1. Progress on Strategic Objectives

PE4 Improved services to vulnerable groups in the community Action Progress PE4a:Proactively work with Once again we have met the target for use of residents vulnerable to losing temporary accommodation at the end of the their home through preventative quarter. We have now gained approval to join the strategies Pennine Lancs Regional Choice Based Lettings Scheme and are working closely on this project with our partners Calico. This scheme will simplify the process of applying for affordable housing for residents in Burnley and expand choice for all. It is hoped the scheme will be implemented and "go live" in November 2010.

PE4b: Ensure quality housing The DFG budget is 37% committed and 42 services are available to adaptations have been completed. A further 61 vulnerable, elderly and disabled people have had their grants approved and work residents should be completed on these adaptations in the next few months. Officers from the grants team are processing a further 55 application which will be approved over the coming months. Progress is continuing with the non-urgent waiting list which contains households that require adaptations but are considered less urgent than high priority cases, four of these grants have been completed with five further approvals. PL1 Revitalised communities and balance housing markets

Action Progress PL1a: Restructure the housing Since the last update four CPOs have been market and address inappropriate confirmed and the properties in the Oxford Road supply CPO have already been demolished. In addition properties on Burton Street have now been demolished, a programme of planning act CPOs will be considered by the Executive between August and early 2011/12. In June the Executive approved the Housing Regeneration Plan for 2011-21 for publication.

Following on from the success of 2009/10 Affordable Housing Programme the Council is in negotiations with its private and RSL developer partners in respect of the redevelopment of further sites in Burnley Wood and Daneshouse. The ongoing development of the Cog Lane site in South West Burnley is continuing this year.

PL1c: Maximise and make best The report detailing the Council's Housing use of funding for housing and Investment Programme was presented to the sustainable community initiatives Executive in July to confirm the funding and the programme for 2010/11. National cuts to the HMR programme have resulted in cuts to all recipients of HMR grant and this has required some difficult decisions within Burnley. The decision of the Executive will enable us to move forward this year with a strong programme that will continue to see major investment in the inner neighbourhoods of Burnley allowing us to make further progress in tackling housing market weakness and the regeneration of our priority neighbourhoods. We continue to progress discussions with the Homes and Communities Agency to realise our strong ambition to see the development of further affordable housing in the Borough particularly at Hurtley Street Phase 2 in Daneshouse also in Burnley Wood.

PL1d: Develop effective As per last report partnerships which can deliver new developments in the housing intervention areas in the current economic climate.

PL2 Higher quality housing

Action Progress PL2a: Improve housing conditions The face-lifting programme 2010/11 has and the local environment progressing well with 78 properties face-lifted to date. A further two schemes are due to be complete shortly on Barden Lane with two terraces on Prince Street due to be started.

So far this year the VPI has purchased five properties and completed the renovations on one. We currently have three renovations underway and have planned a further four. Three properties are in the process of selling and we hope to complete soon. PL2b: Improve standards on the The licenses have been issued to landlords who private rented sector have submitted completed applications. Any outstanding information required is being requested giving landlords a 7 day deadline to respond. One case has been lodged at Court for early October and other cases are being prepared by the team. The drop in surgery at Tay St Centre continues to be well attended. Residents and landlords who attend raise concerns, queries and report anti social behaviour. Issues raised at the Licensing Residents group and information received at the Drop in surgery is fed to the Multi Agency Licensing Meeting for a joint agency approach. An additional drop in surgery is being held at Howard St Health Centre on a Monday evening. Work is still continuing on Management Orders

PR1 To develop a diverse business base with an entrepreneurial culture and a reputation as a place to do business Action Progress PR1a: Ensure that businesses As per last report received the relevant support and actively promote the new NWDA business start up and growth programmes

PR1b: Through the Borough's As per last report Business Support Network, ensure an effective, co-ordinated response to business support PR1c: Work with NWDA and The project board has now been established. UCLAN to develop the Education Work is being progressed on master planning the and Enterprise project at Princess site and assessing various procurement options. Way The project team are working closely with UCLAN to develop the Enterprise Centre Concept with a view to applying for ERDF funding.

PR1d: Develop and maximise the The MAB launch took place in July with Peter impact of UCLAN's Media Access Salmon from BBC North leading a panel of high Bureau across the Borough profile guest speakers from the Digital and Media Sector. The event was attended by 100 businesses from across the North West. ERBS is now working with UCLAN to develop a regular networking event for the creative and digital sectors in Pennine

PR2 Firmly establish Burnley as a key retail and service centre in Pennine Lancashire Action Progress PR2a: Ensure that the Curzon As per last report Street development commences work on site

PR2b: Adopt a Public Realm Received confirmation of £447,746 ERDF Strategy and secure funding for a Funding from NWDA, which means the funding programme of highways and for this circa £1m scheme is in place. Final public realm works in the town designs for the works are now being completed. centre We are aiming to have the project on site in the last quarter.

PR3 The Borough is known as an alternative destination for living, working and leisure, based on affordable, high quality housing and workspace with a wide leisure and cultural offer Action Progress PR3a: Secure development Weavers' Triangle development opportunity was partners for the Weavers Triangle published in the Official Journal of the European following the launch of Union in June; deadline for submission of Prospectus expressions of interest 31st August; short-listing of potential developers, leading to negotiation of scheme details, to be completed by end September.

PR3b: Support and develop the Fourth bondholder event attracted 20 Borough's Brand Strategy and organisations 90% from the private sector. Bondholder Programme Burnley Major Events Strategy work underway. The 'Brand' developed the idea, the structure and attracted panel for The Digital Revolution in partnership with UCLAN attracting Peter Salmon, Director of BBC North, Bryan Grey, Chair of Peel Media and Mark Crabtree, alongside approx. 100 from the digital and creative sector. Website re- development underway. Generated regional media coverage for the Weavers' Triangle.

PR3c: Complete business case As per last report and secure programme entry for the Todmorden Curve project

PR4 The Borough has a reputation as a regionally significant centre for advanced manufacturing Action Progress PR4a: Secure developers for The NWDA have suspended any further work on Michelin Site the Michelin site following notice from Government that they will cease to exist from March 2012. The future of the NWDA's assets are still unknown, they may be sold or passed on to local partners. ERBS staff are still progressing work on a demand study

PR5 To establish the Borough as a centre of education excellence with highly skilled & qualified workforce that meets the demands of the knowledge economy and advanced manufacturing sector Action Progress PR5a: Implement Future Jobs As per last report Fund Opportunities across the Council

PR6 Burnley is a place where everyone is able to benefit from new employment opportunities & has access to a range of support and training Action Progress PR6a: Review & Implement the Strategy review is suspended until September Borough's Strategy for 2010. Research into new government policies Employment promoting continues opportunities for employment through its mainstream activities

PR6b: Work pro-actively with Job Met with Jobcentre Plus staff in August to discuss Centre Plus and other partners to working together to provide recruitment and respond to redundancies and the training support for businesses who are recruiting increase in unemployment as a or upskilling, helping to support recently result of the economic downturn unemployed people back into work.