TWENTY MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1M9 iUanrlirBtpr lEoraittg ^^ralli Avonwa IMQr Nrt Praaa Ron fbr Cte Wesk BtesT The Weather Mteakag, IMi Mencheater Uxlre of Muona Zion Blvangelical Lutheran Frederick C. McCurry, ijon of Manchester High School princi­ TonlgjM and tosnorraw doodgr, will meet tomorrow at 7:90 Church senior choir will About Town Mr. 'and Mrs. Frederick Mc­ Society Elects pal. wlndjr and colilsr. Tmipenturat p.m. at the Maaonio Temple. rehearse tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. Curry, 61 N. Elm St., received Inductees from area towns 1 5 ,5 3 5 tteoughosE, iqiper 80s, low 40s. The P>Ilowcraft degree will be at the church. his MtS In physical education Owmt t M m d u b ^rffi meet «t TTiree in Town were: conferred. Jamea A. Stratford, from Pennaylvania State Uni­ ManeheBter— A City of VUiage Charm • p.m. Wbdneeilay « t Uw home Three Manchester residents Bolton: Andrew T. Maneggla, aenlor warden, will prealde. Temple (Chapter, OBIS, will versity Saturday. c t Torii ttmiileld, IBS Oreen- were elected ofOoers of Phi principal of Maple St. Schocl, WOL. LXXXVm, NO. 148 meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at RockvUle. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANGHESTERy OONN, TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1969 (OlsMifiBa Advwrtlilag o . Fsfai U ) tpood Dr. Second Congregational Church Delta Kappa, national honorary PRICE TEN CENTM the Masonic Temple. Mrs. Paul East (Jathollc High SchobI Columbia: Joseph J. Narotsky, will conduct a nqw member society for men In education, Taylor Is In charge of refresh­ will hold a science seminar to­ UOonn graduate student. Manoheater WATB8 w S meet training olass sessioh tomorrow Saturday evening at Hie Univer­ ments. Officers will wear color­ night from 7 to 9:80. Hebron: John J. Barnes, Hart­ tomecrow as the naUan-Amerl- .at 8 p.m. at the church. ed gowns. sity of Connecticut. Tiie society helps promote free public edu­ ford elementory schond pirinci- oan Ctab, KkMdge -St. Weighing pal. Under ContiinioiiE Oxygen In wW beSnom 7 toS p.m. Metn- Senior High Youth Forum of Conrad <)ulnlan, assistant cation through research, service, Trinity Covenant Church choir South Windsor: Dale M. Clay­ Living Costs taare are reminded to bring North United Methodist (Jhurch professor o f chemistry and and leadership. will meet tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. ton, director of audiovisual In­ oakea Sor a Oafcewalk planned will meet tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the church. chairman of the science depart­ David R. Murphy, 21 Steep struction, Loomis Institute. Oimb Again by Mis. WUUam Labadle, chair­ at the church. ment at Manchester Commimi- Hollow Lane, a consultant with Windsor. m ty College, will be a judge at the Connecticut State Depart­ Report ^Guarded’ man o f M ways and means Manchester Assembly, Older WARHINOTON ( A P ) - ^ - the Connecticut Science Fair Vernon: Dewey McGowen Jr, Thieu Offers To Hold oommlttee. ’n ie Great Boltsd. St. Fnancis Xavier Mothers i ways rtiown remarkable recu­ 7:4B p jn . at the home of Mrs. of Walter V. Hawver, 16 Law- and Mrs. Alfred Olsson, 43 De­ PINE PHARMACY peaw ee s in The term, "guarded,” means Suspects Held Circle wlU meet Wednesday at | LI88En DRU8 perative power during x>ast 111- 2 Santo Slpala, 86 Waiher St. Co- ton Rd., and Mrs. Marian In medical terminology the out­ von Dr., received a,, master’s 8:16 p.m. at the home of Mrs. 684 CENTER ST. neasea," was the response. hoetesses are Mrs. -PYancis De­ O’Connor, 84 Saginaw St., Wap- degree in business administra­ PARKAN look as to whether a patient will No Conditions Francis Leary, 26 Bolton St. Cto- both stores open Orars. ’ll fri. nlgfato tin B Another question asked doc­ simone and Mrs. Paul O'Neil. ping, IS serving with the 1st tion from Ohio State University MANCHESTER, OONN. survive or recover is uncertain. In Kidnaping SAIGON (AP)—President Njruyen Van Thieu said hoeteases are Mrs. James Mc­ OPEN — two convenient loeattoiM — tors to assess whether the new Members are reminded to bring Cavalry Division (Airmobile) In on March 16. Doctors used the same termi­ Veigh and Mrs. Thomas Slp- ongestlve heart fail- / - v s t -g-g g lay his government is prepared to hoW private meet- canned foods for an Easter bas­ Vietnam. :45 A M. to 10 P.M. downtown manobester • east middle tunqilhs ples. TEL 649-9814 nology at the time of Elsenhow­ ure is mild, moderate or severe. I I t |^$lf'1*gkl'tY1 flT I 71 with the National Liberation Front, ket, baked goods, and good The FYench (Jlub of Manches­ er’s most recent coronary heart The doctors ~repHed; .» hoh. "Severe.’ rhe South Vietnamese president imposed no condi- ctoUilng for children. Pfc. Richard P. Russell, son ter will have a whist and set­ attack last August when they They also said Eisenhower’s 4 of John L. Russell, 106 Plym­ SIMSBURY, Conn. (AP) — ns on such meetings and added that he fe t the Frcwit, back card party tonight at 8 at conceded the attack was a defl- prevlouB seven coronary heart le political arm of the Viet Cong, would agree to isuch outh Lane, recently completed Orange Hall. 'Tickets may be nite threat to his life. attacks had contributed to his State police report two suqtecta the army basic field artillery purchased at the door, and re­ current heart trouble. were taken Into custody this talks. The bulletin said: "General He told a news conferencs course at Ft. Sill, Okla. freshments will be sen ^ . Elsenhower spent a restful night Another question asked: “In morning in connection with the kidnaping of a Simsbury patrol­ such talks could be part of pri­ 5 PASSPORT and Is comfortable this motn- ev«it that the former presi­ man, who had been forced to Marines Nab vate discussions in Paris among PHOTOS nig. His breathing is less la­ dent’s heart continues to ehow the delegations to the peace bored and the heart rate Is with­ no response to 'the treatments drive his cruiser at gimpotat to Canton. talks there from South Vietnam, in normal limits. His physiclana now being used, vriiat opUons, if IDEHnnCATION The two abductors had then 600 Tons of North Vietnam, the NLF and IT emurider that the general’s con- ®P®" tae doctors?" the United States. PHOTOS .aiAs__ ■______” - *N (AP) — U.S. Mar 881 Main St. Manchester Jr., commanding general of the withdrawing any of the 840J100 Boys * i named cunbassador to Belgium, Further details on the arrest hospital who issued the bulletin, rines swewptag along the Lao­ American troops In South Viet­ flM C i I9»4 arrived from New York Monday were not immediately available, told newsmen later the 78-year- tian frontier have mode the al­ nam. night and visited Ms father. State police Identified them MSIIIUNIX old Eisenhower "iqipeared to lies’ second biggest rice haul o( His government does not be Sportcoats EarUer, the two-time RepuUl- as Richard E. Castle, 22, and reach a plateau yesterday” In Ueve a resumption of the bomb oan president talked several Ms brother Wayne R. (Tastle, 18. tile war, enough to feed 8,000 his new episode with congestive tag of North Vietnam at this times with Ms wife, Mamie and Both live at 132 Mata St., Val­ North Vietnamese troops for heart failure. time would be proper response SERVICE Ms broUwr, Dr. MHton Blsen- ley House, Collinsville, where three months, military spokes­ 97 The hospital seUd Monday the to the current Viet Cong offen­ they were taken into custody. men said today. former president was reported sive. WANTED (See Page Nine) Police said they went to the UB. headquarters said the TMeu expressed satiafactian Valley House Hotel after the Marines of the 3n) Regiment, Clsaii, Late Model with the lines of communicotlan Single breasted modeli in plilds, youths’ mother notified police. participating in Operation REAL estabUshed with the new odmin- and 4 button breasted The brothers were charged Maine Crag, found 600 tons of USED CARS istndlcm of President Nixon. He blazer in solids. with kidnaping, aggravated as­ rice about U miles south of the ESTATE emphasized that the govem- Top Prices Paid Favorite Spring colors. £ { Army Head Takes Over abandoned Khe Sanh combat sault, robbery with violence and ment-to-government relations Sizes 8/18. theft of a motor veMole. taBSa Officers said the seUure FV>r AU Mskcs! during Piealdent Johnson’s ten Two troopers and two police­ undoubtedly wotdd affoct the en­ ure had been equally satisfacto­ CARTER CHEVROLET] men aided in the arrest. emy’s ability to sustain an of­ ry, but he add^ that relatlana The kidnaped policeman, Rich­ fensive in the northwest comer C O .. IN C . were better in Parle with Henry 1229 Main St P akistan President ard Beck, 24, reported tliat be of South Vietnam. Earlier tills M Cabot Lodge than with W. Aver- had approached a veMole with week a significant North Viet­ ell Harrlman, the former chief Phoaie S49-52S8 two men on a routine cheek. namese buikkip had (Men re­ U.S. representative at the peace He said the two men focced (AP FhototOx) ported In Laos, three miles talks. Ayub Resigns Post Mm to drive 16 miles to Canton across the border. ROBERT J. SMITH, k Boys Off To State Dinner The president revealed Us before they fled Into the woods. Some 3,600 U.S. Marines and KARAOn (AP)—President wlUtagnesB to talk with the Iflet and order situation could not be Beck was utiliarmed. South Vlstnamese troops are MSUIUNSliniB SURE 1914 97 Mohammed Ayub Khan re­ OanadSain Prime M M ster Pierre ElHotit Trudeau Cong directly when he was P e rm a - improved In the country.’’ Pc4^ s ^ there wu no. ap- M ars H old s participating in Operation signed tonight and handed over asked about reports that private DONT CHEAT Ayub said In his nationwide parenfRidtlve for the incident. Maine Crag. Farther south, control of Pakistan to Gen. Yah- and Presidenit and Mrs. Nixon pass color guard in talks had already taken place in by giving your husband a and broadcast: "The administration At thd^ time of the abduction, 2,000 paratroopers of tiie UJ3. 649-5241 P ress ya Khan, commander In chief of Paris. ^^RAZOR for his Birthday is paralirzed and everything is about 2 a.m.. Patrolman Beck W a ter, Say the White House last night as they walk to the 101st Airborne Division In Oper­ the army. "I can’t say they have start­ k t i l MAIN STRUT. MANCHISTIR or Anniversary and then use 11 being decided on the streets by was attempting to arrest two ation Massachusetts Striker are Plttr Ntstl* HtMt i H it) i : D ress .97 The president said Yahya will East Room for a state dinner in honor of Trudeau. ed," TMeu said, "but we are it yourself. Be a sport and ■ 1 the Job and not by the govern­ men who allegedly were in a sweeping through the A Shau the country with the help of ment." working on it and we are hope­ buy another for yourself. I 1 Slaclis stolen car. The car was parked Scientists Valley, the biggest North Vlet- Sure it will give a woman other service chiefs. ful,” Yahya appointed Mmself chief at the aide of West Street. a really close, comfortable Martial law was imposed nameae base and staging area Would these talks Involve the meirtial law administrator. The men overpowered Mm, By DONALD H. HARRISON President To Visit Canada In South Vietnam. shave with no razor burn immediately after the an­ The government-run Pakistan Front? he was asked. taking his service revolver and Asoociated Prew Writer Spokesmen said both <^>era- just as it gives a man a nouncement. radio announced 22 martial law "We are ready to have pri­ PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — tions have accounted for more far better shave than any Ayub, a general Mmself, took (See Page Two) vate talks with the National Ub- shaving instrument ever in­ Solids, plaids, and cheeks in Dacron/rayon, Poly- regulations throughout the coun­ over the nation 11 years ago. try. ------1— Scienttate studying light reflect­ than 100 enemy dead in small, eiration Fkont If they Uke,” he vented. Know why? Because cster/cotton, and Orlon/rayon blends. Sizes 8/18. sporadic fights, wtiUe U.S. cas­ He said he had done his best Yahya appointed the com­ ed from Mara report "definite replied. "There are many things VIBRAZOR is used with reg­ Nixon, Trudeau ualties so far are 33 UUed and to settle differences between op­ mander in chief cl the air force. and conclusive’’ evidence of wa­ we caiuiot decide at the confer­ ular Lather to do what 117 wounded. other razors can’t do. It posing opposition groups but Air Marshal Nur Khan; the ter in the red planet’s atmos­ ence table wMch we can discuss doesn’t scrape away hair atnd !!I’m sorry to say that the law commander In chief of the navy. James E arl R ay phere, indicating the possibiUty Contact has been only sporad­ quite frankly In private.” beards . . . it slices them off Rear Adm. Asam Ahsan, and of Ufe. ic, but headquarters said the In private talks anybody could neatly and cleanly because Gen. Abdul Hamid Khan, army To Stand Trial Mars is so dry, however, that Conclude Talks main objective of both sweeps is ^iae any questlMi," TMeu said, of its unique Electric Blade chief of staff, as three deputy only the driest deserts of Earth WASHINGTON (AP) — Presl- officials were scheduled to dis- to find and destroy enemy food “There are many alterna- Action. and war material that could be tlves. We could talk with Hanoi - r i martial law administrators. 3AVANNAH, Ga. (AP)— or peeks like Mt. Everest com- dent Nixon and Canadian Prime cuss trade and economic m at E S T O W I I Flash Floods Ayub said he had conceded to James Earl Ray deftaitrty will pare. ’ ten . used In attacta on towns in the es wdl as the Fiunt We could Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau lot MUltary Corps area, inohid- talk with two people or three the opposition demand to Intro- change hta plea to tanocenf In Dr. Ronald Schom of the Jet “ The viewpoint of the Cana­ W PHARMACY ^ . V : I Teens concluded Tuesday a series of ^ Quang Tri Ctty, Hue and Da people." iBBTHartford Rd. Tel. 64S-62S0 dues a federal parliamentary the assassination of Dr. Martin Propulsion Laboratory said he dian government has always Naiw. I He said his government’s of- othan from 17.97 toVM.S? and ladies system of government in the Luther King Jr. and will hove a is convinced after five years’ talks that aides said Include weighed heavily In the forma­ Predicted for The Viet Oong spring oCfen- ter had been conve)(ed to the cemntry but he could not b o a new trial, the head of the Na- observation there is enough wa- the Safeguard antlballistic mis- tion of American policy. No oth­ Perfect fc ■ Easter, for graduati(!(i Navy and pastd*c<|lote inVolid wools, sive entered Us 31st day today NLF delegation In Paris but de- party to anything vridch made tional States Rights party an- ter In Mars’ atmospheca to flU a Bile system and its Implications er ally Influences us more," lined in sifos 7/15; white, pink^ flannel, acrylic, twefds ahd checks. Pumps wlttv about 26 rocket and mortar cllned to say how or by whom. the ceqter weak. nounced today. lake a mile wide, a mile deep tar C^anada. Nixod said in a statement. ihiff, or maize taffeta in Sizes 5/11 petito, 5./15 jr.l 8/18 and Featuring chunky heels and broader toes. Hl- ■New England attacks reported during the He said there has not yet been 16'/2 to 24'/2. TMis ^ just oAe of many tongue pump In black vinyl patent. Lattice' Eleven years ago Ayttb took Edward R. Fields, NSRP and a mile long^ As they wound up their first In a Joint statement issued at - visit together, emphasizing the night. U a. Headquarters said any response but expressed con­ F u a O I L styles. !\~ T vamp sJlng in black vinyl By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS over as martial law admtaistra- chaimum, said he made the an- "If you took all the water we the White House, It was an- ______candor and cordiality of the total military casualties and fidence a favorable reply would 'sv Intent, white. Sizes 6 to 10 Flash flooding of smaller tor in circumstances of similar nounoement on behalf of J. B. found, and laid It out on the pla- nounced NJxon had told Trudeau talks, Nixon announced he has be received. streams In eastern Mossachu- political chaos. Stoner, NSRP vice chairman, net. It would be only one-l,(KX)th the reasons for his ABM decl- He also expressed sympathy 15.4 ' J' accepted Trudeau’s invitation to Grouixl fighting was rexx>rted Ladies setts, Connecticut and Rhode Is- Ayub announced Feb. 2 1 he He said Stoner would represent of an inch thick,” he said Mon- Sion arid what effect- the United m Oal. Min. C.O.D. land was predicted for today as woidd not seek re-election ta the Ray in the cane. day night. "It still may not be a visit Canada at a later date. States expects from it on Etast- (See Page Eight) (See Page Eight) One Day Notice for heavy rata lashed New England Additional bilateral meetings West relations and on possible D ^ va ry Handbags and...... added to the snow melt. (See Page Eight) (See Page Eight) (See I*BKe Eight) among top U.S. and Canadian arms control measures. The warning came from the "Over the years the United Around The Clock Ij.S. Weather Bureau in Boston Burner Service Easter Dresses States has regularly informed and the bureau’s River Forecast Canada of developments in the Center at Hartford, Conn. U.S. Rejects Soviet Plan After Hours Emergency S i', ABM field,” the statement con­ Proved for actually The center urged persons liv­ OH Deliveries Made at 4.97 T T tinued. ’"niiB will be contin­ 18.4c per Oal. ing near small streams to take ued.” 4.9755.97 s Pouches, envelopes, and! To Demilitarize Sea Floor immediate precautions, and the The statement quoted Nixon Automatic or Call reducing wrinkles A lines, shirldresses. and regular waistlines. shoulder bags in. smoothj bureau in Boston predicted that Bokafs, patents, turtles. Col-| as saying there had been some atted of the seabed would be simply Delivery Lace, smock and em­ larger streams in eastern Mas­ GENEVA (AP) — The^r ors. Black, Fawn, Bone.f areas of disagreement but many 2 broidery trims. Da­ sachusetts and the Housatonlc States today rejected thihe SovietSo unworkable and probably harm- Wliitc. Navy more areas of agreement during Latest Cosmetic Find! Genava was designed to be cron organza. Kodcl. In western Connecticut would proposal for complete demllltar- fta." * Ask About Our s-Day and no iron cottons their talks. It said Trudeau Discount Payment Plan used daily under make-up in lovely prints and overflow their banks during the Isation of the oceans’ floors Smith said the Soviet propoMl With a substance new to agreed with this assessment. or ovemight-it is absorbed solid pastels. Sizes next several days. around the world,, saying It was was also "completely impracU- cosmetics, named Genava, 3/6x - 7/14. MANCHESTER aging skin can start looking mstantiy by the skin. Rec- Misses leather-look washable The center said the rata In Nixon called the sessions "one “simply unworkable and probe- cal” because It raised “In- (ML HEAT, INC. younger and younger — not “ “ oended by leading de- bouthern New England would of the most successful meetings bly haumful.’’ superable verification problems. older and older. gartment and drug stores. cause minor flooding In lower of this type" because of the Speaking to the 17-nation U.N. He said the United States la ta- 6 4 « - 4 9 M Start using Genava today. Nylon Cloves 'Teaches of the Housatonlc Riv­ number of subjects discussed dlsarmament subcommittee, terested In taking "realistic After a two-week trial on a In_ just two weeks you r er, wMle the Charles River was and the progress made toward U.S. delegate Gerard C. Smith steps” to prevent an arms race selected group of women, a wrinkles will vanish or di­ 'expected to reach flocxl stage, solutions. He promised contin­ emphasized that Ms government on the ocean floor and believed noted physician, specializ­ minish greatly. Skin be­ ^ 0 Shorty length with c- It said a minor rise would oc- uing close relations with Canada is interested In barring nuclear that "the most urgent problem ing in dermatology, re­ comes more translucent, • v ^ chain stitch. (;ur on the lower Connecticut and channels of communica­ arms from the seabeds. But he is the danger of the emplace­ 5 1 ports on the ingredients in smoother. You will look River. tions that will include telephone made plain proMUting conven­ ment of weapons of mass des­ ALL AROUND Qenava: talks between the two neighbor­ gloriously younger! 1.65 oz. n Q 4-button *" The U.S. Army Corps of Engi­ tional weapons and even mili­ truction on the seabed. $3.50; 4 oz. $5.00. ing leaders. tary installations that also serve "Such deployments, whether NACHimST ’’Disappearance o f .m all ■ ' classic. neers at Waltham, Mass., said It ^**1nkles was accom ­ I Was using six of its 84 flood con­ "This Is a new era of coopera­ peaceful purposes is utuiccepta- nuclear, chemical, biological, or tion and consultation," Nixon BRIDOEPORT plished in two-week pe­ Midami Nina at Paris, Sizes 6)4 to 8 • trol dams to store water. Those ble to WosMngton. radiological in nature, should be riod; even the very thras times winner •( White and fashion colors being used were in the Naugu- said. Soviet Delegate Alexei A. Ros- banned." the Franck "Hanneur aii Trudeau arrived Monday to OPERATORS deepest wrinkles showed 'tuck River basin In Connecticut cMn told newsmen that the So­ He said the United States Is ■ariti" nadal far her and the Connecticut and Black- discuss the Nixon-proposed antt- viet draft submitted last week is urging discussions on this as '’®ry great improve, itaaatle eantributiani. MACHINE ment.” Easier Coats Agilon 'itone River basins In Massachu­ ballistlc missile—ABM—pro­ "definitely for negotiation." soon as poasiUe. An agreentent, setts. gram reportedly undecided "W e are not trying to Impose he added, would place “»ariy This physician also com­ A spokesman for the corps about whether to back the sys­ on others," he said. "The pur­ 70 per cent of the earth’s sur­ OPERATORS ments, “ the small aui>erfi- said It had distributed 200,000 tem. He leaves for Ottawa to­ pose of this conference is to ne­ face off limits to the ernns race cial wrinkles responded Panty Hose TheEMCOCORP.I sandbags and an additional night after more discussions gotiate.” and will have acMeved a signlA- dramatically.’’ And he adds 13.97 with American leaders. 200,000 were arriving or en- "The existence of submarine cant restraint on the deploy, offers better than aver-1 that the skin was “more yee pay and liberal bene-1 roiite. No matter what Trudeau de­ fleets requires states to take ac- ment of weapons of mass de fits, ]^us pleasant work-1 translucmt and smoother The corps had been working cides. he is certain to face Inten­ tion In self-defense, such as struotion." ing omuHUdos. m appearance.” on 17 projects In all New Eng­ sive questioning on the matter warning systems that use the Smith also made It clear that Apply A t 15.97 land states except Vermont as seabed," he continued. T h ^ results are nothing 2.29, by his parliamentary opposition. the hoped for bilateral talks part of “Operation Foresight," abort of amazing. And it n s'y'es •" boxy. Edwardian, gored body and (il’n Last week critics expressed "Moveover, much 'Useful with the Soviet Union on limit­ llare. Double breasted and side button closings, some with separate hats. Cheeks, Short and the spokesman said many sdentitic research on the took a new cosmetic com • 1 -Suntan M jiih o n e (ear that U.S. defensive missile ing' antimissile shields are by no TheEMOO two-tones and solid colors in sizes 4/hx - 7/14, Avortfi - raquests have been received pound to ife it. Talisman lJ.iv, rirev Lon| Rain Swells Hockanum River installations near the border commutXcatlon and navigation­ means Imminent. since the rain started Monday al aids (X) the seabed serve both Eatralofif would cause radioactive fallout In Ms message to the confer­ OORPOHATION night for technical assistance, military and civilian users. I»w-lying land near the Hockanum River was cov­ in the normal coui-se of the river. No street flood­ over Canadian territory If they ence last Tuesday, President Laoohted Behind Plano’s sandbags,' channel deepening Smith told the conference that llwtaurant on Rouibe 44A, ever had to be used. Nixon said the UMted States and debris clearance. ered with water this morning as the river rose from Trudeau rejected proposals seabeds is supported or'carried Batten, Oonn. 1146 TOLLAND TPKE. ing was reported in town today despite the steady Exit 93, Wilbur Cross Parkway Basements were reported tliat he seek to have projected military personnel us'ng Or GUI €3w ^%Xi]>0]EI, SALI: MON. thru SAT. the night’s heavy rainfall. Ttiis parcel is at Hil­ rain, but flash flooding was predicted for Ckinnecti- MANCHESTER flooding in various areas, and a missile rites In North Dakota rnim ary non-weapons equip- ^^1^^ w U rp e rm ir L h Where Shopping is Always a Pleasure. l ‘l« TOLLAND TURNPIKE fire was touchsd off by lightntag liard St. (along the right of the picture) and New cut end other New Eng'land States. (Herald photo and Montana moved further-™^ talks to begin In the near fu- Ibtnwtioa OPEN LATE EVERY NIGHT Therefore, we must point out * Exit 98, Wilbur Cross Pkwy. (Her Pagr Two) Stalte Rd. The water at the left of the picture ‘is by Buceivioius) (See Page Eight) that complete

/. ..

I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY. MARCH 26, 1969 'If...... * PACT T B B B ' movie audience ‘New Music’ **i****GU I DE******* Tolland County UN’s Schedule bury, Mrs. Shlrtey KosU, Ib e . A SERVICE OF FtLM4MAkER8 Sheinwold on Bridge Florence Carpenter, Mrs. Mary A n o s m Pleases Crowd AND THEATERS. Ward. Mrs. BEleen Jeffries and B U D O B K X FE BT SHUNS Dinner-Dance Mrs. Leona Lavery. Ertate settlement costs cotdd At University Th«M rttingt apply to fitmo ■ im iiA C B D HUSBANIM NORTH ’nckets for the dlnneivdanee >ftf Nov 1,1000 4 A kI8 2,200 Sign Petition Manchester Registered Nurses a big Ute out of your srtsts. Aa ss- By ALnUED SBKINWaU) may be obtained from any mem­ Late cotMsrvatloa plan oaa bslp pay Br JOHN OBVBEB 9 743 Aseoclation will have ite annual ber of the aswociation <«■ by con­ I T ^ SEAL O i 2 those costs. dlmierdance Saturday, April tacting committee members. A near capacity audience * In ads indicstss Ihs Mm was A poor bridge playsr somo- A AKI7 times titM to moks progress For Cut in Spending 12, at Manchester Country Club. phone.. .write.. .visit turned out last night for the ' submMsd and apprevad undsr WEST EAST TBe oU aaylng "neceaatty ia Ing; fneeae-dried trite aiae foods, aecond In a aerlea of "New I Ihs Motion Ptcturs Cod# that the lady's husband Is Just ’Ihe event wiH open with a cock- Better Trees *Bred* w hen he’s not wanted, lb s B 5 4 2 ♦ 7 demands for spenllQg "They have convinced earti the mothar o< invention” haa eaten aa is and rehydrated In Mualc" concerta at von der ' ofSsH-Rsgulation. K J 8 9 9652 tall hour at 6:80 p.m. and dinner OTTAWA — Ctuuulian oom- JOHN E. DOYLE Mehden Hall on the UOonn cam- bridge expert leaves the huUss • reihiotlon of taxes other the pufaUc demands spend- tkaen provaa many tlmea In the mouth; and powdered foods g ] Suggstlsd for GENERAL 0 K8743 0 J 1096 no will be served at 8. Norbert psnies are searching forests tor 68 Coonectlcnt Blvd^ many Induatriaa. It la eapeclally to which water Is added before pua. Aa might have been expect­ alone^ knowtag’ that soonsr or «« tt»e state level have been ***■..*> “*® quertlon ie sudlsncss. — — — ♦ 95 A 10 84 3 Saegart’s orchestra will play “plus trees’* — ones that grow East Hartfsfd true In the food market Today's oonaumpUon. The rehydratable ed, the worka offered were of later one of them will too into wraiiped ix> into paoteM and or not the taxes to pay SOUTH (MiranMi In for It rtioUM include an Income (or dancing from 9 to 1 a.m. (aster, stralghter and taller than 6t»-M41 froaen foods, mixaa, powdered foods required a special flexible uneven value, but the program S Suggsstsd for MATURE Ml lop. Tou oan watch tbs ex­ -MM Mrs. Priscilla Brown, chair­ their companions. These are pert at work ia today's bsnd. A Q10963 g r a t e d to County ta x ," Bryant charged. M«w York Uto Inturmo* Conip«qr preparatiaaa and dehydrated container ki which they ootdd be generally Interesting and auiHencas (parental diacrs- man of the event, wSl be as­ crossbred Just Uke cattle or North dealer. 9 A Q 10 petitions are intended to Ufa Insuranco • Group Insuranco foods are a boon to busyhouse- reconstituted and fnxn which eUcited most favorable response Hon advisad). 0 sisted by Mrs. Bernice Wood­ borsee to develop sigierior types. wtfaa averywhere. llieae new they could be consumed. The those in attendance. Both sldM vulneratde. AQ Afoen of Vernon, demonstrate that there is a tide Annultim • Hsaltb Insuronoo RESTRICTED — Parsons A Q62 proceaaaa have often been de- reaulting package kxrics like a Things started with an opus [i] Openiiig lend pfaie of dubs. lAri Ponslon Plant veloped to meet special needs heavy see-through plactlc bag titled "Computer Variations,” undar 16 not admittad. un- TVhen. South jAayed today's North Eart South Wert *«»»•••«* taxes and favors for feedlnr our armed torcaa wWh an odd kmkltv feedli^ tube Hubert S. Howe Jr., one of l**s accompanlad by parani hend at six spades be saw at a 1 A Pau 1 0 Pan r __ **"'***®‘* 80vemme«t spending," 3 A Pass 4 NT ness Committee in Venwn. k. ^Id. during wartime or to meet the on one aide of the top. Milton Babbitt’s proteges. or adult guardian. | glance that he had 11 sure tricks q>eclal problems encountered by Hot or cold waiter is Intro- I''rankly, I thought it quite the In top colds: Fhra trumps, four 5 9 Pass 5 NT Pan ®€**Mures included in the oeU- - - Irsne M. Klnoswlci Parsons under 16 not ad-i dubs, and the two red acee. He 6 9 Pass 6 4 A ttP iSi! Upns a r .d the moiled-in o m ^ s J ? * * explorers. duced through the tube In (he composition of the evening. I® ----- lita cover tbe towns of Vernon 101- asked that attention be could make the 12th trick i f ' Very eaity In history man dia- amount apeclOed on the pack- extremely logical and '"Htsd. This aga rastrittion! .. land, BUlngton and Wapplilg “ “ "laxidiedB of people covered that 'food woidd keep age by means of a specialty de- provided electronic tone colors Bart had either red Ung. may ba highar In cartaln ' the ten. Wert oan wtai wltb IfM .Summaries of the oom m it^s w « h e m longer If It were 0 astronaut breaks the germl- was definitely forced to wonder v * v o ',' IQucewlcz has been a have m rte fun, but they havajftl Hfon eft*,’’ explainedy * Atty. any good,’’ Bryant noted. Many ACCIDENTS with a dub end tried Iris wiles ly Imoortimt bock In the davs of pUl M to the *«>w much was IBM and ’ *"«"*•>**■ of the art, ski, chemls- wMh bridge sxptits. t-rr Thomas ComieH of Vetmn Ver P®^^®*** a®’® ®ttU outstanding, Named to West Point A car driven by Bruce S. with the queen of hearts. But your own t L saikiM ship which k ^ e d Package into left-over food to “ow much was Mr. Howe. Nev- Dally QueaHon chairman of the oommlttee. ’ accortUng to (he attorney, .which Henry D. Romm of Columbia, who has been accepted at the had limited retard spoilage. ertheless I liked It, which is a appeared Inin shows shows ritaged dtaged by Black, of Bast Hartford, slid the king of hearts won the tifok, As dealer, you boldi Spades, are “oertatn to swell the reMgeratlon and ord N. out of control on Olcott St. near and South warn down one. .’Committee mombers were U.S. Military Academy a t West Point, after Ms appointment Bite-sixe foods are wrapped In rather unusual reacUon from ^ LeBlenc, 286 Bldwell the latter. She appeared on the Q-ie-9-e-S; Hearts, A-Q-l#; DleA — oruair wyam, Robert «*x>ve the number 2 storage space. AAty. Arthur Bryant, Robert by U.S. Rep. William St. Onge. ’The 17-year-oId youth, son plasUc oonteiiwoenns-1 tuv 11 II1— 1 and' are_____ m e tnwArri toward AYtremAlv extremely nirwlArn modern show, "Aa Schools Match Love Lane this morning at 12 ;46 Wily Expert moods, A-4)i O la ^ G-At. :..'T Later man developed methods and a utility pole. ’The car Fisher, CPA; John Daigle, toim- received.’’ of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hewes Ramm, will start classes July placed directly Into the mouth compositions. Rentachlor SclKriarships. ’The Wits.” She is also a meniber The bridge eiqiert la fond of What do you^aayf erAe» menlber . . . —of .a asthe___ Vernon___ ...Board slgnatmoBCtawandeaesA gathering«* pro- 1. He is now a senior at Windham High School, where he is of pasddng foods hi sealed con­ waa towed away. queens, but be is far too wUy tainers and disoovered methods where they are r^ydrated. **“*“ Chamberlain was next “■wards were estahlished in of the National Honor Society. Answer: Bid 1-NT, ptomlrtsgtt 4t Representative^ and Rich- ®®*® limited to the six-day on the student council, the National Honor Society chajiter ^ to make the first move. Tbe of rsfkigerating and quick trees- BKe-slze foods that have a ten- heard In some pieces for piano •"o*no*y the wife of the late Bach schoiarahip provides 16 to 18 points in high oardSi> aid Dempsey, past president of P®®'^ because the committee and the president of the cross-country team. teem A written warning for failure bert way to win a queen la to . hig. dency to crumble are dipped In written by Stefan Wolpe *''roderlck B. Rentschler, found- tuition and academic and with balanced dfotitbutian aodi Mte Vernon Towig RepubHoam. " ‘•®c*dod It would be better to BE SURE NrtBlISS hta been M'rvlng the Hems Owner to grant the right of way at an let her do all the work. So our a special starch like subatance “nd two of his pupils, Howard a*" ^AC and Its chairman xintU $soo a year toward additional strength in at least three suiti. 'Although the group is oongwe- quickly and send In the for 87 YEARS. Per a MmpIsIs FREE INSPECTION of o empty baskets segg dyo Today, man is meeting the to prevent crumba from eacap- Rovlcs and Raoul Pleakow. ’The hla death In 18M. expenses for four or five years Intersection waa issued to Doro­ expert takes the flirt chib an If your apades were a bit strongo Dempsey tax program but ap­ representaUves practice thrift thy L. Gk>re, of 40 Olcott St. efoof RepubHoam, the oominrt- " “mes already received,” ac- your horns by ■ Termits Ginirol Export, tupsrvbsd ohsUsnge „ of food for the space Ing to float around the kisides lufl*Knce of the teacher on the Mias Klucewics’s father is of study leading to a bachdor’s three rounds of trumps and next er, and you had correepondliBfljf} proval rt on Income tax.” amj economy,” Bryant rialmed, • cellopliane s gra^ after she turned left in front m daels that thrift and eoono- Bryant. "With legis- Tlxise malHng newspaper by the flnszl techniul staff, phone our nsarsst travder. Space travel imposee ,gf apace strip and cause pos- PupHs waa noticeably marked; employed In the turning depart- degree In engineerii^, mathe- takes two more clubs, ending In leas In some other suit, ymii my In government is an issue Nation under consideration, there “not increased services.” of an oncoming car on W. Mid­ coupons often attached notes, Taking note of similar groups IomI oHIm ; o candles o toys W ^ e ocnatraints on the de- siug liriiaJatton and choking by “ U the worka sounded aUke. ment of Pratt and Whitney Air- matics, or the physical or lUe the dummy. Tbls removes oH would prefer to open w itt og|%,- rthlch crosses party Hnes. ^ conduct a house- 5 sign and fabricatian of foods for jm astronaut. FVxxte are nnrmm ‘**‘1 ^ *y sound very mod- craft. Blast Hartford, and Miss sciences. dle Tphe. and Adams St. at 6:08 black cards from the West hand. spade instead of 1-NT, < B i^ l^ t reported, mostly con­ organizing flirough the state, yesterday morning. No one was Referriflg to tbe peUttons d r- to-ho*»® oanvass.” e napkins s eot-sots during space flight, tied Into meals and packaged ®ro- ^ was immediately re- Lnoi ggoo a year towed from the scene. "sharply-worded" and "op- about three per cent of thoM come tax. Others objected to tor action in the future." take wlUi them murt be vsary ments of the man In Space and and percussion piano.” A ll member of the Student COun- to privately endowed iiwUtu- poaing ta x increasee and calliiv approached choee not t o sign." lowering the voting age. Contacted last night, Hoidey A town dump truck, driving BLISS TBIOnTE CONTROL CORP. Uglri weight, require a minimum as much variety as Is possible three found It fascinating to cU, the sdeoce, biology, and Mons the vrinners attend for Hmltod government spend- He described mort of (time os "The committee feels ttiat its had not had time to read yes­ 2 oonvenient locatien s! with its dump body partly up Priests Score Burial; ta g ." "either state employes or peo- DIV. OF BLISS EXTERMINATOR CO.) INC. • EST. 1882 of Stonge ^Moe, and no re- is Introduced______Into each menu._ roach inside the Instrument to French Clube, and the Journal- The U slarship wiixiera purpose will have been fulfilled terday’s mall, including the t o while patching holes In the road ^e east middle tpke. (next popular market) BJach new space flight glvee Plu** strings, meanwhile offer- Ism and editorial staffs of were selected by a three-mem- He charged many legislators pie who were afraid that the when it has completed Us committee’s letter. He is ex­ snapped off an overhanging tree a downtown main street, manehestor Beoouse tbe condition of re- those who are producing space “ keyboard line composed "Bcho,” the school newspaper, her board, none whom is owi- with being “out of touch with petMoa would be mlsinterpret- demonstration to the legislators pected t o comment on the com­ Tlw OlciMsf & Lorgast in Conn. latlva weigbUeasDess makes tt food information that will help “tone-clusters” In the Cow- She also served as a Ubrary neoted with UAC branch yesterday morning on Of Perez by Church; publlc opinion.” ed to mean opposition to the that the public demands that mittee’s position today. Bush Hill Rd. The truck w a s impossible to keep eoUd foods them make these foods mom ®^^ manner. Personally I al- NEW ORLEANS (AP) — on a plate or liquids In an open palatable and enable them to ''^“ys thought "tone-clysters” not damaged, and the owner reconciliation "a mere IegaI-~ of the tree was notified. "What does the black communi­ ism " and said Peres could not aq>, maois must be eaten direct- offer a more varied menu. It is would be a more accurate de- ty think of us?” asked six Ro­ ly frixn sealed containers. Menus highly probable thrive ac^Ption. "make up for a public Insult by A motorcjrcUst waa slightly in­ man Catholic priests In protest­ some private prayers or token murt be planned to include a slse and freese dehydrated foods Chamberlain played Judge Reserves Decision jured Sunday afternoon when ing the burial of segregationist penance. total doUy intake of about 2,800 wlU be sold In the not too for '*'*** ®"°'«*‘ was hampered Leander H. Peres Sr. from a "In the eyes of our society calories per astronaut. distant future In the super- definitely was his motorcycle ran Into the rear On Evidence in Bank Case of a car that had stom>ed sud­ Catholic church. Leander Peres represents, even AU space food must bo pre- m ^ et-^ e perfect answer tor enta. Under the circumstances. Federal JliAge M. Joseph denly cn Center St The driver The objection came to light at this very moment, a racial pared and packaged to with' the camping family! apartmeqit. She went down- an accurate appraisal of her tal- Blumentled reserved decision rtairs and found Labbe there of the car was Ronald W. Hayes Monday when Archbishop Phil­ position absolutely Irreconcil­ stand the following oendiUons: of Winsted; the motorcyclist was lip M. Hannan said Peres, ex­ able with the Christian reli­ Tetnperatturea ranging from enta is Impossible. yesterday on a motlcR to sup- bleeding badly. When she saw Then came Milton Babbitt's ^ that he was near losing cen- CSiristopher O. Stocks of Hart­ communicated from the Catho­ gion,” they wrote. about 20 degrees F to 185 de- THEATER OME Phllomel,” definitely the most j* ""” •“*"» sciousness, she summoned fin ford. lic church In 1962, received ab­ The letter was signed by the greaa F ; pressures ranging from pretentious offering of the eve- ClvltiQo, charged In con- ambulance, solution from the censure after Rev. Gilbert Roxburgh, theolo­ 10.7 psia (pounds per square SCHEDULE ning. This was sung by Bethany nectloa with the robbery Nov. Miss Civitillo was not arrest- A two-car accident occurred a "public statement accepting gy department, Loyola Univer­ inch absolute) at 70 degrees F Beardsley, aoprano, wrlth elec- 7 of the W. MlddBe T^ke. branch ®^ that time, nor was her Sunday aftenioon at 6:10 on and supporting the authority of sity of the South; ’The Rev. (the preesure at which the space TDE8DAT tronlc tape accompaniment In of Hartford National Bank. apartment searched, agent B. Center St. Drivers involved the church . . . made publicly Richard ’Truttor, associate pas­ 'craft la purged prior to launch) Elart Windsor Drive-bi — which she also sang. Off hand Her attorney filed the motion, StHea testified. were, Peter Koehler of 101 South over a year ago." tor, St. Anthony of Padua Par­ to ai^irdximately 1 x 10 pels, closed — reopen Friday. I would say the work is too contending that the manner in Stiles testified that at t h e St., RockviUe; and Allen J . Hill Peres died last Wednesday ish; the Rev. J . A. Nadeau, the­ near vaccum oenditian, a t 100 State Theatre — Candy 6:40, contrived to be really valuable, which the evidence was gath- ^® was mainly Interest- of 84 Alton St. night at his plantation south of ology department, St. Mary's degrees F (the temperatures ex­ 9:00. Actually It may be the text ered violates her constitutional ed In finding out who Labbe here In oil-rich Plaquemine Par­ Dominican College, and the pected In the Bpece craiit when Manchester Drive-In —cioeed by John Hollander which la too rights. was, who the other two men ’Two oan were involved in a ish, which he controlled for Rev. Klllan Downey, the Rev. the cabin is open during extra — reopen Friday. contrived, necessitating mualc Testimony was completed might be, and possibly recov- minor accident in a private nearly a half century. His ex- Michael Duffy and the Rev. Mel vehicular , activity and In the to match. Mr. Hollander’s yesterday in U.S. District Court ® *'^ ^® money. parking lot on Cooper 8 t Satur­ communication stemmed from Buechele, all of Javier Univer­ Millgfat); relari've humidity day night. Police report the sity’s theology department. lengthy lyrics are based on the at Hartford several la w Later during the interview his blocking the opening of a which may vaiy from 80% to little known tale of PbUomel as enforcement agents who with Mias ClvltWo, she said d rlran were TTxnnas Zuraw ct PlaquenUdea parochial school 90%. Board Approves took set forth by Ovid. It began well part In the investigation, she would take Stiles to the EJart Hartford and Joan L. New­ which had admitted Negroes. A Because of the many and Staff Changes enough, but then Mr. Holland- An F B I agent testified that New Britain Ave. address that berry of South Windsor. A requiem mass for the 77- railed oonstralnts imposed by er got Involved with rhymes, a Miss ClvltlHo, 20, of 268 Frank- the upstairs neighbor had told year-old political leader who the Suspects Held The Board of Education last the apace vehicles and space devlce absolutely foreign to lln Ave.. Hartford, accompan- police about. The neighbor told A two-oar accident was re­ six priests called "the leading night made some personnel travrt, it was necessary to cre­ classical verse. And besides, led him to 867 New Britain Ave. police that she took Miss Civi­ ported Saturday night at Center racist of the South” was con­ ate a new feeding concept based changes, as foDows: tillo to the addresa and at the and Adams St. Tlie drtveni were ducted Friday at Holy Nome of In Kidnaping ______It accepted the resignation of what rhymes! v/here she took a green paper on specially engineered and tab- From this point on the work bag from the second floor loft time. Miss Civitillo had a green David P. Heritage, 19, of 86 Jesus Church on the campus of ricated foods. The extensive re- Cl“ riase Ponton, IHlng Jun- Columbus St., and JUhn W. began to disintegrate, so far aa of a garage there, and sur- paper bag. Loyola University. Of Patrolman searoh conducted at the request School teacher of Eng- Rath, 16, of Glastonbury. Rath I was concerned; Mr. Babbitt rendered It to him. The bag Miss dvitUIo was not arrest­ Burial, with two Catholic of NASA has resulted In the at the close of was given a written warning tor provided a most effective tape contained $30,325 of the ■more____ ed until Nov. 8, at Hartford priests conducting the rites, fol­ (Continued fnmi Page One) foods consumed on the Apollo 9 school year, accompaniment, and Bethany than $88,000 taken In the rob- Hospital. When she waa arrest failure to yield the right of way. lowed In a private mausoleum and 10 flights Leaves of absence were grant- Beardsley sang the vocal part bery. e ®be was informed of her at Peres’ Idlewlld Plantation. handcuffs, he reported. TTiey These foods' feU Into three ^ Nancy Zlemlnsld, Rob- with stunning perfection. Both m Ieb Civitillo told the agent refused to an- A two-oar, rear-end crarti oc­ ”In all candor, we consider drove In the cruiser to a se­ oatagories: Dehydrated foods ^ teacher. curred OR the entrance ramp to the event a disgrace,” wrote the cluded skiing area on Route 44 effective at the (dose of the seemed to be shackled by the that she did not know the bag ®'^®'’ questions which are rehydrated before eat- text .which promised far more contained nvoney, Judge w M. Josepht------Blumenfeld the Wilbur Croea Highway, Juet six priests—five of teem theolo­ In Canton where they handcuff­ school year; and Mrs. Linda than it was able to deliver. reserved decision on the mo­ past the Howell Cheney ’Tech­ gy professors at Catholic uni­ ed Beck to a tree, police said. O’Brien, Lincoln School Grade Miss Civitillo is accused of During the kidnaping, the ab­ Following intermission we accepting and concealing stol­ tion to suppress but a decision nical School. The drivers were versities here. 3 teacher, effective April 28. were offered "Stereo Mu­ is expected soon because Mias Charles D. Lowery m , of Fhr- ’The requiem, they said, was ductors reportedly talked to po­ ^anrl?rfitrr These professional appoint­ en money. In connection with lice headquarters on the two- sic Number One,” by Buelent the robbery. ClvltdUo’s trial has already been ert Rd., Coventry; and William held "with the leading figures of m ent were made: Mrs. Beverly way radio in the patrol car. Arel. ’This number Is actually Miss Civitlllo’s fiance, Rich­ delayed. S. Feder Jr. of 344 Lydall St. the racist world assembled lEitrnin^ l|prali B. Price to teach Grade 1 at available on recording so some­ there under one roof during the State police Joined local po­ Buckley School; Mrs. Patricia ard D. Labbe, of Hartford, was lice In the search tor the two Published Dally Except Sundays body must have felt It 1ms more one of three men who robbed A two-oar accident occurred . . . saerdment of unity and and Holtdaya at 13 Blssell Street. Trymbulak to be a helping brotherhood.’’ men. Maticlvester. Conn. (OSOiO) value than I would give It. ’To the bank last fall. Labbe ivas on Spruce St. Saturday after­ teacher In Grades 1 and 3 at me, at least. It represents only noon. TTie drivers were Pauline ’The letter to the archbishop Telephone 643-2711 Keeney St. School; Mdss Carol shot in the neck in a gun bat­ Flash Floods Second Class Postage Paid at some experiments in electronic tle with Manchester policeman Daigle of ISO School S t and Al- from the priests was dated Fri­ K u r il Disappearing Manchester, Conn. R. Harrington to teach Grade 5 tonal coloring, valuable as stud­ I^KKise Oburtwwski of 11 S. day, the same day Peres was at Buckley School; and Mre. Richard Rand as he and two LAB. New Guinea — A rare ies for the composer himself, Predicted for Lakewood OlFcle. Obuchowrtd buried. It was released Monday SUBSCRIPTION RATES Nancy D. 'Tyrrell to be a dental others fled the holdup scene in disease known as kuru Is Iden­ Payable in Advance but of no lasting merit so far a car. He was recently sen­ was given a written warning tor night by the archbishop along tified wUh cannibalism In Nmr One Y ear ...... *30.00 hygienist in the schexd system. with his own statement. Six Months ...... 15,00 as an audience Is concerned. tenced to IS years In prison for Improper backing. Guinea. The fatal disease at­ All appointments are for the Finally we got Varese’s New England Archbishop Hannan, who had riiree Months ...... 7.80 remainder of the school year. his part In the robbery. TTie tacks taught in Pomfret and Daniel­ which hds forces followed In ex­ ernight snowfall of six to 10 A MELVIN FRANK FILM son The FBI and other officers In­ A two-(w accident was re- 2 cellent manner, but was so con- inches. povted In the Pailcade Baturday ENDS TONIGHT I Mrs. Tyrrell graduated In 1968 volved contend that Miss C3vl- "GANDV” StM • I .. ,, , . . . .. cerned with a steady rhythm tillo was questioned as a wit­ An official said plows were at 1:80 p.m. The drivers were "Buona hardly anything else came ness only, and not as a suspect. out all night to keep roads open Gay Dubsic of 266 Henry St. and ■TV, k!? Hy^enlsts. through. Nevertheless it elicited V. STATE FBI agent Edward Stiles testi­ and drifts as high as five feet Clayton R. Adamec of 66 Gard­ trtrTTT i r l M A N C H f S T 1 D C t N T I S Sera, The board also appoint^ Mrs. response from the au- were reported. ner St. IBII PARK OIAU IH IMIAIBI Glenora G. Forbes secretary to lienee so that the number was fied yesterday that he did not inform,, her of her rights be­ 7710 Weather Bureau In Bos­ Wed. "Beeret Oereinonjr” ’Mrs.. the business manager. .epeated. ______irtS-tiM . cause "she was a witness who ton said the rain would change An accident was reported Sat­ The work seems of little or could assist and help us; she to showers by tonight with part- urday at 2:86 p.m. at the Paiii- no Importanoe today aside from was not a suspect.” ly cloudy weather In southern ade. ’The drivers were Eidward "SECRET TECHNICOLOR' United Artists the novelty value it once had. However Sriles said, ‘"The areas Wednesday and mostly R. Nielsen of RockvlUa and 5 CHAR8E YOUR I was reminded that Nicolas tone of. Tier answers was eva­ cloudy skies with scattered Frederick S. Erwin of 16 HUro CEREMOMY* Paid QUARTERLY on S.B.M. Savings Accounts Skmimsky (offering the work at sive, and it ■was clear that she showers and snow flurries in the S t PRESCRIPTION the Hollywood Bowl In 1933) re­ was concealing something.” north. • ISNHM RCTuMi uano/rau ru tornas lint KNDS TONITB! ceived a postcard signed by ■- twnawtuitNeciiM Manchester Det. Sgt. John Oscar Tenenbaum, chief me­ An accident was reported Sat­ Iona Lotta Bunk, following that "JOANNA” HERE Krinjak, also testified yesterday teorologist at the bureau, said urday at U :16 a-m. on E. Center both performance. It read: 00 that he did not advise her of the effects of the rain would SL The drivers were John D. w ExpensiVe- WE HONOR " After hearing Varese’s "lonl- her rights. He said she was not $ ▼ looking Gift continue In faster nmoff from Hughea, Franrii Rd., Bolton, and totion,” I am anxious that . you a suspect and that she was free melting_____ snow in northern sec- of lasting Nlctde Cantln, 21 Washington SL, should examine my composlUon to go. Krinjak tertlfled that he Uons. Vernon. Miss Cantin was Issued Quaiityl scOT^ tor two stoves and a told her It would go easier on “Some of the things they were 646-1700 a written warning for foUure to imenen sink. I ’ve named it her It she led them to the fearful of happening alreauly are yield the right of way. S. O. M. B. (^ncussion Symphony,” de- money. He told her If she told happening,” he said of the flood scriptlve of the disintegration of what she knew, the courts threats. COMPLAINTS ...just how much Im can Satisfaction Or Money Back iMArntm IT • m Irish potato under the In- would look upon her case more The Corps of Engineers said Police recovered a etolen car fl^ n ce of a powerful foodchop- favorably. that enow packs in the upper per.’ last night at 10:06 p.m. on W. ayoongman stand? Krinjak testified he and F'BI Connecticut and upper Merrt- Center St. The car belongs to agent StUes went to Hartford mack Rivers had not let go. R.H. ’Townsend of Hartford. tbe Hospital the night of the rob- Officials have been watching M Thieves Get $4,000 bery. It was at the hospital that the situation closely fearing that avings ank of anchester Some copper tubing and cop­ l l n S B ^ M Treasure From Enfield Restaurant a Dr. Kuehn told poliiice that with winter’s heavy cu:cumula- per wire were removed from Richard D. Labbe, had been Uon of snow would lead to an unfinished house a t 41 Lex­ Member F.D.I.C ENFIELD (AP)— Police said brought In by ambulance from floods. The situation waa made ington Dr. sometime over tbe Shop PINE PHARMACY Monday that burglara got away 266 Franklin'Ave. more serious by the high water weekend, police say. AMCRH Six OgavMrignt Officw Strvins •94 CENTBB ST. with about $4,000 In cash dur- Stiles and Krinjak then went content of the snow. COLOR from the safe of a local res- to that address and found Miss The Weather Bureau forecast An aluminum awqlng «;aa MANOBBBTEB PABKADE MANCHESTER, CONN, taurant. C31v4til>o there being interviewed temperatures tonight In the SOs partially pulled down from a AX irtu-ung nRIIM EITER • EKST lURTHNW • SOUTH WINOSOR • BOLTON NOTBH Police said entrance to the by Hartford police. She told po- and low 40s and somewhat cold- building at 22 Oak St. some­ TEL M9-9814 ! Mountain Laurel Restaurant bee that she had been iqntairs er Wednesday with tempera- time over the weekend. Police SUN.l it P J C . BURNSIDE was gained through a second visiting a neighbor when she tures ranging from the middle say it must have been done by Mail Ofike. Paifcwla aid Roltoi Notch Opca Saiurdayt S aji. to Nooi! floor window. heard someone come In to her SOs to middle 40s. somebody swinging on it. 33333333838388888888 U. -.L \


f o u R MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1969 B o l t o n V e m o n musoiim on Saturday at 2 " Both members and non- Colonial^ New Britain Firm Three Alterations Made Building Perm its Brooks-Beebe Announce Engagements Sutton^mith During February Discussing Possible Merger f a Y ¥T«d. only CharlM rsirlotman of UlllalNa To Plans for Grade School Charles Christman of Hlllsiae Merger talks between CMon- The company also makes lu­ 1 Manor or Mrs. Richard Lane of lal BoMd Co. of Parker 8t. and f a i r w a y , Mian Martha Anne Beebe of ’Hie marriage of Mlsa EUsa- brication fittings and devices ■n^ Board of jEduoation and ITie $8,600 to be requested at Campbell Ave., both of Vernon Superior Steel BaU Co. of New boBi tto m ! . TalcottvlUe became the bride of beth France* Smith of Man­ The estimated value of buUd- for motor vehicles through a n R ' L the Public BuBdiiig Oommieeion a town meeting U tor final plans ...... Persona must provide their Britain may produce results In Robert Gordon Brooks of Brock- chester to Dennis Lee Sutton Ing permlte issued for February subaldicuy. Universal Lubri­ port, N.T., Saturday afternoon *»»*> a tow more changes in dooumenU for tbs reno- S L ed ^ n own transportation and will three to five weeks, according cating ' Sj^ems In Oakmont, our Mthu stoeh of of Fort Meyers, Ftau, was *ol- meet at the museum’s main to Robert P. Fuller, president at TalcottvUle Congregatlanal emnlaed Saturday afternoon, Pa. entrance at 1:46 p,m. of Colonial. Colonial makes fiber board Church. March 15, at St. Jemea’ Church. Mooae Donee Fuller and Daniel Sudarsky, tor the shoe, car and luggage The bride Is the daughter of ’The bride ie a daughter of The large Increase was due to M ^ j^ons are now cm their Grades 5 through 8.” The women of the Moose will president of Superior, said Industries In Manchester, Etost Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Beebe Mr. and Mrs H.arry F. Smith the start bf construction this selectmen with a -n,e aroWteofJ fee tor the en- present a Homemoker’a Dtoner- Jirectors of Colonial and the Poland and Bar Mills, Maine, of 28 Main St., TalcottvUle. The of 24 Bigelow St. Hie bride­ past month of a 100-unit M>art- Dance on Saturday at 7 p.m. at management of Superior hdve and Covington, Tenn. It also easier cards bridegroom is a son of Mr. and groom la the aon o f Mr. and ment complex whereat last year the Mtoose Home, » Ebn St, okayei a proposal idea subject makes box board for packaging Mrs. Robert W. Brooks of Brock- during that period, no apart­ Mra. Fred Oarrington of Leo- Rockville. to ‘‘terms and condlUcns as at Its Lydall A Foulds division port, N.Y. ma, Temi. ments or shopping complexes acceptance of Oo-worioers will com pete in may be agreed upon." here. The Rev. Truman O. Ireland, The Rev. Thomas Barry of were built. pastor of TiolcattviUe Congrega- came aboS^ preliminary plans (which the baking and handicraft contests. Fuller said this morning that St. James’ Church performed The total included 28 building no more details can be given. Uonal Church, performed the recommendations by the ^ asked The winner wfll be crowned the double-ring ceremony and permits, ffve trailer permits and The merger is subject to a def­ double-ring ceremony. Mrs. An­ Board of Educatkm ■Sm amounts to $6,345, ‘‘queeiT’ at the dance tolowlng was celebrant at the nuptial 13 certificates of occupancy. inite agreement and approval thony Urbanetti of Manchester change was Bunest'mi ronnded out to $10,000. the dinner. INCOME TAX Mass. Mrs. Ralph Maccarone The breakdown Is as follows; by stockholders. was organist. The soloist was O W ^ Since the town has already ap- Proceeds wMl hrip purohase woe orgofltot and aolotot. Bou­ One below ground swimming Last'>yetu-, Superior had sales bar a torrHIc tovtn^ Osetano Simoncelll of Talcott­ S«*ool board P*vpriatod $2,000 tor preUmina- innTtnu rugs for ‘‘kfooseheoit,’’ ■Mooseneart,’ ’ the «*UddiUd PREPARATION quets of gladioli end caznations . 88; of about $11 million and Colon­ vUle. architect Robert Uenhard met ^ P*®""- 88.0001a being request- comnlex. $900,000 : 28 mlscel- city, M«“ *™*®rs ■ and guerts ore were on the altar. complex,' $900,000 ; 28 mlscel- ial had sales of about $9.6 mil­ INDIVIDUAL for Hris only The bride was given in nmr- invited. wod. The bride woe given in mar­ laiieouB permits, $9,684; five lion. The combined companies' ment Friday. At lost idght’s BuBetin Board iusm ess a n d riage by her father. She wore a riage by her father. « i e worn trailer permits, $K, and IS would employ about 700 peo­ at bofli storos! full-length heirloom gown of a full-length gown, designed combined school boon! - PBC Booird of Finance will certificates of occupancy, $19.- ple. SMALL MISINES5 Ivory satin and ChantlUy lace meeting, held In the elementary meet tonight at 7 in the fire- 50. The total fees collected and 7.3 Million Past 75 with Chantilly lace empire bod­ Superior makes steel balls for '/2 achotd, members toured the P^ace room to review budgets, turned over to the town were once worn by her maternal ’The engagement of MUa Ju­ The engagement of Miss ice end bell shaped sleeves with CHICAGO—The United States use in valves, bearings and Ccril • 2 locations: downtown main street and areas where recommendations ^ public hearing wiM be held $1,192. grandmother. Her elbow-length dith Ann Lalashuis of Manches­ SlMUon Mary Swan of Nauga­ a satin skirt accented with has 7.S million people over age electrical contacts and for oth­ east middle taraptke, next to popular market veil of sUk illusion was arranged been made. tonight to'discuss the adoption Museum VIsH JASON J. NOVnCHi ter to James J. ’Hiibodeau Jr. tuck to Ronald Pinto of Man­ matching leoe. Her shoiilder- 75. That’s equal to the com­ er uses in the decorative and from a matching headpiece, and of Bast Hartford, has been an­ chester has been announced by length veil of sUk iUusion woe having the prlncf- of the state building code and . An opportunity to see the new- bined population of eight Rocky military fields at plants In New 6 4 3 ^ 1 m pm s efflee acroes the hall from the hiring of a paid aaseesor. ly remodeled Wadsworth rtie carried a cascade bouquet nounced by her parents, Mr. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. How­ arranged from a matching Mountain states. Britain and Washington, Ind. of gardenias, miniature cama- T® ™*lth auitq, as drawn In This is the second Infonnational Atheneum in Hartford is being and Mrs. Peter F. Lalashtds of ard E. Swan of Naugatuck. headbow, and ehe carried a co­ Uons, and stephanoUs. 191 Union St. Her fiance is the eon of Mr. me orlidnal plans, the sawn Dennen to E. of 126 BrookfleM St. Tfte bride­ of Manchester and Lawrence ed both boartto and the on h l- St. and the late Robert B. Timothy Brahaney, both of groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ogledzinaki of Hobo­ iKtr and she was pUbUqly Brown. Manchester, has been announc­ William O. Marah of 64 Bion- ken, N. J., exchanged vows thiinked. Mie suggested chang­ Miss Carter is a graduate of ed by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. tord SL, Saturday afternoon, March 8, ing the propoeed location of the Windsor High School. She Is William L. Detmen of 26 Tyler Hie Rev. Vincent J. Flynn of ' at Community Baptist Church. home economics room from the employed as a secretary by the Circle. St. James’ Church performed The bride Is a daughter of wIndowJese area now contetolng University of Connecticut at the the double-ring ceremony and !■ ) A Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Net­ Her fiance Is the son of Mr. was celebrant at the nuptial the Idtchen and past o f the oafle- tleton of 21 Conway Rd. Hartford County Extension and Mrs. Edward Brahaney of Service, Hartford. Mass. Mrs. Ralph Maccarone terta: to the etassreom at the The Rev. Walter Loomis of 67 Chambers St. rear o f the building, wMch was Mr. Brown is a graduate of was organist end solodst. Community Baptist Church per­ Miss Dennen, a 1968 graduate being proposed for storage ,«utd Howell Cheney ’Technical The bride was given In mar­ formed the double-ring cere­ of Manchester High School, Is a conference room. School and has served for four riage by her father. She wore mony. Mrs. Stuart Ferguson employed a* the Phoenix Mutual This rear room, ourrenUy yeans with the U.S. Air Force. a white street-length dress was organist. ’The soloist was Life Insurance Co., Hartford. serving as a classroom’, has win­ He is empJoyed as an electron­ trimmed with taoe and a laee Tails Paups. dows at ground level, Mrs. Y f ics technician at the LaPolnte Mr. Brahaney, a 1967 gradu­ mantilla. She carried a bouquet ’The bride was given in mar­ Kreyslg pointed out, and would Industries, Rockville. ate of Bast Catholic M gh of assorted white flowers. riage by her father. She wore be much more desirable for a full-length taffeta gown ’The wedding is planned fo r School, is attending Hartford Mrs. Ooreen Boys of Rockville Sept. 27. t State ’Teclindcal College. was matron o f honor. She wore X homemokbig than the dark half accented with lace and fash­ of the cafeteria, which will be ioned with long sleeves and a An August wediding is plaimed a yellow street-length drees with mode darker toy portlUons. (The train.- Her fingertip tulle veil at the Church of the Assump- matching lace mantilla, and she arts and crofts room wilt be C/ was arranged from a matching t}on. carried a bouquet of assorted located to the rear, windowed headpiece, and she carried a W e d d in £ [ yellow flowets. part of the cafeteria.) Bible with roses and Richard B. Marsh of Ufan- ■ I By moving the ewtodtoJ' stephanoUs. chester served as his brother’s LEGSIZE SHEER STOCKINGS Brown-Prince ton storage to the daric area. It was Miss Lynn Nettleton of Man­ best man. Miss Lynn Sandra Princeton Powder and Puff jrour legs in any color you can chester, sister of the bride, was Mrs. Jacobs wore an apple- pointed out, ventUation for a /■ of East Hartford became the maid of honor. Bridesmaids green coatdress with a corsage cloasroam' will not ,be necessary, d r e ^ o f—^Bell-Sharmeer Sheer StockingB o f bride of David Brown of Man­ , „ Drleasens photo and it will not 'be necessary to Agilon* stretch nylon offers you color, ct^r, color. were Mrs. Paul O’Brien of of gardenias. The bridegroom's MR. AND MRS. CARL PORTER CLEAVES Framingham, Mass., cousin of chester Saturday afternoon, mother wore a Mack and wdilte remove cotumns remaining Parduf p hoto the bride, and Miss Joanne Rey­ March 1, at South United Metho­ dress with a corsage of red car­ from alterations directly shove Miss Shirley Anne Crawford MRS. GARY L. TARQUINIO nolds of Hartford. dist Church. nations. Earle Cleaves of Glenmont, the area — the new superinten­ of West Hartford and Carl Por­ ’The attendants were dressed, The bride Is the daughter of A reception was held at N.Y., served as his brother’s dent’s offlcee at the ftont of the ter Cleaves of Rocky Hill ex­ •'vVv \ Miss WiUette Kent of Birming­ riage by her father. She wore a Mrs. Glen Howell and Robert Cavey’s Restaurant. beat man. Ushers were James sohoot. alike in princess styled gowns changed vows Saturday morn­ ■ A ham, Ala., and Gary L. Tar- fuU-length gown of moire satin Princeton, both of Danielson. McLaughlin of Windsor Locks of aqua chiffon. 'The honor at­ Mrs. Marsh is a 1967 graduate ing, March 8, in the chapel quinio of Vernon were wed Sat­ accented with pearls and crys­ tendant carried an old fa ^ - ’The bridegroom Is the son of of Manchester High School. Mr. and Robert Howard of Sims­ Mrs. Miarlln C. Bedient of 18 of Immanuel Congregational bury. urday, March 1, at the Ensley tals. Her veil of silk illusion was ioned bouquet of white carna­ Marsh, a graduate of Man­ Church, Hartford. Unit of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Oariipfield Rd. y arranged from a matching head- tions and red rosebuds, and the chester High School, Is em­ The bride Is a daughter of After a reception for about 30 Birmingham. The bride was given In mar­ ALL WAYS BEST ii band, and she carried a bouquet bridesmaids carried old fash­ ployed at Owens-Cornlng Flber- Mrs. Lucille Crawford of 16 at the Old Farm s' Inn, Avon, The bride is the daughter of of white orchids. ioned bouquets of white and yel­ riage by her father. Her full- glas Corp., Hartford. The cou­ the couple left for a plane trip length gown of satin was fash­ Lyness St. and the late Knevltt Mr. and Mrs. William A. Kent Mrs. John Weas of Calera, low carnations. ple will live In Rockville. Maurice Crawford. The bride­ to St. Thomas In the Virgin ioned with long sleeves, and lace of Birmingham. The bridegroom Ala., cousin of the bridegroom, Paul Scarchuk of Manchester groom is a son of the late Mr. Islands. They are living at 46A inserts at the neckline and hem­ is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mario was matron of honor. The served as best man. Ushers and Mrs. Frank G. Cleaves of Marshall Rd., Rocky Hill. Tarquinio of Lake St., Vernon. bridfesmaid was Mrs. Edw;uxi wcie Reger Blake Chaffee of line. She wore a mantilla Schaghticoke, N. Y. W. B. Price of Birmingham Cottier Jr. of Calera. Meriden, cousin of the bride, bordered with matching lace, The Rev. Robert L. Edwards performed the ceremony. The attendents were dressed and Paul O'Brien of FYamlng- and. she carried an old fashion­ of Immanuel Church performed The bride Wiis given in mar- alike in gowns of ice pink peau hamj^^Mass. ed bouquet of assorted flowers. the double-ring ceremony. Phil­ FOR Lorlng photo 2 de sole. They wore headpieces Mrs. _ NetUeton wore a pink Mrs. Walter Fiederowlcz of ip Treggor was organist. The engagement of Mlsa Cyn­ of pink roses, and carried nose­ silk J linen dress and coat with Charlottsville, Va., was matron The bride was given in mar­ thia DeMars of Coventry to gays of pink carnations. matching accessories and a of honor. She wore a deep green riage by her brother, Robert W. Cosmetics Easter Cards velvet gown with white ruffles Thomas Lawrence Flaherty of m Carl Akerllnd of New Port white orohld. Crawford of Boxboro, Mass. She Braintree, Mass., has been an­ SHEER PANTY STOCKINGS Richey," Fla., cousin of the bride­ A reception for 30 was held edging the neckline and long wore a two-piece champagne ITS nounced by her parents, Mr. Easter Baskets groom, sen-ed as best man. at Willie’s Steak House. For a sleeves, and she carried a single lace dress with matching Jacket, Have the powder and puff kwk for your lega and and Mrs. Laurier DeMars of After a wedding trip to Flori­ motor trip to Georgia where chrysanthemum with holly. and she carried a bouquet of as­ the comfcHi: of pn^rtioned sizes with A^emO Trawbrl<^ Rd. ARTHUR DRUG da, the couple will live in Bir­ Mr. Ogledzinskl will attend mil-, Richard Begge of Dennigport, sorted white flowers. Liggeffs stretch nykm sheer panty stockings . . . Plus the mingham, itary police school, Mrs. Ogled­ Mass., served as best man. Her fiance Is the son of Mr. Mrs. Carl Edwin Gosllne of choice of the seasonVi most fashional^ colors. ^ zinskl wore a navy blue suit. Ushers were Folke Anderson of and Mrs. Lawrence Flaherty of Columbia, sister of the bride, Braintree. At The Parkade About June 1, the couple will Danielson, cousin of the bride; was matron of honor. She wore VH8 LAR08ST, BMOHnST, MOSV COLORFUL Miss EleMans is a graduate w 5 live In Brooklyn, N.Y. and ’Thomas Massaro of Man­ a light green jacket dress and MANCHESTER of Coventry'High School and Mrs. Ogledzinskl is a grad­ chester. she carried a bouquet of assort­ CM UCnON OF LITVLI OIRLS IHSIMBLIS KVIRi uate of Manchester High School A reception for 100 was held plans to graduate In June from ed spring flowers. and Creative School of H a 1 r- at Willie’s Steak House. T h e Southern Connecticut State Join the of fun parading with an adorable new Easter ensemble . . . dressing, Hartford. She was couple is living at 1331 Bum- College, New Haven. employed at the Village Lantern side Ave., East Hartford. Mr. Flaherty, a graduate of Beauty Shop, Broad St. Mrs. Brown attended the Uni­ Braintree High School, attend­ versity of Hartford. She is em­ ed the Maine Maritime Acad­ jaunty little coats and dresses to match. Left: The cape ensemble, red, white lORMAL ployed at the Covenant Group, emy. He also plans to graduate Engaged Hartford. Mr. Brown attends in June from Southern Connec­ Getting Married? . . . WE RENT IT . . . the University of Hartford and ticut State College. The engagement of Mias Mar­ Decide on a and blue plaid, notch collar. White sleeveless turtleneck dress with low plaid Lucky You! Is employed as a claims repre­ The wedding U planned fo r jorie Lee Meyers of Colchester sentative for Aetna Life and Aug. 16 at St. Mary’s Church', to Peter M. Evtushek of Man­ TC* diamond.. Casualty Co. ' Coventry, ALL FORMAL WEAR IN Oaslight wishes tft con­ chester has been announced by insert, 7-12 30.00 Top; The navy ensemble, a double-breasted coat, with white gratulate you on your en­ her parents, Mr. aind Mrs. Vic­ the infallible STOCK AT ALL TIMES! gagement. We now have tor Meyers of Colchester. | excellent Banquet Facili­ Her fiance Is the son of Mr.' choice ATTENTION! and Mrs. Peter Evtushek of 221 2 Ibi. 98.60 buttons and piping. White sleeveless dress with navy piping bow, 3-6X 26.00 ties for your pre-nuptial Ferguson Rd. *Our own Trtaturo MANY ASSORTMENTS shower or wedding recep­ READING IMPROVEMENT GLASSES Miss Meyers Is a graduate of Choftt that Idantifiaa tion. We’re now accept­ tha diamond within aa TO GIVE AN D E N X )Y THIGH-LENGTH ‘TORGET-ME-NOT' BEGINNING APRIL 28, 1969 Manchester High School and Jo­ of axcaptlonal quality. Right: The green plaid ensemble, double-breasted coat with white sleeveless dress ing bookings. AFTERNOON and EVENING CLASSES seph Lawrence School of Nurs­ Only ^chaalt hat (t. STOCKINGS Clututes for ELEMENTARY and HlOH SCHOOL students ing, New London. She Is em­ LENOX This delicate allover floral design compKinentB MKN'8 SHOP in Remedial Reading (Phonics, Understanding, etc.), Study ployed as an assistant head '^ring nritii Just right AgilonO stretch nykm . . . with plaid insert, 7-14 30.00 Also see our wonderful collection of Easter hats. 3.00— “Tli« Marvel of Main Street" Skills, CompreheiMlon, Vocatwlary, Speed, College Board nurse at Lawrence and Me­ PHARMACY 1 in the season’s newest and most exciU ^ colon. M l • 0OT Main StreM Gaslight Test Preparation and General Reading EMrlency. morial Hospital, New London. Mancheater, Conneotlcut RESTAURANT A Small ClaHHCH A Pre-Testing Program Certifled Mr. Evtushek, a graduate of w B.oi»nain. Teaclien Mancheater High School, is a 5.00, and handbags 2.50— 5.00 Downtown Manchester. "■PaOUUSTC IN FORMAL WBAR RHNTALS' 30 Oak St, Manchester Academic Reeding Improvement Cmter, bic. senior at Hartford State Tech­ CREDIT TO YOUNQ ADULTS 63 E. CENTER STR«:1ET Next to Cavey'o nical College. Phone 643-6008 MANCHESTER, CONN. Telephone 843-6047 The wedding is planned .for *^®«™town ManchesUr at 968 Main Stroet Oct. 18.

A. KANCHBSTER e v e n i n g h e r a l d . MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 26,

n w i N e T U d w C Connecticut BXANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1969 RAGB SBVEM TN n is In sKtsUnos an antl-KMn cidt ^^r'«Upa, «M d i has sM Maair tlw fpoitor** tnftof to proa* tt«t UiM« ia no Yankee C oven try to any first robin. IMood, m thay aay, th ere ia reaily no such thine By A.H.O. Class Scheduling Finished M. A. Peterson, Inc. as a ttrat robin, aince some robinB al- Tou can, on ocoaataa, choose smya Stay north and apond the w inter what khid of atmosphaiw you ia a wDodtand thicfeBt win aeak a t H a itte ifi WhOa the For 1969‘70 School Year General Aeeemtiy la la aaaata, Arnold Pveoaman, director of Sixth grade classes journeyed IM s eah sl o t cyndoa, however, has a and the other day tra dallbar- Pupil Personnel Servloea in the to the yiadsworfii Atheneum in Oaaa.. ae •taaad Ohaa > M irard tMso stfUny its dour theories to ataly aought tha fion-poUtloal school system, has reported that Hartford today to view displays It;-. anybot^ who‘has aotually seen a first atmosptaars vd knaw w oold all scheduling and program­ on Greek, Egyptian and medie­ robin. H iera is something about the aicht hava to prevail’ wUla the tw o ming has been completed at val culturea. ?r2yK5 itseir —unexpected, usually, both as to moet reepectable gnupe.ln Oon- Coventry High School for the On Thursday, local heath di­ : t ttme and spot —which oarrles Its own neotlcut lUe pdUtely pdeaented 1969-70 school year. Students rector Robert Bowen will ad­ to the Lcgla- had the opporunity to sign up ooRVtction. Oeitain experiences stamp tlieir dlffartncas dress the sixth grade classes on 1-8 laUva Banka OommittM. for several new elective sub­ smoking and health. This is In themselves mm authentic by an indefin­ f jica on# of tha apaakara who jects which were approved as conjunction with their study of THS A S Ip G U m S ’ pMgBB able atmosphere of aldnlflcance and ex­ ^ipearad at tha haattnf In course offerings by the Board the human body. IS * aaenniated >raaa a eadaiSTalr eatIUed D IlM see oC repebmatlea d ell newa die- citement. No first robin, to its viewer, question, w « grew up In aw- ptofaaaion. Tou could always new offeringa, and there has (Coventry G ram m ar Sch(x>l, in- Desiipien A Installero — Complete Alterafisa Sw ik a " era alao rtaarrad. It tsdeea a IHtle luck, and a tou di o f tall. In th if day, that banking been a large algn-up in new ar­ vdlvlng teachers from both CXIS TWELVE KTTCHEN STYLES ON DISPLAY Tha BeraM Pltetlas Ooiunnj lae.. aa- belief, to see a flrat robin. There are, was naxt to godllnass, tor H op- ena such as speech, drama and and the other local elementary Haannial raapanatbOHir tor typo- xhjV*': d w J6''. j- awnrn appealing Si adTerUaemenU we are afraid, some people who never cuplad tba prastlga paw at tha journalism. achool, Robertobh. 997 New Park Ave. 2 3 1 ^ West t r y r ‘> ■; *t, 'Si, 5 : mattar In H ie Manobeatar ahare the experience, primarily beccuise church. Ita addlthm to that, M Students have also elect­ The subject of the workshop Herald. ed courses In industrial aria and Open D o ily 8 to 5 p.m>, Tlm rs. to 9 p.m .. S ot. to 4 pJM. they think It is amart-alex not to. wore a white collar tha other waa learning dlaabiliUet of ele­ ___to Loa Aagalaa TWsiaa Waalitia - six daya of tha weak. It always home economls Inatead of addi­ mentary achool youth, with toe Boat Newa Dei t lta. Itril aartlea dlaat at N: B. A. Sarrtoe, lac. But amonn the faithful there is not lookad so clean and dignifiad. It tional study periods. gueat speakers supplied by . PAiMiara Bapreanathria — Iha JuUua^ always had such a oloaa rela- AU materials will be sent to Project ASK, since one of the MathawB Special A m m ey — Naw Tork. CM- v,.onty hofw but charity, so that, when the / eago. Datrott asd Boaioa. tlonahio with the vlituaa of thia the McBee Division of Litton In­ free services that the project ‘•gfpsiljnuij oones to them, they are wlll- world iutd tha key to tbo naxt. dustries for processing and pro­ ia furnishing the (Coventry Amur BDBBAV OF C O U X U k h if to share it in the hi^e of promoting gramming. The school board TfOltB. that It was an inspimtton to all. — -- crv"r*,”.‘ School System during the cur­ eventual enjoymeqt and pleasure even Wa were like Banker fiherman had voted late last year to auto­ rent school year. adre mate (he class scheduling and londay — 1 p.m. amons the deUbefiatp entl-robin cynics. Buell, of Watarbury, who con­ The guest speakers were Ib r TSeaday — 1 p.m. 1____ _ fessed that hla recognition of programming procedures, and Charles Orlando, Mrs. Audrey P\>r Wedneaday — l p.m. llmida> WLSTERN For the record, then, the find robin Pressman said that, at the >y>r “niuraday — 1 p.m. Tueaday. the virtue of thrift as the sure Wolcott, and Mrs. Slglta Ra- IVir n u a y — 1 pm. Wedneaday. appeared on Monday, Miarch 24, two way to fame end fortune led present time, materials are manauakaa, -with M los Joyce P\ir Sail___ . — i1 ~Tlnmday. slightly ahead of the schedule ______I deadline — 6 p.m. d » before weeks to the hour after the first red­ Mm to make when young and Driskell, liaison representative poblloaUoii. 6 p.m. PVUay t o r Saturdar keep life-long a resOIvs to de­ for the data processing center. from Project ASK, serving as 2 winged biaokbird. He was a fat one, and B o n i^ pabllcatloa. posit 80 cants a week, except All scheduling of seventh and coordinator of the program. BEE RT walking slowly and sedatsly as if tired eighth grade students at the Dean’s list Tssiday, Xardi S6 from a long flight, along a bsnk where that we never got that thrifty and therefore never wtm fame Ctept. Nathan H ale School has Miss EUen C. Lawson, daugh­ green grass was showing. Unlike the and fortune. also been completed, and Is be­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. blackbird, who singB as soon as he has But what we did carry over ing sent to the data processing Lawson, Swamp Rd., has been Open Urnm n We«„ So*, till • — Ifenn. ami ttn ■ NixMi Aad The OnqKM taken Ms first perch north, the robin from our youthful awe of the center as weU. named to the Dean’s List tor Pressman said, "It is hop­ -Preaident Nixon, alter a week of con­ seem s ou t a t breedh, snd deUya his first profession and its people waa the fall semester at Bay Path 61 TOLLAND TPKB. — BIANCHE8TER song. When it comeB, however, that burst the pleasant assurance that, ed that the use of computers Junior College, Longmeadow, sideration and reoonaideratlon, flnafly is­ will provide the best possible of triumphant spring melody is the call when the bankers of Oonnactl- Mass. A jtmlor, she is an ex­ sued a statement with resard to unrest cut met before the Oommlttoe student schedules for the next ecutive secretarial major. 5 that clears the air of all winter miasma, and dlsotxler on American campuses on Banka to dlsouas the ques­ school year." Wednesday Only all the fogs and chills a t indeterminate wMdi was probably a disappointaMSd tion of whether the savtaiga Chess Tourney W HOLE B E E F to some of the noore ralM law and order Bprlng, and a t all the cynicism lurking ' banka of the state ehould be al­ A chess tournament was re­ (Herald Fliotos by Pinto) devoteas of the day. The P resident point­ hi ths hearts of those who pretend they lowed to otter their ouetomers cently completed at the Hale fO R RENT FImt place winners: Jeffrey Wraigh in bicriogy division, and ScheRy Numrych in physical sciences. School, with (Jordon PhiUlps de­ TENDERLOINS ed out the damasa thed can ba doeia to espouM the winter thicket theory. the checking accounts now a 8 and 18 mm. Movie Pro- feating Elaine Ferguson to be­ our syatem of Idsher education by the monopoly with the commer­ Jectora—eooid or silent, also cial banks, they would* meet come sixth grade chess cham­ 86 nun. slide projectors. Cat As Desired taetkx of nihilism and anarchy, hut he V ernon pion. A checkers tournament Is like Sunday-go-to-meeting gen­ WELDON DRUG CO. failed to deploy, or threaten to use, the Hooked On Hedgehogs tlem en. now under way, with winners direct power of tbo federal sovemment expected to be announced in the 787 M ain St.—T e l. 848-8881 RIB STEAKS i,.. 79e Mhst people have a soft spot for hedge­ It couM alao be anticipated In any effort' to suarantee campus ostler. near future. hogs. Which is odd not least becauM that these gentlemen would pro­ IniSead, sanriy, he emphasised that first vide one blessed afternoon dur­ Mice and Worms Undergo Science Fair sxhausH'vs and painful research by Dar­ ing the hearing season wMch reapcnalbillty for discipitoa, for main- win aiid Huxley and Ball long ago dU- An early sign of the reawak­ Gravity Water.’’ This “water" would be entirely free of poli­ turtles to recall a learned ettua- more numerous bioIogi(XLl proj­ tainanoe of an edmoaphere in which adu- provsd any suggestion that the reverse Is actually a solution of poly­ tics. ening of spring is the salience tion, titled “Tempenatuie end ects to Linda McHugh, Bunny cation can ba served, belonged with the might be true. The law of reciprocity ethylene oxide In water. It AU our Mgh level antlcipat- fair where nature, as it wete. Its Effect in Retenfi-vlity.’’ Rlsley, Daniel (Jhambers, univereltlea themselves. doesn’t apply to hedgehogs apparently. changes the properties of water Deborah Perry won fourth Ings were rewarded. When the is put to the test. Angelica Saus and Patty-Kay The main reason the President fInsUy The law of probabilities doesn’t, either. with no apparent disadvantages. place biological for “Ooagtta- W allen. Manchester: spokesmen of one side wiahed If you see something small and grey nkotogieifaed By RegtasU Ptaiio Will a skin graft from one It seema to speed up plant refrained from tiicsatening: to use the to allude to the greed of the tion Time of Blood,’’ which con- Honorable mention In both and spiky crouched by your back step TH E B A T T L E fedesal power to wipe out the hippies other they said something veil­ worm to another be accepted or growth, pumps fqMer under less oemed the effects of sieeiring categories went to Joe Ramon- some evening as you put the cat out and the yippies and the whatnot is, we ed and poUte like "we apptwei- rejected? Is a bi-colored mouse pressure, offers lees resistance pills. detU, Jay OIU, Michael Kelley, into file gathering dusk the chances are than water though It Is of the would guess, to be found in that paasid*'' ate the way our trieiids of tha al-ways a mate mouse? Is -water Debby Hawley wen fifth plaice Douglas Fontaine, John Kelly, you made us what we are today... -that it will be a discarded lavatory consistency of egg whites. It other side are wUhiig to be of that travels uphlU the answer to btologioal tor “(folor OMfing” tai Beth Horsman, Larry Thomas, of tiia Inaugural Address two raanths brurii. But If you are like me—and I freeaea harder than water and H erald more service to the peo|de of problems of irrigation, and even which attempts were made to Debbie Raezkorusid, Peter Neff, ago which concerned itself with prsiint havs heard enough ahomefacad oontes- I H. S 1 d 0 Rowland Evans Jr. OonnecUouL" Or they "appre­ If the fa rm er w elcom ee It, wlM someday one may be Ice- trace sex-tntluenced tnalts In hy­ Robert Lang, Kurt Johnson, day American youth. sions to prove that there are plenty like Yesterdays ciated file generoalty" of the the plants? skating on it. brid black end white mice. Gary Parent, Kurt Andrews. bigger and better In that passage. President Nixon > me—you w ill probably put down a saucer A group of aecond honors side wMch didn’t intend to give The RockvlUe High School Second place btologioal was Jim Burnham, Mary Ann surprised everybody — many of us of bread and milk; just on the off Robert D, Novak up anything i^whlle it kept on wion by Robert Allison wttti an were awarded for some of the Shauglmessy and Gerald Syriac. diance. 25 Year* Ago 1968 Science Fair opened Fri­ rather ptoasantly — by chooBug’ the fed- grabbing for Ibitif. day and Included exhibits In the experiment which Involved Report Aixirtment residents complain lowing words: On the face of things It la hard to ac­ Spokesmen for each side com­ physical and bMogical sciences measuring the difference in □ count for the creature’s appeal. Objec- of youngsters stealing moll plimented the economic healfii blood serum proteins in oats “We see the hope of tomorrow in the WASHINGTON — Working be­ give maximum publicity to although there were fewer In U'vely it could be described as resem­ nang, Mr. Nixon might choose from mailboxes and hiding It in and the management talent of and dogs. It was called “An youth of today. I krxiw America's youth. hind an essential curtain of sec­ phase two of the Sfiigon build­ number than In former years. bling a prickly -taUless rat. Added to one a t a rising scale cf possible snowbanks and under trees. the other. Analytical Ratio Clnatlon of I bdieve in them. We can be proud that recy, the new AdminlstraUan’ up, thus creating the proper Miss Lucille Kidinty, science (x>- which It grunts like a pig, harbours military reprisals nowq a-vail- Former Democratic Ueutea- Bl(xid Sera Protetde In Friis they are better educated, more has now developed an anti-w ar psychological climate for the able on his desk. 20 Year* Ago ordlnator tor the Vernon schools, vast quanUttes of fleas and ticks, and ant Governor Fred Doocy, who exptelnnd that exhibits were not Domestlca and Oants Familarie committed, more pesedonately loying Eone Elleotroiiho- conscienoe than any generatian In our to start signlficcuit withdrawals In adopting this new position two troop-ond-equipment build­ heroically to keep it clean, had to ohlldren. By rights all that should of U.8. forces from Vietnam tax ^ te Is ariced by General has been the case, at least in history.’ ’ add up to something as repulsive os, say looking toward a partial but uni­ up for Saigon’s- forces could be the relaxed experianee of ap­ within six months. Manager Richard Martin. the biology classes, up to now. Laurence Kjaaevi<^ -won Ihe Prealdenf, when he chose these a warthog or a Tasmanian devil; but it lateral -withdrawal of U.S. a powerful incentive for Hanoi pearing as a banker, on an Is­ A The bey new factor in the troops, Laird has m oi^ far not to push president Nixon too Hugo S. Pearson is elected Exhibits ranged from some second piaos i^iystoal with his words in Jamiaiy, was not blind to the doesn’t. People, against all the apparent sue wMch had no rsoognlsad equation is what Secretary of from his -views of Congreseion- ter. If Hanoi triggered a new chairman of the Fuel Dealers political battle lines. ' which required a great deal of “Echo Cteamber" and Dick fact that some of these tietter educated, facta, are sUll drawn to hedgehogs. Defense Melidn Laird calls al days. For example. Congress­ round of escalation, of course, Diviston of the Chamber of Former Republican National study to understand, to others Skinner won third place with Ms Com m erce. passionately driven modem youngsteis Just how many people and how strong "phase two’’ in the emergency man Laird repeatedly question­ any chance of early, partial Chairman Meade Aloom mp- whtJch w ere obvilious but fascinat­ “Smoke Turnip’’ were making trouUe of a kind be could tils q^ractlon is, I, for one, had no idea buildup of South Vietnamese ed the Johnson administration’s withdrawal by the U.S. would peered as oratorical andwr ing, su(di as a mother mouse Ihird place biological went to not possibly like. He chose the words he until A couple of days ago when that farces. offer at Manila in 1966 to -with­ be doomed. man for one aide of the debate, nursing a rioting mob of babies, Denise Boudreau wh0| measured did, not to ignore taiideewant things be most engagingly, eccentric of all British draw all U.S. troops within six Operating along these policy Quotations but he was m the eame side as a oareftiUy dissected group in- the effects of environmental “Phase one’’ of the buildup d u d ^ a clam, frog, fish, star- knew, but to choose an attitude. It was gardening eccentrics,. Lawrence D. HUls, would prepare Saigon’s army to months after Hanoi had pulled lines, the Administration cannot There is a great deal of sym­ Doocy. temperature on file oMlUy of sent me a book be haA compiled about ^ fish and worm, and a plant the positive rather than the pwilUve at­ handle Ung o r freezin g o f Bgainef it In order to gain any broad drawal of U.S. tro(^ , some new ly precluded. If Hanoi threw all again, after an unusual period of curious ploy. One walks slowly round port, and green beret troops — tentional strategic purpose, and man to accomplish a suspension banking with CBT In Manchester is now easier and more pleasant kind of sympathy for itself. path out of the dilemma must Its available troops Into the cur­ quiet, is pushing the Administra­ and round in a large clockwise circle moet U.S. combat forces could we incline to believe that when of the life processes is being than ever before. President Nixon, in his Inaugural, bo found. The path chosen by rent offensive and Increased its tion harder in the direction of while in the middle another hedgehog re­ be withdrawn by the summer of this General Assembly gets studied tor application In future chose to declare love, not war, and the the President and Laird Is to shelUng o f Saigtm, Huev and Da- Laird’s plan. volves on Its auds, so to speak, keeping 1970. down to the business of voting problems of extended space hippies felt they had been betrayed. Its head towards the outer circling one. on fills iasue, it will Ignore eth­ travel. Since the Inaugural, and perhaps Most watchers agree that this is a kind nic as well as poUttcal lines, Flrat prise in the physical because of that very youth passage In of courtship dance or mating display. and 1st the Issue o f who shall science division went to Schelly it. President Nixon has been under con- Which is all ■very well except that re­ have checking acoounta be de­ Numrych tor ‘‘A Study of Anti- 2 cided on the basis of that same •siderable pressure to begin wielding the ports keep cropping up from people who Fischetti quiet, dignified reach tor the big federal club against the student say that they have seen a solitary hedge­ hog circling all by Itself! Jugular wMoh dlstingulahed the troublemakers, in one bit of eagerness to (Q 1969 Chicago Daily Newt hearing. nppease those who wanted some tough­ A not unrelated problem which trou­ Publlih«ra*H«ll Syndifit* ness from him, the President gave pub­ bles hedgehog watchers is that of telling HOLMES *une'tal Nonte lic praise to an over-sdmpllfied Interpre­ the sexM apart—or together for that A Thoafht for Tbdiy 400 MAIN STREET • MANCHESTER, CONN tation of what Father Hesbuigh of Notre m atter. Bpeoaond by tha Maddustar I hovward ho lm es ARTHUR HOLMES NORMAN HOLMES Dame had said to his students in his OounoU a t Ohurobea A Dorset fancier dangles a gold ring lU e m ie K HOT WATER electrically Special CBT Offer from March 24 to April 4. letter on the iasue of law and order, over them In the manner of water 5 THi OMllll Open a new checking or savings account for $50 or add $50 to your leading Father Hesburgh himself to divining. He claims it is successful. Cer­ What dU you toudi today? OFTHi There is often an inclination to stay further public ampllficaUon In \riilch he tainly it sounds simpler and safer than I touched my face, a hot ofip OOUHil present savings account and take your choice of these tree gifts: RUU away from visitations and funaral reaffirmed his own belief that the re- the instructions proffered by a York- ofooftee and a cold ataerlng plenty for a growing family diireman from Selby: “Mace the ani­ WlWw* t^ponslbillty must remain with the uni­ sarvieos. Peopla ware fond of tha da- CANNON MILLS BLANKET mal to be sexed back downwards on I touched a etswk Mother’s little helper needs plenty of of p tp ar, Soft, warm, luxurious. versities themselves, and discouraged ywir left palm-. Give the animal a sense caased and feel sympathy for tha y u . 0«>er tonne, memce you hot water to get the family dishes really . A quality blanket for guest or the kind of federal in'volvement crusade- of imkalance by rocking it towards your know — the usual bereave^, but they simply "hat* to go clean! ' master bedroom. the President's praise of his own letter right hand. About five minutes of this hawltod a penefi or . » had at first seemed to laundi. treatment even with the most afraid hog cash regtoter, a knife and lo rh - to funerals." Surely, all who knew tha Do you have an aggravating shortage It is back away from any such crusade It will open and rest feet outstretched on a newspaper. deceased would pay their last respects of hot water? It may be due to an over­ that the President has now, after a week your two hands.^Move the right hand, Did you touch another human of consideration,, finally taken his stand. wide open, into Us belly between Its betag? if they realized how much comfort the age or ailing water heater which just HMNTEN8ITY LAMP It has probably been. In some degree, four feet and rock it on to its back again. Qosh, no! I mean, after sdi .. isn’t up to the needs of your growing Perfect for studying, Viewing the genitalia they are obviously family gains by knowing that others a Presidential choice between two dual Oontributad by: reading In bed, sewing, female or leas obviously male.’’ family. personaliUes and imUncts Inside him­ The Reverend FeHx K. Davis care. etc. Concentrated All this should be enough to convince light beam. Attractive self. But we think his avoidance of the Jteoond O an gregafiom l Oburah There is a simple solution. R E N T a TRAVEL ALARM CLOCK the uninitiated cf the wholly unexpect­ from Dialogue gooseneck styling. extremely punitive, crack-down position brand new Electric Water Heater from Compact, In a simulated leather ed pleasures of hedgehog watching. The ^” *’*‘Y>uous ThougWe some wanted him to take has been wise, F o r daae. Runs for 30 hours on inittafed, of course, need no convincing. Momenta HELCO. Nothing to buy and the Just one winding. and we hqpe he finds ways to negotiate f SOUTH SIDE Some of them are aiqiarently trying to monthly cost is low. Call your electrical a turn back toward the poriUve, in- get hedgehogs claastfied as honorary Today's Highiigfrt e n t r a n c e or plumbing contractor or HELCO for fliMnoe-by-pnUse mood and technique birds to make the poelUon of both watch­ to im , Oreek pa- which might really give him a chance er and watched a little more regitlar. “tots began a ravolt agahiet the “ HELCO hot water service .plan,” THE MANCHESTER, NORTH MAIN OFFICE OF to help American youth lead itself toward Neither Darwin nor Huxley nor Ball ^ ^ tha OoMm ^ ttw hllU instoad of trying to whip it would ever have thought of that. — ^toftotog andad In HARRY WHEWEUL IN THE MAN­ baek Into yestepdays moMs. toss with tha -ittaMlshmaul of THE CONNECTICUT BANK CHESTER (ENGLAND) GUARDIAN. toe Indapendent ^ Oroaoe. AND TRUST COMPANY Hours: Monday-Friday 9-3—Thursday Evening 6-8 MANCHESTER EVBNINQ HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, MAIM3H 26, 1909 MANCHESTER EVENING H ER A ^, MANCHESTER, OONN^ TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1969 PAGE Trant Lodga at Maaona, and a member of S t Katie’s Oiaptar, Ayub Resigns Thieu Offers To Hold ahiary RAK: King Balwyn Precaptocy, Marines Nab ' Town Notified Barry Bill Asks South Windsor Knights Tmplar; and Brock- Mlla Shiina Oub, all In Ontario, As President Private Talks with NTF Of Two Claims Traffic Pattern Canada, the Ramases Temple 600 Tons of A i^Sdldier Shrine In Toronto, Canada, and (Ootataned fMm Pagis Om ) Miss BariMtna R. Lalashuls Study St Center Holcombe Will Heed Pictora Liodge of Odd FSIlowa, In Pakistan Enemy Rice for the poUtloal Emblems of the and her tather, Pater F. Lala- Nova Sootla. Ha waa also a B O Y SCO U T shuU, both of m Union St. have Tlw State AosemMy's Roods (Oonttaned from Page One) N IF , which be has slw spi Town Cancer Fund Drive Dies in W ar member of the TaU Cedais of (Continued from Page One) notified ^ Town of Manchester and Bridges Oonunlttse today termed a tool of the North Viet- Klrby Holcombe of Ray 8. Oa DsoiPb U al Lebanon. balloting scheduled for next Noteg and News oondndM a public hearing on ' Ffe. M m Ray ,Survivors Include a sister, Monday In the Mekong Delta namese regime. Hs rooaUod and the eOi UtUfttea Otatrict Holcombe Real Estate has been Miss Barbara J . N^liataqn. H u m i, n , IT 8am S t, January. south of Saigon and along the a bill wMcb ptopooss improve- Mrs. Percy Spicer of Talcott- prevlouB trips book to Hanoi by that they wiU bring an action to appointed chairman of the 1900 daughter of Mr. Miwi M Ky, Ida d d pohtlosd Dees’ Cakkir’s, involving an 8th can Club and is actlvo in vari­ O. Ireland, pastor of TalcottviUe mentation of a plan for the or- on April 16. inMeod of at the negotiating ta> namese were killed and 17 were Jean Ck^kerham and Rus- rival who la head of Balton’s District fire tixude, answering a ous other town organlgationB. Congregational Church, will of- derty flow o t traffic at the inter­ Women’s <3ab. Me. Ckuon and Jam es Murphy, 3 peace delegation in Paris, could false atarni. Also involved were The Cancer Crusade, accord- flclate. Burial will be in Mt. He added that even If the Na* conduct the secret talhe. a car being ditven by Miss section of Main St with Oenter An sKecutlve meeting of the Hope Cemeteiy. . ■me battleahip New Jeiwey and E. Center Sts. ing to Holcombe, is the prime South WtaMfoor D e m o c t ^ Wo- tlonai Assembly met at present He said that Ky, who la now in Lalaohuls and one other. There will be no calling hours, and seven U.S. deahoyers bom- source of funds enabling t h e men’s Oub wlU be held at the It might be a target of Saigon, probably would not re­ Ifiss LalaahulB ( ^ m s that the Barry, who spoke for the bUl, but Friendship Lodge of Masons horded Viet Oong bosm up and American Cancer Society to car- home of the president, Mrs. blODdshed. turn to Paris unUl after bifoNor town was negUgent because of said ttnt, ‘in the course of a in Manchester will conduct a down the ooaM Monday end Guest Speaker yosT, ry forward next year’s in Ayub, who came to power three private seerions had bein an Icy condition on Tolland 60 to 60 reported accidents Betty Sowlcki, tonight at 8 at 40 Masonic service tonight at 8:M smaahed wx>rea of bunked and occur at (he Outer. creased activity in research, Dione Dr. An offloers and com­ Oct. 27, 1M8, 20 days after mar­ held there and It was seen that Tpke., and that the 8th UtiUties Hie Rev. Trfly WUttamson, at the funeral home. cave comptoxea wed by the on. I^wm le, Mary Ele oold that the cheapest way education and assistance to can­ mittee members are urgwl to tial law was previously im­ emy a. M a^ areJ tor at- “ they were substantive.’’ Dtatrict was negUgent because senlar chaplain resident of cer patients. The family suggests that those of the ftoUons of its fire truck to correct (be rttuation is attend. wishing to do so make memorial posed, said he was sorry people tacks on bases and towns. ^ year. Thieu expressed belief that Hartford Ho^tal and port-tline Holcombe stressed that a were not coming forward to driver. through a levtaed traffic sys­ Norses’ Meeting contributions to the Memorial Hie Ba,000-ton New Jersey Wolf badges were presented the enemy offensive, wldoh hns chajdain at Mianchester Memor­ tem. He oold that, although good part of the funds collect- cheoie mob violence and lawless. The South Windsor Reglatstsd Fund of TalcottviUe Congrega­ fired her Ug 164nch gm 100 Matre, James Taylor, coorteted largely of rookot and Mise LahuBhuis and her father most focal motoriots have are put to work lo- Nurses Oub wUl meet in the are being r^iresented by Atty. ial Hospital, will be th« guest cally. tional Church. mUes east ot Saigon. Aerial ^Jan Ogren, Teddy Spirffard mortar attacks against m ate learned to Uve with (he exist­ Audio-visual Room at the South He said people lacked moral mlUtaiy InataUattons 4uid duea-^ CSiarles S. Tarplnian of WHli- i^ieaker Tlwrsday at 7:80 p.m. "Our goal in this year’s cam­ spotters said they destroyed o r mid Robert Legler. ing syrtem there. It is "utteriy Windsor High School at 8 to­ cwirage and were afraid of law­ over the paat two months, would ' mantlc. at Memorial HaU, Center Cbn- paign is $8,600 and with an am­ damaged 40 taxScers and a tun- Gold arrow on wolf: Teddy oontuslng to out-eftown motor- morrow night Dr. ttSBtam less eiemenlB. possibly be followed by still In another iujuty notice, this grogattonsi CSnirch. His topic bitious and hardworking staff, nel complm threatening Phan Spoffard and Robert Smith. Leeds will sp o sk on Lupuo. All OppooHion to Ayub's rule has more attacks aimed at infUieno- one filed with the Mieuichester is "The Spiritual Dimension of we hope to enlist an un- Deaths in TMet, a coastal provincial capi- Silver arrow on Wolf to Scott area nurses are Invited to at- erupted In imth East and West tol. Periiam and Robert Smith (two ing the Paris negotiations. town Clark, Atty. G e o i^ C. Man’s Health in World.” The event ie Pakistan. ' U.S. Bee bomhen* laid a car- each).^ But he said the military situa­ Leeoner of 44 'Robert iRd. etatee the town’s traffic au­ 2 the pUbtfo. Clmroh Sapper The Nation An oMclal of the U.S. consu­ pet of bombs on Viet Oong Also, Richard Caron, Brian tion in South Vietnam was that he wtU bxric to the town thority, backs the bill. Arihur E . Stoddard late in KaracM had said before strongholde within strildng dis- Calkins and Michad Stankle- against the Viet Oemg and North tor damages rtemmlng from an A native of North Oartnina, make the 1969 Cancer Crusade alleged sidewalk faU. the Rev. Mr. WUUamson Is an our most successful," said Hoi- ^ ^^i#^****^* Cliurch wlH hold OGDEN, Utah (AP) — Arthur Ayub’s anmumsement that “we ^ tance of Saigon, ditHqiihg more i*dcz, denner stripes; David Vletnameee and they would He states that he feU Feb. ordained Baptist minister. He combe. * supper April 9 at the B. Stoddard, 73, preddent of the see no reason thus far to evacu­ than 1,000 tons on targets Cormier, Steven Laramie and eventually be,driven to "suh- 28 on an icy Robert Rd. side- has served churches in Georgia Rid Lilt0r Day Hie chairman’s aides for the K*®®nitt®M. with Cb. A, Snd Bn., 1st Infan­ Union Pacific Railroad for 16 ate Aanericon cUtsena from stretching from the Oambodlan Craig Kearney, assMant deny stantlve dtacusslons in Parts." walk, next door to Mb home, and and Maryland. He is a ceitUled drive are Ernest W. Small of Ketervatlons ,murt be mode try, IBBth Light Infantry years until he retired in 1966, Blast Pakistan.'’ border to within 20 miles of the "ei* stripes. ^ “Time is against Qwmt’’ that he suffered numerous In- dniplaln supervisor of the as- Slated May 10 L.H. Small Insurance Co. as ^ Marrii 80 to Mrs. Gladys Brigade, Ametlcal DIvM oil died Monday in his private rail He was commenting on a re­ capital. Webclos awards were given HUeu added. " I do not believe port that the State Department they wW wait luitll they ore 1®*^- soclation of clinical pastoral ed- 1. .. treasurer and Mrs. Pamela Valley View 1>., The sroung soldier was bom car while returning from a trip Another UB. helicopter was tt> Brett CarlsSh, scientist; Brl- Twelve of Manchester’s 86 Girl Beaudry as publicity chairman. Waw^g. June 8, 1B48 In Hotllton, Maine, with his wife. Stoddard had has authorised the U.S. ambas­ shot down Mbnday about 80 mi Benito, aquanaut and ath- weak to engage In substantive Atty. Lessner is being rep- ucatlon. He U married and the ot Scout troops have agreed to Oar Wash Setback Piaity son of Mrs. Luella GUdden Han­ started with the Union Pacific sador to Paldatan, J . W. Oeh- mlles north of Saigon, and one mid Scott Smith, Steven talks. They are getting waoker resented by the law firm father of two children. He and as a quarter-a-day water boy. lert, to be prex»red to evacuate and vreaker. This condlUon (the Leaaner, Rottner, Karp and his famUy live in Manchester. participate In the Chamber of The Wapplng School PTA will ^ ^ son Lake of Hasardville and the crewman was woundeid. It was Armantano and William Rea- Pieplar. ______CmunarrM 1 14 ■Pou*>r a COT wBsh at the Wap- ** *** Pleasant Val- 5 late John H. Hanson, and had 1,100 American E^sens living in the 2,408th American hetfoopter ''ey, athlete. desire to start substantiva Commerce coordlnatod Rid Lit- p,^ ley CTubhouse on Ellington Rd. Steven B. WUson talks) will come to them not lat­ lived in the Rockville-Hasard- the troubled eastern province if ter Dqy May Ma 10 when a town- noon from 2:80 to 6 p.m., and " * S^ttiiday at 8 p.m. Hiere vlUe area for the past 16 years. MIAMI BEACH (AP) — Ste­ the situation requires it. Cub Back 47 er than this ^ ar." ven B. Wilson, 78, founder of the Souwi Vietnamese units and Gloria Leone wide •up campaign will be on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 ** refreshments, prises and He attended Rockville High There has been widespread •lratrik«8kmed79enemylntwo Awards were presented at Hileu, who early tfaia year Catholic 'Women held. p.m. pilM- The pubHe is Fram Corp. in 1929, died Mon­ mob violence in the countryside School and was a member of fights near the provincial entd- *’m:k 47’s blue and gold asked that initial plans be Given Stower Max Oroosman, chairman for Hie car wash is only 01 and **"'**■<*• the FUU Gospel Church of Rock­ day. He had been hospitalised around Blast Pakistan’s capita]^ tal of Quang Ngol. about 80 '“ rt month as Wlmw: drawn up for the beginning ot a To Have Retreat several weeks. Wilson started tal of ()uaiig Ngol, about 80 „ ^ ______the program, re|>orted on pro­ is being held to benefit t h e ------ville. Before he entered the serv- Dacca. miles south of Da Nang, after Kevin Lenta,L«nta» wolf,wolf; Vincent w ithdrai^ of American troops, Mtos Gloria Jean L.eone of 874 .,.u the firm as a precision tool com­ gress at a recent monthly meeit- South Windsor Education As- Mnnehester Eventag BeraM tes, he was employed at the Seventeen people were report­ the town was sheUed. ^ ciovem' e m - Nadaakay, bear; J^ v ld ^ backed off fronv that statement Hie annual weekend retreat Vernon St. was recently honor- ing at the Chamber, pany, then moved into the filter vencher, bear; Jeffrey Slalby, soclation Scholarship Fund. 5?"*^ _?^**!?**'’ conaspi Legerstar Builders, South Wind­ ed MUled in the Char River area ment casualties were seven adroitly. for women of the four Mlancbea- ed at a bridal shower at the He listed the Girl Scout troops The supidies used wlU be do- Doml Moulton, tel. 044-8714. sor. business in 1BS4. of East Pakistan. wolf, gold arrow, denner "That was a technical mili­ killed and 26 wounded. Three ter OsjOu^ perishes will be tt^ll^T'-'Anierican C3ub, EhMdge inveUved so far as Troops, 10,15, noted by James Feiguson of Survivors, besides his mother, W. W. Forster In separate incidents over the badge. tary viewpoint," Hiieu said. U.S. advisers also were wound­ held from April 11 through 18 a - a Big Barney Aitto Wash, Rt. 6 include two brothus, Jam es B. PITTSBURGH (AP) — W. W. we^end, the East PaMstan ed. Webelos awards went to Ps- “Now as to the political view­ n.. r ^ ™ guesta watched the 681. 896 and 687, When you tUak of at Our Lady of Oalvary Retreat guest of honor open her glfte end Larry Duprey of Larry’s Hanson of Ellington and Larry Burster, 69, editor of the Pitts­ rangers and police opened fire Jackstons Wed 25 Years intormed sources reported the ‘®'' aq^naut, tm^l; point I do not think it Is right to Three of the troops, 10. 77 and Auto Subtly R t. 6. TYKWMIBIS D. Hanson of Hasardville; two burgh Press for 17 years, died on mobs in the Daxm and Bty- A 7th Air BV>r«> David Bllsh, s h o w ^ , th « ^ give the Communists a free House, Farmington. under a decorative yeUow end 688 intend to riean Center sisters, Mrs. William T. Sdiools Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Jack- marriedled March 19,19. 1944 in Law- w year service pin; Robert hand to infiltrate emd escalate Any father willing to donate TMnk off YIAIC Monday. Forster Joined The menslngh areas, killing one per­ H ie retreat will open Friday wWte umibreUa. A shower cake Springs Paric of debris. Others an hour of time to work at the of Hasardville and Mrs. Ehigene ston of 405 Hackmatack St. ad- rence.I, Mass., and have lived Inin ^ b a s e r * ^ a h a r e s * ^ ^ th f Hawkes, aquanaut, three-year the war." T T P H W B raM l Press in 1923 as a reporter. He son and injuring six others, it with dhuwr at 6:30 p.m. and decorated In yrifow and white plan to clear Uttered areas car wash should call M n. Ron­ L. Spellman of Houlton, Maine; retired in 1967. was officially reported. their home on Hackmatack St. The condition tor U.S. troop mire some of the gifts they re- home on Hackmat^k St. Vletnamose air force BUt ^ i, * h t'd A New Occupant in an Historic Old House conclude Sunday altemoon. The ^ centerpdece at the buf- around or near their meeting ald Fallettl, 88 Hayes Rd. 43 8. Adams St., hta stepfather, Pearley G. Lake A mob attacked rangers and " ■' for 14 years. They have Just re- ,,__ , m i- iotcb. o ik yincent Nadaskay graduated withdrawal, Thieu said,, should Bkiward O. 2tontrlnl celved at a 26th wedding anni- turned from a two-week tour of tadlcatlon^of an Im- Webelos den. Rev. OamiUus Barth wMl be the *** table. placee at schools and churches. of Hasardville, and seven police who had been sent to pre- be an end to infiltration and es­ “Weldome to your new home,” is the greeting being extended to Mrs. Rojnal retreat master. The shower was given by ______PRINCETON. N.J. (AP) — vent lootlnir In too Mmnonotooi, versary celebration Saturday the Hawaiian Islands to cele- " t !*™ turnover, the sources ------They will conduct the clean-up nephews and three nieces. calation of the vrar by Hanoi. Lsham, i^tanding in the doorwiay of the Cheney Homestead Museum, 106 Hart­ Reservations tor the retreat **ro-Wiliam Lecne of Manches- on May 8, 9 or 10. Bklward G. Zanfrini, 66, t r ^ e r ^ i ^ t l n g In the Mymenslngh anniversary. ^ _ Whlte-Glbaon Funeral Home, Asked if this ruled out even a ford Rd., by Mrs. Bernard R . Wibs, center, and Mrs. Allison 0 . Brantner, co- may be made with Mrs. John ***■• ■‘■ter-ln-law of the bride- The Chamber has also con- 88 Elm S t, Rockville, is in of U.S. Olympic teams in soccer Club. Mrs. Jackston, a native of likely to be af- I V i'v r v t l token withdrawal of say 20,0(X) Schelbenipflug, Mrs. R . E. Ifoge- Mrs. Rudolph Kisaman, tacted 16 town Cub Scout Packs charge of arrangements, which and basketball five times, died ' About 70 friends and relatives Lawrence, is office manager of Nha Trang, on the hositess for the Manchester area Welcome Wagon. Mr. and Mrs. Ishiam, who men, Thieu replied “I can’t an­ formerly lived at 156 S. Main 9t., occupy an apartment in the homestead, re­ dom or Mins. Jack Oarr of St. ro®ttier of Mias Leone’s fiance; and 14 Boy Scout troops to par- are incomplete. Sunday after a heart attack. UFJ La. o. attended the surprise party glv- the Crown Distributers, Inc., 200 miles northeast of Sal>- 'T'ia11r& swer that. If the Oommunlets Zanfrini waa retired IkeuI train­ X o w n I tII g i l l f j 0 l en by the couple’s children, East Hartford. Her husband, a S®*!-But the sources said no pull- V -ily lll/ l 11110 A c t llk S cently deeded to the Manohester Historic^ Society by the Cheney Home- Jam es’ Pariah; Mns. John Tier- ***** Mirs. Alfio Santinl, Mrs. Uetpate as they have during the continue to infiltrate and If they ney, Mrs. Jolui Fuirice or Mrs. Korman Leclerc and Mrs. Jo- past six annual Scout-Jaycees FOR EXPERT Barton M. Oapen er at Princeton University. I'T A *.J Mrs. Robert Blanchard of 102 native of Ansonia, is a teacher is anticipated before August continue to escalate the war end Btead FVnindla'tJon, and will sierve as caretakers-guldes. Herbert W; Swanson, WHEEL ALI6NB1EMT—WHEEL BALANCING I--'1 1 0 X 0 0 0 1 0 t l .A.1C1 Broad St. and Robert Jackston, and head baseball coach at East Soptemiber, and there is no ^(Continued from Page One) museum committee chairman, hopes to open the homestead to the public in Frances Goodrow of the I>eSimone, all aunts of Clean-Up programs. This is the ELLINGTON Burton M. If Paris has no reeults, I don’t Aasumptton Parish; Mrs. Louis M**® Leone. flrat year the event has been COBIPLETE BRAKE SERVICE Oapen, 62, of Hall Rd., husband at home. Hartford High School. (Herald approved plan tor the withdraw- south He said he was interested believe it would be usefid to dls- early May, (Herald photo by Buceivicius) The town may racelvereceive up to Mr. and Mrs. Jackston were photo by Pinto.) al of the 6,000 American airmen Sulots, Mrs. Joseph Schauster Miss Leone, the daughter of designated Rid Littor Day to RADIATOR REPAIRING AND SERVICE of Mrs. Bernadette G. Capen, cusB phasing out of troops. $146,000146.000 Inin unexpectedlinnvniint.oS revenue______r J / at . „ Nha Trang and *transfer____ _ -to m“* rm<'hiding out Nixon’s rationale ___ ^ or Mrs. Rose Schweorer of St. M®- and Mrs. William J. Leone conform wliUi statewide plans. died yesterday at Manchester Mars Holds "K we have good talks, at SEE from the state for Improvements the South Vietnamese of the 66 to I n ^ l the sys- Bridget ParMi; and Mi*. Joixi *** Vernon St., will wed° Rudy Supervlsicn and transportation Memorial Hospital. the Board of Education la plan­ that time we couM reoomider Abortion Bill's American planes there. Hie t®®'! *ind in determining whether the question." McKeon, Mrs. R, D- LePaga or Klasman, son of Ifi*. and Mrs. will be provided by the Jaycee Mr. Capen was bom Nov. 10, W ater, Say ning to make in the school Pasadena^ Calif.^ Planning Mrs. Ronald Rudolph Kisaman of 146 Peeii and by adult scout leaders and 1S06 in Bastport, Maine, and planes include light oheervation It would be provacatlve or Report ^Guarded’ Oates CIJWKE MOTOR SUES plant. Dr. Donald J . Hennlgon, Topic of Panel Bartholomew’s St., Saturday, April 26, at South membera of the Chamber's had had lived in Ellington for planM and twin-engine C47s would contribute to world Ih e question of resuming the Parish. RT. 6 and 85. BOLTON—648-9621 superintendent of schools, told equipped with rapid-firing Got- peace. United Methodist Church. . City Beautiful Commlttoe. 18 years. He was employed at Scientists the board last night. Five High School ^ClusteP bombing of North Vietnam Hie abortioR blUs now befon Pratt and Whitney Division of Dr. Hennigan said It has been Aldea disclosed that the ABM came up when he was asked hki the General Aceembly wUl be United Aircraft Corp., Blast (Continued from Page One) By DON HORINE The district, which serves p e j ^ l o ^ l vrarfare. issue was among_____„ topics______covered_ views of President Nixon’s On Eisenhower discovered that aif certain capi­ ! reviewed by a three-man jpenel Roncari Givciii Hartford. Associated Press Writer Pasadena and adjacent Altade- Nha Trang “ '“ ’K is an important when Nixon and Trudeau met statement that an "ajqjropriate * great place to live but there’s a tal Improvements aie completed (Oontbmed from Page One) ------Thursday night at 8 in St. Survivors, besides his wife, in­ during the year, the state will PASADB»IA Oallf iAP) _ »»•. 1® sued by the federal t r a ^ g base w ^ re privattely Monday for 90 minutes response” would be made If Ha- Sewer Contract chance of life there.’’ hower, and President Ifixon’e Increased, despite vigor- Bridget School on ktain St. 4 A clude a son, Robert L. Capen of J. . , ’ goveimment tor alleged ddscrim- V-l®*ttiamese officers are getting and later joined In a 46-minute hoi violate the understanding make reimbursements ous therapy. He is requiring Eugene Blackwell of 111 Bald- Ellington; two daughters, Mrs. Schom and Steven Little of been understood. he tw ^ hit by a minority stu- experience with A37 jet fighter- session with other officials In by which the bombing was heUt- two daughters. A $118»420 contract haa been bombers which the Uhited ®d. Brig. Gen. Frederic J. Hughes *” *^ **?**® ®xygen oto®r win Rd., a member of the Right awarded Roncari Industries of Joan Cunningham of Man- the University of Texas made reimbursementsIts woiddwould be disoriminatloni suit and dents. The suit once sov«ht ' the ” White --House Cabinet Room. cheefer and Mrs. Charles John- States is transferring to their The issue also figured in a fol­ Jr.. Walter Reed commanding supportive m ea^ s. The ^n- to Life Committee Ine, whi«^ is their observations through the forthcoming tor the work. money p ro b l^ s has cotne a $775,000 in damages. Now It Thieu said he hod been con­ oral has been sleeping tor brief Granby for constructing an Ol- smi Jr. of Storrs; two brothers, air force. lowup meeting Trudeau held general, referred to Elsenhow­ against passage of the bills, The redmburEemente are for V*en for a ' cluster of high sulted on the matter end agreed periods throughout the day. He cott St. sewer Interoeptor, the W. H. Capen of Sanford, Maine, 84-inch telescope at McDonald with Secretary of State William that a military or dlplomaUc re­ er’s present Illness as a crisis." said, “It is our intent to study Improvements as distinct from schools on a single campus. ^ ate his usual breakfast and has and Roland Capen of Auburn, Observatory at Fbrt Davis, Tex. /XV. J -or Negroes at one scdiool, John P. Rogers at the State Depart­ sis." this matter from all aspects— first stop in a townwide 04.7 mil­ sponse should be made, but add­ talked several times with Mrs. Maine; and five grandchildren. Schom said the scientists pho­ repairs or r^lacements, and Voters who turned down a m IuIt Hish 47 ner cent noo- ment. ed, “The problem Is not to re­ The new episode of congestive moral, legal and medical. lion plan for new and improved Jam0s Earl Ray Elsenhower.” _ _ _ _ Funeral services will be held tographed the epectrum of hus ^jdd e f^ only a por- ,7.86 mlHlon raquest for schools Not all of the prime minister’s sume the bombing as we knew heart failure—which Is different “For most peopile," Blackwell aaititaiy sewer and treatment Thursday at 1:30 p.m. at the Mars’ atmosphere with infrared tion of the projects contemplat- last June will be asked Anril 22 visit was taken up with the som­ It before.” from a heart attack—follows In a later bulletin they report- said, “ it wlU be’’their last faculties. ed in the budget for the com- to aSizT to U- ^ To Stand Trial one March 16 and comes several ®^ **© had had "a light -sup- chance to learn the full Impll- Ladd F\ineral Home, 19 Elling­ film. Hie spectrograph photo ing year. * i, «• * mentary school pupils of the dls- ber business of diplomacy. At a He said it had to be consid­ Ronoart was low among weeka alter Elsenhower i., and had lived In Mamhester for tu rj.” Presents 40 years. He was employed as a an inch or two thick. Atmos­ ‘resourceresource and community cen- ^ ^ minimize jjyg budgets and suggested tax I n s h T O f l pheric water vapor has been Eta Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi ter.”Ar ” housingIwMoina, aA central library.1,1______iruiIlC congestion,congestion. ,_____ • ' Kilter leadman at Rogers Paper rotes by. Friday, a public hear- tiuollfying this, Smith trid the For Boland Oil thought possible but never be­ sorority, will have a business rtudent union, cultural and per- -£>ach school in the clurter ing on his recommendations Is Daughters of Liberty Lodges Mill before he retired 11 ymrs wnfeiwce: “Tlie pa^^g* of ERRY BLOSSOM afld SPRIN6TIME ngo. fore detected spectroscopically. meeting tonight at 8 at the forming arts auditorium and will retain its own identity, with scheduled for Monday at 8 p.m., will have their annu^ Irish Tea wme time is needed for the new Company’s home of Mrs. Thomas Russo, 33 other facilities. A football sta- its own “-uuoucathleUc leams,teams, bands.oanos, mIn methe new Richard MMartin Party Friday at 8 p.m. at Survivors, be.sjdes his wife, Astronomers have speculated administration to make the nec- IN W ASHIN6T0N, D.C. S. Hawthorne St. Mrs. Richard dium and gymnasium woidd be 2.500-member student body and School, on Dartmouth Rd, Orarge Hall. include 3 daughters. Mrs. Reg­ that most of the atmosphere is preparattom. And the inert nitrogen. inald Smith and Mrs. Carlo Pa- Hiblei- is in charge of a cul- built on an adjoining 43-acre Followlne-Following the mihiiepublic heehearing, After the tea, Mr. and Mrs. should be favorable In a r automatic Pour Springtiine Weekends in April. Departinsr tural program. park. . t . x , a i a c u v u i b (ricca, both of Manchester, and Scientists hold Mars as the the Board VAof ADirectors/ wUlWUl lutvehave Raymond avaxAvau^cuiMcGugan will«r«i 51VC give till an polittcal sense If even carefully A pril4,ll,18,25-G 59.75 per person Mrs. Raymond Flaherty of likeliest place in our snlar sys­ until May 7 to adopt its budgets illustrated talk on their recent 5 ThompsonviHe; a sister and 2 tem apart from Elarth to sustain Apollo 10 Mission Set and to set the tax rates. trip to Ireland. Tickets rhay be tloiw talks are to proceed with DELIVERY W n .1 , « b S S T ^ PENNSkVANIA DUTCH TOURS brothers In Ireland; and 10 life. The other planets present For Launch May 18 If they fail to do so by that obtained from any of the lodge 1969 Buick LeSabre. grandchildren. too hostile an environment. Army^ Navy Club Seeks - uaic,date, the-budgetsme uuageiB anaand laxtax raiesrates maimiers,members, anaand bycy contacting s e t / i Five Springtiine Weekends in May. Departing WASHINGTON (AP) _ The submitted_ — by the manager auto- Mrs. MaryJ Cbnn, ofvia 4V EdgertonAS4U |{ 0 | M ill Funeral services will be held May 2, 9,16,28 and 80—^SS9.7S Per person Thursday at 1 p.m, at Holmes ApolloDollo 10in spacesnnAA missionmiooin.. is matically maticallv become the adoptedndonted St. ornr Mrs. Ant>ieAnnie Johnson, 41H What makes it such a Delightful Funeral Home. 400 Main St. The M0n’s Breakfast To Buy Land It Occupies scheduled to be launched May budgets and tax rates. Case Dr., or at the just a quick look at the new Buick LeSabre. Why doni you ThA AiiihhAi.AA K ii> J anxious to replace to within 60,000 feet of the was caught on the roof of the was arrested later in Hartfoni For Further Informutlon and Reservatlona Apply land before he retired. He was 1 clubhouM waa buUt and piecemeal expansions with a moon’s surface. VFW. He waa taken into custody Kukevlch waa nrMAni.a'^i tould give no reason for the lake a long look at your Buick dealers soon. , The communion breakfast is injuries. a member a t' TalcottviUe Con­ open to aU men of the com­ War^*i**and h i L ' * ^ permanent building that will be They will atudy sites for the when found walking in the ClrcuU Court 12 te^^chertw We know you'll make a decision that will delight you. gregational Church. munity, and tickets may be pur­ from lime I H 1 k * credit to all concerned. And first lunar landing scheduled tor vicinity later, police said. yesterday, and his case wn. The baby died Jan. 17. Slaw- AND O il COMPANY DANIELS TRAVEL AUENCY He was a 60-year member of chased at the door. memberahi^ v H "h ““ ** concerned with the Apollo 11 mission this sum- PoUce went to the VFW after ^ tln u e d to TTi^aUv u r ^ ■on is being held irf Ueu of $38,- ESTABLISHED 1986 ? “ “ J * 5 % " ; MMiaiMiEE. ooira.^ngi. | membership expanded but sev- the future of our town.” mer. the resident complained about $600 bond. »«»®'- 000 at Darien PoUce Headoua^ 869 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER, 648-6830 Agents for McMahon Tours, Inc— ICO Bmkers «lfC-J8788 ■ •* iicfiunci It^ Delightful Decision time at your Buick dealer^ now. ters. police said.

\ p » . - - MANCiHESTEB EVENING EtEEALD. MANCHESTER, OONN„ TUESDAY, MARCH 85, ld09 PAGE ELEViN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY. MARCH 26, 1969 i ’lSJaL Vem on Mancliester H chron R ock ville Hospital Notes TV- Radio Tonight $5.3 Million School Budget vnm N o HOURS ZBA Hearing Tomorrow , Hospital Notes Oare 8em4- privato, Boon-S p.m., sad 4 p.m., Vhritiiic h o o n « r « U ;M to 8 8 p.m.; private room*, 16 o.m. On Caron Building Requegt p.m. In nil nrenn except ntnter- Requested-Up $1 Million 8 pjn., and 4 p.m.-6 p.m. nity wliere they nte 8 to 4 end Television The Zoning Board of Appeals relmbaiaement was dtieotoed Alfred Httobopek B mvoO a t Bkbwsitkxi lu t Fedtatriesi Panata altoirod 8:88 to 8 .* J» (8-10) Truth or Oonsaque ptatoed to the boand that her Another now item in TO com­ will hold a pubUc hearing to- *** authorisation waa g tn n idgift Kg/ tK v n A budgM twiuMta aay time eoroept aooa-l pbBi.t oommfttee had already .out ing yeWm .budget wOl be TO oTOrs, 8 p.m.-S p.m. morrow at 8 in the town office «?>«"«> money untfl a «tt>- Admitted Friday: Bertha ils) What’S My Line wMoli aoKNd to move ttan |i 1144*644 hum tha orldtoal re- cedure can be worked out that ) VoyRce to ttw Bottom oi NenSbeat abeorptton of TO health serv­ Self Ssndeei IS ajn.-2 p-Ob, building to consider the requaat ^ increase TO pr*a«it Thayer, Franklin Park W.; Boo mMlon IdglMr than hut yM r’ s queata. ices. This enoounts teg some Sophie Pivarxuk, Metcalf Rd., (80) Big Picture a r i i y S S S Theater 4 pjin.-S pjB . ot Canm Brotiuts Inc. for per- budget deficit. (M) Hlstsroger-s NeIgMmr- iM) fiuolt Norton . requeta or a total of |0,a90,si8. The figure inaerted tor teach­ 648,000 alTOugh thia is nbt yet Intensive Core and Ooranary Tolland; Helen Regan, Eaat hood er aalarlea la an eaUmatod one a firm figure. ^ mission to (xxnplate oonstructlon The administration clarified Main St.; WOllam Toung, Ward (80) Munoteni , H i* liMirMaen In Hm bud^t ow e: Immediate tamily oaly, of an «lfht-fainlly dwelling on at this meeting that there was Inn CHUisu's Mend •a the board’a oonunittee and In TO area of currioulum oo- aqytlme, Uailted to five St.; Roger Fournier, Cook Rd., 6:X (40) W e ^ r total 61,006,4m , UMdclng It about WoUswood Rd. i ; g the teaoher*a oommlttee are aUU enUnetion and evalixutfon, sum­ mtoutes. the Immediate need for two fuU- Tolland; Brenda Wataon, Sher­ 8:80 (40) Truth or Coosequencea (10-808080) Julia 28 per cent higher Uun th»«ur^ negotiattog. mer worksbope and In-servioe The apartmMt building is tlme teachers and one half-time (8-13) Red Skelton 'BCaternIty: Fathers, U a-m. • ry Cir., Tolland; August Paaaet, (C) , ____ rent llgure. The major |X)rtian training -programe will be In- otated to be two-tbirds ixm- teacher to fill the position now (80) F Troop (18) Merv Ortffln ^tltor oonaideraMe dia(MiaBion 18:48 p.m .,«aad S p.m.-8 p.m.t Franklin Park W.; Mary (8m iQBliht (0l5 I’ll Qat There aa Soon aa of the ImmeaM, aa m to and -varted opinlone aa to how oorporaite(L TUs policy adoptton ^etad with two front doors. The being held by teaching prin­ Martin, Box Mountain Dr., Ver­ ( 8) 1 12re Lucy by the board was TO result of oTOts, • pjn.-4 p.m., aad S building permit, issued under cipal Herbert Shedroff, The (84) What’s NewT 9:00 (1M 08MO) Tueaday Night fixed ohaigee euch aa aaltaiea mu(di to take a “ gamble’ ’ on in PJB.-S p.m. non; Virginia Devoat, Stone St., 6:00 ( 88-10-18d0) Neiro, SporU. and tmiMpaitathm. The eatlinat- TO area of teacher aatsrlee, TO last year’s suooeasfid pilot pro­ old zoning regulations, called for administration was authorised Manchester, and Dennis Schu- Weather ^)**aUeB Have No Ltmlta gram. Age lim tts: IS to matendty* one door and was revoked whsn, to fiU these positions, (84) Folk aultar 9:80 (8^ NYPD ed mvanue Ogwe ia 6i,6iqi_M6. wtard votod to delate 676,000 for 19 la otter ateas, as limit la mey. Laurel St. (18) RlflMnan (8-13) Dorle Day The flxad ohargea make up '“*«*pacted ttnnover. Board The oonunittee also noted that through a misunderstanding in Tlie tx»rd approved the pay- Births Friday: Son bom to (80) MoHalefs Navy 10:00 (8) ‘Ihat • Lke self-servloe. (88) BIghllchU ( C ) ______(8-13) Newe 8p e ^ •2 per (wnt o f the budget, or a member Arthur Oaltahan voted it Is continuing to replace text­ dlscusaioa of TO regulations, It ment of two weeks’ vacatton Mr. and Mrs. James Leonard, (80) Mayor Hariamon Reports (04) The City Makere total o f |8,0l6k4M. agalnat tfaia Ogure beoauae he books which are outdated and' was found that Caron Brothers pay to Harolcl Gray, who Is re- Nike Cir., Mainchester; son bom 6:06 (40) Oorabat (18) d*«*ht It was too low. In poor condltkm. ^ The sdaitotstrstloB remtods were erecting (biii apartment tiring on March 28, aa custo- Directs *3,B* (40) I Spy The (Matrlbutlaa of the visitors that with oonstructloo to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond «:80 (am Social SecuriUr C3haj4es Briasoti, the board’s As recommended in k state re­ wlth two front doors. dlan of Hebron Elementary (1041-80) Huntley-Brinidey peroentaga-wlee by major under way, parking spaoe Is . Dr. Jnmee Hanoock o< the Unl- Martin, Box Mountain Dr., Ver­ 18) 8^ Favorite Martian actlviUea, laaafoilowa: DwtnMS wiatoeas manager, aald that TO port to the sigMrintendent’B of­ OE8 Offleers School. Gray has sorved In non; daughter bom to Mr. and 8) Brank Resmolds S^S^ealher limited. Visitors are askM to oariaty Qt Connecticut faculty la 84) What's New? (R) tk »a l aalarieB, 76; operatloa and aaJaiy figure bounoee up and fice and In view of tighter fed­ Mra. Joseph KaUick of Hope this position at. the Hebron Mrs. George Devost, Stone St., (30) TVxm^Bwdl^aiwj' down and TO money goes Into eral controls on the free lunch bear with TO hospital wfaUs TO Valley Rd. was Installed Satur- School for 17 years. Mrmftrmr q( UM production 11:86 ( 3) TUeadaySOuJIrtt >n*l<*enBaoe, » ; toetnicttonal parking problem exists. Manchester; son bom to Mr. 11:30 (1O8MO80) TonW taoka and auppHea, 6; trans- unencumbered surplus until con­ program. It was decided, fty the Aay as Worthy Matron of dl- The board voted to pay Ralph by Archibnld Mdiolsh, to and Mrs. Richard Shearln, S-18) Walter OronUte (C)’ ( 8-10) Joey nshop tracts ore actually signed. board aftM- study and dlscua- max Chapter, Order of Eastern Miner, new daytime custodian, Regan Court; daughter bom to 180) Narwi (13) Late Movie poftatton, SJl;‘ fixed ohaigee, PWients Today: 806 bo praotnted tomorrow at 8 p.m. Mrs. Herbta explained that TO slon, to hire a cafeteria direotor ■tar. In Merrow*. (Xher Hebron an annual rate of 6B.B00 for the Mr. and Mrs. Ranald Rummel, SEE SATIIRDAr^80) HtsUley BrinkteyTV WEEK FOB COMPLETE USTtNOS 2.6; general control, 2; health ADMITTED YESTERDAY: at the Old Cburcfa of St. Mary’a ( 8) What tai the World (C) and attendance aervieea, 1; «p«cted opening of the new to coordinate and supervise the paciple to take office with Mrs. remainder of the year effec­ Stafford Springs. (84) mcanor Zabaleta 89-room elementary school next Leopavd Anderson m , 68 West tive next Moivlay. ■ptaoopal Ctaurcb. capital outlay, l, and food aerv- lunch programs for all of the St;" Mia. MiBrie BOiton, An­ Kabkck were Mrs. Herbert Por- Discharged Friday: Madeline Radio Icea, tuition and atudent body 8all has affected a numher of schools. tSTL conductrees; Mra. Doiudd In other action, the edminls- TWnotToor'a production ia the Ahem, Warehouse P t.; Anna TO 'budget aocoiaitB. It b i eaU- dover; Mia. OonstaiMse Bnxdcs , B e^ , Ruth; Mrs. Luther Rich, tration was autiwrlred to fill (Hila listing Includes only those news broadcasts of 1# or 16 aotMttea, 1. ^ Mrs. HerbOt explained that Glastonbury; WllUam Caatar n, *iwi procnun in St. Mary'a Art Binsiedel, Reed St.; Gertrude matied that- an amount o f $244,- this year again saw an Increase Martha, and Herbert Porter, the night position at an annual VbattvaL It ia ofwn to the pub­ Matteson, Lawrence St., George minute length. Some stations earry other short newscasts.) ta *- kfaile Heitwt, (dialnnan 622 win ’be needed to open TO 23 Brent Dr., Vernon; Pamela rata of 66,100 prorated for the Girls Sweep Science Fair Prizes of the budget committee, ex- In the number ot pupils to the Conover, Bcriton; Robert Dixon, sentlnM. lic tree at chaise. Chaffee, Rau St. Ext.; Buell WBOH-816 4:86 Strictly Spons school. PTO Meeting remainder of TO year. 4:38 Afternoon Bdltloo special education program. New Hebron Rd., Bolton; Mrs. Em­ “ J 3 . ” won the PuUtxer Prixe Sikes, Main St., Ellington; Jo­ 6:00 Hartford Hlshllchtr techniques and new methods of H m Hebron PTO wiU hold a Bulletin Board Girls made a clean sweep of first prizes in the 111- second; Nancy Donovan, third; Peter Heard, Cath­ 7:00 Accent 49 \ ma FalebU, 472 ToUand Tpke.; for MdiWiBh in 1969, and haa anne Major, Eaat Hartford; 7:00 News 7:16 Now teettog and identifying these special business meeting tomor­ Holy Comiminlan wlU be ob­ Mary Little, Lawrence St.; Nan- in^ Junior Higrb School science fair Thursday nigrht. erine Larivee, Stephen Moran, Glenn Saums, hon­ S:00 (lasliBhl 7:30 David Brinkley Phelon Abstains Itonald Faidkner, South Whid- served tonight at 7:30 at St. boen called by the the Saturday 13:00 Quiet Houra 7:30 News of ihe World children resulted in TO need to Bor; Patrice Faviaau, 461 row at 7:80 p.m. at the OUeod Review "one of the lasting cy Elliott, Vernon Center Hgts., Lrft to rigTht, the winners and their projects are orable mention. Grade 8, Baipr Leitz, second; Leslie WFOP—14)« 7:66 Joe Oarigtola Peter's Episcopal CSiurch. The 6:00 Danny Clayton hire additional personnel to the HIU School. 'Ilie businees meet­ acfalevemonte of art and mind Vemo;i; Martha Schneider, 8:06 Pop Concert Graham Rd., Waj^ring; Mia. El­ choir will rehearse followtog the Marjorie Tagfifart, 7th grade, “Comparison of a Greene, th ird ; William G ona, James NeflsoiL Dar­ 4:00 Dick Heatliertoi 8:00 Nlghtbeat fields of scKdol work, speeito and len Fbon, Andover; Robert ing origlnaUy‘(scheduled for last in our Kme." It’s theme la a West St.; Louis Bunce, Irene 9:00 BUI Love 11:00 News. Weather servloe. Ruminant Stomach with a Human Stomach” ; Kath­ lene Loughrey, honorable mention. Team, Ronald 1:00 Qary OIrard hearing tind .TO p erc^ u a lly Frits, 80 Edmund St.; Edward week, was canceled due to the reexaininaitian, in term s of Dr., Vernon; Mrs. Delores Whlt- 11:16 Sports' Final School Board Votes handicapped. A service of Holy dxnmunion ryn Donovan, 8th grade, “Sound ‘of Music” ; and the Bayer and John Abert, second; Shirley Cox and wnfF—lias 13:00 News ______Fogarty, Eaat Hartford; Mra. kogth of the Youth Night pro­ will also be held tomorrow ' at modem experience, o t the story ncy and daughter, Stafford team of Cheryl Champy and Deborah Gilkey, “Ef­ Joan Harrison, third; Richard Migliore and Eugene a:00 News She further noted that becxuise Sadie Hadler, East Hart­ gram. One of TO items on the at Uw Book o< Job from the Springs; Mrs. Arlene Baker and 6:16 Etoeak IJr Helps Solve 3 Biggest 6:80 a.m. fects of Stimulants and Depressants on C c tWIs .” BeHatti, honorable mention. (Herald photo by 6:00 News ot TO increased demands in the ford; Eileen Hamola, Stafford agenda will be to discuss wheth­ daughter. Cedar St., and Mrs. 6:16 Speak Up Hartiuro Tlte Lenten service sertes be­ Other awards w ere: Grade 7, Michaell CaRKhan, Buceivioius). 6:46 Lowell Tbomas Teacher Aide Project qMcial education flel(L it was Springs; Debra Kenny, 88 Bige­ er or not the members wish to ing held at the Hebron Oongre- pr. Hancock t«tch« oral in- 6:66 PhU RIssuto FALSE TEETH recommended and acceptable by low St.; ’Tlmotiiy Kiqiper- form two PTO units for the 4 7:00 The World Tonlgtn gational Church each Thtiraday tenuatatlon, voice, end diction •> ™ ------7:80 Frank Olfford W orries and Probioms the board that a new position schmidt, ElUnfton; Mia. Edtih BBxt school year. morning will have as Its guest at the University of (JonnecOcut. Admitted Satindey: Alphonse ^ _ 7:80 Speak Up Sponr A little FASTEETH sprinkled on to supervise and coordinate all Lewie, 148 Cooper mu St.; Les­ Podium_ Oast cleigymon, TO Rev. Robert W. PrevtoiMly, he taught at the Gariepy. (Jrystel L ^ ; Ifery ■ ivaiiac I .t«asn T o lla n d 8:00 N ^ your dentures does all this; (1) Hsipt pupil personnM services. 8:10 Speak Up BporM hold false teeth more Ormly In place; voted to establish a one-year lie Lonbaker, 98 OampbeU Ave., The P(^um Plnyera have an- Oonln of St. Maurice Catholic University of Minnesota and at Lou Weper, Pro^>ect St,; Miax Fire Calls 8:80 Speak Up tiartforc (8) Holds them more comfortably; training program (Project TAP) It Is expected that the number Vernon; Mirs. Angela Lopes, 78 n o^ ta the of thedr spring oiurch In Bolton. The service is Frank niiU^xi OoUege, Barger, Rothe. High S t ; Ruby B^hit, Or- il:30 Barry Farber (3) Lets you bite up to 33% harder of puidls will in will shows, educaiianal teieviaion bach, Memortoli Nursing Home, 4:30 Weather health. Bee your dentlat regulaiiy. voting to act as the funding ‘ *•0 “ •( <9.000 to start?’ ’ he It will be necessary to add two Mortktok, 281 Center St.; Karla Pjwtray Oorle Bratter and meet tonight at 8 in TO Hebron a ^ sorved as a civilian enter- Charlette Prokop; Pillsbury Killingo 20 W. Middle Tpke. last night at If Middle School Voted Get FASTEEIR at all dnut couptsfs. agent to 1989-70 for Project Out- uked. more buses next year, making Jo Novnoatty, 16 Bunce Dr.; Oeoqfe Qstas will play Paul Congregational Church. HIM; Virginia Johnston, Vernon 6:40. Slight damage was report­ tainment director of the U.S. Approval of the 62,262,000 ap- tact her at the home of her doors, and to submit Project Finally, he objected to the a total of so buses. Mrs. Leah Page, 110 TlEumer S t ; Bratter'. Mrs. Marilyn Horton The Hebron Church Cwncil Ave., and Ellen Burke, Reed St. BRUSSELS (AP) — Two com- ed to the engine compartment Mra. Martha Plnavtcla, 170 Army in Soutbeast Asia. where the fire was located. No proprlatlon lor the constructlbn daughter Mrs. Arthur Berman, | Circle to the OonnecUout State ■cbools’ time and responsibility In Its letter to the Board of Will itay Mis . Bonks end Rene will meet tonight at 8 in the Births Saturday: DougMer muter trains loaded with about Goose Lane. I>«partmsnt‘ o f BkhicaUon for training the aides on the Job, Representatives, TO budget Loomis at.; Mra. Miaiy Ross- Ooite will be Vfotor Velasco. SmUh-GeUert Lounge. bom to Mr. and Mrs. Richard one was hurt. of the proposed Tolland Middle man, TaloottvlSe; Adam 1,600 workers crashed together Fire Department AuxUlaiy PAY funding under Title V. commenting that the first of the (tommlttee said, “If our expen­ BUgene Devine of Marlbor- Fhe 52nd District Republican OourtemanrMie, H a i^ rd Tphe.; Sch(x>l tomorrow night will pave Schllke, Ooventiy; Peter Sheri­ (HaraM naotoe Bjr aaeahrlelna) today in a cold mist In Southern The Tolland Volunteer Fire | Jay Stager and James O. Tat- students would be ditures result In providing better ough la directing the play. The Oommlttee wlH meet tonight for daughter bom to Mr. end Mrs. dan, South Windsor; Garland MISS CHERYLrLEIGH BUFFAM About Town the way for the start of con­ Department Auxiliary has plan­ ro of MOC, and Allen Cone, Al­ "coming In fresh" at the open­ educational opportunities tor producer Is John Hoirton. His a Dutch treat dinner at Marl-' Roy Johnston, Vernon A ve.; son Belgium, killing 20 persons and Tolland County Stearns, Hartford; Mrs. HUs First Church of CStrlst, Sden. __ struction about April 1. ned two fund raising events for lan Caissterton, and Albert Hadl- ing of school. Stager pointed out each child in our school system staff Includes Nina Cfote, Rich- borough Tavern. Town commlt- bom to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Injuring 70, a spokesman for the Sweeney, 90 Baldwin Rd. itbsidents attending the meet­ the Spring, including an old glan of the school staff present­ that they would be taking and better end well-maintained ard Oildersleeve, Brenda Chir- tee repneeentatlves and town Pr<*op, P ^ l^ H llL son born railway administration said, How To Attract schoola, than we are practicing BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A son Ing Testimony Meeting tomor ing tomorrow night at 8 in the fashioned baked bean supper (m ed the Project TAP proposal. college (xnirses in (xinjiuiction Former Miss New Hampshire ran, Marilyn Horton, Katherine (xwnmlttee iTOlrmen and vice to Mr. and Mrs. Martin.. Burke, The spokesman said one train good economy." to Mr. and Mra. Tlnnaa Kelly, Sibun, Wllda Devine and Frank chairmen are asked to attend. POST at 8 p.m. at the church, 447 Hicks Memorial Schl gym April 26 and a food and rum­ WEST Stager said ths coUege sxpecta “ “ -the-Job supervision. apparently did not stop for a red Hebron; a daughter to Mr. and Esposito. _____ N. Main St. The meeting is open Wildlife Around will also be asked to approve mage sale May 10. to enroll about 60 In the teacher Mrs. Norman Nnyton, Project The committee also sold, ’’It Discharged Saturday: Robert warning light near the station at Outdoors director, presented a Mrs. Gumar JamteMb, 160 School Board Declston Maacbeeter Evening Herald, to the pubic. the leasing of space at the Tol­ Rummage sale items may be I aids course In ths fell, some Is a budget which we hope also Likes Teaching in Columbia Bradley, Park Place; Raymond the Industrial city of La Lou- The Home^Plant ^ _ Foreat St. land State Jail to the Tolland left at White School FireHouae worktog toward a two-year as- progress rspon In which she reflects what our community In action at last week’s wpe- Hebron correspondent, BIsrJorie Oakea, Bast Main St.; Mary vlere. He said It collided with Plantings to encourage wlM- county Mutual Aid Network, at Leonard’s Comer or by con­ scHsiats dsgrea and some on the noted that 10 towns and 2,600 wonts for its young people. It ADMITTED SATURDAY: Miss dtoiyl-Lelgh Buftam, there are four other Keene.Stete clal Hebron Board ot Educa- Porter, tel. 888-9116. homes wMi“ be the ^nTe'toe'jaTbullSing 1*^ ™ taoU^'Trs" ^^wa^ ^ certiflcats program. children are using the Natural Is Important to remember that Mra. Abbe Zelenak, 33 Benton sixth and seventh grade science graduates teaching at Porter tion meeting, the board voted Sch^ey, Laurel tion at ajevel^ where ^ p, ^elng pre- over to the town. Mt. Spring Rd., for plci^p oi Science Center facilities on Oak what we spend for education to­ St. SchooL not to pay any portion of the p.m. ait the church. TAX! He asked ths board to Incor­ teacher at Porter School in Col­ St.; Mary O>mcdlo, Lawrence Grove St. this year tor science day can often only be measured The article pointed out that ls. and become TO adults of tomor­ teria funds. The rate being B A R R i C i N i Regan Road. cut and bum through the twist- ^t the Agn’lcultural Center in as wejl as the equipping of the their craft show ancj sale yes- • Complex tax law means thousands overpovl purpose — a laboratory for the son, Kbzley Dr., ToUand; David Ckmnectlcut State Board of Ed- organizations. Admitted Sunday: Judy Pat­ Both Chesterton, coordinator row." Paine, 156 E. Middle ^pke.; :y\at(en paid is 68.60 per day for rub­ cd steel. Rockville and is open to the 30-classroom first phase of the home of Mrs. | • Be wise!... Let the expertly trained ALL (tollege, and a model training The board of deacons of Com­ terson, Lebanon; Roberta Tyler, for state and federal funds In Mrs. Ruby Haxen, 27 Tumble- Mias Buftam, who (uune to bish removal from both schools. CHOCOLATES The two engines and four cars public, school. Arnold Kusmin of Old Post Rd. program In the area. It Is expected that TO general munity Baptist Church will meet Russel Dr., Vernon; Jennie Hol­ STATE tax man use his proven checklists to Manchester, and Mrs. Madeline brook D«., Vernon; Omer Columbia In September, was In- The purchase of bulk feeding jumped the tracks. Among the Frank Niederwerfer, district Prior appropriations are In­ The sale will be held May 26. Stager said approximately government budget will be com­ Hob Minor Surgery tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in the ton. Union St., Rockville; Mil­ dead was the engineer who the chairman, said that the pro- find q ll your legitimate deductions! McAwIey, Lutz Junior Museum pleted this week dnd go out to G ln gi^, 86 Henry St.; Mra. torvlewed In an article on "Why facilities at TO Hebnm Ele­ cluded In the amount as are Participating In the planning 680,000 of state funds is avall- COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — mentary School at a 76 per cent Toutti Building of the church. dred Duffy, White Birch Lodge, spokesman said failed to stop. gram is Intended to show the architects fees and moveable director, said that when the the Board of Representatives. Ea|eUe Hansen, 228 Main St., Young Teachers Came To Con- session were Mrs. Kusmin and Ahlo for .Initiating teacher aide James Byrnes, former U.S .sec­ ------Tolland; Daisy Deane, Windsor; One train was going to Brus- many opportunities persons equlpnemt. projeqt was instituted under The board has to have the South Windsor; Mrs. Jonna necUcut-" Mrs. Ivan Robinson of Tolland training programs, retary of state, has had what his H m building committee of Donald Chomtek, Blast Hart- sels, the other to Ghent. Frees- have to encourage wHdUfe on Authorization will be sought to ™ ^ ^ d Title III of the Elementary and budgets by April I and the next Caunura, Eart Hartford; Mrs. she was named Mias New and Mrs. Morris Miller, Mrs. other state Institutions have physicisn called "minor urologi­ Noftb United Methodist Church ford; Janet Foisy, Maple Sti, ing weather with snow flurries their properties. Issue bonds to defray the costs *• Secondary Education Act, the meeting is not until April 7. ^ rth a Hansen. East Hartford; Hampahlre in 1966 In TO annual Seymour Kummer, Mrs. used "crash” programs, but this CAISIBt KAISKEDS ViiH win meet tomorrow at 2 p.m. at Rockville; William Niemann, added to the plight of Injured speakers on the subject of the appropriation with au- Intent was to phase It out at Soldier Cited Bmllfon W. Pierre, 6 (Quaker Miae America contest and grad- cal surgery" at the hospital Marshall Press, Mrs. Joseph ^ - 4 1 1 would be ths first of (me- and rmwitrif A s r a r s m iva ■■ m ipTy Oie church to attend a iqieclal Ellington; Ann Dusto, Laimel persons trapped in the wreck- Incbide Kenneth Bradliey, thorlzatlon regarding the bonds the end of three years. At that Army Spec. 6 Edward A. Rd.; Miss LUUann Twlnen, uated from Keene, N. H. State where he has been under treat- Davis and Mrs. Joel Sokolov, all two-yssLT duration. time, hopefully each town would nient since March 7. dlatrict meeting. St., Rockville, and (3arol Colvin, age. assotrfate professor of omamen- granted to the Board of Select- Courtemanche, son of Mr. and Meadows Oon’valescent Home; CoUege TO same year. She 'NowitllM - Toys Licgtlt Orns of Vernon and Rockville. Cone said plans call for using use areas near its own schools Byrnes, 89, was said to be In ----- N. School St., Manchester. Surgeons had to amputate tal horticulture at the Unlver- men. Mrs. B. A. Courtemanche, 11 Donna Rowlett, 68 Ashworth St. Bulletin Board five aides in Bennet Junior High as laboratories, they said, with Members of the VFW Births Sunday: Daughter bom both legs of one trapped woman, gity of Connecticut, and Ed’wln Those attending will also be HARTFORD, 380 Albany Ave. 686-8887 Charter Rd., received the Com­ Also, D(Mma Hopkins, Hasard- “ ft * ' ARTHUR DRUe The Board of Education will ' SchcMl, and five in the Keeney the Natural Science Center money to finance graduate study Monday. at the PariuAt Auxiliary will meet tonight at to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Col- Several of the injured were In Swenson, biology specialist for asked to approve appointments bat Infantryman Badge during ville; Mrs. Diana McConvlUe at TO Uidveralty ot Connecticut. meet tomorrow night following HARTFORD, 816 Albany Ave. 847-7861 St. Sclwol. He personally fore­ visited only for special projects. 7 at the Holmes B\meral Home, vin, N. Sch(x>l St., Manchester, critical condition the Soil CJonservatlon Service made to the Schcxil Building ceremonies In Vietnam recently. and daughter, 102 ISgh St., Mias Buftam, who is 26,' said, the town meeting on the Mid­ sees their emjdoyment in labor­ Project Circle would establish 400 Main St., to pay respects to and daughter bom to Mr. and The other engineer, Paul servlrg the states of Oonnectl- Committee and to authorize HARTFORD, 840 Franklin Ave. 849-8848 His battalion commander, Lt. Rockville; Mrs. Carol Hansen dle School, In its offices at the atories, libraries, and a media a 3,600 square foot media ’’Alter four y«ara of coUege, I the late John T. McDowell, Mrs. Norman Dusto, Laurel St., GouUen, was trapped with both cut, Miassachusetts, Vermont them to expend the appropria- Col. Donald R. Chormley, made and son, ThompsonvlUe; Mrs. was fired up with new Ideas. Hicks School. HARTFORD, 41 Stone Street S tl-etU , center. When queried on the center, including the present jiiiiiijiiiilliiilliicpUALiTY i n s u r a n c e s i n c e i923|iiiiiji|iiiiiiiiiii|iiiE whose mother, Mrs. John Vince, RockviUe. logs crushed and head wounds, and Riiode Island. tlon. the presentation, citing him tor Evelyn Cady and daiqjiter. Connecticut offered the facilities la a member of the group. Discharged Sunday: Roxanne The midweek prayer service subject, he said he saw the pros- library. In the East Side Recre­ having been under hostile fire Hickory Hill, Andover; Mrs. It took rescue workers with Native plants including oma- Education Film Presented MANCHESTER, 963 Main St. 6t»-88f7 ; pect of using aides in class- ation Center to complement ex­ and money to give Mds a good ----- Novosat, Southwlck, Mass.; of 'the Seventh Day Adventist while serving with U.S. Forces Angela Adamezyk and daugh­ education. The ytwng tobchers ill acetylene equipment five hours mentals as well as the feeding A two-reel movie presenting > rooms when overloading de- isting audio-visual and reading In the Republic of Vietnam. 'Before Losses Happen, Insure With Lappenl" | The1..C handicrafts group B.UUH of the u.e Weslie vvesiie Rodean, (vooean, Crest (, Dr., i^r., Ver- ver- - - - ’ ’ ' various species ’ of some of the m ajor philosophies Cburch will be held tomorrow ROCKVOdLE, 88 East Street 876-6788 ter, 16 Ekutiview Dr., RookvUe. coming out of coUege today, iiijji \ velops during the school year. Instruction programs In Bennet. He Is a member of the 672 Manchester Newcomers Club of non; Tammy Wells, Park West ’ wildlife will be discussed. o»d practices currently used in night at 7. with their bcmlcgraund In TO i|i|j after. The first floor plan submitted Light Equipment <3o„ 116th the YWCA will meet tonight at Dr., Rockville; Margaret Ar- A short business meeting Is early and pre-schl two supervisors. The terms of Sch(x>l. Bette Quatrale, tel. 876-8846. "You’ve got to offer some- iiijii Mrs. Nancy Charette and daugh- earthquake, ! night’s vote and March 31, the in the larger room to the east, Naval Aviation Officer Candi­ professor checked 'more than 600 NOTman Strong of Vernon and The film, produced by CBS thing to get TO best. Good tecudi- Fix^Up Bill? St. Mary’s Episcopal Guild It shook us out of our beds,’ ’ deadline for submission of the a distribution desk, storage, date Michael A. Dowglewics; infants under the age of one ter, Rt. 30, RockvUle. Willikm Kralovich of Andover and entitled "E arly Childhood ers go uTOre they have the will meet tomorrow at 11 a.m. he said. program to the State Depart­ preview area, work counter and son of Mr. and Mrs, John P. year tor the odds on their faU- Education,” was obtained by storage, materials production ing out of crib or bed. He found chance to do the beat Job they Let your car insurance take care of in the parish house of the One victlM,, a man, had both Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Berman, ment of Education, too short. Dowglewicz, 178 High St„ was that 48 per cent ot the babies can." ||ij| church. Members are reminded legs tom away. A surgeon had In defending the short pertod, area, reading carrels, Individ­ graduated from the Flight Sys­ it, just like it does for a dented fen­ Public Records owners of the Hans Christian had such falls. Bt addition to Mias Bulfam to bring sandwiches- Dessert to amputate the hand of a wom­ Dr. Donald J. Hennigan, Super­ ual carrels, and tutorial read­ tems School at Naval Aviations der. Medkid Pajrments coverage pro­ SEATO Conference Andersen Montessorl School In ing space. and beverages will be served Trade Name an to free her. Tolland. intendent of Schools, said the Schools Command, Naval Air tects you in a car accident, whether The board’s approval will be by Mrs. Arthur Bumap, Mrs. Armand L. Fortier, doing The Red Ooss appealed for ‘Crucial Meeting* Idea for the cooperative plan Station, Pensacola, Fla. you’re driving or not. Insure your I Dressmaking Course MEDI MART followed up with an application Henry Stansfield and Mrs. business as Armond’s Coiffure, blood doners. MANILA (AP) — The Bang­ grew unexpectedly and sudden­ His four weeks of training In­ own fix-up bin; call on us today. | Mrs. Xenia Bang of Goose i W S !’ to the Bweau of Elementary James Williams. iW3 Main St. kok ministerial conference of ly from a conversatidn with cluded basic aerodynamics, Marriage Licenses Lane will conduct her final •*•*•*'' IS COMING TO WILLIMANTIGI and Secondary Education of the aviation physiology, naval air Do You Have A Yearning To the Southeast Asia Treaty Or­ course in fashion pattern design­ Stager. Members of the Army-Navy Bruce Burns Oatway, 115 State Department of Education operations, air navlgration, phy­ Boy, 7, Killed by Bus ganization (SEATO) in May will ing this spring, before return­ Phelon added that accept­ Club Auxiliary will meet to- Ddane Dr., and Suzanne Marie Interviews are bek« heM for the following positions: for a 66,000 grant under Title sical fitness and swimming. LEARN TO PLAY THE ORGAN? May We Quote Rates and Assist You As We Have So Many Others ? be a ’’crucial meeting,’’ Foreign ing to Denmark. ance would commit the board night at 7 at the Holmes Fu- Monette, 70 Homestead St., MYSTIC CAP) — A little boy V of Public Law 89-10. Secretary Carlos P. Romulo She has been teaching dress ★ OPFTCE diERK—Some b(x>kkeeping experience to on expenditure of 636-86,000 neral Home, 400 Main St., to April 12, St. Bartholomew’s was fatally Injured Monday af­ said today. design in the United States for preferred. for the one-year trial period. pay respects to the late John (Church. ternoon by a sch(X)l bus that He declined to elaborate, but the past eight years, both ’Twenty aides would be paid INSURORS McDowell, whose mother, Mrs. Jimmy Calvin Larrimore, '371 had just dropped him off near ★ OOSMEl'lCIANS—Retail drug store or department store Marketiiig Fil'm We now have a programmed instruirtion method earlier this year Presld.ent Fer­ privately and at adult eiiucatlon 670 each for 16 weeks in the JOHN H. LAPPEN, Inc REALTORS John Vince, is a member of the Adams St., and Marilyn Ann his home. The victim was sev- experience necessary. whereby you can learn to play in your own home dinand E. Marcos advocated courses at Rockville High school*, a total of 621,000. Other Y Group Topic group. Andrews, 22 Glenwood St., en-year-old Gary Porter. that SEATO be strenfjthened or School, ★ DEPARTMENT MANAGERS—Receiving and etfxtk ro(wn expenses Include an administra­ through '^e use of a tape recorder. ' 164 EAST CENTER STREET, MANCHESTER—649-5261 A.ssembly of God. The driver of the bus, Mar­ replaced. Mrs. Bang studied dress de­ manager. tive c(x>rdlnator at 68.000, 61>- Miss Rosalie Smola, consumer American Legion will meet to­ Building Permits garet Hartill, 32, was reported­ Romulo confirmed reports sign at the Hollerup School of 500 for substitutes during re­ relations repiesentatlve for the ..ill night at 8:15 at the Post Home. L & MHomes Inc., new dwell­ ly charged with negligent homi­ that the SEATO meeting will be — SUNDRIES bEPARTMENT MANAGER—To super­ leased time for teachers work- S&H Co., wUl speak and show Design in Copenhagen, Den­ vise hardware and housewares departments. Simile etep by step instructions are given to you ings at 58 Ralph Rd., $22,000, cide pending a court appear­ followed by another cx)nference mark. Those Interested in en­ ' Ing with aides, a consultant at a film on "Market to Market” 2 Sunset Rebekah Lodge will on a tape recorder, a method by which you can and 195 Ralph Rd., $18,000. ance in Groton April 1. of the Vietnam war allies. rolling In the course may con- — FTIONT END DEPARTMENT MANAGER—To su­ 6500, a secretary at 6876, and at TO Y — Wednesday Deosort ROLL Ur AYmiNOS sponsor a rummage sale Friday pervise photo, tobacco, gift and cashier checkout de- materials and other expenses Series tomorrow at 12:80 p.m. at hear the instructions repeated as many times as starting at 9:30 a.m. at Odd Fel­ partm oits. amoiintlpg to 61,130. the Cfommuntty Y. necessary. lows Hall. Those wishing to The program wlU begin with donate article.s for the sale may -k REGISTERED PHARMACISTS He ' also questioned whether G A A PA . MANCHESTER LOCAL No. 23 ANNOUNCES the board might be morally, if dessert The event is en to all leave them at the hall on Thurs­ ★ MANAGjplR TRAINEES those Intefeeted, for a nominal day afternoon. not legally, committed to em­ This sjrston includ^ the tape recorder, tapes, ★ HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES with retail experience. ploying the aides full time upon fee. Baby-aUtlng will be pro­ vided. music (including a simple step by step instruction Reservations close Saturday k OOSMETKTAN T k AINEES—Knowledge of or interest the completion of the training NEW BARBER SHOP HOURS program, as well as committing Mias Smeda did graduate work book), plus consultation with our teachere can be for the Army-Navy (31ub Axixilla- in franchised lines, beauty treatments and hair coloring. yours. ry mystery ride to be held future boards to a precedent: aJt TO University of Hartford. She has been In her present post Wednesday, April 2, at 6 p.m. Top salary, excrilent benefits and Phel(m also foresees the aides 5 # Wtekdays Iran 3:10 AJN. to 5:30 PJL from the clubhou^ and may be D RU G S..N ARCO TIC$ growth are what we offer. as a negotiating problem. "If since 1966, and her territory oon- made with Mrs. Adelaide For more information send the an aide with two years’ train­ si*t* of Connecticut'"’Wtotarn with TO purchass of any organ which Pickett of 613 Main St.. Mrs. (Xiupon below in strict confidence ing Is paid 64,000, then would M6*MLChu**tts, Vermont, and we have In stock. • Satardayt Iran GM AJL to 5:M PJL Florence Plttt of 613 Main St., to a teacher with four year*’ traln- New Hompshlro. or Mrs. Lucy Mosher of 174 Ben­ A SEMINAR IN THREE PARTS For Wlndaw6, f«HM. tlOO VALU E PINE BARBER SHOP ...... 686 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER ton St. HERRON BARBER SHOP ...... MAIN ST., HERRON Presented By Door CoRopioo STATE BARBER SHOP ...... ig BisSElJ. ST„ MANCHESTER Lyman B. Hoops, president of IS Oocorotor Colovt COME IN TODAY AND LET US PARKADE BARRER SHOP ...... MANCHES'TER SHOPPING PABKAOE the Manchester (Siamber of HOT DOCS! SAL’S BARBER SHOP ...... * DEPOT ST., BUCKLAND Commerce; and J. Grant DEMONSTRATE ITS VALUE TO YOU STATE, LOCAL OFFICIALS and COLLEGE STUDENTS Se« Mg For MANCHESTER BARBER SHOP ...... him MAIN ST., MANCHESTER Swank, Its executive vice pres­ — NO OBUGATIONS — ident, will attend the eighth an­ APRIL 2 CHIU DOCS! ALUMINUM RUSSELL’S BARBER SHOP ...... ib6 SPRUCE ST., MANCHESTER nual Governor’s Prayer Break­ JOHN’S BARBER SHOP ...... 692 HARTFORD RD., MANCHESTER fast 'Htursday at 8 a.m. at the APRIL 9 — WHAT MANCHESTER PUBLIC SCHOOLS ARE d l l u • I K M R S OffVCR «OOD ONLY UNTIL TEDFORO’S BARBER SHOP ...... 7*1 MAIN ST,, MANCHESTER Hartford Hilton Hotel. lANDO*8 BARBER SHOP ...... EAST CENTER ST., MANCHESTER DOING ABOUT THE PROBLEM. Mr. A. T. Edgerly, Personnel Manager ONION REVeS! APML IS. 19*9 Telephone: (617) 468-7661 I • W INDOW S COOPER STREET BARBER SHOP ...... sey, COOPER ST., MANCHESTER VF’W Auxiliary will meet U>- MEDI MART, INC. APRIL 398 D Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210 GREEN RARBER SHOP ...... 868 EAST MIDDLE TPKE., MANCHESTER . night at 7:46 o< the Post Home. 16 • CAN O PIES OPEN 10 AM . . 10 P JI^PHONE 87^622 Members are reminded to bring ABUSE. N am e: ...... nSH DINNERS! CAPITM. BARBER SHOP ...... 843 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER Teleptione: • JALOUSieS EMIL’S BARBER SHOP ...... MAIN ST., MANCHESTER articles fo a kitchen social S|M>nHored by Address; ...... which will be held Thursday at .MANf'IlK.STiOR ADULT EVENING SCHOOL TAKE OUT OWMEIMl Free Estimatee ■ E-7. Terms VHJ.AOE BARBER SHOP ...... S87 CENTER ST., BIANCHESTEB 8 p.m. at the Post Home...... state Zip: DON’S BARBER SHOP ...... 4*6 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER ILUNG JUNIOR HIGH .SCHOOL P.T.O. PHONE 876-6966 KEYBOARD STUDIO MANC11E.STEK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Position applied for: ...... O H N 1 BOB’S b a r b e r s h o p ...... CENTER ST., MANCHESTER A food sale will be held to­ BILL TUNSKY Current Position; .1...... noun R3 vamoN, c o n n . PIKE BARBER SHOP ...... tS8 WEST MIIMILE TPKE., MANCHESTER morrow in St. Mary’s Guild To Be Held At Salary; D AY5 A a PAOANl’S BARBER SHOP ...... gy^ PXARL ST., MANCHESTER Hall after the 10 a.m. service High Sch(x>l Graduate? ...... MKI IGLOO OMVUN Appiox. Vd mlG from Vomon Chclo AND OTHERS . . . ^ at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. ILLING JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM — 7:30 P.M. ‘ Years of experience; ...... It AJI. - M rJ i. Reote 96 (Ceroer ef Mile HtU M on RoiMg 83 toward HoekvVo j An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F j Nathan Hale PTA executive NO REGISTRATION FEE board will meet tonight at 8 in the school cafeteria.


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1969 Around fhe Bristol Sees Cluh Better with K ey Trades PAGE THIRTEEN^^^^^ ' Grapefruit, League Reds Strengthen Pitching Staff Quarry Decisions Mathis, v m a T A M P A , FTr . (AiP)— An -dlnals aren’t in it San Francis- again last June after we got rangy right-bander who did an that Woorly WVasIwaril, termw Earl Yost hbur^ w it h Dave Bristx4 is “ *“*** Atlanta win be nmgh.” him froub Atlanta. Once he got outstanding Job with St. Louis, Brave, is going tob oiro lUott- liable to convert Iflie most BrlsU* loiows Ms main prob- in dM^>e he won four out of five wHI be Oanoft’s chief helper. stop. However, Wbody a Out-Boxed His Opponent hostile cynic into a booeter **“ ** pitching—and good hick, for us after tbc AU-8tar game. The Reds traded away two lifetime batting avery of j m . HfcIRALD SPORTS EDITOR of the dncilRMifci Rsrta Tho “** “Oerry Arrtgo shoidd bo just regidara in hopes of streyhen- Darrrt Oianey, a nrnnaner « f noHn in o statistics. The Reds led about reedy to make It big after Ing Ihelr pitching staff. Vada wWx who was protect to Ite NEW YORK (AP) — His 284H pound Mathis two inches Jack Gordon each awarded successor for the deposed Cas­ Healthy Red Sox ^ nsajore wtoi a Jm oiub bat- Ms 12-10 season last year and Pinson, the regular center field- expansion draft, is to# n «r to trunks were shocking pink, not in height and 88^ pounds, domi­ Mathis only the sixth round and sius Clay. W hoseopti- ting average but their pitching we picked up anotoer left-hand- er, went to St. Louis and Oar- the toortstop JOb in the Adute. KeUy green, but Jerry Quarry’s nated the fight from toe opening called toe seventh even. Releree Harry Markson, the hoaa of mism OVerriOes such manor ranked loai in the national er to Jtoi Igerritt, who oante to denas, the shortstop, went to He spent 1968 in AshertOe in bell. Johnny Colon gave Mathis the fa ce is a miq> o f Ireland and he Garden boxing, said, "We hope Key to'Success fytot'S as sore amis, puli- • league. us from Minnesota for Leo Oar- Minnesota. Class AA where hto totting Quarry battered the head and fourth and sixth and called the to make it (a Fnuder'Qaany ed mncieB and broken “Nolan has pitched real good denaa. If Me) Queen (a 14-gam# Bristol has moved Pete Roee, record showed 26 homers but fought big Buster Mathis as if body of the Grand Rapids, fifth even. The Associated Press fight) in early summer. “It is btMies/ down here,” said BristoL “Last winner in 1967 who pltdied only the batting chang>, from right strikeouto and a .281 aver- he were using a shlUelagh and Mich., giant with heavy rights gave every round to Quarry. the best possible fight in many not a pair of boxing gloves. B rla thought Ms Reds could year he tried too hard early and 1* Inntoga in 1968) slwxdd come to center and plana on using ***• and lefts to toe body and head, The lopsided triumph proba­ years and it has the best money There also was a definite dropping Mathis to his right WTNTOR HAVEN, Fla. Oocilgllaro has been a pleasant win j ( ahI last year but an epl- came up with a acre Sbotoder. around we’d be in tine shape.” Bob TVdan, «x-Card, in right The rest of the InfieU la aet. bly earned Quarry a shot at Joe potential in many years. de: ahamrock tinge to toe crowd knee with a long right In toe Frazier, the five-state heavy­ surprise as well as Connecticut’s c to ailment^ that struck We bad to leave him down here Bristol also lists Oeorge Cul- field. Alex Jbtmaon, a aurpris- Lee kfay at first, ’Tomsny Htonu Tuesday night’s crowd, naany — “ Key to our success is to em otion as the throng o f 16,076 second roimd. Mathis got up at weight champion. Joe Lshoud and Brett. It’s likely ^ I Gary Nolan, Pete Rose, when we went home. ver as a «g»t starter. Jack Fish- tog .812 slugger last year, wlH at second and Tony Peraa at of them New York Irish, which stay healthy,” tough^^k- roared approval at Quarry’s two and took the mandatory Then someone at a post-fight that all throe will come North Queen, “Jtoi Maloney came down er moves to the Reds from' the be in left. Jim Beauchamp la third are AU^fltar oontendsn at braved a hea'vy rain paid a ing Dick WHiiams of the slam-bang, almost defiant style eight count. news conference asked him if gross o f $167,298. Ftach fighter wUh the club. Va*to Ftoaon and Jim Maloney early, hoping to get an early aa a spot sure to be one back-up man. their poalUcmB. Bmton Red Sox reported and derided Mathis’ inept per­ Quarry showed complete dis­ would fight Jimmy Ellis if toe was guaranteed $60,000 against “Lahoud is my No. 4 out­ forcM him to settle for the real- start because he usually has starter and bullpen helper. Rose held out for a few days Johnny Bench, too catcher, as we chatted at Chain formance in the 12-round heavy­ dain for Mathis’ ptmchlng and World Boxing Association cham­ 25 per cent of toe net receipts fielder at the moment,” Wil­ ’ MT 11?*'**^ P^*- trouble with Ms shoulder. R’s WMh Qay CarroU doing an before signing for a reported was voted the Rookie of the weight fight Mcmday night at even taunted him in the llto pion offered him a match to­ and television money. I f O’ Lakea Park in Uils inland I 1 ^ our chib even better usually tender to the spring so outstanding job on relief after $85,000 but was in the line-up as Year in 1968 and was called toe liams reported. Madison Square Garden. round by dropping his hands to morrow. Quarry now has won-82 and Florida community. <' * • • than ^ ’68 club,’’ said Bristol he’s giving it a Chance to work he came to the Reds from At- a pinch-hitter less than a week best caitoher in the league alnoe TTie 28-year-old Bellflower, his sides and sticking out his jut “Yes,” said Quarry who lost lost six, with four dntws. Math­ “We have a aet club at every ^ stasters. “I IWnk we have a out down here. lanta, OlncinnaU feft eafe in after he hit camp. Gabby Hartnett. At the age to poaiUon except our fourth atart- Pilching Staff C alif., bom ber a 12-5 underdog jaw . to Ellis In the final of toe WBA is, who was stopped by Frssier riianM to go aU the way but I “We expect Wg things to Tony trading away Tod Abernathy, Cardenas’ job is a more dUfi- 21, the young man with tlto rifle ing pitcher. We have a much What about Jose Santiago, who was spotting toe 6-foot-S, Judges Tony Castelano and elimination tournament to find a in 11 rounds is 29-2. xtronger bench. Our hitters are " «Uvl8lon will be CSonlnger. He pracUcally hod to the stdeaiming buUpen ace, to ciilt problem tor Bristol to fill, arm and powerful bat y a who like Lonixng, was ot little tough, too, even though the Car- start spring training aft over Chicago. Wlayne Graig^, a AU winter he has been saying great future ahead to him, aa good aa any club in the use last year? After wiiuiing league, including Detroit, at ninS games in the first half of Defending Champs Finish Fourth in League least we think it is,” the fel­ the season be went on the dis­ Pats T rad e low starting his third season as abled list for Ae final three Boston manager said. months with ann miseries. WoHd Champions The only change in the Red “Santiago may be my short B uoniconti Sox starting cast will be at third man in relief. I think it takes Celtics Set for Playoffs base with Oeorge Scott moving too much out of his aim to over from first base to move T o D olp h in s 2 throw 180 pitches in a two and into the spot vacated by Joe OTK-half tuwr nine inning game. Eye AL Pennant Foy, lost in the expansion draft. BOSTON (AP) —NKHt Buotd- Kttowlng of his past cum trou­ With Overpowering Success conti says it’a “pretty damn Scott was a third baseman GEORGE SGOIT bles, I feel that using him as a N E W Y O R K ( A P ) — I f th e D e t r o it T ig e r e a n d ISite S t . in the minor leagues imtil he stcuter would take too much out Louis Oairdinals fait to meet in the Worid Series next PHILADELPHIA (AP) — The finished second in toe Bkustern lor csampalgn with a 81-point came up to Boston and was more than his share of games of his com. He has shown me October there ou!ght to bte an mvestigntiosi. Both have Boston OeMcs appear set for Division, wHl open their best-o(- performance, and the retiring trade route but "I know I shifted to first base where he when he pitched in Boston.” that he can go three or four excellertt front fine pttchSng and hitbing. the National BoeketbaU Ansocia- seven semi-final playoff enriea Sam Jones netted 18. Jones was w_i_ znaml and I’m look- provfd to be the No. 1 defensive MA’rHIS TAKES THE COUNT—-Referee Art Mer- Brett is a southpaw. strong irmings without cuty prob- However, their tasks of re- ——------—------, „ , 12-round 'heavyweiglit bout in New York’s Madi­ tlon playoffs starting Wednes^ here Wednesday night. feted by the 76ers at the end of S ? terLrd to n k «^ for to performer at that position. oante backs Jerry Quarry (r) after he knocked “Last year Injuries klUed us,” lems,” Williams explained. peatlng as pennant wlnnefs to son Square Gaixlen 'last night. Quarry went on to iday after winding up the regu- Baltimore and tiilrd place toe game and was presented a i m d Mm .” "Scotty's a natural,” W 11- prefer to use only tte American and Nattohal ^ down Buster Mathfe, in the secora^ round of their win the fight on & 12 round deeision of 19-1-1. ^ fourgame New Yoi* wm play to ofl^ allwr tray. Tbeflvo-time AHAmericnn llama said. After” ’watchin^ WilMams said. “Don’t forget we Froe- 5 Leagues, respectively. wUl, be winning streak. semi-final series, ■vrith to ■win- The game was nApond-tuok pigotball League middle line- had to start the season without han end Dick McAuUtte give tbe The our best pitcher, Jim Lonborg, over with them (Ellsworth, Culp mm^wheX tougher because the defending champions nets meeting for toe Eastern all the way, and Son Dtego led hn-v*- the talc name bi- sational stops attd throws one aiul Lonborg) and they said they wound up fourth place in t o playoff title cuid a berth in toe 103-102 ■with 1 ;80 remaining. Don y^^yed Monday as t o Patriots can guarantee that Red Sox <«r regulM rightflelder, restructuring to baseball means wtaef would prefer to piUdi every oUminaftan______playoffs in both WMle the Tigera are in Driscoll, Siudut Named NCCCTeam Eastern Division this season, chemplonriiip playoff agalnet Nelson then made a three-point • __t - o i nn]ltliito-Dta.var fans will be seeing the beat de- Tony OonlgUaro.” might be celled beMbaU’s but to y finiahed up in high the Western Division champion, play and Bailey Howell connect- fourth game, toiov’’ the manager leagues and a longer season'. Seulti Windsor HIgli School deals. tensive hot comer guardian in Boston skidded all the way strongest dlvlsloa, Memger stylo by overpowering Chicago, John Havlicek was t o ’ high- ed twice to boost toe margin to added. Lonborg has drawn the The World Series will start on wtamers'of the NCXXJ confer­ years at Fenway, perhaps even down from the top to fourth starting assignment against Bal- Mlayo Smith fe^ a confident o f 104-92, Cincinnati, 1(^119, Blatt- scorer In Boston’s victory MJon- 109-103 wHh 69 seconds left to BuocAconti: went to lU am l in Saturday, Oct. 11, weather per­ ence placed four members exchange for quarterback Kim the greatest. He reacts like a plaoe in the final standings. timore April 8 and the Boston another pennant. em Division champion Baltl- day night, cloeing out his regu- wrap it up. mitting. To All-New-England Tear on the North Central Connec­ Hammond, Unebadur John cat. Lonborg won only six games. home Hd-Ilfter, also against the Baltimore, Boston, Cleveland, m ore, 126-98, and then San Die- With both leagues expanding ticut Conference Team. Bob­ Bramiett and an iindlselosed Lonbottg kxdcs as good as aver, Orioles, April 14. New Yortc end Washington are BOSTON (AP) — Terry Dris- toe first three-time choice since er jilst missing out In the ballot­ go, 111-107 in the finale Monday \ from 10 to 12 teams eerii league cats named are: forward, draft diolce. which means he’s in the poten­ Big guns, who Williams feels In the Eiastern divlslion with De­ coll, toe hero of Boston Col- Jimmy Walker of Providence in ing for first team honors was night. New Porilim i will have an Eastern end a Benny Berger, center, Tom In to other trade, to Pats “ FMeldlng has always come tial 20-win clsss again, just as carry a s much TNT as €iny club. troit. Baltimore, Boston end" lege’s gallant NIT bid, and Ed 1965-67. Ray Bllerbrook of Maosachu- The San Diego gam e was piart W«Btem Di-viMon winner. This, Roy, and guards John Bfa- Mnt cornerbaok Leroy MltttMll easy for me,” Scott said. “It’s •»# was in ’67 when ho captured are headed by Oarl Tastrsemski Siudut of Holy Cross, picked for setts, whose all-around play and of a doubleheader in which toe Driscoll was also a repeater son and Terry Stoddard. All and an undisclosed draft pick to a lltUe tougher playing third 22. and Ken Harrelson, plus Tony toe third year in a row, head the 18-polnt scoring average led toe Philadelphia 76ers closed out nent races. The Worid Series ri­ from last year, but missed out of these young ball players to Houston Oilers for flanker base^than first base, you get * » * C. Scott and Reggie Smith. quarters. 1969 All-New Englannd coUege Redmen to another Yankee their season with a 126-116 loss vals will be decided after each In his sophomore season when win be Juniors next year. Charley Frazier, running bock Besides the aforementioned, The Orioles need hitting “ basketball team named today Conference title. to Cincinnati. more chances and the balls Tony Returns league engages in a best three he received only honorable men­ Sid Blanks, Unebacker Ron seem to come down a lot fast' shortstop Rico PetrocelU and comebacks by Frank Robinson, by The Associated Prera. Joining him on toe second The OelUcs and t o 76ers, who Darling to Boston fans unUl out to five game playoff series. tion. The other three first team Oavemes end. comerback Larry er. -I don’t care where I play second baseman steady Mike The two e-foot-7 seniors were squad were senior Jim Stephen­ injured, Tony Oonigliaro, one- li^jured often during '68, and selections were winning toe hon­ as long as I play,” he added. Andrews are both capable of toe only repeaters on the first son of Maine, second leading CarweU. haJK to the brother act with the or for toe first time. Buoniconti, 28k joinad t o Pa- , Scott hit .80S with 19 home reaching the nets at Fenway. son. TMs teem has " team chosen with the help of scorer among New England ma­ Hull Tallies Record 55 Goals Red Hose, Is another who looks Amerioen LeagtM is expending Evans, toe backcourt star and trlota in 1962 after a q>eotacular runs in the 1967 but fell off to power end some atoid pltdiing' balloting by sports writers and jor colleges with a 28.8 average; ‘i-n i”o grooL Out to baseball aU of last . into Seattle and returning to sportcaaters throughout toe six- field general of BC’e fast-tireak- careerat Notre Dame. He was .171 and Uwee homers last * ^ -eaiilne Strong Bench Ing attack, averaged 10 points Junior John Fultz of ,Rhode la- year, a season he would like w o t a xragic oea^g _ . ^ Kansas City. The National ^ state region. They were joined named AU-AFL from 1963-67, McNally^ Jim Hardin and Tom"’ and 8 aasists per game during lauid: and aophom(^«8 Jim Lar- to forget midway in the '67 season, Tony TMs is a better team than League has added new teams in by DriscoU’s teammate Billy ranaga of Fravldence and Jim but suffered a hnee injury which lart year, without any question. Phoebus. Boston needs omne-' ^ toe season. The 6-foot senior Bruins’ Scoring Ace required suiiaxy midway la t o “I’m not worrying about C. appears weU on the rood Montreal and San Dtego. Evans; high-scoring Jimmy Morgan of Yale. “We have a lot stronger backs by pitcher Jim Lonborg;’’ from New Haven, Conn., also 1968 season. Scott,” Williams said just aa bock. Some to the parks used last Hayes of Boston University; Named to toe third team were bench, plus the return of Lon- stood out along with Driscoll in .. ^ ^ „ “As far aa 1 con tril, t o knee the big third baseman passed “Tony has regained his con- NAILED AT SECOND—-Pittsburg'h PitlatieB’ RScMe Hebner is fbrced at seoemd year. When toe T i T r s ^ n ^ and Gary Baum of Brldseport. the NIT, tylJi a tournament is 100 per cent okay now,” t o the dugbut. One thing sure, fldenoe. He’s not backing away after WSUie Stairgell grounded to first base. Red Sox shortstop Rico PetroceMt gomes and toe Cmdlnals took “ Driscoll, a resident of nearby Ed McFarland of Bowdoin, Pete Ends Chicago Reign eye injury. with 18 assists in one 6-foot-ll, 220-pounder told The Scott at 225 pounds will be the from any inside pitches and is Scofield wd Syd O’Brieit 97» have been made sm aller In Wlnthrop, averaged 23.2 points Gayeska of Masaachusetts; Leo all con play three infield poel- relaches out tb take the 'ball. Boston downed Pittsburgh with a score o f 10-4. Cleveland’s forte Is pitching,"' gam e. NEW YORK (AP) — Boston’s Phii Esi>osito and St. Associated Press Monday night. biggest at his position in weight. challenging the pitchers like he an attempt to bring back the and 16.2 rebounds per gam e for Osgood of NortoeeMtern; and Uons. We also have three out­ headed by 21-game winner Lula " “I’ve been exerelsing it, and "Our pitching isn’t set be­ used to. Bobby Doerr (Red Sox home run. The strike acne is toe Eagles during toe regular Hayes, a 6-foot-4 junior from Bob Klssane ot Holy Cross. Louis’ Jacques Plante-(Jlenn HaJ! tandem have locln fielders behind our starters In t o doctors say it’s back to nor­ cause I'm not sure of my fourth batting coach) has been working smaller and ail pitching mounds 3?®"* season, then closed out his ca­ Rockville Center, N.Y., led New Honorable mention went to on Naittonel Hockey Leatgue scoring end gotdtend- mal. Of course, you never rsaBy starter. Jim Lonborg, Dick Billy Oonigliaro, Lahoud dnd T rack M eet have been io^rT^from a **** ^ “ i f reer with a tremendous individ­ England major college scorers several Connecticut piayers. ing tittes, but second money in eaich race 'is up 'grabs with Tony end ho thinks, he’s Jose Tartabull. know until you on that Held Ellsworth and Ray Culp are come back all the way. He’s not height o f 15 inches to 10. - ual performance to gain Most with a 26.7 average. They include; going into tbe last iveek the regiflar season, “I’m sa-tisfied with Russ Gib- T fiA p im The changes were made to ^ ^ ^ and try it, but I don’t anticipate badbanswhich ^ ^ T itle G oes tlemyro and Stan Bahnsen, win- . Valuable Player honors in toe Baum, a 6-foot-6 senior from Boston College’s Tom Veron- with a record 128 points, 22 ------help the batter overcome the National Invitation Tournament Elmont, N.Y., dom inated neau from Meriden, CjQnn., more than runner-up Bobby any trouUe.” “Right now the fourth starter is a good togn. . , . was the fourth best hitting ner to 17 last year oe a tooMe. to date, have a two-goal edge on advantage enjoyed by toe plt«to- aa BC went all toe way to toe fi­ Bridgeport’s attack and scored Bridgeport's Tony Barone, Con­ Hull of Chicago, Eliposito ap­ Trailing to Ills new club, Buo­ will be Ken Brett. He’s been It was obvious when lonborg eatrfier dn toe American Leagul Washin^on, under Manager the Canadiena’ Rogatien Vachon niconti to Ek^phlns have throwing harder each time out. 'VQlIV /MiVTiA Koyvir In nrtl/f.cMMiaAkn 'JftSt ___ ^ To Bulldogs er lort year when toe gamrhad ^sS w 7 l t a Z ’ 1 ^ 'u iT a“tal[ nals befora losing toe champion­ just under 20 points per game. necticut’s Bob Staak, Howard pears certain to become the finally came back In mid-season year. He calls a good and Gump Worsiey. But Mont­ “about as explosive on offense “I’ll cany 10 pitchers, five a year ago after fracturing his By EARL YOST ship to Temple. Both Hayes and Baum moved Dlckenman of Central Connect­ first Bruins scoring champ real has three games remain­ game and handles the Ditchers CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) — Siudut didn’t have toe team up from second tesjn berths a icut, F’rank Magaletta and Jim since Herbie Cain 26 years ago. aa there is in t o league—you right handers and five south­ leg in a skiing accident that he well. The day of the .300 hitter ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.- pitcher on the club to catch,” ^__ and one In the Amert^ ^ ^ ^ ing, to four for New York. can’t find a better one. AU ttwy A A cose could be made for nam­ support to gedn the recognition year ago. Evans was chosen to Brown of F’airfleld, Ken Gwodz The Boston center stands to paws, which will surprise a lot wasn’t the same pitcher with Norm Ferguson ot Oakland, need to be a contender is to among catchers has gone out ing either Yale or Harvard Best outfield in aU baseball, Freehan to Detroit reported vv^e most teams siiftereH in Wtter In 1960, Driscoll did, but toe Everett, the second team as a sopho­ of Hartford, Ron Rlordan of pocket a total of $1,760 in league to peoide who claim lefthanders toe same effectiveness that he with S3 goals, and Danny Grant tore up to defense suid 1 the window,” toe manager of­ champion of this year’s Big fv;ithoutw;it any question, is toe S t. a mask that resem bled <)epth when U »v lost nlavern in r e ll * toe idea of hta team I Mau»., senior’s 23.6 average and more, then dropped to honora­ New Haven (tollege, Rich Puc- bonuses for ending the five-year can’t win in Boston. Ellsworth was before toe mishap. o f Minnesota, with 32, are shoot­ know I oon help tom ." fered in defense of his receiver. Three indoor track meet, but luls CairdlnalB’ brio to <^urt “ ">“» *«»»» Mars. “He’s the laat 'fall’s exoansion dnuJt^h^ Playinrf 18 games with each of all-around play were easily out­ ble mention last year. ctarello of Sacred Heart, and scoring reign of Hull and his did all right last year winning There have been sevOTal ing for the rookie scoring mark Hie tradw of Buoniconti and Good health is the most Im­ after discussing a difficult situa­ pod, Lou Brock and Vada easiest pitcher that I’ve ever Tigera and -nnekr te “*® stronger East teams aiMl" standing enough to make him Heading the second team aft- Joe Pantalone ot Trinity. Black Hawks teammate, Stan half to his 16 games at Fenway bright lights in the camp be­ of 34 set by Nels Stewart of the Mitchell, a two year veteran portant factor as Williams tion the two schools agreed that Pinson. The latter, acquired #“'«ght. He’s like Bob Gibson of Buffered the the weaker ■■ Mikita. Park. And WhUey Ftod was sides the apparent successful pointed out. from Cincinnati, 4s quite a bu- Cards. He gets out there and «™ rea the least. clubs In the Went. Montreal Maroons in the 1926-26 who won AU-Etot honon at oor- the Ells would wear toe crown. St. Louis has allowed 32 fewer another lefthander who won comeback to Tony C. Billy Don’t count toe Red Sox out! The Oakland Athletics and season. nerback last season, were to goals than New York, its closest Boston’s Bobby Orr, who has with 52 points to Harvard’s 61 f«tflelder. His kidding helps get two strikes on a batter and Minnesota Twins appear to be challenger, all but assuring ve­ firat engineered by die Patitota’ tooy beat fireballer Bob Gibson Retiring Sam Jones set records for goals, 21, and new Coach Clive Rush in a and Prlnwton’s 34*acTOitoi^ to >«««? the Cardinal squad loose. “ “'l* “»e seventh and deciding the strongest teams in** toe AL terans Plante and lUall the Vezl- points, 63, by a defenseman, and move obviously dwrigned to beef na Trophy and $2,000 in accom ­ Lonborg, Santiago Show Improvement Chicago’s Pat Stapleton each up the weak Boston offense. panying bonuses. has 42 assists—four shy ot the Hammond was to backup Starts a New Season But Hull, whose 66 goals have Just because Sam Jones is re- ed to finish, losing to Cincinnati, all-time mark for blueliners quarterback at Miami in Ms ss-T’c ssrJSSfKSCtSS- eclipsed his own previous . signea a p^es- cheekbone, suffered w hen hit in ^»P®t he played in PUyliig ir ____ tiring from professional basket- Ramsay said. “We’ll have to be shared by Pierre Pllote and Bill rookie season last faU, and also record, has only a three-point Gadsby. teamed for two years at FTorlda Long Ball Hitting Continues, inellrtble. - represented over one third of practico, said it was the the retirement to Rov^»r«wf ** As as many as 90 ball, that doesn’t mean he can’t ready for the Celtics, and we edge^pver Detroit wonder Gor­ GOOD FOR ’TWO—Jerry Lucas (16) of the CSli- State ■with t o Pats' No. 1 draft M^Jann had flMrijed third in H|® ''«®t®ries en route to *** CartUnato play another season. Another will be ready for the Celtics .. . NBA die Howe, third in the scoring toe weight throw, with Harvard Detroit won 103 broken. Detroit udth«.»without FVeehan _. t»vie Vada '"'eThe Twins,T who trailed Oak- .. season? you can be sure of that.” Final Standings cinsiaiti Royals shoots past guarding effort of BSU tolce this year, receiver Ron parade.ln the battle for the $800 EAST SIDE REC Sellers. games. ^Mnd the plate Is like a sMp ^ Olncln- land by tonee games in the fight “I’m looking forward to the Ramsay said he felt the T6ers Eoatornt Division runner-up prize. Hull alTeaidy OunniDg'haTn (32) of the 76ers. Others in the pho­ competitors taking toe tourto at The annual Father and Son Frasier has been an outstand­ minus a captain. He’s netrodt’B for sixth place last year, are>» National Basketball Association “ always came up with the big W. L. Pot. O.B. has won $600 for leading the to are Darrall I^ o ff (18) and Hal Greer (15). Nagy Pitches Scoreless Ball and last point-scoring position one-two ‘21’ contest w ill be held on ing deep racelver for Houston and fifth place. If toe latter two Expansion good for baseball? the best at Ms position in the team nf playoffs as a new season,” the game when they had to." Baltimore 67 26.966 — pack at mid-season. Thursday M arch 27 at 6 :30 p.m . team to 31-game wlnner^l^l!^ BUM ”• for seven years, while Blanks is sworth, making his first spring ssr, shortstop Luis Alvarado Manager Mayo Smith of the American League. “ Boston star said Monday night “I’mi confident we coin do It Phlla’phla 66 27 .671 2 The $760 runner-up award in The foul shooting contest for WINTER HAVEN. Fla. Crimson atMetes had been McLain and 17-game i S ? ^ a five-year 'veteran at t o run­ (AP) — Rico Petrocelli is appearance, gave up three runs and pitchers Dick Mills, Dave moved up to third and fourth Tigems answered like tots: I after to Celtics defeated San again, but we’ll have to be at New Ybric 64 26 .669 8 the Vezina Trophy race could go the midget and juniors will be Shue Starts Five Reserves^ Dtego 111-107. our best for Boston,” he added. Boston ning back posltioa. hitting only .179 in Grape­ in a shaky first inning on A1 Gray. John Thlbdeau, .Mike respectively. Harvard would don’t rbally know how it will Regular at Payne Park 46 94 A66 9 to either the Rangers or Mont­ held on Tuesday and Wednes­ turn out until we get into It Hie game was the opener of a While second-place Phlladel- Cincinnati 41 40! .800 16 fruit League action, but Oliver's inside-the-park homer Gurman and John Fryar. have won the meet, 63-62. Sarasota, winter home to toe w, , ------real (janadlens. The RangerSr- day from 6 til 8 p.m., and in­ but settled down to hold the Pl- doubieheader at the Spectrum phia opens against the Celtics Detroit 82 60 .390 26 termediates, Wednesday at 8 Commissioner Wants Report the are That leaves only 33 players In Officials to the two schools an- I know one tofng. a rixto^plBce Chicago White Sex. Is M ^ Yanks D oW tl M ctS B ehind PeterSOTl with Ed Glacomin in the nets Catcher Johnny Bench is the rates scoreless for the next four camp, including two non-roster nounced Monday they had de- sounds a lot better than reaHtor Stanley In PHiladelphia. Wednesday. Eastern Division Milwaukee 27 66 .329 30 for all but six of their 72 games p.m . NEW YORK (AP) — A couple Ms Baltimore office, ‘I run the third member of the Ctnclnnati hoping his slugging on Bray. dftolnnatl defeatedi the 76ers winner Baltimore {days thlrd- innings. players—pitchers Bill Kelso and dded that. In the absence of any **’'*^*’*"8.12to Western Division of unused Bidtets triggered ac- team as I choose.” Reds in the peurt six seasons to Monday signaled the end R(X)kie Mike Nagy, still un­ Gary Roggenburk. Manager League or EOAC rule cover- I 126-119 In the nightcap to put the place New Yorit on Thursday. Los Angedes 66 27 .671 — be named National League tlon from the commissioner’s of­ "Monroe has bad knees and of the slump. scored upon in three appear­ Dick Williams has Indicated he ing the situation', they would be Amonx the famlUar faces eti- “Volleyball is great in a lid on the NBA’s regular sched­ In the West, division cham- Atlanta rookey of the year. The others fice and a war ot words between needs all the rest he can get,” The sllck-fieldlng shortstop ances, followed with two score­ will cut another player in a day guided by the rules covering ®" the baseball trail spring camp,” Dick Williams Senators’ Young Star : ule and set t o stage for the di­ pion Los Angeles opens against San Fran, Conviction Is Overtimied, were Tommy Helms in 1966 and Baltimore land the New York Shue pointed out. “Loughery blasted a grand slam home run less innings. Sparky Lyle or two. NOAA (diamplonsMp competl- **“ * lessee,, long-time said. “It keeps a lot of gpys visional playoffs, which open third-(place San FVanclsco San Diego Khlcks today as a prriude to Pete Rose in 1963. tion. Trinity College baseball and had a groin ptal and we’ve been and a sacrifice fly, driving in pitched the last two innings and busy who would ordinarily be Wednesday. Wedhes SPECIAL EVENTS Manchester, was captained by Charles Whal- meeting, of the club. spent hto early days at toe Sena- pitched five perfect I n n l^ ^ back to a lower federal court nus Baltimore’s two top gizis— said, "but the boys feel they can ing a home run and ( racking a against the Kansas City Royals. against ^iladeiphla here on In the second game, Connie Dallas 87 so .614 Mike Maloney and Jim Marsh Vernon Town Line en and the second half by John 17% to check for possible Illegal enabled PhUadelpMa to nail K®^ them'. I have a suspicion bases-losided single to drive in Left-hander Ken Brett will try Boston Red Sox came iqi with a*”**®?^ Bwch, Fla., the Yanks before yielding ons ■ Wednesday, Dierklng scored 21 points end Los Angeles 92 39 .«! subbing for Mike’s father 'R te .' 88, TalcottvlUc, Om b . \ Rieder. Individual hieti averag­ 22 eavesdropping. down the runner-up spot when they’M be ready to play us." three runs. Scott is now hitting to go seven innings and will be a poor home schedule this *^®“® **Tlng to avoid toe nm and three hits to the rixtlT^ Jack Ram say, the TVers’ Oscar Robertson and Tom Van Houston 22 60 George who participated with es w ere turned In' by Bert Da­ .806 92% All was quick to grasp the New York lost In Los Angeles ..'133 and shows every sign of re­ followed by Bill Landis. spring with but 11 of 80 sohedul- ."® ’, The Yankees' B team bow^ Aradale tossed In 20 apiece to another son won the annual vis for the first sessimi and Vic Female Jockey Far Back^ coach, said PMladelphda would impUcations. Sunday Mght. turning to his 1967 form after a' The Red Sox farmed out eight ed games at Winter Haven. ^*®*"#h #t- to toe Montreal Elxpos 6-1 be M;^ for the Eastern Division lead the Royals’ victory, > “ Father Son 21” contest last 5 Abraitus for toe past half. “I’ll meet wkh my lawyer In “ It’s just a plain fact in sports dismal campaign last year. players Monday—catcher Hal Usually a team iq>Uto Its spring J®"*™ W illl^ baseball camp Two walks, third baseman " Chet 'Walker led the 76ers wlth^ nlgjit at the Community “Y“. All are now looking forward opener. Unseld Wins Chicago in about throe days to that you pilay your first string," Left-handed hurler Dick Ell­ King, first baseman Tony Mu- First New England Entrant slate. «n M^chusetts. Wll- Mike Ferraro’s error ^ " Young Mike, hot from the EXfiELLUrT OPPOirrUNITY to toe golf season opening soon. ------lams taught toe youngster how Horton’s two-run "TWs is not t o way we ■want- 28. plan our move," he said Mon­ complained lOiicks’ I*resident foul line sank six consecutive New pened so fast,” she said. When This city became toeu.a tennis.cuus ^ curve ball, and why Cleveland rally for^ e .e^Sto day night Ned Irish. RED LEE CLASSIC — Leah M V P A w ard He spoke at a Black Arts Fes­ shots to down the Pinto combo. Knlcks’ General Manager Ed­ England s first female jockey her mount got close to another cap‘t<>l of toe United States last ®“^®o- Inning runs and a 6-8 victory Father Dan and son Dan, before For Employment hX WMpple 188-176-470, Ginger Coleman remeinbered toe over Seattle, Denvers’ Jones Sits Out, tival at North Texas State Uhl- die Donoyan said Baltimore’s v n iff m o .K > Mid she just wanted to avoid she became worried that she week with the Masters, headed a laige turnout. For their ef­ Transmission Yourkas 190-178-492, Jime Row- how, but n o ^ e why, and when San Francisco cuffed San Dia. verslty. strategy wSi give the Knicks E D a u r the bumps and stay on ^ er might bump someone. by Arthur Ashe. One of toe top For S ea so n forts the winners brought home ett 176-490, Trudi Quasnitschka Williams arrived to Pompano go for three flrsW ^w i? “K the conviction is over­ "more incentive" when the two ROGERS CORPORATION'S rftfoiuLiiu horse after she finished e^hto “I was thinking to myself women players was Cathy Ryan, BALTIMORE (AP) — Those a fine trophy. 183-479, Ruth Smith 463 and greeted each Senator with a and coaeted to a 5-8 ^ etn fv Rockets Bow to Mavericks clubs open a best-of-7 semifinal Betty in the third race Monday at Un- whether I should change my wife of toe New York Meta’ who have followed the Balti- turned and „ .... FYazIer offers. ^ I’ll Troubies? Richardson 458, Janet Hager barrage of questions, his former the Pndr«. Jito* w S piayoff series in Baltimore coin downs. stick to my left hand,” she said pitcher Nolan Ryan. St. Pete Larry Jones of the Denver Association doubleheader. more Bullets throughout their ^ ^ ^ 494, Harriet Coons 461. “I just wanted to finish and ----- The Recreation Dept will be Thursday night. •■Iftoally-'fi^rrd’beZ j^ moro mllntai;^ f^bertaon pItSSigT“st^2 Rockets, who Is the leading The Rockets held a narrow champlonahlp season just ended S Conn. Plant Location$ not bother anybody,” said Mary awarding trephys for first places cool It.” Class A courts, many equipped nhoii—--., tv. » *nntngs. Chicago's F^rguiM ' American Basketball Associa­ 62-61 halftim e advantage, but have com e to regard W estiey **F*^"K **® Shue Isn’t buying that. LET US HELP YOU INTER CHURCH-^ack Nash (Marne) Clayson, the 32-year- About 70 yards from in the PMng-Pong and Pool tour­ “I donT really think an expla­ Technicians and ICnglneerlng Asslstanta in Quality Control, ...... the ftolA with night lights, aU free to toe M^daJ ^ ‘nntogi ‘ tion point producer, sat on the Houston tied the score four Unseld as a gentleman, and a *"®^^ ^ September, naments. TMs is an annuM 236-597, Frank Mott 202-101-588, old mother of two grammar line, she said, anotoerler rider public. In addition, free tennis ^ i ^ Z ^ r times before moving ahead with very self-effacting one at that. ■*** eiriSled out Frazier, skip- nation Is necessary,” h« said at Research and Development, Manufacturing Bnstneerlng. Joe Schauster 215-566, Bob Sta- school boys. bench in Houston Monday night event Involving youngsters from Starting salaries as high aa $145 per week (or Technicians swept by and quipped, “Here’s lessons from staff professionals with a pulled hamstring muscle. a 96-88 third-period advantage. Thus, when Unseld was names of other contenders M you'vt got transmission troublo, woH yens 200-561, Ray Rowett 667, Ushered onto the track to a by Hank Aaron before giving and Ron Sa^. ^ ®®“*“ age 12 to age 18. ' or $166 per week (or Engineering Aasirtants. where you eat dirt, Marne.” are provided each week. And Coach Bob Bass watched Levern Tart and Lonnie named Monday the National **** Mathis, Jerry Quar- John FiUoramo 2 ^ , Bernie bugler’s rendition of "You’re way to Dick Bosman, who com- Houston Receiving top honors are Stan­ High School Graduates and 2 year coUege graduates are 9^ to the bottom of it. That's bMouse However, she thought toe and his Rockets falter In the third Wright led Denver scorers with Basketball Association’s Most *Y and Jimmy EUis, "Frazier is Banavige 216. Mike Wieber 210, Just Sensational, Marne," Mrs. pleted a four-hitter. Mike Bp- played te a 2J ' ley SnsTskl, Ping Pong champ encouraged to Investigate these career opportunities and we're experts at ow job. Economical, oho. professional male jocketa were are drawing period aa the Houston Maver­ 22 points apiece. Valuable Player for 1968-69, it ^**® name,” AH said, learn about ROGERS Far Out FRINGE BENEFIT PRO­ Ncls Johnson 209, Bill McBride Clayson spotted the 3-1 betting stein and Tim^CuUen M Z ou /S ^ and Victor Fettig, Pool champ. “wonderful.’’ "They told me to twice an many fans on the road the otit by rain after"ii»r icks rallied beMnd Bob Verge Keith Swagerty contributed 22 was not surprising that Unseld said he’s about $300,000 In GRAM. 201, Tony Baiuk 200. odds on her mount, Lucketeer. be sure to spit out my gum and W atoi^n attack with two RBI Doug Rader^To^^ t S ta J | Stan got first i^ace slot by out- as at Laketand. apiece for a 12j-116 victory. po^ts for Houston. would say that someone else <****, mostly In legal fees, ALWAYS RELIABLE "I like to have died,” she said pull down my goggles homer tied it for the A s ^ scoring Glen Aahwell 21-7 and Rico PetrocelU hit a Verga led all scorers with 26 should have received the award. spends most of the time 21-6. The Pool finals went three Telftphoiw for Appointimnt TEETOTALERS—Betty Haefs later. “ I was so nervous.” Mrs. Clayson, whose father Dick Radats, slimmer “It’s very nice,” Unsaid said, ®n the road in his Cadillac 182-478, B etty Lou Jackson 183- slam homer and delivered an- Sox points, flipping in half of those games with Vic winning the first MANCHESTER TRANSMISSION CO. She broke from toe gate on and husband are professional ever — at 225 pounds, has lost during the third quarter. ___Last N i^t*s Fight _ “ but I don’t know whether I de- now, complete with stero tapes MRS. MARGARET HAMPSON — <43-5163 Fran Lauria 181-187-490, top of the field of twelve, then trainers, has been riding since his 'fast ball but mav be able ?other jf run with ®a *»crt®cesacrifice fly. games were ^iiwdS^^*®®®®^ and tMrd gam es. Wtail flmg p8tSt Five other Mavericks finiahed NEWEW YORK—JerryYORK-^etry Quarry,Qua serve It or not, and I really and television, It Breheutl Pke*, Manehester — Phone 646-0022 Oi.KI^ efis rwv_ w , ji. .•>‘PP«‘*--- F r-~ V* _ ------ueurtng----- the------firirt—— she - —was four aasauand arxiAJCMIABbecame XUI$/W1Iknown W to JUUIKhang USlon WIUlwith UMtoe^gers X IKOra Mos ^4L*K ^Itoeto^ In double figures In the night’s 196, Brtlflower, OsUf., outpolnt- mean that. “I'm waiting on my '69 model — or iqiply to — ...... c cui oil exeruise a memoer oi uie nuupen coipa. and Onnmt siro «-____ - ““Bsther Wells only ABA game. ed Buster Mathis, 234H, Grand "I think Earl Monroe should now,” he said, 482, Marge Kahn 467, Dot Hills the home stretch. ‘® ®*«'’“‘ “ ?’‘®~‘«' a member of toe buUpen corps. Connie Mack Stadium, where ROGERS CORTORATIOM Cincinnati defeated PMladel- Rapids, ICch., 12. have won it. I can see the turna- . When not on the road, he the Philadelphia Phillies play, is " I broke weU but it hap- again today. MUX, ft OAKLAND STB., MANOHESnDK throwing “cute” stuff. StargeU for the Ptrates. phia 128-119 and Boston edged LONDON — Jimmy Revle, round the Bullets wasn’t all me. Hves in Chicago. A foimer 410 feet from home plate to cen- Ban Diego 111-107 at PMladel- 125$4. London, stopped John It started last season when Earl Houstoii, Tex., resident, Ali says ter field this season. Last ses- An equal opportanlty emplsyer - phia in a National Basketball O’Brten, 126^ BooUond, 6. was a rookie.” he'll eventually build a home son the distance was 447 feet.


BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1969 PAGE FIPTBEN SECOND PORICY, THEY'RE THOUSKT YOU CAN PROPUS FLOOR, THEVOUSHTA PLAYIN6 O i / / 9 YOU TWO ^ O F F ON VOUR WAY . H E S BEEN A/\AKIM S K IP IwhiM t SfYlet THERB 1U6HTA BY SHORTEN mid WHIPPLE Holp Wnnttii Mnl> 3« PLEASE! ffOMS/ WANTED BACK DOWN! MARWS ABOLIT SOME i t b J vi^ t h e MIS M BS IS SLCCPIM' BIS BUSINESS PEAL. , FI6HT uUl«N OfiMRd .1 3 t h e se c o n d INSnsAO OP SOIN' TO , COMIN' UP.' PEBSONWXV, M S B S lO E Amwtr to frmiMi Nnto FLOOR -73W S wocK/ rr F=isu?EO , IIM BBTTIN' ITS 3UST THE FINPS OUT.' BOOKKEEPING servicoa Medley CLASSIFIED I DRIVERS for school b fe s , MAN TO LEARN oftoet piew THAT HE WOUUJNTUSr^ ' APRIVAL OF HIS RRST . rendered. All types of bustneaa- ANY UDN6CR THAN A UNEMPlDYMEWr CHECK.' Manchester schools, 7:80 • 8:46 opemtlaa in advertlsliig ds- es. a m 64S.SS88, Bookkeeping HIPPIE AT A R3UCE r a.m., 3:16 - 8:46 p.m. BxxMilent pariment of grocery chain, CHEFS’ CONVEwnON.f ACROSS 6 Having a ‘ Associates. part-time for third shifters, re­ handle some typing. Apply afternoons. 7 IBNced- ADVERTISING tired pewous. We train you. 7 Combining LOCKSMITH — Locks repaired Oaer Bros., 140 Rye St., South (deisert) 048-2414. 7 Capital of -form for an CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS and Installed. Keys made and Windsor. 4»UisUte ' oriental 8 AJIL to 4:30 PJI. dupOcated. 64841908. 13 Vanquilhed nation MBadecks Sindian LIGHT trucking, odd fobs, also 15 Concurs mendicant COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT, DEAN MACHINE 9 Refuse moving large appUanoss. Burn­ ABLE 16 Mouth roof MUirAii ing barrels deUversd. 84. 844- PRODUCTS 17 Papal title (archaic var.) 4j8t P.M. DAY BEPOBJE PITBUGAHOM (ab.) 10 Epochal \ D««dlliie for Saturday and Monday Is 4:8* p.m. Friday 1776. 102 COLONIAL ROAD 18 South Ameri­ 11 Poker stake 2SThediU 4 2 ( MEN A L L E Y OOP 4 3 ) TWO HANDYMEN want a BY V. T. HAMUN can rodents 12 Employs 28 Singing voice HiM Immediate Openings 20 Masculine 19 Gear tooth 29 BWHrmAtwTM !.» Bt M W. volcano 14 (RookvUle, Ton Free) 644-8963. Brown A Sharp production 35 Itklian city miller se, MIA. 1^. n Satur­ LET'S GO, MARCO. THERE'S ^ IN(S ABILITY.' BY THE WHY. CON- GOOD HUMOR CORP. D HAPPY THANKS, MR, T/NTZ... IF THAT THIWKINS.' 56 Moat painful 4o Free to Herald Readers pick up at no expenee to you. PAINTING — interior and ex­ Famain 35 Female 35 day. Contact Mr. Chapman, 2 A FORTUNE ON THE BOTTOM OF HUNTING, COIN COLLECTION IS THERE, WE SRATULAmOMS ON S E T T IN S 57 Natural fats SULLIVAN AVE. W.G. Glenney Co., 886 North BENJI WILL FLY THAT LAKE... ANP OUR NAMES THE PART OF THE HERO.' Also will clean attics and (ml- terior, very reasonable, tree b o y s ; WILL BRING IT BACK TO YOU.' DOWN 44 41 44 IT 44 Want Informattqn on one of our clasallled advertlsemeatsT lars. Call after 5:80, 648-1703. estimates. CaU Richard Main St. No phone calls please. YOU OUT TO ARE ON IT.' No answer at the teleplmne UstedT Simply call the DRIVERS for sclMOl buses, & KENNEDY RD. Weekeilds all day. Martin, 649-9285, 649-4411. HOOVER l a k e . 1 Arab robes 55“ 51 Msnehester schools, 7:80—8:45 2 Lower limbs PBX SOUTH WINDSOR 3 ------ST"vark 44 EDWARDS BEGIN TOUR Spring cleaning L. PELLETIER PAINTINO — a jn ., 2:16—3:45 p.m. ExceUent 289-8252 FOUR MEN, PART.-nME 4 Female saint now. Get your cellars, attics Interior and exterior painting. part-time for third shifters, (ab.) 55“ 67 housewives. We train you. OPERATOR An Equal Opportunity Employer Evenings, 6 10 p.m. n ANSIWERim SERVICE and yards cleaned early. Free Papering and paper removal. 5 Retains estimates given, 538-0670. Free esUmatea. Workmanship 643-2414. Married only, car needed, (Newipoper fiittprh* Aun.) guaranteed. FuUy insured. 643- Opening for^an experienced $8. per hour to start. OaU 6(MSM 875-^9 LIGHT Trucking—clean attics, 9048, 649-6826. NURSES- f switchboard op m tor fot- at, FULii or part-time machinist 646-4880, 2-7 p.m. tonly. cellars. Odd Jobs, mow lawns. and leave your message. YouH hear from our advertlaer tai RN’S AND LPN’S busy board in East Hartford needed with some lathe and Reasonable. Call 648-6000. EDWARD R. KUCE—Painting, 5 Jig time without spending aU evening at the to work part-Ume after­ milling experience. Apply in exterior and interior Paper­ IN EAST HARTFORD M A M PLUMBING and Heat­ noons, Monday through Fri­ person, Metronlcs Inc., 640 hanging. Ceilings, stc. Insured, FuU or part-time, all shifts. day. Company offers go(xl HUliard St. (rear), Manohee- ing, free estimates gladly 649-1008. AUTOMOBILE SftPtUrp Aufomobiios For Sola 4 On bus Une. Pai(l meal and wages, congenial <»-work- ter. Tto. ipf. U t. F«. Off_Alt rtffito 3-25 \ CARNIVAL given on any Job. Service calls B1 hy UwH«d F—fwra Syodkata. Inc. BY DICK TURNER our speciality. Call 649-2871. CONTRACrrOR — Interior — mealUme. Good benefits. ers, excellent working oondl- CLEAN-UP MAN A CLEAN, one-owner 1968 Uons and convenient free ELECmiCIAN — experienced, HERALD Rambler Super 6 station wag­ exterior painting, paper hang­ BURNSIDE WAYOUT BY KEN MUSE ing. DisMunt on waUpaper. parking. Write P.O. Box 4(h)H>urs per week, aU benefits. 32.50 per hour. Overtime If on. Factory new engine with Building— CONVALESCENT 1483, Hartford, stating edu­ Time and oi c-kalf over 40. Call BOX LETTERS 16,700 miles, extra snow treads CaU 646-3048, Oscar Hebert. HOME desired. FuU beivefit pro­ cation, experience and sal- ■il4 0608 after 6 p.m. gram. eApply In person to and wheels, tires good. Asking Confroefing 14 EXTERIOR painting • Quality Phone Mr. Atlas 289-9671 2iry requinements. Mr. Mike Lynch. /MUSE \ '1\ jjp “ Nfl'' ll F o r Y companies you do NOT Bake. ings, atUcs finished, rec time or 9-3 p.m. ExceUent pay, A lfts. $7,000-89,000, plus shift « Mortgogos 27 vdll train qualified person. NO EXPERIENCE VEAH.HERE ARE THE NAMES. THE OTHER MILLIONAIRES AT want to aee your letter. rooms formica, ceramic. Oth­ Those with heavy household no fee. Staff Builders, 11 Asy­ dlfferentiaL No Fee. GUIs Em ­ AW HEllCOPTERS \ WELL...SORRY,T DIArsX WE'LL 3-2C 1966 BMW 3,000 CA, hardtop, er related work. No Job too NECESSARY MR. BANKS LOOSE ARE— COMAHOOORE J. HA7ARP BATTLE, Your letter wlU be de­ SECXIND MORTGAGE — Un­ responeiblUtleis need not apply. lum, Hartford, 278-7610. ployment, 76 Pratt St., Hart­ BROKE DOWN, ROCKY. 6ENT5. 1 WAS i OKAY.7 TRY DIE — J t stroyed if the advertiser coupe, automatic, power win­ small. Dan Mortm, Builder. ford, 626-4768. AAARCELPET11R6ENT ANP REGINALP TWITTY. ^ I 'M NOT FLY IN G limited funds available for sec­ Write Box S, Manchester Company benefits Include paid is one you’ve mentioned. dows, radio, heater. Take over Evenings 648-8880 ' SECRETARIES — Always look­ THESE aiY S If not it wUl be handled payments. CaU broker 388-8715, ond mortgages, payments to Herald. ing for girls with go(x] typing TWO part-time stock boys for Blue Cross-Blue Shield, Major ANYPlACEf suit your budjget. Expedient medical, life insurance and com­ NO, PONT . SMERiFF, J WANT TO in the usual manner. Mr. Grippo or Mr. Bake. WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ CLERK Typist — Insurance and shorthand akllls. Jimior furniture' warehouse. OaU Mr. modeling specialist. Additions, servlee. J. D. Realty, 648-6129. pany paid profit sharing retire­ BEUEVEIKNOW SHERIFF REF&RT a HUS8ANP KATER. Claims office, 37V4-hour week. secretaries to executive secre­ PettengUl, 646-2884. ANY OF THOSE 1968 OLDSMOBILE sedan, reo rooms, dormers, porches, taries. Salary to $130 depend­ ment plan. If you are interested MILLIONAIRES, Mock, good running condition. MORTGAGES, loanB, first, sec­ CoU 649-4626 between 9-4 GAS STATION attendant with in guiding own future then ap­ cabinets, formica, built - ins, p.m. ing on experience. AU fees BUT IlL JUST Lost and Found 1 $100. After 4:80 p.m., call 646- bathrooms, kitchens. 649-344R. ond, third, aU Unde, realty, some mechanical eaq>erience, ply in person. JOT DOWN THER, statewide. Credit rating un­ paid by client companies. Rita 2361. 3 TO 11 P.M. nurse’e aides, full Girt, 800 SUver Lane, East part-time mornings. Apply 270 NAMES. LOST —White oat with black NEWTON H. SMITH & SON- necessary, reasonable. Confi­ or part-thne. Laurel Manor, Hartford Rndi- opportunity. OaU 203-236-2794 exU- and drainage work. / / m leot, day or evening. opportunlty. cwa 203-236-2794 col- tlon. $850. 648-1949. Wo m a n to clean Friday mom- Steady employment. lect, day or evening. Z U Z Z Z Z U Z Z Z Z Z Z IZ ^ Z m i Roeftng— Siding 16 Ihgs. 649-1427. 649-7842 ROOFINO, aluminum siding, CLBltK TYPIST — Good typing ATTENTION MEN — Part-time MR. ABERNATHY Troilors— gutters, carpenter work, 80 H*lp Wanrad BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY and B'desire to leam will quali­ $60. per week, work 20 flexible INCOME TAXES prepared in Mobil* Honws 6>A years’ experience. Oonnectlout F e m o l* 35 fy you for one of many open­ hours. For personal interview POOR DEVIL S0UND9 LIKE / ' JAM! T H IS your home. CaU 643-5338. Valley Construction Oo., 648- ings in the Bast Hartford area. call 528-2214. HEfe IN TORTURE AND AGONY. TOOTHACHE IS TBIaVEL Trailer 17’ Shasta, 7180. Fr4e estimate. sleepa 8, self-contained, in­ PART-TIME kltcben help, 649- Salaries to $100 depending on WANTED J ? / "--a ’ r r KILLING m e ! experience. All fees paid by MAN WANTED tor concrete and HELP : l AutomobllM For Sal* 4 cludes all accessories. 875-5134. ROOFING and Rix>t Repair. 4619. WINTHROP client companies. Rite Girl, form work. Experience neces­ * i,'' X, BY DICK CAVALU Couglln Rooting Co., Inc., 643- NEED CART Credit very badT APA(ZIHE tent trailer, sleeps 7707. GIRL or lady, part-time, 11- 800 Silver La^e, East Hart­ sary. $4.00 per hour. CaU 643- ITfelHE \ f . Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ five, dinette. Icebox, canopy, 2:80, 6 days per week, ideal ford, 528-9416. 0851. WIPCO will hire you if: GHOST OF ] i ^ ■>.> © O L O N 0 X TBWPBa^VTUces IF SfOrtESS SfCTLESS... rM est Douglas accepts lowest storage cabinets, spare tire. BIDWELL Home Improvement working condiUons. Apply in OLD . D P l h l £ R £ HAD BEEN A0 OOND, 1. You are willing to work 50 hrs/wk with over­ eoiNsuPNOfmi A\eOMSBAROLlNC> down, smallest payments, any- ExceUent con i l l ^ \ X m u s t y o u W. T. GRANT GO. —( (DON'T YOU EVER, tton, 848, 280 h.p. Must sell, roofs, gutter work, chimneys Parkade or caU 643-0611. SWEEP \ ALWAYS DO ANYTHING- 7 /y Tee Spoon Restaurant Manrheater Parkade best offer over $2,000. 646-8410. BusiiMSf S*rvic*s cleaned and repaired. 80 years' 5. You are willing to work TWE WALK 1 BE PAID , F O R L O V E ? INSURANCE Agency requires F o r a PK3K experience. Free ssUmates. Route 83, ToloottvUle An equal oportunlty :d cA M V -U 1963 VOLKSWAGEN, sunroof, Offsrad 13 mature fuU-tlme employe for N i c k e l — Y (Tall Howley. 648-6861. 644- OoU-O-Tron emplayer very good oondlUon. CaU 649- interesting and challenging po­ WIPCO MILLWORK Inc. Jell ATTICS and cellars cleaned, 8888. 3503 after 8 p.m. sition. Knowledge of typing 78 TOLLAND TURNPIKE MANCHESTER odd Jobs, light trucking, e , CAPTAIN EASY and figure aptitude required. LESLIE TURNER 1967 VOLVO, 4-door sedan, red, trees removed and lots clear­ WHERB'B YOUR NBPHEW./ MV I Salary to $100 weekly, 648-9648. 5 WAIT-THAT F0GrL0CKER...ANP HIPPIE GARB'. VOO NOT TILL I KNOW WHAT'& excellent oondlUon. Ask for ed. CaU 648-1066. MifliMryi o _ MA'AM? HE SAID HE'D n“- j m r BE THE BABE WASH WENT IN TO IPENTIFY'. o n l y EE A MOMENT— HOLWMS WA9H...ANP W HAT'S, Don Girard, 649-2888. Drassmoking 19 NAME BRAND goods free — (- IN THAT POOTLOCKER! STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, Help friends shop with few dol­ A-1 ALL AROUND MECHANIC fireplaces, flagstone terraces. 1068 OLDSMOBIIE/Mlass, 442, DRESSMAKING and altera- lars weekly. You get things AU concrete repairs, both in­ power steering, power brakes, Uons, slppers replaced etc free. Write for details and free e S-Day Week c Paid Vacation, ft HoUday. e Paid Sick side and outside railings. Rea­ automatic transmlaaion, rear CaU 64MS11. all new catalog. Popular Club Time e Many Fringe Beneflta Incl. Lite Insurance, Health UTOMOBILE sonably priced. CaU Q4S-0881. wfndow defogger, rear speaker, Plan, Dept. W600, I^brook, and Accident, Major Medical and Hospitalization. many extras. CaU 847-1906 FOR ALTERA'nONS neatly N.Y. s W a RPBNING: Service — Saws, and reasonably done in my after 6:80 p.m. knives, aces, shears, skates, SALESMEN WANTED homdl call 648-8760. WAITRESSES and counter girls, CAU IN PERSON ~ SEI EARL LEWIE 1066 CHEVROLET Impala, sU- rotary blades. Quick servlee. fuU-Ume. Also weekend nights, Capitol Equipment Co., 38 • Transportation Furnished ROBIN MALONE Uon wagon, autpmaUc, V-8, PRIVATE Sewing lessons for part-time. Apply in person BY BOB LUBBERS Main St., Manehester. Hours PAUL DODGE PONTIAC. Inc. power steering, radio, heater. beginners or advanced sewers. only. Howard Johnson Restau­ • Salary and Commission dally 7:30-6, Thursday, 7:30-0, I poJSHr you e e c A n s e - \ tension on the field.' l e t s CaU broker 388-8716, Mr. Grip­ CaU 647-9007 between 8 and 0 rant, Exit 94, off Rt. 84, 304 378 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER 646-3881 t h e ^ L T M A 5 0 n7 ) Saturday 7:80-4. 048-7I68. S m N G fr r 1 tWO/ir yen COULD Hir-ANP now hope our MAMAGEP/AU GEMtUS po or Mr. Bake. p.m. Tolland Tpke., Manchester. • Many FVinge Benefits Incl. Life Insui'ance, Health VtJU STAND THERE LIKE /5NTLO5IN0 CONTROL,' and Accident, Major Medical and Hospitalization 1062 MERCURY Comet, 4-door YOU ARB A-1, truck is A-l. A STATUS rr Cellars, atUcs, yards, drive­ SECRETARY — Local law of­ sedan, standard, new snow Moviling— Traeking>- fice, excellent skills required, ways sealed and smaU truok- • Paid Sick Tille Urea and battery. 640-0640 gfter Storag* 20 30-86 hours weekly. 647-9008. LITTLE SPORTS 6. ing done A-l right. CaU T n ~' PRINTING PUNT TRAINEE • Paid Vacations and Holidays mano Trucking Servlee toll- MANCHESTER Delivsry-Ilght SEXZRBTART wanted, knowl­ T -g L eG R A I^ 1060 CHEVROLET, Camaro, free, 742-9487. . trucking and package deUvery. edge of shorthand and typing Mature MAN to train in estimating and pricing. Prefer (SPEer/rtg s 4-spesd, 4,000 miles, 6-year essential. Please write P.O. person who has completed military obllgatlixi. Must have CALL IN PERSON TREE SERVICE (Soueier) — Refrigerators, wariisn and n e m y x n a s guarantee. Take over pay­ Box 135, Wapping. aptitude for mathematics. Opportunity for advancement. Trees cut, buUdlng lota clear­ stove moving, specialty. Fold­ Paid vacation plus many other beneflta. HAHT BWtNPAY ments. CaU broker 388-8716, ing chairs for rpnt. 649-0763. ed, trees topped. (3ot a tree — SE E — ^TtlLLe^ Mr. Grippo or Mr. Bake. PILGRIM MILLS Fabric De­ APPLY IN PERSON vjusrtes problem? Well worth phone partment Store Is expanding MR. DOUCETTE or MR. OLIVER veyA6B '^CCOY 1864 WAGONBER Jeep, 4-wheel call, 742-8262. Pointing Pap*rlwg 21 and needs experienced sales drive with plow, $1,300. CaU ladies to be trained for our new ALLIED PRINTING SERVICES, Inc. 742-7640. COMPUTBR time available, INSIDE—outside painting. Spo­ fabric store now under con­ IHI bf NIA. l»f T M Icy Ui Pal CMI D EEP SY/7PAr/|Y 579 West Middle Tunpike nighUy, Saturday, Sundays at olal rates for people over 66. struction on Oakland Street. I960 VOIKSWAOEN, radio, reasonable rates. Mixed tape- PAUL DOBGE PONTIAC, Inc. ■ '7 CaU my competitors, then eaU Apply Miss Cobum, Pilgrim Manchester — 643-1161 heater, white. $1,000. Call 649- disk. H320O-83K. CaU C R J, 649- me. EsUmates given. 646-78M, Mills, 177 Hartford Rd., Man­ 6861. 876-640). • chester betwiMn 8 and 9 p.m. "7

I SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, BIARCH 26, 1969 PAGE SEVENTBBN Furnishod Land For Sate -71 HouMi For Sate 72 Holp IPor Sate 72 Homos For Sate 72 Homos For Sate 72 Housm For Sate 72 Oat of Town Logcri Hoilcai M o b or Fomalo 37 Aportmonts 63-A CXJVENTOY — Eleven acres COBURN R oa d .. .«■ fine cuMom with road frontage. 89.700. ■’ buUt colonial in an area ot TW ^PAM ILT with bualneaa ^>lcH E B T ll!R ' 7"r„~ ------Z ------TTI” MINUTES from Manchester all For Sate 75 S T A R GAXEK^^^ h CANVASSERS wanted to work ONE ROOM, furnished, lease comparable homas. This la oim CLASSIFIED BERRrS Phllbrtck Agency Realtors, 846- powrtbll irtmento For the beat i n ^ i Z ^ N C H E S T B R - New Itatlng. jJaaterd-room Ranch, la rg e SOUTH WINDSOR UMITAnON OBOU By CLAY R POLLAN on Ifanchester’s City Direc­ and security required, 8?6 per of the finest we have saan. AT A URT or PROBATE, held ARIIS LItRA 5847. ASSUMABLE At Manohaster, wlUUn and for the y t Your Daily Activity Guido tory. Apply Room 8 (Odd F^- month Paul W. Dougan Real­ Sunken Hvlng room, two flre- to see r U r v RiSto^ ”•H. M. Frechette, Rw«o».Realtors, «*7- 647- Meyer Agency. Agency, Realtor. 648- MAD 31 «PT.31 f f L U I R*alty, Realtors, 648-6930. 8 room multi-level, 10 years Dietrlct ot MAnchester, on the 19th FF According fo (he Start. lows BuUdtoK 489 Main Street, tor, 649-4535. HEBRON —Route 86, approx- placsB, 1% baths, three bed­ Norman S. Hohenthal, Realtor, ______9998. 0609. IT-----afAP«. 19 pplng. Built-ins, ceased. -J '•\ APR. 30 8 AJL to 4:30 PJL Realtor, 648-1677. CrMkett, Realtor, 648-1577. quiet neighbothood, one year down and two up. Enclos­ On motion of Helen M. Pord, 143 t Love-m oking 31 Be 61 Yo u wall to won. Occupancy pre­ r '? MAY 30 2 Property 32 Put 62 Bec6me room, oU hot water heat, ga­ oM. Wolverton A g ^ y Real- ed front pordi. New wiring. roof, walk-out cellar, Bowen Union Bt, Manchester, Oonn., ex­ Situations Wontod— School, upper teens. Owner 648- ferred after srtiool (dosing. ecutrix. 1^-50-59-67 3 M oy 33 You 63 M uch VB»MONT — Two loU tor sale rage, wooded lot, on bus line, te n , 649-2818. With 87,000 down, you con as­ 4 A 34 For 64 Your COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Business Locations 825,500. Call Mr. Lewis, 649- ORDERED: That three monllis 70-77-81-85 Fonraio 38 In Warren, 7 miles from Sugar near shopping and school. Char sume FHA mortgage and have 7888. from the 19th day of March, 1969 5 Loved 35 U nfolrly 65 Life ;20,900 CfMINI 36 Best 66 About t m P.M. DAT BEFOBB PUBUGATION For Rent 64 Bush, sacrifice 8900. CaU 048- Bon Real Estate, 648-0688. NEWER two-family duplex, 5-6, monthly payments of 8182. T.J. 5306. be and the some ore linUted and 6 M atter 825.900 CUSTOM built brick allowed lor the oredlton within 7 Your 37 M oy 67 Aburxkjnt residential A-1 location, two 68 Upset DaadliM tor Batwdaj and Monday ia 4 ;M p.m. Frld«jr xY'rtNO Jobs in my home. Call SMALL STORE near 100 per 6947, after 6 p.m. Oockett, Realtor, 648-1577. which to bring In their claims 8 Totentf 36 Give MANCHE18TE1R Split Level, fireplace, garage, y eC 'r' JUNE 30 9 Younger 39 Deols 69 The cent Main Street location. Ap­ Just Usted, six-room Caipe, driveways. Mid 30’s. 6494Q96, B & W egalnat sold estate, end sold ex­ anytime 649-2804. lurge manicured lot, picture- ecutrix______Is _ directed______topublic give jmbUc ^ 9-26-30-38 10 M oy 40 Con 70 Good close to Parkade. ExceUent RANCH WITH TREES Owner. SOUTH END-Move In tomor­ 41 Give 71 A 2- 6-37-41#^ ply Marlow's, 867 Main Street. book setting, large garden, BARROWS and WALLACE (to. noUM to the oi^toni to b r u it la (55761-71-82-87 n If WILL CARE for one or two Housas For Sate 72 condition throughout. AH Owner ready to move to row, older se'ven-roam In tip­ MnnrhoMnr Parkiido (heir claims within sold Ume ol- 120ne 42 Chonged 72 M onfh 46-55«>-8> ■ 8 ^ DIAL 643-2711 IN the center of town, four-bed- privacy. Hutchins Agency, A^ci^er rarity publlehlng a copy of thU CANCIR 13 Look. 43 You • 73 Tomorrow children in my licensed home. MANCTHESTER —Three new rooms finished, has fire­ larger home. He is leavli^ top condlfion. IH baths, three TWO-FAMlLY house, 6-5, tour room two-bath older home. An Realtora, 649-5824. Manchester 649-5306 order in some newspaper having JUNE 31 14 Be 44 Closely 74 Situotions Call 648-2215. stores tor lease. 600x100 square place, ample ckwete, full behind a delightful S-bed- bedrooms, comer lot. Owner a circulation in said probate dls- 15 Brirtg 45 To 75 Issues heated rooms, third floor, could excellent buy at only 828,500... JULY 33 feet. Busy location. Reasonable. basement, T. J. Crockett. ^ tlv, MANCHESTER - Bi the mar- VEIWON - (tope to a ‘TthS“^era^’'?emrr iS&e^tS 16 You 46 You 76 Could make three family. Quiet res­ within a block of St, Jamee 17 M o y 47 Shopping 77 Buys ContiiHMd From Procoding Pago Hayes Agency, 646-0181. Realtor, 643-1677. living S.( p . 1 bed­ to sell. Any reasonable offer park-U'ke yard, immaculate this court of Uie noticeI .given. 5-12-17 idential area, lot 75x160', 3-car School. Eight rooms In all, ket tor an 8 room bouse? Look­ 16 Sorneone 48 Now 78 Involving Situations Wontod— rooms will be gl'ven serious coeisidera- condition, many One features, _____ JOHN J. WALLEIS'rr, Judge. D s t :-35-51 19 Con 49 Into 79 Greater garage. 834,500. No agents. 648- ing for six rooms but would ap­ 460 MAIN ST. — Store or office, and garage. Outstanding buy combination windows, real thm. T. J. O ockett, Realtor, 4 bedrooms, dining rtxHn, over­ LIO 20 M ore 50 Borgoins 80 For Holp Wmtofl— Mote 36 Holp Wontod M ali 36 Mate 39 8180, includes heat, 648-2426, 7287. big lot with plenty of trees. preciate the income of a two 21 Getting 51 Critical 81 Are THREE Incomes, Center Street, at 824,9(M). Please call 649- 648-1577. 82 Sincere Give us a caH and START room apartment to cover ex­ sized garage. A few minutes "“gggR?’' q p ^ b a t b . J© ju^r” 22 Someorte 52 Of BUILDING auperintendant, 9-6. two family, 6-6 plue separate 5806. from Vernon Circle. Don t h,|g Manchester within ami . AUG. 33 23 Short 53 Don't 83 P rofit ______CX)NCRE!TE Fabricators, out­ TWO FAMILY, 4-4, separate penses, or looking for that 84 Contrary middle aged, experienced all PACKING. T. J. Oockett, MANCHESTER — Move right coll today, H. M. tor the Dirtrlct of Monebeeter, on 7- 8-10-24 24 Be 54 W orry door workers and shoip work­ FIVE—room suite of front Main heat, aluminum siding, 7-years five room house. Selling aa a house with the ideal arrange­ wait, 25 Suggest 55 Couse 85 Avoiloble AUTO BODY PAINTER phases of mainteneitoe, on or Realtor, 648-1577. to, 8-bednx>m Ranch, tonfial DaaWaaa OAT OOIM (h« 9*»h dOV Of MOTOh, A.D. 1969. (§5732-45-79-83 86 Present ers. Have many (H>enin^ for St. offices, 100 percent loca­ old. Call early. Victor Agency, package. Price reduction tor B & W ment of Mpariate in-law ______Frechette, Realtora, 647-9998. Preeent,^HoiL John J. WoUett, 26 Person 56 Don't off premises considered. dining room, bath and a half, Judge. VIRGO 27 Out 57 Too 87 Com plim ent RISCIS AND steady work and outdoor type tion near banks, cdr-condltlon- 643-5700. quick sale. Wolverton Agency BARROWS and WALLACE Co. MANCHESTER Green area. . . 26 Foils 58 Force 88 Concern Please phone Mr. Rawlings, large living room with fire­ quarters? Situated cn large e a s t HARTFORD —WIU you Elstote of Umim K. Stenberg aka. ; AUG. 23 FEB. W Work. No experience requliod, ed, automatic fire sprinkler. Realtors. 649-2818. Manchester Parkade heat five room ranch with the Umun Keeney Stenberg, late ot 29 But 59 Are 89 People AUTO BODY PAINTER’S 649-0183. EIGHT ROOM Colonial re­ place and bookoaseg, rec room shaded lot to nice section, to- p^y 823,900 tor a 88,000 swim- iuSSheeK°rr“ & Mdd 60 Touchy 90 Themselves MAR 20 year 'round work with over­ Apply Marlow's, 867 Main St. basement finished. Open porch, ■■ District, de- SCPT. 22 30 M ay HELPER production, 2% baths, 2 fire­ MANCHESTER — Charming 5- Manchester 649-5806 tuid basement garage. Prime eludes flrrt fl(x>r laundiy, base- mlng pod? What tf we tochid- ceased. 3/26 1- 3-14-21 time, top pay rates, many two baths, two fireplaces, beat J. iSl6-19.25.29 ^JGood Adverse Neutral places, family room, recrea- room Ranch, 2 baths, firs- locaUon. 827,900. Make this a screened porch ed a three-bedroom Ranch, toll J?^’“ ®^toinirtrator‘“ '\ray /53-5B-75 W € 23-42-48 Good wages, starting rate benefits, union shop. An equal MAIN St., cem er office, 3 MANCHESTER — Six room ot construction. Owner wants a aa^A A.^ _ w . o a RYlfw AllVimf 9Y1t^n ^lesraarase a a ______a ^..a e _ea .a*' Dogs— Birds— Pots 41 tler having a clr* Ray Boidrt Plumbing and DACSISHUNDS, Cihlhuahuas, tional location. Medical Phar­ LARGE, clean, attractive 11- rm Wntvnrtnn A o' e n o MANCHESTER — Immaculate SPLIT LEVEL, all brick con- Out of Town ram ie tile bath. T he apacioue cuiation to s^d dlatrlct, at leaat Is Up $274,000 'round work, plenty of over- 8ZD.UTO. worvenon A g en cy structlon, 4 bedrooms, formal Heating, 644-1817. Weimaraners, AKC registered Household Goods SI Tenenwnts 63 macy Bldg., Haynes and Main room house including 4-room MANCHESTER -"Two-family, Mvinar room has a lovely Are- a«v®n days before the day aaid Ume. WHl pay top wages for rental plus excellent barn, 332' Realtors, 649-2B1S. For Sate 75 ^ ^ - htiAAwInar ^ 7 ‘o anrhAMv ifIf theyfngkv se«"c^oub* The Board of Finance conven- large increase (8166,530, or litters. Sale - subject to vets St. Paneled, air-conditioned. 6-6, good condition, excellent $26,500. Will go tost. H. M. dining room, 2 ^ baths, ma­ piaonta. family atoltSH " p“ tar^n'thV rah^l” req^^^ good figure aptitude and TO TOWN OP EiddiUonEd features. Must formEdtan call Mitten Realty, 64»«S24. red,Twil* Finance CaU 643-0996. HAVE TENANTS waiting, tor STRETCH out in this spacious Hearing will be held in the REALTOR FITS. Stores, Park A Oakland Ave., W. Dougan, Realtor, 649-4535. ptteed at $24,900. T. J. Cbrock- refinements. Situated on mani­ CTLGSE to Route 2, tor (x>m- but yet minutes from Manches- thfreSj to pSbilsIftaS a Breakdowns of the select- members apparently And It dll- your apartment or house. Call house. Five large bedrooms, 2- Hearing Room of the Municipal Ekist Hartford. BLUE Selig sofa, six foot. 649-4543 843-7407 ett. Realtor, 613-1077. cured landscaped acre lot. muting to Hartford or East ter? Six-room (tope with ga- HOs order one time in some neiws- men’s budget Eire not readily flcult to justify the hiring of Phone 647-1431 Artictes For Sate 45 Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 649- COVENTRY — Three-bedroom car garage, central location, Building, 41 Center Street, Man­ Drexel Walnut coffe« table. Available tor immediate occu­ Hartford, farmette, 1^ acre, rage on large well landscaped KSwet^'SS 'by'^'^Sltta™ i" artment at LARGE 6-room Cape, full shed A copy of the proposed revi­ cepUontUly well Icmdscaped, 2- CaU 1-228-9116, Strout Realty, desk couch, stero, Barca 9115, Strout Realty, Hebron. 000. H. M. Frechette, Realtors, Business zone, vactmt value! HEBRON — Clean * ^ ' ‘fotanriiH persm : Jtothony WU- offices and the police depart- uled tor April 14, will allow all three Multiple Listing Serv- 8160., heat, hot water, oven- dormer, 1V4 baths, basement sion to the Ordinance may be car garage. Bowers School. RFD No. 1 Hebron, Conn. SMALL CERAMIC kUn, home lounger, etc. 643-7709. 647-0993. Seven rooms, 2 baths, oil heat. years oW, 6% rooms, 1>4 baths, R ^ Park ^reet ment are Included, Euid the 1969- townspeople to make comment ------•------Ices. Mr. Hutchins, 180 Center range, refrigerator, parking FIOCKVILLE — Three-bed- garage, 12x18 living room with seen in the Town Clerk's Office 828,000. Philbrick Agency, made, accessories, $35. Call Ideal Investment tor office and LOOKING for summer fun? fireplace, garage, one-acre tot, Attorney Jolmw ’ Allen,' 70 requests also Include estlmat- on both education and general ' St. 649-5324. emd storage, no pets. Telephone roomi Ranch house with ga­ during business hours. Realtor, 649-5347. OXFORD Street—"A one-car 643-2581. WALNUT coffee table, 820. Wal- fireplace 3 bedrooms. Asking apartment. $21,000. (toll War- Here’s a 4-bedroom, all year bordering State Forest. $22,900.RFD-----~ No. 1, Ctoventry. Cl. a ropy ...... — costs involved in changing town budgets. The -Board - ot - —Pi- PART-TIME work, days. Call EXPERIENCED weitreasee, or 627-9238 between 9-6 p.m., al­ rage. 876-2112. John I. Garsldo Jr., nut step table, 815. Excellent 823,900. Owner-Agent, 646-2212. MANCHESTER — Ctolondal 3 home.” In these days^ you usu­ ren E. Howland, Realtora, 648- ‘round lahetoont property. Two Plhilbiilck 649-5834. will train. Experienced salad ter 6 p.m. 647-1871. Secretary Agency, Realtors, 2efor^ raid*''tlme ^iSied.^-an^d over to the new form of govern- nance ■wlU (xmtinue to review'' TAKE SOIL away the Blue condition. OaU 643-8278. bedrooms, dMng room, IH ally need two cars, but here is 1108. fuU baittie, 2-«ar garage, plus 640-5847. return make to this Court' ment in November. these until shortly before this __ __ man. Night watchman. Experi- Board of Directors Lustre way from carpets and LOOKING tor an apartment? baths, front to back living a nine-room home in eui ex- porch to enjoy those summer ______PAVlu C. RAPPE, Judge. ^ example of this would be date, then pies of the pro­ •-7 -> — - enced bartender. 646-3131. Ask USED GE refrigerator, good Manchester, Conn. tremely centra] location 'where MANCHESTER — Very large 8- upholstery. Rent electric aham- Have many to choose from, Oat of Town room 'W ith center firepUioe, ex- nights. Kedih Agency, Oie^oae. bedroom salary for a town mtuiager, who posals will be available several tor Mr. A. working condition, 60 pound Dated at Manchester, Con­ you cEUi walk to everything. bedroom Ranch In a prime pooer $1. Paul's Paint A Wall­ Call' Paul W. Dougan Realtors, oellent condition. H. M. 649-1922. ORD®* OP .. ^ 1 1 be taking over, probably, days beforehand, to be picked freezer, 840. CaU 649-4702. For Ront 6 6 E W I T A 'n O N neotlcut, this twenty-first day ^ om bedrooms up, end (I've residential area, 2 fireplaces, ^ t o AT A PROBATE COURT held at yyui i« vaxuqs uver, yruutu.y, u»yo ^ DRIVERS paper Supply. 649-4536. Frechette Realtors, 647-9903. pia^, itWD car garage. ^ <>)ventry. wlUita and for Uie DU- one-third of the way into the up by townspeople and studied of March 1969. 1 *A bathe, rec room, garage, ELLINGTON — Plnney Brook rooms down Including a bright CXDVBNTRY —Ideal “ starter” mediate (tacupancy. Low 30 s. trict of Oov^ry, on the 19th day ]^9gg.7o fisital year. But this will prior to the hearing. T O B I D immaculate throughout. Ask­ converse Road. Morrison of_Moreh A,p. S». _ ...... •» .. ----- . ,----- ,— FIRST AND SECOND FOUR room apartment, cOhtral- Apartmente. New 3%-room MANCHESTER — Four room kitchen, form-al dining room, or " retirement” 2-bedroom 18 ROUTE Machinery and Tools 52 Sealed bids will be received ing $29,^ H. M. Frechette, SHIFTS GEORGE GRIFFING INC. ly located, newly decorated. unit in brick one-story garden Ranch, Ideal retirement or H-ving room, family room end home. 16x16 Hvlng room, 28’ Itealtor, 643-1015. at the office of the Director of PUBLIC HEARING Realtora 647-9908. ^Emite of Dayton H. Whipple, late the selectmen: ^ew will conjlntie, and the LAWN MOWER and saw sharp­ Heat, hot water, one bed­ apartment building. Interior starter home. Picture bools offl(ta or den or a room tor the kitchen with plenty of cabin­ of Coventry, In raid District, de- All seven Board of Education final recommended document General Services, 41 Center VERNON — 6H room 1950 SALESMEN GRAVEL ening machinery, everything room. One or two adults only. brick wall. Refrigerator, ADDITIONAL kit(dien with dishw ater, blue ets, oU- hot water heat, dose ..hiiw members came to the Board of will be brought before ttie town Multi-CSrcuit — a rapidly Street, Manchester, Conn., un­ i s r ' S s : DUPLEX Ranl requests, begun Iturt week night’s meeting weui devoted to on salary plus commission, qignts 16 Forest St., 4H rooms, Cemetery. red out of state. Please c«dl for waite Real Estate Agency, A in the following areas: CARPETS and life too can be at 875-0134. Bid forms, plans and specifi­ CONNECTICUT $18,100. Manchester,. EdtrucUve 649-4698. VERNON -Owner transferred COVENTRY - 818,900. Modem Apri^AD®li69^8‘ tfctodt ta’'tte by the Board of Finance. further Investl^Uon of the hir- plus opportunity to advance Musical Instruments S3 W e heat and hot water, park­ appointment, aa it is a pleasure one-year Ranch, S bed- forenoon, at the Probate Office In Following last week’s perusal Ing o f a new town auditor, to ''beautiful If you use Blue ing, 8135. a month. cations are available at the Notice is hereby given that 3-bedroom Ranch, large seclud­ Belling their neat Ranch with based on your capabilities, PLATING VERNON — Brand new 3V4- to show. T. J. Crockett, Reed- MANCHEJSTBR rooms, etoctricslly heated wlUi h!Sl?ri5®(^!fXe of Uie educotion propoeols Uie replace Wilbur Stevens, who Lustre. Rent electric sham- SET OF drums, exc^ent condi­ General Services Office, 41 the Board of Directors, Town of ed well shrubbed yard, city 3 bedrooms, Hvlng room with we can offer you a position SILK SCREENING room apartment In lovely resi­ tor, 643-1677. individuEd hesut (xmtrol, Etlumi- once of sold account, and on sold Board of Ftiuuice sent a 21-polnt died earlier this year, pooer, |1. Olcott Variety Store. tion with black peart, new Center Street, Manchester, (Con­ Manchester, Connecticut, will utlHtlea, centrally located. LOOKING FOR A< fiireplace, dining room and as a driver salesman tor INSPECTION PRODUCTION dential area opposite recrea­ num stonns, aluminum siding. S5?'‘ A^tata?4to^‘* tetter to the school board, and Several Indlvld^ls or flriM Sealtest Foods on establish­ skins, 812S. Gall 649-8634. 474 MAIN St., 3-room heated necticut. hold a Public Hearing in the Hutchins Agency Realtors, 649- MANCHESTER — Large well RANCH? bright kitchen. Basement has ROUTING FOR BETTER cleaning, to keep tion park, featuring heat hot Gerard Agency, ReEiltora, 643- tiro thereof, by pUUUiiiiK thU |t 'WEta these 21 queErtiens that w e apparenUy interested in the ed routes. apartment, 8110, 346-2426, 9-5. Town of Manchester Hearing Room at the Muni cl* 5324. constructed (tolonlal. Three Come look at this 6-room reoraom plus on office. Ter­ SOLDER colors gleaming, use Blue HARMONY 12-string guitar with water, refrigerator, range, rc'£cuUUlS"*ta SSIS'^fftri^’S f W (« discussed last night Most ^b. and the board wUl send Connecticut pal Building,, 41 Center Street, bedrooms, IH baths, fireplace, beauty on a nl<5e treed lot rific kxtajtton, tile lot is approx- 0365, 649-0638. GARDEN Apartment — Two hood, garbage disposal, master To be qualified you should Lustre carpet cleaner. Rent case. A unique instrument only Robert B. Weiss. Manchester, Connecticut, Tues­ MANCHESTER — Oversized 2-oEir garage. ImmediEde oc­ near Buidiley school. A tejn* by postinir a copy of this order on of tti€ 14 participants In the dis- letters to all* Apply between 10 a.m .-12 noon large bedrooms, equipped TV antenna and sliding glass imatety 800 feet deep. Start be a high school graduate, electric ^ampooer $1. The two years old. Call 649-4217 be­ General Manager day, April 1, 1969, at 8:00 p.m. (tope. Looking tor a custom cupancy. Bel Air Real Estate, Uy designed home with and 2-5 p.m. Ask tor Mr. Harvey kitchen, heat, hot 'water fur­ doors, leading to balcony off packing and call T.J. Oockett, X r? “*ai°roi5!gS-»'at ‘Swer -iSSS ------ambitious and willing to put Sherwin-Williams 0>. fore 10 p.m. to consider and act on the fol­ built home in excellent 1 At% Arwak a good income and company MUL'n-CIRCUI'TS $190. (4-months lease). May Proposed additional appro­ center fireplace, dining room, SEVEN ROOM older home, ex- - kitchen etnd a paiUo. Don't BOLTON — Top Icxtation, top field (tonn near TJniverattv of dressed to each of the persons to- budget. No copies Of the budget Girl Scout ?iew8 26” RIDING lawn mower, used Office and 5tore 1st. 649-8712. story, all brick apartment . Greeted and resfc^ outsUe said are available so few break- paid pension plan, medical 50 HARRISON STREET NOTICE priation to General Fund IH baths, 2-c e u * ganage, screen­ cellent condition, on bus line. miss this one. $24,600. CaU quality custom built 5-room 2^ seasons. Oall 646-2587. building. Call 872-0529 week­ Conn. Zoned for apEirtmenta, or District, a copy of this order, all ^ *1 x0x 1 vs and surgical benefits, ac­ MANCHESTER Equipment 54 Budget, 1968-89 to Treasur­ ed In poix^, ex(Klilent lot, memy Property includes 2 extra build­ Don SiS(X>, 649-5306. Rtmch. PlEurtered walls, cEist- Troop 1 SECOND FLOOR — Large 4- days. Rental 8135, adults, no TOWN OF COVENTRY one. two or tour-family hous- “(» « -( cident and sickness insur- er 8250.00 extraa Asking $28,900. H. M. ing lots. Marion E. Robertson iron radiatlan, breezeway, 2- ing. Approxlmateay o n e m ile JSSrt*' nuike to this can be Obtained, but the re v ie w OM Scout Troop 1 recently 25 USED student chains with room apartment in new 2-fam­ pets. ZONING BOARD ;ince and life insurance. to provide fire proof filing Frechette Realtors, 647-9093. Realtor. 648-5963 l car garage. Priced tor im­ deep, frontage on two roads, By the (touri. seratoM are neverthelese being k q to Dr A. BH' arm tablet, 83.60 each. 26 chil­ STEEL DESK, chair, file- ily home, refrigerator, stove, B (S W Attest David C. Rappe, Jud«e. held in open meeUnga. conmouieQ $ou 10 ur. a . la OF APPEALS cabinet, to be financed from mediate BEUe, Hayes Agency, with e ig h t room center hall co­ dren's desks with chair, 84.60 cabinets. Oall 643-1846. heat and hot water, wall to VERNON — Mount Vernon There will be a Public Hear­ BARROWS and WALLACE Co. The reason____ for the appeuent mer Diskan to toe used 6or the unappropriated surplus. 646-0181. lon ial. Two-car gEuage, over- INTERESTED? ELDERLY PERSONS a set. Gremmo & Sons Sales, wall carpeting, built-in TV sm- Apartments. Now available ing April 7th at 7:00 P.M. in the Manchester Parkade OBDEB OF NOnCB air* M ‘myst^”is "w id th s' **^***j“ P “ **°*’f' Proposed additional appro­ heEul d oors, oth er buildings. 819 East Middle l^ke., Man­ tennae, references and escrow new 3)4 rooms at 8145. and Town Building to take up the ManchedCer 649-5306 AT A PROBATE OOURT held at Btoaid of Education inslsta that ^ ^ Apply priation to General Fund PleEuie note: Investors, specu- chester, 649-9953. Wonted— To Buy 58 payment required, 8166. Avail­ $150, rooms at 8165. and following appeal. trict cS^’Ooven^. on the 18th day its budget is EtiiU "prehm- *S*i ***,*” f*''**** ^ Applications'now being tak­ Budget, 1968-69 857,400.00 Shapely Apron That Soft Slipper WEST SIDE — 6 rooms, mod­ able April 1st, 643-0089 between 8170. Heat, hot water, re­ Donald Watt, Route 31, was NORTH COVENTRY latora, form syndicate or S'M i3;:h A D^i'seS! Uiary” ; it has not formally vet- ^ leaders th e en for positions as Foster 1967 EDITION World BOok En- WANTED — Antique furniture to transfer to the Capital ern kitchen with huUt-lns, for­ corporation. Buy this 150 acre Hon. David C. Rappe, ^ ^ ’ document yet, al- necessary shots, free of charge, 6-8 p.m. frigerator, oven-range, dis­ refused permission to erect 2 *,^3 Sealtest Foods Grandparents at Mansfield cyclopedla, mint condition. glass, pewter, oil paintings or Improvement R e s er v e mal dining room, three bed­ posal, dishwasher, wall to wall signs by the Zoning Agent. He BeauUtol 4-bedroom over­ (arm at only 8800 per acre. By J. Oerich, late though this was to have been *«• “ wIt trip to Europe this Training School. Transpor­ Can 875-1340. MANCHESTER — Three-room Fund. This represents funds rooms, large enclosed porch, ^ipolntmont only, Joseph of^ventry, to said District, de- summer. Each girt received other antique items. Any carpeting, air-conditioning, wishes permission to put up 2 sized (tope Ood, full former, 255 Homestead Ave., tation usually provided. Re­ apartment, first floor. Security already received from the aluminum siding, $24,- quantity. The Harrison's, 643- swimming pool, tennis courts, small attractive signs directing gEirage, large buUtHin kitchen, din­ Hochberg, Broker, phone 1-466- • Administratrix, having ex- Another compilcatton is the “ (Tee typhoid shots, a teinus Hartford, Conn. quirements: Low Income deposit, rental agreement. Earl State of (tonnectlcut cover­ 9637. 8709. 165 Oakland Street. parking and storage. No pets. 900. PhUbrick Agency Real­ ing room, open staircase, S‘’ihta fact that no contract has been vacclnaU*. Interviews dally 8:30-4:30 p.m. persons, over 60. Call 1-429- Everett Real Estate, 643-7019, out of town customers to his ing taking of land—Charter H^isehold Goods 51 Call Hartford 527-9288, Vernon tors, 049-5847. loads of clcsrt space, IH- ed on mpUcatlon for the ascertain- signed as yet with the beach- The troop e Itlnery committee ' An equal opportunity employer 9391, Ext. 395 or 643-9038. - HOUSEHOLt* lote — Antiques.:lques, 646-0191. book store. One at the junction Oak Section for Route 6, to - i 876-8721 or 876-4859. baUis, aluminum Eterms and S*%strib2ul55‘‘’'}t®1! and until Oils has been !■ teisy making reservations in Model Home Furniture bric-a-brac, clocks. _frahames, of 44A and 31. The other on be financed from increase FIVE-ROOM flat, second floor, HEBRON — For rent, 4-room Route 31 at Town line south of Wontod— Roal Estato 77 ORDERED: 'Tltat the Slot day of done, probably tonight, the hotels and youth hostels in tile EXPERIENCED nurse aide for 3 ROOM HOUSEFUL glassware. We buy esfflRes.snne Vil­ of miscellaneous Income— MANCHESTER lage Peddler, Auctioneer, 420 big rooms, excellent condition, apartment, heat included. Al­ the village. sale of land. SELLING YOuk~ HOME? For i f ’the^pJo^lS^^fflc^S r t s h t e v e GOODYEAR Service Store has day shift, full-time; RN tor day 19 PIECES large n lovely ^ . . Au in Oovefitry be &nd the &m . is be esU'ed finol* Tliis ficocMinf ftt visit, ReservatiOiw n&ve oeeti $100. per month plus heat, so refrigerator, stove. One- All interested persons are in­ Proposed additional ap­ «4 8 6 an opening for a full-time tire shift, full-time; porter tor day Lake St., Bolton. 349-3247: home Is only 3 yeEU's old in prompt courteous servlw th^ assigned for a hearing on the ol- ways makes up a lexge propor- confirmed tor Germtuiy, Rome $297 adults preferred. Call Paul W. year lease. FV>r appointment, vited bo attend. Assunihble 6-room Colonial, changer, some stock room shift, full-Untfe. Pleasant work­ propriation to Water Fund excellent condition. Owner gets results, (toll Louis DlmOCk lowance of sidd account, and on J ? SuHtw>rliind uMIe th» trirSo Dougan, Realtor, 649-4535. call 1-228-9116, Edith Lederer Signed: one-ctaT garage, wooded lot, Rxaitv tua-aaoji ‘>eid application and thU Court di- tion of the education budget, and Switzerland, whUe the girts work and deli'veries involved. ing conditions in a modem Interior Designer wants reliable Budget 8296,000.00 transferred. Priced at only neatly, osvraza. Admtalstrotrtx to give this year an esUnuited $908,079 await replies from Lomton, family or newlyweds to accept Rooms Without Board 59 RFD No. 1, Hebron. Grant E. Toothaker Sr. to transfer to the Water De­ on bus line. Only 821,900. Good starting pay and benefits, facility, 3 miles from East iwE-RROM DUPLEX, large 822,600. $1,600 down VA. out of the total 81,666,174. Paris and Copenhagen. T h . delivery of complete Model Dis­ Chairman partment Reserve Fund. ALL CASH for your property must have driver's license. Ap­ Hartford. Meals, Blue Cross THE THOMPSON House — (tot- rooms, nice neighborhood, ga­ Assumable 9-room Ranch Manchester RecUty Oo., 643- tag^ a clrcuU^on to sol^Dlatrict, So,while this joint board re- reservations Eire being made by play of Quality Furniture just ROCKVILLE — New 8%-room This represents funds al­ within 24 hours. Avoid red tape. ------■ ply Goodyear Service Store, and CMS available, wages com ­ tage St. centrally located, large rage, excellent condition, including very large rec 4348 removed to warehouses for Pub­ apartment In residential area, ready received for the Instant servloe. Hayes Agency, 3S? on tKf iSLlta 5!^ ^ budge! might appear the Marendaz Travel Agfency. Vernon Circle, Vernon. Conn. parable to other convalescent adults only, $160. monthly plus room, built-in VEicuum clean­ toira where deceased i*»t dwelt — pointless with so many areas Ship ------reeervEttlons“ — ' have------been ‘ lic Sale. Modem 3 complete pleasantly furnished rooms, stove, refrigerator, heat, NOTK 3 : taking of land—part of the 646-0131. 646-0101. An equal opportunity homes. Own transportation. Ap­ parking. Call 649-2858 for over­ heat. Call Paul W. Dougan, er, 2 baths, swimming pool. and by leaving with, or by mall- ~«iii fin a l It a n n a r made for some time. The troop rooms with the 81,000 look. 8 carpeting, 8140. 875-5979. Charter Oak Section and the tag to certlfUd -letters postage “ 4? appw- employer. ply in person, Monday-Friday, night and permanent guest Realtor, 649-4536. PUBUC HEARING Asking $31,900. prepsld,, . and return receipt re- entiy serve tile purpose of al- wtU leave June 30 aboEUd the 2 COLUMBIA Lake— 8-bedroom pc. Convertible living Room, FOUR-ROOM apartment tor other part at Camp Meet­ 9-3. South Windsor Convales­ rates. BOARD OF DIRECTORS cottage, Ifirge fireptace, lEirge ?S?So®ra l^ri^Sf’a^ri ?Sldl^' rot* «»“ hange SS Statendem and wUl return CAREER-MINDED individual 6 pc. bedroom, 6 pc. Dinette. CENTER St. — 4-rooms, first ing Road, to be financed Three-family, g(xxl loca­ Legal Notices cent Home, Inc., 1060 Main St., rent, vrlth' heat Included, Laur­ TENTATIVE BUDGETS pEdio with fir^laoe, 130’ on ■ld« said DlBtrict. a copy M thla vtows and gain an undeiratand- Au^ 26 aboard the aaine ahlp* ^ wanted for management posi­ $10 down, you may purchase ROOM for rent, gentleman on­ floor, appliances. Near schools, el Street, Rockville, 8125- OF GENERAL. MANAGER from increase of miscellane­ tion, good income, corner order, all at leaat 7 daya before ing of the otherts thinking, South Windsor lot. 'Prioe is right on this lalse. Hutchins Agency Read- said day of hearing, and return * ^ tion for growing (Hartford bas­ any room individually. Im­ ly, central location, free park­ bus and shopping. OaU 568-8908 monthly, ■call 649-2871. March 31, 1669 ous Income—sale o f land. DECREE ON Of great concern to the Board mediate delivery or free Proposed additional appro­ one. tore, 6494(824. LIMITATION OF CLAIMS moke to this Court. ed) fast food service organiza­ ing, references required. Call after 4 p.m. 8:00 p.m. AT A COURT OF PROBATE. By the Court. of Finance is the fact that the tion, 21 or over, capable of as­ storage. 643-2693, 349-8160. SOUTH P3ND, Hartford. Third MARTIN SCHOOL priation to General F^d BOLTON — Big house, big lot, holden at Coventiy, within and for Attest David C. Rappe, Judge. school requests show such a COST CLERK CAP & CCP Charge Plans FOUR ROOMS, second floor, Budget 1968-69, Highway Two 'residential lots, north on the suming responsibilities. A per­ floor, tour-room apartment, AUDITORIUM 8B-room-rnom Olderolder nome,h o m e plusnliia 4-a. (•>«jgy, District March, of Coventry, A.D. Also, our own Instant Credit stove, refrigerator, hot water, Division 84,500 east section, Buckley SchI ______, — ______1969. OBDEB dr NOTICE manent position with fringe Experienced in posting time, appliances. Adults. <3all 249- Dartmouth Rood room apartment. 4Vi choice PresentPresent, Hon. David C. Rappe. a t a COURT OF PROBATE, held F u e lO Plan walking distance to Main area. , benefits. Experience not neces­ to job records. All Benefits. NICE ROOM, kitchen privi­ 3000. Notice is hereby given that to provide estimated funds acres. Louis Dimock Realtv ^’‘9- ^ at Manchester, within and for the Oil Fired Water Street, topping, adults pre­ required to cover expendi­ aja aona ^ On motion Of John J. Joyce and District of Manchester, on the ISth sary, we will train. Successful leges, good location. 649-8861. in accordance with the provi- 649-9823. Hartford National Bank and Trust day of Much. A.D. 1969. Heaters DISCOUNT FURNITURE ferred. 643-7<>94 after 5 p.m. tures for snow removal and applicant must have ambition, siona of Chapter V of the Town ------Company, co-executors on the es- Present, Hon. Jbhn J. WOllett. Complete Heatinfir DEAN MACHINE WAREHOUSE ROOM tor rent, private en­ control, to be financed from EARL EVERETT VERNON -<3ustom built 5*‘e ot «• WUter S tov w Itte of J i ^ . 5 energy and enthusiasm. Apply FOUR ROOMS, first floor. Business Property CSiarter, os amended, the Board»i.>i Won,.!. OovenlTy, within said district, de- Eaute ot Bertha Ubby Thomp- Installation PRODUCTS N.QW 2 BIG LOCATIONS trance. 119 Cooper Hill Street. unappropriated surplus. Ook)t4al Ranch, prime area, ceased. , son. Ute of Manchester, In said in own handwriting, P.O. Box of Directors of the Tovm ot 3580 Main St. Hartford Call 649-0606. Baseboard heat, hot water, ga­ For Sate 70 Proposed additional appro­ REAL ESTATE quality oonstructlon, three This Orort doth decree that three District, deceased. „ HumidiHers, 2266, Bishops Comer Branch, 102 COLONIAL RD. Manchester will hold a public lam* haAivwvma AniAiia ** months be allowed and limited for Upon application of Rudolph L. 522-7249 rage Included. 8H6. monthly. priation to General Fund DehumidifierB, West Hartford, 0>nn. 06117. An MANCHESTER. CONN. FURNISHED room for gentle­ 391 CENTER Street, an eight bearing on the tentative budgA 643-7019 large bedrooms, double ga- the creditors of said eatate to ex- Ubhy:^ praying that letters of ad- (former Fuller Bmsh bldg.) One child limit. 646-2454. Budget, 1668-89 to Board of rage, barn. Only 834,000. Hayes hlblt their claims against the same ministration be granted on said es- ChillchasenB equal opportunity employer. man, all conveniences. (Tall af­ room home with 2-car garage eta of the General Manager ton Axaiuir tutuxiti U> the co-executors and directs that tate, as per application on file, U 175 Pine St. Manchester Education 81,277 Agency, 6 i 6 -0 1 3 1 . ^ ,hU OI^ la ter 4 p.m., 640-6914. FOUR-ROOM duplex, 8130. with located in business II zone. 646-2332 nld Town of Mancheater foii to establish a separate de ■ ■ • • or without option to buy. Dwelling could be easily c(m- the fiscal year beginning July BOLTON (former Norman's Fum. ROOM tor gentleman only, “wash-out” account to fi­ Available April 1st, call 528- verted tor professional or com­ 1, 1969 as publlahed or to be Ranch, F08A R T Y Warehouse shower, private entrance, nance a Summer School THR EE WISHES publ 0686. mercial occupancy. Robert J. publlahed by the General Man­ ( places,, _garage, _ , acre lot, , verjf , rt Coventry, nearestneanst tho place ^ olf April, A.D. 1969, at ten at comer of Pine & Forest St.s) parking. Inquire 118 Pearl St. Program under TtUe I of A LITTLE slipper that comforts your WANTED Smith, Inc., 068 Main Street, ager hi the Manchester Evening o'clock in the forenoon, and that BROS, Mon.-Frl, 9-9, Sat. 9-6 after 4 p.m. MANCHESTER — One-bed­ the Elementary and Second­ 136 feet is quicKly crocheted! Make extras If peace comfort and looa- Cleon home. Asking 826,900. H. X oo";5*'’' notice be given to all persons In- 649-6241. Herald. M. FTechette, INC* room garden type apartment, ary Education Act of 1965, ' Smoll-Madlum-Lorge for gilt-giving! tian are Important lo you, Roaltora, 647- tersstsd In said eatate of the pen- 819 BROAD SISKBT - Full-Time - TAPPAN gas stove, very good Said hearing be held in 0998, MlflTATION OBDEB dency of said appitcstlon and the 8146. per month. Including win to bo financed from State No. 288 has crochet directions-smail, better look Uhia over! Cton- AT A OOURT OF PROBATE, time and place of hearing thereon, condition, cooking and heating LIGHT housekeeping rooms, the Auditorium of the Martin Grant. venient to schools and shops ------—— held at Manchester within and by publishing a copy of this order 647-4539 SERVICE STATION AHENDANT heat, hot water and appliances. Invoshnont Proporty APRONS can be pretty and fit well! medium and large sizes inclusive. SOUTH Windsor -Immaculate for the District of Manchester, on to some___ newspaper..ewspaper having a clr- stove. Also Shelvador refriger­ 643-4074. School, Dartmouth Road cm Proposed additional appro­ plus fipsplaced Uving room, Private entrance, first floor. ,Edge with colorful ric rac or bias SEND 50« in coins for tK h pahem Itendl. bedrooms, paneled "'5,^*2it,'^&ota teta'*'j.‘®‘walletl, ^ District, at least ator. 643-5611. For Sate 70-A Monday, March 81, 1969 at 8 priation to General Fund 3-4 bedrooms, lovely trend 8 •even M FOR RE»IT, kitchen vided. Fumtshed or unfur­ order of the Board of Directors year and that It be approv­ You will receive full company benefits—plus Main St. Call 643-2171. income. Extremely high poten­ SEND BSf in coins for lach pattern You'll find the new '69 Spring & 646-4126 649-1922 Frachette RealtonA 047.0009 ORDERED: That three nuinths Fred W. Ubby, 868 Woodland St., privileges, ladies only. Call nished. Rental. Security. Palm­ tial on heavily traveled high­ of the Town of htoncheoter, ed in the same manner as rnxaraue, neatiora 647-9993. Mareh. 1969. Manchester. CSinn.- Edward j! SHADES Low-Cost many fringe benefits, too! Apply in person to— (TonneoUcut. to Incladi tlriU lM l walling. Summer ALBUM filled with many lovely xiriT w vu ^ ~ ■-----—------1 be and the some are limited and Ubby, 837 Paddock' Ave.. Meriden. I MAPLE dresser, mirror, chest, 643-5624. er Realty, 643-6321. way in a buBlness zone. 855,000. lost year, such to be fi­ designs from which tb choose patterns BOliTpii — (Scmilc Mount ollow^ for the creditors within Oonn. 06450: Anne L. Beach, R.F.D. JOHN I. OARSIDB JR, McKte to Ordmr double bed with excellent Sealy Philbrick Agency, Realtors, nanced from tuition fees. Byonliig _HwaljL IM9 A g . » in allill types of needlework. Only 90$ m a N(HESTBR — Dartmouth Sumner), AnsaUH built (1965) *•**9*' >" claims No. 1. Colchester. Oonn. 06415: Dells MODERN three-room apart- Secretary .nil *—« ^ « oaotast sold estate, and sold execu- C. Pow». 9 Warren St.. Arlington, Bitnif your old roUen In and Heat posture-pedic mattress. 649- 649-5347. William R. Sohaller, Aj^CAK. Minr TOtt, Raised Ranch, brick and fram e six-room Oo- tor is directed to give public no- Maas. Ittl74: BUxsdielh L. Oichran meirt, all utilities included. Board of Directors save SSe per ahada. 6768. Aportmonts— Flats— Acting Secretary 'Mst'Nssit, «i«ra>i vitk zif CODE. Style COVERED WAfiON. Twelve handsome 2H baths. 2 (IreplacaB, huaidry lonlal RatMta. Attached 2-car hce to the creditors to bring In 30655 Gis|nrta Blvd., Shaker HelghU. Morlorty Brothers Available immediately. Oall FOUR-family tour-room apart­ {Manchester, Conneotlcut . their , ciotans within sold time al- Ohto 4 o 3 : (aiories Ubby^^ o o Moi^ Tenemonts 53 Board of Directors room, builb-lns, plastered, garage on porkhke acre.A real lowed by publishing a ropy of this cantnnio. it Harness Drive M ^ KENMORE washer and dryer 640-4556. ments. 88,156 yearly annual SIS CENTEB 8T„ MANCHESTER—668-5135 lasted at Manchester, Ofm- Manchester, Conn. ■69 Sprini & Summer Basic FASHION star of the West. walla, 2-ear garage, e|ty uUU- value at 8U.600. CUl Suzanne <>'4*'' some newspaper naylng a den. Conn.: SaUy Ann Ubby. c-o ATLANTIC excellent condition. Kenmore 30 LOCUST St. — first floor, 4 ...... net or better than 24 per cent necUcut this nineteenth day of IS now ivallable! Send lor one from complete with pattern pieces and __ * • _ circulation **lauMilA6lAae to Ira raid — — i-B probate district Morcantonto,—_ a — *. 36 Harness ?>rive, w E. A. JOHNSON Dated at Manchester, Con­ IAsb awor school. 30-day o c­ Shocte. 646-8238, J freezer 17 cubic foot upright. March 1969. which to pick your patterns during your jifgctions. 0105 It jinl 50$ a capy! waiaon within ten days from the dote of Meriden. Cbnn., and return moke return. Oall Palmer Realty, necticut, this twenty-firat day cupancy. BuUt by AnaaUU. Beach St Oo., Realtora, 278- Ibis order and return moke to thin to this Court. O IL H K A T 649-4325 after 5:30. Read Herald Ads. 648-6S21. of March 1969. leisure! Oely 50$ e copy. court of the notice given. JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge. PAINT 0 0 . (toairtes LsNpczanoe. 649-7630. 5660. JOHN J. WALUBTT. Judge, oc: David M. Curry, Atty. 723 HAD) ST.

W/ LiOlGtiTEEN iWattfhgalgr Epftting pgrali> TUESDAY, ItABCH 28, 1968 About Town

Paat MMtar Oeoi(« Members Win pr—Wf «t a mMtlnp at Anderson-Little Uriel liOdge of Maaone at the IMI Maaonlc '^m ple in M enow on Saturday, March !• at 7:t0 p.ih. VOL. LXXXVm, n6 . 149 Oall Smith of \nndham, grand maater of -Maaona in Connect­ icut, will be preaent. TMa will be a "Lodge of Inatructton,” and all new Maaone are invited British Minister In Turbulent Pakistan to be preaent. The meeting will R Spectacular ha preceded by a roaat beef dinner to be served by the G oing to A n gu illa Nathan Hale Square Club at • :S0 p.m. Tlcketa for the dinner LONDON (AP) — Britain to­ day ordered Foreign Office Min­ Dictator Pledges Nixon Asks Congress may be obtained from any of­ ficer of Uriel Lodge. ister Ivord Caradon to Anguilla to make a new aaseiament- of co.xUtlona there. Itie Manchester law Ann of Caradon will go to Anguilla Return to Sanity Oroobert and Mahon has moved Spring Suit Friday, a FVHeign Office eiMkes- KARACHI (AP) — Pakistan’s tablishment of a constitutional Ita offices from Main St. to the man told reporters. new military^ dictator, Gen. government,” he said in his Andrews Building 63 E. Cen­ The assigiunent of Caradon Agha Mohammed Yahya Khan, first broadcast after taking over ter St. The principals of the appeared to be something of on told his turbulent nation today from President Mohammed firm are Attys. Paul B. Groo- act of conciliation by Britain to he would "briiv back sanity’’ to Ayub Khan. For Surtax Extension bert of Manchester, who is clerk the Anguillans. Anguilla’s self- set toe stage for free electiona. of the State House of Rep­ styled president, Ronald Web­ Sixteen hours before Ayub resentatives, and John J. Mahon "I wish to make it absolutely Khan resigned after appointing ster, ' bad been pressing for a clear to you that I have no am­ of Botten. visit by a British minister after Yahya supreme commander of bition other than toe creation of Pakistsui’s armed forces and refusing to do business with conditions conducive to toe es- Manchester Green School PTA Brittsli Commissioner Anthony cMef martial law administrator. Big Slashes will hold its annual Open House Lee. Yahya’s promise to "Ixlng bock SALE! sanity” was toe same made by tonight from 7 to 9 at the school. Caradon, a former governor Officers will be elected at the of Jamaica, is widely known in Ayub when he seised power in In Spending budness meeting. Later, the the Caribbean. He is currently 1968 and ruled by martial law diiklren will show their parents leader of Britain's permanent Delta Airlines for three years. the work they have done during delegation at U.N. headquarters Ayub, who announced earlier Also Sought 2 the year. 1.1 New York. he would not seek re-election NOW In Now York, a spokesman Jet Returns next yesu-, admitted Tuesday WASfHINGTCXN (AiP) — Our Lady of Unity Mothers for toe British U.N. mtoston said night tola did not satisfy his po­ President Nixon, docItirfnK Circle will meet tomorrow at 8 Caradon would make recom- litical opponents and he could p.m. at the home of Mrs. Rob­ mendaitons on toe basis of hie After Hijack not cope with mob violence that “hxfkation is a form of ert Neiswanger, 45 Kennedy Rd. Judgment of toe situation In An- wracking Pakistan’s eastern economic aggresskm," pro­ gUHa. MIAMI (AP)—A young, culy- half, on toe other side of India. posed to Oongrees today The commission on educatiem "The- tone Lord Oiuadon halred Latoi who said he was "My first task is to put toe ad­ spends there wlH depend on Ms ministration back on the rails," that the probtem be met by of South United Methodist trying to get to his home in Ven- Church will meet tomorrow at own assessment, but it will Yahya said, "Strikes and indus­ ^tending the income tax 6 7.80 p.m. at the church. The probaMy last a tew days," he esueia hijadeed a Delta Air trial unrest have brought toe surcharge for another 12 stewardship and finance com­ added. Lines Jet carrying 114 persons to nation to toe edge of an abyss. months end by makihg sig- mission will also meet at 7:80 ■.The delegation chief is going oiiba teday. "The nation has to be pulled n’lfidant cuts In fMerei at the church. to Anguilla in Ms capacity as After nearly eigIM hours in back to safety and normal con- spendlilng. minister of state for Common- Havana, Oapt. WilUam Wood ditlona have to be restored with­ In a special message, Nbeon Aviation Ordnance Chief Paul wealth reladons at the British alriiner to Miami and a out delay. I and the armed reported that at least half of the S. Rieley, won of Mr. and Mrs. Fiorsign Office. score of FBI agents spent more forcea could not remain idle budget aurptuses envMoasd fai George Rlsley of 127 Highland spectators of tola state of near than one hour queriionbig the January by focmer Prstedwit St., recently received an Air anarchy.’ ’ passengers as they remained Lyndon B. Johnoon already Medal for completing 60 mis­ He assured toe people toe aboard toe craft at Miami Inter­ have evaporated—In sotne oases sions as a crewman-navigator African Mask in Coventry Exhibit REDUCED SPECIALLY national Aiipoit. armed forcea “have no political in support of the U.S. Military ambitions and will not prop up because of Inflation and In oth­ An African mask on display in toe Coventry Town Hall. Flood Threat “ We ■were about 16 m'lnutes ers because of overiy opamlstlc in Vietnam. The award was oiit of Daltos bound for Ban Die­ any individual or party,’’ and he The exhibit, sponsored by toe HMorical Society, includes indicated he would go through eati (nates. made aboard the USS Ranger go when he heard a sharp rap carvings, masks and musical instruments all brought from FOR THIS EVENT! with constitutional reforms Faced with that attuaflan, in toe Gidf of Tonkin. He enter­ on toe cockpit door,’’ Wbod said. Sierra Leone by Dr. Vernon L. Phelps of Windham, who w«^k- Said Easing promised by Ayub before his re­ Nixon said he will propose budg­ ed toe service shortly after ‘"nie engineer unliocked toe ed there as a missionary. (Herald photo by Bucelvltclus.) signation. et revlslonB (or the flsoal year graduation from Manchester BOSTON (A P)—Foreoaste of door and toe man came in, Yahya, 63, is considered to starting July 1 that will rsdpoe High School in 1948. His wife, dry weather for at least the n e x t pushing Stewtordess Donne Church of Christ will have a A m ost unusual collection o f have pro-Westem views despite ^lending "signifleanUy ‘ below Alberta, end their three children A Lenten Service will be con­ two days eased toe flood threat Cheatam ahead of him with a prayer meeting service and con­ visits to Moscow and Peking Ameirfban helicbptor pilots look at ’wreckage o f their the amount recommended in live in Oakharbor, Wash. ducted tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. today in aoutoem New EMgland snub nosed revolver In her gregational singing tomorrow at at Zion Evangelical Lutheran earlier tola year. He fought with January." He game no detsila. where 1 to 8 inches of rain Tues- side.’’ gunsh'ips in front of badly damaged Navy ware­ 7:30 p.m. at the church, Lydall Church. DESIGNER FASHION SUITS British forces in Italy and the The cMe( executl've, in calling Three Manchester men fired day turned streets into lakee Wood said toe hijacker, a man and Vernon Sts. Middle Esuit during World War houses at U.S. base of Dong Tam south of Saigon (or a oonttausUon o( the 10 per expert with the M-14 rifle during and poured water into thou- about 6-feet-5 and in his late 80s, n and was appointed Ayub’s cent federal income tax surtax basic combat training at Ft. The adult study class of South sands of baBentents. said he wanted to go to Santiago Packard Grilled today fOyowihg a Vieit Cong mortar attack. The in 100% all wool wool blends. military commander in East beyond Its scheduled Jime 80 ex- Dix, N.J. They are James H. The Little Theatre of Man­ United Methodist Church will River twaiefaers said the flood or Havana. '' Butler, son of Mr. and Mrs. chester play-reading committee meet tomorrow at 10 a.m. in Pakistan in 1963. In toe 1066 In- pitot was seriously injured and co-pilot killed in piratlan, declsred: danger remained along large, "He said that he wanted to try dlan-Paklstanl war he com­ Josef^ H. Butler of 338 Spring will meet tonight at 8 at the Susannah Wesley Hall of toe "As I have said bMore, the fast-rising rlveits like the Con- to get to Venesuela eventually,’’ manded an Infantry division and the Chopper. Ooncussion from exploding ammuni­ St.; Christopher M. Totten, son Thertre Workshop, 22 Oak St. church. The Rev. Carl Saimders surcharge is a temporary tax These fabulous spring suits tailored in an array nectlcut, Merrimack, Housaton- Wood i^aid. “ He said that toat was decorated for bravery." He Over ^Safeguard’ of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. The first half-hour of the meet­ is the leader. tion dump at the base knocked the aircraft to the that murt be ended as soon ss o f soft monotone colored shetlands, and color­ Ic and diaries swollen by runoff was his home and he had been became commahder-ln-chief of Totten of 50 Summit St.; and ing is open to members wishing our fsommltments in Southeast ful checks and tweeds. from the rain and melting snow in toe United States for years.’’ the army in 1966. WASHINGTON (AP) — Chair- would deter a Soviet attack by ground. (AP PhotofiBX via radio fnoim Saigon) Thomas E. Dunphy, son of Mr. to make suggestions of produc­ There will be a Lenten Vesper from the winter's big storms. Miss Cheatam was forced to -Asia and econonde oontUttoos and Mrs. Eugene Dunphy of 667 In India, situated between " « « unaoc«qitabiy permit." tions to be considered by the Service tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. Fashioned in single and double breasted Allen R. Zenowita, director of sit in toe observer’s seat in toe N. Main St. committee. East and West PtUclstan, mem- ^*® Relations Commit- Ugh risk o t devastaring retaU- at Concordia Lutheran Church. dressy and classic styles. toe Massachusetts dvU Defenw e o c k ^ t and toe MJadeer stood T” * o7 toe' rMins »------pressure on --the------Nix- aUon.’’ In the Senate, Sen. Mifce Mansfield o( Montana, the ma­ Sizes 8 - 18. Agency, said more than 40 com- behind her the entire trip, Wood ______. the tu7 administration today to seek "The- Sa(egua(V’’^(M|l6yinent, Ammunition Dumps Explode munfttss requested tkiod oontrol said. ^ pawrtan would lead to «>® therefore, shows the Soviet jority leader, sold earlier toat eXmgresB should insist on a aso- aid. The Ariny Corps of Elngi- Because of toe neoessity (or "political adventurism or reli­ viets before deploying the Safe­ Union toat we are not planning unri big spending out ew Ms price lieers dispatched experts to going through CXistoms alter the gious fanatlciem,’’ meaning new guard antimissile system. to attack theih and that they for extending toe surctaatgc. many towns. CXiba flight, toe passengers attacks in disputed KEMhmir or "Test the water and see what can reasonably negotiate arms A Enemy Mortars Hit After the message was re­ An Elnglneer spokesman said were kept aboard at Miami dur- on Pakistan’s Hindu minority. their attitude is," he told D^ni- control agreements that protect leased Mansfield repeated to re­ 300.000 sand bag» had been dis- Ing a long grilHng of the crew Martial law regulations an­ ty Secretary of Defense David deterrence while giving up of­ porters that he fovors attaching tributed os a precautlDnary by FBI agents. nounced by Radio PaMstsui R. Packard. “They say they are fensive , first strike use of long measure and 100,000 more were At one time a Delta represent- In the mood to do it. I can^t un­ roag^e nuclear -weapons,’’ he a spending limitation to toe sur­ banned all strikes, demonstra­ tax measure. eiiockplled in Ft. Devens in atlve came off toe plane end tions and political meetings, derstand our reluctance.’’ contended. Base Near Saigon As (or extending the surtax, said, ’"niese people want a cold imposed strict press censorship, "It's not my place to decide "Safeguard gl-ves the Soviets Mansfield said: "I’m afraid it At Brockton, a city of about beer. Try and get a couple of and provided for establishment when arms control talks are another’ incenUve to negt^e: "We were expeoUng It be­ SAIGON (AP)—Enemy was> a difficult decision for the 86.000 population In southeas- cases.’’ of military courts. going to be undertaken,’’ replied It shows them that any effort on cause we bad information from to make. But with toe Mhsaaxtousetts, rising wa- From time to time a passen- D e^ ite toe strike ban, plants Packard, who appeared before their pert to acMeve a success- mortars sitruck a major a prisoner,’ ’ Hunt tMd A P pho- Vietnamese war and other ex­ of the Salisbury River ger was escorted off by an- IiBl remained closed in Karachi’s In- the foreign relations disarma­ fid first strike is fruitla be U.S. iwlse south o f Saijgon penditures still on our backs, be ment subcommittee to submit added. tograi4|er Max Nash. (See Page Eight) early today, biowm* up 500 probably didn’t have much (See Page Eight) (See Page Eight) techiilcal data in support of the Hunt said about 18 rounds o i Safeguard system. f poUcy state- anununitSbin, wreck- choice." ment, Packard turned to a se- . » -»j- j.. 120mm mortars, the biggest in i „ the House, both Speaker But he modified that stsde- ries of charts depicting toe s c o r e s o f bUlluinSTS, May but, after extensi've Congress. the same hostile questioning others . "We thought that was H," questioning o t Secretary of De­ WASHINGTON (AP) — Army again today meant that Eisen- They attrtbutei] Eisetdio'^/er's and comments that greeted Sec­ ShelVng of toe headquarters said Hunt. "M any men had left "This is not a problem toat doctors reported today toe con- bower was "near death." Doc- retary of Defense Melvin R. fense Melvin R, Laird, toe sub­ base of the 9to IntantryDIvlsiao their bunkers, after toe first at- the President alone can solve," "remaficable ability to recover committee ran out of time. Ford added in a statement, dltlon of former President tors replied "not necessarily.’’ from ao many major iUneases’’ Laird when he appeared Friday at Dong Tam, 40 miles south of tack.’’ Dwight D. Elsenhower remains isupport of the $7 blUton Safe­ The vtsual aids had received a Saigon, was one of 80 rocket and Then came anotoer barrage needs the help of the Congress But in reply to another ques- to "Ms inherent stamina.’’ warm reception from the crlUcal and evidence of his guard plan to protect toe na­ mortar attacks by toe Viet Oong about midnight. One of the first and he needs the help of the The physicians also said El­ tion’s retaliatory nuclear Armed Services Oommittee ear­ on the 82nd night of their spring ahells Mt an ammunltton stor- people. senhower is always conscious lier last week. "despite the fact that all appro- , strength. offenrtve. age pod, triggering a aeries of "Business, labor and consum­ general physical "except when sleeping" and priate therapeutic measures are ® The deputy secretary declined When 5H hours of critical North Vietnamese troops fol- explosions in at least half a doa- ers, all must make a commit­ being utlUised.’ ’ condition "and not reapondtng added he Is lucid enough to con­ ment to the goal that Phresldent to treatment” could be expected to be drawn into speculation questioning left no time for lowed up one of toe attacks with en more pads. After toat toe A morning medical bulletin verse easUy with those around about potential damage to U.S. showing of ____ „ ______, ______. Nixon has set, that of erasing to endure severe congestive him. the charts Friday, an Infantry charge toat carried Americans couldn’t dlstingiMsh read to reporters by Cfol. John cities if Safeguard missiles in­ Laird told the subcommittee—a them to toe barbed wire perime- the incomliw rounds from'^beir current infiaUonary psychol- L. Bradley, executive officer of fsUure. In their bulletin late Tuesday, tercepted and destroyed incom- fooal point for strong oppositltm ter of another American base 46 own explodhW ammuniUon. “E the Walter Reed Army Hospital, Asked to compare the 78- Ms doctors said Eisenhower l.ig enemy nuclear missiles. to Safeguard-UuU “I’m sure I mfloe northwest of Saigon. Be- Two crews got thrtr heUcop- “ “ er” purchasing also said Eisenhower "slept year-old general’s condition at “has shown no deterioration in "The name of the game is not can convince you’’ once the ad- fore toey were driven off eight t«r» off toe ^ u n d comfortably through most of the ^ pr^nt time with Ms concH- the last 24 hours, Ms condlUon to figure out what happens In ministration had laid out its full American air cavalrymen were left open the pcsstoUlty . . . Augu^at the time of continues to be critical.’’ TMs that kind of Instance but to con- aigument. killed, 17 were wounded and that he might call for scaling were A tolrd helicopter “He conUnues to enjoy brief his seventh and most recent oor- y n a toe first time they had used aider it (Safeguard) a deteir ent was down or repeal of toe surcharge The Safeguard system calls enemy bodies were destroyed on toe g^round. visits with members of too onary heart attack and when critical to describe Ms condH- 13 we don't get Into a nuclear for deidoyment of Sprint and t®und on toe barbed wire. within the year of its extemrion immediate family,’’ it added. doctors described It as "very tion. w ar," he said. The 9to Division base has should toe Vietnam war end and .1 -1. c,-.. , Spartan Interceptor missiles at Hunt of McLean, Va., Reporters had asked whether critical,"—toey replied: "His c" u ^ j . Noting toe Safeguard s mis- sites to protect toe nation’s chief of staff of the 9to DivlMon, been shelled more than a dozen inflationary pressures ease, u s T S T to e word "crlUcaJ^’ In conduTon is consdtotred to ^ sion is to protect the U.S. nu­ e^m ^ thaT “>e enemy’s spring The surtax is expected to Tuesday night’s bulletin and critical." (gee Page Eight) clear capability, Packard said it (See Page Eight) tons of ammunition, mostly offensive. yield (9.6 blHlon if extended. small arms, went up in the at­ Scores of helicopters and him- In addition, Nixon called for 2 tack on the Dong Tam base. (See Page Eight) (See Page Eight) INew Tank Dubbed Plan Would Take Effect Jan. 1 ) ^Billion $ Boo Boo’ By JACK KNEEOE must not be fired when the Nixon to Seek 7% increase 6 Associated PreM Writer launch 'veMcle is in motion." You like stumbling down the stairs in the middle of the night? WASHINGTON (AP) — The —"Under extremrty dusty In Social Security Benefit chairman of a House subcom- conditions, toe present air mlttee has accused toe Army of cleaner requires cleaning or re- By VINCENT J. BURKE The Social Security proposal on toe rise in hospital ciiarges a "bUllon-dollar boo boo” in de- placement every 1% hours." The Los Angeles Times will be a m ajor feature of the and jloctors’ fees paid under veloplng a new tank because: These were the findings of a WASHINGTON — President domeetic legislaUve program government programs. —Although the tank is for re- previoualy classified document Nixon plans to ask Oongrees the President has promised to Moreover, the debate Is like­ The Wall Phone. soon to Increase Social Security Pul il on your kitchen The Princess.’ connalsance, tt can be heaxxl ttmt Rep. Samuel Stratton, D* unveil next month. ly to produce a major challenge w ill, your workshop This lilile beauty has three mile® a/way. N.Y., ordered the Army to re- benefits and payroll taxes, effec­ Administration officials said to the traditional, widely-hdid tive next Jani 1, toe Los An­ wall, any wall /a built-in night li^hl. -It has a “rocster tail ex- there is a strong chance the leg­ view that Social Security ahould / 75( a month’ haust" system that makes R an tesUmony on the Sheri­ geles Times'leanied Tuesday. islative package also will in­ operate as a self-flnanoed in­ The Trimline.* dan tank. Barring last minute revisionB, We call il the easy target. clude an enlargement and re­ surance program. Mr. Nixon wlU oall for on phone of the Stratton, chairman of the sub­ vision of toe food stamp pro­ The challenge Is expected to -Its ceseless ammunition is across-the-board increase of future.The dial's ultra-inflammable, leaves burn­ committee of the House Armed gram and a major start on a come from a growing band of right In the seven per cent in cosh benefits. Services Oommittee, said "the long-range overhaul of toe liberal Democrats, including handle. 31.25 a ing residue in the breech wMch To offset the inflationary im­ people have a right to know tola federal welfare program. Senate majority wMp Edward month’ 'can prematurely ignite a round, pact, part of an already enacted Incredible story." . Submission to Congress of the M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), who '7^ and Is adversely affected by payroll tax increase that is not \ Stratton charged toat the President’s Social Security blU want cash or hn«pi#aUMH«« moisture, oil, and rough han­ scheduled to take effect until The Desk Phone. Army had rushed the weapons wlU open a pandora’s box of benefits, or both, eoqianded be­ This one is all businati. dling. 1971 would tie ratimed to go into S3rstem into combat and oontroversy. yond what is generally regard­ It comes in 11 colors, —’’Due to a giroblem with pseductlon in order to eliminate effect in 1970. It almost certainly will be­ c z including black. ed as a tolerable level of payroll Anderson-Little The immediate result for 1970 come a legtslative battleground for spUled fuel shouM be made tion by the Bureau of the Budg- would be to take an addlUonal for struggles to expand Social Th« Southarn New England Talephone Company W E H O N ^ $1.7 biltlon in ammal Social Se­ Such an ex pension in benefits, IN MANCHESTER caMMirBHBsss ^ In iiuirte **“**“•* *«swtory of defense. Security’s medlcare-hoepltalUa- therefore, would have to be curity taxes from workers and tlon program, to add drugs to ^ **® ■ucceeded during toe hear- financed by general treasury (BJaiJcherter Faricade) ^egt Middle Tdrapike-BroBd Street employers and put the money the federally subsidized physi­ ( TmMTMI^CAM j ^ admission from revenues, thereby blurring tbs wUl c ljr air Intake g r t ^ and ^ Army offtcer, U . Cbl. Stan Hiis is the Sheridan tank, in development o f 'which the Army has been ac­ into the hsstds of 36 million re­ cians’ insurance for the elderly, Phone 647-9775 109 existing distinction between the tiw radla^. req u lrin g ^u m t gheridan, that the tank WMjec- tired and disabled workers, to UmU skyrocketing costs of ’ In addition to service connection, monthly and one-time charges. cused of a “bilHon dollar ’botyboo" by Rep. Samud Stratton, D-N.Y., chairman Social Security and welfare cleonlng to a'void overheating.’’ wives, wMows and children on federal medloal aid to the poor, —"The (ShUMagh) misaSe (Seo Page Tweaty-Foor) of aubcommittee of House Armed Services Committee. (AP Photofax) Social Security benefit rolta. and to Impose legislative curbs (See Page TeisRj-glx)