Top 10 Worst Episodes

10. Not All Dogs Go to Heaven Starting the list is the episode that tried to make atheism look good while destroying the likability of one of its characters: Brian . The only reason it isn’t any higher is the B- plot with the original Star Trek: Next Generation cast hanging out with Stewie.

9. Encyclopedia Griffin The first plot is thrown out the window so that the second plot where Chris has a girlfriend made out of stolen goods and Lois being jealous over the fact that his son is better at taking care of his ‘girlfriend’ than her husband does with her. Sounds like crap to me.

8. Seashell Seahorse Party/Screams of Silence These two episodes share a common theme: abusive relationships. Unfortunately, they’re both horrible in concept. The former tells us that victims should stay in abusive relationships while showing a drug trip gone wrong. The latter shows us the benefits of the former’s moral. Double standard, much?

7. Quagmire’s Mom This episode takes its sweet time to get here and it’s bad. The ending doesn’t make any better either. It also has a truly idiotic cutaway that I have ever seen. Also, Peter’s first name is not Justin! You cannot change one of your characters’ names when you’re 13 seasons in! It’s doesn’t work like that!

6. An episode with an incest joke? No, thank you.

5. Brian Writes a Bestseller/Brian the Closer What’s worse that an episode where Brian is preachy? An episode where he’s a complete asshole to those who have helped him. Namely to Stewie and Quagmire. Completely unlikable in these episodes and he deserves the given retribution at the end of them.

4. A Fistful of Meg One of the worst Meg related episodes that I have ever seen. Everyone in this episode is horrible, even more than usual. If it wasn’t for episodes like Meg Stinks! And This Little Piggy, this episode would have the unforgettable impression that the writers behind this show really don’t like Meg and want her dead.

3. Herpe, the Love Sore Sexually transmitted diseases are not funny! But this show doesn’t get that concept. How did Chris get herpes too? The B-plot is not any better. I get a feeling that no one in the military would get a laugh of this.

2. Life of Brian The mother of all ratings traps. It’s emotionally manipulative at its best. And bonus points for getting his entire fan base angry by killing one of your characters (for at least two episodes).

1. Stewie Is Enceinte Aka the reverse Herpe, the Love Sore episode. This episode is horrible in concept and boring in execution. Who thought an episode like this would have been good? Stewie is more unlikable than Brian and the whole misunderstanding at the end of this episode is stupid. Also, does anyone get a Fairly Odd Baby vibe while watching it?