Tidy Towns Competition 2016

Adjudication Report

Centre: Ballinode Ref: 585

County: Mark: 295

Category: B Date(s): 17/06/2016

Maximum Mark Mark Mark Awarded 2015 Awarded 2016

Community Involvement & Planning 60 37 37 Built Environment and Streetscape 50 38 39 Landscaping and Open Spaces 50 40 40 Wildlife, Habitats and Natural Amenities 50 34 34 Sustainable Waste and Resource Management 50 17 17 Tidiness and Litter Control 90 55 56 Residential Streets & Housing Areas 50 37 38 Approach Roads, Streets & Lanes 50 34 34 TOTAL MARK 450 292 295

Community Involvement & Planning / Rannpháirtíocht an Phobail & Pleanáil: Thank you for the completed application form accompanied by excellent hand drawn map which was easy to follow and was a big help to the adjudicator who was not very familiar with the village of Ballinode. The village is welcome to the 2016 Supervalu Tidy Towns Competition. Your entry form was concise and to the point and very easy to follow without over embellishment. It is important to keep the good relationship that you have with Monaghan County Council as it will benefit the village in the years ahead and also involvement with the Monaghan Tidy Towns Network which has brought the competition to the forefront in the county over the last number of years. The core group of 6 committee members is sufficient to manage the overseeing of projects that you may be involved in with Ballinode Community Projects Limited. Good to note that you have a member of the younger population in your committee, this is important as it well may stimulate an in interest amongst the younger population in general and that may result eventually in the formation of a junior committee. Well done on your methods of communication mixing the tried and trusted with the new forms of social media such as Facebook and What’s App. The new junior member should be well informed on the positive benefits of social media and therefore should be able to draw up communication messages for the local population. Your contribution to the development of various projects in the community over the years is impressive. The addition of the three year plan notes that some of the projects for 2016 are very much dependent on funding. Is the table quiz sufficient for this purpose or should you consider add on events that would bring more cash into the kitty. The competition has helped the community in general and the village has performed very well being in the top tier of results in the county over the last number of years.

Built Environment and Streetscape / An Timpeallacht Thógtha agus Sráid-dreacha: The adjudicator enjoyed taking time out traversing this very attractive village which has many interesting and different features that one doesn’t find in other places The Riverside Park complete with adjoining boundary stone walls, stone bridge and freshly painted riverside barrier provide Ballinode with a valuable scenic asset and village centre point. This is an idyllic place to relax and the seating and public notice board are of the highest standard. On adjudication day the wonderfully preserved thatched cottage at the Junction was a sight to behold. St Dympna’s Cof I looked very appealing with mature trees and tidy boundary wall The water pump was in excellent shape, framed nicely with bright flower baskets. It is a pity to see the main shop Centra in the core area of the village closed and it is hoped that it will be purchased soon and be a hub of activity. Kerry Lees which is very much associated with the village is also closed and looking a little the worse for wear. Maguire’s deserve mention for the tidy condition of both the entrances and truck yard. Despite the size and industrial nature of the building it looks very much part of the village Well done to those people entrusted with the upkeep of the Community Centre and in deed this fact is acknowledged in your submission. The standard of road surfaces and footpaths was good and there were no unsightly overheads to spoil the skyline. Ballinode has some very fine low stone walls and these coupled with the public seating give the place a very inviting image. Some very fine private residences were viewed in the village as well. Hopefully the unoccupied properties will be re occupied in due course. For the additional basic work such as painting the unoccupied buildings you are deserving of an increase of one mark. Ballinode looked very well on a week end day but the adjudicator was surprised at the volume of traffic at a particular time of the evening. soon and be a hub of activity. Kerry Lees which is very much associated with the village is also closed and looking a little the worse for wear. Maguire’s deserve mention for the tidy condition of both the entrances and truck yard. Despite the size and industrial nature of the building it looks very much part of the village Well done to those people entrusted with the upkeep of the Community Centre and in deed this fact is acknowledged in your submission. The standard of road surfaces and footpaths was good and there were no unsightly overheads to spoil the skyline. Ballinode has some very fine low stone walls and these coupled with the public seating give the place a very inviting image. Some very fine private residences were viewed in the village as well. Hopefully the unoccupied properties will be re occupied in due course. For the additional basic work such as painting the unoccupied buildings you are deserving of an increase of one mark. Ballinode looked very well on a week end day but the adjudicator was surprised at the volume of traffic at a particular time of the evening.

Landscaping and Open Spaces / Tírdhreachú agus Spásanna Oscailte: Ballinode has performed well in this category over the last number of years and this year is no exception The grass section and flower beds in the Riverside Park were very well looked after The wildlife sign, as well as been informative, is very well designed and not cluttered with too much text. The adjudicator noted that you the committee are responsible for the upkeep of the green areas and the grass cutting of the same The following appealed to the adjudicator for simplicity, colour and effectiveness of the presentation: the stone wall bed in the core of the village which was planted with flowering perennials such as campanula, heathers and greenery that give vibrancy to that area. The tubs outside the boundary wall of St Dympna's Church of were admired for the simplicity of presentation. Last year the report alluded to the planting at the Riverside Park and this year the adjudicator was very impressed with arrangement and layout of the stone beds. Some nice private gardens were observed in the village and in the housing estates and in an overall context the standard was very good.

Wildlife, Habitats and Natural Amenities / Fiadhúlra, Gnáthóga agus Taitneamhachtaí Nádúrtha: Ballinode has made full use of its river side location with the excellent Riverside Park which not only is a local amenity but also a source of wildlife. Your efforts to keep the Blackwater River free of rubbish have paid off as it was very clean on the day of adjudication. Well done on organising mini workshops for kids on various wildlife topics during the eco camp programme in June and July. Is this in conjunction with the local National School and does it contribute to its Green Flag programme? The committee could approach the school to examine the possibility of putting together the structure for a dedicated wildlife project that would be of benefit to the Village The well designed notice boards give a documented pocket history of the species of wildlife associated with the Village and its surrounds. Additional wildlife options in the surrounding locale such, as a designated nature walk, should be considered. The adjudicator wonders if the Bat boxes located at the Church Graveyard are being monitored as part of bat identification survey. Overall the standard was good and on par with last year.

Sustainable Waste and Resource Management / Bainistiú Acmhainní agus Dramhaíola Inbhuanaithe: The message that needs to be put to the forefront in this category is to reduce the production of unwanted waste and to take steps accordingly that will help achieve this and that will help reduce even further the volumes of waste going to landfill. The reuse of recyclable waste is to be recommended but it needs to be done in a sustainable way. Encouraging companies such as Maguire’s Transport and McAree and PDM Engineering to re cycle material such as unwanted or used tyres and steel off cuts is a practical example what you can do as a committee. The Junk Couture Fashion idea in conjunction with Foroige is an excellent initiative and was very successful in a few counties over the last few years. It combined the buzz factor with the practicality of learning how to recycle old materials an art that was very much part of another generation. Dress made from re cycled glossy magazines! Many more ideas are available on localprevention.ie and indeed other ideas were roiled out the recent seminar organised by Monaghan Tidy Towns Network. Pop up Shops and Facebook campaigns are other good ways to recycle unwanted items or materials As mentioned in last year’s report it is important to convey the message to the local community of the need to get people involved in activities such as” grow your own “that will help reduce the production of unnecessary packing for instance.

Tidiness and Litter Control / Slachtmhaireacht agus Rialú Bruscair: The content of what you are doing in this particular category was very much in line with proscribed guidelines. To emphasise them more consider doing a bullet point list for next year’s entry, indeed this format could apply for all the categories. It makes for easier understanding by the adjudicator. The village’s continued participation in the National Spring Clean is to be commended and now an Autumn Clean-up has been organised in conjunction with Monaghan County Council. The fruits of your labour can be seen all round the village and its outskirts as there was precious little litter seen on the day bar a few wrappers near the unoccupied shop and near the sports facility. The village, which is deceptively spread out, is quite tidy and benefits very much from the fact that there are no overhead wires spoiling the sky scape Overall a good standard was achieved in this category and some areas of concern noted in last year’s report have been addressed and basic improvements made. The content of what you are doing in this particular category was very much in line with proscribed guidelines. To emphasise them more consider doing a bullet point list for next year’s entry, indeed this format could apply for all the categories. It makes for easier understanding by the adjudicator. The village’s continued participation in the National Spring Clean is to be commended and now an Autumn Clean-up has been organised in conjunction with Monaghan County Council. The fruits of your labour can be seen all round the village and its outskirts as there was precious little litter seen on the day bar a few wrappers near the unoccupied shop and near the sports facility. The village, which is deceptively spread out, is quite tidy and benefits very much from the fact that there are no overhead wires spoiling the sky scape Overall a good standard was achieved in this category and some areas of concern noted in last year’s report have been addressed and basic improvements made.

Residential Streets & Housing Areas / Sráideanna Cónaithe & Ceantair Tithíochta: The standard of presentation of properties in housing developments in the village was for the most part and the interaction between residents’ representatives and the committee is very good. It’s a case of mutual cooperation for the good of the village, there are a few dissenters but these are everywhere and need to be coaxed gently into the Tidy Towns fold. The beautifully restored thatched cottage on the Scotstown road adds a traditional and homely feel to Ballinode at that entrance. Capo estate is a fresh and well maintained area with some excellent stone flower beds and nice relative new boundary fencing. This is a testament to the hard work of the residents association. Both the Gleneden and Riverside estates were also very tidy state and homesteads were in good condition. It is very pleasing to note that nearly all residents have bought into the idea that Tidy Towns benefits the community as a whole.

Approach Roads, Streets & Lanes / Bóithre Isteach, Sráideanna & Lánaí: I would agree with the comment in last year’s report in relation the confusion that can arise for a visitor not to mind an adjudicator as to where the village boundaries actually begin. It was recommended that you as a committee take the matter up with Monaghan County Council to at least flag the issue. For instance at the “thatched cottage” junction there are three roads out of the village that are not easily identifiable. Also trying to decipher how to get on to the Monaghan road from the central part of the village can be a lit difficult and needed help of a local to find out. That said the standard of presentation of all entrances was more than acceptable with verges cut back in accordance with recommended practice and road surfaces and footpaths in good condition ,

Concluding Remarks: It has been quite some time since this adjudicator has been in Ballinode and since then the changes have been very positive. Pity to see the one of the main commercial properties closed but it is hoped that it will be back as a hub of commercial activity soon. You are wished well in the future and thank you for the positive endorsement and what the competition means to your community.