134 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 5 JANUARY, 1912. 3rd Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry signs his commission. Dated 6th January, Lieutenant-Colonel and Honorary Colonel 1912. Charles W. Darwin, C.B., resigns his com mission, with permission to retain his rank 3rd County of London (Sharpshooters) Yeo- and wear the prescribed uniform. Dated manry; the undermentioned officers to be 6th January, 1912. Lieutenants. Dated 1st December, 1911: — Second Lieutenant Archibald Mains. 3rd Battalion, The Gordon Highlanders, Cap- tain Alexander T. Gordon resigns his com- Second Lieutenant John C. Russell. mission. Dated 6th January, 1912. • Oxfordshire (Queen's Own Oxfordshire Princess "Victoria's (Royal Irish Fusiliers), Hussars) ; Charles Morgan Hoare Cadet Serjeant John Harold McErvel, from to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 24th the Belfast University Contingent, Officers October, 1911. Training Corps, to be Second Lieutenant (on probation). Dated 6th January, 1912. Shropshire Yeomanry; the undermentioned officers to be Lieutenants. Dated 29th Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland June, 1911: — Highlanders'), William Mandeville Peareth, late Cadet Serjeant, Eton College Contin- Second Lieutenant Owen G. S. Croft. gent, Officers Training Corps, to be Second Second Lieutenant (Honorary Captain in Lieutenant (on probation). Dated 6th the Army)-Arthur R. P. J. M., The Vis- January, 1912. count Southwell. 5th' -Battalion, The Royal Mitnster Fusiliers, Second Lieutenant The Honourable Wil- Arthur St. Clair Kennedy to be Second liam G. A. Ormsby-Gore. Lieutenant (on probation). Dated 6th Second Lieutenant Edmund C. W. January, 1912. Severne. Second Lieutenant Douglas W. Swire. -ROYAL ARM? MEDICAL COUPS. The undermentioned supernumerary offi- The name of Lieutenant Thomas Walker cers are absorbed into the establishment. is as now described and not as stated in the Dated 29th June, 1911: — • Gazette of 1st December, 1911. Second Lieutenant Edward M. Hopton. Second Lieutenant Guy C. Mostyn Owen. Worcestershire (The Queen's Own Worcester- shire Hussars) Yeomanry; Cadet Corporal William Humble Eric, Viscount Ednam, from the Eton College Contingent, Junior , War Office, Division, Officers Training Corps, to be 5th January, 1912. Second Lieutenant. Dated 6th January, 1912. • . YEOMANRY. ROYAL FIELD ARTILLERY. Essex Yeomanry; Captain Adam Rivers Steele, 1st East Anglian Brigade, Royal Field .4th (Queen's Own) Hussars, to be Adjutant. Artillery; Major Reginald E. A. Le Mottee, Dated 2nd January, 1912. Royal Field Artillery, is granted the tem- porary rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in the and Forfar Yeomanry; Lieutenant- Territorial Force whilst -commanding the Colonel and H9norary Colonel Thomas H. brigade. Dated 14th December, 1911. ,-. Erskine, on completion of his period of ser- vice in command, is retired, and is granted 2nd Highland Brigade, Royal Field Artillery; permission to retain his" rank and to wear Lieutenant-Colonel James Lindsay Hender- the prescribed ' uniform. Dated 12tJi son resigns his commission, and is granted November, 1911. permission to retain his rank and to wear Major Alexander Mitchell to be Lieu- the prescribed uniform. Dated 6th tenant-Colonel. Dated 12th November, January, 1912. 1911. Major and Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Herts Yeomanry; Thurstan Holland-Hibbert David Laing to be Lieutenant-Colonel. to be Second Lieutenant. (To be super- Dated 6th January, 1912. numerary). Dated 15th November, 1911. 2nd London Brigade, Royal Field Artillery; King Edward's Horse (The King's Oversea Lieutenant-Colonel William Nicholls to be Dominions } Yeomanry; Private Brevet Colonel. Dated 6th January, 1912. Douglas Blyth to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 6th January, 1912. 8th London (Howitzer) Brigade, Royal Field Artillery; William Henry Statham to be City of London (Rough Riders) Yeomaivry; Second Lieutenant. Dated 2nd October. Second Lieutenant Lawrence Mead to be 1911. Lieutenant. Dated 1st November, 1911. 2nd North Midland Brigade, Royal Field 2nd County - of London (Westminster Artillery; Captain James W. G. Morley ') Yeomanry; .'Quartermaster and reverts at his own request to the rank of Lieu- Honorary Lieutenant James J. Mackay re- tenant, with precedence as from the 2nd