Sigmund Karterud: Publikasjoner 1975-2015

Karterud, S. (1975) Etterord. I Johnsen, L: Integrert Respirasjonsteori. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Karterud, S. (1977) Måling av muskelstyrke i almenpraksis. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen, 8: 416- 417.

Karterud, S. & Kogstad, O. (1978) Vond rygg. Enkelte diagnostiske, terapeutiske og prognostiske aspekter. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen, 25: 1215-1217.

Kogstad, O., Karterud, S. & Gudmundsen, J. (1978) Cervicobrachialgi. Et kontrollert forsøk med konvensjonell behandling og manipulasjon. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen, 16: 845-848.

Karterud, S. (1980) Følelsesmessige reaksjoner ved fysikalsk behandling. En pilotstudie. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen, 100, 220-223.

Karterud, S. The primary task of open heterogenous groups in a therapeutic community. J Oslo City Hosp, 1981, 31: 71-74

Friis, S., Karterud, S., Kleppe, H., Lorentzen, S., Lystrup, S., Vaglum, P. Reconsidering some limiting factors of therapeutic communities. I Pines, M., Rafaelsen, L. (red.) The Individual and the Group. London: Plenum Publishing Corporation, 1982.

Jørstad, J. & Karterud, S. Group in . I H.I. Kaplan & B.J. Sadock (red.) Comprehensive Group Psychoterhapy, 1983, 330-332. Baltimore: Waverly Press

Vaglum, P., Karterud, S., & Jørstad, J. (1984) Institusjonsbehandling i moderne psykiatri. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Vaglum, P., Friis, S., & Karterud, S. (1984) Ble det individorienterte programmet bedre for pasientene og behandlerne? En forskningsmessig vurdering av omleggingen fra et gruppeorientert til et individorientert terapeutisk samfunn. I: Vaglum, P., Karterud, S., & Jørstad, J. Institusjonsbehandling i moderne psykiatri. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Karterud, S. (1984) Kroppen, selvet og samfunnet. Noen psykoanalytiske hypoteser. Samtiden, 6: 47-51.

Karterud, S. (1985) Restaurering gjennom terapeutisk samfunn. Nordisk Forum, 45: 27-33.

Karterud, S. Miljøterapeutiske grupper, er de terapeutiske? Nord psykiat tidssr, 1985. 39: 61- 64

Vaglum P, Friis S & Karterud S (1985). Kan det terapeutiske samfunn forandres så det passer bedre for pasienter og personale i dagens institusjonspsykiatri? Nordisk Psykiatrisk Tidsskrift, 39, 69-74. 1


Vaglum, P., Friis, S., Karterud, S. Why are the results of for Schizophrenic patients contradictory? An analysis based on four empirical studies. The Yale Journal iof biology and medicine, 1985, 58: 349-361

Karterud, S., Friis, S., Vaglum, P. Utbrenthet som kollektivt fenomen. Erfaringer fra forskning i terapeutiske samfunn. I Denstad, B., Terum, L. (red.): Omsorgsyrkene. Dilemma i utdaning og arbeid. Oslo: Aschehoug forlag, 1985

Karterud, S., Collett, E., Johnsen, E. & Tjora, E. (1986) Utdannelsesprogram for gruppepsykoterapi. Tidsskr Nor Lergeforen, 106: 1412-1413.

Karterud, S. (1986) Terapeutiske faktorer i gruppepsykoterapi. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen, 106: 2670.

Karterud, S. Gruppepsykoterapi. Hvilken struktur bør den ha i psykiatriske institusjoner? Tidsskr Nor Legeforen, 1986, 106: 2834-6

Karterud, S., Jørstad, J. Tavistock-konferanser om grupperelasjoner. En annerledes læring om lederskap og organisasjon. Tidssr Nor Legeforen, 1986, 106: 3004-7.

Karterud, S. Gruppeterapi i psykiatriske akuttavdelinger. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen, 1987, 107: 2228-30

Karterud, S. (1987) On pairing in groups with schizophrenic patients. Int Journal Group Psychother, 3: 461-63.

Karterud S, Friis IJ et al. Behandling av alvorlige personlighetsforstyrrelser i psykoterapeutiske dagavdelinger. Matrix 1988:2-36.

Karterud, S., Ebbesen, J., Irion, T. Et observatørsystem for gruppepsykoterapi i psykiatriske institusjoner. Nord psykiat tidsskr, 1988, 42: 337.340

Karterud, S. The valence theory of Bion and the significance of (DSM-III) diagnosis for inpatient group behavior. Acta Psychiat Scand, 1988, 78: 462-470

Karterud, S. Group focal conflict analysis: A reliability study of hermeneutic method. Group analysis, 1988, 21: 325-338

Karterud, S. The influence of task definition, leadership and therapeutic style on inpatient group cultures. Int J Therapeut Commun, 1988, 9: 231-247

Karterud, S. What are the prerequisites and indications of the therapeutic community proper? A comparative study. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 1988, 77: 658-669

Karterud, S. A study of Bion’s basic assumption groups. Human Relations, 1989, 42: 315- 335. 2


Karterud, S., Foss, T. The group emotionality rating system. A modification of Thelen’s method of assessing emotionality in groups. Small group behavior, 1989, 20: 131-150

Karterud, S. A comparative study of six different inpatient groups with respect to their basic assumption functioning. International Journal of , 1989, 49: 355-376.

Karterud, S. On methods and principles of hermeneutics, with reference to the psychoanalytic study of small groups. Free Associations, 1989,

Karterud, S. Bion or Kohut: Two paradigms of group dynamics. I Roth, B.E., Stone, W.N., Kibel, H.D. (eds.): The difficult patient in group: Group psychotherapy with borderline and narcissistic disorders. New York, International Universities Press, 1989.

Karterud S. Group processes in therapeutic communities, 1989.

Vaglum P, Friis S, Irion T, Johns S, Karterud S, Larsen F, Vaglum S. Treatment response of severe and non severe personality disorders in a therapeutic community day unit. J Pers Dis 1989;4(2):161-72.

Urnes Ø, Karterud S. Kombinert psykoterapi for personlighetsforstyrrelser i et terapeutisk samfunn. Agrippa 1991;13:21-35.

Mehlum L, Friis S, Irion T, Johns S, Karterud S, Vaglum P, Vaglum S. Personality disorders 2-5 years after treatment: A prospective follow-up study. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1991;84:72-77.

Berle, J.Ø., Haver, B., Karterud, S. Gruppereaksjoner ved katastrofearbeid i sykehus. Nordisk Psykiatrisk Tidsskrift, 1991, 45: 329-335.

Karterud, S. (red.) Rapport om gruppepsykoterapiutdannelsen i Norge 1985-1990. Oslo: Psykoterapiutvalget i Norsk psykiatrisk forening, 1991.

Karterud S, Vaglum S, Friis S, Irion T, Johns S, Vaglum P. Day Hospital Therapeutic Community Treatment for Patients with Personality Disorders. An Empirical Evaluation of the Containment Function. J Nerv Ment Dis 1992;180:238-43.

Karterud, S. Group dreams revisited. Group analysis 1992, 25: 207-221.

Karterud, S. Reflections on group analytic research. Group analysis, 1992, 25:353-364

Karterud, S., Friis, S. Aspects of group therapy. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 1992, 5: 375- 379

Vaglum P, Friis S, Karterud S, Mehlum L, Vaglum S. Stability of the severe personality disorder diagnosis: A 2- to 5-year prospective study. J Pers Dis 1993;7(4):348-53.


4 Karterud S. Community meetings and the therapeutic community. I: Kaplan HI, Sadock BI (eds.): Comprehensive Group Psychotherapy. Baltimore 1993: Williams & Wilkins.

Mehlum L, Friis S, Vaglum P, Karterud S. The longitudinal pattern of suicidal behaviour in borderline personality disorder: A prospective follow-up study. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1994; 90:124-30.

Berle, J.Ø., Haver, B., Karterud, S. Group Reactions in a Hospital Crisis Intervention Programme. Group Analysis, 1994, 27: 159-171.

Karterud S, Friis S, Irion T, Mehlum L, Vaglum P, Vaglum S. A SCL-90R derived index of the Severity of Personality Disorders. J Pers Dis, 1995;9(2):112-23.

Karterud S. Fra narsissisme til selvpsykologi. En innføring i Heinz Kohuts forfatterskap. Oslo 1995: Ad Notam Gyldendal.

Reddy, F.G., Karterud, S. Must the revolution eat its children? Working with the African National Congress (ANC) in Exile and following its return. I Etting, M.E., Fidler, J.W. & Cohen, B.D. (Eds.) Group Process and Political Dynamics. New York: International Universities Press, 1995

Lorentzen, S., Herlofsen, P., Karterud, S., Ruud, T. Block training in group analysis: The Norwegian program. International journal of group psychotherapy, 1995, 45: 73-89

Karterud S. The hospital as a therapeutic text. Int J Therap Commun 1996, 17(2):125-129.

Karterud S. Kvalitetssikret psykiatrisk behandling. Kronikk 7.1.97, Aftenposten.

Karterud S, Monsen J (red). Selvpsykologi. Utviklingen etter Kohut. Oslo 1997: Ad Notam Gyldendal.

Evensen, S.A., Karterud, S., Mathisen, P., Sekkelsten, Å. Testing av medisinske studenters evne til å formidle et vanskelig budskap. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen, 1997, 117: 2804-6.

Urnes Ø, Karterud S, Pedersen G, Irion T, Wilberg T. Quality assurance of psychiatric day hospital treatment. 1. Individual level. Nord J Psychiatry 1998; 52:251-262

Karterud S, Wilberg T, Pedersen G, Friis S, Irion T, Urnes Ø. Quality assurance of psychiatric day hospital treatment. 2. Ward level. Nord J Psychiatry 1998; 52:327-335

Wilberg T, Karterud S, Pedersen G, Friis S, Brabrand J, Falkum LR, Leirvåg H, Urnes Ø. Quality assurance of psychiatric day hospital treatment. 3. Health care level. Nord J Psychiatry 1998;52:431-439

Wilberg T, Friis S, Karterud S, Mehlum L, Urnes Ø, Vaglum P. Outpatient Group Therapy. A Valuable Supplement to Day Treatment for Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder? Three years Follow-up Study. Nord J Psychiat 1998,52:213-221 4


Karterud S, Pedersen G, Friis S, Urnes Ø, Irion T, Brabrand J, Leirvåg H, Falkum LR. The norwegian network of psychotherapeutic day hospitals. Int J Therap Commun 1998, 1(19):15-28

Karterud, S. The group self, empathy, intersubjectivity and hermeneutics. A group analytic perspective. In Harwood, I., Pines, M. (eds): Self Experiences in Group. Intersubjective and Self Psychological Pathways to Human Understanding. London 1998: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Wilberg,T., Friis, S., Karterud, S., Mehlum, L., Urnes, Ø., Vaglum, P. Patterns of short-term course in patients treated in a day unit for personality disorders. Comprehensive Psychiatry 1998;39(2):75-84

Karterud S. Selvforståelsens diskurs: Betydningen av personlighet, det personlige selvet og gruppeselvet. I Ekeberg,Ø et al (red): Pasient og behandler: Personlighet,atferd og samspill i klinisk virksomhet. Festskrift til Per Vaglum på hans 60-årsdag. 1998: Universitetet i Oslo.

Wilberg T, Karterud S, Urnes Ø, Pedersen G, Friis S. Outcomes of poorly functioning patients with personality disorders in a day treatment program. Psychiatric Services 1998;49(11):1462-1467

Karterud S. Selvutvikling og selvforståelse i grupper. Omsorg 1998, 1:40-42

Karterud, S., Pedersen, G., Løvdahl, H., Friis, S. Global assessment of functioning – split version. Background and scoring guidelines. Psychiatric clinic, Ullevål University Hospital, Oslo, 1998.

Karterud S. Om gruppen som aktør og selv. Matrix 1997/1998, 4:303-312

Karterud S. Samfunnsvitenskap og gruppeanalyse. Matrix 1997/1998, 4:315-316

Karterud S. S.H.Foulkes og W.R.Bion. To av etterkrigstidens fremste gruppeteoretikere. Impuls, 1998, 52(4): 46-55

Wilberg,T., Urnes, Ø., Friis, S., Irion,T., Pedersen,G., Karterud,S. One-Year Follow-Up of Day Treatment for Poorly Functioning Patients With Personality Disorders. Psychiatric Services, 1999, 50(19): 1326-1330.

Karterud S. Gruppeanalyse og psykodynamisk gruppepsykoterapi. Oslo 1999: Pax forlag

Wilberg,T., Urnes,Ø., Friis, S., Pedersen,G., Karterud,S. Borderline and Avoidant Personality Disorders and the Five-Factor Model of Personality: A Comparison of DSM-IV Diagnoses and NEO-PI-R. Journal of Personality Disorder, 1999, 13(3):226-240

Karterud, S. Selv og andre i gruppeanalyse. Matrix, 1999, 16(2): 125-136


6 Karterud S. Group Emotionality Rating System (GERS). In Beck, AP & Lewis, CM (eds): The Process of Group Psychotherapy: Systems for Analyzing Change. New York 2000: American Psychological Associations Press.

Karterud S. On the scientific foundation of group analysis. Group analysis, 2000, 33(4): 514- 518

Karterud S. Being of two minds: The vertical split in and psychotherapy. Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research, 2000, 9(4): 257-258.

Karterud S, Urnes Ø, Pedersen G. Personlighetsforstyrrelser. Forståelse, diagnostikk, evaluering, kombinert gruppebehandling. Oslo: Pax forlag, 2001.

Wilberg T, Karterud S. The place of group psychotherapy in the treatment of personality disorders. Current Opinion, 2001, 14:125-129.

Karterud, S. Group analysis in the age of evidence-baced psychology/psychiatry. Commentary on article by Chris Evans. Group Analysis, 2001, 2:312-317.

Karterud S, Urnes Ø, Pedersen G. Å leve med motsigelser og blant demoner. Impuls, 2001, 3: 33-36

Schlüter, C., Karterud, S. Selvets Mysterier. Pax forlag 2002.

Karterud S, Schlüter, C. Selvets mysterier. Mysterier og Nagel i et selvpsykologisk perspektiv. I Arntzen, E (red): Knut Hamsun og 1890-tallet. Hamarøy: Hamsun-selskapet, 2002, s.27-48.

Pedersen G, Karterud S. Ward Atmosphere Scale for Therapeutic Programs (WAS-TP): Psychometric properties and clinical benefits. Therapeutic Communities, 2002, 23(4): 261- 269.

Karterud, S., Wilberg, T. Amerikanske retningslinjer for behandling av borderline personlighetsforstyrrelse. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen, 2002, 122(20): 2028-2029.

Wilberg, T. Modeller for forståelse av personlighetspatologi. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen, 2002, 122 (1): 54-8.

Karterud S, Pedersen G, Bjordal E, Brabrand J, Friis S, Haaseth Ø, Haavaldsen G, Irion T, Leirvåg H, Tørum E, Urnes Ø. Day hospital treatment of patients with personality disorders. Experiences from a Norwegian treatment research network. Journal of Personality Disorders, 2003, 17(3): 243-262.

Karterud, S. Das Selbst und der Andere. Einige hermeneutische und gruppenanalytische Perspektiven. I Bartosch E. (red.) Der ”Andere” in der Selbstpsychologie. Wien: Verlag Neue Psychoanalyse, 2003, s.169-180


7 Karterud S, Pedersen G, Urnes Ø. Research on the Norwegian TC Network. I Lees J et al. (Eds.) A culture of enquiry. Research evidence and the therapeutic community. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2003, s. 230-239.

Karterud S, Stone WN. The group self: A neglected aspect of group psychotherapy. Group Analysis, 2003, 36(1): 7-22.

Karterud, S., Schlüter C. Mysteries in publishing houses and text. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen, 2003, 123(7): 972

Karterud, S., Kolloen IS. En personlighetsvurdering av Knut Hamsun. Samtiden 2003, 113(3): 108-119.

Karterud S. Selvpsykologiske perspektiver – historiske og kulturelle artikler og interview. Bokanmeldelse. Matrix 2003, 20(3): 350-352

Karterud S. Veiledning i gruppeanalytisk utdannelse. Matrix 2003. 20(4): 380-387

Wilberg T., Karterud S, Pedersen G., Urnes Ø, Irion T, Brabrand J, Haavaldsen G, Leirvåg H, Johnsen K, Andreasen H, Hedmark H, Stubhaug B. Outpatient group psychotherapy following day treatment for patients with personality disorders. Journal of Personality Disorders, 2003, 17(6): 510-521.

Karterud, S., Urnes, Ø. Short term day treatment programs for personality disorders. What is the optimal composition? Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 2004, 58: 243-249.

Johansen M, Karterud S, Pedersen G, Gude T, Falkum E. An investigation of the prototype validity of the borderline DSM-IV criteria. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 2004, 109: 289- 298.

Karterud, S., Pedersen, G. Short-term day hospital treatment for personality disorders: Benefits of the therapeutic components. Therapeutic Communities, 2004, 25(1): 43-54.

Pedersen G, Karterud S. Is SCL-90R helpful for the clinician in assessing DSM-IV symptom disorders? Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 2004: 110: 215-244

Kvarstein, E., Karterud, S., Pedersen, G. Severely disturbed borderline patients need more than short-term day hospital treatment. Therapeutic Communities, 2004: 25: 120-130

Johns S, Karterud S. Guidelines for group as part of day treatment program for patients with personality disorders. Group analysis, 2004, 37(3): 419-432

Karterud, S., Wilberg, T., Urnes, Ø. Complex and diverse, yet similar? In M. Maj, H.S. Akiskal, J.E. Mezzich, A. Okasha (Eds.) Evidence & Experience in Psychiatry, vol 8: Personality disorders. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2005, p.243-245.


8 Bateman, A., Karterud, S, Van Den Bosch, L.M.C. Borderline personality disorder, I G. Gabbard, J. Beck & J. Holmes (eds.): Oxford Textbook of Psychotherapy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005, s. 291- 303.

Karterud, S. Betydningen av å drømme om relasjoner i grupper. I Opjordsmoen, S., Vaglum, P., Bloch-Thorsen, G.R. (red.) Relasjoner og psykiatri. Festskrift til Svein Friis. Hertervig forlag, 2005.

Ness, E., Jonsdottir, H., Nøvig, A. Psykiatri. I C. Arentz-Hansen & K. Moen (red.) Legevaktshåndboken. Oslo: Gyldendal forlag, 2005

Stone W, Karterud S. Dreams as portraits of self and group interaction. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 56(1): 47-62, 2006.

Karterud, S. The group self. R. Skelton (ed). The Edinburgh International Encyclopaedia of Psychoanalysis. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2006

Hummelen B, Wilberg T, Pedersen, G, Karterud, S. An investigation of the validity of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition avoidant personality disorder construct as a prototype category and the psychometric properties of the criteria. . Comprehensive Psychiatry, 47:376-383, 2006

Gude T, Karterud S, Pedersen G, Falkum E. The quality of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition dependent personality disorder prototype. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 47(6): 456-462, 2006

Karterud, S. Avoidant personality disorder. A case vignette. WPA/ISSPD Educational Program on Personality Disorders, 2007, http://www.wpanet.org/home.html

Karterud, S. Der Fall Knut Hamsun oder “der tragische Mensch”. Self Psychology – European Journal for Psychoanalytic Therapy and Research. 2007, 8(1): 53-63 (ISSN 1615- 343X)

Hummelen, B., Wilberg, T., Karterud, S. Interviews of female patients with borderline personality disorder who dropped out of group psychotherapy. Int J Group Psychother, 2007, 57(1):67-91

Pedersen G., Hagtvedt K.A., Karterud S. Generalizability studies of the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) – Split version. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2007 (48): 88-94

Karterud, S., Wilberg, T. From general day hospital treatment to specialized treatment programmes. Int Rev Psychiat, 2007, 19(1):39-49.

Røssberg, J.I., Karterud, S., Pedersen, G., Friis, S. An empirical study of countertransference reactions toward patients with personality disorders. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2007, 48: 225-230.


9 Hummelen, B., Wilberg, T., Pedersen, G., Karterud, S. The relationship between avoidant personality disorder and social phobia. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2007, 48:348-356.

Karterud, S. En kommentar til H.M. Enzensbergers essay ”Skrekkens menn. Om den radikale taper”. Matrix 2007, 24(2):139-148 (ISSN 0109-646X)

Pedersen G, Karterud S. Associations between patient characteristics and ratings of treatment milieu. Nordic J Psychiatry, 2007; 61: 271-278

Karterud, S. Nytt perspektiv med Svein Haugsgjerd. I Øiesvold, T (red): Engasjement og kunnskap. Tekster i norsk psykiatri. Norsk psykiatrisk forening 100 år. Tidsskrift for den norske legeforening, 2007, 26-27.

Karterud, S., Johansen, M., Wilberg, T. Conjoint group and invididual psychotherapy in a research trial for patients with severe personality disorders. Group, 31(1): 31-46, 2007

Halsteinli, V., Pedersen, G., Karterud, S. When cost counts: The impact of staff size, skill mix and treatment intensity on patient outcome for psychotherapeutic day treatment programmes. Health Policy, 2008, 86:255-265

Hummelen, B., Wilberg., T., Pedersen, G., Karterud, S. The quality of the DSM-IV obsessive-compulsive personality disorder construct as a prototype category. J of Nervous and Mental Disease, 2008, 196(6): 446-455

Wilberg, T., Karterud, S. Commentary: Treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder in the context of an avoidant personality disorder. Journal of Personality and Mental Health, 2; 110- 112, 2008

Wilberg, T., Hummelen,B., Pedersen, G., Karterud, S. A study of patients with personality disorder not otherwise specified. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2008, 49: 460-469

Røssberg, I., Karterud, S, Pedersen, G., Friis, S. Specific personality traits evoke different countertransference reactions. An empirical study. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 2008, 196: 702-708

Lynum, L-I., Wilberg, T., Karterud, S. Self esteem in patients with borderline and avoidant personality disorders. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2008, 49: 469-477.

Karterud, S. Mangelfullt om selvet. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening, 2008, 128: 960

Karterud, S. Mentalisering. Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening, 2008, 11:1374-1375

Arnevik, E., Wilberg, T., Monsen, J., Andrea, H., Karterud, S. A cross-national validity study of the Severity Indices of Personality Problems (SIPP-118). Personality and Mental Health, 2009, 3: 41-55


10 Karterud, S., Arefjord, N., Andresen, N. & Pedersen, G. Substance use disorders among personality disordered patients admitted for day hospital treatment. Implications for service developments. Nordic J Psychiatry, 2009; 63: 57-63

Wilberg, T., Karterud, S., Pedersen, G., Urnes, Ø. The impact of avoidant personality disorder on psychosocial impairment is substantial in comparison with other personality disorders, Nordic J Psychiatry, 2009, 63: 390-396

Wilberg T, Karterud S, Pedersen G, Urnes Ø, Costa PT. Nineteen-month stability of revised NEO personality inventory domain and facets scores in patients with personality disorders. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 2009; 197: 187-195

Karterud, S. & Arefjord, N. Personlighetsvurdering av rusavhengige pasienter. Tidsskr Nor Psykologforening, 2009, 46: 367-371

Arnevik, E., Wilberg, T., Urnes, U., Johansen, M., Monsen, J., Karterud, S. Psychotherapy for personality disorders: Short term day hospital psychotherapy versus outpatient invididual therapy – a randomized controlled study. European Psychiatry, 2009, 24: 71-78

Falkum E, Pedersen G & Karterud S (2009). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, paranoid personality disorder diagnosis: a unitary or a two- dimensional construct? Comprehensive Psychiatry, 50(6), 533-541.

Leirvåg, H., Pedersen, G., Karterud, S. Long term continuation treatment after short-term day treatment of females with severe personality disorders: Body awareness group therapy versus psychodynamic group therapy. Nordic J Psychiatry, 2010, 64: 115-122

Pedersen, G., Karterud, S. Using measures from the SCL-90-R to screen for personality disorders, Personality and Mental Health, 2010, 4:121-132

Karterud, S. Commentary. Carmen: Histrionic personality disorder and psychotherapy. Personality and Mental Health, 2010, 4: 153-157

Bakkevig, J.F., Karterud, S. Is the DSM-IV histrionic personality disorder category a valid construct? Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2010, 51(5): 462-70.

Karterud, S. Rikholdig bok om personlighet og borderline. Tidsskrift for den norske legeforening, 2010, 130: 1164

Karterud, S. On narcissism, evolution and group dynamics. Group Analysis, 2010, 43(3): 01- 10.

Karterud, S., Wilberg, T., Urnes, Ø. Personlighetspsykiatri. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk, 2010.


11 Arnevik, E., Wilberg, T., Urnes, Ø., Johansen, M., Monsen, J., Karterud, S (2010). Psychotherapy for personality disorders: 18 month follow-up of the Ulleval Personality Project. Journal of Personality Disorders, 24(2), 188–203

Karterud, S., Bateman, A. Manual for mentaliseringsbasert terapi (MBT) og MBT vurderingsskala. Versjon individualterapi. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk 2010.

Rossberg, J.I., Karterud, S., Pedersen, G., Friis, S. Psychiatric symptoms and countertransference feelings. An empirical investigation. Psychiatry Research, 2010, 178: 191-195.

Pedersen, G., Hagtvedt, K., Karterud, S. Interpersonal problems: Self-therapist agreement and therapist consensus. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2011, 67(3): 308-317

Karterud, S., Bateman, A. Group therapy techniques. I (Fonagy, P & Bateman, A, red): Mentalizing in Mental Health Practice. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Press, 2011

Arefjord, N., Karterud, S. Mentaliseringsbasert terapi i spesialisert rusbehandling. I Lossius, K (red.) Håndbok i rusbehandling. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk, 2011

Karterud, S., Øien. M. & Pedersen, G. Validity aspects of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, narcissistic personality disorder construct. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2011, 52(5), 517-526

Paap, M.C.S., Meijer, R.R., Bebber, J., Pedersen, G., Karterud, S., Hellem, F., Haraldsen, I.R. A study of the dimensionality and measurement precision of the SCL-90-R using Item Response Theory. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 2011; 20(3): 517-526.

Karterud, S. Commentary on Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Journal of Personality and Mental Health, 2011, 5: 235-237

Karterud, S. Constructing and Mentalizing the Matrix. Group Analysis, 2011, 44(4): 1-17

Karterud, S., Bateman, A. Manual for mentaliseringsbasert psykoedukativ gruppeterapi. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk, 2011

Pedersen, G., Karterud, S. The symptom and function dimensions of the Global Assessment of Functioning scale (GAF). Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2012, 53(3): 292-8.

Karterud, S. Manual for mentaliseringsbasert gruppeterapi (MBT-G). Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk, 2012.

Kvarstein, E., Karterud, S. Large variations of global functioning over five years in treated patients with personality traits and disorders. J Personality Disorders. 2012, (2): 141-161


12 Karterud, S. Comments on personality disorders with over-regulation of emotions and poor self-reflectivity. Personality and Mental Health. 2012, 6(2): 167-169.

Hummelen B, Pedersen G & Karterud S. Some suggestions for the DSM-5 schizotypal personality disorder construct. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 2012, 53(4), 341-349.

Gullestad F, Wilberg T, Klungsøyr O, Urnes Ø & Karterud S. Is treatment in a day hospital step-down program superior to outpatient individual psychotherapy for patients with personality disorders? – Results from a randomized clinical trial comparing different modalities. Psychotherapy Research. 2012, 22(4), 426-441.

Paap, M.C.S, Meijer, B.R., Cohen-Kettenis, P.T., Richter-Appelt, H., de Cuypere, G., Baudewijntje, P., Kreukels, C., Pedersen, G., Karterud, S., Malt, U.F. & Haraldsen, I.R. Why the factorial structure of the SCL-90-R is unstable: comparing patient groups with different levels of psychological distress using Mokken Scale Analysis. Psychiatry Research. 2012, 200(2-3): 819-26.

Karterud, S. Konstruiren und Mentalisieren der Matrix. Gruppenpsychother Gruppendynamik, 48: 369-396, 2012

Gullestad FS, Johansen MS, Høglend P, Karterud S & Wilberg T. Mentalization as a moderator of treatment effects: Findings from a randomized clinical trial for personality disorders, Psychotherapy Research. 2013, 23(6): 674-689.

Karterud, S., Pedersen, G., Johansen, M.S., Johansen, P., Schlüter, C., Engen, M., Wilberg, T., Urnes, Ø. & Bateman, A. The mentalization-based treatment adherence and competence scale (MBT-ACS): development, structure and reliability. Psychotherapy Research. 2013, 23(6): 705-717.

Karterud, S. Personlighet og sosialpsykologi. Bokanmeldelse. Tidsskrift Nor Legeforen, 2013, 133: 866.

Karterud, S. Å skape selvopptatte elever og studenter. Tidskr Nor Legeforen, 2013, 12-13: 1358.

Morken, K., Arefjord, N., Karterud, S. Transforming disorganized attachment through mentalization-based treatment. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 2013, DOI 10.1007/s10879-013-9246-8

Karterud, S. Emosjoner i mentaliseringsbasert terapi. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 2013, 50(8): 759-763.

Bøen, E., Elvsåshagen, T., Westlye, L.T., Hummelen, B., Hol, P.K., Boye, B., Andersson, S., Karterud, S., Malt, U.F. Reduced volume in stress-sensitive hippocampal subfields in borderline personality disorder. Journal of psychiatry and neuroscience


13 Kvarstein, E., Karterud, S. Large variation of severity and five year course of symptom distress among patients with personality disorders. Personality and Mental Health, 2013, 7(4): 265-76 DOI: 10.1002/pmh.1226

Pedersen, G., Karterud, S., Hummelen, B., Wilberg, T. The impact of extended longitudinal observation for assessment of personality disorders. Personality and Mental Health, 2013, 7: 277-287.

Reas, D.L., Rø, Ø., Pedersen, G., Hummelen, B., Karterud, S. Comorbidity of eating disorders in patients with personality disorders. Int Journal of Eating Disorders, 2013, DOI: 10.1002/eat.22176

Kvarstein, E., Arnevik, E., Hallsteinli, V., Rø, F.G., Karterud, S., & Wilberg, T. (2013) The health service costs and clinical gains of psychotherapy for personality disorders: A randomized controlled trial of day hospital-based step down treatment versus outpatient treatment in specialist practice. BMC Psychiatry, Nov 22, 13, 315.

Island, T.K. & Karterud, S. (2013) From group analytic practice to group analytic text: On writing a group analytic diploma paper. Group Analysis, 46(4): 439-451.

Bøen, E., Westlye, L.T., Elvsåshagen, T., Hummelen, B., Hol, P.K. M.D.; Boye, B., Andersson, S., Karterud,S. & Malt, U.F. (2014) Regional cortical thinning may be a biological marker of borderline personality disorder . Acta Psych Scand 130(3): 193-204.

Hummelen, B., Pedersen, G., Wilberg, T., Karterud, S. (2014) Poor validity of the DSM IV schizoid personality disorder construct as a diagnostic category. J Personality Disorders, 23: 1-13. doi: 10.1521/pedi_2014_28_159.

Arefjord, N., Karterud, S. & Lossius, K. (2014) Mentalisering i rusklinikk. Tidsskr Norsk Psykologforening, 51: 461-464.

Antonsen, B.T., Klungsøyr, O., Johansen; M.S., Kemps, A., Pedersen, G., Hummelen, B., Urnes, U., Kvarstein, E., Karterud, S. & Wilberg, T. (2014) Step-down versus outpatient psychotherapeutic treatment for personality disorders: 6 year follow-up of the Ullevål Personality Project. BMC Psychiatry, 14, 119

Bøen, E., Westby, L.T., Elvsåshagen, T., Hummelen, B., Hol, P.K., Boye, B., Andersson, S., Karterud, S. & Malt, U. (2014). Smaller stress-sensitive hippocampal subfields in women with borderline personality disorder without posttraumatic stress disorder. J Psychiatry Neurosci, 39(2): 127-34.

Støre-Valen, J., Ryum, T., Pedersen, G., Pripp, A.H., Jose, P.E., Karterud, S. (2014) Does a web-based feedback training program result in improved reliability in clinicians’ ratings of the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale? Psychological Assessment, in press

Kvarstein, E., Pedersen, G., Urnes, Ø., Hummelen, B., Wilberg, T. Karterud, S., (2014) Changing from a traditional psychodynamic treatment program to mentalization-based 13

14 treatment for patients with borderline personality disorder. Does it make a difference? Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, DOI: 10.1111/papt.12036

Bøen, E., Hummelen, B., Elvsåshagen, T., Boye, B., Andersson, S., Karterud, S., Malt, U.F. (2014) Different impulsivity profiles in borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder. J affective disorder, 170C: 104-111. Doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2014.08.033

Pedersen, G., Johansen, M., Wilberg, T & Karterud, S. (2014) Testing different versions of the Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales in a clinical sample. PlosOne 9(10): e109394. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.01093904

Wilberg, T., Kvarstein, E. og Røvik, J.O. (2014) Pasienter med personlighetsforstyrrelse i avtalepraksis. Tidsskr Nor legeforen, 123 (23-24): 2267-71.

Karterud, S. & Indrehaug, T. (2015) Authority and not knowing stance in mentalization- based group therapy. Group Analysis

Karterud, S. (2015) On structure and leadership in MBT-G and group analysis. Group Analysis

Reas, D.L., Rø, Ø., Karterud, S., Hummelen, B., Pedersen. (2015) Suicide and self-harm in borderline personality disorder with and without bulimia nervosa. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/ccp0000014

Pedersen, G., Urnes, Ø., Kvarstein, E.H. & Karterud, S. (2015) The three factors of the psychoticism scale of SCL-90R. J Personality and Mental Health. Doi:10.1002/pmh.1278

Innsendte arbeider:

Karterud, S., Pedersen, G., Johansen, M., Wilberg, T., Davis, K., Panksepp, J. Primary emotional traits in patients with personality disorders.

Hummelen, B et al., Gender differences in antisocial personality disorder.

Hummelen, B., Bøen, B., Klungsøy, O., Hornslien, A., Malt,U., Karterud, S. Separating borderline personality disorder from bipolar disorder type II by ecological momentary assessment of affective instability. Submitted