NH MUSEUM QUARTER **** CC Hobbemakade 50 1071 XL

ESCRS RATE 2013 Single room € 246.00 Double/twin room € 265.00 (Breakfast and tax included)


5LJKWLQWKHKLVWRULFDOFHQWHURI$PVWHUGDP\RXFDQ¿QGWKH NH Museum Quarter. The hotel is centrally located near the 5LMNVPXVHXPDQGWKH9DQ*RJK0XVHXPDQGDIHZPLQXWHV¶ZDON you will be on the Albert Cuyp market. The day starts with a gourmet breakfast, provided by the chief cook of the hotel. $OVR\RXUZRUNWRSURFHHGZLWKIUHHZL¿LQOREE\$QGRIFRXUVH \RXKDYHKRXUDFFHVVWRDIXOO\HTXLSSHG¿WQHVVFHQWHU


NH SCHILLER **** CC 26 1017 CV Amsterdam

ESCRS RATE 2013 Single room € 239.00 Double/twin room € 258.00 (Breakfast and tax included)

Distance to congress center: By taxi: 5 km (15 mins) %\SXEOLFWUDQVSRUWPLQ :DONLQJPLQ

Located in Amsterdam’s bustling Square, this national monument embodies the essence of the Dutch capital. The stunning stained glass windows, deep wood paneling, and abundant masterpiece paintings by Friedrich Schiller hung throughout this 92 room facility complement the equally breathtaking views outside in Amsterdam’s famous canals Surrounded by restaurants, terraces and theatres, Guests will Revel in the charm of the hotel’s brasserie.

Nearest metro/train/bus station: 5HPEUDQGWSOHLQ

Kuoni Destination Management Benelux | Teleport Boulevard 110 | NL- 1043 EJ Amsterdam, the Phone: +31 20 627 00 60 | Fax: +21 20 422 69 69 | E-mail [email protected]