Tm ARCHIVIST Genealogical 3ociety of Bergen Oounty, New Jersey

Vol. XIV, No. 1 P.O. Box 103. Hillsckle. N.J. 07642 MEETINGS: The next re lar meetings will be held February 23, and April 27 ?all fourth Mondays) at 7: 30 P.M. at the Hillsdale Publio Library, 509 Hillsdale Ave? , Hillsdale, H. J. A heavy snowfall and hazardous driving cond~tionsresulted in the cancellation of the January 26 meeting. In the future, if you have doubts as to whether a meeting will be held. or not be- cause the weather is questionable, call one of the offi'cercl eepecially Louisa Lavelle ( 261-7599) or Robert Rinkmr ( 262-i782). PROGRAMS: Janet Reimer will speak on wCollectione of the Histori- cal ~ocxetyof New Jersey in New Brunewickn at the February 23 meeting. These collections are under her direction. llhomae Pieters will address us on "TracSng Your Immigrant Ancestoren at the March 23 meeting. He will give special attention to German, 'French, Dutch and Eastern European ancestry. Mr. Pietera is associ- ated with the Genealogy Grou of the Passaic County Historical So- ciety and the Pateraon (N.J. p Historical Preservation Society. MGMBEEtSHIP DUES: 1987 dues were payable in January. The are 8.00 for individuals and $10.00 for a family (household7 . NEW HBIBERS nut of State Catherine B lson Knauff, 2 er Rd., Newfield, N.Y. 14867. tph. :07/564-9072) OTHER GEI\IEALOGY PARTICIPATION BY MEMBERS Several members of the Society, including Louisa Lavelle, Margaret Ross. and George Crede exhibited ~enealonicalmaterial at the 37th Annukl ~erita~eFair sponsored by-the paramus Historical Sooiety, February 16 in Paramus, N.J. Edna and Kenneth Pram of Fair Lam, N.J., are coordinating the teaching of the Genealogy and Family History course in the Ridge- wood (N.J.) Adult Education Program for ten Tuesday evening ses- sions (7:30-9 P.M.), January 27 through April 14. Several other members of the Society are part of the teaching team. VOLUNTEERS FOR NATIONAL ARCHIVES BRANCH AT BAYONNE. N.J. neNational Archives - New York Branch in Bayonne, N.J. is seek- ing volunteers to assist the Branch in several programs. They are hoping to get commitments for four hours a week for three types of positions: genealogical reference aide, preservation and re- search aide, and public relations aide. The Branch will provide necessary training. One of the benefits to volunteers will io- clude special access to a microfilm reader. For more details see the handout Louisa Lavelle has. Also, if you want to contact the Branch directly, call Anthony Fantozai (201) 823-7561. ;U;EI~I;IIJXRSHIYGUMIES (seeking Info) 1. Catherine Wilson KNA Piper Rd., Newfield, N.Y. 14867. (a) Need info on par!?kd3:iblings of Charles DE GROAT b. 1825 Passaic, N.J. ; par. Jacob and Elieabeth lived in Passaic Co., N.J. 1840: Charles m. 1852 Sullivan Co.. N.Y. to (b) Mary Jane UE GRAW b. 1836 Sussex Co.. K.J. : nar. Christonher &d ~&riet DE GRMi; ~hristo~herand f&ily iiced in ~ulli+anCo., N.Y. in lf155; Need all info on this DE GRAW (DE GRAFF) family. 2. Lavis MXNZIES, 1031 Simpson Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba R2K 1S7 Canada. (a) Seek info on John A. VAN BUSKIIZK b. 1807 N.J. ; d. 18 Aug. 1874 Kidland Twp., Bergen Co., N.J.; m. 25 Aug. 1833 Hnckensack, N.J. to Elizabeth DE BOUN; She was dau. of Peter I. DE BOUK and Aletha WEST3RYBLT; Elizabeth d. 4 Sept. 1882 Midland, 1i.J. (b) who v~esfather of John A. VAN BUSKIRK? where was he born in i:.J.? 3. lurs. Helen DEXNY '{/CODMAN, 207 Balsm Rd., Hendersonville, N.C. 28739. Seeking par., bros. or sisters of Hemy DENNY b. 12 June 1758 Hackensack, N.J. ; d. 15 Sept. 1839 . He m. 21 Sept. 1760 New Barbadoes (~ackensack),N.J. to Kary YOUNG, dau. of :'lillian ?ad Mery YOUNG who are bur. in cemetery of Old Church on the Green. Hackensack. N.J . Henrr and h'ms DENNY moved to New York City ca lj94. Mary DE~NY-d.12 ~bch1813; Henry m. 2nd vrife Amy CCNKLIN 7 Nov. 1820. 4. iirs. Joan C. BROOKS, 157 Washburn L~ne,Stony Point, N.Y. 10980. (a.) Need info. John A. SI3UART b. 6 April 1813- d. 19 Jan. 1878 and Ann HEKION, his wife, b. aa 1815; d. ca 1899. Resided Suffern, 1i.Y. ; buried biahwah Cemetery, N.J . Dau. Hannah Louisa SHUAR'P . (b) Need info George BOI'I'LEY b. ca 1825 ?England?; d. 1901 Ramapo, 1i.Y. end Iiannah Itaria CARLOUGH, his wife, b. ca 1825 Suff ern, N.Y. ; d. 1902. Three children: Eilatilda, Elisabeth, and Ida Earia. (c) Need info William SCOTT b. ca 1812 ?Scotland?; d. after 1880, and blary Ann IWl'RERS, his wife, b. ca 1822. Resided Ladentown, Hockland Co., N.Y. Children: Catherine, William, Elias, Mary Jane, Emma, Janes Hamilton. (d) Need info Newton UCUY b. ca 1858; d. 1905, and wife, Eliza- beth Ann BOKlnLEY, b. ce 1862; d. 1898. Resided Monsey, N.Y. area. Children: Evmgeline (~va), Edna, Matilda. () Need info Jacob !,UCKIE b. ca 1829 Ulster CO., N.Y.; d. 1907, and wife, Mary Jane ABRAKS, b. oa 1832; d. 1891. Resided Spring Valley, 1J.Y. Children: Newton, Benjamin, IUelisaa. (f) Need info Justus ABRAIi?S d. 1861, and wife, Mary ( ) . Resided Clarkstown, N.Y. Children: George, Leonard, Josiah, Levi, Charles, John, Abram, Jesse, Asa, Elizabeth and Catherine. (g) Need info John SLANCHARD b. 1786; d. 1865 Stony Point, N.Y. and wife Emma ( ), b. 1789; d. 1875. Resided Stony Point, N.Y. Ten children: Sarah, Emma, Samuel, Edvrard, Hamah, John, Jr., Agnes, Josiah, Deborah, ~ndJames. (h) Need info David HZOi!,ION b. ca 1785; d. ca 1841, and wife, Hannah ( ), b. czi 1791; d. 1855. Resided Suffern, ~.~./Mahwah, 1I.J. aree. Nine children: Anna, Lawrence, John, Jacob, Margaret, Elizabeth, Kslria end David D. ANCESTOR CHBRT - CAROL (Uompiled by Carol Iowa 51601. Generations 1 thru 13 were listed in the August 1985, November 1985, and August 1986 issues. This issue includes additions and corrections for Generations 8 and 9. Corrections are shown with an *.) Additions to Generation 8 191 DAVISON ~ezia%,b. 17 Aug. 1721 COM. Correction to Generation *328 BENNETT Robert (Change 52. to #32tl).'(Rest of previous entry is correct.) Generat ion 14 BOBDEN William, b. aa of Headcorn, county Kent, England? d. bef%oh June 1557, will proved; m. to: ? Joan, living 28 Jan. 1559/60. POWLE Richard, b. 1514; bur. 5 May 1572 Frittenden, county Kent, England; m. to: ? ?, d. before 3 Sept. 1570. PERCY Peter, b. 1447; standard bearer to Richard the Third at the battle of Bosworth Field in 1485. BURGESS Ellice SIWN Humphrey, of Tregonie, England. PYE Alexander, of St. Sterens in Com Cornwall; will proved 14 Feb. 1569, Arch&. Ct. Cornwall, England; m. to: CORNE Marian POUND \Yilliam, of Lounston in Com Cornwall, England. RICHMOND William, alias Webb: of Stewlrley Grange, Bucks County and Over-Wroughton, Wiltshire, England: m. for LYMINGS Dorothy WEARE Robert ( alias Brown) of Marlborough, England. FYSHE Augustine, bur. ~reaiBowden Parieh, 26 Jan. 1579/80 BOB DEN ? ? FOWLE ? J oane COGGESHALL William, b. ca 1495; clothes; d. prob. Waltham, county Essex, England after 1543. BUTTER William, b. 1521; clother; bur. 8 Nov. 1594 Dedlmn, England; m. to: GURDON Ann, bur. 22 Aug. 1563 Dedham, county Essex, England. WRIGHT Nicholas, b. county Norfolk, England; d. prior to 1567 Beaupre Hall, Outwell, county Norfolk, England; m. to: BEAUPRE Annie GYLBWT William, Vicar of Barton Turf, 1517-1531 parish. DES DURETS Jacques, b. 1519 Cambray, France; founder of the Demoses family in England; fled during the religious and political persecufions from Netherlands to Nor- wich, England prob. 1567; d. Norwich, England 1604; m. to: SUCEUR ~nto&ette DES WETS Jacques SUCEUR Antoinette Generat ion 15 BORDEN Edmund, b. ca 1480; d. between 13 April and 18 June 1539 will proved; bur. Headcorn ChurchyarB, England; m. to: ? Uzrgaret FO WLE Thomas, of Warden, county Kent, England: will dated 28 Sept. 1514; m. to: 5 J ohane P~CY Ralph (sir), seneschal of his father's court at Altlwick. PYB John, of Nansarth in Cornwall, England. CORNE Bichard, of St. Sterens in Cornwall, England. RICHb!OND William, alias Webb; of Draycott Foliott, Wiltehire, m. Enelend:--- -7 -- to:--- &YEN j&n, d. after 1502. LmINGS John, of IJotts County England and 1st wife. BURDEN William (same as $10608) ? Joan (same as #lo609 FOi'JLE Richard (same as #lo616 ? ? (same as #lo617 COGGEStiWIL John, l~. ca 1460 prob. Hundon, county Suffolk, Eng- land; d. 1501 prob. Gosfield, county Essex, England$ will dated 13 Sept. 1501, proved 31 Jan. 1502: m. to: PARKEB ?, sister of Robert Parker. 3UTT?B Thomas, b. ca 1500; clother; of Dedham, county Eesex, England; d. between 20 Aug. and 15 Oct 1555. GUBWN John, b. ca 1485 of Dedham, Little Waldingfield and Great Valdingfield of the Hanor of Assington, county Suffolk, England; d. shortly before 27 April 1556; m. before 19 Dec. 1505 to: CCLW3.N Anne, d. prob. before 1537. WRIGHT John, b. 1465; acquired the manors of Tinaall and Bous, in East Lexbam, England; d. 1541; will dated 16 Aug. 1540; provea at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury 4 iipril 1541. BEAUPRE Edmund, of Beaupre Hall, Outwell, county Norfolk, Eng- land: zsar.-, b. - 1502/3:- . -, d. 14 Pebrwy- 1567/8 0.a. m. to: WISEMAN ~argery DESMAREZS Jacques, Sr., b. 1480-1500 Cambray, France DESPURETS Jacques, Sr. (same as #29696) Generation 16 BGRDEN iVilliam, of Heaacorn, county Kent, England; a. 1531; m. to: ? Joan PERCY Henry DE RICHKORD \iilliam, assumed name Webb, upon his marriage; auartered the Webb arms: of Yorkshire. lived in Dray-- iott, ';,iltskire, england; m. ca 1430 to: Alice, heiress Jobn, of Droyciott, i'iiltshire, county Essex, England. Eamund (same as #21216 ISermxet (same as #21217 P&LE ~homas same as #21232 ? J ohme same as if21233I COGGESHUL John, b. ca 1430-1435 prob. county suffolk, -gland; d. prob. 1488 Hundon, county Suffolk, England; will dated 14 Peb. 1487/8; proved 24 Thy 14888; m. to: ? Alice -4- ,44308 GURWN John, of Dedhsm, county Essex, England$ clother; will dated 3 April 1504, proved 21 May 1504; bur. Church or Churchyard of Our Lady at Dedham, Eng- land; m. to: 44309 ? Joane, will dated 28 Dec. 3512. 44310 COLEMAN John, the Elder of Little Waldingfield and of Lynes Hall, SuffolJc, England; will dated 19 Dec. 1505, proved 5 Narch 1505/6; bur. Little Waldingiield Church before the choir door; alao of Lgnes Hall, SuTfolk. England:- mr to: 44311 7 Anne 44544 WFtIGHT Thomas, Lord of Kilvestone Hall, Norfolk, England; Living during 1422-1509; earliest known ancestor of Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York; a. 1509. 59392 DES KiETS Jean, Esquire, Doctor of Laws, magistrate at Cambray, France; m. to: 59393 GEFlARDEL Catharine 60032 DES WETS Jean (same as #59392) 60033 GmABDEL Catharine (same as #59393) Generation 1 84864 BORUEN John, will hted 26 Bp 1469 Headcorn, county Kent, England; m. tor 84865 TORNOR Benett 87296 PERCY Henry 87808 DE RICHBOND Thomas, was living in the time of Richara 11, Henry IV an8 Henry V. 87810 WEBB Thomas, of Draycott, Wiltahire, England; m. to: 87811 NICHOLAS Elizabeth 88384 BORDBN William same as #42432 88385 ? Joan same as #42433 1 88616 GURDON John, calledI llJohn, the elderw in 1480, when there were living "John Gurdon the middlerl' and "John Gurdon, Jr."; d. an ola man between 13 Aug. 1487 will deted and 14 Jan. 1487 will proved; m. first Naxgaret, after 1472; m. second Matilda, a. 13 Aug. 1487.-.-.- 88620 COLETUN Richard, of Waldingfield Parva, England; will proved 3 Feb. 1457/8:. . bur. Waldingfield Parva Churchyard: m. to: 88621 ? Agness, of Waldingf ield Parva, England; will dated 10 Dec. 1476; proved 18 May 1477; bur. Walaiagfield Parva Churchyard. 118784 DES hARFIIS Reginald, Esquire, Doctor of Laws, magistrate at Cambray, France; m. to: 118785 DE LA SAUIX Agnes 120064 DES B'LTJlEl!S Reginald same as #I18784 120065 DE LA SAUIX Agnes {same as 1118785 Generation 18 169728 BOP,DBN Thomas, d. 1469; m. to: 169729 ? Isabella 169730 TORNOR T homas 174592 PE8CY IIenry 175616 DE RICHMOND Elyas, living during the time of Edward 111 &U Richard I1 1327-1399. 175622 NICHOLAS Richard; m. to: 175623 ST JOHR Jane BORDEN John same as #84864) P ORNOR Benett same as #84865) GURDON John, of Dedham, county Essex, England; his name appears in the court rolls as early as 8 Nov. 1407; d. efter 1451/2; m. to: ? Joan DES WETS Hugo, 10th Lord des Mareta, Lord of Farbus; d. 1429; m. to: UE SOLCkiNES Guillemette DES ii&REY'S Hugo [same as #237568 DE SOLOIrflES Guillenette seme as #237569 1 Gener~tiOn13 BOHllEN Henrr. b. ca 1370-80; m. to: ? ~oberkia PERCY Henry DE HICHJ?OIJD Elyes, living during time of Edward I11 1327-1377. ST JCHN Nicholas, of Lydiard Tregoze Wiltshire, England. i3oRml': Thomas same as #I69728 ? Isabella sane as #169729 TORNOR Thomas I same 8.6 #169730 1 DE GURDON Sir Adom de Gurdon, Kt.; Bailiff of Alton temp Ring Henry 111; Outlawed for treason and rebellion as one of the Montfort fection; After the Battle of Evesham he retired with a band of followers into the New Forest. Afternerds King Edward I pardoned him and anpointed him Keeper of the Forest of Wolmer and employed him in high military commands. Resided at Temple, Selborne, Houts. m. by special Papal Li- cense to: Constantia Baldwin VIII, 9th Lord des Kareta; Lord of Eth and liurtebise: Lord of Remes and la Vacuuerie: Lord of Farbus, in Artois, France; d. 1395 dambray, France; m. to: DE MEUVILLB Emma,. Lady of Carin, in Artois France. DES hlARETS Baldwin VIII same as #475136 DE REUVILLE Emma [sane as #475131 I Generat iou PWCY H enrY DE RICfKOND Eudo. had ~ossessionsin Stsynwriegis, county York, ~ngl~md. BORDEN I-lenry, b. ca 1370-80 ? Robergia 1 YE GWDON Sir Adam, Kt. ; held lands in Tystede and Selborne; a. 1231: m. to: ? Ameria UES KARETS Baldwin VII, 8th Lord des Marets; Lord of Hurtebise; his tomb in Church of Saint Andrews, at Catteau Cambresis; m. to: DE \'CHICCUifP Jncquline, lady of Remes and of la Vacqueire. DZS jIARETS Baldwin VII [same as $950272 DE HANCHICOURT Jncquline same as #950273 1 Generation 21 1396736 PERCY Henra 1404928 DE RICHMOND Sir Boala, Pi1 Adam Ricbmond De Croft his uncle Roald fil Roald gave him the manors oh Caldewell and Croft; a. 1262; m. to: 1404929 DE LANGTHWAYT Isabella 1417856 DB GURDON Adam had a rent in Tystede from King Johq a. 1214. 1900544 DES WETS Baldwin VI, 7th Lord des Marets, knight; Lord of Hurtebise. of half-Flehen. and of Eth. in Eenaultr d. 1331; m. to: 1900545 DE FOREST Agnes 1921024 DES WBTS Baldwin VI same as #I900544 1921025 DE FOREST Agnes same as #1900545 Generation 22 PERCY Henry DE RICHMOND Alan, Fil Roald Richmond De Croft, his brother gave him the manor of Burton; m. tor DE GOLDINGTON Matilda DE LANGTHWAYT Robert, fil Osanna; m. to: ? I sabella DE GUBDON John, living in 1220. DBS WFPS William, 6th Lord of Msrets, Lord of Loges and Cheneaux; m. to: -DE- -HAMES --- - Guiote------DE FOREST Herbert, d. 13 5. DES- - . ~IARE~!~.- - - - William ---- ?same ae #1801088) DE WES Guiote as $j80108gj DE FOREST Herbert [samesame ae 3801090 Generation 23 5586944 PERCY William 5619712 DE RICHMOND Sir Roald Pi1 lllan De Ricbmond, Knight, fourth Constable of Richmond Castle, to whom King John. in 1208 gave the lands of William de Rolloe, in- cluding the manors of Caldewell Croft, Kipling. 5619714 DB GOLDINGTON Peter 7602176 DES UE23 Baldwin V, Lord des Merets, knight, wae Lord of Sorick. Msrete, Vilers, Chesneauc, Hurtebise and Flechin; m. to: 7602177 DE RAW3URES Emegsrds, whose mother was of the house of Welin- court. 7602178 DE HAMES Cautier, who in 1272 was Grand Bailiff og Courtrai. 7684096 DES WETS Baldwin V same as 7602176 7684097 DB RAYLBUBES gmegarde same as 7602177 7684098 DE HnFaES Gautier as f760217J Generation 24 11173888 PEBCY Henry 11239424 DE RICHMOND Sir Alan, Fil Roald De Richmond, third Constable of Richmond Castle. In 1189 he owed King Richard I, two hundred marks for the custody of Ricbmond Castle. 15204352 DES 1,lARElS Baldwin IV, Lord des Yarets, inherited his father*a possessions in the Land of Cambray and in 1233 gave these lands to the Abbey of Vahellee and went to Palestine. He fell in the Battle of Asca- lon, in 1239. m. to: DE JAUCHZ Gillette DES ilil3SS Bzldwin IV same as #I520435 2 DE J AucHE Gillette same as #15204353 1 Generation 25 Ames DE RICHMOND ~oaldus,"Le Ennaaen second Constable of Rich- mond Castle under Alan 111, Earl of Rlcbmond. Founded an Abbey on hie Manor of Eaaby in flonor of St. Agatha, where he is buried. m. to: ? Graciana, bur. at St. Agatha*8. DES BURETS Baldwin 111, Lord des blarets, youngest son; m. to: DE BEAWOISE hlelisande DE JAUCHE- simon; m. to: D'ENNE Gertrude DES WEIS Baldwin I11 (same as #30408704 DE BEAWOISE Meliseade (same as #30408705 DE JAUCHE Simon D' EIiITE Gertrude Generation 26 PERCY William DE RICIKOND Hasculfus Musard. hela in Demesne Kiddingeon and Chilriorth, 0xf ordshire, Stainbury, ~loucester- shire and other lordlships at the time of the gen- eral survey. D'SS fLWIETS Bsldwin 11, Lord des Mareta; m. to: GKENm ? DBS t.ARhTS Baldwin I1 same as #60817408 GRENER ? same es #60817403 Generation 27 PkXCY William DE HICHb'iOlJD Roaldus Musard De Ricbmoncl of 1040, one of the most powerful leaders who accompanied Wslliam the conqueror into Englmcl. DES fAREl'S Caldwin I, Lord Des Merets, took part in the Tournment of Anchin, in 1096; m. to: DE TYREL Alice, sister of Allard de Tyrel, Lord of Poix, in the land of Cambray. GRENW Eustace, Constable of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, Lord of Sydon end of Caesmea, in the Holy Land. DES hARE!?S Baldwin I same as #I21634816 DE TYREL Alice Isame as #121634817 GRm W Eustace (same as #121634818 Gener~tion28 Alan Jean, Lord of Bousis, lived in the first half of the 11th Century; First Lord of Marete; m. to: ?. sister of Eustace. Lord of Picquiguy, in Picar- a?, Prctnce J ean same as #243269632 ? same as #243269633 Generation 29 William GAI~SEKOND Lord of Picquiguy; m. to: -8- 4865' 9267 Adele 49172 2146 GANSEMOIiD Lord of Piaquiguy ssme aa #486539266 491782147 ? Adele t same as X4865 39267 Generation 30 715128832 PERCY Galf red (Note: Bvery father's number is twice that of his child. Every mother's number is her husband's number glue one.) OLD CmmY RECORDS IN OLD BERGEN COUNTY. A.J. (from Tombstone Inscriptions of Bergen County. In Jersey Boon, Johnson Library, Hackensack, N. J. Per Lola Cranddl of Went- wood.. N.J.)- -, BURIAL GROUND-ACKEEhlAN FARBl ALLENDALE (OBVIL) IPO\7NSHIP BERGEN COUNTY, N. J. Date of Death Age at Death (or Birth) ~Yre/Sros/Daya) 1. Aeron Ackerman 76.2.13 2. Ahrahsm A. Acke- 40.11.4 3. John A. Ackerman 77.2.18 4. Mary T erhune 94 we, 4 moe. w. of John A. Ackerman 5. Infant son of John and Margziret Ackerman a. 1/2/1849 3 mos. 9 da. 6. Children of Peter P. and Mary Wortendyke - H-Y a. 5/16 1852 17.6.17 Eleanor a. 8/3 X 854 1 no. 9 . Henry Martyn a. 1/22/1862 6 no. 7 da. Copied 5/21/1911 - J. Neafie & W. B. Van Alstyne - N.Y.C. BURIAL GROUND-VAN HUUTEN FMUd OARLAND. N.J. Date of Death Age at Death (or Birth) (Yrs/Mos/Dayrr) 1. John I. Ackerman be 12/2/1767 d. 12/10/1841 on small stone) 2. Catherine Romine his wife 3. Abraham 9-6-25 son of Giles and Elizabeth Pool ( about 25 rough s%ones without marks) U.Y. nBAJ!"l! RF&ISTBATION RECORDS OF WORLD WAEt I .. - Rorld War I draft registration records axe part of tha Records of the Selective Service System (World War I), Records Group 163 and are kept in the Atlanta Branch of the Federal Archives. The mailim ad- dress is: National Archives - Atlanta Branch, 1557 St. Joseph venue, East Point, Ga. 30344. The records are filed by Draft Board Districts, which normally meana by State and by County and in some oases by Township. In New York'. City each of the City*s 83 State Assembly Districts had a draft board. Inquiries to the National Archives will need to include the geographi- cel location of the Draft Board at which ybur ancestor (or other rela- tive) registered in1917 or 1918. (Note: Thus far, these registration records are not alphabetical by States and probably not by Counties.) Por the genealogist the most important information shown ia the date and place of birth [including town, state, of the registrant (province) and country). Also included was the name and place of employment, citi- zenship status, physical desoription, and other general information. The first registration took place Tuesday, June 5, 1917. By Presiden- tic1 proclamation it was designated as Registration Day and made a national holiday. The Draft Law required thp-t all men, including aliens, between the ages of 21 and 30 inclusive (that is, born between June 6, 1886 and June 5, 1896) had to register. Only those already in military service were exempted. By June 16th, over 10 million men were. registered which exceeded the (lensus Bureau estimate of civilian males in tket age group. The second registration took place a year later June.5, 1918. All men who reached 21 years of zGe since the last registration were required to mesent themselves to their closest Draft Board. The form was alter- ed sliy&tly. To the genealogist, the biggest change was thet it now also included the birthnlace of the registrant's father. Also spelled out vras the nane rind address of the nearest kin. Some 800,000 21 year olds were enrolled nationally at this second registration. A third registration took place August 28, 1918 and netted =other 158,000 men who turned 21 since June 5th. The forn did not change. A fourth registration fer the draft was expanded to include all men between the ep;es of 18 and 45 and was held September 12, 1918. Thoae in military service and those previously registered were exempt. Obvi- ously, a very large number of men were emolled. The fom was revised s1ir:htly again.

YY#IY Editoriel Comittee - Ted Obal* Barbare. Crede, George Crede THE ARCHIVIST Genealogical Society of Bergen County, New Jersey

Vol. XIV, No. 2 P. G. Box 103. Hillsdale. N.J. 07642 ME1CTINGS: f he next regular meetin a will be held May 18 (third 'doii8ay)and June 22 (fourth Monday 7 at 7:jO P.N. at the Hillsdale Public Library, 509 Hillsdale Ave., Hillsdale, N.J. Regular meet- ings are not held in July and August, although some interested membere usually get together for an informal exchange session. PROGWS: Mike Brenner of Teaneck, N.J. will give a talk on 9aasenger Ship Recordsn at the May 18 meeting. At the June 22 meeting, Steve Winter, a member from Hawthorne, N.J., will diecues the tracing of his ancestry, including nome back to Sweden, Holland and France in the 1500,s and 1400'~. NEW WBEBS but of state Barlene Ruoh, 1447 Niagara Parkway, Fl.R.#l, Fort Erie, Ontario L2A 514, C-da. Ere. Susan Schwirm 86-26 94th St., Woodhaven, N.Y. 11421-2230. Ws. C. B. White, t300 Miller Pall Rd., Demood, Id. 20855. From New Jerse hs. Colleen Cslson, 115 Southern Phy. Ridgewood, N.J. 07450. (phr 652-33673 Mrs. Helen M. Kulp, 20 Daniel Ct., Ridgewood, N.J. 07450. (ph: 670-0626) William D. Leaper, 14 Christopher P1. Saddle River, N.J. 07458. (ph: 327-5814) Harriet Elizabeth Lesko, 112 Park Ave., Dumont, N. J. 07628. (ph: 385-6115) Rev. William John Fish Lydecker, 19 Oak St., Allendale, N.J. 07401. (phi 934-9586) IN MEMORIAM: James Moos, 69, of Toms River, N.J., formerly of Westwood, N.J., and the husband of Dorothy Moos, a longthe am- ber and past president of our Society, paseed away Maroh 22, 1987. Our deepeat sympathy to Dot and her family. MISSING BOOK: Ow librarian Lola Crandall reports that one of our reference volumes, the Vsn Vorhees Oenealorrg is misoing. If you borrowed it, please return it so others oan make use of it. OTHEEl GENEALOGY PARTICIPA!tION nearly researchers from our Society and the Adult Education class spent most of Saturday. April 11 at the National Archives Branch %nBayonne, N.J. resekching census records, passenger lists, Revolutionary War records and other genealogical related material. Edna aJld Kenneth Fram made the arrangements- and helped- researohers with the use of microfilm readers. MWEHSHIP QUERIES (Seekinn Info) * .. arica W. -A Adelpha Holt, Mich. 48842. (new address). ::ed ido o;*Z ?EL),BASH& ,, families. lived i.n N.J. at time of Revolutionary War. DELL (DILL) and LOSEE were loy- alists who moved to Ontario, Canada. 2. David DeGRAW, Jr., 5531 64th St., Saoramento, Calif. 95820. Leendert Arentsen DeGRAUW b. in Amsterdam, Holland. Bought 72 mergene of land in New Amsterdam in 1638. Has anyone researched this line .in Holland prior to that date? 3. Mrs. Priscilla NcELVEIN, 4612 Round Forest Circle, Mountain Brook, klabama 35213. who were par. of Rebecca WALDBON who m. Jon NAGEL in 1670? who were ar. of Susanna VANDERLINDE who m. Rev. Samuel VStBRYCK bef. 1751? fc) Would like to correspond with any- one researching VANDERBILT, VANDERLINDE or WALIBON families. 4. Hornan MEIBR, 19 Concord St., Hoonacbie, N.J. 07074. (a) Seeking par. of Horace FLETCHER, b. 1801 possibly in New England; he m. Katharine VANNATTA (or similar name) who was b. 1815 in N.J. (b) Horace FLDCHkS, Jr. b. 1836 in N.Y. and d. 10 Jan. 1874 in Paterson, 1i.J.; he m. Elthear DEGBOAT who was b. 1850; her father was Peter DEGROAT . 5. Jenne RENKIN, 240 N. Duke St., Lancast er, Pa. 17602. (a) Matthew CONKLIN (1811-1884) and wife Frances (1811-1886). (b) Need info on their son-in-laws: John CANNON, Edward GIBB and James RYER of Hobo- ken, N.J. 1860's to ?. (c) Alson on their claughter-in-laws: Blla VAN RIPBI, Sarah RANEY and Margaret ? . 6. Dsrlene RUCH, 1447 Niagara Pkwy., R.R. #l,Fort Erie, Ontario I128 5W, Canada. (a) Seeking par. of Albert BERDAN b. 19 July 1753 in Ber- gen County, N.J.; He m. SussMah SECORD who was b. 23 June 1759 in New York State; place and date of mar. not known. He reportedly moved from Bergen Co. to New Brunswiok (oalled Nova Scotia at that time), York County, and then to the Niagara area of Ontario, Canada. (b) Daniel BWDAN b. ca 1800 in liagara area of Ontario, Canada was the laat child of above Albert and Susannah; he moved back to N.J. ca 1818-22 but specific area is not known. Also need to know when and where he m. Nancy McKENZIB. (c) Would like to correspond with any desc. or informats of above families. 7. Oradell BROWEEt TRIPLFPT, P.O. Box 758, Kellogg, Idaho 83837. (new address). (a) Seeking info on par. of Joaeph BROWEB (BROUWEB) of Bergen, 1i.J. ; he moved to Phelps, Ontario, N.Y. ca 1805. (b) He and his wife Leah (also of N.J.) had the following four children born in N.J. -- John T. (or J) b. ca 1784 and m. Fanny COICCS; Eleanor b. ca 1786 and m. Daniel PIER; Polly b. ca 1788 and m. Silas HATHAWAY; and Catherine b. ca 1802 and m. Daniel MURPHY. (c) Above Joeeph had brothers John BROWER (wife ~yntha)and Peter BROWEB (wife Catherine) who also moved Cram Bergen, N.J. ca 1805 and bought properties ad- 'oining his in Phelps, Ontario, N.Y. (&) Seeking Bergen Co. BFlOWER t13BOU:,YER) history early 1800' s and before.

Editorial Committee - Ted Obal, Barbara Crede, George Crede -2- ANCESTOR CHART - NINA ALLIENE WSH GROHGAN (1926- 1 (Compiled by Nina M. Grohgan, 348 Culpeper St., Warrenton, m.22186) Generation 1 01 MARSH Nina Alliene, b. 9 July 1926, Newark, Essex Co., N.J.; m. 7 Feb. 1948, Newark, N.J. to Fred Ured Grohi~an, Jr., b. 9 Feb. 1925, Newwk, N.J. Generation 2 02 MARSH William Liese, an. 1900, Newark, N.J.; d. 28 Aug. 1968, Newark, N.L. 23 June 1922, Newark, N.J. to: 03 FISHER Alliene Randolph, b. 27 Aug. 1903, Newark, N.J. ;:n;$at;;: $ Willis Lovell. 872. Elieabeth. Union Co.. K.J.; a. 19 sept. i934,-~ew&k; N.J.; m. ii Feb 1899; Newark, N.J. to: 05 LIESE Jenette B., b. 7 Nov. 1880, Newark, N.J.; d. 4 Feb.' 1953, Newark, N.J. 06 FISHER Eugene Outwater, b. 8 June 1878, Rahway, Union Co., N.J.; d. 16 Feb. 1941, Newark, N.J.; m. 16 Aug. 1901, Newark, N.J. to: 07 RANDOLPH Edna Violet, b. 23 Jan. 1882, Brooklyn, Kings. Co., N.Y.; d. 24 July 1964, Middletown, Monmouth Co,, N.J. (feneration 4 William, b. 16 gay , St'affordshire, d. 24 July 1920, Neiz:, N.m. 5 Julyvans* 1 68, dew York, N.Y. to: 09 LOVELL Charlotte H.. b. Jan.1850. N.Y. or England; d. 10 Jan. 1919, ~ewark,N.J. 10 LIESE John William M.. b. Mar 1840. Pa.: 8. 28 Dec. 1899. Newark, X.J.; m; 3 ~ar;1864; ~ewtkk,N.J. tor 11 McCAPFREY Anna Elizabeth, b. 10 May 1844, New Orleans, La.; d. 5 May 1921, Newark, N.J. 12 FISHER Andrew Halstead, b. 29 May 1845, Vihite Plains N.Y. ; a. 26 Feb. 1918, Newark, N.J.; m. 23 DeC. 186t New York, N.Y. to: 13 OUTWATER Catherine, b. 27 Nov. 1848, Closter, Bergen Co., N.J.; d. 12 Mar. 1924, Hackensack, N.J. 14 RANDOLPH Barzilla Cocks, b. 18 July 1854, New York, N.Y.8 d. 3 Oct. 1892, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; m. 30 Oct. 1879, Brooklyn, N.Y. to: 15 WAIT@) Isabella Brown, b. 20 Aug. 1853, Brooklyn, N.Y.; a. 14 Mar. 1904, Brooklyn, N.Y. Generation 5 16 MARSH Samuel, b. England; d. ? ; m. to: 17 ? Caroline, b. England; d. ? ; surname POTT or LOTT. 18 LOVELL Leon, b. ? ; d. ? ; m. to: 19 ? ~ary. 20 LIESE John Henry, b. 10 June 1804, Pa.; d. 26 Oct. 1878, Newark, N.J.; m. to: 21 PILE Catherine E., b. Mar. 1810, Germany; d. 26 Dec. 1877, Newark, N.J.. 22 XcCAFFREY John, b. c 1804, Ireland; d. ? ; m. to: 23 WALKER Julia, b. c 1818, Irsland; d. ? : 24 FISHER Nathaniel B., b. 12 Oct. 1810, White Plains, Weetchester' Co., N.Y.; d. 9 Hay 1856, White Plains, N.Y.; m. 18 Mar. 1835, New York to: 25 HALSTED Emaline Levina, b. 21 Sept. 1810, N.Y.; d. 17 Feb. 1894, Newark, N.J. 26 OUTWATEB Jacob DeClark, b. 5 May 1823 Bergen, N.J .. or Rockland Co., N.Y.; d. 15 Mar. 1914, Newark, N.J.; m. 30 Nov. 1843, hunont, Bergen Co., N.J. to: 27 LEINKERHOPF Euphemia, b. 29 Peb. 1820, Hackensack, N.J. ; d. after 1900 census, N.J. 28 FITZRANDOLPH Willism Wood, b. 14 June 1800, Waiwick, Orange Co., N.Y. ; d. 29 Apr. 1862, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; m. ( 2) 27 Oct . 1841 to: 29 GEDNEY Nary, b. ? ; d. ? 30 WAIT (E) George M., b. ca 1822, Scotland; d. 1 Aug. 1891, Brooklyn, N.Y.; m. to: 31 ? Vivien It., b. ? Scotland; d. ? Generation 6 Nicholas, Jr., 5. , \Vestcheater Co., N.Y. d. 27 Oct. 1834, Nestcheater iiT: N.Y-I-. n. (2). . 10 Jan. 1810.. Rye.-. westcheater.Co., N.Y. 'to: 49 COVERT Anna, b. 11 Dec. 1779; d. 8 Feb. 1861, White Plains, N.Y. 50 HALSTED Andrew Lyon, b. 15 Dec. 1784 Rye, N.Y. *- d. 24 NOV. 1866, Westchester Co., N.Y.; m. (lj 13 Apr. 1609, Rye* N.Y. to: 51 HORTON Levina, b. 4 Max. 1791; d. 27 Feb. 1811, Westchester 00,~ -7 7, 11. A. 52 OWWATEX JohnHaring, b. 4April1801, N.Y.* d. 25 June1880, Bergen Co., N.J.; m. (1 16 Nar. 1622, Tappan, B.Y. to: 53 DeCLABKE Catherine, b. 19 Jan. 1Q 05, Bergen Co., N.J.; 12 May 1823, Bergen Co., N.J. 54 BRINKERHOFF Henry H., b. 9 Beb.'1783, Teaneck, N.J.; a. ? ; m. to: 55 DEmriESY! Maria, b. 4 Dec. 1794, Bergen Co., N.J.; a. ? 56 PITZRANWLPH Lewis, b. ? Piscataway, Middleeex Co., N.J.; d. 27 May 1827, Warwick, Orange Co., N.Y.; m. tor 57 WOOD Sarah, II. ? ; d. ? ;:n~rga;+i.;,7 FISHER Nicholas, Sr., Eastchester, N.Y.: d. 13 Feb. 1814, White Plains, N.Y.; m. to: BRO't'lN Phoebe, b. 1739; d. 3 Nov. 1789. COVERT Jacob, b. ? ; d. ? ; m. 7 . HALST ED - Ezekiel, Jr., b. 6 Feb. 1761, Rye, N.Y.; d. 18 Aug. 1829, Rye, N.Y.; m. 10 Peb. 1784 to: LYON Sarah, b. 17 Aug. 1760 Rye, N.Y.; d. 24 Feb. 1802, Westchester Co., N.Y. f~ye). HOHT ON Azariah, b. 9 Feb. 1761; d. 4 Dec. 1844, Westchester Co., N.Y.; m. to: ? Elizabeth, b. cs 1758; d. 3 AUg. 1847, Weetchester CO** N.Y. OUTXiSrW Jacob (Dr.), bp. 28 Feb. 1775, Tappan, Nay.; a. ; 23 Nov. 1797, Tappan, N.Y. to: HAR ING Elizabeth, b. 15 Aug. 1780. Tappan.- - N.Y.: 21 Sepf 1854. ~aauan.N.Y. - DeCLARK ~illiam,' il kpr. 1781, Clarkstown, N.Y. ; d. before 2 Feb. 1852, Bergen Co., N.J.; m. 11 July 1800, Tappan, N.Y. to: WING Eliaabet, b. 17 Nov. 1780, Tappan, N.Y.; a. 27 Mar. 1829, bur. Closter, 1V.J. ' - 108 BRINKERHOFF Hendrick H., b. 22 Jan. 1755 , Hackensack, N. J. ; d. Apr . 1826, Teaneck, N. J. ; m. 4 Apr. 1779 to: (1) 109 WESTWVELT Gertrude, b. ? i d. ca 1783/4 prob. 110 DEMAREST Simon, bp. 25 Oct. 1767 Schraalenburgh, N.J.; d. ca 1796; m. ca 1783 40: 111 WESTERVELT Effie, b. 11 Sept. 1758, Schraalenburg, N.J. ; 8. ? 112 FITZRANDOLPH Azariah, b. 1737, Piscataway, N. J. : d. 1805, War- wick, Orange Co., N.Y.; m. to: 113 JEFFRIES Lizzie, b. ? ; d. ? Generation 8 192 PISHEEi John, b. 10 bec. 1704; d. 28 Apr. 1771, Scarsdale, N.Y.; m. ? 200 HALSTED Ezekiel, Sr. b. 29 Nov. 1738, New Rochelle, N.Y..; a. 20 Feb. 1605, Rye, N.Y.; m. 17 July 1758, Rye, N.Y. to: 201 THEALL ~bigsil,b. 9 Oct. 1741, Rye, N.Y.8 d. 9 Dec. 1828, Rye, N.Y. 202 LY6N Andrew, b. 19 Oct. 1728, Rye, N.Y.; d. 22 Au~. 1809, Rye, N.Y.; rn. before 1755 to: 203 BUDD Sarah, b. 28 July 1731; d. ca 1769. 208 0UTWxr.W Thomas (Dr. 3 b. 9 Jan. 1731, Hackenaack, N. J. ; d. 10 ~ug.1807 Tappan, N.Y.; m. (2) 23 July 1774 to: 209 EABLE Elizabeth, b. 18 July 1754, Paramus, N.J. ; d. before 1783. 210 WING John D., b. 19 Feb. 1754, Tappan, N.Y.; a. 14 Aug. 1835, Tappan, N.Y. ; m. 27 Dec. 1776 tof 211 SICKELS Jane, b. 17 Dec. 1751, Tappan, N.Y.; d. 4 Feb. 1845, Tappan, N.Y. 212 DeCLARK Daniel, b. 3 Nay 1748, Ta pan, N.Y.; d. 27 Dec. 1834, bur. Closter, N.J.; m. (1P 26 Sept. 1766, Schraalen- bus&, N.J. to: 213 NAUGLE: Sarah, b. 4 Apr. 1749, Schraalenburg, N.J.; d. 28 Jan. 1810, bur. Closter, N.J. 214 HARING Peter, b. 30 Sept. 1728, Tappan, N.Y.; d. before 4 Aug. 1807; m. 21 Apr. 1757 to: 215 BLAWELT Catharina, b. 25 Sept. 1738, Tappan, N.Y.; 8. after 4 Aug. 1807. 216 BHINKERHOQP Hendrick, b. 1 Nov. 1710, Hackensack, N.J.; d. i3a 1760 Hackensack, N.J.; m. 19 Nov. 1731, Hackensack, N.J. to: 217 KIPP Elizabeth, bp. 11 Mar. 17ll, Haebrouck Hd@ts, N.J.; d. ? 220 DEDdABEST Samuel, b. 25 Oct. 1723, Hackenaack, N.J.; a. ? ; m. 7 Sept. 1744, Hackensack, N.J. to: 221 BANTA Belitje, b. 5 Apr. 1725; d. ? 222 WESTERVELT Johannes, b. 6 June 1725, Hackensack, NyJ. ; d. ? ; m. 5 Oct. 1751 Hackensack, N.J. to: 223 CHRISTIE tlagdalena, b. 21 Oct. 1730, Tappan, N.Y.; d. ? 224 F1TmANIX)LPH James, b. 8 Har. 1713, Piscataway, N.J.; d. ? ; m; to: 225 AYRES ? 4;;;;a::0;~$ 400 HALSTED Ezekiel. b. 7; m. 1728 to: 401 ? Nary 402 THBALL Charles, b. 1704; d. 29 Sept. 1778; rn. to: 403 LYON Jemima, b. Greenwich, Ct.; d. Rye, N.Y. 404 LYON Thomas, b. Greenwich, Ct.; d. 1770, Rye, N.Y.; m. to: 405 VOWLES Phebe, b. ? ; a. before 1770. 406 BUDD Underhill, b. 29 Apr. 1708, Rye, N.Y.; d. ? ; m. m. 17 Sept. 1730 to: POVdLER Sarah, b. 10 June 1710, Eastchester, N.Y.; a. 19 Aug. 1798. bur. blamaroneck. N.Y. OUT VJAT ER ~acob,bp. 18 Nov. 1696, N.Y.; a. before 12 June 1798, Bergen Co., N.J. ; m. 27 July 1728, Schraalenburg, N.J. to: aWTIIOLP Martynt je, bp. 1 Feb. 1708, Hackensack, N.J. ; d. ? EABLE Sylvester, bp. 10 Aug. 1707, Hackensack, N.J.; d. before 8 April 1774; m. 3 Oct. 1733, Passaic, N.J. to: ZABRISKIE Naghtel, bp. 25 Sept. 1715, Hackensack, N.J.; d. ? IWRIIU'G Daniel, b. 7 Sept. 1720, Tappan, N.Y.; d. 5 Kay 18'06, Tappan, N.P.; m. ca 1746 to: POLHStlUS Elizabeth, bp. 21 Mar. 1725, Jamaica, N.Y.; d. 19 May 1803, ~a~pan,N.Y. SICKELS William, b. 26 Oct. 1704/5, Bergen, N.J.; d. ~ickeltorsn, N.Y.; m. 10 Aug. 1732, Bergen Co., N.J. to: ICUYPER Elizabeth. bo. 6 Dec. 1713. N.Y.: d. Sickeltom. N.Y. DeCLAIUC Jacob, bp; 2&-~une1711, TAppan, 'N.Y. ; d. before 2 NOV. 1764; m. 1739 to: BLAUVELT filarretje, b. 22 June 1712, Tappan, N.Y. ; a. ? NAUGLE William J.. bu. 10 Awr. 1712. Ta~aan.N.Y.: d. ? : m. ce 16 ~ir.-1748, fiackensack, hi; J. .to: ALYEA Lena, bp. 25 Jan. 1719, Hackensack, N.J .; d. ? EnRING Abram, b. 9 Apr. 1704, Tappan, N.Y.; a. 11 Apr. 1771; m. 27 Mar. 1725, Hackensack, N.J. to: BOGEBT Eartyntgen, b. ? ; d. ? 3LAWELT David, b. 10 Kiiar. 1712, Tappan, N.Y.; d. before 8 May 1761; m. to: DeCLARK ffiaria, b. 20 Ifiar. 1713 Tappan, N.Y. ; d. after 8 May 1761. BBINKEBHOFP Jacobus, b. 29 Kar. 1685, Ridgefield Park, N.J. ; d. 1770, Hackensack, N.J.; m. 17 Bpr. 1708, Hackensack, N.J. tot BANT k Agnitje, b. 18 Apr. 1682; d. ? KIPP Nicholas, b. ca 1666, Long Islend, N.Y.; d. 1712, Poli- fly, 3.J.; m. 20 Dec. 1691 to: BREYArKl! Antje, b. ? ; d. ? DB6AEiES'I Simon, bp, 21 Kay 1699, Hackensack, N.J.; d. ~ay/~une 1761; m. 1 Dec. 1722, Hackensack, N.J. to: HAR ING Vrout je Cornelisse, bp. 24 June 1702, Tappan, N.Y.; d. ? BANTA Jacob. bw. 26 Nov. 1679: d. ? : m. 23 Sept.- 1721. Hack- ensack, ~I.J. to: DeGROKC Cornelia, bp. 13 Oct. 1700, Hackensack, N.J.; d. ? WESTEBVELT Johannes, bp. 11 July 1696, Hackensack, N. J. ; d. ? $ m. 11 Oct, 1718, Hackensack, N.J. to: Efie, bp. 15 Nov. 1698, Hackensack, N.J.; d. ? James, b. 9 Oct. 1670, Scotlancl; d. 16 Apr. 1768 N.J.; m. 18 Sept. 1703 Hackensack, N.J. to: Magdelena, b. 1685; d. 7 IH David, b. 1 Jan. 1690, Piscataway, N.J.; d. 1773, Piscataway, N.J.; m. 1712 to: Sarah, b. 22 Aug. 1695; d. 1738, Piscatawa~,N.J. Generat ion 10 HALSTED Joseph, b, 1665; d. 1736; m. 1693 to: FERRIS Sarah, b. ? ; d. ? TIIEALL Ebenezer, b. ? ; d. ? ; m to: ? Anne- LYON Thomas, b. 1673, Greenwich, Ct.; d. ~prhay1739; m. ca 1702 to: OGDEN Abigail, b. ca 1677-8; d. before 26 Nov. 1760, Green- HCh, Ct. -6- LYON Thomas ( same as #806) WDEN Abigail (same as #807) VOWLES Richard, b. ? ; d. ? ; m. ? BUN) Joseph, b. ? ; d. 1722; m. 1695 tor UNDERHILL Sarah, b. ? ; d. ? FOWLER Henry, Jr., b. ca 1679, Eastohester, N.Y.; d. Before 12 July 1734, Bhmaroneck, Long laland, N.Y. ; m. (2) before 1710 tor IJRdICB Ann, b. ? ; d. ? Om' WATn Thomas iJranssen, b. ? : d. 7 May 1753; m. (1) 16 June 1686, New York to: BRESTEEDE Tryntje Jana, bp. 21 Feb. 1666, New York; d. 8 Apr, 1706, Hackensack, N.J. BERTHOW Hendrick, bp. 6 Apr. 1686, Bergen Co., N.J.; d. ? ; m. 29 Mar. 1707 to: l!EIIHUNE Naritie, b. ? ; d. ? EARLE Edward, Jr., b. ca 1665-68, d. after 28 yay 1713; m. 13 Feb. 1688, Ber en Co., N.J. to: VREELAND El~je,bp. 12 Nov. 1f 71, N.Y. d. after 27 Aug. 1113 ZI1BRISI.IE Joost, b. Hackensack, N.J. ; d. 30 July 1756; m. 1 Elov. 1712, Hackensack, N.J. to: MABIE Christina, b. New York* d. ? HARING Abraham, b. 24 Nov. 1681, New York; a. 18 Mar. 1772, Tappan, N.Y. m. 25 June 1707 Tappan, N.Y. to: TALLbUN Dirckje, b. 3 Aug. 1687, New tork; d. 4 Ocf. 1768, Tappan, N.Y. POLHEWS Teunis, b. ca 1678, Flatbush, N.Y.; d. after 22 Ap. 1743; rn. ca ln9 tor BMNS Sarah, b. ? ; d. ? SICKELS Robert, b. 1664, Albany, N.Y.; d. 27 Dec. 1729, Bergen, N.J.; m. 1686 tor RE2TENUUS Gertruy, b. ? ; d. 13 Feb. 1754, Bergen Co., N.Y. INYPEa Hendrick Claesen, b. ? ; d. ? ; m. to: ? Catharina, b. ? ; d. ? DeKLERCK Jacobus, b. ca 1678, Holland; d. ? ; m, 16 Oct. 1706, Tappan, N.Y. to: VAN HOUTEN Antje, b. 13 Aug. 1682, Ahasbus, N.J.; d. after 18 April 1760. BLAWELT Joseph, b. 20 Nov. 1687, N.Y.; d. before 26 Nov. 1739; m. 11 Jan. 1711, Ta~pan,N.Y. to: VAN DALSEN Elisabeth, b. Holland* d. after 26 Nov. 1739b NAUGLE Barent, bp. 18 Dec. d78; a. before 1745 3 m. 1708 to: KIEBSE Sarah, b. ? ; d. ? ALYEA Peter, b. ca 1685-95, Hackensack, N.J.; d. ? ; m. ca 6 April 1716 to: VAN VOORHEES Margrietje Albertse b. Hackensack, N.J.; d. ? HARING Peter, b. 13 Aug. 1684; d. ? ; m. 4 (9) Deo. 1687, New York, to: BOGEUT Griet je or Marret je, b. Bedford, Long Inland, N.Y. ; d. ? BOGERT Johmnes/Jan, b. ? d. ? ; m. to: BERTHOU Maria, bp. 12 May 1b 80, Sluia, Ireeland, Aetherlds; d. ? BLAWELT Johennes, b. 9 Apr. 1659, N.Y.; d. before 10 Oct. 1734; m. ca 1693 tor SPWS Catherine Cornelisse bp. 19 Feb. 1676, New York; d. ? DeKLERCK Jacobus (same as #846 VAN HOUTEN Antje (same as 8849 Hendrick Jorison, bp. 25 Feb. 1629, Netherlandrr; d. ca 1710, Ridgefield Park, N.J.; m. 1658 tor Claasje, b. ? ; d. ? Hendrick Epke, b. 1655, Netherlands; d. ? ; m. 17 Nov. 1678 to: Narie Lubbertse, b. 2 July 1654, Meppel, Netherlands; a. ? KIPP Hendrick, Jr., b. ? ; d. ? ; BREYm Peter, b. ? ; d. ? DEMAREST Samuel, b. 5 bug. 1656, Weim, Gv; 1728; m. 11 Aug. 1678, Bergen, N.J. to: Maria, b. 1 Jan. 1662; d. ? Cornelis, b. 4 Mar. 1672, New York; d. 1775, OrangetoW, Nev~ York; m. ?1693 to: Catharim, b. Albany, N.Y.; d. before 1775. Pieter Jacobee bp. 31 Aug. 1653; d. Haakenasck, N.3.; m. 10 Dec. 168i, New York to: VAN SCHAICK Belit je Adrianens, bp. 1 Oct. 1663 Bowery Church, New York; a- 9 &eiof, b. 10 ~ar.1659, Ye el, HetherLandst 6. after 21 Oct. 1733; m. 25 March 1?! 8 to: ST-S Orsdena Wessalena, b. ? a. before 173. DE GROOIP Pieter Jaoobse (same as #886) VAN SCHAICg Belit je (same as #887 CIWISTIE John, b. Sootland; d. ? ; m. to: BAMSEY ~nna,b. ? ; d. ? DEMAREST Jean, bp. 14 April 1645, Zeeland, Netherlands: d. 16 Oct. 1719. Hackensack, N.J.; m. 1 (9) Sept. 1668, New York to: 895 DeRUINE Jacomina, b. 1652, Hainault, Prance; d. ca 1687 896 FITZRAIODOLPHThorns, b. 16 Aug. 1659, Beastable, Ma.; d. 1745, Piscataway, N.J.; m. 23 Nov. 1686, Piscataway N.J. to: 897 MANNING Elisabeth, b. ca 1669; d. 1March 1732, Pisoa4 away, N.J. 898 MOLLESON John, b. ? ; d. ? ; m. to: 899 HOWELL Swsh, b. ? ; d. ? Generation 11 lGOO HALS'PBD Timothy, b. 1633, England; d. March 1703; m. 1657 tor 1601 WILLIAMS Hannah, b. ? ; a. ? 1602 PHlBIS Zachariah, b. ? ; d. before 16 April 1711; m. 17 Nov. 1673 to: 1603 BLOOD Sarah, b. 1648, Lynne, Ma.; a. ? 1608 TH- Joseph, b. 1640 Connectiout; d. after 1710; 1612 LYON Thomas, b. ca 1821, England8 d. 1690, Greenwioh, Ct.; m. ca 1654 to: 1613 HOY'J! Mary, b. 1635, Scituate, Ma.; d. ? 1614 OGDBN John, b. 19 April 1638, Stemford, at.; dy ca 1682-3, Rye, N.Y.; m. cs 1660-62 to: 1615 BUDD Judith, bp. 4 June 9, Sueeex, England; a. ? 1616 LYON Thomas (same as #I612 1617 HOW Mary (same as #I613 1618 OGDEN John (same as #I614 1619 BUDD Judith (same as #I6151 1624 BUDD John, b. 1620, England; d. 5 Nov. 1684, Southold, M.Y. t 1653, Southold, N.Y. to: 1625 HORTON Mary, b. before 1635; d. after 1687, Southold, N.Y. 1626 UNDERHILL Humphrey, b. ? d. ? ; m. tor 1627 StiI'PH Sarah, b. ? ; d. ? 1628 PO'ULER Henry, Sr., b. ca 1658, Providence, R.I.; d. before 5 Dec. 1733, Bastchester, N.Y.; m. (1) tor -8- IlOYT Abigail, b. ? ; d. ? IHldKE . Joseph, b. ? ; d. ? OUTWllTHl Frans Jacobeen, b. Holland; d. ? BRESTESDE Johames Jansen, b. ? ; d. ? ; m. to: ANDBIES Liaritie, b. ? ; d. ? BERIEOLE' Guillian (Rev), bp. 20 Peb. 1656; d. 1726; m. 15 Apr. 1676.- to:--- VERtiEULEN kirtina Heridricks, bp. 1653 or 1660, Vlissingen, Netherlands; d. ? EARLE Edward, Sr.. b. ca 1627-8: bur. 10 Dee. 1711. Seoau- cus, N.J.; .- VBEELAND Enoch Ktichaeleen EEYW Dirck je ZABRISkIB Albert, b. ca 1638, Poland; d. 1 Sept. 1711, Hack- ensack, N.J.; m. 17 Nov. 1676 to: VANder LIl

When I started my research my goal was to trace the families to their arrival in America - this bas pretty much been reached through tho 11th generation. Some lines extend into generation 12 and beyond -- this in- formation I will be happy to share on request. (~ote:Svery father's number is twice that of hie child. Every mother's number is her husband's number plus one.) -10- Genealogical Society of Bergen County, New Jersey Vol. XIV, No. 3 Auguet 1987 P.O. Box 103. Hillsdale. N.J. 07642

IIIEBF.INGS: The Society has been searching for some time for a more adtable meeting place to accomcdate our member- . Through the efforts of Barbara Flurchlck, Search Commitg ee Chair- person, the Midland Park Libr&y has offered to allow us to meet in their spacioue meeting room. Before a formal vote is hela by the membershi on the move, the Societ will hold trial meetings in the DEid1e.n ?IPark Librar on Sept. 2B and Oct. 26, 1987 at the regular time of 7: 30 P.M. ;r both fourth Monthye). The Library is located at the intersection of Godwin Ave. anti Franlslin Ave. You can aleo turn in on Highland Ave. (off Gofhrin) snd park be- hind the Police Station. This large parking lot backs up to the library property. It ie hoped that everyone will try to attend ao we can have your input before making a permanent decieion. We hope that you all were able to do some genealogical digging during your vacation, and that you'll take the time to mhare the results with the reet of us at the September 28 meeting. As we start s new season, a reminder that in oaae of inclement weather pleaee call Louiea Lavelle 261-7599 after 4:00 P.M. (or any of the other officers) to confirm that the meeting dl1 be held or cancelled. NOMINATING CO~ITl!lCE: The following members were appointed to the nominating codttee: Parmet Boss, Annabelle Courtney and Ed Masedec. The committee will preaent a slate of officers at the November meeting. NEW MEMBERS but of state J, A. Bredahl, 105 Sierra Viata Lane, Valley Cottage, N.Y. 1098 . (ph. 914-358-1355 & 201-573-6697 ? Mrs. Donna Davis, Rt. 209, Blue Sky Yanor, Lot 175, Wurtsboro, N.Y. 12790--.- Thomas H. Edsall, 127 W. Lorengo Ave., Norfolk Va. 23503. (ph. 804-58+11213 From Nevr Jerseg John P. Rose, 610 Taylor Ave. Oraaell N.J. 07649. f ph. 26 2-8495 1 pianist 1 . 2. $2. Bette Hults, 130 E. Cherry, Walla Walla, Waeh. 99362. (a) Seek info on par. and siblings of Ste hen BOUFlDE9!TE and wife Gesay DEDBOOT. Their dau. Mary (PollJ m. 5 Map 1768 t o John MZIm. (b) Par. of Hendrick FIELDING who n. 2 ApTil 1752 to Argtie VAN WINKLE. (c) Par. of Sarah CLENDENNY (CLENDENING) who m. 16 Nov. 1799 Bergen, N.J. Cornelius VAN HW. 3. Mergaret PHABRIS, 5366 Simpkina Rd., Whites Oreek, Ienn. 37189. (a) Need infor on Albert SMITH and wife Sueannab- moved from Havarstrew, N.Y. to Bergen Count N.J. about 1786. I6 he son of Cornelius SMITH of Tappan ~.3f' end 8n Adrian U.W*TSEN ZLe- scendent? (b) Albert SBTITH 1178&1863). Who was hie 1st wife? 2nd wife was HaMah FISHER. (c) Garret i. SBIITH (1820-1903) m. Bliea Jane LAKE. Need info on her par. Abraham LAgE and Margaret VANESE. 4. MFB. Susan SCHWINN, 86-26 94th St., Woodhaven, 10.Y. 31421-2230. (a) Seeking info on par. and brothers/sieters of Margaret Elizabeth HOPPER, b. 31 Aug. 1862 Paranus, N.J. dau. of James HOPPER (blaoksmith) and Marwet E. VANDmBECK I?). Possible older brother Prank and older sister Bertha. Frank may have live& in the ~alclandhranklinLakes. N.J. area.- Mother...... - Marnnret-.- - w-- - - a--- 7 Sepf . 1863. . Margaret ~lioakethm. Isaac K. STENCfIEVER of Pater- son, N.J. in 1877.

PASSAIC COUNTY GENEALOGY ACTIVITIES The Genealogy Club of the Pasaaic C'ounty Historical Souiety is 6 n- soring a three part lecture series on genealogy as part of Passar' c Countyvs 150th Anniversary. Sept. 26 -- "Peeking into the Past: Migrations and Memories of the Early Dutch in Americaw by Russell Gaseero Oct. 24 -- "Celtic Genealoe by Trieh Little Taylor Dec. 5 -- *lTrecing your Italian Ancestorv1by Phillip Conte The lectures will be held at the Lambert Castle Muaeum in Patereon, N.J. and will begin promgfly at 11 A.M. (all Saturday mornings). Admission is free but advance regisfration is rbquire8. To reserve your place or for more info call (201) 881-2761. ANCXSTOR CHART - EVELYN O'NEILL COX (1911- 1 compiled by Evelyn 0. Cox, 726 Ij. Grandview Ave., Daytona Beach, &'la. 32018) Generation 1 0 ' NEILL Ruth Evelyn, b. 24 rdov. 1911, Ridgewood, N. J .; m. 20 June 1941 Three Rivers, Mich. to Fred Harder COX, b. 19 KOV. 1903, Cordele, Ga., d. 30 March 1984 Daytona, P1. -Generation 2 Addison, be 23 Sept. lm,Nem York City, N.Y. ; d. 27 June 1973 Daytona Beach, Fl.; m. 23 Sept~1903 to: Luella, b. 17 July 1881 Paterson, 1T.J. ; d. 13 Jan. 1968 Ormond Beach, F1. Generation 3 0 ' REILL llavid John, b. 23 nu-46 W. Albany, NOYO; d. 9 Dee. 1919 Daytona, Fl.; m. 5 Jzn. 1880 to: PEAR SALL Ella, Louisa,- b. 14 Oct. 1860 Nevr York City, N.Y, ; d. 30 July 1923 Daytona, F1. XORR O1d \Villiam Bogert, b. 18 Sept. 1836 Paterson, N.J.; d. 11 April 1904 Kidland Dark, N.J. ; m. 20 Oct. 1871 to: Margaret Louise, b. 1 Oct. 1844 Kontclair, N.J..; 6. 26 Jan. 1931 Franklin, N.J. Generation 4 0 ' NEILL David John, b. 5 April 1821, Ireland; 6. Albany, N.Y.; m. to: illmy James il'elch, b, 17 Oct. 1839, Long Island, N.Y. ; d. 24 June 1918 Ocean Grove, N.J. ; m. 4 Jan. 1860 to: MYERS Hanna,h lifestlake, b. 18 April 1839, Mew York City, N.Y. ; d. 5 April 1839 Ocean Grove, N.J. TvTORR 0 W George, b. Aug. 1804 Ireland; d. 6 May 1580 Nidland Park, PT.J.; m. 4 July 1833 to: Rebecca, b. 1813 Fdidland Park, N.J.; d. 10 Feb. 1895 It,idland Park, N.J ,, CORBY Senjamin Horton, b. 1830, Verona, N.J..; d. 26 June 1886 :,-idland Park, N.J. m. 24 Narch 1844 to: JACOBUS Jane, b. 7 Nay 1816 Cedar Grove, M.J. : d. 8 July 1897 ididlend Tark, N.J. Generation 5 Silas, b. 2 Feb. 1813: d. 19 July 1893; m. 21 Nov. 183E) to: PAi31~33 Ellen, d. 1863. MYERS John, b. 15 I'!ov. 1800; d. 16 June 1871: m. 7 Hov. 1829 to: Agnes (Kancy), b. 7 Feb. 1807, Ireland: d. 23 June 1C79 Plew Jersey. John, b and d. Ireland; m. to: Alici~~,b. and d. Ireland. John IIenry, b. 6 Nov. 1772; d. May 1827, N.J.; m. 1%Uec. 1801 to: TEBOW IIcster, b. 1783; d. 16 Oct. 1847 N.J. CORBY Israel, m. to: BONE Julia, bpt. 1 June 1798, Caldwell, N.J. JACOBUS John H., m. to: Nargaret Generation 6 Abijah, b. cam;d. ca 1840: m. 6 Jan. 1810 to: Getty - Davia, b. Ireland; d. USA; m. 11 May 1790 to: Ellen Clements, b. Ireland; d. USA. Hendrick, bpt. 11 Glarch 1750 Hackensack, N.J.; a. 1823; m. ca 1772 to: HEST ZRVELT Belitjie, d. 1820. THIBOUT Peter, m. to: PIEL Susan BCNE Dr. Christian, d. 1847, Caldwell, N.J.; m. to: CRANE $artha, b. Nev~arkTwp., N.J. Generation 7 PEARSALL Silas, b. 17 April 1764; d. 2 April 1834; m. 3 Oct. 1785 to: KE2 CHALI Clargaxet SKELTON Benjamin, b. Ireland; d. Ireland; m. to: WILSON Saxah, b. and d. Ireland. BOGART Jan Roelf se, b. 1718, Hackensack, N.J. ; m. 28 March 1742 to: Xergaritjie, bpt. 20 Oct. 1723 Hackeneack, N.J.; d. 18 Nov. 1790. Stephen, b. ca 1731; d. 12 March 1794 Newark Twp., N.J. ; m. to: Rhoda Generation 8 PEARSALL Bowland, b. 2 June 1728; d, 25 Nov. 1799; m. 5 Aug* 1748 to: POWELL Anna, b. 26 Aug. 1730; d. 17 July 1807. SKEW ON Rev. Samuel, of Dunagore, Ireland; m. to: CLFaIEIENTS Ellen, b. and d. Ireland. Peter, b. 1683; d. 31 Aug. 1763, Hackensack. N.J.; m. (2nd wife) 15 Oct. 1722 to: BATTON Maria, bpt. 2 April 1704 Hackensack, N.J. $ d. 6 Jan. 1794. CRANE Aeariah, Jr., b. 1682; m. to: '7 Rebecca Generation PEUSALL Henry, b. 168gw90cL. 1749-503 n. 1717 to: TITUS Idary, b. 13 April 1696; d. 1747. POaELL Wait. I0Jr.". b. 29 Sept. 1698; d. 1782: m. 35 Jan. 1723 to: :Gary, b. 1701. Jem, bpt. 14 Xnril 1645, hIiddleburg, Holland; d. 16 Oct. 1719; m. 9 Sept. 1668 to: DeAUINZ Jacomina, b. 1652, Iiainault, Prance; d. ca 1687. WitON Jacques. of Hackensack, N.J.; m. to: SANS blareiet j e CRANE saria ah tlDeacontl, b. 1647; d. 5 Nov. 1730 Nevrark, N.J.: m. to: TREAT ~ary,b. ca 1649; a. 12 Nov. 1704, Newark, N.3. Generat ion 10 PEARSALL Thomas, m. tE SEAMAN TITUS John, b. 1672; d. 1781; m. 8 Sept. 1695 to: YJILLIS Sarah, b. 16711 d. 1Jan. 1730. Thomas, d. 27 Sept 173Bet hpage, L.I., N.Y. ; m. 6 Sept. 1691 to: . MWY, d. 1739. David, b. 1620 Beauohamp, France; a. 16 00%. 1695 New Kilford, N.J. 8 m. 24 July 1643 Middleburg, Bee- land to: SOHIE3 Larie, b. 1623; d. 30 Oct. 1683 Newbridge, N.J. D&UINE Simon, b. 1615; a. 1678; m. to: VAND~STBABTEN Lngdalena BATTON Isaac, b. Leschelle, Pioardy, Prance; 8. Carolina, USA; m. to: DELORME Marie CRANE Jasper, b. England; 8. ca 1681, Corn. TRBAT Robert, b. ca 1622 England: a. 12 July 1710, Milford, Conn.; m. to (1): Jme, d. 8 April 1703. Generation 11 PEARSALL Henry, b. England; 8. 1667, Hempstead, L.I., N.Y.; m. to: VALENTINE Ann, d. 1675 Hempstead, L.I., N.Y. sw Capt. John; m. (2nd wife) to: Martha, bpt. 1739, Salem, Mass. Edmond,b. 1630; 8. 1715; m. 1658 tor Martha, b. 1637, 8. 1727, Westbury, L.I., N.Y. Henry, b. 14 Sept. 1628, Bqland; d. 11 July 1714 Wood Edge (Weatbury), L.I., N.Y.; m. to: PEACE Mary, b. 12 July 1632 England: d. 23 April 1714 USA. FDWELL Thomas, b. Bug. 1641; d. 28 Dec. 1721 Westbury, L.I., N.Y. -,. ' Thomas, b. March 1650; d. 1710 Secatague, L.I., N.Y.; m. to: Dinah Jean, b. ca 1592; m. in France to: Illargurita Prancoise, from Neppe, Mainault, Prance; m. tor Margrieta Corneille of Leschelle, Picaray, Prance; m. to: Judith Richard b. Emand: d. Conn. Alice, 6. E land; d. Gonn. Edmund, d. 21 53 Conn. ?, d. 1673 COM. Generation 12 PEARSffiL Thomas, b. &ngland; d. 1642-43 Va. ; m. to: BRENT MWY. b. Emlanil. VALENTINE ~ic&d, d.-1768 Hem steaa Harbor, L.I.* N.Y. MOORE Thomas, d. 27 June 1z 91, SouthoXd, L.I., B.Y.; m. (1st wife) to: YOUNGS Martha, b. 1613. TITUS Robert, b. 1600 England: d. Oyeter Bay, L.I., N.Y. m. to: Hannah, d. 1679, Huntington, L.I., N.Y. William, d. 1657, m. to: same aa #5162 Jane same aa #5163 1 Henry, b. England$ d. 1675 Wiltehire, England. Richard, b. England; d. 1664 or 1665 Henpatead, 5.1.. N.Y.; m. before 1650 to: VlASHBURNE Mary, b. England; d. Hempatea&, 5.1.. N.Y. TOWNSEND Richard, m. to: COLE Deliverance DEMAREST Francoie, b. 1555 Cambray, France; d. London, Eng- land; m. to: HWBERG Elizabeth, d. 1601-04. SOHIEB David, b. Mons, Hainault, PrmC%; m. 12 Feb. 1585 Amsterdam, Holland to: AM, from Donay.

PEAHSALL Edmund, b. an maand. BFlEIm William, b. and d. England. VALENTINE Richard. d. 1725: m. to: Sarah Thomas, b. England before 1600; d. 1636, Salem, Mass.; m. to: GRAPT ON Ann YOUNGS Rev. Christopher, d. 1640 Suffolk, England; m. to: ELVIN Margaret TITUS Silas.- --m. to: ? Constantia -a. 1667. WASHBURNE William, oh Hempetead, L.I., N.Y.; d. 1657 (SCme as #2570) ? Jane (same as #2571) COLE Robert. m. to: HAWKHURST Mary DWIARETS Jacobus, b. 1519, Cambray, France: d. 1604 En∧ m. to: SUCUER Antoinette Generation 14 PEARSALL or PESHALL Richaxd, m. to: BOLLESTON I sabella CHAPTON Joseph, d. Salem, Mass; m. to: ? EASY ELVIN Richara, d. 1647 , Mass. DEhlAREPS Jacques, b. Cambray, France; m. to: BDOBA?BIT Wouter, b. ca 1405; d. 3548; lived Utrecht, Holland. (Note: Every father's number is twice that of hie child. Every mother's number is her husbandla number plus one.) ANCESTOR CHART - HELEN DENNY WOOaMAN (1919- 1 (compiled by Helen Denny Woodman, 207 Bal 88111 Road, Hendersonville, NC 28739) Generation 1 Helen Learmonth, b. 25 darch, 1919 Newark, N.J. ; m. 4 May 1951 to Wesley Greens Woodman, be 10 April 1919 Cortland, N .Y. Generation 2 02 DENNY Herbert Louis, ay 1886 Newark, N.J..; d. 8 sent. 1980 MaEie%-N.J. : m. 26 March 1912. NBWG~,N;J. tof 03 GIBSON Florence Cameron, b. 8 Nov. 1884, New York City, N.Y.; d. 8 May 1978 South Orange, N.J.

04 DENNY George Hemy, '-4844 New York, N.Y. ; d. 10 Narch 1926 Newerk, N.J .; m. 9 June 1875 Blisabeth, N.J... - . . tar.- . 05 VAN DEVHPTW Sarah Jane, b. 8 July 1846 near Flemington, N.J.; d. 7 June 1922 Newark, N.J. 06 GIBSON Jemes, b. 6 April 1849 Leith, Scotland; d. 13 Peb. 1929 Newark, N.J.; m. 17 Sept. 1878 New York, N.Y. to: 07 LEABlaONl'H Ellen Gillespie, b. 22 Hay 1853 Scotland; d. 23 Dec. 1915 Newark, N.J.

08 DmNY William Henry,'-4 1815 New Iork, N.Y. 8 d. 15 Feb. 1885 Staten lalad, N.Y. ; me 26 March 1839 New York, N.Y. to: 09 BELL Rebecca, b. 3 May 1820 Mass. ; d. 21 April 1864 Brooklyn, N.Y. 10 VAN DEYENTW William Kinne , b. 23 Dec. 1812 near PlemingCon, N.J.; d. 29 April 1 i4 57 Flemi&ton N.J.; m. (1) Elieabeth Allegar 23 Jan. 18268 m. (2 5 March 1831 to: 11 KINNEY Eliea, b. 24 Peb. 1815; d. 1 Sept. 1891 Hunterdon CO., N.J. 12 GIBSON James, b. 10 July 1819 Dunfermline, Scotland d. 14 April 1877 Leith Scotland; m. 13 Sept. 18 44 to: X3 MC KINLAY Helen, b. 14 Aug. 1618~ a. 1895 Dunfermline, Scotland. 14 LEARMOUIONTH James, b. Laurieton, Scotland; d. Scotland( m. to: 15 GILLESPIE Ellen, b. and d. Scotland. Generation 5 16 DENNY William, b. Peb. 1788 Hackensack, N.J. ; d. 23 00%. 1819 New YorF N.Y.; m. 9 May 1814 to: 17 BAILEY Sarah, b.. 17 NOV. 1794 England; d. 15 Jan. 1872 New York, N.Y. 18 BF&L Samuel, b. 1780 Mass.; m. ca 1815 to: 19 EasMES Rebecca Goodwin, b. 17 March 1785; d. 19 May 1859 Staten Island, N.Y. 20 VAN DWENTEEi Winant, b. 16 June 1769; d. 7 Nov. 1857 Hunterdon Co., N.J.; m. ca 1800 to:

21 ADAMS Catherine,~~ - b. 19 May 1780; d. 3 May 1861 Flemington, Ned. 22 KINNEY John, b. 8 July 1786 South Branch, N.J. ; d. 12 ~pril 1853 Parmersville, N.J.; m. 20 July 1813 to: LAJE Anna, b. 22 Oct. 1788 Mercer Co., N.J.: d. 24 Dec. 1880 hunter do^ Co. N.J. GIBSON William, b. 28 Jan. 1793 Dunfermline, Scotland$ d., 31 July 1855 Dunfermline, Sootlaad; m. tor PITBWDOW Margaret, b. 1791 Scotlana; d. 22 May 1869 Duafermline, Scotland. Generation 6 DENNY Henry, b. 12 June 17311 Haokensaok, N.J.; d. 15 Se$. . 1839 New York. N.Y.- -.r m. - 21 Se~t.- 1780~. Haokenseak New ~GLdoea),N:J . to: YOUNG Mary, b. 1760 New York; d. 12 Maroh 1813 New York, N.Y. ESfMBs Nathaniel, b. 23 -oh 1760 Boston, Mae@.; d. 2 Beb. 1847 Boston, Mass*; m. 3 Oat. 1784 to: RIDGWAY Rebecca, b. and a, Mass. VAN DEVENTER John, b. 27 May 1739 North Branoh, N.J .; dr 1804 Beading- ton Twp., N.J.; m. to: FABLBY Sarah of Whitehouee, N.J. lUNNEY Adrian, b. 12 Sept. 1746 Readington Twp., N.J. ; d. 9 Aug. 1817 Readington Twp., N.J.; m. 28 June 1775 to: AEbTW Elizabeth, b. 16 July 1753. LANB ? WYCKOPP Sarah, b. 3 Sept. 1771 Hunterdon Co,, N.J.. GIBSON James, b. 17 Jan. 1757 Scatland; m. 7 May 1779 to: WYLIE Margaret, b. and d. Scotland. Generation 66 YOUNG ~illiam,d. 28 ~pcil17 Hackensack, N.J. : m. to: 67 ? Mary. b. 1736: d. 23 J2. 1811 Hackensack. N.J.: Both iviliiam a,nd-M&f~o& are buried in the cemetery of the Old Church on the Green, Hackensack, N.J. 76 EIZES Joshua, b. 17 Nov. 1719 Boston, Mass.; m. to: 77 CLMK Margzret, b. 5 Aug. 1719 Boston, Mass. , 80 VAN DEVENTER Ylmant. b. 4 May 1717; m. to: 81 ? ~&rtynf j e 94 WYCKOFP Jacob, b. 1742 Hopewell, N.J.; a. before 1788; m. to: 95 HART Sarah, b. 16 Oct. 1742 Hopewell, N.J.; d. ca 1800 Am- well ilwp.. N.J.; Both Jacor and Swab are buried Yo\mg cemetery Weartsville, N. J. 96 GIBSON illib. 16 May 1725; m. to: 97 HAMILTON Jean, b. and d. Sootland. Generation 8 Nathaniel. m. to: 153 ? Hannah 154 CLARK Joseph, m. to: 155 ? It~argimet 160 VAN DEVENTEB Jan, m. 6 Dec. 1712 New Bnulsnick, N.J.; a. 26 Peb. l@8 Flatbush. N.Y. : m. to: 161 WYNANT Ann 190 HART John, b. 1714; d. 11 May 1779 Hopewell, N.J.; (Silprer of Declaration of ~ndependence);m. to: Deborah. b. 1722 Ewing, N.J. : d. 26 Oct. 1776 Hopwell, N.J. 192 GIBSON James, b. Scotland; m. 27 Dec. 1722 to: 193 GRfiE Liargaret .. .. Generation 320 VAN DBYBNTBB Jacohs, b. flm8rooklyn. N.Y. ; m. 1687 to: 321 BIDDZl Fennnetje Barente, b. 1642 New Amsterdam, (N.Y.) 380 IMT Edward, Farmer, Hopewell, N.J.; d. 1752; m. 17 May 1712 to: 381 P-URMM -ha, dau. of Joeiah and Sarah (Strickland) Fllrman. Generation 10 640 VAN I)EVBN!TER Jan Pieterae, b. pril 1627 Deventer Netherlands; d. ca 1692 in Nevr2~~herland.;m. 1652 (0: 641 HOOGEBOOM ?*laria, dau. of Rochus Ardiaens Hoogboom and Maria Willems van Odyck (b. before 1597 and from 1617 held position of considerable importance ae Secretary of the town of Houten. !$aria and Jan Van Deventer emigrated to New Netherland (Long Island, N.Y.) on the hip IWo ell in 1662. 760 HAW John, New Town and Hopewell, N.J. ; 8arpenter: b. ca 1636; d. 1712; m. to: 761 HUNT hlary, dau. of Ralph and Elisabeth (~eseupHunt. New Town, Long Ieland, N.Y. 762 FURPRAN Josiah; m. to: 763 STRICUAND Sarah Generation 11 1282 HOOGBBOOM Rochus Ardiaens: m. to: 1283 VAN ODYCK Xaria Willems 1522 HUNT Ralph, m. to: 1523 JrYSUP Elizabeth (~ote: Every father's number is twice that of his child. Every mother1 s number is her husband's number plus one.)

PdBSOflAL NOTES Lillia Flotara Caldroney of Newport Nma, Va. at 92 years of age is probably our oldest member. She was born December 31, 1894 in Engle- wood, N.J. on the old Cooper dairy on LaOayette Avenue. She lived in Teaneck, Ridgefield Park, and Englewood, N.J. for many years. In 1968 she moved to Virginia "to get away from the ice and snow1' and to be near her sonThomas ~aldroney(en M~D.). She wrote recently tk.t she is now living in a retirement home and ia "enjoying good hezlthn. Lillia sends greetings nto all my friends in New Jerseyn. She also sake that her mail be sent c/o her songs address: 1202 Riverside Drive, Newport News, Va, 23606.

ItXCCX Editorial Committee - Ted Obal, Barbara Orede, George Ureae VALmINE CENBALOGY IN PROGRESS Dne of our members Mrs. Beatrice Diduca of Canitola. Calif. is in her second year of publishing the VALERIIIAE ~&wslet%er, a copy of which 8he senas to the Society. Sf you have any VALEUTIIPE infor- mation or any pertinent queries, she would gladly include it in the newsletter. She mites that her om personal VALEN'J!IIE hie- tory including ancestry from the A.J.-N.Y. area will be pert of the Newsletter. Her eneeetors include Jacob VALEN!I!IWE, Margaret GESSNIBL, and Valentyn CLAESSEH. Her mailing address is 912 ~apitoila Ave., No. 8, Capitols, Calif. 95010

f Bergen County, A. -*- rt LLZCrCI -5= THE ARCHIVIST Genealogical Society of Bergen County, New Jersey Vol. XIV, No. 4 November 1987 -P. 6. Box 103, Hills&ale, N.J. 07642

FiFPINGS: The next regular meetings will be held November 23 and &~~uery25 (both fourth blondeys) at 7: 30 at the Midland Park Public Librzry located at the intersection of Godwin Ave. and PranUin Ave. Additional nearby parking also is available behind the Police Stgtion by turning off onto Highland Ave.(from Godwin). There is no meeting in December. The public is welcome to all reg- ular meetin@. PROGELUS: Elrs. Gardner Vlatts of Suffern, N.Y. will speak to ua on uffern (N.Y.) families and genealogy at the November 23 meeting. Suffern is in Rookland County, N.Y. and just across the state line from Idshwah, N.J. One of our members, Rev. William Lydecker of Allendale, N.J . will speak on the Blauvelt family and the New Neth- erlvlds project at the January 25 meeting. Several of our members attended family reunions this year. Two of them reported on their experiences at the October 26 meeting. June Wick of Valdwick, 1J.J. attended the VanVorhees Association mnU6J. reunion. The Association has over 400 members. Some 50 to 100 normally attend the reunion which is usually held in New Bruns- wick, N.J. area, The original Van Vorhees was Stephen (loerte who took the name of Van Voorhees sometime after 1664 when the English took over New Amsterdam from the Dutoh and renamed it New York City. The number of descendants probably exceeds 10,000 today. She also commented on the Yyckof f and the Scudder families which alao hold annual reunions. June Columbo of Kaldvtick, N. J. reported on the Stoutenburgh family reunion held in upstate New York. They are the descenbnta of Peter Stoutenburgh who came to New Amsterdam from Holland in 1639. The Aosociation oms part of the property in Hyde Park, N.Y. that waa the site of the old Stoutenburgh manor house. NEV MBJBBS but of State Joan Lurnure, 7 W. Hight St., Valhalla, N.Y. 10595. Mary Eliz~bethO* SullLvan, 11115 Jefferson, Kanaas City, Mo. 64114 (ph: 816-942-365 2) From New Jersey Mrs. Marion K. Armstrong, 510 Elder Ave., Wyckoff, N.J. 07481. (nh..- - 201-891-3172)- - hiarjorie Tie1 Bouton, 100 Mndison Ave., AP~; 727 ' westwood, N.J. ( ph. MI-664-2364) Mcrie and David Lane. 5 Devine Dr.. bfahwah. N.J. 07430. NBil D-ZiiSmS 3rom New Jersey, contld. Loretta 16. Katthews, 149 Poster Ave., Ridgewood, N.J. 07450. (ph. 201-445-0631) L53CiER3IIIP 4UERIES (Seeking Info) 1.b- 1.b- Lane, Stony Point N.Y. 10980. (a) Needs info on Ben 'amin ABbWS b. ca 1808; d. 1883; and on.wif e Sodisa ? (or Louisa ? 3 THURSTON, b. ca 1808; d. 1900. Reaided Spring Valley, N.Y. Five childred: Mary Jane, Andrew, Leah, Ann, Eliza. meline. b) ;teed info on Nioholas CARLOUGH b. 1800, and on wife Margaret I ) , b. 00 1790. Resided Suffern, N.Y./Mahwah, N.J. area. Six children: Ilannah Xaria, Lewis, Henry, John, i'lilliam, James Henry. Nicholas' s father vras Ludovick. (c) Need info on Ludovick CARMUGH b. ca 1770; d. 1850, and on wife L~lvina? (or ? Wynt jie) VM iVmT ?, b. ca 1780. Relrided Yuff ern, l?.Y./Li3.hwnh, N.J. area. Children: Nicholas, John, and Leah. (d) Need info on Edward SLIITH d. 1806, and on wife, Eve ( ) Be- sided Clarkstown, N+Y. area. Children: John Ed. (m. blexia JIRSEY), Edward, Gershom, Benjamin, Anne, Mary, Phebe. ( e) Reed info on John JEBSEY b. 1740; d. 1821, and on wife Annetje BLAUVELT, b. 1747; d. 1823. Children: Abraham, Peter, John, Jane, Mzry (m. John Ed. SLIITH),Elizabeth, and AM (m. Natheniel SMITH). (f) Need info on Thomas BROOKS b. ca 1790; a. before 1840, and on wife Ann ?UI(OWEEl?, b. ca 1767; d. bet. 18a/70. Children: ;;alter (m. Dorcas YOUUNS), Daniel, John, Robert, Hannah, Samuel, and fiilliam. All children christened 16 Dec. 1821 New Hempdiead Yresbyl;eriari Church, RocklandTo., N.Y. 2. Thomas Edsall, 127 fl. Lore Ave., Norfolk, Va. 23503. (a) Seek info on Pibi ~KIT?hebe SHITH?) wife of Jacob EDSALL (1752-1797). She is listed a6 the mother in the Hackensack, N.J. ban. of son Jacob (bzp. 5 llec. 1790) and Jannet je (hap. 21 Sept. 1792) but vrtis she the mother of Jacob's other children: Peter 1781?-1855) ; Catherine (b. 1784?), John (b. 1788?), Daniel b. %arch 1790?) ; adSmuel? I b) Fibi nrob. d. before 25 Rov. 1797 when guardians were appoint- ed for Jaoobte children following his dying intestate. (c) Any info on the =ALL, MOOWB, SblIIC11 (pre 1800). DEGROOT and IiACrLE families in Bergen County, H.J. (d) Sources of articles of Revolutionary War activities and per- sonalities relatin,!: to Bereen Co., N.J. APPiiOVAL 09 LOVd TO LIIULAND PAEK YLBLIC LIBRARY k~rnbeF~;fiT~-'VXe-dr~~rnouslya% the Ootober 26 meeting to hold the Society's future regular meetings at the hiidland Park Public Li- brary in IriiUmii Pmk, I.1.J. It will be effective with the November meetinc. Also anproved was the moving of the Society's genealogical holdings to the Llidlhnd Pmk Public Library location, if possible be- fore the end of the year. The Society is open to donations of book- cases, filin~crrbinets, chairs, lamps, and a bulletin board and other equipment as Fe take odvantege of the expanded space adfaoilities made available to us. If you have any leads, contact Barbara Flurchick 44-31, our Search Committee chairman. ANCESTOR CHABT - ALICE P. SWAIM SCHNAKENBEBG (1925- ) l~ompiledb$ Alice F. Schnakenberg, P.O. Box 1104 w=fa,n, Calif. 932 3) Generation 1 01 SWAIN Alice Frances, b. 28 Deo. 1925, Lancaater, LA. Co., Calif., m, Donald Schnakenberg; b. 9 June 1925, Calu- met, Iowa; m. 4 Nov. 1949 Van Nuys, Calif. Generation 2 02 SWAIK Ronald Franais I, ar. 1903 Bloomingdale, Parke Co. , Ind. ; d. 22 0%.':9:5 N. Hollywood, LA. Co., Calif.; m. 7 Nov. 1924 Whitter, L.A. CO. Calif. to: 03 RAUCH Frances Emily, b. 23 Nov. 1905 Ipava, ~uitonCo., 111.

04 SViAIN Frsnk/Prancis, -1864 Parke CO., Ind. 8 d. 3 Mar. 1947 Bloomingdale, Parke Co., Ind.; m. 20 May 1887 Ptirke Co.. Ind. to: 05 DEBAUN Cynthia ~lice,'b. 7-~eb.1872 Parke Co., In& ; d. 5 Jan. 1944 Bloomingdale, Parke Co., Ind. 06 RAUCH Nathaniel Harvey, b. 8 Mar. 1878 Pleasant Twp., Fulton Ill.; d. 12 July 1966 Poway, S.D. Co., Calif.; ;:'BDec. 1897 Ipava, Pulton Co. Ill. to: 07 ELGIN/'J!ABPER Gracie Rebecca, b. 30 Sept. 1880 Astoria Twp., Ful- ton Co., Ill.; d. 28 Sept. 1965 Poway, S.D. Do. Calif. (~do~tedby Peter & Emily Tarter 24 Sept. 1883.j oe SWAIN ?3won. b. 14 Jan.wlford co.. N.C. : a. oct. 1923- - ~&ke-Co., Ind.; m. 5 Mar. 1862 ~arkeCO.; Ind. tot 09 RHODENBOUGH Pmda, b. 1843 Partage Co., Ohio; d. ca 1926 Parke Co., Ind. 10 DBBAUN Samuel, b. 14 Oct. 1829 Nercer Do., Kg.* d. 25 Aug. 1914 Penn Twp., Perke Co., Ind.; m. 20 May 1852 Sullivan Co., Ind. to: 11 EARRIS A eline, b. 20 hlay 1834 Sullivan Co., Ind. ; d. 19 May 18"& 0 Parke Co., Ind. 12 RAUCH Lewis/Ludvcig, b. 9 June 1833 Pruasia Ger. d. 31 Oct. 1916 Ipava, Fulton Co., Ill.; m. 22 May 18.67 Ipava, i?ulton Co., Ill. to: 13 S~IITII Talitha, b. 14 Feb. 1841 Pleasant Tvlp., Fulton Co., Ill.; d. 11 Llay 1915 Fulton Co., Ill. 14 ELGIN Yiilliam Franklin, b. ca. 1841 Astoria Twp., Fulton Co., 111. d. ?; m. ca 1871 Astoria Twp., Fulton Co., Ill. to: 15 HOLLIDAY Rebecca Sophia, b. ca 1852 Ohio; d. 9 Oct. 1880 Astoria Twn., Pulton Co., Ill. Generation 5 16 SiiAIC drantley, b. 3muilfordCo., N.C.; d. 15 April 18C2 Pwke Co.. 1nd.s m. 12 Em. 1839- - Guilford Co.. . N.C. to: 17 PI&D'> Irinc, b. 25 Nov. 1815 Guilfora Co., N.C.; d. 12 July 1896 Parlce Co., Ind. 18 RHOI)B.IBOUGH :VillZam, b. ca 1812 Turbut Tvrp., Northumberland Co., Penn.: 6. Pnxke Co., Ind.; m. 3 Dea. 1835 Franklin Tvrp., Portoge Co., Ohio to: 19 PULLIFI Sophionia, b. ca 1817 Ohio; d. Parke Co., Ind, DBAUN Abraham, b. 17 J& 1788 Mercer Co. ICY.; d. 24 Feb 1863 Sullivan Co., Ind. m. 8 May 1819 Mercer Co., KY. to: LYBSTElt Eleanor, b. 9 Jan. 1799 Mercer Co., KY.g (1. 3 Nov. 1875 Sullivan Co., Ind. IIARRIS Benjamin 11, b. ca 1810 Butler Co., Ohio; a. 22 NOV. 1854 Sullivan Co., Ind.8 m. ca 1830 Sullivan Co., Ind. to: SIiiEB Pol1 /Mary, b. 23 Mar. 1814 Breckenridge Co., ICY.; d. 2 Oct. 1880 Ind. RAUCH John, b. 7; d. Prussia Ger.8 m. ca 1831 to: RTJMLINE/BUIIL?~R Catherine, b. 2; d. Pruesia Ger. ShiITH Arthur, b. ca 1793 VA. or E. 'Eetm.; a. 20 Bar. 1864 Pleasant Tmp., Fulton Co., Ill.; m. ca 1828 Sullivan CO., T enn. to: BOIIAKNON ~arybolly,b. oa 1801 Stokes Co., B.C.; a. 3 Oct. 1862 Pleasant Twp., Fulton CO., Ill. ELGIN ~mel,b. ca 1811 VA. d. ca 1852 Astoria TWO, Futon Co., 111.; m. ca 18 2 &.'to: 'u'IIRT/AVIT Susan, b. 30 Mar. 115a' Vb.; d. 31 July 1900 ~storiaTv~p., Fulton Co., Ill. HOLLIDAY James Gillaspy, b. 23 May 1815 Lwaster Co., Pem.8 d. 8 Jes. 1879 Viheeling W. VA. ; m. 22 Jan. 1w6 ENGLISH tlarmet Ann, b. 2; a. 18 ~wil1854 Wheeling, W. VA* Generation 6 SWAIM Kichael, b. 7; d. 13 Jan. 1830 Guilford Co., N.C.; m. ca 1804 Guilford Co. N.0. tor STONE Christian, b. ca 1788 Guilford Co., N.C. ; d. N.C. FIELD Christopher I, b. 15 Aug. 1792 Guilford Co., H.a. ; a. 17 Feb. 1880 Sullivan Co. M.; m. 4 June $813 to: HANNEB/fUNNA Isabell, b. ca i794 fdford Co., A.C.; d. 5 Sept. 1876 Sullivan Co. Ind. RHODENBOUGH Peter, b. ca 1785 penn.5 a. 24 D~C. 1856 Portage CO., Ohio; m. ca 1805 Northumberland Co., Penn. to: PULLHl Jeremiah DEBAUN Joeeph b. 3l July 1742 Ta pea, N.Y.; 8. aa 18.830 Mercer CO., d.;m. ca 1762 N.Y. $03 DURIE/DURYEB Chwity/Gertrude, b. 30 June 1745 N.Y., IO.Y.1 d. Mer- cer Co., ICY. LYBSTER John ? Eleanor HABBIS Benjamin I, b. 16 Dec. 1775 ; a. 8 June 1848 Sullivan Co., Ind.; m. ca 1800 Butler Co. Ohio to: PADDOCK il~a~y/~oiiy,b. ONOG a. orr isn vigo co Ind. SIN= Benjamin, b. ca 1759 VA.; d. Aug. 1826 Gjgo Co., I-.: m. VA. to: WY ~arybolly,b. Vd.8 8. Sullivan Co., Ind. SIU!I!H Samuel, b. VA.; d. ca 1838 Pulton Co., 111.3 m. oa 1790 to: 5 3 SILITH ~ary/Polly,be VA.; d. oa 1838 Fulton Co., Ill. 54 BOHANNOH. Philemon, b. by 1767 Culpeper Co., VA.; d. by 1814 Sulli- van Co., Tenn.; m. 7 Dec. 1790 Stokee Co., N.C. to: 55 GbINES Elizabeth, b. ca 1772 Culpeper Co., VA; d. Ca 1839 SUlli- van CO., Tern. 60 IIOLLIDAY William, b. 21 Dec. 1786 Gancast er Do., Penn. $ d. 6 Sept. 1862 Washington Co., Penn.; m. 23 June 1814 Lanoaster Co., Penn. fo: 61 GILLESPY Mawet, b. 22 Peb. 1793 Lancaster Co., Penn.; d. 2 June 1867 Washington Co., Penn. SWAIN William, b. ca 1811 Goilf ord Co., N.C. i m. ca 1770 Guilford Co./howan Co., 10.C. to: VIrnEY Charity, b. ca 1747 ~owan/orange Co., N.C.; d. 16 Aug. 1837 Guilford Co., N.C. STONE Salathiel, b. ca 1766 Rowan Co. N.C.; d. ca 183. Davidson Co., N.C. ; m. 13 Mar. 1787 Guilford Co., N.C. to: LEANARU Jene, b. ?; d. ca after 1831 Davidson Co., N.C. - FIELD Peter, b. ca 1763 Rowan or Orange Co. N.C.; 8. ca 1816 CMlford Co., N.C. ; m. 10 June 1388 Randolph Co., X.U. to: YICKREY Chzrlotte, b. 26 Sept. 1769 N.C.$ a. after 1850 Guil- ford Co., N.C. Roddy b. ?; d. 12 Aug. 1829 Guilford Co., N.C.; n. ca 1780 Guilford Co., N.C. to: ERVIN Sallie, b. ?; 8. 25 April 1820 Guilford Co., N.C. DEBAUN Joost, b. 6 Peb. 1715 N.Y.; d. 16 Feb. 1793 N.J.: m. ca 1741 N.Y. to: Anna, b. ?; d. ca 1755. James, b. before 1742 Culpeper Co., VA.; d. 1807/8 Stokes Co., N.C.; m. ca 176)Culpeper Co., Vb. to: ? Frances GAINES Thomas, b. ca 1738 Capeper Co., VA.; d. 30 Jan. 1811 Stokes Co., N.C.; m. ca 1768 Culpeper Co., VA. to: Susanna, b. ?; d. 6 Feb. 181.1 Stokes eo., N.C. William I b. 1 Sept. 1749 Lancaster Co., P0nn.i 8. 29 Oct. $21~; m. 3 Nov. 1777 Lancaster Co., Perm. to: JOHNSTON susanna, b. 28 Peb. 1752 Lawaster Cb., Pew.; d. 15 April 1825 Lancaster Go., Penn. GILLESPY James, b. Penn.; a. Penn.; m. Pem. to: ? Rebecca, b. ca 1764; a. 5 Nov. 1843 Wadneton C0.e Penn. Generation 8 SWAIM hlichael VICKREY Mannaduke, b. oa 1715; d. ca 1788 Randolph Go., N.C.; m. ca 1737/8 VA.? to: NBTIoN/S\VAIM Elieabeth, b. ?; d. after 1788 Randoaph Co. , N.C. STONE John, b. ? ; d. 1812 Guilford Co., N.C. ; m. FIELD Joseph, b. ?; d. 1779? N.Y.; m. N.C. to: JULIAN Lydia VICI(REY Christopher, b. ca 1740/lAugUdaCb., lg April 1841 Randolph Co., N.C.; m. caVA*& 17 5 a*Randolph Co., N.C. to: HODCE/HOIX;H Hannah, b. ?; d. before 1801. HANNA John, b. ?; d. ca 1793 Surry Co., N.C.; m. to: DOAK Martha, b. ?; d. after 1794 Surry Co., N..C. ERVIN Robert ? Martha DEBAUN Charles, b. 1693 New Utrecht, L.I., N.Y.; d. 25 Aug. 1765 Bergenfield, N.J.; m. 14 Feb. 1714 Tappan, NIY* to: HARING Jane, b. 14 April 1698 N.Y., N.Y.; d. 29 June 1765 Ber- genfield, N.J. HOGXUJen VANHOUTEN Gertie BOILINNON Elliott, b. 21 Dec. 1711 Gloucester Co., VA.; 6. 1781 Culpeper Co., VA.; m. ca 1735 Culpeper Co., VA. to:

. 1290 COZYNS Gerrit sen - ,* 1291 ? Vrout 1760 GAINES Thomas, b. aa 1585/90 England. 1776 STROTHW William, b. ca 1597 England$ d. 1667 England. 1778 SAVAGE Capt. Anthony, d. VA. 1780 THORNTON William, m. to: 1781 ROWLAND ? Elizabeth 1782 SAVAGE Capt . Anthony (same as #1778) Generation 12 2576 HARING H bra ham, b. 1581 ~oorn,aorth ~oiiana. -.355 - 2 STROTHER Lancelot of Newton & Towberrr- Towere..-- b. 1589:-. d. 9 Aug. 1611; m. to: 3553 CONYERS Eleanor, b. 1572. 3556 SAVAGE John of Castleton, Derbyshire, England: m. to: 3557 S'PAFFORD Allice 3560 THORNTON William, d. 1650.

HARING John, b. 155PF%%! oorn as e, Hoorn, North Holland. STROTHEFf William of Newton, b. 1565; .a. 8 May 16128 m. to: SELBY Jvne CONYERS Sir John of Sockburn, b. 1547: a. 2 Feb. 1609h0; m. to: WES Agnes; d. 12 Feb. 1598/99. STAFFORD Sir Humuhrer THORNTON william; m.-to: ROBINSON Prances gyation 14 William; m. 9 john County of Northumberland, [email protected] d. 1565. Sir George of Markerfield, b. 1510; d. 15 Oct. 1567; m. to: Ann Sir George of Streatham County Durham, EX@&. \ViUiam; d. 1600; m. to: Barbara

STROT HER Richard; d. MARE/MEREEargery/$largaret HORSLEY Edmund of Milbourne County, Northumberland, England. SELBY \Villiam GRAY Elizabeth CONYERS Sir Thomaa of Sockburn, b. 1491: d. 2 June 15208 m. to: t,Iargaret (first) Sir John of Sesay, County York Prmcis of "The Hillsn Yorkshire; d. 1566.

(1coter Every Father*s number is twice that of his child. Every Wife' s number is one more than her husbands 6.) I *. C NOUINKfIDNS FOR 1968 !he nominating codttee presented the following slate for 1988: Louisa Lavelle (Oradell, N.J.), president Barbara Flurchick (Wald- , Vice-president; Ed Usoalec [Emerson, N.J.), treasurer; Oradell, n .J .), recording secretary; Barbara Laear (Emerson, N.J.), corresponding secretary. Election of officers will take nlace= - Ifovcniber 23. -~omin&ions also vrill be open from the floor. C:EI~DEFtSIIIY uonnz. Spring of Parmus, N.J. was appointed the new membership chajr- mein to succeed Am.belle Courtney who served diligently and efficient- ly in this post for some six yeers. A reminder --- membership dues for 1388 are payable in January. They are X.00 for individuals and 210.00 for a femily (household). Member- ship nrivile~esinclude free queries in the Archivist. I~IISSI~$GBOOK mheeaGenealogy book is still missing from our collection. Pleane hel~us locate it. It's one of our more valuable reference items. OT11lB GENiPALOGY PARTICIPh!PION adLenneth Ymh of MaZr Lawn. N.J.. will coordinate the teaching- of the Genealogy nnd Yemily ~istory-course in the Ridgewood (N.J.) Adult Zducation Program for ten Tuesday evenings (7: 30 - 9 P.M. ) stating lebruary 2, 1908, Several other members of the Society will be art of the teechin;; team. OTIIZFL GiZIlIVLLOGY MBEZINGS nov. 21 (Sat.) -- ~eneaiomClub of the N.J. Historical Society. Meets in Bewark, N.J. at tge Society's building on 230 ~roa(hpay; wCourthouseRecords" - 12: 30 - 1: 30 "Census Records" - 1:45 - 2:45 Pee - J10.09 for the day. Final session of "Beginning Your Re- semchu aeries. Dec. 5 (Sat.) -- Genealogy Club of the Passaic County Historical Society. Meets at Lzmbert Castle Museum in Paterson starting 11 A.M. "Trzcing Your Italian Amce~tor~~by Phillip Conte. Advance reser- vation required. Call ( 201) 881-2761. BBOUVI~~OWWAND JANS COLLECl!IONS Tllliam Brower Bogardus, 1121 Linhof Rd., Vilmington, Ohio 45177 advises us.- that. he is- finalizing- -.. (1) extensive collections of BOGARDUS and BHOU.~JER/BRO'~~'ERgeni-aloEicel date; ( 2) a record of approximat ely 300,000 descendants of Anneke JANS via the children of her two husbands: and (3)-a major record of the descendants of Adam BROUWEE. He a' the fmily representative of the Anneke JANS and Everardus BOGARDUS Des- cendants Associ?.tion. SCLEC1i'dl, NEl REZ'aREifCES 1. savearchof Your German Roofs. A Complete Guide to Tracinsc Your Anaors in The German Areas of Europe. Baltimore. %id., 1387. 122 pp. (311.20 postpaid; soft cover)-~vailablefrom Genealo@calFublishing Go., Inc., 1003. N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. 21202. Designed to help researchers trace their German ancestry not only in Germany but also in 811 the German-speaking areas of Europe. The book is en .expasion of a chapter in Baxter's earlier book In Search of Your European Roots. (~dvertisedin Sept.4ct. 1987 ~enehogicalIIeLper, p. 260) PAST OFFICERS AND ORGANIZATION OF OUR SOCImY (Abbreviations: p-president ; -vice president; t-treasurer; s-set- retary; rs-recording secretary; cs-corresponding secretary; (p)- paFt of year.) In November 1572, dter meeting informally since January 19n as the Pascack Genealogy Workshop, a mup of 10 people organteed officially and elected officers. Most had taken a genealogy couPee taught by Charles Gibbs, who also was an advisor to the group. The first official meetiw of the Pascack Genaalogy Workshop wsa held Januery 22, 1973 at the Westwood Publie Library. Fourteen people joined officially at that meeting and are considered charter om- bers. The first issue of the Archivist, the Society's newsletter, was distributed at that meetine. In July 1974 the name of the group wee changed to the Paeoack Genealogy Society. In November 1978 the menberehip voted to change the name to the Bergen County Genealogical Society. In Saptember 1980 the name was further revised to the Genealogical Society of Bergen County, Nmr Jersey. u Spencer B. Newman, p Dorothy Moos, p Anne Angeloni, vp Kathy F~sCO, Earjorie Johnston t (p) Gardner Moyer, 3' Gardnar Dloyer, t tp) Edna Falter, e Dorothy Itoos, s rn Joe Svenson, p Ted Obal, p Kathy Frasco, vp Willtam Amarman vp Gardner Koyer, t Lola Crandall, 4 Edna Palter, a Edna Palter, a Xm Ted Obal, p Gloria IPanamaker, p iYil1ia.m Amerman, vp Peg Lindauer, Lola Cranilall, t Lola Crandall, 3 1)orothy Moos, a Dorothy Moos, s 923 Gloria Vamaker,, p Maria Hopper, p Peg Lindauer, vp Howard Heck, vp Haria Hopper, t Muriel Wasamam, t Myrtle Gundlah, s Margaret Ross, s @J DIaria Hopper, p Ed Maszalec, p Howard Heck, vp Muriel Wasamam, vp Muriel \'lassmann, t Sharon Cachules, t Xrsgaret Ross, ra Kargaret Casey, rs Dorothy Noos, cs (p) Gloria Wanamaker, cs Joseph Suplicki, p Ednard Naesalec, p Anne Green, vp Anne Green, vp Stephen 'ilinter, t Stephen Winter, t Ida Owens, rs Ida Owena, re Barbara Crede, cs Barbara Crede, clr

Louisa LaVelle, p Robert RJinker, vp Ed Llaszalec, t Ida 'Ov:ecs, rs Barbara Le.zal., cs

L'aitorial Committee - Ted Obal, Barbara Crede, George Crede

Genealogical Society of Ber~enCounty, X.J. P. 0. 3ox 103 Hillsdele, K.J. 07642

Wrs. Lola Crandell 191 Fourth Am Wastwood NJ 07675