12 April 2012

week 15

Cooking up a dream How Christian Rach gives jobseekers a new chance

Luxembourg France Gerhard Zeiler Groupe M6 secures rights for the on Mobile TV European football championship

Germany United Kingdom Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland FremantleMedia Enterprises reports 118.1 million video views sells 135 hours of programming week 15 the RTL Group intranet

Cover: Christian Rach (right) with Anna and Micha in the kitchen

2 week 15 the RTL Group intranet

‘Real prospects’ After opening the ‘Slowman’ in Hamburg, Christian Rach is now establishing a new restaurant school where he gives people who haven’t much of a hope in the job market a chance at a better future. Germany - 12 April 2012

Christian Rach (centre) in action with Michi, Helge St. Johannis, Thomas and Stina (from left to right)

In early March, a new restaurant called ‘Roter At school Michi, now 24, was pegged as gifted Jäger’ (Red Hunter) opened its doors in Berlin. thanks to an above-average IQ. But for his It owes its name both to the red hues of its parents he was an attention seeking, cheeky furnishings and to its location, on Jägerstraße. good-for-nothing – today, he has a track record The Roter Jäger isn’t just any old restaurant: that won’t take him very far. here, gourmet chef Christian Rach gives 11 jobseekers aged between 18 and 48 a Kati (18) sets great store by her appearance. chance at steady employment – in the second At 16, she became a juvenile delinquent and season of the popular documentary Rachs moved into supervised housing. Although she Restaurantschule. has come a long way in her self-perception, so far her efforts to fi nd a job have been in vain. Each candidate has their own background fraught with reasons why they can’t seem to Micha (26) is a long-suffering no-hoper, shy and fi nd employment through regular channels: inhibited. He was massively bullied at school, 25-year-old Artem, for instance, used to be a and his general school certifi cate and vocational tough guy who regularly solved confl icts with training as a fl orist haven’t proven conducive to violence. Today, he has a different outlook on fi nding a job. life and is doing everything he can to make his dream of becoming a chef come true. Thomas (48) has a very colourful curriculum vitae: he has worked hard for all of the past 30 Drug abuse caused 19-year-old Jessica to grow years – whether as a petrol station attendant, taxi up before her time and has left a lasting blight driver, façade cleaner, dishwasher, short-order on her life. Her dream is to live far away from cook or newsstand owner. But for two years now, Augsburg, far from her old environment, the he hasn’t been able to get a job; apparently he’s drugs and her criminal record – the “Roter Jäger” too old. is her big chance.

3 week 15 the RTL Group intranet

Micha, Jessica, Eylem, Artem, Klaus, Robert, Stina, Michi, Thomas and Anne (from left to right)

Robert (19) is an entertaining chap, a ‘hail fellow father’s archaic views, which always put the well met’ of his neighbourhood. After hearing family’s reputation fi rst with little or no regard for Christian Rach’s call for candidates, he felt Eylem’s wellbeing. practically predestined to apply for a slot at the restaurant school. He sees himself as a real people person and is happy if he can help guests enjoy a wonderful evening by providing excellent service.

Christian Rach with Michi

27-year-old Anne is a bubbly, good-natured soul and knows exactly what she wants – to train as a chef in an upmarket restaurant. Eylem, Christian Rach and Jessica (from left to right) Right after school, she worked several jobs in the restaurant business and even had her At fi rst glance, petite Stina (20) looks like a shy own nostalgia-themed café until her own chef country lass. She only just squeaked through threatened her and stole from her, causing her the exams for a general school certifi cate, and to suffer a nervous breakdown right in the midst was turned down everywhere she applied for an of her exams. apprenticeship as a chef. Apart from its eleven apprentices, the restaurant Klaus (33) is an intelligent, straightforward has a permanent kitchen staff of fi ve, ready to man whose downward slide began with an provide help and advice as needed. “The show unstable parental home. Broken, and plagued opens up real job prospects for the restaurant by anxieties, he spent the two worst years of his school trainees, with the chance of being hired life in a psychiatric clinic. for the new restaurant,” says Christian Rach. The ones who convince the gourmet chef of their Behind her wisecracking, self-confi dent façade, ability at the end of the ‘apprenticeship’ will be Eylem (31) is a sad young woman riddled with offered a proper apprenticeship or employment self-doubt. She spent years suffering under her contract at the new restaurant.

4 week 15 the RTL Group intranet

Christian Rach He was born in 1957 in St. Ingbert (Saarland, Germany) as the second of his parents’ four children. After earning his Abitur (university entrance certifi cate), he studied Philosophy and Mathematics in Hamburg from 1978 to 1983, but earned his daily bread as a cook and waiter while at university. He quickly realised that cooking was his vocation and would be formative in his life. In 1983, he discovered Nouvelle Cuisine during a stint in Grenoble, and in 1984 delved into creative classical cuisine as a sous-chef at the Korso in Vienna.

Having by now chosen Hamburg as his home, and with plenty of practical experience but without a conventional chef’s training, in 1986 Rach joined the Burmeister Evers husband-and-wife team in opening the Leopold in Hamburg. The Christian Rach restaurant was a nationwide success from the start. In 1989, Rach opened his own restaurant, the Tafelhaus and in 1991 was awarded a Michelin star. He is regarded as one of Germany’s best chefs.

In 2004, the Tafelhaus moved to a choice riverside location in Hamburg, on the banks of the Elbe. Until it closed in September 2011, Rach was the owner and head chef of the Tafelhaus. Since July 2009, he has also operated Rach & Ritchy – Das Grillhaus with Ritchy Mayer as chef and Maike Urban as hostess. The BBQ restaurant is located in Bahrenfeld, where it all began for Rach more than 20 years ago.

In April 2005, Rach appeared on the RTL Television show Teufels Küche, in which ten celebrities ran a gourmet restaurant in Berlin under his leadership. Since December 2006, he has very successfully advised restaurant owners on the brink of shutdown in Rach, der Restauranttester on RTL Television. In 2010, this was followed by the new show Rachs Restaurantschule on RTL Television.

However, the restaurant school is no bed of Incidentally, ‘Slowman’ – the restaurant roses. The candidates have to work hard to earn that was opened in Hamburg their place in the new restaurant, and to prove for the fi rst season of Rachs that they are truly serious about changing their Restaurantschule – has lives. The viewers are right there with them from successfully continued the Day One. original concept. Its permanent Watch Rachs kitchen team is rounded out Restaurantschule The fi rst season of the reality show ran on only by apprentices and other starting 16 April RTL Television from August to October 2010, people who had little hope of at 20:15 on and attracted an average 5.13 million viewers, fi nding a job. RTL Television for a 19.5 per cent share of the 14- to 49-year- old market. It won the German Television Award as well as the Ernst Schneider Prize given out by German Industry. Eyeworks Entertainment GmbH, which produced the fi rst season, is also producing the second season.

5 week 15 the RTL Group intranet

Gerhard Zeiler: “Mobile TV will be big” At the Bertelsmann Management Representative Committee (BMRC) meeting in , Gerhard Zeiler spoke about RTL Group’s strategy going forward. Gerhard Zeiler Luxembourg - 12 April 2012

Traditionally, the host of BMRC meetings One important issue in the years ahead will be outlines the position and prospects of his/her “non-linear TV,” like the viewing of individual respective business, in this case Gerhard Zeiler, formats or series on Internet platforms such CEO of RTL Group. Zeiler was able to quickly as RTL Now and M6 Replay. “No matter when run through RTL Group’s current situation – or where viewers want to watch something it has just announced record fi gures once more. in the future, we need to be there with our What was of much more interest to him and the broadcasters and brands.” RTL Group audience was the means by which Europe’s channels have had a successful online largest television and radio group is meeting the presence with a variety of offers for years. challenges of digital transformation. In addition Zeiler believes it will be the channels’ to other proven strategies such as the continued continued task to be among the top ten sites in positioning and optimisation of RTL Group’s each market in the future. families of channels, Zeiler is relying on the development of new and intelligent advertising One fast-growing area is the broad fi eld of models, ongoing cost control, and new platforms mobile offerings. RTL Group’s channels have and business models whose development is already released more than 125 different mobile now in full swing. apps that have together been downloaded more than 38 million times. Zeiler says that while this The RTL Group CEO expressed his belief business is still in its early stages, he is that there would be new revenue streams convinced: “Mobile TV will be big.” for broadcasters in the future. He said RTL Group’s aim is to get a fair share of Finally, he said the diversifi cation of the business revenues for their brands and programmes continues to be of great importance in decoupling from the major distribution platforms: the broadcasters’ income from the advertising for additional offers such as HDTV industry to a certain extent. Here, RTL Group’s programmes, on-demand platforms and digital channels can leverage an extremely valuable pay-channels, as well as for the broadcasting and effective currency: airtime. Instead of signals of the big free-to-air TV channels, since offering unsold advertising time at a lower price, these form the basis of the platform operators’ which has an immediate negative impact on business. “New distribution platforms keep the entire pricing structure, broadcasters can crowding onto the market – cable, satellite and use this airtime to promote their diversifi cation IPTV – and this strengthens our position as a projects. For example, ads for the M6 Mobile content provider,” said Zeiler. mobile communications tariff in France, or for a music collaboration in Germany. “The television business has become much more challenging, but considering our many options I’m very optimistic about the future,” concluded Zeiler.

6 week 15 the RTL Group intranet

118.1 million video views in March The attractive formats broadcast by Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland’s channels generated a lot of online traffi c, and scored a record-breaking 118.1 million video views of professionally produced content in March. Germany - 11 April 2012

The Now family with Vox Now, RTL Now, RTL II Now and Super RTL Now (from left to right)

The Websites include the channel homepages Mobile viewing options – for example via the RTL.de, Vox.de, Toggo.de (Super RTL) and RTL and N-TV apps, N-TV and RTL Television’s the N-TV.de news portal, the ‘Now’ family of mobile sites, and the Clipfi sh apps for smart- video-on-demand sites (RTL Now, Vox Now, phones and tablets – are also increasingly RTL II Now and Super RTL Now), the video popular: in March, nearly one in nine video views clip portal Clipfi sh and other, target group- of Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland content – specifi c sites. A large proportion of the views is 13.9 million views to be precise – occurred from generated by the Now sites, which offer mobile devices. time-shifted online viewing of entire programmes. IP Deutschland, a Mediengruppe RTL The large volumes of traffi c were once Deutschland company, handles the marketing again driven video content tying in to of the video content. Adding in the content Alles was zählt (All That Matters) and of other sites not related to the channels, Deutschland sucht den Superstar (Idols) on IP Deutschland markets an average 130 million RTL Television, Berlin – Tag & Nacht on professionally produced online and mobile RTL II and Das perfekte Model (The Perfect video content items per month. Model) on Vox. Video content on N-TV.de also contributed to the positive performance, as did special-interest sites like Frauenzimmer.de, VIP.de, Sport.de, GZSZ.de and Wetter.de.

7 week 15 the RTL Group intranet

Raising awareness campaign against binge drinking After a contest launched by the French government, four video spots on the prevention of rapid and excessive alcohol consumption among youth will be aired for several weeks on Groupe M6 channels.

Karima Charni presenting the Fête de la Jeunesse France - 6 April 2012 at the Zénith in Paris

To coincide with the ‘Fête de la Jeunesse’ on 20 March 2012, which brought together the biggest names on the urban scene for a free concert at the Zénith in Paris, France’s Secretary for Youth and Community Life, Jeannette Bougrab, invited students from the EICAR cinema school to participate in the contest. Their productions were awarded prizes by a jury of professionals that included Thomas Valentin, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board in charge of networks and content at Groupe M6. French Director Coline Serreau was Screenshot from the video by Tom Vella: ‘L’alcool tue’ the jury’s president.

Tom Vella’s L’alcool tue (Alcohol kills) won The four winning spots are on the air between the Jury Grand Prize, Branché (Trendy) by 8 and 21 April, and also before and after the Anne Pasquet won the Jury Special Prize, Binge broadcasts of the Fête de la Jeunesse concert drinking au lycée (Binge drinking at high school) on the Group’s channels. The concert will be by Rose Curings won the Jeannette Bougrab aired on 14 April at 00:50 on M6. Prize and Le Retour à l’état zéro (Return to zero status) by Lou Tavaglione was awarded the Axa Prévention Prize. The four spots are shown several times during the day and in the evening between 8 and 21 April on the Group’s various channels.

“Groupe M6 can only support these young directors who put their talent and creativity to work on a societal topic, and with production quality and effectiveness that is totally professional,” commented Thomas Valentin after the awards ceremony. It is not the fi rst time that Groupe M6 helps support the prevention of this sad phenomenon in society. One of the episodes of Victoire Bonnot, with Valérie Damidot in the principal role, previously dealt with the topic of binge drinking. 8 week 15 the RTL Group intranet

Euro 2012 and 2016 on M6 M6 reached a deal with the Uefa to obtain the television broadcast rights for Euro 2012 and 2016 football matches. France - 11 April 2012

On 8 June, M6 will launch the Euro 2012 For the Euro 2016 in France, M6 will provide festivities by broadcasting the opening game. live broadcasts of the 11 best matches in the All in all, the channel will show ten matches – competition. two out of three games in the groups phase of the French National Team, two quarterfi nals and With this new agreement, Groupe M6 confi rms one semi-fi nal. M6 will share the competition’s its involvement in football and reminds viewers top line-ups with TF1 while BeIN Sport 1 and 2 it will also be the only free-to-air broadcaster of (the two new sports channels in the Al Jazeera the European Cups for the years 2012 to 2015, group) will also air the entire championship in following the renewal of its agreement with the pay TV. This competition that brings together Uefa Europa League. Europe’s 16 best teams will run until 1 July in Poland and the Ukraine.

Turner acquires 135 hours of programming FremantleMedia Enterprises (FME) has secured a deal with Turner Broadcasting to support the launch of the broadcaster’s new TNT cable channel in Benelux with 135 hours of high-end drama, comedy and entertainment programming. United Kingdom - 11 April 2012

Phoneshop and Trollied, as well as international series Satisfaction, Killing Time, Web Therapy, and Cops LAC.

Richard Tulk-Hart, VP Sales, Distribution (Benelux, Malta, Sub Saharan Africa & Cyprus) & Home Entertainment (EMEA), who brokered the deal for FME, says: “We’re extremely pleased to be providing a great mix of top content from FME’s slate of rich and diverse programming – from acclaimed dramas such as Paul The IT Crowd Abbott’s Exile to international comedy series Web TNT Benelux, which was launched on 10 April, Therapy, produced by and starring Lisa Kudrow has picked up UK dramas Exile, The Crimson – to help support TNT’s launch in Benelux. We Petal & The White, Laconia and Holy Flying look forward to working closely with the channel Circus, the comedy series The IT Crowd, and developing our relationship moving forward.”

9 week 15 the RTL Group intranet

Christopher Baldelli’s programming Beginning of April, Georges Lang’s guest on Les Nocturnes was none other than Christopher Baldelli. Georges Lang and Christopher Baldelli (right) France - 6 April 2012

“Music is part of my life,” admits Christopher Baldelli, Chairman of the Board of RTL Group’s French radio stations, speaking in the intimacy of the Nocturnes studio. “I listen to a lot of music in the car – whether it’s radio, music radio stations, especially RTL 2, which is one of the group’s stations and which has always been my favourite music station.”

Although he can often be seen backstage in the Grand Studio with an artist he particularly likes, the CEO nevertheless hesitated a long time before accepting an invitation on the show. “I have an ethical principle when I’m running a media outlet – now it’s RTL, and I’ve been in charge of other media in the past – I never ‘pollute the airwaves’, that is to say, I never interfere on the air. But I must say that Georges has been asking me constantly for three years now, and so I fi nally agreed.”

Live, from midnight to 3:00 in the morning, Christopher Baldelli and Georges Lang reviewed no fewer than 30 music titles and shared their opinions. The favourite Listen to the show on groups of the boss of France’s number one radio station include: Talking Heads, RTL.fr The Stranglers, The Rolling Stones and Coldplay as well as U2, Katie Melua and The Pretenders.

An authority on rock n’ roll and pop music, George Lang has been keeping night owls company for almost 39 years now, sharing his musical tastes with RTL Radio listeners. Some of the invitations to ‘listeners unlike the others’ for future Wednesday sessions have already been sent out to Melody Gardot, Selah Sue and Norah Jones.

10 Dedicated to dance

On 12 April, ‘La meilleure danse’ returns to M6 and RTL-TVI for a second season in prime time. Tested in 2011 on W9 and produced by Studio 89 (an M6 subsidiary), the show attracted around 1 million viewers per episode. Season two of ‘La meilleure danse’ makes its debut on 12 April at 20:50 on M6 and on 16 April at 21:10 on RTL-TVI. week 15 the RTL Group intranet

Best March since 1998 RTL Nederland’s channels together scored an audience share of 35.2 per cent among viewers aged 20 to 49 in March 2012, up 5 per cent year on year and 8 per cent on the month of February 2012. The - 6 April 2012

Reporting excellent Easter ratings Avatar, the biggest box-offi ce hit of all time by far, was an audience magnet on RTL Television as well: up to 7.74 million viewers tuned in for the triple Oscar winner on 8 April. Germany - 10 April 2012

Easter weekend shines on M6 From 6 to 9 April, M6 scored good ratings with its prime-time programming. The series NCIS, the animated fi lm Up and the Season 3 fi nale of Top Chef were some of the weekend’s most-watched programmes. France - 11 April 2012

A guided tour of the slums of Mumbai For the fi rst time as a free-to-air broadcast on French television, on 5 April 2012 M6 presented Danny Boyle’s multiple award-winning fi lm Slumdog Millionaire. The fi lm was a hit with viewers: More than 3.6 million viewers tuned in. France - 6 April 2012

M6 Publicité Digital gets a new look The website of Groupe M6’s digital advertising services has been revamped and offers simplifi ed navigation. France - 10 April 2012

The Grey now in German theatres On 12 April 2012, The Grey, a gripping adventure starring Liam Neeson, opens in German movie theatres, distributed by Universum Film. In the US, The Grey surged to number one in the charts and its box-offi ce takings total $20 million on its opening weekend. Germany - 12 April 2012 12 week 15 the RTL Group intranet

People Emilie Dupuis Emilie Dupuis Belgium - 10 April 2012

Since 9 April, Emilie Dupuis (27) has been one Emilie joined RTL-TVI in 2011 after a degree in of the new voices on Bel RTL in addition to her communications at Brussels’ Institut des Hautes current work as a presenter on RTL-TVI. Etudes des Communications Sociales (IHECS).

As well as her television appearances, “Emilie Dekegel (editor’s note: presenter of where she alternates presenting programmes La Bel Equipe and Palais Royal) asked me to with Fanny Jandrain and Sophie Pendeville, help organise Miss Belgium 2012 on Bel RTL Dupuis will now introduce Philippe Bouvard’s and work backstage, as I was a contestant iconic Bel RTL show, Les Grosses Têtes. during the 2006 pageant,” says Dupuis. “I really Starting this summer, she will also present enjoyed being involved, so when they then Challenger, a holiday music game show where offered me a chance to continue working for listeners vote for the songs of two artists. them on the radio, I accepted immediately.”

People Grégory Le Fouler Germany - 12 April 2012

On 2 April 2012, Grégory Le Fouler was named Grégory Le Fouler, 41 and a graduate of the assistant to Jérôme Lefébure, Director of HEC Business School in Paris, previously Finance and Administration at Groupe M6. With served as Accounting and Reporting Manager at this appointment, Grégory Le Fouler takes over Groupe Gemalto, which he joined in 2007. Prior from Jean-Marc Duplaix, who has left to join the to this, he worked in auditing at Arthur Andersen ranks of Groupe PPR. (Ernst & Young) for 13 years, with a number of assignments in the audiovisual and football sectors.

13 http://backstage.rtlgroup.fr http://backstage.rtlgroup.com http://backstage.rtlgroup.de

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