The Church Bells of the County and City of Lincoln

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The Church Bells of the County and City of Lincoln The Church Bells of the County and City of Lincoln by Thomas North File 01 – Title Page, Pages i to xxii, Contents This document is provided for you by The Whiting Society of Ringers visit for the full range of publications and articles about bells and change ringing THE CHURCH BELLS OF THE COUNTY AND CITY OF LINCOLN: THEIR FouNDERS, INscRIPTIONS, TRADITIONS, AND PECULIAR U_SES; WITH A BRIEF HISTORY OF CHURCH ~ELLS IN LINCOLNSHIRE: CHIEFLY PROM ORIGINAL AND CoNTEMPORANEous REcoRDs. BY THOMAS NORTH, F.S.A., Hos. 1\JE~BE:R ASD Hos. SECRETARY OF THE LEICESTERSHIRE ARCHITECTURAL 'A!'O ARCH)£0LOGICAL SOCIETY. Ho~. MEMI'IER OF THE DERBYSHIRE ARcHn:o LoGrCAL SociETY, &c.-. &c. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. LEICESTER: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR BY SAMUEL CLARKE. 1882. TO THE RIGHT . '\D CHRISTOPHEH \\'OHDS\\ ORTH, D.D., F.~ .. \ LORD BISHOP OF LINCOLN, LU!IIE. DESCRIPTIVE OF TJIE CHURCH BELLS 1:-\ 11Jl ~ LARGER PORTION OF HIS DIOCESE, IS, UY HIS LORDSHIP'S SPECIAL PEIUIISSIO~ . )lOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY H IS OBEDIE:"\T A~D FAITHFUL SERVANT, TH E AUTIIOR. 210 Copies printed, viz. - 200 Copies for Subscribers 10 Copies for Presentation. SUBSCRIBERS. HER MOST GRACIOUS AIAJESTY THE QUEEN. (For the Royal Library. Windsor Castle.) THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARL I THE RIGHT REVEREND THE LORD BROWNLOW, Lord Lieutenant of BISHOP OF LINCOLN, D.D., F.S.A Lincolnshire. NATHANIEL CLAYTON, EsQ., High Sheriff of Lincolnshire, (r88r). H1s GRACE THE DUJ{E OF DEVONSHIRE, KG., Devonshire House, Piccadilly. THE RIGHT HoNOURABLE THE EARL OF YARBOROUGH, Drocklesby Park Ulceby. 1 THE VERY REVEREND THE LORD ALWYNE COMPTON~ '1.f0·• the Deanery ·worcester. Sir CHARLES H. J. A.-;oERSON, Bart ., Lea, Gainsborough. Sir JoH:o; DuG~ALE ASTLEY, Bart., Elsham Hall, Brigg. Sir \VtU.IMI E. \VELBY-GREGORY, Bart.. M.P., Denton Hall, Grantham. Sir WILLIAM H. SALT, Bart., Maplew~ll, Loughborough. The Honourable EDWARD STANHOPE, JI.I.P., 3· \Vest Eaton Place, S.W. The Right Reverend the BISHOP OF NOTTINGILMt, D.D .• Lcasingbam Rectory. Sleaford. The Venerable ARCHDEAco.,; MALTBY, M.A., Farndon Vicarage, Newark. The Venerable ARCHDEACO:'i THtCKNESSE, -M.~,., Prebendal House, Peter· borough. The Library of the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln. The Stock Library, Lincoln. The Society of Antiquaries of London. The Library of the Corporation of the City of London. Guildhall. Churclt Bells of Li11colnshirc. The Liur:ll)' of Science and Art Department, South 1\ensington, S. \\'. The Ba<llci~n Lil.mtl), Oxford. Tl" Liur:ll)' of Queen's College, Oxford. Tht Library of Magdalen College, Oxford. The l incoln Diocesan Architectural Society. The l.ricestcrshtre t\rehttectural anli Areh:cologieal Society. The Bcdfordshire ,\rchitectural and Arch:cological Society. The Worcester Diocesan Architectural and Archax>logical Society. The Architrctural Society of the Archdeaconries of Northampton a.nd Oakham. The Liverpool Free PulJhc Library. Th~ r·rcr Public Library. uni\·ersity College, Nottingham. AocoC!(, Cilptain, North LodgP, Melton­ CA~PENTE R. Alfred, Esq., i\I.D.. Croydon, ::llc•\\ bray. Surrer. Alin~ton, the Rev. Chas. A., ::IIuckton Chambers, the Rev. W. F., lii.A., North Rectory, Louth. 1\clsey Vicarage, Brigg. Amcotts. Weston Cracraft, Esq., Hackthorn Clarence, 1\Ir. Justice, Coaxdon, Axmin· Hall, Lincoln. ster. Amherst, \\' Amherst Tysscn, E~q .. 1\I.P., Clarke, the Rev. Canon J . Erskine. M.A., F.S.A, DiJlington Hall. Norfolk. 6, Altenburg Gardens, Clapham Common, Andrc\\S, the Rev. S. W., :IIJ.A., Claxby s.w. Rectory, :\Iarket Raseu. Cle.phan, Edwin, Esq., Southfields, Lei­ cester. BAtLt:Y, J. E .. Esq. F.S.A.. Egerton Villa, Constnble. J. Coulton. Esq.. Walcot, Brigg. Stretford, Manchester. Cooke, the Rev. Canon, l\J.A., F.S.A., the Ua\,er, Ch:trles, Esq.. tS, Friar L;me, Ifill House, Wimbledon, Surrey. Letcester. Cooper. the Rev. \\'m., 1\l.A., R.D., Rippin­ Barber, II., Esq. Bangor, ~orlh \\'ales. gak Rectory, Doorn. Baxter, the Hev. Thomas P. N., R.D.. Cooper, Thomas, Esq., l\lossley House, II:~werby Rectory, Great Grimsby. Congleton, Cheshire. l1cedham, B II., Esq., Ashfield House, Cracraft, the Rev. R. \V., l\l.A., Harrington ncar Kimbolton. \ 'icarage, Spilsby. [lell;~irs, :\laJor, Tb" 1:\ewnrke, l-e1cester. Cripps, \\'ilfred J., Esq., M.A .. F.S.A., 13mns, R. \\' Es<J., T".S.A., \\'orcester. Cirencester. Ulcnkin, the Rc,·. Cannn, The Vicarage, Crofts, the Re,·. Charles D., liLA., Cay­ Doslon. thorpe Rectory, Grantham. Brooke, Thomas, Esq.. f.S.:\.., Armitage Cross. the Rev. Canon, 1\I.A., Appleby Dritlge. II \lJ,JersfieJ,J. Y1carage, Brigg. Burton, John Francis, Esq., Eastsate, Cruickshank, the Rev. Edward R., 1\f.A , Lincoln. S. Augustine's Vicarage, South Haclmcr Subscribers. Vll DAY, William Rawson, Esq.. z, Hill Side, Fit~-Ilerb e rt, the Rev. Reginald II. C., Bengeo, Hertford. M.A., Somersal Herbert, Derby. Dickson, Thomas. Esq., General Register Foster, Richard, Esq., Lanwithan, Lost­ House, Edinburgh. withiel. Donisthorpe, Alfred Russell, Esq., Knighton Foster, William Edward, Esq., F.S.A., House, Leicester. Aldershot. Downing, \Villiam, Esq.. 74, New Street, Fowler, the Rev. ]. T ., !I•I.A.• J\f.R.C.S., Birmingham. F.S.A.. Vice-Principal of Dishop Hat­ Dunkin, E. H. W., Esq., 14, l\idbrook Park field's Hall, Durham. Road, Blackheatb, S.E. Fox. Francis F., Esq., 72, Pembroke Road, Clifton, Bristol. EnMo~o. George, Esq., Spring Vale.~ iton, Freeth, George, Esq., Duporth, Saint Isle of Wight. Austell, Cornwall. Edmonds, J. R., Esq., Charnwood House, Sileby, Loughborongh. GARFIT, Thomas, Esq., Kenwick Hall, Edmonds, Temple, Esq., 39, Jacksou Street, Louth. North Shields. Garvey, Henry S., Rsq., n, Clarence Edwards, Samuel, Esq., Lewisham, Kent. Terrace, Great Grimsby, Ellacombe, the Rev. H. T., M.A., F.S.A., Gill, Miss, 19, Princess Street, Leicester. Clyst S. George, Topsham, Devon. Gill, Miss Alice J.. 19, Princess Street, Elwes, Dudley George Cary, Esq., F.S.A., Leicester. s. The Crescent, Bedford. Gillett, the Rev. E. A., 1\I.A., Woolsthorpe Elwes, Valentine Dudley Henry Carey, Rectory, Grantham. Esq.• F.S.A., Billing Hall, Northampton­ Grayling, Francis, Esq., Sittingbourne, shire. Kent. E'•ans, John, Esq., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S.. Griffiths, the Rev. John, M.A., Belton F.S.A., 65, Old Bailey, E.G. Rectory, Grantham. Grimsey. B. P., Esq., Stoke ~ge , FAWSSETT, the Rev. R., M.A., Smeeton Ipswich. \'Vesterby, Leicester. Fenwicke, the Rev. G. C., B.A., Blaston HACKET, Miss, Langdale Lodge, Adkins Manor, Uppingbam. Road, Clapham Park, Surrey. Ffytche, Lewis, Esq., F.S.A., Thorpe Hall, Hanbory, the Rev. Thomas, :\I.A., Church Elkington, Louth. Langton Rectory, Market Harborough. Field, the Rev. Thomas, B.D., Bigby Harris, Joseph, Esq. (the late), Westcotes, Rectory, Brigg. near Leicester (2 copies). Fisher, Edward, Esq., Blackmore Hall, Harting, J. Vincent, Esq.• F.S.A., 2-f, Lin­ Sid mouth. colo Inn Fields, London, W.C. Fisher, Sam!. T., Esq, I, Queen Victoria Han·ey, fhe Re,·. G. T., l\I.A., \'icars' Street, London, E.G. Court, Lincoln. \'11 I Church Delfs of Lillcolllshir,·. Haworth, Jesse, £51'[, l'a r Le~. [km•lcn, Lewis, the R~v. Samuel Sa\·agc, 'L\.,F.S.A., Chcsh·l't' Corpus Christt College, Cambri<l~;c. HeLL, '\\'m. J:s'J., Solicttor, Hoss llere- Linley, P'. F .. Esq., 11, Lea Road. Gain$· ford~htr<! ' borough. ller'c~· G l"ri:C II \\'. l.sq The Oltl !.ucl;, Richard, Esq , PIAs Llnnfair, Llan· l'l~cr sr. Jrd. fairfechan. ~onh Wnl~;:s. Hih n }'lme~ • .E:$<'J, Go, :\(outagtce :)quare, J.ondcn. :\1.\CLEi<S, the Re,·. Canon, :\f...\., the llodgson, tho Rc,. 5 r::. :\1 .. \., Sca\\by Vicarage, Caistor, Lincolnshire. \ tc .. ra,ee llr•.-u; ~Iassingbcrd, theRe\'.\\', 0., :'11 .. \ .. Ormsby I ltxlJ:SU.. the Hn·. J. r· .. :\I.A.• \\"attoo-on· Rectory. Alford, Lincolnshire. \\'car \'IC::Irn;:c, lJ:~rlingtoo. I :\!cars, John, Esq., 47• Burgate, Canter­ llohlich, tlu: He,·. T. P .. 'LA, Ltowood bury, Kent. Htctory, :\l:lfhct 1\ascn. :\Iellor, John \V., Esq., l\1. P., 6S, S. George's Holmes, Ga\'aS. Es.r, :\1 .\, Rcdenhall Square, London, S.W. J!,.llfiJnn•lry llark,ton,Xorfolk {zcopies). illoore, Colonel Charles Thomas Jobn, Hope, Hobert Charles, E!lol.,,\lbion Crescent F.S.A., Frampton Hall, Boston. \'ilia, Scarborough. Moore, tbe Rev. Canon, }.I.A., F.S.A., Jlowonll, I h·nry Hoyle, Esq , F.S.. \ ., Derl,y Spalding. House, Eccles, :\lanchestcr. ·l\Ioore, the 1Iisses, the Cedars, Evington, Howlcn, \V. J::., Esq , F.S.A., 1\irton·in­ Leicester. l.and~cy. l\lorley, Frederick Hichard, Esq.. Stonesby 1 ludson,the Rc,·, John Clare, :\I.A., Thoro­ House, De :\lontfort Square, Leicester. ton \'acarage, llorncastle. "'ESDJTT, C. :\1., Esq .. Lout b. If ulton, the lkv. J 'rd\endal') H.\\ .., Vicars' Xiblett, J.D. Thomas, Esq., F.S.A., Hares­ Ccurt, I.incoln, field Court, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire. ~•cbols, :Urs., Holm"OO<I Park, llorlcing. lxCRA)I, Thomas, Hsq., lla.,thomfield, ~icholson, James Gamson, Esq., London Wrc;ston :\lacna, l.dccstl-'r. Road Station. :\Janchester. ju11n, Franc as, I.S•l, F.S. \., 190, Crom­ OAKEY, John. jun., Esq. (the latcl, \\'est­ well road, l.onJon, ::; \\', minster Bri.J.;e Road, London, S.E. Owen, the Rev. T. :\1. X .. !II,.\., F.G.II.S., KtRK, Jlerhcrt, Esq., Sleaford. Rhodes Vicarage, }lanchester. Kn011 lcs, th•• Rtl'. C. :\(,.\,, \\'anteringham Recto!')', Bn~ P.\GET, Thomas Tertius. ESt') .. :\J.P., Hum· berstone, Leices1et. LA:<GTos, :\Jr. Rol..en, AJI,crl Chambers, Peake, Henry, Esq., Sleaford. \I anchest~r Peake, Henry Arthur, Esq., Sleaford ( z Latham, \\"alli:tm, Lsq., :\!elton :\lo\\'bray. copies). Subscribers. IX Pearce, William, Esq., Solibull, Warwick­ Stainhank. Robert, Esq., Spring Lodge, shire. Lawrie Park, Sydenham. Perry-Herrick, Mrs., Beaumanor Park, Stephenson, Mill, Esq., 11olescroft Cottage, Lough borough. Beverley, East Yorkshire.
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    - 780 FAR LINCOLNSHIRE. [ Kl:'LLY's F ARMER~-continued. Anderson Charles, Epworth, Doncaster Atldn Geo. Common, Crowland, Peterboro' Abraham Everatt, Barnetby-le-Wold R.S.O Anderson G. High st. Long Sutton, Wisbech Atltin Geo. Hy. West Pinchbeck, Spalding Abrabam Henry, Aunsby, Sleaford Anderson John, High st. Barton-on-Humber Atkin John, Mareham-le-Fen, Boston Abrnham Jn. Otby ho. Walesby,:Market Ra.sen Anderson John, Epworth, Doncaster Atkin John, Skidbrook, Great Grimsby Ahraham S. Toft ho. Wainfieet St.Mary R.S.O AndersonJn. j un. Chapel farm, Brtn. -on-Hm br A tkin J n. Wm. The Gipples, Syston, G rantham Abraha.m William, Croxby, Caistor AndersonR. Waddinghm.KirtonLindseyR.S.O Atkin Joseph, Bennington, Boston Abrahams Wm. Park, Westwood side,Bawtry Anderson Samuel, Anderby, Alford Atkin Richard, Withern, Alford Aby Edward, Thornton Curtis, Ulceby Andrew Charles, North Fen, Bourn Atkin Tom, Cowbit, Spalding Aby Mrs. Mary & Joseph, Cadney, Brigg Andrew Edwd. Grubb hi. Fiskerton, Lincoln Atkin Tom, Moulton, Spalding Achurch Hy.Engine bank, Moulton, Spalding Andrew James Cunnington, Fleet, Holbeach Atkin William, Fosdyke, Spalding Achurc;h J.DeepingSt.James,Market Deeping Andrew John, Deeping St. Nicholas, Pode AtkinWm.Glebe frrn. Waddington hth.Lincln Acrill William, Fillingham, Lincoln Hole, Spalding Atkin William, Swineshead, Spalding Adams Mrs. Ann, Craise Lound, Bawtry Andrew John, Gunby, Grantham Atkin William, Whaplode, Spalding Adarns George, Epworth, Doncaster Andrew John, 5 Henrietta. street, Spalding Atkins George, Mill lane, South Somercotes, Adarns Isaac Crowther, Stow park, Lincoln Andrew John, Hunberstone, Great Grimsby Great Grimsby Adams John, Collow grange, Wragby Andrew John, Somerby, Grantham Atkinson Jsph. & Jas. Pointon, Falkingham Adams Luther, Thorpe-le-Yale, Ludford, Andrew J oseph, Butterwick, Boston Atkinson Abraharn,Sea end,Moulton,Spaldng Market Rasen Andrew Willey,South Somercotes,Gt.Grmsby Atkinson Abraham, Skellingthorpe, Lincoln Adcock Charles, Corby, Grantham Andrcw Wm.
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    DIRECTORY .J LINCOLNSHIRE. C.!l'STOR. 123 Countv Court Office, His Honor Sir G. Sherslron C.AIS:l'OR REGISTRATION DISTB,ICT. Baker hart. judge) Arthur A. ~adley, registrar & Superintendent Registrar, .A.rthu:r• Angostus Padley, high bailiff; George White, acting sub-bailiff. A Union offices, Caiswr; deputy, Joseph Snrfleet.. Red court is held at the Court house every two months, house, Caisto:r . the district of which comprises the following placeB: Registrars of Births & Deaths, Caistor sub-district, Geo. -Bigby, Brocklesby~ Cabourn, Caistor,. Claxby, Abraham, Plough hill, Caistor ; deputy, Geo. White, Olixby, Croxby, Ouxwold, Grasby, .Holton-le-Moor, Caistor; Market Rasen sub-dis~rict, Frederick Wm. Keelby, Kelsey (South & North), Limber Magna, Lim­ Chesman, Market Rasen; deputy, Tqomas Bee, ber Parva, Nettleton, Normanby-le-Wold, Riby, Both­ Waterloo street, Market Ras.!lll well, Searby-with-Owmby, Somerby, Swallow, Swin­ Registrars of Marriages, Caistm: sub-district, Charles hope, Thoresway & ThorganbJ.. , Ainger, Market place, Oaistor;. deputy, R. H. Parker, Oaistor for bankruptcy jurisdiction is included in Lin­ Caistor; Market Rasen suh-di!!trict, F. W .. Chesman, coln district; Frederick Charles Brogderr, 10 Bank st. Market Rasen; deputy, Thomas Bee, Waterloo street, Lincoln,. official receiver Market Rasen County Police StatiDn, Chapel street. The whole- of the petty sessional division is under the charge of the PUBLIC OFFIQERS. police supt. of Market Rasen Customs & Excise, Harold Vale Rhodes, officer Assessor & Collector of Taxes, George White Parish Council Fire Brigade, H. Willrinson, captain Assistant Overseer, Clerk to the Parish Council & Col~ Public Hall, High street, Charles Ainger, hon. sec lector .of Rates, John Brighton, Market place.
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