HOME OIL CO. .. ·I'VE A MIND POSitions suc'h as sludent jnni­ personnel 'Office, is establishing of Washington university in St. Iowa Ave. Dial 33611. 10 QUiT ,.'\NO tors wilt be nvailable Monday. his office in the old dental build­ Louis. RE:.TURHlO The work is done aftcr 4 p. m. ing in preparation tor fu ll opera­ Also attendin, the meeting of TIlE STAGE! In class room offlces in buildings tion by July I. He arrived in the Society of EdUcation will be FINE BAKED GOODS on the campus. Iown City Monday. Prof. Huber ·0. Croft, head of the Pies CakeI Bread Most clerical jobs huve been It is expected that eventually university mechanical engineering Rolls Paatrlil fill ed except for n rew requJring all calls fO I' non-academic jobs department. Prof. Croft is a mern.­ SPECIAL ORDERS efficiency and skU ! in steno­ will come th rough this ofllce, ber Ilf the council of that society. City Bakery graphic work. Marks said. Centralized recruitIng _':2 E. Washinltol1 Dial 88011 Ballantyne Ind iCllted Ihll t slu­ and the determination of qualifi­ Cub Scouts Plan Trip dents Interested in obtaining port cations of applicllnts will be pri­ Cub scouts of Iowa River Valley time employment should ril l out mory functions of the office. COUncil, Boy Scouts of America, \ will tiold their annual "Cub-Dad You are alwall welcozu, \ / application lind Inrormntion cords and PRICES are low at the in the office or stud en I employ­ PAN-ORTIIODOX CLUB Over night Get-Together" June 22 ....,'Ioio.:,o~\~-:. ment In the busemcnt of the Old The Pan-Orthodox club' will and 23 at CBlrip Rotary WO-Pe­ • Capitol. Thtse cards pre mep meet Wednesday lit 7:30 p. m. Na, 4 M. miles west of Iowa City on ~~~_.. _ /'11 , .... ~ In the office, and appli cD nts will in the Episcopal parish house; highway G. Reservations for 80 DRUG SHOP Edward S. ROI __Pharmaclat ThAT ~'T AT "THE CENTltAI.. HOTEL,NOW be noU lied when positions Ofe 320 E. College street. New stu­ cubs and dads have been received HAS MARSI-\Al. OTE'( WALKER. zen pH are outward expressions of In· A buffet supper wiI be served In Druce E. Mlihan, director of tbe American music by Julle Andre, ticipants in the discussion, nine 01 ward tensions and emotions the Rose room of the hotel for ,xlenslon division and chairman ~e. tlon by a emergenc)" IOTtUD, UNDII AUTHOII" 0. 'H_ COCA.COlA , cqa'ANY IV ellports to the crill •. " CEDAR RAPIDS.COCA-C0lf' BOnLiNG COMPANY Brull, Latln American Ioio!"--~------__ ----~--";"~-~-__ --.oct!'... ";-"-O 194' TIle c-cc.. __"'-!" ____~_ ... hal reduced hel' 40 percent.