By Radwa Mohamed, Physical Therapy 6 October University 3 1/1/2006 Prof. Dr. Soheir El-kosery

Prof. Dr. Hala Emara

Prof. Dr. Amro Aboul-Ela

• Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a common obstetric complication. Critical cases, suffering from multiple organ failures and that may leading to maternal death. A high fetal morbidity and mortality rate is associated with prematurity, placental insufficiency and intrauterine growth restriction, which result from this disorder. The exact cause of PE is still unknown but the impaired placentation is one possible cause (Aksornphusitaphong and Phupong, 2013).

6 1/1/2006 The crucial issue to understand is that the prime mover of PE is abnormal placentation. Two common theories appear to be interlinked.

A An genetic immunologic theory al theory

7 1/1/2006 A single session of mental relaxation or slow breathing is effective in reducing BP at least temporarily. Slow breathing is more effective than mental relaxation in lowering SBP, DBP, HR and RR while mental relaxation is more effective in reducing electromyographic activity and increasing peripheral skin temperature (Kaushik et al., 2006).

The Lamaze method is now offered in a number of formats, including a series of classes (traditional Lamaze classes), brief training modules (one training session), and brief review in general birth preparation classes (Selby, 2011).

8 1/1/2006 The history of the practice of Lamaze breathing through the 1990s, documenting the value of conscious controlled breathing and relaxation (Nichol,2000). Breathing and relaxation were based on a deeper understanding of breathing physiology, by 1983; women in Lamaze classes were being encouraged to use slow breathing and to individualize their breathing rather than following the strict guidelines of the 1960s (Lothian, 2011).

9 1/1/2006 Breathing exercises are considered to be a regulator of the autonomic nervous system. By voluntarily changing the rate, depth, and pattern of breathing, the messages being sent from the body’s respiratory system to the brain can be changed. In this way, breathing techniques provide a gateway to the autonomic communication network. They are increases parasympathetic tone, decreases sympathetic activity, improves cardiovascular and respiratory functions, decreases the effect of stress and strain on the body and improves physical and mental health (Adhana et al., 2013).

10 1/1/2006 Slow breathing increases baroreflex sensitivity, improves vagal activity and reduces sympathetic activity and chemoreflex activation, it suggest a potentially beneficial effect in hypertension; where, baroreflex is the system in the body that regulates BP by controlling heart rate, strength of heart contractions, and diameter of blood vessels. Slow breathing reduces BP and enhances baroreflex sensitivity in hypertensive patients. These effects appear potentially beneficial in the management of hypertension (Oneda, et al., 2010).


This study has been designed to estimate the effect of modified Lamaze technique on controlling PE.

Subject Selection • 40 Pregnant women suffering from mild and moderate PE. • Ages 25-35 years. • was exceeding 20 weeks gestation. • BMI did not exceed 35 kg/m2. • Informed consent form was signed by each patient before participating in the study. • Free from diabetes and/or cardiorespiratory diseases. • Repeated as well as bleeding and intra uterine fetal growth anomalies or retardation or previous history of preterm labour, also Women with twins were excluded from this study.


20 female Group (A) Methyledopa 500 mg/ day.

Subject 20 female Deep breathing Modified exercises Group Lamaze Technique (3 Massage (B) sessions/week for 6 weeks) Methyledopa Relaxation 500 mg/ day. 15 1/1/2006 MATERIALS


1. Weight-height scale: Was used to measure the body weight and height for each pre- eclamptic woman in this study to calculate (BMI).

18 1/1/2006 2.Mercury sphygnomanometer and stethoscope:

Arterial BP was measured from left arm while the pre-eclamptic woman was in half lying . The intervention was done before and after the end of the treatment (6 weeks).

19 1/1/2006 3. Pulse oximeter: Was used to measure PR for each pre-eclamptic woman in this study.

From half lying position the sensor of the pulse oximeter was attached to the patient’s finger, to count the PR/minute, this was done 3 times with one minute interval for each pre- eclamptic woman in both groups (A) and (B).The intervention was done before, during and after the end of the treatment (6 weeks).

20 1/1/2006 4.Ultrasonographic machine: was used before starting of the study to detect and calculate the gestational age of each pre-eclamptic woman, to determine cases of twins as well as to exclude any congenital anomalies or praevia. 5.Mid-stream urine analysis: was used to measure proteinurea for each pre-eclamptic woman in this study. Each pre-eclamptic woman in both groups (A) and (B) was asked to collect a 24-hour clean midstream urine sample, in a sterilized glass bottles for measurement of protein level in urine before and after the end of the treatment (6 weeks). Samples were analyzed at Kasr AL- Ayne Laboratory Department.

22 1/1/2006

Modified Lamaze Technique's guidelines for breathing

•Breath-in slowly from the nose, focusing her concentration on her breath, thus feeling the movements of the air through the nostrils during inspiration.

•They were taught to breath out from the mouth, pursed-lips abdominal breathing and were instructed to relax and breath comfortably without straining.

•Focusing on something, either with the eyes closed can help maintain the rhythm of breathing aiming 24 for relaxation. 1/1/2006 Massage

Effleurage on lower back from side lying position- with pillow between both thighs- by using the heel of the therapist's hands, moving along the spine; press fingertips along both sides of the spine starting from hipbone to the neck and then reversing the direction; massaging the lower back from the backbone across the waistline using the heel of the palm to make large circles. Massaging session lasts not less than 10 minutes.

25 1/1/2006 Deep breathing exercises Massage(Efflurage) for relaxation on lower back

26 1/1/2006 RESULTS

27 1/1/2006 Comparative analysis of the mean values of patient’s physical characteristics between group (A) and group(B)

180 162.39 163.6 160 140 120

100 78.14 79.97 Group A 80 Group B 60 29.51 29.15 29.68 29.95 40 20 0 Age Weight Height BMI

28 1/1/2006 Mean values of SBP Pre- and Post-treatment for group (A)

200 152.86

136.5 10.70% 150

% of changes 100 % of unchanges

89.30% 50

0 Pre-treatment Post-treatment

1/1/2006 Mean values of DBP Pre- and Post-treatment in group (A)

106.85 120 95.98

10.17% 90

% of changes 60 % of unchanges

30 89.83%

0 Pre-treatment Post-treatment

30 1/1/2006 Mean values of PR Pre- and Post-treatment in group (A)

87.76 100


80 13.58%

60 % of changes % of unchanges 40

86.52% 20

0 Pre-treatment Post-treatment

31 1/1/2006 Mean values of proteinuria Pre- and Post- in group (A)


2.7 2.39 3 11.48%

% of changes 2 % of unchanges

1 88.52%

0 Pre-treatment Post-treatment

32 1/1/2006 Mean values of SBP between Pre- and Post- treatment in group (B).

200 149.81

129.87 13.31% 150

% of changes 100 % of unchanges

50 86.69%

0 Pre-treatment Post-treatment

33 1/1/2006 Mean values of DBP between Pre -treatment and Post- in group (B)

107.61 120 91.09

90 15.35%

60 % of changes % of unchanges

30 84.65%

0 Pre-treatment Post-treatment

34 1/1/2006 Mean values of PR between Pre- and Post-treatment in group (B)

100 81.06 69.95 80 13.71%

60 % of changes % of unchanges 40

86.29% 20

0 Pre-treatment Post-treatment

35 1/1/2006 Mean values of proteinuria between Pre- and Post- treatment in group (B)


2.86 2.33 18.53% 3

2 % of changes % of unchanges

1 81.47%

0 Pre-treatment Post-treatment

36 1/1/2006 Comparative analysis of SBP mean values between group (A) and group (B) pre- and post-treatment

200 152.86 149.81 136.5 129.87 150

Group A 100 Group B


0 Pre-treatment Post-treatment

37 1/1/2006 Comparative analysis of DBP mean values between group (A) and group (B) pre- and post-treatment

106.85 107.61 120 95.98 91.09


Group A Group B


0 Pre-treatment Post-treatment

38 1/1/2006 Comparative analysis of PR mean values between group (A) and group (B) pre- and post-treatment at entry of the study


87.76 81.06 75.84 69.95 80

Group A Group B


0 Pre-treatment Post-treatment

39 1/1/2006 Comparative analysis of proteinuria mean values between group (A) and group (B) pre- and post treatment at entry of the study


2.86 2.7 2.39 3 2.33

Group A 2 Group B


0 Pre-treatment Post-treatment

40 1/1/2006

This study was conducted to determine the effect of "Modified Lamaze technique" for controlling BP and proteinuria in patients suffering from PE.

42 1/1/2006 The result of the present study found that: there was a significant decrease in group (A) at SBP, DBP, PR and proteinuria, also there was a significant decrease in group (B) at SBP, DBP, PR and proteinuria more than in group (A) as a result of lowering the arterial BP levels after the end of treatment.

43 1/1/2006 The results of this study concluded that the "Modified Lamaze technique" is an effective method for controlling high BP and proteinuria in cases suffering from PE.

44 1/1/2006

• We hope that the results of this study will encourage the performance of Modified Lamaze Technique as an antihypertensive modality in treating PE.

• Modified Lamaze Technique has no side effects and had been proposed as an adjunct physical therapy modality in controlling pre-eclamptic patients.

• More studies are needed to investigate the effect of Modefied Lamaze Technique on severe PE.

46 1/1/2006 •Modified Lamaze Technique is considered to be a suitable method if mild and moderate cases of PE trained to practice it well at home, with continuous follow up, giving double chance, in reducing hospitalization period. •More studies are needed to evaluate the long term effect of Modified Lamaze Technique on reducing BP in pre-eclamptic cases. •Also further studies are needed to assess the effect of Modified Lamaze Technique as a prophylactic modality to guard against the occurrence of PE.


a G7 Diagnostics Inc. Production.