tej unmw on aiu. , Tw Vint Patltabai April 11th. 1991, 3sTe-- r Fiert PubUihel Faky. !k ltll ftSAtt THIS, FRIEND: 47.) City (4-3- (4-S- 47J Fint Patl.'tkaJ ApV, lltk. 1M LOOK Prj&ala aatiatknntv srhat a man haa guthri' Tsro atMitfcte were autlo to tie RinciroirnLKiT.03, toaoUbetotaUwjr willgotnbuT. If ISYl'AQ A I rcacytetiaa church tint fcncJay. HOTICB mWILlCiTIOrl. HOXIOfi FOR PUBLICATION' it is what leaf wutl and tbe price ALLPAflTIta At I.atvl Galea at Gntbrie O T uit tbaaa Ut trill buy it, But thoy Leu DISTANOR AND vrllO OWH Gototk Bull? tttU'Jiant Lead Office nt Gatbtia. Oh la. Ortoa at Gntbrie O T will not kaavv what a awnhaat ban to IflOC Pcbyi7" 188. Land" ( firat olkRi April 4, - aell ar the prioo uclam bo publuhee AND j u mot meals NoUco ia hcrnbr tbalol- - April. ," 1896- LfrSINLANGSrOIfClTI Ndtlcntli lb iMpnUm ciT.'n that it to world. Lei a atan irv wnou a ' hir9!iyglntht Jowlng-natnc- WISH DAVB I 1 bn Preebyttrien S. 3. will orgsn- - Dtiiati tcttur tM nutteo or M tnttnilun aaitler baa filftd aatict haod-btllthecal- 10 BUCH proofftil fnwpott of lit claim, Notice is hefby a;treu tbn tbiaft and sot The IP to Bakaatiii la of bia intoation tu nake fianl proof tbbl ptinciplo, to ansae KoIiIh PROPEK1I i Iniaorrow every una wbu will at- kodtliitiiatil proof wilt bemad httom linn following nacaed eettler ha.M filial same eitanl H IMit rt Itvfftrvr IT. rt. MD'tunrrnl ia aupport of bia claim, aid that said good in a mcruhantilo buniaeae. The nv tend is eordiaty iaviteJ. lulr II, I''"!. ri7.'Wll'lm Mutnl proof will be made beforo Rejriater nctici of bit inteatioa to mako fin Looked after aad tax paid on TPHWaaHaaw2aB"wHBa J rr, -1 Sco. Twp. IG II. 1 airoet auctionocr arawa cis crowd oy fnr the N. f 2. on al uroof in auunort of hie claim, and aid lota will acMnaa J. W. Mettiroy W- - andReoelrer atOutbxio U T, adrertisiag hia goodaitba thrifty nor Tbe test stepper U iu tbo ring n Ifo umv th following- wIIdsoi lo I'roVf that aaid proof will be made before - Juno 10, 189G. viz: Tb)Be J liatt chant tho same. Ho draw hie ooato for any aad all iafoneetioa, butia ea while and hn oaiilliiuou4 mlJpuns uku nut cul.lr- tno Koffieler aud Itecttlret u. 5 Laud 4inii', did ton bit ht tlf.n uf Mid Und. vi.' wbo maUe H . No. 1 1443 for tbe S. morn in tbat war The Patent Medi- all caaea, where i&fortaatioa ia d wir- Livery Barn. Okm, E-H- e Office Btnriiit'. Vlcmmlu, of Outbrl E'l-- 4 9ec7Tp. lCxi. 1 at Guthrie 0T., on July 22, t,;l,lpsliliit Sande)? i:iinrl cine taaa by his almanac telle his must enclosed for re- 6bcifrrR.NiAholi.utrti. c " " uamee tbn follow inc wltnr.asos 18lJb tU: Kow.it B Nance for tbe N. ed SfaKra bo "Wu.ua:) Htahrton, Proprietor. " " goods by lettiag tho public know W. A. A. hi a fltts brown lia VM3 JollflKOH.Of tt) provo bi'i continuous residence up W- - 17 1 ply. A N. J. Crnol, lt?(ttr. R. W. what it ia, tho price tad what it will . k at fairs M it Sunday. Xilt LQtf(tuu llemM. ouauti tujiivnuuutji, emu iaua, vtr )loiiaiu' tbo fullowiiii; witnoafiwj to do, The groat eeciot of a inan'e ?uc In sending, pleaso f;ond HEAdQUARTER Krauk Winfruy, Beujuinin i'owoll. of (be 1UU pM7e JjWotniritiotis rwmtnuo upon vesa in life ie what the people kuuw Harry Palulrr rpetke making Firat i'ubliibed April: 189; H. A. Hydor. Jo.iupu Kutt, nil v1 - number of BLOCK and LOT, ' and ctiltivntlon uf, Nnid laud, viz- of liim. Henry Clay naid it was not hor first olafls Turnouts. (-- Langaton O. T. Tuce for register of deed, aud should :i47 ) W. Harper, of Gutbrio what a man kuew or did but whnt and Btate whethor the proper A N. .7- - Crook, Hrami.t, jJatnei O T. l: turned webrliave he would make J William Canoing, of Berwick " " the eop)o thought ho knew or did. NOTICK FOK PUBUOATION 332, Langstoa Ilersld-- ty iB in Languton City "PRO'-JbJ- Mr. Staplotou. is an espariencod Lit a fi.it tiful cflcer. i Jatnce Brink, of " " The peoplo move by thought, uct by inompson,oi uuturle U. T. leauou and renaou by com)nrieou. or in College HeightM ad- ryman, and keope a firat vlasa Tho towu ship board rant in town How can thoy compare without Laud Office at Gutbritt, OkU. . N. J. Crook, liogibter. .socio dition to Langaton City. Stablo und I'olito Workmen. aotae-ver- tliiug to couiparol When goods iiro i n Tucedny nad transacted April. 4.;i8-'- 6 LFtrst Publiabed F.b .n'jtb, lBt'G s.130 Lasgstnu Uorald, adrertisod pooplo can compart cjuali All (its Win bi loofcitf after Wbeo in Qitkrie, be Sure to Ht'U important n (4-- ai7.) bssiasts. Nutlcr In turibr rtv-- ttiat the folluwlur-uatar- tt ly and price, ahow them your etock neillcr buflltcl miticu of bin tut n. and tax paid and riciipts forwirfcd 'With him, on. Cleveland Ave. Whet meaner of wnti is he who tlott tutuDkr Uiui pr 'uf In upiort ft Lli of goods. Obtaiu their patronage bv cUlui aiid thuttHiJ urunf will Im inula ti j First Published April 11. 1806. advertising your business through ! awn fur of II, K. Ljmid NOTICE PUHLIOAriON to ail partiis fir pties- - angry uith bit felluw lor" .'(rriilfrftii! Rcrcitrr Toil LiNosTON olh-cin- l nidirati lime" aiilnthrl Oktf.cu Juljr 17. IM tit: The Cm HaaaLb, the attending (o hit o"u bukiueks, dou't ScjitlrrM. TrM),forthn Lot aN,E,)iiit (.i34?.) organ of the business iruu TBS NICEST, rt. 12. UUrr.SV iwp.lSH.l W. Addhess all Lkitkk.s to know only the detil cia tell? lln Dmy ttirfollowluu wltiim to prtiT Land Office at Gutbtia 'J.T und ohoapest place fo put up in thi up n q. cuttlra-tnao'- , hi ogoltn'OUj rtliluca NOTICE FOR PUULIOATION. J. W MORLBOY. city. He furnluht-- convnynticcN ntanj Oar fareiera arc chopping r Aloa uu ImiJ. vlr ' Teby. 31. lttfG Sloiim WAltora. of i'Urkioa Okt. JUSTICB OF T1IK PKAt'B hour of tho uight. rvi--tVi- is given en eery band and prospeota are tly riiuinMM WIUrd,uf " '" Notico hereby tint tbe follow I lud Office at Guthrio 0 T. " ing-nain- FirntP.. ?.:ch. 1S93. Kit M. i:iiiun.or " vd Hnltier baa filed notice of lishrd 7th Rcal-Emtat- It. ' and . k AKNT. bright fur a large crop thin John iiililiH.ut " April 2. IMG. A N J. V'roiik tloiflHtur, bia intention to mako flnnl proof in (- - d'r) ear. r.Vi .ftlljrtloh llrrklil, support of bia c!ulin, nnd nid j Ibat Notico ia burobv Lfiveu that tbo fol Firnt l'ubliabed April 11 tb. lb'JG. proof will bo uiHdnbntore tbo RogtH-if- lr ufi, A. J. ALSTON, The bptiat revival hn bran a m- luiuug-unm- ed aottlor has filed notico O. T. and Recolvnr at Gulhiro,0. T. ou HOTICEJORWMJCITION. t47.J of his ituouuau to tnak eet, several converts bsre been nnul proof Physician and Sirgeon Juoe 1st, 1890, viz: Wilhatu Cburva' in Hupport oi hu nutuu, anu ttm xsid Liud Ofllub at Guthrie Olka. A GOOD THINlx made. , for the 8. K. 1 4, Sua, C, Tp 17 N. Jfic;i-it(- r pioof will bo inadebnforu Feby 24, 1896 NOTICK FOH PUBLICATION. Range 1 WVtI.M. . l.Qud Wellthun, why dont, you Will bit Rl.itl to tront Iter. Hunter tlin KvangMiat left and Hecoivor U Oltico at pa He names the following witooaaei OtttJirio Oi T on July 1800. Notice is hereby given take hold Just beiliM tuncb good while 10' vi: tbat the of this, and mako Land Office Guthrie O. T. to prove his continuous laone up- ,T(uiiH 8hooinaker for tho N. W. 1 of tientHinthe country. rst settler Las Ulett Uotire ft good pticcom here. on and cultivation of, said land, vit: Stic 8. Tvvp. 17. , 1. ont of it, if it April. '2nd, 18'JG. W. oi ois luieotion to makfi nnul oruot . All Calls Promptly Attended To) Andrew Vandsrpool. of Laogstou, Ho tho fulloninir witnosHos l9 H J nitmc.t in support of tie ohim. nd ibnt tuu i ?oc'(i thing. Hand in Notice is hereby given tbat tbe fol to provo hie Every day brings increased popa-luril- y O.T. ooiiliuuoui rotdouce up proof will be made Lofora -- A- - lUflatr your subwrintioil, read Call On owing named sstUer has filed notice Clark Preble, of " " on anu waul Rsoj-ivn- r ' nnd Ulna J - cultivation oi laud viz: nnd U S Laud Office ut to Lar.tou. huso rrbo acorn- of bin tuteuliou to nrnke fiual proof iu Clark A. Prublu, of Guthrie (). T. b(? Lnuis N. Baker, of " " " Uutbnb Oklu. on Juce VI. 1890, v .: wise. 3fbar444 urn exaltifg 1 d bar a few daye ago, attpporl ( f claim, and that aaid Wil Charvht. of " " ClffirfiV--y I iN bit James Bhocmkksr, of Fannie Boles widow and heir ut law WBHhiugton B..ul? Lcrtodty. Aud all ou the account proof will be made before Ue;;istrr David M. Bailey, " " " A. N. J Crook, " " of John A Boles Demi for tbe L',l mid Iteceivcr of B Office George T Gonner, of'1 8-- LaugHtoii C - Okla ateutly progmu. theU. Ltud & 1 W 1- -4 ity, of bar . Register. A.N.J. Crook, 4 S J N. Lf riec ii at Gutlnio O. T , on July U:h. 1SP6. S29U Lingston Herild. Resistor Twp. 17 X R. I W 'the City election will ojido off oti r'w. Hagin tor tbo N. 315'J Largitou Herald. . Zichariah He titan's the IoUovitJ! witnesses 1- -4 (First Published March 4 J of Hec. 8 l'owuli. 18 N. of K. 1. 7tb. BEAUTIFUL OU-IFOBH- Moiduy iitxt hi; my rcriilent lt9.) fo provo bis uonttuunus resideuuo up FREE! B. (4-3- 47.) Male is auppi ftt'd to cast one vote. ou and cultivation tf, i.t url(J, vi: fie names the followiug witnessee Janiej M Suits, cf - Guthrie Okla. Partioy 20 Popular Songd, words and 1UV. Davis will organise n Obriatiau to prove bia continuous residence upon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION- Firat PuMithod April 11th. 1830. Andrew Vandcip iol, c;ontuuplaliug coming to J. of " " Murcbautii, Eudeavor litre on Suudity, erory one and cultivation of aaid land, viz: Jfrome W. Itbnr, of ' Faiuirs, mtidic; 7 Complete Storios. 35 David P. a, ol Stillwater 0. T. 4-- 17.1 Aiuri:hanio,('loi)iH or Lalorors (mull who wiali ran hrtiome a member nod' Laud Office at Guthrie Okla. Louis N Baker, of ... i . J!7 LeeHakb, ' " " ui i'lumiojii...my ompinymout, to pur PortraitH, splendid (.famed, will if NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, A. N oha;o it is to !a hopjd tbat every ouu Frank M. Goin, of P,irailise " " Faby 31. 1896. J Crvk, Ri'gUttr. or nugago in ba.sinose. sond of J 00 valuable Money Making 3372 cum. rd-- r case tat and join. Q. of " " " Notico is bore giveu that tb Lnug9tou Herald. money for Map, firculara John A. 'Join, br -- lllllutruliiil lt....Lu n ...... i i .. Secret.--, y24 A. N. J. Crook, Register. nottler bus Hlod notice Land OffijH ut Guthrie 0. T, Jolly Joked for E. Htewarl has mnde n First Tub. April Jh9G.) "ral Informal ivu Hon.lt. J14C Lauatou Herald. of his iutention to mako fiual pr.)of iu April '2nd. lfl'Jf. lSth. of the Pnuifiu Coast fun lovers, 226 Selocticns fox , K. W. RiJlD ,t CO. wont ezsellent county official, ami support of his claim, und that naid (4-- ntr.) ful 12t5 W. Firat Autography Albums, 37 Splen kit given perfect aatjtfaoliou io every proof will bo wado uloro Kegistot Nolire is hertbv iven that the Strwf. andlteoeiver U. S. Laud Otiictut loMtig uaiued pettier Inc iilo I notice Los Angolea Cal. way, aw! will be bard to bent should F.rd Published April J lth. 189 C. NOTICK FOR did Games, JEtc. The abovt-- : Guthrio, Okla, on Juno 22, 189G, viz; of LisiuW ntioo ti iuiiK4&un1 proof in I'CBLl VTION. ke coaaa before the people for 14-- 347. Hak-o- Ui Hid collection will bo sent, post Hannah Mareball Now Hnntiah r snauort of cliiiu, mim tbit Land Office at Guthrio 0 T 1- 1- ' cad tern. for the Lota -2 &S. -2 N. li. pioot will hi miuVi iro I!oiili;i April rt." paid absolutely kbf.k to all, WW. o NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. 1-- 4 of Seo. 5. Two. 17. N- - R. 1 W. and Rveeivor o( lie U S. Lnid OtTu-t- i Koaciero.-W- The detlioation of tlio Frosbytoriau Notico in given xictico who sond 10 eta for Ho nauibe the following witnosinea on July lH'JC, that llu in silvor cant cb took plaea al 11: A. M; last atGnlbtieO.T, 9h. noltlcr ba film' would hav our reader tu provo ui3 eonnnuous restaenco up v.: William W. H .gm, for ih- - N my French Cream Taffy and SauJay, Ret. John B, Augboy the L.v.d Oillcd nt Gntbrie O. T, ou aud cultivation of, said land, viz: of his uitontioii t. umko tiunl pioof in to dintinotly unrJera'nnd. that W 1 8 N. of Ad-dret- M- - 4of.St'c To.vtib.13 support of br claiai, and IhuL Pop Ball recipes, w rirdioa-tor- y April Uud.lSUG. Jauiva Suite, of Guthrie Oklu. said K. I. McOahe. J). corn paator ia charge prescktd tho R 1 E I J. Wallace, Atwlr.itv.T Vonflili.il rf ' proof nil bo innilo bofon ii'i'ii-to- r - ' ' W. L. EaglMHon, .1 Mkr-itxth- Hethemoyer, Publisher esraiOD, the hoasn w.is filled to Notice is hereby given tbt tbe fol w,mio w. nAir t,i He twu" lh" f.illowiu' vfitues and Rocoivr l,' ii, l.nd OlKco A, L. kr roideu!(i up ( ). ila utoaolt osptcily, even etauriiug (owing named aatttor has filed notice Uvillinm Cburvat, of " " to prom nie continitoiis at Guthrio T. o. July 20, LSCC. and'. H. Uookrt. Uketo, Kansas. vi i of his intention to rutke final proof in1 on ami cuit vntioii of itl hud. i?.: I'aniol Wuiter-- Mn .S. M-- 1 room nee at premium, people caain iu a. N. J. Crook, Rogister. tr Jin in no wiao with anpport of claim, aaid DHvid P Kama, of Stillwater O T. of Soc. 2CTv,p.17 N 1. I V conn!;td and that proof, 3;7i Langaton Herald. tho Herald, NEOSHO VALLEY NURSERY, erery direction froaa the surrounding, will be made before Register and Ri LeeRui'i, of " Ho uaeaiH tho f hu.viux wituojines and parties tend- country and eeversl frtai Out brio cbivor st Gutbne O. T. uu July 9th. First Publicbo.1 April lSlli. 180G. Fi-ii- M Gjio. of Paradise to piov lui ooutinuou'j ru.iiiouco up- ing momcy h tamps, etc, mtist JHtow-ar- t, JobuQ A. of " on and cultivation uS, nnid Nnd, Aeaoav whonwere Hon: It. E. 18 v'z: Lowii J. Usgiu for the S. (1-3- 17.) vi: ntttscnd ittt pithcr of the js heavily stocked and vi N .1. Cr..ok It gmlt.r. K. Mra. Ware, Mr. and W. H. Vl-4- of S.'c. ivTowiib. 18 N. of A. John Jtiifl; of Langaton, O.T above mod very Mr. lK-m-l I. in parties, but tc thrifty growth, wtih Hollene-Wurtka- 31fS LinuMton John D.Sooit, of " UutHb. Mr. end Mra. 3. J. ad R. I. li. Horald S. of ' Pub. (Jo. Apple. Pear, Peach, Plum ('apt. Tandy. Tlie Choir, Ho named tho following witnesses I0TICB POR PUBLICATION. Joiooh Dobair, " Frank Hhoom.i''or, of Cherry, till trees wboaa in Mr. V O. Dooo to provo bis continuous residcuce up " and kinds of Choriatcr . gar, ou hiii cultivation of mid land viz: TIME TABLE A Ck oh, Htuj.irKn, Arc you kept in western ntirHcrins; al- rendered aomj of tbe awoettit Land Ofliuo ut Guthrie O.T acquainted outsil iaua!c that ever fell from mortal lipa. David P. Kerns, of Hull water O. T. 3."iJj Lf yotou Ueialil. of your :ity or town? Ii' you so Gra uc vines, Small Fruits Sierxraeat was aduioieteretl 3:30 Leo Rush, of " ".April fi," I S'Jo at -- a.. rr.y.6c , jr. Ti. am sond tie tho of"tht EvorxrvenH, Flowu'iufi P. U. and agaiu the bouno waa tilled. Frunk M. Goin, of Parad as ' " s. nameH Nntlc" hrMliv Kivrn that th fnlln'ij: partios witJi Shrubs, Forest Trees, etc., al All viaitora were otred for and ireu JohnQ. of " " " unmeet iniilcr hiu f.lcl uutice of hli la NORTH BOUND whoihyoiiare ac at by A. N. mm Ion louiitke flnnl proo' lit Kupponof quainted prices so low all run bin. J a im emllent dinner tbe cbarit J, Crook Register. hit elilratnl IbktuaM proof wlU bumVii No. 400, Ohieago Expreix, fl:U a. Firat Published 18th. and lei ua stnd thorn 3447 lha Reyttter aud Heorivrr of L'.S. in Apri' ltrffi. able people of Lsogatoo regardleia L'jogttou Herald. Iwfors fl La.vu-vro- N few good agents wanted OlBo I). on sample ropy of Tmk Ilii(l at Oi.tbrle JuU "rO. No: 408. Mo. Rivor ExpreD, 4: 15 p. n 4-- 34? of ileooaiinatioi). Both baptist nr.d ISM.' Imvlit Audxraon for tbo'f V. K 1 -t- Sv.c IA 1 11 : Orrv Send for hat. Direct to elbo.liet aiko j lioed knuda with T! to Township N, of Rno U'ot. No. 422, Way Freitfh!, Kl a. dj Hkham. price First i'ubliahed April 11 lBtfti i llniutrtMiho following wttneisvi to urnri.' the nebyttriaiia itud hflpdi to undo hit con tlniioct rei'ilence upon nnd out II vat l.in SOUTH BOUND. NOIIJE FOl PUBLICaII.N. NEoSHO VALLEY it pleacant for vUitora. ofiuM Unci, vie: I AM W. ClulitUon. or l)oddworth (. T. No. 403, Tmaa Exprei", 1 1 : 20 ji, :n NUKSEKY imurl DiiniiiD,of Outhrtn " " 3 Jolinajn. " " " No. 407, Oklahoma 1: 10). iu LLdOiIlc3Ht O Chamtte, ivans. lvj ' ' Eirns, Guthrie T. NOTICFPOR PUBLlCATiOH. I'rank Knaty, or DoiMwortli Our Churches- - I A. N. J. Pi o(i k. ltotntrr. No. lo"t, Way Froigbt 4:4i")p. m April 6 1S9C. f tMl UAngilun Herald. No. 423, Way Freight 23 a. 4: in HoUnn hor-b-y GUTHIE LEADER Anv pernim witthing to buy (rlvru that th fdllowliK-nnnu- Mladionary BuptiHt rl!o( Church. Laud Office nt Guthrio O.T. itt'ortina m.flon of lib Intauiton flogulnr iorrl,-o- a Lunston City I'roperity, will M imikK lloal proot liiinU9Jrf of oJalin. nnd 1st antinil flinnlay and that aaid pronr will bo mole tx fnrn I Iih Itwt--. Hunriay p((rlt. m ?.r month. April. 2. 1896. I lo woll teraiiO Hcnelffr of tht II.N. Land OOioot rraTcrratlnrc or; Wrinni.lav nliil.t. (Daily and Weekly.) tu communicate with Wife puthrlan.T on 1WS. Wallnco II. suffered for two years wltli chronic Rheu- Ju'r v.i; Ua jath aubool Sunday ii Notico ia horolty givou that tho fol f.orih,, N- - - of "' Tosjrab. (jverv ar a. in I. tint iiV.1.19 ' 1. MoElroy, who the iowiuir-uHtue- n II 1, K. Kov, 0. Ilmu, Pmtor, d aottlnr haa filed nation matism and Neuralgia, Tried everything Hh tiaiDM tho rollowlnc wiirtoascH to prove THE MOW iiaciwy of many lotH that arc of his intnntioti to wako tinal proof nlarofillrnioTM reMdeiiuo unuu aud cultiV4. Piwhvtenau Church recommended without relief until of ait'd laad. vis tarvc 1 for tulo ul roaaonable figuroo: in support of his claim, nnd that naid r'unda; au'l Sitada night 111 T Marivr C. Jodvo, of MurcDa O. T. mouth Live & proof will ho niado lioforo tbo l.awn m-- K. To il, of 1'awdl o " crh Progressire, Enterpris- nrutjim Tollvnr. of Maroua " " Har John M. ightr Pati.T, Register aud Receiver of U' Jett-p- HENDERSON tno S, MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. K. c e tor. or Land Office at Guthrin O. T. ou 'N .'.frook, Rit:latr. Churchs-naula- ing W.8 l.aaaiuu llcralil. Meth'diet r GLEANINGS. July 11, 189(1. 'vi: Mi!o.i W Allen cured her. arv!ci tan koU (tb bimda anc 'IK tli)nlarnlrhu 6aefc PAPER PUDM3HKD IN OKLAHOMA Mr. Darn Mom w marriei! to for tho N. K. of .Su2. 2 J Twp IG Il pouolnitcs musclo unci mombrniio quickly to the cry scat of pain of taontlt. SOLID Union Sabbath Sohool Hunrt.y Minn fd Boyd Snaday eve al 7'0 N. of R. 1. W. uu 1 drives it out at o'uec. vrv a KooJ. niany attended abc i t a. m. at the arnonl hnaan. Inatrumonta iluk He utniee tbe following witnfBJOS annc aervleia luarvtitd ( tbe (Irooiu'a bouaa, oonaaotad with the Urli-- H. fi. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF Rv. to prove bia continuous reaidanco up- Through Trains Maidamsa Hazalwonl, OtrlUto anil Mcar. W. - DEMO-GRAC- Y M.Uuderwcoil rotated tbo couple. on aud oultivatiou of, said land, viz: V, 0- Dintojan 1. J. Wallaea aad M!a rora OKLAMOMA of r.f -F- ROM- lliim.tt. .. TKACnKHS. Tbefciniiiii club kaown i Hoaier Jfoboit Armstrong, MnridianO.T f T? ,:'T4iaHB't. if-" 1 J ii i:L .t..t. wmiami TPT. Slnrssaigat tbe A.M. 11. Church Dhvih H' Johnson, of " 'n Ul fii trtiBjean 0. fl. farior, BKCnKTAItr. Sunday afternnoi) num')Br " it ii aUawN ti'IBBlvaBl in Ure I). Wilson Hollou, of dtbaiLgH. KANSAS CITY thk PaiM LEinta rontaitia the com (It.dd. Zobeodoo B. Willinws of " i ii Iter. I'ain IVislor --TO- plote Telographic service, beaitlcs A N- - J Crook, Hojjiiitor. all tho latost Territorial and Local lUv. V, llurrinof iluadviHu ed 3166 Langston Herald. We Print News. Send in your subscriptions at flow Kvautvil! MotuUy. SI, LOUIS. CHICAGO. i ' onco Daily, 50o a 1 1 r i'awBajBasaBBBaBaj mouth; Weekly, Firtil Tublinbed April 18'Jfl. v iavaiBaasBwavavavavavavavavaT Mia Lucy Ilnrrie is visiting friuud? a'vaBaBigBaBw Statements, 11.00 per Teal. Groat inducements r in ETaneville. (1-3- 17.) o v aaaaajjBeaeaaak OMAHA, PEORIA, to cluba Adrtresf Miaa Ancie Ouahtu Berry took a Bills and THE LBADRR. ti p to KvantvilleSuaOay. 'NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. DIBltlK O. T. ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS. Letter Heads. MreSallie Aire i improving. Netaaod Wit!) DispatCb. Office at Guthrio Mr Watrau ia ou aio1 Land O.T. dobuo ths UM.ktAN PAUACB Sl.KIPI NO OAH1. lit. April. 2nd, 1896. FREB BEOLf.NINQ AIR CABd Vr',8. A.Oueal xvt a lrclure Snu m diy ore. at tbke Mtb,)JiU Uburoh. Notice ia hereby Rivan that tbe 370 aottlor has Med not tea Only One Chan Car Mia. CatLeraoii Poaey in improving. fiual proof of bid intuution to make vnvwviw,,(f,' r -T- O- UOltKKK OAiJHTiL. iu aupitnit of his claim, aud tbat aaid KSV, K. f, rWtapY Soldiers, Widows, And Settlers, Regid-terntt- proaf will be niado twfore thn d 2 BENDfCttSON KY. Aamviu.v, N. C, Mrch 1895. The Atlantic Coast. Retwivor of U. S. Land Zy Jimtiiiefurin Co., rvoAiyn, '. Y. The Seat Una for Ofliiw t Guthrio O. T, You want to bain touch with a good reliable Lawyer, who can aud will take Owitlenie nt My wife Ui boon sunVriag vntU caronl? i ueuniutUra and notiMlgie .a on July Oth, 1891, viz: v.'illiam Can-mu- g fir tvo or thro yoar. I had triod everytWns that ouy ouo rvouU recoinuvnJ, care of your iatareat oi WeJjad a good rain iu tbU Coin-muo- it ioi tbe N. E. 14 of Keo. 31. Twp. but all fallMt. At list tho ricxican rruatanic Lluliixnt waa recommcaJod to New York, Boston, and tbe fatmeia aro well mo by a well-know- n uouibor of tbo Pint BaptUt Church of tUli city, rjyo rarbaaa, yieeard wilb for it a 17. N. K. 1. W. it came la needy a coaoumau, who hU thit be tud palru in tbe back and u sd MiuUng Ltulmat LAW AT THELAND OITXCB tiiao tine we lew who have planted "Ua names tho followiafT avitnesaoa and tt cured biuu I tried tt aud it baa cured ray wife. PlULADEIHIA, WA5HIKGTOK, aad aid ymi in eotniring a claim; a hoasa ia the Cherokee Strip at an easr ratau fa lUa arctiuu. to prove bia caatrauoua lesidenoo up. KEV. R. P. BUMLlJY, of, naid lead, igmo. Soldiers aud widowaDeolaretoriai filed, lnformatioa furnished aa ikine'ay ou and cultivation vr: ritor of atpuat Zion BaptUi Cburih. ""five fiuboitt ntrrieJ oat ft Willie IXene, of Bar wick O. T. AND ALL POINTS eajariiaea niaely Caster 'Mo.. Hs. a4 It par boUlo. Tor aals l all DruwUU tu fEiorekAoiwr. , oa Sunday T . wtu twnaut rt BaiweM. oaariM W. loTowuMreii uxprM oak oa reoelptot prtea, Advice Given Cheap By egg taotensong Beajiiraiu Uarralt. of Outline 0. Hera a a an tbe '- . WriU for Mry Wary BMkWflrakd) matfeiree. Charioi H. Griawold, of " -' aud Haaday iiabaot pupila that auaabera AidreHyourhHtenUtulyto , NORTH EAST 0. Wbiteley, of " " flora 400 to S00 egga, tbe rain kept Thomas , TOMlaaTlirPACrnmillvlCO.. R. Emmett Stewart, Of I ba firjj!a from finding tbeaa a). A. N. 3. Crook, Rogktar, 'kwr, South Fifth St., BROOKLYN, N. V. A. O. DAWN. j; 41,4349 Ussaaai. rassaasaa At eat, IT. LOttS, wo lasl&ioM t. T., JUdnss !) celosii(Stiip to nilj. W. O.fiinkc Jutt': T; P, P S4; iri.:tCT. :tv.--