Soldier of the Month

9th Corps, 3rd Div 7th Corps, 2nd Div 18th Corps, 1st Div 2nd New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, Co, D 10th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, Co. I 1st Lieutenant Henry Emerson

Born – 1842 Muster in Private 2nd NH – May 10, 1861 Captured – July 21, 1861 – Bull Run, VA Discharged Paroled Prisoner – June 30, 1862 – Concord, NH Muster in Sergeant 10th NH, Co. I – August 19, 1862 Promoted 2nd Lieutenant Co. C – January 12, 1863 Wounded – May 13, 1864 – Proctors Creek, VA Promoted 1st Lieutenant Co. C – July 13, 1864 Killed in Action (22) – October 27, 1864 – Fair Oaks, VA Civil War Service – 3 years , 5 months

Pine Hill Cemetery Battle of Darbytown and New Market Roads, VA

Alfred Waud - Inscribed above image: 1st Connecticut Battery Capt. Clinton. Our skirmish firing at the rebels in the woods. The Gerhadt House. Inscribed on verso: View of the action on Thursday 27th from the Johnson House looking across the Darby town road on the 10th corps front. Gen. Butler Staff & Bodyguard riding to the House. raining hard. More sketches tomorrow. Inscribed below image as indicators: ambulances; cavalry going out to support the Battery (overcoats on); Gen Butler staff & Bodyguard; Darby Town Road; Infantry provost guard; cavalry provost guard; provost guard; Yard of the Johnson House.

On October 27, 1864, in combination with movements against the Boydton Plank Road at Petersburg, Maj. Gen. attacked the Richmond defenses along Darbytown Road with the General ’s . ’s XVIII Corps led by 1st Div. 2nd Brig. 10th NH marched north to Fair Oaks where it was soundly repulsed by Field’s Confederate division. 1st Lieutenant Henry Emerson was killed during this attack at Fair Oaks, VA. Confederate forces counterattacked, taking some 600 prisoners. The Richmond defenses remained intact. Of Grant’s offensives north of the James River, this one was repulsed most easily. 1st Lieut. Emerson is buried at Pine Hill Cemetery – Dover, NH.

Service – 2nd NH 1st Battle of Bull Run, VA – July 21, 1861

Service - 10th NH Battle of Fredericksburg, VA - December 13, 1862. Siege of Suffolk, VA - April 12-May 4, 1863. Battle of Drewry's Bluff - May 14-16, 1864. Battle of Cold Harbor - June 3, 1864. Battle of Chaffin's Farm, New Market Heights - September 28-30, 1864. Battle of Fair Oaks, VA – October 27, 1864