HOFFMAN'S BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Dry Goods -establishment. WOODBURN, SMITH & CO. Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Nos. 35 & 37 State-street. Lewis Woodburn, > Wm. Smith, (of the late firm of Smith, Strong?* Co.) > Wm. G. Dey Ermand. ) A. M. & W. N. STRONG, (Successors of Smith, Strong &. Co.) Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, At the old stand of Richard Marvin & Co. Nos. 73 & 75 Market-st. Anthony M. Strong William N. Strong Ellis Baker. n RICHARD McCABE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, No. 47 Market-street. SETH CRAPO, Wholesale and Retail Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, 77 Market-st. cor. of Division. ______Dry Goods and Groceries, No. 189 Market-st. DC?* Families supplied on the most reasonable terms. Il ' S. V. R. WATSON & BROTHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Leghorn and Straw Hals, Millinery Articles, Carpets, <$-c. No. 80 State-st. S. Van Rensselaer Watson, i William K. Watson. I JARED A. POST, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Foreign and Do­ mestic Dry Goods, No. 26 BROADWAY, (riRST DOOR NORTH MANSION HOUSE.) Cloths, Cassimersand Satinets, Mousselinede Laines and French Embroideries, Silks, Satins, Lace Veils, Gloves, Hosiery, Fashionable Shawls, Ribbons, Millinery Articles. WILLIAM J. FRYER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in German. India, English, French and American Dry Goods, No. 93 Market-street. Purchasers of Dry Goods are assured that at all times he will offer the largest and best assortment in the city and at the very lowest prices.

Stove Dealers, Sec. C. M'LOUGHLIN, Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker, Stoves and Store Furniture, No. 22 Hudson-street. On hand a general assortment of Copper, Tin, Sheet Iron, Japanned and Hollow Ware, Kitchen and Boat Furniture, Canal Boat Lamps, Copper and Tin Pumps, Globe Lanterns, Lamp Globes, Wicks and Glasses, &.c. Sec. All orders for making and repairing thankfully received. ROBERT HARVEY, General dealer in Stoves, and Manufacturer of Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Utensils, Nos. 20 6c 22 Green-st. A new and splendid assortment of Nott's Hall and Parlor Stoves. All orders punctually attended to. HENRY AUSTIN, Dealer in Stoves, Slove Fixtures, <$c Kitchen and Grocers' Furniture, Canal Boat Pumps, Bow- Lanterns, Copper, Tin-plate, Wire, Russia, English, and American Sheet Iron. Nos. 4 & 6 Green-street. HEERMANCE & THOMPSON, Varietij, Tin, Furnace and Stove Store, No. 5 Green-street. Mott's Patent Charcoal and Chip Furnaces and Self-Feeding Coal and Wood Cooking Stoves ; Combination Steam Conduct­ ing Cook Stoves ; Patent Agricultural Furnaces and Cauldrons ; Backus's Splendid Coal Stove, with ratifiers for parlors, &c. SEYMOUR & WHITNEY, (Successors to Daniel S. Kittle,) Dealers in Stoves, Plain and Japanned Tin Ware, and Kitchen Furniture generally, No. 8 Green-street.

Booksellers. ERASTUS H. PEASE, Bookseller and Stationer, No. 82 Slate-street. Theological, Medical, Classical, Standard Books for Libraries, School Books, Church Music, &c. &c. Sabbath School, Bible and Tract Depository. JAMES HENRY, Bookseller, Stationer and Blank Book Manufacturer, No. 71 State-street, Keeps constantly on hand, Day Books, Journals, Legers, Cash Books, Invoice Books, Registers, Letter Books, and a general assortment of half-bound Books of all sizes. Books ruled and bound to any pattern, on the shortest notice.

Refectories. BRIARE & WALKER'S Ice Cream Saloons, Knickerbacker Hall, No. 13 Broadway. Weddings and Parties supplied with Ice Creams, Bride Cakes, Charlotte Russe, Pyramids, Jellies, Pastry, Cakes. Their large and splendid Ball Room can be obtained for Private Dancing Parties, Fairs, Concerts, Arc. JAMES W. LAKE'S Old October Porter and Steak House. No. 8 Hudson-st. CLIMAX HOUSE. Foot of State-street, on the Pier. The subscriber has taken this celebrated establishment and fitted it up in a style not inferior to any other in the city. Refreshments served up at a moment's notice. GEORGE L. FOWLER. ISAAC TRADER, Keeper of Farmers' Lunch, Basement 46 State-st. Where may be had Liquors, Wines and other refreshments, all of which will be served up on as reasonable terms as any other establishment. Anderson's Ice Cream Saloons. CHARLES ANDERSON, Ornamental Confectioner, 54 BROADWAY. Pastry, Jellies, Charlotte Russe, Creams, &c, served up daily. j Wedding Cakes, Ornamental and Plain, Ornamental Pyramids, _x. and every other requisite for parties. i MARBLE PILLAR ; JOHN McCARDELL, Cor. of Siate-st. and Broadway, j This establishment challenges competition with any other in the State. Refreshments served up at a moment's notice. FERRY HOUSE, By WILLIAM A. HOUSE, (At the Ferry House,) 252 Market-st. Keeps at all times, Refreshments of all kinds, together with a choice selections of Wines, Liquors, _tc. All favors thankfully received. SQUIRES & EASTON'S, EXCHANGE OFFICE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Provisions, Fruits,

1* Public Houses. EAGLE TAVERN, (Late Cruttenden.) By H. H. CRANE, Corner of Market and Hamilton sts. AMERICAN HOTEL, By WILLIAM GAMBLE, 100 State-st. MONTGOMERY HALL, O. W. FISK, (Late of the Curtis House, Northampton, Mass.) ' No. 58 Market-street. I Next door to the General Stage Office, where Stages depart fori the North, East and West, daily ; also, the Albany and • Troy Stages leave half hourly, during the day. i CYRREL GILLETT, Proprietor of Washington Hall, No. 29 South Pearl-st. EASTERN HOTEL, HALL & SEYMOUR, No. 249 Market-st. near the Lower Ferry. EASTERN RAILROAD HOTEL, By J. MINOT, 155 & 157 Market-street. Near the Steamboat Landings and Stage Office. Single Meals 25 cents. BAYEUX & Co. RENSSELAER HOUSE, (Late Utica House.) Comer of Market and Church-streets. T. Bayeux, ) S. Segue. 5 T. T. CARR. PEARL-STREET HOUSE, Near Lvdius-st. | TREMONT TEMPERANCE HOUSE, No. 110 Broadway, NEW-YORK. • Nearly opposite the City Hotel, and on the corner of Broadway '• and Pine-st. I R. CHURCHILL. Druggist Establishments. HENRY RAWLS & Co. Druggists, No. 57 State-st. and at Apothecary's Hall. ] Also, dealers and manufacturers of Philosophical Apparatus for i the use of Colleges, Academies and Scientific Institutions. | ROBERT C. RUSSELL, | Wholesale Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Glue, Brushes, ej-c. 72 Stale-st. ALFRED I. GREENE, Office and Medicine Store, Corner South Pearl and Hudson-streets. J. & A. McCLURE, Wholesale Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Dye-Stuff's, Dye-Woods, Paints, Oils, Glass, Brushes, cj-c. 74 State-st. JOSEPH DAVIS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Drugs, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Glass, Varnishes, Brushes, _J-c. Also, House and Sign Painting. No. 78 State-st. opposite the Stale Bank. S. F. PHELPS, Wholesale dealer in Drugs, Medicine, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Glass-Ware, Brushes,

Produce Dealers. ELIJAH COBB & Co. Commission Merchants, and Wholesale Dealers in Flour, Produce and Provisions, AND AGENTS OF THE N. Y. & HAMMONDSPORT LINE. Elijah Cobb, 3 No. 116 Pier. Charles Sears, Jr. $ AMOS AVERY & Co. . Wholesale and retail dealers in Fruit and Groceries and Provisions, No. 74 Market-street. GRAY & HOAG, General Commission Dealers in Flour and Produce, No. 39 Quay-st. Henry Gray, Abram Hoag. C. W. BENTLEY, Commission Merchant, and dealer in Flour, Produce and Provisions, No. 80 Quay-st. AGENT NEW LINE BOSTON PACKETS.

Watchmaking and Jewelry, ABRAHAM FELLOWS, Importer of and Deader in Watchrs and Jnvclry. 24 Market-st. Silver Plated and Britannia Ware, Watch Materials, Tools, fee Watches carefully repaired, &c. &_. JOHN W. H. CANOLL, Manufacturer of Silver Work a-id Jewelry. And Dealer in Watches, Clocks, German Silver, Plated and Britannia Ware, Cutlery, Fancy Goods, Sec. No. 80 South Pearl-st. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c- repaired in the best manner ~T7H7CARSON! Dealer in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, tfc No. 70 State-st. PHILIP CLARK, Watch and Clock Maker, No. 162 Market-st. JOHN G. WHITNEY, Watch Case Maker and Jeweller, No. 98 State-st. Jobbing and repairing of all kinds. VISSCHER MIX, Manufacturing Jeweller, No. 18 Green-st. Keeps constantly on hand Jewelry of his own manufacturing. Repairing neatly done. —™_————————»———_———_____^^ Grocer Establishments. HENRY WRIGHT, Grocer and Stone Measurer, No. 231 Market-street, corner We.-terlo. WM. CRAPO & Co. Wholesale Grocers cf- Fruit Dealers, No. 7 State-street. L. Z. HARVEY, Keeps constantly on hand a general assortment of prime Groceries and Provisions, which will be dis­ posed of on reasonable terms. 234 Market-st. WILBUR & SELKIRK, Dealers in Groceries and Provisions, Corner of Church and Lydms-sts. S. V. R. Wilbur, Alex. Selkirk. JAMES TAYLOR, Dealer in Provisions and Groceries, Cor. of Green and S. Lansing-sts.

10 COUGHTRY & SICKLES, Dealers in Groceries and Provisions No. 82 S. Pearl: also 93 Pier. JAMES Mc-BURNEY, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, Southeast corner Green & Hudson-streets. Wines and Liquors kept constantly on hand. HAWKINS & HURST, No. 17 S. Pearl-sreet. Have constantly on hand a general and well selected stock of Groceries and Provisions, which they will dispose of on the most favorable terms. Orders respectfully solicited. Boot and Shoe Establishments. WILLIAM VOORHEES, Boot and Shoe Store, 1 15 Market-st, fifth door below the Eagle Tavern. ______

Boot and Shoe Store, Cor. Maiden-lane and James-street. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Hat and Cap Establishments. FREDERICK BLEYLE, Fashionable Fur and Silk Hat Store, No. 96 Market st. A general assortment of Satin Beaver Hats, warranted elastic water-proof. _5_i_--____--_--M--_«-_-_--i_-w_i_S_i 11 J. G. COTRELL, Wholesale and retail Hat Manufacturer, No. 38 Market st. Keeps constantly for sale, Fur and Silk Hats, Otter, For and Fur Seal Caps, Cloth, Sealette, Muskrat and Hair Seal Caps, Buffalo Robes, Fur Collars, _tc. All at reasonable prices. E. VANDERLIP, Jr. Fashionable Hat and Cap Emporium, 101 Market st. N. B. A general assortment of Travelling Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valises, Umbrellas, Stocks, Canes, &.C. JAMES CHASE & Co. Hat and Cap Dealers, 62 6c 64 Market st. Manufacture in the best style, Beaver, Nutria, Brush, Plain Russia, French Moleskin, Silk Hals, Caps, &c.

DRAPERS A*!D TAILORS. RELYEA, WRIGHT & ANDERSON, Drapers and Tailors, 8 Broadway. S. F. SHEPARD, Draper and Tailor, 110 Market st. Dealer in all kinds of Ready Made Clothing. J. HERMANS, Wholesale and retail Clothing Store, 40 Market street. All kinds of Ready Made Clothing low for cash.

,______. 13 " LAUNCELOT BE \V, Fashionable Clothing Store, No. 1 !4 Market-street. Garments made to order in the most approved manner. JOSEPH CHATTERSON, Draper and Tailor, No. 113 Market-st. Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings of the best kind made up to 1 order in the latest and most approved style. WILLIAM CONNELLY, Draper and Tailor, \ Commercial Buildings, _.« Maikr.--•;. Garments made to order in the most approved manner. MAYER & KLING, Drapers and Tailors, No. 5 North Pearl-st. C. S. Mayer, , II. M. Kling. (

WM. H. MAYER, Draper &? Tailor, No. 20 Beaver-st. Work made at this establishment warranted of a superior manufacture. R. MoDONOUGH, Merchant Tailor, 158 Market-st.


PRUYN, WILSON & VOSBURGH, Importers of Hardware, Cutlery, Steel, _,-c. No. 39 Stale-street. HUMPHREY & Co. Importers of Hardware, Nos. 41 & 43 State-st. JOHN COUGHTRY, Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery, <\c. Cor. South Pearl and Lvdius-sls.

DANIEL FRY, Importer and Dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, Hair Seating, Tinman's Bright Anvils, Hammers, ij-c. No. 10 Slate-street.

MARTIN VAN ALSTYNE & SON, | General Importers of Hardware, At the Sign of the Broad Axe. No. 50 State-st. ROSWELL STEELE, (LATE STEELE & HOWARD.) Importer, Manvfactarcr and Dealer in Saddle y Hardware, No. IS Market-street.

14 ygrryjESTA3L.gHME.iTS. THE VARIETY STORE. No. 41 Markct-sl. •_; IjThe subscriber has, and intends constantly to have in his Store, || a general assortment of j|| Fancy Goods, Baskets, Toys, Domestic Articles, II ej-c. at wholesale and, retail. }i STEPHEN VAN SCHAACK. j B.ll^~E..L. SPELMAN, Dealers in every description of Combs, Brushes, Buttons, Card Cases, Silver Pencils, ej-c. No. 17 Market-street.

Fashionable Millinery and Fancy Store. MISS R. NEWTON, Corner Division and Market-streets. Has on hand a choice and valuable selection of Zephyr Worsted, and Patterns. Infants' Clothing, Millinery and Trimming Warehouse, No. 501 BROADWAY. MRS. LEASK, i E. FINLAY. DEALERS m HIDES, M. j JACOB HOCHSTRASSER, Dealer in Leather, Hides and Oil, !l No. IS Hudson-street. I jii ____=___. CHRISTOPHER HEPINSTALL, No. 32 State-street, Manufacturer and Dialer in Leather of ail kinds, Wholesale wid Retail. GEORGE HEPINSTALL, Manufacturer and Dealer in Leather, Wholesale and Retail, No. 25 Hudson-street. J^.B. An assortment of the following articles, viz: Sole Lea­ ther, Harness, Band, Welt, Kip, Wax and Grain Upper, Fine Cordovan and Seal hkins, Calf Skins of various kinds, Black and fancy Colored Morocco, Linings and Bindings, Boot Fronts, Neat's Foot Oil, Shoe Thread, Knives, Awls, Bristles, fee. FRIEND HUMPHREY & Co. General Dealers in Hides, Leather, ey-c. 16 State-street.

MISCELLANEOUS. WM. BROWN & Co. Silver Platers and Manufacturers of Couch and Harness Plated Ware. No. 15 Church-st. Particular attention paid to plating House Door Lock Trimmings. SAW MAKING. T. W. I. GROVES, Saw Maker. :p •14 (»recti, near Hudr-on-st. j' Will True. Set, File and put all kinds of Saws in perfect order, i| on reasonable terms. 13

1Q R. S. MEACHAM, Piano Forte Manufacturer and, Dealer in Musical Instruments, No. 81 Siate-s'.rcet. NATHAN ST ARKS, Blacksmith, No. 13 Church-street, Ship, Steam and Boat work of all kinds, particularly attended to. Also, Edce Tools, Iron Hailing, House Work and Heavy Job­ bing ot" every description. A large assortment of ready made work kept on hand. WARDWELL& BARD WELL, S Importers and Dealers in China, Glass and Earthenu-ai e, No. 06 Slate-street. J. II. Wardwell, 3 J. A. Bard well. S CUTLER & VALENTINE, Albany General Intelligence and Land-Office, No. 49 BROADWAY. HAGAMAN & ALDRICH, .Dealers in Oysters, Clams, Foreign and Domestic Fruits of all kinds, wholesale and retail. 122 Market-street. All orders thankfully received, and punctually attended to. CRONK'S Genuine Compound Sarsaparilla Beer, for purifying the blood, manufactured at 281 S. Pearl-street.

2* O. B. OAKLEY, j Silver Plater, \ No. 11 Church-street. ! House Work done in the neatest manner, on reasonable terms. | All orders thankfully received and punctually attended to. I Dje to Live, and Live to Dye. JOHN NIBLOCK, No 43 Hudson-st. All kinds of Dyeing and Scouring done in the best possible manner Particular attention paid to Merchants' Goods. J. &, T. BRINKERHOFF & Co. Brush Manufacturers. No. 16 Green-st. A large assortment of Brushes of every description, constantly on hand. Machine Brushes made to order. Cash paid for Bristles. H AL S E Y WOODRUFF, Dealer in Lime and Plaster, Cor. of Hallenbake and Plain-sts, Cornhill Place. JOSEPH STRAIN, Soap and Candle Manufacturer, No. 59 Church-st. Keeps constantly on hand Soap of different qualities for Mer­ chants, cheaper than can be purchased in this city. Also Family Soap, one year old, and improved Mould Candles. J. J. LANSING, Broker atid General Agent, Office, No. 31 g Broadwav.

18 ALEXANDER GRAY & SON, Stone Cullers, Coiner Westerlo and Franklin-streets. They would inform their friends and the public, that the Stone Cutting Business,, in all its branches, is continued by them, at the above place, where orders will be promptly executed. j. N.~M7IHTRD" Exchange Office, No. 334 Market-street. F. INGMIRE, Hair Dressing and Shaving Establishment, '' Si_rn of the Golden Razor, 112 Market-st. Agent for Brandetli's Pills. LEMUEL STEELE & SON, Importers and Manufacturers of French and Ame­ rican Paper Hangings and Borders. Nos. 69 & 71 Market-st. ALFRED PIERCE, Coach Lace, Fringe and Tassel Manufacturer, Corner Hudson and Market-streets, Entrance second door west in Hudson-street, up stairs. Tassels of any pattern made to order. WILLIAM II. KEARNEY, Looking Glass and. Picture Frame Manufacturer, 30| Broadway, 2 doors above Mansion House. SCAT~TERGOOD & SONS, Turners and Cabinet Makers, Nos. 28 & 30 Church-sl.

19 *""""" IRA PORTER, House, Sign and Ornamental Painter, Gilder and Glazier, Cor. of Broadway and Sleuhcn-sts. Keeps constantly for sale Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, and a ge­ neral assortment of Brushes of the best quality. Block Letter Signs made to order. Paints in Pots mixed ready for use, and Instructions given. WILLIAM PESTER'S Bread, Cake and Cracker Bakery, Groceries and Provisions, Flour and Grain, Corner of Lark and State-streets. Families supplied with Wheat, Rye, Graham and Indian Bread, by leaving their address at the Bakery. AGENT FOR THE GENUINE BRANDRETH PILLS. CHEAP CASH STORE. ARTHUR BELEW, Wholesale and, Retail Dealer in Groceries, Provi­ sions, Vinegar, Grain, c\c. Respectfully announces to his friends and the public, that he has commenced business at the northwest corner of Green and Hudson-streets, and as he sells only for cash, families may be supplied twenty per cent lower than the usual credit prices. T. R. RICHARDSON, Paper Warehouse, Wholesale and Retail, No. 83^ Washinglon-st. A good assortment of Wall, Writing and Wrapping Paper, always on hand. N. B. Rags bought or taken in exchange. ~ HENRY~SWITZER, Fashionable Hair Dresser, ' No. 156 Market-street.

20 JOHN COOKE'S Bowling Saloon, No. 161 State-street continued. CASTLE G All DEN, No. 283 Slate-street continued. ALBERT GALLUP, SUCCESSOR OF L. & D. D. SHAW, No. 8 Stale-street, Has for sale at New-York prices, Russia, Italian, Manilla and Sunn Hemp, Rope and Cordage of all descriptions, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Rosin and Ship Chandlery. /ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN. CORS. TEN BROECK, Agent, Albany, Office, No. 9 Douw's Building. MISS F. GALPIN Bandbox Manufactory, No. 59 Maiden-lane. JOHN W. BRASHURE, Coach Lamp Manufacturer, No. 15 Church-street. N. B. Coach, Cab and Wagon Lamps made and repaired on the shortest notice, on reasonable terms. FREDERICK A. KEELER, Saddle, Harness and Trunk Maker, No. 84 Market-street. N. B. Fire Hose and Firemen's Hats, made to order.

21 S. VAN VALKENBURGH, Gunsmith, No. 12 Beaver-street, Manufacturer and Dealer in Rifles, Guns, Pistols, Powder, Shot, &c &c. Guns, St.. repaired on the most reasonable terms. EDWARD SHIRLEY, Nos. 125 and 127 Market-street, New and Second hand General Furnishing Store. He is prepared to furnish the citizens with a general assort­ ment of New and Second Hand Furniture, Clothing, &.C. Ac. on terms which cannot fail of pleasing. His slock in trade, is of the most extensive kind.

SAMUEL PINCOTT, Undertaker in General, Coffins, Hearse, Carriages and Interments in any of the Burying Grounds or Cemeteries, No. 52 Hudson-st. one door below Green. RICHARD STREET, Draper and Tailor, No. 20 Broadway, Has constantly on hand an assortment of Cloths, Cass'imeres arid Vestings, which.he will manufacture in a superior style, at 33i per cent below credit prices. M R S . C A M P 13 E L L , Fashionable Milliner, Corner Lvdius and Green-street's.


MORNING LINE, AT SEVEN O'CLOCK, A. M. THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT FOR NEW-YORK, BREAKFAST ON BOARD, TROY, j ALBANY, Capt. A. GORHAM, ' Capt. J. G. JENKINS. Leaves Albany, Leaves Albany, Monday, Wednesday and | Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. , Saturday. INDEPENDENT LINE, FROM THE PIER, FOOT OF STATE-ST. THROUGH DIRECT WITHOUT LANDING, THE SPLEN­ DID FAST SAILING STEAMER, D E WITT CLINTON, Capt. S. K. ROE. LEAVES ALBANY, LEAVES NEW-YORK, Monday, Wednesday and I Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, | Saturday, At Seven o'clock P. M. FOR NEW-YORK, LANDING AT THE INTERMEDIATE PLACES, CAR­ RYING THE U S. EXPRESS MAIL, THE LOW PRESSURE STEAMBOAT. SWALLOW, Capt. A. McLEAN, LEAVES ALBANY, LEAVES NEW-YORK, Tuesday, Thursday and ] Monday. Wednesday and Saturday, | Friday, At Five o'clock P. M. For passage, apply to the Captain on board, or at the office, foot of State-street. Notice, all Goods, Baggage, Freight, Spe­ cie, Bank Bills, or any other kind of property taken, shipped or put on board, must be at the risk of the owner or owners . 18.2. OH SIX DAY LINE.

__ '.. ? '•:..-:'-•;'-^-'ar_

Merchandise intended for this Line, will be shipped by the ECKFORD LINE TOW-BOATS, Which leave New-York, foot of Broad-street, daily, (Sundays ex­ cepted.) at 5 o'clock P. M. EKIE CANAL. Two boats of this Line, well fitted for Freight and Passengers, will leave Albany every day (Sundays excepted,) forBuffalo : STEAMERS ON THE LAKES. Madison, Erie, Jefferson, Buffalo, Missouri, Fair Port. One of the above Boats will leave BUFFALO for DETROIT and intermediate Ports, every day ; and in connection with the above Boats, a Boat of this Line will leave Buffalo three times a week, for the UPPER LAKES. Also, a number of first rate vessels, one of which will be at all times in readiness, at Buffalo, to receive Freight for any Port on Lake I>ie, Huron and Michigan. OHIO CANAL. Two boats of this Line will leave CLEVELAND daily, for PORTSMOUTH and intermediate places. G. J. LEET, Esq. Portsmouth, Ohio, will forward by steam, Merchandise, &.c. to the different Landings on the Ohio, Southern and Western Rivers. D E. LORD, 61 Quay-st. Albany, Proprietor. Jgenls—R. W. NEWTON, 127 Broad-st New-York. WM. MOORE, Rochester. THEO. CHAPIN, Buffalo, N. Y. CELEBRATED immd, SMUFF AND SEGAI #11 , ^-'-C ^W._.-<_^^i*"_^-_--. s - -1_®^H^^_%3a&qm&*Z4&_ I -*<€_ i. &

T. B. Iliddcr, MANUFACTUI1EE OK FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO. Havana, Principe and other favorite and choice brands of Segars, Dealer in PIPES and SNUFF BOXES, and other articles connected with the trade, at No. 78 SOUTH PEARL-STREET, .(SIGN OF THE INDIAN,) Would inform his friends and the public, that all articles in lis line, of a superior quality, can be obtained as above, on as "asonable terms as at any other establishment, in the city. 3 1842. ALBANY AND MICHIGAN LINE

MERCHANDISE AND PASSENGERS FOR WARDED DAILY TO WESTERN NEW- • YORK A N 1) A L L WE S T E R N PORTS ON THE LAKES. PROPRIETORS. PERKINS & ANDERSON. 59 Quay-street, Albanv. RICH, ELLISON et Co. Washinglon-st. Rochester. AGENTS. S. L. Meech, No. 9 South-st. New-York. Perkins & Anderson, 59 Quay-st. Albany. Rich, Ellison __ Co. Rochester. W. Ruxton & Co. and I. M. Hubbard, Buffalo. Gillett & Hickox, Cleveland, Ohio. Ship by Eckford Line of Tow-Boats, No. 15 South-st. N, YON


CHARLES M. FOWLER, Would respectfully inform his friends and the public that hi has removed his Livery Establishment to 53 Hamilton-st. next door to Goold's Coach Factory, where he can accommodate all who call, with superior horses and carriages of every description, on terms to suit the times. He trusts by strict attention to busi­ ness, to merit a share of public patronage. N. B. Carriages for funerals, Cabs, &c. &c. can be had ;-\ all times. CHARLES T. SMYTH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN Flour. Fish, Coarse and Fine Salt, &c. \UKnt of Commercial Line of Boston and Albany Packets and Western Railroad Company. All kinds of property received and forwarded to Boston and intermediate places, (hv Vessel or Rail­ road as may be directed,) with despatch. No. 40 QUAY-STREET. "iRiMTWALKER'S ICE CREAM SALOONS,


Knickerbacker Hall, No. 13 BROADWAY. Weddings mid Parties supplied with Ice Creams, Bride Cakes, Charlotte Russe, Pyramids, Jellies, Pastry, Cakes, 8_c. J'heir large and splendid Ball Room can be obtained for Private Dancing Parties, Fairs. Concerts, &c. 1842. Forwarding and Commission Business.

WESTERN NAVIGATION CO. COMPRISING THE NEW-YORK AND Oilh •• LINE, NEW-YORK LINE, UTICA AND BUFFALO LINE. Freight and Passengers will be forwarded to and from Nov.- York, and to and from any port on the Erie and Ohio Cana'~, Lake Erieand the upper Lakes, with despatch. Two Boaisdail. from Albany and Buffalo. FOR FREIGHT OR PASSAGE, APPLY TO Noah Cook, 108 Broad-st. New-York. O. M. Tomlinson & Co. 59 Quay-st. Albany. J. Chappell.. Co. Rochester, N. Y. E. S. Beach, Rochester, N. Y. A. R. Cobb & Co. Buffalo, N. Y. Cobb, Oatman d. Co- Cleveland, Ohio. Mark packages " W. N. Co." and ship by Eckford l.vi-? of Tow Boats, foot of Broad-street, New-York. LIVERY STABLE BUSINESS.

DEXTER 8c VEAZIE, Respectfully inform the citizens of Albany and vicinity tha ihey have taken the new Brick Stable corner of Hamilton an.! Liberty-street, in the rear of the Eagle Tavern, where they wii. be happy to accommodate their friends and customers with hors'"- and carriages of every description, at reasonable rates 1842.


LEAVE Albany and New-York Daily.

C. S. OLMSTED, ) rR n , A1, H A WILLI VMS I Quay-st. Albany. I. NEWTON, 15 South-st. New-York. 1842. ERIE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY

NEW-YORK AND BUFFALO LINE. BY STEAM ON THE LAKES. APPLY TO D. Bromley, 123 Broad-street, New-York. H. Bromley & Co. No. 1. State-st. Albany. J. M. Fish & Co. Rochester. Beecher, Johnson & Co. / _ «• i T •». ii i cuffalo. J. Maxwell, ) Mark Packages " E. T. Co." and ship by Swiftsure Tow-Boats, which leave foot of Broad-st. daily, at 5 o'clock, P. M. 3* 1842.

Forwarding and Commission Merchant, AND AGEKT OF THE

REOULAB LINE BOSTON PACKETS, OFFICE, No. 101 PIER. Regular days of Sailing from each place, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Agent-ISAIAH BANGS, 15 Long Wharf, Boston. 1842. eOMMEROSAL TRANSPORTATION CO.

JOSEPH I. CARTER & Co. Proprietors, Albany. Freight and Passengers forwarded to Buffalo, Oln Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and Missouri. APPLY TO EhFmNorton!ata'S' \ 23 Water' cor' BroaJ-st- New-York Jos. I. &. Wm. H. Carter, 2 State-st. up stairs, Albanv. T. Pease & Co. Rochester. H. H. Treat, Buffalo. 1842. ERIE CANAL %'i>}milWffcTim BAIL-MO LINE,


Merchandise, Furniture and Passengers forwarded to Western New-York, and all Ports West and South of Buffalo, with prompt­ ness and despatch. PROPRIETORS. S. Drullard _c Co. 99 Pier, Albany. Nottingham 8_ Redding, Rochester. J. Nottingham & Co. Buffalo. AGENTS. S. C. Gray, 127 Broad-street, New-York. .Mark packages " Rail-Road Line," and ship by Albany and Canal Line Tow Boats, foot Broad-street, New-York. LYMAN J. LLOYD,

-"CfliUO.O*--"^0 Saddle and Harness Maker, No. 80 MARKET STREET. Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags and Whips kept constantly on hand. Particular attention paid to Military Work. 1842. NATIONAL LINE.

MERCHANDISE AND PASSENGERS FOR WARDED DAILY TO WESTERN NEW- YORK, OHIO, MICHIGAN, ILLI­ NOIS, INDIANA, WISCON­ SIN, MISSOURI, KEN­ TUCKY, &c. APPLY TO S. L. Meech, No. 9 South-street, New-York. Waring, Stockton & Co. Buffalo. R. Meech, Rochester. H. Meech and H. Pease, No. 59 Quay-st. Albany.

YET LIVING. WILLIAM GIFFIJY. No. 14 Norton-street. Opposite Centre Market, Where all shades of colors are done as usual. SCOURING. All kinds of Scouring done on the shortest notice. All orders will be thankfully received by him and carefully attended to. 1842. WESTERN TRANSPORTATION.

•ac-.-'Jw . - ERIE CANAL 1ANE. The proprietors of the above line would inform the freighting public that they are now prepared, and will start two boats daily, (Sabbaths excepted,) from Albany and Buffalo, connected with a line of Tow-Boats on the Hudson River and Reed's Steam­ ers on the Lakes. All property entrusted to their care will be forwarded with safety and despatch. The patronage so liberally bestowed for the last ten years is still solicited. E. M. TEALL fc Co. FOR FREIGHT OR PASSAGE APPLY TO J. H. Pratt, 17 Coenties Slip, New-York. Tapley __• Crane, 27 and 28 Commercial Wharf, and Charles Skiers, 1 Mercantile Wharf, Boston. E. M. Teal & Co. 40 Quay-st. Albany. Sidney Allen, Rochester. Kinne, Davis S_ Co. Buffalo. Blair 8. Parks, Cleveland, Ohio. Chester &. Slringham, Detroit, Michigan. Bristol & Porter, Chicago, Illinois. HURDIS: &TSPALDING,

RS, GLAZIERS AND GILDERS, No. 9 Church-st. and cor. S. Bead and Lydius-sts. Keep constantly for sale, Paints, Oil, Glass, Putty, &c. of the best quality. Also, JAPANNING, in all its branches, executed with neatness and despatch. HARNDEN & CO'SlSB ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN, Forwarding Commission House, and Boston, , Southern and Western PACKAGE EXPRESS AND FOREIGN LETTER OFFICE, Office 12 Exchange, Albany. Messrs. H. & Co's Package Express is run daily between Bos- ton, New-York, Philadelphia, Albany and Troy. Packages for Buffalo and the intermediate places will be forwarded via Utica. Syracuse, Auburn, Seneca Falls, Geneva, Canandaigua, Ro­ chester and Batavia. From Buffalo west to Chicago and the intermediate places. through Hawley 8_ Co's Express, and through Jacobs' Express to the Canadas. Messrs. Harnden and Co. will attend to the Negotiation, Trans fer, Collection or Payment of Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Ac­ counts, Bills of Exchange, &c. on any of the New-England Ci­ ties or towns. N. B. Harnden and Co. pay particular attention to the execu­ tion of Custom House business in Boston, New-York and Liver pool. ENGLAND AND FRANCE. Specie, Packages, Parcels and all kinds of Freight, will be received at our office and forwarded to any part of England, Ireland, Scotland and France, by Cunard's Royal Mail Steamers from Boston, or by steam and sailing packets from New-York. LETTER BAGS. The Cunard Royal Mail Steamers, will be made up at the New-York, Philadelphia and Albany Offices, twice a month. Also, Letter Bags for the Steamers and Sailing Packets from New-York. OFFICES. W. B. S. Gay, 12 Exchange, Albany ; W. B. S. Gay, 238 River st. Troy; J. M. Thompson, Springfield ; A. Rice, Pittsfield . Geo. A. Hamilton, Worcester; C. M. Brown, Philadelphia; B. W. Wheeler, Providence; Wilmer & Smith, Liverpool and Lon­ don ; Emerson & Co. Paris and Havre ; Harnden & Co. 8 Court st. Boston; Harnden & Co. 3 Wall st. New-York. REFERENCES. J. E. Thayer 8_ Co. Boston; Goodhue & Co. New-York ; Can & Hart, Philadelphia; Fletcher, Alexander & Co. London and Liverpool; AVelles & Co. Paris and Havre; E. Corning S_ Co. T. W. Olcott, J. Taylor, A. D. Patchin, Watts Sherman, E. E Kendrick, Albany. ____£_ POMEROY & CO. •Albany, Buffalo and Toronto, Jf. C Express, Daily, Messrs. POMEROY _s Co. are now running a Daily Express •n and from Albany and Buffalo, and intermediate places, leaving each place every evening, (Sundays excepted,) for the speedy and safe transportation of Specie, Bank Notes, Packages, Par­ cels, &c. for Collecting and Paying Notes, Bills, Accounts, etc. executing Orders, purchase and sale of Goods and Produce, and attending to a General Agency and Commission Business at the above named and intermediate places. All business entrusted to our care shall meet prompt and im­ mediate attention, and in all cases prompt returns made. POMEROY & Co. •5 Exchange. Messrs. P. & Co. have established and are now running in ad- lition to the above " GREAT WESTERN EXPRESS," the (fallowing Express Lines, viz: Albany to Schenectady, daily, " Oswego, Sachet's Harbor and Kingston, U. C. weekly " Ithaca, daily. Thomas S. Hyatt, Importer and Manufacturer. OF HAVANA & PRINCIPE, AND OTHER Brands of Segars, ALSO Mrs. Miller's Snuff and Tobacco. FOR SALE AT 84 SOUTH PEARL-STREET. Umbrella and Parasol Manufactory, AND

CHEAP PAPER STORE, WILLIAM RICHARESON Would inform his old customers and the public gene­ rally, that he is now at No. 60J SOUTH PEARL-STREET, (One door below the the cor. of Hamilton-st,) AVhere he makes to order, covers and repairs Umbrellas, Pa­ rasols, &c. in the neatest, cheapest and most durable manner, on the shortest notice. Also, on commission, for sale VERY LOW; all kinds of Wall, Writing and Wrapping Paper, Writing Books Fireboard Prints, &c. Please to CALL AND SEE. N. B. Rooms papered on the shortest notice, and all work- done, warranted. "LIVERY STABLE,

GEORGE HARRIS, Comer of Maiden-lane and James-street. Horses and Carriages to let by the day or week. Also Horse. kept by the day or week, on reasonable terms. 1842. NEW-YORK TRANSPORTATION LINE,

MERCHANDISE AND PASSENGERS FOR­ WARDED TO WESTERN NEW-YORK, OHIO, MICHIGAN, ILLINOIS, &c. Boats leaving Albany and Buffalo daily. FOR FREIGHT OR PASSAGE APPLY TO Thomas A. Jerome, 117 Broad-street, New-York. Chase and Evans, foot State-street, Albany. Northrop 8_ Hayward. Rochester. John R. Evans & Brother, Buffalo. Mafk Packages " N. Y. TRANS. Co." and ship by Swiftsure Line Tow-Boats from New-York. MARBLE WORKS,

Thomas K. Kenny, No. 232 STATE-STREET, (cor. of Swan,) Furnishes to order at short notice, on reasonable terms, and in the best style of the art, Cut Marble of every description, including Chimney Pieces of Egyptian, Italian, Irish and Ame­ rican Marble, Pier and Centre Tops for Tables, Bureaus, S_c. Monuments, Gravestones, Sinks, _tc. BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY.

Cor. N. Pearl and State-sts. entrance in new building next to Apothecaries' Hall on Pearl-st. The subscribers continue to manufacture to order, Blank Books of every description, of the best paper the market af­ fords, and in a style for neatness and durability not to be sur­ passed. Also, on hand and for sale a general assortment of Account Books, such as Legers, Day Books, Journals, Cash Books, Registers, Letter Books, Receipt Books, Bill Books, Bank Books, Pass Books, &c. 8_c. in every variety and on rea­ sonable terms. They will pay particular attention to the binding and rebind- ing of Periodicals, Music Books, Law and Miscellaneous works, and to fitting up Libraries, public or private. WARNER & BOYNTON. HARVEY H. "CORNING^

BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, No. 82 STATE-STREET, ("OYER ERASTUS H. PEASE'S BOOKSTORE.J Blank Books of every description made to order. Paper of any size ruled to any pattern. Constantly on hand and for sale at the lowest cash prices, a large assortment of Legers, Jour­ nals, Cap and Day Books, Invoice and Letter Books, 8.C. &c. Particular attention paid to binding Music Books, Newspapers and Law Books. Edge Gilding and Marbleing, Turkey Mor- rocco Binding, &e. Albany Steam Planelng, Plaster Mill, and Plane Factory.

1,111 <"11' f iOT -

•---._-.••: '«'fej_^ __^^S___g_l JOHN GIBSON, CORNER OF WATER AND SPENCER-STREETS AND THE DOCK. Plank and Board Planeing, Sawing, fee. done at short notice.—Plank, Boards, Lath, Ground and Boiled Plaster, and an exten­ sive assortment of Carpenter's Tools, at Wholesale and Retail. :~lllif Siox of~x__tlTTTol_SE5cI_i_.W-T_.ir

'Vtj^y "^ **»r_W' -**i3*jr- ^JC__8J_L


("rt/rfrs r/// //// r//>r>/v /'//.s/zuss ,'// ,v// //.v ryr/r/ws />/rr//r//r.s Ifr. P/.AIX, /'fxr/i.t \-Sir/;it /f.xr/i.i, It//.\- rt ft/•••// //if ///P.sf /Yrr.w/t- "H )///?//' /rr/ti-w />/'//// /V.v/ in/f/r/ vW/.v^ H'or/r/iuni^ Iff). N-. AX ASSOKTXH.VT KKl'TOX IIANJL^ E-t O F F _?_. .?. I\ ' S. A BANY DJRKCTORY. AND City Register.

. FOR THE YEARS 1842-3,


CONTAINING Tile n;L*n<.s, nreipatiun and place of residence of all heads uf families, firms, itrid tin.so doing business in the City, in i i•••• •• : aluli.ih'.-lir- .1 ..--v.-tiig •men;. *•.!-. much other \ic-ful and interesting matter.

ALBANY : FRITTED 11'/,. G. HOFFMAN, Corner of South Market and Division-streets.

1S42. Abrevialions made use of in this Directory. In all cases where the streets bear the same name but are known as North and South, they are designa­ ted by the italic letters n. ands. In most cases res or r. for residence, and h. for house. The word street in all cases is left out. ALMAMAC FOB, 18-2=3. .1 • 8 s*. a. ft-. C 53; -_ « S' s « ~3 . »i •s_a . ~3 i*_ -_ _ s •__ = _S- : i CO «

:£R s 1 h. Frida i_ .s *>, ..s 2 ~3 4 Dec 2Q ,^ — jM 1 -'~I" — 2 "3 9 10 11 4 5! 6 7 S 910 lia. M'lyllr. 17,18; 11 1213 14:1516 17 11!) 20 21 2223 21 2-31 813 18 19 20 21 22 23|24 |26 2329 30 — - 25 26,27 2Sl2a.30j.3l Ju _ —,_' xll 2 'J\ — i i ^ 5 6: 7 8, ° 1 2 3 4 51 61 7 12 13,11 15 [— —: !27 28 29 30 31!- In _-__rJ HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER.

STREETS, LANES, ALLEYS, &c. All the streets running- west from the River, com­ mence their numbers at the eastern boundary. All {hose running parallel with the river, (excepting ^Montgomery and Water, which commence their numbers at the southern boundary,) commence • numbering at the northern boundary. Several of the Streets have no buildings upon them Academy Park, fronts on Eagle and Elk streets and Capitol Park Alexander st., from s. Pearl to western boundary, 1st g. Bassett Aim House Square,fronts onGansevoort,Snipe,Perry and Ferry Arch street, from River to Alms house square, 1st south Ferry Bassett street, from River to s. Pearl, 2d south Schuyler Bleecker street, from River to s. Pearl, 1st south Lydius Beaver street, from s, Market to Eagle, 1st south State Bradford st. Snipe to western boundary, 1st s. Sch'y turnpike Broadway, from north boundary to State Broad Street, from Beaver creek to Southern boundary Cahal Basin, fronts Water, Lawrence, Montgomery and Dewitt Canal-street, from n. Pearl to' Elk Capitol Park, fronts on Eagle and State sts and Academy Park Capitol street, from State to Lancaster, 1st west Eagle. Catharine street, from Clinton to Swan Center street, from Lumber to CanaLBasIn Cherry street, from River to Franklin, 1st south_Schuvler Church streets,- from Ferry to s. Market, 1st west «. Market Chapel street, from State to Patroon, 1st west n. Pearl . Chesnut street, from Hawk to Lark, 1st south State Cortland street, from Delaware turnpike to Alius House Sqare Colonie street, from Water to western boundary Columbia street, from River to Eagle, 3d north State Clinton Square, fronts on s. Pearl, Patroon and Orange streets Clinton street, from southern boundary to Beaver creek Dallius st, from southern boundary to Lydius 1st east Green Daniels street, from Beaver to Eagle Dean street, from Steuben to Hudson, 1st west Quay Delaware square, fronts on Delaware turn. Ferry, Lark, Lydius Delaware-street fromClinton to Hawk Denoiston-street, from s. Market to Liberty De Witt- street, trom Canal Basin to /.-Market I'iagonal-street, fromLiborty to junction of Hudson and Union Division-street, from River to Phillip, 3d south of State Dove^st, from northern to southern boundary, 3d west Eagle < Eajle-stre et, from southern boundary to Fox


Elizabeth- street, from Alexander to Beaver creek Elk-s.,from Eagle to western boundary 1st north Washington Erie-street, from southern boundary to Schenectady turnpike Exchaogfr-stree , from River to Broadway, 1st north State Fayette- street, from Academy Park to Swan Ferry- street'from River to western boundary,3d south Ly^ius- First-street, from Ten Broeck to Western boundary » FrankEn-st.from Lydius to southern boundary Is east Ganseyoort-st, River to western boundary, southernmost st Grand-st, from Beaver to s. boundary. Green st, from state to southern boundary, 1st west». Market Hawk-st, from northen to southern boundary, 1st west Eagle Hamil-on-st, .from River to western boundary 1st north Lydius Hare-street, from head of Orange to western boundary Herkimer-street, from River to Delaware Square Howard- street, froms. Pearl, to Eagle, 1 south Slate Hudson-street, from River to western boundary Hudson Square, fronts on Washington, Partridge and Ontari t High-street,, from State to Hudson, 2d west Eagle Jackson-st,Colonie to Spencer, b.n. Market and Montgomery James street, State to Columbia, between Broadway and Pearl Jay-street, from Eagle to Lark, 3d south State John-street, _r.ii. River to Franklin, 1st north Ferry Knox-street, fromElkto southern boundary, first west Lark Lark-st, from southern boundary to Patroon. 4th west Eagle Lawrence-street, from River to n-Market.lstoorth CanalBasin Lewis _41ley, from Hallenbeck west to Philip Lumber-st, from River to western boundary 'ids. Canal Basin Lydius-street, from River to western boundary Lancaster-st, from Eagle to western boundary, 2d south State Lodge-street, from Howard to Columbia, 2d" v. est n. Pearl Liberty-st, from Hudson to Lydius, 1st west s. Market Maiden-lane from River to Eagle, 1st north State Mercer-st, from Delaware turnpike to Alms House Square Montgomery-street, from Steuben to northern boundary Morris-street, from Delaware Square to western boundary Morton-street, from Clinton to Dove Mulberry-street, from River to Franklin. 3d south Lydius North Ferry-street, from Bath Ferry to n. Market North Lansing-st, from River to ». Market, 2d s. Canal Basin North Pearl-street, from State to a, boundary. North Square, fronts on Lark, Fox, Knox and Elk Norton street,(Iate Store Lane) from Green to s. Pearl Nucella-street, from River to Gansevoort HOFFMAN S CITY REGISTER. Ontario-st, northern to southern boundary, 2d w. Aim House Orange-street, from River to Hare, 4th north State Patridge-st, from southern boundary to Schenectady turnpike Patroon-st, from n. Market to western boundary 6th n. State Peny-st, beginning at Aim-house Square, s. to n boundary Pier, runs from foot of Hamilton north 4323 feet, and 80 feet broad to the foot of Lawrence-street, forming a basin of an area of 32 acres and 1-10th Pine-street, from Chapel to Eagle, 2 north State Philip-street, from Lydius to Hudson, 3d west s. Pearl Plain-street, from s. Pearl to Philip, 1st south Hudson Pleasant street from Western to Schenectady turnpike. Plumb-street, from River to Franklin, 1st south Basset Providence st, from Delaware turnpike to Alms House Square Quackenbush st. from River to n. Market, 1st north Orange Quail-st. from northern to southern boundary, 1st w. Alms h Quay-st. 3long the dock, from southern to northern boundary Rensselaer street, from river to s. Pearl, 2d south Ferry Robin-st, from Almshouse square to Washington 1st w..Snipe Rose-stieet, from Hamilton to Lydius, 1st west Green Sand-street, from Lark to western boundary Schuyler-st, from River to Clinton, 5th south Ferry Second-street, from Ten Broek to western boundary Souh Lansing- st, from River to Franklin, 1st south Herk South Market street, from State to Gansevoort South Pearl street from State to Gansevoort Spencer st, from River to n. Market, 1st south Lumber Spruce-st, from Eagle to" Lark, 1st north Elk State-street, from River to western boundary Steuben-st, from River to Eagle, 2d north State Snipe-st, beginning at Alms house, to northern boundary .Swan-st, from southern to northern boundary 2nd w Eagle Ten Broeck-st. from Patroon lo-lst west Orchard Third street, from Ten Broeck to western boundary " Union street from Lydius to Hudson, 2d west s. Market Van Tromp-st from n. Market to n. Pearl 1st north Columbian Van Schaick-st from n. Pearl to Hare, 1st west Fox Van Woert-st from n. Market to western boundary Vine-street, from River to Franklin, south Nucella Warren-st, from Eagle to Almshouse Square, 2d north Ferry iWashington-st, Academy and Capitol Parks to w. boundary Washington Square, fronts on State, Knox, Lydius and Willet HOFFMAN S CI TV REGISTER. Water-st, from northern boundary to Steuben, 1st west Quav Westerlo-st, from River to Delaware Square, 2d south Lydius William-street, from Lydius to Howard, 1st west s, Pearl Wilson-st, from n. Market to Ten Broeck, 1st south Lumber Willett street, from State to Lydius, 1st west Lark Yates-street, from Delaware square to western boundary. AN ACT # - For the division and equalization of the wards of the city o' Albany, and fot other purposes. [Passed March 30, 1841.] FIRST WARD.—Beginning at a point where the south bourds of the city intetsect the west line of Rensselaer county, thenee running north along the east bounds of the city to a point oppo­ site the centre of Arch-street ; thence westerly through the cen­ tre of Arch-street to the centre of Hallenbake-street ; thence northerly through the tentre of Hallenbake-street to the centre of Arch street fiom the west ; thence westerly through the cenfreof Arch-slreet to the centre of Eagle-street ; thence southerly .through the centre of Eagle street to the south bounds of the city ; thence easterly along said south bounds to the place of be­ ginning. SECOND WARD.—Beginning at the intersection ol the centre of Arch-street with the east bounds of the city, and running thence northerly along the said east bounds of the city to a point opposite the centre of Herkimer-street ; thence westerly along the centre of Herkimer-street to the centre of Pearl-street ;— thence southerly along tha centre of Pearl-street te the centre of Westerlo-street ; thence westerly along the centre of Westerlo- street to the centre of Hallenbake-street; thence northerly along the centre o? Hallenbake-street to the centre of Westerlo-street from the west ; thence westerly along the centre of Westerlo- street to the centie of Eagle%treet ; thence southerly along the centre of Eagle-street to the centre of Arch-street ; thence east­ erly akang the centre of Arch-street to the centre of Hallenbake- street ; thence southerly along the centre of Hallenbake-street to the centre of Areh-street-from the east ; (hence easterly along the centre of Arch-street to the east bounds of the city and place of beginning. THIRD WARD.—Beginning at a point in the easterly bounds o' the city opposite the centre of Heikimer street; and running thence northerly along said east beunds to a point opposite the centre of Hamilton street; thence westerly along the centre of Hamilton street to the centre of Eagle street . thence southerly along the centie of Eagle street to the centre of Westerlo street; thence easterly along the centre of Westerlo street to the eentre of Hallenbake street ; thence southerly along the centre of H 1 lenbake street to the centie of Westerlo street from the east;— thence easterly through the centre of Westerlo street to the centre of Pearl street; thence northerly through the centre of Pearl street to the centre of Herkimer street ; thence easterly along the centre ef Herkimer street to the place ot beginning. HOFFMAN'S CITY BEGISTr.R- FOURTH WARD.—Beginning at a point in the east bouncs of the city opposite the centre of Hamilon street, and running thence northerly along said east bounds to a point opposite the centre of State^tieet bridge ; thence westerly through the cen­ tre of State street bridge and State street to the centre of Eagle street; thence southerly along the centie of Eagle street to the ceptre of Hamilton street^ thence easterly along the centre of Hamilton street to the east bounds of the city and place of-be- ginning. FIFTH WARD.—Beginning at a point in the east bounds of the city opposite the centre of State street bridge ; thence running northerly along said east bounds to a point opposite the centre of Columbia street bridge; thence westerly along the centre of said bridge and of Columbia street to the centre of Pearl street ;— thence northerly along the centre of Pearl street to the centie of Fox street ; thence westerly along the centre of Fox street to the centre of a street thirty six Ryland feet in width, and lead­ ing from Kox to Spruce streets ; ihence southerly through the centre of said street to the centre of Spruce street ; thence eatterly through the centre of Spruce street to the centre of Ea­ gle street ; thence southerly through the centre of Eagle street to the cantre »f State street ; thence easterly along the centre of State street and of the State street bridge to the east bounds of the city and place of beginning. SIXTH WARD.—Beginning at a point in the east bounds of the city opposite the centre of the Columbia street bridge, and run­ ning thence northerly along said east bounds to a point opposite the centre of Lamber street ; thence westerly along the centre of Lumber street to the centre of»Ten Broeck street ; thence southerly along the centre of Ten Broeck street to the centre of Patroon street ; thence easterly along the centre of Pijjroon- street to the centre of Chapel street ; thence southerly along the centre of Chapel street to the centre of Fox street ; thence easterly along the centre of Fox street to the centre of Pearl street ; thence southeily along the centre of Pearl street to the centre of Columbia street ; thence easterly along the centre of Columbia stroet and of the Columbia street bridge to the east bounds of the city and place of beginning. SEVENTH WARD.—Beginning at a point in the east bounds of the city opposite the centre of Lumber street ; and running thence northerly along the east bounds of the city until it strikes a point opposite a red cedar post with brick around it, standing on the west bank of the Hudson river, which post is distant twenty-two chains and thirty six links from the south-east cor­ ner of the storehouse of on a course, north forty degrees and twenty minutes west ; thence westerly to the said cedar post; thence north forty-eight degrees west to the west bounds of the late town of Colonie ; thence southerly HOFFMAN s CITV REGISTER. along said west bounds to the centre of Lumb.r street ; thence easterly along the centre of Lumber street to the east bounds of said city and place of beginning. EIGHTH WARD.—Beginning at the intersection of the centres of Fox and Chapel stree's ; thence running northerly along the centre of Chapel street to the centre of Patroon street ; thence westerly along the centre of Patroon street to the centre of Ten Broeck street ; thence northerly along the centre of Ten Broeck street to the centre of Lumber street; thence westerly along the centre of Lumber street to the west bounds of the late town of Colonie ; thenee southerly along said west bounds to tha cen­ tre of Patroon street : thence easterly along the centre of Pa­ troon street to the centre of Lark street,- thence southerly along the centre of Lark street to the centre of Spruce street; thence easterly along the centre of Spruce street to the centre of a street leading from Spruce to Fox street of thirty-six Ryland feet in width ; thence northerly along the centre of said street to the centre of Fox street ; thence easterly along the centre of Fox g reet to the place of beginning. NINTH WARD.—Beginning at the intersection of Eagle and State streets, and running thence northerly along the centre of TEagle street to the centre of Spruce street ; thence westerly a- long the centre of Spruce street to the centre of Lark street; thence nortflerly along the centre of Lark street to the centre of Patroon street ; thence westerly along the centre of Patroon street to the west bounds of the late town of Colonie ; thence southerly to the south side of Patroon street"; thence westerly along the north range of the city to the west.bounds thereof • thence southerly along said west bounds to the centre of Lydius street ; thence easterly along the centre of Lydius street to the centre of Main avenue ; thence northerly through the centre thereof to the centre of State street ; thence easterly along the centre of State street to the place of beginning. TENTH WARD.—Beginning at the intersection of the centre of Eagle street with the south bounds of the city, and running thence north through the centre of EagU street to the centre of State street ; thence westerly through the centre of State street to the centre of Main avenue ; thence southerly through the centre of Main avenue to the eentie of Lydius street ; Thence westerly along the centre of Lydius street to the west bounds o_ the city; thence southerly along said west bounds to the south bounds uf the city ; thence easterly along said south bounds to the place of beginning. OFFICERS TO BE ELECTED.—§2. The third,fourth, fifth,sixth' seventh and eighth wards shall be entitled each to elect in the manner prescribed by law, two Aldermen, one Supervisor, one Assessor, one Collector, one Constable,one School Commission HOFFMAN S CIT.' REGISTER. er, and one School Inspector. The first, second, ninth, and tenth wards shall be entitled each to elect in the manner pres­ cribed by law, two Aldermen, one Constable, CDe School Com­ missioner, and one School Inspector. The first and second wards together shall be entitled according to law to elect one Supervisor, one Assessor, and one Collector. The ninth and tenth wards shall be entitled to elect together according to law, one Supervisor, one Assessor, and one Collector. ELECTION, WHES TO BE HELD—§ 3. The mayor of the said city of Albany, together with the officers named in the second section of this act, shall be chosen and elected on the second Tuesday of April in each year ; and the persons who shall be elected as such mayor and aldermen shall be sworn into office on the second Tuesday of May next following, or as soon thereafter as they shall appear in common council. FIRST ELECTION.—§ 4 The first election under this act for the officers aforesaid, shall be held on the second Tuesday of April, one thousand eight hundred and forty one, and the poll of the election in the said several wards, at the election so to be held as aforesaid, on the second Tuesday of April in each year, shall be kept open from the hour of eight in the morning until- the hour of six in the afternoon. $ 6. This act shall take effect immediately. SHERIFFS AND CLERKS. 184a.

SHERIFFS. CLERK.. Amos Adams, Henry B. Haswell, John F. Wright, William Windsor, Levi Dimmick, John C. Moore, Abram Searl, Geo. W. Gillett, Geo. H. Carr, Wm. Richardson, Amos W. Muzzy, John G. Hinckley, Saml. Minier, Simon L. Rood, Enos S. Halbert, Alfred Purdy, James S. Shedden, St. John B. L. Skinner, Abm. F. Miller, Jehoiakim A. Van Val­ kenburgh, Alanson Cary, . Gideon €. Babcock, - John Edgerton, Crawford B. Sheldon, Thos. N. Perry, Robert Mitchell, Lorenzo Brown, Noah P. Sprague, Alanson Wilder, Edmund F. Williams, William Andrus, Uriah D. Meecker, Knapthalie Cline, Stephen Wait, ( Rufus Robertson, Horace U. Soper, Isaac B. Hinman, William Pierson, Almond Brnndridge, ' John C. Holmes, William C. Crane, Erwin A. Mnnson, Albert P. Brayton, Daniel Lee, Francis B. Stryker, Adrian Hegeman, . Alvin Farr, Charles Orris, James Brewer, Samuel P. Allen, Isaac Brown, Lewison Fairchild, Charles L. Pardee, James W. Smith, Thos. Bunn, Henry Cook, Monmouth B. Hart, Nathaniel Jarvis, Theodore Stone, David S. Crandal), David Moulton, P. Sheldon Root, Frederick Benson, Chas. T. Hicks, John Lamport, Thos. Hall, David Lease, Stebbins L. Vail, Horace B. Perry, Timothy C. Strong, 2 HOFFMAN'S


Who steals my purse, steals trash* 'tis something, nothing ; 'Twas mine, 'tis Ms, and has been slave to thousands; But he that borrow, or loans this Directory, Robs me of that which not enriches him, And makes me roLLAR-/ess indeed. Shakspearefrom tht original.

A. AARON SAMUEL, merchant, 20 Washington-st Abbey Ely, coachmaker, Herkimer above Swan Abbot James, mason, 336 Stale Abbot Michael, laborer, 10O Church Abel. Janet, 44 Ferry Abeel James S. 70 Washington Ableman Christopher, laborer, 301 _ s. Pearl Ableman Christian, carpenter, 50 and 52 Spring Ableman S. V. R. Superintendent of the Alms House Acker Richard, fishmonger, 44 John Ackerman Gerrit, bookbinder, 64 Franklin Ackley William H. boatman, 62 Second Arbor Hill 2 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Adams Daniel, agent for C. Chapman, 258 Broad­ way Adams George, painter, 128 Hudson Adams ,55 Dewitt Adams & Sprung, bakery, 186 Washington Adams Amos, sheriff, office at Jail, h. 188 Wash­ ington Adams Allen, blacksmith, 51 Patroon, h. 88 Orange Adams Christopher, "builder and superintendent State Hall, shop rear 244 State, h. 37 Swan Adams Henry, currier, 11 Washington Adams John, blacksmith, 146 Orange Adams Nathaniel, Bethlehem turnpike Adams William, 70 Hudson Adams Roland, accountant, 109 Beaver Adams William N. 51 Hudson Adams, widow of Jeseph, confectionery, corner s. Peatl and Hamilton ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S OFFICE, State-Hall Aeschelman George, barber, 129 Broadway AFKICAN BAPTIST CHURCH, Hamilton, west of ... Pearl • AFRICAN METHODIST CHDRCH, State, rear of School District Building Nt>. 2 Agne Charles, cartman, 17 Quackenbush Agnew, widow of John, grocer, 55 Church Ahindorf Donia, 47 Van Woert Aidler Isaac, 107 Nucella Aigen Daniel, laborer., 5 Bleecker Aikens James, printer, 38 Herkimer Aiken James, carder, Tivoli Ailing William, 17 Dean Ainsworth & Northrop, merchants, 15 State Ainsworth Ira W. res. 43 Dallius Ainsworth Anson F. 77 Quay, res. 35 Westerlo Akin E. C. merchant, 72 Quay, res, Greenbush ALBANY ACADEMY, at Academy Park HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 3

ALBANY ARGUS, Exchange Building, first floor ALBANY BURGESSES CORPS, Armory, cor. Market and Division , ALBANY DAILY ADVERTISER, cor. Stale and Pearl ALBANY EVENING JOURNAL, 71 State ALBANY AMPHITHEATRE, corner Lansing and Dallius and Westerlo ALBANY COMMERCIAL ACADEMY, 80 Stale ALBANY MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, Broadway, foot of State ALBANY FEMALB ACADEMY, n. Pearl ALBANY FEMALE SEMINARY, 67 Division ALBANY INSURANCE COMPANY, 56 State ALBANY APPRENTICES' LIBRARY, Commercial Build­ ings, cor. Market and Hudson ALBANY LOCK HOSPITAL, 3 Norton ALBANY POST-OFFICE, Merchants' Exchange ALBANY MINERAL SPRING, Ferry, near s. Pearl ALBANY ALMS-HOTSE, S. Lydius continued ALBANY SAVINGS BANK, at Commercial Bank ALBANY MEDICAL COLLEGE, Eagle, between Lan­ caster and Jay ALBANY MUSEUM, cor. State and Broadway ALBANY NURSERY, Western turnpike, two miles out of city Albee Samuel, laborer, 123 Broad Albert Joseph, mason, 207 Washington Albert Peter, laborer, 280 Washington «. Branch Alcotl Samuel, 66 s. Lansing Alcott Anthony, 66 s. Lansing Alden John, brickmaker, 49 High Alden Albert G. 207 Lydius Alden James M. brickmaker, 266 Lydius Alden 0. M. superintendent of Eagle Tavem Alden Jacob L. merchant, 54 Quay Aldrich Adam, fruit store, 122^ Market Aldrich Zachariah, 122^ Market 4 HOFFMAN _. ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Aldrich Catharine, 19 James Aldrich Jacob, shoemaker, 69 Eagle Algie Latham, 40 5. Lansing Allanson Miss, preceptress, basement Universalis. church Allanson Peter, carpenter, 4 Grand Allanson George, shoemaker, State near Knox Allen Henry A. teller in New-York State Bank, res. 9£> $•. Pearl Allen, widow of Horace, 193 Market Allen Thomas, laborer, 64 Schuyler Allen Otis, attorney, &c. res. 11 PatTOOit Allen John; carpenter, 18 Union Allen James, carpenter, 68 Orange Allen Benoni C. coroner, 205 Greene. Allen John B. 129 Beaver Allen Chloe, widow of Nathan, 55 Montgomery Allen William T. 55 Montgomery Allen Lucius, 89 Broadway Allen Jeremiah, brickmaker, Ten Broeck Allen Henry, 91 Herkimer Allen John, laborer, Swan, near First, Arbor Hill Allen (Otis) 6c Hastings, (Frederick H.) attorneys, &c. 5 and 7 Douw's Buildings, eor. State and. Market Allen & Dix, drapers and tailors, 4 Market Allen & Myers, dry goods merchants, 32 Broadway AHen Thomas, carpenter, 18 John Allen Lorenzo W. printer, boards at Northern Hotel Allen N. jun. 250 Broadway Allen John, stonecutter, 22 Canal Allen Dennis, carpenter, 32 Van Schaick Allen William, carpenter, 60 Patroon Allen Jane, superintendent of the Orphan Asylum Allen Emily, teacher in the Orphan Asylum Allen Rev. Edward N. pastor 4th Presbyterian church res. 227 Broadway HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.- 5 Allen widow Eliza, 41 Lumber Allen John, American and foreign marble manufac­ tory, cor. n. Pearl and Van Schaick * Alexander Joseph, boarding house, 70 Broadway Althauser Andrew, grocer, 211 Washington Allhauser Jacob, laborer, Washington, n. Branch Alvin Robert, gardener, 125 Washington Alvord Edmund, cabinetmaker, 25 Green, residence 70 Ferry Alvord Mary E. widow, cor. Steuben and Chapel AMERICAN HOTEL, 100 State Ames Angelo, 41 s. Pearl Ames Julius R. miniature painter, 41s. Pearl Ames, widow Mary, 19 Canal Amigh Benjamin, whipmak'er, 172 Broad Amoe Michael, painter, 86 Broadway, Amos Ei_ra, cooper, 4 Dean Amsden, widow of William, 7 Broad Amsdell George, shoemaker, 101 Green • Amsdell William, brewer, Western turnpike Anderson Absalom, Swan, Arbor Hill Anderson John, laborer, 40 n Lansing Anderson George, carpenter, Third, Arbor Hill Anderson George, 59 Quay, res. 2 Jay Anderson James, bds. Congress Hall Anderson Charles, confectioner, cor. Market and Ly­ dius, also 54 Broadway Anderson Daniel B. 79 Colonie Anderson, widow, 201 n. Market Anderson, widow, 320 State Anderson John, 21 Knox Anderson John jun,, teamster, 21 Knox Andrass, widow Dorothy, 100 Hawk Andrews Amos, 71 Beaver Andrews Fairman, baker, 166 Washington, res. 97 Spring Andrews, widow Christina, 62 Second, Arbor Hill 6 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Andrews Mrs. boarding house, 71 Beaver Andrews .Joel W. machinist, 156 Hudson, shop Higis near Hudson Andrews Truman, printer, 43 Division Andrews Orrin, baker, 138 n. Pearl Angel, Lint, pedler, 95 Schuyler Angus Agnes, 140 s. Pearl Angus Jacob, furnaceman, 65 n. Lansing Angus, Widow Margaret, 36 Orange Angus Charles, printer, bds. 36 Orange Angus Gilbert, 36 Orange Angus John G. segarmaker, bds. 36 Orange Angus Robert, attorney &c. 9 Douw _ building, res. 51 Maiden lane Angus widow Sarah, 48 Swan, near Third, Arb. Hill Anker, Lewis, 148 Broad Annesley William, ship builder, 150 n. Pearl Annesley Lawson, looking-glass warehouse, 46 Broadway, h. 148 n. Pearl Anson Levinus, 9 Broad Anstee George, shoemaker, 38 n. Pearl Anthony Charles H. teacher, classical institute, 17, bds. 108 n. Pearl Anthony Elizabeth, 16 Van Zandt Anthony Benedict, potter, bds. Eagle Street Hotel Anthony Jacob, 18 Clinton Anthony John, 60 Fayette Anthony John, 10 Canal Anwright John, 32 Howard Appel Sebastian, tailor, 96 Bassett Appleton William, produce dealer, 195 Washington,. bds. U. S. Hotel Arkles Joseph, Delaware turnpike Armer Robert, mason, 21 First, Arbor Hill Armer David, 21 First, Arbor Hill Armer John B brushmaker, 2 Daniels Arms Noadiah L. widow, dressmaker, 32 Green HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 7

Armsby James H., M. D. Professor of Anatomy and Physiology M. College, residence cor. Maiden- lane and Chapel Armsby Thomas, 5 Lawrence court, Armstrong Adam, shoemaker, 197 Broadway Armstrong John, lastmaker, 59 Church Armstrong John, baker, rear 138 s., Pearl Armstrong, widow Jane, 24 Hawk Arnold Hiram, bds. at N. E. Tavern Arnold Seth, shoemaker, 62 Green Arnold Moses, tailor, 41 Water Arrowsmith John W. pedler, 100 Nucella Artcher & Burgess, merchants, 53 Quay Artcher Michael, 25 High, alderman for the 10th ward Artcher (E.) & Bennett (E. B.) grocers and oil deal­ ers 65 Quay Artcher Edward, 74 Eagle Artcher John, brickmaker, 12 High Artcher, widow Mary, 21 High Arts John, cabinetmaker, 168 Broadway Arizs Michael, laborer, rear 198 Washington Arundell Thomas, mason, 169 Eagle Ashley Squire, grocer and provision store, Little Basin. Ashley Sylvanus, grocer, 71 Canal, cor. Cross Ashton Peter, gardener, Herkimer continued Athington George, shoemaker, 3 Columbia Atkins Hercules, 88 Arch Atkins John, blacksmith, 24 Montgomery Atkins Robert, weaver, 111 Hamilton Atkins Mrs. E. B. boarding-house, 1 Lancaster Atkinson Mary Ann, 128 Hudson Austin Abraham, 164 Washington Austin Charles L. 15 Beaver Austin Jeremiah, skipper, 96 Beaver 8 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY,

Austin J. J. dealer in flour, provisions, &c. 45 Quay, res. 57 Grand Austin Mrs. M. carpet-weaver, 164 Washington Austin Maria, 31 Division Austin William, tin and sheet-iron worker, shop Green cor. Hudson, h. 64 Westerlo Austin Henry, tin, sheet-iron and stove factory, 4 and 6 Green, res. 64 Westerlo Austin John, tin and sheet-iron worker, 92 State, h. 64 Westerlo Austin Benjamin F. carpenter, 46 Franklin Autey Alexander, 68 _*. Pearl Avers John, laborer, 43^ n. Lansing Avery & Co. (Amos,) groceries, provisions, fruit, &c. 74 Market, h. 66 Columbia Ayer Samuel, 135 Washington Ayling William, cabinet maker, 178 Broadway B. BABCOCK A. S. teller of Canal Bank, bds. Tem­ perance House Babcock Benjamin, painter, 52 Union Baby Francis, grocer, 106 Green * Bacon Dresser, agent Harnden's Express Office, 30 Jay Badgley Joseph, bds. 73 Division Badgley James, laborer, 28 Van Woert Bagley Thomas, laborer, 206 Market Bailey Edward, tinsmith, 32 Jay Bailey Enoch, 32 Jay Bailey & Gray, tinsmiths, 84^ s. Pearl Bailey Terrence, 124 Franklin, cor. Herkimer Bailey Joseph, cartman, 48 Herkimer Bailey John, tailor, 31 _ Canal Bailey Joseph, cooper, 175 Greene Bailey Joseph, 125 Broad HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 9

Bailey Henry H. furrier, 65 Canal Bailey James, ship carpenter, 95 Orange Bailey Edward, tinsmith, 32 Jay Bailey widow Joanna, 39 High Bailey William P. wheelwright, 312 State Bailey Lemuel, furrier, 84 Green Bakeman William, umbrella maker, Herkimer con­ tinued Baker Charles, tin and sheet iron dealer, 94 Broad­ way Baker John, mason, 182 s. Pearl Baker Philip, potter, 228 Washington Baker A. M. lailoress, Herkimer above Swan Baker widow Elizabeth, Herkimer above Swan Baker widow Julia Ann, rear 89 Schuyler Baker James, engineer 108^ Water Baker William, Little Basin Baker Ellis, cor. Broadway and Wilson Baker John, 139 Green • Baker Sanford, store 201 s. Pearl, h. 129 Broad Baker James, 4 Dean Baker Solomon, printer, 29 Fayette Balch V. & Co. bank note engravers, 83 State Baldwin JedediahJ 107 Hudson Baldwin widow, 28 Fayette Baldwin J. jr. 59 Quay, bds. Eagle Tavern Ball William, musical, instrument maker, 18 Spring Ball Richard, laborer, 141 Broad Ball widow Mary, boarding-house, 46 Beaver Ball Jacob, mason, 36 Washington Ballah John, furnaceman, 260 Washington Ballantine William, piano-forte maker, 140 Lydius Ballard Ambrose, carpenter, 47 Lydius Baltimore Stephen, shoemaker, cor. Steuben and James Baltimore James, white-washer, rear 5 Park Bancraft John, carpenter, Patroon, near Swan HOFFMAN S CITY REGISTER.

COUNTY. SHERIFFS. CLERKS. Oswego, Norman Rowe, Andrew Z. M'Carty Otsego, Jonas Platner, Jr. Saml. Russell, Putnam, William W. Taylor, Reuben D. Barnum, Queens, Jonathan T. Furman, John Simonson, Rensselaer, Volney Richmond, Chas. Hooper, Richmond, Jacob Simonson, Walter Betts, Rockland, John C. Blauvelt, Abm. Hogenkamp, Saratoga, Robt. Speir, Archibald Smith, St. Lawrence, Benj. Squire, Alvin C; Low, Schenectady, David F. Rees, Arch'd Campbell, Schoharie, Cyrus Smith, Thos. M'Arthur, Seneca, Nathaniel N. Hayt, Cyrus D. Hanks, Steuben, Hiram Potter, Wm. Hamilton, Suffolk, David C. Brush, Saml. A. Smith, Sullivan, Felix Kelly, Henry W. Howell, Tioga, Robt. R. Flemming, David Wallis, Tompkins, Edward L. Porter, Willet B. Goddard, Ulster, Derick Dubois, George A. Gray, Warren, Stephen Griffin, Thomas Archibald, Washington, Leonard Wells, Edward Dodd, Wayne, Simon V. W. Stout, James Hawley, Westchester, Joseph Lyon, Charles A. Purdy, Wyoming, William R. Groger, Nelson Wolcott, Totes, Jeremiah B. Andrews, Samuel Stevens. HOFFMAN S CITY REGISTER. BANKS IN ALBANY.

BANK OF ALBANY. J. H. TEN EYCK, President. JELLIS WINNE, Jr. Cashier. Directors—J. H. Ten Eyck, Teunis Van Vechten, James Ste­ venson, Volkert P. Douw, John R. Bleecker, Nicholas Bleecker, Benjamin Tibbetts, Matthew Gregory, Andrew D. Lansing, William Walsh, Philip S. Van Rensselaer, David Newland, Jellis Winne, Junior. Clerks—N. Bleecker, Jr. book-keeper; Rufus K. Viele, re­ ceiving teller; E. R. Phelps, paying teller; John Hopkins, dis­ count clerk; Oren M. Beech. Discount day, Thursday. NEW-YORK STATE BANK. RUFUS H. KING, President. . A. D. PATCHIN, Cashier. D.r__-.or_»-R. H. King, J. L. Rathbone, G. Y. Lansing, A. D. Patchin, R. Boyd, M. T. Reynolds, John Marvin, John N. Quackenbush, Peter Gansevoort, E. W. Skinner, A. Mclntyre. Clerks—Henry A. Allen, teller; Saml. P. Stokes, book-keeper; I. S. Leake, discount clerk; I. B.Plumb, corresponding clerk; W. McHarg, Isaac Fonday, Jr. J. A. Chestaey, clerks. MECHANICS' & FARMERS' BANK. THOMAS W. OLCOTT, President. E. E. KENDRICK, Cashier. 1)irectors—T. W. Olcott, Alexander Marvin, S. P. Jermain, Friend Humphrey, Ell Hutchinson, Robert Shepherd. Samuel __. Fowler, Lemuel Steele, W. W. Forsyth, James Kidd, Thwnas Hillhouse, Henry Newman. Clerks—Thomas Olcott, teller; J. W. Mallory, hook-keeper; Wm McHench, discount clerk; C. N. Waldron, assistant book­ keeper: R. Jenkins, James Meads, clerks. COMMERCIAL BANK. JOHN TOWNSEND, President. J. L. SCHOOLCRAFT, V. President. JAMES TAYLOR, Cashier. Directors—S. H. Hastings, Lewis Benedict, Augustus James, James Horner, Giles Sanford, John Davis, Jno. L. Schoolcraft, W,m. Newton, O. R. Van Benthuysen, John Gott, Clark Durant. 'Clerks—A. H Lovell, teller; F. S. Pease, book-keeper ; John B. Wasson, discount clerk ; J. H. Smith, George C. Lee, clerks. Discount days, Mondays and Thursdays. HOFF(ttNTS CITY REGISTER. ALBANY CITY BANK. ERASTUS CORNING, President. WATTS SHERMAN, Cashier. Directors—Peter Wendell, Barent P. Staats, Wm. Seymour, Anthony Blanchard, John V. L. Pruyn, Ellis Baker, Erastus Corning, Watts Sherman, Wm. Smith, John Knower, Ralph Bar­ ker, Martin Van Alstyne, Bradford R. Wood. Clerks—C. L. Garfield, teller; B. R.Wendell, assistant teller; F.H.Tows,book-keeper; Isaac Fonday,discount clerk; Simeon J. Leake, corresponding clerk ; Isaac H. Burch, in western de­ partment ; T. A. Knower, clerk. Discount days, Tuesdays and Fridays, 9 o'clock A. M. CANAL BANK. President. THEODORE OLCOTT, Cashier. Directors—Thaddeus Joy, James Vanderpoel, Robert Hunter, Robert C. Russell, James Edwards, Henry T. Mesick, Elisha N. Pratt, Wm. A- Wharton, Chas. Van Benthuysen, J. K. Paige, four vacancies. Clerks—A. S. Babcock, teller; H. H. Hickcox, booje-keeper; J. L. Crew, discount clerk; R. M. S. Pease, T. H. Knower, clerks. EXCHANGE BANK. GEORGE W. STANTON, President. NOAH LEE, Cashier. Directors—G. W. Stanton, John M. Newton, Oliver Steele, Jas. McNaughton, John Taylor, Ichabod L. Judson, Samuel M. Fish, F. J. Barnard, Alfred Douglas; Galen Batchelor, Samuel Prnyn, Lansing G. Taylor, Henry Greene, Gaylor Sheldon, Saml. Stevens. Clerks—A. P. Palmer, teller; J. M. Lovett, book-keeper; J. F. Batchelder, discount clerks; Wm. H. Lee, clerk. Discount days, Tuesdays and Fridays. ALBANY SAVINGS BANK. JOHN TOWNSEND, President. JAMES TAYLOR, Treas'r and Accountant. The Savings Bank is open at the office of the Commercial Bank, No. 40 Slate-street, every Saturday afternoon, from 5 to 7 o'clock, to receive deposits. It pays an interest to the deposi­ tors at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable on the Is! of January and 1st of July. HOFFMAN S CITY REGISTER. INSURANCE COMTANIES.

ALBANY INSURANCE CQMPANY. Office, 56 State-street. Capital, $300,000. TEUNIS VAN VECHTEN, PresH. JOHN E. LOVETT, Secretary. Directors—Gerrit Y. Lansing, Rufus H. King, Augustus James, Gideon Hawley, Marcus T. Reynolds, Lewis Benedict, Archi­ bald M'Intyre, John Townsend, Philip S. Van Rensselaer, Jared L. Rathbone, William C. Miller, Charles D. Townsend. MERCHANTS' INSURANCE COMPANY. RUSSELL FORSYTH, President. JOHN W. FORD, Secretary. Directors—Abel French, Russell Forsyth, Friend Humphrey, Alexander Marvin, Joshua Tuffs, Thomas W. Olcott, Henry L. Webb, Robert Dunlop, Robert Boyd, S. P. Jermain, John N. Quackenbush, O. R. Van Benthuysen, Jacob H. Ten Eyck, Ju­ lias Rhoades, Robert Shepherd, John L. Schoolcraft, Harmanus Bleecker, James McNaughton, Seth Hastings, Piatt Williams, Samuel S. Fowler, John I. Boyd, James Goold,--, John N. Wilder, G. C. Bronson, William Humphrey, James • Edwards, John Meads, Thomas Hillhouse, Charles Van Benthuysen, Samuel Hamilton. FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY. JAMES STEVENSON, President. R. VAN RENSSELAER, Secretary. Directors—John Taylor, Peter Gansevoort, Thomas McElroy, Hugh Humphrey, George W. Stanton, Lemuel Steele, Egbert Egberts, Conrad A Ten Eyck, William Adams, Lansing Pruyn, Jonathan Lyman, John M Newton, Lyman Chapin, Benjamin Tibbets, Stephen Van Rensselaer, Henry Newman, John Davis, Erastus Hills, Gerrit V. S. Bleecker, Joel Rathbone, A. E. Brown, Wm. Stead, E. P. Prentice, Joseph Davis. ALBANY COUNTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. BARENT P. STAATS, President. GARRIT HOGAN, Secretary. Directors—James L'Amoureux, Aaron Hawley, Peter Relyea, Garrit Hogan, John Van Valkenburgh, Cornelius A. Pugsley, Matthew Brown, Gordon Conckling, Thomas Helm, John Mc­ Kown, William McElroy, Thomas McMullen. 2* CITY REGISTER.

Classes of Hazards and Raits of Annual Premiums. 1. Buildings of brick or stone, covered with tile, slate or me­ tal, the window shutters of solid iron ; gutters and cornices o_ brick, stone or metal; party walls above the roof, 25 cents per $100. 2. Buildings of brick or slone, covered with tile, slate, or metal, 30 rents per $ 100. 3. Buildings of brick or slone, roofs three-fifths of tile, slate or metal, the rest shingled, 40 cents per $100. 4. Buildings of brick or stone, covered with wood, parly walls above the roof, 50 cents per $100. 5. Buildings of frame, filled in with brick to the peak, front of brick, 75 cents per $100. 6. Frame buildings, filled in with brick to the peak, or with brick front filled in to the plate, 85 cents and upwards per 100. • 7. Frame buildings, filled in with brick to the plate, or*willi hollow walls and brick front, 90 cents and upwards per $100. 8. Buildings entirely of wood, 100 cenls and upwards per $100. | Goods not hazardous—Dry good., household furniture, linen, oolton in bales, coffee, flour,- indigo, and other articles hot combustible. /fazardoiwfai-d are charged 12 1-2 cents per $100, in ad­ dition to the premium above namedj for each class, viz. Book­ sellers stock, chair makers, chocolate makers, tavern-keepers, china, glass, and earthern-ware in packages, flax, groceries, oil, pi-ch, tar, Sic. Extra Hazardous, and will be charged 25 cents and up­ wards per $100, in addition to the above premium, viz. Apo­ thecaries, druggists, boat buijders, bakers, brewers, maltsters, chemists, china, glass and earthen ware sellers, coopers, dyers, aqua fortis, coach makers, cabinet makers, carpenters in their own shops or buildings erecting or repairing, ether, founders, fodder and grain unlhreshed, hay, musical instrument makers, spirits of turpentine, soap boilers and tallow-chandlers. Application for insurance to be made to the secretaries in writing. HOFFMAN S CITY REGISTER. BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES.

ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY. Alexander Gray, president; James Dickson, 1st vice president; James Taylor, 2d vice president; Peter McNaughton, physician; Peter Bullions, chaplain; Wm. Gray, treasurer; John Lisk, se­ cretary; James Wilson, assistant secretary; David Brown, Thomas Black, Latham Algie, David Beatson, Wm. Brooksby, managers. ST. GEORGE'S SOCIETY. Thomas Wright, president; Joseph Wright, 1st- vice presi­ dent ; John Howard, 2d vice president; Henry Clifton, treasur­ er ; William Lacy, secretary. MECHANICS' BENEFIT SOCIETY. Instituted August 9, 1829, on the plan of mutual insurance. Entrance money, $3. Monthly dues, 31 cents. Each member (having been admitted 6 months) will be entitled during his sickness to receive $4 per week. Since the formation of the society, there has been about 1,200 members. The society have $2,500 loaned on interest, besides a fund on hand.sufficient to meet all emergencies. They have paid out nearly $1,000 for sickness, to the members during the past year. Bradford W. Hand, president; James A. Morse, 1st vice pre­ sident; Eli Abbey, 2d vice president; Thomas P. Crook, treasur- er; Cornelius Vanderbelt, Robert Thompson, W. W. Van Zand., Jacob Henry, Andrew Moore, B. C. True, Adam Todd, finance committee; Joseph Courtney, Alexander Selkirk, Stephen L. Hodgkins, Alexander Sickles, Philo Booth; stewards; John W. Hinckley, physician, (corner of Hudson and Union-streets); Ro­ bert S. Cushman, secretary; Hessel E. Brower, assis't secretary. APPRENTICES' LIBRARY. John Taylor, president; Hessel E. Brower, librarian; James Robinson, Job Gould, Lewis G. Hoffman, John Davis, Robert L. Kearney, James S. Gould, Albert Dwelle, William J. Warner, James Taylor, Lyman Philleo, trustees. ST. JOSEPH'S ORPHAN ASYLUM SOCIETY. Incorporated 12th April, 1842. Thomas Gough, president; Owen Murray, vice president; P. M. Morange, treasurer; , secretary; Patrick Kelly, Samuel Waddy, John T. Gough, John J. Taaffe, Robert Hig­ gins, Oliver Wallace, Patrick Flanagan, Mathew Jordan, Charles O'Conner, managers. HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. IRISH REPEAL ASSOCIATION. Peter Cagger, president; John T. Gough, 1st vice president; William Cassidy, 2d vice president; James Maher, treasurer; Robert Higgins, recording secretary; Cornelius M. Brosnan, corresponding secretary; Patrick Crane, P. B. Rooney, John Tracy, finance committee. Repeal Wardens—1st ward, John McEvoy, Michael McGuire ; 2d ward, David Nelligan, John Keelan; 3d ward, Charles O'Con­ ner, Michael Cooney; 4th ward, Owen Murray, Matthew Jor­ dan; 5th ward, Thomas Gough, Thomas Noonan; 6th ward, James Condon, Patrick Kelly; 7th ward, Patrick Keegan, Thos. Moss; 8th wprd, John McKnight, George Hill; 9th ward, Wm. McClaskey, Owen Duffy; 10th ward, John J. Taaffe, Richard Brown. ALBANY CATHOLIC TOTAL ABSTINENCE ASSOCIATION. Rev. J. A. Schneller, president; Matlhew McMahon, secre­ tary; E. B. O'CaUoghan, physician; and an executive commit­ tee of twenty-five. Number of members who have joined the association up to 1st May, 1842, thirty-eight hundred. YOUNG MEN'S ASSOCIATION. Walter R. Bush, president; Benjamin R. Spelman, 1st vice president; S. H. H. Parsons, 2d Vice president; Charles H. Stan­ ton, 3d vice president; Frederick W. Cole, corresponding secre­ tary ; Charles Van Zandt, recording secretary; John H. Ward- well, treasurer; Addison Low, Charles Holt, William Tilling­ hast, Richard J. Grant, William D. Johnson, F. H. Hastings, Joseph Davis, I. A.'Chapman, George Humphrey, E. G. Bur­ gess, managers. Officers of the Debating Society. Lewis Benedict, Junr. president; William H. Hill, 1st vice president; I. L. Van Wie, 2d vice president; John S. Perry, se­ cretary. HOFFMAN S CITY REGISTER. MASONIC BODIES.

TEMPLE ENCAMPMENT, NO. 2, Held in the city of Albany, the 1st Wednesday in each month. Meet at Stanwix-Hall. M. E. Sir Kt. G. B. Glendining, G. C; J. M. Garfield,Generalis­ simo ; James M'Kown, Capt. General: L. M. Tracy, Prelate ; Hiram ArfTold, S. Warden ; Lewis G.Hoffman, Jun. Warden; William Voorhees, Treasurer; John I. Goewey, Recorder ; Richard Parr, Warder; A. Wilder, Standard Bearer ; Peter G. Sharpe, Sword Bearer; Abm. Sickles, Sentinel. TEMPLE ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, NO. 5. Argalus W. Starks, If. P; George S. Gibbons, K ; L. G. Hoff­ man, S; Elias Vanderlip, Jr. P. S; Peter G. Sharpe, R. A. C ; Henry Smith, Solomon Drullard, I. M; Fletcher M. Veils; L. 'M. Tracy, Secretary; Alexander Gray, Treasurer; D. A. Haw­ ley, A. Wilder, Stewards ; Abm. Sickles, Tyler. Meet at Stanwix-Hall 2d and 4th Tuesdays of each month, ex­ cept the summer months. MOUNT VERNON LODGE, NO. 3. Richard Parr, W. M;' Hiram Arnold, S. W; Solomon Drul­ lard, J. W ; John M. Hughes, Secretary; Alexander Gray, Trea­ surer ; L. G Hoffman, Most. Ceremonies; O. M. Tomlinson, S. D ; Iiichard Lovell, J. D ; John Pochin, D. A. Hawley, Stew­ ards ; Abm. Sickles, Tyler. Meet 1st and 3d Thursdays of each month, corner of Market and Hudson-streets, except summer months. TEMPLE LODGE, NO. 14. L. M. Tiacy, W. M; Levi Ewing, S. W; Peter G. Sharpe, J. W ; J. J. Folts, Secretary; Benjamin Thomas, Treasurer; Jas. F. Whitney, S. D; D. B. Van Schoonhoven, J. D ; Joel R.Dick- erman, Jas. Dickson, Stewards : Abm. Sickles, Tyler. Meet at Stanwix-Hall 1st and 3d Tuesdays of each month, ex­ cept the summer month*. WASHINGTON LODGE, NO. 85. Georze S. Gibbons) W. M; John Owens, S. W; Thos. Stew­ art, J. W ; Isaac Hempsted, Secretaiy ; Robert Erwin, Treasur­ er; John A. Sickles, S. D ; John S. Cameron, J. D ; S. Minster, M. Becket, Stewards . Thomas Rousby, Tyler. HOFFMANS CITY REGISTER.

OFFICERS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK. - Salary. William H. Seward, Governor, $4,000 Luther Bradish, Lieutenant-Governor, 6 dollars for each day's attendance in official duties. Samuel Young, Secretary of State and Superintendent of Common Schools, .. •. 2,500 Aaariah C. Flagg, Comptroller, 2,500 Thomas Farrington, Treasurer, 1,500 Nathaniel Jones, Surveyor-General, 1,000 George P. Barker, Attorney-General, 1,000 Rufus King, Adjutant- General, 1,000 Henry Storms, Commissary-General, ;. 700 Robert H. Pruyn, Judge-Advocate-General, 150 George W. Little, Acting Canal Commissioner, 2,000 Benjamin Enos, do do 2,000 Daniel P. Bissell, do do 2,000 Jonas Earll, Jr. do do 2,000- Stephen Clark, Canal Commissioner, $5.47 for each day's attendance. James Hooker, do do Henry C. Martindale, Canal Appraiser,. $4 per day and 5 cents per mile for travel. Thomas Clowes, do do Alvah Worden, do do John G. Forbes, Bank Commissioner, 2,000 Chandler Starr, do 2,000 Trumbull Cary, do 2,000 Archibald Campbell, Deputy Sec'y of State and Clerk of the Land-Office, , 1,500 Philip Phelps, Deputy Comptroller, 1,500 George W. Newell, Cierk bfUie. Canal' Boand 1,500 John Willard, Deputy Treasurer, 1,100 Henry Underwood, Private Secretary to the Governor,.. 600 William Cassidy, State Librarian, 700 an3 for attendance on Miscellaneous Library, 125 H. G. O Rogers, Doorkeeper of Ex. Chamber, ... $3 each day. David St. John, Superintendent of the Capitol, $100 and $1 per day

JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT. Salary. Reuben H. Walworth, Chancellor, $3,000 Samuel Nelson, Chief Justice Supreme Court, 3,000 Greene C. Bronson, Justice Supreme Court, 3,000 Esek Cowen, do do 3,000 William T. McCoun, Vice-Chancellor, 1st Circuit, 2,000 HOFFMANS CITY REGISTER.

Salary Murray Hoffman, Assistant Vice Chancellor, 1st Circuit, $2,500 Frederick Whittlesey, Vice Chancellor, 8lh Circuit,.,.. 1,600 William Kent, Circuit Judge, 1st Circuit, ..... 1,600 Charles H. Ruggles, do 2d do 1,600 John P. Cnshman, do 3d do 1,600 John Willard, do 4th do . 1,600 Philo Gridley, do 5./i do 1,6C0 Robert Monell, do 6.A do 1,600 Daniel Moseley, do 7.fc do 1,600 Nathan Dayton, do 8th do ...... 1,600 Nicholas Hill, Jr. State Reporter, • 500 Alonzo C. Paige, Chancery Reporter, 500 Isaac R. Elwood, Clerk of Court of Errors, Fees. John M.Davison, Register in Chancery, 2,500 and for clerk hire, &c 2,500 Hiram Walworth, Assistant Register in Chancery, . 3,000 • and for clerk hire, &c. 5,000 William P. Hallett, Clerk Supreme Court, New-York, .. 3,000 and for clerk hire, &c. 3,000 John Keyes Paige, Clerk Supreme Court, Albany, 2,500 and for clerk hire, &e. 2,800 Hiram Denio, Clerk Supreme Court, Utica,... 2, d0 9 and 10, Rialto,..... Refectory, do ll.NoyesfeProsser,^?^ 13, Harnden's Express office, do 14, G.W.VanVechten,Broker, do 15, T. Gough...... do do 16, A. C. Lloyd, do do 17, N.W.Roberts & Co. do do Post-Office, centre raom, Broadway and State-street. FIBST FLOOB. No. 1, Argus Office, Crosweli, Van Dyck & Co. 2, Arthur H. Root.... Merchant. 3, Exchange Bank. 4, Vacant. 5, J. Q. Wilson,. Law Office. 6, Harris feRhoades,. do 7, 9, and 10, Young Men's Association. 8, Vacant SECOND FLOQR. No. 1, Vacant. 2, Pruyn & Martin,.. Law Office. 3, G. Hawley do 4, J. Child, Engineer. 5, Dudley Burwell,.. Law Office. 6, F.-Ferguson and? . J. Koon, ji t, Luther Tucker,... Cultivator office. 8 and 11, Young Men's Lecture Room. 9, Board of Trade. THIRD FLOOR. No. 6,. John H. Hall. 5, H. H. Little. 1, Washington Benevolent Sbciety. 9, Concordia Society. HOFFMAN S CITY REGISTER. PRACTISING PHYSICIANS. The reader is referred for office or residence to the proper let- ter of the Alphabet. Jonathan Eights, J. V. P. Quackenbush, Wm. Bay, Peter Wendell, . John W. Bay, Joel A. Wing, Jas. P. Boyd,. James M. Brown, P. Van Olinda, Henry Greene, HeBry Van Olinda, -• Chas. D. Townsend, John S. Van Alstyne, Jas. McNaughton, Mason F. Cogswell, P. McNaughton, John W. Hinckley, I. B. Scovel, Alden March, Francis W. Priest, Jas, H. Armsby, C. C. Yates, John F. Townsend, Herman Wendell, David Martin, John Willson, Patrick Gannon, Tristram Brown, Josias Graham, E. B. O'Callaghan, Peter Van Buren, Nicholas Markey, John Van Buren, C. H. Payn, U. H. Wheeler, Jas. Cox, Barent P. Staats, Edward Duffy, John H. Trotter, Piatt Williams, George Cooke, Lock Hospital, Otis Jenks, Van Buren Lockrow, Lock Dis­ David Springsteed, pensary, Thomas Hun, ^wtrdj^^P^V.- L. M. Tracy, Alms H. Phy. John Thomson, Wm. J. Young, A. N. Burton, J. 0. Flagler, G. Westervelt, Francis Selkirk, Wm. B. Stanton, Botanic. G. Huntington, ; DENTISTS. Beriah Douglass, J. Brockway, Alex. Nelson, Robert Nelson, David Newcomb, J. S. Wood. James M. _V_*A-_ister, Peter Davison, Cancer Surgeon.

ALBANY COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. Peter Van Buren, President; J. S. Van Alstyne, Vice-Presi­ dent; H. Greene, Secretary; H.Van Olinda, Treasurer; P. Van Olinda, B. F. Fredenburgh, H. Greene, Jas. P. Boyd, U. H. Wheeler, Censors; J. S. Van Alstyne, Librarian; B. P. Staats, Delegate to the State Medical Society. Annual meeting, second Tuesday in November. 3 HOFFMAN S CITY REGISTER. PRACTISING ATTORNEYS. The residence or office will be found under the proper letter of the Alphabet' James McKown, Julius Rhoades, Samuel Stevens, Wm. Cassdy, Uriah Marvin, Jr. Wm. W. Frothingham, Solomon Hosford, Charles B. Lansing, Wm. D. White, Jttmes L'Amoreanx, > Jonas Wickes, Azor Taber, Geo. W. Weed, Peter Gansevoort, S. Van Vechten, Peter Cagger, E. A. DoolitUe, Cyrus Stevens, James R. Rose, John A.Livingston, Wm. R. Cantine, Nathan Hawley, Fenner Ferguson, Alexander jSheldon, Henry G. Wheaton, Dist. Att'y. C. A. Pugsley. A. D. Robinson, Robert H. Pruyn, Henry Q. Hawley, Otis Allen, Levi H. Palmer, A. C. Southwick, John Q. Wilson, John Percy, John L Burton, Origen A. Kingsley, Wm. Parmelee, John J. Hill, Horace B. Webster, Peter Carmichael, John I. Kane, C. Loveridge, Robt. H. Wells, A. J. Colvin, Wm. J. D. Hilton, H. H. Martin, Horace Wyman, ' W. H. Fondey, Moses Patten, Surrogate, John V. L. Pruyn, Lemuel Jenkins, Orlando Meads, David Hosford, R.W. Peckham, Lewis Benedict, Jr. Calvin Pepper, Thomas D. James, Heman C. Whelpley, James B. Sanders, Amos Dean, Wm. Norton, Anthony Blanchard, Alfred B. Street, Wm. Spencer, Willis Hall, Samuel M. Woodruff, R. L. Joice, John Davis, Robert Angus, Charles M. Jenkins, James M. Whelpley, Cornelius Ten Broeck, Stephen Groesbeck, Geo. W. Peckham, Henry J. Colvin, Dennis B. Gaffney, John Koon, James Edwards, Saml H. Hammond, Robert J. Hilton, A, C. Y. Paige, Jacob Lansing, F. H. Hastings, Dudley Burwell, Nicholas Hill, Jr. Ira Harris, D. Wright, John Van Buren, Chas. H. Bramhall, John C. Yates, " H. C. Van Vorst, Marcus T. Reynolds, W. Gibbons, . G. P. Barker, Att'y. Gen'l. HOFFMAN S CITY REGISTER. COUNTY JUDGES-. Jacob Lansing, 1st Judge; R. J. Hilton, John Q. Wilson, Robert Murphy, William N. Sill. RECORDER. William Parmelee. COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS. Otis Allen, , Wm. A. Corbiere, J. C. Van Schoonhoven, Robert Shepherd, Robert Angus, George W. Weed, Jonas Wickes, W. W. Frothingham, John J. Tyler, Stephen Groesbeck, Gerret W. Van Vechten, Nathan Hawley, James B. Sanders, Geo. R. Payne, ' . S. H. H. Parsons, Charles Viele, Le Grand R. Bancroft, Daniel W. Mills. NOTARIES. Nicholas Bleecker, Jr. Frederick W. Huxford, Isaac Fonday, A. D. Patchin, Noah Lee, H. H. Hickcox, Rufus K. Viele, A. H. Lovett, James M. Whelpley, J. F. Jenkins.

MILITIA OF THE STATE OF N. Y. William H. Seward, Commander-in-Chief. Brig. Gen. Rufus King, Adjutant-General. " Henry Storms, of New-York, Commissary-General. " Robert H. Pruyn, of Albany, JudgeAdvocate-Gen'l. " Spencer S. Benedict, " Quarter-Master-Gen'l. Colonel Day Otis Kellogg, of Troy, Pay-Master-General. " James McNaughton, of Albany, Surgeon-General. " James Bowen, of New-York, } " H. Van Rensselaer, of Ogdensburgh, > Aides-de-Camp. " Le Grand B.Cannon, of Troy, ) Major Samuel Blatchford, of New-York, Military Secretary. _ First Division of Cavalry. Cooper, Major-General. Colonel Cornelius Ten Broeck, Judge-Advocate. " James M. French, Inspector. Lt. Col. John MeD. Mclntyre, Quarter-Master. "#* ilSedPffieD°UW> ] Aides-de-Camp. " Wattt Sherman, Pay-Majter. HOFFMAN'S CITY REGISTER. •Fourth Division of Cavalry. John F. Townsend, Major-General. Colonel Charles B. Lansing, Judge-Advocate. " H. Wendell, Inspector. Lt. Col. John D. Elliott, Quarter-Master. " D. Newcomb, Hospital-Surgeon. Major Franklin Townsend, ) ..... ,._ -„„„ " S. P. Stokes, S Aides-de-Camp. " Robert H. Wells, Pay-Master. Ninth Division of Infantry. Leonard G. Ten Eyck, Major-General. Colonel S. V. Talcott, Inspector. " Samuel Van Vechten, Judge-Advocate. Lt. Col. Edward Satterlee, Quarter-Master. " Robert F. Bullock, Hospital Surgeon. Major Abel French, Jr. ) Aii„ J. - _. " Leonard Ten Eyck, , Aides-de-Camp. " Abraham Van Vechten, Pay-Master. Sixty-First Brigade of Infantry. John Groesbeeck, Brigadier-General. Major Robert Angus, Judge-Advocate. " Asa Fassett, Inspector. " W. H. Wheeler, Hospital-Surgeon. Captain William G. Brown, Quarter-Master. " Charles Van Zandt, Aide-de-Camp. " John N. Cutler, Pay-Master. Second Division of Artillery. Aaron C. Whitlock, Major-General. Colonel D. G. Lobdell, Judge-Advocate. " Arthur C. Southwick, Inspector. Lt. Col. A. T. E. Hilton. Hospital-Surgeon. " Walter M. Rockwell, Quarter-Master. Major Jerome Mabee, Aide-de-Camp. Third Brigade New-York State Artillery. James McCabe, Brigadier-General. Major George W. Weed, Judge-Advocate. " Peter Moakley, Inspector. " H. A. Allen, Surgeon Captain B. P. Watrous, Aide-de-Camp. " E. A. Harris, Pay-Master.

ALBANY BURGESSES CORPS. CIVIL OFFICERS—Addison Low, president; Miles Joy, vice-presido-it; W. R. Whitney, secretary ; Chas. Hough, assst't sec'y; L. H. McChesney, treas'r. MILITARY OFFICERS—Thomas Rayeuz, captain ; Geo. Vance, Jr. 1st Iieat't; R H. Wells, 2d lieut't; J. W. Blanchard, 3d lieut't; Geo. Humphrey, orderly. STAFF—Wm. Greene, quarter-master; Parker Sargent, pay-master; R. B. Briggs, surgeon ; Chas. S. Olmsted, chaplain. Thomas Brooks, armorer. COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP ALBANY.




Academies—Messrs. Ten Broeck, Osborn, Ten Eyck. Accounts—Messrs. Downing, Van Valkenburgh, Ten Eyck. Applications to the Legislature—Messrs. Chapman, Ten Broeck, White. Alms House—Messrs. Burhans, Koonz, Chapman. Board of Health—Mayor, Recorder, Messrs. Osborn, Van Valkenburgh, Downing, Ford. Board of Magistrates—Recorder, Messrs. Hand, Osborn, Mc­ Knight, Ten Eyck. City Hall—Mayor, Recorder, Messrs. Malburn, Burhans, Chambers, Winne, Kane. Engine—Messrs. McKnight, Burhans, Whitney. Finance—Messrs. Chapman, Hand, White. Ferry—Messrs. Malburn, Chapman, Jones. Flagging and Paving N. D.—Messrs. Downing, McKnight, Winne. Flagging and Paving S. D.—Messrs. Hand, Starks, Artcher. Levels—Messrs. Hand, McKnight, Artcher. Lamps—Messrs. Van Valkenburgh, McKnight, Ten Eyck. Law—Recorder, .Messrs. Ten Broeck, Downing, Osborn, Winne. Land—Messrs. Malburn, Burhans, Kane. Market—Messrs. Starks, Hand, Winne. Navigation—Messrs. Hand, Starks, Whitney. Watch—Messrs. Osborn, McKnight, Winne,. Streets—Messrs. Downing, Chambers, Kane. Trespass—Messrs. Burhans, Osborn, Kane. Water and Pumps—Messrs. Chambers, Downing, Ford. OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF ALBANY.

Mayor—Barent P. Staats. Recorder—William Parmelee. Clerk—James R. Rose. Sheriff— Amos Adams. Police '_fti_. ice—Cicero Loveridge. Police Con-ta&.e—James Meets. Deputy Exciie Officer—Christopher W. Bender. Chamberlain-^Christopher W. Bender. Chamberlain's Clerk—Isaac Hempsted. Marshal—John Osborn. Attorney—Andrew J. Colvin. • City Surveyor—John Bratt. Assistant City Surveyor—Aaron Hill. Superintendent N. D.—Harman V. Hart. Superintendent S. D.—John Hilton. Superintendent of the Alms House—Stephen V. R. Ableman. Superintendent of the Ferry—Cornelius Vanderbilt. Health Inspectors and Street'^Commissioners—First ward, An. drew Lloyd; Second ward, A. Brinckerhoff; Third ward, James McMullen; Fourth ward, Edward Kolenburgh; Fifth ward, John Pearce; Sixth ward, John McLaughlin; Seventh ward, Heary Evans; Eighth ward, Richard Gates; Ninth ward, William Fuhr;-Tenth ward, Henry Smith. Overseer of the Poor—David Mahoney. Chief Engineer of the Fire Department—James P. Gould. Assistants do—Walter R. Bush, Jacob I. Winne. Alms House Physician—Luther M. Tracy. Ward Physicians—First and Second wards, Tristram Brown ; Third and Fourth wards, John S. Van Alstyne ; Fifth and Sixth wards, Edw.ard Duffy; Seventh and Eighth wards, John V. P. Quackenbush; Ninth and Tenth wards, John 0. Flagler.. HOFFMAN S CITY REGISTER. High Constables—William Wright, George R. Finn. Captains of the Watch—Henry L. Jewell, Burgess Wandsj Isaac Hocknell. Dock Master—Peter C. Doyle. Inspector of Weights and Measures—James Wemple. Weighers of Fish and Iron, and Measurers of Salt and Grain —Samuel Albee, William Lathrop, William R. Hills, David Wooster, Thomas Silsby, David Holt, Michael McGuin, James Coffee, D. B. Van Schoonhoven, Daniel W. Talcott, Elijah Mc­ Chesney, Edward Hunter, John P. Russ, Elias Vanderlip, Jr. Chester Moore, Lawrence Hallenbake. Measurers of Wood—Albert Hinckley, Chester Malcom, Jo­ siah Patterson, John W. St. John, Samuel Albee, John Keeler. Keeper of the Powder House—James McCabe. City Gauger—Thomas D. Gaynor. Inspector of Bread—John Sager. • Weighers of Hay—Robert Lotridge, William Beardsley. Supervisors—First and Second wards, Andrew Moore ; Third ward, William J. Fryer; Fourth ward, Horace Meech; Fifth ward, Elisha W. Skinner ; Sixth ward, Samuel Pruyn ; Seventh ward. Daniel D.Shaw; Eighth ward, William B.Stanton ; Ninth and Tenth wards, George Traver. Assessors—First and Second wards, Joseph Courtney; Third ward, Benjamin F. Smith ; Fourth ward, John Marshall; Fifth ward, Robert C. Russell; Sixth ward, Elihu Russell; Seventh ward, Josiah Patterson ; Eighth ward, Gerrit Gates; Ninth and Tenth wards, Daniel W. Mills. Collectors of Taxes—First and Second wards, Edward Bate­ man; Third ward, John Hinckley; Fourth ward, Levi S. Little­ john ; Fifth ward, John Boardman; Sixth ward, Abner Davis; Seventh ward, William Gillespie; Eighth ward, Jacob D. Pohl­ man ; Ninth and Tenth wards, Solomon S. Leonard. Trustees of the School Districts. 1st District—John Simpson, Warren Cronk, G- V. S. Bleecker. 2d do Eli Perry, I. L. Judson, Wm. Newton. 3d do Robt. Sheppard, Wm. McElroy, Harvey Parsons. 4th do C. A. De Forrest, J. Van Alstyne, Chauncey Whitney. 5th do J. L. Winne, T. Spears, Jesse Boyd. 7th do H. Russell, H. Carpenter, Wm. Davis. 8th do Philip Phelps, W. C. Miller, A. G. Alden. 9th do Wm. Connelly, J. E. McClure, R. H. Burgess. 10th do B. R. Wood, H. Perry, W. R. Ford. School Commissioners—First ward, William Whalen; Second •ward, Jacob Scott; Third ward, Jeremiah' Nowlan; Fourth ward, Henry Greene; Fifth ward, John Q. Wilson; Sixth ward, Ebenezer Hill; Seventh ward, Thomas Tuey; Eighth ward, George Hill; Ninth ward, John G. White; Tenth ward, James McClure. HOFFMANS, CITY REGISTER. School Inspectors—First ward, Charles Kearnan; Second ward, William Cassidy; Third ward, C. H. Bramhall; Fourth ward, Denison Worthington; Fifth ward, L. Sprague Parsons; Sixth ward, John V. P. Quackenbush ; Seventh ward, Jesse C. Boyd ; Eighth ward, George G. Bramhall; Ninth ward, John S. Van Rensselaer; Tenth ward, Jesse Buel. Ward Police Constables—First ward, George Fields; Second ward, Edward A. Schermerhorn ; Third'ward, Edward Parma- lee ; Fourth ward, John Griswold; Fifth ward, James Meeks ; Sixth ward, John Simons ; Seventh ward, John Baker; Eighth ward, Isaac Conkling; Ninth ward, William Ball; Tenth ward, Charles Mink. Ward Constables—First ward, William N. Staats; Second ward, John Kinney; Third ward, William F. Sterling; Fourth ward, Harlow H. Seaver; Fifth ward, George Jenkins; Sixth ward, Joseph Parker; Seventh ward, John S. Van Buren; Eighth ward, William Wright; Ninth ward, John S. Van Voast ; Tenth ward, John H. Leonard. Lamp Lighters—James Caghall, Benjamin Stokey, Patrick O'Brien, Patrick Riley, Patrick Coughlin, David Miller, Martin Kinion, Michael McWilliams, John Vanderbergart U. S. Collector of the Customs—Thomas McElroy. Harbor Master—Selick Whitney. Ju_t.ce- of the Justices' Court—Gerrit L.Dox, Calvin Pepper, and David Hosford; William A. Hamilton, Clerk. PUBLIC NURSES. '

GABBISON, ISAAC P. 39 Second, Arbor Hill. DUBKEE, REBECCA, end First, Arbor Hill. MILLS, CHBISTINA, 91 Beaver. NELLIGAB, HANNAH, 75 Westerlo. STAATS, widow ELIZABETH, 24 Second, Arbor Hill. WOOD, ELIZA, 27 Van W-oert ^ VALENTINE, Mrs. 44 Franklin. DUMAND, SUSAN, 419 State continued. BBOWN, RACHAEL, 73 Beaver. OSTBANDEB, GEBTBUDE, 12 Grand. CAPBON, SALLY, 43 High. CAHILL, ELIZA, 130 Montgomery. SICKLES, MAKV ANN, 16 Wilson. MORGAN, Mrs. 14 Columbia. 10 HOFFMAN 3 ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Bancroft T. F. grocer and dry goods dealer, 224 and 226 cor. s. Pearl and Schuyler Bancroft Le Grand, commissioner of deeds, 44 State Bane Patrick, laborer, 59 Canal Banhart Philip, 95 Bassett BANK OF ALBANY, State-street BANK OF NEW-YORK, 69 State BANK COMMERCIAL, State BANK CANAL, State BANK MECHANICS' 6C FARMERS', Broadway, cor. Ex­ change BANK CITY, State BANK EXCHANGE, Merchants' Exchange BAPTIST CHURCH FIRST, Green, Between Hamilton and Division BAPTIST CHURCH SECOND, n. Pearl Banker Jasaniah, 54 Division • Bannan John, 209 s. Pearl Bantam John, whitesmith, 2 Canal, h. 64 Pearl Banton, widow Christina, 72 Orange Baragar, widow Harriet, 92 Hudson Bard well John A. bds. 29 Hudson Barker George P. Attorney-General of State, bds. • Congress Hall . " Barker & Pruyn, office 7 Patroon Barker, widow, 6 Maiden-lane Btiiiow William, keeper Albion Hotel, cor. Herkimer and Market Barn Patrick, waiter, 90 Canal Barnard S. W. (F. J. B. 6c Son,) 194 Broadway Barnard Daniel D. Attorney and Representative in Congress, 1 Academy Park Barnard Frederick J. & Son, lumber dealers, 159 Water, h. 194 Broadway Barnard George A. carpenter, 58 Rensselaer Barnard Ammiel, 71 Jackson Barnaid George T. skipper, 62 Jackson HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 1 1

Barnes Samuel S. printer, 35 Dean Barnes Marquis, agent for Swiftsure Line, office foot of State, on the Pier, h. 39 Columbia Barnes William, 41 Schuyler Barney William, upper end of Lydius Barnes S. S. provision store, 162 State Barnes Martin, grocer, 82 Water Barney George H. agent Northern Transportation Line, office 101 Pier, res. Temperance House Barnum Samuel G. shoemaker, 123 n. Pearl Barrett Hugh, laborer, 55 Second near Swan Barrett Richard, paver, 57 Canal Barrett John, 128 Broadway Barrett William, gold-beater, 49 Hudson Barrett Wyman R. 49 Green Barry Thomas, 68 Arch Bartholomew Riley, 15 Dallius Bartholomew Andrew, 26 Maiden lane Bartholomew Charles, grocer, corner Grand and Lydius Barllelt Backus L. 71 Hudson, store 77 Market Bartlett Mary, 96 Hudson Bartley James, carpenter, 49 Van Schaick Bartley Miles, moulder, Canal above Cross Bartley Patrick, laborer, Centre Barton L. M. 29 Jay Barton Joseph, mason, 314 Washington, n. Branch Barton Thomas, saddler, 153 Broadway Barton Edwin H. Utica Line, office 94 Pier, h.-42 Beaver Bassett Daniel, teacher, res. cor. Swan and Westerlo Bastian Joseph, laborer, 38 Patroon Bastianelli Titus, French variety store, 18 Broad­ way, res. 48 Chapel Batcfielor Thiel, 23 Fayette Batchelor Edwaid C. 23 Fayette 12 HOFFMAN S ALBANT DIRECTORY.

Batchelor Galen, (J. Sherman & Co.) bds, at Mrs. Lockwood _ Bateman Richard, carpenter, 76 Knox Bateman Thomas, morocco-dresser, 248 .. Pearl Bateman Edward, 139 Broad Bates Thomas C. 48 Quay, res. Mansion house Bates Slawson, combmaker, rear 51 Fayette Bates Jeremiah H. cooper, 4 Swan, h. Elk near Swan Bates Amasa, gardener, 270 s. Pearl Bates Samuel, 236 Washington Battel Mellen, machinist, 15 Quay, h. 100 Water Battel William, laborer, 47 Van Schaick Battersbee John, butcher, Third, Arbor Hill Battersbee John,.Swan... Lumber Batinger Robert, Cherry Baum John, 138 Franklin Bay William, physician, 32 n. Pearl Bay John W. physician, office 66^ Broadway, res. 32 n. Pearl Bay Edward, 84 Broadway Bay Charles, 64 Broadway Bay John junior, druggist, res. 32 n. Pearl Bays Simpson, maltster, 229 Washington Bayeux (Thomas) & Segue (Samuel), proprietors of Rensselaer House, 117 and 119 Market Bayeux Thomas, res. 85 Herkimer Bayard Killian, saddler, bds. Eastern Hotel Beal Edmond, First, Arbor Hill Beal Philip, mason, rear 52 Clinton Beal James, First, Arbor Hill Beals, Mrs. Sally, 52 Hamilton Beardsley Leonard, 67 Eagle Beardsley Wm. D. 215 Hamilton Beardsley Nelson, 42 Spring Beardsley William, Mechanics' and Farmers' Inn, 38 Hawk, cor. State Bearup James, blacksmith, 261 State HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 13 Beatson David, marble factory, cor. s. Pearl and Hud­ son, res. 86 Hudson Beatty, Alexander W. cooppr, 275 Washington Bechtel Peter, shoemaker, 231 Washington Beck T. Romeyn, principal Albany Academy, *• wing, 1 Fayette Be'ckel M. fancy dry goods, 28 Green Becker Adam, laborer, rear 252 Washington Becker Henry P. 58 Union Bedel Henry, boatman, 98 Orange Bedell Daniel, Snipe, cor. Washington Bedell Bichard, victualler, stall 5 Centre market, h. 71 Knox Bedell Elisha P. dealer in produce, 49 Dove Bedell Hulett, 244 *. Pearl Bee Thomas, 99 Church Beebe Edward H. blacksmith, 57 s. Lansing Beebe Asaph, Hudson River House, 109 Pier Beebe Jacob, carpenter, 166 Spring Beebe William C. 50 Fayette Beebe Thomas T. carpenter, 133 Montgomery Beebee Edwin, Montgomery Hall Beecher John, Albany Baths, 121 and 123 Broad­ way Beekman Misses, preceptresses, 56 Westerlo Beekman Hannah, -(widow of Douw P.) 56 Wes­ terlo Beers Benjamin, cartman, 14 Bleecker Beetham John, 5 Park Beetham Mrs. 5 Park Be.gg Wm. E. shoemaker, 8 Pine Beglin Marian, tailoress, 30 Chapel Belden Selah, shoemaker, 199 Broadway, res. 30 Patroon Belew Arthur, corner Green and Hudson, house 111 Broadway 2 14 Belew John, cartman and grocer, 68 Church, cor. Herkimer Belew Henry, cartman, 210 Market Belknap (Zabina) & McKercher (Duncan) dealers in anthracite coal, 14 Quay Belknap Zabina, res. 25 De Witt Bell James, trunkmaker, 15 Lodge . Bell Mathew, carpenter, 22 Park Bell Gerrit W. dry goods, 44 Broadway, res. 3 Lan­ caster Bell Henry, boatman, 367 State Bell Joseph, 3 Lancaster , Bell Joseph S. clerk in post-office, 26 Maiden lane Bell, widow Angelica, 29 Van Schaick Bell James, carpenter, 230 State Bell John, carpenter, rear 58 Washington Ben Peter, white-washer and crier for lost children, 8 Steuben Bendal Henry, pedler, 136 Franklin Bendal Job, grocer, 94 Green Bendle Edward, 148 Broad Bender Martin, boatman, Patroon continual Bender Matthew W. grocer, 70 s. Pearl Bender Christopher W. chamberlain, residence 70 5. Pearl Bender William M. merchant, 427 Lydius cor. Lark, res. Herkimer continued Benedict Edmund, 8 Capitol park Benedict Lewis, 8 Capitol park Benedict Spencer S. 3 Park place Benedict Lewis junior, attorney, &c. 57 State, res. 8 Capitol park Benedict L. & Co. (Walter M. Rockwell & S. S. • Benedict) hardware merchants, 62 State Benham George, coachmaker, 86 Church Benjamin, N. G. (A. & Co.) 74 Market street, h. 22 Liberty HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 15

Bennar John, shoemaker, 66 Union Benne David F. dry goods, 19 Market, residence 21 Jay Benner Elizabeth, 6 Catharine Bennet J. S. cartman, 256 Broadway Bennett Oliver, stage driver, .14 Church Bennett E2ra B. (A. & B.) 65 Quay, residence 29 Westerlo Benjamin Jacob, hair-dresser, 373 State Bensen David, planemaker, cor. State and Lodge, res. 162 Broadway Benson, widow Sarah, 64 Orange Benson Mrs. Jennet, 22 Park Bent John, farmer, Bradford Bentley Chas. W. agent for Boston packets, 80 Quay, res. 59 Grand Bentley, widow of Randall, corner Liberty and Di- • vision Bentley James R. cor. Liberty and Division Benton Joseph, bookbinder, 131 Green Bepler John, 222 Washington Berba -, 95 Schuyler Bergen Thomas, mason 69 Church Bergen, , laborer, 32 Quay ' Bergen Patrick, 115 Quay Bergeron M. tavernkeeper, 165 Market Bergeron Maxwell, 86 Church Berringer Peter, carpenter, 30 Clinton Berringer Jacob, dealer in watches, clocks, &c. 82 State Berry Samuel, 150 Spring Berry Rial, produce buyer, 29 Lumber Berthelon Daniel, musician and segarmaker, corner Steuben and Chapel . Berthelon Daniel, jr. corner Steuben and Chapel Ber.r_.nd Lewis, hair dresser, 111 Pier, house 142 Franklin 16 H0FFJ-ANS ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Bettis Thomas, carpenter, Schenectady turnpike Betts Richard D. 57 Water, h. 101 Columbia Betts Samuel, proprietor of Clinton Hotel, corner #. Pearl and Beaver. _ew Launcelot, clothing store, 114 Market Bicknell Becker, 81 n. Pearl Biggins Thos. tailor, 207 Market Bigly George, tobacconist, 3 Stanwix Hall, Maider. Lane, h. 31 Canal Bills Charles, 212 Market Biliew, widow Margaret 101 Orange Biliew Cornelius B. builder, 101 Orange Billings Henry, 146 Lydius Bilson David H. ropemaker, Lumber, Arbor Hill Billson Peter, to. end Van Woert Billson Abraham, messenger to Chancellor's room, Capitol, 16 Pine Billson Abram,. mason, 100 Hawk BinghamJ.W. 114 Pier Birley William, maltster, 45 Van Woert Birmingham Jame's, 62 State, res. 15 Rose Bishop George, 65 n. Lansing Bishop Henry, furrier 82 Beavet Bishop A. hat store, 34 State, res. 49 Liberty Bishop William, laborer, 234 Washington Bishop Otis, printer, 150 Lydius Bishop William G. printer, 150 Lydius Bissell William, cradle and spinning-wheel factory, 268*. Pearl Biven William, painter, 22 Park Black Thomas, brewer, 66 Ferry Black John, cabinetmaker, 203 _.. Pearl Blackall Joseph, locksmith and bell-hanger, shop cor. • Hamilton and William, h. 135 Lydius Blackall Sarah, 246 Broadway Blackall Charles, shoemaker, 265 Washington, ». Branch DIRECTORY. 17

Blackall William, furnaceman, 142 Hudson Blackall Mrs. 265 Washington Blackall Robert, 107 Hudson Blackman John, baker, 419 State continued Blackman George, 144 Spring Blair Albert, undertaker 29 Green Blake Henry, 49 Union Blake George, hatter, 71 Rensselaer Blake Ezekiel, coppersmith, 15 Chapel, near Orange Blake Elizabeth, 11 Westerlo Blake John, carpenter, rear 190 s. Pearl Blake Adam, Third, Arbor Hill Blakeman David, moulder, 4 Daniels Blakeman, widow Elizabeth, 20 Daniels Blanchard Anthony, attorney, &c 125 State Blanchard Justus W. hairdresser, 31 Broadway, res. 8 Dean Blanchard Elisha, baker, 7 Church Blanchard Reuben J. 75 Westerlo Blanchard Alonzo L. 11 Van Tromp Blanchard & Wyman, attorneys, &c 125 State Blank Thomas, morocco-dresser, manufactory, *. Ferry, opposite St. John's church, res. 58 s. Lan­ sing Blaser Henry, shoemaker, 57 Washington Blatner Henry, grocer, cor. Herkimer and Frankliy Bleecker James, 93 s. Pearl Bleecker George M. res. 58 n. Pearl Bleecker Gerrit V. S. 93 s. Pearl Bleecker Henry, (R. H. King & Co.) merchants, 49 State, res. 58 n. Pearl Bleecker John R. office 59 and h. 61 Broadway Bleecker Nicholas, jr. clerk Albany Bank, and notary public, boards at City Hotel Bleecker William E. wholesale dry goods, 63 State, res. 37 n. Pearl Bleecker Nicholas, 113 Broadway 2# 18 HOFFMAN 3 ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Bleecker Harmanus, jr. 113 Broadway Bleecker Charles N. (Yates, Bleecker & Co.) res. 58 n. Pearl Bleecker, widow of Henry, 58 n. Pearl Bleyle Frederic, halter, 96 Market Bliss Eleazer, butcher, 72 William Bliss Aaron, blacksmith, 67 Eagle Blood John, shoemaker, 164 Washington Bloodgood, widow of Francis, 111 State Bloom John, provision store, 5 Exchange, h. 85 Co­ lumbia ", • ' Bloomindall, widow Ann, Patroon continued Bloonhart Michael G. gardener, 292 Washington Boa Michael, gardener at Dv. Wendell's Boardman Elizabeth, 10 High Boardman & Gray, piano forte manufacturers, 4 and 6 n. Pearl Boardman John, builder, 9J State Boardman William, builder, 91 Hudson Boardman William G. 6 n. Pearl, res. 91 State Boardman John H. stonecutter, 336 State Bogardus I. carpenter, 74» Eagle Bogardus Henry, laborer, 59 William Bogart John, 218 Market Bogart John H. (Yates, Bleecker & Co ) 18 Elk Bogart, Mrs. Isaac H. 212 Broadway Bogart William, silversmith, 48 Philip Boggit W. K. Third, Arbor Hill Boiling Lawrence, porter'house, Washington cor. Hawk. Bolden Daniel, mason, Little Basin Bolles Edward R. harnessmaker, 20 Union Bond Mary and Martha, dressmakers, 53 Van Schaick Boner Daniel, coach painter, 60 Lydius Boner John, cooper, 27 Dean Boos George, grocer, 316 Washington n. Branch Booth William, 97 Orange HOFFMAN'S ALBANY. DIRECTORY. 19

Booth Philo, inspector of beef and pork,.pffice Tay­ lor's Malt House, h. 189 Washington Booth William, merchant tailor, 52 Broadway, h. 97 Orange; Booth Thomas, cartman, Elk near Swan Booth, widow Eliza, Patroon Booth George H. 66 Hudson Borden Job, carpenter, Jay, above High Borne, widow Mary, 211 Market Borne Joseph C. tinman, 90 Green, h 211 Market Bortle Richard, 113 Pier, h. 7 Catharine Bortle George, steamboat agent, 123 Pier Borthwick H. 245 Market Borthwick Harvey, 40 Union Bose Keller, tailor, 19 Fayette Bots George, 71 Maidenrlaine Bouck, Mrs. S. B. 14 Jay Boughton Miss J. M. millinery, 59 Green Boughton Daniel, hat store, 81 Market, h. 59 Green Bounds Cornelius, shoemaker, 11 Dallius Bounden Hugh, coppersmith, 46 Patroon Bouse Robert, blacksmith, 50 Lawrence Bovvden James, paver, 33 Fayette Bowne John, Troy road Bowers Benjamin, carpenter, 224 Broadway Bowers David N. confectioner, 224 Broadway Bowhay James G. 40 Union Bowman Peter E. flour and provision merchant, 49 Quay, res. 35 Fayette Boyd Thomas, hatter, 43 Market, h. 4 Liberty Boyd Robert, brewer, cor. Arch and Franklin, h. 61 Ferry Boyd Peter, 71 Ferry Boyd James P. physician, office and res. cor. Hud­ son and Grand Boyd John I residence Eagle Tavern Boyd Barent S. waterman, 44 Union 20 HOFFMAN'S AIBANY DIRECTORY.

Boyd Mrs. millinery, 42 s. Pearl Boyd (Thomas I.) & Paul (Stephen,) druggists, 17 State Boyd" Thomas, chandler, 38 Canal Boyd, widow, 97 Beaver Boyd Samuel, 8 Canal Boyd Thomas I. 71 Ferry Boyd John, 61 Ferry Boyd Isaac, tailor, 159 Green Boyd J. C. 70 Pier, res. 68 Lawrence Boyd James, 166 Lydius Boyd Hugh, grocer, 83_ s. Pearl Boyle Richard, laborer, fear 36 Van Schaick Boyle Francis, cartman, 36 Van Schaick Boyle John, blacksmith, Schuyler Boyle Daniel, coppersmith, 150 Broadway Boyle James, malster, 46 Ferry Boyle Arthur, plasterer, 6 Broad Boyle Francis, laborer, 36 Van Schaick Boyland Dennis, laborer, corner Green and Rensse­ laer Boynton Jonah C. (Wamer 6c B.) bookbinder, 91 Lydius Boynton Phebe, 91 Lydius Boynton Samuel, 42 Montgomery Braan Moses, coppersmith, Herkimer, above Swan Bracken, widow, grocer, 12 Clinton Bradbury Samuel, 10 Park Bradbury Charles, cartman, 109 Canal Bradford Mrs. Mary, 3 Clinton Square Bradford William, 154 s. Pearl Bradford John L. 264 Market Bradish Luther, Lieutenant-Governor State, res. Mrs. Lockwood's, 51 n. Pearl Bradley, widow Ann, Herkimer, above Swan Bradley James, grocer, Little Basin Bradley James, lace manufacturer, 285 Washington HOFrMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 21

Bradley Lucien, -57 Church Bradshaw James, carpenter, 52 Division Bradstreet William H. mason, 26 Hawk Bradslreet, widow Mary, 26 Hawk Bradt William, 94 Bassett Bradt Peter V. cartman, 162 Washington Bradt John A. grocer, 90 Washington, res. 104 Bradt Francis, 136 n. Pearl Bradt Daniel, 89 n. Pearl Bradt, widow Mary, tailoress, 310 State continued Bradt Alexander, mason, 20 Park Bradt Albert, carpenter, 39 High Bradt Hannah, 231 Market ' * Bradt John, grocer, 90 Washington, res. 104 Bradt Jeremiah, cartman, 105 Washington Bradt Adrian, carpenter, 377 State Bradt Peter, 271 s, Pearl Bradt Petei A. skipper, 265 $. Pearl Bradwell Schuyler, 7 Lydius Bradwell, A. W. 25 Herkimer Brady Philip, laborer, 235 Market Brady, widow Margaret, rear morocco factory, Canal Brady Bernard, laborer, 233 Broadway Brady Philip, laborer, 62 Schuyler Brady Francis, tailor, 9 Spring Brady John, laborer, rear 36 Van Schaick Brady Patrick, laborer, 142 Broad Brady Cornelius, laborer, 1 Bleecker Brady Thomas, laborer, 181 Market Braham Daniel, carpenter, 351 State Brainard Daniel, 44 John Brainard George, 102 Hawk Brainard Benj. C. master steamboat Mount-Pleasant, 38 Franklin Brainard Elijah, block and pumpmaker, 23 Quay, h. 64 Water » 22 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Bramhall Chas. H. attorney &c. 6 Exchange Brammall George G. grocer, 27, residence 32 Van Schaick Bran, John, maltster, 271 Washington Branyon Andrew, leather dresser, 40 Water Brasure John W. lampmaker, shop 15 Church, h. 96 Herkimer Bratt Gerrit T. wholesale and retail dealer in liquors, 49 Beaver, res. 223 Market Bratt Henry, mason, 10 Ferry Bratt Daniel, mason, 12 Daniels Bratt John, city surveyor, City Hall, residence 3 High Bratt Miss Catharine, 69 Hudson Bray Anson, type mould maker, 59 Fayette Bray Francis, shoemaker, 57 Van Schaick Bray Thomas, boatman, 106 Quay Bray Martin, mason, 71 Grand Breen Edward, coppersmith, 54 Philip Breen Patrick, laborer, 93 Church Brenan James, maltster, 66 Franklin Brentnall Charles, oil cloth painter, 345 Lydius Bressel Terrence, laborer, rear 84 Canal Bressett Fabian, fturti-H, Swan Brewer James, tobacconist, 33 Van Woert Biiare, widow of Peter, confectioner, 47 Green Briare Benjamin, 13 Broadway Briare & Walker, proprietors Knickerbacker Hall, 13 Broadway Briant John, brickmaker, 180 Lydius Brickner John, potter, Schenectady turnpike Bridges Earl, portrait-painter, 17 Beaver Bridges Theodore, 17 Beaver Bridgeford Samuel L. shoemaker, Ten Broeck Bridgford John, mason, 3 Snipe Briding, widow Mary, Bradford Briggs Isaac B. 36 Eagle HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 23

Briggs Richard B. druggist, 4 Exchange, house 57 Hudson Briggs Hannah, 57 Hudson . Briggs John, rear 220 State Bright, widow Emma M. 68 n. Pearl Brightman Adolphus, mason, 50 Ferry Brinckerhoff Edward, 62 n. Pearl Brinckerhoff, (J. 6c T.) brushmakers, 16 Green Brinckerhoff John, brushmaker, 2 Daniels BrincRerhoff Teunis, 37 Steuben Brinckerhoff George, when in city, 62 n. Pearl Brinckerhoff, Mrs. Elizabeth, 62 n. Pearl Brinckerhoff Abram, 218 Market Brinn , 236 Market Brinnin Thomas blacksmith, Wendell Bristol Charles E. bds. City Hotel Bri8sett M. furrier, 63 Second Brittan Henry, shoemaker, 246 Broadway Brittan Martin, 60 Green Broat John, 5 Grand alley Brockway Henry, weaver, factory, Tivoli Brockway & Sons, dentists, 52 Broadway Broly Patrick, tailor, 31 Quay Bromley Hiram, forwarding merchant, cor. State and Quay, h. 23 Hamilton Bromley Robert 312 State Bronk Wilhelmus, carpenter, 154 Broad Bronson Greene C. judge of the supreme court, 141 Washington Brooks John, grocery and provisions, cor. Union and Division Brooks, Mrs. Isabella, carpet weaver, 47 Spring Brooks Cornelius, bds. 8 Plain Brooks D. A. bds. Eagle Brooks, Miss Elizabeth, 32 Steuben Brooks, widow Catalina, 96 Hudson 24 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Brooks Jonathan, jr. provision and grocery store, '61 Quay, h. 128 Green Brooks David, coppersmith, 35 Swan Brooks Thomas, 46 Union Brooks Thomas, Adelphi recess, 21 Norton Brooks Peter, cartman, 47 Spring Brooks Jonathan, 13 Plain Brooksby William, stone cutter, 32 s. Lansing Brooksby William, Albany Nursery Brophy Edward, 160 Green Brossan , bds. at Churchill's Brothers Lewis, carpenter, 56 Rensselaer Brower Hessel E. coach trimmer, 20 Lydius Brower, widow of Hessel, 20 Lydius Brower S. D. 205 Lydius Brower, widow Margaret, 258 s. Pearl Brower Nicholas, carpenter, 253 s. Pearl Brower Albertus, coach painter, 102 Church Brown Joseph, type dealer, 291 Washington Brown George S. pianoforte polisher, 31 Knox Brown H. K. p6rtrait painter, 17 Stanwix Hall Brown Thomas B. pianoforte maker, 139 Broadway Brown John, coachman, 19 Hawk Brown James, 61 Beaver . . Brown Robert, 61 Beaver Brown James, laborer, cor. Lumber and n. Pearl Brown A. E. office 9 Commercial Buildings, res. 2 Clinton Square, 90 n. Pearl Brown A. Heyer, office 10 Commercial Buildings, res. 2 Clinton Square Brown, Miss M. I. fancy store, 48 Broadway Brown Moses, carpenter, 79 Lawrence Brown William, silver-plater, shop 15 Church, res. 59 Union Brown William G. dry goods, 30 Broadway, res. cor. Hudson and Grand Brown Dorothy, 92 Columbia HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 25

Brown James H. blacksmith, 154 Market, residence 18 Lydius Brown Tristram, physician, 102 Church , Brown Robert, 216 Broadway * * Brown Thomas, carpenter, 33 Hudson Brown William, agent Despatch Line, 120 Pier,-fa. 70 Herkimer Brown Mrs. dry goods, 116 Broadway Brown Edward, 35 Beaver Brown Joseph, mustard manufacturer, 33 Van Schaick Brown John C. proprietor of Eagle Street Hotel Brown George, grocer, 223 s. Pearl Brown Matthews, grocery and provision store, 122 Water Brown Charies, 1 Lancaster Brown George, 24 Van Woert Brown Isaac, dealer in stoves and hardware, store and house 128 State Brown James M physician, 114 Broadway, Brown, Miss Mary R. milliner and dressmaker, 18 s. Pearl Brown David, draper and tailor, 10 s. Pearl, bds. 11 Beaver Biown John, merchant, Westerlo continued Brown, Miss Julia, tailoress, 314 State Brown John, carpenter, Cherry Brown, Mrs. Rachel, nurse, 73 Beaver Brown Edward, porter house, 4 William Brown Edward, pattern maker, 6 Daniel Brown Eleanor, 92 Columbia Brown, widow Mary, boarding house, 102 Water Brown, widow Ellen, rear 145 Broad • Brown Rev. Abel, 209 Green Brown, widow Mary, 121 Snipe Brown Anthony, 318 Washington Brownell George, bds. 59 Maiden Lane 3 26 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Brownell (Erastus) 6c Wright (Chauncey) provision store, 193 Broadway Browning Thomas H. 33 Steuben Bruce Alfred, dry goods, 45 Washington, res. 91 Bruce Alonzo, 45 Washington, res. 91. Bruckner C. 273 s. Pearl Bryan John 6c Son, (Francis,) fur store, 10 Market Bryan John, (J. B. & Son,) h. Schuyler, west of s. Pearl Bryan Charles, bds. at John Bryan's Bryan Francis, bds. at John Bryan's Bryan David, tailor 67 William Bryant Michael, laborer, 73 Rensselaer, Bryant William, tallow chandler, 14 Rose Bryarly Robert, tailor, 49 De Witt Buchannan James L. 46 Second, Arbor Hill Buchannan Peter, currier 46 Second, Arbor Hill Buchannan Alexander, painter 14 Lydius Buckbee Joseph, boatman, 306 Broadway Buckbee James A. 27 Montgomery Buckbee John, 27 Montgomery . Buckbee John C. skipper, 213 Hamilton Buckbee John T. skipper, 308 Broadway Buckbee H. H. agent for rail-road line, residence 55 Green Buckhottey Frederick, apothecary and druggist, cor. Washington and Swan, res. 43 Fayette Buckley Russell, printer, 50 Church Buckley Patrick, carpenter, 138 s. Pearl Buckley, widow Margaret, grocer, 101 Beaver Bucklin John, Albany canal store, Can91 Basin, h. 72 Lawrence Buckman John, 15 Dean • Budd Joseph, shoemaker, 312^ State Buel Susan, widow of Jesse, Buel farm, Western turnpike Buel Jesse, Cottage, Western turnpike 27 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Buel Charles, Albany nursery, north of railroad Bulkley Abel & Son, grocers, 113 Green cor. Herki­ mer, res. 19 Dallius Bulger R. & E. grocers, 56 Quay, also Little Basin Bulger John, laborer, 41 Water Bulger Thomas, 36 n. Lansing Bull Elizabeth, 34 Union Bull Montgomery, 26 Union Bullions William G. 10 Elk Bullions Rev. Peter, professor of languages in Alba­ ny Academy, res. n. wing academy, 10 Elk Bulson Nicholas, 13 Van Woert Bulson Misses, 310 Broadway Bulson Thomas, carpenter, 49 Van Woert Bulson Peter, west end Van Woert Bulson Jacob, rear 298 Broadway Bullock Joseph N. rectifier, 308J State Burbanks Chester, 18 Lumber Burbank James H. 41 Water Burbanks Margaret, grocer, 104 Quay Burdett George W. teacher, bds. U. S. Hotel Burdick Thomas, builder, 13 John Burdick Francis, carpenter, Cherry Burdick Jonathan, carpenter, Cherry Burdick George W. mason, 32 Rensselaer Burge William, carpenter, 295 Washington n. Branch Burgess Edward G. 63 Quay, h. 35^ Fayette Burgess, widow Marion, rear 70 Canal » . Burgess, widow Sarah, 355- Fayette Burgess Leonard G. jeweller, 81 Herkimer Burgess John, arocer, cor. Green and Rensselaer Burgess Robert H. 48 Westerlo Burgs Joseph, rear 220 Slate Burhans, widow Ellen, 37 High Burhans William D. dry goods, 40 Broadway, res. Mrs. De Wilt's . Burhans David H. 144 Lydius 28 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Burhans David, alderman for the Second ward, 130 s. Pearl Burhans & Vanderzee, grocers, cor. Lydius and s Pearl Burke Lewis, w. end Van Woert Burke William, blacksmith,.79 Orange Burke James, laborer, 13 Lumber Burke William, furrier, 104 Broadway Burke James, 166 Broadway Burke Joseph, boards at 42 Chapel Burke Thomas, rear 57 Montgomery Burke Michael, laborer, 8 Colonie Burke Patrick, laborer, 27 Broad Burke Patrick, 14 Clinton Burnett William, pilot, 7 Van Woert Burnham Eddy, carpenter, 79 Canal Burnop William, currier, 98 Church .Burnop Philip, 98 Church Burnop, Miss C. milliner, 30 Hudson Burns Thomas, drayman, 81 Canal Burns, widdvv, 4 Lawrence court Burns Michael, furrier, 13 Lumber Burns Morris, grocer, 172 Market Burns Francis P. pianoforte maker, 83j State, res, 78 &. Pearl Burns John, laborer,-First, Arbor Hill Burns John, cooper, 38 Canal Burns Jahn, grocer, 117 Broad Burns Matthew, tailor, 74 s. Pearl Burns John, laborer, Herkimer above Swan Burnside J. E. drover, 39 Lark Burroughs Charles, 162 Green Burroughs William, 41 Water Burroughs, Mrs. Eliza, 87 Hudson Burs Francis, caulker, Delaware Burt James, carpenter, 37 Fayette Burt Edward, confectioner, 82 Broadway HOFFMAN s ALBANY DIRECTORY. 29 Burt Thomas, laborer, 16 Quay Burt Uriah, Brewer, res. 57 Lumber Burton John B. cabinet maker, 148 Broadway Burton A. N. Thomsonian physician, 66 Chapel Burton James, looking-glass manufacturer, 3 Green, h. 33 Hamilton Burton MattheW, carpenter, 272 Broadway Burton John I. attorney, &c. 48 State, res. 9 Swan Burton Isaac, 9 Swan Burton, Miss Nancy, teacher, 66 Chapel Burwell Dudley, attorney, &c. 5 Exchange Building, 2d floor, res. Mrs. Lockwood's Burwell Hiram, laborer, 47 n. Lansing Bush Walter R. (J. Goold & Co.) res. 71 Hamilton Bush John, brickmaker, 195 Hamilton Bush Magdalen, 1 James Bussey John, chairmaker, Lodge, near State, res. 26 Maiden lane Buss Charles, tea and fruit store, 4 s. Pearl, h. 46 Beaver * Butler James C. boards 103 s. Pearl Butler Thomas, grocer, 92 Green Butler Calvin, cartman, 280 Washington, n. Branch Butler, widow Laura, Washington, n. Branch Butler John, grocer, 141 Market Butler John W. cartman, 12 John Butler Philip, cook, 38 First, Arbor Hill Butler John, Ten Broeck Butter Thomas, 16 Van Zandt Butters Daniel, rear 101 Hamilton Bultrey James, laborer, Hudson, w. Lark Buxton John, accountant, 11 Canal Byer Henry, pianoforte maker, 18 Park Byers Presley, carpenter, 127 Orange Bygate Richard, grocer, Westerlo, near Dove Byrne & Connich, coopers, 95 Pier Byrne Malachi, shoemaker, 51 Church Byrne Daniel, 182 Market 3* 30 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY- Byrne Michael, grocer, 182 Market Byrnes James, waterman, rear 40 Arch Byrnes John, cooper, 50 Church-

CADY JOHN, -proprietor of Otsego House, 74 Washington Cady John D. 74 Washington Carney James, clerk, 15 Rose Cafferty William C. tailor, 24 Ferry Cagger Peter, attorney, &c. office 29 Broadway, re­ sidence 203 Cahill Thomas, contractor, 17 Cross Cahill Thomas, moulder, 304 Market Cahill Mrs. Eliza, nurse, 130 Montgomery Cahill Patrick, 130 Montgomery Cahill James, rear 54 Rensselaer Cahill Patrick, 14 Clinton Cahill William, 14 Clinton Cain Dennis, bridge tender, 18 Bleecker Cain John, drayman, 74 Arch Cain John, shoemaker, 207 s. Pearl Cain William, shoemaker, 74 s. Pearl Cain John, shoemaker, 99 Eagle Caldwell William, when in city, at Mansion House, country res. Caldwell, Lake George Caldwell Wallace E. I. State, bds. 23 Patroon Caldwell William J. 84 Green Callahan Andrew, grocer, corner Hamilton and _;. Pearl Callahan Michael, laborer, 40 Canal Callahan Michael, laborer, <47 Van Schaick Callahen Peter, shoemaker, 102 Broadway Callahen John, boatman, 241 Market Callahan, Mrs. Mary, millinery, 56 _;. Pearl Calely, Miss Bridget, dressmaker, 51 Maiden lane Callanen Hugh, shoemaker, 37 Chapel HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 31

Calhoun John, brickmaker, 53 Alexander Callender David, grocer, 112 Water, cor. Lumber Calligan Mrs. Amelia, 1 Chapel Calverly Charles, machinist, shop cor. Lodge and Howard, res. 35 Howard Calvin Patrick, laborer, Water Cameron Angus, carpenter, 69 Eagle Cameron Daniel, tobacconist, 83 Bleecker Cameron Margaret, 10 Daniel Cameron John, laborer, 81 Orange ' Cameron, widow Alida, rear 50 Second, Arbor Hill Cameron John S. 85 First, Arbor Hill Camp Alfred W. driver, 36 Union Campbell Andy, 49 Alexander Campbell, Mrs. Christina, confectioner, cor. Hamilton and Green Campbell John R. saddler, 68 Lydius Campbell Archibald, Deputy Secretary of Stale, of­ fice State-Hall, res. 60 Chapel Campbell Rev. John N. pastor First Presbyterian church, res. Mrs. Lockwood's Campbell, widow Sarah, grocer, n. Ferry, near the Ferry Campbell Susannah, 262 s. Pearl Campbell Mrs. fashionable millinery, 68 Lydius 1 Campbell Robert, 12 Orange Campbell Thomas,-rear 72 Eagle Campbell Adam, waiter, 188 Broadway Campbell Robert, dyer and scourer, 26 Beaver Campbell, widow Mary, 108 Water Campbell James, laborer, 186 ... Pearl Campbelt John, cor. Bleecker and Green Campbell William, pedler, 36 Orange Campbell, widow Lana, Canal above Cross Campbell Rev. William H. pastor Third Dutch Church, res.. 39 Broad Campbell Herman, 248 Broadway 32 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Campbell Miss, millinery, 40 Green Campbell John, tobacconist, 32 Water Campin John, 67 Colonie CANAL COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, Merchant's Exchange, Exchange-st. Canaby George, tailor, 14 Bleecker Canoll John W. H. watchmaker and jeweller, 80 s. Pearl Canoll James, 49 n. Lansing Cannaven Edward, laborer, 232 Broadway Cantine William R. attorney, &c. 5 Douw's Buildings res. 145 Broadway Cantine, Misses, 145 Broadway Cantwell, widow Jane, Willett, opposite Public Square Cantwell Michael, 8 Columbia Capron Edward, carpenter, 48 Second, Arbor Hill Capron Daniel, carpenter, 160 n. Pearl Capron Charles, produce-dealer, res. 360 Lydius Capron, widow of William, 164 Washington Capron Benjamin, 52 Lawrence Capron, widow Sally, nurse, 43 High Carew Joseph, sculptor, 164 Green Carey Patrick, baker, 37 Liberty Carls John D. blacksmith, 59 s. Lansing Carls John, cartman, 59 s. Lansing Carls John, jun. 59 s. Lansing Carly Patrick, 75 Arch Carman Theodore, shoemaker, 27 William Carmichael, widow of James, 48 Franklin Carmichael Peter, attorney, &c. 48 Franklin Carmichael Peter M. bds. 44 Beaver Carmody Richard, professor of music, 266 Broadway Carne Michael, laborer, 7 Bleecker Carpenter George W. surveyor, 33 Patroon Carpenter Chester, tallow chandler, 47 Dewitt . Carpenter, Mrs. Elizabeth, 123 n. Pearl Carpenter & Kirk, merchant tailors, 11 Broadway HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 33 Carpenter Henry, (Carpenter & Kirk) 29 Chapel Carpenter, widow of Peter, 100 Schuyler Carr Thomas T. keeper Pearl-street House, 70 s. Pearl Carr George, carpenter, 280 Washington Carr Edward, Chestnut near State Carr Wm. A. ship carpenter, 19 John Carr Francis J. laborer, Herkimer above Swan Carr, widow Nancy, 28 Van Schaick Carr William, blacksmith, 25 Lodge Carr Charles, carpenter, 214 Broadway Carroll William, blacksmith, 270 Market Carroll Michael, grocer, 160 Market Carroll John, rear 86 Canal Carroll James, 50 Chapel Carroll Arlond, lumber merchant, 51 Pier, h. 5 Quack­ enbush Carroll Patrick, laborer, 47 Van Zandt Carroll James, rear 72 Eagle Carroll John, tobacconist, 81 Canal Carroll William, cartman, Canal near Swan Carroll Owen, rear 74 Canal Carroll Patrick, moulder, 45 High Carroll James, mason, 73 Canal Carson Thomas, watchmaker and jeweller, 70 State, h. 47 Washington Carson David, 47 Washington Carson Thomas H. watchmaker and jewejler, 70 State, h. 47 Washington Carson Charles, engraver, 47 Washington Carson Chas. W. engraver, 6S State, residence 47 Washington Carson David, jeweller, 47 Washington Carson, widow Ann, 11 Chapel Carson Robert, shoemaker, 223 s. Pearl Carson Julius, pedler, 221 _•. Pearl 34 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Carter Charles, livery stable, 33 Hudson, bds. Re­ publican Hotel Carter George T. confectioner, 22 s. Pearl Carter Samuel P. 62 Hudson Carter Wm. H. office 2 State, 49 Hudson Carter Misses, 140 State Carter Samuel, cabinetmaker, 197 s. Pearl Carter, Levi, proprietor Halfway House, Troy road Carter, Michael, 13 Lumber Carter J. I. Commercial Transportation Company, 2 State, up stairs, res. 74 Herkimer Carter Mrs. Phoebe, 49 Hudson Carter Roswell, commission merchant, 120 Pier, res. 23 Hamilton " • Carter Catharine, grocer, 56 Green Cary Isaac H. 49 State, h. 16 Jay Cary David H. 16 Jay Cary Joseph & David H. merchants, 41 Quay Cary Joseph, Plain, above Grand Cary Samuel jun. flour and provisions, 9 Hudson, h. 28 Jay Cary John, laborer, 65 William Cary Dennis, moulder,73 Rensselaer Cary Owen, laborer, Swan, above Arbor Hill Cary Martin, distiller, 138 a. Pearl Cartis Patrick, 98 Franklin Case George S. grocer, 37 Quay, residence 11 Lumber Cashman, William, wheelwright, 51 Lawrence Cassidy Henry, victualler, 17 Columbia Cassidy Margaret, 17 Columbia Cassidy William, attorney, &c. State Librarian, 17 Columbia * Cassidy Charles, 17 Columbia Cassidy Patrick, laborer, 71 Arch Cassidy Cornelius, laborer, 5 Bleecker HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 36

Cassidy Barney, laborer, 46 Van Schaick Cassidy John, maltster, Bradford, near Washington Cassidy Michael, furrier, 32 Van Woert Cassidy William M. grocer, 58 Washington, res. 164 Hudson Cassidy William, laborer, 182 Market Cassidy Francis, moulder, 40 Patroon Cassidy Michael, laborer, Swan, s. Lydius Caswell Eli E. gunsmith, 10 Beaver, residence 203 Washington Cassin John, shoemaker, 42 Montgomery Cassin John jun. laborer, 42 Montgomery Castle William, butcher, 2 Daniels Castle Wtlliam R. waterman, 109 Hudson Cavanagh Daniel, laborer, 151 Water Cavanagh William, 78 Franklin Cayeau Charles, carpenter, 180 Lydius Centre John, teamster, rear 198 Washington CENTRE MARKET, S. Pearl, beween Howard and Beaver Chadwick John H. printer, 9 Park Chadwick Margaret, widow, rear 160 State Chadwick Thomas, shoemaker, 78 Orange CHAMBERLAIN'S OFFICE, City-Hall Chambers Matthew, 336 Broadway Chambers, widow, 360 Broadway Chambers David, grocer, 360 Broadway Chambers David, packer, Westerlo, near Lydius Chambers William, grocer, alderman Firstward, 279 s. Pearl Chambers David, wheelwright, 360 Broadway Chambers John, barber, 20 Broadway Champine Louis, 25 Lumber Chandler Samuel T. grocer, 219 Market Chapin, Mrs. 35 Grand Chapin Lyman, (C. & G.) 105 State 36 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Chapin George W. Tivoli Hollow Chapin O. N. 97 Pier, res. 104 Green Chapin-(Lyman) & Greene (Thomas L.) merchants, 20 & 22 State Chapman Charles, tobacconist, 280 Broadway, al­ derman Seventh ward, h. 278 Broadway Chapman Henry, merchant, 8 State Chapman Peter, gardener, Lydius continued Chapman William, merchant, 81 Quay, h. corner Division and Liberty Chapman Levi, 61 s. Pearl Chapman John W. 81 Quay, res. 4 Quackenbush Chapman Isaac A. merchant, 5 State Charles Thomas, victualler, stall s. Market, h. 322 State Charles Ambrose, furrier, rear 199 Washington Charles George H. s. Market, res. 322 State Charles George, 170 s. Pearl Charleswprlh Richard, merchant, 39 Quay, h. 26 Division Charnley Thomas, 44 Ferry Chase James & Co. dealers in furs and cap store, 64 Market, res. 65 Division Chase Jabez, blacksmith, 11 Fayette Chase Sylvanus G. 18 Quackenbush Chase L. A. proprietor Rail'Road Hotel, 264 c_266 Market Chase Seth, boards at Churchill's Chase & Evans, N. Y. Transportation Line, corner Stale & Quay Chase Nahum, printer, 26 Maiden lane Chatfield William, 55 Fayette Chatfield William, 338 Schenectady turnpike Chatfield A. F. florist, 55 Fayette. Chatfield George B. florist, 55 Fayette Chatterson Joseph, merchant tailor, 113 Market, res. 86 Lydius HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 37 Cheesbro' Ebenezer G. coachmaker, 65 s. Lansing Cheever (Samuel) & Wells (R. H.) attorneys, &c. 67 State Cheever Samuel, attornev, &c. office 67 State, h. » 130 State Cheever Calvin P. 91 Orange Chestney James, 8 William- Chevallat Claude, 323 Washington, ». Branch Cherbony Anthony, tinsmith, 35 Van Schaick, Child Daniel, baker, 371 Second, Arbor hill Child Rebecca, teacher, 124 Beaver Childe John, 4 Exchange buildings Chism J. D. shoemaker, 30 Patroon Christian David, shoe store, 152,Broadway Christie James, liquor store, corner Hamilton and Liberty, h. 27 Liberty Christie James, carpenter, 22 Park Churchill Otis, gunmaker, 9 Beaver, h. 39 Jay Churchill, widow Elizabeth, 64 n. Pearl Churchill Alansing C. proprietor of Hudson-street Temperance House, 10 and 12 Churchill Isaac, carpenter, 310^ State Churchill Eunice, tailo'ress, 310J State Church J. F. 42 Grand CITY HOTEL, 23 Broadway CITY-HALL, Eagle, fronting Washington CITY MARSHAL, City-Hall CITY- SURVEYOR, City-Hall Clancy Roderic D. furrier, 30 Hamilton Clapp Ruel, builder, h. 95 Herkimer Clapp Elias, upholsterer, corner s. Pearl & Bleecker, h. 87 Bleecker Clapp 6c McBain, builders, 68 Bleecker Clapp Everett, boards at Clinton Hotel Clapp Abner C. confectioner, 74 Lumber Clapper Africa, 203 Green Clark John, baker, 138 Broad 4 38 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Clark A. S. 46 Quay Clark Christopher, carpenter, 316.State Clark Thomas, furrier, 47 Spring * Clark James, 3 J Maiden la,ne Clark Edward, laborer, 212 s. Pearl Clark Charles V. 19 Hamilton % Clark Thomas, carpenter, Cherry Clark Achsah, 36 Hamilton Clark, Mrs. Sally, 51 n. Lansing Clark Frandis, carpenter, 44 Franklin Clark Joseph S. inspector of pot and pearl ashes, of­ fice 4 Hamilton, h. 24 Union Clark Lewis, auction and commission merchant, 1 Green, h. 55 Green Clark, Mrs. R. gentlemen's furnishing store, 27 s. Pearl Clark John, 190 s. Pearl Clark John S. 217 Hamilton Clark, widow Christina, 184 State * Clark James T. printer, 165 Hudson Clark C. V. agent for New-York and Ulica line, 94 Pier, res. 19 Hamilton Clark James, laborer, 138 Broad Clark Cyrenus E. 40 Second, Arbor Hill Clark John, carpenter, Lydius continued, cor. Dove Clark John G. shoemaker, 97 Beaver Clark Daniel P. boat inspector, 40 Fayette Clark Thomas L, painter and toy shop, 222 s. Pearl Clark Joseph, produce dealer, 82 Washington Clark James, 207 Broadway Clark George T. store 20 s. Pearl, h. 34 Howard Clark Thomas, 41 Jackson Clark John A. provision store, 190 s. Pearl Clark Josiah, 125 Green Clark Philip, watchmaker, 162 Market Clarke Michael, tea, wine and provision dealer, cor. Pine and Lodge HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 39

Claudius Julia, tailoress, rear 59 Lydius Clayer Henry, carpenter, 140 Franklin Clawson Robert, Knox Clear Patrick, laborer, 62 William Cleaveland James, wheelwright, 51 Van Woert Clemshire William, cabinetmaker, Second, Arbor '. Hill Clemshire, widow Mary, 53 Van Schaick Clemshire John, carpenter, 53 Van Schaick Clench, family of the late Benjamin V. residence 66 Fayette Clendinning William, saddler, 3 Water Clifford Patrick, laborer, 45 n."Lansing Clift R. H. dealer in drugs, &c. 43 Washington Clifton Henry, Beaver-street Porter House, 14 Bea­ ver Clifton Charles, cutler, 13 Beaver Cliker William, Herkimer, above Swan Cliker Francis, carpenter, 51 Spring Cline Thomas, laborer, rear 162 Orange Cline Mathias, 36 Howard Clii.ion Peter, laborer, to. end Van Schaick Clinton Cornelius H. 50 Montgomery Cliver Jacob, 231 Market Clonan Michael, laborer, 158 Orange Cloney William, coachman, 81 Orange Clow Mathias I. carpenter, 29 Alexander Cluett Sarah, 113*. Pearl Cluett John W. (Whitney & Cluett,) 279 Broad­ way Clute Peter R. shoemaker, 22 Union Clunan Lackey, laborer, 79 Ferry Clunan Hugli, laborer, 79 Ferry Cluxton Matthew, 65 Arch Clyde Samuel, laborer, 16 Second, Arbor Hill Coats Ambrose B. boards at Franklin House Cobb William, 192 Washington street furnace 40 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Clary Micnael, laborer, 205 Market Cobb Elijah & Co. flour and commission merchants, 116 Pier Cobb Zenas, artisan and school inspector, 30 Spring Cobb Elijah, 47 Swan Cobb Sanford, office 10$ Broadway, boards at Ame­ rican Hotel Cobourn, Mrs. Thomas, 26 Second, Arbor Hill Coburn Peter, painter, 5 Howard Cochran Cornelius, carpenter, 28 Water Cochran John, cor. Schuyler and a. Pearl Cochran Mrs. Lydia, 120 Broad Cochran Patrick, laborer, 28 Canal Cockblirn Alexander, laborer, 320 State Cocklan William, moulder, 296 Market Cody John, butcher, 158 State Coffee W. J. painter and sculpture, 288 Washington, 5. Branca • - Coffee James, 15 Quackenbush Coffin, widow, 16 Clinton Cogwell , janitor Albany Female Academy, n. Pearl Cogswell Mason F. physician, office 16 n. Pearl. Cogswell Smith, 21 Fayette Cogswell George,, carpenter, 55 Van Schaick Cogswell John W. keeper of Temp-lance Recess, basement, Stanwix Hall Cogswell Phoebe, dressmaker, 55 Van Schaick Cogswell M. P. res. Washington Hall Cogswell George H. jeweller, 21 Fayette Cohen Moses, Washington, n. Branch Cohen William, Washington, n. Branch . • Colantor, widow, 51 Van Schaick, Colborn Elias, lumber-dealer, 39 Pier, h. 15 Patroon Colborn Asaph, office 47 Pier, house 152 n. Pearl Colborn H. & Co. lumber-dealers, office cor. Water and Spencer HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 41 Colborn Nathan, jr. lumber-dealer, office 68 Pier, residence 15 Van Tromp Colborn Adolphus & Co. lumber-dealers, office 56 Pier, residence 122 n. Pearl Colburn Nathan, lumber-dealer, 47 Pier, residence : 152 n. Pearl Colburn Daniel K. lumber-dealer, corner Water and . Spencer, bds. 152 n. Pearl Cole J. O. clerk of Assembly, 144 n. Pearl Cole Philo K. printer, Argus office, house 39 Bleecker Cole, widow Jane, 55 Lydius| Cole Frederic W. clerk, Argus office, residence 58 Patroon Cole Matthew, brickmaker, 53 Philip Cole Edward C. grocer, 74 Pier Cole Henry, 285 Washington Cole Jacob, 314 Washington, ». Branch.. Cole Ambrose, boatman, 363 State Cole Edward, 120 Broadway Coleman Patrick, waiter, 11 Spring Coleman John, moulder, 128 Orange Coleman, widow Ann, 103 Washington Coleman James, laborer, 53 Van Schaick Coley Philander, brass-founder, 441 Lydius near Lark Coleman John, Carpenter, 67 William Colgan Patrick, carpenter 351 State COLLECTOR First and Second wards, Edward Bate­ man " Third ward, John Hinkley " Fourth ward, Levi S. Littlejohn " Fifth ward, John Boardman " Sixth ward, Abner Davis " Seventh ward, William Gillespie " Eighth ward, Jacob D. Pohlman '• Ninth and Tenth wards, Solomon S.Leo* nard 4* 42 HOFFMAN _ ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Collin*HijtpBr, 16 Broad Collins Joseph, caulker, 61 Second, Arbor Hill Collins John, shoemaker, 78 Orange Collins 6c Durant, merchants, 119 Pier Collins Patrick, jeweller, 146 Orange Collins James, 36 Canal Collins Charles, laborer, 50 Lawrence Collins, widow, 162 Orange Collins Homer, 82 Lydius Collins John, laborer, rear 182 Market Colliton Daniel, laborer, rear 154 s. Pearl Collier Jason, 38 Eagle f Colmay Christopher, furrier, Swan, cor. First, Arbor Hill ' Colmay Patrick grocer, 34 Canal Colter Stewart, cartman, 95 Beaver Colter James, laborer, 64 Schuyler Comas Michael, Herkimer above Swan Comble Conrad, cabinetmaker, 323 State Comer, widow Sally, 97 Washington Colreus Jacob, laborer, rear 53 Fayette Colt Joseph S. 39 Quay, res. 91 Columbia Colvard Philo, 54 Washington Colvin (Andrew J.) an_*Jata_fes, (Thos. D.) attorneys &c. 66 State Colv-ijj Henry J. attorney &c. 66 State, res. 277 s. .,- Pearl Colvin James, 277 s. Pearl Colvin Andrew J. city attorney, &c. 126 s. Pearl. COMMISSIONER IN BANKRUPTCY, R. J. Hilton, office 50 State COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, State-Hall Comstock A. C. exchange office, 14 Broadway, res. 59 Washington Comstock Isaac N. 13 Swan Comstock Miss Rachel, dressmaker, 29 Hamilton Conaty John G. shoemaker, 31 Herkimer HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 43

Condon Philip, 71 Rensselaer Condon James,t dyer and scourer, and grocer, 134J Broadway Cone Isaac, pedler, 174 s. Pearl Cone Jacob, pedler, 211 s. Pearl Cone Solomon, 79 Church Cone Thomas, proprietor of Cone's Hotel, 151 and 153 Market CONE'S HOTEL, 151 and 153 Market Conger M'Kinny, 33 Van Schaick Conklin G. bds. at-Temperance House Conkling Joseph, carpenter, 70 s. Lansing Conkling William, laborer, 62 Schuyler Conkling Charles, under sheriff, office Jail, res. 251 Market Conkling & Co. (Gurdon, David & Geo. A. Wolver­ ton,) shoe and: leather dealers, 57. and 59 Dean Conkling Josiah, blacksmith, 69 V. Lansing Conkling Isaac, 61 Second, Arbor Hill Conlan Patrick, 75 Colonie Conlan James, laborer, 8 Colonie Conlin Patrick, laborer, 11 Spring Connell John, rear 8 Denniston Connell John jr. rear 8 Denniston Connelly William, draper and tailor, 28 Market, res- 65 Lydius Connelly Peter, 13 Lumber Connelly John, milkman, 119 Canal Connelly Thomas, laborer, 175 Orange Connelly John, furrier, 8 Canal Connelly James, laborer, 37 Van Schaick Connelly Thomas, tailor, 211 Market Conner Thomas, boatman, 238 Market Conner Petej, laborer, 158 Stale Conner Barney, laborer, 105£ Canal Conner Matthew, laborer, 61 Chapel Conner widow, grocer, 48 Van Schaick 44 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Conner John, laborer, 43i n. Lansing Conner Luke, grocer, 96 Quay Conner John, laborer, 7 Lydius Conner John, teamster, 221 Stale' Conners Martin, shoemaker, 16 Lydius Conners Martin, 171 Market Conners Patrick, 7 Bleecker Conine Philip, mason, 20 Dove Connich John, carpenter, 48 High Connich Patrick, 50 High Conny Patrick, laborer, 28 Canal Connoty John G. 31 Herkimer Conover, widow Susan, 21 Canal Conover, Miss S.. A- milliner, 21 Canal Conover Nicholas, blacksmith, 16 Pine Conrad Peter, 256 s. Pearl Conrad John, cooper, 3 Bleecker Conroy Edward, pedler, Herkimer continued Conroy John, rear 22 Beaver, res. 14 s. Lansing Conway Michael, plasterer, 140 Lydius Conway Edward, 13 Lumber Conway Bernard.-laborer, 8 Lydius Coogan, widow Mary, dressmaker, 150 Broadway . Cook, Mrs., millinery, 36^ s. Pearl Cook Asher, grocer, 245 Market Cook, widow Harriet, 133 Washington Cook Hobart P. typemaker, 12 Park Cook Joseph, 36J s. Pearl Cook Thomas, morocco-dresser, 75 Arch Cook William J. dealer in provisions, 254 Washing­ ton, h. 133 Washington Cook Lois, widow of John, 205 State Cook John, bookbinder, 205 State Cook Patrick, laborer, 83 Colonic Cook & Wing, merchants, 51 Quay Cook William J. res. 133 Washington HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 45 Cooke George, M. D. Lock Hospital, 3 Norton, res. 85 First, Arbor Hill Villa Cooke John, proprietor Castle Garden and Bowling Saloon, 164 State Cooley, widow Martha, 101 Washington Coon David, laborer, 170 Broad Coon John, mason, 314 State Cooney Michael, draper and tailor, 8 Denniston Cooney Henry, rear 12 Union Cooney .Bernard, 117 Canal Cooney James, grocer, Little Basin Cooney William, Exchange clothing store, 102 Mar­ ket, res. 47 Church Cooney Barney, 55 Canal Cooney Patrick, 138 Broad Cooney Thomas, tailor, Little Basin Cooper David, engraver, 70 Lawrence Cooper J. & W. W. boot and shoe store, 7 Washing­ ton Cooper John T. office and h. 134 State Cooper Margaret, widow of Charles D. 134 Stale Cooper Aaron H. waiter^ 124 Lydius Cooper James, steward of Albany Academy, res. in ** basement of Academy Cooper Heber Thomas, cabinetmaker, Washington near Asylum Coprous John, laborer, Schenectady turnpike Copp Anthony, dry goods, 6. s. Pearl. Corbet, widow Waldo, 244 Market Corbet Timothy, laborer, 57 Howard Corbelt Elijah, 49 Dallius Corbitt Edward, laborer, 49 Dallius Corbitt Charles, printer, Lydius near Lark Corbitt Michael, tobacconist, 109 Canal Corbiere W. A. commissioner of deeds, 71 State, res. 6 Dallius Cordell Charles, 39 s. Lansing 46 HOFFMAN 3 ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Cordell Elizabeth, 34 s. Lansing Cordell John P. waterman, 162 s. Pearl Cork Charles, 46 Second, Arbor Hill Corliss Roswell B. painter, 70 Eagle Cornell Levi, justice of the peace, two doors below s. rail-road Corning Erastus, Senator Third district, 102 State Corning Harvey H. bookbinder, 82 State, residence 84 Beaver Corning E. & Co. (Erastus C. 6c James Horner,) dealers in Hardware, 11 and 13 Market Cornock Joseph, carpenter, 164 Orange Corrigan John, shoemaker, 206 Market Corriston James, nailer, 140 Washington Cosgrave Michael, grocer, 89 Quay Cosgrave John, nailer, Patroon continued Cosgrave John, 149 Broad Cosgrave Patrick, rear 89 Schuyler Cosser George, laborer, 237 Market Costello John, laborer, rear 182 Market Costello John, laborer, 45 Water Costello Patrick, 216 Market Coslenbaum Moses, 198 Broad Costigan James, 74 Arch . 0 Cossendyke Lewis, 21 Philip Cotrell Joshua G. hat and cap store, 38 Market, h. cor. Liberty and Division Cotrell William, 367 State Cotter Oliver, furrier and grocer, 53 Canal Cotton Michael H. grocer, 171 .Market Couch John, grocer, lower end of .Rensselaer Coughlen Patrick, laborer, 205 Market Coughtry 6c Sickles, provision store, 93 Pier Coughtry William D. (C. 6c S.) 82 s. Pearl Coughtry Arthur H. clerk in post-office, residence 32 Grand Coughtry Harriet, dressmaker, 84 Beavec. HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 47

Coughtry John, dealer in Hardware, cor. Lydius and s. Pearl Coughtry William, 109 Lydius Coughtry James, carpenter, Herkimer continued Coughtry Joseph, 158 Orange Coughtry, widow Margaret, 14 Daniel Coulson Thomas, glue and glass paper manufacturer, 84 Washington Coulson Thomas, jr. glue manufactory, and residence Schenectady turnpike Coulter Matthew, cartman, 8 Park Coulter William, laborer, 25 Canal Coulter James E. grocer, 173 Montgomery Countryman, widow Margaret, 89 Beaver COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, City-Hall COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE, City-Hall Courtney Joseph, grocer, cor. Dallius and John, as­ sessor 1st and 2d wards Courtney Isaac, cartman, 17 Daniels Courtney T. R. clerk in" Cultivator office, res. 18 Orange Courtney, Mrs. 1 Swan Courtright Peter, 12 Broad Cqurtright Edward, carpenter, 12 Broad Courty Owen, moulder, 208 Market Couse Catharine, cor. Broad and Schuyler Couse Charity, rear 276 s. Pearl Cousins Ann, grocer, 6 Lydius Covell Calvin C. Janitor Medical College, 62 Eagle Covert Abraham, inspector of sole leather, 22 Van Schaick Cowell Edward, turner, Third, Arbor Hill, above Swan Cowell Royal, grocer, and dealer in oysters, fish &c. under Centre Market, 20 Second, Arbor Hill, Cowell, widow Cynthia, 22 Second, Arbor Hill Cowell Walter, grocer, 98 and 100 Quay 48 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Cowell Charles, cartman, 3 Rensselaer Cowell Thomas, waterman, rear 74 Canal Cowen Willfam, laborer, rear 158 Orange Cowieson Adam, blacksmith, 76 Maiden lane Cox Abraham J. grocer, n. Lansing opposite Basin, h. 49 n. Lansing Cox Dr. James, physician and surgeon, 168 Market Coy Catharine, tailoress, 68 s. Pearl Coyle Matthew, laborer, 245 Washington Coyle Cornelius, pedler, 120 Broad Coyle Terance, grocer, 6 Columbia Coyle Charles, tailor, 163 Green Coyle Patrick, carpenter, 7 s. Lansing Coyle Edward, shoemaker, 34 Canal Coyle John, grocer, 10 Howard Cozzens William, carpenter, 40 Orange Craft B. F. 48 Steuben Craig Daniel H. 42 Lawrence Craig Samuel, mason, 31 Second, Arbor Hill Craig James, laborer, 6 Lydius Cramer John, bootmaker, 180 Lydius Crandall Norman G. 245 State Crane Daniel, jr. lumber-dealer, 76 Pier, house 14 Wilson ' Crane, widow of H. H. proprietor of Eagle-Tavern cor. Market and Hamilton Crane Robert, shoemaker, 11 Liberty Crane Elisha, cabinetmaker, 91 Broadway, house 131 Hamilton Crane Jeremiah, laborer, 22 Van Woert Crannell John, laborer, Patrooh continued Crannell John W. 71 Westerlo Crannell Henry, cartman, 71 n. Lansing Crannell Matthew, hair-dresser, 114 State, house 28 Lodge Crannell William W.jr. shoe store, 1 Dean Crapes Charles, turner, Delaware turnpike . HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 49 Crapo Seth, dry goods merchant, 77 Market, house 71 Hudson Crapo William & Co. wholesale grocers, 7. State Crapo William, 2 Wilson Crawford Patrick, shoemaker, 57 Howard * Crawford George, jr. dry goods, 92 s. Pearl Crawford Ann, 43 Beaver Crawford Robert, cartman, 140 Green Crawl John, Bassett near Franklin Creamor Richard H. mason, 146 Washington Creamer Thomas, (S. S. L. & Co.) lumber dealer, 76 Pier, 18 Van Tromp Crear, widow Hannah, c«r. Swan and Herkimer Crear William, lace-weaver, Herkimer above Swan Cregan Patrick, laborer, rear 162 Orange Creswell Mrs. Sarah, corset warehouse, 71 Broad­ way Crew John T. jeweller shop, 10 Plain, house 133 . Lydius • Criesper Casper, 127 Franklin Cristman Peter, furrier, 31 n. Lansing Crittenton Alonzo, Principal Albany Female Acade- ,my, 40 n. Pearl Crocker Nathaniel, 4 Union Crocker George. L. coffee and spice store, 7 Ex­ change, res. 4 Union • Crocker Mason I. furnaceman, 195 Market Crocker James C. 2i Orange Crofoot Canfield, porter-house, 38 Quay, house 261 State Crofton John, 76 Lumber Cromwell Stephen, general dealer in groceries, 206 Washington, res. 309 State Cromv:ell Peter W. barber, 367 State Cronet Dennis, tailor, 77 Schuyler Crone Gatten, laborer, 157 Green Crook Thomas P. merchant, 9 State, res. 50 Philip 5 50 nOFFMANS ALB AN _* DIEECTORV; »

Cronk Warren, brewer, 281 s. Pearl • Crook Thomas P. merchant, 9 State Crook George, carpenter, 24 Ferry Croost James, waterman, 30 Van Woert Crosby Arnold, 12 Pine Crosby James F. merchant, 15 Jay Crosby William, keeper Two Mile House, Schen­ ectady turnpike Crosman George, teamster, 49 Van Schaick Cross Joseph R. 92 State, res. Lancaster alley Crosweli (Edwin 6c Sherman) & Van Dyck (Henry H.) proprietors of the Albany Argus, Exchange building . Crosweli Edwin, 31 Elk Crosweli Sherman, 31 Elk Crow William, tailor, 213 s. Pearl Crowley, John, 51 Church Crowley Patrick, laborer, 212 Market Cruise Morris, shoemaker, 14 s. Lansing Crough Patrick, 18 Denniston Cruss'ell Robert F. tailor, 96 Spring Cuff John, moulder, 101 Green Cullen John, carpenter, Herkimer continued, above Swan Cullen Patrick, shoemaker, 101 Green Cullen Ralph, tailor, 58 ©hurch * Cullen Patrick, tailor, 58 Church Culver Abraham E. 5 Dallius Cumming, widow Margaret, 187 Washington Cumming Alexander, flour store, 187 Washington Cumming James, 187 Washington Cumming John, 187 Washington Cummings George, grocer, corner Division and Union Cummings Joseph, laborer, 55 Church Cunliff Simon, • blacksmith, corner Steuben and Water HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 51 Cunningham John, rear 37 Liberty Cunningham William, cabinetmaker, 124 State Cunningham James, laborer, 115 Canal Cunningham Ichabod, carpenter, shop 90 Bleecker, res. 130 Lydius Cunningham John, laborer, Rensselaer Cunningham David, carpenter, 160 State Cunningham James, laborer, 124 Broad Cunningham Daniel, laborer, 57 Van Schaick Cunningham SimoH, laborer, 96 Water Cunningham Daniel, 188 Broadway Cure Peter, 26 William Cureton John L. brass-founder, 50 Hamilton Curl John, boatman, 22 Clinton Curran, widow, 70 s. Lansing^ Curran Nicholas, furrier, 42 n. Lansing Curran Patrick, laborer, 42 n. Lansing Curran Charles, grocer, 22 Van Woert Curry Peterj accountant, 72 Green Curtis Almond, silver plater, 41 Liberty Curtiss Daniel, pewterer, 23 Church, bellfounder, 64 Beaver, h. 132 Green Curtiss Joseph, pewterer, 136 Green Cushman Paul, 12 Lodge Cushman William M. 12 Lodge Cushman Robert, 12 Lodge Cussen Robert, mason, 92 William Cutler Lyman, gardener, 443 Lydius Cutler A. intelligence office, 49 Broadway, residence 38 Eagle Cutler Stephen I. cartman, 51 Canal Cutler John jun. cartman, 105 Canal Cutler, widow Hannah, 170 n. Pearl Cutler John, clock and watch repairer, 28_ Green, res. 30 Beaver Cutler Benjamin, laborer, Cherry Culler John N. jun. watchmaker, 30 Green Cutler 6c Valentine, land agents, 49 Broadway 52 HOFFMAN S ALBANtf DIRECTORY-

Cuyler Cornelius J. 128 Green Cuyler George, (P. & C.) 54 Union Cuyler, widow of John, 268 Broadway Cuyler John, (W. & C.) 59 Colonie D.

DACEY JOHN, laborer, 21 Quay Dailey Michael, laborer, rear 138 s. PearE Daily George W. 51 Church . Daily Simon, bds. at Charles Quin's Daily James, 11 Maiden-lane Daily Rohert, laborer, 10 Clinton Daily Patrick, laborer 78 Franklin , Daily John, laborer, rear 72 Eagle Daily Owen, laborer, 16 Van Zandt Daily Jeremiah, butcher, 16 Grand alley Daily John, laborer, 3 Bleecker. Daily, widow, 78 Franklin Daily, widow, 163 Orange Daily John, laborer, 154 Hudson Daily Patrick, Swan, s. Lydius Daily Michael, 95 Schuyler Daily Michael, 57 Heward Daily Patrick, laborer, 77 Schuyler Dale William A. Tweed, 173 Lydius Dalton William, 56 Pier Dalton Hiram, waiter, 6 Park Damon Mrs. 207 State Dana Sophia, 87 Hamilton Dana John, stone cutter, 40 Second ; Daniels Thomas, carpenter, shop cor. Lydius and Church, h. 70 Canal Daniels Warner, offiee and h. 13 Daniels Daniels Henry, moulder, 16 Daniels Daniels Henry W. merchant, 68 Ferry Daniels Samuel, laborer, Washington, n. Branch HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 53

Daniels H. W. stage agent, Marble Buildings Danty William, chandler, 63 Canal Dandarew John B. grocer, cor. Lydius and Market Dare Samuel, 31 Division Dark William, butcher, country market, res. 24 How­ ard Darling John, moulder, 72 Arch Darlington J. L. bds. Miss Fitch's Darrow Lawson R. 23 Hamilton Dart William, Cherry Da^h John, moulder, 3 Park Dash Conrad, 168 Broad Dassonville Virginius, 136 Broadway Davay Edward, trunkmaker, 69 Maiden lane Davey William, bricklayer, 162 Hudson Davidson Miss, milliner, 46 Hudson Davidson George, printer, 62 Second, Arbor Hill Davidson, widow Ann, 23 Jay Davidson Alexander, 23 Jay Davidson Gilbert C. 75 Beaver Davis Isaac, porter-house, 139 Market Davis Nathaniel, commission and forwarding mer­ chant, 68 Quay, h. 54 Westerlo Davis Joseph, dealer in paints, oils, drugs, &c. 78 State, h. 57 Columbia Davis Abne», lumber merchant, cor. Water and Law­ rence, res. 225 Broadway Davis William, shoemaker, 138 s. Pearl Davis James, baker, 69 and 71 s. Pearl Davis John, shoemaker, 8 Cross Davis William, (W. & D.) res. 106 Hudson Davis Charles H. 40 Liberty Davis (John) & Van Vechten (Samuel) attorneys, &c. office 44 State Davis John, attorney, &c. 83 Hamilton Davis , chairmaker, 158 State Davis Margaret Ann, 126 Orange 5* 54 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Davis William H. 10, res. 225 Broadway Davis Joseph 2d. 78 State, resv 13 Beaver Davis John, shoemaker, 37 Dean Davis William, musician, 117 Broadway Davis William, dry goods and grocery, 13 Chapel,. cor. Orange, h. 57 Orange Davis George, lumber inspector, 45 n. Lansing Davis D. S. 23 Hamilton Davis John C. printer, 110 Spring Davis Charles, laborer, Patroon, near Hawk Davis Jehoiakim, 67 Orange Davison Robert, wheelwright, 51 Jjawrence Davison Peter, caneer surgeon, 44 Ferry Davison John M. register in chancery 39 Hawk Davison Samuel, cartman, 166 Orange Davison William, cabinetmaker, 86 Broadway Davht Hugh, laborer, 4 Colonie Day Cornelius, tailor, 2 Franklin Dayton Jeremiah, laborer, 26 Van Woert Dean Amos,1 attorney, office 3 Commercial Buildings, res. Bethlehem Dean John W. grocer, 45 Swan cor. Second. Arbor Hill Dean M. B. S. shoestore,. 26 Market Dean George, bds. 18 Quackenbush Dean Dr. botanic dispensary, 8 s. Pearl,' res. 67 Beaver Dearstine Mrs. 4 Lawrence-court Dearstine Cornelius, carpenter, 76 Eagle Deforest Richard A. 4 Dallius' Deforest Richard I. 4 Dallius Deforest, widow of Philip, 283 Broadway Deforest Charles A. grocer, cor. Green and Hamil­ ton, res. 82 Green Deforest Curtis, basement South Market Deforest Philip, blacksmith, 66 Union Dcfreest Abraham, cartman, 28 n. Ferrv HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 55

Defreest, widow, 25 Jay Degan Michael, laborer, 41 Dallius De Graff John I. carpenter, 138 Lydius De Groff Oliver G. .proprietor Albany Temperance Furnace, Water, h. 54 Montgomery De Groff Amos T. 49 Colonie De Klyn Leonard, baker, 24 s. Pearl Deitz Andrew, saddler, 64 Washington Delan John, painter, 66 Arch Deiamare Francis, carpenter, 98 Canal Delaney Jane, 13 Howard Delaney Michael, mason, 89 William Delaney Patrick, laborer, 41 Dallius Delany Michael, laborer, 59 nr Lansing Delany Michael, furnaceman, 45 High Delehant Andrew, mason, 73 Canal Delehant John, mason, 73 Canal Delehant, widow Mary, 73/Canal Delehanty John, stonecutter, cor. Dallius and John Delehanty Daniel, grocer, cor Arch and Green Delevan Edward C. office Temperance rooms Demming William, moulder, Rensselaer Demming Dudley, skipper, 111 Green Demming Gideon, 21 William -Demming Martin, 26 Bleecker Demsey John, 108 Broad Demsey John, laborer, 34 Rensselaer . Demsey, Mrs. Anne, dressmaker, 6 Van Woert Dempsey Patrick, grocer, 19 Quay Denman Patrick, dyer, Tivoli Dennegan Charles, tailor, 183 Green Dennison A. B. 76 Eagle. Dennison Isaac, moulder, 22 Park Dennison Joseph, ship-chandler, corner Hudson and Quay, bds. at Churchill's Dennison William, cabinetmaker, 24 Van Zandt 56 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Denniston Gerrit V. attorney, &c. when in town, res. Westerlo cor. Hawk Denniston Isaac, Westerlo cor. Hawk Denniston Isaac, jr. res. Westerlo cor. Hawk Denniston John H. res. Westerlo cor. Hawk Denniston Hugh, res. Westerlo cor. Hawk Denniston James, carpenter, 131 Lydius Denniston John W. 30 Fayette Denniston Stephen, 14 Van Zandt Denny James, chandler, 62 Church Dermody Patrick, runner, 40 Van Schaick Dermody Henry, laborer, 61 Canal Dermody Michael, 63 Arch Dermody Thomas,'cutler, 58 Arch Dermott John, carpenter, 39 High Derrick Albert, painter, rear 268 Lydius Devereaux James, grocer, 21 Quay Duell Benjamin, innkeeper, 159 Washington Dewitt , 3 Academy Park Dewitt, Mrs. widow of Rev. John, 96 s. Pearl Dewitt William H. dealer in lumber and staves, of­ fice 67 Pier, h. 6 Quackenbush Dewitt, widow of Andrew, boarding-house 57 Broad­ way Dexter James, attorney, &c. office 56 State, res. 7 Capitol Park Dexter George, (H. Rawls & Co.) druggist, 57 State, h. 8 n. Pearl Dexter Chauncey, agent for Albany and Troy steam­ boat day line, foot of State on the Pier, res. 42 Liberty Dexter Jabez B. baker, 44 Van Schaick Dexter & Stralton, bakers, 47 Canal Dey John Ogden, commission merchant, 2 Green, up stairs, res. 186 Broadway Deyermand John, 59 Orange Deyermand W. G. (W. S. & Co.) 59 Orange HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY-. 57 » Deyermand John, baker, 22 Patroon Deyermand, widow of John, 59 Orange Deyermand James, baker, 26 Second, Arbor Hill Deyermand, widow Elizabeth, 4 Eagle, s. of Canal Deyo David, jun. carpenter, shop and res. Patroon near Cross Diamond William M. 54 s. Pearl Diamond Thomas, carpenter, 3 Daniels Dibble Ann, 74 William Dibble Joseph, night scavenger, 8 Clinton Dick Jenny, fruit cellar, basement 95 Stale Dick Henry, brass-founder, Knox Dickerman Joel R. stonecutter, shop cor. Westerlo and Green, h. 41 Ferry Dickinson Isaac, 258 Broadway Dickson James, slater, 6 Union Dickson H. fur-dresser, at Bryan & Son's Dillingham, Charles W. 233 n. Pearl Dillon Thomas, tailor, 1 State Dillon Richard, cabinet maker, 168 Hudson Dillon James, 134 Broad Dillon, widow of Charles, 132 s. Pearl Dillon Thomas, tailor, 98 Hawk Dillon Patrick, 29 Dean Dilworth John, 148 Broad Dimick George 115 Quay Dimick Otis, stage agent, 51 Liberty Dingman William, chairmaker, 144 Washington Dingman, Jacob M. teamster Robin near Washing­ ton Dingman, Peter, laborer, Snipe near Washington Dingman Isaac, 104 Broad Diniven Patrick, grocer, corner Green and Rensse­ laer Dinnigan Thomas, laborer, west end Van Woert Dirv^n James, grocer, 76 Orange Disbrow Lansing E. butcher, 12 Grand Alley 58 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Disney John, sailmaker, 65 Quay, up stairs, h. 42 Westerlo Divine James, nailer, basement 312 State Dix T. Browne, 123 Washington Dix John A. 123 Washington Dix Joshua G. 25 Market Dix Perry, (A. & D.) 87 Broadway Dixon John, marble-works, 49 s."Pearl, residence 148 Lydius Dobbs Thomas, machinist, 31 Fayette Dobbins William, carpenter, 44 Van ScRaick Doge Michael, hair-dresser, 39 s. Pearl Dodge Catharine, 12 Park Dodge Amos, constable, 29 Van Zandt Dodge Nancy, 136 Broad Dolbear Robert, tailor, 3 Dean Dollar Mrs. Sarah, fruit store, 28 Green Dolton Isabella, 12 Howard * Don John, 26 Quay Don Peter C. carriagemaker, 16 Franklin, res. 136 Lydius Don Owen, laborer, 78 church Donnegan Dennis, laborer, 71 Arch Donnegan James, 4 Columbia Donehue Joseph, rear 83 _. Pearl Donehue James, 16 Van Zandt Donehue Cornelius, 221 s. Pearl Donnesky Barney, 71 Colonie Donebroskie J. A. bds. City Hotel Donnahoo Edward, grocer, 217 Market Donnelly Patrick, cooper, 55 Church Donnelly Thomas S. caulker, 16 Bleecker Donnelly Edward, laborer, 163 Orange Donnelly Daniel, engineer, 6 Steuben Donnelly Edward, 106 Quay Donnelly Patrick,-laborer, Chesnut, near State Donnelly Thomas, clothing store, 164 Market 59

Donnelly Peter, 150 Broad Donovan Patrick, laborer, 176 Market Donovan John, mason, 1 Bleecker Donovan Michael, sadler, 207 Green Donovan Ellen, 32^ Howard Doody James, brickmoulder, 193 Orange Dooley & Feeny, shoe store, 6 Hamilton Doolan James, 28 John Dooley Edward, laborer, Elk Doolittle William L. teamster, 162 Spring Doolittle E. A. attorney &c. 83 State Doran Henry, laborer, 51 Van Schaick Doras William, laborer, 134 Broad Dorgan Daniel, blacksmith, 66 Arch Dorlon Robert jun. 148 s. Pearl Dorr. Elisha, 315 Lydius Dorr Elisha jun. merchant tailor, 29 market, res. 315 Lydius Dorr Edmund, res. 315 Lydius Dougherty widow Mary, 62 n. Pearl Dougherty Charles H. 235 n. Pearl Doughty John D. druggist, 68 State, residence 50 Division Douglass Alfred, (Webb & D.) boards at Congress Hall Douglass Beriah, dentist, office and house 30 s. Pearl Douglas, widow Margaret, boarding-house, 26 Mai­ den-lane Douglass Ann, widow of Robert, 60 Lydius Douglass Lavina, 18 Clinton Douglass George, bds. 30 s. Pearl Douw John D. P. office corner State and Market, h. 101 n. Pearl Douw Volkert P. office State, corner Market, res. Greenbush Douw, widow of J. D. V. 107 State •60 Douwd Thomas, laborer, 53 Van Schaick Douwd John, grocer, 158 Montgomery Dowd Henry, 31 Church Dowd William, 31 Church Dowd Lawrence, 105 Orange Dowling, widow, Westerlo continued, above Swan Downey Patrick, butcher, 62 William Downing Jacob, alderman Eighth ward, 87 Orange Dox Gerrit L. Justice of Justices' Court, house 1.1 Quackenbush Dox Peter G. 11 Quackenbush Doyle Peter C. dock master, grocer and liquor dealer, store and h. 158 s. Pearl Doyle William, laborer, 264 Lydius Doyle Hugh, laborer, 69 Maiden lane Doyle James, shoemaker, 254 s. Pearl Doyle Bridget, 74 Westerlo Doyle Mary, grocer, 17 Lumber Drake, widow Ellen, 6 Wendell . Draper Cynthia, widow of John, preceptress, 11 Swan , • Drew Robert, cartman, 192 Spruce Driscoll Patrick, 40 n. Lansing Driscoll John, rear 21 Quay Drobhan Martin, pedler, Arbor Hill Drogan Thomas, blacksmith, 49 Westerlo Drought William, painter, 262 Lydius Drullard S. 6c Co. agents for railroad line, 99 Pier, res. 19 Lancaster Drum Nathaniel, laborer, 11 Chapel Drum Peter; Z\\ Canal Drum Julia, dressmaker, 31^ Canal Dryden Harriet, teacher, 224 State Dryer Alanson, book-keeper, 3 Wendell Dubian Anthony, baker, 173 Montgomery Dubois, widow, 7 Washington Dubuc P. shoemaker, 42 Green HOFFMAN S ALD..NY DIRECTORY. 61

Dubue John, carpenter, 104 Broad Dubue Paschal, shoemaker, 101 Washington Dudley, widow of Charles E. 59 n. Pearl Duesler Daniel, tailor, 26 Green, h. 19 Beaver Duff John, 24 John Duffey Miss M. fancy dry goods, 42 Broadway Duffey James, editor Sunday Tickler, office corner Hamilton and Market, res. 35 Church Duffey Owen, 49 Spring Duffey James, shoemaker, 57 n. Lansing Dugan Daniel, 90 Schuyler Dugan Daniel, laborer, 179 Broadway Duly, Mrs. 35 Canal Duly Henry, carpenter, 162 Hudson Dunbar John, pilot, 49 Canal Dunbar Robert W. proprietor of Fountain Inn, 366 Broadway Dunbar.Maria, 213 n. Pearl Duncan, widow Jane Ann, 312 State Duncan James, carpenter, 10 Daniels Duncan James, tailor, 38 s. Lansing Duncan Eliza, dressmaker, 173 Lydius Dundan James, 12 Union Dundan William, 296 Market Dunden Niel, laborer, 206 Market Dunfee John, 127 Hudson a Dunham Oscar, 105 Lydius Dnnlop Robert, office 28 Quay, h. Troy road, three miles from city Dut-lap, widow of William G. 43 Colonie Dunn Thomas, dealer in dry goods, 61 and 63 Market, res. 78 Hudson Dunn Joseph, gardener, rear 57 Montgomery Dunn Philip, grocer, 365 State Dunn Christie V. laborer, 61 Canal Dunn Thomas, laborer, 126 Water Dunn Martin, carpenter, 278 Delaware 62 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY-.

Dunn Charles, boatman, 34 Herkimer Dunn Fin, joiner, 93 Church Dunn Lawrence, laborer, 79 Ferry Dunnery John, laborer, 4l Rensselaer Dunster Oliver, cooper, 140 "Orange Durant E. A. bds. 15 Liberty Durant William, bds. American. Hotel Durant Clark, merchant, 35 Quay, cor. Maiden lane, bds. City Hotel Durant Charles, bds, 93 Columbia Durkee Henry, end of First, Arbor Hill Durkee, widow Rebecca, nurse, First, Arbor Hill Duroc Michael, marble polisher, 30 Clinton Durrie Horace, 25 Hamilton Durrie Johannah, widow of Horace, 27 Division Dusmer Humphrey, laborer, 26 Quay Dutcher Henry, Mulberry DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH, (FIRST) n. Pearl '. _>UTCH REFORMED CHURCH, (MIDDLE) Beaver '. )UTCH REFORMED CHURCH, (SOUTH) Ferry ^Dutson Thomas, Westerlo continued Dutton John, 24 Howard Dwelle Albert, machinist, shop corner Church and Lydius, h. 77 Lydius Dwight A. F. 57 Market, bds. 29 Hudson Dwyer William, wheelwright, 122 Hamilton Dwyer Thomas, 65 Arch Dwyer Edmund, laborer, 18 Van Zandt Dwyer ^Timothy, 300 Market Dwyer, widow Ann, 2 Eagle Dwyer Dominick, shoemaker, 42 Arch Dwyer Michael, grocer, 83^ s. Pearl Dwyer Michael, shoemaker, 93 William Dwyer Patrick, 9 Grand alley Dyer Gideon G. mason, 116 Spring HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

E. EAGAN JOHN, laborer, 57 Van Schaick Eagan Michael, laborer, 186 s. Pearl Eames Milo R. merchant, 21 William Earley Patrick, laborer, 55 Canal _ Earley Terence, clothing store, 105 Quay Earley Michael, painter, 76 Eagle Earley Richard, 35 Canal Easterly, widow, 91 Grand Easton, Miss Elizabeth, 55 Maiden lane Easton James T. 56 Church Easton Ephraim, 128 Orange Eaton Josiah, mason, 34 Clinton Eaton John E. res. Schenectady turnpike . Eaton 6c Squiers, fruit store, 48 Hudson Eaton James W. mason, 7 Catharine Ecoff Jacob, cabinetmaker, 48 High Edgar, Mrs. Mary, 74 Orange Edgar, widow Anges, 4 Eagle, s. Canal Edgar William, 166 Orange Edick Henry, printer, 55 Columbia Edmondson William, tailer, 89 Broadway Edwards Patrick, 37 Columbia Edwards 6c Meads, attorneys, &c. 46 State Edwards James, 53 Columbia Edwards Edward, teacher, 72 Herkimer Edwards Isaac, 53 Montgomery Ediuards, widow, rear 220 State Edwards Thomas, butcher, Patroon continued Egbert, Mrs. Lois, 91 Beaver Egberts Cornelius, bds. City Hotel Egberts Egbert, 21 Columbia Egberts Eveline, widow of Anthony, 21 Columbia Egberts Anna, 21 Columbia 64 HOFFMAN?S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Egberts Maria, 21 Columbia Eggleston, widow, 13 Herkimer Egglestpn George, carlman, 262 Broadway Eggleston, Putnam,' & Co. brewers, 9 Dean Eggleston William, brewer, 7 Steuben Eights Jonathan, physician, office 75 Columbia, 1_ 60 n. Pearl " . Eights James, res. 60 n. Pearl Eights, Misses, 23 Columbia Elder George, cooper, 35 Orange Elder M. milliner, 66 Green Elder Alexander, carpenter, Willett Eldridge Joseph, gratemaker, 102 Water Elford John, laborer, 31 Water Elliot Robert, assistant postmaster, h- 15 Beavei Elliot I. D. 15 Beaver Elliot John, 15 Beaver Elliot Hugh, 15 Beaver Elliot William, 166 Broadwav Ellis William, printer, 122 Broadway Ellis George W. stage agent, bds. Montg-r.-ery Hr. . Ellis William, carpenter, Herkimer, above Swan- Ellis Thomas, carpenter, 306 Washingt .:i Ellis John, moulder, 84 Church Ellis James, moulder, ,84 Church Ellison A. jr. bds. Mansion House Ellison, A. & W. S. civil engineers, 10 Douw's Build­ ings, res. Mansion House Ellenson Nancy, 10 Canal Elmendorf Harman W. grocer, 201 Market Elmendorf, Dr. P. E. 175 Stale Elton John T. forwarding merchant, 48 Quay, res cor. Liberty and Diagonal Elton William M. provision store, 10 Daniels Elvendorf Peter, rear 220 Stale Emerson William B. dry goods merchant, 39 Mar­ ket, bds. Mrs. Pease's HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 65

Emmerson Chauncey W. 105 Herkimer Emmons Ebenezer, state geologist, 95 Lydius Emslie William, 65 Hamilton Ence Antonio, 93 Grand Ende Louis, printer, 11.3 Hudson Euders William, boarding-house, 11 Beaver ENGINE No. 1,11 Steuben " 2, 43 Chapel " " 3, attached to Alms-house " " 4, corner Broad and Lydius " " 5, corner Washington and Lark " 6, 220 State " 7, 41 Hudson " 8, Market " " 9, corner Howard and Lodge '• " 10, Broadway " 11, 106 Arch Engle Jacob, laborer, 76 Patroon Englehart George A. H. Lydius near Swan English John, 87 Washington Enright Cornelius, 75 Arch Enright James, laborer, Schenectady turnpike Ensign Lewis, pilot, 16 Park Epsom Lewis, 22 Jackson Ertsberger William, segarmaker, 37 Canal Ertsberger Christopher, cooper, 64 Lawrence Ertsberger Christopher, cooper, 32 Union Erwin, widow Labina, 25 Fayette Erwin Robert, grocer, 25 Quay, res. 2 Water Erwin Margaret, tailoress, 25 Fayette Erwin William, 25 Fayette Esmay Isaac, grocer and provision store, 100 Broad­ way, res. 98 Eustace Thomas, grocer, 183 Market Evans Henry, shoemaker, 55 n. Lansing Evans Robert, tailor, 83 s. Pearl, h. 60 Basset, near Green 6* 66 HOFFMAN S.ALBANY DIRECTORY".

Evans John, 291 Washington, s. Branch Evans Lewis E. boards at 18 Quackenbush Evans George, laborer, 150 s. Pearl Evans W. W. boards at City Hotel Everett Eldridge G. livery stable, 26 Steuben, res?. 89 Lydius Everls John, laborer, 26 Van Woert Evertsen Jacob, jr. agency and exchange office, !5j Market, res. 281 Broadway Evertsen, widow of Evert, 215 Broadway Ewing Lawson, laborer, 33 Division Ewing Levi, carpenter, 38 Orange F. FAGAN PATRICK, laborer, 43 Dewitt Fagin, widow, 192 Market Fairchild Lewis D. 68 s. Lansing Fairchild William B. 69 s. Lansing. Fairchild Dr. Barney, Patroon Continued Fairchild Miss, teacher, 22 Union Fairlie Michael, laborer, 306 s. Pearl Fairlie John, engineer, 84 Water Falch George, tailor, 176 Broad Falke Henry, grocer, 302 Broadway Fallon John, laborer, 162 Orunge Fanning Charles, 33 Steuben Farming Hiram, cabinet-warehouse, 90 and 92, res. 97 Broadway Fanning Amos, 66 Westerlo Fanning , tinsmith, 86 Broadway Fanyou Alexander, 8 Dean Fanyou Valiant, 43-j n. Lansing Farnham Charles, sashmaker, 55 s. Lansing Farnham Lewis, lumber merchant, corner Montgome­ ry and Spencer, h. 53 s. Lansing Farnham & Crannell, sashmakers, 96 Herkimer HOFFMANSALBANY DIRECTORY. 67

Farnham Henry H. carver, 38 Third, Arbor Hill Farnham John, engineer, 53 s. Lansing Farnham, widow Eleanor, 174 n. Pearl Farnham Daniel, Cherry Farnham Henry, jr. 42 Third, Arbor Hill Farnham Charles, engineer, 105 Green Farnsworth, widow Lavina, 111 Canal Far-nsworth Rufus, engraver, 111 Canal Farquarson Peter B. blockmaker, 100 Canal Farrol Matthew, waiter, 53 Canal Farrol Henry, 209 Market Farrol Patrick, laborer, 37 Clinton Farrol Andrew, laborer, 52 Van Schaick Farrol Barney, laborer, 68 Orange Farrol William, laborer, 176 Montgomery Farrol Catharine, 122 Broad Farrol Dominic, stonecutter, 42 Arch Farrington Thomas P. State Treasurer, State Hall, boards at American Farreal James, gardener, 131 Montgomery Fassett William N. 44 Pier, res. 209 State Fassett Charles A. 39 Pier, h. 27 Patroon Fassett Amos, 209 State Fassett Timothy, builder, shop Patroon, residence 27 Patroon Fassett Asa, brigade inspector, 209 State Fay Heman Allen, United States Commissary, h. and office 71 Second, Arbor Hill Fay Philip, laborer, 36 Rensselaer Fay Charles R. boards at American Fay John, provision store, cor. Van Tromp and n. • Pearl, res. 196 Market. Fayly John, laborer, 170s. Pearl Fealy Thomas, moulder, 300 Market Featherly George, boatman, Delaware Featherly Jacob, 95 Bassett Featherly, widow, 95 Bassett 68 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Featherly John, butcher, 36 Howard . Featherly Henry, butcher, 71 Beaver Featherly Jacob, 59 Maiden lane Feeny Daniel, 21 Dean Fehely Michael, laborer, 76 Lumber Fell Thomas, laborer, 289 s. Pearl Fellows Abram, watchmaker and jeweller, 24 Mar­ ket, res. 41 Chapel Fellows Joseph, teacher, Westerlo above Swan Fellows William, contractor, 251 Broadway Felthouser Herman, 17 An. Pearl Feltman John C. provision store, 98 Hudson Fenan Owen, laborer, 68 Arch Fender Jacob, laborer, 226 Washington Fenn Nathaniel, 320 State FennF. CM. 324State Fenn Richard, Herkimer above Swan Fenner David, weaver, 20 Canal Fergerson William A. carpenter, 6 Van Woert Ferguson William, carpenter, shop Spencer, Ii. 70 Jackson Ferguson John, 87 Church Ferguson James, shoemaker, 163 Green Ferguson Samuel, blacksmith, 87 Church Ferguson Fenner, attorney, &c. office 6 Exchange Building, res. cor. State and Dove Ferguson John H. carpenter, 91 Broadway Ferguson Robert, 71 Herkimer Ferris Richard J. agent for A. Kirk, 350 Broadway Ferris William D. 58 Union Ferriston Martin, mason, 40 Orange Ferry George, combmaker, 51 Fayette Field George, corner Nucella and Broad Field Nancy* widow of Thomas, 49 Lydius Field John, stage driver, 46 Dallius Filager John D. F. 98 s. Pearl Filkins Austin, coachsmith, 16 Park HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 69

Finch Nathaniel, painter, 18 Canal Finch Samuel, carpenter, 51 n. Lansing Finn Matthew, laborer, 135 Broad Finn George R. high constable, office police office Finn Thomas, paver, 63 William Finn Patrick, cartman, 50 Canal Finn Michael, cartman, 39 Canal Finney Patrick, laborer, 288 Broadway Finlay, widow Helen, baker, 11 John Finlay James, laborer, 3 Maiden lane Finnegan John, laborer, 26 Chapel Finnegan Edward, shoemaker, 18 John Finnigan John, cartman, 24 Franklin Finnigan Owen, laborer, 177 Green Finnigan James, waiter, rear 72 Eagle Finnin James, shoemaker, 31 Market FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY, Concert-Hall State Fish Amos, scale-beam manufacturer, 63 and 65 Beaver, res. 67 Beaver Fish Artemas, boarding house, 26 s. Pearl Fish (Artemas) and Romain. (J. P.) dealers in lum­ ber, 76 Water Fish Thomas, hatter, 64 Lydius Fish Samuel" N. & Co. (N. A. Fish) cor. Exchange and Quay Fish N. A, 24 Jay Fish Samuel M. 5 Montgomery Fishbank John, tinman, 20 Daniel Fisher, widow of James D. 91 Hamilton Fisher Michael, laborer, Snipe near Washington Fisher, "widow Mary, dealer in crockery, 55 Wash­ ington Fisher Daniel, painter,''25 Howard Fisher Nathaniel, shoe store, 25 Market Fisher, widow Catharine, 46 .Columbia Fisher William, 28 Beaver Fish David, boards at Montgomery Hall 70 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Fisk, widow, 128 Beaver Fisk, O. W. proprietor of Montgomery Hall, 56 and 58 Market Fisk Anthony, clerk, 82 State, residence 2 Norton Fitch Simeon jr..Oswego and Troy line, 94 Pier, h. 66 Hudson Fitch William, currier,*56 Union Fitch Stephen, 64 Hudson Fitch, Misses, boarding house, 18 and 20 n. Pearl Fitzgerald Simon, brickmaker, 158 Orange Fitzgerald, widow, 98 Beaver Fitzgerald Thomas, tailor, 32 Van Woert Fitzgerald John, carpenter, 65 Maiden lane Fitzpatrick'Thomas, laborer, Eagle Fitzpatrick, widow, 169 Green Fitzpatrick Patrick, tailor, 213 Market Fitzpatrick Samuel, grocer, corner of Howard and Lodge Fitzpatrick Francis, cartman, 32 Canal Fitxpatrick Peter, mason, 339 Lydius Fitzpatrick Michael, laborer, 43 Van Schaick Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Margaret, corner William and Van Zandt Fitzpatrick James, caulker, 51 Jackson Fitzpatrick Daniel, grocer, 183 Market Fitzsimmons Patrick, cartman, 46 Water Fitzsimmons James, 23 Howard Fitzsimmons Patrick, rear 42 Philip Fitzsimmons Thomas, shoemaker, 17 Quay Fives Thomas, moulder, 298 Market Fivey John, 19 Park Flagg Azariah C. Comptroller, 353 Lydius Flagg Daniel, stonecutter, 37 Division Flagler & Huntington, physicians, 98J State Flagler Henry K. 66 Eagle Flagler J. 0., M. D. 23 Lancaster Flaherty Owen, rear 84 Canal HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 71

Flanigan Felix, grocer, 169 Green, cor. Arch Flanigan Patrick, carpenter, 54 Chapel Flanignn Patrick, laborer, 69 Arch Flanigan William, horseshoer, 356 Broadway Flanley James, plasterer, 42 Philip Flannagan Stephen, agent Philadelphia line, 120 Pier, boards 66 Hudson Flannigan William, blacksmith, 5 Lawrence court Flannigan Daniel, laborer, 26 Van Woert Flansburg Jemima, cor. Green and Lydius Flansburg Peter, carpenter, 136 Broad Flansburg David, carpenter, 134 Broad Flattery Michael, tailor, 30 Van Woert Flemming Peter, surveyor, 7j Diagonal Flemming, Rev. Horace, 128 Broadway Flemming James, moulder, rear 36 Grand Flemming Edward, laborer, 35 Canal Fjemming John, carpenter, 29 Fayette Flemming Mary, fruit store, 128 Washington Flemming James, grocery store, 285 Washington n. Branch Flemmings Martin, 176 Market Fletcher Henry, 99 Schuyler Flood Ann, rear 145 Broad Flood Luke, morocco dresser^ 177 Green Flood James, tailor, 112 Hamilton Flood Daniel, grocer, 50 Van Schaick Flood Michael, grocer, corner Orange and^Water Flood Jeremiah, waiter, 105 Orange Floor William, pianoforte maker, 93 Grand Flower Aaron, proprietor of Franklin House, 136 and 138 State Floyd, widow Jane, tailoress, 24 Second, Arbor Hill Flynn John, tailor, 37 Liberty Flynn John, laborer, 26 Canal • Flynn John, blacksmith, 1 Bleecker Flynn JaVnes, 57 Howard, 72 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Flynn Patrick, laborer, 62 Union Flynn Patrick, laborer, 19 Canal Flynn John, brickmaker, 121 Snipe Flynn Daniel, laborer, 74 Jackson Fodder Jacob, milkman, Delaware turnpike Fogerty Matthew, 7 Grand alley Foley William, laborer, 77 Schuyler Foley James, grocer, 150 Market Foley Patrick, carpenter, 56 Arch Folger John B. lastmaker, 96 Market Follet John, carpenter, 59 Lawrence Folsom Alexander, tobacconist, 18 Hudson, res. cor. Chapel and Columbia Folts (J. J.) & Cogswell, (M. P.) commission ana forwarding merchants, 114 Pier Folts J. J. res. Mansion House Fonda Rebecca, milliner, 81 Broadway For.dey William H. attorney, &c. office Douw's Buildings, res. 24 n. Pearl Fondey Isaac, discount clerk and notary pi.blio in City Bank, h. 57 Colonie Foot Truman, 11 Dallius Forbes Alexander J. segarmaker, 255 Broadway- Forbes Elisha, engraver, 17 Liberty Forbes, widow, 255 Bjroadway Forbey John, sawyer, 21 Lodge Forbey George, 191 Washington Forby Wjjliam, butcher, 302. State Force John E. 50 Montgomery Ford Thomas, laborer, 98 Water Ford Thomas W. 77 Hamilton. Ford Eliakim jun. skipper, 30 Ferry Ford Daniel H. dealer in carpets and oilcloths. If Broadway, h. 77 Hamilton Ford John W. attorney &c. secretary Merchants' In­ surance Company, \6\ Broadway, residence 77 Hamilton HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. . 73

Ford.(William R.) & Grant, (Richard J.) dealers in drugs, paints and oils, 32 Washington, corner Hawk, res. 172 Washington Ford Edward W. physician, 77 Hamilton Ford William R. alderman Ninth ward, res. 172 Washington Ford Elias, 19 William Forman Benoni, silversmith, 15 Dean Forrester Michael, 160 Market Forsyth Russel, -65 Ferry Forsyth William W. attorney, &c. 6 State, house 65 Ferry Fortune Edward, grocer, 326 Lydius Fortune Robert, tailor, res. Franklin House Fosket Sarah, 42 Second, Arbor Hill Fosket Alexander, 42 Second, Arbor Hill Fossard William, shoe store, 76 n. Pearl Foster Edwin, carpenter, Westerlo continued Foster Chandler, proprietor of City Hotel, Broad­ way Foster George, laborer, 305 s. Pearl Foster Mary, carpet weaver, 142 Spring Foster Arthur, western turnpike Fournier John, tailor, 7 Washington Fout George, 51 Clinton Fowler William, 59 Ferry Fowler Samuel S. res. near Greenbush village Fowler Charles M. livery stable, 53 Hamilton, res. 34 Union Fowler Charles H. cartman, 74 Lawrence Fowler Gilbert C. sashmaker, 96 Herkimer, res. 103 Eagle Fowler George L. proprietor of Climax, foot of State on Pier Fox Barney, 114 Nucella Fox Thomas, millwright, 81 Lawrence Fox John, carpenter, w. end Van Woert *_ 7 74 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY- Fox Roger, laborer, 47 Van Schaick Fox Rigden, millwright, 28 n. Ferry Fralich Philip, carpenter, 231 Washington Francis Cyrus T. bds. Eagle Francis Thomas, laborer, 312 Washington Francis William, blacksmith, 122 Hamilton Francis Robert, nailer, Robin Francis, widow of James, 6 Park Francis Joseph B. tailor, 108 Spritlg FRANKLIN, AND RAILROAD HOUSE, 13S, 138 and 140 State Franklin Jphn, 177 Green Frank Jacob, rear 276 s. Pearl Frank , pedler, 145 Broad Franks Abraham, Market Recess, under South Market Franks John, porter house, 267 s. Pearl Franshaw Johan, 145 Broad Fraser John, 27 Canal Fraser James, 27 Canal Fraser Robert H. potter, bds. Eagle Street Hotel Fraser Adam, carpenter, 45 First Fraser N. shoemaker, 21 Washington Fraser, widow of Hugh, 19 Quackenbush Fraser , bds. at Churchill's Fravor Peter, cartman, 19 Van Woert Freckalton James, laborer, 29 Second, Arbor Hill Fredendall Frederick, tailor, 17 Washington Fredendall Jacob, tailor, 17 Washington Fredendall John, carpenter, 6 Wendell Fredenrich John C. South Market Fredenrich Philip, victualler, Centre Market, res. 9 Knox Fredenrich John, butcher, South Market, res. corner Knox and State Frederic Philip, cabinetmaker, 32 Howard Fredef ic & Michael, provision store, 80 Washington HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 75

Freeman James, plasterer, Herkimer continued, above Swan Freeman E. P. teacher district No. 8, 157 Lydius Freeman William, plasterer, Herkimer continued Freeman Robert (H. & F.) res. 99 Herkimer Freeman Alfred, cook, 8 Clinton Freligh Sarah, teacher, 42 Second, Arbor Hill French Abel, 29 Elk French James M. attorney, &c. office 9 Douw's Buildings, res.*29 Elk French Abel, jun. bds. Congress Hall French (N. R.) & Davis (D. S-) mustard manufacto­ ry, cor. Church and Lydius French George S. hatter, 24 Jackson Frera B. J. S. porter house, 159 Montgomery Friday John, furrier, 125 Lydius Friday Abram B. 72 s. Lansing Friday Benjamin, hatter, 71 n. Pearl Friedenheimer Joseph, 130 Market Frink Sydney, tailor, 82 -Canal Frisby Luther, carpenter, 7 Wendell Frisby Edward, constable, 304 s. Pearl Frisby L. G. physician, 32 n. Pearl, bds. Washington Hall Frost, widow M. 357 Stale Frost Lot, merchant, 66 Grand Frost John R. teamster, 357 State Frothingham William W. attorney, &c. offic. 101 Broadway, res. 53 Ferry Frothingham Charles, druggist, 4 Broadway, res. 37 Maiden lane Frothingham William, fashionable hat store, 6 Broad­ way Frothingham & Lansing, attorney, &c. 10J Broad­ way Fry Joseph, 199 s. Pearl 76 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Fry Daniel, dealer in hardware, &c. 40 State, res. 85 Hamilton Fry William G. 37 Hudson Fryer John, boards at Montgomery Hall Fryer William, tailor, 83^ Washington Fryer John, grocer, 324 Broadway, corner of Vat. Woert Fryer, widow of Isaac I. 292 Broadway Fryer William J. dry goods dealer, and supervisor of the Third ward, store* 93 Market, residence 43 Lydius Fryer Jacob, confectioner, 242 Broadway Fuhr William, shoemaker, 246 Washington, s. Branch Fuhr John W. at Warford's, Washington Fuller Mary S. tailoress, 52 Canal Fuller William, H. 68 Canal Fuller Samuel W. painter, 29 Canal Fuller Philo, 22 Second, Arbor Hill Fuller, Mrs. S. S. boarding house, 87 Broadway Fuller Philo, 146 Water n. side of Canal Basin Fuller William, sawyer, Patroon Fuller David, printer, 46 Lydius • Fulton Walter, 94 Herkimer FURNACE TOWNSEND'S, cor. Hawk and Elk FURNACE EAGLE AIR, W. V. Many, 10G, 108 and 110 Beaver FURNACE TEMPERANCE, O. G. DeGroff& Co. Wa­ ter FURNACE, Joel Rathbone & Co. lower end of Mar­ ket FURNACE ALBANY CITY, Hoffman & Potts, corner of Grand and Hamilton Fursman John, proprietor of Albany Museum, res'. 30 Steuben Futer Joseph, Delaware HOFFMANNS ALBANY DIRECTORY. 77

G. CABRIEL NICHOLAS, 162 Broad Gades Charles, 324 Washington, n. Branch Gades George, laborer, Schenectady turnpike Gaffers William, Eagle s. of Lydius Gaffney Dennis B. attorney &c. 92 State, residence Washington Hall Gaffney John, Swan near First, Arbor Hill Gaffney John, 164 Market Gage Philip B. 40 Church Gage William D. carpenter, 182 Lydius Gager Charles L. skipper, 38 Liberty Gager Phoebe, 38 Liberty Gale Thomas, carpenter, 162 n. Pearl- Gale, widow Margaret, Willett opposite to Public square Gale Dan, 138 State Gallaway Dennis, laborer, 4

Galusha Oliver, carpenter, Third, above Swan Gamble William, proprietor of- American Hotei, 10O State Gampfer Mathias, Westerlo continued Gampfer Paul, grocer, 196 s. Pearl Ganey Patrick, laborer, 124 Franklin Ganger William, cartman, 29 Van Woert Gannon Patrick, 54 Chapel Gannon John, 65 Colonie Gannon Patrick, physician, 168 Broadway Gannon Patrick, 45 Lumber *» Gaithers Timothy, laborer, 124 Water Gansevoort Peter, attorney, &c. Stanwix Hall, h. 115 Washington Gansevoort (Peter) & Hill (John J.) attorneys, 6cc. office 5 Stanwix Hall GansevoorfMary, widow of Leonard, jr. 40 Chapel Garahan Dennis, 250 n. Pearl Gardenier, widow Elizabeth, 20 Washington Gardner Ann E. dressmaker, 383 State Gardner Henry, coach painter, 30 s. Lansing Gardner John, laborer, 383 State Gardner Robert, cooper, 236 Washington Gardner Samuer, laborer, 104 Canal Gardner David, grocer, 8 s. Lansing Garfield Rev. John M. principal Female Seminary, 67 Division Garfield Charles L. teller in City Bank, bds. Tem­ perance House Galling Jehoiakim B. tailor, 66 Eagle Garnsey, Mrs. Mercy, 94 Columbia Garrand Raney, carpenter, 54 Chapel Garrett Edward, moulder, 10 Park Garrely Catharine, 16 s. Lansing Garrey Patrick, stone cutter, 29 Lumber Garrison Andrew S. laborer, 38 Rensselaer Garrison Isaac P. hair-dresser, 39 Second, Arbor Hill HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 79

Gates Albert, 98 s. Pearl Gates William, 44 s. Pearl Gates Gefrit, 37 First, Arbor Hill Gates John, 37 First, Arbor Hill Gales Susan, 37 First, Arbor Hill Gates Owen T. grocer, corner Hamilton and Union Gavit John E. engraver, Exchange buildings, res. 107 Lydius Gavit Daniel, engraver Exchange buildings res. 107 Lydius Gay Charles, 10 Wilson Gay William 6c Charles, dry goods merchants, 67 Broadway Gay George E. (Boston Packet office) 101 Pier, bds. at Mrs. Pease's Gay William B. S. Agent Harnden's Express, 12 Exchange buildings, res. 29 Hudson Gaylor Hiram, brewer, Second, Arbor Hill near Lark Gaylor James, wheelwright, 53 n. Lansing Gaynor Patrick, 73 Lumber Gaynor Thomas D. grocer, 34 Quay Geary George, clothing store, 60 Quay, res. 315 State Geer Isaac, furrier, Swan near Third, Arbor Hill George George, mason, 40 s. Lansing George William, carpenter, 46 Hamilton Getty, Misses, milliners and dressmakers, 109 Lydius Gibbs Samuel W. cabinetmaker, 17 Rose Gibbons- Washington, attorney, &c. 81 State, res. 155 Broadway Gibbons James, 221 Broadway Gibbons Esther, widow of James, 155 J_$roadway Gibson Cornelius, victualler, stall Centre Market, res. Lydius near Knox Gibson John, steam-planeing and plaster-mill, and plane factory, cor. Water and Spencer, and on the. dock, res. 5 Lancaster 80 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Gibson Joseph, planemaker, Howard, h. 8. Jay Gibson Benjamin, produce-dealer, 291 Washington, s. Branch Gibson James A. pilot, 10 Lancaster Gibson William, 55_ Washington Gibson Peter, Schenectady turnpike Gibson Robert, moulder, 41 Jackson Gibson John, farrier, 47 Water Gibson William, carpenter, 22 Van Zandt Gibson A. H. harnessmaker, 19 Orange Giffin William, dyer and scourer, 20 Norton Gifford Constant, lumber inspector, 36 Jay Gifford Daniel, carpenter, Schenectady turnpike Gifford Isaac, clerk 228 Market Gifford Andrew, 22 Clinton Gilbert Marvin, ship carpenter, n. Ferry Gilbert Joshua Bradley, 136 Broad Gilbert Daniel, 145 Lumber Gilbert, widow Polly, 128 Hamilton Gilbert Stephen, gardener, Western Turnpike Gilborne William, shoemaker, 56 Green Gilchrist Charles, gardener, Hudson continued Giles George L. accountant, 24 Stanwix Hall Gill Charles W. printer, 9 Fayette Gill, Mrs. Elizabeth, milliner and dressmaker, 66 s. Pearl. Gill Robert, 66 s. Pearl Gill, widow of Matthew, 78 Broadway Gill Michael, 162 Orange Gill William, baker, 36 Washington Gill, widow of William, 36 Washington Gill James, carpenter, Westerlo continued Gill Johri, brassfounder, 198 Washington Gill Bernard, grocer, 31 Water Gill George, tailor, 34 Rensselaer Gill George, planemaker, 3 Lawrence Court HOFFMAN 3 ALBANY DIRECTORY. 8!

Gill John G. baker, 3 Lawrence court Gillen Thomas, rear 71 Grand Gillen James, carpenter, 113 Orange Gillett Cyrrel, keeper Washington Hall, 25 s. Pearl Gillespie Matthew, 293 Broadway Gillespie Josiah, Captain Constitution, 62 Westerlo Gillespie Hugh, shoemaker, 51 Montgomery Gillespie Matthew, 72 Liberty Gillespie Elizabeth, 33 Steuben Gillespie Thomas, shoemaker, Second, Arbor Hill Gillespie William, 43 Colonie •Gilligan John, grocer, corner Spencer and Water Gilligan Charles, 59 n. Lansing Gilligan John, shoemaker, 78 Orange Gilligan John, engineer, 104 Water Gilligan Peter, hatter, 30 Market, h. 59 Division Gilligan James, laborer, 37 Van Schaick Gillis.Archibald, boards at 137 Market Gillman John, carpenter, rear 132 Broad Gillmore William, plasterer, 9 Grand Gilson William, carpenter, 55 Lawrence Girvan Alexander, moulder, 127 Orange Given A. watchmaker, 66 Hudson Given James, furnaceman, 52 Montgomery Given John, pedler, 233 Broadway Gladding William, house, sign and ornamental paint­ er, 10 Beaver, h.-72 Eagle Gladding Timothy C. painter, 45 Beaver Gladding George W. painter, 61 Maiden lane Gladding Joseph, painter and glazier, 93 State Gladding Timothy, painter, 65 Chapel Gladding Timothy A. painter, 65 Chapel Gladding Freeman, painter, 65 Chapel Gladding Horace, painter, 10 Denniston Gleason Dennis, 46 Ferry Gleason , rear 100 Schuyler Gleason Francis, pedler, 20 Van Zandt 82 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Gleason Edward, teamster, 40 Arch Glen Cornelius, at Argus office, h. 20 Daniels Glen John, weaver, 33 Herkimer Godden William, cartman, 313 State Godden David, 45 Fayette Godfrey John I. at Mrs. Harbeck's, Washington Godfrey Ira, 87 Church Godley, widow Patience, 253 Market Godley Richard, bds. 253. Market Goewey^ Miss Magdalen, preceptress, 20 Orange Goewey John I. accountant, 49 Columbia Goewey Jacob, mason, 343 Lydius Goewey John, pilot, 41 Van Woert Goewey Solomon, 27 Van Woert Goff John E. grocer, corner Schuyler and Broad Goff Henry, 119 Canal. Goffe William S. coffee and spice manufacturer, 9 Exchange, h. 39 Orange Going Patrick, carpenter, 122 Hamilton Golden Michael, laborer, 117 Canal Golden Thomas, cooper, 105 Washington Golden Peter, laborer, 97 Schuyler Golding George, mason, 3 Howard Goldraight Edward, laborer, 6*5 Maiden Lane Goldwait, widow, 8 William Goldwait John, printer, 8 William Goldsworlhy Thomas, carpenter, 22 Franklin Gondran Joseph, 136 Broadway Gonio Peter, hairdresser, 82 Ferry Goodland Edward, 37 Dean Goodman Jesse, shoemaker, 236 Washington Goodman William, moulder, 138 Spring Goodno H. D. 46 Dallius Goodrich John, builder, shop 12 Van Schaick, h. 176 Broadway , Goodrich Moses, shoemaker, 84 Canal HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 83

Goodrich David, lumber-inspector, 72 Pier, h. 18 Van Tromp Goodrich John M. moulder, 43 Washington Goodrich Alexander M. book-keeper, 156 Broadway Goodrich Jacob, shoemaker, 84 Canal Goodwin E. W. portrait-painter, 8 s. Pearl, res. 57 Dewitt Goodwin Thomas S. in Swiftsure Line, 51 Herkimer Goodwin Albert, mason, 100 Washington Goold James 6c Co. (John S. Goold & Walter R. Bush) coach manufacturers and carriage ware­ house, on Division, Union and Hamilton Goold James, 47 s. Pearl Goold John S. 24 Bleecker Gooseberry Thomas, rear 220 State Gould James P. lumber inspector, and chief engineer fire department, office 78 Water, res. 3. Union Gould Job, dealer in wooden ware, &c. 16 Market, h. 39 Beaver Gould James S. 16 Market, h. 44 Beaver Gould Anthony, (William & A. & Co.) law book­ sellers and stationery store, 104 State Gould William & A. & Co. 104 State Gould Anthony, 248 Lydius Gould Oliver, 60 n. Lansing Gould William, jun. 104 State Gould James, boatman, 50 Liberty Gould Charles D. steam-planeing and plaster mills, 55 and 57 Water, res. Judge Woodworth's Gould Henry T. nailer, cor. State and Knox Gould John L. painter, cor. Green and Herkimer Gordon John, laborer, 95 Church Gordon John, laborer, 33 Westerlo Gordon Archibald, cartman, 190 s. Peafl Gordon John, coachman, Dove, near Washington Gorman Martin, laborer, iear 51 Fayette Gorman Owen, 92 Hudson 84 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Gorman Thomas, 45 Water German Patrick, cartman, Herkimer continued Gormley Matthew, jr. coppersmith, 228 Broadway Gormley Malthew, coppersmith, 51 Beaver res. 86 Arch Gorwin Thomas, laborer, 16 Van Zandt" Golt John, tobacco and snuff manufacturer, store 59 State, res. 13 n. Pearl Gough Thomas, exchange broker, 15 Merchant's Ex­ change, h. 83 Columbia Gough John T. exchange office, 15 Merchants' Ex­ change, res. 21 Steuben Gough Daniel, 38 Steuben Gough James, attorney &c. 83 Columbia Gourlay James, lumber agent, office 88 Water, h. 85 Washington Gourlay William B. 4 Park Place Gove, widow Dolly, 11 Swan Gracie Mrs. milliner, 19 n. Pearl Gracie Oliver C. boards Hudson-street Temperance House Grady Patrick, 6 Ferry Grady Joseph, laborer, 9 Maiden lane Grafton John, laborer, 76 Lawrence Graham Edward W. State Hall Graham, widow Mary Ann, 52 Spring Graham William, laborer, 81 Orange Graham Samuel, 64 Green Graham John, painter, 22 Canal Graham John, blacksmith, 52 Hamilton Granger R. D. stove dealer, 15 Green, residence 27 Beaver Granger Barlow, printer, bds. 18 High Grant Richard J. (Ford & Grant) residence 42 Washington Grant Owen, 9 Maiden lane Grant Owen, grocer, 74 Quay HOFFMAN 8 ALBANY DIRECTORY. B5

Grassie Mary, widow of James, 53 Montgomery Grassie W. C. book-keeper, 53 Montgomery Grattan Patrick, grocer, Washington, cor. Snipe Graven Matthew, cartman, 45 Liberty Graves Edward U. printer, 30 Canal Graves John S. baker, 56 Hamilton Graves George, cabinetmaker, 268 s. Pearl Graves John, musician, 36 Canal Gravline Louis, cabinetmaker, 198 s. Pearl Gray James, grocer, cor. Lydius and Lark Gray John, copper and sheet iron worker, 32 Jay . Gray Alexander & Son, stonecutters, shop corner Franklin and John, res. 88 Green Gray & Hoag, merchants, 39 Quay Gray William, stone-cutter, 45 Broad Gray James, coppersmith, 146 Broad Gray, widow Margaret, 166 Hudson Gray Francis, laborer, Chestnut near State Gray Daniel, pianomaker, 62 Howard Gray David F. bds. 67 Hudson Gray James A. (B. & G.) 62 Howard Green Francis, grocer, 37 Van Schaick Green Carr B. tailor, 10 Dean Green Benjamin, professor of music, 34 Water Green Merritt R. skipper, 68 Canal Greene Joseph H. 3 Hudson, h. 22 Jay Greene William, 97 Lydius Greene Henry, physician and druggist, office and h. s. Pearl, cor. Hudson Greene Thomas L. 97 Lydius Greene Edward, grocer, 26 Washington Greene, Dorr & Englehart, commission merchants, 3 Hudson Greene Robert, chairmaker, 138 Lydius Greer Margaret, widow of George, 92 Arch Greer Alexander, segarmaker, 37 Canal Greer David, shoemaker, 96 Broadway 86 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Gregory B. P. coachmaker, 15 and 17 Church Gregory Benjamin, 23 Ferry Gregory W. S. & L. R. painters, cor. Broadway and Maiden lane, res. 107 Green Gregory William E. lumber dealer, 97 Orange, office 68 Pier Gregory Stephen B. 9 High Gregory William M. 9 High Gregory David E. 31 Beaver Gregory Thomas, shoemaker, 30 Fayette Gregory, widow Lewis, 33 Hamilton Gregory, widow Elizabeth, 106 n. Pearl . Gregory & Co. (William M. and Stephen B. Grego­ ry) wholesale and retail dealers in crockery, 9 Market Gregory Matthew, 6 Capitol Park Gregory Samuel, carpenter, 74 Liberty Gregory Thomas, shoemaker, Fayette Gregory Richard, book-agent, 116 Broadway Greiner Stephen, 21 Philip Gridley Lucius N. 68 State Griffin Michael, 185 Rroadway Griffin Richard M. grocery and provision store, cor. Church and Bleecker Griffin Patrick H. coppersmith, corner Steuben and James, res. 31 Van Schaick Griffin John, laborer, 31 Van Schaick Griffin John, 1 Park Griffin Jacob, grocer, 9 Park Griffin Richard, shoemaker, 8 Park Griffin Seth, 58 Montgomery Griffin Cornelius, fruit store, 214 Broadway Griffin John, baker, 80 Ferry Griffing William C. J. 291 State Griffith Charles C. printer, 29 Canal , Griffith Harvey, 207 s. Pearl Griffith John, w. end Fayette HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 87

Grimes John, teamster, r9 Plain Grimes John, teamster, 38 Grand Grimes Owen, laborer, 41 Dallius GrimwOod J. C. 55 Broadway Griney Patrick, 213 s. Pearl Grinrod Edward, dyer, Tivoli Hollow Griswold Francis H. grocer, 233 Market Griswold William H. painter, 58~Green Griswold John, shoemaker, 109 Hudson Groat John S. boarding-house, 47 High Groat Edward, cartman, 51 n. Lansing Groesbeck John & Abraham, dealers in coal and pig iron, 84 Pier and 45 Columbia Groesbeck Abraham, 75 Division Groesbeck John, 43 Columbia Groesbeck, widow Catharine, 158 Lydius Groesbeck, widow Harriet, 9 Canal Groesbeck Gerrit E. 153 Lumber Groesbeeck David W. 11 Daniels Groesbeeck Stephen, attorney and commissioner of deeds, office 56 State, res. 58 Westerlo Groesbeeck Jacob H. re's. 25 Beaver Groesbeeck William W. 25 Beaver Groesbeeck W. 6c Co. United States Bazaar, 25 Broadway » Groesbeeck C. W. commission-merchant, 94 State/h. 10 Van Schaick Grogan Robert, 29 Dean Groot Philip W. Exchange office, 5 Broadway, h. 14 High Groot, widow, 13 Herkimer Gross Samuel, 64 Lydius Gross H. H. professor of penmanship, 81 State, res. 59 Maiden-lane Groves James, 72 s. Lansing Groves T. W. I. sawmaker, 44 Green, near Hud­ son 88 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Grovestien Abraham, piano ware-room, 8l£ State Grovestien James H. pianomaker, 32 Chapel Grugen Hugh, cartman, Westerlo continued Guardenier Henry A. 252 Market Guardinier Philip, moulder, 11 Columbia Guest Thomas, morocco-manufacturer, 24 State, res. 83 Church Guest Sidney, leather-dresser, corner Dallius and Ferry m Guiles Orson, porter-house, 151 Broadway Gulick James, carpenter, 42 Philip Gumphy George, musical instrument maker, 345 Lydius Gunn Arthur, maltster, Washington, n. Branch, near Schenectady Turnpike Guntion James, 141 Broad Guntion, widow Catharine, 28 Van Woert Guthrie Alexander, druggist, 4 Maiden Lane, res. 76 n. Pearl Guthrie Henry, 76 n. Pearl Guthrie John, maltster, 283 Washington Guy Jonathan, laborer, 323 Washington, TJ. Branch Guyer Isaac D. grocer, 38 Orange Guyer Joseph, laborer, 132 n. Pearl *> H. HACKLEY PHILO A. 66 Herkimer Hackstaff Miss Percy, dressmaker 31 Hamilton Hadavan Lawrence, 43_ n. Lansing Haddock Jabez, tallow chandler, 172 Eagle Hadley William J. attorney &c. 83 State, res.' 304 s. Pearl Hadley Ambrose, 40 Liberty Hadley (Ambrose) & Davis, (Charles H.) merchants, I State Hadley James R. 114 s. Pearl HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 98

Ha#xt John, carpenter, Lydius near Dove Haff Martha, widow, 16 Orange Hagan Bernard, in malt-house, 41 Canal Hagan Francis, painter, 107 Canal Hagan John, stonecutter, 23 Canal Hagan Patrick, maltster, 59 Canal Hagan Patrick, 6 s. Lansing Hagaman Hiram, 62 State Hagaman 6c Aldrich, fruit-dealers, 122 Market Hagaman Gerritt, 8 Union • Hageny James, laborer, 16 Quay Hagervan John, paver, 78 Orange Haggerty, widow, 3 Chapel Haggerty, widow, 7 Broad Haight Hannel, teamster, lower end Franklin Haimer Samuel, 86 Hamilton Hale Elias, carpenter, 21 Hawk Hale & Eames, grocery and provisionstore, 78 Quay, cor. Hamilton Hale Silvester, 95 Columbia Hale Elizabeth, tailoress, 60 Orange Hale Solomon, carpenter, 81 Orange Hales William, chairmaker, rear 12 Union Haley Samuel W. hatter, 149 Market Hall John T. res. 55 Division Hall, (Green) & Hewson (John D.) silversmiths, 10 Plain, corner Hallenbake Hail Green, 11 Plain Hall John H. engraver, 6 Exchange Building, bds. 66 Hudson Hall William C. 169 Broadway Hall James, laborer, 12 Lydius Hall Asahel, 55 Division Hall Willis, attorney, &c. 68 Chapel Hall Margaret E. 211 State Hall Thomas, segarmaker, 177 Hamilton 90 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY

Hall Ozias, 37 Van Woert # Hall Joseph, 16 Third, Arbor Hill Hall William B. machinist, 73 Colonie Hall William E. shoemaker, 201 Washington Hall (E. A.) 6c Seymour (George W.) proprietors Eastern Hotel, 249 Market Hall, widow Sarah, 110 Washington Hall Stephen B. 72 Hamilton Hall Edward, 55 Howard Hall Thomas, Western turnpike Hall Eli N. pastor Methodist African church, rear 220 State Hallen Andrew, shoemakec, 32J Howard Hallett Thomas, grate-setter, rear 50 Second, Arbor Hill Hallenbake Lawrence, 104 Washington Hallenbake George, shoemaker, 167 Hudson Hallenbake James, watchman, 138 Spring Hallenbake Isaac, carpenter, 70 s. Pearl Hallenbake James, 30 Maiden lane Hallenbake Samuel, cooper, 160 Washington Hallenbeck James H. 63 State Hallenbeck N.J. 101 Broadway Hallenbeck, Matthew I. produce dealer, 4 Hamilton, res. 52 Broadway Halliday James K. carpenter, 74 Grand Halliday James, res. near south railroad • Halliday Hiram, clock repairer, 46 .Westerlo Halm Joseph, wheelwright, 213 Washington Halpen Peter, grocer, 10 corner of Maiden lane and Dean Halpse Abraham, 124 Broad Halter Lodowick, carpenter, 52 Clinton Halse William C stovemounter, 308 Washington Hamet Charles, boards at Montgomery Hall Hamburgh Andrew, laborer, 266 Washington HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 91

Hamburgh Andrew, jr. barber, 266 Washington s. Branch Hamilton Samuel, mason, 8 Broad Hamilton William A. 49 Green Hamilton William, laborer, 166 Broadway Hamilton Andrew, shoemaker, 191^ Broadway Hamlin Russell N. carpenter, 29 Dewitt Hammond Samuel H. attorney, &c. 83 State, boards at American Hotel Hand Bradford W. mason, alderman of the Third ward, 149 Lydius Hand Isaac P. lumber- dealer, 60 Pier, residence 8 Quackenbush Handrihan Jeremiah, cooper, 33 Liberty Handrihan Thomas, laborer, 61 William Haner Barney, 276 Washington Haner Barney, 160 Washington Haner Luther, laborer, 276 Washington s. Branch Hanford George, merchant, 59 Market Hanigan Thomas, laborer, rear 75 Arch Hanigan John, 65 Colonie Hanigan James, laborer, 71 Rensselaer Hanej William, brickmaker, 18 Second, Arbor Hill Hanley James, laborer, 53 Canal Hanley Peter, tailor, 34 Rensselaer Haulon Thomas, tailor, 25 Herkimer Hannabury, Martin, laborer, 65 William Hannaford Stephen, shoemaker, 104 Nucella Hannahs G. B. agent Albany and Buffalo Line, 104 Pier, bds. Clinton Hotel Hanse William, grocer, 1 Columbia Hansard Thos. mason, 185 Orange Harbeck John, inn-keeper, 267 Washington, North Branch Harbison John, tobacconist, 111 Canal Harbison Samuel, pedler, 214 Market Harbornessle Lawrence, shoemaker, 73 Colonie 92 HOFFMANS ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Harcourt John W. agent for People's Line, and pro­ prietor of People's Hotel, 123 Pier Harden Terrence, pedler, 82 Canal Harden Michael, laborer, Hawk Harden Jacob, waiter, Hawk Harden Charles, 290 Washington Harden Moses, coachman, 290 Washington Harder Richard, boatman, 7 Cross Hards George, mason, 14 Rose Hardy George, painter, 173 Montgomery Hardy William J. carpenter, 88 Church Hardy John, laborer, 7 Chapel Hardyck Mrs. Elizabeth, 115 Broadway Hare Silas W. teamster, 235 n. Pearl Hare George, cartman, 164-Spring Hare William D. grocer, 213 Washington Hare, widow of Daniel, 17 Lodge HARNDEN & Co's. EXPRESS OFFICE, 12 Exchange Buildings Harper Robert, milkman and gardener, north of Pa­ troon Harper John, carpenter, rear 58 Washington Harper John, 107 Broad t Harper G. C. hair-dresser, basement of Exchange Building Harrajan John, gratemaker, Lark s. State Harrigan Daniel, laborer, 69 Rensselaer Harris Edwin A. dealer in dry goods, 18 Broadway, res. 115 n. Pearl Harris (Ira) 6c Rhoades, (Julius) attorneys, 6cc. 6 Exchange Building Harris Ira, (H. & R.) attorney, &c. residence 192 Broadway Harris Daniel, paper hanger, 5 Washington Harris, widow Mary, tailoress, 27 Lodge Harris Thomas, gardener, Patroon continued HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY'. 93

Harris Robert, porter and eating room, under Com­ mercial Buildings, cor. Market and Hudson, res. 103 Green Harris, Mrs, milliner, 45 Green Harris Stephen, corner Beaver and Eagle Harris James B. coach painter, corner Lydius 'and Church, h. 45 Green Harris John, Albany Exchange lunch Harris, widow Mary, Dallius near Cherry Harris Seth, grocer, 175 Montgomery Harris- George, livery stable, corner Maiden Lane and James, res. 15 Daniels Harrison John, grocer, 20 Canal Harrison Patrick, cartman, 36 Canal Harrison George, carpenter, 247 State Harrison James, shoemaker, 52 Ferry Harrison William, carpenter, 263 State Hart Harman V. 87 Broadway Hart Michael, laborer, 1 Bleecker Hart James, carpenter, 50 Lydius Hart Francis, tailor, 26 Quay Hart William, carpenter, 41 Colonie Hart Thomas, grocer, 48 s. Pearl Hart J. confectioner, 50 Lydius Hart Patrick, cartman, 58 Church Hart John, laborer, 58 Church Hart Conrad J. harnessmaker, 197 s. Pearl Hart Thomas, laborer, 250 n. Pearl Hart Arunah, Westerlo continued Hart Alexander, boards at Mrs. Fuller's Hart J. confectioner, 50 Lydius Hartley James, blacksmith, 72 Lydius Hartley Thomas, 13 John Hartman Adam, locksmith, Westerlo continued Hartman Adam, blacksmith, 20 William Harty Daniel, lane between Montgomery and Water Harty William, grocer, 160£ Market 94 HOFFMAN'S ALBAN DIRECTORY. Hartness James, soap manufacturer, 39 Lumber, res. 35 Lumber Hartness, widow Maria, 125 n. Pearl Hartness John, chandler, 125 n. Pearl Hartnor William, butcher, 26 John Hartigan , 105 Quay Harnett Michael, 63 William Harnett William, victualler, North Market, res.Sche- nectady Turnpike Harty Edward, laborer, 3 Bleecker Harty James, grocer, 104 Water Harvey William, stove mounter, 104 Beaver Harvey Robert, stove dealer, 20 and 22 Green, h. cor. Grand and Lydius Harvey Thomas, provision store, 146 Orange Harvey L. Z. grocer, 234 Market Harvey James, hairdresser, 48 Canal Harvey James, tailor, 33 Dean Harvey Peter, shoemaker, 108 Quay Hasbrouck Peter, clerk in the Oomptroller's office, res. Hascall William, P. carpenter, 22 Third, Arbor Hill Hascey Alexander R. watchmaker, 33 State, h. 54 Howard Haskell Henry C. 61 Quay, h. 70 Herkimer Haskell Mrs. boarding-house, 47 Broadway Haslem, widow of William, 107 Beaver Hastings , 43 Jackson Hastings John, 141 Green Hastings Hugh J. Editor of the Albany Switch, res. 141 Green Hastings Frederic H. (A. & H.) attorney, &c. bds. Congress Hall Haswell Henry B. County Clerk, office City Hall, h. 39 Swan Hatcher William, 133 Broad HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 95

Hatch Albert, 150 Broad Hatch Joseph, 41 Columbia Hatton Patrick, 31 Westerlo Havens Benjamin F. 85 Bleecker Havens Augustus, carpenter, Third, near Swan Haverty Patrick, tailor, cor. Litttle Basin Hawes Mathew, cooper, 59 Dean, h. 23 Liberty Hawes William, cooper, 75 Quay, h. 23 Liberty Hawes Isaac L.-fruit store, 160 Washington - Hawkins Horace D. bds. Washington Hall Hawkins & Hurst, provision store, 17 s. Pearl Hawley David A. 112 Green Hawley Gideon, treasurer Utica and Schenectady Railroad Company, office 3 Exchange, 2nd floor, h. 157 Broadway Hawley Cyrus, produce merchant, 193 Washington, res. 242 Hawley Henry Q. attorney, &c. office 3 Exchange, 2nd floor,*res. 157 Broadway Hawley Samuel, 305 s. Pearl Hawley George W. corner Quackenbush and Mont­ gomery Hawley David E. painter and glazier, rear 6 Daniels Hawley Aaron, builder, 61 s. Lansing Hawley N. attorney, &c. 21 Douw's Building, res. 61 s. Lansing Hawthorn G. W. grocer, n. Lansing, opposite Basin Hayden Michael, laborer, 150 n. Pearl Hayden John, painter, 37 Second, Arbor Hill Hayden Albert, 83 Orange Hayner Elizabeth, 142 Spring Hays Andrew L. 26 Canal Hays Joshua R. mason, 44 Westerlo Hays Solomon, 17 Franklin Hay's John, 32^ Howard 96 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Hays John, carpenter, 63 William Hays Patrick, tailor, 74 Grand Hayes Catharine, widow of Timothy, 27 Howard Hazard William H. fur-cutter, 260 Lydius Hazeltine Stilman, merchant, 40 Hawk, cor. State, res. 7 High Hazely Michael, 129 Franklin Headlam William, book-keeper, J. Gibson's & Co. res. 9 Van Tromp • Heddich James, laborer, Lydius continued Heffernan James, liquor and provision store, corner William and Hamilton Heffernan James, grocer, 13 Quay Heffernan William, shoemaker, 58 Church Helman H. cabinetmaker, 6 n. Pearl. Helms, widow Mary, 70 Canal Helme Joseph J. teacher, 140 Spring Helmer Adam, rear 109 Washington Hempsted Isaac, physician, 12 s. Pearl Hempsted, Mrs. Elizabeth, milliner, 12 s. Pearl Henderer Myers, tailor, 33 Canal Henderer Gertrude, 33 Canal Henderson, Dr. John, 2 Colonie Hendrickson, widow of William, 165 Hudson Hendrickson John, jr. 36 State, residence 63 Divi­ sion Hendriekson Aaron, dry goods, 8 s. Pearl, residence 42 Eagle Hendrickson John, exchange office, 36 State, res. 63 Division Hendrickson Jacob, 134 $. Pearl Hendrickson M. & J. grocers, 6 Hudson and 59 Quay Hendrickson Matthew, 201 Lydius Hendrickson Margaret, widow of George, 68 Eagle Henly Patrick, cooper, 2 Cross Henly Edward, printer, 4 Canal HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 97

Hennessey William, laborer Washington, n. Branch Hennessey Thomas, laborer, rear 58 Lawrence Hennessey, widow, grocer, 411 State, near Knox Hennessey Thomas, laborer, 65 William Hennessey John, mason,-49 Jackson Hennessey William, laborer, 18 Park Henry William, carpenter, 47 High Henry James, bookseller, 71 State, residence 98 Lydius Henry James, carpenter, 53 Van Schaick Henry Jacob, manufacturer of stoneware, 148 Hud­ son, w. of Eagle, h. 32 Lancaster Henry William, carpenter, 47 High Henry-Jacob, lamp-lighter, 86 Columbia Henry Joseph, waterman, rear 66 s. Pearl Henry Isaac, carpenter, 5 Lawrence court Henry Samuel, at Rensselaer House Henshaw & Spencer, porter house, 27 Lydius Henshaw Joseph, h. 33 Herkimer Henshaw Wilh'am, carpenter, 17 Lodge Henson Peter, laborer, 31 Water Hepinstall George, leather-dealer, 25 Hudson, res. 30 Hudson Hepinstall Christopher, leather-dealer, 32 State, h. 59 Liberty Hepinstall Richard, 56 Union Herbert George H. gunsmith, 11 Beaver, res. 57 s. Lansing Herbert Joseph, 10 Denniston Herganhan Peter, laborer, 338 Washington Herin John, tailor, Second, Arbor Hill Herin Mary C. dressmaker, 36 Van Schaick Heringer F. laborer, Schenectady turnpike Heermance & Thompson, stove dealers, 5 Green Heermans, Mrs. Rachel, 88 Lydius Hermans Morris, grocer, 87 Lydius Hermans Henry, 102 Water 9 98 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Hermans John, clothing-store, 40 Market, house 3& Lydius Hermans Cornelius I. saw-filer, 127 Beaver Hermans John E.,(T. 6c H.) 38 Lydius Herner, Miss Hannah, 85 Church Heron Samuel, printer, 6 Canal Herrick Edmund S. hat store, 78 Market, house 79 Hamilton Herrick Abraham, morocco-dresser, 102 Quay Herrick Avery, painter, 22 Park Herrick Julia, 11 Swan Herring Michael, laborer, 264 Lydius, Herrington William, bds. City Hotel • Herrington John, mason, 39 Lark Herrington Joseph, laborer, 117 Snipe Herington Jacob, laborer, Bradford Herington Philip, laborer, Bradford Herrington Samuel, 225 s. Pparl Hertell Jane A. preceptress, 39 Hudson Hertzog Jacob & Co. grocery and provision stort- 109 Washington Hertzog Christian, cabinetmaker, 19 Park Hess Levi, laborer, 100 Nucella Hetrich Michael, butcher, 92 Hudson Hevenner Nicholas, 39 Clinton Hewilt Thomas, shoemaker, 57 Washington Hewitt Patrick, shoemaker, 70 Lydius Hewlett Maria, 23 First, Arbor Hill, Hewstjn John D. (Hall & II.) 53 Green Hewson, widow Mary, 41 Liberty Hewson Nancy, widow of Robert, 65 Lydius Hewson Daniel, tinman, 41 Liberty Hewson John, tailor, 19 Chapel Hewson, widow Amelia,Hawk, s. of Lydius Hewson, widow of John, 69 Hudson Hibbard Truman, cartman, 68 Jackson Hickey Joseph, shoemaker, basement Exchange HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 99

Hickcox Charles, 119 Green Hickcox George A. 119 Green Hickcox Spelman, 198 Broad Hickcox Hamlet H. book-keeper Canal Bank, res. 119 Green Hienmiller Henry, baker,Tear 66 s. Pearl Higbie Nathan T. lumber merchant, 231 Broadway Higbie, Hammonds & Co. lumber merchants, office Water, above n. Ferry Higgins, widow Eleanor, 313 Washington, s. Branch Higgins Michael, laborer, 35 Van Schaick Higgins James, grocer, 15 Lawrence, n. side of Ca- cal Basin Higgins John, stonecutter, Delaware, Higgins Matthew, stonecutter, Delaware Higgins Solomon F. 92 State Higgins Michael, laborer, 232 Broadway Higgins Bryan, 29 Van Woert Higham, widow Mary, 20 Ferry . . Highland John, laborer, 55 Canal Hilabrant Martin, combmaker, 109 Washington Mill George, grocer, 43 Canal Hill Thomas, 72 Montgomery Hill James, tailor, 146 Washington Hill Francis, shoemaker, 118 s. Pearl Hill Thomas, glove-factory, h. 191 Market, h. 83 .Herkimer Hill George T. proprietor of Temperance House, No. 77 and 79 Broadway Hill John, boot and shoe store, 23 Hudson, res. Hawk near Canal Hill Henry, grocer, 37 Liberty and 45 Pier. Hill Joseph, carpenter, 227 Washington Hill Ebenezer, (H. & S.) res. 12 Wilson Hill William, laborer, 64 Orange Hill William H. 42 s. Lansing Hill Edith, 55 Lawrence 100 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Hill John J. attorney, &c. office 5 Stanwix Hall, res. 36 Westerlo Hill Thomas, carpenter, above Swan Hill & Sanford, lumber dealers, North Ferry Hills Erastus, halter, store 60 State, h. 51 Washing­ ton Hills William Riley, hatter, 124 s. Pearl Hilman William, shoemaker, 60 Washington Hilman John, shoemaker, corner Maiden Lane and James Hilman Arthur, shoemaker, 249 Washington ... Branch Hilson Thomas, shoemaker, 30 Van Schaick Hilson Thomas, jr. shoe store, 108 Market Hilson Robert, 30 Van Schaick Hilton, widow of Philip, 320 Stale Hilton James, shoemaker, 30 Van Schaick Hilton W. J. D. attorney, &c. office 50 State Hilton William D. 99 Bassett Hilton John, grocer, cor. s. Pearl and Hudson Hilton P. carpenter, 304 Broadway Hilton, widow Jane, 76 Grand Hilton Elizabeth, 28 Van Schaick Hilton Erastus, engineer, 15 John Hilton Robert J, Judge of County Courts, Commisr sionei in Bankruptcy and Connecticut Com­ missioner, office cor. Slate and Green, res. 102! Hudson Hilton Henjamin P. coachmaker, 152 Market, res_ • 14 John Hilton Simon V. A. grocery and h. 294 Broadway Hilton & Van Vorst, law office, 50 State Hilton, widow Phebe, 32 Eagle Hilton P. carpenter, 238 Broadway Hind John C. book-keeper, 34 Grand Hinds Bartholomew, cabinetmaker, 17 Van Schaick HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 101

Hiney Lewis L. furrier, 25 Lumber Hindman Alfred G. umbrella manufacturer and lace store, 85 Market Hiney, widow Elizabeth, 77 Orange Hinkley Albert, grocer, 128 Market Hinkley John, painter, 80 Green Hinkley John W. physician, cor. Hudson and Union Hinkley Joseph, painter, 87 Lydius Hiram Lynde, moulder, 330 State Hires William, coachman, 160 Spring HISTRIONIC HALL, Albany Histrionic Association, n. Pearl, above Patroon Hitchcock John, master-steamboat Portsmouth, 40 Bleecker Hitchcock Capt. A. 28 Ferry Hoag Abraham, shoemaker, Western Turnpike Hoag Abram, grocer, 54 Division Hoak Peter, laborer, 205 Washington Hocknell Isaac, cartman, 336 Broadway Hocknell Richard, butcher, 62 Schuyler Hochstrasser Jacob, leather dealer, 18 Hudson, res. 12 Liberty Hodge John, baker, 149 Broadway Hodge William, baker, bds. 149 Broadway Hodgkins Stephen L. painter, 63 n. Lansing Hodgens Thomas, cartman, 36 Franklin Hoffendahl Charles F., M. D. 66 n. Pearl Hofer Augustus E. silversmith, 18 Van Schaick Hoff Louis, cooper, rear 178 Lydius Hoffman Andries, laborer, corner Clfhton and Alex­ ander Hoffman Benjamin, 63 Lydius Hoffman Lewis G. Editor American Masonic Regi­ ster and job printer, corner Market and Division, h. 66 Lydius Hoffman Henry R. bookbinder, Hamilton, w. Grand 9* 102 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DiRECTORtr.

Hoffman Thomas, moulder, 5 Hallenbake alley' Hoffman Martha, widow of Andrew, 66 Lydius Hoffman, widow Susannah, 74 Canal Hoffman, (Levi S.) & Potts, (Jesse) furnace, corner Hamilton and Grand Hoffman Levi S. (H. & P.) 130 Hamilton Hoffman Jane Ann, dressmaker, 74 Canal Hogan Gerrit, Secretary of Mutual Insurance Com­ pany, 8 Douw's Building, h. 219 Hamilton Hogan Thomas, laborer, Lancaster alley Hogan Bryan, morocco dresser, 70 Canal Hogan William, blacksmith, 13 Rose Hogan John, hatter, 80 Green Hogan George, ferryman, 37 Clinton Hogan Patrick, laborer, 39 Liberty Hogeboom David, 174 n. Pearl Hogstress John, carpenter, 228 Washington Holbrook Francis D. shoe dealer, 10-Market, res. 62 Howard ' Holcomb H. T. bds. Mansion House Holden Reuben, merchant, 159 Hudson Holden Hiram, 58 Lawrence Holden Robert, cooper, 95 Beaver Holley Orville L. editor Daily Advertiser, boards American Holmes Joseph M. grocer, cor. Lark and Spring Holmes Benjamin, dry goods, cor. s. Pearl and Bea­ ver, res. 171 Lydius Holmes Roswell, boarding-house, 30 Division Holmes Thomas, painter, 105 Washington Holmes Samuel, cartman, 142 Franklin Holmes Alexander, baker, 63 Maiden lane Holmes Calvin, carpenter, 39 High Holmes Henry, carpenter, 39 High Holmes John, maltster, 338 Washington Holmes Rulger C. Lawrence court Holmes John, Western turnpike HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 103

Holsleii. Lafayette D. bds. 42 Chapel Holt Jared, leather and finding store, 48 Hudson Holt David, weigher and measurer, 32 Division Holt Charles, printer, 32 Division Holt Daniel B. carpenter, 74 s. Pearl Holt Willard, rear S.Park Holton A. M. 59 State Honneyselt James, bread and cake baker, 68 Green Hooghkirk, widow Mary Ann, Herkimer continued Hooghkirk Elizabeth, 85 Hudson HOOK AND LADDER NO. 1,41 Howard HOOK AND LADDER NO. 2, Water Hooper George W. 120 Broadway Hopkins Thomas, laborer, 29 Van Woert Hopkins Patrick, laborer, 29 Van Woert Horan Edward, mason, Elk, near Swan Horn John, laborer, Water Horner John, nailer, 121 Nucella Horner James, (E. Corning & Co.) 34 n. Pearl Horth, widow Frances, 16 Pine Horton William, 17 Quay Horsford Eben N. professor in Albany Female Aca­ demy, res. 29 n. Pearl Hosch, widow of William, confectioner, 298 Broad­ way Hosford David, Justice of Justices' Court, h. 21 Spring Hosford Solomon, attorney, &c. 92 State Hosmer G. P. book-keeper, 108 n. Pearl Hotchkins Abram, tailor, 91 Hamilton Houck William, confectioner, 95 Broadway Houck Peter & John, keepers Farmers and Me­ chanics' Lunch, cor. State and Pearl Hough John D. 123 Lydius Hough Charles, printer, Franklin House Houghtaling Jacob, rear 276 s. Pearl Houghton Silas, grocer, 163 s. Pearl Houghton Silas, sloop contractor, 14 Pine 104 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Houghton Jeremiah, laborer, 136 Broad Houll Oliver, grocer, Second, cor. Swan, Arbor Hill House William A. porter-house, 252 Market Houston, widow Christiana, 65 Canal Hovey Ira, shoe store, 96 Broadway Howard Zephaniah, carpenter, 47 n. Lansing Howard, widow Mary, 158 State Howard Mathew, carpenter, 232 Broadway Howard John, 60 Union Howard Ephraim, 60 Union Howe & Freeman, drapers and tailors, 2 Merchants Exchange Howe Silas B. draper and tailor, Merchants Ex­ change, h. 28 Division Howe, widow of Jesse, boarding-house, 66 Hudson Howe James K., (H. & D.) 156 Lydius Howe & Dick, merchant tailors, 85 s. Pearl Howel John, laborer, 30 Canal Howes John, attorney, &c. 2 Douw's Buildings, res. 32 Steuben Hawes A. bds. 78 Hudson Howlet & Lovett, flour and commission merchants, 115 Pier Howlet Solomon R. flour merchant, 91 Church Hoy Patrick, shoemaker, 99 Beaver Hoyt George A. silversmith and jeweler, 35 Market, h- 6 Liberty Hoyt James B. bds. Hudson-st. Temperance House Hoyt Richard, trunkmaker, 140 s. Pearl Hubbard Henry L. paper-hanger, 25 Westerlo Hubbard Edwin, 25 Westerlo Hubbard, widow Sally, 24 William Hubbard & Wright, stove dealers, 7 Green Hubbel, widow Sarah, 27 Lancaster Hubbel Noble D. clerk on Pier, res. 3 Rensselaer Hubbel Henry, wagonmaker, 49 Liberty Huddlestone, J. H. bds. Pearl-street House HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 105

Huddlestone R. & J. H. grocers, 76 s. Pearl HUDSON-STREET TEMPERANCE HOUSE, 10 and 12 Hudson HUDSON RIVER STEAM BOAT OFFICE, Chauncey Dex­ ter agent, Pier foot of State Hudson William, 42 Water Hudson John B. gardener, Western turnpike Hueston William, 365 State Huff, widow, boarding house 69 Beaver Hughes John, 29 Dean Hughes Thomas, shoemaker, 48 Lydius Hughes, widow of William, 78 Ferry, keeper of Mineral Garden, 56 Ferry Hughes Thomas, Police Constable, 232 Washington Hughes, widow Dorcas, 232 Washington Hughes Peter, laborer, 14 Lydius Hughes William H. preceptor district school No. 9, cor. Ferry and Dallius ' Hughes James, laborer, 121 Broad Hughes Michael, rear 89 Schuyler Hughes Charles, 57 Orange Hughes William, 6 Maiden lane Hughes John, shoe dealer, 78 Ferry Hughes John, laborer, 44 Philip Hulse, widow Elizabeth, 131 Beaver Humphrey Friend &• Co. (Robert Thompson) deal- , ers in hides and leather, 16 State Humphrey Friend, 14 n. Pearl Humphrey Hugh, superintendent Albany Water Works, res. 39 Maiden lane Humphrey John J. dry goods merchant, 45 Market, res. 46 Beaver Humphrey John, 39 Hudson Humphrey William, (H. & Co.) 57 s. Pearl Humphrey 6c Lansing, hardware merchants, 63 State, cor. James 106 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Humphrey David, (H. 6c L.) American Hotel Humphrey Barnet, 62 State Humphrey 6c Co. (William Humphrey, Noah B, Miles, James L. Humphrey and Geo. Humph­ rey) dealers in hardware, 41 and 43 State Humphrey, widow'Catharine, 39 Fayette Humphrey Eve, 226 State Humphrey Robert, 226 State Humphrey Daniel W. 39 Fayette Humphrey John R. 39 Fayette Humphrey Chauncey, 203 Stale Humphrey E. J. 203 State Humphrey F. W. 203 State Humphrey James L. 57 s. Pearl Humphrey George, 57 s. Pearl Humphrey S. V. R. 53 Washington Humphreys William, fruit store, 27_ Green Hun Thomas, M. D. 111 State Hunt, widow Judith, 26 Maiden Lane Hunt Francis, 153 Broadway Hunt James C. 51 Liberty Hunt Elijah G. wig and curlmaker, 75 State Hunter Robert 6c Co. forwarding merchants, office 97 Pier Hunter Robert, 11 n. Pearl Hunter John, watchmaker and jeweller, shop and h. 42 s. Pearl Hunter Robert, grocer, 53 n. Lansing HUNTERIAN DISPENSARY, 5 Maiden Lane Huntington Rev. Ezra, pastor 3rd Presbyterian church, res. 117 n. Pearl Hunlington Dr. G. office 96^ State Huntington M. T. 64 Montgomery Huntriss Henry J. cabinetmaker, Swan s. Lydius Hurado Antonio, barber, corner Steuben and Dean Hurd J. N. M. exchange office, 33^ Market, h. Plain above Grand HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 107

Hurdis John, painter, 9 Church, h. 125 Green Hindis & Spalding, painters and glaziers, cor. Lydius and s. Pearl and 9 Church Hurst Thomas, Schenectady turnpike Hussey N. wine and liquor store, 54 Dean Husted Amos, lahorer, 11 Canal Hutchins, widow Sarah, 28 Patroon Hutchins Stephen B. painter and glazier, 86 Broad­ way Hutchison John, 232 Washington Hutchison James, shoemakfer, 44 Second, Arbor Hill Hutchison Thomas, laborer, 312 Washington Hutchison Robert, moulder, 241 s. Pearl Hutchison David, moulder, 119 Broad Hutchison Thomas, laborer, 193 Orange Huxford F. W. bds. Eagle Tavern Huxley, widow, 92 Hamilton Huysinger Barent, cor. Schuyler and s. Pearl Huysinger Henry, cor. Schuyler and s. Pearl Hyatt Thomas S. tobacconist, 132, h. 84 s. Pearl Hyatt John L. 65 s. Lansing Hyde Lewis, cabinetmaker, Broad Hynes Patrick, shoemaker, rear 154 s. Pearl I. IGGETT JOHN, tin and coppersmith, and camphine lampmaker, 124, res. 133 Hudson Usley Ferdinand I. teacher of music, 61 Grand Ingmire Frederick, hairdresser, 112 Market Ingram Henry, saddler and harnessmaker, 103 Wash­ ington Innes George, laborer, 249 s. Pearl lnnes Thomas, laborer, 105 Orange Innes Edward, laborer, 105 Canal Irvin; widow of Henry, 362 Broadway 108 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Irvin Thomas, laborer, 49 Alexander Irwin John, 31 Liberty Irwin Oliver, 99 Schuyler Irwin Theophilus, painter, 164 Green Isaacs Myer, pedler, 60 Rensselaer Isdell James, 46 Lawrence Isdell James, grocer, cor. Hudson and Daniels Isdell Samuel, morocco dresser, 119 Broad Ivory Gerrit, weaver, 41 Rensselaer Ivory Frank, weaver, 16§ s. Pearl J- JACKSON SAMUEL, 177 State Jackson J. W. grocer, 11 Knox Jackson John, potter, shop and residence Lark, near State Jackson William, grocer, 158 State Jackson John W. carpenter, 22 Fayette Jackson John, agent for J. Phalen 6c Co. 4 Douw's Buildings, res. Eagle Jackson Samuel, segarmaker, 228 State Jackson William, baker, 89 Beaver Jackson David, farmer, Western Turnpike. Jackson Samuel W. 7 Cross Jackson Henry, 59 William Jackson Henry, 38 First, Arbor Hill Jackson- Walter, laborer, First, Arbor Hill Jackson Henry, 170 Spring Jackson Christopher, laborer, rear 5 Park Jackson John, 78 Canal Jackson John, rear 31 n. Pearl Jackson Diana, 74 William Jacksqn Joseph, 115 Snipe Jackson Anthony, 170 Broad HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 109

Jacobson Evert, 14 Willett Jacoby William, laborer, 148 Orange JAIL, cor. Eagle and Howard James Augustus, office 45, and h. 50 n. Pearl James, Rev. William, 21 Montgomery James Thomas, inspector of flour, 109 Green James, widow of William, 43 n. Pearl James, widow, 71 Lumber James Edward, 43 n. Pearl James Thomas D. attorney, &c. 66 State, res. 128 ,. s. Pearl Jameson James, 45 Water Janes Walter, Tuscan and straw hat manufacturer, bds. Montgomery Hall Janes William, District School No 1, 244 s. Pearl Jarvis, Mrs. artificial florist and confectionery, 25 s. Pearl Jedkins George, teamster, 10 High Jenks A. E. paper hanger, 14 Green Jenks, Doct. Otis, office and res. 75 Lydius Jenkins John F. cor. State and Chapel Jenkins Lemuel, counsellor and pension office, Me­ chanics' and Farmers' Bank, res. 72 Herkimer Jenkins Charles M. attorney, &c. office 16_ Broad­ way, rear Merchants' Insurance Co. boards American Jenkins George, 6 Pine Jenkins John, hatter, 47 Liberty - Jenkins John P. 71 Herkimer Jenkins Charles E. 72 Herkimer Jenkins & Paige, attorneys, &c. 16", Broadway Jenkins Levi, eating house, 92 Hamilton Jennings John, 60 Lydius Jermain S. P. 40 Quay, bds. City Hotel Jerolomon Peter, mason, 268 Lydius Jerome Edward, blacksmith, 235 Washington 10 HO HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Jesup Edwin, flour merchant, 73 Quay, residence 63 Lumber Jewell Henry L. blacksmith, captain of the watch, Eagle, cor. Hamilton Jewell Jeremiah P. Superintendent State Hall, office State Hall Jewell Volkert D. livery stable, James, residence 64 Chapel Jewett Rensselaer, 39 High Jewel., Mrs. confectionery, 71 n. Pearl Johnson William, cartman, 13 Bleecker Johi.son Ann W. keeper. Republican Hotel, corner Hudson and Liberty Johnson William D. draper and tailor, 9 n. Pearl, residence 24 William Johnson Richard J. painter, 8 Canal Johnson John I. 173 Market Johnson George B, 15 Lydius Johnson Caleb, shoemaker, 134 Lydius Johnson Thomas, Hudson, near Lark Johnson Daniel, proprietor National Cottage, 164 Market * , Johnson, widow Mary, 47 Hudson Johnson, widow of Caleb, 108 n. Pearl Johnson John, cartman, 43 High Johnson Jane, dressmaker, 134 Green Johnson, widow Elizabeth, 12 Park Johnson Ralph, (J. & W.) dry goods, 12 Broadway, res. Mrs. De Witt's Johnson, widow of John C. 7 Plain Johnson James I. Republican Hotel, clerk Argus of­ fice Johnson, widow Mary, 17 Jay Johnson John, shoemaker, 65 Maiden Lane Johnson John, waterman, 108 Nucella Johnson Charles H. shoemaker, Lydius w. Lark Johnson Thomas, 81 Orange HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Ill

Johnson William, brickmaker, Herkimer continued Johnson Samuel H. Ill Beaver, h. 134 Green Johnson C. Muir, merchant tailor, 9 n. Pearl Johnson John, pedlar, 66 Church Johnson John, cartman, Bassett near Green Johnson Delia M. 62 Green Johnson William, 77 Schuyler Johnson Henry, engraver, 165 s. Pearl Johnson Galen, moulder, 27 William Johnson Hugh, grocer, 47 Eagle Johnson James, laborer, 31 Van Zandt Johnson O. H. boards at Mansion House Johnson & Watrous, dry goods merchants, 12 Broad­ way Johnson,Henry, cook, 58 Schuyler Johnson Abram, 52 High Johnson James, 52 High Johnson William, 31 n; Pearl Johnson Abram, 97 Bassett Johnson Ely, 33 Maiden Lane Johnson John, Knox near Lydius J)h::son Catharine, 20 Clinton Johnson William, victualler, basement 73 State Johnston Thomas D. 35 Union Johnston John W. coach-painter, 90 Gieen, h. 142 Lydius _ Johnston Robert, laborer, 26 Van Woert Johnstone Robert F. printer, 341 Lydius Joice Rodman L. altorney, &c. office Commercial Buildings, bds. American • Joice William, boatman, Westerlo continued Joint John, 122 Hamilton Jondevean Peter, carpenter, 58 Lydius Jones Joshua I. & Co. auction and commission mer chants, 77 State, cor. n. Pearl Jones Abraham, laborer, 10 Wendell *12 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Jones Abraham P. coppersmith, 39 Second, Arbor Hill Jones Peter C. shoemaker, 5 Chapel Jones, widow Sarah, 9 Lumber Jones John, tailor, 281 Washington, n. Branch Jones James, stonecutter, 74 Canal Jones William D. moulder, 101 Canal Jones William, 13 Lumber Jones Joshua I. alderman Tenth ward, cor. State and n. Pearl, res 17 High Jones Henry, carpenter, 162 n. Pearl Jones John, laborer, 162 Market Jones George L. 101 Eagle Jones John, Washington, west of Asylum Jones William, carpenter, 32 Second, Arbor Hill Jones Richard, plain and ornamental plasterer, Se­ cond, above Swan, Arbor Hill Jones John, provision store, 159 Broadway Jones Stephen, laborer, 57 Howard Jones Thomas M. carriagema'ker, 50 Ferry Jones John, tailor, 177 Hamilton Jones Benjamin P. merchant, 120 Pier, h. 97 Her­ kimer Jones William, coachman, Swan, s. Lydius Jones William, I Lancaster Jones * , 1 Lancaster Jones John, butcher, 306 Washington Jones Grosvenor, innkeeper, Western Turnpike Jorles George, turner, 85 Green Jones George, agent, 128 .Hamilton Jones, widow Mary, 55 Lawrence Jones George, agent for periodicals, Marble Pillar Jordan Henry, jailor, 166 Green Jordan Edward, 215 s. Pearl Jordan Matthew, auction and commission merchant, 94 State, res. 14 s. Pearl Jordan Edward A. carpenter, 247 State Jordan Francis James, cottage, Delaware Turnpike HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 113

Jordan Barney, laborer, Rensselaer Joslin Thomas B. 47 Water Joy Lewis, 22 Broad Joy & Monteath, Albany and Canal Line Tow-boats" 3 State Joy Thaddeus, 74 n. Pearl Joy T. & Co. Transportation Buffalo Line, 95 and 96 Pier Joy Miles, 22. Broad Joy Charles, 15 Swan Joy Patrick, 44 John Judd Lucy, widow of Chester, 27 Dallius Judd Franklin, silver-plater, 75 Arch Jude Jacob, laborer, 123 Broad Judkins John, carpenter, 21 John Judson, widow Elizabeth, 53 Lumber Judson Levi, brewer, 33 Dean Judson Ichabod L. provision store, 128, h. 134 . Washington Judson, widow Rebecca, boarding-house, 122 Wash­ ington Judson W. A. lumber-dealer, 76 Pier Judson, widow, 50 Liberty Judson Isaac E. wood-dealer, 26 Quay, h. 53 Lum­ ber Jupp Langhan, 40 Franklin . JUSTICES' COURT, over Centre Market, s. Pearl Justice John, shoemaker, 159 Green

K- KAFFENBURGER J. pedler, 308 s. Pearl , Kallenback John C. tailor, 19 Fayette Kanahy Daniel, carpenter, 154 s. Pearl Kannaven Edward, laborer, 9 Catharine Kane Elizabeth, Rensselaer, near s. Pearl 10* 114 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Kane William A. 321 Broadway Kane Hazael, aldermen Ninth ward, 53 Wasl.ing.or. Kane John, carpenter, 93 Spring Kane Susan, milliner, 68 Broadway Kain William M. shoemaker, 175 Market Kain James, laborer, 40 n. Lansing Kain William, laborer, 38 Grand Kain Robert, 8 Columbia Karmer Christian, laborer, rear 252 Washington Kay David C. 338 Schenectady turnpike Kayner Catharine, widow, 47 n. Lansing Kearnan John, 57 Howard Kearnan Andrew, shoemaker, 55 Howard Kearney Christopher, maltsler, 79 Bleecker Kearney William H. looking-glass and oil-cloth store, 30^ Broadway Kearney Robert L. 30j Broadway Kearney William, laborer, 232 Broadway Kearney John, mason, 171 Green Kearney Michael, 85 Green Kearney Patrick, rear 83 s. Pearl Kearney Patrick, cartman, tear 106 Water Kearns Thomas, mason, 165 Green Kearns Owen, 21 Dean Kearns William, laborer, rear 59 Van Schaick Kearns Patrick, laborer, Clinlon Kearns Patrick, laborer, 41 Van Zandt Kearns Andrew, shoemaker, 34 Lodge Keaton William, 64 Schuyler Keaton John, 71 Colonie Keaton, widow, 24 Washington Keefe Thomas, carpenter, Cherry Keefe Timothy, moulder, 14 s. Lansing Keefe Andrew, maltster, rear 64 Washington Keefe William, laborer, 37 Clinton Kegan John, 108 Broad Kegan Michael, laborer, 98 Canal Kegan Dennis, furrier, 26 Chapel HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 115

Keegan Patrick, carpenter, west end Van Woert Keho Patrick, tailor, 132 n. Pearl Keeler James, 84 Westerlo Keeler Henry, master tow-boat Ohio, 54 s. Lansing Keeler Theodore, 124 s. Pearl Keeler Charles A. agent for packet lines, office 120 '. Pier, h. 84 Westerlo Keeler Jasper S. office 108 Pier, h. 75 Hamilton Keeler Mrs. Jane, 36 Washington Keeler Frederic A. saddler, 84 Market, res. 75 Ha­ milton Keeler Daniel, mason, 67 William Keeler James N. 12 s. Lansing Keelin John, clerk, 36^ s. Lansing Keeling William, barber, 246 Lydius Keenan Michael, 57 n. Lansing Keene James, 98 Water Keene Aaron, laborer, 88 Second, Arbor Hill Keene Thomas, laborer, 98 Water Keith Laban W. 323 Washington, n. Branch Kellogg William R. furrier, 9 Chapel Kells Francis, shoemaker, 49 Van Schaick Kells Francis, grocer, 69 Colonie Kells John, 13 Lumber Kelly Seth F. steamboat agent, office 122 Pier, res. 40 Bleecker Kelly John, carpenter, 209 s. Pearl Kelly Thomas, laborer, 75 Bleecker Kelly Michael, laborer, 2j6 Fayette Kelly George H. 21 Hawk Kelly John, carpenter, Herkimer above Swan Kelly James, laborer, 8 Van Woert Kelly James, mason, Chesnut, near State and Hawk Kelly Patrick, shoemaker, 102 Broadway Kelly Thomas, grocer, 40 Montgomery, cor. Orange Kelly Michael, grocer, 166 Broadway Kelly, widow Catharine 49 Van Schaick 116 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. t Kelly Sylvanus, 36 Howard Kelly George, chandler, 101 Canal Kelly Forrester, 49 Fayette Kelly Thomas, shoemaker, 306 Washington Kelly Daniel D. shoemaker, 36 Howard Kelly John, laborer, 14 Clinton Kelly James, furrier, bds. Northern Hotel Kelly Michael, mason, rear 71 Grand Kelly Thomas, brickmaker, 262 Broadway Kelly, widow, rear 190 s. Pearl Kelly Alexander, shoemaker, 9 Maiden Lane Kelso John, blacksmith, and wheelwright, shop 68, h. 83 Washington Kemp William, lace weaver, 37 Steuben Kemp Alexander, chairmaker, 70 Canal Kenan Patrick, laborer, 96 Water Kenan, widow Julia, 55 Canal Kendrick E. E. cashier Mechanics' and Farmers' Bank, res. 19 Exchange * Kennedy Patrick, 17 Lumber Kennedy William, furnaceman, 19 Hawk Kennedy Michael, laborer, 52 Van Schaick Kennedy Michael jr. 52 Van Schaick Kennedy Patrick 195 Broad Kennedy Peter, laborer, 121 Broad Kennedy William, shoemaker, 13 Lawrence Kennedy Philip, teamster, 54 Rensselaer Kennedy Edward, 78 Franklin Kennedy, widow, rear 54 V#n Schaick Kennedy Michael, rear 89 Schuyler Kennedy Rev. Duncan, 55 n. Pearl Kennety Patrick, laborer, 78 Franklin Kenny Thomas K. marble cutter, 232 State, resid. 142 Washington Kenny Peter, carpenter, 22 Hawk Kenny Patrick, wheelwright, 165 Orange HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 117 Kent. Elias, 161 Green Kent Isaac, 99 Hamilton Kent Jacob, mason, 161 Green Kenyon 6c Winne, lumber merchants, office corner Water and Colonie, and Pier opposite Kenyon John, 270 Broadway • Kenyon Moses, ship carpenter, 13 Dallius Kenyon Misses, 13 Dallius Kerby Alfred, coachmaker, 36 Herkimer Kerin Morty, laborer, 79 Ferry Kerker, widow Dorothy, Canal above Cross Kerker Benjamin D. Canal above Cross Kerker, widow Eleanor, 86 Broadway Kernan Daniel, grocer, 291 Washington, s. Branch Kerr William, 55 Howard Kerr John, carpenter, 69 Patroon Kerr James, laborer, 65 Orange Kerwan, widow, 113 Hudson Kerwin John, mason, 52 Van Schaick Kerwin David, 6 Maiden lane Kerz Anton, shoemaker, 214 Washington Kes'sa. Joseph, shoemaker, 97 Washington Kesson Thomas, upholsterer, 78 Washington Kesner Jacob, rear 197 Washington Ketchum Rensselaer, wood and lumber dealer, 21 Qoay, bpards at Mrs. Wendell's Ketchum James G. boards at Mrs. Wendell's Ketchum Ephraim, butcher, 315 Washington Kevan William, laborer, 39 Clinton Kewin Kobert, carpenter, 68 s. Lansing Keyley Thomas, tailor, 75 Schuyler Keylon John, 36 s. Lansing Keys Henry, grocer, 60 Beaver, corner William Keyser Peter, 25 Lancaster Keyser Abraham,. 18 High Keyser Henry, 25 Lancaster 118 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Kidd James, dealer in carpeting, county treasurer, 65 •Broadway, h 147 Broadway Kidd Elizabeth, 72 Herkimer Kiernan John, porter, 385 State Kiernan Thomas, 33 Canal • Kiernan James, waiter, 19 Canal Kidney Jonathan, blacksmith, rear 82 Hudson Kidney Jonathan jun. rear 82 Hudson Kilbourn George, carpenter, 111 Orange Killip William, shoemaker, 377 State Kilmer, widow of Simon, 7 Union Kilmer Cornelius, printer, 7 Union Kimball Edward, bds. Clinton Hotel Kimball John, rear 195 Washingten Kimber Thomas, piano-forte maker, 7 n. Pearl Kimber Mrs. Hannah, milliner, 7 n. Pearl King R. M. 69 Market, res. 51 Chapel King, widow of Frederic, 212 Market King, widow of James, Ten Broeck, Arbor Hill King Samuel W. wine, tea and provision store, cor. Pine and Chapel . King Nathan G. lumber merchant, office and, yard •121 Water, and opposite on Pier, residence 213 Broadway King James,, laborer, 55 Church King Rufus H.

Kingsley Origen A. attorney, &c. 66 Stale, res. 52 s. Lansing Kingsley Nathan, 55 Dewitt Kingsnorlh William, maltster, Robin near Washington Kingsnorth Henry, maltster, Robin, near Washington Kinney John, constable, 47 Westerlo Kinnev John S. ship-joiner, 228 Market Kip Rev. William I rector St. Paul's Church, h. 154 Stale Kipp John I. laborer, 38 Rensselaer Kirk Andrew, brewery, 352 Broadway Kirk Abraham, draper and tailor, 7 Broadway, res. 151 n. Pearl Kirk Joseph C. 18 Plain Kiik, widow of George, 29 Quackenbush Kirkpatrick Thomas, victualler, and inspector of green hides, 55* Knox Kirkpatrick Margaret, provision store, 3 doors s. Cen­ tre Market, 15 s. Pearl Kirkpatrick Robert, grocer, Westerlo continued Kirkpatrick Edward, victualler, Centre Market res. 13 s. Pearl Kirtland. Benjamin, carpenter, 93 Spring Kissam Eugene, talesman, 94 Pier, res. Washing­ ton-Hall • Kittle, widow of Daniel S. 95 Eagle Kittle Sybrant, grocer, cor. Canal and Chapel, house 32 Chapel Kline William, coppersmith, 15 Knox Kline Catharine, widow of Mathias, 50 Columbia Kline David, segarmaker, 60 Lawrence Kline Thomas, laborer, 43£ n. Lansing Kline George P. bds. 50 Columbia Kling John L. 36 Green Kling Henry M. 59 Chapel Klos Jacob, stove mounter, rear-180 Lydius • Knapp Hubbell, store 27 Quay, h. 5 Dean 120 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Knapp Robert, blacksmith, 22 William Knapp George O. 31 Hamilton Knealy John, butcher, 205 Market Knight Thomas, hatter, store and house 114 Water. Knight , mason, 86 Broadway Knoff Edward, musician, 363 State Knower J. & B. (John and Benjamin,) hat store, 41 Market, wool store 31 Hudson Knower John, 132 State Knower Benjamin, 132 State Knower William B. bds. Republican Hotel Knower Thomas T. 124 Washington Knowles Horace, 64 Clinton Knowlton Hosea, rectifier of whiskey, wholesale dea­ ler in liquors, lamps, oil and gas, 198 and 200 Market, res. 38 Westerlo Knox William, laborer, 52 n. Lansing1 Koch George, shoemaker, 53 Fayette Koen George, tailor, Chesnut near State Kohlenberg Edward, furrier, 10 Union Koon John, attorney; &c. Exchange building, res. 92 Lydius Koon, Bramhall & Ferguson, attorneys, &c. 6 Ex­ change, 2nd floor Koons William P. 131 Franklin Koonz Abram, manufacturer of coverlets, carpets, alderman Fourth Ward, 40 & 44 Grand Kossendike John, laborer, 131 Franklin Krantz John, porter and boarding-house, 135 Market Krippleber, widow of Michael, boarding-house, near railroad depot

Ii. . LACLAIRE JAMES, fur cutter, 38 Van Schaick Laclaire John, furrier, 72 Montgomery HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 121 Lacy John, proprietor Albany Coffee House, corner Eagle and Maiden lane Lacy William, office Daily Advertiser, residence 62 Franklin Lacy Daniel, 160 Market Lackey, widow, 66 Green Ladair Hugh, blacksmith, 125 Lydius Ladd James, moulder, 81 State Laden Patrick, 17 Dean Ladenburgh Henry, rear 51 Fayette Lade Philemon, blacksmith, 10 Broad Lndew John C. F. butcher, Willett, opposite Public square Ladew Stephen, accountant, Willett,' opposite Public square Laflaich David, currier, 52 Van Schaick Lagrange Gerrit, exchange office, 17 Broadway, h. 72 Hamilton Lagrange George, 33 Dean . Laisdell Charles W. combmaker, 86 Broadway Lamore, T. & I. grocers and provision dealers, 39 Washington L'Amoureux James, attorney, __c. 8 Douw's Build­ ings, 76 Hudson L'Amoureux C. H." exchange office, 2 Broadway L'Amoureux, widow, 1 Dallius Lake James W. porter house, 8 Hudson Lampman S. S. 74 State, h. 163 Hudson Lancaster Cvrus, globemaker, 20 Quackenbush Landers David, 95 Quay Landers Joseph, laborer, Lydius, west of Lark Lanagan John, laborer, 63 Liberty Landrigan James, mason, 89 William Landrigan Edward, mason, 79 Canal Landrigan Thomas, coach painter, 42 Montgomery Landon William, proprietor Congress Hall, corner Capitol Park 11 122 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DiRECTo_rr-

Lane James H. mason, 216 State Lane Thomas, butcher, 42 Arch Lane Timothy, milkman, 219 s. Pearl Laneliart George, cabinetmaker, 9 Park Laney Lucian B. morocco dresser, 165 Green Langdon John, 95 Church Langood Daniel, potter, 197 Hamilton Langlois Lewis, lampmaker, 51 Fayette Langrishe William, blacksmith, 173 s. Pearl Langton Henry, bds. at Albion Hotel Lanigan Richard, 122 Franklin Lansley Thomas, blacksmith, Willett opposite Public square Lansing William, (H. 6c L.) bds. City Hotel Lansing James J. 59 Division Lansing Isaac, 172 Broadway Lansing Jacob, attorney, &c. first judge county courts, • office 68 State, h. 165 Broadway Lansing Christopher Y. attorney, &c. office 13 Douw's Buildings, h. 57 Broadway Lansing Abraham F. librarian Young Men's Associa­ tion, 6 Van Schaick Lansing E. J. halter, 76 Market, h. 59 Division Lansing Jacob J. exchange office, 31^ Broadway, res. 218 Broadway Lansing Jacob, Jr. 296 Broadway Lansing James, shoemaker, store 125 Broadway, h. cor. n. Pearl and Van Woert Lansing Gerrit, 49 Van Zandt Lansing Jacob, 70 Eagle Lansing Gerrit Y. attorney, &c. office Atheneum, res. 52 n. Pearl Lansing Andrew-D. agent for S. Van Rensselaer; res. opposite Mansion, Watervliet Lansing Gerrit, carpenter, 445 Lydius Lansing Charles B. res; 52 n. Pearl Lansing Jacob A. 6 Van Schaick HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 123

Lansing H. V. & Co. hat store, 30 Market Lansing Henry Q. corner Broadway and Quacken­ bush Lansing Miss Cornelia, 48 Columbia Lansing Spencer, 165 Broadway Lnp'e John I. carpenter, 361 Washington - Laramee James, 60 n. Lansing Larchar Samuel W. merchant tailor, 11 _ Market Larchar Joseph W. tailor, 203 n. Pearl Larue Joseph, carpenter, 35 Orange Lasscell Ruth, teacher Orphan Asylum Latham Jasper, pedlar, 41 Van Schaick Latham William G. corner n. Pearl and Wilson Lathrop F. proprietor Mansion House, 22'and 24 Broadway Lathrop Dyer, merchant, 89 Washington, h. 132 Washington Lathrop Septimus, accountant, 93 Columbia Lathrop William, captain tow-boat, 13 Bleecker Baltimore William, rear 71 Grand Baltimore Benjamin, 9 Plain Luiiue William, laborer, 32 Canal Laughren Felix, 5 Bleecker Laughlin Stephen, laborer, 78 Church Laughren, widow, 40 Second, Arbor Hill Lavel James, laborer, 18 Park . Lavender W. oil-cloth painter, 261 Washington Lavendoll Abram, butcher, 308 s. Pearl Lavin Thomas, \9\ Lawrence Lavin Patrick, laborer, 73 Dewitt LAW BUILDINGS, cor. Market and Beaver Law Miss Mary, milliner, 38 Green Law John, shoemaker, \\ Church Lawler Martin, grocer, «or. Park and State Lawler, widow Julia, 31 Westerlo Lawler Fanton, provision store, 261 State Lawless Dennis, 172 Hudson 124 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Lawless Peter, turner, 50 Chapel Lawless Thomas, 57 Howard Lawliss John, mason, 74 Arch Lawrence Alpheus L. 113 Pier, h. 105 Green Lawrence Ira, stage-agent, 81 Bleecker Lawrence Stephen, 31 Liberty Lawrence Jane, widow of William, 61 Lydius Lawrence Thomas H. grocer, 46 Liberty Lawrence William, dyer, Tivoli Hollow Lawrence Richard, rear 75 Arch Lawrence Joseph, mason, 31 Van Zandt Lawrence Peter, 97 Bassett Layton Thomas, blacksmith, 17 Hawk Laytorf Mary Jane, dressmaker, 17 Hawk Layton Nathaniel P. engineer, Ganesvoort Leake Jolin W. 39 Ferry Leake John S. clerk New-York State Bank, res. 39 Ferry Leary John, laborer, 20 Van Zandt Leary Timothy, laborer, 190 s. Pearl Leary Patrick, blacksmith, 270 Market Leask, Mrs. and Mrs. Finlay, linen warehouse, 5L>4 Broadway Leavitt N. K. barber and corn-doctor, 126 Broadway, h. 130Water Leavitt , hair-dresser, 126 Broadway Le Buff John, blacksmith, 86 Broadway Lelvick William, gardener, Western Turnpike Leddy Peter B. dyer, 24 Norton Leddy Bryan, laborer, 79 Ferry Leddy James, cartman and grocer, 83 Colonie Leddy James, laborer, 36 Water Ledwidge Patrick, 43 Dewitt Ledwidge Matthew, labore*, 29 Van Woert Lee, Mrs. H. dressmaker, 90 s. Pearl Lee William T. merchant tailor, corner Water and. n. Lansing HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 125

Lee Thomas & Sons, merchant tailors, 73 State, h. 20 Van Schaick Lee Noah, cashier of Exchange Bank and notary public, res. 29 Patroon Lee James, laborer, 61 Lodge Lee John, cigarmaker, 90 s. Pearl Lee William, baker, 113 Orange Lee William T. tailor, 55 Lumber Lee, widow Elizabeth, 52 Church Lee, Thomas E. 20 Van Schaick Lee John, crockery packer, 43 Van Schaick Lee Owen, laborer, 67 William Lee Samuel, carpenter, 1 Dallius Lee Theodore, 20 Van Schaick Lees Thomas, dealer in china, glass and earthenware, 33 Broadway, residence 14 Pine Leggat William, provision store, 24 Beaver Leiber John, 26 Elk Legend re Urbin, 45 Liberty Legendre, Mrs. 45 Liberty Leland Jackson M. professor of music, boards at Re­ publican Hotel Lenderson, widow Jane, 45 Union Lennahan Patrick, carpenter, 61 William Lenox, widow, 46 Hudson Leonard M. tailor, 188 s. Pearl ' Leonard Harman, boards 106 State Leonard John H. painter, 445 Lydius Leonard Solomon, collector of the Ninth and Tenth wards, Herkimer, above Swan Leonard Daniel, Herkimer continued Leonard John H. 142 s. Pearl Leonard Thomas, wheelwright, 18 Bleecker Leslie, widow Mary, 48 Van Schaick Levi David, hairdresser,, 271 s. Pearl Levings, Rev. Noah, pastor First Methodist Church, 58 Division 11* 126 HOFFMAN _ ALBANY DIRECTOOTV

Lewis Lewis, 24 Hawk Lewis, Miss, lj} Lancaster Lewis Benedict-milkman, 13 Canal * Lewis William, shoemaker, 13 Canal Lewis, widow Maria, 24 Fayette Lewis Lewis I. 9 Wendell Lewis Charles, 13 Canal Lewis Henry, grocer, 103 Quay Lewis John, 34$ Water Lewis Jacob, tobacconist, 248 Broadway Lewis Margaret, 220 State Lighthall William A. engineer, Ten Broeck, nca: Patroon Lighthall Nicholas F. blacksmith, 81 Colonie Linacre, widow, 383 State Linacre James, cabinetmaker, 36 Union Linacre John, 383 Stale Lincoln, widow Matilda, 37^ Fayette Lincoln William, 37^ Fayette Lindenstein Samuel M. 272 s. Pearl Lines Patrick, laborer, 124 Water Ling William, carpenter, 186 «. Pearl Linsley Joel, teamster, 317 Washingtoh, n. Branch Linsley James, laborer, 135 Broad Little, widow Elizabeth, 81 Columbia Little Mark, 81 Columbia Little James, laborer, 34 Van Schaick Little Weare C. bookstore and literary-rooms, corner State and Broadway, res. 81 Columbia Little Daniel, 81 Columbia Little Lemuel, type founder, third floor Exchange buildings, res. 85 s. Pearl Little Henry H. 85 s. Pearl Little John, tailor, 44 Fayette Littlejohn Levi S. forwarding merchant, 34 Green Littlejohn William, porter-house, Steamboat Hotel, 122 Pier HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 127 Livingston Crawford, office Pomeroy's Express, Ex­ change, h. 22 Liberty * Livingston, widow Edward, 48 Columbia Livingston John A. "attorney, &c. office 66 State, h. 3 Clinton Square Livingston John D. deputy Sheriff, 15 Lancaster Livingston William, 207 Market Livingston Franklin, 24 Orange Lloyd Lyman John, saddler and harnessmaker, 80 Market, res. 49 Herkimer Lloyd Maria, 21 High Lloyd Andrew, 90 Schuyler Lloyd William, joiner, 169 Hudson Lloyd Alexander C. bds. Rensselaer House Lloyd Samuel H. coachmaker, 96 Green Lloyd Willard, 90 Schuyler Loatwall Jacob, 73 Lawrence * Loatwall James, 73 Lawrence Loatwall Catharine, Mulberry Locherty William C. 28 Maiden-lane LOCK HOSPITAL, 3 Norton Lockley Richard, wheelwright, 66 Lumber Lockner Christian, tailor, 53 Broad Lockrow Van Buren, lock-dispensary, 56 Beaver, 2 doors above Pearl, h. 46 Philip Lockwood, Mrs. Ann, boarding-house, 51 n. Pearl Lockwood, widow Sarah, 58 Patroon Logan Matthew, shoemaker, 35 Chapel Long Charles P. coachsmith, 16 Franklin Long Elias, coachsmith, 31 James Long'Lucius, 33 Columbia Long Michael, 16 Van Zandt Long Henry, tailor, 168 Broad Long John, cartman, 108 Water Long John, 122 Franklin Long James, coachmaker, 16 John 128 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Long Robert, moulder, 175 Orange _Long Christian, carpenter, res. 247 Washington, n. Branch Long William, laborer, 36 Canal Longly Luther, 258 Broadway Longley Freeman, 258 Broadway Look Benjamin, Tivoli Loomis S. A. grocer, 4^ s. Pearl Loomis George J. book-store, printing office and res. 9 Washington Loomis Charles, copper-plate printer, 80 State, res; Ills. Pearl Loomis George, mason, Cherry, near Franklin, Loomis Miss Clarissa, milliner, 42 Market Loomis, Mrs. C. 42 Market Lord D. E. proprietor, of Hudson and Ohio Line, 61 • Quay, res. 20 Hawk Lord Edmund, shoemaker, 19 Philip Lord Edmund J. bds. cor. Hawk and Washington Lord Joseph, shoemaker, 21 Philip Lord John C. shoemaker, 19 Washington Lord Henry, 20 Hawk Lord, widow, 65 Orange Lord Joseph, & Son, dealers in provisions, 29 Wash­ ington - Lord Frederic, 61 Quay, h. 20 Hawk Lorigan Bartholomew, maltster, 40 Canal Lossing John, whitesmith, shop 217, h. 253 Wash­ ington Losee Simeon, lumber merchant, 17} Broadway Losee S. S. & Co. lumber merchants, 72 Pier, cor. Columbia bridge Lotteridge Robert, 257 Broadway Loucks John H. innkeeper, 15 Washington Loughener George, pedler, 305 s. Pearl Love Andrew, carpenter, 234 Washington J.iOve Jonathan E. carpenter, 2 Van Tromp . HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 129

Lovebull, widow, 62 Hudson Lovie Alexander, lockmaker, shop 86 Green, res. 61 Lydius Loveland Amos, coachmaker, 49 High Loveridge Cicero, police justice, h. 27 Beaver Lovell Richard, recruiting sergeant, foot of Columbia Lovell Christopher, 276 s. Pearl Lovett Alexander H. notary public, teller in Com­ mercial Bank, res. 148 State Lovett John E. attorney, &c. Secretary Albany In­ surance Company, office 56 State, h. 148 State Lovett Mrs. Nancy, 148 State Lovett Joseph M. book-keeper in Exchange Bank, res. 72 Chapel Lovett Charles J. 91 Church Low Addison, (T. & L) 65 Herkimer Low Francis JS. 6 Daniels Low Charles, Willet, opposite Public Square Low Warren S. 105.Beaver Low John, brickmaker, 115 Broad Lowell Hiram M. 53 Spring Lowersteener Aaron, pedler, 24 Clinton Luscum Daniel, river wrecker, 28 Van Schaick Lush William, 164 Broadway Lush, widow of Samuel S. 123 State Lush Stephen, 164 Broadway Luther George, baker, rear 43 Jackson Luther Jeremiah, carpenter, rear 43 Jackson Luther George W. wood dealer, office 23i Quay, h. * 17 Quackenbush Luther Abram, 30 Union LUTHERAN CHURCH, cor. Pine and Lodge Lyall Alexander, tailor, 59 Church Lyall David, tailor, 48 Dallius Lyman Richard, laborer, 216 Market Lyman William, dry goods and carpet store, 59 Mar­ ket, res. Clinton Hotel 130 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.-

Lyman Charles R. surveyor, res. 43 Union Lymburn John, 38 Grand Lynch Daniel, drayman, 29 Van Woert Lynch Thomas, laborer, 298 Broadway Lynch Owen, grocer, 17 and 19 Lawrence Lynch John, grocer, 23.Little-Basin Lynch, widow of Michael, 16 Van Zandt Lynch Bernard, cor. Green and Rensselaer Lynch William, mason, 118 s. Pearl Lynch Michael, laborer, 107 Broad Lynch Daniel, 'cor. Philip and Van Zandt Lynch Michael, carpenter, Lydius ab. Swan Lynch Patrick, laborer, Chesnut, near State Lynch John, carpenter, Lydius ab. Swan Lynch Thomas, maltster, Bradford Lynch , mason, 28 Quay Lyon Aaron, commission merchant, 19 Washington Lyon Philo D. dry goods and groceries, cor, s. Pearl and Schuyler #. Lyon Daniel B. 29 Lancaster Lyon George, painter, 13 Westerlo Lyon, Dr. A. 29 s. Pearl Lyons Aaron G. pianoforte maker, 9 Van Woert Lyons, Mrs. 16 Ferry


McADAMS DANIEL, 74 Grand McAdams —, bookbinder, 26 Maiden lane McAlister Charles, hatter, 72 Spring McAlister Alexander, hat store, 100 Market, res. 197 Broadway McAllister Daniel, collector for Evening Journal, 160 Orange McAllister J. Mairs, dentist, 16 n. Pearl McAllister Owen, blacksmith, 7 Rensselaer HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 131

McAllister Andrew, harness-maker, 160 Orange McAllister Anson, 201 Green McAndree John, 17 Lumber McAlpine William J. engineer, 21 Stanwix Hall, res. 261 Broadway McAravy John, shoemaker, 168 Montgomery McArthur, widow Marion, rear 70 Canal McAuley Michael, cor. Herkimer and Dallius McAuley John, grocer, Little Basin McBain Daniel, 307 s. Pearl McBain George, builder, 140 Hamilton McBain James, 307 s. Pearl McBain Walter, brickmaker, 307 s. Pearl Mc_ain Mary, 307 s. Pearl McBride John 6c William jun. grocery and provision dealers, 262 Washington McBride William, 262 Washington McBride George, shoemaker, 27 Liberty • McBride Thomas, 1 Catharine McBride James, segarmaker, 12 Cherry McBride William, 6 Maiden-lane McBride John, laborer. 52 n. Lansing McBurney James, grocer, cor. Hudson and Green McCabe Richard, dealer in dry goods, 47 Market McCabe, widow Margaret, 47 Market McCabe Lawrence, 75 Colonie McCabe John, laborer, 78 Lumber McCabe Owen, laborer, 39 Van Woert McCabe Patrick, 171 Green McCabe John, furrier, 40 n. Lansing McCabe James, 278 Washington, s. Branch McCabe Michael, produce dealer, 202 Washington McCabe Patrick, laborer, 40 n. Lansing McCafferty (Michael) & Holmes, (Alexander) ba­ kers, 26 n. Pearl McCafferty Michael, 26 n. Pearl McCafferty Edward, laborer, w. end Van Woert 132 HOFFMAN 8 ALBANY DIRECTORY.

McCafferey James, grocer, 146 Broad McCaffrey Owen, laborer, 75 Colonie McCaffrey Christopher, furrier, 42 n. Lansing McCaffrey Edward, w. end Van Woert McCall Patrick M. grocer, 47 Second, Arbor Hill McCall John, 9 Howard McCall Thomas, planemaker, 82 Beaver McCall Felix, laborer, 121 Broad McCammon Enoch," Townsend's Furnace, residence 27 Fayette McCammon Charles, moulder, 27 Fayette McCammon John, carpenter, 27 Fayette McCann James, 20 Quay McCsnnaughty Hugh, laborer, 4 Colonie McCarroll James, laborer, 11 Maiden Lane McCarron Peter, laborer, 61 n. Lansing McCardell John, keeper of Marble Pillar, res. 37 _eaver McCardell Joseph, grocer, American Star House, foot of Lydius McCarty James, laborer, Patroon near Hawk McCarty John, laborer, 369 State McCarty John, mason, 24 Howard McCarty James, 14 Clinton McCarty Thomas, 10 Columbia . McCasky William, blacksmith, shop 22 h. 54 Church McCaughlen John, teacher, 36_ s. Lansing McCauley John, 16 Grand alley McCauley George, teamster, 14 Willett McCauley Michael, cooper, 16 Dallius McCauley Miss Sarah, 27 William McChesney Lucas H. chair-manufacturer, 108 and 110 State, res. Ills. Pearl McClane John, moulder, 129 Orange McClaskey William, 312 Washington, n. Branch McClaskey Hugh, butcher, rear 198 Washington McClaskey Cornelius, mason, 119 Broad HOFFMAN S ALBANV DIRECTORY. 133

McCleister William, teamster, 47 Spring McClelland Joseph, grocer, 203 s. Pearl, res. 3 Howard McClelland William, 141 Broadway McClintock Ralph, 13 Beaver McClure J. & A. (James and Archibald) wholesale dealers in paints, oils and dye-woods, 74 State McClure James, 198 State McClure Archibald, 47 Steuben McClure James, copper, tin and sheet-iron manufac­ turer, 112 Broadway McClure James E. 46 Maiket, h. 48 Westerlo McClure Jonathan, tinman, 83 Orange McClure John, 195 Broad McCluskey, John, bds. Montgomery-Hall McClymenl Andrew, capmaker, 83^ Washington McClyment, Miss, 8:.^ Washington McCollom Robert, confectioner, 15 Wilson, res. 205 n. Pearl McCollum Hugh, merchant, store and residence 22 Quay McCollum Patrick, cartman, Herkimer continued McCollow Patrick, grocer, 103 Quay McConncll George, baker, 55 Church McConnoch William, carpenter, 142 Broad McConval Felix, 96 Water McCord-James,-mason, 53 Hudson McCorley Thomas, carpenter, 179 Spring McCormick James, 213 s. Pearl McCormick Edward, 101 Washington McCormick James, 39 Rensselaer McCormick Richard, engineer, 2 Colonie McCormick :—, laborer, 208 Market McCotter Neal, at Little Basin, 163 Montgomery McCptter John, tailor, 24 Quay McCoy & Quackenboss, stovedealers, 19 Green •• McCoy S. boards at Mansion House 12 134 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORT- McCrea Daniel, 55 Howard McCready, widow Jane, 24 Van Schaick McCready John, carpenter, 62 s. Pearl McCready, widow, 22 Fayette McCrossan John, mason, 47 Dallius McCue, widow of Michael, 145 Broad McCue Daniel, laborer, 67 Canal McCuen Patrick, 33 Quay McCuen, widow, 5 Chapel McCuen James, laborer, 92 Canal McCuen P. shoemaker, 23 Quay McCuen Joseph, 140 s. Pearl McCuen Patrick, 33 Quay McCulloch John, tinsmith, 340 State McCulloch William, 340 Stale McCulloch Walter S. printer, 340 State McCulloch David, boards Clinton Hotel McCulloch John, 175 Market McCullough Alexander, moulder, 181 Orange McCusker Hugh, turner, 38 Water McCutter Niel, laborer, 6 Colonie McDermot, widow John, 14 Daniels McDermot Patrick, laborer, 55 Canal McDonald James, Chesnut, near State McDonald William, 43_ n. Lansing McDonald Simon S. 18 Swan McDonald Peter, laborer, 97 Canal. McDonald Patrick, 28 Van Woert McConald James, shoemaker, ] 8 Orange McDonald William, plasterer, Westerlo continued McDonald Patrick, 23 Van Schaick Mc Donald Peter, laborer, 11 Chapel McDonald Donald, hairdresser, shop and house, 32 Hudson McDonald Daniel, plasterer, 6 Broad McDonald John, teamster, 63 Rensselaer McDonald James, brewer, 3 Maiden lane HOFFMAN'S ALBANV DIRECTORY. 135 * McDonald Barnard, wheelwright, 210 s. Pearl, res. 137 Broad McDonald Angus, 155 Lumber McDonald Thomas, 6 Maiden lane McDonald Thomas C. upholsterer, 9 Spring McDonald Michael, laborer, 79 Orange McDonald Edward, butcher, Patroon continued McDonald Connell, gardener, 54 Rensselaer McDonald Patrick, laborer, 41 Rensselaer McDonald Michael, butcher, 69 Rensselaer McDonald James, shoe store, 69 Broadway, res. cor. Orange and Montgomery McDonough Roderic, tailor, 158 Market McDonough Patrick, laborer, 76 Canal McDonough James, 174 Hudson McDonough Rev. James, 51 Dallius McDonough , painter, 55 Church McDouall Alexander B. professor in Albany Acade­ my, res. 209 State McDougall Geo. A. skipper, 332 State . McDowall John, coroner, 253 Broadway _ld_DowHI Andrew 0. 11 Lumber McDuffee, widow Cynthia, 64 Green McDuffie Edward, mason, Westerlo continued McElroy William, dealer in dry goods, 137 Broad­ way cor. Orange, res. 132 Broadway McElroy Thomas, wholesale and retail grocer, col­ lector of the customs, Maiden lane, cor. Dean, h. 156 Broadway McElroy Hem-y, brass-founder, 12 Beaver, res. 10 William McElroy William, brass-founder, 12 Beaver, res. 10 Grand McElroy Peter, merchant-tailor, 12 Market, res. 58 Howard McElroy Alexander, 156 Broadway McEntee Thomas S. skipper, 114 Spring 136 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

McEntee Michael, grocer, 96 Quay * McEntee Patrick, 69 Maiden lane McEvila David, grocer, 57 n. Lansing McEvoy John, grocer, corner Broad and Alexander McEwen .Geo. R. cartman, 260 Lydius McFarlan Israel, carpenter, rear 6 Ferry McFarlan Dyer, 24 Norton McFarland Francis, moulder, 62 Schuyler McOahan Patrick, cor. Rensselaer and Green McGalpin Amos, coach trimmer, 60 Union McGarvey James, grocer, 45 Lumber McGarvey John, morocco-dresser, 30 Clinton McGee Thomas, tailor, 31 Herkimer McGee Michael, laborer, 61 Canal McGee Henry, cartman, 97 Schuyler McGee Edward, 75 Colonic McGee Barney, brickmaker, 94 Orange McGee Terrence, 51 Church McGennis James, mason, 5 Maiden lane McGill Henry, laborer, Lancaster alley McGilfrey, widow Margaret, 4 Lawrence court McGillins William, carpenter, 123 Broad McGinn Michael, grocer, 100 Schuyler McGinty Patrick, grocer, 36 Quay McGlen Richard, 84 Church McGoun John, painter, Schenectady turnpike- McGourck John, laborer, rear 42 Philip McGourkey, widow Mary, 24 Second, Arbor Hill McGourkey William G. clerk in Comptroller's office res. 87 Herkimer McGovernin James, grocer, Little Basin McGovernon Francis, laborer, 72 Arch McGown William, grocer, 165 Orange McGown William, grocer, 4 Beaver McGown Patrick, 25 Herkimer McGrain, widow Catharine, 20 Washington McGrady William, laborer, 1 Bleecker HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 187 McGrady James, laborer, Van Woert, to. end McGrath Mary, 360 Lydius McGrath James, leather dresser, 60 Arch McGrath Morris, carpenter, shop 80 Church, boards Eastern Hotel McGrath Lawrence, laborer, 65 Maiden lane McGrath Abner, Cartman, 29 Water McGrath, widow, 65 William McGraw James, grocer, 88 Quay McGraw Martin, grocer, 71 Maiden lane McGraw Michael, cabinetmaker, 78 Church McGrowley Owen, 20 Quay McGue Michael, laborer, 3^ Maiden lane McGuigan Francis, victualler, Centre Market, h. 105 Columbia McGuigan, widow Nancy, 105 Columbia McGuire Michael, grocer, 179 Broadway McGuire Peter, blacksmith, 9 s. Lansing McGuire James, laborer, 8 Canal McGuire Patrick, laborer, 51 Canal McGuire Peter, gardener, Swan near Third, Arbor Hill McGuire James, blacksmith, 73 Rensselaer McGuire Eugene, laborer, 37 Van* Schaick McGuire Charles, cartman, 59 Second, Arbor Hill McGuire Philip, cartman, Swan near First, Arbor Hill McGurk Peter, stonecutter, 107 Beaver McHarg William, clerk, State Bank, residence 50 Hudson McHarg Alexander, silversmith, 98 Market, house 19 Franklin McHarg John, merchant, 49 State, house 50 Hudson McHarg, widow Grizel, 42 Green McHarg Rufus K. 50 Hudson McHench William, clerk in Mechanics' and Farmers' Bank, res. 77 Hudson 12* 138 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY, McHench Alexander, carpenter, 170 Hudson McHenry Patrick, moulder, 10 Park McHugh Patrick, grocer, 170 Montgomery Mclnerpy James, clothing store, 47 Dallius. Mclnroy Margaret, 216 Broadway Mcintosh W. S. & E. C. (Walter S.and Ezekiel C> wholesale and retail dealers in1 crockery, 65 and 67 Market Mcintosh Ezekiel C. 37 Ferry Mcintosh Waljer S. 57 Lydius Mcintosh Daniel, bootmaker, 7 Chapel Mcintosh, widow of Peter, 250 Washington Mcintosh John, maltster, 29 Van Woert Mclntyre Archibald, 99 n. Pearl Mclntyre John, McD. 99 n. Pearl Mclntyre John, 6 Ferry Mclntyre Terrence, laborer, 25 Howard Mclntyre Philip, furrier, cor. Lumber and n. Pearl Mclntyre Archibald, 69 Maiden Lane Mclntyre John, laborer, 17 Lumber, Mclntyre Barney, 162 Market Mclntyre John, 33 Westerlo Mclntyre William P. 141 n. Pearl McKaig Hugh, laborer, 40 Orange McKaig Andrew, teacher, 36 Grand McKay John, 34 Howard Mc Kean, widow Sarah, 95 Orange McKearnan John, 57 Howard McKeever, Peter, 152 Lydius • McKeever John, 213 Market McKeever Patrick, blacksmith, shop 50 s. Pearl, It. 152 Lydius McKelvy, widow of Daniel, 85 Hudson McKenna Hugh, grocer, 47 Water McKenna James, grocer 357 State McKenna Henry, 48 Lumber McKenna, widow of William, 13^ Beaver HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 139

McKenna John, blacksmith, 54 Hamilton McKenzie George, jr. 231 Market McKenzie Alexander, Patroon continued McKercher Duncan, 22 Orange McKercher William, shoemaker, 24 Beaver McKibbon', widow, 150 s Pearl * McKiernan Charles, laborer, 135 Broad McKiernan Felix, laborer, Chesnut near State McKinney Elijah S. 95j Market McKinney Miss, fhillinery and dry goods store, 97 Market McKinney Julia, Rensselaer near s. Pearl McKinney Charles, laborer, 208 Market McKinney Peter, gardener, Canal continued McKinney John, cartman, Swan near First, Arbor Hill McKinney James, laborer, Elk near furnace McKissick S. office 67 Quay, h. 9 Steuben McKiver Ellen, 155 Green McKnight John, brewery and house, Canal corner of Hawk, alderman Eighth ward . McKnight Andrew, carpenter, 97 Schuyler McKnight George W. 14 Bleecker McKown James, attorney, &c. office 92 State, res. 150 State, country seat Lydius continued McKown James, rear 204 State McKown John, 119 Canal McKown William, innkeeper, Western Turnpike McKown William J. 13 Washington McLachlan John, 83 n. Pearl McLachlan John, jr. 83 n. Pearl McLachlan Patrick, 24 Franklin McLachlan Terry, laborer, 113 Canal McLachlan William,'laborer, w. end Van Schaick, near 1 Canal 140 HOFFMAN 8 ALBANY DIRECTORY.

McLachlan Thomas, 211 State McLachlan Patrick, 38 Water McLaughlin, widow, tailoress, 23 Hawk McLaughton, widow, 57 n. Lansing McLellan James, waiter, 55 Howard McLellan David, waiter, 55 Howard, McLeod Alexander, shoemaker, 87 n. Pearl McLoughlin Cornelius, tin and coppersmith, 22 Hud­ son, res. 21 Franklin McMahan Francis, laborer, 41 Water McMahon Matthew, boards at Hudson-street Tempe­ rance House McMahon Michael, furrier, 74 Jackson McMannus John, hat warehouse,52^ State, residence 84 Hamilton McManus Owen, bricklayer, 41 Canal McManus Barney, laborer, 16 Second, Arbor Hill McManus James, grocer, 179 Market McManus Owen, laborer, 48 Van Schaick McManus James, laborer, 41 Canal McManus Terrence, laborer, 16 Second, Arbor Hill McManus Barney, laborer, 190 s. Pearl McMareri James, blacksmith, Herkimer above Swan McMickin John, saddle and harnessmaker, 80 Mar­ ket, res. Rensselaer House McMickin Letitia, 70 Division McMillen Catharine, 16 Hallenbake alley McMillen William, cooper, near railroad, residence s. Pearl McMeichel J. fancy dry goods, 58 Broadway, boards at Mansion House McMullen James, street inspector of the Third ward, 48 Church McMullen Thomas, dealer in dry goods, 101 Broad- -• way, res. 99 Broadway McMullen James, jr. 48 Church HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 141

McMullen John, gardener, Arbor Hill, n. Lumber McMullen, Mrs. 96 Spring McMullen William, 48 Church McMurdy, widow Catharine, 24 Second, Arbor Hill McMurdy William, 24 Second, Arbor Hill McMurray William, laborer, Third, near Swan, Ar­ bor Hill McMurray John, 71 Hamilton McNab, family of Peter, deceased, corner of Knox and Washington McNab Peter D. corner Washington and Knox McNalty Patrick, moulder, 14 Lansing McNally Michael, baker, 186 Washington McNamara John, tailor, 32^ Howard McNamara Mathew, 46 Ferry McNamara Patrick, 32 Alexander McNaspy James, 47 Dallius McNaughton James, physician, office and house 54 n. Pearl McNaughton Peter, physician, office and house 76 Broadway McNaughton Angus, (S. S. & McN) res. 27 Van Schaick McNealy, widow, 27 Lumber McNeeny James, baker, cor. Clinton and Delaware McNeil Thomas, laborer, 174 Hudson McNeil Thomas, laborer, 47 n. Lansing McNulty Patrick, gardener, Lydius continued McPherson, widow Harriet, 77 Columbia _ __ _j McPherson Lachlan, res. State Hall McPherson John, res. State Hall McQuade Anthony, paver, 63 Canal McQuade Anthony, jr. paver, 63 Canal Mc Quade Patrick, 38 Van Schaick McShane Dennis, cartman, 32 Quay McSpirrit Francis, laborer, 67 Colonie 142 HOFFMAN A ALBANY DIRECTORY.

McTeague Bernard, laborer, 50 Lawrence McWilliams John, cartman, 45 Van Zandt McWilliams Michael, 45 Van Zandt McWilliams Thomas, 47 Van Zandt Mabbot Mary B. dressmaker, 43 High Mack W. H. grocer, cor. Water and Lawrence Mack Elisha, jr. cor. Water and Lawrence Mack Elisha, 3d, 7 Dewitt Madden Owen, mason, 48 Montgomery Madden Archibald, 174 Hudson Madden George, laborer, 214 Broad Maddigan Michael, moulder, 40 Canal Maffett George, blacksmith, 68 Arch Magennis Roger, grocer, corner Green and Arch Magennis John, grocer, cor. Franklin and Bleecker Magilton & Atkinson, blacksmiths, corner Broadway and Colonie Magorgan Michael, rear 75 Canal Magordus John, cook, rear 5 Park Mahanney John, baker, 105 Washington Maher John, laborer, 62 William Maher James, wholesale and retail grocer, 52 State cor. Green, res. 203 Broa'dway Maher Thomas, tailor, cor. Schuyler and Broad Maher Michael, laborer, 124 Franklin Maher Thomas, cartman, 68 n. Lansing Maher Thomas, maltster, 79 Canal Maher John T. lumber inspector, 150 Broadway "Maher Patrick, porter, 17 Lodge Maher John, laborer, 16 Van Zandt Maher John, laborer, 10 Colonie Mahony David, overseer of the poor, office over Cen­ tre Market, res. 23 Park Mahony Thomas, laborer, 35 Liberty Mahony William, cartman, Centre Mahony William D. painter, 85 Washington HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 143

Mahony Dennis, victualler, Centre Market, residence 23 Park Mahoney Cornelius, laborer, Little Basin Mahoney Daniel, laborer, 26 Water Main, widow, 9 Grand alley Malburn Francis & Co. wholesale dealer in liquors, &c. 124 Market,-res. 11 Rose Malburn William P. alderman Second ward, 47 Wes­ terlo Malburn Francis G. 11 Rose Malcomb Charles, 42 Patroon Malcomb Stephen, gardener on Bloodgood's farm Malcomb, widow Elizabeth, 28 Chapel Malgilton Joseph, 154 Montgomery Malone Patrick, 154 s. Pearl Malone, Mrs. Julia, 185 Broadway Malony C. Herkimer above Swan Maloy William, grocer, 9 Howard Maloy Gerrit, laborer, 71 Maiden lane Mallans Thomas, laborer, 17 Lumber Malsburgh William, accountant, 26 Elk Mallory F. A. Northern Line, 104 Pier * Manahan Daniel, laborer, 51 Van Schaick Manby Robert, carpenter, 66 Luwrence Mangan John, hatter, 75 Quay Mangen Michael, laborer, 45 Dallius Manly Calvin, 78 Lydius Manly Charles, laborer, 94 Orange Manning Thomas, laborer, rear 104 Water Manning, widow Ellen, 33 Liberty Manning John, laborer, 395 Washington Manning Thomas, grocer, n. Lansing opposite-Ba­ sin Manns Thomas, 41 Van Woert Mansfield 6c Defreest, brewers, 75 s. Pearl MANSION HOUSE, 22 and 24 Broadway Mantline Peter, confectioner, 26 Van Schaick 144 HCIF.MANS ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Mantline Daniel, cenfectioner, 258 Broadway M.ntweeler Casper 6c Joseph, 212 Washington Many Walter C. proprietor of Eagle Air Furnace, res. 209 Hamilton Many Charles C. Eagle Air Furnace, 93 Columbia Many William V. proprietor of Eagle Air Furnace, 108 and 110 Beaver, res. 73 Hamilton Marble Joel, principal of second public school, 218 State, h. 224 State March Alden, physician and surgeon, 72 Hudson Marcy William L. 132 State Mario J. caulker, 103 Orange Markey, Dr. Nicholas, office "17 Patroon Marlow Mark, laborer, 15 Lydius Marrin John J. merchant, 6 Hamilton Marsh Benjamin, watchmaker, 48 Market, bds. Rens­ selaer House Marsh William, gilder, 107 Orange Marsh William, bds. Montgomery Hall Marshall Charles, jun. carpenter, 109 Orange . Marshall Charles, carpenter, 134 Broadway Marshall John, dealer in groceries and provisions, cor. Hamilton and Union, h. So* Hamilton Marshall John T. 35 Hamilton Marshall Thomas, carpenter, Cherry Marshall.William, 264 Market Marshall Richard, patternmaker, 288 Lydius Martin 'James, 98 Orange Martin John, 18 Jay Martin, widow Rachael, 257 s. Pearl Martin J. R. commission merchant, 67 State, res. 18 Jay Martin Thomas, laborer, 11 Liberty Martin Eliza M. widow of Robert, 60 Union Martin William, cartman, Bradford Martin, Rev. James, 94 s. Pearl Martin William, clerk, 26 Market HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 145 Marm Lewis, furrier, 61 Second, Arbor Hill Martin William shoemaker, 31 Lawience Martin Michael, laborer, Water Martin William, carriagemaker, 37 Dean Martin Thomas, hatter, 26 Union Martin John, grocer, 154 Montgomery Martin David, physician, cor. Columbia and Broad­ way, res. 55 Lumber Martin Peter, carpenter, Westerlo near Dove Martin Homer, carpenter, 217 Hamilton Martin, widow of Robert, 100 s. Pearl Martin William H. coachmaker, 37 Dean Martin Thomas, furrier, 19 Jackson Martin Samuel, 100 Herkimer Martin David W. shoemaker, 233 s. Pearl Martin Patrick, stonecutter, 8 Ferry Martin Terry, coppersmith, 213 Market Martin Hemy H. attorney, &c. 142 Slate Marvin John, 80 Hudson Marvin Uriah, 14 Lumber Marvin Uriah jun. attorney, &c. 66 State, residence 14 Lumber Marvin Alexander, 68 Market, res. 49 n. Pearl Marvin Alva, bds. Montgomery Hall Marvin John J. wholesale grocer, 6 Hamilton, res. 34 Hamilton Marvine George, printer, bds. 12 Park , Mascord Edward, 14 Van Tromp Mascord William, 14 Van Tromp Mascraft William, wheelwright, 23 Washington, h. 318 State Mason Thomas, fur-cutter, 8 Daniels Mason Gregory, shoemaker, 146 Spring Mason Miss Hannah, tailoress, 6 Lawrence court Masten William L. physician, 107 Beaver Masten Oscila W. fortune-teller and astrologist; 107 Beaver 13 146 HOFFMANS ALBANY" DIRECTORY.

Masteran Patrick, mason, Chesnut near State Masteran Franeis, laborer, Chesnut near State Masterman Caleb, shoemaker, Chesnut near State Masterman Thomas, laborer, Chesnut near State Masteran Michael, Chestnut, near State Masterson John, laborer, rear 83s. Pearl Maternaghan William, 14 Rose Mather Elias, 53 Chapel Mathews Oliver E. 16 Quackenbush Mathews Merritt, sexton 4th Presbyterian church, h. 243 Broadway Mattimore Thomas, clothing store, 21 Little Basin Mawley Thomas, tailor, 90 Hudson Maxted William, mason, 57 Knox Maxwell James, brass-founder, 50 Green, h. 94 s. Pearl Maxwell Joseph, laborer," 12 Lydius May John, 66 Arch May Edward, laborer, 17 Lnmber Mayell John, hat and cap store, 27 Market, h. 6! Hudson Mayell Alfred, hat store, 5 Market, res. 18 Liberty Mayell William, 18 Liberty Mayell Heniy, clerk at Taylor's brewery Mayer Conrad S. 59 Chapel Mayer William H. merchant-tailor, 20 Beaver Mayer Frederic G. pastor Lutheran church, 25 Montgomery Mayer Philip A. music store, 83 Broadway, residence 52 Columbia Mayer Frederic J. K. 25 Montgomery Mayer (C. S.) & Kling (H. M.) drapers and tailors, 5 n. Pearl Mayer Peter, 93 Beaver Maynard John, Schenectady Turnpike Maynard Theophilus J. 92 Hudson Meacham Horace, 84 State, h. 77 n. Pearl HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 147

Meacham John, 84 State, h. 76 Hudson . Meacham Roswell 8. music and military store, and piano-forte mffflufacturer, 84 State, h. Second, Arbor Hill Mead Oliver, grocer and wood-dealer, 28 Quay, res. 16 Lumber Mead Seieck, shoemaker, 30 Howard Mead Charles R. 16 Union • Mead Henry S. 31 Dewitt Mead 6c Clark, wood dealers, 28 Quay M?ad Norris, 39 s. Lansing Mead Owen, laborer, 101 Beaver Mead Charles, cartman, 50 n. Lansing Meade Henry W. paper-hanger, rear 12 Union Meade Henry W.clerk, 21 Broadway Meads John, keeper of Cornucopia, basement, 52 State, res. 107 Green Meads John, 99 Columbia Meads John & Co. organ manufacturers, 73 Broad­ way * Meads John, jr. dealer in mahogany, 73 Broadway, h. 99 Columbia Meads Orlando, attorney, secretary and treasurer of Albany Water-Works. 46 State Meadon, widow of James, 31 Second, Arbor Hill MECHANICS' BENEFIT SocrETY, Douw's Buildings, s State m .- . MECHANICS' AND FARMERS' BANK" Broadway, cor. Exchange- Mee John, mason, 173 Green Meech William F. 1-17 Pier, boards at 67 Hudson . Meech Horace, agent National Line, 59 Quay, res. 31 s. Pearl Meech Henry T. oil cloth manufacturer, 5 -Grand, res. 82 Hamilton Meeker William B. cooper, 160 Washington Meeks James, confectioner and police constable, 23 n. Pearl 148 HOFFMAN 8 ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Meekam .John, porter, 49 First, Arbor Hilf Meekam Edward, 32 Quay Megan Thomas, laborer, 36 Water Megan Patrick, 49 Jackson. Meiggs Isaac N. L. 248 Washington s. Branch Meigs Richard M. 19 Columbia Meigs John H under City Bank, residence 19 Co­ lumbia Mf igs John, crier oT courts, 248 Washington Mefgs Charles N. carpenter, 170 n. Pearl Meigs John, jr. 248 Washington Mellen William, laborer, 36 Van Schaick Mellin Peter, 18 Second, Abor Hill Melius J. L. hatter, Market, opposite railroad Melius Andrew W. blacksmith, 102 Canal Melius William H. carriagemaker, 58 Lydius Menshen Michael, laborer, 205 State Merchant James H. dealer in dry goods, 37 Market, res. 71 Hudson Merchant George W. engraver and printer, 83 State, * 19'Steuben Merchant (Lansing 6c Walter,)grocery and provision store, 1 Division Merchant Lansing, res. cor. Dallius and Bleecker Merchant Walter, 50 Division Merchant Biddle, painter, 55 Second, Arbor Hill Merchant Horatio, attorney, 43 Van Woert Merchant Horace, .blacksmith, 66 Canal Merchant Jane^ tailbress, 86 Beaver Merchant Albert, 54 Dean, res. 61 Division Merchant Marcus A. 1 Division Meriam John C. printer, 11 Van Tromp Merrifield George O. cabinetmaker 55 s. Pearl Merrifield George, cabinetmaker, 56 Washington, h, 57 Fayette Merrifield Richard, collector of Albany Water Work», h. 75 Hudson HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 149

Merrifield, widow of James, 55 s. Pearl Merrifield Miss, preceptress, 131 Hamilton Merrifield William, grocer, cor. s. Pearl and Plain, res. 174 Broadway Merrell, widow Eliza W. 10 Rose Merrill Nathaniel, carpenter, 112 Hamilton Merthurin Francis, 82 Ferry Mesick Henry T. dealer in dry goods, 91 Market, h. 41 Lydius Mesick Stephen, dry goods merchant, 78 State, h. 17 Jay Mesick Henry B. mason, Dove, near Washington Mesick Thomas I. dealer in dry goods, 7 Market res. 21 Jay Mesick Thomas P. dry good merchant 92 Broadway Metz John, cabinetmaker, 323 State Metzgar, Frederick, hair dresser, 104 Market, h. 36 Hamilton METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, (FIRST) 64 Divi­ sion METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, (SECOND) North Pearl METHODIST PRIMITIVE CHURCH, 249 State METHODIST PROTESTANT CHURCH, Grand METHODIST AFRICAN CHURCH, State, rear of school building Michie Alexander, baker, 70 Canal Middleton Gerrit, teamster, 136 Spring Middleton.Richard, 136 Spring • Midhour George, Bassett near Franklin Miles Noah B. (Humphrey & Co.) 49 Steuben Miles Miss, dressmaker, 67 Green Mileson Philip, 124 Broad Millan William, furrier, 36 Van Schaick • Millbank Phannael, 28 Broad 13* IftO HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Miller Christian, treasurer Middle Dutch Church, and 1st Great Western Turnpike, office 56> State, h. 69 Hamilton Miller Erastus, Lodge cor. Beaver Miller Frederic, painter, 47 High Miller William C. 6c Co. (I. M. Van Every,) dealer* in dry.goods, 56 State,h. §9 Hamilton Miller Daniel, shoemaker, 17 Hawk Miller Harvey, 55 Knox Miller William D. 46 Van Schaick Miller Nathaniel, flour store, 105 Broadway, res. 7 Canal Miller Ann, widow of Jacob, boarding house, 32 Ha­ milton Miller Charles, grocer, &c. 323 Broadway Miller Samuel, bamessmaker, 87 Herkimer Miller Stephen, bds. Eastern Hotel " Miller Charles, 9 Union Miller Albert, 19 Dewitt • Millerick John, tailor, 39 Broad Milliman John, brewer, 27*8 s. Pearl Millikan Samuel, painter, Herkimer continued Millin Andrew, boot and shoemaker, 124* Broad­ way Millington John, 62 Franklin Millington William, currier, 62 Franklin Mills Phillip, 97 i s. Pearl, res. 6 Rose Mills Ebenezer, printer, 49 Washington Mills Daniel W. assessor Ninth and Tenth wards- commissioner of deeds, and exchange office^ 2 Green, h. 32 Eagle Mills Christina, nurse, 91 Beaver Mills, widow C. 227 Broadway Milfe 6c Jesup, merchants, 73 Quay Millet William, 84 Water • Miltqn George, hackman, 99 Green Milton Mary, 99 Green HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 151 Milwain James, hat store, cor. State and s. Pearl, res. 12 Daniel Milwain John, carpenter, 48 Philip Milwain John, jun. 48 Philip Mink David, ship carpenter, 266 s. Pearl Mink Stephen G. 231 s. Pearl Mink William H. 262 s. Pearl Mink Charles, saddler, &c. 100 Hawk Minot Joseph, keeper Eastern Railroad Hotel, 155 and 157 Market Minster S. dry goods, 165 s. Pearl Minton James, mason, 5 Maiden lane Minton Patrick, laborer, 8 Columbia Mitchell Jesse P. boot and shoemaker, 42 Market, h. 59 Hudson Mitchell William, wholesale and, retail grocer, 11 Hudson, h. 109 s. Pearl Mitchell John J. 50 Water Mitchell John, barber, 13 Washington . Mitchell Samuel, Western Turnpike Mix Stephen, painter, 16 Van Schaick Mix Henry, 198 Broad Mix Henry 6c Stiles, grocers, 285 s. Pearl Mix James, jeweller, 15 Plain Mix Visscher, jeweller, 18 Green, h. 15 Plain Mix William, 285 s. Pearl Mix Stiles, 285 s. Pearl Moakler Michael, porter, 30 Chapel Moakley Peter, sailmaker, sail-loft 104 Pier, res. 16 Ferry Mobbs Rebecca, dressmaker, 1 Park Moffit John, baker, 58 Church Moffit William, cartman, 74 Franklin Moanhain Peter, carpenter, 23 Canal MOHAWK AND HUDSON RAILROAD, office lower end Market Molan Patrick, rear 57 n. Lansing 152 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Molinard J. professor of French in Albany and Albany Female Academy, res. 2 Park Place Monherin Patrick, 7 Maiden lane Money Michael, tailor, 166 Green Monk Thomas, portrait painter, engraver on wood, 56 State, h. 65 Hamilton Monks Cecilia, 68 Arch < Monnahen Michael, laborer, 206 Market, Monroe Isaac, butcher, 74 Grand Mould John, shoemaker, 10 Howard Monroe Joshua, cabinetmaker 107 Broadway Monteath George H. bds. 78 Hudson Monteath George, 78 Hudson Monteath Peter (Wilson & M.) h. 106 s. Pearl Monteath William, Clinton Line, 100 Pier, h. 78 Hudson. Monteath John H. bds. 78 Hudson MONTGOMERY HALL, 56 Market Montgomery, widow of Jesse, 243 s. Pearl Montgomery James, 8 Wendell Montgomery Jacob, 26 Union Montgomery Jacob, 125 Broad Montross John, pilot, 85 Church Moody Adonijah, 8 Norton Moody Miss, seamstress, 16 Park Mooney Owen, 5 Bleeeker Moore Andrew, butcher, cor. s. Pearl and Herkimer, res. 174 s. Pearl, supervisor First and Second wards Moore William, teamster, 195 Broad Moore W. H. agent for Troy and Michigan Line, 78 Quay, res. 54 Columbia Moore, widow Margaret, 185 Market Moore Andrew P. 45 Dewitt Moore Thomas, grocer, 10 William Moore Jacob, 229 Market Moore Chesier, 54 Fayette Moore Marquis D. 19 John HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 15^*

Moore Apollos, jeweller, 54 Fayette Moore Edward, carpenter, 12 Norton Moore, widow Harriet, 35 Green Moore Jasper, dry goods, 2 s. Pearl Moore, widow Sarah, 98 Water Moore Elizabeth, widow, 335 Washington Moore John, 72 Liberty Moore Richard, tailor, 41 Dallius Moore Frederick, 101 Church Moore Arthur, baker, 175 Montgomery Moorenoss Jacob, laborer, 108 Arch MOUNT VERNON LODGE OF FREEMASONS, St. John's Hall, cor. Market and Hudson, up stairs Moquin Julian, furrier, cor. Second and Swan, Arbor Hill Moquin Joseph, furrier, 45 First, Arbor Hill Moquin Francis, furrier, 63 Second, Arbor Hill Moran Thomas, waiter, Elk, near furnace Moran Michael, moulder, 12 Orange Moran John, 53 Philip Moran Michael, laborer, 312 Slate Moran Michael, 5 Bleecker Moran, widow Mary, 40 Canal Moran Edward, mason, 91 William Moran Patrick, 5 Lydius Morange Peter M. upholsterer, 44 Broadway, h. 42 James Morange Edward A. upholsterer, 150 Broadway Morey, Misses, dressmakers, 27 William Morgan John, Lumber Morgan Richard, nailer, 335 Schenectady turnpike Morgan William, Westerlo continued Morgan Patrick, dyer, 33 Westerlo Morgan Barnard, Westerlo continued Morgan D. bds. Mansion House Morgan, widow, 32 Chapel Morgan S. J. mason, 169 Hudson 154 HOFFMAN'S ALBANV DIRECTORY.

Morgan William, dyer, 41 Van Zandt Morgan Tobias, keeper Bolivar House, 3 Hamilton Morgan George, barber, 2 Broad Morgan Henry, 16 Clinton Morley Thomas C. draper and tailor, 54 Broadway, res. 90 Hudson Morrell Richard, stonecutter, 32 s. Lansing Morrell James, carpenter, 81 Chvirch Morrell Abraham, 189 State Morrell John, shoe store, 31 Market Morrell A. attorney, &c. 24 Douw's Buildings Morrill Edward A. ornamental painter, 136 Lydius Morris John, rear 75 Arch Morris Samuel, Herkimer continued, above Swan Morris Edward, laborer, 57 Rensselaer Morris John, tailor, 21 n. Pearl Morrison Hugh, tobacconist, 31 Canal Morrison Robert, marble cutter, 100 Washington Morrisson Peter, 51 Jackson Morrisson Matthew, mason,-Second, n. of Lark, Ar­ bor Hill Morrisson John, mason, 36 Chapel Morrisson Adam, mason, 31 Canal Morrisson, widow Mary, Second, n. of Lark, Arbor Hill Morrisson Elizabeth, 102 Broad Morrow Matthew, baker, 75 s. Pearl Morrow Robert, 48 Church Morrow James, turner, 296 State Morrow James, grocer, cor. Market and Ferry Morrow Patrick, 43 Dewitt Morrow Peter, laborer, 59 Canal Morse Henry, builder, shop Lancaster, opposite High h. 23 High Morse & Rogers, lumber dealers, office 116 Water and 27 Pier Morse James A. 213 Broadway HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 15

Morse George A. carpenter, 13 Lancaster Morse Dennis, laborer, 83 Colonie Morton Thomas, printer, 17 Washington Morton David, nailer,- 234 Washington Morton Charles, barber, 273 s. Pearl Moseley B. F. dry goods merchant, 33 Market, res. 170 Broadway Moseley, Mrs. Edwin, 19 Hamilton Mosher George M. carpenter, 49 Van Woert Mosier Allen, 16 Denniston Moss James, laborer, 15 Van Woert Moss Thomas, grocer, 15 Van Woert Mott Lydia, gentlemen's furnishing store, 60 Broad­ way Muckle John, Lydius continued Muir William, leather dresser, 6 Van Tromp Muir James, tanner and currier, 56 Van Schaick Muir William, merchant tailor, 9 n. Pearl, residence 56 Van Schaick Mulcahey Patrick, w. end Van Woert Mulford John H. watchmaker and jeweller, 44 Stale boards at City Hotel Mulhall Thomas, laborer, 73 Rensselaer Mulholland John, shoemaker, 32 Quay Mull Cornelius, carpenter, rear 122 Franklin Mullahy Thomas, 42 Rensselaer Mullany Nicholas, brewer, 17 Bleecker Mullen James, 18 Second, Arbor Hill Mullen William, baker, cor. Clinton and Delaware Mullen Edward, laborer, 102 Canal Mullen Edward, laborer, 7 Quackenbush Mulligan Terry, laborer, 65 Rensselaer Mulligan Peter, laborer, Herkimer, above Swan Mulligan Bernard, tailor, 57 Howard Mulligan Gerrit, laborer, 121 Snipe Mulligan Owen, laborer, 61 n. Lansing Mullpeters, Edward, 57 Montgomery, 156 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Mttnro Elizabeth, 102 Broad ; Munsell Joel, editor of the New-York State Mecha­ nic, 58 State, res. 78 Grand Munsell Ransom, grocer, cor. Beaver and Grand, h. 52 Philip Munsell Timothy, 52 Philip Munsell James A. 52 Philip Munsell William W. hat store, 96 State, residence 52 Philip Munsion Lewis, furrier, 20 Second, Arbor Hill Murdock Andrew, brewer, 105 Orange Murdock Bradford, at L. Philleo's Murdock Andrew, paver, 125 Broad Murn Bernard, shoemaker, 186 s. Pearl Murphy Allen, cor. Pearl and Ferry Murphy James, blacksmith, boarding house, 6 Nor­ ton •Murphy John, moulder, 45 High Murphy William, 66 Chapel Murphy Richard, mason, 162 State Murphy Patrick, chandler, 61 Orange, h. 44 Pa­ troon Murphy Thomas, teamster, Elk near furnace Murphy John, bricklayer, 355 State Murphy Martin, laborer, 35 Liberty Murphy Edward, Washington continued Murphy Patrick, cartman, 99 Church Murphy Patrick, laborer, 76 Lumber Murphy John, laborer, 160 State Murphy Peter, laborer, cor. Lark and State Murphy. , 276 Market Murphy Daniel, 21 Dewitt Murphy John, blacksmith, 11^ Bleecker Murphy, widow Eliza, 24 John Murphy Thomas, 49 Dallius Murphy John, laborer, 173 s. Pearl Murphy Richard, laborer, 168 s. Pearl HOFFatAWV A L'BAN Y DlRKCTPftY. 157

Murphy John, grocer, 193 s. Pearl Murphy Peter, cartman, 96 Franklin Murray John, laborer, 26 Van Woert Murray Thomas, boatman, 24 Canal Murray Lawrence, grocer, 97 Canal Murray Patrick, laborer, 39 Canal Murray John, laborer, 8 Columbia Murray Owen, grocer, cor. William and Howard, res. 23 William Murray Owen, laborer, 51 Fayette Murray Daniel, laborer, 57 Canal Murray P. & J. merchant tailors, 62 Market Murray James, laborer, 236 Market Murray Owen, laborer, 43 Van Zandt Murray John, laborer, 17 Quay Murray Dennis, 115 Broad Murray John, pilot, 52 Union Murray Edward, 102 Water Murray John, 14 Clinton Murray Jane, rear 220 State Murray James F. tailor, 6 Beaver Murtaugh James, rear 154s. Pearl Murtaugh Peter, 71 Maiden lane Murtaugh John, laborer, 76 Lumber Murtaugh Thomas, 153 n. Pearl Musseline George, cooper, 419 State Mussen Robert, 17 Dean Mush Charles, moulder, 242 Market Murtoch Michael, cartman, 77 Bleecker Myers Ralph P. bds. 64 Montgomery Myers John, 17 Van Schaick Myers Theobald, tailor, 216 Washington Myers John, laborer, 7 Quackenbush Myers Charles, laborer, 228 Washington Myers John, laborer, rear 52 Clinton Myers S. H. baker, 15 Lydius Myers Stephen, at 68 Chapel 14 158 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Mygatt Thomas, dealer in dry goods, 66 Broadway, res. 26 Jay Myron Thomas M. shoemaker, 261 Green, res. 12 Norton N.

NAGLE MICHAEL, moulder, 7 Grand alley Nash George, carpenter, 34 s. Lansing Nash Philip, carpenter, 145 Spring Nash Diana, 26 Van Schaick Nation James, State near Knox Neagle David, 118 s. Pearl Neely Robert, gardener, 99 Schuyler Neely Joseph, cartman, 49 Westerlo Neiedorfer Nicoulous, shoemaker, 278 s. Pearl Neil John, 23 Canal Neils, widow Piirley Ann, 237 n. Pearl Nelligan David, shoe store and house, 181 Market Nelligar William, cabinetmaker, 1621 s. Pearl, res. 215 s. Pearl Nelligar Hannah, nurse, 75 Westerlo Nelligar John, mason, 75 Westerlo Nellis Phebe, 14 Van Zandt Nelson John, pianomaker, 29 Van Schaick Nelson John, 42 Chapel Nelson R. dentist, bds. Misses Fitch Nelson Alexander, dentist, bds. Eagle Tavern Nelson Robert & Alexander, dentists, 22 n. Pe_frl Nelson Arnold, 54 Water Nelson Charles, 57 Maiden lane Nelson Henry L. 54 Water Nelson Judith, 74 William Nemire George H. leather-dresser, 48 Second, Ar­ bor Hill Nesbitt John, grocer, 110 Water, cor. Lumber HOFFMAN'S ALBAWY DiRfiCTDRY.- 159

Nesbitt James, ship carpenter, 247 s. Pearl Nessinger Jacob, 51 Clinton Nessle William, grocer, 80, res. 78 Broadway Nessle Conrad A. bds. 78 Broadway Netterville John W. cabinetmaker and undertaker, 17, 19 and 21 Church, h. 23 Westerlo Neville John, tavern keeper, 187 Market Neville Isaac, grocer, 30 Canal Neville Isaac, grocer, 126 Water New John, printer, 12 s. Lansing New Thomas, 12 s. Lansing Newberry George, ropemaker, 19 Van Woert Newberry Frederic, 51 Lydius Newburg Jacob, clothing store, 130 Market Newburg Jacob, 13 Alexander Newcomb D. dentist, 72 Broadway Newell George W. bds. Congress Hall Newett Thomas, carpenter, 225 s. Pearl Newland Luke F. jewel and music store, 81J State, res. 115n. Pearl . Newland David, 14^ Broadway Newland David, jun. 14_ Broadway Newland John, attorney, &c office 3 Commercial Buildings, bds. 115 n. Pearl Newman Henry, leather-dresser, factory 44 Water," store 19, res. 163 Broadway Newman Mary, widow, 47 Union Newman George, leather-dresser, 30 Patroon Newman Thomas, 11 Spring Newman William, tailor, 208 Market Newman Thomas, laborer, 25 Lodge Newman Joshua, 16 Quay Newton William, 52 Washington "Newton Daniel L. produce dealer, 262, 264 and 266 Washington Newton John M. merchant, 46 Quay, residence Wa- lervliet 160 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Newton Dyer, steamboat agent, 38 Union Newton, Miss Rena, milliner, 79 Market, corner Di­ vision Newwitler J. fancy store, 36 s. Pearl, bds. Wash­ ington Hall NEW-YOR|C STATE ARSENAL, comer Broadway and Lawrence Niblock John, dyer and scourer, 43 Hudson Niblo Alexander, cartman, 47 Division Niblo Robert, clerk, bds. New-England Tavern Nicoll Isaac, laborer, 285 Washington, s. Branch Nichols Henry, 70 Quay, h. 14 Liberty Nichols S. H. 29 Dallius Nichols William, carpenter, 352 Lydius Nichols J. P. machinist, 66 Canal Nicholson John, laborer, ,11 Spring Nicholson Peter, 20 Washington Nicholson John, cooper, 63 Liberty Nicklin Thomas, 8_ Ferry Niles Hiram & Co. agent American Transportation Company, corner Quay and Hudson, house 107 Hudson I>{ixpn Robert, painter, 20 John Nixon Abram, laborer, 7 Bleecker Noble Sar^h, widow, 29 Herkimer Noble John, agent for Okl Line Liverpool packets, res. 2 Water Noble William, grocery and provision store, 109 Quay Nolan James, tailor, 113 Canal Nolan Timothy, 203 Market Nolan James, paver, 48 Patroon Nolan Edward, 10 Columbia Noonan Michael, 78 Franklin Noonan Matthew, cartman, 117 Canal Noonan Thomas, general agency, office cor. Chapi-i and Steuben, res. 38 Steuben HOFFMAN SXLB ANY DIRECTORY. 161

Nordin William, paver, 265 s. Pearl Norgrove Thomas, saddle and harnessmaker, 47 n. Lansing Norgrove Richard T. 15 Lodge Norris James J. barber, 78 Washington Norris Benjamin, hair dresser, 22j s. Pearl, res. 38 n. Pearl Norris Henry B. hair-dresser, 22^ s. Pearl, house 38 Fayette • North, widow, 6 Jay North Abiram, 132 Broad Northrop John G, (A. & N.) 135 Green Northrop, widow Nancy, 4 Rose Northrop Nelson, stove-factory, corner Beaver and Green, res. 6 Jay Northrop, widow Eunice, 73 Beaver Northrop William, coppersmith, 91 Beaver Norton, widow, 344 Lydius Norton Loran K. 10 Dean Norton William, attorney, &c. 15 Douw's buildings bds. American H&tel Norton Samuel H. bank agency, under City Bank, res. 134 Hamilton Norton Samuel, 44 Hamilton Norton John, blacksmith, 237 State Nott, William, grocer, 87 Church, h. 18 Ferry Noverre John, bds. 33 Dean * Nowlan Jeremiah, grocer, cor. Philip and Van Zandt Noyes 6c Prosser, Western Transportation Company, 11 Exchange Building, State Noyes Robert L. 89 Church Noyes Peleg, jr. proprietor Half-Way House, Troy Road Noyes John H. provision store, 10 Exchange, res. 33 Dean Nugent Henry P. attorney, &c. State Hall, residence 77 Washington 14* 162 HOFFMAN 8 ALBANY DIRBCTOBY,

Nugent Robert, engineer, 81 Bleecker Nye Gilbert F. carpenter, 31 Alexander o. OAKLEY OLIVER B. silver plater, 11 Church, ... Mulberry Oattlen Jacob, shoemaker, Herkimer, above Swan Oberest Jacob, laborer, 216 Washington Obrien, widow Ellen, rear 54 Van Schaick O'Brien Matthew, blacksmith, shop 25 Washington, res. cor. Hawk and Fayette O'Brien William, tailor, 96 Spring O'Brien Thomas, laborer, 160 State O'Brien Edward, 62 Schuyler O'Brien James, carpenter, 157 Bleec r O'Brien John, moulder, 160 State O'Brien Daniel, 22 Clinton O'Brien John, mason, 76 Arch O'Brien Patrick, laborer, 3 Maiden lane O'Brien, widow Ellen, 19 First, Arbor Hill O'Brien Matthew, laborer, 74 Patroon O'Brien John, 68 Arch O'Brien John, mason, 57 Rensselaer O'Brien Michael, coppersmith, 86 Broadway O'Callaghan, Dr. E. B. office 45 Broadway O'Connell, widc,w Hannah, 162 Green O'Conner Joseph, plasterer, 355 State O'Conner Patric/, 24 Howard O'Conner John, porter, 19 Park O'Conner Patrick, 28 Market O'Conner John, laborer, 43^ n. Lansing O'Conner Charles, builder, 10 William O'Connell Anthony, tailor, 139 Broadway O'Donnell John, 176 Market O'Donnell Charles.baker, rear 57 n. Lansing O'Donnell William, grocer, 160 State HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 163

O'Donnell Martin, laborer, 3 Bleecker O'Donehue Owen, laborer, 56 Van Schaick O'Gorman Patrick, shoemaker, 164 Market O'Hallen John, tailor, 70 Arch O'Hanlon Michael, blacksmith, 15 Bleecker O'Hanlon & Treadwell, blacksmiths, 18 Quay neap Columbia street bridge O'Hanlon John, stonecutter, rear 42 Philip O'Hare Patrick, laborer, 113 Canal O'Hare Daniel, laborer, 117 Canal O'Hare John, wheelwright, 78 Lydius O'Leary, Mrs. 16 Van Zandt O'Mally John, shoemaker, 102 Arch O'Niel Daniel, tailor, 180 s. Pearl O'Niel John, leatherclresser, 40 Water O'Niel David, laborer, 10 Colonie O'Niel Michael, grocer, 65 Rensselaer O'Rourk Michael, 118 Hamilton, O'Rourk John, grocer, 45 Grand, O'Sullivan Michael, sexton St. Mary's church, res. 25 Canal O'Toole Patrick, grocer, 83 Quay Ogden, Mrs. Margaret, 4 Rose OLD GALEN'S HOSPITAL, Beaver, cor. William Olcott Thomas W. President Mechanics' and Farm ers' Bank, 47 n. Pearl Olcott Theodore, cashier Canal Bank, residence cor. Chapel and State Oley, widow, 107 Washington Oliver Gibson, carpenter, Palrooii near Hawk Oliver James, baker, 24 Van Schaick Oliver Thomas, rear 24 Van Schaick Oliver Benjamin, 110 Arch Oliver Jacob, 32 Union Olmsted Charles S. & Co. (H. A. Williams) agents for Albany and New-York Line towboats, 66 Quay 164 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Olmsted David, 73 Green Olmsted George G. office New-York and Ohio Line, 59 Quay, res. 31 Green Olmsted John I. 66 Quay, h. 74 Division Olmsted Charles S. forwarding-merchant, 66 Quay, res. 106 Hudson Olney George, 60 Green Onderdonk Frederic, Delaware Turnpike Orcutt & Smith, potters, 221 Washington Orcutt Eleazer, potter, 235 Washington, s. Branch Orney Moses, carpenter, 14 s. Pearl Orr Samuel, 95 Church Orr William, brass-founder, 32 William, h. corner Hudson and William Orr David, mason, 145 Lydius Orr, widow Robert, 89 Hudson Osborn William L. grocer, and alderman First ward, cor. s. Pearl and Ganesvoort Osborn Jeremiah, boot and shoe store, 83 Market, h. 35 Dallius Osborn John, city marshal, office and res. city Hall Osborn James H. grocer, cor. Pearl and Lydius, res. 84 Hamilton Osborn Nehemiah, baker, 194 Market Osbury Lawrence, 187 Broadway Osterhout William H. teamster, 9 Van Woert Osterhout David, merchant, cor. Lydius and Lark Ostram William, pilot, 51 Lydius Ostrander James, coachmaker, 126 Broad Ostrander James, Western Turnpike Ostrander Gertrude, 12 Grand Ostrander James, butcher, 359 State Ostrander Henry, rear 97 Washington Ott James C. 199 Broadway Ouderkirk Gertrude R. 283 s. Pearl Outwin John, accountant, 144 Washington Overing John, porter house, 62 Washington HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 165

Overly Jacob, 121 Franklin Overton Charles, grocer, 284 Lydius Owens Ira, 7 Ferry Owens Thomas T. grocer, 1 s. Pearl, res. 5 Owens Matthew, 146 Washington Owens Edward, cutler and surgical instrument ma­ ker, 28 Beaver, h. 113 Hamilton Owens John, laborer, 67 Canal Owens Edward, coachman, 12 Howard Owens George, brickmaker, 113 Orange Owens William, shoemaker, 146 Spring Owens John, grocer, cor. Canal and Chapel Owens James, carpenter, 29 Hamilton Owens William, baker, 74 Franklin


PACKARD TSAAC, 121 Green Packard Rawson, 121 Green Packard Nathaniel R. accountant, 19 High Packard Eugene, printer, No. 4 Norton Packard Russell, teacher vocal music, 124 Washing­ ton Packard Chester, 37 Spring Packard John, primer, l&l, Gqeen Packard, widow of B. D. 95 Columbia Packer John, laborer, 177 Green Pacy Edward, ship carpenter, 29 Deaji Paddock Stephen, baker, bake-house Van Zandt, h. 77 s. Pearl Paddock Henry, 86 William Paddock Cornelius, baker, 66 s. Pearl Pader, widow Catharine, 14 Orange Paff William P. tavern, 133 Market Page Ames C. 62 State Page Nicholas, skipper, 25 Patroon 166 HOFFMAN 8 ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Paige John Keyes, clerk Supreme Court, office Slate Hall, res. country seal Paige J. C. Y. 16^ Broadway, bds. Congress Hall Pain Abram, carpenter, 280 Delaware * Pain Thomas, carpenter, 54 Rensselaer Pallot Robert, laborer, 55 Church Palmer Levi H. attorney, &c. No. 8 Exchange, first • floor, res. cor. Franklin and Lydius Palmer, widow Jane, 25 Howard Palmer Jerome, chair-painter, 36 Rensselaer Pangburn Wilhelmus, painter, 100 Washington Pangburn James L. 236 Washington Pangburn Gerrit, laborer, 316 Washington, n. Branch PapTon Stephen, potter, 361 Slate Pardy Peter, laborer, 5 Bleecker Paris John, Exchange Hotel, 31 Dean Park George, gardener, Third, Arbor Hill Parke. Samuel, boatman, Third, Arbor Hill Parke Samuel, 112 Spring Parke S. M. 108 State Parker Joseph, machinist, 155 Lumber Parker, widow Sarah, 8 Denniston Parker Jesse, shoemaker, 70 Patroon Parker Charles, laborer, 173 Green Parker, widow Elizabeth, 216 s. Pearl Parks- Samuel, jr. cartman, 20 Dove Parks William, shoemaker, 16 Van Woert Parmalee William, recorder of city, 4^ Broadway, bds. Mansion House Parnell Willard, chairmaker, 23 Lodge Parr Richard, cooper, 60 Liberty Parry William H. 152 Hudson Parsons Harvey, cabinetmaker, 109 Broadway, res. 107 Broadway Parsons S. L. Academy, 64 Broadway Parsons S. H. H. commissioner, &c. 10^ Broadway, res. 138 n. Pearl HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 167 Parsons John D. printer, 171 n. Pearl Parsons James, 285 Broadway Parsons James, laborer, 49 Jackson Passinger Peter, wheelwright, 51 Spring Patchin A. D. cashier of State Bank, h. 69 State Patrick James, carpenter, 31 Alexander * Patrick Christopher, 89 Schuyler Patrick James C. carpenter, 30 Alexander Patten John, teamster, 34 Van Schaick Patten Moses, surrogate of Albany county, office City Hall, h. 54 Washington Patten Alphonso, innkeeper, Troy road Patterson William, chairmaker, corner Snipe and Fayette Patterson Richard, shoemaker,' 63 Second? Arbor Hill Patterson John, printer, 62 Lydius Patterson John, patent-leather dresser, 112 Church Patterson Josiah, grocer, Little Basin, house 63 Lawrence Patterson Robert, leather-dresser, 7 Rensselaer Patterson John, shoemaker. Swan near Second, Arbor Hill Patterson, widow* Martha, 34 Montgomery Patterson John, bds. 34 Montgomery Paul G. R., U. S. Army, res. 87 Broadway Paul Stephen, (B. 6c P.) res. 227 Broadway Paul Samuel, sexton South Dutch Church, res. base­ ment Paul Shepherd, laborer, 33 Philip Paul Benjamin, barber, 244 Lydius .Paul, loidoio Diana, 220 State Paul , barber, opposite railroad Payne George R..exchange office, 21 Broadway, h. 41 Swan Payn John,.combmaker, rear 51 Fayette Payn Charles H. physician, 721 Broadway 168 IIOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Payn John H. millwright, 87 Hudson l!.,yn Sophia, widow of Benjamin, 21 Van Schaick Ptyn Benjamin, 21 Van Schaick Payn Samuel G. coachmaker, 21 Van Schaick Payn, widow of Samuel, 64 Montgomery Payn Samuel N. 174 Broadway Pearce John, 61 Chapel Pearce Rachel, 134 Green Pearson, Mrs. George, 51 Columbia Pearson Margaret, 229 Washington Pearson & Moore, clothing store*, cor. Colonie and Centre Pease Erastus! H. bookseller and stationer, 82 State, h. 75 Ferry Pease Richard H. bookseller and engraver on wood, 50 Broadway Pease Harman, 5 Dallius Pease Earl P. 55 Broadway Pease, Mrs C. L. boarding-house, 29 Hudson Pease Frederic S. book-keeper Commercial'Bank, 17 Lancaster Pease R. M. S. clerk Canal Bank, res. 55 Broadway, Circulating Library, 68 Pease J. H. boards Hudson-street Temperance House Pease J. H. agent for Merchants' and Millers' Line, 104 Pier, bds. at Churchill's Peater Joseph, laborer, rear 201 Washington Peck, widow of Daniel, 90 Lydius Peck Peter, hatter, 257 Broadway Peck Samuel S. Farmers' Hotel, 42 Washington Peck Riley W. grocer, 40 Washington Peck Blakeman, cabinetmaker, 17 John Peckham George W. attorney, &c. office n. Pearl, cor. State, h. 188 State Peckham Rufus W. attorney, &c. office corner State and n. Pearl, h. 186 State HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY- 169

Peebles John, porter-room, 8 Beaver, residence 230 Broadway Peek James H. 19 Patroon Peeler Anson, carpenter, 55 Liberty Pemberton (E. 6c J.) provision store, cor. n. Pearl and Columbia Pemberton Ebenezer, 59 Columbia Pemberton John, "28 Second, Arbor Hill Pemberton Thomas L. post-office messenger, res. 326 State Pemberton James S. silversmith, 326 State Pendleton Lansing, carpenter, 8 Catharine, opposite J. Bryan's Pendegrast Thomas, rear 70 Eagle Penniman, Wickes & Co. Albany oil .store, sperm candle factory, store 13 Hudson, factory 16 and 18 Jackson Penniman Sylvanus J. res. 259 Broadway PENSION OFFICE, at Mechanics' and Farmers' Bank Penshard George, carpenter, 74 Liberty PEOPLE'S LINE STEAMBOATS, 122 Pier Pepper Calvin, attorney, &c. justice of justices' court, res. 16 High Pepper Calvin jun. attorney, &c. office 68 State, res. 16 High Pepper George, 16 High Perdue Thomas, laborer, 98 Franklin Percival Gordon, blacksmith, w. side Canal Basin, h. 49 Dewitt Percival Jabez, cartman, 58 n. Lansing Percy John, attorney, &c. office 92 State, res. 59 Liberty Percy John, 69 Rensselaer Perkins Horace, office 59 Quay, res. 57 Grand Perkins John H. 71 Herkimer Perkins Edward, carpenter, rear 21 Philip Perkins A. J. 26 Market 15 170 HOFFMAK. ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Perkins & Anderson, agents Albany and Michigai* Liue, 59 Quay Peron Jeremiah, boatman, Swan near First, Arbor Hill Perry Erastus, 72 Chapel Perry Edward, 72 Chapel Perry John S. 51 State Perry Joseph, 71 Grand Perry Hiram, dealer in produce, provisions-, &c. 195 and 197, and res. 174 Washington Perry Eli, provision dealer, 87 Washington Pester William, baker and grocer, 342 State, corner Lark Peters Jesse, 157 Green ' - - Peterson Andrew, cor. Clinton and Alexander Peterson George, moulder, 125 Franklin Peterson Susan, 164 Broad Peterson Mary, 164 Broad Peterson Michael, laborer, 220 State Peterson Pompey, 18 Clinton Pettengijl Michael, baker, 105 Herkimer Pettison Alfred, tailor, 7j Howard Petty Danforth, painter, 10 Pine Phelps Homer R. clerk in Comptroller's office, b. 127 Broad Phelps Philip, 7 Daniels Phelps Samuel F. dealer in paints and oils, 68 State, res. 46 Beaver Phelps, Miss Eliza M. preceptress, 47 Columbia Phelps Samuel, boards at 46 Beaver Philcox Thomas, 341 Washington Philleo Lyman, tobacco-factory, corner Lydius and Church, h. 33 Dallius Phillips & Cuyler, merchants, cor.Hamilton and Quay Phillips Miss Catharine, 47 n. Lansing Phillips Levi, (P. & C.) merchant, cor. Quay and Hamilton, res. 81 Lydius HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 171

Phillips Washington, 114 Green, cor. Herkimer Phillips Henry, 45 Maiden lane Phillips John, victualler, stall 204, res. 296 Washing­ ton s. Branch Phillips, widow Frances, 284 Washington Phillips Patrick, shoemaker, 36^ s. Lansing Phillips Franklin, Tivoli Hollow Philpot John, carpenter, 168 Hudson Phipps Samuel, 150 Washington Picket Mark, laborer, 41 Canal Picket William, 25 Quay Picket Mrs. Jane, dressmaker 41 Canal Picket James, rear 54 Rensselaer Pierce James, cartman, 72 Lydius Pierce Alfred, coach lace manufacturer,*28 Hudson, h. 22J?erry Pierce Henry, grocer, 4ea and fruit store, 4 s. Pearl, res. 46 Beaver Pierce Horace, 291 Broadway Pierce Horace, lace weaver, 22 Ferry Piercy Alexander C. carpenter, 48 Washington • Piercy Mrs. E. millinery, 48 Washington Piercy William, merchant, 46 Washington Piercy George, carpenter, 32 Fayette Pierson John, 246 Broadway Pike George, 157 n. Pearl Pike Joseph, 59 Church Pilbrook George, 9 Colonie Pilson William, furrier, 19 Jackson Pincott Samuel, undertaker, 52 Hudson, one deor be­ low Green Pincott Thomas, harnessmaker, 66 Green Pinkney Peter, shoemaker, 26 Union Pioneer Daniel, butcher, 92 Hamilton Pitkin William H. boards at Eagle Tavern Pitman R. H. exchange office, 29j Market, res. 191 State 172 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. • Pitman Thomas G. 102 Beaver Pittinger Abraham, boot and shoe store, 107 Lydkt® Piser Thomas, moulder, 27 Lumber Pladwell, widow Jane, 18 Canal Pladwell Joseph, furrier, 18 Canal Plateau James A. carpenter, 132 Lydius Planearty Brian, laborer, Centre Piatt, widow of Ananias, 98 Lydius Piatt Erastus E. 22 Third, Arbor Hill Piatt, widow Ellen, 59 Green Platto Frederic, carpenter, rear 180 Lydius Platto Jacob V. attorney, &c. 117 Lydius Plum Mrs. Elizabeth, 216 Market Plumb, J. B. boards at Eagle Tavern Plorke * boards at 18 Quackenbush Pochin John, baker, 29 Union Poe Thomas, shoemaker, 113 Beaver Pogue, widow of Robert, 33 Maiden lane Pohlman Charles, merchant tailor, 106 Market, res, 47 Hudson Pohlman Daniel, 20 Van Schaick Pohlman Jacob D.. 20 Van Schaick Poineer Peter J. butcher, Lumber, Arbor Hill POLICE OFFICE, $. Pearl, over Centre Market Pollard William, 37 Division Pollard Gorham, baker, 70 Cahal Pollock John, engineer, 174 Market Pomeroy George E. 107 Hudson Poole John, laborer, 65 n. Lansing Pbole Thatcher, carpenter, 34 Van Woert Poole Jeremiah, carpenter, 36 Chapel Port Frederick, combmaker, Elk n. Swan Port John, plasterer, Chesnut, near Hawk Port Theodore, laborer, Knox, near Lydius Porter Ira, painter and glazier, cor. Steuben and Broadway, res. 16 Van Tromp Porter Giles W. 86 Westerlo HOFFMANNS ALBANS DIRECTORY. • 173

Porter Henry, 8 Park Eorter George, painter, bds. 16 Van Tromp Porter John, laborer, 45 Van Woert Porter David P. shoemaker, 229 s. Pearl Porter Elisha C. 203 Green Porter Jeremiah, cartman, Bradford Porter, Sarah, widow of Ira, 16 Van Tromp Porter George, laborer, 285 Washington Porter George, 128 Orange Post Jared A. dry goods, 36 Broadway, res. 66 Hudson Pottenburgh Henry, shoemaker, 76 Patroon Potter Benjamin, baker, 59 Lydius Potter Henry, curl-hair manufacturer, 19 Lawrence Potter Horatio, Rector St. Peter's Church, 68 Mai­ den-lane Potter Harman B. passage agent, 60 Church Potter Abraham, shoemaker, 312j State Potter George C. bds. City Hotel Potts, widovV Elizabeth, 61 Lydius Potts John, 36 Herkimer Potts Jesse C. (Hoffman & Potts) 159 Lydius Poutrie Alexander, 40 Liberty Powders John, laborer, 83 s. Pearl Power John, butcher, 173 s. Pearl Powers John, 109 Broad * . Powers Daniel, liquor dealer, 24 State, residence 133 Green Powers Patrick, baker, 118 s. Pearl Powers William W. horse-shoer, 2 Grand Powers Patrick, gardener, 65 Maiden lane Poyner Joseph, pianoforte-maker, 322 State Pratt Nehemiah, baker, 55 Church Pratt Elisha N. stove-dealer, 10 and 12 Green, res. Greenbush Pratt Benjamin, bar tender, 64 Union Pratt Ralph, 55 Division 15* 174 HOFFHAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY,

Pratt John, 63 State, res. 25 Liberty Pratt Mrs. Mary, 31 Maiden lane Pratt Nathaniel, teacher, 29 Van Zandt Pratt Samuel, builder, 62 Liberty, bds. 25 Hamilton Prentice, Finn & Co. (John H. Prentice, James H. Prentice and Archibald Finn,) fur and cap mer­ chants, 3 and 5 Broadway Prentice Ezra F. (Prentices & Finn,) Mount Hope Prentice James H. bds. City Hotel PrenticeS. res. Mount Hope PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FIRST, Cor. s. Pearl and Beaver PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SECOND, Chapel PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THIRD, Montgomery PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FOURTH, Broadway Prescolt Miss Elizabeth, artificial flower manufactu­ rer, 44 ..Pearl Prest John, boot and shoemaker, 282 Broadway Prest John and David, shoe store, 274 Broadway Presto Sarah, 14 and 16 Denniston Preston , cabinetmaker, 68 Jackson Priest Josiah, 339 Lydius Priest F. W. physician, 32 Spring Prime Augustus, portrait painter, 8 Stanwix Hall, h. 9 Westerlo Prime Andrew, carpenter, 116 Lydius Prime William, ropemaker, 75 Lawrence Prothorn Francis, 59 n. Lansing Prosser Erastus S. 24 Broad Pruyn (Lansing) Wilson (Abraham F.) & Vosburgh (Isaac W.) hardware dealers, 39 State Pruyn John, 30 Maiden lane Pruyn (John V. L ) & Martin (Henry H.) attorneys, &c. office 2 Merchants' Exchange Pruyn Lansing, 46 n. Pearl Pruvn Samuel, (Barker & Co.) office 7 Patroon, h. " 109 n. Pearl HOFFMAN'S ALB__NY DIRECTORY. 175 Pruyn, Misses, 113 n. Pearl Pruyn R. H. attorney, &c. 59 State, bds. 52 n. Pearl Pruyn Baltus, ropemaker, 21 Van Woert Pruyn William I. baker, 284 Broadway Pruyn, widow Cornelia, 162 Broadway Pruyn Casparus F. agent William P. Van Rensse­ laer, res. Bath, Rensselaer county Pruyn J. V. L. 102 State Pruyn David* 105 n. Pearl Pruyn (R. H.) & Southwick (Arthur C.) attorneys, &c. 59 Stale Puddy Ann, widow of James, 30 Green Pugsley Cornelius A. attorney, &c. office 8 Douw's Buildings, boards at Temperance House Pulling Henry, druggist, 109 Market, residence 52 Division Pumpelly H" 57 n. Pearl Purcell Michael, 2 Eagle Purcell Mary, dressmaker, 100 Canal Purcell James, planemaker, 100 Canal Purdy Abraham N. ship carpenter, 20 Ferry Purdy Elijah, blacksmith, Tivoli PurrOtt James, Patroon continued Putnam Elisha, 89 Columbia Putnam Charles, 142 Lydius Putnam Elisha, victualler, Second, Arbor Hill, above Swan Putnam James A. victualler, n. Market,* h. Second above Swan, Arbor Hill Putnam Peter, draper and tailor, 83 State,, res. 34 Westerlo Putnam Charles* Eagle Hall, 81 s. Pearl Putnam & Litch, proprietors of Columbian Hotel, Market 176 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. a. QUACKENBOSS WALTER H. dealer in dry goods, store 111 Market, residence 1 Montgo­ mery Quackenboss, Mrs. F. E. 68 Columbia Quackenboss Charles, 68 Columbia Quackenboss Augustus, 68 Columbia Quackenbush John H. corner of Church and Herki­ mer Quackenbush, widow Catharine, 42 Westerlo Quackenbush Gansevoort, 127 Broadway Quackenbush John N. lumber merchant, office 50 Pier and corner Water, residence 5 Quacken­ bush Quackenbush Nicholas N. 127 Broadway Quackenbush Smith, lumber merchant, 90 Water Quackenbush Cornelius, brushmaker, 173 Lydius Quackenbush, widow Mary, 10 Rose Quackenbush John V. P. physician, 143$ Broadway, h. 5 Quackenbush Quayle Mathias, laborer, 42 Beaver Queenster Joseph, pedler, 270 s. Pearl Qui gley, widow of Daniel, 45 Colonie Qu n Charles, tavern and boarding house, 14 s. Pearl Qu n Owen, 250 n. Pearl Qu n. Thomas, 55 Howard Qu n Timothy, harnessmaker, bds. Eastern Hotel Qu n Michael; blacksmith, 101 Green Qu n Arthur, 213 Market Qui n James, cooper, 57 Rensselaer Qu n Francis, 55 Liberty Qu nlan Michael, cartman, 62 William Qu nlan Charles, 23 Orange HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 177

R. RABBLEN, WIDOW, 103 Washington Rabson John, laborer, Schenectady lurnpjke Rabey Robert, hairdresser, basement 100 State, h. 64 n. Pearl Radcliff James, cooper, shop Philip, residence 131 Hudson Radcliff David V. N. attorney, &c. office and res. 184 Broadway Radcliff Stephen, segarmaker, 82 Lawrence Radcliff Charles, Culler of slaves, &c. 18 Daniels Radcliff Thomas J. cooper, 99 Eagle Radican Michael, teamster, 180 Lydius Radley William, potter, 160 Washington Radley Adam, teamster, 160 Washington Radley William, oyster dealer, 120 Market Radley, widow Naoma, 82 Beaver Rafferty Edward, laborer, 76 Arch Rafferty Charles, grocer, cor. Columbia and Quay Rafferty Michael, laborer, 351 State Rafferty, widow, rear 190 s. Pearl Ragan Jeremiah, laborer, 8 Colonie Raines Jtaftat, grocer, 7 Maiden Lane Rakey Joseph, laborer, 246 Washington n. Branch Ramer Joseph, 283 Washington Ramsey Conrad, cartman, 34 Water Ramsey David D. shoemaker, Second, Arbor Hill near Swan Ramsey John, grocer, cor. Columbia and Quay Ramsey J"ohn, jr. cartman, 7 Columbia Ramsey John, 43 Lark .Ramsey, Mrs. M. 4 William Rand Jacob D. 148 Orange Randall George, 41 Beaver 178 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Randall Jane, widow, 17 Franklin Randall Samuel S. clerk, 27 Lancaster Randall Horace, wagonmaker, 95 Beaver Raine James, furrier, 250 n. Pearl Rankin, widow Mary, boarding-house, 52 Hamilton Rankin George A. boot and shoe store, 72 Market Rankin William, shoe store, 39 Washington Rankin Samuel, 106 Herkimer Ransom Samuel H. (R. 6c R.) 29 Beaver Ransom 6c Rathbone, dealers in stoves and hardware 9, 11 and 13 Green Ransom Emeline, tailoress, 9 Van Woert Rapp John, fruit and oyster dealer, residence Canal continued Rapstook Charles, brickmaker, 230 Washington Rasey, tvidow of Ammon, boarding-house, 4 Nor­ ton Rasemy, Mrs. Sarah, 53 Lawrence Rathbone Jared L. 20 State, res. 28 Eagle, corner State Rathbone C. D. 76 Washington Rathbone Joel, dealer in stoves and hardware, 9, 11 and 13 Greeh, foundry lower end Market, res. 109 State Rathbone James, cartman, 43 n. Lansing Rathbone Sylvester, merchant, 76 Washington Ratigan Thomas, brickmaker, 185 Orange Rattigan Christopher, laborer, 76 Orange Raum, Misses, 37 Columbia Rawls Henry & Co. (Geo. Dexter) druggists, 57 State, Apothecaries' Hall, and corner State and n. Pearl Rawls Henry, 90 Lydius Railly John, rear 141 Broad Rawson Rev. T. K. agent for Tract Society, 17 James HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 179

Rawson Rev. James, pastor third Methodist Episco­ pal Church,fes. 3H State Ray Benoni, 35 .Van Schaick Hay James, cartman, 92 Canal Ray John, cartman, 63 Liberty Ray Samuel S. shoemaker, 59 Church * Ray Levi, furrier, 315 State * Ray Ann, dressmaker, 35 Van Schaick Raymond Nerris, 27 Howard Raymond B. ft & C. 66 and 68 Market Raymond Benjamin C. 201 Broadway Raymond Charles S. bds. at 201 Broadway Raynor Menger, mason, 47 High Rayside John, carpenter, 52 s. Pearl Rayside Mrs. dressmaker, 52 s. Pearl ReadM. H. commission merchant, 118 Pier, res. 27 Jay Real William, 212 Washington Real Charles, 212 Washington Real George, laborer, 222 Washington Reardon Timothy,-grocer, 186 Market Reardon, widow of John, 63 William Rector Henry, architect, office and h. 83 Hudson Rector Isaac, laborer, 233 Washington Rector Thomas, laborer, 314-Washington n. Branch Rector John, porter-house, 189 s. Pearl Rector William, 83 Hudson Rector Lana, Schenectady turnpike Redden David, 65 Canal Redden William, carpenter, rear 23 Canal Redden Peter, laborer, 24 Second, Arbor Hill Redfield Dorias, harnessmaker, 165 n. Pearl Redman Thomas, shoemaker, 98 Canal Redmond Patrick, carpenter, 250 n. Pearl Reed William H. 221 State Reed Matthew H. 27 Jay 180 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Reed Elisha, 5 Lawrence Keed William, cartmnn, 221- State* Reed John, 25 Quay . Reed George, carpenter, 150 Washington Reed Thomas D. cabinetmaker, 39 Columbia Reed Richard, laborer, 176 Market ReeoVDavid, blacksmith, 235 Market Reed Leonard V. general slage office, 54 Market, res. 210 Broadway Reed John, shoemaker, 47 Columbia Reeder Sarah, 61 Lumber REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 27 Westerlo Reid, widow Elizabeth, 158 Orange Reid John, shoemaker, cor. Church and Lydius Reid John, fruit store, 83 Broadway Reid William, painter, 158 Orange Reid John, lace weaver, 158 Orange Reid, widow Sarah, 6 Rose Reid Miss Mary Ann, 6 Rose , Reid James, machinist, 12 Orange Reid Robert, shoemaker, 220 s. Pearl Reighter John, pedler, rear 52 Clinton Relyea (Peter jun.) Wright (Thomas) & Anderson (James) merchant tailors, 8 Broadway Relyea Peter jun, 25 Columbia Relyea Simon, merchant tailor, 50 Westerlo Relyea David M. Snipe, cor. Washington Relyea John, blacksmith, 52 Fayette Relyea Joseph, clerk, 63 s. Lansing Relyea Jacob, blacksmith, 21 Fayette Remer Benjamin M. canal boat agent for Geneva Line, 68 Quay, res. 159 Hudson • Reston John, professor of languages and music, 16 Union Requa Gerrit, merchant, 358 Broadway Requa, widow of James, 102 Herkimer DIRECTORY. 181 Reynolds Marcus T. attorney, 57 State, res. 7 Capi­ tol Park Reynolds, widow of Edward, 72 n. Pearl Reynolds, Mrs. Mary, 266 Broadway Reynolds James, baker, 188 s. Pearl Reynolds John, cooper, 33 Division Reynolds Thomas, coachman, 160 Washington Reynolds James, 140 s. Pearl Rheinhart Abraham, cartman, corner State and Lark Rhoades Julius, (H. 6c R.) attorney, office ExcHage Building, res. 33 n. Pearl Rhodes John, coachman, 146 Lydius Rhodes Lewis, morocco dresser, 211 Broad Rice Joseph T. silversmith and watchmaker, 16j s. Pearl, h. 20 Jay Rice Thomas, shoemaker, 168 Orange Rice William H. 51 Ferry Rice Charles, 51 Ferry Rice H. F. boards at Franklin House Rice J. T. jr. 20 Jay Rice, widow, grocer, corner Church and s. Lansing Rice James, musician, 279 s. Pearl Richards William, tobacconist, 48 Fayette Richards Seth, printer, 39 Spring Richard Charles, tailor, 40 Van Schaick Richardson Robert, 41 Union Richardson, widow Sarah, 123 Lydius Richardson John, undertaker, 60 s. Pearl, res. 92 Hamilton Richardson Levi, Westerlo continued Richardson William, umbrellamaker, and commission paper store, 60_ s. Pearl Richardson Linsey, stonecutter, 56 Schuyler Richardson Thomas R: paper hangings, 83J Wash­ ington Richardson John, maltster, 177 Green Richardson Thomas, 33 Canal 16 182 * HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY-

Richter, Mrs. B. fancy store, 39 «. Pearl Rickey Betsey, Lumber Rider C. carpenter, 42 Second, Arbor Hill Rider Aaron, moulder, 195 Market Rider John, baker, 233 Washington Rider George, tailor, 261 Washington Rider Stephen J. Lydius continued Rider Joseph, 261 Washington Riddei Thomas B. general dealer in tobaeco, snuff and segars, 78 s. Pearl Riddle Thomas, blacksmith, 106 Nucella Ridecar John, ropemaker, 19 Van Woert Riley Barney, morocco dresser, 68 Arch Riley Patrick, plasterer, 142 n. Pearl, Riley William, shoemaker, 29 Herkimer Riley Peter, laborer, Herkimer continued Riley Daniel, mason, 41 Rensselaer Riley Patrick, plasterer, 3 Patroon Riley John, laborer, 41 Canal Riley Francis, 65 Maiden Lane Riley Owen, mason, 31 Van Schaick Riley-James, laborer, 9 Spring Riley Barney, 51 Van Schaick Riley James, carpenter, 20. Daniels Riley Barney, plasterer, 55 Howard Riley Cornelius, laborer, rear 54 Van Schaick Riley George, carpenter, 154 Hudson Riley Luke, 7 s. Lansing Riley William, furrier, 59 Second, Arbor Hill Riley James, laborer, 55 Canal Riley Edward, tailor, 3 Chapel. Riley Thomas, boatman, rear 84 Canal Riley Charles, waiter, 98 Orange Riley John, lumberman, 9 Colonie Riley Charles, laborer, 34 Lodge Riley James, grocer, 59 n. Lansing Riley John, laborer, 10 Union Riley .Owen, morocco dresser, 69 Arch HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 183 Riley James, carpenter, 98 Water Riley Michael, laborer 24, Jackson Riley John, 22 Van Zandt Riley James, laborer, 182 Market Riley , laborer, 26 Quay Riley Edward, grocer, 82 Quay, h. 9 DalKus Riley Charles, shoemaker, 37 Quay Rines Barney, 90 Canal Rines, widow, 28 Canal Ring Patrick, 53 First, Arhor Hill Ring Alfred,-carpenter, 140 Hamilton Ring George W. engineer, 183 Montgomery Rink Joshua, segarmaker 113 s. Pearl Rinor Elizabeth, 73 Lumber Rising David, brickmaker, 40 Patroon Rising Austin, brickmaker, 74 Patroon Risk Margaret, 11 Swan Rivenburgh Calvin, 104 Washington dftivenburgh Peter, mason, 314 State Roach James, 32 Hamilton Roach Michael, 49 Jackson Roach Michael, 138 Broad Roades, widow Jane, 107 Washington Roades John, maltster, 79 Jackson Roan William, shoemaker, 207 Market Robbins, widow Mary, 24 Liberty" Robbins, widow Susan,. 184 s. Pearl Robbins Caleb, cartman, Washington, n. Branch above Junction Robbins John, bds. Eastern Hotel Roberts Mrs. widow, 56 Chapel Roberts James W. 64 Union Roberts Joseph, musician, 20 Washington Roberts John, laborer, Patroon continued Roberts, Mrs. milliner, 27 n. Pearl Roberts Richard, bank-note printer, 48 Beaver Robertson James, shoe store, 222J Broadway 184 HOFFMAN- ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Robertson John, carpenter, 142 Hudson Robison John, carpenter, 160 Hudson Robison Joseph, grocery and provision store, 20" Washington Robison, widow Mary, 247 Washington Robison Robert, Lumber Robinson Edmund A. 6 State, residence 46- Steuben Robinson James, coachmaker, 25 Church, residence 25 Dallius Robinson John, dealer in tinware, 104 Canal Robinson A. D. attorney, &c. office 92 State, h. 185= State Robinson J. C. Boston shoe store, 57 Market, res. 18 Van Tromp Robinson Edward, (P. W. 6c Co.) 17 Jackson Robinson Stephen, cook, 106 Broad Robinson Primus, fruit stand, basement 83 State Rock Hugh, laborer,, 128 Broad •_»• fc . T____ _.— „f »v___^ +&> __uui.eiis.yit; JUllSi, epiucc ucci iutim_i._v.._.i _.-, sfr Bleecker Rocket Hagar, 119 Canal Rockwell Walter M. boards at Eagle Tavern Rockwell John I. boaids-at Eagle Tavern Rockwood E. R. boa-ding house, 33 Dean Roderic T. painter and masician, 37 Liberty Rodier, widow Frances, 238 Market Rodier Oliver, painter, 10 s. Lansing Roe William M. 30 Hamilton, Roff John J. silverplater, 37 Dean Roff Peter D. coach trimmer, 27 Dean Roff Mrs. boarding house, 37 Dean Rogers Elizabeth, widow of James, boarding house, 76 Eagle Rogers Barnard, Van Woert, w. end Rogers John, caipenter, 305 s Pearl Rogers Sherlock, shoemaker, 94 Bassett- Rogers Norman, 12 Denniston HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 185

Rogers H. G. O. executive messenger, res. 303 s. Pearl Rogers Marquis L. mason, 60 Green Rogers Stephen, painter, 131 Broadway, residence Canal Rogers John, machinist, 39 Colonie, shop 35 Lum­ ber Rogers, widow Mary Ann, 170 s. Pearl Rogers William A. Temperance Recess, 64 s. Pearl Rogers, widow, 3 Columbia Roggen Aaron, merchant, 76 Quay, boards at Man­ sion House Roland George, 1 James Rolland Henry, moulder, 9 Wendell Romaine John P. 5 Van Tromp Rookey, Isadore, furrier, 162 n. Pearl Rooney Patrick B. grocery and residence corner of Schuyler and Broad Rooney Peter, furrier, 124 Broad Root, widow of Lyman, 40 Beaver Root Arthur H. commission merchant, 2 Exchange and 5 Hudson, res. 40 Beaver Root John H. liquor store, 28 Deati, boards at Re­ publican Hotel Root B. A. 243 State Root Josiah G. Tivoli Rork Daniel, laborer, 8 Cross Rose James R. attorney, &c. clerk of common coun­ cil, 92 State, res. 23 Park Rose Robert F. tailor, 116 Spring Rose Elizabeth, 23 Park Rose Stewart, 66 State, h. 23 Park Rose John, 38 Hawk Roseboom John H. 37 Church Roseboom & True, stove and tin dealers, 82 Marke Roseboom Geirit, sashmaker, 94 Hudson, h. 13. Lydius 16* 186 Roseboom Jacob, tinsmith, 94 Hudson, house 49 Ferry Roseerance Abraham 291 State Rosekrants Abraham D. manufacturer of blacking, varnish and ink, cor. Exchange and Dean, res. 3 Plain Rosekrantz Abraham, surveyor, 291 Stale Rosekrantz Wendel, boatman, 38 Union Rosengarden, Joseph, pedler, 60 Rensselaer Roser Richard, jr. accountant, 240 Market Roser John, skipper, 240 Market Roser Richard, mason, 240 Market Rosevelt Mrs. Susan, 118 Hamilton Rosier Jonas, 43 Lumber Roslay Dominic, willow-dealer, Snipe, near Wash­ ington Ross William H. lumber merchant, office 84 Water and 58 Pier, h. 13 Van Tromp Ross George, 213 Market Ross Robert, laborer, 40 Orange Rossle Theopbilus, gardener, Western turnpike Rounds Charles, 20 n. Pearl Rourk Michael, laborer, 46 Spencer • Rourke Samifel, 96 Water Rourke William, laborer, 46 Spencer Rourke Barney, laborer, 195 Hamilton Rousby Thomas, chandler, 16 s. Lansing Row Mrs. Hannah, 82 Beaver Rowane William, shoemaker, 161 Green Rowbottom Robert, wagonmaker and blacksmith, cor. -Nucella and Broad Rowe, widow, Lodge cor. Beaver Rowe Andrew, shoemaker, 87 n. Pearl Rowe Erastus M. cor. Lodge and Beaver RoWe• John; ship carpenter, 209 s. Pearl Royce James, silk dealer, 2 Van Tromp Ruby John C. shoemaker, 288 Broadway Ruby Robert 128 n. Pearl HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.. 187

Ruby, widow, 250 Broadway Ruddy Michael, pedler and grocer, 151 Water Rudes Jason, 44 Van Schaick Rudes H. B. 44 Van Schaick Rulfe Darby, laborer, 48 Dallius Rull John, milkman, Washington continued Rull Nicholas, blacksmith and wheelwright, 432 Ly­ dius Rusk Asa, 76 Eagle Rust Hiel, stove dealer, 76 Eagle Russ Adam, weigher and measurer, 149 n. Pearl Russ John P. carriagesmilh, 9 Philip Russ James, bookbinder, 51^ Market, res. 149 s. Pearl Russell Robert C. dealer in paints, oils, drugs and medicines, 72 State, h. 17 Steuben Russell Jacob, laborer, 140 Franklin RussellMichael, 49 Jackson Russell Elihu & Son (Henry) dealer in paints, oils, glass, &c. 51 Broadway Russell Elihu, 55 Columbia Russell James, lumberer, 13 Lumber Russell Elizabeth, widow of Joseph, 37 n. Pearl Russell Samuel, 77 Lawrence Russell Henry, 10 Lodge, cor. Steuben Russell Jubel, carpenter, 211 Hamilton Russell Andrew V. botanic physician, 88 Beaver Russell George, painter, 9 Daniels Russell John, shoemaker, 92 Hamilton Russell Thomas, Pine Grove, Schenectady Turn pike Russell William, 312 Broadway Russell Hubbard L. mason, 289 State Russell David, near railroad bridge s. Pearl, justice of the peace Russell Gertrude, seamstress, 20 Washington Russell John, butcher, 4 William 188 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Russo Frederic, mason, 41 Lark Rust William S. carpenter, shop Dean, residence 73 Hudson Rust Asa, shoemaker, 76 Eagle Ruston Hiram, carpenter, 13 Dewitt * Ryan Jerrat, grocei, 7 Maiden Lane Ryan Patrick, grocer, Herkimer above Swan Ryan Patrick, laborer, 57 Howard Ryan Dennis, 176 Market Ryan James, laborer, 72 Arch Ryan Jeffrey, 67 William Ryan Thomas, laborer, 145 Broad Ryan Patrick, 98 Green Ryan Michael, moulder, 306 Market Ryan Patrick, laborer, 16 Van Zandt Ryan Ellen, 61 William Ryan Michael, 6 Colonie Rvan William, mason, Ten Broeck, opposite Second, Arbor Hill Ryan John, laborer, 49 Jackson Ryan Daniel, moulder, rear 36 Grand Ryan Michael, tailor, 57 Church Ryan Patrick, 76 Arch Ryan Cornelius, engineer, 72 Lydius Ryan Michael, furrier, 124 Water Ryan Thomas, shoemaker, 71 n." Pearl Ryan Michael, stonecutter, 39 Rensselaer Ryan Thomas, laborer, 31. Quay Ryckman Margaret, 15 Liberty Ryman Gutlief, 122 Franklin s. SACIA, WIDOW JANE, 18 Dove Safford Levi, milkman, Western turnpike MomiAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 189

Safford & Warren, steam saw mill, Water near Quackenbush Sailing, Rev. Henry, 261 s. Pearl ST. PAUL'S (Episcopal) CHURCH, S. Pearl ST. PETER'S (Episcopal) CHURCH, corner Stale and Lodge ST. JOHN'S (Catholic) CHURCH, Ferry ST. MARY'S (Catholic) CHURCH, corner Pine and • Chapel ST. JOSEPH'S (Catholic) ORPHAN ASYLUM, 14 Lodge St. John A. P. master steamboat Rochester, 251 Market St. John John W. proprietor of Boston House, cor. Market and Ferry St. John Davidrsuperintendent Capitol Salisbury N.elson, 84 Pier, h. 36 s. Lansing Salisbury Benajah T. carpenter, 55 Lydius . Salisbury Henry, inspector of lumber, 17 KnoX .5__.j-burv Daniel. 21 Van Woert Salisbury William, laborer, 262 Broadway Samson Alexander, Dundee Ware-house, 40 s. Pearl Sampson William, carpenter, Lumber, Arbor Hill Sanchagrin Charles, furrier, Swan, s. Arbor Hill Sanders James B, attorney, &c. 46 State, res. • 143 Lydius Sanders Barent, oor* Lydius and Grand Sanders John, gardener, stall s. Market, res. Wes­ terlo Island Sanders J. B. & Co. merchants, 72 Quay, res. 143 Lydius ' Sanders G. V. S. 143 Lydius Sanderson George, currier, Lydius continued Sanderson George, lace weaver, 27 Lodge • Sands John, brewer, 19 Beaver Sanford Giles, (H. &. S.) 43 Montgomery Sanford George D. trunkmaker, 100 Market Sanger Henry, shoemaker, 12 Grand Alley 190 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Sard Grange, draper and tailor, 73 Slate, res. 205 State Sargent Parker, 318 Broadway Sargent, Sprague 6c McNaughton, tobacco and cho­ colate manufacturers, 15 Broadway, factory Van Woert Satterlee Edward R. h. 13 Montgomery Satterlee. E. R. & E. merchants, 61 State Satterlee E. 13 Montgomery Saul, G. 4 Jay Saunders Vine, teacher, 4 Steuben Savage John, commission merchant, 121 Pier, h. 38 Green Sawyer Abraham, 14 Columbia Sawyer William, shoemaker,* 87 Green Sawyer Nathaniel, cloth manufacturer, Delaware turnpike Saxby Henry, grocer, Schenectady turnpike Sayles J» & G. M. (Johnand George M.) merchant*, *" 62 Quay Sayles George M. 30 Lancaster Sayles John, 29 Jay Sayles Charles, shoemaker, 289 s. Pearl, house 100 Nucella Sayles Charles jun, shoemaker, 88 Hamilton Sayles James, grocer, 2 William Sayles Lewis, pedler, 150 Broad Scace Edwin, tavernkeeper, Schenectady turnpike "Scace John G. butcher, Schenectady turnpike Scace William, Schenectady turnpike Scanlan William, laborer, State near Knox Scanlan Dennis, grocer, 4 Columbia Scanlan William, laborer, 5 Maiden lane Scattergood John, cabinetmaker, 338 Lydius Sattergood 6c Sons, (John H., C. W. & H. V.) turn­ ers and cabinetmakers, shop and res. 28 and 30 Church HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 191

Schaa John, clockmaker, 42 Fayette Schafer Amelia, 3 Swan . . Scheffer William, 21 Spring Schermerhorn Henry, tailor, 1 Dallius Schermerhorn Edward A. constable, 14 John - Schermerhorn Cornelius, agent New-York and Ham- mondsport Line, 71 Quay, bds. City Hotel Schermerhorn Thomas, laborer, rear 220 State Schermerhorn Elizabeth, Ten Broeck SchoolyvEdward, laborer, Centre Schoolcraft 6c Hall, wholesale grocers, 14 and 16 Hudson Schoolcraft John L. (S. 6c H.) bds. City Hotel Schinkle John, laborer, 133 Broad Schneller Rev. J. A. pastor St. Mary's church, res. 46 Chapel Schoonmaker Jacob, carpenter, 157 Broad Schoonmaker Peter, 129 Broad Schuyler P. L. 249 Broadway Schuyler S. P. 249 Broadway Schuyler Lawrence L. wholesale grocer, lT State, h. 130 Green Schuyler Samuel, cor. Bassett and Franklin, res. 250 s. Pearl Schuyler Samuel jun. 264 s. Pearl Schuyler Jeremiah, 51 Lumber Schuyler Cortland, 24 n. Ferry Schuyler Thomas, 264 s. Pearl Schworer John, grocer, 220 Washington Scofield John5 tailor, 53 Second, Arbor Hill Scorsby William, carpenter, 110 Nucella Scott Marshal], fruit-dealer, 105j Beaver Scott William B. grocer, 56 Canal Scott, widow Catharine, 14 Willett Scott Jacob, shoemaker, 164 s. Pearl Scott Philip, 76 Franklin Scott John, grocer, 167 .«. Pearl 192 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY'.

Scolt John, harnessmaker, w. side Little Basin, res. 161 Montgomery Scott Charles, 23 Franklin Scott Andrew, 1 Swan Scott Jane, tailoress, 63 s. Lansing Scott William, stage driver, 12 Denniston Scolt Henry, carpenter, 53 Jackson Scott John, segarmaker, Swan, near Second, Arbor Hill Scott William H. jr. grocer, cor. Church and Arch Scott John A. tailor, 59 Church Scott Mrs. Christina, 26 Franklin Scott Mrs. Ann, 31 Maiden lane Scolt George, 381 Stale Scovel Ashley, dry goods merchant, 46 State, res. 68 Hudson Scovel N. & C. (Nelson & Charles) grocers, 69 Quay Scovel Nelson, Plain above Grand Scovel Chajles, 43 Broad Scovel Jared, merchant, 144 Broadway Scovil Oliver, agent State Temperance Society, 49 Washington Scrafford George H. carpenter, 60 Washington Scribner Benjamin C. 23 Dallius Sealy Eliza Ann, Western Turnpike Seaman James F. carpenter, 62 Lawrence Sears Charles, jr. 151 Lydius Sealh James, 39 Van Woert Seaver H. H. constable, boards at Fort Orange Hotel Secor Benjamin, blacksmith, 42,Westerlo SECRETARY OF STATE, office State-Hall, cor. Eagle and Pine Seeley John, drayman, 43 Dewitt Seely Isaac, shoemaker, 28 Patroon Sedam Charles, 21 William Segar John, glass cutter, 19 Van Schaick Seger Frederic, painter, 33 Van Schaick HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 193 Seger Jacob, carpenter, 78 Washington Seger P. tin and sheet iron worker, 86 Washington Seger Jacob, 34 Water Segue Samuel, Rensselaer House Selkirk Alexander, (W. & S.) 46 Church Selkirk Francis, M. D. 64 Lydius Server Robert, (Y. & S.) 30 Water Severris Jacob J. gardener, Western Turnpike Settle Jacob M. 1 Lancaster Settle Sylvanus W. 1 Lancaster Settle 6c Gallup, grocers, 44 Washington Setterlee David, laborer, 310 Washington Seward William H. Governor of State, Mansion, Broad, w. of s. Pearl Seymour Lewis, carpenter, 26 Ferry Seymour William, 107 Columbia Seymour Timothy, res. Bethlehem Seymour Charles, carpenter, 21 Jay Seymour James, 51 Van Zandt Seymour Robert M. boards at City Hotel Seymour John, cartman, Swan, s. Lydius Seymour (Robert M.) Forsyth (W.W.) & Co. (E A. Robinson,) hide merchants, 6 State Shaen Patrick, furrier, 40 Canal Shaddle John, baker, 148 s. Pearl Shades Charles, grocer, 52 Rensselaer Shankland A. B. boards at Washington Hall Shardin Barney, boatman, Swan near First, Arbor Hill Sharel Charles, laborer, 259 Washington Sharkey James, milkman, Lydius w. of Lark Sharp William, tailor, Third above Swan, Arbor Hill ShaTp Absalom M. cartman, 36 Union Sharp Peter G. carpenter, and inspector of lumber, cor. Lydius and William Sharp David, cartman, 31 Liberty Sharp Jacob, 13 Canal 17 194 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Sharp Miss Louisa, 19 James Sharp Jonathan, laborer, Bradford Sharp David, cartman, 276 Washington Sharp Abraham, laborer, 276 Washington Sharts John, grocery and provision store, 104 Pier, h. 15 Hamilton Shaver Conrad, 324 Washington, n. Branch Shaver Charles I. 237 n. Pearl Shaver V. P. portrait painter, 67 Orange Shaver Lewis, tailor, Bradford Shaw James, lastmaker, 24 Ferry Shaw Napoleon B. blacksmith, 254 Broadway, res. 43 Water Shaw Miss, boarding-house, 17 Dean Shaw Lewton, blacksmith, 17 Dean Shaw John, 69 Colonie Shaw Richard, ropemaker, 332 State Shaw John H. ropemaker, 330 State Shaw, widow Harriet, 15 Swan Shaw William, patternmaker and grocer, 250 Broad­ way Shaw Daniel D. res. 300 Broadway ShaW Jonathan, 20 Bleecker Shaw Leonard, 8 State, res. 10 Quackenbush Shaw Abel, tinsmith, 35 Washington Shaw William, carpenter, 76 Eagle Shaw , 55 "3rand Shaw Oliver, teacher of music, 72 Chapel Shaw Harman, brickmaker, 19 Lumber Shaw Robert, grocer, cor. Reaver and William Shay John, laborer, 48 Herkimer Shea John, moulder, 304 Market Shea John, laborer, 49 First, Arbor Hill Shea William, moulder, 306 Market Shear J. H. stove dealer, 14 Stale," h. 19 Jay Shear Robert P. B. 1.11 Hamilton Shear Christian, bds. City Hotel Shearer , miller, 7 Lawrence court HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 1Q5 Sheafs D. D. cartman, 51 n. Lansing Sheldon G. 6c S. & Co. dry goods merchants, 54 State Sheldon Gaylor, 76 Lydius Sheldon Smith, 74 Lydius Sheldon Alexander, attorney, &c. 68 State, res. 177 State Shell, widow, 47 Union Shell Jacob, paper hanger, 29 Van Schaick Shelly Richard, moulder, 16 Van Zandt Shepard Sylvester F. merchant tailor, 110 Market res. 89 Lydius Shepherd Alexander, cabinetmaker, 46 Patroon Shepherd Alfred D. miller, Red Mills' Shepherd Robert, 147 Broadway Shepherd Mrs. Catharine, 30 Lodge Sheridan James, laborer, 7 Rensselaer Sheridan Matthew, stucco-plasterer, 28 Canal Sheridan John, corner Dallius and s. Lansing Sheridan William G. segarmaker, 28 Canal Sherley Edward, clothing store, 125 & 127 Market Sherman Mrs. Margaret tailoress, 7 Broad Sherman Watts, cashier City Bank, res. 4 Academy Park Sherman Josiah J. 81'Hamilton Sherman Preservit, plasterer, 154 s. Pearl Sherman Louis, 307 Broadway Sherman Epaphras J. attorney, &c. office, 40j Broad­ way, res. 81 Hamilton Sherman Lemuel, mason, 72 Grand Sherman (Josiah J.) 6c Co. (Galen Batchelor) mer­ chants, 18 State Sherman Daniel C. 7 Ferry Sherman I. C." 244 s. Pearl Sherry John, grocer, 81 Canal SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Jail Sherwood Lemuel, hatter, 5 Wendell 196 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Sherwood Richard, segarmaker, 99 Orange Sherwood Joseph, segarmaker, 17 Van Woert Sherwood Thomas J. tobacconist, 4 Canal Sherwood Stephen A. skipper, Church, near Ferry Sherwood William, tailor, 59 Division Sherwood, widow Amelia, 64 n. Lansing Shields Adam, 22 Van Schaick Shields Farnard, cooper, 233 Broadway Shields Adam, jr. tobacconist, 58 Van Schaick Shields Henry, grocer, 345 State Shields Alexander, painter, 162 Washington Shields, widow Elizabeth, 83 Lawrence Shiffer Henry W. boards 31 Church Shiffer William H. 14 Bleecker, h. 18 Hudson Shiffer, widow Mary, 31 Church Shiland Andiew, teacher, 209 State Shilling John, gardener, Spencer, near Swan Shimper, widow, 37 Dean Shires William, gymnasium, basement 92 State Shloss Mo3es, dry goods, 142 s. Pearl Shocknessy Thomas, moulder, 22 Van Zandt Shoemaker Jacob, tavern keeper, 349 Broadwv- Shoemaker Jacob, 86 Washington Shonts John, 149 Water Short Joseph, butcher, 91 William Shultz, Miss Angeline, milliner, 19 Beaver Snumway Eliza, 90 Schuyler Shutters Mary, 7 Lydius Sibley Isaac, carpenter, 40 Franklin Sickles, widow Eleanor, 30 Van Woert Sickles John A. (C. & S ) 82 s. Pearl Sickles, Mrs. Sarah, 14 Columbia Sickles Abraham, 82 s. Pearl Sickles Alexander, ropemaker, 334 Broadway Sickles Abraham, butcher, 88 Second, Arbor Hill Sickles William, 76 Lawrence Sickles Mary, widow of Stephen, nurse, 16 Wilson HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 197

Silby John, mason, Schenectady turnpike Silliman John, pilot, 66 Church. Silsby Henry, blacksmith, 65 s. Lansing Silsby Thomas, skipper, 66 Church S.iez, Dr. homooepalhic physician, 59 Green Sim Francis, blacksmith, 70 Canal Sims William B. 70 Canal Simmons Elijah, fish stall, Centre market, house 34 Philip Simmons William, ropemaker, Arbor Hill near Lum­ ber Simmons Erastus, cartman, Westerlo continued Simmons James, 225 Washington Simmons Patrick, 108 Broad Simons John, tobacconist, 263 Broadway Simons George, cartman, 152 Spring Simons John, grocer, 244 Broadway Simons Henry, cartman, 164 Spring Simons Peter, cartman, 183 Orange Simons Patrick, laborer, 162 Orange Simons John, 46 Union ' Simons Wolf, pedler, 163 s. Pearl Simonton, widow Elizabeth, 50 Westerlo Simpson James, laborer, 140 Orange Simpson Joseph, 62 Church Simpson Robert, nailer, 121 Nuc-lla Simpson William, cartman, 87 Church Simpson John, grocer, 235 s. Pearl Simpson William, jun. laborer, w. end Van Woert Simpson Moses, pedler, 24 Clinton Sinclair Mary, 64 n. Pearl Sing John, sexton first Presbyterian church, 48 Bea­ ver Sintzanick John, 123 Franklin Sipple John, carpenter, 48 Canal Sisley Richard, shoemaker, 37 Second, Arbor Hill 17* 198 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY,

Sitteriey Peter, blacksmith, 385 State Sitteriey Isaac, teamster, 323 Washington Sitteriey Abram, 28 Fayette Siver William, 283 Washington, s. Branch Siver Adam, 283 Washington Sives William, shoemaker, 1 Park Skelly John, laborer, 2 Colonie Skelly James, laborer, 45 Liberty Skelly Edward, laborer, Spencer, near Swan Skerritt Margaret, 21 Lancaster Skillicorn Thomas, shoemaker, 306 Washington cor. Snipe Skinner E. W. & C. (Elisha W. 6c Charles) propri­ etors of Daily Advertiser, booksellers, printers, &c. cor. State and n. Pearl • Skinner Charles, boards at Franklin House Skinner Elisha W. 7 Montgomery Skinner Charles, cartman, 213 Broad Skunt, Miss Jane, teacher, 21 Lancaster Skinner Jane, wjdow of Nathaniel, 191 State Skinner Charles F. Cottage Hall, 167 s. Pearl Slack Granville, 138 Hamilton ' Slade C. B. carpenter, 26 Union Slade Clarissa, 14 s. Lansing Slason Edward B. saddle and harnessmaker, 90 State, h. I Wendell Slatterly William, fcborer, 39 Broad Slatterny Michael, laborer, 43 Van Schaick Slattery James, tailor, 36 Water Slaven Henry, 302 Market Slavin Terence, laborer, Chestnut Alley Slaven Michael, cor. Rensselaer and Green Slawson Jonathan, cake pedler, 123 Lydius- Slawson Selleck, 56 Hudson Slawson R. L. 23 Van Zandt Slawson John, 35 n. Lansing Sleight J. W. physician, 49 Washington Slevin Patrick, laborer, 246 Washington HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 199

Slevin Patrick, carpenter, 51 Church > Slingerland, widow D. B. 84 Lydius Slingerland A. M. 84 Lydus Slingerland J. J. 84 Lydius Sloan, widow 148 Orange Sloan Patrick, tobacconist, 82 Canal Slocum William M- 251 Broadway Small James, shoemaker, 243 Broadway Small Peter, 243 Broadway Small James, carpenter, 141 Broad Small Francis, laborer, 35 Canal Sloat James, cor. Bassett and Hamilton Smith Jacob, shoemaker, 228 Washington, s. Branch Smith, widow Betsy, 361 State Smith Oliver, 361 State Smith William L. slater, 22 Hawk Smith John, 168 Orange Smith, widow Sarah, tailoress, 310 State Smith David, cartman, Herkimer above Swan Smith Oliver, potter, 361 State Smith, widow Charlotte, 85 Lawrence Smith Andrew, cor. Water and Orange Smijh Francis, barber, Little Basin Smith Michael, 137 Broad Smith William, carpenter, 99 Church Smith Patrick, laborer, 76 Lumber Smith William, (W., S. & Co.) 87 Hamilton Smith Peter, coppersmith, 16 Beaver Smith, Rev. Stephen R. pastor of First Universal So­ ciety, h, 89 Herkimer cor. Franklin Smith Benjamin F. carpenter, 203 Lydius Smith Barney, laborer, 30 Howard Smith William, moulder, 129 Franklin Smith Jacob, pedler, 144 s. Pearl Smith William, blacksmith, 36 Montgomery Smith Israel, 229 Broadway Smith Henry, laborer, 17 Van Tromp Smith John, gunsmith, 23 Alexander 200 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Smith Lorafl, gunsmith, 257 s. Pearl Smith Daniel, lumber and produce dealer, 108 s. Pearl, res. 110 s. Pearl Smjth Daniel, confectioner, 136 Washington. Smith Henry M. merchant, 61 Washington Smith Thomas, pianomaker, 35 Swan Smith Zachariah, 238 Washington, s. Branch Smith Jeremiah, 79 Washington Smith Thomas W. 238 Washington Smith Charles, grocer, 28 Washington Smith, Miss Caroline & Julia, 52 Canal Smith William, painter, 35 Canal Smith, widow Sophia, 66 Union Smith Joseph, stove mounter, 14 Grand Alley Smith Patrick, blacksmith, 58 Church Smith James, 11 Maiden Lane Smith Theodore, shoemaker, 79 Church Smith Lucian M. groceries and provisions, cor. Green and Division, res. 89 Herkimer Smith John, laborer, 10 Colonie Smith Jeremiah jun. 77 Washington Smith Barney, grocer, 16 Second, Arbor Hill Smith Henry V. carpenter, Swan, near Arbor Hill Smith Ezekiel, grocer, 24 Washington Smith John B. 36 Montgomery Smith Augustus P. teacher, and residence, school building, 52 Canal Smith Ralph, grocery and provision store, 72 Wash­ ington, res. 70 Spring Smith Jonas N. 31 Knox Smith John, 259 Washington Smith Gotliff, Schuyler, near Broad Smith Mathew, mason, 163 Green Smith Michael, 117 Broad Smith Simeon, harnessmaker, 98 High Smith John, laborer, 17 Van Schaick . Smith Augustus, potter, 214 Washington Smith , baker, 25 Van Schaick HOFFMAN- ALBANY DIRECTORY. 201

Smith Samuel, beer pedler, Third above Swan, Arbor Hill Smith John G. cartman, 21 Hawk Smith Anthony, shoemaker, 310 Washington Smith John, laborer, 32 Clinton Smith David, 149 Broad Smith John, laborer, 10 Clinton Smith John, grocer, 177 n. Pearl Smith Joel, 14 Clinton , Smith Bernard, grocer, 269 s. Pearl Smith Jacob, 28 Union Smith Alvah, 22 Steuben Smith Alexander, cartman, 76 n. Pearl Smith E. T. 211 State Smith Daniel, 218 s. Pearl Smith Napoleon, shoemaker, rear 220 State Smith Benjamin, laborer, 35 Canal Smyth Charles, 95 Columbia Smyth Charles T. merchant, 40 Quay, house 190 Broadway Snell James, f24 Broadway Snell James, 26 Market Snyder Peter, carpenter, 305 s. Pearl Snyder Charles, wheelwright, 222 Washington Snyder George, wheelwright, 222 Washington Snyder Peter, 144 Lydius Socks Jacob, Schenectady turnpike Soff Frederick, laborer, 128 Franklin Sorrigan Patrick, laborer, 61 Lawrence Soulden William, book-keeper, 64 State, residence 79 Lydius - Souls Mahala, 320 State Southen Stephen, laborer, 2S3 Washington, s. Branch * Southwick William, bookbinder, 20 Dallius Southwick, widow of Solomon, 13 Jay 202 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Southwick Arthur C. (P. & S.) attorney, &c. 59 State, res. 13 Jay Southwick Henry C. res. 13 Jay Southwick Henry C. canal collector, 8 Exchange, res. 22 Norton Spalding G. R. drugs, medicines', paints, oils, &c. cor. s. Pearl and Lydius, also cor. Hudson and Market, res. 88 s. Pearl Sparbeck Louis, pedler, 95 Schuyler Sparbeck Joseph, merchant, 172 s. Pearl Sparhawk David H. 64 Montgomery Spawn, widow Cornelia, 150 s. Pearl Spear Charles H. barkeeper Eagle-street Hotel Spears William, 139 Water Spears Timothy, contractor, 40 Lawrence Spelman (B. R. 6c R. L.) dealers in combs and fancy goods, 17 Market, cor. Beaver Spelman R. L. bds. Franklin House Spelman B. R. res. Mrs. Wendell's Spencer Brown, 20 Dallius , Spencer Miss, seamstress, 1.3 Liberty Spencer James, laborer, 67 Colonie Spencer John, plasterer, 39 Broad Spencer Martin, 65 Liberty Spencer Hosfea; <-afpe-ite_-, 43'Unib'h Spencer William, attorney, &c. Law Buildings res. 60 Division Spencer Daniel, bds. 60 Division Spencer Susannah, 60 Division Spencer Elijah, 70 Herkimer Spencer John C. jr. bds. Eagle Tavern Spencer Austin, inspector distilled spirits 28 Dean,. res. 44 Eagle Spencer Philip, grocer, 199 Washington Spies John, tailor, 261 Washington Spintler David, locksmith, 138 Franklin Spooner Samuel, 21 Van Woert HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 203 Sprague Horace, 15 Broadway Sprague Rev. William B. pastor Second Presbyteri­ an Church, h. 58 Chapel Spratt Horatio N. carpenter, 54 Rensselaer Springer Baltus, cooper, Lark, s. State Spring Walter, tailc-r, 72 Lydius Springsteed David, dealer in drugs, medicines and oils, 36 Market cor. Hudson, res. 16 Plain Sprinks James, glover, 61 Maiden Lane Sprung John, carpenter, 22 Park Sprung Lodowic, baker, 186 Washington Sprung Hiram, 38 Arch Spurgeon Iasac, 35 Orange Squier E. G. editor Ladies Magazine, 42 Chapel Squires Thomas, 60 Union Squires, widow Betsey, 60 Union Squires & Easton, exchange office, 108 F'ier Staats Barent P. physician, and Mayor of city 53 n. Pearl cor. Steuben Staats John L. .4. s. Pearl Staats John B. attorney at law, bds. Temperance House Staats William N. constable, south end Franklin Staats Jacob, harnessmaker 20 Lydius Staats, widow Christina, 3 Park Staats, widow Elizabeth, 24 Second, Arbor Hill Staats Maria, 72 Patroon Staats David, pedler, 59 Second, Arbor Hill Slackpole John, cartman, 346 Lydius Stafford Spencer, 100 Lydius Stafford Richard, shoemaker, 32 Canal Stafford Robert, coach trimmer, 32 Canal Staley, widow Ruth, 45 Fayette Staley Catharine, dressmaker, 45 Fayette Stalker Martin, 69 Eagle Stallen Samuel, 74 Washington Stanford Josiah, proprietor Bull's Head, Troy Road 204 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Stanford Asa P. bds. at Churchill's Stanley Thomas, blacksmith, 209 s. Pearl Stanton Charles H. 110 Washington Stanton G. W. & Sons, (George W. 6c George W. jun. & Charles H.) merchants, corner State and Quay Stanton G. W. 110 Washington Stanton George W. jun. coiner n. Pearl and Steuben Stanton William B. botanic physician, 101 Orange Stanton Thomas, laborer, 201 Washington s. Branch STANWIX HALL, cor. Broadway and Maiden Lane Stanwix John, brickmaker, 135 Grand Stanwix George, brickmaker, 207 s. Pearl Stapleton Patrick, tobacco pedler, 22 Van Woert Starkburn John, Schenectady turnpikp Starks Thomas, stage driver, 46 Liberty Starks Nathan, blacksmith, shop 13 Church, h. 8 Ferry Starks Argalus W. proprietor of New _ngland Ta­ vern, alderman Third ward, 159 Market Starr Lazarus, pedler, 102 Nucella Starr Martin, pedler, 157 Broad STATE ARSENAL, Broadway STATE HALL, Eagle, cor. Steuben and Pine Staub John, shoemaker, 166 Broad Stead William,-Hudson, near Grand Steele John F. 80 Lydius Steele (Lemuel,) & Son, (George B.) paper-hanging warehouse, 69 & 71 Market, h. 80 Lydius Steele George B. 80 Lydius Steele Oliver, dealer in books, stationery, &c. 51 and 53 Market, h. 8 Liberty Steele Roswell, dealer in hardware, cutlery and sad­ dlery, 18 Market, h. 64 Ferry Steele Samuel, keeper of district school, 55 Union Steele Mary, widow of Daniel, 16 Rose Steele, widow of Levi, 27 Division HOFFMAN s ALBANY DIRECTORY. 205 Steele Lemuel L. 27 Division Steele Levi, 27 Division Steele Charles H. 27 Division Steele William, cartman, 63 Rensselaer Steinburgh Peler, baker, 92 Hamilton . Steller Casper, laborer, 127 Franklin Sfeller Jacob, laborer, 127 Franklin Stene John, carpenter, 58 Arch Stern Isaac, Dulch,boarding-house, 48 Ferry Sternberg Jacob, attorney, &c. res. 59 s. Pearl Stevens John, coachman, 74 Canal Stevens George M. turner in general, 50 Howard, h. 296 State Stevens Enoch J. type founder, 77 s. Pearl Stevens Peter D. turner, 296 State Stevens Cyrus, office 29 Broadway, residence 111 n. Pearl Stevens & Cagger, attorneys, &c. office 29 Broad­ way Stevens Samuel, attorney, &c. 6 Academy Park Stevens William K. carpenter, 107 Nucella Stevens, Godard & Co. agents Syracuse and Oswego Line, 72 Quay Stevens George M.-js. -296 State Stevenson James, president Firemen's Insurance Company, office 44 State, h. 146 State Stevenson James T. 34 Maiden Lane Stevenson James, laborer, 14 Grand Alley Stevenson James, laborer, 14 Grand Alley Stevenson John, gardener, Second, Arbor Hill Stevenson Mark, Herkimer, above Swan • Stevenson William, painter, Herkimer, above Swan Stevenson William, Herkimer, above Swan Stevenson James, bds. Churchill's Stewart & Morris, grocers, 22 Westerlo Stewart James, (S. & M.) 22 Westerlo Stewart Thomas, grocer, cor. Green and Lydius 18* 206 Stewart Isabella, boarding house, 2 Plain Stewart Adam, cartman, Elk, near Swan Stewart Charles, silversmith, 115 Broadway Stewart James, bookbinder, 8 Cross Stewart Michael, laborer, Patroon Stewart Rachael, tailoress, 209 State Stewart, widow Jane* 8 Cross Stewart William H. furrier. Swan, near Arbor Hill Stewart William, barber, 14 Washington Stickifey N. W. .23 Orange Stickney I*. Tivoli Stiles Ethan, patent leather manufacturer, 106 Spring Stiles Isaac, shoemaker, 21,Washington Stiles Samuel, shoemaker, 203 Washington Stiles Maria, ornamental hair factory, 24 Green Stiles Charles S. shoemaker, 162 Spring Stiles, widow Cornelia, 72 Patroon Still John, ship carpenter, 40 Orange Stillings Edward, 76 Eagle Stillman, Rev. S. L. pastor north Methodist church, h. 119„. Pearl Stilwell Thomas B. deputy sheriff, office Jail, res. 54 Union Stilwell Ann, widow of William, 54 Union Stilwell John W. 43 Fayette Stilwell Wm. B. 6c Co. 21 Market Stilwell W. B. bds. Mrs. Enders' Stillwell Jeremiah, cartman, 215 s. Pearl Stocker Martin, 72 Spring Stoker Richard, porter, 118 Swan Stokes S. P. 53 n. Pearl Stone Francis M. (R. & S.) 21 Patroon Stone Alfred, saddler and harnessmaker, 41 Beaver Stone Daniel D. (H. D. S. & Co.) 172 Washing­ ton Stone John, forwarding merchant, 21 Patroon HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 207

Stone Henry D. book and job printer, cor. State and Green, res. 41 Beaver Stone George C. 72 Pier, boards at 66 Hudson Stoddard William, blacksmith, 96 Green Stookey Benjamin, shoemaker, 98 Canal Storey William, shoemaker, Third, Arbor Hill Storey William, bellowsmaker, 237 State Storey Richard, gardener, 156 Spring Storey Terence, cartman, 47 Van Schaick Storey Robert, shoemaker, 51 s. Pearl Storey Michael, laborer, 24 Franklin Storey William, shoemaker, 65 Green Storm Sarah, 5 Canal Strain Joseph, manufacturer of soap and candles, 61 Church, h. 63 Church Strain John F. keeper of the arsenal, residence 57 Dewitt Strain Henry, 17 Beaver Strain Henry, keeper of the Military Saloon,- 28 Mai­ den lane Stratton Abraham, 54 Dean, residence 61 Division Stratton Samuel, leather dealer, 54 Dean, residence 134 n. Pearl Street Alfred B. attorney, &c. 37 Washington Straw James N. 27 Van Woert Street Richard, merchant tailor, 20 Broadway - Streeter Christopher, carpenter, 58 Rensselaer Stremble John, cooper, Schenectady turnpike Strickland James A. 37 Spring Strong Anthony M. (A. M. & W.N. &.) 88 Westerlo, cor. Broad Strong William N. (A. M. & W. N. S.) 41 Broad Strong Robert, 41 Broad Strong Joseph, 3 Dean Strong Catharine, widow of Jeremiah, 24 High Strong, widow Jane, 32 Patroon Strong P. professor of music, 96j State 208 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Strong A. M. 6c W. N. wholesale dealers in dnr goods, 73 and 75 Market Strother John, shoemaker, 211 s. Pearl Sugden widow, 70 Liberty' Sugden William M. 70 Liberty Sugden John, hatter, 70 Liberty Sullivan Timothy, waterman, 7 Lydius Sullivan Timothy, tailor, 62 s. Pearl Sullivan Cain, 109 Broad Sullivan'James, moulder, 122 Franklin Sullivan John, stonecutter, 118 s. Pearl Sullivan Jeremiah, laborer, 151 Water Sullivan Dennis, moulder, 103 Beaver Sullivan Peter, laborer, 14 Grand alley Sullivan John, tailor, 188 s. Pearl Sullivan David, laborer, 2 Colonie SUPREME COURT CLERK'S OFFICE, State Hall SURROGATE'S OFFICE, City Hall SURVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, State Hall Sutherland James, 23 Van Zkndt Sutherland John, bookkeeper Oswego Line, boards 65 Division Sutherland Alexander, carpenter, 8 Ferry Swackhamer George, weighmastet, cor. Lodge and Beaver Swan Samuel, 20 Dewitt Swart Frederic, mason, 32 Rensselaer Swart Nicholas, teamster, 176 Spring Swarts George, victualler, 11 Centre market Swarlz Simpson, pedler, 46 Ferry Swartz Abram, pedler, 305 s. Pearl, Swartz Lewis, pedler, cor. Schuyler and Philip Sweeney William, clothing store, 30 Quay Sweeney Bernard, ship carpenter, Third, Arbor HiH Sweeney Daniel, 33 Van Zandt Sweeny, Mrs. Eliza, 60 Beaver Sweet, widow Elizabeth, 20 Washington HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 209

Sweney Dennis, 33 Van Zandt Switzer Henry, hairdresser, 156 Market Switzer Conrad, 156 Market Swift Hugh, clothing store,-55 Quay and 94 Market, res. 26 Clinton Swin Frederic, carpenter, Snipe near Washington Sylvester Fordyce, 23 Patroon T.

TABER AZOR, attorney, &c. office 3 Commercial Buildings, corner Market-and Hudson, boards at Mrs. Lockwood's Taber Jabez, 111 Broadway Taber M. M. 62 Hudson Taber Henry, cabinetmaker, 151 Lydius Taaffe John J. hat and cap store, No. 1 Exchange Building, res. 5 High Taffe Timothy, laborer, 142 n. Pearl Taggert Mrs. Sarah, 73 s. Pearl Talbert Robert, rear 51 Montgomery Talbert Robert, dealer in hardware, 106 Broadway, "res. rear 51 Montgomery Talbot W. R. piano-forte maker, 28 Chapel Talcott Daniel W. grocer, 120 Broadway, residence 77 Colonie '• Tallman Brittan B. justice peace, Fifth Ward, store and office 158 Montgomery, near n. Lansing, res. 320 Broadway Tallman R. F. tinsmith, 6 Norton Tallman Jonathan, Canal Hotel 128 Water, corner Colonie Tallmadge S. W. dealer in stoves and hollow ware. 17 Green, res. 67 Ferry Tallmadge George, 183 Montgomery 18* 210 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Tappan, widow Martha, 83 Bleecker Tarbell Hannah, teacher, cor. Grand and Herkimer Tarrant George, cooper, 25 Lodge Tarrant Samuel, cooper, 25 Lodge Tate John A. hairdresser, &C.-60 Fayette Taylor Richard, wheelwright, 13 Fayette Taylor Ira, wood dealer, 78 Water, res. 44 Lawrence Taylor C. W. 8 Rose Taylor Robert, 13 Liberty Taylor William, tobacconist, 203 n. Pearl Taylor Thomas, boards at Republican Hotel Taylor James, grocery and provision store, corner of Green Ind s. Lansing, h. 129 Green Taylor John, brewer, soap and candle manufacturer, 81 Green, h. 75 Lydius Taylor Elvin & Co. stoneyard, 220 Murket, res. 9 Westerlo Taylor James, cashier Commercial Bank, res. 104 Hudson Taylor Baker, exchange office, 16 Exchange Build­ ings, boards at Clinton Hotel Taylor Justus F. boards at 66 Hudson Taylor James G. combmaker, 43 Washington . Taylor James, tobacconist, w. end Van Woert Taylor William, laborer, 131 Spring Taylor Philip, shoe store, 41 Washington, residence 148 "Spring Taylor John, tobacconist, 47 Van Woert Taylor Thomas, 77 Orange Taylor Thomas, boatman, 36 Water Taylor Thomas, accountant, 77 Orange Taylor Thomas, livery stable, 40 Church Tealand, widow Catharine, 45 Colonie Tealand, widow, 40 Orange Tealand, widow Catharine, 29 De Witt Tealand John, laborer, 40 Orange HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 211

Teall E. M. & Co. forwarding and commission mer­ chants, proprietors Erie Canal Line, 40 Quay, res. 160 Broadway Teas William, 24 Van Schaick Tebo Joseph, harnessmaker, 18 Washington Teelin Alexander, 51 Canal TEMPERANCE RECORDER OFFICE, 81 State TEMPERANCE HOUSE, 77 and 79 Broadway TEMPLE CHAPTER OF R. A. MASONS, St. John's Hall, Stanwix Hall TEMPLE LODGE, Stanwix Hall Temple Robert E. attorney, &c. office 3 Exchange,, •res. 48 -"...Pearl Templeton Philip, 62 Church Ten Broeck C. attorney, agent __Etna Insurance Co. &c. alderman Sixth ward, 9 Douw's Buildings, h. 51 Columbia Ten Broeck & Hermans, attorneys, &c. 9 Douw's Buildings Ten Eyck Conrad A. dealer in anthracite coal and pig iron, office cor. Montgomery and Columbia, res. 17 Montgomery Ten Eyck Harman, 61 n.-Pearl Ten Eyck Jacob H. & Co. (Jacob H. & Harman Ten Eyck & George M. Bleecker) dry goods merchants, 23 Market Ten Eyck Jacob H. 53 Broadway Ten Eyck Jacob, White Hall Ten Eyck L. G. White Hall Ten Eyck Abraham R. 28 Broadway Ten Eyck Philip, professor in Albany Academy, res. 28 Broadway Ten Eyck Visscher 6c Co. dry goods merchants, 58 State Ten Eyck Visscher, alderman Fifth ward, 79 Colum­ bia 212 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Ten Eyck John, (V. Ten Eyck & Co.) 58 State, h. 28- Broadway Ten Eyck & Brinckerhoff, dealers in anthracite coal, corner Columbia and Montgomery Ten Eyck Mathias, tallow-chandler, 70 Green, res. 137 Green Ten Eyck Jacob L, White Hall Ten Eyck Francis, Cherry Ternan James, tailor, Spruce, near Swan Ternan Daniel, tailor, Spruce, near Swan Terry David, cartman and wood measurer, res. 216 Market. Terry David, jr. cartm'an,-9 Fayette . Thatcher George W. 40 Liberty Thayer Isaac, 64 Howard Thayer Simeon, cabinetmaker and inspector lumber, 58 Howard Thayer Joseph B. grocer, 69 Eagle Thayer Isaac W. student at law, 64 Howard Thayer Walter B. 51 Hudson Thies Edward, 24 n. Ferry Thomas Edwin importer and wholesale dealer of wines and liquors, 13 State, res. 33 Columbia Thomas Richaid, cooper, 3 Division, h. 100 Green Thomas Thomas J. cooper, 13 Plain Thomas Sarah, 236 Market . Thomas John, cooper, shop 8 Exchange, res. 27 Dean Thomas David, furnaceman, 302 Market Thomas David, cooper, rear 50 Ferry Thomas Benjamin, 111 Hudson Thomas, widow Caroline, 90 Beaver Thomas John, commission merchant, 13 State, bds. Eagle Tavern Thomas & Low, proprietors of Hudson-street foun­ dry, corner Philip and Hudson Thomas John, jr. flour and provision, 8 Exchange HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 21 3

Thomas Charles, dry goods, 56 Broadway Thomas M. J. & Co. (B. F. Craft) auction and.com- missioh merchants, 21 Broadway Thomas M. J. bds. Eagle Thomas Frederic, 66 Westerlo Thomas John E. moulder, 43 High Thomas D. S. hair dresser, 373 State Thomas Fanny, 14 Van Zandt Thomson John, botanic physician, 88 Beaver Thomson C. N. & G. L. grocers, corner Beaver and Daniels Thompson Edward, laborer, 213 Washington Thompson Robert, (Friend Humphrey & Co.) 16 State, res. 38 s. Pearl Thompsorj, widow Mary, 19 Orange Thompson Hannah, 213 Washington Thompson John, moulder, 213 Washington Thompson Benjamin, boarding house, 9 Beaver Thompson, widow Ann, 9 Chapel Thompson Archibald, tobacconist, 132 n. Pearl Thompson William, shoe store and h. 6 Canal Thompson Robert B. copper, tin and sheet iron worker, corner s. Pearl and Beaver, residence 4 Norton Thompson Thomas, tailor, 52^ Hamilton Thompson Francis, "74 Grand Thompson Thomas, shoemaker, 116 Lydius Thompson John, general bone dealer, cor. Nucella and Broad Thompson Richard H. physician, 1 Lancaster Thompson John, 273 Washington Thompson Margaret, 22 Orange Thompson Elizabeth, 22 Orange Thompson Leonard, 96 Bassett Thompson Thomas, cook, 96 Bassett Thompson widow, 8 Clinl&n . Thompson Francis, 43 First, Arbor Hill 214 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Thompson John, 14 Van Zandt Thompson Richard, fruiterer, basement 12 Ex­ change and 92 State Thorburn William, seed and agricultural warehouse, cor. Broadway and Maiden Lane Thorn Stephen T. 47 Westerlo Thorn William, merchant tailor, 50 Market, h. 103 Herkimer Thorn William, planemaker, 90 Beaver Thornton Philip, laborer, 48 Herkimer Thornton Abraham T. sign painter, 76 Grand Thornton Miss E. milliner, &c. 46 s. Pearl Thornton James, painter, 52 Fayette Thornton John, Troy road Thorp Aaron, 219 Broadway Tibbetts Benjamin H. 152 State Tice John P. carpenter, 47 First, Arbor Hill Tice Isaac, blacksmith, 144 Hudson Tice Jacob, cartman, 344 Washington Ticknor Elisha, bds. Montgomery Hall Tiernan James, laborer, 8 Van Woert Tiernan Barllet, cooper, rear 162 Orange Tierney Jeremiah, laborer, 262 Lydius Tierney Dennis, tailor, 40 Rensselaer * Tierney Patrick, laborer, 289 State Tierney Patrick, laborer, 3 Bleecker Tiffany, widow of William Z. mantuamaker, 9 Chapel Tiffany Mary, dressmaker, 9 Chapel Tift Henry, state office, h. 46 Eagle Tillinghast John L. attorney, &c. office Stanwix Hall, bds. American Hotel Tillinghast William, merchant, 7 State, h. 57 Union Tilton Frederic, bds. Montgomery Hall Tills Thomas, grocer, cor. Water and Columbia Tilyou, widow of Jonatharf, 53 Spring Timmons Barney, grocer, 24 Quay HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 215

Tingley (Otis) & Co. patent bedsteadmakers, 29j Green Titus John, boatman, 318 Washington Titus Jacob, rear 14 Pine Toben Miles, brickmaker, 24 Second, Arbor Hill Todd Adam, mason, 204 State Todd Henry, baker, 107 Snipe Todd Mrs. H. millinery, 37^ Washington Todd Hibbard, 37^ Washington Todd, widow Jane, Chestnut, near Hawk Todd Robert, victualler, south Market, residence 16 John Tomlinson 0. M. & Co. New-York and Ohio Line, 59 Quay, up stairs Tomlinson O. M. res. 21 Hamilton Tompkins James, paver, 23 Van Schaick • Tompkins John, cor. Ferry and DalliuS Tompkins Joshua, carpenter, 133 Broad Tompkins Robert, Lydius, w. of Lark Toole William H. laborer, 21 Dewitt Toomay Jerry, laborer, 40 Rensselaer Topley Francis, moulder, 129 Orange Topp William H. 143 Green Topp John, 12 Van Tromp Topp John, cook, 58 Schuyler Topp Andrew, musician, 261 Washington Topp & Van Vrankin, hair dressing and tailoring, cor. Hudson and Dean Topping Sylvester, saw-filer, Norton, res. 128 Hud­ son Topping, John, 54 Chapel Tosoni Amabile 33 Fayette Tosoni Clemens, 33 Fayetle Town Ezra B. printer, bds. 42 Chapel Town, widow Mary Ann, 64 n. Lansing TOWNSEND'S PARK, junction Washington Townsend John, iron store, 64 State,'h. 142 216 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Townsend, widow of Isaiah," 144 State Townsend Absalom, attorney, &c. office and house 57 Colonie • Townsend Charles D. physician, office and house 85 Broadway Townsend John.F. physician, h. 2 Academy Park Townsend James, pedler, Third near Lark, Arbor Hill Townsend Jessup, carpenter, 65 Second, Arbor Hill Townsend Stephen, boarding-bouse, 86 Beaver Townsend Tappen, 86 Beaver Townsend Jessup C. 65 Second, Arbor Hill Townsend William D. moulder, 65 Second, "Arbor Hill Townsend Isaiah, 144 State Townsend Franklin, 144 State Tows William R. 4 Dean Tows Francis H. clerk City Bank, res. 8 Fayette Tows Francis, cabinetmaker, 4 Dean. Traber Charles, oyster-house, 21 Lodge Tracey John, wholesale dealer in wines and liquors, cor. Exchange and Dean, h. 5 Daniels Tracey William, 118 Hamilton Tracey Erastus, turner, Colonie Tracy L. M. physician to Alms House, office corner Green & Lydius, res. 79 Green Trader Isaac, keeper of Farmers' Lunch, basement 46 Stale Trager Christopher, grocer, 259 Washington Traner Patrick, shoemaker, corner s. Pearl and Hamilton Traner Hamilton, shoemaker, 48 Dallius Traver George, saddler and harnessmaker, 18 Wash­ ington, res. 37 Fayette Traverse James, laborer, Elk Treadwell George C. fur and cap merchant, 9 Broad­ way, h. 205 Broadway HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY, 217 Treadwell Thomas, 95 Columbia Treadwell William B. 77 Columbia Treadwell L. L. stone mason, 107 Nucella Treat James D. proprietor United States Hotel, cor. Washington and Swan Tremere James', tinsmith, 35 Washington Tremple George, furrier, 158 Broadway TRINITY CHURCH, Episcopal, cor. Herkimer and Franklin Tripp Elijah, porter-house, 70 Washington Tripp John, 41 Washington Tripp Jonathan, merchant, 46 Washington, res. 1 Swan Trotl Benjamin, shoemaker, 30 Water Trotter John, 161 Broadway Trotter John H. physician, office 37 Columbia, res. 11 Montgomery Trotter E. W. physician, 72 Broadway Trotter, widow of Mathew, 164 Broadway Trowbridge & Gray, flour merchants, 117 Pier Trowbridge Henry, 67 Hudson Trowbridge Sylvester, shoe store, 85 s. Pearl, res. 129 Lydius ' Trowbridge Charles, coachmaker, 31 James, res. 69 Jackson Truax Cornelius, 11 Hudson, bds. 26 Maiden lane Truax Cornelius V. S. cartman, 101 Lydius Truax Isaac, teamster, 262 Broadway Truax, widow, 7 Plain Tfuax, widow Ann, 64 Montgomery True Benjamin C. (J.H.Roseboom & Co.) 52 Church True Daniel, die-cutter,86 Broadway, res. 50 Second, Arbor Hill Trumpbour Christopher, 27 Ferry Trumbull George, printer, 32 Jay Tucker W. & R. chair factory, 99 State, cor. Lodge Tucker Robert, chairmaker, 5 Swan 19 218 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Tucker Perry, 40 Colonie Tucker Edward H. master tow-boat, 206 Broadway Tucker Elisha W. gilder, 171. Lydius Tucker William, carpenter, Swan near Third, Arbor Hill Tucker Luther, editor Cultivator, office 7 Exchange Building, res. 26 Broad Tucker Charles, carpenter, 22 Jackson Tucker, widow, 18 Dove s- Tucker Joshua P. cor. Colonie and Montgomery Tuey Thomas, clothing store, 25 Lawrence, near Lit­ tle Basin Tuffs Joshua, merchant, 77 Quay, boards at American Hotel Tuffs Joseph, clerk, 77 Quay Tuher Henry, sailor, 41 Schuyler Tullidge Benjamin, city wig, curl and perfumery, 52 Beaver, res. 30 Green Turbush Henry, 4 Grand Turly James, mason, 16 Fayette Turnbull Andrew, brickmaker, 244 Lydius Turk, widow, 192 Market Turner Cornelius, cartman, 21 De Witt Turner James, mason, 18 Lumber Turner Pasco, cartman, 20 De Witt Turner John, baker, 48 Hamilton Turner, widow, 74 Lawrence Twaddle James, laborer, rear 36 Grand Tweddle & Darlington, 80 Quay Twidney Robert, laborer, 308 Washington Tylee Patrick, laborer, 16 Van Zandt Tyler John J. 3 Commercial Buildings, res. 1 Lan­ caster Tyler James H. rear 51 Montgomery Tyler Moses, 237 Washington Tyler John W. porter house, Market op. rail road Tyson Arthur, lampmaker, 22 Lydius HOFFMANS ALBANY DIRECTORY. 219 u. UNDERNER CONRAD, musician, 40 Ferry Underner Lewis, musician, 40 Ferry Underner Paul, musician, 40 Ferry Ulvany Michael, to. end Van Woert Underwood Henry, Governor's Private Secretary,res. Governor's Mansion . Underwood Cornelius S. printer, 33 Dean UNIVERS _ LIST CHURCH, 1st, Green near Hamilton Updyke William, jr. 17 Dallius Upton John, 23 Spring Usher Matthew, 225 Washington V.

VAIL JESSE, grate and fender manufactory, 88 Broadway, res. 79 n. Pearl Vail Samuel, city weigher and measurer, 75 Green Vail Francis, engineer, 75 Green Valentine Thomas W. teacher, boards at U. S. Hotel Valentine William, land agent, office 49 Broadway, res. 385 Lydius Valiant Peter, 9 Union Vallade Anthony, furrier, 65 Orange Van Allen Adam, dealer in dry goods, cor. s. Pearl and Hudson, res. 34 Lancaster Van Allen York, 371 State Van Alstyne Thomas W. 21 Market Van Alstyne Martin & Son, (Matthew M.) hardware merchants, 50 State Van Alstyne John S. physician, corner Hamilton and Green Van Alstyne Martin, house 143 Broadway Van Alstyne Matthew M. res. 143 Broadway Van Amee Daniel, 258 Broadway 220 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Van Antwerp, widow of William, 248 s. Pearl Van Antwerp, widow, teacher, 248 s. Pearl Van Arnum Benjamin, carpenter, 244 Washington Van Arnum Abraham, 83 Lydius Van Benthuisen Benjamin J. 23 Hawk Van Benthuisen Enoch, baker, 24 Van Schaick Van Benthuisen John H. carpenter, High, corner Hudson Van Benthuysen, widow Catharine,,25 Van Schaick Van Benthuysen Obadiah R. 94 Lydius Van Benthuysen Charles, printing office, 20 Market, res. 223 Broadway Van Benthuysen Henry, ship carpenter, 67 Eagle Van Benthuysen Packard, printer, 20 Market, res. cor. Green and s. Lansing Van Benthuysen Benjamin, 104 Herkimer Van Benthuysen's type Foundry, 76 Bleecker Van Bramer Peter, waterman, 23 Lodge Van Buren John, (McKown & V. B.) attorney, dec. office 92 State, res. 5 Academy Park Van Buren John, physician, office and house 3 Wash­ ington Van Buren Peter, mason, 197 State Van Buren, widow Abigail, 55$ Washington Van Buren John W. 197 State Van Buren Alexander, 55$. Washington Van Buren Peter, physician, cor. Green and Lydiu<, res. 68 Herkimer Van Buren John S. 51 Van Woert Van Buren Ephraim L. machinist,-32 Westerlo Van Buren Cornelius, farmer, 310 Washington Van Buren Peter, rear 190 s. Pearl Van Buren Samuel, laborer, 318 Washington Van Buskirk Daniel, 31 Liberty Van Buskirk Mary, 31 Liberty HOFFMAN s ALBANY DIRECTORY. -221 Vance George, jr. (Vance & Wendell) editor Morn­ ing Atlas, office Law Buildings, res. 108 Broad­ way Vance GeOrge, shoemaker, 108 Broadway Vance John, shoemaker, 1081 Water Van Cott David, segar manufacturer, 336 Lydius ' Van Cott Philip T. segar maker, 50 High Vandenbergh, widow William, 64 Clinton Vandenbergh Gilbert, cartman, 12 Willett Vandenbergh Getrit G. 47 Swan Vandenbergh Richard, shoemaker, 33 n. Lansing Vandenbergh William J. ship-carpenter, 96 Church Vandenbergh Andrew, sexton middle Dutch Church, res. 69 Hudson Vandenbergh Mary, 35 n. Lansing Vandenbergh Henry, 58 Columbia Vandenbergh John A. ship-carpenter, 214 Market Vandenbergh A. F. 36 Market Vanderbelt Cornelius, ferry master, residence Ferry House Vanderbogart John, 8 Plain Vanderhoof, widow Elizabeth, 385 State Vanderhoof Michael, mason, 272 Broadway Vanderlip Rev. Elias, 35 Church Vanderlip Philip, porter-room, agency and exchange office 3, and h. 35 Church Vanderlip Samuel, 150 Washington Vanderlip Dionysius R. grocery and fruit, 107 Mar­ ket, res. 33 Church Vanderlip Elias, jun. weigher and measurer, 101 Market, res. 42 Eagle Vanderlip Isaac, butcher, 8 Knox Vanderlip George R. 40 Patroon Vanderlip William, laborer, Washington cor. Snipe Vanderlip Hannah, dressmaker, 40 Patroon Vanderpoel Hon. James, 5 Academy Park * Vanderpoel Isaac, 5 Academy Park 19* 222 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Vahdervolgen John, fur-cutter, Swan near Third, Ar­ bor Hill Vanderzee Storm T. 19 Dallius Vanderzee Jacob, carpenter, 170 Hudson Vanderzee Storm T. Washington Temperance Hotel 191 Broadway Vanderzee Herman T. 156 Lydius Vanderzee, widow, 72 Spring Vandemark Jacob, carpenter, 17 Hamilton Vandemark John, cor. Broadway ^tnd Orange Van Dewater W. H. Oswego Line, 105 Pier, res. 161 Hudson Van Dewater, widow Charlotte, 161 Hudson Vandusen Steward, ropemaker, 80 Lawrence Vandusen Samuel, 147 Lumber, Arbor Hill Van Dyck Henry H. editor of the Argus, res. corner Lydius and'Eagle Van Dyck, widow, 20 Washington Van Essen, William, blacksmith, 42 John Van Every Isaac M. dealer in dry goods, 56 State, boards at Churchill's Van Gaasbeek A. B. boards at Eagle Tavern Van Gaasbeek William, 135 Green Van Gaasbeek A. B. & W. dry goods, 3 Market Van Guysling Peter, Gansevoort Van Guysling William, Gansevoort Van Guysling David, Gansevoort Van Hagen Peter, carpenter, 223 s. Pearl Van Heusen Hetty, 90 Hudson Van Heusen Theodore, 90 Hudson ' Van Heusen Harman, laborer, 84 Water Van Heynigan John, glasscutter, Grand alley Van Hoesen Graham, carpenter, 2 Rose Van Houter Robert, boarding house, 6 Division Van Horn Richard, carpenter, Market, opposite the railroad Van Huysen James B. rear 180 Lydius HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 223

Van Keuren Francis, grocer, 174 Broad Van Keuren, widow Margaret, 27 Van Schaick Van Ingen William H. 38 s. Lansing Van Loon Jacob, 42 Lydius Van Loon Peter, 42 Lydius Van Loon Peter, jun. 42 Lydius Van Namee James, 64 Market, res." 59 Grand Van Ness John, jun. dry goods and groceries, 250 Broadway, residence corner Lumber and Broad­ way Van Ness Jacob, carpenter, 38 Patroon Van Ness John, shoemaker, 19 Patroon Van Ness Harman, boatman, 46 Second, Arbor Hill Van Ness Jacob H. groceries and provisions, corner Chapel and Patroon Van Ness Teunis V. 28 Hamilton Van Olinda Peter, physician, 60 Hamilton, corner of Green * Van Olinda Henry, physician, 60 Hamilton, corner of Green Van Patten, widow, 52 Fayette Van Rensselaer Bernard, attorney, 6cc. 1J2 State Van Rensselaer Schuyler, clerk in post-office, res. 308 State Van Rensselaei Killian K. 112 Stale Van Rensselaer John S. attorney, &c. office 112, h. 169 State Van Rensselaer Philip Schuyler, 136 Hamilton Van Rensselaer Philip S. 87 State Van Rensselaer Richard, secretary of Fire Insurance Co. master in chancery, office 44 State, res. 62 Chapel Van Rensselaer William, 112 State Van Rensselaer Stephen, 329 Broadway Van Rensselaer, widow of P. S 87 State Van Rensselaer Solomon, postmaster, res. Cherry Hill Van Rensselaer William P. Mansion, Greenbush DIRECTORY.

Van Rensselaer K. H. in post-office, residence 93 Herkimer Van Schaack Stephen, proprietor of the variety store, 44 Market, res. 98 Green Van Schaack Egbert, 44 Market, residence 203 Ly- * dius Van Schaack John, leather and finding store, 43 Dean res. 29 Division Van Schaick Tobias, Cottage, Schenectady turnpike when in town, 118 Broadway Van Schaick, Mrs. Jane, 45 Maiden Lane Van Sanford Anthony, 158 Broadway Van Steenbergh Elizabeth, corner Schuyler and s. • Pearl Van Schelluyne, widow Rachel, 40 Chapel Van Schelluyne Rensselaer 9 Dean Van Schoonhoven John C. druggist, 16 Broadway, res. 322 Broadway Van Schoonhoven Phoebe, 322 Broadway Van Schoonhoven D. P. 285 Broadway Van Slyck Jesse M. grocery and provision store, cor. s. Pearl and Beaver, h. 101 Van Slyck Ephraim, 7 Van Woert Van Slyck John, bds. City Hotel Van Valkenburgh Bartholomew, 59 Dewitt Van Valkenburgh W. gunsmith, 12_ Beaver Van Valkenburgh Susan, 11 Van Woert Van Valkenburgh John, 312 Broadway Van Valkenburgh Henry, 58 Green Van Valkenburgh J. & B. lumber merchants, 1 n. Ferry Van Vechten Teunis, attorney, &c. office 44 State h. 11 Montgomery Van Vechten Samuel, attorney, &c. office 44 State, res. 11 Montgomery Van Vechten Teunis jun. corner Patroon and Broad­ way HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 225

Van Vechten J. T. B. widow, 45 Montgomery Van Vechten Gerritt W. exchange office, commis­ sioner of deeds, 8 Market res. 7 Swan Van Vechten Samuel S. clerk, 71 n. Lansing Van Vechten A. attorney, &c. office 10$ Broadway, res. 45 Montgomery Van Vleeck William, saddler, 29 Washington Van Voast Albert, (Boardman & V. V.) 48 Howard Van Voast John S. constable Ninth ward, 144 Spring Van Vorst Hooper C. attorney, &c. 50 State, res. 102 Hudson Van Vranken F. hair dresser, corner Hudson and Deem Van Vranken James H. laborer, 125 Franklin Van Vranken David, Owen's lane, into s. Pearl Van Wie Gerrit S. mason, 276 s. Pearl Van Wie Margaret, tailoress, 5 Union Van Wie, widow Magdalen, 45 Maiden Lane Van Wie, widow Rachel, 13 Plain ' Van Wie John, carpenter, 126 Broad Van Winters, Michael, grocer, 41 Van Schaick Van Wormer John A. wheelwright, 261 Stale Van Zandt John, 65 Grand Van Zandt, widow Eleanor, 65 Liberty Van Zandt William W. 104 Hawk Van Zandt, widow of Gerrit R. 41 Union Van Zandt Abraham, carpenter, 58 Montgomery Van Zandt T. K. painter, 328 State Van Zandt Jacob L. 32 Orange Van Zandt Charles, bds. 87 Broadway Van Zandt George D. & J. J. grocers, cor. Broadway and Orange Van Zandt Peter G. 95 Church Van Zandt J. J. Northern Hotel, cor. Broadway and Orange * * Van Zandt William I. 320 State Van Zandt John, silversmith, 7 Chapel 226 HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Van Zandt Isaac L. Carpenter, 70 Grand Van Zandt, widow of Joseph, 55 Market Van Zandt, widow Hester, 67 Grand Varley John, Second, Arbor Hill Varley Peter, Kirk Farm, Arbor Hill Veazie, widow of Henry, 21 Dallius Veazie Provost, steamboat agent, 21 Dallius Vedder John S. painter, 16 Van Schaick Vedder Mrs. Nancy, rear 163 s. Pearl Vernor John T. agent railroad, 27 Swan Vernor Benjamin, 27 Swan Vickers William, paver, 63 Arch m Vickers, widow Jane C. 261 s. Pearl Vickers John, grocer, 259 s. Pearl Viele Rufus K. teller of Albany Bank, residence 31 Beaver Viele Jacob, office 42 Quay, bds. Hudson-street Temperance-House Vince Amos, Patroon continued Vine Robert, cartman, 78 Washington Vines Joseph, chairmaker, 61 Chapel Viney William, laborer, 73 Dewitt Virgil Ebenezer, 31 Division Visscher, widow Gerrit, 240 Broadway Visscher John, (W. •& A. W. & Co.) office 75 State, res. 9 Patroon Visscher Harman, 58 Orange " Visscher Catharine, 46 Columbia Visscher Edward, 46 Columbia Visscher John V. S. shoemaker, 104 Beaver Visscher, widow Teunis, 283 Broadway Voorhees William, boot and shoe store, 115 Market, bds. at Rensselaer House Vosburgh^William, harnessmaker, 7 Church Vosburgh Cornelius, shoe store, 147 Market, h. 42 Union HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 227

Vosburgh Isaac W. (Pruyn, Wilson & Vosburgh,) res. 49 Spencer Voiburgh John, mason, 140 n. Pearl Vosburgh William, mason, 209 Broadway Vosburgh Abraham, segarmaker, 298 Broadway Vosburgh Hannah, widow of Jacob, 19 Quacken­ bush Vosburgh Abraham, 354 Broadway Vosburgh John, shoemaker, 147 Market Vosburgh Maria, 221 Market Vrooman Lawrence B. furnaceman, 14 Willett w. WACHTER JOHN, hair-dresser, 145 Market Waddel James, grocer, 187 Broadway Waddell Samuel, grocery and provision store, cor. n. Pearl and Orange Waddy Samuel, blacksmith, 24 Canal Wadley, widow Eben S. 3 Wendell . Wadley M. S. clerk, res. 46 Lydius Wagner Daniel, miniature painter, 22 Douw's Build­ ings, res. 46 Beaver Waggoner John, teamsler, 27 Van Woert Waggoner John, tailor, 26 Van Schaick Waggoner Martin, 76 s. Pearl Waggoner John, tailor, Clinton, cor. Alexander Wainwright Charles, 172 Washington Wainwright David C. 172 Washington Wait Samuel, (W. 6c W.) 81 Green Wait George, wholesale and retail grocer, 132 and 134 Market, res. 102 Green Wait, Mrs. Betsey, 102 Green Wait Misses, 102 Green Wakefield John, 52 Montgomery Wakeman Benjamin, pilot, 60 Westerlo 228 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Wtilch William, butcher, Centre Market, house 26 Howard Waldron Julia, widow of Henry, 70 n. Pearl Waldron Jacob, laborer, 124 Lydius Walker George, 58 Second, Arbor Hill Walker Alphonso, (B. & W.) 27 Dallius Walker James, 92 Water Walker William S. harnessmaker, 103 Orange Walker Richard, hatter, 20 Canal Walker Mrs. G. S. 81 Washington Walker Ashbel, carpenter, 22 Daniels Walker James, brewer, 283 Broadway Walker Sylvanus, baker, 13 Grand Walker Danforth, 161 Montgomery Walker, Mrs. Mary Ann, 20 Canal Walker Charles, .laborer, rear 138 s. Pearl Wallace Alexander, 52 Ferry Wallace Moses, sexton Division-street church, 52 Ferry Wallace Moses, jr. mason, 34 Clinton Wallace Oliver, grocer, corner Chapel arjd Van Schaick Wallace, widow of Robert, 26 Union Wallace Christopher, grocer, 103 Orange Wallace Robert, grocer, 275 Broadway Wallace, widow, 102 Nucella Walls Peter, grocer, 215 Market Walls John, rigger, 161 Green Walsh, widow Catharine, 113 Hudson Walsh William, attorney, 6cc. 75 Broadway Walsh John A. 17 Dean Walsh Thomas, laborer, rear 40 Arch Walsh James, brewer, 22 Van Woert W alien. Casper, potter, Elk near Swan Walter Joseph, sexton Dr. Sprague's Church, 19 Lodge •HOFFMAN'S AXBANY DIRECTORY. 229

Walton Henry, porter, 12 Wendell Walton John, furnaceman, Robin near Washington Walworth Reuben H. Chancellor of State, when in city at J. M. Davison's * Wands John, mason, 359 State Wands Thomas O. printer, 77 Ferry Wands Burgess, 52 Payette Wands William, 54 Philip Ward John C. carpenter, 166 Lydius Ward Mrs. Sarah, 71 Jackson. , Ward Edward, 239 Market Ward James Y. teamster, Third above Swan, Arbor Hill Ward Henry, jr. boards at ChurchilPs Ward James, laborer, 64 Schuyler Ward William, tinsmith, Rensselaer Ward Patrick, laborer, 162 Orange Ward J. M. physician, cor. n. Pearl and Canal, res. 66 n. Pearl Ward Miss Hannah, tailoress, 146 Lydius Warden Samuel,"laborer, Arbor Hill, n. Lumber Wardwell 6c Bardwell, crockery merchants, 66 Slate Wardwell J. H. 18 n. Pearl Warden Abraham H. blacksmith, 91$ Market Warford Eli, BulPs Head Tavern, corner Washing­ ton and Lark Warner and Boynton, hook-binders, corner State and Pearl, over Apothecaries' Hall Warner Elias, general agent, &c. 81 State, res, 40 n. Pearl Warner William J. cor. Lydius and Rose Warner Owen, produce-buyer, and weigher and mea­ surer, 242 Washington Warner Ebenezer C. Schenectady Turnpike Warner, widow Ann, 261 Washington Warren George, dealer in hardware, 22 Market, h. 71 Division 20 230 Warren, widow Sally, 24 Fayette Warren Clement, 62 Water Warren Hannah, 14 William Warpson Frederic, carpenter, Schenectady Turnpike Warwick Thomas, moulder, 97 Schuyler Wasner Adam, 176 Broad Wasson John 0- 207 Stale Wasson James D. h. 16 Fayette, cor. Hawk « Wasson John B. 16 Fayette Wasson George W. 16 Fayette Wasson Christopher C. 16 Fayette Waterbury R. P. 101 Broadway Waterman Robert, boot and shoe store, 49 Market, h. 53 s. Pearl Waterman Isaac, shoemaker, 14 Pine Waterman George, (W. & W.) res. 20 Jay Waterman, widow Ruth, 63 Washington Waterman Jeremiah, merchant, 63 Washington Waterman John G. 2 Dallius Waterman Robert, chairmaker, 44 Fayette Waterman Mrs. Sarah, 45 Maiden lane Waters Samuel A. stock manufacturer, 91$ Market, boards at American Waters Alexander, 94 Herkimer Waters James, shoemaker, 93 William Waters James, shoemaker, 43 Van Zandt Waters Alexander, grocer, 68 Quay, res. 94 Herki­ mer Waterson Benjamin, leather dresser, 45 Lumber Watkins Theophilus, produce dealer, 245 Washing­ ton Walrous B. P. merchant, 12 Broadway, residence 19 Steuben Watson Stephen, sexton St. Peter's Church and su­ perintendent of public vaults, 29 Lodge Watson S. V. R. 4 High Watson William K. bds. 66 Hudson HOFFMAN S ALBAtJY DIRECTORY. 23l

Watson William & Co. leather dealers, 24 State, h. 11 Patroon Watson Mrs. Ann, grocer, 191 s. Pearl Watson George C. emperor of all barbers, dressing rooms Washington Hall Watson William, 24 State, h. 82 Columbia Watson Thomas, clothing store, corner Market and State, h. 24 Liberty Watson Miss Lydia, boarding-house, 21 Hudson Watson William, laborer, Patroon continued Watson Samuel, carpenter, 131 Broad Watson Stephen T. grocer, 313 Washington n. Branch Watson Bazzel, carpenter, 5 Swan Watson S. V. R. & Brother, dealers in dry goods, 80 Stale Watson Robert, 4 High Watson P. V. tailor, 23 Spring Watson Simeon, cartman, 23 William Watson William, 90 Columbia Watson Peter, oilcloth maker, 73 Beaver Weafle Peter, laborer 39 Clinton Weasner A. cabinetmaker, 230 Washington Watts Horace, coachman, Ten Broeck , Waugh Elizabeth, 320 Washington, «. Branch Weaver, widow Mary, 42 John Weaver Nicholas, cartman, 58 Lawrence Weaver Isaiah L. clerk, 57 Church Weaver Stephen, carpenter, 60 Rensselaer Weaver Henry, laborer, Elk near Swan Weaver John, boarding-Jiouse, 60 Franklin Weaver John, 73 s Pearl Weaver Hamilton, carpenter, 66 Lumber Weaver William, gToc'er, Market, opposite railroad, res. 60 Franklin Weaver Daniel L. furrier, 4 Rose Weaver Daniel Q. 4 Rose 232 HOFFMAN _ ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Weavderheld Ernst, rear 138 s. Pearl Webb-(Henry L.) & Douglass (Alfred) importers oi china, glass-and earthenware, 51 State WebhHenry L. bds. Eagle Tavern Webb Henry B. carpenter, 56 Rensselaer Webb Henry Y. jun. 6 William Webb Henry Y. sen. 278 Washington, s. Branch Webb James, tailor, 36 Herkimer Webb Thomas, butcher, 6 William Webster Horace B. attorney, &e. 41 Broadway, It. 41 Hawk Webster Joseph H. livery stable, 28 William, res 11 Norton Webster Henry W. shoe store, 85 s. Pearl Webster Matthew H.-53 Lydius Webster Sarah, widow of George, 41 Hawk Webster William, mason, 49 Second, Arbor Hill Webster WilIiam,*-!7 William Webster George B. 41 Hawk Webster, widow Eliza, 284 Washington Weed Thurlow, editor Albany Evening Journal and State Printer, office 71 State, h. 100 Hudson Weed James B. printer, 100 Hudson Weed George W. attorney, commissioner of deeds, &c. 4$ Broadway, h. 72 n. Pearl Weed Grant, 55 Van Schaick * Weed Cadjo, laborer, 5 Lawrence Weeks Gilbert, 53 Lawrence Weil Ferdinand, cor. Herkimer and Franklin Weir Robert H. ropemaker, 44 Second, Arbor Hill Welch Peter, baker, 45 Water Welch Morgan L. blacksmith, 255 Washington Welch Charles, blacksmith, 255 Washington Welch, widow Thomas, 100 Beaver Welch Bartholomew T. pastor of Second Baptist Church, h. 52 Westerlo Welch John, carpenter, Lydius, near Knox HOFFMANNS ALBANY DIRECTORY. 233

Welch James, carpenter, 46 s. Pearl Welch Edward, 316 Washington, n. Branch Welch James, carpenter, 40 Van Zandt Welch John, brewer, 10 Broad Welch Patrick, laborer, 63 Arch Welch Nicholas, laborer, 61 William Welch David, grocer, corner of Lodge and Maiden lane Welch Isaac L. 63 Colonie Welden James, agent, 211 s. Pearl Weller James, potter, 265 Washington Weller Nicholas, furrier, 223 Washington Welsh & Cuyler, dealers in provisions, 12 Exchange Welsh George W. 63 Colonie Wellington Matthew, 12 Pine Wellington Jonas C. baker, 397 State Wellings John, manufacturer of bronze lamps, 64 Herkimer, res 62 Herkimer Wells Thomas D. 40 Westerlo Wells & Wait, wholesale dealers in boots and shoes, 6 Market Wells Hezekiah, (W. & W;) 110 Green Wells Agur, shoe store, cor." State 6c Market, h. 40 Westerlo Wells Robert H- attorney, &c. 67 State, residence 40 Weslerlo Wells Daniel A. contractor, 53 Van Schaick Wells Sidney, 43 Lark Welle Henry, 108 Green Wells Isaac, waterman, 15 John Wemple James, blacksmith, 305 s. Pearl Weraple John D. W. coachmaker, 42 Division, res. 30 Broad Wendell Cornelius (Vance & W.) editor of Atlas, Law Buildings, res. 84 Broadway Wendell Henry, laborer, 111 Snipe Wendell Peter, physician, 7 Academy Park 20* 234 HOFFMAN 8 ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Wendell Herman, physician, 7 Academy Park Wendell John L. 44 ri. Pearl Wen'dell William, watchmaker, 44 State, residence 84 Broadway Wendell Mrs< C. boarding house, 84 Broadway Wendell John I. 40 Lydius Wendell James L. 7 Academy Park Wendell Philip, 108 State Wensley Richard T. carpenter, 295 Washington, n. Branch Wendrem Benjamin, painter, 107 Washington Wensley John, carpenter, Slate, near Knox Wentworth Gibbons, tinker, 78 Lawrence Wentworth Henry, cartman,. 43 Water Wesley Edward, 30 Jay » Wes"t Rensselaer, miller, 310 Broadway West Miss Mary, boarding house, 54 Water West Edward, porter house,164 Washington West John, laborer, 24 Montgomery West Ezra C. 310 Broadway West & Brownell, provision store, 4 Exchange West, Miss Janet, milliner, 23 Steuben West George, 46 Van Schaick Westeimer Abram, pedler, 24 Clinton Westen G. N. tailor, 81 Broadway. Westerlo E. 41 K. Pearl Westerlo Rensselaer, attorney, dec. 41 n. Pearl Westervelt Gerrit, botanic physician, 119 Broadway Weston, widow Sarah, 148Orange Wetsell Jacob, machinist, 128 Beaver, Whale CharlesF. 4s. Pearl Whale William, professor of dancing, class room Knickerbacker Hall, h. 4 Van Tromp Whalen B. B. proprietor National Garden, 234 and 236 Bro_.dh)r..y Whalen Thomas, 73 Lumber Whalen Nicholas, 76 Lawrence HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 335

Whalen William, cartman, 72 OrSnge Whalen Jeremiah, 101 Eagle Whalen Michael, blacksmith, 38 Arch Whalen William, laborer, 51 n. Lansing Whalen Owen, __>. end Van Woert Whalen Darbey, laborer, 140 Lydius Whalen Michael, laborer, 180 Lydius Wharton & Hall, druggists, 46 Market Wharton William A.T05 Hudson . Wheaton, Hammond & Doolittle, attorneys, &c. 83 State Wheaton Henry G. district attorney, h. 174 State Wheeler, Dr. U. H. office 97 s. Pearl, residence 104 Herkimer * Wheeler William, cartman, 70 Grand Wheeler Horace R. grocer, 239 s. Pearl Wheeler, Mrs. cor. Lark and State Wheeler, Mrs. Harriet, 53 Liberty Whelan William, grocer, 175 Green Whelpley Heman C. attorney, &c. 67 State, res. Grand, head of Westerlo Whelpley James M. attorney, 67 State, bds. Re­ publican IJotel * Whipple Barnum, res. cor. Market and Westerlo Whipple Solomon, dealer in lumber, 13 De Witt' Whipple A. D. L. student at H.'G. Wheaton's office Whipple William, chairmaker, 131 Beaver Whipple Christopher, Tivoli Whipple James, Tivoli Whipple Lewis, 253 s. Pearl Whitbeck Henry, dry goods store, 95 Market, res. 72 Herkimer Whitbeck Nicholas, 84 Broadway Whitbeck John, boarding house, 35 Dean White, William & Andrew, & Visscher, book and job printers, 75 State White Andrew, (W. 6c A.) Alderman Fifth ward, 87 Columbia 236 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

White .Frederic W. res. 24 Van Zandt White Mrs. 21 Lodge While N. B. B. dry goods store, 34 Broadway, res. 66 Hudson White James," carpenter, 110 Water White John G. maltster and hop-inspector, malt house Slate continued, h. 161 Washington White William, (W. & A.) 89 Columbia White Peter, laborer, 27 Van*Woert White Russel M. ship carpenter, 111 Canal White John, mason, 42 Montgomery White James R. brickmaker, 240 Lydius White, widow Martha, 158 Orange White Joel, Pearl-street Lunch, 79 S. Pearl White Benjamin, 9 Liberty White John, ship carpenter, 20 Lumber White F. W. block and pumpmaker, 2 Division, h. 24 Van Zandt White William D. attorney, office Commercial Build­ ings, bds. American Hotel White Isaac, (W. & W.) 90 Market While 6c Waterman, clothing store, 90 Market White William, laborer, 57 Church White Nathaniel, bookbinder, 77 Ferry White Harrison, printer, 107 Orange White Charles, 17 John White & Morgan, dealers in dry goods, 62 Broadway White Martin, laborer, 243 Broadway While George J. contractor, 307 Broadway White George, bds. American Hotel White, widow Cynthia, Hawk, s. Lydius White Isaac, carpenter, 11 Fayette White, widow Matilda, 160 Green White William H. shoemaker, 127 Green While Andrew & William, proprietors Evening Jour­ nal, 71 State -HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. * 237

Whitesides James, 31 Second Arbor Hill Whitesides, widow Catharine, 31 Second, Arbor Hill Whitely James, laborer, 140 Green Whittecar Joseph, skipper, 19 Ferry Whitlier Michael, silver-plater, 64 Church Whitlock Robert, lumber merchant, office 44 Pier and cor. Water and Quackenbush, h. 13 Patroon Whitney Hezekiah W. 67 Beaver Whitney (Chauncey) •& Cluett, (John) tin and shtfet iron workers, 18 Beaver Whitney Chauncey,alderman Fourth ward, 18 Beaver Whitney James F. grocery and provision store, 148 and 150 Water, n. side Canal Basin, h. 37 Lawrence Whitney James, shoemaker, shop 37 s. Pearl, h. 5 Plain Whitney Selick, harbor-master, 20 Dallius Whitney William, manufacturer of hames, black­ smith, &c. 84 and 86 Green Whitney John, G. watch-case maker and jeweller, 98 State Whitney Charles V. harnessmaker, 55 Colonie Whitney James, saddle and harnessmaker, 55 Colonie Whitney Ezra S. 3 Montgomery Whitney Asa, 18 Broad Whitney Amaziah, carpenter, 37 Church Whitney William W. 18 Broad Whitney James A. 5 Plain Whitney Edward, saddler, 64 Washington Whitney Charles, bds 66 Hudson Whitney Walter, trunkmaker, 62 Beaver Whitney Isaiah, 70 Lawrence Whitney Isaac, 9 Colonie Whitney William R. 37 Westerlo Whiton William H. 84 Pier, res. 19 Steuben Wickes Eliphalet, (P. W. & Co.) 13 Hudson, bds. 259 Broadway 238 • HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.

Wickes Jonas, deputy county clerk, office City-Hall h. 8 Van Schaick Wickes W. H. at clerk's office, residence 32 Spring Wickes Henry N. 1 Wendell Wickes N. S. Dagguerotype rooms, 18 Douw's Build­ ings, res. 34 Green WickesSilas R. 8 "Van Schaick Wickes Chauncey B. 8 Van Schaick Wickes Alfred, 8 Van Schaick Wickam Henry, cartman, 99 Orange Wickham Elias, cartman, 107 Canal Wier Catharine, 153 n. Pearl Wier John, ropemaker, Swan, near Arbor Hill Wiggins Charles, tailor, 122 Broadway Wiggins'John, slater, 19 Park Wightman John H. N. 7 Dewitt Wilbur & Selkirk, grocers, corner Church and Ly­ dius Wilbur Rensselaer, (W. 6c S.) res. 22 Lydius Wilcox George, gardener, Third, Arbor Hill corner Swan Wilcox William, butcher, Lydius, opposite Knox Wilcox James, carpenter, 81 Lawrence Wilder John N. 53 State, h. 36 n. Pearl Wilder Augustus, 47 Union Wilder R. bds. United States Hotel, 91 Washington Wilder Caleb, dry goods merchant, 10 Broadway Wildman William W. house 51 Fayette Wiles R. P. dry goods, corner s. Pearl and Hudson Wiles Lewis, 103 s. Pearl Wiles Thomas H. 103 s. Pearl Wiles R. P; & T. H. dry goods, 75 State Wiles Robert P. 103 s. Pearl Wiley William, 23 Franklin Wiley James, laborer, Washington, n. Branch Wilkes John, printer, 31 Fayette Wilkes Edward, printer, 31 Fayette HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 239

Wilkes, widow Susan, 31 Fayette Wilkins Henry, shoemaker and grocer, w. side Little Basin, 177 Montgomery Wilkinson Ann, 231 s. Pearl Wilkinson Jacob, distiller and rectifier, 25 Dean, h. 43 Swan v Will, widow, Herkimer continued Will Frederick, cabinetmaker, Westerlo continued Willard Edwin D. 97 Church Willard Thomas S. 21 Green Willard John, Treasurer's office, State-Hall, res. Strawberry Hill, Washington Willett Edward S. attorney, &c.48 State, res. 301 s. Pearl Williams John, stove-mounter, 207 Green Williams Eliakim, printer, 11 Lancaster Williams , 43 Washington Williams Henry A. forwarding merchant, 75 Divi­ sion Williams C. P. lumber dealer and agent for Ithaca line, 84 Pier, bds. Temperance House Williams, widow of Israel, 23 Columbia Williams, Mrs. Harriet A. dressmaker and children's fancy clothing store, 36 Green Williams John, shoemaker, 36.Howard Williams John H. 9 n. Pearl Williams Zachariah, tailor, Bassett Williams William G. provision store, 311 Washing­ ton, s. Branch Williams Robert E. 21 High Williams Henry, laborer, Third, above Swan Williams James B. 36 Green . Williams, widow of Elisha, mantuamaker, 11 Lan­ caster Williams Daniel, lumber piler, 46 Water Williams Piatt, physician, 140 and 142 Broadway Williams Richard, carpenter, 67 Eagle 240 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. ;

Williams John H. merchant, 24 High Williams Robert; potter, 143 Spring Williams Thomas, shoemaker, 249 Washington Williams, Miss Harriet, 92 Columbia . Williams Thomas, mason, w. end Van Woert Williams Moses, 10f> Broad Williams John, 31 Philip Williamson, widow Agnes, 45 Second, Arbor Hill Williamson John G. book agent, 162 s. Pearl Williamson Barney, cartman, 118 s. Pearl Williamson Andrew, 220 s. Pearl Williamson James, shoemaker, 11 Lawrence Williamsin John, laborer, 14 Van Zandt Willis Martin, keeper of Rialto, cor. Exchange and Dean Wills Jacob, cabinetmaker, 338 Lydius Willy L. shoemaker, 230 Washington Wilson L. G. commission lumber dealer, office n. Ferry, res. 243 Broadway Wilson Stephen L. 63 n. Pearl Wilson Charles, 63 n. Pearl Wilson, James, dry goods and family store, corner Chapel and Van Schaick Wilson John, wool dealer, rear 12 Union Wilson Jease P." keeper Park House, 27 Hudson Wilson John Q. attorney, 6_c. office 5 Exchange, res. 63 n. Pearl Wilson James, skipper. Swan, Arbor Hill Wilson, widow Elizabeth, 100 Canal Wilson Abraham F. (Pruyn, Wilson & Vosburgh,) h. 51 Spencer Wilson Jamss A. 73 Division Wilson James, laborer, cor. n. Pearl -and Wilson Wilson Benjamin, 211 Broadway Wilson (James A.) & Monteath, (Peter,) merchants, 48 Quay Wilson George W. shoemaker, 57 Canal t HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 317

Wilson George, grocer, 174 s. Pearl Wilson Alexander, pilot, 2 Norton Wilson Benjamin, 206 Broadway Wilson (Benjamin) & Grimwood, (J. C.) grocers, 50 Quay Wilson Robert, shoemaker, 46 Van Schaick Wilson Thomas, shoemaker, 93 Orange, Wilson Thomas, pilot, 109 Orange Wilson William, 18 Second, Arbor Hill Wilson James, Lydius opposite Kitox Wilson John, physician and druggist, 21 s. Pearl, res. 15 Van Schaick Wilson John A. grocer, 217 Broadway Wilson Stewart, 65 Green Wilson John, shoe-store, 133 Broadway Wilson William, coachman, Third, Arbor Hill Wilson William, 154 Montgomery Winants Josiah, 18 Van Schaick Winants Josiah E. soap and candle manufactory 22 Chapel, res. 18 Van Schaick Winchell Mrs. Esther, milliner, 81 State Winchester Samuel, constable, 33 Dewitt Wing Joel A. phys-ciaa, nffir.p. 1 Washington, res. 6 Capitol Park _ ___. Wing Jonathan K. flour and grain store, 90 Quay, res. 7 Dallius Wing Patrick, 10 Columbia Wing Albert, Washington Hall Winn Nathaniel, fruit store, 127 Green Winn, widow Ann, 17 Van Tromp Winne William B. post-office messenger, 63 Orange Winne John & Co. cabinetmakers and upholsterers, 15 n. Peari, opposite Baptist Church, res. 14 Park Winne, widow of Peter, 9 Broad Winne John L. 204 Broadway 21 318 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. ,

Winne Jacob J. chandler, Jackson, residence 55 Jackson Winne Jacob L. soap and candle manufactory, 58 Jackson, alderman Sixth ward, residence, 137 n. Pearl Winne William B. chairmaker, 95 State, house 32 Fayette Winne Giles K. printer, 38 Patroon Winne Daniel D. 287 Washington, s. Branch Winne Isaac, 266 s. Pearl Winne Elizabeth, grocer, 253 s. Pearl Winne S. Third, near Swan, Arbor Hill Winne Simon P. carpenter, 47 First, Arbor Hill Winne Gerrit L. boot and shoe store, 202 Broadway Winne Gilbert, 211 Green Winne Jellis, jr. cashier of Albany Bank, res. 93 Broadway Winne David P. 38 Ferry Winne William I. merchant, 114 and 116 s. Pearl Winne Daniel.K. 63 n. Lansing Winne David, waterman, 211 Green Winne Walter, waterman, 211 Green Winslow Richard, 276 Broadway Winthrop Jacob, carpenter, 5 Park Witheck Cornelius V. Mechanics' Hall 265 Broadway Withers Francis, engineer, 94 Arch Wisely James, laborer, 53 Jackson Wish J. Schenectady Turnpike Witt Merrick, blacksmith, 41 Lark Wittram, widow, grocer, 5 Church Wolcott Israel S. 170 Broadway Wolf Isaac, 166 Broad Wood Bradford R. attorney, &c. 59 State, res. 149 Washington Wood Abraham, shoemaker,'89 Hamilton Wood William, laborer, 306 s. Pearl Wood Henry, laborer, 67 Clinton HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 319

Wood Elizabeth, 39 Beaver Wood, widow Sarah, 15 Dallius Wood Ann, 132 Lydius Wood John F. bds. 25 Hamilton Wood Anna, 69 s. Pearl Wood Jackson D. bds. Clinton Hotel Wood Peter, carpenter, 93 Beaver * Wood Thomas J. grocer, Little Basin, residence 41 Colonie Wood Eliphalet, 1 High Wood Mrs. milliner, 19 Beaver Wood George, printer, 50 State Wood Moses, provision dealer, cor. Hawk and Wash­ ington, res. 29 Hawk Wood James S. clerk, 29 Hawk Wood Robert, pianoforte-maker, Hudson to. of Lark Wood Eliza, nurse, 27 Van Woert Wood John S. dentist, office and res. 34 Eagle Wood Barnahas, book-agent, res. 34 Eagle Wood Walter A. 1 High Wood Aaron, 352 Lydius Wood James, laborer, 40 Van Schaick Wood Jonathan, 28 Ferry Woods Thomas, laborer, 58 Arch Woods James, 76 Canal Woodbridge, Mrs. Sarah, 46 s. Pearl Woodburn Lewis, 175 Broadway Woodburn, (Lewis) Smith (William) & Co. (W. G. Dey Ermand,) wholesale dealers in dry goods, 35 & 37 State Woodbury, widow Hannah, 85 Bleecker Woodhall William, carpenter, 78 Ferry Woodruff Halsey, mason, dealer in lime and plaster, cor. of Plain and Hallenbake, h, 72 Division Woodruff Samuel M. attorney, &c. residence 173 Broadway Woodruff Cyrus L. mason, 30 Grand 320 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY. Woodruff David, mason, 14 Broad Woodruff (Samuel M.) & Young, (William A-) at­ torneys, &c. 4 Exchange Woodward Kline, printer, 33 Dean Woodworth John, carpenter, 181 Orange Woodworth David, 67 Lumber Woodworth, widow Abigail, 71 Lumber Woodworth Thomas J. guilder, 49 Canal Woodworth Hon. John, office 36 Maiden-lane, h. 25 n. Pearl Woodworth John R. at City Hotel Woodworth Reuben, carpenter, 100 Washington Woolenman A. fruit store, 124 Broadway Woolensack Charles, porter house, 7 Howard Woolensack Andrew, 80 Beaver Wooley Colin R. cedar cooper, 120 Washington, h. 118 Washington Woolford William W. Farmer's Inn, 30 Washington Woolhouse Joseph R. painter, 8 Pine Wolverton H. M. boards 25 Hamilton Wolverton Edward, 25 Hamilton Wolverton George A. 61 Union Wooster, widow Susannah, 16 s. Lansing Wooster David, grocer, corner of Union and Lydius Worcester John, wholesale grocer, 10 State, res. 97 Eagle Worden Alexander, 53 Hudson Wormer, widow Mary, 287 Washington, s. Branch. Wormer Peter V. dealer in dry goods and groceries, 15 Washington . Wormer Ralph, brickmaker, 158 Hudson Wormer John, wheelwright, 95 Washington Worth David, 111 Broadway Worth William E. 22 Bleecker Worthington & Davis, wholesale grocers, 12 State Worthington Denison, 60 Howard Wright William, high constable, 95 Orange HOFFMAN S ALBANY DIRECTORY. 321

Wright Samuel, cartman, ri. Ferry Wright William, laboser, 339 Lydius Wright John, shoemaker, 184 Market Wright Nathaniel, importer and manufacturer of coach and saddlery hardware, 15 Market, bds. Mansion House Wright Roswell, 133 Hudson Wright George, veterinary surgeon, 358 Lydius Wright John, grocer, 11 Washington Wright John, 14 s. Lansing Wright W. W. 51 Colonie Wright, Hill & Cowan, attorneys, &c. 59 State Wright D. attorney, &c. 59 State, res. 27 Quacken­ bush Wright, widow Paulina, rear 75 Arch Wright Henry, grocer and stone measurer, 231 Mar­ ket, res. 15 Ferry- Wright Thomas, (Relyea, Wright & Anderson,) 70 Division Wright John, mason, Lydius, iv. of Lark Wright George, shoemaker, 26 Quay Wright Theodore, barber, 6 Beaver Wftghtson Thomas, jun. printer, 8 Van Tromp Wrightson Thomas, shoemaker, 8 Van Tromp Wybourn John, milkman, Patroon'continued Wybourn John, 284 Washington Wyckoff Rev. Isaac N. pastor Middle Dutch Church, 34 Beaver Wyman Horace, attorney, 125 State, residence 53 Maiden lane Wynkoop James I. clerk in Comptroller's office, res. 15 Dallius Wynkoop Harman G. Stanwix Hall, Maiden lane, h. 14 Orange Wynkoop Jacob, City Lunch, cor, s. Pearl and Ly­ dius, res. 75 s. Pearl • . 21* 322 HOFFMAN'S ALBANY DIRECTORY.


YATES JOHN C. attorney, &c. office 92 State, h. 106 State Yates Eliza, widow of J. V. N. 106 State Yates Christopher C. physician, 82 Hudson Yates Frederick, 1 Clinton square, 88 n. Pearl Yates, widow Rachel, 68 Eagle Yates, Mrs. J. W. 1 Clinton square, 88 n. Pearl Yates Richard, 91 Orange Yates Metcalfe, 1 Clinton square, 88 n. Pearl Yates William, attorney, &c. coal office, corner of Water and Quay, res. 16 Orange Yates William W. 61 Colonie Yates Henry, livery stable, Montgomery above Co­ lumbia, res. 91 Orange Yates Richard, Western turnpike Yates (Frederick L.) Bleecker (Charles N.) & Co. (John H. Bogart) wholesale dealers in hardware, 26 and 28 Slate Yates Benjamin, coppersmith, 136 s. Pearl Yates Benjamin*, jr. 136 s. Pearl Yates Joseph, 136 s. Pearl Yates John, 11 Beaver Yates Hiram, currier, 61 Division Yates Giles F. attorney,

Young Ely, (Y. & S.) 100 Green Young Sidney, grocer, 102 Beaver Young William J. physician, 130 Broadway, res. 22 Canal Young John, 19 Lumber Young James, cooper, 10 Denniston . Young John H. painter, 196 Spruce Young George, upholsterer, 67 Hamilton Young John L. exchange office, Exchange Building, res. 45 Hudson Young, widow Abbey M. 3011 s. Pearl Young Charles, gardener, Lydius continued Young Philander, 209 State YOUNG MEN'S ASSOCIATION, 7, 9 and 10 first floor Exchange Building Younger William, 23 Lodge Yout James, boards at Montgomery Hall z. Zegle Andrew, furrier, boards at Northern Hotel Zeh David, 7 High Zilman John, brickmaker, 145 Lumber Zielman Gabriel, 145. Lumber Zielman John A. carpenter, 179 n. Pearl Zimuier Washington, 86 Broadway Zebra Sylvia, fortune teller, 118 Lydius