, 'BEGUN AND HELD AT THE MASONS' HALl., r::-.1 THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON, On the·third Tuesday in March, being the twentieth day of the month, A. L. s8o.j., A. D. 1804'

[Imprint]: LEXINGTON: Printed by DANIEL BRADFORD, Main Street. [8 yo. 19 pp.]


At a Grand Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ken­ tucky, begun and held at the Masons' Hall, in the town of Lexing­ ton, on the third Tuesday in March, being the 20th day of the month, A. L. 5804, A. D. 1804. . PRESENT. 'fhe Most Wors. John Jordan, Jun., Grand Master. Right Wors. Abraham Owen, S. G. W. P. T. Wors. George M. Bibb,J. G. w. P. T. I Dan!. Bradford, G. Se~retary. Andw. F. Price, G. Treasurer. John Y. Hiter, S. G. D. P. T. William Bobb, J. G. D. P. T. and G. Pursuiv't P. T. Jacob E. Lehre, G. Stew. and Tyler. Representatives of three lodges, to-wit: LEXINGTON'LoDGE No. I.-George M. Bibb, William Bobb. SOLOMON'S LODGE No. s.-Abraham Owen. WASHINGTON LODGE No. 6.-John Y. Hirer. • . The Grand Lodge was then opened in the third degree of Mll­ sonry in ample form. [Sl] 54 GRAND LODGE PROCEEDfNGS. [March 18°4] GRAND LODGE PROCEEDINGS. 5.5

Resolved, That in future the representatives of the se"eral subordinate Past Masters. Levi To,ld, Edmund Bullock, lodges shall not be required to bring their chartel's at any of the Grand Com­ Hugh Logan, James Morrison I ]ofln13obb, munications, unless specially directed so to do. Thomas Bodley, 'John Fowler, Hugh M'flvaln, Daniel Bmdford. Resolved, That it shall be the duty of each subordinate lodge to com1nuni­ John Jordan, Jun., Cuthbert Banks, cate to the Grand Secretary from time to time all such matters as may be for Master Masons. the benefit of the craft. And it shall be the duty of the Grand Secretary, William Ford, Green Clay,' John Crittenden, John A. Seitz, whenever the Most Worshipful Grand Master shall thirik the good of the John Coons, Daniel M'Vlcar, Edward West, Thomas Clarke, Stewart Wilkins, Jesse Bledsoe, craft requirs it, to correspond with the different lodges under this jurisdiction' Basil Duke. Charles Carr. George Mansel, Frederick Ridgeley, Richard W. Downing, Jeremiah Rogers, Orc!ered, That the Grand Committee now rise. William Dangerfield, Thomas Wallace, I.ewis \Vest, Tunstall Quarles, JONA. TAYLOR, Chairman. Joseph Boswell, Andrew F. Price, John Finch, J atlles Ross, DAN'L BRADFORD, Clerk. Nathan Burrows, Lewis Marshall, Samuel H. Woodson, . Robert Megowan, Joseph H. Davelss, George Coons, Thomas Reed, Francis Moore. I Fellow Craft. The consideration of the following resolution was postponed None. until the next Grand Annual Communication: Entered Apprentices. John Watkins, "Resolved, That Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts are entitled to Richard Jones, Nicholas l.ewls, Edward S. Thomas, "vote in, receiving or rejecting an applicant, either as a brother or for initiation, Francis Jones, John Clay, John Harrison, David'Valker. Thomas I. Garrard. James F. Moore, "inasmuch as they ought to be judges of the qualifications of.those with whom john Parker, Martin Daniel, John Springle, William Russell, John H. Morton. " they would wish to associate. But at the same time it is declared that in no James Hughes, " othel' case are they entitled to vote." Admission. William Henry, late of Union Lodge No. 43. Pennsylvania, December >7, 5803· It appearing to this Grand Lodge from a report of the Grand Treasurer, that several of the subordinate lodges are considerably Initiation. 80 in arrears to the Grand Lodge, John H. Morton, November 5, 5 3' Passed. Ordered, That they make their remittances to the Grand Treasurer without Francis Moore, February 10. 5So.t· delay. O"dered, ·that Brother Grand Treasurer pay Brother Grand Secretary, Raised. thirty.fonr dollars for printing and stationery furnished the Grand LOdge. ' George Mansel. Francis Moo,'c, February '4, 5804· Ordered, That the Grand Treasurer pay Brother Jacob E. Lehre, Grand Steward and Tyler, twenty·four dollar, for attendance and refreshments furn­ ished this Grand Lodge. RETURN OF HIRAM LODGE, NO·4· Ordered, That this Grand Lodge be now adjoumed until the third Tuesday in September next at ten o'clo~k. Officers. \VILUS A. LEB, Master. JOIlN D. RICHARDSON, Treasurer. The Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form and harmony. ISAAC E. GANO, Senior Warden. 1l0BBRT BI.Ki'lllAM, Senior Deacon. JOHN JORDAN, JR., Grand ljfaster. THOMAS LO"E, Junior "'arden. JOHN A. Mn'CRELL, Junior Deacon. IhNllY TUNSTALL, Secretary_ CRAS. SPftINGER, Steward and Tyler. Attest, DAN'L BRADFOltD, Grand Secretary. Past Masters. Thomas Love. John Rowan, Thomas Tunst..1.11, John S. Hunter, Philips Caldwell, VI.-ilham Akin, Cary L. Clarke. RETURN OF LEXINGTON LODGE, No. I, Master Masons. To the Grand Lodge, llftlrch 20,5804. 'William WinslOW, Cunningham, Thomas Todd, Amos Anderson, Officers. Bennet Pemberton, Nat/w,niel Richardson, Stephen G. Letcher, William Hubbell, John Bacon, Hugh Innis, Thomas Bryant, John Long, GEO. M. BIllIl, Master. ,VtLLIAM Jh;"RY, Treasu,·er. Jtunes Blair. Joseph Cmig. \ViUiam Murray, Baker Ewing; ,VILLIAM llOBB, Senior 'V*lrden. 'THOMAS H. SCOTT, Senior Deacon. Joshua Lewis, BE"JAYlm GRAVES, Junior 'Varden. JOHN BOIlIl,Junior Deacon. Haden Edwards, Nicholas Lafon, John Railton, ]oshu:l Briagew"tcr, George Baltzell, John A. Mitchell. JAMES COI,,£:MAN, Secretary. JACOB E. LEURE, Steward and Tyler. Allen Richardson, 56 GRAND LODGE PROCEEDINGS. [March 1804] GRAND LODGE PROCEEDINGS. 57

Fellow Crafts. Initiated. David Willcox, Augustine Fore. Zedekiah SOUU,. William Webb, John M. Scott. Henley Russell, Benjamin Head. John Wi1le~t, George Leese. Entered Apprentices. Passed. , Charles Adams. G-abrie! Lewis, Jonathan Bridgewater, James.Twyman, John Peluberton. Raised. Admissions. John H. Bullock. Cary L. Cirlrke, Past Master, December '.1, 5804; William Akin, ditto, March 19. 5Sof. Withdrawn. Initiations. Drury Melone. Jose ph Allen, Joseph Ficklin, William Akin, William Trigg, Archibald Tinsley, November 24, SSo3; William Fenwick, December '3; G-eorge Clifton, John Allen, Worden Pope. Luke Ha:If. Thomas Fenwick,January 00,5804. Suspended.

Raised. Johannas Goodman,jobn Rom~"e. for non·payment of dues. Jame. Reynolds, Nathan TOil' Alexnnder J. Mitchell, November 24, 5303. san, for nan..attendance and non-payment of dues. Death. Rejected. Olbo Beatty. WiJiiam Hinton, George Robison. Rejection. Edmund Bacon, October 17, 5803. RETURN OF WASHINGTON LODGE, No.6. Officers. THOMAS SPEKD; Master. F'ELIX GRUNDY, Socretary. DANIIU. L. MORRISON, Senior Warden. JOIlN Y. HIT£lI, Treasurer. RETURN OF SOLOMON'S LODGE, NO.5. JAMO:lt Cox, Junior \Varden. ADAM GUTIIRIII. Senior Dencon. ROBERT KING, Junior Deacon. Officers. Master Masons. J AMES MOORE, Master. J AMES CRAIG. Tre"surer. JOHN BRADSI1AW, Senior ·Warden. WINGFIELD BULLOCK, Senior Deacon. David M·Clelland. Thomas Roberts, Da.niel Jennings, Benjamin Helm, ABRAHAM OWEN, Junior Warden. ROBERT OWEN, Junior Deacon. Geal'ge WHSOl', Frederick N anee, John Crozjer, E,hvILrd B. Gaitl'''f, ROBERT M. MOORE, Secretary. JOHN M'GAUGHEY, Steward. Samuel Seay, John Reid. Henry Crist, William Stone. PETER HANSBOllOUGH, Tyler. John Hemiss. John Bullo\:k. Fellow Crafts. Past Masters. Willi"",p.nllVal, John Bodine. Simon Adanls, James Wardlaw, John Simpson. Entered Apprentices. Master Masons. \Villimn L. Kell)', Mathew \V'alton. Benjamin Roberts, William J. Tunstall, Edmund Blanton, \ViIliam Roberts, Admitted. James Davitt, Abraham Smith, Joseph Simpson, Gabriel J. Johnson, George \VilSOh \Villiam B~idgewater, Montgomery Allen, Robert Allison, Samuel Waddy, 1 Frcdericl< N ;.tllee, Robert Kln~. John Crozier, Felix Grundy, Isaac Watkins, Obediah Clark, John Pope, James L. Henderson, Rohert Wickliff. John Gwathmey, George R. C. Floyd, John H. Bullock. Initiated. Fellow Crafts. Ellward B. Gaither, Mathew Wa.lton, Elias Davidson. John Reed, Samnel SC3; John Y. HitLT, July 12, 580.,; \Villian> P. Du V"l. Nathan Crawford, Edmund Curd, Charles Adams. .Kelly, Augnst", 5803; John Bodine. October 10,5803. Entered Apprentices. Passed. ThomasJohnsto,!, Joseph 'M. Payne, Charles Henderson, Augtlstlne Fpre, Felix Grundy, May 10, 58°3; Edward B. Ga.ither, Elias Dnvidsoll, John Reed, SUlllucl Seay, G-eorge I.eese, David Willcox, Zedekiah South, William Webb, . Henry Crist, William Stone,July n, 5803; John Y. Hiter, William P. DII V.tl, September '3, John Willitt. 5803; John Bemiss, Octoher' 10. S80J; John Bodine, October 29. 5803. 8 58 GRAND LODGE PROCEEDINGS. [March. 1804] GRAND LODGE PROCEEDINGS. 59

Raised. GRAND LODGE OF THE MOST ANCIENT AND HONORABLE FRATERNITY Felix Grundy, Edward B. Gaither, Elias Davidson, John Reed, Samuel Seay, Henry Christ, OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND. William Stone, AUll"ust 9. 5803; John Y. Hiter, John Bemiss, October 29. S803. W'or.

EXPELLED" From Ri'simr States' Lodgt".-WiHiam Fenneymore, ~njn.min Seward. for gros..t; miscon­ duct u.s Masons. Truly extracted from the papers of the Grand Lodge. Republica .. Lodg•.-Aaron Green, John Pitt, for ditto. Atte1lt, DAN'L BRADFORD, G. Sec). .sV01l~C"om.er.J' LocWe.--OHver Newland Pond, for ditto.. St. Paul's Lod",·•.-Abel Boynton, for ditto; Lemuel Parkel', for forgery.


REINSTATEMENT. Brother Benjamin Solomon was reinstated by Lodge No. 32.

SUSPENSION. Henry Schell, by Hiram Lodge No. zS, Frederick County.


Gralld Lodge, tmu 1, 17.57, Earl of BitNISI,1Zgt01l, G. M: If Unanimously Ordered, That if any Master) Wa.rdens or presiding officer, or u.ny other person whose business it may be to admit metnbers or visitors, shall admit or entertain 1n his' or their lodge, during lodge hours, or the time of transacting the proper business of Free Ma.. sonry, :lny member or visitor not strictly an Anc,ient Mason, conformable to the Grand Lodg!: rules and orders, such lodge so transgressing shall forfeit their warrant and the same may be dIsposed of by the Grand Lodge." L. DERMOn', G. S.

LIST OF EXPULSIONS COMMUNICATED TO THE R. W. GRAND LODGE, By Warr'Q1lted Lodges, du.rill!! tile last sl;c m01lt/t..1I;, 1112: John Arcott, late Master of Lodge No. 74, Exetel'. Abraham :Martin, Past Master of Lodge No. >$3, LonC\on. The Warrant, No. 260 lately held at the Robinhood in the town of Nottingham, under the Grand Lodge in London, acconling- to the old constitutions, has be<:n erased for apostacy and conduct of its membcr5 highly injurIous to the interl',..~st and character of the Ancient Yodt Ma~ sons of England.