PAGE TWENTY MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1970 iKanrliPHtpr Eufmng il|?ralii Average Dally Net Press Run The Weather For n ie Week Ended Mostly cloudy with chance ot October 10, 1970 occasional light rain through Wednesday: tonight’s low in 60s. Tomorrow’s high In 70s. Thurs­ 16,000 day cloudy, mild. Manchester— -A City o f Village Charm

VOL. L X X X X , NO. 11 (TWES'TY PAGlPAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1970 (Classified Advertising on Page PRICE TEN CENTS Anderson-Little U.S, Command Canada, Red China FINE CLOTHING FOR MEN, WOMEN AND BOYS Set for Pullout In Diplomatic Tie^

SAIGON The U.S. Command began mapping OTTAWA (AP) — Canada and Red China have reach­ plans today for a new 40,000-man troop cutback an­ ed agreement to establish diplomatic relations. Foreign nounced by President Nixon despite reports of a North Secretary Mitchell Sharp announced today. Vietnamese buildup in Laos. In a statement to the House of - - ’The U.S. Strategic Air Ctom- — ------Commons, Sharp said Canada Chinese Nationalist ambassador mand sent Its entire active Pa- salgon Post reported Vice recognizes the government in Ottawa since 1946. clflc fleet of B52 bombers over president Nguyen Cao Ky would Peking as the sole legal govern- ^ simultaneous announcement Laos for the fifth consecutive make a two-week official visit to ment of China. was made in Peking and brood- day in efforts to check a North u,g United States In November Up to now. Canada—like the ^y the official New China United States and other nations ^g^g Agency. Vietnamese supply push down “ at President Nixon’s Invlta- the Ho Chi Minh trail to Cam bo- tlon." The report said he would recog:nized the Nationalist broadcast said that on the dla and South Vietnam. meet prominent officials and Chinese government on Formo- muchy problem of Formoea, Nixon announced Monday in private citizens and would ad- sa as the legal Chinese govern- gjgg called Taiwan, Commuplst Hartford, Conn., that the au- dress the National Press Club In ■uent. China said it "reaffirms that 43rd ANNIVERSARY thorized American troop level in Washington. Sharp said Canada and Red Taiwan is an inalienable part” Vietnam would be reduced to Other sources in Saigon said China will exchange ambassa- jjg territory and ’’the Cana- 344,000 by Dec. 31. Under plans Ky would attend the Paris dors within six months. dian government takes note of previously announced, this is to peace talks on Oct. 29 and put Sharp said Canada and Red pogition.” drop another ,60,000 men—^to forward \ a new South Viet- China will exchange ambassa- .pj^g Peking regime thus ap- 284,000—by next May 1. dors within six months. peared to have capitulated on (Se^Pase Eight) Canada and the Peking j^g long-standing demand that Peak American strength in Chinese have been negotiaUng recognize its territorial Vietncun was 543,400 in April the agreement for 20 months in g,gj^ j,, y,g Nationalist island 1060, and the total is now less Stockholm, Sweden. gjj China's south coast. CELEBRATION! than 384,000. Nixon’s -withdrawal Ambassador Yu*chu Hsueh of Referring to the now-resolved program began in June 1969. My Lai Nationalist China said his good- impgggg, sharp said Ottawa Sources In Saigon said some bys at Ottawa airport. He had ^ggg not consider it “ appropri- 3 American units are already po- - planned to leave Canada before gjg.. either to endorse or chal- siUoned for withdrawal from the Ju ror the government’s announcement jg^gg the Chinese government’s battlefield. ’The next units to but his flight was delayed. He position on Formosa, NOW GOING ON! leave Vietnam are expected to said he was distressed by Cana- “This has been our position include the lith Armored Caval­ Rejected da’s decision. gnd it continues to be our posl- ry Regiment, the 26th Infantry About 100 members of Otta- tion . . . W6 have taken note In Cambodia, the war slipped Qggrge r . Robinson, the Nixon, however, stopped short gtgte law that forbids compulso- After Trampling Cong Flag said Asst. Atty. Into one of its periodic lulls. A n^uitary judge, denied the chal- of endorsing the Conservative ry assignment of school children Cambodlan communique report- jgggg fgr cause “ in view of the . .. .1,, . „ ____ party candidate,' James L. on a racial basis to achieve de- Gen. Andrew A. Vanore Jr. ,of ed only one harassing attack ^tness’ testimony.” By SOL B. COHEN stopped ringing, with calls from when he saw the Viet Cong flag segregation North Carolina. during the past 24 hours. .pjjg judge also denied a de- (Herald Reporter) people all■■ over the state, being waved in a group of about ^hen greeted by nearly 1,000 "You want to haul people He defended a state law that ’Ihe U.S. Embassy In Saigon jg^gg request that subpoenas be T Mayor Natnan Agostinelli, by “ They’ve even stopped me on the 50 anti-war demonstrators, Biickley partisans during a brief miles and miles to give'them prohibits assignment of chUdren announced that Ambassador jggggd------—for Richard------Helms,------di- impulsively grabbing a Viet street.” As he tells it, "After the Presl- Monday at the West- equal percentages in the to schools on a racial basis and Ellsworth Bunker will return to rector of the Central Intelli- Cong flag from a demonstrator He said the calls are from dent got out of his car and en- Chester County, N.Y., Airport, schools.” Black told Nabrit. prohibits the compulsory busing Washington early next week for gg„(.e Agency, and Evan J. front of the Hartford Hilton old people and young people, tered the hotel, I heard people Nixon was asked, "Are you for “ I think there is something to of them to achieve racial bal- consultatlons, touching off spec- pgrjter of the same agency. yesterday afternoon during men, women, children, veterans, all around me remarking how j^r Buckley?” the concept of the neighborhood ance. The law has been de- ulatlon that he vrill W replaced Brown said he Intended to president Nixon’s visit, has been Republicans and Democrats, disgusting It was to see the flag “ j gppreclate the fact he’s for schools,” Black said. He called clared unconstitutional by a as ambassador by William H. prove through those witnesses catapulted into the state pollt- "And all of the calls are tc waved in the President’s face, „ Nixon replied. the practice of neighborhood three-judge federal court In Sullivan, deputy asslst^t s «r e - jg gg^ jggg ,.g gygtem- gpotiight. congratulate me—not one critic- i heard people asking. 'Why do pressed to elaborate, the schools good, and said he did charlotte. taiy of atic program of assassination— Agostinelli singled out by izlng me." we tolerate it?’ President said, "I’ll leave It at not like "this trying to condemn .vanore told the jusUces at the and the Pacific and former am- elimination of Viet Cong or sus- Nixon yesterday for his personal Agostinelli, GOP candidate foi ,,j guppose I reacted with that right now.” .^ second day of school desegrega- baasador to Laos. Embassy pgeted Viet Cong sympathiaiers’ , congratulations, said today, ” 1 ; state -comptroller, was outside' emoUori ^'l^m an Ttririy -^titerah ' ‘ In waibingtoh, meanwhile, ' outburst Allowed an as- tlon hearings that "this IS hot U B^kesmen ' indicated Bunker’s ^gg ' official iTs? ‘government ^ simple action the Hilton when the president ^g^ ^ „jgg ig.^rested In the the Senate’s top Republican sertlon by Nabrit that th s gntl-buslng law but an anU-dls- trip iwas In connection with the policy under the ° like that would make me a cele- arrived for h(s foreign policy g^jutgry and Its contribution to leaders turned out at a fund- nelghborhoc^ concep s crimination law. It prevents the new American peace proposals “ phoenlx program.” brity.” - briefing of top media execuUves. countrywas Interested In raising cocktail bash for Good- assignment or exclusltm of stu- and that he jvould be away tomey said U.S. District Judge He said that his phone hasn't He said he became" Incensed proper protection for the Presl- ell. , "three or four weeks.” (See Page Eight) 'i James B. McMillian of Charlotte (See Page Eight) ______; ,. ■■______^ ______,, . j______^ dent. (Agostinelli Is a I major Goodell,, whom Agnew has i' , ■ ■ |. ‘ in the (ponnectlcut National called a “ radical-liberal” and a (Juard.) ■ party renegade, puffed happily "I asked the youth holding at his pipe as he greeted Army Guards the flag to take it down. He Senate Leader Hugh Scott of- , * In Cairo wouldn’t. I charged In, grabbed the flag and tore it off its stick. He swung at me with the “ ®W8Tan. Senate Party P ^ o y Nasser-Named Successor PoKticiaris stick and missed. I threw the Ch^rmM ^ rd o n j^ o tt of Ctolo- ■K .2495 Our Regular $6 flag to the ground, stomped on a*’! 'I**®'®' GOP senators it, and, left It there. A police- and several other well-wishers, Held Under House Arrest V PERMANENT PRESS q 95 In Ottaw^ man reinoved it.” The affair was at New York Agostinelli appeared last night Qov. Nelson A. Rockefeller a BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — . “ In effect.” one senior Weat- DRESS SLACKS ----- ,... MONTREAL (AP) — The 0 at w Columbus Day eelobratlon opulent Washington homo. President Gaiiial Abdel NaMor ern- diplomat asserted, "Rosy-, S iz e s 8*18 Oiir-Regular 511 Quobec government ope^d ne­ named his successor shortly be- gin applied the Brezhnev Doc- gotiations during the night with Q 9 5 FULLY LINED (See Page Three) (See'Page Three) fore he died, but his nominee is trine to Egypt and made it clear the kidnapers of a British diplo­ under house arrest beqause he that he regards Mohleddin aa ALL WOOL SLACKS mat and a provincial cabinet is unacceptable' to the Soviet another Dubcek.” minister as hundreds of armed Union, reliable diplomatic in-- Tpirg Russians are believed to Fantastic selection of novelty,plaids, checks and combat, troops joined police in' Our Regular $6 and $7 - formants reported today. favor Air Marshal All Sab^, a *tweeds. Straight leg or flare bottoms. ' gUEirdlng politicians, diplomats Campaign Skiil Displayed FINE ALL WOOL ^ I / The sources said Nasser’s prominent figure In the reported ^ 9 5 „ / 1 95 and othe^ prominent persons in deathbed choice to lead Egypt power struggle and an old rival r 95 SWEATERS > & 4 * Our Regular S8 Ottawa. , was Zakaria Mohleddin, a rela- gf MohlOddin. They both served , Robert Lemleux, a long­ By Nixon on State Visit .... D S iz e s 8-20 ALL WOOL SEAT LINED SKIRTS lively liberal former prime min- gg prime minister and also as haired. lawyer awaiting trial on HARTFORD Conn. (AP) - area, and he announced that the who at times embarrassed vice president. S iz e s 8.18 & S IS a charge of obstructing justice, A-line skirts in novelty checks, plaids, tweeds and President Nixon, touring Con- high-speed TurboTraln expert- his chief by opposing ^® jg ^ggpigg with his preference solid flannels. was representing the Quebec 3 Liberation Front—the FLQ— nectlcut Monday with "nonpo- ment will be continued ^ e - ing Soviet penetration ° for a more liberal, open econo­ which kidnaped British Trade mical” advance billing, turned yond Oct. 22, when It was sched- t^^nformation ""y’ M°*'‘®, AQ 10974 (Herald Reporter) opens Wednesday. tire hand at the second trick?” 10 5 (Conttnued from Page One) A total of 377 persons were ALL ACES ADMITTED Two busloads of RepubllcEm » John Connolly, campaign East Windsor Drlve-m Re- General At>diences Belgian expSrt Charles Monk Been Named made voters at the all day ses­ WEST EAST dignitaries, including those on da and its establishment as an manager for Aloysius Aheam, opens Friday.' asked me a few mdnths .ago sion held Saturday in the Me­ 4 A Q 10 9 6 5 3 2 ♦ 4 the state ticket, arrived at toe Independent state. Democratic candidate for state Manchester Drlve-In — Re- during the world champion­ c;? AJ 10 7 morial Building. This was the ALL AGES ADMIHED ships in Stocldiolm. "Many <;? K aiiport just five minutes before The cell that kidnaped representative from Andover, final session before the Nov. 3 Parental Guidance o 6532 Cross says it will free the Briton State Theatre — Doctor Zhiv- GP times,” I Ifed. “ Well, try this President NixOn’s blue and elections. 4 9843 If toe government releases 28 Bolton and Coventry, has ac- _ one,” Monk continued, paying white Air Force I arrived. Giber, Michael Scott, son of Herbert and Sharon Nyman Of the 377, 123 enrolled with SOUTH men convicted or awaiting trial cused Robert Dixon, GOP Town UA Theatre — The Hawallans, no attention to my boasting. Among toe dignitaries were Giber, 64 Range Hill Dr., Rockville. He was bom Sept. 24 at the Democratic party, 85 with 4 K I 8 for political terrorism, and If Chairman in Bolton of “ com- 7:00, 9:15. REsminEo And he showed me just the Manchester Mayor Nathan Rockville General Hospital. His maternal grandparents are the Republican and 169 remain­ Under 17 requirta accompanying Q 8 4 3 the police call off their Investl- plete and obvious distortion of ----- :------North-South cards and the bid­ Agostinelli, GOP town chair­ Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Nyman, Grdnby. His paternal grandpar- ed unaffiliated. Parent or Adult Guardian gatlbn into toe kldnaplngs. the truth.” Dixon had recently ding of today’s hbnd. <0 i man M. Adler Dobkin and Town ents are Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Giber, Bloomfield. He has a The only people who can still A K J 6 2 'Hie cell that abducted La- charged that Aheam had at­ West dealer. Counsel John Shea. The latter brother, Kristofor. register are those whose re­ Sontti porte has made the same de­ 4ti r* tended only nine of 15 Board of DancergiOpen Both sides vulnerable. West North ' East Is state central committeeman quirements as to age and resi­ NO ONE UNDER 17 AOMIHEO Opening lead — Ace of Pass Pass Double mands plus four others: $600,000 Finance meetings. (Age limit may vary I 4 from toe Fourth Senatorial Dis­ Salminen, Tammy Marie, daughter of Carl Sr. and dence will be met between Sat­ Spades. 4 Q Pass 4 C?(!) in ransom, toe na(pe and pic­ Dixon is managing the cam­ in certain areas) 3- 4 trict. Nancy Bareisa Salminen, 5 Pine St, RockviUe. She was bom UConn Series urday’s session and election day. ” I played this hand at the Pass Double 4 NT ture of an alleged informer paign of Mrs. Dorothy Miller, Pass Nixon shook hands with all Sept. 21 at Rockville General Hospital. Her maternal grandpar­ A session for these people will Cannes tournament this year,” ' All Pass against the FLQ, publication at the GOP incumbent seeking re- By JOHN GRUBER Double those lined up against toe ropes. ents are Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bareisa, 5 Pine St., Rockville. be held Nov. 2 at the Memorial Monk told me. " ’The opponents FLQ propaganda, and reinstate­ Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Salminen, election to the 51st district seat. ’ITie Martha Graham Dance 'When he shook toe hand of . .. , Building during a special two MonoN MciuH cool or were Jacobi and Catseflls. Hie ment of all truck drivers who Ehifleld. She has a brother, Carl Jr. Both candidate live in Bolton. company opened the major con- ^ bidding was pretty normal for clubs, but then he would prob- State Sen. T. Clark Hull, candi­ lost their jobs when toe city ‘I am angpy," said Connolly, cert series at UConn s Jorgen- me. As you knovlr, I like to bid.” ably discard a club at the sec- date for lieutenant governor, took over mail deliveries in Aruilversary Set Hull said, “I ’m toe candidate Boucher, Mark Jason, son of Gerald and Carol Albert who Is himself a member of the sen Auditorium last night to a ’Thls was the understatement °ad trick. .... Montreal. Boucher, 120 Rachel Rd., Apt. H, Manchester. He was bom Board of Finance, “ at this Inept very large audience that was Sophia Robbed of the year, but I just nodded. Monk won the second trick for lieutenant governor.” The kidnapers have warned Sept. 28 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grand­ and obvious attempt to dis- not quite a capacity one. Miss annlver- '"The opening lead is the ace with the king of spadeb and Nixon quickly countered with, repeatedly that they 'Wlll kill sary dance, Saturday from 8 to “ You know that this is a non- parents, are Mr. and Mrs. David Albert, 19 Oakland Ter., Man­ credit one of the most dedicated Graham is no longer with the Of $600,000 In of spades,” Monk told me. a low heart. TTien he wot their hostages unless toe gov­ 11 p.m. at Rock'vllle High political trip.” , chester. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond and conscientious members of company but her influence re­ gr^-ooi. * ’’Everybody plays low. West Ih® spade continuation, took the ernment meets their demands. Boucher, 49 Columbus St., Manchester. He has a brother, Greg­ cur community. Obviously, Dix- mains; the three offerings that G e m s in G o th a m then leads the queen of spades, diamond finesse and ran the Everyone within earshot One FLQ communique Monday on is trying to smokescreen the comprised the program were all Frannle Heintz, Tex Wilson laughed. ory, 2; and a sister, U sa, 1. and Ed Rutty will do the calling * and East discards a low dla- rest of dummy’s 1 ^ suit, dls- said that ” we are setting no « *1 « * inept record of his own l^ sla - choreographed by her. NEW for the square dances and Judy Y O ^ (AP) - mond. What do you know about carding three hearts and two deadlines. However, If you show Carvey, Alison Joy, daughter of Donald and Gail Goll- live candidate, who did not get ^he individual dancers were, omith' armed gang forced its way into lilp'h^'d ^ S ^ o v T do^TO First off toe plane was Pat evident bad faith, we will feturn mltzer Carvey, 222 Colby Dr., East Hartford. She was bom one bill passed In the last ses- without exception, extremely » hiiffot ho oon/od 22nd-floor ai>artment suite ’ At the end, East had to hold Nixon, toe president’s 'yrif®, f®l- to action.” \ lowed by toe president and then Sept. 27 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal Sion of the legislature. trained and technically ^j^r orizes will be awarded EEasyoov TToo Read the ace of, hearts ^ and could The cell holding Cross added; ^parents are Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gollmltzer, 477 Tolland Connolly said that Aheam most secure. In the many years who” robbed her of jewelry It was easy. East couldn’t therefore hold only two clubs, Secretaj^ of TransportaUon and ” Our patience does have lim­ Tpke.r'-a^Mchester. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and actually has attended 21 of the Miss Graham has been evolving vrioo leiior. T^ ^ « reported to be worth $600,000. have all five of the missing Monk casned the top c'“ b®- Mrs. John Volpe. Volpe is a its.” Mrs. PiSicis Carvey, East Hartford. She has a brother, Glen, 25 BoardXJA/0.1 U ofwk Finance meetings fiuj-her jnouezTimodem luiom,idiom, aneshe naahas u»a*dis winKknowing theuic 4 queenuccii wouldwv/u»u fall.*€»*4, former Massachusetts gover­ nor. A radio station near Montreal held since was elected to pe„sed with the extremes that v ie T L i hM beerelect- newsmen hours after the hm ^he would respond to the to win his doubled^contract and received another communique V < \ m * *■ the post, and that this can be characterized her early work , tn ■arhn>a atn ^'2° ®""*- robbery. They came ™eninir bid of one spade. East an overtrlck. They were met by Cong, and Mrs. Thomas Meskill and Cong, early today purporting to come Rohrbach, Kiisian Marie, daughter of David and Karen substantiated In the minutes of and the techniauestechniques she has j ^ ' " ” Among Stu- Into the bedroom you know surely had four hearts tnr for hi«his Dally Questton from toe kidnapers, but there Llndelof Rohrbach, 108 ^tcJCee St., Apt. K. Manchester. She Mrs. Gretchen Wledie, board evolved are a distinct contrl- American Universities while I was asleep.” _ ^ double of four hearts, and Partner opens with one and Mrs. Lowell Weicker. Hard hat workers gave Nixon an enthusiastic wel­ Meskill is the GOP candidate was some doubt of Its authentic­ was bom Sept. 28 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her ma­ secretary. ’Hie four meetings bution to the art of dance. Bgea. Fnellah ^ West’s singleton was either the heart, and the next pUyer come. At one iwint it looked as though one group ity. It said “ toe two hostages ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Carl Llndelof Jr., Plain- Ahearn missed, according to She Is an excellent teacher Miss ^l“Davis aT Tnranh'a is an moustache and kept saying, ^gg passes. You hold: Spades, 4; tar governor and Weicker is toe was going to lift him up to a perch on this piece 3 will be executed” if toe 23 pris­ vllle. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rohr­ Connolly, conflicted with Army GOP candidate for ,U. S. sena­ V..UVUV.CUevidenced byuj, the ablliUes of Hartford. Shesho ho?*has beenh£.n '"®. stuff” ’’ she recalled E a s t surely had only four dla- Hearts, A-J-10-7; Diamonds, 6- of construction equipment. (AP Photofax) oners were not released by mid­ bach, 101 Washington St., Manchester. Reserve commitments and a monds since with five dla- 6-3-2; Clubs, 9-8-4-S. tor. her company, and she presents active on campus as „a mpmbcrmember , ® 1 night tonight and added that PTA meeting. (Aheam is a Minutes after the four-man monds and three clubs he What do you say? some lovely visual pictures. But of C h o lic Action Movement this was toe “ final” deadline. If FogUaro, Joshua Edward, son of Edward artd Hollis Anne major in the Reserve.) I have yet to see her create gang entered the Hampshire y,gcard a club at the sec- Answer ; Bid two hearts. You Mrs. Nixon wore a two piece ‘■'Iliere Is no person in town,” (CAM) and also' as freshman pale green suit with black ac­ authentic, it would be toe eighth Bouthilller Pogliaro, 48B Mt. 'Vernon Dr., Rockvllie. Jle was owi LIE. jmoge, Ih the eight or ten ” House and handcuffed four em- rather than a dia- would pass if partner opened deadline 'set by the kidnapers said Connolly, who attends .. ^ , orientation chairman, cessories. She wore a gpreen, lin­ bom Sept 28 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal times I have seen her work over ployes, they had collected the started with one wlth one spade, but your single- Heralding Politics and toe third they termed the grandmother Is Mrs. Lmurette B. Bouthilller, 48B Mt. Vembn more local meeUngs than A1 ‘‘Meet the Candidates” ed scarf. Her skirt was about the past forty years or so. jewelry and strolled back out hearts to the A-J-10 ton is an asset If partner opens last or final. Dr., Rockville. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. noeuni, Aheam, exceptcjivcpi i«,aaiuijrpossibly theme oe-se vVanVIv T find hpr phnrpn- annual "Meet the Candl the front udoor w i to l u cjrescape. or to ’ the K-J-10 and four low with one heart, and you can two Inches below toe knee. ------By Sol R. Cohen — The first big break in toe kld- Ernest H. PogUaro, Orwige. lectmen and the reporters. He g^aphy uneven. Incomplete, and “ *®'" the pd Italian 4 cards in both diamonds and well afford to raise, The President wore a post- *J -a <1 • .;*! J has attended almost every baffllne Vernon Jaycees, will be held star’s personal, uninsured jew- . . There was a slight pos- man-blue suit, a white shirt, a A group of 24 Manchester The association endorsed the naplng case come Monday when clubs. There was a slight pos- Copyright 397® President Nixon warmly greeted an old friend as his car. Behind Nixon, in the car, ave Cong. Thomas both cells released commu­ Kudsia, Julie Ann, daughter of Walter and Frances Vls- meeting of fte. Board of Select This was tme of all three of- °®‘ ' ^ f ®'*7 ®“>l«ty that East had five low General Feature# Oorp. Meskill, candidate for governor, and Cong. Lowell striped blue Ue and black shoes. Democrats, led by Town Chair- entire Democratic slate, with cuso Kudzia, 1178 W. Middle Tpe., Apt. 2B, Manchester. She men since the Democrats took jg^ings last evening- “ El Penl- Center Middle School, Rt. and a reported $KX),000 worth of motorcade turned into Pearl St. from Main St. in Volpe had on a purple tie, man Ted Cummings, will be the exception of Joseph Duffey, niques authorizing Lemieux to was bom Sept. 30 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her ma­ office-API— last July. T..,.. ti- He •_ Is a- mem- 8’ , 3 o_ Insured jewelry on loan from ------Hartford. Nixon had spotted his friend in the crowd Weicker, candidate for U.S. senator. (AP Photofax) with a picture of the Santa among the more than 800 per- candidate for senator, act as their representative. Pre­ ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Viscuso, Me­ Robert D. Chamberlain Jr. Is Van Cleef & Arpels. and had asked police to escort him to his stopped Maria. He said it was ” ln toe sons expected at a $100-a-plate viously toe kidnapers had re- , ber of the Economic Develoj^ -Diversion of Angels.” Of fused government offers to ne­ thuen, iHass. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. ment a»mmlttee and atten^ jnese, ’’Cave of the Heart,” to program chairman. Four local six hours later two teen-aged spirit of Columbus Day.” fund-raising dltmer and enter­ Duffey has called a press con­ James Kudzia, Methuen, Mass. candidates for the November brothers found part of the loot President tainment tonight in New Haven, ference for Thursday, at 9:30 gotiate through intennedlaries. their meetings faithfully. He is by Samuel ^Barber, was One communique was accom­ •I « * * *' liaison the Board of Educa- np-hano the mrwt rnmnlptelv elections will be speakers. Each------min a uiuwabrown paper baguas cuuii,along a Manchester High School Nixon, after talking to top honoring Joseph Duffey, toe a.m. ih the State Capitol. panied by a hand-written note Pnttra, Jennifer Catherine, daughter of Francis and El­ tion. HeThttends ChrisUan Edu- realized and was deflnltilv the will make a short opening state- curb In West New York, N.J. news executives from 13 states, Democratic candidate for sena- He said he will .announce a from Cross, who thanked Prov­ len Gadder Putlra, 110 Keeney S t, Manchester. She was bom caUon Board meetings In his favorite’ of the onlookers^ ^ que®^®" answer Two months ago jewels re­ REUNION RALLY Noncommital in a briefing on foreign policy, (or. position paper on a major tax ’60 incial Premier Robert Bourassa Sept 30 at Manchester Memori^ Hospital. Her maternal church. He attends almost all t, i„ baaed on the Fiirinidea Period will be held and the can- portedly worth $600,000 were Classes 1956, ‘57, ’68, ’59. had lunch in toe Hilton’s Ter- The keynote speaker will be proposal, to include recom WITH grandmother Is Mrs.'Mae Cadder, 110 Keeney St., Manchester. town meetings, budget hearings version of the legend of Medea, be . allowed to make taken from actress Zsa Zsa Ga- race Room. 'The briefing was In National Democratic Chairman mendations fon.Tonslderable arranging toe negotiation On Buckley ' and “ saving my life and that of Her paternal grandmother is Mrs. Mary Putlra, Kingston, Pa. rebuttals. bor in an elevator at the Wal- toe Hartford Room. The Boston Lawrence O’Brien. Former New tax savings and information hearings. Can jm j y,e program notes correct- (Conttnued from Page One) ____ _ Mr, Laporte.” She has four sisters, Mary Ellen, 12, Ann, 10, Bridget, 7%, and Bob Dixon say the same about ]y ggj ggji (be bones of the plot Guests will be: Antcml Sad- dorf Towers. Police said they DOM SQUATRITO Room was set up for the work- Mayor Richard Lee will be ing press. toastmaster and Gov. John N. . . . , u A letter from Laporte urged Laura, 6. his candidate,' the elected and wLToxZw^rover.BiZ''. - were InvesUgatlng to determine HOST Rockefeller , who has said he In justice to our readers, who " ’ ______4, « «t 4 A rumor that toe President Dempsey toe honorary chalr- '' . , 1 , toe Quebec government to make paid representative of the peo- ^ l e d The real horeoT^of tWs Ooo\ey. Democrat, if the crimes were linked. GARDEN GROVE BRING FRIENDS. will do all he can to help Good- may or may not want to know, Griffin, James David, son of Ambrose Jr. and Joanne piinea. me real norror or m s gaj^dldates for state representa- Police gave this account of REFRESHMENTS BY was to address toe newsmen man. it KEENEY STREET ell’s fight against Democratic and to all those candidates who “ • P®®®**^'® ^ ® . ^'***um Meehan Griffin, 22 Doane St., Manchester. He was bom Sept. SQUATRITO FOR was quickly denied by his aides. Speaking, in addition Connolly continued. “A1 S r e n r“ ven7ed on “ ^e from Vernon, and nromas the I»ren robbery: MANCHESTER Rep. Richard L. Otttoger and ° went to the trouble of sending '* T “ ^ tin c e in toe 20 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grand­ G. Carruthers, Republican, and The four gunmen, one dressed STATE SENA’TE COMM. | All of his remarks were in- O’Brien, will be Duffey, State,te , j 1. FLQ to leave the province in ine Aheam regularly attended the son, who Is their father. 8:00- 12:00 P.M. Buckley, did not attend. us releases, and who may or ^ mother is Mrs. James Meehan, Northampton, Mass. His pater­ Robert D. Houley, Incumbent as a chauffeur, entered the lob- formal, as he entered and left Democratic Chairman John M. 250th Anniversary Steering ”I think Charlie’s a gpreat Re­ may not know what they said, ^ nal grandmother is Mrs. Ambrose Griffin, Springfield, Mass. Committee meetings, and he in th^^^emWM V e r a th iris ® «“ l“ late3 for state by of the l ^ r y c o o i^ H v e the Hilton. Bailey and Rep. Emilio Q. Dad- we herewith announce toe fol- ^ Ottawa, more He has two brothers, John, 14, and Chris, 5; and a sister. Deal, mppVp OP,: po ^-neruDim opera, ims is ggn^tor. apartment house on Central publican,” said Sen. Edward W. ------— darlo. Democratic candidate for lowing; armed combat tro<^s joined po- Brooke of Massachusetts. V 16. . sOTrchlng and writing the histor- RefreshmenU will be served Park South about 7:18 a.m. and Nixon, as he was departing governor, All of the slate’s major candl- '*®® during toe night In guai^i^ ical Dlav which the^Committee the mur- ,g,ig^ng (bg program and the at gunpoint demanded the keys i 4 “ We’re going to do everything toe Terrace Room, alter a 20- Entertainer Tony Randall will LAST NITE “ DOCTOR ZHIVAGO” SHOWN AT 7:50 we can for him.” dates have paid tribute to Gen. pote®Ual tarots of ^ c SpInelU, Stephen Michael, son of Michael and Ann Izzo hoOTf to OTt on la t e r T me P^hUc ’^11 be given an oppor- to Miss Loren’s suite, JlllliULCminute lunch CUIUand beforeUCAV4C he participate , in « t 1 e Jprogram W-. Caslmir Pulaski. Polish hero of ®®P®*'®- wltoers w e ^ hopes to put on later in the demeath a door. I’ll be darned personally meet the PourFour employes wwere hand­ MANCHESTER Others at toe affair were Splnelll, 46 Morse Rd., Manchester. He was bom Sept. 29 at shook hands in toe lobby with Music will be fumlshed by toe the American Revolutlonarv t®g camouflage helmete and Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are y®®*"-” If I could find where the chil- cuffed and the night manager .1 CENTER Seirs. Mark Hatfield of OiKgon, Peter Duchln Band. carrying automatic rifles or “ For Dlxcm to Imply that A1 ,jrgn were killed. ’There was a ^ Agostinelli, commented briefly War, and to Christopher Colum­ Frosh Leader and a bell captain were ordered kLl PARKING REAR Of THEATRE Jacob K. Javits of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Izzo, East Hartford. His paternal grand­ on aspects of his visit. bus, the great Italian who dis­ submachine guns were posted at parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Splnelll, Hartford. has not been conscientious and section in which Medea danced John Sommers, son of Mr. to go to Miss Loren’s apartment William B. Soxbe of Ohio, Ted Today is “ Nate Agostinelli public buildings and residences. dedicated to serving his com- around with a red rope or rib- ”I’m Impressed by toe great covered America. and Mrs. John Sommers of with two of the gang. There they WED “GONE WITH THE WIND” AT 7:30 Stevens of Alaska and Marlow Day” in New Haven. The Man­ The FLQ has said it has a list munity well is a gross dlstor- bon; possibly this was to sym- number of buildings going up ' And, even though we weren’t Forde, Mindy Carolyn, daughter of Bruce and Donna Vernon, lias been elected vice- rang the bell and said they were W. Cook of Kentucky, and Un­ chester mayor, GOP candidate of persons to be kidnaped or as­ tion of the tmth,” Connolly add- bolize the blood. in downtown Hartford,” he said. told so, among toe dozens of Peterman Forde, 24 Buckingham St., Manchester. She was bom . . . president of the freshman class checking a gas leak, In mu sm’t’ii .s|ilt’mhir...Tlio most maj^ificfnt picture ever! | dersecretary of Health, Educa­ for state comptroller, will at­ sassinated and has said federal c "I can see that Hartford Is hold­ pieces of campaign literature Sept. 30 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal ®<3- Actually, the choreography cushing Academy, Ashbum- Inez Bruscla, 41, secretary to DAVID OSELZNICKS tion and Welfare John G. Vene- tend coffee hours and confer- as well as provincial officials grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Barney Peterman, 40 Jordt Connolly said Mrs. Miller’s made Helen McGehee ,... (who - Mass. Miss Loren, answered the door » r«oouCT«».c» MARGARET MIICHEUS ing on to Its'T place------as toe_ ences,inaor- a cocktail party and a reaching this desk ■ weekly," —....7, we nmone- them St., Manchester. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. record is an issue and the peo- portrayed Medea) look like a Music Program hut - became suspiclou Scott said he didn’t care to ®"®® ot toe world. Keep jjg expects-to be in New can say confidently and without ^ ' 14 ..M rvlri/1 OOA I f * ' ...... i . _ a» _ ai-_a _»t ____ a ___ At tnAtoe FABin#*residence of Labor pie Imve a right to know what gnake charmer. It followed the..M u 8 ic "^ in g ”“ wUl be the screamed and tried to slam the GONE W ITH speculate whether Agnew’s at- ®P- ^ STlad to see t. Haven until about 11 p.m equivlcatlon that all are for Arthur Forde, 105 Oak St„ Manchester. She has a sister, Kris­ Minister Bryce Mackasey, anx­ she has accomplished for them, killing of the Corinthian prln- ^,g“ “ ®, the nrogram to be door. ’Ihe men pushed past her tacks on Goodell were alined at He said also, “ I’m glad to night. Motherhood and for the Amer­ ten, 3. ious faces peered from toe win­ cess so perhaps this was as I Rockville Junior Li- and one struck her on the head TH E WIND" intimidating Republican liber- s®c so many local and state ----- ^— ican Flag. dows os troops filed into toe liv­ assume. On toe other hand toe Saturday for with his gun. als. But he added, ”I’m a hard newsmen here. I’m sorry I state Rep. Barbara Dunn of ment for local departments to ing room. The home of former Andover /m u r d e r of toe children takes gfjd/yen in Kindergarten Three etltches were required CLVRKGABLE man to Intimidate! A lot of peo- couldn’t spend more time with East Hartford, Republican can- T meet unforseen disasters. R o c k v ille Prime Minister Lester Pearson place just before the very end (j^roueh Grade 3 3® close toe woimd in her scalp, nle have tried “ you.” didatc for secretary of toe state. ” Our departments lack suffi­ M\11N LEIGH Injured Trucker in toe suburb of RockcUffe Park Cocktail Hour cient equipment, such as pro­ Hospital Notes of toe play in the original, leav- ^ Disney fUm tracing O®® >®an entered toe bedroom The B e r i n g was npt — . , t o d a y called for mo)-e techidcal IE HOW ARD was also under military guard. tective fire fighting suits, to ing a frustrated and broken- musical instru- and took toe jewelry after twist- plarmed as a response to Ag- About 66 national c°* ^ ‘ and vocation^ training n Leaves Hospital Visiting hours are 12:30 to 8 hearted Jason to behold toe j^g^(g be shown The chil- ing Miss Loren’s hair to show he new’s criticisms of Goodell “ I spondents and radio and TV nectlcut for those not attending There appeared to be OTly the F o r A h e a r n meet the demands of a major I OIWlAdeHiWlLLAND usual police guard, however, disaster that could conceivably p.m. in all areas except ma- bodies of his sons. ^ ^ meant business, .URIOEWNICSIXINUMEIROCOIOR fciMGMRe leteise tolnk toe T a rtrw ^ S X plan m®® accompanied the president eollege for various reasons, The driver of a truck, injured temlty where they are 2 to 4 In Miss Graham’s version, . gg„jg musical games. ^*®® I-^ren, who had been nine staee before toe era of du- ®® h‘® triP to ConnecUcut. Add- Speaking at the weekly, state- , .. j .. around Parliament HBll and the Set Thursday occur in the future. We should when toe vehicle tipped. ,_ on_ Its . home of Prime Minister mPierre .n -. and 6:30 to 8 p.m. Jason mourned toe body of his ^ ^ ^ . . .ui-ng™ here for about a-month to publl- WoL dtelogue ” Scott said ^*^“ 1 200 from Connectl- (^ide, GOP Dutch-treat luncheon sjde In toe westbound lane of be prepared.” Elliott Trudeau. A cocktail party in honor of ------bigamous bride, instead. Ob- iaat"^esday’s session of "Snnflow Mn. Nix‘to obtain 'SOkOliS,'Sandy Beach Rd. and Strong ah en din gjs toe following b m -t ie r p l^ were no^ said t o . toe'facUlu'eVih toe press room, ..we must open (he door of op- urday morning, was discharged “ Republicans are starting to act not to Aentlon toe sandwiches force, trained in everyttiing. from the RK* district' will be ®‘®‘® through civil defense Bernadette Amsden. Hartford inal. Further, Miss Graham _ w in i^ rsA lbert Nutland, be "uncertain. " ‘'‘’rialn The story of a priest lyife Republicans.” - portunlty to those .students who ygg(g, from Manchester Me- from toe 61st district, will be legiLtion, if neces- Tpke.. H®ckvllle; Shelia Crosby, was jejune enough to robe Me- Agostinelli soft drinks and coffee. don’t attend college, don’t w!Uit Hospital. A passenger In from deseit to guetrilla war­ Nixon returned to toe White t/k nttAnri eolleee or shouldn t eofia#oA_ fare. ■' held Thursday from 4 to 6 p.jn. ggj.y_------a(q - assist------1_*. ...1 volunteer-----i ------fire• Marlborough; UfMiroT*/1 TArtnriAll Howard (163, IlT Donnell blOCU 8^(1 the prillCeSS ' - j 11 ’ « ' « Campaign Skill Displayed House via toe Westchester Air­ to attend college the truck remains in satisfac­ in white in toe manner of a N u t la n d , 647; Madeline Barrows, Police in Quebec (Dity ordered in toe home of Mrs. Editoa departments in becoming better Mohegan Trail, So. Coventry Extended Eorecnsl ^Pieces o f ’ThSaa^ attend college.” tory condition.' port aftqr spending a day of ______the provincial legislature evacii- Birmingham, Long Hill Road, able to give our area complete Le’slfe'IJlch, George Dr., ^ock-^ Hollywood horse - opera - in Showered “nonpolltlcal” appearances in Allan E.‘ Gelinas, 18, of She! Results of the tournament ses- Partly cloudy Friday. CJloudy By Nixon on State Visit W ould-Be Sen. Thomas Dodd, independ­ ton sustained multiple lacera- ®^®® h®W Thursday at 1:30 p.m. 60. Turhlng somewl»t cooler on BURNSIDE and his aides maintained toe we're Americans,” toe President poig;n journey Saturday in be­ I ■■ ' ■ tlngy to attend a Dodd Rally at mo’rial Hospital and is reported threatened to kidnap a medical Lucy Wadsworth land Mrs. Tolland; Linda McHugh, Hatch 500 “URNSIDI AV( (AST HAPTFOPO gratulated by crowds of people. terested in with no commentary in toe dances at toei Lottie Fisk Building, Saturday. visit wasn’t a political one. told toe crowd, “ but we can half of Republican candidates in * ((kintinuefi. from Page One) the Glastonbury Irlsh-Amerlcan in satisfactory condition. speclaUst if doctors ot strike . . . h elpl^ , Francis Haines, and tied for Hill Rd., and Gertraud Gaetano, FREF PARKING 528 3333 Apparently, toe word Of his ac­ Vermont, New Jersey, Pennsyl­ Ahearn s camp^gn^ Is t® (bird and fourth place, Mrs. Range Hill Dr., Vernon, which she offered. Stylistically Henry Park. ______Hie motorcade processed also be proud in this country arsenal required for war with Home. Following that, he will ------against a govenunent medicare they belonged with toe main Th® Ladies Auxiliary 'VPW slowly through downtown that we hlave a diverse back­ tion with the Viet Cong flag vania and Wisconsin. leave for Manchester, to attend 1 program do not end their walk- contact his ito d o v ^ cO T rd ^ - Burton Smyth and Mrs. Lois BIRTHS: A son to Mr. and Between now and toe Nov. 3 Israel. y action but they quite fEiiled to Post 10121 of Vernon will meet streets, past a a ty Hall fes- ground .^. . and we’re a richer had gotten around. a reception in his honor at the Xaix D a te s t o l o O l out by 6 p.m. Wednesday. Hie Kowalski and crawford and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Nunzio Gaetano, Range balloting the chief executive is The sources said Heikal “ was Mrs. Waller. Be„g cote. , Hill Vernon elucidate or to inform. Wednesday at 7;30 ’p.m. at toe tooned with an Italian flag for country lor it.” Ko(C Home on Main St. , WASH»lGTON-.Th8 first U.S. d9®vin>e®t ft previous comT ... ENDS 'mNSMIt' PoinUng to SecFela^ o f ’IYans- t®^y.,."it WftS- ft expected to vislt-lmif a dozem or “oi^^5JJ(‘lnced and will never be Wt^-K durli« an ^ Discharged Thursday? Elze in sh6ft, 1 g iv e Miss'GFaham -Teen Center on Rt.180.. Starts Oulumbus Day aad ptust aigns income tax was enacted Aug. 5, munlque had been ignored, “ so • ROTk Hudson “ Hornet's Nest” with slogans like ” We love you. portation John A. Volpe, Nixon exj^ ence. more ® convinced,” although he does Dodd has announced that he 1861, but before collecUon ma- ®®w we take it upon ourselves to coffee hour in the home of Alra. ivianchester Evening Herald g^alontal Grove St., RockviUe; sorts of credit for technique, T'mow! In Color at 7:80 Only Birmingham, the candidate Andover correspondent, Sarah for handsome floor work, .find We are Nixon people.” declared: “ He’s p r o u d ^ t he’s applauded, patted me on the In a somewhat similar vein, not seem to------have any------persoiml, has been endorsed for re-elec­ chlnery was set up. Congress re-establish toe medical securi- John Martin, Canterbury: Juicy Jumpers At one point, the President a first-generation Italian-Amerl- and congratulated me.” Nixon set up a WWte House ap- tion by the Connecticut State commented on Fire Prevention palmer, Tel. 742-9247. Genevive Secore, Vernon Ave., for sometimes enchanting pic­ superseded it by an act passed ty of toe populatiOT Quebec.” stopped the car and, to the can.” And then the President Receiving personal congrat- ®®i®tment pointment todav today with 'with reoresent- represent- ambition for leadership, Plumbers and Steamfitters As­ Week. He said, “The volunteer' ------Rockville; Joseph Lincoln, Conn. tures. But, as in toe past. I left g r e e NBRAE, Qallf. (AP) — July 1 . 1862. It wak’ under this Another organization called ulations from the President was atives of the Pplish-American , Some,, sources said Heikal, sociation,' representing 7,000 fire department is ohe of hte Blvd., E. Hartford; Bruce Stone, toe hall just' as befogged as be- ^ j(b (he help of a dozen or so of cheering .delight of a large recitbd the varying ethnic law;I thatuiai. toe,uic. LEEov first income-tax toe Quebec AnUrevolutioiiary *'.» —A. A.S-.A.4 A*. T^T ’ ■ • %' UlVu., i!i. flaruorci, J3rUCc DLUiic, group construction workers, strains in the backgrounds of an unbelievable honor,” he Congress and another session to acting as a kind of spokesman union members. The action was revefnues were collected. It ex- Group issued a communique i n ^ Important but least her- J\ a t l 0 1 l ’ S W C a t h e r Range Hill Dr. and Frances La- fore. bis friends, Pietro Plncml has said. ” It was one of the most discuss foreign affairs with (or the absent Mctoleddln, a l ^ s e ^ c e s in toe ®®»nnau- ASsnciATFn PREB8 Blond, RFD 2, Rockville; Unda ' ------;------finished jumping on Ms grapes, climbed aboard a huge 'mech- his wife, Meskill and Weicker. taken 'Sunday in Stratford, at pired to 1872 after $378 million threatening reprisals against A Mivnn oHHoH “ I'm FAnjlv thrilling moments of my life. AFL-CIO President (Jeorge argued to vain in toe inner the associations fall convention, had been collected. U elected he By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ^ Elizabeth , , w ; . s -for his annual home-made ■wine anlcal loader to shake fhelr Ana, mixon aa e , y imagine being singled out by Meany and | labor federation councils for a more liberal pollt- toe FLQ unless Cross and La­ , - , . . W U IK iStEDEtOU wv*». AVA.CCU«jr CUlU s cabsvrsa COUIlUliSJ W l' 0> IIJWIC AZiyvzck porte are released. Another would sulwnlt legislation to pro- chilly rain and some snow Ricbard. Cedar St. and Ulllan H a t c h e F W e i f i h S output. h«rA anrt in t^e President of toe United aideb Jay Lovestone and Irving ical system,. Including frfreedom counter-recolutlonary group, the ride aid and equipment to local p,jgbe®t)llng activities. Retirees Plaii towns ment.” Uon” as president. _ ____ stoned to curtail campus bomb ^he measure swept toou gh uneven. .. __. , „ j.f ahn.if drew more squeals of delight told him. That was a great ------^ orsassd fire protection wUl gnnv die Misalsaippl VaUejTreported a ll' out the last drops. At .ffllC point, a STTWP frf ftlJOllt from those--who strained to thing*Mr,o- you«o.i did out there. They 'liie Infonnants said security ,1 i,i ih k 1 *^^® ®®®®^® after less than ^ Saturday Liiiich also. “ It Is necessary that we heavy fog during the night. vmage m., an oi Kocxviue, ” I think thet’s being very 60 persons, tofsludtog some long' Pants [Qad Police officials made a quick survey I"*® ®nd shield businesses and minutes’ debate. Basically toe Johnathan Kloter, Cambridge shake his hand, But others, (the demonstrators) just dori’t maintain a well equipped, well An inch of snow fell at Cas- kind,” Hatcher,' a Negro, told haired youngsters, shouted slo- throughout Egypt after Nasser unions from an underworld same bill, without toe antibomb- St., Manchester; Ronald Jamo, more toured to toe rituals of know what they’re doing. If On Rescue Mission The Northeast (3iapter of toe n i ^ t a l ^ fir® d®partment. We ^ r Wyo. OTd snow was retort- bn audience of about 100 at Yale dled and found that a substan- takeover. ing' provisions, passed toe Sen- ^ viewing toe famous, were al- they were over there and saw LIGHTHOUSE POINT, Fla. ^ ^ , , American Association of Retired ,rilleventurily have to give con- ed in toe Wgher m «^taln l^ els University. “ I wotod perhaps not 1 .4 9 ™the President as theyu»j, a streamingstranmin^r toward toe what was happening, they’d un- The bill gives toe FBI author!- ate last January, Peraons has scheduled two ac­ Therms A Spot for You in CAMELOT! (A P )-T w o police cars, sirens tlal majority of the people fa- be as kind to describing toe Viet Oong flags here, ^ d to ^ ^ succeed ty tivtovesUgate bombings at to- The House, reacting to a ser- tivities for its members to the sldemUoiL to the devetopmen of toe northern RoeWe?. A ocal- ^ve, and Alice Tennstedt, Nixon administration's record retrieve their derstand it a little better.” Whinning and lights flashing, ar- vored Mohieddln to of a full time prid department, ly heavy^snow watqh was to ef- gt both of Rock- WEDNESDAY Stamford, a group of young "cars and avoid the Inevitable ______even without knowing stltutlons receiving federal aid les of bombings to severtil cit- gg^t two weeks. on tiril rights.” 7 Manchester ^ The President asked whether ^ved at toe home of Mr. and Na®s®f; He added. “ In a naUoOTl feet to toe Colorado inountatos. Raymond Weston. Talcott- peace demonstrators tned to get .... there had tfSen a scuffle and toat'this was Nasser’s last wish. —Including most colleges—and ies, added Ihe previsions and On Saturday toe Regional Hatcher said he met with U.S. Mrs. Mike Plude. Hie officers emergency orllocal disaster toe Temperatures around toe na- yjjjg rchant("HeUno,wewOT’tgo”) 1®“ ; The diplomatic sources say provides the death penalty for passed the bill last week. Corderence on Aging will be Atty. Gen. John Mitchell earlier Gilbert and Sullivan Workshops (A U YOU CAN EAT) And for toe cynics, there was whether Agostinelli had been out, ran to toe door and , , , o nnm local departments would play tlon ranged from a low of 27 at ______started, but gave up after a few And for u Injured. He appeared pleased ^ gtartled counle • “ We’re Mohieddln is confined to a com- fatal bombings. Extensive civil liberty safe- held at the East Hartford High a key role to civil defense." Willlston, N.D., to 80 at Home- this year, and that Mitchell had choruses. ®v®® ® touch of snafu. when Agostinelli replied that “ T ® ,'.... fortable gray stucco villa to one The Senate completed leglsla- guards tacked on by a House School, Burnside Ave. The day's called toe Aidministration’s rec­ looking for toe man with the Aheam called for more equip- stead, Fla. Estimates pf those who Uned J ta n y of those Joft” toe of Cairo’s best residential areas. live action on the measure Mon| Judiciary subcommittee' were program, lasting from 9 a.m. to Y ale Share ord on civil rig;hts “ unprecedent­ a 'h e a ^ there was no scuffle. heart attack.” CAMELOT TRY-OUTS the parade route here ranged were sprayed with Yesterday’s Incident marks Recent visitors to toe neighbor­ day& sending it to President Nix- scrapped before final approval, 3 p.m., will include morning and PITTSBURGH (AP) — The ed.” UOUJARD,, from 46,000 toi 60,000 cloud ot dust when the hellcop- The Pludes said no one was hood saw uniformed police on by voice vote. While no votea against toe bill the second time in about two ill. afternoon workshops and a noon Ford Foundation has a'warded ” I agreed,” said Hatcher. In Stamford, another 10.000 ters carrying press and staff ap- guards stationed at each comer A person convicted of using were heard in toe Senate, Sen. Pollution Alert, and weeks that Agostinelli has luncheon for toose who register ilattrlipatFr a grant of $385,000 to toe Uni­ "Never had it ever been so gathered on the broad lawn of preached for a landing drawn statewide attention. In a But toe officers said a depart- j y^g -rounds while inside were money from organized crime to John Sherman Cooper, R-Ky., . versity' of Pittsburgh to estab- bad.” TONIGHT AT 8 P.M. 27-acre estate that now serves strayed too close to an unse^ded ^ ggjj the Shoreham Motor J®®®^ store clerk had called the „,Qrg gecurity men in plain acquire or establish a business commented, “ After a very brief Burning Ban Lifted . . . __ 4kA tAsam ^ n/\TVtA o #Aur m rvm A n fa The Northeast Chapter will lEoFniiiH i^Fraiii HAR’TFORD (AP) — A state- llsh a Council for European as the setting for a plush new part of toe lawn. Hotel to Hartford, he had come hom® a few moments ^ fore, gigthes. engaged in interstate commerce look, lam sure that some of also meet Oct. 23 at toe Man­ wide______air ____ pollution____ _ alert______and_ ban______Studies with___ eight other Balliy Auditorium, Monchoitor Hi{h School Italian community center. It The heavy blast of air also ggt four-square against a state ^® answered by a g( Mohieddin’s closest as- could be fined up to $25,000 and these provisions will be held un- chester South United Methodist ^Colt Contract lounson^ imprlsoned up to 20 years.- , constitutional.” lS*BlSi«lf*Stre^ ®n open burning was lifted Mon- universities stands, sparkling li^ t brick and dislodged a fan cover atop toe income tax. Newsmen had in- ®’®n who could not talk only godates. Kamal Eddine Hussein Church at 1:30 p.m. The bill authorizes an extra Cooper referred to prorisions Haachester, Cbnn. (06010) day by State Health Commission- Dr. Stephen. Blank, assistant 'WASHINGTON (AP) — The SINGING and ACTING ROLES AVAILABLE glass, to toe midst of a section new building and hurled it at (erred' from his remarks, that P®®^- and Abdel Latlf Baghdady, are Invitations have been sent to Telephone 643-3711 25-year sentence for' a person dealing with prosecution immu- er Franklin M. Foote. professor of political science at-firearms division of Colt Indus- of large rambling homes, stone ■the forehead of State Police jjg wais speaking for Cong. Equally baffled, Mrs. Plude also reported under house ar- political candidates of all pfu*- Second Claee PosUce Paid Foote said mild winds helped Pitt, will be executive director tries has been awarded a $21- Chorus People Invited to Audition fouiid to be a habitual or profes- nity for wllnesses. electronic Ifaacheater, Conn. 3t4 TOLLAND TPKE walls, and narrow tree-ltoed Capt. Louis D. Marchese. He qTromas Meskill, toe GOP can- exploring. She found toe rest In Cairo. Hie sources say ties to attend toe meeting to BUBSCIUPnON RATES sweep away a stagnant air mass of the cxiuncil, which also in- mpiion contract for manufac- MANCHESTER, CONN. roads that Immediately bespeak was treated at St. Josejto’s Hos- dilate for governor. Agostinelli temlly’s 10-monto-old English some other members of Mohled- sional criminal. ' surveillance and toe extra 25- nroblems of sneclal to Payable In Advance hanging over Connecticut. for eludes Yale, Columbia, Harvard, ture of 254,238 M-16 A-1 rifles, For Information Call 872-0867 | the/affluence of the area. pltal to Stamford for a severe insisted he was speaking only ®h®epdog. Puffin’, asleep beside din’s circle have been jaUed by Designated as federal crimes year sentence for those deemed P™®‘® ^ “ «P«®‘®* *« JJJ* ...... 130-Ou several days. Ttie ban on open Princeton, California, Sen. Thomas J. Dodd, D-Conn., ■nie President dedicated toe head cut. ^ for himseU. the bedroom phone. security police. for the first time are large-scale professiwial criminals- T&m M ^hf burning was ordered Friday. Michigan and Wisconsin. announced here Monday. MANCHEST^TR EVENING- HERAIJ). MANCHESTER. C O ^ .. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1970 . PAGE frVE PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER' EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13,* 1970 Tuttle-T yskewicz Sheehan-Morlarty Bard'Manning

Noel'Violette l l T A R . Rossi'Leckfor- Frances Louise Manning of -By CLAY R. POLLAN- Anne Marie Tyskewlcz of New­ ^ ARIES LIBRA Manchester and Ronald Cyr Your Daily Activity Guide sm . 23 ington became the brlcle of Bard of Tenyvllle were mar­ Virginia Ann Violette of Cov­ 'f According to the Stars, • ” '^ 7 The Church of the Assumption . 22<^tQ Everett Parkes Tuttle of Bristol, entry and Norman Chester Noel ■ 19 ocr. was the scene Saturday morn­ ried Saturday morning at St. ^n-16-18-46 To develop message for V/ednesday, 4-15-29.34^ formerly of Manchester, Satur­ Bridget Church. read words corresponding to numbers ing of the marriage of Patricia Jr. of Columbia were wed Sat­ §V48-58-63 42-53-87.89^ ■Ann Leckfor of Manchester to day morning at St. Mary’s The bride is a daughter of. ^ T A U R U S of your Zodiac birth sign, SCOREIO urday morning at the First Con­ t Golden 31 Interest 61 Brighter John Rossi Jr. of Hartford. Church in Newlng^ton. John M. Manning of 23 Car­ 20 gregational Church of Coventry. 2 G itt 32 Comes* 62 Up ocr. The bride is a daughter of Mr. The bride is the daughter of roll Rd. and late Irene ,T. Man­ 3 Todoy's '33 Mov 63 Suggested l^AY 20 NOK. 2 1 ^ and Mrs. John J. Leckfor Sr. of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tyskewlcz ning, The bridegfroom is a son The bride is a daughter of Mr. 7-10-13-31 4 Don't 34 Your 64 A t 5 Impulsive 35 Judgments 65 Relotlve 17-20-36^57^ 16 McKee St. The bridegroom of Newington. The bridegptwm of Mr. and Mrs. Ligori Bard and Mrs'. Ernest L. Vioiette of 52-55-66 V 6 Prospects 36 And 66 Hobby 7I-74-88-90V Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John is a son of Mrs. Edna Tuttle of of Terrsrvllle. Lake Rd. The bridegroom is the GEMINI 7Tempororily 37 On 67 Or SAGITTARIUS 38 Plenty 66 Lot Rossi Sr. of Hartford. 131 Mather St. and the late The Rev. Harry McBrien Of son of Mrs. Audrey Noel of Pine 21 8 Or NOK. 22 y . 9 Actiori •39 That 69 To The Rev. Robert Burbank of Gordon O Tuttle. St. Bridget Church pei-fprined St. r ^ r 20 10 You'll 40 Investments 70 Your DEC. 21 41 Indicated 71 Energy the Church of the Assumption The Rev. Francis P. Johnson the double-ring ceremony and The Rev. James W. McBride, Os35-37-40-45 11 New 21-24-41-47^ 12 Should 42 Eggs 72 Portner performed the double-ring cere­ of St. Mary’s Church performed-*, was celebrant at th6 nuptial pastor of the First Congregation­ C ^60-73-75 65-67-72 13 Lose 43 Your 73 Be mony and was celebrant at the the double-ring ceremony. Mass. Bounquets of white glad­ al Church of Coventry, perform­ CANCER 14.Good 44 Bring 74 Is CAPRICORN nuptial high Mass. Paul Chete- Given In marriage by her ioli and lavend^'pompons were ed the ceremony. Mrs. Gerard ^,\JU N B2t Put 45 Seem 75 Right D5C, 22- ^ 16 Course 46 Physicol 76 To lat was organist and soloist. lather, the bride wore a full- on the altar.. •' Mogielnicki was Organist. Bou­ \^,JU LY 22 47 Concerning 77 Your JAN. IP 17 Good BouqUets of spider mums and length gown of satin accented The bride' was given in mar- quets of yeilow pompons and 18 Of 48 Therapy 78 Future 5- 9-30-54/^ 1-9 Show 49 Of 79 Be 62-68-81-85V gladioli were on the altar. with lace. Her shoulder-length -iage by her father. She wore white gladioli and carnations 50 Joy 80 D6or 20 Fortune AQUARIUS The bride-, was given in mar­ veil of silk illusion was attached jm^amplre gown of silk orgaiuui were on the'altar. LEO 21 Stortling 51 Reason 81 Of JAN. 20 ., ^ riage by her father. She wore to a pearl edged crown, and she accem bd^th floral Venise lace The bride was given in mar­ M mrfj 22 Goin 52 In 82 Now 4 23 Surprises 53 Into . 83 Heart an empire gown of ivory satin carried a cascade bouquet of and orchm^satln ribbon, design­ riage by her father. She wore ?r_Al/G . 22 84 Indicoted n i. II ^ 24 Informotion 54 Stir accented with Alencon lace re­ carnations. ed with wedding ring collar, a gown of n y 1 o n and lace, ^ 2- 8-14-28 25 Opportunity 55 A 85 Trouble 3- 6-19-22^ ^ 3 2 -4 3 -5 6 I 26- Be “ 56 Way 86 Thonkful 27-61-78 embroidered with seed pearls Mrs. Joseph Twarklns of En­ long tapered sleevbs,,A - line trimmed with seed pearls and 87 One VIRGO I 27 And 57 Renewed PISCES and designed with stand-up col­ field was matron of honor. She skirt and detachableX^cimpel designed with lace bodice and 28 News 58 Treotments 88 Yours ffl. IP lar, long sleeves coming to wore a strawberry pink gown train. Her elbow-length v e th ^ sleeves, A-line skirt and detach­ / AUG. 23 * 29 All 59 Knock 89 Basket sen. 22 t 30 Could 60 To 90 Now hlAR. 20 points at the wrists, A-llne skirt, with a matching headpiece, and silj( illusion was arranged from able chapel - length train. Her and detachable chapel-length she carried a single long-stem­ a crystal trimmed lace head- veil of silk illusion wars attach­ i-25-33-59 ^Adverse ^^Ncutrjl 23-39-44-500 '64-77.1 69-70-8i84V& train. Her bouffant veil of silk med rose. piece, and she carried a colonial ed to a lace crown, and she D, illusion was arranged from a Bridesmaids were Mrs. Mich­ bouquet of white carnations and carried a cascade bouquet of floral headpiece, and she car­ lavender pompons. white carnations, stephanotis ael Johnson of Manchester, sla­ ried a bouquet of roses and ter of the bridegroom; Mrs. Miss Mary Katherine Man­ and yellow sweetheart roses. stock. ning of Malnchester, sister of the Mrs. Dennis Harvey of Colum ■ David Tuttle and Mrs. Bruce Miss Margaret M. Leckfor of Tuttle, both of Manchester and bride was maid of honor. Brides­ bia was matron of honor. Her Maxine Cheshire’s Manchester, sister of the bride, maids were Miss Cynthia Bard apple green chiffon gown was slsters-ln-laws of the bride­ was maid of honor. Her moss groom; Mrs. John Speazarlnl of of Terryvllle, sister of the accented with lace. She wore rjreen empire gown was accent­ bridegroom-; Alice Armbruster a matching pearl trlmtned head­ Enfield, and Miss Marlene Mc- Washington Whirl ed with matching Venise lace Partland of Hartford. They of Terryvllle, Holly Senger of piece with veil, and carried a and fashioned with stand-up col- Ellington and Helen Henne of basket filled with bronze and By MAXINE CHESHIRE quested a place "to keep out of long puffed slfeeves, A-line wore moss gp«en gowns and headpieces, and each carried a Southingrton. yellow pompons. The Washington Poet sight.” skirt, and train. She wore a single long-stemmed rose. They were dressed alike in Bridesmaids were Miss Lori Air woman, who has a large macthing headbow with veil, / / ■ floor-length pantgowns of purple Violette of Coventry, sister of WAbmNL.i'UN An Air „yj„ber of children, said she. and carried a basket filled with Holly Ann Twarklns of En­ crepe, accented with floral ti4m the bride; and Miss Meca Wil- Force Lackheed jet star flew „,anaged to have her basement yellow and rust color mums. 3 field, cousin of the bride, was threaded with pufple velvet rib­ Hams of Waterford. T h e 1 r into Ctounty Airport outside recreation room completely xirange wheat and green foliage, flower girl. She wore a cham- X bon and fashioned with wedding GUman photo emerald green gowns and head- Cleveland, Ohio on Sept. 4 with j^^r the first Ume in 18 Bridesmaids were Miss Marie pagpie pink princess gown and ring collars, empire bodices, pieces------were------THclft styled Nixon to match and the favorite Tricia Nixones- and favorite es- y^j^rs • « , j r, ' Barber and Miss Maggie Bar- carried a single long-stemmed and bishop sleeves. They wore MRS. RONALD CYR BARD honor attendant’s and they car- curt Edward Cox on board, ------r - her, both of Groton and cousins [ 9 ^ rose. matching lace and velvet head- ried similar baskets of flowers. Cox, whose brother's engage- of the .bride; and Miss Maryann Robert N. Belanger of Coven­ pieces, and carried colonial bou­ Manning of Manchester, brother Parker St. For her wedding Darlene Dupuis of Hebron was ment was being announced Turmel of Wethersfield, cousin try served as best man, and quets of purple asters, lavender of the bride; Carl Poulton of trip, Mrs. Bard wore a light flower girl. Her lime green there at a party that weekend, Linda Brown of the bridegroom. Their gold James Dwhy HI of Ellingfton pompons and white miniature Terryvllle, Roger Madore of blue suit with navy blue acces­ Dbieen photo gown and headpiece were'slmi- got off the plane at 8:30 and MRS NORMAN CHESTER NOEL JR. Navy Nurse color gowns and headbows were was head usher. Other ushers carnations: ForeStvllle and Richard Henne sories and a corsage of white ______lar to the adult attendants’, and was whisked away in a car by styled to match the honor at-, were Bruce A Tuttle and Nasslff photo Donald A. Bard of TerryvlUe of Southing;ton. miniature carnations and yellow she carried a basket filled with members of the bride-to-be’s ______Ens. Linda J. Brown, Nurse tendant’s, and their baskets Pottunlanoa photo David G. Tuttle, both of Man­ MR. AND MRS. JAMES SHEEHAN served as his brother’s best A reception was held at the roses. The couple will live on South Windsor gram is required and may be autumn flowers. family. Corps, daughter of Mrs. Francis filled with similar flow- MRS. EVERETT PARKES TUTTLE chester and brothers of the man. Ushers were James S. Marine Corps League Home on Pine Brook Ter., Bristol. made at the receptionist desk Dennis Harvey of Columbia There were indications that G. Brown of .21 Ealrvlew St., gj,g bridegroom:„ Frank C. Tys­ The marriage of Mary Bar- Frank Ryan of Hartford, at Town Hall. Wednesday ggrved as best man. Ushers Tricia herself- had made plans was commissioned an officer Louis P. Flossl of Hartford League Invites Shafer photo kewlcz of Newington,Newlngiton, brother Morinrtv of Manchester to served as best man. Ushers through Friday from 8:30 to 4 :30 ^g^g Thomas Violette and Bruce to stay for the betrothal festlvl- upon graduation from tlie Naval gg^ved as his brother’s best of the bride; and John Spaz- ^ ^ n were Bob 'Sheehan'of Hamden, Citizens to Meet pm- Violette, both of Coventry and ties. Schools Command Officer Indoc- nian. Ushers were Kurt J. Wolf MRS. JOHN ROSSI JR. Herzog'Lessig zaiinl of Enfield, cousin of the James Sheehan of Cromwell ^^e bridegroom, and Ohader-Darico Participants will .be required brothers of the bride. The ring The local police chief had trination Course for Nurses and Hartford, Michael D. Pero- bride. The ring bearer was took place Sept. 11 at St. James j^mes Sullivan of Cromwell, to wear tights, leotards and soft bearer was Joseph Walton of An- been asked in advance by the Medical Service Corps at New- jgg^y gf Wethersfield, and John The Candidates James Belanger of Coventry. church, brother - in - law of the bride- sole^ dover, cousin of the bridegroom. Secret Service to provide a port, R.I. ^ ^ ^ P. Staweeki of Rocky Hill. Mrs. Tyskewlcz wore a hot bride is a daughter of groom, Gary Sullivan, of Crom- Ju(Uth Rose Darico and Ar­ The annual “ Meet Your Can- session will be offered if Inter- special A 1967 g^raduate of Coventiy Mrs. Leckfor wore a pale blue A reception was held at the five-man detail for FOGARTY'S IN SU ^ D i thur Bruce Chader both of Man­ didates’’ night sponsored by the est is expressed. For further American Legion Home in Cov- guard duty. High _ School, Miss Brown gra - brocade...... ensemble...... with match-.. plnk shantung ensemble. Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Moiiarty well, nephew of the bridegroom chester exchanged vows Satur­ i, ? o en o ers w information call recreation di- g^try. For a motor 'trip to But then the plane took off uated this past June Ing accessories and a corsage of BUDGET PAYMENT PLAN ^ w d ^ i^ e ^ h M ^ ^ g droL and 27 Ulac St. The bridegroom ^^Moriarty wore a blue ifi '■®‘^tor, James Snow at t ^ Maine, Mrs. Noel wore a navy at 8:45 with her still on board. William W. Backi^ Hospita ygUg^ miniature carnations. day morning at Second Congre­ coat Both had corsages of red Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. James dress with black accessories, All * ’ 1*^ Town Hall or Miss Gobetz of 178 After Oct. 18, the cou- The police were called at 9:10 School of Nursing in No c . bridegroom’s mother wore a gational Church. vo ers are nv e o mee Scott Dr. p|g jj^g gj, seagraves Rd. and told to cancel the arrange- joined the Navy last y®®*" gg]j shantung dress andv coat and pink roses. Sheehan of Cromwell. The bridegroom’s mother wore and talk personally with the 'The bride is the daughter of in Coventry. ments. when she was a senior, A J at A the with matching accessories and A "reception was held In Fel- The Rev. Thomas Barry of a red and candidates for the General As­ nospltal. She completed _four ^ lowship Hall of Second Congre- gt. James’ Church performed white accessijries. Both h ^ cor- Mrs. Dora (Jhase of 58 Bunce sembly. Candidates attending Mrs. Noel is a 1970 graduate Secret Service agents kept ^"the* gational Chufeh on N. Main St. the ceremony and was celebrant sages of white mums and car- Dr. A reception was held at the The Rev. Ernest Harris of include Third District Sen. Har­ of Rham High School, Hebron, everyone away from the plane. „ j gghool and is stationed in -‘a- For a motor trip to Cape Cod, at'the nuptial Mass. Music was natiijns. ry S. Burke, Democrat, and his T V T o n ig h t Mr. Noel is employed by Leon saying: "She doesn’t want any ^rpi^ChrisU , Tex. E ps Home. For ATLANTIC Second Congregational C2iurch Palmer In Andover. a plane trip to Barbados, Mrs. Mrs. Tuttle wore a iiavy blue provided by folk singers from ^ reception ® Republican opponent Walter pictures . . . she doesn’t want performed the doubTe-ring cere­ See Satiirday’s TV Week Rossi wore a brown and gold ensemble with a c o r s ^ ^ o f the Cathedral of St. Joseph In Forrest, both of East Hartford anyone around. mony. Bouquets of gladioli were outfit with brown accessories OIL HEAT pink roees. The couple will ll^ H a rtford . ^ motor rip to Cape C ^^^^ey and Republican state represent­ for Complete Listings. Tricia and young Cox left San Second Jesus on the Edtar. in Bristol after Nov. 1. The bride was given in mar- Wve at 51 South St., Cromw . 'The bride, given in marriage ative from the 46th District, Clemente, Calif., on Thursday Jesus, son of Slrach, was not ^nd a corsage of yellow roses, Mrs. Tuttle Is a 1969 gradu- riage by ^her father. She wore by her uncle, Joseph Mlsserl of Thomas J. Donnelly and his 5:00 (3) Fern Muon abroad the Air Force plane. A related, at all to Jesus of Na- ^cs. Rossi is a 1966 graduate (O) ate of Newington High School a satin b>oc^de gown and a East Hartford, wore an empire Democratic opponent Abraham (18) WUd wad Weat White ' House spokesman said zareth. He was the writer of Manchester High School. Mr. Ban Removed (30) Addams FamUy Wednesday that the couple had the apocryphal work known as a 1965 graduate of South FOR HEATING COMFORT WITH and a 1970 graduate the State veil of silk llluslon^^cented with gown with lace bodice. Her Glassman, both from South (40) OlUlcnn’o Island (C) Department of Education Uc- satin appUques. She-^arried a CAPE TOWN, South Africa shoulder length veil of sUk il­ Windsor. 5:35 (40) Weather Watch (C) "stopped off overnight in Pueb- “ Eccleslastlcus” — not to be Catholic High School, Hartford, 5:30 ( 30) OUllsaa’s Island (C) INSURANCE PROTECTION, ensed Practical Nurse Program colonial bouquet of roses, ca^a- (AP) ~ Hie city fathers here lusion was arranged from a John M. Casey of Vernon will (40) WhaFs My LlneT (C) lo. Colo., to visit friends.” confused with the Old Testa- extended Southern Connecticut X 6:00 (3-8-40) Weather — Sports aad Asked why a government ment Book of Ecclesiastes. State College, New Haven. The YOU CAN T FIND A FINER HEATING at Hartford Hospital where she tlons,uiio, and mums. ,,, .decided to droP *>• regulation de­ jeweled headpiece, and she car­ serve as moderator. Casey, a ls now empioyea as a iicenseu MIm Ann Moriarty of Man- SnAndlng special authority in News (C) plane had been used to trans couple will live in Rocky Hill. PROGRAM THAN FOGARTY'S Is now employed as a licensed ■ ried a bouquet of miniature Vernon resident, has law oHices (18) Dick Van Dyke practical nurse. Mr Tuttle, Is Chester, sister of the bride, was writing before flashUght photo- (30) To TeU the Trnth (C) port Cox to his brother’s en roses and carnations. c In South Windsor and Hartford. • Level, Economical Payments a 1961 graduate of Manchester maid of honor. Miss Dawn M°r- graphs ihay be taken in a mu- Miss Aimette Bailey of Ash­ 6:05 (40) Bawhlde gagement party, the White Duffey Fund Raiser 6:30 (3) News with Walter Cron- Hlgh School and a 1970 gradu- iarty, of Manchester, niece of nicipal hall, ford was maid of honor. She House issued the following state­ • Payment Protection for you and your family In event of Hie South Windsor Citizens klte HAVE YOU AN ate of Hartford State Technical the bride, was flower girl. They Tov(m CTerk H. C^^Heugh ex- wore a green empire gown (8) News with Frank Bey- ment; accident, sickness or death. for’ Duffey Organization plans Collee'e He also served for four wore aqua blue gowns of taf- plained the ban dates back from trimmed with white lace and notds aad Howard K. Smith ‘•Ed Cox was in California as Superb EVENT SCHEDULED to run an "Olde Time Film (18) Candid Camera s This protection Is provided at no ixist to you. Of course, years i^th the U S Navy. He is feta with blue velvet trim and a Ume flashlight {rfiotogra^y carried a bouquet of yellow (30) News (C) a giiest of the President. Tricia Night” to raise' money for the THAT CALLS FOR your account must be current. employed as an electronics matching headbands. They car- "involved Uve use of a majp^ impons. 1:00 (3) Biography asked him to come back with Duffey iDemocratlc Senatorial (8) Trnth or Consequences (C) C A Tm m FOOD? technician at the Superior Elec- ried baskete of red and white slum flash and could consUtute Dt^el Urlano of Manchester, campaign in South Windsor. (18) What’s My UneT (C) her as her guest on the aircraft. cousin 'of. the bride, was best (80^) News —Weather anil When she comes back, it doesn’t It may be a wedding, a ban­ trie Co., Bristol. flowers. a fire hazard.” T The affair is scheduled for Frl- ^ g ^s s m / o f FOGARTY BR0S„ INC. man. day at 7:30 p.m. at the Orchard/’Tiso National Geofraphlc cost anymore for her to bring quet or Just an Informal g:et- Mrs. Chase Wore a pale yel­ togfether of a society, lodge - or 819 BROAD STREEfr-.MANCHE8TEB HIU School Auditorium on Fos­ (30) Don Knotts Show a g^uest than it does for her Telephone 649-4539 low dress with an orchid. (8^ ) Mod Sqnad to travel alone.” some friendly grroup. ter Street. (18) I Spy Fuel OU — OU Burner Insured Budget Payment A reception was held at Gar­ Tlie film, “ The <3olden Age of 8:30 (3) Places and People Ed Cox will be best man ff'e Are Prepared to Sales and Service Plan FoisiC'SatkievL^icz den Grove. The hrld6 wore a Comedy” is an anthology of (8-M) Movie when his brother, Howai^, sta­ Air Conditioning ** Customer Service three piece suit and a corsage the best of the silent screen era (18) Movie>^ tioned here at the Pentagon, Is Serve You to Your . . . , (30) Jolla (C) Lioula photo of roses for her wedding trip. and has won two academy o:oojs) Gunsmoke (C) married on Oct. 31 to Julia Bol­ Complete Satisfaction Jean Antoinette Satklewlcz of awards. It is regarded by many to be flexible enough to ac­ thoritatlve anthology available. !»:*• ) New* Weather. Tlie engagement of Miss Linda Cleveland lawyer, James How- rtage Saturday morning at St. Engagenienf are commodate any size gathering. r ^Highlighting t h e film are “ ''™ Sporti 16) Ellzabetl) Haupt of Albany, N.Y. ard Dempsey,'and a great-niece Why not oall ns and talb over Joseph’s Caiurch In RockvUle. most of the silent screen greats und. TELEPHONE 649-5313— 649-5314 ment of Meditation and Sicn and Mrs. Sylvio Bealieu of 78 the nuptials. Let us show you how, a Thn Rev. Thomas Barry of St. niother, Mrs. John F. Muzike- Advance tickets may be ob­ I photo James’ Church In Manchester Niles Dr. . ^ Local Cleveland sofclety re- vik of 288 Charter Oak St. She tained ' by calling Richard MRS. ALAN JOSEPH HERZO( and the Rev. John Kozon of St. Editoatloaal TV (24), , Miss Haupt Is a graduate of porters said ||hey have been .-1 ( Is also the daughter of Albert Eriksson, Debbie Eisenberg, Joseph's Church performed the Tueaday, October IS Gullderland Central High Shool warned they ’’will be thrown off $5,000 Trukas of Brooklym, N. Y. double-ring ceremony. Miss Ja- Richard Nicholson or [Joseph fjeighborhood K and received her BA degree in the property” if they try to The marriage of Mildred Rose carried a colonial bouquet df- '' Her fiance is the son of Dr. Walsh. I 6:00______- . „ , millle Farrah of West Hartford 6:S0 Modern Sopervisory Tech- sociology from Russell Sage Col- cover the story.” INTRODUCING- Savings Bank Life Insurance Policy Lessig of Tolland to Alan Joseph roses and carnations with rib­ and Mrs. Lee N. Borer of Ndw IF TPS Art Exhibit bon streamers. was soloist. Bouquets of pom­ 7:00 ElMtlons ’70 '^8®, Troy, N.Y. Cleveland socialites are hoping Herzog of Rockville was solemn­ York City. , Four members of the South Free ali^tlmc appearance (by Mr. Beaulieu is a graduate of Tricia won’t disappoint them a Mrs. William Herzog of Rock­ pons were on "the altar. Miss Trukas is a 1963 gradu­ Windsor Art League currently grows tb $10,000 or more ized Saturday at St. Bernard’s The bride, given in marriage East Cathollc High School and second time. ville, sister-in-law of the brlde- ate of Manchester High School FORMAL 7:80 Man Agaln»t hl» Environment received Ws BS degree in One hostess who had expected Church in Rockville. grbom, was matron of honor. by her "father, wore a gown of cal'' instituUciiS: Hie 'paintings and a 1967 graduate of Mount ™l InstltuUons. Hie oalntlnea ’ --nie uTBWin panta ’ ' "chemistry from ReMselaef TMcia for one of the enfhgernem MISS in protectioni..with no increase Bride Is the daughter lof 'Her goWR WHS fashioned with antique white . peau 'de . sole HolySke college, .South Hadley, are. for ,sale. 8:0S Book Best trimmed with lace. Her veil of We Douglas C. Cater Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y. parties the weekend of Sept Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lessig of high neckline, empire bodice of Mass. She was employed from The Sullivan Ave. Branch of silk illusion was arranged from 8:30 Spnn^ aSummer NlfM He Is serving with the US Air 4 complained afterwards that Lnehr Rd. The bridegroom is a antique white lace, long sleeves, 1967 to 1970 _ in medical social the South Windsor Bank and in the policy’s premium cost! a matching headpiece, and she Rent 9:00 The Advocate * (C) Force at Columbus AFB, Miss, she had gone to a great deal of son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hdr' a satin cummerbund cinching work at the 'social service de­ Trust. Company is featuring the carried a colonl^ bouquet of 10:00 ^leclloni '70 No date has been announced trouble in vain. zog of l l Highland Ave. the waistline, and a coral color partment . of Massachusetts work of ^rs. Paul Vogt, of 113 IJNDA phalaenopsis orchids, roses, and for the wedding The Secret Service had re- The Rev. William Schneider of chiffon A-llne skirt. She wore *. I t Bdgewood Dr. SEND FOR THIS FREE FOLDER General Hospital In Boston. She St. Bernard’s Oiurch performed a matching headbow, and car- stephanotis. Is now attending the University Mrs. Raymond Kingman is ______-.1 ' . - It explains how low-cdst Savings Bank Life ' Miss (Joimle Satklewlcz the "in " look Miss Linda - is an^ out­ the double-ring ceremony assist­ rieti a bouquet of coral color of .Connecticut School of Medi- lo m ar out! eichlbiting at the Main office of Vernon,' slater of the bride, was Insurance with the "Extra Protection Dividend ed by the Rev. Paul J. Bow­ pompons. the South Windsor Bank and Option” helps your protection grow as your maid of hon(jj>-4fer silk print cln^. standing hair stylist man, pastor of Union CJongrega- Dr. Borer is p. 1965 honors EVERYTHING Trust Co., on'Routd 6. family grows! There's no obligation. 'The bridesmaid was Miss gown in various slfades of blue tional Church of Rockville. Bou­ Kathy Usher of ToUand, niece graduate of Harvard College, FOR WEDDINGS At the South Windsor Central p lu s sp e ­ was accented with ruffles and and colorist Cambridge, Mass, and a 1969 AND ALL Library, the works of Mrs. quets of mums, gladioli and of the bride. Her moes green fashioned with a sc watteau groom, seated. guests. - jviary jrmrgarujL rxfsutsiiv wz setts General Hospital, Boston. dance classes will be offered college, university, nurses'training school or institution of higher train. Her elbow-length vfeil of Mrs. Lessig wore an aqiia gatuck. The! junior bridesmaid The wdddtng is planned for every Tuesday aftemoe offered are crea­ P^Is. ^ . A reception was held at the served as best man. Ushers were Information will be mailed to you. tive dance for kindergarten, * Member of Armed Forces, spouse or depejtaent of such member. BARRlCiNlI RockvUle American Legion Ronald Roguaki of Thompson- • SPECIAL. . . Caryl Richarijs No one will ask to visit you. . 1 ages 5-6, from 3 to 3:45 p.m. Home. For a wedding trip to vllle, brother of the bridegroom; Honui photo (the child must presently be en­ * Any elector who has removed to another •town and qtJ^fies OLIVE OIL Permanent • 1 1 . 6 2 CHOCOLATES Miami, Fla., Mrs. Herzog wore ..Edmund Satklewlcz of Vernon, MRS. KENNETH A. FOISIE a betee pantsuit with an orchid. brother of the bride; and Mark rolled in School); ballet 1, ages under Sec. 9-40 of the General Statutes- ^ M 3 J 4 4 2 7 and 8, from 3:45 to 4:30 p.m., ffiM li’ thf’if Ovvn -’i' '■ ■ ■ Hie couple will Uve In Ellington. Budarz of .Wapplng, coi&in of Podunk Mill in South Windsor. Hartford. Mr. Foisie, also a and ballet 2, ages 9 and 10, from Includes Haircut. Shampoo, Test Curls. SWllng Set and Glam­ Savings Bank Mr. and Mrs. Herzog are the bride. 1 1 ) the RESPUBLICAH TOWN COMMITTEE, 806 Main Street, Manchester, Conn. 4 Expert Stakt 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. both graduates, of RockvUle Mrs. Satklewlcz wore a light For a wedding trip to the Vli graduate of Rockville High our Spray by MUses Marion, Sandra and Tricia. gin Islands, Mrs. Folsle wore a • CoMlid Pre-registration for this pro- Please arrange Absentee Ballot for; High School. Mrs. Herzog Is aqua silk worsted dress with Sch(X)l, received his BS degree • C*l«r rose color velour suit with navy employed at the Prudential In­ darker aqua accessories and a -niz UAKViL o r maik siazrr' Voter's Name ...... anchester Visit surance Co. in Malncheater. Her blue accvessorles. The couple will from the University of Connec­ • iBgopetMet Photos OF M corsage of yellow sweethetfti • AaoMocomoots • InvIIoHm s Ml - «n MAIN stwcit; manchzstzr live in Hartford after Oct. 20. ticut In business administration. OPiH MONDAY THZU SATtlHDAY t:J0 TO J:M Instruction In Address ...... Tel...... V O «C husband Is employed at Pratt roses. The bridegroom’s mother W* A n PROFESSIONAL! Schultz Beauty Salon 923 MAIN STREET and WTiitney Divisiim of United wore n tangerine. color dress ■ Mrs. Folsle is a graduate of He Is employed in the trust real ■* YHUNSDAY l:M TO «:00 Piano, Organ or Voice DON’T DELAY — COMPLETE AND MATT,. 7IODAY Liggett Drug estate department at the Con­ f l K a PHOTOGRAPHERS Aircraft Corp., East Hartford, with gold accessories and a Rockville High School and Bur- 75 i-jurd S*., ManclMStor FOR FURTHER INFORMA'nON, TEL. 647-147* 44 OAK STREET—PHONE 643-8951 dett College. Boston. She is em­ necticut Bank and Trust Co., / Janette Fraser Wbdail and Is a member of the Air Na­ corsage of green cymbidlum or­ BY APPOIKTICNT ONLY REPUBLICAN TOWN OOMMTPriBE at the Pailtade tional Guard at' Bradley Field, chids. ployed as a legal secretary for and Is a member of the Army Air Conditioned—Ample Parking Day, Berry and Howard in Reserves. Phone 649-2304 Read Herald Advertisements Windsor Locks. > A reception was held at the

'I I f ■■ . • , PAGE SEVEN MANCHESTER EVEIHNG HERALD. MANGHESIER. CONN.. TUESDAY, OCTOBER PAGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 19^0 Mai) Order $AVE iKanrlypBip^ credit, rather thap being the sign of po­ Connecticut Peek-a-Boo Knit Next, fueloil tential disinter in the economy when it Practice In l£upttitt0 l^pralii rises too high, is the essential fuel which Yankee Italian Designers Say AUTOMATIC OF^ PUBLISHBD BY TUB. keeps the economy going with continual­ CALL DELIVERY < HEUIALD PRENTINO CO.. INI By LEONflRA DODSWORTH Moni Sport put thinly striped Hiojh Court PER GAL. 13 Blsaell Street ly expanding prosperity for. all, with, By A.H.O. 24 HR. BURNER Mancheater. Conn. FLORENfJE), Italy (AP) — jump suit boleros over jump WASHINGTON (AP)-'— Drop­ 'THOMAS F. BtoGUSOh fortunately, no final accounting ever to Knitwear has findliy caught up suits. s e r v ic e Y e a r r o u n d WALTER R. FEROHSOK ping a practice more than a Publlabers be required of anybody. If, as this column has dared with the see-through look. Soft Missoni was almost alone in Founded October 1, 1881 century old, the Supreme Coui t TTiat is why what some readers may to guess lii Its etu-ly prognoetica- sheer knits that revealed shad- breaking away from the midi has decided lawyers do not have Published Every Evening Except Sundayr owy glimpses of the nude body' mania by showing shorts that NATIONAL OIL CO. @ and Holidays. Entered at the Post Office at have tried to read as good news, the tlon, the total vote tor Senator to appear in person to be admit­ were one of the features of Ital- verged on the tomboy rather ted to practice before the court. Manchester, Conn., as Second Class Mail other day, wound up, for all those who Tom Dodd running as an inde­ Hatter. ian spring-sumijier fashion pre- than the 'trim.- • From now on, a lawyer can pendent Is limited to between 6 B 8 - 5 5 4 4 ____ SUBSCRIPTION RATES really understand the new economy, on • sentations under way today in mio Mllend Mosele, a new apply for admission to the Payable In Advance 110,()bo and 130,000, that would Florence.. name to the Florence program. court’s bar and receive his cer­ One Year ...... $90.0ti the debit side of the ledger. ' ' '-v-' , SL* Months ...... 1C.60 be a disappointment to the Dodd It had to come. Everything showed schizophrenic ^putflts tificate, by mail. If he would Three Months ...... 7.80 camp itself, but still a cause else in the wardrobe went trans- that teamed white muslin p^as;^ like to show up anyway he will One Month ...... 3.60 parent long ago. ant blouses — like the draw- ' The Foot Quicker Than The Eye for worry for everybody else in -still be welcome. Is MEMBER OF Apart from the shadowy string variety worn by Jane Rus- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The fad of seeking admission i The Associated Press Is exclusively en­ All those neophyte fans whose know­ the campaign. gllmpses there were lots of nav- sell In "The Outlaw” - which to practice before the highest titled to the use of republtcatlon ol all Every single vote that goes els around too. Bare midriffs emerged surprisingly from un­ news dispatches credited to It or not other­ ledge of big league baseball dates from court in the land has grown : wise crralted In this paper and also the to Dodd has to have its effect abounded, revealed by knitted

T * “ . r

JcHESTEfe, dONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER l3, 1970 PAGE NINE MANCtii^TER EVBW G H E^LD . ATANCHESTIER. CONN.. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1970 PAGE EIGITT . * Coventry House, Senate '"ONE COURT STREET Thursday at 1 p.m. at East Hebron RockvHI*. CenM ctkiit Cemetery. The Rev. Cllffort O. Elective English Courses Drug Center Agree To Pursue OFFICE SPACE Obituary Simpson, pastor of Center Con­ gregational Church, will offici­ Finance Board Chairman Council Approves TOLLAND COUNTY'S NEWEST The D ru( Advisory Center Drugs Pushers ate. Explored for High School Charles K. Backus ^he Watkins Funeral Home, 81 Russell St. is observing the OFFICE BUILDING A provision for elective sub- The English Department WASHINGTON (AP) —House Chiles K. Backus, 78, of 55 p. center St., is in charge of following summer schedule: Compares Tax Statistics Teacher Conti^ct .and Senate conferees have ap­ • Near Oonrts-Baaks-Ho^tal-e Unlimited Parking Woodland S^. husband of Mrs. arrangements. ■ Monday, Tuesday and jecte within the guidelines of chairman said that, under revl- _» Sion plans, a college prepara- A Harry Wirth chairman of and Joseph Caron and Edward Business Area s Elevator Anna Repilltfs Backus, died this _____ Wednesday. 8:30 a.m. to 5 Coventry teachers, now more proved a bill that shifts the em­ a Carpeted • Climate Control the high school English Depart- student would be permitted the Board of Finance, reported Merritt. execuUve committee, of Fuss and Carr and after cot- morning at Hartford Hospital. Michael K. Clalfey p.m. than one month into toe 1969- siderable discussion, it was de­ phasis of cripilnal penalties 0 Solar Glass o Soundproof Thursdto^ and Friday, 8:30 ment may be close at hand. to select a non-preparatory to the Board at last night's Installation of officere is Mr. Backus was lx)m April 30, EixjNCVrON — Michael K. Gilbert Hunt, MHS English course. In“ answer to a query 70 school year, are finally cided to go for eligibility deter­ from drug users to professional ALCO PROFESSIONAL CORP. 1802 in Lithuania and had lived ciaffey. 64, of Hartford, father a.m. to 9 p.m. meeUng that of 38 towns in scheduled f ^ Oct. 3 1 ,^ ■Department chairman, told the what effect such a choice might working under a Vjalld contract, mination now on a portion of traffickers in narcotics. in Manchester for over 56 years. Richard Krause of El- Saturday, 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. the state in the 2,000 to 5.000 Raymond D ^ y of toe proposed sewer, toe part '•vw. 875-0789 or 237-8058 Board of Education this last have on the parent of a college- population category, Hebron, fourth district commMder. vrill following Town Council action The measure also contains llngton. died Sunday at his There will be an answering night during a progress report bound student. Hunt said the that would run from toe treat- chinist at Pratt and Whitney Di- service every night except with its one and a half mill tax hantUe the InstaUatlon cere- controversial legislation that on English curriculum revision. University of Connecticut, last night which gave tacit ap- ment plant on the WilUmantic vision of United Aircraft Oorp., survivors also include his Sunday from the time the increase last year, r^ k ed third monies. He said the planning has been where the largest block of MHS proval to toe school board-un- River up to toe lake itself, would give police authority to East Hartford, bef^ he re- daughter, center closes until 3 a.m. A lowest in the amount of the in- available for going er8on will be con­ faculty and student advisory its willingness to accept any , Saturday evening’s dance spon- . . . „ 4. , water table is higher, toe leak years he conducted a barber- grandchildren, ta c t^ to help the caller if Wlrth was quoting from sta- DemocraUc Town Under recOTt legislation, toe survey will be continued and raids, after con-vlncing a judge shop at his home on Woodland ,j,be funeral will be tomorrow necessary. committee, the latter made up English course that MHS wlU council has toe right t6 reject ,und eligibility for that portion such raids would be toe only of students from all levels. certify as college preparatory. tistics compiled by the Institute jj^mmlttee for the benefit of HC) L , . , at 8:15 a.m. from the Fisette For drug advisory informa­ of Public Service, , ConUnulng Symphonic Band. such a^em ente vriWn 30 days g, the sewers • vrill be deter- fneans to avoid destruction of Hunt said the students came Two restrictions to the pro- of their signing by schools nilned 400 MAIN STMET • MANCHESTER,CONN f Funeral Home. 20 Sisson Ave., tion caU: 647-9222. Education Services of the Uni- Festivities start at 8 at the suspected narcotics. TOrir 52nd wedding anniversary Hertford, with a Mass of re­ up with a number of good sug- gram were offered by H. Blaine iKiards ^ te th e r s ’ bMgaln- m the meantime, plans will gesUons for elecUves and later Miller, MHS vice principal, and versity of ConnecUcut. Marlborough Moose a u b and HOWARD HOLMES ARTHUR HOLMES NORMAN HOIMES in February. At their golden an- ^ Bronze Star The report showed that eight ^,e refreshments and ing agente. The 'Town Council continue toward public hear- Casual distribution and use niversary party in 1968. they ^ Sorrows, Hartford, at reviewed the work of the cur- George Bradlau, assistant sup- Capt. Gary J . Rowe has been of the towns in this category music, last night turned down by a 6 jugg gg the proposed project, marijuanA vvould be treated as were presented with an Ameri- g gj riculum committee. erintendent of schools for cur- awarded the Bronze Star Medal completed revaluations of all Tickets m ay be obtained to 1 vote a motion to feject gigge toe continuation of these a misdemeanor under the re­ If it were emotionally healthy for famil­ CM flag Md M .^ericanism cemetery. Tariffvllle. Police Log He said the objectives of cur- riculum. in recent ceremonies at the taxable property on their 1969 from any Democratic Town toe current agreement, putting pigna is not contingent upon vised legislation. A first offense plaque by the American Legion ies to retreat into a "shell," then pubKc Friends may call at the fu- riculum revision are “to give With U. o.S. Army Engineer School in grand lists and therefore de- committee member and from approval on whether or OTt toe town is ta- of possession could be dealt wlto for their service to members of the, student a greater voice in offered and the possibility of iw ^ Relvolr, Va. it. Both toe board and toe Cov­ by a judge by probation, parole funerals would have little place in our neral home tonight from 7 to 9. ARRESTS u.c, ------o---—- fnrthromlne from the creased their mill rates. These members of the Rham Band. deed eligible ter toe extra fund­ the Armed Forces during and entry Federation ot Teachers ing. or dismissal of charges. Theodore Prell of 709 Main language arts chi^ces, a jreat- changes business of Mr. and Mrs. Leo towns also recnv-rt^rt the largest Webeloes Meeting signed toe contract late last society. As it is, however, families find after World War n, and for The council also agreed not The conference approved stlf- Anniversary Mass St. was arrested yesterday af- er voice in what is included in , . - ’ Mil- ’ grand list increases over the The Webelos will hold their month. solace in being surrounded by people their participation in War Bond to seek toe order to abate pol­ fer penalties for professional A second-year anniversary temoon by Connecticut State the courses, and to reduce the art and mu l p v,. 'ot a Howe was cited for meritorious p^jor year monthly meeting 'Friday eve- Voting in favor of toe motion A youth discusses his problems with a caseworker. sales. Mass for Mrs. Lulgla Addabbo Police of Troop D, in Daniel- present cumbersome year-long ler said, space m . achievement in ground' opera- from 7 to 8:30 in the He- lution as yet, since toe tovm who were fond of the deceased ana in to reject was councilman Jesse narcotics peddlers, though toe "VMr. ' Backus was a communi- will be celebrated Thursday at son. Hfe was served a warrant program." All objectives vrill be premium for at least the nerrt i e n t a r y School audi- would be bound to a state time­ Brainard. Those against were death penalty and life imprison­ facing up to reality. cant of St. Bridget Church and ^ h lm ^ th nine countsJneorporated within the depart- live years; that is untl toe II- "^ ,g „ e d to toe 299to Hebron showed a 12 percent f ™ " p f ' X ^ f o r ^ meet- table on sewer construction if ment were eliminated from toe a charter member and pastnast ‘ rondimr wrrltine line Junior High School Grade grand list increase, from $12,- tonum. ineme 101 uuo Albert Bradley, Michael Peace, of obtaining money under false ment goals of reading, writing, iing junior s p,„„room Engineer Battalion (Combat) hi ^ . I , , . , , 1,1 the hig is citizenship. toe order were received now. possible sentences. ^ president of toe Lithuanian listening, speaking, and view- 9 studenU move out. Classroom y j^ y ^ ^ 270,297 to $13,741,314, lor. toe « , Selertman .Robert CSiarles 'Nyack, Bruce ‘Wilson, United pretenses. The council will wait until FuntfOn Activc Scrvicc.... Citizens American Citizens Oorp. ing. ■ utilization, he added is now ^ graduate ot Manches- largest grand Ust tacrease in toe ^ program Hugo Thomas and Wesley spring to seek toe order, and The bill approved spending Levris. $26 million for treatment and re­ of Hartford. He was also a GIs Set For ACCIDENTS Hunt added that some unite more than 98 ®® • ter High School and attended remaining tolrty towns. Hebron’s town govern- can, in toe meantime, proceed h fe m ie t member ot toe Manchester During discussion on toe mo- habilitation prc^;rams and TWOlOiR A written warniiur for failure in the curriculum revision are A ^sslWe^sslW e even ^e^ e a te r re- porter School of Engineering ,?® assessment ratio, organized and run as with its own timetable. Catholic Family Services Lithuanian Corp., and toe St. called for an in-depth study of OFTHi to erant toe right of way was now "°w being tried on an expert- striction, BradlauEra au sals >’ Design Design before before he uc entered cuvcicu toe me which is toe percent^ • ui of fair ^ well, as y^^me aspects of being a ®'^®** The $6.6 million cost now pro- Frequent absence from school, St. in Hartford, just south of closing of tog Manchester office, eoioin Viet Pullout _.••• I.. * * aiVl ffl AT/\n 1*011^8 6 8 . __ . o r eavnIoM *a«>A«NA«*r«r *• I F the effects of marijuana. John’s Society of Hartford. issu^iTto E^im d f . I ^ ^ r “ mental basis. StUl in the lor- offering of singleton courses was also em- market value at which property citizen jected to toe contract strongly, jected Includes federal and state ,,n ,, , .4^4 4 » toe public library. Catholic, toe Hartford office handles a RUU Survivors, besides his wife, in­ Brainard had some minor dlf- ignding, and councllmen noted ‘■P-'ogresa’’ notes and dlsappolnt- (Continued fromU... Pagera s e One) gt ^ s ^ M w^tovolV- mulaUve stage, toe list of elec- given at only one period ^ the p ^ y Whitney ‘s assessed, Hebron, with a ratio ^ rrogram Family Services provides mari­ significant caseload of Manches­ Additionally, strict controls clude a son, Walter A. Backus ferences with it, mainly in areas that If toe added eligibility be- report cards. A belligerent SOSTH SIDE man noaaihiv n ^ “ n a^ ‘s^idem ^ 7 CM ‘ives will be submitted to toe day. Since the Dlrislon of United Aircraft in of 65 percent, was about aver- Following their meeting to- tal counseling, help for unwed ter families. .' would be imposed on toe distri­ ENTRANCE of Manchester; two daughters, namese peace such as extracurricular reim- comes a reality they will be and uncooperative attitude to- Gilead mothers, service to older per­ Catholic Family Services is bution of previously unregulated Mrs. Chester Sobolewski and modification or,rexSro“ extension Svinry sTeXn^^ ^ .k„ ka,.. „ so morrow"^veiUn_g toe C bursement and grievance pro- delighted, but that they must ward teachers. Clothes and man- 208 Soring St vesterdav mom- adopted, wUl become toe time, be pointed out, capt. Rowe and his vrife, toe Six of toe towns have a 50 congregaUonal Church Women’s sons with problems of adjust­ one of toe Red Feather agencies drugs including tranquilizers, 3 Mrs. Bernard Larkin, both of President Nixon’s plan. cedures. His agreement with toe proceed now on toe assumption nerisms sneering “I don’t pep pills and sleeping pills. Elast Hartford; a brother, Jo- _____ i ^ a^ ^ ru ce ^ d ^ U s Sts. EngUsh program for toe 1971-72 ly inhibits flexibility in schedul- Annette AbTaiUs of percent ratio, 10 have a 60 per- Fellowship will meet at 8 for ment, and counseling for family of the Manchester United Fund, ing Manchester, live on post at cent ratio, 15 a 65 percent ratio, movies of Alaska to be shown mato motion to reject appeared that toe town might not be care." This was fifteen-year-old whose annual campaign is be­ Rejected was a Senate plan to seph Backus of Buffalo, N.Y.; WASHINGTON (AP) — Gen. school year. to be because he felt the mo­ groups whose relations are 1687B Hudson Rd., Ft. Belvolr. six a 70 percent ratio, and one j,y charlotte Motyka. eligible. Al, a boy who would have been strained and tense. Help is ing conducted in October. Your put all federal narcotics treat- a sister, Mrs. Selma Gudzunas William C. Westmoreland, who Alan D. Williamson of 76 tion ought' to be amended in —------has a 75 percent ratio. interested members of toe TTiere was also some discus* recognizable in any school, on made available to anyone in contribution, given the United ment smd educatlOT programs of East Windsor Hill; and nine has been cool to toe Nixon ad- Main St. received a written such a way that toe council u other business. First community including men, are sion about the sale of the old any street, a boy making his toe Capital Region, regardless Way, will keep these agencies under a U.S. HcEiIto Institute. grandchildren. ministration’s plan for an all- warning for failure to grant Comment Session would recommend to toe board About Town r* irC I rC V C llllO ll selectman Aaron Reid reported invited tq attend. brick probate building in the troubled way through adolesc* of race, religion or financial “On Active Service” for £Ui- ‘Die bill WEIS sent to floors of The funeral will be Friday at volunteer Army, today pledged right of way last night. The car OTd the that toe contract ■village, which toe council ence Xi Gamma Chapter of Beta The Manchester Board of A • 1 ? .rl the town-owned screening _____ >VA AvrAmMA.4 ^ _ v,.asv>v-. circumstances. Though budget­ otoer year. both toe House EUid Senate tor 8:16 a.m. from toe Holmes Fu- to expend every effort to he was operating collided with a . ^ r P M ’iim rm eet tonight at be extended to cover toe 1971- agreed three weeks ago to sell School personnel recognized Directors, on Thursday, will Activities Cin Q plant was put into use this past Manchester Evening Herald 72 school year as well. ary problems have forced toe By jEm Latham approvEil. • neral Home, 400 Main St., with achieve such a,force. one driven by Idolph J . Czar- f ^ ^ f h o ^ o^ Mrs X lm ^ ^ to David Rappe ter $750. Now that Al’s behavior signaled conduct another of its semi­ T k * month for sand used while ffebron correspondent, Anne Bralnard’s thought In this re a Mass of requiem at St. Bridg- But toe Army Chief of Staff „ota of 126 Avery St. at Tolland gt The pro- monthly comment sessions, r* o r otll JJlStriC t olUng roads. Em t, tel. 228 3971. it appcEirs that this SEile -will trouble within toe boy, perhaps et Church at 9. Burial will be in warned toe American people Tpke. and Parker St, presented by Mm. to hear suggestions and com­ gard was in agreement wlto have to be approved by a town trouble in toe home. IJnless help St.Qf James’TomAo* Cemetery. that “even<er and motoer told t e case- o f 3 0 BrettonRd.. widow of John country cannot have it persons having spread sealer open house tomorrow from 9:30 ed Metoodl^ '^®'’® conducted. The first Reid a l^ requested m a d ^ ra .e e.'’ F . Lynch, died Sunday at a Man- both ways. OT toe wlndoM^ of a new bust- to 11 a.m. at toe museum on tomorrow at 10:30 a m. in the ^ gij,ppy_ hut toe per- tional allocation of $500 to be -ttom ev said that OTiy a on individually for comment meeting. t Chester convalescent home. The Army's top gener^ chewe building on Green Rd. Ap- 126 Cedar St. Miss Hazel Lutz reception hall of the churc . in Uie second drill placed in the welfare a c c e n t. . . ^ arhnoi concent prior to voting on toe motion Rappe himself has Indicated ’®'® nelghlwrho^ Mrs. Lynch was bom in Cam- the conventlOT ^ toe A s ^ ia - ^ v a n ^ also used will speak on toe history of the Memibers are remtoded to seen all week, The $1600 appropriated in. neighborhood school concept of rejection. Bradley wondered that he would prefer this method ,"L e nh„„E hb if toe funds appropriated by toe of seile EUiyway, Eind it will be The father was upset about his xro»« and lived in tion of toe United States Army ^ ® ^ volunteer league. The meeting bring a sandwich. Beverages reported. this year’s budget has ^ e a d y ^111 work in all secUons of the son’s open display of rebellion, UkC 0VO4(Uii. f O . n liiw in l zirtll K a QAI-V^rl. • - town meeting in toe spring discussed further at toe Oct. 19 Hartford for many years be- ^ y°‘®® hte commltrnem to m ^ league alumni will be served. An open ^ house at the lire- been^pent and additional funds ^^yn^yy while a “reasonable- his long hEilr and wild clothes. would cover toe cost of toe con- council meeting, fore coming to Manchester all-out effort in w orM ^ to- . _____ interested people. house Saturday attracted an will be necessary. approach favored by the “We’re respectable people; I’ve ness'* tract, EUld was told by school Snowmobile Club about five years ago. She was ward a zero draft—a volunteer , nkowwk ----- Hartford Alumnae Cliapter of estimated 1200 to 1500 people. Although approximately 75 in ntehmemd always worked hard suid pro­ board chEiirmEm RichEutl Mes- The Glaciers Snowmobile Cliib e m n lo v e d as a tele^pne operat- force.” The 9* PANDA will meet tonight at Delta Delte Delta will have a ^t the 3,000 red plastic fire per cent of monies spent for wel- U.S. vided well for my family. Why ^ ^ ...... This “all-out” phTMC^was let found tha^ toe w im ^ eld Emanuel Lutheran ,un workshop meeUng tonight and fire prevenUon liters- fare are reimbursed by state Va., or a ^®“ “*'® sler, who was present, that they will hold its annual meeting to- or at St.- Francis Hospital, Hart- should this happen to us?” toe used MOTday by Secretary„ . of- had been __spray .. painted ^ church. The films “Tripping” at 8 at toe home of Mrs. A.D. were handed out over funds, any returns go into toe proposed by toe fe d e ^ govern­ would . morrow night at 8 at toe Booto- father protested. W O T ld Bradley pointed out that he Dimock Library. Applications *“2i’rri^ore toriud^TsOT, John I>efenfie Melrin R. L ^ r^ that wgar heOT ^ op ^ ^ Rau°l “of“l9 ‘ciuiin'Dr., Sims- wech.^^eOT'^undTedTre general fund account. ment only lead to exten- Over a period of time, the T> I ^ e h ^ f^ r tf o r d - 2 daugh- dosing he had ordered the into the gas tank. The Incident ----- Members are requested emergency ^tickers were also Therefore, the Board of Fi- slve UtlgaUon. had done an Euialysis of toe for memership will be avEtilable, CEiseworker met with Al and his p. LynOT uknders of Armed Services to take Immedl- took place sometime Sunday Manchester - Bolton Wel- ^ bring materials for making distributed. nance voted to transfer the $600 Vanore was joined in defend- cbntract showing that toe aver- and officers will be elected. All parents separately. The father « ’ k l ^ r ^ ^ s Ann Mul- ^*® ®t®PS in preparaUon for end- night at 315 Broad St. Wagon Club will meet to- fabric flowers and pin cushions addition to the fire drills from toe contingency fund to ing the law by Whlteford S.' age salary increase per teacher those interested in snowmobll- appeared to be a man of rather TJkLniv Ariz a sister reliance on toe draft by ------morrow at 7:30 p.m. at Iona to be sold at toe Canton Flea ^t each of toe schools in toe the welfare account. Blakeney, attorney for a group was 14 percent, not toe 20 to 22 ing should attend this meeting. rigid personality, toe motoer C Kellv of Med- m‘and. other .Tliepe .ft^GQP ^Mee) .y j ggiiggi; He learned tu aiEpid Home, 318 Burhslde Ave., East we murt recognize tha y oUier car, driven by thi'ee-hour afternoon program towns, and consider suggesting toe Candidates Night ^ the ggnj^ontgUgns with people wlto HarUord. The Rev. Harold W. exist.” ! — ------changes in Public Law 611, Marlborough Tavern Friday j^g^ difflculty-hls fa- stressed that Srvri^l Zichester Joseph Duffey _emeiged toe_ rtc: KTchardsOT, pastor of Wapping ' _ The Army chief ^ s ^ that — ^ ^ „ g ^ g „ f b’our for Boston will rtsit ^ C h e s te r JOTepji " V “You are dealing with small which, the council feels, ties the from 8 to 11 p.m., sponsored by - - vu noniv Tiiuviia Children and the distance and toer, school officials, and others. Community Church,_ will, offic- ‘1 ® , , ^ we hi^ hi toe eastbound lane of Rt. p ^ e c t iv e studente. to sneak vrito members “ b ^ ro Vof '5toe ^ ; l^Duffey ffey aaccumulated " jO T .!!^ ir t 134 e 7 V votes, t r e t «ariMty ue^ g^gy fp^^^ hands of toe locsd communities Aaroii SegEd, Republican candi- ’He begEui tb plan enthuslEistlcal- ITte ^ r l a l will b e’ln Wapping arid that ‘;tor toe n e « ^ — „,g ^ g „ ^g^ g„; in the negotiation procedure date from toe 62nd assembly will continue to depend on the ly Iqr electronic trsdnlng after tered the road from Rt. 286, po- The other item ot hist night’s Cemetery. draft for most of our replace- The Eta Chapter o f ^ t a Slg^ | f„ tT a b o u t'o p 5 ^ ^ ti“ In t o ^ m ^ «l®d with Town Clerk Gloria the*: district. Friends may call at toe fu- brted. The arrest was speciEd I meeting Eigenda cot- Other guests Include p o in a s e acquired a new eral home tonight from 7 to 9. cemed (rewers. Meskill, Mayor Ann Uccello, perspective on his son’s difficul­ • icro Hams ot the ConnecUcut state Garfield of 14 Lavrton Rd., Apt, tinned education. ofm ocrot Jr fm ^ c k e tt narrow- Lavlerl to Richard J . and h o ^ has to Present were Walter Fuss Robert Steele, Natluui Agostl- consider race in making assign- ties. He understsuid his Mattiiew Robb P°»®®. C°|®‘>®/‘f : «’ M®f'®he®ter. nhunroMrs. Joseph of the Miss Joan Bonlno, daughter of ly defeated his GOP oppbne^ P'®P®^y mente if they are to desegregate and Jin) Carr, engineers woik- nelll and Helen Bergenty. own role in toe conflict, and Mattoe^Robb, TO, of Phoe^, __ na TintlonAl^ ;o?c“e‘i:;“;;atlo^S"uisur Insur* nian s court date is Nov. 13 Gonzales is In charge of toe jg^„ ^ n i„ o of 137 Robert Steele bf Vernon by ^ P^rldge Lane. toelr systems. Ing on the prx^ioeed sewer pro- Weicker Ooohilnator began _ to see how he could help Ariz., formerly of Manchester, ,, in Rockville. •ogram-.. r . m iss Louise 160-144 vote. Walter George Jr. and _^ce ^ ^ gram for toe lake and village ^g^ cSialnfian Howard boy .'■The motoer was able tb J . Schroto to Janis and Mllda And yet, he said, “there is died yesterday In Phoenix. He “ illscuselng the Army’s prob- Other o°u“‘ “ “^uehter ^Mr'^'^d The. mock election was su ^^g^ nothing in the Constitution that . s r e a . . . Bates has appointed Joseph Or- express her understanding more was the husband of Mrs. Ada Hie council had a^number of _gjjgjj coordinator In Columbia gpggiy without tear of hurting lems in moving toward anj all- v e k n o n Mro'" Edvard Coltman of 125 perrised by socl^ studies teach- Palk SteiUs, land ' requires. toe elimination of all- Ml- Canada options open on how to proceed ^g^ ^o^gu Weicker. candidate husband’s feelings, Benson Robb.— volunteer force, Westmoreland Vernon ^llce ^®®‘®‘^ . . „ .J- .4 TJS 4>-n^1lB4l In the er Dexedeur and was held re- Swamp Rd. black 'or all-white schools.” "Saving money on my annual heating bill is great, now tha|^ ' Mr. Robb was bom May 22, double or triple chael P. M ^ e y 41, of Slmdy feldwln Rd., joseoh portedly on toe request'*! many 'WilUam Allyn and Arlene M. with the nejst phase of planning ^.s . Senator and Forbes ------■— — t For this family, and peihapa 1891 in Ware, Mass., son of gyr enlistments and re-enllst- Trailer Park in Dayvllle, early ter the miinlclpEd sewer proj- jjgpgn' coordinator for Tom I've swit(5hed from electric to gas.!' says Charles D. Bizilj of Recognizes Collegb in West Hartford. Both for their community, help meant Matthew and Elizabeth Robb; ,. Monday morning on a warrOTt Dexedeur expressed pride Realty Co., land on Buff Cap ect, -Euicording to Fuss Eind Carruthera, ■ cEuidldate for sen­ Bloomfield, "but that’s only part of the story. We are also very girls are graduates of East Cath­ hope for a better future. and Uved in Manchester during ^Jf^ng othef things? West- charging him ®“P ^ ' over toe 80 per cent voter reg- Rd. Broker Files Ceut. The State Water Re- ator from toe 36th district. olic High School. From Its office at 244 Main pleased with the fresh air comfort of our new gas system. hU young adult Ufe. He and t o i„oreland said he has appointed He T ^ e u of a JSed China istratlon a|nong 4be. studente-at— Henry and :George Krechko Zoning. Perm it. toe school with 410 registering to Albert . and Elsie Schinkel, cated It ^dll Istrtie a friwidl)^ Recent permits from the zot- With etectric heat, t had to practically seat the house up jight; — — - vrife moved to Bridgeport to e r g general, whom he did date Is Oct 13 (Continued from Page Ope) For Bankruptcy toelr marriage and Uved there got Identify, as project manager ‘ of a possible 604. ’Twenty-one property on Peter Green Rd. poUutlOT abate^nt^mdw to ^ ggent*^ent to Itobert^Tut- But with gas heat, the house can breathe . . . keeps things untU going to PhoenU four years in charge of ralslpg enlistmeiite ms^oro ^ ^ teachers also registered for a William T. Jr. and Evalyn RusseU Forbes Broderick, toe town, EUld PASSPORT p h o t o s We are aware that this is toe lEiter.. Also, tie. house on Lake Road; fresh and healthy. ” Mr. Bizilj adds, “and with gas, zoned heat­ ago. He was employed as a tool gg,^ re-enUstmente to toe maxi- Daie „ issued Chinese view and we realize toe % L a i " 100 per cent participation. Hodge to Bernard A. and Kay doing business as R, F . Bzod- quested now or Loiiis Underwood, utility fbom H)ENTIFICATI0N there ie the question of eligi­ ing is no problem at all . . . only 3 thermostats now - where I engineer for the Bullard Ma- extent possible. Further, M to g ^ g . Importance they attach t o it, but Of the 429 registered voters, e . Woody, property on Graha- erlck and Associates, Real El*- on house on Flanders Road; SALEM NASSIFF bility of funds which would lop chine Co., Bridgeport, and serv- ggi^^ -we are immediately a summo , pe comment to make J u r o r 338 actually voted in toe elec- per Rd. tate Brokers, at 872 Vernon BL. Jtrfm Dllworto, addition of deck Conitra Shop & Studio used to have 13 with electric heat. All those bulky air condi­ ed as a Bridgeport City alder- m cre a s^ .the size and quaUty one way or toe other." ' tion for an 80 per cent voter Reports Available has filed a voluntary petition about Half a million dollars ott to home. Rt. 87; Paul Diehl for tioners can be removed from the windows, too,” l^r. Bizilj turnout, which Dexedeur. noted Copies of the annual town re- in bainkrupey In UR. District toe projected cost of al»ut $W Thompson HUl fM Main St., MaiitiliRat.r man from 1939 to 1947. of our recruiting effort.” o ^ I d to S lu r e to ob eT a stop *^®" e°n®‘ sincT ti^Tl^^ thing to live up to on Nov. 3. Hall, according to First Select- Broderick lists $70,688R4 in present garage; Gordon Smith, installing pentral gas air conditioning. I’m an engineer so I (See Page Twenty-One)! the pollution problem is, or, the Phoenix; a brother, EJdward Actress Engaged First Selectman Charles man 'Thifault, who urged real- assets and $150,041.21 In liablll- Hunt Road, swimming pool; kpow a lot about heating and cooling systems. And believe The prosecution argued there Thifault expressed pleasure over dents to take advantage of toe ties. , need for sewers. Henry Stygar, Rt. 66, two dor­ Robb of SUver Springs, Md.; ^ ,7 '^ received complaint of a >®‘eral talks began in Stockholm The StEtte Board Health Is HALL FOR RENT me, gas is the best of.all in my book; Top performance, low anA twA nandchildren. wAomnvxiw ___ f ^ February 1969, a month after was no snowingshowing oiof a coimecuonconnection being .able to provide toe ,—v. stu- Town lown Hall’sniiu s upviuugopening todaytuu^y untiluiim The petition amw lists 64 M creditors. ic u iu jn . mers; Dennis MoGUton, Old Wil­ Graveside services vrill be f a nOT-suretv Foreign Minister Mitchell Sharp between toe Phoenix program dents vrith a voting machine for g p.m. to pick up the reports. Secured^ creditors include the currently msiklng a Mirvey o i Umantic Road, dormer; Peter For parties, diowera, recep­ cost and fresh air living all-year long. I'm really a Lucky now.” ------T.----- ' ------. J „ nnn.aiirptv foreign jmiuomr ioiicueii ojioip between the 1 toe lake EU-ea to determine how about his engagement t o movie was released on a y gj^gg^^g^j jj,g Canadian inten- and this trial. ti>e first time in toe mock elec- Thifault has requested aU de- Town of Manchester, $1,986.16; ^ ----- Marston,MEU'ston, oaKwcoofOEdewood/ xjiuiv Lane,, k;wti-con- tion., meeting.. Complete Change to fresh air living with natural gas. Call your gas severe toe pNew Britain areas Is not, eligible right now for toe glnla Cartoon, toL 228-9224. after ^ N o v ^ T g e n e r a l ^ u r t d a T ^ te ^ v 3 t e > x :k : tlons wlto’ Canada within 24 pany on March 16, 1968. In the high rate of voter turnout 'ToilOTd c o r n ^ d e n t Bette ^264; and Nettie Smith of Ver- added funds. So, on toe advice We NoiecoiMr you aSwayo- soonKm after toa-Nov. general ooun oaie ^ announcement. He has pleaded Innocent. for toe election. quatrale, telephone 876-2845. non, $1,400. ChlUreD and gnuvVjhWreo election. ville. PAGE 'TEN MANCHESTER EVENING'HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1970 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13;' 1970 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1970 Pages II to 20 Israel. Face to face'negotlatlons funds will continue to dip during ■ iLTE-GD^SSES by< Ifflanrljifatpr lEvifninj !l|rraUi Tolland County Politics between Israel and the Arabs Business Mirror the autumn as more and more funds decide they can put flieir are supported In order to arrive DeBella and Reale '* dans at a "contractually arrived at money into stocks Instead of in Firearm Owners Organize and binding peace!" Stocks Turnover Record more liquid assets. Board Sets Up Committee New College Cash reserves were more than Regarding the Far East, “ We Complete favor elected government and Reflects Funds Activity 11 per cent in August, but some Is Suggested To Back Top Republicans a peace with honor in Southeast industry officials wouldn’t be at Eye Glass'- To Consider Poor Learner VVsltL ^ * all surprised to find during thef The Board of Education last participation in any individual In UConn Study By BETTE QUATRALE Gun ^ w Hearings at the Western Hemisphere . . By JOHN OUNNIFF from a market that was proving next week or so that Septem­ Service (Herald Reporter) AP Business Anlyst costly , to all investors. \ night voted-to form a nine-mem­ prog^ram. The creation of a college of state Capitol held by the In- cooneraHon ber’s reserves fell to around 10 ber committee which will make In an effort to solve the" al­ The CoimecUcut S^rtsmen’s terim Judiciary Committee, led ou7 neighbors, es^cTally NEW YORK (AP) — The Moreover, they expected a per cent. recommendations to Improve leged monopoly of parking environmental studies at the AUlwce, fomaed in to lobby by Pickett. technical ass^tance record-breaking surge in stock rash of redemptions because of Another reason for the activi­ the learning environment of chil­ space in the Bennet Junior High University of Connecticut has against gun con rol, has branch- „ ^^s formed to organise market volume during the pt^t their poor performance, and programs .. . We look ty' appears to be portfolio clean­ dren with learning disabilities. School Main Building area by been recommended by the uni­ « its PollUcial Interests, sportsmen at a grass roots level. few weeks reflects a marked needed cash with which to honor ing by new managers of per­ Castro’s totalitarian gove^: Walter Doll Jr., board chair­ Manchester Community College Its headquarters is in Tolland, Metaska explained, and is change in the attitudes of some requests. Their average cash formance-minded funds, trusts, versity’s Environmental Studies as an abomination mutual funds, which account for position, therefore, rose to 12 man, appointed Dr. Walter students from 4 to 6 p.m. daily, The a liance is d esired to composed of a biparUsan board men." Insurtmce companies and the Task Force. a growing percentage of activi­ per cent or more of assets. Schardt to chair the committee. a complaint registered by lower protect the "Interest of leglti- directors, like. Main St. merchants, ough formed to represent Finally, in Africa . . "we fav­ London and took asylum in Brit­ BEGINNING NOV. 9, 1970 The action is a follow-up to a and endorsements in support of environment. of firearms,' not the penalizing Interest of sportsmen, the or economic and educational record were about 470 blocks of In previous years when a mar­ presentation by Dr. Robert E. the Nov. 3 school referendum. ain, said she chose the Ameri­ AFTERNOON and EVENING CLASSES The Interim report recom­ of responsible gun owning cltl- ®SA delves into a broad policy ties with all the peoples of At- 10,000 shares or more,, and last ket recovery was under way, can company “ for artistic rea­ Karns, at the board’s Sept. 28 ‘"Education is everybody’s mends that the proposed college xeiu,," statement of foreign affairs. . . rica.”rica.’ week’s new high Included about many customers cashed in their Classes for ELEMENTARY and HIGH SCHOOL studenU meeting. At that time, he said business,” Doll said in expres­ sons.” in Remedial Reading (Phonics, Understanding, etc.) offer curriculum and research, of civil "Because we are politically the same number. Big blocks funds, the enticement being the She explained that her Ameri­ Manchester has a moral, educa­ sing the board’s appreciation. Although laying claim to non- mention is made Study Skills, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Speed, College- in natural resources, land use, psirtisanship, with few excep- legislation or of many accounted for 13,342,900 shares rising per share value and the can contract will allow her to tional and legal responsibility to Dr. Hennigan added, '"iTtis motivat®d, we have positions in Board Test Preparation and General Reading Efficiency. population dynamics, pollution, tlons, the Alliance endorses Re- ate supplying of all arms deem- Metaska, claims the CSA asks ing that much of the surge in has given encouragement to her. short-term programs. sites committee chairman, re­ volume is coming from that portfolio managers. Maybe, Miss Makarova reportedly Center, Inc. ported he has reason to be­ that the proposed college in­ LoweU Weicker, both of whom ®d necessary by the state of Is- "only that issues be discussed in Next to Cavey’s The board voted to refer the corporate or combine with a source. they are saying, those big re­ will make her debut with the 63 B. CENTER STREET lieve high school roof repairs are quoted In letters as in sup- ra®l Its defense,” and the an atmosphere of calm and rea- question of the “ alternate" or number of the activities now Ehtrller this year the funds serves of cash aren’t necessary. American company in Decem­ MANCHESTER, CONN. Telephone 648-9947 will start this week. 3 port of present gun control laws establishing of borders other son, not an atmosphere of scape- “ parkway" high school to the carried on within the College of Market analysts now believe ber at the New York State Thea­ He also said the Army and and their enforcement. than the 1949 armistice lines in- goatism and hysteria that has maintained record amounts of board as a committee of the Agriculture and National Re­ suring the physical security of surrounded the issues.” cash as they, too, shied away that the cash position of mutual ter. whole. The motion also included Navy Club has been asked to ap­ Flyer Issued point a representative to con­ sources, and offer programs In an Invitation to Dr. John Allison, A flyer issued by the Connec­ sult with his committee on es­ environmental studies at Capitol Region Education Coun­ ticut Sportsmen’s Alliance hits tablishing the cost of heat sup­ bachelor’s, master's an(9 doc­ out at Democratic gubernatorial cil executive director, to elabor­ plied to the clubhouse from the tor’s degrees levels. candidate Emilio Daddario and ate upon the plan at a future School St. plant. Frederick McCurry, center, former Manchester resident and currently school The task force also drew up his running mate U.S. senator­ board meeting. principal in Syracuse, N.Y., answers questions from school representatives in guidelines for curriculum. The “ parkway” school, which acuse To Start ial candidate Joseph Duffey, in that city who will institute a second chapter of Instructors of the Handicapped Among these were the estab­ no uncertain terms. has been tried success^lly in Training Class lishment of the "highest aca­ When it comes to major gun Philadelphia, uses offices, shops, on Oct. 25. At right are Manchester lOH members who spent three days in demic standards in all pro­ control registration advocate etc. In place of the traditional Scheduled For Chapter of lOH Syracuse last week, outlining to students in several high schools the successful grams,” the use of innovative ’Thomas Dodd, seeking re-elec­ school buildings and classrooms. 15-year Manchester program: James Bracken, advisor; John Kautz, president; approaches to teaching and the Hartford has contributed |l,000 tion as U.S. senator on the inde­ Hearing Tests A chapter of Instructors of the Handicapped (lOH) establishment of multiple-track and five other towns g8(K) each and Hope Pastel, vice president. (Photo by Dean Carlson) major programs leading to a pendent level, the alliance mere­ will be inaugurated in Syracuse, N.Y. on Oct. 25. It is ly says In large capital letters, to the $47,376 planning fund to Gecrge Clinton of the Con­ baccalaureate degree. establish a school in Greater the result of a three-^y visit and talks to approximate- Liverpool and iforth Syracuse gram after a conversation with “ YOU KNOW HIM!” necticut State Department of Statewide Classes The report Indicated that the ' ’The alliance does endorse Hartford. Health will conduct three hear­ ly 2,000 students in Syracuse and suburban Onondaga High Schools. Bracken, a Manchester High establishment of the new col­ some Democrats, mainly those In another motion, the board ing testing training sessions for County secondary schools by ^ After the game, they were School classmate. McCurry Asked on Narcotics lege would require a review of voted to sign an inter-district staff nurses of the Manchester seven members of the Manches Convent School; McCarthy guests at a party at the Liver- hopes to branch out to these ' for state representative who vot­ DANBURY, conn. (AP) - ™ ed against gun control legisla­ J * committee agreement authoriz­ Public Health Nursing Associa­ .ter mother chapter: John Kautz, School for Retarded Children; pool home of Dr. Robert Pastel, pools when the Corcoran class ing the regional unit to act as William Ratch- departmental status tion proposals, and has taken a tion and volunteers starting to­ and Christian Brothers- Acade- pediatrician and brother of Dr. gets off the ground. the vehicle to apply for state president: ‘ Hope Pastel, vice hands-off policy in the First Con­ morrow at 9 a.m. at the agen­ my. Harvey Pastel, Manchester sur- Monday non-departmental status, and federal funds. Signing, it president: Paul Moyer, business Teachers of special education, idght that every school In me strength- gressional District race between cy’s office, 71 E. Center St. After their talks, the Man- geon. swimming, and . physical educa­ was pointed out, pre-empts in­ secretary; Richard Conti, trea­ state should have a drug edu- Ann Uccello, Republican candi­ TTie hearing tests will be pro­ Chester. , lOH members ....distrib- When the Syracusea.~ __ _ Chapter__ . __ o 2 tion-many of them specialists dividual schools applying but surer; Dean Carlson, public re­ uted applications to 6(M students ^ cation program, and he called j ______date and William Cotter, the vided free of charge on the gets under way on Oct. 26, it from Syracuse University—will does not involve the school In lations; and Daniel McLennan who expressed interest in be for me state to provide a model Democratic candidate. Either third Monday of each month will use the Corcoran High provide lOH instructors with In- from 9 to 11:30 a.m. at the and Philip Romanowlcz, ser- coming instructors in the Syra­ curriculum. would be acceptable to the School swimming pool and gym­ service training. Also on hand Keg-Roll Record Community Y. Appointments geants-at-arms. cuse program. ” I was disturbed to learn In Sportsman’s Alliance, according nasium. Unlike the Manchester will be doctors and physical for the tests are necessary and They were accompanied by Saturday morning, they spoke a recent state survey of 105 Ckm- ST. PAUL (AP) — Members to Mr. Metaska, who admitted More Security With which serves only therapists to examine the handi­ necticut towns mat only nine of a University of Minnesota- consideration was not g^ven to may be made by contacting the their advisor, James Bracken, to Catholic Youth Organization agency’s office. ______instructor in... the physical______edU' members at the Syracuse Red mentally retarded youngsters, capped and advise how they had a budgeted drug education Dulum fraternity arrived In St. candidate Ned Coll since he is FALSE TEETH cation department of Mansfield Cross Center. This was followed the Syracuse one will include may best be heped. program,” Ratchford said at Paul Monday wim an empty not running under a party label. Attending the training ses­ State Training School and direc- by a tour of Syracuse Unlver- adults, Since its start in the mid- Democratic headquarters. beer keg mey rolled 180 miles Second Congressional District At Any Time sions will be Mrs. Stanley - Don’t be so afraid that your false Bates, agency director; Mrs. tor of its Camp Coventry. slty, conducted by Frederick Initial plans call for two-Sun- 1950’s, the Manchester lOH pro- “ Every school in this state ^•'om Dulum. Republican candidate Robert teeth will come loose or drop Just at Arriving in Syracuse ThUrs- McCurry, former town resident days-a-month swimming Instruc- gram, held Sunday afternoons the wrong time. For more security John Muzikerik and Mrs. Fran­ from me elementary schools to The Rhi Beta Chi chapter Steele received the group’s en­ Manchester and Manchester High School iions and other physical merapy at me MHS pool, has served the high schools should be teach- hailed me feat as dorsement over Democrat rival and comfort, sprinkle FASTEETH* cis Gowett, staff nurses; and Denture Adhesive Powder on your Mrs. Raymond Gorman, Mrs. lOHers addressed interested stu- and Springfield College amiete. for me mentally handicapped, several thousand retardates. ing me dangers of drug use,” -record. TTie Guinness Book of John Pickett. lates. FABTEETH holds dentures Srmer longer. Makes eating easier. Robert Weiss, Mrs. John Tel- denta in Friday seminars and He is now principal of McCarthy Later, It is planned to devote They are drawn from me area said Ratchford. who is seeking World Records lists 101 miles as Area Support FABTEETH Is not acid. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste. Dentures that nt gener, Mrs. Thomas Donavan, small assemblies at me follow- School. two Sundays a monm to chil- and Mansfield State Training re-election. ibe longest distance a beer keg Area Republicans supported in are essential to health. See your Mrs. John Franzoza, Mrs. Rich­ Ing schools; <3orcoran, Tully As a break from their tour dren and two to adults. School. CJurrently, more than 80 TTie House speaker also called bas been rolled, the House races are Thomas dentist regularly. Get easy-to-use Five omer pools have been teen-age lOH volunteers are in- C PASTEETli at all drug counters. ard Hayes, Mrs. John De- Central, St. Anmony de Padua, of schools, the lOH teen-agers for a compact between Connect- About 40 students left Dulum Donnelly of South Windsor (46th Marche, and Mrs. Eugene Yost, Jordan-Eldridge, Solvay, and were guests of honor at a Friday made available to McCurry,- structors. Two instructors work icut and New York to halt me Saturday and traded four-hour District), whd is given special volunteers. Bishop Grimes High Schools; night football game between who instituted the Syracuse pro- wim each child. flow of drugs -over state lines, shifts behind me keg. mention since “ he led the floor fight to defeat this onerous bill.” Also included are State Rep. Robert D. King of Tolland, (48th District), and State Rep. Doro­ , * thy Miller of Bolton (61st Dis­ trict.) Area Democrats receiving the T Sportsmen’s Alliance support are Democratic State Attorney Gen­ eral Robert KllUan. Explaining their actions re­ garding Daddario, Duffey and f f e , ...... Dodd, the alUande claims to op­ TO: Buslr^sslrtfontiatoi pose them on "what we consider Suite to be their extremism and rad- . leal views on the right the GoniiiibfeutOC American people to keep and ' bear arms. , >v.‘^addario has cosponsored a ■f BOM;.: ...... blU, H.R.168G0, which wduld virtually eliminate the manufac- .ture of handguns, and lead even­ tually to their confiscation,” Mrs. Metaska states. “Congfress- man Mesklll on a recent tele­ M Y JOB ^ vision debate charged that this Look, t read the papers and would eliminate more than 10,- 000 Connecticut jobs,” she add­ watch TYahd what d!(^l;see? ed. Although Duffey ip qimted as Not only are a lot of stating "rifles and,r;^otguns nesses leaving the state, but i would not be registered at this time,” the Sportsmen’s Alliance dcml see many new ones condemns him due .to a policy of ' the ADA-which he heads, calling ^sdmlogor^oheeexpand-^ for the total disarmament of so­ ciety, and the outlawing of pri­ ing. My father used to say, vate ownership of handguns and “Just do your joband mind other concealable weapons. Group’s Formatlofl t . ir own b u sln e ^ ” VVell, I The alliance, which has prov­ ed to be a thorn In Daddario’s jure my job la my business. ' side accdrdlng to some sources, was formed as a result of the rorce-A ment and parks...they're rhy busine^loa Mailer of fact, ■'’f ,: r the way I s ^ it, ^ything that on1n Oohneclksut Is rny Guaran Md TWO YEAR business: f’m a taxpayer in this state and I want to know Savings Gertificatas w hafs going on and vyhat I ‘ Subject to requtations can to help. If you have a: any information mat vM make 646-1700 me better infexTried, please ^ sehditnow. WINDOW SHADES Savings Bank^ of Manchester Mode to Order Urtag'/oor


PAINT CO. Mam OfTce. Par>ade and Bolton Notch Open Sat 9 A M. to Noon 728 MAIN ST. -- ■ - . ■ • 0- . . ■ r ' ' PAGE THIRTEEN MANCHESTER. CONN . TUESDAY, OfiTOBER IS, 1970 MANt!HEST!ER •EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1970 PAGE TWELVE M A N C H E ^R EVENING HERALD. in e voLKSWAOiffi 46th District Wair-To-Wall Clothes Candidates Plan THINK SMALLUMMOI______SEDAN Bolton Delivered in Mancheeter Nixon Vetoes Limit ! Tiny Treasures ■ THIS HA1 “Unbelievable” is about Question Session Elqulpped with leatherebte in' all Leland Watts could say terior, 'wlndditeld washer, 2- Miniafures Shop ■ Tigers Beat IS DEDICATED TO Till ' I>QOcy Backs concerning the response to With the Puhlicx q>eed. electric -wipers, heater,^ Campaign Costs ■ the clothing drive initiated deifogger, 4-way safety flashers, "DpH House Mhiiatiiros'’ T H E REVKH! Glassman’s by Eighth District firemen General Assembly candidates baokrup lijghts, front and real WASHINGTON (AP) — Presl- seven cents for each vote cast I D u k es By for Watts and his family af­ from the 18th, 19th and 20th As­ seat belts, lesitherette headreafa; 192 Hortford Rd. Mcme|p»ster | ter a fire gutted their home sembly districts will meet the steering wlieej lock and r ty dent Nixon has vetoed a bill .to for the °f«oe Evolved in tbe ULODORE WILLIAN' window defroster. ^ . previous election, or $20,u00. (Across from Fabric GupboaM) Candidacy at 134 Hilliard St. last ’Thurs­ public and answer, questions at limit campaign spending on ra- ^m^.hever was higher, . Savage 38-0 Hours: Monday tliru Saturday ■ 1955 ■ 190 day. a Candidates Meeting sponsor­ dlo and television, calling it jjg terms would cover candl- Fred Doocy, former state ed by toe Manchester League TED TRUDON Bt. 83 Tolland Tpk. 10 to * PJ*- ■ Hie IBoUon Tigers again as­ 'HIGH WHOSE \IS 1' ' Watts reports that he and TalcottvUle, Coin. “worse than no answer to the ^gtes for president, vice presi- serted themselves Sunday as senator and lieutenant governor his wife have ‘‘waH-to-waU” of Women Voters at 8 p.m. Oct. problem” of soaring political jent, senator, representative, ...... Phone 040-2304 . . ... mis BUILDING of Connecticut today supported 28, at thb Bowers School. VOLKSWAGEN 648-2838 the undisputed leaders in the clothes for their four children costs. governor and lieutenant govdr- the candidacy of Abraham at their new home at 370 E. The Assembly candidates and Democraltc sponsors of the „or. < Charter Oak midget lootba!! < :I\ EN BY HIS M.-\ Glassman, Democratic hopeful Center St. their districts are Hugh F. Democratic sponsors of the Nixon's veto message, issued Ward (D) and Donald S. Gen- Bouthem conference. Hielr de­ for state representative, and ‘There are no words to measure pledged an effort to Monday while the President was feat of the PorUand Duk4s by a lashed out at endorsement let­ ovesl (R), 18th; FYancis J. Ma­ over-ride the veto, immediately appearing in Stamford and express the way we feel,” score of 38-0, also demonstra­ ters by citizens praising Glass- honey (D) and Roger B. Bag- or after the Nov. 3 election re- Hartford, Conn., on a barely dis- Watts said. ”I can’t say ley (R), 19th; and N. (Jharles ted convincingly they, are a man’s opponent, incumbent enough for the people of la y lipccss. But one of them. Sen guised campaign mission, said threat. State Rep. ’THomas J. Donnelly. Boggini (D) and Mrs. Vivian Philip A. Hart of Michigan, said the bill fell short of its laudable ICtTCHEN WDRI-P Manchester.” F. Ferguson (R), 20th. PorUand, while obviously “In recent days,” Doocy said, In addition to clothing, the FAIRWAY it will be “very tough" to mua- goals and “threatens to make keying on Joe ”I have read statements and Mrs. Jay Rublnow will mod­ ter the necessary two - thirds matters worse, Watts family has received erate the meeting. F/RS vote. Hart was one of the bill’s “,The problem with campaign Muro, was ineffective in stop­ letters to the editor supporting numerous other household original sponsors. spending is not radio and televi- OPEN HOUSE ping Bolton’s passing attack. toe Republican candidate for articles including a couch, Both Dan Ward and Muro com­ state representative. Although dishes, and silverware. Rainy Reading • candles • make*up • favors Sen. Robert P. Griffin, R- sion; the problem is spending," pleted pass plays which figured most of these press releases Mich., "the assistant GOP lead- Nixon said. “This bill plugs only ALL THIS WEEK They are still in need of SOUTH BEND, Ind. (AP) — in Bolton’s scoring. endorsed the Incumbent repre­ several chests of drawers in • costumos #masks • CUf’OUfS 'er said flatly ttie veto will be one hole In a sieve." sentative, Donnelly, because of a Thanks to 300 students and pro­ sustained. “Until we take this step, we'll CONNECTICUT'S NEWEST Paul Groves was outstanding which to store all the cloth' fessors of toe University of No­ "The bill deserved to be ve- never know how to tighten up on the receiving end of several so called ‘good job’, none of ing. Anyone who could don^ • cords • nopkins • candies KITCHEN SHOWPLACE these people have Indicated tre Dame who braved rain and toed," Griffin said. the loopholes,” Hart countered. Ward pEiskes. He was particu­ ate these should contact the frosty temperatures to read the But Sen. John O. Pastore, D- Nixdn said the bill actually INVITES YOU larly impressive on a behlnd- what specifically was accom­ Eighth District firehouse for we hove aH the fixings for plished by Donnelly in his works of William Shakespeare R.I:, and another prlmd sponsor would force more campaign TO BROWSE THROUGH the-back, one-handed catch . information. for 97 consecutive hours, a pri­ that holloween party or meeting of the legislation, said Nixon spending, by leading candidates which gave the ’Ilgers a two term of office.” , Ronald Dickens of 34 Avon point conversion. vate school for remedial read­ had blocked “a major effort to to switch from radio and televi- OUR BEAUTIFUL MODEL KITCHENS' Continuing, Doocy said, “The dale Rd., Injured at the site ing has $1,000 for its operations. ^(orgonixorional cKscounts, to o ) stem the spiraling cost of cam- sion campalgfning to more ex- 'Hie Tigers wasted no Ume in fact Is, Donnelly accomplished of the Hilliard St. fire when Volunteers moimted stools palgnlng for public office via pensive techniques of reaching getting into the scoring col­ nothing. 'He promised to Intro­ he was struck In the head umn, as Muro returned the outside near the campus flag­ the electronic media. the voter. duce legislation that would com-' by the nozzle of a firehose pole and spent much of the time l i n a i t a t _____ “The American people will be He noted there would be no opening kick off 80 yards for pel a takeover of the (Jonnect- is still in Manchester Memor­ under umbrellas because of ■ ----- THURS. AND the losers unless Congress over- restriction on campaign adver- six points. Muro also made the Icut Water Company by the ial Hospital and Is reported in two point conversion on a hand- heavy weekend rains. rides the veto,” he said. Using in newspapers, maga- Metropolitan Water (Company. satisfactory condition. The $1,000 collected in a pall FBI. NIGHTS The bill would limit spending zlnes, pamphlets and material off from Ward. When the bill was Introduced, I t ______set _near______the readers goes to the on campaign broadcasting to mailed out by candidates. ’The second score came nt iii.qt th e th ir d act in the saia. ^ Coventry at Coventry. 4 p.m.-8 p.m. sent just the third act in the ne described the bill as “a ly member who telephoned to land (AP) — Two smaU Mrs. Philip Sumner, represent- Intensive Care and Coronar.v church sanctuary. However, af­ 647-9924 ’Ilger Cheerleaders 1x>mbs exploded on toe main SUPPLIES c DISCHARGED YEJSTERDAY: first step toward giving evdry find out why the brothers had ‘"The boys have the muscles, IngNUie planned Parenthood Care: Immediate family onij', Michelle Armstrong, 476 Main ter rehearsals began, it was dis­ citizen an equal chance to seek not returned from their week- railway line between Belfast anytime, limited to five min- covered that copyright laws pro­ French, Russian the coaches have the brains, and Dublin today, but dam­ Leagubspf Connecticut will speak St.; Mrs. Ethel W. Jensen. public office, regardless of his end trip. - ntes. hibit presentation of only a por­ The girls have toe pretty legs, age was light and trains ran at the Mhijchester YWCA Wed­ 14 Division St.; Mrs. Lil­ ind we’ll win tola game!” Maternity: Fathers,’ 11 lian B. Copeland, 26 Grove tion of the play and that the Protocol Signed normally. nesday Deskert Lecture series CUSTOM 12:46 p.m., and 6:30 p.m.-8 play was subject to royalties. ' Tills has been toe cry of toe In Londonderry, small St.; A1 Gelinas, Shelton; MOSCOW (AP) — Presidents /SBolton Tigers’ cheerleaders who tomorrow at thfexCommunlty Y. PICTURE p.m.; others, 3 p.m.-4 p.m-, and Mrs. Agnes C. Wlttman, Dunn The decision was made to in- gangs of youths skirmished 6:30 p.m.-8 p.m. have cheered their team to an Dessert will be served at 12 ;30 FRAMING Rd.,Ra Coventry; Mrs.mrs. Ritaturn K.n.. elude all interested young peo- Georges Pompidou and Nikolai with British troops after mid- p.m. and the progrton will fol­ Age Limits: 16 lit matemit.v, Scruggs, 43 Thomas St.. Rock- ple of Bolton in casting and V. Podgomy signed a protocol undefeated season so far this night, throwing gasoline T low with a questlonNyid an­ REPUBLICAN 12 in other areas, no limit in Ville; Mrs. Barbara K. McCar- production. The group engaged today providing lor periodic year. bombs and stones. self-service. A HEALTHY CLIMATE ■Fifteen g(lrls were chosen from swer period. CRAFTS CANDIDATE 1 tthy, 132 Falknor Dr.; David .1. L«on Rivera Md 'Moira consultations between thd e o Id 1 e r s scattered the Mrs. Sumner Is a past pi Torstenson, 239 W. Center St. Ui® town Youth Council as Soviet governments. a field of 40 In June. Judged by MATERIAL 18TH DISTRICT GENOVESI FOR The administration reminds toe same point system used In gangs with nausea gas. dent of Planned , Parentho Also, John W. Dixon, East sponsors. televised signing, com- FOR JOBS AND PROSPERITY League, of Greater Hartford and AND KITS (WADDELl-ROBERTSON REPRESENTATIVE visitors that with con^jruction Hartlord- CJlndy L. Becker, 109 According to the director, pjete with toasts in Soviet cham- choosing toe school cheerleaders’ under way, parking space is they range In age from 9 to 12 Karen Manning, Laura McCarty, a second vice president of Plan­ SCHOOLS) COMMITTEE limited Visitors are asked to Adams St.; Tammy L.l . Meperis, lueper.s, Mrs. Nancy, Fenity, ”'The_ - - - play r--.. pagne, came on theme last.aai uayday o.of Ruth Morin, Debbie Morrone, ned Parenthood League of Con­ I ^ r w to the liMDlt^ while the 77 Ridge St.; James R.rv. Mathie-jviULiuc-. is appropriate lor V-a celebration the rieiiciiFrench pivsnuciiLopresident’s c»6i*v-v»a.jrdight-day and come from the Elementary D eQ nattio and Center schools. Pam Muro, Oierry Richardson, necticut. She Is also a member 'Treasurer S l o S problem eristo. Ison, L 60 mqr.AerTanner st.tSt.; Mrs. Mrs. Mar- Mar- yearyear in in a a .New New England England town, town, state gtate visit visit to to the the Soviet Soviet Union, Union. Janina Ryba and Kathy Bank. of the.League of Women Voters, garet J. Gazdzicki, 1’72 Maple as it is set in New Hampshire corhmunist party chief Leonid Hie girls are coached by Mrs. FINE Rochelle Holcombe and Mrs. Manchester Scholarship Founda-, St • William H- MacFall,- RFD about the turn of the century, j; Brezhnev and Premier Alexei Manchester Evening Herald tlon arid the auxiliary of Man­ PORTRAIT , Patiento Today : 28J 1 ♦ Andover • ’ Mrs Jacqueline its simplicity and piognancy n . Kosygin were present lor, the Amoldeen Tliornton who have Bolton .correspondent, Judith chester Memorial Hospital. PHOTOGRAPHY a d m it t e d y e s t e r d a y : s’arsenski ’ 71 Vernon st.;. hay® “»'‘versal appeal-and it has ^erdmony. spent many hours working with Mrs. aymSylvia a W.w. AlUson,aiuson, Mer-m e^ Achllle Palleschi, 4’Woodhlll been recognl;£ed as an American Terms of the agreement were the girls at the high school field. Donohue, tel. 649-8409. The series, sponsored by the row;.Mrs. Jane R. Bensche, 202 Blanche V. DiBacco, classic since it opened on „(jt announced. But informed Most of the girl’s uniforms Manchester YWCA is opien to Woodbridge St.; Mrs. Ruth A. Dr.Ternon. Brdadway in 1938. It won the sources reported that it expands and equipment are provided men and women of all ages. Pulitzer prize for its author, ^ similar pact signed lour years Brandeis Claim Baby sfttlng will be available. BlrUes,- East Hartford; Mrd. ’ „ ■ j^jeigen and through the support of the Bol­ 688 TALCOTTVELLE RO^D ROUTE 83 Thornton Wilder, that year.” during President Charles de CONNECTICUT ton Athletic Association. During WASHING'TON (VVP) — The ROCKVILLE, CONN. \ FHOINB •7B-48U The production Incorporates— ~a Gaulle’sljUUllc a visit, VlolL- totu Moscow. iviuacvw. Itxv was wu-o the season tod girls sold shakers Department-of Housing and Ur­ Mrs. Dorothy A. Ferrow, 74 't®"! great deal of pantonaime and bdlieyed that there \vould be and conducted a bake sale to ban Development has ruled Nike Circle; Donald J. Girard, “^ugmer. w ^o^’card- simple staging. An atleitlpt has closer contact on.foreign policy. N O .l help ]tiie association defray ex­ against a Brandels University J -- Hickory------.Till HIU, Andover. Robert F ^ k e M clnerney •>®®" "'®^® “ ®® “ 8*>Ung a s pompidou reportedly had been penses. insurance claim, for damages to , Also, Irylng R. Gordon, 19 ner —- ---- St.. Mrs. much as possible to achieve concerned earlier this year that On Oct. 24 toe girls will par­ campus buddings during an 11- Mhx filler Goslee Dr.; Joseph E. Gouln, and son. Broad Broo . ^ changes in weather, scenes and the Russikns were not keeping ticipate In a Cheerieadlng Jam­ day occupation students In Cosmetics 1363 Sullivan Ave.i South Wind­ m'ood of the play. The produc; him up to date on the talks that boree at Penney High School, January 1969. sor; Scott S. Grzyb, 131 EUzf- _ ^ tlon stall is headed by Jeff led to the Soviet-Wdst German East Hartford, where they ‘The university could have tak­ rrs S o y s ^ ^ v beth Dr.; Mrs. Marguerite B. iyStC OH UCClUlC Waddell. His workers are treaty of friendship. compete wlto other cheering en precautions against the dam­ Hallihan, 32 Highland St.; Mary P o i f Johanna Young, Prudie Clark, ------^— teams In th® midget football age, HUD said Monday. • A. M alferan.^ Boltoii S t; M *r A t U a i H J U r V - T a i F David WaddeH,'~Jlm Grunske; MIM DADDARIOrtheDemoGiaiiG candidate tor Governor, offers a ^ WE ARE A X league. Before the - -HUD deelslen Uggeiis Mini C. Helander, Pl§dnvllle; Guy Cartwright and Robert Eban To Discuss positive, forward-looking program that will stimulate business and benefit could be reversed, ^ independ­ Heflry J. Johndro, Hartford; DANBURY, Conn. (AP)—The Hie captain of the squad Is PARTICIPANT Redden. Woes witli Agnew the people of Connecticut. A program to meet the needs of the 70's, Amette Thornton. Cindy Blther ent agency would have to inves­ At The Parkade Mrs. Patricia A. Kraschnefskl, __ annual______Danbury . Fair was ex- Special sound effects gre is cocaptam. Other members tigate the claim. MANCHESTER IN OVER 65 Columbia; Mrs. Parise R. Le- tended ■ this year from nine to being done by Stanton Conotier , Tex. (AP) - —Vice it's called: include Laurie Holcombe. Holly Brandels was Insured by the maire, 82 Converse Rd., Bolton; 10 d a y s , but attendance was less and Redden. *President------.... Spiro_ r - - T. - - Agnew— o will Robinson, Mary SChappert, Faetory Insurance Association Raoul Messier, Andover. FREE PAYMENT than in 1969, fair President John The cast is headed by Scott meet with Israeli fo rei^ minls- CONNECTICUT AID - T h e Connecticut Anti-pollution Industrial Nancy Schappert, Jahet Dixon, of Hartford, Conn. Also, l^nald F. Morton Sr., Leahv renorted Monday. Grenon as George Gibbs and ter Abba Eban at breakfast INSURANCE Lebanon; Mrs. Joyce A. Mull, Attendance lor the event,'Linda Clarahan as Emily Webb. Wednesday in the .vice presl- Development Prograni. lt is designed — Glastonbury; Harry L. Pajrks, which concluded ^ ot Monday,-uhuu was Other______actors are______Michael_____ Oark. dent’s Washington office. POLICY 281 Center S t; Jason C. Simon, Pamela Conover, Steven Sas- Announcing the meeting, the Storrs; Richard W. Spitock, O ^ Leahy said, canlo, Tim Poquette, Jill Early, vice president’s staff said Eban. e TO MAKE CONNECTICUT NO. 1 in the development and PRESCRIPTION Woodbridge St.; (jatherine A. i,eahv aJBo announced the fair Thomas Manning Guy Cart- requested an opportunity to dls- manufacture of anti-pollution devices and systems. Stebner, Monson, M ^ .; conUnue To be run as a 10- wright, lyaddell, Steve Sher- cuss developments'in the Middle f ^ . SIGN UP NOW PROGRAM Dolores A. S te h ^ b e r East ° ma^, Conover, Diane Leiner, E ast Hartford; Susan M. Syphers, 33 “S-r event. , . . i • TO UTILIZE the m\ny and varied skills of Connecticut workers. Edgerton St.t Martha A. Sze- FOR BOUND OIL COMPANY’S tela, 83 Dartmouth Rd.; Mlrs. ■ ' . • Emily E. Tatro, East Hartford; e TO CREATE NEW JOBS in new, recession-proof areas of the Linda J. Topping, 39 Gerard economy. i AUTOMATIC S t; Mrs. Clara S. Ursin, An- dovjsr. ‘ Winterizing Servi^ : . • .. , ...... ^riiaorlptioaM CONNECTICUT AID will create a healthy climate in Connecticut for BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A Ckimplete chassis lubri^iation Change engine oil DELIVERY • Here, skilled Registered Pharmadstt son. to Mr^ and Mrs. Gregory Clean or replace igpitionti points Set distributor dwell you, your family, your job and all Connecticut people and industry. • Pope, 114B New State Rd.; a Clean and regap spark plugs compound your prescriptions precisely son to Mr. and Mrs. Anthcmy Reset ignition timing ET SN STUMPS as your Doctor directs. And each com­ (Replace if necessary) 8 1\ Laurinitls, 28G Forest St.; a Clean and reset automatic choke pounding step is double-checked to seal to Mr. and Mrs.' Walter Free-up manifold heat valve VOTE FOR MIM DADDARIO \ avoid error. Our prices, too, uni­ Johansen, East Hartford; a Inspect and adjust fan belt Inspect brake linings A WHOLE BOOK FULL,— Stamps issued after payment for first delivery. AND CONNECTICUT AID formly fair. Try us next time! daughter to Mr. and Mrs. 'Tighten and inspect hose Install antifreeze (as needed) _ KAINC 1* delivery is paid for in full within 10 days Wayne Hess, Maple Dr., Cov-. connections Check heater and defroster DOUBLE BTAMr9 for amouift Ot biu. Check charging rate for winter Inspect exhaust system A for Anti-pollution MIUER PHARMACY Lo^ test starter (iriving 299 Green Bd., Mnnrhsater-64»i4184 THE MONTH OF OCTOBER ONLY I REGULAR STAMPS I S " ’"”" " " ” PINE PHARMACY for Industrial 864 CENTER STREET LABOR 419.98— Material odditionat D SAVE STAMPS! SAVE MONEY! RELIABLBji 649-9814 for Development Program A $36.00 VALUE — AIR pOND. CARS SLIGHTLY MORE CALL'ANYTIME — 24 HOUR SERVICE PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS S and S BUICK, INC. 285 MAIN ST. — ’ 649-4571 — MANCHESTER ^ Daddario for Governor Free PreecHptloa Pickup PRESCRIPTIONS and DeUvery ORDER your snow tires NOW for LOW, LOW PRIC)B^!! VOTE DEMOCRATIC - PULL TOP LEVER BOLAND OIL CO. McKesso n a s p ir in from $18.48 plus state and fed. tax —600x13 wW. PAID FOR BY THE DADDAHiO FOR GOVERNOR CONV.NTTEE ESTABLISHED 1935 — 369 CENTER STREET — 643-6320 Vis it o u b o o s m e t io a n d j e w e l r y d e p t . 2 botUe* of IM .6»c ^ ■ ■ i .• i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. 'MANCHESTER; CONN.. ‘TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1970 PAGE FIFTEEN. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALI>. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TtJESDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1970 p a g e f o u r t e e n Made to Order World Series Match, Coaches’ Corner Green Bay’s Old Pros Defeat Chargers ^ . By DAVE WIGGIN _ .Another strong? second half effort was the difference m our game with Wethersfield High last Saturday. The Already T wo Grames Overdue T oday gairie was much closer than the score indicated, and we San Diego’s Texas, Irish Close really didn’t have much breathing room until Jim Bale- sustained attack thus far. “ It’s Cincinnati thunder for the final Sunday’s game. And Granger sano scored on a 40-yard pass play with 48 secxinds to go Hadl Likely BALTIMORE (AP) — Sene's after losing the first two because of Robinson,” he said. m the third period. After that, we had things pretty games at home. 6 2-3 Innings. hadn’t thrown a pitch going into In On Ohio State^ ■That made to order World “ Whoever said their relief today’s game; “ Brooks has beaten us in two much our way. ------Jim Palmer, who won 20 dur­ ball games by himself. Trade Bait Series match between Cin­ ing the season and another in pitching wasn’t very good was “ Our bullpen is underestimat­ Again, as, has been the case NEW YORK (AP) — Thanks to record scoring sprees cinnati’s big bats and Balti­ the Orioles’ American League reading the wrong scouting re­ ed," said Orioles slugger Frank “ If you fellows voting for that in our last three games, we got ^ ^ ^ 91AM TlTFPri (API __ off to a slow start and had to ® leader and toler- against' long time rivals, 'Texas and Notre are more’s big three was two playoff sweep over Minnesota, port," said the Reds’ Pete Rose. Robinson. “ They only had 31 car they give the Series hero his SAN DIEGO (AP) want my advice, you might as make several adjustments in almost unbeUev- Green Bay’s Packers still closing in on Ohio State in the latest Associated Press games overdue today as the checked the Reds on five hits in Orioles Manager Earl Weav­ saves, but our starters Had 60 college football poll announced today. Reds tried to battle back the Series opener last Saturday er’s relief crew had been sin­ complete games.” well give him the keys. Right our defense before we settled f***®’,.?*® keeps us go- must go with the old pros and beat them with last-out re­ gled out as the one possible ’The Reds’ figures were vir­ now, he’s in the driver’s seat.’’ down to play football, wethers-• a**'® their hid for resurgence > The top-rank^ ®“ ®‘‘®y®®' from 12th, and Arkansas, 10th from a lost weekend. field won the toss and moved with John Leber, who gete better 1" resurgence who led a week ago by 103 ^ ^ lief help from Pete Richert. weAk link on a marvelously bal­ tually reversed, with 32 com-- Brooks Robinson made a sen­ The Reds, backed against the right down the field for a score, week. He has great lateral mto National Football points, received 20 first-place But Mike Cuellar, a 24-game anced club which swept to 108 plete games and 60 saves. sational plAy deep behind the . . Trailing Southern Cal in the ropes alter 4-3 and 6-5 losses to votes and 731 points from a pan- Arizona State, winner, was a quick knockout victories in regular season play, ’Earl didn’t have to go to the bag in the opener and then hit and we were behind, 6-0, with "*obllity and .is going to be aLeague prominence. I the streaking Orioles at Cincin­ the last 11 of them in succes­ six minutes gone in the first jeaHy fwtball player in the j^g el of 40 sports ^ t e r s and „ Colorado, up four; nati, sent rugged right-hander victim Sunday before the Or­ bullpen that often,” Frank add­ the tie-breaking home run. In sion. broadcasters flo w in g a 29-0 Tennessee, up six; Louisiana Tony Cloninger to the dike in ioles came from behind for the ed. “ And he used all his reliev­ the second game, he came up deferae jelled, temne'rature ^ f and^we at the expense of a second time. On paper, the Baltimore fire­ with three more defensive SO did our offense, and we start- leiRpcrature of 103 and we . ^ victory over Michigan State. Tech. the nationally-televised (NBC- ers. Nobody got an awful lot of ed to put things together. A couldn’t let him play. All in all, plucky but winless San Diego And the vaunted power of the men appeared overmatched by work because he spread it out. gems. But Texas pulled down 13 down three; Texas Tech; Mis- TV( third game of the best-of-7 pretty 22-yard run by Dave we had just four running backs. Charger club Monday night, 22- Big Red Machine failed to ignite their counterparts on the Reds. But they all came through.” “ He can play third base with first-place votes and 712 points souri, down two. with Houston sdt. The Orioles, recorded 31 saves Fleishman tied the baU game, if one had been Injured, we 20, the Packers could thank 33- In the wake of a 41-9 rout of and UCLA, down five, tied for But the Orioles, riding a 16- in either game after building a pair of pliers,” Rose marveled during the season, 13 of them by “ Weaver has been manipulat­ and Jim Jackson’s kick put us would have been in serious Oklahoma and Notre Dame, re- 19th. Texas Tech and Houston game winning” streak which has early leads of 3-0 and 4-0. as the Reds worked out Monday- year-old and 36- ing those pitchers and so far ahead to stay. trouble. Hopefully, we will have ceived four No. 1 votes—Its first replaced West Virginia and carried over from the regular Instead, the first two contests Richert. at Memorial Stadium. Then the Cincinnati’s Wayne Granger he’s played all his cards right,” of the season—alter battering North Carolina in the Second season, were 5-1 favorites to showcased the Orioles’ unher­ Cincinnati star laid down a per­ Wethersfield still had plenty more personnel to work with way ^ I feel now, I could had 35 himself; teammate Clay said Cincinnati’s Johnny Bench. left, and they moved the ball this week. ^"® way Army 61-10. The 41 and 61 points Ten. capture the Series prize denied alded bullpen corps and their fect bunt a few feet up the third play another 20 years,” de­ Carroll added 16 and youngsters “ We’ve scored early, but we were the most ever scored by The Top Twenty teams, with them last October by thd New matchless third baseman. base line. down inside our six-yard line Offensively, what more can c la r e 'Wood after intercepting Don Gullett and Milt Wilcox haven’t been able to do any­ with first and goal to go. A ter- he said about Balesano and Texas and Notre Dame in the first-place votes in parentheses York Mets. Brooks Robinson. “ Brooks would have thrown a pass from young Marty were compared favorably with thing after that even though rifle goal line stand allowed us Denis Wlrtalla. They do every- ______respective series. and total points. Points tabulat- And the' oddsmakers made Richert saved Palmer’s victo­ we’ve had guys in position to you out by two steps on that Domres at the Chargers' 24 and tlie Orioles’ veterans despite to take the baU over on downs thing for us, and when one is ru,yUj,g. y back to^the 13. Whlle the Buckeyes, Long- ed on basis of 20-18-16-14-12-10-9- them a 2-3 pick to win today be­ ry with one pitch, stranding the score.” one,” Bench cracked. “ Hell," tying run on first base. Then their inexperience. on the one-yard line. We were stopped, the other keeps us'go-t defensive gem set up homs and Irish held on to their 8-7 etc. hind left-hander Dave McNally, Reds Manager Sparky Ander­ exclaimed teammate Tony Per­ whose 24 victories tops Balti­ Tom Phoebus, Moe Drabowsky, But Wilcox was hit hard dur­ able to move the ball out to the luB- Last week It was all Wlr- ^ l4-yard field goal by Dale 1-2-3 spots, there was a shake-up 1. Ohio state (20) 731 son had another theory about ez. “ He would have caught it on ^ , (AP Phourftix more’s trio of 20-game winners. Marcelino Lopez and Dick Hall ing a decisive five-run Balti­ 17, and then John Wiggin hit tails. This week Jim Balesano Livingston, his third three-polnt- elsewhere in the Top Ten. 2. Texas (13) . 712 more burst in the fifth inning of his club’s failure to mount a a fly." NEARj'SeORE — Green Bay’s Donny Anderson is knocked out of bounds short Southern California dropped 3. Notre Dame’ (4) 666 No team ever has won the combined Sunday to still the .Ilm Jackson with a little look- looked like a pro. They comple- of the night, and the one of the goal line by San Diego Chargers’ Jim Hall. Bob Babich missed the tackle. In pass and Jim was off to the ment each other so much and provided the victory. from fourth to 11th after losing 4. Mississippi (1 ) 492 races. Once he shifted gears, they work so well together. ‘ After a 6-6 first half that saw \ . t t -i e to Stanford 24-14 and the Tro­ 6. Nebraska (1) 473 no one could catch him. His Jim’s runs and catching of pass- (gup ygiy goals, th^ Packers Bartm OUth. Y ole R em ain XJndefeated jans were replaced by Missis­ 6. Michigan (1) 383 Pirates, Red Sox Played kick was good and we led, 14- es were something to see, and surged back In the third quar- ______^______sippi, which beat Georgia 31-21 7. Air Force 334 Cloninger Scoffs 6. I would have to say that the Wlrtalla blocked more viciously scoring on Starr passes of £ind climbed one position. Ne-, 8. Auburn 329 goal line stand was the turning than I have ever seen him do. four yards to and braska and Michigan each ‘ 9. Stanford 328 moved up one spot to fifth and 3 First World Series in 1903 point in the game. We didn't throw much, but when two yards to John Hilton. 10. Arkansas 218 sixth, respectively, the Com- 11. So. California 194 who 'the .Cincinnati shortstop The second halt was great de- we did, John was on target With a 19-6 lead. Coach Phil Penn Sbite Bombs BC Team, By EARL YOST huskers defeating Missouri 21-7 12. Arizona State 122 was the last time the Reds were tense as far as I am concerned, enough to keep the secondary Bengaton took Starr out, ex- BALTIMORE — For thg, past Dave Bray, Ed Leber. John deep and honest. plaining later, “ His shoulder and the Wolverines blanking 13. Colorado 112 in the World Series? Eddie Kas- At Pressure Game Purdue 29-0. 90 five yearsT the American and ko, current Boston manager, Duffy, Dick Tyo and Jack Holik This week we play a vastly was bothering him.” 14. Tennessee Ole Miss, Nebraska and Mich­ 53 National Leagues have alternat­ held down the spot in the 1961 were great and contained the improved Conard team, which D «i Horn took over at quar- Eagles Mend Wounded Pride 16. Louisiana State ance and so were we. Tliank igan each received one flrst- 19 ed winrdng the World Series. . . classic. . .Having a ball as guest BALTIMORE . (AP) — meet a challenge,” said Clonin­ Wejhersfield ground game very looks as though it had put qyery- terback only to run into quick 16. G e o r ^ Tech How did the series get its start? God nobody wanted him.” 17. Texas i*6C,h 17 of the Reds at the series is Tony Cloninger scoffs at ger. “ I’ve faced a life time of well. The secondary really came thing together. Hiey completely trouble. Pete Barnes intercepted NEW YORK (AP) — Boston Dartmouth aihl. Yale, ranked tor over Massachusetts on two place vote, Back in 1903 the presidents of Porter Blinn of South Windsor, challenges. I’ve been trying to Cincinnati got away to a great into their own and picked off dominated Penney last Satur- his pass at the Chargor 22 and college. New England’s top- second and third,^Respectively, field goals by Fred Rapoport in Rounding out the Top Ten 18. Missouri i5 World Series pressure. 14 the Boston Red Sox and Pitts­ new chief New England scout of come back for four years,” said start and led the league by a four passes to completely shut day, 47-0. They are much bigger returned to the 36. v h ' 11 f th 11 ten New England, contitme to roll the fourth period, returns home were Air Force and Auburn, 19. (tie) Houston '.^ “ What presBure can there be 14 burgh Pirates got together and the club. . .Brooks Robinson the right-hander who won 54 dozen games at the All-Star off any scoring ideas Wethers- than we are and two platoon With Domres, the second-year ranked college lootoaii team, favoretf^to hike to take on Holy Cross, which each up one spot; Stanford, up UCLA \ after you face the prospect of (AP PtiotoTax agreed that the pennant winners nearly became a Redleg. “ I was games for the Braves from 1964 break. Then, the Reds were hit field might have had. We went most of their players. They have pro from Columbia, taking over takes time out to nui'se wounded j^elr records to 4-0 n ex t^ ta r- suffered a fourth consecutive going blind?” asked Cloninger play in a best of nine-game approached by all 24 (at the through 19M. with pitching injuries to Wayne with two sophomores ih our sec- powerful runners and two very at quarterback from starter pride this week while Dart- day. '', loss in bowing to Colgate 21-13. BaItimore'’8 Brooks Robinson Monday before joining a Cincin­ series. Boston won, five games time) major league clubs. I Cloninger told how, with the Simpson and Jim McGlothlin. ondary; and I thought both of fine quarterbadks. We will be John Hadl, the Chargers mouth and Yale seek to extend Dartmouth, which clobbered A lull schedule of Yankee nati Reds’ workout for today’s to three. . .How the times have narrowed my choice down to help of medication, he gradually Cloninger, who had yielded 19 them did outstanding jobs. Lyle severely tested this week and charged. Domres shot a short, perfect records In Ivy League Princeton 38-0, Is at home Copference action is on tap this Ivy Leaguers Share Baltimore Third Baseman Touts Rodriguez changed! The first series drew cinci^iiiatirPauI third game of the 1970 World improved the sight in his left runs in 24 innings as a reliever Eastman intercepted two passes i hope we are physically and to rookie Dave tests. against Brown, which bowed w e ^ Massachusetts travels to 100,829 fans for the eight games Richards impressed me the Series. eye. The eye disease flared through late June, was elevated and made many saves. Dave mentally ready We have come S'"**** ^ gaining 42 to ^fter fashioning three straight 28-0 to Yale. The Elis get a Rhode Island, a runaway 40-13 and the winning Red Sox play­ most and I signed with his club, Cloninger recalled the day in twice, but now it has been to a starter. Fleishman' reacted much better too far to have a let down, and “ >® P®®ker 22. Jeff Qaeda lost victories and soaring to the No. tougher test this week as host to winner over Vermont. Connectl- ers split $32,612 with each play­ Baltimore,” he told me. 1967, when an eye specialist in checked so that he need be The 215-pound Cloninger In 13 and seems to have the conli- we must concentrate on one ^ 1 spot in The Associated Press’ Columbia, which defeated Har- ^®™P*®;„^^^^^ Top Football Spot starts (July 10 through Sept. 7) er getting $1,182. The Pirates One Minnesota writer replied Philadelphia told him, “ I don’t checked only once a year. He dence he needs to be 1 mua'- *1^** out to tight end WllUe Frazier r-rion^" ntdl the BC Eagles vard for the first time In nine turns home against Maine. New , each got $1,316.25. Last year the allowed the opposition two or a front gam e at a time and 1®‘ the chips ^ ^e TO v^^for^me lira Hampshire. fre^ Jrom a hard- NEW YORK (AP) — Dartmouth and Yale are right Reflexes Key for Robinson, when asked to explain the lack want to scare you but you may now has 20-20 vision. line player. series players’ pool amounted of a , full house for American lose sight in your left eye. Cloninger feels he’s a man less runs eight times. He won We‘"went'lnto this game with rix oppo'nente Lft "four o^^them “ *® Virtually toe P decision to knn Stat^ Sat- Harvard attempts to rebound earned 13-9 decision'P^r Maine, -where they wei’6 at the end of the 1969 football season to $1,142,200.93 and each win­ League playoff games. “ There Cloninger said he went to his marked for destiny this seasob, six of 10 decisions with a re­ m^ny 7njurirs tha! p e S ^ d i r i defeXT lit y f a r ^ d yo" "P “ ®®"“®'- urday. ■ as host to Comtill. The Crimson hits the road to take dn.winless („in a „ three way 11tie. 6 for ... first .lo.oplace ,n in ih. the lov Ivy League. ning Met got a fuil share spectable 3.00 ERA. are 160,000 duck hunters and hospital room, placed a patch considering that the Reds al-\ know about. Greg Germain had can bet oun^kids will remember ’The Eagles had seven passes faced a rugged task In stopping Vermont. The only difference is that the party of the third part of $13,259.65. This figure jump­ they were all out on the open­ over his left eye and tried to see icicttocttreleased him...i.t in...... j,May, and \ jn the National League play- Two minutes and 16 seconds Intercepted and had a blocked , who crushed them Unbeaten Springfield, ,» vyomcii aim nui-x Ball’s Top Third Baseman ed to $18,338.18 when the share two badly bruised arms that this. is Cornell and not Princeton. ing day of the season,” he said. if he could pitch with one eye. no other club was willing to gfive offs against Pittsburgh, Clonin- later. Queen scored from*1" punt turned into a touchdown, by scoring five touchdowns and roUed to a fourth leaders all have 1-0 from the playoffs was added. The 30-year-old Cloninger, a much for him when the Reds of- ger s;|arted the third game won one following a Horn fumble yjgy correct rushing for 281 yards in a 41-24 whipping Colby 49-7, is hMt o records and are 3-0 over-all ies since 1951. Also, the Lions League All-Star teams. T h e Orioles' full share last . . Cincinnati’s Johnny Bench is By EARL YOST that I do everything left handed a man of consistency. He bat- -year major league veteran, fered him for trade. by thexReds 3-2. at the 10. mistakes before engaging victory last year. Northeastern, a 20-6 wlmer following Saturday’s play, had not won an Ivy game this Birds’ player representative October, as losers, was $14,- 10 Reed Paces Knicks’ Attack —eat—write—except to throw. ted .293 in each of the past two has been selected by Cincinnati “ To be honest.” said Cincin­ “ SurA^e’ve got our backs up About that time Bengston was F o 7 cro ct.’24° Boston University, a 13-10 vie- over American International. which i^w Dartmouth trample' ®®'''y ^he season in seven BALTIMORE — “Third Robinson won t h e coveted 904,21, which counted the asking Starr If he could throw. *"*K®*y rorce .u I feel that this has helped give regular seasons . . .Boston has Manager Sparky Anderson to nati pitching coach Larry Shep­ against the^wall,” said Shepard. Princeton'. 38-0, Yale blank y®®*"®- basemen don’t have to cov­ American League Most Valu- division playoff . . . Smallest “ But CloniWer has done it for “When he said he could, I ------Tom Hurley’s 32-yard run me the coordination I need to be yet to name a new pitching pitch the third game of the Se- ard, “ if someone had offered a Brown 28-d .and Cornell edge er very much ground,” the able Player Award in 1964. share ever for a winner was put him back in," explained the a baseball player,” he related. coach to replace Broadway rles against the Baltimore Or- new fungo bat, he (Cloninger) us before, w l^ not now. I’m not Penn 32-21. Iii pie other game, snapped a 7-all He 1" the third Human Vacuum, Brooks a strong contender along $i,i02.51 in 1918 for each Bos- Is there any Amerlean He’s Charlie Wagner. Director of iolee who lead the Series 2-0. would have been out. He was putting anything on his back Reigning Champions coach. Columbia downed. Harvard 28- P®®!®*! J®®®® P "''® ‘®®<* Robinson, perennial winner teammate Boog Powell, ton Red Sox. . .The smallest when I say he chp do it.” (Controversy had centered on Clements Out Sabourin^s Furious in the fourth quarter by grab­ League player that excites with Player Personnel Haywood Sul- “ I’ve always been able to discouraged with his perlorm- 21. for the same award for the share was $382 per man in 1905 the Charger quarterback situa­ bing a 13-yard scoring pass of the GoWen Glove Award Robinson in the field? livan has been in deep talks • S'CORRIS, Conn. (AP)—’The A record 20,308 fans\m Dart­ as major league's No. 1 defen­ rtigular 1970 campaign. for the New York Giants. tion before the game. With Hadl from Don Jackson and running “ Sure is,” he answered with­ with several clubs at World University of Connecticut’s mouth’s Memorial Field saw the sive third baseman said. "I'm When an all-time Nice Guy Open Defense Tonight in General Manager Sid Gill- Scoring Aids Blues two yards for the final scord. out any hesitation, “ Luis Apa- Series Headquarters. The word footbaU team Is going to have Indians thrash Prinedton and slow. That’s no secret," he add­ team is selected, you’ll find the man's doghouse, it wasn’t dC' Harvard made it close with two rlclo of Chicago. I’ve always First game winners have is that the Sox will spring at to do without the services ed as we talked in the Baltimore third baseman. Brooks Robin­ NEW YORK (AP) — Can the New York Knicks do it cided untu late whether he or ST. LOUIS (AP) — Gary Saboufin’s furious third avenge a 35-7 loss to the -npha touchdowns in the dosing mln- marveled at the way he plays gone on to win 39 of the least one major deal for catch­ of Its star running back and dressing room. son, at least in modem times' again ? Duplicate their stand-out play of last season and Domres would start, Dcriod play Monday night propelled the St. Louis Blues the i969 find, which ruined ^je last with 12 seconds re- his position. He’s the best at previous 67 series. Opening ing and-or pitching help with , Vincent Clements, C And, when the all-time greats game losers have won 27. Only win the championship of the National Basketball Associ- John worked thr^ quartos KTlVational s U f y Leagua victory over th. Van- = 0“ ' .vy “ I’ve been gifted with wonder­ his position that I’ve ever seen. one established outfielder to be for two weeks. ful reflexes. I’m nearly 34 years Rodriguez is nearly in the at the position are mentioned, five clubs have won the series ation for the second straight year? *f‘®® rejwrts Coach John Toner an­ couver Canucl^. B,ues tangled and hit the ice right. gt Dartmouth, Co- Robinson won’t be overlooked after dropping the first two Involved . . . Who voted in the A clue to the answer may b e ------he might be pedcUed to anotoer old and I don’t think my reflex­ class of Aparicio at the mo­ Sporting News manager-of-the- nounced Monday that Clem­ Sabourin scored at 6:49 a n d ^ th Picard on the bottom. Princeton was trailing 7-0 but lumbia at Yqle and Cornell at either. games and only lour clubs have fh. NFL club. “ I don’t loiow If this es have slowed one bit,” he ment. Mark my word, you are year award poll? Earl Weaver, f^ c o m ln g tonlglit when ^ yjg surprise footbaU ^ ^ 4^1,5 had any effect on ents, who was injured on 16:37 of the final period. ’Their teammates chose partners seemed to be holding its own un- Harvard while Princeton enter- continued as he wiped away the going to hear a lot about Rod­ For a fellow who is slow, by come back from a 3-1 game de- the third offensive play ot Newcomer Christian Borde- and it was several moments be- til 'Tim Copper, Dartmouth’s tains Colgate arid Penn hosts hls own admission, and doesn’t ficit to win. . .No club has ever of Baltimore, lor one, said he r " ® r " t b ? T o ^ l r sup®r Bowl champions and ^eam. It’s not^^as easy to perspiration after a batting drill. riguez.” didn’t even know about it until the Knlcta and toe former haseball’s World Series champs concentrate with this hanging Saturday’s Temple - UConn leau assisted on Red fierenson’s fore officials were able to re- sensational kick return sped- Lafaydtte In nonlea^He contests. “ You’ve got to have good re­ Now in his third World Se- have to cover much ground, rebounded alter losing the first champs, the Boston Celtics ^ ^o it over your head.” game, suffered a “ good blow opening goal at 12:64 of the store order. allst, strdaked 64 yards to score ------three. . .’Two, of the American the results appeared in print. flexes, not speed to be a third ries, Robinson has been named Brooks Robinson is a' gem, the tllng before an exacted 18,000 jhe following season. Livingston’s other fledd goals to the left knee. first period and on both of Sab- Referee Ron Wicks handed with a punt in the second peri- League umpires working the The winner was Danny Mur- baseman. to 14 consecutive American real leader of tne Orioles. at Madison Square Garden. Veteran John Havllcek and were from 16 and 27 yards in “ He’ll probably have to sit ourin’s shots. Ab McDonald majors to Picard and Young od. The Indians went on to a 24- series are New Englanders, Red taugh in Pittsburgh with Ralph Kiarsis Namei| ’"niere’s a young fellow up Houk of New York the runner- ’There is another NBA opener rookie Dave Oowens of Florida the first half that ended 6-6 out two baUgames, but he also was credited with assists and .minors to Sabourin and o halftime bulge and only a late T here now (major leag^ues) who Flaherty of Maynard, Mass., on the Sabourin goals. Bcn-deleau and Makl and Barry fumble at the Princeton goal Traveled Luggage Finds Home and Bob Stewart of Blackstone, up .. . One reason Pittsburgh listed, San Diego at CSllcago, state lead the (Jeltics who beat as Mike Mercer was accurate will be back,?’ Toner said. T o Division T earn looks like he’s going to be great. didn’t make the series was be­ but the Celtlcs-Knlcks tussle is jhe Knicks four times ip their from 16 and 29. “ There is nothing in the in­ Dune Wilson making only his Wilkins of Vancouver, who all line prevented the final score NEW YORK /(AP) — Dave Aurelio Rodriguez, who Detroit Mass. . .Only three members of the Orioles were not around for cause starting pitchers lost a the main attraction. Hie rival seven games last season. What provided the Chargers’ jury at all that rings of per­ second NHL start, had made 31 got into the fray at some point, from being larger. Kiarsis of 'Trinity, the nation’s just got from Washington in the combined total of 150 days due American Basketball Assocla- Before the game, which their short-lived one-point ad- manency or damage to the saves when the puck glanced Sophomore Dick Jauron con­ small college rushing leader, the 1969 series against the Mets, ■^1 Denny McLain deal. He’s the Hendrieks ^clivers to ailments of one kind or an­ tion opens its season on Vfednes- marks the start of the NBA’s vantage was a Livingston point- Joint.” upward off his stick and struck r’l l '■'D tinued to Impress Yale fans, and offensive tackle Yahcy Phil­ best fielding third baseman that Moe DrabowskyBob Grlch and other. day with Denver at Utah. 26th anniversary season, the after-touchdown try blocked by Clements, who has a 5- him on the side of the head, JL CFaII'Y gaining 117 yards—he has 384 lips of Delaware, a key man in I’ve seen since I’ve been In the Teny Crowley. . .EK) you know "Coach Red Holzman of the Knicks will be feted in an Tbm Williams. yard per carry average, is a dazing him momentarily. He •' for the season—and the Blue Hens’ top-ranked rush­ big leagues (15 years). There Baltimore’s Key .Hits Knicks has back the same play- awards ceremtmy at which m d senior from Southington. The went back to the Ice 31 secods S t « f\ W ‘ "'‘®® Brown. Joe Mas ing offense, were named today isn’t any play that he can’t ;ram Set ers who ripped off a 23-1 fast Commissioner Walter Kennedy ®ad®d to H a ^ s wtos we galnes he wUl miss are later and finished the game. ■- O -L ^ gey also scored for Yale and to the; Elastem College Athletic . make,? ’. tife master of unbelleYT , - BALTIMORE ( AB) ^ The suitcase .stickers .-getaway litoV se«s«»n--Jneludli,g wlU preside.. ..®®ck®d Uie quarterback fourquarterback of ag%lqsL .Maine, anti M usa- Conto'ence’a weekly Division. II able gems said. the six’ ffni'es h e' wiis' 'thrdWri TJto^ Vic^^ was. Mark Plinning tp crowd one another out on Elrod Hendricks a record l -g:ame ■winning ’Three NBA' teams make sev- chusett^ second of the sea^n agalr^t no V > lU U l I T A c l l I k all-siu squad. Robinson, hero of the opening 8 behind the line. well traveled luggage. - ^ ; Up to H elp streak—en route to hanging up' eral cuts in getting down to the losses and gave them - ^ d l ^ t - consecutive pf the season, Kiarsis carried 17 times for series win this fall against Cin­ ’There were stop-overS in such Hendricks flourished in the 181 yards and two touchdowns cinnati,- with a home run, also New York’s first NBA title, player limit Mionday. ed possession of the NHL West ^ Cornell tralldd Penn 31-17 aft- .exoUc spots as McCook, Neb., Mexican League and when he MIXEB8 — Ray Rowett 233- They .compiled a 60-22 regular- ’The Knicks released Ray Divlsion lead. in ’Trinity’s 14-16 victory over contributed sevairal defensive 212-608, Mike Mus^ko 220-579, Cathollp’s Tom Bailey has set a er three periods but scored 16 „ ' PhlUins was the ble Wellsvllle, Pa., Winnipeg, Manl- walloped 41 home runs In 1967, WSU Sports season record before beatiiig Hodge of Wagner Colleg^e. The plays. Baltimore baseball writ­ Tom Oppelt 210, Bruce Winot Comeback Won’t Be Spoile Detroit meets ..Montreal in the new course record. In his latest points in the fourth quarter to i-neinurnre rolled nn toba, El Paso, 'Tex., Seattle, the fans started tagging him the SALT LAKE CITY, Utah Baltimore, ADlwaukee and I/>s Chicago. BuUs cut John Davis, ers, who watch Brookle play Wash., and Nallsco, Mexico hor*e run king of Mexico, 2OO, Joe Dawotxl 203, Dave? only ganje In the NHL toight. attempt, he lowered Uie Wind- pull It out. Rick Furbush passed <»ro.ind in hont (AP) — Seven national collegi­ Angeles in the .playoffs. Alabama State, Lonnie Kluttz, Oriand. KurtenbSch nullified sor I ^ k s time to 12:69. The 40 yards to John Bozich with every day, claim they were only and, to tell the truth, Hendricks, “ i never could figure that White W , Don Berry 201-658, ate sports organizations, includ­ Some doubt that Dave De- of North Carolina A *T and WU- Bergnson’s opening-period goal old time was 13:03. less than three minutes left and ®y® ’ selected routine, but to this writer, and a naUve of the Virgin Islands, out,’’ he said. “ There were'bet- Mary Knight 188-494, Marie De- Qay Leaves Miami Beach ing the NCAA; have organized a Busschere, Bill Bradley, WUlU tie Griffin, Southern lUlnois. hundreds mbrp, almost impossi­ was getting a litUe weary. ■ ter guys ■ than me playing there Lucco 186, • Mary White 179, wfto assists from ex-Blue The Eagles (7-2) defeated the John Killian booted the winning . Quarterbacks Howie fund program to help bolster the Reed, Walt Frazier, Dick Bar- The Cleveland CavaUers, one Wayne Maki and Murray Hall host Windsor Locks..squad (3-7), point ble plays were turned into outs. “ I had just about made up my but I hit one out of the Mexico Barbara lligley 177-507, Lois faltering WiehitA State Universi­ Burke of Bucknell and. Tim nett. Mike Rlordan, pavq. Stall- of the mew |IBA clubs who open In Quest of Quarry Bout with just 49 seconds gone In the 20-37, yesterday afternoon. Earlier In the period, Ed Ma- “ I’ve .'"been very happy with mind to stay in Mexico,” said City. Stadium -one time and no- Johnson 177-477, Eleanor Ror ty athletic program. Brennan of Gettysburg and full­ this year,” the balding Bird donin 176-489, Esther Derench worth ''and Cazzle Russell, can • at Biiffalo Wednesday, asked «M11 ..n o oath unA;.!, pcriod. . VARSITY RESULTS: Bailey, rinaro scored his, second touch- Hendricks, the catcher who has body had done that before.” ' ’The action came Monday in MIAMI BEACH (AP) — Mu WlllaM on a 26th round knock- ^ gj, collab- (EC) 12:89; 2. Marino (EC); down of lift game and run for a back Gordon Taylor of Southern said. “ I. .have to admit that I 467. put it all together again. waivers on Al Hairston, Al delivered key hits in -Balti- Eventually, Hendrieks’ conjunction with a meeting of and hammad All snarled and de (Jonnecticut. was a little worried when the more’s first two World Series chance came, thanks to Earl the National Association of Col­ These doubters point out that Jackson, Gleim Vldnoclc “ I’m looklmr forward to facing orated with Terry Crisp to score 3. Gragonoltl (WL); 4. CTlfford two-point conversion. Marinaro. Defensive honors went to ends season started. My batting aver­ MERCHANTS — Mack Mitch­ the New York Jets and the New Loy Peterson. V dared his boxing com®back thoL glw i^ a ^ r ^ y r t h e mo™^ me f ^ (EC); f —Hamedy ' ______1956, their first triumph any- WllUe Boynton of Springfield, you just resign yourself to stay­ RAINBOW — Dorothy Dey day workouts. Rose has gone hitless in the two previous World Series outings. “ I switched to a heavier bat catcher. ' the Coiorado Rockies. bout with Jerry Quarry. At 216, -■------where over the Crimson since Halfback Joe Bonasera of and my average went up, just ing where you are.” 126, Ellen Seymour 126-126-364. Dick Reidenbaugh, executive he weighs the same as when he 1961 and the highest point total Bowdoln was named "sopho- one point over .275, but I was So, ElUe stayed where he was, “ You know,”, said Weaver, vice-president of the Wichita last boxed sigainst Zora FVilley by a (Columbia Warn in the ser-'m ore of the Week” . satlstleld. I hit the ball more to quite content with the $10,(X)0 or “ all of organized baseball un­ PARKADE DUSTY — Everett Celtics New Look so he was making in the Mexi- dersold the quality of the Mext State board of trustees, told rep­ Surprised and Hurt right field and center field.” Smith 247-208-614, Ed Yourkas resentatives of the sports organ­ I Sports Slate | BOSTON (AP) — The Boston Celtics hope to offset ^ Actually, Robinson upped his can League. “ We lived veRr can League. ’There afe players 256-580, ‘ Leroy Riggpt 209, Ro- izations he doubted Wichita youthful inexperience with speed and desire tonight ' "it’s almost impossible for a batting average 60 points In weU, and I was happy,” he ex- of major league abiUty down OPENING FRI., OGT. 16—6 A.M. lahd Smith 203, Joe Hunt 202, State could keep an athletic pro­ ’TODAY when they open their 25th National Basketball Associa- man Uke Quarry to catch me one year and his 18 homers plained. “ But In the back of there but some ot them aren’t Ted Bldwell 201, Ed Spence 208- Tony C’s Readtions Phone 643-7177 . gram alive without outside help. tion season against the champion Knicks at New York’s when I'm moving like i ^ Open W eekdays tiU 9 • Sat. tlU 6 helped drive in 94 runs. youi' mind, you always wish you ■willing to leave their, homeland. 201-677, Will Gagne 223-566, Don Soccer , Those groups participating in Cheney Tech at Avon RENO, Nev. (AP) — Tony Conigliaro, who hit 36 iTx j- _ - - ______— now,” he said, rubbing ills flat I credit my good reflexes could get that‘ shot at the big Fortunately for us, Mexico Isn’t Ostberg 205, Bob Averill'2J2-569, the fund pre^am have pledged Madison Square . beUy.“Don’tforget,healh’t'nev- Elite’s homeland.” Bacon Academy at Coventry and strong arm due to the fact leagues.” Ed Bach 204, Tom Kershaw 230- financial : ■ contributions. ’They homers and drove in 116 runs for the Boston Red Sox “ We have a lot of young legs dyn^ty ^^® ^® er fought the fastest heavy- Suffield at Ellington and they like to run/’ Coach bench In favor of the front office » hiatorv ** RAirS TACKLE SHOP 568, Mike Lettieri 211. also have' promised to solicit this year, says he was surprised and “ hurt” by his trade Windsor Locks at South Wind- Tommy Helnsohn told the C «- in 1966. Now 63. he will continue ^ nnlshed to Miami Beach funds. ------to the California Angels. .. ______* L . 252 SPRUCE STREET GARDEN GROVE — Kay sor ■ Conigliaro, vdio dodged Bos------tics’ Uual Tap-Off Dinner to serve as general manager. ’The participating organi­ Cross Country Fountain 133-127-365, Olga Colla Monday night before the team The Celtics got down to the Atlanta on Wednesday for fl- MANCHESTER zations are: the NCAA, the Na­ Suffield at Ellington ton sports . writers after an- jtnow what he’s talking about. It 128-367. tional Association of Collegiate noimcement o{ the trade Sunday hurts me. I’ve always given 100 left for New York. “ We’Re going i2-player limit by asklpg walv- tuneups after sU weeks of Plalnville at Rockville to make them run, and ruh, apd ers on rookie' forwarjl Jon Me- ^ugg^ gym .^vork and predawn Directors of Athletics, the Col­ Rham at Windham night, talked 'freely after he ar- hehl ” - Plsfiing Tockk •Fly Tyinq Maiartob 585 005CVIERI0AL — Harry lege Sports Information Direc­ run. • Kenndy of Norfolk State M d nmnlng on a Miami Beach golf Euckmihster 138, George Barb­ Although surprised' by tors, the Football’ Foundation WEDNESDAY OCT. 14 — “Ukd t i » Celtics In/the past, placing flrat year guard Rex geyme. ______• k * Filhillf ftMT ____ X- er 151-380, Ted Lawrence 140-376, deal,, Tony admitted ''you al­ and Hall of Fame, the Collegiate fit was a, good shock,” the we want a team of 12 players Morgan of Jacksonville on the scales, man. It’s Tony Yacono 136-350, Fred Cross Country ways consider you might’ be Commissioners Association, the 25-year-old outfielder said. "I dedicated to winning basketball injured list. Morgan will miss at ^15 ^njj a half,” said the de- Riccio 143-166-161-470; Mike Bolton at East Hampton trad^.” ' games. Our ballplayers are not least five games because of a champion. “ Remember Football Writers Assoiciatlon of never thought It would be me.” Kelly 365, Mai Darling 364, America and the American THURSDAY OCT. 15 “And believe It or not, if I was paid for points scored. ’Iliey’re finger fracture. when I showed up here welgh; Henry Luneski 356, Fred Oakes Conigliaro was sent with Football Coaches Association. Soccer going to be traded I wanted it to paid on the basis of contribution Surviving the cut were three jng 280? I loot the_ only 16 GAS DISCOUNTED 142-361; Dave Duchemln 147-360, catcher Jerry Moses and pitch­ Platt at Manchester be to New York or California.” to the team.” . ' rookies, Dave (Jowens of Florida pounds that didn’t count.” Art Schmidt 135, Hoppy Cassidy er Ray Jarvis to California lor Cross Country relief specialist Ken ’Tatum, out­ ’The Celtics, vriio hold a record Statd, Garfield Smith of Eastern ah kept mumbling the name 137, Ray Martin 138, Lamar 365. Celts’ Morgan Hurt 11 NBA. championships,- missed Kentucky and WllUe WUllams of gf Jack Johnson, the early 20th BOSTON (AP) — Rex Mor­ Spffield at South Windsor fielder Jarvis Tatum aitd second SAVE CASH-NO STAMPS the playoffs for the first timd in Florida State. Century hea'vywelght king. gan, the Boston Celtics’ 6- baseman Doug Griffin, who hit Delaware Leads FRIDAY OCT. 16 19 years last season. ’They hope “ We’ve been banging heads “ I can’t do like Jack John- foot-5 rookie from Jacksonville, .326 and stole 35 bases for Ha­ to rebound this season with out- for about a month now and son,’ ’ (he said, “ coming up 1971 COMETS Is nursing a fractured index fin­ Soccer waii in the Pacific Coast League In Cup Balloting SEI TIM MORIARTY Cheney Tech at East Hampton this season. standing young’ prospects and a we’re ready to go," HavUcek against the Great White Hope ger on his left htind. couple of top veterans, Capt. said. “ Everyone is irritable and and losing. ’That just can’t hap- The Celtics reported Friday Bolton at Bacon Academy NEW YORK (AP) — Dela­ Conigliaro salcThe was unable John Havllcek and Don Nelson, itchy, raring to go." pen. As long as I can dance, ORDER THE (IT60 SISR from that Morgan was injured when Vinal Tech at Coventry , ware received seven of the eight $2217. to understand Boston General “ We’re not interested in dy- E. E. “ Woody” Erdman, the Quarry ain’t gonna catch me. COMPLETt AUTO REPAIRING he jammed his hand against the Ellington at Stafford Manager Dick 0 ’(Jonnell’s state­ first-place votes in this week’s Rockville at Newington nasties—we’rd only interested in Celtics’ board chairman-who re- “ Quarry can’t dance for long, boards in an intra-squad game ment that Tony and his younger balloting for the Lambert Cup SPFr.lALlZING INVOLKSWAGENS Cross Country winning,” General Manager cently rejected an offer to pur- Long as I can dance, ain’t no- MORIARTY Thursday night at Peterbor­ brother, Billy, were a liability following a 36-20 victory over ^ Select Ueed O a » . Bristol al Manchester Red Auerbach told the dinner chase the club, said his group body gonna catch me.” ough, N.H. ’The flngdr was put together and “ are better off sep­ Lafayette and held a 79-67 lead Bacon Academy at Rham after an announcement that he has “ no intention to move the , (Concerning Johnson, All was Dally 7 a j i . to 16 [ ^ 1 ( 3 - 1 3 7 BROTHERS in splints, but the Celtics hope arated.” today over runner-up Sprlng;- that Morgan may be ready for East Catholic at Northwest had been named president of Boston Celtics.” probably referring to the 1915 “ My brother and I are very field, which got the other No. 1 the club. '"Ihey’re a landmark; they’re title bout the Negro boxer lost / (AP Ptiolotex III ( riilfi .Miini lif i<’i the National Basketball Associa­ Rockville at Woodrow Wilson close,” Tony said."I really and ballot. Auerbach took over as coach part of New England heritage,” to white boxer Jess Willard. ’Ihe OUT FRONT — Red Berenson of the St. Louis Blues ( not in photo) fires puck tion opener with the champion Fort Shantox Invitational, past Vancouver’s goalie, Berenson was assisted by Bordeleau and Keenan in play. riiune (i i;5-')L l’> Knicks at New York ’Tuesday “ East Lyme, ^uth Windsor, honestly don’t know what, he The Blue Hens have a 4-1 of thd Celtics in 1960 and built a Erdman told the Tap-Off Club., fight in Havana finally went to I night. Montville means by a liability. I don’t record to Springfield's 4-0 a :T MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1970 PAGE SEVENTEEN p a g e s ix t e e n MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESffeR. CONN;, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 13, 1970 with MAJOR HOOPLE BY SHORTEN end WHIPPLE BUGGS BUNNY OUK BOARDING HOUSE Business Services THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW Help Wanted— .Help Wanted—Male 36 Offered 13 Female 35 ------.- DIP He ^HcppDBABuy PART-TIME, 8-3, Monday, BUT OVER THE JUST KEEP YER EYE ON THAT • fHoW Aiiwer !• rff*5oM« Fynl* T he JDV6 OF nature- you suv b ir d - A nd where do thev leave tHeir I'M HERE TD FIX YER WHAT A R E t h a t HEABTUE ) PtPNT„.rrS CLASSIFIED SHARPENING Service — Satvs CHAMBERMAIDS, week - Wednesday and Friday, de­ •YOU DEPENPS PHONE YOU TOLD AUTERMATIC -rm eR ! ,----- gOAJZD y nUCT He ■ SEED THE BUSHe l FOR YOUR LITTLE THANK-YOU N0TE6 ? STOPPEOUP t------OUT, HOOPLE, , CAtZCFUL, Scrambler N F knives, scissors, garden and ends. Apply in person Fiano’s liver and stock. Apply In per­ SINK, ELM EPlj THANK YOU GOING TO ON ME I'D KNOW CORTT-L I B(2 0 WW/ THE ‘ WAS |2BSUUA(2 0 U FEATHERED FRIENDS - ^ Motor Inn, 100 East C/enter St. E -X A C rC f HOW BU MUCH IT WOULC?, KvOtC' AMNP ABOUT WOULD B e BPOWNT /THE LAST 4 Preposition paired and serviced. Pick up 466 Hartford Rd., Manchester. [so PWOMPTLY: ACROSS X T BETTER FILL TtlE FEEDER WNAT a SIGHT fir r TAItTPQI COST V o U UFWST TO .-^TINVe HE PE- 5 Enclosing ADVERTISING and delivered. Sharpall, 686 1 Precipice c3 i_ F0(2.-THAT, UEAIZM HOVU POSITEP FIVE barrier AG Ain , DEAR! WE MUST SlGNTf IT'g ISN’T WORTH 6 Scrulinites rsj 1 M Adams St. (rear) Manchester; <) /VOLIPeMT/ •jtDU StZBET B e BUCL^, HE 6 Beginning CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS : EVERY BIRD iKl 'NORTH iTf irf ■ NURSE’S Aide, 11 to 7 shift. 11 Demigods 1 X 643-6306. PEFDSITDPS,' PEMANPEP A 7 Vehicle TNE COUNTY MERE.' Call 649-4619. ALLIED PAYS TOP c a l e n d a r , a n d 13 Sculptor s 8 Indonesians 8 AJH. to 4:30 P.M. A FREE PEN/ product of Mindanao YOU ARB A-1. Truck Is A-1. 14 Everlasting WAGES 9 Unclothed COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Cellars, attics, yards, drive­ IMAGINE A NEW YEAR (poet.) 10 Was observed ways sealed and small truck­ 15 Formal 12 Aquatic I g g WITH NO BILLS PRINTING PLANT display 4:30 P.M. DAY BEFORE PUBUCA'nON ing done A-1 right. CYill Tre- mammals Deadline for Saturday and Monday"ls 4:30 p.m. Friday mano Trucking Service toll- 16 Weights (ab.) 13 Exhausted shelter 44 Cleansing Selling for CTiristmas now— 17 Provide substance First Shift 18 Social event 31 Symbol for free. 742-9487. beautifully designed and T>C t*«. UA NL OH. with food 45Gudrun’s 2UYYlUlu.-«20 Withdraw packaged AVON products. 19 Oriental coin husband PLEASE READ YOUR AD STEPS,, sidewalks, stone walls O 21 Glossy fabrics 32 Steamship Call now: 289-4922. CHIEF 15 OPERATOR 20 Mollifies 22 Desert nomad , (myth.) Classified or “Want Ads” are taken over the phone as a fireplaces, flagstone terraces 22 Winglike 47 W ife of ■:l. Experience necessary In 23 Cotton fabric 36 Gem, for convenience. The advertiser should read his ad the FIRST ALLEY OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN parts Geraint All concrete repairs, both in­ color and register. 24 Species of instance 25 Was seated 48 Anatomical DAY IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS in tlihe lor the side and outside railings, land­ pier (arch.) 37 Oriental 26 Encourage tissue . next insertion. The Herald Is responsible lor only ONE in­ THATB RIGHT/ THE ...AND TH' MEN'D HAFTA 27 Caliber porgy scaping. Reasonably priced. HOW ABOUT A BIG W ING-) Y'MEAN HAVE 49 Biblical correct or'omitted insertion lor any advertisement and then MULTI-LITH OPERATOR DING VPOy TRIBU TE TO J BANQUET, WOMEN UOULP PRESENT YOU WITH 30ou Leases 38 J500KBook oiof mapmaps Call 643-0851. VOUR SERVICE TO TH' V INSTEAD______OF ..A .FURNISH TH' SU ITA BLE G IFT S, THONOR 32 Kitchen range before 41 Highlanders garden' only to the extent ol a “ make good” Insertion. Errors which FOR MATURE Experience necessary. CITIZENS OF MOO? BIRTHDAY PARTY? Tl FOOD YOUR U3NG TENURE ••W•33 CaoerCaper events <2,,1 Natural fat 51 John (Gaelic) do not lessen the value ol the advertisement will not be UGHT trucking, odd Jobs, also IN O F F IC E .' Jh e M He Wr o t e 34 Enticing 29 Canvas 43 Amperes (ab.) 53 Number corrected by “ niake good” Insertion. moving large appliances. iA corders for rent. Marlow’s, 867 ______A S A NEED CAR? Credit very bad? SOLICITOR Phone 628-4113 Main St., 649-5221. SAM WATSON Plumbing and Bankrupt,til I arepossession? a# voo wooA • aavaaHon- EIGHT foot ^pick-up ^ Camper, ^ __ _ , __ » J i SHELL DEALER Experienced preferred, hut PRCX5RAMMER — One - year est Douglass accepts lowest ‘deal for half-ton truck. Sleeps TUNIN^and band in- Heating _ Bathroom '’emode * not necessary, will train. experience In RPG required. ing and repairs. Free esti­ j d H down, smallest payments, any­ 2, ice box, and stove. 649-4933. gtrument repairing by Hartt Salary phis commission. Local. To $180. Fee paid. Rita BY CRANE mates. Call 649-3808. Help Wanted— Male 36 BUZZ SAWYER R O Y where. Not small loan finance College of Music graduate. Ambitious man desired now Hours 9 to 4 p.m.—4 to 8:30 Personnel, 646-4040. company plan, for existing 3-bay service p.m. RETAILING — Retail back­ JUST A FRIENPLY WARNING, OLD Douglas Mo- jg, SHASTA trailer 1961, $760. Ward Krause., 643-5336. station with high gallonage, BUPPY-BOY*. KEEP AWAY FROM tors, 346 Main. Call 643-9632. Millinery. located in Tolland, Conn. Call 643-2493 ground required — any type. ALL AROUND men, we clean Openings at all levels. Fee MYCIRL. 1966 PLYMOUTH Fury H, 4- attics, cellars, garages, re­ 19 Exc/ellent opportunity for ODULECT AAV ^ Dressmaking aggressive type individual. paid. Rita Personnel, 646-4040. RIGHT.' NOW WHAT ARE door sedan, V-8, automatic, move trees, etc. Reasonable. MEAT unemployment Trucks— ^Tractors 5 NOW that children are going You GOING TO DO V Free estimates. 628-0670. TROUBLE finding minis? Cus­ CHECK. radio, power steering, extra back to school, do you have wheels. 643-2880. 1946 CTIEVROLET half-ton tom made dresses, ladies suits, SHELL OFFERS pick-up with 327 engine, com­ gowns and alterations. Prompt 15-20 hours a week to work COMPOSITOR CUTTERS 1964 CHRYSLER Newport, 4- pletely rebuilt, excellent con­ Building— service. Call 649-1133. • Paid Training right In your own school area? door, radio, automatic, power dition. Much more. $200. or • Financing Available Field Enterprises will thor­ Some experience required Contracting 14 • Insurance & Retirement' oughly train you to sell edu­ In forms makeup for verti­ c steering, power brakes. 46,000 best offer. 876-6676. FULL AND PART-TIME Pl/ins cational mate,rlals. Average miles, $560 or best offer. Like MASONARY — All types of Moving— Trucking— • And many more benefits cal letterpress. Company ) 1170 h NEA, W.. T.M. P«t. Oft. .new, one owner, 643-9708, 4 stone and concrete work. No commislon Is almost $60 per benefits include paid medi­ Storage 20 sale. Call 643-2991. cal and life Insurance for Immediate openings for full Uttle St. TraDers— job too small. FTee estimates. and part-time Meat Cutters. “ O K , Mom, if you don't have any work for me to do, Delivery- GET tllE FACTS employe and dependents, re­ Mobile Homes 6>A Quality workmanship. Work MANCHESTER EXPERIENCED saleslady for tirement and stock purchase .■'■5 *, how about a little unemployment compensation?" 1968 CX>RVETTE, 427, Coupe, guaranteed. Out of season light trucking and package de­ Call collect days: 203-289- & low mileage, $3,300. PTione 649- junior and pre-teen depart­ -plan, liberal vacation, five- Join a small, but progres­ 1969 CAMP Trailer, sleeps 6. rates. Call after 6 p.m., .643- livery. RefrigeiJ^tors, washers 1521, Mr. Palumbo. Eve­ ment of quality specialty store day week (8 to 4:30). Call lO'fy 8690 after 6 p.m. or days 289- sive high - volume super­ Stove, refrigerator, sink, heat­ 1870 or 644-2975. and stove moving?—specialty. nings, 649-0294, Mr. Beaton. located downtown Manchester, O. G. Price for interview ap­ 9321. market chain.' Earn high­ MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD er, electricity. $1,060. 646-2463 Folding chairs for rent. 649- full-lime only need apply. Call pointment at 875-0731. after 7 p.m. CARPENTRY — concrete steps, 0762. est area wages. Enjoy T 1966 GTO, excellent condition, 643-2128 between 9:30 - 4:30. i n r floors, hatchways, remodeling many outstanding advan­ OUT TO DO SOME OUT FOR A WALK! 389 engine, tri-power, and SHOPPING' DO 1 I LIKE THE BY MILTON CANIFF porches, garages, closets, ceil­ SHELL OIL COMPANY BURROUGHS CORP. tages, such as, pleasant STEVE CANYON much more, $1,400. or best of­ working conditions, excellent HAVE YOUR PERMISSION, NIGHT AIR' ) Auto Driving School 7-A ings, attics ilnished, rec Painting— Papering 21 Route 30 DEAR BROTHER? fer. 876-6676. 477 Conn. Blvd. fringe benefits and liberal KEEPON TAUKINO '^F C0UR5E,l'V^ NOW-GO ON ABOin^ K vIY h u s b a n d w a s a ir CR£w \/. . .THE VIET C0N6 TOLD THE R EI^ rooms, formica, ceramic, Oth- RN or LPN part-time or full- /WAY RETURN NOT KN0WIN6 IF YOU ON A B-52 WHICH PIP NOT CR04S THAT THEY HAVE NO RO.W. DAY’S Drl'vlng School — 26 er related work. No job too JOSEPH P. LEWIS Custom . Harlford Conn Tolland, Conn., 06084 profit sharing plan. /VIR5. REOi I'L L 1966 RAMBLER Classic, 4-door, T^nintlnp- Inff-Hor nnrt exterinr. Lasl riariioro, i.^onn. Ume 11-7. Call 649-4519. PUTTER AROUND- IT TOMORROW, ARE A WIDOW OR RETURN FROM A MISSION v NAMED BEO... years professional driving ex­ small. Dan Moran, Builder. , Painting, interior and exterior, NOT. OVER VIET NAM, BUT HE standard 6, good condition. 649- BUT THAT WON'^ BUT ONE DAY I SAW HIM perience. Call 649-6160. ’ Evenings, 649-8880. paperhanging, fully- insured. Apply to Dave Wiater BE YOUR'FAULT WASN'T REPORTED KILLED.'/ A NEWSREEL FROM HANOI 7109. Fol" free estimates call 649- OIL BURNER Service man PIZZA and grinder shop in an II ABOUTAMERICAN PRISONERS.' LEON Cieszynski builder—new 9658. If no answer 643-6362. CLERK to' $175. Fee paid. Rita Person- 1966 RVETTE, new 427, with excellent Main St. location. homes custom built, remodel- - - nel. 646-4(M0. TOP NOTCH FOODS ■; headers', “Hirrst, • modified ■ sus­ •'(n—take Tn -a- paHner.- Good” opportunity ifor qviaH- B i c y c l e TT mg. ad'dlUoHi.7i? roomir 1150 Burnside Avenue pension, two tops, $2,600.. 649- rages, kitchens remodeled, iriterior and exterior painting, equlppedi sensible fied person to work In a JANITORS —experienced, part- 1053. BLUE Schwinn Stingray, good bath tile, cement work. Steps, paper hanging. Thirty years lease'. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, small office within our or­ . time. Rockville area. Call 643- 'East Hartford, Conn. condition. $20. Call after 6:30, dormers. Residential or com­ experience, four generations. 643-1577. ganization. Telephone exper- • 6691 3 to ,6 p.m., only. Phone 528-4113 1968 GAMARO, Rally sport, 327- Free estimates, ’ fully -insured. ------I 210 h.p., 3-speed, console, ex­ 643-4673. mercial.' Call 649-4291. ience desired, and must also 643-73(51 ERANCHISE , • have a good figure apti- FULL-TIME school custodians, tras. Immaculate condition. ~~ ■ . ■" HALLMARK Building Co. for second shift. Excellent bene- ^ ^ ~f F A L L ^ A good lime to have It seems that one of the most tude. Company offers excel- $1,760 or beet offer. 643-9749 af-! Business Services home improvement, additions, fits. Contact Office of Chief of DATA Processing Opportunl- your house painted. Call Rich- common words in the English^, ,l^ t wages, and working con- ter 6 :30. Anytime on week- rec rooms, houfee 'palnling, Malntenance, South Windsor ties. Managers,/Project, lead- ends/ Offered 13 ard E. Martin, 649-4411, 649-''*’ ' Pro- bmeuoeelanguage today is the word diUbns, convenient i 'freecpp Board of Education, Timothy ers. Analysts,/ programmers. MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK IBDGEWAY garages, roofing, gutters. Free parking and an excellent frde estl- franchise, and everyone is of- Edwards School, South Wind- *25,WX). Fee paid. Rita Per- . FREE - 1061 c o m e t 'W agoh S H A R P E ^ G Service - Saws estimates. All work guaran­ fessional painters, . free benefit program. A N D y o j o B E T T E R B E ' fering a new and unique twist sor, or call 644-2410. sonnel, 646-40^. DARN ,ITJ' DID I LA N D ■ with purchase of 7 good tires, knives, tu^s, shears, skates, teed. 646 0202. mate, ', " PREfiARED FOR A VER/ ______j______to this typ-' of business. Well, I SLICHO! IN A T R A P ? radio and heater. , $226.. 646- rotary bla^a^ Quick service. Apply: «• TOUGH SECOND SHOT. BY mCK CAVALU Capitol Equli«nent Co., 38 DORMERS, garages, porches, CONTRACTOR: — Interior, ex- we hope you’re ready for this! WINTHROP rec rooms,' room additions, terior painting, paper hanging. We also have the greatest frdn- ' Main St. I Manchester. Hours FIRST NATIONAL kitchens, add-a-levels, roofing. Discount on wallpaper. Call chise ever offered in the nation dally 7:30-5, Thursday, 7:30-9. STORES 1963 PLYMOUTH, good running siding, general repairs. Quality Oscar Hebert* 646-3048. today. . W H A T fe 'rOOR FAVORilB IT^ A TD6S-LJP BETWEBY TWE I W O N D E R W H Y H E L E F T condition, needs paint $225. Saturday, 7 :30-4. 643- WANTED WANTED 0 7 H(STORI(3Al_ d(DHN6TDWN FUDOD AND T H E OLIT THE BLACK R LA 30E? PARK & OAKLAND Call 649-3390, after 5' p.m. in s id e —outside painting. Spe- if you are truly interested in a Young men or retired men FIRST CLASS E V E / v J T O F A U - T / A L E / ' SAN f=RANC(6CD EARTHQLAKE. MANCHESTER Tree ServlcV — able. Economy j.^jgg jqj. people over 65. sound business investment with AVENUES to train for meat counter . -N A e r v .? .....— 1*63 FORD- Wagon, ideal sec­ Specializing in. tree . remnyaU , 643^6169,. «72rQ947 .g Y e n ln g ?:. Call' tny-coi'iipelltors/' then call - .ilie'backiti^'uf -sc- goad- reputable ■ MEAT GUTTER aniS cutting. V ond family car, standard shift, pruning, shrubs, lots cleared. SAVE MONISY! Past ser^ce. me. Estimates given. 649-7863. company, then write us and see^ feABT HARTFORU, good condition. 644-1760 after Fully insured. Call 649-6422. CONN. to service meats in Man-1 .4? _ Dormers, room additions, ga­ if what we. have to offer is as Chester vicinity. Man able! 1 p.m. MR. R’s decorating sem’ice. Apply In person to: TRbE SERVICE (Souiiier) — rages, , porches, roofing and good as we say it Is. to sam over $11,(X)0 year I .Painting, interior and exterior in 5-day week, plus bene-1 VOLKSWAGEN square back, Trees cut, building lots clear­ siding. Compare prices. Add- paper and vinyl hanging. Free As with all other franchises it MATURE woman wanted a* . 1969, automatic, snow tires in­ ed, trees topped. Got a tree A-Level Dormer Corp. ^ 289- MEATOWN , fit*. State experience and I Estimates. 568-8089. does take get Into this companion for elderly lady. No refexences In reply to Box I cluded. Excellent condition. problem! Well worth , phone 0449. business, but unlike other com heavy housework and no laun­ 1216i/t Sliver Lane y ; "NN” , ManchesterH/erald. I PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VEII^ER 847-1863. call,. 742-82612. ------"j 11 PAINTING and paper hanging, *io»ii|iq wo guarantee 1000?) re- dry. Live-in one week, off sec­ East Hartford, Conn. CARPENTRY and remodeling j^^grtor and exterior, rdsiden, y o u ^ t X t Inv^Tment 1948 PLYMOUTH coupe with TIMBERLAND Tree Seikrii ond week, Work alternate PeSKV I^W HV ' weeks. Pleasant surroundings. (SlW-Sl-l/r . ^RC?F»OS^ C l ACCEPT.A^ oca. modified 383 engine. Call 643- tree removal, p r u ^ g , shrubs. IT d iO ^ ^ M ^ T arages. Cali '^ b T p 't fre"2'”esUmlte 0^ ^ 647“ from PRO PO SE^ cA\m4 Write Box S, Manchester Her­ THEV ______SertTncrrndrr^S ______^*914 or 643-9347. ald. B E A T < OLDSMOBILE, 1968, CuUaiB su- g^^ gsUmates. C/all 647- NEWTON H. SMITH * .SONS— APARTMENTS, houses, and on reference exchange before >T?^ CLEANING woman wanted, 3-4 CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER preme, 4-door hardtop, 30,000 9479. Remodeling, repairing, ■ addi­ places of business need paint- an interview is granted. Please, miles, power brakes and steer- tions, rec rooms, porches and • only the sincere who -are ac­ days weekly. Permanent posi­ Ing? "Interior. Free estimate tion. S ^ n d name, address, ■ a BLAZERS BI.PRITCH'WA^ HOtPIWG ' ing, alr-cohditloner. Excellent t RENCMING and drainage roofing. No job too small. Call tually looking for an opportun­ Good prices. Anytime, phone number and references THAT BROOM IM THE PH0T0t...WA5’ condlUofl. Asking J|2,300. 643- work, apecialista in bulldozing 649-3144. ity' need apply. THAT WHAT PIARV MEAMT BY 7617. to Box R., Manchester Herald. 4286. and grading, fully injured. Also loam, fill and gravel for N. J. LaFlamme Carpenter ^ - ___ T. For further information, write All replies confidential. Writ-' ARE YOU LOOKIl^G 1966 BUICaC," 2-door V-8. Sky­ sale. LatuUppe Brothers Inc., contractor. Additions, remod- Franchise Director, Dept. 33, Ing ability not required.'- lark, blue,.....many extras. Floor Finishing 24 lOl W esr Fifth Avenue, S'eotts 872-4368, 742-9477. - — -----ellng.. and zepalTB. Call. _aiat_ = dale,; Arizona 86252, and please l ic e n s e d practical nurse Priced to sell, $800. 643- ______time for free estimate. 875- FLOOR SANDING, and refin include phone number. graduate. Conn, license. 3 p.m. 2389. CLEANING — Interior —both 1942. ishlng (specializing in older to 11 p.m., five week days. FOR A FUTURE ? ? residential and commercial. floors). Inside painting. Cell^ C W NIA, tmc. IM. lAj. U L 1962 CHEVROLET wagon, V-8, Satisfactory work guaranteed. WES ROBBINS Small nursing home. Rock­ ings, etc. No job too small. ville, 875-9121. power steering, automatic. For friendly free estimates, modeling ' ” specialist. Additions,... j*. Private Instructions 32 A SECURE FUTURE! NO LAYOFFS!! One owner.Excellent con­ John Verfallle, Bolton. call Suburban Floor Mainten­ rec rooms, dormers, porches, PRIVATE LESSONS — Angelo ge?T MY FREE catalog. Earn BY COKER and PENN dition. Best offer. Call 742- YOU WILL ALWAYS HAVE A JOB!!! LANCELOT ance,«649-9229. cabinets, formica, built-ins, Gesmundo. Clarinet and Saxa- $50, $100-even more in name 7880. bathrooms, kitchens, 649-3446, < FIP WE / n o t (SUITE. ^ 6 ‘VRANO THINKG Bonds— Stocks phone. Graduate Hartt Ck)I- brand merchandise. Help your WHEN‘/OU G ET A LU GAV- TWO YOUNG married men \A / R a EEMEAft^ER GHOUUD 1964 PONTIAC, BonneviUe, 2- ' lege. Public school music edu­ friends diop at home. Write NEW K?<5,THE(2E VO&FOOR, Y I , will do small repair jobs and Mortgoges 27 Learn To Be A Printer il / AALEA l 5 H, EVER'/THIUon’t delay condition, body perfect. $476. ed. Reasonable. For free esti­ talk of the town with a live or­ Lundy Agency, 627-7971 interested in home decorating? day to Friday, 1 to 5 p.m., 289- 643-2444. mates call 643-9112. chestra. Call 247-7135, •232-5475. Main St., Hartford. Evenings, 233-6879. (Something 'new, something 5806. VOLKSWAGEN 1964 - good con­ SNOW Removal — A & A Snow CREATIVE Catering offer------— - different) $50.-$100. weekly. WOMAN for part-time counter ilatirl^PHtpr lEonttnAj Ifprald dition. $625. Call after 6 p.m.. removal. Don’t wsdt to be Ing formal dining, modem buf- MORTGAGES — 1st. and 2nd., Cdll 528-0505. work 1-6:30 p.m. daily. Apply 646-4874. snowefl InIn. Make arrange-arrange­ feta, cookouts, stag parties mortgages—interim financing 13 BISSELL ST. — MANCHESTER, CONN. — expedient and confidential HAIRDRESSER, a small ag- In person, Swiss Laundiy, 521 1963 FORD Falcon, 2-door, ments now at our pre-season created especially for you. 24 la -a C^. OmI >1^11 C«>^ servtce. J. D. Real Estate gressive shop, full time. 649- Middle Turnpike East, Man­ 1% clean, automatic, goood running rates. Plowing done at season Leggett St., East Hartford, e im w MIA. he. Assoc. 643-5129. 3906. Duet Beauty Studio. chester. condition. $800. CaU 649-9U9. rates or by the job. 646-3467. 528-5348. V ;■ : v

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALp; MANCHES^R, CONNi, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1% 1970 PAGE NINE'TEEN PAGE EIGHTEEN MAi^CHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN..- TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1970 . Housds For Sale 72 Heusos Fop Sale 72 Houses Fop Sole 72 ...,J4ouses For Sole 72 Houses Fop Sale 72 Out of Town Boats and Accessories 46 Business Cdcations Investment Property Vernon MAN()h e S’TER — 8-room Colo­ TWO-FAMILY, 3-3 flat, garage, ______For Sole 75 For Rent 64 For Sale 70-A MANCHESTER Two-family, MANCHES’TER — Immaculate OERICH Marine Service 1082 nial, four bedrooms, 1% baths. corner lot. ^nvenlent loca- vBRNON — Modem 6-room Co­ Tolland Tpke., Buckland. to shop- needs work, excellent poten­ 7-room Ranch, fireplace, ga­ 113 E.' CENTER ST."-— New of- MANCHESTER cloike rage, carpeting in all rooms, recreation toom and two ga- tion. Braithwaite Agency, 649- lonial. Ttoree bedrooms, two * CLASSIFIED Evinrude Sales' and , service 4 room tial. Asking 316,900. Three- rages, on a rural % acre lot. T 0 \ / F T V OAPF «93.. Parochial School Pupil Denied flees, air-conditioned, off- plng,< i-famlly with . gorgeous yard. Asking 326,900'. king sized, sewing' room, spa­ and 'Evinrude snowmobile apartments, ■ 4-car garage, new family, needs work, excellent Asking 325,90Q. Philbrick Agen- ^ C L 1 E , ------street parking, ideal for pro­ BYechette Realtors, 647-9963. cious living room with fire­ sales and service. Boating- fessionals. vMany extras. 1,100 heating systems and roof, Mid potential. ' Asking ^ 321,900. cy. Realtors, 646-4200. MANCHESTER — U & R, 7- Frechette Realtors, 647-9993. Here is a home Mrlto today’s room deluxe Cfolonlal, 2Vt place, formal dining room, ADVERTISING Snowmobile accessories. square feet, will subdivide. 30’s. Hayes Agency, 646-6131. 1 Special Ed. Class Enrollment SIX-ROOM older home in good essentials and tomorrow’s baths, double garage. Ex­ wall-to-wall carpeting, % Beechler - Tanguay, 646-2212. concUtion, 319,000. Comer lot, Manchester' baths, large lot with a view. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS 1968 GLASTRON fibreglas boat, MANCHESTER I - business MANCHESTER — 3-ffllinlly, 4-4 possibilities. A house with clusive Executive neighbor­ By BARBARA RICHMOND Ramsdell, ’’they may dot even Kerkin explained that the duplex plus 3%-room apsirt- I west side. Garage. Keith Real Assumable mortgage. $26,900. so h.p. Mercury engine, Snow- blojk with 6 apartments, ex­ toe feeling of home. SDc spa­ hood. Selling below replace­ (Herald Reporter) exist and are not known to an public school system does not 8 AJM. to 4:30 P.M ment, excellent investment, ' Estate, 649-1922, 646-4126. LOW 20’S Philbrick Agency,' Realtors, co trailer. Excellent condition. Houses For Rent 65 cellent condition. Owner will cious rooms, baths, Jal- ment cost. Hayes Agency, 646- individual taxpayer such as my- begin perceptual help at toe $1,BOO. C^ll 649-3078. 327,500. Call owner, 633-7028. 0131. 646-4200. ■ A Vernon man, dissatisfied finance 80 per cent at 8% per Six-room Cape, 3 or 4 bed­ ousied porch and sunroom, self.” kindergarten level as such SEVEN-ROOM Raised Ranch. CIRCA 1740 large authentic Co­ rooms, centrally located. Dougan Agency, 649-4636. COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT cent. Terrific income produc­ one-car garage. ’This is a with a decision made by the St. Germaine, in charging problems are common with Rec room, fireplace, two-car MANCiroSTER •— Central lo: lonial, 11 rooms, 7 fireplaces, Immediate occupancy. four-bedroom home priced MANCHESTER — 2 family, 6-5 t:S0 P.M. DAT BEFORE PUBUOATION er. Call now, Haj'es Agency, with 2 car garage, nice floor VERNON Board of Education last night, ‘discrimination” said he Is a children of that age. It was Fuel and Feed 49iA garage. 3280. per month. The cation,' restored 7-room older 2 baths, some of toe original Slx-ioom Cape, fireplace, 3 to sell quickly at $24,900. plan Including 2 bedreoms, ex- 4-BEDROOM COLONIAL aald he will go to toe state com- taxpayer in the town. He said pointed out that St. Germaine l>eadUne tor Saturday and Monday U 4:!<0 p.m. Frlda:i Paul W. Dougan Agency, 649- 646-0131. center hall Colonial. Pour bed­ floors, laths, doors, etc. Can or 4 bedrooms. Immediate For an appointment to in­ s e a s o n e d cord' wood, cord Tlianksglving is near—you missloner of education and na- that even though he sends his was told his child would most rooms, baths, large rooms. ront upstairs while restoring if occupancy. Owners desper­ ceUent condition. A good buy. and h ^ -cord Idts. Sawed and' 4635, 646-1021. MANCHESTER 17 - room spect, call Mrs. Wagner, will be thankful to have tional officials, if necessary, to children to jarochial school he likely outgrow her problems, 324,900. Hayes Agency, 646- desired. Assumable mortgage. ate. All offers considered. Jarvis Realty Co., 646-2623, Wolverton Agency, Realtors TOUR COOPERATION WTIO. deliver^. E. . Yeomans, 742- house on high traffic count purchased this multi-bath try and win his point. is still helpnlg>:,'torough paying Kerkin further explained that LARGE 7-room home available 0131. Philbrick Agency, Realtors, Very clean.' 643-1121. S49-2813. BE APPRECIATED DIAL 643-2711 8907. • \ highway situated on 19,800 home. Big rooms—carpeting Joseph St. Germaine of taxes, "to pay for your salary, toe public schools have chll- Oct. 1st, central Manchester 646-4200. > Six-room Cape, fireplace, square foot parcel, good bust- GREAT 2-famlly VEilue, 6-5, FOUR families . . .excellent in­ — fireplace—built-ins — ga­ Pleasant St. asked the board and also support the town dren on a waiting list due to a SEASONED W p la c e wood, full location. Rental 3200. per 1% baths, immaculate month. Ldase and escrow de­ ness potential. Philbrick Agen­ walk to shopping, schools and MANCHESTER — 326,900, Im­ vestments. We have two of rage. Immediate occupancy. to allow his child, who is in the schools, and also toe salaries of lack of personnel in toe percep- or half cord^xlots. Delivered throughout, privacy. Continued From Preceding Pa y posit required. Call Jarvis cy, Realtors, 646-4200. church. A lovely home and a maculate 3-bedr(x>m Itoncb. them for sale on the east side. Outstanding value at 329,- flrst gprade at St. Bernard’s the numerous special teachers tual area. He said help could 875-6576. MANCJHES’raiR — Immaculate Realty Co., Realtors, 643-1121. ------z— „ „ ,— z;— r fine investment. The smart Garage. ’Two-years old. 'Very (Jood financing. T. J. CYockett, 600. Owner is anxious. To Parochial School, to come to this town seems to require.” possibly be proyided for toe St. •' ______INCOME — South Main St., 3- FRECHETTE 6-room Ranch, plus beautiful see call Mr. Lewis, 649- Help Wanted— Male 36 Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 way to beqomebeqon; a property own­ central quiet street. Hutchins family room, garage, large Realtor, 643-1577. the public school three times a Another educatioh board Germaine child, but only if she OLDER 6-room single, set in faimlly property, excellent in­ REALTORS 6306. er. 326,0001^S,000l^ Call Warren E. Agency, Realtors, 649-6324. treed lot. Must be seen. Up­ week for special education ses- member, Robert DuBeau told attended public school, OAR WASH Attendant—Monday '------r-'------Garden— f rear with small yard, near vestment, central location, city Howland, Realtor 643-1108. 647-9993 sions. St. Germaine said toe gt, Germaine, “ you can always On leaving last night’s meet- through Saturday, 9 to 5. Apply A.K.C. brown miniature poodle 4T« PORTER St. — ^ t toe per 20’s. BYechette Realtors, Dairy Product^x^ 50 center of town and bus line, utilities. Owner says sell. Mor­ Lors Fo.’ Sale 73 • • B &L ,* child has a muscular coordina- test the law, it’s a question of ing, St. Germaine told toe puppies, 7 weeks old, 386- 647-9093. at 1044 Burnside Avenue, East adults preferred, no pets, 3135. rison Agency, Realtor, 643- MANCHESTER — ’This older finishing touches on this 8- IMMEDIATE Occupancy — 3- ______^______tion problem. whether we test it or you do.” board he would go to toe State each. Call 649-5492, after 6 APPLES for sale—Courtla:b^, VERNON — Acre plus, high BARROWS £Uid WALLACE Co Hartford. 289-0487, 643-0160. monthly. References and se- 1015. lovely 7-room Colonial has iw m Cfolonial. 2% baths, 2 fire- bedroom oversized (^ape, rec- PROFESSIONAL man’s Ranch, In turning down the request, ^e said he felt it was good Board and toe Governor and to p.m. Delicious and McIntosh. Aim scenic location. 36,900. Bolton Manchester Parkade y curity. 649-4622. aluminum siding, modernized ptaces, s ^ e n e d porch, 2-car reation room, wall-to-wall car- approximately 2,800 toe board explained that it was g^eh incident happened as the national level if necessary, Pears. Volpe Farms, Birch^ square Lake, Vernon, half acre 34,200. Manchester 649-6306 kitchen, large 13x21 family garage, private lot. Many oto- peting, garage, central. All of- abiding by state law, which in brought the entire question “ I’m hot stopping now,” he ad- SALESMEN WANTED WANTED — Good homes for feet of living space, 16x24’ liv­ Tolland acre, $3,000 Mountain Rd., Bolton. Land For Sale 71 room, 2-car garage, formal er fine features. C3aU for ap- fers considered. Morrison, Hayes COVENTRY, North Newer 6- essence states that if toe pub- open. vised the board. adorable gray kittens. Call 649- ing room with fireplace, Out of Town dining room, wall-to-wall car­ polntment, Builder-Owner, Realtor, 643-1016. Agency, 646-0131. room R T'N • Double lie schools have a program to Good closer needed by Na­ 6960. PUMPKINS and acorn squash. APPROXIMATELY 5 Mr^, formal dining, modem kitch­ tional credit company to so­ Pick your own. Bring own con­ For Rent 66 641’ frontage. Five-room old­ pets, interior and exterior 643-2282, 644-8896. garage. $26,600. meet toe needs of a child then ___ NEW Listing — Immaculate 4% en, library with fireplace, MANCHESTER — 2% acres, licit -accounts receivable. tainer. 125 Clark Rd., Bolton. completely redecorated. Lo­ Pasek Realtors, 280-7476, 742- the child should be enrolled in ENGLISH Setter puppies, AKC HEBRON area — Two four- er home, half mile to Martin GARRISON Colonial, modern rooms, convenient Icxiation, three large bedrooms, spacious beautiful wooded hlde-a-way, Bolton Bonus. Large earnings. Ul­ School. Owner will take siz­ cated in center of town.. In­ 8243. the public school system. The registered, shots and wormed, room apartments available kitchen, formal dining . room, living^ room, eat-in kitchen, paneled family room with fire- Asking 310,000.- BYechette timate potential' could be able first mortgage, M. H. cluded is additional B zone lot general statutes do not provide nicely marked. 643-0412. 1970 hr NEA. Inc. October 1st. Call 228-9300. large living room with fire­ sunroom, half bath down, 2 place, 3V^ baths, wall-to-wall Realtors, 647-9993. anywhere from 3760 to 31,- Palmer, Realtor, 643-6321. of record. 332,600. Call .^rt vif__ ___I • b '.:__1 B e*-** 7 'T expenditures to a private fa Fertinzers 50-A place, one full and two-half large bedrooms, bath, up carpeting in many rooms. Castagna Presents P'BC 300 weekly depending upon AKC GERMAN Shepherd pup­ ' Schulz at Paul W. Dougan p a U o T s^ m W 'p ii^ l, two-car A-ZONED wooded bullting lot Real fcSta»e 77 ^ e public school 'For /ii/n,>f's only natural. What with all the kids Agency, 649-4636. baths. Four bedrooms, lot lOOx Walk-up attic, 321,900. Wolver garage and a .3 aero lot with a C a«» Dr. All utilities on system cannot meet the special the type of person who qual­ pies, rare pure white, large FOR SALE — Good clean cow BOLTON — , Three-room win­ 180’. 330,900 Philbrick Agency, ifies. like Indians these days!" terized cottage. Call 643-7246. Houses For Sale 72 ton Agency Realtors, 649-2(813. view, surrounds this lovely street. Braithwaite Agency, LAND — Louis Dimock Realty needs of a child, With Cbmplaints on Schools boned, championship blood- manure delivered, 36 and 312 MANCHES’TER — First time Realtors, 646-4200. i line. Pedigree. 666-9264. , loads. 643-7804, 649-8731. r custom built home. $60’s, Phil- 649-4693. Realtors. 649-9823. "Die child attended kinder­ WILLINGTON — 3% and 4% MANCHESTER is next door to on the market, 4-bedroom old­ MANCHES’TBIR — New on garten In toe public schools. Invest none of your own NINE-ROOM Cfolonial, 6 bed­ market, 6-room Cape, quiet Superintendent of Schools Dr. several discrepancies where toe money but realize a tremen­ RABBITS for Sale — Chinchil­ room apartments. Wall - to this beautiful 4-room Ranch, er home. Large kitchen, living brick Agency, Realtors, 646- aitoOVER - Wooded b u n ^ g oU T -O F -T O ^ ^ y. er“ w l^ s "to L m ely - toe Northeast School: Joseph Castagna appeared be- architect’s report showed items Rooms Without Bond 59 Apartments— Flats— , rooms, paneled family room, residential area, city utilities, lot, artesian well, walking dls dous profit. Interested? We wall, range, and refrigerator. has oversized garage and in room, dining room, and sun purchase 3-bedroom Colonial ’The parents transferred her to Public Building Ctom- “ completed which were not, las, New Zealand Giants, Cali­ Household Goods 5l bullt-iM, 2^ baths, double ga- wooded lot. Privacy yet near tance to lake and sch(x>l, very need an honest person with fornians, Checkers, Blacks, FURNISHED room, stove,\re- Tenements 63 3160, 3176, 3186 not including excellent condition. Call on this. room down, 318,600. Wolverton with formal dining room and st. Bernard’s of their own free n^jggjQ^ ,ggt , according TS Castagna. utilities. Call Pat Huffman, 319,500. Mitten Agency, Real­ Agency Realtors, 649-2813. rage, large treed lot. Hutchins school, bus, shopping. 321,600. CENTRALLY located 6-room good residential area. Paul W, first-floor family room common sense. Excellent IXitch Belts, Reds; large does sin g ER touch and sew with frigerator and Hnens provld SiX-ROOM duplex with stove, Agency, Realtors, 649-6324. house, Four rooms down and In a will, St. Germaine. „ said. „ , list of complaints about the Asked whether he had fin- 742-6956. tors, 643-6930. for immediate sale. Bel Air Dougan Agency, Realtors, 649- price range of $30,000. opportunity for retired peo­ and bucks for breeding, also •rabinet. Monograms, hems, 801 Main St. 649-8302. refrigerator and washing ma- MANCHESTER — A cream two up. Bath up. Small lot, ^ ^ ^^'"“"^onditlon of the Elementary <8hed Presenting the list of prob- Real Estate, 643-9332. 4636, 646-1021. 000. c::all Paul W. Dougan Ramsdell, superintendent of center Schools Castagna replied, "I could ple. Properly oriented in­ bred doe’s. Very reasonable; embroiders, etc. Used, excel­ puff, immaculate 6-room dor- MANCHES’TER ’Three-bed- minutes . to Main St. Only J and Center Schools. THE THOMPSON House — Cot­ Wne. C en t^ ly located. Ref- HEBRON — Surburban living NEW LISTING — Beautiful 7- Agency, Realtors, 640-4635. schools, St. Gemalne outlined go on all night.” dividuals should earn no also all colors in bunnies. Call lent condition. Guaranteed. .ces. 3160. monthly. 643- mered Cape, fireplace, ga­ room Ranch, modem kitchen 2.7 ACHES beautiful view 7- $19,600. T. J. (Yockett, Real- tage St., centrally located, 20 minutes from downtown room aluminum-sided Raised toe entire situation concer^ng ^ Committee decided that less than 3100 weekly. No 876-7968. Full price now 356 or 7 month­ Hartford, 2-bedroom apart­ Ranch, built-ins, fireplace, rage, 4 quiet family neighbor­ wito built-ins, dining "L ” , fam­ room custom Ranch, 3 baths, tor, 643-1677. canvassing. Write Box large pleasantly furnished Resorf Property ~ LISTINGS WANTED ” his daughter. He charged that electrical contracting has not until further notice their meet- ly payments of 38. 522-0476, ments, children welcome, car­ wall-to-wall carpet, 1% baths, hood, wooded lot, garden, con­ ily room, fireplace, ' wall-to- family room, 2-car garage, —------“ RR” , Manchester Herald.,^ rooms, parking. Call 649-2358 ^q q ] I will picture advertise your toe public school system w m ,„g.g held at toe school dealer. G for anything in real peting, appliances, heat, hot family room, swimming pool, venient to shopping, bus, wall carpeting, garage . and privacy. Hutchins Agency, UNUSUAL home, actually two For Sale "^74 for overnight and permanent estate Vrental - apartments, recreation room. Handy loca- Realtors, 649-5324. homes, one with 8 rooms and house twice a week, plus, negligent in not s e n ^ his ^ inferior manner. so- that they can see and deal Articles For Sale 45 water, storage, parking. No­ 335,900. Wolverton Agency schools. Meyer Realtors, 643- CXJVENTRY — Log Cabin sum­ give daily coverage in two SEWING MACHINE — New guest rates. homes, i^ltlple dwellings, no tion. Very clean. Assumable one with 6 rooms, both expand­ child s records to toe Catoollc ^ potentially serious problem with these problems more dl- MANAGER Trainees — Fast vember occupancy. 3186. Realtors, 649-2813. 0609. papers, every week until fees. Call J ^ . Real Estate As­ mortgage. $29,600. Philbrick Sl^URBAN Splendor, 8-room able. Situated on well land­ mer cottage, fireplace, com­ schorf. He explatoed M a ^ ^ meetly, food business. Fantas^c op­ '“ y^* ROOM in p ri^ ;^ ieiroiii^ 'f^ f^ monthly. 646-0882, 649-2871. pletely carpeted, enclosed sold. Call result of this toe child was r r j NEED tires? 40 per cent dis­ way, buttonholes, m o n ^ ^ s , prfvUeges sociates, Inc\648-6129. REDUCED Four-bedroom MANCHESTER Road, Excel- Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. Contemporary Split in ex­ scaped acre. Call for details. . J J ,1. <1_, not been installed at the (Center in a separate matter, Dr. portunities. Potential to 312,000 porch, large lot, owner will UNSAY REALTY count. Premium. First Line. hems, etc. Now only 364, Easy ROCKVILLE — Duplex — 9- Garrison Colonial, two baths, ient Dutch Colonial, 2% acres, quisite setting on 1^ acres. reprimanded y e * school. This is supposed to be Castagna presented to toe com- end of first year. Fee paid. if desired. References re- Asking $64,900. Philbrick help finance. $9,000. Hayes 649-9168 Wide ovals. And truck tires. terms. 522-0931 dealer. ONE - B E ^ lO O ^ apartment, room apartment. Call 872-4638 fireplace, 9 rooms, carpeting, 6-zone heat, 2 fireplaces, built- MANCHESTER — 6 and 6-two Only three years young, 1% Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. ______‘ ®acher because t ^ t teacher ^ recommendations of Rita Personnel, 646-4040. qulred. Call 649-7276. large living roon \ ^ d kitchen Agency, 646-0131. Coles Discoimt Station, 461 or 749-2223. double garage, large lot. Up­ ins, 2 full baths, 2 half baths. family. ’Three bedrooms, over­ baths, basement garage. I n - ______ALL CASH for your property h^wM^told It was not mentary school so that one sys- toe Bolton Fire Department West Center St., 643-6332. with heat, electricity stove, re­ sized garage. Near shopping. CLEAN, USED rafrigerators, A’TTRACnVE sleeping room, per 30’s. Morrison Realtor, 643- Professional office and home numerable extras you must DU’TCH Colonial, 9 rooms, Por- within 24 hours. Avoid red matter of oollcv to transfer ''''*** ^ack up the other. made last week after fire drills ranges, automatic washers ^ frigerator, 3166. montlily. Call combination. Excellent condi­ Extra . two-family building lot. see. Mitten Agency, Realtors, ter St. area. Four bedrooms. DARK, rich, stone free, loam, gentleman, shower-bath, free 1016. tape, instant service. Hayes He termed this as ” a Dr. Castagna also-pointed out were held at the schools. ’The PRESSMAN with guEU'antees. See them at 643-4491. 'Wonted To Rent 68 tion throughout. Shown by ap­ Low 30’s. Hayes Agency, 646- 643-6980 or 647-1673. . formal dining room, ^ library, O lir ot Town • five-yards* 320. Sand, gravel, parking, private entrance. Ap­ Agency, 646-0181. ritocu?ous^ter^^^^^ “ ‘"at warning lights on the fire first was for a ramp outslSe toe B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 NEW LISmNG — Oversized pointment. Charles Lesper- 0131. assumable $21,000, 6 per cent For Sole 75 ply 196 Spruce St., Manches­ ’THREE-ROOM apartments llv- GARAGE wanted to rent, - ~ ~ Kerkin T u S alarms are inoperative; some back of toe K-4 school going up stone, fill, manure, pool and Miain St. CaU 643-2171. Garrison Colonial, less than ance, 649-7620. LAKB3WOOD CHrcle — Unusutd mortgage. Philbrick Agency, Some letterpress or offset ter. ing room, kitchen, bedrOom Thompson Road and Center St. BIGHT-ROOM Colonial, Uke S n i P d n rk u T e S n ^ night lights are on a timer, what Is presently an emOank- patio sand. 643-9604. one year old. Owner trans­ Ranch with fireplace living Realtors, 646-4200. NOR’TH Coventry — 5(^-room press experience required. new, tastefully decorated. Budget Deficit that^ confidential records are'while others are not; there Is ment. The second is for a walk Company benefits include APAR’TMENT sized refrigera­ and bath, electric range, rfe- vicinity. Call 649-5189. ferred. Eight rooms, 2% baths, MANCHES’TER —Price reduc itxim, formal dining nx>m, Ranch, fireplace, built-ins, ga­ SCREENED loam, processed tor, like new, 376. gas stove, frigerator,' heat and hot water) ed on this quality 9-room, five- Wall-to-wall carpeting, built- den, laundry room, throe bed­ OWNERS anxious for quick rage, patio, nice area near never sent out unless requested no stage curtain, because of from the southeast corridor in paid medical and life in­ g;ravel, bankrun gravel, sand, Apartmenfs— Fiats— “ ' ------amurrrvD an flrst-floor family room with Ty toe otoer sch i^ fi^ d f re failure of the electrician to set toe roar of toe building, surance for employe and de­ 335; combination aluminum bedroom, two-year-old Gar­ ins in kitchen, 14x24’ li'ving rooms and garage. Laige sale. Six-year-old U & R dk>- school, 320,900. Hayes Agency, Of $12.8 Billion fill, stone. George H. Griffing, PI*!:. ^f^loved^ee’ds^ p loyed , needs large ^ pleas­ e^- lease form signed by the par- up some lighting fixtures; there ciastagna pointed out to the pendents, retirement and doors, 32x80, and 36x80, 310 Tenements 63 McKinney Brothers, 643-2139. 4 bedrooms, aluminum siding, rison Colonial. Kitchen with room with fireplace, large wooded lot assures privacy' lonial. Five bedrooms, 3%. 646-0181. Inc., Andover, 742-7886. ant room or share apartment. ents. He noted, however, that are no spotlights in the all pur- members that he had asked for stock purchase plan, liberal each. 643-2465 evenings. ; —;---- T';------2-car garage. Excellent neigh­ built-ins, family room with screened porch and patio. and lovely -view of Cknmtry baths, 2 fireplaces. Many other Now Expected vacatiMi, five-day week (8 — ______CENTRALLY located, 4-room No dooming house. Write Box Birst-floor family room, four Club and reservoir. Reduced to HEBRON basic records are sent upon re- room, nor is toere any this long before toe Fire Depart- ALUMINUM sheets used borhood. 343,600. Philbrick fireplace, 2^ baths, 2 garages extras. Price reduced to $69,- to 4:30). Call O. G. Price for “ SEWING machines, new, used, dupi^, good sized rooms, Furnished ”TT”)\ Manchester Herald. bedrooms. Well pltinned clos 328,900. For Immediate sale. 900. For deuills call Philbrick UNADULTERATED MIAMI BEACH, Fla. ifAP) — quest from the new school. heating element for the unit on ment made its recommenda- printing plates, .009 thick, 23x repossessed. Zig zags, used stove and refrigerator, 3190. Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. and aluminum siding. Now Interview appointment '■ at Apartments 63-A asking 341,500. Philbrick Agen­ ets and storage areas. Phil- Bel Air Real Estate, 643-9382. Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. CHARM Rep. Wilbur Mills says the fed- Asked if he would be willing stage. tions. This matter was tabled 876-0731. 36” , 26 cents each or 6 for 31. Singer portable, 316.96 up. with heat, children accepted. era! budget deficit this fiscal to send his child to public school Other complaints include until next week. CONTEMPORY 7% - room cy, Realtors, 646-4200. brick Agency, Realtors, 646- Almost new ■ 7-room Raised 643-2711. Parts and service. Ideal Sew- R. D. Murdock, Realtor, 643- ATTRACTIVE 3-room, furnish­ Business Property Ranch, large lot In beautifully 4200. HENRY ST. — Owner moving, i WILL SELL a 7-room house on Ranch on one treed acre. year will exceed $12.8 billion be- and just have her return to problems with lighting, ranging ------renovated ■ 7 - room (Colonial, BURROUGHS CORP. MTT.T.F.R Welder with attach­ ing Machine Service, 9 Web- 2692. ed, heated apartment. Large Sale 70 wooded setting. Fireplace, NIFTY 7-room Cape, tlmee bed­ 43 Mill St., in good condition. Formal dining room, 3 bed­ cause revenue is falling short of (he Catholic school for her re- from broken fixtures and con- Manchester Evening Herald, MAN(JHESTER — Six - room beautiful bright new kitchen, predictions. llgious training, St. Germaine stantly buhied-out bulbs to In- Bolton correspondent, Judith ments, 260 amps, AC-DC, 6,000 ______ster St., Hartford, 249-0786. closets. Private entrances. three bedrooms, 1% baths, fam­ rooms, 1% baths, fireplace, Low down payment, easy rooms, family room, ga­ Route 30 ■VILLAGER Apartment — one- Adults. No pets. References. MANCHESTER burbs, busi­ Cape, Verplanck School. 12x24’ dining, living room, den and terms, large lot, 3 sheds, side­ "If we’re going on without said he would not. He explained adequate lighting In the super- Donahue, tel. 649-8409. watts fltand by power, with SEWING machine. Singer zlg ily room, large flagstone patio. fuU dormer, modem kitchen, rage. Close to new Route bedroom, carpeting, two air- 643-4860. ness location 6>4;room Ranch, living' room, fireplace, three lavatory down. ’Three bed­ walk, water and sewer. Call containing toe cost of govern- toat both he and his wife had intendent’s and secretary s of------’Tolland, Conn., 06064 trailer, used very little, 3526. 329,600. Philbrick Agency, sunroom, central. Asking 324,- 1-86—e u y commuting. Own­ zag, in cabinet, slightly used, conditioners, heat, appliances, VA baths, e x c e ll^ condition, bedrooms, garage. Ebccellent rooms up. Bine neighborhood. owner,. 872-6669. complete. 742-7728 after 4 p.m. Realtors, 646-4200. 900. Morrison Realtor, 643-1016. er going to Blorida—you can ment, toe administration should toeir formal education in Cato- hoat monograms, button ^ holes, 3186. Charles Lesperance, 649- THREE rooms, shower, all util- country store, out\ buildings. condition. Only $24,900. Hayes Immediate occupancy. Sensi­ spend ’Thanksgiving here. tell us how they expect to bal- «>l‘c schools and that they both There Is ^® *^“ ''® jj®® South Windsor hems, etc. Originally over 3300. 7620. ities included. Just finished re­ MANCHES’TER CX)UNTRY Atmosphere com­ 1970 AMF Mark 23 snow mobile, 260’ frontage. Haye^Agency, A spacious CENTRAL location . . .six - ' Agency, 646-0131. bly priced at .$28,900. T. J. 327,900. Call Mr. Lewis. ance toe budget without a tax strongly toat it is more ng n e MECHANIC — fuU or part- now only 382. Easy terms. 622- decorating. No children or plements this 6-rcxnn Ranch, electric start, twin cylinder, 646-0131. lawn surrounds this four-bed­ bedroom single in good resi­ Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677. Increase," Mils, chairman of advantageous for their children na said, a Buying Tops time. Knowledge of front end 0931. Dealer. POUR large rooms, stove, re­ pets. Older employed person, room Cape in a neighborhood MANCHESTBIR — F o u r -b e d -______living room with floor-to-cell- cover and trailer, used 1 6 ______dential area. 2*^ baths, fire­ toe House Ways and Means to attend toe Catholic school catches ^ave not teen i^talte^ helpful. CaU 643-2819. frigerator, heat, central loca­ parking. 272 Main St. VERNON—Route 83, near\toaf- ideal for your chUdren. Asking room oversized Cape. Large EIGHT-ROOM Raised Ranch, hours, 3925. 742-TV26 after 4 ENGLISH type carriage, excel place . . .a home loaded with B &. W Board member Albert Smith and there are problems wun School Board tion, parking. Security. 3170 fic circle, modem commemal 324,900. Mortgage balance of possibilities. Lot is 90 160. wooded lot. Walk to bus, dining room, large ' family b a b b o w . WAU.ACB: o>, p.m. lent condition. 325. CaU 643- monthly. CaU 640-3340. X American Bankers Association building approximately 2390 314,600 is assumable with Owner will consider taking school, shopping. • Renovated room, recreation yoom, garage, rooms, half-bath off master. Manchester Parkade had opened a “ Pandora’s Box.” tionlng units. Help Wanted— 0847. Business Locations city utilities. Assumable mort­ Manchester 649-6306 convention. Agenda Tonight USED galvanized angle ir o n ______636 CEN’TER St. — 4% - room square feet, central alr-con\ monthly payments of 3129 in- your present home in trade. bath and kitchen. Immediate wall-to-'Wall carpet. Yours for . . He said there were reasons for In addition to these, Cast^- Male or Female 37 ditioning, large display area ''\Cluding principle, interest and occupancy. $21,600. Meyer gage, $30,900. Hutchins Agen­ - Revenue estimates for toe fls- concerning special edu- na cited lack of lights In the IM" to 6” in width, 6’-20’ GARAGE Sale Antiques, fur- duplex, 1% baths, all a p p l i - ______For Rent 64 Soon vacant. T. J. Crockett, Agency, a s SUMABLE^ORTGA^GE ’The Board of' Education to- plus waiting and conference taxes. ’The Paul W. Dougan Realtors, 643-0609. cy 649-5324. Realtors, 649-2813. MAN OR woman to seU real lengths in exceUent condition, niture, glass, china, silver, ances, fully carpeted, 2 air- m a IN S’TREET office space. Realtor, 643-1677. new listing 6-room Cane ga- cation. He said some people play and parking areas, ^ u g - report from rooms, large . paved parking Agency, Realtors, 649-4636, 646- new listing, 6 room t-aito, ga ^e^e compiled in late 1969. The m-p tgke the test of las CHieney, chairman of the win near a report irom estate. Experience helpful but large quantity. RockviUe stoneware. Modem miscella­ conditioners, heat, hot water, MANIYIESTER — Brookfield rage, treed yard, wall-to-wal 100 per cent location near lot, 360,000. Philbrick Agency, . MANCHES’TER - Beautiful 6- MANCHES’TER — West Side. rage, treed vard. wall-to-wall Ni^on administration first said systems. committee, implied that toe high toe school business manager on not essential. WUl train right Scrape, Route 30, Rockville, neous household items. Oct. soimd proofing, storage and 1021 banks, air-conditioned, auto­ 646-4200. Logoi Nolfces room Cape with 3 bedrooms, St. Gracious 8-room dfolonlol, 6^-room Raised Ranch, carpeting, vacuum system, $7, the deficit would be $1 billion yjg igt'ter to the State cost of such a lighting system busing problems, person. Ask for Mr. PhUbrick, 872-9032. 14-18U1.; 1-6 p.m., 66 Delmont parking. On bus line, near 000 assumes 6^ per cent mort matic fire sprinkler. Apply OLDER Colonial bungalow, six formal dining room, carpeted living room with center fire­ baths, wall-wall carpet, recrea­ but has abandoned that figure. Board of Education and to was one factor slowing down the ^ previous board meeting. 646-4200. St. shopping. 3196 per month. Marlow’s, 867 Main St. UQUOR store in Manchester, large rooms, garage. A block UqUOB PEBMIT place, den with fireplace, gage. Beautiful condition ROYAL electric typewriter, NOTICE OF APPLICATION living room with fireplace, pri­ tion room, garage, trees, $30,- Mills, D-Ark., said toe only, Q^vernor Dempsey’s office, St. installation. parents discussed In length bus- Phone Charles PonticelU, 649- good location. Good income. from everything. Priced in the large dining room, modern ’Transfer reason for sale. $22 OPPORTUNTT Y— If you would regularly 3195. now 385. Roy- n c u . FT. Chest Freezer, ex- This is to give notice that - vate shaded yard. Wolverton 900. Hutchins Agency 649-6324. 900 M. Helen Palmer Realtor revenue producing propos- Germaine said he felt toe Ver- A considerable amount of cor- problems of students from 9644. INDUS’TRIAL — 6,900 sq. feet, For details call Philbrick Braithwaite ADREN ALLEN of 790 RuaUc I ^ e . al portable, 376. Remingtcsi cellent condition, reasonable, low twenties. Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. kitchen, 4 large bedrooms, 643-6321 ' ' suggested to him were „ „ „ board’s attitude expressed rectlve work to te done on toe j^reas in South Windsor. like to make 31,000 monthly in will sub-divide, 3-phase wiring, ajo AK0 7 Cheshire. Connecticut, have filed M treed lot. Asking only $28,900. $24-;900 BUS LINE 6 - room 643-6321 Apai.rt^ents ) ) Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. Agency, xle<or, 649*4593. &ppllc&tion dieted October 6, 1970, your spare time call 643-1941. deluxe adder, regularly 3139. call 649-8784 between 12-2 or NORTHWOOD office, parking lot. Woodland SEVEN-ROOM Raised Ranch Ranch, acre lot, wail-wail car­ "nothing more than a. grandiose direct discrimination to stu- hardtop. In several spots where q-yg transportation committee now 380. Royal adder, reg. after 8 p.m One emd two-bedroom apart­ ------—------with the Liquor Control Commission BYechette Realtors, 647-9993. sales tax." dents attending parochial water collects, was also brought ygg been able to rectify some St., 649-5043. RESTAURANT business show­ MANCHESTER — 6 and 6, spa- for a package store for the sale of with 2-car garage, large kitch­ pet, plaster walls, screened 3119. now 369.95. Final sale due ments, central air-condition­ ’The administration has pro- schools., Dr. Ramsdell said toe to the PBC'a attention. of toe problems presented and ing excellent net profit in high- clous two-famlly in excellent °"m‘SScK 1!”'c^ en With built-ins, 3 bedrooms, MANCHES’TER vicinity —Look- porch, garage, trees. Hutch­ to relocation. CaU 649-7798 after SOFA, French Provincial, ex- ing, carpeting, ba'lcony, car­ Situations Wonfdd— traffic . count location. Es­ condition. Recently modemiz- nectlcuL dining room, huge family ing for a starter home? We ins Agency 649-6324. posed a tax on value added/to' gtgtg board backed his (Dr. 'The architect, Malmfeldt As- ig guu the process of work- 5. ceUent condition; lounge ports, plus other luxury fea­ STORE or office, 537 Main St., SOUTH WINDSOR materials by manufacture. RamsdeU’s) opinion. sociates, was represented at toe i„g out a plan agreeable to Femole 38 ______tablished over 20 years. Price ea,ed targelarsre ireeaioi.treed lot t M ^ a n y v eex x - ^^c^^ The business (New will Hampshire) be owned byof room, 2 full baths, 100x186 lot. have several priced from $14,- chair; tables, etc. 643-6466. tures. From 3226. J. D. Real paneled, 3136. 629-0518. "I can’t see inflation stop- gt. Germaine also said in his meeting by Carl Hakewessel Jr., jjoth parents and the board, includes all the real estate, tras. Asking 333,600. The Mlt- Roberts Hill Road, ClaremonL New $30,900. Wolverton - Agency, 900 to $19,600. Mitten Agency, TYPING in my home Expert- WELL kept carpeU show the Estate Associates, 643-5129. Just listed this charming ping,” Mills said, "while pro* letter to toe commissioner, re- who compared his list of items The Board is also expected enced in medical and general *'esults of regular Blue Lustre NORGE refrigerator and freez- MANCHESTER Green—Ground restaurant fully equipped, plus ten Agency. Realtors, > 643-6930 Hampshire and will be conducted by Realtors, 649-2813. Realtors, 643-6980, 647-1678. CONVENIENTLY ADREN ALLEN of 790 Rustic Lane, 6Vi room Split level that duction costs are rising faster (erring to the portions of :the in stage of completion to that y, hear reports from, toe (|?api- Rent electric er combination, self-defrost- AVAILABLE November 1st. floor, 900 square feet, front a house. 365,000. Owner will o r Cheshire, Connecticut, as permUtee. office work. CaU 643-6304. cleaning. otters 3 bedi;ooms, large liv.- than productivity and all levels gtate statutes quoted by Dr. of Dr. Castagna. There were t^i .^Region Education (Y>imcil Hhampoder fi. ‘Paul’s Paint Sc ing, 2% years old. 3220. 62^ first-floor, large 4-room luxury portion cam'eted. Second floor take back mortgage. Philbrick ADREN ALLEN LOCATED ______Idell Rd. Dated 12 October>1970 ing- room, sunny kitchen of governmentLare spending be- ,w d Superintendent of 8 ch(x>ls MATURE woman, ’ experienced Wallpaper- Supply. 6214, after 4 p.m. "apaHnient, wall-tdiwall caii^tT ■*■3 a‘dj5Eliig‘‘5fflceir'^^ 2-fandIy^^4 ^^£ji)^ytei occu­ with gooff slzeS'’eaHng^ “yteytKefF means.'*'" "' Oiaries' Warner' o n ' a' heWth' statistical .and poUcy typist de­ range, refrigerator, disposal, together or one or two separ­ Probate Court “Tu(lay*srtotrtr“' Six-room Cape, three- or four .MAIN ST., comer Williams, pancy. Pasek Realtors, MLS, CLAIM LIMITA'nON DECREE Also, spacious paneled fam­ service policy change as re­ sires work Mmidays, Wednes- ’TREAT mgs right, they’U be a TAG SALE Miscellaneous air-conditioner, deat,' hot bedrooms, 1% baths, fireplace, ately. Call 649-2741, 649-5688. close to new north end shop­ 289-7476. 646-4678, 742-8243. ESTATE OF LAVINIA B. ily room, 2 full .baths, well Vernon quired by toe State Department da.ys. and' Fridays. Can also delight if cleaned with Blue items and clothing. Wednesday water, parking, 3190. monthly, PETERSON AKA LAVINA Dear Ducky garage, private yard with patio- ping center, business zone, for PETERSON OR LAVINIA Walking distance to shops and landscaped yard, aluminum of Health; ^ stre. Rent elebtric sham- and ’Thursday, 9 to 4 p.m. 31 643-1070. ' GOOD VISIBLE highway loca­ MANCHESTER — 4 -bedroom Castoffs Earn > woric Saturday. 649-4004 after sale or lease. Keith Real Es­ PETEBWN quS 'llne. Low taxes.' $25,900. storms, nice location. Im­ pd^r 31. Olcott Variety Store. Gr^enhill St., comer of Parker tion, store and office building, , i District of Xanchilanchester Sewer OommiMion, 6.- tate, 649-1922, 646-4126. Split, 3 full baths, 28’ paneled maculate throughout. Asking Mayor Nantes Committee St. ♦ ' . MANCHESTER, one and two- storage sheds, large yard, fa m llv ro om livin g rotrni w ith 'rtir fiduciary U Esther M. Peterson Antiwar Dollars .’The South WndSqr Sewer. OLEAl^^IGEST carpet cleaner bedroom ' deluxe laiiuty room, living room wun ^ Esther Peterson iooated at 189 $26,800, take a look! TWO women desire office clean­ apartments Suitable all types of business. b u S I N E M ~ ^ ^ 7 cathedral------ceiling;------^ ___ large______kitch'_ School St., Manchester, Conn. 06040. .Tacqueline-Roberts Agency Commission will meet tonight at you ev^^used, - so easy too. MAPLE' twin beds. Including available now and November West ing at night. Have, references. Nnvomhor Write Box AA. Manchester center St., near^ apartments.^ en, dininc^ m*PA. ITni* ^ DECREED thsX all claims ' NEW YORK (AP) — A wrin- To Study Dru^ Problems 8 at the Town Hall. .Call 649-5613. Get Blue Lt^tre:, Rent electric box springs and mattresses, 1st., from 3150 per month, in­ Herald. area.^garage.^For- against the above estate be pre- -646-3339, ’The commission will consider on bus line, sewer and water. estt Hills area. Price reduced sented to the fiduciary on or before U i& R REALTY CO. IN^3, Wed gold-lame aacot once worn sh^pdoer 3i.v^ ’The Sherwin- excelleht condition. 370. 649- cluding heat and appliances. by Fats Domino ■went for a bar- 9470. ^ r ? a u r w . -" M id d le Will lease or selL. 649-4622. to 32W Frechette Realtors, Mayor Frank McCoy has ap- Other members are: Dr. Joseph reconveying a right of way to_ Williams Co. Attest: JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge Robert D. Murdock Realtor gain price of $16. pointed toe "Mayor’s Ckjmniit- Kristan, town health officer; the Savin Brothers in exchange Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 649-4635. Turnpike Near Parkade, mod- BUSINESS property. Spruce ______^______DUPLEX, Hamlin St. reduced 643-2^ But Paul McCartney’s Shet- Ctombat Drug Abuse,” Drs. Benjamin Adamo, and for a new right of way with corn- COMPLETE set World Books em office or store ^ a ce for gt _ 4- family, comer DUPLEX. 7-7, corner lot, older, to $26,600. Six large rooms land wool sweater sold for $96, y, jyg hopes 6t combating toe Allyn Dambeck, physicians; Dr., pleted sewer lines, KrriENS — all beauties and all encyclopedia 1953 with supple­ i. Musical InstTuments S3 f o u r r o o m s , second, floor, lease. Will sub-divide. (2- property, lot approximately needs '■some work. Mid 20’s. PRESIDENTIAL each side, separate furnaces. and Miles Davis’ legendary blue drug problem. Robert Linstone. assistant super- ’The commission will also con- free. ’Trained, will deliver. ments through 1961. Red cov­ ______^______restored colonial, heat; hot months free rent for new ten­ 96x75. Will lease or sell. 649- Keith Real Estate, 649-1922; VILLAGE Keith Real Estate, 649-1922, trumpet fetched $260. Announcing toe appointment jntendent of schools; Mrs. (Jlalre sider toe finalization of assess- 742-8749 after 6 p.m. ers, like new. 365. 649-9470. water, parking, tile bath. Quiet ants.) Call Lou Airuda, 644- THIS lovely 7-room Colonial is 4622. 646-4126. 646-4126. located four miles from Vm-- ■ auction night at the yjg weekend, toe Mayor Albom, director of physical edu- ments and a schedule for build' lAL’TO SAX, Bundy, good condl-,^ professional woman wanted. 1539, 643-6454. APARTMENTS tion. Call 643-7443. references, 643-2171 before 6 Now renting, qne and two MANCHESTTIR — ’Three-bed- non arcle. n ils home is set on t**® committee represents catiorv-for girls; Police OTef ing and advertising: dlscuM a Help Woiif ct» ■ Mato or Fomolo 37 ■p.m. OFFICE -space for rant, - Man--— spartnifinta. Carpst- . room Rahph, Jdpal atortey or a % acre iot, h p paneled fam- **w^s*^ tte “ ^tion of toe town, in- Edmund Dwyer; Fire Chiefs request from toe Daddario Bro­ Chester Shopping Parkade. Legal Notice: The (Connecticut Deportment of Transportation ing, 2 ' air-conditlonera, retitement home. <3onveident- lly room on e ^ garage and “ ® eluding profesBlonal people, toe Donald Maguda and William thers to release a five per cent hatha; Wonted— ^To Buy 58 WE HA'VE customers waiting Extremely attractive monthly wlU hold a combined pubUc hearing pursuant to toe provlalans ly located with city water and many mire extras. Priced to “Z p ’ nhipct•'To ®'®‘’*^y P®®^'® ®‘*“ * Johnson; 'Thomas Connell, retalnage on the Nortovlew for the rental of your apart­ rentals for varied sized of­ of toe General Statutes ofGonnecUeut, Section 7-181J as amended Cali BYances K. Wagtaer sewers. Basement beautifully sell at $26,900. Call Paul W. about3,(K)0 fans. The oDjeci. 10 nation system, town depart* attorney; Mrs>4 >omlnic Nardinl, Drive project, and discuss the HOUSEHOLD lots — Antigu^ ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ fices. Ample parking, Alr-con- Iqr PubUc Act 176 of too 1960 LeglaUtuFe and Section Ua-6B as Rental Manager paneled and carpeted; Blag- Dougan Agency, 649-4686. raise f^ d s for peace ^ndidates and civic groups. Gardiner R u g ^ ^ a n d Richard nov. 3 sewer referendum. MALE &. FEMALE , 646-2623 or 648-1028 brick-a-brac,' locks, frames, tate Associates, Inc. 643-5129. . ditioning, heat, included. Call amended by Section 78 of PubUc Act 788 of toe 1969 Legialature, 4n toe November elections. Mayor McO>y said combating Borden, director olNadmlnistra- (jhanges of Plans - .irnd- Section 128, Title 23 U.8 . (Code of 1968; as prescribed in stone patio, permanent COVENTRY FINISHING MACHINE OPERATOR glassware. We buy. estates. -n ^ g E Mr. H. Fogel, 649-6361. ' ‘ barbeque and tool shed to' (Co v e n t r y For $20, som eb^y b o i^ t jyg drug problem requires toe A cihange'ln tiriie has been - room heated apart- _____ PoUcy and Procedure Memorandum 209 dated January 14, 1969,: some ^ p ^ B, lingering Involvement, and commitment Representing th'e clergy, on made" for toe meeflng of toe WEAVERS Village Peddler, Auctioneer, ment from toe Federal ISghway Admlnlatration, Bureau of PubUc small cozy backyard. Price re­ CUSTOM RANCH!! reasonable. Stove and STORE, 20’x70’, 846 Main St., Six room Ranch, large liv­ memories of a Bolling Stones jyg entire, community. He ty^ committee are: The Revto:- e OW of St. Peter’s Episcopal' 420 Lake St., Bolton. 640-3247. refrigerator included. Security Roads. This hearing wlU be held e drug problem." ^ pord. Godfrey Stuckart, Rich- ed to meet at toe church at 6:30 ■ TDESDBM (Coventry lake frontage. Ovmer te appreciated. $21,900. Mr. (xjcupancy. 31 West Ifiddle; acquislUon of certain pauk land conalsUng of approximately 0.06 Manchester, Conn. h ^ e ^ 1!^ teen S r o d by. P u rp ^ s of toe cornmit- grd Bean. Russell Tomm. S ^ - p . „ , tomorrow. NOTICE acre of toe Manchester Green' Parfclet required for toe widening transferred west., Morrison Lewis, 649-6306. ^Tt>ke., 643-1186. Suc^ m u £ ln B as (Yearn, toe nurses * ^STsIcK Otheip may go directly to toe (Die l^lanning and Zcmlng of Middle ’TumpUce Bast WOODLAND MANOR often Realtor, 643-1016. , ______------J- CHENEY BROTHERS, IN C . NOTICE Commission at a meeting on EDCOELLENT locati(xi, next to. The propoaed use of parti land, as herein before described the ultimate in convenient 31 COOPEfR HILL ST. is for a portion of toe ri^t-of-way for toe widralng of Middle prestige Uving, with schools, B &L W PUBLIC HEARING ■October 5,1970 made the foUow- comer of Berlin ’Tpke., New­ NEWLY 'fisted 2-famlly, —large MANCHESTER, CONN. ’Turnpike Ehurt, which is a OonnecUcut highway project authorized shopping and rcUglous facU- « rco™ b a r r o w s C., d-W-dM-year' ^u,.r BOARD OF DIRECTORS ing decisions: ington, Conn., across from Mc­ by toe General Statutes of (Connecticut The reasons for toe pro­ toea nearby. Manchester Parkade ’TOWNGF (MANCHESTER, A1X>PTED: A new zone dis­ Donald’s Restaurant. 2,000’ re­ troM yard. 2 new heating sya- Euid manager, Oagg a g, jyg uggr; to review and ^nn Tbomches, Gordon synito veiTion. fpllqvdM..«}?. posed tsMng of said parii-Isnd raUier 4hsn-other tend mss to MoncneBCBr. mimhiuo * —■» CXlNNECmCUT faciUtste adequate provision !(»■ efficient highway operatlona, to tems. "Priced to sellT “$26,600.“ trict designated ” CBD Zeme” to tail location, 2,000’ omce IMMEDIATE OCX3UPAN(3Y THtiflSOh'l ’ ^ ^ aianno «r sn 'rja ed will evaluate available resource Andrew Sllvay. gram. THURSDAY, .OCTOBEIR 16, 1970 replace former Business in dls- harmonise with local area planning objectives, to itiinimin. the 8372 M. H. Palmer, Realtor. 643- The $16,000 or so raisea wpi onH ia svninro Ui» .. , space, air-conditioned and Spacious one-bedroom apart? BOLTON — Second Bolton go"to Met^o'rpho'sls, a group “ c lU U e r S a b le ‘*t^ mayor said he h ^ also ’The Board of Directors wUl trict defined in the Regulations taking of homes and places of employment and to secure toe 7-15 6321. 6,600’ warehouse. New build­ moat efficient utilisation of pubUc funi^. ments, refrigerator,, atov%c Lake, Greir Rd., lakefront dedicated to supporting,a..AAArtimr antiwar treatment laclliues avaiiaoie to invited jygthe selectmen of toe Manchester Manchester Evening Evening Herald conduct a public session ’Thurs- as Central Business zone. Ef- property with 4-room unfinish­ ing. Lease entire buUding or A plan showing toe recommended construction la on display toahwaaher, ctoposal,'air-coi^ 2893 One of the most popular 614 -ROOM Ranch, breezeway, candidates. . other two nearby towns. Tol- Wndsor fcorrosponent, WANTED day, October 16, 1970 from 6:30 fective October 19, 1970. will sub-divide. CaU or write, in toe i^ c e of toe Town Clerk of Manchester. More detailed in­ ditiontog, fuU carpeting, elec­ fashions with the young­ garage, 1% baths, -ffrepla'ce, ed cabin, $11,990. (Yill Paul W. The committee vrill te asked gj^j Ellington to appoint Varrlck, tel. $44-8274. tric heat. er set is the jumper plus p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Town ADOPTED: Amendments to owner, Stoddard Investment formation and'plans developed by toe Connecticut Deportment Dear Ducky makes an king sized bedroom, recreation —j r—;------to file its report with the mayor j y j. g 0 representatives from ‘ ______of ’Transportation • Bureau of Highways aa weU as written vlewa blouse. , She’ll like this waa™ niw^AnHiHnninB- view. BOLTON - Ranch, six rooms, Counsel’s Office in the Muni- Sections TP, sD and 9N of Arti- Inc., 740 Norih Main St. ,West ideal embroidery tnm for room, air-conditioning, -view. IRS Shares Loot M soon as it hM completed its to^^^yg („ sit with toe corn- FULL-TIME EXPERIEMGED ^ cipal Building to hear comments cle n of the Zoning Regulations received aa A result of coordination with various agencies, of- Model aparttpent open for scoop-neck style with the large kitchen, three bedrooms, study. The recommendations yjttee gyj to report back to Hartford. Phone' 203-232-4867. seven gay towels for the soft tailored blouse. No. $29,900. Hutchins Agency, 649- Cyclist Killed flctala or groups, are available for pitoUc inspection or copying Inspection Sat. and Sun. 1-6, kitchen rack! No. 2893 large living room with fire- and suggestions from the pub- concerning Special Exceptions Brokers protected. in Room M at toe Bureau of lUghwaya office at 24 Wolcott HUl 8372 with photo-guidx is 5324. PITTSBURGH (AP) — A fed- will be reviewed by toe mayor "tow^ conceding possible LUBRICATION MAN FOR DAYS lie. as proposed and advertised. Ef- week days by appitotment. has hot-iroh transfer, ®?P®®®** Judge has denied an insur- and presented to toe Board of cooperative programs. WESTPORT------(AP) — A 22- Road in Wetoerafield, Monday through Briday, 8:80 AM . to 4:80 Starting at 3176 monthly. in Sizes 7-15 (bust 31- Future sessions will be held fective October 19, 1970. C giip un iu> Bolton. concerning the additions to Rob­ the C.FI.A. is as integral as the •1295 ertson ,Natlum Hale, and Kee­ anymore Games of ^ e W i l l be given a hearing Fri- t o ^ M a n lm ^ David Ru- uie FBI’s 10 Most-W^ted Ust "il^tlan °^rdeLw oulS U.S. Army for controlling and Marine Corps League Auxil- exploiting Southeast Asia.” ney St. Schools. Those attend­ mss DaYis, her voice scarce- caga He w ^ [o be a^r°a^^ed ti o T ' T ' t ' ” ha‘ if the Com- y 1968 FORD FAIRLANE, liary will have a business meet- ing the potluck are reminded i.» o.A^iwt^ j-^iAA J I A 1. .. L- California shoot- munists went along with the "nie center, founded in 1968, is HT, PS, Fastback, 2 dr. ling tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the h L (Henmv W H L ^ harboring a , Nixon-proposed ce^e-flre. - n T to brlpg their own dishes and her identity, was led away, her fugitive. ^ , j ..._ concerned with international af­ Marine Home, Parker St fairs, including economic devel­ O silverware. Mrs. Peter Beck­ hands manacled in front of her Present in the hearing room traced Miss Pamliodl^ last •1695 with and Mrs. Ronald Gustaf­ as a sympathizer called out: were several ranking members Daris here through a car owhed . , ^ mmhBt Workers clean up wreckage after a bomb exploded early today in a third floor opment, arms control and Euro­ 1970 MERCURY COU­ son are co-chairmen of the “ You will be freed!” of the naUonal Communist par- Poindexter, who was bom in v ie ^ m e se library of the Center for International Affairs at Harvard. (AP Photofax) pean studies. It houses students studying underdeveloped na­ GAR, 2 dr. HT, Vinyl event. The former University of Call- ty. including James. Tormey. “ ‘J reportedly ^ S th T e ^ w a WORLD SERIES fomia at Los Angeles instructor chairman of the party's defense i’oon acti\e in radical political P” tions. Top, Bucket Seats, Auto., cease-fire offer that would have Robert Bowie, director of the was arrested at a Manhattan commission. organizations there in the early HIMIMIOT and mid 1960s catastrophic six months No Bombs Found center, described it as an aca­ •3195 ago, the officials stated. demic building and said less In Miami Beach, Atty. Gen. They said the Nixon adminis- DAVE REPRESENTS THE We’U Play than 20 per cent of its operating Ball With John ■■■Mitchell - said- Tuesday* is "Wllllhg tO chance' & cost came from the' federal gov­ 1966 PONTI AC BONN% I TA X PAYE R night that a chantie sighting of cease-fire .as a major step to- ernment. VILLE, 4 dr. hard top, YEAR ’ROUND You Government Says: h ^ s Davis in south Florida led ^ard ending the war and cited Court Buildings Evacuated Every Time! The university said — the auto., P.S., P.B., very S'" to her capture. the risk as evidence that the center’s operating budget "last John Hushan, a Justice De- United States was not asking cluan . S ' ! ^ 5 year was nearly $900,000. "fhe Neighborhood School Plan partment spokesman who was the North Vietnamese and Viet In New Haven Bomb Scare center’s last annual report said ZENITH attending a political function Cong to place themselves at a ■ 15 per cent of the funds came - 11967 PLYMOUTH FURY not with Mitchell, said Miss Davis dlkadvantage in accepting a bat- NEW Ha v e n , Conn. (APi -- national chairman of the Black or near the Green in downtown from the government and most III, 4 dooi^i sedan only A C C U iC O L O R COLOR Not Meant as Subterfuge was in the Miami area three tie halt. Authorities evacuated three Panther was appearing with an­ New Haven near Yale Universi­ of the ^ s t from private founda- b e fo r e weeks ago. The Communist world reacted court buildings after a man tele­ other Panther meinber for pre­ ty. an election ! TV WASHINGTON (AP) The rary but ordered Irnposed per-' a young black pilot who asked coldly to the Nixon cease.flrei phoned police that "a bomb Is trial hearings. A spokesman for the miHtant (See Page Ten) •1495 government told the Supreme manently by the L.S. Circuit not to be identified told an.Asso- package hours after he ‘ an- Weatherman group, which has CONCENTRATED LIQUID going to ^o' off in the courthouse The other buildings evacuated Court today the neighborhood Court of Appeals in New Or- ciated Press newsman In Miami nounced it a week ago. asserted responsibility for a ser­ 1967 OLDS DELMONT near the Green." Tuesday house the Circuit 9 DRAIN OPENER • CLEANER school system should not be leans, would accomplish the dls- Beach that ■ preparations had In dlscusislng the Arab-Israeli ies of bombings in California, 88, 2 dr,, HT, Vinyl Top, One of the buildings was Supe­ Court, t.S District Court ■ and „ -c , , . used as a subterfuge to avoid establishment of the district’s •u V, iiji „ii ™ Washington and New York last PS, PB • EATS HAIR rior Court, where Bobby Seale. the Post Office building, all on , ^ j j , You Can Buy a Zenith desegregation. dual school system, though only (See Page Ten) (See Page Thlrtj’-Five) week, has declared it intends, to •1895 • EATS PAT 98* Quoting President Nixon’s "barely.” U^N. Doors STATE SENATE _ IN M ANY Color TV For As Low As ------;------free "all pollUcal prisoners." 1970 PONTIAC GRAND MANCHESTCR 299-95 statement of last March, Solid- 1 Griswold accused the MobUe Seale was one of those specifi­ PRIX, Auto., PS, PB, o d e g a ^ R D STYLINGS tor Cfeneral Erwin N. Griswold board of usihg "dilatory tac- cally mentioned. emphasized the President had tics’.’ to evade desegregaUon. Open Wide Burgundy, Black Vinyl HARDWARE & SUPPLY! Police allowed persons back said neighborhood schools are -The subject of neighborhood into the buildings after a half- 877 Main St., Manchester ODEGARD the "most apprppriate base” for schools has been the chief topic hour search failed to turn up For Birthday *4 1 95 FOR SENATE COiMBf. disestablishing a dual system. of discussion during the hear- any explosives, [ Phone MS-44tS G. Kanehl, Treaa. •‘He did not mean it was the (ng ■ — TEL. 649-24181— ^ Seale; was in court Tuesday sole m eth^ or sole require- The emoUonal situation be- UNITED NA'nONS, N.Y. ipent,” Griswold said at a hear- ....1.1..... ov 'with Ericka Huggins for a pre­ (AP) — With a fervent hope for BACK AGAIN IN HARTFORD BY POPULAR DEMAND! ine on malor school deseeree-a- Particularly erident Tues- trial hearing. Both face-charges law ' and • U?N, officials H n aesegrega- Justice Hugo L. stemming- from the 1969 slaying opened their doors tbday to a II Black, whose opposiUon to ra- of fellow Panther Alex Rackley. “ Many methods are available, discriminatlM has never parade of International leaders Including truly impartial zones, discnminauon nas net er Seale Is charged with first-de­ arriving for the 28th birthday of A PATTERN the pairing of sch ^ s , the clos- f f ft gree murder, kidnapiiig result­ the world forum. ing of ^ e and the expanding ^ ing in death, conspiracy to mur­ Police cars and patrol boats Legal Defense and Educational of others, and so forth.” der and conspiracy to kidnap. on ,the East River guarded the Fund: ” I don't like this trying 4 The concept of neighborhcxxl Mrs. Huggins is charged with land and water approaches of to condemn a whole way of liv­ schools has become, .the primary kidnaping resulting in death, the world organlzatijjn's head­ CUTTING SHOW ing.” issue in the court's three-day aiding »and abetUng a murder, quarters. Inside the biiildings PANASONIC The Fund lawyer, James M. 'Spend just with us look at the sch(x>l situations in the tw^conspiracy charges and and throughout the-18 ‘acres of 90 MINUTES WITH Charlotte-Mecklenburg County, ?la-brit III, had argued that binding with criminal" intent. lawns and gardens, U.N. guards and learn howto makevour own SE'f AND FORGET TUNING SNAP-ON N.C.; Mobile County, Ala.; and neighborhood school con- and plainclothesmen kept watch nattelns for any member of your family SUN Clarke County, Ga. cept is really a flcUon.” That is, WAtERBURY (AP) — The followii^ a warning from J. Ed­ NEW ES-m. 19” B I A C K & WHITE , SCREEN Griswold-said "school hoards he said, the CharlotterMecklen* — Waterbury Polica Station a)id gar Hoover’s assistant that an­ and get a perfect Jit eveiy time! will have not done enough if burg (bounty, N.C., school board City Hall were evacuated Tues­ archistic groups might try to SYLVANIA COLOR TV PORTABLE TV 12” BLACK & WHITE they simply desegregate neigh- had used zoning and sch(x>l loca- day for about an hour after a kidnap heads of state attending • NO MORE ALTERATIONS! borhood schools.” He said they tion techniques mosUy to pte- woman telephoned police and the anniversary session. • NO MORE WASTE OF MATERIAL! PORTABLE TV In Rich Walnut Grain •must make decisions that will serve segregation, not to perpe- said fhe ' building would be William C. Sullivan, the ast • CREATE YOUR OWN OESIGNS! overcome discrimination.” tuate neighborhood schools. blown up within one hour. sl^taht to the FBI director, gave $1 Both in Charlotte and Mobile, Black told Nabrit, who was the warning In a speech pre­ yvorld-famous Institute of Pattern Design $( A search by police and fire $ he said." the schcxil boards have supporting- a massive busing officials failed to turn up any pared for delivery to a group of will show you how to draw and cut your 100.95 not done enough. How “ drastic” plan: ” How can you rearrange publishers and editors. But own patterns with the “DOT PATTERN” explosives. a plan must be, he added, de- the whole country? . . . You In Bridgeport, a man called when he gave the speech, he system. You'll team a completely different, WE HONOR pends on the present extent of want to haul people miles and omitted the reference to kldnap- amazingly simple approach that will save police Tuesday night and said a mMtDT chir^D the consequences of past legal miles to give them eqqal per- bomb was set to go off in the ings. No reason wa^ given. >-' you money. Praised by seamstresses and TMi ■ITWSIW CMD teachers throughout Europe. Take only two BEHIND THE COUNnR OR BEHIND THE PRODUOT, NORMANW HAS THE EXKRTS discrlmlnation. centages in the schools.” business administration build­ The celebration, runnin|(^#r6m - measurements, read a number and make a "It Is not enough to leave The neighborhood school con- ing at the University of Bridge­ Oct. 14 to 24. will mean d ot-that’s all! things as they arc now and say cept has become the first line of port. blocked-off streets for New we must be g(x>d," Griswold, defense:: for attorneys defending The building was evacuated Yorkers and .Jess police protec­ 3 DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY former Harvard Law School desegrSgation plans the civil and searched, but no bomb was tion for the^clty. Some 8,000 po- llcem ^ have been assigned to 10:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. dean, said. rights lawyers say do not carry found. NORM A N ’5 He added that the ’ phrase ou( tj,e 1954 Supreme Court de- guard more than 40 heads of TUESOM. WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY./IIDAY INC INC. "neighbortiood schools is used segregation ruling, WASHINGTON (AP) — An In­ state or government and about OCTOBER 13. 14, 16, 16 by some persons as a subter- jj--Flve) With Autumn’s glow on the surf, a child races across Santa Monica, Calif, beach. (AP Photofax) (See Page Twenty) (See Page Thirty-Five) - \ - ■

f V