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«Annual Repart

of The (Roman’s

Poi'eiln Missionary

S o c i e t y

of the

Presbyteriar\ (;f?urcf? ö ä x ( in p v . A - o ' TERRITORY—Synods of , Ohio» ., Baltimore West Virginia, Tennessee, East Tennessee, Alabama, « Mississippi, Atlantic and Catawba.



¿Annual I^eporf

of The (Roman’s

Pofei^n Missionar^

S o c i e t y

of the

Presbyterian Çharçlj

T ER R IT O RY—Synods of New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Baltimore, "West Virginia, Tennessee, East Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Atlantic and Catawba.


P r e s i d e n t . MISS MARGARET E. HODGE. Treasurer. Recording Secretary. MISS SARAH W. CATTELL MRS. WILLTAM WATTERS. First Vice-President. MRS. CHARLES P. TURNER. V ice-Presidents—Philadelphia, Pa. M r s . S. A. M utchm orf., M r s . J. B. H o w e l l , M r s. B. B. Co m eg ys, J r ., " W il l ia m W a t t e r s, “ W . S. St e w a r t , “ A. R . P e r k in s . N on-resident. MRS. R. M. W y l ie , Baltimore, M d. M r s . P e t e r R o be rtso n , Cincinnati, Ohio “ C. C. Do o little , Toledo, Ohio. " H. H. W e l l e s , Wilkes-Barre, Pa. " O. A. H i l l s , Wooster, Ohio. “ C. A. P e r k in s , Knoxville, Tenn. “ D. E . S m a l l , York, Pa. “ S. S. Gilso n , Pittsburg, Pa. [Pa. “ J . P. E. K u m l e r , Washington, D. C. Miss E liz a b e t h W e b s t e r , Mauch Chunk, “ P. H . M o w r y , Chester, Pa. M r s . J ohn A. E w a l t , Loveland, Ohio. “ R. E. Co y l e , Chambersburg, Pa. “ J. B. T u r n e r , Dover, Del. “ D. A. M cK n ig h t, Washington, D. C. ** J ohn T. K e r r , Elizabeth, X. J. Miss C. W. St e w a r t , Spruce Creek, Pa. “ I.Don n ell St e e l e , Birmingham, Ala. M r s . 'Wil l ia m Sp e e r , Washington, Pa. “ W alla c e R a d c l if f e , Washing’«, I).C. . o Honorary Officers. ^ MRS. J. M. FISHBURN. MRS. D. R. POSEY. Hume Secretaries. MRS. E. BOYD WEITZEL, Synodical, Presbyterial and Auxiliary Societies. t MISS MARY E. ALLIS, Young Women’s Societies, Westminster Guilds and ''S' " EVELINA GRIEVES. Christian Endeavor Si'ieties. [Colleges. MRS. T. E. PATTERSON, Bands and Ju nior Endeavor Societies. JAMES ROBERTS, Foreign Missions Extension Department. MISS MARGARET BOYLE, Literature. MRS. EDGAR D. KARIES, (protein) Study Classes. MISS GERTRUDE SCHULTZ, Specific Work. ^ MKS. C. E. MORRIS, Candidates. MISS MARY E. ALLIS, (pro tern) Letters. ^ MRS. WILLIAM WATTERS, Missionary Speakers. MISS RACHEL LOWRIE, Historian. Foreign Secretaries. MRfi:- MATTHEW. KEWKIftC, China. J. D. n OWELfe, Africa, Japan, Persia. A. R. PERKINS, Korea, Siam, Laos, Syria. MISS JANET N. SCOTT, South America, Mexico, Philippines and Hainan. MRS. J. R. SWAIN, India. “ W. BEATTY JENNINGS, Christian Endeavor Missionaries. D ir e c t o r s . M r s . C. P .T u r n e r , 1506 W alnut St. M r s . H a r o ld P e ir c e , Haverford, Pa. N e h k iiu l . 70>j K. 10th Btr “ II. W a l fo r d M a r t in , 1731 N. 16th St. “ S. A. M u tch m o re , 1414 Spruce St. " ,T. R. S w a in , 4103 Chester Ave. J. A. B ogakdus, 4035 Chestnut St. “ T. E. P atterso n , 4032 Green St. “ W m . W a t t e r s, 1433 N. 17th St. “ W. B . J enn in g s, (¡012 Greene St., G’t’n. •• C. E. M o r r is , 2106 Spruce St. M iss M. D. P u k v e s, 501 Witherspoon B ’l ’d. “ A. R. P e r k in s ,302W.Upsal St.,G’t’n. M r s . J . M . H v b b e r t , 401 S. 51st St. “ S. G. B o a rd m a n , Harlsville, Pa. Miss E v e l in a Gr ie v e s , 1004 S. 49th St. M iss J . A. W ilso n , 222 Harvey St., G’t’n. M r s . G. R. C a m p , 513 S. 45th St. K. L o w r ie , 1827 Pine St. " W oo d ru ff J on es, 5303 Germ’t ’n A v e. M r s . B . B . Com egys, J r ., 4426 Larchwood M iss M a r g a r e t B o y l e , The Burlington. Ave. *• M . E . A l l is , 1604 Spruce St, “ E. B . W e it z e l, Ridley Park, Pa. “ Ge r t r u d e S ch u lt z , 4408 Pine St. » . H o w e l l , 108 37. 50th-flt. “ J an et N. S cott, 955-6. m th- “ J . B . A u st in , 242 S. 39th St. Mrs. W. H . Gr e e n e , 823 Preston St. “ J a m e s R o b e r t s, 4318 Pine St. ; “ E d g ar D. F a r ie s , 7806 Cresheim.R’d, Miss M, E. H odge, 319 S. 41st St. Chestnut Hill. Mrs. W . S. S t e w a r t , 1725 Pine St. “ W il l ia m L. Y e r k e s , 2128 K.Gratz St.


Nominations. M iis . H a r o l d P e i r c e , M r s . S. A . M u t c h m o r e , M is s M . D . P u r v e s , “ J . A^ B o g a r d u s , Miss Rachel Lowrie.

Publications. M is s M . D . P u k v e s , M r s . W . S . S t e w a r t , M r s . C . P . T u r n e r , “ W m . W a t t e r s , M is s J. A. W i l s o n , M is s E v e l i n a G r i e v e s , M r s . B. B. C o m e g y s , J r ., “ M a r g a r e t B o y l e . M is s R a c h e l L o w r i e , M r s . S. A . M u t c h m o r e , M rs. Wm. L. Yerkes.

Missionary Candidates. M r s . C. E . M o r r i s , M b s . J. M . H u b b e r t , “ M . N e w k i r k , “ W o o d r u f f J o n e s , “ J . B . H o w e l l , “ H . W . M a r t i n , “ A . R . P e r k i n s , M is s G e r t r u d e S c h u l t z , “ J . R . S w a i n , “ M . E . A l l i s .

Prayer Meetings. M r s . W o o d r u f f J o n e s , M r s . S. G . B o a r d m a n , “ J . R o b e r t s , “ W m . W a t t e r s , “ S. A . M u t c h m o r e , “ T . E . P a t t e r s o n . Mrs. W. H. Grf.en.

F in a n c e . M r s . E . B o v d W e i t z e l , M r s . H a r o l d P e i r c e .

Hospitality and Kooms. M r s . J. B . A u s t i n , M i s s M . E . A l l i s , “ H a r o l d P e i r c e , M r s . W o o d r u f f J o n e s . “ S. G . B o a r d m a n . “ E d g a r D . F a r i e s .

L ib r a r y . M r s G . R. C a m p , M r s . C . E . M o r r i s , Miss J. N. Scott.

Central Committee.

M is s M a r g a r e t E . H o d g e . M r s . A . R . P e r k i n s .

Woman’s Work. Over Sea and Land. M r s . C . P . T u r n e r . M is s E v e l i n a G r i e v e s .

Legal Advisor.

M r . H e n r y S. C a t t e l l .

On all Committees the first person named is the Chairman. FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY

Fourth Biennial Assembly

The Assembly was held in the First Presbyterian Church, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 26-28. T u e s d a y , 2:30.—Mrs. A. E. Perkins presided over the afternoon Session and conducted the Memorial Service for our beloved Presi­ dent, Mrs. Charles Newbold Thorpe, with which the Assembly opened. Mrs. Hugh Gibson made an address of welcome, to which Mrs. Perkins responded, after which a historical sketch, “ Then and Now,” written by Miss Rachel Lowrie, was read by Mrs. Wallace Radcliffe. Miss Gertrude Schultz read the ‘ ‘ Message from the Home Sec­ retaries, 5 ’ prepared by Miss Evelina Grieves. ‘ ‘ The Treasury ’ ’ was presented by Mrs. E. Boyd Weitzel, showing receipts for the year- $181,353.56, an advance of $2,340.20, and accomplished in eleven months. The Foreign Survey for Mexico, South America, the Philippines and Hainan, prepared by Miss Janet 1ST. Scott, was read by Mrs. Swain. The Missionary address was made by Dr. Mary P. Eddy, of Syria, who gave the “ Story of Five Years.” Tuesday Evening — A musical program, followed by a reception to missionaries, officers, delegates and visitors, was given by the Ladies’ of Cincinnati Presbyterial Society. Wednesday, 10 A. M.—Mrs. Wallace Radcliffe presiding, Miss M. E. Allis read the Foreign Survey for China, and Mrs. W. B. Hamilton told of the awakening in that land. The roll-cali of Synodical and Presbyterial Societies was conducted by Mrs. Weitzel. Synodical and Presbyterial Societies responded, being represented by 275 registered delegates. Ten missionaries and two ex-mis­ sionaries were then presented, and as each stepped forward she gave a single note of that “ Call of the World” which had drawn her to her distant field. And trusting one day to be numbered with them were presented two girl candidates who also had heard the call and were preparing to answer it. At 1:15 Mrs. W. C. Butcher, of Ohio, assisted by Miss Boyle, led the Conference for Literature Secretaries. The Afternoon Session was presided over by Mrs. Perkins. “ Our Responsibility to the Young People” was the subject chosen by Mrs. John Miller, of Pittsburg, after which Mrs. J. R. Swain read the report for India and was followed by Mrs. Grant Jones on “ Vil- 4 5 lage Work in the Punjab.” Greeting from our Methodist sisters was brought by Mrs. E. L. Thomas. The Eeport of the C. E. Mis­ sionaries prepared by Mrs. W. B. Jennings was read by Mrs. J. Harvey Lee, and Dr. Mary Noble told of Medical Work in Ludhiana. At 4 P. M. the Conference on Young People’s Work was led by Miss Hodge. The popular meeting of the Assembly was held in the Church of the Covenant, Wednesday evening, Eev. Henry M. Curtis presiding. “ The Condition and Claim of South America” were presented by Mr. Robert E. Spear. The offering for Curytiba, Brazil, amounted to $166.30, which was afterwards increased to $275.22. T h u r s d a y , 10 A. M.—Miss M. E. Hodge presiding. After prayer by Mrs. John M. Gault, of Tenn., the Foreign Survey nf Korea, Syria, Siam and Laos was read by Mrs. Perkins, and Mrs D. G. Collins gave “ Some Results of the Mission to the Laos.” The General Conference was led bv Mrs. E. Boyd Weitzel. Some idea of its scope and interest can be gathered from the subtitles, “ Synodiral Suggestions, Presbvterial Problems, Auxiliary Anxieties (How not to do it), Magazine Matters and Financial Facts.” The closing session at 2 P. M. was presided over by Mrs. Radcliffe, Mrs. Perkins reading the Survey of Japan, Persia and Africa, prepared by Mrs. J. B. Howell. Mrs. W. C. Johnston described the “ Women of the African Jungle,” and Miss Emma Morris told of the unrest in India. “ The purpose of God for this Assembly” was the subject of the earnest words and prayers with which the Assembly adjourned to meet in Baltimore in 1912. The Children’s Meeting was held in the Walnut Hills Congrega­ tional Church, and was led by Miss M. E. Hodge and Mrs. Charles E. Sorin. Addresses were made by Mrs. Sam Higginbottom, of India, and Mrs. J. E. Swain, and a banner was presented to the band which had all its members present. ' They go from strength to strength

flDrs. Charles IRewboli» Cborpe (/IBars *001311211 £borpe) Born 1851 Died 1910

The W oman s Foreign Missionary Society adopted tlie following Minute at its Board Meeting, April 5, 1 9 1 0 :—

the Officers and Directors of The Woman s ¥ I 1 Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church, praise God for calling into this work, Mrs. Charles Newbold Thorpe. We thank Him for granting to her twenty-six years of service, as Foreign Secretary and President of this Society. We thank Him for her zeal, her enthusiasm, her inspiration and leader­ ship. We praise Him for her devotion and growing spir­ ituality ; her courage and cheerfulness; her direction of the work, even from a bed of suffering. We praise Him for her patient endurance unto the end, and for her faith which enabled her to say, “ From our mortal point of view, I do not think the prospect very encouraging, but the Master is able to turn on the immortal light and draw me gently toward it. ‘His way is perfect. We bow to His will in calling her to the service above, and in her memory we re-dedicate ourselves to the cause she so greatly loved and to which she so fully gave herself. We believe in the communion of saints, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. Am en. FORTIETH ANNUAL REPORT

OP THE Woman’s Foreign JWissionary Society


FOREIGN DEPARTMENT. The plan inaugurated three years ago for presenting the Foreign Department will be continued this year. The Reports of the foreign work written by the Secretaries of the Assembly’s Board will be printed in a special edition for comprehensive and reliable information. These Reports will be sent to the officers of Synodical and Presbyterial Societies. Any Auxiliary or Band may obtain a copy by sending request for the same, giving name and address of the officer to whom it is to be sent. These requests will be filed, and the order filled as soon as the Reports are ready. HOME DEPARTMENT.

COMPILED BY MISS EVELINA GRIEVES. The year 1910 brings us to our Fortieth Anniversary, when we offer in special thanksgiving and humility the results of our labor, full of gratitude to God that we have been privileged to share in bringing the world to the knowl­ edge of Jesus Christ. It is with infinite sadness that we close the year without the earthly presence of our beloved President, who “ left us in the early morning of 19, to enter upon the higher service of our Lord in His immediate presence. On the fly­ leaf of her Bible she had just written this epitaph, ‘No work begun shall ever pause for death.’ ” For twenty years, as India Secretary, and for the past six 3rears as President, Mrs. Thorpe gave herself unstintedly, 7 with all of her magnetic power of leadership and her com­ pelling belief in Foreign Missions, she spoke, presided, led her devoted co-workers. This was the self that met person­ ally our missionaries, the officers of Presbyterial and Auxili­ ary Societies, and the humblest worker serving with them, and met them always for helpfulness, with an intelligent sympathy. Her magnanimity is indicated by her proposition to relinquish three New Jersey Presbyterial Societies “ for their greater good,” her practical attention to details by initiating the present condensed form of Treasurer’s Re­ ports in “ Woman’s Work,” and her foresight by filling vacancies on the Board with young consecrated women, and laying responsibility on them at once. She loved life. Through the long Weary months of her last illness, she had a strong hope of returning health, and holding on to her duties of leadership, from her couch she directed many affairs wisely, with a heroic courage and unselfishness that were characteristic of her. We have the priceless heritage of her love and faith and work; the responsibility of following her example is ours. Thousands are mourning her loss and asking “ W hy?” Only the Father knows. May He enable us to say, with her, ‘ ‘ His way is perfect. ’ ’ On February 3, 1910, Mrs. A. L. Massey was translated to the Home above. Two days before, she was with us at the Board meeting fulfilling the duties she counted most dear, and then, without suffering and almost without warning, she left us. Mrs. Massey had served this Society nearly forty years as Presbyterial Secretary and in other offices, with her whole heart. A gentle, dignified bearing and an earnest, impressive manner were particularly her own, and those simple, direct, intercessory prayers, for all our mis­ sionaries, and in each case of need, have been and ever will be an unceasing source of blessing. We thank God for her consecrated life and the influence of her example and character. Mrs. J. A. McKnight, the faithful and efficient Secretary of the Prayer Meeting Committee, entered into rest in June. 1909, and Mrs. H. G. Kern, one of our honorary officers, and formerly the loved Chairman of the Prayer Meeting Com­ mittee, entered into rest April 17, 1910. “ They being dead, yet speak.” During the year one Director has resigned—Mrs. Cochran, Secretary for India, having removed to California. Mrs. 9

Swain takes up the correspondence with the India mission­ aries. We have added to the list of resident Vice-Presidents, Mrs. A. R. Perkins and Miss Margaret E. Hodge. Miss Gertrude Schultz has taken Mrs. Martin’s place as Secre­ tary for Specific Work, and Miss Mary Allis is now Secre­ tary for Letters, in place of Miss Lowrie, who was made Historian. Miss Hodge is Secretary for Westminster Guilds in addition to her other work, and a new office, Sec­ retary for Colleges, is filled by Miss Allis We welcome one new Director this year, Mrs. W. H. Greene. Our renewed thanks are due to The Presbyterian for the ample space afforded our Society each week in this valuable religious paper. “ Our page” has become a regular and im­ portant means of communication with our great constitu­ ency. The Westminster has also from time to time gener­ ously responded to our requests for space in its columns.

SYNODICAL, PRESBYTERIAL AND AUXILIARY SOCIETIES. Fall and Spring letters sent to Presbyterial Presidents have brought very satisfactory replies, showing general advance. We quote, “ The President has been in all sec­ tions of the Presbytery during the year, visiting Auxiliaries and observing their methods of work. The visits have been pleasant and encouraging. Everywhere a spirit of loyalty and devotion.” “ We are going steadily on, increasing in interest and gifts. Great pleasure was taken in dressing 450 dolls sent to Syria and India”—comes from a rural section. Again, ‘ ‘ The work at large has received an impetus from the convention of the Layman’s Missionary Move­ ment. ’ ’ A New Jersey Presbytery reports every Auxiliary visited by a committee appointed by Presbyterial President. Many societies have instituted a Church Missionary Day. and a great interest is felt generally in the increase in member­ ship. From Ohio we hear of special effort and several churches report every woman in the church a member of a Missionary Society. From Western Pennsylvania we hear, “ We have stirred up societies to work on Membership Week and have been surprised at results. One Auxiliary gained 24 new members.” Our large city Presbyteries report successful confer­ ences in all sections. One conference on ‘ ‘ Methods ’ ’ brought 10 out nearly 300 women. One President has divided the entire section into districts and conducted a regular mis­ sionary campaign with results—greatly increased general interest and nearly 20 per cent, increase in gifts. From another comes the message: ‘ ‘ This is by far the best report we have ever had. Last year ninety-one societies, membership, 3,600—this year, after losing eight to another Presbytery, 107 societies and 4,200 membership. The hope is that next year we may report the 132 churches in our Presbytery all organized for Foreign Missions.5 ’ We are glad to note the oft expressed yearning for spirit­ ual power. .Mrs. S. S. Gilson, of Pittsburg, attended the summer conference at Lebanon, Tenn. It was, she says, a week of blessings. Mrs. J. R. Swain attended the Synodical meeting in Ten­ nessee and has spoken at many meetings during the year. Mrs. Weitzel has been privileged to visit a number of Presbyterial and Auxiliary meetings, accepting invitations to speak in many places.

*THE NEW HOME DEPARTMENT. The wise man tells us, “ There is nothing new under the sun,” and the “ Foreign Missions Home Department” is not exactly new, because it is modelled after the S. S. Home Department. Its object is to plan for systematic reading of Foreign Mission literature in the home by the many women who cannot, or do not attend the Auxiliary meetings. Missionary literature in this age is ehoice, and there never was a time when there were so many calls for it. It is a significant fact that the societies using the largest amount of litera­ ture are the most progressive. Even the busy women and the “ business” women can find a few spare moments to pick up an attractive booklet of carefully chosen, up-to-date leaflets, and just as surely as she reads and prays, will her interest and fervor deepen. So when the present hindering circumstances are moved from her way, she will become an active member of the Auxiliary. The year just closing has been one of encour­ agement, although like all new movements, it still needs the gentle push.

*To be known hereafter as the “ Foreign Missions Extension De­ partment. ’ ' 11

The Home Department originated in a Society in Cincin­ nati, and the plan has been received with more zeal in the Western portion of onr territory. Many of our Eastern Presbyterial Societies, however, are urging its adoption in their Auxiliaries, and where it is tactfully and prayerfully tried; it does insure steady, helpful growth. Because this is a progressive movement, through its means many unin­ terested women will be reached, educated in the missionary enterprise, and enlisted in our army of workers.

MISSIONARY SPEAKERS. The Secretary for Speakers is happy to report a busy winter and spring. Only about twenty of the Presbyterial Presidents applied to her for aid in arranging their annual meetings, but she has been enabled to suggest speakers for a large number of local societies and she hopes that another year more of the Presbyterial officers will avail themselves of the help she is always glad to give. Our Society has had no permanent Field Secretary, but several of our missionaries have given excellent service in this line. Mrs. Sam Higginbottom has spent a month in visiting various Presbyterial Societies in Ohio, and Miss Wortman, Synodical Secretary of Ohio, made a trip to Ten­ nessee, speaking at a number of Presbyterial meetings as our representative. We were fortunate in having Dr. Mary Noble, of Lodiana, India, in Philadelphia for several weeks. She has spoken many times, stimulating and inspiring all who listened to her. Several of our Secretaries have also given time and strength to this special service, speaking in many Presby­ terial and local societies during the year.

YO U N G w o m e n ’ s SOCIETIES, STUDY CLASSES AND WESTMINSTER GUILD. As late as February, the young women were asked to increase their gifts for Miss Doriss and her work from $625, originally assumed, to $1,000. They have so gener­ ously responded to this appeal that not only was the whole $1,000 given, but enough over to help with the salary of Miss Alexander and to go to Miss Doriss’ station in Korea. Our young women seem to like having their own mission­ aries and to feel more personal responsibility. Those of Huntingdon and Philadelphia North Presbyterial Societies 12

who adopted Miss London a year ago have given her full salary with something beside for her station, and we have heard of a society that was so interested by Miss Doriss’ let­ ters, that it has doubled its pledge for next year. One of the new study books, being on Korea, has given a fine oppor­ tunity, embraced by many, to study the country where Miss Doriss is stationed. Special constitutions, organization, pledge and report blanks have this year been prepared for the young women, and the color blue adopted for all litera­ ture pertaining to them; by all of which means we hope to keep in closer connection with them. Enthusiasm, more study, a greater number of Y. W. organizations, are the record of the year. The number of Chapters of the ‘Westminster Guild in our territory has increased from 10 to 25. The two require­ ments for a regular Chapter are that both Home and Foreign Missions be studied, and that at least one share in the support of the two branches of the work, Home and Foreign, be assumed. As the Guild is better understood, interest in it grows. An important meeting of the Guild Council was held in Chicago in February, making us real­ ize that the Guild is truhr a national organization. Next year the Guild will probably have two missionaries to sup­ port instead of Ningpo Station. The faithful work amid difficulties of the Presbyterial Y. P. Secretaries calls for special thanks. The early clos­ ing of the Treasurer’s books has made matters harder than usual, but they, as well as the local organizations, have as usual risen to the occasion. We are glad to see that they appreciate our Annual Report, as well as our special edition.of that of the Assembly’s Board. To quote one of them, ‘ ‘ There is something new every time I open it. ’ ’ Our correspondence with them is one of the pleasures of the work. The Study Class is now an accepted thing. Two Presby­ terial Societies and one Synodical Society have appointed Study Class Secretaries. It is understood that an institute or a normal class in the fall is the best way to train leaders for the classes to be held in the winter and, it is believed, that this would be possible for all localities, city and country. For training by experts, a broader outlook, and a pleasant change of air, nothing can exceed the summer schools at Silver Bay, Northfield, Pocono. The books for next year are to be “ Western Women in Eastern Lands,” a fascinating study of fifty years of woman’s organized F. M. work, 13

by Mrs. Montgomery; one on the subject of “ The Bible and Missions,” by Dr. McKenzie; one on our own Presby­ terian field, “ The Laos,” by Mr. Freeman; all to be out in the early summer with the usual helps.

CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR SOCIETIES. To divide proportionately the salaries of the C. E. missionaries among the Presbyteries, securing definite pledges for these amounts, and to increase the interest of the C. E .’s in their assigned work, have been the aims of the Christian Endeavor Secretary this year. Not a new plan, but reurged with the earnest co-operation of the Presbyterial Y. P. Secretaries, and in some cases with very satisfactory results. As a whole, the Secretaries greeted the plan of a definite amount very cordially, and although the obligations of the C. E.’s have not been fully met, there are, however, marked instances where it caused a valuable impetus to the individual societies. The Presbyteries supporting Dr. Swan and Dr. Todd, who resigned, have been supplied with missionaries whom- they cordially accepted for their special interest and sup­ port. By the addition of the Rev. J. McClure Henry, who went to China this year supported by the C. E. Society of the Church of the Covenant, Washington, D. C., we now support nineteen missionaries in nine different countries. We hear of one C. E. that quadrupled its gifts princi­ pally by pledges, and we hear of “ special blessing to the individuals, C. E. attendance three times as large, home causes more loyally supported, missionary meetings most helpful and inspiring, and one member hearing the call of God to become a missionary! ” A Secretary in a distant Presbytery writes that they have more than fulfilled their pledge, though small, but can do more next year and adds, “ C. E. missionary work is most valuable as it holds the young men longer,” for in some districts, the C. E. Society is the only Y. P. organization in the church. From the South comes encouraging reports and inquiries. The C. E. programs, published last year for the first time as an experiment, have become a permanent thing, and are increasingly popular and a boon to the Missionary Com­ mittee. The question frequently comes, “ How to interest the C. E.’s more in Foreign Missions? This has been answered strongly that the Missionary Committee forming a nucleus for a Study Class is a powerful instrument in 14

increasing definite knowledge and interest. Writes one, “ Our C. E. gifts have been doubled since we had a Study Class.” Our desire is to enlist every C. E. in the loyal support of its own missionary.

BANDS AND S. C. E., JE. AND INTERMEDIATE. At last the Bands are becoming familiar with the Station Plan; requests for scholarships have grown less and less frequent, and now rarely come. The “living link” is very much desired by Bands, and the faet that, in spite of its refusal, contributions have steadily increased, indicates a •degree of loyalty to the Board which is most gratifying. A new leaflet on the special work assigned to the boys and girls was issued early in the year, and met with instant favor, called, “ A Fourfold Opportunity for the Boys and Girls.” We are now lending collections of photographs at 501 Witherspoon Building, and they are proving popular with the Bands. Mrs. Nelson, who has written very interesting letters from Tripoli, Syria, spoke to many of the boys and girls, during her recent furlough in America, and her request for dolls was most generously met. To stimulate interest among the Bands and Junior En­ deavor Societies one of our Y. P. Secretaries offered ban­ ners, and a roll of honor at the Presbyterial meeting. There were seven conditions; societies qualifying in five appeared on the roll of honor, those qualifying in all seven received a banner. It was found that it increased interest and tended to unify the societies.

SECRETARIES OF LITERATURE. This is distinctly a year of new Secretaries of Literature. The Secretary of the Board and twenty-five Presbyterial Secretaries have passed through their initial year, and now report for the first time. The letters and annual reports are full of encouragement, although there are some discouraging facts to be recorded. There is a general tone of satisfaction at the increased in­ terest and use of missionary literature. Our sales corrob­ orate this fact. Many commendations are passed upon the interest and attractiveness of these leaflets. The simple narrative of the lives of missionaries seems to make the greatest appeal. 15

The 50 cent leaflet subscription plan, introduced this year into our Board, has been most favorably received, except where it is misunderstood. It does not supply leaflets for the topic of each month during the year, as some think; but it does supply new leaflets on any subject at the time of the year they may happen to be published. So many requests have come for an earlier supply of literature samples that we have decided to send out the samples twice a year—the 1st of March and 1st of Sep­ tember—that the Literature Secretaries may become ac­ quainted with the new things just before the Presbyterial meetings. The sale of Study Books goes forward, but not to the detriment of Woman’s Work, as some have feared, sub­ scriptions for which have increased. A Secretary sug­ gests that a single copy of the magazine might do manifold duty where subscriptions are necessarily limited. Secretaries of Literature have a grave and important duty in keeping up subscriptions for Over Sea and Land. Parents and children both need to be approached and per­ suaded of its usefulness, or its subscription list will fall lower than last year. Everyland, a new quarterly for girls and boys of an age too old for Over Sea and Land, has been heartily welcomed in our territory. The sale of The Year Book of Prayer has exceeded that of last year. The Secretaries report unusual difficulty in getting re­ turns from their report blanks. Many societies fail to answer, either ignoring the blanks, or omitting to fill them out before their annual meeting. This is the discouraging part of the Secretaries’ work, making out reports that are utterly inadequate. Not only are the smaller Presbyteries receiving free lit­ erature gratefully, but they are taking a hopeful attitude and plan larger orders for literature when they can afford it. One Secretary in Tennessee writes, “ Until I received free Foreign leaflets last August, I did not know there was any but Home literature. Now I intend to become familiar with the Foreign also.”

PUBLICATIONS. The increasing interest in the study of Missions has led to a large demand for our publications. The number of 16

our leaflets printed has been 102,730, and 27,200 have been bought from other Boards. The important new leaflets of the year are: Venezuela and its Needs, by Mrs. J. S. Pond; My Conversion; The Blue Flag in the Latin Continent; Presbyterian Mission Work in Valparaiso; What One Brazilian Girl Did; Pres­ ent Opportunities and Dangers in China, by Rev. F. W. Bible; Attention! to Whom it May Concern, by Mrs. Wal­ lace Radcliffe; Two New Bible Readings; A Sacrifice of Thanksgiving; and Responsive Reading No. 2. Practical Hints for Workers; Financial Facts and Figures; Topics and Points for the Year; The Woman’s Foreign Mission­ ary Society 1870-1910; Miss Anna Doriss (Young Women’s Societies); A Fourfold Opportunity (Bands and Juniors). The new edition of Historical Sketches includes: Mis­ sions in Siam; Missions in Korea; Missions in Japan, revised by Rev. G. M. Fulton, D. D. Missions in Syria, revised by Rev. W. S. Nelson. The question books on Syria and Persia have been revised and reprinted, and also the illustrated programs for Japan and India. “ Service,” prepared by Mrs. B. B. Comegys, is the Bible Course Syllabus of the Westminster Guild. We have co-operated with other Boards in preparing monthly programs for the missionary topics of C. E. Socie­ ties. Of the Year Book of Prayer for 1910, we have sold 3,800 copies—more than in any previous year. Among the text-books for Study Classes, the most popu­ lar have been: “ The Gospel in Latin Lands” (1,000 cop­ ies), and “ Korea in Transition” (560 copies). Other sales include: South America, Servants of the King, and The Golden Key. A new series of picture postal cards gives 28 varieties on 12 countries.

“ w o m a n ’s w o r k .” 'Woman’s Work continues to keep rank with the best mis­ sionary magazines in the world, and of all it is most impor­ tant to us as keeping us informed of the work which we are doing and the missionaries whom we are proud to call ours. The subscription list has reached 22,768, the total gain being 723; 312 of those new subscriptions came from our territory, and we are glad but not proud, for we aimed at 350, and by “ putting to a little more strength” might have reached it. Next year, let us squarely hit the mark, with 350 new names; in these days of growing interest in IT foreign missions that should be done with ease, but it will not be done without determined effort. The faithful Treasurer reports the financial condition good, and the policy of larger income and less expenditure as carried out. The Editor’s hand is seen and her spirit felt in every page—accurate, awake to the real issues, sym­ pathetic, overflowing with fresh life, and the inspiration which the Spirit only can impart. "We may expect to hear some new, resonant notes struck from the Edinburgh Con­ ference, whither Miss Parsons goes as “ Editorial Repre­ sentative of the Women’s Boards” in this twenty-fifth year of her service. Mrs. Elliot generously agrees to act as Editor and Treasurer during Miss Parsons’ absence. Mrs. John H. Finley, of New York, takes the Chairmanship of the Business Committee. It is our manifest duty to subscribe for, read, advertise, and loyally sustain Woman’s Work, but in at least two other particulars we may materially improve our ways; by sending to the Editor—any of us at any time—notes for the Home Department from our actual experience in missionary work which might be of use or interest to others, and by subscribing for Woman’s Work for a friend. Let us quote from one such. After enthusiastic thanks, she says, “ It is like a bundle of letters from far-away friends. I loan my copy when my neighbor has the time to read it, and at the end of the year I sew the twelve numbers to­ gether and have an invaluable reference book, and one that I like to consult in looking up the growth in a station, or the wrork of a missionary. ’ ’ Could there be a better invest­ ment of fifty cents ?

“ over s e a an d l a n d .” The past year has been one of great changes for Over Sea and Land—a new home in New York, after thirty-four years in Philadelphia; a new printer, a new Chairman of the Editorial Committee, and the resignation of the Edi­ tor—yet the magazine goes happily on. The removal to New York was made from motives of expediency, chiefly that the children’s magazine might be published at the headquarters of the Home and Foreign Boards. With the resignation of our Mrs. Stewart, the magazine lost a whole hearted enthusiastic Chairman, who did much to push the magazine. Her successor, Mrs. MacLaren, of 2 18

New York, is a woman also of broad missionary interests, marked business ability and a generous zeal. It is with great regret that we report the resignation of Mrs. Dimock as Editor, owing to ill-health. The task of finding a wor­ thy successor is an important, but not an easy, one. Many means have been used during the year to stimulate local Secretaries, letters, subscription maps, illustrated cir­ culars outlining plans for the year—also reply post cards asking each Secretary of Literature for a report. Most of the responses were encouraging and we hope for material results. Prize contests for the children have been met with enthusiasm. Never before has the magazine received so much com­ mendation from leaders, but the subscription list is still behind, and in our territory we have lost 200 of the 410 decrease. We an* glad to note that of the liA 22 paid sub­ scriptions this year, the Joss is not so great as last year. The average monthly circulation ol' the past year has been 16,876. including sample copies. As Over Sea and Land is the only Presbyterian chil­ dren’s magazine, and combines both Home and Foreign in­ terests, it should be in the hands of every child. We urge that each church have a special Secretary for the maga­ zine and that she be full of enthusiasm, with love for Christ and little children. There are 500,000 children in Sunday- schools between 6 and 12. Can we not make more of the^n acquainted with Over Sea and Land this coming year? Remember, this is Over Sea and Land’s time of special need.

LIBRARY. Compared with the 709 books loaned from our Mission­ ary Library in 1908-9, the 299 of this year looks disheart­ ening, but the number was inflated last year because of a special Christian Endeavor reading contest. Still, the number is small, especially in view of the fact that we stand ready to purchase any work for which there is a real demand. Would that there might be a permanent reading contest on among the various missionary organizations-of our churches. Fourteen new books have been added to the Library, half by gift and half by purchase, and two Traveling Libraries have gone touring. 19

For years there have been missionary pictures to be found in our offices, but for the first time they have become an integral part of the Library, and already a large number of them have been mounted, indexed and filed (by stations and subjects) and are now ready for use. They will be mailed simply for the cost of postage to any society that wants them. Their widespread use should greatly increase the knowl­ edge of, and interest in the work of our various mission­ aries and stations.

SPECIFIC WORK. The Secretaryship having changed hands during the year, the new Secretary wishes to express her appreciation for the training, and continued help of Mrs. Martin, who so enthusiastically and lovingly gave herself to this work. The year has brought advance in the adoption of the Station Plan, for fewer requests have been received for scholarships, and the salaries of native workers. Soon we hope to report that all have accepted this new and better plan. The support, of eighteen missionaries has beeu arranged, eleven of whom were adopted during the year; to our list we have also added the names of six new associate mission­ aries. We are happy to report that this is really an en­ largement of our corps of missionaries, for death has taken none from us and only seven resignations are recorded. This increase in the workers on the field demands our in­ creased interest and loyal support at home. Special gifts and legacies have been received, which have gone to six different countries and have been expended for a new building for the Lien Chow Girls’ School, $1,500; a Woman’s Dispensary at Kermanshah, Persia, $1,000: for extensive repairs and enlargement of the Girls’ and Boys’ Boarding Schools, Fatehgarh, India, $2,700; towards a new building for Dr. Niles’ School for Blind, China, $500; In­ firmary at the Mary Wanamaker School, India, $1,000; a kitchen for the Ellinwood Training School, Manila, $1,000; a school building for the Escuela Popular, Valparaiso, $5,000 (not given this year but assigned). A number of smaller gifts, a baby organ, and six boxes of dressed dolls and games have also gone to the field. We record with gratitude a Fortieth Anniversary gift of $5,000, which is 20

to build and equip the Chenchow Girls’ School, China, and equip Ramapo Hall, Syria.

MISSIONARY LETTERS. Several changes have taken place in the Letter Secre­ taryship. In May, Miss Allis was appointed Assistant Sec­ retary, as the work had become too heavy for one person. This autumn, following a suggestion of Miss Lowrie’s, to each of the three new Foreign Secretaries was given the editing and distributing of her own letters, the object being to' give her more intimate knowledge of the needs of the Home Societies. The work was thus so lightened that but one Letter Secretary was needed, and Miss Lowrie with­ drew in favor of the younger officer, and she was elected to the new office as Historian of the Society. During the year, 309 letters have been copied, 15,465 copies being sent to supporters; 10,014 packages have been sent out by mail and express ; 49 subscribers have, by pay­ ing 25 cents a year, received each month a letter from the field under consideration. The same problem as of old confronts the “ Letter Sec­ retary”—repeated requests for news of “ our missionary” and none to send. 'She suggests that the Society make use of the letter, written by some other member of the same station, which the Letter Secretary sends them. In adjusting the question of supply and demand, closer co-operation between the supporters and the Parent Soci­ ety is needed. We are urging the missionaries to write, but they must not be asked to duplicate letters. Either the Presbyterial Society and Auxiliary should be willing to receive letters through the medium of the Foreign Secre­ tary, which is often the better way, or they should be will­ ing to send to the Foreign Secretary the letter which has come directly to theni. It will be copied and returned promptly. Miss Allis wishes to thank Miss Lowrie for her instruc­ tion and ever-ready advice, and hopes that she may be able to live up to the high standard set her by her prede­ cessor.

CANDIDATE COMMITTEE. This has been a notable year for candidates. Sixteen 21

have been appointed out of a much larger number who were recommended by our Committee. Five missionaries already on the field and one going out under re-appoint­ ment have been adopted, making an increase in our special corps of the missionary army of twenty-two. Six go out as brides; two are doctors, and eleven single women. Two hundred and forty-one in all on the field. The disappointment of the year has been the inability of several candidates to pass the physical test, when otherwise their qualifications were up to a very high standard. Ex­ perience leads us to emphasize the essential importance of sound health in the candidates. With lack of physical en­ durance and soundness, no one can receive appointment to a work that requires great activities and an ever readiness to meet new emergencies. There have been unusual calls for Medical Women to fill important positions. Several hospitals and wards have been closed for lack of superintending women physicians. We rejoice to have two young doctors among our year’s recruits who will carry hope to some of the suffering in China and Persia; and we would appeal to the medical women at home to consider if they do well to tarry here when such vast opportunities of usefulness, with soul-win­ ning privileges, lie open to them among the desperately needy of heathen lands.

PRAYER MEETINGS. The monthly prayer meetings have been an inspiration and help to all who have attended them. When the mes­ sages our beloved missionaries brought us from time to time, of the work accomplished in their various fields of labor, and of the crying need of more laborers and more money to carry on the work already established were heard—earnest prayers were offered that these needs might be filled. Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude and thanksgiving because we already have seen so many of these prayers abundantly answered. The Committee feels deeply the loss of two members, Mrs. Massey and Mrs. McKnight, who passed away during the year. The inclement weather prevailing through the “ Week of Prayer,” prevented many from attending the meetings. The many prayers ascending to our Father, from hearts full of love to the Master and zeal for His service brought a blessing on all.

M r s . E . B oyd W e it z e l , Sy nodical, Presbytcrial and A uxiliary Secretary.

Mrs. W illiam W atters, Secretary for Missionary Speakers. Miss M argaret E. Hodge, Secretary for Young Women’s Societies and Study Classes.

Mjss Evelina Grieves, Secretar;} for Christian Endeavor Societies. M r s . T. E lliott Patterson, Secretary for Bands and Junior Endeavor Societies.

M i s s G e r tr u d e S c h u l t z , Secretary for Specific Work.

Miss M. E . A l l i s , Secretary for Missionary Letters.

M i s s M a r g a r e t B o y l e , Literature Secretary. 23 treasurer’s 'Report. S a r a h W . C a t t e l l , T r e a s u r e r . In account with The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society o) the Presbyterian Church. 1909 D r . April 1. To Balance ...... #5.644 33 1910 Mar. 15. To Cash Receipts from Auxiliaries and Indi­ viduals ...... $134,771 24 “ Young Women's Societies and Bands. 19,326 05 “ Y. P. S. C. E. and Intermediate . . . 13,205 63 “ S. C. E .,Jr ...... 1,38424 “ L e g a c ie s ...... 10,702 10 “ Interest on Investments...... 1,6 2 6 51 " Interest on Deposits ...... 337 79 ------i 8 i -353 5 6 1910 C r . $186^997^89 Mar. 15. By Cash paid to Treasurer of Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church ...... $171,046 39 “ “ Special Appropriations...... 228 55 “ “ Salaries of Treasurer and Clerks .... 2,419 75 “ “ Salary of Gen’l Sec’y, 156 Fifth Ave., N. Y. 36075 “ Salaries and Expenses of Field Secretaries 302 93 Expenses of Officers Visiting Societies. . 283 30 “ “ Expenses of Prayer Meetings (Missionary Speakers, Advertising, etc.)...... 8 00 “ Printing and Mailing Thirty-ninth An­ nual Report 770 40 “ “ Printing and Mailing Special Edition ot Board’s Report...... 275 80 “ “ Printing of Circulars, Collectors’ Envel­ opes, Mite-boxes, etc...... 104 88 “ “ Postage ...... 122 12 “ “ Stationery and Office Supplies...... 422 43 “ Médical Examination of Candidates. . . 7 00 “ Legal Expenses1...... 2,031 70 “ “ Money refunded to Harriet Laird Estate. 300 00 “ “ Transferred to Investment Account. . . 4,010 00 By Balance, Medical Fund ...... $1,192 42 “ “ C a s h ...... * 3 .4 H 4 7 ------4 .6 *>3 89 $186,997 89

Personal Gifts to Missionaries and Contributions to Fam ine Funds. 1910 D r . Mar. 15. To Cash Receipts from Individuals and Societies. . . . $434 5 0

1910 C r . M ar. 15. By Cash, Personal Gifts to Missionaries (for­ warded by the Treasurer)...... $395 5° “ Contributions to Famine Funds, etc. . . 39 00 ------$434 50 Summary of Receipts. Regular Receipts ...... $181,353 56 Personal Gifts to Missionaries and Contributions to Famine Funds . 434 50 $181.788 06 * This includes Special Funds amounting to $2,736 73. 24

investm ent Account.

1909 D r . April 1. T o Balance $631 62 19x0 M ar. 15. To Cash, Legacies and Gift transferred from Missionary Account . $4,010 00 “ “ Interest on Investments . . . 1,626 51 5.636 51 $6,268 13 1910 CR. Mar. 15. By Cash paid to Missionary Account $1,626 51 “ “ Investments...... 2,137 23 " Balance (awaiting investment) . . 2 ,5 0 4 3 9 5,268 13

Securities Belonging to Tlie W o m a n ' s Foreign Mis­ sionary Society of the Presbyterian C h u r c h . Par Value. Boston & Albanv Railroad C o ...... 8 % $1,000 00 Citv of Pittsburgh Water B on d s ...... • • 4 % I9 3 I 600 00 Frank Siddall Soap Co. (71^ shares)* ...... 71 5° Huntingdon & Broad Top Mt. Railroad and Coal C o ...... 4^ % 1920 2,000 00 Lehigh Valley Railroad Co., G eneral...... 4 % 2003 4,000 00 M o rtg ag e...... - 5 % lgxi 500 00 M o r t g a g e ...... 4-fi, % *9*3 i . 5° ° 00 N. Y., Lackawanna & Western Railway Co . . .6 % 1921 1,00000 Ohio Connecting Railway C o ...... 4 % 1943 5,coo 00 Phila. Co., Consolidated Mortgage and Collateral T ru s t...... 5 % 1951 1,00000 Reading Co. and Phila. & Reading Coal and Iron C o ...... 4 % 1997 4,000 00 Richmond-Washington Co. Collateral Trust and M o rtgag e...... 4 % 1943 2,000 00 Sterrett School Bonds, Pittsburgh ...... 4 % 1917 5 ,000 00 Struthe's-Wells Co ...... 5 % 1912 5.000 00 Western N. Y. & Pa. Railway Co...... 4 % 1943 5,000 00 $37,671 50 Publication Account. 1909 D r . April 1. To Cash Balance ...... $ 4 4 5 9 8 1910 Mar. 15. “ “ Sales...... $2,869 69 “ Value of Stock on hand...... 2,72100 ------5 ,5 9 0 69 $6,036 67 1910 C r . Mar. 15. By Cash paid Purchase and Printing of Study Books, Leaflets, Maps, etc., with express and postage ...... $2,852 41 “ Balance, Value of Stock . . . $2,721 00 “ “ Cash...... 462 26 ------3,184 26 ------$6,036 67 Examined, compared with vouchers and found correct. M . F a n n ie E v a n s W e it z e l , C h a r l o t t e C. P ie r c e , April 19,1910. Finance Committee. * Gift. 25

Missionaries of The Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society.

( Missionaries marked with an * are at home.)

AFRICA. Time of Sailing. Name. Station. 1902 Adams, Mrs. A. G ...... Batanga.

1909 Good, Mrs. A . C ...... “ 189 5 * Johnston, Mrs. W. C ...... Efulen. 1907 Pinney, Mrs. Oliver H ...... Benito.


1904 Bible, Mrs. Frank W ...... Hangchow. 1892 Boggs, Mrs. J. M.D ...... Canton. Boyd, Mrs. Harry (Associate) ...... 1881 Butler, Miss E. M ...... “ 1903 Bynon, Miss Margaret, M . D ...... W ei Hsien. 1907 Carper, Miss Elizabeth R., M.D ...... Lien Chow. 1887 Chalfant, Mrs. Frank H ...... W ei Hsien. 1901 Crawford, Mrs. O. C ., ...... Soochow. 1907 Dilley, Mrs. F. E...... Peking. 1889 Drummond, Mrs. W . J ...... Nanking. 1898 Edwards, Mrs. R. F ...... Lien Chow. 1889 *Elterich, Mrs. W . O ...... Chefoo. 1906 Faris, Miss Margaret (A s s o c ia te )...... I-hsien. 1893 Fenn, Mrs. Courtney H. (Associate) ...... Peking. 1901 Fisher, Mrs. A. J ...... Shek Lung. 1870 Fitch, Mrs. George F ...... Shanghai. 1889 Fitch, Mrs. J. A ...... W ei Hsien. 1898 Fitch, Mrs. Robert F ...... Hangchow. 1884 Fulton, Miss M. H., M .D ...... Canton. 1889 Garritt, Mrs. J. C ...... Nanking. 1907 Hall, Mrs. F. J...... Peking. 1892 ^Hamilton, Mrs. W. B ...... Tsinanfu.

1904 1 )Hawes, Miss Charlotte E ...... W ei Hsien. 1882 Hayes, Mrs. W . M ...... “ 1908 Hills, Mrs. Oscar F ...... Chefoo. 1894 Irwin, Mrs. J. P ...... Tengchow. 1880 Judson, Mrs. J. H ...... Hangchow. 1903 Kepler, Mrs. A. R ...... Siangtan. 1889 Killie, Mrs. C. A ...... Paotingfu. 1902 ^Kolfrat, Miss Emma (Associate)...... Siangtan. 1909 Knickerbocker, Mrs. Edgar F. (Associate) .... Ningpo. 1888 Lattimore, Miss M a r y ...... Soochow. 1873 Leaman, Mrs. C h a rle s...... Nanking. Leaman, Miss L u cy ...... “ 1901 Leaman. Miss M ary ...... “ 1896 Lewis, Mrs. Charles (Associate)...... Paotingfu. 1906 Lewis, Miss Elizabeth F., M .D ...... “ 1904 Lovell, Mrs. Gilbert, B .D ...... Changteh. 1906 Lucas, Miss Grace M ...... Nanking. 1897 Luce, Rev. and Mrs. H. W ...... W ei Hsien. 1903 Lyon, Miss L o is ...... Hangchow. 1902 T Lyon, Mrs. C. H ...... Tsining-chow. 1869 £ ...... Hangchow. 26

Time of Sailing. Name. Station. 1888 McCandliss, Mrs. H . M ...... Hoihow. 1892 McClintock, Mrs. Paul W ...... Nodoa. 1908 M -ggr, 1wr,'p" ...... Paotingfu. 1903 Marshall, Mrs. G. W . (Associate)...... Yeung Kong. 19x0 Merwin, Dr. Caroline Stow ...... Tsinanfu. 1909 Montgomery, Mrs. T. H ...... Tsingtau. 1890 Morton, Miss Annie R ...... Shanghai. 1903 Morton, Miss M. D ...... Shanghai. Murray, Miss E ffie ...... Siangtan. 1907 Myers, Mrs. Charles M ...... Shanghai. 1854 Nevius, Mrs. J. L ...... Chefoo. 1868 Noyes, Miss H a r r ie t ...... Canton. 1903 Patterson, Miss Elda G ...... Lien Chow. 190«; Patton, Mrs. Charles E., M.D ...... Ko-chow. 1908 Patton, Miss Lulu R ...... Canton. Preston, Mrs. T. J ...... Changteh. 1903 Skinner, Miss A l i c e ...... Kiung Chow. 1892 Snodgrass, Miss M. A ...... Teng-chow. 1885 S wim, M i'srJv M ^ ( r e s ig n e d ) ...... Canton. 1902 Thompson, Mrs. T. N ...... Tsining-chow. 1894 Vanderburgh, Mrs. E. D ...... Siangtan. Wells, Mrs. Mason (Associate)...... Tsingtau. 1905 Wells, Mrs. Ralph C ...... W ei Hsien. 1909 W oods, Miss Catherine T ...... Siangtan. 1904 Yerkes, Mrs. C. H ...... I-hsien.


1886 *Carleton, Miss J. R., M.D...... Am bala. 1889 *Carleton, Mrs. Marcus B ...... Sabathu. 1889 Donaldson, Miss E ltn a ...... Dehra. 1902 Enright, Miss G. L ...... Sangli. 1879 Ewing, Mrs.J. C. R ...... Lahore. 1890 Ewing, Mrs. A. H ...... Allahabad. 1893 Forman, Miss Emily ...... Fatehgarh. 1898 Forman, Mrs. H enry...... Jhansi. 1887 Forman, Miss Mary P ...... Allahabad. 1897 Foster, Miss E. A...... Kodoli. 1877-88, 95 Fullerton, Miss M a r y ...... Fatehgarh. 1901 Gillam, Mrs. S. McC .... Cawnpore. 1907 Goheen, Mrs. R. H ...... Vengurle. 1893 Gould, Mrs. A. B., M.D ...... Lahore. 1890 Hammm, Mrs. William ...... Vengurle. 1896 Herron! Mioo G. B j (resigned) ■ • ...... Saharanpur 1904 *Higginbottom, Mrs. S am ...... Allahabad. 1870 Holcomb, Mrs. J. F ...... Jhansi. 1900 Howard, Mrs. Henry George ...... Kodoli. 1891 Johnson, Miss M. E ...... * . . . . Saharanpur. 1898 Jones, Miss A . B ...... Mussoorie. 1893-1908 *Jones, Mrs. U. S. G ...... 1905 Kerr, Miss A. M ...... Jagraon. 1907 *Lawrence, Mrs. John H ...... Etah. 1910 McKee, Mrs. William J. (Associate) ...... Lahore. 1891 Marston, Miss Emily, M.D ...... Ambala.

1895 Mitchell, Miss Alice, M.D ...... Mussoorie. 1896 Mitchell, Mrs. W. T ...... Mainpurie. 1893 * Morris, Miss Em m a ...... Dehra. 1903 *N oble, Miss M ary, M .D . (self-supporting) .... Lodiana. 1886 Orbison, Mrs. J. H ...... Jullundur. 1869 Thackwell, Mrs. R ...... Am bala. 27

Time of Sailing. Name. Station. 1873 Thiede, Miss Clara ...... Lahore. 1898 Tracy, Miss Jane W ...... Allahabad. 1908 W anless, Mrs. W . J. (Associate) ...... M iraj.. 1867 Wherry, Mrs. E. M ...... Lodiana. 1879 Wherry, Miss S. M ...... Jagraon. 1899 Wiley, Mrs. A. L ...... Ratnagiri.


Alexander, Miss S allie ...... Osaka. 1887 Bryan, Mrs. A. V ...... Port Arthur, Manchuria. 1905 Campbell, Miss E. R ...... Tokyo. 1909 Dooley, Miss L u c ille ...... Kanazawa. Hail, Mrs. J. B ...... W akayama. Hail, Mrs. j. E ...... Tsu Ise. Hereford. Mrs. W. F ...... Yamada Ise. 1888 Landis, Mrs, H. M ...... Tokyo. 1907 London, Miss M. H ...... “ 1880 M acNair, Mrs. T . M ...... “ 1884 Milliken, Miss E. P ...... “ 1910 Porter, Miss Francine ...... Ransom, Miss Mary H ...... Osaka. Riker. Miss Jessie ...... Yamada Ise. Robertson, Miss Elva...... Wakayama. Van Horn, Mrs. G. W ...... Osaka. 1883 W est, Miss A . B ...... Tokyo.


1887-89, 91 Sturge, Mrs. E. A ...... San Francisco.

KOREA. / ■—£. 1897 Best, Miss M argaret...... Pyeng Yang. 1900 Bruen, Mrs. H . M ...... Taiku. . , 1907 Butts, Miss Alice M ...... Pyeng Yang. S 1908 ■ Cook, Mrs. W. T. (Associate) ...... Chong Ju. 1887 Curtis, MrS. F. S ...... Seoul. 1908 Doriss, Miss Anna S ...... Milyang. v ' 1910 » Helström, Miss Hilda (Associate)...... Syenchun. f \ / 1907 * Heron, Miss Sarah A ...... Seoul. ^ '( I 9 ° 7 • Hirst, Mrs. J. W. (Associate) . “ 1907 . Hunt, Mrs. W. B ...... Chai Ryung. 1897 Johnson, Mrs. Woodbridge O. (Associate). . . . Taiku. 1898 Luther, Miss Ida R ...... Seoul. 1908 ^ M cC un e, Miss Katharine (A sso c ia te ,)...... Chai Ryung. 1909 v M cKenzie, Miss M a r y ...... Taiku. 1908 v Rhodes, Mrs. H . A ...... Syen Chun. 1907 ✓ Roberts, Mrs. S. L ...... “ 1902 Samuels, Miss Jane M ...... 1902 *Smith, Mrs. W. E ...... Fusan. (Mrs. Curtis and Miss Luther belong to West Japan Mission, but are working temporarily among the Japanese in Korea.)


M e x ic o . 1884 *Boyce, Mrs. I s a a c ...... Jalapa. 1907 ■H'tHM-rMiss-Aoua-M. (resign ed )...... Mexico City. I909 W cidaw, M iss Emma A , ^...... " 28

G u a t e m a l a . Time of Sailing. Name Station 1903 M cBath, Mrs. W alter E. (A s s o c ia t e ) ...... Quezaltenango.


1882 Bartlett, Miss Cora C ...... Teheran. 1885 Coan, Mrs. F. G ...... Urumia. 1905 Euwer, Mr-s^-NormarrL. ( r e s ig n e d ) ...... Hamadan. 1898 Jordan, Mrs. S. M ...... Teheran. 1904 Labaree, Mrs. Robert ...... Urumia. 1906 Lamme, Miss E dith ...... “ 1891 »Lawrence, Mrs. E. T., M.D ...... Kasvin. 1903 Lewis, Miss M ary E ...... Urumia. l8i9o!6’ } «McDowell, Mrs.E. W ...... V an. 1910 Müller, Mrs. , M.D ...... 1874 Potter, Mrs. J. L ...... Teheran. 1885 Schuler, M rs. H . C ...... R e A t. 1890 Vanneraan, Mrs. W . S ...... Tabriz. 1892 Wright, Mrs. J. N ......


1905 Bartholomew, Miss Clyde...... Manila. 1907 Carter, Mrs. R. W. (Associate)...... Ma-asin. 1910 Campbell, Mrs. Edward J ...... 1902 Doltz, Mrs. Paul (Associate)...... Iloilo. 1905 Graham, Mrs. J. A. (Associate)...... Cebu. 1903 Jansen, Mrs. P. Frederick (Associate)...... “ 1908 Kalb, Miss Theresa M ...... Manila. 1910 Klein, Miss Amelia P ...... 1901 Langheim, Mrs. W. H. (Associate)...... Dumaguete. 1905 M agill, Mrs. C. N ...... Lucban.



1909 Caldwell, Mrs. Albert F ...... Bangkok. 1889 Dunlap, Mrs. J. B ...... “ 1899 Jones, Mrs. R. C ...... Pitsanuloke. 1905 M cCord, Miss M argaret C ...... Bangkok. 1902 «Post, M rs. R. W ...... Nakawn Sri Tamarat. 1910 Stewart, Mrs. Herbert W . (Associate)...... 1905 Swart, Mrs. W . J.‘ ...... Nakawn Sri Tamarat


1910 Campbell, Miss Daisy (Associate) ...... 1894 Campbell, Mrs. H oward ...... Chieng Mai. 1910 Collins, Miss C. M arie ...... 1886 *Collins, Mrs. D. G ...... “ 1888 Dodd, M rs. W . C ...... Chieng Rai. 1892 Freeman, Mrs. J. H ...... Lampoon. 1891 Gillies, Mrs. Roderick ...... Lakawn. 1889 * Harris, Mrs. W illiam ...... Chieng Mai.



BRAZIL. T im e o f Sailing-. N am e. Station. 1899 Bixler, Mrs. C. E ...... Estancia. 1869 Dascomb, Miss M . P ...... Curityba. 1874 Kuhl, Miss Ella ...... “ 1880 *Landes, Mrs. George A ...... “ 1903 Lenington, Miss E f f i e ...... 1896 Lenington, Mrs. R. F ...... “ 1890 Williamson, Miss E. R ...... Sao Joao de Paraguassu.


1880 Candor, Mrs. T . H ...... Bogota. 1873 Pond, Mrs. T. S ...... Caracas, Venezuela.


1885 Brown, Miss C. H ...... Sidon. 1908 ‘''Brown, Mrs. James B ...... Tripoli. 19x0 ^Eddy, Miss Dora Elizabeth ...... 1893 _ Eddy, Miss M. P., M .D ...... Junieh. 1905 *Erdm an, Mrs. P a u l ...... Zahleh. 1902 - Horne, Miss Ottora M ...... Beirut. 1904 Jessup, Mrs. Stuart D ...... Sidon. 1880 March, Mrs. F. W ...... Beirut. 1888 Nelson, Mrs. W. S ...... Tripoli. 1876-91, 94 Thomson, Miss Em ilia ...... Beirut.


1889 *Elterich, Rev. W . O ...... Chefoo, China. 1880 Fulton, Rev. A . A ...... Canton, 1889 Killie, Rev. C. A ., D .D ...... Paotingfu, “ 1883 Neal, J. B., M .D ...... Tsinan-fu, 1885 Swan; J: M ., M.D> (rosign e d ) ...... Canton, “ 1894 Bandy, Rev. C. H ...... Fatehgarh, India. 1887 Forman, Rev. John N ...... Mainpurie, “ 1909 Henry, Rev. James M c C lu re ...... China. 1873 Newton, Rev. E. P ...... Lodiana, India. 1886 Orbison, Rev. J. H ., M .D ...... Jullundur, “ 1888 Pierson, Rev. George P ...... Asahigawa, Japan. 1902 *Lawrence, E. T., M.D ...... Kasvin, Persia. 1906 Palmer, Rev. Marion B o y d ...... Nan, Laos. 1888 Dunlap, Rev. J. B ...... Bangkok, Siam. 1889 Eakin, Rev. J. A ...... “ “ 1888 Eckels, Rev. C. E ...... Nakawn Sri Tamarat, “ 1893 Doolittle, Rev. G. C ...... Beirut, Syria. 1862 Jessup, Rev. Samuel, D.D...... “ " 1896 Lenington, Rev. R. F ...... Curityba, Brazil. 1896 Browning, Rev. W. E., Ph.D ...... Santiago, Chile. BO

MISSIONARIES ADOPTED DURING THE YEAR. fBoyd, Mrs. H arry ...... China. f Knickerbocker, Mrs. Edgar F ...... Ningpo, ‘‘ Leaman, Miss L u cy ...... Nanking, “ Merwin, Dr. Caroline S to w ...... Tsinanfu, “ Montgomery, Mrs. T. H ...... Tsingtau, “ fMyers, Mrs. Charles M ...... Shanghai, “ Torrance, Mrs. A. A ...... West Shantung, “ fWells, Mrs. M ason ...... Tsingtau, “ Woods, Miss Catherine T ...... Siangtan, “ McBath, Mrs. Walter E ...... Quezaltenango, Guatemala. fM cKee, Mrs. William J ...... Lahore, India. B ooley, Miss L m i l l i ...... Kanazawa, Japan. * Porter, Miss F ran cin e ...... “ JRiker, Miss J essie ...... Yamada Ise, “ fHelstrom, Miss H ild a ...... Syen Chun, Korea. McKenzie, Miss M ary ...... Taiku, “ fCampbell, Miss Daisy P ...... Laos Collins, Miss-C: M arie ...... “ Muller, Mrs. Hugo, M .D ...... Persia. Campbell, Mrs. Edward J ...... Philippines. Klein, Miss Amelia P ...... " Caldwell, Mrs. Albert T ...... Bangkok, Siam. fStewart, Mrs: Herbert W ...... “ Eddy.Sl^iss-Dora Elizabeth ...... * ...... Syria.

•Readopted, tAssociate Missionary. ^Received from Cumberland Church. 31

IRecorb of foreign Morfc.

With a sincere desire and an earnest purpose to improve the method of Special Objects, our Society has decided to adopt the Station Plan. This action was taken as the result of the following communication from the Board of Foreign Missions:

“ The Board heard with interest of the Conference on March 29 [1906], between the representatives of the Board and the representatives of the Women's Boards and Societies, and it voted to ratify the agreement reached in this Con­ ference, with reference to the system of specific object gifts, namely, that here­ after the budget of each Station as a whole, and not the separate institutions or classes of work, shall be the basis of assignment of special objects; and that special object donors shall be given shares of greater or less extent in the work of a Station.” According to this arrangement, all work will be given out in shares in Stations, but there will be no change in the relation of missionaries to the societies supporting them.

[Missionaries marked with an * are at home.]



Adams, Mrs. A. G., Batanga ...... Elizabeth, N. J., 1st. Blunden, Mrs. J. E., Batanga...... Associate. Good, Mrs. A. C., Batanga ...... E. Liverpool, O., 1st, Aux. ^Johnston, Mrs. W. C., Efulen .... Pittsburgh Pres. Soc. Pmney, Mrs. O. H., B enito ...... Washington, D. C., N. Y. Ave. Aux.

BARAKA. Bradford, Pa., Aux. Heightstown, N. J., Amaranth Bd. Cleveland, O., 1st, Aux. Lawrenceville, N. J., Gosman Bd. Dayton, O., Mem’l, Aux. Parkersburg Pres. Soc. Elizabeth, N. J., Greystone, Cheerful Phila., Scotts, Aux. Givers. “ Trinity, Aux. [Workers. Frankford, Pa., Hermon M. and D. West Pittston, Pa., Livingstone

BATANGA. Haddonfield, N. J.,Aux. Williamsport, Pa., 1st, Richard Arm­ strong, Aux.

BENITO. Blairstown, N. J., Aux. Punxsutawney, Pa., 1st, A. C. Good •• Kuhl Bd. [Bd. Bd. Easton, Pa., Brainerd Union, Nassau Stroudsburg, Pa., Y. W . Guild. Frankford, Pa., Hermon, D. D. [Bd. Washington, D. C., Metropolitan, S. S. Harrisburg, Pa., Pine St., Whatsoever M iss. Soc. 32

ELAT. Borden town, N. J., a Lady. Kempis, Va„ Big Oak, Aux. Burkeville, Va., Ingleside Sem. S.C.E. Stroudsburg, Pa., a Lady. and Coulter Bd. [Workers. West Pittston, Pa., Livingstone Concord, N. C., Westminster, Willing W orkers. Erie Pres. Soc. Wyoming, O., Aux. No. 2.

EFULEN. Cincinnati, O., 2d German, Aux. Cincinnati, O., Fairmount, German, Y . P. S.

CHINA. CENTRAL MISSION. MISSIONARIES. Bible, Mrs. Frank W ., Hangchow . . . Endeavor, Pa., Aux. (in part). Crawford, Mrs. O. C.,Soochow. .... Pittsburg, N.S., Pa., ist, Aux. Fitch, Mrs. George F., Shanghai . . . Philadelphia, North Pres. Soc. Fitch, Mrs. Robert F., Hangchow . . , Cincinnati, Avondale, Aux. Judson, Mrs. J. H., “ . . . Shenango, Pres. Soc. Knickerbocker, Mrs. Edgar F., Ningpo . Associate. Lattimore, Miss Mary, Soochow. . . . Baltimore, Md., Central, Aux. and Bds., and Washington City Pres. Soc. Lyon, Mrs. D. N., Hangchow ...... General Fund. Lyon, Miss Lois, ...... Phila., Oxford, Aux., S. C. E„ Sr. & Jr.. Morton, Miss A. R., Shanghai .... Elizabeth, N. J., Aux. Socs. Morton, Miss M. D., “ . . . . Trenton, N. J., ist, Aux. t Myers, Mrs. Charles M., “ .... Associate.

HANGCHOW. Brilliant, O., Aux. I Steubenville, O., 3d, Aux. Dayton, O., 3d St., C. M. Aux. »

HANGCHOW, BUILDING FUND, HANGCHOW COLLEGE. Towanda, Pa., West. Guild, Overton Chap.


NINGPO. Amity, Pa., West. Guild. Mt. Prospect, Pa., West. Guild, Mc- Asbury Park, N. J., West. Guild, Beta Gugan Chap. [shey Chap. Chap. [Chap. New Castle, Pa., 1st, West. Guild, Her- Beverly, N. J., West. Guild, Alpha New Salem, Pa., Aux. Charleroi, Pa. Wash. Ave. Aux. Oakdale, Pa., West. Guild. “ “ “ West. Guild. Phila., Bethlehem, Aux. Charlotte, N. C., 7th St., West. Guild. Pittsburg, Pa., Mt. Wash., C. E. Cincinnati, O.. 7th, West. Guild. H awes Soc. Elizabeth, N. J., 1st, Aux. Pottsville, Pa., 1st, West. Guild. Grove City, Pa., West. Guild. Rahway, N. J., Aux. Hyattsville, Md., Aux. Sinking Creek, Pa., Aux. “ " Mcllvaine Bd. South Bethlehem, Pa., West. Guild. Irwin, Pa., West. Guild. Toledo, O., Collingwood Ave., West. Long Branch, N. J., Aux. Guild. Deborah Chap. Monongahela, Pa., West. Guild. Utica, O., Aux. 38

SHANGHAI. Abington, Pa., Susan B. Smith Bd. Phila., North, Pres. Soc. offerings irons Ambler, Pa., Aux. Shanghai. Cranbury, N. J., ist, Aux. Savannah, O., Lenington Bd. Ewing, N. J., Bd. HAINAN MISSION. MISSIONARIES.

. McCandliss, Mrs. H. M., Hoihow . . . Phila., Princeton, Aux. McCiintock, Mrs. Paul W ., Nodoa . . Kittanning, Pa., ist, Aux. Skinner, Miss Alice, Kiung Chow . . . Cleveland, O., Woodland, Aux., Bds. and S. C. E.

KACHEK. Phila., Harper Mem’l, Aux.

NODOA. Titusville, Pa., Y. L. Soc.


Kepler, Mrs. A. R., Siangtan . . . Phila., Northminster, Aux. and Y. L. S. *Kolfrat, Miss Emma, “ .... Associate. Lovell, Mrs. Gilbert, B.D., Changteh . Erie Pres. Soc. Murray, Miss Effie, Siangtan ...... Plainfield, N. J., " C. M. DeG.” Preston, Mrs. T. J., Changteh .... Cincinnati Pres. Soc. Vanderburgh, Mrs. E. D., Siangtan . . Lackawanna Pres. Soc. Woods, Miss Catherine T., “ . . A Lady.

CHANGTEH. Erie, Pa., Central Aux. I Pittsburg, Pa., Lenington A ve., Pittsburg, Pa., Lenington Ave., Y.P.S. I S. C. E., Jr.


SIANGTAN. Nashville, Tenn., Russell St., Aux.

TAO YUEN. Pittsburg, Pa., Lenington Ave., S. C. E., Jr.



Drummond, Mrs. W.J.,Nanking . . . Newton Pres. Soc. Garritt, Mrs. J. C., “ . . . Washington, D. C., ist, Aux. Leaman, Mrs. Charles, “ . . . Carlisle Pres. Soc. Leaman, Miss Lucy, “ . . . Bellefontame Pres. Soc. West Chester, Pa., Westminster, Aux. and Bds., Lansdowne, Pa., Aux., and { Faggs Manor, Pa., Aux. Lucas, Miss Grace M., “ . . . Cleveland Pres. Soc. 3 34

NANKING. Baltimore, M d„ Covenant, S. C. E., Jr. l.ower Buffalo, Pa., Aux. [Bd. Butler, Pa , sd, Aux, Middletown, Pa., Girls’ Perseverance Easton, Pa., Olivet, Mclntire Cir. . “ Y. M. Bd. Emlenton, Pa., Aux. Nashville, Tenn., Russell St., Aux. Haddonfield, N. J., Aux. Phila., Central-N. Broad St., Messen­ Harrisburg,Pa., Pine St.,Chambers Bd. gers. Lansdowne, Pa., S. E. Howard Aux. “ Woodland, Nelson Bd. Leacock, Pa., Aux. “ “ Woodland Bd. “ “ Lucy Leatnan Bd. Pittsburg, Pa,, N. S., North. Aux.


Dilley, Mrs. F. E., Peking...... Cleveland, Calvary A ux. Fenn, Mrs. Courtney H., Peking . . . Associate. Hall, Mrs. F. J., " . , , Steubenville Pres. Soc. Killie, Rev. C. A., D.D ...... C. E. Socs. of New Brunswick Pres. Killie, Mrs. C. A., Paotingfu ...... Northumberland Pres. Soc. Lewis, Mrs. Charles, “ ...... Associate. Lewis, Miss Elizabeth F., M.D., Pao­ tingfu...... Wheeling, W . Va., ist, W. F. M. Circle. Maggi, Miss Minnie B., Paotingfu (re­ signed) ...... Cincinnati Pres. Soc. Fund (in part).

PAOTINGFU, Burlington, N. J., Aux. | Int. on Mrs. A. A. Hodge Fd.

PEKING. Brookville, Pa., Aux. | Pittsburg, Pa., 2d, McFarlane Mem'l. Fairmont, W. Va., S. C. E. I Wilmington, Del., Central, Aux. Phila., Pa., Tioga, Aux. > BAST SHANTUNG MISSION. MISSIONARIES.

♦Elterich, Rev. W. O., Chefoo . . . . C. E. Socs. of Philadelphia Pres. *Elterich, Mrs. W. O., “ .... Clarion Pres. Soc. Hills, Mrs. Oscar F., “ .... Clarion Pres. Soc. Irwin, Mrs. J. P., Tengchow ...... Blairsville Pres. Soc. Montgomery, Mrs. T. H., Tsingtau . . Mahoning Pres. Soc. Nevius, Mrs. J. L., Chefoo ...... Phila., 10th (W . Spruce St.), Aux. Snodgrass, Miss M. A., Tengchow. . . Marion Pres. Soc. Wells, Mrs. Mason, Tsingtau ..... Associate.

CHEFOO. Mt. Airy. Pa.. S. C. E., Jr. Rahway, N. J., 2d, Harvest Bd. Pisgah, Pa., Aux. Scottdale, Pa., Aux.

TENGCHOW. Delaware, O., Y. P. S. Mauch Chunk, Pa., Little Workers. Haddonfield, N. J., Aux. Pottstown, Pa., Hill School, Jr., Bd.

TSINGTAU. Chestnut Hill, Pa., 1st, Aux. Knoxville, Tenn., 2d, Y, L. S. “ ■■ Y. L. Guild. Lancaster, Pa., Bethany, Aux. Columbia, Pa., Girls' Club. Swarthmore, Pa., Aux. Grafton Pres. Soc. WEST SHANTUNG MISSION.


Bynon,MissMargaret1M.D.,Wei Hsien. Phila., ad, Aux. Chalfant, Mrs. F. H., “ Athens Pres. Soc. Faris, Miss Margaret, I-hsien ...... Associate. Fitch, Mrs. J. A.„ W ei H s ie n ...... Carbondale, Pa., Aux. and Bands. ♦Hamilton, Mrs. W. B., Tsinanfu . . . Washington Pres. Soc. Hawes, Miss Charlotte E „ Wei Hsien . Pittsburg, Pa., Shadyside, Aux. Hayes, Mrs. W. M., “ General Fund. Luce, Rev. and Mrs. H.W., " Scranton, Pa., 2d, a Lady. Lyon, Mrs. C. H.,Tsining-chow .... Chillicothe Pres. Soc. Merwin, Dr. Caroline Stow, Tsinanfu . Harrisburg, Pa., two Ladies. Neal, J. B., M.D., “ . C. E. Socs. of Beaver, Lehigh, North­ umberland and Shenango Pres. Thompson, Mrs. T. N., Tsining-chou. . Cincinnati Pres. Soc. Wells, Mrs. Ralph C., Wei Hsien . . . Pittsburg Pres. Soc., Bds. and S. C. E. Yerkes, Mrs. C. H., I-hsien ...... Altoona, Pa., 1st., Aux.

ICHOWFU. Lock Haven, Pa., Aux. | Northumberland Pres. Soc.

TSINANFU. Doe Run, Pa., Aux. Upper Buffalo, Pa., Mary Shaw Bd. Johnstown, Pa., 1st, Int. on Parkes Fd. WestAlexander,Pa.,Hold-the-Fort Bd. Mt. Pleasant, Pa., Aux.


TSINING-CHOU. Knoxville, Tenn., 2d, Aux. 1 Plainfield, N.J., Crescent Ave., Mem’l •' S. C. E. I to E. R. C.

W EI HSIEN. Athens Pres. Soc., S. C. E. Pittston, Pa., ist, Witherspoon Bd. Chester Pres. Soc., S. C. E. Pottstown, Pa., Hill School Bd. Dunmore, Pa., Aux. Sayre, Pa.. Aux. Haddonfield, N. J., Aux. “ “ Children’s Bd. , Pa., S. C. E. Scranton, Pa., 2d, Emma Vail Bd. Phila., Pa., Central-N. Broad, St., Towanda, Pa., Aux. S. C. E. “ “ Stewart Bd. Phoenixville, Pa., S. C. E. West Pittston, Pa., Y. P. Bd.


Boggs, Mrs. J.J., M.D., Canton . . , . New Brunswick Pres. Soc. [Y. L. S. Butler, Miss E. M., “ .... Phila., Central-N. Broad St., Aux. and Carper,MissElizabethR.,M.D.,LienChowWheeling Pres. Soc. Edwards, Mrs. R. F., Lien Chow . . . Maumee Pres. Soc. Fisher, Mrs. A. J., Shek Lung ...... Lackawanna Pres. Soc. Fulton, Rev. A. A., C an ton ...... C. E. Socs. of Carlisle Pres, (in part). Fulton, Miss M. H., M.D., Canton , . Zanesville Pres. Soc. Henry, Rev. James McC., “ . . Washington, D. C., Covenant, S. C. E. Marshall,Mrs.G.W., “ . .Associate. Noyes,Miss Harriet, “ . « Phila;, 1st, Aux. and Bds. 36

Patterson, Miss Elda G., Lien Chow. . Lima Pres. Soc. Patton, Mrs. Charles E.,M.D., Ko-chau,Washington City Pres. Soc. Patton, Miss Lulu R., Canton .... Huntingdon Pres. Soc. (in part). Swan, J. M., M.D., Canton (resigned) . C. E. Socs. of Mahoning, St. Clairsville and Zanesville Pres. Swan, Mrs. J. M., “ (resigned) . Mahoning Pres. Soc.

CANTON. Blairstown, N. J., Aux. I Minerva, O., Aux. Brookville, Pa., Aux. | Monongahela, Pa,, ist, Aux. jBurgettstown,Pa.,ist,GoldenChain Bd. Phila., Pa., McDowell Mem'l, Aux. Cadiz, O., Aux. " Trinity, Aux. Columbus, O., Central, a Lady. ! Seville, O., Guilford, Aux. Concord, N. C.. West. Will. Workers. Washington, D. C., Metropolitan, S. S. Downingtown, Pa., Aux. Miss. Soc. Greencastle, Pa., Y. L. Br. Wayne, Pa., Wayne, Aux. Hyattsville, Md., Aux. West Glade Run, Pa., Aux. Latrobe, Pa., Aux. , West Pittston, Pa.,Y. P. Soc.

(Bands and S. C. E., Jr.) Bellefontaine Pres. Soc. j Lehigh Pres. Soc. Blairsville Pres. Soc. I Monmouth Pres. Soc. Carlisle Pres. Soc. : New Brunswick Pres. Soc. Chester Pres. Soc. New Castle Pres. Soc. Chillicothe Pres. Soc. Philadelphia Pres. Soc. Cincinnati Pres. Soc. “ North Pres. Soc. Cleveland Pres. Soc. Pittsburg Pres. Soc. Dayton Pres. Soc. Redstone Pres. Soc. Elizabeth Pres. Soc. Washington Pres. Soc. Erie Pres. Soc. " City Pres. Soc. Grafton Pres. Soc. West Jersey Pres. Soc. Lackawanna Pres. Soc. Wooster Pres. Soc.



KO-CHAU. East Cleveland, O., Windemere, Aux. East Cleveland, O., Windemere, “ “ “ “ Girls’ Guild. S. C. E.

LIEN CHOW. Germantown, Pa., ist, Aux. Harrisburg, Pa., Pine St., Mr. Stran- Harrisburg, Pa., Pine St.,Mrs.Gross’Cl. ahan’s Cl. “ “ Miss Pollock’s Cl. Harrisburg, Pa., Westminster, Aux. “ “ “ Mr. Kantz’s Cl. Stroudsburg, Pa., Aux.

LIEN CHOW, BUILDING FOR MISS PATTERSON’S SCHOOL. Martin’s Ferry, O., legacy, Mrs. Jane West Pittston, Pa., a Friend. Armstrong. Miscellaneous, Legacies. Phila., Calvary Aux.

¿HEK-LUNG. Baltimore Pres. Soc. 37


Sturge, Mrs. E. A., San Francisco. . . Northumberland Pres. Soc.

SAN FRANCISCO. Carlisle, Pa., ist, Golden Chain Bd. Lehigh Pres. Soc.. Harrisburg, Pa., Pine St., Mrs. Menry Mead ville, Pa.. Y. L. S. M cCorm ick. Stillwater, N. J., Aux. Harrisburg, Pa., Pine St., Y. L. Br,

INDIA. PUNJAB MISSION. MISSIONARIES. ♦Carleton, Miss J. R., M.D., Ambala. . Washington Pres. Soc. *Carleton, Mrs. Marcus B., Sabathu . . Dayton Pres. Soc. Donaldson, Miss Elma, Dehra .... Clarion Pres. Soc. Ewing, Mrs. J. C. R., Lahore .... Washington Pres. Soc. Gould, Mrs. A. B., M.D., Lahore . . Chester Pres. Soc. Herron, Miss C. B., Saharanpur (resig’d)Huntingdon Pres. Soc. Johnson, Miss M. E., “ . . . New Castle Pres. Soc. Jones, Miss A. B., Mussoorie .... Butler Pres. Soc. *Jones, Mrs. U. S. G ...... Wilkinsburg, Pa., Aux. Kerr, Miss Amanda, Jagraon ...... New Brunswick Pres. Soc. and Easton, Pa., College Hill, Aux. McKee, Mrs. William J., Lahore . . . Associate. Marston, Miss Emily, M.D., Ambala . Pittsburgh Pres. Soc. Mitchell, Miss Alice, M.D., Mussoorie . Bellefontaine Pres. Soc. ®Morris, Miss Emma, D e h ra ...... Elizabeth Pres. Soc. ;i:'Noble, Miss Mary, M.D., Lodiana. . . Self-supporting. Newton, Rev. E. P., Lodiana...... C. E. Socs. of Erie and Zanesville Pres. Orbison, Rev. J. H., M.D., Jullunder . C. E. Socs. of Chester, Huntingdon and Kittanning Pres. Orbison, Mrs. J. H., Jullunder .... Lackawanna Pres. Soc. Thackwell, Mrs. Reese, Ambala. . . . General Fund. Thiede, Miss Clara, Lahore...... Baltimore Pres. Soc. Wherry, Mrs. E. M., Lodiana .... General Fund. Wherry, Miss S. M., Jagraon...... Kittanning Pres. Soc.

AMBALA. Ambler, Pa., Aux. ' Port Allegheny, Pa., Aux. McKeesport, Pa., Central, Westmin­ Pottstown, Pa., Aux. ster Club. Roselle, N. J., Y . P. S. Nashville, Tenn., Russell St., Aux. Washington Pres. Soc., Cunningham New Decatur, Ala., Westm'r, Aux. Lester M em ’l, Phila., Tabernacle, Aux.

Bristol. Pa.. Aux. Phila., Mutchmore Memorial, Aux. Columbus, O., Central, Moore Soc. “ Union Tabernacle,Robert Hun­ Concord, N. C., Westm'r, Will. Work. ter Bd. Greenwich, N. J., Aux. Trenton, N. J., 3d. Y. L. S. Lansdowne, Pa., Helpers Bd...... S. C. E., Jr. Manayunk, Pa., Aux. W ashington. Pa., 2d. Aux. Newtown, Pa., S. C. E. Wheeling, W. Va., Cherith Bd, Phila., Bethlehem, Aux. 38

FEROZEPORE. Blackwood, N. J., Aux. Huntingdon Pres. Soc. Collingswood, N. J., Aux. Phila., 3d, Aux. Grafton Pres. Soc.


HOSHYARPUR. Elizabeth, N. J., Westminster Bd. | Harrisburg,Pa.,Market Sq.,Y.W.,Aux.



Baltimore, Md., Brown Mem’l, Jewels. Harrisburg, Pa., Pine St., Y. Lc, Br. Brookville, Pa., Y. W „ Aux. Mechanicsburg, Pa., Aux. Clarion, Pa., Y. L., Aux, New Brunswick, N. J., S. C. E., Jr. Clarksville, Pa., Aux. Ohio Synodical Society. Ebenezer, Pa., Aux.


Blairsville Pres. Soc. Phila., Bethlehem, Y. P. Ass’n. Butler, Pa., 1st, Aux. No. 2. “ Princeton, Fullerton Bd. “ “ “ Alice W. Moore “ Trinity, Aux. M em ’l. Port Deposit, Md., Aux. Darby Borough, Pa., Ivy Leaf Soc. Wilmington, Dei., West, Happy Dayton Pres. Soc. W orkers. Marion, O., S. C. E. Woodbridge, N. J., Aux. “ “ S. C. E., Jr. [Moore. “ “ Lilies of the Field. Newark, O., 1st Legacy, Miss Emily


Carbondale, Pa.. True Light Bd. Phila., Tennent Mem'i, Aux. Lower Valley, N. J., Aux. Wayne, Pa., Radnor, Aux. Newton Pres. Soc.


Carlisle Pres. Soc. I H. H. T. Ridley Park, Pa., Aux, |


Alliance, O., Aux. Phila., Harper Mem., Y. L. B. Athens, Pa., Aux. Shenango, Pres. Soc. Cleveland, O., North, Aux. Springfield, O., Girls’ Miss. Club. Columbus, O., Central, a Lady. Uhrichsville, O., Aux. Grafton Pres. Soc., S. C. E. Washington, Pa., Non Nobis Bd., a Greenville, O., Girls’ Miss. Soc. Friend. New Castle, Pa., ist Helena, Aux. Williamsburg, Pa. Aux. Parkersburg Pres. Soc., S. C. E. Wilmington, Del., ist, Aux, Phila., Calvin, Aux. 89

SAHARANPUR. (Bands and S. C. E.. Jr.) Butler, Pres. Soc. Lackawanna Pres. Soc. Carlisle Pres. Soc. Mahoning Pres. Soc. * Chester Pres. Soc. Maumee Pres. Soc. Cincinnati Pres. Soc. Phila. Pres. Soc. Cleveland Pres. Soc. Pittsburg Pres. Soc. Dayton Pres. Soc. Redstone Pres. Soc. Elizabeth Pres. Soc. St. Clairsville Pres. Soc. Erie Pres. Soc. West Jersey Pres. Soc. Kittanning Pres. Soc. Wooster Pres. Soc. NORTH INDIA MISSION. MISSIONARIES. Bandy, Rev. C. H., Fatehgarh . . . . C. E. Socs. of Monmouth Pres, and of Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee Synodical Socs. Ewing, Mrs. A. H., Allahabad .... Baltimore, Md., Brown Mem., Aux. Forman, Miss Emily, Fatehgarh . . . Mt. Airy, Pa., a Lady. Forman, Mrs. Henry, Jhansi . Phila. North Pres. Soc. Forman, Rev. John N., Mainpurie . . C. E. Socs. of Chillicothe, Newton and West Jersey Pres. Forman, Miss Mary P., Allahabad . . . Cincinnati Pres. Soc. Fullerton. Miss Mary, Fatehgarh . . . A Lady and Gentleman. Gillam, Mrs. S. McC., Cawnpore . . . Pittsburg, N S.. Pa., Bellefield, Aux. *Higginbcttom, Mrs. Sam, Allahabad Pittsburg, N. S., Pa., North, Aux. Holcomb, Mrs. James F., Jhansi . . . Trenton. N. J.. 4th, Aux. and Bd. *Lawrence, Mrs. John H.. Etah .... Phila. West Hope, Aux. Mattison, Mrs.C.H., Fatehpur (resigned)Steubenville Pres. Soc. Mitchell, Mrs. W. T., Mainpurie. . . . Wooster Pres. Soc. Tracy, Miss Jane W ., Allahabad . . . Pittsburg, Pa., East Liberty, Aux.

ALLAHABAD. Harrisburg, Pa., Pine St., Aux. Phila., Pa., John Chambers’ Mem'I* Int. on Mrs. A. A. Hodge Fund. Aux. Phila., Pa., Bethany, Aux.


ETAH. Bloomsbury, N. J., Aux. I Penfield, Pa.. S. C. E. Derry, Pa., Y. L. C. I Phila., Pa., Patterson Mem'I, Y. L. S.

ETAWAH. Cleveland, O., North, Aux. West Chester, Pa., ist, Aux...... Girls' Bd. “ S. C. E., Int. Elwood, Pa., Aux.

FATEHGARH. Bristol, Pa.. Basti Bd. Monmouth Pres. Soc. Cadiz, O., S. C. E. Phila., Arch St., Aux. Catasauqua, Pa., 1st, Aux. Pitts' Creek, Md., Aux. Dayton, O., 1st, Y. L. B. Princess Anne, Manokin, Md., Aux. Easton, Pa., Brainerd Union, Aux. Stevensville. Pa., Aux. Elizabeth, N. J., Westminster. Bd. Upper Buffalo, Pa., Aux. Erie Pres. Soc. [Smith’s Cl. Washington City Pres. Soc. Harrisburg, Pa., Market Sq., Mrs. Waynesboro, Pa., Aux. Media, Pa., Aux. West Pittston, Pa., Y. P, S. “ " s , a s . 40


JHANSI. Eddington, Pa., Aux. I Hopewell, O., Holcomb Bd. Frankford, Pa., Hermon, Y. L. B. Phila., Union Tabernacle, Johnstone Hopewell, O., Aux. | Soc.

MAINPURIE. Basking Ridge, N. J., Aux. I Pittsburgh, Pa., Friend of Missions. Metuchen, N. J., Aux. | Steubenville, O., 2d, Aux. WESTERN INDIA MISSION. MISSIONARIES.

Enright, Miss G. L., Sangli...... Scranton, Pa., Aux. Foster, Miss Elizabeth A.. Kodoli . . . A Lady, Philadelphia. Goheen, Mrs. R. H., Vengurle .... Lackawanna Pres. Soc. Hannum, Mrs. William, Vengurle . . . Columbus Pres. Soc. Howard, Mrs. Henry George, Kodoli . Cincinnati Pres. Soc. Wanless, Mrs. W . J., M iraj...... Associate. Wiley, Mrs. A. L., Ratnagiri...... Edgewood, Pa., Aux.

KODOLI. Cincinnati, O., Walnut Hills, Hum- I Phila., Bethlehem, Aux. phrey Soc. | Pleasant Ridge, O., Aux. Elizabeth. N. J., 2d, Bd. Williamsport, Pa., 3d, Mudge Bd. Oveibrook, Pa., Aux, |

KOLHAPUR. Carnegie, Pa., Fredericka Bd. Phila., McDowell Mem., Aux. Congress, O.. Aux. Nor. Lib , rst, Little Gleaners. Edg^wood, Pa., a Ladv. “ Tabor, Aux. Elizabeth, N.J., ad. Bd. Plainfield. N. J., 1st, Aux. Frankford, Pa., Y. W . Soc. Pittsburg Pres. Soc. “ Jr. Bd. Shrewsbury, N. J.t Aux. “ S. C. E. Slate Lick, Pa., Aux. [Girls’ Guild. Lewistown, Pa., Y. W. Soc. Washington, D.-C., New York Ave., Phila., Emmanuel, S. C. E. West Kishacoquillas, Pa., Aux.

MIRAJ. Basking Ridge, N. J., a Lady and Gen­ Plainfield, N. J., Crescent Ave., Sun­ tleman. shine Bd. Bryn Mawr, Pa., Aux.

SANGLI. Carnegie, Pa., ist, a Lady. I Washington, D. C., Westminster, Aux. Troy, Pa., Birthday Bd.

RATNAGIRI. Pittsburg Pres. Soc. j Washington, N. j u Westminster, Cl.

VENGURLE. Columbus Pres. Soc. 41


Campbell, Miss E. R., Tokyo ...... Chester Pres. Soc. Landis, Mrs. H. M., “ ...... General Fund. London, Miss M. H., “ ...... Y. W. Socs. of Huntingdon and Phila., North Pres. MacNair, Mrs. T. M., “ ...... Titusville, Pa.,Aux. and Bd.,and Beaver Pres. Soc. Milliken, Miss E. P., “ ...... Phila. North Pres. Soc. Pierson, Rev. George P., Asahigawa . . C. E. Socs. of Elizabeth and Phila. Pres. West, Miss Anna B., Tokyo ..... Carlisle Pres. Soc.


Wissahickon, Pa., Aux.

TOKYO. Ambler, Pa., Aux. Harrisburg, Pa., Market Square, Sr. Chambersburg, Pa., Falling Sp., Craw­ S. S. Dept. ford Cir. Harrisburg, Pa., Market Sq., Mace­ Dayton, O., Mem’l. Hughes Soc. donian Bd. Dillaye Memorial Fand. Merritt Mem’l Fund. Duncannon, Pa., Aux. New Brighton, Pa., Aux. Elizabeth, N. J., Westminster. Sr. Bd. Phila., 2d, Aux. 44 “ “ Lçnrrroff “ 4th, Aux. M em ’l. “ Princeton, Whatsoever Cir. Erie, Pa., North, Sanford Mem’l. Pluckamin, N. J., Aux. Fostoria, O., Y. W . Cir. Washington City Pres. Soc. Haddonfield, N. J., Aux. Wilkinsburg, Pa., 2d, Aux.

YOKOHAMA. Cross Creek, Pa., Y. L. S.


Alexander, Miss Sallie, Osaka . . . . Y.W . Socs. of Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee Synodical Socs. * Bryan, Mrs. Arthur V., Port Arthur, M a n ch u ria ...... Pittsburg, East Liberty, Aux. Dooley, Miss Lucille, Kanazawa . . . Lackawanna Pres. Soc. Hail, Mrs. J. B., W akayama ...... Redstone Pres. Soc. Hail, Mrs. J. E., Tsu I s e ...... Alabama and Tennessee Syn. Socs, Hereford, Mrs. W . F., Yamada .... Tennessee Syn. Soc. Porter, Miss Francine ...... Ransom, Miss Mary H., Osaki .... “ " “ Robertson, Miss Elva, Wakayama . . Blairsville Pres. Soc. Riker, Miss Jessie, Yamada Ise . . . .Cleveland Van Horn, Mrs. G. W ., Osaka .... Oil City, Pa., 2d, Aux., Bds. and S. C. E.

KANAZAWA. Bristol, Pa., Aux. | Easton, Pa., College Hill. Y. L. C. Easton., Pa., 1st, Aux. Phila., Princeton. Mary Henry Circle. " “ Brainerd Union. Aux. J 42


Jenkintown, Pa., Grace, S. C. E.

OSAKA. Cincinnati, O., 6th, Pearl Gatherers. I Johnson City, Tenn., Wautauga Ave., Concord, N. C., Westm’r.Will.Work's. | Muddy Creek, Pa., Aux. [Y. L. S, Deer Creek, Md., Harmony, Aux. I Pläinsboro, N. J., Aux. I Wheeling, W . Va., ist, a Lady.

YAMADA ISE. Deer Creek, Md., Harmony, Aux. I Meridian, Miss., S. C. E. Huntsville, Ala., ist, Aux. | Milton, Tenn., Aux.

YAMAGUCHI. Baltimore, Md., 2d, Aux. [Aux. I Baltimore, Md., 2d, Earnest Workers. " " “ Willing Hearts, | “ “ “ R. H. Smith Bd.



Best, Miss Margaret, Pyeng Yang . . Phila., Calvary, Aux. Bruen, Mrs. H. M., Taiku ...... Erie Pres. Soc. Butts, Miss Alice M., Pyeng Yang. . . New Castle and Wellsboro Pres. Socs. * Cook, Mrs. W. T., Chong Ju . . . . Associate. Curtis, Mrs. F. S., Seoul...... Wooster Pres. Soc. Doriss. Miss Anna S., Milyang . . . Young Women’s Societies. Helstrom. Miss Hilda, Syen Chun . . Associate. Heron, Miss Sarah A., Seoul...... St. Clairsville Pres. Soc. Hirst, Mrs. J. W., “ .... Associate. Hunt, Mrs. W . B., Chai Ryung. . . . Self-supporting. Johnson, Mrs. Woodbridge O., Taiku.. Associate. Luther, Miss Ida R., Seou l ...... Lehigh Pres. Soc. McCune, Miss Katharine, Chai Ryung . Associate. McKenzie, Miss Marv, Taiku .... Washington Pres. Soc. Rhodes, Mrs. H. A., Syen Chun . . . Washington Pres. Soc. Roberts, Mrs. S. L., Syen Chun. . . . Chester Pres. Soc. Samuels, Miss Jane M., Syen Chun . . Phila., Walnut St.,‘Aux. and Bds. •Smith, Mrs. Walter E„ Fusan .... Cincinnati, O., Walnut Hills, Aux. & Bds. (Mrs. Curtis and Miss Luther belong to West Japan Mission, but are working temporarily among the Japanese in Korea.)

CHONG-JU. Orwell, Pa., a Lady.

FUSAN. Bridesburg, Pa., Aux. j Princeton, N. J., 2d, Aux. Johnstown, Pa., 1st, Aux. | S. C. E., Jr. Phila., Calvary, Aux. Trenton, N. J., 2d, S. C. E„ Jr. " Tabor, Aux.

PYENG YANG. Blairsville, Pa., S. C. E., Jr. New Decatur, Ala., Westm’r Aux. Chestnut Hill, Pa., Trinity, King's Washington, Pa., 1st, Y. M. Club, Linwood, O., Aux. [Daughters. % 48

SEOUL. Atlantic City, N. J., Olivet, Aux. Leverington, Pa., Aux. Concord, N. C., Westm'r, Willing Offerings from Shanghai. W orkers. Phila., Central-North Broad St., S.C.E. Harriman, Tenn., Aux. Relay, Md., Aux. Harrisburg, Pa., Pine St., Y. L. Br. Trenton, N. J., 5th, Aux. [Guild. Jenkintown, Pa., Grace, S. C. E., Jr. Washington, D. C., N. Y. Ave., Y. W. Lancaster, Pa., ist, Aux. A Friend.

TAIKU. Easton, Pa., College Hill, S. C. E. Erie, Pa., Central, Aux...... S.C.E., Jr. McMinnville Pres. Soc., a Friend.

KOREA PROPAGANDA. Sewickley, Pa., Aux.



MEXICO. * Boyce, Mrs. Isaac, Jalap a ...... General Fund. Hunt, Miss Anna M., Mexico City (resigned) . . . Philadelphia Pres. Soc. Weidaw, Miss Emma A., Mexico C ity ...... Erie Pres. Soc.

GAUTEMALA. McBath, Mrs. Walter E., Quezaltenango...... Steubenville Pres. Soc.

AGUAS CALIENTES. Columbia Pres. Soc.

MEXICO CITY. Cincinnati Pres. Soc. ! Milton, Pa., Y. W. Aux. Crafton, Pa., ist, Girls’ Miss. Club. Phila., Pa., Bethlehem, Aux. Elizabeth, N. J., Greystone, Cheerful Troy, O., Aux. Givers. Washington, D. C., Met., S. S., Miss. Elkton, Md., Aux. Soc. Lancaster, Pa., ist, Aux. Wheeling, W. Va., ist, Aux.


Bartlett, Miss Cora C., Teheran . . . Erie Pres. Soc., Y. P. Bds. Euwer, Mrs. Norman L., Hamadan ( r e s ig n e d ) ...... Phila., Woodland, Aux. Iordan, Mrs. S. M „ Teheran .... Westminster Pres. Soc. *Lawrence,E.T., M.D., Kasvin . . . Bands and C. E. Socs. of Pittsburg Pres. and C.E. Socs. of Washington City Pres. * Lawrence, Mrs. E. T., M.D., Kasvin Phila., Olivet, Aux., and Beaver Pres. Soc. Potter, Mrs. J. L., Teheran ...... General Fund. Schuler, Mrs. H. C., Resht...... St. Clairsville Pres. Soc.

HAMADAN. Atlantic City, N. J., Olivet, Aux. I Washington, N. J., Aux. Perrysville, Pa., Highland, Aux, J Westminster Pres. Soc. 44

KASVIN. Lebanon, Pa., Christ Ch., Aux. | Mt. Gilead, O., Calvin Club.


RESHT. Media, Pa., Schuler Guild. | Phila., Tabernacle, Y. W. S.

TEHERAN. Cadiz, O., Earnest Workers. Phila., ist, Geo. D. Baker Fund. Doylestown, Pa., Mechanicsville, Aux. Phila., Bethany, a Friend, Hackettstown, N. J., Aux. WESTERN MISSION. MISSIONARIES. Coan, Mrs. F. G., Urum ia . Wooster Pres. Soc. Labaree, Mrs. Robert, “ ...... Harrisburg, Pa., Market Sq., Aux. Lamme, Miss Edith, “ ...... Monmouth Pres. Soc. Lewis, Miss Mary E., “ ...... Steubenville Pres. Soc. »McDowell, Mrs. E. W ., Van .... Clearfield, Pa., Aux., Bd. and S. C. E. Vanneman, Mrs. W. S., Tabriz . . . Huntingdon Pres. Soc. Wright, Mrs. J. N., T a b riz . Washington Pres. Soc.

TABRIZ. Concord, N. C., Westminster, Willing I Philadelphia, Princeton, Helping Hand Workers. I Circle.

Bel Air, Md., Aux. Mead ville, Pa., ist., Aux. Blairsville, Pa., Aux. Neshaminy of Warwick, Pa.. S. C. E. Camden, N. J., ist, Martha M. Parker Phila., Bethlehem, S. C. E., Sec. A. Mem'l. “ Calvary Aux. Carlisle Pres. Soc. “ Princeton, First Fruits Bd. Cochranton, Pa., Aux. " Susquehanna Aux. Columbus, O., West Broad St., Aux. " West Green St., Bethany,Bd. Darby Borough, Pa., S. C. E. Pittsburg Pres. Soc. Dayton, O.. 4th, Aux. Taneytown, Md., Aux. Hamilton, O., Westm’r, Aux. Wallingford, Pa., Aux. Honesdale, Pa., Aux. Washington, Pa„ ist. Sewing Soc., Mahoning Pres. Soc., Hasletine Fund. McCombs-Morgan Mem’l. Marietta, O., Aux. Wooster, O., Westminster, Coan Bd.

URUMIA—LABAREE HOUSE. Phila., a Lady. PHILIPPINES. MISSIONARIES. Bartholomew, Miss Clyde, Manila . . Forty Fort, Pa., Aux.; Phila., Chambers- Wylie, Aux. and Parkersburg Pres. Soc. Carter, Mrs. R. W., Ma-asin .... Associate. Doltz, Mrs. Paul, Iloilo ...... “ Graham, Mrs. J. A., C e b u ...... “ ansen, Mrs. P. F„ “ .... . “ Lalb, Miss Theresa M., Manila . . . Washington City Pres. Soc. (in part). Klein,i Miss Amelia P ...... Huntingdon Pres. Soc. Langheim, Mrs. W. H., Dumaguete . Sewickley, Pa., Aux. Magill, Mrs. C. N., Lucban ..... Pittsburg, Pa.. 3d, Aux. 45


Cincinnati, O., Covenant, Aux. I Cincinnati, O., Covenant, S. C. E. “ “ “ Y. P. S. I Uniontown, Pa., ist.

ILOILO. Bethany, O., Aux. | Germantown, Pa., ist. Eliot Bd.


Children’s Bds. and S. C. E., Jr.


French-Broad Pres. Soc. Bds. and S. C. E.


Baltimore Pres. Soc. | Meadville, Pa., Central, Y. L. S.



Caldwell, Mrs. Albert F., Bangkok . . Washington City Pres. Soc. Dunlap, Rev. J. B., Bangkok ...... C. E. Socs. of Baltimore and Blairsville Pres. Dunlap, Mrs. J. B., “ ...... Germantown, Pa., ist, Aux. Eakin, Rev. J. A., " ...... C. E. Socs. of Butler and Clarion Pres. Eckels,Rev.C.E.,Nakawn Sri Tamarat . C. E. Socs. of New Castle, St. Clairs- ville, and Westminster Pres. ^Franklin, Mrs. Robert O., Bangkok (resigned) ...... Washington City Pres. Soc. Jones, Mrs. R. C., Pitsanuloke .... Plainfield, N. J., Crescent Ave., a Lady. McCord, Miss Margaret, Bangkok . . Baltimore, Md., Faith, Aux. and Bds. (in part). *Post, Mrs. R. W ., Nakawn Sri Tamarat. Pittsburg, Pa., ist, Aux. Stewart, Mrs. Herbert W ...... Swart, Mrs.W. J„ Nakawn Sri Tamarat. Cleveland, O., Calvary, Aux.


Brookville, Pa., S. C. E. | Savannah, O., a Friend.


Carlisle, Pa., 2d, Aux.


Raccoon, Pa., Aux. I Wilkinsburg, Pa., ist, J. R. Reed Soc. 46


Campbell, Miss Daisy P ...... Campbell, Mrs. Howard, Chieng Mai . Zanesville Pres. Soc. Collins, Miss C. M arie ...... Carlisle Pres. Soc. *Collins, Mis. D. G., Chieng Mai . ; . Baltimore, Md„ ist, Aux. Dodd, Mrs. W . C., Chieng Rai .... Butler Pres. Soc. Freeman, Mrs. J. H., Lampoon . . . General Fund. Gillies, Mrs. Roderick, Lakawn .... Lehigh Pres. Soc. *Harris, Mrs. William, Chieng Mai . . Elizabeth Pres. Soc. Palmer, Rev. M. B., N a n ...... C. E. Socs.of Redstone, Washington and Wheeling Pres.

CHIENG MAI. Germantown, Pa., Summit, Aux. I McVeytown, Pa., Aux. “ “ S. C. E. I Rahway, N. J., 2d, Aux.

CHIENG RAI. Warren, Pa., ad, Aux.


Bixler, Mrs. C. E., Estancia . Wheeling Pres. Soc. Dascomb, Miss M. P.,Curityba .... Plainfield, N. J., Crescent Ave., Aux., and Mahoning Pres. Soc. Kuhl, Miss Ella, C urityba ...... Flemington, N.J., Aux. and Bds., Bal­ timore, Aisquith St., Aux, Louisville, Miss., Aux, and Grafton Pres. Soc. * Landes, Mrs. George A., Curityba . . Huntingdon Pres. Soc. Lenington, Miss Effie, “ . . Carlisle Pres. Soc. Lenington, Rev. R. F., " . . C. E. Socs. of Athens, Cincinnati^ Cleve­ land, Columbus, Huron, Portsmouth and Wooster Pres. Lenington, Mrs. R. F., Curityba . . . Huron Pres. Soc. Williamson, Miss E. R., Sao Joaode P a ra g u assu ...... Phila., Calvary, Aux. and Bd.

BAHIA. Atglen, Pa., Aux. [ Elizabeth, N. J., 3d, L. M. Cir. Concord, N. C., Westm’r, Willing Jacksonburg, W. Va., Aux. W orkers. j

CURITYBA. Amwell, N. J., United ist, Aux. I Plainfield, N. J., .Crescent Ave., Aux. Haddonfield, N. J.,'Aux. | Renovo,* Pa., Aux. Mahoning Pres. Soc. I Trenton, N. J., Prospect, Aux. Phila., Bethlehem, Aux. |

FLORIANAPOUS. York, Pa„ ist, Aux.

SANTA CATHARINA. Atlantic City, N. J., Olivet, Aux. 47

c jH ir .u } .


Browning, Rev. W .E., Ph.D.,Santiago . C. E. Socs. of Philadelphia North Pres.


Metuchen, N. J., S. C. E. Quaker City, O., A Lady. Phila., Tabernacle, McCook Soc. V . C. B.

COLOMBIA. MISSIONARIES. Candor, Mrs. T. H„ Bogota ...... Chillicothe Pres. Soc. Pond, Mrs. T. S., Caracas, Venezuela . Columbus Pres. Soc.


Chambersburg, Pa., Falling Spring, Lorain, O., Aux. Crawford Cir. McKeesport, Pa., Central, World Doylestown, Pa., Mechanicsville, Aux. Saltsburg, Pa., Aux. [Workers. Easton, Pa., ist, Aux. A Friend.



Brown, Miss Charlotte H., Sidon . , Monmouth Pres. Soc. Brown, Mrs. James B., Tripoli . . . Philadelphia, Woodland, Aux. Doolittle, Rev. G. C., Beirut . . . . C. E. Socs. of Bellefontaine, Marion and Maumee Pres. Eddy, Miss M. P., M.D., Junieh . . Washington, D. C., Covenant, Aux. •Erdman, Mrs. Paul, Zahleh . . . . Philadelphia Pres. Soc. Horne, Miss Ottora M., Beirut . . . Columbus, O., Northminster, S. C. E. (in part). [ing Pres. Jessup, Rev. Samuel, D.D., Beirut . C. E. Socs. of Lackawanna and Mahon- Jessup, Mrs. Stuart D., Sidon . . . . Westminster Pres. Soc. March, Mrs. Frederick W „ Beirut . Wheeling Pres. Soc. Nelson, Mrs. W. S., Tripoli . . . . Private Funds. Thomson, Miss Emilia, Beirut . . . Steubenville Pres. Soc. (in part)


Berwyn, Md., S. C. E. Washington, D. C., Covenant, League Harrisburg, Pa., Market Square, Aux. of the Covenant. [Bible Class. Honesdale, Pa., Aux. Washington, D. C., Covenant, Y. L. Lawrenceville, N. J., Aux. West Alexander, Pa., Loring Cir. Newville, Pa., Aux. Williamsport, Pa.,Covenant,Y.W.Aux. Nottingham, Pa., Aux.


Avoca, Pa., Langcliffe, Aux. Phila., North, Aux. Brookeville, Pa., Aux. " Tioga, Aux. Milford, N. J., Aux. Williamsport, Pa., ist, Aux. Morrisville, Pa., Aux. 48

SIDON. Asbury Park, N. J., Aux. Harrisburg, Pa., Pine St., .Mrs. Hu­ Athens, Pa., Aux. bert's Cl. Baltimore, Brown Mem‘1, Mrs. E. S. P. Long Branch, N. J., Aux. Jones, A u x. Mt. Pleasant, Pa., S. C. E. Brownsville, Pa., Aux. Neshannock, Pa., Y. P. S. Cincinnati, O., Westwood, Aux. New Castle, Pa., ist, Helena Aux, Dauphin, Pa., Jr. Soc. Phila., Bethany, Girls’ Infant Cl. Ebensburg, Pa., Aux. [Givers. Pittsburg Pres. Soc. Elizabeth, N. J., Greystone, Cheerful Sharon, Pa., S. C. E. Gettysburg, Pa., Aux. Urbana, O., Y. W. S. Great Valley, Pa., Aux. Wampum, Pa., S. C. E. Harrisburg,Pa.,Pine St.,Aux. Williamsport, Pa., ist, Aux. [Aux. “ “ “ Mrs. Wallace’s Cl. “ “ Rich.Armstrong “ Mr. Stewart’s Cl. “ “ Covenant, Aux. “ “ Miss Alreck's Cl.

TRIPOLI. Children’s Bands and S. C. E., Jr. 49

list of Societies anb ISanbs.

6 VNODICAL SOCIETY OK NEW JERSEV. Pres., Mrs. G. W . B. Cushing, Cor.Sec., Mrs. Walter Condict, Sr., Treas,, Miss H. F. Van Meter, 50 Munn Ave., E. Orange, N.J. 73 Prospect St., Madison, N. J. 121 W. Broadway, Salem, N.J. Sec. K P., Miss May Stelle, Rec. Sec., Miss Mary R. Tooker, ¿>ec. Lit., Mrs. Sam'l McLanahan, Lawrenceville, N. J. 28 Evergreen Place, E. Orange, N.J. Lawrenceviile, N. J. Special Synodical Contribution to General Fund, $35.00. Presbytery of Elizabeth. Pres., Mrs. J. T. Kerr; Cor. Sec., Mrs. V. O. Burtis, Treas., Mrs. F. W. Veghte, 62 W . Scott PI., Elizabeth, N.J. 131 Euclid Ave., Westfield,N.J. 153 5th Ave., East, Roselle,N.J. Sec. Y.P., Miss MargarettaStevenson, Rec.Sec., Miss E .M . Colton, Sec.Lit., Mrs.Wilbur La Roe, Roselle, N. J. 149 W. Jersey St., Elizabeth, N.J. Perth Amboy, N. J. Sec. Study Classes, Miss Halloway, Plainfield, N. J. Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. William Harris, Laos, and Miss Emma Morris, India. Young Women’s Societies — Miss Anna S. Doriss, Korea. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. G. P. Pierson, Japan. C h il d r e n ’s B an d s a n d J r . S. C. E.—Canton, Saharanpur, Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Basking Ridge...... $114 Mainpurie, Mrs. C. B. Dunham. S. C. E ...... 40 i Miss Nettie Allen. S. C. E., J r ...... 5 Miss K. Thompson. B e th le h e m ...... 21 Mrs. H. Alpaugh. Golden Rule Bd...... 4 Mrs. Henry McGilvary. C a r t e r e t ...... 3 Miss U. B. Leber. S. C. E., Int...... Miss U. Leber. S. C. E., J r ...... i Clarksville, S. C. E ...... 5 Mrs. B. S. Farrow. C lin to n ...... ? 7 Mrs. B. F. Honness. Sewing S o c ...... 17 5 ° Boys’ B a n d ...... xo Reading Gebhardt. Star C ircle ...... 25 Miss Nina Rowland. S . C. E ...... 10 S. C. E., Int...... 6 50 S. C. E.,Jr...... 3 Connecticut Farms .... 30 Mrs. H. C. Chandler. S. C. E...... 11 3 1 Miss Florence Faitoute. S. C. E ., Jr...... iS C ran ford ...... 32 69 Y . W . S ...... 25 Mrs. F. R. Rundel. D u n ellen ...... 39 Mrs. A. L. Gaston. Whatsoever B d ...... S. C. E ...... S. C. E.,Jr...... Elizabeth Association .... 24 92 [Africa, and Evelyn Adams, Elizabeth. 1st ' ...... 2 9 3 56 Ningpo; Mrs. A. G. Adams. Mrs. S. Higgins. Mary Morrison Bd. . . . 100 Mrs. A. G. Adams, Mis F. B. Brodhead. K in g’s C h ild ren ...... iS Evelyn Ariams, Mit.s C . Hartman. Round Table Bd...... 15 Mr.s. A . G. Adams, [Adams, S. a E ...... 20 Mrs. A. G. Adams and Evelyn F. K . Dow.

♦The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 4 50

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies, Name of Secretary.

Elizabeth, 2 d ...... $560 Miss A. R. Morton, China, Mrs. N. W. Faulks. B and...... 202 Kolhapur and Kodoli, Miss Elsie Shipman. S. C. E ...... 5 0 Miss Bessie Crater. S. C. E.. J r ...... lO Elizabeth, 3 d ...... 17 3 Miss A. R. Morton, Mrs. W . McCulley. L. Miss. C ircle ...... 5 0 Bahia, Miss Perlee Bonton. S. C. E ...... 3 ° Miss Sue Valentine. S. C. E., J r ...... 15 Bethany Chapel, Bd, and S. C. E., Jr...... 3 Miss Lulu Grote. Elizabeth, Greystone, Cheer­ [Miss A. R. Morton, ful G iv ers...... 120 Baraka, Mexico, Sidon and Miss Harriet Crane. S. C. E ...... 10 Mrs. A. F. Schmidt. Elizabeth, Madison Ave. . . 16 25 Miss A . R. Morton, Mrs. S. Snowden. Elizabeth, Westminster . . 192 Miss A . R. Morton, Mrs. M. A. Carter. Senior Bd...... 575 Katehgarh,Tokyo and Hoshy- Miss Edith Griffen. Senior Bd., Leggetts Mem'l 25 Tokyo, [arpore, Y . P. Union...... 7 4 Hope Chapel...... 27 Miss A. R. Morton, Miss M. J. Pierson. S. C. E ...... 10 Miss E. R. Waters. S. C. E., J r ...... 10 L a m in g to n ...... 3 2 Mrs. F. H. Powelson, Blauvelt Bd...... 7 S. C . E ...... 10 Miss Fannie Powelson. Liberty Corner ...... 10 Miss H. P. Boyle. S. C. E ...... Lower Valley ...... 60 Mussoorie, S. C . E ...... 4 Mainpurie, M etuchen...... 5° Mrs. Edward Morris. S. C. E ...... 20 Valparaiso, Miss Grace Martin. Perth Amboy ...... 200 Mrs. James Stafford. S. C. E...... 15 S.C. E., Jr...... 4 Plainfield, 1 s t ...... 1x6 Kolhapur, Miss J. Abbott. King's Messengers. . . . Margaret Simcox L. L. B. 5 0 S. C. E...... [and Curityba, Miss Georgia Ricker. Plainfield, Crescent Ave. . . 760 Miss M. P. Dascomb, Brazil, Mrs. 0 . G. Dale. Memorial, E. R. C. . . . 100 Tsiningchou, A L a d y ...... 400 Mrs. R. C. Jones, Siam, B oys’ B a n d ...... 19 68 Sunshine Bd...... 130 Miraj, Miss H. Goddard. Y . P. A s s 'n ...... Hope Chapel...... 1 Mrs. M W. Clark. S. C. E ...... 10 Frank Rimmer. Warren Chapel...... 7 1 Mrs. E. G. Smith. S. C. E ...... 33 Miss H. Squier. S. C. E„ Jr...... 10 Pluckamin ...... 40 85 Tokyo, Mrs. S. Brown. Crescent Bd ...... 24 05 Miss Sadie Walsh. S. C. E ...... 10 96 Mr. Downing Owens. Rahway, 1st...... 5 9 5 ° Mrs. H. L. Mooney. Jr. B a n d ...... 5 0 t Rahway, 2d...... 82 50 Chieng Mai and Ningpo, Mrs. R. B. Mundy. Harvest Bd...... 4 7 J 7 Chefoo, Miss Mariha Klein. Roselle...... 124 20 Mrs. J. H. Ambruster. L. L . B ...... 11 25 Y. P. Soc. rs. C. E.) . . . 68 Ambala, Mr. Harry Holland. 51

N am e o f Society. Contrib! Pledges of Individual Societies. ! Name of Secretary. I i Springfield ...... $3 ° Mrs. L. H. Roberts. S. C. E ...... 10 41 ! W estfield...... 118 Rev. F. S. Curtis, Korea, i Mrs. J. B. W ilson. S. C. E ...... 115 Rev. F. S. Curtis. j S. C. E„ Jr...... W oodbridge...... 67 , Lodiana, 1 Mrs. A. L. Huber. Lilies of the Field .... 30 Lodiana, Mrs. W . H . Prall. S. C. E ...... 7 Robert Fullerton. W. F. M.Socs. of Elizabeth . 3 6

j#6o7i 30

Presbytery of IHonmonth. Pres., Mrs. Ella S. Stults, Cor. Sec., Mrs. Emma H. Sloss, Treat., Mrs. Catharine E. Mann, Cranbury, N. J. Moorestown, N. J. Edgewater Park, N. J. Sec. Y. P ., Miss Edna Wyckoff, Bee. Sec., Mrs. S. J. Bergen, Sec. Lit., Mrs. J. V. Probasco, Hightstown, N. J. Cranbury, N. J. Jamesburg, N. J, Presbyterial Pledges. Miss Charlotte H. Brown, Syria; Miss Edith Lamme, Persia; and Fatehgarh. Y oung W o m en 's S o c ie t ie s— Miss Anna S. Doriss, Korea. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. C. H. Bandy, India. C h il d r e n ’s Ba n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.— Canton, Saharanpur, Tripoli and Laguna de Bay. Allentown...... Mrs. J. H. Probasco. S. C. E. . S. C. E. Jr...... 5 Asbury Park, ist . . . . i n Sidon, Miss H. W. Justice. West. Guild, Beta Chap. 5 Ningpo, Mrs. Fred. B. Burdge. Atlantic Highlands. . . . Mrs. Murray E. Foster. S. C. E. . . . Miss M. R. Todd. Barnegat. . . . Mrs. Anna B. Kinsey. S.C. E. . . . Miss Carrie L. Cox. S. C. E., Jr . . Belmar, S. C. E . 19 Mrs. H. R. Cooper. S. C. E., Jr . . 4 Beverly...... 108 Mrs. G. D. Mcllvaine. West. Guild Alpha Chap. . 20 Ningpo, Miss Helen A. Mann. S. C. E ...... iS Bordentown, S. C. E . . . . 5 Miss Jennie Allan. B u rlin g to n ...... 91 Paotingfu, Mrs. J. P. Zelley. Y. W . B a n d ...... 10 Mrs. F. C. Lukens. S. C . E ...... 25 Benjamin F. Cook. Columbus...... 4 Miss A. E. Folwell. Cranbury, is t ...... 121 Shanghai, Mrs. D. Chamberlin. Willing Workers...... 33 Miss Hazel Erriokson. S. C. E ...... 10 Miss Laura Scudder. Cranbury, 2 d ...... 78 , Mrs. James Vandyke. Fruit Gleaners...... 34 Miss Helen I. Walker. Bright Jewels...... 5 Cream Ridge ...... IS Miss L. M . Rue. Delanco...... 10 Mrs. H. D a Torrie. S. C. E., Jr...... Englishtown...... 23 Mrs. H. T. Graham. S. C. E ...... S Miss Edna Ferrine. S. C. E„ Jr...... 3 * The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 53

Amount Name of Society. C ontrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Forked River, S. C. E. . . . $1 Fort Hancock, S. C. E. . . F re e h o ld ...... 104 Mrs. Chas. Forman. S. C. E. . ; ...... 14 • Miss Elsie H. Conover. H ightstow n...... 64 Mrs. L. K. Ayers. Amaranth Bd ...... 3 ° Baraka, Miss Carlotta Davison. Reapers...... XI J a m e sb u rg ...... 108 Miss H. M. Schenck. Cheerful G ivers ...... 5 Mabel Clayton. S. C. E ...... 20 J. E. Marryott. S. C. E„ Jr...... 5 Lakewood ...... 80 Miss Marion Simons. S. C. E ...... 66 Mrs. C. A. Hall. S. C. E„ J r ...... 7 Long Branch ...... 5° Ningpo and Sidon, Miss Hannah Lovell. M an alap a n ...... 33 Miss Beth Polhemus. M anasquan...... 13 Mrs. J. T. Reynolds. S. C. E ...... 4 Miss Viola M. Osborn. M ataw an ...... 7 4 Miss M. L. Terhune. S. C . E ...... 15 Miss J. Mabel Brown. Glenwood Aux ...... 155 Moorestown...... 60 Mrs. M. M. Perkins. M t. H olly...... 5 0 Miss Mary W . Budd. S. C . E ...... iS Miss Lydia H. Garon. New Egypt ...... New Gretna, S. C, E. . . . Oceanic...... 14 Mrs. B. H. Borden. Plattsbury, Bd ...... 3 Point Pleasant...... 11 Mrs. Clarence Chafey. Ella Steward Bd...... 4 S. C. E ...... 5 Miss Irene Van Note. Red Bank...... 38 Mrs. A. T. Doremus. S. C. E ...... iS Mrs.M.VanBu'n Smock R iv e rto n ...... 25 Mrs. James Hemphill. Shrew sbury...... 82 Kolhapur, Miss A . L. Williams. Tennent ...... 58 Mrs. F. R. Symmes. Annie Morton B d ...... 4 Miss Dorothy Symmes. S. C. E ...... 6 Mrs. Geo. L. Du Bois. T o m ’s River ...... i 5 2 Mrs. C. B. Austin. S. C. E ...... 5 Mrs. Fred. B. Bunnell. S. C. E., Jr...... j s West Mantoloking...... : West Palm yra ...... Union Miss. Bd ...... 6

$2213 53

Presbytery of New Brunswick. Pres., Mrs. William Libbey, Cor. Sec., Mrs. Henry Clay Havens, Treas., Mrs. L. L. Brewer, Princeton, N. J. Lawrenceville, N. J. Box 90, Titusville, N. J. f Bds. and Jrs., Mrs. George W. Prall, Rec. Sec., Mrs. S. E. S. Hendricks, o Y p I Box 162, Lambertville, N. J. Stockton, N. J. ' | S. C. E., Miss Caroline C. Wharton, Sec. Lit., Miss Annie Mcllvaine, L 234 Mercer St., Trenton, N. J. 154 W. State St., Trenton, N. J. Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. J. J. Boggs, China, and Miss Amanda M. Kerr, India. Y o u n g W o m e n ’s S o c i e t i e s — Miss Anna S . Doriss, Korea. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. C. A. Killie, China. C h il d r e n ’s B a n d s a n d Jr . S. C. E.— Canton, Saharanpur, Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

Name of Society. ! Q)™rib!*1 Podges of Individual Societies. Nam e o f Secretary.

Alexandria, 1st, Mt Pleasant 1 $11 S. C. E . . 5 Am well, 1st. 17 05 Mrs. Henry Kline. S. C. E. . 5 Amwell United, 1st 30 00 Curityba, Amwell, 2d . . ; Mrs. Ida K. Holcombe. Mt. Airy Aux ; Miss Emma Stewart. S. C. E . . . Bound Brook . I Miss Margaret P. Boyle. S. C. E. . . I Miss Gertrude Wrench, Dayton . . . j Miss E. Van Derveer. Y . P. Ass’n (S l Miss Harriet Duncan. S. C. E., Jr . 1 Dutch Neck. . I Mrs. D. C. Post. S. C. E. . . 5 Miss Sara A. Walton. S. C. E., Jr. 5 Ewing .... 45 So Mrs. A. M. Lanning. B and. . . . 30 S h a n g h a i, ; Miss E.D. Hendrickson. S. C. E . . . 5 1 Miss Mary E. Warne. Flemington . . 70 j Miss Ella Kuhl, Brazil, ( Mrs. G.W.R.Buchanan. Gleaners . . z5 I Mrs. Norman Landis. Hill Mem'l Bd S. C. E . . . IS French town . . 52 40 Mrs. E. G. Williams. S. C. E . . . 12 Miss Mary Hart. S. C. E., Jr . 10 Mrs. Priscilla French, Hamilton Square 44 Mrs. Hattie Burke. S. C. E . . . 45 Miss Linda L. Grove. S. C. E„ Tr . 5 Holland . \ . 10 Mrs. Arch. M. Sinclair. Hopewell. . . 25 Mrs. Jonas B. Sutphin. S. C. E. . 15 Miss Hannah Johnson. S. C. E., Jr. Miss M. C. Harrison. Kingston . . . 19 Mrs. D. D. Suydam. S. C. E. . 2 50 Alexander White. Kirkpatrick Mem rial 8 19 Miss C. D. Higgins. S. C . E. . 7 ambertville. 250 Mrs. George L. Romine. "''criivie Bd. 26 75 ; Miss Grace Cathers. a E. . 22 50 ; J. E., Int I I Mrs. G. W. Prall. E ..J r Lawrenceville 138 j Beirut, Mrs. Jasper' Brearley. Gosman Bd 20 ! Baraka, Miss Sarah E. De Cou. S. C. E . . Miss Sarah Risdon. ^ - * The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and’for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 54

Amount Name of Society. j Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. ! Name of Secretary.

Lawrc’ville, Rosedale, S.C.E.j 2 i Bakersville, S. C. E. . . . 2 M ilford...... i IS Lebanon, Mrs. Wilson Thomas. S. C . E ...... 3 ° Miss Estella Sinclair. S. C. E .,Jr ...... 4 Monmouth Junction,Helping Hand B d ...... 25 Miss Cora C. Wright. New Brunswick, ist...... 100 j Mrs. Fred’k W eigel. S. C.E...... 15 S. C. E„ Jr...... 20 Lahore, P ennington...... 117 Miss W. R. Curtis. C i r c l e ...... 5 S. C . E ...... 12 Plainsboro ...... 58 76 Osaka, Mrs. James Leishman. S. C . E ...... 5 Princeton, is t...... 504 Mrs. Gilbert F Close. Girls’ Band ...... Miss C. Goodbrodt. S. C . E ...... Princeton, 2d ...... 80 Fusan, Mrs. C. F. Zapf. S. C . E ...... 22 50 Miss Louise B. Warren. S. C. E., J r ...... 8 Fusan, Miss Fannie E. Moore. S to c k to n ...... 27 Mrs. W.H.Woolverton. Band ...... ! 8 T itu sv ille ...... i 2 4 j Miss Mary F. Titus. S. C. E ...... 10 Mr. Theodore Snook. Miss M. D. Morton, China, Trenton, ist...... 55 ° Miss Mary C. Wyckoff. Gloria Christi Club. . . Dayton Bd . . . 40 S. C . E ...... 50 Miss Ellen G. Johnson. Trenton, 2d. . . . 30 Mrs. G. W . Hottel. S. C. E ...... 3 7 So Miss Angie Brearley. S. C. E., Jr . . . 2 Fusan, Mrs. John'Kessler. Trenton, 3d. . . . 200 ! Mrs. E. L. Fine. Y . L. S ...... 20 Dehra, S. C . E ...... 62 50 ' Miss Blanche Williams. S. C. E.,Jr. . . 20 Dehra, Mrs. E. J. Honeyman. Trenton, 4th. . . . 3 5 5 Mrs. H. Zerlauf. Y . L . S ...... 1 3 5 ^ Mrs. J. F. Holcom b, India, Miss j p C urtis. Little W orkers. . S Em ily Bd. . . . 10 I Miss L. Barlow. S. S. Bd...... 10 J S. C . E ...... 12 50 Trenton, 5th. . . . 121 Seoul, , Mrs. C. F. Vansant. Elizabeth Hall Bd 18 ; Miss Anna Whitlock. S. C . E ...... 15 80 ! Miss Alice Drake. Trenton, Bethany . 53 Mrs. Symmes Bergen. S. C . E ...... 20 Mr. Stanley Connor. S. C. E.,Jr. . . Miss M. L. Bartley. Trenton, East. . . 3 4 Mrs. William J. Gray. S. C. E ...... 25 S .C . E . , J r . . . 10 Miss Carrie Burgner. Trenton, Montgomery Miss., Busy Bees 16 Mrs. J. V. Congle. Trenton, Prospect St. 130 Curityba, Mrs. Ä . B. Keeler. S. C. E ...... Trenton, Walnut Ave. 15 S. C. E ......

I$4IÓ2 80 55

Presbytery of Newton. Pres., Mrs. Claience W . Rouse, Cor. Sec., Mrs. James S. Karr, Tre'is., Mrs Levi H. Morris, Newton, N. J. Hackettstown, N. J. 7 Halsted St., Newton, N. |. Sec. F./^.Miss Rath England, A’ii.^,?i.,MissEmilyA.Leibelspergpr, &t.Z?V.,Mrs.W.G,Creveling, Asbury, N. J. 147 Summit Ave., Phillipsburg,N.J. Washington, N. J. Sec. Home Dept., Miss Alice E. Curtis, Hackettstown, N. J. Presbyteria! Pledges. Mrs. W. J. Drummond, China, and Mussoorie. Y oung W om en 's S o c ie tie s— Miss Anna S. Doriss, Korea. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. John N. Forman, India. C h il d r e n 's B a n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.— Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

Name of Society. Contrib.1 ! P lages of Individual Societies Name of Secretary.

Andover . . . Mrs. W . R. Ayers. S. C.E. . . 7 50 j Mrs. C. F. Slater. S. C. E„ Jr.. Mrs. P. B. Wintermute. A sb u ry . . . . 14 Mrs. H. M. Riddle. S. C. E . . . *5 ! Miss Ruth England. Belvidere, 1st . 198 j | Mrs. J. de Hart Bruen. Willing Workers. 43 « j ! Miss Stella McMurtrie. Band of Helpers. 20 j Miss Hope Trimmer. Belvidere, 2d. . . . 5° I Mrs. E. Burd. Paul Bd...... Mrs. Etha Rehrer. Blairstown .... 190 Benito and Canton, Miss Kate W. Cook. Kuhl Bd. . . . 25 Benito, Miss M. Sutphin. S. C. E ...... 9 : Mrs. L. M. Stoll. Bloomsbury. . . . 50 Etah, : Mrs. G. M. Pidcock. S. C . E ...... 3 i Mrs. Anna M.Lewdrop. Branchville .... 11 j Mrs. Frank Roe. S. C. E ...... 12 50 | Miss Mabel Roe. S. C. E„ Jr. . . 3 \ Mrs. John S. Conover. D a n v ille ...... 6 Mrs. A. B. Albert. D elaw are...... Mrs. L. J. Allen. S. C . E ...... 5 3 9 : Mrs. W. F. Exrye. Franklin Furnace, S. 9 Mrs. Wm. Long. Greenwich .... 40 Dehra, Mrs. George Hawk. Hackettstown . . . 100 Teheran, Mrs. E. J. Wildrick. Missionary Circle 16 Miss Oui ee Lee. S. C. E ...... 30 10 I Miss Ila Osmun. S. C. E., Jr - . 12 50 j M'ss Jessie Ward. Hamburg, Opportuni Circi 7 ] Miss M. Ingersoll. S. C. È ...... i I Mr. George Gould. Harmony . . . 10 ! Mrs. Irwin Miller. Hughesville, S. C. E 3 Miss Mary S. Hughes. Lafayette. . i Mrs Raymond Snyder. Marksboro . 13 Mrs. J. H. Bescherer. Busy Bees 5 ' Miss Edith Jennings, Newton . . US j Miss Helen Clark. W atchers . 25 Miss Margaret Lux. S. C .E . . 16 Miss Frances Smith. Oxford, 1 st . 21 Mrs. E. C. Rice. Old Oxford Bd 25 Mrs. Ethel Rush. S. C. E . Mr. D. S. Spangenberg. Oxford, 2d, S. C E. Miss Edith Jones. Phillipsburg, 1st 4 9 50 Mrs. Isaac L. Foster. * The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 56

^Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Pmllmsbiirg. Westminster. . $ 4 3 Miss Lizzie Hamlin. S. C. E ...... 6 Miss C. DeWitt. S C. ti„ Jr...... 5 50 S p a r t a ...... Stanhope ...... 19 Etta M. Van Horn. Stewartsville...... 3 7 25 Mrs. Charles Apgar. Stillw ater...... 16 San Francisco, Miss E. W. Condit. Sussex, Deckertown . . 23 25 Mrs. J. S. Trimmons. S. C. E ...... Mrs. Ralph Decker. W ashington...... 121 Hamadan, Mrs. Henry H. Rich. Westminster Class. . . . 1 35 Ratnagiri, Miss Irene Heed. S. C. E„ J r ...... Mrs. A. C. Godfrey. Yellow Flame ...... S. C. E ...... 3 Miss Ida Lanning.

$1478 5 9 1 Presbytery o f W est Jersey. Pres Mrs. F. T Collier, Sec., Mrs. E. L. Seabrook, Treas., Mrs. E. J. Frey lot Fern Ave.. 594 Benson St., Camden, N. J. 204 W ellwood Ave., Collingswood. N. T. Merchantville, N. J. Sep. Y. P.. Mrs. A. A. Reynolds, Sec. Lit., Miss Jane B. Long, Wenonah, N.J. 46 Ellis St., Haddonfield, N. J. Presbyterial Pledges. V. P S C. E — Rev. John N. Forman, India. C h il d r e n ’s B an ds a n d J r S. C. E .--Canton, Saharanpur, Tripoli and Laguna de Bay. Ahteoom, S. C. E ...... $5 Miss Hannah Madden. S C E „ Ir...... 2 Atco, S C. E ...... 2 50 M rs. T h eo. Sch le i nkofer S. C. E . Jr...... 2 ' Atlantic Citv, ist .... 3 4 Mrs. f . A. Joy. Atlantic City Chelsea . . . 17 Mrs. H . R. Rundall. Atlantic Citv, Olivet .... 129 Hamadan, Santa Catharina, Mrs. N. W. Cad well. and Seoul, S. C. E ...... 75 Mrs. E. D. Cooper. Atlantic Citv, Westminster . 5 50 Audubon. S. C. E., Jr. . . . 5 B1 ickwood ...... 80 Ferozepore, Miss Tillie Zebley. Bridgeton, xst...... 69 75 Mrs. H. B. Pierce. Primrose Club Aux . . . 5° Miss Ida G. Bacon. Bridgeton, 2d ...... 260 Tsinanfu, Bridgeton. 4th, S. C. E., Jr . i B’ idsreton. W e s t...... 4 3 50 Miss A. M. Brown. S. C. E. .... 13 50 Mr. R. Fithian. Bunker Hill. S. C. E . . . . 2 Mrs S. C. Locke. Camden T<=t . . 48 Mrs. L. A. Chalmers. Mnrtha M. Parker Mem’l SO U rumia, Jr. Miss. Bd...... 5 Camden, 2 d ...... 7 Mrs. C. F. Crane. Camden, 3d, S. C. E. . . . S. C. E.. J r ...... j Camden, Calvary ...... 14 Mrs. D. R. GreBnwood. S. C. E...... 5 S. C. E. Jr...... 5 Camden, Grace, S. C. E. . . 5 Miss L. G. Harbauer.

* The figures (riven in this column include .the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 57

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Camden. Westminster . . . $5 S. C. E ...... 5 Cape M ay...... 20 Mrs. G. L. Edmunds. S. C. E ...... 115 Miss Marion Nelson. S. C. E., Jr...... 5 Mrs. T. Tasker Smith. Cedarville, is t ...... 20 Miss E. Gruninger. S. C. E., Tr ...... I Cedarville, Osborn Mem'l . 12 Mrs. H. Vandever. C l a y t o n ...... 5 ° Miss A. H. Gandy. S. C. E ...... IO Miss Reba Carter. Cold Spring...... 3 ° Mrs. H. S. Smith. Collingswood ...... 54 Ferozepore, Mrs. B. F. Gardner. S. C . E., Jr...... i 5 ° Rev.W.W. Casselberry. D eerfield...... 5 0 Miss Lydia Moore. S. C. E ...... E l m e r ...... 20 Miss A. N. Harris. Elwood, Brainerd, S. C. E. 5 Miss Edna ]. Holden. Fairton, Fairfield ...... 2 Mrs. L. D. Davis. S. C. E ...... i 5 ° Miss M ary B. Stites. G la s s b o r o ...... 27 5 ° G lo u c e s te r...... 4 ° Miss H. S. Davies. Cradle Roll Ten ...... i S. C. E ...... 5 MissM.E.Dickensheets. S. C. E„ J r ...... 4 G re e n w ic h ...... 42 85 Mrs. Edwin M. Butler. Willing Workers .... 5 Miss Ruth W right. S. C. E ...... Grenloch, S. C. E ...... 13 Haddon fie ld ...... 195 Batanga, Curityba, Nanking. Miss M. T. Redman. S . C . E . J r ...... 5 [Tokyo, Teng-chou and Miss M. C. Nicholson. H a m m o n to n ...... 20 [Wei Hsien, S. C. E ...... 5 Holly Beach, S. C. E. . . . 5 Mrs. Frances Domnitz. Laurel Springs ...... 16 64; Mrs. W. R. Borden. Mav’s Landing ...... 6 ! Mrs. J. Frank Davis. S.C.E.Jr. . Merchantville . . . . 21 50: Mrs. J. B. Griffith.

S. C. E ...... 5 1 S. C. E. J r . . . . M illv ille ...... 24 S. C. E., Jr...... 2 91 Mrs. R. G. Garber. Pittsgrove...... 1 4 Mrs. M. J. Paulding. Y . L . A u x ...... 29 20 Miss E. J. Richman. Golden Links . . . 19 Mrs. E K. Prickett. Salem...... 68 Mrs. Elva Wheeler. Young Gleaners . . 20 Miss Elizabeth Turner. Mrs. L. E. Virgil. V in e la n d ...... 35 Golden Links . . . i S. C. E ...... Miss Margaret Ireland. 5 W e n o n a h ...... 125 Mrs. A. A. Reynolds.^ Forget-me-not Bd. Rev. T. C. Winn, Japan, *5 King's Daughters . S. C. E . Williamstown, S C. E Woodbury . 63 Mrs. William Brewer, W oodstow n. 18 15 i Mrs. F. Flitcraft. S. C .E . . 10 1 Miss C. B, Weatherbv. S, C. E.,Jr, 9 s 5

$2218 35 58

SYNOD OP PENNSYLVANIA^ Societies not Synodically Organized.

Presbytery of Beaver. Pres., Mrs. George Sehlbrede, Cor. Sec., Mrs. R. L. Kenah, Treas., Miss Adda M. Elliott, Monaca, Pa. New Brighton, Pa. 1027 Ninth Ave., Beaver Falls, Pa. Sec. Y. P ., Miss Gyla MacDowell, Rec. Sec., Mrs. N. F. Hurst, Sec. L it., Mrs. Eloise Potter. Beaver Falls, Pa. Rochester, Pa. Darlington, Pa. Sec. for Boxes, Mrs. Wm. Kenah, New Brighton, Pa.

Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. E. T. Lawrence, M.D., Persia (in part), and Mrs. T. M. McNair, Japan (in part).

Y oung W om en ’s S o c ie t ie s— Miss Anna S. Doriss, Korea. Y. P. S. C. E.— Dr. J. B. Neal, China. C h il d r e n 's B an d s a n d J r . S. C. E.—Laguna deBay.

Name of Society, Qmtrib.1 ' Pledges of Individual Societies. [ Name of Secretary.

Am bridge ...... $ i8 j Mrs. Hugh McKibben. Beaver ...... i l l ; Mrs. Joseph Lawrence. Y . L . S...... 25 Miss Mary Caldwell. S. C . E ...... Mr. Horner Laughlin. Beaver F a lls ...... 7 9 Mrs. Elizabeth PafT. Y . L. S ...... Mrs. Fannie Merriman. S. S. Bd...... S. C. E ...... Miss Lucie Wilson. B e th le h e m ...... 25 S. C. E. . . . 5 Mrs. Laura Pentz. Bridgewater ...... 55 College H ill ...... 5 Concord, B ad en ...... 2 S. C. E ...... 2 j Miss Verne Brown. F r a n k f o r t ...... 17 Mrs. Robert Cooley. F re e d o m ...... 11 S. C. E ...... 12 Miss N. Linnenbrink. Hookstown ...... 25 50 Mrs. C. E. Aber. Y . W . S ...... 50 I n d u s tr y ...... 8 M ill C r e e k ...... 60 Sunbeam Circle .... 5 M o n a c o ...... 23 Mrs. E. H. McMahon. S. C. E ...... Miss lva Furguson. Mt. Carmel ...... 5 7 ° Mt. Pleasant...... 7 ° S. C. E ...... 10 i Sidon, Nell A. Crawford. New Brighton ...... 215 1 Tokyo, Mrs. Fred Merrick. New S a le m ...... 40 80 Miss Fannie Alexander. S. C. E ...... 4 North Sew ickley ...... 2 O ak G r o v e ...... 8 Mrs.W. L. McCandless Rochester ...... 4 5 | Little Workers ...... Mrs. Dr. Chandler. i $969

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyt.erial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 59

Presbytery of Blairsville. Prer , Mrs. C. C. Hays. Cor. Sec., Mrs. W. B. Carr, Treas., Mrs. Geo. Hill. 417 Lincoln St., Johnstown, Pa. 600 Ligonier St.. Latrobe, Pa. 251 N.Walnut St., Blairsville, Pa. Sec. Y.P., Miss Fannie E. Dietrich, Rec.Sec., Mrs.L.H.Frantz, Sec.Lit., Mrs. J.O.C. McCracken Parnassus, Pa. Greensburg, Pa. Johnstown, Pa.

Presbyterial Pledges. Miss Elva Robertson, Japan, Mrs. J. P. Irwin, China, and Lodiana. Y ou .n’c; W o m en 's S o c ie t ie s—Miss Anna S. Doriss, Korea. Y. P. S. C. E .— Rev. J. B. Dunlap, Siam. C h il d r e n 's B an d s a n d J r . S. C. E.—Canton, Tripoli, and Laguna de Bay.

! »Amount Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Society. ' Contnb. Name of Secretary.

Armagh . . . S. C . E. . 10 Martha Faloon. Avonmore . . 6 Mrs. John McIntyre. Beulah .... 52 5 0 Miss Martha G. Black. S. C. E. . . 25 Miss Martha G. Black. Blackiick . . . 4 Miss Annie M. Ball. Blairsville. . , 90 Urumia, Mrs. W . L. Turner. L . L. B. . . i 7 5 1 S. C. E. . . 15 Miss Alice Moorhead. S. C. E„ Jr . 50 ! Pyeng Yang, Braddock, ist . 135 Mrs. Emily Larimer. Y. L. Circle 42 Miss Ira Harris. L. L. B. . . 9 S. C. E . . . 3 ° Miss Anna Rogers. S. C. E„ Jr . Braddock, Calvary 5 9 Mrs. F. E. Campbell. S. C. E . . . 9 40 Miss Grace Curtis. S. C. E „ Int. 3 Miss M. Boardman. S. C . E., Jr . 2 Conemaugh 3° Mrs. William Wright. S. C. E. . . 6 Miss Maud Snowden. S. C. E Jr 5 Miss Maud Snowden. Congruity 10 Miss Alice Meanor. Cresson. . . Mrs. W. S. Springer. Cross Roads Derry .... 95 Mrs. J. T. Cole. Y. L. C. . 20 Etah, S. C. E. . 25 Mrs. Wm. Ramsey. Ebensburg . 25 Sidon, Mrs. F. H. Barker. S. C. E. . 15 C. W . Dick. Gallitzin, S. C. E Greensburg, 1st Mrs. J. F. Welty. W om an’s Ass’ n 200 Rev. John Murray, China. S. C. E. . . . 25 Greensburg, Westmins ter 65 Mrs. Harriet C. Zellers. Willing Workers Miss Mary K. Shupe. Harrison City . Mrs. S. C. Wallace. Y. L. Cir. . 4 Nellie S. Good. Irwin...... 31 Miss Laura Bowman. Y. L. Soc . 21 Mrs. R. S. Withrow. S. C.E. . . 20 Miss Catherine Gant. Jeannette . . . 48 Miss Leah B. Stone.

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 60

Name of Society. Name of Secretary.

Jeannette, S. C. E. Miss Nettie Bowman. Johnstown, ist Mrs. M. M. Marsden. Y. L. Bd . . Miss Alta Peden. I-will-try Bd 17 Mrs. C. C. Hays. L. L. B. . . 6 Tsinanfu, Mary A. Parkes, Int 3 ° Y. P. Ass’n . 30 S. C. E., Jr . IS ! Miss Mollie C. Myers. Johnstown, 2d. 6 Mrs. Geo. B. Glenn. S. C. E . . . 30 ! S. C. E., Jr. 2 ; Miss Ruth Mae Connor. Johnstown, Laurel Ave 53 Mrs. Ira E. Drummond. Y. P. Union (S. C ~ 10 Latrobe . . 154 Canton, I Mrs. W . B. Carr. Y. L. B . . ! Mrs. W . B. Carr. S. C. E. . 2 5 ; Miss Mary E. Fisher. Ligonier. . . 22 50 Mrs. J. B. Elder. S. C. E. . 5 Mrs. Sue Blair. S. C. E ., Jr Livermore . 10 Mrs. L. M. Elder, S. C. E. . j Miss Alice Coad. Manor . . . ; Mrs. Will Sutor. S. C. E. . ! E. Myrtle McClelland. Murrysville . ; Mrs. H. B. John. New Alexandria 80 is , Mrs. Sallie Shefler. S. C. E . 20 j Miss Ada B. Cook. S. C. E.. Jr I ! Miss Janet Sligh. New Kensington 3 i Mrs. G. T. Lamon. S. C . E . . 10 Miss Minnie Heister. S. C. E. Jr. 3 Miss Landsbury. New Salem 2 5 Ningpo, Mrs. G. A. McLaughlin. Parnassus. . 28 08 Mrs. H W . Beym er. Y . L . C . . 5 Miss Maud Yeakel. S. C. E .. . 70 Mrs. W. G. Dugan. Pine Run . . 27 Pitcairn, McGinness 55 i Mrs. Tohn W elshous. Willing Workers i Mrs. P. S. Kohler. S. C. E. . . 1 William C. Jones. Pleasant Grove 1 Mrs. John Binkey. Plum Creek . ! Miss Jennie Trees, S. C. E. . 20 i Poke Run . . 19 Miss Lizzie A. Calhoun. Silver Links 12 Miss Hettie Walters. S. C. E. . Turtle Creek 30 : Mrs. W . H. Semmens. Unity .... iS Girls’ Bd. . 15 I Mrs. F. McLaughlin, Vandergrift . 52 j Miss lennie McKenzie. S. C. E. . 10 Mrs. C. R. Snyder. Wilmerding . 21 Mrs. S. E. McClurg. Windber . . 14 ! Mrs. A. M. Young.

$2388 88 Presbytery of Butler, Pres., Mrs. L. M. Young, Cor. Sec., Mrs. J. B. Campbell, Treas., Mrs. C. N. Moore, Butler, Pa. R. F. D., Slippery Rock, Pa. Slippery Rock, Pa. Sec. Y. P ., Miss Alice Black, Sec. Lit., Miss Clara Jack, Grove City, Pa. Butler, Pa. Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. W . C. Dodd, Laos, and Miss Alice B. Jones, India. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. J. A. Eakin, Siam. C h il d r e n 's Ba n d s an d J r . S. C. E.— Saharanpur, Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

Name of Society. Ccmtrib* Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Allegheny...... $ '3 Mrs. John E. Womer. S. C. E ...... 5 A m i t y ...... ! 22 Mrs. Lottie Raysor. Westminster Guild . . 4 Ningpo, B u ffalo ...... ; 9 Mrs. Ida Bricker. Butler, ist...... * 146 Miss L. E. Young. Aux. No. 2...... 119 Lodiana, Mrs. P. X. Ruff. Alice W. Moore Mem'l 1 8 Lodiana, L . L. B ...... 17 S. C. E ...... 4 So i Miss J. Campbell. Butler, 2 d ...... 1 203 Nanking, Mrs. Lynn Ramsey. S. C. E ...... 10 Miss L. B. White. Clintonville...... i 17 i S. C. E ...... 20 ! Miss Laura Cross. Concord ...... 24 Mrs. M. J. Alexander. Helen Sloan Bd 3 Mrs. C. C. Kuhn. L. L. B ...... 9 S. C. E ...... Mrs. A. B. Bell. t 30 C restview ...... 9 Mrs. C. W. Kiser. S. S. Juniors ...... 2 Miss J. Alexander. S. C. E ...... Evans City . .... ! 104 Grove C i t y ...... 178 Mrs. A. M. Acker. Westminster Guild . . 49 Ningpo, Miss C. McClymonds. Apple Blossoms .... 10 55 Mary Lawrence. Boys’ Brigade...... L. L. B ...... 5 25 S. C . E ...... S5 Harrisville...... 22 Miss Lucille Kyle. S. C. E ...... 10 Irw in ...... 11 Mrs. Jane M. Jack. Westminster Guild . . 12 Ningpo, M a r s ...... 10 50 S. C. E ...... S Martinsburg...... Mrs. W. Arnold. L. L. B ...... S. C. E ...... i 22 Miss Anna M. Walley. S . C . E . J r ...... I M iddlesex...... 23 Mrs. W . C. Anderson. S. C. E ...... 30 I M illb r o o k ...... 20 1 Mrs. Mary Coleman. S. C. E ...... s j Miss Helen Campbell. Mt. N e b o ...... s ! Muddy Creek ...... 27 j Mrs. Wm. J. Stoner. New H ope ...... 22 1 Mrs. J. H. Hogue.

* The figures given’in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 62

* Am ount Name ot Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies: Name of Secretary.

New Hope, S. C. E. Mrs. C. C. Fox. New Salem . . . . ' $8 ; | North Butler . . . , iS 60 Miss Clara Henry. North L ib e rty . , . , 30 Mis. M. E. Foster. S. C. E ...... 10 Miss Esther Dennison. North Washington . , 41 , Mrs. J. N. Thompson. Miss. Band . . . , 2 , Miss Selina Brown. . 1 L . L . B ...... 4 1 S. C. E ...... 20 Miss P. Daubenspeck. Parker City . . . . , 13 ! Miss E. E. Bell. S. C . E ...... 10 ; Miss Emma Marshall. Petrolia...... 12 75 ■ Mrs. Bert Spence. Plain Grove. . . . . 43 1 Miss M ary B. Spear. Willing Workers s 1 Mrs. J. A. Pizor. S. C . E ...... 15 , Miss Margaret Pringle. Plains...... 16 Mrs. A. W . Covert. Pleasant Valley . . . Po'rtersville...... 34 Miss Sarah Cheesman. Prospect ...... S Mrs. A. Bowers. Scrub Grass...... 30 j Mrs. N. A. Hunter. Advanced L. L. B 3 56 Miss M ary Devay. L . L . B ...... 2 S. C. E ...... Slippery Rock, . . . 28 50 • Mrs. T. S. Coulter. M cCauley Bd . . . 3 Mrs. C. N. Moore. S. C. E ...... 15 Miss Mabel Keister. S. C. E., Jr...... 4 Sum m it...... Unionville...... j Mrs. N. H. McCandless. Westminster...... 205 i1 1 Mrs. J. S. Love. Busy Bees . . . . 3 W est Su n bu ry. . . . 25 Mrs. H. C. Hindman. Busy Bee Band . . 22 1i Miss Josephine Stewart. S. C . E ...... 4 9 5° I Miss Florence Glenn. Zelienople...... 10 ' Mrs. A. H . W ilson. S. C . E ...... 5 ! Miss Alice Allen.

$1721 7 i I 1 Presbytery of Carlisle. Pres., Mrs. Wm. B. Reed, Cor. Sec., Mrs. Gilbert Swope, Treas., Miss Mary W. Kerr, Chambersburg, Pa. Newville, Pa. 25 S. Front St., Harrisburg, Pa. Sec. Y.P., Miss Winifred S.Woods, Rec. See., Miss A. M. West, Sec. L it., Miss Alice Brown, Carlisle, Pa. Waynesboro, Pa. Greencastle, Pa. Presbyterial Pledges. Miss Effie Lenington, Brazil; Mrs. Charles Leaman, China; Miss Annie B. West, Japan, and Urumia and Sabathu. Y o ung W o m en 's S o c ie tie s— Miss Anna S. Doriss, Korea. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. A. A. Fulton, China (in part). C h il d r e n ’s B a n d s AND J r . S. C. E.— Canton, Saharanpur, Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

Carlisle, 1st ...... ! Miss M. J. Steele, Golden Chain Bd . . . San Francisco. j Miss Mary Thompson. Y. P. Miss. S ...... S. C. E ...... Mr. Wm. Cook.

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 63

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Carlisle, 2d ...... # 174 Nakawn, Miss M. Lamberton. Pearl Seekers...... 10 Miss Mary Graham. Center, S. C. E ...... Chambersburg, Central. . . 132 Miss Jennie Hiteshew. Y. L. Branch ...... Mrs. H. W. Skinner. S. S ...... 20 Chambersburg,Falling Spring! 652 Mrs. Walter K. Sharpe. Agnew-Crawford Circle . ! 150 Bogota, and Tokyo, Mrs. W. B. Reed. Girls’ B d ...... i 20 Chambersburg, Hope. . . . ; 2 Mrs. Annie Christy. S. C. E ...... ! Chambersburg.Wilson Col'ge’ 150 D a u p h in ...... 14 i Miss S. J. Robinson. Junior Miss. Soc. . . . 5 6 i Sidon, Mrs. J. D. M. Reed. D ickinson...... t 14 30 : Miss Mae Lefevre. S. C. E ...... 5 ! Miss Margaret Green. Dillsbuig, Monaghan. . . . 4 4 Miss Greta Beitzel. S. C. E ...... 6 Dry Run, Upper Path Valley. 3 7 5 6 ' Mrs. W. E. Welch. Duneannon...... 64 Tokyo, Miss Mary Reutter. S. S...... 14 67 ; S. C. E ...... S S. C. E., J r ...... 2 24 j G e tty sb u rg...... 60 Sidon, Miss Agnes S. Barr. L. L. B ...... I 75 S. C . E ...... 10 Miss Harriet Kranth. S. C. E., Jr...... 5 Great Conewago ...... 5 So Greencastle...... 62 | Mrs. A. F. Strickler. Y. L. Branch ...... 20 Canton, ! Mrs. W . R. Davidson. Lilies of the Valley. . . . 3 Miss Alice Brown. Y. P. A ss’n (S. C. E.) . 5 Miss Frances Cramer. Harrisb., Beth., Mothers' Mt. S. C. E ...... 10 John H. Holsberger. Harrisburg, Calvary .... 19 50 Miss Mae Sparrow. Sr. Dep't S. S...... 10 Primary C l...... 5 Mr. Hefflefinger’s Cl. . . 2 Mr. Y oung’s C l ...... 2 50 Judge M acCarroll’s Bd. . S. C. E ...... 3 S. C. E., Jr...... 5 Harrisburg, Covenant . . . 16 Mrs. E. J. Stackpole. Y. W . A u x...... 5 Mrs. Louella Berry. S. C. E ...... 3 90 , [aree. Persia, Miss Florence Buck. Harrisburg, Market Square. 1032 07 Beirut and Mrs. R. M. Lab- Miss Margaret Fleming. Y . W . A u x...... 61 50 Hoshyarpore, Miss Anna Patterson. John A. Weir Bd . . . . 50 Miss M. Fleming. Macedonian Bd...... 260 Tokyo, Miss A. R. Kelker. L. L . B ...... *5 1 Sr. Dep’t S. S ...... 122 42 Tokyo, Miss Keefer's Class . . . j Mrs. J. R. Smith’s Class . 15 Fatehgarh, j Miss Harvey’s Class . . . Mrs. H. P. Miller’s Bd. . 10 Band of T rust ...... 5 S. C. E ...... 105 50 Miss Pearl Craig. S. C. E .,Jr...... 30 64

! Amount 1 Name of Society. 1 Contrib. : Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Harrisburg, Olivet...... $ 2 5 1 Miss Elizabeth Woolley. S. S. Bd...... ! 5 Harrisburg, Pine St...... 1 402 85 I Allahabad and Sidon, Miss Martha Alricks. Mrs. James Boyd Mem’l . ' 150 ; Mrs. Henry McCormick . 25 San Francisco, Mothers’ Meeting .... 10 Chambers, B d ...... 2 0 ; Nanking, [cisco. Y. L. Branch ...... 103 Lahore, Seoul and San Fran- Miss A. K. Laurie. Whatsoever B d ...... i 3 ° 1 Benito, Miss Pollock’s Class . . . i 10 Lien Chou, Mrs. Wallace’s Class . . J 5 ; Sidon, Mrs. Torrington’s Class. . Mrs. Gross’ Class .... ; 5 Lien Chou, Mr. K rautz’s Class .... ! J 5 . Lien Chou, Mrs.lHubertis’Class . . . 5 Sidon, Miss Alricks' Class. . . . 5 Sidon, Mr. Stewart’s Class . . . 5 Sidon. Mr. Stranahan’s Class . . 1 5 Lien Chou, Girls’ Miss Cir...... Miss Helen Morehead. i Miss Esther Attick. S. C. E ...... ! 100 | | Miss M. W. Welsh. Harrisburg, Westminster . . 4 3 66 : Lien Chou, Y. L. Branch ...... Miss Florence Wilson. \ Mr. Fornwalt’s Class . . 21 75 Miss Ruth Marten. West Memorial Bd. . . . 65 S. C. E ...... 5 28 : Miss Mary Orth. Lebanon, Christ Church . . 60 Kasvin, i Miss Julia Demier. Lebanon, 4th St...... 18 Mrs. C. L. Miller. Y. P. M. S. . . • ■ ■ . . 14 Miss Florence Grey. S. C. E ...... H ; Miss Julia Jenkins. S. C. E., I n t ...... 20 S. C. E., Jr...... I Miss M. W . Witherow. Lower Marsh Creek .... 31 Miss Mary McCurdy. Lower Path Valley...... 51 S. C . E ...... 7 | Mr. S. E. Walker. McConnellsburg ...... 25 Miss Miriam Sloan. S. C. E ...... 2 50 Miss Mary Sloan. Mechanicsburg...... 46 Lahore, Mrs. J. N. Clark. Birthday B d ...... 6 70 Miss Janet Eckels. S. C. E ...... 5 Mrs. J. G. Ross. Mercersburg ...... 3 ° Y . L. S ...... 46 L . L. B ...... 6 Thomas Creigh Bd. . . 41 84 S. S ...... 2 7 3 9 S. C . E ...... 5 32 Miss Anna Potterson. Middle Spring...... 16 Mrs. S. C. Wylie. M iddletow n...... 10 Y . L. S ...... I S. S ...... 25 M illerstown ...... 4 S. C. E ...... 7 Miss Sarah Kipp. New Bloomfield...... 20 Mrs. Chas. H. Smiley. Y. L . B r...... 4 Mrs. W. S. Siehert. Willing Workers .... 4 S. C. E...... i Mrs. W. S. Siehert. N e w p o r t...... 13 20 Mrs. L. W . Brimmer. Y . W . A u x ...... 6 Mission Band...... 3 25 Miss Elizabeth Ewing. S. C. E ...... 8 Miss J. L. Milligan. s 65

1*Amount Name of Society. ! Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary. 1 Newville, Big Spring .... #288 Beirut, Miss Ellie McCullough. Y. L . S ...... 60 Miss E. W oodbum . Wide-Awake Bd .... IO Miss Lou Swigert. Dewdrops...... 6 7 5 Miss L. Sollt-nberger. S. C. E ...... 12 50 Miss Lou Swigert. P a x to n ...... 88 Mrs. J. A. Rutherford. Cheerful Givers...... 9 Y. P. Soc...... 38 S. C. E ...... 8 Miss E. E. Rutherford. Shippensburg...... 13 9 5 0 Mrs E. S. Hays. H ull B d ...... 23 65 1 Miss Gertrude Wolf. Y. L. S ...... 114 ! Miss Evelyn Duke. Y. P. Ass’n (S. C. E.) . 17 Miss N. E. Grayson. Silver Spring ...... 20 Mrs. M. O. Ewalt. Steelton...... 9 5 ° i Mrs. B. G. Black. S. C . E ...... 5 M^ry Messersmith. W a v n e s b o r o ...... 58 Fatehgarh, Miss Mary B. Gordon. Willing Workers .... 9 Miss Jean Amberson, Never Weary Bd .... 4 80 : Prim. S. S ...... 7 Y. Men's S o c ...... S. C. E ...... 5 t Miss Ruth Shearer. Welsh Run, Robt. Kennedy Miss Nellie Grove. M em ’l ...... 1 S. C . E ...... 5 1 Miss Ida Steck. 56245 211 Presbytery of Chester. Pres., Mrs. E. Boyd Weitzel, Cor. Sec., Mrs. J. H. Dingee, T r e a s Mrs. Herman F. Wyers, Ridley Park, Pa. Paoli, Pa. 345 W. MinerSt., West Chester, Pa. Sec. Y.P., Mrs. A. R. Eckels, Rec. Sec., Miss Sarah Rote, Sec. Lit., Mrs. Thomas W . Belville. New London, Pa. Parkersburg, Pa. 602 E. Main St., Coatesville, Pa. Presbyterial Pledges. Miss Elizabeth R. Campbell, Japan; Mrs. Stacey L. Roberts, Korea, and Mrs. A. B. Gould, M.D., India. Y oung W om en ’s S o c ie t ie s— Miss Anna S. Doriss, Korea. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. J. H. Orbison, I I.D., India, and Wei Hsien. C h il d r e n ’s B a n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.— Canton, Saharanpur, Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

A tg le n ...... ' |^8 ! Bahia, S. C. E ...... 6 ; Miss M. E. Cowan. A vo n d a le...... 50 1 Mrs. S. M . Harper. S. C . E ...... 9 Miss H. C. Norton. B erw yn...... 30 Mrs. Albert Bracking. Mustard Seeds ...... Mrs. H. M. Ewing.

Boothwyn.Chichester Mem’l. i ^ Mrs. Wm. H. Booth. Brandywine Manor .... Ì 6 ! Mrs. C. McClure. Violet Band...... | 5 ° Miss Mary Bonsall. S. C. E ...... Miss Martha Frazer. 6 Bryn M aw r...... 100 ■ Mi raj, Miss Jeannette Black. Star of the East Bd. . . . 24 Miss Eleanor Rushton. Chester, 1st ...... 1 25 Miss VI. Crosby. Chester, 2 d ...... Miss Jane Wright. 9 Mary B. Reaney Bd . . . I 2 * The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 5 66

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Chester, 3d ...... •#18 Mrs. C. H. Hubbard. Chester, Bethany ...... 8 Miss E. E. Dougherty. Coatesville ...... IIS Mrs. E. E. Rambo. Th e C i r c l e ...... 3° Mrs. Charles Strode. Golden Hour Circle . . , 2 Miss Elizabeth Walton Sunshine B d ...... 1 S. C. E...... 5 0 Miss Bess Ernest. S. C. E , J r ...... 12 Miss Agnes Brown. Darby Borough ...... 4 i 5 0 Mrs. T. M. Eastwood. Clover Leaf B d ...... 8 Mrs. E. M. Drews. Ivy Leaf Soc...... 30 Lodiana, Mrs. A, H. Armstrong. Sunbeam B d ...... 3 Miss Mary Weaver. S. C. E ...... 42 • Urumia, Miss E. L. Headly. S. C. E., J r ...... 10 D e v o n ...... IS S. C. E ...... 5 Dilworthtown...... 16 Miss B. McClure. S. C. E„ J r ...... 5 Mrs. M. L. Ross. Doe R u n ...... 4 5 Tsinan-fu, Miss E. M. Polk. S. C. E ...... 5 Miss L. W. Polk. Downingtown...... 35 Canton, Miss Mary H. Mudge. F ag g’s M anor...... 9 3 Miss Mary A. Leaman, China Mrs. J. L. Edwards. Whatsoever B d ...... 6 Miss Ruih Ebenshade. S. C. E., No, 1 ...... 6 50 Miss Anna McConnell S. C. E„ No. 2 ...... 6 50 Fairvit-w, S. C. E ...... 10 26 F r a z e r ...... 3 Mis= Sadie Jarvis. G le n o ld e n ...... 15 Mrs. J. H. Colwell. S. C. E ...... 6 Miss Mabel Walton. Great V alley ...... 7 4 Sidon, Mrs. J. A. Holland. Y. P. Soc...... 6 Miss Edith Hughes. Sunshine Bd...... 16 Mrs. E. R. Simons. S. C. E ...... 5 Hont'v Brook ...... 67 Mrs. G. L. Ramsey. Y. P. M. S...... 4 Miss M ae Compton. S. C. E ...... 10 Miss Florence M. Long. S. C E., Jr...... 4 Kennett Square ...... 17 Mrs. George Ladley. L an sd ow ne...... 141 Miss Mary A. Leaman,China, Mrs. Robert Anderson. S E. H. Circle ...... 10 Nanking, Miss H. E Garrett. H elpers’ B d ...... iS Dehra, Miss Emily Wright. S. C. E ...... Lincoln. Willing Helpers . . 4 Miss K. B. Galbreath. M dvern ...... 10 Mrs. Adriie Cox. Faithful Friends Bd. . . . 3 Miss M. Hnvburn. S C. E ...... 4 Miss Mary Detwiler. S. C. E., J r ...... 2 Mrs. Cleveland Frame. M a rp le ...... 9 [Leaman, China. Mrs. G. H. Beaumont. M e d ia ...... 194 Fatehgarh and Miss Mary A. Mrs. C. I. Leiper. Schuler Guild ...... 45 Resht and Wei Hsien. S. C. E ...... IS Fatehgarh, Midriletown . . 23 Miss C. Stringfellow. Girls’ Perseverance Bd. . 19 Nanking, Miss K. Mountz. Young M en’s Bd. .... 22 Nanking, Mr. W . Emmrtt T aylor S. C. E. .... 5 Rev. W . 1 . Kruse. M oore’s, O liv e t...... 27 Mrs. S. W. Wait. King’s Messengers . . . 10 Nevin Watt. New L o n d o n ...... 31 Miss M. W. Storey. S. C. E ...... 26 - Miss Emily L. Mackey 67

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name ot Secretary.

N o ttin g h a m ...... $37 Beirut, Mrs. Mary G. West. S. C. E ...... 7 S. C. E., Jr...... s Miss E. H. Passmore. Oxford, is t ...... 18 3 Mrs. H. L. Patterson. S. C. E ...... P a o l i ...... 4 Miss L. H. Glisson. Parkesburg...... 63 Miss M. J. Wallace. Junior Bd. . . . 6 Miss Helen Lukens. S. C. E ...... 3 Miss Edith Scotten. Phoenixville...... i l l Miss K. E. Auld. Girls’ Mhs. Bd ...... 4 S. C. E ...... 18 Mrs. A. L. Jenks. Ridley P a rk ...... 3 5 Sabathu, Miss M. W . Lincoln. Dewdrops...... 10 Miss M. A. Millaid. S. C. E ...... 5 o Rutledge, Chambers Mem'l. 21 Mrs. J. R. Bowen. S. C. E ...... 21 Miss L. F. Crissie. Sw arthm ore...... 157 Tsingtau, Miss V. J. Walter. King’s Messengers . . . S. C . E ...... 5 Mr. C. Farmer. S. C. E„ Jr ...... 3 Toughkenamon ...... 18 Mrs. H. A. Mendenhall. S. C. E ...... Upper Octorara ...... 52 Mrs. H. M. Scott. Hope and Trust Band . . 15 Miss Sallie Maguire. Octorara Bd...... IS Miss Mary Paxson. W allingford ...... Urumia, Mrs. T. B. Palmer. Wayne, Grace Mem’] . . . 5011 Mrs. Clara Roberts. Wayne, Radnor...... 170 Mussoorie, Mrs. G. W. Chapin. Girls’ Jr. Miss. Bd. . . . 10 Miss JosephineObdyke. S. C. E ...... 2 Wayne, W ayne ...... 5° Canton, Mrs. C. G. Blatchley. Boys’ Bd...... 6 ! Mr. L. Levengood. Helen Newton Circle . . . 16 Miss E. C. Wambach. S. C . E ...... 3 i Miss J. D. W ambach. S. C. E., Jr...... 4 i Miss G. C. Roberts. West Chester, ist . . . . . 398 ! Etawah, Miss C. W. Heed. S. C. E ...... 2 5 ! Miss I. E. Crowe. S. C. E., Int...... 2 Etawah, S. C. E„ J r ...... Miss Mary Bolton. West Chester, Westminster . 150 ) Mrs. J. H. Lumis. F r i e n d s ...... 15 I 1 Miss Marion Reid. Y. L. Circle ...... 5 ° i ! Miss Mary A. Leaman, S. S ...... 120 ! f China, S. C. E ...... S. C. E„ Jr...... 1° | 1 Miss A. Pennypacker. Goshenville S. S ...... 5 1 j : W est G r o v e ...... 22 Mrs. A. M. Hogg. S. C. E...... 4 56 | Mrs. A. M. Hogg. 3d District...... 3 ' 4th D istrict...... i 7 j A F rie n d ...... ; 25 !

'$3 9 ° ° 32 68

Presbytery of Clarion. P f es.. Mrs. Belle K. Richards, Cor.Sec., Mrs. Craig Lucas, Treas., Mrs. Samuel Alfred W ilhelm, 4 Reed St., Oil City, Pa. Brookville, Pa. Clarion, Pa. Sec. Y. P., Mrs. P. W. Boyd, Ree. Sec., Mrs. W . B. Reed, Sec. Lit., Mrs. G. W . Shannon, Punxsutawney, Pa. Corsica, Pa. R. D. No. 3, Emlenton, Pa. Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. W . O. Elterich, China ; Miss Elma Donaldson, India, and Mrs. Oscar F. Hills, China. Y o u n g W o m e n ' s S o c i e t i e s .— Miss Anna S . Doriss. Korea. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. J. A. Eakin, Siam. C h i l d r e n 's B a n d s a n d J r . S. C . E.-—Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

•A m ount N am e oi S ocicty. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Beechwoods...... $162 Mrs. J. J. McCurdy. Beechtree Union, S. C. E. Beihesda...... 20 Mrs. J. C. Craig. S. C. E ...... IO S. C. E .,Jr ...... 8 M rs . J. F . Lobaugh. B ig R u n , S. C. E ...... Miss Rose Miller. Brockwayville ...... 9 90 Mrs. C. L.v Cooper. B r o o k v il le ...... n o Lebanon and Peking, Miss Mary L. Craig. Cunningham Aux. . . . 7 5 Canton, Mrs. Charles Lucas. Y . W . A u x...... 2 5 Lahore, Miss Bertha McGaw. S. C . E ...... So Bangkok, Gladys Cosmalt. Callensburg...... 11 25 Mrs. A . R . Pollock. C la rio n ...... 70 35 Mrs. W. H. Gulland. Legacy, Mrs. Margaret J., B u z a r d ...... 4 7 6 25 Y. L . A u x...... 40 Lahore, Mrs. Ernest M,3gee. King's Daughters . . . . 10 Jr. Miss. Bd. . S. C . E ...... 7 So Nellie C. Dunlap. Concord ...... 29 Mrs. Cora Cooper, D u B o i s ...... 70 Mrs. E. R. E. Craig. Stewart A ux . . . . 55 Miss Ruth L. Watt. S. C. E ...... 10 Miss Alice Prothero. East B ra d y ...... 10 Miss Mary V. James. E denburg...... 130 Mayflowers. . . . 2 Marjory Earsman. S. C. E ...... 25 Em lentow n...... 90 Nanking, ; Mrs. E. C. Hamilton, S. C . E ...... 22 [part), I Endeavor ...... 200 Mrs. F . W . Bible, China (in! Mrs. S. E. W arden. Jr. Miss. Bd. . . . S. C . E ...... S. C. E., Jr . . . . Falls Creek ...... 10 Greenville...... 19 V. L . A u x...... 20 l,ilies of the Field . Cora Eakers, Leatherwood . . . . 25 Mrs. Milton Hepen. L ick in g...... 18 50 Mrs. George H. Newell Mt. T a b o r ...... 11 New Bethlehem . . . 66 go Mrs. J. C. Blake. Y. L. Circle . . . 25 45 Miss Amy Craig. Star Bd...... 7 Helena Wick. S, C. E ...... 10

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 69

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

New Rehoboth ...... $6 75 Mrs. A. M. Owens. Nickleville ...... 7 S. C. E ...... s Nellie Donaldson. Oak G r o v e ...... Oil City, 2d ...... 340 Mrs. M. R. Hoffman. Westminster Aux ...... 9 4 Mrs. G. W. Van Horn, Laura Gleave. Good W ill B d ...... 4 4 Japan, S. C. E ...... 75 Olive...... 9 37 Mrs. Sadie Jordon. B a n d ...... P e n fie ld ...... 20 Mrs. C. E. Robacker. S. C. E ...... 25 Etah. Nellie Bird. P is g a h ...... 4 ° ! Chefoo. Miss Ella Corbett. Westminster Aux .... 8 Mrs. J. P. Steele. Willing Workers .... 5

S. C. E ...... 3 ° ¡ Ella J. Corbett. Punxsutawney...... 3 3 5 0 j Mrs. John H. Kennedy A. C. Good Bd. . . . 6 !Benito, Eleanor Clark. Westminster Soc. . . i 5 ° ! S. C . E ...... 9 8 s i Punxsutawney, Central 54 io i Miss Mary McQuown. S. C. E ...... 25 | Miss Fannie Pantall. Rathmel, A Lady. . . . 4 I Reynoldsville...... 5 0 í ! Mrs. Frank Alexander. Richardsville...... 3 0 ¡ | Mrs. C. A. Cookson. R ich la n d ...... 35 í j Mrs. V. McG. Kline. R i d g e w a y ...... 13 16 1 | Mrs. H. A. Otterson. S. C. E ...... 5 Scotch H ill ...... j Mrs. Nettie Brady. Mission Bd...... So; Seneca, S. C. E. . . . 51 ! S h ilo h ...... Mrs. S. B. McLain. S. C. E ...... 5 S lig o ...... 5 Mrs. Elizabeth McKee. Sugar H i l l ...... 20 Mrs. Joseph Steele. Summerville...... 10 Mrs. Alvine Smith. T io n e s ta ...... 28 Mrs. A, C. Brown. S. C. E ...... | T y le rs b u rg ...... 6 80 Mrs. J. D. Hoffman. A L a d y ...... ! 3 West Millville...... I 6 Mrs. J. J. Wolfe. W ilc o x ...... Mrs. A. A. Clearwater. S. C. E ...... Clarion Pres. Soc. . . . 427 87

¡$ 3 4 4 7 6 1 i 70

Presbytery of Erie. Pres,, Mrs. Thomas Alexander, Cor. Sec., Miss Jessie D. Grassie, Treas., Mrs. J. A. Neill, Franklin, Pa. Meadville, Pa. 16 East Walnut St., Titusville,Pa. Pres. Y. P. Work, Miss L. Constance Emerson, Rec. Sec., Mrs. J. W. Kitchen, Titusville, Pa. 313 East St., Warren, Pa. f Bands, Miss Helen Edwards, Sec. Lit., Mrs. C. E. Woodward, c v p Titusville, Pa. Corry, Pa. sees. y. r. j s c R Miss Clara w Davids0Ilj ( Pleasantville, Pa. Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. H. M. Bruen, Korea; Mrs. Gilbert Lovell, B.D., China; Miss Emma A. Weidaw, Mexico City, Fatehgarh, and Elat. Y oung W omen s S o c ie t ie s— Miss A n n a S. Doriss, Korea. Y. P. B a n d s —M iss Cora C . Bartlett, Persia. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. E. P. Newton, India. C h il d r e n ’s B a n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.--Canton, Saharanpur, Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

* Amount Name of Society. ! Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies, j Name of Secretary.

Atlantic...... $20 Mrs. J. J. Kuhn. Belle Valley...... 9 70 ' Miss Margaret Tate. B e t h a n y ...... 7 76 Mrs. Frank Fleming. B ra d fo rd ...... 95 Baraka, j Mrs. Preston Straight. Silver Links...... 75 Eleanor McCullough. S. C . E ...... 5 ° H. E. Huntington. Bradford, East End...... : 10 Cambridge Springs...... 86 Mrs. George B. Colt. Bartlett Workers .... 15 S. C. E...... 17 Miss Mary Laffler. Cochran ton ...... ! 27 Urumia, Mrs. J. P. Whitehead. S. C. E ...... ; 6 i Mr. T. H. McCobb. Conneaut C en tre ...... 12 61 Mrs. F. E. Cory. Conneaut L ake ...... 9 7 0 Mrs. Fred. J. Mos=. S. C . E ...... ; 6 Mr. Frank Geyce. Conneautville...... j 16 49 S. C. E ...... ! 10 Miss Pauline Sheldon. S. C. E., Jr...... j Mrs. F. M. Hull. Cool Spring ...... 15 | Mrs. Norman North. S. C. E ...... 8 80 Cooperstown ...... 13 09 Miss Mary J. Crain. Corry...... ! 15 Mrs. Benj. Rushlink. S. C . E ...... 6 Miss Ruth Auer. East Springfield ...... 9 70 Mrs. Lou Mershon. S. C . E ...... i Miss G. M. Sammons. E dinboro...... 4 5 3 7 Mrs. J. F. Byler. Erie, 1 s t ...... 160 Mrs. E. G. Deifendorf. Bethany Bd. . . 5 Erie, Central...... 76 81 Changteh and Taiku, Miss Edna L. Smith. Kilboume Mem'l .... 5 0 Y. W. Soc...... Erie, Chestnut St...... 9 7 0 Mrs. Hannah Bodm er. Y. L. S ...... j 10 Erie, North ...... 127 05 S. C. E.( J r ...... Lawrence Sanford Mem’l, 100 Tokyo, S. C . E ...... 5 Erie, P a r k ...... | 148 50 1

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 71

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. N am e nf Scrcret rj

Fairfield (New Vernon) . . $9 70 F a ir v ie w ...... 3 4 53 S. C. E ...... 5 Miss Elizabeth Asmus, F r a n k lin ...... 5 7 5 Mrs. R. B. Beattie. Louisa Dale, 2d Aux . . 15° 84 Olive B d ...... 26 95 Miss B. A. Brady, J e w e ls ...... 13 50 Mrs. R. F. Glenn. Daughters of Lydia . . . 12 . Miss G. McClelland S. C. E ...... 75 ; Miss Anna Kohler. S. C. E.. J r ...... 6 Miss E. M. Bower. • Rockv Grove Aux .... 8 73 S. C. 'E...... 4 F re d o n ia ...... 9 70 Mr=. T,*>e MoQuiston. S. C. E ...... 5 Miss Grace Shannon. G ir a r d ...... 29 19 Mrs. R. S. Battles. S. C. E ...... 13 S. C. E„ Jr...... 7 Greenville...... 166 95 Mrs. T. C. Gibson. Y. P. S o c...... 40 Miss N. Fetz^r. Star of Hope...... Mr. Robert Keck. Greenville, Mt. Pleasant . . H ad ley ...... 7 Mrs. A. F. Gilçer. S. C. E ...... 5 Miss Jessie Gilger. Harmonsburg, S. C. E. . . Harbor C re ek ...... 9 70 S. C . E ...... 10 Miss Mary M. Dodge. Jackson Centre ...... 25 22 S. C. E., J r ...... I Jam esto w n ...... 67 90 Mrs M'-L. Dennison. Y . L . Soc...... 8 Miss B Webb. Jr. G u ild ...... 7 Lulu Thompson. S. C. E ...... 5 Miss Berenice Webb. K err H ill...... 55 :Mrs. S. M. Conover. Meadville, 1st ...... 113 32 Urumia, Mrs. D C. Dunn. Y . L. S ...... 82 San Francisco, Miss Rebecca F.Cooper. Central Y. L. S...... 30 Manila, Girls’ Guild ...... 10 S. C. E ...... 20 : Miss J. D. Grassie. Mercer, 1st ...... 5 4 56 Miss T. Calvin. Y . L. S o c ...... 35 Mrs. M. M. Whistler. Duncan B d ...... 5 Miss G Cotton. S. C. E...... IS Mrs. J S. Duncan. M ercer, 2 d ...... 115 81 Mrs. M. E. Ewing. 2d A u x...... 64 95 Miss Lovina Barton. S. C . E ...... Miss Hazel Myers. Moorheadville, S. C. E. . . 8 50 Miss Alice Leet North E a s t ...... 140 65 Mrs. J. M. Moorhead. Y. P. S o c ...... S3 Miss El’zabeth Griffin. Do-what-you-can Bd. . . 8 Miss Dorothy Phillips. North Warren...... 4 80 Oil City, 1st...... 150 Mrs. J. P. Helle. Aux No. 2 ...... 89 Y. L . Soc...... Mrs. Frank Settle. Chperful Workers .... 25 Miss Helen Mackenzie. S. C. E...... 20 7 IS Pleasantville...... 113 48 Mrs. Tessie H . Wilson. S. C. E...... 26 Mr. Walter Sutton. 72

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. N am e o f Secretary.

P o lk ...... Sandv L a k e ...... 5 Miss Belle B. Orr. Sheaklevville ...... 10 S. C. E ...... 5 Mrs. Lida Graham. Stoneboro ...... 11 Miss Mary Parry. S. C E ...... 4 Sugar Creek Mem’l...... 3 19 1 Miss Sarah Blakeley. Sunville...... 2 1 T id io u t e ...... 93 95 Miss Hattie Gardener. S. C. E ...... 15 Miss Alice M. Garrett. T itu sv ille...... 855 28 Mrs. T. M. MacNair, Japan, Mrs. Wm. Wood. Y . L .S o c ...... 292 22 Nodoa, Miss M. L. Benton. Alexander B d ...... 80 Miss Lulu Beaver. Primary Bd...... Bovs’ C l u b ...... 20 Samuel Bryson. Union C i t y ...... 80 s i j Mrs. C. C. Van Dusen. U tic a ...... 9 7 ° I Mrs. J. C. Dick. S. C . E ...... 10 1 Miss Harriet Adams. W arren ...... *5 ° Mrs. J. A. Eichenberg. 2d A u x ...... 291 Chieng Rai, Mrs. W. A. Mitchell. Arbutus B d...... 150 Miss Emma Kolfrat, China. Mrs. H. A. Hertzel. S. C. E ...... 7 5 0 W a te r fo r d ...... 3° Miss Sara A. Boyd. S. C. E ...... 10 Miss Ida Merritt. W a tts b u r g ...... 16 50 Mrs. E. E. Tracy. S. C. E ...... 2 I Miss Clara Patterson. Westminster...... j 4 85 1 Mrs. Brice Love. W o o d c o c k ...... : t; Miss Mary Pendleton. Contingent F u n d ...... 50

¡$6077 11 Presbytery of Huntingdon. Pres.. Miss S. R. Lowrie, Cor. Sec., Miss C. W. Stewart, Treas., Miss S. D. Morrow, Warrior’s Mark, Pa. Colerain Forge, Spruce Creek P.O., Pa. Tyrone, Pa. f Miss Anna Fisher, Rec. Sec., Mrs. H. R. Smith, Sec. L it., Mrs. F. B. Reed, Secs. Y. P. J 504 Penn St., H un'gd'n, Pa. n 14 13th Ave., Clearfield, Pa. and Bands, j Miss Grace H. Burket, Altoona, Pa. I Tyrone Pa. Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. W . S. Vanneman, Persia; Miss C. B. Herron, India (resigned); Mrs.G. A. Landes, Bra­ zil: Miss Lulu R. Patton, China, and Ferozepore. Y oung W om en ’s S o c ie t ie s—M iss Matilda H . London, Japan (in part). Y . P. S. C. E.— Rev. J. H. Orbison. M.D., India. C h il d r e n ’s Ba n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.— Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

A le x a n d ria ...... jgio Mrs. S. B. Phillips. Hartslog Val. Aux. . . . S Miss Ella N. Robb. Kevstone B d ...... 15 Mary Isenberg. S. C. E ...... 5 Retta A. Davis. Altoona, 1 s t ...... 185 Mrs. C. H. Yerkes, China, Mrs. Grace Ellsworth. Y . W . A u x ...... 50 Miss Ambler Hutchison G a r d e n e r s ...... 30 Mrs. C. H. Yerkes, Miss Esther Smith. Altoona, 2d ...... 60 Mrs. H. B. Huff.

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges aad for General Fuad, 9» well as for the Individual Pledges«. 73

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Altoona, 2d, Panethia Aux. . $5° Miss E. S. Gilliford. S. C. E ...... S Miss Mary Bitner. S. C. E., J r ...... 5 Mrs. W. S. Irvine. Olivet Chapel, S. C. E. 5 Lillian Moore. Altoona, 3d ...... 3 9 Mrs. J. E. Irvine. King’s Messengers . . . S. C. E., Jr...... 6 j Miss Grace I. Hamilton. Altoona.'Broad Ave...... 40 Mrs. H. L. Whallon. Y . L . Soc...... 10 Miss J. E. Martin. S. C. E.,Jr...... 10 1 Mrs. Edw. M. Hancock. Altoona, Juniata . . . iS 1 Mrs. H. W . Chase. S . C. E ...... 2 i Miss Ruth O. Bain. S .C . E . , J r ...... 21 j Mrs. R. J. Hillis. Bald Eagle, Port Matilda . . 21 j Mrs. I. A. Thompson. Busy B e e s ...... s Mrs. 0 . C. Jones. S. C. E ...... 2 B e d f o r d ...... 8 | Mrs. David Prossa. B a n d ...... 1 Mrs. J. C. Russell. B e lle fo n t e ...... 314 85 ! Mrs. W. R. Gainfort. Y . W . A u x ...... 13 | Margaret Wilson Bd . . . 5 Miss Lois Kirk. Jr. Miss. Soc...... 3 Miss Margaret Gilmour. B irm in g h a m ...... 26 75 ! Miss Beulah Burnham. Mountain Sem. Bd . . . 100 Miss N. J. Davis. S. C. E ...... 26 25 I Rev. J. Woodcock. S. C. E.. Jr...... 3 So Miss A. W . Fallon. W arrior’s M ark A u x . . . 172 j Miss L. R. McCoy. Acorn Club...... 25 60 j Miss Fern Irvin. Lulu Patton Bd...... s Burnham, 1 s t ...... 4 ! Mrs. Bria Sterret. S. C. E ...... ! Mrs. W . M. Beatty. C learfield ...... 270 Ì Mrs N. E. Fulford. Golden Links ...... 25 1 Miss Marion Bigler. K in g’s Daughters .... 10 }■ Mrs. E. W. McDowell, Miss Isabel McBain. King’s Daughters, Jr. . . [Persia, Miss Mary Purter. S. C. E ...... 4 4 J Coalport, S. C. E ...... 2 Mrs. L. S. Thompson. Curwensville ...... 16 Mrs. A. B. Dunsmore. Y. W. Miss. Circle. . . . 3 7 Miss Esther Snyder. K in g’s Daughters .... 30 Miss Isabelle Kerns. S. C. E ...... 10 Miss Edith Tavlor. Duncansville ...... 16 j Miss Mary C. Kephart. L . L . B...... 9 Miss P. Rudenberg. S. C. E ...... 7 Miss Mary Kephart. East Kishacoquillas .... 62 I Miss Ella G. Taylor. S.C. E., Jr...... xo 1 Miss Tillie McFarlane. E verett...... 9 75 ! Fruit H i l l ...... 40 Mrs. I. C. Tohnston. Lowrie Bd...... ro Miss Amy Witherow. Glen Richey S. C. E. . . . 2 Hollidaysburg...... 118 Mrs. Perry Moore. Y. L. S ...... iS Mrs. C. W. Bosler. Banon Mem'l Bd...... S 35 Miss H. Brotherlin. S. C. E...... 25 Miss M. L. Johnston. Houtzdale, S. C. E ...... 5 H u n tin g d o n ...... 96 90 Mrs. M. C. Robb. Y. L. Soc...... 92 45 Miss Julia Dorris. K in g’s Daughters .... 2 35 Miss Dorothy Kline, Earnest Workers, , , , , I i 74

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Huntingdon, S. C. E. . . . #20 Miss Gertrude Graffins. S. C. E„ J r ...... 20 Miss M. Graffins. Irvona ...... 8 Miss F. McClure. Buds of Promise...... s Mrs. W. H. Metz. S. C . E...... 2 Mrs. W. H. Metz. K e rm o o r...... 3 Mrs. M. A. Stevens. B a n d ...... I Mrs. E. M. McCreery. S. C. E ...... IO j Mr. J. S. M cCreery. S. C. E., J r ...... L e w is to w n ...... 135 Mrs. G. L. Russell. Y . L . S ...... 85 69 Kolhapur, Miss B. McKinney. ]r. Girls' B d ...... 21 : Miss Ruth Bratton. Gillespie Bd ...... I Anna Bell. S. C. E ...... 75 Miss A. T. McCulloch. S. C. E., Jr...... 5 Miss Hannah M cCoy. Logan's V alley ...... 31 Mrs. C. McFarland. S. C. E ...... 50 Miss Helen Fleming. S. C. E., J r ...... 2 5 Miss Edna Irwin. Lost C r e e k ...... 22 25 Miss Lizzie Moore. S. C . E ...... 2 Lower Spruce Creek. . . . 14 Mrs. M. I. Gardner. Lower Tuscarora, S. C. E. . 3 7 50 Miss Alice I. Graham. Academia Aux ...... 3 Academia S. C. E. . . . M c V e y t o w n ...... 22 Chieng Mai, Mrs. Robert Hill. S. C. E ...... 10 Miss F. Stevenson. Mapleton, S. C. E ...... Mrs. Lizzie Hooper. Martinsburg ...... 26 25 Miss M ary Graffins. S. C. E ...... I Miss Ella O. Sanders. Middle Tuscarora, E. Water- 4 25 Mifflintown...... 4 5 I Mrs. Albert Robson. Y . L . S oc...... 4 3 1 Mrs. Howard Neely, Girls’ Miss. Soc...... 13 85 j Miss Rhoda Meyer. S. C. E ...... Miss M. C . Irwin. S. C. E., Jr...... Milesburg S. C. E ...... I 50 Miss Ella Wagner. M ilro y ...... 7 5 Pansy Circle ...... Miss Rebecca Randolph S. C . E ...... 7 Miss Eva M . Aun^nd. S. C. E., Jr...... Mrs. W. H. Kohler. Mt. U n i o n ...... 13 Mrs. Alice Appleby. Y . P. Soc...... , Miss Edith V. Bare. S. C. E ...... 1 5 Mrs. Mary M. Gifford. Newton Hamilton, S. C. E. . 5 ! Miss Anna B. Ewing. Orbisonia, Daisy Bd...... j Miss Grace McCleery. S. C. E ...... 5 j Mr. R. J. Coons. O s c e o l a ...... 40 Miss M. L. Beers. S. C. E ...... 5 ! Elbridge Brown. Petersburg, Tuniata Bd. . . 2 Miss Edith Wakefield. S. C . E ...... 4 Miss Belle Bergen. Philipsburg...... 3 6 Mrs. I. R. Russell. Arbutus Bd...... 4 50; Miss Ray Morgan. Pine G r o v e ...... 23 10 1 Mrs. W . S. Tate. Gillespie B d ...... 20 40 j Miss Mary Everts. Port R o y a l...... 10 ! Miss S. R. Wharton. S a x to n ...... 6 Miss K. Hake. Shade Gap ...... 4 1 S. C. E...... i Mr. A. Montgomery. 75

1 ♦ Amount Name of Society. Contrib. j Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Schellsburg...... #ia | Shirleysburg, S. C. E. . . . 10 Mrs. John Douglas. Sinking C re e k ...... 32 9x ; Ningpo, Miss M. Goodhart. 1 L . L. B ...... 1 25 S. C. E ...... 1 | j Mrs. G. O. Benner. Sinking V alley ...... 42 84 Mrs. F. H. Haggerty. G le a n e rs...... 20 Mabel Gingerich. S. C . E ...... 10 27 Miss C. Edna Lewis. S. C. E„ J r ...... 1 50 ! Mrs. L. M. Lewis. Spring Creek ...... 42 85 ! Miss Maud Mitchell. S. C. E ...... 5 i Miss Cornelia Dale. Boalsburg Aux ...... 13 IO 1 j Miss M. J. Lytle. Spruce Creek ...... 32 5 i Mrs. J. M. Wigton. I-will-try Bd . 32 Miss Nora Goheen. D a u g h te r s ...... 69 Miss Bess W oomer. S. C. E ...... =5 Mrs. L. K. Thompson. State College ...... 104 Mrs. R. L. Watts. Westminster League . . I | Miss M. I. Thompson. S. C. E ...... 35 5 0 ! Miss Hester S. Christ. T y ro n e ...... 100 j Mrs. C. O. Templeton. Moore Miss. Circle. . . . 75 25 ' Miss Isabel Nevling. H e lp e r s ...... 5 ° Miss Elsie Bell. L . L, B ...... 7 5 T. R. Davies Bd ...... 85 40 Miss Annie M. Reed. Chapel Volunteers .... 4 5 ° Miss Lillian Leff. S. C. E ...... 15 i Miss Mary B. Morrow. S. C. E., J r ...... 4 ; Mrs. T. B. Shuman. Upper Tuscarora...... 40 S. C. E ...... 5 i Miss Linnie J. Blair. Wells Valley, S. C. E. . . . 3 Mrs. W. H. Baumgard- West Kishacoquillas .... 15 Kolhapur, Miss R. C. Wilson, [ner. Allenville, S. C. E . . . . 6 Mrs. Olive L. Wilson. Williamsburg...... 5 2 Saharanpur, Miss Martha Stalker. Beacon Light Bd .... 22 Miss Bertha Smith. S. C. E ...... 7 Miss Mary E. Rhule. W in b u m e ...... 40 Miss Jennie Merritt. Collection at Mifflin Meeting. 7 3 27 Outfit Fund ...... 5 0

# 4724 43 Presbytery of Kittanning;. Pres., Mrs. William L. Peart, Cor. Sec., Miss Agnes Hill, Treas., Mrs. D. Blair Taylor, Kittanning, Pa. R. F. D. i, Freeport, Pa. Indiana, Pa. Sec. Y. P., Miss Lyda P. Christy, Sec. Lit., Mrs. R. E. Kennerdell, Ford City, Pa, Kittanning, Pa. Presbyterlal Pledges. Miss S. M. Wherry, India. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. J. H. Orbison, M.D., India. C h il d r e n ’s B a n d s an d J r . S. C. E.—Saharanpur, Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

A p o llo ...... ! $149 39 Mrs. William Flinn. Hopeful B d ...... ! 85 Faithful Workers 26 I S. C. E . . io Mrs. M. J. McBryar.

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges, 76

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. | Pledges of Individual Societies, j Name of Secretary.

Appleby Manor...... $*7 i j Mrs. J. R. Christy. S. C. E ...... 3 j ! Caroline Horseman. B e t h e l...... 14 \ ! Miss Flora Allison. S. C. E ...... 3 I : Boiling Spring...... 17 j j Mrs. Elizabeth Louden. C e n t r e ...... ! 9 ! 1 Mrs. A. G. Johnston. Cherry T r e e ...... 27 Mrs. T- B- Darr. S. C . E ...... I Mrs. J. B. Darr. S. C. E.. Jr ...... 4 : Mrs. J. B. Darr. C la rk sb u rg ...... 1 Concord ...... 13 Mrs. R. J. Moore. Crooked C reek ...... I ! S. C. E ...... i Currie's R u n ...... S. C. E ...... 18 , Mary Thomas. East U n io n ...... 6 Ebenezer ...... 31 Lahore, Mrs. Lucetta Tomb. Elder’s R id g e ...... 100 Miss M ary E. W ay. Donaldson Bd ...... 8 i s Mrs. S. H. Snyder. S. C . E ...... 20 > Alice Ewing. E ld e rto n ...... 19 ! Mrs. G. A. Prugh. S. C. E ...... 5 1 F re e p o rt...... 67 j Miss Margaret Simpson. S. C. E ...... 20 ! Anna S. Boyd. Gilgal...... I Miss Carrie Stewart. Glade Run ...... 3 5 Mrs. M. R. Mechling. Glen Campbell...... 20 03 Mrs. C. C. Williams. Goheenville, S. C. E. . . . H arm ony...... 6 Mrs. A. J. Stewart. S. C. E ...... C ity ...... IS 5 ° Mrs. Mary E. Berry. S. C. E ...... Indiana. . . . 32S Mrs. Ida McF. Smith. L.L. B. . . i 7 5 S.C. E . . . 31 j Miss Anna Thompson. S. C. E.. Jr . 8 Jacksonville. . 22 ! Miss Bertha|Clawson. S. C. E . . . [nan.j Kittanning, ist. 400 Mrs. P. W. McClintock, Hai-j Miss E. E. Sloan. Band .... 3 Mrs. William Peart, S.C. E. . . 2 So i Genevieve Kennerdell. Leechburg . . n o Mrs. Preston Smith. Band . . S. C. E. . . 21 Marion Centre 25 25 Mrs. Work. S. C. E . . . Miss Bertha B. Ellis. Mechanicsburg. Middle Creek . Mt. Pleasant . Rayne .... Rockbridge . . 7 Miss Bessie Sutton. Rural Valley . 4 6 7 5 Mrs. C. R. Pettigrew. S. C. E. . . 15 Mrs. O. C. Terney. Saltsburg . . . 83 Bogota, Mrs. A W. Wilson. S. C. E . . . 15 Anna K. Rupert. S. C. e .l Int. 6 S late Lick 85 25 Kolhapur, Mrs. W. P. Robinson, S. C. E . 8 25 Ada Jack, Tunneltop 0 5 0 77

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Tunnelton, S. C. E ...... U n io n ...... #5 50 Miss Jennie Ralston. S. C . E ...... 2 50 W ashington...... 8 Mrs. Jennie Groft. West Glade Run...... 37 Canton, Miss Nannie Wible. West Lebanon...... 31 57 Mrs. Jetta Harbison. W hitesburg...... 3 Worthington ...... 13 54 Miss Amelia Cozad.

#1968 54

Presbytery of L,ackawanua. Pres., Mrs. A. M. Welles, Sec., Mrs. C. R. Gregory, Treas., Miss M. P. Blight, 146 N. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 146 N. Franklin St., 17 Main St., Towanda, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. E. D. Vanderburg, China; Mrs. J. H. Orbison, India; Mrs. A. J. Fisher, China; Mrs. R. H. H. Goheen, India, and Miss Lucille Dooley, Japan. Y oung W om en's S o c ie t ie s— Miss Anna S. Doriss, Korea. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. Samuel Jessup, D.D., Beirut. Syria. C h il d r e n ’s B a n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.— Canton, Saharanpur, Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

MONTROSE DISTRICT. Pres., Mrs. A. J. Gere, Cor. Sec., Mrs. A. J. Southworth, Sec., Miss Myrtle A. Swartz, Hallstead, Pa. Franklin Forks, Pa. Hallstead, Pa. Sec. Y. P., Miss Fanny L. Read, Sec. L it., Mrs. C. L. Lyons, Montrose, Pa. Montrose, Pa.

Brandt, Harmony . . . . 1 $10 Great B en d ...... S. C. E ...... Little Meadows . . . . M ontrose...... i n o Ever-ReadyBd . . . S. C . E ...... ; 25 New M ilford ...... 5 Sherman, Scott . . . . Susquehanna ...... Upsonville, Franklin . . 3 25 S. C. E ......

• $ 1 9 3 75 SCRANTON DISTRICT. Pres., Mis. F. R. Meaker, Rec. Sec., Mrs. T . S. M organ, Cor. Sec., Miss Grace Chamberlain, Carbondale, Pa. 1507 Washburn St., Scranton, Pa. 164 Green Ridge St., Dunmore, Pa. See. Y. P., Mrs. M. D. Lathrope, Sec. L it., Mrs. Herbert Wilkins, Carbondale, Pa. 519 Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. Archbald,Children’s Miss.Bd.j Avoca, Langcliffe...... $62 50 Lebanon, Carbondale, 1 s t ...... 566 62 Mrs. J. A. Fitch, China, Mrs. W. C. Rogers, Y . L . B d ...... is Mrs. J. A. Fitch, Miss Bessie Ellis.

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 78

Name of Society. Contrib! ! Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Carbondale, ist.True LightBd Mussoorie, Miss Mildred Buck. ■ S. C. E ...... 10 Mrs. J. A. Fitch, Mr. Herbert Thompson. S. C. E„ J r ...... Miss Margaret Patton. D u n m o re...... 65 W ei Hsien, Mrs. W. F. Gibbons. Willing Workers . . . . Miss H. E. Twaddell. S. C. E ...... Miss Grace L. Edwards. H aw le y ...... H o n e s d a le ...... 130 Beirut and Urumia, Mrs. Wm. T. Moore. Titus B d ...... Miss Bessie Swift. In His Name Bd...... S. C. E ...... 5 M o o sic...... Mrs. S. S. Watson. S. C. E., J r ...... Olvphant...... Mrs. Edward Kingston. S. C. E„ J r ...... P e c k v ille ...... S Mrs. G. C. Darrow. Scranton, i s t ...... 890 Miss Grace L. Enright, Mrs. W. I. Corbett. Lewis Bd...... 15 Scranton, 2d ...... 27 5 Mrs. G. D. Rombach, A L a d y ...... 825 Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Luce, Emma Vail Bd...... 30 Wei Hsien, [China, Scranton,Adams Ave.Ciiapel, 14 Scranton, Christ Church, S. C. E ...... Scranton, German .... Scranton, Green Ridge Ave 144 79 Scranton, Providence . Mrs. Geo. E* Guild. Scranton, Suburban, S. C. E 5 66 ; Scranton, Washburn St. 37 Mrs. E. R. Parker. W aym art......

$3158 5 7 , TOWANDA DISTRICT. Pres., Mrs. C. H. Ott, Cor. Sec.. Miss Mary Bowen, Pec. Sec., Mrs. E. M. Cowell, Sayre, Pa. Troy, Pa. Athens, Pa. Y. P. Sec., Miss Mary Bowen, Sec. Lit., Mrs. A. F. Von Tobel, Trov Pa Athens, Pa. Athens. . . . 7 ° ! Sidon and Saharanpur, Excelsior Bd S. C. E. . . Mrs. A. F. Von Tobel. S. C. E., Jr . 5 Miss L. E. Murray. Canton .... 33 Mrs. A. H. Palm. S. C. E. . . Miss Marjorie Davison. S. C. E .,Jr. S Lim e H ill. . . 3 5 Mrs. E. E. Neiley. Monroeton . . 9 Mrs. R. B. Drake. Orwell .... Mrs. I. U. Ford. Mrs. F. E. C. 3 ° Chong-ju, Rome, S. C. E. 5 20 Miss Mollie W . Rice, Sayre .... 10 W ei Hsien, Mrs. A. L. Laws. Porter Bd. . 4 Miss Hilda Evans. Children's Bd. » i 50 Wei Hsien, Stevensville . . Fatehgarh, Mrs. Harvey Edwards. Boys' Club . Little Lights Bd Miss Ruth Goodwin. Girls' Club . I S. C. E. . . 6 Miss C. Edwards. Rushville Aux IX 79

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Fledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Towanda ...... $150 W ei Hsien, Mrs. G. E. Frost. W est G u ild ...... Overton Chap...... 35 Bldg. Fd. Hangchou College, Miss Ruth Gunton. Stewart B d...... i W ei Hsien, T r o y ...... 80 Miss Minnie Ballard. Y. L. Circle ...... 15 Miss Ruth Peck. Birthday Bd...... 18 75 Sangli, Mrs. C. B. Pomeroy. U l s t e r ...... 18 75 Mrs. John C. Mather. S. C. E ...... 2 Wvalusing, i s t ...... 3 ° Mrs. M. C. Jones. Nassau B d ...... 8 48 Miss Jennie Fleming. S. C. E ...... 5 Wyalusing, 2d ...... 40 Mrs. H. C. Snitcher. S. C. E ...... Wysox, Sewing Soc .... Towanda District Meeting . 60 Merryall, Compton and W ya­ lusing, ist ...... 6 60

$730 28

WILKES-BARRE DISTRICT. Pres,, Mrs. Frederick Corss, Rec. Sec., Mrs. L. S. Langdon, Cor. Sec., Mrs. P. L. Drum, Kingston, Pa. 430 S. Franklin St., Wilkes- 404 S. Franklin St., Wilkes- Barre, Pa. Barre, Pa. Sec. Y. P., Mrs. C. R. Gregory, Sec. Lit., Miss Charlotte Welles, 146 N. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Forty-Fort, Pa. A s h le y ...... Mrs. James Reynolds. S. C. E ...... Miss Gertrude Schawb. S. C. E., Jr...... F o r ty -F o r t...... $77 MissClyde Bartholomew,P.I., Mrs. S. R. Laphy. Farther Lights Circle . . Miss Minnie Sweitzer. K in g sto n ...... 86 10 Mrs. R. A . Hutchison. G le a n e rs...... 3 30 Torch Bearers...... 10 Miss Mary L. Church. S. C. E ...... 20 Miss Lydia Brodhead. Luzerne-Bennett...... 5 Miss A. W . Denniston. Mary Day B d ...... 6 Miss Pearl Barrett. S. C. E ...... 20 Nanticoke...... 22 Miss A. A. Enke. Pittston, 1 s t ...... 28 98 Mrs. J. Whitefield. Witherspoon Bd ...... 25 Miss Nina Robinson. Westminster Bd...... Miss Margaret Secor. Park B d ...... 50 Miss Mary McArt. Plvm outh...... 83 10 Mrs. G. W. Batey. Morning Sun Bd. . . . Miss M. Templeton. S. C. E ...... i ° j Shickshinny...... 1 Miss Mary A. Beadle. Tunkhannock ...... i Mrs. M. B. Tewksbury. West Pittston ...... 228 4? Miss M. Drake. A F rie n d ...... 5° ° Y . P. S o c ...... 67 Fatehgarh and Wei Hsien, Miss Mary A. Bryden. Livingston Workers . . . 30 Baraka and Elat, Park Circle ...... 3 4 75 Westminster Bd. . . . H 1 Wilkes-Barre, 1 s t ...... 400 1 Mrs. Theodore Welles. S. C . E ...... So 1 30

{ »Amount Name of Society. 1 Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Wilkes-Barre, Grant St. . . #25 Miss Gussie McLellan. Junkin B d ...... 35 Wilkes-Barre, Memorial . . 100 Mrs. Edwin Hogg. Whosoever Will Bd.. . . 42 Miss Mabel Montague. Memorial Circle ...... Mr. J. McG. Brown. M. L. and F. Mem'l . . .. 10 Miss G. Mann. S. C . E ...... 5 W ilkes-Barre W estm i n s t e r Helper B d ...... 5 W ebster B d ...... 25 W y o m i n g ...... » 3 Miss Mary L. Reeve. Sara Henry B d ...... Miss Mary Reeve. W ilkes-Barre Dist. C 0 n t i n- gent F u n d ...... 5 °

$2090 70 Total for Lackawanna Pres. Soc...... $6i 73 3 °

I»re9toytery o f I^etilgh.

Pres., Miss Elizabeth Webster, Sec., Miss Marjorie Dietz, Treas., Miss Mary D. Garretson, 61 W. B’dway, Mauch Chunk, Pa. 21 N. Vine $t., Hazleton, Pa. 372S. Centre St., Pottsville, Pa. Sec. Y. P., Miss Margaret H. Clyde, Sec. Lit., Miss Margaret D. March, 935 Jackson St., Easton, Pa. Lafayette Campus, Easton, Pa. Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. Roderick Gillies, Laos; Miss Ida R. Luther, Korea and San Francisco. Y. P. S. C. E.— Dr. J. B. Neal, China. C h il d r e n ’s B a n d s a n d J un io r S. C. E.—Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

Mrs. F. A. Baldwin. Allentown .... # i i 5 6S Helpers...... Mrs. Jessie R. Foley. S. C . E ...... 7 20 Mrs. T. B. Foley. Audenried .... Mrs. Charles Struthers. B a n g o r...... 18 35 Miss Annie S. Nagle. S. C. E„ Jr. . . i Bath, English, Walnut St 17 87 i Miss Jennie Hoener. Mrs. I. Robinson. B e th le h e m ...... 3 2 Y. P. Soc. (S. C. E.) . 15 60 Miss H. G. Huth. Catasauqua, ist . . . . 60 Fatehgarh, Miss Amanda Funk. S. C. E ...... Miss M. E. Evans. S. C. E„ Jr...... 2 Miss A. J. Funk. Mrs. Harry Ewig. Catasauqua, Bridge St. . 3 4 ! Sunshine Circle . . . 10 Miss E. Scott. S. C. E., J r ...... i Mrs. T. C. Brodhead. Delaware Water Gap . 83 i S. C. E ...... 7 i Delaware Water Gap, Chur ch ! of the Mt. S. C. E. 5 Easton, i s t ...... 228 Bogota and Kanazawa, I Mrs. Charles Mclntire. Haines Aux. . . . 66 Ì Mrs. J. M. Sherred. Luther Club . . . Miss A. C. Shawde. 2 5 i Temple Builders . i I Miss G. Spettigue.

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 81

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Easton, Loring Bd...... $.3 Miss G. T. Jones. S. C. E ...... 65 George McCahon. Easton, Brainerd Union . . i 6i Fatehgarh and Kanazawa, Mrs. J. M. ¡Silliman. Isabella Nassau Bd. . . . 8 7 Benito, Miss A. Williams. Helen Knox Bd ...... 25 Miss R. Millen. S. C. E ...... IO Miss A. Williams. Mem’l Chapel, Dock St. . Emma F. Randolph Bd. . } “ Miss Mary Beam. Helen E. Yerkes Bd. . . . IO Miss Mary Beam. Easton, College Hill. . . . 5 ° Miss Amanda M. Kerr, India, Mrs. G. C. Maton, Y. L. C ircle ...... IO Kanazawa, Miss Laura Weiss. S. C. E...... =5 Taiku, S. C. E., Jr...... 8 Taiku, Easton, O livet ...... IO Mrs. W . B. Purse’ll. Mclntvre Miss. Circle . . IO Nanking, Miss L. G. Wohlbach. S. C. E ...... 5 . Mi-Ä G. D. Reimer. Easton, South ...... 12 50 Mrs. G. B. Thomas. S. C. E ...... 6 Miss M. Richards. S. C. E., Jr...... 5 East Mauch Chunk . . . 40 Mrs. G K. Swank. East Stroudsburg ...... 10 Mi.-s Katherine Hoff. H azleto n ...... 244 15 Mrs. J. F. Barber. S o w ers...... IO S. C. E ...... 20 Miss B L. Davis. S. C. E., J r ...... IO Mrs. H. C. Williams. Mahanoy City ...... 9 Carry the News Bd. 10 Miss E. Linton. S. C . E ...... Mauch Chunk...... 122 85 Mrs. J. J. Bevan. Little Workers...... 4 0 Tengchow, Miss Man Bernd. L. L. B...... 7 Miss Elizabeth Webster. Middle Smithfield...... 17 Mis. J. P Ammerman. S. C. E ...... 7 Mis- Lina F. Turn. Mt. Bethel ...... S Miss Marv A. Felker. Port Carbon ...... 15 Mrs. M. D. Birch. Pottsville, i s t ...... 81 Miss F. Hyde. Westminster Guild . . . 4 Ningpo, S. C . E ...... 16 Miss L. J. Schweers. S. C. E., Jr...... 5 Mi>s E. E.istman. Pottsville, 2 d ...... 4 4 2 5 Mis. F. J. Buck. S. C. E ...... 3 50 Mrs. F. J. Millman. S. C. E., Jr...... 2 50 S h a w n e e ...... 6 30 Miss Elizabeth Fenner. Sunrise B d ...... 4 27 Miss E. Dalrymple. Slatington...... 10 South Bethlehem .... 26 Mrs. T. P. McKibben. Westminster Guild . . . I Ningpo, Sr. Miss. Bd...... Miss K. Evans. Jr Miss. Bd...... 6 Eugenia Hardenburg. Stroudsburg...... 67 51 Lien Chow, Mrs. E. Hibbler. Mem’l to Mrs. Hutcheson. 3 Mrs. A. B. W ...... 25 Elat, Y. W. Guild ...... 50 Benito, Summit Hill, Y. P. S. . . . 25 Mrs. H. D. Levengood White Haven ...... 20 Mrs. J. C. Kline. S. C. E ...... 8 Miss Jennie Friant. Contingent F u n d ...... 35

$2252 50 6 j »2

Presbytery of Nortbnmberland. Pres., Mrs. J. D. Reardon, Cor. Sec., Mrs. Wm. C. Hogg, Treas., Miss Sophia S. Reigbard, 302 E. Church St., 116 E. Third St., 706 Hepburn St., Lock Haven, Pa. Williamsport, Pa. Williamsport, Pa. Sec. Y.P.pro tem., Miss A. O. Gibson, Rec.Sec., Miss A . R. Laurie, Sec.Lit., Mrs. H. C. Kase, 331 Centre St., Williamsport, Pa. Jerseytown, Pa. Elysburg, Pa.

Presbyterial Pledges.

Mrs. C. A. Killie, China; Mrs. E. A. Sturge, San Francisco,and Ichowfu. Y oung W o m en 's S o c ie t ie s— Miss Anna S. Doriss, Korea. Y. P. S. C. E.— Dr. J. B. Neal, China. Children's Bands and Junior S. C. E.—Tripoli and Laguna d e Bay.

♦Amount Name of Society. Con tri b. Pledges of Individual Societies. N am e o f Secretary.

Bald Eagle and Nittany $ 1 5 Beech Creek . . 14 50 Miss Edith Fearon. S. C. E . . . . 6 Mrs. J. A. Quigley. Berwick...... 4 5 Mrs. T. H. Doan. Y. W . A u x . . 29 Mrs. J. H. Sniithers. S. C. E . . . . 3 ° i Miss Mary Petty. S. C. E.,Jr . . 4 Bloomsburg . . . 7 5 Mrs. Isaac K. Miller. S. C. E . . . . 20 ! Miss Clara Fornwald. S. C . E., Jr . . Briar Creek . . f ! Buffalo, A Friend 5 S. C. E . . . . I O ! Chillisquaque . . 24 ! Mrs. Hattie C. Moll. S. C. E. . . . Danville, Grove . Brotherhood . 3610 I S. C. E., Jr . . i Danville, Mahoning 79 60 Miss Louise Voris. Y. W. Aux . S. C. E . . . S. C . E., Jr. D erry...... 14 Miss Atta R. Laurie. Elysburg . . . 5 50 Miss Nora McWilliams. S. C. E.. Jr. 4 Jersey Shore. . 85 67 Miss M. E. McCurdy. A Friend . . 22 62 Opportunity Club Miss Mary Sebring. L. L. B. . . S. C. E„ Jr . Lewisburg . . 32 Miss MacDonald. Y . W . A u x . 103 Mrs. J. F. Duncan. The Workers 3 ° Miss 1. Bond. Snowflake Bd 10 Miss Eleanor Hyatt. S. C. E. . . 40 Miss E. H. Shields. L in d e n .... 4 Miss Mary Gamble. Lock Haven . 129 31 Ichowfu, Mrs. C. D. Furst. Y. W. Aux . 150 Mrs. T. B. Stewart. L. L. B. . . 23 7 5 Mrs. J. D. Reardon. Primary Bd. 25 Miss S. E. Gearhart.

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. S.:

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary. | -- Lycoming (Newberry) . . . $4 5 Mrs. P. M. Bullard. Newton B d...... 3 5 Miss E. Williams. Messenger Bd ...... 5 25 Mifflinburg...... 68 Miss Sarah F. Barber. Reardon B d ...... 3 6 Miss Eleanor Barber. L. L. B...... [bers. S. C. E ...... 12 Miss Annie B. Cbam- M ilto n ...... 183 Mrs. E. B. Godcharles. Y. W . A u x ...... 70 M exico, Miss Lulu J. Beck. James C. Watson Bd. . . L. L. B ...... Mrs. W . T. L. Kieffer. S. C . E ...... 55 W ei Hsien, Miss Maggie Vansant. S. C. E„ J r ...... 3 0 Montoursviile...... 2 S. C. E ...... 3 M ooresburg...... 20 A F rie n d ...... 15 Y. P. Soc...... 8 Miss Alice Bower. M u n c y ...... 6 Mrs. Henrietta Fagan. Mission Study Class . . . 3 S. C. E ...... 10 Miss Sue L. Green. S. C. E., Jr...... i New B e rlin ...... 8 Northumberland...... 28 Miss Kate Hummell. S. C. E ...... Orangeville...... S. C. E ...... 7 Miss Effie Vance. R en ovo ...... 59 Curityba, Mrs. C. R. Jones. Willing Workers . . . . 3 Miss Florence Newell. L . L. B ...... 24 50 Mrs. Elizabeth . S. C. E. . . . . 10 St. M a r y 's ...... 15 Miss C. C. Ramsay. Sham okin...... 48 Mrs. C. N . W eaver. S u n b u r y ...... 76 Mrs. D. S. Miller. Mrs. N. W. S ...... 5 Mr. J. P. B ...... 5 Girls' Opportunity Club . 35 S. C. E„ J r ...... 3 Warrior R u n ...... 26 I Miss Agnes Beard. W ashin gton ...... 24 I Miss Estelle Foresman. Washingtonville...... 10 50 W atsontown...... 4 3 92 ! i Miss Sarah H. Russell. S. C . E ...... 8 Miss Reba Vincent. Williamsport, xst...... 300 ! Sidon and Lebanon, Mrs. J. C. Sturdivant, Richard Armstrong Aux. . 325 ! Sidon and Batanga, Mrs. R. F. Allen. S. C. E ...... 20 j Miss Jessie Meddaugh. S. C. E., Jr...... 10 1 Miss A . O . Gibson. Williamsport, 3d...... 186 80 j Carrier D o ves ...... 31 Mrs. E. C. Armstrong. Jennie L. Mudge Bd. . . 13 Kodoli, L . L . B ...... 61 Mrs. J. T. Joslin. S. C. E., Jr...... i Williamsport, Bethany . . . 2 5 Mrs. G. E. Mendle. S. C. E ...... 3 Miss E. W . Stadden. Williamsport, Covenant . . 151 Sidon, Mrs. C. L. Herrick. Y. L. A u x ...... 101 Beirut, Miss A. C. Luppert. L . L. B ...... 5 75 Mrs. J. P. Melick. S. C . E ...... 15 Miss Eva Allen. S. C. E., Jr...... 7 Miss Lou Deemer. 84

•Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies, j Name of Secretary...... 1

Hartleton, A Lady • . . . $ I O Galesburg, A Friend . . . 2 j Newton, A Friend .... 5 A Friend ...... 2 88

$ 3 3 9 9 16

Presbytery of Philadelphia.

Pres., Mrs. B. B. Comegys, Jr., Cor. Sec., Mrs. J. H. Clark, Treas., Miss Helen R. Cooper, 4426 Larchwood Ave. 3343 N. 20th St. 3 N. Front St.

f Y. W. Socs., Miss Emily S. Weeks, Rec. Sec., Miss Ella Bürgin, I 31 3 N. 37th St. 2037 Arch St. y p J S. C. E., Mrs. J. F. Smith, Sec. Lit., Miss Ida V. Kane, ’ 1 1708 Mifflin St. 724 N. 42d St. I Jr. Bds. and Jr. C. £.. Miss Alice Foote, Sec. Study Classes, Miss E. Craven, L 2046 Mt. Vernon St. 436 S. 40th St. Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. Paul Erdman, Syria, Miss Anna Mary Hunt, Mexico City (resigned) and Mrs. N. L. Euwer, Persia (resigned). y o u n g W om en’s S o c ie t ie s— Miss A n n a S. Doriss, Korea. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. W . O. Elterich. China, and Rev. George P. Pierson, Japan. C h il d r e n ’s Ba n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.— Canton, Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

First ...... Mrs. A. H. Mershon. # 319 9 4 j Miss Harriet Noyes, China, Geo. D. Baker Soc. . . . 19 2S Miss A. McCurdy. Geo. D. Baker Fund . . . 15 Teheran, Albert Barnes Mem’l . 63 67 New Century ...... i l j- Miss Harriet Noyes, Miss Emma Weber. S. C. E., J r ...... 35 Miss A. F. Delevan. S eco n d ...... 5 5 ° Dr. Margaret Bynon, China, Miss A. B. Maddock. Third, Old Pine St ...... 150 Ferozepore, Miss Mary A. Bowen. May Blossoms and Buds of Miss Viola Benner. P r o m is e ...... 3 5 F o u rth ...... 69 Tokyo, Mrs. J. De W itt Toll. Far and Near Bd ...... 1 10 Miss Anna West. S. C. E ...... 3 8 Ninth...... 27 Miss A. C. Glenn. Tenth, West Spruce St. . . 5 5 0 Mrs. J. M. Nevius, China, Mrs. G. B. Kirkbride. s . c . e . . . : ...... 5 0 Miss M. F. Tempest. Arch S t ...... 600 Fatehgarh, Miss Seraph Deal. Y . P. Soc...... 5 9 7 8 Miss E. F. Braddock. Joy B e lls ...... 4 3 S. C. E ...... 32 63 Miss E. J. Hayes. Beacon...... 35 55 Mrs. J. McGuckin. Livingstone Bd ...... Miss Hertzog. Bethany Collegiate Church. 420 Allahabad, Mrs. Edward Harshaw. A F rie n d ...... 3 0 Teheran, Mary B. Wanamaker Bd. . 5 Miss E. Blemens. Girls’ Infant Class .... 50 Sidon, Miss E. Baker. S. C . E ...... 40 Miss L. B. Pinkstone. John Chambers M em ’l. . 27 Allahabad, Mrs. H. C. Burtis.

* The figures in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 85

Am ount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Nam e o f Secretary.

B e t h e l...... jgio I Miss Ida Scott. S. C. E ...... 10 Miss Elsie Watson. Bethesda...... 25 Mrs. Thos. Noble. S. C. E ...... 10 [doli and Curitvba. , B e th le h e m ...... 33 7 Dehra, Ningpo, Mexico, Ko- -Mrs. Charles Davis. Y. P. Ass'n ...... 3 6 , Lodiana. ! Mrs. E. De W. Brenner Spring Violets...... ¡to Miss A .V . Shand. [man Cl. N o. 6 0 ...... 10 Miss M. S. Warrin. S. C. E„ Sec. A ...... 10 1 Urirmia, S.C. E.,Sec,B...... 5 j S.C. E„ In tr ...... 3 ' Miss Margaret Best, Korea, Miss E. R. Williamson, T » *.■ C a lv ary ...... 1495 i Brazil, Bldg.Fd. Lien Chou, |MrS> -T* B ‘ Austln’ . Urumia, Fusan, Otto Bd...... 25 ! Mrs. M. L. Frederick. 2 Miss R. Lowrie. Day Dawn Bd...... 25 20 Saharanpur, Miss E. Hussey. S. C. E ...... 6 Mrs. Stephen Manley. Central-North Broad St. . . 512 Miss E. M. Butler, China, Mrs. C. W. Harris. Y. L. Miss. Cir...... 10 Miss H. Calhoun. Y. L. Eve. Cl...... 59 Miss E. M. Butler, ' Miss E. Eldridge. Messengers B d...... 3 25 Nanking, Wadsworth Bd ...... S. C. E ...... 85 Seoul and W ei Hsien, Miss ivi. Borei. Chambers-Wylie . . 155 Miss Clyde Bartholomew, P. Miss A. G. Naye. S. C. E ...... 25 [I. (in part) Miss J. Fagely. C o hocksin k...... 60 Miss A . A . Miller. E m m a n u e l...... 10 Mrs. D. G. Smith. Blossom Bd ...... 25 Miss I. Macfarland. S. C. E ...... 25 Kolhapur, Miss K. Sherrard. S. C. E. Int...... S. C. E., J r ...... 25 Miss M. C. Macfarland. E v a n g e l...... 5 G a sto n ...... 76 Mrs. G. H. Paul. S. C. E., Sec. A ...... 61 80 Miss Mary Wright. S. C. E., Sec. B ...... 25 G r a c e ...... 10 Mrs. R. A . Hnnter. S. C. E ...... : 5 |Miss M. R. Gordon. Green H i l l ...... 5 Miss L . D. Lelar. Harper Memorial . . . 2 77 Kachek, Mrs. A. L. Lakey. Y . L. S ...... 20 Saharanpur, Miss C. B. Smith. Girls’ Soc. . 11 S. C . E ...... 12 50 Miss M. Campbell. Holland Memorial. . . . . 56 Miss Mattie Patton. Hope, S. C. E ...... 5 J. Addison Henrv Memorial, s . c . e . . : ...... 8 James Evans Memorial. . . J 14 1 Miss V . Lawrence. Kensington, 1 s t ...... j 30 Mrs. M. Cramp. S. C. E ...... j Miss S Cunningham. McDowell Memorial. . . . 1 46 Canton and Kolhapur, Mrs. A. F. Beans. Mizpah, S. C. E . , ...... j 3 Mutchmore Memorial . . . j 71 50 Dehra, i Miss Ida Cornell. Y. L. Circle ...... S. C. E., Jr...... 6 N o r t h ...... 50 Lebanon, Mrs. M. A. Pickens. Nor. Lib., rst, St. Paul Aux. Mrs. M. R. S. Graham. 86

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Nor. Lib., ist. Little Gleaners Kolhapur, Northminster . . . 200 Mrs. A. R. Kepler, China, Mrs. W. H. H. List. Y. W. Bd . . . . ioo Mrs. A. R. Kepler, Miss R. T. Foster. Torch Bearers. . Scudder Bd. . . IO Alice May Simon. Young Disciples. 27 Elizabeth Shedwick. Boys' Miss. Club S Olivet-Covenant . . 100 Mrs. E. T. Lawrence, M.D., Mrs. S. Dodworth. Effort Bd. . . . 12 [Persia (in part), True Light Soc. S. C. E ...... S Miss J. Murphy. Overbrook .... 100 Kodoli, Mrs. W m .M ontgom ery. O xfo rd ...... 400 . Mrs. Watson Cornell. Davis Soc. . . . So > Miss Lois Lyon, China, Mis. R. L. Moore. S. C . E ...... 125 Miss E. Way. S. C. E., Jr. . . Mrs. C. F. Abbott, Patterson Memorial 14 Mrs. S. Garton. Y . L. S ...... 21 Etah, Miss A. F. Rogers. Princeton...... 400 Mrs. H. M. McCandless,1 Miss M. J. McCahan. Mary Henry Cir. 30 Kanazawa, [Hainan, Miss E. A. Gara. Fullerton Bd . . 30 Lodiana, Miss B. Ortlipp. Helping Hands Cir 35 Tabriz, Miss E. Wbitehouse. Lookout Bd. . 30 Mr. J. E. Stevenson. First Fruits . . 30 Urumia, | Mrs. R. E. Williams. » Day Dawn . . Miss M. Darnell. Whatsoever Circle 25 Tokyo, | Miss Emily Palmer. S. C. E., Jr . . . 1 Miss Pauline-Miller. Richmond, S. C. E 25 Dr. L. B. Grom, S. C. E ., Jr. . . S St. Paul’s ...... 7 4 | Mrs. G. C. Mahon. S. C. E ...... S S c o ts...... 10 Baraka, Myrtle Bd. . . . 15 K in g’s Heralds . 10 AnnaM. Bruen Bd 3 S. C. E. . . . 25 S. C. E., Jr . . iS Sherwood .... Southwestern . . 30 j Miss M. J. Torrens. S. C. E. . . . S. C. E .,J r . . Susquehanna Ave j Mrs. M. Crowe. 30 1 S. C. E . . . . 15 Tabernacle . . . 167 50 Am bala, I Mrs. E. H. Wilson. McCook Soc. . 130 Valparaiso, Y. W. Soc \ . 60 Resht, : Miss E. Patton. Girls’ Miss. Bd. 25 S. C. E. . . . 10 Miss Beulah Hines. Tabor .... 93 Fusan and Kolhapur, Miss E. R. McPhilomy Messengers of Light 2 5 Miss Anna McKay. Little Helpers. 12 Anna Lutenberger. L. L. B. . . . 16 25 Mrs. R. Brown. Currents Events C 3 T em p le...... 163 I Rev. Stacy L. Roberts, Mrs. F. A. Mulliken. S. C. E. . . . S° j Korea, Miss E. Oliver. Tennent Memorial iS Mussoorie, Reeder Band . I S. C. E., Jr. . I Miss M. K. Williams, Tioga 1x6 55 i Lebanon and Peking, i Mrs. T. S. Meteer. 37

•Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Socirties. Name <>f Secretary.

Tioga. Guild...... $1 5 Mrs. G. B. W ilkins. S. C. E ...... 15 T r in ity ...... IOO Baraka, Cmtonand Lodiana, Miss E. Gilbert. Sunbeam B d ...... XI S. C. E ...... 25 Miss M. English. U n io n ...... 6 50 Union Tabernacle, Johnstone Soc. (Aux.)...... 100 Jhansi, Mrs. George Erdman. Robert Hunter Bd. . . . 5° Dehra, Mrs. W . B. Odenatt. S. C. E ...... 45 Miss M H err .n. S. C. E., J r ...... Miss A. M. kobinson. W alnut St...... 59 5 ) Mrs. J L. Pennock. Y. L. A u x...... 5 >• Miss Jennie Samuels, Ko- Miss E. G. Castle. Whatsoever B d ...... 25 J [rea, Mrs. J.A Bogardus. S. C. E ...... 33 80 Miss C. Hafer. West Green St...... Mrs. A . M. Robinson. Bethany B d ...... 50 Urumia, Mrs. A. M. Robinson. W est H o p e ...... 400 Mrs. John H. Lawrence, Mrs. J. T. Paimer. S. C. E ...... 28 50 [India, Miss B. Patterson. S. C. E., Int...... 5 S. C. E„ J r ...... 5 Miss E. Jamison. W est Park, S. C. E ...... 25 Mrs. J. H. Bishop. Westminster-Greenway. . . 120 Mrs. S. A. Macartney. S. C. E ...... 25 Miss A. Walker. S. C. E .t Int...... i 39 S. C. E., Jr...... Miss M McCutcheon. W o o d la n d ...... 53 5 54 Mrs. Jas. B. Brown, Syria, | Mrs. H. Wailes. Fullerton Soc ...... 132 50 M is-. E. Craven. Woodland B d ...... 20 50 Nanking, 1 Miss F. H. Stein. Nelson Bd...... 10 Nanking, Miss E. Cutlt-r. Dickson Mission Club . . 25 20 H irper Ambrose. Y. P. Christian League . . 5 0 | Miss I. Haslam. Miss. Study Sewing Circle 7 56 j Miss May Bebier. A L ady...... 54 0 Miss E. A. Foster, India. Int. on D epo sits...... 12 65 C a s h ...... 2

‘#13.097 3* Presbytery of Philadelphia North. Pres., Mrs. John Harvey Lee, Cor. Sec., Mrs. Geo. S. Webster, Treas., Miss A. L. Ditman, 6135 Greene S., 4900 Penn St., 2&57 Bridge St., Germantown, Pa. Frankford, Pa. Bridesburg, Pa. Bands and S. C. E . J r ., Miss F. M. Fox, Rec. Sec., Mrs. John Peacock. 1404 Powell St., Norristown, Pa. Torresdale. Pa. Sees. Y. 5 . C. E , and Y. IV. Soc., Mrs. Albert M. Barnes, Sec. Lit., Mrs S. Earle Hoover, J Stratford Ave., Melrose, Pa. Glenside, Pa. Presbyterlal Pledges. Mrs. George F. Fitch, China; MissE. P. Milliken, Japan, and Mrs. Henry Forman, India. Y oung W om en 's S o c ie tie s— Miss Matilda H. London, Japan (in part). Y. P, S. C. E.— Rev. W . E. Browning, Chili. C h il d r e n 's B a n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.— Canton, Saharanpur, Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

A b in gto n ...... I $ 108 34 I Mrs. H. C. Roberts. Susan B. Smith Bd. . . . ! 40 Shanghai, ! Miss Bertha B. Hunter. * The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and lor General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 88

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Am bler...... $8 Am bala, Shanghai and Mrs. J. A. Grant. S. C. E...... i So [Tokyo, Miss Anna Thomas. Ann Carmichael M ein’l, S. C . E ...... 20 Miss Jennie Calhoun. A rd m o re ...... 22 25 Ashbourne ...... 20 Y . L . Bd...... 23 Miss Helen Taylor, S. C . E ...... 22 W. Edward Torrey. B rid e sb u rg ...... 14 Fusan, Miss H. M. Dungan. Jr. Miss. Bd...... I ■ Bridgeport, S. C. E . . . . *5 B r is to l...... 7 9 Dehraand Kanazawa, Miss E. Crichton. Basti B d ...... 4 9 Fatehgarh, Miss Charlotte Betz. Livireston Boys' Bd. . . 2 S. C. E ...... IS 50 Miss B. Hetherington. S. C. E„ J r ...... 1 Mrs. A. W. Groom. Brownsburg.ThompsonMem. 12 Miss M. R. Slack. Mission Studv Class . . . 10 Carmel (Edge Hill) .... 17 Mrs. Alfred Fesimier. S. C. E ...... 24 E. J. Wilson. S. C. E.. Int...... 1 S. C. E.. J r ...... 2 Miss Clara Cerr. Chestnut Hill, i s t ...... 100 Miss M. Ida Bates. Y. P. Guild ...... 7 48 Tsing-tau, Chestnut Hill,Trinity. . . . 166 Miss J. Chamberlain. King's Daughters .... 3 ° Pyeng Yang, Miss G. Hollis. Conshohocken ...... 21 25 Miss M. MacKenzie. B ind...... 2 50 Mrs. J. F*. Sheppard. Mi/.n >h C i r c l e ...... 5 S. C . E ...... 40 Miss L. N. Robinson. C ' nwvri. Covenant .... s ss Miss A. B. Barr. Covenant Guild ...... 10 D ovlestow n...... 150 Miss I. Godshalk. Mechan'csville Aux . . . 26 Teheran and Bigota, Mrs. H. Carver. L'Hireens (Y. W. S.) . . 30 S.C.E ...... 30 Miss Florence Fell. S C .E , !r...... I Miss E. Agnes Bruner. E Mintftnn...... ze, Mrs. Louis Jackson. S. C E ...... 6 75 Jhansi, Mr. Fred. W . Snyder. Forestville ...... 15 Mrs. J. B. Krewson. <:. E ...... 7 Fox C h a s e ...... 26 85 Miss M. Barnes. S C E ...... 25 F r m k f o r d ...... 170 50 Mrs. H . S. Borneman. Y. W. Soc ...... 7 5 Miss G. M. Yerkes. lr. Bd . . . 22 40 Y. P. Union (S. C. E.) . . 88 Kolhapur, Miss L. Charlton. Frmkford, Hermon . . . 4 7 83 Mrs. L. T. Justice. D. D...... 20 Benito, Mrs, L. Justice. M .an d D ...... 5 0 Baraka, Y . L. B ...... 25 Jhansi, Miss A. Kobligk. Busv Bees ...... 8 82 Mrs. C. H. Biles. S. C. E ...... 4 4 Miss D. B. Page. St . C. E , Jr...... 1 25 [Dunlap, Siam, Germantown, i s t ...... 698 Lien Chou and Mrs. J. B. Miss M. W . Ramsey. Elliot B d ...... 38 22 Iloilo, Fred. L. Reeves. Miriam Bd ...... Mrs. Wm. Kinnear. Y. L. Guild ...... 6 0 Miss D. Schell. 89

Amount j Name of Secretary. Name of Society. Contrib. ¡ Pledges of Individual Societies.

Germantown, ist, S. C. E. . $ 1 5 0 S. C. E., Int...... 27 Mr. Wm. M. David. C. F. Greenwood. Somerville, S. C. E. . . . 30 Mrs. J. H. Miller. Germantown, 2d ...... 350 Tulpehocken Aux .... 210 Mrs. J. S. Groves. Eastminster Chapel . . . l6 50 Miss E. Turner. Girls' G u ild ...... i 15 ! S. C. E ...... 8 i Mrs. J. F. Bell. Germantown, Market Sq. . . 91 S. C. E ...... 50 George N. Twiss. Mrs. J. J. Keller. Germantown, Redeemer . . 59 Via Christi Bd...... 10 Mrs. G. W. Wilgus. Lo ve’s Gifts Circle. . . . 5 S. C. E ...... Germantown, Summit . . . 83 Chieng Mai, Mrs. L. Kinsler. Frances Palmer Bd . . . 22 j Miss M. Bennet. Bennett B d ...... 63 15 Chieng Mai, S. C. E ...... 83 07 Chieng Mai, Helen Neill. Germantown, Wakefield . . 80 Mrs. S. L. Bailey. S. C. E ...... 100 Mrs. S. R. Smith. S. C. E , Int...... 13 S. C. E., Jr...... i S Germantown, West Side . . 132 20 Mrs. W. W . Thomson. Y . W . Soc...... 5 Lee C l u b ...... 5 S. C. E ...... 5 ° S. C. E„ Jr ...... Mrs. J. A. Hand. H o lm e s b u r g ...... 3 2 Willing Workers .... 5 Miss E. A. Rose. Huntingdon Valley .... 25 Ivyland...... 8 Mrs. Frank Carrell. S. C. E ...... Jeffersonville, S. C. E. . . . Miss Amanda Detwiler. Mrs. H. C. McCafferty. Jenkintown, Grace...... 4 3 4 4 S. C.E...... M iss Elsie Argue. 75 Kuré, Mrs. T. B. Culver. S. C. E„ Jr...... 25 Seoul, Langhorne ...... 8 S. C. E ...... 16 Miss Ella B. M. Estill. S. C. E„ J r ...... Helen Gillingham. Law n dale...... Mrs. W. W . Biggin. 5 [wood. S. C. E., J r ...... 10 Miss Hannah Beard- Leverington...... 2 4 Seoul, S. C. E ...... 25 \ Rev. T . N . Thompson, ! Esther Levering. S. C. E., J r ...... 10 j China, Lower Merion (Gladwyn). . 12 Mrs. Charles S. Haley. S. C. E ...... 2 Miss M ary W . Snell. Lower Providence...... 5 Miss Delphine Detwiler. S. C. E ...... ! 2 j Miss Mary Peacock. M acalester Memorial. . . . i 21 j 1 Miss A. T. Collins. M a n a y u n k ...... Dehra, 50 Miss Eleanor Hendren. Daughters o f T yre .... 25 S. C. E., Jr...... 10 I Miss A .T . Collins. Morrisville ...... Lebanon, Mrs. F. C. Pryor, 55 i Miss Frances Lucas. Mt. A i r y ...... 93 50 A L ad v...... 565 Miss Emily Forman, India, S. C . E ...... 21 50 S. C. E., Int...... 10 ; Miss Blanche Peters. S. C. E,, Jr ...... 15 | Chefoo, 90

Name of Society. Contrib*. 1 Pledges of Individual Societies Name of Secretary.

N arb e rth ...... #17 25 | Mrs. C. N. Beddall. Neshaminy of Warminster 14 ! Mrs. S. C. Finney. Neshaminy of Warwick . . 4 4 I Mrs. W. R. Kellar. S. C. E ...... 45 Urumia, New H o p e ...... 12 S. C. E...... 2 5 ° N ew to w n ...... 4 1 4 5 Mrs. Jane E. Cox. L. L. B ...... 2 S. C. E ...... 5 i Dehra, Miss Ruth A. Luff. S. C. E., J r ...... 3 Mrs. T. C. Elms. Norristown, ist...... 96 84 Mrs. C. Tyson Kratz. S. C. E ...... 20 Miss Alice Detwiler. S. C. E„ J r ...... ! 11 Harry Gross. Norristown, Central .... 20 10 Mrs. Elizabeth Derr. S. C. E...... i 13 Miss E. S. Longacre. O ak Lane...... 58 Mrs. W. H. Macmum. Sr. Girls’ B d ...... 35 Mrs. C. E. Lloyd. Jr. Girls’ Bd...... i 10 O l n e y ...... 21 Mrs. R. McConaghey. Oxford Valley, S. C. E. . . 5 Miss Etta Nowell. Pottstow n...... h i 25 Ambala, Mrs. A. H. Kerper. Hill School B d ...... ! 200 W ei Hsien, Mrs. John Meigs. Tengchow, Jr. Hill School Bd. . . . 9 5 S. C. E ...... 15 Miss M. Effie Starrett. Reading, i s t ...... Mrs. F. C. Heckman. S. C. E„ J r ...... 65 Miss Eleanor Mos^. Reading,Olivet,Aftermath So 22 Miss L. C. Corkhill. S. C. E ...... 15 Reading, Wash’n St., S. C. E. i Mrs. Ida Nelson. Roxborough, S. C. E. . . . 21 Miss A. D. Johnson. Springfield, S. C. E ...... 20 Mrs. A. W. Long. Tacony, DTsston Memorial . 27 Mrs. A . M. Dyer. Wissahickon ...... 3 ° Otaru, Mrs. A. W . Barnes. Mission B d...... 5 S. C. E ...... 25 Miss Florence Russell. Wyncote, Calvary ...... 45 Mrs. G. E. Washburn. S. C. E ...... 42 Miss Clara I. Schoble. S. C. E.f J r ...... 5 Miss R. A. Mode. Offerings from Shanghai . . 16 88 Shanghai and Seoul, V . C. B ...... 100 Valparaiso, Norristown District Meeting. 2 65 Doylestown District Meeting 4 Edge Hill District Meeting . 6 23 Frankford District Meeting . 3 5 0 Interest...... 5 4 5 !

$6817 45 | 9L

Presbytery of Pittsburgh. Pres., Mrs. John F. Miller, Cor. Sec., Mrs. W. C. Anderson, Treas., Mrs. Matthew Bigger, 222 Hawthorn St., 400 Biddle Ave., 449 Maple Ave., Edgewood, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wilkinsburg, Pa., Edgewood, Pittsburgh, Pa. K /,.& c.,M rs. S.Lincoln Boggs, /?

j * Amount Name of Society. ; Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

A m i t y ...... $3 ° Mrs. Sarah Simpson. S. C. E ...... 10 A spinw all...... Mrs. G. L. Herron. S. C. E ...... 87 ! 7 A v a lo n ...... 69 55 Mrs. J. Colmer. Sunshine W orkers .... i 8 Miss Sara Park. S. C. E ...... 16 1 Miss Anna Rosenbaum. S. C. E„ Jr...... Mrs. C. L. Roy. ! 2 ! B akerstow n ...... ! 1 S. C. E ...... j 18 Miss Kate Allin. B e lle v u e ...... ; SO Mrs. G. E. Campbell. S. C. E ...... 4 i Miss Emma Burger. Bethany...... 56 j Mrs. Howard Collins. B e t h e l...... 100 Mrs. W. G. Fife. Band...... Y. P. S oc...... 15 . Miss Margaret Martin. Mrs. G. G. Leslie. Bull C r e e k ...... 7 So Canonsburg, 1st ...... 92 Mrs. A. F. McBurney. Y .L . S oc...... IO j Miss Mable Cowan. Children’s B d ...... S. C. E ...... J 3 93 , Miss Ethel McNary. Canonsburg, Center . . . So ! Canonsburg, Central .... 94 Miss E. Haines. Y. L . S ...... 62 84 Miss Anna Van Ernes. Willing Workers .... 8 C a rn e g ie ...... lo s ; Mrs. M. Carnahan. Fredericka Bd...... 30 D uff B d ...... Miss Alice McMannas. Mrs. Shaw han ...... 55 Sangli, Mrs. Justis...... 10 S. C. E. (Memory of Miss Grace McNary) .... 25 Miss Kate Gow. Carrick, Concord ...... 2 5 Mrs. Walter Phillips. S. C . E ...... Castle Shannon ...... 10 Mrs. C. L. Stimmel. C e n tr e ...... Mrs. Emma Johnston. S. C. E ...... S

* The fieures given.in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyteri 1 Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges, ______92

Am ount Name of Society. C ontrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Charleroi, Washington Ave. $55 Ningpo, Mrs. N. W . Patton. Y . L . S ...... Westminster Guild 4 Ningpo, L L. B. . . S. C. E . . . 2 7 5 1 S. C, E., Jr. S 1 j Miss Sadie J.,Linn. Chartiers . . . * 5 Munce Bd. . 19 Miss Lula Neil. Miss Nettie Neill. S. C. E. . . 4 Cheswick . . . 21 Mrs. C. W. Parker. Clifton .... 7 Miss Mayme Keifer. Coraoplis . . 1255 ° Pauline Circle 20 Boys’ Bd . . 250 S. C . E. . . 20 Crafton. . . . 151 90 Mrs. W. F. Purdy. Charlotte Hawes B 12 Girls’ Miss. Club 25 Mexico City, Miss Mary Purdy. S. C . E ...... iS Crafton, Av 69 Mrs. E. T. Adams. B artzB d. . S. C.. E . Cross Roads Mrs. Wesley Fogal. S. C. E. . Miss Lottie Irwin. Donora . . Miss E. Roof. Edçew ood . 3 9 0 85 Miss J. T. Cooper; Mrs. A. L. Wiley, India, Miss E. J. Anderson. Y. W . Soc. 3 7 K ello gg Bd Mrs. C. C. Miller iS Miss Jane Cooper 15 Mrs. E. W . Campney. Emsworth 2 I Etna . . . 10 ; Mrs. W. A. Wible. Finleyville 20 I Mrs. W . M. Bryant. Mrs. E ly 10 ! S. C . E . IO j Mr. Albert Ely. Mrs. R. W. Phillips. Glenfield . 19 981 G ienshaw . 79 j Mrs. W. B. Ray. Hannah Shaw Bd 20 Miss Lila Oschenhirt. Sunshine Bd. Clara Dickson. S. C. E . . . 3 Miss Henrietta Gutzel. H oboken .... 40 Mrs. J. A. Repine. Willing Workers 1 Miss Mary J. Taylor. Homestead . . . 52 56 ! Miss Della McMeans. S. C. E. . . !3 ! S. C. E., Int. Mr. Frank Power. S. C. E.. Jr. 4 ! Miss Bell Patten. 4 Mrs. M. A. Rusk. Ingram .... 24 9 5 1 Y. W. S . . 25 So S. C . E. . . McDonald . . 172 Mrs. J. A. Jeffrey. Miss Grace Singleton. Willing Workers 15 Miss Susan Williams. Y. P. Soc. . 29 Mrs. Jos. Hamilton. M cK ee’s Rocks 18 I S. C. E. . . i Forest Grove, S. C E. s McKinley Park . 16 Mrs. H. Zilk. S. C. E., Jr. . Miss Sara Brown. Mrs. Wm. Forsythe. M illvale. .... 12 Miss Gertrude Voegtly. Y. L. S. . . . 10 93

i Amount Name of Society. ! Contri b. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

i Mingo, S. C. E ...... 1 Monongahela...... $152 Canton, Mrs. R. R. Abrams. Westminster Guild . . 20 Ningpo, Miss Jean Harrison. S. C. E ...... 5 Miss Frances Cooper. S .C . E .,J r...... 20 Miss Vivia Stewart. Mt. O l i v e t ...... 35 Mt. P is g a h ...... 5 4 Mrs. W. IL Clark. Natrona...... 27 Miss Hilda Larson. S. C. E ...... Neville Island ...... 23 Miss A. Hanable. Willing Workers. . . . 5 Miss Muriel Scott. New Sheffield, S. C. E. . Oakdale...... 124 88 Mrs. J. R. McMichell. Westminster Guild . . 24 Ningpo, Miss Mary Hopper. McJ unkin B d ...... 20 Miss Catherine Marshall Frank Nesbitt Mem’l Bd 5 Miss Helen Jackson. S. C. E ...... ; . . 25 Miss Edna Benninger. O a k m o n t...... 72 35 Miss S. T. McCandless. Mcjunkin Bd ...... 20 Charlotte E. Hawes Soc. 1 9 Miss Ruth Gray. S. C. E ...... 25 Miss Bvron Hepler. Perrysville, Highland . . 53 Jiam adan, Mrs. Florence Sangree. S. C. E ...... 7 Pine Creek, ist . . . . 26 Miss M. E. Cochran. Y. P. S. Pine Creek, 2d . . Miss C. Denny. Pittsburgh, ist . . 1228 10 Mrs. R. W Post, Siam, Miss Juliet M. Day. New Century Bd 20 Miss Mable Jacobs. Sewing School . 14 Y . P. Soc. . . . 14 Miss Gertrude Davis. Pittsburgh, 2d . . . 172 Miss M. V. Jennings. McFarlane Mem'l Peking, Pittsburgh, 3d . . . 73 5 Mrs. C. N. Magill, P. I., Mrs. R. Geddis. Pittsburgh, 4th. . . 169 18 Mrs. H. W . Bickel. Esther Bd . . . Miss Marjorie Gathen. S. C. E ...... Pittsburgh, 6th. . . 261 Dr. Emily Marston, India Mrs. J. McKibben. Margaret McCandless 120 (in part), K in g’s Daughters . . 20 Jr. B d ...... 32 Pittsburgh, Apple Ave. . 5 Pittsburgh, Bellefield . 642 45 Mrs. S. M. Gillam, India, Mrs. R. H. Mawhinney, K in g’s Daughters . . 50 Y . W . S...... 125 Miss Alice Herriott. Pittsburgh, East End. 72 ' Mrs. N. A. Means. S. C. E ...... 10 Miss Anna Johnston. Pittsburgh, East Liberty 1346 Mrs. A. V. Bryan, Manchuria Mrs. W . McLain. Fidelis Circle .... 82 [and Miss Jean Tracy,' Mrs. T. R. Hartly. Y . W . Soc...... 25 [India, Miss Anna Safferty. Signet Circle .... 90 Buds of Promise . . 84 82 ! Henry B d ...... 15 Earnest Workers . . 3 5 ° Miss Anna Whitmore. Y. P. Ass’n (S. C. E.) Miss Carry Goeddel. Cheerful Givers . . . 50 Miss Margaret Duncan. Boys' Miss. Club . . Pittsburgh, Forty-third St 80 Miss V. G. Sloan. S. C. E . Miss Minnie Stephan. Pittsburgh, Friendship Ave . 71 Mrs. F. Wilson. u

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Pittsburgh, Grace Mem’l . . $24 Mrs. S. Devorish. Pittsburgh, Greenfield . . . IS Mrs. Davidson. Pittsburgh, Hazlewood . . . 113 Mrs. H. H. Gregg. Westminster Guild, Burnett Slemmons Chap. . . . S. C. E ...... 16 S. C. E., Jr...... Pittsburgh, Herron Ave. . . IS so Miss E. Lavely. Rays of Sunshine .... 10 Miss Rose Lowry. Pittsburgh, Highland. . . . 158 52 Mrs. G. A. Martin. Pittsburgh, Homewood Ave. 86 Mrs. J. E. Dixon. J e w e ls ...... Calhoun S o c ...... 45 Miss Ella Writze. S. C. E ...... 50 01 Miss Adel Hunter. S. C. E.,Jr...... i 11 91 Miss Nan L. Hunter. Pittsburgh, Knoxville . . . 5 6 Mrs. W . H. Lensorer. Buds of Promise...... 30 Mrs. W . A. Jones. S. C. E ...... iS Miss Millie Duball. S. C. E„ Jr ...... Miss Edith Prosser. Pittsburgh, Lawrenceville. . 104 Mrs. Willis Whitca. Mrs. J. M. Jones . . 20 McConnell Bd ...... 20 S. C . E ...... 15 Pittsburgh, Lennington Ave. 6 Mrs. F. E. Whittemore. Y . P. S ...... 12 50 Changteh, S. C. E., Jr...... 3 7 50 Changteh and Tao Yuen. Miss E. Summerson. Pittsburgh, Morningside . . 13 10 Mrs. R. J. Anderson. Pittsburgh, Mt. Washington. 67 ; Mrs. J. B. Lash. Margaret Frances Guild . 36 Miss Hattie Eicher. Charlotte E. Hawes Soc. 6 ; Ningpo, S. C . E ...... 7 j Miss Annetta Slater. S. C. E., J r ...... I Miss E. K. Landis. Pittsburgh, Oakland .... 24 Mrs. M. M. Munson. Pittsburgh, Park Ave. . . . 128 47 : Miss M. S. Grubbs. G le a n e r s...... 2 5 j MissFlorenceWoolslare Pittsburgh, Penna. Fem. Coll. Pittsburgh, Point Breeze . . 4 SI Dr. Em ily Marston, India (in Mrs. Samuel Irvine. Willing Workers...... 100 [part), Miss Marion Sallows. Y . L . S ...... 38 Miss Jennie McLance. Pittsburgh, Shady Ave . . . 25 25 Mrs. J. K. Horne. Y . P. Soc...... 6 S. C. E., Jr...... Pittsburgh, Shady Side . . . 927 Miss C. E. Hawes, China, j Mrs- c - H- Spencer. Benevolent Workers . . . i Pittsburgh. South Side . . , Miss Vida Davis. Little W orkers ...... 10 i Pittsburgh, 1 abernacle . . .' 157 7 5 j Miss Bertho Rife. ! Little W orkers ...... 25 Primary R o ll ...... S. C . E ...... So i Miss Marion Waddell. Pittsburgh, West End . . . 12 55 S. C. E ...... 12 Pittsburgh, N. S., 1st . . . 412 50 : Mrs. O. C. Crawford, China, | Mrs. D. F.H.McDowell. Earnest Workers .... 3 7 50; Miss Gertrude Grubbs. Earnest Workers Elizabeth

W allace M em ’l .... i s ; G le a n e r s ...... 3 So L . L . B ...... 40 Miss Harriet Sloan. Pittsburgh, N. S., ist, German 20 20 Miss M. Eisenhauer, Good Will Workers . . . 3 Miss Stella Hoffman. 95

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Pittsburgh, N. S. Allison Park, S. C. E ...... 4 Mrs. Mary Steinhäuser. Pittsburgh, N. S., Ben Avon 9 4 Mrs. A. D. Curtis. Little Branches...... 3 4 7 5 Mrs. H. L. Austin. S. C. E ...... 25 Miss Sophia Rineka. Pittsburgh, N.S.,Brighton Rd. 89 10 Mrs. A. H. Mercer. Alert B d...... 40 Miss Louise Jayne. S. C. E., Jr...... Pittsburgh, N. S., Central . . 36 83 Macedonian B d ...... 50 Y. L . Soc...... Miss Blanch Evans. S. C. E ...... Pittsburgh,N.S., McClure Av. 17 7 7 9 , Mrs L. K. Miller. Primary R o ll ...... Pittsburgh, N. S.. Manchester 42 50 1 Mrs. A. G. Dunbar. Pittsburgh,N.S.,Melrose Ave. Mission Circle .... ! S. C. E...... 7 15 ! S. C .E .,J r ...... 1 Pittsburgh, N. S., North . . 363 ! Mrs. S. Higginbottom, India, Mrs. W . B. Mowry. H edge Bd...... 101 Mrs. E. Thompson. Lindsay Bd...... 30 ! Miss Alice Abbett. S. C. E ...... 5 Miss Mary Totten. Pittsburgh, N. S., Providence 35 88 Miss A. Klicker. Always Faithful Bd. . . . Pittsburgh, N. S.,Watson Me­ Mrs. Chas. Blair. morial ...... 5 9 Pittsburgh, N. S., Westm'r . 1 5 o j I Mrs. N. J. Linn. R a c c o o n ...... i n I Petchaburee, j Mrs. Harvey Work, Sewickley. 480 i Mrs. H. W. Langheim, P. I.J Mrs. J. B. Booth. Sharon . . 5 ! j Mrs. J. M. Mercer. S. C. E ...... Sharpsburg ...... 93 40 Mrs. E. D. McCafferty. Little Helpers...... 2 Thomas McCafferty. S. C. E ...... 16 Sheridan ...... 5 ° S h ield s...... 55 Mrs. M. E. Nolan. Y. L. S ...... 15 Sw issvale...... 86 Mrs. J. B. Taylor. Mi'S. B d ...... 20 Miss Mary Longwell. Y. P. S. (S. C. E.) . . . 40 W . B. Gay. Tarentum ...... 159 Mrs. A. M. Dunn. French Mission ..... 5 Kate Fleeson Bd ...... 10 Mrs. E. C. Warner. S. C. E ...... 10 Miss Rose Irwin. Tarentum, Central...... 100 Mrs. Smith Briney. F r ie n d s '...... Mr. and Mrs. Koshaba, US [Urumia, Y. L. S oc...... 3 5 Miss Alda Golding. S. C . E ...... 12 Miss Effie Hemphill. V a li e v ...... 26 Miss Esther Wilson. S. C. E ...... 10 Valley V ie w ...... 20 Mrs. Geo. S. Fry. Van P o r t ...... 5 Wilkinsburg, 1 s t ...... 178 3® Mrs. U. S. G. Jones, India, Mrs. Henry Carpenter. Miss Marv Keller .... 4 5 R. J. Reed Bd ...... 13S Mrs. Jones and Petchaburee, Mrs. John Gates. Earnest W orkers...... 3 ° Miss Phoebe Stewart. Semple Bd ...... 4 5 8 4 Miss Florence Charter. D. Turpit Cir...... IS S. C. E ...... 83 3 4 Mrs. Jones, Miss Edna McAdams. 96

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. ; Name of Secretary.

Wilkinsburg, 2 d ...... $301 Tokyo, Mrs. W. L. McDaniel. Miss Sem ple ...... 15 Miss. C ir...... Whatsoever S o c ...... I Miss Adeline Cribbs. Gleades Meade Circle. . . 7 S. C. E ...... 5 0 Miss Hilda George. S. C. E„ I n t ...... 4 Miss Florence Miller. Wilkinsburg, Calvary. . . . 3 2 Mrs. A. J. McGiffen. S. C . E ...... 25 S .C . E .,J r...... 41 W . H. Moore. Wilkinsburg, Grace, S. C. E. W i l s o n ...... Miss D. J. Patterson. Friend of Missions...... 25 Mainpurie, A F rie n d ...... 15 Y. P. B r a n c h ...... 10 09

$16,156 26

Presbytery ot Redstone.

Pres., Mrs. J. S. Brown, Cor. Sec., Miss M. E. McClintock, Treas., Miss Retta C. Bierer, 920 Lincoln Highway, McKeesport, Pa. Carmichaels, Pa. Uniontown, Pa. Sec. Y. P., Mrs. Kinley McMillan, Rec.Sec., Mrs. T. C. Jones, Sec. Lit., Mrs.W. S. Bowman, 1511 Carnegie Ave., 811 Huey St., 22 W . Fayette St., McKeesport, Pa. McKeesport, Pa. Uniontown, Pa. Presbyterlal Pledges. Mrs. J. B. Hail, Japan. Y oung W om en ’s S o c ie t ie s.— Miss Anna S. Doriss, Korea. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. M. B. Palmer, Laos. Children's Bands and J r.. S. C. E.— Canton, Saharanpur, Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

Belle Vernon...... | $3 ° So Miss Jane Higgs. Brownsville...... | 53 Sidon, Mrs. H. C. Krepps. Brownsville, Central . . . . j 14 18 Mrs. T. A. Sbarpnack. Brownsville, Hopewell S.C.E.I 10 C a d w a lle r ...... ! Carmichaels...... i 10 Mrs. S. S. Bayard. Connellsville...... j 184 20 B oys’ B d ...... 14 Miss Sallie E. Allen. G irls’ B d ...... j 3 0 Mrs. A. P. Freed. Dunbar...... ; 62 41 Miss M. A. Wall. Loring B d ...... j 21 Miss Mabel Kimball. S. C . E ...... ; 4 5 R. W. Kimball. Mrs. R. C. Ankerman. Dunlap’s C r e e k ...... 5 9 S. C . E ...... 18 Miss Bessie Hibbs. Mrs. F. L. Bolton. East McKeesport .... 7 5 0 S. C. E ...... Miss Olive Borland. Elizabeth, Round Hill . . 60 S. C. E ...... 10 F a irc h a n c e ...... Mrs. Rachel Davenport. Fayette C ity ...... 10 H e w i t t s ...... 11 20 Mrs. Minerva Ammons. Laurel Hill ...... 16 70 Mrs. E. R. Hopewood. Little Redstone ...... 25 Miss Viola Boyd. Rev. T. S. Negley. S. C. E ...... 2 3

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for th* Individual Pledges. 9 Ï

Name of Society. Contrib.* ' Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Long Run...... $24 75 Miss Carrie Larimer. McKeesport, ist. . . . 190 Mrs. E. F. Woods. Y. L. Circle...... 90 Miss Ida J. Lloyd. Rachel Leam Bd. . . S. C. E ...... McKeesport, 2d . . . . 6 5 . Mrs. Chas. R. Shaw. S. C. E ...... 10 Miss Mary Walker. S. C. E., J r ...... 10 Miss Minnie Johnstone. McKeesport, Central. . 88 65 Miss Emily E. Tassey. Westminster Club . . 25 Am bala, Miss Alice Russell. World's Workers . . 15 Bogota, Miss Irene Chester. S. C. E ...... 25 Mrs. Kinley McMillan. S. C. E., Jr...... 25 Mrs. Kinley McMillan. M asontow n ...... Mrs. A. W. Struble. M onessen...... Mrs. W. B. Siewart. S. C. E ...... Miss K. Brightwell. Mt. Moriah ...... 13 50 Miss Mabel Burchinal. Mt. Pleasant, Middle . 1x5 98 Miss M. J. Evans. Y . P. S ...... 10 S. C. E ...... 3 ° Miss Lida Evans. Mt. Pleasant, Reunion.. 185 84 Mrs. A. M. Stoner. Busy B e e s ...... 569 Miss Rachel Stoner. Muddy Creek ...... 122 Osaka, Mrs. Laura Gwynn. Sunshine Bd . . . . 23 Miss Sarah Long. New Providence .... 46 Mrs. A. B. Flenniken. S. C. E ...... Miss Blanche Evans. New Salem...... Miss Martha Dixon. Pleasant Unity...... 23 Miss Mary M.Chambers Pleasant View ...... 7 Miss Elizabeth Vail. S. C. E ...... 25 R ehoboth...... 1 11 25 w Miss M arg't Houseman Sampson M ills ...... 1 S. C. E ...... j Miss Edith Menzies. Scottdale...... 121 Chefoo, Mrs. Frank Grazier. South Brownsville...... ! 8 S u terville...... T e n t ...... Miss E. R. Custead. Uniontown, ist...... 85 Dumaguete, Mrs. W. J. Gilmore. Ambassadors...... 5 Milholland Bd ...... 25 Miss Alice J. Kerr. Buds of Promise .... II Anna O. Robinson Bd . . 5 Y. P. C. A. (S. C. E.) . Uniontown, 2d...... 30 Miss Alice L. Bryson. Bowman Soc...... 10 Miss Alice Moser. Willing Workers .... 12 Miss Pauline Keener. S. C. E ...... 25 Miss Cora C. Wilson. Uniontown, 3 d ...... 4 1 3 6 Miss Minnie Gilmore. V a n d e r b ilt...... 7 Mrs. Jesse Hazlett. W e b s t e r ...... 10 S. C. E ...... West Newton...... 81 Mrs. Sara A. Pore. S. C. E ...... Y o u n g w o o d ...... Miss Ella Stairs. Contingent Fund . . 23 20

$ 2 4 4 3 91

1 98

Presbytery of Shenango. Pres., Mrs. Blanche N. Fullerton, Sec., Mrs.W. L. Woodford, Treas., Mrs. Franklin R. Woods, Moravia, Pa. Sharon, Pa. 223 E. Sheridan Ave., New Castle, Pa. ( Y. W. S. and Bands, Miss Alice Sterling, Sec. L it., M rs. E. M. Bingham, „ „ p j 14 Quest St., New Castle, Pa. Volant, Pa. Öecs. r. r . <; s c £ Miss Anna Be]le Stewart> [ 191 Boyles Ave., New Castle, Pa. Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. J. H. Judson, China, and Saharanpur. Young Women’s Societies. —Miss Anna S . Doriss, Korea. Y. P. S. C. E.— Sidon and Dr. J. B. Neal, China. C h il d r e n 's B a n d s a n d Jr. S. C. E.— Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

•Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Centre "Y - - ,...... $ * 5 Mrs. R. C. McDowell. S. C. E ...... 10 Fannie Armstrong. Clarksville.. . . , . . . 100 Lahore, Mrs. G. W . Moore. Eliwood City / ...... 1 7 5 0 Etawah, Mrs. J. A. Gelbach. Miss. Bd . . . “ ...... 2 71 Mrs. J. D . K irk. S. C . E,, . v , . , . . . 5 Miss R. McConahy, Enon V alley ...... 32 Mrs. M. A. Wilson. S. C . $ ...... Y . • 2 W. H. Miller. Harlansburg r...... 10 Mrs. M. L. Clark. Hopewell...... 10 Mrs. B. M. Paul. S. C. E . . . ' ...... Miss O. Van Fleet. Leesburg ...... 4 7 Mrs. E. M. Bingham. S. C. E...... Mrs. Joseph Reynolds. Little Beaver ...... 2 5 Mrs, Margaret Martin. Mahoningtown...... 18 Miss Annie E. Smith. Opportunity Circle . . . 3 0 Mrs. M. W. Keith. Moravia S. C. E ...... 5 Miss Jennie Lusk. N eshannock...... 85 25 Mrs. J. M. McCauley, Japan, Mrs. L. V. Hope. Girls’ Circle ...... 2 Elizabeth Cover. Bovs’ Miss. Bd...... 2 25 Geo. Fulkman. Y. P. Soc. (S. C. E.) . . 5 0 Miss B. Bianey. New Bedford, S. C . E. . . . New Castle, 1st ...... 89 Mrs. J. L. Patterson. Daughters of Lydia Aux . 47 80 Mrs. C. L. Slough. H elena A u x ...... 35 Mrs. T. A . Kimes. Fiske Sem. Circle .... Mizpah Miss. Circle . . . 15 Vernia Martin. Westminster Guild, Her- shey’s Chap...... 16 Ningpo, Beatrice Chambers. A. B. D. Girls...... 20 Olive Illing. S. C. E ...... 10 Hazel Lutton. New Castle, 4th, S. C. E . . 5 Mrs. W . G. McConnell. New Castle, Central .... 29 50 Mrs. Fred Rudesill. O. U. G irls ...... 7 Pearl Dufford. S. C. E ...... 3 6 Alice Sterling. S. C. E., J r ...... Princeton...... 2 S. C . E ...... 5 Margaret Weller. P u la sk i...... 12 Mrs. Dora Cover. Rich H ill...... 18 Mrs. Calvin Fisher. S h aro n ...... 115 Mrs. S. A. King.

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 99

♦Amount Name of Society, Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Sharon, Round Table . . . $7 Lydia B d ...... 5 S. C. E ...... 7 W. Y. Duncan. Sharpsville...... 10 Mrs. W . S. McCormick. Slippery Rock ...... 12 75 Mrs. Agnes M. Ward. S C E U n ity...... 20 Miss Margaret Young. Legacy, Miss Margaret J. Buchanan...... 665 New Bldg., Allahabad, India, S. C. E ...... 10 May Gordon. V o la n t ...... 9 W am pum ...... 17 S. C. E ...... 10 Margaret McCready. W estfield ...... 150 Miss M. Ruthrauff. B a n d ...... 3 So Margaret Duff. L . L . B ...... S. C. E ...... So Victor Martin. W est Middlesex. . . . .

Presbytery of W ashington. Pres., Mrs. J. H. Snowden, Cor. Sec., Mrs. C. L. Crawford, Treas., Miss J. W . Baird, 20 S. Lincoln St., 775 E. Maiden St., 62 E, W heeling St., Washington, Pa. Washington, Pa. Washington, Pa. Bands. Miss N. Katharine Hayes, Rec. Sec., Miss Rebecca Johnson, Secs. Y. P. 75 W. Maiden St., Washington, Pa, 222 E. Wheeling St., Washington, Pa. S. C. E ., Miss Mary Pauli. Sec. Lit., Mrs. B. B. W. Denny, R. D. 8, Washington, Pa. Waynesburg, Pa. Presbyterlal Pledges. Mrs. J. C. R. Ewing, India; Miss J. R. Carleton, M.D., India; Mrs. W. B. Hamilton, China ; Mrs. J. N. Wright, Persia, Miss Mary McKenzie, Korea; Mrs. H. A. Rhodes, Korea. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. M. B. Palmer, Laos. C h il d r e n ’s B a n d s a n d Jr . S. C. E.--Canton, Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

B e th e l...... #45 Mrs. N. J. Dickerson. Y . L . B d ...... Legacy— Miss Cynthia Leonard ...... 45 Burgettstown, 1 s t ...... h i Mrs. J. Cooke White. Golden Chain Bd...... 30 Miss Mae Nicholls. S.C.E ...... S. C. E., J r ...... i Burgettstown, Westminster . 35 Mrs. G. H. Conrad. Willing Workers .... 5 Miss Olive Smith. E. S. C ...... 10 California, 1st...... 40 Mrs. W. D. Loos. W inona C ir...... 7 Miss Edna Young, S. C. E ...... S. C. E., J r ...... I 85 ’ C laysville...... 151 Mrs. Mary C. Anderson. S. C. E ...... 11 60 Miss Gail Axtell. S. C. E., I n t ...... 2 Miss Carrie Calder. S. C. E., J r ...... 3 50

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. ICO

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary. i Coal Center...... $20 j Mrs. Lee Vann Bremen. Careful Gleaners Club . . ! [gomery. Concord ...... i 40 j Mrs. Margaret Mont- Mayflowers B d ...... 7 50 1 , Miss Adelaide Andrews. S. C. E ...... 5 Cross Creek ...... 162 Mrs. J. L. Manson. Y. L. B ...... 30 ! Yokohama, Miss Daisy Tuttle. S. C. E ...... 75 i East Buffalo...... !. 70 5 ° ! Mrs. Samuel Flack. Y. L . B ...... ! 45 1 Miss G. McLoney. F lo re n c e ...... ! 30 Mrs. James W ork. S. S. Bd...... 1 50 j ; Miss May Duncan. Earnest Workers . . . 5 F rankfort...... H ookstow n...... S. C . E ...... i Lower Buffalo...... 66 14 Nanking, j Mrs. B. F. Heany. S. C. E ...... 2 50 Mr. John Buxton. S. C . E., Jr...... 3 Lower Ten M ile ...... 17 25 i Mrs. S. B. Braden. M ill C r e e k ...... ! ! Sunbeam C ir ...... 1 r Mt. Pleasant...... 23 i Tsinanfu, I Miss Sue B. Smith. Mt. Prospect . . . ___ • SO ! Miss Nellie Mcllvaine. West. Guild— M c G u g a n 1 C h a p e l...... 12 j Ningpo,. ! S. C. E ...... 1 Pigeon Creek 4 5 . i Mrs. W. W . McClure. S. C. E. . . .. ; . . Mr. Findly Patterson. . IO ! Unity . . Mrs. W. M. Crow. S. C.'E . . . .'V . . . 13 i- Upper Buffalo...... 159 ‘ Fatèhgarh, Mrs. W. P. Gromo. : Mary Shaw Bd . . 20 Tsinanfu, Miss Edna Rabb. S: C. E ...... IO Upper Ten M ile ...... • 3 5 , Miss Cora Day. S. C. E ...... Mrs. William Butan. 10 Washington, is t ...... 4 5 2 Mrs. J. B. Craighead. Sewing Society Aux . . . 153 So Miss Jennie Baird. McCombs-Morgan Mem'l 50 Urumia, Com es Bd...... u s ; Miss K. McFarland. Young Men’s Miss. Club. 10 Mr. Howard Curtis. Baby R o l l ...... 6 Girls' Miss. Circle . . . . 23 Miss M. Harding. Jennie Baird Miss. Bd . . 2 Miss Emma Hoey. Y. W. Mission Circle . . 29 S. C . E ...... 23 j Miss Helen Allen. Washington, 2d ...... 310 Dehra, Mrs. C. O. Braden. Non Nobis Bd...... 96 Mrs. J. M. Blose. “ “ “ A Friend . 30 Saharanpur, Gleaners, Boys’...... 4 75 Mrs. F. H. Coon. Gleaners, Girls'...... 12 Miss Jennie Mechlin. Y . W . B d ...... 109 50 Miss Eliz. Eagleson. Baby Band ...... 2 S. C. E...... 30 Washington, 3d ...... 85 Miss Alice Northrup. Y. L . B ...... 105 l Miss Martha White. • Girls’ Soc ...... 20 Miss F. Houston. S .C . E ...... 18 Miss Anna Jackson. S. C. E., Jr...... 3 101

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretaiy.

Washington, 4 t h ...... $3 2 Mrs. W. P. Pettit. L. L. Bd...... 3 S. C. E ...... 3 Washington, Central. . . . 4 5 Mrs. S. D. Minton. West. Guild— Sunshine Chap...... 4 Ningpo, L. L. B ...... 3 S. C. E ...... S Miss Pearl Booth. Washington, Cumberland. . Washington, Female Sem. . W a y n e s b u r g ...... 150 Mrs. R. E. Brock. K in g’s H e lp e r s ...... So Mrs. Henry Bailey. S. C. E ...... S. C. E.. Jr...... West Alexander...... 145 Mrs. T. W. McConn Loring Circle ...... 40 Beirut, Miss Essie Lester. Hold the Fort Bd . . . . 25 Tsinanfu, Hold the Fort Bd.,A Friend 20 Home Dept. S. S...... 25 Westminster League . . . 3 4 58 W est Union...... Oo Mrs. J. N. Lewis. W indy G a p ...... 2 0 Mrs. H. M. Lacock. CunninghamLester Mem’l Fd 90 Ambala,

53922 17

Presbytery of W ellsboro.

Pres., Mrs. Henry E. Raesly, Sec., Mrs. R. H. Smith, Treas., Mrs. T. A. Wickham, Wellsboro, Pa. Wellsboro, Pa. Tioga, Pa. Sec. Y. P ., Miss Eva E. Cass, Sec. Lit., Mrs. E: H. Owlett, Elkland, Pa. Wellsboro, Pa. Presbyterial Pledges. Miss Alice M. Butts, Korea (in part).

Arnot, S. C. E ...... A u s tin ...... S. C. E ...... Coudersport...... $13 60 Mrs.R.E. Dieffenbacher S. C. E ...... IS 30 E lk la n d ...... 17 Mrs. M. E. Ryon. Gale o n ...... 7 S° Mrs. C. A. Devling. K a n e ...... M a n s f ie ld ...... 24 50 Mrs. L. B. Shaw. Primary Class...... S. C. E ...... Nelson (Beecher’s Island) 15 Mrs. Lena Blackwell. O sc e o la ...... 24 Mrs. W. T. Humphrey. S. C. E ...... iS " Port Allegheny ...... 12 Mrs. D. H. Philips. Tioga ...... 9 9 4 ! Mrs. J. E. Van Osten. W e lls b o r o ...... 40 5 9 ; Mrs. A. J. Sturrock.

£ 194 4 3 :

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund as well as for the Iadividual Pledges. 102

Presbytery of Westminster. Pres., Mrs. John M. Galbreath, Cor. Sec., Mrs. E. E. Curtis, Treas., Mrs. J. R. Martin, Lincoln University, Pa. R. F. D„ Quarryville, Pa. Christiana, Pa. Sec. Y .P ., Mrs. Clara Allen, Rec.Sec., Miss Ella Galbreath, Sec. L it., Mrs. C. G. H. Ettlich, New Park, Pa. Delta, Pa. Laurel, Pa. Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. S. M. Jordan, Persia; and Mrs. Stuart D. Jessup, Syria, and Hamadan. Y o u n g W o m e n 's S o c i e t i e s — Miss Anna S . Doriss, Korea. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. C. E. Eckels, Siam. CHILDREN'S B a n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.— Canton, Saharanpur, Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

♦Amount Name of Society. I Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Bellevue . . 25 Mrs. H. B. Hershey. Mission Bd S. C. E . . Cedar Grove 8 75 Mrs. E. D. Wallace. Centre . . . 8o Miss Anna Jenkins. S. C. E. . i o Chanceford . 52 Mrs. Nelson Gemmili. Buds of Promise S C E 5 Cherry Hill. 5 Chestnut Level 8 2 3 5 Mrs. Ida Smith. Primary Cl 5 25 Y. P Band S. C. E . . S. C. E., Jr Christiana. . 41 Miss Sara Kent. Columbia . 113 Mrs. Mary H. Blaine. Girls’ Club 12 Tsingtau, S. C. E., Jr Hopewell 4 7 Mrs. James Manifold. Lancaster, ist 4 3 6 Seoul and Mexico City, Mrs. Rachel Jackson. S. C . E. . 25 S. C. E., Int 10 S.C. E„ Jr . io Lancaster, Bethany 32 Tsingtau, Miss Eleanor Fulton. Lancaster, Memorial 16 Miss Kath. Hutchinson, S. C. E. . . S. C. E., Int. S. C. E., Jr.. Leacock . . . 4 5 Nanking, Mrs. D. D. Park. Lucy Leaman Bd iS Nanking, S. C. E. . . . 18 S. C. E., Jr . , Little Britain . , 7 5 Mrs. Ellie Brown. S. C. E. . . 30 [c h a n a n . Marietta .... 4 4 Miss Josephine B u - Middle Octorara 3 8 25 Miss Alice Heidel- S. C. E. . . . [baugh. M ount Joy . . , 19 Miss Clara Manning. New Harmony . 4 4 S° Mrs. James K. Grove. S. C. E. . . . I X 50 Pequ ea...... 28 50 Mrs. David Kurtz. Pine Grove . . . 43 Mrs. John Keener.

* The figures given in this column include the am rants contrib ate d for the Presbyterial Pledges an I for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 103

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Slate Ridge ...... 53 Mrs. Lillie Somers. S. C. E ...... S. C. E., Jr...... S la tev ille ...... 75 Mrs. S. J. Barnett. Y . W . S ...... 16 S. C. E ...... Stewartstown ...... 5 7 70 Miss Sarah Leib. S. C. E ...... 7 30 S. C. E„ J r ...... I 50 Strasburg, S. C . E ...... 22 S. C. E„ Jr...... 6 Union, C olerain ...... 9 4 55 Miss Minetta Swisher. S. C. E ...... 6 25 W rightsville ...... 5 9 Mrs. Calvin Smith. York, i s t ...... 3 a 9 2 5 Florianapolis, Mrs. H. D. Rupp. S. C. E. . . : ...... 51 20 S. C. E., J r ...... I ; York, Calvary ...... 20 50 j Mrs. E. Tompson. Delta Alpha...... L . L. B ...... 3 50 S. C. E ...... 1 York, Faith ...... 2 i York, Westminster...... 3 5 j Miss M. A. Manifold.

$2265 70 !

SYNOD OP W EST VIRGINIA. Presbytery of Grafton. Pres., Mrs. A. M. Buchanan, Cor. Sec., Mrs. C. E. Crane, Treas., Miss Eleanor B. Moreland, Morgantown, W . V a. 221 Mechanic St., 100 High St., Clarksburg, W. Va. Morgantown, W. Va. Sec. Y.’P., Mrs. W . S. Mayers, Rec. Sec., Mrs. John W . Stuart, Sec. Lit., Mrs. J. N. M. Downs, Fairmont, W. Va. Clarksburg, W. Va. Buckhannon, W. Va. Presbyterial Pledges. Miss Ella Kuhl, Brazil (in part), and Ferozepore. Y. P. S. C. E.— Saharanpur. C h il d r e n ’s B a n d s a n d J r . S. C . E.— Tripoli and Laguna de B ay.

Buckhannon...... $5 i Tsingtau, Mrs. J. H. Asper. S. C. E ? ...... 9 Miss Daisv Amlung. Clarksburg, 1 s t ...... 21 45 Mrs. Frank Grnmbine. K. Doan C lu b ...... 17 Miss Mary McClelland. S. C . E ...... 10 20 Miss Lilian Lepley. S. C. E„ Jr...... I 5 0 F airm on t...... 4 5 70 Tsingtau, Mrs. Clara Gilkeson. McFarland Circle .... 43 5 ° Tsingtau, Mrs. Grnce S. Welton. Little Missionaries .... 10 Miss Adaline Steele. S. C. E ...... 2 9 50 Peking, Miss Edith Pickett. S. C. E., Int...... S. C. E., Jr...... I Master Joe Greer. French Creek ...... 6 Miss Laura Brooks. S. C. E ...... 3 5 0 Miss Annie E. Morgan. 1

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 104

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

G rafton...... « 3 6 Tsingtau, Mrs. E. G. Leamon. Willing Workers .... 3 Miss HazelSchultzworth S. C. E ...... 15 Miss Nettie A. Nuzum. Tacksonburg ...... 3 5 67 Bahia, K in g w o o d ...... S . C . E . J r ...... M a n n in g to n ...... 33 50 M o rg a n to w n ...... Mrs. John Eisland. Louisa Lowrie Aux. . . . 13 7 50 Tsingtau, S. C. E ...... 15 Miss M. C. Cairney. S. C. E„ J r ...... Sugar G rove ...... 12 50 Terra A l t a ...... II Mrs. Dee Crane. S. C. E., Jr ...... I Mrs. W . J. Bone. W eston...... 21 Tsingtau, Mrs. E. A. Brooks. S. C. E ...... 2 Mr*. E. B. Dunnington.

$ 5 7 2 52

Presbytery ®f Parkersburg. Pres., Mrs. f- W . Waddell, Cor. Sec., Miss Sallie Russell, Treas., Mrs. Ben T. Neal, Jr., Charleston, W. Va. Sistersville, W. Va. 619 13th St., Parkersburg, W.Va. Sec. Y. P., Mrs. John Gillespie, Rec. Sec., Mrs. Chas. Hughes, Sec. Lit., Miss lieulah Triplett, Sistersville, W. Va. Parkersburg, W. Va. Waverly, W. Va. Presbyterial Pledges. Miss Clyde Bartholomew, P. I. (in part), and Baraka. Y. P. S. C. E.— Saharanpur.

Charleston, Kanawha . . . Mrs. J. W. Roche. Y. P. S. (S. C. E.) . . . 12 89 Elizabeth...... Hughes R iv er ...... 16 S. C . E ...... 4 Jarrold'sVal’y.Mt.Laurel Bd. Lawson, Girls’ Home Sch. . Parkersburg ...... 85 Mrs. Charles Hughes. Y . L. S oc...... R a v e n s w o o d ...... 8 Mrs. C. L. Tamieson. Sistersville ...... 76 Mrs. S. C. Gisler. W . Soc. of M iss ...... 3 ° Miss C. Dixie McCoy. Mission Club ...... 30 Mrs. A. R. Walker. S. C. E ...... S. C. E., Jr...... Spencer ...... 18 Mrs. Wm. Huddleson. W a v e r ly ...... 22 Miss Charlotte Wylie. S. C. E ...... W in fie ld ......

$388 89

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 105

Presbytery of Wheeling. Pres., Mrs. Robt. J. Reed, Cor. Sec., Mrs. J. P. Leyenberger, Treas., M rs.W . J. Holmes, xoo 12th St., 3842 E o ffSt., 1328 Main St., Wheeling, W. Va. Wheeling, W. Va. Wellsburg, W. Va., Sec. Y. P., Mrs. W. W. Irwin, Rec. Sec., Mrs. Geo. W . Oldham, Sec. Lit., Mrs. E. E. Boyd, 2207 Chapline St., Tria'delphia, W. Va. Woodsdale, Wheeling, W. Va. Wheeling,W.Va. Presbyterlal Pledges. Dr. Elizabeth Rosser Carper, China; Mrs. F. W . March, Syria ; Mrs. C. E. Bixler, Brazil, and travel and outfit of Miss Emma A. Weidaw, Mexico. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. M. B. Palmer, Laos. C h il d r e n 's Ba n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.— Tripoli. ! ♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Allen G rove ...... $4 5 Mrs. P. B. Cox. S. C. E ...... 6 C am eron ...... 15 Mrs. T. R. Hite. L . L. B ...... 5 5 0 j S. C. E ...... ! F a ir v ie w ...... iS ! Miss Anna Hart. L. L . B ...... S.C.E ...... Forks of Wheeling .... 88 ! Mrs. Charles Ebers. A G i f t ...... ! 70 Bessie Shaw B d ...... 30 Miss Mary Thornburg. Boys' Excelsior Bd . . . Lawrence Nickerson. King's Daughters .... L. L. B ...... 2 50 S. C. E ...... 10 Miss Ethel Hawley. H olliday’s C ove...... 23 Mrs. James Swindort. Starlight Circle .... s I L im e s to n e ...... j S. C. E ...... 4 Mounds v ille ...... 24 Mrs. R. A. Jamison. New Cumberland ...... 3 9 W e lls b u r g ...... 103 Mrs. T. W . Carmichael. Glad Tidings Bd...... 20 Y. L. S ...... 71 Mrs. W . K. Cummings. L. L . B ...... I 28 S. C. E ...... 14 Miss Hazel Kyle. S. C. E„ J r ...... 13 S° West Liberty ...... 3 5 Miss Wilma Jacobs. Cunningham B d ...... S. C. E ...... 2 ; Miss Julia Ridgeley. West Union, Dallas .... 4 Miss Hannah Hart. S. C. E ...... 2 50 Wheeling, 1st ...... 232 82 M exico City, Miss N. Laura Lawson. Mrs. M. S. Ott...... 5 Osaka, Cherith B d ...... 7 4 Dehra, Mrs. H. E. Forney. Sunshine and Syrian . . . 62 50 Miss Ethel Reed. Y. P. S o c ...... 4 L . L. B ...... 3 75 Jr. King's Daughters . . Wheeling, 2d ...... n o Mrs. L. Eskey. I n d iv id u a l...... 10

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 1 0 6

♦ Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Moffatt Circle ...... Carlton C irc le ...... $ 7 5 Crangle B d ...... 10 Miss L. Bachman. King’s Daughters .... 6 Mrs. E. A. Stevens. L. L. B ...... 10 8 Mrs. C. H. McDonald. Wheeling, 3 d ...... 67 Miss Louise Wheeler. W estminster Guild . . . 10 Miss C. Fredericks. S. C . E ...... Wheeling, Vance Mem" . . 130 Mrs. A. L. Morgan. Opportunity Circle . . . 55 Mrs. E. Petticord. King's Messengers. . . . 7 Miss E. Hutchison. S. C. E ...... 20 D. C. Ross.

$ 1 5 4 8 3 5 {Not included in Presoy rery.) Wheeling, 1st, Woman'sCircle $ 5 5 0 Dr. Elizabeth F. Lewis,China. Mrs. I. N. Vance. Bessie Vance Mem’l Bd. . Cradle R oll......

$5 5 o

STNODICAL SOCIETY, BAI/TIMORE. Pres., Mrs. J. Frank Ball, Sec.-Treas., Mrs. George M. Gaither, 1019 Park Place, Wilmington, Del. 213 E. Mt. Royal Ave., Baltimore, Md. See. Y. P ., Mrs. D. E. Wiber, Sec. Lit., Mrs. S. B. November, 3363 18th St., N. W „ 1413 Bolton St., Washington, D. C. Baltimore, Md. Special Synodical Object. (Included in contributions of Presbyterial Societies) $500 share in salary of Miss Theresa M. Kalb, Philippine Islands.

Presbytery of Baltimore. Pres., Mrs. John B. Ramsay, Cor. Sec., Miss Mary B. McGaw, Treas., Mrs. R. H. Smith, 1218 St. Paul St., 1012 St. Paul St., 1230 N. Calvert St.. Baltimore, Md. Baltimore, Md. Baltimore, Md. Sec. Y.P.,Miss Lucy H. Dawson, Rec.Sec..Mrs. J. C. Smith, Sec.Lit..Mrs.Wm. B. Kirkpatrick, 1731 Bolton St., 1902 Eutaw Place, Chester Ave., Walbrook, Baltimore, Md. Baltimore, Md. Baltimore, Md. Presbyterial Pledges. Miss Clara Thiede, India, Miss Theresa M. Kalb, P. I. and Shek Lung. Y oung W om en 's S o c ie t ie s— Miss Anna S. Doriss, Korea. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. J. B. Dunlap, Siam. C h il d r e n 's B a n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.— Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

Aberdeen Grove. . . ,■ . • 75 Mrs. J. Harry Gibson. Annapolis...... ■ • • i 19 55 Mrs. J. B. White. baltimore, is t ...... ■ • - 645 45 Mrs. D. G. Collins, Laos, Miss E. E. Mcllvaine. W. W. Spence Bd Marie Judd. • • • :i 3 1

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledge s and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 107

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Baltimore, 2 d ...... $87 14 ) Mrs. Arthur Bramble. Willing Hearts Aux . . . 37 81 > Yamaguchi, Miss Stromenger. Earnest W orkers...... 14 25 I ) Alexander Proudfit Bd . . 3 7 R. H. Smith B d ...... 6 Yamaguchi, G le a n e rs ...... 43 L. L. B ...... 5 S. C. E ...... 113 S. C. E.. J r ...... I Baltimore, Abbott Mem'l, S. C. E ...... 30 [part), Miss Cecelia M. Schane. Baltimore, Aisquith St . . . 105 Miss Ella Kuhl, Brazil, (in Mrs. Willian F. Bell. S. C. E ...... 35 Miss Anna Hutson. Baltimore, Arlington. . . . 5 Miss Sarah Chism. Baltimore, Babcock Mem'l . 54 Mrs. G. M. Gaither. Y. W . B d ...... 31 1 Miss Gertrude Kriel. Girls' B d ...... 42 Miss Clark Fox. Miss Little's Bd .... 20 : S. C. E...... 5 Miss Florence Gilbert. Baltimore, Broadway. . . . i Bands...... 8 i S. C. E ...... 75 1 S. C. E„ J r ...... 7 5 Ì Miss Rida M. Binnie. Baltimore, Brown Mem’l . . 55 8 Mrs. A. H. Ewing, India, Miss K. R. Fleming. Mrs. E. P. S. Jones' Aux . 140 Y. W. M. Soc...... 9 Miss Alice Rinehart. Casket of Tewels...... 7 5 ! Mr. P. B. Millikin. Robbins Mission Bd . . . Miss Mildred Kahler. Y. P. Study Class .... i Miss Ann T. Reed. Baltimore, Catonsville . . . 32 Mrs. J. A. Nesbit. S .C . E ...... Miss M. Hoffman. Baltimore, Central...... 159 Miss Bessie Campbell. Seek and Save Aux . . . 40 > MissMaryLattimore.China, Miss Maxwell. DeWitt Benham Bd . . . 2 ) Miss Grace Parker. Y. P. S o c ...... Miss Grace Parker. Baltimore, Covenant . . . . 25 Miss S. Devereaux. S. C. E ...... 15 Mrs. H. S. Abenschein. S. C. E., Int...... 3 S. C. E„ J r ...... 20 Nanking, Miss H. M. Arthur. Baltimore, Faith.. . . . 46 03 Mrs. M. Waltenberg. Faith Workers (Aux). . . 188 Miss M. C. McCord, Siam, Miss E. Crunkleton. Cheerful Workers .... 17 50 Miss Carrie B. Hill. Y. P. Soc...... 6 59 Mr. Harry H. Brown. C o-w orkers...... 50 Miss Elsie Billingslea. Loyal Workers . . 5 ; Faithful Jr. Helpers . . . i 68 j Dorothy Parker. G le a n e rs ...... 2 ! Miss Fannie Roberts. L . L. B ...... 4 75 Miss McCord, Mrs. Charles D. Reid. S. C. E., Jr...... 86 Baltimore,Forest Park.S.C.E. S. C. E„ J r ...... 4 Mrs. A. B. Harrison. Baltimore, Fulton Ave . . . 20 Miss Alice Griffith. Pearl Seekers...... 3 Mrs. William Thomas. S. C. E ...... 13 Miss Edna E. Hesson. Baltimore, Hamilton S. C. E. 2 Baltimore, Hampden. . . . Miss E. Lovell. S. C. E ...... i Baltimore, Lafayette Sq. . . 112 Mrs. J. Louis Bell. Primary C l ...... 5 1 Miss Tudor. 108

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. J Pledges of Individual Societies, Name of Secretary. 1

Baltimore, Lafav'te Sq.S.C.E. $30 1 Miss Cora V. Zeigler. S. C. E., Jr. ' ...... 1 3 1 Baltimore, Light St...... j 3 3 i Miss Ida Wood. Willing Workers .... 10 j Miss Helen Downes. Ivy L eaf S o c ...... i s 1 Miss Ida Wood. S. C. E ...... S. C. E „ Jr ...... 3 So j Miss Dora Wiltz. Baltimore, Northminster . . 124 95 1 Mrs. H. P. Stewart. Covenanters ...... S. C. E...... 15 Miss Catherine Carr. Baltimore, Reid Mem’l . . ! Mrs. Jaeger. Baltimore, Ridgely St . . . 14 Mrs. C. W . Smith. S. C. E ...... Miss Rose Heiner. S. C. E., J r ...... Baltimore, Roland Park So Mrs. J. C. Kyle Jr. Miss’y Soc ...... 24 50 Miss Louise Baer. Little Heralds...... 25 Mrs. Evans. S. C. E ...... Miss Geneva Ehler. Baltimore, Sparrows Point . 14 Miss Margaret Lee. Baltimore, Walbrook Club. So Mrs. W. B. Kirkpatrick, Jr. Miss. C lu b ...... 5 Miss Clara Rasmers. Y. P. S oc...... Baltimore, Waverly .... 3 2 Mrs. L. Kaestner. Y. P. S oc...... 20 Miss Eliza A. Hull. S. C. E. (Westm’r League) 20 Miss Helen Woodward. Baltimore, Westminster. . . 59 Miss Ella V. Boyd. S. C . E ...... Bel A i r ...... 4 9 35 Urumia, Mrs. H. McComas. Joy Bd...... xo Mrs. E. T. H. Harrison. B e t h e l...... 28 Mrs. G. A. Caimes. S. C. E ...... 12 , Mrs. M. B. C. Street. Chestnut Grove ...... S. C. E ...... 1 7 Miss Edith R. Green. Churchville...... 21 Miss M. A. Ball. S. C . E ...... 4 So Deer Creek, Harmony . . . 67 95 Osaka and Yamada Ise, Mrs. James R. Massey. Ellicott City...... 15 Miss Eliz. Kirkwood. Rose of Sharon Bd. . . . Emmittsburg...... 27 Mrs. O. A. Horner. S. C . E ...... 7 5 ° Mrs. John A. Horner. Do-what-you-can Bd . . . 10 54 Alexander Colliflower. Frederick...... 24 Mrs. T. F. Dixon. Govanstown...... 4 4 Guild...... 70 Miss Janie E. Bell. Y . P. S oc...... 22 Miss Eliz. Hockaday. Girls’Jr. S o c ...... Havre de Grace ...... 7 Mrs. R. M. . M t. Paran...... 16 Mrs. L W. Eylers. New Windsor...... 18 Miss Nora Ecker. S. C. E ...... 5 Mr. H. D. Ensor. Piney Creek...... 25 Mrs. W. Shoemaker. R e l a v ...... 11 50 Seoul, Mrs. William S. Hall. S. C . E ...... 6 St. H e le n a ...... Taney to w n ...... 17 20 Urumia, Miss A. H. Birnie. S. C. E ...... 10 Miss Anna Galt. Presbyterian House .... 5

$4038 3 5 109

Presbytery of New Castle.

Pres., Miss Eva B. Taylor, Cor. Sec., Mrs. John McElmoyle, Treas., Mrs. John H. Danby, 903 Tatnall St., Wilming., Del. Elkton, Md. 1313 Delaware Ave., Wilming., Del.

f Bands,Mrs. R.P. Robinson, Rec.Sec., Miss M.A. Barr, Äc.Z,iV.,Miss A. B. Ellison, c , v p J 501 Market St.,Wilming.,Del. 817 West St.,Wilmington,Del. Summit Bridge,Del. cecs. y .r . <; £ Miss Sara R Tatnall, [916 Jackson St.,Wilmington, Del. ^ Sec. o f Boxes, Mrs. C. B. Evans, Newark, Del.

Presbyterial Pledges. Miss Mary'E. Johnson, India; Miss Alice M. Butts, Korea (in part), and Miss Theresa M. Kalb, P. I.,,(in part.) Y. P. S. C, E.— Rev. C. E. Eckels, Siam. C h i l d r e n ’s B a n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.— Canton, Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

^Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies, i Name of Secretary.

B u c k in g h a m ...... $7 Mis. Kate B. Hudson. Buds of Promise...... 2 Mrs. William Bancroft. S. C . E ...... 10 Miss Jemima Massey. Chesapeake C it y ...... 20 Mrs. J. S. Hopper. What-we-can Bd...... 5 Miss Anna Biddle. Ever R e a d y ...... S. C. E ...... 12 Miss Mary E. Foard. Delaware City, S. C. E. . . 2 Miss Ella Cleaver. D o v e r ...... 3 6 Mrs. R. C. Halmes. E lk to n ...... 78 Mexico City, Miss Margaret Gilpin. S. C. E ...... 6 Miss J. S. McElmoyle. S. C. E„ J r ...... 2 50 Rev. John McElmoyle. Federalsburg...... 2 Glasgow (Pencader) .... ' XI Miss Mary Brown. Green Hill, Earnest Workers Aux...... 40 Miss Mabel Krauss. Standard Bearers .... 9 Earl Smith. Y. P. S ...... 5 Head of Christiana...... 21 Mrs. Mary C. Kilgore. Lewes ...... 5 6 75 Mrs. John Kern. Elizabeth Prentiss Bd . . 10 Mrs. James R. Kelley. Makemie Memorial .... 7 50 Mrs. Wm. E. Bratten. William Swan Bd . . . . 4 50 Miss Julia Purnell. L . L . B ...... a 50 S. C. E ...... 5 Mrs. C. L. Vincent. Middletown, Forest . . . . 26 Mrs. Edward Reynolds. S. C. E ...... 28 25 Miss Mary S.- Rothwell. M ilford ...... Mrs. J. B. Gilchrist. S. C. E ...... 8 89 N ew ark ...... 32 Mrs. I. J. Moon. Y. L. Circle (sd Aux.) . . 10 Miss Agnes Medili. S.C.E ...... 7 Miss M. Jennie Raub. New C a stle ...... Ocean View, S. C. E. . . . 5 James H. Hudson. S. C. E., J r ...... Mrs. Laura Dolby. Perryville...... 10 Miss A. J. Armstrong. Pitts’ Creek ( Pocomoke City) 51 28 Fatehgarh, Mrs. J. L. Paradee. Lodiana, Miss V. C. Vanneman. Port Deposit ...... 30 r ; * The'figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the individual Pledges. 110

Amount Name of Society. Contrite | Fledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Port Penn...... $5 j Miss S. B. Cleaver. S. C. E ...... i j S. C. E., J r ...... i i Princess Anne, Manoken . 35 ! Fateh garb, Miss M. W . Crisfield. Gillespie Bd...... 5 25 | Miss Emily Dashiell. Rehoboth, Del...... 1 Rehoboth, Md ...... 6 1 R o c k ...... Mrs. F. H. Huston. 16 1 St. George’s ...... 4 50 ! Mrs. J. W . DeWitt. S. C. E ...... 1 1 Mrs. J. R. Milligan. S. C. E., J r ...... 2 S m y rn a ...... 11 50 Mrs. S. J. Reynolds. S. C. E ...... 5 Mrs. J. N. Lloyd. West Nottingham...... 5 4 7 6 Mrs. S. B. Tash. Snowdrop B d ...... 6 Miss Anna Martindale. S. C. E ...... 14 Miss Mabel R. Wiley. W hite Clay C r e e k ...... 18 Mrs. F. L. Dickey. Wicomico (Salisbury) . . . 3 6 Miss L. Brenizer. Y. P. S o c ...... 13 5 0 Mrs. L. D. Collier. Collier Bd...... 2 Miss Wilsie Banks. S. C. E ...... 7 Miss M. V. Wailes. Wilmington, ist ...... 65 82 Saharanpur, Miss Anna Camp. Y. L. Bd. (ad Ai.'x.) . . . 15 Willing Workers. .... 2 18 Miss Florence" Elliott. S. C. E ...... Wilmington, 2 d ...... Wilmington, Central. . . . 130 Peking, Mrs. W . S. Prickett. Jr. Miss. Bd...... 4 50 L . L. B ...... S. C. E ...... 5 5 Miss Helen M. Price. Wilmington, East Lake . . 5 Mrs. J. P. M cGowan. S. C . E ...... 10 Miss M. B. Ramsey. S. C. E„ Jr...... 5 5° Miss L. J. Foster. Wilmington, Hanover St . . 130 Miss Mary Grandell. Y. P. Soc...... Y. P. Miss. Movement . . 3 4 S. C. E ...... 5 Miss R. L. Coyle. Wilmington, Olivet .... 9 Mrs. M.J.Woodmansey. S. C . E ...... i Miss Mary Lincock. S. C. E„ J r ...... 5 Wilmington, Rodney St. . . 207 Miss S. C. Bowman. Katherine Wales Bd. . . 10 Miss M. B. Johnson. S. C . E ...... 50 Miss R. McKay. S. C. E., J r ...... 10 Wilmington, West...... 163 36 Mrs. L. D. McDonald. Happv Workers...... 125 Lodiana, Miss Helen Marvel. S. C. E., Int...... 3 ° i Miss Helen Hayes. S. C. E., Jr...... S3 Mrs. C. N. Bower. Zion, M d ...... 19 Mrs. C. P. Morris. Happy Harvesters(2d Aux) 18 Miss Helen Gore. I-will-try B d ...... S 5 ° Miss Anna Rittenhouse. S. C. E ...... s Mrs. Alfred Fassett. New Castle Pres. Soc. . . . 100 Miss Teresa M. Kalb, P. I.

I2080 54 Ill

Presbytery of Washington City.

Pres., Mrs. Wallace Radcliffe, Cor. Sec., Miss May E. Smith, Treas., Mrs. Russell B. Taylor, 1200 K St., N .W ., 2122 H St., N .W ., 1433 Belmont St., Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C.

Sec. Y. P ., Mrs. Claude Keiper, Rec. Sec., Mrs. E. C. Hough, Sec. Lit., Mrs. F. C. Edgington, 1425 T St., Falls Church, 1916 2d St., N.E., Washington, D. C. Va. Washington, D. C. Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. A. F. Caldwell, Siam ; Mrs. C. E. Patton, China ; Miss Mary Lattimore, China (in part). Miss Theresa M. Kalb, P. I. (in part), Fatehgarh and Tokyo. Y. P. S. C. E.— Dr. E. T. Lawrence, Persia. C h il d r e n 's Ba n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.—Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies Name of Secretary.

Anacostia, Garden Mem . . $ 3 2 Mrs. S. C. Swindells, Guiding Star Bd .... 3 Mrs. Laura Sowerbutts. Primary Class ...... S. C. E ...... 12 W. A. Snell. Arlington, Va ...... 22 50 Mrs. C. A. Brown. The C i r c l e ...... 3 Mrs. W . Middleton. Ballston, Va ...... 21 Mrs. J. R. Hagan. S. C . E ...... 12 55 Ruth Kirby Berwyn, M d ...... 3 4 Mrs. C. L. Donaldson. Adult Bible Class .... 2 50 S. C. E...... 15 Elizabeth Miller. S. C. E„ Jr...... 2 75 Mrs. Emily Gahan. Clifton, Va ...... 14 Mrs. Louis Quigg. Mission B d ...... 3 Mary Quigg. Darnestown, M d ...... 10 50 Mrs. E. H. Darby. S. C. E., j r ...... Lulu Windsor. Eckington, D. C ...... 122 Mrs. H. R. Markwith. L. L. B ...... 16 S. C. E ...... 3 5 So Miss B. Lane. Falls Church, V a ...... n o Mrs. E. C. Hough. We-help-others...... 2 50 Missjosephine Howard. Hermon, M d ...... 3 S. C . E ...... Mrs. Frank Stone. Hyattsville, M d ...... 5 6 Ningpo and Canton, Mrs. W . A. Brooks. Mcllvaine B d ...... 40 Ningpo, Y . P. Soc...... 2 Y. L. M. Soc...... Miss J. K. Wilsie. S. C. E ...... iS Canton, Randall Foster. Kensington, Md..Warner M’l 70 50 Mrs. Frank Wilson. Children's Miss. Bd. . . . 16 Ada Wright. L. L. B ...... 42 Mrs. L. W . Maxson.

Lewinsville, V a ...... 16 1 Mrs. Lydia A. Dutrow. Manassas, V a ...... 46 1 Mrs. G. D. Baker. S. C. E ...... 3 60 : S .C .E .,J r ...... I 5 ° Miss Jennie Hamner. Neelsville, M d ...... 85 Mrs. I. J. Dwyer.

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 112

Am ount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Riverdale, Md ...... #23 50 Mrs. Wm. Chase. Children’s Miss. Bd. . 4 L. L . B ...... S. C. E ...... 17 50 Mrs. H. L. Collier. S. C. E., Jr...... 3 T a k o m a P a rk ...... 123 Mrs. J. C. Garritt, China (in Mrs. J. A. LeClare. S. C. E ...... 9 [part), Cora Whitmer. S. C.E., Jr...... 2 Mrs. E. Knight. Vienna, V a ...... 5 50 Mrs. J. M. Nourse. S. C. E ...... S 5 9 Kate Westcott. Washington, ist . . . . 200 Mrs. J. C. Garritt, China, (in Mrs. A. Mattern. S. C. E ...... 3 6 [part), L. V. Moore. Washington, 4th .... 3 4 6 Mrs. C. H. Livingstone. S. S. Miss. Soc. . . . 89 3 2 Wilbur Jeffreys. L . L . B ...... 4 S. C. E ...... 4 6 4 i Mrs. B. Washington. S. C. E„ Jr...... 4 Washington, 6th.... 140 Mrs. A. B. Thompson. Cheerful Givers' Bd. . 35 Myrtle Olton. L. L. B ...... 10 Mrs. Win. Robertson. S. C. E...... 15 Miss Florence Woltz. Washington, 15th St.. . 25 Miss E. Ethel Brent. S. C. E ...... 7 Rosebud Murray. Washington, Covenant. 880 50 Dr. Mary P. Eddy, Syria, Mrs. R. B. Taylor. League of the Cov. . 80 Beirut, and Outfit of Rev. fas. Mrs. T. S. Hamlin. Young Ladies’ Bible C 20 [McC. Henry, Miss L. Sartor, Girls’ Guild .... 8 50 Miss Anne Holden. Sr. Boys’ Guild . . . Jr. Boys' Guild . . . ! Miss Marjorie Mertz. S. C . E ...... 400 Rev. Jas. McC. Henry, China,! .Rebecca Rose. Peck Chapel, Aux . . 10 30 J j Mrs. H. B. Meyers. S. C . E ...... 7 50 Mrs. L. Milstead. Washington, Eastern . . 26 Mrs. Myers Hand. Cheerful Givers . . Lydia Stearns. Miss. Circle ...... Westminster League S. C. E ...... 8 91 Mrs. Rollins. S. C. E„ J r ...... Miss Janet Smith. Washington, Gun ton Tempi 108 Mrs. W. W . Thrall. Allison Mem'l Bd . 3 In His Name Circle 41 L. L . B ...... 2 50 Mrs. Jack. S. C. E ...... 30 G. Fries. Washington, Gurley Mem 60 Mrs. E. A. Springer. S. C. E ...... 15 Miss E. Thomson, S, C. E., Jr. . . . 1 5 ° i S. M. Falconer. Washington Heights 60 Mrs. S. A. Stanley. L. L. B. . . . . Mrs. N. T. Elliott. - S. C . E ...... IS Mrs. J. C. Kieper. Washington, Metropolitan 227 Mrs. J. C. Garritt, China, (in Mrs. E. J. Bradley. Inasmuch Guild (Aux.) 40 [part), Mrs.T. M. McLaughlin. Whatsoever Bd. 2 50 Florence Parsons. S. S. Miss. Soc. 80 Benito, Canton and Mexico A. H. Thompson. Y. W . Guild . . 18 [ C it y ,. , L. L . B ...... 4 25 S. C. E. . . . 18 75 Edith S. Moore. S. C. E., Int. . 10 Mrs. H. E. B. Lowe. S. C. E., Jr . . 18 Grace Guy. Washington, New York Ave 846 Mrs. O. H. Pinney, Africa, Mrs; ; Harry W y çkoff. 113

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of I ndividual SOiieties Name of Secretary.

Washington, Y. W . Guild. Seoul, May Simpson. Girls' Guild ...... 65 Kolhapur, Edith King. Christopher Club .... 20 Chauncey Winstead. Miss. B a n d ...... 25 Elizabeih Schaaf. L. L. B ...... 20 Mrs. A. G. Tonge. S. C. E ...... 80 Percy Edmunds. Bethany Chapel (Aux.) . . Boys’ Brigade ...... 10 Mrs. T. W . Ragland. Current Events ..... Willing Workers .... 10 30 Martha Clement. L. L. B ...... 9 38 Mrs. H. T. Smith. S. C. E ...... 9 Faith Chapel (Aux.) . . . 10 Mrs. V. C.Woodbridge. S. C. E ...... A. N. Dewey. S. C. E., J r ...... Washington, Northminster . 5 0 Mrs. S. E. Stuart. S. C. E ...... 14 50 Mabel Bennett. Washington, Western . . . 80 90 Mrs. B. M. Glover. B a n d ...... 4 62 Mrs. E. L. Rohn. S. C. E ...... 5 0 May E. Smith. Washington, West St. . . . 164 Mrs. J. A. Lacy. S. C. E ...... 42 Jennie M. Tavlor. Washington, Westminster h i Sangli, Mrs. D. G. Miller. Girls’ G uild ...... 5 Mrs. Frank Anderson. L. L . B ...... 2 50 Mrs. Charles Carter. S. C. E ...... iS Pauline Davis. In Memoriam . . . . 92

A F rie n d ...... s Mrs. J. C. Garritt, China,

$6030 77 SVMOOICAI, SOCIETV OF OHIO. Pres., Mrs. W. C. Butcher, Cor. Sec., Miss MaryWortman, Treas., Miss Mary Wortman, Marion. O. . Cadiz, O. Cadiz, Ohio. Sec. Y.P., Mrs. W . A. Atkinson, Rcc. Sec., Miss Clara C. Eltzroth, Sec. Lit., Miss Jane Evans, Belle Center, O. Lebanon, Ohio. 264 N. Heights, Youngstown, O. Special Synodical Object. (Included in Contributions of Presbyterial Societies). Lahore, India, $436.25. Presbytery of Athens. Pres., Miss Minnie M. Orr, Cor. Sec., Miss Sarah J. Cutler, Treas., Miss Martha L. Stewart, Marietta, O. 430 Fifth St., Marietta, O. Middleport, O. Sec. Y.P., Miss Emma Patterson, Rec.Sec., Mrs. R. B. Longstreth, Sec.Lit., Miss M . M. M cCray, Amesville, O. Union Furnace. O. Logan, O. Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. F. H. Chalfant, China. Y. P. S. C. E.— Wei Hsien and Rev. R. F. Lenington, Brazil. C h il d r e n 's B an d s a n d Jr . S. C. E.—Tripoli.

Amesville. . Mrs. J. M. Howard. S. C. E. . Emma Patterson. S. C. E„ Jr. Mildred Cornell.

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 114

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

A th e n s ...... $ 7 1 Miss E. C. McVay. Y. W . B a n d ...... 5 i Susan Putnam. S. C. E ...... 18 1 Edna V. Campbell. B a rlo w ...... 13 ' Miss Nettie McFarland. Berea...... 6 . Mrs. R. B. Longstreth. S. C. E ...... 1 ; Mrs. R. B. Longstreth. Beveriy ...... 3 1 S. C. E...... Clara White. B ris to l...... Gallipolis...... 16 j Mrs. Mary S. Bratt. S. C. E ...... 5 ! Dr. Ella Lupton. G u ysv ille...... 5 2 0 ! Mrs. Emma Calvert. Logan ...... 27 Mrs. May Mank. Y. W . B a n d ...... 2 ! Helen Hoyt. Cradle R o ll ...... McConnellsville...... 15 Mrs. Lizzie Adams. Circles of Light Bd. . . . 1 ì Mabel Bozman. S. C. E ...... 3 ! Eva Carson. M a r ie tta ...... 142 Urumia, Mrs. T. M. Sheets. Girls’ Band ...... 75 1 Katherine Ellis. S. C. E ...... 30 Bertha Guitteau. Middleport ...... 4 9 Miss Lillie J. Huber. S. C. E„ J r ...... 2 Mrs. I. L. Duncan. Nelsonville ...... 8 i Mrs. F. A. Musser. New Matamoras, S. C. E. . . 2 Mrs. R. S. McCormick. New Plym outh ...... I I ! Mrs. F. A. Jiughes. I-will-try B d ...... ! Blanch Bay. S. C. E ...... 2 j Beulah Hughes. Pom eroy...... 15 ! Mrs. Flora B. Downey. R u t la n d ...... 3 W a r r e n ...... 29 Mrs. Della Scott: S. C. E ...... 8 E. Drain. W a te rto w n ...... 10 Mrs.D.D. Breckenridge. Cradle R oll...... S. C. E ...... 3 Della Wagner. Willcesville...... 6 Mrs. Kate D. Barrett.

$5 2 6 9 5 1 Presbytery of Bellefontaine. Pres., Mrs. William A. Ferguson, Cor. Sec., Miss Della T. Gibson, Treas., Mrs. J. S. Van Meier, Marseilles, O. Bucyrus, O. Galion, O. Sec. Y.P., Miss Amba Obenaur, Rec. Sec., Mrs. M. H. Crane, Sec. Lit., Mrs. Charles H. Bower, Belle Center, O. Urbana, O. La Rue, O. Presbyterial Pledges. Miss Alice Mitchell, M.D., India. Y o u n g W o m e n ’s S o c i e t i e s .— Miss Anna S . Doriss, Korea. Y . P. S. C. E.— Rev. G. C. Doolittle, Syria. C h i l d r e n ’s B a n d s a n d J k . S. C. E — Tripoli and Canton.

Belle Center...... $ 3 4 Mrs. J. C. Martin. S. C. E ...... 18 # Bellefontaine...... 149 Mrs. C. H. Zearing. S. C. E...... 25 , S. C. E„ Jr . - ...... 1

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledge* and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 115

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Buck C re ek ...... #12 Mrs. Thomas Rawlings. B ucyrus...... 51 Miss Leaffa Lee Gibson. C re stlin e ...... 21 Mrs. J. E. Zink. Bovs’ Messengers .... 2 75 S. C. E., [r...... 2 De Graff ...... 12 50 Mrs. lames Longfellow. Dola, S. C. E ...... F o r e s t ...... 25 Mrs. John Campbell. G a lio n ...... 3 6 , Mrs. Hugh Diamond. S. C. E ...... 20 H untsville...... II Mrs. T. O. Swain. K en to n ...... I54 i Miss Marie Barr. S. C. E ...... 25 | S. C. E„ Jr ...... M arseilles...... IS ; Miss Lizzie Heckathorn. Truth Seekers (Y. W. S.) IO S. C. E ...... 5 Rushsylvania . . . . . 8 30 Mrs. Lou Kramer. S. C. E ...... 3 Spring Hills ...... 6 i Upper Sandusky...... 10 ! Mrs. Sarah Demorest. U r b a n a ...... 76 Mrs. C. B. Hatton. Y. W . S ...... 10 Sidon, Primary B d ...... 5 West Liberty ...... 12 Miss Alice Stover. ! « 7 5 8 5 5 1

Presbytery of Cbillicothe. Pres., Mrs. A. S. Kaye, Cor. Sec., Miss Effie Rhoades, Treas., Miss Anna M. Welsh, Frankfort, O. Anderson, O. 35 E. Main St., Chillicothe, 0 . Sec. Y.P., Miss Anna May Parrett, Pec.Sec.,Mrs. Frank Fullerton, Sec.Lit., Mrs. Jos. P. Bailey, Lyndon, Ross Co., O. Washington C. H., 0 . Washington C. H., O. Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. T. H. Candor, Colombia, S. A., and Mrs. C. H. Lvon, China. Y oung w o m e n 's S o c ie t ie s.—Miss Anna S. Doriss, Korea. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. John N. Forman. India. C h il d r e n ’s Ba n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.—Canton, Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

Bainb rid ge ...... $17 Mrs. A. C. West. Y . L. S ...... 2 50 Miss M. R. Walley. B e lfa s t...... 5 25 Bloomingburg. . . . 16 15 ; Miss Esther M. Boggs. S. C. E„ Jr . . . . Bourneville...... 6 Mrs. R. C. Caldwell. S. C. E ...... 5 Mr. John Sommers. Chillicothe, 1st . . . 265 60 Miss B. Carlisle. Earnest Workers . 15 Miss Gladys Garrett. S. S. Class No. 22 . Infant Class .... S. C. E ...... Miss Bernice Galivan. Chillicothe, 3 d ...... 14 13 Miss A. M. Welsh. C o n c o r d ...... 40 50 Mrs. Bessie Houser.

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 116

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Frankfort...... $ r 9 80 Mrs. Sarah Sturgeon. S. C. E ...... 5 30 Mrs. Anna McQuinifF. G r e e n fie ld ...... 121 10 Í Mrs. M. L. Browning. Y . L . S o c ...... 10 ! Snowflake B d ...... 7 s ° ¡ Mrs. Adda Rains. S. C. E ...... IS 7 5 Miss Lizzie Duncan. H a m d e n ...... 27 37 Mrs. Ella King. S. C. E ...... 3 Mrs. C. C. Roberts. Hillsboro ...... 75 Mrs. Charles Huggins. Sycamore Valley Aux . . 10 S. C. E ...... 5 Miss Nannie Bowles. Kingston. Mt. Pleasant . . 20 Mrs. S. C. Lightner. S. C. E ...... Miss Lettie Brundige. M c A r t h u r ...... 7 38 S. C. E...... S Miss S. Weisenberger. M a rsh a ll...... 5 50 Miss Ida S. Templin. S. C. E ...... 9 Miss Anna M. Dick. M o w ry sto w n ...... 3 New Market, S. C. E. . . . 2 1 Miss Mary F. Purdy. North F o r k ...... 12 50 Mrs. R. E. Biszantz. Y. L . Soc...... 20 65 Miss Clara Compton. Piketow n...... 5 P is g a h ...... 38 j Mrs. W. A. Parrett. Sunbeam Bd...... I ' Mrs. H. D. Pepple. South Salem ...... 56 29 Mrs.^P. J. Parfett. In Memoriam, Mrs. Camp­ 1 bell ...... 5 ! Sunbeam B d...... 3 i Miss Fannie K. Lavery. Connoly B d...... 75 Miss Emma Moore. S. C. E ...... xo Miss Ethel Huggart. U n i o n ...... 5 Washington C. H ...... 61 25 Mrs. W. B. Woodward. Y. P. S ...... 4 70 Miss Ruth Van Kirk. W a v e r ly ...... S. C . E ...... W ilm ington...... 48 18 Mrs. W . G. Fisher. Banyan Seed Bd . . . . 4 Miss Catherine Fisher. S. C . E ...... 2 Miss Alma McConnell.

51026 23 Presbytery of Cincinnati. Pres., Mrs. W . E. Lewis, Cor. Sec., Mrs. A. O. Bing, Treas., Mrs. Jessie E. Baldwin, 409 E. 5th St., Cincinnati, O . 1909 Clarion Ave., Evanston, 3044 Gilbert A ve., W alnut Hills, Cincinnati, O. Cincinnati, O. Sec. Y. P., Mrs. Selby F. Vance, Sec. Lit., Mrs. G. W . Oyler, Westminster Bldg., Walnut Hill, 760 Summit Ave., Price Hill, Cincinnati, O. Cincinnati, O. Presbyterial Pledges. Miss Mary P. Forman, India; Mrs. Henry G, Howard, India; Mrs. Thomas N. Thompson, China ; Mrs. J. T. Preston, China, and Mexico City. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. R. F. Lenington, Brazil. C h il d r e n ’s B a n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.— Canton, Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

Bantam Bethany £»S Mrs. C. A. Baker.

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 117

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Bond H i l l ...... $37 Mrs. Edw. Steinigeweg. Elinor Chestnut Bd. . . . 3 S. C. E ...... Cincinnati, i s t ...... Mrs. Louise Leiding. Cincinnati, 2d, German . . 12 Efulen, Mrs. A. Wambaldt. S. C. E ...... Miss F. Helmsig. Cincinnati, 3d...... 108 Mrs. Frank McPherson. S. C . E ...... 11 Mr. F. D. Williams. Cincinnati, 4 t h ...... Miss Bush. Cincinnati, 5 t h ...... n Mrs. Isabelle Matthews. Cincinnati, 6 t h ...... 33 Mrs. H. F. Kerr. Kate Attig Mem’l .... x5 Mrs. Charles Ulmer. Wes'minster League . . 20 Pearl Gatherers...... 15 Osaka, Miss Charlotte King. Cincinnati, 7 t h ...... 186 25 Mrs. H. A. Worcester. Westminster Guild . . . 17 Ningpo, Miss. Study Class .... 16 S. C. E...... 15 Miss C. M. Walton. S. C. E., J r ...... Cincinnati, Avondale. . . . 482 62 Mrs. W . E. Talbert. Kings' Daughters .... Loyal Helpers...... Thankful Givers...... 13 75 • Mrs. Robert Fitch, China, Mrs. A. H. Beitzel. Busy Bees...... 71 79 Mrs. Charles F. Goss. Missionary Helpers . . . 9 Miss Helen Summett. Girls' Junior Cir...... 4 84 Cincinnati, Bethany .... Cincinnati, Clifford .... 3 Miss Helen Fisher. S. C. E ...... Cincinnati, Clifton Immanuel 53 Mrs. W. H. Roloson. Busv B e e s ...... 6 Miss O. P. Morrison. Y. P. Soc. (S. C. E.) . . . 10 Miss L.Stichtenotch. Dumaguete, Cincinnati, Covenant. . . . 3 3 5 6 5 Miss Florence Lawler. Willing Workers...... 2 55 Miss Edna Otte. King’s Messengers . . . 2 50 Miss Edna Otte. Kindergarten Bd...... 20 Golden Rule Bd ...... Y. P. Soc. (S. C. E.) . . . 3 4 Dumaguete, Miss Sadie Hancock. Cincinnati, Evanston . . . 28 75 Miss Margaret S. Baker. Y. L. Soc...... Cincinnati, Fairmount, Ger­ Efulen, man, Y. P. Soc...... 35 Miss J. Graft. Cincinnati, K n o x ...... 15 S. C. E., I r ...... Cincinnati, Mohawk .... 5 7 MissMatildaNordmann. K in g’s Messengers .... 11 75 Miss’y Travelers .... 20 90 L. L. B...... 14 5° Btids of Promise .... 18 Cincinnati, Mt. Auburn . . 200 50 Mrs. George M. Allen. Brownie Bd...... 15 S. C. E ...... 23 28 Cincinnati, N orth ...... 5 2 85 Mrs. J. M. Potter. Good Will Circle .... 6 50 Miss Blanche Sater. Thompson M em ’l .... 17 5 0 • Willing Workers...... 17 50 Miss J. B. Crawford. S. C. E ...... 20 20 Miss H. Molyneau. 118

Am ount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. N am e o f Secretary.

Cincinnati, Poplar St. . . $n 65 Miss Matilda F. Nichol- S. C . E ...... 24 50 [son. S. C. E„ J r ...... i Cincinnati, Sabbath Day . 110 Miss Abbie Horstman. Cincinnati, Trinity . . . 28 Mrs. H. C. Parker. Cincinnati, Walnut Hills . 4 3 9 Mrs. W. E. Smith, Korea, Mrs. H. F. Koenig. Humphrey Bd...... 66 Mrs. Smith and Kodoli, Mrs. J. B. Brown. In His Service .... 10 Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Colter Rule. Fullerton B d ...... McKibben Bd, . . . . Busy B e e s ...... 5 Mrs. Smith, Miss G. Suns. Cincinnati, Westminster . 135 Mrs. Win, Weidinger. Helping Hands .... Evergreen Bd...... 6 Cincinnati, Westwood . . 63 18 Sidon, Mrs. W. L. Wente. College H ill ...... 137 Mrs. W. H. Altamer. S. C. E ...... 5 Mr. Roy Rudolph. D elh i...... 34 08 Mrs. V. C. Gelwicks. G le n d a le ...... 55 50 Miss Isabel Sears. Girls’ B d ...... i H a rriso n ...... 3 3 40 Mrs. D. B. Dick. H a r tw e ll...... 40 Mrs. Elizabeth Shives. Willing Workers . . . 5 Miss Martha Maurer. S. C. E ...... 9 Miss Elizabeth Walker. S, C. E., Jr...... Lebanon, 1 s t ...... 14 9 25 Mrs. W . A. Sabin. Westminster League . . . S. C . E ...... j 10 Mr. Morris Gallaher. Lebanon, Main S t ...... 51 Miss Anna C. Brewer. L inw ood...... 42 Pyeng Yang, L . L . B ...... 2 Miss Annie Warner. Y. P. Miss. Soc...... Y . L. Soc...... 4 So Miss S. Rardon. Jr. Miss. Bd...... 8 L o ve la n d ...... 38 Mrs. Belle Donnelly. Daughters of the Covenant 5 Miss Katherine Heath. Madeira, S. C. E ...... Madisonville ...... 5 2 30 Mrs. J. P. Chisholm. Little Gleaners ...... 5 S. C. E ...... 5 Miss Anna Chisholm. M a s o n ...... 2 80 Mrs. Susan B. Thomp­ Y . P. Soc...... so n . M ilford...... Miss Annie Brown. M o n te re y ...... 1 80 I M o n tg o m e ry ...... 17 5 ° j Mrs.Emery Radabaugh. S. C. E ...... 12 Miss Margaret I. Miller. M o r r o w ...... 7 Mrs. A. C. Roberts. M u rd o ck ...... New Richmond...... 20 Mrs. James Lindsey. Band...... Miss Dollie Judd. S. C. E ...... Miss Anna Roberts. N o rw o o d ...... 78 Mrs. Ren Mulford. Y . P. M. S ...... 25 Mr. H. J. Mulford. Azalea Bd., Sr. . . . Mrs. John Orth. Azalea Bd., Jr. . . Miss Helen Albrecht. Westminster League 9 3 7 Miss E. Scott Smith. Pleasant Ridge . . . . 9 7 Kodoli, Mrs. E. E. Lester. S. C. E...... Miss E. Griffis. 119

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Pleasant R u n ...... $21 Miss C. A. Sargent. Reading and Lockland . . . 3 7 03 Mrs. J. F. Mackay. Sharonville...... 17 25 ! Miss Pauline Bube. S p rin g d a le ...... 17 50 I Mrs. John Cochran. S. C. E ...... 2 50 I Miss M. W . Kemp. Venice, S. C. E ...... 4 57 ! West Chester...... 3 6 Miss Lizzie Van Hise. Williamsburg...... 3 i W y o m i n g ...... 121 82 ] Mrs. William B. Hay. A ux. No. 2 ...... 52 35 Elat, Mrs. F. Townley. Little Sunbeams...... 2 Miss M. Cowing. Golden Links ...... 2 j Miss Gertrude Jantz. Junior Brotherhood . . . 7 25 I Mr. W. Spreen. Willing Workers .... j Praise Meeting Collection . 17 21 Miss Elizabeth Smith. . . . 8 1

¡$4320 69 I 1 Presbytery of Cleveland. Pres., Mrs. J. D. Chambers, r _ „ r C Miss A. Z. Webb, Treas., Mrs. C. C. Young, East Cleveland, O. o i. ec. f o r } p ord Q rjvei I924 E. 84th St., Missionaries, Cleveland, O. Cleveland, O. Sec. Y. P., Miss Faith Gates, ^ ^ C Mrs. H. B. Barnes, Sec. Lit., Miss Zella A . Broughton, 1761 E. 68th St., f 0 ,'j eC~ \ 2 I 74 Cummington Rd., 4223 Cedar Ave., S. E., Cleveland, O. °’ " ( Cleveland, O. Cleveland, O. Presbyterial Pledges. Miss Grace M. Lucas, China, and Miss Jessie Riker, Japan. Y oung W o m en 's S o c ie tie s— Miss A n n a S . Doriss, Korea. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. R. F. Lenington, Brazil. CHILDREN'S B an d s a n d J r . S. C. E.— Canton, Saharanpur, Tripoli and Laguna de Bay. .1 Akron, 1st ...... $+3 Mrs. Clyde Cown. S. C. E ...... 14 ! Miss Grace Glasgow. Akron, Central...... 4 Mrs. C. L W ild. S. C. E ...... 5 1 Mrs. Mary Williams. Ashtabula, 1 s t ...... 114 Miss C. P. Woodman. S. C. E ...... 50 Miss Maude Prine. Cleveland, x s t ...... 803 Baraka, Miss Julia Raymond. S. C. E ...... 4 1 J. J. Duncan. S. C. E„ J r ...... 5 65 Cleveland. 2 d ...... 882 02 Miss B. Champney. James Eels S oc ...... 70 xi Marion M. Scott. Cleveland, Bethany .... 16 50 Mrs. W . N. Tamutzer. S. C. E ...... 24 Mrs. Masson. Cleveland, Bolton Ave . . . 7 4 5 T Mrs. L. Fewsmith. Cleveland, Boulevard . . . 7 Mrs. M. L. Phillips. S. C . E ...... 5 50 Miss Alice Lyle. Cleveland, Calvary .... usi Mrs. F.E.Dilley, China: Mrs. Mrs. M. B. Johnson. Cleveland. Case Ave .... 8 r 40 [W. j. Swart, Siam, Mrs. M. H. Kennedy. S. C. E ...... 40 Miss Marie Tyler. Cleveland, Collingwood . . Mrs. F. Murray. Cleveland, Eels Mem'l . . . 51 Mrs. F. W. Blake.

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 120

Name of Society. Name of Secretary.

Cleveland, Euclid Ave Mrs. S. T. Williams. S. C. E. .... Cleveland, Glenville Mrs. W m . B. Rader. Cleveland, Heights 21 Mrs. M. E. Russell.

Cleveland, Miles Park 1 9 7 0 Mrs. G. A . Janke. S. C. E. . . . Cleveland, North 126 Etawah and Saharanpur, Miss Irene Repp. Girls' Bd . . . IS S. C. E ...... 5 Jemima Reid. Cleveland, South 11 Miss Alice Meyer. S. C. E. . . . S Bessie Bigelow. S. C. E .. Jr . . i Miss E. O. Michael.

Cleveland, Westminster. 1 5 68 Mrs. C. L. Hull. Cleveland, Woodland Ave 179 So Mrs. C. S. Cutter. Friends...... 419 Ì 50 ) MissAliceSkinner,Hainan, Benevolent Soc. . 5 0 S. S. B^nd. . . . 5 0 S. C. E ...... Jennie Wagner. East Cleveland, 1st. 282 Rev. S. M. Jordan, Persia. Mrs. J. E. McFarland. Y . L . S ...... s Mrs. F. Heber Taylor. S. C. E ...... Eleanor Danforth. East Cleveland, Windermere. 106 Miss M. A. Ball. Girls' Guild ...... 10 Kochau, Helen King. S. C. E. . ... 35 Roberta Golden. Lakewood ...... 7 Mrs. W. Tr Hostetter. Miss Frederick's Class . . 2 80 Miss Carrie Frederick. S. C. E ...... 5 Miss Leu ore E. Reese. Lorain, is t ...... 36 Bogota, Mrs A. R. Matchette. N o r t h fie ld ...... 8 50 Mrs. Ella Peek. North Springfield .... 6 75 S. C. E ...... 20 Miss Blanche Loreaux. S. C. E.,Jr ...... 2 Mr. C. Peck. O r w e ll...... S. C. E ...... 26 Miss Belle Dixon. Painesville, Lake Erie College P a r m a ...... S So Mrs. Joseph Rogers. S. C. E...... s Ivah L. Stroud. Rittman, Guilford ...... Miss H. Lindy. Rittnian, Milton...... 6 S. C. E ...... 5 So R o m e ...... i 4 Mrs. W. R. Crosby. Seville, Guilford ...... 28 20 Mrs. H. B. Luce. S.C. E„ Jr...... i Miss Clara F. Noyes. Solon...... 12 Mrs. O. O. Rhoads. South New Lym e ...... Streetsboro...... 6 5 ° Mrs. L. P. Stanton. Streetsboro, S. C. E . . . 5 Mrs. L. B.' Squire. W ickliffe ...... 5 Miss Julia A. Clark. S. C. E ...... S Gertrude King. W illou gh b y...... 8 20 Mrs. W. C. Collister. Mr. Frederick Cheetham . . S

!$5278 72 I 121

Presbytery of Columbus. Pres., Mrs. W. J. McComb, Cor. Sec., Mrs. J. W. Cole, Treas., Miss Lydia H. Putnam, 939 Madison Ave., Columbus, O. Elmwood. Franklin Co., O. 61 S. 6th St., Columbus, O. Sec. Y. P., Miss Elizabeth Neel, Rec. Sec., Miss M. V. Colmery, Sec. Lit., Mrs. C. C. Pavey, 163 W. 9th Ave., 1331 E. Long St., 41 Wilson Ave., Columbus, O. Columbus, O. Columbus, O. Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. T. S. Pond, Venezuela, and Mrs. W. H. Hannum, India., and Vengurle. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. R. F. Lenington, Brazil. C H IL D R E N ’S B a n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.— Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

A m a n d a ...... $ IO S. C. E ...... Miss Rose Seimer. Bremen...... 9 S. C. E ...... 4 Miss Flora Johnston. Central College ...... 21 Circleville...... 50 [fer. S. C. E ...... 7 Miss Mable Reichelder- S. C. E„ J r ...... 5 Columbus, 1st...... 4 4 9 ° Columbus, Broad St . . . . 201 Sutoria Guild (Aux. No. 2) 96 “ V,” Ohio...... 50 Primary Bd...... 21 S. C. E ...... 25 Miss Grace Young. Columbus, Central .... 165 Moore Soc. (Aux. No. 2). 75 Dehra, A Lady...... 30 Canton, A Lady...... 15 Saharanpur, Y . L C ...... II Miss Carrie Pierson. Primary B d ...... 5 Columbus, Hoge Mem’l . . 23 * Ramabai Soc ...... 2 Miss Ruth Cook. S. C. E ...... 2 Viola Westlake. Columbus, Nelson Mem'l. 24 S. C. E ...... 5 ! Ralph J udd. Columbus, Northminster . 58 Friends...... 153 27 } Miss O. M. Horne, Syria, Miss Jessie Day|S S. C. E ...... 67 50 Columbus, St. Clair Ave. . 6 S. C. E ...... 4 Mrs. N. C. Thornslev. Columbus, W. Broad St . 23 Urumia, Willing Workers. . . . S. C. E ...... 2 Miss Martha Williams. S. C. E., J r ...... 2 Mrs. R. K. Porter. D u b lin ...... 3 Gahanna, Mifflin .... 7 17 S. C. E ...... [son. S. C. E„ J r ...... Mrs. Genevera Dicker- G r a v e p o r t ...... 6 20 L a n ca ste r...... 66 Laurelville ...... 7 S. C. E ...... i M. W. Alstadt, Linden Heights...... 4 London...... 10 50

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 122

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Mt. Sterling...... $6 S. C. E ...... 2 Miss Regina Dixon. Plain C ity ...... 21 S. C. E ...... Reynoldsburg...... Rush Creek, West Rushville 2 5 S c i o t o ...... An Individual...... 4 So W esterville ...... 32 Henry Bushnell Bd. . . . 8 Horner K. Smith. S. C. E ...... 20 Miss M. E. Whitehead. W h is tle r ...... 6 Worthington ...... 36 Tr. Helpers...... 25 1 S. C. E ...... 10 > MissEstherMcGinnis.

$1517 04 !

Presbytery of Dayton. Pres., Mrs. J. H. Drury., Cor. Sec., Mrs. W . F. Caldwell, Treas., Mrs. J. H. Campbell, Troy, O. ' Piqua, O. Orchard Place, Dayton, O. Sec. Y. P., Miss Marv Telford, Rec. Sec., Mrs. John T. Ricks, Sec. Lit., Mrs. W . S. Vale, 502 W. Third St., Dayton, O. Springfield, O. New Carlisle, O. Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. Marcus B. Carleton, India ; Lodiana and Special Work by invested Fund. Y oung W om en ’s S o c ie t ie s— Miss Anna S. Doriss, Korea. C h il d r e n ’s B an d s a n d J r . S. C. E.— Canton, Saharanpur, Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

Bellbrook...... { jgi 30 Blue B a ll...... : 18 j Mrs. M ary Eberhart. Bradford 3 j Mrs. N. L. Clarke. C a m d e n ...... 8 Mrs. W . E. McChristie. W est G u ild ...... j 3 C lifto n ...... ! r 37 I Mrs. Chas. Roust. Y . L. S ...... ; 20 Acorn B d ...... j 2 Mrs. A. E. Swaby. Collinsville ... . . 5 Covington...... \ 15 1 Mrs. Kate Purdy, Davton, 1st ...... j 136 j Miss Sarah M. Wilson. Y. L. B ...... I 70 Fatehgarh, ] Mrs. Samuel Kress, Philo Christos Jr...... ; 11 j Mrs. C. G. Stoddard. Davton, 3d St...... j 184 50 Carrie Montgomery Aux. i 115 Hangchow, Mrs. David F.Siler, Mrs. J. Kennedy...... i 3 F. M. A. Guild...... ! S. C . E ...... ! 25 Saharanpur, Dayton, 4th ...... | 82 Urumia, Miss J. S. Osborn. Dayton, Forest Ave .... 6 Mrs. B. M. Sharp. S. C. E.. J r ...... 1 3 Dayton, Memorial...... j 52 Baraka, Mrs. O. W . Lounsbury. Hughes Soc...... | 55 Tokyo, S. C. E., J r ...... ! 10 Dayton, Park ...... j 33 Miss Alice Young.

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Pfesbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 123

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Dayton, Patterson Memorial $7 j Mrs. W . R. Clevenger. S. C. E „ J r ...... 2 E a t o n ...... 1 r ! Mrs. Geo. Spacht. F le t c h e r ...... 18 Bertha Suber. F ra n k lin ...... 25 ! Miss Mary B. Lane. G e tty sb u rg ...... 3 Mrs. S. A. Finnell. G r e e n v ille ...... IOI Mrs. Earl Martin. Girls’ Miss. Soc. . . . Mrs. Jas. G. Reid. Hamilton, is t ...... 3152 60 Mrs. Paul Hunter. Hamilton, Westminster . . 47 Urumia, S. C. K...... Mrs. L. R. Whitmore. S. C. E„ Int...... S. C. E.. J r ...... 10 M iddletow n...... 60 Mrs. Wm. C. Drayer. The Workers ...... New Carlisle ...... 20 ; Mrs. J. Harvey Black. New J e rs e y ...... 12 Miss Dora Fleming. O x fo rd ...... 4 9 Miss Julia A. Rogers. P i q u a ...... 161 Mrs. Emma Fordyce. S. S. B d ...... 2 5 1 Mr. James A. Robeson. S. C. E., Jr...... S even -M ile...... Mrs. J. P. Johns. Olive S o c ...... 18 S .C . E ...... 5 Miss Ada Boatman. South Charleston ...... 17 Mrs. S. B. Rankin. Springfield, i s t ...... 156 Mrs. C. R. Converse. Girls' Miss. Club...... 8 50 Springfield. 2 d ...... 63 i Miss Frances Rodgers. Corona S o c ...... M Miss Alice Winger. M. S. Circle...... 171 S. C. E„ Jr...... 4 4 Miss Ruth Marquart. S. C. E „ J r ...... 4 Miss Grace Hannaford. T r o y ...... 184 Mexico City, Mrs.Walter McDonald. X e n i a ...... 82 Mrs. S. M. Allison. Yellow Springs ...... 3 1 ' j Miss Zora Lott.

$2335 90 1

Presbytery of Huron. Pres., Mrs. C. L. Guernsey, Cor. Sec., Mrs. Wm. Leonard, Treas., Mrs. D. C. Lloyd, Fostoria, O. 402 N. Union St., Fostoria, O. N. Main St., Fostoria, O. Sec. Y.P., Mrs. J. F. Mahoney, Pec. Stc., Mrs. Geo. M. Gray, Sec. Lit., Mrs. E. W. Allen, College Ave., Fostoria, O. Fremont St., Fostoria, O. W . 'l'iffin St., Fostoria, O. Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. R. F. Lenington, Brazil. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. R. F. Lenington, Brazil.

Chicago. . . . j $ 2 4 4 6 S. C. E., . . ! 2 S. C. E. Jr . Clyde .... ! 2 4

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 124

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

F o s t o r ia ...... $35 92 Mrs. C. C. Hess. Y. W . M. C ...... 11 Tokyo, F re m o n t...... 184 09 Mrs. John Hamilton. S. C. E ...... East Side Chapel .... 6 82 Huron...... 20 37 McCutchenville...... 6 15 Mrs. Jno. Claybaugh. S. C. E ...... M ary Spay the. M ilan ...... 30 S. C . E ...... IS Miss Mav Ferguson. Monroeville...... 20 73 ; Mrs. W. T. Hart. N o r w a lk ...... 67 j S. C. E ...... 6 1 Grace Kingsbury. O l e n a ...... 15 Mrs. James Parke. P e r u ...... 4 1 Sandusky...... 27 j Mrs. H. M. Miller. T i f f i n ...... 68 561 Mrs. S. S. Myers.

! $568 10i i Presbytery of Um a. Pres., Mrs. J. F Black, Sec., Mrs. T. A. McLaughlin, Treas., Mrs. Wm. T. M«jMurray 1045 W est Ave., 226 N. Pierce St., 410 W. Mechanic St., Sidnev, O. Lima, 0 . Wapakoneta, O. Sec. Y. P ., Miss Donna Bryte, Sec. L it., Mrs. W . H . Kinder, Ada, O. Findlay, O. Presbyterial Pledges. Miss Elda Patterson, China. C h il d r e n 's B a n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.— Tripoli.

A d a ...... $61 1 Mrs. H. E. Neff. S. C. E., Jr. . . . 10 1 Miss Mary R. Ash. Blanchard...... 13 Mrs. J. M. Reed. Bluffton ...... 16 84 j Mrs. E. S. Hanenstine. Columbus Grove . . 22 ! Mrs. E. Layporte. D e lp h o s ...... 23 7 5 i Miss Margaret K. Lytle. Findlay, is t ...... 117 So i Mrs. C. C. Harris. Y. L. S ...... Findlay, 2 d ...... Miss S. R. Fiser. Hardin, Turtle Creek 9 So Mrs. George Bixler. Lima, Main St. . . . Lima, Market St. . . 130 Lima, Olivet . . . . 11 M c C o m b ...... 21 Mrs. E. W. Hopper. New Stark . . .. .’ . 11 1 Mrs. J. E. Bowers. O tta w a ...... 27 Mrs. E. B. Walkup. Rockford ...... 14 Mrs. O. C. Van Tilburg. R o c k p o r t...... 7 S° Elnora Marshall. St. M ary's...... 52 20 j Mrs. M. C. Mason. Sidney...... 77 Miss Olive B. Honnell. Van B u r e n ...... 7 50 Mrs. S. S. Burman. Van Wert...... 126 27 Mrs. Robert Gilliland. V e n e d o c ia ...... 8 Mrs. D. Luther Evans. W apakoneta...... 17 S° Mrs. Wm. G. Hopper.

# 7 8 3 S6 i

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 125

Presbytery of Maboningr. Pres.r Mrs. J. W . Hull, Cor. Sec., Miss L. M. Edwards, Treas., Mrs. Isaac Conard, 304 S. Seneca Av., Alliance, O. Youngstown, O. 274 E. Main St., Masillon, O. Sec. Y. P., Miss Mary F. Lind, Ree. Sec., Mrs. T. Spencer, Sec. Lit., Mrs. Eva Lees, 1420 Spring St., Canton, O. Salem, O. Buckeye St., Warren, O. Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. T. H. Montgomery, China; Miss Mary P. Dascomb, Brazil (in part), and Curityba. Y oung W om en ’s S o c ie tie s— Miss Anna S. Doriss, Korea. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. Samuel Jessup, D.D., Syria (in part). C h il d r e n ’s Ban d s an d J r . S. C. E.— Saharanpur, Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Alliance...... $72 13 Saharanpur, Mrs. S. D. Bricker. Y . L. S ...... 21 Mrs. E. Lewis. S. C. E ...... 5 1 Nancy Boyd. S. C. E„ J r ...... 4 5° ! Frances Everhart. B ro o k fie ld ...... 9 Mrs. H. J. Hollenbank. Canfield...... 43 ; Miss G. Sonnedecker. S. C. E ...... 14 1 Helen M. Duncan. Canton, 1 s t ...... 19 50 ! Mrs. Anna E. Pike. S. C. E ...... 73 Mary Campbell. S. C. E„ Jr...... 7 01 Freva Becker. Canton, Calvary ...... 28 Mrs. L. M. Filson. S. C. E ...... 0 Mae Hammond. Champion...... C la rk so n ...... 7 Mrs. Dora Warrick. S. C. E ...... Coitsville...... 5 Mrs. John A. Cooper. S. C. E ...... 3 Colum biana...... 17 Mrs. J. F. Kirkbride. S. C. E ...... 13 Ida Curry. S. C. E„ J r ...... 6 : Mrs. J. F. Kirkbride. Concord ...... 9 Mrs. Bessie Campbell. East Palestine...... 48 i Mrs. L. M. Kyes. Y. L . S ...... 15 1 Myrtie Lowe. S. C. E ...... 13 j Clara L. Morrow. S. C. E., J r ...... 8 Nettie Doll. E llsw orth ...... 15 So Mrs. F. C. Allen. S. C. E ...... 10 Home worth, Middle Sandy . 6 : Miss G. E. Anderson. S. C . E ...... 10 Clara Sheehan. H u b bard ...... 20 ; Mrs. M. A. Cook. S. C. E ...... j K in sm a n ...... 5 4 j Mrs. Emma Fell. S. C. E ...... 20 | Cortelle Bidwell. L e e to n ia ...... IS | Mrs. W. S. McMillan. Lisbon, 1 s t ...... 3 4 j S. C. E ...... ! Lowellville ...... Mrs. Dorcas Hamilton. M assillon...... 48 ! Miss Mary Russell. New Waterford ...... 6 Mrs. C. F. Jameson. S. C. E ...... N ile s...... 5 2 Mrs. Paul Hubbard. Y. W. G uild ...... 5 North Benton ...... 37 Mrs. J. W . Middagh. S. C. E ...... 10

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. _ 126

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Petersburg . . 16 Mrs. E. Mechlin. S. C. E. . . 6 Mrs. J. M. Knesal. Poland .... 3 0 5 0 Mrs. J. C. Pickens. Y . L. S. . 25 S. C. E . . . 6 60 Nellie Sexton. Salem .... 100 Mrs. Tbos. Spencer. S. C. E . . . 27 S. C. E„ Jr . Katharine Hole. Sebring . . . H 50 Mrs. Geo. J. Windle. S. C. E . 6 Mrs. Mary Shafer. Warren. . . . 35 Mrs. Grant Weigand. Y. L. S. . 9 M issJ. M. Little. S. C. E . . . 15 Bertha F. Kirkpatrick. S. C. E „ Jr . Youngstown, xst 171 23 Mrs. W. W. Curry. sd Aux . Mrs. B. G. Parker. Mary Edwards Soc . Youngstown, 2d . . . i I 4 ° 5 ° Youngstown, Evergreen, ! 4 Mrs. E. W . Sexton. Youngstown, Memorial. ' 5 ° Mrs. H. B. Seward. Youngstown, Westminster 55 Mrs. H. R. Glenn. S. C. E ...... 25 Elsie Strealy. Hat-letine^ Fund . . . 37 Mahoning Pres. Soc . 36

,$1600 97

Presbytery of Marion. Pres., Mrs. S. E. Barlow, Cor. Sec., Miss Nellie Goorley, Treas., Mrs. A. B. Robinson, Marion, O. Mt. Gilead, O. Marysville, O. Sec. Y. P.. Miss Edith Condit, Sec. Home Dep't, Mrs. Frank Brugler, Sec. Lit., Mrs.W. L.Warner, Sandusky, O. Milford Center, O. Marion, O. Presbyterial Pledges. Miss M. A. Snodgrass, China. Y oung W om en 's S o c ie t ie s— Miss Anna S. Doriss, Korea. Y . P. S. C. E.— Rev. G. C. Doolittle, Syria. C h il d r e n 's B a n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.— Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

A sh le y ...... #4 Mrs. Adela Shaw. B e r l i n ...... 10 Mrs. B. W . Havens. B r o w n ...... Miss Edith Heinlen. S. C. E ...... 2 Mrs. Ray Longwell. Cardingto* ...... Chesterville...... I 6 Mrs. B. C. Jones. Y. P. S ...... 3 5 ° Y . L . S ...... 2 Miss Clara Wilson. D elaw are...... 119 45 Rev. A. W . March, China, Mrs. N. F. Overtuif. Y. P. S o c ...... 70 Rev. A . W . March, and Teng- Miss Mildred Knight. Willing Workers .... 15 [chow Miss Ethel Tibbies. Iberia...... Mrs. Alice McFarland. S. C. E ...... S. C . E.,Jr ...... $0 ^ | Miss K. L. Galbreath,

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. ♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

K ilb o u r n e ...... $7 L ib e rty ...... 24 Mrs. James E. Taggart. S. C. E ...... 2 Miss Helen Gray. M ario n ...... 231 30 Mrs. D. L. Sellers. Onward and Upward . . 3 S. C. E ...... 22 69 1 Lodiana, t Miss Katharine Fies. S. C. E„ Jr...... 6 50 ) Marion, Lee St., S. C. E . . 3 5 ° Miss Faye Parshall. Marysville ...... 103 ; Mrs. L. Henderson. W ilber B d ...... S. C. E ...... 5 Miss Alice Price. Milford Centre ..... 21 Mrs. James P. Coe, S. C. E ...... 2 Miss Marie Richter. Mt. G ile a d ...... 39 Mrs. Kate Mclntire. Calvin Club ...... 35 Kasvin, Miss Fannie Burt. S. C. E ...... 4 Mr. Murray Cook. Ostrander, S. C. E . . . . . j 4 50 j Miss Mabel Shoaf. S. C. E. Jr...... j 15 Prospect, Pisgah .... 14 Mrs. T. N. Mason. Legacy ...... 10 S. C. E ...... 6 Miss Susie Cox. S. C. E., Jr...... ; i Miss Helen Horn. Radnor ...... 9 Mrs. Florence Evans. Radnor, Stone C h ...... 4 5 0 Rich wood...... 18 Mrs. C. E. King. S. C. E ...... 4 5 ° ; Miss Myrtle Oliver. S. C. E., J r ...... 2 50 i Mrs. H. V. Spicer. T r e n t o n ...... 28 50 Mrs. E. W. Condit. S. C. E ...... 1 7 Mr. Leland Pierson. S. C. E„ J r ...... 4 ! Mr. Chester Cring. West Berlin...... 39 | Mrs. E. G. Hall. Y o r k ...... Marion Pres. Soc...... i 7 45 1 i $917 04

Presbytery of Maumee. Pres., Mrs. N. B. Bacon, Sec., Mrs. E. Stanley Noble, Treas., Mrs. W. C. Chapman. 2115 Parkwood Ave., Toledo, 0 . 134 20th St., Toledo, O. 1708 Madison Ave., Toledo, O, Sec. Y. P ., Mrs. Arthur Beverstock, Sec. Lit., Mrs. L. J. Read, Tontogany, O. 2334 M aplewood Ave., Toledo, O.

Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. R. F. Edwards, China. Y oung W om en's S o c ie t ie s—Miss Anna S. Doriss, Korea. Y. P. S. C. E .— Rev. G. C. Doolittle, Syria. C h il d r e n ’s Ban d s a n d J r . S. C. E.—Tripoli and Saharanpur.

A n tw e r p ...... $22 70 Mrs. J. L. Pollock. Bowling G reen ...... 5 0 Mrs. William Coen. Miss. Tourist Club. . . . K in g’s Daughters .... True Blue B d ...... Bryan ...... 4 3 Mrs. J. M. Vale.

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 128

Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Bryan, Willing Workers . . I Miss Florence Perkins. S. C. E ...... S. C. E., Jr...... D e fia n c e ...... 4 9 70 Mrs. W. C. Holgate. S. C. E., Tr ...... 2 D e lta ...... 24 40 Mrs. G. R. Anderson. S. C. E ...... 1 70 Deshler, S. C. E„ Jr . . . . 2 14 Mrs. H. G. Denison. Edgerton ...... 9 Grand Rapids ...... Mrs. C. R. Katon. S. C . E ...... 24 25 Mrs. Elgar Shaffner. H icksville...... 24 Mrs. Alice Willet. S. C. E ...... Lost Creek...... 4 M a u m e e ...... 6 50 S. C. E ...... M o n tp elie r...... ix 76 Mrs. Edward Rickey. Mizpah B d...... 3 S. C. E ...... 5 Monetta Collins. N apo leon ...... 27 Miss May Brownlee. S. C. E ...... Miss Martha Sayers. North Baltimore. . . . . 20 Miss Emma Eckels. S. C. E ...... 5 Sarah M. Sloane. Paulding...... 23 Mrs. C. M. Hudson. S. C. E ...... Belle Barnes. Pemberville...... 19 40 Mrs. W. H. Bonnell. S. C. E ...... 4 » 5 Miss Ida Rees. Perrysburg. i s t ...... 5 4 55 Mrs. W. Finkbeiner. K in g’s M essengers. 4 85 S. C. E ...... 19 40 Pleasant R id ge ...... 4 Mrs. Minnie Stearns. Rudolph, S. C. E ...... Toledo, ist, Westminster . . 49 98 Miss Emma Swartz. S. C. E ...... 48 80 Dr. J. Lytle Moore. Toledo, 3 d ...... 23 Mrs. W. H. Mercereau. S. C. E ...... 3 88 Toledo, Collingwood Ave. . 17 4 Mrs. W . E. Tompkins. Westminster Guild,Deborah Chap...... 25 Ningpo, Jr., A ssem b ly ...... 5 30 S. C . E ...... 21 10 S. C. E., Jr . Toledo, East Side ...... 3 6 Mrs. R. B. Conklin. Sunshine Bd...... 2 90 Elizabeth Lockhart. S. C . E ...... 6 Toledo, Rosewood Ave. . . 21 Mrs. A. E. Cole. S. C. E ...... 19 88 Jessie Waterman. S. C. E. Jr...... 2 20 Mrs. L. Beecher. T o n to g a n y ...... 25 21 Mrs. S. L. Irwin. Band...... 1 S. C. E ...... 10 West Bethesda...... 8 Miss Edna Canan. W e s to n ...... 11 Mrs. Frank Stearns. S. C . E ...... 10 W est U n ity ...... 7 Mrs. Angie Finch. S. C. E ...... 25

giooa 45 129

Presbytery of Portsmouth. Pres., Mrs. H. H. Campbell, Sec., Miss Lydia N. Hart, Treas., Mrs. J. F. Plummer, Ironton, 0 . Ironton, 0 . West Union, O.

See. Y. P ., Mrs. T. E. Baldridge, Sec. Lit., Mrs. L. Grant, Park Ave., Ironton, O. Grace St., Portsmouth, O. Presbyterial Pledges. Y oung W o m en 's S o c ie t ie s— Miss Anna S. Doriss, Korea. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. R. F. Lenington, Brazil. C h il d r e n 's B a n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.— Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

B e t h a n y ...... #4 Iloilo, Mrs. P. Frick. S. C. E. Jr...... Decatur ...... 5 20 Miss Laura L. West. Eckmansville...... 17 Miss S. Lockhart. F elicity ...... S 25 Miss Mary Olmsted. Georgetown...... IO Mrs. Sarah Cropper. Iro n to n ...... 6o Mrs. Julius Anderson. Y . W . S ...... Miss Clara Schreiber. Mathatea Bd...... S. C. E ...... i 5 Verona Staab. Jackson ...... 4 i Mrs. H. S. Warrick. Mary Robbins Soc . . . Miss Ella Evans. S. C. E ...... M anchester...... 19 Mrs. J. K. Dunbar. Mt. Leigh...... 8 Mrs. Cora Grooms. Willing Workers .... 7 =5 Mrs. Christian Seaman. Portsmouth, is t ...... 38 Mrs. R. Micklethwait. Y. W . S ...... 6o 45 Miss Mary Little. S. C. E ...... 1 7 5 ° Bertha Wilhelm. Portsmouth, 2 d ...... 70 Mrs. J. E. Riley. Busy B e e s ...... 7 5 0 Janet Silcox. Cheerful Workers .... iS Mrs. W . H. Smith. Red O a k ...... 5 Miss Sarah Kirkpatrick. R ip le y ...... 5 Miss M. Louisa Porter. Russellville...... 5 Miss Cora J. Seeks. Sheridan, S. C. E ...... 1 W ells to n ...... 5 Mrs. W. J. Huske. W est U n ion ...... I Mrs. Scott Spears. S. C. E„ J r ...... W inchester...... 2 Mrs. Edgar Shriver. H e lp e r s ...... I 85 Lizzie Rea. S. C. E ...... 2 ! Dilla Alexander.

$427 1

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges.

9 130

Presbytery of St. Clairsvllle. Pres., Mrs. Geu. H. Smith, Cor. Sec., Miss Mary Wortman, Treas., Mrs. B. O. Williams, M artin’s Ferry, O. Cadiz, O. 29 N. 4th St., Martin's Ferry, O.

Sec. Y. P., Miss M. W . Smith, Rec. Sec., Miss C. R. McConehay, Sec. L it., Mrs. U. M. Case, Shadyside, O. Mt. Pleasant, O. Adena, O. Home Dept. Sec., Mrs. J. A. McGlenn, Bridgeport, O.

Presbyterial Pledges. * Mrs. H. C. Schuler, Persia, and Miss Sarah Ann Heron, Korea. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. E. C. Eckels, Siam. C h il d r e n ’s B an d s a n d J r . S. C. E .— Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

A n trim ...... $17 Miss N. Tannehill. S. C. E ...... 20 Mrs. R. H. Tuttle. Bannock ...... 3 7 25 Miss Allman Wiley. S. C . E ...... B a m e s v ille ...... 3 7 Mrs. M. C. McKeown. Westminster League . . . 10 Y . L . S ...... 12 Beallsville ...... 5 5 ° S. C. E„ J r ...... 2 Bellaire, 1st ...... 101 50 Mrs. Wilson' Hawkins. S. C . E ...... 13 S. C. E„ J r ...... 5 Mrs. C. G. Hazlett. Bellaire, 2 d ...... 3 4 50 Mrs. J. H. McGraw. Loring B d ...... 26 06 Mrs. C. P. King. S. C . E . , J r ...... i 25 B e t h e l...... 17 S. C. E., Jr...... 5 B u ffa lo ...... 65 30 Mrs. Emma Barton. S. C. E ...... 17 78 Miss Nettie McClelland. C a d i z ...... 191 Canton, Mrs. J. W . Kerr. Earnest Workers (Y.W . S.) 231 Miss Mary K. Wagner. Birthday Bd...... 4 Primary B d ...... I S. C. E ...... 34 60 Fatehgarh. Mr. William J. Kerr. S. C. E. J r ...... 7 Miss Isabel McConnell. C a ld w e ll...... 14 Mrs. Cora Leland. C a m b rid g e ...... 170 5 7 Mrs. Fred W . Arnold. S. C. E.,Jr...... 3 5 2 Coal Brook, S. C. E . . . . 1 9 Miss Lulu Bell. C o n c o r d ...... 48 Mrs. Carrie Gladden. C r a b a p p le ...... 56 70 Mrs. Ray Lyle. S. C. E ...... Farm ington...... 16 Mrs. M. P. Kennedy. F re e p o rt...... 30 55 Mrs. Clara Bond. K irkw o o d ...... 138 Mrs. A. L. Walling. Ella Franzell Bd .... 6 50 Girls’ Bd...... 8 Mrs. Thomas Duncan. Y. P. S. (S. C. E.) . . . 10 Lore C i t y ...... 5 Martin’s Ferry ...... 127 60 Mrs. A. S. Work. Legacy— Mrs. Jane Arm­ [Chow, strong ...... 500 New School Building, Lien

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 181

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Martin's Ferry, Lilies of the V a ll e y ...... $ 5 6° Miss Ida Smith. S. C. E ...... 10 Miss Mary Swartz. S. C. E„ Jr...... i M orristow n...... 10 50 Mt. Pleasant...... 9 7 Miss Ruth Major. King's Messengers. . . . 4 7 Miss Lizzie Chambers. Westminster Circle. . . . 25 Miss Carlotta Theaker. S. C. E ...... New A th ens...... 27 Mrs. Am anda Paul. Y. L. S ...... 28 7 5 Miss S. McCullough. Nottingham ...... 10 75 Pleasant V alley ...... 62 Mrs. William McGraw. Sunshine B d ...... S. C. E„ J r ...... Powhatan, S. C. E. . . . 7 Miss E. A. Sterner. Rock H i l l ...... 19 7 5 Miss A. M. Nelson. S. C. E ...... 3 25 Miss G. Z. Nelson. St. Clairsville...... 118 50 Miss Blanch Harrison. Robert Alexander Bd. . 15 Miss Mary G. McBride Y. P. S ...... 3 5 Miss Rena Rees. Senecaville ...... 19 Mrs. A. Saltzgaver. S. C. E ...... 7 Shadyside...... 6 50 Mrs. W. O. Wiley. Buds of Promise . . . 3 Paton Bd...... S. C. E ...... Mrs. Richard Lancy. Sharon ...... Short Creek ...... 3 9 80 Miss Ida Shields. S. C. E ...... 5 Miss L. Shields. W ashington...... 5 9 Mrs. S. B. Lawrence. S. C. E ...... 5 West Brooklyn ...... 4 S C E 2 Miss Cora M. Myers. W oodsfield .' .' .' .’ 23 S. C. E., J r ...... I Miss Ella Griffith.

$2761 92 Presbytery of Steubenville. Pres., Mrs. E. D. Moore, Cor. Sec., Mrs. J. R. Warner, Treas., Miss Mary L. Pike. 223 Penna. Ave., 249 Penna. Ave., 429 Thompsan St., East Liverpool, O. East Liverpool, O. East Liverpool, O. Sec. Y. P., Miss Minerva Ingram, Rec. Sec., Miss Mary Smith, Sec. Lit., Mrs. Laura Hicks, 719 Riverside Ave., Wellsville, O. Wellsville, O. Dennison, O. Presbyterial Pledges. Miss Emilia Thomson, Syria (in part) ; Mrs. C. H. Matteson, India (resigned); Miss Mary E. Lewis, Persia, and Mrs. J. J. Hall, China. Y o u n g W o m e n ’s S o c i e t i e s — Miss Anna S . Doriss, Korea. C h il d r e n ’s B a n d s an d J r . S. C. E.— Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

Amsterdam Mrs. J. S. Cunningham. Annapolis. 6 25 Margaret Gault.

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges, ___ _ 132

Am ount Name of Society. Contrib Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Beech Springs B ethel...... 3 5 Mrs. Frank Patterson. Bethesda . . . 19 Mrs. J. M. Brown. S. C. E. . . Bethlehem . . Bloomfield . . Brilliant . . . 3 9 H ang Chow, Mrs. S. J. M cCune. Y. L. Aux. . 33 Mrs. Charles Buev. Buchanan. . . 24 05 I Corbett Bd . 5 j Carrollton . . 40 ! Mrs. A. H. Hise. Corinth. . . . 38 Cross Creek. . Mrs. B. R. Dance. Dell Roy . . . Miss Winona Elliott. Mrs. A. M. Carter. 1 East Liverpool, 1st...... 1 482 J Mrs. A. C. Good, Africa. Mrs. Frank Oyster. Y . L . A u x ...... 1 278 Miss Maud Barlow. Int. on Kitchel Fd. . . 18 75 East Liverpool, 2d ...... 1 38 So Mrs. John Watkins. Feed Spring ...... 10 Miss Jennie B. Davis. H arlem ...... 14 Miss F. McCausland. H opedale...... 60 Mrs. M. E. Allison. Y. L . A u x ...... 5 Willing Workers...... Miss Ethel Stringer. Island C reek ...... 7 4 27 K i l g o r e ...... 3 50 Long’s R u n ...... 4 Mrs. C. Q. Gonzales. M a d is o n ...... 13 Miss Ida M. Martin. M in e r v a ...... 6 Mrs. Lydia Haines. Monroeville...... 17 Mrs. Margaret Grant. Brigade B d ...... 1 New Comerstown .... 15 Mrs. J. M. Rehard New Cumberland ...... I 15 New Harrisburg...... 11 New Philadelphia ...... 27 Mrs. Mary O. Ward. Oak R id g e ...... 15 Y . L . A u x ...... 7 70 Potter Mem’l Chapel. . . . 27 Mrs. Geo. V. Sharp. Ridge ...... 17 7 5 Miss Mary Cole. Oasis B d ...... 19 Salineville...... 26 Mrs. J. T. McCullough. Scio...... 18 50 Sm ithfield...... 7 Miss Carrie O. Grove. Steubenville, 1st...... 80 95 Stewart Aux ...... 38 Mrs. J. L. Fisher. Steubenville, 2d ...... 159 Mainpurie, Mrs. A. E. McLane. Y. L . A u x ...... 62 50 Miss Anna B. Orr. Soldiers of the King . . . 18 S. C. E ...... 17 Steubenville, 3 d ...... 67 Mrs. W . J. Seely. Y. W. C ircle ...... 25 H ang Chow, Miss Nell Chaytor. Whatsoever B d ...... 25 Still W ater ...... 3 68 Miss Letitia M. Sproul. T o r o n t o ...... 3° Mrs. R. S. Taylor. S. C. E., J r ...... Tw o Ridges...... 3 7 5 Mrs. G. A. Cole: Uhrichsville...... III Miss Rosco Kennedy. Heart and Hand Bd . . . IO Miss Evelyn Romig. Unionport...... H Miss Mabel Reed. 138

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Name of Secretary.

W a y n e s b u r g ...... $22 Miss Loretta Elson. Wellsville, is t ...... 102 Miss Sadie Noble. Miss. Study Class .... IO Miss Mazie Moore. Wellsville, 2d ...... 2 4 Mrs. D. H. Bower. S. C. E„ J r ...... West Lafayette, Friends . . 6 io Yellow Creek ...... 70 50 Mrs.W. A. Falconer. Wayside Gleaners .... 5

$2478 5 ° Presbytery of W ooster. Pres., Mrs. John C. Talbot, Cor. Sec., Mrs. Allen Clark, Treas., Mrs. J. S. Hedges, N. Bever St., Wooster, O. Wooster, O. 18 N. Mulberry St., Mansfield, O. Sec. Y. P., Mrs. O. F. Wisner, Rec. Sec., Mrs. George Drennan, Sec. Lit., Miss Mary Nelson, Wooster, O. Plymouth, O. Wooster, O. Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. F. G. Coan, Persia; Mrs. F. S. Curtis, Japan, and Mrs. W . T. Mitchell, India. Y oung W o m en 's S o c ie t ie s—Miss Anna S. Doriss, Korea. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. R. F. Lenington, Brazil. C h il d r e n 's B a n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.— Canton, Saharanpur, Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

Apple Creek $2 7 Miss Nannie Sharp. S. C. E. . Miss Mary Mitchell. A s h la n d ...... 47 39 Mrs. C. W . M cCool. Y . L. S ...... 1 19 55 Mrs. Alfred T. Holl. Girls' Guild...... XI Josephine Hettinger. Willing Workers .... 5 Helen Davis. B ellville...... ! 8 57 Mrs. R. Buell Love. Canaan ...... 1 6 Mrs. E. J. Warner. C o n g re ss...... ! « Kolhapur, Y. W . S ...... ! 7 Miss Reba Ferguson. Creston...... Mrs. C. A. Stebbins. i 28 S. C. E ...... 22 Miss Janet Morrison. S. C. E„ J r ...... i 4 Ethel M. Morrison. D a lto n ...... 19 Mrs. H. B. Jameson. S. C. E ...... D oylestow n ...... 7 50 Mrs. A. E. Stepfield. Fredericksburg...... 34 55 Mrs. M. L. Stophlet. Margaretta Bd ...... S. C. E ...... 5 H a y e s v ille ...... 1 25 Miss Mary E. Ciphers. H opew ell...... 25 j Jhansi, Mrs. Jessie Williams. Holcom b B d...... 6 L . L. B...... I S. C. E ...... 15 S. C. E., Jr...... Jackson...... 9 So Mrs. Wm. Burkholder. L e x in g t o n ...... 12 Mrs. Howard Major. S. C. E ...... Loudonville...... 43 5° Mrs.H.J.Haudenschild. Anderson B d...... 2 Francis Kiplinger: L . L. B ...... 1 25

* The figures criven in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pie and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 134

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societirs. Name of Secretary.

M ansfield...... $ 1 3 4 88 Mrs. A. F. Bonar. Y. W . S ...... 18 Miss Cecelia Remy. S. C. E ...... 4 5 Mrs. W. D. Irvine. Millersburg...... 3 4 Miss Maud Johnston. Buds of Promise...... i 25 Wilda Troyer. S. C. E ...... 5 50 James Metcalf. N ash ville...... O n t a r i o ...... 10 75 Mrs. C. A. Lorimer. Orange...... 22 Busy B e e s ...... 5 Miss Florence Sharrick. Orrville*...... 40 80 Miss Gertrude Pifer. S. C. E ...... 12 50 Menta Swan. Plym outh...... 9 5 ° Mrs. Hattie Denison. S. C. E ...... 3 Miss Sadie Whittier. P o l k ...... 3 Mrs. DeJla W elch. Savannah ...... 35 Mrs. W. F. Benton. Lenington B d ...... 3 ° Shanghai, Martha Yoxtheimer. Pearl Seekers...... 15 Miss Lois Hart. S. C. E ...... 12 50 Edna L. Shaw. S h e lb y ...... 3 4 Mrs. J. R. Tucker. S. C. E ...... 1 S h r e v e ...... 3 i Mrs. N. L. Garrett. W a y n e ...... 28 10 Miss Laura McDonald. W est Salem ...... 17 Miss Mary M*. Finlay. S. C. E ...... 5 Wooster, i s t ...... 131 Miss Flora Miller. 2d A u x ...... 210 Mrs. Ben Alcock. Daughters of Lydia . . . 13 Julia Funck. Primary Class ...... 4 Girls’ M iss'y Guild .... 20 Miss Jennie Culler. S .C . E ...... 3 7 75 Miss Anna Herron. Wooster, Westminster . . . 273 65 Mrs. W. K. Eddy. Coan B d ...... 21 4 7 Urumia, Marion H. Fulton. Acorn B d ...... 6 50 Ruth McClellan. S. C. E ...... 52 33 Charlotte Black. Contingent F u n d ...... 10 7 1 j

$1776 Presbytery of Janesville. Pres., Mrs. R. B. Pierson, Cor. Sec., Miss Elizabeth Ayers, Treas., Mrs. John T. Newell, Pataskala, O. «5 Luck Ave., Zanesville, O. Granville, O. Sec. Y. P ., Miss Sara Morton, Rec. Sec. Miss Laura C. Smith, Sec. Lit., Miss Harriet Whiting, Brownsville, O. Adams Mills, O. Coshocton, O. Presbyterial Pledges. Miss M. H. Fulton, M.D., China, and Mrs. Howard Campbell, Laos. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. E. P. Newton. India. C h il d r e n ’s B a n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.- -Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

B io o m fie ld ...... $18 Mrs. W. C. McCoy. S. C. E ...... Brownsville...... 25 87 Mrs. A. W. Caldwell. Clarks...... 10 Mrs. M. E. Farwell. C o s h o c to n ...... 67 10 Mrs. George N. Gray.

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges,

Y 135

Am ount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Cary A u x ...... $27 50 D r e s d e n ...... 5 25 Miss Rose Riley. Duncan’s F a l l s ...... 23 26 Miss Ella Wilhelm. Frazeysburg ...... 33 03 Mrs. Warren McCann. S. C. E ...... 7 Fredericktown ...... 28 Mrs. Harry Tavenner. G ra n v ille...... 152 Miss Daisy Howe. S. C. E ...... 5 S. C. E „ Jr...... 2 o G le n fo rd ...... 16 87 Hanover ...... 4 60 Mrs. F. M. Haynes. S. C. E ...... H igh H ill...... 14 80 H o m e r...... 20 Mrs. Ella F. Williams. Mrs. Emma Thompson. J e r s e y ...... 21 S. C. E ...... 6 K e e n e ...... 16 84 Mrs.Mild’dWhittemore M a d is o n ...... 50 Miss Laura Smith. Martinsburg ...... 21 70 Miss Susan Moore. S. C. E ...... 8 75 Mt. V ern on ...... 105 IS Mrs. R. W. Colville. S. C. E ...... Mt. Zion ...... 10 50 S. C. E ...... 9 M uskin gu m ...... 7 Newark, ist ...... 26 22 Mrs. Ethel Coulter. Legacy, Miss Emily Moore 100 Lodiana, Miss. B d ...... 5 S. C. E ...... 27 S o Newark, 2 d ...... 76 Mrs. Roe Emerson. Y. P. Circle ...... 26 Children's B d ...... I 3 ° New Concord ...... 62 Mrs. G. C. Watson. S. C. E ...... S. C. E., J r ...... New Lexington ...... 11 65 Unity S o c ...... 8 N o r w ic h ...... 7 Pataskala . . .• ...... 22 Mrs. Chas. Atkinson. S. C. E ...... 19 S. C. E., J r ...... I R o se v ille...... 13 Miss Mattie Wigton. U n i t y ...... U tica ...... 3 4 3 4 Ningpo, Mrs. C. H. Chappell. W a r s a w ...... Zanesville, is t ...... 62 78 Mrs. J. F. Manns. S. H. Kellogg Aux. . . . 7 90 Miss Helen Snyder. Azalea Bd...... 2 80 Y. P. Ass’n ...... 2 20 Zanesville, 2 d ...... 3 6 Y . L. Bd...... S. C. E ...... Zanesville, Brighton .... 19 42 Miss Bertha Sellers. Mrs. M. C. Robertson . . 500 Canton, Zanesville, Putnam...... 29 Miss M. B. Delaplane. S. C. E ...... S. C. E., Jr . . / . . . .

$1816 33 136

8YNODICAI. SOCIETY OK TENNESSEE. Pres., Mrs. John M. Gaut, Sec., Mrs. E. M. Newell, Treas., Mrs. James L. Jarratt, 810 Stab Im an Bldg., 708 Chamberlain St., 1123 Vance Ave., Nashville, Tenn. Chattanooga, Tenn. Memphis, Tenn. Sec. Y. P., Miss Hattie Stratton, Sec. Lit., Mrs. R. G. Pearson, Chattanooga, Tenn. Lebanon, Tenn. Sec. Children s Work, Miss Ella Rhea, Knoxville, Tenn. Special Synodical Objects. (Included in Contributions of Presbyterial Societies). Miss Mary H. Ransom, Japan; Mrs. W. F. Hereford, Japan ; Mrs. J. E. Hail, Japan (in part), and $181.74 share in travel and outfit of Miss Weidaw. Presbytery of Chattanooga, Pres., Mrs. T. G. Montague, Sec., Mrs. H. T. Olmsted, 7 reas., Mrs. E. A. Elmore, 504 W alnut St., 635 Vine St., 513 Pine St., Chattanooga. Tenn. Chattanooga, Tenn. Chattanooga, Tenn. Sec. Y. P ., Mrs. W. H. Chapman, Sec. L it., Mrs. G. M. Cooper, Harriman, Tenn. Rockwood, Tenn. Presbyterial Pledges. Miss Mary H. Ransom, Japan, and Mrs. W . F. Hereford, Japan (in part). Y oung W om en s S o c ie t ie s— Miss Sallie Alexander, Japan. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. C. H. Bandy, India. C h il d r e n ’s BANDS a n d J r . S. C. E.— Tripoli and L ig u n a de Bay.

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Atlanta, Harris St...... $6 Mrs. G. S. Moffitt. Chattanooga, 2d.... . 110 Mrs. H. T. Olmsted. Y. L. S...... 20 Mrs. W. B. Fowler. S. C. E...... 20 Mr. C. McMurray. S. C. E.. Jr ...... 7 Chattanooga, 3 d ...... 8 20 Mrs. E. F. Morse. Chattanooga, Oak St. . . . Chattanooga, Park Place . . Mrs. F. L. Russell. C l e v e la n d ...... 2 Harriman...... 25 Seoul, Mrs. E. R. Beeson. S. C. E ...... 15 Howardsvilie...... 65 Mrs. H. M. Garrett. Huntsville...... 4 Miss Ella York. K in g sto n ...... 7 Miss Augusta Muecke. Sherman H eights ...... S. C . E ...... Mrs. Geo Bressler. Spring C ity ...... 4 5 0 Miss Vasta Caldwell.

$229 3 5 Presbytery of Columbia. Pres., Mrs. Stegall, Cor. Sec., Miss Ella Chapman, Treas., Mrs. R. S. Church, Farmington, Tenn. Farmington, Tenn. Carter's Creek, Tenn. Sec. Y. P., Miss D. Church, Rec. Sec., Miss Mattie Thornton, Sec. L it., Mrs. J. R. Stevenson, Franklin, Tenn. Howell, Tenn. Howell, Tenn. Presbyterial Pledges. Miss Mary H. Ransom, Japan and Mrs. W. F. Hereford, Japan (in part), and Aguas Calientes.

B ear C r e e k ...... $8 75 Mrs. A. S. Bryant. Carter’s Creek, Lasting Hope 3 88 Mrs. R. S. Church. Chapel H ill...... 11 74 Mrs. Bettie Bell.

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 137

♦Amount Name of Society. . Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Columbia, ist ...... $47 43 Mrs. Joe Hagey. Philathea (Y. L. S.) . . 20 ! Columbia, Santa Fe . . . . i Cornersville ...... 20 20 ! C u lle o k a ...... 24 7 5 Mrs. T. IL Park. B a n d ...... 1 Eagleville, College Grove . . i l 65 Mrs. Wm. Ogilvy. F a r m in g t o n ...... i l Miss Ella Chapman. Fayetteville...... 10 40 Mrs. Ed. Feenny. Howell, Cane Creek .... 8 50 Miss Mula Mans. Lawrenceburg...... L e w is b u r g ...... 15 70 ! Mrs. F. R. Logan. Lynneville, Pleasant View . . i 34 P e te rsb u rg ...... 8 07 Mrs. W. B. Moore. Pleasant M ount...... 21 10 Miss Etta Smith. A L a d y ...... I

$225 51 Presbytery of Cookeville. Pres., Mrs. W. W . Baxter, Sec., Miss Susan M. Quarles, Treas., Miss Susan M. Quarles, Cookeville, Tenn. Cookeville, Tenn. Cookeville, Tenn. Sec. Lit., Mrs. Walter James, Gordonsville, Tenn. Presbyterial Pledges. Miss Mary H. Ransom, Japan, and Mrs. W. F. Hereford, Japan (in part).

C o o k e v ille ...... Miss Susan M. Quarles. Gordonsville . . 13 Mrs. Walter James. Post O a k ...... Cookeville, Pres. Soc. So

! #25 50

Presbytery of French Broad. Pres., Miss Mary Johns, Sec., Mrs. E. P. Childs, Treas., Mrs. Thomas Lawrence, H. I. School, Asheville, N. C. N. and C. I., Asheville, N. C. Grove Park, Asheville, N. C. Sec. Y .P ., Mrs. T. H. McLean, Sec. Lit., Miss Julia W . Goodrich, Weaverville, R. F. D., N. C. Victoria Road, Asheville, N. C. Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. W . F. Hereford, Japan (in part). Bands and Y. P. S. C. E.— Lucban.

Allanstand, N. C ...... $3 ° Mrs. D. S. Carmichael. Y . P. S ...... 4 96 Shelton Laurel Aux . . . 10 Miss E. B. Fish. Asheville. N.C., Oakland H'ts 51 Miss Grace Hamilton. Y. W . C. A ...... 10 Miss Bertha Carver. H. I. School, Y. W. Soc . 10 Miss Ida Edwards. S. C.E., Jr...... 4 64 W a y b r o o k ...... 2 ÍO Farm School, Aux...... 8 65 MissEleanorMcJunkin. S. C. E ...... 6 Miss F. A. Redwav. i 65 j MissElizabeth Williams.

* The figures ?iven in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledgee and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 138

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Big Laurel, N.C.,Mark Lance M em ...... 5 6s Miss OlTe Henricks. Rice’s Cove Aux. . . . 3 5 0 Mrs.MargaretChandler. Brankton, N.C., Reems Creek Y. P. S oc...... 3 Brittain's Cove, N. C. . . . Miss Logan. Willing Workers .... Y . P. S ...... 2 Burnsville, N. C ...... 10 Mrs. J. L. Ray. S. C. E ...... S. C. E. Jr...... Banks Creek, Aux .... Miss Ella Mitchell. Jacks Creek, Aux .... 8 Miss May Dennis. Y. P. S ...... 2 Mizpah A u x ...... Concord, N .C., Laura Sunder­ land School. S. C. E . . 26 Miss. Study Class...... Hot Springs, N. C ...... ) Dorland Mem’l, S. S. M. S. j 3 7 3 5 Jupiter, N. C ...... 4 18 Mrs. W . H . W hite. Y . P. S ...... 2 92 Marshall,N.C.,CouperMem‘1. 19 86 Miss Mayme Morrow. Y . P. S ...... 5 Big Pine, Y. P. Soc. . . . 2 Little Pine, A u x ...... 3 Miss L. E. Johnston. Walnut Run, Y. P. S. . . 5 Walnut Spring, Aux. . . 2 Miss Ida Tipton. Walnut, N. C., Barnard . . 10 44 S. C. E ...... 3 68 French Broad, Pres. Soc. . . 20 85

£ 315 83 Presbytery of Holston. Pres., Mrs. O. B. Lovette, Cor. and Rec. Sec., Mrs. J. C. Jeralds, Treas., Mrs. H. P. Doak, Greeneville, Tenn. Greeneville, Tenn. Tusculum, Tenn. Sec. Y. P., Miss Elma Rankin, Sec. Lit., Mrs. M. Keene, Tusculum, Tenn. Jonesboro, Tenn. Presbytertal Pledges. Mrs. W . F. Hereford, Japan (in part). Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. C. H. Bandy, India. C h il d r e n ’s B a n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.—Tripoli.

E r w i n ...... i Flag P o n d ...... i Greeneville...... 3 2 Mrs. C. J. Brown. S. C. E ...... 5 Miss Mamie Lowry. Johnson City, W atauga Ave. 16 Y . L. Soc...... 10 Osaka, S. C. E ...... 2 S. C. E„ J r ...... i J o n e s b o r o ...... 23 Mrs. Eva Anderson. Band...... 3 Miss Martha Baxter.

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 139

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Jonesboro, S. C. E. $ 7 : Miss L. B. February. S. C. E., Jr . . . Mt. Bethel . . . . ; is 1 Mrs. Frank P. Hines. B a n d ...... ! 5 Mr. Wm. Ramsay. S. C. E ...... 6 Miss M. Rankin. Oakland...... 10 Miss Mary Collier. S a l e m ...... S Miss Anna Broyles. S. C. E ...... 1 4 Miss Mabel Pence. S. C. E. Jr. . . . , I Miss M. Humphrey.

$ 1 4 7

Presbytery of Hopewell-M adisou. Pres., Mrs. R. L. Goolsby, Sec.% Mrs. D. A. Mays, Treas., Mrs. T. H. Ridley, Greenfield, Tenn. McKenzie, Tenn. McKenzie, Tenn. 1’. P. Sec., Mrs. Wm. Thorne, Rec. Sec., Mrs. N. D. Crawford, Sec. Lit., Miss Marg’t McNeil, McKenzie, Tenn. Savannah, Tenn. Huntingdon, Tenn. Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. W. F. Hereford, Japan (in part). Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. C. H. Bandv, India. C h il d r e n 's Ba n d s an d J r . s'. C. E.— Tripoli.

Atwood, Mrs. A. J. Roach . $2 so | C lifto n ...... 7 8o Greenfield...... 2 7 45 Mrs. E. N. J. Brock. Henry Station...... i H untingdon...... 7 Mrs. Geo. L. Johnston. M cK enzie...... 14 95 j Mrs. E. M. Everett. S. C. E ...... n 7 5 ! Edward Everett. S. C. E„ Jr...... 3 4 0 Mrs. Thorne. M ilan...... 8 6o 1 Paris...... s Savannah...... 7 °8 | Mrs. A. A. Watson. Jr. B a n d ...... 90 Sharon ...... 8 6o .j Mrs. Vera Roberts. Hopewell-Madison Pres. Soc. 7

i $ H 3 03 Presbytery of McMinnville. Pres., Mrs. C.E. Hubbard, Cor.&Rec. Sec., Miss Sydney A. Smartt, Treas., Mrs. L. R. Hogan, Winchester, Tenn. R. D., McMinnville, Tenn. McMinnville, Tenn. Sec. V. P., Mrs. Belle Mitchell, Sec. Lit., Mrs. G. W. Everett, Sparta, Tenn. Sparta, Tenn. Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. W . F. Hereford, Japan (in part). CHILDREN'S B a n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.— Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

C o w a n ...... $21 10 Liberty...... Children's Band ......

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 140

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Seoretary.

McMinnville...... $37 35 Mis. A. B. Ramsey. Annex A u x ...... 10 15 Band...... 5 S. C. E., Jr...... 5 Sparta...... 7 90 Mrs. C. H. Thoman. W in ch ester...... 15 Mrs. Beulah Thomas. Zion, Cherry Creek...... 5 Mrs. M. W. Owen. McMinnville, Pes. Soc. . . . 2 50 A Friend ...... 9 Taiku,

#118 00 Presbytery of Nashville. Pres., Mrs. G. D. Robison, Sec., Miss Sallie Cornelius, Treas., Mrs. J. H. McClure, Springfield, Tenn. Nashville, Tenn. I2i 17th Ave., S., Nashville, Tenn. Sec. Y. P., Miss Daisy D. Cowan, Sec. L it., Mrs. R. B. Matthews, Dickson. Tenn. Springfield, Tenn. Presbyterial Pledges. Miss Mary H. Ransom, Japan, and Mrs. W . F. Hereford, Japan (in partj. Y oung W o m en ’s S o c ie t ie s—M iss Sallie Alexander, Japan. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. C. H. Bandv. India. C h il d r e n 's B an d s a n d J r . S'. C. E.—Tripoli.

Auburn...... $13 • ; Bethel...... 36 50 Miss Mamie Rudolph. Band...... 5 03 Cedar Grove...... 13 Mrs. Ellen Berry. Christiana...... Clarksville...... Dickson...... 2 E r i n ...... i Goodlettsville...... 18 10 Mrs. S. H . W ilhoite. Lebanon ...... 114 J Rev. C. E. Sharp, Korea, Mrs. W . P. Bonton. Y . L. S ...... 25 Sarah Williamson. Joy B e lls ...... 7 Ella Wharton. M ilto n ...... 13 il Yamada Ise, Mrs. Menta Sumraar. Nashville, Broadway .... 53 50 Mrs. W. A. Provine. Y. L . S ...... 35 4 4 Miss Lucia Townes. Sunshine Band...... 2 All Around the World Club i l 40 Carrie Foster. Nashville, Cleveland St. . . 28 50 Mrs. M. C. Koellein. Y . L . S ...... 13 Katie Shilcutt. B a n d ...... i Nashville, Grace...... 28 85 Mrs. Alonzo Gilbert. S. A-Circle (Y. L. S.) . . 12 3 3 Mrs. W. G. Jones. L . L . B ...... 6 S. C. E ...... ■; 20 Nashville, Russell St...... 3 2 Ambala, Nanking & Siangtan, Mrs. E. E. Barthill. Y. L . S ...... 3 5 St. Paul...... 13 Miss Lizzie Hickerson. Springfield, M.F.Pepper Me’l 19 40 j Mrs. H. H. Mason. Mrs. Stella Payne. Statesville...... j

* The figures given in the column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 141

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

S y l v i a ...... W averly...... 29 30 Mrs. J. C. Harris.

$573 66 Presbytery of Obion-SIemphis. Pies., Mrs. J. Booth, Sec., Mrs. R. H. Hearn, Treas., Mrs. W. S. Draper, R. D. 4, Memphis, Tenn. Dyer, Tenn. Dyersburg, Tenn. Sec. Y. P., Miss Leita Sink, Sec. Lit., Mrs. Clarence Bogle, 207 Court St., Memphis, Tenn. Kenton, Tenn. Presbyterial Pledges. Miss Mary H. Ransom, Japan, and Mrs. W. F. Hereford, Japan (in part).

Arlington...... j $5 Mrs. S. Y. Wilson. D yer...... ' 9 30 Mrs. Ada Hearn. Dyersburg...... 2 Individuals...... 2 H umboldt...... 5 Mrs. Dora Ellis. Kenton...... 5 Mrs. Belle Odom. Memphis, is t ...... 53 10 Mrs. E. L. Rawlins, Y. W . A n x ...... Stewart Band ...... Memphis Institute...... 5 O b i o n ...... Union C i t y ...... Mrs. J. F. Howard. W est Union...... Mrs. W. C. Williams.

$86 40

Presbytery of Union. Pres., Mrs. A. H. Dailey, Cor. Sec., Mrs. A. J. Coile, Treas., Mrs. S. R. Ogden, Dandridge Pike, E. 5th Ave., R. D. No. 2, Knoxville, Tenn. Knoxville, Tenn. Fountain City, Tenn. Sec. Y. P., Miss Lucie Rhea, Rec. Sec., Miss Jean Russell, Sec. L it., Miss Mattie Mason, 9th St., Knoxville, Tenn. Concord, Tenn. Loudon, Tenn. \ Presbyterial Pledges. Miss Mary H. Ransom, Japan, and Mrs. W . F. Hereford, Japan (in part). Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. C. H. Bandy, India. C h il d r e n ’s Ba n d s a n d Jr . S. C. E.— Tripoli.

1 Beaver Creek ...... Concord-London .... $42 80 Miss Jean Russell. Fort Sanders ...... 13 ! Mrs. M. S. Blake. S. C. E ...... Greenback ...... i 10 Mrs. Ida Stone. H ebron...... 14 Miss Lillie E. Franklin. H o p ew ell...... 28 75 Miss Mattie Bettis. Knoxville, 2 d ...... 102 60 1 Mrs. R. M. Rhea. Y. L. S ...... 5 5 5 0 > Chiningchow, Mrs. W . A. Boies. S. C. E ...... 8 J Knoxville, 4th ...... 68 Mrs. Alfred W. Young. Buds and Blossoms . . . 5 i * The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Prcsbyteriai Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 142

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Knoxville, 5 t h ...... £18 Mrs. C. A. Duncan. Madisonville ...... II Mrs. R. W. Wells. Mt. Z i o n ...... 3 Miss Flora Mitchell. New M a r k e t ...... 2 75 Miss Ethel Minnis. S. C. E ...... 2 90 S. C. E., J r ...... I 85 New Prospect...... 2 50 Mrs. S. O. Houston. New Providence...... 80 10 Mrs. M. E. Jewell. B a n d ...... 25 S. C. E ...... 10 R o c k fo rd ...... 5 5° ! Mrs. M. F. Pickel. St. Paul’s ...... 13 , Miss Lena McClister. Shannondale...... 76 40 Mrs. Henry Gouffon. Band...... 55 H elpers...... Juniors...... 1 South Knoxville ...... 33 50 Mrs. Edw. Montgomery. S. C. E ...... 10 Spring Place ......

$610 05 1 SYNOD OP EAST TENNESSEE. Presbytery of Birmingham. Birmingham, Miller Mem’l,' S. C. E ...... | West Point, Miss...... #i

Presbytery of Rogersville. Greenville, Tabernacle . . | | |

SYNOD OP CATAWBA. Presbytery of Cape Fear. Treas., Mrs. S. R. Mabry, 5x6 S. Bloodworth St., Raleigh, N. C.

Mt. P is g a h ...... j Wilmington,N.C.,Chestnut St j $2 S. C. E ...... I

Presbytery of Catawba. Pres., Mrs. L. J. Melton, Sec., Mrs. Rosa Foster, Treas., Mrs. C. M. Stafford, 411 N. Myers St., Charlotte, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. 400 N. Myers St., Charlotte, N. C.

Charlotte, N. C., 7th St., West. Guild...... $2 Ningpo, Concord, Westminster, W ill­ Bahia, Canton, Dehra, Elat, ing Workers ..... 18 26 Osaka, Seoul and Tabriz, Gastonia, 3d S t ...... I 50 Kings Mount,Willing W ’kers New Hampton, S. C. E. . . 5° $22 26

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Persbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 143

Presbytery of Southern Virginia. Pres., Mrs. Graham C. Campbell, Cor. Sec., Mrs. Wm. E. Carr, Treas., Miss Lucy Addison, Burkeville, Va. 355 N. Holbrook St., 117 Fifth Ave., N. W., Danville, Va. Roanoke, Va. Rec. Sec., Mrs. William Dillard, Sec. L it., Mrs. I. D. Burrell, Ridgeway, Va. 117 Fifth Ave., Roanoke, Va.

C h il d r e n ’s B a n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.— Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. I Pledges of Individual Societies. j Name of Secretary.

Big O a k ...... t * ! Elat, J Bracy, Great Creek .... i Burkeville, Ingleside Sem., : S. C. E. and Coulter Bd. 20 Elat, Charlotte C. H., Refuge . . I Danville, Holbrook St. . . Jr. B d ...... ! Holmes M em ’l ...... I Jetersville, Allen Mem’l . . I Sunshine Bd...... Martinsville, Grace .... Mt. Hermon, Band .... 2 Newport News, Carver Mem. I * Ogden...... I Richmond, 1st ...... Ridgeway, Trinity,Busy Bees Band...... I Roanoke, Fifth Ave ...... I South Boston, Mizpah . . .

* 3 1 Presbytery of Yadkin. Treas., Mrs. J. M. Evans, Box 307, Laurinburg, N. C.

Aberdeen, Faith ...... $1 Allen’s T e m p le ...... Carthage, John Hall Chap i Carthage, Sassafras Springs i Livingstone Soc .... 12 Dunlap...... D u r h a m ...... Laurinburg, Bower's Chap i Laurinburg, Chapel Hill. . i Lexington, 2d, S. C. E . . i Mebane, 1st ...... S. C. E ...... Mocksville, 2d...... Mt. Airy, Edw. Wedd Mem i Mt. U l l a ...... S alisb u ry...... Statesville...... Thomasville ...... Thomasville, High Point . Winston-Salem, Grace . .


* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledge- and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 144

SYNOD OF ATLANTIC. Pres., Mrs. A. P. Allison, Sec., Mrs. M. M. Jones, Treas., Mrs. M. E. Johnson, 325 John St., Greenville, S.C. McConnellsville, S.C. 1213 Assembly St., Columbia, S.C. Sec. Y. P., Mrs. A. C. Clark, Sec. L it., Mrs. C. P. Fortune, Cardele, Ga. Rome, Ga. Presbytery of Atlantic. Aim w e l l ...... I 1 1 Charleston, S. C., Mt. Zion . | j ■ Presbytery of Fairfield. Pres., Mrs. C. H. Young, Sec., Mrs. Mary G. Ayres, Treas., Mrs. M. E. Johnson, 4x2 Echols St., Greenville, S. C. Chester, S. C. 1213 Assembly St., Columbia, S. C. Sec. Y. P ., Mrs. C. H. Young, Sec. Lit., Mrs. I. D. Davis, 412 Echols St., Greenville, S. C. Mayesville, S. C. Presbyteriat Pledge. Benito.

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Bethlehem, i s t ...... Bethlehem, 2 d ...... • 5° j C a rm el...... • • ^ Cheraw, 2 d ...... Í Congruity...... ! E b en ezer...... 51 1 G o o d w i l l ...... Grand View ...... H e b r o n ...... 1 H e r m o n ...... i 1 H opewell...... ï Ladson ...... 2 Lebanon ...... Little River ...... M e lin a ...... Mt. S in a i...... ! M t. T a b o r ...... ! New H aven...... 50 Pitts. . . .’ ...... Pleasant G rove ...... 50 Pleasant R id ge ...... Sumter ...... i 50 Trinity......

$7 * The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges.

Presbytery of Hodge. Presbyterial Pledge. Benito. A n tio c h ...... j I W ilson’s C h a p e l...... '

Presbytery of Knox

Macon, Ga., Washington Ave! !

tu 145

Presbytery of McClelland. Presbyterial Pledge. Benito.

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

C a lv a ry ...... G race...... M a tto o n ...... Mt. Z io n ...... S a l e m ......

ALABAM A SYNODICAI, SOCIETY. Pres., Mrs. Fannie H. Jones, Sec. and Treas., Mrs. I. D. Steele, New Market, Ala. 413 N. 18th St., Birmingham, Ala. Sec. Y P., Mrs. E. C. Payne, Sec. Lit., Mrs. L. B. Wyatt, New Decatur, Ala. New Decatur, Ala. Presbytery of Birminjfbam-A. Pres., Miss Gertrude Lee, Sec. and Treas., Mrs. C. E. Lewis, Helena, Ala. 120g S. 15th St., Birmingham, Ala. Sec. Y. P., Mrs. W. F. Cartwright. Sec. Lit., Mrs. A. C. Simmons, 2406 N. 12th Ave., Birmingham, Ala. 310 College St., W. E., Birmingham, Ala. Presbyterial Pledges.

C h il d r e n ’s B a n d s a n d Jr . S. C . E.— Tripoli.

Birmingham . . . $70 24 ! Mrs. J. J. Hunter. Y. W . Soc...... 13 75 ! Miss Eppie Hayes. Children's B d ...... E n o n ...... 5 E n sle y ...... 14 10 1 Five M i l e ...... 8 50 1 Green P o n d ...... 8 10 i Mrs. Mary Mason. Children's B d ...... i 5 ° ! Miss Lou Hayes. H e l e n a ...... 4 7 5 i J e m is o n ...... 7 20 !

& 3 3 14

Presbytery of Florida. Presbyterial Pledges. Y. P. S. C. E.— Rev. C. H. Bandy, India. C h il d r e n 's B a n d s a n d J r . S. C. E.— Tripoli.

Crystal River...... Eustis, 1 s t ...... $10 Mrs. A. A. Wyman. S. C. E ...... G le n w o o d ...... 10 Green Cove Spring .... 1 Inverness...... Kissimmee, S. C. E ...... 30

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 10 146

♦Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Pledges of Individual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Miami, i s t ...... $1° ! Punta Gorda...... Loyalty to Christ .... ] St. Augustine, Mem'l . . . 5 0 ! B a n d ...... 6 Starke, Y . P. M . S ...... Winter Haven, S. C. E. . .


Presbytery of Huntsville. Pres., Mrs. Mary Hulchens, Cor. Sec., Mrs. Fannie H. Jones, Treas., Mrs. Fannie H. Jones, Huntsville, Ala. New Market, Ala. New Market, Ala. Sec. V. P ., Mrs. E. C. Payne, Sec. Lit., Mrs. A. H. Manley, New Decatur, Ala. New Market, Ala. Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. John E. Hail, Japan (in part). Y . P. S. C. E.— Rev. C. H. Bandy, India. C h il d r e n ’s Ban d s a n d Jr. S. C. E.— Tripoli and Laguna de Bay.

Mrs. Robert H. McCon- Athens ...... $7 Tennie W ren’s Child. Bd. [nelli Jr. Miss. Soc...... Huntsville, i s t ...... 62 Yam ada I se, Mrs. J. H. Lilley. Mrs. W. W,Cawthorn. M aysville ...... 20 New Decatur, Westminster 116 50 Ambala and Pyeng Yang. Mrs. Jessie Clarke. S. C. E ...... 5 Mrs. Fannie H. Jones. New M a r k e t ...... ■ 38 Mrs. A. H. Manley. Children’s Bd...... 3 Nolen's Chapel...... Mrs. Edward Doud. S h e ffie ld ...... 4 5 0 S. C. E. Jr......

i #256 Presbytery of Springville. Mrs. Lulu Rockett. E n o n ...... $3 7 0 Children's Bd...... F i v e - M i i e ...... • j 5 5 0 Springville ......

$9 20

Presbytery of Talladega. Talladega...... I 1 SYNOD OF MISSISSIPPI. Pres., Mrs. J. S. Hudson, Sec.. Mrs. J. E. Gift, Treas., Mrs. J. E. Gift, Oxford, Miss. Corinth, Miss. Corinth, Miss. Sec. Y. P ., Mrs. J. D. Hunter, Sec. Lit., Mrs. L. H. Archer. Nettleton, Miss. Meridian, Miss. ______

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges *nd for General Fund, as well as for the Individual Pledges. 147

Presbytery of Bell. Pres., Mrs. G. W. McClannoch, Cor. Sec.. Mrs. J. E. Gift, Treas., Mrs. Carrie Yates, Kossuth, Miss. Corinth, Miss. Tupelo, Miss. Rec. Sec., Miss Alice Meek, Blue Springs, Miss.

Name of Society. ! Contribí '■ Pledges of Indivi dual Societies. Name of Secretary.

Boonville . . $5 C o r i n t h ...... 7 F a ir fie ld ...... 7 K o s s u t h ...... \ N ettleton...... 5 Pleasant R idge ...... : 5 S h a n n o n ...... j 3 Spring H ill ...... I 3 Union ...... 7 V e r o n a ...... 3

$49 80 Presbytery of New Hope. Pres,, Miss Evelyn B. Gaston, Sec., Mrs. J. D. Hartness, Treas., Mrs. A. E. Hibbler, 1615 24th Ave., Meridian, Miss. Starkville, Miss. West Point, Miss.

Caledonia . [part), j Miss Annie Lawrence. Louisville . $ 4 OS Miss Ella Kuhl, Brazil (in Meridian . . 9 75 Mrs. Charles Spinks. S. C. E. . 30 Yamada Ise, Philadelphia 7 12 Mrs. William Russell. Starkville. . Miss Carrie Ellis. West Point . 2 80 Mrs. T. M. Moseley.

1 $ 5 3 7 2 1 Presbytery of Oxford. Pres., Miss Kate McGuire, Sec., Mrs. T . W . Potts, Treas., Miss Anna L. Porter, Oxford, Miss. Batesville, Miss. Oxford, Miss. Sec. V. P., Mrs. W. A. LaCook, Sec. Lit., Miss Mamie M cCain, Cofifeeville, Miss. W ater Valley, Miss. Presbyterial Pledges. Mrs. John E. Hail, Japan (in part). Y oung W om en’s S o c ie t ie s.— MissSallie Alexander, Japan. S. C. E., Jr., Laguna de Bay.

Batesville ...... $9 05 Mrs. J. M. Cox. Coffeeville ...... 8 75 Mrs. W. A. LaCook. H e r n a n d o ...... j 5 70 Mrs. T . F- Davidson. Lake Cormorant Bd. . . . * N e s b it ...... ! 5 25 Mrs. D. L. Dean. New Bethlehem ...... 6 50 Miss Mary Walker. Children's Bd ...... 13 52 O a k la n d ...... j 6 30 Mrs. W. K. Black. O x fo rd ...... I 14 70 Miss Kate McGuire. Y. P. S. (S.C. E.). . . . 1 S. C. E., J r ...... 4 71 Water Valley ...... 9 60 Miss June McWilliams.

$84 08

* The figures given in this column include the amounts contributed for the Presbyterial Pledges and for General Fund as well as for the Individual Pledges. 148

MISCELLANEOUS GIFTS. Basking Ridge. N. J., a Lady and Plainfield, N. J., a L a d y ...... $500 G e n tle m a n ...... £40 “ “ “C. M. DeG.” . . 550 Bordentown, N. J., a Lady .... 15 Quaker City, O., a Lady ...... 10 Downington, Pa., a Lady .... 15 Savannah, O., a F rien d ...... 10 F r ie n d ...... 1 Tolono, 111., a Lady and Gentleman 270 H . H . T ...... 8 Towanda, Pa., a L ad y ...... 10 Hagerstown, Md., a Lady .... 10 Winter, Dr. S. Elizabeth^...... 2,500 In Memoriam ...... 15 A L a d y ...... 1,000 Meadville, Pa., a L a d y ...... 500 Miscellaneous ...... 121 71 Philadelphia, a Friend...... 10,200

LEGACIES. Armstrong, Mrs. J a n e ...... $5°o Moore, Miss E m ily ...... '. . $100 Brown, Miss Isabella ...... 5,185 47 Peebles, Miss Margaret J ...... 960 Buchanan, Miss Margaret J. . . . 665 Rossiter, Mrs. Mary C. • * * . . 50 Buzzard, Mrs. Margaret J ...... 476 25 Troutman,- Miss Maria E ...... 500 Leonard, Miss C yn th ia ...... 45 Whitehead, MissAbbie L ...... 220 38 Lindsay, Miss Clara A ...... 2000

SUMMARY. Missionaries...... 231 Presbyterial Societies ...... 7 7 Auxiliary Societies ...... *9 * 3 Young Women’s Societies and B a n d s ...... 1047 Y. P. S. C. E ...... 9 3 ° Y. P. S. C. E., Jr. and Intermediate...... ; • • 32i

NEW LIFE MEMBERS. Bailey, Mrs. Agnes. Moorhead, Mrs. J. D. Barrett, Mrs. E. Neff, Mrs. Elizabeth. Bedillion, Mrs. William. Orne, Miss Fannie M. Cone, Mrs. Harriet Van Meter. Palmer, Mr. Samuel M., Jr. Franzell, Mrs. Charles. Powell, Mrs. Richard. Galligher. Mrs. Irene. Riggs, Mrs. A. B. Godfrey, Mrs. Rachel. Tenbrook, Miss Katharine, Graham, Miss Carrie. Trainer. Mrs. Caroline. Hill, Mrs. J. C. Turner, Mrs. George B. Leyle, Mrs. James. Weirich, Mrs. W. R. McHattie, Mrs. George. Wray, Mrs. Clara. Miller, Mrs. W. H. 149



NAMES OF PRESBYTERIES. Bands. No. of No. of j No. of No. of T aken. Taken. S. S. C. E. Auxiliaries. ] Auxiliaries. Approximate Approximate No. No. of Bands. Membership Membership of Membership Membership of | Woman’s Work Over Sea & Over Sea & Land No. No. of Churches. S.C. E., Jr. & S.C. E., Jr. Int. &

S yn o d o f N e w J e r s e y . E lizab eth ...... 31 30 1963 25 137 365 235 23 12 M on m o u th ...... 38 32 829 13 241 147 42 *3 8 New Brunswick ...... 38 35 1800 18 299 274 252 33 13 N ew ton...... 29 25 775 18 44 IOO 104 16 5 West Jersey ...... 46 38 1245 8 159 II 9 144 2 4 15

S yn o d o f P ennsylvania . B eaver ...... 20 20 349 6 110 59 19 8 Blairs ville...... 41 41 1498 17 70 225 121 24 11 B u t l e r ...... 37 38 946 18 201 101 70 21 3 C arlisle...... 4 i 41 1068 67 669 133 107 28 6 C hester...... 47 47 1372 32 813 30 4 303 31 11 C la rio n ...... 44 47 1222 14 261 125 132 21 2 E r i e ...... 56 59 2272 26 1123 177 226 31 7 H untingdon...... 61" 54 1257 47 504 196 184 45 14 K itta n n in g ...... 4 i 40 1069 6 74 92 28 23 3 Lackaw anna...... 56 5i 1433 42 746 340 314 20 6 L e h ig h ...... 31 28 919 21 472 132 69 l6 8 Northumberland...... 36 42 1084 22 459 215 136 18 12 Philadelphia...... 57 58 1305 62 1128 673 418 35 16 Philadelphia North...... 61 55 2087 32 4 14 286 167 41 20 P itts b u r g h ...... h i 106 4195 98 I37I 561 359 54 16 R ed sto n e...... 43 42 1206 16 406 105 49 17 2 Sh en an g o ...... 26 25 808 13 145 17 1 W ashington...... 32 32 1068 35 778 202 90 19 7 W e lls b o r o ...... 12 11 200 1 12 5 Westminster...... 30 29 862 9 202 204 17 11

S y n o d o f W e s t V i r g i n i a . G r a f t o n ...... 12 13 373 4 70 43 16 7 6 Parkersburg...... 11 9 305 4 29 5 4 1 W h e e l i n g ...... 15 16 426 26 251 10 1

S y n o d o f B a l t i m o r e . B a ltim o re ;...... 44 41 1293 40 713 213 89 23 9 New C a s tle ...... 38 39 928 20 443 159 76 20 9 Washington C ity ...... 34 36 1607 46 1069 262 222 29 11

S yn o d o f O h io . Athens ...... 19 19 432 7 49 57 35 11 2 Bellefontaine ...... 17 16 695 4 72 40 7 3 Chillicothe ...... 24 24 53° 12 180 81 46 13 1 Cincinnati...... 55 53 1484 52 841 246 224 20 4 C leveland ...... 38 37 1152 8 437 263 87 21 4 Colum bus...... 27 29 7 89 7 i 5° 15 3 D a y to n ...... 34 35 1556 14 187 h i 3 8 H u r o n ...... 13 14 230 1 14 18 5 1 150


S y n o d o f O h i o —C o n tin u e d . Lim a...... ! 22 M ahoning...... j 32 M arion. . Maumee . Portsmouth St. Clairsville...... | 34 Steubenville. . . . W o o s te r ...... Zanesville......

S y n o d o f T e n n e s s e e . Chattanooga Columbia . Cookeville . French Broad H o ls t o n ...... Hopewell-Madison McMinnville Nashville...... j 19 Obion-Memphis...... ! 10 U n io n ...... | 19

S y n o d o f E a s t T e n n e s s e e . Birmingham Le Vere . . Rogersville .

S y n o d o f C a t a w b a . Cape Fear . . . . C a ta w b a ...... Southern Virginia ...... 15 Y a d k in ......

S y n o d o f A l a b a m a . Birmingham-A Florida. . . . Huntsville . . Springville . . Talladega. . .

S y n o d o f A t l a n t i c . A t la n t i c ...... F a ir fie ld ...... H o d g e ...... K n o x ...... McClelland. . . .

S y n o d o f M i s s i s s i p p i . B e l l ...... New Hope . . . . Oxford...... INDEX.

PAGE FAGS Annual Report: Presbyterial Societies : Foreign Department...... 7 Huntsville...... 146 Home Department...... 7 H u r o n ...... 123 Treasurer’s ...... 23 K ittanning...... 75 L e g a c ie s ...... 148 K n ox...... 144 Miscellaneous Gifts...... 148 L a c k a w a n n a ...... 77 Auxiliaries, Bands and S. C. E,, No. of . 148 L e h ig h ...... 80 Le V ere...... 134 Foreign Work, Record of : ...... 31 L im a ...... 124 A f r i c a ...... 31 M cC le lla n d ...... 145 C h i n a ...... 32 McMinnville ...... 139 Chinese and Japanese in California 37 M ahoning...... 125 India...... 37 M ario n ...... 126 J a p a n ...... 41 M a u m e e ...... 127 K o r e a ...... 42 L a o s...... 46 M o n m o u th ...... 51 N a sh v ille...... 140 Mexico and Guatemala...... 43 New Brunswick ...... 53 P ersia...... 43 New C a s tle ...... 109 Philippines...... 44 S ia m ...... 41 New H ope...... 147 South Am erica ...... ^ . 46 N ew to n ...... 55 Northumberland...... 82 S y r ia ...... 47 Obion-Memphis. . . 141 Life M em bers...... 148 O x fo rd ...... 147 Missionaries...... 25 Parkersburg ...... 104 “ supported by Y. P. S. C. E . 29 Philadelphia...... 84 Officers and Directors...... 2 Philadelphia N orth ...... 87 P it t s b u r g h ...... 91 Presbyterial Societies : Portsmouth . . 129 Athens...... 113 R ed sto n e...... 96 A tlan tic...... 144 Rogersville ...... 142 B altim ore...... 106 Shenango .... 98 B e a v e r ...... 58 St. Clairsville ...... 130 B ell...... 14 7 Southern Virginia ...... 143 Bellefontaine...... 114 Springville...... 146 B irm in g h a m ...... 142 Steubenville...... 131 Birmingham, A ...... 145 Talladega...... 146 Blairsville...... • • • 59 Union...... 141 Butler...... 61 W ashington...... 99 Cape Fear...... 142 Washington C ity ...... m C arlisle...... 62 W e lls b o r o ...... 101 C a ta w b a ...... 142 West Jersey ...... 5 6 Chattanooga...... 136 Westminster...... 102 C h ester...... 65 W h e e lin g ...... 105 Chillicothe...... 115 W ooster...... 133 Cincinnati...... 116 Y a d k in ...... 143 C la rio n ...... 68 Zanesville...... 13 4 Clevelan d ...... 119 Columbia . . . .■...... 136 Presbyterial Societies, number of. . . . 148 Colum bus...... 121 Presbyterial Statistics...... 149 Cookeville...... 137 Synods : D a y to n ...... 122 Alabama ...... 145,150 E lizab e th ...... 49 A tla n tic...... 144,150 E r i e ...... 70 B altim o re...... 106,149 F a ir fie ld ...... 144 C a t a w b a ...... 142,150 F lo rid a ...... 145 East Tennessee ...... 142, 150 French Broad ...... 137 Mississippi...... 146,150 G rafto n ...... 103 New J e rs e y ...... 49,149 H o d g e ...... 144 O h i o ...... 113,149 H olston...... 138 Pennsylvania ...... 58,149 Hopewell-Madison...... 139 Tennessee...... 13Ó, 150 H untingdon...... 72 West Virginia...... 103,149 Mrs. Matthew. Newkirk corresponds with mis nonaries in C h in a. .Mrs. J. B. H o w e l l with those in Africa, Japan and P e r s i a . Mrs, A. R. P erkin s with those in K qrea, S iam , Laos and S y r ia .* Miss J anet N. S cott with those in Sp Ùth A merica, Mexio.o, P hii* ippines add Hainan. ; ■ • > . ' . Mrs. J. R. Sw ain with those in I ndia. ? Mrs. W. Beattst Jennings with ÇL E. missionaries. Mrs. E. Boyd W eitzel corresponds with officers of Synodical, Presbvferial and Auxiliary Societies. Miss Ma r y ' E. A l l i s Vfith Young W om en’s Societies, W estminster Guilds and Colleges. , . ; Miss E velina G rieves -with Christian Endeavor;Societies.' . Mrs. T. E. |*atterson with Bands and Junior .Endeavor Societies. For information concerning Foreign Missions jExtv'nsion Départ, ment, address Mis, James Roberts. For literature,, address Misé; M argarèt Boyle, For Study Classes, address Mrs. E dgar D.,F.aiuks. ■ For Specific work, address Miss Gertrude Schultz. Candidates will, address Mrs. Q. E. Morris. For missionary letteii,. address M iss M. E. A l l i s . ; For'inissiônary speakers, address Mrs. W i t W a t t e r s . I -Miss S a r a h \V. C a t t e l l , Treasurer. Committee on Woman’s Work, Philadelphia Member, M ix C. P. Turner: r ■ : ' Cqmmitiee; ¿4 '‘Oyer Sea and Land,” Philadelphia J&mbcr. MLss EvELikA Gm e v é s. ' Aildress.all letters to 501 Witherspoon Building, Phila. Sen# orders for le a fle ts ,ietc., to The Woman’s Foreign M issionary S o c ie ty ^ not to any individual office*. Executive Committee meeting, _• \ery Tuesday morning in West­ minster Hall, Witherspoon Building. Monthly meeting, first Tueâday of the month, 'at 10.30 A.M., and i>rayer meetfog, third Tuesday, at II A.M.','in Westminster HaU. ■ * * ! * Horn- of.P rayer, between 5 and 6 every Sabbath afternoon.


P e r s o n a l E s t a t e .

I give and-bequeath, to “T hé Woman’s Foreign M issionary Society of THE Presbyterian Church,” a corporation created under'and bj' virtue of the laws of the State of-Pennsylvania ; and having its principal place of^business in the City of Philadelphia', the sum of dollars.

R e a l E s t a t e . I give and devise :to “The Woman’s Foreign M issionary 'Society o f th e Presbyterian Church,” a corporation, created under and b y virtue of the,laws of the State of Pennsylvania, and haying its principal place of business in;the City ¡of Philadelphia [here insert a description of the real estate]; • ' " ; * ’ :

fsiy*Copies Of the Chai*ter‘and-By-Laws can be had on application to the Treasurer. ' /