] ... <


These vessels were followed PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, by paddle-wheel "" gunboats, twelve in number, of about 850 tons MERCHANDISE. miscellaneous. BUSINESS CARDS. and -- BUSINESS CARDS. JOHli T. aiXiMAJT, Editor, each, having a maximum speed of eleven CLOTHING._| ... I MISCELLAJSEOUS, knots hour. per To these succeeded twenty- — To Grocers. ptbillhed at Ne. 82J EXCHANGE BTKKM'.b* seven otheTS of the same type, but larger and Maine EDWARD H. Fill m WITTER 1 nr* HHDS. GUAOALOUPB MOLASSES,* Bonnet REMOVAL! BUBOIH, Notice to Ship Owner* CO. taster, of 974 touB aud goods! nice for sale DBALVB IV N. A. FOSTER A being burthen, having JL t O article retaiinq. For by Bleachery, WHOLU1M a 30S -AMu— maximum speed of 14 1-2 knots per hour. ! Oot 3i—2m C. C. MITCHELL ft 80N. Oongreg Street. Another seven of this but still PORTLAND NATHAN Thb Fostlahb Daily maasis pub Ushedut 88.00 class, larger, FR MAINE. GOULD, and faster, and of have been added. P. B. OS Apples. i _- Corn, Meal Flour, Merchants! per year. .. iron, lately Tj Shropino- fuu 'JaikeStat* Paces is published every Thuri- These paddle-wheel gunboats have the light OAA BBLS. Choloe Appples, Just received and Merchant Tailor, d*y.nomine.at#2.00perwtum,la aavanoe; #2.26 Ivlerolxan-t for sale Straw, Lace A Bonnets Alao, Ground Sock Salt of 8 feet and euormous batter- JUU by Leghorn remored 1T li will known that the citizens of If within six months; and 82.50,If payment ha draught carry Tailor, DAN FORTH ft to No. 131 Middle street, where he Portland are paid CLIFFORD. Will A larguiy Uitsiestej in the the ies. They were built for service in the HA8 be pioaied te meet hia flrlends and custom- tubs trade, they u- ••fayed l>eyond year. special 94 oct21tf No. 6 Lime St. Commission Merchant port aa narrow and tortuous Exchange ers A good assortment of Cloths and many if ni t mo a saooks ho., to lira Island channels of the shallow Street, Trimmings than O' her GENTLEMEN’S oo ns tan on hand. \ any eny in ur oo sntry, and it r, turn Iw- sounds and river HATS, iy VOS PtTSOHABB AMD SALHOF ^ embouchures of the southern returned Scotch Canvass. Particular tlthtunsa of ana Kate*of 1 from purchasing 'goods. Is Bleached CT" attention given to ontting tor sugar wcIsm,*. Advertising coasts. For these localities where & Pressed at the Shortest Motice others to make. turning HAVINGready exhioii a PRIME LOP of (JLafilS for QAA BOLTS of “David Coraar ft Son’s” Leith, Cuban .0.?.",lflaft*0110*naie.ifuein some of the One inch ofgpaosln length of column, constitute, was it was 4UU a sail-cloth of re- 12—d8m and Oats. to da Ivor necessary should superior quality, Just ——ALSO- Sopt a shipmaster* a Am" impossible, they Barley, Rye hi^T T1111'*b a ‘■-‘ot be vived direct lrom Liverpool, and for sale by ,La «*«‘Ptiou of lone lumnoi, oa- double bowed, or constructed with both FALL a# Oar. loaded oi o LnwreT*?.h, *1.50 per square daily first week; 75 oents per week OVERCOATS. RYAN ft DAVIS, with Corn is bulk Owe barge. port, to dih,ei It in- ends and that their be MoiilLVERY, HATS & BONNETS DYED. lol.nil»m*-blon!' ,ana lui’18*' after ; iuret insertions or less, 81.00; continuing ove* alike, machinery should WINTER Sept 24th—dtf 161 Commercial 8t. Dana & Co. Warehouse No. 120 Commercial ‘ha v“s«*. them iv bn iwoolv- first 50 OVERCOATS. Street. ed V8.^Use m up.su to Tisae.. ry other day after week, oents. equally well adapted forward or back. Ida imps no. on u oar forgoing made 40 h*Te •““4" And Citt hip masters has convinced Hail cqui.re. three insertions or less, 75 oents; one In the autumn of 1861 the com- DRESS SUITS, Hiut, Peering Bridge. tuoai tnat the iaiur Department Treenails. Fish and course la tne one w. •reek, 81.00; 50 cents por week after. Salt, only ion win enable Ilium 10 ob- menced the construction of ten second tlass JunoXeod6m tain end correct Under head of amusements, *2.00 BUSINESS SUITS. Just aooount ut ibo of per sqnare per TREENAILS,for JAMES B. RACKLYFT. However dedvery week; three insertions or t"so, 81,60. screw sloops-of-war, of about 1350 tons. They 100 000Mheb^ Lather iboireargoae eovurately iho ainouutdj- VESTINGS, Ac. Ac. 1 aug818m. Dana. , Portland, BRADLEY, MOULTON fe ROGERS U.oredinto EraoiAL Nonces, 2 00 per square first week, have a maximum of 12 1-4 knots, carry 81MONTON ft KNIGHT, 5 though srsaloug-ide, the vessel aarsws speed Woodbury Dana, _ their ol W nqaaro throe 48 Commercial Wharf. WHOLasALn wtlh Bills lading; tiarciy it nev.r > uu 81, per after; insertions or less, 81.10; a are efficient ocean cruis- Also a assortment of John A. 8. PiaLsna in * large armament, and good Dana.) Maine. when the d.-irer It o. half a sqnere, three Insertions, 81.00; one week, Portland, Jane 13,1364. junolSdtf lighiets stunu. ers. are owned fl. 0 ECOmns WEALTH. __luneldtf these lightsts hy par.i athere end man- CLOTHS for the ASHY and NAVY. Grain na b. tnuir 0.*-* and are sum two* Advertisements Inserted in the Maine State Mr. McKay gives a list of the vessels now Flour, and Provisions, obliged to ,o a Faass (which hep a JOHN T. l. distance So a handing p. ca and owalu uuuis- large oircnlation in every part of rilHE Bubeoriber informs hia friends ROGERS Sc 88 Commercial Thomas ng for In of construction—a formidable fleet Garments or salts manufactured in the best respectfully C©„ street, Block, u our or bo the State) 50 oents per square in addition to the process very X in general that he will ebarg night, discharged py ui hl ur BOSKST is a »ii:>ve rates, for each insertion. —and adds: manner, CIGARS and TOBACCO. CJommiesion Merohanta, BBAxnr,) nu.dav, t)d tue Comequei.ee wo*, i v.mbly decal * a. M. a oi tun e -o-os ar. lost ot Nonce at nenal rates. ▲VD WHOLB8ALX HOOLTOH, PORTLAND, MR. ih.l portion iiguiei >ie an, has also DAALKUfl m [ aio r rr*u*ier,t advertisements tnaei be paid forin ad* The Department constructed 74 Latest Repair Gentlemens’Garments A.a. aouana. ) ana tie *. tail at d owners quiied to pay tor it. f r-'-e wooden and iron-clad vessels of the monitor Style, maytdtl 1“ o her words, the ow uis ana aimers ol v. see Is be in and at short at a small or kybj&y DneoaiPTiOK, aro to incure the fal h u.u. oi tu, /toss Morions, reading eolumns, 11 oentr type, with an aggregate tonnage of 78,100 notice, very advance from WM. Flour, Provisions & r.qmred lig.t- perJinoforcneiugertion. Nocharge loe. than fifty former prices. Please call and examine. ALLEN, JR., Groceries, s orme and the hunt sty of ell u. Leia living aiong tons. AT i«e as or t- S account ccute lor east, insertion. / SHORT NOTICE AND FAIR PRICES No. tl Commercial ahoru, empl. yed to teks There are now In the navy in active service P. B. 94 Has in stoic the largest and best assortment of Street, Added to iske oha-ge lor UgnUrage hasnear- tafAlloomruumoatians intended for the paper FROST, Exchange St. So that eon he Saved in these War 558 with an Mon*), Times. ly donol.d wi hlu a lew yeera ana is likely to id- ehoclc be direoted to the “Kditer of the Press,’’ and steamers, aggregate tonnage of SEWING MACHINES) Portland, Oct 8—ecd3m POETLAND, ME. venoe to saw whtoe la.ertateit ihera those of a bwinege character to the Publishers. 408,000 tons, against the 26 steamers J. K. STOBY, No. 23 Exchange St. Ct£i.3.kto££. } any partus original muy see d< to o-a ge. BP*Job Fnnrraio of eneonted and tons with war Aug 27—dtr _Juneldflm every description 49,700 which the commenc- WOODMAN. TSUE * (ynd.r these circumstances the shipma ttrs and trite dispatch. ed. Of CO., of this number 200 steamers with an ag- DOMESTIC CIGARS agents owners yp,n le.auliation entered into an NOTICE. and agre'tn. ntb pt. In relation to the nut V. Tracy, Traveling Agent. gregate of 241,000 tons have been built by the ). E. FERNALD Wholesale Retail. AGENTS, 1,1.64, er, .1 SON, to be found in the State qf Maine, the entire lot the undersigned, sold our Stock of and for th pur, oei oi giving nu.ioe teal' cone mod 'Department having Nen. 84 and 8® •• • • ■ Mi idle Street. th WE,Coal and Wood to Messrs. Me Alts- y cauetd u Lo Bo puwisbeu w.ili t„e n. inis of In no comprising ever Randall, sign, country, and with such limited ter f (Co., do cheerfully re oo nun era, In our cal Iu means, Merchant end them to our K. Noodles and Trimmings *1 way on hand. y p per,. erdtr tnat ‘nire may and under such difficult Tailors, former customers. All DAVIS, be no rat about iu ,t la Nov. 23,1864. circumstances, has ! persons having demands mahMtt appteii,n»i.« twins, in.cited Wednesday Morning, against us are to them for in this v a: there ever been put afloat in the same And requested present settle- statement, time, Sealers In 250 000. ment, and all indebted to us are such immense naval persons requested Bookseller, Stationer, We, the undersigned, shipmaster* and' agen's for armaments. In no to make immediate at aud A CARD. place payment the old stand where MAHUvaovraaK or omu*», nerei y*g;e, tnat m and a. ter the brst has there been but one of the oi day any failure, whenever the undersigned be found for the hopumjei, a,l led u The United States Navy. dent’s may present. ioo*, cargoes on board or naval forces moved i Furnishing doods, 8AWTJB& A WHITNEY* the Island of Co a, aitli be oelhr rid victory followed. The A Premium Account DR. S. C. and receivid Donald the celebrated East Bos- 1 Portland, J one 6,1864. junelSdSw Paged Books. FERHALD. aioi g hie »1 hie reaoh of vessels McKay, rebel coast has been held with a grasp of Iron Dealers and consumers are requested to examine t.ckies, camp lug No. 87 Middle Street. PAPER long lumber, which is to be lowed t, tbe sucre by ton has written a letter to and sealed. The this which are the well HANOMOS. Shipbuilder, long nearly hermetically pirateB stook, among known brands vessels' orews, to tbe cos osu of of the No, 68 aocording the piin- the Boston in relation to our Na- enemy have been followed around the j of and SxoluuiEe Street, PorUnnd, Mo. DINllSI, ci.lu ports id the united tttates. Advertiser, OorI Wood! No. 170 Mldtll F world, and wherever could be treet. hd a d from which the ex- captured they j Our facilities for supplying cur oustomers. with subscriber haring the 8took of _Juneldti Goading, Geo. U.hlarr, vy, following interesting Sbvexth Regiment, purchased 1. H. found, and the internal amd com- I Espaxiola, THE Wood, ana taken the stand Havmunom.Dri. Baoo i and Bnnsuv. V»m«,, tamnolPote navigation a u recently CSAS. J. tracts are taken. We commend it to those maud of promptness, fidelity and despatok are unexcelled. OMupied Messrs. SOHUMACUB, S u. Giaree, hhutai this vast country has been Floba he by Sawyer * Whitney, head of 1883. Btrryman, kept open Rbcio, Superior, acatno rr Portland, Hay It, t, Jam 8 G, Hi. J. 1 Ink fault-finders who are assert- and in the hands of the Out Stock is large and desirshlo, presenting all narf, are now prepared to supply their Howe, haw, flippant constantly government. I former patrons and Fresco and Banner William Anderson, U. Tho Burkeb the publio generally, with • Painter, Henry Ureji, ing that the Navy Department has not met naval administration has done all which the Noveltiee of the season. Hill, Hexet Clay, line assortment of Dr. 1. H. HE AI D UenJ. a. true. Jamal Bain, a naval administration could do in such a No. 144 Middle John Berry, C. C. reasonable of the TERMS "NET CtSH." La Street, disposed or his entire internal la hi* lihilw, the expectations people, and and it will Emiretie, Ritica, WEIL PICKED AND SCREENED Joseph Mount!art, Jamei ti. Halo hi* war, still have to be relied on for PORTLAND, MX. HAVINGOflioe to Or. S. C. VEEN A would ohoerlolly ton, has done next to to meet the demands Old 1.0, Josdka £oia d, John W. Ciowther, nothing a of what has been Portland, Aug 10,1864.-dtf Amebioax Eagle, Tip Company or- Work executed in of the recoommend him to hit former patient* and the maintaining large portion Top, Lehigh, every part State. 1 pub- Geo'. W. Coggins, John Hi. K*nj.«y. the Government tbe exist- Let one ask Loaf Ebmalb, from long experience, li prepar- S. crowded upon by conquered. any himself the Sugar Lehigh, jnneltf ed*?'. to ?r- Hyman Ceark, inwii BiC.iioil, Black _ insert Artificial Teeth on tho1 'Vuloanite how the contest would stand with FALL Sea, Regalia, II axel tun Base," Andrea J. Hette&gill, A. b. ing rebellion. Such fault-finders only show question AND WINTER Lehigh, and all other method* known to the profoMlon. Wth.er, the if he would Locust Mountain. Wetter W. Hook, Walter Berryman, little know both of the difflcultits navy withdrawn, understand l’OXOH, go Glovo, Portland. Ha, ». tf Ihos. how they its Joans, S. C. 1M8_ Means, J. Gilman Bead, necessity and the value of the service It HUNKrNS,~MrD^ The.s. H. G. the had to and of the Cheroots, Maxilla, White and Red Hibby, W. U»», government encounter, has rendered. CLOTHING! Ash, Me ry C.Bmall, k.. A. Murwiok, Diamond and SURGEON & WOOD vast results which have been Ia the foregoing communication I have Conchas, La Flob. Lorberry, PHYSICIAN, AMY COAL Charles Metre 1, Wav d K« »or, jr. accomplished. Wen. For Is Ed warn Bali. of stated nothing but facts which can be A 8PLRNDI1) A8S0R" MBNT OP Together with the best •juality of OFFICE NO. 2 After speaking his visits to the Naval de- facts, CLAPP’S BLOCK, CHEAP FOR CASH ! 1>. H. Atherton, X nun A u 1|, easily verified by reference to official docu- Kolae.d B si A pots and dockyards of England and France, MARKET SQUARE- kork, hturuvant, ments, and which I deem justly due to our Cumberland Coal ! Charles sawyer, 8. F. Banda.1, Mr. Fall and Winter Board at United States Hotel. SPURS Win. H. lioyee, K. G. McKay says: present Navy Department, in view of the er- Clothing! A Superior Coal for Blacksmiths. MOURTAIR, LEHIGH, HKZILTCHI, Xork, Dovis SUGAR LOAF, OLD COMPARY LO- Greg Crus on, A roneous statements forth some writers dtr LEHIGH, BcGlltiry, Byan At tbe breaking out of the rebellion, the na- put by IMPORTED IMAM CIGARS! Also, Hard and Soil CUST MOUNTAIN. JOURS, DIAMOND, WFIBS- hi W C.iffo d, Lana, who know but little whereof For men and Wood, TER and BLAC K. HEAT kUeeoa J. vy of the United States consisted of the lol- evidently they Boys ti. These Coals are ot the Wneeler, B Window, or intend to Pot* Ec Dnioa. Delivered to order in any part of the WILLIAM P. very beet well screened and and Charles ilarteetl, Chat. Li. 1 Bteamers, screw affirm, mislead public opinion.— Mahon, oity. SONGEY ft CO., quality, piokea, john lowiug namely:—The frigates May be found at warranted to give satisfaction. Moeort it jet, Chas.il. I hold that in a time like the we I The ronner customers of Messrs. A Whit- Chase, Merrimack, Wabash, Minnesota, Roanoke and present, Sawyer (Late Songey, A. a. w hidden. should all unite to ney are respeotfiilly invited to us a call. Cooper f Co.) Also for sale beet of Colorado, of about 3350 tons each; of the large strengthen rather than to give Portland, Sept. 1.1884. weaken the arms A. 2S£. BANDALL, MoA LUSTER A CO. of 4582 of the of government. SMITH’S, _ HARD AND Under this ilio screw sloop Niagara, tons; first Certainly Portland, June 13. tww.—dlv SOFT WOOD, agreement etaarterlag of vo>ae'a ha* it cannot be with the Brokers, on tatieueiori Class screw Richmond, Brooklyn, San said, above facts before No. 171 Fore <5z> Ship gone y unlit with-n a ltw days, when stoops Street. Oh-ewing Smoking delivered to any part ef the ■time m u Feusacola and us, that in the time of trial, the Navy oity. geuth tiomCnba wee are inters, t d In Jacinto, Hartford, Jjancaster, Depart- Copartnership Notice, SHIPPING, FORWARDING, the • ment has been found Also a fine atook of Cloths, suoh as German and OrnoB ConnnnoiAL St., bead of Franklin Wharf. lighterage ana cargo* and consignment ol oar- of about 2000 tons each; of the second class wanting. .rnsotl nun we American Moscow and Castor -AUD- And General Commission Agents, goes, her-, bolitve ihlbimtd tar sloops Pawnee, Iroquois, Wyoming, Mohican ». BOUNDS A SON. •hit pert that tbieagteem htmitetae tnuu.ua, and master* mast be held aud Dacolah, of about 1070 tons each; of tbe BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENT ‘No. 1 Tower leblfl dly retpouibi hr the li, bier age Cassimeres & TOBACCO! Building* North, ofail eargt os. Unr « ear to h»\e third class and Beavers, Doeskins, shippe ap, yielded sloops Narragausett , REMOVAL! atones to this demand without -nsui subscribers baring on the 7th day of May IilVEKPOOI,, EDO. WABKEN’S INFORVED n mg or su of about 850 tons each; of the first class pad- to nohsuit owner* aid and THEformed a copartnership under the name of Noy temdilng nviais, the and 11—d6m* hr*i intimation receive oi it dle-wheel sloops Susquehanna Powhatan, subscribers iuforrp their customers and the Nice FIRE AND tuey 1* the announce- j Custom Work. WATER-PROOF ment iu the Piice of the 6th nsi of about 2430 tons, the of 1092 tons, THEpublic genera that have remcvsd from I Current, thnithe Mississippi, ly they 1100 PACKAGES her had to e thrm such theoortero. Chestnut and to We would inform our flriends McCarthy & JOHKS A shippers agreed requi of and of the small steamers Mich- Congress stieet, and the nubile that Berry, BLAKE, CO., (arms. paddle-wheel we intend to keep the best the market and For the of on and of about tons affords, purpose carrying the KIT It would seem that mar igan Spitfire, TjQ each,mak- can sell at the lowest rates. OF COMPOSITlOk, fair plsy aid ly dealing, as and 160 -AMD- well a, the mutual ol tvs ht to a total of 25 steamers 49,700 tons. MidOl© «t„ Qnr Custom Work, we and FLOUR* GRAIN uepentfei.ee pa on, iug guarantee warrant to BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS DEALERS, have our of vessels in fit at all times. We would also rail And Re Ter* of prevented stoppers tram yie.ding io thede- The maximum speeds tbote attention to our maua o- Cuban nail Feroerlv k aloe Custom & Tobacco. In all its branohes, and all the faoillties for Gravel Houses, th>y had oonlerred smooth water, and (tor a short were as, occupied by FitigtfiM Hodgdou, Chewing Smoking having Western and C adiau Roolln* with owners of veastla er their time, getting np first Qlass work for gentlemen and ladies, Produce, agents and atide in knots hour, as the Skirt when will FOB FLAT BOOFB. acme sntisfactiry arrnugem ate ui.h them. follows, per namelyNiagara, nghiia Hoop store, they wear, are new ready to execute all orders with neat- 137 Commercial ... Granite bud a Street, Blook. Am nothing ot the *ort Was the Boatioke new and oomplete assortment of goods and ; Beady-Made Johi nets and Our work will be made of the done, owners, mas- 10.9; Merrlmac, Wabash, Minnesota, Overcoats, Anderson t Co.'s Solace au> Amulet. dispatch. Fj- ters and brokers tUt eslled to oteut all the variety usually kept In a heat of Imported stock, by the best of workmen, and Charles Blakr, 1 HERSEY, Agent, upon pi their uwa and Colorado, 9; Brooklyn, 0.2; San Jacinto, interest and establish etch to ms a* warranted,*) give satisfaction, it is our aim PORTLAND. Janas dtf Ho. lfl Union Street. just ee and Hartford aud FIR ST Undercoats, Pants, Tests, peneat aell-preretvatien of them 8.8; Lancaster, 9.5; Richmond, j CLASS thU our work shall not be second to in the Unit- R»W? A^Jods*, | required accordingly they Scou’o Celebrated any held a on 7th ;u at 7.5; Pawnee, 8; Iroquois, Wyoming, Mohican j And Nary, meeting the ., the ccuuting- Furnishing Goods, ._juneldtf ALBERT WEBB ft rooms ot Messrs. Kcas k burin. ut o oonicer and FANCY We hare also a stook of CO* the and Dacotah. 11.7; Narragausett, Seminole GOODS Wat. Bolton’s Dow completed ready-made Tide was STORE, All of which will be sold low for Cash, at the old Drop, work of the first lor subjoot. largely atte .red, ana Papt. Che. 11: quality, H 8; Susquehanna and Powhatan, Mississippi, eueh as Velvets, Wcolen stand of Lewis A Smith. JOHN LYNCH ft Chase was chosen Chairman, and tVm. Mo a, Bugle Trimmings, Buttons, Peter’s Cboiee Natural Deaf. CO., 8.7; Saranac, 0 2; Saginaw, 9; Water Witch, Goods Gloves, Laces Veil, Cottons, Bio sons, Host- 1 Ladles, Gentlemen, and Children’s Wet Mtq Secretary. Alter a cartlu and candi- con, id- j ABIEL M. erauon an c adless too numerous SMITH, 171 Fore St. Helen ted from New York and Boston markets of the matter, it was v-.od ui.t ot aid 9; Michigan, 10.5. The Pensacola proved a i esy, he., *o., variety to i D Wholesale Corn, Flour and Grain- trey mention. Sept SO—dtf Geo Doaae ft Co. Caveudiak, Grocers, not m justice to theaa-nltes submit io the 'arms total aud the had to be re- work failure, machinery Our Ladies’ Is from the celebrated Barts 1 HEAD OP whieh the Cuban eritlen en bad as (we Don't forget the 166 Jlidd-t' street. MERRILL’S WHAXT, believe,) xnoved. number, Davis’ Natural Deaf, Mamt/toctory of Now York. AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. diouted io uur shippeis. Aid iu order to reduce For Gentlemen’s wear we nave the best assortment this vote to Such was the Granite Cenunerelal StrMt. • Par tin a binding obligation, they drew up and steam navy with which the W. B. HOWARD A ever Stores, Commercial street, ad. Me. C®. Annual Statement Anderson’s Navy, oflbred for sale in this oity; such as fine French | signed the following agreement. administration began the task of rigorously Patent Leather Boots; Glove Calf and Calf Con- nov8 (Opposite bead Widgery Wharf,) __leSStl PonTLsnn, N relabel 7,1864. 3000 miles of the most difficult OF THE Old Homestead. gress lor gentlemen’s wear; Patent Leather Con- vUockading The undersigned, bickers, Mas ers gress, and Calf and new Frenob John Lynch, Alexander D. bhipewners, coast in the world, the fastest aud best Army and Nary, Congress Balmoral, ) Reeves, and of vessels, and against Western Massachusetts Ins. Buckle Boots. Peleg Barker, ME. i Managers hereby a,ree pledge steamers that the of could Go., | PORTLAND, therm elves each to the ctrier, not to ehsr tr heir Bhops England pro- I Have you seen the new style CRIMl’ED-FRONl Then. Lynch ) Juneldtf PICTURE OF Pocahontas. Tailor Ac ve se's for the Island ot Cuba, upon other tarme duce, built exclusively for speed aud blockade J^RAMES PITTSFIELD, MASS., BUCKLE BOOT, now made by McCarthy k Ber- any Draper, than todeii«er their cargoes alongs.de the vet-ad at tbe in addition Made in ry? For neatness, oomiort and it running particular localities; compliance with the Laws of Maine. Shanshia. beauty, surpasses DOLE & there, lree of terage excepting lumber CLEVELAND & over got up In this Call and see MOODY, 98 ligl long to which theoceansoi the world were to be OSGOOD, anything oity. it; EXCHANGE whieh is to ed ashore the crew and kept November 1,1864. cn band at the old stand of M. Mo- GBNKRAL ST., by ship that steamers called always no charter shall be made on private terms, nucer fsee of'.he confederate cruisers, Magnolia, samjljles7 Manufactures to order and in the beet manner. Mfl- a No. 147 middle forteitureo one thousand cellars.which is to he aid but which were iu reality English pirates, be- St., itary and and Gar- Stock, all in, $150,000.00 May McCarthy & COMMISSION Navy Uniforms, Boys by the party ibis agreement, to the o' tie in with Capital paid Apple. berry, MERCHANTS, breaking ing built England, equipped English And W holesale Dealers in ments. signers therto*. Aadih charmanof this meetin EVAN'S BLOCK, Surplus Over Capital No. 90 Street. guns and manned by English crews, whose $96,232.48 KtUlekalek. Exchange is hereby authorizeu to institute all necessary legal Invested as jnneldti FLOUR, CORK AND to purpose was not to fight our cruisers as war Have on hand the largoit assortment of follows, viz PRODUCE, __sepOdtf proceedings ooileoc the snaae. Ves els. but to plunder our sailing merchant InU. S. 6-31 Bonds, valued at.f2r,375 00 No. 5 Galt Block, Commero'al 8t, JOHN F. ANDERSON, John £ Donnell, Tit omu L Libbey. In Massachusetts Stete Bonds, valued at.. 18,416 71 Andrew T. 1 David Ktazer, Robert M York, ships, and to keep out of tbe paths of our war j Having harked dowh the price of Cigars and The Dole, pnDTr Axri. PICTURE AND OVAL In hank Stocks, valued at..'.. 28 265 e0 Cabinet Franklin C. PORTLAND, MB. and Ru* sal Lewis, Jam >k Hntebinaon, steamers. MIRROR, at at Organs Moody, } Surveyor Civil In Railrcad and G> s Co Stocks, valued at. l,67fi 00 Tobacco, well other goods, to oonform to the MADE EXCLUSIVELY BY Engineer, Frank Mills eu, Samuel bote, " Junelddm The means at the command of the adminis- Loans on Mortgages of real estate “. 96.816 01 price of Gold, and being determined to reduce the __ OFFICE, CODMAN BLOCK, bufua Cushman, George Haskell, Loans on collateral securit es, 48.Out 90 WW Ha ris, x 1II tration lor building a steam navy to achieve I call the attention of tho trade to the Yaiuey, Cash on hand and iu stock, same. MASON & HAMLIN mehll dfcwtf Isxni Sntnar. W u. were Banks,. 9,607 72 E. K. Woodbury, Jelbua Poland, the herculean task just indicated, about In Hew the LEMONT, H England—purchased before the very greet Cash in hands of ag.nU and iu transitu. .. 14,2hS 17 Are best instruments of their class in the world. Chas. teaske 1, JaaieaV uoae,' two dozen machine and dis- adranoe in all of shops, great small, kinds materials—are prepared to Personal propei ty and other investments, 8,2i0 97 W m. Nearly all the most prominen’ artists in the oouutry Randall A W oodbury. C (J Uay, tributed from Maine to Maryland, many of sell at Alien, 'Jr*., hue given written testimony to this effect, and these Carriage Manufacturer, (Scotch Canvas, Boyd A Han-on, Chiat pbtr Kilby, Total ’instruments are in constant use in concerts oi Howard Waite, J M 1 a them very small aud without the tools, work- Asbktb.£246,232 48 the Preble -FOB 8ALM BY- dtnbrook, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, Nos. 13 and 15 the most distinguished artists—as Gottschalk and Street, Portland, Me. Wiliam ferris, k, A or skill for the of Exchange St. klarwck, men, requisite production others—as well as in the eras in the principal cit- H P Deane, 8 V Randail, LIABILITIES. T. • mariue machinery. The first class shops did Lower than any other Establishment Nov *—dim ies, whenever such instruments are required. Priee Carriages and Sleighs en hand and made to JAMES PATTEN A 00. Wm U. hadbourne, K L bltUtdeld, and none. : ~ Losses adjusted aue. ~ A Fain not exceed in number. But the entire in the 11 835 to $600 each. These instruments may be found arder.JnnelBdtf S er, Geo tv eight oity. claimed and unpa £7 0 00 B&tk, Me. Liuliteld, d. at the Musio Rooms of the where James t reeman, li H A force of those could not be commanded and subscriber, they bertou, shops The services of Mr. H. Q. SMITH, of ', reported unadjusted,. 6,980 00 will be sold at the manufacturers’ Drake A Thoe U able ior formerly prices. €. P. Davis, by the Navy Department the construction Boston have been secured to superintend the E. H. Kellogg, President. AN APPEAL KIMBALL, I Bleached J James Keazcr. 8 kl Martin, H. S. MANUFAOTURKR ‘JIM 1 5SLT8 Superior of new mailiinery. There were the enormous J. N. Dubham, Sec’y. EDWARDS, 09 300 do All ton*flax "Gov- .. _ i'trley A Russel, B J Willard, TO THE No.849} Stewart's Block, ernment ( 1 of to the steamers GILDING Sworn to Nov. bsfore mo, CongreasSt. contract,” J Southard at Woodbury, 1 P l ibber, quantity repairs merchant DEPARTMENT, 1st, 1864, 300 do A11 Arbroath. uBtice of the aprl3dtl and Extra Long flax I J K Jo can, C small, oi the to be and uew construe and can assure their customers and the ! Henry flickering,. Peace. Carriages Sleighs, 900 Kerry country done, they public do Navy pine j R H Bowker, Thomar Meant, made for that generally that all work will be done in the NHA T- Patriotic & Benevolent TRANSIEN l’ Prefel© (Near Preble tion to be service. The War Portland Office 31 Street, PRICE LIST street, House,) Delivered in Portland or Boston. Henry Luring, J a lot* Bain, B8T and most WORKMANLIKE MANNER. Exchange h L Department also drew largely on their resourc- FOB PORTLAND, MB. Hath, April *0. IMS Davis, Wm K Poyd, W. D LITTLE, spMdU Adams A Y Chan es for transport steamers, while the locomotive 3?eox>le of Maine. ork, Merrill, nov Charles Fobes, Geo W JLievie. 16dtf General for Maine. _ Felt Hats for Sale 110 and found it OLD FRAMES Agent Blocking 1864, Rooms, 112 Sudbwy St ., Boston, Mass. L D and'tool-inaking shops utterly impos- RE-GILT, AT Cole, Samuel G Daria, WILLIAM A. Morton sible to meet the demand upon them. Neither To look equal to new. ‘ Office on Main* Aobnoy, 1 janeltf PEARCE, Mover, Kdwa> d Hail, Chas P was there sufficient raw material in the coun- 63 Exchange street, Portland, Me. f Sweetsir’s Bleaohery, 312 Congress St. Ingraham, Chaa T Smith, A Rare Chance for Business.” Wm Seiner, James b aud sudden tbe been made from cur Maine M. PLUMBER! Lee, try for the large demand; iroo, Portraits & having j Ou Saratoga, Christiana and Eugenia shape, 60 PEARSON. E G Willard. Pictures, account of my health, I will sell at a bargain agents at and 2nd Maine Cm Gregory Croaton tin and coal had to be mined and man- APPLICATIONWashington, airy, cents. MAOS OF I P copper, Cleaned and Varnished in the ONthe following property, consisting of Pensacola, for articles of for our Maine Emery Curbing, Pinkbam, best style. j Vegetables On Jocky Crown and 50 conts. Silver Chas a J factured. in at English shape, Plater, Varney, A Soldiers Hospitals City Point, Washington and Felt 60 cents. Pettengili have also reoeired a fresh House, Stable, and Blocking Bonnets, Force and Albert Chase, JO They supply of Trench out-buildings Store; Pensacola; as the loyal people ol this State are ever For AND MAKUPAOTURRR 09 Pumps Water Closets, York, Hundreds of steamers, hundreds of loco- imitation of coloring, 20 oents additional to the above Samuel Rounds, Daniel O ready to to our brave soldiers, it is Daria, full of tens of thousands Also, 40 ACRES OF LAND of the very best de- respond propos- prices. NO. 1S4 EXCHANGE STREET, ‘’tepneneou A Co* William motives, shops tools, ed to rai*e Iwo Thousand Bbls of Potatoes, Milliners Anderaon, EBOS Y AND ROSEWOOD scription. The bouse is Sty stories with a piazza; it Apples, prices in proportion. sept22dtf 1 ho mas Connor, Isaac C of tons of metal were called for instantly, and FRAMES, and Vegetables, and forward the same to the Maine SILVER Park, contains ten large finished rooms. Also a large Ell WARE, PORTLARD, ME. Alv-n Heal, Peter the at and to be distrib- Graff.m, there was nothing on hand to answer call. which they oftr at lowest rates. well arranged and very convenient. Agenoy Washington Pensacola, 938 bollis St. uted to our brave soldieisin HosritaU. BRADFORD & MABMON] Congreee St., Opp. Court Home, Portland,Me. Clair, Joseph Hall, War steamers cannot be built iu a day. In- The stable is large and finished for a number of Warm, Cold and Shower brills, Wash Henry G Timmons, John T Rosewood, Black Walnut, and all Kinds ol there are also two theds All donations of the above art’den may be sent to Palmer, be into horses; large adjoining. Pension and HP*All kinds of Ware, such as Wm H Ayers Sbeba experienced labor cannot converted me at Portland. Free baa been Claim _ Knives, Forks, llentman, The above are well adapted for a hotel and stable. transportation pro- Agents, Cake Bowie, Brase A Silver Plated Chas David skilled mechanics in a the of ma- GILT 1 vided overall of our Llailro ?ds running into the Spoons, Baskets, Casters, Ac., plated in the Cocks, Dyer, McCa non, day; prices FRAMES. The store is in good shape, and there is no better city. (Established In 1861.) best manner. Dyer A Pieroe John W rose the oi the me- for trade in Cumberland The Potatoes should be properly barreled and mark- Crontber, chinery immensely, pay oonstantly on hand. place County. oontlnue to devote their special and exclu- Also, and Old Stiver of Water Fixtures lor Andrew J Chase, Ci aa ed to my addres«: 1 Repairing Re-flnithing description Dwel- Kinney, and the cost of a The above property is situated in the piasant vil- sive attention to the Ware. Cha* chanics material reached “For the of the Potomao and STILL prosecution of Claims for augfld8m Everyling Houses, Hotels, Public Buildings, hawser, Joshua struct, lage of Upper Gloucester, twenty miles from Port- Army Pensacola,'* Shops Nat bn 8 far above what they were worth except Looking-Glass Plates of all Sizes Re-Set. GEORGE R Ac., arranged and set up in the best manner, and all Daves, Waller Mertyman point land and within two miles of three Depots on the I»aVIS, Pensions, Arrears of and orders in Alisha B cause State Bounties, Pay town or country executed. Ah Wheeler, A Webber, from the factitious of the suddenness of have also a of Grand Trunk Railroad. BEWALL Agent for Maine. faithfully They large variety Photograph GROSS, Prize Money, kinds of attended to. Constantly Cha* P Knapp, Lymans Clark, demand. The result was felt in the anti Gloucester. Carriages, jobbingpromptiy the poor Stock Chemicals, Cases, Camaras, fc., fc. Upper Carriages! "“hund LEADYiPES, SHEET LEAD and BEER Eieah bam Uoae fe of CHAS. S. at 94 Commercial Executive 1 And all other claims the h v- peon, Stnrtirant, materials and poorer workmanship with which Inquire GROSS, (liamber, against Government, Firmly Bui and Neatly Finished. PLMPS of all descriptions. dtf S epben C Muusey, keten k Hale, *»* Mahtlb ahd Pike Glasses made to order. street, Portland. oot8dtf Augusta, Nov. 1, 1864. 1 lng been duly lieensed therefor. ap> was made. kir.d of mate- Jonathan to Knapp, J 8 Window, the machinery Any I commend the above to the charities Wi*h the facilities afforded them can appeal loyal Eir* All advice free. Terms as low as at any oth Wal Ford, MoGDrery, Kvanfc rial and tbe most unskilled labor had to be they get up of the of the Mate. J. P. LIBBEY, No. 20 Preble DaTla, any piece of work in their of business people an** D0 I(Kluired until the elalmsare St., J. T. Lewis « • & they if our ought to bare •• itary service. SEAVEY, Jnne21.—dtf sold on the most favorable terms. Persons intend- shipper* This Bank is prepared to receive subscriptions to BEADY-MADE CLOTHING much regard lor the interest of thefr own Annual Statement to to will tind it their lrieide Iii this emergency the (Successorg Bradford tf Harmon,) ing purchase Carriages for inter, and neighbors a* for their Cuban pressing Department the new 7 3-16 loan in sua s of *60 and upwards, eet to call and examine before consiarert: m« to that OF buying* elsewhere. AND FURNISHING aathe former aak did ail could possibly be done. It pur- THE interest from dato of to Will continue the House for Sale I lune28dtf GOODS, WK«iaBr only 'or what i« nati- paying subscription August Eating * uat and ri ht. merchant steamer that could he fcstl) But if they prefer to scope- chased every the date of the new Chamber, rat* wi\n 1 16th, loan. Noe. 1 and 1 Free Street Block tlaQ Ti’tor tor the purpt t>eof ciiocr ob- converted iuto a vessel or a war Phoenix Insurance PENSION One-half of tho Establishment blockading The notes are convertable at the end of three BUSINESS, atom term* and u. dieting n poeltive upon iha Company New Bedford H. J. A the injury cruiser, and the navy at this moment contains (Over Libby Co.,) form.r, it is very much to be regretted, but tan- Of 11ARTWOHD, COBB., year, into specie paying 6 per cent. 6-20 bonds. In all iti branehet, at the old stand in Xo. Copper Comp’y. merchant steamer of Bize or excel- 7*7 Middle St., n-ver be submitted to. every any on amounts undersigned, tgents of the above One-eighth per cent, will be allowed all Company, PORTLABD, MX. lence that has been built in the country. It On the First ol November, 18C4. Jose^Block, No. 88 Exchange THEare prepared to furnish suits of j'. P. l£5to. of *1000 and over. B. C. bOMERBY, Street, ATKINSON & INGERSOL, Cl TV OF set at work every Bteam engine factory in the Made in compliance with the Laws of Maine. _Jylldti POBTUm ug. 1,1861. dtf Cashier. Can be purchased at a This is the most laud, that could produce marine machinery. Portland' All olaims against the Government, sach at Pan bargain. Yellow Metal ft central in and a run Copper Sheathing, I* hereby giren, that it Is It considered all plans offered for armoring BioKg, Bounties, Back Pat and Paiza Money, Eating House the city, hat full TRUNKS, the Intention Stock all in ! of VALISES, NOTICEof the City Council to oat a new street, or and tried It instituted Capital paid $600,000 DANFORTH & and customers. It has also one of Bolt Bolt Yellow AND for lay vessels, many. exper- ! CLIFFORD, promptly faithfully adjusted. Copper, Metal, public way theose of the city,—beginning at tbo in in and in ar- pro'ont terminus of Hanover iments machinery, ordnance, Over scocxseoBS to So Charge for Advice and Information. Dow’* Spikes, Nails, tfc., street and continuing It covered the Missis- Surplus Capital $261,602.36 Celebrated Soda Fountain*, to Kennebec It street; mor-plating. rapidly So Until the Claim Traveling as viz: & CO. Charge »* Collected. Which draws of customers. Bags! And’he Joint of tbo and its waters with an immense Invested follows, HATCH, CLIFFORD crowds at short notice and delivered at Standing Committee City sippi tributary as Low as other any port requirod. Manufactured and Connoil on oat new in of Cash Chargee Aug Agentg. for tale laying stroete, puisuanie inland of which were armored, onhandard is Bank’,.S26 173.92 an ordor of oa tbo fleet, many FORA FIRST-CLASS EATING HOUSE, MoGLLVERY, RYAN A DAVIS. the v.,y council, pass'd tenth day Specie on hand and in Bauks,.7,726.93 Produce Commission Merchants, In ease of will asekt ralativba of eeid ert of m and which sweeping the rebels from these Necessity 8ept 6.—dtf WHOLESALE and RETAIL November, will meet for seld purpose Monday, Cash in hands ot AMD DXA1.KK8 IM and until their There is no better or run of custom in this the 21st of In the afternoon, at waters, have been an indispensable element to Agents and in transitu,.. .47,620.72 Beamei, money it receved from the locution, aay etov at 8 o’clock Specie iu hands cf and in the terminus of Hanover street, the p’aco of begin- the whole interior of the Agents train,tu,. .11,2 3,88 United States city. For one seeking business it will be found the GRANT’S COFFEE ft SPICE KILLS. A our holding country, Loans on porsonal and .64 690 CO BUTTER, CHEESE, I DURAN BRACK ETT. ning, then and to view and lay ost collateral security,. EGGS, LARD, beet tbere proceed as us the exclusive command of its Loans secured Real opportunity ever offered in this clsss of business said new it gives by restate,.45,780.00 Mr. Harmon has teen and ORIGINAL ESTABLISHMENT. * street. Atlantic coast Uni ed States Trust Co. Dried Arc. constantly exclU'ively in Portland. VO. 165 All will tske node* and govern water It lined the Stvok.10,000 00 Hama, Beans, Apples, engaged inUe bns’ness for the M|pDLE STREET. persona interes’ed highways. 1240 Shares New York Bank past fifteen Yiara, with a fleet as the world nev- Stooka,.81 OOO.OO and is now ihe oldest in the Parties to will at themselves scocr-jingly. such blockading 1886 Shares Hartiord Bank NO. 3 LINE practitioner Country: wishing pnrchsse please apply this 12th of Nor. a. Stocks.160,865.00 STREET, and has Given under onr bands day an has closed triniaj:ed the buei e’s oi mora than '■/ J. KT T All ordere In the or er witnessed before, practically 700 Shares 0‘her Bank Stocks,. 49 12,000 o-liTk. , oltjr from the oountry prompt $00 00 ME. pe sors to the’ entire aatMac ion. ATKINSON A INGEBSOL’8, the rebellious to the the few 100 Sha-es Holeyoso Water Power PORTLAND, Wholesale Dealer in all kinds of It filled. Jacob McBsllab. I district world, Co.,. ."u’.UOft 00 Clumants can a4; once »«l)ta8dU 20 New B itain Water Bept28 dtf see the advantage of en- sept27dtf So. 77 Middle Street. Calks V. Bcswoktb, Commute vessels which succeed in running the blockade Bonds,.11 jot, O0 trust their business I 10 Hartford < ity ng to thoea who have nad long Wrr. H. Stbwabt, on to small to sufficient Bonds.ll'.OOO 00 experience, and are well and known. being carry cargo togive 100 Connecticut State 00 extensively COFFEE, SPICES, 126 Ctbdb K. Kadd, /Batingout Bonds,.104,000 THE SPANISH NOBILITY Z. K. Portland Committee Exchange Street. 126 aid of any consequence. The rebels have not Oilier State end City Bonds.118,000 00 Habmok, Army Jjto. D. Snowriss, | New 8U J. D. SNAVKY. THE Salnratus A Cream Tartar, William G. — OF olUlu, been able to to United States stocks. 107.942.50 — J import even drugs enough sup- USB TBg Mr. J. D. will continne the bus- Accumulated Interest on Loans,.8,090,41 Searey Insurance novlddtd ply the medical department of its army. The iness as heretofore. oct22tf U. S. New Coffee and Spice Mills, II and IS Union street, Hugh. M. coast around the port of which ARCTUSINE, Christian Commission. Portland, Me. IPhinnev, Wilmington, Total Assets.$861,602,86 Blackiner’s Conct niraied the one at — — Inform hie friend, is only which blockade running is Total Amount of OR AYE R’S T. Coffee and Spices pnt np for the trade, with any and former cuatomer. Liabilities,.140,428,76 Chairman, K. Hayes, reoeives Stores at 118 Mid- WOULDthat he haa taken the Store is favorable for that Premium dle street. address, in all variety of packages, and warranted ho. He Exchange practicable, peculiarly Motes,.none. ‘street, where he la tend, to FRUIT and is lined CANADA ! Treasurer. as represented. oarry on the WINE, purpose, for miles on each side Dated at Hartiord, Mot. 8,1864. BEARS’ GREASE Cyrus Sturdivant, reeei-es Money at 78 which PHOTOGRAPH Commercial street. Coffee roasted and ground for the trade at short Made Without with batteries protect the blockade run- Hehbt Kellogg, Pres dvLt. For the growth and luxuriance of the hair. ROOMS, notice. Stove and Fermentation. Seoretary, Henry H. Burgess. reoe*ves Letters at Furnace BntlueM, ners and keep our cruiBers at a Wm B. Clabk, OT*All entrusted a (the owner’s risk. T«WW,« distance.— Secretary. Beware rf imitation’, and see that the 80 Commercial street. goods poaaesaea a mild are small signature XOl Middle march lOdtf In all its of the and deltcion- These runners vessels of light and name andp ace correspond. at., Andrew J. Chase, Dr. W. Johnson. branchee. STOVES, of all klnde, flavor, tall body, Office 31 Street. neweat and moot prepared lrcm inul- draught, and very low decks. They are Portland Exchange For sale by the Druggists. novlldlm Jnnel8dtl approved pattern!. l^is choice paint- xenons tluit*; and lrcm its pur- lead color, and approach the coast PORTLAND. ed in the R. Ji D. LARRABEE & ity and ,a uHar mode ot is W. P. LITTLE, novSdtf To C0.f prep- night. From the moment it poBsible to dis- Agent. NOTICE. Merchant Tailor* and Cutter*. Furnaces and Ranges, I ara'krn, fosaeaate remarkablo until reach the uovl2d3w No, 69 ea cover them they protection of the Subscriber» to the HAVE left with Mr. W. D. James, No. 68 Mid- Exchange St,, heallnx prr pert To Capital Stock of the Tin’and Hallow Ware. Soth- the batteries is a time of minutes, not of northern Railroad The Cheapest Agency I die street, Portland, of the true science of Kothinywore Palatalle, hours, Pacific Company copied Manufacturers of all kinds of Noth- to drafting garments. Mr. J. fully understands the nr Second hand STOVES bought, or taken In ivy more Invigorating- and they owe that their occasional success. JUST OPENjEDj the undersigned, the President and collecting all classes of olaims treat Secreta- arising theory and practice as well as I do, and can com- more Strengthening. of the Biard of the war is that of the exchange tor new. ing Were the circumstances such that they could And will be sold at the WE,ry Commissioners of the North- FOB municat as well to others. OTIS MADISON. FRAMES RAMons. futitcm, and Tnr Waxb re- short time before break- the until after a chase of a few ern Pacific Railroad Cob piny, in pursuance of t*e S-rovne, A half wine-glee* taken e not reach port Portland, Sept 16,1864. — in a faitblul manner. d motions in the Aot of “MAINK WAR CLAIM FOB — at abort notice, fast will the end ti ia to be relied he rare. givon Incorporation, hereby ASSOCIATION,’ paired sharpen appetite, hours, their escapes would very Near- Auction Room of C. E. the on mode of treatment mils. Cotton, give notice to subscribers of the Capital Stock of in which the ars controlled a disinter• when every other that have been chased in this manner at expanses by Having rooeived from Mr. Madison, 1 ly all said Companv, that, we appoint Tuesday the sixth ested Executive Committee. authority Oil Grateful tor former patronage, he bopet by etriot No, &G Street, iu am prepared t« furnish all th necessary informa- Paintings, and Used for ITervous Weakness. Used/or Kidney Com- sea have been it is not the of Exchange day of December next, at ten o'clock tho fore- in or to GKOKGJC Engravings, attention to bmlneM. fair to receive a caught; speed Apply person, by letter, F. tion. and supply those who wish with the rules, dealing, Used/or Indigestion. but noon, and the Room numbered twenty-two (22) in EMKltY, over the Portland Poet 8d may ueueroo. .hare ol public favor. plaints, the blockade runners, the conditions of Formerly occupied Stewart fc • stook of Office, glory. at Mr. N. S. No. 62 Middle street. Photographs, A for by Pierce, toe Merchants' Building, on blate street. dawlv Gardiner's, Looking Glasses. "lot. It ia Vouinginto ynUiu fkvor, thoae that an oc- Exchange gdUrtl*—3m W D. .)A MRS. rapidly it the the blockading service, gives them of Mass., as the time and tor the 38—dtf,__ who nae It onoe a variably buy second Ume- DRY City Boston, place Manufacturers of all kinds oi wine casional success. Their fastest and newest and fancy firatm of said f ir the purpoaeof lt h need ea a dinner by many in p'.aoe of all goods, eting subscribers, Notice. built for have | electing tairt-en Director, for said Corporation and 8. other*- steamers, principally speed, A LI. persons unsettled accounts A. EMEKY, Ivl O U LID MATCHES transacting any othur business that may legally having against 11ST 3-S been by our sloops in fair and ■£V >he estate of the late will Oomt/or the Sedentary, Good/o-the captured chase, come before them Joseph Gray, picese LATE OF —FOB— beat Consumptive. call at No 6 South Of the quality manufactured and foreale Good /or the Into'id. the speed of the vaunted Alabama is now xX^afiwio’.' JOSIAH PERHAM. President street for settlement, without de- by a J zu after to exceeded saf&ara™* S’ A >»f C.StifcRiDAN, Administrator. Das Conservatorium der Musik Leipzig, Picture Frames and Glasses. Itl» quite refreshing atireeome walk, and known have been greatly by that B°0P SWru* BIEL ABBOfT.Bec etary. Portlai Looking -tettoi ?ndHLinen Nov nov!7dtd d, Nov 4,1861— d3w lo the sedentary and oonvali scent it can be said to of the ?ht«d9N8ak'Tie“' Boston, 16,1834, teacher of the Portland Match Kearsarge. Also, A The Trade supplied with Black Walnut, Imitation be truly invaluable. Every bon-ehold alieold have Lar?e Lot of Platnrf ur__. 'Tnhlm Comp'y, The first vessels constructed bv the Depart- Rosewood Our a supply cons antly on hand for car. and Pocket cutlery, Trunk*, Post Ornoi, Portland, I Instructions on ihe Flute. and Ebony, and Gilt Oval Frames, FOES family were screw of 504 tons each STREET, ment 23 gunboats 1864. Piano Forte & to furnish mil ar- This Wine is is Nov. 6th, ) 8. J0HN80N, ol this oity, Musical manufhoturing facilities enable us • This fine Uu/tr- a of ten and a formerly proposes Theory, Portland, Maine. Un/ermented, with speed knots draught account of ebange of time of the Western ME.to lessons on the osn found mented, Tnis (10) Auction Sale* Every give above instrument. Can NO. 11 CLAPP’S BLOCK ticles In this line as low in prices as be Wme is Cnftnnentrd. nine feet. were intended Evening. Railroad, for the Winter the bo seen at present at the of Messrs. J. L. of (8) They espe- ON arrangement., store to call and exam- Prepared and ibr sale L. BLACKMk K ft CO., western on ano after Nor. will cloae at Shaw & Co., No. 87 elsewhere. Ws invite purchasers All orden In of the by for the of the small- CHAS. E. malls, 7th, Federal Street, between the the city, or from any pert Woroeter. Mesa. For .ale in Portland W T. cially blockading mouths COTTON, Auctioneer. r. m. ol 11 and Congress Street, Portland, [Maine. ine our of which we hava a by thia offioe at li o’alock hours 1 o’olook, Tams, *11) lot 34 lessons very fins Engravings world our filled. ft and •r rivers. I Ootai-dtf A. T. T?!T? Heg U reepected, prompUy PHILLIPS, CO., And by Druggists dealer* DOTtdfiw DOLE, P. M. Oct. 36—lm* Oot 81 atnwfBw Urge variety. seplOdtf tep«oatx generally, octZlavulia. The tote combined, ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. Will the Ifegroe* HA* I* quick and In aotlrudemand at batter price*. SPECIAL NOTICES. miniature almanac. "Borne” and Soldiers’ Fight? We nowouote preased «22 at 2) toe. Loom lias i» « fol- per M. NEW ADVERTISEMENT8. THE DAILY PRESS. e* returned for Member* of Congre**, In view of Vicksburg and Fort It been coming in rery slowly for aerornl day* past.— Wednesday.,.Nnernktr Rev. J. C. Fletoehr is now in Wagner straw i* in demand at Carriers qf Me Press art mot allowed Bon ty lecturing seems idle to ask quick *u@i6 »ton lor good: HT" Daily rises. lows: such a question as and gales have bean made at even Bun rOBIXUTD, UAIXM. England on Bruil. this, higuer figures. to sell papers on their routes. seta.sj| Deerlng H all. n„. .... 266.861 there are are easier yet those who have not unlearned IRON.—Prioea and the market gener- in. CiMniu ■ --— Roman in DtRiCTOU....Mts | Ciaui. • >a 9 » jyA Catholic Bishop Canada at a slight reduction for mg all their sneers about the ally qfii*t Knglish c >mmon Lxesea and Maxaoxb.Mr. F»i»* Kivnaa. interdicted the courage of the ne- refined, whi.h wo now SSEUfe East has wearing of jewelry by and quote at 84@@9£o lb. DR. MAJRI3STE NEWS, i Staok ..J- •*. Weaves. Not. The New York We 8CHENCK, Wednesday Morning, 23,1864. sex. groes. Herald of Nov. 4th LEATHER- quote NY.Li*h‘s Mediums Union the gentler 40&43; THE LUNG DOCTOR. FOR EIGHT NIGHTS ONLY ! majority,.13,859 gives the while and Heavy 41(§^4;filaughierl60(guary Consumption; thej ! Soprano. words recognition,in their tenacity, The Pul- the Custom House will not be opeu lor busi- of few appropriate of harmoniously through the whole system. giving, M itt observance time; and this association has dramatic entertainments by the Amateur on every side, left and the most NAILS continue to rule and at monic it a ness. GEORGIE FOWLER, Contralto. referred to his own former labors as right, front, quiet steady $10@ byrup strung preparation oi iron, and it which he of 10 60 cask. the stomach is iu a Mitt EMMA LEE, been prompt, aud never a club that city. terrific fire I have ever but not per condition to digest it, it will go Soprano. always kept large and his interest thenceforth in ail artillery seen, at t nee into the blood. of the Canadian line, which a teacher, NAVAL 8TORES—Spirits Turpentine has rallied In many Sises it should be Steamship Peruvian, ®r. WILLIAM CAST LF, audience waiting. That is as it should BTThe Baton Courier has changed hands, a man left the line unless he was wounded.” tende and taken m very small noses and dea- is advertised to leave this port on Saturday for Liv- just to the business or profession of from the drooolng *oy previous! noticed, frequently. The Primo Tent re. that pertained and 00 weed Tonic and Mandrake has been very successful in her passages be. Those who come to hear a herafter is to be issued as an evening paper. lost that 20 is now held at 2,62@i & gal. Tar, Pitch and Ros- ribs are to assist in erpool, good thing The regiment day 118 the so across the Atlantic, eaoh Mr. N. €. teaching. killed, in are stiaiy and without variation. cleansing stomach, that Fulmonic byrup can having accomplished trip CiMPBGLL, are Mr. Wyzeman Marshall is to be the in less than ten days. Her last trip was made to New Primo Baritone. always impatient when it is from reported wounded and 127 prisoners, the latter oil was advance kept Mr. Weston, President of the charg- OILS.—Kerosene at the factory is a which she will leave for Portland Association, The Seaweed Tonic stimulant, and none otht r York, from port Mr. them even lora few minutes. new proprietor. into the ditch 6c in the week, but the subsequent decline in WALTER BIRCH, Second Tenor. ing clear under the fort. early is rcquiied when it is used. It is pnr© and and is expected to arrive ou Thursday evening. responded, congratulating the members upon gold rendered the market dull at 95—97 l-i and SI 0 ) pleasant; Mr. STThe Augusta correspondent of the Ban- no bad effects lelt like when using Bourbon -yr JVjlRREJV WHITE, Fxrtt Batto. Gough’s theme was Fact aud Fiction; We are also pleased to learn of .another ga\ Shipments for the week exceeded 50,000 whiskey Mr. JOHJV the prospect ol a pleasant session, among a per which seems to build up lor a short time, and Geo Turner, before reported pu.ohaecd by CLARK, Second Batto He gor Whig, says that Col. G. W. is Linseed was more firm iu the of the then Ship and most did he handle it. Stanley nego- characteristic of these men. The Seventh is gals; early part Diopsysetsin and the patient dies Whis- in Boston, was sold for fit 600. Mr. WM. SKA A Batto ingeniously so and a of local teachers we.k but eased oflT to previous Crude Fish suddenly. parties TS, Buffo, people cordial, body with the to prices. key the natural of the at some of the social Ac- tiating Augusta House stockholders of destroys coating stomach.and Toglber with ou spoke length living, so as those of composed entirely Maryland ‘contrabands.’' Oi's are lower. We now quote Grand Bank and Bay forms a slime which takes its on TO MARINERS. intelligent Somerset County had the establishment. place—digest par- NOTICE Efficient make purchase Shore and Whale tial and the blood that is made is so OW 8TBIA—MD LIGHT AT LATaKIJAII. Orchestra and Chorus tions the false appearances which up They were paid off Oct. 21st, having been in S35@38; 32@?5, Pogie 80@383. y ceases, p^or COAST shown themselves to in connection with are with moderate sales at that it turns into watc and is the result. Mutical Conductor, alluded fo be, tyJosiah Little, Esq., of Newburyport, has Oils steady previous pri- *, dropsy The Turkish government ha« given notice that on p,of w. LEVEE at th« phrases; from was on prices steadily advanced 29}@3> refined, healthy Ar from gress Alabama, expelled Thurs- it somewhere; it takes ifs course the at Gloucester 17th, sch , Corliss, of who to soar the accommodation of more than two bundled prayer of the avail much ? the steady rapid decline in go ti effected a reaction, goes through persons ought above such righteous a unanimous vote for to St Lawrence. day by disloyalty the and receded to the current es of system and disease works out, and soon, meal alter Bay with the Dr. of prioes 29J@29] pri and set better These men students. Without interfering oper- jyRev. Barstow, Keene, N. H., after of offered on firm meal will the whole body with new blood and 3STew Hail, things examples. Confederacy. Maxwell, Florida, yesterday;market at these prices. supply DOMESTIC PORTS. City a of the diseased matter iu the lungs is worked out, for were satirized in the which ation of any other institution, this school aims ministry forty-six years, for the first time the same day a resolution, which was agreed SPICES—The demand has been quite ac’ive for following manner, ihe fresh blood takes ifs place and heals up the ab- BALTIMORE—Ar 18th, sch Mary Ansa, Gibbs. and on Jeff. Davis to inform the Senate trade for all kinds soic s; Cassia advanced Tuesday November 29ih. drew down the house. out and to do much to the ele- appeared voted, with four other clergymen, to, calling country c.sses. ibis is the way to cure New York. Evening, They hung as promises promote and Cloves st Nutmegs remain only con-umptiou, for f he had any information that any State of to85@87£; 56@60; and bohenok’s Tulmoaio beaweed Tonic and Ar20i,b, Daniel Nickerson, from vation ef our schools. Piesident. at the recent decline, and we continue to byrup, barque Webster, 87*0n which oooation will make An- regular stunners, though ugly customers with public steady Mandrake Fills will restore ail these to their they tbeir the United States had directly or indirectly 60c. organs Malaga. nual of An exhibition was then of the jyThe Pacific Co. are now some quot $175@185. Ginger natural condition. This Is all that is PHILADELPHIA—Cld 10th, Omaha. Robin- presents a flat or a spoon. They are np to given, gym- printing a to into a conven- required. brig always effects in expressed willingness go S ALT—Prices are without to note and son. Pensacola. very elegant plaid and check delaines any change Frequently consumptive patients find themselves A SPLENDID FITCH never hard nastic of Dr. the Bath tion of all the States. we to a market at $6 for out SET qf FURS. snuff, up, bat most Gften played system Lewis’, by which are quick at 42 1-2 cents, and their ohintx continue quote steady 25@7 breaking with boils about ihe body, and som NEW YORK—Ar 20th, scha E Kidder, Wooster, m Turks Island, and Liverpool. times ail over wi h a rash. T».i3 occurs when the Santa Cruz. Dearborn, Herriman. a of teachers effects continue in Goods Cagliari Cuba; Ragged Which msy be seen la tl e window of U. A. 8a»s- out, wearing knobby tile; regular bricks Gymnastic Club, composed mainly great request.—Dry 1j ver ha' been for a SEEDS—All descriptions of seed remain quiet aDd congested length of time, and island; Clara Jane, Hayden, fm Calais; Matauzas. kraut, wbere tickets are for sale. Also, a magnifi. and Reporter. An Old Paper.—Rev. P. C. venous blood has become «o thick it when sporting tin and having enough of the of that place,—ladies gentlemen,—under Richmond, steady at our previous prices. has hard wort Hamilton, Amboy for Portland; Trenton, Martin, eant Some of the to circulate. vv hen this takes place it is a Elizabetbport for Providence; Cherub, Bailey, from the direction of their Professor Wood- jy Provincial papers are com of has in our hands TEA—Prices are firmer but t*>e limited demand good symp- rhino; were no fools, and never made to teacher, recently Fryeburg, placed tom for it shows that the stomach is doing its work. Gardiner; Lind, Portland; J H at a market and con- Jenny Gray, Depu- BEAVER PATTERN OVERCOAT. that the new confederation of the Brit- preseat keeps up steady prioes If the are it cannot done. Harriot Fu and do a ward. This was done in most excellent time plaining a of the “Essex Gazette,” dated “Salem, uugs too.far gone be In- ty, Sturges, do; ler, Hamilton, do; Cos- small; regular trumps, will cake or a copy tinue to rule at about 120@125 for choice Oolong, On ox i bit ion in’ the window of ish is to be in without stead ofthisoourso the consumptive seeks for so me* mos, Stetson, Rockland; Andrew Peters, Lord, from Lewis, Hollins and in no provinces put force being and 15 or common and ordinary; Sovohong Evaas’ spoon time. This class were severely and tune, with musical accompaniment, and Aug. 10th to August 17th, 1773,”—three years 110@i th ng to stop the cough, night sweat, and to break Providence. Bond, Block. submitted to a vote of the Le- &0@t0d|rfl> chills. Ail these are caused Cld 19th, Okolona, Cow CB. lashed.. at once and instructed the audience. popular people. older than the Declaration of up creeping complaints Thatoher, Bay gratified Independence. TOBACCO—Prices continue firm with a diseased and such remedies tend to Ar 21st, schs Saxon, St Andrews NB; S S COMMITTEE is to be re-enacted on British soil. growing by lungs, destroy Cassidy, OF ARRAUEME2ST3: He next In comptonism Hall were the for the contiuue our ho tone of the stomach. all ef Dr Sohenck’t Harris. Belfast for Baltimore; Sarah, Clark, pounced with biting satire upon place of the lecture announced to be Samuel and Ebenezer printers, confidence suture; quotations Nearly Lewis, W. U Phillips, r. O K;ch, jy It is estimated that Adams & Co’s without revising as sales continue within our uts get to be people, and one would hard- Bangor for Washington; Planet, Dermett, Rock- express near the again pati fleshy J. B Hackly fl*. Hufus D. Bean, those who regard with holy horror breaches given by Mr, Dunton, Principal of the Bath “at their Printing office Town- forth* various with a moder- think ever could the land; Jason, tor Portsmouth; have carried off from •-an^e grades, though ly they bave.had consumption Sprague,Elizabethport J. E. A. Boston within the last bus:ne68 Henderson. for West B.Thorndike, S*wytr. of gentility, who did not scruple to set at High School, the following letter was read House.” The number before us is marked ate As sail above, tlse only way to cure consumption is May Flower, Newburg Boston; three days of last week, of tons TIN—The decline in Ins rendered the to fix the stomach and >iver so as foo will digest Wind, Harrington, Dighton. from that upwards thirty 264. gold market and violate commandment of gentleman: Vol. VI, No. and weak we get up a the bowe; swell and Cld 21st, John Bright, Dewer, A Full naught every of thanksgiving “fixings” for the soldiers in dull prioes though continue to quote good appetite, keep open ship Liverpool; Orchestral Band of Music, “Deab Sib :—I am not to dates from London were to char IC $2U22, Char I X 26a27; Coke 19a24 tne !uogs must heal up. In some way the Pulmonu- barques Jennie Ellingwood. Ellingwood, Havana; the decalogue, who would not lor their lives sorry be able to The latest up ;Straits Under the direction of N W. is the Army of the Potomao. 62; BancaTOcash. byrup has the power of extricating the bile from Golden Fleeoe, Rhodes, Barbadoes; schs Julia, Col- Raymond, engaged attend your convention at this but it to to tarnish the auric tor be seen their teeth with a session; June 16th, aud from Portsmouth, (Eog.) the blood and leaves it in » healthy state. tin, Curacoa; Satiwa, Jasper, Philadelphia. Dancing picking fork, but is fortunate the jy Sixteen States have the Con- WOOL—The market for all descriptions is very for Association, for my lecture accepted Many persons of are to what is NEW HAVEN—Ar 21st, sch Caroline C. Pomroy, Dancing to oommoioe at 8 o'clock who of June 22. George III. was then in Ports- strong and have an upward with late*yea>8 subject precisely thought nothing cheating their neigh- is 1 have been troubled the gressional grants, for the establish- King prioes tendency called Canker and Ulcerated sore throat. That dis- Calais. very long. past providing gold Foreign continues to move the prices at a Naval and slowly, ease originates fiqm the stomach. Iu cas'* FALL RIVER—Ar20tb. schs Maria Lnnt, Boyn- TICKETS FIFTY CEJYTS, bors, oppressing their servants, or committing term, with measles, mumps, gymnastics, and ment in the various of for in- mouth, great Review, lodg- demanded generally above tho views oi buy- many States, colleges being con-tant use of the Mandrake Pin alone have cured ton, New Tork; Madagasca-, Coombs, Bangor; To be had of the CoainTtee of and sore and for the last there were for a ers. Arrangme^ts, any profitable or pleasant immorality. inflammatory throat, struction in Agriculture and the Mechanic ings twenty-live guineas it; burning it out with caustic affords only Tempo- Mary Ann. Murphy, Augusta. at the store of K. C. Andrews Every ticket entitles week have been in room—most of the FREIGHTS—The Brokers and Mastors net relief. BRISTOL—Ar 2Jth, sch Frances Ellen, kept my Arts. • and ten guineas for a single night. Ship rary ti;k hcadacho. u'cers in the throat and Whitman,' the purchaser to a chance for the valuable prises. The author now reviewed the week, to to the terms of char er re- lives aud time in bed. I wish you all a pleasant ses- being disposed acoede coated tongue are Irom the same oa*fe and require Bangor. nov23*oodtd. Chronicle learns cently ad op od by the Shippers, have turned their the same treatment If have a sick headache NEWPORT—Ar 20th, sebs Chas Carroll, Ellems, works of Burns, Byron and sion, and a safe return to your turkeys. jyThe Washington that you George Sands, attention to purchasing cargoes on vessels' account, your stomaoh is out ot order If you have a coated Rockland; Vandalla, Couslrs, Ellsworth. Tours L. Dunton.” are for The Cabinet of Mason & Hamlin Boston for paylug a just tribute to their but con- Truly, preparations in progress the establish- Organ has, and most of the engagements of the regular Cu*)a tongue, bed breath or ulcerated throat, disordered Sid, brig Edwin. Allen, from Newburg; nd genius, schs do for Albemarle Sound NC; the rain and thu ment of a national Bank for colored for so small an instrument, wonderful volume nailing from this po.t for the past week som&ch causes it; and the Mandrake rills will cure Saxon. Tapley, m that a truer criticism would Thus, though descended, depositors, tor tending severely and a of that is Sacket.4ave all loaded on owners' account. The engage th°mail. Coosumptiv a, do not it off; vis t Du. Whitney Lord.Hayes,Bangor Baltimore; Cosmor, at The and power, variety expression put the Immoralities that streets .were flooded, the Association made Philadelphia. movement will be accom- monts of the regular shippers have been chiefly Scuenok when in Boston this time. One is Stetson, Rockland for New York; Planet, Dermot judge marred £many a costly organ, while its thing H ASSEMBLY.# for New Jas equalled only by pipe British vessels, mat have Taken up under the pre- cartain—if his medicines do no will Rockland York; Deputy, Sturges, Agra in all you an and for continued plished, probability, within a short time. are good they pages cf their works. The way he auspicious opening, hope and sweetness of tone truly charm- terms of the are the do no harm. Portland for Albany; United States, Jauvrin. from approached purity sorited shippers. Following you A Grand Assembly a ill beheld at cheer or shine.” jyiu its charter and is most calculated to meet for the C H do for do; Harper, Coombs, Bath for Baltimore; our recent Presidential election was good to-day, “rain P. surrendering arganiz- ing. It admirably engagements wtek:—Brig Kennedy, GEO. C. GOODWIN & 88 Hanover 8treet, Gough with Box fo<* Havana on owners' CO., Abbie. Knight, Portland lor Fortress Monroe; Nev- ing under the National law the Suffolk the wauls of families aud small churches. It Shooks, account; Bo.-ton. Wholesale Agents, Irancastor Sail, all over inside and out. Hi* disclaim- Banking Eenshaw, for a North side out and home at ada, Mann, do for Philadelphia; Adaline, Belfast lor playful can be with takes no brig port sept 22dlw -ON- bank shows that no can be so im- transported safety, up $5 HO for Molasses, do; Hiawatha, for do; Emily F'owler, er of of a Letter from the State regulator” k* gals g ge foreign port charges Newburyport saying anything political nature Capital. more room than a melodeon, does not soon to be cleared Br hark Thomaston tor Centroville, Md; Charles Carroll, fm portant that it may not need to lean paid—vessel Pec Xat; Dunkeld, Tuesday Evening, Nov. 29, something article lor with Box at 30c on To the Rockland; M B Mahoney, Calais for excited much merriment in the audience, Augusta, Nov. 22,1864. get out of order, aud makes an elegant Matanzas, Shooks, delivered Sick. Philadelphia; MUSIC BY upon. shore Br brig with Box Shooks Dolphin, Talbot, fm Macbiaa for New York; Jame- To the Editor the press: of furniture for the We are but doing by vessel; America, ELIZABETH B ADAMS, (formerly Chamberlin,) but his impulses were such that he cocld not qf parlor. for deliver d on ve Br bark Tilden. and Fair Winn, from Ellsworth for do; Kate is said a Ma'anzas, shore hy sel; Chandler’s Band. GTIt that wealthy democrat at a to our readers their atten- M. D. 214 corner lor Quadrille J. W. T. Gardiner has been ordered favor by calling Agnes Fraser, for s tme with Box Shooks.cn Analytical Practitioner, Congress, Wentworth, Bangor Alexandria; Harriet F uller resist them, and his Union sentiments raised Major had three rooms fitted port, 75 Washington splendidly tion to the Cabinet Bap- the same terms; J H with Box Pearl street. Cousultation y&as to all, from 9 to 12 Hamilton. Portland for Philadelphia; May Queen. Tickets Cents, to be relieved Robert M. of Organ.—[American brig Dillingham, a real storm of Here he touched by Major Littler up, intending to invite ex-Presidents Pierce, Shooks, to a N orthside at delivered Gott, Bangor tor New York; Cicero, Hartford, fm Floor Managers. applause. tist. port 30c, ▲ m ., and 2 to 7 P. if. and cargo Bristol tor do; Counsellor, East Green- J. O. W. H. the the Veteran Reserve In the duties of Fillmore Buchanan to occupy them next alongside; brig P R Curtis, to North side Cuba and Whitmore, Anthoine, Colley, deep current of patriotic that runs Corps, A regular graduate from the Boston Female Med wich for or Ellsworth. H. P. L. feeling March, wheu they should visit to hack, if to Portland-SfiCO, if to Boston $550, or If to do, Fairfield, Pray. to the Washington his exclusive atten- In Sea Coombs from for to comm *cce at all and an outburst of Assistant Provost Marshal General, see McClellan gyThe undersigned gives New York $3 110 gal* g gc for Molasre*, deliver- ioal College, with 10 years sucocessful praotice en port, brigs F'oam, Bangor Dancing 8 o’clock. through loyal hearts, inaugurated. Marshall do Phi’a tion to collecting Pensions, Bounties, Arrears of ed, charterer foreign port ablts Washington; Dutch, Coombs, for HF* Clothing checked tree. nov28dtd was the Chief and and paying charges, pilotage her to offer hope to the sick and especially to applause legitimate and natural con- Mustering Disbursing Officer, jyThe Waterville Mail says they have had and Prize for and Ada Carter, chartered 3d deiphia; schs Lookout, Wakefield, tm Portland tor Pay Money, Officers, Soldiers, lighterage; brig in.it, and fit fem&'es children affile ed with chronic diseases. Baltimore; F'rances Ellen, Whitman, and Ma.ion A The of such Superintendent of Volunteer Ser- a of or their Heirs. 821-2 for Card nas. with Box Shooks, 28c, to be receiv- sequence. expression senti- Recruiting compound sleighing and wheeling for the Seamen, Office, Exchange Gould. Trim, from Bangor. Portland. ed from alongside free of expense to the ve: sel, bills Her remedies are purely vegetable, chemically pre- ments at this crisis of our vice in this State. Gardiner has al- week. St., opposite Postoffice, WICKFORD-Ar 20th, sch Post, frem A NOVELTY IN MInSTIeLSL affairs Major past The Mail thinks more than a foot laden signed accordingly onlOthinst; Br b ig Snow and the with Union, produced W. S. SAWYER. pared, certainty which they oure dis- Rockland. his duties and Bird, for Cardenas. Box Shooks at 20?, cargo re- loader and than ia is ways discharged with fidelity of snow has fallen, but so with rain eases oi whatever causes them to a? HOLE—Ar deeper applause possible mingled References—Hob. Samuel Cobv.Gov. of Me., ceived aloDgtlde (new char‘er); sch Village Belle form, receive, HOLMES’S 19tb, brigs Birchard k and to the the Torrey, Haskell, Baltimore or Boston; Wm A Dres- for any exhibition to however keen or ability, satisfaction of all persons and other discouragements that a few Hon. Wm. Pitt Fessenden, Seo’y Treas’y. (90 tons), henoe to Havana and back to New York, they merit, utmost confidence of the sick. Mid- exeite, snappish ser, Hatch, Island Md lor Portsmouth; schs oct. 13 d 6m. with oargo fruit, for round sum of $1150, charterer attended to as usual. Hog sarcastic it be. who are content with justice. nights could not preserve it. wifery Kimball. for may port charges; sch Adele, with Box Mazurka, Newport Boston; frhonix, Two payingloreign Dr. Adams, is assisted Dr. J. oj Cheeter River, Md. tor Bath; Nights Only. The order W. S. jy Colfax lectured in Boston a Shooks, to Havana, delivered on shore ve*. by Wesley Kelley, Henley. Alligator.Col Most severely did he condemn and de relieving Captain Dodge, Speaker few cargo by for se/at 30?; bark Norton Stover, to load Box Shooks Boston, (sole surviving founder of the Analytical sys- lins, Philadelphia Portsmouth; . Coombs, as of Subsistence at this ha9 since to a crowded and also in Fall River for Abbie, Portland tor nounce the assailing of private character in Commissary post, evenings house, Review of the Market, for Matanzas on privato terms. Coastwise, we tem) who is in attendance at hor office the second Bangor; Knight, j Fortress Monroe; Nevada, Mann, do tor Philadol been and he Salem. He is to lecture in Lewiston on would name the engagement of trig Ambrose Light. political contests, it as his belief that revoked, will continue here in Friday Tuesday and Wednesday of each month. phia; Cyrus Fossett, Hodgdon, for NYork. avowing For the week ending Nov. 23d, 1864, prepared ex- (280 tons) to take Hay to Fo tress Monroe, at $10.50 Bangor the of of this week. It is said that he Nov 3— d&w3m Union Pendleton, Rockland for do. « it has done much in men discharge that duty; but he has been evening gives lor the Prkbs, Mr. M. N. Rich. THE CAMP BERRY preventing of high pressly by k>ton. Sid, schs Nevada, dollar he receives for to Abbie, Marcellus, Cyrus Fosset, and relieved by Captain A. as Act- every lecturing the dis- and Union. honorable minds from seeking office, and Whytall, Q. M., ANDREW DeW. M. abled soldiers. Note.—W© wish it to be understood that our quo- BAR8S, D., ▲r 20th, brig G L Bucknam, Rhoades. Rockland in ing Assistant in which lots from first SPECIAL NOTICES. Minstrel sapping the foundations of the Government, Quartermaster, capac- tations represent prices of large hands, for Washington; schs Geo L Green, Rich. Georg Troupeit jy The decease of Madame an able con- otherwise and that in small or- Gndute of the of aud the of ity he has been engaged, to the satisfaction of Joly, unless stated, filling “liihersity kiibirgh,” Scotland, etown DC for Boston; Rachel Beals, Moore. South liberties the people. to be Will give two of their Entertaimsnt at Underlying to the Brussels press, is announced. ders, higher rates have charged. Amboy for do; Eliza Matilda Cottrell. New York all concerned, and with credit to since tributor CUSTOM BOOTS. Late Resident of the these remarks, ivdid not reqnire more than a himself, This lady was for many years the Paris corres- Surgeon “Royal Maternity for do; Slak, Ingalls, and L M Strout, Collins, from the of of one of the ASHES.— Prioea remain at the advance Hospital," Edinburgh. for do; Julia fm do lor Ports- an to see that he alluded departure Captain Brinkerhotf. pondent principal Belgian journals. steady Elizabethport Kelley, DEERINC HALL, ordinary sharp eye with moderate sales at Residence—corner of Cumberland and LocuatSta. Adaline, Hatch, New York for Pembroke The commissions In Europe, many female are previously noticed, ll@ll£o mouth; ; to the islanders that have following have been issued: correspondents Foss, for Hart gross been heaped more and are