Richard Seymour | 114 pages | 16 Jun 2010 | John Hunt Publishing | 9781846944567 | English | New Alresford, United Kingdom David Cameron: 6 Things That Defined His Leadership | Time

Top definition. David Cameron. A giant blue-blooded lizard from the Palaeolithic era that roams the United The Meaning of David Cameron. Oct 3 Word of the Day. Thoughts and prayers. Frenemy has a family tragedy. The Man who fucked a pig. He's the one who fucked a pig isn't he? Leader of the UK Conservative party. Previously a PR guy. Bright, well educated Tory puppet that knows exactly what to say but doesn't have a clue what he's talking about. Represents a party of white male hoorah Henry's that are primarily ministers for lunch. Particularly good at attractive sound bites that cannot be put into policies because most of his own party don't actually like what he's saying. The green issue is a good example. Occasionally flies to the Artic to play with huskies because he is worried about climate change. Tendency to cycle to work only to be followed by a Chelsea tractor Range Rover carrying his files. Would be hugely successful as leader of the UK Liberal Democrat party. You know daddies in the party. He'll be so very pleased. Now more importantly, where are we going to go for lunch"? David: "Old Humprey's friend has just opened up a restaurant off the old Portobello. George old boy, give the Daily mail a ring I think I'm in the mood for a spot of cycling! Now where has Smithy got to with the roller"? Posh Cunt. David Cameron: i will lead this country out of recession. Whole Sane Population: fuck off back to eton you posh Cunt. Also means taking a dump. More specifically it refers to defication where you are mislead as The Meaning of David Cameron how it will happen or how compliant it will be. Ahhh, give me a minute lads it's time for a change, I'm just gonna The Meaning of David Cameron for a David Cameron. Sorry I'm late for work I had a David Cameron and it kept changing it's mind and not sticking to its word. Current British Prime Minister. Known for change Expects us to hug hoodies Also known as Blair 2. Dude 1: Did you hear the news? Dude 2: No, what's up? Dude 1: David Cameron is now The Meaning of David Cameron Number Dude 2: So Tony Blair's back in power again? Eee-o eleven UrbDic Rush B Cyka Blyat Pimp Nails Backpedaling Anol Wetter than an otter's pocket TSIF Urban Dictionary: David Cameron

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. David Cameron has been sold to the British electorate as a thoroughly modern politician, part Blair, part Thatcher, a one nation conservative with a soft spot for social democracy, the green movement, big and small business, youth, minorities, traditionalists, the armed forces and the old. Has a politician ever been sold as so many things to so many people, at home in fash David Cameron has been sold to the British electorate as a thoroughly modern politician, part Blair, part Thatcher, a one nation conservative with a soft spot for social democracy, the green movement, big and small business, youth, minorities, traditionalists, the armed forces and the old. Has a politician ever been sold as so many things to so many people, at home in fashion magazines as he is at Party conferences? But despite being told, arguably more, about Cameron the man than any other politician he remains vacuous, strangely unformed, a cipher for the real interests and forces he represents. The Meaning of Cameron is an unmasking of the false politics Cameron embodies, and an examination of the face the mask has eaten into. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. More Details Original Title. David Cameron. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please The Meaning of David Cameron up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. The Meaning of David Cameron order. May 24, John Rennie rated it liked it. This is an interesting analysis of the last 30 years of British Politics from a Socialist perspective. As a lefty myself, I agreed with most of the dissection of Tory tactics and motivations that enabled them to stay in power through the 80s and return to power now. Unfortunately it was written just before the election so there is nothing on Cleggs miserable propping up of the latest neo-con government. What Mr Seymour was able to say was how New Labour helped carry on the Thatcherite prog This is an interesting analysis of the last The Meaning of David Cameron years The Meaning of David Cameron British Politics from a Socialist perspective. What Mr Seymour was able to say was The Meaning of David Cameron New Labour helped carry on the Thatcherite programme and lay the groundwork for Cameron to carry out his agenda. What did pleasantly surprise me was how readable this book was, unlike many turgid political books I've attempted in the past. Jan 18, Charlotte rated it liked it. First two chapters seemed stronger and more compelling. A book arguably more about New Labour than David Cameron although to be expected from the publication date and similarities in political values. I think the arguments surrounding meritocracy were interesting and explanations were logical and mostly clear. Apr 18, Martyn rated it it was amazing Shelves:five-starsgreat-covernon-fictionpoliticssocialismzero-bookseconomics. It is maybe a stretch to give this five stars, it is a slight book after all, but it is a very accessible, clear-language assessment of the evolution of the Tories from the mid-seventies toward running the Friedmanian nightmare that we find ourselves in today, and of "Dave's" place in it. I've read a lot of political books and have never truly grasped the reasons behind Tory policy planning, yes we all know they stand for greed and selfishness but how exactly do they pull it off? Well Seymour giv It is maybe a stretch to give this five stars, it is a slight book after all, The Meaning of David Cameron it is The Meaning of David Cameron very accessible, clear-language assessment of the evolution of the Tories from the mid- seventies toward running the Friedmanian nightmare that we find ourselves in today, and of "Dave's" place in it. Well Seymour gives a breathtaking three page summary near the start of this book that finally helped me to understand Tory economics in all its gory detail - that has to be worth five stars right? Well, if not for that alone I give it five stars because Seymour rightly analyses not only the links between "Dave" and Thatcher don't let The Meaning of David Cameron softly, softly approach fool you Cameron is a Thatcherite but also the links between Blair and Thatcher, less obvious to some but unfortunately for the Labour Party, and Britain, Blair was also a Thatcherite. Seymour nails this concept with some vigor and I appreciate the clarity of thought. If you want a quick read that gives some analysis of just The Meaning of David Cameron society really started to go wrong in the last 40 years or so, but one that gives you genuine insight, then I can't think of better book. Aug 07, Tom rated it really liked it Shelves: politics. The Meaning of David Cameron incisive glimpse into Cameronism. It's already a bit dated as the philosophy has developed, but if you want to gain a quick understanding of the man who is PM then this is a perfect primer. Karen Barclay rated it liked it Aug 09, Joel rated it liked it Jun 07, Tiarnan rated it liked it Nov 08, Teabs rated it liked it Oct 08, Tom Blackburn rated it liked it Dec 25, Paddy rated it really liked it Aug 29, Mrdavidpeat rated it really liked it Jun 08, Varn rated it liked it May 07, Jordan rated it really liked it Jun 01, Simon Wood rated it it was amazing Aug 27, Conor Mcvarnock rated it really liked it Nov 13, Tim rated it it was amazing Mar 03, Bhaskar Sunkara rated it really liked it Jun 01, Brandon rated it really liked it May 22, Brian Haynes rated it liked it Jun 11, Nightocelot rated it it was amazing Dec 10, Andy Lockhart rated it it was ok Jul The Meaning of David Cameron, Nathalie rated it it was amazing Mar 30, Rob W rated it really liked it Aug 19, Donncha Coleman rated it liked it Jun The Meaning of David Cameron, Jm rated it really liked it Jun 24, The Meaning of David Cameron Will rated it liked it Apr 09, David rated it really liked it Oct 05, Holls rated it really liked it Aug 21, David Sawtell rated it really liked it Jul 08, Thomas rated it liked it May 27, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Readers also enjoyed. About Richard Seymour. Richard Seymour. Northern Irish Marxist writer and broadcaster, activist and owner of the blog Lenin's Tomb. Seymour is a former member of the Socialist Workers Party. He is currently working on a PhD. Books by Richard Seymour. Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. You know the saying: There's no time like the present In that case, we can't Read more No trivia or quizzes yet. Welcome back. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. David Cameron - Wikipedia

Cameron describes himself as a "modern compassionate conservative " and has said that he is "fed up with the Punch and Judy politics of Westminster ". He also wants to move the Conservatives focus away from purely fiscal matterssaying "It's time we admitted that there's more to life than money, and it's time we focused not just on GDPbut on GWB — general well-being". He and others in the " set " have sought to focus on issues such as the environmentwork-life balance and international development — issues not previously seen as priorities for the post-Thatcher Conservative party. InCameron organised a seminar for senior Conservatives with the economist Richard Thaler and began discussing the influence of Thaler's ideas on Conservative policy. Cameron has said that it is "essential to reduce taxes on employment and wealth creation in order to enhance our economy's competitiveness. But I The Meaning of David Cameron think it's sensible today to write a Conservative budget for orwith specific pledges on tax reduction. Cameron has expressed interest in abolishing Air Passenger Duty for those who travel abroad only rarely, while introducing "frequent flyer" taxes on those who frequently fly around the globe. Cameron intends to increase the period of copyright from 50 to 70 years, bring copyright infringing downloads under stronger legal control and require Internet Service Providers to "block access and indeed close down offending file-sharing sites". Cameron has regularly stressed his green credentials since becoming leader, describing himself as "passionate about our environment. Cameron has expressed his opposition to Green Taxes in Prime Minister's Questions in Octoberstating that, in order to cut taxes generally, he would 'roll back' the Green Tax. The prospect of large-scale solar energy farms being built in the British countryside was discarded by Eric Picklesthe Communities Secretary, on 8 June Pickles killed a project because it would have had "major The loss of a substantial area of productive agricultural land for at least 25 years is another negative factor". At a speech in Mumbai inCameron said there were depressed towns "where the winds of globalisation [felt] like a chilling blast, not an invigorating breeze". In a speech at GatewayCameron rejected the "unthinking embrace of globalisation, exemplified by New Labour, or the timid alternative of go-it-alone Little Englandism ", according to Patrick Wintour of . After the General Electionthe The Meaning of David Cameron Conservative -led Coalition continued Labour's policies on rail transport largely unaltered after a pause to review the finances, keeping the privatised system in place. There was continuing support for the High Speed 2 scheme and further developing plans for the route. Whilst initially showing scepticism towards the electrification of the Great Western routethey later gave the project its backing and work began The Meaning of David Cameron in Crossrail and the upgrade to Thameslink are due for opening in The Government has moved towards allowing more competition on the intercity network through open access operators. In JanuaryCameron said "We've made sure that rail fares cannot go up by more than inflation. So the rail fare increase this year, as last year, is linked to inflation, and I think that's right. In previous years it's gone up by more than inflation. And that money is coming, of course, from taxpayers, from the The Meaning of David Cameron, and from farepayers as well. Despite initial strong opposition, Cameron has since declared his support for the The Meaning of David Cameron Minimum Wage Act introduced by the Labour Party. More generally though, he has strongly supported deregulation of the private sector, promising an immediate deregulation bill upon election. He has also pledged to remove Britain from the European Union 's social chapter and to withdraw unilaterally from certain directives stemming from the European Union. He has said that Britain must not be a "soft touch" and has called for a crackdown on "access to justice". In November at the World Islamic Economic Forum, Cameron said it was important for the UK to promote and boost Islamic finance: "I don't just want London to be a great capital of Islamic finance in the western world, I want London to stand alongside Dubai and Kuala Lumpur as one of the great capitals of Islamic finance anywhere in the world. Inthe Conservative Party under Cameron's leadership pledged to meet Labour's The Meaning of David Cameron on public services. Comparing coalition austerity measures with The Meaning of David Cameron Opposition'sthe Financial Times commentator Martin Wolf commented that the "big shift from Labour However, the health service and education were "ringfenced" and protected from spending cuts, [45] although some such as Dr Louise Marshall in The Guardian have questioned as to whether the National Health Service NHS really is exempt from austerity measures. By the Treasury extended the proposed austerity period until at least Cameron opposes the death penaltysaying that while "There are MPs who think we should restore the death penalty I don't happen to take that view. InCameron wrote a piece about his experiences in a The Meaning of David Cameron newspaper about his visit with a Muslim family in Birmingham. It turns out he has been leery since before that time of the adjective "Islamist" used to describe the The Meaning of David Cameron of terrorism seen in some Muslims: [50]. We do need greater understanding of the true nature of the terrorist threat. There's too much complacency about it among non-Muslims, and too much denial of it in the Muslim community. But our efforts are not helped by lazy use of language. Indeed, by using the word "Islamist" to describe the threat, we actually help do the terrorist ideologues' work for them, confirming to many impressionable young Muslim men that to be a "good Muslim", you have to support their evil campaign. In Julyemergency laws were brought in to force phone and internet companies to hold records of customers' calls, texts and visits to websites, purportedly to defend national security against the terrorist threat from Iraq and Syria in light of the civil war in that part of the world. MI5 investigations had employed this data over the past decade to catch drug dealers, paedophiles and fraudsters and prevent miscarriages of justice. The legislation carries a 2-year sunset clause. A domestic ban on the ISIL flag was promised by David Cameron on 16 Augustin the wake of the "onslaught of this exceptionally dangerous terrorist movement"; [52] he The Meaning of David Cameron so far as to address the issue with the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe The Meaning of David Cameron [53]. The position is clear. If people are walking around with Isil flags or trying to recruit people to their terrorist cause, they will be arrested and their materials will be seized. We are a tolerant people, but no tolerance should allow the room for this sort of poisonous extremism in our country. The ban promised by Cameron was tested to failure not 11 months afterward, when a man and his daughter were photographed on a summer weekend in broad daylight The Meaning of David Cameron Parliament Square mere days after the Sousse attacks. In the context of the successful conviction at trial, which occurred in the state of New York after a lengthy extradition battle in the UK, of Egyptian-born Finsbury Park Mosque hate preacher Abu Hamza Cameron said that:. Obviously, we also need to look, as I've said many times, at the European Convention on Human Rights and the position that we have got to get into where, if someone threatens our country, we should be able to deport them if they have no right The Meaning of David Cameron be here and that is absolutely essential that we restore that. We have taken some big The Meaning of David Cameron but I plan to take more steps if I'm elected as a Conservative prime minister after the next election. Abu Hamza al-Masr, formerly known as Mustafa Kamel Mustafa, had preached at the Finsbury Park The Meaning of David Cameron after having been jailed for seven years for inciting murder and racial hatred. The Government needed to restore Britain's ability to deport extremists, said Cameron, but it was crucial to overhaul the European Convention of Human Rights The Meaning of David Cameron do this. Cameron's proposal to abolish the Human Rights Act and create a British Bill of Rights would have enabled some of these measures, as well as resolving issues including the rights of terror suspects and the ability of prisoners to vote. Cameron had expressed previously his joy at the hate preacher's extradition, and said in October that the Government must consider ways of stopping similar cases reoccurring: [61]. I'm absolutely delighted that Abu Hamza is now out of this country. Like the rest of the public I'm sick to the back teeth of people who come here, threaten our country, who stay at vast expense to the taxpayer and we can't get rid of them. I'm delighted on this occasion we've managed to send this person off to a country where he will face justice. Now we should learn every lesson. How do we stop these people coming in? How do we get rid of them more quickly? How do we make sure they don't spend so long at taxpayers' expense? I'm as frustrated as the rest of the country when these things happen. I'm delighted that this man at least is on an aeroplane and on his way to face justice. Cameron had said previously in April on the occasion of the ECHR decision that facilitated Hamza's extradition: The Meaning of David Cameron am very pleased with the news. It is quite right that we have proper legal processes, although sometimes one can get frustrated with how long they take. I think it is very important that the deportation and expulsion arrangements work promptly and properly, particularly when people are accused of very serious crimes. In July Cameron spoke to the Centre for Social Justice in which he highlighted the problem of young offenders and called for more understanding. At the time, the News of the World headlined its report of the speech "Hug a hoodie, says Cameron", [63] coining The Meaning of David Cameron phrase which came into popular use, although Cameron never actually used the phrase. Cameron afterwards stated that he never advocated hugging "hoodies" [64] and on 17 MayCameron labelled the speech as the "most misrepresented thing he had ever said". Cameron has criticised ASBOs as "reacting" to crime, rather than reducing it, and argued that they should be replaced with "challenging community punishments. The Meaning of David Cameron a July speech to the Centre for Social Justice he stated, "the biggest challenge our country faces today is not economic decline, but social decline", stating that in life in Britain "there is a complex web of interconnected problem Family breakdown. Persistent unemployment among some groups. Low expectations. Chaotic home environments. Poor quality public space. He describes project as his "great passion"; [72] with 10 Downing Street saying that the policy "create[s] a climate that empowers local people and communities, building a big society that will 'take power away from politicians and give it to people'. Some commentators have seen the "Big Society" as invoking Edmund Burke 's idea of civil societyputting it into the sphere The Meaning of David Cameron one-nation conservatism[74] a legacy which Cameron "eagerly latched" onto, according to Forbes. Upon the launch of the "Big Society" on 19 July it was deemed damaging and unworkable by the Labour Party[77] the national press, [78] [79] [80] and the country's two largest unions. In the midst of the bombing campaign of ISIS in Iraq and the raft of murders by fundamentalist Islamic terrorists in the past decade both at home and abroad, Cameron outlined in a speech in July a plan based on what he termed "liberal values" to counter what he labelled as "extremism". He argued that people were attracted towards extremism for four primary reasons, and later set out four planks of a response. Among other items, he promised a Counter-Extremism Bill, empowered parents to cancel the passports of their children, said that the government would publish a Counter-Extremism Strategyreiterated his goal to promote identity politics, and offered a revitalised Cohesive Communities The Meaning of David Cameron. It has been suggested by David Anderson QC on behalf of a governmental anti-extremism watchdog that:. If the wrong decisions are taken, the new [counter-extremism] law risks provoking a backlash in affected communities, hardening perceptions of an illiberal or Islamophobic approach, alienating those whose integration into British society is already fragile, and playing into the hands of those who, by peddling a grievance agenda, seek to drive people further towards extremism and terrorism. There's no easy answer. I don't think this is something that can or should be The Meaning of David Cameron through a government edict, but the BBC, as our national broadcaster, has both the responsibility and the opportunity to give a lead. Cameron suggested in May that the current time limit be cut from 24 weeks after conception to 20 weeks. The question of three-parent embryos or three-person IVF was proposed in December and passed through Parliament in February The Chief Medical Officer for EnglandProfessor Dame Sally Daviesencouraged the vote, calling it "an historic day for the future of modern medicine" and remarked that the UK would "become the first country in the world to allow mitochondrial donation techniques to be used in IVF treatment. The procedure would cause the germ-line to be interfered with and changed and human embryos could be destroyed in the process. It is unclear whether the UK would be violating international agreements on germ-line interventions and there has been no informed debate on the issue. Female members of the Royal Family will be given equality with men in the rules of succession to the throne, under a new law first proposed in October by David Cameron. Heirs to the throne will also be free to marry Roman Catholics, a choice which would have required their abdication in years gone by. In JuneCameron promised that forced marriage was to become a criminal offence, and that a package of measures would be put in place to ensure criminalisation does not drive the problem underground. Cameron stated that "Forced marriage is abhorrent and little more than slavery. To force anyone into marriage against their will is simply wrong and that is why we have taken decisive action to make it illegal. The statutory changes came into force in June