Jeff Kinney | 217 pages | 04 Nov 2014 | Abrams | 9781419711893 | English | New York, United States Long Haul Diary Of A Wimpy Kid : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

This article is about the book. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School. A day after the book released in the US. A family road Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul is supposed to be a lot of Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul Unless of course, you're the Heffleys. The journey starts off full of promise, then quickly takes several wrong turns. Gas Station bathrooms, a fender-bender, crazed seagulls, and a runaway pig - Not Greg Heffley's idea of a good time. But even the worst road trip can turn into an adventure - and this is one the Heffleys will never forget. The story begins with GregRodrickand Manny happily watching the TV since their summer break just started, when Susan Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul to tell them that they are going on a road trip and to pack their bags. Greg then talks about how his parents had made a surprise trip before and that Susan had once told them they were going to Aunt Loretta's when instead they were going to Disney, disappointing Manny so they had to have both trips, postponing the Disney one. Greg then talks about the " Family Frolic " magazine from which Susan gets all her ideas and explains how they don't turn out well for the family. He then talks about a boat that Frank bought a few years ago, but never used for years and because he could not afford to winterize it, it developed cracks and soon became a Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul zone where raccoons started to live in. They then get the stuff they need for the trip and start cutting what they don't need, but there is still too much of it, which they resolve by using the boat to put stuff in it, albeit the car is still cramped, but there is room. On the first day of the road trip, Greg is forced to sit in the back with the stuff by Rodrick. Susan tells the family that there was a special guest that is coming on the trip, then takes out Flat Stanley from her purse. She hopes to take photos of him in front of various places on their trip. Susan then puts in a Spanish CD so that they can learn Spanish, but they don't pay attention except Manny. Susan later abandons this plan and started playing a game called "Alphabet Groceries", which Greg finds out that Manny can say whatever he wants with the letter instead of food from the grocery store since Susan states that Manny is trying to learn the alphabet and they all have to encourage him. He wins by adding random letters to the word "apple" after Greg says "apple" and Rodrick quits. Susan also created " Mommy Meal ", which she thought were a healthier choice than what fast-food restaurants have. When he and Rodrick find out the prize is some math flashcards, which neither of them like, Greg changes the game by picking up a random game. The game is called "I Must Confess". During the game, Greg learns a lot of information about his family that he never knew before like Rodrick got a bug in his ear he actually remembers that oneFrank had a pet chameleon as a kid and Susan dyed her hair blonde one time when she was a kid. Rodrick actually won for getting a final point for toilet-papering a neighbor's house, but Susan has to give him the phone to apologize to Mrs. Manny falls asleep, which when Susan finds out, they decide to stop for now Greg tells about how he wished they had nap time in kindergarten when he was Manny 's age. The family decides to pick their dinner up at the grocery store, but if they wake Manny up then he would have a fit. So, they have to drive slowly and Rodrick has to get out so that he can buy the things they need. After picking up the dinner, they search through motels. Eventually, they find a motel with air-conditioning and a pool, which is very run-down and dirty. The family was forced to have the final room where there are marks that are probably cigarette burns and a wet towel in their room. There is also a hour cancellation policy so they have to stay there. Since Rodrick bought snacks he actually liked instead Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul buying stuff Susan tells him for dinner, they had to eat Sugar Wafers and breath mints for dinner. Rodrick and Greg decide to go swimming to spend time since there is nothing they can do to have fun in the motel. However, there is no water in the pool. They try the hot tub, but it is filled with a family, and the tub has a minute policy. Bored, they go back to their room, only to find that everybody else is asleep. Rodrick easily goes off to sleep by making a bed with cushions. Greg decides to sleep in the closet, but at first, there is a smell that Greg can't stop, and then is suddenly woken up by a loud noise from outside. There is a bunch of kids from the hot tub who Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul hold of a cleaning cart. He goes out to confront them, but the youngest one starts to cry and runs back into his room. The kid then brings out his father, who made an angry look towards Greg, who runs back into his room and they don't notice which room he went to and to a wrong one. Greg then places a "Do Not Disturb" key for anyone who tried Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul in. He nicknames the family "The Beardos". After getting up, Manny watches TV and talks to the characters, and Greg finds out that the smell that distracted him the night before was Rodrick's shoes, and the "wet cloth" he tried to block the smell with was one of Rodrick's socks. After the rest of the family gets into the car, Susan decides to take the family to The Country Fair. While driving, they see the Beardos' van, who catch a glimpse of Greg, and the Heffleys park the car near the fair. Inside, Greg, Rodrick, and their father eat deep-fried butter on a stick then Greg and Rodrick go for the foulest footwear contest, their entry was Rodrick's shoe which won and was sent for the national contest, leaving him walking around with only one shoe. In the livestock area, Manny wins a contest where the person has to guess the closest to a hog's weight, which he guessed The prize is a live baby pig and they can't return him back. They have to empty a cooler to put the pig inside, as he had tried to escape. He makes friends with Manny and eats their left-over food. Then later they book a room at a hotel, but it has a no-pets rule. They hide the pig and then take him out in the room. The pig goes crazy, opens the minibar, eats everything, and also drinks some of the drinks of both the rooms of Frank, Susan and Manny and that of Rodrick and Greg. They later keep him inside to visit some places. They later give the pig to a petting-zoo which makes Manny upset and he gets tempted to run away. Greg needs to get to a doctor because his finger got bitten by the pig, but they can't find a hospital nearby, so they go to a veterinarian hospital instead, where Greg is registered as a "pet human". A doctor gives him an anti-bacterial ointment and lets him go, while Manny tries to escape again, but they buy a leash so that he doesn't run away. They later arrive at a town where they go to a restaurant, which has the best apple pie Greg had tasted in his life. During that time, Manny runs away for the fourth time but is caught by Frank. After freaking out in a pet cemetery where they were forced by a funeral vanthey pull over at a hotel and book a room on the seventh floor. But, since the sunroof was broken and they were worried that somebody will sneak in and take all of their stuff, they have to bring in everything they had packed. After a debate on where they should go to the next morning, Susan thinks that they should go to the beach. After reaching the bridge with a large traffic jam, Frank and Rodrick switch spots, due to Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul peculiar inability to drive over bridges across any body of water. Greg sees a Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul staring at him, and feeling sorry for it, he throws a cheese curl to the seagull. When he is about to throw another cheese curl, Susan stops him, saying that seagulls are aggressive, and to never give them "people food". But, the seagull comes to the sunroof, wanting more. Greg tries to ward it off with cheese curls but unintentionally drives it into a panic, causing havoc in the van. The seagull eventually escapes with the bag of cheese curls but is intercepted by nine other seagulls. This causes the cheese curls to fall back into the van. This prompts the seagulls to dive-bomb into the car in a chase, and chaos ensues, described by Greg as "a total nightmare". It gets even worse when their van crashes into a car that breaks their radiator. Susan wants to do something "wholesome" like going to a library, but she is outvoted In the water park, they find only one seat available and pile up their stuff there. Rodrick and Greg go to play hide-and-seek, then to make sure that the seeker doesn't go underwater he has a paper in his hand so that if he goes underwater it would get wet, but Rodrick writes "I am not wearing a bathing suit" on the paper, which embarrasses Greg and makes people run away from him. Later he goes on the slide but gets in a fight with a woman and her boyfriend in a line, due to a boy behind him poking the woman in the butt with a Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul noodle, whom he later escapes by hiding in the lazy river. Greg has had enough with the water after that and decides to go home. He finds that the Beardos had taken the chair, and their stuff was piled up somewhere else. Greg thinks he doesn't have the locker key and tells his parents about it. They have to ask a worker about it. Greg kind of remembers the locker number, which isbut when the worker opens the locker, there are no objects in it. Greg then thinks the Beardos were the thieves, but when they got back, the chair was gone and the Beardos' van drove away when Greg Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul to the exit. The family thought that their valuables were stolen by the Beardos Greg encountered at the hotel. The Heffleys call the police, but to no avail. Fortunately, their car keys were at the mechanic's and they go to the mechanic's to retrieve their car, but with their money presumed stolen, they cannot pay for the repairs. As a result, the mechanic uses sealant to temporarily fix the radiator. The drawback is that the car's heater has to run at full blast to prevent engine overheating. While on the highway, a tarp covering Frank's boat loosens and the Heffleys' items begin falling out. They spend two hours trying to retrieve the contents, but many items are still missing. The family finds Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul loose cash in the car and buys nuggets from a fast food place for dinner. Then the family tries to find a place to sleep. Greg's father drives the car into the wilderness mistakenly believing that there was going to be a camping site in that area. The cinnamon rolls Rodrick had purchased previously, which were sitting on top of the car's operating heater vents their car heater had to run at full blast due to the broken radiatorexplodes, sending cinnamon bits onto the back of Rodrick's head. Rodrick panics thinking that the slime was his brains, and gets even more upset Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul Manny licks the stuff off his fingers. After cleanup, the family finds a grocery store and parks in the parking lot for the night. They go to their hotel room and Frank is embarrassed by Mr. Beardo once he was caught using the bathroom. Manny tries to run away again but is quickly stopped. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul () - IMDb

On April 28,Kinney announced the book's name and the color of its cover. The book was released on November 4, in the USA. As Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul Heffley's summer vacation begins, his mother announces that Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul family will be going on a surprise road trip. As they pack their suitcases for the trip, Greg's father brings his old boat, towing it behind the van as so to fit luggage. After a day of driving, including some road trip games Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul a Spanish lesson, the Heffleys stop at a run-down motel. Greg and his brother Rodrick visit the hot tub, which is already in use by another family. Greg's sleep is disturbed by a group of kids riding on a cleaning cart, whom he recognizes from the hot tub. He yells at them and is intimidated by their father, then quickly returns to his room. The next day, the Heffleys visit a county fair. While driving, Greg notices the family from the motel in a purple van and nicknames them "the Beardos" after their father's notable beard. At the fair, Greg's little brother, Manny, wins a live baby pig from a contest. The pig stays in the back of the van with Greg. At a hotel the next night, the pig eats and drinks food from the minibar Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul Greg and Rodrick's room, costing them money. Greg's father has to take a business call during the drive and needs everyone to be silent. After a chain of events caused by the pig biting Greg's finger, Greg's parents donate it to a petting zoo, which upsets Manny. After Greg is taken to a veterinarian for treatment for the pig bite, the family stops at another hotel. In the morning, Greg's mother takes the family to the beach for the day. As Rodrick drives the van on the bridge, Greg feeds a seagull one of his snacks, causing a flock of them to fly into the car. Panicking, Rodrick accidentally presses the gas pedal and ends up hitting the car in front of them. They learn from a mechanic that their minivan will take hours to fix, and go to a nearby water park to spend time. Greg's parents put their wallets and cell phones in a locker. After Greg is pranked by Rodrick and has a misunderstanding at a raft ride, he goes back to their chair, finding that it has been taken by the Beardos. Greg chooses not to confront them and goes back to his family at the snack bar. As they prepare to leave, they realize that they have lost the Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul to their locker. After a failed search, Greg remembers the locker number, '', and asks an employee to unlock it. The Heffleys find that the locker is empty, and Greg assumes that their belongings must have been stolen by whoever found the key. Greg tells his family about the Beardos and tries searching back at their beach chair, but notices that the Beardos are driving away. The Heffleys get their car back from the mechanic, but since Greg's parents have left their wallets in the locker, they are unable to pay him. He advises them to turn the heater on to prevent the radiator from breaking. As they get closer to their house, they notice the Beardos' van outside a motel. Greg sees the family leave their room, forgetting to lock the door. The Heffleys charge in to find their belongings, but get distracted instead and utilize the Beardos' items for themselves. As Greg's father is using the bathroom, the Beardos return. He distracts them long enough to get away from the hotel. However, since the car's heater is not on, it breaks down and one of the tires goes flat. Greg notices a purple van approaching, and the drivers turn out to be two Spanish-speaking men who try to help. Manny speaks perfect Spanish, having learned from a Spanish CD played during a car ride, and convinces them to drive his family to the petting zoo, where he gets the pig back. At home, Greg has to adjust to living with the pig, his parents get new credit cards, and the boat is given to the Spanish men for their help. While unpacking, Greg finds the key from the water park in his shorts, with the number ''. He realizes he had mistakenly claimed the locker number was ',' before. He is not sure what to do and does not want to get in trouble with his parents, writing, "[I]t's hard to see this story having a happy ending. Common Sense Media gave the book four out of five stars. The film had some differences from the book. For instance, in the film, the trip was aimed to go their Meemaw's house for her birthday, and also added the PlayerExpo event. And the minivan in the book looked like a Dodge Grand Caravan but was replaced with a Toyota Sienna instead. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the book. April 28, Archived from the original on September 12, Common Sense Media. Retrieved December 11, Children's literature portal. Greg Heffley. Hidden categories: Use mdy dates from April Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. . Diary of a Wimpy Kid. November 4, U. A November 5, U. Hard Luck. Old School. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul (film) - Wikipedia

It is the fourth installment in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid film series, and is based on the ninth and tenth books in the series, The Long Haul and Old Schooland one element each based on the seventh and eighth books, The Third Wheel and Hard Luck. It is both a sequel and a soft reboot as the cast members from the first three films Zachary GordonRobert Capronand Devon Bostick do not reprise their roles, and are replaced by a new cast. The film received very negative reviews, with many criticizing its new cast. In particular, the hashtag notmyrodrick became trending on social media when the trailer was released. It is also the last film in the series to be produced by 20th Century Fox until the studio was acquired by Disney in and the last one before the series was rebooted under their name. Greg is then instructed by Susan to rescue his younger brother Manny Wyatt and Dylan Walterswho became stuck inside a tube in the play area. He ends up in a ball pit with a diaper stuck on his hand. He subsequently becomes infamous after the people around him record him and post the footage on the internet, leading Greg to be dubbed as an embarrassing meme known as "Diaper Hands". Later, at home, Greg learns that Player Expo is taking place not very far from Meemaw's house in Indianapolis. Greg's gaming star, Mac Digby Joshua Hooverwill be attending, and Greg hopes to meet him and get in one of his videos so he will gain popularity and put the Diaper Hands meme behind him. He acknowledges that he will have to somehow sneak off from the road trip and attend the Expo without his parents' knowledge, however. The Heffley family hits the road, where Greg, Rodrick Charlie Wright and Frank's Tom Everett Scottdevices are immediately confiscated by Susan, who wants the road trip to be "absolutely technology-free. After arriving at a motel, Greg secretly gets into the car and takes his phone out of the bag and uses it. Later, when Greg and Rodrick are relaxing in a hot tub, Rodrick hears a notification from Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul phone and discovers his plans to go to Player Expo. Greg discourages Rodrick from telling Susan, saying that they have a rock band video game tournament there that Rodrick could participate in. Liking the idea, Rodrick opts to go with Greg to the Expo. Later that night, Greg is woken in his sleep twice by a loud noise. Upon seeing what it is, he encounters a couple of siblings playing with a cart by repeatedly wheeling it into a wall, belonging to a family whom he later Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul as "the Beardos" due to the father's large beard. Greg scolds the siblings for waking him up and eventually threatens to have them and their family kicked out. The father whom Greg later dubs as "Mr. Beardo" Christopher. A Coppola then becomes bent on getting revenge on him after his daughter damages his van and puts the blame on him. The next day, the Heffleys attend a country fair where Manny wins a pig. Beardo, who is also out with his family, notices Greg and begins chasing after him, but manages to lose him on a spinning ride. Back on the road, the Heffleys, unable to take care of the pig, drop it off at a petting Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul, much to Manny's dismay, but not before Greg reroutes the GPS to the Player Expo convention. Checking at the hotel room, Greg and Rodrick tell their parents they're buying a gift for Meemaw, but they actually sneak out the Player Expo. Upon realizing that they are missing, Susan calls the police to find them, but decides to go get them herself after seeing them being on TV. Greg sees Mac Digby participating in a video game competition and tells Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul to record him on the stage, but the attempt fails when he accidentally knocks out the power to Digby's screen and Susan arrives, revealing to everyone that he is Diaper Hands. Susan opens up to Greg and says that all she wanted was a nice road trip that would bring the family closer together, and she accuses Greg of not caring. Greg angrily tells Susan that she doesn't care about his interests either, which is why he had to sneak out to the Expo in the first place. Having given up, Susan allows Greg to play on her phone. Back on the road, the tarp on their boat falls over and all their belongings begin to fall out. The Beardos then show up and begin stealing their stuff as "payback" including a Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul containing a family memory book for Meemaw's birthday. The Heffleys chase after them, but get stuck in a long line of traffic. While taking a back road, the Heffleys eventually find the Beardos' van at another motel where they get their belongings back. After reaching their destination, the Heffleys happily Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul Meemaw's birthday with their other relatives. Returning home, Manny manages to get the pig back. At the end, Greg explains that although the road trip wasn't perfect, he still wouldn't change a thing. He says that Manny was allowed to keep his pig as a pet, Rodrick was able to get a new van, and Dad was able to explain having time off from work to bond with family. Greg expresses excitement for where they'll be going next year, but Susan steps in to say they will be flying. In a mid-credits scenetwo girls take selfies with Greg, who they recognize as Diaper Hands. The series' author, Jeff Kinneymakes his third cameo role, this time as a booth owner in the convention. Inthe series' third entry, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days was described as the last live action film in the franchise. Kinney replied to inquiries regarding the possibility of another sequel, stating, "At present, we don't have a fourth film in development, but you never know! The main problem is [the cast] is getting older. You can't stop it. There's no way to temporarily stop us from changing and growing up. You know, that's the problem because the characters are supposed to be timeless. In MarchGordon stated in a Spreecast live stream that there would not be a fourth live action film. Previously, Kinney had indicated that instead of making a live action film, he would like to see Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever adapted into an animated filmstating in an interview, "I hope that it gets made into an animated movie. Init was announced that a live-action film adaptation of the ninth book The Long Haul was in development, and would be featuring a completely new cast playing the Heffleys. However, he didn't read the script and had no idea of the role he was auditioning for outside of the fact that it was a YouTube role. Coincidently, Cruikshank previously auditioned for the role of Greg Heffley back in the first film. The film was released on May 17,in the Philippines, two days later on May 19 in the United States, and one day later on May 20 in the United Kingdom. On February 23,a theatrical poster and teaser trailer were released, and the following month, the official trailer was released. Both trailers received negative feedback from fans for its recasting of the main characters, more specifically the recasting of the character Rodrick Heffley. Many took to social media to further express their outrage and began using the hashtag " NotMyRodrick", which eventually became a widespread meme. The site's critical consensus reads, "With an all-new cast but the same juvenile humor, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul finds the franchise still stuck in arrested — and largely unfunny — development. Dennis Harvey of Variety called the film "An amiable, fast-paced entry that should win over fans. Jesse Hassenger of The A. Club called the film "repetitive and uninspired". Louis Post-Dispatch gave The Long Haul two stars out of four and commented on its increase of gross-out humor compared to the book version and previous films. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Nina Jacobson Brad Simpson. Jeff Kinney David Bowers. Release date. Running time. The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved July 23, The Numbers. Retrieved Box Office Mojo. Retrieved June 18, Los Angeles Times. May 16, Retrieved 30 December The Washington Post. Retrieved 5 April Retrieved December 21, Deadline Hollywood. May 23, Retrieved 23 September . Retrieved October 1, Retrieved October 11, Archived from the original on The A. Louis Post-Dispatch. DVDs Release Dates. Greg Heffley. Films directed by David Bowers. Categories : films English-language films s children's comedy films American films American sequel films American children's comedy films American comedy road movies Films shot in Toronto Diary of a Wimpy Kid film Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul Films with live action and animation 20th Century Fox films Films directed by David Bowers Films scored by Edward Shearmur comedy films s comedy road movies. Hidden categories: Template film date with 1 release date. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Theatrical release poster.