Exploiting MS Windows for SAS Version 6.10

John Asa Price, Mark W. Cates, SAS Institute Inc., Cary NC


This paper describes features of the SAS® Using the Preferences dialog box, you can: System in Release 6.10 that allow the • Control scroll bars exploitation of the features available under • Activating the status line with Message Line andlor the Windows . control bar The goal of the paper is to show users of the • Controling menu style (popup or command~ine) SAS System for the • Activating the command line or command bar features and customization options that • Activating the tool bar or toolbox enable the SAS System to work natively on • Setting default insert mode PC platforms. See the section "Customizing Your SAS Session" in Microsoft Windows INTRODUCTION Environment:Changes and Enhancements to the SAS System. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the features provided by the CONFIGURING YOUR GUI SAS System under Microsoft Windows, Re· lease 6.10. You should view this paper as a cursory introduction to these features but While most PC users expect an interactive you will need to refer to the SAS Companion method to configure the SAS GUI, this is for the Windows Environment, Version 6, not enough control for the SAS/AF pro· First Edition and Microsoft Windows grammers. Commands exist for all the in· Environment: Changes and Enhancements teractive . Also, additional com· to the SAS System.(Pub # 55107) for more mands exist to control the appearance or details. This paper summarizes: behavior of the SAS AWS and the SAS application windows. These commands al· • Configuring the SAS AWS low you to create applications using the • Using and modifying the Toolbar SAS System and then remove any trace of • Registering Common Applications the SAS System creating the appearance of • Printing a stand·alone application. • Using MCI, the Medial Control Interface There are several options and commands Using ODBC • that allow you to control the SAS AWS. Using and accessing Remote Data Libraries • These include: • Sending electronic using the Data Step and • NOAWSMENUMERGE removes common menu SCl items from the SAS AWS menu bar Using OLE version 1.0 features • • NOAWSMENU removes SAS AWS menu bar Online SAS Samples • • AWSCONTROL removes system controls such as Accessing Winhelp • the title bar, system menu, minima:e and maximize • Calling External Dlls buttons • Importing and Exporting Graphics data • AWSTITLE specifies the title to use on the SAS AWStitJebar • AWSDEF controls the location and size of the SASAWS • AWSMINIMIZE minimizes the SAS AWS • AWSMAXIMIZE maximizes the SAS AWS • AWSRESTORE restores the SAS AWS

608 The option SASCONTROL eliminates the DLGOPEN and DLGSAVE allow you to con­ system controls from SAS application win­ trol the file filters each display by adding a dows. SASCONTROL NOSYSTEMMENU FILTER = "·.ink ·.doc". This adds a filter for eliminates the system menu and SASCON­ both .ink and .doc files. Specifying the RE­ TROL NOMINMAX eliminates the minimize PLACE parameter will remove all the de­ and maximize buttons. This option changes fault filters. $FILTERLIST initially controls all existing SAS application windows as well the filters displayed in the default Open and all windows created after submitting the op­ Save As dialogs. Use $FILTERLIST "·.ink tions statement. ·.sav" to add these filters to the dialogs.

You can add your own icons with the option Using the Tool Editor, you can create mUl­ USERICON. This feature is available with tiple tool sets and save each to a different SAS/AF and SAS/EIS® software. To use, SAS catalog entry. Then using the TOOL­ create a frame entry using SAS/AF soft­ LOAD command, you can programmatically ware. Make or fill a region with an icon. load each tool set as necessary. The syntax From the attributes screen, select the cur­ is "toolload li­ rent icon . Then, select the "user-de­ bref.catalog.member". You can also use fined" radio button. If you have specified an the TOOLCLOSE command to program­ matically close a toolbox. In addition, if you icon resource file with USERICON, clicking are using the toolbox instead of the tool bar, on the radio button displays all of your the TOOLDEF command allows you to con­ icons. Clicking on the "sas-supplied" radio trol the initial location of the toolbox. button allows you to use any of the icons provided by the SAS System. COMMAND controls the command bar. The syntax for this command is With the option $SASICON, you can over­ 'COMMAND . Specifying WINDOW creates a The syntax of this option is: command dialog and ''title'' overrides the ti­ $SASICON userlnouser normal busy tle of the dialog. Specifying BAR creates Where: the command bar and CLOSE removes user use the DLL specified by USERICON either the command dialog or the command nouser use sasvicon.dll as the resource file bar. nOfTTlal identif!ef of the normal icon busy identifier of the busy icon The command WSTATUSLN controls the status line. Tuming off the status line cre­ The following commands invoke SAS sup­ ates message lines in all SAS application plied dialogs: windows. Tuming on the status line creates .DLGABOUT About dialog the status line in its last active state and de­ • DLGCDIR Change directory dialog stroys message lines in. the SAS application • DLGENDR Exit SAS dialog windows. The syntax of this option is: • DLGFIND Find dialog WSTATUSLN [ON I OFF] [ALL I MSG=% I CDIR=%] Fonts Selection dialog • DLGFONT Where: • DLGLlNKS OLE Links dialog ON turns on the status line • DLGOPEN Open dialog OFF turns off the status line • DLGPRT Print dialog ALL enables both the message and current • DLGPRTSETUP Printer Setup dialog directory portion Save As dialog • DLGSAVE MSG enables only the message portion of the • DLGSMAIL E-mail dialog status line (=% specifies the percentage of the Preferences dialog • DLGPREF status line used by the message area) • DLGREPLACE Replace dialog COIR enables only the current dir~ory portion of Run dialog • DLGRUN the status line (=% specifies the percentage of • TOOLEDIT Tool Edttor dialog the status line used by the c~rrent directory)

609 The option INITCMD allows you to invoke a SAS/AF application without displaying the Program Editor, Log or Output windows. The syntax is: -INITCMD "af c=sasuser.a.a.frame"

The command WHSBAR ONIOFF turns horizontal scroll bars on or off for all SAS applications windows. The commandWVS­ BAR ONIOFF turns vertical scroll bars on or off for all SAS applications windows. .

The option LOGO controls the display of the logo screen. Use NOLOGO to suppress the logo screen. You can override the default logo screen that displays by creating a DLL containing your bitmap with an identifier of 1. Simply copy your DLL into sasvlogo.dll in !sasroot/core/sasdll and your logo displays when the SAS System starts. REGISTERING COMMON APPLICATIONS The option EXITWINDOWS will automati­ cally cause the SAS System to exit Win­ You can add applications that you dows when the SAS System exits. This is . commonly use to the FILE pulldown menu. useful for batch programs. You can add up to 8 applications to the file pulldown menu. To register an application, USING AND MODIFYING THE TOOLBAR add the following code to your CONFIG.SAS file: SAS comes with a default tool bar -register 'menu·oame' 'command' {'worKing directory1 The tool bar is completely configurable us­ menu-name is the name that you want to ing the tool editor. The total number of tools appear on the File pull-down menu that you can create increased to 30. You can add or delete both tools and separators. command string to submit to invoke the The separators allow you to logically group application sets of tools. When creating a tool, you specify the tool image, the command asso­ working directory (optional) is the working ciated with the tool and the help text dis­ directory in which the application is to be played on the status line. You specify a tool run. image by either pasting from the clipboard or using the tool browser. The tool browser provides a default set of more than 140 tool PRINTING images. SAS now provides better WYSIWYG print­ ing by automatically setting your formatting options (LINESIZE and PAGESIZE) at in­ itialization time to match the settings of your printer. When you change your printer set­ tings, the SAS System options automatically update so that all future output prints in a WYSIWYG manner. You do not need to use the forms subsystem to. control your margins, fonts or page orientation.

610 The Print Setup dialog is available across USING Mel, THE MEDIA CONTROL all SAS applications and allows you to cus­ INTERFACE tomize your output on the printed page. You specify margins in real measurements like The (MCI) is sup­ inches and centimeters instead of columns ported as an add-on to Release 6.10 on and rows. Microsoft Windows. Mel allows access to various Mel compatible multimedia devices (like CD Player, Mixer, Videodisk Player, etc.). MCI was developed by IBM and Microsoft and provides a standard way to interface to multimedia devices through text commands. OLE can provide access to these devices but an intemnediate application that provides access each device is required. With MCI, no When creating output, you can use any font intemnediate application is required since installed on the printer. You can take advan­ MCI allows direct communication with the tage of the True Type technology available device driver. Additionally, the same text with Windows when generating printed commands are portable between OS/2 and output. Microsoft Windows allowing your SAS program to be portable. Support for MCI is The Print dialog is now the same across provided via the Data Step and/or SAS/AF Screen Control Language (SCl) through a SAS applications. Bringing up the print dia­ user-written function. You can access the log anywhere in SAS is as simple as clicking MCI device either synchronously or on the print tool on your tool bar. When asynchronously. See the Changes and printing graphics through SAS/GRAPH@, a Enhancements to the SAS System for the valid SAS/GRAPH driver initially displays Microsoft Windows Environment for more for you to use. You may choose to select a infomnation. different one for specialized output. After invoking the Print dialog in a graph window, There are two functions in SAS which are all you need do is choose OK. used to provide Mel control:

MCIPISTR: This function submits an MCI string command. The only argument is a valid SAS string. The retum code is a string. Example:

/' This code plays a .wav file on your sound card */ msg - mcipistr'"open wavaudio!c:\windows\bang.wav"t, SAS/GRAPH software provides two types of msg-mcipistr'"play wavaudio"); hard copy device drivers -- the stand-alone RlSg-mcipistr,"cJose wavaudio"'); SAS/GRAPH drivers and the WINPxxx series of drivers. The WINPxxx drivers are MCIPISlP: This function causes the SAS production for Release 6.10 and also known System to wait for a piece of multimedia as the generic printer drivers. The generic equipment to become active. printer drivers use the operating system provided printer drivers to generate graphics /* Wait for the CO player */ data and then pass this data to the Microsoft msg - mcipislpl1l; Windows Print Manager. MCIPISlP«num seconds»

where num seconds is the max number of seconds to wait for the device·to become active.

611 USING ODSC messages, are sent in the form of attach­ ments. Attachments are files that you ODSC is a Windows standard for saved previously, the current contents of the interoperability between databases from Program Editor, Log or Output window, or a different vendors. The system supports this bitmap of the current active application win­ standard as both a client and , dow. allowing data to be retrieved from other databases that support the standard as well as surfacing data sets to PC applications that utilize the interface as clients.

ODSC client support is implemented with the Pass-Through facility used with the SAS/ACCESS® Interface to ODSC. Procedure SOL makes this interface accessible. This pass through engine allows the system to access any ODSC compliant source such as databases and spreadsheet products, through an industry standard SOL interface. The pass through engine requires the lowest level (CORE) of conformance from the ODSC compliant data sources. You can also access E-mail through the ODSC server support is provided through a FILENAME statement using the Device type new product named the SAS ODSC® of EMAIL. The syntax of the FILENAME Driver. This product will allow other statement is: Windows applications to access data sets as an ODSC complient data source. Local access is provided as well as remote access even across multiple platforms. The SAS FILENAME fileref EMAil 'recipients' ; ODSC Driver supports level 1 ODSC Where: compliance. fileref is a valid external file name EMAIL identifies the file to be an E-MAIL For more details on ODSC, you should refer message to "Sharing Enterprise Data with ODSC". 'recipients' is the list of recipients names can be any: of the following SENDING ELECTRONIC MAIL USING TO Overriding list ot recipients THE DATA STEP AND SCL CC List carbon copied recipients E-mail support is available interactively SUBJECT The message's subject through the E-mail dialog or programmati­ ATTACH List of file attachments cally through the DATA step or SCL The support for E-mail is experimental in Re­ For example, this program sends a mes­ lease 6.10. This implementation supports sage to Mac Johnson who has the E-mail id both industry standards VIM (Vendor-Inde­ of mcj. pendent Messaging) and MAP I (Messaging Application Programming Interface). Most FILENAME inform EMAil 'mei' subject=What is wrong'; popular E-mail packages provide support for data_nulL; either VIM or MAP!. file inform attach='c:\sas\config.sas'; put 'Dear Mac,'; The E-mail dialog allows you to enter a note put 'Attached is my confi9.sas file.'; describing the mail message. Data and re­ put 'Could you tell me ¥/hat is wrong with if; ports, which are the actual contents of the run;

612 Additionally. you can embed a set of com­ ACCESS TO THE WINHELP FUNCTION mands in put statements to allow even more Version 6.10 of the SAS system is the first flexibility. These commands are: version to integrate the help components of !EM_SEND Send the message now the native operating system. For Windows, !EM_ABORT Abort the message this means that the SAS System can use lEM_NEWMSG Clear attributes and note field. the WinHelp help viewer. SAS System !EM_TO Override the recipient list is shipped in Win Help format !EM_CC Override the carbon copied list and there are functions available in the SAS System which enable the user to access the !EM_SUBJECT Override the subject field Win Help dll functions directly. !EM_ATTACH Override the attachl'flent fields. The WINHELP function uses the WinHelp For example. the following program reads viewer to display a portion of a help file. the recipient names and sends a different You can author helpfiles in RTF and file attachment depending on the recipient's compile them into a helpfile. then access job title. them via the WINHElP function. As well as providing basic online help in the WinHelp FILENAME rpts EMAIL 'nur subject=Weekly Report·; format, this also provides the functionality of data_nulL; pop-up help which gives the SCl author the file rpls; ability to create Wizard like applications and length name title $ 12; tutorials. input name title; Winhelp'"h·method","h-methodpannl", put'!EM_TO' name; h·methodparm2) if title='marketing' then h-method is one of the 8 help methods put '!EM_ATTACH c:'mrk.rpt'; supported by : else put '!EM_ATTACH c:\dev.rpt'; • HELP CONTENTS put 'Attached is the weekly report'; • HELP QUIT put '!EM_SEND'; • HELP CONTEXT cards; • HELP INDEX mwe marketing • HELP HELPONHELP CZoN development • HELP KEY jqm marketing • HELP CONTEXTPOPUP bsq development • HELP PARTIALKEY run; h-methodparm1 and hmethodparm2 have OLE VERSION 1.0 FEATURES SUPPORT different meanings depending on the value Support for OLE is only available under Mi­ of h-method. See the Microsoft Windows crosoft Windows. Currently. the SAS Sys­ 3.1 Software Development Kit (SDK) for tem provides a container for OLE Objects. details. However. you can emulate a partial server implementation using the Object Packager EXAMPLE application provided by Microsofl Windows. /" This code displays the full screen click·and·learn Through the use of OLE, you can add bit­ .. tour of the sas aws maps, audio, video or other multimedia ob­ '/ jects. etc. to your SAS/AF application. The data _NULL_; implementation of OLE in Release 6.10 is msy = winhelp("HELP _KEY· ;c:\sas\core\winhelp\intro.hlp" OLE 2.0 compatible. ,"tour"); run; ACCESSING ONLINE SAMPLES implementation using the Object Packager The SAS Sample library now comes online in the winhelp files. Through the clipboard, you can submit sample code ttl SAS directly from the WinHelp viewer.

613 ACCESSING EXTERNAL Dll'S select the Command dialog check box in the You can access external Dll's through the Preferences dialog. Another method is to DATA step or SCl by a CALL SUBROU­ choose "Command .. ." on the Globals pull­ TINE. This functionality allows you to ac­ down menu. A third method is to issue the cess either external Dll's that you create SAS OM command "command window or DlL's that you purchase. You can even " where title allows you to control the access operating system Dll's. To use, you title of the command dialog. This method specify the name of the Dll, the function would probably be of most use to SAS/AF name or ordinal, a description of the func­ programmers. The Command dialog pro­ tion's arguments, and a description of the vides a combo box that allows you to either return code. enter commands or select and/or modify commands that you have previously en­ tered. IMPORT AND EXPORT GRAPHICS DATA I The ability to import and export graphic im­ ages to and from files is available. The You can add your own icons to the SAS Graphic Editor in SAS/GRAPH software, System with the -usericon command. This SAS/INSIGHT® and ISHIKAWA procedure feature is available with SAS/AF and in SAS/QC® software supports the ability SASIEIS® software. To use this feature, to export into common PC formats. The im­ create a frame entry using SAS/AF soft­ port ability is available with the Graphics ware. Make or fill a region with an icon. Editor. Some of the supported formats in­ From the attlibutes screen, select the cur­ clude: rent icon button. Then, select the "user-de­ .8MP -bitmap fined" radio button. If you have specified an • WMF - <a href="/tags/Windows_Metafile/" rel="tag">Windows metafile</a> (Windows only) icon resource file with -uselicon, clicking on • MET - metame (OS/2 only) the radio button displays all of your icons. • PBM - X windows format Clicking on the "sas-supplied" radio button • GIF - COMPUSERVE allows you to use any of the icons provided • TIF - Tag Image <a href="/tags/File_format/" rel="tag">File Format</a> by the SAS System. • PCX - PC Paintbrush Another option provided for SAS/AF pro­ grammers is -noawsmenu. This system op­ tion will eliminate the SAS AWS menu. You can then control what commands are available to users of your application. Also new to Release 6.10 is the ability to close the program editor, log and output windows. You can double click on the control menu to close each window, or enter "pgm off", "list off', and "log off" to close the program edi­ tor, output, and log windows respectively. Additionally, the Graphics Editor supports SAS/AF users can also control the creation "Paste" of bitmaps and metafiles from the of application AWS windows. If you invoke clipboard. your application with "af c=sasuser.a.a.frame aws=no", then no AWS TAilORING YOUR SYSTEM application window is created. This option also applies to Institute supplied SAS/AF The Run dialog provides a method to simul­ applications like SAS/ASSIST®. You can taneously execute another application or invoke SAS/ASSIST with "assist aws=no" system command. and the application AWS for SAS/ASSIST is not displayed. Under Microsoft Windows, The Command dialog box allows you to use you can use the "$title titlename" option to a floating command line. You can start this control the title of the SAS AWS window. dialog in several ways. One method is to </p><p>614 The default style of menus is pop-up Printer Setup menus. Use the right mouse button to display your menus. There are several advantages to using pop-up menus instead of menu bars. If you are using the SAS System under OS/2, you have discovered that many other OS/2 applications are using pop-up menus. Under both Microsoft S,aprint device naMe: IFlLE: Windows and OS/2, pop-up menus are ~:::::::=::==~ s,sprint printea- RiIIIIe: IpodScript Printef displayed at the mouse pointe~s current location, eliminating the navigation to the menu bar. No screen space is used since SAS/GRAPH® software provides two types pop-up menus are only displayed upon of hard copy devices drivers - the stand­ demand. Additionally, because Microsoft alone SAS/GRAPH drivers and the Windows 3.1 has a system wide limit of 64K WINPxxx series of drivers. The drivers are of menu resources, running the SAS new for Release 6.10 and also known as the System with menu bars may limit your generic printer drivers. The generic printer ability to create windows; using pop-up drivers use the operating system provided menus requires fewer system resources. printer drivers to generate graphics data and then pass this data to Microsoft Windows PRINTING Print Manager. If new printers become The Print dialog allows you to spool output available that are not currently supported by to the Microsoft Windows Print Manager. the SAS/GRAPH stand-alone drivers, you This dialog allows you to choose what you can always use one of the generic drivers to wish to print access your new printer. • the text contents of the active SAS window • a bitmap of the current active SAS window • a bitmap of the current SAS application workplace To export SAS/GRAPHoutput to other ap­ • a brunap of the entire screen including any non-SAS plications, you can use provided applications that are visible SAS/GRAPH stand-alone drivers to produce • the text contents of the system clipboard external files in common PC formats like • a bitmap of the system clipboard's contents CGM TIFF and HGPL. To create a file on P'lIIt one ~f these formats, specify the appropri­ ate driver name with the TARGET= or DEVICE= option in a GOPTIONS state­ ment. </p><p>You can take advantage of hardware fonts, such as TrueType and Adobe Type Man­ ager fonts, provided by the Microsoft Windows environment. You can use either CHARTYPE= or the FONT= options in IDEFAULT.FoRN r- SAS/GRAPH software to select hardware fonts. For example if you submit: The Printer Setup dialog allows you to de­ fine your default printer and to specify print­ title2 font=Helv "'This is hardware text" ; ing attributes supported by that printer. proc gslide;run; will display your title using the Helvetica hardware font. </p><p>The Font utility (from the SAS AWS menu select Help and then select Utility) provides a method to easily add hardware fonts that </p><p>615 you have purchased to the SAS/GRAPH the DOE server application. Select and copy devices catalog. After adding the fonts to an area from that application into the the catalog, you can use these fonts in your system clipboard. When you select the SAS/GRAPH applications. This utility works DOE triplet message box, the DOE triplet is with the default display driver (OS2 or WIN) displayed. You can then select this string or the generic printer drivers but should not and copy it into a SAS program that is be used with the graphics stand-alone driv­ accessing DOE. Altematively you can use ers. 'FILENAME foo DOE "clipboard'" to access the other application. SHARING DATA Object linking and embedding (OLE) is There are several ways to exchange data similar to DOE in that it is also a client­ between the SAS System and other appli" server method of dynamically exchanging cations. The SAS System supports named data. OLE is only available under Microsoft pipes, unnamed pipes, DOE, OLE and the Windows, and is only supported as a client system clipboard. Additionally, Release by the SAS System. OLE is more powerful 6.10 supports the Media Control Interface as than DOE in that it allows sharing of many an add-on. types of data like graphics, sound, and video. OLE is also more visual than DOE. DynamiC Data Exchange (DOE) is a client­ You can access OLE objects through server method of dynamically exchanging SAS/AF or SAS/EIS software using the data between applications. USing Microsoft FRAME catalog entry type. You insert an Windows for Workgroups allows DOE OLE object into a FRAME screen in the between applications on a network. The same way as you insert a pushbutton or list SAS System supports DOE only as a client. box object. OLE consists of two types of You can request data from server objects - linked objects and embedded ob­ applications, send data to server jects. Object linking means that there is a applications or send remote commands to dynamic link between the server and client serVer applications. You can use DOE with (this is like the HOTLINK option in DOE). the Data step, the SAS macro facility, The client does not contain the data, just in­ SAS/AF applications or any other portion of formation to access the data. This link is the SAS System that requests and gener­ valid only as long as the .Iink's path name is ates data. You can use DOE for a one-time valid. The LINKS dialog will allow you to re­ data transfer or dynamiC data transfer. The pair the link if the pathname becomes inva­ 1i0TLlNK option forces automatic data up­ lid. Object embedding means that the data date. Specifying this option activates the are embedded in the client application. You DOE link each time the data in the specified still use the server to update the object but range are modified. By default, the update the data contents are only modified by a re­ is manual and updates the data only when quest from the client. You also may want to requested by you. Missing values some­ create a static object using OLE. If you times present problems to SAS users of choose this method, you just get a picture DOE. The MISSOVER option prevents a (or bitmap) of the data. There are no av SAS program from going to a new input line tions associated with a static object. if it does not find values in the current line for all the INPUT statement variables. The Although the SAS System only supports values that are not found are set to missing. OLE as a client, you can emulate a partial NOTAB tells the SAS System not to convert server implementation using the Object tabs into blanks so you can use the tab Packager application provided by Microsoft character as the delimiter between the data Windows. You can insert a SAS object, values. which can invoke the SAS System to per­ form a specific function such as generating The DOE triplet item, located on the SAS a graph using a specified dataset, into an­ AWS menu, allows you to view the current other application. Then, invoking this OLE DOE triplet name in the system clipboard. object will start the SAS System and exe­ You can get the information that you will cute the requested statements. need to program your DOE code by starting </p><p>616 The Microsoft Windows clipboard enables should use the V606 engine that is specified you to exchange text and graphics between with the LlBNAME statement. You also can applications. With the clipboard, you can create datasets for Release 6.03 and 6.04 move text between windows within the SAS using the V603 engine or for Release 6.06 System or between the SAS System and USing the V606 engine. other Microsoft Windows applications. The SAS System supports multiple data fomnats. Catalogs created with Releases 6.03, 6.04, Only the SAS System understands the SAS or 6.06 must be converted to 6.10 fomnat. intemal fomnat. This fomnat will allow you to To convert, use the transport procedures preserve the text colors and attributes of CPORT and CIMPORT. You must also use your data when copying it to other SAS the CPORT procedure to convert catalogs windows. CF_ TEXT is another supported between Microsoft Windows and OS/2 un­ fomnat. This fomnat is a generic text fomnat der Release 6.10 since Microsoft Windows supported by most Microsoft Windows appli­ 3.x is a 16-bit system and OS/2 2.x is a 32- cations. Several bitmap fomnats are sup­ bit system. ported by the SAS System like the HELP window, SAS/ASSIST and windows con­ Please refer to the SAS Companion for the taining graphics. Under Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Windows Environment, Version 6, both Bitmap and DIB (device independent First Edition. bitmap) fomnats are supported. Additionally, the metafile fomnat is SAS, SAS/AF, SAS/ASSIST, SAS/EIS, supported in windows that support the SAS/GRAPH, SASIINSIGHT, and SAS/QC GSTORE command. These windows in­ are registered trademarks or trademarks of clude the Graphic Editor in SAS/GRAPH SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other software, SAS/INSIGH~ and ISHIKAWA countries. ® indicates USA registration. procedure in SAS/QC® software. Text can be both copied into and out of the SAS Sys­ Other brand or product names are regis­ tem. However the bitmap fomnats and tered trademarks or their respective com­ metafile fomnat can only be copied out of panies. the SAS System with this release. You can easily detemnine if text or graphics will be stored in the system clipboard. When you select the area (by pressing and dragging the left mouse button), if the area is enclosed with a rectangle, bitmap and/or metafile fomnat will be placed in the clipboard (in HELP and SAS/ASSIST software both text and graph­ ics are stored). If the selected area is dis­ played as reverse video (this is the default - - you can override with a "color mark color attribute" command), then the data will be stored as both SAS intemal text and CF_ TEXT in the system clipboard. </p><p>You can transparently share datasets cre­ ated either using the SAS System under Mi­ crosoft Windows, Release 6.10 or the SAS System under OS/2, Release 6.10. Addi­ tionally either system can read and update datasets created with the SAS System for PCs, Release 6.03 or Release 6.04 and with the SAS System under OS/2, Release 6.06. If you plan to use datasets in Release 6.10 that were created in Release 6.06, you </p><p>617 </p> </div> </article> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" async crossorigin="anonymous" src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?client=ca-pub-8519364510543070"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.1/jquery.min.js" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script> <script> var docId = 'f94ad315f4ab1667d49ce5e004799564'; var endPage = 1; var totalPage = 10; var pfLoading = false; window.addEventListener('scroll', function () { if (pfLoading) return; var $now = $('.article-imgview .pf').eq(endPage - 1); if (document.documentElement.scrollTop + $(window).height() > $now.offset().top) { pfLoading = true; endPage++; if (endPage > totalPage) return; var imgEle = new Image(); var imgsrc = "//data.docslib.org/img/f94ad315f4ab1667d49ce5e004799564-" + endPage + (endPage > 3 ? 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