State Deputy © Ron Boyce The Columbian Newsletter Council 3591 Serving The Councils of the Knights of Columbus The Monthly Newsletter of the Oregon State Council of the Knights of Columbus Tigard

State Chaplain Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 1 Fr. Theo Lange Council 15595 Message from the State Deputy Mt. Angel Abbey Brothers,

Aux. State Chaplain As we are starting to see more and more people returning to our Fr. Arturo Romero local parishes, we need to remember our parish priest needs our Council 3484 help even more. We must be active with our “Leave No Neighbor Canby State Deputy Behind” and reach out to our members and parishioners who Ronald Boyce need help. We can’t shut down the functionality of our Councils Imm. Past SD during this COVID-19 pandemic so I am asking all Grand Knights to have at a Francis Mohr minimum of one Officer meeting a month via in person or through the many virtual platforms we need to keep the Council moving forward. Council 0849 Baker City The Supreme and State Council does understand that you all cannot fundraise right now, so the Supreme Council is not going to charge the Councils any Per Capita, Pro-Life fee, and the Catholic State Secretary Advertising fee for this Fraternal Year. Sid Thiel Council 9137 The State Council is not going to charge the Councils the Spiritual Growth Fee, Pro-Life Fee, and Sherwood we will not be charging Councils for any new members that you bring in for this Fraternal Year.

The State Council also understands the limited numbers of prospects attending Mass at your State Treasurer parish, therefore I have been promoting -E membership. Some of the Councils and new members Steve Steele in Oregon have already taken advantage of the $0 to join the Knights promotion that occurred Council 6266 from July 22 to August 5th. The State of Oregon is holding an E-member $15 promotion from Beaverton August 10th to September 30th. The Council Officers can take advantage of this promotion by doing 1 on 1 recruiting using the telephone. I want to encourage your Council Officers and Membership State Advocate Directors to call all your members to check on them and ask them for referrals. Please call your prospects, call relatives of members and ask them if they are interested, and then ask him for a Thomas Radel referral such as a relative or friend. Grand Knights can talk to your Parish Priest to get possible Council 1577 contacts and it will not hurt to give them a call, and this may also be a good time to ask them if Albany they need any help on anything. I don’t believe that we have to wait for things to go back to “normal”, especially since we really don’t have any idea when will that happen. I know that we are State Warden all praying and hoping that it will happen soon. Kenneth Anderson Council 16145 We are all about 1-½ months into the new Fraternal Year. I need to ask all the Grand Knights and Council Officers a huge favor—if you can please submit your Officers Chosen form 185, Service Corvallis OSU Program Personnel form 365 and complete your Council’s first Semi-Annual audit form 1295. Currently as of 8/7/20 there are 34 Councils who still need to submit the 185 form, 71 Councils Executive Secretary who still need to submit their 365 form, and 37 Councils who need to submit their first audit/Form Stephen Radel 1295. Council 1577 Albany Membership Number Search Did you look for your membership number last month? During the past 2 months we have explained where to find the number. Now it is up to each of you to read the entire newsletter to see if your number is there. It is worth some money, so please read it through. Happy hunting! 1902854 Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 2

We need to complete these forms and submit them ASAP. Along with the forms, all Councils need to start completing their Safe Environment training. This should be a goal that all Grand Knights and Council Officers should take and Councils need be compliant so we can protect our youth. Currently 54 Grand Knights, 82 Program Directors and 84 Community & Family Directors need to complete the Safe Environment Training. The Training is good for three years and only takes about 2 hours to complete the three to four training modules. If you want more motivation, please watch this testimony and learn why we are pushing this training so hard: . I am asking to get these important items done before the beginning of September so we can get it out of the way.

The next two months is a great time for Council Officer Training. I can set up a Council Training virtual training session or your Council officers and members can attend one of the two Council Officer trainings and you may choose between the following dates: August 15th @ 7:00pm to 9:00pm from your computer, tablet or smartphone follow the link below August 20th @ 7:00pm to 9:00pm from your computer, tablet or smartphone follow the link below

The training provides information for all Council Officers to understand the job description for each position.

The Knights of Columbus General Agent Keith Whiteaker and Field Agents Sonny Van and Rob Duncan will be holding Virtual Fraternal Benefits Seminars for the Councils and your parish community so please plan on attending. The first seminar will be on September 23rd at 7:00pm and it will occur every third Wednesday of each month until June 2021. Your District Deputy will provide additional information shortly.

As I have mentioned above, both the Supreme Council and the Oregon State Knights of Columbus will be putting on an Online Membership Promotion started July 22nd to August 31st and then September 1st to September 30th. Please get the word out and see if you can put the ad in your Church bulletin or website and you may use the following as promotional item or ad.

Let us get this Fraternal Year off to a great start and complete our forms, complete the Safe Environment Training and Council Officer Training, so your Council has the foundation to push through the pandemic. We are all Brothers.

Be Not Afraid.

Vivat Jesus,

Ronald Boyce Ronald Boyce, State Deputy [email protected]

Note from the 138th KofC Convention Knights Report Robust Giving in 2019 During his remarks at the 138th Convention, Supreme Knight Carl Anderson announced Knights donated more than $187 million and volunteered more than 77 million hours in 2019. Supreme Knight Anderson added that an independent analysis put the value of the volunteer hours at more than $1.9 billion.

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Archbishop Alexander K. Sample Message Requested insert by: SD Ron Boyce As Catholics, we are called to stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters who suffer at the hands of racism, oppression and all forms of injustice. These are all offenses against the life and dignity of every human person. Many times this takes the form of peaceful protest, as it has in the instances of the Civil Rights movement in the 1960's, worker's rights, pro-life initiatives and so many others. What we are currently seeing in Portland - and even across our country - has nothing to do with securing justice or civil liberties. The initial attempt to bring awareness to the continuing injustice of racism has now been hijacked for the purposes of violent demonstration in order to further a political and social ideology. I am calling for the good people of the Archdiocese of Portland to pray for the conversion of heart of those who are perpetrating this violent unrest in this city many of us call home. Now is not a time cling to our political beliefs, but a time to cling to our faith in Christ, who alone can give us that peace that surpasses all understanding - a peace he himself says the world cannot give. One Member, Per Council, Per Month We are all Brothers. Be Not Afraid. Vivat Jesus, Ronald Boyce Ronald Boyce, State Deputy Cell #503-730-1986 [email protected]

Worthy Grand Knights & Financial Secretaries The State Council is aware that your Councils will not be able to do the normal fundraising at your parishes or during your events.

Therefore, the Councils will not be charged for the Spiritual Growth Fee, Pro-Life Fee, nor for any new members that come into one of our Councils during this Fraternal Year.

Also if you have any members who have lost their jobs or are in financial difficulties, please let me and State Secretary Sid Thiel know so we can adjust your State per capita billing so you don't have to worry about charging them any dues for this Fraternal Year.

Right now this will be for this Fraternal Year only—but, if this pandemic continues into next Fraternal Year we will address this issue at that time.

If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.

We are all Brothers. Be Not Afraid. Vivat Jesus, Ronald Boyce Ronald Boyce, State Deputy Cell #503-730-1986 [email protected] Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 4

Dear “Brothers of Charity,” August 6, 2020

This was the theme introduced at the Supreme Convention in Baltimore, in 2018. During this Coronavirus Pandemic our physical involvement with charitable activities may be limited, but each one of us can still make a difference by contributing to our State Charities Fund. You may choose one of the groups that we have assisted in the past few years such as: • Homes/Pregnancy Centers (Gresham, Medford, Bend & Baker City) • Wheel Chair Program • KBVM Catholic Radio • Oregon Special Olympics • Military Chaplain Fund • Diocesan Youth Programs (Archdiocese and Baker) • or General Fund which the Board uses to assist other charitable groups requesting financial assistance

Everyone and every amount can make a difference. Please consider a check for any amount and send to: State Secretary Sid Thiel, 17180 SW Smith Ave., #83, Sherwood, OR 97140. Be sure your check is made-out to “Oregon State KofC Charities.” The State Charities Fund is a 501 c-3 so your contribution qualifies as a tax exemption If you have questions, please call me at 541-519-6606 or email: [email protected]

Sincerely, Francis Francis Mohr, IPSD & State Charities President

State Secretary’s Request Brothers Knights,

When writing checks for Pennies for Heaven, Father Taaffe Homes or the Green Sheet, please write them to Oregon State KofC Charities and in the memo line put whatever you are writing them for. There is no checking account for these charitable categories. We will need to start returning these checks to you to be properly written from now on. The banks are not going to accept these if they are not written properly.

Sid Thiel State Secretary Past State Deputy Ph: 503-610-1595 Cell: 503-860-5968 Fax: 503-610-1595 [email protected]

3295570 Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 5 The State Council has again approved the incentives for the Councils to achieve for this Fraternal Year.

Membership Number Search

Worthy Brother Knights,

Our State Officers and Directors have decided to start a new contest for our Monthly Columbian Newsletter. Each month I will be providing our Worthy Editor Tom Karl a list of Membership numbers randomly drawn from the Council Rosters throughout the State. He will then embed those numbers into the articles of the newsletter. If you happen to find your Membership number within the Newsletter, send an email to [email protected] and the State Council will give you $5. Be sure to read the entire Newsletter as they will be spread throughout the entire Newsletter.

Good luck on finding your Membership Number and thanks for all that you do for the Oregon State Knights of Columbus.

Vivat Jesus,

Duane Morris Oregon District Master 503-709-4858 Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 6

Report From Vice Supreme Master Report

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FOURTH DEGREE - Patriotic Degree of the Order “Moving Forward Brother Knights" Mgr. Francis N. Blanchet Province

"Yea, but we ain't listening" To all my Worthy Brother Knights, friends, relatives, and neighbors who shared their prayers and thoughts for Jesse Villarreal Patti and me during my down time with a health issue that took a wrong turn. My most grateful and sincere Vice Supreme appreciation for all the telephone calls, cards, email and letters. The response was overwhelming from near Master and far. To my surprise, I even had a call from the Vatican in Rome, Pope Francis wanted to know who this Jesse Villarreal was that so many people were requesting prayers for? (just kidding)

I am very Thankful to God and everyone for their kindness and willingness to express their concerns. To all the doctors and nurses for their skills and abilities to do their jobs. I do want to share an article I received expressing the importance of being "Thankful".

Be Thankful

Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

Be thankful when you don't know something. For it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times you grow.

Be thankful for your limitations, because they give you opportunities for improvement.

Be thankful for each new challenge, because it will build your strength and character.

Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons.

Be thankful when you're tired and weary, because you've made a difference.

It's easy to be thankful for the good things. A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks.

Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.

Find a way to be thankful for your troubles and they can become your blessings.

Some Ask—What Is Prayer? Prayer is the practice of the presence of God. It is the place where pride is abandoned, hope is lifted, and supplication is made.

Prayer is the place of admitting our need, of adopting humility and claiming dependence upon God.

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So you see Brothers, I am paying more attention and putting more value to the simplest "Thanks" in both giving and receiving. We're running into the sixth month of this pandemic that has introduced some very strange and different types of difficulties. We are not used to "restrictions", at least the younger generation. I think we're mostly spoiled but that's my opinion.

The younger generation wants and does everything instantly. They feel no need to pray or ask advice or suggestions or recommendations from parents, just Google it for an instant answer. Maybe this pandemic COVID-19 virus is what will make us slow down and pay closer attention. But wait and listen, God has a plan and we must be faithful and patient.

Maybe this is what Father McGivney saw when poverty stricken immigrants were suffering due to their ill preparedness. Also, Father McGivney didn't sit around and complain, he went into action. He reached out and formed the idea of UNITY. We too must continue to enforce our Faith and Patience. We must listen and be obedient and change with the times. Everyone knows that not to go forward on the road is to go back and not to gain ground is to lose.

By the time this article is printed a Fourth Degree Ceremonial Team will have been formed and exercised the first "Virtual Fourth Degree Exemplification". On August 12th, Oregon District Master Duane Morris will have completed the first Virtual Fourth Degree Exemplification in Oregon with candidates from all over the Province of Oregon, Washington and Idaho. That is Faith in Action. VIVAT JESUS. So please continue to pray for each other and with each other, to be THANKFUL that God has given us the Grace to stay strong, and the courage to be Proud Knights of Columbus and to serve those in need.


Jesse C. Villarreal, Vice Supreme Master (503) 267-4043

[email protected]

Mount Angel Knight Writes Book Submitted by: DD06 Kent Purdy One of our Oregon Knights (active too... I can vouch for that) of Mount Angel Council 1767 has just had a book published by Ignatius Press.

The author is Paul Senz who lives in Mount Angel.

The book is available on the Ignatius Press website or one can pre-order the book on Amazon.

It is a companion book for the upcoming movie, "Fatima", to be released on August 14th (unless they delay it again, but I haven't' heard they are going to).

Here's a link to the book on Ignatius Press.

Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 8 State Warden's Report

Worthy Brother Knights,

I hope everyone is doing well as we are just a little over a month into the new Fraternal Year. I recognize that there's a lot of uncertainty right now as things have been in a state of flux with many COVID-19 related restrictions. But through all of this is one constant: God! "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever!" Let us continue to press forward as Knights of Columbus and STEP INTO THE BREACH!

Kenneth Anderson III Virtual/Hybrid Setup Ideas: State Warden Many Councils are meeting entirely virtually while some are starting to meet in person again. As your State Warden, I have a few suggestions on setup logistics. Many Councils around the Order are looking at the possibility of setting up long-term "hybrids" of a combination of virtual and in-person meetings long after we rid the land of this pandemic. It's entirely possible long-term to meet in person while setting up a conference call option for those who are unable to attend in person. To this end, I would recommend finding a place with Wi-Fi to set up a laptop to call or receive a conference call. Depending on Council circumstances, it might be ideal to upgrade equipment like webcams, speakers and a microphone to get optimal quality for those online and those in person. Or if Wi-Fi is not possible, it's still possible to just set up audio only on a phone call. Contact with our shut-ins is important.

Marian Icon: As State Warden, it is my responsibility to look after the physical property of the state. I remind everyone that the three large Marian Icons are considered property of the state and thus are entrusted to my care. They are intended for Councils to use as they're available—but I will need to be aware of where they are at all times! I will periodically check in with DDs regarding their whereabouts. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO LET ME KNOW WHERE THEY ARE. Currently, there is one located in District 10 and another is in District 8.

Knights of Columbus Canopy/Tent: The Knights of Columbus State has a very nice canopy/tent with the Knights of Columbus emblem on it. It's a great way to promote visibility of the Knights of Columbus and an excellent recruitment tool. Any Council can have the use of it any time that it's available. Let's take advantage of this resource. As State Warden, I will be in charge of tracking it. Please let me know if you would like to use it. Let us be the Knights of Columbus we need to be in this time of pandemic! I again remind all my Brothers—let us STEP INTO THE BREACH!

Forms: For this Fraternal Year, let's knock the form submissions out of the park! Reminder of the forms due this Fraternal Year: Form 185…….List of Chosen Officers (due July 1st) Form 365…….List of Council Personnel (due August 1st) Form 1295…..Semi-annual Audit Jan-Jun (due August 15th) Form 1728…..Survey of Fraternal Activity (due January 31st) Form 1295…..Semi-annual Audit Jul-Dec (due February 15th) SP-7……………..Columbian Award (due June 30th)

As of now, the Form 185 and Form 365, if not already submitted, are both past due. We still have about 31 Form 185s left to submit and about 42 Form 365s left to submit. Let's continue to get these submitted. Thank you for all your hard work.

Vivat Jesus

Kenneth J. Anderson Knights of Columbus Oregon State Council State Warden [email protected] (541) 602-0249 "Be confident. Be bold. We need you to step into the breach!" Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 9

Council In Action Submitted by: Ed Diehl, GK Council 2439 Sublimity

Brothers, please see the attached from Rachel Dolby. We discussed her ministry in our last meeting and voted to provide her $500 of funding. Please consider personally donating additional funds to support her cause. The following is her information:

Hello! My name is Rachel Dolby and I would like to share with you an exciting opportunity I have received and to ask for your help in making it happen again.

I have been invited to serve a second year with NET Ministries. NET (National Evangelization Teams) is based in St. Paul, MN and since 1981, they have been sending out teams of young adults to travel across the United States to share their faith with Catholic youth on NET retreats.

In August, I will travel to West St Paul, MN to participate in a five-week faith training program where I will learn how to grow in my own personal faith and effectively share it with others. After the first three weeks of spiritual formation, I will be placed ona retreat team. To complete my evangelistic training, the final two weeks will be spent learning NET’s effective techniques for ministering to today’s youth. Then from September to May, I will be in full-time active ministry with my NET team where I will be engaging youth on a daily basis by helping lead retreats, giving talks and leading small groups to share my faith with Catholic youth. It will take a lot of physical and spiritual energy but I am excited to be part of an amazing organization that brings the Gospel directly to 100,000 young people per year!

To make this year a success, I would like to ask you to partner with NET Ministries. In order to cover the costs of training, healthcare, transportation, equipment and a small monthly stipend, I have a responsibility to form a team of ministry partners who will support the work of NET Ministries with either monthly or one-time gifts totaling $6,000-$7,000. I have included with this letter a diagram showing how many partners I need to reach this goal. As you can see from the diagram, I need 25 donors giving gifts ranging from $100-$1,000 (monthly pledges or one time gifts). I would like to ask you to consider joining me in this mission of evangelization through a financial contribution. All gifts are appreciated. I would ask that you give what you are able to, along with your prayer support. Please review the information and if you are able to help, fill out the pledge card on the back of this letter and return it to NET Ministries. I would like you to know that NET Ministries is a registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization. All gifts given to NET Ministries with a preference for my goal are tax-deductible with the understanding that NET Ministries has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.

I am excited to serve a second year with NET. I know that it will be a life-changing experience. I hope you can be a part of my year by making a financial contribution to support my work and by praying for me.

Peace and God Bless,

Rachel Dolby Feel free to contact me Phone: 503-931-3172 Email: [email protected] P.S. Everyone who becomes a mission partner will receive NET’s newsletters and my personal updates during my year of service. Find out more about NET or donate online on our website at\

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State Youth Director Report Brothers,

Worthy State Deputy and Brothers All,

It is truly a pleasure to be able to send this list of Youth Activities Winners. Normally we would have handed a check for

George Murphy $50.00 to each of our winners at State Convention 2020...or at the Summer Meeting, which was rescheduled twice. However, State Youth we finally made it happen! Director ESSAY Winners: 1. Sarah McGuire St. Pius X Council 12656 Cedar Mills Portland 2. John Naval MSgr Charles P. Taaffe Council 14802 Beaverton 3. Gabriella Armagno John Clare Council 15485 Portland 4. Kennedy Averill Fr. Luke O’Donnell Council 6266 Beaverton

POSTER Winners: 1. Tyler Myatt Baker City Council 849 Baker City 2. Conner Norton Baker City Council Council 849 3. Bella Maldonado Our Lady of the Dunes Council 15773 Florence 4. Trinity Barker Holy Redeemer Council 1261 Coos Bay

I would suggest that the State mail these checks to the Winner's District Deputies, who could then present them at a Parish Mass.

Vivat Jesus,

George E Murphy SYD (503) 703-7671 [email protected]

Knights In Action Submitted by: Youth Director George Murphy

Brother Knights All: It is a pleasure to submit an article about one of our Councils. We are in the middle of this pandemic and still participating in numerous Knights activities. I know that depending on which county you live in decides whether you are in phase-1 or phase-2. We will continue to run our Youth programs on an annual basis, when current conditions will allow. Our Essay and Poster Programs can still be accomplished even with schools closed. I am sure some of the students are looking for things to do. Our Soccer Kick and Basketball Hoop Shoot will need some tweaking. I am working on those as I write this article.

At St. Matthew Parish in Hillsboro, OR, we give away 1,000 boxes of food each Tuesday and Thursday. This is part of the campaign of "leave no neighbor behind" program. I was very pleased to have 10 youths from that parish so eager to help their neighbors.

Now is the time for our Councils to start our Fall Youth programs...(1.) Coats for Kids: please raise money now for this event—it starts in October. Councils can sell cords of wood, do yard work and limited lunches. Those are some of the methods to raise money. (2.) Youth Essay & Posters: I have included some photos of one of our Youth Essay winners. I am using this as an example for our District Deputies to use in presenting the $50 checks to the winners around the state. There were 8 winners total. The photo (see attached for images) shows 14-yr old Gabriella Armagno receiving her check at the 9:15am Mass at St. Clare in Portland, OR. She will be attending Jesuit High soon. Our District Deputy, Dave Judy DD18, had a winner from each of his three Councils: St. Cecilia, St. Pius-X, and Holy Trinity in Beaverton, OR. Congratulations to all of our winners and District Deputies.

Any questions, please contact me.

George E. Murphy, SYC (503)703-7671 [email protected] Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 11

DD21 Soccer Contest Submitted by: Chris Roth DD21


The Oregon Knights of Columbus to host Punt, Pass & Kick USA, Inc. competition.

Young football fans will have the opportunity to exhibit their football skills when the Knights of Columbus hosts a Punt, Pass & Kick USA, Inc. competition on September 20, 2020 at St Francis (15651 SW Oregon Street, Sherwood, OR 97140). The competition is free and open to boys and girls ages 6 – 15.

For competition information call Chris Roth at 503-925-9259 or you can email him at [email protected]

Registration is available online at

The Punt, Pass & Kick USA, Inc. football competition allows youngsters to showcase their talents in punting, passing and kick- ing with scores based on distance and accuracy. Age classification is as of December 31 at 11:59 p.m. local time for the cur- rent year.

The top two overall finishers as well as the top two individual skill finishers from each of the ten (10) age groups at the local competition will advance to the Regional competition. The first place finishers for each age group at the Regional competition will qualify to advance to the National Championships, to be held in January 2021.

About Punt, Pass & Kick USA, Inc. The Punt, Pass & Kick USA, Inc. football competition allows youngsters to showcase their talents in punting, passing and kicking with scores based on distance and accuracy.

A number of NFL players have competed in Punt, Pass & Kick, including top former and current NFL quarterbacks such as Dan Marino and Brett Farve.

The National Punt, Pass and Kick USA, Inc. competition is administered by Punt, Pass and Kick USA, Inc. This local Punt, Pass & Kick (Local PP&K) competition is officially licensed by Punt, Pass and Kick USA, Inc. but none of the sponsors, affiliates, volunteers or entities operating the Local PP&K will have any liability or responsibility from any claims arising in connection with participation in the Local PP&K. Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 12

State Community Director Report

Worthy Brothers,

As of this morning Saturday August 1st only 1 Council has submitted a Community report to me. I’m hoping in the next 15 days my email will get overloaded with your reports—right?

Nicholas Guenther Community Director Brothers I would like to see Councils focus on the "No neighbor left behind" project.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, our duty is to lead our families, protect our parishes, and serve our communities.

You can learn more about this program by clicking on the link below.

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy and if your Council is doing a service project, let me know and I would be happy to come out and help Leave your community by your side. No

Neighbor If you need anything you can always reach out to me anytime. Behind! Vivat Jesus,

Nickolas Guenther Oregon Knights of Columbus Community Director H: 503-890-3457 [email protected]

DD02 August report

District 1, 2 and 20 had a combined District meeting on Saturday August 1st. I have been impressed with the plethora of information and programs coming from both Supreme and the State. I must compliment the officers for working so diligently to help our Councils succeed. We have some Councils frozen in place waiting for this pandemic to end so they can resume as normal. Other Councils are desperately exercising their experience and talents to forge onward. Now is the time to form a stronger bond with your parish to get the Knights’ word out on the online Fraternal sessions explaining the insurance end of our Order to parishioners who have never really heard what we have to offer. On Faith there are several online programs, especially “Into the Breach” which is where we need to go at this time; when our most sacred icons and our faith is being eviscerated by our enemies. We shall overcome!

DD02 Thomas Burns [email protected]

Things to Remember!

Always remember the compliments you received.. forget about the rude remarks…..

Good friends are like stars, You don't always see them, But you know they are always there…..

I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here than a whole truck load when I'm gone….. 4555385 Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 13

My Brother Sir Knights,

Duane Morris At the time of writing this article, I am preparing for the 1st Virtual 4th Degree Exemplification for the Oregon District Master District. This Virtual Exemplification will be Province wide and we have Candidates from all 3 States of our Province; Oregon, Washington and Idaho. As of right now we have 31 Candidates and I am hearing of several more. I am hoping to have around 40 Candidates by Wednesday, August 12th.

There is a big significance with August 12th and it was the main reason for the choice of the date. August 12th is the birthday of our Founder Father Michael McGivney. What a special occasion to become a Sir Knight on the Birthday of Father Michael McGivney on the Year that he is to be Beatified.

If you are interested in joining the 4th Degree, please contact me at [email protected] or visit the Oregon District website at The next Exemplification is planned for November 7th at Christ the King in Milwaukie. We are hoping that by then we will be able to have a normal Exemplification including a Banquet.

Vivat Jesus,

Duane Morris Oregon District Master 503-709-4858


Bother Knights,

My brother, Stephen Radel (State Executive Secretary) made it through his surgery. They repaired two disks in his neck in a three hour surgery. He is now in recovery at home and a long road with rehabilitation to get the use of his arm, etc. I did not get to see him, only my Mom due to COVID, but he did text "Successful and survived, need more pain meds" .

The Radel Family, myself and Stephen are grateful for all the prayers and support of the Knights of Columbus.

One request for me, I know my brother and how much he loves the Knights of Columbus, so it would be so great if every one texted him their support at his phone number 541-801-1350.

Thank you Brothers

Tom Radel State Advocate Historian 1737 NW Laura Vista Dr. Albany, OR 97321 541-974-5716 [email protected]

Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 14 My Brother Knights,

We are now in the second month of the new Fraternal Year and I am hoping that every Council has completed and submitted their Form 365, which was due on August 1st. This form is just as important as the Form 185 as it lets Supreme know who are the Council Program Directors. This information is used to notify the General, Family and Community Directors of their login information for completing the Safe Environment program. Our goal is to have every Council compliant with the Safe Environment Training by January 1st. Just like with Duane Morris Recruitment, your Council should be thinking about Programs all year round. Successful programs bring life to General Program your Councils and help to keep your Councils active and supporting your Parish. Director

Updated Columbian Award requirements for 2020- 2021:To earn this award your Council must conduct and report programs in each of the four program categories (Faith, Family, Community, and Life) for a total of 16 program credits, with four in each category. A completed Columbian Award Application (#SP-7) must be received by the Supreme Council office by June 30 in order to earn this award.

Featured Programs The Supreme Council has designated four programs as featured programs in each of the program categories. When your Council conducts a featured program and satisfies the associated requirements it will receive two credits towards that program category on their Columbian Award Application (#SP-7). The featured programs for each category are listed below. Faith- Refund Support Vocation Program (RSVP), Holy Hour, Spiritual Reflection, Into the Breach Family- Food for Families, Family of the Month, Family Prayer Night, Family Fully Alive Community- Coats for Kids, Habitat for Humanity, Global Wheelchair Mission, Leave No Neighbor Behind Life- March for Life, Special Olympics, Ultrasound, Pregnancy Center Support

Required Programs The required program aspect for the Columbian Award has been removed. For the 2020-2021 fraternal year, there are no required programs that must be conducted for a Council to be eligible for the Columbian Award. If you have any questions on Faith in Action, or any Program in general, please contact the Directors listed below.

State General Program Director………...Duane Morris – 503-709-4858……[email protected] Faith Programs Director……………………..Ray Prom - 503-440-2382……………[email protected] Family Programs Director…………………..Bob Adams - 541-404-5905…………[email protected] Community Programs Director…………..Nick Guenther - 503-890-3457……[email protected] Life Programs Director………………………..Patrick Parson - 541-248-3346……[email protected]

Vivat Jesus,

Duane Morris Oregon District Master 503-709-4858

Happiness keeps You Sweet, Trials keep You Strong, Sorrows keep You Human, Failures keeps You Humble, Success keeps You Glowing, But Only God keeps You Going

'Worry looks around, sorry looks back, Faith looks up.' Have faith.. Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 15 Supreme’s Families of the Month for June 2020

None Were Selected From Oregon

Note: As of 11/01/2019, the program has changed to have one (1) winner per participating jurisdiction. Oregon Councils participating in June were: No Council listed by Supreme *This Council’s family received one of the 100 Holy Family gifts that are given out by the Supreme office in a random drawing each month. Any Council using the Family of the Month (Form 1993), available online at KofC.ORG under Council Forms and sub-category Program forms, is automatically placed in the random drawing each month at Supreme.

Knights of Columbus Oregon Lady Of The Year Stoy by Joe Schaecher Photos by Lori Harmon

Southern Belle of Oregon On this sunny Sunday morning in July, State Deputy Ron Boyce with the help of District Deputy Joe Schaecher presented Connie Moyer with the Oregon Lady of the Year Award. Fr. Moises (Mac) MacKummell mentioned that he was honored to have this prestigious award presented after Mass at Sacred Heart - Medford. Grand Knight Michael Pitt of Council 1594 read a portion of the citation that included how she and His Excellency Cary (then Fr Liam Cary) worked with the community to establish the first safe house in the Rogue Valley for young pregnant girls called Magdalene Home. With her husband Richard at her side, Connie humbly received the award and flowers to a rousing applause from the congregation. A well-deserved award to our Southern Belle of Oregon.


Connie Moyer, Nominated by Rogue River Council 1594 As the Regent of Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court St. Mary 1800, Medford, Oregon, Connie Moyer approached the Knights of Columbus, Rogue River Council 1594 to establish a Parish wide fund-raising dinner that supports both Magdalene Home and St Vincent de Paul Society. With her gracious nature, she suggested the Knights of Columbus partake in the fund-raising dinner as a joint event. She has regularly assisted with breakfasts by always welcoming folks and taking orders, then delivering the meals and helping with the clean-up. Connie’s involvement has established such a good bond between the Knights and Catholic Daughters that regular events previously done individually are becoming more joint events. This includes Knights of Columbus Summer and Winter Family gathering events.

When the parish wants something done that most people would turn down, Connie Moyer is who they call. She has gone from being the Director of Religious Education to running the entire parish youth program. Due to her experience in running these programs when her boys were young, the parish once again turned to Connie when the Parish Youth Coordinator suddenly departed the area due to a family emergency. She was able to sweet talk a few other adults to assist her and the parish hardly missed a beat. Over the years, Connie has been an integral part of the Sacred Heart Funeral Reception Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 16 team, this last year hosted over 60 funerals. She has been on all the Parish Committees at one time or another and is also an active Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist. Connie also finds time to manage the Sunday morning Parish Outreach program that includes Coffee & Donuts for the parish.

In 2001 there was need in our community for a home where pregnant and parenting homeless girls could go to be safe and choose life. Along with then Fr. Liam Cary (now Bishop Cary), Connie Moyer helped coordinate the community to establish the first safe house in the Rogue Valley for young pregnant girls called Magdalene Home. As the first Director of the home and as a “House Mom”, she set the standard that is still used today to guide the girls in continuing their education while building life skills in cooking, budget management and raising their young children. Magdalene Home has housed, educated, and prepared approximately 245 moms and their babies to live safely out on their own or in a safe environment. Connie has been on the board of directors of Magdalene Home since the beginning and currently serves as President of the Board which has become almost a permanent position. Her commitment to the mission of Magdalene Home, with God’s grace has been a driving force in the success of Magdalene Home. As a member of the local group of ladies called the Red Hat Club, they actively raise funds for local charitable donations that include about $200/year for the Magdalene home.

Connie Moyer is an exceptional example of a Lay Catholic Leader. She says “Yes” to tasks that the average person would rather shrink and scurry out the door. When she got involved with the local Quilters group, the “Stitches”, the group expanded to become another successful charity by providing quilts to the area hospitals for patients in need of special comfort.

As the Catholic Daughter’s Regent, Connie was instrumental in lobbying the State Chapter of Catholic Daughters to become Magdalene home donors, along with the local Chapter. As a “charter member” of the Magdalene Home Executive Board, her support has never wavered. Connie and her husband Richard (Financial Secretary in Council 1594) are major contributors to the annual Angel Banquet, Magdalene Home’s signature fundraising event held each February. Leading by example she fills a table at the banquet and encourages other board members to also fill at least one table. Her efforts in gathering donations for the auction led to the most successful banquet ever held.

Alongside all of Connie’s involvement with the Knights of Columbus, Parish and Community activities, she has also been battling cancer for the past 15 years. All the activities she has tackled, have coincided with her seemingly never ending cancer treatment. Knowing what she is going through and imagining the on-going challenge, the normal person cannot see that she has slowed, because her love and determination to stay active in her Parish Community is so especially important to her daily life.

Knights in Oregon are leaving No Neighbor behind by distributing thousands of boxes of food every week to the needy in their community. (Taken From Council 1634 Hillsboro Newsletter)

Be on the lookout in the September Issue of your Columbian Magazine for two of our members. Supreme came to the St Matthew campus on Friday, June 19, 2020, shooting photos and video of the Farm to Family program, with Knights in action. The editors expect to highlight these photos of John Childress and George Murphy in their article on this nationwide program to make fresh produce and dairy products available to local neighborhoods. With the assistance of St Vincent DePaul volunteers, members and teens of our local parishes, the program has been providing about 2000 food boxes per week to anyone who drives up to the distribution site, currently at St Matthew.

In addition to the photographs of Brothers John Childress and George Murphy, check out a video from Supreme created from the images they collected during their visit on June 19, 2020.

Watch the interviews of several of our members as well as the other volunteers contributing their time to this much needed service.

Check out the following link: igshid=1nw4b4vgam0w1

George Murphy John Childress 2272304 Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 17

Food Box Distribution in the Rogue Valley Photos and story by Joe Schaecher

Associate Pastor Father Stephen Kenyon provides a blessing over the food boxes and the volunteers at Shepherd of the Valley Church in Central Point. Pastor of Shepherd of the Valley, Fr Fredy Bonilla Moreno, has opened his parking lot each Tuesday for the Food Box Program. Past Grand Knight Thom Gilsdorf borrows a truck from St Vincent de Paul in Medford to bring in pallets of food to be distributed. The youth group coordinated by Joyce Marks and the Knights of Columbus of Council 11258 in Central Point are regular volunteers for the weekly event. In addition to the many cars that drive through to get a little assistance, Naumes Farms has helped coordinate getting food boxes to aid the migrant workers in the area. The Knights of Columbus have also teamed up to provide food boxes to the Kelly Shelter, a local facility that provides opportunities to homeless men and women.

Top Photo—Past Grand Knight Thom Gilsdorf and Kelly Shelter Manager Margarita Moody and helper Tom Bottom Photo—Fr Stephen Kenyon providing a Blessing

District 21 July 2020 Report

Article by: Chris Roth District Deputy 21

Council 9137 Sherwood: Wednesday night Weed and Wine: The Sherwood Council has been busy welcoming a new priest Father Amal, who was reassigned from the Tillamook parish, by sponsoring a Wednesday night Weed and Wine.

This event has helped beautify the campus which has been in need of a face lift for quite some time. This event also allows parishioners time for fellowship afterwards.

Council 6602 Newberg: Fifth Friday Meals: While many other meal serving ministries have stayed home during the pandemic the Newberg Council was busy serving over 100 people a hot meal via ‘drive through’ on July 31. Many appreciative and happy faces greeted the Knights from the cars driving through the parking lot at St Peters. Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 18

Life Program Report Patrick and Teresita Parson State Life Couple, Oregon Knights of Columbus

Election Day is November 3, less than 3 months away. Talk to family, friends and neighbors about the importance of electing officials who are willing to defend life, both born and unborn.

September 12 is the National Day of Remembrance for Unborn Children. It is not too late for your Council to plan a special memorial service for that day. A good resource is at:

The mission statement of Sidewalk Advocates for Life is: To train, equip, and support local communities across the United States and the world in “sidewalk advocacy”: to be the hands and feet of Christ, offering loving, life-affirming alternatives to all present at the abortion center, thereby eliminating demand and ending abortion. For a short time, people can apply to take the Sidewalk Advocates for Life (SAFL) basic training 2.0 online (to be completed in August) by applying at

Finally, congratulations to Eugene Council 1430, which will be receiving a check from Supreme as part of the Ultrasound Program process. This will benefit 1st Way Pregnancy Resource Center.

Reporte del Programa de la Vida Patrick y Teresita Parson, Pareja de la vida, Caballeros de Colon de Oregon

Las elecciones son el 3 de Noviembre, a menos de 3 meses. Habla con tus familiares, amigos y vecinos acerca de la importancia de elegir oficiales que quieran defender a la vida. Ambos, nacidos y no-nacidos. Compara a los dos partidos, la diferencia es como la noche del día.

El 12 de septiembre es el dia nacional del recuerdo al NO-NACIDO, no es tarde todavía para que tu Consejo planee un servicio especial memorial para ese día. Y un buen recurso es en:

La misión para los abogados por la vida de las aceras es: Entrenamiento, equipo y el apoyo de las comunidades locales a través de los Estados Unidos y el mundo en “Abogados en las aceras”, para ser las manos y pies de Cristo, ofreciendo amorosa dirección de vida y alternativas para la vida, a todos los presentes en el centro abortivo. Así eliminando la demanda y terminando con el aborto. Por corto tiempo las personas pueden aplicar para tomar las aceras y abogar por la vida, (SAFL) el entrenamiento básico 2.0 es en línea (para completarse en agosto) aplicando a:

Finalmente, felicidades al Consejo de Eugene, 1430 que estaremos recibiendo un cheque de parte del Supremo Caballero, como parte del proceso del programa de ultrasonido. Esto beneficiara en primera a los recursos de Centros de Embarazos.

Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 19 Safe Environment Brother Knights,

Once you have turned in your Officers Chosen (185 Report) and Program Personnel (365 Report) to Supreme for the new Fraternal Year, the Grand Knight, Program, Family and Community Directors will receive an email Tom Radel to complete the Safe Environment Training. You will have about 30 days to complete the Safe Environment State Advocate Training. Note: leaving one or more of the Council Director roles vacant on the 365 report Does Not exempt a Council from safe environment requirements.

If the training is not completed within the 30 days, the Knight will not be recognized by Supreme in their Director’s role and a new 365 will need to be submitted with either a new name or the same name.

The purpose of the training is for Brother Knights serving in key leadership roles to safeguard children and other vulnerable persons by recognizing the signs of possible abuse.

This is part of the Columbian Award so if not completed by all four positions of your Council your Columbian Award will not count, hence your Council will not gain Star.

The training is easy and not time consuming and good for three years.

Group Training can be done by Councils or Districts, BUT each member needs to have their own computer or laptop with each member. NOTE: Each Member Must Sign On Under His Own Name To Get Credit.

Date For Councils To Be Compliant: 50% of Councils by Oct. 1st and 75% of Councils by Dec. 1st

As of 8/3/20 the Armatus Report shows 2 Councils with 100% compliance – 5416 Silverton and 9137 Sherwood.

Let all work together to reach 100% compliance of all Councils at the earliest date, so we can concentrate on membership and programs.

If you need any assistance or answer question, please contact me.

Thank you

Tom Radel State Advocate Historian 1737 NW Laura Vista Dr. Albany, OR 97321 541-974-5716 [email protected] Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 20

Council In Action By: Patrick Beckham

Florence Council 15773, along with their 4th Degree Assembly 3656, were able to raise enough money to become listed as a Pancake Breakfast "Gold Sponsor". This designation is given to any organization who supports and helps the Pregnancy and Parenting Center and be a helpful resource in the Florence community that benefits pregnant women, parents and families. Grand Knight Brian Girard is shown as he provides a check for $250, as a donation, to the Director (name not provided) of the center.

Higher Calling Submitted by: William Geary DD05 William Geary

On Monday afternoon August 3rd, a youth rally was held at the Keizer Volcanoe’s baseball stadium in Keizer, north of Salem. This was to help support the Higher Calling youth camp group which normally has their group at a camp in Yamhill for a week of planned games and other items of excitement this time of year. However, due to the Governor’s order for social distance restrictions, the camp was canceled. Due to the resourcefulness of people like Mike Douglas, a Knight of Columbus and program director for Higher Calling, several evenings of planned events were kicked off for this group of approximately 100 teens on Monday afternoon. The additional weeks of planned events will be held at St. Edwards Parish in Keizer and at Bull Winkles. After some group and organizational meetings with the directors, the teens hosted Father Hans Muller, who is the Parochial Vicar of Holy Trinity Parish in Beaverton, at Holy Mass.

Immediately following Mass was a light BBQ dinner, being This photo show the Knights with a family from Council 1623. cooked on-site, by the Knights of Columbus of Council They are left to right: Daniel Cody, Heather Miller, Jim Wyfils, 1623 of St. James Parish in McMinnville. By 6 PM the meal Grand Knight Bill Pallatto, Financial Secretary Doug Young, Mike “Doc” Miller and District Deputy Bill Geary ended and Father Hans began the evening’s activities on the Volcanoes baseball diamond.

Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 21 Tee-Shirt Initiative Promotes Solidarity, Support for Healthcare Workers During Social Distancing Era Article originally written and provided by Konrad von Walther and published in the Cathollc Sentinel

The new "Catch This Heart" tee-shirt initiative seeks to promote unity among those having to socially distance as they weather the COVID pandemic. All of the profits go to charity or to support free mental healthcare services for those in need.

Launched by a mental healthcare provider, the tee-shirt program and the funds it raises are designed to: "bring people together through mission and purpose," according to Konrad von Walther, a licensed clinical social worker and the shirt's creator and designer. "The project's focus is building heart and hope bridges, transcending the boundaries brought on by social distancing.

We are a community of many persons but of one heart, seeking joy, compassion, peace, and freedom from fear. We have an awareness that we are only here for a short time and that brevity gives life its beauty and value. Knowing this too shall pass makes each moment infinitely precious!"

The tee-shirt uses the word COVID-19 as an acronym for a message of hope:

• Compassion • Observation • Values • Ingenuity • Day at a time • 19 seconds at a time

The shirt sells for $16.95, and we have 900 of this one time production left (at time of writing May 13, 2020), and all profits are distributed as follows: 60% to Harbor of Hope, a non-profit that works to provide housing for those in need, 30% (15% to each of the following) to support free services at mental health practices: Blanchet House and Lines for Life, 10% to the Sandy Community Action Center.

The initiative has also been a lifeline to small Portland-area manufacturer BigFrog during this economic down turn. catchthis-

Good friends are like stars...... You don't always see them, But you know they are always there.

I would rather have one rose Happiness keeps You Sweet, and a kind word Trials keep You Strong, from a friend Sorrows keep You Human, while I'm here Failures keeps You Humble, than a whole truck Success keeps You Glowing, load when I'm gone.. But Only God keeps You Going 'Worry looks around, sorry looks back, Faith looks up. Have faith. 3635330 Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 22 05148723 Parade of Past State Deputies Edward John Bell 16th State Deputy of Oregon 1938-1940

Edward J. Bell was born September 16, 1899 to William and Mary Schmitt Bell in Sublimity, OR. Ed attended St. Boniface grade school and was a 1920 graduate of Stayton Union High School. He took an active part in combatting the KKK activities in 1917-1920.

Ed married Rose Hottinger, daughter of prominent Knight of Columbus, Charles Hottinger, on October 11, 1924 in Sublimity, OR. They had two children: Roberta J. and Lela Mae. Roberta died in a Portland in 1947 after a short illness at the age of 18.

Ed was owner and operator of the Stayton Public Service Office which he founded in 1939. He was secretary of the Stayton Fire Dept., and Central Willamette Fire Fighters Assn.; a director of Stayton Co-op.; Telephone Co.; clerk of Stayton Union High School; Stayton Citizen of the year in 1956; notary of public; Stayton municipal judge; president of the Stayton Chamber of Commerce, Lions and North Santiam Sportsman Club.

Ed was also involved with the Boy Scouts, Bankers Assoc., Catholic Forestry, Holy Name Society and the Baseball Assoc. In the 1930’s a young milk delivery boy darted out in front of Ed’s automobile causing an automobile accident in which one life was taken. Ed was found exonerated of the accident. Ed was the victim of a hold up by two masked bandits in his office on November 18,1948 in Stayton. Ed was tied up and had the sum stolen of $700. The bandits were never caught.

Sponsored by St. Anthony Knights of Columbus, The Servicemen’s Bulletin began in 1942 to let the local boys overseas know they weren’t alone. Ed Bell spearheaded a newsletter devoted to keeping them connected. The price of subscription was a letter to Ed and garnered national recognition for Ed and his staff, but for Ed it was all about the boys. “You boys let us know how you are and what you are doing, so we can tell the other boys about you and where you are,” Ed told them. As word of the Bulletin spread, “Dear Ed” letters then began pouring in from around the globe. By 1945, the bi-monthly publication grew to more than 50 pages, with a mailing list of 350 names.

Ed was a charter member of the Stayton Council in 1923. He was never a Grand Knight. Ed was elected as State Deputy on a third ballot over two opponents by one vote, which later was revealed that this one vote was inadvertently cast for Ed by error instead of for his runner-up. He was Supreme National Warden 1963-1965. In 1969 Ed represented Oregon at the dedication of the K of C Home Office building. Ed’s favorite hobby was taking pictures and movies of K of C events from 1935 to his death.

In May of 1973, Ed received the “Distinguished Service Award” in recognition of his services to fraternities and the community as a whole for the first time in over a century history of the Rebekahs and Oddfellows. The Masonic Hall in Stayton was filled by Knights of Columbus, Masons, Oddfellows, Rebekahs, Eastern Stars and local citizens for the presentation to Ed and his wife Rose.

(Edward J Bell is the most photographed and documented Past State Deputy in the Oregon archives, more than can be included in this Bio

Rose Bell – Tillamook K of C Ed Bell - 1965 State Convention, May 18,1963 Ed Bell – 1962 State Convention

Edward J. Bell died on May 17, 1981 and is buried at St. Mary Catholic Cemetery in Stayton, OR Rose was the first Grand Regent of Stayton for the Catholic Daughters of America and was appointed National Representative for the Catholic Daughters for the Northwest. She died in 1988 and is buried next to Ed.

“I realize that I am the product of a smaller community, and probably not too familiar with the activities in the larger cities, but I assure you that I have been over earnest and sincere in my work, have labored hard and long and have used every ounce of enthusiasm that I have in the promotion of Columbianism in Oregon.” Ed Bell - May 11, 1939, 31st State Convention, Mt. Angel, OR Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 23

This Fraternal Year brings a simplified awards system, an updated website and an exciting new Faith in Action program based on our Into the Breach video series

You asked — we listened. This Fraternal Year marks improvements to programming based on feedback we received from Brother Knights.

The New, Simplified Columbian Awards Process Each year Knights and Councils who’ve gone above and beyond are recognized for their work in the previous year. Going forward, Councils are required to complete three featured programs per category, but we are no longer specifying which programs must be completed. This allows Councils to more effectively carry out their programs by offering more flexibility in determining the kind of witness they want to have in their communities and gives them more freedom to respond to the needs of their local communities and their parishes. This simplified process will make the whole Order even more effective in service.

An Updated Website To help Councils learn about new resources that are available to them, they can visit our new website, There we offer new guide sheets that are more concise, a revised Faith in Action guidebook and FAQs. We also offer more fraternal leadership training and a number of exciting new programs from the Evangelization and Faith Formation team.

Our Most Significant New Program – The Into the Breach video series “The Into the Breach Video Series — which we launched on Ash Wednesday — is our focus this year. We are hoping Councils will seriously consider doing this program this Fraternal Year and be inspired by it to more effectively put their faith in action,” Jonathan Reyes, senior vice president for Evangelization and Faith Formation,, said in an interview.

“Into the Breach seeks to clearly illustrate what we are called to do as Catholic men and shows us how to do it. Councils are encouraged to bring this knowledge and mindset to bear while doing any Faith in Action program,” he added.

Ideally the Into the Breach (ITB) video series are meant to be watched and discussed once a month. But there’s some built-in flexibility — whatever works for an individual Council. Even with COVID-19 social distancing restrictions, the ITB program can be done effectively using virtual resources. Prayer is built into the program, with every discussion beginning and ending with prayer.

“It is a program that is aimed at men, and this can be any men in the parish,” said Reyes. “But we found that men and their wives have enjoyed watching the videos together, and many men have watched them with their children. The message in these videos is for everyone who cares about growing in their discipleship. The official program with the study guide is designed for men specifically.”

The ITB series boldly illustrates who we aspire to be as Knights. They are very inspiring. We hope that any man who sees one and is moved by it, joins the Knights of Columbus. Together, we can help each other become the men the world — and our families — need. And the videos really do inspire men to rethink their lives and want to take the next step in becoming a better man, a better Catholic.

“Here’s the good thing about the videos,” said Reyes. “They do a lot of the work — they are that good. Then, with the work of the Holy Spirit, we invite. I think it is important that men understand that it is God himself who is inviting them to discipleship, not us. We are just a great place to live out that call, and we promise to walk with our brothers in responding to God.”

Into the Breach are currently released in both English and Spanish, with the accompanying study available in English. The Spanish guide will soon be available. Stay tuned for updates on the release of both the videos and study guide. Knights can learn more by going to

Share your story of how your Council is helping strengthen people’s faith and offering support during this time. Email [email protected].

Originally published in a weekly edition of Knightline, a resource for K of C leaders and members. To access Knightline’s archives, go to this link: Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 24

What Can Councils Do in the Next Fraternal Year? Plenty! Despite the pandemic, Knights still have many opportunities and ways to leave no neighbor behind

The Knights of Columbus’ past Fraternal Year — which runs on a fiscal calendar from July through June — didn’t end as expected. Knights of Columbus Councils around the world cancelled events and adapted their Council life in order to adhere to health regulations. Zoom meetings became the norm. Socially distanced charity events began as lockdowns lifted.

With the pandemic still looming and the prospects of a second wave increasing, many Councils have questions regarding what to expect for Council life in the new Fraternal Year. What can Knights of Columbus Councils do to leave no neighbor behind in the foreseeable future?

What can our Council do for programs during a pandemic? The answer: plenty.

Live-streaming events, drive-up distributions, drive-up prayer services, blood drives, assisting food banks are some of the activities K of C Councils have been doing during the pandemic. Hosting any of these events require a bit of creativity as you have to make sure you meet local, civil and/or diocesan guidelines within your jurisdiction. If you have any questions, please reach out to your jurisdictional program director.

While in-person activities are a possibility, it’s important to keep six-feet apart while wearing masks and protective gear, or meet any other local and guidelines for such events.

What are some safe events our Council can do? Live-streamed prayer services are a perfect way not only to bring people together spiritually, but also to promote prayer during a time when it’s needed most. Consider hosting and livestreaming a Marian Event or Silver Rose event.

Unsure how to do this? Join us for a Virtual Silver Rose Prayer Service— Neat fact: The rose that was used in the service was blessed by Pope Francis in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the program, during a February 2020 meeting between the Holy Father, Supreme Knight Carl Anderson and Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William Lori at the Vatican. We look forward to you watching the event, and learning how you, too, might host a virtual event for your Council.

Can we host outside events, like the Free Throw or Soccer Competitions? Yes, if they are held outdoors and all local guidelines are followed, such as wearing masks and remaining six feet apart. Members of the Council assisting in the event should wear masks and gloves to handle the ball.

Can I host a Coats for Kids event? Yes, but not the same way as before. In order to adhere to social distancing, it may be best to host a coat drop off. If you are going to hold a distribution, you must abide by local, civil and diocesan guidelines.

Since major events are cancelled indefinitely, what about the March for Life?

Plans are still moving forward for the 2021 March for Life. Visit for updates as the event gets closer.

Are Special Olympics events still taking place?

Special Olympics events are occurring on a case-by-case basis. Where events are taking place, they are typically limited to 50 participants (including athletes, spectators, coaches, etc.). Contact your area Special Olympics organization or visit or up- dates.

Do Councils receive credit towards the Columbian Award if they hold a program remotely?

Yes. Councils that hold their programs remotely will still receive Columbian Credit for the program, if they provide the Supreme Council headquarters the appropriate paperwork for that specific program.

Share your story of how your Council is helping strengthen people’s faith and offering support during this time. Email [email protected].

Originally published in a weekly edition of Knightline, a resource for K of C leaders and members. To access Knightline’s archive go to: Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 25

State Awards From Convention Given To Council

State Deputy Ron Boyce and District Deputy 09 Joe Schaecher presented Central Point Council 11258 the Co-Council of the Year Award for the State of Oregon and the Star Recruiter Council Award which was accepted by Grand Knight Ed Dinius and Immediate Past Grand Knight Thom Gilsdorf.


Council In Action During A Pandemic


We have a new Brother Knight. This evening, Brother Ray Ahumada and I, with the help of the Supreme website exemplified his brother John Ahumada into the Knights of Columbus. I presented him with the rosary of our Lady and the Knight of Columbus emblem.

Next time you see him welcome him. Hopefully, soon we will be able to have a meeting again in the Parish Hall.

Also please pray for the repose of the soul of Jeff Turner’s mother who passed away yesterday as well as for Jeff. Lisa and their families pray that our Lord will comfort them during this sad time

Also pray for our Worthy Treasurer Frank Roeder who is undergoing surgery and a biopsy on the 31st

Vivat Jesus

Michael J. Hahn, Grand Knight Most Holy Trinity Council 17396 87290 16TH St. SW Bandon OR 97411 Cell (719) 322 3162 [email protected] Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 26

Councils In Action During A Pandemic Knights meet the dogs! New dogs announced…

In April Knights from Pendleton, Medford and Central Point were able to meet Police K9s. Council 1673 Grand Knight Chuck Becktold helped to set up the meet and greet in Pendleton. K9 Bali was more than willing to goof off and take some pictures. Chief of Police Stuart Roberts even made an appearance showing how important this partnership is to the Pendleton PD.

Knights in the Central Point and Medford Councils were able to meet two scholarship Dogs. K9 Gus, brother of Bali who is also a patrol track, capture and drug detection dog and K9 Simon a victim support therapy dog.

K9 Simon the Victim support dog works with victims of domestic and sexual abuse from first contact all the way through the court process with victims. K9 Simon is assigned to Ashley who is an employee of Community Works Victim Advocates. K9 Simon is an officer of the Central Point Police and is the first ever of his kind south of Salem, there are only 5 total victim advocate Police Dogs in the state and Working Dogs Oregon has introduced two and is currently working to bring many more to departments across the state. Chief Kris Allison says that K9 Simon also does great work helping officers deal with the stress from day to day work in policing. “I can see the change in my officers as they take Simon out to play ball, it is healthy for our officers to be able to interact with him!” Chief Allison says.

Just last week Working Dogs Oregon announced its newest Victim Support K9 to be trained and placed with the Portland Police Bureau. K9 Saber will be a therapy dog available to officers as well as be called out to assist victims of terrible crimes. Council 678 once again jumped at the opportunity to take part in this Portland dog scholarship.

“This is such a great opportunity for us” said Grand Knight Michael Campy of Council 678 when asked about supporting the fundraising efforts to bring Police K9s to police agencies in the state. “When we heard there was another dog that was staying local and would be specifically trained to work with victims, we were extremely excited to take part!” Campy said.

Scholarship from Working Dogs Oregon and Howling Creek kennels for patrol dogs was awarded to the Pendleton Police Dept and Central Point Police Dept in August 2018. “The great thing about this scholarship is the focus on community, public relations and fundraising at the grass roots level” said Darin Campbell. The litter of puppies were born December 27th, 2018 and have undergone a yearlong training which started at about 6 months of age. The four-legged police officers will be dual purpose dogs proficient in drug detection, track and capture as well as bite work. Chosen to head to Pendleton is K9 Bali, a pure-bred German Shepherd dog from incredible European blood- lines. Bali’s Dad is a Military Police Dog currently at Langley AFB in Texas and his Mom was the 2018 World Champion for scent detection. Headed to Central Point is K9 Gus, Bali’s brother. “We are so lucky to have these dogs available to us and can give them to agencies who otherwise would not have this opportunity” Campbell said.

Agencies applied for the scholarship in a competitive process assisted through the Oregon Association Chiefs of Police, 13 Oregon police agencies applied. The departments were selected based on applicants showing a need which a K9 could immediately make an impact, community support for future fundraising and the desire to be consistent in training and K9 public involvement.

Pendleton Chief of Police Stuart Roberts was quoted in a press release from Working Dogs Oregon saying; “Recently, the Pendleton Police Department seized a rare opportunity to compete for a scholarship made available through the generosity of Working Dogs Oregon and Howling Creek Kennels. More specifically, the department was able to pursue the donation of a trained K-9 saving the taxpayers in the city of Pendleton more than $60,000. In the spirit of providing the competent and comprehensive services possible, the department established its K-9 program in 2000. Since the year 2000, the department has been home to four K-9(s) the latest of which, “Lucy” is retiring due to age and health issues. Consequently, without the consideration of Working Dogs Oregon and Howling Creek Kennels it is highly likely the departments long standing K-9 program would have to be suspended for an unknown period due to funding logistics.”

(Continued Next Page) Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 27

“Pendleton was important for us to get a dog to” Campbell said, “there are no drug detection dogs in the NE Corner of the state now that K9 Lucy retired due to Marijuana becoming legal in most cases.” The Office of Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) in Washington DC has designated Pendleton a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area. The need for a drug detection dog in North Eastern Oregon isof dire need and this K9 will make an impact from the first day on the job assisting drug interdiction teams.

Central Point Police are getting Bali’s brother K9 Gus. Both dogs are named after police or military working dogs who died in the line of duty as an honor to those who came before them. Central Point Police has assigned Officer Tyler Aplin to be K9 Gus’ handler.

Council 678 asked what they could do to help. As part of a year-round effort to support the ongoing operations of the Pendleton K9 unit Council 678 sponsored the purchase of plush mini Bali dogs to be sold to the public. Each dog cost $8.50 and sells for $20. The mini stuffed K9 has Bali’s name on his chest, the Pendleton Police Patch on his back and a collar that reads K9 hero! Also, the Mini Bali sports an ear tag which reads “Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus” as well as the KofC logo. Working Dogs Oregon is selling these to help support the scholarship and continued expenses the K9 units incur.

An initial investment for a Police Agency to fund a new K9 unit easily exceeds six figures. An expense a small department cannot absorb. This scholarship is meant to add to a departments resources not to replace them. By giving outside funding options, such as the one sponsored by Council 678, ensures the Chief of Police will not need to choose between K9 and another unit because of funding issues.

Officer Cass Clark has been selected as K9 Bali’s handler and has had an opportunity to take his future dog around the Pendleton community and meet business owners, community service agencies and citizens who want to meet him. K9 Bali has been permanently placed with officer Clark and will certify with the Oregon Police Canine Association in September along with K9 Gus and Officer Aplin. “I get asked at least twice a day if I can bring Bali out to say hello” says officer Clark, “He is extremely popular in the Pendleton community.”

This Scholarship has the need for a statewide effort. Just a K9 vehicle can cost over $60,000 and that does not count the emergency door pop, temperature alert systems and built in kennel. “It would be our highest dream a group may come forward with a vehicle we could put in service with Bali” Said Campbell. The donation from Council 678 will go a long way in the continuation of training these dogs. The kennel where training is performed is donating the dogs, training and some minor gear. “Howling Creek Kennels from SW Washington has been such a great partner in this first of its kind scholarship” Campbell adds. “Our hope is that we can bring a dog in from Europe specially selected by Howling Creek and place it in an Oregon department in need.

The Working Dogs Oregon and Howling Creek Kennels has just announced the 2021 recipients. The Wheeler County Sheriffs Office and the Philomath Police Dept are expected to have dogs go into service in September of 2021.

“We highly value all that the Knights of Columbus Council 678 has provided to us and we cannot wait to work with the State chapter and Councils across the State of Oregon. Checks can be sent to Working Dogs Oregon, 3570 SW 90th Avenue, Portland OR 97225. Working Dogs Oregon in addition to this scholarship have a Therapy Dog team that goes to hospitals, hospice homes, schools and special events. They have a presentation on Service dogs for businesses to understand the Americans With Disabilities Act. Finally, they advocate and educate on all thing’s dogs do for Oregonians to the Oregon State Legislature. They do all these things on a volunteer basis.

For any inquiries contact;

Darin Campbell Working Dogs Oregon 503-250-2820 Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 28

Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the sick, we turn to you in this time of illness. O dearest comforter of the troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with your gentle love, and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden. Dear God, we place our worries in your hands. We place our sick under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servant to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge your will and know that whatever you do, you do for the love of us. Amen.

SICK AND DISTRESSED IN MEMORIAM State Chaplain Fr. Theodore Lange

Council 15595 Mt. Angel Seminary Irene Hedwig Zahm O’Brien Arnie Kroll Ronald O’Brien Council 3184 Lebanon Mother and Cousin of Jim O’Brien Frank Roeder Council 2325 Oregon City Council 17396 Bandon PGK John Richard’s Wife Jesse Villarreal Vice Supreme Master Council 15729 Portland Council 3484 Canby Mary Wible Wife of Charter Member George Wible Carroll Gorg Past District Master Council 9257 Milwaukie Council 3818 Lake Oswego

Councils—please send any memoriam information to Kim Oey, PSD our Prayer Chairman, Stephen Radel. Council 9257 Milwaukie H:541-801-1350

[email protected] DGK Jeff Turner’s mother Council 17396 Bandon Let us keep in mind and prayers all those Welfare/Prayer Chairman Stephen Radel Brother Knights and/or members of Council 1577 Albany Knights’ families who have gone before us.

No member nor their family members should ever be forgotten.

Please direct your prayer requests to: State Health/Welfare/Prayer Chairman Stephen Radel H:541-801-1350 [email protected]

We request you also pray for all Knights, their Families, friends and all of our Police, Firefighters, Servicemen and Servicewomen, our Veterans, Ambulance personnel, Chaplains, Nurses, Doctors, Care Givers and those who minister to the needs of others— please take time out to say: “Thank You So Very Much” for all that they do for all of us! Also remember those who have lost so much in the hurricanes, flooding, tornadoes and those whose lives have been lost and disrupted during the Corona Virus Pandemic. This we ask through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen! Vol. 117 No. 2 August 2020 Page 29

Abbot Jeremy Driscoll

Another great way to stay connected with us at Mount Angel For many reasons, this year has been stressful and challenging, beginning with the coronavirus. As a response, we have started two initiatives to help us stay connected spiritually with our friends as we all together seek things above: We are live streaming our liturgies, including daily Mass, on our website and YouTube channel Abbot Jeremy is sending a brief weekly email and video message, sharing wisdom and spiritual nourishment based on Scripture and the Rule of St. Benedict. bblinkid=228476713&bbemailid=22511957&bbejrid=1539459379 The summer of 2020 - we’re in it together We were honored to have more than 3,000 friends join us online for our Saint Benedict Festival. It was "virtual," but to our de- light, it was also a wonderful way to share our life inside the cloister with so many of you!

The hit of the festival was a video that we monks filmed inside our monastery – in the cloister – which is not open to the public. Not ever. It was so popular, we have pulled it out as a separate, shorter video and it’s available now for you to view and share with friends. Here is the link:

Bless you,

Abbot Jeremy Driscoll, O.S.B.

The Oregon Knights of Columbus Columbian Newsletter© is published MONTHLY and can be found online at the Oregon Knights of Columbus website KOFC-OR.ORG.

Submissions are due to the Editor by the 10th of each month.

Editorial Staff: State Deputy Ron Boyce, [email protected] Editor and Publisher: Tom Karl, [email protected]