Framework for Regional, Coordinated Monitoring in the Middle and Upper Basin,

U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-386


Front Cover: Top, Oregon Water Resources Department stream-gaging station on the Deschutes River at Benham Falls. Middle, Mount Jefferson, Deschutes County, Oregon. Bottom, Diversion dam, North Unit Canal, Bend, Oregon.

Back Cover: Top, Snow Creek. Bottom, Steelhead Falls on middle Deschutes River upstream from Lake Billy Chinook.

Photographs courtesy of Kyle Gorman, Oregon Water Resources Department, Bend, Oregon. U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey

Framework for Regional, Coordinated Monitoring in the Middle and Upper Deschutes River Basin, Oregon


Open-File Report 00-386

Prepared in cooperation with the UPPER DESCHUTES WATERSHED COUNCIL


U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Charles G. Groat, Director

The use of trade, product, or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

For additional information contact: Copies of this report can be purchased from: District Chief U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Geological Survey 10615 S.E. Cherry Blossom Drive Branch of Information Services Portland, OR 97216-3159 Box 25286, Federal Center E-mail: [email protected] Denver, CO 80225-0046 Internet:

Suggested citation:

Anderson, C.W., 2000, Framework for regional, coordinated monitoring in the middle and upper Deschutes River Basin, Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-386, 81 p. CONTENTS

1.0 Summary ...... 1 1.1. Monitoring Goals ...... 1 1.2. Suggested Monitoring Plan ...... 1 2.0 Introduction ...... 4 2.1. Purpose and Scope ...... 4 2.2. Study Area ...... 6 2.3. Water Management in the Upper Deschutes Basin ...... 9 2.4. Water-Quality Issues ...... 9 2.5. Recent and Current Monitoring ...... 12 2.6. Previous Management Plans ...... 14 2.7. Principles of Long-Term Monitoring ...... 14 3.0 Coordinated, Regional Monitoring Plan ...... 16 3.1. Monitoring Program Management ...... 17 3.1.1 Objectives and Associated Actions ...... 17 Integration, Coordination, and Efficiency ...... 17 Data Gaps ...... 20 3.2. Streamflow ...... 20 3.2.1 Monitoring Objectives and Associated Actions ...... 22 Data Utility and Availability ...... 23 Status and Trends Monitoring ...... 23 3.3. Water Temperature ...... 25 3.3.1 Monitoring Objectives and Associated Actions ...... 25 Data Utility and Availability ...... 25 Status, Trends, and Compliance Monitoring ...... 27 Evaluation Monitoring ...... 29 3.4. Turbidity/Sediment Transport ...... 29 3.4.1 Monitoring Objectives and Associated Actions ...... 30 Status, Trends, and Compliance Monitoring ...... 30 Evaluation Monitoring ...... 34 3.5. Physical Channel Morphology/Aquatic Habitat ...... 35 3.5.1 Monitoring Objectives and Associated Actions ...... 36 Status and Trends Monitoring ...... 36 Evaluation Monitoring ...... 39 3.6. Nutrients ...... 41 3.6.1 Monitoring Objectives and Associated Actions ...... 41 Status, Trends, and Compliance Monitoring ...... 41 Evaluation Monitoring ...... 46 3.7. Dissolved Oxygen and pH ...... 48 3.7.1 Monitoring Objectives and Associated Actions ...... 49 Status, Trends, and Compliance Monitoring ...... 49 Evaluation Monitoring ...... 50 3.8. Esherichia coli Bacteria ...... 51 3.8.1 Monitoring Objectives and Associated Actions ...... 51 Status, Trends, and Compliance Monitoring ...... 51 Evaluation Monitoring ...... 52 3.9. Additional Monitoring ...... 53 3.9.1 Nonindigenous Species ...... 53 Monitoring Objectives and Associated Actions ...... 54 3.9.2 Invertebrates ...... 54 Monitoring Objectives and Associated Actions ...... 54 3.9.3 Toxics ...... 55 Monitoring Objectives and Associated Actions ...... 55

iii 4.0 Implementation ...... 56 4.1. Summary of Proposed Monitoring Actions by Organization ...... 56 4.2. Phased Implementation of Monitoring Actions ...... 62 5.0 References ...... 63 6.0 Glossary ...... 67 Appendixes: A. Summary of water-quality objectives and recommendations from previous management plans ...... 71 B. Quality-assurance terms ...... 79

FIGURES 1. –5. Maps showing: 1. Middle and upper Deschutes River Basin, Oregon...... 5 2. Designated reaches for regional monitoring in the upper and middle Deschutes River Basins, Oregon ...... 7 3. Location of active stream-gaging stations in the middle and upper Deschutes River Basin, Oregon, 1999 ...... 21 4. Location of temperature monitoring stations in the middle and upper Deschutes River Basin, Oregon ...... 26 5. Turbidity, total suspended solids, and sediment monitoring stations in the middle and upper Deschutes River Basin, Oregon ...... 31 6. Nutrient, dissolved oxygen, and pH monitoring stations in the middle and upper Deschutes River Basin, Oregon ...... 42

TABLES 1. Matrix showing proposed implementation schedule for suggested long-term monitoring actions in the middle and upper Deschutes River Basin, Oregon ...... 2 2. Definition of reaches of the middle and upper Deschutes River Basin and selected tributaries, including estimated ground-water gains and losses and water-quality issues identified by the State of Oregon ...... 8 3. Summary of relevant monitoring activities in the middle and upper Deschutes River Basin...... 10 4. Historical and current fish and amphibian species in the waters of the middle and upper Deschutes River Basin ...... 13 5. Laboratory and field methods for sampling, preservation, and analysis of nutrients in water samples used by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality in the Ambient Monitoring Program ...... 45 6. Summary of objectives and suggested monitoring actions for coordinated, regional water-quality monitoring in the middle and upper Deschutes River Basin ...... 57


Multiply By To obtain foot (ft) 0.3048 meter (m) mile (mi) 1.609 kilometer (km) cubic foot per second (ft3/s) 0.02832 cubic meter per second (m3/s) feet per second (ft/s) 0.3048 meter per second (m/s) milligrams per liter (mg/L) 1 parts per million (ppm)

Temperature in degrees Celsius (°C) may be converted to degrees Fahrenheit (°F) as follows: °F=1.8(temperature, in °C)+32


Base map modified from U.S. Geological Survey 1:500,000 State base map, 1982, with digital data from U.S. Bureau of the Census, TIGER/Line (R), 1990, and U.S. Geological Survey Digital Line Graphs published at 1:100,000. Publication projection is Lambert Conformal Conic. Standard parallels 43°00’ and 45°30’, central meridian-120°30’.

iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Funding for this cooperative project was provided to the Upper Deschutes Watershed Council by a grant from the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board. A committee was convened on several occasions from 1998-2000 to help develop the plan for interagency monitoring in the upper Deschutes River Basin. This group was instrumental in identifying issues, providing information on previous and current monitoring programs, developing and agreeing on monitoring actions, and providing valuable reviews of the monitoring plan as it was written. The committee was organized and convened by Barbara Lee, Coordinator for the Upper Deschutes Watershed Council. Mollie Chaudet, Wild and Scenic Rivers Coordinator, and the Bend/Ft. Rock District of the Deschutes National Forest provided meeting space and logistics for committee meetings. Facilitation was provided by Gery Ferguson of the Deschutes National Forest. Bonnie Lamb, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, spent many hours gathering information, creating Geographic Informatin Systems (GIS) coverages, and generating preliminary maps showing current monitoring programs and 303(d) listed segments for streamflow, temperature, sediment and turbidity, and nutrients. The Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation also provided early input to this process. The following is a list of committee members.

Name Organization Bonnie Lamb Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Steve Marx Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Kyle Gorman Oregon Water Resources Department Robert Main Oregon Water Resources Department Barbara Lee Upper Deschutes Watershed Council John Mason Deschutes County Beverly Sunderlind City of Bend Roger Prowell City of Bend Scott Lewis Portland General Electric Michelle McSwain U.S. Bureau of Land Management Larry Zakrajsek U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Jerry Cordova U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Mollie Chaudet U.S. Forest Service, Bend/Ft. Rock Ranger District Tom Walker U.S. Forest Service, Bend/Ft. Rock Ranger District Beth Sanchez U.S. Forest Service, Crescent Ranger District Randy Gould U.S. Forest Service, Deschutes Ranger District Mark Wilcox U.S. Forest Service, Deschutes Ranger District Robert Rock U.S. Forest Service, Ochoco Ranger District Jim Seymour U.S. Forest Service, Ochoco Ranger District Richard Vacirca U.S. Forest Service, Ochoco Ranger District Brad Houslet U.S. Forest Service, Sisters Ranger District Mike Riehle U.S. Forest Service, Sisters Ranger District Chauncey Anderson U.S. Geological Survey

v Framework for Regional, Coordinated Monitoring in the Middle and Upper Deschutes River Basin, Oregon By Chauncey W. Anderson 1.0 Summary specific questions. Evaluation monitoring will primarily be addressed through the use of short This report presents a framework for term, targeted studies with specific, narrowly regional water-quality monitoring in the middle defined objectives. and upper Deschutes River Basin, Oregon, that would be coordinated among organizations doing related monitoring. The emphasis is 1.2 Suggested Monitoring Plan on maximizing the value of existing programs The monitoring plan is organized by water- and resources by minimizing overlapping sampling efforts, filling key data gaps, increasing communi- quality topic, with subsections addressing cation about results, and facilitating coordination monitoring objectives and suggestions for and cooperation among organizations. The report monitoring actions to provide data for Status and was developed in conjunction with the Upper Trends, Compliance, and (or) Evaluation Deschutes Watershed Council and a committee monitoring. These objectives and actions were of representatives from each of the organizations developed in conjunction with the Upper listed in the Acknowledgments (hereafter referred Deschutes Water Quality Monitoring Committee. to as the Upper Deschutes Water Quality The plan also suggests ways to increase the Monitoring Committee, or “the Committee”). This efficiency and usefulness of data collected to date, group helped to (1) determine the water-quality which in many cases have not been analyzed or issues to be addressed, (2) provide information on communicated. Some suggested monitoring current programs in the basin, (3) develop the actions would provide data necessary for other overall monitoring objectives, and (4) reach actions to be carried out, whereas others would agreement on the general monitoring framework. likely require data from a previous action in order to be completed. Other monitoring actions, 1.1 Monitoring Goals especially special studies to answer questions about specific land-use or water-management The principal goals for this monitoring practices, could be most effectively addressed by program are, in order of importance, to (1) pooling of efforts among organizations, due to understand the condition of a resource or changes expense or limited resources within individual in the status of critical parameters over time organizations. Some agencies might be unable to (“Status and Trends” monitoring), (2) determine make major changes in their monitoring programs whether conditions meet established criteria, without internal deliberations, and possibly until reference levels, or standards (“Compliance new funding cycles are completed. monitoring”), and (3) assess the affects of land use or effectiveness of changes in resource One way to account for the above management (“Evaluation monitoring”). For this considerations would be to implement the plan, the primary goal is to provide data that can monitoring program in phases (table 1). Each be used to evaluate the status and trends of water- phase would build upon the previous one, although quality related resources in the basin. Compliance some programs, especially the larger special monitoring needs will be met in part by data studies, might extend into the next phase. The collected under this plan, but for some constituent timing of the phases may correspond to funding groups or issues, such monitoring will require cycles or possibly to time frames set by the additional data collection targeted to answer agencies in conjunction with upcoming programs.

1 .

Table 1. Matrix showing proposed implementation schedule for suggested long-term monitoring actions in the [Numbers correspond to the order the actions are presented in the text; EPA, Environmental Protection Agency; ODEQ, Oregon Department of DO, dissolved oxygen]

Monitoring Phase of coordination and Turbidity/sediment Channel morphology implementation management Discharge Water temperature transport and habitat (1) Establish coordinat- (9) Continue current net- (12) Compile existing (19) Compile existing (25) Compile existing ing mechanism work data and evaluate data and evaluate data and evaluate (3) Establish common QA/QC data QA/QC data metadata protocols (4) Develop quality- Phase 1 assurance plans (5) Establish data man- agement strategy (7) Analyze and commu- nicate existing infor- mation (1) Continue oversight, (8) Update streamflow (13) Analyze existing (18) Promote TSS as (26) Analyze existing and implement Phase 2 records and publish data preferred sampling data monitoring compo- data (14) Use continuous protocol (27) Begin monitoring at nents (10) Work with ODEQ monitors in place of (20) Analyze existing subbasin and indicator (2) Conduct periodic to collocate stream- grab samples where data reach scales reviews of monitoring gaging and water- possible, and time grab (21) Establish new sta- (28) Consider studies to program quality stations sampling to account tions below Wickiup establish baselines for (7) Continue to analyze for diel variations Reservoir and near La critical reaches not yet and communicate (15) Begin to remove Pine surveyed Phase 2 existing information redundant stations and (22) Begin continuous (29) Consider studies to add new stations to fill turbidity monitoring evaluate changes in data gaps at selected locations channel geometry (especially down- below reservoirs rela- stream of Wickiup tive to historical condi- Reservoir) tions (23) Study relations between sediment concentrations, TSS, and turbidity (1) Continue oversight, (11) Develop models to (16) Develop tempera- (24) Consider study to (30) Consider studies in implement Phase 2 increase predictability ture model for 303(d) determine relations selected reaches to monitoring compo- of snowmelt and listed reaches for between bedload trans- evaluate effects of nents, and conduct ground water to reser- TMDL development port and flow changes, changes in flow on periodic reviews as voirs and key river and to investigate and determine sedi- stream physical envi- warranted reaches effects of resource- ment sources below ronments, water qual- Phase 3 management scenarios Wickiup Reservoir ity, and stream ecology (17) Consider studies to determine effects on temperature from dif- ferent resource- management scenarios (1) Continue oversight, implement Phase 2 monitoring compo- nents, and conduct Phase 4 periodic reviews as warranted

2 upper Deschutes River Basin, Oregon Environmental Quality; QA/QC, quality assurance/quality control; TMDLS, total maximum daily loads, TSS, total suspended sediment;

Dissolved oxygen Nonindigenous Nutrients and pH Bacteria species Macroinvertebrates Toxic constituents (31) Compile existing (38) Compile existing (43) Compile existing (51) Compile existing data and evaluate QA/ data and evaluate QA/ data and evaluate QA/ data and evaluate QC data QC data QC data metadata (35) Follow EPA process to develop nutrient cri- teria for rivers and lakes

(32) Analyze existing (39) Analyze existing (48) Establish contact (52) Use existing data (54) Assemble infor- data data person in basin for to assess current con- mation on permitted (33) Promote use of (40) Establish continu- Aquatic Nuisance ditions in macroin- point-source dis- ODEQ field and labora- ous monitors for DO, Species (ANS) vertebrate charges to rivers and tory protocols as pre- pH, specific conduc- (47) Participate in assemblages and existing data on toxic ferred methods among tance, and turbidity, at statewide plan for indicated water and compounds in water, monitoring agencies selected ODEQ ambi- control of ANS, and habitat quality sediments, or aquatic ent monitoring or develop list of inva- biota ODFW stream-gaging sive aquatic species (55) Compile existing locations of concern, in con- environmental data (41) Modify field proto- junction with West- on toxics and evalu- cols for grab samples ern Regional Panel ate QA/QC data to sample at times that of Aquatic Nuisance (57) Change protocols will best document Species Task Force used for sampling diel extremes in DO mercury to use fish and pH. tissues and sediment rather than water as sampling media

(34) Increase frequency (42) Consider special (44) Analyze existing (49) Conduct cam- (53) Use information (56) Conduct recon- of sampling in Wick- studies to evaluate var- data paigns to educate from analysis of naissance samplings iup Reservoir and Cres- ious DO/pH and (45) Maintain current the public about existing data to refine for trace metals in cent Lake eutrophication issues ODEQ sampling net- invasive species future monitoring for water and in sedi- (36) Consider studies to in basin (provides sup- work, and add stations macroinvertebrates, ments, dissolved pes- evaluate various nutri- port to TMDLs) as indicated by analy- water quality, and ticides in water, and/ ent and eutrophication sis of existing data or habitat, if warranted or polycyclic aro- issues in basin (pro- special studies matic hydrocarbons vides support to (PAHs) in water and TMDLs) sediments

(37) Consider study to (46) Consider special (50) Conduct peri- (58) Communicate determine historical studies to determine odic surveys to esti- results of reconnais- water quality in lakes degree of bacterial mate coverage or sance samplings and reservoirs, and pos- problems at popular populations of inva- (59) Decide on need sible downstream water recreational areas sive species for additional moni- quality, by using lake- toring or special sediment geochemistry studies based on and diatom records reconnaissance study results

3 Descriptions of the proposed phases are as beauty. The terrain ranges from high mountains to follows: deep river valleys, and the climate is dry and Phase 1 would focus primarily on program relatively mild. The combination of climate, abundant recreational opportunities, and management and implementation, including the outstanding natural resources, has resulted creation of institutional agreements. It might in increasing population growth, which in involve actions to be done principally within the turn has increased pressures on those natural auspices of the individual organizations and with resources. Chief among these is water: Most existing resources. No changes to current of the surface water in the basin has been monitoring programs would be made, but allocated; there are numerous threatened or compilation of datasets among agencies and endangered aquatic species, including analysis of quality assurance data in preparation salmonid fishes; and water use, land manag- for data analysis in Phase 2 could be initiated. ment, and development have affected the Phase 2 would include minor modifications to hydrology, water-quality, channel configuration, existing monitoring programs and the analysis of and aquatic and riparian habitats in most major data compiled in the previous phase. Other actions, streams or rivers. upon which future monitoring will depend, would Natural-resource management agencies be initiated. Critical special studies to fill data in the basin confronted with these problems gaps, or to provide data in support of important are charged with balancing the needs of the programs (such as allocation of Total Maximum resources with the needs of the growing human Daily Loads [TMDLs]), would also be initiated. population, often in the face of shrinking budgets. Monitoring of water quantity and quality is one Phase 3 would mark the beginning of more of the tools used by agencies to assess the effects substantial modifications to existing programs, of management decisions on resources and to make such as addition or relocation of monitoring sites. decisions about future land uses in the basin. Yet It would also include special studies to evaluate many natural resource agencies have overlapping important land use or resource management issues. or sometimes contradictory geographical and By the end of this phase much of the monitoring topical areas of interest, responsibility, and (or) plan would have been implemented. missions. In the absence of a coordinated strategy Phase 4 would include the largest changes to and long-term, open communication between existing programs, along with actions on issues agencies, individual agency monitoring programs deemed less important regionally or that would may be redundant, leave important data gaps, be relatively expensive to evaluate. provide incomparable data because of differences in objectives and methods, provide data that are not The final decisions on phasing of used because of lack of awareness, or have other monitoring actions, the order of implementation inefficiencies. or priority, and the responsibilities of individual organizations, are beyond the scope of this report. 2.1 Purpose and Scope Furthermore, the implementations of items in each phase could change as the plan is reevaluated periodically and local issues change in importance. This report presents a framework for coordi- This is particularly true for the later phases nated, integrated, long-term monitoring by local, State, because the results from earlier phases could Tribal, and Federal agencies in the middle cause shifts in the understanding and priority of and upper Deschutes River Basin and selected tributar- different issues ies. It includes a review of current, ongoing monitoring activities, suggestions for monitoring actions to be done on a regular basis or as special studies to fill 2.0 Introduction important data gaps, and suggestions for reducing redundancies between agencies. There are also sugges- The Deschutes River Basin, in central tions for establishing a mechanism to ensure the con- Oregon (fig.1), is an area known for its spectacular tinued, coordinated implementation of this plan and

4 122º00' 123º00'



u d

JEFFERSON COUNTY S Mt Lake pri Jefferson Simtustus n g s C WHEELER Jefferson Madrr as River Lake Billy COUNTY Chinook Wi Ca River ndle C ll r o w

Abb C ot C ius r r l

o reek t E C anyon Cr e C M 44º30' r ly LINN Jack C F C r rooke COUNTY ANG First C Suttle Lake R Lake reek d 126 C reek C Steelhead Santiam 20 Falls r CROOK Pass C e r l In w k t a y y C di F u ee a or q River L a Mt n S Cr K d w c a OchocoM Washington C u r Sq Canal Prineville 26 Sisters River Ochoco McKenzie 126 Reservoir Pass River Redmond COUNTY y r North D reek Tum D ry 126 Sister C it Middle alo n U Sister Fee th Canal or in South Broken d N a LANE Sister Top Canal M Prineville Reservoir

COUNTY reek Bri C Sparks d Bend ge Cr lo Lake Tuma R Canal 44º00' Elk E Lake IV Arnold R Hosmer Canal Lake

Lava C Spri ul Lake River Sunriver Rivertus ng Cultus Lake Cultus 20 Cr 42 Deer Cr River DESCHUTES COUNTY P Crane ll S a River a E u nn Prairie F T l ui U Newberry in Volcano Q Reservoir H a B C M East ro S P Paulina E aul Lake w River ina Lake n r D Cr s C r C Moore vis o CreekDa u Maiden Paulina nt Wickiup La Peak ai 58 Peak Reservoir Pine ns HIGH LAVA PLAINS Willamette Davis es t

Pass Lake u reek h C Odell ell esc Lake Od D

43º30' Crescent nt reek Lake Cresce C Gilchrist LAKE reek ittle Summit L Deschutes Lake C COUNTY Basin Study h area rs 31 a O R E G O N M ig B boundary area 0 5 10 MILES Study 0 5 10 KILOMETERS 97


Figure 1. Middle and upper Deschutes River Basin, Oregon.

5 to reevaluate the plan after a period of time No attempt has been made to place priorities following implementation. These suggestions were on the individual monitoring actions, in part developed in conjunction with the Upper because the priorities will vary by organization. Deschutes Water Quality Monitoring Committee. However, a possible approach using a phased A summary of objectives and suggested implementation of the monitoring program is monitoring actions for each monitoring topic is outlined in the Summary section and in table 1. provided at the beginning of each topical section, The phases described are not based on priorities of with subsequent explanation of individual actions. issues or monitoring actions, but rather on a A glossary (p. 83) provides definitions of terms sequence of logical steps that might be used to and acronyms used in this report. create a coordinated, regional program without causing rapid, undue disruption to current For this plan, the primary goal is to provide programs. data that can be used, at a regional level, to The monitoring plan does not, and cannot, determine the status and trends of water-quality accommodate all aspects of data collection and related resources in the basin. Compliance management in the study area. Many of the monitoring needs will be met in part by data priorities, responsibilities, and data requirements collected under this plan, but for some constituent of the individual land- and water-management groups or issues additional data collection, agencies are unique to those agencies and are targeted to answer specific questions, will likely be properly carried out within their own programs. required. Evaluation of resource-management Rather, the monitoring plan is intended to provide changes or land-use practices will typically be a base-level structure to supply data at a regional most effectively addressed through the use of level, for use or augmentation by any organizations short-term, targeted studies that have specific, or researchers for a variety of purposes. The data narrowly defined objectives. collected might not be sufficient to answer all questions about the effect of management actions, A first step in meeting the plan’s goals is to or the combined effect of multiple management make more effective use of existing data-collection actions, on water quality. It would, however, programs through inventory, compilation review, provide indications of changing conditions over assessment, and communication of those data, time, allowing additional investigations to be done tasks that are generally beyond the scope of this to determine causes or define the extent of those document. Modifications to ongoing sampling changes. programs are generally considered to be a second step, because in most cases decisions on changes Funding is an obvious constraint for most to base programs will be most effective if they are organizations. This plan does not take costs into account in providing a framework for coordinated founded on analysis of existing data. Furthermore, monitoring. By working with this plan, and increasing or decreasing the number of monitoring agreeing to strive for enhanced coordination in locations, the frequency of sampling, or the water-related monitoring in the study area, number of constituents sampled will, in all organizations are not necessarily expected to likelihood, require changes in priorities of expend their finite resources except of their own resource allocation or funding levels for most volition. It will be the task of the combined organizations. These types of changes will take organizations involved in coordinated monitoring time to implement because they often require, at to agree on a funding strategy for monitoring to best, a full funding cycle for most public agencies, supplement current programs. in addition to decision making at various levels within those agencies and agreements among 2.2 Study Area multiple organizations. In some cases reconnaissance data collection or other special The water bodies under consideration for studies are suggested as interim steps in order to this monitoring plan (fig. 1) include the Deschutes provide data needed to make further monitoring River upstream of Lake Billy Chinook to Wickiup decisions. Reservoir and its major tributaries (Little

6 Deschutes River from the mouth to the headwaters Bend (that is, reaches 2–5 and 10 in table 2 and and to Crescent Lake, Squaw Creek, Tumalo figure 2). The reach between the dam at Wickiup Creek, and Paulina Creek). Some additional Reservoir and the mouth of the Little Deschutes tributaries such as Fall River and Spring River are River is sometimes referred to herein as the “upper included where there are existing data collection Deschutes River below Wickiup Reservoir.” The activities and those activities contribute to the “middle Deschutes River” refers to the reach from supply of data for the upper Deschutes River; the North Unit Main Canal to Lake Billy Chinook however, the monitoring plan does not address (reaches 6 and 8) and associated tributaries. these smaller systems explicitly. For selected topics, additional considerations are given to the Wickiup and Crane Prairie Reservoirs themselves, EXPLANATION Lake Billy Chinook areas and tributaries upstream of the reservoirs, 1 Reach —Number located and the extensive irrigation canal system. The between bars indicates the reach

8 Crooked River and Metolius River systems are defined in Table 2 reek C Steelhead excluded from this monitoring plan in order to Falls 9 keep the tasks of assessing current monitoring, and w a u designing future monitoring, to a manageable Sq level. However, this plan could provide a basis for additional integrated monitoring in those basins if 6 there is sufficient interest.

The study area includes several urban areas, reek C alo most notably the communities of Bend, Redmond, Tum R E Sisters, and La Pine, within Deschutes, Jefferson, 7 IV R 5 and Klamath Counties. The headwaters of most of the area’s streams predominantly drain forested 4 and mountainous terrain, with the lowlands being composed of broad, high lava plains containing a S E mixture of land uses including irrigated agri- T HU East C S Lake culture, livestock pastureland and dairies, urban/ E Paulina D 3 10 Lake River Paul residential/industrial land, and recreational areas ina Cr associated with the region’s abundant natural Wickiup es t 2

Reservoir u resources. A generalized description of regional h geology and hydrogeologic flow patterns is given esc D by Caldwell (1998). t n reek Cresce C 1 le For the purposes of stratification and to Crescent Litt focus monitoring resources, the study area was Lake divided into 10 major stream reaches (table 2; fig. 2) according to flow volumes and independent Study area boundary geographic areas. This division is the same as that used by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality for listing stream reaches as water-quality Figure 2. Designated reaches for regional monitoring limited according to the Clean Water Act. Some of in the upper and middle Deschutes River Basin, Oregon. the reaches have been divided into subreaches for management purposes by individual agencies (for example, see U.S. Department of Agriculture Several of the study reaches or subreaches Forest Service, 1996, for subreaches of the upper have special management designations, and as Deschutes River) but this monitoring plan is such have been the subject of specific management primarily targeted at a more regional scale. plans (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Hereinafter, the term “upper Deschutes River Service, 1996a; U.S. Department of the Interior, Basin” refers to the entire watershed upstream of Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Department

7 Water-quality issues Water-quality Flow modification—needs data Flow Bacteria—needs data (mouth to Crescent Creek) modification—needs data Flow Habitat modification—needs data Nutrients—needs data Sedimentation—needs data Flow modification—303(d) list Flow Habitat modification—303(d) list Sedimentation—303(d) list list Turbidity—303(d) Dissolved Oxygen—303(d) list (Little Deschutes to COID) Dissolved Habitat modification—303(d) list Sedimentation—303(d) list list Turbidity—303(d) pH—303(d) list Flow modification—303(d) list (COID to North Unit Canal) Flow Habitat modification—needs data Sedimentation—needs data data Turbidity—needs Nutrients—needs data pH—303(d) list Sedimentation—needs data list Temperature—303(d) Habitat modification—needs data (mouth to Columbia Southern Canal) pH—303(d) list Sedimentation—needs data Flow modification—303(d) list (Alder Springs to Maxwell Ditch) Flow Habitat modification—needs data (Alder Springs to Maxwell Ditch) list (Alder Springs to Maxwell Ditch) Temperature—303(d) indications that the reach could n Irrigation Diversion] ata on Water Quality issues from Oregon Department of Environmental Flow status Flow (fluctuating, gaining, losing, or stable reach) losing, or stable Losing (Harper’s Bridge to Losing (Harper’s COID) Gaining (Alder Springs to mouth) All Gaining modification—303(d) list (mouth to Columbia Southern Canal) Flow All Stable (to Alder Springs), 30.0–0 Gaining list Temperature—303(d) 63.3–0 Slightly Gaining list (mouth to Hemlock Creek) Temperature—303(d) 226.8–192.5 Stable Oxygen—303(d) list Dissolved 192.5–169.9 Bridge), Gaining (to Harper’s 169.9–164.8 Losing pH—303(d) list 164.8–127.8 Steady modification—303(d) list Flow 127.8–120.0 Gaining modification—needs data Flow Monitoring reach River miles Deschutes river mile 57.3) Deschutes river (Upper Deschutes river mile 192.5) (Upper Deschutes river Little Deschutes River COID Main Canal to Steelhead Falls Deschutes river mile 160.2) Deschutes river Billy Chinook river mile 123.1) river Definition of reaches of the Upper Deschutes River Basin and selected tributaries, including estimated ground-water gains including estimated ground-water Basin and selected tributaries, Definition of reaches the Upper Deschutes River 1 to mouth (Little Crescent Creek, from Lake 2 to mouth from headwaters Little Deschutes River, 3 to Reservoir from Wickiup Upper Deschutes River, 4 from Little Deschutes to Upper Deschutes River, 5 from COID to North Unit Upper Deschutes River, 6 from North Unit Main Canal Middle Deschutes River, 7 to mouth (Middle Creek, from Headwaters Tumalo 8 to Lake from Steelhead Falls Middle Deschutes River, 9 to mouth (Deschutes Creek, from headwaters Squaw 10 to mouth Lake Creek from Paulina Paulina All Losing list Temperature—303(d) Reach number Table 2. Table the State of Oregon issues identified by and losses water-quality [Reaches are indicated in figure 2. Data on status of reach ground-water inputs or losses from Gannett and others (in press); D Quality; “303(d) list”—reach is designated water-quality limited by the State under Clean Water Act; “needs data”—there are be designated as water-quality limited by the State but insufficient data exist to make a final designation; COID Central Orego

8 of Agriculture, Forest Service, 1992). The upper 2.4 Water-Quality Issues Deschutes River, from Wickiup Reservoir to upstream of the Central Oregon Irrigation District Representatives of the agencies participating (COID) canal on the southern side of Bend (reach in the development of this monitoring plan 3 and part of reach 4), is designated as Federal identified the principal issues to be addressed after Wild and Scenic, and several segments are also review of known issues (table 2), recommenda- designated as a State Scenic Waterway (U.S. tions from existing plans (Appendix A, table A–1), Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, 1996a). and their own agency programs (table 3) and The middle Deschutes River has four subreaches overall priorities (Appendix A). The primary designated as State Scenic Waterways, either issues related to or indicative of water quality in solely or in combination with Federal Wild and the basin are water quantity (and its temporal Scenic designation (U.S. Department of pattern), stream temperature, turbidity and Agriculture, Forest Service, 1996a). A portion of sediment transport, eutrophication (effects of Squaw Creek (reach 9) also is designated as nutrient and other inputs on dissolved oxygen, pH, Federal Wild and Scenic, with a management plan and indicator bacteria), macroinvertebrates, and pending (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest physical status of channel configuration and Service, 1998). habitat for aquatic biota. Flooding is not generally a problem for most of the study reaches because of flow regulation from reservoirs, irrigation 2.3 Water Management in the Upper withdrawals, and the overall stable flows resulting Deschutes Basin from ground water inputs to the system. However, some runoff is likely during snowmelt or Many agencies are involved in the various rainstorms, and the smaller streams may swell at aspects of water management in the middle and times. These events, which can be critical for upper Deschutes River Basin, including the transport of contaminants, are typically not Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD); monitored for water quality. the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Table 2 indicates reaches included either (ODEQ); the Oregon Department of Fish and on the State of Oregon’s 303(d) list of water- Wildlife (ODFW); the Oregon State Parks and quality limited streams (Oregon Department Recreation Department; Deschutes, Jefferson, and of Environmental Quality, 1999a), or its decision Klamath Counties; the cities of Bend, Redmond, matrix for possible 303(d) listing where limited and Sisters; the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) data exist. TMDLs will eventually be required through the Bend/Fort Rock, Crescent, and Sisters for issues that are formally included on the Ranger Districts of the Deschutes National Forest; 303(d) list by the State (Oregon Department of the Prineville office of the Bureau of Land Environmental Quality, 1999a) and are planned Management (BLM); the U.S. Fish and Wildlife for completion by the end of 2002 for the upper Service (USFWS); The U.S. Bureau of and Little Deschutes River Basin. There are 95 Reclamation (BOR); the Confederated Tribes of permit holders for pollution discharges within the Warm Springs Reservation; and several local the study area, of which only 5 are National irrigation districts. A private entity, Portland Point-Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Electric (PGE), which operates the permits for direct or indirect discharge to the hydroelectric facility at Lake Billy Chinook, also upper Deschutes River. The remainder are collects data in the basin, and management of the Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) or lake could become an issue farther upstream other general permits for domestic or industrial because water-quality standards for temperature, discharges of effluent to ground water or land dissolved oxygen, and pH are sometimes violated (Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, during summer in the lake (E&S Environmental 1999b). Nonpoint-source impacts qualitatively Chemistry, 1997). identified in a 1988 report by the State (Oregon

9 yet analyzed biological available, and habitat data not yet released completed records from 1992—present not yet released not corrected monitored. See 305(b) and 303(d) reports. Data supports Water Quality Index. Mckenzie, USGS-retired synthetic compds, all < MCLs inorganics time minute travel •Data available but not but •Data available chemistry data •Water •No toxics regularly available •low bact. counts, No •low temperature, other? continuous temperature, biological (inverts?), riparian habitat Major ions, BOD, COD, color, chlorophyll, TOC, turbidity, inorganics / organics inorganics •Water chemistry, •Water chemistry, •Water •Temperature •Streamflow data available; •Raw •Field, TSS, Alk, Bac-T, •Field parameters Some data/reports are Constituents Remarks Alk, alkalinity; Note: TSS, TDS, and SS are indicated separately , Bacteria; Benth, benthic invertebrates in wadeable streams; BOD, in wadeable , Bacteria; Benth, benthic invertebrates pH, Specific Conductance; Alk, alkalinity; TSS, Total Suspended Solids pH, Specific Conductance; Alk, alkalinity; TSS, Total Deschutes R., Crescent Cr., Fall R., Fall Deschutes R., Crescent Cr., Cr. Squaw Metolius. Sites were randomly selected. L.Desch. Riv. @ Hwy 42; L.Desch. Riv. (Sunriver); @ Harper Br. Desch. Riv. @ Mirror Pond; Desch. Riv. Br @ Lower Desch. Riv. •23 sites, mostly on Deschutes R., Little & •15 sites, plus some in Crooked to Billy Chinook, Deschutes R. inflow Bridge Deschutes R @ Lower chutes River Basin chutes River Fisheries Study Spatial coverage in upper Spatial coverage River Basin Deschutes site, some continuous site, plus continuous temperature •2–4 visits per •1 visit per Monthly Bi-monthly @ Pringle Falls; •5 sites: Desch. Riv. Time frame (one time study) (one time study) City of Bend—Contact: Roger Prowell, 541-317-3017 City of Bend—Contact: Roger Prowell, •1995–96 (varies) Period Frequency •1990–present 16–40 x/mo Falls Tumalo •Bridge Creek above •Fecal coliform, •Many Years•Many •Continous Rd (in pipe) @ Skyliner Bridge Cr. •pH •Some data online. 90 Portland General Electric (PGE)—Contact: Scott Lewis 541-475-1302 Portland Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD)—Contact: Kyle Gorman 541-388-6669 Kyle Department (OWRD)—Contact: Resources Water Oregon US Environmental Protection Agency—Contact: Scott Augustine, Region 10 (Seattle) 206 553-1795 Agency—Contact: Scott Augustine, Protection US Environmental Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ)—Contact: Bonnie Lamb 541-388-6146 x239 Department of Environmental Oregon from development, temperature from development, withdrawals problems, water •Reconnaissance/Evaluation of impacts •Reconnaissance/Evaluation • Data for allocation of water rights• Data for allocation of water Ongoing 15 min every Approximately 31 sites in Upper Des- monitoring, Compliance•Trend Ongoing •Background Conditions 1994–Present various Creek, Billy Chinook, Squaw Lake Summary of relevant monitoring activities in the Upper Deschutes River Basin monitoring activities in the Upper Deschutes River Summary of relevant Water Quality Survey Water (esp. at low flow) (esp. at low Quality Monitoring Pelton Round Butte •REMAP •Status and Trends •1997–98 •Temperature •Stream temperatures•Upper Deschutes Ongoing 15 min every Various •Temperature •Periodically checked, •Temperature •Status and trends, Compliance Continuous- Issue objectives Monitoring program •Flow volume •Flow •Ambient Water •Temperature network •Analysis of QA for existing quality•Drinking water •Compliance • •NA•Relicensing at Years •Many sites •All known •Continous Creek Tumalo •Bridge Creek above temperature •Turbidity, •Some data online temperature •Water done by Stuart •Work because of methods differences] Table 3. Table including temperature, DO, Field, field parameter, River; C.R., Crooked L.D.R., Little Deschutes River; [D.R., Deschutes River; (evaporated); TDS, Total Dissolved Solids; SS, Suspended Sediment; Nut., Nutrients; Majors, major ions (cations +anions); Bac-T Dissolved TDS, Total (evaporated); Carbon; Organic Total biological oxygen demand; COD, chemical CBOD, carbonaceous TOC,

10 ) Logan, UT available available (OFR 97–197, WRIR 97–4233) progress vegetation data for vegetation D.R. @ Steelhead Falls for temperature trying to look @ nitrate transport to zones near-stream •Protocols and QA data •No QA data available •2 reports completed •Modeling report in •No exceedances noted •No exceedances on Data available STORET Also Just beginning. •Uses DEQ protocols 541-416-6573, Ochoco NF samplers alk, nut, majors, TSS, Isotopes of H and O flow patterns, nitrate flow thermographs •Benthic macroinvertebrates •Analyzed at BLM in •Fine sediments from ISCO •Turbidity •Protocols and QA data field, level, •Ground-water •Temperature riparian •Also have •temperature/pH/DO/Sp. C chl a chemistry, •Inorganic and level •Ground-water Constituents Remarks •Temperature from •Temperature Alk, alkalinity; Note: TSS, TDS, and SS are indicated separately , Bacteria; Benth, benthic invertebrates in wadeable streams; BOD, in wadeable , Bacteria; Benth, benthic invertebrates pH, Specific Conductance; Alk, alkalinity; TSS, Total Suspended Solids pH, Specific Conductance; Alk, alkalinity; TSS, Total tributaries tributaries D.R. @ Sheep Mtn Bridge Wickiup, Upper including Metolius, Crooked, Deschutes, & Little Deschutes (above Bend) and Little Deschutes (above tributaries •D.R. from Bend to headwaters, including Cr., Squaw •L.D.R., Crescent Cr., •D.R. from Bend to headwaters, including Cr., Squaw •L.D.R., Crescent Cr., •Primarily 2 stations: D.R. below •Some data at other locations to Wickiup•Deschutes R. from Sunriver •Flow •Report available and including L. Billy Chinook, • Above •D.R. near Cline Falls State Park •D.R. near Cline Falls •L.D.R. @Hwy 97 •Crescent Cr @Hwy 97 •D.R. at Steelhead Falls •D.R. at Geneva •La Pine area, including Upper Deschutes •Squaw Creek•Squaw •pH / DO •One time study •Wickiup Reservoir (1 station, 3–4 depths) (1 station, 3–4 depths) •Crescent Lake Spatial coverage in upper Spatial coverage River Basin Deschutes •L.D.R., Crescent Cr., Squaw Cr., Squaw •L.D.R., Crescent Cr., at each site at each site based on flow changes study (Apr-Oct) years •> 4x per day, •One time study •2-hour •2-hour •2-hour study Time frame (March-June/ July) Summer) 2/98–9/98 •1991–present •1x every 2 yrs •1991–present •1x every 2 yrs 1994–98 One time •7/96-9/98 •7/96–10/96, 1996–present 1995– present 1999–present One time Period Frequency U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM)—Contact: Michelle McSwain 541-416-6474, Brent Falston of Land Management (BLM)—Contact: Michelle McSwain 541-416-6474, Brent Bureau U.S. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Pacific Northwest Region—Contact Larry “Zak” Zakrajsek, 541-389-6541 of Reclamation, Pacific Bureau U.S. Model development nitrate in GW, model development nitrate in GW, •Baseline, status and trends •Biological - Invertebrates •Baseline, status and trends, compliance •Fine sediment, Habitat •Status and trends, •Temperature standards compliance•Temperature •1993–96 to of land use contributions •Evaluation •Baseline, status and trends, compliance •1998–99 •Monthly • U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division (USGS, WRD)—Contact: Chauncey Anderson 503-251-3206, Dave Morgan (503-251-3263 Morgan (USGS, WRD)—Contact: Chauncey Anderson 503-251-3206, Dave Division Resources Water Geological Survey, U.S. Summary of relevant monitoring activities in the Upper Deschutes River Basin—Continued monitoring activities in the Upper Deschutes River Summary of relevant U.S.D.A. - Forest Service, Deschutes National Forest—Contact: Mollie Chaudet 541-383-4769; Tom Walker 541-383-4787; Robert Rock Walker Mollie Chaudet 541-383-4769; Tom Deschutes National Forest—Contact: Service, - Forest U.S.D.A. flow patterns flow Irrigation Withdrawals La Pine (pH / DO) •Turbidity•Instream flow •Compliance, Cause and Effect flows fish habitat at different •Evaluate •1991 (Spring- •1992–98 •Stream Surveys •Regional ground-water Issue objectives Monitoring program •Temperature/ •Temperature •Baseline, status and trends, compliance •1991–present •Continuous •D.R. from Bend to headwaters, including quality•Lake •Streamflow •Baseline, status, and trends, compliance •1984–present in •Ground water 3 •1x, every •Basic data collection 1952–present Continuous •D.R. near Culver •Streamflow •No other current sites •Eutrophication because of methods differences] Table 3. Table including temperature, DO, Field, field parameter, River; C.R., Crooked L.D.R., Little Deschutes River; [D.R., Deschutes River; (evaporated); TDS, Total Dissolved Solids; SS, Suspended Sediment; Nut., Nutrients; Majors, major ions (cations +anions); Bac-T Dissolved TDS, Total (evaporated); Carbon; Organic Total biological oxygen demand; COD, chemical CBOD, carbonaceous TOC,

11 Department of Environmental Quality, 1988) Monitoring Program data are used in conjunction included severe effects on beneficial uses in with data from other sources for regulatory various reaches from flow alterations, turbidity, purposes, including decisions about listing specific low dissolved-oxygen concentrations, water bodies on the State’s 303(d) list and for sedimentation, and toxic chemicals; however, setting TMDLs. However, the OWQI alone is not specific causes and the exact magnitudes of these used for regulatory purposes because it is not problems were not identified. Rapid growth in the rigorously designed for those purposes. Rather, the towns of Bend and Redmond and in the southern OWQI can provide a general overview of water part of Deschutes County threaten to compound quality at a site, including trends over time and these issues in the future. identification of noteworthy features. Bull trout are federally listed as “threatened” species and redband trout are federally listed as Localized but relatively complete and long- “sensitive” in the middle and upper Deschutes term data have been collected by the City of Bend River Basin (Steven Marx, Oregon Department of for its drinking water intake from Tumalo Creek, Fish and Wildlife, written commun., 2000). including the only continuous monitoring of pH in Although these listings are not necessarily due to the study area (table 3). Since 1994, Portland water-quality problems, their management is often General Electric has collected and continues to intricately linked with management of water- collect a variety of basic water-quality data, at quality issues in the basin. Aquatic species locations near the lower end of the study area in included in management considerations are support of their management of Lake Billy indicated in table 4. These species are not resident Chinook and the lower Deschutes River. Stream in all water bodies, but are locally concentrated. inventories to document habitat features and Also indicated in table 4 are certain introduced fish physical measures of stream channels are regularly species and an amphibian (bullfrog) which, in conducted by the Forest Service and the Bureau of some cases, may be problematic because of Land Management, for Federal lands along most of competition with native fish. the stream reaches included in this plan. For Wickiup Reservoir and Crescent Lake, the Bureau 2.5 Recent and Current Monitoring of Reclamation takes summertime samples for Current monitoring activity in the middle inorganic water chemistry and chlorophyll a at and upper Deschutes River Basin (table 3) is multiple depths, at intervals intended to be roughly determined by the priorities and missions of the 3 years. individual agencies, but monitoring activities In addition to the above ongoing programs, generally are not coordinated among agencies. The there is a wide variety of project-oriented data largest amount of data is collected for streamflow, primarily measured by OWRD, and for collection to address specific issues or evaluate temperature, which is measured by several entities. the effects on streams from resource manage- Aside from flow and temperature, the ODEQ’s ment changes. Typically, these have been Ambient Monitoring Program, a statewide short-term studies, lasting at most about program with five stations in the Deschutes River 3 years. Many such studies have been oriented Basin upstream of Lake Billy Chinook is the most towards stream temperature; the Bureau of Land stable ongoing water-quality monitoring program Management, Forest Service, Oregon Department in the basin. It is therefore a logical foundation of Environmental Quality, Oregon Water around which more comprehensive, integrated Resources Department, Oregon Department water-quality monitoring can be structured. Data of Fish and Wildlife, and U.S. Geological from the Ambient Monitoring Program have Survey have all collected temperature data periodically been analyzed and made available for various purposes at some time within through the Oregon Water Quality Index (OWQI), the last 10 years. The Oregon Department of which provides a measure of trends in water Environmental Quality conducted a 1995-96 quality at each location (Oregon Department of water-quality survey of the upper Deschutes River Environmental Quality, 1999d). Ambient Basin, including water chemistry from over 20

12 Table 4. Historical and current fish and amphibian species in the waters of the upper Deschutes River Basin [Source: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, 1996]

Common name Scientific name Origin Status Abundance Pacific lamprey Entosphenus tridentatus indigenous extinct Not applicable Summer steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss indigenous extinct Not applicable Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha indigenous extinct Not applicable Redband trout Oncorhynchus mykiss indigenous present moderatea Bull trout Salvelinus confluentis indigenous present very rareb Mountain whitefish Prosopium williamsoni indigenous present very abundant Shorthead sculpin Cottus confusus indigenous present locally abundant Reticulate sculpin Cottus perplexus indigenous present unknown Longnose dace Rhinichthys cataractae indigenous present low Chiselmouth Acrocheilus alutaceus indigenous present moderate Largescale sucker Catostomus macrocheilus indigenous present locally abundant Bridgelip sucker Catostomus columbianus indigenous present moderate Northern pikeminnow Ptychocheitus oregonensis indigenous present moderate Crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus indigenous present abundant Coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch introduced present locally abundant Kokanee Oncorhynchus nerka introduced present abundant Atlantic salmon Salmo salar introduced present rare Oncorhynchus mykiss introduced present abundant Brown trout Salmo trutta introduced present abundant Brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis introduced present abundant Cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi introduced present moderate Lake trout Salvelinus namaycush introduced present low Largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides introduced present moderate Smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieui introduced present low White crappie Pomoxis annularis introduced present low Black crappie Pomoxis nigromaculatus introduced present low Brown bullhead catfish Ictalurus nebulosus introduced present locally abundant Bluegill Lepomis Macrochirus introduced present moderate Three-spine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus introduced present very abundant Tui chub Gila (Siphateles) bicolor introduced present very abundant Blue chub Gila (Gila) coerulea introduced present locally abundant Bullfrog Rana catesbeiana introduced present unknown

aFederally listed as “sensitive.” bFederally listed as “threatened.” locations, and a 1998 study as part of R-EMAP instream flows, as well as numerous smaller scale (Regional Environmental Monitoring and studies to evaluate the effects of specific forest- Assessment Program) for water chemistry, aquatic management projects in the basin. The U.S. biota, and habitat features. Although the data are Geological Survey has done studies in the basin to available, only the water-chemistry findings from investigate sediment erosion and transport below the R-EMAP study have been published (Oregon Wickiup Dam, geothermal and water quality Department of Environmental Quality, 1999e). The aspects of Newberry Crater (Morgan and others, Forest Service has performed studies to assess 1997), and regional ground-water chemistry and eutrophication, turbidity, flow regulation, and flow patterns, but has no long-term data-collection

13 program in the basin other than one stream-gaging 2.7 Principles of Long-Term station on the middle Deschutes River near Culver, Monitoring upstream of Lake Billy Chinook. Finally, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife has done For a monitoring program to be successful, it various short-term studies to evaluate its habitat must be both focused and relevant to regional enhancement program or to measure temperature issues. Because of limitations of funding and other in important reaches, but does not regularly collect resources, monitoring cannot be all things to all water-quality or physical stream geometry data at people, but rather must adhere to an agreed upon any locations in the basin (S. Marx, Oregon set of principles. The following principles for Department of Fish and Wildlife, oral commun., monitoring in the middle and upper Deschutes November 1999). River Basin are modified from those established by the Lower Columbia River Estuary Program Despite the relatively large amount of data (1999) and the San Francisco Estuary Project collection done in the basin over the last decade (1993): and continuing to this day, there is a lack of published or otherwise available information on 1. Monitoring is focused on the development of most of these studies. In fact, data from many of data that will provide information on status the studies have not been analyzed and are not and trends in the study area. likely to be disseminated to other agencies or the public without specific requests. In some cases, To understand the need for changes in individual agencies do not have a good inventory management of resources in the study area and the of the data they themselves have collected, for effect of such changes, it is important to be able to disparate programs and for various objectives define current conditions in the river, including among scattered offices, so it is not surprising that their natural variability in space and time, and to data analysis efforts are often incomplete. This recognize any long-term changes in these lack of communication of study data is a conditions. This monitoring plan was developed fundamental area in which current monitoring and with the two-fold intent of helping to define both data-collection programs in the basin can be the current state of selected environmental substantially improved. variables and their rate of change, if any. These variables represent important aspects of the river 2.6 Previous Management Plans to monitor over time in order to assess the integrity of the river’s ecological system. This regional monitoring plan has been developed with consideration of monitoring 2. A variety of special studies will be needed, recommendations from previous management both in the short term and over the long term, plans that apply to the same study area. These to fill key data gaps. plans range from general, overarching plans, such as the President’s Northwest Forest Plan (U.S. Fish There is a need for short and long-term and Wildlife Service, 1992) and the Oregon Plan investigations of specific issues in the middle and for Salmon and Watersheds (State of Oregon, upper Deschutes River Basin, especially focusing 2000), to more locally derived and specific plans on the mechanisms by which certain such as the Forest Service’s Comprehensive environmental processes occur. In many cases the Management Plan for the Upper Deschutes Wild results of these investigations may be critical to and Scenic River and State Scenic Waterway (U.S. understanding or implementing certain aspects of Forest Service, 1996a). These plans were the monitoring plan itself, and this document examined for recommendations relevant to includes recommendations for several such monitoring in the middle and upper Deschutes investigations. However, regional monitoring River Basin, and their recommendations are alone cannot be expected to determine cause and compiled in Appendix A-1. For the most part, effect relationships among human actions and those recommendations were general in nature, so responses in rivers and streams. Rather, results of the monitoring actions crafted for this regional monitoring will most likely provide an indication plan do not contradict those in the previous plans. of change (or conversely, no change) in some

14 constituent of interest over a specified area and for evaluation of more detailed, agency-specific period of time, with the cause of that change being data. uncertain. Likewise, the monitoring plan cannot encompass all possible known or unknown In some cases, standardized approaches to contaminant sources, and the plan is therefore sampling and analysis are specified in the plan, designed to highlight general areas of concern and their use by the respective agencies is highly rather than specific sources. Thus, many useful encouraged; however, some agencies may be studies will be beyond the scope of this plan, and reluctant to change methods because such changes it will be incumbent on those implementing and would make it difficult to compare newly collected coordinating the plan to recognize efforts more data with historic data collected by different appropriately left to a research or targeted methods. In these cases, it is critical to collect approach. Such studies ideally will provide adequate quality-control data in order to evaluate information for management purposes and to the comparability of data among agencies. improve or modify the monitoring plan. A Furthermore, it is equally critical to report and commitment from key organizations and agencies review quality-control data on a regular basis to to seek funding for special studies will therefore ensure that data being collected are of known be critical. quality and can be interpreted in conjunction with other monitoring data. 3. Commitment to development of an integrated plan utilizing ongoing programs will be 4. Establishment of a mechanism for necessary. coordinating regional monitoring will be necessary. One of the key roles of the monitoring plan is to bring together diverse monitoring data from the This monitoring plan provides a framework middle and upper Deschutes River Basin to for coordinated monitoring in the middle and enhance the overall understanding of the system. upper Deschutes River Basin; however, such Numerous entities have collected and continue to monitoring is not likely to be fully implemented collect data along the river, but no institutional without a dedicated mechanism to help to promote framework exists to provide a linkage for these it. This mechanism may take the form of a various data-collection and assessment efforts. separate oversight entity or a well developed and The monitoring plan provides an opportunity to supported series of agreements among connect these disparate efforts under the umbrella organizations, but in either case it will require of one organization. diligence. There will be needs for securing funding, developing interagency agreements, contracting for special studies, developing or With this in mind, the monitoring plan has reviewing quality-assurance plans, verifying that been developed with the intent of utilizing existing agreed upon monitoring takes place, and planned monitoring programs as its communicating and discussing study findings, and cornerstone. In this way, duplication of effort will determining new studies or adjustments to be minimized and available resources maximized. monitoring. All of these activities, and more, will Existing programs that have been reviewed and require a substantial commitment of time and considered are listed in table 3 and explained in resources in order to accomplish them. greater detail in the topical sections. Compliance monitoring and National Pollution Discharge 5. A strategy for management of data is necessary Elimination System (NPDES) programs are data to ensure access to essential information. sources that can augment information collected by the monitoring plan. Additional monitoring A common problem in comparing or beyond the scope of this plan will likely be needed analyzing data among different agencies and by most agencies to meet their specific investigators is lack of compatibility of the data- organization’s objectives. Data collected under management systems themselves. In the case of this plan will therefore provide a basis for long- the middle and upper Deschutes River Basin, term data analysis and provide a regional context historical data are located in diverse paper reports

15 or computer systems, and in most cases metadata on the degree of change desired, sampling (information defining the type, objectives, and frequency, and natural variability, including quality of data themselves) are not readily occurrence of extreme or episodic climatic events available. Although all these historical data may such as floods or droughts. In general, a period of not be available from a common electronic source 5 years has been accepted as the logical in the short term, it is important that newly reassessment interval for the monitoring plan collected data be maintained by the agency itself. As the plan is initially phased in, some collecting them in a format that is accessible by operational changes will likely be required in other participating agencies. It is also advisable to response to emerging logistical or funding summarize the data and make it available to the constraints. public. 7. Successful monitoring will require active 6. A periodic assessment of monitoring data and participation of key entities and individuals reevaluation of the monitoring plan will be There are many agencies and organizations required to ensure success of the plan. involved in jurisdiction or influence of one or As a mechanism to ensure continued attention more aspects of river management. Each has and commitment to monitoring in the study area specific purposes for its involvement with the and to keep the monitoring plan appropriately river, and sometimes these purposes conflict focused, regular reviews of progress and findings among different organizations. Although not all of of the plan will be essential. While it is widely these organizations have been directly involved in recognized that monitoring is necessary to the watershed council or the development of the understand the effects of changes in systems, there monitoring plan, the number of organizations is often a lack of followup to monitoring efforts, involved remains large, and avenues for input and hence funding for monitoring programs has from other organizations must remain open. In this been reduced or eliminated because their potential setting, a monitoring program can be most benefits have not been realized. Periodic successful if it has the involvement and support of reassessments will provide a continued emphasis the many agencies charged with its on monitoring and opportunities to educate implementation or affected by its findings. agencies as well as the public about the benefits of Training in the use of common methodologies the monitoring program. among monitoring organizations may at times be necessary. Managers and scientists representing The various aspects of the monitoring plan affected agencies and other organizations will will not necessarily require the same intervals of need to periodically review the goals, technical time between periodic assessments. An annual merits, and findings of the monitoring plan, meeting or workshop is suggested for review of incorporating input from the public wherever monitoring data and progress, including review possible. and assessment of quality-control data. Participants in the meeting would include the 3.0 Coordinated, Regional Watershed Council and agencies participating in Monitoring Plan monitoring or otherwise collecting data in the study area. At a longer interval, the overall Many of the suggested monitoring actions efficacy and design of the plan would be assessed, contained in this plan are concerned with basic in addition to more thorough analysis of aspects of monitoring, namely quality assurance, monitoring data to evaluate status, trends, and analysis, and communication of existing data. In compliance with standards for specific fact, the existing monitoring programs being constituents. At least 5 years of data could be conducted by individual organizations appear required to detect trends in most response relatively sound, providing a good structure variables, though this time may vary from as little around which to base more comprehensive and as 3 years to longer than 10 years. The time coordinated monitoring, without large data gaps or required to detect changes ultimately will depend overly unnecessary overlap between agencies.

16 However, for almost all issues considered herein, into the categories of increasing integration and there is an apparent need to inventory existing data efficiency of current monitoring efforts among within and across agencies and to assess the agencies, filling data gaps, and communicating suitability of available data for analysis at a available information. regional scale, to complete data analysis, and (or) to communicate the results of those analyses. The 3.1.1 Objectives and Associated Actions processes of completing these steps will help to clarify where the monitoring network is adequate and where there are data gaps. Integration, Coordination, and Efficiency

In general, it is not advisable to initiate new There are several general actions that can be monitoring without doing some preliminary analysis taken to improve the foundation and increase the of existing data. This analysis could enhance efficiency of monitoring in the study area. Some understanding of system processes and help to follow directly from the principles listed in section determine the frequency and spatial coverage of 2.7. sampling necessary to achieve a desired resolution in the acquired data; conversely, it could also help define the ability of a practical level of monitoring to provide Objective: Integrate existing monitoring acceptable resolution for a given issue. In the case of efforts among participating the middle and upper Deschutes River Basin, ongoing organizations to increase monitoring programs and previously conducted efficiency, minimize redundancy, studies might provide a good basis for making these and improve data quality and determinations. It is not suggested that all monitoring comparability, to the extent cease until the networks have been optimized. Rather, possible, by: it is suggested that ongoing monitoring continue, largely in its current form, with several modifications Action 1: Establishing a mechanism for and selected special studies indicated in subsequent coordinating and supporting the sections. Data on variability of different properties of long-term execution of the middle water would then be available for a statistical network and upper Deschutes River Basin design when such an effort can be commissioned. monitoring plan, and tracking major changes in management or land use In the following sections water-quality in the basin in relation to issues in the study area are described, and monitoring; monitoring objectives and associated actions are listed with brief explanations. The objectives and Action 2: Periodically reviewing progress for their actions are organized according to the type of the regional monitoring plan, with monitoring addressed, such as Status and Trends, suggested annual and 5-year Compliance, or Evaluation monitoring. In many intervals, to determine if monitoring cases, a more basic set of objectives and actions elements are being carried out, has also been added; these are primarily oriented evaluate monitoring data and towards increasing the utility of data that have results, and modify the design and already been or are currently being collected. priorities of the monitoring as Following the listing of objectives and suggested needed; monitoring actions associated with them, the rationales for each action are explained. Action 3: Establishing common protocols that enable data comparison among 3.1 Monitoring Program Management agencies and that are consistent with objectives for data collection; Certain steps can be taken to enhance the likelihood of success in meeting the goals for Action 4: Developing quality-assurance plans regional monitoring. These steps fall generally for each major monitoring element;

17 Action 5: Establishing a data management monitoring in the region, it is already being strategy that allows data and addressed by the monitoring committee. databases developed under this plan to be shared among agencies and Action 2: Conduct periodic progress other interested parties, provides reviews—If monitoring is to remain viable, it information regarding the type and must be flexible enough to adapt to changes in quantity of data collected, and is regional priorities or other aspects of water-quality easily used; and management. There is no way to anticipate all of Action 6: Working to increase availability of the issues and other questions that monitoring may information, reports, and other be asked to help answer in coming years. products to other agencies and the However, most changes to monitoring will need to public. be made on the basis of information gleaned from previous data-collection efforts. Periodic, planned Rationale and Explanation reevaluation of the monitoring program is therefore suggested, at two different time scales: Action 1: Establish coordinating (1) Annual reviews would be used to assess and mechanism—As mentioned previously, a communicate the progress of monitoring, the process for coordination and discussion of quality of data collected, and any immediate monitoring issues is critical to the long-term findings such as violations of water-quality success of any regional, integrated monitoring standards or emergence of new issues. A workplan effort among agencies. If coordination is to be for the following year, with priorities and agency done by one organization, the most likely responsibilities for upcoming monitoring actions, candidates, for example, are the Bend office of the would also be determined. (2) Every fifth year the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, the reassessment would include a more substantial Bend/Fort Rock Ranger District of the Forest analysis of data by the participating organizations. Service, or the Upper Deschutes Watershed Topics for analysis would include, in addition to Council. A watershed council might be the most appropriate because it provides a forum for public the annually examined aspects of the plan, an deliberation that is not associated with the evaluation of trends in the data, effects of resource mandates of any particular agency but rather with management, synthesis of data from multiple the broad participation of private citizens, monitoring tasks (for example the relation of businesses, nonprofit organizations, and public sediment transport to nutrient loading), and agencies. A watershed council can also be recommendations for modifications to the instrumental in securing additional funding from monitoring program. Changes in regional water grants or other sources, helping to ensure that management priorities, such as monitoring load member agencies participate actively in various allocations resulting from TMDLs, could be aspects of the monitoring plan, and in general act reflected in changes in the long-term monitoring as a strong advocate for the basin as a whole. program. This larger reassessment will also provide an opportunity to communicate to A possible drawback to a watershed council as a coordinating entity is that they are a relatively managers and to the public the findings and new component in water management in Oregon. benefits of the area’s monitoring efforts. For some The long-term existence and role of these councils water-quality measurements, such as those is not yet certain, whereas the roles and mandates collected continuously (temperature, turbidity, or of State or Federal agencies are likely to be more others), 5-year intervals might be long enough to stable for many years. Ultimately, the decision of observe trends or make other conclusions about which organization will manage regional river processes or relations of management actions monitoring according to this plan, and how such to water quality. For other issues, such as channel management will be done, is beyond the scope of geometry, for which sampling is much less this plan. However, due to the importance of this frequent or natural variability is high, real trends task in moving forward with coordinated may take decades or more to observe.

18 Action 3: Establish common protocols— The development and utilization of good The use of common, clearly defined protocols for quality-assurance plans will be particularly sample collection, processing, and laboratory important where protocols are not completely in analysis is important wherever possible to ensure agreement among different entities involved in the comparability of data collected by different data collection. Such situations could arise if one organizations or over time within an individual organization has an interest in using a particular organization. Data for water-quality constituents protocol, because of historical or geographically with the same or similar names often represent widespread databases of data collected with that different measurements of water quality because specific protocol, or because of legal or agency of small but important operational differences in specific mandates. In these cases it will be their collection, such as sample filtration and especially important to verify that data collected preservation techniques, and instrument by multiple organizations using differing calibration procedures. protocols are comparable. A good quality- assurance plan can help quantify precision, Action 4: Develop quality assurance accuracy, representativeness, and biases among plans—Quality assurance (QA) plans the different methods to understand the limitations will be critical to the success of monitoring. Good of data comparisons. Examples would include quality-control (QC) data, and assessments of protocols on calibration, acceptable tolerances, those data, can allow the comparison of data and data management for the use of meters to among agencies and over time, whereas poor measure turbidity, DO, pH, and temperature, or quality-control data can prevent such documentation of the laboratory techniques, comparisons. As part of the implementation of the precision, and bias for nutrient analysis. monitoring plan, an important task for each component of the plan, based on the principles Action 5: Establish a data management outlined previously, would be the development of strategy—In order for monitoring data to be used a detailed QA plan—an example is given by to assess status and trends, compliance, ODEQ at management effectiveness, and the monitoring 303dlist/QAPPExample.htm. It is the goal of all plan itself, those data will need to be available. An QA programs to provide environmental data, agreed-upon strategy for data management would using multiple sampling crews and analytical enhance the ability of different organizations to laboratories, with quantifiable bias, variability, and have access to monitoring data. Issues requiring representativeness, along with appropriate discussion will include both programmatic and detection levels, that will allow all data to be institutional issues as well as technical issues. comparable within a single dataset and of a Programmatic and institutional issues include sufficient quality to meet the objectives of the funding and staffing, and agreement on data monitoring plan. The three important components sharing and data standards. Technical issues of quality assurance in any monitoring plan are include system location, operation and quality-assurance elements, quality-control data, maintenance, system compatibility, database and quality assessment. These are the planned and design (for example, centralized or dispersed), and systematic procedures necessary to provide data accessibility. These issues are discussed in adequate confidence about monitoring data to more detail by the Lower Columbia River Estuary satisfy data-quality objectives. Quality Program (Lower Columbia River Estuary assessment, or the actual inspection of quality- Program, 1998) in regards to similar data control and environmental data after its collection, management needs. is an important aspect and is often overlooked. Without assessments, simple details can be Action 6: Increase data availability— missed. For example, if continuous monitors are One of the measures of success of the monitoring not logging the proper time (including a.m. or program will be the degree to which the data p.m.), subsequent data will be of marginal value. collected, and the findings resulting from More detailed definitions of QA/QC elements and them, are used. Users of data can include the their components are provided in Appendix B. data-collection agencies themselves, other

19 organizations involved in the monitoring plan, of future monitoring, (4) evaluate the quality- water managers in the region, and the public. assurance practices of the collecting organization Water managers and the public are most likely to and the reliability of the data, (5) provide data for use interpretations resulting from the monitoring determination of the status of a resource or a plan rather than raw data, produced by the baseline for future determinations of trends, and collecting agencies as data analyses, written (6) identify important data gaps in the current reports, and other products. Including these end monitoring programs in order to make appropriate users as part of the data-collection and interpretive modifications for future monitoring. Among the process increases the relevance of the monitoring potentially available datasets are studies by ODEQ program and the likelihood of its continued in 1995 and 1996 of water quality in the upper support by the involved organizations and public Deschutes River Basin and in 1997 and 1998 alike. This suggestion is differentiated from (Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Action 5 by its emphasis on results and analysis in 1999e), as part of the R-EMAP program, data order to provide information to the public. Action from ODEQ’s ongoing Ambient Monitoring 5 is more oriented towards the mechanics of program, data from the many temperature making monitoring data available among agencies monitoring studies conducted previously in the or other researchers for the purposes of analysis. basin (see section 3.3), and data from stream surveys conducted by the Forest Service, BLM, Data Gaps and ODFW for both long-term monitoring purposes and for specific management projects. Objective: Identify large gaps in data from existing monitoring efforts that 3.2 Streamflow can be filled with minor modifications to existing Stream discharge is one of the most programs, and fundamental components of all water-related Objective: Identify data gaps or other investigations. Uses of streamflow data include decision-making for water allocation, irrigation, research deficiencies that limit reservoir storage, and instream-flows; flood or prevent success of additional forecasting; evaluation of habitat availability or monitoring efforts, by: channel change; recreation; determination of constituent loads (streamflow multiplied by Action 7: Analyzing and communicating data concentration); and others. Although streamflow is from previously completed studies not generally considered a water-quality in the Deschutes River Basin to constituent itself, it is intricately tied to all other help formulate baselines and refine water data, so evaluation of the stream-gaging issues. network in the middle and upper Deschutes River Basin as it applies to water-quality monitoring is Rationale and Explanation included in this plan. Action 7: Analyze existing data—As is Streamflow in the study area is primarily commonly the case, much of the data collected in measured by OWRD, which operates 36 gaging the study area either have not been analyzed at all stations upstream of lake Billy Chinook (fig. 3), or have been analyzed only sparingly. Analysis of including those on tributaries and irrigation these data in a series of more comprehensive canals; one stream-gaging station, on the undertakings would provide many benefits to middle Deschutes River near Culver, is main- future monitoring as well as to water managers in tained by the USGS. More than half of these the basin. Results from these studies could be used stations have over 50 years of record. This individually and collectively to (1) help answer the network of streamflow data makes the flow questions they originally were intended to address, regime in the basin one of the most completely (2) formulate hypotheses regarding water-quality monitored in the State, which is indicative of the processes or sources of contaminants in the basin, many demands on water in the basin. The middle (3) evaluate the value of those data as components Deschutes River is the only substantial length of

20 122º00' 123º00'



u d

JEFFERSON COUNTY S Mt Lake pri Jefferson Simtustus n g s C WHEELER Jefferson Madrr as River Lake Billy COUNTY Chinook Wi River ll




ius r l

o reek t E C e

M 44º30' ly LINN F C rooke COUNTY ANG Suttle R Lake d 126 reek C Santiam 20 r CROOK Pass C e r l In w k t a y y C di F u ee a or q River L a Mt n S Cr K d w c a OchocoM Washington C u r Sq Canal Prineville 26 Sisters River Ochoco McKenzie 126 Reservoir Pass River Redmond COUNTY

y r North D reek Tum D ry 126 Sister C it Middle alo n U Sister Fee th Canal or in South Broken d N a LANE Sister Top Canal M Prineville Reservoir

COUNTY reek Bri C Sparks d Bend Central Oregon ge Cr lo Lake Tuma R Canal 44º00' Elk E Lake IV Arnold R Hosmer Canal Lake

Lava Spri Lake River Sunriver ng

Cultus Lake 42 20 River DESCHUTES COUNTY P Crane ll S a River a E u nn Prairie F T l ui U Newberry in Volcano Q Reservoir H a B C M East ro S P Paulina E aul Lake w River ina Lake n r D Cr s C

Moore o Creek u Maiden Paulina nt Wickiup La Peak ai 58 Peak Reservoir Pine ns HIGH LAVA PLAINS Willamette Davis es t

Pass Lake u reek h C EXPLANATION Odell ell esc Lake Od D Included on Oregon 303d list t 43º30' Crescent n reek due to flow modification Lake Cresce C Gilchrist e LAKE Summit reek Littl Flow monitoring site—Continuous Lake C COUNTY

h U.S. Geological Survey rs 31 a M Oregon Water Resources ig B Department boundary area Study Periodic measurement site— 97 Oregon Water Resources Department

0 5 10 MILES KLAMATH 0 5 10 KILOMETERS COUNTY Figure 3. Active stream-gaging stations in the middle and upper Deschutes River Basin, Oregon, 1999. (Stations on canals are not shown.)

21 stream in the basin that is ungaged. In the reach for a short bypass reach between the dam and from Bend to Lower Bridge there is little ground- powerhouse, where flows can be as low as 10–15 water inflow (Gannett and others, in press) so the ft3/s (cubic feet per second). Rather, the main major addition of water is from Tumalo Creek. issues associated with the dam are fish passage and Because a gage was reinstalled on Tumalo Creek protection (there is no passage for upstream in 1999, streamflow at Lower Bridge can now be migration or screening for protecting fish from the estimated by summing flows from Tumalo Creek turbines), sedimentation, and temperature (Steve and the Deschutes River below Bend. Several Marx, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, reaches, including the Deschutes River from oral commun., 2000). Additional water-quality Wickiup Reservoir to Bend, from Bend to concerns associated with Mirror Pond are Steelhead Falls, Squaw Creek, and Tumalo Creek, discussed elsewhere in this report. are listed on the State’s 303(d) list as water-quality Irrigation withdrawals are also responsible limited because of flow modification. for downstream changes in streamflows. The Several stream reaches, most notably the changes are most significant below the North Unit upper Deschutes River from Wickiup Reservoir to Main Canal. Although irrigation water rights the Little Deschutes River (reach 3 in table 2), would allow complete diversion of the middle have higher and fluctuating flows during summer Deschutes River below the canal (more than 1,000 resulting from irrigation water released from ft3/s), summer streamflow there is maintained at 30 reservoirs, and lower flows during fall and winter ft3/s through a nonbinding agreement. Ground- as water is stored for the irrigation season. These water inflows, mostly in the final reach from flow modifications cause the timing of stream Steelhead Falls to Lake Billy Chinook (reach 7), hydrographic patterns to be shifted seasonally rapidly add more than 400 ft3/s (Gannett and from their natural flow patterns (Cameron and others, in press). Squaw Creek, Tumalo Creek and Major, 1987; U.S. Department of Agriculture Paulina Creek also are subject to significant Forest Service, 1996). Crescent Creek (reach 1) is diversions to irrigation canals. Discharge in Squaw a 30 mile reach from Crescent Lake to the Little Creek often drops from about 90 ft3/s upstream of Deschutes River that also is regulated for irrigation the Squaw Creek Irrigation Canal to only a few purposes, with peak flows occurring in summer cubic feet per second through the town of Sisters, (Moffat and others, 1990); however, the Little with subsequent inflows from Indian Ford Creek, Deschutes River (reach 2) is unregulated. The Camp Polk Springs, and Alder Springs (Houslet, Deschutes River at Benham Falls (reach 4), 1998). Discharge in Tumalo Creek drops from over representing the combined flow of the Little 120 ft3/s upstream to around 2.5 ft3/s near the Deschutes River (with Crescent Creek) and the mouth during irrigation season, and flows in upper Deschutes River below Wickiup Reservoir, Paulina Creek rarely (if ever) reach the Little therefore has peak flows that are only partially Deschutes River. shifted in timing from their preimpoundment patterns (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest 3.2.1 Monitoring Objectives and Service, 1996). However, the magnitude of the Associated Actions flow changes remain substantial compared with With an extensive flow monitoring network preimpoundment flows, because most of the water covering most of the basin already in place, flow originates from Wickiup Reservoir. These release monitoring objectives for this plan are largely patterns are propagated downstream with only oriented toward increasing the utility of the data minor attenuation, until withdrawals from the currently being collected. Flow data are used by irrigation canals dominate the streamflow cycles. many people for myriad purposes, so actions A small hydroelectric dam in Bend, which increasing their accuracy and availability would forms Mirror Pond in the city center, is operated be well received. Near-real-time data for many by a private power company. Essentially a run-of- of the stations are already available online through the-river facility (that is, a minor amount of water the Bureau of Reclamation’s Hydromet System is stored behind the dam), it does not regulate flow ( in the middle Deschutes River downstream save realtime). The largest sources of uncertainty in the

22 measurement and prediction of discharge are from previous years, but making these basic data associated with the variability of streamflow that available will help maintain the quality of data enters the upper Deschutes River as snowmelt collected previously and in the future, as well as (including flood waters) or as ground water, and provide a valuable service to the public. the large inputs of ground water in the lower portions of the basin. Objectives for monitoring Status and Trends Monitoring streamflow in the basin are as follows: Data Utility and Availability Objective: Provide flow data, over the range of flow conditions, for use in combination with water- Objective: Increase availability of current and historical data to other quality data for load agencies and the public, by: calculations, to support evaluation of sources and Action 8: Updating streamflow records for all transport of water-quality stations and publish data (as paper constituents, and reports or electronically) to maximize utility of data to other Objective: Improve predictive capabilities agencies and to the public. for flow entering reservoirs and upper Deschutes River in order Rationale and Explanation to more adequately allocate water resources downstream, Action 8: Update streamflow records— by: Despite the extensive stream-gaging network in the basin, there is a backlog of uncompleted Action 9: Continuing to measure flows in all records at many stations that generally dates to major streams, tributaries, and 1992, although relations between discharge and irrigation canals in the middle and stage are up to date for most stations (Kyle upper Deschutes River Basin; Gorman, Oregon Water Resources Department, written commun., 1999). As a result of this Action 10: Collocating OWRD stream-gaging backlog, flow data are obtained primarily by locations with ODEQ Ambient calling the OWRD offices in Bend. In addition to Monitoring Stations in order to placing a burden on OWRD personnel, this is a time-consuming and potentially expensive step for better combine streamflow and users of streamflow information and could be a water-quality data; and limitation to hydrologic analysis for streams in the basin. Furthermore, streamflow records, including Action 11: Developing process-based or computation of hourly discharge at all flow levels statistical hydrologic models to: on the basis of stage, are up to date for some high- priority stations but are not completed for all •Increase predictability of snowmelt stations in the basin. For the purposes of and ground-water systems to increasing the completeness and availability of reservoirs. streamflow data in the basin, it is suggested that a concentrated effort be given to bringing these •Increase predictability of ground- records up to date, publishing the backlogged water discharge to Fall River and data, and publishing future records on an annual Spring River, and to the middle basis. Streamflow data could be published Deschutes River, by exploring electronically, including on the World Wide Web, relationships between water levels or in paper reports. There undoubtedly will be in select wells and ground-water costs associated with updating streamflow records discharges to rivers.

23 Rationale and Explanation spring-dominated streams feeding the reservoirs, the Fall and Spring rivers, the middle Deschutes Action 9: Continue current streamflow River below Steelhead Falls, and the lower network—This action is an acknowledgement Crooked River (outside the study area). Snowmelt that the current streamflow network is both also recharges the ground-water system, so the comprehensive and useful. With appropriate two systems are intrinsically linked. Although dissemination of data, it can provide critical ground-water discharges are relatively stable information at important locations for many compared to snowmelt, there is nonetheless some different users, including irrigators, water annual variability, mostly responding to major resource managers, planners, scientists, and variations in precipitation and evapotranspiration recreationists. With the exception of a few in the Cascades from previous years. The suggested relocations of flow or sampling variability in both systems increases the locations (see Action 10), the current discharge uncertainty over the quantities of water available network is highly effective and is not in need in a given year for various water uses, and makes of physical changes. management of reservoirs more difficult. Action 10: Collocate streamflow and Two different types of modeling potentially water-quality stations—In addition to could be done to increase the predictability for providing data for water allocation and flood water entering the reservoir system and through forecasting, streamflow data are used in ground-water discharges to the rivers. A conjunction with water-quality data to determine physically based model linking snowmelt and transport, sources, and loading of many different ground-water hydrology in the Cascades could be constituents of interest. Constituent loads, defined developed to improve predictions of inputs to the as a mass of material passing a location in a reservoirs, particularly Crane Prairie and Wickiup specified time, are determined as the product of Reservoirs. The dynamics of ground-water streamflow (volume per unit time) and discharge from the Cascades, including linkages concentration (mass per unit volume). They can be with snowmelt, have already been explored by calculated for various purposes using flows Manga (1996, 1999); the primary tasks for this averaged on annual, monthly, or daily time steps, modeling effort would therefore be to develop a or are sometimes determined on an instantaneous good network for collecting snowpack data, basis, especially for peak flows and contaminant modify the general models by Manga (1996) to be transport. In order to provide the greatest utility specific to streams entering the upper Deschutes for the most users, it is desirable to have River reservoirs, and include a component of streamflow gaging stations at the same locations direct surface runoff from snowmelt based on where water-chemistry data are collected. precipitation and climate data (Gannett and others, Alternatively, streamflow data from known in press). upstream sources can be summed for use in estimating constituent loads, but this approach For ground-water discharges to the Fall and increases uncertainties for shorter time period Spring Rivers and to the middle Deschutes River loadings (for example, peak instantaneous, hourly, below Steelhead Falls, simple statistical or daily loads) because of uncertainties in time-of- regressions between stage in select wells and travel of flow and from ungaged inflows. streamflow could possibly be developed. Ground- Action 11: Develop hydrologic models— water elevations in wells along the margins of the There is a need to know how much water in the Cascades are known to be highly correlated with basin can be used for irrigation in an upcoming discharge in the Fall River, and levels in some growing season while maintaining the required wells near Terrebone and Redmond are likely to instream flows for fish and other biota. The major be highly correlated with discharge to the middle sources of water in the basin are snowmelt, which Deschutes River (Gannett and others, in press). feeds the reservoirs located on the eastern flanks Such models might help resolve variability of of the Cascades, and ground water. Ground water approximately 100 ft3/s in the Fall and Spring enters the river system in large amounts through Rivers, and another 100 ft3/s in the Deschutes

24 River below Steelhead Falls, amounts that could be several-fold, the cool temperature of the additional important in helping to allocate flows during ground water helps to reduce stream temperatures critical periods. again to within State standards.

3.3 Water Temperature 3.3.1 Monitoring Objectives and Maintenance of cold or cool water Associated Actions temperature is critical for most native fishes in the middle and upper Deschutes River Basin, and in Data Utility and Availability particular for salmonids. Accordingly, temperature is the most commonly measured water-quality constituent in the basin, with over 60 locations Objective: Increase availability of existing currently monitored by private and local and future temperature data and organizations (City of Bend, Portland General analysis for the public and other Electric), State agencies (OWRD, ODFW, ODEQ), agencies, by: and Federal Agencies (BLM, Forest Service). About two-thirds of these stations have some form Action 12: Compiling data bases of existing of continuous monitoring, and the remainder are data and evaluating temperature sampled by spot measurements during periodic QA/QC data to determine if enough station visits (fig. 4). The quality of data for these QA data are being collected, if data sites is as yet undetermined, however, so their are of high quality, and if data are utility in meeting the objectives of the monitoring comparable between sites and plan is not fully known. Many additional locations agencies; and have been used in the past for short-term purposes associated with specific needs (Bonnie Lamb, Action 13: Analyzing existing data to Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, determine baseline conditions and written commun., 1999). look for changes over time, and Across Oregon many streams do not meet communicate the results of this State standards for temperature. Within the study analysis to interested agencies and area for this monitoring plan, several of the major public. stream reaches are listed as water-quality limited for temperature (table 2) on the State’s 303(d) list, Rationale and Explanation including portions of the Little Deschutes River, Crescent Creek, Paulina Creek, the middle Action 12: Compile existing data and Deschutes River, and Squaw Creek. Where evaluate QA/QC data—As with most data streamflow is high and riparian coverage is good in on water-quality, stream-temperature data the basin, temperatures tend to be cooler, whereas have been collected by a wide variety of streams that have relatively low flow or reduced riparian cover tend to exceed the State maximum organizations, using many different methods. temperature standard. The upper Deschutes River Although analysis of existing temperature data, from Wickiup Dam down to the Central Oregon as in Action 13 (see below), is suggested as a Irrigation Canal does meet the temperature basis for any major redesign of the temperature standard, most likely as a result of releases of large monitoring network, the first step is to inventory amounts of cool water from Wickiup Reservoir available data and determine whether those data during summer. Water withdrawals downstream are amenable to analysis in the first place. This apparently reduce flow below Bend to the point task could involve creating a database to handle that the river is unable to withstand the effects of the disparate data, and ensuring that there are solar warming and other heat inputs such as adequate quality-assurance data to allow tributary inflows, and the temperature standard is comparison of datasets among agencies and not met. In the final reach below Steelhead Falls, different locations. Quality assurance and other where ground-water inputs increase discharge data that may be used to determine the quality of

25 122º00' 123º00'



u d

JEFFERSON COUNTY S Mt Lake pri Jefferson Simtustus n g s C WHEELER Jefferson Madrr as River Lake Billy COUNTY Chinook Wi River ll


w National Grasslands C

ius r l and Deschutes o reek t E C e National Forest

M 44º30' ly LINN F C rooke COUNTY ANG ODEQ Suttle R Lake d and 126 reek C PGE Santiam 20 r CROOK Pass C e r l In w k t a y y C di F u ee a or q River L a Mt n S Cr K d w c a OchocoM Washington C u r Sq Canal Prineville 26 Sisters River Ochoco McKenzie 126 Reservoir Pass River Redmond COUNTY y r North D reek Tum D ry 126 Sister OWRD and C it Middle Deschutes alo n U Sister Fee National Forest th Canal or in South Broken d N a LANE Sister Top Canal M Prineville Reservoir

COUNTY reek Bri C Sparks d Bend Central Oregon ge Cr lo Lake Tuma R Canal 44º00' Elk E Lake IV Arnold R Hosmer Canal Lake OWRD and Lava Deschutes Spri Lake River Sunriver National Forest ng

Cultus Lake 42 20 River DESCHUTES COUNTY P Crane ll S a River a E u nn Prairie F T l ui U Newberry in Volcano Q Reservoir H a B C M East ro S P Paulina E aul Lake w River ina Lake n r D Cr s C

Moore o Creek ODEQ and u Maiden Paulina nt Wickiup La Deschutes Peak ai 58 Peak Reservoir Pine National Forest ns HIGH LAVA PLAINS Willamette Davis es t

Pass Lake u

h EXPLANATION reek C Included on Oregon 303d list due Odell ell esc Lake Od D to temperature concern Continuous monitoring site 43º30' Crescent nt reek Lake Cresce C Gilchrist Bureau of Land Management(BLM) BLM and City of Bend e LAKE Summit reek Littl Deschutes C National Grasslands Lake National COUNTY Portland General Electric (PGE) h Forest rs 31 U.S. Forest Service OWRD a and M Oregon Water Resources ig Deschutes B Department (OWRD) National boundary Grab sample Forest area Study Oregon Department of 97 Environmental Quality (ODEQ) Portland General Electric (PGE) Oregon Water Resources KLAMATH 0 5 10 MILES Department (OWRD) COUNTY 0 5 10 KILOMETERS Figure 4. Location of temperature monitoring stations in the middle and upper Deschutes River Basin, Oregon. (Circles indicate redundant monitoring stations by indicated organizations.)

26 the temperature data will include (1) instrument sampling times to account for diel type, age, and specifications, (2) calibration variations; frequency, tolerances, and records, to evaluate precision and accuracy, (3) miscellaneous check Action 15: Modifying the existing temperature measurements or other applicable spot network to increase efficiency by measurements from other organizations for removing redundant monitors and comparison, (4) information on the completeness installing new monitors to fill data of records, including the amount of missing data, gaps for support of TMDL and (5) observations on the location of recording development; and devices or sites for grab samplings, including riparian shading, depth of deployment, and date Action 16: Developing temperature models for and time of station visits. The USEPA has already the 303(d) listed reaches, especially initiated part of this action with a contract for Squaw Creek, Little Deschutes some of the above work (Stuart McKenzie, U.S. River from Crescent Creek to Geological Survey [retired], written commun., Deschutes River, and Deschutes 1999). River from Bend to Lake Billy Action 13: Analyze existing data—Once Chinook, to support development of the quality of available temperature data has been TMDLs and to determine effects of documented, an analysis of existing data would flow variations from reservoirs, prove invaluable for several purposes. In addition irrigation withdrawals, and other to determining whether there have been detectable management alternatives on stream changes in temperature over time, or changes that temperatures. can be linked to management actions in the basin, this analysis will help highlight strengths and Rationale and Explanation weaknesses in the current temperature monitoring network. Sites that are redundant or that otherwise Action 14: Use continuous monitors and provide little useful data, and sites that are critical modify timing of field sampling—Stream and that provide highly useful data, will be more temperature, like DO and pH, typically exhibits a evident after this type of analysis. predictable diel pattern, with increasing temperature during the day and decreasing at Status, Trends, and night, particularly during summer. Maximum and Compliance Monitoring minimum temperatures occur during late evening and early morning, respectively, with temperature Objective: Determine the spatial during midday generally representing an average (longitudinal) variability, diel temperature. Exceptions are usually limited to and seasonal variability, and situations where the measurement location is close long-term trends of water to a large water source that remains at a relatively temperature, and constant temperature, such as the outflow of a lake Objective: Provide data to determine if or spring, or where regional ground-water input is water temperatures exceed State important, so that the magnitude of diel cycling is less. The State water-quality standard for standards and to support temperature reflects this pattern, requiring development of TMDLs for the calculation of a 7-day average of daily maximum basin, by: temperatures. For long-term, routine sampling Action 14: Collecting data for temperature programs that do not specifically target daily using continuous monitors rather maximum temperatures, data are accepted for than individual field measurements, evaluation relative to standards if they are where possible, to capture diel and collected during representative seasons (typically seasonal variations. For temperature summer) and times of day (mid- to late afternoon) field measurements, schedule (Oregon Department of Environmental Quality,

27 1999c). However, for routine monitoring of water Grasslands and the Forest Service. Monitors quality, when there are often several constituents already exists on the Deschutes River down- being measured, or where work is scheduled so as stream of Squaw Creek. to maximize the number of locations that can be sampled in a day, spot measurements for There are also cases where one agency is temperature are often taken without regard to the collecting continuous temperature data and time of day. Thus, stream temperatures in many another is making spot measurements for existing water-quality datasets are not adequate to temperature at the same or nearby sites (fig. 4). assess adherence to temperature standards or These include several inflow streams to Crane trends over time. Wherever possible, temperature Prairie and Wickiup Reservoirs, the outflow from sampling under this monitoring plan is best done Crescent Lake, the Deschutes River at Pringle with calibrated, continuous monitors. Spot Falls, Squaw Creek upstream of the Squaw Creek measurements for temperatures taken in Canal, and others. However, the spot association with this plan would be best made in measurements could provide additional checks on the late afternoon or early evening in order to be the continuous records collected at these stations most applicable to water-quality standards or for and are therefore valuable components of a quality trend analysis. assurance program. Furthermore, the spot measurements for temperature are often conducted Action 15: Modify existing network— with other work at the same locations, so they do With over 60 sites, coverage of temperature not in most cases represent substantial additional monitors in the middle and upper Deschutes River work. For these reasons it is not suggested that Basin is extensive, perhaps more so than would be these apparent redundancies be eliminated. warranted solely from the perspective of this Instead it will be important to maintain awareness regional plan. However, many of these sites, for about these overlaps and to share field and quality example those that are located near the headwaters assurance data for measurements among agencies. of smaller tributaries or the inflows to reservoirs, This will allow continuous temperature records to are monitored for purposes such as project-level be accurately analyzed. evaluations specific to the individual management Some important locations in the basin are organizations. Nonetheless, there are a few monitored using only spot measurements. In locations where temperature is monitored by more particular these include the ODEQ Ambient than one organization, whereas other relatively Monitoring locations on the Little Deschutes long segments of major stream reaches that are on River at Highway 42, the Deschutes River at the 303(d) list for temperature have no monitors Harper’s Bridge, and the Deschutes River at (fig. 4). Because TMDL development may Lower Bridge. Because these reaches are likely to ultimately depend on temperature data from the be the subject of TMDLs for temperature, it would 303(d) listed reaches, additional data from these be advantageous to install temperature monitors at reaches are likely to be useful. Redundant one or all of them. As an alternative to, or in continuous monitors are located in the following addition to, the ODEQ site at Lower Bridge, a two locations: temperature monitor could be located upstream in the vicinity of Cline Falls to provide temperature • Little Deschutes River near Gilchrist data closer to Tumalo Creek in the low-flow (upstream of Crescent Creek). Monitors are section of the river. operated by the BLM and the Forest Service. One of these could be moved to the Little Action 16: Develop temperature Deschutes River below the mouth of Cres- models—A reach-based temperature model cent Creek so as to provide data on tempera- developed for Squaw Creek by Houslet (1998) tures resulting from the mixing of the two indicates that maintaining the natural average flow streams. in the creek would allow temperature standards to be met. However, the model also indicates that the • Squaw Creek near the mouth. Monitors are minimum flow determined by Oregon Department operated by the Crooked River National of Fish and Wildlife (10 ft3/s), and the current

28 flow regime whereby the stream is dry for several and difficult to determine individually. miles during summer, prevent Squaw Creek from Nonetheless, there are opportunities to investigate meeting the temperature standard. The model also individual effects in relative isolation so as to indicates that other factors, such as riparian better determine their specific contributions to shading, also will help to maintain low temperature changes. In some cases existing data temperatures in the upper reaches of the river and might be sufficient to address these questions, that additional flow will increase available trout whereas in others new data might need to be habitat. For TMDL purposes, higher resolution collected. Examples include: modeling of stream networks will be needed in Squaw Creek. Temperature modeling in the • By explicitly examining existing tempera- Deschutes River below Bend or in the Little ture records before, during, and after periods Deschutes River and Crescent Creek could of streamflow manipulations, or collecting provide information on the effects of water new temperature data, the effects of flow releases, withdrawals, riparian restoration, and manipulations on temperature in the upper other management actions on stream temperature Deschutes River and the middle Deschutes in the Deschutes River. The modeling effort would River could be examined. also help identify strengths and weaknesses in the • A series of overhead flights using remote current temperature monitoring network in the sensing FLIR technology would provide a basin. More intensive efforts, such as Forward spatially continuous snapshot of temperature Looking Infrared Radiometer (FLIR) data conditions in selected reaches. These data, in collection, will also be important components to combination with existing temperature future temperature modeling. Temperature recorders and ground truthing in key addi- modeling in portions of the middle and upper tional locations, could provide valuable Deschutes River Basin is projected to occur in information on spatial changes in water tem- 2001 associated with TMDL development peratures corresponding to riparian or (Bonnie Lamb, Oregon Department of instream habitat, urbanization and develop- Environmental Quality, written commun., 2000). ment, agricultural runoff, and water with- drawals and inputs. It could also help identify areas with lower water temperatures Evaluation Monitoring that act as critical habitat areas or refugia for salmonids. Objective: Determine the effects of current management activities on water 3.4 Turbidity/Sediment Transport temperature by: The concentration and transport of Action 17: Considering special studies to suspended material in streams is an important evaluate effects on water issue in much of the upper Deschutes River Basin. temperature from surface or ground Several reaches are included on the State’s 303(d) water withdrawals, floodplain, and list for turbidity, sedimentation, or habitat modification (possibly related to erosion), or are riparian development, and listed as potential concerns for which data are restoration projects on stream needed to resolve the severity of the problem (fig, temperatures. 5, table 2). In reaches downstream from Wickiup Reservoir, erosion of streambanks resulting from Rationale and Explanation flow fluctuations has been identified as a major contributor to sedimentation and turbidity in the Action 17: Consider special studies to rivers as well as to degradation of riparian habitat evaluate management effects—Water and land (USDA Forest Service, 1996b). Few data are use practices in the basin may contribute available on the erosional status of Crescent Creek, cumulatively to increased water temperatures, and but there is a potential for processes similar to these effects are therefore likely to be interrelated those below Wickiup Dam because the hydrologic

29 patterns are altered due to irrigation withdrawals simultaneously for one relatively substantial from the lake, and the stream is an alluvial, gravel sediment monitoring project. banked system similar to the upper Deschutes River. Algae in water released from reservoirs Status, Trends, and Compliance during summer can also increase turbidity in the Monitoring receiving waters. Turbidities that do not meet State standards can be harmful to native fish. Excessive Objective: Determine spatial (longitudinal) sedimentation or erosion is also known to variability, diel and seasonal accelerate channel migration and degrade fish variability, and long-term trends spawning habitat. In general, extremely high flows in suspended sediment (flooding) are not a problem in the study area concentrations, and because of flow regulation by the reservoirs and because the large amount ground water input Objective: Determine if suspended sediment locally stabilizes the hydrograph. However, during (TSS/turbidity) values meet State low elevation storms, there is potential for and Federal water-quality increased sediment loading resulting from urban criteria (including TMDL), by: and nonpoint runoff, or inflows from small, Action 18: Using TSS as the preferred data- ungaged tributaries that are often otherwise dry. collection protocol, with continuous These events may contribute disproportionately to turbidity monitoring at selected elevation of turbidities. locations; Despite its importance in the basin, previous monitoring for sediment transport has been highly Action 19: Compiling data bases of existing variable among agencies (fig. 5). Many small scale data and evaluating QA/QC data to monitoring projects of short durations have been determine if enough QA data are done to estimate effects from individual land being collected, and if data are management or restoration practices; data from comparable between sites and these types of studies are typically difficult to agencies; obtain and are of uncertain quality. Among the Action 20: Analyzing existing, usable data to different organizations monitoring turbidity and (1) statistically determine optimum sediment, there are several different methods that sampling frequency and spatial are being and have been used (principally the use coverage needed to observe changes of meters to measure turbidity, or collection of at a rate specified by management samples for analysis of total suspended solids agencies, (2) determine reference [TSS] and suspended sediment concentrations). (historical) and baseline (current) Regional monitoring for suspended material, as conditions, (3) look for historical suggested in this plan, is oriented to actions that changes over time prior to initiation increase the comparability of data and efficiency of new monitoring, and (4) of collection among agencies, initially fill some determine relations between TSS apparent data gaps, and address the most pressing and turbidity for existing sites; resource-management issues related to suspended material. Action 21: Establishing periodic sampling for TSS at new locations, such as at 3.4.1 Monitoring Objectives and OWRD gaging stations on Associated Actions Deschutes River below Wickiup Reservoir and Little Deschutes In the following sections several interrelated River at La Pine; and monitoring actions (Actions 20–24) are proposed. For the purposes of this report, the actions are Action 22: Establishing continuous turbidity listed separately so that they may be budgeted and monitoring locations, with priority scoped separately, however if there are sufficient stations in reaches downstream of resources or need they could be undertaken Wickiup Reservoir. Monitors could

30 122º00' 123º00'



u d

JEFFERSON COUNTY S Mt Lake pri Jefferson Simtustus n g s C WHEELER Jefferson Madrr as River Lake Billy COUNTY Chinook Wi River ll




ius r l

o reek t E C e

M 44º30' ly LINN F C rooke COUNTY ANG Suttle R Lake d 126 reek C Santiam 20 r CROOK Pass C e r l In w k t a y y C di F u ee a or q River L a Mt n S Cr K d w c a OchocoM Washington C u r Sq Canal Prineville 26 Sisters River Ochoco McKenzie 126 Reservoir Pass River Redmond COUNTY y r North D reek Tum D ry 126 Sister C it Middle alo n U Sister Fee th Canal or in South Broken d N a LANE Sister Top Canal M Prineville Reservoir

COUNTY reek Bri C Sparks d Bend Central Oregon ge Cr lo Lake Tuma R Canal 44º00' Elk E Lake IV Arnold R Hosmer Canal Lake

Lava Spri Lake River Sunriver ng

Cultus Lake 42 20 River DESCHUTES COUNTY P Crane ll S a River a E u nn Prairie F T l ui U Newberry in Volcano Q Reservoir H a B C M East ro S P Paulina E aul Lake w River ina Lake n r D Cr s C

Moore o Creek u Maiden Paulina nt Wickiup La Peak ai 58 Peak Reservoir Pine ns HIGH LAVA PLAINS Willamette Davis es t Pass Lake u EXPLANATION reek h C Included on Oregon 303d list due Odell ell esc Lake Od D to turbidity, sedimentation, and habitat modification 43º30' Crescent nt reek Lake Cresce C Gilchrist Sediment sample e LAKE Oregon Department of Environmental Summit reek Littl C Quality—TSS grab sample Lake COUNTY U.S. Forest Service—Bed sediment h studies rs 31 a M Turbidity sample—Continuous ig B monitoring boundary City of Bend area Study U.S. Forest Service 97 Turbidity sample—Grab sample Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Portland General Electric KLAMATH 0 5 10 MILES U.S. Forest Service COUNTY 0 5 10 KILOMETERS Figure 5. Turbidity, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), and sediment monitoring stations in the middle and upper Deschutes River Basin, Oregon, 1999.

31 be located at OWRD gages or at monitoring as a relative indicator of changing ODEQ ambient monitoring sites. sediment transport resulting from changing hydrologic or other conditions. Field Rationale and Explanation measurements of turbidity are relatively inexpensive and can provide an effective early Action 18: Establish preferred screening mechanism on which to base additional protocol—The three most common analyses of sampling or management decisions. The ODEQ the amount of particulates in a river sample are provides recommendations to watershed councils suspended-sediment concentration, TSS on equipment purchasing, calibration, and use, concentrations, and turbidity. Sampling techniques including for field turbidimeters that can be for each of these are different and measure reliable for grab sampling. Relations between somewhat different aspects of sediment in water. turbidity and suspended sediment or TSS can be, Suspended sediment is usually collected using and have been, established but they tend to be techniques that integrate across the depth and unique to the specific water bodies or processes width of the stream (Edwards and Glysson, 1999) being monitored. Establishing strategic locations and the entire sample is analyzed for the mass of (Actions 22 and 23) for continuous or spot sediment; for TSS a simple grab sample is often measurements of turbidity, to be used in taken from the stream, with an aliquot from that conjunction with TSS or suspended-sediment sample being used to determine the mass of sampling and streamflow data, will help provide suspended solids; turbidity is an optical long-term data for trend analysis and for measurement of the amount of light scattered developing relationships between turbidity and caused by particulates in a sample and can be sediment transport. measured with probes either instantaneously or using continuous monitors. Of the three, Action 19: Compile data base and suspended-sediment concentrations are the most evaluate QA/QC data—This task is suggested representative and also the most time consuming for turbidity, TSS, and suspended sediment and expensive measurements, TSS is perhaps the measurements for the same reasons that it has most widely used for sampling water, and been suggested previously for temperature turbidity is commonly used for in-place monitoring (Action 12). These data are collected monitoring. TSS has a potential for bias from by a variety of methods, and their comparability undersampling of coarse sediment fractions that among organizations is not necessarily are likely to be missed in grab samples and in guaranteed. Turbidity, in particular, is subject to subsequent aliquots (Gray and others, 2000). bias because of differences in historical instrument However, because most agencies that regularly design among manufacturers and calibration sample in the middle and upper Deschutes River constraints. Although recent technological Basin have used TSS in the past and are likely to changes have improved the reliability of many continue to do so in the future, TSS is suggested as newer turbidity monitors, as with all monitoring the determination of choice for agencies instruments their calibration may drift over time, participating in this plan. Suspended-sediment and calibration standards have until recently been sampling will likely be warranted in some cases to unstable. Turbidity also does not actually measure develop rating curves or for correlations with TSS suspended-solids concentrations but rather the or turbidity data (see Action 23). Comparison of scattering of light. Because so many organizations concurrent samples for suspended sediment and are collecting turbidity information in the study TSS at selected sites, over a range of flow area (fig. 5), there is a substantial need for an conditions, would also provide valuable quality understanding of the reliability and the assurance for interpreting the results of TSS comparability of these data. An inventory and sampling in the basin. assessment of quality-assurance data for turbidity monitoring, and for any TSS or suspended Turbidity is important, in part because it is the sediment monitoring, would provide a basis for only measurement of the three for which there is a knowing which data could reliably be used and State standard, but it also is good for continuous analyzed together and which should not. As with

32 temperature, it will likely be necessary to gather Deschutes River below Wickiup Reservoir and for quality-assurance data for (1) instrument type, the Little Deschutes River (Thomas Walker, age, and specifications, (2) calibration frequency, USDA Forest Service, Deschutes National Forest, tolerances, and field records, to evaluate precision written commun., March 2000). If sound relations and accuracy, (3) miscellaneous check for TSS and turbidity can be determined from measurements or other applicable grab samples these comparisons and other existing data (such as from other organizations that can be used for ODEQ Ambient Monitoring data) then perhaps comparison, and (4) information on the additional investigations into this question are completeness of records, including the amount of unwarranted and monitoring for turbidity and TSS missing data. Furthermore, comparisons between TSS, turbidity, and suspended sediment can be redesigned without additional data concentrations are warranted to provide a basis for collection. interpretation of turbidity and TSS data. If data are not currently available to make this comparison, it Action 21: Establish new TSS may be necessary to specifically collect samples monitoring locations—The ODEQ Ambient using two or all three of the methods in order to Monitoring Network, with five sites in the establish relations between these variables. middle and upper Deschutes River Basin, Finally, the initial task of gathering the turbidity, provides good spatial coverage for routine TSS, and sediment data among organizations is water sampling and is relatively complete itself likely to be formidable. given the patterns of the river network. There are Action 20: Analyze existing data—As a few important gaps, however, for TSS and with temperature, much data has been collected turbidity sampling, based on areas of known for sediment-related issues in the study area sediment transport and erosion issues. For (fig. 5), not all of which has been analyzed. example, the ODEQ station on the Deschutes Analysis of existing data as an initial exercise River at Pringle Falls is a useful location for would help (1) answer the questions the original quantifying sediment transport in the upper studies were intended to address, (2) formulate Deschutes River. However, one of the sediment hypotheses regarding water-quality processes, related issues in this reach is fluctuating turbidity relations between TSS, suspended sediment, and resulting from reservoir operations at Wickiup turbidity, and sources of contaminants in the basin, Reservoir, and proposed sources of turbidity (3) evaluate the value of these data for future include turbidity released from the reservoir, monitoring, (4) provide additional evaluation of bank erosion, and bed sediment resuspension the quality-assurance practices of collecting in the stream caused by flow fluctuations organizations, (5) provide data for determination (USDA Forest Service, 1996b). Routine sampling of the status of the resource and baselines for of TSS at the OWRD gaging station immediately future determinations of trends, and (6) identify data gaps, such as extreme events, in the current below the reservoir, together with continuous monitoring programs in order to make appropriate turbidity monitoring, could help establish whether modifications for future monitoring. reservoir turbidity itself contributes significantly to sediment transport in the upper Deschutes This task could be done without interruption River. This would be particularly useful in of present routine data-collection programs conjunction with increased water sampling in (mostly by ODEQ but also by the Forest Service). the reservoir (see Action 34). It would also Some relatively straightforward modifications to those programs (for example, Action 21) could be help quantify any additional sediment loads initiated without this more comprehensive that originate in the reach from Wickiup analysis of existing data, but decisions about Reservoir downstream. Additional TSS loca- future monitoring will be greatly augmented by tions may be identified elsewhere in the basin the information gleaned from the data analysis such as the Little Deschutes River near process. For instance, some comparison of TSS La Pine, on the basis of known sedimen- and turbidity data was done in 1998 for the upper tation issues or resulting from analysis of

33 existing data, or in support of management needs turbidity data from monitors would need to be (for example, TMDLs). checked against turbidities or suspended sediment concentrations in entire cross sections of the river Action 22: Establish new continuous to determine the representativeness of monitor turbidity monitors—Although the maintenance data. and calibration needs of continuous monitors, including those for turbidity, can be substantial, Evaluation Monitoring these types of monitors also can provide a tremendous amount of data for relatively little Objective: Determine effects of variations cost. Data can be useful for long-term trend in streamflow from reservoir analysis, for evaluating the short-term effects of operations and irrigation specific events on water quality, for documenting withdrawals on downstream compliance with standards, to support sediment concentrations, management needs such as TMDLs, and for including daily and seasonal understanding the causes of short- and long-term effects, and variations in sediment and chemical data. Within the study area, ODEQ’s ambient monitoring Objective: Provide data to develop stations would be useful locations to add sediment-discharge rating continuous monitors for turbidity as well as for curves below Wickiup Reservoir, temperature, DO, pH, and specific conductance by: (see Action 40), because these sites represent most Action 23: Conducting a special study to refine of the major reaches of interest. Establishing relations between suspended continuous monitors, in this case for turbidity, at sediment, TSS, and turbidity in sites in ODEQ’s network (fig. 5) would help upper Deschutes River downstream increase the consistency of data collection in the to Bend and Little Deschutes River; region. Alternatively, stream-gaging stations and maintained by OWRD would be reasonable locations for continuous monitors because data Action 24: Conducting a special study to from these monitors can be related to streamflow evaluate the relationship between and because of the need to house instrumentation, bedload transport and changes in though comparison with ODEQ water-quality data flow and determine sediment would be less straightforward. As a cost saving sources (reservoir releases, measure, monitors could be installed seasonally to resuspension of bed material, bank account for the most sensitive conditions during erosion) below Wickiup Reservoir which turbidity information are of greatest to Bend. Include effects of Little interest. These conditions could be based on Deschutes River on the upper hydrology, during peak flow releases from Deschutes River above Bend. Wickiup Reservoir in May through July, or on aquatic ecology, during important periods of fish Rationale and Explanation migration or spawning. The highest priority sites Action 23: Conduct special study on would likely be those targeted at turbidity and suspended sediment, TSS, and turbidity sediment issues related to releases of water for relations—From a management standpoint, it irrigation from Wickiup Reservoir, specifically (1) would be a great advantage to be able to use a Deschutes River at Pringle Falls, (2) Deschutes relatively low-cost, continuously monitored River at Harper Bridge, and (3) Little Deschutes constituent such as turbidity as a surrogate for River at Highway 42. An additional station could TSS or suspended sediment. Examples of the be added in other sites such as the Deschutes uses of these data include estimating effects of River at Lower Bridge (ODEQ Ambient management practices on sediment concentrations Monitoring Network) or Culver (USGS gaging (see Action 24), estimating the load of sediment station) if analysis of existing data indicates that being transported in a given time period, or data are needed from those locations. Finally, quantifying the variability of sediment transport in

34 the rivers. Although in principle there are relations the river and its biota while maintaining the ability between the transport of sediment in the water to supply water for irrigation, it is important to column and both TSS and turbidity, in practice understand the relationship between flow, flow these relations tend to be specific to individual changes, seasonality of flow releases (including water bodies and their unique sediment or extreme events), and bedload or sediment particulate sources and local hydrological, transport. It would also be helpful to determine the physical, and biological characteristics. In the relative importance of sediment sources, such as upper Deschutes River, releases of water from water from the reservoir, bank erosion below the Wickiup Reservoir have been identified as a cause reservoir, recreation and other activities along the of bank erosion (USDA Forest Service, 1996), river and tributaries, and resuspension of bed which results in increased sediment transport material, from Wickiup Reservoir to Bend. Such a downstream and sedimentation in the streambed, study would most likely rely, in part, on in addition to destruction of riparian habitat. implementation of other aspects of the monitoring Fluctuating streamflows also may resuspend plan, including analysis of previously collected streambed sediments, and reservoir releases may contain particulates in the form of phytoplankton data (Action 20), TSS/turbidity monitoring algae, especially during summer. All of these (Actions 21 and 22), information on the relations source types can produce different types of between turbidity, TSS, and suspended sediment particulate matter in the water, with the result that (Action 23), and studies of channel morphology in the relations between turbidity and suspended the same reaches (Actions 27– 30). Hence it sediment or TSS are likely to be different at would be best attempted after those actions have different times of the year or at different parts of been initiated. Actions 23 and 24 could both be the hydrologic cycle. important in the development of TMDLs for sedimentation and turbidity. In order to decrease the long-term cost of monitoring and increase the value of data 3.5 Physical Channel Morphology/ collected, it is suggested that a special study be Aquatic Habitat conducted that would determine relations between turbidity and concentrations of suspended There are many issues associated with the sediment and TSS in the upper Deschutes River, adequacy of, and changes in, the physical structure over a range of flow conditions. The Forest and functioning of streams (morphology) and the Service, which is charged with management of the quality of aquatic habitat in the study area. These upper Deschutes River, is interested in the use of issues are often related to questions of suspended turbidity monitors and might be willing to take the material in streams (section 3.4). The State has lead in such an investigation (Randall Gould, U.S. included several river reaches on the 303(d) list for Forest Service, Bend, Oregon, oral commun., habitat modification (table 2), the criteria for 1999). The Little Deschutes River is mentioned which include (1) low multimetric or multivariate for inclusion in this study because it is an biological ratings for macroinvertebrate com- important contributor to the flow and sediment munities, (2) low ratings for indices of biological regime after it joins the Deschutes River and downstream to the Central Oregon Canal. This integrity, or (3) a combination of poor or declining action is differentiated from Actions 21 and 22 by fish populations and habitat conditions that limit its probable short-term duration, and because it fish production (Oregon Department of Environ- would provide data to support the long-term needs mental Quality, 1999c). Reservoir operations and of those actions, as well as possible benefits for their downstream effects are considered to be evaluation monitoring (see Action 24). causes of much of the changes in stream mor- phology (Cameron and Major, 1987; USDA Forest Action 24: Special study of sediment Service, 1996b), but other potential causes include sources and transport—In the upper Deschutes extreme flooding (infrequent, but potentially River between Wickiup Reservoir and Bend the important in some locations), forest-management amount and specific sources of sediment are an practices such as timber harvesting and road important management issue and remain building, recreational uses of stream and riparian undefined. In order to best care for the health of areas, agricultural practices (generally irrigation

35 withdrawals or livestock grazing) and commercial data currently available and to or private development along riparian areas. determine what locations have or have not been studied; Perhaps more than any other “water-quality” related issue included in this plan, past projects to Action 26: Analyzing existing, usable data to measure the status of channel morphology and (1) determine optimum sampling habitat have been done by many different frequency and spatial coverage to organizations with a wide variety of methods, observe a rate of change that is some more quantitative and (or) objective than agreed upon by water management others (Roper and Scarnecchia, 1995; Bauer and agencies in the basin (2) determine Ralph, 1999). Agencies involved in these reference [historical] and [or] measurements have included the Forest Service, baseline [current] conditions, and the BLM, the USGS, the Oregon Department of (3) look for changes over time prior Fish and Wildlife, the Oregon Department of to initiation of new monitoring; Environmental Quality, and Portland General Electric, with the Forest Service being the most Action 27: Conducting monitoring at subbasin active recently (fig. 5). The State of Oregon also is and “indicator” reach scales, as monitoring and restoring salmon habitat on a follows: statewide basis through the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds (State of Oregon, 1997). •At the subbasin scale, use remote Most of these organizations have had their own sensing (aerial photography) and protocols in use, or have had different protocols GIS to document sinuosity, among individual offices, during different time riparian vegetation, areal extent of frames, or for specific project purposes. Therefore, wetlands, and amount of as with other aspects of the monitoring plan, many development within the of the monitoring actions suggested herein are floodplain, repeated every 5–10 directed towards bridging the differences in years. monitoring efforts among organizations in order to •At the “indicator” reach scale, use increase the overall efficiency of those efforts and selected attributes from IRICC provide a common basis for comparison. protocols (IRICC Fish Additional actions to help establish baseline Hydrography Strike Team, 1999) conditions, to evaluate changes over time, and to and methods by Harrellson and evaluate effects of specific land and water- others (1996) to document channel management practices are suggested. Note that, geometry and habitat because there are no standards or criteria for characteristics, repeated every 2–5 stream habitat and channel morphology, there are years (or following major flood no objectives or actions targeted towards events) at each site. compliance monitoring. Action 28: Consider special studies to establish 3.5.1 Monitoring Objectives and baselines for areas that have not yet Associated Actions been surveyed, especially any critical stream segments of the upper Deschutes River, Little Status and Trends Monitoring Deschutes River, Squaw Creek, and Tumalo Creek. Objective: Establish baseline conditions Rationale and Explanation and evaluate changes over space and time, by: Action 25: Establish database of Action 25: Compiling a database of existing existing data—Many studies of stream data among agencies, including morphology and aquatic habitat have been done in metadata, to evaluate usability of reaches of the upper Deschutes River and its

36 tributaries, yet little of those data are readily the basin is itself likely to be substantial; therefore available. A preliminary analysis of bed-sediment it is included here as a separate action from data distribution, erosion, and transport was done in analysis. late 1980’s (Cameron and Major, 1987), and an analysis of historical channel changes was Action 26: Analyze existing data—Once a initiated as part of an Instream Flow Assessment reliable dataset has been assembled as indicated done in 1994 (USDA Forest Service, 1994); above, an analysis of those data is suggested, with however, for most of the major reaches addressed the objectives being to (1) define baseline by this monitoring plan, there is no consensus on conditions where possible and (2) use the results historical reference conditions or even current to modify future sampling strategies, including (baseline) conditions. As for many of the other defining which data are the most useful and are issues addressed in this plan, an important first critical to collect, and obtaining estimates of step in the assessment of current and past variability to use in determining statistical power conditions will be to assemble data from the and sampling frequencies. Additionally, such an various sources and make a determination of their analysis would help refine current conceptual use for analysis in conjunction with other datasets. understandings of the important channel processes Metadata refers to information about the dataset in the reaches of interest. The reaches of highest itself, including protocols used, dates and priority for this analysis would be those most locations sampled, objectives of study, and other affected by flow changes or where biological information that can be used to determine the considerations are the most pressing. In particular, applicability and content of existing data. For these reaches would likely include the upper geomorphic and habitat studies, QA/QC data may Deschutes River from Wickiup Reservoir to the be less applicable or available, so metadata could Little Deschutes River, the Little Deschutes River be the only information to use to determine itself, the upper Deschutes River from the Little whether a study’s data will be usable in Deschutes River to Bend, which are all affected by conjunction with other datasets. Pertinent reservoir releases. Also, the middle Deschutes questions that could be asked about the data River from Bend to Lake Billy Chinook, the flow include: What were the objectives of the study? of which is severely altered by irrigation What is the database structure and accessibility of withdrawals, would be included. Squaw Creek, the data? Were the protocols used published and which is included on the 303(d) list for habitat commonly used by other agencies in the region? modification, would also be a candidate for Are the measured parameters objectively defined analysis. and repeatable? Do the datasets include basic information such as dates, locations, and estimates Action 27: Conduct monitoring at of discharge? multiple scales—At a relatively large scale (for example, subbasin scale), it is possible to measure a number of important stream parameters using The Forest Service is currently in the process aerial photography or other remote methods. of compiling data from most of its previous stream These measurements could be made at relatively studies, including stream habitat and morphology little expense, probably through the use of a GIS data, into a common, national database, termed system, and would serve to classify changes along NRIS (National Resource Inventory System). This the length of selected study reaches. At smaller process is expected to greatly simplify tasks such scales, measurements can be taken with teams in as Action 25. The NRIS database will not, the field, using previously defined indicator however, include data collected by agencies other reaches, to document more intensively the local than the Forest Service. Likewise, the BLM is stream physical structure and habitat conditions in creating a database called ARIMS (Aquatic relatively short sections of river. Because habitat Resources Information Management System), measurements tend to be highly subjective (Roper although this system is still several years from and Scarnecchia, 1995), this plan focuses more on being operational. The task of assembling an the most repeatable, physical measurements of overall dataset for geomorphic and habitat data in stream geometry. The indicator reach monitoring

37 would be done more frequently, on the order of determinations of cross-sectional area, width-to once every 2–5 years or more for each study reach, depth ratio, wetted perimeter, longitudinal profile and, if possible, immediately following flood (gradient), bankfull width and depth, and a events with recurrence intervals of 25 or more measure of overall streambed material such as years. pebble counts. Specific locations (cross sections, pools, and riffles) within reaches would be Specific determinations made from remotely selected and flagged for repeat measurements of sensed data at the subbasin scale would include the physical attributes over time with exact sinuosity (the channel length divided by the river coordinates recorded by a global positioning valley length); the number and length of oxbows system (GPS). Also included would be and side channels; amount, type, and extent of measurements of stream patterns (meander length, wetlands and riparian vegetation (trees, shrubs, belt width, and radius of curvature) that are easily and herbaceous plants); and possibly the extent of determined from aerial photography but which are floodplain development. Estimates of floodplain most properly applicable to the smaller scale of development, which could include measurements the indicator reaches as described here. Field of road densities, impervious area, numbers of methods for measurement of most of these structures, and population within the floodplain, attributes are well described in a commonly used might be best undertaken initially with leadership manual by Harrelson and others (1994). from State programs or academia. Part of a Additional habitat measurements at each indicator relatively complex model for this type of analysis reach would include the abundance of large woody was recently published for the Willamette River debris (LWD) and pool frequency. Streamflow Basin by a consortium of researchers from the measurements would also be made as part of each University of Oregon, Oregon State University, the site visit to the indicator reaches. USEPA, the Forest Service, and others (Pacific Northwest Ecosystem Research Consortium, Stream systems can be highly variable in time, 1998); however, that report contains much more and measurements of stream indicator reaches are land-use information for the Willamette Basin likely to reflect this variability. Many repeated than is proposed here for the Deschutes, and it is measurements, over decadal time frames and a not oriented specifically towards the river’s broad range of hydrologic conditions, may be floodplain but rather the entire river basin. necessary to detect statistically and Nonetheless, it provides an example of the types environmentally significant changes. This time of information that could be useful in describing may be shortened somewhat if analysis of existing and tracking development along river corridors in data allows baseline conditions to be established the middle and upper Deschutes River Basin. in some locations for previous years (that is, Useful information might also be available “hindcasting”) or if selected critical reaches are through the National Wetlands Inventory database, measured more frequently. the Oregon Division of State Lands, or county and city planning departments. The indicator reach measurements outlined Specific determinations for the indicator above are not intended to replace the regular reaches would be done in the field using published Stream Surveys conducted by the Forest Service. methods acceptable to the respective agencies, Those surveys, which use protocols established by such as the Forest Service, the BLM, and the Hankin and Reeves (1988), remain important for Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. These the Forest Service and it is assumed that they will would primarily be measures of physical stream continue to be done in the basin. Data collection attributes; however, some of the more repeatable for the indicator reaches as outlined here would be and widely used habitat measurements would be done in addition to the stream surveys, or perhaps included as well. The stream attributes listed at the same time if at all possible because much of under the IRICC protocols (IRICC Fish the same data are used for both protocols. Hydrography Strike Team, 1999), which are being Likewise, the approaches suggested for this plan adopted by the BLM and the Forest Service, are are intended to be compatible with the appropriate for this type of analysis. They include recommendations contained in the Oregon Plan

38 (State of Oregon, 1997), which are fairly general understand the river systems, extrapolate the in nature. potential effects of flow manipulations, or gain insights about the extent to which the systems can Owing to the importance of flow releases from realistically be restored. Wickiup Reservoir and Crescent Lake, and their roles as sources of irrigation water, causes of Evaluation Monitoring geomorphic channel changes, and management issues, the primary river reaches to be addressed As indicated, maintaining channel integrity with the above techniques would be (1) upper and habitat quality is one of the most common Deschutes River from Wickiup to Little Deschutes water-management goals in the upper Deschutes River, (2) upper Deschutes River from Little River Basin. These aspects have been and will Deschutes River to Bend, and, possibly, (3) the continue to be affected by land and water-use Little Deschutes River including Crescent Creek. practices. Making decisions on future land and Specific study subreaches would be selected from water use will be facilitated if agreement can be these larger reaches, representing not only reached on fundamental questions such as what federally owned but State and private lands as the current processes are that affect the river’s well. Additional study will be important in the geomorphological and habitat structure, and other reaches specified in the study area, and whether those processes are substantially different could include the middle Deschutes River between from the dominant processes prior to construc- Bend and Lake Billy Chinook, Squaw Creek, and tion of the reservoirs. Several monitoring actions Tumalo Creek, as resources allow. Final decisions are oriented towards tracking changes in the river on specific study subreaches would be made by system resulting from these processes (Actions 17, agency scientists in consultation with those 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, and 28); however, an under- coordinating the regional monitoring plan. standing of the processes involved, and of the Action 28: Establish baselines for degree to which the rivers have already been undocumented reaches—Some of the reaches changed, will likely require more detailed that may be chosen for monitoring at the subbasin geomorphic analysis of the system than or indicator reach scales, as indicated above, may monitoring alone is likely to provide. The not have been studied in the past. In these cases, following special studies are suggested in order to baselines will be established the first time that they help answer pervasive questions about (1) changes are surveyed. However, it may be possible, that have taken place since the reservoirs became through a qualitative analysis of historical records operational and significant amounts of water were or specific field surveys, to develop a conceptual diverted for irrigation and (2) current effects of understanding of probable baselines or physical those management practices on the rivers. These processes prior to current conditions. The types of studies would ultimately allow managers to more historical information that could prove useful completely evaluate potential changes in would include accounts of explorers, early maps, management practices for their effects on stream or surveys conducted during railroad expansion. morphology and habitat. Quantitative habitat assessments or fisheries Objective: Evaluate effects of reservoir surveys prior to dam construction are unlikely to operations, flow management, be found but nonetheless may exist for certain locations. Locally specific field investigations, and other land uses on channel including evaluation of flood deposits, morphology, habitat, and stratigraphic records, or streambed morphology riparian vegetation, by: could be undertaken to estimate the relative Action 29: Considering special studies to importance of various processes (for example evaluate changes in historical floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions, or woody streambed morphology after debris) in channel formation and migration. In construction of reservoirs; and selected reaches that are important from a scientific or management standpoint, such studies Action 30: Considering special studies in might provide a perspective from which to selected reaches (for example,

39 upper Deschutes River below would be useful to know if the river’s morphology Wickiup Reservoir, Deschutes still is truly in transition or has reached some sort River from Bend to Lake Billy of equilibrium set of channel processes. It would Chinook) to evaluate the effects of also be advantageous to understand the causes and short-term fluctuations and seasonal consequences of bank erosion problems, and if flow modifications on: possible to get an idea of the expected rate or magnitude of change, or the expected habitat •Stream physical environments conditions, that would result from different flow- (channel morphology, bank release options and other management scenarios. stability, etc.), This study of the upper Deschutes River could •Water quality, including turbidity, involve (1) the use of historical and current maps stream temperature, and water to define the expected variability in stream chemistry; and channels, (2) field measurements of current •Stream ecology, including channel configurations and searches for physical invertebrate populations, fish evidence of previous channel migration, and habitat, fish populations, evaluations of the relative importance of reservoir macrophyte or other aquatic plant operations, or (3) evaluation of tributary inputs, growth. and large hydrologic events in determining Rationale and Explanation historical channel morphology.

Action 29: Evaluate historical changes— A similar study could be proposed for the A study to reconstruct historical geomorphic middle Deschutes River, from Bend to Steelhead change, prior to and after construction of dams, Falls or further, where irrigation withdrawals would help improve the understanding of the reduce spring and summer streamflow to a fraction relative effects of Wickiup Reservoir and Crescent of its historical flows. However, this reach is Lake operations on the upper Deschutes River and largely constrained by its bedrock channel in a the Crescent Creek/Little Deschutes River canyon, so habitat problems in the reach may be systems, respectively. Of particular interest would more related to low flow, temperature increases, or be the degree of natural variability historically, nonnative species than to physical channel possibly resulting from periodic flooding or other changes. extreme events, in comparison to the variability in stream geometry under current conditions. Some Action 30: Evaluate current effects of work has already been done along these lines by flow modifications—This study is proposed as a Cameron and Major (1987) and during various followup to the above evaluation of historical instream flow assessments (USDA Forest geomorphic processes in the upper Deschutes Service, 1994; USDA Forest Service, 1996b), River (Action 29). In this phase of the study, the although these have not been comprehensive current effects of management practices, including assessments. One finding was that the river below reservoir operations and water withdrawals, would Wickiup Reservoir is still adjusting to the new be evaluated with respect to their effects on flow regime imposed on it by reservoir releases channel morphology, sediment transport (see after construction of Wickiup Dam from 1939–49. Action 24), and aquatic habitat. The principal For example, during the 1994 study, the river was study reaches would be, as indicated earlier, the found to be 20 percent wider and to have formed a upper Deschutes River from Wickiup Reservoir to disproportionately high number of cutoff the Little Deschutes River and downstream to meanders since 1943 in response to reservoir Bend, and Crescent Creek and the Little releases, with higher peak flows and shifted Deschutes River. The middle Deschutes River hydrologic patterns, and to removal of large from Bend to Steelhead Falls could also be woody debris (USDA Forest Service, 1994). It is evaluated, either separately or in conjunction with likely that additional changes have occurred since the upstream reaches, for its effects from water the 1994 study as the river continues to adjust. It withdrawals.

40 3.6 Nutrients act as nonpoint sources of nutrients. Investigations of some or all of these sources would provide The OWQI, updated by the Oregon valuable information for management of water- Department of Environmental Quality through quality problems associated with eutrophication. 1999 for Ambient Monitoring sites in the study There is a small amount of ongoing nutrient area, indicates generally good to excellent water monitoring in the basin, but it is not currently quality in the basin. There was an overall coordinated among agencies or oriented towards increasing (improving) trend at the Harper Bridge any common objectives. Nutrient data have been (Sunriver) and Mirror Pond (Bend) sites, and no collected as part of the ODEQ’s Ambient trend at the Lower Bridge site (Curtis Cude, Monitoring Program for many years, but are not Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, otherwise routinely collected in the basin’s written commun., 1999). Despite these positive streams by any other organizations (fig. 6, table 3). signs, there is evidence that several of the major The Bureau of Reclamation intends to collect reaches included in the study area have seasonal water samples, including those for nutrients, at one problems with eutrophication. The middle or two sites in each reservoir once every 3–5 years, Deschutes River from the North Unit Canal to although recent sampling has been less frequent. Lake Billy Chinook and the Little Deschutes River Monitoring objectives and actions listed here are are included on the 303(d) list for parameters such similar to those for other topics, and are primarily as low dissolved-oxygen concentration or high pH intended to help improve coordination and utility (table 2), which are commonly associated with of current activities. Additional suggestions are algal blooms resulting from excessive nutrient made to increase the frequency of sample loading. Such results might not be represented by collection in some instances in order to help define the OWQI if Ambient Monitoring data are the magnitude and variability of nutrient loading collected at these sites without regard to diel from individual sources, and special studies are variation. The Little Deschutes River is also a suggested to help determine the importance of candidate for the 303(d) list because of concerns several possible nutrient sources. with nutrients (Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, 1999a). There are 3.6.1 Monitoring Objectives and Associated occasional high spikes in phosphorus concentrations, and generally high biochemical Actions oxygen demand (BOD), at the Harper Bridge site—the reasons for these excursions are not known. High phosphorus and BOD concentrations Status, Trends, and Compliance are also noted at Mirror Pond, and increasingly Monitoring higher phosphorus concentrations, with high pH, are observed farther downstream at the Lower Objective: Determine spatial (longitudinal) Bridge site (Oregon Department of Environmental and seasonal variability, and Quality, 1999d). long-term trends, in nutrient There are potential nutrient sources in the concentrations in streams, and basin about which little is known. These include Objective: Determine if nutrient lakes and reservoirs managed by the Bureau of concentrations meet State or Reclamation, high nitrate-nitrogen concentrations Federal water-quality criteria in shallow ground water in the La Pine area that (including TMDLs), by: could act as a nutrient source to the alluvial Little Deschutes River, urban runoff in Bend or Action 31: Compiling existing data and Redmond, and a variety of agricultural activities. evaluating QA/QC data to Although there are few permitted point sources determine if enough QA data are contributing waste directly to the rivers, septic being collected and if data are systems or landscape fertilization associated with comparable between sites and the numerous private homes along the rivers could agencies;

41 122º00' 123º00'



u d

JEFFERSON COUNTY S Mt Lake pri Jefferson Simtustus n g s C WHEELER Jefferson Madrr as River Lake Billy COUNTY Chinook Wi River ll




ius r l

o reek t E C e

M 44º30' ly LINN F C rooke COUNTY ANG Suttle R Lake d ODEQ 126 reek C and Santiam 20 PGE r CROOK Pass C e r l In w k t a y y C di F u ee a or q River L a Mt n S Cr K d w c a OchocoM Washington C u r Sq Canal Prineville 26 Sisters River Ochoco McKenzie 126 Reservoir Pass River Redmond COUNTY y r North D reek Tum D ry 126 Sister C it Middle alo n U Sister Fee th Canal or in South Broken d N a LANE Sister Top Canal M Prineville Reservoir

COUNTY reek Bri C Sparks d Bend Central Oregon ge Cr lo Lake Tuma R Canal 44º00' Elk E Lake IV Arnold R Hosmer Canal Lake

Lava Spri Lake River Sunriver ng

Cultus Lake 42 20 River DESCHUTES COUNTY P Crane ll S a River a E u nn Prairie F T l ui U Newberry in Volcano Q Reservoir H a B C M East ro S P Paulina E aul Lake w River ina Lake n r D Cr s C

Moore o Creek u Maiden Paulina nt Wickiup La Peak ai 58 Peak Reservoir Pine ns HIGH LAVA PLAINS Willamette Davis es t

Pass Lake u reek h C EXPLANATION Odell ell esc Lake Od D Water body or stream reach included on Oregon 303d list for 43º30' Crescent nt reek constituent noted Lake resce C C Gilchrist pH and chlorophyll-a e LAKE Summit reek Littl pH Lake C COUNTY Dissolved oxygen

h rs 31 Grab samples—Analysis for constituent a M City of Bend—Nutrients ig Oregon Department of B boundary Environmental Quality (ODEQ)— area Nutrients, dissolved oxygen,and pH Study Portland General Electric (PGE)— 97 Dissolved oxygen and pH

0 5 10 MILES KLAMATH 0 5 10 KILOMETERS COUNTY Figure 6. Nutrient, DO, and pH monitoring stations in the middle and upper Deschutes River Basin, Oregon, 1999.

42 Action 32: Analyzing existing data to the environmental nutrient data themselves would determine baseline conditions and be analyzed. Specifically, the types of analysis look for changes over time; suggested include:

Action 33: Using ODEQ’s sample collection, • Statistical refinement of the sampling net- preservation, and analytical work to more accurately determine the num- protocols as preferred nutrient ber of samples needed at each location, in protocols for monitoring; order to detect desired changes over time, by using information on analytical, seasonal and Action 34: Increasing frequency of sampling in spatial variability of nutrient concentrations. Wickiup Reservoir and Crescent • Adequacy of current detection levels for Lake to provide additional nutrients: lower detection levels may be nec- information on nutrient transport essary to detect trends for some constituents and loading to the upper Deschutes if nondetections are prevalent in datasets. River; and • Investigation of sources and processes by Action 35: Follow USEPA Region 10’s effort evaluating relations of nutrient concen- to determine regional nutrient trations with streamflow, TSS concentrations criteria for streams. (or turbidity), indicators of stream productiv- ity (algal biomass, diel pH or dissolved oxy- Rationale and Explanation gen cycles), or other constituents, and by evaluating concentrations and speciation of Action 31: Compile existing data and nutrients at given locations, times of year, or evaluate QA/QC data—As with temperature flow conditions. and other water-quality constituents in this plan, an analysis of existing data would be an important • Definition of baseline concentrations. Infor- step in the final design of a new monitoring mation on variability could be used to help network for the basin. The first phase of that define a range of concentrations typical of process would be to gather and analyze baseline conditions. information on the quality of the existing data. • Compliance with State or Federal Standards Important data quality elements to look for would or evaluation of trophic state. include those mentioned previously and listed in Appendix B (such as bias, variability, and accuracy), as well as any evidence of sample Action 33: Establish preferred contamination, and a listing of the field and protocols—In order for water-quality data analytical methods used and the detection levels collected by multiple organizations to be achieved. Although nutrients are commonly comparable and usable in combined datasets, it is analyzed by many laboratories, there are important that the methods used be as similar as numerous methods that may not be directly possible. In the case of nutrients, the primary comparable and terminologies that can be easily opportunities for differences have to do with field confused. Where multiple detection levels have processing, preservation and handling, laboratory been used among different data sources for the analysis, and nomenclature. Because the same constituents, this exercise could indicate organization collecting most nutrient data in the what subsets of data can be analyzed together and basin is the Oregon Department of Environmental what subsets might need to be ignored. Quality, through the Ambient Monitoring Program Comparison of analytical methods would include and miscellaneous studies, their protocols are consideration of sample filtration and preservation suggested as the preferred protocols (table 5). The techniques. only other routine nutrient collection that occurs in the basin is the infrequent (once every 3–5 Action 32: Analyze existing data—After years) reservoir sampling done by the Bureau of completion of data gathering and analysis of Reclamation. With respect to nutrients, methods quality-assurance information as indicated above, for field processing and analysis used by the

43 Bureau of Reclamation are essentially identical to major ions, algae and zooplankton, and made field those in table 5. Additional nutrient species that measurements) from Wickiup Reservoir in 1991 could prove valuable in understanding system and 1997. Routine monitoring is planned by the processing, including transport of nutrients from BOR on Wickiup and Crane Prairie Reservoirs, the reservoir systems to downstream reaches, are Crescent Lake, and Haystack Reservoir, but at a the dissolved, organic forms of phosphorus and very low measurement frequency. The current nitrogen. These nutrients have been shown to program plans for sampling approximately once represent not only a large portion of nutrient every 3–5 years, although Wickiup Reservoir was budgets in northwest streams (Triska and others, last sampled in 1995 and Crescent Lake in 1991 1984) but also an additional pool of bioavailable (unpublished STORET data; Norbert Cannon, nutrients (Paerl and Downs, 1978; Tuchman, Bureau of Reclamation, oral commun., 2000). The 1996), especially below reservoirs (for example, next samplings are scheduled for the summer of see Anderson and Carpenter, 1988). Thus, if 2001. This is typically not frequent enough to be sufficient funds are available, addition of able to document the status or trends for systems dissolved-organic nitrogen (that is, filtered, as dynamic as lakes, especially if periodic algae Kjeldahl nitrogen) and total-dissolved phosphorus blooms occur in those lakes between samplings. (filtered, digested phosphorus) would be useful Nor does it provide enough information to additions to the suite of nutrients sampled. determine nutrient loading to downstream reaches from the reservoirs or meet most of the other Action 34: Increase reservoir sampling needs identified above. frequency—Management of water quality in the lakes and reservoirs of the upper Deschutes River As an example, Crescent Lake was Basin is integral to management of water quality characterized in 1985 as having excellent water in the rivers themselves. Despite substantial quality and as being “distinctly oligotrophic,” but ground water inputs from the Fall River and with the possibility of adverse effects from human Spring River, and other locations, most of the activities, on the basis of three summertime water that enters the upper Deschutes and Little samplings between 1981 and 1982 (Johnson and Deschutes Rivers passes through either the others, 1985). Yet in a sampling from August Wickiup/Crane Prairie Reservoir complex or 1991, pH in the lake’s hypolimnion ranged from Crescent Lake. Water quality in these large water 8.9 to 9.5, well in excess of the State’s upper bodies, therefore, strongly influences water- allowable pH limit of 8.5. Hypolimnetic DO quality conditions entering the rivers, and to a readings exceeding 120 percent of saturation large extent these conditions will be propagated support the inference that a strong algal bloom had downstream before being modified by other inputs occurred, indicating possible degradation of water or instream processes. If the lakes and reservoirs quality in this previously oligotrophic lake. No become progressively more eutrophic over time, other data have been collected since 1991 so the export of nutrients or algae-caused turbidity is current trophic status of Crescent Lake is unclear. likely to increase, resulting in negative effects on It is entirely possible that other blooms may have water quality in the downstream reaches. Many of occurred that were not sampled. Likewise the possible management strategies for the upper Wickiup Reservoir, a shallow lake that was Deschutes River revolve around different options classified as mesotrophic but with abnormally for releasing water from Wickiup Reservoir, and it high phosphorus concentrations in 1982 (Johnson is important that water-quality conditions and and others, 1985), is susceptible to increased processes in the reservoir be understood in order eutrophication, particularly with eutrophic Crane to anticipate potential in-lake and downstream effects of different flow-release options. Prairie Reservoir upstream. Algal blooms in the reservoir are known to supply part of the turbidity The ODEQ collected data on the reservoirs in to the upper Deschutes River downstream. Yet the mid-1980’s but has not revisited them since with the most recent sampling having occurred that time. The Forest Service collected water there as long ago as 1995, there is little knowledge samples for a standard suite of analyses (nutrients, of the recent water quality in the reservoir.

44 Table 5. Laboratory and field methods for sampling, preservation, and analysis of nutrients in water samples used by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality in the Ambient Monitoring Program [Method numbers are U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Method Numbers except for total phosphorus, which is a method included in Standard Methods (American Public Health Association, 1985). Source: Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, 1994; µm, micrometer; mg/L, milligrams per liter]

STORET Field filtration Detection limit Constituent Method number Preservation code (0.45 µm) (mg/L)

Nitrite, Dissolved, Chill at mg/L as N 00613 353.2 Noa 4 degrees 0.02 Celsius

Nitrate + Nitrite, 00631 353.2 Noa H SO .02 Dissolved, mg/L as N 2 4

Ammonium, Dissolved, 00610 350.1 Noa H SO .02 mg/L as N 2 4

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, 00625 351.2 No H SO .2 mg/L as N 2 4

Orthophosphorus, Chill at Dissolved, mg/L as P 00671 365.2 Yes 4 degrees .005 Celsius

Phosphorus, Total, 00665 424F No H SO .01 mg/L as P 2 4

aFiltered in-line during laboratory analysis.

Without more current information, it is unknown to estimate concentrations entering streams, what threat Crescent Lake and Wickiup Reservoir although additional sampling at up-reservoir sites pose to water quality in Crescent Creek, the Little would help determine the variability of nutrient Deschutes River, or the upper Deschutes River. concentrations or the extent of algal blooms.

The suggested frequency of sampling is Action 35: Follow USEPA Regional once each winter and monthly during the spring- Nutrient Criteria development—Currently summer season (May-October), although a there are few or no nutrient criteria for freshwater. minimum frequency would be twice each summer There is a drinking water standard for nitrate- and once in the winter. Sampling for field nitrogen (10 mg/L [milligrams per liter]) that is parameters (temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, intended for protection of human health, and there and specific conductance) would include a vertical are standards to protect against toxicity from water column profile from at least five depths un-ionized ammonia in water; however, neither (surface, mid-epilimnion, metalimnion, upper of these standards is oriented towards preventing hypolimnion, and bottom) in the stratified lakes ecological degradation. Environmentally relevant and two to three depths in the shallow lakes. concentrations for nitrogen and phosphorus Sampling for water chemistry would include are much lower than these, typically less than the same general suite of parameters sampled 0.7 mg/L for total nitrogen and 0.05 mg/L for total currently, from at least three depths (mid- phosphorus in streams (Bothwell, 1992; Dodds epilimnion, metalimnion, and mid-hypolimnion) and others, 1997; U.S. Environmental Protection plus an additional sample from the lake’s Agency, 2000). The USEPA has developed withdrawal depth if different from the other guidelines to help States set nutrient criteria for three depths sampled. In-lake locations sampled streams and lakes, on an ecoregion basis, to limit would be the same as historically (near the dams) eutrophication and minimize nuisance-algal

45 conditions. Provisions are made for waterbody- Objective: Determine effects of selected specific criteria to be set where sufficient data management activities on exist. Although the process of setting criteria by nutrient concentrations in States may ultimately take several more years, the streams, by: resulting nutrient concentrations could be Action 36: Conducting special studies to considerably lower than are currently allowed in evaluate: some locations. Such an outcome could affect TMDL development, regulation of certain •Status of nutrient limitation, if any, discharges, listings of individual streams as water- by nitrogen or phosphorus in key quality limited, and land use along river corridors stream reaches and during key or in some watersheds. There is little that can or seasons; should be done to make operational changes in •Relation of nutrients to discharge, water management in anticipation of these criteria. high pH, low dissolved-oxygen However, development of a sound database on concentration, algal abundance, nutrients and eutrophication, including reasonable and nutrient sources in the middle estimates of reference conditions, would help Deschutes River, to support make a case for criteria that are specifically TMDL development; tailored to the geology, hydrology, and ecology of •Effects of urban and riparian the basin. Development of these criteria nationally development, and high flow can be followed on the Environmental Protection events, on nutrient concentrations Agency’s web page at and water quality; ostwater/standards/nutrient.html. •Effects of different management alternatives on reservoir and Evaluation Monitoring downstream water quality; •Quantity and quality of irrigation Nutrient concentrations in streams are return flow to Deschutes River related to many different physical, biological, and between Bend and Lake Billy land-management aspects of the watersheds, and Chinook; indeed many of the water-quality management •Ground-water inputs in area of La issues in the middle and upper Deschutes River Pine and other suspected gaining Basin are related at least indirectly to nutrients. reaches, and their effects on water Evaluation of several of these issues could include quality; and consideration of their effects on nutrients, and Action 37: Determining historical changes in subsequently on aquatic ecosystems, and would be reservoir water quality since applicable to such tasks as developing TMDLs or construction by examination of nutrient criteria. Several special studies are briefly algal records and geochemistry in outlined below that could be used to determine the lake sediments. effects of some of the more prominent water- quality management issues in the basin. As with Rationale and Explanation evaluation monitoring in other portions of this Action 36: Conduct special studies— report, these studies would require more thorough Most of the special studies suggested here are scoping if they are to be undertaken. related and could be conducted with somewhat similar approaches. Nutrient concentrations and Objective: Determine sources of elevated ancillary information (discharge, temperature, nutrient concentrations, and specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, their effects on trophic status and alkalinity) would be analyzed above, below, in selected reaches where and including suspected sources (including key eutrophication is indicated, and tributaries, and possibly including high and low

46 flows). In some cases there could be great concentrations and pH, and samplings of advantage to the use of naturally occurring stable periphytic-algal biomass and speciation. Algal isotopes of nitrogen, carbon, or oxygen in species data can be a useful tool in assessing water determining sources or pathways of nutrients. quality because they integrate long-term Several of the suggested studies are described in conditions that sometimes are not evident at the more detail below. time of sampling (Lowe and Pan, 1996). The study would also make use of monitoring data from the Nutrients in the middle Deschutes—The Ambient Monitoring Program location at Lower ODEQ Water Quality Index indicates that water Bridge to assess variability of nutrient quality in the reach from Bend to Lake Billy concentrations over time, and would utilize data Chinook is the poorest in the study area. The from any continuous monitors in the reach, as 303(d) listing for pH and temperature in this reach described elsewhere in this plan, to evaluate the is an indication that algal abundance could be timing and extent of pH and dissolved oxygen approaching nuisance levels in the middle cycling. The findings would be used to determine Deschutes River. The metabolic cycles the severity of pH and algal problems in the river, (photosynthesis and respiration) of benthic algal the presence of point- or nonpoint- nutrient growth can cause diel variations in DO and pH. sources, and the possible effects from different Under natural conditions these cycles are land- or water-management practices, as well as to moderate, and DO may respond more to physical provide data to support development of TMDLs processes such as reaeration and temperature for the river. Similar studies could also be useful cycling than to biological processes (for example, for other reaches experiencing problems with pH, see Anderson and Carpenter, 1998, or Guasch and dissolved oxygen, and (or) algae. others, 1998). However, when algal growth becomes excessive these cycles are unusually Urban and riparian development—There strong, with maximum concentrations occurring in is evidence that the Bend reach of the Deschutes the evening and minimum concentrations in the River receives nonpoint urban runoff that is morning, often causing conditions that do not leading to deterioration of water quality. OWQI meet State water-quality standards. Extreme results for the upper Deschutes River at Mirror examples of this phenomenon have been observed Pond in Bend indicate generally good water in many other Oregon streams with disturbances quality, but that eutrophication in the pond is of the natural nutrient and flow regimes, including evidenced by elevated pH, phosphorus the Grande Rhonde River (Oregon Department of concentrations, and biochemical oxygen demand Environmental Quality, 2000a), South Umpqua during summer (Oregon Department of River Basin, (Tanner and Anderson, 1996), Coast Environmental Quality, 1999d). With Fork Willamette River (Oregon Department of Deschutes County being one of the fastest Environmental Quality, 1995), and to a lesser growing counties in the State, considerable extent the North Umpqua and Clackamas River future urban development is anticipated in Basins (Anderson and Carpenter, 1998; K.D., Bend, Redmond, Terrebone, La Pine, and Carpenter, unpub. data, 2000). Aside from not elsewhere in the basin. Additionally, nearly meeting water-quality standards, large fluctuations all of the private lands in the riparian corridor in DO and pH indicate possible ecological shifts along the upper Deschutes River, constituting away from the natural production and food webs roughly one-third of the land within the Wild and of streams to systems that are disturbed. Such Scenic River and Scenic State Waterways, is streams may become dominated by nuisance subject to development (U.S. Forest Service, species and may not provide adequate food and 1996b), and additional development is expected habitat resources to support native species. along the Little Deschutes River in the La Pine area and elsewhere. Recreational sites are located This study would involve at least one throughout the public lands along these corridors. summertime longitudinal survey of nutrient Much of the existing public and private concentrations, along with measurements of the development uses septic systems for waste minimums and maximums of dissolved-oxygen disposal, which can be an important source of

47 nutrients to nearby streams, a potential problem specific water-quality tolerances or optimum that is of concern to resource management conditions, which have been characterized and agencies in the basin (USDA Forest Service, catalogued, so it is possible in many lakes to 1996b; Deschutes County Development infer past water-quality conditions on the basis Department, 2000; Oregon Department of of the species of diatoms found in different layers Environmental Quality, 2000b). Thus, though of sediments in combination with age-dating much of the management of the region’s water methods. This technique, often referred to as resources is focussed on reservoirs, irrigation “paleolimnology,” is coming into increasing usage withdrawals, and public lands management, (Stager and others, 1997; Dixit and others, 1999) eutrophication from nonpoint sources generated as a cost effective method of determining the by population growth or agriculture is also a influence of past land uses, including forest noteworthy future threat to water quality. It is not clearing, lake manipulations, urbanization, and known, however, what the relative effect is of agriculture, on water quality in lakes and development compared with the more thoroughly reservoirs. explored effects of reservoir operations and irrigation withdrawals. A paleolimnological study could be undertaken in water bodies such as Crescent Lake Several types of studies could be done to or Davis Lake to infer historical conditions and assess the importance of urban runoff and other trends, and to extend the trajectory of changes into development to eutrophication in the study area. predictions about current trends. Crane Prairie and These could involve collection of nutrient samples Wickiup Reservoirs might be less amenable to this above, within, and below urban areas such as type of study because they are shallow lakes that Bend and examination of benthic communities were historically wetlands and have had more (both algae and macroinvertebrates) as indicators recent construction of dams, so the sedimentation of water-quality conditions in those locations. dynamics and amount of organic material might Additionally, naturally occurring stable isotopes preclude collection of adequate samples. of nitrogen or oxygen can be used as tracers of Nonetheless shallow lakes have been successfully nutrient sources in a river, and caffeine can be studied using sediment diatom records (Sushil analyzed in water to trace human sources of Dixit, Queens University, Canada, written nonpoint pollutants (Seiler and others, 1999). A commun., 2000). These aspects would bear further small reconnaissance study near Bend and (or) La consideration during scoping for such a project. Pine could provide additional direction for future To the extent that deterioration of water quality in investigations, management, and monitoring in the the reservoirs is reflected as deterioration of water basin. quality in downstream reaches, this type of study would help managers decide on the priority of Action 37: Reconstruct historical water responses to different water-quality problems in quality in reservoirs—Often it is desirable to the basin, and could help define historical water gauge the effects of land uses on water quality by quality in rivers prior to flow manipulations from estimating water-quality conditions prior to the reservoirs. influence of settlers. If “hindcasting” water-quality conditions can be done successfully, reference 3.7 Dissolved Oxygen and pH conditions may be established that can help managers decide on appropriate goals for As with nutrients, dissolved oxygen (DO) restoration or that can provide additional long- and pH data can be used as indicators of the term data to identify trends. Typically this kind trophic status of streams and lakes. Where diel of reconstruction is problematic because of the cycles of DO and pH are exaggerated, or State lack of long-term records, but in lakes and standards are not met, it is likely that algal growth reservoirs the record of water-quality change is and metabolism exceeds that which would have often stored in bottom sediments as geochemical occurred in the absence of effects from humans. data and as the non-reactive, silicon based remains Biochemical oxygen demand, from heterotrophic of diatom algae. Diatom species often have (bacterial) consumption of organic pollutants, can

48 also contribute to lowered DO levels. Inclusion of Action 39: Analyzing existing data to establish the middle Deschutes River and the Little baseline conditions and look for Deschutes River on the 303(d) list for DO or pH changes over time; problems suggests that eutrophication of those and possibly other water bodies is a process that merits Action 40: Establishing continuous monitors, watching. including temperature, DO, pH, specific conductance, and turbidity, Fortunately, DO and pH are basic at selected ODEQ ambient constituents in programs such as the ODEQ monitoring locations; and Ambient Monitoring Program, and the ODEQ data have been successfully used to provide indications Action 41: Using data from continuous of the status of DO and pH in the basin. However, monitors to account for diel data collection in the Ambient Monitoring variations when grab sampling for Program is not timed to capture the extremes of temperature, DO and pH. Where diel DO and pH cycling. As for other constituents reaches are included on the 303(d) in this plan, suggested monitoring for DO and pH list for high pH, do grab samples in is largely aimed at increasing the availability, the late afternoon to test for peak efficiency, and utility of collected data; additional pH. If reaches are included on the suggestions are made for special studies to 303(d) list for low DO, do grab evaluate the role of management practices on DO samples in the early morning to test and pH. Although temperature monitoring was for low DO concentrations. outlined previously (section 3.3), temperature is included below simply because it is usually Rationale and Explanation measured in conjunction with DO and pH. No additional temperature monitoring is proposed Actions 38 and 39: Compile existing data, beyond the suggestions listed in section 3.3. evaluate QA/QC, and analyze data—The first two suggested monitoring actions are essentially 3.7.1 Monitoring Objectives and identical to the initial actions suggested for Associated Actions temperature and nutrients. As with those constituents, existing data from different organizations would be gathered (fig. 6) and Status, Trends, and Compliance evaluated for its quality and utility for analysis. Monitoring Analysis would include evaluation of historical conditions, establishment of current baselines, development of conceptual understanding of DO Determine the spatial Objective: and pH conditions in the basin that can be used to (longitudinal) variability, diel refine the monitoring network, and where and seasonal variability, and possible, statistically based optimization of the long-term trends of DO and pH monitoring network. in the middle and upper Deschutes River Basin, and Action 40: Establish continuous monitors—There is considerable temporal Objective: Determine if DO and pH meet variability in stream DO and pH as well as State standards, including temperature because of seasonal changes in TMDL loads, by: climate as well as biologically mediated processes. These patterns reduce the value of Action 38: Compiling a data base of existing individual grab samples, especially those taken data and evaluating QA/QC data to during midday when conditions do not reflect the determine if enough QA data are extremes possible at a given location. The State being properly collected and if data standards are written to include an accounting for are comparable between sites and these diel patterns, including measurements such agencies; as a 7-day minimum where data are from a diel

49 (morning and evening) monitoring program the year, such as the spring and summer, when (Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, problems with DO and pH are typically the 1999c). most pronounced.Reaches where such monitors would provide the greatest benefit are those that Monitors that log DO, pH, and temperature on are known or suspected to have problems with an hourly basis provide data to more fully evaluate DO and pH, or are undergoing progressive the status, trends, and compliance of these eutrophication. This includes all of the major constituents with standards, and the processes reaches of the Deschutes River itself from controlling water quality in streams. Status and Wickiup Reservoir to Lake Billy Chinook, and the compliance are easily determined by querying the Little Deschutes River, with the reaches upstream resulting databases for the statistics of interest— of Bend being the most important. It would be for instance, maximums, minimums and daily ideal to locate monitors at some or all of the five averages—and comparing them with reference ODEQ Ambient Monitoring stations in the basin concentrations or standards. The status and trends so that these parameters can be used in of DO and pH can be further evaluated by conjunction with other water-quality data; determining the magnitude of daily fluctuation; however these stations do not include housing for the period of lowest (or highest) values during the equipment such as recorders, so vandalism and year; comparisons of daily variability during key theft are potential problems. If Action 10 is seasonal periods from year to year; trends in enacted, the collocated ODEQ/OWRD locations averages, maximums, or minimums from year to would the logical places for these monitors; year; and other metrics. Biological and physical otherwise the OWRD stream-gaging locations processes, including the factors controlling DO could be used to house recording monitors. and pH in a stream, also can be investigated by exploring relations of DO and pH patterns with Evaluation Monitoring such physical factors as temperature, streamflow, and weather; providing a record of unexpected The inclusion of several reaches of the upper spikes or drops that could be caused by upstream Deschutes River on the State’s 303(d) list for disturbances or sources; or by calculating stream problems with DO and pH implies that TMDLs primary production (Odum, 1956; Marzolf and will be required in coming years to control others, 1994, 1998). Continuous data would also nutrient transport and eutrophication. This process be useful for calibration of water-quality models, will likely spark a need to define not just where perhaps in conjunction with TMDL development. and when water-quality standards are not being It stands to reason to combine recording monitors met, but also to refine the understanding of for pH and DO with other recording monitors processes controlling eutrophication and better suggested previously for temperature and turbidity define the timing of nonattainment of water- (Actions 14 and 22), which can easily be done quality standards. Such an understanding of with currently available multiparameter recording processes will also necessitate an understanding of instruments. the effects that different management practices are Proper operation of recording monitors for having on eutrophication in the basin. This is the DO, pH, and other parameters can require a basis for the special study suggested below. substantial commitment of resources (time and Objective: Determine the effects that personnel), because most monitors generally need current management activities maintenance on a 2- to 4-week basis during the summer, as well as systems for quality assuring, are having on DO and pH, by: adjusting, and storing recorded data. For instance, Action 42: Conducting special studies to ODEQ protocols require daily site visits, and evaluate effects of streamflow and rigorous calibration procedures for DO using nutrient inputs on algal or Winkler titrations, and USGS protocols require macrophyte growth, and their calibrations on a minimum biweekly basis. effects on DO and pH, particularly This commitment could be lessened by deploy- in reaches included on the 303(d) ing recording monitors during select periods of list for DO and pH, and including

50 the effects of reservoirs on sewage in the basin is either treated by wetland downstream reaches. application, ground-water injection, application to land as irrigation water with essentially no return Rationale and Explanation flows, or in septic systems. Sewage is discharged directly to water (Indian Ford Creek) only from a Action 42: Evaluate effects of streamflow one guest ranch near Sisters, according to ODEQ’s and nutrient inputs—The proposed study is online permit records (Oregon Department of very similar to Action 36, and could be Environmental Quality, 1999b). This lack of direct accomplished along with the study proposed in waste discharges, together with sparse rainfall, that Action. A relatively simple assessment of DO most likely contributes greatly to the lack of and pH conditions and nutrient concentrations historical bacterial problems in the river. would provide important insights into the extent of Nonetheless the occasional deaths elsewhere of problems with those constituents and their likely swimmers from Esherichia coli (E. coli) causes. The study would focus primarily on contamination contracted at recreational lakes is reaches included on the 303(d) list for DO, pH, reason enough to keep bacterial monitoring as part and nutrients (table 2), but also would include of any long-term monitoring program. In the other streams for reference purposes. Such a study Deschutes River Basin, there are potential sources would include evaluation of diel cycles in DO, pH, of pathogenic bacteria which are worth and temperature, as well as characterization of consideration for future monitoring. These sources potential nutrient sources such as water released include increased development in riparian and from reservoirs, tributary and ground-water floodplain areas, increased recreation in the river inputs, and urban runoff. It would also include at and in riparian areas, livestock grazing, and least a qualitative description of the extent of algal urbanization. Additionally, there has been very and (or) macrophyte coverage near the study little bacterial data collected except by the ODEQ locations. Sampling would be done with a Ambient Monitoring Program and one site that the downstream longitudinal approach, beginning at City of Bend monitors on upper Tumalo Creek locations immediately downstream from near the municipal drinking-water intake, so it is reservoirs, and including the ODEQ ambient possible that there are additional problem areas monitoring locations as well as selected tributaries that have not yet been investigated. Suggested (for instance Fall and Spring Rivers, Crescent long-term monitoring for bacteria in this plan is Creek, Tumalo Creek, Squaw Creek) and other targeted towards maintenance of the current important Deschutes River locations (such as monitoring regime, with minor additions to below North Unit Canal and upstream from Lake include data analysis and interpretation of existing Billy Chinook). This approach would provide a data, inclusion of a few strategic locations that snapshot of conditions along the length of the Deschutes River and would help refine the have not been sampled in the past, and some understanding of which reaches are most affected reconnaissance sampling to verify that bacterial by nutrient inputs and DO and pH problems, contamination remains a relatively minor problem which are less affected, and where some of the in the basin. possible sources could be. It would also provide data to support the development of TMDLs. 3.8.1 Monitoring Objectives and Associated Actions 3.8 Esherichia coli Bacteria Contamination of water in the middle and upper Deschutes River Basin with bacteria has Status, Trends, and Compliance not been perceived to be a large problem. Monitoring Currently, only one reach in the basin (the Little Deschutes River) has been identified on the 303(d) list as possibly having problems with Objective: Determine the spatial bacterial contamination, but more data are needed (longitudinal) and seasonal to verify the extent of the problem, if one exists. variability, and long-term trends With one exception, all municipal and domestic of E. coli bacteria in the middle

51 and upper Deschutes River monitoring program are published online (Oregon Basin, and Department of Environmental Quality, 1999d), data specifically on bacteria are not presented. Objective: Determine if E. coli exceeds Issues that would be useful to address include State standards in the middle whether any trends in bacteria alone are evident; if and upper Deschutes River there are particular times of the year that bacterial Basin, by: problems are more severe than others; if there are Action 43: Compiling data base of existing popular swimming locations, including lakes, that data and evaluating QA/QC data to are notably unrepresented in historical data determine if enough QA data are collection and that merit addition to the being properly collected and if data monitoring network; if urban runoff is increasing are comparable between sites and bacterial contamination in places such as Mirror agencies; Pond in Bend; if agricultural activities are contributing significant bacterial contamination to Action 44: Analyzing existing data to establish the river system; and if there are other factors such baseline conditions, look for as streamflow, nutrients, or TSS that can be related changes over time, and determine to bacterial counts at some sampling locations. adherence to State standards; and Action 45: Maintain current monitoring Action 45: Maintaining current ODEQ network—The ODEQ Ambient Monitoring monitoring program, with network in the study area, with additional modifications to include stations on monitoring on upper Tumalo Creek by the City of Squaw Creek, Tumalo Creek, or Bend, provides relatively good coverage of the other locations as indicated by major reaches considered in this plan. The most analysis of existing data, data gaps, significant data gaps are the tributaries to the or special studies. middle Deschutes River that are also considered herein—Tumalo Creek near the mouth and Squaw Rationale and Explanation Creek. With the exception of the Bureau of Reclamation’s samplings at its Deschutes River Action 43: Compile existing data and Basin sites, lakes are not regularly sampled in the evaluate QA/QC data—As for other basin either. These could be monitored at the same monitoring constituents, an understanding of the general frequency as the ODEQ Ambient status of bacterial contamination in the basin Monitoring sites, although a shifting of the could benefit from a comprehensive analysis of bacterial monitoring schedule to be weighted existing data. The first step in this analysis would during summer, low-flow months when recreation be to ensure the quality and comparability of those is the most prevalent is suggested. data. For example, in 1996 the State standard for bacterial contamination changed from one based Evaluation Monitoring on fecal streptococci to one based on E. coli bacteria, so it would be useful to verify that those Determine the risks to human sampling for bacteria in the basin are sampling for Objective: the same strains of bacteria and using comparable health from exposure to methods. Bacterial samples are also particularly pathogenic bacteria at popular susceptible to contamination or mishandling that recreation areas in the middle can bias the results, so it will be important to and upper Deschutes River examine available datasets for blank sample Basin, by: results. Action 46: Conducting special studies of Action 44: Analyze existing data—Once popular recreation areas to the quality of available bacteria data has been determine bacterial counts or determined, the data themselves can be analyzed. incidents of illness due to bacterial Although ODEQ data from the ambient exposure.

52 Rationale and Explanation constituents such as trace elements or synthetic organic compounds. For each of these, potential Action 46: Evaluate recreational areas— monitoring objectives are given below along with The intent of this special study is to determine if several suggested, preliminary monitoring actions, there is a need for additional investigation into in order to serve as a basis for future bacterial contamination. This study could be consideration; however discussion is limited to a accomplished either by sampling for pathogenic brief introduction. If the importance of one of bacteria at commonly used recreation sites or by these topics is elevated in the future such that it conducting surveys at recreation sites to warrants being incorporated more formally into a investigate any problems with rashes or other regional monitoring network, designing a sicknesses that could be related to bacterial monitoring approach for it will most likely require contamination. Because the river typically has an assessment and scoping exercise at least similar steady velocities, with few stagnant or nonflowing to those above, if not more intensive. It would thus areas, and there are no known sewage inputs to the be premature to propose in-depth monitoring river, it is unlikely that bacterial contamination in programs for these items in the absence of the upper Deschutes River or its major tributaries additional information. is a problem. However, with septic systems being prevalent in some areas, or in any areas that have 3.9.1 Nonindigenous species low velocities and high amounts of recreation or animal-waste inputs (such as Mirror Pond in Nonindigenous, or introduced, species can Bend, the Little Deschutes River along Burgess have devastating effects on aquatic ecosystems by Road, the Deschutes River at Harper’s Bridge, and disrupting food chains, competing for food and the La Pine State Recreational area, or some habitat resources, and preying excessively on locations where people swim in irrigation canals), native species. As a result of the 1990 Aquatic there may be cause for localized concern. Nuisance Prevention and Control Act and 1996 Additionally, Haystack Reservoir, though National Invasive Species Act, Congress technically outside of the study area for this established an Aquatic Nuisance Species Task monitoring plan, receives most of its water Force, which has a Western Regional Panel (http:// directly from the upper Deschutes River irrigation Information on system and could be a location of bacterial aquatic nonindigenous species can also be contamination in swimming areas. Followup obtained for the State of Oregon through Dr. Mark investigations could be done if any areas are Sytsma at Portland State University. In the middle indicated to have especially high risks of bacterial and upper Deschutes River Basin there are known contamination. concerns with the threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), which is spreading 3.9 Additional monitoring throughout the basin and can disrupt production of trout, and which is already included in fish species Several potentially important water-quality monitoring by the ODFW (table 4). Other fish are topics are not included above, either because also causing localized management problems. East they are not typically handled in a classical Lake, Paulina Lake, Big Lava and Little Lava “monitoring” sense, with scheduled, repeated Lakes, Davis Lake, and Crane Prairie and Wickiup sampling over a long term, or because there is little Reservoirs are all experiencing problems with Tui information to suggest that they represent chub (Gila bicolor). Crane Prairie Reservoir is also significant issues in the study area. Nonetheless, having problems with largemouth bass these topics may warrant consideration for (Micropterus salmoides), brown bullhead (Ictalurus inclusion into various parts of this monitoring plan nebulosus), and potentially crappie (Pomoxis sp.) or for reconnaissance studies, in order to ensure and bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus). Largemouth that they do not become significant problems bass are also found in Davis Lake, and problems without warning. These topics include monitoring with some of these fish also exist in the Ochoco for nonindigenous (introduced) species, aquatic and Prineville reservoirs (Steve Marx, Oregon macroinvertebrates, and potentially-toxic Department of Fish and Wildlife, written

53 commun., October 1999). Some invasive species Action 50: Conducting periodic surveys in such as rainbow trout, kokanee salmon, and bass areas of high risk and sensitivity, or are popular gamefish and they are often managed known invasion of nonindigenous to maintain their populations. Invasive aquatic species, to estimate coverage or plants such as hydrilla can dramatically alter populations. habitat for fish and other biota. In many cases preventing the spread of invasive species can be 3.9.2 Invertebrates dependent on education and the input from the Aquatic macroinvertebrates can be a useful public, and several of the suggested actions below tool for evaluating water-quality and stream- are intended to make use of this fact by making the ecosystem integrity because many species have public an integral part of the monitoring process. well defined tolerances. These species are, therefore, indicative of the types of water-quality Monitoring Objectives and and habitat conditions a stream experiences, Associated Actions integrated over the duration of the invertebrate community’s existence at a location. For this Objective: Keep track of the extent and reason, in addition to the general importance of distribution of nonindigenous macroinvertebrates as food resources for fish, species in the upper Deschutes macroinvertebrate monitoring has been used River and major tributaries, increasingly in recent years as a supplement to water-quality monitoring. As with habitat and Objective: Determine changes over time in geomorphology monitoring, there have apparently nonindigenous species been numerous past individual studies of populations, and macroinvertebrates in streams, done for many Objective: Provide an early warning system individual reasons and with differing objectives for the invasion of new and methods, by varying organizations. One of the nonindigenous species, by: more comprehensive recent studies was done by the ODEQ as part of R-EMAP in 1997–98. Water- Action 47: Working with the Western Regional chemistry data from that study have been reported Panel of the Aquatic Nuisance (Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Species Task Force to maintain a 1999e), but macroinvertebrate and habitat data list of invasive species of concern in have not. the middle and upper Deschutes River Basin, and participating in the Monitoring Objectives and development of a statewide plan for Associated Actions control and prevention of invasive species introductions; Objective: Use macroinvertebrate community data to augment Action 48: Establishing a person or position in evaluation of water-quality and the basin for resource professionals habitat conditions, and to and members of the public to evaluate adequacy of food contact with questions about resources for fish in the middle invasive species or to report and upper Deschutes River sightings; Basin and major tributaries, by: Action 49: Working to educate the public on Action 51: Compiling existing issues associated with invasive macroinvertebrate community and species through school curriculums, data for the basin, including interpretive signs at recreational information on objectives, date of areas and river access points, fliers study, study area and locations, accompanying fishing licenses, and field and laboratory protocols used, other mechanisms; and level of taxonomic identification

54 used, quality-assurance data effecting fish or other aquatic biota. Aside from available, and data storage format; mercury samples taken in water from East Lake (Morgan and others, 1997) and by the Bureau of Action 52: Using existing macroinvertebrate Reclamation in their impoundments, no other data, if possible, to assess current investigations of toxic constituents are known to conditions and changes over time in have been done in the basin. There are, however, macroinvertebrate assemblages and several possible sources of different classes of indicated water and habitat quality; toxic compounds to the streams, including urban and runoff of metals, greases, solvents, and pesticides from Bend, Redmond, and other municipalities; Action 53: Using information from vector control; and pesticide applications near macroinvertebrate analysis to refine homes, along rights-of-ways, golf courses, in monitoring for macroinvertebrates, irrigation canals, and to agricultural lands. There habitat, and water quality if is only a small number of industrial permits for warranted. discharges to streams in the basin, including a 3.9.3 Toxics wood products manufacturer near La Pine on the Little Deschutes River. Suggested monitoring Two water samples from Wickiup Reservoir actions in this section are principally collected by the Bureau of Reclamation (Larry reconnaissance in nature; additional monitoring Zakrajsek, Bureau of Reclamation, written beyond a reconnaissance survey would require commun., December 1999) indicated that mercury consideration of the results of that survey before a was detected, at levels close to the analytical reasonable scope of study could be decided on. detection limit used, during 1984 and 1991. However, mercury is known to be difficult to Monitoring Objectives and Associated sample accurately without special, clean Actions techniques (Krabbenhoft and Rickert, 1995), and it is likely that these detected concentration were incidences of sample contamination. Followup Objective: Determine if toxic constituents sampling for mercury in fish tissues from Wickiup are present in the water, bed Reservoir revealed tissue concentrations that are sediment, or biota of the middle similar to those in other lakes with no known and upper Deschutes River mercury problems, and were well below USEPA Basin at concentrations that health advisory levels (Doug Drake, Oregon could potentially affect the Department of Environmental Quality, written health of aquatic biota or commun., 2000). Because of historical problems humans, or that warrant with sample contamination, most current mercury additional investigation, by: sampling is done using fish tissue or bed sediment rather than water. Although other lakes in the Action 54: Assembling information on all Cascades, including the nearby East Lake in permitted point-source discharges Newberry Crater, are known to have mercury to rivers in the basin, including problems originating from a variety of sources constituents discharged, estimated (Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, load, and location of discharge, and 1996), there are no known mercury deposits near information on pesticides used Wickiup Reservoir or other upper Deschutes River historically and currently in the Basin impoundments (Ronald Geitgy, Department basin, and including irrigation of Geology and Mineral Industries, oral commun., canals; 2000). Currently, there is no evidence to indicate Action 55: Assembling information on any that toxic constituents in the waters of the middle previous investigations of toxic and upper Deschutes River Basin are negatively constituents done in the basin;

55 Action 56: Using the information collected decisions on responsibilities will best be made by above, and knowledge of basin those coordinating the monitoring. There are some hydrology, to conduct suggested monitoring actions, however, that could reconnaissance samplings for trace logically be done by specific organizations with elements in water and in sediments, jurisdiction over particular geographical areas or dissolved pesticides in water, authority over particular water uses. A brief dissolved pharmaceuticals in water, summary is given here to indicate the actions that and (or) polycyclic aromatic might be allocated to each organization as a logical hydrocarbons (PAHs) in water and part of this monitoring program. It is emphasized sediments, using the lowest that this in no way represents decisions on practicable analytical detection organizational responsibilities, but rather provides limits; an alternative way to organize some of the Action 57: Changing the protocols used for suggested monitoring actions, so that involved sampling mercury in water bodies, organizations can anticipate the ways in which including reservoirs, to the use of they can contribute to coordinated, regional fish tissues and sediment, rather monitoring. Many other suggested monitoring than water, as sampling media; actions, including evaluation monitoring or special studies, would possibly be let out by contract, Action 58: Communicating the results of the administered through agreements among agencies, above reconnaissance sampling to or performed in cooperative arrangements among those charged with coordination of the regional long-term monitoring multiple organizations. plan, the public, and other agencies All involved organizations—Several in the basin; and generalized actions apply to most if not all of the Action 59: Deciding on the need for additional organizations involved in monitoring. Most monitoring or studies of toxic importantly, the organizations can work together to constituents on the basis of develop a process for coordinating and managing reconnaissance study results. monitoring at a regional scale. These include primarily Actions 1–7. Additional actions having 4.0 Implementation to do with assembly of existing data could be requested of most of the agencies in the basin for Objectives and actions for coordinated, assembling their own data, although analysis of regional monitoring from the previous section are these datasets might be put out for contracts. Most summarized by topic in table 6. Implementation of of the organizations involved or potentially the monitoring plan and allocation of the affected by this plan also have additional data monitoring actions among organizations will be a activities they are involved in. Their awareness of major task for the Upper Deschutes Water Quality this plan’s elements, and any efforts they can make Monitoring Committee and its members. Possible to help those activities work in conjunction with steps to implementation include the determination of logical responsibilities based on agency the plan, will help broaden the relevance of those missions and expertise, and organization of the activities and of this plan. actions into phases that can be implemented Oregon Water Resources Department—As sequentially. These steps are elaborated below. the principal agency monitoring streamflow in the 4.1 Summary of Proposed Monitoring study area, most of the monitoring actions related to streamflow are likely to be the domain of Actions by Organization OWRD. These include Actions 8–10. In addition, For the most part, monitoring actions were it is suggested that OWRD and ODEQ jointly presented in this report without regard to consider ways to collocate the stream-gaging and responsibilities of individual organizations, and ambient monitoring stations in order to make the


phase Suggested 1 1 2 3 All 1–2 2–3 ould be initiated and are explained in table 1. OWRD, QA/QC, Quality Assurance/Quality Control; TMDL, Total Related monitoring actions Discharge program electronically) agencies and the public Deschutes Basin to help formulate baseline(s) and refine issues (see below) irrigation canals Stations in order to better combine streamflow and water-quality data and water-quality Stations in order to better combine streamflow snowmelt and ground-water systems to reservoirs and to key river reaches river and to key systems to reservoirs and ground-water snowmelt Number Suggested action (short description) 1. monitoring Establish a mechanism for coordination and support of regional 8. records for all stations and publish data (as paper reports or Update streamflow 2. of monitoring program (1 and 5 year intervals) Conduct periodic reviews 3. Establish common protocols to enable data comparison4. Quality Assurance Plans for data collection elements Develop 5. data sharing among agencies to allow Create a data management strategy 2 6. of information, reports, and other products to to increase availability Work 1 1 1 7. completed studies in the Analyze and communicate data from previously 9. and in all major streams, tributaries, to measure flows Continue current network 10. stream-gaging locations with ODEQ Ambient Monitoring Collocate OWRD 11. Develop process-based or statistical hydrologic models to increase predictability of Overall Monitoring Program Management Monitoring Program Overall participating organizations to increase efficiency, data quality and improve minimize redundancy, and comparability to other agencies and the public efforts that can be filled with minor efforts programs modifications of existing success of additional which limit or prevent monitoring efforts with water-quality data for load calculations, to with water-quality of sources and transport support evaluation constituents water-quality reservoirs and upper Deschutes River in resources more adequately allocate water order to downstream Integrate existing monitoring efforts among monitoring efforts existing Integrate of current and historical data Increase availability Identify crucial data gaps in existing monitoring Identify crucial data gaps in existing Identify data gaps or other research questions Provide flow data that can be used in combination entering capabilities for flow predictive Improve Summary of objectives and suggested monitoring actions for coordinated, regional water-quality monitoring coordinated, regional water-quality in the Summary and suggested monitoring actions for of objectives Coordination, & Efficiency Trends Monitoring Monitoring type Objective Integration, Data Utility & Availability Data Gaps Status & Table 6. Table [Suggested monitoring actions are described in more complete detail in section 3.0. Suggested phases refer to the general sequence in which actions w upper Deschutes River Basin upper Deschutes River Oregon Water Resources Department; EPA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; ODEQ, Department of Quality; Maximum Daily Loads; TSS, Total Suspended Solids]


phase Suggested 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 3-4 2–3 ould be initiated and are explained in table 1. OWRD, QA/QC, Quality Assurance/Quality Control; TMDL, Total Related monitoring actions monitoring at selected locations sampling, where possible, to account for diel and seasonal variations irrigation from reservoirs, variations of flow TMDLs and to determine effects and other management actions withdrawals, at La Pine and Little Deschutes River Reservoir, Wickiup below Reservoir. of Wickiup reaches downstream installing new monitors to fill data gaps for support of TMDLs installing new and restoration floodplain and riparian development, withdrawals, ground water projects on stream temperatures turbidity in upper Deschutes down to Bend, and including Little Deschutes River turbidity in upper Deschutes down changes in flow, and determine sediment sources below Wickiup Reservoir to Bend Number Suggested action (short description) 12. QA/QC data data among agencies and evaluate Compile databases of existing 13. data Analyze existing 1 18. Use TSS as preferred data-collection protocol, with continuous turbidity 2 14. Collect data for temperature using continuous monitors rather than by grab 16. of a temperature model for 303(d) listed reaches to support development Develop 19. QA/QC data data among agencies and evaluate Compile databases of existing 20. data Analyze existing 21. 1 Establish periodic sampling for TSS at OWRD gaging stations on Deschutes River 22. Establish continuous turbidity monitoring locations, with priority stations in 2 15. redundant monitors, and by removing temperature network Modify existing 17. or temperature from surface on water effects Consider special studies to evaluate 23. Conduct a pilot study to refine relations between suspended sediment, TSS, and 24. Conduct a special study to evaluate the relationship between bedload transport and Water Temperature Water Turbidity / Sediment Transport Turbidity temperature data and analysis and long-term trends in and seasonal variability, suspended sediment concentrations criteria meets State and Federal water-quality (including TMDL loads) variability, and long-term trends, variability, exceed State standards and to support exceed of TMDLs for the basin development temperature on water are having activities from reservoir operations and irrigation from reservoir sediment on downstream withdrawals concentrations, including daily and seasonal effects Reservoir Wickiup below rating curves Increase availability of existing and future of existing Increase availability diel Determine spatial (longitudinal) variability, Determine if suspended sediment (TSS/turbidity) Determine the spatial variability, diel and seasonal Provide data to determine if water temperatures data to determine if water Provide that current management Determine the effects Determine effects of variations in streamflow of variations Determine effects sediment— discharge data to develop Provide Summary of objectives and suggested monitoring actions for coordinated, regional water-quality monitoring coordinated, regional water-quality in the Summary and suggested monitoring actions for of objectives Availability and Compliance Monitoring and Compliance Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring type Objective Data Utility & Status, Trends, Status, Trends, Evaluation Monitoring Evaluation Table 6. Table [Suggested monitoring actions are described in more complete detail in section 3.0. Suggested phases refer to the general sequence in which actions w upper Deschutes River Basin—Continued upper Deschutes River Oregon Water Resources Department; EPA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; ODEQ, Department of Quality; Maximum Daily Loads; TSS, Total Suspended Solids]


phase Suggested 1 2 1 4 2-3 2–3 3–4 3–4 ould be initiated and are explained in table 1. OWRD, QA/QC, Quality Assurance/Quality Control; TMDL, Total Related monitoring actions Nutrients surveyed, especially any critical stream segments of the upper Deschutes, Little critical stream segments especially any surveyed, Creek Creek, and Tumalo Deschutes, Squaw modifications on stream physical environments, fluctuations and seasonal flow and stream ecology quality, water criteria for streams sediments of algal record in lake examination agencies after construction of reservoirs nutrient protocols for monitoring resource management in the study area. 26. data Analyze existing 27. Conduct monitoring at subbasin and ‘indicator’ reach scales28. not yet been Consider special studies to establish baselines for areas that have 30. of short-term the effects Consider special studies in selected reaches to evaluate 2–3 34. and Crescent Lake Reservoir of sampling in Wickiup Increase frequency nutrient to determine regional 35. effort 10’s Region of EPA Maintain awareness 2 3 37. quality since construction by water Determine historical changes in reservoir 25. metadata across data among agencies and evaluate Compile databases of existing 29. changes in historical streambed morphology Conduct special studies to evaluate 31. QA/QC data data among agencies and evaluate Compile databases of existing 32. data Analyze existing 33. 1 Use ODEQ’s sample collection, preservation, and analytical protocols as preferred 36. aspects of nutrients, eutrophication, or various Conduct special studies to evaluate 2 Number Suggested action (short description) Physical Channel Morphology/Aquatic Habitat Channel Morphology/Aquatic Physical changes over space and time changes over management, and other land uses on channel habitat, and riparian vegetation morphology, and long-term trends, in nutrient variability, concentrations in streams criteria (including and Federal water-quality TMDLs) concentrations on trophic status in selected reaches where eutrophication is indicated on nutrient concentrations in streams activities Establish baseline conditions and evaluate operations, flow of reservoir effects Evaluate Determine spatial (longitudinal) and seasonal Determine if nutrient concentrations meet State nutrient of elevated Determine effects of selected management Determine effects Summary of objectives and suggested monitoring actions for coordinated, regional water-quality monitoring coordinated, regional water-quality in the Summary and suggested monitoring actions for of objectives Trends Monitoring Monitoring & Compliance Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring type Objective Status & Evaluation Status, Trends, Evaluation Table 6. Table Basin—Continued upper Deschutes River [Suggested monitoring actions are described in more complete detail in section 3.0. Suggested phases refer to the general sequence in which actions w Oregon Water Resources Department; EPA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; ODEQ, Department of Quality; Maximum Daily Loads; TSS, Total Suspended Solids]


phase Suggested 2 4 3-4 2–3 1–3 ould be initiated and are explained in table 1. OWRD, QA/QC, Quality Assurance/Quality Control; TMDL, Total Related monitoring actions Bacteria

coli sampling for DO and pH. Where reaches are included on 303(d) list high pH, in DO and pH. do grab samples at times that will best document extremes selected DEQ ambient monitoring or ODFW stream-gaging locations algal or macrophyte growth, and their of reservoirs included on the 303(d) list for DO and pH, including effects effects on DO and pH, particularly reaches (see action 36) on downstream in reaches stations on Squaw Creek, Tumalo Creek, data, data gaps, or special studies of existing or other locations as indicated by analysis incidents of illness due to bacterial exposure E. 41. when grab Use data from continuous monitors to account for diel variations 38. QA/QC data data across agencies and evaluate Compile databases of existing 39. data Analyze existing 40. at Establish continuous monitors for DO, pH, specific conductance, and turbidity, 1 42. and nutrient inputs on of streamflow effects Conduct special studies to evaluate 43. QA/QC data data across agencies and evaluate Compile databases of existing 44. data Analyze existing 45. Maintain current ODEQ monitoring program, with modifications to include 1 46. Conduct special studies of popular recreation areas to determine bacterial counts or 2 3 Number Suggested action (short description) Dissolved Oxygen and pH Dissolved coli exceeds State standards exceeds coli diel and seasonal variability, and long-term diel and seasonal variability, trends of DO and pH including TMDL loads on DO and pH are having activities and long-term trends of E. variability, bacteria to pathogenic bacteria at popular exposure recreation areas Determine the spatial (longitudinal) variability, Determine if DO and pH meet State standards, that current management Determine the effects Determine the spatial (longitudinal) and seasonal Determine if E. Determine the risks to human health from Summary of objectives and suggested monitoring actions for coordinated, regional water-quality monitoring coordinated, regional water-quality in the Summary and suggested monitoring actions for of objectives & Compliance Monitoring Monitoring & Compliance Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring type Objective Status, Trends, Evaluation Status, Trends, Evaluation Table 6. Table Basin—Continued upper Deschutes River [Suggested monitoring actions are described in more complete detail in section 3.0. Suggested phases refer to the general sequence in which actions w Oregon Water Resources Department; EPA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; ODEQ, Department of Quality; Maximum Daily Loads; TSS, Total Suspended Solids]


Phase Suggested 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 4 ould be initiated and are explained in table 1. OWRD, QA/QC, Quality Assurance/Quality Control; TMDL, Total changes over time in macroinvertebrate assemblages and indicated water and assemblages and indicated water time in macroinvertebrate changes over habitat quality sediment, or biota information on toxics in water, existing of the public to contact with questions about invasive species or to report sightings of the public to contact with questions about invasive quality if warranted habitat, and water macroinvertebrates, and in bed sediment, dissolved reconnaissance samplings for trace metals in water and in water aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and/or polycyclic pesticides in water, sediments as sampling to the use of fish tissues and sediment, rather than water reservoirs, media basis of reconnaissance study results to maintain a list of species introductions of invasive plan for control and prevention of a statewide invasive species of concern, and participate in the development 51. community data for the basin macroinvertebrate Compile existing 52. data, if possible, to assess current conditions and macroinvertebrate Use existing 1 54. and any to rivers Assemble information on all permitted point source discharges 48. Establish a person or position in the basin for resource professionals and members 49. species to educate the public on issues associated with invasive Work 50. or populations to estimate coverage Conduct periodic surveys 3–4 53. analysis to refine monitoring for Use information from macroinvertebrate 4 55. of toxic constituents investigations previous Assemble information on any 56. to conduct of basin hydrology, information and knowledge Use existing 2 57. bodies, including Change the protocols used for sampling mercury in water 58. Communicate the results of reconnaissance samplings59. Decide on the need for additional monitoring or studies of toxic constituents on the 4 47. Work with the Western Regional Panel of the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force Additional Monitoring augment evaluation of water-quality and habitat of water-quality augment evaluation of food adequacy conditions, and to evaluate resources for fish sediments, or biota at concentrations that water, could potentially impact the health of aquatic additional biota or humans, that warrant investigation species in the upper Deschutes River and major species in the upper Deschutes River tributaries species populations nonindigenous species of new Use macroinvertebrate community data to Use macroinvertebrate Determine if toxic constituents are present in Track the extent and distribution of nonindigenous time in nonindigenous Determine changes over system for the invasion an early warning Provide Summary of objectives and suggested monitoring actions for coordinated, regional water-quality monitoring coordinated, regional water-quality in the Summary and suggested monitoring actions for of objectives Topic Objective Suggested actions (short description) species Invertebrates Toxics Nonindigenous Table 6. Table [Suggested monitoring actions are described in more complete detail in section 3.0. Suggested phases refer to the general sequence in which actions w upper Deschutes River Basin upper Deschutes River Oregon Water Resources Department; EPA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; ODEQ, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality; Department of Environmental ODEQ, Oregon Protection Agency; U.S. Environmental Resources Department; EPA, Water Oregon Maximum Daily Loads; TSS, Total Suspended Solids] Maximum Daily Loads; TSS, Total

61 best use of both streamflow and water-quality data Wickiup Reservoir are predominantly managed by (Action 10). If continuous water-quality and (or) the Forest Service, that agency might also turbidity monitors are installed (Actions 22 and administer special studies to evaluate the effects of 40), it would be useful to locate these monitors at reservoir management on turbidity (Actions 23 and OWRD gaging stations (although the monitors 24), channel morphology and sedimentation need not necessarily be serviced by OWRD (Actions 29 and 30), nutrients (Action 36), and DO personnel) where possible. and pH (Action 42). There are some temperature Oregon Department of Environmental monitoring stations maintained by the Forest Quality—Most of the routine water-quality data Service and BLM that are redundant with those of collection in the basin is conducted by ODEQ at its other organizations, and which could provide more Ambient Monitoring stations, so a variety of information if they were moved to different suggested actions relating to water-quality locations to help fill data gaps (Action 15). sampling could logically be carried out by ODEQ. Bureau of Reclamation—The major These include decisions about collocating ambient impoundments of the upper Deschutes River monitoring stations and stream-gaging stations Basin, Wickiup and Crane Prairie Reservoirs and where possible (Action 10), participating in Crescent Lake, are managed by the BOR, and any USEPA efforts to establish regional nutrient in-reservoir monitoring actions suggested in this criteria (Action 35), and modifying sampling plan would likely be administered by the BOR. programs to better account for diel cycling of Although most of the focus of this plan is on the temperatures, dissolved oxygen, and pH (Action reaches downstream of the reservoirs, information 41). If continuous water-quality and (or) turbidity on reservoir water quality is important because of monitors are installed anywhere, such as at ODEQ their large influence on streamflow, water quality, ambient monitoring locations or OWRD gaging and transport processes in the upper Deschutes stations, ODEQ might be well positioned to River. More frequent reservoir monitoring (Action operate those monitors. At the least, they would be 34) would most likely be undertaken by or in appropriate to provide training and to oversee the cooperation with the BOR, as would a possible installation and operation of the monitors. study using sediment diatom records to reconstruct Oregon Department of Fish and the water-quality history of the reservoirs (Action Wildlife—The parts of this monitoring plan that 37). The BOR could also be an important partner overlap with ODFW missions include collecting in studies of the downstream effects of reservoir aquatic habitat data (Actions 27–29), particularly management (Actions 23 and 24, 29 and 30, 36, on State lands, and several aspects involving and 42). endangered or nonindigenous species (Actions 47– U.S. Geological Survey—At present, the 50). Habitat and geomorphology monitoring might primary involvement of the USGS in routine also be performed by the Forest Service or the monitoring in the study area is the operation of one BLM, especially in lands that are under Federal gaging station at the Deschutes River near Culver jurisdiction, so it is likely that agreements among (fig. 3). Most other gages are operated by OWRD. these agencies would be employed to provide The USGS could most effectively contribute to coordinated monitoring of habitat. water-quality monitoring in the Deschutes River U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Basin by providing input on protocol development Management—The Forest Service and the BLM or quality assurance, or designing and conducting collect data on temperature, turbidity and sedi- selected special studies in cooperation with local ment, and stream habitat /channel geometry at a agencies and (or) the monitoring committee. variety of locations within the study area. As indicated above, habitat and channel geometry 4.2 Phased Implementation of monitoring under this plan, including creating an Monitoring Actions inventory and database of existing information, would likely be conducted jointly between ODFW, A phased approach to initiate the suggested the Forest Service, and the BLM (Actions 25–28). monitoring actions is proposed below. Allocation Because the reaches immediately downstream of of these monitoring actions into individual phases

62 would be dependent on a combination of funding, 5.0 References agency priorities or mandates, and the importance of the individual issue regionally. Each phase 1. American Public Health Association, 1985, would build upon the previous one, although some Standard methods for the examination of water programs, especially the larger special studies, and wastewater, 16th Edition: Washington, D.C., might extend into subsequent phases. Descriptions American Public Health Association. of the possible phases are as follows: 2. Anderson, C.W., and Carpenter, K.D., 1998, Water Phase 1 would focus primarily on program quality and algal conditions in the North Umpqua management and implementation, including the River Basin, Oregon, 1992–95, and implications creation of institutional agreements. It might for resource management: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report involve actions that could be done principally 98–4125, 78 p., 1 pl. within the auspices of the individual organizations and with existing resources. No changes to current 3. Bauer, S.B., and Ralph, S.C., 1999, Aquatic habitat monitoring programs would be made, but indicators and their application to water quality compilation of datasets among agencies and objectives within the Clean Water Act— analysis of quality- assurance data in preparation Executive Summary: Seattle, Washington, US of data analysis in Phase 2 could be initiated. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10, EPA 910-R-99-014, 8 p. Phase 2 would include minor modifications to existing monitoring programs and the analysis of 4. Bothwell, M.L., 1992, Eutrophication of rivers by data compiled in the previous phase. Other actions nutrients in treated kraft pulp mill effluent: Canadian Journal of Water Pollution Research, v. would be initiated on which future monitoring will 27, no. 3, p. 447–472. depend. Critical special studies to fill data gaps, or those that would provide data to support important 5. Caldwell, R.R., 1998, Chemical study of regional programs (such as allocation of TMDL), would ground-water flow and ground-water/surface- also be initiated. water interaction in the upper Deschutes River Basin, Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Water Phase 3 would mark the beginning of more Resources Investigations Report 97–4233, 49 p., substantial modifications to existing programs, 1 pl. such as addition or relocation of monitoring sites. It would also include special studies to evaluate 6. Cameron, K.A., and Major, J.J., 1987, land use or resource management or that target Reconnaissance investigation of sediment distribution, erosion, and transport in the upper important resource issues. By the end of this phase Deschutes River, Deschutes County, Oregon, much of the monitoring plan would have been November 1986: Water-Resources Investigations implemented. Report 87–4114, 24 p. Phase 4 would include the largest changes to 7. Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, existing programs, along with actions on issues 1996, Wy-kan-us-mi Wa-kish-wit: The Columbia deemed less important regionally or that are River anadromous fish restoration plan of the Nez relatively expensive. Perce, Umatilla, Warm Springs, and Yakima An example of the phased approach for the tribes—Volume I: Portland, Oregon, Columbia suggested monitoring actions is shown in table 1. River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, variously The final decisions on phasing of monitoring paged. actions and the priority or order of implementation 8. Deschutes County Development Department, 2000, are beyond the scope of this report. Furthermore, La Pine National On-site Demonstration Project: the items scheduled to be initiated in each phase Environmental Health Division web page, url could change as the plan is reevaluated , accessed April 2000. This is particularly true for the latter phases 9. Dixit, S.S., Smol, J.P., Charles, D.F., Hughes, R.M., because the results from earlier phases could cause Paulsen, S.G., and Collins, G.B., 1999, Assessing shifts in the understanding and priority of different water quality changes in the lakes of the issues. northeastern United States using sediment

63 diatoms: Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Oregon, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Aquatic Sciences, v. 56, p. 131–152. Service, Sisters Ranger District, 9 p. 10. Dodds, W.K., Smith, V.H., and Zander, B., 1997, 20. Interorganizational Resource Information Developing nutrient targets to control benthic Coordinating Council, 1999, Clarification and chlorophyll levels in streams: Water Research, v. update to Phase I common data standards for 31, no. 7, p. 1738–1750. aquatic inventory and stream identification: 11. E&S Environmental Chemistry, 1997, Limnology of Report of the Interorganizational Resource Lake Billy Chinook and Lake Simtustus, Oregon: Information Coordinating Council Fish Corvallis, E&S Environmental Chemistry, Pelton Hydrography Strike Team, Revised May 1999, Round Butte Limnology Study Project Number Accessed on Bureau of Land Management 2030, Final Report, variously paged. Intranet at on December 1, 1999, 51 p. 12. Edwards, T.K., and Glysson, D.G., 1999, Field methods for measurement of fluvial sediment: 21. Johnson, D. M., Petersen, R.P., Lycan, D.R. Sweet, Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations of J.W., Neuhaus, M.E., and Schaedel, A.L., 1985, the U.S. Geological Survey, Book 3, Chapter C2, Atlas of Oregon lakes: Corvallis, Oregon State 89 p. University Press, 317 p. 13. Gannett, M.W. , Lite, K.E. , Morgan, D.S. , and 22. Joy, J., and Patterson, B., 1997, A suspended Collins, C.A., in press, Ground-Water Hydrology sediment and DDT total maximum daily load of the Upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon: U.S. evaluation report for the Yakima River: Geological Survey Water-Resources Washington Department of Ecology, Publication Investigations Report 00–4162. No. 97–321, 105 p. 14. Gray, J.R., Glysson, G.D., Turcios, L.M., and 23. Krabbenhoft, D.P., and Rickert, D.A., 1995, Schwarz, G.E., 2000, Comparability of Mercury contamination of aquatic ecosystems: suspended-sediment concentration and total U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-216–95, suspended solids data: U.S. Geological Survey 4 p. Water-Resources Investigations Report 00–4191, 24. Lowe, R.L., and Pan, Y., 1996, Benthic algal 20 p. communities as biological monitors, in 15. Guasch, H., Armengol, J., Marti, E., and Sabater, S., Stevenson, J.R., Bothwell, M.L., and Lowe, R.L., 1998, Diurnal variation in dissolved oxygen and eds., Algal ecology, freshwater benthic carbon dioxide in two low-order streams: Water ecosystems: San Diego, California, Academic Research, v. 32, no. 4, p. 1067–1074. Press, Inc., p. 705–739. 16. Hankin, D.G., and Reeves, G.H., 1988, Estimating 25. Lower Columbia River Estuary Program, 1998, total fish abundance and total habitat area in small Lower Columbia River Estuary Plan—Volume streams based on visual estimation methods: 2—Aquatic ecosystem monitoring strategy for Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic the lower Columbia River, and Information Sciences, v. 45, p. 834–844. Management Strategy: Portland, Oregon, Lower Columbia River Program, p. B1–B22, available at 17. Harrelson, C.C., Rawlins, C.L., and Potyondy, J.P., . 1994, Stream channel reference sites—An illustrated guide to field technique: Fort Collins, 26. Lower Columbia River Estuary Program, 1999, Colorado, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Forest Interagency long term monitoring plan to assess Service, General Technical Report RM–245, 61 p. water quality, sediment quality, aquatic health, and biological integrity in the lower Columbia 18. Horowitz, A.J., Demas, C.R., Fitzgerald, K.K., River: Portland, Oregon, Lower Columbia River Miller, T.M., and Rickert, D.A., 1994, U.S. Estuary Program, Interagency Subcommittee Geological Survey protocol for the collection and Report, 161 p. processing of surface-water samples for the subsequent determination of inorganic substances 27. Manga, M., 1996, Hydrology of spring dominated in filtered water: U.S. Geological Survey Open- streams in the Oregon Cascades: Water Resources File Report 94–539, 57 p. Research, v. 32, no. 8, p. 2435–2439. 19. Houslet, B., 1998, Temperature modeling of Squaw 28. Manga, M., 1997, A model for discharge in spring- Creek from the Squaw Creek Irrigation District dominated streams and implications for the dam to the Crooked River Grasslands: Sisters, transmissivity and recharges of quaternary

64 volcanics in the Oregon Cascades: Water Resources Research, v. 33, no. 8, p. 1813–1822. 303dpage.htm>, accessed November 1999. 29. Marzolf, E.R., Mulholland, P.J., and Steinman, 39. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, A.D., 1994, Improvements to the diurnal 1999b, WQ Facility Information System Web upstream-downstream dissolved oxygen change page: , accessed November metabolism in small streams: Canadian Journal of 1999. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, v. 51, no. 1591– 40. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, 1599. 1999c, Listing criteria for Oregon’s 1998 303(d) 30. Marzolf, E.R., Mulholland, P.J., and Steinman, list of water quality limited water bodies: , accessed December 1999. technique for determining whole-stream 41. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, metabolism in small streams: Canadian Journal of 1999d, Oregon Water Quality Index for the Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, v. 55, p. 1786– Deschutes River Basin Web page: , accessed December 1999. 1990, Statistical summaries of streamflow data in 42. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Oregon: Volume 1—Monthly and annual 1999e, Upper Deschutes River Basin R-EMAP: streamflow, and flow-duration values: U.S. 1997-1998 Water Chemistry Summary: Portland, Geological Survey Open-File Report 90–118, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, 413 p. Laboratory Division, Technical Report BIO99- 32. Morgan, D.S., Tanner, D.Q., and Crumrine, M. D., 04, 29 p. 1997, Hydrologic and water-quality conditions at 43. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Newberry Volcano, Deschutes County, Oregon, 2000a, Upper Grande Ronde River Sub-basin 1991–95: U.S. Geological Survey Water- Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) and Water Resources Investigations Report 97–4088, 66 p. Quality Management Plan (WQMP): Portland, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, 33. Odum, H.T., 1956, Primary production in flowing available online at url , 65 p. plus appendixes. 34. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, 44. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, 1988, 1988 Oregon assessment of nonpoint 2000b, La Pine National Demonstration Project source water pollution: Portland, Oregon Web page: , accessed April, 2000. appendixes. 45. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, 1996, 35. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Upper Deschutes River Fish Management Plan: 1994, DEQ laboratory field sampling reference Portland, Oregon Department of Fish and guide, revision 4.0: Portland, Oregon Department Wildlife, 1996, 385 p. of Environmental Quality Laboratory, 76 p. 46. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife,1999, 36. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Oregon Wildlife Diversity Plan: Salem, Oregon 1995, Coast Fork TMDL Development: Portland, Department of Fish and Wildlife, variously Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, paged. variously paged. 47. Pacific Northwest Ecosystem Research Consortium, 37. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, 1998, Willamette River Basin—A planning atlas, 1996, Mercury in Oregon Lakes, 1993-1994: version 1.0: Corvallis, Oregon State University Portland, Oregon Depart-ment of Environmental Institute for Sustainable Development, 72 p. Quality, variously paged. 48. Paerl, H.W.,and Downs, M. T., 1978, Biological 38. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, availability of low versus high molecular weight 1999a, Water Quality Limited Streams reactive phosphorus: Journal of the Fisheries 303(d) List Web page:

65 49. Pogue, T.R., and Anderson, C.W., 1995, Processes 60. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, controlling dissolved oxygen and pH in the Upper 1994, Upper Deschutes Basin instream flow Willamette River Basin, Oregon, 1994: U.S. assessment: Bend, U.S. Department of Geological Survey Water-Resources Agriculture Forest Service, Deschutes National Investigations Report 95–4205, 71 p. Forest, 45 p. 50. Roper, B.B., and Scarnecchia, D.L., 1995, Observer 61. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, variability in classifying habitat types in stream 1995, Inland native fish strategy, Environmental surveys: American Journal of Fisheries Assessment—Decision notice and finding of no Management, v. 15, p. 49–53. significant impact. Intermountain, Northern, and 51. San Francisco Estuary Project, 1993, Regional Pacific Northwest Regions: Coeur d’Alene, Monitoring Strategy: Oakland, California, 44 p., Idaho, U..S. Department of Agriculture Forest 3 appendixes. Service, variously paged. 52. Seiler, R.L., Zaugg, S.D., Thomas, J.M., and 62. U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Howcroft, D.L., 1999, Caffeine and 1996a, Upper Deschutes Wild and Scenic River pharmaceuticals as indicators of waste water and State Scenic Waterway—Comprehensive contamination in wells: Ground Water, v. 37, Management Plan: Bend, Oregon, U.S. no. 3, p. 405–410. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, 53. Stager, J.C., Leavitt, P.R., and Dixit, S.S., 1997, Deschutes National Forest, variously paged. Assessing impacts of past human activity on the 63. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, water quality of Upper Saranac Lake, New York: 1996b, Upper Deschutes Wild and Scenic River Journal of Lake and Reservoir Management, v. and State Scenic Waterway—Record of Decision 13, no. 2, p. 175–184. and Final Environmental Impact Statement: 54. State of Oregon, 1997, Coastal Salmon Restoration Bend, Oregon, U.S. Department of Agriculture Initiative—The Oregon Plan: Salem, Oregon Forest Service, Deschutes National Forest, Department of Fish and Wildlife, also available variously paged. online at , 64. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, variously paged. 1998, Sisters/Why-chus Watershed Analysis: 55. Tanner, D.Q., and Anderson, C.W., 1996, Sisters, Oregon, U.S. Department of Agriculture Assessment of water quality, nutrients, algal Forest Service, Deschutes National Forest, Sisters productivity, and management alternatives for Ranger District, variously paged. low-flow conditions, South Umpqua River Basin, Oregon, 1990–92: U.S. Geological Survey Water- 65. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Resources Investigations Report 96–4082, 71 p. Management and U.S. Depart-ment of Agriculture Forest Service, 1992, Middle 56. Triska, F.J., Sedell, J.R., Cromack, K.J., Gregory, Deschutes/Lower Crooked Wild and Scenic S.V., and McCorison, F.M., 1984, Nitrogen Rivers' Management Plan: Prineville, Oregon, budget for a small coniferous forest stream: U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Ecological Monographs, v. 54, no. 1, p. 119–140. Management, 57 p. 57. Tuchman, N., 1996, The roll of heterotrophy in algae, in Stevenson, J.R., Bothwell, M.L., and 66. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2000, Lowe, R.L., eds., Algal ecology, freshwater Nutrient criteria technical guidance manual: benthic ecosystems: San Diego, California, rivers and streams: U.S. Environmental Academic Press, Inc., p. 299–319. Protection Agency EPA–822–D-99–003 58. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, 67. Wilde, F.D., Schertz, T.L., and Radtke, D.B., 1999, 1990, Land and resource management plan, Quality control samples, in National field manual Deschutes National Forest, Chapter 5— for the collection of water-quality data, Wilde, Implementation of the Forest Plan: Bend, Oregon, F.D., Radtke, D.B., Gibs, J., and Iwatsubo, R.T. USDA Forest Service, variously paged. (eds.), National field manual for the collection of 59. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, water-quality data, Chapter A4—Collection of 1991, Land and resource management plan—Part water samples, U.S. Geological Survey 1—Ochoco National Forest: Prineville, Oregon, Techniques of Water Resources Investigations, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Book 9, Handbooks for Water-Resources Pacific Northwest Region, variously paged. Investigations, variously paged.

66 6.0 Glossary 303(d) List A statewide list of streams or stream reaches that do not meet water quality standards for specified constituents, and for which load allocations must be set. The list is mandated under section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act. alluvial Describes rivers with beds and channels composed largely of clastic and detrital materials that can be transported or deposited baseline conditions Conditions at some point in time from which changes can be documented. This is considered different from “Reference Conditions”, which are more related to conditions in the absence of human influence. benthic Of, relating to, or occurring at the bottom of a body of water BLM U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management BOR U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency f3/s cubic feet per second, a measure of streamflow GIS Geographical Information System indicator reach A reach of river that is visited periodically in order to take samples or make measurements and for which conditions are expected to reflect those in reaches with similar structure and functioning IRICC Interorganizational Resource Information Coordinating Council LWD Large Woody Debris mg/L milligrams per liter (parts per million) nonindigenous species Species that are not native to a specified area and which often have no natural predators in that area. They can often disrupt local food chains, habitat, or resource availability. NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NRIS Natural Resource Inventory System, a computer database developed by the U.S. Forest Service ODFW Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife ODEQ Oregon Department of Environmental Quality OWRD Oregon Water Resources Department OWQI Oregon’s Water Quality Index, calculated from data collected by the ODEQ Ambient Monitoring Program PGE Portland General Electric QA Quality Assurance QC Quality Control reference conditions Conditions found in a given stream prior to alteration by humans run-of-the-river Having low hydraulic retention time or pool volume TMDLs Total Maximum Daily Loads, a load allocation determined for a given constituent and stream for which water quality standards are not met. TMDLs are mandated as part of the Clean Water Act (see 303(d) list). µm micrometer (10-6 meters) USEPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency USFS U.S. Forest Service USGS U.S. Geological Survey




number Reference

60 60 60 60 60 60 62 62

(ST, CO, EV, RE) EV, CO, (ST, Monitoring type Monitoring ST ST ST ST ST ST CO, EV, CO

years; O, one time

C) , V N, N A A, Q, (O,

or coordinated long- Frequency A CO, A CO, A CO, A CO, A CO, A CO, CST, QST, , every N /s /s /s /s /s /s /s /s /s /s /s 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 /s /s 3 3 /s /s /s /s /s /s 3 3 3 3 3 3 BLM, Bureau of Land Management; USFS, U.S. Forest Service; BLM, Bureau of Land Management; USFS, U.S. Forest canoeing—600–800 ft rafting—100–1,300 ft NITIONS: ST, Status & Trends, CO, Compliance, EV, Evaluation; RE, Evaluation; CO, Compliance, EV, Status & Trends, NITIONS: ST, Enhanced Flow—600–900 ft Enhanced Flow—600–900 - 600–900 ft Enhanced Flow ft Enhanced Flow—600–900 ft Enhanced Flow—600–900 ft Enhanced Flow—600–900 Enhanced Flow Irrigation Season—< 1,200 ft Irrigation Season—< 1,200 ft Irrigation Season—< 1,200 ft Irrigation Season—< 1,200 ft Irrigation Season—< 1,200 ft Irrigation Season—< 1,150 ft Irrigation OWRD add (?) stations below OWRD below at Benham Falls, reservoirs, Bend DEQ monitor WQ at ambient sites monitoring sites, including 2 new & DR blw. Harper Br. (LDR ab. Wickiup) issue locally, or the needs of specific agencies. CRITFC, Columbia River issue locally, r, Bridge; DR, Deschutes River; blw, below; UDB, Upper Deschutes Basin; below; blw, Bridge; DR, Deschutes River; r, Correlate flows with trends in Correlate flows resource condition Determine trends resulting from management actions and other changes within the river corridor Water Quality (turbidity)Water Storage Season—500 ft General Water-Quality Issues General Water-Quality Reference number, numbered citations in Reference section] Reference number, Water-Quantity Related Monitoring Water-Quantity , greater than or equal to; Forest Service, 1996, UDR Forest Management Comprehensive Plan Service, 1996, UDR Forest Management Comprehensive Plan Flow Team, 1994, UDR Instream Assessment Flow ≥ IGDO, Intergravel Dissolved Oxygen; NG, None given; FREQUENCY DEFINITIONS: C, continuous; W, Weekly; Q, quarterly; A, annual; A Weekly; DEFINITIONS: C, continuous; W, FREQUENCY Oxygen; NG, None given; Dissolved IGDO, Intergravel ; Water issueWater Entity Monitoring objective Recommended monitoring <, less than; >, greater Water-quality monitoring objectives and recommendations from previous management plans, by topic, and their proposed priority topic, f by management plans, and recommendations from previous monitoring objectives Water-quality

Streamflow Critical WQ Parameters DO, pH, TSS, turbidity) (Temp.,

Instream Flow— Instream River Dam to Fall Wickiup

cubic feet per second monitoring term long /s, for priority Proposed 3 H H H Riparian vegetation Storage Season—500 ft HHHH and other fish Trout Brown Storage Season—300 ft Wildlife Scenic Value Recreation Storage Season—500 ft Storage Season—500 ft Storage Season—250 ft H effort; E, Evaluate frequency after testing effectiveness; V, Varies according to project specific details; MONITORING TYPE DEFI according to project specific details; MONITORING Varies V, after testing effectiveness; frequency E, Evaluate effort; Reconnaissance; term Basin monitoring in the upper and middle Deschutes River WQ, water quality; temp., temperature; TSS, total suspended solids; turb., turbidity; LDR, Little Deschutes River; ab, above; B ab, above; turbidity; LDR, Little Deschutes River; quality; temp., temperature; TSS, total suspended solids; turb., WQ, water Table A–1. Table coordinated monitoring and do not reflect the importance of a specific [Note that proposed priorities only apply to interagency, ft IntertribalIntertribal Fish Commission; ODFW, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife; OWRD, Oregon Water Resources Department; Water Oregon OWRD, Department of Fish and Wildlife; Oregon IntertribalIntertribal Fish Commission; ODFW, APPENDIX A. FROM PREVIOUS MANAGEMENT PLANS OBJECTIVES AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF WATER-QUALITY SUMMARY


number Reference

7 7 58 7

(ST, CO, EV, RE) EV, CO, (ST, Monitoring type Monitoring CO CO EV CO

years; O, one time

C) , V N, N A A, Q, (O,

or coordinated long- Frequency NG EV, A CO, ACO65 ACO65 ACO65 WCO65 , every N BLM, Bureau of Land Management; USFS, U.S. Forest Service; BLM, Bureau of Land Management; USFS, U.S. Forest NITIONS: ST, Status & Trends, CO, Compliance, EV, Evaluation; RE, Evaluation; CO, Compliance, EV, Status & Trends, NITIONS: ST, Monitor water temperatureMonitor water NG EV, Monitor WQ parameters for which there are standards (temperature, DO, bacteria), where there is pH, turbidity, potential for pollution. Monitor for specific projects, at least 1 year before and 3 years after project completion. grab samples during spring, Take and fall summer, Monitor temperature continuously C CO 65 NG NG EV, Monitor with autosamplers during and winter, in fall, flushing flows spring, + during June-August Monitor with autosampler, use same Monitor with autosampler, as for turbidity frequency Monitor with autosampler (during summer) issue locally, or the needs of specific agencies. CRITFC, Columbia River issue locally, r, Bridge; DR, Deschutes River; blw, below; UDB, Upper Deschutes Basin; below; blw, Bridge; DR, Deschutes River; r, ≥ c , a b Maintain State water-quality Maintain riparian reserves 300 ft slope distance from floodplains or to topographic is less) (whichever divide Maintain WQ to meet current and WQ standards. Review current state and federal revise WQ standards to adequately protect salmon. Increases from management within desired range of a kept benefiting resource (fish, water supply) Maintain maximum daily water temperature > 60 deg. Fahrenheit. standards Reference number, numbered citations in Reference section] Reference number, General Water-Quality Issues—Continued General Water-Quality , greater than or equal to; ≥ CRITFC, 1996, Columbia R. restoration anadromous fish plan CRITFC, 1996, Columbia anadromous fish River restoration plan Forest Service, 1990, Land & Forest Resource Management Plan, Deschutes National Forest BLM and Forest Service, 1992, Middle Deschutes/Lower Management Plan Crooked CRITFC, 1996, Columbia anadromous fish River restoration plan a IGDO, Intergravel Dissolved Oxygen; NG, None given; FREQUENCY DEFINITIONS: C, continuous; W, Weekly; Q, quarterly; A, annual; A Weekly; DEFINITIONS: C, continuous; W, FREQUENCY Oxygen; NG, None given; Dissolved IGDO, Intergravel ; Water issueWater Entity Monitoring objective Recommended monitoring <, less than; >, greater Water-quality monitoring objectives and recommendations from previous management plans, by topic, and their proposed priority topic, f by management plans, and recommendations from previous monitoring objectives Water-quality

Water Quality— Water Riparian Reserves Water Quality— Water Miscellaneous Pollutants Temperaturea Water Temperature Water Turbidity pH Dissolved Oxygen Quality— Water Temperature Water

Fecal Coliform

cubic feet per second monitoring term long rpsdpirt for priority Proposed d /s, 3 H H H H H H H H L effort; E, Evaluate frequency after testing effectiveness; V, Varies according to project specific details; MONITORING TYPE DEFI according to project specific details; MONITORING Varies V, after testing effectiveness; frequency E, Evaluate effort; Reconnaissance; [Note that proposed priorities only apply to interagency, coordinated monitoring and do not reflect the importance of a specific [Note that proposed priorities only apply to interagency, Resources Department; Water Oregon OWRD, Department of Fish and Wildlife; Oregon IntertribalIntertribal Fish Commission; ODFW, B ab, above; turbidity; LDR, Little Deschutes River; quality; temp., temperature; TSS, total suspended solids; turb., WQ, water ft term Basin—Continued monitoring in the upper and middle Deschutes River Table A–1. Table


number Reference

62 58 7 62 62

(ST, CO, EV, RE) EV, CO, (ST, Monitoring type Monitoring EV EV CO EV, RE, EV

years; O, one time

C) , V N, N A A, Q, (O,

or coordinated long- Frequency A RE, A2 CO, NG EVNG 64 EV 64 A5 ST, O, A5 , every N /s. Evaluate 3 BLM, Bureau of Land Management; USFS, U.S. Forest Service; BLM, Bureau of Land Management; USFS, U.S. Forest NITIONS: ST, Status & Trends, CO, Compliance, EV, Evaluation; RE, Evaluation; CO, Compliance, EV, Status & Trends, NITIONS: ST, usefulness Monitor LWD NG EV, Measure channel profiles and low flows segments on indicator streams and river Monitor temperature, DO, and discharge in Monitor temperature and flows Creek, conduct erosion surveys Squaw using photography ODFW & USFS measure turbidity in from spring Wickiup releases below reach 1,800 ft until flows ODFW & USFS do cross sectional profiles at ITFM sites; use aerial changes for large-scale photos USFS, ODFW measure cross sectional profiles at 2 sites within each project area (?) issue locally, or the needs of specific agencies. CRITFC, Columbia River issue locally, r, Bridge; DR, Deschutes River; blw, below; UDB, Upper Deschutes Basin; below; blw, Bridge; DR, Deschutes River; r, Maintain according to land management standards (no numeric standard) Maintain no changes in channel structure or reductions resulting from flows in low management actions Improve fish & aquatic habitat Improve by and riparian vegetation increasing summer flows soil moisture, reduce Improve erosion, increase riparian vegetation, and increase habitat by increasing discharge Determine effect of Determine effect ramping rate experimental changes Determine long term trends in morphology and instream flow levels Determine effectiveness of fish habitat projects Turbidity-related Monitoring Turbidity-related Reference number, numbered citations in Reference section] Reference number, General Water-Quality Issues—Continued General Water-Quality Channel Morphology and Habitat Related Monitoring Channel Morphology , greater than or equal to; Forest Service, 1998, Sisters Forest Analysis Why-chus Watershed Service, 1998, Sisters Forest Analysis Why-chus Watershed Forest Service, 1996, UDR Forest Management Comprehensive Plan Service, 1996, UDR Forest Management Comprehensive Plan Forest Service, 1996, UDR Forest Management Comprehensive Plan ≥ CRITFC, 1996, Columbia R. restoration anadromous fish plan Forest Service, 1990, Land & Forest Res. Management Plan, Deschutes National Forest IGDO, Intergravel Dissolved Oxygen; NG, None given; FREQUENCY DEFINITIONS: C, continuous; W, Weekly; Q, quarterly; A, annual; A Weekly; DEFINITIONS: C, continuous; W, FREQUENCY Oxygen; NG, None given; Dissolved IGDO, Intergravel ; Water issueWater Entity Monitoring objective Recommended monitoring (Pole Creek, Trout Creek, <, less than; >, greater Water-quality monitoring objectives and recommendations from previous management plans, by topic, and their proposed priority topic, f by management plans, and recommendations from previous monitoring objectives Water-quality

Channel Morphology— Debris (LWD) Woody Large TMDLs, 303(d) planning Creek in Squaw Rehabilitation of specific locations in Squaw Creek Basin Three Creeks, Indian Ford Creek) Channel Morphology and Low Flows Turbidity, Fish Stranding Turbidity, associated with ramping Channel Morphology Changes in Channel Morphology and Hydrologic Condition

cubic feet per second monitoring term long rpsdpirt for priority Proposed d d d /s, 3 M L H M L M L effort; E, Evaluate frequency after testing effectiveness; V, Varies according to project specific details; MONITORING TYPE DEFI according to project specific details; MONITORING Varies V, after testing effectiveness; frequency E, Evaluate effort; Reconnaissance; [Note that proposed priorities only apply to interagency, coordinated monitoring and do not reflect the importance of a specific [Note that proposed priorities only apply to interagency, Resources Department; Water Oregon OWRD, Department of Fish and Wildlife; Oregon IntertribalIntertribal Fish Commission; ODFW, B ab, above; turbidity; LDR, Little Deschutes River; quality; temp., temperature; TSS, total suspended solids; turb., WQ, water ft term Basin—Continued monitoring in the upper and middle Deschutes River Table A–1. Table


number Reference

7 7 7 7 7 7

(ST, CO, EV, RE) EV, CO, (ST, Monitoring type Monitoring CO CO CO CO CO CO

years; O, one time

C) , V N, N A A, Q, (O,

or coordinated long- Frequency NG EV 64 , every N BLM, Bureau of Land Management; USFS, U.S. Forest Service; BLM, Bureau of Land Management; USFS, U.S. Forest NITIONS: ST, Status & Trends, CO, Compliance, EV, Evaluation; RE, Evaluation; CO, Compliance, EV, Status & Trends, NITIONS: ST, NG NG EV, NG NG EV, NG NG EV, NGNG NG EV, NG EV, Survey streams for percent of stable Survey and unstable banks NG NG EV, issue locally, or the needs of specific agencies. CRITFC, Columbia River issue locally, r, Bridge; DR, Deschutes River; blw, below; UDB, Upper Deschutes Basin; below; blw, Bridge; DR, Deschutes River; r, τ percen ≥20 percent over 20 percent in 90 percent stability, ≤ ≥ ≤ 20 90 percent. Do not > no decrease in bank stability when mechanically stabilize banks (e.g. riprap). Maintain Achieve increasing trend in Achieve (no residual pool volume numeric standard) Maintain according to land management standards (no numeric standard) Maintain surface area of Maintain surface by fine sediment covered sediment habitat; no increase spawning where already delivery natural Maintain stream bank stability, cutting, and limit down increase scouring of historic of floodplains for regeneration by allowing vegetation native more flooding Monitor to depth of egg deposition. No numerical standard. Reference number, numbered citations in Reference section] Reference number, Channel Morphology and Habitat Related Monitoring—Continued Channel Morphology , greater than or equal to; Forest Service, 1998, Sisters Forest Analysis Why-chus Watershed ≥ CRITFC, 1996, Columbia R. restoration anadromous fish plan CRITFC, 1996, Columbia R. restoration anadromous fish plan CRITFC, 1996, Columbia R. restoration anadromous fish plan CRITFC, 1996, Columbia R. restoration anadromous fish plan CRITFC, 1996, Columbia R. restoration anadromous fish plan IGDO, Intergravel Dissolved Oxygen; NG, None given; FREQUENCY DEFINITIONS: C, continuous; W, Weekly; Q, quarterly; A, annual; A Weekly; DEFINITIONS: C, continuous; W, FREQUENCY Oxygen; NG, None given; Dissolved IGDO, Intergravel ; Water issueWater Entity Monitoring objective Recommended monitoring <, less than; >, greater Water-quality monitoring objectives and recommendations from previous management plans, by topic, and their proposed priority topic, f by management plans, and recommendations from previous monitoring objectives Water-quality

Stream Morphology— Creek Squaw Bank Stability, Channel Morphology— Bank Stability Channel Morphology— Residual Pool Volume Channel Morphology— and volume Pool frequency Channel Substrate— Fine sediment in spawning gravel

Channel Substrate— sediment Fine surface

cubic feet per second monitoring term long rpsdpirt for priority Proposed d /s, 3 L M M M M H Maintain fine sediment M effort; E, Evaluate frequency after testing effectiveness; V, Varies according to project specific details; MONITORING TYPE DEFI according to project specific details; MONITORING Varies V, after testing effectiveness; frequency E, Evaluate effort; Reconnaissance; [Note that proposed priorities only apply to interagency, coordinated monitoring and do not reflect the importance of a specific [Note that proposed priorities only apply to interagency, Resources Department; Water Oregon OWRD, Department of Fish and Wildlife; Oregon IntertribalIntertribal Fish Commission; ODFW, B ab, above; turbidity; LDR, Little Deschutes River; quality; temp., temperature; TSS, total suspended solids; turb., WQ, water ft term Basin—Continued monitoring in the upper and middle Deschutes River Table A–1. Table


number Reference

58 62 62 62 62

(ST, CO, EV, RE) EV, CO, (ST, Monitoring type Monitoring EV CO 65 CO 65 EV EV EV RE, EV

years; O, one time

C) , V N, N A A, Q, (O,

f f or coordinated long- Frequency A2 CO, A3 ACO65 A, A3 ORE62 A2 ST, A10 ST, A3 RE, O, A1-5 , every N BLM, Bureau of Land Management; USFS, U.S. Forest Service; BLM, Bureau of Land Management; USFS, U.S. Forest NITIONS: ST, Status & Trends, CO, Compliance, EV, Evaluation; RE, Evaluation; CO, Compliance, EV, Status & Trends, NITIONS: ST, Conduct assessments of sediment and success emergence Survey habitatSurvey Count fish species, coordinate with ODFW A, Measure substrate embeddedness and pebble counts ODFW & USFS measure IGDO at for 1- areas near Wickiup, spawning year initially ODFW & USFS sample fineat 3 stations (Bull Bend, Besson, sediments & measure IGDO Meadow), ODFW & USFS conduct stream survey of entire UDB using USFSprotocols and ODFW ODFW & USFS conduct finesampling and IGDO readings where sediment has been introduced gravel new ODFW do redd counts, habitat characterization, electroshocking issue locally, or the needs of specific agencies. CRITFC, Columbia River issue locally, r, Bridge; DR, Deschutes River; blw, below; UDB, Upper Deschutes Basin; below; blw, Bridge; DR, Deschutes River; r, el—Maintain e v wning Gra Maintain indicator segments of and spawning streams having rearing habitat Spa Rearing Habitat —Maintain pool and habitat quality Use 1993 data as quantity. baseline Fish Species—Maintain species composition using data from ODFW as baseline quality and quantity. Use 1993 quality and quantity. data as baseline incubation gravel quality incubation gravel existing gravel for gravel existing and as macroinvertebrates habitat for fish spawning Determine changes in fish habitat and hydrological features Determine effectiveness of Determine effectiveness artificially introducing gravel of management and effects actions on those gravels Determine effectiveness of fish habitat projects Reference number, numbered citations in Reference section] Reference number, Channel Morphology and Habitat Related Monitoring—Continued Channel Morphology , greater than or equal to; Forest Service, 1996, UDR Forest Management Comprehensive Plan Forest Service, 1996, UDR Forest Management Comprehensive Plan ≥ Forest Service, 1990, Land & Forest Resource Management Plan, Deschutes National Forest Forest Service, 1996, UDR Forest Management Comprehensive Plan BLM and Forest Service, 1992, Middle Deschutes/Lower Management Plan Crooked IGDO, Intergravel Dissolved Oxygen; NG, None given; FREQUENCY DEFINITIONS: C, continuous; W, Weekly; Q, quarterly; A, annual; A Weekly; DEFINITIONS: C, continuous; W, FREQUENCY Oxygen; NG, None given; Dissolved IGDO, Intergravel ; — Water issueWater Entity Monitoring objective Recommended monitoring <, less than; >, greater Water-quality monitoring objectives and recommendations from previous management plans, by topic, and their proposed priority topic, f by management plans, and recommendations from previous monitoring objectives Water-quality

Spawning Gravel condition and use Fish Habitat Sedimentation Fish Populations

Fish Habitat Conditions Fish Habitat

cubic feet per second monitoring term long /s, for priority Proposed 3 M M M M MH and Determine spawning M Determine suitability of M M [Note that proposed priorities only apply to interagency, coordinated monitoring and do not reflect the importance of a specific [Note that proposed priorities only apply to interagency, ft IntertribalIntertribal Fish Commission; ODFW, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife; OWRD, Oregon Water Resources Department; Water Oregon OWRD, Department of Fish and Wildlife; Oregon IntertribalIntertribal Fish Commission; ODFW, B ab, above; turbidity; LDR, Little Deschutes River; quality; temp., temperature; TSS, total suspended solids; turb., WQ, water effort; E, Evaluate frequency after testing effectiveness; V, Varies according to project specific details; MONITORING TYPE DEFI according to project specific details; MONITORING Varies V, after testing effectiveness; frequency E, Evaluate effort; Reconnaissance; term Basin—Continued monitoring in the upper and middle Deschutes River Table A–1. Table


number Reference

62 62 58

(ST, CO, EV, RE) EV, CO, (ST, Monitoring type Monitoring ST ST CO 65 EV

years; O, one time

C) , V N, N A A, Q, (O,

or coordinated long- Frequency NG EV, A2-5 EV, A3, A5 VEV58 A CO, NG EV 46 A5 ST 59 , every N BLM, Bureau of Land Management; USFS, U.S. Forest Service; BLM, Bureau of Land Management; USFS, U.S. Forest . Use ODFW Creel surveys too. . Use ODFW Creel surveys g NITIONS: ST, Status & Trends, CO, Compliance, EV, Evaluation; RE, Evaluation; CO, Compliance, EV, Status & Trends, NITIONS: ST, USFS complete as part of fish habitat monitoring, also correlate with flow levels. USFS, ODFW complete comparisons using aerial photos during monitoring for channel morphology and fish habitat Conduct habitat surveys, analysis, and Conduct habitat surveys, recreational fisheries goad evaluation for projects on important fish streams/ lakes (including Conduct inventories infra-red photos). Compile annual accomplishment reports Monitor changes and trends in habitats NG stream morphology using Survey points on selected established survey STstreams 46 Determine quantity, distribution, and distribution, Determine quantity, condition of dominant plant communities and major habitat elements issue locally, or the needs of specific agencies. CRITFC, Columbia River issue locally, r, Bridge; DR, Deschutes River; blw, below; UDB, Upper Deschutes Basin; below; blw, Bridge; DR, Deschutes River; r, aquatic riparian getation—Maintain e V and condition of vegetation vegetation Objectives defined variously in and river stream, lake, and evaluations inventories or enhance functioning and ecological condition. first Determine baseline level Riparian Maintain 3-year average within 25 percent of target Maintain or show improvement in stream conditions. Determine changes in amount and condition of Identify and monitor habitats needed to maintain Oregon’s wildlife diversity Reference number, numbered citations in Reference section] Reference number, Channel Morphology and Habitat Related Monitoring—Continued Channel Morphology , greater than or equal to; Forest Service, 1991, Land & Forest Resource Management Plan, Ochoco National Forest ≥ BLM and Forest Service, 1992, Middle Deschutes/Lower Management Plan Crooked Forest Service, 1990, Land & Forest Resource Management Plan, Deschutes National Forest Forest Service, 1990, Land & Forest Resource Management Plan, Deschutes National Forest Wildlife 1999, Oregon ODFW, Plan Diversity Forest Service, 1996, UDR Forest Management Comprehensive Plan IGDO, Intergravel Dissolved Oxygen; NG, None given; FREQUENCY DEFINITIONS: C, continuous; W, Weekly; Q, quarterly; A, annual; A Weekly; DEFINITIONS: C, continuous; W, FREQUENCY Oxygen; NG, None given; Dissolved IGDO, Intergravel ; — Water issueWater Entity Monitoring objective Recommended monitoring <, less than; >, greater Water-quality monitoring objectives and recommendations from previous management plans, by topic, and their proposed priority topic, f by management plans, and recommendations from previous monitoring objectives Water-quality Type of Fishery and Type

Capacity Fish Resource and Habitat — Fish Habitat Target Improvement

Riparian Vegetation Habitat Inventory and Monitoring Stream morphology Condition Vegetation

cubic feet per second monitoring term long /s, for priority Proposed 3 MM Determine changes in amount L M M M M M effort; E, Evaluate frequency after testing effectiveness; V, Varies according to project specific details; MONITORING TYPE DEFI according to project specific details; MONITORING Varies V, after testing effectiveness; frequency E, Evaluate effort; Reconnaissance; term Basin—Continued monitoring in the upper and middle Deschutes River Table A–1. Table IntertribalIntertribal Fish Commission; ODFW, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife; OWRD, Oregon Water Resources Department; Water Oregon OWRD, Department of Fish and Wildlife; Oregon IntertribalIntertribal Fish Commission; ODFW, B ab, above; turbidity; LDR, Little Deschutes River; quality; temp., temperature; TSS, total suspended solids; turb., WQ, water [Note that proposed priorities only apply to interagency, coordinated monitoring and do not reflect the importance of a specific [Note that proposed priorities only apply to interagency, ft


number Reference

61 61 61 61 61 61 61 7

(ST, CO, EV, RE) EV, CO, (ST, Monitoring type Monitoring CO? CO? CO? CO? CO? CO? CO? CO

years; O, one time

C) , V N, N A A, Q, (O,

or coordinated long- Frequency NG EV, NG EV, NG EV, NG EV, NG EV, NG EV, NG EV, , every N BLM, Bureau of Land Management; USFS, U.S. Forest Service; BLM, Bureau of Land Management; USFS, U.S. Forest h h h h h h h NITIONS: ST, Status & Trends, CO, Compliance, EV, Evaluation; RE, Evaluation; CO, Compliance, EV, Status & Trends, NITIONS: ST, NG NG NG NG EV, NG NG NG NG NG issue locally, or the needs of specific agencies. CRITFC, Columbia River issue locally, r, Bridge; DR, Deschutes River; blw, below; UDB, Upper Deschutes Basin; below; blw, Bridge; DR, Deschutes River; r, ation s) —Maintain ’ oody Debris (forested emperature—Maintain ge W wer Bank Angle idth/Depth Ratio—Maintain ater T Pool Frequencies —Maintain to standards as specified in EA < 10 Maintain according to land management standards (no numeric standard) according to channel widths, as defined in Environmental Assessment (EA) W Lar Bank stability (nonforested systems)—Maintain 80 percent stable Lo W Riparian Habitat Conserv Areas (RHCA widths and manage according to stream types as specified in EA systems) —Maintain as specified in EA (nonforested systems)— Maintain 75 percent of banks angle with < 90 degree (undercut) Reference number, numbered citations in Reference section] Reference number, Channel Morphology and Habitat Related Monitoring—Continued Channel Morphology , greater than or equal to; ≥ CRITFC, 1996, Columbia anadromous fish River restoration plan Forest Service, 1995, Inland Forest Fish Strategy Native Assessment Environmental — IGDO, Intergravel Dissolved Oxygen; NG, None given; FREQUENCY DEFINITIONS: C, continuous; W, Weekly; Q, quarterly; A, annual; A Weekly; DEFINITIONS: C, continuous; W, FREQUENCY Oxygen; NG, None given; Dissolved IGDO, Intergravel — ; Water issueWater Entity Monitoring objective Recommended monitoring <, less than; >, greater Water-quality monitoring objectives and recommendations from previous management plans, by topic, and their proposed priority topic, f by management plans, and recommendations from previous monitoring objectives Water-quality

Water Quality Water Stream shading

Riparian Habitat Interim Riparian Management (RMO’s) Objectives

cubic feet per second monitoring term long /s, for priority Proposed 3 H M M M M M M M effort; E, Evaluate frequency after testing effectiveness; V, Varies according to project specific details; MONITORING TYPE DEFI according to project specific details; MONITORING Varies V, after testing effectiveness; frequency E, Evaluate effort; Reconnaissance; [Note that proposed priorities only apply to interagency, coordinated monitoring and do not reflect the importance of a specific [Note that proposed priorities only apply to interagency, Resources Department; Water Oregon OWRD, Department of Fish and Wildlife; Oregon IntertribalIntertribal Fish Commission; ODFW, B ab, above; turbidity; LDR, Little Deschutes River; quality; temp., temperature; TSS, total suspended solids; turb., WQ, water ft term Basin—Continued monitoring in the upper and middle Deschutes River Table A–1. Table


number Reference

58 62

(ST, CO, EV, RE) EV, CO, (ST, Monitoring type Monitoring EV EV

years; O, one time

C) , V N, N A A, Q, (O,

or coordinated long- Frequency NG STNG 46 ST 46 A2 CO, A2 ST 62 AST, , every ectives may need to N e the scope of regional mpletion of a screening test. Refers to BLM, Bureau of Land Management; USFS, U.S. Forest Service; BLM, Bureau of Land Management; USFS, U.S. Forest NITIONS: ST, Status & Trends, CO, Compliance, EV, Evaluation; RE, Evaluation; CO, Compliance, EV, Status & Trends, NITIONS: ST, Monitor populations of common species Monitor populations of threatened, endangered, and other species requiring special management attention Perform macroinvertebrate population Perform macroinvertebrate trend analysis (no specific methods at indicator streams and river given) segments Sample macroinvertebrates at 3 stations (Bull Bend, Besson, Meadow) ODFW measure spawner abundance by redd counts issue locally, or the needs of specific agencies. CRITFC, Columbia River issue locally, r, Bridge; DR, Deschutes River; blw, below; UDB, Upper Deschutes Basin; below; blw, Bridge; DR, Deschutes River; r, e Aquatic Biota Determine short-term changes and long-term in water-quality trends in fish food supply Maintain <20 percent negative of good change in abundance indicator species water-quality (mayflies, stoneflies) Determine fish population trends Assess, conserve, and Assess, conserve, enhance populations of native species at self-sustaining throughout their levels natural geographic range Reference number, numbered citations in Reference section] Reference number, , greater than or equal to; Forest Service, 1996, UDR Forest Management Comprehensive Plan Forest Service, 1996, UDR Forest Management Comprehensive Plan ≥ ODFW, 1999, Oregon Wildlife 1999, Oregon ODFW, Plan Diversity Forest Service, 1990, Land & Forest Resource Management Plan, Deschutes National Forest — IGDO, Intergravel Dissolved Oxygen; NG, None given; FREQUENCY DEFINITIONS: C, continuous; W, Weekly; Q, quarterly; A, annual; A Weekly; DEFINITIONS: C, continuous; W, FREQUENCY Oxygen; NG, None given; Dissolved IGDO, Intergravel ; Water issueWater Entity Monitoring objective Recommended monitoring <, less than; >, greater Water-quality monitoring objectives and recommendations from previous management plans, by topic, and their proposed priority topic, f by management plans, and recommendations from previous monitoring objectives Water-quality

Macroinvertebrate Community Structure Fish Populations Macroinvertebrates Aquatic Sediment monitoring. Agencies conduct project specific PACFISH, section 7 for baseline values. PACFISH, be updated. Species Populations long term monitoring term long standards. See ODEQ for relevant Although issue may be of high priority, the monitoring indicated is short term, limited in space, and is project oriented. It therefore may fall outsid Plan. bodies defined in Appendix 13 of Forest Important water are determined on a case-by-case basis after co Areas (RHCA’s) Riparian Habitat Conservation affecting Monitoring of activities

State water-quality standards for this constituent have changed since the cited document was prepared, so original document andNo sampling or monitoring locations specified. (or) monitoring obj Plan. bodies and locations defined in Appendix 11 of Forest Specific water Measure annually for first 5 years, then every 3 years thereafter. Measure annually for first 5 years, then every

cubic feet per second a b c d e f g h /s, for priority Proposed 3 L L L L M effort; E, Evaluate frequency after testing effectiveness; V, Varies according to project specific details; MONITORING TYPE DEFI according to project specific details; MONITORING Varies V, after testing effectiveness; frequency E, Evaluate effort; Reconnaissance; term Basin—Continued monitoring in the upper and middle Deschutes River Table A–1. Table [Note that proposed priorities only apply to interagency, coordinated monitoring and do not reflect the importance of a specific [Note that proposed priorities only apply to interagency, Resources Department; Water Oregon OWRD, Department of Fish and Wildlife; Oregon IntertribalIntertribal Fish Commission; ODFW, B ab, above; turbidity; LDR, Little Deschutes River; quality; temp., temperature; TSS, total suspended solids; turb., WQ, water ft

78 APPENDIX B. QUALITY-ASSURANCE TERMS Quality-assurance (QA) programs will be critical to the success of monitoring. Good quality- control (QC) data, and assessments of those data, can allow the comparison of data among agencies and over time, whereas poor quality-control data can prevent such comparisons. Final development of QA plans will not be possible until additional monitoring decisions have been made. As part of the implementation of the Monitoring Plan, detailed QA plans will need to be developed and put into practice as appropriate for each component of the plan, based on the principles outlined previously. It is the goal of all QA programs to provide environmental data, using multiple sampling crews and analytical laboratories, that have quantifiable bias, variability, and representativeness, along with detection levels that will allow all data to be comparable within a single dataset and a quality to meet the objectives of the monitoring plan.The following presents a generalized description of important elements and aspects of quality assurance. There are three facets to any quality-assurance program of a monitoring plan. They are (1) quality- assurance elements, (2) quality-control data, and (3) quality assessment. These are the planned and systematic procedures necessary to provide adequate confidence that monitoring data will satisfy established requirements for quality. Quality-Assurance elements are the procedures used to control those unmeasurable components of a monitoring program, such as sampling the wrong site or area, sampling at the wrong time, using the wrong sampling equipment or materials, applying an inappropriate method or sequence of procedures for sample processing or sample analysis, and sample switching or incorrectly identifying samples. Examples of QA elements include work plans identifying sampling locations and times, and protocols specifying equipment, sample processing and analytical methods, and supplies. Protocols may become standard operating procedures to establish adequate data quality. Examples of the types of activities that could be included in these elements are: ensuring that maintenance logs and calibration records are available for every scientific instrument, specifying the type of materials acceptable for equipment and supplies, and ensuring that the monitoring protocols are followed. Although not measurable, many monitoring decisions and processes can be controlled through application of QA elements. Quality-Control data are the data generated to estimate the magnitude of bias, variability and representativeness in processes for obtaining environmental data. These processes include field processes of sample collection, field processing, shipping, storage, and laboratory analysis. Quality Assessment is the overall process of assessing the quality of the environmental data by reviewing (1) the application of the QA elements and (2) the analysis of the QC data. Quality assessment encompasses both the measurable and unmeasurable factors affecting the quality of the environmental data. Assessment of these factors may indicate limitations that require modifications to protocols or to standard operating procedures for sample collection and analysis or affect the desired interpretation and use of the environmental data. Definitions of terms used in this Monitoring Plan are provided below. It is suggested that assessments and reports for the plan use these same terms when discussing QA/QC procedures. Bias—A systematic error inherent in a method or caused by some artifact or idiosyncrasy of the measurement system. Bias may be either positive or negative. Variability—The degree of variation in independent measurements as the result of repeated application of the process under specific conditions. Accuracy—The degree of agreement of a measured value with the true or expected value of the quality concern. Precision—The degree of mutual agreement characteristic of independent measurements as a result of repeated application of the process under specified conditions.

79 Representativeness—A measure of how well a point of measurement is representative of a cross- sectional average normalized for discharge or velocity. Completeness—A measure of the data collected, compared to the data identified for collection in the monitoring plan. Detection limits—A minimum concentration or value for which a constituent can be measured with known reliability. Precision is inversely related to variability (the greater the variability, the smaller the precision). Accuracy is a measure that incorporates both bias and variability. The Monitoring Plan is designed to answer specific questions that have been established by the plan objectives. QC data are used to estimate the bias and (or) variability of environmental data. The QC sampling program should, therefore, help to (1) qualify the interpretation of the environmental data and (2) to identify the sources and magnitude of bias or variability in the environmental data. Examples of QC samples are listed below: Field blanks measure contamination in the sampling, field processing, shipping, holding area, and analytical method. Contamination biases sample results. Laboratory blanks measure sources of contamination in the laboratory. Field blind standards/reference material measure bias due to field processing, shipping, holding area, and analytical method. Standards are best used to measure bias between different laboratories because the quantity of chemical in the sample is known (avoids the finger pointing exercise). Multiple uses of a standard can be used to measure variability. Laboratory standards/reference material verify rating curves of analytical methods. Field spikes determine if field spiking, shipping, storing, or analytical methods used can recover the quantity of spike added. To use this sample, the concentration in the environmental sample must be known. This QC sample detects matrix interferences, breakdown of chemicals between time of spiking and analysis, and other processes that can result in gains or losses of contaminants. When standards are not in the concentration range of interest, this may be used to supplement standards. Differences between laboratory spikes and field spikes can identify chemicals that are breaking down between the times of spiking in the field and spiking in the laboratory. Multiple field spikes sometimes can be more useful when measuring variability if most of the contaminants of interest are at concentrations less than the detection limit. Field splits determine variability due to the field processing, shipping, holding, and analysis after splitting or if there is a bias between laboratories. It should be recognized that if two laboratories have differing answers, the true answer is not known, only the difference between the two results. (See field blind standards above). Laboratory splits measure variability in the laboratory. Field concurrent replicates measure variability due to sampling, field processing, shipping, storing, and analysis. Cross-section sampling and point sampling determine how representative a single sample is of the whole river. A depth and width integrated isokinetic (velocity weighted) sampling of the cross section (Wilde and others., 1999) is the preferred sampling field procedure for suspended material. When the concentration of suspended material is small or the constituents of interest are not affected by suspended material, depth and width integrated sampling is less important. When there is a long reach (25- to 100-foot widths, depending on the depth of stream and roughness of channel) with no significant input of new waters or contaminants, a single sample at the centroid

80 of the stream may be representative. For long-term monitoring of a fixed station over many years, it may be cost efficient to determine if a stream is mixed during various hydrologic conditions so as to allow single point sampling rather than the more expensive cross-section composite sampling each time. For example, the Washington Department of Ecology determined for total suspended solids that the error in the Yakima River was minimal and that single-point depth-integrated sampling data were comparable with data from cross-sectional composited samples (Joy and Patterson, 1997). For more information on QC samples and their use, see Wilde and others (1999) and Horowitz and others (1994).

81 Anderson — Framework for Regional, Coordinated Monitoring in the Middle and Upper Deschutes River Basin, Oregon — Op en -Fil e R e p or t


83 Printed on recycled paper