1MC12 – Stage 2 - Main Works Civils for C2 and C3 Sectors A421 Road Schedule 17 Construction Arrangements Written

Statement for Information

Document number: 1MC12-EKF-TP-STA-CS09-000009

Checked Approved Revision Revision Date Author by by Details C01 17/06/20 S. Randall M. Roberts D. Jones First Issue

Stakeholder Review Required (SRR) Purpose of SRR


☐OTHER …………………………………………

Document reference.: 1MC12-EKF-TP-STA-CS09-000009 Revision: C01 Schedule 17 Construction Lorry Route Statement for Information A421 London Road Compound


High Speed Rail (London – West Midlands) Act 2017

HS2 Ltd

Oxfordshire County Council

A421 London Road Compound

Schedule 17 Construction Lorry Route Statement for Information


Document Reference: 1MC12-EKF-TP-STA-CS09-000009

Document reference.: 1MC12-EKF-TP-STA-CS09-000009 Revision: C01 Schedule 17 Construction Lorry Route Statement for Information A421 London Road Compound

Contents 1 Introduction 2 1.1 Background Information 2 1.2 Terms of Reference 3 1.3 Introduction to 3 1.4 High Speed Rail (London – West Midlands) Act 2017 4 1.5 High Speed Two: Code of Construction Practice 4 1.6 Structure of Written Statement 4

2 Background Information 6 2.1 Route Description 6 2.2 Route Rationale and Options Considered 10 2.3 Site Description 11 2.4 Route-Wide Traffic Management Plan 13 2.5 Local Traffic Management Plan 13 2.6 Estimated LGV Numbers and Timings 14 2.7 Route Management, Improvement and Safety Plan (ROMIS) 14

3 Lorry Routes For Approval 15 3.1 Plans and documents for approval 15 3.2 Document for information 15

4 Pre-Submission Consultation 16

5 Indicative Construction Programme 17

6 Other Consents 17

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1 Introduction 1.1 Background Information

Table 1: Schedule 17 Address Details and Description of Works

Site Details

Scheme High Speed Two

Applicant High Speed Two (HS2) Limited

Applicant Address c/o Agent: Eiffage Kier Ferrovial BAM Joint Venture 19 Cornwall Street B3 2DT

Site Address - West London Road Compound, Banbury Road, , . MK18 4AQ Street Compound Grid Reference SP 62120 33015

Description Submission under Schedule 17 (6) to the High Speed Rail (London-West Midlands) Act for approval of a lorry route from Banbury Road to the Strategic Road Network.

The Site / Works:-

A421 London Road Compound for highways, structures, earthworks and utility works associated with:-

Embankment • Viaduct • Turweston Embankment • Turweston Cutting • Grovehill Embankment • Westbury Viaduct • Westbury Embankment • Cutting • Mixbury Embankment • Barton to Mixbury Cutting • Embankment • Cutting • Chetwode Embankment • West Viaduct • Godington West Embankment • Godington East Viaduct • Godington East Embankment • Twyford Cutting • Twyford Viaduct • Twyford Embankment • Calvert Cutting

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The Routes:- 1. From the A43 Trunk Road turning east onto the A421 and onto the work site access, left turn into the work site.

The return route to the SRN will be exactly the same as the route from the SRN, in the opposite direction

2. From the A5 Trunk Road turning south west onto the A421 and onto the work site access, left turn into the site access.

The return route to the SRN will be exactly the same as the route from the SRN, in the opposite direction.

3. From the M40 Junction 9 turning north onto the A41 and onto the junction with the A4421, turn onto the A4421 and onto the work site access, left turn into the work site.

The return route to the SRN will be exactly the same as the route from the SRN, in the opposite direction. 1.2 Terms of Reference

1.2.1 This Written Statement is compiled in accordance with the High Speed Two (HS2) Phase 1 Planning Memorandum and Planning Forum Notes (PFNs) as required by the planning regime established under Schedule 17 of the High Speed Rail (London – West Midlands) Act 2017 (‘the Act’).

1.2.2 This statement provides Oxfordshire County Council with information to assist with the determination of the above submission for approval of the routes to be used by Large Goods Vehicles (LGVs)1 to the sites listed above.

1.2.3 The information in this Written Statement is provided for information to assist in determining the request for approval. It is not for approval. 1.3 Introduction to High Speed 2

1.3.1 HS2 is a new high speed railway network that will connect major cities in Britain. It will bring significant benefits for inter-urban rail travellers through increased capacity and improved connectivity between London, the Midlands and the North. It will release capacity on the existing rail network and so provide opportunities to improve existing commuter, regional passenger and freight services.

1.3.2 Phase One of HS2 will provide a dedicated high speed rail service between London, Birmingham and the West Midlands. It will extend for approximately 230km (143 miles).

1 Vehicles over 7.5 tonnes.

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Just north of Lichfield, high speed trains will join the for journeys to and from , the North West and Scotland.

1.3.3 For further information on HS2 and the route through Oxfordshire please refer to the Planning Context Report for Cherwell District Council, South District Council and Vale District Council, deposited with the Council by HS2 Ltd.

1.4 High Speed Rail (London – West Midlands) Act 2017

1.4.1 The High Speed Rail (London – West Midlands) Act 2017 (‘the Act’) provides powers for the construction and operation of Phase 1 of High Speed Two. HS2 Ltd is the nominated undertaker in relation to the works subject to this Construction Lorry Route submission.

1.4.2 Section 20 to the Act grants deemed planning permission for the works authorised by it, subject to the conditions set out in Schedule 17. Schedule 17 includes conditions requiring the following matters to be approved or agreed by the relevant LHA.

• Construction arrangements (including large goods vehicle routes); • Plans and specifications; • Bringing into use requests; and • Site restoration schemes.

1.4.3 This is therefore a different planning regime to that which usually applies in (i.e. the Town and Country Planning Act) and is different in terms of the nature of submissions and the issues that the LHAs can have regard to, in determining requests for approval.

1.4.4 Schedule 17 (paragraph 6) of the Act sets out the grounds on which the LHA may impose conditions on approvals or refuse requests for approval.

1.4.5 The works to which this application relates, and the cumulative impact of the works in conjunction with other HS2 development, have been assessed and are compliant with paragraph 1.1.3 (bullet point 2) of the HS2 Phase 1 Environmental Minimum Requirements General Principles2.

1.5 High Speed Two: Code of Construction Practice

1.5.1 HS2 Ltd as the nominated undertaker is contractually bound to comply with the controls set out in the Environmental Minimum Requirements (EMRs). The EMRs include the Phase 1 Code of Construction Practice (CoCP) and Phase 1 Route-Wide Traffic Management Plan.

2 https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/618074/General_principles.pdf

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1.6 Structure of Written Statement

1.6.1 This Written Statement is structured as follows:

• A description of the routes being submitted for approval, the route rationale, the site description, a summary of the works associated with that site that the lorry routes relate to and estimated LGV numbers are provided in Section 2;

• Section 3 outlines the lorry routes for approval as a set of plans and the documents for information in support of the submission;

• Section 4 summarises the pre-submission consultations that were undertaken, including a list of the consultees, dates, attendees at meetings and a brief summary of the outcome of these discussions;

• An indicative high level programme for the works and how they fit into the wider programme for other works in the area is provided in Section 5; and

• Section 6 identifies any other main consents granted, or known forthcoming consents associated with the works

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2 Background Information 2.1 Route Description

2.1.1 The proposed route is detailed to and from the Strategic Road Network (SRN) and is listed in Table 2 below and shown on Figures 1, 2 and 3.

Table 2: Vehicle route for approval Routes subject to this application

Worksite / Sites where materials will be Routes to be used. reused / waste disposal sites.

A421 London Road Compound for 1. From the A43 Trunk Road turning east onto the A421 highways, structures, earthworks and and onto the work site access, left turn into the work utility works associated with:- site.

• Helmdon Embankment The return route to the SRN will be exactly the same • Turweston Viaduct as the route from the SRN, in the opposite direction. • Turweston Embankment • Turweston Cutting • Grovehill Embankment • Westbury Viaduct 2. From the A5 Trunk Road turning sough west onto the • Westbury Embankment • Mixbury Cutting A421 and onto the work site access. • Mixbury Embankment • Barton to Mixbury Cutting The return route to the SRN will be exactly the same • Barton Hartshorn Embankment • Chetwode Cutting as the route from the SRN, in the opposite direction. • Chetwode Embankment • Godington West Viaduct • Godington West Embankment 3. From the M40 Junction 9 turning north onto the A41 • Godington East Viaduct and onto the junction with the A4421, turn onto the • Godington East Embankment A4421 and onto the work site access, left turn into the • Twyford Cutting work site • Twyford Viaduct • Twyford Embankment The return route to the SRN will be exactly the same • Calvert Cutting as the route from the SRN, in the opposite direction.

2.1.2 The first proposed lorry route for construction traffic to access and egress the site will comprise vehicles travelling from the west to access the site and exit to travel west. The route will involve accessing the A421 heading east on the A421 from the A43 Trunk Road and heading east for approximately 4km to the work site access, turning left into the access. Once in the compound, vehicles will use the site internal access road to transition to all working areas within the construction boundary. The return route to the SRN will be exactly the same as the route from the SRN, in the opposite direction.

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2.1.3 The A421 is a single carriageway road in a rural setting for the entirety of the 4km from the A43 to the work site access. There are infrequent side roads and agricultural accesses along this section of the A421. There are no designated footways along the 4km section of the A421 to the work site access, and no bus routes. There are two, low use PRoW crossings of the A421, and a further three which merge to the A421, to service local villages of Mixbury, and , as well as local walking and horse-riding trails.

2.1.4 The second proposed lorry route for access and egress to the site will comprise vehicles travelling from the east to access the site and exit route to travel east. The route will involve accessing the A421 heading west from the A5 Trunk Road near . Vehicles will continue for approximately 26km to the work site access. Once in the compound, vehicles will use the site internal access road to transition to all working areas within the construction boundary. The return route to the SRN will be exactly the same as the route from the SRN, in the opposite direction.

2.1.5 The A421 from the A5 to the work site access is a single carriageway road for the majority of its length, with a short section of dual carriageway road as the road passes south of the village of . There are infrequent side roads and agricultural and commercial accesses along this section of the A421. The majority of this section of the A421 is in a rural setting, with short sections of suburban setting, namely close to its junction with the A5 in Bletchley and as the A421 passes the town of . As the A421 passes the town of Buckingham, there is a designated footway and cycle path on the northern side of the highway, with a southern footway also in place as the A421 heads west of the Lace Hill area of the town. There is also a short section of designated footway on the northern boundary of the A421 between its junction with Tingewick Road and Main Street, Tingewick. There are no bus stops along this 26km section of the A421. Multiple PRoW cross or merge to the A421 in this 26km section between the A5 and the work site access, servicing the local villages surrounding the route.

2.1.6 The third proposed lorry route for construction traffic to access and egress the site will comprise vehicles travelling from the south west to access the site and exit route to travel south west. The route will involve accessing the A41 heading north-east from the M40 Junction 9 and then heading east around and towards Aylesbury. Vehicles will follow the A41 for approximately 5.1km to the junction with London Road/A4421 Neunkirchen Way, Bicester, where the second exit of the roundabout will be taken onto the A4421 Neunkirchen Way. Vehicles will continue on the A4421 heading north east to the junction with the A421 where a left turn will be made onto the A421. Vehicles will continue on the A421 for approximately 2km to the work site access, taking a right turn into site. . Once in the compound, vehicles will use the site internal access road to transition to all working areas within the construction boundary. The return route to the SRN will be exactly the same as the route from the SRN, in the opposite direction.

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2.1.7 The A41 is a dual carriageway road from the M40 Junction 9 to the junction with the B4030 Oxford Road, Bicester and the A41 (USRN 6819427). After this junction, the A41 is single carriageway for the remainder of its length to the junction with the A4421/London Road. Along the A41, there are infrequent side roads and both residential and commercial accesses. There are also short sections of footway on one side of the A41, namely in the area surrounding the A41 junction with the A4421. There is one bus stop on the A41 within this 5.1km section, servicing the S5 Gold Bus Route between Oxford and Bicester. There is one PRoW crossing of the A41 close to the village of Wendlebury, which is of low use for local travel between villages. The A4421 is a single carriageway road in both suburban (namely circling Bicester) and rural settings. There is a footway on the western side of the A4421 as it circles the town of Bicester, which continues to the village of Caversfield, after which there is no designated footway for the remaining 7.1km of the A4421 to the work site access. There is one bus stop on the A4421, near Caversfield, servicing the X5 bus route between Oxford and Buckingham. There is a number of side roads and agricultural accesses along the A4421 in the rural section, with a number of low use PRoW crossing or merging onto the highway. Along the suburban setting, there are a number of side roads and commercial accesses as the A4421 skirts the town of Bicester. The short, 2km section of the A421 is a single carriageway road in a rural location, with infrequent side roads along its length. There are no designated footways or bus stops along this section of the A421. Four PRoW cross the A421 in this 2km section, connecting the village of Finmere with local walking and riding routes.

2.1.8 The main existing land uses for the route varies between the suburban and rural sections of the route. The land use is primarily residential and commercial in the suburban settings, surrounding Bicester, Buckingham and Bletchley, with agricultural and residential the primary land use in the rural sections. The main land cover consists of a mix of agricultural, improved grassland and small areas of broadleaved woodland. The cover around the towns along the routes is primarily suburban. There is also small areas of rough grassland, coniferous woodland and freshwater along the A421.

2.1.9 Where a supplier/business supporting these HS2 works are located between the SRN and the site, LGVs from that supplier/business to the site will be required to take the most appropriate route to join the approved route. This general provision will include a requirement that these routes, where reasonably identifiable, are discussed at the relevant Traffic Liaison Group.

2.1.10 The materials providers will be informed of the lorry route as well as the vehicle safety measures including signage, mirrors, prevention of underrunning and use of technology to remove blind spots according to vehicle size.

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2.1.11 Oxfordshire County Council shall have regard to the submitted Programme required



A421 London Road


Route to site

Crown Copyright and database right 2019

Figure 1: Route 1 to London Road compound


Milton Keynes


Buckingham A421 London Road



Figure 2: Route 2 to London Road compound

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NORTHAMPTONSHIRE Buckingham A421 London Road




Figure 3: M40 junction 9 to London Road compound 2.2 Route Rationale and Options Considered

2.2.1 Most material deliveries will be aggregates. They will originate from a railhead, either at Banbury or Sutton Courtney, all in the county of Oxfordshire.

2.2.2 It is expected that aggregate delivery vehicles from Banbury will use the from Junction 11 to Junction 10 and along the A43 to the A421, using route 1. Aggregate delivery vehicles from Kidlington and Sutton Courtney will use the A34 to junction 9 and then continue on to the A41 and then the A4421 to the A421 using route 3.

2.2.3 There is not expected to be any significant likelihood of additional congestion with the forecast number lorry movements to site.

2.2.4 There are 3 ES assessed routes available to London Road compound and all options are required for use.

2.3 Site Description

2.3.1 The London Road compound is located approximately 1.6km to the south west of the village of Mixbury and 1.4km to the west of the village of Finmere within rural Oxfordshire, see Figure 4.

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2.3.2 The A421 is a main route connecting the A43 trunk at in Northamptonshire with the A1 at Roxton in . The route also passes through Buckingham, Bletchley and Milton Keynes and links the A43 with the A5, M1, A428 and A1.

Route of HS2

London Road Compound

Crown Copyright and database right 2019

Figure 4: Site Location London Road compound 2.3.3 The site access will take the form of a signalised junction and construction traffic will follow ‘left in, right out’ access/egress arrangements. The access will be located on the north western side of the A4421 Buckingham Road to the A4421 Buckingham Road Compound. Visibility splays will be provided in accordance with the prevailed speed of traffic. The position of the site access/egress is neither required nor integral to this Schedule 17 approval. Approval for the site access/egress will be secured separately under Schedule 4 of the Act and considered by the local Traffic Liaison Group as appropriate. The location of the access/egress points is therefore presented for context and information purposes and not for approval. Refer to section 6 of this Written Statement for ‘Other Consents’ for further information on Schedule 4 parts 1 and 2.

2.3.4 All works associated with this route are detailed in Table 2 and summarised below:-

2.3.5 Helmdon Embankment and Turweston Viaduct:-

• The route will travel along the Helmdon embankment for approximately 600m with landscape planting featuring on both sides. The Whitfield auto-transformer station with associated access will be located south of the A43 Oxford Road on the west side of the railway. Two ecology grassland mitigation areas are proposed, one north of the and the second located south of the existing A43 Oxford Road.

2.3.6 Turewston Cutting, Embankment:-

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• The railway will continue into the Turweston cutting, which is approximately 2.35km long and up to 20m deep. This section of the route extends from north of the River Great Ouse near Westbury to south of the River Great Ouse near Turweston.

2.3.7 Grovehill Embankment, Westbury Viaduct, Westbury Embankment:-

• This section spans the River Great Ouse, and proceeds into the Turweston cutting including a green overbridge.

2.3.8 Calvert Cutting:-

• The railway will run parallel to, and to the west side of, the existing Aylesbury Link railway line which runs along the former corridor, with Sheephouse Wood located to the east and Calvert Landfill to the west. To accommodate the railway and the associated Sheephouse Wood bat mitigation structure in this area the Aylesbury Link railway line will be realigned by up to 3m eastwards between Sheephouse Wood and the Bicester to Bletchley Line. After the railway passes under the Bicester to Bletchley Line, it will ascend and diverge from the former Great Central Main Line in cutting. Through this section, the railway will run in the Calvert cutting, which is approximately 4.1km long. The cutting runs along the western side of the realigned Aylesbury Link railway line for approximately 2.2km, before continuing north-west parallel to the former Great Central Main Line rail corridor for approximately 1.8km.

2.3.9 Twyford Embankment, Twyford Cutting and Twyford Viaduct:-

• The railway will diverge eastwards away from the alignment of the former GCML, which is disused north of the crossing of the Bicester to Bletchley Line. The railway will continue south-east to north-west, rising out of a cutting north of West Street and onto an embankment, up to 4.5m high for approximately 2km, passing east of Twyford and crossing the Brook on a viaduct. The railway will then descend into a cutting, up to 5m deep, for approximately 1km to the end of this section. A third rail line, which provides access between the HS2 main lines and the IMD, extends northwards from the IMD for 1.3km along the eastern side of the HS2 main lines.

2.3.10 Godington East and West Viaducts and adjacent Embankments

• To the north of Godington, the railway will pass along a series of embankments and two viaducts as the railway crosses a of the .

2.3.11 Chetwode Embankment, Chetwode Cutting and Barton Hartshorn Embankment:-

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• The railway will pass to the west of Chetwode in a cutting approximately 1.9km long and up to 10.5m deep. The railway will exit the cutting to re-join the railway of the former GCML on embankment to the west of Barton Hartshorn.

2.3.12 The above works involve major civils works, including earthworks cut and fill for the construction of cuttings, embankments. In addition, this will include structures works, utility diversions and highways works.

2.3.13 All of the above works will be subject to Schedule 17 plans and specifications submissions.

2.4 Route-Wide Traffic Management Plan

2.4.1 In accordance with the Phase 1 CoCP, generic construction traffic control measures are set out in the Phase 1 Route-wide Traffic Management Plan3 (RTMP) produced in consultation with the highway and traffic authorities, the emergency services and other relevant key stakeholders.

2.5 Local Traffic Management Plan (LTMP)

2.5.1 Local traffic control measures are set out in LTMP 1MC07-CEK-CL-PLN-C003-000011. The LTMP does not form part of this application for LGV route approval.

2.5.2 The measures contained in the LTMP will be kept under review during the execution of the works, in consultation with Oxfordshire County Council and other relevant stakeholders.

2.5.3 The LTMP has been developed by EKFB with input from HS2, Oxfordshire County Council and the emergency services. The LTMPs have been consulted on through the Oxfordshire Traffic Liaison Group Meetings which have been established in accordance with the CoCP and the Route-wide Traffic Management Plan (RTMP).

2.5.4 The construction traffic management measures contained in the LTMP may change in response to different phases of work, or if new or altered management measures are identified as the works progress. Any revisions to an LTMP will be made following consultation with the highway and traffic authorities, the emergency services and other relevant key stakeholders. Updates to LTMPs will be prepared in accordance with the RTMP. Updates may be provided through supplements or addenda.

3 https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/637988/hs2_phase_one_traffic_manag ement_plan.pdf

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2.5.5 The RTMP and LTMP are part of the HS2 Phase 1 EMR, which HS2 (as nominated undertaker) and its contractors are required to comply with.

2.6 Estimated LGV Numbers and Timings

2.6.1 Both the average and the peak number of Large Goods Vehicle (LGV) movements accessing the compound is forecast not to exceed 160 per day – i.e. 80 LGVs in and 80 LGVs out per day. This is split between the routes available as shown below:

• Route 1. A421 to A43 – 80 LGVs i.e. 40 LGVs in and 40 LGVs out per day; • Route 2. A421 to A5 – 80 LGVs i.e. 40 LGVs in and 40 LGVs out per day; • Route 3. A421, A4421, A41 to M4 – 80 LGVs i.e. 40 LGVs in and 40 LGVs out per day.

2.6.2 The combined number of movements for routes 1 and 2 must not exceed 80 LGVs i.e. 40 LGVs in and 40 LGVs out per day.

2.6.3 A high level programme for the works to which this LGV route application relates and how they fit into the overall programme for other works in the area is contained in Section 5.

2.6.4 In accordance with Planning Forum Note 6, the above information is taken from the relevant LTMP 1MC07-CEK-CL-PLN-C003-000011 and is provided for information. Updates to predicted LGV numbers and timings will be provided through updates to the LTMP, as necessary.

2.7 Route Management, Improvement and Safety Plan (ROMIS)

2.7.1 In accordance with Planning Forum Note 6, a ROMIS document 1MC06-CEK-CL-PLN- C002-000020 has been provided to Oxfordshire County Council for information. The contents of the ROMIS is as described in section 4.3 of the RTMP. The ROMIS includes:

• a summary of any physical changes necessary to facilitate the use of the route by LGVs; and

• a summary of measures required to ensure the safety and free flow of traffic in the proximity of the worksite access points.

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3 Lorry Routes For Approval 3.1 Plans and documents for approval

3.1.1 The following plans are submitted for approval. Table 3: Documents for Approval

Document Ref: Title:

1MC06-CEK-CL-DGA-C002-000042 Schedule 17 Lorry Route London Road Compound A421 1MC06-CEK-CL-DGA-C002-000046 Schedule 17 Lorry Route London Road CompoundA5 toA421 4 of 4 1MC06-CEK-CL-DGA-C002-000047 Schedule 17 Lorry Route London Road CompoundA5 toA421 3 of 4 1MC06-CEK-CL-DGA-C002-000048 Schedule 17 Lorry Route London Road CompoundA5 toA421 2 of 4 1MC06-CEK-CL-DGA-C002-000049 Schedule 17 Lorry Route London Road CompoundA5 toA421 1 of 4 1MC06-CEK-CL-DGA-C002-000054 Schedule 17 Lorry Route London Road Compound M40 To A421 1of4 1MC06-CEK-CL-DGA-C002-000055 Schedule 17 Lorry Route London Road Compound M40 To A421 2of4 1MC06-CEK-CL-DGA-C002-000056 Schedule 17 Lorry Route London Road Compound M40 To A421 3of4 1MC06-CEK-CL-DGA-C002-000057 Schedule 17 Lorry Route London Road Compound M40 To A421 4of4 3.2 Document for information

3.2.1 The following documents are provided for information. Table 4: Document for Information

Document Ref: Title:

1MC06-CEK-CL-PLN-C002-000020 Oxfordshire Route Management, Improvement and Safety Plan

1MC12-EKF-TP-APP-CS09-000017 Oxfordshire County Council: A421 London Road Schedule 17 Lorry Route Letter: Submission Number OCC-C23-TW-TR-S17LR-HS2-00002CTBE

1MC12-EKF-TP-STA-CS09-000009 Schedule 17 Written Statement

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4 Pre-submission Consultation 4.1.1 Pre-submission consultation with the Local Highway Authority, statutory consultees and other relevant stakeholders is summarised in Table 5 below.

Table 5: Pre-submission Consultation with LHA and Statutory Consultees

Consultee Name Consultation Date Method of Consultation / Summary of Attended by Consultation Outcome

Oxfordshire County 14/01/2019 First pre-application The meeting Council (LHA) meeting. The meeting was introduced the attended by proposed lorry routes representatives of Eiffage to various sites or Kier, HS2 and Oxfordshire contractors’ County Council. compounds in the Calvert area. It did not go in to detail on the forecast lorry movements.

Oxfordshire County 31/10/2019 Second pre-application Page turn of the Draft Council (LHA) meeting. The meeting was Written Statement. attended by representatives of Eiffage Kier, HS2 and Oxfordshire County Council.

Oxfordshire County 21/04/2020 Third pre-application Agreement of OCC Council (LHA) meeting. The meeting was comments and EKFB attended by responses. representatives of Eiffage Kier, HS2 and Oxfordshire County Council.

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5 Indicative Construction Programme 5.1.1 A high-level programme for the works to which this LGV route application relates and how they fit into the overall programme for other works in the area is contained in Table 6 below. The programme for works may vary from the indicative dates shown.

Table 6: Proposed Programme and Sequence of Works

Anticipated Start Activity Estimated on Site Date Completion of Works (quarter/year) (quarter/year)

Q3 2020 Contractors compound set up at London Road compound 3 months

Q4 2020 Material deliveries to London Road compound 42 months

6 Other Consents 6.1.1 Other main consents likely to be required for the works are summarised in Table 7 below. Consent requirements may alter during design development and further consents not identified in Table 7 may be required.

Table 7: Other Consent Requirements

Consent Works Requiring Consent

HS2 Act, Schedule 4, Part 1 Construction of new compound access from Banbury Road

HS2 Act, Schedule 4, Part 2 Interference with the highway for the construction of compound access from Banbury Road

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