Native American Study Guide for Plains, East Regions, and -

Plains ● Food- Main source of food was Buffalo. Those living on the eastern side of the plains were also able to farm since the area received more rainfall.

● Clothing- made from buffalo skin

● Shelter- western- teepees, eastern-lodges

● Artistic Expression- the people of the Plains decorated everything including painting and decorating their clothing, teepees, tools, and weapons with beads and feathers.

● Know the tribes of the western plains were nomads (they did not stay in one place). They moved to follow the buffalo.

● Know how the people of the Plains used the buffalo. Review diagram from class.

East ● Food- Corn, beans, and squash. Hunted deer, bears, and rabbits

● Shelter- Northeastern Woodlands- Longhouses, Southeast Woodlands- Roundhouses and houses without walls

● Clothing- made from deerskin. In south (warmer climate) light clothing woven from grass and other materials

● Artistic Expression- decorated with beadwork and quills, dreamcatchers, wampum belts

● Know that the Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) consisted of 5 tribes that formed a confederation

Arctic-Inuit ● Food- Caribou, seals

● Shelter- igloo, in the summer tent made from animal skin

● Clothing- , made from seal and whale skins

● Artistic Expression- finger masks, , dolls ​

● Invented snow , , and dog sleds

General ★ Know that tribes interacted with each other to trade

★ Tribes were diverse/lived differently because of the environments (geographic conditions) being different