SUBSCRIPTION TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2017 RABI AL-THANI 19, 1438 AH Minister: Youth Stark inequality: Saudi carrier Heat is on essential for Eight men as flynas signs as stars development rich as half deal for 80 struggle at of tourism5 the world7 Airbus21 planes Aussie17 Open Lawmakers seek special Min 07º Max 19º debate on expat numbers High Tide 02:14 & 15:53 Low Tide Bill calls to lower voting age to 18 09:27 & 21:38 40 PAGES NO: 17113 150 FILS By B Izzak conspiracy theories KUWAIT: Opposition MP Abdulkarim Al-Kandari said yesterday he has begun collecting signatures of other Easy scapegoats MPs to demand holding a special debate in the Assembly to discuss the dangers of the rising numbers of expatriates in the country. Kandari, who criticized expatriates while commenting on the Amiri speech last week, said he expects the debate to be held in February to discuss the implications of the growth in expatriate By Badrya Darwish numbers on the demographic structure. He said the Assembly wants to know the position of the government regarding this issue and its planned measures to deal with the imbalance in the demo- graphic structure, adding that Kuwaitis should not
[email protected] remain a minority in their own country. According to the latest official statistics, there are around 3.1 million expatriates in Kuwait from a total population of 4.4 mil- hat’s with the intense anti-expat campaign lion, or 70 percent of the population. Kuwaitis number in Kuwait nowadays? Why now? Did we 1.33 million or 30 percent of the population.