Final Report 2011– 2019
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FINAL REPORT 2011– 2019 1 CENTER FOR SERVICE Foreword INNOVATION (CSI) Øystein Thøgersen Professor, Rector NHH NHH Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) was the first, and Based on CSI’s research, NHH-faculty have created a new master currently only business school to receive a grant under Research profile “New Business Development”, and updated existing bache- Council Norway’s (RCN) prestigious Center for Research-based lor, master, executive, and PhD-courses. Innovations (SFI) program. Center for Service Innovation (CSI) has proved to be a success, not only for partner companies but also The Norwegian Innovation Index (NII) ( for research partners, faculty and students. RCN’s SFI program has norsk-innovasjonsindeks/) - brain child of CSI - has since 2016 proved to be ideal for leading business schools like NHH, who thrive reported annually on how consumers perceive large Norwegian on interaction with and the ability to learn from and with major companies’ innovativeness. The fact that NII so far has been “ex- companies. The report “CSI’s Value for Partners - collaborating for ported” to the USA and Sweden with interest from other countries, service innovation” documents a considerable value of interaction is a strong indicator of the quality and relevance of CSI’s research. between CSI partners. The 160 master theses from students asso- ciated with CSI, prove a unique student-interest in the topic. This Building on the unique service innovation competence acquired is important as many of NHH’s students are tomorrow’s leaders. through CSI, NHH will continue to build a world-class innovation The share amount of conference contributions, scientific articles, research faculty with a focus on digital innovation for sustainable books, PhDs and PostDocs document CSI’s strong academic focus. growth - something that would have been much harder without the CSI-experience. 2 3 HARD WORK HAS HARDT ARBEID PAID OFF: HAR LØNNET SEG: CSI – A success story CSI – en suksesshistorie Tor Wallin Andreassen Professor and Managing Director CSI CSI’s final report summarizes highlights from eight years of NHH. In addition several courses for both students and executive. CSIs sluttrapport oppsummerer en rekke høydepunkter fra åtte CSI-forskere harr publisert mer enn 350 publikasjoner, veiledet extraordinary service innovation research conducted together CSI has also disseminated knowledge in press (about 500 articles år med tjenesteinnovasjons- forskning, utført i samarbeid for å 222 masterstudenter som har skrevet til sammen 160 masterop- to realize CSI’s vision: “Through its internationally recognized in newspapers / TV interviews) and participated in more than 800 nå CSIs mål: pgaver, utviklet en ny masterprofil på NHH og holdt en rekke kurs research and collaboration between research and commercial meetings / workshops and 240 scientific publications både for studenter og næringslivet. CSI har vært godt synlig i me- partners, CSI will support innovation in service and service (79 articles at ABS level 1, 2, 3 and 4 (ABS 4: 16, ABS 3: 23, ABS 2: “CSI vil gjennom internasjonalt anerkjent forskning og samarbeid dia med ca. 500 avisartikler / TV-intervjuer og formidlet forskning organizations.” 26 and ABS 1: 14)). Seven papers won publication awards. CSI had mellom forskningsinstitusjoner og bedriftspartnere støtte inno- og praksis på mer enn 800 møter / workshops. two collaborating international research institutions, Karlstad vasjon i tjeneste- og serviceorganisasjoner.” CSI’s sub-goals include: University in Sweden (KAU) and Copenhagen Business School Det er publisert 240 vitenskapelige artikler (79 artikler på ABS • enhance the service innovation capabilities of its (CBS) in Denmark, and CSI researchers have during the SFI Våre delmål inkluderer: nivå 1, 2, 3 og 4 (ABS 4: 16, ABS 3: 23, ABS 2: 26 og ABS 1: 14)). Syv business and research partners period co-authored publications with researchers from numerous • forbedre tjenesteinnovasjon hos forretnings- artikler har fått utmerkelser. Hvert år har CSI-forskere deltatt • improve the commercial success of Norwegian service countries. og forskningspartnere på internasjonalt anerkjente konferanser hvor de har presen- providers’ service innovation activities • forbedre den kommersielle suksessen til norske tert arbeidene sine og fått tilbakemeldinger, og samtidig kunne • measure Norway’s service innovation capability In 2016, CSI and NHH hosted the Frontiers in Service conference tjenesteleverandører benchmarke CSIs forskning internasjonalt. I 2016 var CSI og NHH with more than 200 participants from several countries. This • måle Norges evne til innovasjon av tjenester vertskap for konferansen “Frontiers in Service”. Konferansen The complexity of service innovation has covered design thinking conference really put CSI / NHH on the map and made the center hadde mer enn 200 deltakere fra hele verden og satte CSI / NHH and customer experiences via business models and organizational visible internationally. A total of 16 PhD students and 7 postdocs Fagfeltet “tjenesteinnovasjon” er komplekst og CSI har satt fokus på kartet internasjonalt. CSI har hatt to internasjonale forskning- culture to leadership. In this report we discuss some of the main have been affiliated with the center, working closely together på områder som designtenking og kundeopplevelser, forretning- spartnere, Karlstad University (KAU) i Sverige og Copenhagen findings from four research areas: with professors, associate- and adjunct professors from CSI’s four smodeller, organisasjonskultur og ledelse. I denne rapporten Business School (CBS) i Danmark, og i tillegg har CSI-forskere national research institutions. diskuterer vi noen av hovedfunnene fra fire forskningsområder: samt publisert med forskere fra flere land. 1. Business Model Innovation (BMI) 2. Managing and Organizing for Service innovation CSI was organized as a virtual center providing several meeting 1. Forretningsmodell innovasjon (BMI) 16 doktorgradsstudenter og 7 postdoktorer har vært tilknyttet CSI and Transformation (MOST) places for collaboration, such as four annual research seminars, of 2. Organisering av innovasjon og transformasjon av og jobbet tett sammen med fagstaben hos CSIs forskningspartnere. 3. Service Design and Customer Experience (SD&CE) which one was a two days seminar abroad, four annual consortium tjenester (MOST) CSI er organisert som et virtuelt senter og har organisert en rekke 4. Service Innovation Economics (SIE) meetings, four board meetings, and one annual advisory board 3. Tjenestedesign og kundeopplevelser (SD&CE) årlige møteplasser for sine samarbeidspartnere, som fire årlige meeting. In addition CSI / partners has hosted several conferences 4. Tjeneste innovasjonsøkonomi (SIE) forskningsseminarer, hvorav ett over 2 dager utenlands, fire The sum of academic success and partner success made CSI an and workshops, for example in 2018 / 2019 on the topic Business konsortimøter, fire styremøter og ett årlig advisory board møte. excellent research center (grade 5), according to RCN’s report Model Innovation hosted by Telenor, 15th March; Digital trans- Summen av akademisk suksess og verdi for partnere ble rangert I tillegg har CSI vært vertskap for en rekke konferanser og semin- from Panel 6 – Economic-Administrative Research Area “Eval- formation hosted by Posten 7th May; and Service Innovation Eco- til nivå 5 - utmerket i NFRs rapport fra Panel 6 - Økonomisk arer, i 2018/2019 kan følgende nevnes: Business Model Innovation uation of the Social Sciences in Norway”. Services are by defini- nomics hosted by Bekk 17th January, all three open seminars with administrative fag “Evaluation of the Social Sciences in Norway”. hos Telenor, 15. mars, Digital transformasjon hos Posten 7. mai og tion intangible. So are their innovations. However, one tangible about 80 participants. Finally, CSI’s closing conference “Innova- Tjenester er per definisjon immaterielle. Det er tjenesteinno- tjenesteinnovasjons økonomi seminar hos Bekk 17. Januar (2019), evidence of CSI is the Norwegian Innovation Index (NII) - a three tion 2019 - reflections and visions” hosted by the Research Council vasjoner også, men et konkret bevis på verdi fra CSI er Norske alle tre har vært åpne seminarer med ca. 80 deltakere. Og ikke years research project that so far has been implemented by three of Norway in a crowded Moser auditorium 10th April. innovasjonsindeks (NII) - et treårig forskningsprosjekt. Innovas- minst CSIs avslutningskonferanse “Innovation 2019 - refleksjoner other countries (USA, Sweden and Finland). Tangible examples jonsindeksen er pt eksportert til og implementert i tre andre land og visjoner” 10 april i et fullsatt Auditorium Moser hos NFR.. of impact are implementing Service Design Academy at Telenor, In 2016, CSI’s Board of Directors, as part of a continuation strategy, (USA, Sverige og Finland), noe som viser dens relevans. Andre I 2016 vedtok CSIs styre, som en del av CSIs videreføringsstrategi, a book project “Nye forretningsmodeller i handelen” by Virke and defined the need to better understand aspects pertaining to digital materielle eksempler på verdi for partnere er bl. a. implementering at det var behov for en dypere forståelse av ulike aspekter ved CSI theme 1 Business Model Innovation (BMI) and building the down-stream innovations for sustainable growth. The board av Service Design Academy hos Telenor, formidling av kunnskap digitale nedstrøms-innovasjoner for en bærekraftig vekst og field Service Innovation Economics (SIE) at Bekk.