Vol. 8 Núm. 23 /Noviembre - diciembre 2019 739

Artículo de investigación Discourse of Communism and Socialist linguistic personality: Rhetorical perspective

Дискурс коммунизма и социалистическая языковая личность: риторический аспект

Discurso del comunismo y la personalidad lingüística socialista: Perspectiva retórica

Recibido: 12 de agosto del 2019 Aceptado: 23 de septiembre del 2019

Written by: Aleksandra A. Vorozhbitova285 SPIN-код: 5160-2150 Serhiy I. Potapenko286 Larisa G. Berezovskaya287 SPIN-код: 4029-8458 Elena I. Lebedeva288 Nadezhda V. Kushko289

Abstract Аннотация

Within the conception of the Sochi Linguistic & В русле концепции Сочинской Rhetorical School the paper argues for the idea of лингвориторической школы статья discourse of Communism as a cover term for the обосновывает идею дискурса коммунизма, «officialese» in the and former обобщающую интерпретации «официолекта» Socialist countries singling out four periods of its в Советском Союзе и в бывших странах development: origin, formation, official социализма, и выделяет четыре периода его existence, dismantling. The article pays special развития: зарождение, формирование, attention to the heterogeneity of the longest расцвет и угасание. Отмечена period of the discourse's official existence, which неоднородность наиболее длительного и consists of the alternating stages: rise in the значимого периода расцвета, который revolutionary and post-revolutionary years, состоит из чередующихся этапов: вознесения during war and past-war time with the expansion в революционные и послереволюционные of the discourse of Communism to other годы, в военное и послевоенное время, countries; and fall with the massive reprisals of сопровождавшееся расширением границ 1930s and the “stagnation” epoch. During the дискурса коммунизма на другие страны; и period of its official existence three of its facets – упадка, с которым соотносятся массовые official, public and real – reflect contradictions репрессии конца 30-х годов и эпоха «застоя». between the Communist ideas imposed by the На всех этапах расцвета дискурса authorities and the state of the Socialist linguistic коммунизма его три ипостаси – официальная, personality confronting the meanness of daily публичная и реальная – отражали life. The paper reveals those contrasts drawing on противоречие между коммунистическими the diaries of Olga Berggolts and Alexander идеями, навязываемыми властями, и

285 Doctor of Pedagogy, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Roman-German and Russian Philology, Sochi State University, Sochi, 286 Doctor of Philology, Professor, Professor of the Department of English Philology, Translation and Language Philosophy named after Professor O.M. Morokhovsky, Kyiv National Linguistic University, Kyiv, 287 Ph. D. of Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Roman-Germanic and Russian Philology, Sochi State University, Sochi, Russia 288 Ph. D. of Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Russian and foreign literature, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), , Russia 289 Ph. D. of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Roman-Germanic and Russian Philology, Sochi State University, Sochi, Russia

Encuentre este artículo en http://www.udla.edu.co/revistas/index.php/amazonia-investiga o www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307 Vorozhbitova, A., Potapenko, S., Berezovskaya, L., Lebedeva, E., Kushko, N. /Vol. 8 Núm. 23: 739 - 748/ Noviembre - diciembre 2019 740

Dovzhenko as well as the destinies of Mikhail состоянием социалистической языковой Prishvin, Alexey Tolstoy and Alexander личности, сталкивающейся с превратностями Fadeyev. повседневной реальности. Указанные контрасты раскрываются в статье на Keywords: Discourse of Communism, Socialist материале дневников Ольги Берггольц и linguistic personality, Sochi Linguistic & Александра Довженко, а также на примере Rhetorical School. литературных судеб Михаила Пришвина, Алексея Толстого и Александра Фадеева.

Ключевые слова: дискурс коммунизма, социалистическая языковая личность, Сочинская лингвориторическая школа.


Dentro de la concepción de la Escuela Lingüística y Retórica de Sochi, el artículo argumenta a favor de la idea del discurso del comunismo como un término de cobertura para los «officialese» en la Unión Soviética y los ex países socialistas que señalan cuatro períodos de su desarrollo: origen, formación, oficial existencia, desmantelamiento. El artículo presta especial atención a la heterogeneidad del período más largo de la existencia oficial del discurso, que consiste en las etapas alternas: ascenso en los años revolucionario y posrevolucionario, durante la guerra y el tiempo de la guerra pasada con la expansión del discurso del comunismo. a otros países; y caer con las represalias masivas de 1930 y la época de "estancamiento". Durante el período de su existencia oficial, tres de sus facetas, oficial, pública y real, reflejan contradicciones entre las ideas comunistas impuestas por las autoridades y el estado de la personalidad lingüística socialista que confronta la mezquindad de la vida cotidiana. El documento revela esos contrastes basados en los diarios de Olga Berggolts y Alexander Dovzhenko, así como los destinos de Mikhail Prishvin, Alexey Tolstoy y Alexander Fadeyev.

Palabras clave: Discurso del comunismo, personalidad lingüística socialista, escuela lingüística y retórica de Sochi.


The study of Communist discourse representing the name of the Communist Party of the Soviet a utopian worldview of desired social relations Union and the Socialist reality the speakers were has been developing in several directions: immersed in; on the other hand, its two-levels Russian officialese as a language of Soviet power functioning: the Soviet multinational state and (Seriot, 1992: 202), Lingua Sovetica both the global scale involving the countries of the remaking and renaming the world (Ryazanova- former Socialist bloc which emerged after World Clarke, Petrov, 2014); language of Soviet War II. Communism (Thom 1989); Socialist / Communist and Totalitarian discourse However, the scholarly understanding of the (Wierzbicka, 1990: 1; Parra, 2010). The outlined Communist discourse turns out to be removed interpretations of officialese face the problem of from its users, or in more general terms, from the a limit since at a certain stage of generalisation linguistic personality whose text production is they come to a point when the discourse of subordinated to three main levels of human Communism loses its distinctive features consciousness: motivational, concerning an becoming indistinguishable from other individual’s intentions; cognitive, representing totalitarian variants, for example, the language of the speaker’s worldview; verbal semantic, the Nazis (Young, 1992). concerning the use of linguistic units (Karaulov 1987: 42). Initially introduced to reconstruct With that in mind our preference for Russian linguistic personality, this concept suits distinguishing discourse of Communism is the description of two other types: Soviet, explained by two reasons: on the one hand, the representing USSR citizens speaking a number contradiction between the representation of of languages, and Socialist, covering the idealistic, non-existent, worldview encoded in

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population of the former Socialist states, e.g. inventive-elocutionary component of the Socialist personality in Germany (Watts 1994). Socialist linguistic personality’s competence. As a result, despite several qualities of exemplary At the motivational level the Socialist linguistic speech – correctness and purity, accuracy and personality as a generalization of its Russian and consistency, expressiveness, etc – the outlined Soviet types is characterized by a clash between contradictions introduce a “negative reference” the utopian Communist ideology and the into the text (Khachmafova et al, 2017). All this Socialist reality which directly affects the compels the Socialist linguistic personality to worldview and the language of the peoples draw a few maps in the public discourse: official within the multinational Soviet Union and which is false since it does not correspond to any Socialist states (Ebzeeva, Karabulatova, real territory and several maps for the same Nakisbaev, 2018). At the cognitive level the territory, embodied in dual language. Socialist linguistic personality turns out to possess two worldviews – official and straight With this in mind first the paper discusses the (Seriot 1992) with each of them implemented at periods of the Communist discourse and then the verbal semantic level with respect to a focuses on the contradictions tearing the Socialist particular situation which is reflected by the linguistic personality apart during the most specific rhetoric of the times. The resulting poignant of those periods, when the scream of the discourse is an ideocratic cognitive construct real discourse froze in Soviet writers’ diaries and matured in the languages spoken by the note-books as well as in unpublished texts. population of the Soviet Union and Socialist countries (Wierzbicka, 1990). The Communist Materials and methods discourse nurtures the Socialist linguistic personality: both individual and collective The material of the study was the texts of V. I. encompassing a nation and developing within the Lenin, I. V. Stalin; "the ABC of communism" by Communist system on the platform of the N. Bukharin and E. Preobrazhensky, the diaries Bolshevik discourse fitted into the Procrustean of Olga Berggolts and Alexander Dovzhenko as bed of the Communist official discourse. well as the destinies of Mikhail Prishvin, Alexey Tolstoy and Alexander Fadeyev. The relations between the Communist discourse and the Socialist linguistic personality have been Specific research methods were descriptive, discussed in the works of the Sochi Linguistic & stylistic, LR, quantitative analysis; methods of Rhetorical School (Vorozhbitova, Potapenko, observation, comparison, language and speech 2013) treating the discourse under study as a distribution, extra-linguistic correlation were special sociocultural phenomenon of cognitive used. nature. Within the collective linguistic personality’s consciousness of the producer and The desire to integrate scientific approaches and recipient of diglossia two types of discourse co- research methods, caused by the need to exist: official and personal. This idea is further synthesize the achievements of neo-rhetoric as a developed in this paper in the context of Western " functional language of culture "(R. Lakhman, studies of the discourses of the former Socialist V. N. Toporov) and anthropocentric linguistics states. led to the formation of a linguistic paradigm (A. A.Vorobieva). As an integrative research From the standpoint of the Sochi Linguistic & approach, it synthesizes the theoretical and Rhetorical School the relations of Communist methodological setup is not only (primarily) discourse and Socialist linguistic personality anthropocentric linguistics and classical rhetoric contradict the canons of invention, disposition, / paritarie, but also in other areas of the elocution, memory and delivery under the Humanities, which brings the researcher influence of the Polyethnic-Sociocultural and handling outline levels of a language personality, Educational Spaces which dominated in the the phases of the universal videorecipe cycle former Soviet republics and Socialist states "from idea to word" ideological (in the broad (Luchinskaya et al, 2018). sense) aspects of the discursive process. Accordingly, the linguistic-rhetorical approach The natural subjectivity in the selection of establishes three groups of parameters of speech- concepts at the level of rhetorical invention gives creating phenomena to be studied in order to way in the Communist discourse to the artificial identify the principles and patterns of subordination to the “politics a priori”. The communicative interaction. Logos-tesaurus- violations of the inventive mechanism triggered inventory parameters of the analysis of speech by the ideological pressure discredit the phenomena are based on the mental basis,

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including key concepts, ideological stereotypes, The third period of official existence which spans ideological attitudes of the producer of discourse the time from 1917 till 1985 is far from as the basis of its content field. Ethos- homogeneous and can be subdivided into the motivational-dispositive parameters of discourse alternating phases of Communism ascending and are expressed in the organization of the speech- descending: the post-revolutionary time; the making process, determined by the set pragmatic 1920-30s phase ending with reprisals; World tasks and the existing moral and philosophical War II time; post-war years witnessing the spread attitudes and limitations. Pathos-verbal-eloquent of Communist discourse to the newly established parameters include emotional manifestations Socialist states; the phases of Khrushchov’s presented at the linguistic level (vocabulary, "thaw" and Brezhnev’s "stagnation". syntax), as well as in metabolites (D. Dubois et al.) as rhetorical transformations of language The heyday of the Soviet official discourse units of different types – tropes, figures. coincides with World War II, a situation of military-ideological conflict with the Nazis. Discussion Having mobilized all its reserves the Communist discourse withstood a mortal battle against the Periods of the Communist Discourse fascist ideology and gained the global ground. It was this ideological variety of the Russian The communist discourse perceived as a national macro-discourse that embodied representation of a desired worldview is a “linguistic resistance” (Kupina 1996), or heterogeneous phenomenon influencing the linguistic rhetorical resistance, to be exact, to the activities of the Socialist linguistic personality at discourse and ideology of national socialism in different stages of its evolvement. The latest Germany. At that time the resistance was raised classification divides the discourse under by the collective Soviet linguistic personality, a discussion into two periods: post-revolutionary representative of the Polyethnic-Sociocultural with the language of Bolshevism establishing and Educational Space of the USSR as a itself in the culture of polyphonic revolutionary superpower. The struggle for a just cause in a avant-garde; the ascendance of Stalinism, or the holy liberation war against the fascist invaders new Soviet doxa (Ryazanova-Clarke, Petrov triggered all the powerful potential of the rhetoric 2014). However, this periodization seems to have of the Soviet era, its heavy and monumental a number of gaps which are to be filled in. Taking official discourse. During World War II Soviet into account the Communist discourse’s journalism portrayed itself as a special medium reference to the utopian, or desired, worldview of representing Communist worldview. Facing we tend to distinguish four stages in its the threat of total annihilation of a huge empire evolvement: origin; underground formation; the Communist discourse most dramatically official existence; dismantling. demonstrated its linguistic and extralinguistic powers potent in the Bolsheviks’ rhetorical The origin of the discourse under discussion falls worldview and Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist on the second half of the 19th century when the ideology. The war became a test for the Soviets underground ideological activity of Russian which could not but determine the specificity of intelligentsia gradually transforms into the the global discursive text-forming process of the Bolshevik discourse underlying the future Soviet collective linguistic personality of an ethnic official variant which is discussed in Nikolai social group and reflected the nature of Berdyaev’s 1918 article "Spirits of the Russian individual cognitive communicative activity. Revolution" (see: Berdyaev 1990). The study of a significant bulk of the World War The second period involving the underground II journalistic texts reveals three distinct features formation of the discourse lasts from the of the Communist discourse of the time: official beginning of the 20th century until the 1917 press with editorials of the newspaper Pravda, revolution. It includes socialist, democratic, other media, official speeches, etc.; war writers’ Marxist and other varieties of oppositional, personal diaries, notebooks, other forms of revolutionary discourse, the Bolshevik discourse private statements, reflecting a painful gap that inspired the October Revolution and the between the official "truth" and the real state of Civil War. During that period the national souls; journalistic articles by the masters of discourses transformed into two varieties which words which produced a tremendous influence accumulated some partly rejected spiritual values on the population, inspired ordinary people’s within the framework of the ideology of an exploits, helped defeat the enemy: Leonid irreconcilable opposition to Bolshevism: Leonov, Mikhail Sholokhov, Leonid Sobolev, Communist and anti-communist. Ilya Erenburg and other Soviet writers of fame.

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The Communist discourse of the Khrushchev and Results Brezhnev times presents a special case of a "sublanguage", linguistically marked by a loss of Socialist linguitic personality agent, expansion of nominalized constructions, genitive chains, etc (Seriot 1986). Within the linguistic-hermeneutical circle which comprises Communist discourse the ethos, In the framework of the Communist discourse of pathos and logos of the Socialist collective the period of official existence a special place linguistic personality are embodied in a number belongs to its publicistic, i.e. journalistic, variety of products of linguistic cognitive activity of a which appears to be a dominant paradigm in its collective producer and recipient of opposing functional-stylistic realizations, the “strongest discursive processes: official, real and public, on position” of its ideological self-disclosure. As the one hand, and anti-Communist, or textual analyses suggest, the Communist nationalistic, on the other. journalistic discourse displays referential aggression at two levels: first, the annihilation of The range of the Socialist linguistic personality the existing anti-Soviet referent, i.e. “absence of is wide: first, separate cases of highest spiritual a map for a real territory” in Seriot’s terms, embodiment of a person inspired by social second, hostile, pejorative interpretation of utopian ideas that fell on the fertile soil of ideologically alien – bourgeois, capitalist – individual human decency encompassing Pavka referents. Korchagin, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya etc; second, the caricatured attempts at their mass Generally speaking, the Communist discourse replication in the “moral code of the builder of constitutes a powerful ensemble consisting of Communism”; third, there are a number of three components: official, represented by the ordinary, kind and honest "Soviet people" newspaper Pravda and other periodicals under building Communism. the Communist Party’s supervision; real, encompassing personal texts by genuine Socialist Within the orientational mechanism of linguistic linguistic personalities, believing in the ideas of competence an individual linguistic personality communism and blaming all troubles on the has to select between ethos and anti-ethos. In “degenerated government”, “the NKVD anti- totalitarian society this choice takes on a form of people institution” (Olga Berggolts); public, analyzing all the pros and cons of making up with covering a mental subspace of the Communist the “referential reality” at the linguistic discourse in terms of the “specific importance of personality’s motivational level. In the the truth” in a quite realistic way, sometimes testimonies of their contemporary “pen- unpleasant for the system, but approved by brothers”, some Soviet writers are regarded as censorship and presented in state periodicals. “cynics”, the label Alexander Solzhenitsyn attached to Alexey Tolstoy, “conformists”, The perestroika of 1985 "marks the beginning of “disobedient”, “ideological”, marginalized" etc. the end of the communist language of the Soviet The opposite variants of creative behavior are era" (Kupina 1996: 16). It witnessed the represented either by submission to the tastes and dismantling of the Communist official discourse requirements of the masses (Dmitry Furmanov, in general and of the belletristic ideological Alexander Fadeyev), or explicit / implicit discourse of the “Socialist realism literature”, in opposition to them (Alexander Green, Vladimir particular. Zamyatin, Mikhail Bulgakov). An intermediate group of writers, or linguistic literary The existence of the Communist discourse was personalities, includes and accompanied by the anti-Communist and anti- Andrei Platonov, who as representatives of the Socialist counterparts, which being alternative to masses in the literature tried to aesthetically use the Communist mindset rejected the Marxist- the most tragic aspects of the new sociocultural Leninist ideology in principle. situation.

The large mental-discursive structures of Different types of literary linguistic personality, Communist parlance – discourse ensembles – are functioning within the framework of the formed by discourse practitioners, or linguistic Communist discourse, are directly related to the personalities who come into the focus of our ethos responsibility of their speech behavior, attention. while the typology of the Socialist literary personality determines the specificity of ethos- logos-pathos coordinates embodied in their works. No linguistic literary personality could

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survive without ideological compromises the opportunity to defeat the Nazis (Prishvin between the ideas put to paper and the realities of 1986). both building and “developing” Communism which testifies to the mental diglossia of Diary entries, unpublished literature and linguistic rhetorical type. This specificity of the memoirs capture the unique characteristics of the linguistic situation of the Communist times Socialist collective linguistic personality’s defined as ideological diglossia or “totalitarian speech activity in the ideological looking-glass bilingualism” resulted in the Socialist linguistic world. The speech culture of the collective Social personality being essentially bilingual and linguistic personality is a manifestation of the oscillating between Communist and “human” qualitative characteristics of the worldview, languages in official or non-official forming a conceptual schema of the dominant communication. official discourse, embodying the pathos of a political episteme. “Newspeak metastases” are In rhetorical terms, the Socialist linguistic much scary because of style formation, but personality appears to be largely flawed, and the mostly as mechanisms of ethos-logos levels of its structure – verbal-semantic, deformation of the motivational and cognitive cognitive, motivational – turn out to be deformed levels of the collective linguistic personality. as a result of the systematic violation in the use Unlike Alexey Tolstoy’s pre-war articles from of the officialese of the pragmatic conventions abroad which impart hostile perception of the concerning the unity of words, beliefs and service culture on the Socialist linguistic actions which causes a “functional disorder” in personality’s stereotypes, e.g. “Fear these shop the collective linguistic personality as a society windows, they are worse than the Odyssey’s representative. sirens ...”; “Confound it, you think, what German proletarians’ laborious workdays are!” etc), the These deformations of Socialist linguistic auto-communication in the diaries of Prishvin, personality are embodied in the so-called Dovzhenko, Berggolts criticizes the meanness of “rostrum syndrome” described in Alexander the “new life” and the hypocrisy of the powers Dovzhenko’s diaries: “Enchanted Rostrum” would be, verbalizing specific, officially non- (notes for a story). existent, but anti-Soviet referents, squeezed out of linguistic consciousness by the filter of “The rostrum was made from special wood by “Communist discourse as a forced mental some carpenters who apparently enchanted it. world”: “The creation of a rich state by the poor The rostrum differed from all other podiums is absurd”; “The tattered old and young walk since while standing on it no one could tell the without any signs of human dignity in their eyes” truth. And such brave people used to come to it (Dovzhenko 1964), etc. sometimes! But something tied their tongues, and they produced some gibberish. They left the This “categorical ethos imperative” of a literary podium. And as soon as they finished speaking linguistic personality is even more pronounced in and stepped down everything returned to the Alexander Fadeyev’s suicide letter sent to the normal. Needless to say, the rostrum was Communist Party’s Central Committee and bewitched and the people standing at it spoke as seized by the KGB on May 13, 1956. Published if in a dream. Everyone talked in a similar tone. only in 1990, it runs: Having come to this enchanted place some personages changed beyond recognition. “I don’t see any sense in life because the Therefore, the transcripts of their talk had to be literature I devoted my whole life to has been corrected afterwards and they were as far from ruined by the self-confident and ignorant party what had been said as firewood from trees” leadership which cannot be corrected. My (Dovzhenko 1964). writer’s activity loses all its meaning, and I take my life with great joy since I get rid of this vile Due to the dominance of the ideologized existence immersed in meanness, lies and slander officialese, the “migration” of a literary linguistic falling upon me. The last hope was to talk to the personality from one discourse type to another, people who govern the state, but despite my even alternative, is quite possible which is requests throughout the last three years they exemplified by Mikhail Prishvin’s diary entries. couldn’t meet with me. I ask you to bury me next In the pre-war years their ideological essence and to my mother” (Bulletin of the Central orientation are anti-Communist. However, Committee of the CPSU 1990: 147–151). during World War II the tone of his confessional prose changes: the writer sympathizes with the The fierce struggle of the Socialist linguistic Bolsheviks, associating with them exclusively personality against the Communist discourse is

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revealed by an entry from Yury Nagibin’s diary The harmful effects of the literary linguistic of 26 December 1962: personality’s confrontation with the bureaucratic machine as well as the aggressiveness of “I am firmly convinced that the whole story of Communist discourse manifest themselves in mine will end in the worst possible way: a various ways: they affect human consciousness scandal, streams of slander, and the inability to and beliefs or openly violate personal views publish my works in the coming two or three which is illustrated by an excerpt from Leonid years. I cannot swim. I try to swim as if I were in Leonov’s speech at a meeting of the Bureau of deep waters, but I am aware that I am in a heavy the Union of Soviet Writers on 14 August 1942: mixture of shit and pus. I can’t get to the shore” “I was asked to write an article. I produced it. (Nagibin, 1996). Sent to Moscow. Aseyev passed it over to Pravda. Everything necessary was done. The Being referentially half-hearted and therefore first copy was sent, then another but to no avail. inferior in terms of ethos the speech activity of I believe that in case of mistakes, if I did not do the Socialist linguistic personality in the what was necessary, the answer was due. Communist discourse may be appropriate for one Nothing. And at that very time the Germans writer and disgusting for another because of the occupied my native village of Vysokichni. At attitude to the pragmatic content, emotional and last, I received a telegram concerning my article. motivational “fuel” feeding their creative But in what shredded form it was published! intentions and their embodiment in the text. What for was it done? Why was it distorted so Within the ethos-logos-pathos coordinates much? After all, this is my language, hatred of Dovzhenko and Tolstoy’s legacies are quite the enemy is as individual as each person’s face. different giving varying interpretations of the This is each person’s business. We cannot be reality brought about by the conditions of treated like that” (Leonov, 1984). ideological mental diglossia and division of the Communist discourse into party bureaucracy’s The diaries kept by the war time writers reveal officialese and separate authors’ public language, the specificity of the existence of a literary on the one hand, and the real language of the personality within the Communist discourse. The underground literature, on the other. Alexey ideological ethos-logos-pathos continuum, Tolstoy, the outstanding representative of the which forms a forced mental world, determines pre-war anti-fascist public discourse, offered a the activity of all mechanisms for implementing sort of “geographical map” of the Soviet mental an author’s linguistic competence and subjugates world coming into a pronounced interpretative his / her existence under an autocratic regime. conflict with the real language of Dovzhenko’s Olga Berggolts’ records of 1942 run: diaries. “The essay about Shostakovich is all cut and The referential aggression of the Communist emasculated to their liking” (11 April 1942); discourse is specific. The analysis of Alexey “Passes agreements” – it may happen that I will Tolstoy’s publications about the West (Tolstoy, be prohibited to read the final version. Our 1953) reveals that he draws a truthful “map of propaganda is still mediocre and cowardly, the existing territory” of capitalist life but lacks the "leadership" is stupid and mediocre"; "The presentation of the Socialist life “territory” central newspaper of 30 June printed without embellishment which is characteristic of “Leningrad”. Though they removed one valuable the diaries of Korney Chukovsky, Alexander stanza, on the whole it is a surprise. However, the Dovzhenko, Yury Nagibin and others. And lines “our gloomy brotherhood” and “our path is Tolstoy’s personal discourse becomes false gloomy and burdensome” are missing. This is my because of the absence of contrasts. It can be first publication in the central papers, and it is not regarded as a verbal fetishistic phenomenon of shameful – it is honest, and the verses are not bad, ousting the facts that do not fit into the although not excellent. At least there is pain and framework of socio-political utopia. Against this feelings in them” (2 July 1942) (Berggolts 1990). background, the notorious “modern tongue-tied In the cited passage honesty is interpreted as an deputies”, referring to the real rather than surreal antipode to the deceitful and synonymous to the context, seem preferable to A. Tolstoy’s truth, i.e. corresponding to the literary exemplary Russian works distorting the reality personality’s real perceptions. The discussed since language is primarily real consciousness, a diary entry makes it clear what particularly was medium of orienting the collective linguistic unacceptable to the Communist discourse and personality within the real world. worldview: the ideas which contradicted the tinsel heroism and reflected the ordinary people’s

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feelings of the real or failed to fit into the You are lying, I thought, you are lying, blind mythology of the Soviet superman. official. All the country cried, shedding tears onto your road, and you looked at her through The Communist official discourse created for the your glasses and through the closed windows of masses of people violates the most important a car and did not see anything because you were pragmatic requirement of informational novelty. reluctant to do it, blind man. My land cried, oh Communicating ideas obvious to the addressee is how it wailed! No country in the world has cried a departure from the accepted maxims of like that. Even the old men lamented so much that communication. The absence of new information their eyes got swollen with tears." about the referent belonging to the presupposition of the addressee triggers a In the cited passage, the official cognitive negative communicative effect of pseudo- communicative strategy demonstrates a referentiality, revealing the thesaurus consistent anti-humanism convinced of its insufficiency of the official discourse. Its correctness and therefore exceptionally terrible, inventory core rests on a flawed logos-cognitive since it acts as an integral part of the red tape basis and as a result a writer as a professional system, personified in this type of "a soulless linguistic personality and a qualified consumer Soviet bureaucrat." It is a seemingly paradox: in experiences information thirst, “deficiency of the this case Dovzhenko, the master and passionate referent”, senses a cognitive stupor of the preacher of the real discourse, draws a map that officialese. This is especially felt in the diaries of does not correspond to any real territory, i.e. tells the intelligentsia of the Stalinist era. For a lie, insisting on his vision with the utmost example, in the following entry Dovzhenko’s pathos, indicating an increasing metabolism of real discourse ridicules the logos-thesaurus- auto-communication reflected in addresses, inventory strategy of official communication: repetitions, metaphors, personifications.

“26 Aug 1945. Today I have read Comrade However, intuitively the writer’s interpretation Stalin’s historical address to the nation. My joy is perceived as more consistent with reality – not is boundless. I rejoice as if I were a seven year physical, but psychological. The logos of ethos old. It is such great, pure and transparent joy for refutes the common logic of the obvious, being me. I have found out that Germany is in the West, more adequate for the sphere of ideal and mental Japan is in the East, the Japanese attacked us reality – the “blind official” was reluctant to see” several times in 1904, 1918, 1922 etc and that and therefore “failed”. World War II has come to an end. And although I have not learned anything new and though the The modeling of perception and cognition within key phrase “Eternal Glory to the Heroes Fallen in the mental space underlying the officialese is the Battles for the Honor and Victory of Our carried out through the verbal manifestation of Motherland” is devoid of a single warm word as thesaurus frames (Malevinsky et al, 2019), if we had lost less than American with their triggered by the flawed pragmatism of the 299,000 perished soldiers, "I say to myself after authoritative linguistic personality (Barabash et the great marshal-generalissimo, our leader and al, 2019). Idioms like “test of power”, “power teacher: glory to our great victorious people, all spoils a person”, etc record the results of the the glory." “ethos diagnosis” carried out by the naïve linguistic consciousness, fixed at the intersection In Dovzhenko’s next diary entry officialese of the conceptual fields of the power and the appears at first glance more referentially individual. This tendency is embodied in the correct than the writer’s real discourse, but imposed mental space of the Communist official the verbalization of the referent is adequate discourse, distorting the structure of the linguistic only in a purely formal sense (cf. with Antoine identity of its convinced speakers. de Saint-Exupéry’s phrase “You cannot see essence with your eyes”): The discussed text excerpts reflect the specificity of the functioning of the Socialist linguistic “N. read my article “Ukraine on Fire” and told personality within two planes of the Communist me: discourse formed by its official and real types. They trigger a linguistic paradigm of Communist − One passage is not true. You write that discourse entering complex syntagmatic there was a wailing cry. It is far from the relations both in a pure form and within the truth. There was no crying. They did framework of the public electorate as a marginal look sad, but they did not cry. Nobody area of journalism. cried, do you understand?

Encuentre este artículo en http://www.udla.edu.co/revistas/index.php/amazonia-investiga o www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307 Vol. 8 Núm. 23 /Noviembre - diciembre 2019 747

Conclusion The main literary socialist realism is, in fact, a method of Soviet myth-modeling (Karabulatova The Communist discourse is a special et al, 2018). communicative cognitive product of the collective Socialist linguistic personality, i.e. the Thus, the modern nostalgic discourse is global subject of ideologically deformed conditioned by the internal logic of an already information-communicative-discursive established myth. Soviet history, as the time of processes that have a complex linguistic & the first Creation, under the law of mythological rhetorical nature. The deep mental diglossia of inversion a priori undergoes idealization or even Communist discourse consisting in opposition sacralization. This is the time of the first between the officialese and the real speech Ancestors and first Subjects, the time of creating manifests in the public discourse allowed by the patterns and paradigms of behavior. Soviet: authorities. people, their feelings, their deeds, songs, products, machines, etc. - perceived genuine As the results of the analysis of the text of the feelings and real life. "ABC of communism" showed, in terms of the greatest ideological and pragmatic semantic load References in the hierarchy of values, the concept of power (basic) dominates. Quite frequent in the text and Barabash V.V., Kotelenets Elena A., the most significant in ideological and Karabulatova Irina S., Lavrentyeva Maria Y., substantive terms is the lexeme power, which is Mitina Yulia S. (2019). The confrontation part of various combinations: Soviet power, between the Eastern and Western worldviews in proletarian power, people's democratic power, the conceptual space of the information war the power of workers and peasants, etc. against Russia: the genesis and evolution of the terminological apparatus//Amazonia investiga, It reveals itself as a linguistic & rhetorical Vol. 8 Núm. 1 9: 246 - 254. construct determining a paradigm of discourse Berggolts, O. (1990). From Diaries. In.: Star, N. ensembles and discourse practices resulting in 5–6. the specificity of the structural levels of the Berdyaev, N.A. (1990). Arches of Russian global Socialist linguistic personality in revolution. In: From the depth: A collection of collective and individual forms and its articles about Russian revolution. Moscow: functioning. Moscow University Publishing House, 55–89. Dovzhenko, A. (1964). The Enchanted Desna. Revolution, having destroyed "the old world", Autobiographic story. Stories. From diaries. becomes not simply the starting point of a new Moscow: Soviet writer. state with a "continuous" history, and "moves" Ebzeeva, Y.N., Karabulatova, I.S., Nakisbaev, the world under construction in which " who was D.A. (2018). The problems of transformation of nobody, that will become all", in fundamentally the personal identity in a modern migrant// Astra different system coordinates. Salvensis. V. 6. № 1. p.729-738. Karabulatova, I., Vildanov, Kh., Zinchenko A., The conflict between the two political systems is Vasilishina, E., Vassilenko, A. (2017). Problems presented as a decisive battle between the of transformation matrices modern multicultural chthonic forces and the Cosmos. The entire identity of the person in the variability of the Soviet history is a stretched eschatological myth, discourse of identity Electronic Information permanently masquerading as cosmogonic, with Society //Pertanika Journal of Social Science & the expectation of a future "Golden age" Humanities, № 25(S). Jul., p.1-16. obligatory for any eschatology. The demiurge / Karaulov, Yu.N. (1987). The cultural hero of the Soviet myth-the proletariat-is and Linguistic Personality. Moscow: Science. not so much building this "new world" as acting Khachmafova, Z.R., Karabulatova, I.S., as a construction victim. The basis of the image Serebryakova, S.V., Zinkovskaya, A.V., of the leader of the proletariat is either the same Ermakova, E.N. (2017). The Specifics of an archetype of the atoning sacrifice (who," death is Estimate discourse of gender stereotypes in small death", is "more alive than all living"), or the forms of Folklore in a Network Discourse of archetype of God the Father ,the "father of Electronic and Information society at the Nations", who sacrificed his own son for the sake Beginning of 21ct Century // Pertanika Journal of of a "bright future". Social Science & Humanities, № 25 (S) Jul., p.137-150. Kupina, N.A. (1996). Totalitarian thinking according to Russian dictionaries and texts of the

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Encuentre este artículo en http://www.udla.edu.co/revistas/index.php/amazonia-investiga o www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307