7 December 2013 3 Safar 1435 - Volume 18 Number 5906 Price: QR2 ON SATURDAY

Time readers pick Sisi as person of the year

LONDON: Egyptian army chief Abdel Fattah El Sisi has pulled ahead of pop star Miley Cyrus to claim the top spot in Time magazine’s annual reader poll for person of the year, in a vote that saw accusations of hacking for the second year in a row. Time announced the results yesterday, reveal- ing that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan came in second with 20.8 percent of the votes. He came in just above Cyrus, who had 16.3 percent of the vote. The vote comes ahead of the magazine editors’ per- son of the year announcement next week. To reach the top spot, Sisi collected 26.2 percent of the votes. He was elected deputy prime minister after helping oust Mohammed Mursi, one of four runners-up in the editors’ competition last year. More than 1.9 million people voted using a Twitter hashtag and using an online poll. THE GUARDIAN Europe winter storm claims nine lives

BERLIN: Icy winter storms with hurri- cane-force winds yesterday lashed north- ern Europe, where the death toll rose to nine while hundreds of thousands were left without power or stranded by trans- port chaos. Emergency services across the region battled to evacuate flooded harbour areas, sandbag sodden dykes and repair damage from toppled trees that crashed onto houses, roads, train tracks and power lines. See also page 9 Jordan elected to UN Council

UNITED NATIONS: Jordan was yes- terday elected to a two-year term on the UN Security Council, taking the seat that Saudi Arabia won and then rejected in a protest over Syria’s civil war. Jordan, which will take up the seat on January 1, won 178 votes from among the 193 mem- bers of the UN General Assembly and was the only candidate put forward for the 1918-2013 vacant post. India endorses draft WTO deal

NUSA DUA: India yesterday approved the draft of a multilateral trade reforms package, clearing the way for the first global trade deal in almost two decades. “We are more than happy. It is a great Adieu, Madiba day. It is a historic day,” Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma said after four days of marathon and intensive negotiations among ministers here. “It is Real leaders must be ready a victory for the WTO and for the global community to have arrived at a mature decision,” he said. The draft agreement is to sacrifice all for the a significant victory for India whose pro- gramme of stocking subsidised food grain to ensure cheaper food for its people was freedom of their people. considered to have blocked the progress of negotiations. See also page 14 AGENCIES [email protected] | [email protected] Editorial: 4455 7741 | Advertising: 4455 7837 / 4455 7780 DECEMBER 7, 2013 ON SATURDAY 02 Home Icon’s death lost in region’s strife Arab media fails to pay due tribute to anti- hero

DOHA: Mainstream Arab news chan- On Al Arabiya, the other prominent nels downplayed Nelson Mandela’s Emir sends condolences channel of the Arab world, not much death as their counterparts elsewhere on Mandela’s death attention was paid to Mandela’s death. in the world devoted considerable time In its news bulletins the TV station slot- A supporter of the to its coverage and flashed it as the top DOHA: The Emir H H Sheikh ted the news of the great leader’s death news of the day. Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani sent a almost at the end. Popular Arab TV stations, on the con- cable of condolences to South African The channel kept airing video clippings trary, continued to focus on bombings in President Jacob Zuma on the demise sent out by readers showing funerals of Palestinian cause Yemen, sectarian violence in parts of the of African leader and former South Shia fighters and anti-Sunni sloganeer- Arab world, and the political situation in African president Nelson Mandela. ing at these processions in a provocative Egypt. The Prime Minister and Interior way. DOHA: Nelson Mandela, an ardent supporter of the Al Jazeera Arabic almost downplayed Minister H E Sheikh Abdullah bin Contacted for comment, journalist and Palestinian cause, had strong ties with Arab leaders. the great leader’s demise in its news slots, Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani also writer Dr Ahmed Abdul Malik said he During his term in jail under ’s apartheid regime, giving it routine coverage much after sent a cable of condolences to Zuma. was surprised. “Sadly, the current gen- the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, Yasser Arafat, main news items on Yemen and Egypt. QNA eration of Arabs knows nothing about hailed him as a fighter of the liberation movement. Its English-language version, however, Mandela because the Arab media do not Mandela was an admirer of the political reforms of the late was quick to air a special programme as pay much attention to such international Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser, whom he met after the part of Al Jazeera Magazine devoted to a long-winding debate featuring experts stories.” February 1962 Pan-African Freedom Movement for East, Central the departed leader. and analysts. The Arab media instead continued to and Southern Africa meeting. The programme was titled ‘Nelson Attempts to contact Al Jazeera devote time to their regular entertain- Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi provided political and material sup- Mandela (1918-2013), a special issue’. Network’s spokesman for comment on ment shows, he said. “Mandela was such port to Mandela and the African National Congress. Al Jazeera Arabic devoted much time the issue failed as he didn’t respond to a lofty historical figure and his sacrifices Mandela, hailed as a champion of the Middle East peace proc- to the bombings in Yemen and carried calls from this newspaper. and principles are of great value to the ess, in turn, spoke strongly against the Israeli occupation of entire world.” Palestinian territories after the 1967 Six Day War. Prominent newspaper columnist Faisal But analysts believe that many in the current generation of Al Marzouqi also said the Arab media’s Arabs are not aware of Mandela’s efforts. Outpouring of grief on social media treatment of the great leader’s death was “I understand completely well why Israel occupies these lands. a surprise to him. There was a war. But if there is going to be peace, there must be DOHA: While the Arab media disappointed its audiences with poor coverage of “He wasn’t an iconic figure in South complete withdrawal from all these areas,” Mandela said during Nelson Mandela’s death, people in the Arab world poured out their hearts and Africa alone. He was an international fig- his presidency. showered immense praise on the departed soul. ure with hardly any parallel in contempo- Mandela’s message of peace crossed ethnic as well as religious The new and emerging social media in the Arab world proved once again that it rary history,” said Al Marzouqi. boundaries. During an address at the Oxford Centre for Islamic is mightier than its traditional counterpart. He said it was an irony that the Studies, Mandela said: “Islam has enriched and become part of A pan-Arab campaign on Twitter titled ‘#Mandela’ was launched yesterday to pay Western media, owned and run by those Africa. In turn, Islam was transformed and Africa became a part tribute to the departed leader. The participants came from countries across the Arab who were the staunchest supporters of of it. African centres of learning served not only as a path for the world, including Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Libya and Iraq, among others. apartheid, had devoted so much time to absorption of the doctrine of Islam, but also contributed to the A highlight was participation by Waddah Khanfar, the former boss of Al Jazeera. the death of a man who fought the racist development of broader Islamic learning.” He recalled that when an Israeli religious leader called on Mandela once and com- policy tooth and nail and ended it. It comes as no surprise, then, that Palestinian leader Mahmoud plained why he had invited Yasser Arafat, Mandela replied: “We are not going to “I really don’t know why they down- Abbas was the first Arab leader to issue a statement on Mandela’s allow the enemies of yesterday to do what to do with yesterday’s friends”. played the sad event,” he said. “The death yesterday. Paying tribute to Mandela in her own way, a woman participant, Fida Fehaid, said Western media are still supporting the “Mr Mandela was a symbol of liberation from colonialism and cowards die many times in their lives but brave people like Mandela die only once. Israeli version of apartheid.” occupation,” Abbas said in a tribute to Mandela’s commitment Someone from Benghazi, Libya, said in the Twitter campaign: “The values good An analyst who didn’t want his name in to the people of Palestine. people stand for are appreciated after they are no more”. print said that coincidentally, the South He added: “The Palestinian people will never forget his his- Ahmed Masood recalled Mandela’s famous quote: “We know that our freedom is African regime adopted the discrimina- toric statement that the South African revolution will not have not complete unless the Palestinians are free”. tory policy of apartheid in 1948, the year achieved its goals as long as the Palestinians are not free.” Celebrated intellectual Anas Al Tikriti, a British citizen of Iraqi origin, said about Israel came into being. In an open letter to Mandela, jailed Palestinian leader Marwan the UK: “Amazing that the country that declared Mandela as a terrorist has put its “Mandela was a staunch supporter of Barghuti said Mandela’s struggle for freedom inspired Palestinians flag on half mast in mourning and its media are singing praise of him.” the Palestinian cause so the Arab media to believe that their own liberation was possible. Mohamed Al Mayoof said he was learning about Mandela from a digital archive should have had all the more reason to “And from within my prison cell, I tell you our freedom seems project dedicated to his life history. focus on this event,” said the analyst. possible because you reached yours,” he wrote. Abdul Aziz Al Hais said he read Mandela’s biography about a decade ago but still Not surprisingly, then, Israeli media, in Egypt, meanwhile, has announced three days of mourning for remembered one of his famous quotes: “Routine is like a prison.” their coverage of Mandela’s death, dubbed Mandela. THE PENINSULA him an enemy of their state. THE PENINSULA & AGENCIES THE PENINSULA

Nelson Mandela: Life and times 1961: Mandela emerges ‘Meeting Mandela was as leading figure in ANC Nelson Mandela, who has died at the age of 95, struggle – forms armed wing, was one of the world’s most revered statesmen. Umkhonto we Sizwe The former president and freedom fighter led 1963: Rivonia Trial. the struggle to replace the apartheid regime of Mandela and 10 others greatest moment’ EARLY LIFE South Africa with a multi-racial democracy charged with capital offences July 18, 1918: Nelson 1964: Mandela sentenced DOHA: A South African expatriate yes- anti-apartheid protests while in college and Rolihlahla Mandela born to life imprisonment. Sent terday said the greatest moment in his life university, he did watch fellow students being near Qunu, in Transkei, to Robben Island, where youngest son of principal was when he briefly met the now-departed chased by the police during demonstrations. he is incarcerated for 18 counsellor to Thembu clan Nelson Mandela in some 16 That was in Cape Town, where he said he of his 27 years in jail. years ago. was born and raised and where Muslims come 1939: In Given prison number 466/64 Mandela was at an auction of his personal from a mix of racial and ethnic backgrounds. he experiences apartheid effects to raise money for the African National Aside from the natives, there were Indians system which forbids black Congress (ANC) when Mohamed Moeneeb and Cape Malays, among others, who were all population to vote, travel Emeran said he and his wife met him. discriminated against during apartheid — the without permission, or own “That was a brief encounter. I grabbed his latter with their origin in Malaysia. “I was land. Completes law degree hand for a warm shake and I asked him how born into a Cape Malay family.” 1944: Marries first wife, he was.” Emeran said in remarks to this newspa- Evelyn Mase. Founds “My wife and I still recall how peaceful we per that his bitterest memory of apartheid African National Congress Youth League with colleague felt after that meeting. He had some kind of was when as a teenager he went to a theatre Oliver Tambo (below right) PRISONER TO PRESIDENT highly spiritual side to his personality.” to watch a movie with his siblings, and as he “He was a father figure for all South approached the ticket window he was told that 1990: President FW Africans,” said Emeran, adding that he was the show was exclusively for whites. De Klerk ends apartheid system and lifts ban on ANC. 27 when Mandela took over as president of “I was shocked. I felt I was a second-class Mandela freed February 11 their country. citizen in my own country, with no rights.” Though Emeran said he didn’t take part in Emeran said many outside South Africa did 1991: Mandela elected president of ANC not know that during apartheid dark-skinned people were not the only victims or racial dis- 1993: Divorces Winnie Flag flies at half mast crimination. Within the white population of 1994: Mandela becomes DOHA: The South African embassy yes- British descent, the rich were treated differ- South Africa’s first black terday lowered its country’s national flag ently from others, he said. Then, there were RIGHTS CAMPAIGNER president after landslide to half mast as a mark of respect for whites from other European countries like 1952: Convicted for his victory in first free elections Nelson Mandela, the country’s first black Greece and Portugal. “They were also victims part in ANC’s mass civil 1999: Hands over power president and a Nobel Peace Prize laure- of racial discrimination under apartheid.” disobedience campaign after first term ate, who passed away late on Thursday. Love for football brought these less privi- against unjust laws. RECENT YEARS Opens first black legal firm At the ambassador’s residence, too, the leged whites closer to the dark-skinned popu- Shifts energies to battling in South Africa with fellow flag was lowered. The embassy will keep a lation. “Football is generally considered a sport South Africa’s HIV/AIDS lawyer Tambo Nelson Mandela, 1963 book of condolence at its premises this morn- of the dark-skinned and these less privileged crisis. Marries Graca Machel ing for the general public. Europeans, being fond of it, mixed freely with 1956: Mandela and 156 in 1998. Forms other political activists For VIPs and members of the diplomatic us.” As a student, Emeran said he could not The Elders – detained, accused of group of world corps the book will be kept on Monday, a write his final school exam in 1985 due to a conspiring to overthrow leaders – to senior South African diplomat told this general anti-apartheid boycott. “My father state by violent means. tackle global newspaper. sent me to a private school the next year so I Trial collapses in 1961. problems, 2007 There are an estimated 3,500 South didn’t lose any more school years, and there I Following divorce from 2010: World Cup Final Africans in Qatar, working in different sec- met a lot of students of British descent.” marks last public appearance tors. Many have their families with them. “We were friendly. There was hardly any Evelyn he South African ambassador Saad Chachalia racist feeling among them.” marries 1960: Sharpeville Massacre. Sixty-nine Dec 5, 2013: Father of South African democracy is in South Africa, having travelled earlier, Mandela, said Emeran, will be missed by Winnie black protesters killed when police open fire Madikizela during peaceful demonstration against rule dies following several and is expected back tomorrow. the world, and more so by his compatriots, for in 1958 that forces black citizens to carry passes. ANC banned years of poor health THE PENINSULA whom he sacrificed his entire life. Source: Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela Pictures: Associated Press, Getty Images © GRAPHIC NEWS THE PENINSULA DECEMBER 7, 2013 Home 03 ON SATURDAY

Getting ready Emir receives More dialysis phone call from King of Morocco patients at Al DOHA: The Emir H H Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani received yesterday a telephone call from King Mohammed VI of the Kingdom of Morocco. Wakra Hospital Bilateral relations and ways to boost them, in addition to regional and international issues were dis- Well-equipped centre completes a year cussed during the phone call.

DOHA: The Dialysis Unit at replacement for lost kidney func- Emir, Premier greet Hamad Medical Corporation’s tion in people with renal failure. (HMC) Al Wakra Hospital is Patients who need dialysis are Finnish President currently treating over thirty unable to filter waste products patients. The number of patients from the blood and if these waste DOHA: The Emir H H Sheikh has gradually increased since it products don’t get filtered from Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani opened a year before, says a sen- the blood, they can be poisonous has sent a cable of greetings to ior official. to the body. the President of the Republic The unit operates six days a Patients who need dialysis can of Finland on the occasion of week with two shifts on three be split into two groups: those suf- his country’s Independence days to accommodate the number fering from chronic kidney dis- Day. of patients coming to the dialysis ease or failure and those suffering The Prime Minister and unit and to provide suitable time from acute kidney disease. For Interior Minister H E Sheikh options for patients who work patients with acute kidney injury, Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa during the morning. the condition can be revers- Al Thani also sent a similar cable. The unit has eighteen dialysis ible and the patient can make Doha prepares for National Day celebrations. TOP: A building on the C-Ring Road adorned with huge Qatari stations with the latest dialysis a full recovery after treatment. QASSIM RAHMATULLAH technology. The stations are also However, for those with chronic flags. BELOW: Temporary galleries to watch National Day parade on the Corniche. Al Sada meets separated into different sections kidney disease or failure, a condi- for men and women, providing tion that often results from dia- Croatian President patients with adequate privacy. betes and high blood pressure, the Dr Ihab El Madhoun, Senior problem usually isn’t reversible ZAGREB: Croatian President Consultant Nephrologist, Head and the patient will require regu- Ivo Josipovic met here yester- of the Renal Unit at Al Wakra lar dialysis until a kidney trans- day with the Minister of Energy Hospital said: “Since the opening plant becomes available, explained and Industry H E Dr Mohamed of the Dialysis Unit at Al Wakra Dr El Madhoun. bin Saleh Al Sada who is cur- Hospital, our unit has witnessed Patients with chronic kidney rently paying an official visit to great progress in the service pro- disease usually require hemodi- Croatia. vided to patients. When we first alysis three times a week, explains Dr Al Sada conveyed the opened the unit, we had only a few Dr El Madhoun. He adds, “Each Croatian President greetings of patients, but now there are over session takes around 4 hours and the Emir H H Sheikh Tamim thirty patients with chronic kid- completing the sessions is an bin Hamad Al Thani and his ney disease having regular dialysis essential part of patients’ com- wishes of best of health and through Al Wakra Hospital dialysis mitment to proper treatment. further progress and prosper- unit.” For this reason we aim to pro- ity to the Croatian government Dialysis is a lifesaving treat- vide our patients with the most and people. ment for patients with advanced comforting environment during Talks during the meeting dealt chronic kidney disease for remov- their treatment.” with relations between the State ing excess water and waste The unit has eighteen dialysis of Qatar and the Republic of products from the blood. It is stations with the latest dialysis Croatia and ways to develop them used primarily as an artificial technology. THE PENINSULA in various fields. QNA Strong Northwest winds Ministry to start free bus starting from today service to tourist centres DOHA: The Department of Meteorolgoy said the the country is DOHA: Free bus service may soon be available for people affected with extension of ridge of wanting to explore the tourist destinations in Qatar. high pressure from the north of Saudi The buses will be introduced by the Ministry of Municipality Arabia starting from today. and Urban Planning as a part of a national plan to pro- Fresh northwesterly winds inshore mote tourism in the country, a local Arabic daily reported and strong speed sometimes rang- yesterday. ing between 10 to 18/25 knots and also The service will be accessible to citizens and expatriates strong wind speed offshore may reach 20 as well as foreign tourists. to 30/40 knots resulting to a rise in sea In the initial phase, the buses will conduct shuttle services waves of 6 to 9/12 feet offshore. to places of importance inside Doha city, while buses to des- The temperature will drop between tinations in other parts of the country will be introduced at maximum 22 to 25 degrees Celsius and a later phase, said the daily. minimum between 16 to 19 degrees The tourist buses, with dedicated pick up and drop off Celsius and may reach the minimum points will also help reduce traffic congestions across Qatar, temperature in the southern areas to it added. less than 16 degrees Celsius associated THE PENINSULA with some scattered clouds. The wind will continue till Wednesday. QNA

Participants at the population dynamics seminar organised by The Doha International Family Institute (DIFI). DIFI seminar on population dynamics

DOHA: The Doha International Marriage and family formation; participation from Dr Abdallah Family Institute (DIFI), mem- trends and patterns in fertility Badahdah and Dr Caroline ber of Qatar Foundation, con- and family size; population migra- Barakat. The “Adolescents and cluded its population dynamics tion and the family, adolescents the Family 2” discussion, mod- seminar with the introduction and the family; and intergenera- erated by Dr Abdul Aziz Farah, of KIVA, a new form of debate tional and gender issues affecting included a presentation about and discussion that allows stu- family cohesion. “Measuring the job quality con- dents to rapidly collect large Tuesday’s first discussion, cept of youth in Egypt” by Dr Ali volumes of data within a limited titled “Population Trends and Rashed, and another presentation time-frame. Arab Families: Implications for by Dr Majed Al Eissa from Saudi KIVA provided students the Research,” was moderated by Arabia. Prince Amadichukwu opportunity to discuss with Dr Fadwa El Guindi. Day-two gave his views on the behaviour researchers women’s rights and also included a presentation and relationships of adolescents children’s issues and share views by Dr Carla Makhlouf titled in the Arab world. in an open and frank environment. “Adolescents in Arab Countries: The first day of the seminar DIFI hosted a number of inter- Major Health Issues and Their focused on a policy dialogue and national and regional scholars, Social Context,” while Dr presentation of research papers. scientists, and policy makers to Mohamad Mohieddin discussed The policy dialogue specifically discuss the population and demo- “Migration and the Family in considered the impact of popula- graphic trends affecting the Arab Arab Countries.” tion dynamics on the Arab fam- Family. Dr Maher Khalifa moderated ily and the policy implications of The seminar focused on five key a discussion on “Adolescents those changes. topics related to Arab families: and the Family 1” which saw THE PENINSULA DECEMBER 7, 2013 ON SATURDAY 04 Home/Middle east Ibtikar focuses Paragliders perform on elderly care 22 teams participate in the programme DOHA: With the number of sen- enabled students to create solutions ior citizens expected to double in driven by an innovative information the next decade, according to cen- technology-based approach,” said sus data from the Qatar Statistics Selma Limam Mansar, associate teach- Authority (QSA), ensuring the eld- ing professor of information systems at erly are catered for is high on the Carnegie Mellon Qatar. nation’s agenda. This year, it was The Ibtikar winning team, The also an important topic at Carnegie Solution, from Doha College, addressed Mellon University in Qatar’s Ibtikar one of these issues; loneliness amongst competition. the elderly. Their proposed technol- Carnegie Mellon Qatar’s information ogy integrated all existing social media systems outreach programme, Ibtikar, apps into one easy-to-use applica- engages high school students to design tion, enabling the elderly to maintain creative solutions to tackle important relationships with family and friends socio-cultural challenges facing the confidently. community. “The elderly population is rising Among those challenges is seeking every year and it was great to cre- professional care for the elderly, which ate technology that will make a dif- is uncommon in Qatar’s society. Less ference to people’s lives. We began than two percent of senior citizens in the project through conducting some Qatar are admitted to nursing homes, market research that ensured we cre- leaving families and untrained carers, ated something that would be mean- who lack the knowledge and resources, ingful for our families and for Qatar,” to take the helm. said winning team member Dulshan “We came up with this year’s theme Jayasekera from Doha College. of enhancing elderly life as it is impor- Some 22 teams of junior and sen- tant for us as an institution to take ior high school students had six weeks on issues of national importance and to come up with an innovative idea to Paragliders perform during the World Police Cross-Country Championship at the Qatar Racing and Equestrian Club in Doha yesterday. we felt that students would be able to address the needs of Qatar’s senior citi- Qatar won the overall team championship in the one-day contest for men and women, which was organised by Qatar Police Sport relate to the topic. The familiar theme zens or carers. THE PENINSULA Association. Makida Abdela Wordoza of Qatar won the women’s 8km race while Isaac Korir of Bahrain clinched the top place in the men’s section. Around 200 athletes from 27 countries took part in the championship. SYED OMAR Al Meera opens Arafat’s widow to challenge new branch at French forensic probe Al Qutaifiya RAMALLAH: The widow of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat pledged yesterday to challenge a French inquiry which found his DOHA: Al Meera Consumer death to have been from natural causes, rather than poison as Goods Company has opened its Palestinians suspect. new branch at Al Qutaifiya. “A request for further expert opinion will be submitted in the next It will be first Al Meera branch few days to investigating judges in (the Paris suburb of) Nanterre,” in the country that will be open to Suha Arafat’s French lawyer Pierre-Olivier Sur said. the public 24 hours a day, seven Suha Arafat lodged a murder complaint in Nanterre in July last year days a week. The new branch, The newly opened Al Meera supermarket at Al Qutaifiya. after an Al Jazeera television documentary linked Arafat’s 2004 death with an innovative design con- at a military hospital near Paris to polonium poisoning. sists a ground floor complex that 850 square meters, while the total operates 33 branches in Qatar addition, Al Meera operates five “After consultations with many legal experts and with the Swiss includes Al Meera supermarket, area of the branch is around 3125 while construction of seven new outlets in Oman. institute which examined samples from the martyr Arafat’s remains, shopping outlets and a number of square meters. shopping malls are underway Construction of new malls is and having compared the French and Swiss reports, we have decided restaurants. With the recent openings of at Rawdat Ekdeem, Al Azizia, scheduled to be completed by the to turn to the French legal system to challenge the findings in the The selling area of Al Meera Nuaija and Al Qutaifiya stores, Zakhira, Al Wajba, Muaither, end of next year, the company French medical report,” she said by phone. supermarket at Al Qutaifiya is Al Meera company currently Al Wakra, and Al Thumama. In said. THE PENINSULA “There will be a meeting between the French and Swiss experts in the coming days to discuss and compare the reports,” she said. On Wednesday she said she was “shocked” by the French findings, announced the day before. “I’m still completely convinced that the martyr Arafat did not die a natural death, and I will keep trying to get to the truth,” Suha said. US reassures “How the French haven’t found anything is completely illogical,” she added, pointing to conflicting conclusions reached by Swiss experts Jordan replaces Saudi Gulf allies over who studied the same samples. Arafat’s remains were exhumed last year and some 60 samples Iran nuclear deal were taken and divided between Swiss and Russian investigators and a French team carrying out a probe at his widow’s request. in UN Security Council MANAMA: Pentagon chief The French team believes that the naturally occurring radioactive Chuck Hagel holds talks in element radon, found in the ground, explained high polonium levels in Bahrain yesterday to reassure the samples, Suha Arafat and Sur said. UNITED NATIONS: The UN rights body on November 12. warned of a shift away from the anxious Gulf allies that the US Professor Francois Bochud, head of the Lausanne Institute of Applied 193-member UN General A week later Jordan, which United States in part over what military will maintain a robust Radiophysics and co-author of the Swiss report, said on Wednesday Assembly elected Jordan to the closely follows regional heavy- it sees as Washington’s failure regional presence despite a that he too found the French findings challenging. UN Security Council yesterday weight Saudi Arabia on most foreign to take action against Syrian nuclear deal with Iran. “It’s a bit difficult to follow their reasoning,” he said. to replace Saudi Arabia, which policy issues, announced its plan to President Bashar Al Assad and Defence Secretary Hagel, who The circumstances of Arafat’s death at the age of 75 have never been rejected its two-year term in run for the Security Council, with its policies on Iran. flew to Bahrain on Thursday determined. Many Palestinians believe he was poisoned by Israel, a protest at the council’s failure officials saying it wanted to raise its Citing the Security Council’s evening, will convey to Gulf claim repeatedly denied by the Jewish state. to end the war in Syria and act international profile and win more failure to resolve the Israeli- leaders at a security conference on other Middle East issues. recognition for accommodating Palestinian dispute, take steps that the United States remains Saudi Arabia was elected in Syrian refugees. to end Syria’s civil war and a steadfast partner and has no October to join the 15-member The officials made clear stop nuclear proliferation in the plans to scale back its military Dubai festival opens with council from January 1, but in Jordan’s bid to win one of the region, Riyadh said the body had deployments or weapons sales to an unprecedented move Riyadh Security Council’s 10 rotating instead perpetuated conflicts and the Gulf Arab states, officials said. declined the role a day after the seats had the blessing of Saudi grievances when it declined the “It’s a somewhat tense time for award-winning Palestinian film vote. While unopposed as the Arabia, its biggest financial backer, council seat that it had won with the region. There’s a lot of ques- replacement, Jordan still needed and the United States. Jordan is 176 votes. Russia and China have tions about US policy, particularly DUBAI: The Dubai International Film Festival opened yesterday, two-thirds approval by the expected to follow closely the Saudi repeatedly blocked resolutions sup- about where things are going in promising a strong selection of Arabic-language feature films and General Assembly. It was elected line on Syria and other regional ported by Saudi Arabia to toughen the wake of the Iran interim documentaries, among them the award-winning Palestinian movie with 178 votes yesterday. crises, diplomats say. The United action against Assad, whose gov- agreement,” a senior US defence “Omar”. “We are extremely honored,” States, Russia, China, France and ernment forces’ assault on rebel- official told reporters travelling Hollywood stars Cate Blanchett and Martin Sheen attended the Jordan’s Foreign Minister Nasser Britain are permanent veto-wield- held areas has been described by with Hagel. opening of the festival. kicking off with a screening of Hany Abu Assad’s Judeh told reporters after the ing members of the UN Security the kingdom as genocide. In private meetings and in Omar, the first-ever Palestinian film to be tipped for an Oscar. vote, adding that the election Council. Jordan is now home to Jordan will now join Lithuania, a speech today, Hagel will seek The enthusiastically-received tale of love and betrayal in the Israeli- “recognises the role of Jordanian more than 600,000 refugees from Chile, Nigeria and Chad as new “to reassure our partners here occupied territories received a jury prize in the “Un Certain Regard” diplomacy worldwide.” the 2-1/2 year civil war in neigh- members of the council, replac- that nothing has changed in our category — a closely-watched category for provocative films or follow-up Jordan emerged last month boring Syria, according to U.N. ing Azerbaijan, Guatemala, defence posture as a result of the works by emerging directors — at the Cannes festival. as the alternative candidate for estimates, though Amman puts Pakistan, Morocco and Togo. recent negotiation and interim Abu Assad shot to prominence in 2006 with “Paradise Now”, about the traditional Arab seat after the figure as high as one million. The other five temporary council agreement with Iran,” said the two would-be suicide bombers. Amman dropped out of a race The refugees are posing a huge members that will remain next official, speaking on condition of A total of 174 films from 57 different countries, including over 100 against Riyadh for a three-year strain on the kingdom’s creak- year are Argentina, Australia, anonymity. films from the Arab world, will be screened at the festival running UN Human Rights Council seat. ing infrastructure and limited Luxembourg, South Korea and Hagel will underscore that “we until December 14. Saudi won the position on the top resources. Saudi Arabia has Rwanda. THE PENINSULA have longstanding commitments Arab films are in competition for the Muhr awards and include here and longstanding partner- Egypt’s “Factory Girl” by Muhamed Khan that explores sexism through ships” and “very high ambitions events in the life of a young female factory worker. for our defence relations in this Among them is also Moroccan feature film “Rock the Casbah” by Gunmen detain Tunisair official for several hours part of the world,” the official Laila Marrakchi with veteran Egyptian actor Omar Sharif in the added. The United States and cast, in addition to other Arab stars including Hiam Abbas and Lubna TRIPOLI: Masked gunmen anonymity. “The gunmen took uprising which toppled now other world powers reached a Azabal. abducted the representative of him to an unknown destination slain veteran dictator Moamer November 24 interim agreement Syrian filmmaker Mohamad Malas’s movie which was shot in his the Tunisian national carrier and several hours later they Kadhafi, with foreigners often with Iran to roll back its nuclear homeland as conflict raged all around, “Ladder to Damascus”, will also in southern Libya yesterday released him,” the source added. the target of unrest. programme in return for limited be screened in Dubai. before releasing him several There were no immediate On Thursday, a young sanctions relief. But the accord, Film festivals in the Gulf region have replaced more established hours later, a local source said. explanation for the abduction, American teacher was gunned coupled with Washington’s reluc- festivals in Cairo and Damascus as the major industry events in the “The Tunisair representative and Tunisair at the carrier’s down in the eastern city of tance to take military action region due to political unrest in Egypt and Syria. was abducted by masked armed main office in Tripoli declined Benghazi, cradle of the uprising, against the Tehran-backed Syrian Now in its 10th edition, “we see the fruits of our labours over the men as he exited the airport in to comment. which has seen chronic attacks regime, has raised alarms among past decade: we have seen the variety and calibre of the films in our Sebha,” a city in southern Libya, Libya has been in the throes on local and foreign targets. mostly Sunni Gulf states that Arab and Asia-Africa Muhr competitions grow exponentially year on the source said on condition of of lawlessness since the 2011 AFP view Shia Iran as a serious threat. year,” said Abdulhamid Juma, chairman of the Dubai festival. AFP AFP DECEMBER 7, 2013 05 ON SATURDAY

Salim Matramkot To mark the 43rd anni- versary of the unifica- tion of the United Arab Emirates, an exhibition of postal stamps from the UAE is on display at Katara Cultural Village. Stamps at the exhibi- tion showcase, among other things, the cul- ture and the flora of the country. The exhi- bition was inaugurated by the Ambassador of the UAE, Juma Rashid Al Dhaheri (left) and the Chairman of General Postal Corporation (Q-Post), Abdul Rahman bin Al Aqaili (second left) in the presence of the Chairman of the Arab Postal Stamp Museum — Katara, Khalid D D Al Mohannadi (third left). The exhibition runs until December 9. Vignettes of the UAE DECEMBER 7, 2013 ON SATURDAY 06 Views





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Nelson Mandela Cartoon Arts International / The New York Times Syndicate

HE world is mourning the death of a true icon. It’s very rarely that the entire world unites in grief at the passing away of a leader, from laymen to leaders, Tfrom north to south and east to west, and it’s rarely Mandela was a great man on that the media dissect in detail every aspect of a person’s life, devoting acres of printed and digital space and hours of airtime, lavishing praise, holding him as a mentor and source of inspiration for generations to come. The story of Nelson world stage, not in home life Mandela will be written in golden letters in the history of BY EMMA G KELLER modern world. had a sense of trauma shared. Later she In those days Nelson Mandela was Mandela died late on Thursday aged 95 at his Johannesburg would have to tolerate the same raids not a family man. Could he have been? home surrounded by friends and family. Three days of ELSON and Winnie Mandela alone. Probably not. But the point is, he chose Mandela’s body lying in state in will follow, and then got married within a year of She didn’t just have to share him with not to be one. He was prepared to sac- on December 15 a state funeral will take place to bury his Ntheir first meeting. Like every- the Security Police. Mandela was used rifice domesticity for the cause of free- thing in their life together, the decision to bringing comrades home with no dom, and he expected his family to do remains in his birthtown of Qunu. was as much political as it was romantic. notice, and the stress of having to feed the same. What he was incapable of Mandela was a saint for South Africans of all races and he Nelson was banned under South African any number of people with little in her realizing until much too late, was that guided them through the frightening dying days of apartheid. law – restricted to a small geographical kitchen often reduced Winnie to tears. the wife he had chosen was chronically A South African journalist recalls an incident to describe the area and not allowed to associate with It’s an ironic picture to consider, when unsuited to such a sacrifice. saint-like respect he enjoyed. Just more than 20 years ago, one more than one person at a time – and one thinks about the waifs and strays, By the time Nelson realized the mis- of Mandela’s closest allies, South African Communist Party on trial for treason. So there could be no Winnie and her notorious Mandela take he had made, the damage had been elaborate celebration and no honeymoon United football team “housed” and fed done. Adored by the masses, but dis- Secretary General Chris Hani, was assassinated at his after what would be his second wedding. 30 years later in Soweto. trusted by the leadership of the ANC, home by a white right-winger. Black South Africans took to the There was no “my wife and I” speech From the start Nelson encour- Winnie founded her own power base streets in an outpouring of grief and rage, but Mandela went at the reception either. Being banned aged Winnie to be involved in politics, with her so-called soccer club Mandela on national television and told about meant that Mandela was not allowed although she was not a particularly United. Nelson was close to release from Hani’s white neighbour who phoned to address public gatherings. interested or enthusiastic participant. prison himself while his wife was keep- From the beginning of their rela- Their politics were never the same. She ing youths imprisoned in her own home. The iconic the police to describe the gunman. He tionship, the cir- believed in “us” versus “them”, which Years of oppression had turned her into anti-apartheid called for calm. It worked. cumstances of his eventually turned into a more egoma- an oppressor, and Mandela blamed It is said Mandela was venerated political life cre- niacal “I”. His was more a shared vision himself. Youths were tortured in the hero has died, by more millions in his lifetime than ated a distance of “we”. But she knew that if she was Mandela Soweto home, in ways identi- but will shine any political figure in history. In his Mandela was between Nelson to have more than a bare minimum of cal to those the South Africa Police had struggle to free his country from prepared and Winnie a role in Nelson’s life she would have to used. The guilt he felt on his release to like a beacon Mandela, despite engage politically. And so she did, ulti- the house where his wife had kept men apartheid, he set an example for the to guide to sacrifice their passionate mately with disastrous consequences. captive, caused him to stand by her side whole world. He was known for his domesticity for the love. The distance The Mandelas had two daughters, as she was charged with four counts of generations to peaceful revolution, long stay in prison, extended from Zindzi and Zeni. Mandela was not kidnapping and assault. His remorse and was rewarded for his struggle as cause of freedom, the symbolic (not present for either birth. He was a made him lean on the authorities to come. he was elected the first president of a and he expected only was there no defendant in the famous five-year-long prosecute an inept case, and it took him democratic South Africa. The world wedding speech, Treason Trial. But when Zeni was three back into court, this time as an old man his family to do the the couple never months old, Mandela and his fellow- who nodded off during proceedings while responded to the qualities it perceived in the man, as well as to same. ate the top tier accused were acquitted, to enormous his wife sat in the dock. It was never his the scale of his achievement. of their wed- surprise and celebration. While he con- intention to leave her, and he only did World leaders are expected to converge in unprecedented ding cake either, ferred with his advisors, Nelson sent so – in a brief speech – when her blatant numbers on South Africa for Mandela’s funeral. Already, although Winnie held onto it carefully Winnie back to their house without embarrassing activities made the ANC comparisons are being drawn with earlier mammoth funeral for decades) to the practical (Nelson him. He knew he was about to disap- party leaders give him no choice. kept a lot of his activities secret from pear underground, and he wanted to do “Ladies and gentleman I hope you ceremonies of Pope John Paul II, Princess Diana, President his wife for her own protection) to the so without her knowledge – again for appreciate the pain I have gone through,” John F Kennedy and Winston Churchill. But Mandela’s appeal physical, he was in prison for 27 of their her protection. The scene of the end of he said at the end of his announcement is much broader and cuts across religious divides and the usual 34 marital years. their domestic life is heartbreaking as of their separation, and then he walked geopolitical barriers. In the early days of their marriage, she tells in her autobiography. slowly, out of the room. “We should all work together to organise the most befitting their house was filled with passion and He was outside the gate, but I couldn’t Eventually Mandela did find marital funeral for this outstanding son of our country and the father laughter. Yet it was also filled with mem- reach him, there were so many peo- happiness, with the Mozambican activ- bers of the South African Security Police ple wishing him well – everybody was ist, Graça Machel whom he married of our young nation,” South Africa’s president Jacob Zuma who rifled through Winnie’s belongings excited. I packed his bag but by the time on his 80th birthday. One of the most said on the funeral arrangements. “The outpouring of love along with her husband’s. This was not I took it out he wasn’t there. He was touching scenes of their life together that we experienced locally and abroad was unprecedented. It something the social worker had experi- gone. Someone else came to fetch the was when BBC gardening program demonstrates the calibre of leader that was Madiba.” enced before and she found it profoundly bag about an hour later … That was the Ground Force went to South Africa to In a world divided on every front, Mandela will shine like a disturbing. But with Nelson at home to last time I saw my husband as a fam- build him a garden at her behest. beacon of hope• endure the experience with her, Winnie ily man. THE GUARDIAN The other side Quote of Creating real jobs the day HE International Monetary Kingdom, not least from the IMF, have young people who are anxious to prove the general drift. When such a circum- Fund has warned that Saudi gently deplored the level of state or par- what they are worth. They hope to stance arises, it represents a loss to Arabia has to boost its private astatal hirings. Though there are leading move on to positions of greater power, the organization concerned, who pre- Tsector to create sufficient government organizations which make where they hope that they can exert sumably hired that person for his train- jobs to absorb its fast-growing young a point of syphoning up the most tal- influence and have a real and beneficial ing and expertise. It also represents a population. Taking figures for the Gulf as ented young Saudis and giving them impact on the country. Unfortunately, greater loss to the Kingdom, which will a whole, the world financial monitor has challenging and fulfilling employment, with the best will in the world, if such have invested hundreds of thousands concluded that GCC countries will need there are too many people employed, inspired young men find themselves of riyals in the education and develop- Let us give Nelson to create 600,000 private sector jobs in or perhaps more accurately, under- surrounded by contemporaries who ment of that person. And perhaps most the next five years, merely to maintain employed in government service of are only interested in their pay checks, sadly, it is a loss to the individual him- Mandela the gift the percentage of national working for one sort or another. The argument that rather than doing their bureaucratic job self, a loss in terms of professional pride of a South Africa private enterprise. Moreover, warns the this does not really matter, because for to the best of their abilities, then a clear and indeed of self-esteem. Washington-based institution, even this better or worse, these individuals are danger arises. Not only will their par- Bureaucracies are as notoriously united, one. rate of job creation would at best, take earning incomes which are fed into ticular departments be run inefficiently, bad at finding ways to reward success up only a half of all the young people the Saudi economy, is fallacious in one there will also be a major de-motiva- as they are at punishing failure. It is by Desmond Tutu entering the job market. important respect. Within every ministry tional impetus. This could prompt able no means a uniquely Saudi failing. Former Anglican Successive economic studies of the and government organization there are individuals to simply give up and join ARAB NEWS Archbishop of Cape Town DECEMBER 7, 2013 Views 07 ON SATURDAY Mandela: Never revolutionary, always radical South Africa’s first black president was a political leader guiding a developing country through a transitional phase.

BY GARY YOUNGE really been a continuation of the kind of life where the family didn’t have access fitting way to commemo- to him.” rate Nelson Mandela is to While Mandela’s time in jail was what describe his arrival in the eventually made him famous, his actual townships during the first arrest, imprisonment and conviction in democratic elections in 1994. 1962 were not exceptional. They chimed AThe crowds travelled up to 100 miles in with the fate of those middle-class cattle trucks or minibuses to get to places Africans and people of African descent that apartheid had deliberately made who led the struggle for racial equality, remote and barren. Then they waited for civil rights and post-colonial democracy, hours, in a ramshackle stadium with little not just locally but globally. shade. Despite being punctual in his per- Between his initial arrest and his con- sonal life, Mandela on the campaign trail viction at Rivonia, several countries — was always late: a victim of overambitious Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Kenya and scheduling and inefficient minders. Zanzibar — became independent, and the Finally, the crowds saw his caval- civil rights act was on its way into law in cade throw up dust in the distance, and the United States. they began to sing the campaign song Mandela’s final words from the dock Sekunjalo Ke Nako (Now is the Time). struck a chord across continents. “I Everyone started to dance, ululations have fought against white domination, and cheers growing in intensity. Many and I have fought against black domi- of those present had not seen Mandela nation. I have cherished the ideal of a Mourners lay flowers outside the house of the late South African president Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg yesterday. even on TV, and knew his face only from democratic and free society in which all posters and newspaper pictures. Flags persons live together in harmony and for the movement politically. He was not lesser mass of black South Africans, tried through a transitional phase. His singu- and placards hoisted above heads created with equal opportunities. It is an ideal an apparatchik. But with the liberation to recount the country’s recent history lar and considerable achievement was to a ripple at first, then a wave of excite- which I hope to live for and to achieve. of the country dominating his life, every- as the personal triumph of a principled pave the way for a stable democracy. ment on a sea of black, gold and green. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which thing else took second place. After being leader over ignorant and unruly follow- He was never a revolutionary. While The rush of energy did not subside I am prepared to die.” in prison for so long, he was not in a posi- ers. Towards the end of Mandela’s first other freedom fighters on the continent until Mandela had taken the stage half His speech would only become well tion to make mistakes. term, I attended an emigration semi- were embracing socialism and pan-Afri- an hour later. By then the crowd had got known decades later. For what was always However, he not only had a symbolic nar, where the speaker mesmerised an canism, Mandela at his trial praised the what it came for — proximity, a sight- truly remarkable about Mandela’s story status but was the embodiment of huge, overwhelmingly white audience with an country’s former colonial power. “I have ing, to be present in history. For hours is not that he was jailed when he was pent-up expectations – so once released, apocalyptic vision. Holding up a copy of great respect for British institutions and after the rally, people walking home from (the apartheid regime thought nothing he could only disappoint. When Mandela Goes, a book by journal- for [Britain’s] system of justice. I regard the stadium punched the air and shouted of murdering Steve Biko 13 years after- For some on the left he was insuf- ist Lester Venter, he said: “People – this the British parliament as the most demo- amandla (power) at passing cars. wards), but that he was in prison for so ficiently strident. He sold arms to book is a wake-up call. The bad news is cratic in the world.” The problem with personifying a many years. Long after the rest of the Indonesia, proceeded too softly with that [when Mandela goes] the pawpaw’s But he was always a radical. national, political aspiration, as Mandela world had abandoned the crudest forms many dictators and left too many of really going to hit the fan. Comfortable with communists, he could did, is that it becomes difficult to see of segregation, at a time when Malcolm apartheid’s economic inequalities intact. “The good news is the fan probably have left jail a lot sooner if he had been where the man starts and the movement X’s grandchildren had started school and As an activist he had embraced the won’t be working.” prepared to ditch his comrades in the ends. In the end, only death could sepa- the Berlin Wall had come down, apart- ANC’s Freedom Charter, a statement It is important to recall just how wide- name of pragmatism. More recently he rate him from that conundrum. Symbol, heid was still standing. of core principles, which included such spread these fears of chaos and incompe- was forthright in his condemnation of emblem, father of the nation, embodi- “The same mistakes that we made demands as “land to be given to all land- tence were when Mandela was released. the Iraq war, insisting that the attitude ment of the movement; for most of his were made in the United States and the less people” and “living wages and shorter Majority rule, many claimed, would lead of the US was “a threat to world peace”. life he had few opportunities just to be ex-colonies,” FW de Klerk, the last presi- hours of work”. to communism, internecine tribal war- Once he left office, until his health himself. Barbara Masekela (sister of jazz dent of apartheid-era South Africa, once But as president he emerged into a fare and economic collapse. While these deteriorated, he remained active in glo- trumpeter Hugh), who looked after him told me. “Then we carried them on for unipolar world, dominated by neo-lib- forebodings were more than tinged with bal and local affairs, always strategic in during his 1994 campaign, described how around 20 years longer.” eral globalisation, and his new govern- racial disparagement, events elsewhere his interventions but often also outspo- he would try to give her and the body- Mandela and South Africa became ment had to negotiate its way to stability. on the continent gave them credibility. ken. Through his foundation he pur- guards the slip in airports, just for the symbolic of unfinished business: the Arguably, it had a stronger hand in these By the time Mandela took the stage at sued his campaigns for social justice and chance to browse in the shops on his own. final chapter in the narrative of end- negotiations than it thought. Mandela the Grand Parade rally in Cape Town to reconciliation. “The moment he stepped out of prison ing formal segregation. The anti-apart- could, at that time, have got a better deal claim victory and do what is now know as If he had thrived for longer, who knows he was national property, and it was as heid campaigns, which made Mandela’s for the poor by following a more redis- the Madiba Jive, the Rwandan genocide what he might have done: perhaps revived if we were lucky to get 10 minutes of imprisonment their focus, were in a sense tributive agenda. was well under way. the non-aligned movement and made it his time for the family,” said Winnie anachronistic in the late 20th century, Others strained only to see him as a Most criticisms of Mandela as a leader more relevant in a multipolar world, or Mandela, at a time when she was already and were a rare clear-cut moral cause, of moral force; not so much post-racial as were simplistic because they started turned his attentions specifically to the estranged from him. “I think the family which Mandela stood as an unimpeach- post-partisan. Subscribers to the big man from the basis of proving or disprov- interests of African youth or women. But is still waiting for him. Psychologically he able champion. theory of history, and others who simply ing his sanctity, rather than trying to he was 95. He couldn’t live forever. And, hasn’t come out of prison, in the sense This led to a sanctification that was as wanted to put Mandela on a pedestal to understand him for who he was: a politi- for one lifetime, he had done enough. that now he is back for the people. It has hard for him personally as it was helpful establish a distance between him and the cal leader guiding a developing country THE GUARDIAN When Syrian misery goes unheeded Latest use of Hollande’s Many are torn by the human doctrine in Central Africa disaster and want Assad to go but BY SIMON TISDALL scalating French military involvement in the Central African Republic represents the latest application of what might be are wary about military action. termed the Hollande doctrine, a self-consciously benign form of armed interventionism based on international authority and BY MORTON ABRAMOWITZ E Americans have not collec- local consent. In sum, France’s president François Hollande has developed tively expressed great concern or a new formula for invading other people’s countries, by doing it nicely. mericans pride them- reached deep in their pockets to Since taking office in May last year, Hollande has ordered, or per- selves on helping the provide desperately needed aid, petuated, French military operations in Ivory Coast, Somalia, Mali and distressed. They have nor have humanitarian agencies now the CAR. He was also a keen backer of western military interven- Aindeed been generous aggressively pursued funds from tion in Syria. These engagements were preceded by the Anglo-French when people and countries are in the public. Aid has come mostly intervention in Libya in 2011, under Hollande’s predecessor, Nicolas trouble. But our public and gov- from increasing government A man walks past damaged buildings after a suicide bomber carried out an Sarkozy. For France’s happy interventionists, each expedition has had ernment have also been compla- appropriations. attack near a base used by Bashar Al Assad’s forces in Qamishli. a primary humanitarian focus. But they have also served to bolster cent in the face of massive human The absence of public clamour fading French international prestige, especially in its former African suffering. Recall Rwanda and has made it easier for the Obama desperate Christians sinks stead- and around Syria, but they either colonies, and to boost Hollande’s low approval ratings. Oppressed by Cambodia. More recently, the US administration to stay on the ily into oblivion. have tried and failed to arouse the economic woes, the French appear to enjoy incisive military action public has watched passively for sidelines of this international Why do they not cry out to US public, or they are averse to abroad (as long at it works). As Napoleon, another pint-sized French well over two years the continu- wreck, seek empty UN resolu- help their brethren? Many would beating public drums for Syrian leader knew, la gloire makes little men feel grand. ing destruction of a highly devel- tions and get away with pro- ask whom should they support in relief. It is already very late. More The Hollande doctrine promotes a broader agenda, about how to “do” oped state: Syria, where more viding funds for humanitarian Syria, a country beset by deep- money is needed for the displaced international security. It is a reply to the perceived US retreat from than 120,000 civilians have been assistance without doing more ening sectarian divisions. Syrian and those who will soon swell historical responsibilities in Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere. killed and more than 6 million left to resolve the issue. Christians have suffered badly their numbers. It is about the advance of China in Africa, wielding power but scant homeless. Many would argue that the and feel desperate about a future Just as important, an agree- responsibility. It is about showing European leadership (the contrast Nine million people need anaemic public response to the in an Islamist-dominated country. ment between the warring parties with perceived British apathy is marked and savoured). humanitarian assistance. More Syrian debacle is not surprising. Their support and security and their international patrons As much as anything, the doctrine is about stemming the tide of than 2 million Syrians are refu- It is incessantly pointed out that still come mostly from President or some other approach is now Islamist extremism and sectarianism that threatens swaths of territory gees in neighbouring countries. Americans are exhausted after Bashar Al Assad. Many US required to get much greater from the Horn of Africa to the Sahel and Maghreb – and potentially, More than 3 million others are two wars and that much more churches apparently choose to assistance into Syria. the soft European underbelly of which France forms a vulnerable part. now beyond the reach of humani- needs to be done at home, as the remain silent in an anti-Assad Assad and his foreign support- The Hollande doctrine, as applied in Africa at least, aims specifi- tarian agencies, according to the president asserts. world. ers have not had to fear what cally to supply humanitarian security assistance in states where law United Nations. Some always feel that What about the US Jewish an energized US public might and order has broken down. Secondly, it only operates with UN back- All of these numbers increase Americans squander too much on community? Jewish advocates demand of its government. Ways ing or acquiescence, and preferably the support of the African Union daily; hence the urgent inter- others’ problems. The country is have been in the forefront of must be found beyond bombing and, in West Africa, Ecowas. Thirdly, it seeks the prior consent of national calls for more direct also supposedly tired of its mas- responses to humanitarian crises runs for the United States and local parties, namely those who most closely share western values humanitarian assistance and the sive continuing military involve- from the Balkans to Africa, where other Western governments to and interests. In Ivory Coast, for example, this was the election win- scrambling diplomatic activity. ment in Muslim countries. they helped generate sustained save the millions of Syrians at ner, Alassane Ouattara, whose opponent, Laurent Gbagbo, refused to With no prospect of Western Yet many constituencies that support for Bosnia and Darfur. risk as well as limit the destruc- step down. Finally, the objectives of any intervention are defined and military aid to end the conflict would usually promote greater Many are torn by the human tive spillover for friends in the limited, with the aim of handing over to regional peacekeepers, as is and little likelihood of a negoti- involvement appear to be sitting disaster and want Assad to go, region. happening slowly in Mali. ated solution, greater humanitar- out the Syrian crisis. but, like other Americans, they are Those who care must rally Hollande, following a re-evaluation set in motion by former prime ian assistance is seen as the only Evangelical churches that wary about military action, includ- around a common banner of minister Alain Juppé and reinforced by Sarkozy, is bent on a judicious way of helping millions of belea- urged presidents to provide ing the armed delivery of humani- pressing the US government to and measured revival of French interest and influence in a region which guered people for an uncertain greater help for southern tarian assistance within Syria. urgently take extraordinary steps Paris once dominated but had appeared to let slip. For France’s happy time — an extraordinary admis- Sudanese seem uncharacteristi- Humanitarian agencies have to save many more Syrians. interventionists, the prize is La Francophonie redux. sion of political failure. cally silent as a country full of been doing extraordinary work in WP-BLOOMBERG THE GUARDIAN DECEMBER 7, 2013 ON SATURDAY 08 Middle East

Journalist Yemen military gunned down in Iraqi regains control Kurdistan

SULAIMANIYAH, Iraq: Gunmen shot dead a magazine of compound editor investigating corruption in the autonomous Kurdistan region, the latest in a series of attacks on journalists in Iraq, Troops kill 11 militants media rights groups and police said yesterday. SANA’A: Yemen’s Defence (holy fighters) have heavily struck Kawa Ahmed Germyani, the Ministry said yesterday it one of these rooms in Defence editor-in-chief of Rayal magazine had regained full control of Ministry headquarters,” Ansar and a correspondent for Awene its Sana’a military compound Al Sharia said in a Twitter post newspaper, was gunned down on a day after a militant attack early yesterday. Thursday night, said Rahman that killed 52 people, and an Al “Such joint military loca- Ghareeb, an official from Kurdish Qaeda-affiliated group claimed tions, which participate with the media rights watchdog Metro responsibility for the assault. Americans in their war against Centre. Troops killed 11 militants in this Muslim nation, are a legiti- A police captain confirmed the violence triggered by a sui- mate target for our operations,” Germyani had been killed. cide bomber and gunmen wear- another tweet said. Ghareeb said that Germyani, ing army uniforms, the ministry The US military raised its 32, was shot in the head and chest said. Also among the dead were alert status in the region after in front of his mother at his home medics from Germany, Vietnam, the coordinated strikes on the in the town of Kalar, which lies India and the Philippines, and 167 ministry. south of Iraqi Kurdistan’s second- people were wounded. Murad Batal Al Shishani, biggest city Sulaimaniyah. It was the worst such attack a London-based analyst of Bahraini demonstrators take part in an anti-government protest in the village of Saar, west of Manama, yesterday. Germyani had received threats, in 18 months, heightening Islamist groups, told Reuters the and he was taken to court by poli- international concerns about attack was likely to strengthen ticians and officials over his work threats emanating from a state American-Yemeni cooperation Protesters clash with police in Bahrain to uncover corruption, Ghareeb that shares a long border with against security threats. said. Saudi Arabia, the world’s top oil “I don’t know about the (US) “We are appalled by Germyani’s exporter, and flanks key interna- drone programme (targeting mili- MANAMA: Demonstrators the main Shia opposition bloc Al is organised by the International murder and offer our heartfelt tional shipping lanes. tants), if this will escalate it or calling for democratic reform Wefaq to protest against a crack- Institute for Strategic Studies. condolences to his family and The interim Yemeni govern- not. But generally, this will not clashed with police yesterday down on opposition activists. Witnesses said police beefed up colleagues,” media rights group ment is fighting southern seces- affect the relationship. It will give in Shiite villages near Manama Witnesses said the protesters security in Shiite villages ahead of Reporters Without Borders sionists and northern rebels them more reason to cooperate,” ahead of an international forum held up pictures of jailed Shiite the forum and set up checkpoints (RSF) said in a statement. in addition to Al Qaeda-linked he said. on Middle East security, wit- opposition leaders and banners on roads leading to the hotel host- “A professional journalist who militants, who are seeking to Shishani said Thursday’s nesses said. carrying “messages” for top offi- ing the four-day conference in the covered corruption and nepotism overthrow the government and attack, which combined a suicide A Shia-led uprising to demand cials, including from Britain and Seef area near the capital. in Iraqi Kurdistan, Germyani impose their version of Islamic bombing with a shooting spree, changes in the kingdom was the United States, due to attend Bahraini authorities have knew he was in danger and had law. looked like an attempt “to copy- crushed in March 2011 but almost the two-day Manama Dialogue banned protests from taking place told the region’s authorities about A Defence Ministry statement cat the Mumbai-style attack”, weekly protests against the forum that opens last evening. in Manama. the threats he had received,” the said three of the militants were referring to a 2008 assault on authorities have been since staged “To those meeting at the At least 89 people have been group said. killed at the compound’s gate, two hotels in the Indian city that in Shia villages around Manama. Manama Dialogue (conference): killed since the protests began, “His murder could have been three inside the premises after killed nearly 200 people. Yesterday, dozens of protesters, Are you aware that there are according to the International avoided if they had taken the nec- they had killed the foreign med- He said it also echoed Islamist mostly youths, clashed with police female detainees in Bahraini Federation for Human Rights. essary measures to protect him.” ics in a hospital there, while five militant attacks this year on a in the villages of Sanabis, Deraz, jails?” read one banner. Authorities arrested hun- RSF added that it is “worried others were pursued and killed desert natural gas plant in Algeria Sitra and Diya, hurling stones “Why do you support democ- dreds of activists, mostly about the very dangerous cli- later on Thursday. and the Westgate shopping centre and petrol bombs at the security racy for people of other coun- Shias, in the wake of the 2011 mate for journalists both in Iraqi Responsibility for the attack in Nairobi, Kenya. forces, witnesses said. tries... (and not) in Bahrain?” uprising,dozens have faced tri- Kurdistan and the rest of Iraq, was claimed by Ansar Al Sharia “They’re resorting to this sort The protesters also blocked read another banner. als and as many have been con- and about the impunity enjoyed (Partisans of Islamic Law), an off- of tactic because it gains more roads with burning tyres, the wit- British Foreign Secretary victed to jail terms. by their attackers and killers.” shoot of Al Qaeda in the Arabian media coverage, and it shakes nesses said. William Hague is due to deliver Rights groups have denounced Germyani’s killing came less Peninsula (AQAP), based in the trust of the normal people in Police responded by firing tear the keynote address at the annual the arrests and trials in Bahrain. than two weeks after another Yemen and among the most active the security agencies. They say, gas and sound bombs to disperse forum that focuses on Middle Bahrain is home to the US journalist, Alaa Edwar, was killed and strongest arms of the global ‘You see, it’s easy to attack and we them, they added. There were no East security when it opens at Fifth Fleet, a crucial naval hub in the city of Mosul in northern jihadi network. have done that.’ That’s the mes- immediate reports of casualties. around 1800 GMT. that oversees aircraft carriers Iraq. “As part of the policy of tar- sage they’re trying to send,” said In the village of Sar near US Defence Secretary Chuck and other warships patrolling the Three more journalists were geting the operation rooms of Shishani. Manama, thousands of people Hagel will also give a speech today, strategic Gulf sea lanes. killed in Mosul in october. pilotless planes, the mujahideen REUTERS took to the streets at the call of the second day of the forum which AFP AFP

Lebanon military court sentences Dozens held as Egypt reporter to jail police disperse demos BEIRUT: A Lebanese court has sentenced reporter Rami CAIRO: Egyptian police daily protests to demand Mursi’s Aysha to six months in jail, a arrested dozens of Islamist pro- reinstatement. press freedom watchdog said testers yesterday when they Mursi, overthrown by the yesterday, calling for the con- dispersed rallies across the military following massive ral- viction to be scrapped and all country, the interior ministry lies demanding his resignation, charges dropped. said. is on trial on charges related to Aysha was abducted on August Riot police fired tear gas at the deaths of opposition pro- 30 in southern Beirut, a bastion separate protests in Cairo and testers during his single year in of Shia militant group Hezbollah, clashed with Islamists in other power. while investigating a story on provinces, amid a campaign to Some who campaigned for his arms trafficking, and then turned stamp out unrest following pres- ouster now condemn the police over to Lebanese authorities, who ident Mohammed Mursi’s over- for what they call their unchecked jailed him. “During this process, throw in July. brutality, following arrests by he was repeatedly interrogated Police have shown little tol- secular activists who violated the and tortured,” the Reporters erance for the Islamists’ rallies new protest law brought in late Without Borders watchdog said. since Morsi’s removal, and a new last month. He was released on bail on law allows them to clamp down Demonstrations at places of September 27, and then sentenced hard on all but interior ministry- worship, or starting from them, in absentia last week by a military sanctioned demonstrations. are now banned outright. court to six months in jail “on a Thirty protesters were arrested The new law also requires the charge of purchasing firearms,” in Cairo and 43 “rioters” were organisers of any demonstration RSF said. held in seven other provinces, a to seek authorisation three days Aysha is currently outside of ministry statement said. in advance. Lebanon but plans to return on Battered by a crackdown that Permission can be denied if the December 8, when authorities are Muslim Brotherhood and ousted president Mohammed Mursi’s supporters (background) clash with Egyptian riot has killed more than 1,000 people protest is deemed to present a expected to arrest him in Beirut police during a demonstration in the streets of El Zeitun neighbourhood, close by Al Qubba presidential Palace and seen thousands more jailed, threat to national security. airport. in Cairo, yesterday. the Islamists still organise almost AFP RSF, citing Aysha, said he would “be held indefinitely by the Public Security Department pending a new trial before the military court.” A new trial “could result in the Iran, world powers meet on Monday on N-deal implementation confirmation of the (latest) judge- ment and sentence to prison,” RSF added. VIENNA/BRUSSELS: Iran tasked with verifying that Iran car- resolving a decade-old dispute relief from sanctions that have operating, could yield bomb-grade Speaking via the Internet, and six world powers plan ries out its part of the November over Iran’s nuclear programme severely damaged the oil produc- plutonium. Aysha said he would challenge the expert-level talks next week to 24 interim accord — “will have that has stirred fears of a new er’s economy. Highly enriched uranium and judgement. “I will challenge this work out details of implement- some involvement” in the meeting, Middle East war. Diplomats and analysts stress plutonium can both form the fis- (ruling),” he said, adding that he ing a breakthrough agreement IAEA spokeswoman Gill Tudor It was designed to halt Iran’s that many difficult hurdles remain sile core of a nuclear bomb. Iran, a would not cancel his return home, for Tehran to curb its disputed said, without elaborating. nuclear advances for a period of to overcome - including differ- major oil producer, says its nuclear despite the sentence. “This is the nuclear programme in return Western diplomats said the six months and buy time for nego- ences over the scope and capac- programme is designed solely to place where I live and I don’t care for a limited easing of sanctions. experts must iron out nitty gritty tiations on a final settlement of ity of Iran’s nuclear project — for produce electricity and isotopes about their injustice. I will never Officials from Iran and the matters of implementation not the standoff. Diplomats say imple- a long-term solution to be found. for medical and farming purposes. stop reporting,” he added. United States, France, Germany, addressed in Geneva before the mentation may start in January Under last month’s pact, Iran In next week’s talks, govern- RSF called for all charges Britain, China and Russia are to deal can be put into practice. after the technical details have will stop the activity most appli- ment experts will also discuss against Aysha to be dropped. “We meet on December 9-10 in Vienna, These include how and when been settled. cable to producing nuclear weap- details of which components Iran call for the definitive withdrawal where the U N nuclear watchdog the IAEA will conduct its A diplomatic window opened ons — enrichment of uranium to is not allowed to install at the Arak of all the proceedings against agency is based, diplomats said expanded inspections and other after the election in June of a rel- a higher fissile concentration of plant under the agreement, as well Aysha and the quashing of his yesterday. technical issues. ative moderate, Hassan Rouhani, 20 percent — and halt installa- as issues pertaining to sequencing conviction,” RSF said. The International Atomic The landmark agreement as Iranian president, on a pledge tion work at its Arak heavy-water of gestures by both sides. AFP Energy Agency — which will be is seen as a first step towards to end Tehran’s isolation and win research reactor which, once REUTERS DECEMBER 7, 2013 International 09 ON SATURDAY

People walk during snowfalls caused by hurricane Xaver at Old Town in Gdansk, northern Poland. RIGHT: Seagulls swim alongside abandoned cars on the flooded Harbour Road in Helsingborg, Southern Sweden. Europe winter storm claims nine lives Flights cancelled at Amsterdam, Berlin, Hamburg and Gdansk airports; blackouts in Poland, Sweden and Germany

BERLIN: Icy winter storms 50,000 people in Sweden and taken to hospital.” The previous tidal surge since that disaster, but called out 2,000 times, deal- Christian Herold of the mete- with hurricane-force winds yes- 4,000 homes in Germany, while day in Britain, a lorry driver died Environment Agency spokesman ing with road and rail accidents orological service said, with terday lashed northern Europe, thousands of air passengers were when his vehicle toppled onto Tim Connell told the BBC that that left four people injured, and dykes higher and building design where the death toll rose to stranded as flights were cancelled other cars in Scotland, while an “the defences seemed to have held damage including roofs ripped off improved. nine while hundreds of thou- at Amsterdam, Berlin, Hamburg, elderly man riding a mobility up well”. houses and smashed windows. In Scandinavia, the Oeresund sands were left without power Gdansk and other airports. scooter was struck by a falling Children in Germany’s storm- road and rail bridge between or stranded by transport chaos. The highest ocean swells in tree in Nottinghamshire, central HAMBURG UNDER WATER hit areas were allowed to stay Sweden and Denmark was closed Emergency services across the decades—brought by the strong England. In northern Germany, the Elbe away from school. In snowy overnight but reopened early region battled to evacuate flooded winds and a large tidal surge— Also, two Filipino sailors were River harbour of Hamburg was Berlin, hefty winds brought down Friday as authorities scaled down harbour areas, sandbag sodden smashed into dykes in northern swept overboard from a ship under more than six metres of the 13-metre-tall Christmas tree the alert level from the maximum dykes and repair damage from Germany and the Netherlands, off southern Sweden and have water — the second highest level outside the residence of President 3 to 2. toppled trees that crashed onto which however reported no major remained missing, with the since records were first kept in Joachim Gauck. Still, German In the low-lying Netherlands, houses, roads, train tracks and breaches. search called off, while a 72-year- 1825 — leaving only the tops of authorities said the worst had defences withstood water levels power lines. The total death toll rose fur- old woman died in Denmark after lamp posts sticking out of the been averted, compared to disas- that had reached their highest Atlantic storm “Xaver”, having ther, with one man killed by a strong winds tipped over her van. freezing waters. ters such as severe floods in 1962 point since the floods of 1953, barrelled across Britain where falling tree in southern Sweden, Despite the deaths and turmoil, Also in Hamburg, a fallen tree that left 340 people dead. public broadcaster NOS reported. two people died on Thursday, while three died in Poland. affected countries breathed a sigh derailed a suburban commuter “Germany held its breath In Britain the worst of the flood packed winds of up to 158km per “A tree crashed down onto of relief yesterday that the dam- train which then hit a bridge and looked at the dykes, and waters were receding, but with hour as it lashed Germany, also a car on a local road” near the age wasn’t worse — mindful of post. The fire brigade freed six they withstood” the high seas, another two high tides expected battering the Netherlands, Poland northern Polish town of Lembork, catastrophic floods that hit North passengers from the train, one said the environment minister later Friday, the Thames Barrier and southern Scandinavia. said firefighters’ spokesman Sea countries in 1953, when more with minor injuries. of Schleswig-Holstein, Robert in London was set to be closed Blackouts hit 400,000 house- Bogdan Madej. “Three people than 2,000 people died. In northern Schleswig-Holstein Habeck. “We are much better for the second time in two days holds in Poland and affected died on the spot, another was Britain reported the worst state, emergency services were prepared today” than in 1962, to protect the capital. AFP

SPD hopeful Ukraine protesters members will back Merkel branded ‘Nazis’ KIEV: Ukrainian pro-Europe the square. The crisis has exposed coalition deal demonstrators vowed to stay on a gulf between Ukrainians, many the streets and continue their from the west of the country, who BERLIN: The leader of blockade of government build- hope to move rapidly into the Germany’s centre-left Social ings, despite a police threat to European mainstream, and those Democrats (SPD) voiced con- crack down “harshly” to enforce mainly from the east who look to fidence yesterday that party a court order that protesters the former Soviet master Moscow members would support a disperse. as a guarantor of stability. ‘g r a nd c o a l it ion’ w it h C h a nc el lor Kiev’s decision on November 21 Meanwhile, jailed Ukrainian Angela Merkel, as a party ballot to abandon a trade and integra- opposition leader Yulia passed a key hurdle. tion deal with the EU and instead Tymoshenko has ended a hun- “It looks good, the coalition pursue closer economic ties with ger strike after 12 days, Interfax agreement, all the SPD leader- Russia brought hundreds of news agency quoted her daugh- ship thinks so, and therefore thousands of demonstrators into ter, Yevgenia, as telling report- we are also sure that we’ll get a the streets over the weekend. ers. Former prime minister good result,” party chief Sigmar Protesters have since blockaded Tymoshenko, jailed in 2011 Gabriel was quoted as saying by the main government headquar- for abuse of office over a gas national news agency DPA. ters and occupied city hall. deal signed with Russia, had Gabriel, 54 — who led weeks of The government ratcheted up announced a hunger strike in sup- wrangling with Merkel’s conserva- its rhetoric on Thursday, with the port of opposition protests against tives to hammer out the deal, with prime minister, Mykola Azarov, the Ukrainian government’s the aim of forming a government branding opponents “Nazis and decision to spurn a landmark French President Francois Hollande (centre) and attendees including UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (second before the end of the year — posted criminals”. Kiev’s police chief, trade pact with the European left), European Council President Herman Van Rompuy (left) and European Commission President Jose Manuel his own ballot in his northern Valery Mazan, threatened to “act Union. “At the request of the hometown of Goslar. Around decisively, harshly” if the protesters square, she has ended the hun- Barroso (right) pose for a family photo during the Elysee Summit for Peace and Security in Africa at the Elysee 475,000 SPD members have until defy the court order to end their ger strike,” Yevgenia said, refer- Palace, in Paris, yesterday. December 12 to have their say on blockade and occupation of govern- ring to the protest camp on Kiev’s the pact, in which the party won ment buildings. But the protesters Independence Square. several of its key demands, includ- showed no sign of retreating, with Also, Ukraine’s President ing for a national minimum wage. thousands remaining camped out Viktor Yanukovych held unan- Hollande urges Africa to take By midday, around 200,000 bal- deep into the night. nounced talks in Russia with lots had been received, meaning “Let them come; we will stay,” Vladimir Putin on a new strategic the 20-percent quorum for the Igor Vorkuta, 47, said of the police. partnership treaty with Moscow, vote had easily been passed, said “This is a peaceful revolution, a move that risks further galva- control of its own security an email from SPD general sec- there are no guns here,” he said, nising mass pro-Western demon- retary Andrea Nahles to party warming his hands on a brazier in strations against his rule. PARIS: French President the African Standby Force (ASF). first mooted, the African Standby members. The result is expected the winter cold near midnight in THE GUARDIAN/AFP Francois Hollande urged “Africa must be the master of Force (ASF) has not got off the to be announced on December 14. African leaders yesterday to its own destiny and that means ground. In May, the African Union Gabriel and other SPD lead- take a grip on their continent’s mastering its own security,” he approved a temporary mechanism, ers have been racing to address security by creating a long- said, after a moment of silence the African Capacity for Immediate regional party gatherings to drum delayed regional force, after for anti-Apartheid hero Nelson Response to Crises (ACIRC), after up support for the left-right tie- Paris was forced into its second Mandela, who died on Thursday. France’s intervention in Mali made up, which is viewed sceptically by military operation this year. Some 400,000 people have been plain Africa’s own inability to some members after the party’s Paris deployed troops to Central displaced in Central African resolve the crisis. last partnership with Merkel African Republic yesterday after it Republic since Muslim rebels The creation of the body has in 2005-09. The SPD chief, who won UN backing for a mission to seized power in the largely been hobbled by a lack of financ- would become Merkel’s vice chan- quell mounting religious violence Christian nation in March. With ing and logistical capacities - par- cellor, took the unprecedented in the nation of 4.6 million people. the violence escalating, more than ticularly transport planes - as step of pledging that the grass- That followed a massive French 100 people were killed in the capi- well as the lack of a command roots membership would have operation to dislodge al Qaeda- tal Bangui on Thursday. structure. the final say in whether to again linked fighters from the deserts of With France keen to shed its “We are grateful to France but share power with Merkel’s party. northern Mali this year. reputation as ‘Africa’s policeman’, it’s not normal that it’s forced to Merkel romped to a third term Hollande told some 40 African Hollande said Paris was ready to intervene to save us, like a fire- in September 22 elections with leaders, gathered at a two-day train 20,000 African soldiers a year man, 50 years after independ- 41.5 percent of the vote but fell summit in Paris to discuss secu- and provide staff for the force’s ence,” Guinean President Alpha just short of majority, forcing her rity, that the crisis in Central command structure. France could Conde said, urging the creation to court her main rivals, who gar- African Republic showed the also provide logistical aid. of an African ‘NATO’. nered just 25.7 percent, to govern Protesters seen in a tent camp at Independence Square in Kiev. urgent need to press ahead with More than a decade after it was AFP Europe’s top economy. AFP DECEMBER 7, 2013 ON SATURDAY 10 International Canadian armed forces hit by spate of suicides Four men have killed themselves in two weeks, putting spotlight on mental health care in Canadian military

OTTAWA: A sudden spate of correctional facility. According to down in 2011, but the country has The country’s military ombuds- war veterans as an epidemic. She to their friends or Google, not a suicides in the Canadian armed Canada’s department of national committed to providing military man has been pushing Canadian and her husband said help was government that has a reputation forces has raised urgent ques- defence, nearly 50 soldiers have training assistance to the war- authorities to hire more mental hard to get. for denying benefits and treating tions about care for Afghanistan killed themselves between 2010 torn country until 2014. health support professionals for Major Marc Dauphin, a military veterans as burdens … Your gov- veterans amid criticism of the and 2012. Its experience of suicides mir- soldiers. A 2002 target of 147, set surgeon, led the multinational hos- ernment, Sir, is not living up to its government for failing to pro- The deaths prompted army top rors that of the US and UK, by the military, has yet to be met. pital at Kandahar airfield in 2009. duty to veterans,” he wrote. vide mental health support pro- brass to release a video message where army chiefs have been His veterans affairs counterpart “It was 24/7, one of the busiest This week, Canada’s highest- fessionals for soldiers. urging soldiers to seek help. They warned of the rising tide of said soldiers needed to be assured trauma hospitals in the world,” he profile PTSD sufferer, the retired Four men have killed them- also generated questions in par- post-traumatic stress disorder of greater financial stability. told the CBC this week. general Romeo Dallaire — now selves in the past two weeks. liament, where opposition lead- (PTSD). The illness takes on Master Corporal Kristian He said: “War weaponry is a Canadian Liberal senator — The latest was Master Corporal ers accused the government of average 11 years to manifest itself, Wolowidnyk, a former combat designed to tear the human smashed his car into a post on Sylvain Lelievre, 46, who was a lack of compassion and asked meaning that countries that had engineer and Afghan war veteran, body apart — and it works.” Parliament Hill. found dead at his military base what was being done to address extensive involvement in Iraq and said he had tried to kill himself Four months after returning to “I was out cold,” said the former near Quebec City on Monday. the “unprecedented” death toll. Afghanistan in the first decade last month – two days after he was Canada, he started suffering panic commander of the UN peacekeep- He had served in Afghanistan The Prime Minister, Stephen of the 21st century can expect informed he would be discharged on attacks and his marriage began ing force in Rwanda. He reflected and in Bosnia during his nearly Harper, said earlier this week a serious outbreak in this the the grounds of his PTSD. “If I have falling apart. He said he con- that the reports of the soldiers’ 30-year career. that “supports are available and second. In 2012, more US serv- tried and failed, there are obviously sidered throwing himself into a deaths and the impending 20th The Canadian military is inves- we’ll make sure that they con- ice members took their own lives other people thinking about it,” he freezing river. Instead, he decided anniversary of the Rwandan tigating the recent apparent sui- tinue to be available to those peo- than were killed in combat. said in a CBC interview. to get help. Even he didn’t realise genocide had caused him to have cides of Warrant Officer Michael ple”. He said it was “everyone’s Controversially, nine regional Wolowidnyk has since been he was suffering from PTSD. sleepless nights — even with strong McNeil at a base in Ontario, responsibility to encourage those centres in Canada that provided told he now qualifies for a pro- Last month Kevin Berry, an medication. He has described gov- Master Corporal William who need support … to get help”. services to veterans are due to longed release process for injured Afghan war veteran and PTSD ernment cuts to veterans affairs Elliott in Manitoba and Master At its peak, the Canadian close. Many of those services are soldiers – which means he will sufferer, wrote a scathing open and national defence as ruthless Bombardier Travis Halmrast, detachment in Afghanistan being moved online or handled qualify for a fully indexed military letter to Canada’s veterans affairs as they put mentally injured war who was being held on domes- numbered 3,000 soldiers. The by a 24-hour toll-free telephone pension. His wife described the minister, Julian Fantino. “When veterans and their families at risk. tic assault charges in an Alberta Canadian combat role was wound helpline. mental illness suffered by Afghan veterans want help, they turn THE GUARDIAN

Boosting relations Asians 11 times more US Air Force likely to be stopped builds new stealth drone at UK borders: Report WASHINGTON: The US Air Force has secretly developed LONDON: Fresh concerns that separate ethnic categories, includ- a new stealth drone for long- Asian people are more than 11 ing Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi range reconnaissance missions times more likely than white and Chinese, those with a Pakistani that could be operational by people to be stopped at British background were shown to have a 2015, according to a report yes- airports and ports and ques- highly disproportionate number terday in an industry magazine. tioned under counter-terrorism of stops. Pakistani people were 52 The unmanned drone, dubbed powers have been raised by the times more likely to be stopped than RQ-180, is currently in the test- Equality and Human Rights white people, 135 times more likely ing phase at the top secret Groom Commission (EHRC). to be questioned and examined for Lake air base in Nevada — the A new experimental pattern more than an hour, and 154 times infamous “Area 51” where the Air of analysis of the ethnicity of more likely to be detained. Force tested the U2 spy planes in the 50,000 people a year who are Mark Hammond, the EHRC the late 1950s, Aviation Week said. stopped to determine if they are chief executive, said schedule 7 The Air Force refused to com- involved in terrorism suggests that was a necessary and useful power ment when contacted by AFP. stereotyping rather than intelli- in the provision of national secu- The new aircraft was report- gence may be a key factor in the rity. He said: “If used intelligently edly built by Northrop Grumann, use of the powers under schedule and proportionately the police can the company behind the Global 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000. protect the public against terror- Hawk and the X-47B drones, The powers, which were used in ist threats. However, stopping Bolivian President Evo Morales (right) with his Paraguayan counterpart Horacio Cartes at Government Palace which landed on air craft carri- August to stop and seize documents people based on stereotypes could in La Paz, Bolivia, yesterday. This is the first official visit of Cartes to the Andean country and represents the ers for the first time this summer. from David Miranda, the partner lead to time and resources being normalisation of bilateral relations after the removal of Fernando Lugo in 2012. The US company may have of the former Guardian journalist misdirected and have a negative obtained in 2008 a secret contract Glenn Greenwald, require no prior impact on relations with black on the order of $2bn to develop the suspicion and can only be lawfully and ethnic minority groups.” latest drone, according to Aviation used to determine whether an indi- Hammond, who said the Week. An artistic rendering of the vidual is “concerned in the com- research suggested there might be RQ-180 on the cover of the maga- mission, preparation or instigation an imbalance in the use of schedule Fast-food workers across the US zine shows a craft with striking of acts of terrorism”. 7 against ethnic minorities, added: resemblance to the X-47B, in par- Examinations under the pow- “We are also concerned by the ticular in lack of rear stabiliser and ers can include basic questioning, fact that people can be detained push for raising minimum wage its so-called “batwing” shape. a search and seizure of property for lengthy periods without the It was developed for intelli- and detention for up to nine hours. reasonable suspicion required for gence, surveillance and reconnais- The EHRC experimental analysis other stop-and-search powers.” WASHINGTON: Fast-food my family,” said Butler, who earns parents and I shouldn’t have to do sance (ISR) missions, but “could shows that there were high levels The equality commission says workers across the United about $800 a month but must pay that,” he said. also be capable of electronic of examinations of passengers of it will use the analysis to work States launched day-long labour a monthly rent of $1,000. On Wednesday, Obama reiter- attack missions,” the magazine certain ethnic backgrounds com- with the Home Office and the strikes in an effort to win The response at work when ated his call to hike the minimum said. “It is similar in size and pared with white passengers. police to ensure they are following higher wages, amid a renewed Butler presses for higher pay? “’If wage, asserting that “it’s well past endurance to the Global Hawk,” The figures show that among their own guidelines, which ban debate in Washington on rais- you don’t like it, quit,’” Butler said time” to raise a wage that in infla- which can fly for 24 hours up to the 53,992 people stopped at all discrimination on ethnic grounds ing the US minimum wage. she was told by the restaurant’s tion-adjusted terms lags the level 1,200 nautical miles from its base. British ports and airports in in the exercise of these powers. Calling for a “surviving” wage, management. Strikes were planned where it stood in the 1940s. “If A first generation of unmanned 2012-13, those who were Asian The code of practice for port fast-food workers seek a pay hike in more than 100 cities, according you work hard, you should make a aircraft, the non-stealthy Reapers were 11.3 times more likely to Border Force officers and police to $15 an hour in an industry that to organisers. decent living,” Obama said. “If you and Global Hawks, were used in be stopped than those who were special branch says they must typically pays them the federal Protesters urged President work hard, you should be able to Afghanistan and Iraq, but they white. Those who were black ensure “that the selection of minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. Barack Obama and Congress to support a family.” were deemed too vulnerable in were 6.3 times more likely to persons for examination is not Shementia Butler, 33, act. “Listen to us, Obama! We’re In New York, demonstrators enemy territory equipped with be stopped and those who were solely based on their perceived who works at McDonald’s in in the street,” said a group of briefly occupied a McDonald’s powerful anti-aircraft defences. mixed race were 3.6 times more ethnic background”. The analysis Washington and has two children, strikers who marched near the restaurant in Manhattan, while AFP likely to be stopped. has been published as the House said being paid $15 an hour would Capitol, home of the US legisla- about 100 people gathered in front The EHRC briefing paper of Lords discusses changes to the alleviate the need for government ture. Delano Wingfield, 22, who of a Wendy’s outlet in the bor- published on Thursday says that schedule 7 powers as part of gov- aid to fast-food workers. joined the rally, currently works ough of Brooklyn. “Together for The Sun tempts when a more detailed analysis ernment amendments to the crime “I’m struggling and I’m still part-time at two fast-food restau- $15 and a union!” read banners was done of the 2010-11 sched- and antisocial behaviour bill. dependent on government assist- rants. “I can’t afford the rent and outside Wendy’s. 100,000 over ule 7 stops on the basis of nine THE GUARDIAN ance to help take care of me and I have to borrow money from my AFP online paywall LONDON: The digital version of The Sun, Britain’s most popu- CBE honour for British actor lar tabloid newspaper, attracted more than 100,000 subscrib- Microsoft leads attack on ers in the four months since it started charging for online con- tent, publisher News UK said. search traffic thieves Newspaper groups are look- ing to develop additional revenue SAN FRANCISCO: Microsoft on Thursday announced that it streams from online publishing to worked with police in Europe and the United States to disrupt counter falling print circulations a “dangerous” army of virus-infected computers used to hijack and tough advertising markets, searches at Google, Bing and Yahoo. but The Sun is the first mass- Microsoft’s digital crimes unit teamed with Europol’s European audience British tabloid to put cybercrime centre, the FBI and tech industry allies to tackle a “Sirefef all of its online content behind a botnet” that commandeers search results and routes queries to websites paywall. rigged to infect computers with malicious code, steal information or “Though it’s early days, we are make money from bogus online ad “clicks.” encouraged by the strong start,” The botnet, or network of machines infected with a virus that lets David Dinsmore, the paper’s hackers take command, is also referred to as ZeroAccess and is believed editor, said. The Sun, owned by to have spread across nearly two million computers around the world. media mogul Rupert Murdoch, Microsoft estimated the bogus online ad billing and stolen traffic cost is following in the steps of his advertisers about $2.7m monthly. “ZeroAccess targets all major search other British titles The Times engines and browsers, including Google, Bing and Yahoo,” Microsoft and Sunday Times. News UK said digital crimes unit assistant general counsel Richard Domingues that the total print and digital Boscovich said. “ZeroAccess is one of the most robust and durable paid-for sales of The Times was British actor Julian Glover after being awarded a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) by the botnets in operation today, and was built to be resilient to disruption 527,000 in November, 1.9 percent Prince of Wales at an investiture ceremony at Buckingham Palace in London yesterday. efforts, relying on a peer-to-peer infrastructure that allows cyber- higher than its print sales in June criminals to remotely control the botnet from tens of thousands of 2010 before it started charging for different computers,” he continued. AFP online content. REUTERS DECEMBER 7, 2013 Pakistan/Afghanistan 11 ON SATURDAY Gunmen kill leader British marine of sectarian group

LAHORE: Gu n men k i l led the prov i ncia l lea der jailed for killing of a Pakistani Sunni sectarian group yesterday and police deployed to prevent more violence after the anti-Shia faction called for protests. Sectarian strife has been worsening in Pakistan, where Shia make up about 20 percent of the 180 injured Taliban million population. Maulana Shamsur Rehman, the Punjab leader of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jama (ASWJ), was shot while leaving a mosque, said Blackman given 10 years behind bars Mahmmed Rafiq from Shafiqabad police station. Rehman’s group was formed by members of LONDON: A British marine risk. But Blackman’s name was the banned organisation Sipah-e-Sahaba, which filmed executing a severely disclosed on Thursday following had repeatedly said it wanted to expel Shia from injured Taliban insurgent in a High Court ruling. Blackman’s Pakistan. Afghanistan was jailed for trial heard that he had shot the ASWJ leader Maulana Ahmed Ludhianvi said life with a minimum 10 years wounded captive in the chest in a tweet that the killing of Rehman was part of behind bars by a military court while quoting Shakespeare and a “big plot” and that “the situation is now getting yesterday. admitting that he had broken the out of control.” Another party official tweeted Jailing Sergeant Alexander Geneva Convention. that “party workers should be ready to protest Blackman, the first member The marines found the Afghan countrywide.” of the British armed services man, who was wounded in an Around 150 protestors had gathered in the cap- in recent history to be found attack by an Apache helicopter, in ital of Islamabad, police said, and nearby markets guilty of committing murder a field while looking for insurgents were closed in case of violence. during an overseas operation, who had attacked a patrol base. Extra police were deployed to Shia mosques the judge general advocate said They moved him under the there and in Pakistan’s financial heart of Karachi. the court had to deal with him cover of trees, where Blackman The port city of 18 million people is plagued by severely to show that battlefield shot him at close range with a sectarian violence. Last month, a clash between a crimes by UK troops would not 9mm pistol, paraphrasing a line Pakistani Sunni Muslims brandish guns as they gather outside a hospital following the killing Shia procession and a Sunni seminary left eight be tolerated. from “Hamlet” as the insurgent of their leader Maulana Shamsur Rehman, chief of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jama (ASWJ) for Punjab Sunnis dead in Rawalpindi and violence spread Blackman, 39, was found guilty convulsed and died in front of him. province, in Lahore yesterday. to two other cities. at a court martial last month “There you are. Shuffle off this REUTERS of murdering the man while mortal coil, you cunt. It’s nothing deployed in southern Helmand you wouldn’t do to us,” he told the province in 2011. The execution dying man. He then turned to his was inadvertently filmed on a comrades and said: “Obviously this comrade’s helmet camera. doesn’t go anywhere, fellas. I just “You treated that Afghan broke the Geneva Convention.” man with contempt and mur- Blackman was an experienced Pakistani immigrant sues US over false arrest dered him in cold blood,” Judge soldier who had been involved in Advocate General Jeff Blackett shuras, or councils, with Afghan ORLANDO, FLORIDA: A May 2011 on charges that included its war on terror was and still is, maintains that he actually was told Blackman during sentencing. elders. The judge rejected Pakistani immigrant who says he providing material support for ter- by all standards, horrendous,” the sending money to his wife, who “By doing so you have betrayed Blackman’s claims that he had was held for more than 10 months rorism and the Pakistani Taliban. complaint says. was visiting Pakistan, through her your corps and all British serv- suffered a momentary lapse of in solitary confinement after Subsequently transferred to a “I couldn’t even imagine myself uncle who is also named Akbar ice personnel who have served in reason. being falsely arrested on terror- prison in Florida, he was also in this situation,” Khan said. “I was Hussain but who is a retired col- Afghanistan, and you have tar- “This was not an action taken ism charges has filed a lawsuit in accused of supporting a conspiracy shocked at the time. I’m still shocked. lege professor. nished their reputation.” in the heat of battle or immedi- federal court in Miami, saying he to maim, kidnap or murder persons I don’t know why it happened, how Following his arrest, Khan said Blackman stood to attention as ately after you had been engaged was a victim of “overzealousness” overseas, according to the lawsuit. it happened, and that’s why we are he lost his job and his car. He also he was given the life sentence with in a firefight,” the judge said. in the US war on terrorism. All charges against Khan were doing this. To get some answers.” said his wife had to move with the 10-year minimum by the court “In one moment you under- Irfan Khan, a 40-year-old dropped in June 2012, but only A spokesman for the US Justice their two children out of concerns martial board in Bulford, south- mined much of the good work Muslim, emigrated to the United after he had been held for 319 days Department could not be reached for their safety. Since his release, west England. done day in day out by British States from Pakistan in 1994 and in solitary confinement, according for comment on the lawsuit. Khan, who is looking for a job in Two fellow soldiers were acquit- forces and potentially increased is a naturalised US citizen. to the lawsuit. “The conduct the The government accused Khan Miami, said one bank refused to ted earlier. The three were tried the risk of revenge attacks against The lawsuit, filed on Tuesday government subjected Irfan to, as of wiring money in 2008 to a com- allow him a checking account, and on an anonymous basis on the your fellow service personnel.” in US District Court, says Irfan a result of his religion, national mander of the Pakistani Taliban his former employer refused to talk grounds that their safety was at AGENCIES Khan was arrested in California in origin, and its overzealousness in named Akbar Hussain, but Khan to him. REUTERS Paying tribute

Children hold earthen lamps in tribute to former South African President Nelson Mandela, organised by Aafia Movement in Karachi yesterday. Afghanistan won’t bow Kayani leaves to US over security pact home over threats ISLAMABAD: Former chief KABUL: A senior aide to him to sign by the end of the year. of army staff General (retired) Afghan President Hamid Karzai “There is no doubt that cer- Ashfaq Pervez Kayani may have accused the United States yes- tain elements within the Afghan called it a day but he is still in terday of trying to pressure government are facing pressure the line of fire. elements of his government to from the US However, this will Indeed, security threats have accept a security deal that would not achieve anything,” Karzai’s forced the former army chief to shape the post-2014 US military spokesman, Aimal Faizi, told abandon his newly built retire- presence in the country. Reuters in an emailed statement. ment home and opt for living near The bilateral security pact “If there is a perception in the heavily guarded army house. (BSA) was thrown into doubt Washington that certain elements While he was still in service, last month when Karzai said he in Kabul can force President Karzai General Kayani planned to spend would sign only if new conditions to succumb to any pressure, it is his retired life in Islamabad’s were met, and even then only seriously flawed and mistaken.” Defence Housing Authority after April elections. If the pact Faizi declined to elaborate on who (DHA) where he constructed a is not signed Washington says it these “elements” were. house in Phase 1. will consider a complete military Robert Hilton, spokesman for The house continues to stand withdrawal from Afghanistan. the U.S. embassy in Kabul, declined apart in the colony. Although, the Failure to sign could could also to respond, only repeating that it house has close circuit television put Western aid running to bil- was the view of the US that sign- for monitoring the security of the lions of dollars in serious jeopardy, ing the document “promptly” was house but this was deemed insuf- exposing the central Asian coun- in the interests of both countries. ficient. Consequently, Gen Kayani, try’s shaky economy to collapse. There are 47,000 US troops in months before his retirement, US Secretary of State John Afghanistan. The United States has started constructing a new house Kerry, National Security Adviser been in discussions with Afghan in the heavily guarded and secure Susan Rice and Washington’s top officials about keeping a residual neighbourhood of the Army diplomat for Afghanistan and force of about 8,000 troops after House, a retired army officer liv- Pakistan, James Dobbins, have all the end of the Nato combat mis- ing in the same area claims. visited Karzai recently to convince sion next year. REUTERS INTERNEWS DECEMBER 7, 2013 ON SATURDAY 12 Asia/ Philippines Japan House China pulls out of UN arbitration okays secrets Territorial row with Philippines continues to dominate visit by Joe Biden law despite WASHINGTON: China is tak- this week in Washington by Paul public outcry ing the highly unusual step Reichler, an expert attorney at of refusing to participate in a Foley Hoag LLP hired by Manila United Nations arbitration proc- to handle the case. TOKYO: Japan’s parliament ess over a territorial conflict with He said China’s blank refusal yesterday adopted a law on pro- the Philippines, one of five coun- to participate in the tribunal tecting state secrets despite a tries challenging Beijing’s claims process, a move it revealed to the public outcry, with strong oppo- of ownership over the oil-rich Philippines by way of diplomatic sition from the media and aca- South China Sea. letter in February, marked the demics who fear it will infringe The legal dispute underscores first time a state had ever refused on the right to information and the tough geopolitical approach to take part in an inter-state free expression. China is adopting in the Pacific arbitration under the 1982 UN The controversial bill, proposed region. It has adopted an aggres- Convention on the Law of the Sea. by the right-wing government of sive approach toward neighbours Under the convention, the panel Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was over a 2,000-mile stretch that also of senior international judges is approved by the Senate on Friday, includes the East China Sea, over still required to issue a ruling in a few days after it was passed in which it recently declared the air the case, despite China’s non- the lower house. The Senate vote defence identification zone that cooperation, although Reichler in favour was expected as the coa- has inflamed tensions with Japan conceded there were no way of lition government led by Abe’s and South Korea. enforcing any ruling. Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) China sent its only aircraft But he added: “There is a price holds a majority of seats there. carrier to the disputed waters to be paid for branding yourself an The opposition raised motions off the coast of the Philippines international outlaw – a state that to stop the law but each move for the first time last week, in a does not comply with the rules.” was rejected by the PLD mem- move Manila said raised tensions. China declined an opportunity to bers and their allies. The law China’s military said the carrier comment on the case. The dispute allows government ministers to Liaoning will conduct drills in concerns China’s declaration of designate as a state secret infor- the area, accompanied by two the so-called nine-dash line, which mation related to defence, diplo- destroyers and two frigates. claims jurisdiction over nearly all US Vice-President Joe Biden (left) shakes hands with South Korean Prime Minister Chung Hong-won at the macy, counter-intelligence and Dealing with the fallout over of the mineral-rich South China Government Complex in Seoul yesterday. counter-terrorism. China’s territorial claims has Sea, overlapping with large seg- Abe has argued that the meas- become the dominant issue for the ments of territory claimed by the 200 miles of their coast. Disputes formations, with implications for seminar organised by the Centre ure is necessary to plug a notori- US Vice-President, Joe Biden, who Philippines as well as of Vietnam, over the South China Sea are not any territorial claims under the for Strategic and International ously leaky government machine, is currently touring the Asia Pacific Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan. unlike those over the Japanese- convention. Some of the disputed Studies. which prevents its chief ally the region. Biden arrived in South In parts, China’s declared administered Senkaku islands — territories are barely visible at In simple terms, the judges will United States from sharing intel- Korea on Thursday after high- jurisdiction, which enables it to referred to as the Diaoyu islands high tide, while others are fully in part be asked to determine when ligence. But critics say the cat- level bilateral meetings in China exploit lucrative fishing waters in China — which are dominating submerged even at low tide. a rock can be defined as an island. egories are so vague that almost and Japan that were dominated by and potential oil and gas reserves, Biden’s visits to Japan, China and In a bid to strengthen its claims, If a rock protruding from the sea anything could fit the definition. the issue of the air defence zone. stretch more than 800 miles from South Korea this week. China has constructed concrete cannot sustain human life or eco- They worry that information that The Philippines will submit its its mainland coast. It also comes Although the ad-hoc tribu- installations on some underwa- nomic activity, for example, the is embarrassing to governing poli- formal case to the UN arbitra- to within 30 miles of the coast of nal formed to deal with the case ter formations, complete with associated rights in surrounding ticians or to their patrons could tion tribunal of judges, which has the Philippines. cannot rule on the sovereignty of basketballs and helipads. “A state waters are, under the convention, easily be hidden from public view. agreed to hear the case at The Under the convention, states have the islands claimed by both China cannot transform an underwater dramatically reduced, regardless They point to the way that Hague, in March. A preview of a right to an exclusive economic and the Philippines, it can provide feature into an island by building of which state claims ownership. Tokyo withheld news of the their arguments were outlined zone and continental shelf within rulings about the nature of rock on top of it,” Reichler said at a THE GUARDIAN severity of the nuclear disaster at Fukushima in 2011, and say a state that already operates largely behind closed doors will become even more secretive. That problem is exacerbated Philippine insurgents kill man Thai protesters refuse to give up by a relatively weak institutional press. The bill allows for jail terms of up to 10 years for those con- in raid despite peace talks BANGKOK: Protesters seek- Minister Yingluck Shinawatra Government House and other victed of leaking state secrets, ing to topple Thailand’s gov- and her brother, former premier state buildings. as well as for those who acquire PAGADIAN: Islamist rebels a civilian, was shot dead, said ernment stayed off the streets Thaksin Shinawatra, who was Police stepped aside on Tuesday secrets through illegal means—for killed one man in a raid on a local army chief Colonel Glen yesterday after halting their toppled by the military in 2006 and allowed them in, defusing the example through trespass. police station in the southern Macasero. demonstration the day before and lives in self-imposed exile. confrontation. The protesters Anyone found guilty of encour- Philippines yesterday to free Panapan was later turned out of respect for the king on Protest leader Suthep stayed only briefly in the grounds aging someone to leak a state two arrested comrades despite over to local officials, said his birthday but clashes were Thaugsuban was due to address of the offices they had been trying secret could face up to five years a ceasefire and peace talks national police spokesman Senior reported overnight at the his supporters in the evening. to storm before pulling back to in jail, a provision that has drawn with the government, officials Superintendent Reuben Sindac. occupied Finance Ministry. “Tonight, he will announce the their rally sites. howls of protest from journalists, said. About 50 members of Milf Leaders of the movement met at plan from now until December Five people have died in the lawyers and academics. The attack in the city of freed two of their arrested com- a sprawling government adminis- 9, which is our ultimate dead- political violence since last week- More than 250 film celebri- Marawi came as government rades in the pre-dawn assault in trative centre also under occupa- line. There will be activities this end, all apparently in clashes ties, including animation direc- negotiators held talks with the Marawi, a largely-Muslim city tion to debate how to breathe fresh weekend and we will fight harder between pro- and anti-govern- tors Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Moro Islamic Liberation Front about 800kms (500 miles) south life into their movement, showing than ever before,” said Teerapa ment supporters. Scores have Takahata, along with journalists, (Milf) in Malaysia with the aim of Manila. no signs of giving up even through Promphan, a spokeswoman for been wounded, most through researchers, lawyers and other of finalising a peace pact to end Army spokesman Captain protest numbers have dwindled. the movement. inhaling teargas. influential figures had appealed decades of fighting. Jefferson Somera said the attack The protests are the latest The protesters have missed Police and the government’s for making every effort to block Police chief Superintendent was a clear violation of the cease- eruption of a conflict that pits successive deadlines for forc- emergency medical centre said the law which they criticised for Christopher Panapan was seized fire and the issue would be raised the Bangkok-based royalist ing Yingluck out. From Sunday three people were injured in two being “anti-liberty, anti-demo- by the rebels and used as a human with the joint ceasefire monitor- establishment against mostly to Tuesday they launched a incidents overnight. cratic and dangerous”. shield while his brother-in-law, ing committee. AFP poorer Thais loyal to Prime wave of attacks on her office at REUTERS AFP

China’s first lunar rover enters orbit

BEIJING: China’s first lunar rover entered the moon’s orbit yesterday, state media reported, a key step towards the vessel’s planned landing later this month. The rover — known as Yutu, or Jade Rabbit — reached lunar orbit late yesterday, the official Xinhua news agency said, about 112 hours after it was launched from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Aircraft are barely visible through thick smog on the tarmac of Hongqiao airport in Shanghai yesterday. southwestern China. It is expected to touch down on the moon in Air pollution shrouds Shanghai in smog mid-December to explore its surface and search for SHANGHAI: Hundreds of flights were delayed opaque air in the Lujiazui financial district. “But I natural resources. or cancelled yesterday in China’s commercial have no choice. I still need to work. I can only take The Chang’e-3 mission hub of Shanghai as record levels of air pollution preventive measures but I have no idea whether will make China the third shrouded the city in smog, prompting authorities they work.” country to land a rover to issue the highest level of health warning. Air quality in cities is of increasing concern to on the moon, following The incident is especially embarrassing at a time China’s stability-obsessed leaders, anxious to douse the United States and the when China seeks to build Shanghai into a global potential unrest as more affluent citizens turn against former Soviet Union dec- business hub on par with the likes of London, New a growth-at-all-costs economic model that has polluted ades ago. York and Hong Kong by 2020. much of the country’s air, water and soil. China sees its space The Shanghai government issued its severest health The government has announced many plans to programme as a symbol of warning as the city’s pollution index ranged between fight pollution over the years but has made lit- its growing international 23 times and 31 times the levels recommended by tle apparent progress. Most of the flights leaving status and technological international health officials. In the first such advice Shanghai’s Pudong International Airport have been advancement, as well as since a new health warning system was launched in delayed, according to the airport’s website. Pudong of the Communist Party’s April, authorities urged residents to stay indoors and was the world’s third busiest cargo airport in 2011, success in reversing the asked factories to either cut or halt production. data from the Airports Council International shows. fortunes of the once “I don’t think it’s fit for people to live in this kind Hazardous air pollution forced schools to shut or impoverished nation. of environment,” said Shanghai resident Fan Jianjun, suspend outdoor activities in at least two cities in AFP 34, who wore a face mask as he walked through the eastern China on Thursday. AFP DECEMBER 7, 2013 India 13 ON SATURDAY

Pakistani FM visits Golden Temple Major infiltration bid likely in Tough to deal Kashmir, says army officer with red tape, SRINAGAR: A top ranking Indian Army officer said here yesterday that there has been heightened activity across the Line of Control (LoC) indicat- says premier ing guerrillas could be planning a major infiltration bid. Lieutenant General Gurmit Singh, who heads the Srinagar- Growth rate more than doubled: PM based frontline 15 Corps, said: “There is heightened activity on NEW DELHI: Prime Minister challenges because of a lack of the launch pads across the LoC Manmohan Singh yesterday political consensus on the reforms where top terror commanders said he understood the anxie- we need to bring in,” he said but have recently visited. We are ties of business leaders about added that Indian business has expecting infiltration attempts red tape, tax laws and proce- shown enterprise to cope with in the coming months and we dures but found them tough to competition. are fully prepared to meet the address due to lack of political Manmohan Singh said the challenge.” consensus on reforms. country’s growth rate had more He was speaking to media on Speaking at an interactive ses- than doubled to an annual aver- the sidelines of a passing out sion at the HT Leadership sum- age of over seven percent and the parade of the Border Security mit here, the prime minister said economy was on an upward tra- Force (BSF) in Humhama area of the Congress cannot be compla- jectory in the past 20 years. central Badgam district in Jammu cent about the forthcoming Lok “Today, many feel dissatisfied and Kashmir. Sabha elections. with a growth of five percent, Pakistan Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar visits the Sikh shrine Golden Temple in Amritsar yesterday. Hina “Coming months are tough He said the bill to prevent com- while for more than two decades, is in the city to attend a function. from security point of view. We munal violence was not a vote- five percent was the target rate have terror infrastructure in tact catching gimmick and will help of growth of our Five-Year Plans,” across the LoC (Line of control) control aberrations that occur he added. “There will be periodic and in the hinterland,” the top during outbreaks. ups and downs. The economic Shutdown paralyses Seemandhra army commander said. Manmohan Singh said the cycle presents us years of high The army officer refused to Congress cannot underesti- performance and years of mod- share the number of guerrillas mate the power of the opposi- est performance,” he said. HYDERABAD: Normal life major towns like Visakhapatnam, be an insult to people of the waiting across the LoC to infil- tion and there was no room for He also said that economic came to a grinding halt in all Vijayawada, Guntur, Nellore, region. trate into the Kashmir Valley. complacency. growth, social change and politi- 13 districts of Rayalaseema Tirupati, Kurnool and Anantapur. Telangana Rashtra Samithi “The number is related to secu- “As an organised political cal empowerment have brought and coastal Andhra regions Police and paramilitary forces (TRS) chief K Chandrasekhara rity dynamics and I would not like party, we cannot underestimate in their wake the new aspira- yesterday to protest the union were deployed in Seemandhra to Rao asked the central govern- to share the same with you. But, the power of the opposition to tions of an entirely new genera- cabinet’s approval to a draft maintain peace. Police sounded ment not to infringe on powers I must assure you there is per- unsettle the ship of the state,” tion and contributed to growing bill for formation of separate high alert Thursday night after of democratically elected govern- fect synergy between the security he said while replying to a ques- impatience for faster growth and Telangana state. the union cabinet approved draft ment of Telangana. forces, especially the intelligence tion on the challenge posed by better quality of life. Transport services were para- Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Addressing a news conference, agencies, and we are prepared to Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) He said some well-meaning and lysed as over 12,000 buses of state- Bill for carving out separate he said the TRS would not accept face the challenge,” he said. prime ministerial candidate concerned citizens tried to spread owned Andhra Pradesh State Telangana state. power of maintaining law and order Narendra Modi. “Therefore, I am cynicism about the political class Road Transport Corporation Parties opposing the bifurca- in Hyderabad entrusted to the gov- Modi urges CMs to one of those who take our oppo- over the past two years. (APSRTC) went off the roads in tion have reacted strongly to the ernor. He said such powers would nents very seriously. There is no “Many began to suggest that Seemandhra, as the two regions cabinet approval. YSR Congress make the governor a super council oppose communal room for complacency,” he said. democracy had not served India are together known. party chief Y S Jaganmohan of ministers and pointed out that Referring to the communal vio- well and attacked Parliament by Shops, petrol bunks, business Reddy called for the shutdown law and order is a state subject. violence bill lence prevention bill, he said the refusing to respect its judgment. establishments and education and said the decision would spell KCR, as Rao is popularly government’s effort has been to cre- Did that turn people against institutions were shut in response doom for the two regions. known, said he would write to NEW DELHI: The BJP’s prime ate an environment where officials democracy? No. Look at the voter to the shutdown called by YSR Police stepped up security at Prime Minister Manmohan Singh ministerial candidate Narendra would have the responsibility to look turnout at every election over the Congress party and Andhra the residences of central and to seek changes in the bill when it Modi has written to some chief after the law and order situation as past two years and in the just-con- Pradesh Non-Gazetted Officers state ministers, MPs and state comes before parliament. ministers calling upon them to effectively as is humanly possible. cluded assembly elections,” he said. (APNGOs) Association. The MPs legislators. Hyderabad will serve as com- oppose the communal violence The United Progressive He said terrorism was being of Telugu Desam Party (TDP) Seemandhra had witnessed mon capital of the two states prevention bill. Alliance government wants to defeated in minds of people have also given a call for 48-hour massive protests after July 30 for 10 years. Under the bill, Modi, who is the Gujarat chief bring the bill during the winter because they were refusing to shutdown. decision of the Congress Working Telangana governor will have minister, in his letter said that session of parliament. BJP is respond to such attacks in the Political activists, public repre- Committee to carve out Telangana “special responsibility for the the bill was “a blatant attempt by opposed to the bill. manner in which the ideologues sentatives, government employ- state. Over six lakh government security of life, liberty and prop- the centre to intrude on the pow- In his speech, the prime min- of terror would want to. ees, students and other sections of employees, APSRTC workers and erty of all those who reside in the ers” of elected state governments. ister said Indian business lead- Lauding former premier P V people took to streets since early teachers were on strike for nearly common capital area”. According to a post on Modi’s ers have been worried in the past Narasimha Rao, Manmohan Singh morning in all nine districts of two months. KCR also found fault with cer- website, he has written how the few months. “I understand their said momentous decisions were coastal Andhra and four districts Meanwhile, demanding amend- tain other provisions relating to bill will “demoralise public serv- anxieties about red tape, our tax taken with respect to economic of Rayalaseema. They were seen ments in the draft bill for forma- allocation of employees, distribu- ants” and impact the way state laws and administration, our reg- and foreign policies under his enforcing the shutdown and stag- tion of Telangana state, the TRS tion of liabilities and admissions government can deal with law and ulations and procedures. I often leadership in the early nineties. ing road blockades. yesterday said certain powers into higher education institutions. order situations in the future. found it tough to deal with these IANS The shutdown was total in proposed for the governor would IANS IANS Nation pays tributes to Mandela NEW DELHI: India yesterday paid rich delegation from India” would attend the his face”. Speaker Meira Kumar recalled tributes to anti-apartheid hero and former funeral, likely Dec 14. her visit to the prison cell where Mandela South African president Nelson Mandela, External affairs ministry spokesperson was confined for 27 years. who passed away after a prolonged illness. Syed Akbaruddin said: “His death is a loss “The visit was like a pilgrimage,” she said. Both houses of parliament were adjourned for South Africa and India.” In Kolkata, West Bengal Chief Minister for the day after paying homage to the Mandela was recipient of Bharat Ratna, Mamata Banerjee said his lifelong struggle Nobel laureate, with Prime Minister India’s highest civilian award. and sacrifice will be the source of inspiration Manmohan Singh describing him as a In the Lok Sabha, members across the for generations. “His passing away is a huge “giant among men” and “a true Gandhian”. spectrum remembered the South African loss to humanity,” said Banerjee. President Pranab Mukherjee and Vice- leader as an inspiring figure. In Dharamsala, Tibetan prime minister- President Hamid Ansari also condoled the Congress president Sonia Gandhi said in-exile Lobsang Sangay said Mandela’s death of the iconic fighter for justice whose it was “as though we have lost a beloved struggle for justice gave all people hope that 27 years in prison turned the anti-apartheid father”. “He redefined the meaning of cour- justice does prevail in the end. fight into a global campaign. age and sacrifice,” she said, adding that his In Mumbai, the Indian film fraternity India announced a five-day national courage was “superhuman”. Opposition saluted Mandela for being “a man of will, mourning. The Congress leadership too leader Sushma Swaraj said Mandela strug- belief and perseverance” and “torch bearer condoled the death. gled against apartheid and served long years of peace and harmony”. The government said a “very high level in jail and “still he did not have a frown on IANS

Maoists hack Farooq sorry for anti-women remarks scribe to death NEW DELHI: Men are scared of talking to attempt wasn’t to trivialise important issue of in market women as they fear ending up in jail, New and women’s security, so I hope dad apologises for Renewable Energy Minister Farooq Abdullah the misplaced attempt at humour.” BIJAPUR, Chhattisgarh: said yesterday, apologising later. Women and Child Welfare Minister Armed Maoists brutally killed “Now we are even afraid of talking to girls. We Krishna Tirath said: “In our constitution, media person Sai Reddy yes- are scared now of appointing women secretar- both the genders have equal rights but terday at a weekly market in a ies,” Abdullah said talking to reporters in the so far, women have been living in fear. If forested patch of Chhattisgarh’s parliament complex. someone thinks so, that mindset should be violence-hit Bijapur district, He added that it was a social fault. changed”. police officials said. “I agree the incidents of rape have increased. Bharatiya Janata Party leader Smriti Irani “A small group of suspected Whatever is happening is wrong. It’s not the was harsher. “It’s a very inappropriate com- Maoists carried out repeated fault of girls, but of society,” he said. ment, especially to be made on the steps of par- attacks (on Reddy) in a flash He later apologised. liament, indicating that women are only to be with sharp-edged weapons at “Women should get their respect. I apologise if hired so that they can be called up unfavourably Basaguda village weekly market,” something has been said which I did not mean,” or demeaned,” Irani said. said Bijapur’s Superintendent of Abdullah said. “Men who are sure of themselves will not Police Prashant Agrawal. “Things have gone haywire. We all are against make such comments. Those who are insecure He added that a severely- rape, we are all against putting women low. If make such statements,” said former Indian injured Reddy tried to run away there is something that I have said which has Police Service officer and social activist Kiran but insurgents took hold of him hurt sentiments, then, I am sorry,” he said. Bedi. and kept attacking him. The comments raked up a controversy and Trinamool Congress MP Derek O’Brien The assailants managed to social activists and opposition leaders said they tweeted: “Abdullah, what have you gone and said! escape after leaving Reddy in a were inappropriate. Expect more sensitivity from a senior public pool of blood. His son, Omar Abdullah, Jammu and Kashmir figure. And the father of a daughter.” IANS Chief Minister, later on tweeted: “I’m sure the IANS DECEMBER 7, 2013 ON SATURDAY 14 Business

US oil trades WTO on brink of historic deal higher; Brent India withdraws objections, hailing a victory for global community; Cuba likely to veto at $111.44

NUSA DUA: Ministers credit after many years of nego- Bali agreement, but trade diplo- launched a punishing regime of regional deals such as the Trans- NEW YORK: US oil traded appeared close to sealing the tiating fiascos. mats say it has made the same round-the-clock talks and “what- Pacific Partnership that the United higher in choppy trade yester- world’s biggest trade reform “It is a victory for the WTO demand for decades and they do ever works” diplomacy. Even so, States is negotiating with 11 other day, still on track for its big- for two decades early yesterday and for the global community to not expect it to block a deal. the outcome had appeared in grave countries, and a similar agreement gest weekly percentage gain after India, the most vocal hold- have arrived at a mature deci- Heads of delegation were to doubt as recently as Thursday. it is pursuing bilaterally with the since July, supported by the out, endorsed a draft text pre- sion,” Indian Trade Minister resume informal talks in the early If agreed, the reform would European Union. outlook for increased demand sented by the head of the World Anand Sharma told reporters. hours today, but a diplomat said slash red tape at customs around Failure in Bali would have led after strong jobs data from the Trade Organisation. “We are more than happy. It is the meeting had been delayed by the world, give improved terms of to a more divided world, with United States, the world’s top The deal, thrashed out at talks a great day. It is a historic day.” an hour because of last-minute trade to the poorest countries, and regional blocs reversing the oil consumer. on the Indonesian island of Bali, The deal requires unanimous concerns about the wording of a allow developing countries to skirt WTO’s globalising goals, some US crude initially fell on the would lower trade barriers and support, and a potential veto could compromise on food subsidies. the normal rules on farm subsidies experts say. The “Bali package” jobs report, then rose, and by the speed up the passage of goods still come from Cuba, whose rep- That is the vital issue for India, if they are trying to feed the poor. now on the table secures a hand- afternoon was still choppy. Oil through customs. Analysts esti- resentative banged the table and which this year announced a mas- It would also revive confidence ful of elements of the Doha Round last traded up 29 cents at $97.67 mate that over time it could boost shouted at WTO chief Roberto sive programme for stockpiling in the WTO’s ability to negotiate that were thought to be doable a barrel at 12:51 p.m. EST (1751 the world economy by hundreds Azevedo after the meeting where food to feed to the poor, in breach global trade deals, after it consist- and declares a “strong resolve” GMT). The contract was headed of billions of dollars and create his draft agreement was distrib- of the WTO rules on subsidies. ently failed to clinch agreement to pursue agreement on the rest. for a 5.4 percent gain this week, more than 20 million jobs, mostly uted to all the members, a partici- Another diplomat said the in the Doha round of talks that India’s concerns that the Bali its largest weekly percentage gain in developing countries. pant at the meeting said. delay was caused by Cuba con- started in 2001 and proved hugely deal would give only a temporary since July 5. Failure would have represented Cuba has been consistently sulting with Azevedo. over-ambitious. shield to its food stockpile plan Prices were boosted after a body blow to the 159-nation demanding the United States Azevedo, a Brazilian diplo- As the Doha Round stuttered were resolved with wording that Transcanada Corp said the WTO, formed in 1995 and still lift its economic embargo of the mat, took the helm of the WTO to a halt, momentum shifted away promised a search for a more per- Keystone pipeline would be in serv- without a major trade deal to its Caribbean island as part of the in September and immediately from global trade pacts in favour of manent solution. REUTERS ice by next month to deliver crude from U.S. storage hub Cushing, Oklahoma, to refining markets. Brent rose by more than $1 per 2015 Ford Mustang barrel to a session high of $112.06 before easing to $111.44. Germany sees Brent’s $1 rise fueled US RBOB petrol prices, which jumped to a progress on two-week high of $2.7545 per gal- lon. The contract rose on Friday afternoon, trading 1.9 cents banking union higher at $2.7316, after news of an upset at Valero’s Port Arthur, BERLIN: Germany is “confi- Texas, refinery. dent” that EU ministers will While the jobs data supported make progress at talks next hopes of a recovering economy and week on a planned banking stronger oil demand, the prospect union, a spokesman said yester- of the Fed action weighed heavy day, as the government hosted a on commodity markets. high-level meeting. US oil’s rally over the past Finance Minister Wolfgang week has caused Brent’s premium Schaeuble was holding discussions to the US benchmark to narrow on the subject in Berlin with his by $5 to $13.43 per barrel after French, Italian and Spanish coun- the spread reached its highest terparts, as well as Eurogroup since March last week. Weather- finance chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem, related production outages also the finance ministry spokesman supported prices, analysts said. said. EU Commissioner Michel North Sea oil producers cut Barnier, ECB board member Joerg output and moved staff from Asmussen and a representative of some platforms as a major storm the EU’s Lithuanian presidency blasted toward mainland Europe were also attending, he said, add- in what meteorologists warned ing that it was a “working meeting” could be the worst weather to to pave the way for Tuesday’s EU hit the continent in years. Cold finance ministers’ talks in Brussels. weather also dented oil and gas “We are confident that we will production in the United States advance a fair bit” at next week’s and could further crimp output in talks, the spokesman said. No top crude-producing states, such press conference is scheduled as Texas and North Dakota. after yesterday’s gathering in the Ford Motor Co CEO Alan Mulally sits in the driver seat of its all new 2015 Ford Mustang in New York. REUTERS German capital, he added, say- ing there was also “no so-called compromise paper” on the table. EU finance ministers have been trying to narrow differences on the proposed banking union, a new framework meant to prevent a repe- Tourism revenues rise in Cyprus US unemployment tition of the financial meltdown that plunged Europe into crisis. NICOSIA: Tourism spending Revenue from tourism reached This followed from a 12.9 per- Although they approved a first in Cyprus in the first 10 months ¤46.6m in October, compared to cent jump in revenue in 2011 step in the plan — the Single of 2013 hit ¤1.95bn, more than ¤211.5m in the same month last compared to the 2010 figure of rate at 5-year low Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) last year’s total, boosting hopes year. The government is hop- ¤1.54bn. The Mediterranean holi- to oversee eurozone banks — the sector will ease the economy ing burgeoning tourism income day island is attracting big-spend- WASHINGTON: US employ- or are looking for one — bounced in October, the ministers are out of recession, official data can help it recover from the ing Russians, while many British ers hired more workers than back from a 35-1/2-year low under pressure to agree a Single showed yesterday. Eurogroup’s “haircut” on bank — the island’s leading market — expected in November and the touched in October. Resolution Mechanism (SRM) Tourism revenues of ¤1.95bn deposits imposed in March as and Germans are going elsewhere. jobless rate fell to a five-year low “The US labour market is still by the end of the year. The SRM ($2.66bn) up until October sur- part of a ¤23bn deal with inter- Russians now make up the sec- of 7 percent, heightening expec- far from healed, but it certainly would serve to close failing banks passed the ¤1.92bn spent by holi- national lenders to save the EU ond biggest source of tourists for tations the Federal Reserve will is moving in the right direction,” and would also need to be com- daymakers during the whole of last member’s banking system and a Cyprus, where tourism accounts soon start ratcheting back its said Eric Stein, co-director of the plemented by a deposit guarantee year. And debt-ridden Cyprus’s bankrupt economy. for about 12 percent of GDP. But bond-buying stimulus. Global Income Group at Eaton regime to protect savers. Germany tourism income increased 16.6 per- Already in 2012, arrivals the banking crisis and austerity Nonfarm payrolls increased by Vance Investment Managers in has opposed most of its EU part- cent in October alone compared to increased three percent to reach have changed the once robust eco- 203,000 new jobs last month, the Boston. ners over who should have the final the same month in 2012, offering 2.46 million visitors — a seven- nomic to one of recession and EU Labour Department said. The Economic data so far for say on the closure of banks under a financial lifeline for the troubled year high — from 2.39 million bailout economics. This year, the unemployment rate dropped the fourth quarter have been the new resolution regime. economy which needed a ¤10bn for 2011, while tourism income economy is expected to shrink by three tenths of a percentage mixed, with labour market and AFP bailout in March. increased 10.2 percent to ¤1.92bn. 7.7 percent. AFP point to its lowest level since consumer spending indicators November 2008 as some federal firming. However, the housing employees who were counted as market and business spending jobless in October returned to have slowed. work after a 16-day partial shut- A separate report from the down of the government. Commerce Department showed Economists polled by Reuters consumer prices were steady in Qantas relegated to junk status by S&P had forecast payrolls rising October, after having risen by only 180,000 last month and the 0.1 percent for three straight SYDNEY: Embattled Qantas Airways Ltd companies rated below investment grade. It company’s financial risk profile to deteriorate. unemployment rate falling to 7.2 months. Over the past 12 was relegated to junk status by credit rat- also means the carrier will have to pay higher Highlighting the scale of Qantas’s problems, percent from 7.3 percent. Job months, prices rose 0.7 percent, ing agency Standard & Poor’s yesterday, a rates when it borrows money. Chief Executive Alan Joyce said on Thursday gains for September and October the smallest gain since October day after the Australian carrier issued a Qantas also faces the prospect of losing a that he placed calls to government ministers were revised to show 8,000 more 2009. Excluding food and energy, shock loss warning that sent its shares to a chunk of its $2.8bn cash balance: The rating seeking urgent action after the loss warning. jobs created than previously prices were up just 0.1 percent for 16-month low. downgrade could slow the transfer of revenue The airline has long complained that rival Virgin reported, lending more strength a fourth straight month. These S&P cut its ratings on Qantas by a notch from credit card companies for ticket sales Australia Holdings Ltd’s access to foreign fund- to the report. so-called core prices were up only to BB+/B, one rank below investment grade, because additional processing is now required. ing has created an unfair playing field. Other details were also upbeat, 1.1 percent from a year ago. and placed a negative outlook on the airline Adding to Qantas’s headaches, ratings The airline said it would accelerate a cost- with employment gains across Both inflation measures that means ratings could be cut again. The agency Moody’s on Thursday placed its Baa3 cutting programme following a “marked dete- the board, average hourly earn- remained well below the Fed’s 2 agency said a structural shift in the domestic rating on the airline, the lowest investment rioration” in market conditions, axing 1,000 ings rising and the workweek percent target, and some econo- competitive landscape had weakened Qantas’ grade, under review for a possible downgrade. more jobs as it braces for ongoing volatile lengthening. mists said they provided another business risk profile. S&P said yesterday that the pre-tax conditions. Qantas had warned on Thursday In addition, the jobless rate reason for the central bank to The downgrade means that Qantas could first-half loss of between A$250m ($226m) that a re-rating by the agency was “likely to fell even as the participation move cautiously in pulling back lose some shareholders whose rules on invest- and A$300m expected by the airline in the be materially price-sensitive”. rate — the share of working-age its stimulus. ment prevent them from retaining stock in six months to December 31 had caused the REUTERS Americans who either have a job REUTERS DECEMBER 7, 2013 Business 15 ON SATURDAY Global house prices hit new peak Dubai tops index, says report

LONDON: Booming hous- and housing analysts expect to ing markets in emerging Asia see house price gains in the have pushed global residential world’s No.1 economy to slow property prices to a new peak, markedly next year, from around according to a report yesterday. 11 percent this year to 6.5 per- Consultancy Knight Frank’s cent in 2014. global house price index rose 4.6 Meanwhile, British house percent over the 12 months to the prices rose at their fastest end of September, taking it 4 per- pace in more than six years in cent higher than its previous peak November but could slow as in the second quarter of 2008. weak wage growth puts pressure “The index’s strong perform- on personal finances, mortgage ance has been assisted not just by lender Halifax said. Average headline grabbing price rises in house prices in the three months Dubai, China and Hong Kong, but to November were 7.7 percent also in a number of emerging mar- higher than a year earlier. kets,” said Kate Everett-Allen, That represented a speeding up associate at the London-based from an annual rise of 6.9 percent property consultancy. in the three months to October Traders working on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange yesterday. Dubai topped the index, as and was the strongest increase house prices there rose more than since October 2007, Halifax said. a quarter over the last 12 months, Britain’s average house price followed by China, Hong Kong and remains 12 percent below a peak in European markets rise; gold shines Taiwan. August 2007, Halifax said Demand Struggling southern European for housing has been bolstered by economies filled the lower reaches Britain’s Help to Buy and Funding LONDON: European stock lowest level in five years. buying stimulus when its mon- $1,233 an ounce on the London of the index, with house prices for Lending programmes. markets posted solid gains yes- US stocks also bounced higher, etary policy committee meets on Bullion Market, up from $1,222.50. falling steeply in Croatia, Spain Amid concerns about a housing terday following unexpectedly despite positive data often send- December 17-18, he said. Asian equity markets mostly and Greece. bubble, the Bank of England and strong US jobs data, despite this ing stocks tumbling as inves- Economist Robert Wood at fell as better-than-forecast US “There are still 17 countries the government last week decided raising the odds that the Federal tors see it as a sign the Federal Berenberg Bank also believes growth data added to expecta- where house prices fell in the to refocus the FLS scheme exclu- Reserve could soon reduce its Reserve could soon begin cutting there is more of a chance the Fed tions the Fed will start to wind year to September - all except sively on business lending. huge stimulus injections. its bond-buying programme from will begin winding down, or taper- down its stimulus programme as three were located in Europe. In month-on-month terms, London’s benchmark FTSE the current $85bn per month. ing its stimulus this month. early as this month. Only Japan, South Korea and New prices rose 1.1 percent from 100 index rose 0.83 percent at In midday trading, the Dow But the US economy “seems to Sydney lost 0.23 percent, Zealand interrupt Europe’s dom- October, more than economists 6,551.99 points, while Frankfurt’s Jones Industrial Average surged have weathered well the higher Shanghai finished 0.44 percent inance at the foot of the table,” had expected but slower than a DAX 30 jumped 0.96 percent to 0.99 percent to 15,978.43 points. interest rates since the summer down and Seoul slid 0.22 percent, said Everett-Allen. revised 1.3 percent increase in 9,172.41 points and the CAC 40 The broad-based S&P 500 discussion of tapering, suggest- while Tokyo gained 0.81 percent Perhaps the biggest risk to the October, Halifax said. in Paris added 0.72 percent to advanced 0.92 percent to 1,801.38 ing it is ready to digest the real in value. world’s housing market would be It was the 10th consecutive 4,129.37 points. Milan tacked on while the tech-rich Nasdaq thing,” added Wood. In company news, Anglo-Dutch a reduction in policy stimulus by monthly increase in house prices 0.73 percent and Madrid edged up Composite Index added 0.78 per- In foreign exchange activity on oil giant Shell announced that it the US Federal Reserve, she added. as measured by Halifax, the long- 0.9 percent. cent to 4,064.81. Friday, the euro rose to $1.3695 has abandoned plans to build a US Economists polled by Reuters last est such run since early 2003. European indices had trod Marcus Bullus, trading director from $1.3666 late in New York facility to convert natural gas into month expect the Fed to start Economists in a Reuters poll water for much of the day but at MB Capital, said “in the event on Thursday. The dollar rose diesel and other fuels, citing high reducing its monthly bond pur- had expected prices to rise by 0.6 then shot up after the US Labour the equity markets took the good to 102.83 yen from 101.77. The costs. The news sent Shell’s ‘B’ chases by March, with a small percent on the month and by 7.2 Department announced that the news as just that—good news.” British pound dipped to 1.1935 share price jumping 2.9 percent chance it could do so in January. percent in yearly terms. country’s jobless rate fell sharply The data raises the likelihood euros but rose to $1.6346. to 2,157 pence in London. That explains why economists AGENCIES to 7 percent in November, the the Fed will begin to cut bond Gold prices, meanwhile, rose to AFP

QATARI MARKET IFSB review set Bond Coupon Maturity Currency Mid-Price Yield Moody’s S&P Qatar Govt 5.15% 4/9/2014 USD 101.50 0.56 % Aa2 AA to tighten Islamic Qatar Govt 3.125% 1/20/2017 USD 104.88 1.52 % Aa2 AA Qatar Govt 6.55% 4/9/2019 USD 119.25 2.66 % Aa2 AA finance oversight Qatar Govt 5.25% 1/20/2020 USD 112.00 3.08 % Aa2 AA SYDNEY: The Kuala Lumpur- Qatar Govt 4.5% 1/20/2022 USD 106.00 3.64 % Aa2 AA based Islamic Financial Qatar Govt 9.75% 6/15/2030 USD 152.50 5.03 % Aa2 AA Services Board (IFSB) is revis- Qatar Govt 6.4% 1/20/2040 USD 113.50 5.43 % Aa2 AA ing guidelines on the supervision of Islamic finance institutions Qatar Govt 5.75% 1/20/2042 USD 104.38 5.44 % Aa2 AA around the world, helping Qatari Diar 3.5% 7/21/2015 USD 104.13 0.91 % Aa2 AA tighten regulatory oversight of Qatari Diar 5% 7/21/2020 USD 110.00 3.31 % Aa2 AA industry practices. Comqat 5% 11/18/2014 USD 103.63 1.10 % A1 A- Guidelines from the IFSB, one Comqat 3.375% 4/11/2017 USD 103.63 2.24 % A1 A- of the main standard-setting bod- ies for Islamic finance, are gaining QIB 3.856% 10/7/2015 USD 104.13 1.56 % NR NR prominence as the industry takes QNB 3.125% 11/16/2015 USD 103.50 1.30 % Aa3 A+ a greater share of the banking QNB 3.375% 2/22/2017 USD 103.88 2.12 % Aa3 A+ sector in several majority-Mus- Doha Bank 3.5% 3/14/2017 USD 104.00 2.23 % A2 A- lim countries. The latest update Qtel 3.375% 10/14/2016 USD 105.00 1.58 % A2 A complements stricter Basel rules, agreed globally to make banks Qtel 7.875% 6/10/2019 USD 123.50 3.19 % A2 A safer after the 2007-09 credit Qtel 4.75% 2/16/2021 USD 105.50 3.87 % A2 A crisis, IFSB secretary-general Qtel 5% 10/19/2025 USD 100.13 4.98 % A2 A Jaseem Ahmed told Reuters. Rasgas 5.5% 9/30/2014 USD 103.63 0.95 % Aa3 A A view of Khurmala oilfield on the outskirts of Arbil in Iraq’s Kurdistan region. This expands its original 2007 Rasgas 5.832% 9/30/2016 USD 106.75 3.30 % Aa3 A document, known as IFSB-5, to include areas such as regulatory Rasgas 5.298% 9/30/2020 USD 107.38 4.05 % Aa3 A capital, corporate governance, SOVEREIGNS Asian petrol margins to drop stress testing, securitisation expo- Moody’s Bond PDA* Maturity Currency Mid-Price Yield S&P sures, liquidity, concentration and counterparty risk. “Overall the Abu Dhabi Govt 5.5% 4/8/2014 USD 101.63 0.49 % Aa2 AA revisions are significant, in particu- Abu Dhabi Govt 6.75% 4/8/2019 USD 122.63 2.23 % Aa2 AA as Mideast deficit narrows lar the areas which were not envis- Dubai Govt 6.7% 10/5/2015 USD 108.50 1.92 % NR NR aged in the IFSB-5,” Ahmed said. Dubai Govt 4.9% 5/2/2017 USD 106.50 2.88 % NR NR SINGAPORE/KHOBAR: period 2010-2012 and will be a dol- will support cracks as well. Only “It is broadly analogous to Dubai Govt 7.75% 10/5/2020 USD 119.63 4.39 % NR NR Asian petrol margins have peaked lar less from 2013-2016,” he said, half of a targeted 5.38 million bar- Pillar 2 of the Basel accords.” and are set to drop in 2014, as the referring to the spread between rels-per-day new Middle Eastern Founded in 2002, the IFSB’s ini- Dubai Govt 6.45% 5/2/2022 USD 111.63 4.75 % NR NR Middle East ramps up refining Singapore 95-octane petrol and refining capacity is expected to tial efforts have focused on winning Qatar Govt 4% 1/20/2015 USD 103.50 0.82 % Aa2 AA capacity and a crush of cargoes Dubai oil prices. The deficit of the come online by 2020, while net a wide membership base, leaving Bahrain Govt 6.273% 11/22/2018 USD 113.13 3.38 % NR BBB come in from a European market motor fuel in the Middle East will exporter China may flip into a implementation and enforcement Bahrain Govt 5.5% 3/31/2020 USD 102.75 4.99 % NR BBB flush with supplies. narrow to 50,000 barrels-per-day slight deficit in 2015, according to national regulators to decide. Egypt Govt 5.75% 4/29/2020 USD 93.50 7.03 % Caa1 B- Analysts, however, expect a (bpd) in 2018 from 320,000 b/d in to Energy Aspects. Now, however, the 187-mem- growing shortage of the motor 2013, Sivanandam said. JBC Energy sees exports from ber IFSB is issuing more detailed Morocco Govt 4.5% 10/5/2020 EUR 102.13 4.14 % NR BBB- fuel in Indonesia and continued But any pessimism about petrol China, the world’s No.2 petrol guidance in response to the glo- *Periodic Distribution Amount deficits in the Middle East to cracks could be overdone, trad- consumer after the United States, bal financial crisis, and a trend IMPORTANT NOTE: help keep Asian margins in the ers and analysts said, given that dropping below 20,000 b/d in 2018 towards tightening regulation of Published by HSBC Bank Middle East Limited, P O Box 57, Doha, Qatar which double digits. The average bench- the Middle East will stay net from about 120,000 b/d in 2013. conventional financial markets. is licensed and regulated by Qatar Central Bank and Jersey Financial Services mark Singapore petrol margin, short in the next five years while It is Europe’s excess volumes In the past year, the IFSB has Commission. Information quoted is from publicly available sources or proprietary data or crack, is expected to drop to Indonesia is expected to emerge of the motor fuel, estimated at issued separate guidelines on liquid- and subject to change. HSBC accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising out of around $11.50 a barrel in 2014, as the world’s top importer of the between 400,000 to 500,000 bpd ity risk management and stress the use of all or part of this material. This information is general and does not take into account individual circumstances, objectives or needs. The price of bonds can and from $14 in 2011 and 2012, con- fuel over the period. in the next five years by ESAI testing, while currently reviewing does fluctuate. The secondary market for bonds may not provide significant liquidity sulting and research firm ESAI “There are some views that Energy, that will keep Asia’s pet- a draft on capital adequacy. or may trade based on prevailing market conditions. Past performance is not a reliable Energy said. petrol will become useless in rol margin from scaling up. The revision provides more indicator of future performance. You should consider these matters and consult your Margins hit a peak over 2010 about 20, 30 years due to energy “By 2018, gasoline fundamen- detailed guidance on areas such as financial advisor prior to making any investment decisions. to 2012 in Asia and will come efficiency and renewable energy. tals in Asia will be more or less Islamic windows, a practice which down in the four years to 2016, But the important thing is that balanced if you look at it from a allows conventional banks to offer said Suresh Sivanandam, senior petrolis still a major commod- broad, region-wide perspective,” Islamic financial services provided analyst of oils research for Asia ity now,” a source from a North said John Galante, an analyst at that clients’ money is segregated Pacific at Wood Mackenzie. Asian refinery said. ESAI. from the rest of the bank. “It was $12.80 a barrel for the Worries about China’s exports REUTERS REUTERS

DECEMBER 7, 2013 Classifieds 17 ON SATURDAY



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APOLLO ENTERPRISES LEADERSHIP LIMOUSINE #FM[POB1PMZNFSJDT5FM44426664 )PVS4FSWJDF3FOU"$BS (4.55871914/ 55524897 &NBJMBQPMMP!RBUBSOFURB .BJO0GûDF4BMXB3PBE5FM44440112 JORVJSZ!BQPMMPDIFNJDBMTDPN (4.33047637 &NBJMBCPEBIJTI!IPUNBJMDPN DECEMBER 7, 2013 Sport 19 ON SATURDAY Spain begin World Cup defence against Holland Former French player Zinedine Zidane looks on as retired Brazilian player Cafu draws a ball from a pot, during the draw for the 2014 World Cup. England draw Italy in tough group; Germany, Portugal to clash

COSTA DO SAUIPE, Brazil: Reigning champi- Groups and ons Spain will begin their Fixtures defence of the World Cup Group A with a rematch of the 2010 final against Holland in June 12 Salvador on June 12 next Brazil vs Croatia, Sao Paulo year after the finals draw June 13 was made yesterday. Spain, who beat Holland Mexico vs Cameroon, Natal 1-0 in the final in South June 17 Africa thanks to a solitary Brazil vs Mexico, Fortaleza extra-time goal by Andres June 18 Iniesta, were also handed a repeat meeting with Chile, Cameroon vs Croatia, Manaus having defeated the South June 23 Americans in the group stage Cameroon vs Brazil, Brasilia last time around. Croatia vs Mexico, Recife Australia complete the line-up in a tough-looking Group B Group B, but there were June 13 arguably even tougher draws Spain vs Holland, Salvador elsewhere. England find themselves Chile vs Australia, Cuiaba in Group D along with June 18 Uruguay, Costa Rica and Spain vd Chile, Rio De Janeiro Italy. FIFA Secretary General Jerome Valcke (centre and on screen) shows the paper reading the name Australia vs Holland, Porto Alegre A meeting with Uruguay, of Argentina during the final draw of the Brazil 2014 FIFA World Cup, in Costa do Sauipe, Bahia June 23 the 2011 Copa America win- state, Brazil, yesterday. ners and semi-finalists at Australia vs Spain, Curitiba the last World Cup prom- Holland vs Chile, Sao Paulo ises to be a hard enough test testing Group G that also will face Croatia, Mexico and After scraping through Group C for England in their second included Ghana and the Cameroon in Group A, with qualifying via a play-off, match in Sao Paulo on June United States. their opening match against France were drawn in June 14 19. The two European nations the Croatians in Sao Paulo in Group E with neighbours Colombia vs Greece, Belo Horizonte However, before that they will meet in their first match June 12. Switzerland, Ecuador and Ivory Coast vs Japan, Recife must face Italy in their open- in Salvador on June 16. That will be the first Honduras. ing game in the heat of north- The draw was kinder to game of the month-long Colombia will face Greece, June 19 ern city Manaus on June 15 host nation Brazil, however, competition, which will the Ivory Coast and Japan Colombia vs Ivory Coast, Brasilia in a repeat of the Euro 2012 as they seek to make up for also see Argentina take on in Group C, while Belgium, Japan vs Greece, Natal quarter-final, which Italy won their failure to lift the tro- Iran, Nigeria and the only another of the potential dark June 24 on penalties. phy when they last hosted the tournament debutants, horses, will meet Algeria, Germany and Portugal finals back in 1950. Bosnia-Herzegovina, in Russia and South Korea in Japan vs Colombia, Cuiaba were drawn together in a Luiz Felipe Scolari’s side Group F. Group H. AFP Greece vs Ivory Coast, Fortaleza Group D June 14 Eljaish suffer first defeat of season Uruguay vs Costa Rica, Fortaleza June 15 England vs Italy, Manaus DOHA: Qatar Stars back through Wagner League (QSL) points Ribeiro just after the June 19 leaders half-hour Uruguay vs England, Sao Paulo Eljaish suf- mark, but June 20 fered their were unable QSL Standings Italy vs Costa Rica, Recife first defeat to add to of the sea- P W D L G/F G/A Pts their goal June 24 son at the Al Sadd 11 7 3 1 25 10 24 tally. Italy vs Uruguay, Natal hands of Eljaish 11 7 3 1 9 7 24 Razvan Costa Rica vs England, Belo Horizonte Al Ahli, Lucescu’s Lekhwiua 11 5 3 3 19 11 18 Group E yesterday. Al Sailiya 11 4 4 3 19 17 16 men now Goals has the June 15 Qatar SC 11 4 4 3 12 14 16 from Meshal same points Switzerland vs Ecuador, Brasilia Al Gharafa 11 3 6 2 20 14 15 Abdullah tally (24) as France vs Honduras, Porto Alegre (31), Mojtaba Al Arabi 11 4 3 4 16 13 15 defending Jabbari (45) Al Wakra 11 3 6 2 2 16 16 champions June 20 and Elian Al Ahli 11 4 3 4 17 18 15 Al Sadd, Switzerland vs France, Salvador Djoko (58) Al Kharaitiyat 11 3 4 4 15 14 13 who had Honduras vs Ecuador, Curitiba helped Al thrashed Al Khor 11 0 9 2 10 15 9 June 25 Ahli register Al Sailiyah their third Al Rayyan 11 2 2 7 11 27 9 5-2 on Honduras vs Switzerland, Manaus win in four Meather 11 2 2 7 11 27 8 Thursday. Ecuador vs France, Rio De Janeiro Umm Salal 11 0 5 6 12 22 5 matches. In other Group F The results yes- June 15 men in green, who had terday, Qatar Sports beaten two-time cham- Club drew 1-1 with Al Argentina vs Bosnia, Rio De Janeiro pions Lekhwiya already Wakra. June 16 this season, were behind Al Gharafa drew 2-2 Iran vs Nigeria, Curitiba through a 15th minute with Al Kharaitiyat and strike Kalou Yoshi, but Lekhwiya claimed a 1-0 June 21 rallied back. win over Umm Salal. Argentina vs Iran, Belo Horizonte Eljaish did pull one THE PENINSULA Nigeria vs Bosnia, Cuiaba June 25 Qatar Stars League Nigeria vs Argentina, Porto Alegre Results and Fixtures Bosnia vs Iran, Salvador Al Ahli players celebrate after scoring a goal against Eljaish during their Yesterday’s Results Group G Qatar Stars League (QSL) clash at Al Arabi Stadium in Doha yesterday. June 16 Eljaish 2 Al Ahli 3 BELOW: Umm Salal midfielder Jawed Akeel Ahannach (left) tries to tackle Germany vs Portugal, Salvador Qatar SC 1 Al Wakra 1 Lekhwiya forward Yousef Msakni during the QSL match at Qatar Sports Club in Doha yesterday. PICTURES BY: SHAIVAL DALAL/KAMMUTTY VP Ghana vs United States, Natal Umm Salal 0 Lekhwiya 1 June 21 Al Kharaitiyat 2 Al Gharafa 2 Germany vs Ghana, Fortaleza Thursday June 22 Al Sadd 5 Al Sailiya 2 United States vs Portugal, Manaus Al Arabi 1 Al Rayyan 0 June 26 Al Khor 0 Muaither 0 United States vs Germany, Recife Fixtures Portugal vs Ghana, Brasilia Group H Tuesday December 10 June 17 Umm Salal vs Qatar SC, 4,00pm at Qatar SC Stadium Belgium vs Algeria, Belo Horizonte Al Sailiyah vs Muaither, 4.00pm at Al Rayyan Stadium Russia vs South Korea, Cuiaba Al Rayyan vs Eljaish, 6.30pm at Al Rayyan Stadium June 22 Al Arabi vs Al Gharafa, 6.30pm at Al Arabi Stadium Belgium vs Russia, Rio De Janeiro Wednesday December 11 South Korea vs Algeria, Porto Alegre Al Ahli vs Al Wakra, 4.00pm at Al Arabi Stadium June 26 Al Kharaitiyat vs Al Khor, 4.00pm at Al Khor Stadium South Korea vs Belgium, Sao Paulo Al Sadd vs Lekhwiya, 6.30pm at Al Sadd Stadium Algeria vs Russia, Curitiba DECEMBER 7, 2013 ON SATURDAY 20 Sport


New Zealand (I innings): ...... 609-9 decl. D Ramdin b Sodhi ...... 24 West Indies (I innings): ...... 213 D Sammy (batting) ...... 44 Australia take control West Indies (II innings): Extras (B4, LB5, W5, NB2) ...... 16 K Edwards lbw b Sodhi ...... 59 Total (6 wickets; 139 overs) ...... 443 K Powell c Southee b Boult ...... 14 Fall of wickets: 1-18, 2-135, 3-178, 4-185, D Bravo (batting) ...... 210 5-307, 6-363 M Samuels c & b Southee ...... 23 Bowling: Southee 26-4-90-1, Boult 28-8-71-1 S Chanderpaul lbw Wagner ...... 1 (1w), Wagner 25-2-96-1 (2nb), Anderson 14-2- of second Ashes Test N Deonarine c Watling b Anderson ...... 52 29-1, Sodhi 41-6-130-2, Redmond 5-1-18-0 The hosts declare on 570; England close play 35 for 1 Bravo double

ADELAIDE: A fired-up Mitchell Johnson dismissed England captain Alastair Cook cheaply in a hammer blow for ton thwarts NZ the tourists after Australia declared for a mammoth first innings of 570 to be firmly in control after day two of the sec- ond Ashes Test yesterday. victory push A day that began with promise for England quickly unravelled DUNEDIN: Darren Bravo pro- in the field as Australia captain vided stubborn resistance to Michael Clarke and his deputy New Zealand’s bowlers bring- Brad Haddin scored glittering ing up his maiden Test double centuries in a record sixth-wicket century to ensure West Indies partnership at Adelaide Oval. made the hosts bat again and Adding insult to injury, Clarke, sent the first Test at University who struck 148 for his second ton Oval in Dunedin into a fifth and in successive Tests, waited until final day. 34-year-old paceman Ryan Harris Bravo, whose previous high- had compiled his second Test fifty est test score was 195 against before declaring on 570-9 after Bangladesh in 2011, ended yester- tea in glorious sunshine. day’s fourth day on 210 not out Johnson then captured the key after he had guided the visitors to wicket of Cook for three, beating 443 for six in their second innings, the England skipper for pace with a lead of 47 runs. a searing delivery that knocked West Indies captain Darren over his off-stump and sent a rau- Sammy, although still hampered cous crowd of more than 35,000 by a hamstring injury sustained into paroxysms of delight. while bowling, remained unbeaten Michael Carberry (20 not out), on 44 after he and Bravo had and Joe Root (nine not out), pro- Australian batsman Brad Haddin celebrates after scoring a century during day two of the second Ashes Test put on a quick-fire 80-run moted to number three in place match against England at the Adelaide Oval in Adelaide, Australia, yesterday. RIGHT: Australian captain Michael partnership. of the departed Jonathan Trott, Clarke plays a shot and later claimed a century. “It has been hard work, I guess dug in grimly in the final hour but that’s what Test cricket is,” New Johnson could have also dismissed Zealand legspinner Ish Sodhi the opener on the final ball of the looks of it.” Carberry reprieved, Scoreboard told Radio Sport of the day in day. England were 35-1 at the close, which the home side’s bowlers Darren Bravo of the West Indies celebrates after scoring a double Unleashing rockets over 150 still 535 shy of Australia’s total Australia (I innings): Fall of wickets: 1-34, 2-155, 3-155, 4-174, created many opportunities only kph (93 mph), Johnson trapped and facing a Herculean task to Chris Rogers c Prior b Swann ...... 72 5-257, 6-457, 7-474, 8-483, 9-529 for potential catches to flash just century during day four of the Carberry in front, but Australia, claw themselves back into the David Warner c Carberry b Broad ...... 29 Bowling: Anderson 30-10-85-1 (1nb), Broad wide of fielders. first Test match against New surprisingly, declined to review game. Shane Watson c & b Anderson ...... 51 30-3-98-3 (1w), Swann 36-4-151-2, Panesar The hosts also did not help Zealand at the University Oval in the not out decision for lbw only Despite losing the toss, England Michael Clarke c Anderson b Stokes ...... 148 44-7-157-1, Stokes 18-2-70-2 (3nb) themselves by dropping two dif- Dunedin, yesterday. for Hawk-Eye to track the ball had battled hard to earn a share Steve Smith b Panesar ...... 6 England (I innings): ficult chances throughout the day. hitting leg stump. the spoils on Thursday’s opening George Bailey c Swann b Broad ...... 53 Alastair Cook b Johnson ...... 3 New Zealand had high hopes “Myself, Watto (Shane Watson) day, but squandered their oppor- Brad Haddin c Prior b Broad ...... 118 Michael Carberry (batting) ...... 20 of pushing for victory yesterday when New Zealand took two early and Michael (Clarke) all thought tunity on an overcast morning Mitchell Johnson c Broad b Swann ...... 5 Joe Root (batting) ...... 9 after they had asked the visitors wickets yesterday, dismissing it was going down leg and Mitch when play resumed at 273-5. Peter Siddle c Prior b Stokes...... 2 Extras (LB1, NB2) ...... 3 to follow on before tea on the Marlon Samuels for 23, caught (Johnson) exactly the same,” The tourists committed a Ryan Harris (not out) ...... 55 Total (1 wkt; 21 overs) ...... 35 third day when they dismissed and bowled by Tim Southee, and Haddin told reporters. number of howlers in the field Nathan Lyon (not out) ...... 17 Fall of wickets: 1-9 West Indies for 213 in their first Shivnarine Chanderpaul for just “As we’d seen when we came yesterday to allow Clarke and Extras (8B, 1LB, 1W, 4NB) ...... 14 Bowling: Johnson 7-3-9-1 (2nb), Harris 5-4- innings, well short of the home one to leave the visitors struggling off we were wrong, so we haven’t Haddin to notch a 200-run part- Total (9 wkts decl.) ...... 570 3-0, Lyon 5-1-17-0, Siddle 4-2-5-0 side’s 609-9 declared. on 185-4. learnt with the DRS by the nership. REUTERS Victory appeared all but certain REUTERS Black armbands, tributes for ‘hero’ Mandela

JOHANNESBURG: our brothers come in all colours,” Muhammad Ali paid heart- said Ali, a towering figure in A B felt tribute and cricketers and America’s civil rights movement. golfers donned black armbands “What I will remember most and ribbons yesterday as the about Mr. Mandela is that he sports world united in respect was a man whose heart, soul and and mourning after the death spirit could not be contained or of Nelson Mandela. restrained by racial and economic Heavyweight boxing legend Ali injustices, metal bars or the bur- said Mandela “taught us forgive- den of hate and revenge.” ness on a grand scale” as ath- Brazilian football legend Pele letes and officials from Australia said on Twitter that Mandela was to Brazil and at home in South “one of the most influential peo- Africa expressed their sadness. ple in my life.” FIFA chief Sepp Blatter called “He was my hero, my friend, Mandela “one of the greatest and also a companion to me in humanists of our time” and Tiger our fight for the people and for Woods said he had been inspired world peace,” he added. by South Africa’s anti-apart- International Olympic heid hero. In Sun City north of Committee president Thomas Johannesburg, golfer Ernie Els Bach called Mandela “a great hailed the former South African friend and a hero of humanity”. president as an “iconic leader”. “His attitude towards sport “You cannot say anything can make us proud -- proud at bad about the man. He fought his understanding of the poten- A) Brazilian football legend, Pele (right) kisses former South African for what he believed in, went tial of sport to bring inclusion,” President, Nelson Mandela, in Johannesburg, South Africa in this 2007 to prison for so many years and Bach said. file photo. B) England cricketers observe a minute of silence to mark came out to lead our country up Blatter, who attended the 2014 the passsing of Mandela on the second day of the second Ashes cricket until now,” said the South African World Cup draw in Brazil, said Test match against Australia in Adelaide, yesterday. C) A file photo taken champion, who wore a black rib- he and Mandela had “shared an on June 24, 1995 shows Mandela congratulating South Africa’s rugby bon when he went out to play in unwavering belief in the extraor- team captain before handing him the the Nedbank Golf Challenge. dinary power of football (and after the 1995 final match against New Zealand at Ellis “He was the father of our sport generally) to unite people Park Stadium in Johannesburg. country and our continent. It’s in peace and friendship”. just very sad that he had to go. New Zealand’s rugby board C He was 95 and led a full life but a hailed Mandela’s “far-reach- Steve Tew. International Rugby as humble and as dignified as he lot of that wasn’t spent on what ing” influence on sport after he Board chairman Bernard did.” he was so good at because he was inspired South Africa to vic- Lapasset said: “I was honoured South African golf great Gary away for so many years.” tory over the All Blacks in the to be with him during the historic Player called Mandela “our Australia and England’s crick- 1995 World Cup final. Mandela days of Rugby World Cup 1995 beloved Father of the South eters held a minute’s silence famously appeared at the final and saw his incredible impact African nation”. before play in the second Ashes in Johannesburg wearing a on his nation and his people. His Football superstars Cristiano cricket Test in Adelaide, and later Springboks jersey -- a stark sym- wisdom, intelligence and sheer Ronaldo and David Beckham donned black armbands. bol of white South Africa -- in an presence was a wonder to behold.” sent tributes, while Formula One Ali, in a statement from the Ali act that electrified the stadium. Woods, the world’s number one driver Lewis Hamilton posted a Center in Louisville, Kentucky, “We have lost a champion for golfer, recalled having lunch with picture of himself with Mandela paid tribute to South Africa’s our game, a leader whose inspi- Mandela in 1998, the year after on his Facebook page. first black president, who led the ration ensured the Rugby World his first Masters triumph. Former heavyweight cham- country peacefully out of apart- Cup in 1995 was a remarkable “It was one of the most inspir- pion Mike Tyson called Mandela heid rule after spending nearly time for our sport and whose ing times I’ve ever had in my a “great man” and a “true fan” three decades in prison. influence on sport has been far- life,” said Woods. “I don’t think of boxing, which was a sport he “He made us realise, we are reaching,” said New Zealand any of us probably here could pursued as a young man. our brother’s keeper and that chief executive have survived that and come out AFP DECEMBER 7, 2013 Sport 21 ON SATURDAY NBA: ’ Rose vows Qatar’s Al Attiyah named to return to form new FIA Vice-President CHICAGO: Chicago Bulls’ star Derrick Rose has a warning for anyone who thinks he might be QMMF chief promises to raise the profile of motor sport in the Middle East injury prone and ready to call it a career as an NBA player. “What can I say to that? ... I DOHA: Qatar’s Nasser bin “We will work together with know I’m going to be all right,” Khalifa Al Attiyah yesterday our motor sport family in the Rose said. pledged to raise the profile of region. The issues relating to new Al Attiyah Speaking at a news conference motor sport in the region just events and matters like safety yesterday, Rose said he plans to minutes after being announced would be given priority,” the Qatar dedicates get back on the basketball court as FIA Vice-President for Motor and Motorcyle Federation as soon as he can. Middle East region. (QMMF) President said. “The hard part that I had to go The official announcement “Other topics will include dis- winning FIA through in life, period, is living in was made in Paris where FIA cussions on volunteering and the poverty and not being able to get President Jean Todt was unani- medical side. It’s a big test but we what I want,” Rose said. mously re-elected for a second will do it,” he said. post to “I have everything that I want. four-year term by the members “But first we have to put the I just can’t play the game that I of the General Assembly. house in order,” Al Attiyah said. love playing. The President of the Senate, Other Vice-Presidents the Emir “I have my son. I’m going to Deputy and Vice Presidents announced at yesterday’s FIA try my hardest to get back on the were also adopted as part of presidential election, include DOHA: Nasser Khalifa bin court, and I know I should be out the Presidential List announced Surinder Thatthi (Africa) Jose Al Attiyah yesterday thanked there pretty soon.” yesterday. Abed (North America), Hugo the Emir, H H Sheikh Tamim The team announced last Al Attiyah, a highly popular Mersan (South America) Morrie bin Hamad Al Thani for month that Rose underwent motor sport personality, is also Chandler (Asia Pacific), Michel ‘backing the sports move- successful right knee surgery to Vice-President at FIM, the global Boeri (Europe) and Carlos Gracia ment in the country’ minutes repair a torn medial meniscus body in bike racing. Fuertes (Europe). after he was announced as and will miss the remainder of The Qatari becomes the first Middle East is already home new FIA Vice-President in the season. Arab national to hold two key to two F1 Grands Prix - in Abu the French capital yesterday. Rose, of course, hopes to posts in FIA and FIM at the same Dhabi and Manama. “I dedicate this major sports recover sooner. He said yesterday time. Qatar’s Losail International development for Qatar to the that he is already putting some “I am honoured to be elected Circuit - which was built when Emir, H H Sheikh Tamim bin weight on the knee in therapy. as FIA Vice-President. It was my Al Attiyah became QMMF chief Hamad Al Thani. The Emir His rehab includes swimming and dream to reach here and I am in 2003 - hosts the annual Grand is the driving force behind yoga exercises. glad that I managed to achieve Prix of Qatar in MotoGP. Qatar’s sports movement. “With this injury, I’m able to my goal,” Al Attiyah told The “I want to build bridges so that New FIA Vice-President Nasser bin Khalifa Al Attiyah of Qatar (left) Every success that comes get back on the court a lot quicker Peninsula over phone from Paris. the motor sport officials in the is seen with re-elected FIA President Jean Todt at the FIA General Qatar’s way in sports is due and I’m able to move around a lot “But I won’t just celebrate region get to work together. This Assembly in Paris, yesterday. to the wholehearted support more,” Rose said. this development in my personal way we can raise the profile of the we get from the Emir and his He added that he hated the career. I pledge to raise the pro- sport in a better way. The first office,” Al Attiyah said. rigors of rehab last year but has file of motor sport in the Middle thing would be to get everyone on new challenge. “I am ready to with FIFA and the International “I also would like thank come to accept it now. East. That’s my new job. I will board for a meeting,” he said. carry out this new responsibil- Olympic Committee in more ways H H Sheikh Abdullah bin AFP bring about change. We will host Al Attiyah, a former Qatar ity,” Al Attiyah said in a defiant than one. Together we will start Khalifa Al Thani, Special seminars and get the best people national team football player and tone. a new chapter of cooperation adviser to H H the Emir, in the sport together in our region a rally driver of a considerable “The FIA has links with the to boost sports everywhere,” he and the Prime Minister and NBA Results and talk about motor sport. merit, said he was ready for the United Nations and is associated added. THE PENINSULA Interior Minister H E Abdullah NY Knicks 113 Brooklyn 83 bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al LA Clippers 101 Memphis 81 Thani for their generous sup- port,” the QMMF boss said. NHL Results Todt unanimously re-elected as FIA President “Yesterday, I got a call from the Minister of Youth and NY Rangers 3 Buffalo 1 PARIS: Jean Todt was unanimously ree- Schumacher era. In contrast to four years develop motor sport at the grassroot level, Sports H E Salah bin Ghanim Toronto 3 Dallas 2 lected for a second term as President of ago when he won the election by 135 votes to because no one’s interested in that. Al Ali who congratulated me motorsport’s ruling body the FIA yesterday. 49 for his rival, Finn Ari Vatanen, Todt this “We are like a pyramid, everyone focuses on getting elected to FIA Pittsburgh 5 San Jose 1 The result was a foregone conclusion as time only needed a show of hands from FIA on Formula One, but you have to respect all office,” he said. Montreal 2 Boston 1 the 67-year-old Frenchman was unopposed in delegates. the categories. “At this time, I don’t want Tampa Bay 3 Ottawa 1 the election after Britain’s David Ward with- “It’s very satisfying and pleasant to get so “We also have to concentrate on the prob- to forget my family who drew from the race last month after failing much support,” said Todt yesterday, who added lem of costs at every level of motorsport. not have always been there for Florida 5 Winnipeg 2 to secure enough support to be nominated. that his first four years as FIA chief had seen only F1.” me. I take this opportunity St. Louis 5 Ny Islanders 1 Todt has been president of the FIA since “plenty of changes” including the upcom- He also paid tribute to Nelson Mandela, to thank the entire QMMF October, 2009, following a career in motor ing launch of a Formula E series for electric the former South African president who died team which is behind ever suc- Carolina 5 Nashville 2 sport management with Peugeot in world ral- cars. on Thursday. cess of ours,” Al Attiyah said, Minnesota 4 Chicago 3 lying and later, from 1992, with further huge He spelled out his aims for the next four “He was a great man who fought for peace, yesterday. THE PENINSULA success at Ferrari from 1993 in the Michael years, declaring: “The biggest objective is to equality, freedom,” he said. AFP Edmonton 8 Colorado 2

Dubai Ladies Masters Scores Woods four behind Johnson Your TV guide for DUBAI: Leading third-round scores in the 500,000 euros Dubai Ladies Masters THOUSAND OAKS, live matches today yesterday at the par-72 Majlis Course of UNITED STATES: Zach Emirates Golf Club: Johnson got hot on a chilly 205 Stacy Lewis (USA) 70-65-70 Southern California day yester- day to seize a one stroke lead in Event Competition Time Channel 207 Pornanong Phatlum (THA) 68-70-69 the World Challenge, with tour- Man United vs Newcastle Barclays Premier League 15:00 HD6 nament host Tiger Woods four 210 Diana Luna (ITA) 73-68-69, Vikki adrift. Tiger Woods Derby vs Blackpool English Championship 15:15 HD4 Laing (SCO) 71-70-69, Carlota Johnson, a two-time runner-up of the US lines Ciganda (ESP) 67-70-73 in this event, had seven birdies up his shot St Andreu vs Atletico Copa del Rey 17:30 HD2 211 Louise Larsson (SWE) 72-71-68, in his five-under par 67. He was on the green Leyton Orient vs Walsal English FA Cup 18:00 +4 Pernilla Lindberg (SWE) 67-69-75 one shot in front of Matt Kuchar, at the fourth whose four-under 68 was high- hole during the Brighton vs Leicester English Championship 18:00 HD4 212 Laura Davies (ENG) 70-71-71, lighted by an eagle at the par-five Northwestern 214 Feng Shanshan (CHN) 76-67-71, 11th. Mutual Hartlepool vs Coventry English FA Cup 18:00 +2 Sarah Kemp (AUS) 70-72-72 Hunter Mahan and Bubba Challenge golf Watson shared third on 70, fol- Southampton vs Man City Barclays Premier League 18:00 HD6 tournament in lowed by Woods on one-under Thousand Oaks, PSG vs Sochaux Ligue 1 18:30 HD5 71 -- the only players in the elite World Challenge California, 18-man field for the unofficial Pacos Ferreira vs Estoril Portuguese League 19:00 +1 Scores event under par. yesterday. “There’s some tough pins out Livorno vs Milan Serie A 19:30 HD3 THOUSAND OAKS, United States: First- there,” Woods said. “You miss round scores yesterday in the $3.5m them on the wrong spots, you’re Barcelona B vs Sabadell Spanish 2nd Division 20:00 +4 Northwestern Mutual World Challenge going to pay the price, and I think Girona vs Getafe Copa del Rey 20:00 HD4 hosted by Tiger Woods (USA unless noted, that’s kind of what’s signified in par-72): the scoring. No one is running Sunderland vs Tottenham Barclays Premier League 20:30 HD6 away with it. Nobody went low 67 Zach Johnson today.” Ajax vs NAC Eredivisie Football 20:45 HD2 After morning frost pushed golf course is kind of set up that bogeys. McDowell played along- 68 Matt Kuchar back tee times one hour, Woods way now.” side compatriot Rory McIlroy, St Etienne vs Evian Ligue 1 22:00 +1 70 Hunter Mahan, Bubba Watson opened with a bogey. Johnson and said his only really who notched his first victory of Celta vs Athletic Copa del Rey 22:00 +4 He birdied the fifth and 11th poor drive cost him his second 2013 with a stirring triumph over 71 Tiger Woods -- both par-fives -- but he missed bogey of the day at the par-four home favorite Adam Scott at the Lorient vs Rennes Ligue 1 22:00 HD5 a golden opportunity at 18 when 18th. Australian Open last Sunday but 72 Graeme McDowell (NIR), Jim Furyk he missed a four-foot birdie putt. “I did everything decent,” he didn’t see any momentum carry Valenciennes vs Guingamp Ligue 1 22:00 +2 “I made a few mistakes,” said. “I wedged it really good. through in the first round at 73 Rory McIlroy (NIR), Bill Haas, Webb said Woods, who hadn’t played Any time I had a wedge in my Sherwood Country Club. Napoli vs Udinese Serie A HD3 22:30 Simpson since a tie for third at the hand, I seemed to be hitting my McIlroy had three birdies but PSV vs Vitesse Eredivisie HD4 22:45 74 Lee Westwood (ENG), Dustin Turkish Airlines Open in early lines and my yardages. I putted four bogeys in his one-over par 73. Johnson, Jason Dufner November. it great. Just a real solid day all McDowell said Sherwood is Porto vs Braga Portuguese League HD1 23:15 “Obviously the very first hole around.” playing as tough as it has in years 75 Steve Stricker, Keegan Bradley I missed a little short one, and I Defending champion Graeme as it hosts the tournament for the Xativa vs Real Madrid Copa del Rey HD2 23:30 missed a short one at 18,” Woods McDowell going for a third title 14th and final time. 76 Ian Poulter (ENG), Jason Day (AUS) said. “But I had a couple good ones in an event he also won in 2010, “The course hasn’t been Recreativo vs Levante Copa del Rey +2 00:00 77 Jordan Spieth on the back nine today end up in settled for an even-par 72 that this tough in a couple years,” Kansas vs Real Salt Lake MLS Football 00:00 +1 some very interesting spots. The included four birdies and four McDowell said. AFP DECEMBER 7, 2013 ON SATURDAY 22 Sport Mirza retains leader’s jersey Tour of Al Zubarah: Qatari cyclist Elbourdainy finishes fourth in stage two

DOHA: Yousif Mohamed Mirza B of the UAE yesterday braved a A B Di Luca scary crash in the first 20 min- utes to win stage two at the inaugural edition of Tour of Al banned for Zubarah. Yesterday’s win in the 127.5km stage helped the gutsy 25-year-old life after rider to retain the yellow and red jerseys for second day running. third doping Despite suffering injuries on his left hip and leg, Mirza did not lose his form on his new bike and offence pipped a big peloton at the finish- ing line in Madinat Al Shamal in ROME: Former Giro d’Italia the north of the country. winner Danilo Di Luca has been Mirza clocked a time of two banned from cycling for life hours 48 minutes and 54 seconds after a third doping offence, an for his second stage win. Italian Olympic Committee tri- Kazma Cycling Team rider bunal ruled yesterday. Roman Van Uden of New Zealand The 37-year-old tested posi- was beaten in a photo-finish as tive for the banned blood booster was Austria National Team rider erythropoietin in an out-of-com- Martin Weiss. petition test taken at his home in Qatar’s top rider Ahmed April, five days before the start of Elbourdainy finished in fourth this year’s Giro. spot just two days after a crash Qatar National Team rider He had previously been sus- on day one. Krist Jan Fajt of Adria Elbourdainy was satisfied with pended for three months in 2007 C Mobil was fifth fastest. his ride yesterday. for frequenting a doctor banned A smooth ride today would “It was a good day but I couldn’t for his involvement in doping and ensure Mirza - who won the first take the stage, Elbourdaniy said. received a two-year ban reduced intermediate sprint gets to corner “Today I fought well with the to 15 months for a positive EPO Tour of Al Zubarah title glory. leader. I wanted to be on the test at the 2009 Giro. Weiss has the white jersey after podium but I was one second The 2007 Giro winner was another strong finish after the behind. Maybe I can do better in sacked this May by his Vini- cyclists took off from Simsimah. the last stage. I am getting physio Fantini team, who said they would “It was a tough day. It was very therapy treatment. I hope I am be seeking compensation from windy. I had a crash just 20 min- lucky in the final stage.” a rider they feared could cause utes into the stage,” Mirza said Qatar coach Branko Filip problems given his past. after the day’s proceedings. “I said: “The riders helped Ahmed He was provisionally suspended broke my bike but changed into (Elbourdainy) to be in front. pending the decision by the Italian another and fought all the way,” After the first 40 minutes, Ahmed tribunal. he added. managed to attack. But other rid- A statement said he was also “I did not give up. I never give ers were tough. We will try again fined 35,000 euros ($47,400) as up,” the cheerful UAE rider said in the last stage. He had a strong well as being ordered to pay the with a huge smile on his face. “See stage. Ahmed has been trying costs of the proceedings. my injuries. You can see them. But hard but his crash in the prologue Italian cyclists have been it is okay,” he added. has cost him dearly.The more A) Runner-up New Zealand’s Roman Van Uden (left), UAE’s Yousif Mohamed Mirza (winner), and third-placed involved in drugs scandals more “I caught the group quickly. I races we get the better we get.” Austria’s Martin Weiss is seen on the podium at the end of the second stage of the Tour of Al Zubarah in than most in the doping scourge think I have a 20-second lead. I Today’s final stage will start Doha yesterday. B) Mirza celebrates with the yellow jersey after the race. C) Cyclists are seen in action during which wreaked havoc across the hope I can retain my jerseys. I will and end at Mesaieed. yesterday’s stage. Today is the final day of the inaugural Tour of Al Zubarah race. PICTURES BY: EBRAHIM KUTTY sport in the last 20 years. fight, that’s for sure” he added. THE PENINSULA REUTERS Shooting: Association Cup Qatar’s Wordoza seals World Police Cross-Country title; Kigen finishes third

BY ARMSTRONG VAS Makida Abdela DOHA: Makida Abdela Wordoza (centre) of Wordoza of Qatar Police topped Qatar, winner at the in the women’s race of the women’s race of the World Police Cross-Country Championship while in the World Police Cross- men’s section Qatar’s Mike Country Championship, Kipruto Kigen finished third to poses for a picture complete an impressive show for along with Ethiopia’s the host nation. Askale Alemayeha Qatar also won the second place Adula (left) and com- Winner Anisa Salah (back row, centre), runner-up Amal Mahmoud (back in the overall team championship. patriot Konjit Tilahun row, left) and third-placed Saida Taeib (back row, right) along with offi- Bahrain clinched the top Biruk at Qatar Racing cials pose for a picture after finishing in the top three in the 10 Running honours in the team event and and Equestrian Club in Target Medal Match at the Association Cup at Losail Shooting Complex Tunisia had to settle for the third Doha yesterday. Adula in Doha yesterday. position. finished second and Yesterday at the Qatar Racing Biruk came third. and Equestrian Club (QREC), Wordoza, competing for the first Hosting Games one of time in an international event, made a memorable debut by win- in Ethiopia for three months in ning the race in 27minutes and altitude training ahead of the 29 seconds. championship. Mandela’s last wishes The Qatari girl maintained a Competing on the horseracing consistent pace throughout the track had its share of challenges LAUSANNE, Switzerland: Anti-apartheid campaigner and IOC 8km race course to emerge on top. for the cross country runners and member Sam Ramsamy wants to bring the Olympics to South Ethiopian teenagers Askale Wordoza said she was delighted to Africa so that he can fulfil one of Nelson Mandela’s last wishes. Alemayeha Adula and Konjit overcome them. As the world mourned a man hailed as one of the greatest humanists Tilahun Biruk kept on accelerat- “Racing on this track (QREC) of our time, South Africa’s International Olympic Committee repre- ing but the local girl was equal to is completely different to com- sentative Ramsamy said it “was is a time to celebrate the achievements the challenge and won with ease peting in any other cross of Nelson Mandela”, who died on Thursday aged 95. in the end. country event. So it was a chal- “Like everyone else we are grieved tremendously. But this is not the Wordoza, who was in fourth lenge and I am happy I rose to time to be mourning. This is a time to celebrate the achievements of position in the early stages of the the occasion and delivered,” Nelson Mandela, there are too many to record,” Ramsamy said yes- race pushed ahead at the last lap Wordoza said, speaking terday at IOC headquarters where the organisation’s flag was flying and held on to the lead till the through her coach Gadissa at half-mast in front of the building. finish line. Chemada who acted as a “He always stated that sport is a uniting factor, it is a universal The Ethiopians, Adula and translator. language, it is a non-verbal language. He always said sports can trans- Biruk had to settle for the second In the men’s section, Bahrain mit to very many people which no politician can do. And that we will and third place. made it a one-two with Isaac always remember. Adula registered a time of 27 Korir and Zelalem Bacha Rrgasa “Undoubtedly the World Cup held in South Africa in 2010 was some- minutes and 37 seconds, while capturing the first two places. thing he always wanted because he felt he wanted a major event in Biruk competed the race in Korir clocked 35 minutes and South Africa. He was part of the team that went to Zurich to campaign 27minutes and 54 seconds 29 seconds to complete the 12km for the 2010 World Cup. Another Qatari girl Momina distance and was closely followed Isaac Korir (centre) of Bahrain and compatriot Zelalem Bacha Rrgasa “He also campaigned to get the Olympic Games. When I last spoke Aman Tola impressed finishing by compatriot Rrgasa, who took (left), first and second place winners are seen along with Qatar’s Mike with him. About eight months ago, he said ‘Sam, when are we going fourth, with a timing of 27mini- six seconds less the top place Kipruto Kigen, who came third. Qatar finished second in the overall to get the Olympic Games’? utes, 57 seconds. winner. team championship. Bahrain won the team title and Tunisia the third “I said ‘We’re trying our very best’. And hopefully in the future we “It was very nice to win the Qatar’s Kigen finished third place. The one-day championship was organised by Qatar Police can commemorate Nelson Mandela’s activities, his passion for sport race. It is the first time I am com- and compatriot Henry Kiplagat Sport Association (QPSA). Around 200 men and women runners from and his passion for the Olympics in trying to get the Games to South peting in an international compe- came fourth. 27 countries took part in the championship. PICTURES BY: SYED OMAR Africa in the very near future.” REUTERS tition,” said Wordoza, who trained THE PENINSULA DECEMBER 7, 2013 Break Time 23 ON SATURDAY

R....Rajkumar (2D/Hindi) – 2.30 & 5.30pm SHOWING AT VILLAGGIO & CITY CENTER QF RADIO 91.7 FM ENGLISH TEL: 444933989 444517001 PROGRAMME BRIEF Thira (2D/Malayalam) – 8.30pm TV LISTINGS 1 LIVE SHOWS Airing Programme Briefs Old Boy (2D/Action) – 11.00pm Time SPIRITUAL 6:00- A time of reflection, a deeper Saving Santa (2D/Animation) – 3.00pm HOUR 7:00 AM understanding of the teachings of Islam. Intersections (2D/Romantic) – 5.00pm RISE 7:00– Is a lighthearted 10-minute fashion bulletin 12:30 Uefa 11:00 LOL (Apna 9:00AM from red carpets and popular brands around the world. Champions’ Sapna Money The Best Man Holiday (2D/Comedy) – 7.00pm League Money) 2 INTERNATIO- 1:00 PM The latest news and events from around NAL NEWS the world. Magazine 14:00 Dance India MALL Bebe (2D/Arabic) – 9.15pm 13:00 English Premier Dance Season 4 Devil's Pass (Thriller) – 11.30pm DRIVE 3:00 – Our newest offering! Drive is a daily League; 17:00 Fear Files 4:00 PM afternoon show broadcast at peak travel Saturday Club 18:00 Teenovation time. This Monday Nabil zeroes in on Devil’s Pass (Thriller) – 2.30pm Sports with Amir Madjer from Fast Track 14:30 English Premier 18:30 Bh Se Bhade sports agency. League Preview 20:30 Dance India Niko 2 (3D/Animation) – 4.30 & 6.30pm FASHION 6:00 – Fashion, a LIVE 1-hour weekly show 23:00 English Premier Dance Season 4 7:00 PM hosted and produced by Laura Finnerty. League; 21:00 Qubool Hai The show brings together the latest 3 Old Boy (2D/Action) – 8.30pm fashion trends along with exciting Liverpool V 21:30 Khelti Hai interviews with local and international West Ham Zindagi Aankh designers. The Best Man Holiday (2D/Comedy) – 11.00pm 01:00 Uefa Micholi REPEAT SHOW/S R....Rajkumar (2D/Hindi) – 2.30 & 10.30pm Champions’ 22:00 Doli Armaano Ki INNOVATIONS 12:00 – A weekly show hosted and produced by League 22:30 Do Dil Bandhe 1:00 PM Scott Boyes. The show talks about all the Magazine Ek Dori Se Thagaraaru (2D/Tamil) – 5.15pm newest and exciting advancements in the 1 world of science and technology. Thira (2D/Malayalam) – 8.00pm LEGENDARY 7:00 – The show tells the story of a celebrity ARTISTS 8:00 PM artist that has reached unprecedented Saving Santa (2D/Animation) – 3.00pm fame. Throughout the episode the artists’ memorable performances/songs will be Niko 2 (3D/Animation) – 5.00 & 7.00pm played to put listeners in the mood. MUSIC & Listen in the whole day as we offer a wide 11:30 Big Top 13:00 Dear Dracula 2 Old Boy (2D/Action) – 9.00pm INFORMATION array of music from Pop, to Classical, Reggae, Jazz, Funk, World/Ethnic and Scooby-Doo! 13:45 Austin And Ally LANDMARK more! Also loads of information through 13:00 Oz The Great 15:00 Disney Mickey Devil's Pass (Thriller) – 11.15pm QF Radio’s Factoid Series aside from our Mouse Shorts daily program offerings. And Powerful Bebe (2D/Arabic) – 2.30pm 15:15 Emilie Jolie 16:35 A.N.T. Farm 16:30 Problem Child 17:00 Good Luck Old Boy (2D/Action) – 5.00pm 18:00 Three Charlie Investigators 18:30 Wolfblood 3 The Best Man Holiday (2D/Comedy) – 7.00pm And The Secret 20:05 Austin And Ally Of Terror... 20:30 Shake It Up Intersections (2D/Romantic) 08:00 News 07:00 World Cup Draw – 9.15 & 11.30pm 09:00 Witness 09:30 Omni Sport 20:00 Over The 21:40 Shake It Up Hedge 22:00 Austin And Ally Thagaraaru (2D/Tamil) – 2.30 & 8.00pm 10:30 Inside Story 10:00 European Tour 11:00 News Weekly 22:00 Emilie Jolie 22:50 Good Luck R....Rajkumar (2D/Hindi) – 5.15pm 11:30 Listening Post 10:30 Rugby, Heineken 23:30 Problem Child Charlie 1 12:00 News Cup; Castres V 23:10 Wizards Of Thira (2D/Malayalam) – 11.00pm 12:30 Counting the Cost Ospreys Waverly Place 13:00 NEWSHOUR 12:30 Football Asia Niko 2 (3D/Animation) – 3.00 & 5.00pm 14:00 News 13:00 Squash; Hong Kong Old Boy (2D/Action) – 7.00pm 14:30 Inside Story Open 15:00 14Up South Africa 16:30 Rugby, Heineken ROYAL 2 The Best Man Holiday (2D/Comedy) – 9.00pm (P1) Cup; Exeter V 10:00 12 Wishes Of 11:10 Car vs Wild 16:00 NEWSHOUR Toulon Christmas 16:10 You Have Been Devil’s Pass (Thriller) – 11.15pm 17:00 News 18:30 Rugby, Heineken 12:00 Delirious Warned PLAZA 17:30 South2North Cup; Metro V 14:00 Chasing Liberty- 17:00 Destroyed In Saving Santa (2D/Animation) – 2.30pm 18:00 NEWSHOUR Harlequin PG15 Seconds 19:00 News 20:30 Uefa Champions’ Bebe (2D/Arabic) – 5.00pm 16:00 12 Wishes Of 18:40 Diamond Divers 19:30 People & Power League Magazine Christmas 19:30 Bush Pilots Intersections (2D/Romantic) – 7.15pm 20:00 News 21:00 Rugby, Heineken 18:00 Stop! Or My 20:20 Jungle Gold: 3 20:30 Inside Syria Cup; Northampton Mom Will Shoot- Wild Ride Devil’s Pass (Thriller) – 9.15pm 21:00 NEWSHOUR V Leinster PG15 21:10 Get Out Alive 22:00 News 23:00 English Premier 20:00 Calendar Girls With Bear Grylls Old Boy (2D/Action) – 11.30pm 22:30 Listening Post League; Stoke V 22:00 Venus & Vegas 22:00 Flip Men 23:00 Al Jazeera World Chelsea


123456 789 10111213 3 “I don’t ___ 34 Last Celtic to respect!” wear #33 14 15 16 4 “I saw ___ 35 Bride’s ride a-sailing …” 39 1954-77 17 18 19 5 Brunch libation defense grp. 6 Classic car 40 Lose tautness 20 21 22 datum 41 Austrian “a” 7 Coat, in a way 43 Official seals 23 24 25 26 27 8 “I do” sayer 46 Jaunty in 9 Pilot light, e.g. appearance 28 29 30 31 10 Baldwin of “30 48 Societal 32 33 34 35 36 37 Rock” breakdown 11 Some college 51 “Over my dead 38 39 40 41 staff body!” Yesterday’s answer 12 See 55-Down 53 Out of kilter 42 43 44 13 Nonverbal 54 I.Q. test pioneer How to play Hyper Sudoku: A Hyper Sudoku Puzzle is solved by filling the numbers from 1 to 9 into the blank cells. A Hyper communication 55 With 12-Down, Sudoku has unlike Sudoku 13 regions (four regions overlap with the nine standard regions). In all 45 46 47 48 syst. classic regions the numbers from 1 to 9 can appear only once. Otherwise, a Hyper Sudoku is solved like 21 Seek mercy, say Neapolitan tune a normal Sudoku. 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 22 Guiding beliefs 56 Army Ranger’s 26 Sleep problem topper 57 58 59 How to play Kakuro: 27 “The Pied Piper 58 All-night bash The kakuro grid, unlike in sudoku, can be of any of Hamelin” 59 Threadbare size. It has rows and columns, and dark cells 60 61 62 63 river threads like in a crossword. And, just like in a crossword, 29 “I didn’t know 60 U.N. figure: some of the dark cells will contain numbers. Some 64 65 66 cells will contain two numbers. that!” Abbr. However, in a crossword the numbers reference 67 68 69 31 Exclude 61 Saint, in Rio clues. In a kakuro, the numbers are all you get! 32 Toy you They denote the total of the digits in the row or can “put column referenced by the number. ACROSS 43 ___ Lanka Within each somebody’s eye collection of cells 1 Espousing crime? 44 Anastasia’s father was one out” with - called a run - any 7 Custard need 45 Hullabaloo 33 Soap-on-___ of the numbers 1 10 Michigan college or its town 47 Island off the coast of Scotland (bath buy) to 9 may be used but, like sudoku, 14 Baby attire with crotch snaps 49 Napoleonic marshal Michel each number may 15 Pistol PAC-ers? 50 Dance for two AGNES SCAM ARC only be used once. 16 Luau handouts 52 Big shot PLEAT I LSA BLUR 17 Respiratory woe 57 Result of not following through (of Yesterday’s PORTLYAUTHOR I TY answer 18 1/sec, in trig which there are four examples in EOE EMBARGO 19 Green sci. this puzzle’s grid) 60 Part of 39-Down AM I DS T ERO I CA 20 Graduation requirement, perhaps LYDIA SHH EMMAS 23 Some ’Vette roofs 62 “___ had it!” SN I PEAT HARK Baby Blues By Jerry Scott and Rick Kirkman 24 “The Wiz” director 63 “Für Elise” key 25 Org. that negotiates with G.M. 64 Sportscaster Albert GINGERLYSPICE 28 Matures 65 Finalized BETE RAGDOLL 30 Athlete Jim whose Native 66 Model Bündchen BRAYS TAN ADAGE American name was Wa-Tho-Huk 67 Portend BELLOC SNARED 32 High-pitched cry from an ump? 68 Shop window posting: Abbr. ASUSUAL RES 36 Scarf down 69 Sonnet’s finish THENOBELLYPR I ZE 37 Signs to heed RIND ERAT LABEL DOWN 38 Cooked, as Swiss steak YES DANA YEARS 40 Fiancée of Napoleon 1 Toot one’s horn 42 Singer Eydie 2 Cartographer’s blowup ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE DECEMBER 7, 2013 ON SATURDAY 24 Morning Break

PRAYER TIME Tribute to Freddie Mercury

Fajr (Dawn) 4:45 Shorook (Sunrise) 6:06 Zuhr (Noon) 11:25 Asr (Afternoon) 2:24 Maghrib (Sunset) 4:45 Isha (Night) 6:15


Today Sunday Weather Monday Conditions: Partly cloudy Clear Clear Slight dust with some High: 28° High: 28° High: 29° clouds and Low: 19° Low: 19° Low: 19° relatively cold by night.



SUNRISE | SUNSET HIGH | LOW WIND 06:06 16:45 08:15 & 20:00 00:30 & 15:45 10-17 KT


HI/LO WEATHER HI/LO WEATHER Visitors walk in the exhibition ‘The Studio Experience Montreux’ located in the original Mountain Studios, which are part of the Casino Barriere in Montreux, Switzerland, yesterday. A permanent exhibition dedicated to British rock band Queen singer Freddie Mercury has opened at Mountain MUSCAT 28/21 Partly cloudy 28/21 Clear Studios, where the band recorded seven albums between 1978 and 1995. KUWAIT 21/13 Partly cloudy 23/14 Partly cloudy BAHRAIN 25/20 Clear 24/19 Clear SANAA 23/04 Clear 23/05 Clear RIYADH 27/15 Partly cloudy 28/16 Clear Christie’s turns to India to expand auction network DUBAI 29/20 Mostly cloudy 29/21 Partly cloudy BAGHDAD 17/09 Partly cloudy 18/09 Partly cloudy NEW DELHI: Christie’s will Amrita Sher-Gil as well as some down with a bump. likely to increase. “You begin to THE WORLD TODAY TOMORROW hold its debut art auction in contemporary pieces. Indian modern paintings have see the telltale signs, when is it HI/LO WEATHER HI/LO WEATHER India later this month, hot on The highlights of the auc- held up better, helped by a grow- right to come into a market,” the heels of its first major sale tion include Tyeb Mehta’s bold ing clutch of Indian collectors said Paul Hewitt, who heads ATHENS 17/07 Partly cloudy 11/05 Partly cloudy in China, as it seeks to tap “Mahishasura”, a painting of the snapping up works from overseas Christie’s Growth Markets WASHINGTON 06/00 Partly cloudy 01/02 Ice Pellets into Asian buyers’ growing deity Durga battling a buffalo auctions. A November report by division. SYDNEY 27/15 Partly cloudy 29/18 Partly cloudy importance in the global art demon, which has a target price art market analysts Art Tactic “Strategically it is the elephant marketplace. of between $1.2 and $1.8m. said confidence in Indian modern in the room, so we should be here. LONDON 08/06 Mostly cloudy 11/09 Partly cloudy The auction, to be held in India’s art market has been art was on the rise. We’ve made significant progress PARIS 09/07 Chance of rain 10/05 Partly cloudy Mumbai on December 19, show- something of a roller-coaster Much like China a few years in China over the last year so (we ISTANBUL 07/03 Chance of rain 07/01 Chance of rain cases Indian modern masters in recent years, with valuations ago, Indian collectors are largely were) almost conspicuous by our MANILA 31/24 Partly cloudy 32/24 Partly cloudy such as M F Husain and includes of contemporary artists sky- interested in homegrown work absence of doing something in DHAKA 26/18 Partly cloudy 25/18 Partly cloudy works considered national treas- rocketing during a pre-financial from dead modern masters, India,” Hewitt said. DELHI 26/10 Clear 26/12 Clear ures by Rabindranath Tagore and crisis boom before coming back whose valuations are seen as REUTERS ISLAMABAD 22/07 Partly cloudy 21/06 Partly cloudy

Australian gallery to sue Decaying steel town gets movie star turn in Out of the Furnace

India-born BEVERLY HILLS, California: stands at around 2,100, and it has The film — which features several A brief drive through Pittsburgh’s lost more than 80 percent of its past Oscar nominees and winners, art dealer down-and-out steel mill borough residents since 1960. including Willem Dafoe, Woody of Braddock at the time of the “I knew that I wanted to shoot Harrelson, Forest Whitaker and SYDNEY: A promi- economic downturn in 2009 was a film here and I wrote it specifi- Sam Shepard — adds a working- nent art gallery all it took, and director Scott cally for Braddock,” Cooper added. class quality to the recent spate of in Australia has Cooper knew where he wanted to “I wasn’t going to make the movie Hollywood fare that touches on the threatened to take set his next film. if I didn’t shoot it there.” social anxieties and financial inse- legal action against The problem: He didn’t have a “Out of the Furnace,” distributed curity wrought by the recession. India-born US-based story. by independent studio Relativity “I wanted to shine a light on what art dealer Subhash Now, the distillation of the time Media, tells the story of steel mill we as Americans were experiencing Kapoor after it was spent among Braddock’s working- worker Russell Baze (Bale) and his in these past five turbulent years: confirmed that the class single-family homes and younger brother, Rodney (Affleck), economic distress, fighting wars on gallery’s 900-year-old rusted-out iron furnaces along an Iraq War veteran haunted by his two fronts and having those soldiers dancing Shiva idol the Monongahela River has deliv- tours of duty, who would do any- return, suffering from post-trau- was stolen from India. ered the elements Cooper needed thing to avoid working in the mills matic stress disorder and having a The National Gallery for “Out of the Furnace” — a tale like his brother and father. very difficult time assimilating back of Australia said that it of brothers and revenge. Starring What struck Bale about the into life,” said Cooper, whose 2009 Christian Bale during a promotion of his movie Out of the Furnace in Los Angeles, was aware that Aaron Christian Bale and Casey Affleck, Russell character, a good man to debut film “Crazy Heart” earned California. M Freedman, the office it was in wide release in US movie whom bad things happen, was the critical acclaim and a best actor manager for Subhash theatres yesterday. change in Braddock’s fortune and Oscar for Jeff Bridges. DeGroat (Harrelson), Russell takes States Steel Corporation. Kapoor’s Art of the “I was struck by how cinematic how Russell was determined to stay The methodical thriller is set matters into his own hands to find “I couldn’t find that myself if I Past, an art dealer- (it was) and how it dripped with despite the odds. in motion when the emotionally DeGroat as police drag their heels built it,” Cooper said he told him- ship in New York, has atmosphere,” said Cooper of “It was someone who feels so con- volatile and heavily in debt Rodney in pursuit of the hillbilly kingpin. self when he found the site. “I pleaded guilty to six Braddock. The borough reached its nected to their own land,” said the becomes enmeshed in an under- The film, which shows revenge as wanted that to be the place where counts of criminal pos- economic peak in the 1950s and ‘60s Welsh-born Bale, a self-described ground boxing scene run by local an act taken in equal measures of Casey Affleck, where we first meet session of stolen prop- but went into a steep decline in the rootless person who grew up in bookmaker John Petty (Dafoe). rage and love, sets its most violent him fighting, and where Woody erty in the New York early ‘80s, when the area’s major Europe and the United States. “Even But when Rodney and Petty dis- moments in the abandoned Carrie Harrelson’s character meets his Supreme Court. blast furnaces closed. if something disastrous was to hap- appear after a fight run by diaboli- Furnace near Braddock that once maker.” The gallery’s Chola- Braddock’s population today pen, they would rather stay there.” cal New Jersey drug dealer Harlan roared, producing iron for United REUTERS period (3rd century BC- 13th century AD) Nautilus replica Shiva Nataraja idol is among the items listed as being illegally US TV alive with Sound of Music exported from India. The gallery has instructed its NEW YORK: US television Thursday, behind the death of the craziness starts... I am American attorneys was alive with The Sound of South African anti-apartheid truly honoured to be in to commence legal Music on Thursday as country hero Nelson Mandela. #TheSoundofMusicLive. This proceedings against singer Carrie Underwood and But not everyone found the is an exciting/moving moment,” Kapoor in accordance True Blood actor Stephen Moyer new version one of their favorite Underwood tweeted before the with the provisions starred in a live version of the things, with many viewers taking broadcast from New York got of their acquisition classic musical about an aspir- to social media to snipe over the under way. agreement. ing nun who falls in love with an quality of Underwood’s acting and Moyer, 44, is best known as Kapoor is also facing Austrian captain. bemoan a lack of atmosphere and the star of HBO’s quirky vampire trial in India for selling Filmed on vast movie sets and chemistry between some of the drama “True Blood.” While not stolen artefacts from with lavish costumes but without key characters. known as a singer, he performed India to international an audience, the NBC television “Don’t get me wrong. I love me in a musical version of “Chicago” museums. broadcast harked back to the some Carrie Underwood but I am at the Hollywood Bowl earlier this IANS traditions of the 1950s and 1960s not digging this version,” tweeted year. when live musicals were often TV viewer Heather Whitford. Moyer played the strict wid- shown on American television. “Nothing will beat an origi- ower with seven children who Thursday’s three-hour show nal, but doing this live on TV is falls in love with aspiring nun was based on the 1959 stage amazing!” countered Lonz on the Maria, played by Underwood, on version of the Rodgers and micro-blogging website. the cusp of World War Two. US Danny McWilliams, 56, works on his 36-foot-long replica of Walt Disney Hammerstein show rather than Underwood, 30, who has Veteran Broadway stars Audra movie version of the Nautilus submarine from Jules Verne’s ‘20,000 Leagues the Oscar-winning 1965 musical become one of America’s big- McDonald (Mother Abbess), Under the Sea’ at his rural home in Ellijay, Georgia, USA. McWilliams, a disabled starring Julie Andrews. gest county stars since winning Laura Benanti (Elsa Schrader) eccentric and long-time enthusiast of the Disney movie, plans to give the replica After heavy promotion for “American Idol” in 2005, has scant and Christian Borle (Max to a museum in Florida. weeks, the live broadcast was experience as an actress. Detweiler) rounded out the cast. the No. 2 topic on Twitter on “I just want to say before REUTERS